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Paola Beas

During my sophomore year at V.IS.A I have learned many new things. Ive been able to understand
these new things better by the helpful projets my teahers have assigned. !ne helpful projet was an art
analysis paper and video that I did for my AP history lass. "he other was a life yle paper and poster
board of any objet for environmental siene. Although Ive been learning new things# the projets have
helped me in my growth in ollege readiness and perspetive on global affairs.
In my AP history lass around September# we were learning about the $enaissane period of art and
artists. As to gain a better perspetive of this period we had to pi% any type of $enaissane art and write a
four page paper on it and ma%e a short video about us e&plaining the artwor%. 'or my essay I pi%ed a
painting alled Sared and Profane (ove by "itan# a famous artist during the $enaissane. During the
proess of onstruting my paper I got stu%# I ran out of things to type. I turned worried thin%ing I
wouldnt be able to reah four pages# this was the first time that Ive been as%ed to do a paper the re)uired
four pages. I then started thin%ing about ollege and how they re)uire students to write way more then four
pages. "his is how I thin% this paper helped me improve in my ollage readiness# it made me reali*e that
what I was doing wasnt that hard. +ow I dont thin% four pages are as hard to write as I used to thin% they
,y life yle paper for environmental siene was about pi%ing any item of your hoie and then
researhing about it. -e had to researh what the objet was made of# were those materials ame from# how
they rafted it# how it was distributed# its onsumption and how the objets an be disposed. -e were
allowed to wor% individually or with a partner# I wor%ed with a partner. -e deided to the life yle of a
omputer mouse. After I was done doing some researh on the mouse I reali*ed what the purpose of this
projet was. "he purpose was to see how the ma%ing of the objet you hose affeted the environment. I
understood that when I was loo%ing at how mouses are distributed# and how they an be disposed of. "he
mouse is distributed by plane and then by tru% and they an be reyled when they are of no use to you
anymore. I thin% that this projet helped me to gain new perspetives on global affairs beause I would
have never thought that the use for a mouse ould affet the environment in that way.
In the end these projets really do help# either preparing you for the future or giving you a better
perspetive on the environment. All of the projets that Ive done so far have all been to prepare us. But all
in there own way# but still has importane hopefully my future projets an be as useful as my previous
ones have been.

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