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The Holy Bible

New King James Version 1982 NKJV

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God reated the hea!ens and the earth"
Gen 1:2 The earth was witho#t $orm% and !oid& and dar'ness (was) on the $ae o$ the dee*" +nd the ,*irit o$
God was ho!ering o!er the $ae o$ the waters"
Gen 1:- Then God said% ./et there be light.& and there was light"
Gen 1:0 +nd God saw the light% that (it was) good& and God di!ided the light $rom the dar'ness"
Gen 1:1 God alled the light 2ay% and the dar'ness He alled Night" ,o the e!ening and the morning were the
$irst day"
Gen 1:3 Then God said% ./et there be a $irmament in the midst o$ the waters% and let it di!ide the waters $rom
the waters".
Gen 1:4 Th#s God made the $irmament% and di!ided the waters whih (were) #nder the $irmament $rom the
waters whih (were) abo!e the $irmament& and it was so"
Gen 1:8 +nd God alled the $irmament Hea!en" ,o the e!ening and the morning were the seond day"
Gen 1:9 Then God said% ./et the waters #nder the hea!ens be gathered together into one *lae% and let the dry
(land) a**ear.& and it was so"
Gen 1:15 +nd God alled the dry (land) 6arth% and the gathering together o$ the waters He alled ,eas" +nd
God saw that (it was) good"
Gen 1:11 Then God said% ./et the earth bring $orth grass% the herb (that) yields seed% (and) the $r#it tree (that)
yields $r#it aording to its 'ind% whose seed (is) in itsel$% on the earth.& and it was so"
Gen 1:12 +nd the earth bro#ght $orth grass% the herb (that) yields seed aording to its 'ind% and the tree (that)
yields $r#it% whose seed (is) in itsel$ aording to its 'ind" +nd God saw that (it was) good"
Gen 1:1- ,o the e!ening and the morning were the third day"
Gen 1:10 Then God said% ./et there be lights in the $irmament o$ the hea!ens to di!ide the day $rom the night&
and let them be $or signs and seasons% and $or days and years&
Gen 1:11 .and let them be $or lights in the $irmament o$ the hea!ens to gi!e light on the earth.& and it was so"
Gen 1:13 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to r#le the day% and the lesser light to r#le the night"
(He made) the stars also"
Gen 1:14 God set them in the $irmament o$ the hea!ens to gi!e light on the earth%
Gen 1:18 and to r#le o!er the day and o!er the night% and to di!ide the light $rom the dar'ness" +nd God saw
that (it was) good"
Gen 1:19 ,o the e!ening and the morning were the $o#rth day"
Gen 1:25 Then God said% ./et the waters abo#nd with an ab#ndane o$ li!ing reat#res% and let birds $ly abo!e
the earth aross the $ae o$ the $irmament o$ the hea!ens".
Gen 1:21 ,o God reated great sea reat#res and e!ery li!ing thing that mo!es% with whih the waters
abo#nded% aording to their 'ind% and e!ery winged bird aording to its 'ind" +nd God saw that (it was) good"
Gen 1:22 +nd God blessed them% saying% .Be $r#it$#l and m#lti*ly% and $ill the waters in the seas% and let birds
m#lti*ly on the earth".
Gen 1:2- ,o the e!ening and the morning were the $i$th day"
Gen 1:20 Then God said% ./et the earth bring $orth the li!ing reat#re aording to its 'ind: attle and ree*ing
thing and beast o$ the earth% (eah) aording to its 'ind.& and it was so"
Gen 1:21 +nd God made the beast o$ the earth aording to its 'ind% attle aording to its 'ind% and e!erything
that ree*s on the earth aording to its 'ind" +nd God saw that (it was) good"
Gen 1:23 Then God said% ./et 7s ma'e man in 8#r image% aording to 8#r li'eness& let them ha!e dominion
o!er the $ish o$ the sea% o!er the birds o$ the air% and o!er the attle% o!er all the earth and o!er e!ery ree*ing
thing that ree*s on the earth".
Gen 1:24 ,o God reated man in His (own) image& in the image o$ God He reated him& male and $emale He
reated them"
Gen 1:28 Then God blessed them% and God said to them% .Be $r#it$#l and m#lti*ly& $ill the earth and s#bd#e it&
ha!e dominion o!er the $ish o$ the sea% o!er the birds o$ the air% and o!er e!ery li!ing thing that mo!es on the
Gen 1:29 +nd God said% .,ee% I ha!e gi!en yo# e!ery herb (that) yields seed whih (is) on the $ae o$ all the
earth% and e!ery tree whose $r#it yields seed& to yo# it shall be $or $ood"
Gen 1:-5 .+lso% to e!ery beast o$ the earth% to e!ery bird o$ the air% and to e!erything that ree*s on the earth% in
whih (there is) li$e% (I ha!e gi!en) e!ery green herb $or $ood.& and it was so"
Gen 1:-1 Then God saw e!erything that He had made% and indeed (it was) !ery good" ,o the e!ening and the
morning were the si9th day"
Gen 2:1 Th#s the hea!ens and the earth% and all the host o$ them% were $inished"
Gen 2:2 +nd on the se!enth day God ended His wor' whih He had done% and He rested on the se!enth day
$rom all His wor' whih He had done"
Gen 2:- Then God blessed the se!enth day and santi$ied it% bea#se in it He rested $rom all His wor' whih
God had reated and made"
Gen 2:0 This (is) the history o$ the hea!ens and the earth when they were reated% in the day that the /8:2
God made the earth and the hea!ens%
Gen 2:1 be$ore any *lant o$ the $ield was in the earth and be$ore any herb o$ the $ield had grown" ;or the /8:2
God had not a#sed it to rain on the earth% and (there was) no man to till the gro#nd&
Gen 2:3 b#t a mist went #* $rom the earth and watered the whole $ae o$ the gro#nd"
Gen 2:4 +nd the /8:2 God $ormed man (o$) the d#st o$ the gro#nd% and breathed into his nostrils the breath o$
li$e& and man beame a li!ing being"
Gen 2:8 The /8:2 God *lanted a garden eastward in 6den% and there He *#t the man whom He had $ormed"
Gen 2:9 +nd o#t o$ the gro#nd the /8:2 God made e!ery tree grow that is *leasant to the sight and good $or
$ood" The tree o$ li$e (was) also in the midst o$ the garden% and the tree o$ the 'nowledge o$ good and e!il"
Gen 2:15 Now a ri!er went o#t o$ 6den to water the garden% and $rom there it *arted and beame $o#r
Gen 2:11 The name o$ the $irst (is) <ishon& it (is) the one whih s'irts the whole land o$ Ha!ilah% where (there is)
Gen 2:12 +nd the gold o$ that land (is) good" Bdelli#m and the ony9 stone (are) there"
Gen 2:1- The name o$ the seond ri!er (is) Gihon& it (is) the one whih goes aro#nd the whole land o$ =#sh"
Gen 2:10 The name o$ the third ri!er (is) Hidde'el& it (is) the one whih goes toward the east o$ +ssyria" The
$o#rth ri!er (is) the 6#*hrates"
Gen 2:11 Then the /8:2 God too' the man and *#t him in the garden o$ 6den to tend and 'ee* it"
Gen 2:13 +nd the /8:2 God ommanded the man% saying% .8$ e!ery tree o$ the garden yo# may $reely eat&
Gen 2:14 .b#t o$ the tree o$ the 'nowledge o$ good and e!il yo# shall not eat% $or in the day that yo# eat o$ it yo#
shall s#rely die".
Gen 2:18 +nd the /8:2 God said% .(It is) not good that man sho#ld be alone& I will ma'e him a hel*er
om*arable to him".
Gen 2:19 8#t o$ the gro#nd the /8:2 God $ormed e!ery beast o$ the $ield and e!ery bird o$ the air% and bro#ght
(them) to +dam to see what he wo#ld all them" +nd whate!er +dam alled eah li!ing reat#re% that (was) its
Gen 2:25 ,o +dam ga!e names to all attle% to the birds o$ the air% and to e!ery beast o$ the $ield" B#t $or +dam
there was not $o#nd a hel*er om*arable to him"
Gen 2:21 +nd the /8:2 God a#sed a dee* slee* to $all on +dam% and he sle*t& and He too' one o$ his ribs%
and losed #* the $lesh in its *lae"
Gen 2:22 Then the rib whih the /8:2 God had ta'en $rom man He made into a woman% and He bro#ght her to
the man"
Gen 2:2- +nd +dam said: .This (is) now bone o$ my bones +nd $lesh o$ my $lesh& ,he shall be alled >oman%
Bea#se she was ta'en o#t o$ ?an".
Gen 2:20 There$ore a man shall lea!e his $ather and mother and be @oined to his wi$e% and they shall beome
one $lesh"
Gen 2:21 +nd they were both na'ed% the man and his wi$e% and were not ashamed"
Gen -:1 Now the ser*ent was more #nning than any beast o$ the $ield whih the /8:2 God had made" +nd he
said to the woman% .Has God indeed said% ABo# shall not eat o$ e!ery tree o$ the gardenAC.
Gen -:2 +nd the woman said to the ser*ent% .>e may eat the $r#it o$ the trees o$ the garden&
Gen -:- .b#t o$ the $r#it o$ the tree whih (is) in the midst o$ the garden% God has said% ABo# shall not eat it% nor
shall yo# to#h it% lest yo# die"A .
Gen -:0 Then the ser*ent said to the woman% .Bo# will not s#rely die"
Gen -:1 .;or God 'nows that in the day yo# eat o$ it yo#r eyes will be o*ened% and yo# will be li'e God%
'nowing good and e!il".
Gen -:3 ,o when the woman saw that the tree (was) good $or $ood% that it (was) *leasant to the eyes% and a tree
desirable to ma'e (one) wise% she too' o$ its $r#it and ate" ,he also ga!e to her h#sband with her% and he ate"
Gen -:4 Then the eyes o$ both o$ them were o*ened% and they 'new that they (were) na'ed& and they sewed $ig
lea!es together and made themsel!es o!erings"
Gen -:8 +nd they heard the so#nd o$ the /8:2 God wal'ing in the garden in the ool o$ the day% and +dam and
his wi$e hid themsel!es $rom the *resene o$ the /8:2 God among the trees o$ the garden"
Gen -:9 Then the /8:2 God alled to +dam and said to him% .>here (are) yo#C.
Gen -:15 ,o he said% .I heard Bo#r !oie in the garden% and I was a$raid bea#se I was na'ed& and I hid
Gen -:11 +nd He said% .>ho told yo# that yo# (were) na'edC Ha!e yo# eaten $rom the tree o$ whih I
ommanded yo# that yo# sho#ld not eatC.
Gen -:12 Then the man said% .The woman whom Bo# ga!e (to be) with me% she ga!e me o$ the tree% and I ate".
Gen -:1- +nd the /8:2 God said to the woman% .>hat (is) this yo# ha!e doneC. The woman said% .The
ser*ent deei!ed me% and I ate".
Gen -:10 ,o the /8:2 God said to the ser*ent: .Bea#se yo# ha!e done this% Bo# (are) #rsed more than all
attle% +nd more than e!ery beast o$ the $ield& 8n yo#r belly yo# shall go% +nd yo# shall eat d#st +ll the days o$
yo#r li$e"
Gen -:11 +nd I will *#t enmity Between yo# and the woman% +nd between yo#r seed and her ,eed& He shall
br#ise yo#r head% +nd yo# shall br#ise His heel".
Gen -:13 To the woman He said: .I will greatly m#lti*ly yo#r sorrow and yo#r one*tion& In *ain yo# shall bring
$orth hildren& Bo#r desire (shall be) $or yo#r h#sband% +nd he shall r#le o!er yo#".
Gen -:14 Then to +dam He said% .Bea#se yo# ha!e heeded the !oie o$ yo#r wi$e% and ha!e eaten $rom the
tree o$ whih I ommanded yo#% saying% ABo# shall not eat o$ itA: .=#rsed (is) the gro#nd $or yo#r sa'e& In toil yo#
shall eat (o$) it +ll the days o$ yo#r li$e"
Gen -:18 Both thorns and thistles it shall bring $orth $or yo#% +nd yo# shall eat the herb o$ the $ield"
Gen -:19 In the sweat o$ yo#r $ae yo# shall eat bread Till yo# ret#rn to the gro#nd% ;or o#t o$ it yo# were ta'en&
;or d#st yo# (are%) +nd to d#st yo# shall ret#rn".
Gen -:25 +nd +dam alled his wi$eAs name 6!e% bea#se she was the mother o$ all li!ing"
Gen -:21 +lso $or +dam and his wi$e the /8:2 God made t#nis o$ s'in% and lothed them"
Gen -:22 Then the /8:2 God said% .Behold% the man has beome li'e one o$ 7s% to 'now good and e!il" +nd
now% lest he *#t o#t his hand and ta'e also o$ the tree o$ li$e% and eat% and li!e $ore!er. DD
Gen -:2- there$ore the /8:2 God sent him o#t o$ the garden o$ 6den to till the gro#nd $rom whih he was
Gen -:20 ,o He dro!e o#t the man& and He *laed her#bim at the east o$ the garden o$ 6den% and a $laming
sword whih t#rned e!ery way% to g#ard the way to the tree o$ li$e"
Gen 0:1 Now +dam 'new 6!e his wi$e% and she onei!ed and bore =ain% and said% .I ha!e aE#ired a man
$rom the /8:2".
Gen 0:2 Then she bore again% this time his brother +bel" Now +bel was a 'ee*er o$ shee*% b#t =ain was a tiller
o$ the gro#nd"
Gen 0:- +nd in the *roess o$ time it ame to *ass that =ain bro#ght an o$$ering o$ the $r#it o$ the gro#nd to the
Gen 0:0 +bel also bro#ght o$ the $irstborn o$ his $lo' and o$ their $at" +nd the /8:2 res*eted +bel and his
Gen 0:1 b#t He did not res*et =ain and his o$$ering" +nd =ain was !ery angry% and his o#ntenane $ell"
Gen 0:3 ,o the /8:2 said to =ain% .>hy are yo# angryC +nd why has yo#r o#ntenane $allenC
Gen 0:4 .I$ yo# do well% will yo# not be ae*tedC +nd i$ yo# do not do well% sin lies at the door" +nd its desire
(is) $or yo#% b#t yo# sho#ld r#le o!er it".
Gen 0:8 Now =ain tal'ed with +bel his brother& and it ame to *ass% when they were in the $ield% that =ain rose
#* against +bel his brother and 'illed him"
Gen 0:9 Then the /8:2 said to =ain% .>here (is) +bel yo#r brotherC. He said% .I do not 'now" (+m) I my
brotherAs 'ee*erC.
Gen 0:15 +nd He said% .>hat ha!e yo# doneC The !oie o$ yo#r brotherAs blood ries o#t to ?e $rom the
Gen 0:11 .,o now yo# (are) #rsed $rom the earth% whih has o*ened its mo#th to reei!e yo#r brotherAs blood
$rom yo#r hand"
Gen 0:12 .>hen yo# till the gro#nd% it shall no longer yield its strength to yo#" + $#giti!e and a !agabond yo#
shall be on the earth".
Gen 0:1- +nd =ain said to the /8:2% .?y *#nishment (is) greater than I an bearF
Gen 0:10 .,#rely Bo# ha!e dri!en me o#t this day $rom the $ae o$ the gro#nd& I shall be hidden $rom Bo#r $ae&
I shall be a $#giti!e and a !agabond on the earth% and it will ha**en (that) anyone who $inds me will 'ill me".
Gen 0:11 +nd the /8:2 said to him% .There$ore% whoe!er 'ills =ain% !engeane shall be ta'en on him
se!en$old". +nd the /8:2 set a mar' on =ain% lest anyone $inding him sho#ld 'ill him"
Gen 0:13 Then =ain went o#t $rom the *resene o$ the /8:2 and dwelt in the land o$ Nod on the east o$ 6den"
Gen 0:14 +nd =ain 'new his wi$e% and she onei!ed and bore 6noh" +nd he b#ilt a ity% and alled the name
o$ the ity a$ter the name o$ his son DD 6noh"
Gen 0:18 To 6noh was born Irad& and Irad begot ?eh#@ael% and ?eh#@ael begot ?eth#shael% and ?eth#shael
begot /ameh"
Gen 0:19 Then /ameh too' $or himsel$ two wi!es: the name o$ one (was) +dah% and the name o$ the seond
(was) Gillah"
Gen 0:25 +nd +dah bore Jabal" He was the $ather o$ those who dwell in tents and ha!e li!esto'"
Gen 0:21 His brotherAs name (was) J#bal" He was the $ather o$ all those who *lay the har* and $l#te"
Gen 0:22 +nd as $or Gillah% she also bore T#balD=ain% an instr#tor o$ e!ery ra$tsman in bronHe and iron" +nd
the sister o$ T#balD=ain (was) Naamah"
Gen 0:2- Then /ameh said to his wi!es: .+dah and Gillah% hear my !oie& >i!es o$ /ameh% listen to my
s*eehF ;or I ha!e 'illed a man $or wo#nding me% 6!en a yo#ng man $or h#rting me"
Gen 0:20 I$ =ain shall be a!enged se!en$old% Then /ameh se!entyDse!en$old".
Gen 0:21 +nd +dam 'new his wi$e again% and she bore a son and named him ,eth% .;or God has a**ointed
another seed $or me instead o$ +bel% whom =ain 'illed".
Gen 0:23 +nd as $or ,eth% to him also a son was born& and he named him 6nosh" Then (men) began to all on
the name o$ the /8:2"
Gen 1:1 This is the boo' o$ the genealogy o$ +dam" In the day that God reated man% He made him in the
li'eness o$ God"
Gen 1:2 He reated them male and $emale% and blessed them and alled them ?an'ind in the day they were
Gen 1:- +nd +dam li!ed one h#ndred and thirty years% and begot (a son) in his own li'eness% a$ter his image%
and named him ,eth"
Gen 1:0 +$ter he begot ,eth% the days o$ +dam were eight h#ndred years& and he had sons and da#ghters"
Gen 1:1 ,o all the days that +dam li!ed were nine h#ndred and thirty years& and he died"
Gen 1:3 ,eth li!ed one h#ndred and $i!e years% and begot 6nosh"
Gen 1:4 +$ter he begot 6nosh% ,eth li!ed eight h#ndred and se!en years% and had sons and da#ghters"
Gen 1:8 ,o all the days o$ ,eth were nine h#ndred and twel!e years& and he died"
Gen 1:9 6nosh li!ed ninety years% and begot =ainan"
Gen 1:15 +$ter he begot =ainan% 6nosh li!ed eight h#ndred and $i$teen years% and had sons and da#ghters"
Gen 1:11 ,o all the days o$ 6nosh were nine h#ndred and $i!e years& and he died"
Gen 1:12 =ainan li!ed se!enty years% and begot ?ahalalel"
Gen 1:1- +$ter he begot ?ahalalel% =ainan li!ed eight h#ndred and $orty years% and had sons and da#ghters"
Gen 1:10 ,o all the days o$ =ainan were nine h#ndred and ten years& and he died"
Gen 1:11 ?ahalalel li!ed si9tyD$i!e years% and begot Jared"
Gen 1:13 +$ter he begot Jared% ?ahalalel li!ed eight h#ndred and thirty years% and had sons and da#ghters"
Gen 1:14 ,o all the days o$ ?ahalalel were eight h#ndred and ninetyD$i!e years& and he died"
Gen 1:18 Jared li!ed one h#ndred and si9tyDtwo years% and begot 6noh"
Gen 1:19 +$ter he begot 6noh% Jared li!ed eight h#ndred years% and had sons and da#ghters"
Gen 1:25 ,o all the days o$ Jared were nine h#ndred and si9tyDtwo years& and he died"
Gen 1:21 6noh li!ed si9tyD$i!e years% and begot ?eth#selah"
Gen 1:22 +$ter he begot ?eth#selah% 6noh wal'ed with God three h#ndred years% and had sons and
Gen 1:2- ,o all the days o$ 6noh were three h#ndred and si9tyD$i!e years"
Gen 1:20 +nd 6noh wal'ed with God& and he (was) not% $or God too' him"
Gen 1:21 ?eth#selah li!ed one h#ndred and eightyDse!en years% and begot /ameh"
Gen 1:23 +$ter he begot /ameh% ?eth#selah li!ed se!en h#ndred and eightyDtwo years% and had sons and
Gen 1:24 ,o all the days o$ ?eth#selah were nine h#ndred and si9tyDnine years& and he died"
Gen 1:28 /ameh li!ed one h#ndred and eightyDtwo years% and had a son"
Gen 1:29 +nd he alled his name Noah% saying% .This (one) will om$ort #s onerning o#r wor' and the toil o$
o#r hands% bea#se o$ the gro#nd whih the /8:2 has #rsed".
Gen 1:-5 +$ter he begot Noah% /ameh li!ed $i!e h#ndred and ninetyD$i!e years% and had sons and da#ghters"
Gen 1:-1 ,o all the days o$ /ameh were se!en h#ndred and se!entyDse!en years& and he died"
Gen 1:-2 +nd Noah was $i!e h#ndred years old% and Noah begot ,hem% Ham% and Ja*heth"
Gen 3:1 Now it ame to *ass% when men began to m#lti*ly on the $ae o$ the earth% and da#ghters were born to
Gen 3:2 that the sons o$ God saw the da#ghters o$ men% that they (were) bea#ti$#l& and they too' wi!es $or
themsel!es o$ all whom they hose"
Gen 3:- +nd the /8:2 said% .?y ,*irit shall not stri!e with man $ore!er% $or he (is) indeed $lesh& yet his days
shall be one h#ndred and twenty years".
Gen 3:0 There were giants on the earth in those days% and also a$terward% when the sons o$ God ame in to the
da#ghters o$ men and they bore (hildren) to them" Those (were) the mighty men who (were) o$ old% men o$
Gen 3:1 Then the /8:2 saw that the wi'edness o$ man (was) great in the earth% and (that) e!ery intent o$ the
tho#ghts o$ his heart (was) only e!il ontin#ally"
Gen 3:3 +nd the /8:2 was sorry that He had made man on the earth% and He was grie!ed in His heart"
Gen 3:4 ,o the /8:2 said% .I will destroy man whom I ha!e reated $rom the $ae o$ the earth% both man and
beast% ree*ing thing and birds o$ the air% $or I am sorry that I ha!e made them".
Gen 3:8 B#t Noah $o#nd grae in the eyes o$ the /8:2"
Gen 3:9 This is the genealogy o$ Noah" Noah was a @#st man% *er$et in his generations" Noah wal'ed with God"
Gen 3:15 +nd Noah begot three sons: ,hem% Ham% and Ja*heth"
Gen 3:11 The earth also was orr#*t be$ore God% and the earth was $illed with !iolene"
Gen 3:12 ,o God loo'ed #*on the earth% and indeed it was orr#*t& $or all $lesh had orr#*ted their way on the
Gen 3:1- +nd God said to Noah% .The end o$ all $lesh has ome be$ore ?e% $or the earth is $illed with !iolene
thro#gh them& and behold% I will destroy them with the earth"
Gen 3:10 . ?a'e yo#rsel$ an ar' o$ go*herwood& ma'e rooms in the ar'% and o!er it inside and o#tside with
Gen 3:11 .+nd this is how yo# shall ma'e it: The length o$ the ar' (shall be) three h#ndred #bits% its width $i$ty
#bits% and its height thirty #bits"
Gen 3:13 .Bo# shall ma'e a window $or the ar'% and yo# shall $inish it to a #bit $rom abo!e& and set the door o$
the ar' in its side" Bo# shall ma'e it (with) lower% seond% and third (de's")
Gen 3:14 .+nd behold% I ?ysel$ am bringing $loodwaters on the earth% to destroy $rom #nder hea!en all $lesh in
whih (is) the breath o$ li$e& e!erything that (is) on the earth shall die"
Gen 3:18 .B#t I will establish ?y o!enant with yo#& and yo# shall go into the ar' DD yo#% yo#r sons% yo#r wi$e%
and yo#r sonsA wi!es with yo#"
Gen 3:19 .+nd o$ e!ery li!ing thing o$ all $lesh yo# shall bring two o$ e!ery (sort) into the ar'% to 'ee* (them) ali!e
with yo#& they shall be male and $emale"
Gen 3:25 .8$ the birds a$ter their 'ind% o$ animals a$ter their 'ind% and o$ e!ery ree*ing thing o$ the earth a$ter
its 'ind% two o$ e!ery ('ind) will ome to yo# to 'ee* (them) ali!e"
Gen 3:21 .+nd yo# shall ta'e $or yo#rsel$ o$ all $ood that is eaten% and yo# shall gather (it) to yo#rsel$& and it
shall be $ood $or yo# and $or them".
Gen 3:22 Th#s Noah did& aording to all that God ommanded him% so he did"
Gen 4:1 Then the /8:2 said to Noah% .=ome into the ar'% yo# and all yo#r ho#sehold% bea#se I ha!e seen
(that) yo# (are) righteo#s be$ore ?e in this generation"
Gen 4:2 .Bo# shall ta'e with yo# se!en eah o$ e!ery lean animal% a male and his $emale& two eah o$ animals
that (are) #nlean% a male and his $emale&
Gen 4:- .also se!en eah o$ birds o$ the air% male and $emale% to 'ee* the s*eies ali!e on the $ae o$ all the
Gen 4:0 .;or a$ter se!en more days I will a#se it to rain on the earth $orty days and $orty nights% and I will
destroy $rom the $ae o$ the earth all li!ing things that I ha!e made".
Gen 4:1 +nd Noah did aording to all that the /8:2 ommanded him"
Gen 4:3 Noah (was) si9 h#ndred years old when the $loodwaters were on the earth"
Gen 4:4 ,o Noah% with his sons% his wi$e% and his sonsA wi!es% went into the ar' bea#se o$ the waters o$ the
Gen 4:8 8$ lean animals% o$ animals that (are) #nlean% o$ birds% and o$ e!erything that ree*s on the earth%
Gen 4:9 two by two they went into the ar' to Noah% male and $emale% as God had ommanded Noah"
Gen 4:15 +nd it ame to *ass a$ter se!en days that the waters o$ the $lood were on the earth"
Gen 4:11 In the si9 h#ndredth year o$ NoahAs li$e% in the seond month% the se!enteenth day o$ the month% on
that day all the $o#ntains o$ the great dee* were bro'en #*% and the windows o$ hea!en were o*ened"
Gen 4:12 +nd the rain was on the earth $orty days and $orty nights"
Gen 4:1- 8n the !ery same day Noah and NoahAs sons% ,hem% Ham% and Ja*heth% and NoahAs wi$e and the
three wi!es o$ his sons with them% entered the ar' DD
Gen 4:10 they and e!ery beast a$ter its 'ind% all attle a$ter their 'ind% e!ery ree*ing thing that ree*s on the
earth a$ter its 'ind% and e!ery bird a$ter its 'ind% e!ery bird o$ e!ery sort"
Gen 4:11 +nd they went into the ar' to Noah% two by two% o$ all $lesh in whih (is) the breath o$ li$e"
Gen 4:13 ,o those that entered% male and $emale o$ all $lesh% went in as God had ommanded him& and the
/8:2 sh#t him in"
Gen 4:14 Now the $lood was on the earth $orty days" The waters inreased and li$ted #* the ar'% and it rose high
abo!e the earth"
Gen 4:18 The waters *re!ailed and greatly inreased on the earth% and the ar' mo!ed abo#t on the s#r$ae o$
the waters"
Gen 4:19 +nd the waters *re!ailed e9eedingly on the earth% and all the high hills #nder the whole hea!en were
Gen 4:25 The waters *re!ailed $i$teen #bits #*ward% and the mo#ntains were o!ered"
Gen 4:21 +nd all $lesh died that mo!ed on the earth: birds and attle and beasts and e!ery ree*ing thing that
ree*s on the earth% and e!ery man"
Gen 4:22 +ll in whose nostrils (was) the breath o$ the s*irit o$ li$e% all that (was) on the dry (land%) died"
Gen 4:2- ,o He destroyed all li!ing things whih were on the $ae o$ the gro#nd: both man and attle% ree*ing
thing and bird o$ the air" They were destroyed $rom the earth" 8nly Noah and those who (were) with him in the
ar' remained (ali!e")
Gen 4:20 +nd the waters *re!ailed on the earth one h#ndred and $i$ty days"
Gen 8:1 Then God remembered Noah% and e!ery li!ing thing% and all the animals that (were) with him in the ar'"
+nd God made a wind to *ass o!er the earth% and the waters s#bsided"
Gen 8:2 The $o#ntains o$ the dee* and the windows o$ hea!en were also sto**ed% and the rain $rom hea!en
was restrained"
Gen 8:- +nd the waters reeded ontin#ally $rom the earth" +t the end o$ the h#ndred and $i$ty days the waters
Gen 8:0 Then the ar' rested in the se!enth month% the se!enteenth day o$ the month% on the mo#ntains o$
Gen 8:1 +nd the waters dereased ontin#ally #ntil the tenth month" In the tenth (month%) on the $irst (day) o$ the
month% the to*s o$ the mo#ntains were seen"
Gen 8:3 ,o it ame to *ass% at the end o$ $orty days% that Noah o*ened the window o$ the ar' whih he had
Gen 8:4 Then he sent o#t a ra!en% whih 'e*t going to and $ro #ntil the waters had dried #* $rom the earth"
Gen 8:8 He also sent o#t $rom himsel$ a do!e% to see i$ the waters had reeded $rom the $ae o$ the gro#nd"
Gen 8:9 B#t the do!e $o#nd no resting *lae $or the sole o$ her $oot% and she ret#rned into the ar' to him% $or the
waters (were) on the $ae o$ the whole earth" ,o he *#t o#t his hand and too' her% and drew her into the ar' to
Gen 8:15 +nd he waited yet another se!en days% and again he sent the do!e o#t $rom the ar'"
Gen 8:11 Then the do!e ame to him in the e!ening% and behold% a $reshly *l#'ed oli!e lea$ (was) in her mo#th&
and Noah 'new that the waters had reeded $rom the earth"
Gen 8:12 ,o he waited yet another se!en days and sent o#t the do!e% whih did not ret#rn again to him
Gen 8:1- +nd it ame to *ass in the si9 h#ndred and $irst year% in the $irst (month%) the $irst (day) o$ the month%
that the waters were dried #* $rom the earth& and Noah remo!ed the o!ering o$ the ar' and loo'ed% and indeed
the s#r$ae o$ the gro#nd was dry"
Gen 8:10 +nd in the seond month% on the twentyDse!enth day o$ the month% the earth was dried"
Gen 8:11 Then God s*o'e to Noah% saying%
Gen 8:13 .Go o#t o$ the ar'% yo# and yo#r wi$e% and yo#r sons and yo#r sonsA wi!es with yo#"
Gen 8:14 .Bring o#t with yo# e!ery li!ing thing o$ all $lesh that (is) with yo#: birds and attle and e!ery ree*ing
thing that ree*s on the earth% so that they may abo#nd on the earth% and be $r#it$#l and m#lti*ly on the earth".
Gen 8:18 ,o Noah went o#t% and his sons and his wi$e and his sonsA wi!es with him"
Gen 8:19 6!ery animal% e!ery ree*ing thing% e!ery bird% (and) whate!er ree*s on the earth% aording to their
$amilies% went o#t o$ the ar'"
Gen 8:25 Then Noah b#ilt an altar to the /8:2% and too' o$ e!ery lean animal and o$ e!ery lean bird% and
o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings on the altar"
Gen 8:21 +nd the /8:2 smelled a soothing aroma" Then the /8:2 said in His heart% .I will ne!er again #rse
the gro#nd $or manAs sa'e% altho#gh the imagination o$ manAs heart (is) e!il $rom his yo#th& nor will I again
destroy e!ery li!ing thing as I ha!e done"
Gen 8:22 .>hile the earth remains% ,eedtime and har!est% =old and heat% >inter and s#mmer% +nd day and
night ,hall not ease".
Gen 9:1 ,o God blessed Noah and his sons% and said to them: .Be $r#it$#l and m#lti*ly% and $ill the earth"
Gen 9:2 .+nd the $ear o$ yo# and the dread o$ yo# shall be on e!ery beast o$ the earth% on e!ery bird o$ the air%
on all that mo!e (on) the earth% and on all the $ish o$ the sea" They are gi!en into yo#r hand"
Gen 9:- .6!ery mo!ing thing that li!es shall be $ood $or yo#" I ha!e gi!en yo# all things% e!en as the green
Gen 9:0 .B#t yo# shall not eat $lesh with its li$e% (that is%) its blood"
Gen 9:1 .,#rely $or yo#r li$eblood I will demand (a re'oning&) $rom the hand o$ e!ery beast I will reE#ire it% and
$rom the hand o$ man" ;rom the hand o$ e!ery manAs brother I will reE#ire the li$e o$ man"
Gen 9:3 .>hoe!er sheds manAs blood% By man his blood shall be shed& ;or in the image o$ God He made man"
Gen 9:4 +nd as $or yo#% be $r#it$#l and m#lti*ly& Bring $orth ab#ndantly in the earth +nd m#lti*ly in it".
Gen 9:8 Then God s*o'e to Noah and to his sons with him% saying:
Gen 9:9 .+nd as $or ?e% behold% I establish ?y o!enant with yo# and with yo#r desendants a$ter yo#%
Gen 9:15 .and with e!ery li!ing reat#re that (is) with yo#: the birds% the attle% and e!ery beast o$ the earth with
yo#% o$ all that go o#t o$ the ar'% e!ery beast o$ the earth"
Gen 9:11 .Th#s I establish ?y o!enant with yo#: Ne!er again shall all $lesh be #t o$$ by the waters o$ the
$lood& ne!er again shall there be a $lood to destroy the earth".
Gen 9:12 +nd God said: .This (is) the sign o$ the o!enant whih I ma'e between ?e and yo#% and e!ery li!ing
reat#re that (is) with yo#% $or *er*et#al generations:
Gen 9:1- .I set ?y rainbow in the lo#d% and it shall be $or the sign o$ the o!enant between ?e and the earth"
Gen 9:10 .It shall be% when I bring a lo#d o!er the earth% that the rainbow shall be seen in the lo#d&
Gen 9:11 .and I will remember ?y o!enant whih (is) between ?e and yo# and e!ery li!ing reat#re o$ all
$lesh& the waters shall ne!er again beome a $lood to destroy all $lesh"
Gen 9:13 .The rainbow shall be in the lo#d% and I will loo' on it to remember the e!erlasting o!enant between
God and e!ery li!ing reat#re o$ all $lesh that (is) on the earth".
Gen 9:14 +nd God said to Noah% .This (is) the sign o$ the o!enant whih I ha!e established between ?e and
all $lesh that (is) on the earth".
Gen 9:18 Now the sons o$ Noah who went o#t o$ the ar' were ,hem% Ham% and Ja*heth" +nd Ham (was) the
$ather o$ =anaan"
Gen 9:19 These three (were) the sons o$ Noah% and $rom these the whole earth was *o*#lated"
Gen 9:25 +nd Noah began (to be) a $armer% and he *lanted a !ineyard"
Gen 9:21 Then he dran' o$ the wine and was dr#n'% and beame #no!ered in his tent"
Gen 9:22 +nd Ham% the $ather o$ =anaan% saw the na'edness o$ his $ather% and told his two brothers o#tside"
Gen 9:2- B#t ,hem and Ja*heth too' a garment% laid (it) on both their sho#lders% and went ba'ward and
o!ered the na'edness o$ their $ather" Their $aes (were) t#rned away% and they did not see their $atherAs
Gen 9:20 ,o Noah awo'e $rom his wine% and 'new what his yo#nger son had done to him"
Gen 9:21 Then he said: .=#rsed (be) =anaan& + ser!ant o$ ser!ants He shall be to his brethren".
Gen 9:23 +nd he said: .Blessed (be) the /8:2% The God o$ ,hem% +nd may =anaan be his ser!ant"
Gen 9:24 ?ay God enlarge Ja*heth% +nd may he dwell in the tents o$ ,hem& +nd may =anaan be his ser!ant".
Gen 9:28 +nd Noah li!ed a$ter the $lood three h#ndred and $i$ty years"
Gen 9:29 ,o all the days o$ Noah were nine h#ndred and $i$ty years& and he died"
Gen 15:1 Now this (is) the genealogy o$ the sons o$ Noah: ,hem% Ham% and Ja*heth" +nd sons were born to
them a$ter the $lood"
Gen 15:2 The sons o$ Ja*heth (were) Gomer% ?agog% ?adai% Ja!an% T#bal% ?esheh% and Tiras"
Gen 15:- The sons o$ Gomer (were) +sh'enaH% :i*hath% and Togarmah"
Gen 15:0 The sons o$ Ja!an (were) 6lishah% Tarshish% Kittim% and 2odanim"
Gen 15:1 ;rom these the oastland (*eo*les) o$ the Gentiles were se*arated into their lands% e!eryone
aording to his lang#age% aording to their $amilies% into their nations"
Gen 15:3 The sons o$ Ham (were) =#sh% ?iHraim% <#t% and =anaan"
Gen 15:4 The sons o$ =#sh (were) ,eba% Ha!ilah% ,abtah% :aamah% and ,abtehah& and the sons o$ :aamah
(were) ,heba and 2edan"
Gen 15:8 =#sh begot Nimrod& he began to be a mighty one on the earth"
Gen 15:9 He was a mighty h#nter be$ore the /8:2& there$ore it is said% ./i'e Nimrod the mighty h#nter be$ore
the /8:2".
Gen 15:15 +nd the beginning o$ his 'ingdom was Babel% 6reh% +ad% and =alneh% in the land o$ ,hinar"
Gen 15:11 ;rom that land he went to +ssyria and b#ilt Nine!eh% :ehoboth Ir% =alah%
Gen 15:12 and :esen between Nine!eh and =alah Ithat (is) the *rini*al ityJ"
Gen 15:1- ?iHraim begot /#dim% +namim% /ehabim% Na*ht#him%
Gen 15:10 <athr#sim% and =asl#him I$rom whom ame the <hilistines and =a*htorimJ"
Gen 15:11 =anaan begot ,idon his $irstborn% and Heth&
Gen 15:13 the Jeb#site% the +morite% and the Girgashite&
Gen 15:14 the Hi!ite% the +r'ite% and the ,inite&
Gen 15:18 the +r!adite% the Gemarite% and the Hamathite" +$terward the $amilies o$ the =anaanites were
Gen 15:19 +nd the border o$ the =anaanites was $rom ,idon as yo# go toward Gerar% as $ar as GaHa& then as
yo# go toward ,odom% Gomorrah% +dmah% and Geboiim% as $ar as /asha"
Gen 15:25 These (were) the sons o$ Ham% aording to their $amilies% aording to their lang#ages% in their lands
(and) in their nations"
Gen 15:21 +nd (hildren) were born also to ,hem% the $ather o$ all the hildren o$ 6ber% the brother o$ Ja*heth
the elder"
Gen 15:22 The sons o$ ,hem (were) 6lam% +ssh#r% +r*ha9ad% /#d% and +ram"
Gen 15:2- The sons o$ +ram (were) 7H% H#l% Gether% and ?ash"
Gen 15:20 +r*ha9ad begot ,alah% and ,alah begot 6ber"
Gen 15:21 To 6ber were born two sons: the name o$ one (was) <eleg% $or in his days the earth was di!ided& and
his brotherAs name (was) Jo'tan"
Gen 15:23 Jo'tan begot +lmodad% ,hele*h% HaHarma!eth% Jerah%
Gen 15:24 Hadoram% 7Hal% 2i'lah%
Gen 15:28 8bal% +bimael% ,heba%
Gen 15:29 8*hir% Ha!ilah% and Jobab" +ll these (were) the sons o$ Jo'tan"
Gen 15:-5 +nd their dwelling *lae was $rom ?esha as yo# go toward ,e*har% the mo#ntain o$ the east"
Gen 15:-1 These (were) the sons o$ ,hem% aording to their $amilies% aording to their lang#ages% in their
lands% aording to their nations"
Gen 15:-2 These (were) the $amilies o$ the sons o$ Noah% aording to their generations% in their nations& and
$rom these the nations were di!ided on the earth a$ter the $lood"
Gen 11:1 Now the whole earth had one lang#age and one s*eeh"
Gen 11:2 +nd it ame to *ass% as they @o#rneyed $rom the east% that they $o#nd a *lain in the land o$ ,hinar% and
they dwelt there"
Gen 11:- Then they said to one another% .=ome% let #s ma'e bri's and ba'e (them) thoro#ghly". They had
bri' $or stone% and they had as*halt $or mortar"
Gen 11:0 +nd they said% .=ome% let #s b#ild o#rsel!es a ity% and a tower whose to* (is) in the hea!ens& let #s
ma'e a name $or o#rsel!es% lest we be sattered abroad o!er the $ae o$ the whole earth".
Gen 11:1 B#t the /8:2 ame down to see the ity and the tower whih the sons o$ men had b#ilt"
Gen 11:3 +nd the /8:2 said% .Indeed the *eo*le (are) one and they all ha!e one lang#age% and this is what
they begin to do& now nothing that they *ro*ose to do will be withheld $rom them"
Gen 11:4 .=ome% let 7s go down and there on$#se their lang#age% that they may not #nderstand one anotherAs
Gen 11:8 ,o the /8:2 sattered them abroad $rom there o!er the $ae o$ all the earth% and they eased
b#ilding the ity"
Gen 11:9 There$ore its name is alled Babel% bea#se there the /8:2 on$#sed the lang#age o$ all the earth&
and $rom there the /8:2 sattered them abroad o!er the $ae o$ all the earth"
Gen 11:15 This (is) the genealogy o$ ,hem: ,hem (was) one h#ndred years old% and begot +r*ha9ad two years
a$ter the $lood"
Gen 11:11 +$ter he begot +r*ha9ad% ,hem li!ed $i!e h#ndred years% and begot sons and da#ghters"
Gen 11:12 +r*ha9ad li!ed thirtyD$i!e years% and begot ,alah"
Gen 11:1- +$ter he begot ,alah% +r*ha9ad li!ed $o#r h#ndred and three years% and begot sons and da#ghters"
Gen 11:10 ,alah li!ed thirty years% and begot 6ber"
Gen 11:11 +$ter he begot 6ber% ,alah li!ed $o#r h#ndred and three years% and begot sons and da#ghters"
Gen 11:13 6ber li!ed thirtyD$o#r years% and begot <eleg"
Gen 11:14 +$ter he begot <eleg% 6ber li!ed $o#r h#ndred and thirty years% and begot sons and da#ghters"
Gen 11:18 <eleg li!ed thirty years% and begot :e#"
Gen 11:19 +$ter he begot :e#% <eleg li!ed two h#ndred and nine years% and begot sons and da#ghters"
Gen 11:25 :e# li!ed thirtyDtwo years% and begot ,er#g"
Gen 11:21 +$ter he begot ,er#g% :e# li!ed two h#ndred and se!en years% and begot sons and da#ghters"
Gen 11:22 ,er#g li!ed thirty years% and begot Nahor"
Gen 11:2- +$ter he begot Nahor% ,er#g li!ed two h#ndred years% and begot sons and da#ghters"
Gen 11:20 Nahor li!ed twentyDnine years% and begot Terah"
Gen 11:21 +$ter he begot Terah% Nahor li!ed one h#ndred and nineteen years% and begot sons and da#ghters"
Gen 11:23 Now Terah li!ed se!enty years% and begot +bram% Nahor% and Haran"
Gen 11:24 This (is) the genealogy o$ Terah: Terah begot +bram% Nahor% and Haran" Haran begot /ot"
Gen 11:28 +nd Haran died be$ore his $ather Terah in his nati!e land% in 7r o$ the =haldeans"
Gen 11:29 Then +bram and Nahor too' wi!es: the name o$ +bramAs wi$e (was) ,arai% and the name o$ NahorAs
wi$e% ?ilah% the da#ghter o$ Haran the $ather o$ ?ilah and the $ather o$ Isah"
Gen 11:-5 B#t ,arai was barren& she had no hild"
Gen 11:-1 +nd Terah too' his son +bram and his grandson /ot% the son o$ Haran% and his da#ghterDinDlaw
,arai% his son +bramAs wi$e% and they went o#t with them $rom 7r o$ the =haldeans to go to the land o$ =anaan&
and they ame to Haran and dwelt there"
Gen 11:-2 ,o the days o$ Terah were two h#ndred and $i!e years% and Terah died in Haran"
Gen 12:1 Now the /8:2 had said to +bram: .Get o#t o$ yo#r o#ntry% ;rom yo#r $amily +nd $rom yo#r $atherAs
ho#se% To a land that I will show yo#"
Gen 12:2 I will ma'e yo# a great nation& I will bless yo# +nd ma'e yo#r name great& +nd yo# shall be a
Gen 12:- I will bless those who bless yo#% +nd I will #rse him who #rses yo#& +nd in yo# all the $amilies o$ the
earth shall be blessed".
Gen 12:0 ,o +bram de*arted as the /8:2 had s*o'en to him% and /ot went with him" +nd +bram (was)
se!entyD$i!e years old when he de*arted $rom Haran"
Gen 12:1 Then +bram too' ,arai his wi$e and /ot his brotherAs son% and all their *ossessions that they had
gathered% and the *eo*le whom they had aE#ired in Haran% and they de*arted to go to the land o$ =anaan" ,o
they ame to the land o$ =anaan"
Gen 12:3 +bram *assed thro#gh the land to the *lae o$ ,hehem% as $ar as the terebinth tree o$ ?oreh" +nd
the =anaanites (were) then in the land"
Gen 12:4 Then the /8:2 a**eared to +bram and said% .To yo#r desendants I will gi!e this land". +nd there he
b#ilt an altar to the /8:2% who had a**eared to him"
Gen 12:8 +nd he mo!ed $rom there to the mo#ntain east o$ Bethel% and he *ithed his tent (with) Bethel on the
west and +i on the east& there he b#ilt an altar to the /8:2 and alled on the name o$ the /8:2"
Gen 12:9 ,o +bram @o#rneyed% going on still toward the ,o#th"
Gen 12:15 Now there was a $amine in the land% and +bram went down to 6gy*t to dwell there% $or the $amine
(was) se!ere in the land"
Gen 12:11 +nd it ame to *ass% when he was lose to entering 6gy*t% that he said to ,arai his wi$e% .Indeed I
'now that yo# (are) a woman o$ bea#ti$#l o#ntenane"
Gen 12:12 .There$ore it will ha**en% when the 6gy*tians see yo#% that they will say% AThis (is) his wi$eA& and they
will 'ill me% b#t they will let yo# li!e"
Gen 12:1- .<lease say yo# (are) my sister% that it may be well with me $or yo#r sa'e% and that I may li!e
bea#se o$ yo#".
Gen 12:10 ,o it was% when +bram ame into 6gy*t% that the 6gy*tians saw the woman% that she (was) !ery
Gen 12:11 The *rines o$ <haraoh also saw her and ommended her to <haraoh" +nd the woman was ta'en to
<haraohAs ho#se"
Gen 12:13 He treated +bram well $or her sa'e" He had shee*% o9en% male don'eys% male and $emale ser!ants%
$emale don'eys% and amels"
Gen 12:14 B#t the /8:2 *lag#ed <haraoh and his ho#se with great *lag#es bea#se o$ ,arai% +bramAs wi$e"
Gen 12:18 +nd <haraoh alled +bram and said% .>hat (is) this yo# ha!e done to meC >hy did yo# not tell me
that she (was) yo#r wi$eC
Gen 12:19 .>hy did yo# say% A,he (is) my sisterAC I might ha!e ta'en her as my wi$e" Now there$ore% here is yo#r
wi$e& ta'e (her) and go yo#r way".
Gen 12:25 ,o <haraoh ommanded (his) men onerning him& and they sent him away% with his wi$e and all that
he had"
Gen 1-:1 Then +bram went #* $rom 6gy*t% he and his wi$e and all that he had% and /ot with him% to the ,o#th"
Gen 1-:2 +bram (was) !ery rih in li!esto'% in sil!er% and in gold"
Gen 1-:- +nd he went on his @o#rney $rom the ,o#th as $ar as Bethel% to the *lae where his tent had been at
the beginning% between Bethel and +i%
Gen 1-:0 to the *lae o$ the altar whih he had made there at $irst" +nd there +bram alled on the name o$ the
Gen 1-:1 /ot also% who went with +bram% had $lo's and herds and tents"
Gen 1-:3 Now the land was not able to s#**ort them% that they might dwell together% $or their *ossessions were
so great that they o#ld not dwell together"
Gen 1-:4 +nd there was stri$e between the herdsmen o$ +bramAs li!esto' and the herdsmen o$ /otAs li!esto'"
The =anaanites and the <eriHHites then dwelt in the land"
Gen 1-:8 ,o +bram said to /ot% .<lease let there be no stri$e between yo# and me% and between my herdsmen
and yo#r herdsmen& $or we (are) brethren"
Gen 1-:9 .(Is) not the whole land be$ore yo#C <lease se*arate $rom me" I$ (yo# ta'e) the le$t% then I will go to the
right& or% i$ (yo# go) to the right% then I will go to the le$t".
Gen 1-:15 +nd /ot li$ted his eyes and saw all the *lain o$ Jordan% that it (was) well watered e!erywhere Ibe$ore
the /8:2 destroyed ,odom and GomorrahJ li'e the garden o$ the /8:2% li'e the land o$ 6gy*t as yo# go
toward Goar"
Gen 1-:11 Then /ot hose $or himsel$ all the *lain o$ Jordan% and /ot @o#rneyed east" +nd they se*arated $rom
eah other"
Gen 1-:12 +bram dwelt in the land o$ =anaan% and /ot dwelt in the ities o$ the *lain and *ithed (his) tent e!en
as $ar as ,odom"
Gen 1-:1- B#t the men o$ ,odom (were) e9eedingly wi'ed and sin$#l against the /8:2"
Gen 1-:10 +nd the /8:2 said to +bram% a$ter /ot had se*arated $rom him: ./i$t yo#r eyes now and loo' $rom
the *lae where yo# are DD northward% so#thward% eastward% and westward&
Gen 1-:11 .$or all the land whih yo# see I gi!e to yo# and yo#r desendants $ore!er"
Gen 1-:13 .+nd I will ma'e yo#r desendants as the d#st o$ the earth& so that i$ a man o#ld n#mber the d#st o$
the earth% (then) yo#r desendants also o#ld be n#mbered"
Gen 1-:14 .+rise% wal' in the land thro#gh its length and its width% $or I gi!e it to yo#".
