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2 sats or more

60cm fixed dish 2 satellites

Aim Lnb-1 at 19.2 east
Lnb-2 28.2 offset,
make up an L bracket to fit on the side of the 19.2 Lnb left hand side if you are
in front of the dish,
2 way DIsEQc switch,

70cm fixed dish will give you up to 4 satellites Ideal for Raven Dish set up,
Hotbird 13 east will be the central Lnb,
4 way bracket,you can make your own with metal strips with holes & slots from your
car spares shop 2 x L brackets,
(LH side 28.2 east + 19.2 east)+[central 13 east] {+ RH side 5 east}
1 x 4 way DiSEqC switch,

100cm fixed dish 8 satellites positions = 22 satellites from one dish.

28.2 east = Astra-2A,2B,2D,Eurobird-1,
23.5 east = Astra-3A,1D,
19.2 east = Astra-1E,1F,1G,1H,1KA,2C,
16 east --= Eutelsat W-2
13 east---= Hotbird 6,7A,8,
10 east---= Eutelsat W-1
7 east----= Eutelsat W3A
4 east----=Eurobird-4,Sirius-2 & 3,Astra-1C,

2 x 4 way DiSEQc switches & 12 volt switch,Narrow feed horn Lnbs required when
spacing of Lnb's is below 6 degrees & above 3 degrees,

With motors under �60 giving you 32 satellites + a fixed system as above would not
be the cheapest way to go multi satellite but it may suit some people,{28.2 east
to 4 east in under a second}.

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