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Business Plan For A Logistics Company

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This is a business plan and does not imply an offering of securities.

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary 1
Business Opportunity
Product/Service Description

2. Company Background 3
Business Description
Company History

3. Business Plan For A Logistics Company 5

4. Services 6

5. The Industry, Competition, and Market 7
Market Definition
Primary Competitors
Customer Profile

6. Marketing Plan 10

7. Financial Plan 12
Investment Plan
Break-even Analysis
Liquidity Plan
Earnings Plan
Risk Analysis

8. Conclusion 20

Business Plan For A Logistics Company 1

1. Executive Summary
A worldwide logistics service is one concept that lately showed significant growth potential.
For the United States and Canada, the industry expects significant growth rates to persist in
the near future, so that investments in that segment are very profitable. The expected
profitability is about 15% and the growth rate about 8%, depending on the specific services
that will be offered.
The goal of this start-up is the operation of a logistics company that offers a selected range of
logistics, planning and transportation services. Services will be offered worldwide, but with a
focus on the United States markets. In addition to this core business, the company provides a
storehouse and technical services to increase revenues.
1.1 Business Opportunity
The logistics industry currently shows a strong growth marked by a higher demand, but
also growing costs. The development of new business strategies and solutions seems
critical for new industry players to get market shares and survive in this highly
competitive industry. The choice of services, as well as the development of applications,
can be one strategy in this field of business. Additionally, sound cost management is of
critical importance for a solid stream of revenues. Big industry players have shown that,
even in a competitive market, growth rates of more than 20% can be sustained.
The operation of a logistics company that offers the following services is the core of this
general logistics services
transportation services
planning services
distribution planning
just-in-time delivery
A strong focus of this business will be placed on the development of new and innovative
strategies for the customers that deliver a significant value. As an add-on, a broad range
of customized services will be offered, which will help utilize company and employee
capacity. The range of products is selected to provide solid growth potentials.
The operation of this business requires a good knowledge of the markets, as well as a
competitive logistics service concept, to increase customer satisfaction. However, it is
critical that this service is offered with a strong focus on cost management.
One central goal of the proposed business strategy is the development of a unique
corporate identity. Such identity will create customer loyalty and help gain a competitive
advantage. Therefore, it is planned that, in addition to the selection of new and interesting
services, a company design is developed. For this reason, the service around the offered
applications and the additional businesses is very extensive.
Business Plan For A Logistics Company 2

The required investment for the proposed business is moderate compared to other
companies in the industry. Labor is expected to be the main cost driver, whereas no other
substantial investment in fixed assets is required. Depending upon the location, the
minimum required investment amount ranges between $50,000 and $60,000 in the
start-up phase, based on a 7-10% average revenue margin. This amount is well within the
financial requirements observed for other comparable companies.
1.2 Product/Service Description
The business will operate in the logistics and transportation industry with several
services. An additional source of revenues is the development of new services. This can
range from computer planning systems to distribution services. Cross selling is planned
to be one of the prime strategies in this business, since all products are targeted to serve a
similar need and can easily be combined. Synergy in selling product across business
segments is likely to boost earning further. Net earnings are expected to be at least 3%
above traditional trading businesses with only one sales segments.
Figure 1.1 shows the revenue mix across segments in the start-up phase. This projection
is based on the expected strategic direction, investment amount and business
environment. As the core business, the logistics segment is expected to generate the
largest share in revenues. The sale of planning and transportation services is expected to
be another important generator of revenues which also helps utilize invested capacity.
The sale of consulting services is expected to be intensified.