Gen 1-:18 Then +bram mo!ed (his) tent% and went and dwelt by the terebinth trees o$ ?amre% whih (are) in
Hebron% and b#ilt an altar there to the /8:2"
Gen 10:1 +nd it ame to *ass in the days o$ +mra*hel 'ing o$ ,hinar% +rioh 'ing o$ 6llasar% =hedorlaomer 'ing
o$ 6lam% and Tidal 'ing o$ nations%
Gen 10:2 (that) they made war with Bera 'ing o$ ,odom% Birsha 'ing o$ Gomorrah% ,hinab 'ing o$ +dmah%
,hemeber 'ing o$ Geboiim% and the 'ing o$ Bela Ithat is% GoarJ"
Gen 10:- +ll these @oined together in the Valley o$ ,iddim Ithat is% the ,alt ,eaJ"
Gen 10:0 Twel!e years they ser!ed =hedorlaomer% and in the thirteenth year they rebelled"
Gen 10:1 In the $o#rteenth year =hedorlaomer and the 'ings that (were) with him ame and atta'ed the
:e*haim in +shteroth Karnaim% the G#Him in Ham% the 6mim in ,ha!eh Kiriathaim%
Gen 10:3 and the Horites in their mo#ntain o$ ,eir% as $ar as 6l <aran% whih (is) by the wilderness"
Gen 10:4 Then they t#rned ba' and ame to 6n ?ish*at Ithat (is%) KadeshJ% and atta'ed all the o#ntry o$ the
+male'ites% and also the +morites who dwelt in HaHeHon Tamar"
Gen 10:8 +nd the 'ing o$ ,odom% the 'ing o$ Gomorrah% the 'ing o$ +dmah% the 'ing o$ Geboiim% and the 'ing o$
Bela Ithat (is%) GoarJ went o#t and @oined together in battle in the Valley o$ ,iddim
Gen 10:9 against =hedorlaomer 'ing o$ 6lam% Tidal 'ing o$ nations% +mra*hel 'ing o$ ,hinar% and +rioh 'ing o$
6llasar DD $o#r 'ings against $i!e"
Gen 10:15 Now the Valley o$ ,iddim (was $#ll o$) as*halt *its& and the 'ings o$ ,odom and Gomorrah $led&
(some) $ell there% and the remainder $led to the mo#ntains"
Gen 10:11 Then they too' all the goods o$ ,odom and Gomorrah% and all their *ro!isions% and went their way"
Gen 10:12 They also too' /ot% +bramAs brotherAs son who dwelt in ,odom% and his goods% and de*arted"
Gen 10:1- Then one who had esa*ed ame and told +bram the Hebrew% $or he dwelt by the terebinth trees o$
?amre the +morite% brother o$ 6shol and brother o$ +ner& and they (were) allies with +bram"
Gen 10:10 Now when +bram heard that his brother was ta'en a*ti!e% he armed his three h#ndred and
eighteen trained (ser!ants) who were born in his own ho#se% and went in *#rs#it as $ar as 2an"
Gen 10:11 He di!ided his $ores against them by night% and he and his ser!ants atta'ed them and *#rs#ed
them as $ar as Hobah% whih (is) north o$ 2amas#s"
Gen 10:13 ,o he bro#ght ba' all the goods% and also bro#ght ba' his brother /ot and his goods% as well as
the women and the *eo*le"
Gen 10:14 +nd the 'ing o$ ,odom went o#t to meet him at the Valley o$ ,ha!eh Ithat (is%) the KingAs ValleyJ%
a$ter his ret#rn $rom the de$eat o$ =hedorlaomer and the 'ings who (were) with him"
Gen 10:18 Then ?elhiHede' 'ing o$ ,alem bro#ght o#t bread and wine& he (was) the *riest o$ God ?ost High"
Gen 10:19 +nd he blessed him and said: .Blessed be +bram o$ God ?ost High% <ossessor o$ hea!en and
Gen 10:25 +nd blessed be God ?ost High% >ho has deli!ered yo#r enemies into yo#r hand". +nd he ga!e him
a tithe o$ all"
Gen 10:21 Now the 'ing o$ ,odom said to +bram% .Gi!e me the *ersons% and ta'e the goods $or yo#rsel$".
Gen 10:22 B#t +bram said to the 'ing o$ ,odom% .I ha!e raised my hand to the /8:2% God ?ost High% the
<ossessor o$ hea!en and earth%
Gen 10:2- .that I (will ta'e) nothing% $rom a thread to a sandal stra*% and that I will not ta'e anything that (is)
yo#rs% lest yo# sho#ld say% AI ha!e made +bram rihA DD
Gen 10:20 .e9e*t only what the yo#ng men ha!e eaten% and the *ortion o$ the men who went with me: +ner%
6shol% and ?amre& let them ta'e their *ortion".
Gen 11:1 +$ter these things the word o$ the /8:2 ame to +bram in a !ision% saying% .2o not be a$raid% +bram"
I (am) yo#r shield% yo#r e9eedingly great reward".
Gen 11:2 B#t +bram said% ./ord G82% what will Bo# gi!e me% seeing I go hildless% and the heir o$ my ho#se (is)
6lieHer o$ 2amas#sC.
Gen 11:- Then +bram said% ./oo'% Bo# ha!e gi!en me no o$$s*ring& indeed one born in my ho#se is my heirF.
Gen 11:0 +nd behold% the word o$ the /8:2 (ame) to him% saying% .This one shall not be yo#r heir% b#t one
who will ome $rom yo#r own body shall be yo#r heir".
Gen 11:1 Then He bro#ght him o#tside and said% ./oo' now toward hea!en% and o#nt the stars i$ yo# are able
to n#mber them". +nd He said to him% .,o shall yo#r desendants be".
Gen 11:3 +nd he belie!ed in the /8:2% and He ao#nted it to him $or righteo#sness"
Gen 11:4 Then He said to him% .I (am) the /8:2% who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ 7r o$ the =haldeans% to gi!e yo# this
land to inherit it".
Gen 11:8 +nd he said% ./ord G82% how shall I 'now that I will inherit itC.
Gen 11:9 ,o He said to him% .Bring ?e a threeDyearDold hei$er% a threeDyearDold $emale goat% a threeDyearDold
ram% a t#rtledo!e% and a yo#ng *igeon".
Gen 11:15 Then he bro#ght all these to Him and #t them in two% down the middle% and *laed eah *iee
o**osite the other& b#t he did not #t the birds in two"
Gen 11:11 +nd when the !#lt#res ame down on the arasses% +bram dro!e them away"
Gen 11:12 Now when the s#n was going down% a dee* slee* $ell #*on +bram& and behold% horror (and) great
dar'ness $ell #*on him"
Gen 11:1- Then He said to +bram: .Know ertainly that yo#r desendants will be strangers in a land (that is) not
theirs% and will ser!e them% and they will a$$lit them $o#r h#ndred years"
Gen 11:10 .+nd also the nation whom they ser!e I will @#dge& a$terward they shall ome o#t with great
Gen 11:11 .Now as $or yo#% yo# shall go to yo#r $athers in *eae& yo# shall be b#ried at a good old age"
Gen 11:13 .B#t in the $o#rth generation they shall ret#rn here% $or the iniE#ity o$ the +morites (is) not yet
Gen 11:14 +nd it ame to *ass% when the s#n went down and it was dar'% that behold% there a**eared a
smo'ing o!en and a b#rning torh that *assed between those *iees"
Gen 11:18 8n the same day the /8:2 made a o!enant with +bram% saying: .To yo#r desendants I ha!e
gi!en this land% $rom the ri!er o$ 6gy*t to the great ri!er% the :i!er 6#*hrates DD
Gen 11:19 .the Kenites% the KeneHHites% the Kadmonites%
Gen 11:25 .the Hittites% the <eriHHites% the :e*haim%
Gen 11:21 .the +morites% the =anaanites% the Girgashites% and the Jeb#sites".
Gen 13:1 Now ,arai% +bramAs wi$e% had borne him no (hildren") +nd she had an 6gy*tian maidser!ant whose
name was Hagar"
Gen 13:2 ,o ,arai said to +bram% .,ee now% the /8:2 has restrained me $rom bearing (hildren") <lease% go in
to my maid& *erha*s I shall obtain hildren by her". +nd +bram heeded the !oie o$ ,arai"
Gen 13:- Then ,arai% +bramAs wi$e% too' Hagar her maid% the 6gy*tian% and ga!e her to her h#sband +bram to
be his wi$e% a$ter +bram had dwelt ten years in the land o$ =anaan"
Gen 13:0 ,o he went in to Hagar% and she onei!ed" +nd when she saw that she had onei!ed% her mistress
beame des*ised in her eyes"
Gen 13:1 Then ,arai said to +bram% .?y wrong (be) #*on yo#F I ga!e my maid into yo#r embrae& and when
she saw that she had onei!ed% I beame des*ised in her eyes" The /8:2 @#dge between yo# and me".
Gen 13:3 ,o +bram said to ,arai% .Indeed yo#r maid (is) in yo#r hand& do to her as yo# *lease". +nd when ,arai
dealt harshly with her% she $led $rom her *resene"
Gen 13:4 Now the +ngel o$ the /8:2 $o#nd her by a s*ring o$ water in the wilderness% by the s*ring on the way
to ,h#r"
Gen 13:8 +nd He said% .Hagar% ,araiAs maid% where ha!e yo# ome $rom% and where are yo# goingC. ,he said%
.I am $leeing $rom the *resene o$ my mistress ,arai".
Gen 13:9 The +ngel o$ the /8:2 said to her% .:et#rn to yo#r mistress% and s#bmit yo#rsel$ #nder her hand".
Gen 13:15 Then the +ngel o$ the /8:2 said to her% .I will m#lti*ly yo#r desendants e9eedingly% so that they
shall not be o#nted $or m#ltit#de".
Gen 13:11 +nd the +ngel o$ the /8:2 said to her: .Behold% yo# (are) with hild% +nd yo# shall bear a son" Bo#
shall all his name Ishmael% Bea#se the /8:2 has heard yo#r a$$lition"
Gen 13:12 He shall be a wild man& His hand (shall be) against e!ery man% +nd e!ery manAs hand against him"
+nd he shall dwell in the *resene o$ all his brethren".
Gen 13:1- Then she alled the name o$ the /8:2 who s*o'e to her% Bo#D+reDtheDGodD>hoD,ees& $or she said%
.Ha!e I also here seen Him who sees meC.
Gen 13:10 There$ore the well was alled Beer /ahai :oi& obser!e% (it is) between Kadesh and Bered"
Gen 13:11 ,o Hagar bore +bram a son& and +bram named his son% whom Hagar bore% Ishmael"
Gen 13:13 +bram (was) eightyDsi9 years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to +bram"
Gen 14:1 >hen +bram was ninetyDnine years old% the /8:2 a**eared to +bram and said to him% .I (am)
+lmighty God& wal' be$ore ?e and be blameless"
Gen 14:2 .+nd I will ma'e ?y o!enant between ?e and yo#% and will m#lti*ly yo# e9eedingly".
Gen 14:- Then +bram $ell on his $ae% and God tal'ed with him% saying:
Gen 14:0 .+s $or ?e% behold% ?y o!enant is with yo#% and yo# shall be a $ather o$ many nations"
Gen 14:1 .No longer shall yo#r name be alled +bram% b#t yo#r name shall be +braham& $or I ha!e made yo# a
$ather o$ many nations"
Gen 14:3 .I will ma'e yo# e9eedingly $r#it$#l& and I will ma'e nations o$ yo#% and 'ings shall ome $rom yo#"
Gen 14:4 .+nd I will establish ?y o!enant between ?e and yo# and yo#r desendants a$ter yo# in their
generations% $or an e!erlasting o!enant% to be God to yo# and yo#r desendants a$ter yo#"
Gen 14:8 .+lso I gi!e to yo# and yo#r desendants a$ter yo# the land in whih yo# are a stranger% all the land o$
=anaan% as an e!erlasting *ossession& and I will be their God".
Gen 14:9 +nd God said to +braham: .+s $or yo#% yo# shall 'ee* ?y o!enant% yo# and yo#r desendants a$ter
yo# thro#gho#t their generations"
Gen 14:15 .This (is) ?y o!enant whih yo# shall 'ee*% between ?e and yo# and yo#r desendants a$ter yo#:
6!ery male hild among yo# shall be ir#mised&
Gen 14:11 .and yo# shall be ir#mised in the $lesh o$ yo#r $ores'ins% and it shall be a sign o$ the o!enant
between ?e and yo#"
Gen 14:12 .He who is eight days old among yo# shall be ir#mised% e!ery male hild in yo#r generations% he
who is born in yo#r ho#se or bo#ght with money $rom any $oreigner who is not yo#r desendant"
Gen 14:1- .He who is born in yo#r ho#se and he who is bo#ght with yo#r money m#st be ir#mised% and ?y
o!enant shall be in yo#r $lesh $or an e!erlasting o!enant"
Gen 14:10 .+nd the #nir#mised male hild% who is not ir#mised in the $lesh o$ his $ores'in% that *erson
shall be #t o$$ $rom his *eo*le& he has bro'en ?y o!enant".
Gen 14:11 Then God said to +braham% .+s $or ,arai yo#r wi$e% yo# shall not all her name ,arai% b#t ,arah
(shall be) her name"
Gen 14:13 .+nd I will bless her and also gi!e yo# a son by her& then I will bless her% and she shall be (a mother
o$) nations& 'ings o$ *eo*les shall be $rom her".
Gen 14:14 Then +braham $ell on his $ae and la#ghed% and said in his heart% .,hall (a hild) be born to a man
who is one h#ndred years oldC +nd shall ,arah% who is ninety years old% bear (a hildC.)
Gen 14:18 +nd +braham said to God% .8h% that Ishmael might li!e be$ore Bo#F.
Gen 14:19 Then God said: .No% ,arah yo#r wi$e shall bear yo# a son% and yo# shall all his name Isaa& I will
establish ?y o!enant with him $or an e!erlasting o!enant% (and) with his desendants a$ter him"
Gen 14:25 .+nd as $or Ishmael% I ha!e heard yo#" Behold% I ha!e blessed him% and will ma'e him $r#it$#l% and
will m#lti*ly him e9eedingly" He shall beget twel!e *rines% and I will ma'e him a great nation"
Gen 14:21 .B#t ?y o!enant I will establish with Isaa% whom ,arah shall bear to yo# at this set time ne9t year".
Gen 14:22 Then He $inished tal'ing with him% and God went #* $rom +braham"
Gen 14:2- ,o +braham too' Ishmael his son% all who were born in his ho#se and all who were bo#ght with his
money% e!ery male among the men o$ +brahamAs ho#se% and ir#mised the $lesh o$ their $ores'ins that !ery
same day% as God had said to him"
Gen 14:20 +braham (was) ninetyDnine years old when he was ir#mised in the $lesh o$ his $ores'in"
Gen 14:21 +nd Ishmael his son (was) thirteen years old when he was ir#mised in the $lesh o$ his $ores'in"
Gen 14:23 That !ery same day +braham was ir#mised% and his son Ishmael&
Gen 14:24 and all the men o$ his ho#se% born in the ho#se or bo#ght with money $rom a $oreigner% were
ir#mised with him"
Gen 18:1 Then the /8:2 a**eared to him by the terebinth trees o$ ?amre% as he was sitting in the tent door in
the heat o$ the day"
Gen 18:2 ,o he li$ted his eyes and loo'ed% and behold% three men were standing by him& and when he saw
(them%) he ran $rom the tent door to meet them% and bowed himsel$ to the gro#nd%
Gen 18:- and said% .?y /ord% i$ I ha!e now $o#nd $a!or in Bo#r sight% do not *ass on by Bo#r ser!ant"
Gen 18:0 .<lease let a little water be bro#ght% and wash yo#r $eet% and rest yo#rsel!es #nder the tree"
Gen 18:1 .+nd I will bring a morsel o$ bread% that yo# may re$resh yo#r hearts" +$ter that yo# may *ass by%
inasm#h as yo# ha!e ome to yo#r ser!ant". They said% .2o as yo# ha!e said".
Gen 18:3 ,o +braham h#rried into the tent to ,arah and said% .K#i'ly% ma'e ready three meas#res o$ $ine
meal& 'nead (it) and ma'e a'es".
Gen 18:4 +nd +braham ran to the herd% too' a tender and good al$% ga!e (it) to a yo#ng man% and he hastened
to *re*are it"
Gen 18:8 ,o he too' b#tter and mil' and the al$ whih he had *re*ared% and set (it) be$ore them& and he stood
by them #nder the tree as they ate"
Gen 18:9 Then they said to him% .>here (is) ,arah yo#r wi$eC. ,o he said% .Here% in the tent".
Gen 18:15 +nd He said% .I will ertainly ret#rn to yo# aording to the time o$ li$e% and behold% ,arah yo#r wi$e
shall ha!e a son". I,arah was listening in the tent door whih (was) behind him"J
Gen 18:11 Now +braham and ,arah were old% well ad!aned in age& (and) ,arah had *assed the age o$
Gen 18:12 There$ore ,arah la#ghed within hersel$% saying% .+$ter I ha!e grown old% shall I ha!e *leas#re% my
lord being old alsoC.
Gen 18:1- +nd the /8:2 said to +braham% .>hy did ,arah la#gh% saying% A,hall I s#rely bear (a hild%) sine I
am oldCA
Gen 18:10 .Is anything too hard $or the /8:2C +t the a**ointed time I will ret#rn to yo#% aording to the time o$
li$e% and ,arah shall ha!e a son".
Gen 18:11 B#t ,arah denied (it%) saying% .I did not la#gh%. $or she was a$raid" +nd He said% .No% b#t yo# did
Gen 18:13 Then the men rose $rom there and loo'ed toward ,odom% and +braham went with them to send
them on the way"
Gen 18:14 +nd the /8:2 said% .,hall I hide $rom +braham what I am doing%
Gen 18:18 .sine +braham shall s#rely beome a great and mighty nation% and all the nations o$ the earth shall
be blessed in himC
Gen 18:19 .;or I ha!e 'nown him% in order that he may ommand his hildren and his ho#sehold a$ter him% that
they 'ee* the way o$ the /8:2% to do righteo#sness and @#stie% that the /8:2 may bring to +braham what He
has s*o'en to him".
Gen 18:25 +nd the /8:2 said% .Bea#se the o#try against ,odom and Gomorrah is great% and bea#se their
sin is !ery gra!e%
Gen 18:21 .I will go down now and see whether they ha!e done altogether aording to the o#try against it that
has ome to ?e& and i$ not% I will 'now".
Gen 18:22 Then the men t#rned away $rom there and went toward ,odom% b#t +braham still stood be$ore the
Gen 18:2- +nd +braham ame near and said% .>o#ld Bo# also destroy the righteo#s with the wi'edC
Gen 18:20 .,#**ose there were $i$ty righteo#s within the ity& wo#ld Bo# also destroy the *lae and not s*are
(it) $or the $i$ty righteo#s that were in itC
Gen 18:21 .;ar be it $rom Bo# to do s#h a thing as this% to slay the righteo#s with the wi'ed% so that the
righteo#s sho#ld be as the wi'ed& $ar be it $rom Bo#F ,hall not the J#dge o$ all the earth do rightC.
Gen 18:23 ,o the /8:2 said% .I$ I $ind in ,odom $i$ty righteo#s within the ity% then I will s*are all the *lae $or
their sa'es".
Gen 18:24 Then +braham answered and said% .Indeed now% I who (am b#t) d#st and ashes ha!e ta'en it #*on
mysel$ to s*ea' to the /ord:
Gen 18:28 .,#**ose there were $i!e less than the $i$ty righteo#s& wo#ld Bo# destroy all o$ the ity $or (la' o$)
$i!eC. ,o He said% .I$ I $ind there $ortyD$i!e% I will not destroy (it".)
Gen 18:29 +nd he s*o'e to Him yet again and said% .,#**ose there sho#ld be $orty $o#nd thereC. ,o He said% .I
will not do (it) $or the sa'e o$ $orty".
Gen 18:-5 Then he said% ./et not the /ord be angry% and I will s*ea': ,#**ose thirty sho#ld be $o#nd thereC. ,o
He said% .I will not do (it) i$ I $ind thirty there".
Gen 18:-1 +nd he said% .Indeed now% I ha!e ta'en it #*on mysel$ to s*ea' to the /ord: ,#**ose twenty sho#ld
be $o#nd thereC. ,o He said% .I will not destroy (it) $or the sa'e o$ twenty".
Gen 18:-2 Then he said% ./et not the /ord be angry% and I will s*ea' b#t one more: ,#**ose ten sho#ld be
$o#nd thereC. +nd He said% .I will not destroy (it) $or the sa'e o$ ten".
Gen 18:-- ,o the /8:2 went His way as soon as He had $inished s*ea'ing with +braham& and +braham
ret#rned to his *lae"
Gen 19:1 Now the two angels ame to ,odom in the e!ening% and /ot was sitting in the gate o$ ,odom" >hen
/ot saw (them%) he rose to meet them% and he bowed himsel$ with his $ae toward the gro#nd"
Gen 19:2 +nd he said% .Here now% my lords% *lease t#rn in to yo#r ser!antAs ho#se and s*end the night% and
wash yo#r $eet& then yo# may rise early and go on yo#r way". +nd they said% .No% b#t we will s*end the night in
the o*en sE#are".
Gen 19:- B#t he insisted strongly& so they t#rned in to him and entered his ho#se" Then he made them a $east%
and ba'ed #nlea!ened bread% and they ate"
Gen 19:0 Now be$ore they lay down% the men o$ the ity% the men o$ ,odom% both old and yo#ng% all the *eo*le
$rom e!ery E#arter% s#rro#nded the ho#se"
Gen 19:1 +nd they alled to /ot and said to him% .>here are the men who ame to yo# tonightC Bring them o#t
to #s that we may 'now them (arnally".)
Gen 19:3 ,o /ot went o#t to them thro#gh the doorway% sh#t the door behind him%
Gen 19:4 and said% .<lease% my brethren% do not do so wi'edlyF
Gen 19:8 .,ee now% I ha!e two da#ghters who ha!e not 'nown a man& *lease% let me bring them o#t to yo#%
and yo# may do to them as yo# wish& only do nothing to these men% sine this is the reason they ha!e ome
#nder the shadow o$ my roo$".
Gen 19:9 +nd they said% .,tand ba'F. Then they said% .This one ame in to stay (here%) and he 'ee*s ating as
a @#dge& now we will deal worse with yo# than with them". ,o they *ressed hard against the man /ot% and ame
near to brea' down the door"
Gen 19:15 B#t the men reahed o#t their hands and *#lled /ot into the ho#se with them% and sh#t the door"
Gen 19:11 +nd they str#' the men who (were) at the doorway o$ the ho#se with blindness% both small and
great% so that they beame weary (trying) to $ind the door"
Gen 19:12 Then the men said to /ot% .Ha!e yo# anyone else hereC ,onDinDlaw% yo#r sons% yo#r da#ghters% and
whome!er yo# ha!e in the ity DD ta'e (them) o#t o$ this *laeF
Gen 19:1- .;or we will destroy this *lae% bea#se the o#try against them has grown great be$ore the $ae o$
the /8:2% and the /8:2 has sent #s to destroy it".
Gen 19:10 ,o /ot went o#t and s*o'e to his sonsDinDlaw% who had married his da#ghters% and said% .Get #*% get
o#t o$ this *lae& $or the /8:2 will destroy this ityF. B#t to his sonsDinDlaw he seemed to be @o'ing"
Gen 19:11 >hen the morning dawned% the angels #rged /ot to h#rry% saying% .+rise% ta'e yo#r wi$e and yo#r
two da#ghters who are here% lest yo# be ons#med in the *#nishment o$ the ity".
Gen 19:13 +nd while he lingered% the men too' hold o$ his hand% his wi$eAs hand% and the hands o$ his two
da#ghters% the /8:2 being meri$#l to him% and they bro#ght him o#t and set him o#tside the ity"
Gen 19:14 ,o it ame to *ass% when they had bro#ght them o#tside% that he said% .6sa*e $or yo#r li$eF 2o not
loo' behind yo# nor stay anywhere in the *lain" 6sa*e to the mo#ntains% lest yo# be destroyed".
Gen 19:18 Then /ot said to them% .<lease% no% my lordsF
Gen 19:19 .Indeed now% yo#r ser!ant has $o#nd $a!or in yo#r sight% and yo# ha!e inreased yo#r mery whih
yo# ha!e shown me by sa!ing my li$e& b#t I annot esa*e to the mo#ntains% lest some e!il o!erta'e me and I
Gen 19:25 .,ee now% this ity (is) near (eno#gh) to $lee to% and it (is) a little one& *lease let me esa*e there I(is)
it not a little oneCJ and my so#l shall li!e".
Gen 19:21 +nd he said to him% .,ee% I ha!e $a!ored yo# onerning this thing also% in that I will not o!erthrow
this ity $or whih yo# ha!e s*o'en"
Gen 19:22 .H#rry% esa*e there" ;or I annot do anything #ntil yo# arri!e there". There$ore the name o$ the ity
was alled Goar"
Gen 19:2- The s#n had risen #*on the earth when /ot entered Goar"
Gen 19:20 Then the /8:2 rained brimstone and $ire on ,odom and Gomorrah% $rom the /8:2 o#t o$ the
Gen 19:21 ,o He o!erthrew those ities% all the *lain% all the inhabitants o$ the ities% and what grew on the
Gen 19:23 B#t his wi$e loo'ed ba' behind him% and she beame a *illar o$ salt"
Gen 19:24 +nd +braham went early in the morning to the *lae where he had stood be$ore the /8:2"
Gen 19:28 Then he loo'ed toward ,odom and Gomorrah% and toward all the land o$ the *lain& and he saw% and
behold% the smo'e o$ the land whih went #* li'e the smo'e o$ a $#rnae"
Gen 19:29 +nd it ame to *ass% when God destroyed the ities o$ the *lain% that God remembered +braham%
and sent /ot o#t o$ the midst o$ the o!erthrow% when He o!erthrew the ities in whih /ot had dwelt"
Gen 19:-5 Then /ot went #* o#t o$ Goar and dwelt in the mo#ntains% and his two da#ghters were with him& $or
he was a$raid to dwell in Goar" +nd he and his two da#ghters dwelt in a a!e"
Gen 19:-1 Now the $irstborn said to the yo#nger% .8#r $ather (is) old% and (there is) no man on the earth to ome
in to #s as is the #stom o$ all the earth"
Gen 19:-2 .=ome% let #s ma'e o#r $ather drin' wine% and we will lie with him% that we may *reser!e the lineage
o$ o#r $ather".
Gen 19:-- ,o they made their $ather drin' wine that night" +nd the $irstborn went in and lay with her $ather% and
he did not 'now when she lay down or when she arose"
Gen 19:-0 It ha**ened on the ne9t day that the $irstborn said to the yo#nger% .Indeed I lay with my $ather last
night& let #s ma'e him drin' wine tonight also% and yo# go in (and) lie with him% that we may *reser!e the lineage
o$ o#r $ather".
Gen 19:-1 Then they made their $ather drin' wine that night also" +nd the yo#nger arose and lay with him% and
he did not 'now when she lay down or when she arose"
Gen 19:-3 Th#s both the da#ghters o$ /ot were with hild by their $ather"
Gen 19:-4 The $irstborn bore a son and alled his name ?oab& he (is) the $ather o$ the ?oabites to this day"
Gen 19:-8 +nd the yo#nger% she also bore a son and alled his name BenD+mmi& he (is) the $ather o$ the *eo*le
o$ +mmon to this day"
Gen 25:1 +nd +braham @o#rneyed $rom there to the ,o#th% and dwelt between Kadesh and ,h#r% and stayed in
Gen 25:2 Now +braham said o$ ,arah his wi$e% .,he (is) my sister". +nd +bimeleh 'ing o$ Gerar sent and too'
Gen 25:- B#t God ame to +bimeleh in a dream by night% and said to him% .Indeed yo# (are) a dead man
bea#se o$ the woman whom yo# ha!e ta'en% $or she (is) a manAs wi$e".
Gen 25:0 B#t +bimeleh had not ome near her& and he said% ./ord% will Bo# slay a righteo#s nation alsoC
Gen 25:1 .2id he not say to me% A,he (is) my sisterAC +nd she% e!en she hersel$ said% AHe (is) my brother"A In the
integrity o$ my heart and innoene o$ my hands I ha!e done this".
Gen 25:3 +nd God said to him in a dream% .Bes% I 'now that yo# did this in the integrity o$ yo#r heart" ;or I also
withheld yo# $rom sinning against ?e& there$ore I did not let yo# to#h her"
Gen 25:4 .Now there$ore% restore the manAs wi$e& $or he (is) a *ro*het% and he will *ray $or yo# and yo# shall li!e"
B#t i$ yo# do not restore (her%) 'now that yo# shall s#rely die% yo# and all who (are) yo#rs".
Gen 25:8 ,o +bimeleh rose early in the morning% alled all his ser!ants% and told all these things in their
hearing& and the men were !ery m#h a$raid"
Gen 25:9 +nd +bimeleh alled +braham and said to him% .>hat ha!e yo# done to #sC How ha!e I o$$ended
yo#% that yo# ha!e bro#ght on me and on my 'ingdom a great sinC Bo# ha!e done deeds to me that o#ght not to
be done".
Gen 25:15 Then +bimeleh said to +braham% .>hat did yo# ha!e in !iew% that yo# ha!e done this thingC.
Gen 25:11 +nd +braham said% .Bea#se I tho#ght% s#rely the $ear o$ God (is) not in this *lae& and they will 'ill
me on ao#nt o$ my wi$e"
Gen 25:12 .B#t indeed (she is) tr#ly my sister" ,he (is) the da#ghter o$ my $ather% b#t not the da#ghter o$ my
mother& and she beame my wi$e"
Gen 25:1- .+nd it ame to *ass% when God a#sed me to wander $rom my $atherAs ho#se% that I said to her%
AThis (is) yo#r 'indness that yo# sho#ld do $or me: in e!ery *lae% where!er we go% say o$ me% .He (is) my
brother". A .
Gen 25:10 Then +bimeleh too' shee*% o9en% and male and $emale ser!ants% and ga!e (them) to +braham& and
he restored ,arah his wi$e to him"
Gen 25:11 +nd +bimeleh said% .,ee% my land (is) be$ore yo#& dwell where it *leases yo#".
Gen 25:13 Then to ,arah he said% .Behold% I ha!e gi!en yo#r brother a tho#sand (*iees) o$ sil!er& indeed this
!indiates yo# be$ore all who (are) with yo# and be$ore e!erybody". Th#s she was reb#'ed"
Gen 25:14 ,o +braham *rayed to God& and God healed +bimeleh% his wi$e% and his $emale ser!ants" Then
they bore (hildren&)
Gen 25:18 $or the /8:2 had losed #* all the wombs o$ the ho#se o$ +bimeleh bea#se o$ ,arah% +brahamAs
Gen 21:1 +nd the /8:2 !isited ,arah as He had said% and the /8:2 did $or ,arah as He had s*o'en"
Gen 21:2 ;or ,arah onei!ed and bore +braham a son in his old age% at the set time o$ whih God had s*o'en
to him"
Gen 21:- +nd +braham alled the name o$ his son who was born to him DD whom ,arah bore to him DD Isaa"
Gen 21:0 Then +braham ir#mised his son Isaa when he was eight days old% as God had ommanded him"
Gen 21:1 Now +braham was one h#ndred years old when his son Isaa was born to him"
Gen 21:3 +nd ,arah said% .God has made me la#gh% (and) all who hear will la#gh with me".
Gen 21:4 ,he also said% .>ho wo#ld ha!e said to +braham that ,arah wo#ld n#rse hildrenC ;or I ha!e borne
(him) a son in his old age".
Gen 21:8 ,o the hild grew and was weaned" +nd +braham made a great $east on the same day that Isaa was
Gen 21:9 +nd ,arah saw the son o$ Hagar the 6gy*tian% whom she had borne to +braham% so$$ing"
Gen 21:15 There$ore she said to +braham% .=ast o#t this bondwoman and her son& $or the son o$ this
bondwoman shall not be heir with my son% (namely) with Isaa".
Gen 21:11 +nd the matter was !ery dis*leasing in +brahamAs sight bea#se o$ his son"
Gen 21:12 B#t God said to +braham% .2o not let it be dis*leasing in yo#r sight bea#se o$ the lad or bea#se o$
yo#r bondwoman" >hate!er ,arah has said to yo#% listen to her !oie& $or in Isaa yo#r seed shall be alled"
Gen 21:1- .Bet I will also ma'e a nation o$ the son o$ the bondwoman% bea#se he (is) yo#r seed".
Gen 21:10 ,o +braham rose early in the morning% and too' bread and a s'in o$ water& and *#tting (it) on her
sho#lder% he ga!e (it) and the boy to Hagar% and sent her away" Then she de*arted and wandered in the
>ilderness o$ Beersheba"
Gen 21:11 +nd the water in the s'in was #sed #*% and she *laed the boy #nder one o$ the shr#bs"
Gen 21:13 Then she went and sat down aross $rom (him) at a distane o$ abo#t a bowshot& $or she said to
hersel$% ./et me not see the death o$ the boy". ,o she sat o**osite (him%) and li$ted her !oie and we*t"
Gen 21:14 +nd God heard the !oie o$ the lad" Then the angel o$ God alled to Hagar o#t o$ hea!en% and said
to her% .>hat ails yo#% HagarC ;ear not% $or God has heard the !oie o$ the lad where he (is")
Gen 21:18 .+rise% li$t #* the lad and hold him with yo#r hand% $or I will ma'e him a great nation".
Gen 21:19 Then God o*ened her eyes% and she saw a well o$ water" +nd she went and $illed the s'in with
water% and ga!e the lad a drin'"
Gen 21:25 ,o God was with the lad& and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness% and beame an arher"
Gen 21:21 He dwelt in the >ilderness o$ <aran& and his mother too' a wi$e $or him $rom the land o$ 6gy*t"
Gen 21:22 +nd it ame to *ass at that time that +bimeleh and <hihol% the ommander o$ his army% s*o'e to
+braham% saying% .God (is) with yo# in all that yo# do"
Gen 21:2- .Now there$ore% swear to me by God that yo# will not deal $alsely with me% with my o$$s*ring% or with
my *osterity& b#t that aording to the 'indness that I ha!e done to yo#% yo# will do to me and to the land in
whih yo# ha!e dwelt".
Gen 21:20 +nd +braham said% .I will swear".
Gen 21:21 Then +braham reb#'ed +bimeleh bea#se o$ a well o$ water whih +bimelehAs ser!ants had
Gen 21:23 +nd +bimeleh said% .I do not 'now who has done this thing& yo# did not tell me% nor had I heard (o$
it) #ntil today".
Gen 21:24 ,o +braham too' shee* and o9en and ga!e them to +bimeleh% and the two o$ them made a
Gen 21:28 +nd +braham set se!en ewe lambs o$ the $lo' by themsel!es"
Gen 21:29 Then +bimeleh as'ed +braham% .>hat (is the meaning o$) these se!en ewe lambs whih yo# ha!e
set by themsel!esC.
Gen 21:-5 +nd he said% .Bo# will ta'e (these) se!en ewe lambs $rom my hand% that they may be my witness that
I ha!e d#g this well".
Gen 21:-1 There$ore he alled that *lae Beersheba% bea#se the two o$ them swore an oath there"
Gen 21:-2 Th#s they made a o!enant at Beersheba" ,o +bimeleh rose with <hihol% the ommander o$ his
army% and they ret#rned to the land o$ the <hilistines"
Gen 21:-- Then (+braham) *lanted a tamaris' tree in Beersheba% and there alled on the name o$ the /8:2%
the 6!erlasting God"
Gen 21:-0 +nd +braham stayed in the land o$ the <hilistines many days"
Gen 22:1 Now it ame to *ass a$ter these things that God tested +braham% and said to him% .+brahamF. +nd he
said% .Here I am".
Gen 22:2 Then He said% .Ta'e now yo#r son% yo#r only (son) Isaa% whom yo# lo!e% and go to the land o$
?oriah% and o$$er him there as a b#rnt o$$ering on one o$ the mo#ntains o$ whih I shall tell yo#".
Gen 22:- ,o +braham rose early in the morning and saddled his don'ey% and too' two o$ his yo#ng men with
him% and Isaa his son& and he s*lit the wood $or the b#rnt o$$ering% and arose and went to the *lae o$ whih
God had told him"
Gen 22:0 Then on the third day +braham li$ted his eyes and saw the *lae a$ar o$$"
Gen 22:1 +nd +braham said to his yo#ng men% .,tay here with the don'ey& the lad and I will go yonder and
worshi*% and we will ome ba' to yo#".
Gen 22:3 ,o +braham too' the wood o$ the b#rnt o$$ering and laid (it) on Isaa his son& and he too' the $ire in
his hand% and a 'ni$e% and the two o$ them went together"
Gen 22:4 B#t Isaa s*o'e to +braham his $ather and said% .?y $atherF. +nd he said% .Here I am% my son". Then
he said% ./oo'% the $ire and the wood% b#t where (is) the lamb $or a b#rnt o$$eringC.
Gen 22:8 +nd +braham said% .?y son% God will *ro!ide $or Himsel$ the lamb $or a b#rnt o$$ering". ,o the two o$
them went together"
Gen 22:9 Then they ame to the *lae o$ whih God had told him" +nd +braham b#ilt an altar there and *laed
the wood in order& and he bo#nd Isaa his son and laid him on the altar% #*on the wood"
Gen 22:15 +nd +braham strethed o#t his hand and too' the 'ni$e to slay his son"
Gen 22:11 B#t the +ngel o$ the /8:2 alled to him $rom hea!en and said% .+braham% +brahamF. ,o he said%
.Here I am".
Gen 22:12 +nd He said% .2o not lay yo#r hand on the lad% or do anything to him& $or now I 'now that yo# $ear
God% sine yo# ha!e not withheld yo#r son% yo#r only (son%) $rom ?e".
Gen 22:1- Then +braham li$ted his eyes and loo'ed% and there behind (him was) a ram a#ght in a thi'et by its
horns" ,o +braham went and too' the ram% and o$$ered it #* $or a b#rnt o$$ering instead o$ his son"
Gen 22:10 +nd +braham alled the name o$ the *lae% TheD/8:2D>illD<ro!ide& as it is said (to) this day% .In the
?o#nt o$ The /8:2 it shall be *ro!ided".
Gen 22:11 Then the +ngel o$ the /8:2 alled to +braham a seond time o#t o$ hea!en%
Gen 22:13 and said: .By ?ysel$ I ha!e sworn% says the /8:2% bea#se yo# ha!e done this thing% and ha!e not
withheld yo#r son% yo#r only (son DD )
Gen 22:14 .blessing I will bless yo#% and m#lti*lying I will m#lti*ly yo#r desendants as the stars o$ the hea!en
and as the sand whih (is) on the seashore& and yo#r desendants shall *ossess the gate o$ their enemies"
Gen 22:18 .In yo#r seed all the nations o$ the earth shall be blessed% bea#se yo# ha!e obeyed ?y !oie".
Gen 22:19 ,o +braham ret#rned to his yo#ng men% and they rose and went together to Beersheba& and
+braham dwelt at Beersheba"
Gen 22:25 Now it ame to *ass a$ter these things that it was told +braham% saying% .Indeed ?ilah also has
borne hildren to yo#r brother Nahor:
Gen 22:21 .H#H his $irstborn% B#H his brother% Kem#el the $ather o$ +ram%
Gen 22:22 .=hesed% HaHo% <ildash% Jidla*h% and Beth#el".
Gen 22:2- +nd Beth#el begot :ebe'ah" These eight ?ilah bore to Nahor% +brahamAs brother"
Gen 22:20 His on#bine% whose name was :e#mah% also bore Tebah% Gaham% Thahash% and ?aahah"
Gen 2-:1 ,arah li!ed one h#ndred and twentyDse!en years& (these were) the years o$ the li$e o$ ,arah"
Gen 2-:2 ,o ,arah died in Kir@ath +rba Ithat (is%) HebronJ in the land o$ =anaan% and +braham ame to mo#rn
$or ,arah and to wee* $or her"
Gen 2-:- Then +braham stood #* $rom be$ore his dead% and s*o'e to the sons o$ Heth% saying%
Gen 2-:0 .I (am) a $oreigner and a !isitor among yo#" Gi!e me *ro*erty $or a b#rial *lae among yo#% that I may
b#ry my dead o#t o$ my sight".
Gen 2-:1 +nd the sons o$ Heth answered +braham% saying to him%
Gen 2-:3 .Hear #s% my lord: Bo# (are) a mighty *rine among #s& b#ry yo#r dead in the hoiest o$ o#r b#rial
*laes" None o$ #s will withhold $rom yo# his b#rial *lae% that yo# may b#ry yo#r dead".
Gen 2-:4 Then +braham stood #* and bowed himsel$ to the *eo*le o$ the land% the sons o$ Heth"
Gen 2-:8 +nd he s*o'e with them% saying% .I$ it is yo#r wish that I b#ry my dead o#t o$ my sight% hear me% and
meet with 6*hron the son o$ Gohar $or me%
Gen 2-:9 .that he may gi!e me the a!e o$ ?ah*elah whih he has% whih (is) at the end o$ his $ield" /et him
gi!e it to me at the $#ll *rie% as *ro*erty $or a b#rial *lae among yo#".
Gen 2-:15 Now 6*hron dwelt among the sons o$ Heth& and 6*hron the Hittite answered +braham in the
*resene o$ the sons o$ Heth% all who entered at the gate o$ his ity% saying%
Gen 2-:11 .No% my lord% hear me: I gi!e yo# the $ield and the a!e that (is) in it& I gi!e it to yo# in the *resene o$
the sons o$ my *eo*le" I gi!e it to yo#" B#ry yo#r deadF.
Gen 2-:12 Then +braham bowed himsel$ down be$ore the *eo*le o$ the land&
Gen 2-:1- and he s*o'e to 6*hron in the hearing o$ the *eo*le o$ the land% saying% .I$ yo# (will gi!e it%) *lease
hear me" I will gi!e yo# money $or the $ield& ta'e (it) $rom me and I will b#ry my dead there".
Gen 2-:10 +nd 6*hron answered +braham% saying to him%
Gen 2-:11 .?y lord% listen to me& the land (is worth) $o#r h#ndred she'els o$ sil!er" >hat (is) that between yo#
and meC ,o b#ry yo#r dead".
Gen 2-:13 +nd +braham listened to 6*hron& and +braham weighed o#t the sil!er $or 6*hron whih he had
named in the hearing o$ the sons o$ Heth% $o#r h#ndred she'els o$ sil!er% #rreny o$ the merhants"
Gen 2-:14 ,o the $ield o$ 6*hron whih (was) in ?ah*elah% whih (was) be$ore ?amre% the $ield and the a!e
whih (was) in it% and all the trees that (were) in the $ield% whih (were) within all the s#rro#nding borders% were
Gen 2-:18 to +braham as a *ossession in the *resene o$ the sons o$ Heth% be$ore all who went in at the gate
o$ his ity"
Gen 2-:19 +nd a$ter this% +braham b#ried ,arah his wi$e in the a!e o$ the $ield o$ ?ah*elah% be$ore ?amre
Ithat (is%) HebronJ in the land o$ =anaan"
Gen 2-:25 ,o the $ield and the a!e that (is) in it were deeded to +braham by the sons o$ Heth as *ro*erty $or a
b#rial *lae"
Gen 20:1 Now +braham was old% well ad!aned in age& and the /8:2 had blessed +braham in all things"
Gen 20:2 ,o +braham said to the oldest ser!ant o$ his ho#se% who r#led o!er all that he had% .<lease% *#t yo#r
hand #nder my thigh%
Gen 20:- .and I will ma'e yo# swear by the /8:2% the God o$ hea!en and the God o$ the earth% that yo# will not
ta'e a wi$e $or my son $rom the da#ghters o$ the =anaanites% among whom I dwell&
Gen 20:0 .b#t yo# shall go to my o#ntry and to my $amily% and ta'e a wi$e $or my son Isaa".
Gen 20:1 +nd the ser!ant said to him% .<erha*s the woman will not be willing to $ollow me to this land" ?#st I
ta'e yo#r son ba' to the land $rom whih yo# ameC.
Gen 20:3 B#t +braham said to him% .Beware that yo# do not ta'e my son ba' there"
Gen 20:4 .The /8:2 God o$ hea!en% who too' me $rom my $atherAs ho#se and $rom the land o$ my $amily% and
who s*o'e to me and swore to me% saying% ATo yo#r desendants I gi!e this land%A He will send His angel be$ore
yo#% and yo# shall ta'e a wi$e $or my son $rom there"
Gen 20:8 .+nd i$ the woman is not willing to $ollow yo#% then yo# will be released $rom this oath& only do not ta'e
my son ba' there".
Gen 20:9 ,o the ser!ant *#t his hand #nder the thigh o$ +braham his master% and swore to him onerning this
Gen 20:15 Then the ser!ant too' ten o$ his masterAs amels and de*arted% $or all his masterAs goods (were in)
his hand" +nd he arose and went to ?eso*otamia% to the ity o$ Nahor"
Gen 20:11 +nd he made his amels 'neel down o#tside the ity by a well o$ water at e!ening time% the time
when women go o#t to draw (water")
Gen 20:12 Then he said% .8 /8:2 God o$ my master +braham% *lease gi!e me s#ess this day% and show
'indness to my master +braham"
Gen 20:1- .Behold% (here) I stand by the well o$ water% and the da#ghters o$ the men o$ the ity are oming o#t
to draw water"
Gen 20:10 .Now let it be that the yo#ng woman to whom I say% A<lease let down yo#r *ither that I may drin'%A
and she says% A2rin'% and I will also gi!e yo#r amels a drin'A DD (let) her (be the one) Bo# ha!e a**ointed $or
Bo#r ser!ant Isaa" +nd by this I will 'now that Bo# ha!e shown 'indness to my master".
Gen 20:11 +nd it ha**ened% be$ore he had $inished s*ea'ing% that behold% :ebe'ah% who was born to Beth#el%
son o$ ?ilah% the wi$e o$ Nahor% +brahamAs brother% ame o#t with her *ither on her sho#lder"
Gen 20:13 Now the yo#ng woman (was) !ery bea#ti$#l to behold% a !irgin& no man had 'nown her" +nd she went
down to the well% $illed her *ither% and ame #*"
Gen 20:14 +nd the ser!ant ran to meet her and said% .<lease let me drin' a little water $rom yo#r *ither".
Gen 20:18 ,o she said% .2rin'% my lord". Then she E#i'ly let her *ither down to her hand% and ga!e him a
Gen 20:19 +nd when she had $inished gi!ing him a drin'% she said% .I will draw (water) $or yo#r amels also% #ntil
they ha!e $inished drin'ing".
Gen 20:25 Then she E#i'ly em*tied her *ither into the tro#gh% ran ba' to the well to draw (water%) and drew
$or all his amels"
Gen 20:21 +nd the man% wondering at her% remained silent so as to 'now whether the /8:2 had made his
@o#rney *ros*ero#s or not"
Gen 20:22 ,o it was% when the amels had $inished drin'ing% that the man too' a golden nose ring weighing hal$
a she'el% and two braelets $or her wrists weighing ten (she'els) o$ gold%
Gen 20:2- and said% .>hose da#ghter (are) yo#C Tell me% *lease% is there room (in) yo#r $atherAs ho#se $or #s to
Gen 20:20 ,o she said to him% .I (am) the da#ghter o$ Beth#el% ?ilahAs son% whom she bore to Nahor".
Gen 20:21 ?oreo!er she said to him% .>e ha!e both straw and $eed eno#gh% and room to lodge".
Gen 20:23 Then the man bowed down his head and worshi*ed the /8:2"
Gen 20:24 +nd he said% .Blessed (be) the /8:2 God o$ my master +braham% who has not $orsa'en His mery
and His tr#th toward my master" +s $or me% being on the way% the /8:2 led me to the ho#se o$ my masterAs
Gen 20:28 ,o the yo#ng woman ran and told her motherAs ho#sehold these things"
Gen 20:29 Now :ebe'ah had a brother whose name (was) /aban% and /aban ran o#t to the man by the well"
Gen 20:-5 ,o it ame to *ass% when he saw the nose ring% and the braelets on his sisterAs wrists% and when he
heard the words o$ his sister :ebe'ah% saying% .Th#s the man s*o'e to me%. that he went to the man" +nd there
he stood by the amels at the well"
Gen 20:-1 +nd he said% .=ome in% 8 blessed o$ the /8:2F >hy do yo# stand o#tsideC ;or I ha!e *re*ared the
ho#se% and a *lae $or the amels".
Gen 20:-2 Then the man ame to the ho#se" +nd he #nloaded the amels% and *ro!ided straw and $eed $or the
amels% and water to wash his $eet and the $eet o$ the men who (were) with him"
Gen 20:-- (;ood) was set be$ore him to eat% b#t he said% .I will not eat #ntil I ha!e told abo#t my errand". +nd he
said% .,*ea' on".
Gen 20:-0 ,o he said% .I (am) +brahamAs ser!ant"
Gen 20:-1 .The /8:2 has blessed my master greatly% and he has beome great& and He has gi!en him $lo's
and herds% sil!er and gold% male and $emale ser!ants% and amels and don'eys"
Gen 20:-3 .+nd ,arah my masterAs wi$e bore a son to my master when she was old& and to him he has gi!en all
that he has"
Gen 20:-4 .Now my master made me swear% saying% ABo# shall not ta'e a wi$e $or my son $rom the da#ghters o$
the =anaanites% in whose land I dwell&
Gen 20:-8 Ab#t yo# shall go to my $atherAs ho#se and to my $amily% and ta'e a wi$e $or my son"A
Gen 20:-9 .+nd I said to my master% A<erha*s the woman will not $ollow me"A
Gen 20:05 .B#t he said to me% AThe /8:2% be$ore whom I wal'% will send His angel with yo# and *ros*er yo#r
way& and yo# shall ta'e a wi$e $or my son $rom my $amily and $rom my $atherAs ho#se"
Gen 20:01 ABo# will be lear $rom this oath when yo# arri!e among my $amily& $or i$ they will not gi!e (her) to
yo#% then yo# will be released $rom my oath"A
Gen 20:02 . +nd this day I ame to the well and said% A8 /8:2 God o$ my master +braham% i$ Bo# will now
*ros*er the way in whih I go%
Gen 20:0- Abehold% I stand by the well o$ water& and it shall ome to *ass that when the !irgin omes o#t to draw
(water%) and I say to her% .<lease gi!e me a little water $rom yo#r *ither to drin'%.
Gen 20:00 Aand she says to me% .2rin'% and I will draw $or yo#r amels also%. DD (let) her (be) the woman whom
the /8:2 has a**ointed $or my masterAs son"A
Gen 20:01 . B#t be$ore I had $inished s*ea'ing in my heart% there was :ebe'ah% oming o#t with her *ither on
her sho#lder& and she went down to the well and drew (water") +nd I said to her% A<lease let me drin'"A
Gen 20:03 .+nd she made haste and let her *ither down $rom her (sho#lder%) and said% A2rin'% and I will gi!e
yo#r amels a drin' also"A ,o I dran'% and she ga!e the amels a drin' also"
Gen 20:04 .Then I as'ed her% and said% A>hose da#ghter (are) yo#CA +nd she said% AThe da#ghter o$ Beth#el%
NahorAs son% whom ?ilah bore to him"A ,o I *#t the nose ring on her nose and the braelets on her wrists"
Gen 20:08 .+nd I bowed my head and worshi*ed the /8:2% and blessed the /8:2 God o$ my master
+braham% who had led me in the way o$ tr#th to ta'e the da#ghter o$ my masterAs brother $or his son"
Gen 20:09 .Now i$ yo# will deal 'indly and tr#ly with my master% tell me" +nd i$ not% tell me% that I may t#rn to the
right hand or to the le$t".
Gen 20:15 Then /aban and Beth#el answered and said% .The thing omes $rom the /8:2& we annot s*ea' to
yo# either bad or good"
Gen 20:11 .Here (is) :ebe'ah be$ore yo#& ta'e (her) and go% and let her be yo#r masterAs sonAs wi$e% as the
/8:2 has s*o'en".
