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Colin Smith

Height: 55 Weight: 165 lbs.

Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue


Junior Productions (full length):
Honk! Jr. Lead (Ugly)
Willy wonka/Chocolate Factory Jr. Supporting (Split-cast)

Full Productions:
To Kill a Mockingbird Supporting (Mr. Gilmer)
Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown Lead (Charlie Brown)
Thoroughly Modern Millie Supporting (Dexter)
And Then There Were None Lead (Dr. Edward Armstrong)
Little Shop of Horrors Supporting (Chorus/crew)


Special skills
Student publications editor
International Thespian Society
Sound Technician

Hobbies & Skills
Choral singing, photography, music composition, remixing, roleplaying, live-action roleplaying,
sparring (rubber training longswords), jogging, writing, graphic design, hiking, camping, drawing

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