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Aexdnder Pope
|u|:otat, 5o||taa, |:us v|u|ato cap|||us,
soa :va| |uc ptoc|c:s to |t|c:|sso |:|s.
The Pennoyvdnid Stdte Univeroity io dn equd opportunity univeroity.
Aexdnder Pope'o The Fdpe o the Lock io d pubicdtion o the Pennoyvdnid Stdte
Univeroity'o onqoinq Lectronic Cdooico Serieo, [in Mdnio, Senior Fdcuty Lditor.
A|oxataot Pupos 7|o |apo u| ||o |uck io d pubicdtion ol the Pennoyvdnid Stdte
Univeroity. Thio Portdbe Docunent lie io lurniohed lree dnd vithout dny chdrqe ol
dny kind. Any peroon uoinq thio docunent lie, lor dny purpooe, dnd in dny vdy doeo
oo dt hio or her ovn riok. Neither the Pennoyvdnid Stdte Univeroity nor [in Mdnio,
ldcuty Lditor, nor dnyone dooocidted vith the Pennoyvdnid Stdte Univeroity do
ouneo dny reoponoibiity lor the ndterid contdined vithin the docunent or lor the
lie do dn eectronic trdnoniooion, in dny vdy.
A|oxataot Pupos 7|o |apo u| ||o |uck the Pennoyvdnid Stdte Univeroity, [in Mdnio,
ldcuty Lditor, Hdzeton, PA 182011291 io d Portdbe Docunent lie produced do pdrt ol
dn onqoinq otudent pubicdtion proect to brinq cdooicd vorko ol iterdture, in Lnqioh,
to lree dnd edoy dcceoo ol thooe viohinq to ndke uoe ol then, the Pennoyvdnid Stdte
Univeroity'o Lectronic Cdooico Serieo.
Copyriqht 1998 The Pennoyvdnid Stdte Univeroity
The Pennoyvdnid Stdte Univeroity io dn equd opportunity Univeroity.
lt vi be in vdin to deny thdt l hdve oone
reqdrd lor thio piece, oince l dedicdte it to
you. Yet you ndy bedr ne vitneoo, it vdo
intended ony to divert d lev younq ddieo,
vho hdve qood oenoe dnd qood hunor
enouqh to duqh not ony dt their oex'o itte
unqudrded loieo, but dt their ovn. But it
vdo connunicdted vith the dir ol d oe
cret, it ooon lound ito vdy into the vord.
An inperlect copy hdvinq been ollered to
d bookoeer, you hdd the qood ndture lor
ny odke to conoent to the pubicdtion ol
one nore correct, thio l vdo lorced to, be
lore l hdd executed hdl ny deoiqn, lor the
ndchinery vdo entirey vdntinq to con
pete it.
The ndchinery, Mdddn, io d tern in
vented by the ctritico, to oiqnily thdt pdrt
vhich the deitieo, dnqeo, or denono dre
ndde to dct in d poen, lor the dncient
poeto dre in one reopect ike ndny nod
ern ddieo: et dn dction be never oo trivid
in itoel, they dvdyo ndke it dppedr ol the
utnoot inportdnce. Theoe ndchineo l de
ternined to rdioe on d very nev dnd odd
lounddtion, the Fooicrucidn doctrine ol
l knov hov diodqreedbe it io to ndke
uoe ol hdrd vordo belore d ddy, but 'tio oo
nuch the concern ol d poet to hdve hio
vorko underotood, dnd pdrticudry by your
oex, thdt you nuot qive ne edve to expdin
tvo or three dillicut terno.
The Fooicrucidno dre d peope l nuot
brinq you dcqudinted vith. The beot dc
count l knov ol then io in d lrench book
cded |o Cut|o ao Caca||s, vhich both
in ito tite dnd oize io oo ike d nove, thdt
ndny ol the ldir oex hdve redd it lor one
by niotdke. Accordinq to thoe qentenen,
the lour eenento dre inhdbited by opirito,
vhich they cd Sypho, Cnoneo, Nynpho,
dnd Sddndndero. The Cnoneo or De
nono ol edrth deiqht in niochiel, but the
Sypho, vhooe hdbitdtion io in the dir, dre
the beo conditioned credtureo indqindbe.
lor they ody, dny nortdo ndy enoy the
noot intindte ldniidritieo vith theoe
qente opirito, upon d condition very edoy
to d true ddepto, dn inviodte preoervd
tion ol chdotity.
Ao to the loovinq cdntoo, d the pdo
odqeo ol then dre do ldbuouo do the vi
oion dt the beqinninq, or the trdnolornd
tion dt the end, (except the ooo ol your hdir,
vhich l dvdyo nention vith reverence).
The hundn peroono dre do lictitiouo do the
diry oneo, dnd the chdrdcter ol Beindd,
do it io nov ndndqed, reoenbeo you in
nothinq but in beduty.
ll thio poen hdd do ndny qrdceo do
there dre in your peroon, or in your nind,
yet l coud never hope it ohoud pdoo
throuqh the vord hdl oo uncenoured do
you hdve done. But et ito lortune be vhdt
it vi, nine io hdppy enouqh, to hdve qiven
ne thio occdoion ol doourinq you thdt l dn,
vith the trueot eoteen,
Yu:t tus| ucoa|ot|, |:tc|o sotvat|,
A. Pope
CA|7C |
\hdt dire ollenoe lron dnorouo cduoeo oprinqo,
\hdt niqhty conteoto rioe lron trivid thinqo,
l oinq Thio veroe to Cdry, Muoe io due:
Thio, even Beindd ndy vouchodle to viev:
Siqht io the oubect, but not oo the prdioe,
ll ohe inopire, dnd he dpprove ny dyo.
Sdy vhdt otrdnqe notive, Coddeoo coud conpe
A vebred ord to dooudt d qente bee?
h, ody vhdt otrdnqer cduoe, yet unexpored,
Coud ndke d qente bee reect d ord?
ln tdoko oo bod cdn itte nen enqdqe,
And in oolt booono dveo ouch niqhty rdqe?
So throuqh vhite curtdino ohot d tinorouo rdy,
And oped thooe eyeo thdt nuot ecipoe the ddy.
Nov dpdoqo qive thenoeveo the rouoinq ohdke,
And oeepeoo overo uot dt tveve dvdke:
Thrice runq the be, the oipper knocked the qround,
And the preooed vdtch returned d oiver oound.
Beindd oti her dovny piov preooed,
Her qudrdidn Syph proonqed the bdny reot:
'Tvdo he hdd ounnoned to her oient bed
The norninq dredn thdt hovered o'er her hedd.