Gen 20:12 +nd it ame to *ass% when +brahamAs ser!ant heard their words% that he worshi*ed the /8:2%
(bowing himsel$) to the earth"
Gen 20:1- Then the ser!ant bro#ght o#t @ewelry o$ sil!er% @ewelry o$ gold% and lothing% and ga!e (them) to
:ebe'ah" He also ga!e *reio#s things to her brother and to her mother"
Gen 20:10 +nd he and the men who (were) with him ate and dran' and stayed all night" Then they arose in the
morning% and he said% .,end me away to my master".
Gen 20:11 B#t her brother and her mother said% ./et the yo#ng woman stay with #s (a $ew) days% at least ten&
a$ter that she may go".
Gen 20:13 +nd he said to them% .2o not hinder me% sine the /8:2 has *ros*ered my way& send me away so
that I may go to my master".
Gen 20:14 ,o they said% .>e will all the yo#ng woman and as' her *ersonally".
Gen 20:18 Then they alled :ebe'ah and said to her% .>ill yo# go with this manC. +nd she said% .I will go".
Gen 20:19 ,o they sent away :ebe'ah their sister and her n#rse% and +brahamAs ser!ant and his men"
Gen 20:35 +nd they blessed :ebe'ah and said to her: .8#r sister% (may) yo# (beome) (The mother o$)
tho#sands o$ ten tho#sands& +nd may yo#r desendants *ossess The gates o$ those who hate them".
Gen 20:31 Then :ebe'ah and her maids arose% and they rode on the amels and $ollowed the man" ,o the
ser!ant too' :ebe'ah and de*arted"
Gen 20:32 Now Isaa ame $rom the way o$ Beer /ahai :oi% $or he dwelt in the ,o#th"
Gen 20:3- +nd Isaa went o#t to meditate in the $ield in the e!ening& and he li$ted his eyes and loo'ed% and
there% the amels (were) oming"
Gen 20:30 Then :ebe'ah li$ted her eyes% and when she saw Isaa she dismo#nted $rom her amel&
Gen 20:31 $or she had said to the ser!ant% .>ho (is) this man wal'ing in the $ield to meet #sC. The ser!ant said%
.It (is) my master". ,o she too' a !eil and o!ered hersel$"
Gen 20:33 +nd the ser!ant told Isaa all the things that he had done"
Gen 20:34 Then Isaa bro#ght her into his mother ,arahAs tent& and he too' :ebe'ah and she beame his wi$e%
and he lo!ed her" ,o Isaa was om$orted a$ter his motherAs (death")
Gen 21:1 +braham again too' a wi$e% and her name (was) Ket#rah"
Gen 21:2 +nd she bore him Gimran% Jo'shan% ?edan% ?idian% Ishba'% and ,h#ah"
Gen 21:- Jo'shan begot ,heba and 2edan" +nd the sons o$ 2edan were +ssh#rim% /et#shim% and /e#mmim"
Gen 21:0 +nd the sons o$ ?idian (were) 6*hah% 6*her% Hanoh% +bidah% and 6ldaah" +ll these (were) the
hildren o$ Ket#rah"
Gen 21:1 +nd +braham ga!e all that he had to Isaa"
Gen 21:3 B#t +braham ga!e gi$ts to the sons o$ the on#bines whih +braham had& and while he was still
li!ing he sent them eastward% away $rom Isaa his son% to the o#ntry o$ the east"
Gen 21:4 This (is) the s#m o$ the years o$ +brahamAs li$e whih he li!ed: one h#ndred and se!entyD$i!e years"
Gen 21:8 Then +braham breathed his last and died in a good old age% an old man and $#ll (o$ years%) and was
gathered to his *eo*le"
Gen 21:9 +nd his sons Isaa and Ishmael b#ried him in the a!e o$ ?ah*elah% whih (is) be$ore ?amre% in the
$ield o$ 6*hron the son o$ Gohar the Hittite%
Gen 21:15 the $ield whih +braham *#rhased $rom the sons o$ Heth" There +braham was b#ried% and ,arah
his wi$e"
Gen 21:11 +nd it ame to *ass% a$ter the death o$ +braham% that God blessed his son Isaa" +nd Isaa dwelt at
Beer /ahai :oi"
Gen 21:12 Now this (is) the genealogy o$ Ishmael% +brahamAs son% whom Hagar the 6gy*tian% ,arahAs
maidser!ant% bore to +braham"
Gen 21:1- +nd these (were) the names o$ the sons o$ Ishmael% by their names% aording to their generations:
The $irstborn o$ Ishmael% Neba@oth& then Kedar% +dbeel% ?ibsam%
Gen 21:10 ?ishma% 2#mah% ?assa%
Gen 21:11 Hadar% Tema% Jet#r% Na*hish% and Kedemah"
Gen 21:13 These (were) the sons o$ Ishmael and these (were) their names% by their towns and their settlements%
twel!e *rines aording to their nations"
Gen 21:14 These (were) the years o$ the li$e o$ Ishmael: one h#ndred and thirtyDse!en years& and he breathed
his last and died% and was gathered to his *eo*le"
Gen 21:18 IThey dwelt $rom Ha!ilah as $ar as ,h#r% whih (is) east o$ 6gy*t as yo# go toward +ssyria"J He died
in the *resene o$ all his brethren"
Gen 21:19 This (is) the genealogy o$ Isaa% +brahamAs son" +braham begot Isaa"
Gen 21:25 Isaa was $orty years old when he too' :ebe'ah as wi$e% the da#ghter o$ Beth#el the ,yrian o$
<adan +ram% the sister o$ /aban the ,yrian"
Gen 21:21 Now Isaa *leaded with the /8:2 $or his wi$e% bea#se she (was) barren& and the /8:2 granted his
*lea% and :ebe'ah his wi$e onei!ed"
Gen 21:22 B#t the hildren str#ggled together within her& and she said% .I$ (all is) well% why (am I li'e) thisC. ,o
she went to inE#ire o$ the /8:2"
Gen 21:2- +nd the /8:2 said to her:.Two nations (are) in yo#r womb% Two *eo*les shall be se*arated $rom
yo#r body& (8ne) *eo*le shall be stronger than the other% +nd the older shall ser!e the yo#nger".
Gen 21:20 ,o when her days were $#l$illed ($or her) to gi!e birth% indeed (there were) twins in her womb"
Gen 21:21 +nd the $irst ame o#t red" (He was) li'e a hairy garment all o!er& so they alled his name 6sa#"
Gen 21:23 +$terward his brother ame o#t% and his hand too' hold o$ 6sa#As heel& so his name was alled
Jaob" Isaa (was) si9ty years old when she bore them"
Gen 21:24 ,o the boys grew" +nd 6sa# was a s'ill$#l h#nter% a man o$ the $ield& b#t Jaob was a mild man%
dwelling in tents"
Gen 21:28 +nd Isaa lo!ed 6sa# bea#se he ate (o$ his) game% b#t :ebe'ah lo!ed Jaob"
Gen 21:29 Now Jaob oo'ed a stew& and 6sa# ame in $rom the $ield% and he (was) weary"
Gen 21:-5 +nd 6sa# said to Jaob% .<lease $eed me with that same red (stew%) $or I (am) weary". There$ore his
name was alled 6dom"
Gen 21:-1 B#t Jaob said% .,ell me yo#r birthright as o$ this day".
Gen 21:-2 +nd 6sa# said% ./oo'% I (am) abo#t to die& so what (is) this birthright to meC.
Gen 21:-- Then Jaob said% .,wear to me as o$ this day". ,o he swore to him% and sold his birthright to Jaob"
Gen 21:-0 +nd Jaob ga!e 6sa# bread and stew o$ lentils& then he ate and dran'% arose% and went his way"
Th#s 6sa# des*ised (his) birthright"
Gen 23:1 There was a $amine in the land% besides the $irst $amine that was in the days o$ +braham" +nd Isaa
went to +bimeleh 'ing o$ the <hilistines% in Gerar"
Gen 23:2 Then the /8:2 a**eared to him and said: .2o not go down to 6gy*t& li!e in the land o$ whih I shall
tell yo#"
Gen 23:- .2well in this land% and I will be with yo# and bless yo#& $or to yo# and yo#r desendants I gi!e all
these lands% and I will *er$orm the oath whih I swore to +braham yo#r $ather"
Gen 23:0 .+nd I will ma'e yo#r desendants m#lti*ly as the stars o$ hea!en& I will gi!e to yo#r desendants all
these lands& and in yo#r seed all the nations o$ the earth shall be blessed&
Gen 23:1 .bea#se +braham obeyed ?y !oie and 'e*t ?y harge% ?y ommandments% ?y stat#tes% and ?y
Gen 23:3 ,o Isaa dwelt in Gerar"
Gen 23:4 +nd the men o$ the *lae as'ed abo#t his wi$e" +nd he said% .,he (is) my sister.& $or he was a$raid to
say% .(,he is) my wi$e%. (bea#se he tho#ght%) .lest the men o$ the *lae 'ill me $or :ebe'ah% bea#se she (is)
bea#ti$#l to behold".
Gen 23:8 Now it ame to *ass% when he had been there a long time% that +bimeleh 'ing o$ the <hilistines
loo'ed thro#gh a window% and saw% and there was Isaa% showing endearment to :ebe'ah his wi$e"
Gen 23:9 Then +bimeleh alled Isaa and said% .K#ite ob!io#sly she (is) yo#r wi$e& so how o#ld yo# say% A,he
(is) my sisterAC. +nd Isaa said to him% .Bea#se I said% A/est I die on ao#nt o$ her"A .
Gen 23:15 +nd +bimeleh said% .>hat (is) this yo# ha!e done to #sC 8ne o$ the *eo*le might soon ha!e lain
with yo#r wi$e% and yo# wo#ld ha!e bro#ght g#ilt on #s".
Gen 23:11 ,o +bimeleh harged all (his) *eo*le% saying% .He who to#hes this man or his wi$e shall s#rely be
*#t to death".
Gen 23:12 Then Isaa sowed in that land% and rea*ed in the same year a h#ndred$old& and the /8:2 blessed
Gen 23:1- The man began to *ros*er% and ontin#ed *ros*ering #ntil he beame !ery *ros*ero#s&
Gen 23:10 $or he had *ossessions o$ $lo's and *ossessions o$ herds and a great n#mber o$ ser!ants" ,o the
<hilistines en!ied him"
Gen 23:11 Now the <hilistines had sto**ed #* all the wells whih his $atherAs ser!ants had d#g in the days o$
+braham his $ather% and they had $illed them with earth"
Gen 23:13 +nd +bimeleh said to Isaa% .Go away $rom #s% $or yo# are m#h mightier than we".
Gen 23:14 Then Isaa de*arted $rom there and *ithed his tent in the Valley o$ Gerar% and dwelt there"
Gen 23:18 +nd Isaa d#g again the wells o$ water whih they had d#g in the days o$ +braham his $ather% $or the
<hilistines had sto**ed them #* a$ter the death o$ +braham" He alled them by the names whih his $ather had
alled them"
Gen 23:19 +lso IsaaAs ser!ants d#g in the !alley% and $o#nd a well o$ r#nning water there"
Gen 23:25 B#t the herdsmen o$ Gerar E#arreled with IsaaAs herdsmen% saying% .The water (is) o#rs". ,o he
alled the name o$ the well 6se'% bea#se they E#arreled with him"
Gen 23:21 Then they d#g another well% and they E#arreled o!er that (one) also" ,o he alled its name ,itnah"
Gen 23:22 +nd he mo!ed $rom there and d#g another well% and they did not E#arrel o!er it" ,o he alled its
name :ehoboth% bea#se he said% .;or now the /8:2 has made room $or #s% and we shall be $r#it$#l in the
Gen 23:2- Then he went #* $rom there to Beersheba"
Gen 23:20 +nd the /8:2 a**eared to him the same night and said% .I (am) the God o$ yo#r $ather +braham& do
not $ear% $or I (am) with yo#" I will bless yo# and m#lti*ly yo#r desendants $or ?y ser!ant +brahamAs sa'e".
Gen 23:21 ,o he b#ilt an altar there and alled on the name o$ the /8:2% and he *ithed his tent there& and
there IsaaAs ser!ants d#g a well"
Gen 23:23 Then +bimeleh ame to him $rom Gerar with +h#HHath% one o$ his $riends% and <hihol the
ommander o$ his army"
Gen 23:24 +nd Isaa said to them% .>hy ha!e yo# ome to me% sine yo# hate me and ha!e sent me away
$rom yo#C.
Gen 23:28 B#t they said% .>e ha!e ertainly seen that the /8:2 is with yo#" ,o we said% A/et there now be an
oath between #s% between yo# and #s& and let #s ma'e a o!enant with yo#%
Gen 23:29 Athat yo# will do #s no harm% sine we ha!e not to#hed yo#% and sine we ha!e done nothing to yo#
b#t good and ha!e sent yo# away in *eae" Bo# (are) now the blessed o$ the /8:2"A .
Gen 23:-5 ,o he made them a $east% and they ate and dran'"
Gen 23:-1 Then they arose early in the morning and swore an oath with one another& and Isaa sent them
away% and they de*arted $rom him in *eae"
Gen 23:-2 It ame to *ass the same day that IsaaAs ser!ants ame and told him abo#t the well whih they had
d#g% and said to him% .>e ha!e $o#nd water".
Gen 23:-- ,o he alled it ,hebah" There$ore the name o$ the ity (is) Beersheba to this day"
Gen 23:-0 >hen 6sa# was $orty years old% he too' as wi!es J#dith the da#ghter o$ Beeri the Hittite% and
Basemath the da#ghter o$ 6lon the Hittite"
Gen 23:-1 +nd they were a grie$ o$ mind to Isaa and :ebe'ah"
Gen 24:1 Now it ame to *ass% when Isaa was old and his eyes were so dim that he o#ld not see% that he
alled 6sa# his older son and said to him% .?y son". +nd he answered him% .Here I am".
Gen 24:2 Then he said% .Behold now% I am old" I do not 'now the day o$ my death"
Gen 24:- .Now there$ore% *lease ta'e yo#r wea*ons% yo#r E#i!er and yo#r bow% and go o#t to the $ield and h#nt
game $or me"
Gen 24:0 .+nd ma'e me sa!ory $ood% s#h as I lo!e% and bring (it) to me that I may eat% that my so#l may bless
yo# be$ore I die".
Gen 24:1 Now :ebe'ah was listening when Isaa s*o'e to 6sa# his son" +nd 6sa# went to the $ield to h#nt
game and to bring (it")
Gen 24:3 ,o :ebe'ah s*o'e to Jaob her son% saying% .Indeed I heard yo#r $ather s*ea' to 6sa# yo#r brother%
Gen 24:4 ABring me game and ma'e sa!ory $ood $or me% that I may eat it and bless yo# in the *resene o$ the
/8:2 be$ore my death"A
Gen 24:8 .Now there$ore% my son% obey my !oie aording to what I ommand yo#"
Gen 24:9 .Go now to the $lo' and bring me $rom there two hoie 'ids o$ the goats% and I will ma'e sa!ory $ood
$rom them $or yo#r $ather% s#h as he lo!es"
Gen 24:15 .Then yo# shall ta'e (it) to yo#r $ather% that he may eat (it%) and that he may bless yo# be$ore his
Gen 24:11 +nd Jaob said to :ebe'ah his mother% ./oo'% 6sa# my brother (is) a hairy man% and I (am) a
smoothD(s'inned) man"
Gen 24:12 .<erha*s my $ather will $eel me% and I shall seem to be a deei!er to him& and I shall bring a #rse on
mysel$ and not a blessing".
Gen 24:1- B#t his mother said to him% .(/et) yo#r #rse (be) on me% my son& only obey my !oie% and go% get
(them) $or me".
Gen 24:10 +nd he went and got (them) and bro#ght (them) to his mother% and his mother made sa!ory $ood%
s#h as his $ather lo!ed"
Gen 24:11 Then :ebe'ah too' the hoie lothes o$ her elder son 6sa#% whih (were) with her in the ho#se% and
*#t them on Jaob her yo#nger son"
Gen 24:13 +nd she *#t the s'ins o$ the 'ids o$ the goats on his hands and on the smooth *art o$ his ne'"
Gen 24:14 Then she ga!e the sa!ory $ood and the bread% whih she had *re*ared% into the hand o$ her son
Gen 24:18 ,o he went to his $ather and said% .?y $ather"A +nd he said% .Here I am" >ho (are) yo#% my sonC.
Gen 24:19 Jaob said to his $ather% .I (am) 6sa# yo#r $irstborn& I ha!e done @#st as yo# told me& *lease arise% sit
and eat o$ my game% that yo#r so#l may bless me".
Gen 24:25 B#t Isaa said to his son% .How (is it) that yo# ha!e $o#nd (it) so E#i'ly% my sonC. +nd he said%
.Bea#se the /8:2 yo#r God bro#ght (it) to me".
Gen 24:21 Then Isaa said to Jaob% .<lease ome near% that I may $eel yo#% my son% whether yo# (are) really
my son 6sa# or not".
Gen 24:22 ,o Jaob went near to Isaa his $ather% and he $elt him and said% .The !oie (is) JaobAs !oie% b#t
the hands (are) the hands o$ 6sa#".
Gen 24:2- +nd he did not reogniHe him% bea#se his hands were hairy li'e his brother 6sa#As hands& so he
blessed him"
Gen 24:20 Then he said% .(+re) yo# really my son 6sa#C. He said% .I (am".)
Gen 24:21 He said% .Bring (it) near to me% and I will eat o$ my sonAs game% so that my so#l may bless yo#". ,o
he bro#ght (it) near to him% and he ate& and he bro#ght him wine% and he dran'"
Gen 24:23 Then his $ather Isaa said to him% .=ome near now and 'iss me% my son".
Gen 24:24 +nd he ame near and 'issed him& and he smelled the smell o$ his lothing% and blessed him and
said: .,#rely% the smell o$ my son (Is) li'e the smell o$ a $ield >hih the /8:2 has blessed"
Gen 24:28 There$ore may God gi!e yo# 8$ the dew o$ hea!en% 8$ the $atness o$ the earth% +nd *lenty o$ grain
and wine"
Gen 24:29 /et *eo*les ser!e yo#% +nd nations bow down to yo#" Be master o!er yo#r brethren% +nd let yo#r
motherAs sons bow down to yo#" =#rsed (be) e!eryone who #rses yo#% +nd blessed (be) those who bless yo#F.
Gen 24:-5 Now it ha**ened% as soon as Isaa had $inished blessing Jaob% and Jaob had sarely gone o#t
$rom the *resene o$ Isaa his $ather% that 6sa# his brother ame in $rom his h#nting"
Gen 24:-1 He also had made sa!ory $ood% and bro#ght it to his $ather% and said to his $ather% ./et my $ather
arise and eat o$ his sonAs game% that yo#r so#l may bless me".
Gen 24:-2 +nd his $ather Isaa said to him% .>ho (are) yo#C. ,o he said% .I (am) yo#r son% yo#r $irstborn% 6sa#".
Gen 24:-- Then Isaa trembled e9eedingly% and said% .>hoC >here (is) the one who h#nted game and
bro#ght (it) to meC I ate all (o$ it) be$ore yo# ame% and I ha!e blessed him DD (and) indeed he shall be blessed".
Gen 24:-0 >hen 6sa# heard the words o$ his $ather% he ried with an e9eedingly great and bitter ry% and said
to his $ather% .Bless me DD me also% 8 my $atherF.
Gen 24:-1 B#t he said% .Bo#r brother ame with deeit and has ta'en away yo#r blessing".
Gen 24:-3 +nd (6sa#) said% .Is he not rightly named JaobC ;or he has s#**lanted me these two times" He
too' away my birthright% and now loo'% he has ta'en away my blessingF. +nd he said% .Ha!e yo# not reser!ed a
blessing $or meC.
Gen 24:-4 Then Isaa answered and said to 6sa#% .Indeed I ha!e made him yo#r master% and all his brethren I
ha!e gi!en to him as ser!ants& with grain and wine I ha!e s#stained him" >hat shall I do now $or yo#% my sonC.
Gen 24:-8 +nd 6sa# said to his $ather% .Ha!e yo# only one blessing% my $atherC Bless me DD me also% 8 my
$atherF. +nd 6sa# li$ted #* his !oie and we*t"
Gen 24:-9 Then Isaa his $ather answered and said to him:.Behold% yo#r dwelling shall be o$ the $atness o$ the
earth% +nd o$ the dew o$ hea!en $rom abo!e"
Gen 24:05 By yo#r sword yo# shall li!e% +nd yo# shall ser!e yo#r brother& +nd it shall ome to *ass% when yo#
beome restless% That yo# shall brea' his yo'e $rom yo#r ne'".
Gen 24:01 ,o 6sa# hated Jaob bea#se o$ the blessing with whih his $ather blessed him% and 6sa# said in
his heart% .The days o$ mo#rning $or my $ather are at hand& then I will 'ill my brother Jaob".
Gen 24:02 +nd the words o$ 6sa# her older son were told to :ebe'ah" ,o she sent and alled Jaob her
yo#nger son% and said to him% .,#rely yo#r brother 6sa# om$orts himsel$ onerning yo# (by intending) to 'ill
Gen 24:0- .Now there$ore% my son% obey my !oie: arise% $lee to my brother /aban in Haran"
Gen 24:00 .+nd stay with him a $ew days% #ntil yo#r brotherAs $#ry t#rns away%
Gen 24:01 .#ntil yo#r brotherAs anger t#rns away $rom yo#% and he $orgets what yo# ha!e done to him& then I will
send and bring yo# $rom there" >hy sho#ld I be berea!ed also o$ yo# both in one dayC.
Gen 24:03 +nd :ebe'ah said to Isaa% .I am weary o$ my li$e bea#se o$ the da#ghters o$ Heth& i$ Jaob ta'es a
wi$e o$ the da#ghters o$ Heth% li'e these (who are) the da#ghters o$ the land% what good will my li$e be to meC.
Gen 28:1 Then Isaa alled Jaob and blessed him% and harged him% and said to him: .Bo# shall not ta'e a
wi$e $rom the da#ghters o$ =anaan"
Gen 28:2 .+rise% go to <adan +ram% to the ho#se o$ Beth#el yo#r motherAs $ather& and ta'e yo#rsel$ a wi$e $rom
there o$ the da#ghters o$ /aban yo#r motherAs brother"
Gen 28:- .?ay God +lmighty bless yo#% +nd ma'e yo# $r#it$#l and m#lti*ly yo#% That yo# may be an assembly
o$ *eo*les&
Gen 28:0 +nd gi!e yo# the blessing o$ +braham% To yo# and yo#r desendants with yo#% That yo# may inherit
the land In whih yo# are a stranger% >hih God ga!e to +braham".
Gen 28:1 ,o Isaa sent Jaob away% and he went to <adan +ram% to /aban the son o$ Beth#el the ,yrian% the
brother o$ :ebe'ah% the mother o$ Jaob and 6sa#"
Gen 28:3 6sa# saw that Isaa had blessed Jaob and sent him away to <adan +ram to ta'e himsel$ a wi$e $rom
there% (and that) as he blessed him he ga!e him a harge% saying% .Bo# shall not ta'e a wi$e $rom the da#ghters
o$ =anaan%.
Gen 28:4 and that Jaob had obeyed his $ather and his mother and had gone to <adan +ram"
Gen 28:8 +lso 6sa# saw that the da#ghters o$ =anaan did not *lease his $ather Isaa"
Gen 28:9 ,o 6sa# went to Ishmael and too' ?ahalath the da#ghter o$ Ishmael% +brahamAs son% the sister o$
Neba@oth% to be his wi$e in addition to the wi!es he had"
Gen 28:15 Now Jaob went o#t $rom Beersheba and went toward Haran"
Gen 28:11 ,o he ame to a ertain *lae and stayed there all night% bea#se the s#n had set" +nd he too' one
o$ the stones o$ that *lae and *#t it at his head% and he lay down in that *lae to slee*"
Gen 28:12 Then he dreamed% and behold% a ladder (was) set #* on the earth% and its to* reahed to hea!en&
and there the angels o$ God were asending and desending on it"
Gen 28:1- +nd behold% the /8:2 stood abo!e it and said: .I (am) the /8:2 God o$ +braham yo#r $ather and
the God o$ Isaa& the land on whih yo# lie I will gi!e to yo# and yo#r desendants"
Gen 28:10 .+lso yo#r desendants shall be as the d#st o$ the earth& yo# shall s*read abroad to the west and
the east% to the north and the so#th& and in yo# and in yo#r seed all the $amilies o$ the earth shall be blessed"
Gen 28:11 .Behold% I (am) with yo# and will 'ee* yo# where!er yo# go% and will bring yo# ba' to this land& $or I
will not lea!e yo# #ntil I ha!e done what I ha!e s*o'en to yo#".
Gen 28:13 Then Jaob awo'e $rom his slee* and said% .,#rely the /8:2 is in this *lae% and I did not 'now (it".)
Gen 28:14 +nd he was a$raid and said% .How awesome (is) this *laeF This (is) none other than the ho#se o$
God% and this (is) the gate o$ hea!enF.
Gen 28:18 Then Jaob rose early in the morning% and too' the stone that he had *#t at his head% set it #* as a
*illar% and *o#red oil on to* o$ it"
Gen 28:19 +nd he alled the name o$ that *lae Bethel& b#t the name o$ that ity had been /#H *re!io#sly"
Gen 28:25 Then Jaob made a !ow% saying% .I$ God will be with me% and 'ee* me in this way that I am going%
and gi!e me bread to eat and lothing to *#t on%
Gen 28:21 .so that I ome ba' to my $atherAs ho#se in *eae% then the /8:2 shall be my God"
Gen 28:22 .+nd this stone whih I ha!e set as a *illar shall be GodAs ho#se% and o$ all that Bo# gi!e me I will
s#rely gi!e a tenth to Bo#".
Gen 29:1 ,o Jaob went on his @o#rney and ame to the land o$ the *eo*le o$ the 6ast"
Gen 29:2 +nd he loo'ed% and saw a well in the $ield& and behold% there (were) three $lo's o$ shee* lying by it&
$or o#t o$ that well they watered the $lo's" + large stone (was) on the wellAs mo#th"
Gen 29:- Now all the $lo's wo#ld be gathered there& and they wo#ld roll the stone $rom the wellAs mo#th% water
the shee*% and *#t the stone ba' in its *lae on the wellAs mo#th"
Gen 29:0 +nd Jaob said to them% .?y brethren% where (are) yo# $romC. +nd they said% .>e (are) $rom Haran".
Gen 29:1 Then he said to them% .2o yo# 'now /aban the son o$ NahorC. +nd they said% .>e 'now him".
Gen 29:3 ,o he said to them% .Is he wellC. +nd they said% .(He is) well" +nd loo'% his da#ghter :ahel is oming
with the shee*".
Gen 29:4 Then he said% ./oo'% (it is) still high day& (it is) not time $or the attle to be gathered together" >ater the
shee*% and go and $eed (them".)
Gen 29:8 B#t they said% .>e annot #ntil all the $lo's are gathered together% and they ha!e rolled the stone
$rom the wellAs mo#th& then we water the shee*".
Gen 29:9 Now while he was still s*ea'ing with them% :ahel ame with her $atherAs shee*% $or she was a
Gen 29:15 +nd it ame to *ass% when Jaob saw :ahel the da#ghter o$ /aban his motherAs brother% and the
shee* o$ /aban his motherAs brother% that Jaob went near and rolled the stone $rom the wellAs mo#th% and
watered the $lo' o$ /aban his motherAs brother"
Gen 29:11 Then Jaob 'issed :ahel% and li$ted #* his !oie and we*t"
Gen 29:12 +nd Jaob told :ahel that he (was) her $atherAs relati!e and that he (was) :ebe'ahAs son" ,o she
ran and told her $ather"
Gen 29:1- Then it ame to *ass% when /aban heard the re*ort abo#t Jaob his sisterAs son% that he ran to meet
him% and embraed him and 'issed him% and bro#ght him to his ho#se" ,o he told /aban all these things"
Gen 29:10 +nd /aban said to him% .,#rely yo# (are) my bone and my $lesh". +nd he stayed with him $or a
Gen 29:11 Then /aban said to Jaob% .Bea#se yo# (are) my relati!e% sho#ld yo# there$ore ser!e me $or
nothingC Tell me% what (sho#ld) yo#r wages (beC.)
Gen 29:13 Now /aban had two da#ghters: the name o$ the elder (was) /eah% and the name o$ the yo#nger (was)
Gen 29:14 /eahAs eyes (were) deliate% b#t :ahel was bea#ti$#l o$ $orm and a**earane"
Gen 29:18 Now Jaob lo!ed :ahel& so he said% .I will ser!e yo# se!en years $or :ahel yo#r yo#nger
Gen 29:19 +nd /aban said% .(It is) better that I gi!e her to yo# than that I sho#ld gi!e her to another man" ,tay
with me".
Gen 29:25 ,o Jaob ser!ed se!en years $or :ahel% and they seemed (only) a $ew days to him bea#se o$ the
lo!e he had $or her"
Gen 29:21 Then Jaob said to /aban% .Gi!e (me) my wi$e% $or my days are $#l$illed% that I may go in to her".
Gen 29:22 +nd /aban gathered together all the men o$ the *lae and made a $east"
Gen 29:2- Now it ame to *ass in the e!ening% that he too' /eah his da#ghter and bro#ght her to Jaob& and he
went in to her"
Gen 29:20 +nd /aban ga!e his maid Gil*ah to his da#ghter /eah (as) a maid"
Gen 29:21 ,o it ame to *ass in the morning% that behold% it (was) /eah" +nd he said to /aban% .>hat is this yo#
ha!e done to meC >as it not $or :ahel that I ser!ed yo#C >hy then ha!e yo# deei!ed meC.
Gen 29:23 +nd /aban said% .It m#st not be done so in o#r o#ntry% to gi!e the yo#nger be$ore the $irstborn"
Gen 29:24 .;#l$ill her wee'% and we will gi!e yo# this one also $or the ser!ie whih yo# will ser!e with me still
another se!en years".
Gen 29:28 Then Jaob did so and $#l$illed her wee'" ,o he ga!e him his da#ghter :ahel as wi$e also"
Gen 29:29 +nd /aban ga!e his maid Bilhah to his da#ghter :ahel as a maid"
Gen 29:-5 Then (Jaob) also went in to :ahel% and he also lo!ed :ahel more than /eah" +nd he ser!ed with
/aban still another se!en years"
Gen 29:-1 >hen the /8:2 saw that /eah (was) #nlo!ed% He o*ened her womb& b#t :ahel (was) barren"
Gen 29:-2 ,o /eah onei!ed and bore a son% and she alled his name :e#ben& $or she said% .The /8:2 has
s#rely loo'ed on my a$$lition" Now there$ore% my h#sband will lo!e me".
Gen 29:-- Then she onei!ed again and bore a son% and said% .Bea#se the /8:2 has heard that I (am)
#nlo!ed% He has there$ore gi!en me this (son) also". +nd she alled his name ,imeon"
Gen 29:-0 ,he onei!ed again and bore a son% and said% .Now this time my h#sband will beome attahed to
me% bea#se I ha!e borne him three sons". There$ore his name was alled /e!i"
Gen 29:-1 +nd she onei!ed again and bore a son% and said% .Now I will *raise the /8:2". There$ore she
alled his name J#dah" Then she sto**ed bearing"
Gen -5:1 Now when :ahel saw that she bore Jaob no hildren% :ahel en!ied her sister% and said to Jaob%
.Gi!e me hildren% or else I dieF.
Gen -5:2 +nd JaobAs anger was aro#sed against :ahel% and he said% .(+m) I in the *lae o$ God% who has
withheld $rom yo# the $r#it o$ the wombC.
Gen -5:- ,o she said% .Here is my maid Bilhah& go in to her% and she will bear (a hild) on my 'nees% that I also
may ha!e hildren by her".
Gen -5:0 Then she ga!e him Bilhah her maid as wi$e% and Jaob went in to her"
Gen -5:1 +nd Bilhah onei!ed and bore Jaob a son"
Gen -5:3 Then :ahel said% .God has @#dged my ase& and He has also heard my !oie and gi!en me a son".
There$ore she alled his name 2an"
Gen -5:4 +nd :ahelAs maid Bilhah onei!ed again and bore Jaob a seond son"
Gen -5:8 Then :ahel said% .>ith great wrestlings I ha!e wrestled with my sister% (and) indeed I ha!e
*re!ailed". ,o she alled his name Na*htali"
Gen -5:9 >hen /eah saw that she had sto**ed bearing% she too' Gil*ah her maid and ga!e her to Jaob as
Gen -5:15 +nd /eahAs maid Gil*ah bore Jaob a son"
Gen -5:11 Then /eah said% .+ troo* omesF. ,o she alled his name Gad"
Gen -5:12 +nd /eahAs maid Gil*ah bore Jaob a seond son"
Gen -5:1- Then /eah said% .I am ha**y% $or the da#ghters will all me blessed". ,o she alled his name +sher"
Gen -5:10 Now :e#ben went in the days o$ wheat har!est and $o#nd mandra'es in the $ield% and bro#ght them
to his mother /eah" Then :ahel said to /eah% .<lease gi!e me (some) o$ yo#r sonAs mandra'es".
Gen -5:11 B#t she said to her% .(Is it) a small matter that yo# ha!e ta'en away my h#sbandC >o#ld yo# ta'e
away my sonAs mandra'es alsoC. +nd :ahel said% .There$ore he will lie with yo# tonight $or yo#r sonAs
Gen -5:13 >hen Jaob ame o#t o$ the $ield in the e!ening% /eah went o#t to meet him and said% .Bo# m#st
ome in to me% $or I ha!e s#rely hired yo# with my sonAs mandra'es". +nd he lay with her that night"
Gen -5:14 +nd God listened to /eah% and she onei!ed and bore Jaob a $i$th son"
Gen -5:18 /eah said% .God has gi!en me my wages% bea#se I ha!e gi!en my maid to my h#sband". ,o she
alled his name Issahar"
Gen -5:19 Then /eah onei!ed again and bore Jaob a si9th son"
Gen -5:25 +nd /eah said% .God has endowed me (with) a good endowment& now my h#sband will dwell with
me% bea#se I ha!e borne him si9 sons". ,o she alled his name Geb#l#n"
Gen -5:21 +$terward she bore a da#ghter% and alled her name 2inah"
Gen -5:22 Then God remembered :ahel% and God listened to her and o*ened her womb"
Gen -5:2- +nd she onei!ed and bore a son% and said% .God has ta'en away my re*roah".
Gen -5:20 ,o she alled his name Jose*h% and said% .The /8:2 shall add to me another son".
Gen -5:21 +nd it ame to *ass% when :ahel had borne Jose*h% that Jaob said to /aban% .,end me away% that
I may go to my own *lae and to my o#ntry"
Gen -5:23 .Gi!e (me) my wi!es and my hildren $or whom I ha!e ser!ed yo#% and let me go& $or yo# 'now my
ser!ie whih I ha!e done $or yo#".
Gen -5:24 +nd /aban said to him% .<lease (stay%) i$ I ha!e $o#nd $a!or in yo#r eyes% ($or) I ha!e learned by
e9*eriene that the /8:2 has blessed me $or yo#r sa'e".
Gen -5:28 Then he said% .Name me yo#r wages% and I will gi!e (it".)
Gen -5:29 ,o (Jaob) said to him% .Bo# 'now how I ha!e ser!ed yo# and how yo#r li!esto' has been with me"
Gen -5:-5 .;or what yo# had be$ore I (ame was) little% and it has inreased to a great amo#nt& the /8:2 has
blessed yo# sine my oming" +nd now% when shall I also *ro!ide $or my own ho#seC.
Gen -5:-1 ,o he said% .>hat shall I gi!e yo#C. +nd Jaob said% .Bo# shall not gi!e me anything" I$ yo# will do
this thing $or me% I will again $eed and 'ee* yo#r $lo's:
Gen -5:-2 ./et me *ass thro#gh all yo#r $lo' today% remo!ing $rom there all the s*e'led and s*otted shee*%
and all the brown ones among the lambs% and the s*otted and s*e'led among the goats& and (these) shall be
my wages"
Gen -5:-- .,o my righteo#sness will answer $or me in time to ome% when the s#b@et o$ my wages omes
be$ore yo#: e!ery one that (is) not s*e'led and s*otted among the goats% and brown among the lambs% will be
onsidered stolen% i$ (it is) with me".
Gen -5:-0 +nd /aban said% .8h% that it were aording to yo#r wordF.
Gen -5:-1 ,o he remo!ed that day the male goats that were s*e'led and s*otted% all the $emale goats that
were s*e'led and s*otted% e!ery one that had (some) white in it% and all the brown ones among the lambs% and
ga!e (them) into the hand o$ his sons"
Gen -5:-3 Then he *#t three daysA @o#rney between himsel$ and Jaob% and Jaob $ed the rest o$ /abanAs
Gen -5:-4 Now Jaob too' $or himsel$ rods o$ green *o*lar and o$ the almond and hestn#t trees% *eeled white
stri*s in them% and e9*osed the white whih (was) in the rods"
Gen -5:-8 +nd the rods whih he had *eeled% he set be$ore the $lo's in the g#tters% in the watering tro#ghs
where the $lo's ame to drin'% so that they sho#ld onei!e when they ame to drin'"
Gen -5:-9 ,o the $lo's onei!ed be$ore the rods% and the $lo's bro#ght $orth strea'ed% s*e'led% and
Gen -5:05 Then Jaob se*arated the lambs% and made the $lo's $ae toward the strea'ed and all the brown in
the $lo' o$ /aban& b#t he *#t his own $lo's by themsel!es and did not *#t them with /abanAs $lo'"
Gen -5:01 +nd it ame to *ass% whene!er the stronger li!esto' onei!ed% that Jaob *laed the rods be$ore
the eyes o$ the li!esto' in the g#tters% that they might onei!e among the rods"
Gen -5:02 B#t when the $lo's were $eeble% he did not *#t (them) in& so the $eebler were /abanAs and the
stronger JaobAs"
Gen -5:0- Th#s the man beame e9eedingly *ros*ero#s% and had large $lo's% $emale and male ser!ants% and
amels and don'eys"
Gen -1:1 Now (Jaob) heard the words o$ /abanAs sons% saying% .Jaob has ta'en away all that was o#r
$atherAs% and $rom what was o#r $atherAs he has aE#ired all this wealth".
Gen -1:2 +nd Jaob saw the o#ntenane o$ /aban% and indeed it (was) not ($a!orable) toward him as be$ore"
Gen -1:- Then the /8:2 said to Jaob% .:et#rn to the land o$ yo#r $athers and to yo#r $amily% and I will be with
Gen -1:0 ,o Jaob sent and alled :ahel and /eah to the $ield% to his $lo'%
Gen -1:1 and said to them% .I see yo#r $atherAs o#ntenane% that it (is) not ($a!orable) toward me as be$ore& b#t
the God o$ my $ather has been with me"
Gen -1:3 .+nd yo# 'now that with all my might I ha!e ser!ed yo#r $ather"
Gen -1:4 .Bet yo#r $ather has deei!ed me and hanged my wages ten times% b#t God did not allow him to h#rt
Gen -1:8 .I$ he said th#s: AThe s*e'led shall be yo#r wages%A then all the $lo's bore s*e'led" +nd i$ he said
th#s: AThe strea'ed shall be yo#r wages%A then all the $lo's bore strea'ed"
Gen -1:9 .,o God has ta'en away the li!esto' o$ yo#r $ather and gi!en (them) to me"
Gen -1:15 .+nd it ha**ened% at the time when the $lo's onei!ed% that I li$ted my eyes and saw in a dream%
and behold% the rams whih lea*ed #*on the $lo's (were) strea'ed% s*e'led% and grayDs*otted"
Gen -1:11 .Then the +ngel o$ God s*o'e to me in a dream% saying% AJaob"A +nd I said% AHere I am"A
Gen -1:12 .+nd He said% A/i$t yo#r eyes now and see% all the rams whih lea* on the $lo's (are) strea'ed%
s*e'led% and grayDs*otted& $or I ha!e seen all that /aban is doing to yo#"
Gen -1:1- AI (am) the God o$ Bethel% where yo# anointed the *illar (and) where yo# made a !ow to ?e" Now
arise% get o#t o$ this land% and ret#rn to the land o$ yo#r $amily"A .
Gen -1:10 Then :ahel and /eah answered and said to him% .Is there still any *ortion or inheritane $or #s in
o#r $atherAs ho#seC
Gen -1:11 .+re we not onsidered strangers by himC ;or he has sold #s% and also om*letely ons#med o#r
Gen -1:13 .;or all these rihes whih God has ta'en $rom o#r $ather are (really) o#rs and o#r hildrenAs& now
then% whate!er God has said to yo#% do it".
Gen -1:14 Then Jaob rose and set his sons and his wi!es on amels"
Gen -1:18 +nd he arried away all his li!esto' and all his *ossessions whih he had gained% his aE#ired
li!esto' whih he had gained in <adan +ram% to go to his $ather Isaa in the land o$ =anaan"
Gen -1:19 Now /aban had gone to shear his shee*% and :ahel had stolen the ho#sehold idols that were her
Gen -1:25 +nd Jaob stole away% #n'nown to /aban the ,yrian% in that he did not tell him that he intended to
Gen -1:21 ,o he $led with all that he had" He arose and rossed the ri!er% and headed toward the mo#ntains o$
Gen -1:22 +nd /aban was told on the third day that Jaob had $led"
Gen -1:2- Then he too' his brethren with him and *#rs#ed him $or se!en daysA @o#rney% and he o!ertoo' him in
the mo#ntains o$ Gilead"
Gen -1:20 B#t God had ome to /aban the ,yrian in a dream by night% and said to him% .Be are$#l that yo#
s*ea' to Jaob neither good nor bad".
Gen -1:21 ,o /aban o!ertoo' Jaob" Now Jaob had *ithed his tent in the mo#ntains% and /aban with his
brethren *ithed in the mo#ntains o$ Gilead"
Gen -1:23 +nd /aban said to Jaob: .>hat ha!e yo# done% that yo# ha!e stolen away #n'nown to me% and
arried away my da#ghters li'e a*ti!es (ta'en) with the swordC
Gen -1:24 .>hy did yo# $lee away seretly% and steal away $rom me% and not tell me& $or I might ha!e sent yo#
away with @oy and songs% with timbrel and har*C
Gen -1:28 .+nd yo# did not allow me to 'iss my sons and my da#ghters" Now yo# ha!e done $oolishly in (so)
Gen -1:29 .It is in my *ower to do yo# harm% b#t the God o$ yo#r $ather s*o'e to me last night% saying% ABe
are$#l that yo# s*ea' to Jaob neither good nor bad"A
Gen -1:-5 .+nd now yo# ha!e s#rely gone bea#se yo# greatly long $or yo#r $atherAs ho#se% (b#t) why did yo#
steal my godsC.
Gen -1:-1 Then Jaob answered and said to /aban% .Bea#se I was a$raid% $or I said% A<erha*s yo# wo#ld ta'e
yo#r da#ghters $rom me by $ore"A
Gen -1:-2 .>ith whome!er yo# $ind yo#r gods% do not let him li!e" In the *resene o$ o#r brethren% identi$y what
I ha!e o$ yo#rs and ta'e (it) with yo#". ;or Jaob did not 'now that :ahel had stolen them"
Gen -1:-- +nd /aban went into JaobAs tent% into /eahAs tent% and into the two maidsA tents% b#t he did not $ind
(them") Then he went o#t o$ /eahAs tent and entered :ahelAs tent"
Gen -1:-0 Now :ahel had ta'en the ho#sehold idols% *#t them in the amelAs saddle% and sat on them" +nd
/aban searhed all abo#t the tent b#t did not $ind (them")
Gen -1:-1 +nd she said to her $ather% ./et it not dis*lease my lord that I annot rise be$ore yo#% $or the manner
o$ women (is) with me". +nd he searhed b#t did not $ind the ho#sehold idols"
Gen -1:-3 Then Jaob was angry and reb#'ed /aban% and Jaob answered and said to /aban: .>hat (is) my
tres*assC >hat (is) my sin% that yo# ha!e so hotly *#rs#ed meC
Gen -1:-4 .+ltho#gh yo# ha!e searhed all my things% what *art o$ yo#r ho#sehold things ha!e yo# $o#ndC ,et
(it) here be$ore my brethren and yo#r brethren% that they may @#dge between #s bothF
Gen -1:-8 .These twenty years I (ha!e been) with yo#& yo#r ewes and yo#r $emale goats ha!e not misarried
their yo#ng% and I ha!e not eaten the rams o$ yo#r $lo'"
Gen -1:-9 .That whih was torn (by beasts) I did not bring to yo#& I bore the loss o$ it" Bo# reE#ired it $rom my
hand% (whether) stolen by day or stolen by night"
Gen -1:05 .(There) I wasF In the day the dro#ght ons#med me% and the $rost by night% and my slee* de*arted
$rom my eyes"
Gen -1:01 .Th#s I ha!e been in yo#r ho#se twenty years& I ser!ed yo# $o#rteen years $or yo#r two da#ghters%
and si9 years $or yo#r $lo'% and yo# ha!e hanged my wages ten times"
Gen -1:02 .7nless the God o$ my $ather% the God o$ +braham and the ;ear o$ Isaa% had been with me% s#rely
now yo# wo#ld ha!e sent me away em*tyDhanded" God has seen my a$$lition and the labor o$ my hands% and
reb#'ed (yo#) last night".
Gen -1:0- +nd /aban answered and said to Jaob% .(These) da#ghters (are) my da#ghters% and (these) hildren
(are) my hildren% and (this) $lo' (is) my $lo'& all that yo# see (is) mine" B#t what an I do this day to these my
da#ghters or to their hildren whom they ha!e borneC
Gen -1:00 .Now there$ore% ome% let #s ma'e a o!enant% yo# and I% and let it be a witness between yo# and
Gen -1:01 ,o Jaob too' a stone and set it #* (as) a *illar"
Gen -1:03 Then Jaob said to his brethren% .Gather stones". +nd they too' stones and made a hea*% and they
ate there on the hea*"
Gen -1:04 /aban alled it Jegar ,ahad#tha% b#t Jaob alled it Galeed"
Gen -1:08 +nd /aban said% .This hea* (is) a witness between yo# and me this day". There$ore its name was
alled Galeed%
Gen -1:09 also ?iH*ah% bea#se he said% .?ay the /8:2 wath between yo# and me when we are absent one
$rom another"
Gen -1:15 .I$ yo# a$$lit my da#ghters% or i$ yo# ta'e (other) wi!es besides my da#ghters% (altho#gh) no man (is)
with #s DD see% God (is) witness between yo# and meF.
Gen -1:11 Then /aban said to Jaob% .Here is this hea* and here is (this) *illar% whih I ha!e *laed between
yo# and me"
Gen -1:12 .This hea* (is) a witness% and (this) *illar (is) a witness% that I will not *ass beyond this hea* to yo#%
and yo# will not *ass beyond this hea* and this *illar to me% $or harm"
Gen -1:1- .The God o$ +braham% the God o$ Nahor% and the God o$ their $ather @#dge between #s". +nd Jaob
swore by the ;ear o$ his $ather Isaa"
Gen -1:10 Then Jaob o$$ered a sari$ie on the mo#ntain% and alled his brethren to eat bread" +nd they ate
bread and stayed all night on the mo#ntain"
Gen -1:11 +nd early in the morning /aban arose% and 'issed his sons and da#ghters and blessed them" Then
/aban de*arted and ret#rned to his *lae"
Gen -2:1 ,o Jaob went on his way% and the angels o$ God met him"
Gen -2:2 >hen Jaob saw them% he said% .This (is) GodAs am*". +nd he alled the name o$ that *lae
Gen -2:- Then Jaob sent messengers be$ore him to 6sa# his brother in the land o$ ,eir% the o#ntry o$ 6dom"
Gen -2:0 +nd he ommanded them% saying% .,*ea' th#s to my lord 6sa#% ATh#s yo#r ser!ant Jaob says: .I
ha!e dwelt with /aban and stayed there #ntil now"
Gen -2:1 .I ha!e o9en% don'eys% $lo's% and male and $emale ser!ants& and I ha!e sent to tell my lord% that I
may $ind $a!or in yo#r sight". A .
Gen -2:3 Then the messengers ret#rned to Jaob% saying% .>e ame to yo#r brother 6sa#% and he also is
oming to meet yo#% and $o#r h#ndred men (are) with him".
Gen -2:4 ,o Jaob was greatly a$raid and distressed& and he di!ided the *eo*le that (were) with him% and the
$lo's and herds and amels% into two om*anies"
Gen -2:8 +nd he said% .I$ 6sa# omes to the one om*any and atta's it% then the other om*any whih is le$t
will esa*e".
Gen -2:9 Then Jaob said% .8 God o$ my $ather +braham and God o$ my $ather Isaa% the /8:2 who said to
me% A:et#rn to yo#r o#ntry and to yo#r $amily% and I will deal well with yo#A:
Gen -2:15 .I am not worthy o$ the least o$ all the meries and o$ all the tr#th whih Bo# ha!e shown Bo#r
ser!ant& $or I rossed o!er this Jordan with my sta$$% and now I ha!e beome two om*anies"
Gen -2:11 .2eli!er me% I *ray% $rom the hand o$ my brother% $rom the hand o$ 6sa#& $or I $ear him% lest he ome
and atta' me (and) the mother with the hildren"
Gen -2:12 .;or Bo# said% AI will s#rely treat yo# well% and ma'e yo#r desendants as the sand o$ the sea% whih
annot be n#mbered $or m#ltit#de"A .
Gen -2:1- ,o he lodged there that same night% and too' what ame to his hand as a *resent $or 6sa# his
Gen -2:10 two h#ndred $emale goats and twenty male goats% two h#ndred ewes and twenty rams%
Gen -2:11 thirty mil' amels with their olts% $orty ows and ten b#lls% twenty $emale don'eys and ten $oals"
Gen -2:13 Then he deli!ered (them) to the hand o$ his ser!ants% e!ery dro!e by itsel$% and said to his ser!ants%
.<ass o!er be$ore me% and *#t some distane between s#essi!e dro!es".
Gen -2:14 +nd he ommanded the $irst one% saying% .>hen 6sa# my brother meets yo# and as's yo#% saying%
ATo whom do yo# belong% and where are yo# goingC >hose (are) these in $ront o$ yo#CA
Gen -2:18 .then yo# shall say% AThey (are) yo#r ser!ant JaobAs" It (is) a *resent sent to my lord 6sa#& and
behold% he also (is) behind #s"A .
Gen -2:19 ,o he ommanded the seond% the third% and all who $ollowed the dro!es% saying% .In this manner
yo# shall s*ea' to 6sa# when yo# $ind him&
Gen -2:25 .and also say% ABehold% yo#r ser!ant Jaob (is) behind #s"A . ;or he said% .I will a**ease him with the
*resent that goes be$ore me% and a$terward I will see his $ae& *erha*s he will ae*t me".
Gen -2:21 ,o the *resent went on o!er be$ore him% b#t he himsel$ lodged that night in the am*"
Gen -2:22 +nd he arose that night and too' his two wi!es% his two $emale ser!ants% and his ele!en sons% and
rossed o!er the $ord o$ Jabbo'"
Gen -2:2- He too' them% sent them o!er the broo'% and sent o!er what he had"
Gen -2:20 Then Jaob was le$t alone& and a ?an wrestled with him #ntil the brea'ing o$ day"
Gen -2:21 Now when He saw that He did not *re!ail against him% He to#hed the so'et o$ his hi*& and the
so'et o$ JaobAs hi* was o#t o$ @oint as He wrestled with him"
Gen -2:23 +nd He said% ./et ?e go% $or the day brea's". B#t he said% .I will not let Bo# go #nless Bo# bless
Gen -2:24 ,o He said to him% .>hat (is) yo#r nameC. He said% .Jaob".