Business Plan For A Logistics Company 3

2. Company Background
The goal of this start-up is the operation of a logistics business with different services and
similar offers. Additionally, the sale of planning and consulting services is planned to reach
an optimal utilization of personnel and company capacity. An initial investment amount of at
least $50,000 to $60,000 is required, which will allow the operation of a small business with
4 to 5 employees. Sales revenues are expected to range between $550,000 and $600,000 in
the start-up phase and the operation is expected to generate profits starting in the first or
second business year.
2.1 Business Description
Management is expected to have a solid knowledge of the markets and the offered
services to influence the customers. The goal is to create an innovative business in which
the customer experiences competent service. A well chosen and targeted selection of
offerings will complement this strategy. Both aspects are core requirements to build
customer loyalty. Repeat customers are expected to generate revenues of 40% and more.
Although this strategy is likely to require additional investments, it is expected that
revenues per customer will increase significantly and range above industry average.
Furthermore, this strategy will provide a clear entrance barrier for prospective
The development and promotion of a corporate identity is another central task for
management. Given the homogeneity of businesses in this industry, the development of a
corporate identity will markedly increase sales revenues and build a customer base.
Furthermore, a corporate identity will support expanding the business to a larger
international target market.
2.2 Company History
In the start-up phase, the business is operated as a one-person-business. This set up
carries a certain risk potential because of the high equity stake the manager bears and the
personal and statutory liability assumed. However, this set-up preserves a high degree of
flexibility in managerial decision making.
The number of personnel to be employed depends on the structural complexity of the
operations and the desired size. Figure 2.1 shows a break up of costs in the industry. It is
expected that the target employee earns a monthly salary of $4,500 to $6,000 based on 42
hours per week. The sales and service area requires 1 to 2 employees on average working
in 2 shifts. Due to illness and vacation times, in the long run an average of 4 permanent
employees will be required after the start-up phase. With increasing sales and better
utilization of employee work time, revenue margins will increase and thus, costs per
employee will decrease on average. With revenues ranging around $500,000, capacity
utilization is expected to be around 85%.
During the start-up phase, a single person will attend to all necessary management task,
coordinate employees and provide strategic direction to the developing business.
Accounting, administrative and machine maintenance will be outsourced to an external
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partner, since those tasks can typically be provided at better rates externally. Sourcing
and marketing will require one employee.
Finding the optimal location for a business is one of the success factors in the short and
long run. This is also important for international businesses because taxes, employees and
additional costs are crucial for all businesses. The following analysis is based on 10
businesses in the logistics industry. Since a small company is recruiting its customers
typically from the home country and later from a worldwide area, a national location is
considered as the core market.
For the location with a core market in the selected region, the following factors are
The taxes and other administration costs are low.
Administrative costs are expected to be comparably small given the expected revenues.
The possibility to recruit additional personnel is favorable.
Public institutions are expected to provide additional sponsoring.
It is easy to find appropriate employees.
Because of the favorable growth perspectives in the chosen market and growing
investment activities, we expect to realize yearly growth rates in revenues of 15-20%
given a 4% economic growth rate.

Business Plan For A Logistics Company 5

3. Business Plan For A Logistics Company
One of the key elements of a successful business in the logistics industry is the selection of
services that are as profitable as possible. One key element of a profit maximization strategy
is to minimize the costs and to increase the sales volume. The following services show the
highest demand and the best profitability, depending on input costs on the one hand and sales
revenues on the other hand:
general logistics services
international transportation
just-in-time delivery
cost optimization
The specific selection of services and applications offered will be monitored constantly and
vary according to business needs. This strategy provides a competitive edge against other
companies in the environment and is expected to generate an additional demand and the
possibility for a price mark-up.

The development of warehouse and a storage system are two key elements of a successful
logistics and transportation business. The following services will be offered in this segment:
storage capacity
transportation services
international distribution
All services will be monitored to find out an optimal combination of services.
Business Plan For A Logistics Company 6