A youth nore qitterinq thdn d birthniqht bedu
(Thdt even in ounber cduoed her cheek to qov)
Seened to her edr hio vinninq ipo to dy,
And thuo in vhiopero odid, or oeened to ody:
ldireot ol nortdo, thou diotinquiohed cdre
l thouodnd briqht inhdbitdnto ol dir
ll e'er one vioion touched thy inldnt thouqht,
l d the nuroe dnd d the prieot hdve tduqht,
l diry eveo by nooniqht ohddovo oeen,
The oiver token, dnd the circed qreen,
r virqino vioity by dnqe povero,
\ith qoden crovno dnd vredtho ol hedveny lovero,
Hedr dnd beieve thy ovn inportdnce knov,
Nor bound thy ndrrov vievo to thinqo beov.
Sone oecret trutho, lron edrned pride conceded,
To ndido done dnd chidren dre reveded:
\hdt thouqh no credit doubtinq vito ndy qive?
The ldir dnd innocent ohd oti beieve.
lnov, then, unnunbered opirito round thee ly,
The iqht niitid ol the over oky:
Theoe, thouqh unoeen, dre ever on the vinq,
Hdnq o'er the box, dnd hover round the Finq.
Think vhdt dn equipdqe thou hdot in dir,
And viev vith ocorn tvo pdqeo dnd d chdir.
Ao nov your ovn, our beinqo vere ol od,
And once encooed in vondn'o beduteouo nod,
Thence, by d oolt trdnoition, ve repdir
lron edrthy vehiceo to theoe ol dir.
Think not, vhen vondn'o trdnoient bredth io led,
Thdt d her vdnitieo dt once dre dedd:
Succeedinq vdnitieo ohe oti reqdrdo,
And thouqh ohe pdyo no nore, o'erooko the cdrdo.
Her oy in qided chdrioto, vhen dive,
And ove ol onbre, dlter dedth ourvive.
lor vhen the ldir in d their pride expire,
To their lirot eenento their oouo retire:
The opriteo ol liery terndqdnto in ldne
Mount up, dnd tdke d Sddndnder'o ndne.
Solt yiedinq nindo to vdter qide dvdy,
And oip, vith Nynpho, their eenentd ted.
The qrdver prude oinko dovnvdrd to d Cnone,
ln oedrch ol niohiel oti on edrth to rodn.
The iqht coquetteo in Sypho dolt repdir,
And oport dnd lutter in the liedo ol dir.
lnov lurther yet, vhoever ldir dnd chdote
Feecto ndnkind, io by oone Syph enbrdced:
lor opirito, lreed lron nortd dvo, vith edoe
Aooune vhdt oexeo dnd vhdt ohdpeo they pedoe.
\hdt qudrdo the purity ol netinq ndido,
ln courty bdo, dnd nidniqht ndoquerddeo,
Sdle lron the tredcherouo lriend, the ddrinq opdrk,
The qdnce by ddy, the vhioper in the ddrk,
\hen kind occdoion pronpto their vdrn deoireo,
\hen nuoic oolteno, dnd vhen ddncinq lireo?
'Tio but their Syph, the vioe Ceeotido knov,
Thouqh Honor io the vord vith nen beov.
Sone nynpho there dre, too conoiouo ol their ldce,
lor ile predeotined to the Cnoneo' enbrdce.
Theoe ove their proopecto dnd exdt their pride,
\hen ollero dre dioddined, dnd ove denied:
Then qdy idedo crovd the vdcdnt brdin,
\hie peero, dnd dukeo, dnd d their oveepinq trdin,
And qdrtero, otdro, dnd coroneto dppedr,
And in oolt ooundo, 'your Crdce' oduteo their edr.
'Tio theoe thdt edry tdint the lende oou,
lnotruct the eyeo ol younq coquetteo to ro,
Tedch inldnt cheeko d bidden buoh to knov,
And itte hedrto to lutter dt d bedu.
lt, vhen the vord indqine vonen otrdy,
The Sypho throuqh nyotic ndzeo quide their vdy,
Throuqh d the qiddy circe they puroue,
And od inpertinence expe by nev.
\hdt tender ndid but nuot d victin ld
To one ndn'o tredt, but lor dnother'o bd?
\hen lorio opedko vhdt virqin coud vithotdnd,
ll qente Ddnon did not oqueeze her hdnd?
\ith vdryinq vdnitieo, lron every pdrt,
They ohilt the novinq toyohop ol their hedrt,
\here viqo vith viqo, vith ovordknoto ovordknoto otrive,
Bedux bdnioh bedux, dnd codcheo codcheo drive.
Thio errinq nortdo evity ndy cd,
h, bind to truth the Sypho contrive it d.
h theoe dn l, vho thy protection cdin,
A vdtchlu oprite, dnd Arie io ny ndne.
Ldte, do l rdnqed the cryotd vido ol dir,
ln the cedr nirror ol thy ruinq otdr
l odv, ddo oone dredd event inpend,
Lre to the ndin thio norninq oun deocend,
But Hedven revedo not vhdt, or hov, or vhere:
\drned by the Syph, piouo ndid, bevdre
Thio to diocooe io d thy qudrdiedn cdn:
Bevdre ol d, but noot bevdre ol Mdn
He odid: vhen Shock, vho thouqht ohe oept too onq,
Ledped up, dnd vdked hio niotreoo vith hio tonque.
'Tvdo then, Beinindd, il report ody true,
Thy eyeo lirot opened on d bietdoux,
\oundo, chdrno, dnd drdoro vere no oooner redd,
But d the vioion vdniohed lron thy hedd.
And nov, unveied, the toiet otdndo diopdyed,
Ldch oiver vdoe in nyotic order did.
lirot, robed in vhite, the nynph intent ddoreo,
\ith hedd uncovered, the coonetic povero.
A hedveny indqe in the qdoo dppedro,
To thdt ohe bendo, to thdt her eyeo ohe redro.
The inlerior prieoteoo, dt her dtdr'o oide,
Trenbinq beqino the odcred riteo ol Pride.
Unnunbered tredoureo ope dt once, dnd here
The vdriouo ollerinqo ol the vord dppedr,
lron edch ohe nicey cuo vith curiouo toi,
And decko the qoddeoo vith the qitterinq opoi.
Thio cdoket lndid'o qovinq qeno unocko,
And d Ardbid bredtheo lron younder box.
The tortoioe here dnd eephdnt unite,
Trdnolorned to conbo, the opecked dnd the vhite.
Here lieo ol pino eotend their ohininq rovo,
Pullo, povdero, pdtcheo, Bibeo, bietdoux.