Gen -2:28 +nd He said% .Bo#r name shall no longer be alled Jaob% b#t Israel& $or yo# ha!e str#ggled with God
and with men% and ha!e *re!ailed".
Gen -2:29 Then Jaob as'ed% saying% .Tell (me) Bo#r name% I *ray". +nd He said% .>hy (is) it (that) yo# as'
abo#t ?y nameC. +nd He blessed him there"
Gen -2:-5 +nd Jaob alled the name o$ the *lae <eniel: .;or I ha!e seen God $ae to $ae% and my li$e is
Gen -2:-1 J#st as he rossed o!er <en#el the s#n rose on him% and he lim*ed on his hi*"
Gen -2:-2 There$ore to this day the hildren o$ Israel do not eat the m#sle that shran'% whih (is) on the hi*
so'et% bea#se He to#hed the so'et o$ JaobAs hi* in the m#sle that shran'"
Gen --:1 Now Jaob li$ted his eyes and loo'ed% and there% 6sa# was oming% and with him were $o#r h#ndred
men" ,o he di!ided the hildren among /eah% :ahel% and the two maidser!ants"
Gen --:2 +nd he *#t the maidser!ants and their hildren in $ront% /eah and her hildren behind% and :ahel and
Jose*h last"
Gen --:- Then he rossed o!er be$ore them and bowed himsel$ to the gro#nd se!en times% #ntil he ame near
to his brother"
Gen --:0 B#t 6sa# ran to meet him% and embraed him% and $ell on his ne' and 'issed him% and they we*t"
Gen --:1 +nd he li$ted his eyes and saw the women and hildren% and said% .>ho (are) these with yo#C. ,o he
said% .The hildren whom God has graio#sly gi!en yo#r ser!ant".
Gen --:3 Then the maidser!ants ame near% they and their hildren% and bowed down"
Gen --:4 +nd /eah also ame near with her hildren% and they bowed down" +$terward Jose*h and :ahel
ame near% and they bowed down"
Gen --:8 Then 6sa# said% .>hat (do) yo# (mean by) all this om*any whih I metC. +nd he said% .(These are) to
$ind $a!or in the sight o$ my lord".
Gen --:9 B#t 6sa# said% .I ha!e eno#gh% my brother& 'ee* what yo# ha!e $or yo#rsel$".
Gen --:15 +nd Jaob said% .No% *lease% i$ I ha!e now $o#nd $a!or in yo#r sight% then reei!e my *resent $rom
my hand% inasm#h as I ha!e seen yo#r $ae as tho#gh I had seen the $ae o$ God% and yo# were *leased with
Gen --:11 .<lease% ta'e my blessing that is bro#ght to yo#% bea#se God has dealt graio#sly with me% and
bea#se I ha!e eno#gh". ,o he #rged him% and he too' (it")
Gen --:12 Then 6sa# said% ./et #s ta'e o#r @o#rney& let #s go% and I will go be$ore yo#".
Gen --:1- B#t Jaob said to him% .?y lord 'nows that the hildren (are) wea'% and the $lo's and herds whih
are n#rsing (are) with me" +nd i$ the men sho#ld dri!e them hard one day% all the $lo' will die"
Gen --:10 .<lease let my lord go on ahead be$ore his ser!ant" I will lead on slowly at a *ae whih the li!esto'
that go be$ore me% and the hildren% are able to end#re% #ntil I ome to my lord in ,eir".
Gen --:11 +nd 6sa# said% .Now let me lea!e with yo# (some) o$ the *eo*le who (are) with me". B#t he said%
.>hat need is thereC /et me $ind $a!or in the sight o$ my lord".
Gen --:13 ,o 6sa# ret#rned that day on his way to ,eir"
Gen --:14 +nd Jaob @o#rneyed to ,#oth% b#ilt himsel$ a ho#se% and made booths $or his li!esto'" There$ore
the name o$ the *lae is alled ,#oth"
Gen --:18 Then Jaob ame sa$ely to the ity o$ ,hehem% whih (is) in the land o$ =anaan% when he ame
$rom <adan +ram& and he *ithed his tent be$ore the ity"
Gen --:19 +nd he bo#ght the *arel o$ land% where he had *ithed his tent% $rom the hildren o$ Hamor%
,hehemAs $ather% $or one h#ndred *iees o$ money"
Gen --:25 Then he ereted an altar there and alled it 6l 6lohe Israel"
Gen -0:1 Now 2inah the da#ghter o$ /eah% whom she had borne to Jaob% went o#t to see the da#ghters o$ the
Gen -0:2 +nd when ,hehem the son o$ Hamor the Hi!ite% *rine o$ the o#ntry% saw her% he too' her and lay
with her% and !iolated her"
Gen -0:- His so#l was strongly attrated to 2inah the da#ghter o$ Jaob% and he lo!ed the yo#ng woman and
s*o'e 'indly to the yo#ng woman"
Gen -0:0 ,o ,hehem s*o'e to his $ather Hamor% saying% .Get me this yo#ng woman as a wi$e".
Gen -0:1 +nd Jaob heard that he had de$iled 2inah his da#ghter" Now his sons were with his li!esto' in the
$ield& so Jaob held his *eae #ntil they ame"
Gen -0:3 Then Hamor the $ather o$ ,hehem went o#t to Jaob to s*ea' with him"
Gen -0:4 +nd the sons o$ Jaob ame in $rom the $ield when they heard (it&) and the men were grie!ed and !ery
angry% bea#se he had done a disgrae$#l thing in Israel by lying with JaobAs da#ghter% a thing whih o#ght not
to be done"
Gen -0:8 B#t Hamor s*o'e with them% saying% .The so#l o$ my son ,hehem longs $or yo#r da#ghter" <lease
gi!e her to him as a wi$e"
Gen -0:9 .+nd ma'e marriages with #s& gi!e yo#r da#ghters to #s% and ta'e o#r da#ghters to yo#rsel!es"
Gen -0:15 .,o yo# shall dwell with #s% and the land shall be be$ore yo#" 2well and trade in it% and aE#ire
*ossessions $or yo#rsel!es in it".
Gen -0:11 Then ,hehem said to her $ather and her brothers% ./et me $ind $a!or in yo#r eyes% and whate!er
yo# say to me I will gi!e"
Gen -0:12 .+s' me e!er so m#h dowry and gi$t% and I will gi!e aording to what yo# say to me& b#t gi!e me
the yo#ng woman as a wi$e".
Gen -0:1- B#t the sons o$ Jaob answered ,hehem and Hamor his $ather% and s*o'e deeit$#lly% bea#se he
had de$iled 2inah their sister"
Gen -0:10 +nd they said to them% .>e annot do this thing% to gi!e o#r sister to one who is #nir#mised% $or
that (wo#ld be) a re*roah to #s"
Gen -0:11 .B#t on this (ondition) we will onsent to yo#: I$ yo# will beome as we (are%) i$ e!ery male o$ yo# is
Gen -0:13 .then we will gi!e o#r da#ghters to yo#% and we will ta'e yo#r da#ghters to #s& and we will dwell with
yo#% and we will beome one *eo*le"
Gen -0:14 .B#t i$ yo# will not heed #s and be ir#mised% then we will ta'e o#r da#ghter and be gone".
Gen -0:18 +nd their words *leased Hamor and ,hehem% HamorAs son"
Gen -0:19 ,o the yo#ng man did not delay to do the thing% bea#se he delighted in JaobAs da#ghter" He (was)
more honorable than all the ho#sehold o$ his $ather"
Gen -0:25 +nd Hamor and ,hehem his son ame to the gate o$ their ity% and s*o'e with the men o$ their ity%
Gen -0:21 .These men (are) at *eae with #s" There$ore let them dwell in the land and trade in it" ;or indeed
the land (is) large eno#gh $or them" /et #s ta'e their da#ghters to #s as wi!es% and let #s gi!e them o#r
Gen -0:22 .8nly on this (ondition) will the men onsent to dwell with #s% to be one *eo*le: i$ e!ery male among
#s is ir#mised as they (are) ir#mised"
Gen -0:2- .(>ill) not their li!esto'% their *ro*erty% and e!ery animal o$ theirs (be) o#rsC 8nly let #s onsent to
them% and they will dwell with #s".
Gen -0:20 +nd all who went o#t o$ the gate o$ his ity heeded Hamor and ,hehem his son& e!ery male was
ir#mised% all who went o#t o$ the gate o$ his ity"
Gen -0:21 Now it ame to *ass on the third day% when they were in *ain% that two o$ the sons o$ Jaob% ,imeon
and /e!i% 2inahAs brothers% eah too' his sword and ame boldly #*on the ity and 'illed all the males"
Gen -0:23 +nd they 'illed Hamor and ,hehem his son with the edge o$ the sword% and too' 2inah $rom
,hehemAs ho#se% and went o#t"
Gen -0:24 The sons o$ Jaob ame #*on the slain% and *l#ndered the ity% bea#se their sister had been
Gen -0:28 They too' their shee*% their o9en% and their don'eys% what (was) in the ity and what (was) in the
Gen -0:29 and all their wealth" +ll their little ones and their wi!es they too' a*ti!e& and they *l#ndered e!en all
that (was) in the ho#ses"
Gen -0:-5 Then Jaob said to ,imeon and /e!i% .Bo# ha!e tro#bled me by ma'ing me obno9io#s among the
inhabitants o$ the land% among the =anaanites and the <eriHHites& and sine I (am) $ew in n#mber% they will
gather themsel!es together against me and 'ill me" I shall be destroyed% my ho#sehold and I".
Gen -0:-1 B#t they said% .,ho#ld he treat o#r sister li'e a harlotC.
Gen -1:1 Then God said to Jaob% .+rise% go #* to Bethel and dwell there& and ma'e an altar there to God% who
a**eared to yo# when yo# $led $rom the $ae o$ 6sa# yo#r brother".
Gen -1:2 +nd Jaob said to his ho#sehold and to all who (were) with him% .<#t away the $oreign gods that (are)
among yo#% *#ri$y yo#rsel!es% and hange yo#r garments"
Gen -1:- .Then let #s arise and go #* to Bethel& and I will ma'e an altar there to God% who answered me in the
day o$ my distress and has been with me in the way whih I ha!e gone".
Gen -1:0 ,o they ga!e Jaob all the $oreign gods whih (were) in their hands% and the earrings whih (were) in
their ears& and Jaob hid them #nder the terebinth tree whih (was) by ,hehem"
Gen -1:1 +nd they @o#rneyed% and the terror o$ God was #*on the ities that (were) all aro#nd them% and they
did not *#rs#e the sons o$ Jaob"
Gen -1:3 ,o Jaob ame to /#H Ithat (is%) BethelJ% whih (is) in the land o$ =anaan% he and all the *eo*le who
(were) with him"
Gen -1:4 +nd he b#ilt an altar there and alled the *lae 6l Bethel% bea#se there God a**eared to him when
he $led $rom the $ae o$ his brother"
Gen -1:8 Now 2eborah% :ebe'ahAs n#rse% died% and she was b#ried below Bethel #nder the terebinth tree" ,o
the name o$ it was alled +llon Bah#th"
Gen -1:9 Then God a**eared to Jaob again% when he ame $rom <adan +ram% and blessed him"
Gen -1:15 +nd God said to him% .Bo#r name (is) Jaob& yo#r name shall not be alled Jaob anymore% b#t
Israel shall be yo#r name". ,o He alled his name Israel"
Gen -1:11 +lso God said to him: .I (am) God +lmighty" Be $r#it$#l and m#lti*ly& a nation and a om*any o$
nations shall *roeed $rom yo#% and 'ings shall ome $rom yo#r body"
Gen -1:12 .The land whih I ga!e +braham and Isaa I gi!e to yo#& and to yo#r desendants a$ter yo# I gi!e
this land".
Gen -1:1- Then God went #* $rom him in the *lae where He tal'ed with him"
Gen -1:10 ,o Jaob set #* a *illar in the *lae where He tal'ed with him% a *illar o$ stone& and he *o#red a
drin' o$$ering on it% and he *o#red oil on it"
Gen -1:11 +nd Jaob alled the name o$ the *lae where God s*o'e with him% Bethel"
Gen -1:13 Then they @o#rneyed $rom Bethel" +nd when there was b#t a little distane to go to 6*hrath% :ahel
labored (in hildbirth%) and she had hard labor"
Gen -1:14 Now it ame to *ass% when she was in hard labor% that the midwi$e said to her% .2o not $ear& yo# will
ha!e this son also".
Gen -1:18 +nd so it was% as her so#l was de*arting I$or she diedJ% that she alled his name BenD8ni& b#t his
$ather alled him Ben@amin"
Gen -1:19 ,o :ahel died and was b#ried on the way to 6*hrath Ithat (is%) BethlehemJ"
Gen -1:25 +nd Jaob set a *illar on her gra!e% whih (is) the *illar o$ :ahelAs gra!e to this day"
Gen -1:21 Then Israel @o#rneyed and *ithed his tent beyond the tower o$ 6der"
Gen -1:22 +nd it ha**ened% when Israel dwelt in that land% that :e#ben went and lay with Bilhah his $atherAs
on#bine& and Israel heard (abo#t it") Now the sons o$ Jaob were twel!e:
Gen -1:2- the sons o$ /eah (were) :e#ben% JaobAs $irstborn% and ,imeon% /e!i% J#dah% Issahar% and Geb#l#n&
Gen -1:20 the sons o$ :ahel (were) Jose*h and Ben@amin&
Gen -1:21 the sons o$ Bilhah% :ahelAs maidser!ant% (were) 2an and Na*htali&
Gen -1:23 and the sons o$ Gil*ah% /eahAs maidser!ant% (were) Gad and +sher" These (were) the sons o$ Jaob
who were born to him in <adan +ram"
Gen -1:24 Then Jaob ame to his $ather Isaa at ?amre% or Kir@ath +rba Ithat (is%) HebronJ% where +braham
and Isaa had dwelt"
Gen -1:28 Now the days o$ Isaa were one h#ndred and eighty years"
Gen -1:29 ,o Isaa breathed his last and died% and was gathered to his *eo*le% (being) old and $#ll o$ days" +nd
his sons 6sa# and Jaob b#ried him"
Gen -3:1 Now this (is) the genealogy o$ 6sa#% who is 6dom"
Gen -3:2 6sa# too' his wi!es $rom the da#ghters o$ =anaan: +dah the da#ghter o$ 6lon the Hittite& +holibamah
the da#ghter o$ +nah% the da#ghter o$ Gibeon the Hi!ite&
Gen -3:- and Basemath% IshmaelAs da#ghter% sister o$ Neba@oth"
Gen -3:0 Now +dah bore 6li*haH to 6sa#% and Basemath bore :e#el"
Gen -3:1 +nd +holibamah bore Je#sh% Jaalam% and Korah" These (were) the sons o$ 6sa# who were born to
him in the land o$ =anaan"
Gen -3:3 Then 6sa# too' his wi!es% his sons% his da#ghters% and all the *ersons o$ his ho#sehold% his attle and
all his animals% and all his goods whih he had gained in the land o$ =anaan% and went to a o#ntry away $rom
the *resene o$ his brother Jaob"
Gen -3:4 ;or their *ossessions were too great $or them to dwell together% and the land where they were
strangers o#ld not s#**ort them bea#se o$ their li!esto'"
Gen -3:8 ,o 6sa# dwelt in ?o#nt ,eir" 6sa# (is) 6dom"
Gen -3:9 +nd this (is) the genealogy o$ 6sa# the $ather o$ the 6domites in ?o#nt ,eir"
Gen -3:15 These (were) the names o$ 6sa#As sons: 6li*haH the son o$ +dah the wi$e o$ 6sa#% and :e#el the
son o$ Basemath the wi$e o$ 6sa#"
Gen -3:11 +nd the sons o$ 6li*haH were Teman% 8mar% Ge*ho% Gatam% and KenaH"
Gen -3:12 Now Timna was the on#bine o$ 6li*haH% 6sa#As son% and she bore +male' to 6li*haH" These
(were) the sons o$ +dah% 6sa#As wi$e"
Gen -3:1- These (were) the sons o$ :e#el: Nahath% Gerah% ,hammah% and ?iHHah" These were the sons o$
Basemath% 6sa#As wi$e"
Gen -3:10 These were the sons o$ +holibamah% 6sa#As wi$e% the da#ghter o$ +nah% the da#ghter o$ Gibeon" +nd
she bore to 6sa#: Je#sh% Jaalam% and Korah"
Gen -3:11 These (were) the hie$s o$ the sons o$ 6sa#" The sons o$ 6li*haH% the $irstborn (son) o$ 6sa#% were
=hie$ Teman% =hie$ 8mar% =hie$ Ge*ho% =hie$ KenaH%
Gen -3:13 =hie$ Korah% =hie$ Gatam% (and) =hie$ +male'" These (were) the hie$s o$ 6li*haH in the land o$
6dom" They (were) the sons o$ +dah"
Gen -3:14 These (were) the sons o$ :e#el% 6sa#As son: =hie$ Nahath% =hie$ Gerah% =hie$ ,hammah% and =hie$
?iHHah" These (were) the hie$s o$ :e#el in the land o$ 6dom" These (were) the sons o$ Basemath% 6sa#As wi$e"
Gen -3:18 +nd these (were) the sons o$ +holibamah% 6sa#As wi$e: =hie$ Je#sh% =hie$ Jaalam% and =hie$ Korah"
These (were) the hie$s (who desended) $rom +holibamah% 6sa#As wi$e% the da#ghter o$ +nah"
Gen -3:19 These (were) the sons o$ 6sa#% who is 6dom% and these (were) their hie$s"
Gen -3:25 These (were) the sons o$ ,eir the Horite who inhabited the land: /otan% ,hobal% Gibeon% +nah%
Gen -3:21 2ishon% 6Her% and 2ishan" These (were) the hie$s o$ the Horites% the sons o$ ,eir% in the land o$
Gen -3:22 +nd the sons o$ /otan were Hori and Hemam" /otanAs sister (was) Timna"
Gen -3:2- These (were) the sons o$ ,hobal: +l!an% ?anahath% 6bal% ,he*ho% and 8nam"
Gen -3:20 These (were) the sons o$ Gibeon: both +@ah and +nah" This (was the) +nah who $o#nd the water in
the wilderness as he *ast#red the don'eys o$ his $ather Gibeon"
Gen -3:21 These (were) the hildren o$ +nah: 2ishon and +holibamah the da#ghter o$ +nah"
Gen -3:23 These (were) the sons o$ 2ishon: Hemdan% 6shban% Ithran% and =heran"
Gen -3:24 These (were) the sons o$ 6Her: Bilhan% Gaa!an% and +'an"
Gen -3:28 These (were) the sons o$ 2ishan: 7H and +ran"
Gen -3:29 These (were) the hie$s o$ the Horites: =hie$ /otan% =hie$ ,hobal% =hie$ Gibeon% =hie$ +nah%
Gen -3:-5 =hie$ 2ishon% =hie$ 6Her% and =hie$ 2ishan" These (were) the hie$s o$ the Horites% aording to their
hie$s in the land o$ ,eir"
Gen -3:-1 Now these (were) the 'ings who reigned in the land o$ 6dom be$ore any 'ing reigned o!er the
hildren o$ Israel:
Gen -3:-2 Bela the son o$ Beor reigned in 6dom% and the name o$ his ity (was) 2inhabah"
Gen -3:-- +nd when Bela died% Jobab the son o$ Gerah o$ BoHrah reigned in his *lae"
Gen -3:-0 >hen Jobab died% H#sham o$ the land o$ the Temanites reigned in his *lae"
Gen -3:-1 +nd when H#sham died% Hadad the son o$ Bedad% who atta'ed ?idian in the $ield o$ ?oab% reigned
in his *lae" +nd the name o$ his ity (was) +!ith"
Gen -3:-3 >hen Hadad died% ,amlah o$ ?asre'ah reigned in his *lae"
Gen -3:-4 +nd when ,amlah died% ,a#l o$ :ehobothD(byDtheD:i!er) reigned in his *lae"
Gen -3:-8 >hen ,a#l died% BaalDHanan the son o$ +hbor reigned in his *lae"
Gen -3:-9 +nd when BaalDHanan the son o$ +hbor died% Hadar reigned in his *lae& and the name o$ his ity
(was) <a#" His wi$eAs name (was) ?ehetabel% the da#ghter o$ ?atred% the da#ghter o$ ?eHahab"
Gen -3:05 +nd these (were) the names o$ the hie$s o$ 6sa#% aording to their $amilies and their *laes% by
their names: =hie$ Timnah% =hie$ +l!ah% =hie$ Jetheth%
Gen -3:01 =hie$ +holibamah% =hie$ 6lah% =hie$ <inon%
Gen -3:02 =hie$ KenaH% =hie$ Teman% =hie$ ?ibHar%
Gen -3:0- =hie$ ?agdiel% and =hie$ Iram" These (were) the hie$s o$ 6dom% aording to their dwelling *laes in
the land o$ their *ossession" 6sa# (was) the $ather o$ the 6domites"
Gen -4:1 Now Jaob dwelt in the land where his $ather was a stranger% in the land o$ =anaan"
Gen -4:2 This (is) the history o$ Jaob" Jose*h% (being) se!enteen years old% was $eeding the $lo' with his
brothers" +nd the lad (was) with the sons o$ Bilhah and the sons o$ Gil*ah% his $atherAs wi!es& and Jose*h bro#ght
a bad re*ort o$ them to his $ather"
Gen -4:- Now Israel lo!ed Jose*h more than all his hildren% bea#se he (was) the son o$ his old age" +lso he
made him a t#ni o$ (many) olors"
Gen -4:0 B#t when his brothers saw that their $ather lo!ed him more than all his brothers% they hated him and
o#ld not s*ea' *eaeably to him"
Gen -4:1 Now Jose*h had a dream% and he told (it) to his brothers& and they hated him e!en more"
Gen -4:3 ,o he said to them% .<lease hear this dream whih I ha!e dreamed:
Gen -4:4 .There we were% binding shea!es in the $ield" Then behold% my shea$ arose and also stood #*right&
and indeed yo#r shea!es stood all aro#nd and bowed down to my shea$".
Gen -4:8 +nd his brothers said to him% .,hall yo# indeed reign o!er #sC 8r shall yo# indeed ha!e dominion
o!er #sC. ,o they hated him e!en more $or his dreams and $or his words"
Gen -4:9 Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers% and said% ./oo'% I ha!e dreamed
another dream" +nd this time% the s#n% the moon% and the ele!en stars bowed down to me".
Gen -4:15 ,o he told (it) to his $ather and his brothers& and his $ather reb#'ed him and said to him% .>hat (is)
this dream that yo# ha!e dreamedC ,hall yo#r mother and I and yo#r brothers indeed ome to bow down to the
earth be$ore yo#C.
Gen -4:11 +nd his brothers en!ied him% b#t his $ather 'e*t the matter (in mind")
Gen -4:12 Then his brothers went to $eed their $atherAs $lo' in ,hehem"
Gen -4:1- +nd Israel said to Jose*h% .+re not yo#r brothers $eeding (the $lo') in ,hehemC =ome% I will send
yo# to them". ,o he said to him% .Here I am".
Gen -4:10 Then he said to him% .<lease go and see i$ it is well with yo#r brothers and well with the $lo's% and
bring ba' word to me". ,o he sent him o#t o$ the Valley o$ Hebron% and he went to ,hehem"
Gen -4:11 Now a ertain man $o#nd him% and there he was% wandering in the $ield" +nd the man as'ed him%
saying% .>hat are yo# see'ingC.
Gen -4:13 ,o he said% .I am see'ing my brothers" <lease tell me where they are $eeding (their $lo's".)
Gen -4:14 +nd the man said% .They ha!e de*arted $rom here% $or I heard them say% A/et #s go to 2othan"A . ,o
Jose*h went a$ter his brothers and $o#nd them in 2othan"
Gen -4:18 Now when they saw him a$ar o$$% e!en be$ore he ame near them% they ons*ired against him to 'ill
Gen -4:19 Then they said to one another% ./oo'% this dreamer is omingF
Gen -4:25 .=ome there$ore% let #s now 'ill him and ast him into some *it& and we shall say% A,ome wild beast
has de!o#red him"A >e shall see what will beome o$ his dreamsF.
Gen -4:21 B#t :e#ben heard (it%) and he deli!ered him o#t o$ their hands% and said% ./et #s not 'ill him".
Gen -4:22 +nd :e#ben said to them% .,hed no blood% (b#t) ast him into this *it whih (is) in the wilderness% and
do not lay a hand on him. DD that he might deli!er him o#t o$ their hands% and bring him ba' to his $ather"
Gen -4:2- ,o it ame to *ass% when Jose*h had ome to his brothers% that they stri**ed Jose*h (o$) his t#ni%
the t#ni o$ (many) olors that (was) on him"
Gen -4:20 Then they too' him and ast him into a *it" +nd the *it (was) em*ty& (there was) no water in it"
Gen -4:21 +nd they sat down to eat a meal" Then they li$ted their eyes and loo'ed% and there was a om*any o$
Ishmaelites% oming $rom Gilead with their amels% bearing s*ies% balm% and myrrh% on their way to arry (them)
down to 6gy*t"
Gen -4:23 ,o J#dah said to his brothers% .>hat *ro$it (is there) i$ we 'ill o#r brother and oneal his bloodC
Gen -4:24 .=ome and let #s sell him to the Ishmaelites% and let not o#r hand be #*on him% $or he (is) o#r brother
(and) o#r $lesh". +nd his brothers listened"
Gen -4:28 Then ?idianite traders *assed by& so (the brothers) *#lled Jose*h #* and li$ted him o#t o$ the *it% and
sold him to the Ishmaelites $or twenty (she'els) o$ sil!er" +nd they too' Jose*h to 6gy*t"
Gen -4:29 Then :e#ben ret#rned to the *it% and indeed Jose*h (was) not in the *it& and he tore his lothes"
Gen -4:-5 +nd he ret#rned to his brothers and said% .The lad (is) no (more&) and I% where shall I goC.
Gen -4:-1 ,o they too' Jose*hAs t#ni% 'illed a 'id o$ the goats% and di**ed the t#ni in the blood"
Gen -4:-2 Then they sent the t#ni o$ (many) olors% and they bro#ght (it) to their $ather and said% .>e ha!e
$o#nd this" 2o yo# 'now whether it (is) yo#r sonAs t#ni or notC.
Gen -4:-- +nd he reogniHed it and said% .(It is) my sonAs t#ni" + wild beast has de!o#red him" >itho#t do#bt
Jose*h is torn to *iees".
Gen -4:-0 Then Jaob tore his lothes% *#t sa'loth on his waist% and mo#rned $or his son many days"
Gen -4:-1 +nd all his sons and all his da#ghters arose to om$ort him& b#t he re$#sed to be om$orted% and he
said% .;or I shall go down into the gra!e to my son in mo#rning". Th#s his $ather we*t $or him"
Gen -4:-3 Now the ?idianites had sold him in 6gy*t to <oti*har% an o$$ier o$ <haraoh (and) a*tain o$ the
Gen -8:1 It ame to *ass at that time that J#dah de*arted $rom his brothers% and !isited a ertain +d#llamite
whose name (was) Hirah"
Gen -8:2 +nd J#dah saw there a da#ghter o$ a ertain =anaanite whose name (was) ,h#a% and he married her
and went in to her"
Gen -8:- ,o she onei!ed and bore a son% and he alled his name 6r"
Gen -8:0 ,he onei!ed again and bore a son% and she alled his name 8nan"
Gen -8:1 +nd she onei!ed yet again and bore a son% and alled his name ,helah" He was at =heHib when
she bore him"
Gen -8:3 Then J#dah too' a wi$e $or 6r his $irstborn% and her name (was) Tamar"
Gen -8:4 B#t 6r% J#dahAs $irstborn% was wi'ed in the sight o$ the /8:2% and the /8:2 'illed him"
Gen -8:8 +nd J#dah said to 8nan% .Go in to yo#r brotherAs wi$e and marry her% and raise #* an heir to yo#r
Gen -8:9 B#t 8nan 'new that the heir wo#ld not be his& and it ame to *ass% when he went in to his brotherAs
wi$e% that he emitted on the gro#nd% lest he sho#ld gi!e an heir to his brother"
Gen -8:15 +nd the thing whih he did dis*leased the /8:2& there$ore He 'illed him also"
Gen -8:11 Then J#dah said to Tamar his da#ghterDinDlaw% .:emain a widow in yo#r $atherAs ho#se till my son
,helah is grown". ;or he said% ./est he also die li'e his brothers". +nd Tamar went and dwelt in her $atherAs
Gen -8:12 Now in the *roess o$ time the da#ghter o$ ,h#a% J#dahAs wi$e% died& and J#dah was om$orted% and
went #* to his shee*shearers at Timnah% he and his $riend Hirah the +d#llamite"
Gen -8:1- +nd it was told Tamar% saying% ./oo'% yo#r $atherDinDlaw is going #* to Timnah to shear his shee*".
Gen -8:10 ,o she too' o$$ her widowAs garments% o!ered (hersel$) with a !eil and wra**ed hersel$% and sat in
an o*en *lae whih (was) on the way to Timnah& $or she saw that ,helah was grown% and she was not gi!en to
him as a wi$e"
Gen -8:11 >hen J#dah saw her% he tho#ght she (was) a harlot% bea#se she had o!ered her $ae"
Gen -8:13 Then he t#rned to her by the way% and said% .<lease let me ome in to yo#.& $or he did not 'now that
she (was) his da#ghterDinDlaw" ,o she said% .>hat will yo# gi!e me% that yo# may ome in to meC.
Gen -8:14 +nd he said% .I will send a yo#ng goat $rom the $lo'". ,o she said% .>ill yo# gi!e (me) a *ledge till
yo# send (itC.)
Gen -8:18 Then he said% .>hat *ledge shall I gi!e yo#C. ,o she said% .Bo#r signet and ord% and yo#r sta$$ that
(is) in yo#r hand". Then he ga!e (them) to her% and went in to her% and she onei!ed by him"
Gen -8:19 ,o she arose and went away% and laid aside her !eil and *#t on the garments o$ her widowhood"
Gen -8:25 +nd J#dah sent the yo#ng goat by the hand o$ his $riend the +d#llamite% to reei!e (his) *ledge $rom
the womanAs hand% b#t he did not $ind her"
Gen -8:21 Then he as'ed the men o$ that *lae% saying% .>here is the harlot who (was) o*enly by the
roadsideC. +nd they said% .There was no harlot in this (*lae".)
Gen -8:22 ,o he ret#rned to J#dah and said% .I annot $ind her" +lso% the men o$ the *lae said there was no
harlot in this (*lae".)
Gen -8:2- Then J#dah said% ./et her ta'e (them) $or hersel$% lest we be shamed& $or I sent this yo#ng goat and
yo# ha!e not $o#nd her".
Gen -8:20 +nd it ame to *ass% abo#t three months a$ter% that J#dah was told% saying% .Tamar yo#r da#ghterDinD
law has *layed the harlot& $#rthermore she (is) with hild by harlotry". ,o J#dah said% .Bring her o#t and let her be
Gen -8:21 >hen she (was) bro#ght o#t% she sent to her $atherDinDlaw% saying% .By the man to whom these
belong% I (am) with hild". +nd she said% .<lease determine whose these (are DD the) signet and ord% and sta$$".
Gen -8:23 ,o J#dah a'nowledged (them) and said% .,he has been more righteo#s than I% bea#se I did not
gi!e her to ,helah my son". +nd he ne!er 'new her again"
Gen -8:24 Now it ame to *ass% at the time $or gi!ing birth% that behold% twins (were) in her womb"
Gen -8:28 +nd so it was% when she was gi!ing birth% that (the one) *#t o#t (his) hand& and the midwi$e too' a
sarlet (thread) and bo#nd it on his hand% saying% .This one ame o#t $irst".
Gen -8:29 Then it ha**ened% as he drew ba' his hand% that his brother ame o#t #ne9*etedly& and she said%
.How did yo# brea' thro#ghC (This) breah (be) #*on yo#F. There$ore his name was alled <ereH"
Gen -8:-5 +$terward his brother ame o#t who had the sarlet (thread) on his hand" +nd his name was alled
Gen -9:1 Now Jose*h had been ta'en down to 6gy*t" +nd <oti*har% an o$$ier o$ <haraoh% a*tain o$ the g#ard%
an 6gy*tian% bo#ght him $rom the Ishmaelites who had ta'en him down there"
Gen -9:2 The /8:2 was with Jose*h% and he was a s#ess$#l man& and he was in the ho#se o$ his master the
Gen -9:- +nd his master saw that the /8:2 (was) with him and that the /8:2 made all he did to *ros*er in his
Gen -9:0 ,o Jose*h $o#nd $a!or in his sight% and ser!ed him" Then he made him o!erseer o$ his ho#se% and all
(that) he had he *#t #nder his a#thority"
Gen -9:1 ,o it was% $rom the time (that) he had made him o!erseer o$ his ho#se and all that he had% that the
/8:2 blessed the 6gy*tianAs ho#se $or Jose*hAs sa'e& and the blessing o$ the /8:2 was on all that he had in
the ho#se and in the $ield"
Gen -9:3 Th#s he le$t all that he had in Jose*hAs hand% and he did not 'now what he had e9e*t $or the bread
whih he ate" Now Jose*h was handsome in $orm and a**earane"
Gen -9:4 +nd it ame to *ass a$ter these things that his masterAs wi$e ast longing eyes on Jose*h% and she
said% ./ie with me".
Gen -9:8 B#t he re$#sed and said to his masterAs wi$e% ./oo'% my master does not 'now what (is) with me in the
ho#se% and he has ommitted all that he has to my hand"
Gen -9:9 .(There is) no one greater in this ho#se than I% nor has he 'e*t ba' anything $rom me b#t yo#%
bea#se yo# (are) his wi$e" How then an I do this great wi'edness% and sin against GodC.
Gen -9:15 ,o it was% as she s*o'e to Jose*h day by day% that he did not heed her% to lie with her (or) to be with
Gen -9:11 B#t it ha**ened abo#t this time% when Jose*h went into the ho#se to do his wor'% and none o$ the
men o$ the ho#se (was) inside%
Gen -9:12 that she a#ght him by his garment% saying% ./ie with me". B#t he le$t his garment in her hand% and
$led and ran o#tside"
Gen -9:1- +nd so it was% when she saw that he had le$t his garment in her hand and $led o#tside%
Gen -9:10 that she alled to the men o$ her ho#se and s*o'e to them% saying% .,ee% he has bro#ght in to #s a
Hebrew to mo' #s" He ame in to me to lie with me% and I ried o#t with a lo#d !oie"
Gen -9:11 .+nd it ha**ened% when he heard that I li$ted my !oie and ried o#t% that he le$t his garment with
me% and $led and went o#tside".
Gen -9:13 ,o she 'e*t his garment with her #ntil his master ame home"
Gen -9:14 Then she s*o'e to him with words li'e these% saying% .The Hebrew ser!ant whom yo# bro#ght to #s
ame in to me to mo' me&
Gen -9:18 .so it ha**ened% as I li$ted my !oie and ried o#t% that he le$t his garment with me and $led o#tside".
Gen -9:19 ,o it was% when his master heard the words whih his wi$e s*o'e to him% saying% .Bo#r ser!ant did to
me a$ter this manner%. that his anger was aro#sed"
Gen -9:25 Then Jose*hAs master too' him and *#t him into the *rison% a *lae where the 'ingAs *risoners (were)
on$ined" +nd he was there in the *rison"
Gen -9:21 B#t the /8:2 was with Jose*h and showed him mery% and He ga!e him $a!or in the sight o$ the
'ee*er o$ the *rison"
Gen -9:22 +nd the 'ee*er o$ the *rison ommitted to Jose*hAs hand all the *risoners who (were) in the *rison&
whate!er they did there% it was his doing"
Gen -9:2- The 'ee*er o$ the *rison did not loo' into anything (that was) #nder (Jose*hAs) a#thority% bea#se the
/8:2 was with him& and whate!er he did% the /8:2 made (it) *ros*er"
Gen 05:1 It ame to *ass a$ter these things (that) the b#tler and the ba'er o$ the 'ing o$ 6gy*t o$$ended their
lord% the 'ing o$ 6gy*t"
Gen 05:2 +nd <haraoh was angry with his two o$$iers% the hie$ b#tler and the hie$ ba'er"
Gen 05:- ,o he *#t them in #stody in the ho#se o$ the a*tain o$ the g#ard% in the *rison% the *lae where
Jose*h (was) on$ined"
Gen 05:0 +nd the a*tain o$ the g#ard harged Jose*h with them% and he ser!ed them& so they were in #stody
$or a while"
Gen 05:1 Then the b#tler and the ba'er o$ the 'ing o$ 6gy*t% who (were) on$ined in the *rison% had a dream%
both o$ them% eah manAs dream in one night (and) eah manAs dream with its (own) inter*retation"
Gen 05:3 +nd Jose*h ame in to them in the morning and loo'ed at them% and saw that they (were) sad"
Gen 05:4 ,o he as'ed <haraohAs o$$iers who (were) with him in the #stody o$ his lordAs ho#se% saying% .>hy
do yo# loo' (so) sad todayC.
Gen 05:8 +nd they said to him% .>e eah ha!e had a dream% and (there is) no inter*reter o$ it". ,o Jose*h said
to them% .2o not inter*retations belong to GodC Tell (them) to me% *lease".
Gen 05:9 Then the hie$ b#tler told his dream to Jose*h% and said to him% .Behold% in my dream a !ine (was)
be$ore me%
Gen 05:15 .and in the !ine (were) three branhes& it (was) as tho#gh it b#dded% its blossoms shot $orth% and its
l#sters bro#ght $orth ri*e gra*es"
Gen 05:11 .Then <haraohAs #* (was) in my hand& and I too' the gra*es and *ressed them into <haraohAs #*%
and *laed the #* in <haraohAs hand".
Gen 05:12 +nd Jose*h said to him% .This (is) the inter*retation o$ it: The three branhes (are) three days"
Gen 05:1- .Now within three days <haraoh will li$t #* yo#r head and restore yo# to yo#r *lae% and yo# will *#t
<haraohAs #* in his hand aording to the $ormer manner% when yo# were his b#tler"
Gen 05:10 .B#t remember me when it is well with yo#% and *lease show 'indness to me& ma'e mention o$ me to
<haraoh% and get me o#t o$ this ho#se"
Gen 05:11 .;or indeed I was stolen away $rom the land o$ the Hebrews& and also I ha!e done nothing here that
they sho#ld *#t me into the d#ngeon".
Gen 05:13 >hen the hie$ ba'er saw that the inter*retation was good% he said to Jose*h% .I also (was) in my
dream% and there (were) three white bas'ets on my head"
Gen 05:14 .In the #**ermost bas'et (were) all 'inds o$ ba'ed goods $or <haraoh% and the birds ate them o#t o$
the bas'et on my head".
Gen 05:18 ,o Jose*h answered and said% .This (is) the inter*retation o$ it: The three bas'ets (are) three days"
Gen 05:19 .>ithin three days <haraoh will li$t o$$ yo#r head $rom yo# and hang yo# on a tree& and the birds will
eat yo#r $lesh $rom yo#".
Gen 05:25 Now it ame to *ass on the third day% (whih was) <haraohAs birthday% that he made a $east $or all his
ser!ants& and he li$ted #* the head o$ the hie$ b#tler and o$ the hie$ ba'er among his ser!ants"
Gen 05:21 Then he restored the hie$ b#tler to his b#tlershi* again% and he *laed the #* in <haraohAs hand"
Gen 05:22 B#t he hanged the hie$ ba'er% as Jose*h had inter*reted to them"
Gen 05:2- Bet the hie$ b#tler did not remember Jose*h% b#t $orgot him"
Gen 01:1 Then it ame to *ass% at the end o$ two $#ll years% that <haraoh had a dream& and behold% he stood by
the ri!er"
Gen 01:2 ,#ddenly there ame #* o#t o$ the ri!er se!en ows% $ine loo'ing and $at& and they $ed in the meadow"
Gen 01:- Then behold% se!en other ows ame #* a$ter them o#t o$ the ri!er% #gly and ga#nt% and stood by the
(other) ows on the ban' o$ the ri!er"
Gen 01:0 +nd the #gly and ga#nt ows ate #* the se!en $ine loo'ing and $at ows" ,o <haraoh awo'e"
Gen 01:1 He sle*t and dreamed a seond time& and s#ddenly se!en heads o$ grain ame #* on one stal'%
*l#m* and good"
Gen 01:3 Then behold% se!en thin heads% blighted by the east wind% s*rang #* a$ter them"
Gen 01:4 +nd the se!en thin heads de!o#red the se!en *l#m* and $#ll heads" ,o <haraoh awo'e% and indeed%
(it was) a dream"
Gen 01:8 Now it ame to *ass in the morning that his s*irit was tro#bled% and he sent and alled $or all the
magiians o$ 6gy*t and all its wise men" +nd <haraoh told them his dreams% b#t (there was) no one who o#ld
inter*ret them $or <haraoh"
Gen 01:9 Then the hie$ b#tler s*o'e to <haraoh% saying: .I remember my $a#lts this day"
Gen 01:15 .>hen <haraoh was angry with his ser!ants% and *#t me in #stody in the ho#se o$ the a*tain o$
the g#ard% (both) me and the hie$ ba'er%
Gen 01:11 .we eah had a dream in one night% he and I" 6ah o$ #s dreamed aording to the inter*retation o$
his (own) dream"
Gen 01:12 .Now there (was) a yo#ng Hebrew man with #s there% a ser!ant o$ the a*tain o$ the g#ard" +nd we
told him% and he inter*reted o#r dreams $or #s& to eah man he inter*reted aording to his (own) dream"
Gen 01:1- .+nd it ame to *ass% @#st as he inter*reted $or #s% so it ha**ened" He restored me to my o$$ie% and
he hanged him".
Gen 01:10 Then <haraoh sent and alled Jose*h% and they bro#ght him E#i'ly o#t o$ the d#ngeon& and he
sha!ed% hanged his lothing% and ame to <haraoh"
Gen 01:11 +nd <haraoh said to Jose*h% .I ha!e had a dream% and (there is) no one who an inter*ret it" B#t I
ha!e heard it said o$ yo# (that) yo# an #nderstand a dream% to inter*ret it".
Gen 01:13 ,o Jose*h answered <haraoh% saying% .(It is) not in me& God will gi!e <haraoh an answer o$ *eae".
Gen 01:14 Then <haraoh said to Jose*h: .Behold% in my dream I stood on the ban' o$ the ri!er"
Gen 01:18 .,#ddenly se!en ows ame #* o#t o$ the ri!er% $ine loo'ing and $at& and they $ed in the meadow"
Gen 01:19 .Then behold% se!en other ows ame #* a$ter them% *oor and !ery #gly and ga#nt% s#h #gliness as
I ha!e ne!er seen in all the land o$ 6gy*t"
Gen 01:25 .+nd the ga#nt and #gly ows ate #* the $irst se!en% the $at ows"
Gen 01:21 .>hen they had eaten them #*% no one wo#ld ha!e 'nown that they had eaten them% $or they (were)
@#st as #gly as at the beginning" ,o I awo'e"
Gen 01:22 .+lso I saw in my dream% and s#ddenly se!en heads ame #* on one stal'% $#ll and good"
Gen 01:2- .Then behold% se!en heads% withered% thin% (and) blighted by the east wind% s*rang #* a$ter them"
Gen 01:20 .+nd the thin heads de!o#red the se!en good heads" ,o I told (this) to the magiians% b#t (there was)
no one who o#ld e9*lain (it) to me".
Gen 01:21 Then Jose*h said to <haraoh% .The dreams o$ <haraoh (are) one& God has shown <haraoh what He
(is) abo#t to do:
Gen 01:23 .The se!en good ows (are) se!en years% and the se!en good heads (are) se!en years& the dreams
(are) one"
Gen 01:24 .+nd the se!en thin and #gly ows whih ame #* a$ter them (are) se!en years% and the se!en
em*ty heads blighted by the east wind are se!en years o$ $amine"
Gen 01:28 .This (is) the thing whih I ha!e s*o'en to <haraoh" God has shown <haraoh what He (is) abo#t to
Gen 01:29 .Indeed se!en years o$ great *lenty will ome thro#gho#t all the land o$ 6gy*t&
Gen 01:-5 .b#t a$ter them se!en years o$ $amine will arise% and all the *lenty will be $orgotten in the land o$
6gy*t& and the $amine will de*lete the land"
Gen 01:-1 .,o the *lenty will not be 'nown in the land bea#se o$ the $amine $ollowing% $or it (will be) !ery
Gen 01:-2 .+nd the dream was re*eated to <haraoh twie bea#se the thing (is) established by God% and God
will shortly bring it to *ass"
Gen 01:-- .Now there$ore% let <haraoh selet a diserning and wise man% and set him o!er the land o$ 6gy*t"
Gen 01:-0 ./et <haraoh do (this%) and let him a**oint o$$iers o!er the land% to ollet oneD$i$th (o$ the *rod#e)
o$ the land o$ 6gy*t in the se!en *lenti$#l years"
Gen 01:-1 .+nd let them gather all the $ood o$ those good years that are oming% and store #* grain #nder the
a#thority o$ <haraoh% and let them 'ee* $ood in the ities"
Gen 01:-3 .Then that $ood shall be as a reser!e $or the land $or the se!en years o$ $amine whih shall be in the
land o$ 6gy*t% that the land may not *erish d#ring the $amine".
Gen 01:-4 ,o the ad!ie was good in the eyes o$ <haraoh and in the eyes o$ all his ser!ants"
Gen 01:-8 +nd <haraoh said to his ser!ants% .=an we $ind (s#h a one) as this% a man in whom (is) the ,*irit o$
Gen 01:-9 Then <haraoh said to Jose*h% .Inasm#h as God has shown yo# all this% (there is) no one as
diserning and wise as yo#"
Gen 01:05 .Bo# shall be o!er my ho#se% and all my *eo*le shall be r#led aording to yo#r word& only in regard
to the throne will I be greater than yo#".
Gen 01:01 +nd <haraoh said to Jose*h% .,ee% I ha!e set yo# o!er all the land o$ 6gy*t".
Gen 01:02 Then <haraoh too' his signet ring o$$ his hand and *#t it on Jose*hAs hand& and he lothed him in
garments o$ $ine linen and *#t a gold hain aro#nd his ne'"
Gen 01:0- +nd he had him ride in the seond hariot whih he had& and they ried o#t be$ore him% .Bow the
'neeF. ,o he set him o!er all the land o$ 6gy*t"
Gen 01:00 <haraoh also said to Jose*h% .I (am) <haraoh% and witho#t yo#r onsent no man may li$t his hand or
$oot in all the land o$ 6gy*t".
Gen 01:01 +nd <haraoh alled Jose*hAs name Ga*hnathD<aaneah" +nd he ga!e him as a wi$e +senath% the
da#ghter o$ <otiD<herah *riest o$ 8n" ,o Jose*h went o#t o!er (all) the land o$ 6gy*t"
Gen 01:03 Jose*h was thirty years old when he stood be$ore <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t" +nd Jose*h went o#t $rom
the *resene o$ <haraoh% and went thro#gho#t all the land o$ 6gy*t"
Gen 01:04 Now in the se!en *lenti$#l years the gro#nd bro#ght $orth ab#ndantly"
Gen 01:08 ,o he gathered #* all the $ood o$ the se!en years whih were in the land o$ 6gy*t% and laid #* the
$ood in the ities& he laid #* in e!ery ity the $ood o$ the $ields whih s#rro#nded them"
Gen 01:09 Jose*h gathered !ery m#h grain% as the sand o$ the sea% #ntil he sto**ed o#nting% $or (it was)
Gen 01:15 +nd to Jose*h were born two sons be$ore the years o$ $amine ame% whom +senath% the da#ghter o$
<otiD<herah *riest o$ 8n% bore to him"
Gen 01:11 Jose*h alled the name o$ the $irstborn ?anasseh: .;or God has made me $orget all my toil and all
my $atherAs ho#se".
Gen 01:12 +nd the name o$ the seond he alled 6*hraim: .;or God has a#sed me to be $r#it$#l in the land o$
my a$$lition".
Gen 01:1- Then the se!en years o$ *lenty whih were in the land o$ 6gy*t ended%
Gen 01:10 and the se!en years o$ $amine began to ome% as Jose*h had said" The $amine was in all lands% b#t
in all the land o$ 6gy*t there was bread"
Gen 01:11 ,o when all the land o$ 6gy*t was $amished% the *eo*le ried to <haraoh $or bread" Then <haraoh
said to all the 6gy*tians% .Go to Jose*h& whate!er he says to yo#% do".
Gen 01:13 The $amine was o!er all the $ae o$ the earth% and Jose*h o*ened all the storeho#ses and sold to the
6gy*tians" +nd the $amine beame se!ere in the land o$ 6gy*t"
Gen 01:14 ,o all o#ntries ame to Jose*h in 6gy*t to b#y (grain%) bea#se the $amine was se!ere in all lands"
Gen 02:1 >hen Jaob saw that there was grain in 6gy*t% Jaob said to his sons% .>hy do yo# loo' at one
Gen 02:2 +nd he said% .Indeed I ha!e heard that there is grain in 6gy*t& go down to that *lae and b#y $or #s
there% that we may li!e and not die".
Gen 02:- ,o Jose*hAs ten brothers went down to b#y grain in 6gy*t"
Gen 02:0 B#t Jaob did not send Jose*hAs brother Ben@amin with his brothers% $or he said% ./est some alamity
be$all him".
Gen 02:1 +nd the sons o$ Israel went to b#y (grain) among those who @o#rneyed% $or the $amine was in the land
o$ =anaan"
Gen 02:3 Now Jose*h (was) go!ernor o!er the land& and it was he who sold to all the *eo*le o$ the land" +nd
Jose*hAs brothers ame and bowed down be$ore him with (their) $aes to the earth"
Gen 02:4 Jose*h saw his brothers and reogniHed them% b#t he ated as a stranger to them and s*o'e ro#ghly
to them" Then he said to them% .>here do yo# ome $romC. +nd they said% .;rom the land o$ =anaan to b#y
Gen 02:8 ,o Jose*h reogniHed his brothers% b#t they did not reogniHe him"
Gen 02:9 Then Jose*h remembered the dreams whih he had dreamed abo#t them% and said to them% .Bo#
(are) s*iesF Bo# ha!e ome to see the na'edness o$ the landF.
Gen 02:15 +nd they said to him% .No% my lord% b#t yo#r ser!ants ha!e ome to b#y $ood"
Gen 02:11 .>e (are) all one manAs sons& we (are) honest (men&) yo#r ser!ants are not s*ies".
Gen 02:12 B#t he said to them% .No% b#t yo# ha!e ome to see the na'edness o$ the land".
Gen 02:1- +nd they said% .Bo#r ser!ants (are) twel!e brothers% the sons o$ one man in the land o$ =anaan& and
in $at% the yo#ngest (is) with o#r $ather today% and one (is) no more".
Gen 02:10 B#t Jose*h said to them% .It (is) as I s*o'e to yo#% saying% ABo# (are) s*iesFA
Gen 02:11 .In this (manner) yo# shall be tested: By the li$e o$ <haraoh% yo# shall not lea!e this *lae #nless
yo#r yo#ngest brother omes here"
Gen 02:13 .,end one o$ yo#% and let him bring yo#r brother& and yo# shall be 'e*t in *rison% that yo#r words
may be tested to see whether (there is) any tr#th in yo#& or else% by the li$e o$ <haraoh% s#rely yo# (are) s*iesF.
