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Benchmark Examples & Simulations:

For verifying the performance of the proposed SMC, we apply the proposed
algorithm to two simple nonlinear benchmarks which both of them selected
from J. E. Slotin and W. Li, "Applied Nonlinear Control", Prentice-Hall, 1991.
Example 1:
For the first example, let us apply the proposed algorithm to simple nonlinear
model. The simplenonlinear system equation is as follows:

where a(t) is unknown but verifies
Figure (3) shows the phase portrait of unforced system for a(t)=1.5 .
Let us design the SMC as follows:

Here s is simply a weighted sum of the position error and the velocity error

In case of the conventional SMC, the control input is as follows:

In case of the using proposed SMC, the control input is as follows:

link for more details

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