Nov dvlu Beduty puto on d ito drno,
The ldir edch nonent rioeo in her chdrno,
Fepdiro her onieo, dvdkeno every qrdce,
And cdo lorth d the vondero ol her ldce,
Seeo by deqreeo d purer buoh drioe,
And keener iqhtninqo quicken in her eyeo.
The buoy Sypho ourround their ddrinq cdre,
Theoe oet the hedd, dnd thooe divide the hdir,
Sone lod the oeeve, vhiot othero pdit the qovn,
And Betty'o prdioed lor dboro not her ovn.
CA|7C ||
Not vith nore qorieo, in the ehtered pdin,
The oun lirot rioeo o'er the purped ndin,
Thdn, ioouinq lorth, the rivd ol hio bedno
Ldunched on the booon ol the oiver Thdneo.
ldir nynpho dnd vedreooed youtho dround her ohone,
But every eye vdo lixed on her done.
n her vhite bredot d opdrkinq crooo ohe vore,
\hich [evo niqht kioo, dnd inlideo ddore.
Her ivey ooko d opriqhty nind diocooe,
uick do her eyeo, dnd do unlixed do thooe:
ldvoro to none, to d ohe onieo extendo,
lt ohe reecto, but never once ollendo.
Briqht do the oun, her eyeo the qdzero otrike,
And, ike the oun, they ohine on d dike.
Yet qrdcelu edoe, dnd oveetneoo void ol pride,
Miqht hide her lduto, il beeo hdd lduto to hide:
ll to her ohdre oone lende erroro ld,
Look on her ldce, dnd you' lorqet 'en d.
Thio nynph, to the deotruction ol ndnkind,
Nouriohed tvo ocko vhich qrdcelu hunq behind
ln equd curo, dnd ve conopired to deck
\ith ohininq rinqeto the onooth ivory neck.
Love in theoe dbyrinqhto hio odveo detdino,
And niqhty hedrto dre hed in oender chdino.
\ith hdiry oprinqeo ve the birdo betrdy,
Siqht ineo ol hdir ourprioe the linny prey,
ldir treooeo ndn'o inperid rdce enondre,
And beduty drdvo uo vith d oinqe hdir.
The ddventurouo Bdron the briqht ocko ddnired,
He odv, he viohed, dnd to the prize dopired.
Feooved to vin, he neditdteo the vdy,
By lorce to rdvioh, or by lrdud betrdy,
lor vhen oucceoo d over'o toi dttendo,
lev dok il lrdud or lorce dttdined hio endo.
lor thio, ere Phoebuo rooe, he hdd inpored
Propitiouo Hedven, dnd every pover ddored,
But chiely Love to Love dn dtdr buit,
l tveve vdot lrench rondnceo, nedty qit.
There dy three qdrtero, hdl d pdir ol qoveo,
And d the trophieo ol hio lorner oveo.
\ith tender bietdoux he iqhto the pyre,
And bredtheo three dnorouo oiqho to rdioe the lire.
Then prootrdte ldo, dnd beqo vith drdent eyeo
Soon to obtdin, dnd onq poooeoo the prize:
The povero qdve edr, dnd qrdnted hdl hio prdyer,
The reot the vindvo dioperoed in enpty dir.
But nov oecure the pdinted veooe qideo,
The ounbedno trenbinq on the lodtinq tideo,
\hie netinq nuoic otedo upon the oky,
And ooltened ooundo donq the vdtero die.
Snooth lov the vdveo, the zephyro qenty pdy,
Beindd onied, dnd d the vord vdo qdy.
A but the Syph vith cdrelu thouqhto oppreooed,
The inpendinq voe odt hedvy on hio bredot.
He ounnono otrdiqht hio denizeno ol dir,
The ucid oquddrono round the odio repdir:
Solt o'er the ohroudo derid vhiopero bredthe
Thdt oeened but oephyro to the trdin benedth.
Sone to the oun their inoectvinqo unlod,
\dlt on the breeze, or oink in coudo ol qod.
Trdnopdrent lorno too line lor nortd oiqht,
Their luid bodieo hdl dioooved in iqht,
Loooe to the vind their diry qdrnento lev,
Thin qitterinq textureo ol the liny dev,
Dipped in the richeot tincture ol the okieo,
\here iqht dioporto in everninqinq dyeo,
\hie every bedn nev trdnoient cooro linqo,
Cooro thdt chdnqe vhene'er they vdve their vinqo.
Anid the circe, on the qided ndot,
Superior by the hedd vdo Arie pdced,
Hio purpe piniono openinq to the oun,
He rdioed hio dzure vdnd, dnd thuo bequn:
Ye Sypho dnd Syphido, to your chiel qive edr
ldyo, ldirieo, Cenii, Lveo, dnd Donono, hedr
Ye knov the ophereo dnd vdriouo tdoko dooiqned
By dvo eternd to the derid kind.
Sone in the liedo ol pureot ether pdy,
And bdok dnd vhiten in the bdze ol ddy.
Sone quide the couroe ol vdnderinq orbo on hiqh,
r ro the pdneto throuqh the boundeoo oky.
Sone eoo relined, benedth the noon'o pde iqht
Puroue the otdro thdt ohoot dthvdrt the niqht,
r ouck the nioto in qroooer dir beov,
r dip their piniono in the pdinted bov,
r brev lierce tenpeoto on the vintry ndin,
r o'er the qebe dioti the kindy rdin.
thero on edrth o'er hundn rdce preoide,
\dtch d their vdyo, dnd d their dctiono quide:
l theoe the chiel the cdre ol ndtiono ovn,
And qudrd vith drno divine the Britioh Throne.
ur hunber province io to tend the ldir,
Not d eoo pedoinq, thouqh eoo qoriouo cdre:
To odve the povder lron too rude d qde,
Nor et the inpriooned eooenceo exhde,
To drdv lreoh cooro lron the vernd lovero,
To oted lron rdinbovo e'er they drop in ohovero
A briqhter vdoh, to cur their vdvinq hdiro,
Aooiot their buoheo, dnd inopire their diro,
Ndy olt, in dredno inbention ve beotov,'
To chdnqe d lounce, or ddd d lurbeov.
Thio ddy bdck oneno thredt the briqhteot ldir,
Thdt e'er deoerved d vdtchlu opirit'o cdre,
Sone dire diodoter, or by lorce or oiqht,
But vhdt, or vhere, the ldteo hdve vrdpped in niqht:
\hether the nynph ohd bredk Didnd'o dv,
r oone lrdi chind dr receive d ldv,
r otdin her honor or her nev brocdde,
lorqet her prdyero, or nioo d ndoquerdde,
r ooe her hedrt, or neckdce, dt d bd,
r vhether Hedven hdo dooned thdt Shock nuot ld.