Gen 02:14 ,o he *#t them all together in *rison three days"
Gen 02:18 Then Jose*h said to them the third day% .2o this and li!e% ($or) I $ear God:
Gen 02:19 .I$ yo# (are) honest (men%) let one o$ yo#r brothers be on$ined to yo#r *rison ho#se& b#t yo#% go and
arry grain $or the $amine o$ yo#r ho#ses"
Gen 02:25 .+nd bring yo#r yo#ngest brother to me& so yo#r words will be !eri$ied% and yo# shall not die". +nd
they did so"
Gen 02:21 Then they said to one another% .>e (are) tr#ly g#ilty onerning o#r brother% $or we saw the ang#ish
o$ his so#l when he *leaded with #s% and we wo#ld not hear& there$ore this distress has ome #*on #s".
Gen 02:22 +nd :e#ben answered them% saying% .2id I not s*ea' to yo#% saying% A2o not sin against the boyA&
and yo# wo#ld not listenC There$ore behold% his blood is now reE#ired o$ #s".
Gen 02:2- B#t they did not 'now that Jose*h #nderstood (them%) $or he s*o'e to them thro#gh an inter*reter"
Gen 02:20 +nd he t#rned himsel$ away $rom them and we*t" Then he ret#rned to them again% and tal'ed with
them" +nd he too' ,imeon $rom them and bo#nd him be$ore their eyes"
Gen 02:21 Then Jose*h ga!e a ommand to $ill their sa's with grain% to restore e!ery manAs money to his
sa'% and to gi!e them *ro!isions $or the @o#rney" Th#s he did $or them"
Gen 02:23 ,o they loaded their don'eys with the grain and de*arted $rom there"
Gen 02:24 B#t as one (o$ them) o*ened his sa' to gi!e his don'ey $eed at the enam*ment% he saw his money&
and there it was% in the mo#th o$ his sa'"
Gen 02:28 ,o he said to his brothers% .?y money has been restored% and there it is% in my sa'F. Then their
hearts $ailed (them) and they were a$raid% saying to one another% .>hat (is) this (that) God has done to #sC.
Gen 02:29 Then they went to Jaob their $ather in the land o$ =anaan and told him all that had ha**ened to
them% saying:
Gen 02:-5 .The man (who is) lord o$ the land s*o'e ro#ghly to #s% and too' #s $or s*ies o$ the o#ntry"
Gen 02:-1 .B#t we said to him% A>e (are) honest (men&) we are not s*ies"
Gen 02:-2 A>e (are) twel!e brothers% sons o$ o#r $ather& one (is) no (more%) and the yo#ngest (is) with o#r $ather
this day in the land o$ =anaan"A
Gen 02:-- .Then the man% the lord o$ the o#ntry% said to #s% ABy this I will 'now that yo# (are) honest (men:)
/ea!e one o$ yo#r brothers (here) with me% ta'e ($ood $or) the $amine o$ yo#r ho#seholds% and be gone"
Gen 02:-0 A+nd bring yo#r yo#ngest brother to me& so I shall 'now that yo# (are) not s*ies% b#t (that) yo# (are)
honest (men") I will grant yo#r brother to yo#% and yo# may trade in the land"A .
Gen 02:-1 Then it ha**ened as they em*tied their sa's% that s#r*risingly eah manAs b#ndle o$ money (was) in
his sa'& and when they and their $ather saw the b#ndles o$ money% they were a$raid"
Gen 02:-3 +nd Jaob their $ather said to them% .Bo# ha!e berea!ed me: Jose*h is no (more%) ,imeon is no
(more%) and yo# want to ta'e Ben@amin" +ll these things are against me".
Gen 02:-4 Then :e#ben s*o'e to his $ather% saying% .Kill my two sons i$ I do not bring him (ba') to yo#& *#t him
in my hands% and I will bring him ba' to yo#".
Gen 02:-8 B#t he said% .?y son shall not go down with yo#% $or his brother is dead% and he is le$t alone" I$ any
alamity sho#ld be$all him along the way in whih yo# go% then yo# wo#ld bring down my gray hair with sorrow to
the gra!e".
Gen 0-:1 Now the $amine (was) se!ere in the land"
Gen 0-:2 +nd it ame to *ass% when they had eaten #* the grain whih they had bro#ght $rom 6gy*t% that their
$ather said to them% .Go ba'% b#y #s a little $ood".
Gen 0-:- B#t J#dah s*o'e to him% saying% .The man solemnly warned #s% saying% ABo# shall not see my $ae
#nless yo#r brother (is) with yo#"A .
Gen 0-:0 .I$ yo# send o#r brother with #s% we will go down and b#y yo# $ood"
Gen 0-:1 .B#t i$ yo# will not send (him%) we will not go down& $or the man said to #s% ABo# shall not see my $ae
#nless yo#r brother (is) with yo#"A .
Gen 0-:3 +nd Israel said% .>hy did yo# deal (so) wrong$#lly with me (as) to tell the man whether yo# had still
(another) brotherC.
Gen 0-:4 B#t they said% .The man as'ed #s *ointedly abo#t o#rsel!es and o#r $amily% saying% A(Is) yo#r $ather
still ali!eC Ha!e yo# (another) brotherCA +nd we told him aording to these words" =o#ld we *ossibly ha!e
'nown that he wo#ld say% ABring yo#r brother downAC.
Gen 0-:8 Then J#dah said to Israel his $ather% .,end the lad with me% and we will arise and go% that we may li!e
and not die% both we and yo# (and) also o#r little ones"
Gen 0-:9 .I mysel$ will be s#rety $or him& $rom my hand yo# shall reE#ire him" I$ I do not bring him (ba') to yo#
and set him be$ore yo#% then let me bear the blame $ore!er"
Gen 0-:15 .;or i$ we had not lingered% s#rely by now we wo#ld ha!e ret#rned this seond time".
Gen 0-:11 +nd their $ather Israel said to them% .I$ (it m#st be) so% then do this: Ta'e some o$ the best $r#its o$ the
land in yo#r !essels and arry down a *resent $or the man DD a little balm and a little honey% s*ies and myrrh%
*istahio n#ts and almonds"
Gen 0-:12 .Ta'e do#ble money in yo#r hand% and ta'e ba' in yo#r hand the money that was ret#rned in the
mo#th o$ yo#r sa's& *erha*s it was an o!ersight"
Gen 0-:1- .Ta'e yo#r brother also% and arise% go ba' to the man"
Gen 0-:10 .+nd may God +lmighty gi!e yo# mery be$ore the man% that he may release yo#r other brother and
Ben@amin" I$ I am berea!ed% I am berea!edF.
Gen 0-:11 ,o the men too' that *resent and Ben@amin% and they too' do#ble money in their hand% and arose
and went down to 6gy*t& and they stood be$ore Jose*h"
Gen 0-:13 >hen Jose*h saw Ben@amin with them% he said to the steward o$ his ho#se% .Ta'e (these) men to my
home% and sla#ghter an animal and ma'e ready& $or (these) men will dine with me at noon".
Gen 0-:14 Then the man did as Jose*h ordered% and the man bro#ght the men into Jose*hAs ho#se"
Gen 0-:18 Now the men were a$raid bea#se they were bro#ght into Jose*hAs ho#se& and they said% .(It is)
bea#se o$ the money% whih was ret#rned in o#r sa's the $irst time% that we are bro#ght in% so that he may
ma'e a ase against #s and $all #*on #s% to ta'e #s as sla!es with o#r don'eys".
Gen 0-:19 >hen they drew near to the steward o$ Jose*hAs ho#se% they tal'ed with him at the door o$ the
Gen 0-:25 and said% .8 sir% we indeed ame down the $irst time to b#y $ood&
Gen 0-:21 .b#t it ha**ened% when we ame to the enam*ment% that we o*ened o#r sa's% and there% (eah)
manAs money (was) in the mo#th o$ his sa'% o#r money in $#ll weight& so we ha!e bro#ght it ba' in o#r hand"
Gen 0-:22 .+nd we ha!e bro#ght down other money in o#r hands to b#y $ood" >e do not 'now who *#t o#r
money in o#r sa's".
Gen 0-:2- B#t he said% .<eae (be) with yo#% do not be a$raid" Bo#r God and the God o$ yo#r $ather has gi!en
yo# treas#re in yo#r sa's& I had yo#r money". Then he bro#ght ,imeon o#t to them"
Gen 0-:20 ,o the man bro#ght the men into Jose*hAs ho#se and ga!e (them) water% and they washed their $eet&
and he ga!e their don'eys $eed"
Gen 0-:21 Then they made the *resent ready $or Jose*hAs oming at noon% $or they heard that they wo#ld eat
bread there"
Gen 0-:23 +nd when Jose*h ame home% they bro#ght him the *resent whih (was) in their hand into the
ho#se% and bowed down be$ore him to the earth"
Gen 0-:24 Then he as'ed them abo#t (their) wellDbeing% and said% .(Is) yo#r $ather well% the old man o$ whom
yo# s*o'eC (Is) he still ali!eC.
Gen 0-:28 +nd they answered% .Bo#r ser!ant o#r $ather (is) in good health& he (is) still ali!e". +nd they bowed
their heads down and *rostrated themsel!es"
Gen 0-:29 Then he li$ted his eyes and saw his brother Ben@amin% his motherAs son% and said% .(Is) this yo#r
yo#nger brother o$ whom yo# s*o'e to meC. +nd he said% .God be graio#s to yo#% my son".
Gen 0-:-5 Now his heart yearned $or his brother& so Jose*h made haste and so#ght (somewhere) to wee*" +nd
he went into (his) hamber and we*t there"
Gen 0-:-1 Then he washed his $ae and ame o#t& and he restrained himsel$% and said% .,er!e the bread".
Gen 0-:-2 ,o they set him a *lae by himsel$% and them by themsel!es% and the 6gy*tians who ate with him by
themsel!es& bea#se the 6gy*tians o#ld not eat $ood with the Hebrews% $or that (is) an abomination to the
Gen 0-:-- +nd they sat be$ore him% the $irstborn aording to his birthright and the yo#ngest aording to his
yo#th& and the men loo'ed in astonishment at one another"
Gen 0-:-0 Then he too' ser!ings to them $rom be$ore him% b#t Ben@aminAs ser!ing was $i!e times as m#h as
any o$ theirs" ,o they dran' and were merry with him"
Gen 00:1 +nd he ommanded the steward o$ his ho#se% saying% .;ill the menAs sa's with $ood% as m#h as
they an arry% and *#t eah manAs money in the mo#th o$ his sa'"
Gen 00:2 .+lso *#t my #*% the sil!er #*% in the mo#th o$ the sa' o$ the yo#ngest% and his grain money". ,o
he did aording to the word that Jose*h had s*o'en"
Gen 00:- +s soon as the morning dawned% the men were sent away% they and their don'eys"
Gen 00:0 >hen they had gone o#t o$ the ity% (and) were not (yet) $ar o$$% Jose*h said to his steward% .Get #*%
$ollow the men& and when yo# o!erta'e them% say to them% A>hy ha!e yo# re*aid e!il $or goodC
Gen 00:1 A(Is) not this (the one) $rom whih my lord drin's% and with whih he indeed *raties di!inationC Bo#
ha!e done e!il in so doing"A .
Gen 00:3 ,o he o!ertoo' them% and he s*o'e to them these same words"
Gen 00:4 +nd they said to him% .>hy does my lord say these wordsC ;ar be it $rom #s that yo#r ser!ants sho#ld
do s#h a thing"
Gen 00:8 ./oo'% we bro#ght ba' to yo# $rom the land o$ =anaan the money whih we $o#nd in the mo#th o$ o#r
sa's" How then o#ld we steal sil!er or gold $rom yo#r lordAs ho#seC
Gen 00:9 .>ith whome!er o$ yo#r ser!ants it is $o#nd% let him die% and we also will be my lordAs sla!es".
Gen 00:15 +nd he said% .Now also (let) it (be) aording to yo#r words& he with whom it is $o#nd shall be my
sla!e% and yo# shall be blameless".
Gen 00:11 Then eah man s*eedily let down his sa' to the gro#nd% and eah o*ened his sa'"
Gen 00:12 ,o he searhed" He began with the oldest and le$t o$$ with the yo#ngest& and the #* was $o#nd in
Ben@aminAs sa'"
Gen 00:1- Then they tore their lothes% and eah man loaded his don'ey and ret#rned to the ity"
Gen 00:10 ,o J#dah and his brothers ame to Jose*hAs ho#se% and he (was) still there& and they $ell be$ore him
on the gro#nd"
Gen 00:11 +nd Jose*h said to them% .>hat deed (is) this yo# ha!e doneC 2id yo# not 'now that s#h a man as
I an ertainly *ratie di!inationC.
Gen 00:13 Then J#dah said% .>hat shall we say to my lordC >hat shall we s*ea'C 8r how shall we lear
o#rsel!esC God has $o#nd o#t the iniE#ity o$ yo#r ser!ants& here we are% my lordAs sla!es% both we and (he) also
with whom the #* was $o#nd".
Gen 00:14 B#t he said% .;ar be it $rom me that I sho#ld do so& the man in whose hand the #* was $o#nd% he
shall be my sla!e" +nd as $or yo#% go #* in *eae to yo#r $ather".
Gen 00:18 Then J#dah ame near to him and said: .8 my lord% *lease let yo#r ser!ant s*ea' a word in my
lordAs hearing% and do not let yo#r anger b#rn against yo#r ser!ant& $or yo# (are) e!en li'e <haraoh"
Gen 00:19 .?y lord as'ed his ser!ants% saying% AHa!e yo# a $ather or a brotherCA
Gen 00:25 .+nd we said to my lord% A>e ha!e a $ather% an old man% and a hild o$ (his) old age% (who is) yo#ng&
his brother is dead% and he alone is le$t o$ his motherAs hildren% and his $ather lo!es him"A
Gen 00:21 .Then yo# said to yo#r ser!ants% ABring him down to me% that I may set my eyes on him"A
Gen 00:22 .+nd we said to my lord% AThe lad annot lea!e his $ather% $or (i$) he sho#ld lea!e his $ather% (his
$ather) wo#ld die"A
Gen 00:2- .B#t yo# said to yo#r ser!ants% A7nless yo#r yo#ngest brother omes down with yo#% yo# shall see
my $ae no more"A
Gen 00:20 .,o it was% when we went #* to yo#r ser!ant my $ather% that we told him the words o$ my lord"
Gen 00:21 .+nd o#r $ather said% AGo ba' (and) b#y #s a little $ood"A
Gen 00:23 .B#t we said% A>e annot go down& i$ o#r yo#ngest brother is with #s% then we will go down& $or we
may not see the manAs $ae #nless o#r yo#ngest brother (is) with #s"A
Gen 00:24 .Then yo#r ser!ant my $ather said to #s% ABo# 'now that my wi$e bore me two sons&
Gen 00:28 Aand the one went o#t $rom me% and I said% .,#rely he is torn to *iees.& and I ha!e not seen him
Gen 00:29 AB#t i$ yo# ta'e this one also $rom me% and alamity be$alls him% yo# shall bring down my gray hair
with sorrow to the gra!e"A
Gen 00:-5 .Now there$ore% when I ome to yo#r ser!ant my $ather% and the lad (is) not with #s% sine his li$e is
bo#nd #* in the ladAs li$e%
Gen 00:-1 .it will ha**en% when he sees that the lad (is) not (with #s%) that he will die" ,o yo#r ser!ants will bring
down the gray hair o$ yo#r ser!ant o#r $ather with sorrow to the gra!e"
Gen 00:-2 .;or yo#r ser!ant beame s#rety $or the lad to my $ather% saying% AI$ I do not bring him (ba') to yo#%
then I shall bear the blame be$ore my $ather $ore!er"A
Gen 00:-- .Now there$ore% *lease let yo#r ser!ant remain instead o$ the lad as a sla!e to my lord% and let the
lad go #* with his brothers"
Gen 00:-0 .;or how shall I go #* to my $ather i$ the lad (is) not with me% lest *erha*s I see the e!il that wo#ld
ome #*on my $atherC.
Gen 01:1 Then Jose*h o#ld not restrain himsel$ be$ore all those who stood by him% and he ried o#t% .?a'e
e!eryone go o#t $rom meF. ,o no one stood with him while Jose*h made himsel$ 'nown to his brothers"
Gen 01:2 +nd he we*t alo#d% and the 6gy*tians and the ho#se o$ <haraoh heard (it")
Gen 01:- Then Jose*h said to his brothers% .I (am) Jose*h& does my $ather still li!eC. B#t his brothers o#ld not
answer him% $or they were dismayed in his *resene"
Gen 01:0 +nd Jose*h said to his brothers% .<lease ome near to me". ,o they ame near" Then he said: .I (am)
Jose*h yo#r brother% whom yo# sold into 6gy*t"
Gen 01:1 .B#t now% do not there$ore be grie!ed or angry with yo#rsel!es bea#se yo# sold me here& $or God
sent me be$ore yo# to *reser!e li$e"
Gen 01:3 .;or these two years the $amine (has been) in the land% and (there are) still $i!e years in whih (there
will be) neither *lowing nor har!esting"
Gen 01:4 .+nd God sent me be$ore yo# to *reser!e a *osterity $or yo# in the earth% and to sa!e yo#r li!es by a
great deli!erane"
Gen 01:8 .,o now (it was) not yo# (who) sent me here% b#t God& and He has made me a $ather to <haraoh% and
lord o$ all his ho#se% and a r#ler thro#gho#t all the land o$ 6gy*t"
Gen 01:9 .H#rry and go #* to my $ather% and say to him% ATh#s says yo#r son Jose*h: .God has made me lord
o$ all 6gy*t& ome down to me% do not tarry"
Gen 01:15 .Bo# shall dwell in the land o$ Goshen% and yo# shall be near to me% yo# and yo#r hildren% yo#r
hildrenAs hildren% yo#r $lo's and yo#r herds% and all that yo# ha!e"
Gen 01:11 .There I will *ro!ide $or yo#% lest yo# and yo#r ho#sehold% and all that yo# ha!e% ome to *o!erty& $or
(there are) still $i!e years o$ $amine". A
Gen 01:12 .+nd behold% yo#r eyes and the eyes o$ my brother Ben@amin see that (it is) my mo#th that s*ea's to
Gen 01:1- .,o yo# shall tell my $ather o$ all my glory in 6gy*t% and o$ all that yo# ha!e seen& and yo# shall h#rry
and bring my $ather down here".
Gen 01:10 Then he $ell on his brother Ben@aminAs ne' and we*t% and Ben@amin we*t on his ne'"
Gen 01:11 ?oreo!er he 'issed all his brothers and we*t o!er them% and a$ter that his brothers tal'ed with him"
Gen 01:13 Now the re*ort o$ it was heard in <haraohAs ho#se% saying% .Jose*hAs brothers ha!e ome". ,o it
*leased <haraoh and his ser!ants well"
Gen 01:14 +nd <haraoh said to Jose*h% .,ay to yo#r brothers% A2o this: /oad yo#r animals and de*art& go to the
land o$ =anaan"
Gen 01:18 ABring yo#r $ather and yo#r ho#seholds and ome to me& I will gi!e yo# the best o$ the land o$ 6gy*t%
and yo# will eat the $at o$ the land"
Gen 01:19 ANow yo# are ommanded DD do this: Ta'e arts o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t $or yo#r little ones and yo#r
wi!es& bring yo#r $ather and ome"
Gen 01:25 A+lso do not be onerned abo#t yo#r goods% $or the best o$ all the land o$ 6gy*t (is) yo#rs"A .
Gen 01:21 Then the sons o$ Israel did so& and Jose*h ga!e them arts% aording to the ommand o$ <haraoh%
and he ga!e them *ro!isions $or the @o#rney"
Gen 01:22 He ga!e to all o$ them% to eah man% hanges o$ garments& b#t to Ben@amin he ga!e three h#ndred
(*iees) o$ sil!er and $i!e hanges o$ garments"
Gen 01:2- +nd he sent to his $ather these (things:) ten don'eys loaded with the good things o$ 6gy*t% and ten
$emale don'eys loaded with grain% bread% and $ood $or his $ather $or the @o#rney"
Gen 01:20 ,o he sent his brothers away% and they de*arted& and he said to them% .,ee that yo# do not beome
tro#bled along the way".
Gen 01:21 Then they went #* o#t o$ 6gy*t% and ame to the land o$ =anaan to Jaob their $ather"
Gen 01:23 +nd they told him% saying% .Jose*h (is) still ali!e% and he (is) go!ernor o!er all the land o$ 6gy*t". +nd
JaobAs heart stood still% bea#se he did not belie!e them"
Gen 01:24 B#t when they told him all the words whih Jose*h had said to them% and when he saw the arts
whih Jose*h had sent to arry him% the s*irit o$ Jaob their $ather re!i!ed"
Gen 01:28 Then Israel said% .(It is) eno#gh" Jose*h my son (is) still ali!e" I will go and see him be$ore I die".
Gen 03:1 ,o Israel too' his @o#rney with all that he had% and ame to Beersheba% and o$$ered sari$ies to the
God o$ his $ather Isaa"
Gen 03:2 Then God s*o'e to Israel in the !isions o$ the night% and said% .Jaob% JaobF. +nd he said% .Here I
Gen 03:- ,o He said% .I (am) God% the God o$ yo#r $ather& do not $ear to go down to 6gy*t% $or I will ma'e o$ yo#
a great nation there"
Gen 03:0 .I will go down with yo# to 6gy*t% and I will also s#rely bring yo# #* (again&) and Jose*h will *#t his
hand on yo#r eyes".
Gen 03:1 Then Jaob arose $rom Beersheba& and the sons o$ Israel arried their $ather Jaob% their little ones%
and their wi!es% in the arts whih <haraoh had sent to arry him"
Gen 03:3 ,o they too' their li!esto' and their goods% whih they had aE#ired in the land o$ =anaan% and went
to 6gy*t% Jaob and all his desendants with him"
Gen 03:4 His sons and his sonsA sons% his da#ghters and his sonsA da#ghters% and all his desendants he
bro#ght with him to 6gy*t"
Gen 03:8 Now these (were) the names o$ the hildren o$ Israel% Jaob and his sons% who went to 6gy*t: :e#ben
(was) JaobAs $irstborn"
Gen 03:9 The sons o$ :e#ben (were) Hanoh% <all#% HeHron% and =armi"
Gen 03:15 The sons o$ ,imeon (were) Jem#el% Jamin% 8had% Jahin% Gohar% and ,ha#l% the son o$ a =anaanite
Gen 03:11 The sons o$ /e!i (were) Gershon% Kohath% and ?erari"
Gen 03:12 The sons o$ J#dah (were) 6r% 8nan% ,helah% <ereH% and Gerah Ib#t 6r and 8nan died in the land o$
=anaanJ" The sons o$ <ereH were HeHron and Ham#l"
Gen 03:1- The sons o$ Issahar (were) Tola% <#!ah% Job% and ,himron"
Gen 03:10 The sons o$ Geb#l#n (were) ,ered% 6lon% and Jahleel"
Gen 03:11 These (were) the sons o$ /eah% whom she bore to Jaob in <adan +ram% with his da#ghter 2inah" +ll
the *ersons% his sons and his da#ghters% (were) thirtyDthree"
Gen 03:13 The sons o$ Gad (were) Gi*hion% Haggi% ,h#ni% 6Hbon% 6ri% +rodi% and +reli"
Gen 03:14 The sons o$ +sher (were) Jimnah% Ish#ah% Is#i% Beriah% and ,erah% their sister" +nd the sons o$
Beriah (were) Heber and ?alhiel"
Gen 03:18 These (were) the sons o$ Gil*ah% whom /aban ga!e to /eah his da#ghter& and these she bore to
Jaob: si9teen *ersons"
Gen 03:19 The sons o$ :ahel% JaobAs wi$e% (were) Jose*h and Ben@amin"
Gen 03:25 +nd to Jose*h in the land o$ 6gy*t were born ?anasseh and 6*hraim% whom +senath% the da#ghter
o$ <otiD<herah *riest o$ 8n% bore to him"
Gen 03:21 The sons o$ Ben@amin (were) Belah% Beher% +shbel% Gera% Naaman% 6hi% :osh% ?#**im% H#**im%
and +rd"
Gen 03:22 These (were) the sons o$ :ahel% who were born to Jaob: $o#rteen *ersons in all"
Gen 03:2- The son o$ 2an (was) H#shim"
Gen 03:20 The sons o$ Na*htali (were) JahHeel% G#ni% JeHer% and ,hillem"
Gen 03:21 These (were) the sons o$ Bilhah% whom /aban ga!e to :ahel his da#ghter% and she bore these to
Jaob: se!en *ersons in all"
Gen 03:23 +ll the *ersons who went with Jaob to 6gy*t% who ame $rom his body% besides JaobAs sonsA
wi!es% (were) si9tyDsi9 *ersons in all"
Gen 03:24 +nd the sons o$ Jose*h who were born to him in 6gy*t (were) two *ersons" +ll the *ersons o$ the
ho#se o$ Jaob who went to 6gy*t were se!enty"
Gen 03:28 Then he sent J#dah be$ore him to Jose*h% to *oint o#t be$ore him (the way) to Goshen" +nd they
ame to the land o$ Goshen"
Gen 03:29 ,o Jose*h made ready his hariot and went #* to Goshen to meet his $ather Israel& and he
*resented himsel$ to him% and $ell on his ne' and we*t on his ne' a good while"
Gen 03:-5 +nd Israel said to Jose*h% .Now let me die% sine I ha!e seen yo#r $ae% bea#se yo# (are) still
Gen 03:-1 Then Jose*h said to his brothers and to his $atherAs ho#sehold% .I will go #* and tell <haraoh% and
say to him% A?y brothers and those o$ my $atherAs ho#se% who (were) in the land o$ =anaan% ha!e ome to me"
Gen 03:-2 A+nd the men (are) she*herds% $or their o#*ation has been to $eed li!esto'& and they ha!e bro#ght
their $lo's% their herds% and all that they ha!e"A
Gen 03:-- .,o it shall be% when <haraoh alls yo# and says% A>hat is yo#r o#*ationCA
Gen 03:-0 .that yo# shall say% ABo#r ser!antsA o#*ation has been with li!esto' $rom o#r yo#th e!en till now%
both we (and) also o#r $athers%A that yo# may dwell in the land o$ Goshen& $or e!ery she*herd (is) an abomination
to the 6gy*tians".
Gen 04:1 Then Jose*h went and told <haraoh% and said% .?y $ather and my brothers% their $lo's and their
herds and all that they *ossess% ha!e ome $rom the land o$ =anaan& and indeed they (are) in the land o$
Gen 04:2 +nd he too' $i!e men $rom among his brothers and *resented them to <haraoh"
Gen 04:- Then <haraoh said to his brothers% .>hat (is) yo#r o#*ationC. +nd they said to <haraoh% .Bo#r
ser!ants (are) she*herds% both we (and) also o#r $athers".
Gen 04:0 +nd they said to <haraoh% .>e ha!e ome to dwell in the land% bea#se yo#r ser!ants ha!e no
*ast#re $or their $lo's% $or the $amine (is) se!ere in the land o$ =anaan" Now there$ore% *lease let yo#r ser!ants
dwell in the land o$ Goshen".
Gen 04:1 Then <haraoh s*o'e to Jose*h% saying% .Bo#r $ather and yo#r brothers ha!e ome to yo#"
Gen 04:3 .The land o$ 6gy*t (is) be$ore yo#" Ha!e yo#r $ather and brothers dwell in the best o$ the land& let them
dwell in the land o$ Goshen" +nd i$ yo# 'now (any) om*etent men among them% then ma'e them hie$
herdsmen o!er my li!esto'".
Gen 04:4 Then Jose*h bro#ght in his $ather Jaob and set him be$ore <haraoh& and Jaob blessed <haraoh"
Gen 04:8 <haraoh said to Jaob% .How old (are) yo#C.
Gen 04:9 +nd Jaob said to <haraoh% .The days o$ the years o$ my *ilgrimage (are) one h#ndred and thirty
years& $ew and e!il ha!e been the days o$ the years o$ my li$e% and they ha!e not attained to the days o$ the
years o$ the li$e o$ my $athers in the days o$ their *ilgrimage".
Gen 04:15 ,o Jaob blessed <haraoh% and went o#t $rom be$ore <haraoh"
Gen 04:11 +nd Jose*h sit#ated his $ather and his brothers% and ga!e them a *ossession in the land o$ 6gy*t% in
the best o$ the land% in the land o$ :ameses% as <haraoh had ommanded"
Gen 04:12 Then Jose*h *ro!ided his $ather% his brothers% and all his $atherAs ho#sehold with bread% aording to
the n#mber in (their) $amilies"
Gen 04:1- Now (there was) no bread in all the land& $or the $amine (was) !ery se!ere% so that the land o$ 6gy*t
and the land o$ =anaan lang#ished bea#se o$ the $amine"
Gen 04:10 +nd Jose*h gathered #* all the money that was $o#nd in the land o$ 6gy*t and in the land o$
=anaan% $or the grain whih they bo#ght& and Jose*h bro#ght the money into <haraohAs ho#se"
Gen 04:11 ,o when the money $ailed in the land o$ 6gy*t and in the land o$ =anaan% all the 6gy*tians ame to
Jose*h and said% .Gi!e #s bread% $or why sho#ld we die in yo#r *reseneC ;or the money has $ailed".
Gen 04:13 Then Jose*h said% .Gi!e yo#r li!esto'% and I will gi!e yo# (bread) $or yo#r li!esto'% i$ the money is
Gen 04:14 ,o they bro#ght their li!esto' to Jose*h% and Jose*h ga!e them bread (in e9hange) $or the horses%
the $lo's% the attle o$ the herds% and $or the don'eys" Th#s he $ed them with bread (in e9hange) $or all their
li!esto' that year"
Gen 04:18 >hen that year had ended% they ame to him the ne9t year and said to him% .>e will not hide $rom
my lord that o#r money is gone& my lord also has o#r herds o$ li!esto'" There is nothing le$t in the sight o$ my
lord b#t o#r bodies and o#r lands"
Gen 04:19 .>hy sho#ld we die be$ore yo#r eyes% both we and o#r landC B#y #s and o#r land $or bread% and we
and o#r land will be ser!ants o$ <haraoh& gi!e (#s) seed% that we may li!e and not die% that the land may not be
Gen 04:25 Then Jose*h bo#ght all the land o$ 6gy*t $or <haraoh& $or e!ery man o$ the 6gy*tians sold his $ield%
bea#se the $amine was se!ere #*on them" ,o the land beame <haraohAs"
Gen 04:21 +nd as $or the *eo*le% he mo!ed them into the ities% $rom (one) end o$ the borders o$ 6gy*t to the
(other) end"
Gen 04:22 8nly the land o$ the *riests he did not b#y& $or the *riests had rations (allotted to them) by <haraoh%
and they ate their rations whih <haraoh ga!e them& there$ore they did not sell their lands"
Gen 04:2- Then Jose*h said to the *eo*le% .Indeed I ha!e bo#ght yo# and yo#r land this day $or <haraoh"
/oo'% (here is) seed $or yo#% and yo# shall sow the land"
Gen 04:20 .+nd it shall ome to *ass in the har!est that yo# shall gi!e oneD$i$th to <haraoh" ;o#rD$i$ths shall be
yo#r own% as seed $or the $ield and $or yo#r $ood% $or those o$ yo#r ho#seholds and as $ood $or yo#r little ones".
Gen 04:21 ,o they said% .Bo# ha!e sa!ed o#r li!es& let #s $ind $a!or in the sight o$ my lord% and we will be
<haraohAs ser!ants".
Gen 04:23 +nd Jose*h made it a law o!er the land o$ 6gy*t to this day% (that) <haraoh sho#ld ha!e oneD$i$th%
e9e*t $or the land o$ the *riests only% (whih) did not beome <haraohAs"
Gen 04:24 ,o Israel dwelt in the land o$ 6gy*t% in the o#ntry o$ Goshen& and they had *ossessions there and
grew and m#lti*lied e9eedingly"
Gen 04:28 +nd Jaob li!ed in the land o$ 6gy*t se!enteen years" ,o the length o$ JaobAs li$e was one h#ndred
and $ortyDse!en years"
Gen 04:29 >hen the time drew near that Israel m#st die% he alled his son Jose*h and said to him% .Now i$ I
ha!e $o#nd $a!or in yo#r sight% *lease *#t yo#r hand #nder my thigh% and deal 'indly and tr#ly with me" <lease
do not b#ry me in 6gy*t%
Gen 04:-5 .b#t let me lie with my $athers& yo# shall arry me o#t o$ 6gy*t and b#ry me in their b#rial *lae". +nd
he said% .I will do as yo# ha!e said".
Gen 04:-1 Then he said% .,wear to me". +nd he swore to him" ,o Israel bowed himsel$ on the head o$ the bed"
Gen 08:1 Now it ame to *ass a$ter these things that Jose*h was told% .Indeed yo#r $ather (is) si'.& and he too'
with him his two sons% ?anasseh and 6*hraim"
Gen 08:2 +nd Jaob was told% ./oo'% yo#r son Jose*h is oming to yo#.& and Israel strengthened himsel$ and
sat #* on the bed"
Gen 08:- Then Jaob said to Jose*h: .God +lmighty a**eared to me at /#H in the land o$ =anaan and blessed
Gen 08:0 .and said to me% ABehold% I will ma'e yo# $r#it$#l and m#lti*ly yo#% and I will ma'e o$ yo# a m#ltit#de o$
*eo*le% and gi!e this land to yo#r desendants a$ter yo# (as) an e!erlasting *ossession"A
Gen 08:1 .+nd now yo#r two sons% 6*hraim and ?anasseh% who were born to yo# in the land o$ 6gy*t be$ore I
ame to yo# in 6gy*t% (are) mine& as :e#ben and ,imeon% they shall be mine"
Gen 08:3 .Bo#r o$$s*ring whom yo# beget a$ter them shall be yo#rs& they will be alled by the name o$ their
brothers in their inheritane"
Gen 08:4 .B#t as $or me% when I ame $rom <adan% :ahel died beside me in the land o$ =anaan on the way%
when (there was) b#t a little distane to go to 6*hrath& and I b#ried her there on the way to 6*hrath Ithat is%
Gen 08:8 Then Israel saw Jose*hAs sons% and said% .>ho (are) theseC.
Gen 08:9 +nd Jose*h said to his $ather% .They (are) my sons% whom God has gi!en me in this (*lae".) +nd he
said% .<lease bring them to me% and I will bless them".
Gen 08:15 Now the eyes o$ Israel were dim with age% (so that) he o#ld not see" Then Jose*h bro#ght them
near him% and he 'issed them and embraed them"
Gen 08:11 +nd Israel said to Jose*h% .I had not tho#ght to see yo#r $ae& b#t in $at% God has also shown me
yo#r o$$s*ringF.
Gen 08:12 ,o Jose*h bro#ght them $rom beside his 'nees% and he bowed down with his $ae to the earth"
Gen 08:1- +nd Jose*h too' them both% 6*hraim with his right hand toward IsraelAs le$t hand% and ?anasseh
with his le$t hand toward IsraelAs right hand% and bro#ght (them) near him"
Gen 08:10 Then Israel strethed o#t his right hand and laid (it) on 6*hraimAs head% who (was) the yo#nger% and
his le$t hand on ?anassehAs head% g#iding his hands 'nowingly% $or ?anasseh (was) the $irstborn"
Gen 08:11 +nd he blessed Jose*h% and said: .God% be$ore whom my $athers +braham and Isaa wal'ed% The
God who has $ed me all my li$e long to this day%
Gen 08:13 The +ngel who has redeemed me $rom all e!il% Bless the lads& /et my name be named #*on them%
+nd the name o$ my $athers +braham and Isaa& +nd let them grow into a m#ltit#de in the midst o$ the earth".
Gen 08:14 Now when Jose*h saw that his $ather laid his right hand on the head o$ 6*hraim% it dis*leased him&
so he too' hold o$ his $atherAs hand to remo!e it $rom 6*hraimAs head to ?anassehAs head"
Gen 08:18 +nd Jose*h said to his $ather% .Not so% my $ather% $or this (one is) the $irstborn& *#t yo#r right hand on
his head".
Gen 08:19 B#t his $ather re$#sed and said% .I 'now% my son% I 'now" He also shall beome a *eo*le% and he also
shall be great& b#t tr#ly his yo#nger brother shall be greater than he% and his desendants shall beome a
m#ltit#de o$ nations".
Gen 08:25 ,o he blessed them that day% saying% .By yo# Israel will bless% saying% A?ay God ma'e yo# as
6*hraim and as ?anassehFA . +nd th#s he set 6*hraim be$ore ?anasseh"
Gen 08:21 Then Israel said to Jose*h% .Behold% I am dying% b#t God will be with yo# and bring yo# ba' to the
land o$ yo#r $athers"
Gen 08:22 .?oreo!er I ha!e gi!en to yo# one *ortion abo!e yo#r brothers% whih I too' $rom the hand o$ the
+morite with my sword and my bow".
Gen 09:1 +nd Jaob alled his sons and said% .Gather together% that I may tell yo# what shall be$all yo# in the
last days:
Gen 09:2 .Gather together and hear% yo# sons o$ Jaob% +nd listen to Israel yo#r $ather"
Gen 09:- .:e#ben% yo# are my $irstborn% ?y might and the beginning o$ my strength% The e9elleny o$ dignity
and the e9elleny o$ *ower"
Gen 09:0 7nstable as water% yo# shall not e9el% Bea#se yo# went #* to yo#r $atherAs bed& Then yo# de$iled (it
DD He) went #* to my o#h"
Gen 09:1 .,imeon and /e!i (are) brothers& Instr#ments o$ r#elty (are in) their dwelling *lae"
Gen 09:3 /et not my so#l enter their o#nil& /et not my honor be #nited to their assembly& ;or in their anger
they slew a man% +nd in their sel$Dwill they hamstr#ng an o9"
Gen 09:4 =#rsed (be) their anger% $or (it is) $iere& +nd their wrath% $or it is r#elF I will di!ide them in Jaob +nd
satter them in Israel"
Gen 09:8 .J#dah% yo# (are he) whom yo#r brothers shall *raise& Bo#r hand (shall be) on the ne' o$ yo#r
enemies& Bo#r $atherAs hildren shall bow down be$ore yo#"
Gen 09:9 J#dah (is) a lionAs whel*& ;rom the *rey% my son% yo# ha!e gone #*" He bows down% he lies down as a
lion& +nd as a lion% who shall ro#se himC
Gen 09:15 The se*ter shall not de*art $rom J#dah% Nor a lawgi!er $rom between his $eet% 7ntil ,hiloh omes&
+nd to Him (shall be) the obediene o$ the *eo*le"
Gen 09:11 Binding his don'ey to the !ine% +nd his don'eyAs olt to the hoie !ine% He washed his garments in
wine% +nd his lothes in the blood o$ gra*es"
Gen 09:12 His eyes (are) dar'er than wine% +nd his teeth whiter than mil'"
Gen 09:1- .Geb#l#n shall dwell by the ha!en o$ the sea& He (shall beome) a ha!en $or shi*s% +nd his border
shall ad@oin ,idon"
Gen 09:10 .Issahar is a strong don'ey% /ying down between two b#rdens&
Gen 09:11 He saw that rest (was) good% +nd that the land (was) *leasant& He bowed his sho#lder to bear (a
b#rden%) +nd beame a band o$ sla!es"
Gen 09:13 .2an shall @#dge his *eo*le +s one o$ the tribes o$ Israel"
Gen 09:14 2an shall be a ser*ent by the way% + !i*er by the *ath% That bites the horseAs heels ,o that its rider
shall $all ba'ward"
Gen 09:18 I ha!e waited $or yo#r sal!ation% 8 /8:2F
Gen 09:19 .Gad% a troo* shall tram* #*on him% B#t he shall tri#m*h at last"
Gen 09:25 .Bread $rom +sher (shall be) rih% +nd he shall yield royal dainties"
Gen 09:21 .Na*htali (is) a deer let loose& He #ses bea#ti$#l words"
Gen 09:22 .Jose*h (is) a $r#it$#l bo#gh% + $r#it$#l bo#gh by a well& His branhes r#n o!er the wall"
Gen 09:2- The arhers ha!e bitterly grie!ed him% ,hot (at him) and hated him"
Gen 09:20 B#t his bow remained in strength% +nd the arms o$ his hands were made strong By the hands o$ the
?ighty (God) o$ Jaob I;rom there (is) the ,he*herd% the ,tone o$ IsraelJ%
Gen 09:21 By the God o$ yo#r $ather who will hel* yo#% +nd by the +lmighty who will bless yo# (>ith) blessings
o$ hea!en abo!e% Blessings o$ the dee* that lies beneath% Blessings o$ the breasts and o$ the womb"
Gen 09:23 The blessings o$ yo#r $ather Ha!e e9elled the blessings o$ my anestors% 7* to the #tmost bo#nd o$
the e!erlasting hills" They shall be on the head o$ Jose*h% +nd on the rown o$ the head o$ him who was
se*arate $rom his brothers"
Gen 09:24 .Ben@amin is a ra!eno#s wol$& In the morning he shall de!o#r the *rey% +nd at night he shall di!ide
the s*oil".
Gen 09:28 +ll these (are) the twel!e tribes o$ Israel% and this (is) what their $ather s*o'e to them" +nd he blessed
them& he blessed eah one aording to his own blessing"
Gen 09:29 Then he harged them and said to them: .I am to be gathered to my *eo*le& b#ry me with my $athers
in the a!e that (is) in the $ield o$ 6*hron the Hittite%
Gen 09:-5 .in the a!e that (is) in the $ield o$ ?ah*elah% whih (is) be$ore ?amre in the land o$ =anaan% whih
+braham bo#ght with the $ield o$ 6*hron the Hittite as a *ossession $or a b#rial *lae"
Gen 09:-1 .There they b#ried +braham and ,arah his wi$e% there they b#ried Isaa and :ebe'ah his wi$e% and
there I b#ried /eah"
Gen 09:-2 .The $ield and the a!e that (is) there (were) *#rhased $rom the sons o$ Heth".
Gen 09:-- +nd when Jaob had $inished ommanding his sons% he drew his $eet #* into the bed and breathed
his last% and was gathered to his *eo*le"
Gen 15:1 Then Jose*h $ell on his $atherAs $ae% and we*t o!er him% and 'issed him"
Gen 15:2 +nd Jose*h ommanded his ser!ants the *hysiians to embalm his $ather" ,o the *hysiians
embalmed Israel"
Gen 15:- ;orty days were reE#ired $or him% $or s#h are the days reE#ired $or those who are embalmed& and the
6gy*tians mo#rned $or him se!enty days"
Gen 15:0 +nd when the days o$ his mo#rning were *ast% Jose*h s*o'e to the ho#sehold o$ <haraoh% saying% .I$
now I ha!e $o#nd $a!or in yo#r eyes% *lease s*ea' in the hearing o$ <haraoh% saying%
Gen 15:1 A?y $ather made me swear% saying% .Behold% I am dying& in my gra!e whih I d#g $or mysel$ in the land
o$ =anaan% there yo# shall b#ry me". Now there$ore% *lease let me go #* and b#ry my $ather% and I will ome
ba'"A .
Gen 15:3 +nd <haraoh said% .Go #* and b#ry yo#r $ather% as he made yo# swear".
Gen 15:4 ,o Jose*h went #* to b#ry his $ather& and with him went #* all the ser!ants o$ <haraoh% the elders o$
his ho#se% and all the elders o$ the land o$ 6gy*t%
Gen 15:8 as well as all the ho#se o$ Jose*h% his brothers% and his $atherAs ho#se" 8nly their little ones% their
$lo's% and their herds they le$t in the land o$ Goshen"
Gen 15:9 +nd there went #* with him both hariots and horsemen% and it was a !ery great gathering"
Gen 15:15 Then they ame to the threshing $loor o$ +tad% whih (is) beyond the Jordan% and they mo#rned there
with a great and !ery solemn lamentation" He obser!ed se!en days o$ mo#rning $or his $ather"
Gen 15:11 +nd when the inhabitants o$ the land% the =anaanites% saw the mo#rning at the threshing $loor o$
+tad% they said% .This (is) a dee* mo#rning o$ the 6gy*tians". There$ore its name was alled +bel ?iHraim% whih
(is) beyond the Jordan"
Gen 15:12 ,o his sons did $or him @#st as he had ommanded them"
Gen 15:1- ;or his sons arried him to the land o$ =anaan% and b#ried him in the a!e o$ the $ield o$ ?ah*elah%
be$ore ?amre% whih +braham bo#ght with the $ield $rom 6*hron the Hittite as *ro*erty $or a b#rial *lae"
Gen 15:10 +nd a$ter he had b#ried his $ather% Jose*h ret#rned to 6gy*t% he and his brothers and all who went
#* with him to b#ry his $ather"
Gen 15:11 >hen Jose*hAs brothers saw that their $ather was dead% they said% .<erha*s Jose*h will hate #s% and
may at#ally re*ay #s $or all the e!il whih we did to him".
Gen 15:13 ,o they sent (messengers) to Jose*h% saying% .Be$ore yo#r $ather died he ommanded% saying%
Gen 15:14 ATh#s yo# shall say to Jose*h: .I beg yo#% *lease $orgi!e the tres*ass o$ yo#r brothers and their sin&
$or they did e!il to yo#". A Now% *lease% $orgi!e the tres*ass o$ the ser!ants o$ the God o$ yo#r $ather". +nd
Jose*h we*t when they s*o'e to him"
Gen 15:18 Then his brothers also went and $ell down be$ore his $ae% and they said% .Behold% we (are) yo#r
Gen 15:19 Jose*h said to them% .2o not be a$raid% $or (am) I in the *lae o$ GodC
Gen 15:25 .B#t as $or yo#% yo# meant e!il against me& (b#t) God meant it $or good% in order to bring it abo#t as (it
is) this day% to sa!e many *eo*le ali!e"
Gen 15:21 .Now there$ore% do not be a$raid& I will *ro!ide $or yo# and yo#r little ones". +nd he om$orted them
and s*o'e 'indly to them"
Gen 15:22 ,o Jose*h dwelt in 6gy*t% he and his $atherAs ho#sehold" +nd Jose*h li!ed one h#ndred and ten
Gen 15:2- Jose*h saw 6*hraimAs hildren to the third (generation") The hildren o$ ?ahir% the son o$
?anasseh% were also bro#ght #* on Jose*hAs 'nees"
Gen 15:20 +nd Jose*h said to his brethren% .I am dying& b#t God will s#rely !isit yo#% and bring yo# o#t o$ this
land to the land o$ whih He swore to +braham% to Isaa% and to Jaob".
Gen 15:21 Then Jose*h too' an oath $rom the hildren o$ Israel% saying% .God will s#rely !isit yo#% and yo# shall
arry #* my bones $rom here".
Gen 15:23 ,o Jose*h died% (being) one h#ndred and ten years old& and they embalmed him% and he was *#t in
a o$$in in 6gy*t"
69o 1:1 Now these (are) the names o$ the hildren o$ Israel who ame to 6gy*t& eah man and his ho#sehold
ame with Jaob:
69o 1:2 :e#ben% ,imeon% /e!i% and J#dah&
69o 1:- Issahar% Geb#l#n% and Ben@amin&
69o 1:0 2an% Na*htali% Gad% and +sher"
69o 1:1 +ll those who were desendants o$ Jaob were se!enty *ersons I$or Jose*h was in 6gy*t (alreadyJ")
69o 1:3 +nd Jose*h died% all his brothers% and all that generation"
69o 1:4 B#t the hildren o$ Israel were $r#it$#l and inreased ab#ndantly% m#lti*lied and grew e9eedingly
mighty& and the land was $illed with them"
69o 1:8 Now there arose a new 'ing o!er 6gy*t% who did not 'now Jose*h"
69o 1:9 +nd he said to his *eo*le% ./oo'% the *eo*le o$ the hildren o$ Israel (are) more and mightier than we&
69o 1:15 .ome% let #s deal shrewdly with them% lest they m#lti*ly% and it ha**en% in the e!ent o$ war% that they
also @oin o#r enemies and $ight against #s% and (so) go #* o#t o$ the land".
69o 1:11 There$ore they set tas'masters o!er them to a$$lit them with their b#rdens" +nd they b#ilt $or <haraoh
s#**ly ities% <ithom and :aamses"
69o 1:12 B#t the more they a$$lited them% the more they m#lti*lied and grew" +nd they were in dread o$ the
hildren o$ Israel"
69o 1:1- ,o the 6gy*tians made the hildren o$ Israel ser!e with rigor"
69o 1:10 +nd they made their li!es bitter with hard bondage DD in mortar% in bri'% and in all manner o$ ser!ie in
the $ield" +ll their ser!ie in whih they made them ser!e (was) with rigor"
69o 1:11 Then the 'ing o$ 6gy*t s*o'e to the Hebrew midwi!es% o$ whom the name o$ one (was) ,hi*hrah and
the name o$ the other <#ah&
69o 1:13 and he said% .>hen yo# do the d#ties o$ a midwi$e $or the Hebrew women% and see (them) on the
birthstools% i$ it (is) a son% then yo# shall 'ill him& b#t i$ it (is) a da#ghter% then she shall li!e".
69o 1:14 B#t the midwi!es $eared God% and did not do as the 'ing o$ 6gy*t ommanded them% b#t sa!ed the
male hildren ali!e"
69o 1:18 ,o the 'ing o$ 6gy*t alled $or the midwi!es and said to them% .>hy ha!e yo# done this thing% and
sa!ed the male hildren ali!eC.
69o 1:19 +nd the midwi!es said to <haraoh% .Bea#se the Hebrew women (are) not li'e the 6gy*tian women&
$or they (are) li!ely and gi!e birth be$ore the midwi!es ome to them".
69o 1:25 There$ore God dealt well with the midwi!es% and the *eo*le m#lti*lied and grew !ery mighty"
69o 1:21 +nd so it was% bea#se the midwi!es $eared God% that He *ro!ided ho#seholds $or them"
69o 1:22 ,o <haraoh ommanded all his *eo*le% saying% .6!ery son who is born yo# shall ast into the ri!er%
and e!ery da#ghter yo# shall sa!e ali!e".
69o 2:1 +nd a man o$ the ho#se o$ /e!i went and too' (as wi$e) a da#ghter o$ /e!i"
69o 2:2 ,o the woman onei!ed and bore a son" +nd when she saw that he (was) a bea#ti$#l (hild%) she hid
him three months"
69o 2:- B#t when she o#ld no longer hide him% she too' an ar' o$ b#lr#shes $or him% da#bed it with as*halt and
*ith% *#t the hild in it% and laid (it) in the reeds by the ri!erAs ban'"
69o 2:0 +nd his sister stood a$ar o$$% to 'now what wo#ld be done to him"
69o 2:1 Then the da#ghter o$ <haraoh ame down to bathe at the ri!er" +nd her maidens wal'ed along the
ri!erside& and when she saw the ar' among the reeds% she sent her maid to get it"
69o 2:3 +nd when she had o*ened (it%) she saw the hild% and behold% the baby we*t" ,o she had om*assion
on him% and said% .This is one o$ the HebrewsA hildren".
69o 2:4 Then his sister said to <haraohAs da#ghter% .,hall I go and all a n#rse $or yo# $rom the Hebrew women%
that she may n#rse the hild $or yo#C.