4. Services
Additional service offerings related to the core business provide other fields of business. The
available competence will be used for further business activities that will generate additional
revenues. While this is not a core business segment, this concept has growth potential
because the demand for planning and consulting services is rising. Initially, the investment in
inventory, technical equipment and personnel capacity of this segment is limited. Especially,
the supply of complex logistics planning with a higher priced range will require extensive
service. This strategy will help utilize the capacity in personnel, since it allows for an optimal
coordination of employees. All employees will be trained to cover all aspects of individual
services for the customer.
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5. The Industry, Competition, and Market
A careful analysis of the market and competitive forces in this industry is a key element in
assessing the business potential of our project. This analysis will provide marketing and sales
data that are indispensable to develop the business potential optimally. The main competitors
are comparably-sized medium and large logistics companies in the international environment
with a similar selection of products and services. Since the planned project is of international
scope with a single headquarter, the competitive analysis will have to focus on the
international and local market. The market and competition analysis will be based on the
entire market.
5.1 Market Definition
Figure 5.1 shows average growth figures in revenues of typical logistics companies
during the past 10 years. A lot of companies in this industry have experienced constant
growth rates of more than 15% to 20% since 1999. For 2005, a growth of 17% is
expected with a strong development in the third and last quarter.
Despite slowing economic growth and decreasing customer demand, the international
logistics industry underwent a relatively favorable development. New and innovative
business concepts in the sector still show high growth potentials, while growth rates of
traditional businesses in that industry were below average. The significant growth of new
business concepts is primarily due to sharp cost control and more efficient business
strategies that accounted for higher revenue and earning figures. According to industry
estimates, 30% of such innovative businesses gained from cross-selling activities
between their business segments. Sinking prices of input products and service costs have
allowed the industry to partially compensate for slowing demand. Savings in input costs
were also due to decreased labor costs. However, starting in 2006, this trend is expected
to reverse and growth rates will pick up markedly, despite the uncertainty in the
development of input prices and worldwide economic developments.

5.2 Primary Competitors
The competitive environment is primarily determined by the choice of item groups, but
also the regional location. But, regardless of the selection of items, high mark-ups are not
Business Plan For A Logistics Company 8

feasible in the long run, since this will attract competitors who compete away any rents.
With a high density of businesses in one location, businesses with the highest marginal
cost will be driven out of the market. Such locations will yield a return of 12-14% on
average. This is the expected equilibrium return in a saturated market. To further analyze
the competitive environment, it is necessary to define the players in that environment. A
firm that generates $300,000 to $1,000,000 in revenues and employs 5 to 10 people
should regard a firm with revenues and personnel 3 times this figures as a viable
competitor. On the product and service side, businesses with a comparable selection of
offers are regarded as competing in the same market segment. Figure 5.4 shows the size
of businesses in this market segment, which also includes different products and services
that will be sold worldwide. The numbers are based on average revenues of companies
that run their business more than five years.

5.3 Customer Profile
The specialized way of distribution and offerings are primarily targeting large
international companies. A possible segmentation to identify different customer groups is
by segmentation of different lines of business. Figure 5.2 shows the demand for logistics
services from different lines of business. Numbers are based on averages per company of
a particular group multiplied by the number of companies in the respective group. This
gives total demand share per group. As can be seen, companies in the industry segment,
like car manufacturers, have a high demand for logistics services like just-in-time
delivery and international distribution. Also, other industries, like telecommunication and
information technology, have a growing demand, especially in the field of transportation.
Figure 5.3 shows revenues by yearly revenues of potential customers. The figure shows
revenues generated per profit group. Numbers are based on the average profit per
customer and the number of customers per profit group. As can be seen, customers in the
middle income bracket generate the highest revenue streams. High frequented low
income groups, such as small and medium companies, generate relatively low revenue
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Business Plan For A Logistics Company 10