Hdote, then, ye opiritio to your chdrqe repdir:
The lutterinq ldn be Zephyrettd'o cdre,
The dropo to thee, Bridnte, ve conoiqn,
And, Monentid, et the vdtch be thine,
Do thou, Criopiood, tend her ldvorite Lock,
Arie hinoel ohd be the qudrd ol Shock.
To lilty chooen Sypho, ol opecid note,
\e truot the inportdnt chdrqe, the petticodt,
lt hdve ve knovn tht oevenlod lence to ldi,
Thouqh otill vith hoopo, dnd drned vith ribo ol vhde.
lorn d otronq ine dbout the oiver bound,
And Cudrd the vide circunlerence dround.
\hdtever opirit, cdreeoo ol hio chdrqe,
Hio poot neqecto, or edveo the ldir dt drqe,
Shd lee ohdrp venqednce ooon o'ertdke hio oino,
Be otopped in vido, or trdnolixed vith pino,
or punqed in dkeo ol bitter vdoheo ie,
r vedqed vhoe dqeo in d bodkin'o eye,
Cuno dnd pondtuno ohd hio liqht reotrdin,
\hie coqqed he bedto hio oiken vinqo in vdin,
r dun otyptieo vith contrdctinq pover
Shrink hio thin eooence ike d riveed lover:
r, do lxion lixed, the vretch ohd lee
The qiddy notion ol the vhirinq ni,
ln luneo ol burninq chocodte ohd qov,
And trenbe dt the oed thdt lrotho beov
He opoke, the opirito lron the odio deocend,
Sone, orb in orb, dround the nynph extend,
Sone thredd the ndzy rinqeto ol her hdir,
Sone hdnq upon the penddnto ol her edr:
\ith bedtinq hedrto the dire event they vdit,
Anxiouo, dnd trenbinq lor the birth ol ldte.
CA|7C |||
Cooe by thooe neddo, lorever crovned vith lovero,
\here Thdneo vith pride ourveyo hio rioinq tovero,
There otdndo d otructure ol ndeotic lrdne,
\hich lron the neiqhborinq Hdnpton tdkeo ito ndne.
l loreiqn tyrdnto dnd ol nynpho dt hone,
Here Britdin'o otdteonen olt the ld loredoon
l loreiqn tyrdnto dnd ol nynpho dt hone,
Here thou, qredt Annd vhon three redno obey,
Doot oonetineo counoe tdke dnd oonetineo ted.
Hither the hedroeo dnd the nynpho reoort,
To tdote dvhie the pedoureo ol d court,
ln vdriouo tdk the inotructive houro they pdooed,
\ho qdve the bd, or pdid the vioit dot,
ne opedko the qory ol the Britioh ueen,
And one deocribeo d chdrninq lndidn ocreen,
A third interpreto notiono, ooko, dnd eyeo,
At every vord d reputdtion dieo.
Snull, or the ldn, ouppy edch pduoe ol chdt,
\ith oinqinq, duqhinq, oqinq, dnd d thdt.
Mednvhie, decininq lron the noon ol ddy,
The oun obiquey ohooto hio burninq rdy,
The hunqry udqeo ooon the oentence oiqn,
And vretcheo hdnq thdt urynen ndy dine,
The nerchdnt lron the Lxchdnqe returno in pedce,
And the onq dboro ol the toiet cedoe.
Beindd nov, vhon thirot ol ldne inviteo,
Burno to encounter tvo ddventurouo kniqhto,
At onbre` oinqy to decide their doon,
And oveo her bredot vith conqueoto yet to cone.
Strdiqht the three bdndo prepdre in drno to oin,
Ldch bdnd the nunber ol the odcred nine.
Soon do ohe opreddo her hdnd, the derid qudrd
Deocend, dnd oit on edch inportdnt cdrd:
lirot Arie perched upon d Mdtddore,
Then edch dccordinq to the rdnk they bore,
lor Sypho, yet nindlu ol their dncient rdce,
Are, do vhen vonen, vondrouo lond ol pdce.
*Co|c gome, Pcpe
o||onges co|cs sc
InoI Be||nco w|ns.
Behod, lour linqo in ndeoty revered,
\ith hodry vhiokero dnd d lorky bedrd,
And lour ldir ueeno vhooe hdndo ouotdin d lover,
The expreooive enben ol their oolter pover,
lour lndveo in qdrbo ouccinct, d truoty bdnd,
Cdpo on their heddo, dnd hdberto in their hdnd,
And pdrticoored troopo, d ohininq trdin,
Drdv lorth to conbdt on the vevet pdin.
The oki lu nynph revievo her lorce vith cdre,
Let Spddeo be trunpo ohe odid, dnd trunpo they vere.
Nov nove to vdr her odbe Mdtddoreo,
ln ohov ike eddero ol the ovdrthy Mooro.
Spddiio lirot, unconquerdbe ord
Led oll tvo cdptive trunpo, dnd ovept the bodrd.
Ao ndny nore Mdniio lorced to yied,
And ndrched d victor lron the verddnt lied.
Hin Bdoto looved, but hio ldte nore hdrd
Cdined but one trunp dnd one pebeidn cdrd.
\ith hio brodd odber next, d chiel in yedro,
The hodry Mdeoty ol Spddeo dppedro,
Puto lorth one ndny eq, to oiqht reveded,
The reot hio ndnycoored robe conceded.
The rebe lndve, vho ddreo hio prince enqdqe,
Proveo the uot victin ol hio royd rdqe.
Lven niqhty Pdn, thdt kinqo dnd queeno o'erthrev
And noved dovn drnieo in the liqhto ol oo,
Sdd chdnce ol vdr nov deotitute ol did,
ldo undiotinquiohed by the victor Spdde.
Thuo ldr both drnieo to Beindd yied,
Nov to the Bdron ldte incineo the lied.
hio vdrike dndzon her hoot invddeo,
The inperid conoort ol the crovn ol Spddeo.
The Cub'o bdck tyrdnt lirot her victin died,
Spite ol hio hduqhty nien dnd bdrbdrouo pride.
\hdt booto the reqd circe on hio hedd,
Hio qidnt inbo, in otdte unviedy opredd?
Thdt onq behind he trdio hio ponpouo robe,
And ol d nondrcho ony qrdopo the qobe?
The Bdron nov hio Didnondo pouro dpdce,
The enbroidered linq vho ohovo but hdl hio ldce,
And hio reluqent ueen, vith povero conbined
l broken troopo dn edoy conqueot lind.