69o 2:8 +nd <haraohAs da#ghter said to her% .Go". ,o the maiden went and alled the hildAs mother"
69o 2:9 Then <haraohAs da#ghter said to her% .Ta'e this hild away and n#rse him $or me% and I will gi!e (yo#)
yo#r wages". ,o the woman too' the hild and n#rsed him"
69o 2:15 +nd the hild grew% and she bro#ght him to <haraohAs da#ghter% and he beame her son" ,o she
alled his name ?oses% saying% .Bea#se I drew him o#t o$ the water".
69o 2:11 Now it ame to *ass in those days% when ?oses was grown% that he went o#t to his brethren and
loo'ed at their b#rdens" +nd he saw an 6gy*tian beating a Hebrew% one o$ his brethren"
69o 2:12 ,o he loo'ed this way and that way% and when he saw no one% he 'illed the 6gy*tian and hid him in
the sand"
69o 2:1- +nd when he went o#t the seond day% behold% two Hebrew men were $ighting% and he said to the one
who did the wrong% .>hy are yo# stri'ing yo#r om*anionC.
69o 2:10 Then he said% .>ho made yo# a *rine and a @#dge o!er #sC 2o yo# intend to 'ill me as yo# 'illed the
6gy*tianC. ,o ?oses $eared and said% .,#rely this thing is 'nownF.
69o 2:11 >hen <haraoh heard o$ this matter% he so#ght to 'ill ?oses" B#t ?oses $led $rom the $ae o$ <haraoh
and dwelt in the land o$ ?idian& and he sat down by a well"
69o 2:13 Now the *riest o$ ?idian had se!en da#ghters" +nd they ame and drew water% and they $illed the
tro#ghs to water their $atherAs $lo'"
69o 2:14 Then the she*herds ame and dro!e them away& b#t ?oses stood #* and hel*ed them% and watered
their $lo'"
69o 2:18 >hen they ame to :e#el their $ather% he said% .How (is it that) yo# ha!e ome so soon todayC.
69o 2:19 +nd they said% .+n 6gy*tian deli!ered #s $rom the hand o$ the she*herds% and he also drew eno#gh
water $or #s and watered the $lo'".
69o 2:25 ,o he said to his da#ghters% .+nd where (is) heC >hy (is) it (that) yo# ha!e le$t the manC =all him% that
he may eat bread".
69o 2:21 Then ?oses was ontent to li!e with the man% and he ga!e Gi**orah his da#ghter to ?oses"
69o 2:22 +nd she bore (him) a son% and he alled his name Gershom& $or he said% .I ha!e been a stranger in a
$oreign land".
69o 2:2- Now it ha**ened in the *roess o$ time that the 'ing o$ 6gy*t died" Then the hildren o$ Israel groaned
bea#se o$ the bondage% and they ried o#t& and their ry ame #* to God bea#se o$ the bondage"
69o 2:20 ,o God heard their groaning% and God remembered His o!enant with +braham% with Isaa% and with
69o 2:21 +nd God loo'ed #*on the hildren o$ Israel% and God a'nowledged (them")
69o -:1 Now ?oses was tending the $lo' o$ Jethro his $atherDinDlaw% the *riest o$ ?idian" +nd he led the $lo' to
the ba' o$ the desert% and ame to Horeb% the mo#ntain o$ God"
69o -:2 +nd the +ngel o$ the /8:2 a**eared to him in a $lame o$ $ire $rom the midst o$ a b#sh" ,o he loo'ed%
and behold% the b#sh was b#rning with $ire% b#t the b#sh (was) not ons#med"
69o -:- Then ?oses said% .I will now t#rn aside and see this great sight% why the b#sh does not b#rn".
69o -:0 ,o when the /8:2 saw that he t#rned aside to loo'% God alled to him $rom the midst o$ the b#sh and
said% .?oses% ?osesF. +nd he said% .Here I am".
69o -:1 Then He said% .2o not draw near this *lae" Ta'e yo#r sandals o$$ yo#r $eet% $or the *lae where yo#
stand (is) holy gro#nd".
69o -:3 ?oreo!er He said% .I (am) the God o$ yo#r $ather DD the God o$ +braham% the God o$ Isaa% and the God
o$ Jaob". +nd ?oses hid his $ae% $or he was a$raid to loo' #*on God"
69o -:4 +nd the /8:2 said: .I ha!e s#rely seen the o**ression o$ ?y *eo*le who (are) in 6gy*t% and ha!e
heard their ry bea#se o$ their tas'masters% $or I 'now their sorrows"
69o -:8 .,o I ha!e ome down to deli!er them o#t o$ the hand o$ the 6gy*tians% and to bring them #* $rom that
land to a good and large land% to a land $lowing with mil' and honey% to the *lae o$ the =anaanites and the
Hittites and the +morites and the <eriHHites and the Hi!ites and the Jeb#sites"
69o -:9 .Now there$ore% behold% the ry o$ the hildren o$ Israel has ome to ?e% and I ha!e also seen the
o**ression with whih the 6gy*tians o**ress them"
69o -:15 .=ome now% there$ore% and I will send yo# to <haraoh that yo# may bring ?y *eo*le% the hildren o$
Israel% o#t o$ 6gy*t".
69o -:11 B#t ?oses said to God% .>ho (am) I that I sho#ld go to <haraoh% and that I sho#ld bring the hildren o$
Israel o#t o$ 6gy*tC.
69o -:12 ,o He said% .I will ertainly be with yo#" +nd this (shall be) a sign to yo# that I ha!e sent yo#: >hen
yo# ha!e bro#ght the *eo*le o#t o$ 6gy*t% yo# shall ser!e God on this mo#ntain".
69o -:1- Then ?oses said to God% .Indeed% (when) I ome to the hildren o$ Israel and say to them% AThe God o$
yo#r $athers has sent me to yo#%A and they say to me% A>hat (is) His nameCA what shall I say to themC.
69o -:10 +nd God said to ?oses% .I +? >H8 I +?". +nd He said% .Th#s yo# shall say to the hildren o$ Israel%
AI +? has sent me to yo#"A .
69o -:11 ?oreo!er God said to ?oses% .Th#s yo# shall say to the hildren o$ Israel: AThe /8:2 God o$ yo#r
$athers% the God o$ +braham% the God o$ Isaa% and the God o$ Jaob% has sent me to yo#" This (is) ?y name
$ore!er% and this (is) ?y memorial to all generations"A
69o -:13 .Go and gather the elders o$ Israel together% and say to them% AThe /8:2 God o$ yo#r $athers% the God
o$ +braham% o$ Isaa% and o$ Jaob% a**eared to me% saying% .I ha!e s#rely !isited yo# and (seen) what is done
to yo# in 6gy*t&
69o -:14 .and I ha!e said I will bring yo# #* o#t o$ the a$$lition o$ 6gy*t to the land o$ the =anaanites and the
Hittites and the +morites and the <eriHHites and the Hi!ites and the Jeb#sites% to a land $lowing with mil' and
honey". A
69o -:18 .Then they will heed yo#r !oie& and yo# shall ome% yo# and the elders o$ Israel% to the 'ing o$ 6gy*t&
and yo# shall say to him% AThe /8:2 God o$ the Hebrews has met with #s& and now% *lease% let #s go three
daysA @o#rney into the wilderness% that we may sari$ie to the /8:2 o#r God"A
69o -:19 .B#t I am s#re that the 'ing o$ 6gy*t will not let yo# go% no% not e!en by a mighty hand"
69o -:25 .,o I will streth o#t ?y hand and stri'e 6gy*t with all ?y wonders whih I will do in its midst& and a$ter
that he will let yo# go"
69o -:21 .+nd I will gi!e this *eo*le $a!or in the sight o$ the 6gy*tians& and it shall be% when yo# go% that yo#
shall not go em*tyDhanded"
69o -:22 .B#t e!ery woman shall as' o$ her neighbor% namely% o$ her who dwells near her ho#se% artiles o$
sil!er% artiles o$ gold% and lothing& and yo# shall *#t (them) on yo#r sons and on yo#r da#ghters" ,o yo# shall
*l#nder the 6gy*tians".
69o 0:1 Then ?oses answered and said% .B#t s#**ose they will not belie!e me or listen to my !oie& s#**ose
they say% AThe /8:2 has not a**eared to yo#"A .
69o 0:2 ,o the /8:2 said to him% .>hat (is) that in yo#r handC. He said% .+ rod".
69o 0:- +nd He said% .=ast it on the gro#nd". ,o he ast it on the gro#nd% and it beame a ser*ent& and ?oses
$led $rom it"
69o 0:0 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .:eah o#t yo#r hand and ta'e (it) by the tail. Iand he reahed o#t his
hand and a#ght it% and it beame a rod in his handJ%
69o 0:1 .that they may belie!e that the /8:2 God o$ their $athers% the God o$ +braham% the God o$ Isaa% and
the God o$ Jaob% has a**eared to yo#".
69o 0:3 ;#rthermore the /8:2 said to him% .Now *#t yo#r hand in yo#r bosom". +nd he *#t his hand in his
bosom% and when he too' it o#t% behold% his hand (was) le*ro#s% li'e snow"
69o 0:4 +nd He said% .<#t yo#r hand in yo#r bosom again". ,o he *#t his hand in his bosom again% and drew it
o#t o$ his bosom% and behold% it was restored li'e his (other) $lesh"
69o 0:8 .Then it will be% i$ they do not belie!e yo#% nor heed the message o$ the $irst sign% that they may belie!e
the message o$ the latter sign"
69o 0:9 .+nd it shall be% i$ they do not belie!e e!en these two signs% or listen to yo#r !oie% that yo# shall ta'e
water $rom the ri!er and *o#r (it) on the dry (land") +nd the water whih yo# ta'e $rom the ri!er will beome blood
on the dry (land".)
69o 0:15 Then ?oses said to the /8:2% .8 my /ord% I (am) not eloE#ent% neither be$ore nor sine Bo# ha!e
s*o'en to Bo#r ser!ant& b#t I (am) slow o$ s*eeh and slow o$ tong#e".
69o 0:11 ,o the /8:2 said to him% .>ho has made manAs mo#thC 8r who ma'es the m#te% the dea$% the
seeing% or the blindC (Ha!e) not I% the /8:2C
69o 0:12 .Now there$ore% go% and I will be with yo#r mo#th and teah yo# what yo# shall say".
69o 0:1- B#t he said% .8 my /ord% *lease send by the hand o$ whome!er (else) Bo# may send".
69o 0:10 ,o the anger o$ the /8:2 was 'indled against ?oses% and He said: .Is not +aron the /e!ite yo#r
brotherC I 'now that he an s*ea' well" +nd loo'% he is also oming o#t to meet yo#" >hen he sees yo#% he will
be glad in his heart"
69o 0:11 .Now yo# shall s*ea' to him and *#t the words in his mo#th" +nd I will be with yo#r mo#th and with his
mo#th% and I will teah yo# what yo# shall do"
69o 0:13 .,o he shall be yo#r s*o'esman to the *eo*le" +nd he himsel$ shall be as a mo#th $or yo#% and yo#
shall be to him as God"
69o 0:14 .+nd yo# shall ta'e this rod in yo#r hand% with whih yo# shall do the signs".
69o 0:18 ,o ?oses went and ret#rned to Jethro his $atherDinDlaw% and said to him% .<lease let me go and ret#rn
to my brethren who (are) in 6gy*t% and see whether they are still ali!e". +nd Jethro said to ?oses% .Go in *eae".
69o 0:19 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses in ?idian% .Go% ret#rn to 6gy*t& $or all the men who so#ght yo#r li$e are
69o 0:25 Then ?oses too' his wi$e and his sons and set them on a don'ey% and he ret#rned to the land o$
6gy*t" +nd ?oses too' the rod o$ God in his hand"
69o 0:21 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .>hen yo# go ba' to 6gy*t% see that yo# do all those wonders be$ore
<haraoh whih I ha!e *#t in yo#r hand" B#t I will harden his heart% so that he will not let the *eo*le go"
69o 0:22 .Then yo# shall say to <haraoh% ATh#s says the /8:2: .Israel (is) ?y son% ?y $irstborn"
69o 0:2- .,o I say to yo#% let ?y son go that he may ser!e ?e" B#t i$ yo# re$#se to let him go% indeed I will 'ill
yo#r son% yo#r $irstborn". A .
69o 0:20 +nd it ame to *ass on the way% at the enam*ment% that the /8:2 met him and so#ght to 'ill him"
69o 0:21 Then Gi**orah too' a shar* stone and #t o$$ the $ores'in o$ her son and ast (it) at (?osesA) $eet% and
said% .,#rely yo# (are) a h#sband o$ blood to meF.
69o 0:23 ,o He let him go" Then she said% .(Bo# are) a h#sband o$ bloodF. DD bea#se o$ the ir#mision"
69o 0:24 +nd the /8:2 said to +aron% .Go into the wilderness to meet ?oses". ,o he went and met him on the
mo#ntain o$ God% and 'issed him"
69o 0:28 ,o ?oses told +aron all the words o$ the /8:2 who had sent him% and all the signs whih He had
ommanded him"
69o 0:29 Then ?oses and +aron went and gathered together all the elders o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
69o 0:-5 +nd +aron s*o'e all the words whih the /8:2 had s*o'en to ?oses" Then he did the signs in the
sight o$ the *eo*le"
69o 0:-1 ,o the *eo*le belie!ed& and when they heard that the /8:2 had !isited the hildren o$ Israel and that
He had loo'ed on their a$$lition% then they bowed their heads and worshi*ed"
69o 1:1 +$terward ?oses and +aron went in and told <haraoh% .Th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: A/et ?y
*eo*le go% that they may hold a $east to ?e in the wilderness"A .
69o 1:2 +nd <haraoh said% .>ho (is) the /8:2% that I sho#ld obey His !oie to let Israel goC I do not 'now the
/8:2% nor will I let Israel go".
69o 1:- ,o they said% .The God o$ the Hebrews has met with #s" <lease% let #s go three daysA @o#rney into the
desert and sari$ie to the /8:2 o#r God% lest He $all #*on #s with *estilene or with the sword".
69o 1:0 Then the 'ing o$ 6gy*t said to them% .?oses and +aron% why do yo# ta'e the *eo*le $rom their wor'C
Get (ba') to yo#r labor".
69o 1:1 +nd <haraoh said% ./oo'% the *eo*le o$ the land (are) many now% and yo# ma'e them rest $rom their
69o 1:3 ,o the same day <haraoh ommanded the tas'masters o$ the *eo*le and their o$$iers% saying%
69o 1:4 .Bo# shall no longer gi!e the *eo*le straw to ma'e bri' as be$ore" /et them go and gather straw $or
69o 1:8 .+nd yo# shall lay on them the E#ota o$ bri's whih they made be$ore" Bo# shall not red#e it" ;or they
are idle& there$ore they ry o#t% saying% A/et #s go (and) sari$ie to o#r God"A
69o 1:9 ./et more wor' be laid on the men% that they may labor in it% and let them not regard $alse words".
69o 1:15 +nd the tas'masters o$ the *eo*le and their o$$iers went o#t and s*o'e to the *eo*le% saying% .Th#s
says <haraoh: AI will not gi!e yo# straw"
69o 1:11 AGo% get yo#rsel!es straw where yo# an $ind it& yet none o$ yo#r wor' will be red#ed"A .
69o 1:12 ,o the *eo*le were sattered abroad thro#gho#t all the land o$ 6gy*t to gather st#bble instead o$
69o 1:1- +nd the tas'masters $ored (them) to h#rry% saying% .;#l$ill yo#r wor'% (yo#r) daily E#ota% as when there
was straw".
69o 1:10 +lso the o$$iers o$ the hildren o$ Israel% whom <haraohAs tas'masters had set o!er them% were
beaten (and) were as'ed% .>hy ha!e yo# not $#l$illed yo#r tas' in ma'ing bri' both yesterday and today% as
69o 1:11 Then the o$$iers o$ the hildren o$ Israel ame and ried o#t to <haraoh% saying% .>hy are yo# dealing
th#s with yo#r ser!antsC
69o 1:13 .There is no straw gi!en to yo#r ser!ants% and they say to #s% A?a'e bri'FA +nd indeed yo#r ser!ants
(are) beaten% b#t the $a#lt (is) in yo#r (own) *eo*le".
69o 1:14 B#t he said% .Bo# (are) idleF IdleF There$ore yo# say% A/et #s go (and) sari$ie to the /8:2"A
69o 1:18 .There$ore go now (and) wor'& $or no straw shall be gi!en yo#% yet yo# shall deli!er the E#ota o$
69o 1:19 +nd the o$$iers o$ the hildren o$ Israel saw (that) they (were) in tro#ble a$ter it was said% .Bo# shall not
red#e (any) bri's $rom yo#r daily E#ota".
69o 1:25 Then% as they ame o#t $rom <haraoh% they met ?oses and +aron who stood there to meet them"
69o 1:21 +nd they said to them% ./et the /8:2 loo' on yo# and @#dge% bea#se yo# ha!e made #s abhorrent in
the sight o$ <haraoh and in the sight o$ his ser!ants% to *#t a sword in their hand to 'ill #s".
69o 1:22 ,o ?oses ret#rned to the /8:2 and said% ./ord% why ha!e Bo# bro#ght tro#ble on this *eo*leC >hy
(is) it Bo# ha!e sent meC
69o 1:2- .;or sine I ame to <haraoh to s*ea' in Bo#r name% he has done e!il to this *eo*le& neither ha!e
Bo# deli!ered Bo#r *eo*le at all".
69o 3:1 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Now yo# shall see what I will do to <haraoh" ;or with a strong hand he
will let them go% and with a strong hand he will dri!e them o#t o$ his land".
69o 3:2 +nd God s*o'e to ?oses and said to him: .I (am) the /8:2"
69o 3:- .I a**eared to +braham% to Isaa% and to Jaob% as God +lmighty% b#t (by) ?y name /8:2 I was not
'nown to them"
69o 3:0 .I ha!e also established ?y o!enant with them% to gi!e them the land o$ =anaan% the land o$ their
*ilgrimage% in whih they were strangers"
69o 3:1 .+nd I ha!e also heard the groaning o$ the hildren o$ Israel whom the 6gy*tians 'ee* in bondage% and
I ha!e remembered ?y o!enant"
69o 3:3 .There$ore say to the hildren o$ Israel: AI (am) the /8:2& I will bring yo# o#t $rom #nder the b#rdens o$
the 6gy*tians% I will res#e yo# $rom their bondage% and I will redeem yo# with an o#tstrethed arm and with
great @#dgments"
69o 3:4 AI will ta'e yo# as ?y *eo*le% and I will be yo#r God" Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2 yo#r
God who brings yo# o#t $rom #nder the b#rdens o$ the 6gy*tians"
69o 3:8 A+nd I will bring yo# into the land whih I swore to gi!e to +braham% Isaa% and Jaob& and I will gi!e it to
yo# (as) a heritage: I (am) the /8:2"A .
69o 3:9 ,o ?oses s*o'e th#s to the hildren o$ Israel& b#t they did not heed ?oses% bea#se o$ ang#ish o$ s*irit
and r#el bondage"
69o 3:15 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
69o 3:11 .Go in% tell <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t to let the hildren o$ Israel go o#t o$ his land".
69o 3:12 +nd ?oses s*o'e be$ore the /8:2% saying% .The hildren o$ Israel ha!e not heeded me" How then
shall <haraoh heed me% $or I (am) o$ #nir#mised li*sC.
69o 3:1- Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% and ga!e them a ommand $or the hildren o$ Israel and
$or <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t% to bring the hildren o$ Israel o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 3:10 These (are) the heads o$ their $athersA ho#ses: The sons o$ :e#ben% the $irstborn o$ Israel% (were)
Hanoh% <all#% HeHron% and =armi" These are the $amilies o$ :e#ben"
69o 3:11 +nd the sons o$ ,imeon (were) Jem#el% Jamin% 8had% Jahin% Gohar% and ,ha#l the son o$ a =anaanite
woman" These (are) the $amilies o$ ,imeon"
69o 3:13 These (are) the names o$ the sons o$ /e!i aording to their generations: Gershon% Kohath% and
?erari" +nd the years o$ the li$e o$ /e!i (were) one h#ndred and thirtyDse!en"
69o 3:14 The sons o$ Gershon (were) /ibni and ,himi aording to their $amilies"
69o 3:18 +nd the sons o$ Kohath (were) +mram% IHhar% Hebron% and 7HHiel" +nd the years o$ the li$e o$ Kohath
(were) one h#ndred and thirtyDthree"
69o 3:19 The sons o$ ?erari (were) ?ahali and ?#shi" These (are) the $amilies o$ /e!i aording to their
69o 3:25 Now +mram too' $or himsel$ Johebed% his $atherAs sister% as wi$e& and she bore him +aron and
?oses" +nd the years o$ the li$e o$ +mram (were) one h#ndred and thirtyDse!en"
69o 3:21 The sons o$ IHhar (were) Korah% Ne*heg% and Gihri"
69o 3:22 +nd the sons o$ 7HHiel (were) ?ishael% 6lHa*han% and Githri"
69o 3:2- +aron too' to himsel$ 6lisheba% da#ghter o$ +mminadab% sister o$ Nahshon% as wi$e& and she bore him
Nadab% +bih#% 6leaHar% and Ithamar"
69o 3:20 +nd the sons o$ Korah (were) +ssir% 6l'anah% and +biasa*h" These are the $amilies o$ the Korahites"
69o 3:21 6leaHar% +aronAs son% too' $or himsel$ one o$ the da#ghters o$ <#tiel as wi$e& and she bore him
<hinehas" These (are) the heads o$ the $athersA ho#ses o$ the /e!ites aording to their $amilies"
69o 3:23 These (are the same) +aron and ?oses to whom the /8:2 said% .Bring o#t the hildren o$ Israel $rom
the land o$ 6gy*t aording to their armies".
69o 3:24 These (are) the ones who s*o'e to <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t% to bring o#t the hildren o$ Israel $rom
6gy*t" These (are the same) ?oses and +aron"
69o 3:28 +nd it ame to *ass% on the day the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses in the land o$ 6gy*t%
69o 3:29 that the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying% .I (am) the /8:2" ,*ea' to <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t all that I
say to yo#".
69o 3:-5 B#t ?oses said be$ore the /8:2% .Behold% I (am) o$ #nir#mised li*s% and how shall <haraoh heed
69o 4:1 ,o the /8:2 said to ?oses: .,ee% I ha!e made yo# (as) God to <haraoh% and +aron yo#r brother shall
be yo#r *ro*het"
69o 4:2 .Bo# shall s*ea' all that I ommand yo#" +nd +aron yo#r brother shall s*ea' to <haraoh to send the
hildren o$ Israel o#t o$ his land"
69o 4:- .+nd I will harden <haraohAs heart% and m#lti*ly ?y signs and ?y wonders in the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 4:0 .B#t <haraoh will not heed yo#% so that I may lay ?y hand on 6gy*t and bring ?y armies (and) ?y
*eo*le% the hildren o$ Israel% o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t by great @#dgments"
69o 4:1 .+nd the 6gy*tians shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% when I streth o#t ?y hand on 6gy*t and bring o#t
the hildren o$ Israel $rom among them".
69o 4:3 Then ?oses and +aron did (so&) @#st as the /8:2 ommanded them% so they did"
69o 4:4 +nd ?oses (was) eighty years old and +aron eightyDthree years old when they s*o'e to <haraoh"
69o 4:8 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% saying%
69o 4:9 .>hen <haraoh s*ea's to yo#% saying% A,how a mirale $or yo#rsel!es%A then yo# shall say to +aron%
ATa'e yo#r rod and ast (it) be$ore <haraoh% (and) let it beome a ser*ent"A .
69o 4:15 ,o ?oses and +aron went in to <haraoh% and they did so% @#st as the /8:2 ommanded" +nd +aron
ast down his rod be$ore <haraoh and be$ore his ser!ants% and it beame a ser*ent"
69o 4:11 B#t <haraoh also alled the wise men and the sorerers& so the magiians o$ 6gy*t% they also did in
li'e manner with their enhantments"
69o 4:12 ;or e!ery man threw down his rod% and they beame ser*ents" B#t +aronAs rod swallowed #* their
69o 4:1- +nd <haraohAs heart grew hard% and he did not heed them% as the /8:2 had said"
69o 4:10 ,o the /8:2 said to ?oses: .<haraohAs heart (is) hard& he re$#ses to let the *eo*le go"
69o 4:11 .Go to <haraoh in the morning% when he goes o#t to the water% and yo# shall stand by the ri!erAs ban'
to meet him& and the rod whih was t#rned to a ser*ent yo# shall ta'e in yo#r hand"
69o 4:13 .+nd yo# shall say to him% AThe /8:2 God o$ the Hebrews has sent me to yo#% saying% ./et ?y *eo*le
go% that they may ser!e ?e in the wilderness.& b#t indeed% #ntil now yo# wo#ld not hearF
69o 4:14 ATh#s says the /8:2: .By this yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2" Behold% I will stri'e the waters
whih (are) in the ri!er with the rod that (is) in my hand% and they shall be t#rned to blood"
69o 4:18 .+nd the $ish that (are) in the ri!er shall die% the ri!er shall stin'% and the 6gy*tians will loathe to drin'
the water o$ the ri!er". A .
69o 4:19 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% .,ay to +aron% ATa'e yo#r rod and streth o#t yo#r hand o!er the
waters o$ 6gy*t% o!er their streams% o!er their ri!ers% o!er their *onds% and o!er all their *ools o$ water% that they
may beome blood" +nd there shall be blood thro#gho#t all the land o$ 6gy*t% both in (b#'ets o$) wood and
(*ithers o$) stone"A .
69o 4:25 +nd ?oses and +aron did so% @#st as the /8:2 ommanded" ,o he li$ted #* the rod and str#' the
waters that (were) in the ri!er% in the sight o$ <haraoh and in the sight o$ his ser!ants" +nd all the waters that
(were) in the ri!er were t#rned to blood"
69o 4:21 The $ish that (were) in the ri!er died% the ri!er stan'% and the 6gy*tians o#ld not drin' the water o$ the
ri!er" ,o there was blood thro#gho#t all the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 4:22 Then the magiians o$ 6gy*t did so with their enhantments& and <haraohAs heart grew hard% and he
did not heed them% as the /8:2 had said"
69o 4:2- +nd <haraoh t#rned and went into his ho#se" Neither was his heart mo!ed by this"
69o 4:20 ,o all the 6gy*tians d#g all aro#nd the ri!er $or water to drin'% bea#se they o#ld not drin' the water
o$ the ri!er"
69o 4:21 +nd se!en days *assed a$ter the /8:2 had str#' the ri!er"
69o 8:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% .Go to <haraoh and say to him% ATh#s says the /8:2: ./et ?y *eo*le
go% that they may ser!e ?e"
69o 8:2 .B#t i$ yo# re$#se to let (them) go% behold% I will smite all yo#r territory with $rogs"
69o 8:- .,o the ri!er shall bring $orth $rogs ab#ndantly% whih shall go #* and ome into yo#r ho#se% into yo#r
bedroom% on yo#r bed% into the ho#ses o$ yo#r ser!ants% on yo#r *eo*le% into yo#r o!ens% and into yo#r 'neading
69o 8:0 .+nd the $rogs shall ome #* on yo#% on yo#r *eo*le% and on all yo#r ser!ants". A .
69o 8:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% .,ay to +aron% A,treth o#t yo#r hand with yo#r rod o!er the streams%
o!er the ri!ers% and o!er the *onds% and a#se $rogs to ome #* on the land o$ 6gy*t"A .
69o 8:3 ,o +aron strethed o#t his hand o!er the waters o$ 6gy*t% and the $rogs ame #* and o!ered the land
o$ 6gy*t"
69o 8:4 +nd the magiians did so with their enhantments% and bro#ght #* $rogs on the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 8:8 Then <haraoh alled $or ?oses and +aron% and said% .6ntreat the /8:2 that He may ta'e away the
$rogs $rom me and $rom my *eo*le& and I will let the *eo*le go% that they may sari$ie to the /8:2".
69o 8:9 +nd ?oses said to <haraoh% .+e*t the honor o$ saying when I shall interede $or yo#% $or yo#r
ser!ants% and $or yo#r *eo*le% to destroy the $rogs $rom yo# and yo#r ho#ses% (that) they may remain in the ri!er
69o 8:15 ,o he said% .Tomorrow". +nd he said% .(/et it be) aording to yo#r word% that yo# may 'now that
(there is) no one li'e the /8:2 o#r God"
69o 8:11 .+nd the $rogs shall de*art $rom yo#% $rom yo#r ho#ses% $rom yo#r ser!ants% and $rom yo#r *eo*le"
They shall remain in the ri!er only".
69o 8:12 Then ?oses and +aron went o#t $rom <haraoh" +nd ?oses ried o#t to the /8:2 onerning the
$rogs whih He had bro#ght against <haraoh"
69o 8:1- ,o the /8:2 did aording to the word o$ ?oses" +nd the $rogs died o#t o$ the ho#ses% o#t o$ the
o#rtyards% and o#t o$ the $ields"
69o 8:10 They gathered them together in hea*s% and the land stan'"
69o 8:11 B#t when <haraoh saw that there was relie$% he hardened his heart and did not heed them% as the
/8:2 had said"
69o 8:13 ,o the /8:2 said to ?oses% .,ay to +aron% A,treth o#t yo#r rod% and stri'e the d#st o$ the land% so
that it may beome lie thro#gho#t all the land o$ 6gy*t"A .
69o 8:14 +nd they did so" ;or +aron strethed o#t his hand with his rod and str#' the d#st o$ the earth% and it
beame lie on man and beast" +ll the d#st o$ the land beame lie thro#gho#t all the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 8:18 Now the magiians so wor'ed with their enhantments to bring $orth lie% b#t they o#ld not" ,o there
were lie on man and beast"
69o 8:19 Then the magiians said to <haraoh% .This (is) the $inger o$ God". B#t <haraohAs heart grew hard% and
he did not heed them% @#st as the /8:2 had said"
69o 8:25 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .:ise early in the morning and stand be$ore <haraoh as he omes o#t
to the water" Then say to him% ATh#s says the /8:2: ./et ?y *eo*le go% that they may ser!e ?e"
69o 8:21 .8r else% i$ yo# will not let ?y *eo*le go% behold% I will send swarms (o$ $lies) on yo# and yo#r ser!ants%
on yo#r *eo*le and into yo#r ho#ses" The ho#ses o$ the 6gy*tians shall be $#ll o$ swarms (o$ $lies%) and also the
gro#nd on whih they (stand")
69o 8:22 .+nd in that day I will set a*art the land o$ Goshen% in whih ?y *eo*le dwell% that no swarms (o$ $lies)
shall be there% in order that yo# may 'now that I (am) the /8:2 in the midst o$ the land"
69o 8:2- .I will ma'e a di$$erene between ?y *eo*le and yo#r *eo*le" Tomorrow this sign shall be". A .
69o 8:20 +nd the /8:2 did so" Thi' swarms (o$ $lies) ame into the ho#se o$ <haraoh% (into) his ser!antsA
ho#ses% and into all the land o$ 6gy*t" The land was orr#*ted bea#se o$ the swarms (o$ $lies")
69o 8:21 Then <haraoh alled $or ?oses and +aron% and said% .Go% sari$ie to yo#r God in the land".
69o 8:23 +nd ?oses said% .It is not right to do so% $or we wo#ld be sari$iing the abomination o$ the 6gy*tians
to the /8:2 o#r God" I$ we sari$ie the abomination o$ the 6gy*tians be$ore their eyes% then will they not stone
69o 8:24 .>e will go three daysA @o#rney into the wilderness and sari$ie to the /8:2 o#r God as He will
ommand #s".
69o 8:28 +nd <haraoh said% .I will let yo# go% that yo# may sari$ie to the /8:2 yo#r God in the wilderness&
only yo# shall not go !ery $ar away" Interede $or me".
69o 8:29 Then ?oses said% .Indeed I am going o#t $rom yo#% and I will entreat the /8:2% that the swarms (o$
$lies) may de*art tomorrow $rom <haraoh% $rom his ser!ants% and $rom his *eo*le" B#t let <haraoh not deal
deeit$#lly anymore in not letting the *eo*le go to sari$ie to the /8:2".
69o 8:-5 ,o ?oses went o#t $rom <haraoh and entreated the /8:2"
69o 8:-1 +nd the /8:2 did aording to the word o$ ?oses& He remo!ed the swarms (o$ $lies) $rom <haraoh%
$rom his ser!ants% and $rom his *eo*le" Not one remained"
69o 8:-2 B#t <haraoh hardened his heart at this time also& neither wo#ld he let the *eo*le go"
69o 9:1 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Go in to <haraoh and tell him% ATh#s says the /8:2 God o$ the
Hebrews: ./et ?y *eo*le go% that they may ser!e ?e"
69o 9:2 .;or i$ yo# re$#se to let (them) go% and still hold them%
69o 9:- .behold% the hand o$ the /8:2 will be on yo#r attle in the $ield% on the horses% on the don'eys% on the
amels% on the o9en% and on the shee* DD a !ery se!ere *estilene"
69o 9:0 .+nd the /8:2 will ma'e a di$$erene between the li!esto' o$ Israel and the li!esto' o$ 6gy*t" ,o
nothing shall die o$ all (that) belongs to the hildren o$ Israel". A .
69o 9:1 Then the /8:2 a**ointed a set time% saying% .Tomorrow the /8:2 will do this thing in the land".
69o 9:3 ,o the /8:2 did this thing on the ne9t day% and all the li!esto' o$ 6gy*t died& b#t o$ the li!esto' o$
the hildren o$ Israel% not one died"
69o 9:4 Then <haraoh sent% and indeed% not e!en one o$ the li!esto' o$ the Israelites was dead" B#t the heart
o$ <haraoh beame hard% and he did not let the *eo*le go"
69o 9:8 ,o the /8:2 said to ?oses and +aron% .Ta'e $or yo#rsel!es hand$#ls o$ ashes $rom a $#rnae% and let
?oses satter it toward the hea!ens in the sight o$ <haraoh"
69o 9:9 .+nd it will beome $ine d#st in all the land o$ 6gy*t% and it will a#se boils that brea' o#t in sores on
man and beast thro#gho#t all the land o$ 6gy*t".
69o 9:15 Then they too' ashes $rom the $#rnae and stood be$ore <haraoh% and ?oses sattered (them) toward
hea!en" +nd (they) a#sed boils that brea' o#t in sores on man and beast"
69o 9:11 +nd the magiians o#ld not stand be$ore ?oses bea#se o$ the boils% $or the boils were on the
magiians and on all the 6gy*tians"
69o 9:12 B#t the /8:2 hardened the heart o$ <haraoh& and he did not heed them% @#st as the /8:2 had
s*o'en to ?oses"
69o 9:1- Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .:ise early in the morning and stand be$ore <haraoh% and say to him%
ATh#s says the /8:2 God o$ the Hebrews: ./et ?y *eo*le go% that they may ser!e ?e%
69o 9:10 .$or at this time I will send all ?y *lag#es to yo#r !ery heart% and on yo#r ser!ants and on yo#r *eo*le%
that yo# may 'now that (there is) none li'e ?e in all the earth"
69o 9:11 .Now i$ I had strethed o#t ?y hand and str#' yo# and yo#r *eo*le with *estilene% then yo# wo#ld
ha!e been #t o$$ $rom the earth"
69o 9:13 .B#t indeed $or this (*#r*ose) I ha!e raised yo# #*% that I may show ?y *ower (in) yo#% and that ?y
name may be delared in all the earth"
69o 9:14 .+s yet yo# e9alt yo#rsel$ against ?y *eo*le in that yo# will not let them go"
69o 9:18 .Behold% tomorrow abo#t this time I will a#se !ery hea!y hail to rain down% s#h as has not been in
6gy*t sine its $o#nding #ntil now"
69o 9:19 .There$ore send now (and) gather yo#r li!esto' and all that yo# ha!e in the $ield% $or the hail shall
ome down on e!ery man and e!ery animal whih is $o#nd in the $ield and is not bro#ght home& and they shall
die". A .
69o 9:25 He who $eared the word o$ the /8:2 among the ser!ants o$ <haraoh made his ser!ants and his
li!esto' $lee to the ho#ses"
69o 9:21 B#t he who did not regard the word o$ the /8:2 le$t his ser!ants and his li!esto' in the $ield"
69o 9:22 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .,treth o#t yo#r hand toward hea!en% that there may be hail in all the
land o$ 6gy*t DD on man% on beast% and on e!ery herb o$ the $ield% thro#gho#t the land o$ 6gy*t".
69o 9:2- +nd ?oses strethed o#t his rod toward hea!en& and the /8:2 sent th#nder and hail% and $ire darted
to the gro#nd" +nd the /8:2 rained hail on the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 9:20 ,o there was hail% and $ire mingled with the hail% so !ery hea!y that there was none li'e it in all the
land o$ 6gy*t sine it beame a nation"
69o 9:21 +nd the hail str#' thro#gho#t the whole land o$ 6gy*t% all that (was) in the $ield% both man and beast&
and the hail str#' e!ery herb o$ the $ield and bro'e e!ery tree o$ the $ield"
69o 9:23 8nly in the land o$ Goshen% where the hildren o$ Israel (were%) there was no hail"
69o 9:24 +nd <haraoh sent and alled $or ?oses and +aron% and said to them% .I ha!e sinned this time" The
/8:2 (is) righteo#s% and my *eo*le and I (are) wi'ed"
69o 9:28 .6ntreat the /8:2% that there may be no (more) mighty th#ndering and hail% $or (it is) eno#gh" I will let
yo# go% and yo# shall stay no longer".
69o 9:29 ,o ?oses said to him% .+s soon as I ha!e gone o#t o$ the ity% I will s*read o#t my hands to the /8:2&
the th#nder will ease% and there will be no more hail% that yo# may 'now that the earth (is) the /8:2As"
69o 9:-5 .B#t as $or yo# and yo#r ser!ants% I 'now that yo# will not yet $ear the /8:2 God".
69o 9:-1 Now the $la9 and the barley were str#'% $or the barley (was) in the head and the $la9 (was) in b#d"
69o 9:-2 B#t the wheat and the s*elt were not str#'% $or they (are) late ro*s"
69o 9:-- ,o ?oses went o#t o$ the ity $rom <haraoh and s*read o#t his hands to the /8:2& then the th#nder
and the hail eased% and the rain was not *o#red on the earth"
69o 9:-0 +nd when <haraoh saw that the rain% the hail% and the th#nder had eased% he sinned yet more& and
he hardened his heart% he and his ser!ants"
69o 9:-1 ,o the heart o$ <haraoh was hard& neither wo#ld he let the hildren o$ Israel go% as the /8:2 had
s*o'en by ?oses"
69o 15:1 Now the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Go in to <haraoh& $or I ha!e hardened his heart and the hearts o$ his
ser!ants% that I may show these signs o$ ?ine be$ore him%
69o 15:2 .and that yo# may tell in the hearing o$ yo#r son and yo#r sonAs son the mighty things I ha!e done in
6gy*t% and ?y signs whih I ha!e done among them% that yo# may 'now that I (am) the /8:2".
69o 15:- ,o ?oses and +aron ame in to <haraoh and said to him% .Th#s says the /8:2 God o$ the Hebrews:
AHow long will yo# re$#se to h#mble yo#rsel$ be$ore ?eC /et ?y *eo*le go% that they may ser!e ?e"
69o 15:0 A8r else% i$ yo# re$#se to let ?y *eo*le go% behold% tomorrow I will bring lo#sts into yo#r territory"
69o 15:1 A+nd they shall o!er the $ae o$ the earth% so that no one will be able to see the earth& and they shall
eat the resid#e o$ what is le$t% whih remains to yo# $rom the hail% and they shall eat e!ery tree whih grows #*
$or yo# o#t o$ the $ield"
69o 15:3 AThey shall $ill yo#r ho#ses% the ho#ses o$ all yo#r ser!ants% and the ho#ses o$ all the 6gy*tians DD
whih neither yo#r $athers nor yo#r $athersA $athers ha!e seen% sine the day that they were on the earth to this
day"A . +nd he t#rned and went o#t $rom <haraoh"
69o 15:4 Then <haraohAs ser!ants said to him% .How long shall this man be a snare to #sC /et the men go% that
they may ser!e the /8:2 their God" 2o yo# not yet 'now that 6gy*t is destroyedC.
69o 15:8 ,o ?oses and +aron were bro#ght again to <haraoh% and he said to them% .Go% ser!e the /8:2 yo#r
God" >ho (are) the ones that are goingC.
69o 15:9 +nd ?oses said% .>e will go with o#r yo#ng and o#r old& with o#r sons and o#r da#ghters% with o#r
$lo's and o#r herds we will go% $or we m#st hold a $east to the /8:2".
69o 15:15 Then he said to them% .The /8:2 had better be with yo# when I let yo# and yo#r little ones goF
Beware% $or e!il is ahead o$ yo#"
69o 15:11 .Not soF Go now% yo# (who are) men% and ser!e the /8:2% $or that is what yo# desired". +nd they
were dri!en o#t $rom <haraohAs *resene"
69o 15:12 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .,treth o#t yo#r hand o!er the land o$ 6gy*t $or the lo#sts% that they
may ome #*on the land o$ 6gy*t% and eat e!ery herb o$ the land DD all that the hail has le$t".
69o 15:1- ,o ?oses strethed o#t his rod o!er the land o$ 6gy*t% and the /8:2 bro#ght an east wind on the
land all that day and all (that) night" >hen it was morning% the east wind bro#ght the lo#sts"
69o 15:10 +nd the lo#sts went #* o!er all the land o$ 6gy*t and rested on all the territory o$ 6gy*t" (They were)
!ery se!ere& *re!io#sly there had been no s#h lo#sts as they% nor shall there be s#h a$ter them"
69o 15:11 ;or they o!ered the $ae o$ the whole earth% so that the land was dar'ened& and they ate e!ery herb
o$ the land and all the $r#it o$ the trees whih the hail had le$t" ,o there remained nothing green on the trees or
on the *lants o$ the $ield thro#gho#t all the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 15:13 Then <haraoh alled $or ?oses and +aron in haste% and said% .I ha!e sinned against the /8:2 yo#r
God and against yo#"
69o 15:14 .Now there$ore% *lease $orgi!e my sin only this one% and entreat the /8:2 yo#r God% that He may
ta'e away $rom me this death only".
69o 15:18 ,o he went o#t $rom <haraoh and entreated the /8:2"
69o 15:19 +nd the /8:2 t#rned a !ery strong west wind% whih too' the lo#sts away and blew them into the
:ed ,ea" There remained not one lo#st in all the territory o$ 6gy*t"
69o 15:25 B#t the /8:2 hardened <haraohAs heart% and he did not let the hildren o$ Israel go"
69o 15:21 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .,treth o#t yo#r hand toward hea!en% that there may be dar'ness
o!er the land o$ 6gy*t% dar'ness (whih) may e!en be $elt".
69o 15:22 ,o ?oses strethed o#t his hand toward hea!en% and there was thi' dar'ness in all the land o$
6gy*t three days"
69o 15:2- They did not see one another& nor did anyone rise $rom his *lae $or three days" B#t all the hildren
o$ Israel had light in their dwellings"
69o 15:20 Then <haraoh alled to ?oses and said% .Go% ser!e the /8:2& only let yo#r $lo's and yo#r herds be
'e*t ba'" /et yo#r little ones also go with yo#".
69o 15:21 B#t ?oses said% .Bo# m#st also gi!e #s sari$ies and b#rnt o$$erings% that we may sari$ie to the
/8:2 o#r God"
69o 15:23 .8#r li!esto' also shall go with #s& not a hoo$ shall be le$t behind" ;or we m#st ta'e some o$ them to
ser!e the /8:2 o#r God% and e!en we do not 'now with what we m#st ser!e the /8:2 #ntil we arri!e there".
69o 15:24 B#t the /8:2 hardened <haraohAs heart% and he wo#ld not let them go"
69o 15:28 Then <haraoh said to him% .Get away $rom meF Ta'e heed to yo#rsel$ and see my $ae no moreF ;or
in the day yo# see my $ae yo# shall dieF.
69o 15:29 +nd ?oses said% .Bo# ha!e s*o'en well" I will ne!er see yo#r $ae again".
69o 11:1 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .I will bring yet one (more) *lag#e on <haraoh and on 6gy*t" +$terward
he will let yo# go $rom here" >hen he lets (yo#) go% he will s#rely dri!e yo# o#t o$ here altogether"
69o 11:2 .,*ea' now in the hearing o$ the *eo*le% and let e!ery man as' $rom his neighbor and e!ery woman
$rom her neighbor% artiles o$ sil!er and artiles o$ gold".
69o 11:- +nd the /8:2 ga!e the *eo*le $a!or in the sight o$ the 6gy*tians" ?oreo!er the man ?oses (was)
!ery great in the land o$ 6gy*t% in the sight o$ <haraohAs ser!ants and in the sight o$ the *eo*le"
69o 11:0 Then ?oses said% .Th#s says the /8:2: A+bo#t midnight I will go o#t into the midst o$ 6gy*t&
69o 11:1 Aand all the $irstborn in the land o$ 6gy*t shall die% $rom the $irstborn o$ <haraoh who sits on his throne%
e!en to the $irstborn o$ the $emale ser!ant who (is) behind the handmill% and all the $irstborn o$ the animals"
69o 11:3 AThen there shall be a great ry thro#gho#t all the land o$ 6gy*t% s#h as was not li'e it (be$ore%) nor
shall be li'e it again"
69o 11:4 AB#t against none o$ the hildren o$ Israel shall a dog mo!e its tong#e% against man or beast% that yo#
may 'now that the /8:2 does ma'e a di$$erene between the 6gy*tians and Israel"A
69o 11:8 .+nd all these yo#r ser!ants shall ome down to me and bow down to me% saying% AGet o#t% and all the
*eo*le who $ollow yo#FA +$ter that I will go o#t". Then he went o#t $rom <haraoh in great anger"
69o 11:9 B#t the /8:2 said to ?oses% .<haraoh will not heed yo#% so that ?y wonders may be m#lti*lied in the
land o$ 6gy*t".
69o 11:15 ,o ?oses and +aron did all these wonders be$ore <haraoh& and the /8:2 hardened <haraohAs
heart% and he did not let the hildren o$ Israel go o#t o$ his land"
69o 12:1 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron in the land o$ 6gy*t% saying%
69o 12:2 .This month (shall be) yo#r beginning o$ months& it (shall be) the $irst month o$ the year to yo#"
69o 12:- .,*ea' to all the ongregation o$ Israel% saying: A8n the tenth (day) o$ this month e!ery man shall ta'e
$or himsel$ a lamb% aording to the ho#se o$ (his) $ather% a lamb $or a ho#sehold"
69o 12:0 A+nd i$ the ho#sehold is too small $or the lamb% let him and his neighbor ne9t to his ho#se ta'e (it)
aording to the n#mber o$ the *ersons& aording to eah manAs need yo# shall ma'e yo#r o#nt $or the lamb"
69o 12:1 ABo#r lamb shall be witho#t blemish% a male o$ the $irst year" Bo# may ta'e (it) $rom the shee* or $rom
the goats"
69o 12:3 ANow yo# shall 'ee* it #ntil the $o#rteenth day o$ the same month" Then the whole assembly o$ the
ongregation o$ Israel shall 'ill it at twilight"
69o 12:4 A+nd they shall ta'e (some) o$ the blood and *#t (it) on the two door*osts and on the lintel o$ the
ho#ses where they eat it"
69o 12:8 AThen they shall eat the $lesh on that night& roasted in $ire% with #nlea!ened bread (and) with bitter
(herbs) they shall eat it"
69o 12:9 A2o not eat it raw% nor boiled at all with water% b#t roasted in $ire DD its head with its legs and its entrails"
69o 12:15 ABo# shall let none o$ it remain #ntil morning% and what remains o$ it #ntil morning yo# shall b#rn with
69o 12:11 A+nd th#s yo# shall eat it: (with) a belt on yo#r waist% yo#r sandals on yo#r $eet% and yo#r sta$$ in yo#r
hand" ,o yo# shall eat it in haste" It (is) the /8:2As <asso!er"
69o 12:12 A;or I will *ass thro#gh the land o$ 6gy*t on that night% and will stri'e all the $irstborn in the land o$
6gy*t% both man and beast& and against all the gods o$ 6gy*t I will e9e#te @#dgment: I (am) the /8:2"
69o 12:1- ANow the blood shall be a sign $or yo# on the ho#ses where yo# (are") +nd when I see the blood% I will
*ass o!er yo#& and the *lag#e shall not be on yo# to destroy (yo#) when I stri'e the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 12:10 A,o this day shall be to yo# a memorial& and yo# shall 'ee* it as a $east to the /8:2 thro#gho#t yo#r
generations" Bo# shall 'ee* it as a $east by an e!erlasting ordinane"
69o 12:11 A,e!en days yo# shall eat #nlea!ened bread" 8n the $irst day yo# shall remo!e lea!en $rom yo#r
ho#ses" ;or whoe!er eats lea!ened bread $rom the $irst day #ntil the se!enth day% that *erson shall be #t o$$
$rom Israel"
69o 12:13 A8n the $irst day (there shall be) a holy on!oation% and on the se!enth day there shall be a holy
on!oation $or yo#" No manner o$ wor' shall be done on them& b#t (that) whih e!eryone m#st eat DD that only
may be *re*ared by yo#"
69o 12:14 A,o yo# shall obser!e (the ;east o$) 7nlea!ened Bread% $or on this same day I will ha!e bro#ght yo#r
armies o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t" There$ore yo# shall obser!e this day thro#gho#t yo#r generations as an
e!erlasting ordinane"
69o 12:18 AIn the $irst (month%) on the $o#rteenth day o$ the month at e!ening% yo# shall eat #nlea!ened bread%
#ntil the twentyD$irst day o$ the month at e!ening"
69o 12:19 A;or se!en days no lea!en shall be $o#nd in yo#r ho#ses% sine whoe!er eats what is lea!ened% that
same *erson shall be #t o$$ $rom the ongregation o$ Israel% whether (he is) a stranger or a nati!e o$ the land"
69o 12:25 ABo# shall eat nothing lea!ened& in all yo#r dwellings yo# shall eat #nlea!ened bread"A .