6. Marketing Plan
In the start-up phase, it is a central task of the marketing concept to establish name
recognition and a unique trade mark. Later on, the strategy will primarily be targeted to gain
new customers and create customer loyalty of repeat customers. Several marketing and sales
promotion strategies are available in the logistics industry. Figure 6.1 shows different
marketing elements and their use in marketing strategies, as well as their estimated potential
success factor. The figure can serve as a direction for the planning of a marketing and sales
promotion strategy. The numbers are based on typical businesses in the logistics and
transportation industry. As can be seen, printed advertisements target a large potential
customer group, but at a relatively high cost. Printed advertisements in international
newspapers and magazines are regarded as very beneficial in the start-up phase to attract a
large group of potential customers and draw attention to the range of articles offered. 49% of
businesses in the trade industry use printed advertisements and about 60% of this group
regard this as the most beneficial form of marketing. Sales promotion strategies have
temporary effects only. They are used at business openings primarily and offer special
discounts. 49% of businesses use sales promotion strategies frequently and 81% of the users
responded that this instrument is successful. Marketing alliances with other trading
businesses to generate cost savings and increase efficiency are used rarely. Such strategies
include mutual use of marketing and web promotion events and joint promotion
arrangements. Only 45% of businesses have used these elements and 55% of these regard
this instrument as beneficial. Web and e-mail marketing is used frequently in the industry,
although this would be a relatively inexpensive additional effort. Direct mailings are a very
efficient strategy that sends mailings to selected customers or business groups. Since
spreading costs of such mailings are very low, this marketing element provides a useful tool
for special offer promotions.
The use of marketing and sales promotions proceeds as follows: as a broad base to attract
new customers, the strategy will include a combination of printed advertisements and special
offers with opening discounts. Furthermore, a group of customers will be selected for direct
mailings. This strategy is expected to continue for 3-4 months, after which the effort will turn
towards creating customer loyalty for regular customers. This strategy is supplemented by a
regular marketing strategy and direct mailings to regular customers. A marketing alliance
and online advertisements will also come to use.
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Business Plan For A Logistics Company 12

7. Financial Plan
A sound financial plan is the key factor for the success of a business start-up. Investors and
banks will base their funding decision on the information given in this plan. Besides a plan of
the financial needs, this plan must insure that the business is always liquid and ultimately
profitable. Since the sales and earnings projections in the business plan are based on
expectations, the financial plan has to be revised and refined on a constant basis so that
discrepancies can be uncovered and solved instantly. The inputs for this financial plan are
based on 22 businesses of different size and market segments in the national and
international logistics industry, which serve as a group of comparable firms, as well as own
estimates based on the planned business environment. Revenue estimates are conservative
and expense projections include a cushion for unforeseen contingencies.
The initial capital requirement is estimated to be $50,000 to $60,000. The sales margin is
expected to be 7-10%, whereby each business segment contributes differently to sales and
earnings. The classical logistics segment, of all segments, will have an average contribution
to sales in relative terms (6.5%), but given the high sales volume, the largest in absolute
terms. Revenues from transportation services can be differentiated into those from low priced
single services to comprehensive and long-term transportation. The sale of services is
expected to generate a 12% to 15% sales margin, while the margin from sales of services is
expected to be closer to about 10%. Figure 7.1 shows the source of revenues by segment
during the start-up phase.
Depending on the initial investment sum, cost and revenue estimates vary. Figure 7.2 shows
the expected relationship of cost and revenues. As can be seen, the relationship is not linear
everywhere, but costs decrease relative to sales at an initial investment of $50,000. This
effect is due to the better utilization of capacities in personnel at rising revenues at constant
cost. If capacity is fully utilized, additional personnel must be recruited. At an investment
sum of $100,000, administrative costs are expected to return to a linear relationship of sales.
At sales levels between $1,000,000 to $2,000,000, costs increase by the factor 1.85. The cost
revenue relationship is important, not only during the start-up phase, but also for planned
further expansion. Often such expansion strategies are based on this relationship. Other
industries are able to generate cost savings of 30-50% during expansion periods, while for
the logistics industry, this factor is close to 15%. At a specific size, this relationship reverses
because administrative costs rise sharply. This affects small businesses between 10 and 20
employees most severely.
The details of the financial plan are laid out in more detail as follows:
Section 7.1 gives an investments schedule. This includes all investments necessary during the
start-up phase.
Section 7.2 gives a break-even analysis that shows revenues at the break-even point. Every
additional sales revenue adds to profit and vice versa.
Section 7.3 gives a liquidity plan. This plan is based on current cost and revenue estimates
Business Plan For A Logistics Company 13

from Section 7.2. Liquidity must always be positive.
Section 7.4 contains a long-term profit projection for the first 4 years of business. The
projection shows the critical amount of revenues at which the business is profitable and how
profit develops over time.
Section 7.5 provides a risk analysis. The risk analysis contains critical factors that may
impact the financial numbers presented in this plan.