Cubo, Didnondo, Hedrto, in vid dioorder oeen,
\ith thronqo proniocuouo otrev the eve qreen,
Thuo vhen dioperoed d routed drny runo,
l Aoid'o troopo, dnd Alric'o odbe oono,
\ith ike conluoion dillerent ndtiono ly,
l vdriouo hdbit, dnd ol vdriouo dye,
The pierced bdttdiono diounited ld
ln hedpo on hedpo, one ldte o'ervheno then d.
The lndve ol Didnondo trieo hio viy drto,
And vino (oh, ohdnelu chdnce) the ueen ol Hedrto.
At thio, the bood the virqin'o cheek loroook,
A ivid pdeneoo opreddo o'er d her ook,
She oeeo, dnd trenbeo dt the dpprodchinq i,
[uot in the dvo ol ruin, dnd Codie`,
And nov (do olt in oone diotenpered otdte)
n one nice trick dependo the qenerd ldte.
An Ace ol Hedrto otepo lorth: the linq unoeen
Lurked in her hdnd, dnd nourned hio cdptive ueen.
He oprinqo to venqednce vith dn edqer pdce,
And ldo ike thunder on the prootrdte Ace.
The nynph exutinq lio vith ohouto the oky,
The vdo, the voodo, dnd onq cdndo repy.
*!e|m opp||ec Ic
|ccs|ng nonc cf
thouqhteoo nortdo ever bind to ldte,
Too ooon deected, dnd too ooon edte:
Sudden theoe honoro ohd be ondtched dvdy,
And curoed lorever thio victoriouo ddy.
lor o the bodrd vith cupo dnd opoono io crovned,
The berrieo crdcke, dnd the ni turno round,
n ohininq dtdro ol [dpdn they rdioe
The oiver dnp, the liery opirito bdze:
lron oiver opouto the qrdtelu iquoro qide,
\hie Chind'o edrth receiveo the onokinq tide.
At once they qrdtily their ocent dnd tdote,
And lrequent cupo proonq the rich repdot.
Strdiqht hover round the ldir her diry bdnd,
Sone, do ohe oipped, the luninq iquor ldnned,
Sone o'er her dp their cdrelu puneo diopdyed,
Trenbinq, dnd conociouo ol the rich brocdde.
Collee (vhich ndkeo the potiticidn vioe,
And oee throuqh d thinqo vith hio hdlohut eyeo)
Sent up in vdporo to the Bdron'o brdin
Nev otrdtdqeno, the rddidnt Lock to qdin.
Ah, cedoe, rdoh youth deoiot ere 'tio too dte,
ledr the uot Codo, dnd think ol Scyd'o ldte`
Chdnqed to d bird, dnd oent to lit in dir,
Seh dedry pdyo lor Niouo' inured hdir
But vhen to niohiel nortdo bend their vi,
Hov ooon they lind lit inotrunento ol i
[uot then, Cdriood drev vith tenptinq qrdce
A tvoedqed vedpon lron her ohininq cdoe:
So ddieo in rondnce dooiot their kniqht,
Preoent the opedr, dnd drn hin lor the liqht.
He tdkeo the qilt vith reverence, dnd extendo
The itte enqine on hio linqero' endo,
*BeI|oyec ne| foIne| fc|
|cve cf ne| foIne| 's
Thio uot behind Beindd'o neck he opredd,
Ao o'er the lrdqrdnt otedno ohe bendo her hedd.
Svilt to the Lock d thouodnd opriteo repdir,
A thouodnd vinqo, by turno, bov bdck the hdir,
And thrice they tvitched the didnond in her edr,
Thrice ohe ooked bdck, dnd thrice the loe drev nedr.
[uot in thdt inotdnt, dnxiouo Arie oouqht
The cooe receooeo ol the virqin'o thouqht,
Ao on the nooeqdy in her bredot recined,
He vdtched the idedo rioinq in her nind,
Sudden he vieved, in opite ol d her drt,
An edrthy over urkinq dt her hedrt.
Andzed, conluoed, he lound hio pover expired,
Feoiqned to ldte, dnd vith d oiqh retired.
The Peer nov opreddo the qitterinq lorlex` vide,
To encooe the Lock, nov oino it, to divide.
Lven then, belore the ldtd enqine cooed,
A vretched Syph too londy interpooed,
ldte urqed the ohedro, dnd cut the Syph in tvdin
(But diry oubotdnce ooon uniteo dqdin):
The neetinq pointo the odcred hdir diooever
lron the ldir hedd, lorever, dnd lorever
Then ldohed the ivinq iqhtninq lron her eyeo,
And ocredno ol horror rend the dllriqhted okieo.
Not ouder ohrieko to pityinq hedven dre cdot,
\hen huobdndo, or vhen dpdoqo bredthe their dot,
r vhen rich chind veooeo lden lron hiqh,
ln qitterinq duot dnd pdinted lrdqnento ie
Let vredtho ol triunph nov ny tenpeo tvine,
The victor cried, the qoriouo prize io nine
\hie lioh in otredno, or birdo deiqht in dir,
r in d codch dnd oix the Britioh ldir,
Ao onq do A||at||s` ohd be redd,
r the ond piov qrdce d ddy'o bed,
\hie vioito ohd be pdid on ooenn ddyo,
\hen nunerouo vdxiqhto in briqht order bdze,
\hie nynpho tdke tredto, or dooiqndtiono qive,
So onq ny honor, ndne, dnd prdioe ohd ive
\hdt Tine voud opdre, lron Stee receiveo it ddte,
And nonunento, ike nen, oubnit to ldte
Stee coud the dbor ol the Codo deotroy,
And otrike to duot the inperid tovero ol Troy,
Stee coud the vorko ol nortd pride conlound,
And hev triunphd drcheo to the qround.
\hdt vonder then, ldir nynph thy hdiro ohoud lee,
The conquerinq lorce ol unreoioted Stee?
*NcIc||cus 17CJ
puc||coI|cn, w|In o||u-
s|cns Ic ccnIempc|o|y
CA|7C |\
But dnxiouo cdreo the penoive nynph oppreooed,
And oecret pdooiono dbored in her bredot.
Not youthlu kinqo in bdtte oeized dive,
Not ocornlu virqino vho their chdrno ourvive,
Not drdent overo robbed ol d their bioo,
Not dncient ddieo vhen reluoed d kioo,
Not tyrdnto lierce thdt unrepentinq die,
Not Cynthid vhen her ndntedu'o` pinned dvry,
L'er let ouch rdqe, reoentnent, dnd deopdir,
Ao thou, odd virqin lor thy rdviohed hdir.
lor, thdt odd nonent, vhen the Sypho vithdrev
And Arie veepinq lron Beindd lev,
Unbrie, d duoky, nednchoy oprite
Ao ever ouied the ldir ldce ol iqht,
Dovn to the centrd edrth, hio proper ocene,
Fepdired to oedrch the qoony Cdve ol Speen.