69o 12:21 Then ?oses alled $or all the elders o$ Israel and said to them% .<i' o#t and ta'e lambs $or
yo#rsel!es aording to yo#r $amilies% and 'ill the <asso!er (lamb")
69o 12:22 .+nd yo# shall ta'e a b#nh o$ hysso*% di* (it) in the blood that (is) in the basin% and stri'e the lintel
and the two door*osts with the blood that (is) in the basin" +nd none o$ yo# shall go o#t o$ the door o$ his ho#se
#ntil morning"
69o 12:2- .;or the /8:2 will *ass thro#gh to stri'e the 6gy*tians& and when He sees the blood on the lintel
and on the two door*osts% the /8:2 will *ass o!er the door and not allow the destroyer to ome into yo#r
ho#ses to stri'e (yo#")
69o 12:20 .+nd yo# shall obser!e this thing as an ordinane $or yo# and yo#r sons $ore!er"
69o 12:21 .It will ome to *ass when yo# ome to the land whih the /8:2 will gi!e yo#% @#st as He *romised%
that yo# shall 'ee* this ser!ie"
69o 12:23 .+nd it shall be% when yo#r hildren say to yo#% A>hat do yo# mean by this ser!ieCA
69o 12:24 .that yo# shall say% AIt (is) the <asso!er sari$ie o$ the /8:2% who *assed o!er the ho#ses o$ the
hildren o$ Israel in 6gy*t when He str#' the 6gy*tians and deli!ered o#r ho#seholds"A . ,o the *eo*le bowed
their heads and worshi*ed"
69o 12:28 Then the hildren o$ Israel went away and did (so&) @#st as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses and
+aron% so they did"
69o 12:29 +nd it ame to *ass at midnight that the /8:2 str#' all the $irstborn in the land o$ 6gy*t% $rom the
$irstborn o$ <haraoh who sat on his throne to the $irstborn o$ the a*ti!e who (was) in the d#ngeon% and all the
$irstborn o$ li!esto'"
69o 12:-5 ,o <haraoh rose in the night% he% all his ser!ants% and all the 6gy*tians& and there was a great ry in
6gy*t% $or (there was) not a ho#se where (there was) not one dead"
69o 12:-1 Then he alled $or ?oses and +aron by night% and said% .:ise% go o#t $rom among my *eo*le% both
yo# and the hildren o$ Israel" +nd go% ser!e the /8:2 as yo# ha!e said"
69o 12:-2 .+lso ta'e yo#r $lo's and yo#r herds% as yo# ha!e said% and be gone& and bless me also".
69o 12:-- +nd the 6gy*tians #rged the *eo*le% that they might send them o#t o$ the land in haste" ;or they
said% .>e (shall) all (be) dead".
69o 12:-0 ,o the *eo*le too' their do#gh be$ore it was lea!ened% ha!ing their 'neading bowls bo#nd #* in their
lothes on their sho#lders"
69o 12:-1 Now the hildren o$ Israel had done aording to the word o$ ?oses% and they had as'ed $rom the
6gy*tians artiles o$ sil!er% artiles o$ gold% and lothing"
69o 12:-3 +nd the /8:2 had gi!en the *eo*le $a!or in the sight o$ the 6gy*tians% so that they granted them
(what they reE#ested") Th#s they *l#ndered the 6gy*tians"
69o 12:-4 Then the hildren o$ Israel @o#rneyed $rom :ameses to ,#oth% abo#t si9 h#ndred tho#sand men on
$oot% besides hildren"
69o 12:-8 + mi9ed m#ltit#de went #* with them also% and $lo's and herds DD a great deal o$ li!esto'"
69o 12:-9 +nd they ba'ed #nlea!ened a'es o$ the do#gh whih they had bro#ght o#t o$ 6gy*t& $or it was not
lea!ened% bea#se they were dri!en o#t o$ 6gy*t and o#ld not wait% nor had they *re*ared *ro!isions $or
69o 12:05 Now the so@o#rn o$ the hildren o$ Israel who li!ed in 6gy*t (was) $o#r h#ndred and thirty years"
69o 12:01 +nd it ame to *ass at the end o$ the $o#r h#ndred and thirty years DD on that !ery same day DD it
ame to *ass that all the armies o$ the /8:2 went o#t $rom the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 12:02 It (is) a night o$ solemn obser!ane to the /8:2 $or bringing them o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t" This (is)
that night o$ the /8:2% a solemn obser!ane $or all the hildren o$ Israel thro#gho#t their generations"
69o 12:0- +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses and +aron% .This (is) the ordinane o$ the <asso!er: No $oreigner shall
eat it"
69o 12:00 .B#t e!ery manAs ser!ant who is bo#ght $or money% when yo# ha!e ir#mised him% then he may eat
69o 12:01 .+ so@o#rner and a hired ser!ant shall not eat it"
69o 12:03 .In one ho#se it shall be eaten& yo# shall not arry any o$ the $lesh o#tside the ho#se% nor shall yo#
brea' one o$ its bones"
69o 12:04 .+ll the ongregation o$ Israel shall 'ee* it"
69o 12:08 .+nd when a stranger dwells with yo# (and wants) to 'ee* the <asso!er to the /8:2% let all his
males be ir#mised% and then let him ome near and 'ee* it& and he shall be as a nati!e o$ the land" ;or no
#nir#mised *erson shall eat it"
69o 12:09 .8ne law shall be $or the nati!eDborn and $or the stranger who dwells among yo#".
69o 12:15 Th#s all the hildren o$ Israel did& as the /8:2 ommanded ?oses and +aron% so they did"
69o 12:11 +nd it ame to *ass% on that !ery same day% that the /8:2 bro#ght the hildren o$ Israel o#t o$ the
land o$ 6gy*t aording to their armies"
69o 1-:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
69o 1-:2 .=onserate to ?e all the $irstborn% whate!er o*ens the womb among the hildren o$ Israel% (both) o$
man and beast& it is ?ine".
69o 1-:- +nd ?oses said to the *eo*le: .:emember this day in whih yo# went o#t o$ 6gy*t% o#t o$ the ho#se
o$ bondage& $or by strength o$ hand the /8:2 bro#ght yo# o#t o$ this (*lae") No lea!ened bread shall be eaten"
69o 1-:0 .8n this day yo# are going o#t% in the month +bib"
69o 1-:1 .+nd it shall be% when the /8:2 brings yo# into the land o$ the =anaanites and the Hittites and the
+morites and the Hi!ites and the Jeb#sites% whih He swore to yo#r $athers to gi!e yo#% a land $lowing with mil'
and honey% that yo# shall 'ee* this ser!ie in this month"
69o 1-:3 .,e!en days yo# shall eat #nlea!ened bread% and on the se!enth day (there shall be) a $east to the
69o 1-:4 .7nlea!ened bread shall be eaten se!en days" +nd no lea!ened bread shall be seen among yo#% nor
shall lea!en be seen among yo# in all yo#r E#arters"
69o 1-:8 .+nd yo# shall tell yo#r son in that day% saying% A(This is done) bea#se o$ what the /8:2 did $or me
when I ame #* $rom 6gy*t"A
69o 1-:9 .It shall be as a sign to yo# on yo#r hand and as a memorial between yo#r eyes% that the /8:2As law
may be in yo#r mo#th& $or with a strong hand the /8:2 has bro#ght yo# o#t o$ 6gy*t"
69o 1-:15 .Bo# shall there$ore 'ee* this ordinane in its season $rom year to year"
69o 1-:11 . +nd it shall be% when the /8:2 brings yo# into the land o$ the =anaanites% as He swore to yo# and
yo#r $athers% and gi!es it to yo#%
69o 1-:12 .that yo# shall set a*art to the /8:2 all that o*en the womb% that is% e!ery $irstborn that omes $rom
an animal whih yo# ha!e& the males (shall be) the /8:2As"
69o 1-:1- .B#t e!ery $irstborn o$ a don'ey yo# shall redeem with a lamb& and i$ yo# will not redeem (it%) then yo#
shall brea' its ne'" +nd all the $irstborn o$ man among yo#r sons yo# shall redeem"
69o 1-:10 .,o it shall be% when yo#r son as's yo# in time to ome% saying% A>hat (is) thisCA that yo# shall say to
him% ABy strength o$ hand the /8:2 bro#ght #s o#t o$ 6gy*t% o#t o$ the ho#se o$ bondage"
69o 1-:11 A+nd it ame to *ass% when <haraoh was st#bborn abo#t letting #s go% that the /8:2 'illed all the
$irstborn in the land o$ 6gy*t% both the $irstborn o$ man and the $irstborn o$ beast" There$ore I sari$ie to the
/8:2 all males that o*en the womb% b#t all the $irstborn o$ my sons I redeem"A
69o 1-:13 .It shall be as a sign on yo#r hand and as $rontlets between yo#r eyes% $or by strength o$ hand the
/8:2 bro#ght #s o#t o$ 6gy*t".
69o 1-:14 Then it ame to *ass% when <haraoh had let the *eo*le go% that God did not lead them (by) way o$
the land o$ the <hilistines% altho#gh that (was) near& $or God said% ./est *erha*s the *eo*le hange their minds
when they see war% and ret#rn to 6gy*t".
69o 1-:18 ,o God led the *eo*le aro#nd (by) way o$ the wilderness o$ the :ed ,ea" +nd the hildren o$ Israel
went #* in orderly ran's o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 1-:19 +nd ?oses too' the bones o$ Jose*h with him% $or he had *laed the hildren o$ Israel #nder solemn
oath% saying% .God will s#rely !isit yo#% and yo# shall arry #* my bones $rom here with yo#".
69o 1-:25 ,o they too' their @o#rney $rom ,#oth and am*ed in 6tham at the edge o$ the wilderness"
69o 1-:21 +nd the /8:2 went be$ore them by day in a *illar o$ lo#d to lead the way% and by night in a *illar o$
$ire to gi!e them light% so as to go by day and night"
69o 1-:22 He did not ta'e away the *illar o$ lo#d by day or the *illar o$ $ire by night ($rom) be$ore the *eo*le"
69o 10:1 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
69o 10:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% that they t#rn and am* be$ore <i Hahiroth% between ?igdol and the
sea% o**osite Baal Ge*hon& yo# shall am* be$ore it by the sea"
69o 10:- .;or <haraoh will say o$ the hildren o$ Israel% AThey (are) bewildered by the land& the wilderness has
losed them in"A
69o 10:0 .Then I will harden <haraohAs heart% so that he will *#rs#e them& and I will gain honor o!er <haraoh
and o!er all his army% that the 6gy*tians may 'now that I (am) the /8:2". +nd they did so"
69o 10:1 Now it was told the 'ing o$ 6gy*t that the *eo*le had $led% and the heart o$ <haraoh and his ser!ants
was t#rned against the *eo*le& and they said% .>hy ha!e we done this% that we ha!e let Israel go $rom ser!ing
69o 10:3 ,o he made ready his hariot and too' his *eo*le with him"
69o 10:4 +lso% he too' si9 h#ndred hoie hariots% and all the hariots o$ 6gy*t with a*tains o!er e!ery one o$
69o 10:8 +nd the /8:2 hardened the heart o$ <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t% and he *#rs#ed the hildren o$ Israel&
and the hildren o$ Israel went o#t with boldness"
69o 10:9 ,o the 6gy*tians *#rs#ed them% all the horses (and) hariots o$ <haraoh% his horsemen and his army%
and o!ertoo' them am*ing by the sea beside <i Hahiroth% be$ore Baal Ge*hon"
69o 10:15 +nd when <haraoh drew near% the hildren o$ Israel li$ted their eyes% and behold% the 6gy*tians
marhed a$ter them" ,o they were !ery a$raid% and the hildren o$ Israel ried o#t to the /8:2"
69o 10:11 Then they said to ?oses% .Bea#se (there were) no gra!es in 6gy*t% ha!e yo# ta'en #s away to die
in the wildernessC >hy ha!e yo# so dealt with #s% to bring #s #* o#t o$ 6gy*tC
69o 10:12 .(Is) this not the word that we told yo# in 6gy*t% saying% A/et #s alone that we may ser!e the
6gy*tiansCA ;or (it wo#ld ha!e been) better $or #s to ser!e the 6gy*tians than that we sho#ld die in the
69o 10:1- +nd ?oses said to the *eo*le% .2o not be a$raid" ,tand still% and see the sal!ation o$ the /8:2%
whih He will aom*lish $or yo# today" ;or the 6gy*tians whom yo# see today% yo# shall see again no more
69o 10:10 .The /8:2 will $ight $or yo#% and yo# shall hold yo#r *eae".
69o 10:11 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .>hy do yo# ry to ?eC Tell the hildren o$ Israel to go $orward"
69o 10:13 .B#t li$t #* yo#r rod% and streth o#t yo#r hand o!er the sea and di!ide it" +nd the hildren o$ Israel
shall go on dry (gro#nd) thro#gh the midst o$ the sea"
69o 10:14 .+nd I indeed will harden the hearts o$ the 6gy*tians% and they shall $ollow them" ,o I will gain honor
o!er <haraoh and o!er all his army% his hariots% and his horsemen"
69o 10:18 .Then the 6gy*tians shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% when I ha!e gained honor $or ?ysel$ o!er
<haraoh% his hariots% and his horsemen".
69o 10:19 +nd the +ngel o$ God% who went be$ore the am* o$ Israel% mo!ed and went behind them& and the
*illar o$ lo#d went $rom be$ore them and stood behind them"
69o 10:25 ,o it ame between the am* o$ the 6gy*tians and the am* o$ Israel" Th#s it was a lo#d and
dar'ness (to the one%) and it ga!e light by night (to the other%) so that the one did not ome near the other all that
69o 10:21 Then ?oses strethed o#t his hand o!er the sea& and the /8:2 a#sed the sea to go (ba') by a
strong east wind all that night% and made the sea into dry (land%) and the waters were di!ided"
69o 10:22 ,o the hildren o$ Israel went into the midst o$ the sea on the dry (gro#nd%) and the waters (were) a
wall to them on their right hand and on their le$t"
69o 10:2- +nd the 6gy*tians *#rs#ed and went a$ter them into the midst o$ the sea% all <haraohAs horses% his
hariots% and his horsemen"
69o 10:20 Now it ame to *ass% in the morning wath% that the /8:2 loo'ed down #*on the army o$ the
6gy*tians thro#gh the *illar o$ $ire and lo#d% and He tro#bled the army o$ the 6gy*tians"
69o 10:21 +nd He too' o$$ their hariot wheels% so that they dro!e them with di$$i#lty& and the 6gy*tians said%
./et #s $lee $rom the $ae o$ Israel% $or the /8:2 $ights $or them against the 6gy*tians".
69o 10:23 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .,treth o#t yo#r hand o!er the sea% that the waters may ome ba'
#*on the 6gy*tians% on their hariots% and on their horsemen".
69o 10:24 +nd ?oses strethed o#t his hand o!er the sea& and when the morning a**eared% the sea ret#rned to
its $#ll de*th% while the 6gy*tians were $leeing into it" ,o the /8:2 o!erthrew the 6gy*tians in the midst o$ the
69o 10:28 Then the waters ret#rned and o!ered the hariots% the horsemen% (and) all the army o$ <haraoh that
ame into the sea a$ter them" Not so m#h as one o$ them remained"
69o 10:29 B#t the hildren o$ Israel had wal'ed on dry (land) in the midst o$ the sea% and the waters (were) a
wall to them on their right hand and on their le$t"
69o 10:-5 ,o the /8:2 sa!ed Israel that day o#t o$ the hand o$ the 6gy*tians% and Israel saw the 6gy*tians
dead on the seashore"
69o 10:-1 Th#s Israel saw the great wor' whih the /8:2 had done in 6gy*t& so the *eo*le $eared the /8:2%
and belie!ed the /8:2 and His ser!ant ?oses"
69o 11:1 Then ?oses and the hildren o$ Israel sang this song to the /8:2% and s*o'e% saying: .I will sing to
the /8:2% ;or He has tri#m*hed glorio#slyF The horse and its rider He has thrown into the seaF
69o 11:2 The /8:2 (is) my strength and song% +nd He has beome my sal!ation& He (is) my God% and I will
*raise Him& ?y $atherAs God% and I will e9alt Him"
69o 11:- The /8:2 (is) a man o$ war& The /8:2 (is) His name"
69o 11:0 <haraohAs hariots and his army He has ast into the sea& His hosen a*tains also are drowned in
the :ed ,ea"
69o 11:1 The de*ths ha!e o!ered them& They san' to the bottom li'e a stone"
69o 11:3 .Bo#r right hand% 8 /8:2% has beome glorio#s in *ower& Bo#r right hand% 8 /8:2% has dashed the
enemy in *iees"
69o 11:4 +nd in the greatness o$ Bo#r e9ellene Bo# ha!e o!erthrown those who rose against Bo#& Bo# sent
$orth Bo#r wrath& It ons#med them li'e st#bble"
69o 11:8 +nd with the blast o$ Bo#r nostrils The waters were gathered together& The $loods stood #*right li'e a
hea*& The de*ths ongealed in the heart o$ the sea"
69o 11:9 The enemy said% AI will *#rs#e% I will o!erta'e% I will di!ide the s*oil& ?y desire shall be satis$ied on
them" I will draw my sword% ?y hand shall destroy them"A
69o 11:15 Bo# blew with Bo#r wind% The sea o!ered them& They san' li'e lead in the mighty waters"
69o 11:11 .>ho (is) li'e Bo#% 8 /8:2% among the godsC >ho (is) li'e Bo#% glorio#s in holiness% ;ear$#l in
*raises% doing wondersC
69o 11:12 Bo# strethed o#t Bo#r right hand& The earth swallowed them"
69o 11:1- Bo# in Bo#r mery ha!e led $orth The *eo*le whom Bo# ha!e redeemed& Bo# ha!e g#ided (them) in
Bo#r strength To Bo#r holy habitation"
69o 11:10 .The *eo*le will hear (and) be a$raid& ,orrow will ta'e hold o$ the inhabitants o$ <hilistia"
69o 11:11 Then the hie$s o$ 6dom will be dismayed& The mighty men o$ ?oab% Trembling will ta'e hold o$
them& +ll the inhabitants o$ =anaan will melt away"
69o 11:13 ;ear and dread will $all on them& By the greatness o$ Bo#r arm They will be (as) still as a stone% Till
Bo#r *eo*le *ass o!er% 8 /8:2% Till the *eo*le *ass o!er >hom Bo# ha!e *#rhased"
69o 11:14 Bo# will bring them in and *lant them In the mo#ntain o$ Bo#r inheritane% (In) the *lae% 8 /8:2%
(whih) Bo# ha!e made ;or Bo#r own dwelling% The sant#ary% 8 /8:2% (whih) Bo#r hands ha!e established"
69o 11:18 .The /8:2 shall reign $ore!er and e!er".
69o 11:19 ;or the horses o$ <haraoh went with his hariots and his horsemen into the sea% and the /8:2
bro#ght ba' the waters o$ the sea #*on them" B#t the hildren o$ Israel went on dry (land) in the midst o$ the
69o 11:25 Then ?iriam the *ro*hetess% the sister o$ +aron% too' the timbrel in her hand& and all the women
went o#t a$ter her with timbrels and with danes"
69o 11:21 +nd ?iriam answered them: .,ing to the /8:2% ;or He has tri#m*hed glorio#slyF The horse and its
rider He has thrown into the seaF.
69o 11:22 ,o ?oses bro#ght Israel $rom the :ed ,ea& then they went o#t into the >ilderness o$ ,h#r" +nd they
went three days in the wilderness and $o#nd no water"
69o 11:2- Now when they ame to ?arah% they o#ld not drin' the waters o$ ?arah% $or they (were) bitter"
There$ore the name o$ it was alled ?arah"
69o 11:20 +nd the *eo*le om*lained against ?oses% saying% .>hat shall we drin'C.
69o 11:21 ,o he ried o#t to the /8:2% and the /8:2 showed him a tree" >hen he ast (it) into the waters% the
waters were made sweet" There He made a stat#te and an ordinane $or them" +nd there He tested them%
69o 11:23 and said% .I$ yo# diligently heed the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God and do what is right in His sight%
gi!e ear to His ommandments and 'ee* all His stat#tes% I will *#t none o$ the diseases on yo# whih I ha!e
bro#ght on the 6gy*tians" ;or I (am) the /8:2 who heals yo#".
69o 11:24 Then they ame to 6lim% where there (were) twel!e wells o$ water and se!enty *alm trees& so they
am*ed there by the waters"
69o 13:1 +nd they @o#rneyed $rom 6lim% and all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel ame to the
>ilderness o$ ,in% whih is between 6lim and ,inai% on the $i$teenth day o$ the seond month a$ter they de*arted
$rom the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 13:2 Then the whole ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel om*lained against ?oses and +aron in the
69o 13:- +nd the hildren o$ Israel said to them% .8h% that we had died by the hand o$ the /8:2 in the land o$
6gy*t% when we sat by the *ots o$ meat (and) when we ate bread to the $#llF ;or yo# ha!e bro#ght #s o#t into this
wilderness to 'ill this whole assembly with h#nger".
69o 13:0 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Behold% I will rain bread $rom hea!en $or yo#" +nd the *eo*le shall go
o#t and gather a ertain E#ota e!ery day% that I may test them% whether they will wal' in ?y law or not"
69o 13:1 .+nd it shall be on the si9th day that they shall *re*are what they bring in% and it shall be twie as
m#h as they gather daily".
69o 13:3 Then ?oses and +aron said to all the hildren o$ Israel% .+t e!ening yo# shall 'now that the /8:2 has
bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 13:4 .+nd in the morning yo# shall see the glory o$ the /8:2& $or He hears yo#r om*laints against the
/8:2" B#t what (are) we% that yo# om*lain against #sC.
69o 13:8 +lso ?oses said% .(This shall be seen) when the /8:2 gi!es yo# meat to eat in the e!ening% and in
the morning bread to the $#ll& $or the /8:2 hears yo#r om*laints whih yo# ma'e against Him" +nd what (are)
weC Bo#r om*laints (are) not against #s b#t against the /8:2".
69o 13:9 Then ?oses s*o'e to +aron% .,ay to all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel% A=ome near be$ore
the /8:2% $or He has heard yo#r om*laints"A .
69o 13:15 Now it ame to *ass% as +aron s*o'e to the whole ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel% that they
loo'ed toward the wilderness% and behold% the glory o$ the /8:2 a**eared in the lo#d"
69o 13:11 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
69o 13:12 .I ha!e heard the om*laints o$ the hildren o$ Israel" ,*ea' to them% saying% A+t twilight yo# shall eat
meat% and in the morning yo# shall be $illed with bread" +nd yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God"A .
69o 13:1- ,o it was that E#ails ame #* at e!ening and o!ered the am*% and in the morning the dew lay all
aro#nd the am*"
69o 13:10 +nd when the layer o$ dew li$ted% there% on the s#r$ae o$ the wilderness% was a small ro#nd
s#bstane% (as) $ine as $rost on the gro#nd"
69o 13:11 ,o when the hildren o$ Israel saw (it%) they said to one another% .>hat is itC. ;or they did not 'now
what it (was") +nd ?oses said to them% .This (is) the bread whih the /8:2 has gi!en yo# to eat"
69o 13:13 .This is the thing whih the /8:2 has ommanded: A/et e!ery man gather it aording to eah oneAs
need% one omer $or eah *erson% (aording to the) n#mber o$ *ersons& let e!ery man ta'e $or (those) who (are)
in his tent"A .
69o 13:14 Then the hildren o$ Israel did so and gathered% some more% some less"
69o 13:18 ,o when they meas#red (it) by omers% he who gathered m#h had nothing le$t o!er% and he who
gathered little had no la'" 6!ery man had gathered aording to eah oneAs need"
69o 13:19 +nd ?oses said% ./et no one lea!e any o$ it till morning".
69o 13:25 Notwithstanding they did not heed ?oses" B#t some o$ them le$t *art o$ it #ntil morning% and it bred
worms and stan'" +nd ?oses was angry with them"
69o 13:21 ,o they gathered it e!ery morning% e!ery man aording to his need" +nd when the s#n beame hot%
it melted"
69o 13:22 +nd so it was% on the si9th day% (that) they gathered twie as m#h bread% two omers $or eah one"
+nd all the r#lers o$ the ongregation ame and told ?oses"
69o 13:2- Then he said to them% .This (is what) the /8:2 has said: ATomorrow (is) a ,abbath rest% a holy
,abbath to the /8:2" Ba'e what yo# will ba'e (today%) and boil what yo# will boil& and lay #* $or yo#rsel!es all
that remains% to be 'e*t #ntil morning"A .
69o 13:20 ,o they laid it #* till morning% as ?oses ommanded& and it did not stin'% nor were there any worms
in it"
69o 13:21 Then ?oses said% .6at that today% $or today (is) a ,abbath to the /8:2& today yo# will not $ind it in
the $ield"
69o 13:23 .,i9 days yo# shall gather it% b#t on the se!enth day% (whih is) the ,abbath% there will be none".
69o 13:24 Now it ha**ened (that some) o$ the *eo*le went o#t on the se!enth day to gather% b#t they $o#nd
69o 13:28 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .How long do yo# re$#se to 'ee* ?y ommandments and ?y lawsC
69o 13:29 .,eeF ;or the /8:2 has gi!en yo# the ,abbath& there$ore He gi!es yo# on the si9th day bread $or
two days" /et e!ery man remain in his *lae& let no man go o#t o$ his *lae on the se!enth day".
69o 13:-5 ,o the *eo*le rested on the se!enth day"
69o 13:-1 +nd the ho#se o$ Israel alled its name ?anna" +nd it (was) li'e white oriander seed% and the taste
o$ it (was) li'e wa$ers (made) with honey"
69o 13:-2 Then ?oses said% .This (is) the thing whih the /8:2 has ommanded: A;ill an omer with it% to be
'e*t $or yo#r generations% that they may see the bread with whih I $ed yo# in the wilderness% when I bro#ght yo#
o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t"A .
69o 13:-- +nd ?oses said to +aron% .Ta'e a *ot and *#t an omer o$ manna in it% and lay it #* be$ore the /8:2%
to be 'e*t $or yo#r generations".
69o 13:-0 +s the /8:2 ommanded ?oses% so +aron laid it #* be$ore the Testimony% to be 'e*t"
69o 13:-1 +nd the hildren o$ Israel ate manna $orty years% #ntil they ame to an inhabited land& they ate manna
#ntil they ame to the border o$ the land o$ =anaan"
69o 13:-3 Now an omer (is) oneDtenth o$ an e*hah"
69o 14:1 Then all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel set o#t on their @o#rney $rom the >ilderness o$ ,in%
aording to the ommandment o$ the /8:2% and am*ed in :e*hidim& b#t (there was) no water $or the *eo*le
to drin'"
69o 14:2 There$ore the *eo*le ontended with ?oses% and said% .Gi!e #s water% that we may drin'". +nd ?oses
said to them% .>hy do yo# ontend with meC >hy do yo# tem*t the /8:2C.
69o 14:- +nd the *eo*le thirsted there $or water% and the *eo*le om*lained against ?oses% and said% .>hy (is)
it yo# ha!e bro#ght #s #* o#t o$ 6gy*t% to 'ill #s and o#r hildren and o#r li!esto' with thirstC.
69o 14:0 ,o ?oses ried o#t to the /8:2% saying% .>hat shall I do with this *eo*leC They are almost ready to
stone meF.
69o 14:1 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Go on be$ore the *eo*le% and ta'e with yo# some o$ the elders o$
Israel" +lso ta'e in yo#r hand yo#r rod with whih yo# str#' the ri!er% and go"
69o 14:3 .Behold% I will stand be$ore yo# there on the ro' in Horeb& and yo# shall stri'e the ro'% and water will
ome o#t o$ it% that the *eo*le may drin'". +nd ?oses did so in the sight o$ the elders o$ Israel"
69o 14:4 ,o he alled the name o$ the *lae ?assah and ?eribah% bea#se o$ the ontention o$ the hildren o$
Israel% and bea#se they tem*ted the /8:2% saying% .Is the /8:2 among #s or notC.
69o 14:8 Now +male' ame and $o#ght with Israel in :e*hidim"
69o 14:9 +nd ?oses said to Josh#a% .=hoose #s some men and go o#t% $ight with +male'" Tomorrow I will
stand on the to* o$ the hill with the rod o$ God in my hand".
69o 14:15 ,o Josh#a did as ?oses said to him% and $o#ght with +male'" +nd ?oses% +aron% and H#r went #* to
the to* o$ the hill"
69o 14:11 +nd so it was% when ?oses held #* his hand% that Israel *re!ailed& and when he let down his hand%
+male' *re!ailed"
69o 14:12 B#t ?osesA hands (beame) hea!y& so they too' a stone and *#t (it) #nder him% and he sat on it" +nd
+aron and H#r s#**orted his hands% one on one side% and the other on the other side& and his hands were
steady #ntil the going down o$ the s#n"
69o 14:1- ,o Josh#a de$eated +male' and his *eo*le with the edge o$ the sword"
69o 14:10 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .>rite this ($or) a memorial in the boo' and reo#nt (it) in the hearing
o$ Josh#a% that I will #tterly blot o#t the remembrane o$ +male' $rom #nder hea!en".
69o 14:11 +nd ?oses b#ilt an altar and alled its name% TheD/8:2DIsD?yDBanner&
69o 14:13 $or he said% .Bea#se the /8:2 has sworn: the /8:2 (will ha!e) war with +male' $rom generation to
69o 18:1 +nd Jethro% the *riest o$ ?idian% ?osesA $atherDinDlaw% heard o$ all that God had done $or ?oses and
$or Israel His *eo*le DD that the /8:2 had bro#ght Israel o#t o$ 6gy*t"
69o 18:2 Then Jethro% ?osesA $atherDinDlaw% too' Gi**orah% ?osesA wi$e% a$ter he had sent her ba'%
69o 18:- with her two sons% o$ whom the name o$ one (was) Gershom I$or he said% .I ha!e been a stranger in a
$oreign land.J
69o 18:0 and the name o$ the other (was) 6lieHer I$or (he said%) .The God o$ my $ather (was) my hel*% and
deli!ered me $rom the sword o$ <haraoh.J&
69o 18:1 and Jethro% ?osesA $atherDinDlaw% ame with his sons and his wi$e to ?oses in the wilderness% where
he was enam*ed at the mo#ntain o$ God"
69o 18:3 Now he had said to ?oses% .I% yo#r $atherDinDlaw Jethro% am oming to yo# with yo#r wi$e and her two
sons with her".
69o 18:4 ,o ?oses went o#t to meet his $atherDinDlaw% bowed down% and 'issed him" +nd they as'ed eah other
abo#t (their) wellDbeing% and they went into the tent"
69o 18:8 +nd ?oses told his $atherDinDlaw all that the /8:2 had done to <haraoh and to the 6gy*tians $or
IsraelAs sa'e% all the hardshi* that had ome #*on them on the way% and (how) the /8:2 had deli!ered them"
69o 18:9 Then Jethro re@oied $or all the good whih the /8:2 had done $or Israel% whom He had deli!ered o#t
o$ the hand o$ the 6gy*tians"
69o 18:15 +nd Jethro said% .Blessed (be) the /8:2% who has deli!ered yo# o#t o$ the hand o$ the 6gy*tians
and o#t o$ the hand o$ <haraoh% (and) who has deli!ered the *eo*le $rom #nder the hand o$ the 6gy*tians"
69o 18:11 .Now I 'now that the /8:2 (is) greater than all the gods& $or in the !ery thing in whih they beha!ed
*ro#dly% (He was) abo!e them".
69o 18:12 Then Jethro% ?osesA $atherDinDlaw% too' a b#rnt o$$ering and (other) sari$ies (to o$$er) to God" +nd
+aron ame with all the elders o$ Israel to eat bread with ?osesA $atherDinDlaw be$ore God"
69o 18:1- +nd so it was% on the ne9t day% that ?oses sat to @#dge the *eo*le& and the *eo*le stood be$ore
?oses $rom morning #ntil e!ening"
69o 18:10 ,o when ?osesA $atherDinDlaw saw all that he did $or the *eo*le% he said% .>hat (is) this thing that yo#
are doing $or the *eo*leC >hy do yo# alone sit% and all the *eo*le stand be$ore yo# $rom morning #ntil e!eningC.
69o 18:11 +nd ?oses said to his $atherDinDlaw% .Bea#se the *eo*le ome to me to inE#ire o$ God"
69o 18:13 .>hen they ha!e a di$$i#lty% they ome to me% and I @#dge between one and another& and I ma'e
'nown the stat#tes o$ God and His laws".
69o 18:14 ,o ?osesA $atherDinDlaw said to him% .The thing that yo# do (is) not good"
69o 18:18 .Both yo# and these *eo*le who (are) with yo# will s#rely wear yo#rsel!es o#t" ;or this thing (is) too
m#h $or yo#& yo# are not able to *er$orm it by yo#rsel$"
69o 18:19 ./isten now to my !oie& I will gi!e yo# o#nsel% and God will be with yo#: ,tand be$ore God $or the
*eo*le% so that yo# may bring the di$$i#lties to God"
69o 18:25 .+nd yo# shall teah them the stat#tes and the laws% and show them the way in whih they m#st wal'
and the wor' they m#st do"
69o 18:21 .?oreo!er yo# shall selet $rom all the *eo*le able men% s#h as $ear God% men o$ tr#th% hating
o!eto#sness& and *lae (s#h) o!er them (to be) r#lers o$ tho#sands% r#lers o$ h#ndreds% r#lers o$ $i$ties% and
r#lers o$ tens"
69o 18:22 .+nd let them @#dge the *eo*le at all times" Then it will be (that) e!ery great matter they shall bring to
yo#% b#t e!ery small matter they themsel!es shall @#dge" ,o it will be easier $or yo#% $or they will bear (the
b#rden) with yo#"
69o 18:2- .I$ yo# do this thing% and God (so) ommands yo#% then yo# will be able to end#re% and all this *eo*le
will also go to their *lae in *eae".
69o 18:20 ,o ?oses heeded the !oie o$ his $atherDinDlaw and did all that he had said"
69o 18:21 +nd ?oses hose able men o#t o$ all Israel% and made them heads o!er the *eo*le: r#lers o$
tho#sands% r#lers o$ h#ndreds% r#lers o$ $i$ties% and r#lers o$ tens"
69o 18:23 ,o they @#dged the *eo*le at all times& the hard ases they bro#ght to ?oses% b#t they @#dged e!ery
small ase themsel!es"
69o 18:24 Then ?oses let his $atherDinDlaw de*art% and he went his way to his own land"
69o 19:1 In the third month a$ter the hildren o$ Israel had gone o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% on the same day% they
ame (to) the >ilderness o$ ,inai"
69o 19:2 ;or they had de*arted $rom :e*hidim% had ome (to) the >ilderness o$ ,inai% and am*ed in the
wilderness" ,o Israel am*ed there be$ore the mo#ntain"
69o 19:- +nd ?oses went #* to God% and the /8:2 alled to him $rom the mo#ntain% saying% .Th#s yo# shall
say to the ho#se o$ Jaob% and tell the hildren o$ Israel:
69o 19:0 ABo# ha!e seen what I did to the 6gy*tians% and (how) I bore yo# on eaglesA wings and bro#ght yo# to
69o 19:1 ANow there$ore% i$ yo# will indeed obey ?y !oie and 'ee* ?y o!enant% then yo# shall be a s*eial
treas#re to ?e abo!e all *eo*le& $or all the earth (is) ?ine"
69o 19:3 A+nd yo# shall be to ?e a 'ingdom o$ *riests and a holy nation"A These (are) the words whih yo# shall
s*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel".
69o 19:4 ,o ?oses ame and alled $or the elders o$ the *eo*le% and laid be$ore them all these words whih the
/8:2 ommanded him"
69o 19:8 Then all the *eo*le answered together and said% .+ll that the /8:2 has s*o'en we will do". ,o ?oses
bro#ght ba' the words o$ the *eo*le to the /8:2"
69o 19:9 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Behold% I ome to yo# in the thi' lo#d% that the *eo*le may hear
when I s*ea' with yo#% and belie!e yo# $ore!er". ,o ?oses told the words o$ the *eo*le to the /8:2"
69o 19:15 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Go to the *eo*le and onserate them today and tomorrow% and let
them wash their lothes"
69o 19:11 .+nd let them be ready $or the third day" ;or on the third day the /8:2 will ome down #*on ?o#nt
,inai in the sight o$ all the *eo*le"
69o 19:12 .Bo# shall set bo#nds $or the *eo*le all aro#nd% saying% ATa'e heed to yo#rsel!es (that) yo# do (not)
go #* to the mo#ntain or to#h its base" >hoe!er to#hes the mo#ntain shall s#rely be *#t to death"
69o 19:1- ANot a hand shall to#h him% b#t he shall s#rely be stoned or shot (with an arrow&) whether man or
beast% he shall not li!e"A >hen the tr#m*et so#nds long% they shall ome near the mo#ntain".
69o 19:10 ,o ?oses went down $rom the mo#ntain to the *eo*le and santi$ied the *eo*le% and they washed
their lothes"
69o 19:11 +nd he said to the *eo*le% .Be ready $or the third day& do not ome near (yo#r) wi!es".
69o 19:13 Then it ame to *ass on the third day% in the morning% that there were th#nderings and lightnings% and
a thi' lo#d on the mo#ntain& and the so#nd o$ the tr#m*et was !ery lo#d% so that all the *eo*le who (were) in
the am* trembled"
69o 19:14 +nd ?oses bro#ght the *eo*le o#t o$ the am* to meet with God% and they stood at the $oot o$ the
69o 19:18 Now ?o#nt ,inai (was) om*letely in smo'e% bea#se the /8:2 desended #*on it in $ire" Its smo'e
asended li'e the smo'e o$ a $#rnae% and the whole mo#ntain E#a'ed greatly"
69o 19:19 +nd when the blast o$ the tr#m*et so#nded long and beame lo#der and lo#der% ?oses s*o'e% and
God answered him by !oie"
69o 19:25 Then the /8:2 ame down #*on ?o#nt ,inai% on the to* o$ the mo#ntain" +nd the /8:2 alled
?oses to the to* o$ the mo#ntain% and ?oses went #*"
69o 19:21 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Go down and warn the *eo*le% lest they brea' thro#gh to gaHe at the
/8:2% and many o$ them *erish"
69o 19:22 .+lso let the *riests who ome near the /8:2 onserate themsel!es% lest the /8:2 brea' o#t
against them".
69o 19:2- B#t ?oses said to the /8:2% .The *eo*le annot ome #* to ?o#nt ,inai& $or Bo# warned #s%
saying% A,et bo#nds aro#nd the mo#ntain and onserate it"A .
69o 19:20 Then the /8:2 said to him% .+wayF Get down and then ome #*% yo# and +aron with yo#" B#t do not
let the *riests and the *eo*le brea' thro#gh to ome #* to the /8:2% lest He brea' o#t against them".
69o 19:21 ,o ?oses went down to the *eo*le and s*o'e to them"
69o 25:1 +nd God s*o'e all these words% saying:
69o 25:2 . I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God% who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% o#t o$ the ho#se o$ bondage"
69o 25:- . Bo# shall ha!e no other gods be$ore ?e"
69o 25:0 . Bo# shall not ma'e $or yo#rsel$ a ar!ed image% or any li'eness (o$ anything) that (is) in hea!en
abo!e% or that (is) in the earth beneath% or that (is) in the water #nder the earth&
69o 25:1 yo# shall not bow down to them nor ser!e them" ;or I% the /8:2 yo#r God% (am) a @ealo#s God%
!isiting the iniE#ity o$ the $athers on the hildren to the third and $o#rth (generations) o$ those who hate ?e%
69o 25:3 b#t showing mery to tho#sands% to those who lo!e ?e and 'ee* ?y ommandments"
69o 25:4 . Bo# shall not ta'e the name o$ the /8:2 yo#r God in !ain% $or the /8:2 will not hold (him) g#iltless
who ta'es His name in !ain"
69o 25:8 . :emember the ,abbath day% to 'ee* it holy"
69o 25:9 ,i9 days yo# shall labor and do all yo#r wor'%
69o 25:15 b#t the se!enth day (is) the ,abbath o$ the /8:2 yo#r God" (In it) yo# shall do no wor': yo#% nor yo#r
son% nor yo#r da#ghter% nor yo#r male ser!ant% nor yo#r $emale ser!ant% nor yo#r attle% nor yo#r stranger who
(is) within yo#r gates"
69o 25:11 ;or (in) si9 days the /8:2 made the hea!ens and the earth% the sea% and all that (is) in them% and
rested the se!enth day" There$ore the /8:2 blessed the ,abbath day and hallowed it"
69o 25:12 . Honor yo#r $ather and yo#r mother% that yo#r days may be long #*on the land whih the /8:2 yo#r
God is gi!ing yo#"
69o 25:1- . Bo# shall not m#rder"
69o 25:10 . Bo# shall not ommit ad#ltery"
69o 25:11 . Bo# shall not steal"
69o 25:13 . Bo# shall not bear $alse witness against yo#r neighbor"
69o 25:14 . Bo# shall not o!et yo#r neighborAs ho#se& yo# shall not o!et yo#r neighborAs wi$e% nor his male
ser!ant% nor his $emale ser!ant% nor his o9% nor his don'ey% nor anything that (is) yo#r neighborAs".
69o 25:18 Now all the *eo*le witnessed the th#nderings% the lightning $lashes% the so#nd o$ the tr#m*et% and the
mo#ntain smo'ing& and when the *eo*le saw (it%) they trembled and stood a$ar o$$"
69o 25:19 Then they said to ?oses% .Bo# s*ea' with #s% and we will hear& b#t let not God s*ea' with #s% lest we
69o 25:25 +nd ?oses said to the *eo*le% .2o not $ear& $or God has ome to test yo#% and that His $ear may be
be$ore yo#% so that yo# may not sin".
69o 25:21 ,o the *eo*le stood a$ar o$$% b#t ?oses drew near the thi' dar'ness where God (was")
69o 25:22 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Th#s yo# shall say to the hildren o$ Israel: ABo# ha!e seen that I
ha!e tal'ed with yo# $rom hea!en"
69o 25:2- ABo# shall not ma'e (anything to be) with ?e DD gods o$ sil!er or gods o$ gold yo# shall not ma'e $or
69o 25:20 A+n altar o$ earth yo# shall ma'e $or ?e% and yo# shall sari$ie on it yo#r b#rnt o$$erings and yo#r
*eae o$$erings% yo#r shee* and yo#r o9en" In e!ery *lae where I reord ?y name I will ome to yo#% and I will
bless yo#"
69o 25:21 A+nd i$ yo# ma'e ?e an altar o$ stone% yo# shall not b#ild it o$ hewn stone& $or i$ yo# #se yo#r tool on
it% yo# ha!e *ro$aned it"
69o 25:23 ANor shall yo# go #* by ste*s to ?y altar% that yo#r na'edness may not be e9*osed on it"A
69o 21:1 .Now these (are) the @#dgments whih yo# shall set be$ore them:
69o 21:2 .I$ yo# b#y a Hebrew ser!ant% he shall ser!e si9 years& and in the se!enth he shall go o#t $ree and *ay
69o 21:- .I$ he omes in by himsel$% he shall go o#t by himsel$& i$ he (omes in) married% then his wi$e shall go
o#t with him"
69o 21:0 .I$ his master has gi!en him a wi$e% and she has borne him sons or da#ghters% the wi$e and her
hildren shall be her masterAs% and he shall go o#t by himsel$"
69o 21:1 .B#t i$ the ser!ant *lainly says% AI lo!e my master% my wi$e% and my hildren& I will not go o#t $ree%A
69o 21:3 .then his master shall bring him to the @#dges" He shall also bring him to the door% or to the door*ost%
and his master shall *iere his ear with an awl& and he shall ser!e him $ore!er"
69o 21:4 . +nd i$ a man sells his da#ghter to be a $emale sla!e% she shall not go o#t as the male sla!es do"
69o 21:8 .I$ she does not *lease her master% who has betrothed her to himsel$% then he shall let her be
redeemed" He shall ha!e no right to sell her to a $oreign *eo*le% sine he has dealt deeit$#lly with her"
69o 21:9 .+nd i$ he has betrothed her to his son% he shall deal with her aording to the #stom o$ da#ghters"
69o 21:15 .I$ he ta'es another (wi$e%) he shall not diminish her $ood% her lothing% and her marriage rights"
69o 21:11 .+nd i$ he does not do these three $or her% then she shall go o#t $ree% witho#t (*aying) money"
69o 21:12 . He who stri'es a man so that he dies shall s#rely be *#t to death"
69o 21:1- .Howe!er% i$ he did not lie in wait% b#t God deli!ered (him) into his hand% then I will a**oint $or yo# a
*lae where he may $lee"
69o 21:10 . B#t i$ a man ats with *remeditation against his neighbor% to 'ill him by treahery% yo# shall ta'e him
$rom ?y altar% that he may die"
69o 21:11 . +nd he who stri'es his $ather or his mother shall s#rely be *#t to death"
69o 21:13 . He who 'idna*s a man and sells him% or i$ he is $o#nd in his hand% shall s#rely be *#t to death"
69o 21:14 . +nd he who #rses his $ather or his mother shall s#rely be *#t to death"
69o 21:18 . I$ men ontend with eah other% and one stri'es the other with a stone or with (his) $ist% and he does
not die b#t is on$ined to (his) bed%
69o 21:19 .i$ he rises again and wal's abo#t o#tside with his sta$$% then he who str#' (him) shall be aE#itted"
He shall only *ay ($or) the loss o$ his time% and shall *ro!ide ($or him) to be thoro#ghly healed"
69o 21:25 . +nd i$ a man beats his male or $emale ser!ant with a rod% so that he dies #nder his hand% he shall
s#rely be *#nished"
69o 21:21 .Notwithstanding% i$ he remains ali!e a day or two% he shall not be *#nished& $or he (is) his *ro*erty"
69o 21:22 . I$ men $ight% and h#rt a woman with hild% so that she gi!es birth *remat#rely% yet no harm $ollows%
he shall s#rely be *#nished aordingly as the womanAs h#sband im*oses on him& and he shall *ay as the
@#dges (determine")
69o 21:2- .B#t i$ (any) harm $ollows% then yo# shall gi!e li$e $or li$e%
69o 21:20 .eye $or eye% tooth $or tooth% hand $or hand% $oot $or $oot%
69o 21:21 .b#rn $or b#rn% wo#nd $or wo#nd% stri*e $or stri*e"
69o 21:23 .I$ a man stri'es the eye o$ his male or $emale ser!ant% and destroys it% he shall let him go $ree $or the
sa'e o$ his eye"
69o 21:24 .+nd i$ he 'no's o#t the tooth o$ his male or $emale ser!ant% he shall let him go $ree $or the sa'e o$
his tooth"
69o 21:28 . I$ an o9 gores a man or a woman to death% then the o9 shall s#rely be stoned% and its $lesh shall not
be eaten& b#t the owner o$ the o9 (shall be) aE#itted"
69o 21:29 .B#t i$ the o9 tended to thr#st with its horn in times *ast% and it has been made 'nown to his owner%
and he has not 'e*t it on$ined% so that it has 'illed a man or a woman% the o9 shall be stoned and its owner also
shall be *#t to death"
69o 21:-5 .I$ there is im*osed on him a s#m o$ money% then he shall *ay to redeem his li$e% whate!er is
im*osed on him"
69o 21:-1 .>hether it has gored a son or gored a da#ghter% aording to this @#dgment it shall be done to him"
69o 21:-2 .I$ the o9 gores a male or $emale ser!ant% he shall gi!e to their master thirty she'els o$ sil!er% and the
o9 shall be stoned"
69o 21:-- . +nd i$ a man o*ens a *it% or i$ a man digs a *it and does not o!er it% and an o9 or a don'ey $alls in
69o 21:-0 .the owner o$ the *it shall ma'e (it) good& he shall gi!e money to their owner% b#t the dead (animal)
shall be his"
69o 21:-1 . I$ one manAs o9 h#rts anotherAs% so that it dies% then they shall sell the li!e o9 and di!ide the money
$rom it& and the dead (o9) they shall also di!ide"
69o 21:-3 .8r i$ it was 'nown that the o9 tended to thr#st in time *ast% and its owner has not 'e*t it on$ined% he
shall s#rely *ay o9 $or o9% and the dead animal shall be his own"
69o 22:1 .I$ a man steals an o9 or a shee*% and sla#ghters it or sells it% he shall restore $i!e o9en $or an o9 and
$o#r shee* $or a shee*"
69o 22:2 .I$ the thie$ is $o#nd brea'ing in% and he is str#' so that he dies% (there shall be) no g#ilt $or his
69o 22:- .I$ the s#n has risen on him% (there shall be) g#ilt $or his bloodshed" He sho#ld ma'e $#ll restit#tion& i$
he has nothing% then he shall be sold $or his the$t"
69o 22:0 .I$ the the$t is ertainly $o#nd ali!e in his hand% whether it is an o9 or don'ey or shee*% he shall restore
69o 22:1 . I$ a man a#ses a $ield or !ineyard to be graHed% and lets loose his animal% and it $eeds in another
manAs $ield% he shall ma'e restit#tion $rom the best o$ his own $ield and the best o$ his own !ineyard"
69o 22:3 . I$ $ire brea's o#t and athes in thorns% so that sta'ed grain% standing grain% or the $ield is
ons#med% he who 'indled the $ire shall s#rely ma'e restit#tion"
69o 22:4 . I$ a man deli!ers to his neighbor money or artiles to 'ee*% and it is stolen o#t o$ the manAs ho#se% i$
the thie$ is $o#nd% he shall *ay do#ble"
69o 22:8 .I$ the thie$ is not $o#nd% then the master o$ the ho#se shall be bro#ght to the @#dges (to see) whether
he has *#t his hand into his neighborAs goods"
69o 22:9 . ;or any 'ind o$ tres*ass% (whether it onerns) an o9% a don'ey% a shee*% or lothing% (or) $or any 'ind
o$ lost thing whih (another) laims to be his% the a#se o$ both *arties shall ome be$ore the @#dges& (and)
whome!er the @#dges ondemn shall *ay do#ble to his neighbor"
69o 22:15 .I$ a man deli!ers to his neighbor a don'ey% an o9% a shee*% or any animal to 'ee*% and it dies% is h#rt%
or dri!en away% no one seeing (it%)
69o 22:11 .(then) an oath o$ the /8:2 shall be between them both% that he has not *#t his hand into his
neighborAs goods& and the owner o$ it shall ae*t (that%) and he shall not ma'e (it) good"
69o 22:12 .B#t i$% in $at% it is stolen $rom him% he shall ma'e restit#tion to the owner o$ it"
69o 22:1- .I$ it is torn to *iees (by a beast% then) he shall bring it as e!idene% (and) he shall not ma'e good
what was torn"
69o 22:10 . +nd i$ a man borrows (anything) $rom his neighbor% and it beomes in@#red or dies% the owner o$ it
not (being) with it% he shall s#rely ma'e (it) good"
69o 22:11 .I$ its owner (was) with it% he shall not ma'e (it) good& i$ it (was) hired% it ame $or its hire"
69o 22:13 . I$ a man enties a !irgin who is not betrothed% and lies with her% he shall s#rely *ay the brideD*rie
$or her (to be) his wi$e"
69o 22:14 .I$ her $ather #tterly re$#ses to gi!e her to him% he shall *ay money aording to the brideD*rie o$
69o 22:18 . Bo# shall not *ermit a soreress to li!e"
69o 22:19 . >hoe!er lies with an animal shall s#rely be *#t to death"
69o 22:25 . He who sari$ies to (any) god% e9e*t to the /8:2 only% he shall be #tterly destroyed"
69o 22:21 . Bo# shall neither mistreat a stranger nor o**ress him% $or yo# were strangers in the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 22:22 . Bo# shall not a$$lit any widow or $atherless hild"
69o 22:2- .I$ yo# a$$lit them in any way% (and) they ry at all to ?e% I will s#rely hear their ry&
69o 22:20 .and ?y wrath will beome hot% and I will 'ill yo# with the sword& yo#r wi!es shall be widows% and
yo#r hildren $atherless"
69o 22:21 . I$ yo# lend money to (any o$) ?y *eo*le (who are) *oor among yo#% yo# shall not be li'e a
moneylender to him& yo# shall not harge him interest"
69o 22:23 .I$ yo# e!er ta'e yo#r neighborAs garment as a *ledge% yo# shall ret#rn it to him be$ore the s#n goes
69o 22:24 .;or that (is) his only o!ering% it (is) his garment $or his s'in" >hat will he slee* inC +nd it will be that
when he ries to ?e% I will hear% $or I (am) graio#s"
69o 22:28 . Bo# shall not re!ile God% nor #rse a r#ler o$ yo#r *eo*le"
69o 22:29 . Bo# shall not delay (to o$$er) the $irst o$ yo#r ri*e *rod#e and yo#r @#ies" The $irstborn o$ yo#r sons
yo# shall gi!e to ?e"
69o 22:-5 ./i'ewise yo# shall do with yo#r o9en (and) yo#r shee*" It shall be with its mother se!en days& on the
eighth day yo# shall gi!e it to ?e"
69o 22:-1 . +nd yo# shall be holy men to ?e: yo# shall not eat meat torn (by beasts) in the $ield& yo# shall throw
it to the dogs"
69o 2-:1 .Bo# shall not ir#late a $alse re*ort" 2o not *#t yo#r hand with the wi'ed to be an #nrighteo#s
69o 2-:2 .Bo# shall not $ollow a rowd to do e!il& nor shall yo# testi$y in a dis*#te so as to t#rn aside a$ter many
to *er!ert (@#stie")
69o 2-:- .Bo# shall not show *artiality to a *oor man in his dis*#te"
69o 2-:0 . I$ yo# meet yo#r enemyAs o9 or his don'ey going astray% yo# shall s#rely bring it ba' to him again"
69o 2-:1 .I$ yo# see the don'ey o$ one who hates yo# lying #nder its b#rden% and yo# wo#ld re$rain $rom
hel*ing it% yo# shall s#rely hel* him with it"
69o 2-:3 . Bo# shall not *er!ert the @#dgment o$ yo#r *oor in his dis*#te"
69o 2-:4 .Kee* yo#rsel$ $ar $rom a $alse matter& do not 'ill the innoent and righteo#s" ;or I will not @#sti$y the
69o 2-:8 .+nd yo# shall ta'e no bribe% $or a bribe blinds the diserning and *er!erts the words o$ the righteo#s"
69o 2-:9 .+lso yo# shall not o**ress a stranger% $or yo# 'now the heart o$ a stranger% bea#se yo# were
strangers in the land o$ 6gy*t"
69o 2-:15 . ,i9 years yo# shall sow yo#r land and gather in its *rod#e%
69o 2-:11 .b#t the se!enth (year) yo# shall let it rest and lie $allow% that the *oor o$ yo#r *eo*le may eat& and
what they lea!e% the beasts o$ the $ield may eat" In li'e manner yo# shall do with yo#r !ineyard (and) yo#r oli!e
69o 2-:12 .,i9 days yo# shall do yo#r wor'% and on the se!enth day yo# shall rest% that yo#r o9 and yo#r
don'ey may rest% and the son o$ yo#r $emale ser!ant and the stranger may be re$reshed"
69o 2-:1- .+nd in all that I ha!e said to yo#% be ir#ms*et and ma'e no mention o$ the name o$ other gods%
nor let it be heard $rom yo#r mo#th"
69o 2-:10 . Three times yo# shall 'ee* a $east to ?e in the year:
69o 2-:11 .Bo# shall 'ee* the ;east o$ 7nlea!ened Bread Iyo# shall eat #nlea!ened bread se!en days% as I
ommanded yo#% at the time a**ointed in the month o$ +bib% $or in it yo# ame o#t o$ 6gy*t& none shall a**ear
be$ore ?e em*tyJ&
69o 2-:13 .and the ;east o$ Har!est% the $irst$r#its o$ yo#r labors whih yo# ha!e sown in the $ield& and the
;east o$ Ingathering at the end o$ the year% when yo# ha!e gathered in (the $r#it o$) yo#r labors $rom the $ield"
69o 2-:14 .Three times in the year all yo#r males shall a**ear be$ore the /ord G82"
69o 2-:18 .Bo# shall not o$$er the blood o$ ?y sari$ie with lea!ened bread& nor shall the $at o$ ?y sari$ie
remain #ntil morning"
69o 2-:19 .The $irst o$ the $irst$r#its o$ yo#r land yo# shall bring into the ho#se o$ the /8:2 yo#r God" Bo# shall
not boil a yo#ng goat in its motherAs mil'"
69o 2-:25 . Behold% I send an +ngel be$ore yo# to 'ee* yo# in the way and to bring yo# into the *lae whih I
ha!e *re*ared"
69o 2-:21 .Beware o$ Him and obey His !oie& do not *ro!o'e Him% $or He will not *ardon yo#r transgressions&
$or ?y name (is) in Him"
69o 2-:22 .B#t i$ yo# indeed obey His !oie and do all that I s*ea'% then I will be an enemy to yo#r enemies and
an ad!ersary to yo#r ad!ersaries"
69o 2-:2- .;or ?y +ngel will go be$ore yo# and bring yo# in to the +morites and the Hittites and the <eriHHites
and the =anaanites and the Hi!ites and the Jeb#sites& and I will #t them o$$"
69o 2-:20 .Bo# shall not bow down to their gods% nor ser!e them% nor do aording to their wor's& b#t yo# shall
#tterly o!erthrow them and om*letely brea' down their (sared) *illars"
69o 2-:21 .,o yo# shall ser!e the /8:2 yo#r God% and He will bless yo#r bread and yo#r water" +nd I will ta'e
si'ness away $rom the midst o$ yo#"
69o 2-:23 .No one shall s#$$er misarriage or be barren in yo#r land& I will $#l$ill the n#mber o$ yo#r days"
69o 2-:24 . I will send ?y $ear be$ore yo#% I will a#se on$#sion among all the *eo*le to whom yo# ome% and
will ma'e all yo#r enemies t#rn (their) ba's to yo#"
69o 2-:28 .+nd I will send hornets be$ore yo#% whih shall dri!e o#t the Hi!ite% the =anaanite% and the Hittite
$rom be$ore yo#"
69o 2-:29 .I will not dri!e them o#t $rom be$ore yo# in one year% lest the land beome desolate and the beast o$
the $ield beome too n#mero#s $or yo#"
69o 2-:-5 ./ittle by little I will dri!e them o#t $rom be$ore yo#% #ntil yo# ha!e inreased% and yo# inherit the land"
69o 2-:-1 .+nd I will set yo#r bo#nds $rom the :ed ,ea to the sea% <hilistia% and $rom the desert to the :i!er"
;or I will deli!er the inhabitants o$ the land into yo#r hand% and yo# shall dri!e them o#t be$ore yo#"
69o 2-:-2 .Bo# shall ma'e no o!enant with them% nor with their gods"
69o 2-:-- .They shall not dwell in yo#r land% lest they ma'e yo# sin against ?e" ;or (i$) yo# ser!e their gods% it
will s#rely be a snare to yo#".
