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Spanish I

Class Information
Teacher: Seora Hayden-Parra
Room: 245
Class Description
Spanish I provides opportunities for students to develop their skills and knowledge
of the Spanish language through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In
addition, students will acquire an awareness of the customs, arts, literature, history,
and geography associated with Spanish-speaking countries.
Avancemos! Level 1
Paper (notebook and/or loose-leaf), binder, and writing utensils
Accessible from the AHS website, the Spanish website contains a wealth of
resources for all Spanish students.
General Expectations
1. Be here.
2. Be prepared.
3. Be respectful and participate positively.
4. Do your own work.
5. Be responsible about makeup work. You will have two (2) school days for each day
missed to make up any assignments, quizzes, or tests. If you are absent the day(s)
immediately before a quiz or test, but you had prior knowledge of it, you will be
required to take the quiz or test as scheduled.
6. Study every day.
Pesos System
In class, we will be using a Pesos system. What does this mean? This means that
all students will be given 500 pesos at the beginning of the school year. With these
pesos, you will be able to buy privileges, points, and supplies.

Spanish I

Pesos can be used to buy the following privileges, points, and supplies:
100 Pesos
*Permission to speak in English (One time privilege, not for the whole class
200 Pesos
*Drink pass
*Locker pass
*Restroom pass
500 Pesos
*Pencil / 2 pieces of lead
*Extra copy of a vocabulary list, worksheet, etc.
*5 sheets of paper
1,000 Pesos
*Quiz exemption (On a quiz worth less than 20 points)
*10 extra credit points on a test (A maximum of 10 extra credit points can be
purchased per test)
Students will be able to earn pesos on a weekly basis and occasionally as a reward
for review games. There will be a Da de pago on the last day of the week and
students will be able to earn 100-500 pesos based on how much Spanish was
spoken that week.
100 Pesos- Spanish was spoken at some point during the week, even if it was
Buenos das as you came in the room.
300 Pesos- Spanish was spoken various times during the week using a variety of
500 Pesos- Spanish was spoken as much as possible during the week using what has
been learned in class so far.
If you run out of pesos, you have 2 options: go without or go into debt and pay back
your pesos by staying after school the same day at 2% the rate (You cannot go into
debt for a quiz exemption or extra credit). For example, if you buy a pencil (500
pesos) during class then you will have to stay after school 10 minutes.

Spanish I

Grading Scale
The Arlington High School grading scale will be utilized as follows:
A+.100-98 A.97-96 A-.95-94
B+.93-91 B.90-88 B-.87-86
C+.85-83 C.82-80 C-.79-78
D+.77-75 D.74-72 D-.71-70
F.69 below
Major assessments70%
The final exam will be worth 15% of the total semester grade.
**Quizzes and tests will be announced in advance with specific information about
material to be quizzed or tested. Re-quizzes or re-tests will NOT be an option.**
Class Outline
Below is a tentative outline of the year; however, it is subject to change according to
students needs.
Weeks 1-5
Leccin Preliminar
Greetings / Introductions
Saying where you are from
Spanish-speaking countries
Numbers 1-10
Exchanging phone numbers
Days of the week
The weather
Classroom phrases
Weeks 6-8 Unidad 1 Leccin 1
After-school activities
Snack foods and beverages
Subject pronouns and ser
Gustar with an infinitive
Weeks 9-11 Unidad 1 Leccin 2
Describing yourself and others
Spanish I

Definite articles
Indefinite articles
Noun-adjective agreement
Weeks 12-14 Unidad 2 Leccin 1
Daily schedules
Telling time
Numbers from 11-100
The verb tener
Present tense of -ar verbs
Weeks 15-18 Unidad 2 Leccin 2
Describing classes
Describing location
Expressing feelings
The verb estar
The verb ir
Week 19 Final exam preparation and assessments

Weeks 1-5
Unidad 3 Leccin 1
Meals and food
Asking questions
Gustar with nouns
Present tense of -er and -ir verbs
Weeks 6-9 Unidad 3 Leccin 2
Giving dates
Numbers from 101-1,000,000
Possessive adjectives
Weeks 10-13 Unidad 4 Leccin 1
Stem-changing verbs eie
Direct object pronouns
Weeks 14-18 Unidad 4 Leccin 2
Places and events
Getting around town
In a restaurant
Stem-changing verbs oue
Stem-changing verbs ei
Weeks 19-20 Final exam preparation and assessments

Spanish I

Please feel free to contact me at if you have any
questions or concerns. This should be a team effort with the student, teacher, and parents.
Great things can and will happen when we all give our best effort!!!
Please sign below to indicate that:
I have received, read, and understand the expectations for Spanish I.
Students signature: _________________________________________________________________________________

Parents signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

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