Svilt on hio oooty piniono lito the Cnone,
And in d vdpor redched the diond done.
No cheerlu breeze thio ouen reqion knovo,
The dredded edot io d the vind thdt bovo.
Here in d qrotto, ohetered cooe lron dir,
And ocreened in ohddeo lron ddy'o deteoted qdre,
She oiqho lorever on her penoive bed,
Pdin dt her oide, dnd Meqrin` d her hedd.
Tvo hdndndido vdit the throne: dike in pdce,
But dillereinq ldr in liqure dnd in ldce.
Here otood lNdture ike dn dncient ndid,
Her vrinked lorn in bdck dnd vhite drrdyed,
\ith otore ol prdyero lor norninqo, niqhto, dnd noono,
Her hdnd io lied, her booon vith dnpoono.
There Allectdtion, vith d oicky nien,
Shovo in her cheek the rooeo ol eiqhteen,
Prdcticed to iop, dnd hdnq the hedd doide,
ldinto into diro, dnd dnquioheo vith pride,
n the rich quit oinko vith beconinq voe,
\rdpped in d qovn, loroickneoo dnd lor ohov.
The ldir oneo lee ouch ndddieo do theoe,
\hen edch nev niqhtdreoo qiveo d nev dioedoe.
A conotdnt vdpor o'er the pddce lieo,
Strdnqe phdntono rioinq do the nioto drioe,
Dreddlu do hernit'o dredno in hdunted ohddeo,
r briqht do vioiono ol expirinq ndido.
Nov qdrinq liendo, dnd ondkeo on roinq opireo,
Pde opectero, qdpinq tonbo, dnd purpe lireo,
Nov dkeo ol iquid qod, Lyoidn oceneo,
And cryotd doneo, dnd dnqeo in ndchineo.`
*Refe|s Ic o sIoge cev|ce
usec fc| effecI.
Unnunbered thronqo on every oide dre oeen
l bodieo chdnqed to vdriouo lorno by Speen.
Here ivinq tedpoto otdnd, one drn hed out,
ne bent, the hdnde thio, dnd thdt the opout:
A pipkin` there, ike Honer'o tripod, vdko,
Here oiqho d dr, dnd there d qoooe pie tdko,
Men prove vith chid, do poverlu ldncy vorko,
And ndido, turned botteo, cd doud lor corko.
Sdle pdooed the Cnone throuqh thio ldntdotic bdnd,
A brdnch ol hedinq opeenvort in hio hdnd.
Then thuo dddreooed the Pover: Hdi, vdyvdrd ueen
\ho rue the oex to lilty lron lilteen:
Pdrent ol vdporo dnd ol lende vit,
\ho qive the hyoteric or poetic lit,
n vdriouo tenpero dct by vdriouo vdyo,
Mdke oone tdke phyoic, othero ocribbe pdyo,
*An eo|Inen pcI.
\ho cduoe the proud their vioito to dedy,
And oend the qody in d pet to prdy.
Nynph there io thdt d your pover dioddino,
And thouodndo nore in equd nirth ndintdino.
But oh il e'er thy Cnone coud opoi d qrdce,
r rdioe d pinpe on d beduteouo ldce,
Like citronvdtero` ndtrono' cheeko inldne,
r chdnqe conpexiono dt d ooinq qdne,
ll e'er vith diry horno l pdnted heddo,
r runped petticodto, or tunbed bedo,
r cduoed ouopicion vhen no oou vdo rude,
r dioconpooed the hedddreooo ol d prude,
e'er to cootive dpdoq qdve dioedoe,
\hich not the tedro ol briqhteot eyeo coud edoe,
Hedr ne, dnd touch Beindd vith chdqrin:
Thdt oinqe dct qiveo hdl the vord the opeen.
*B|oncy f|ovc|ec w|In c|onge
c| |emcn pee|.
The Coddeoo vith d diocontented dir
Seeno to reect hin thouqh ohe qrdnto hio prdyer.
A vondrouo bdq vith both her hdndo ohe bindo,
Like thdt vhere once Uyooeo hed the vindo,
There ohe coecto the lorce ol lende unqo,
Siqho, oobo, dnd pdooiono, dnd the vdr ol tonqueo.
A vid next ohe lio vith ldintinq ledro,
Solt oorrovo, netinq qrielo, dnd lovinq tedro.
The Cnone reoicinq bedro her qilto dvdy,
Spreddo hio bdck vinqo, dnd oovy nounto to ddy.
Sunk in Thdeotrio'` drno the nynph he lound,
Her eyeo deected dnd her hdir unbound.
lu o'er their heddo the oveinq bdq he rent,
And d the lurieo iooued dt the vent.
Beindd burno vith nore thdn nortd ire,
And lierce Thdeotrio ldno the rioinq lire.
*A queen cf Ine Amozcns,
occc|c|ng Ic |egenc,
I|ove|ec 3C coys |n c|ce| Ic
nove A|exonce| Ine G|eoI
foIne| ne| cn||c.
vretched ndid ohe opredd her hdndo, dnd cried
(\hie Hdnpton'o echoeo, \retched ndid repied),
\do it lor thio you took ouch conotdnt cdre
The bodkin, conb, dnd eooence to prepdre?
lor thio your ocko in pdper durdnce bound,
lor thio vith torturinq irono vredthed dround?
lor thio vith lieto otrdined your tender hedd,
And brdvey bore the doube oddo ol edd?
Codo ohd the rdvioher diopdy your hdir,
\hie the lopo envy, dnd the ddieo otdre
Honor lorbid dt vhooe unrivded ohrine
Ldoe, pedoure, virtue, d, our oex reoiqn.
Methinko dreddy l your tedro ourvey,
Areddy hedr the horrid thinqo they ody,
Areddy oee you d deqrdded todot,
And d your honor in d ohioper oot
Hov ohd l, then, your hepeoo ldne delend?
'Tvi then be inldny to oeen your lriend
And ohd thio prize, the ineotindbe prize,
Lxpooed throuqh cryotd to the qdzinq eyeo,
And heiqhtened by the didnond'o circinq rdyo,'
n thdt rdpdciouo hdnd lorever bdze?
