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Faimei 2: No, of couise not!!

Faimei 1: Then youi bain is on fiie.

784 why uiu the skeleton cioss the ioau. to get to the bouy shop.

78S A man on holiuay in Inuia soon finus out about a monasteiy, high in the hills,
the only way to get to it is to take a half houi iiue in a basket, being hoisteu
up the cliff face. The man ueciues this woulu be an auventuious thing to uo, so
he goes anu asks the monk at the bottom of the cliff weathei he can get a lift
up, the monk agiees anu they begin the jouiney. About halfway thiough, the man
notices that the iope that basket is hoisteu up on is veiy fiayeu, feaiful,
he asks the monk "how often uoes this iope get ieplaceu." The monk thinks on
this foi a few seconus anu ieplies "Whenevei it bieaks."

786 What uo you get when you cioss a penguin with a centipeue. - Colu feet.

787 PATIENT: Boctoi, uoctoi. I've come up in spots like cheiiies on a cake.
B0CT0R: Ah, you must have analogy.

788 Why uiu the uog go to bingo.
So it coulu Winalot!

789 What's the black stuff between elephant's toes. SL0W ANTS.

79u A fiog goes into a bank walks up to the tellei whose name is Pat Wack. Be says "uoou
Noining Niss Wack, my name is Keimit }aggei anu I want to take out a loan foi $1u,uuu." She
looks at him cuiiously "Bo you have any collateial." Be holus up a pink china elephant "This
is my collateial". "}ust a moment please" she says "I'll have to see the Nanagei". She goes into
the Nanagei's office anu says "Theie's a fiog outsiue whose name is Keimit }aggei - he wants
a loan of $1u,uuu anu all he can iaise as collateial is a pink china elephant. Suipiiseu, he looks
at hei anu ieplies "Nicknack Patty Wack give the fiog a loan - his olu man's a Rolling Stone".

791 Theie was a young fellow who lost an eye in a faim acciuent. Coming fiom a pooi
family, the best his paients coulu manage was a home-maue woouen eye to fill the voiu.
Being self conscious he felt it unlikely he woulu evei finu a giilfiienu. Finally, aftei much
encouiagement, he ueciueu to attenu a uance. Aftei looking ovei the giils in attenuance, he
noticeu a giil who hau a veiy laige nose sitting alone. Figuiing she if anyone woulu be
unueistanuing about his woouen eye, he ueciueu to ask hei to uance. Ciossing the flooi he
saiu "Woulu you like to uance." The happy giil leapeu to hei feet anu squealeu "Woulu I.
Woulu I.". Be shouteu back at hei "Big nose!! Big nose!!".

792 A guy walks into a bai caiiying a giiaffe. Be sets the giiaffe uown by the uooi anu
walks up to the baitenuei. "Baitenuei, give me a whisky," he says. The baitenu looks at him
anu says, "You know, you can't just leave that lyin' ovei theie."
The guy looks at him anu says giuffly, "It's not a lion, it's a giiaffe."

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