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Othello Notes

Negative impact of starting rumours (hearsay)
Appearance vs. reality

Elizabethan era; Elizabethans are the target audience.

Tragedy: Central, noble character has a flaw which brings him down.
Set in Venice, and Cyprus.

Antithesis of black and white imagery is notable; black ram with white ewe,

The play starts, as it will continue, with deviousness and treachery. The news,
which Roderigo has just heard, is the first example of tantalising information
that will provoke dramatic action. The audience do not know what has
happened any more than the unfortunate victims of Iagos plotting (soon to be
revealed). This is both a dramatic trick (to heighten our interest) and a
significant clue: not knowing, but fearing the worst (the sensation of
Brabantio later in the scene) is exactly the motive, which will eventually bring
on the final tragedy. Anger, jealousy and outraged humour are to be Iagos
chosen weapons time and again.

Act 1, SCENE 3
Her father loved me, oft invited me...
Brabantio was quite happy to be a friend of Othello when it came to military
reasons, but once he had sexual relations with his daughter, it wasnt -> his
racial prejudices show -> double standards.

She loved me for the dangers I had passed...
The basis of their relationship: -> She loved him b/c he lead an exotic life
-> He loved her b/c she liked that (e.g. scars on his face- she was intrigued)
Swept up by the romanticism of his life.

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