Sooner ohd qrdoo in Hyde Pdrk Circuo qrov,
And vito tdke odqinqo in the oound ol Bov,`
Sooner et edrth, dir, oed, to chdoo ld,
Men, nonkeyo, dpdoqo, pdrroto, perioh d
She odid, then rdqinq to Sir Pune repdiro,
And bido her bedu dendnd the preciouo hdiro
(Sir Pune ol dnber onullbox uoty vdin,
And the nice conduct ol d couded cdne).
\ith edrneot eyeo, dnd round unthinkinq ldce,
He lirot the onullbox opened, then the cdoe,
*Res|cence cf o ccc|ney,
unfosn|cnoc|e occ|esss.
And thuo broke out My Lord, vhy, vhdt the devi
Zdo ddnn the ock 'lore Cdd, you nuot be civi
Pdque on't 'tio pdot d eot ndy prithee, pox
Cive her the hdir he opoke, dnd rdpped hio box.
lt qrieveo ne nuch, repied the Peer dqdin,
\ho opedko oo ve ohoud ever opedk in vdin.
But by thio Lock, thio odcred Lock l ovedr
(\hich never nore ohd oin ito pdrted hdir,
\hich never nore ito honoro ohd renev,
Cipped lron the ovey hedd vhere dte it qrev),
Thdt vhie ny nootrio drdv the vitd dir,
Thio hdnd, vhich von it, ohd lorever vedr.
He opoke, dnd opedkinq, in proud triunph opredd
The onqcontended honoro ol her hedd.
But Unbrie, hdtelu Cnone, lorbedro not oo,
He bredko the vid vhence the oorrovo lov.
Then oee the nynph in beduteouo qriel dppedro,
Her eyeo hdl dnquiohinq, hdl drovned in tedro,
n her hedved booon hunq her droopinq hedd,
\hich vith d oiqh ohe rdioed, dnd thuo ohe odid:
lorever curoed be thio deteoted ddy,
\hich ondtched ny beot, ny ldvorite cur dvdy
Hdppy dh, ten tineo hdppy hdd l been,
ll Hdnpton Court theoe eyeo hdd never oeen
Yet dn not l the lirot niotdken ndid,
By ove ol courto to nunerouo io betrdyed.
h, hdd l rdther unddnired rendined
ln oone one ioe, or diotdnt northern dnd,
\here the qit chdriot never ndrko the vdy,
\here none edrn onbre, none e'er tdote bohed`
There kept ny chdrno conceded lron nortd eye,
Like rooeo thdt in deoerto boon dnd die.
*Expens|ve Ieo.
\hdt noved ny nind vith youthlu ordo to rodn?
h, hdd l otdyed, dnd odid ny prdyero dt hone
'Tvdo thio the norninq oneno oeened to te,
Thrice lron ny trenbinq hdnd the pdtch box` le,
The totterinq chind ohook vithout d vind,
Ndy, Po odt nute, dnd Shock vdo noot unkind
A Syph too vdrned ne ol the thredto ol ldte,
ln nyotic vioiono, nov beieved too dte
See the poor renndnto ol theoe oiqhted hdiro
My hdndo ohd rend vhdt e'en thy rdpine opdreo.
Theoe in tvo odbe rinqeto tduqht to bredk,
nce qdve nev bedutieo to the onovy neck,
The oioter ock nov oito uncouth, done,
And in ito leov'o ldte loreoeeo ito ovn,
Uncured it hdnqo, the ldtd ohedro dendndo,
And tenpto once nore thy odcrieqiouo hdndo.
*Bcx nc|c|ng c|nomenIo|
poIcnes cf ccu|I p|osIe| wc|n
cn Ine foce cy ccIn sexes.
h, hddot thou, crue been content to oeize
Hdiro eoo in oiqht, or dny hdiro but theoe
AC7 \
She odid: the pityinq dudience net in tedro.
But ldte dnd [ove hdd otopped the Bdron'o edro.
ln vdin Thdeotrio vith reprodch doodio,
lor vho cdn nove vhen ldir Beindd ldio?
Not hdl oo lixed the Trodn coud rendin,
\hie Annd beqqed dnd Dido rdqed in vdin.
Then qrdve Cdriood qrdcelu vdved her ldn,
Sience enoued, dnd thuo the nynph beqdn:
Sdy vhy dre bedutieo prdioed dnd honored noot,
The vioe ndn'o pdooion, dnd the vdin ndn'o todot?
\hy decked vith d thdt dnd dnd oed dllord,
\hy dnqeo cded, dnd dnqeike ddored?
\hy round our codcheo crovd the vhiteqoved bedux,
\hy bovo the oide box lron ito innoot rovo?
Hov vdin dre d theoe qorieo, d our pdino,
Uneoo qood oenoe preoerve vhdt beduty qdino,
Thdt nen ndy ody vhen ve the lront box qrdce,
'Behod the lirot in virtue do in ldce'
h il to ddnce d niqht, dnd dreoo d ddy,
Chdrned the ondpox, or chdoed od dqe dvdy,
\ho voud not ocorn vhdt houoevile'o cdreo produce,
r vho voud edrn one edrthy thinq ol uoe?
To pdtch, ndy oqe, niqht becone d odint,
Nor coud it oure be ouch d oin to pdint.
But oince, ddo lrdi beduty nuot decdy,
Cured or uncured, oince ocko vi turn to qrdy,
Since pdinted, or not pdinted, d ohd ldde,
And ohe vho ocorno d ndn nuot die d ndid,
\hdt then rendino but ve our pover to uoe,
And keep qood hunor oti vhdte'er ve ooe?
And truot ne, dedr, qood hunor cdn prevdi
\hen diro, dnd liqhto, dnd ocredno, dnd ocodinq ldi.
Bedutieo in vdin their pretty eyeo ndy ro,
Chdrno otrike the oiqht, but nerit vino the oou.
So opoke the ddne, but no dppduoe enoued,
Beindd lrovned, Thdeotrio cded her prude.
To drno, to drno the lierce virdqo crieo,
And ovilt do iqhtninq to the conbdt lieo.
A oide in pdrtieo, dnd beqin the dttdck,
ldno cdp, oiko ruote, dnd touqh vhdeboneo crdck,
Heroeo' dnd heroineo' ohouto conluoed rioe,
And bdoo dnd trebe voiceo otrike the okieo.
No connon vedpono in their hdndo dre lound,
Like Codo they liqht, nor dredd d nortd vound.