7.1 Investment Plan
The investment plan comprises primary capital needs for the foundation and operation of
an international logistics company with different products and services for sale. The plan
also includes initial marketing and sales promotion expenses.
The figures are based on a business with 3-5 employees and expected revenues of
Business Plan For A Logistics Company 14

$950,000 in year 2-3.

7.2 Break-even Analysis
The break-even analysis shows how earnings rise as a function of sales. The break-even
point is the point at which revenues from sales cover total costs (fix costs and costs rising
with sales). This analysis is important for the development of the liquidity plan. If the
break-even point is not achieved, in the long run the business loses liquidity and may
become insolvent. This requires that a critical amount of revenues must be generated.
At a sale revenue of $600,000 and given fixed costs, the business will generate a profit.
Fixed costs are estimated at $120,000 to $130,000 and variable costs at $480,000.
At a realizable revenue of $1,000,000, after 2-3 years profits will rise to $70,000 pre-tax.
This represents an earnings margin of 10% pre-tax and 7% after-tax. These estimates are
realistic in this market segment. Increasing sales volume will increase pre-tax earnings
Business Plan For A Logistics Company 15

margins, but this development reverses when administrative costs begin to rise sharply.
Up to a sales volume of $3,000,000, earnings margins rise to 12.5%, after which the
margin decreases to constant 11.5%.
Figure 7.3 shows at which critical sales volume the business generates a profit. This
serves as a base for a pricing strategy. Additionally, the graph shows the amount of sales
at which a marketing campaign can be run profitably.

7.3 Liquidity Plan
The liquidity plan shows the amount of finances necessary to assure permanent liquidity
of the business. The plan is based on 4 representative months of a typical business with 3
to 5 employees, annual sales of $1,300,000 and net profits of about $300,000. Revenue
estimates are drawn from a standard normal distribution.
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7.4 Earnings Plan
The earnings plan shows the results from ordinary operations. The plan is based on the
first 4 years of business. Revenue estimates are drawn from a normal distribution with an
estimated growth rate of 20 to 30%. Figure 7.4 shows profit over time.

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7.5 Risk Analysis
The risk analysis considers critical factors that may lead to a failure of the business
concept. Such factors can involve failures during the implementation phase, as well as
during operations. Such potential factors are ordered according to the probability at
which they can arise. Shown is the key factor that led to the failure only. Data are drawn
from questionnaires of 10 logistics businesses with comparable product offerings and
revenue- and cost structures that went bankrupt during the last 3 years, as well as
analyses of different research institutes.
1. Insufficient demand: This is the most frequent reason that leads to business failure. This
includes permanently low demand, as well as a temporary collapse in demand. Often
demand estimates were too optimistic at the outset. Such failures might also come from
external shocks instead of operating deficiencies. 19% of businesses with insufficient
demand go bankrupt. 50% of these businesses report that, once demand slacked, they did
not react accordingly, because they believed that this phenomenon was only temporary.
Since the expected frequency of customers during the start-up phase is still low, a critical
success factor is to focus promotional effort so as to generate customer loyalty early on,
Business Plan For A Logistics Company 18

