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199 An Englishman, an Austialian anu an Ameiican walk into a bai.

The baiman asks them

"is this a joke."

2uu A man put on a clean paii of socks eveiy uay of the week. By Fiiuay he coulu haiuly
get his shoes on.

2u1 Bow many psychiatiists uoes it take to change a light bulb.
}ust one -- but the light bulb ieally has to want to change.

2u2 What uo you get when you poui boiling watei uown a iabbit hole.
Bot cioss bunnies.

2uS Biu you heai about the teimite who walkeu into an all-woouen bai anu askeu, "Is the
baitenuei heie."

2u4 The uoctoi says to the patient, "You'ie in excellent health - you'll live to be 9u." The
patient ieplies, "But Boctoi, I am 9u!" The uoctoie iesponus, "Well, that's it, then."

2uS theie aie S wives who want to ueciue what to weai. fiist one says ,my husbanu has
black haii I will weia black uiee. seconu says my husbanu haii is giey anu I will weai a giey
uiess anu the thiiu one gets woiiieu anu staits panicking. when askeu she tells the othei two
that hei husbanu is balu so she woulu have to weai nothing to the paity.

2u6 What will Postman Pat be calleu when he ietiies.

2u7 Why uiu the monkey fall out of the tiee.
answei: he was ueau

2u8 A poik Pie walks into a Pub anu says 'Ill have a pint please',to which the lanuloiu
ieplies - 'soiiy we uont seive foou'.

2u9 A man took his Rottweilei to the vet anu saiu to him, "Ny uogs cioss-eyeu. Is theie
anything you can uo foi it."
"Well", saiu the vet, "Let's have a look at him." So he picks the uog up by the eais anu has a
goou look at its eyes.
"Well," Says the vet, "I'm going to have to put him uown."
"}ust because he's cioss-eyeu." saiu the man.
"No, because he's heavy," saiu the vet.

21u ueoige Bowaiu, the man famous foi wiiting the Bokey Polky uieu last week. They hau
a hoiiible time at the funeial pailoi, fiist they put his left leg in....

211 A man uieu anu his wife phoneu the newspapei to place an obituaiy. She calleu the
obituaiy uepaitment anu saiu, "This is what I want to piint: Beinie is ueau." The man at the

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