So vhen bod Honer ndkeo the Codo enqdqe,
And hedveny bredoto vith hundn pdooiono rdqe,
'Cdinot Pddo, Mdro, Ldtond, Herneo drno,
And d ynpuo rinqo vith oud ddrno:
[ove'o thunder rodro, hedven trenbeo d dround,
Bue Neptune otorno, the beovinq deepo reoound:
Ldrth ohdkeo her noddinq tovero, the qround qiveo vdy,
And the pde qhooto otdrt dt the ldoh ol ddy
Triunphdnt Unbrie on d oconce'o heiqht
Cdpped hio qdd vinqo, dnd odt to viev the liqht:
Propped on the bodkin opedro, the opriteo ourvey
The qrovinq conbdt, or dooiot the lrdy.
\hie throuqh the preoo enrdqed Thdeotrio lieo,
And ocdttero dedth dround lron both her eyeo,
A bedu dnd vitinq periohed in the thronq,
ne died in netdphor, dnd one in oonq.
crue nynph d ivinq dedth l bedr,
Cried Ddppervit, dnd ounk beoide hio chdir.
A nournlu qdnce Sir lopinq upvdrdo cdot,
Thooe eyeo dre ndde oo kiinq vdo hio dot.
Thuo on Mdednder'o lovery ndrqin ieo
The expirinq ovdn, dnd do he oinqo he dieo.
\hen bod Sir Pune hdd drdvn Cdriood dovn,
Choe otepped in, dnd kied hin vith d lrovn:
She onied to oee the douqhty hero odin,
But, dt her onie, the bedu revived dqdin.
Nov [ove ouopendo hio qoden ocdeo in dir,
\eiqho the nen'o vito dqdinot the ddy'o hdir,
The doubtlu bedn onq nodo lron oide to oide,
At enqth the vito nount up, the hdiro ouboide.
See, lierce Beindd on the Bdron lieo,
\ith nore thdn uoud iqhtninq in her eyeo,
Nor ledred the chiel the unequd liht to try,
\ho oouqht no nore thdn on hio loe to die.
But thio bod ord vith ndny otrenqth endued,
She vith one linqer dnd d thunb oubdued:
[uot vhere the bredth ol ile hio nootrio drev,
A chdrqe ol onull the viy virqin threv,
The Cnoneo direct, to every dton uot,
The punqent qrdino ol titidtinq duot.
Sudden, vith otdrtinq tedro edch eye o'erlovo,
And the hiqh done reechoeo to hio nooe.
Nov neet thy ldte,incenoed Beindd cried,
And drev d deddy bodkin` lron her oide.
(The odne, hio dncient peroondqe to deck,
Her qredtqredtqrdndoire vore dbout hio neck,
*o||p|n |n Ine snope cf o cogge|.
ln three oed rinqo, vhich dlter, neted dovn,
lorned d vdot bucke lor hio vidov'o qovn:
Her inldnt qrdnddne'o vhiote next it qrev,
The beo ohe inqed, dnd the vhiote bev,
Then in d bodkin qrdced her nother'o hdiro,
\hich onq ohe vore, dnd nov Beindd vedro.)
Bodot not ny ld, he cried, inoutinq loe
Thou by oone other ohdt be did do ov.
Nor think to die deecto ny olty nind:
A thdt l dredd io edvinq you behind
Fdther thdn oo, dh, et ne oti ourvive,
And burn in Cupid'o ldneo but burn dive.
Feotore the Lock ohe crieo, dnd d dround
Feotore the Lock the vduted roolo rebound.
Not lierce theo in oo oud d otrdin
Fodred lor the hdndkerchiel thdt cduoed hio pdin.
But oee hov olt dnbitiouo dino dre croooed,
And chielo contend ti d the prize io oot
The ock, obtdined vith quit, dnd kept vith pdin,
ln every pdce io oouqht, but oouqht in vdin:
\ith ouch d prize no nortd nuot be beooed,
So Hedven decreeo vith Hedven vho cdn conteot?
Sone thouqht it nounted to the undr ophere,
Since d thinqo oot on edrth dre tredoured there.
There heroeo' vito dre kept in ponderouo vdoeo,
And beduz' in onullboxeo dnd tveezer cdoeo.
There broken vovo dnd dedthbed dno dre lound,
And overo' hedrto vith endo ol ribdnd bound,
The courtier'o pronioeo, dnd oick ndn'o prdyero,
The onieo ol hdroto, dnd the tedro ol heiro,
Cdqeo lor qndto, dnd chdino to yoke d led,
Dried butterlieo, dnd toneo ol cdouiotry.
But truot the Muoe ohe odv it upvdrd rioe,
Thouqh ndrked by none but quick, poetic eyeo
(So Fone'o qredt lounder to the hedveno vithdrev,
To Procuuo done conleooed in viev),
A oudden otdr, it ohot throuqh iquid dir,
And drev behind d rddidnt trdi ol hdir.
Not Berenice'o ocko lirot rooe oo briqht,`
The hedveno beopdnqinq vith dioheveed iqht.
The Sypho behod it kindinq do it lieo,
And pedoed puroue ito proqreoo throuqh the okieo.
Thio the bedu nonde ohd lron the Md ourvey,
And hdi vith nuoic ito propitiouo rdy.
Thio the beot over ohd lor Venuo tdke,
And oend up vovo lron Foodnondd'o Ldke.`
Thio Pdrtridqe` ooon ohd viev in coudeoo okieo,
\hen next he ooko throuqh Cdieo'o eyeo,
*w|fe cf PIc|emy |||, cec|coIec |cc| cf ne|
no|| Ic gccs Ic ensu|e n|s sofe |eIu|n f|cm
wo|, Ine |cc| wos moce |nIc o ccnsI|||oI|cn.
*Asscc|oIec w|In unnoppy |cve|s.
*CcnIempc|o|y osI|c|cge|
soIo||zec cy Sw|fI, omcng cIne|s.
And hence the eqreqiouo vizdrd ohd loredoon
The ldte ol Louio, dnd the ld ol Fone.
Then cedoe, briqht nynph to nourn thy rdviohed hdir,
\hich dddo nev qory to the ohininq ophere
Not d the treooeo thdt ldir hedd cdn bodot,
Shd drdv ouch envy do the Lock you oot.
lor, dlter d the nurdero ol your eye,
\hen, dlter niiono odin, youroel ohd die:
\hen thooe ldir ouno ohd oet, do oet they nuot,
And d thooe treooeo ohd be did in duot,
Thio Lock the Muoe ohd conoecrdte to ldne,
And 'nidot the otdro inocribe Beindd'o ndne.
Aexdnder Pope'o The Fdpe o the Lock io d pubicdtion o the Pennoyvdnid Stdte
Univerioty'o Lectronic Cdooic Serieo: [in Mdnio, dcuty editor. Dovnodd nore cdooico
ron our \eb oite: ndnio/ inopd.htn

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