which will help minimize the effects of demand fluctuations. This is also important for
the future development of the business.
2. Behavior of Competition: Due to low entry barriers, additional businesses can enter the
market at low cost. Approximately 16% of insolvent businesses were driven out of the
market by that competition. A better service concept, innovative ideas and concentration
on core businesses are easy means for an entrant to gain a competitive edge.
3. Personnel and capacity utilization: Often personnel capacity cannot be adjusted easily
when demand slows down. Currently, business services have a capacity utilization rate of
personnel of 70%, i.e. 70% of employee working hours can be directly credited to sales.
At small businesses this value is often lower, which means that 30% of working hours
arise without generating any further revenue. 13% of such businesses go bankrupt for this
4. Liquidity constraints: Another frequent reasons for bankruptcy is insufficient liquidity. In
that case, it is possible that all liquid funds are used to cover losses or that liquidity needs
were planned too tight. To be able to flexibly react to changing liquidity needs, it is
important that sufficient funds be planned, even during the start-up phase. Thus, 5-10%
of the investment sum should be held as liquidity reserve permanently. 13% of insolvent
businesses reported liquidity as the reason for bankruptcy.
5. Over-indebtedness: Many business are run on a small equity base. The majority of
investments are funded by debt. If the business becomes unprofitable, debt obligations
cannot be covered. Little more over 10% of insolvent firms reported over-indebtedness as
the reason for going bankrupt. It is therefore important that a share of earnings is retained
for debt service.
6. Macroeconomic Conditions: In a cyclical downturn, revenue expectations may not come
in according to expectation. Although this factor does not affect the business in itself, it
does have an impact on profitability, liquidity and leverage. Costs remain constant during
such periods, but revenues typically decrease which affects overall profitability. 10% of
all insolvent businesses report that they went bankrupt due to macroeconomic conditions,
although the relevant indicators of the business looked healthy.
7. Location and market: The market of the business and the selection of the right potential
customers is an important success factor and one of the fundamental decisions that has an
impact on the future prosperity of the firm. Therefore, a careful analysis is necessary.
More than 10% of insolvent businesses reported that they went bankrupt because of the
wrong market selection. Often start-ups did not consider that, even when the choice of
market may not be wrong at the outset, it may later become so when economic conditions
worsen. This may be due to structural changes or different interest of customers.
8. Wrong Business Decisions: Often wrong business decisions and difficult situations go
unnoticed for some period, which can lead to a failure of the business. A critical and
independent reflection of a decision are critical factors to determine the value of a
management decision and evaluate the business' profitability. Studies have shown that
Business Plan For A Logistics Company 19

many businesses fail in their start-up phase because of managements inability to make
sound business decisions, while once a business is settled, such mistakes are very rare. A
critical management instrument is the ability to detect potential failures and problems.
Certain key figures can help measure this ability and objectively determine a decision's
chance for success. Small businesses should use such indicator ratios to assess their
business outlooks.
Figure 7.5 shows the relative importance of each factor for businesses that went bankrupt.
The numbers are based on the most relevant reason that triggered bankruptcy, but not the
reason responsible for bankruptcy. External factors that changed the competitive
environment and changing macroeconomic conditions were the most important reasons
relative to internal factors.

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8. Conclusion
The international logistics segment is one of the most profitable within the business service
industry, while almost any other segment, especially in the local markets currently lives
through a difficult time. This situation is mostly driven by the competition of larger
international companies. A business that successfully survives the current temporary slow
down can be certain of increased profitability once the situation rebounds.
The relatively modest investment requirements and running costs (compared to industry
businesses) provide a favorable argument, since external funds from banks becomes more
difficult given that the risk aversion to finance such ventures has risen. A company with
specific knowledge and innovative ideas has good chances to move into profitable market
niches and run a successful business. Market conditions change constantly, as do customer
demands. This is the chance for businesses with innovative ideas and new offerings to secure
a dependable customer basis. Service is a critical factor that can earn a competitive edge.
This is also true for new trends in the industry to better control costs and increase efficiency.
For a successful operation of an international logistics company, five factors are critical and
central for the business strategy:
- In the international logistics industry, it is important that the customer experiences a
comprehensive and competent logistics service. This will secure customer loyalty in a
market that is very fast and competitive.
- The utilization of personnel capacity is critical for the long-term profitability because of
changing margins and the constraints to flexibly reduce personnel. Therefore, the additional
selling of transportation services is a further segment of the business that is integrated in the
sale of the whole business process.
- A carefully selected assortment of services, as well as the selected choice of new
technologies, has the potential to gain a competitive edge against competitors. Furthermore,
a service that aims to give the customer an added value through new services can justify
price mark-ups.
- A critical factor in the logistics industry is quality management. Better quality at lower cost
increases customer satisfaction. Deficiencies in service quality can lower demand, while
good service quality can help create customer loyalty.
- Cost management is a critical success factor for businesses in industries where margins are
low. Computer aided planning is an integral part of cost management.

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