69o 20:1 Now He said to ?oses% .=ome #* to the /8:2% yo# and +aron% Nadab and +bih#% and se!enty o$ the
elders o$ Israel% and worshi* $rom a$ar"
69o 20:2 .+nd ?oses alone shall ome near the /8:2% b#t they shall not ome near& nor shall the *eo*le go #*
with him".
69o 20:- ,o ?oses ame and told the *eo*le all the words o$ the /8:2 and all the @#dgments" +nd all the
*eo*le answered with one !oie and said% .+ll the words whih the /8:2 has said we will do".
69o 20:0 +nd ?oses wrote all the words o$ the /8:2" +nd he rose early in the morning% and b#ilt an altar at the
$oot o$ the mo#ntain% and twel!e *illars aording to the twel!e tribes o$ Israel"
69o 20:1 Then he sent yo#ng men o$ the hildren o$ Israel% who o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings and sari$ied *eae
o$$erings o$ o9en to the /8:2"
69o 20:3 +nd ?oses too' hal$ the blood and *#t (it) in basins% and hal$ the blood he s*rin'led on the altar"
69o 20:4 Then he too' the Boo' o$ the =o!enant and read in the hearing o$ the *eo*le" +nd they said% .+ll that
the /8:2 has said we will do% and be obedient".
69o 20:8 +nd ?oses too' the blood% s*rin'led (it) on the *eo*le% and said% .This is the blood o$ the o!enant
whih the /8:2 has made with yo# aording to all these words".
69o 20:9 Then ?oses went #*% also +aron% Nadab% and +bih#% and se!enty o$ the elders o$ Israel%
69o 20:15 and they saw the God o$ Israel" +nd (there was) #nder His $eet as it were a *a!ed wor' o$ sa**hire
stone% and it was li'e the !ery hea!ens in (its) larity"
69o 20:11 B#t on the nobles o$ the hildren o$ Israel He did not lay His hand" ,o they saw God% and they ate
and dran'"
69o 20:12 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .=ome #* to ?e on the mo#ntain and be there& and I will gi!e yo#
tablets o$ stone% and the law and ommandments whih I ha!e written% that yo# may teah them".
69o 20:1- ,o ?oses arose with his assistant Josh#a% and ?oses went #* to the mo#ntain o$ God"
69o 20:10 +nd he said to the elders% .>ait here $or #s #ntil we ome ba' to yo#" Indeed +aron and H#r (are)
with yo#" I$ any man has a di$$i#lty% let him go to them".
69o 20:11 Then ?oses went #* into the mo#ntain% and a lo#d o!ered the mo#ntain"
69o 20:13 Now the glory o$ the /8:2 rested on ?o#nt ,inai% and the lo#d o!ered it si9 days" +nd on the
se!enth day He alled to ?oses o#t o$ the midst o$ the lo#d"
69o 20:14 The sight o$ the glory o$ the /8:2 (was) li'e a ons#ming $ire on the to* o$ the mo#ntain in the eyes
o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
69o 20:18 ,o ?oses went into the midst o$ the lo#d and went #* into the mo#ntain" +nd ?oses was on the
mo#ntain $orty days and $orty nights"
69o 21:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
69o 21:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% that they bring ?e an o$$ering" ;rom e!eryone who gi!es it willingly
with his heart yo# shall ta'e ?y o$$ering"
69o 21:- .+nd this (is) the o$$ering whih yo# shall ta'e $rom them: gold% sil!er% and bronHe&
69o 21:0 .bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) $ine linen% and goatsA (hair&)
69o 21:1 .ram s'ins dyed red% badger s'ins% and aaia wood&
69o 21:3 .oil $or the light% and s*ies $or the anointing oil and $or the sweet inense&
69o 21:4 .ony9 stones% and stones to be set in the e*hod and in the breast*late"
69o 21:8 .+nd let them ma'e ?e a sant#ary% that I may dwell among them"
69o 21:9 .+ording to all that I show yo#% (that is%) the *attern o$ the tabernale and the *attern o$ all its
$#rnishings% @#st so yo# shall ma'e (it")
69o 21:15 . +nd they shall ma'e an ar' o$ aaia wood& two and a hal$ #bits (shall be) its length% a #bit and a
hal$ its width% and a #bit and a hal$ its height"
69o 21:11 .+nd yo# shall o!erlay it with *#re gold% inside and o#t yo# shall o!erlay it% and shall ma'e on it a
molding o$ gold all aro#nd"
69o 21:12 .Bo# shall ast $o#r rings o$ gold $or it% and *#t (them) in its $o#r orners& two rings (shall be) on one
side% and two rings on the other side"
69o 21:1- .+nd yo# shall ma'e *oles (o$) aaia wood% and o!erlay them with gold"
69o 21:10 .Bo# shall *#t the *oles into the rings on the sides o$ the ar'% that the ar' may be arried by them"
69o 21:11 .The *oles shall be in the rings o$ the ar'& they shall not be ta'en $rom it"
69o 21:13 .+nd yo# shall *#t into the ar' the Testimony whih I will gi!e yo#"
69o 21:14 .Bo# shall ma'e a mery seat o$ *#re gold& two and a hal$ #bits (shall be) its length and a #bit and
a hal$ its width"
69o 21:18 .+nd yo# shall ma'e two her#bim o$ gold& o$ hammered wor' yo# shall ma'e them at the two ends
o$ the mery seat"
69o 21:19 .?a'e one her#b at one end% and the other her#b at the other end& yo# shall ma'e the her#bim at
the two ends o$ it (o$ one *iee) with the mery seat"
69o 21:25 .+nd the her#bim shall streth o#t (their) wings abo!e% o!ering the mery seat with their wings% and
they shall $ae one another& the $aes o$ the her#bim (shall be) toward the mery seat"
69o 21:21 .Bo# shall *#t the mery seat on to* o$ the ar'% and in the ar' yo# shall *#t the Testimony that I will
gi!e yo#"
69o 21:22 .+nd there I will meet with yo#% and I will s*ea' with yo# $rom abo!e the mery seat% $rom between
the two her#bim whih (are) on the ar' o$ the Testimony% abo#t e!erything whih I will gi!e yo# in
ommandment to the hildren o$ Israel"
69o 21:2- . Bo# shall also ma'e a table o$ aaia wood& two #bits (shall be) its length% a #bit its width% and a
#bit and a hal$ its height"
69o 21:20 .+nd yo# shall o!erlay it with *#re gold% and ma'e a molding o$ gold all aro#nd"
69o 21:21 .Bo# shall ma'e $or it a $rame o$ a handbreadth all aro#nd% and yo# shall ma'e a gold molding $or the
$rame all aro#nd"
69o 21:23 .+nd yo# shall ma'e $or it $o#r rings o$ gold% and *#t the rings on the $o#r orners that (are) at its $o#r
69o 21:24 .The rings shall be lose to the $rame% as holders $or the *oles to bear the table"
69o 21:28 .+nd yo# shall ma'e the *oles o$ aaia wood% and o!erlay them with gold% that the table may be
arried with them"
69o 21:29 .Bo# shall ma'e its dishes% its *ans% its *ithers% and its bowls $or *o#ring" Bo# shall ma'e them o$
*#re gold"
69o 21:-5 .+nd yo# shall set the showbread on the table be$ore ?e always"
69o 21:-1 . Bo# shall also ma'e a lam*stand o$ *#re gold& the lam*stand shall be o$ hammered wor'" Its sha$t%
its branhes% its bowls% its (ornamental) 'nobs% and $lowers shall be (o$ one *iee")
69o 21:-2 .+nd si9 branhes shall ome o#t o$ its sides: three branhes o$ the lam*stand o#t o$ one side% and
three branhes o$ the lam*stand o#t o$ the other side"
69o 21:-- .Three bowls (shall be) made li'e almond (blossoms) on one branh% (with) an (ornamental) 'nob and
a $lower% and three bowls made li'e almond (blossoms) on the other branh% (with) an (ornamental) 'nob and a
$lower DD and so $or the si9 branhes that ome o#t o$ the lam*stand"
69o 21:-0 .8n the lam*stand itsel$ $o#r bowls (shall be) made li'e almond (blossoms% eah with) its (ornamental)
'nob and $lower"
69o 21:-1 .+nd (there shall be) a 'nob #nder the ($irst) two branhes o$ the same% a 'nob #nder the (seond)
two branhes o$ the same% and a 'nob #nder the (third) two branhes o$ the same% aording to the si9 branhes
that e9tend $rom the lam*stand"
69o 21:-3 .Their 'nobs and their branhes (shall be o$ one *iee&) all o$ it (shall be) one hammered *iee o$
*#re gold"
69o 21:-4 .Bo# shall ma'e se!en lam*s $or it% and they shall arrange its lam*s so that they gi!e light in $ront o$
69o 21:-8 .+nd its wi'Dtrimmers and their trays (shall be) o$ *#re gold"
69o 21:-9 .It shall be made o$ a talent o$ *#re gold% with all these #tensils"
69o 21:05 .+nd see to it that yo# ma'e (them) aording to the *attern whih was shown yo# on the mo#ntain"
69o 23:1 .?oreo!er yo# shall ma'e the tabernale (with) ten #rtains (o$) $ine wo!en linen and bl#e% *#r*le% and
sarlet (thread&) with artisti designs o$ her#bim yo# shall wea!e them"
69o 23:2 .The length o$ eah #rtain (shall be) twentyDeight #bits% and the width o$ eah #rtain $o#r #bits" +nd
e!ery one o$ the #rtains shall ha!e the same meas#rements"
69o 23:- .;i!e #rtains shall be o#*led to one another% and (the other) $i!e #rtains (shall be) o#*led to one
69o 23:0 .+nd yo# shall ma'e loo*s o$ bl#e (yarn) on the edge o$ the #rtain on the sel!edge o$ (one) set% and
li'ewise yo# shall do on the o#ter edge o$ (the other) #rtain o$ the seond set"
69o 23:1 .;i$ty loo*s yo# shall ma'e in the one #rtain% and $i$ty loo*s yo# shall ma'e on the edge o$ the #rtain
that (is) on the end o$ the seond set% that the loo*s may be las*ed to one another"
69o 23:3 .+nd yo# shall ma'e $i$ty las*s o$ gold% and o#*le the #rtains together with the las*s% so that it
may be one tabernale"
69o 23:4 . Bo# shall also ma'e #rtains o$ goatsA (hair%) to be a tent o!er the tabernale" Bo# shall ma'e ele!en
69o 23:8 .The length o$ eah #rtain (shall be) thirty #bits% and the width o$ eah #rtain $o#r #bits& and the
ele!en #rtains shall all ha!e the same meas#rements"
69o 23:9 .+nd yo# shall o#*le $i!e #rtains by themsel!es and si9 #rtains by themsel!es% and yo# shall
do#ble o!er the si9th #rtain at the $ore$ront o$ the tent"
69o 23:15 .Bo# shall ma'e $i$ty loo*s on the edge o$ the #rtain that is o#termost in (one) set% and $i$ty loo*s on
the edge o$ the #rtain o$ the seond set"
69o 23:11 .+nd yo# shall ma'e $i$ty bronHe las*s% *#t the las*s into the loo*s% and o#*le the tent together%
that it may be one"
69o 23:12 .The remnant that remains o$ the #rtains o$ the tent% the hal$ #rtain that remains% shall hang o!er
the ba' o$ the tabernale"
69o 23:1- .+nd a #bit on one side and a #bit on the other side% o$ what remains o$ the length o$ the #rtains o$
the tent% shall hang o!er the sides o$ the tabernale% on this side and on that side% to o!er it"
69o 23:10 .Bo# shall also ma'e a o!ering o$ ram s'ins dyed red $or the tent% and a o!ering o$ badger s'ins
abo!e that"
69o 23:11 . +nd $or the tabernale yo# shall ma'e the boards o$ aaia wood% standing #*right"
69o 23:13 .Ten #bits (shall be) the length o$ a board% and a #bit and a hal$ (shall be) the width o$ eah board"
69o 23:14 .Two tenons (shall be) in eah board $or binding one to another" Th#s yo# shall ma'e $or all the
boards o$ the tabernale"
69o 23:18 .+nd yo# shall ma'e the boards $or the tabernale% twenty boards $or the so#th side"
69o 23:19 .Bo# shall ma'e $orty so'ets o$ sil!er #nder the twenty boards: two so'ets #nder eah o$ the
boards $or its two tenons"
69o 23:25 .+nd $or the seond side o$ the tabernale% the north side% (there shall be) twenty boards
69o 23:21 .and their $orty so'ets o$ sil!er: two so'ets #nder eah o$ the boards"
69o 23:22 .;or the $ar side o$ the tabernale% westward% yo# shall ma'e si9 boards"
69o 23:2- .+nd yo# shall also ma'e two boards $or the two ba' orners o$ the tabernale"
69o 23:20 .They shall be o#*led together at the bottom and they shall be o#*led together at the to* by one
ring" Th#s it shall be $or both o$ them" They shall be $or the two orners"
69o 23:21 .,o there shall be eight boards with their so'ets o$ sil!er DD si9teen so'ets DD two so'ets #nder
eah board"
69o 23:23 . +nd yo# shall ma'e bars o$ aaia wood: $i!e $or the boards on one side o$ the tabernale%
69o 23:24 .$i!e bars $or the boards on the other side o$ the tabernale% and $i!e bars $or the boards o$ the side o$
the tabernale% $or the $ar side westward"
69o 23:28 .The middle bar shall *ass thro#gh the midst o$ the boards $rom end to end"
69o 23:29 .Bo# shall o!erlay the boards with gold% ma'e their rings o$ gold (as) holders $or the bars% and o!erlay
the bars with gold"
69o 23:-5 .+nd yo# shall raise #* the tabernale aording to its *attern whih yo# were shown on the
69o 23:-1 . Bo# shall ma'e a !eil wo!en o$ bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and $ine wo!en linen" It shall be
wo!en with an artisti design o$ her#bim"
69o 23:-2 .Bo# shall hang it #*on the $o#r *illars o$ aaia (wood) o!erlaid with gold" Their hoo's (shall be)
gold% #*on $o#r so'ets o$ sil!er"
69o 23:-- .+nd yo# shall hang the !eil $rom the las*s" Then yo# shall bring the ar' o$ the Testimony in there%
behind the !eil" The !eil shall be a di!ider $or yo# between the holy (*lae) and the ?ost Holy"
69o 23:-0 .Bo# shall *#t the mery seat #*on the ar' o$ the Testimony in the ?ost Holy"
69o 23:-1 .Bo# shall set the table o#tside the !eil% and the lam*stand aross $rom the table on the side o$ the
tabernale toward the so#th& and yo# shall *#t the table on the north side"
69o 23:-3 . Bo# shall ma'e a sreen $or the door o$ the tabernale% (wo!en o$) bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%)
and $ine wo!en linen% made by a wea!er"
69o 23:-4 .+nd yo# shall ma'e $or the sreen $i!e *illars o$ aaia (wood%) and o!erlay them with gold& their
hoo's (shall be o$) gold% and yo# shall ast $i!e so'ets o$ bronHe $or them"
69o 24:1 .Bo# shall ma'e an altar o$ aaia wood% $i!e #bits long and $i!e #bits wide DD the altar shall be
sE#are DD and its height (shall be) three #bits"
69o 24:2 .Bo# shall ma'e its horns on its $o#r orners& its horns shall be o$ one *iee with it" +nd yo# shall
o!erlay it with bronHe"
69o 24:- .+lso yo# shall ma'e its *ans to reei!e its ashes% and its sho!els and its basins and its $or's and its
$ire*ans& yo# shall ma'e all its #tensils o$ bronHe"
69o 24:0 .Bo# shall ma'e a grate $or it% a networ' o$ bronHe& and on the networ' yo# shall ma'e $o#r bronHe
rings at its $o#r orners"
69o 24:1 .Bo# shall *#t it #nder the rim o$ the altar beneath% that the networ' may be midway #* the altar"
69o 24:3 .+nd yo# shall ma'e *oles $or the altar% *oles o$ aaia wood% and o!erlay them with bronHe"
69o 24:4 .The *oles shall be *#t in the rings% and the *oles shall be on the two sides o$ the altar to bear it"
69o 24:8 .Bo# shall ma'e it hollow with boards& as it was shown yo# on the mo#ntain% so shall they ma'e (it")
69o 24:9 . Bo# shall also ma'e the o#rt o$ the tabernale" ;or the so#th side (there shall be) hangings $or the
o#rt (made o$) $ine wo!en linen% one h#ndred #bits long $or one side"
69o 24:15 .+nd its twenty *illars and their twenty so'ets (shall be) bronHe" The hoo's o$ the *illars and their
bands (shall be) sil!er"
69o 24:11 ./i'ewise along the length o$ the north side (there shall be) hangings one h#ndred (#bits) long% with
its twenty *illars and their twenty so'ets o$ bronHe% and the hoo's o$ the *illars and their bands o$ sil!er"
69o 24:12 . +nd along the width o$ the o#rt on the west side (shall be) hangings o$ $i$ty #bits% with their ten
*illars and their ten so'ets"
69o 24:1- .The width o$ the o#rt on the east side (shall be) $i$ty #bits"
69o 24:10 .The hangings on (one) side (o$ the gate shall be) $i$teen #bits% (with) their three *illars and their
three so'ets"
69o 24:11 .+nd on the other side (shall be) hangings o$ $i$teen (#bits% with) their three *illars and their three
69o 24:13 . ;or the gate o$ the o#rt (there shall be) a sreen twenty #bits long% (wo!en o$) bl#e% *#r*le% and
sarlet (thread%) and $ine wo!en linen% made by a wea!er" It (shall ha!e) $o#r *illars and $o#r so'ets"
69o 24:14 .+ll the *illars aro#nd the o#rt shall ha!e bands o$ sil!er& their hoo's (shall be) o$ sil!er and their
so'ets o$ bronHe"
69o 24:18 .The length o$ the o#rt (shall be) one h#ndred #bits% the width $i$ty thro#gho#t% and the height $i!e
#bits% (made o$) $ine wo!en linen% and its so'ets o$ bronHe"
69o 24:19 .+ll the #tensils o$ the tabernale $or all its ser!ie% all its *egs% and all the *egs o$ the o#rt% (shall be)
o$ bronHe"
69o 24:25 . +nd yo# shall ommand the hildren o$ Israel that they bring yo# *#re oil o$ *ressed oli!es $or the
light% to a#se the lam* to b#rn ontin#ally"
69o 24:21 .In the tabernale o$ meeting% o#tside the !eil whih (is) be$ore the Testimony% +aron and his sons
shall tend it $rom e!ening #ntil morning be$ore the /8:2" (It shall be) a stat#te $ore!er to their generations on
behal$ o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
69o 28:1 .Now ta'e +aron yo#r brother% and his sons with him% $rom among the hildren o$ Israel% that he may
minister to ?e as *riest% +aron (and) +aronAs sons: Nadab% +bih#% 6leaHar% and Ithamar"
69o 28:2 .+nd yo# shall ma'e holy garments $or +aron yo#r brother% $or glory and $or bea#ty"
69o 28:- .,o yo# shall s*ea' to all (who are) gi$ted artisans% whom I ha!e $illed with the s*irit o$ wisdom% that
they may ma'e +aronAs garments% to onserate him% that he may minister to ?e as *riest"
69o 28:0 .+nd these (are) the garments whih they shall ma'e: a breast*late% an e*hod% a robe% a s'ill$#lly
wo!en t#ni% a t#rban% and a sash" ,o they shall ma'e holy garments $or +aron yo#r brother and his sons% that
he may minister to ?e as *riest"
69o 28:1 . They shall ta'e the gold% bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and $ine linen%
69o 28:3 .and they shall ma'e the e*hod o$ gold% bl#e% *#r*le% (and) sarlet (thread%) and $ine wo!en linen%
artistially wor'ed"
69o 28:4 .It shall ha!e two sho#lder stra*s @oined at its two edges% and (so) it shall be @oined together"
69o 28:8 .+nd the intriately wo!en band o$ the e*hod% whih (is) on it% shall be o$ the same wor'manshi*%
(made o$) gold% bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and $ine wo!en linen"
69o 28:9 .Then yo# shall ta'e two ony9 stones and engra!e on them the names o$ the sons o$ Israel:
69o 28:15 .si9 o$ their names on one stone% and si9 names on the other stone% in order o$ their birth"
69o 28:11 .>ith the wor' o$ an engra!er in stone% (li'e) the engra!ings o$ a signet% yo# shall engra!e the two
stones with the names o$ the sons o$ Israel" Bo# shall set them in settings o$ gold"
69o 28:12 .+nd yo# shall *#t the two stones on the sho#lders o$ the e*hod (as) memorial stones $or the sons o$
Israel" ,o +aron shall bear their names be$ore the /8:2 on his two sho#lders as a memorial"
69o 28:1- .Bo# shall also ma'e settings o$ gold%
69o 28:10 .and yo# shall ma'e two hains o$ *#re gold li'e braided ords% and $asten the braided hains to the
69o 28:11 . Bo# shall ma'e the breast*late o$ @#dgment" +rtistially wo!en aording to the wor'manshi* o$ the
e*hod yo# shall ma'e it: o$ gold% bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and $ine wo!en linen% yo# shall ma'e it"
69o 28:13 .It shall be do#bled into a sE#are: a s*an (shall be) its length% and a s*an (shall be) its width"
69o 28:14 .+nd yo# shall *#t settings o$ stones in it% $o#r rows o$ stones: (The $irst) row (shall be) a sardi#s% a
to*aH% and an emerald& (this shall be) the $irst row&
69o 28:18 .the seond row (shall be) a t#rE#oise% a sa**hire% and a diamond&
69o 28:19 .the third row% a @ainth% an agate% and an amethyst&
69o 28:25 .and the $o#rth row% a beryl% an ony9% and a @as*er" They shall be set in gold settings"
69o 28:21 .+nd the stones shall ha!e the names o$ the sons o$ Israel% twel!e aording to their names% (li'e) the
engra!ings o$ a signet% eah one with its own name& they shall be aording to the twel!e tribes"
69o 28:22 . Bo# shall ma'e hains $or the breast*late at the end% li'e braided ords o$ *#re gold"
69o 28:2- .+nd yo# shall ma'e two rings o$ gold $or the breast*late% and *#t the two rings on the two ends o$
the breast*late"
69o 28:20 .Then yo# shall *#t the two braided (hains) o$ gold in the two rings whih are on the ends o$ the
69o 28:21 .and the (other) two ends o$ the two braided (hains) yo# shall $asten to the two settings% and *#t
them on the sho#lder stra*s o$ the e*hod in the $ront"
69o 28:23 . Bo# shall ma'e two rings o$ gold% and *#t them on the two ends o$ the breast*late% on the edge o$ it%
whih is on the inner side o$ the e*hod"
69o 28:24 .+nd two (other) rings o$ gold yo# shall ma'e% and *#t them on the two sho#lder stra*s% #nderneath
the e*hod toward its $ront% right at the seam abo!e the intriately wo!en band o$ the e*hod"
69o 28:28 .They shall bind the breast*late by means o$ its rings to the rings o$ the e*hod% #sing a bl#e ord% so
that it is abo!e the intriately wo!en band o$ the e*hod% and so that the breast*late does not ome loose $rom
the e*hod"
69o 28:29 .,o +aron shall bear the names o$ the sons o$ Israel on the breast*late o$ @#dgment o!er his heart%
when he goes into the holy (*lae%) as a memorial be$ore the /8:2 ontin#ally"
69o 28:-5 .+nd yo# shall *#t in the breast*late o$ @#dgment the 7rim and the Th#mmim% and they shall be o!er
+aronAs heart when he goes in be$ore the /8:2" ,o +aron shall bear the @#dgment o$ the hildren o$ Israel o!er
his heart be$ore the /8:2 ontin#ally"
69o 28:-1 . Bo# shall ma'e the robe o$ the e*hod all o$ bl#e"
69o 28:-2 .There shall be an o*ening $or his head in the middle o$ it& it shall ha!e a wo!en binding all aro#nd its
o*ening% li'e the o*ening in a oat o$ mail% so that it does not tear"
69o 28:-- . +nd #*on its hem yo# shall ma'e *omegranates o$ bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet% all aro#nd its hem% and
bells o$ gold between them all aro#nd:
69o 28:-0 .a golden bell and a *omegranate% a golden bell and a *omegranate% #*on the hem o$ the robe all
69o 28:-1 .+nd it shall be #*on +aron when he ministers% and its so#nd will be heard when he goes into the
holy (*lae) be$ore the /8:2 and when he omes o#t% that he may not die"
69o 28:-3 . Bo# shall also ma'e a *late o$ *#re gold and engra!e on it% (li'e) the engra!ing o$ a signet:
H8/IN6,, T8 TH6 /8:2"
69o 28:-4 .+nd yo# shall *#t it on a bl#e ord% that it may be on the t#rban& it shall be on the $ront o$ the t#rban"
69o 28:-8 .,o it shall be on +aronAs $orehead% that +aron may bear the iniE#ity o$ the holy things whih the
hildren o$ Israel hallow in all their holy gi$ts& and it shall always be on his $orehead% that they may be ae*ted
be$ore the /8:2"
69o 28:-9 . Bo# shall s'ill$#lly wea!e the t#ni o$ $ine linen (thread%) yo# shall ma'e the t#rban o$ $ine linen% and
yo# shall ma'e the sash o$ wo!en wor'"
69o 28:05 . ;or +aronAs sons yo# shall ma'e t#nis% and yo# shall ma'e sashes $or them" +nd yo# shall ma'e
hats $or them% $or glory and bea#ty"
69o 28:01 .,o yo# shall *#t them on +aron yo#r brother and on his sons with him" Bo# shall anoint them%
onserate them% and santi$y them% that they may minister to ?e as *riests"
69o 28:02 .+nd yo# shall ma'e $or them linen tro#sers to o!er their na'edness& they shall reah $rom the waist
to the thighs"
69o 28:0- .They shall be on +aron and on his sons when they ome into the tabernale o$ meeting% or when
they ome near the altar to minister in the holy (*lae%) that they do not in#r iniE#ity and die" (It shall be) a
stat#te $ore!er to him and his desendants a$ter him"
69o 29:1 .+nd this is what yo# shall do to them to hallow them $or ministering to ?e as *riests: Ta'e one yo#ng
b#ll and two rams witho#t blemish%
69o 29:2 .and #nlea!ened bread% #nlea!ened a'es mi9ed with oil% and #nlea!ened wa$ers anointed with oil
Iyo# shall ma'e them o$ wheat $lo#rJ"
69o 29:- .Bo# shall *#t them in one bas'et and bring them in the bas'et% with the b#ll and the two rams"
69o 29:0 .+nd +aron and his sons yo# shall bring to the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% and yo# shall wash
them with water"
69o 29:1 .Then yo# shall ta'e the garments% *#t the t#ni on +aron% and the robe o$ the e*hod% the e*hod% and
the breast*late% and gird him with the intriately wo!en band o$ the e*hod"
69o 29:3 .Bo# shall *#t the t#rban on his head% and *#t the holy rown on the t#rban"
69o 29:4 .+nd yo# shall ta'e the anointing oil% *o#r (it) on his head% and anoint him"
69o 29:8 .Then yo# shall bring his sons and *#t t#nis on them"
69o 29:9 .+nd yo# shall gird them with sashes% +aron and his sons% and *#t the hats on them" The *riesthood
shall be theirs $or a *er*et#al stat#te" ,o yo# shall onserate +aron and his sons"
69o 29:15 . Bo# shall also ha!e the b#ll bro#ght be$ore the tabernale o$ meeting% and +aron and his sons shall
*#t their hands on the head o$ the b#ll"
69o 29:11 .Then yo# shall 'ill the b#ll be$ore the /8:2% (by) the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
69o 29:12 .Bo# shall ta'e (some) o$ the blood o$ the b#ll and *#t (it) on the horns o$ the altar with yo#r $inger%
and *o#r all the blood beside the base o$ the altar"
69o 29:1- .+nd yo# shall ta'e all the $at that o!ers the entrails% the $atty lobe (attahed) to the li!er% and the two
'idneys and the $at that (is) on them% and b#rn (them) on the altar"
69o 29:10 .B#t the $lesh o$ the b#ll% with its s'in and its o$$al% yo# shall b#rn with $ire o#tside the am*" It (is) a
sin o$$ering"
69o 29:11 . Bo# shall also ta'e one ram% and +aron and his sons shall *#t their hands on the head o$ the ram&
69o 29:13 .and yo# shall 'ill the ram% and yo# shall ta'e its blood and s*rin'le (it) all aro#nd on the altar"
69o 29:14 .Then yo# shall #t the ram in *iees% wash its entrails and its legs% and *#t (them) with its *iees and
with its head"
69o 29:18 .+nd yo# shall b#rn the whole ram on the altar" It (is) a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2& it (is) a sweet
aroma% an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2"
69o 29:19 . Bo# shall also ta'e the other ram% and +aron and his sons shall *#t their hands on the head o$ the
69o 29:25 .Then yo# shall 'ill the ram% and ta'e some o$ its blood and *#t (it) on the ti* o$ the right ear o$ +aron
and on the ti* o$ the right ear o$ his sons% on the th#mb o$ their right hand and on the big toe o$ their right $oot%
and s*rin'le the blood all aro#nd on the altar"
69o 29:21 .+nd yo# shall ta'e some o$ the blood that is on the altar% and some o$ the anointing oil% and s*rin'le
(it) on +aron and on his garments% on his sons and on the garments o$ his sons with him& and he and his
garments shall be hallowed% and his sons and his sonsA garments with him"
69o 29:22 .+lso yo# shall ta'e the $at o$ the ram% the $at tail% the $at that o!ers the entrails% the $atty lobe
(attahed) to the li!er% the two 'idneys and the $at on them% the right thigh I$or it (is) a ram o$ onserationJ%
69o 29:2- .one loa$ o$ bread% one a'e (made with) oil% and one wa$er $rom the bas'et o$ the #nlea!ened bread
that (is) be$ore the /8:2&
69o 29:20 .and yo# shall *#t all these in the hands o$ +aron and in the hands o$ his sons% and yo# shall wa!e
them (as) a wa!e o$$ering be$ore the /8:2"
69o 29:21 .Bo# shall reei!e them ba' $rom their hands and b#rn (them) on the altar as a b#rnt o$$ering% as a
sweet aroma be$ore the /8:2" It (is) an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2"
69o 29:23 .Then yo# shall ta'e the breast o$ the ram o$ +aronAs onseration and wa!e it (as) a wa!e o$$ering
be$ore the /8:2& and it shall be yo#r *ortion"
69o 29:24 .+nd $rom the ram o$ the onseration yo# shall onserate the breast o$ the wa!e o$$ering whih is
wa!ed% and the thigh o$ the hea!e o$$ering whih is raised% o$ (that) whih (is) $or +aron and o$ (that) whih is $or
his sons"
69o 29:28 .It shall be $rom the hildren o$ Israel ($or) +aron and his sons by a stat#te $ore!er" ;or it is a hea!e
o$$ering& it shall be a hea!e o$$ering $rom the hildren o$ Israel $rom the sari$ies o$ their *eae o$$erings% (that
is%) their hea!e o$$ering to the /8:2"
69o 29:29 . +nd the holy garments o$ +aron shall be his sonsA a$ter him% to be anointed in them and to be
onserated in them"
69o 29:-5 .That son who beomes *riest in his *lae shall *#t them on $or se!en days% when he enters the
tabernale o$ meeting to minister in the holy (*lae")
69o 29:-1 . +nd yo# shall ta'e the ram o$ the onseration and boil its $lesh in the holy *lae"
69o 29:-2 .Then +aron and his sons shall eat the $lesh o$ the ram% and the bread that (is) in the bas'et% (by) the
door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
69o 29:-- .They shall eat those things with whih the atonement was made% to onserate (and) to santi$y
them& b#t an o#tsider shall not eat (them%) bea#se they (are) holy"
69o 29:-0 .+nd i$ any o$ the $lesh o$ the onseration o$$erings% or o$ the bread% remains #ntil the morning% then
yo# shall b#rn the remainder with $ire" It shall not be eaten% bea#se it (is) holy"
69o 29:-1 . Th#s yo# shall do to +aron and his sons% aording to all that I ha!e ommanded yo#" ,e!en days
yo# shall onserate them"
69o 29:-3 .+nd yo# shall o$$er a b#ll e!ery day (as) a sin o$$ering $or atonement" Bo# shall leanse the altar
when yo# ma'e atonement $or it% and yo# shall anoint it to santi$y it"
69o 29:-4 .,e!en days yo# shall ma'e atonement $or the altar and santi$y it" +nd the altar shall be most holy"
>hate!er to#hes the altar m#st be holy"
69o 29:-8 . Now this (is) what yo# shall o$$er on the altar: two lambs o$ the $irst year% day by day ontin#ally"
69o 29:-9 .8ne lamb yo# shall o$$er in the morning% and the other lamb yo# shall o$$er at twilight"
69o 29:05 .>ith the one lamb shall be oneDtenth (o$ an e*hah) o$ $lo#r mi9ed with oneD$o#rth o$ a hin o$ *ressed
oil% and oneD$o#rth o$ a hin o$ wine (as) a drin' o$$ering"
69o 29:01 .+nd the other lamb yo# shall o$$er at twilight& and yo# shall o$$er with it the grain o$$ering and the
drin' o$$ering% as in the morning% $or a sweet aroma% an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2"
69o 29:02 .(This shall be) a ontin#al b#rnt o$$ering thro#gho#t yo#r generations (at) the door o$ the tabernale
o$ meeting be$ore the /8:2% where I will meet yo# to s*ea' with yo#"
69o 29:0- .+nd there I will meet with the hildren o$ Israel% and (the tabernale) shall be santi$ied by ?y glory"
69o 29:00 .,o I will onserate the tabernale o$ meeting and the altar" I will also onserate both +aron and
his sons to minister to ?e as *riests"
69o 29:01 .I will dwell among the hildren o$ Israel and will be their God"
69o 29:03 .+nd they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2 their God% who bro#ght them #* o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t%
that I may dwell among them" I (am) the /8:2 their God"
69o -5:1 .Bo# shall ma'e an altar to b#rn inense on& yo# shall ma'e it o$ aaia wood"
69o -5:2 .+ #bit (shall be) its length and a #bit its width DD it shall be sE#are DD and two #bits (shall be) its
height" Its horns (shall be) o$ one *iee with it"
69o -5:- .+nd yo# shall o!erlay its to*% its sides all aro#nd% and its horns with *#re gold& and yo# shall ma'e $or
it a molding o$ gold all aro#nd"
69o -5:0 .Two gold rings yo# shall ma'e $or it% #nder the molding on both its sides" Bo# shall *lae (them) on its
two sides% and they will be holders $or the *oles with whih to bear it"
69o -5:1 .Bo# shall ma'e the *oles o$ aaia wood% and o!erlay them with gold"
69o -5:3 .+nd yo# shall *#t it be$ore the !eil that (is) be$ore the ar' o$ the Testimony% be$ore the mery seat that
(is) o!er the Testimony% where I will meet with yo#"
69o -5:4 .+aron shall b#rn on it sweet inense e!ery morning& when he tends the lam*s% he shall b#rn inense
on it"
69o -5:8 .+nd when +aron lights the lam*s at twilight% he shall b#rn inense on it% a *er*et#al inense be$ore
the /8:2 thro#gho#t yo#r generations"
69o -5:9 .Bo# shall not o$$er strange inense on it% or a b#rnt o$$ering% or a grain o$$ering& nor shall yo# *o#r a
drin' o$$ering on it"
69o -5:15 .+nd +aron shall ma'e atonement #*on its horns one a year with the blood o$ the sin o$$ering o$
atonement& one a year he shall ma'e atonement #*on it thro#gho#t yo#r generations" It (is) most holy to the
69o -5:11 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
69o -5:12 .>hen yo# ta'e the ens#s o$ the hildren o$ Israel $or their n#mber% then e!ery man shall gi!e a
ransom $or himsel$ to the /8:2% when yo# n#mber them% that there may be no *lag#e among them when (yo#)
n#mber them"
69o -5:1- .This is what e!eryone among those who are n#mbered shall gi!e: hal$ a she'el aording to the
she'el o$ the sant#ary Ia she'el (is) twenty gerahsJ" The hal$Dshe'el (shall be) an o$$ering to the /8:2"
69o -5:10 .6!eryone inl#ded among those who are n#mbered% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% shall gi!e an
o$$ering to the /8:2"
69o -5:11 .The rih shall not gi!e more and the *oor shall not gi!e less than hal$ a she'el% when (yo#) gi!e an
o$$ering to the /8:2% to ma'e atonement $or yo#rsel!es"
69o -5:13 .+nd yo# shall ta'e the atonement money o$ the hildren o$ Israel% and shall a**oint it $or the ser!ie
o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% that it may be a memorial $or the hildren o$ Israel be$ore the /8:2% to ma'e
atonement $or yo#rsel!es".
69o -5:14 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
69o -5:18 .Bo# shall also ma'e a la!er o$ bronHe% with its base also o$ bronHe% $or washing" Bo# shall *#t it
between the tabernale o$ meeting and the altar" +nd yo# shall *#t water in it%
69o -5:19 .$or +aron and his sons shall wash their hands and their $eet in water $rom it"
69o -5:25 .>hen they go into the tabernale o$ meeting% or when they ome near the altar to minister% to b#rn
an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2% they shall wash with water% lest they die"
69o -5:21 .,o they shall wash their hands and their $eet% lest they die" +nd it shall be a stat#te $ore!er to them DD
to him and his desendants thro#gho#t their generations".
69o -5:22 ?oreo!er the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
69o -5:2- .+lso ta'e $or yo#rsel$ E#ality s*ies DD $i!e h#ndred (she'els) o$ liE#id myrrh% hal$ as m#h sweetD
smelling innamon Itwo h#ndred and $i$ty (she'elsJ%) two h#ndred and $i$ty (she'els) o$ sweetDsmelling ane%
69o -5:20 .$i!e h#ndred (she'els) o$ assia% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% and a hin o$ oli!e oil"
69o -5:21 .+nd yo# shall ma'e $rom these a holy anointing oil% an ointment om*o#nded aording to the art o$
the *er$#mer" It shall be a holy anointing oil"
69o -5:23 .>ith it yo# shall anoint the tabernale o$ meeting and the ar' o$ the Testimony&
69o -5:24 .the table and all its #tensils% the lam*stand and its #tensils% and the altar o$ inense&
69o -5:28 .the altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering with all its #tensils% and the la!er and its base"
69o -5:29 .Bo# shall onserate them% that they may be most holy& whate!er to#hes them m#st be holy"
69o -5:-5 .+nd yo# shall anoint +aron and his sons% and onserate them% that (they) may minister to ?e as
69o -5:-1 .+nd yo# shall s*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: AThis shall be a holy anointing oil to ?e
thro#gho#t yo#r generations"
69o -5:-2 AIt shall not be *o#red on manAs $lesh& nor shall yo# ma'e (any other) li'e it% aording to its
om*osition" It (is) holy% (and) it shall be holy to yo#"
69o -5:-- A>hoe!er om*o#nds (any) li'e it% or whoe!er *#ts (any) o$ it on an o#tsider% shall be #t o$$ $rom his
*eo*le"A .
69o -5:-0 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses: .Ta'e sweet s*ies% state and onyha and galban#m% and *#re
$ran'inense with (these) sweet s*ies& there shall be eE#al amo#nts o$ eah"
69o -5:-1 .Bo# shall ma'e o$ these an inense% a om*o#nd aording to the art o$ the *er$#mer% salted% *#re%
(and) holy"
69o -5:-3 .+nd yo# shall beat (some) o$ it !ery $ine% and *#t some o$ it be$ore the Testimony in the tabernale o$
meeting where I will meet with yo#" It shall be most holy to yo#"
69o -5:-4 .B#t (as $or) the inense whih yo# shall ma'e% yo# shall not ma'e any $or yo#rsel!es% aording to
its om*osition" It shall be to yo# holy $or the /8:2"
69o -5:-8 .>hoe!er ma'es (any) li'e it% to smell it% he shall be #t o$$ $rom his *eo*le".
69o -1:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
69o -1:2 .,ee% I ha!e alled by name BeHalel the son o$ 7ri% the son o$ H#r% o$ the tribe o$ J#dah"
69o -1:- .+nd I ha!e $illed him with the ,*irit o$ God% in wisdom% in #nderstanding% in 'nowledge% and in all
(manner o$) wor'manshi*%
69o -1:0 .to design artisti wor's% to wor' in gold% in sil!er% in bronHe%
69o -1:1 .in #tting @ewels $or setting% in ar!ing wood% and to wor' in all (manner o$) wor'manshi*"
69o -1:3 .+nd I% indeed I% ha!e a**ointed with him +holiab the son o$ +hisamah% o$ the tribe o$ 2an& and I
ha!e *#t wisdom in the hearts o$ all who are gi$ted artisans% that they may ma'e all that I ha!e ommanded yo#:
69o -1:4 .the tabernale o$ meeting% the ar' o$ the Testimony and the mery seat that (is) on it% and all the
$#rnit#re o$ the tabernale DD
69o -1:8 .the table and its #tensils% the *#re (gold) lam*stand with all its #tensils% the altar o$ inense%
69o -1:9 .the altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering with all its #tensils% and the la!er and its base DD
69o -1:15 .the garments o$ ministry% the holy garments $or +aron the *riest and the garments o$ his sons% to
minister as *riests%
69o -1:11 .and the anointing oil and sweet inense $or the holy (*lae") +ording to all that I ha!e ommanded
yo# they shall do".
69o -1:12 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
69o -1:1- .,*ea' also to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: A,#rely ?y ,abbaths yo# shall 'ee*% $or it (is) a sign
between ?e and yo# thro#gho#t yo#r generations% that (yo#) may 'now that I (am) the /8:2 who santi$ies yo#"
69o -1:10 ABo# shall 'ee* the ,abbath% there$ore% $or (it is) holy to yo#" 6!eryone who *ro$anes it shall s#rely be
*#t to death& $or whoe!er does (any) wor' on it% that *erson shall be #t o$$ $rom among his *eo*le"
69o -1:11 A>or' shall be done $or si9 days% b#t the se!enth (is) the ,abbath o$ rest% holy to the /8:2" >hoe!er
does (any) wor' on the ,abbath day% he shall s#rely be *#t to death"
69o -1:13 AThere$ore the hildren o$ Israel shall 'ee* the ,abbath% to obser!e the ,abbath thro#gho#t their
generations (as) a *er*et#al o!enant"
69o -1:14 AIt (is) a sign between ?e and the hildren o$ Israel $ore!er& $or (in) si9 days the /8:2 made the
hea!ens and the earth% and on the se!enth day He rested and was re$reshed"A .
69o -1:18 +nd when He had made an end o$ s*ea'ing with him on ?o#nt ,inai% He ga!e ?oses two tablets o$
the Testimony% tablets o$ stone% written with the $inger o$ God"
69o -2:1 Now when the *eo*le saw that ?oses delayed oming down $rom the mo#ntain% the *eo*le gathered
together to +aron% and said to him% .=ome% ma'e #s gods that shall go be$ore #s& $or (as $or) this ?oses% the man
who bro#ght #s #* o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% we do not 'now what has beome o$ him".
69o -2:2 +nd +aron said to them% .Brea' o$$ the golden earrings whih (are) in the ears o$ yo#r wi!es% yo#r
sons% and yo#r da#ghters% and bring (them) to me".
69o -2:- .,o all the *eo*le bro'e o$$ the golden earrings whih (were) in their ears% and bro#ght (them) to
69o -2:0 +nd he reei!ed (the gold) $rom their hand% and he $ashioned it with an engra!ing tool% and made a
molded al$" Then they said% .This (is) yo#r god% 8 Israel% that bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*tF.
69o -2:1 ,o when +aron saw (it%) he b#ilt an altar be$ore it" +nd +aron made a *rolamation and said%
.Tomorrow (is) a $east to the /8:2".
69o -2:3 Then they rose early on the ne9t day% o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings% and bro#ght *eae o$$erings& and the
*eo*le sat down to eat and drin'% and rose #* to *lay"
69o -2:4 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Go% get downF ;or yo#r *eo*le whom yo# bro#ght o#t o$ the land o$
6gy*t ha!e orr#*ted (themsel!es")
69o -2:8 .They ha!e t#rned aside E#i'ly o#t o$ the way whih I ommanded them" They ha!e made
themsel!es a molded al$% and worshi*ed it and sari$ied to it% and said% AThis (is) yo#r god% 8 Israel% that
bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*tFA .
69o -2:9 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .I ha!e seen this *eo*le% and indeed it (is) a sti$$Dne'ed *eo*leF
69o -2:15 .Now there$ore% let ?e alone% that ?y wrath may b#rn hot against them and I may ons#me them"
+nd I will ma'e o$ yo# a great nation".
69o -2:11 Then ?oses *leaded with the /8:2 his God% and said: ./8:2% why does Bo#r wrath b#rn hot
against Bo#r *eo*le whom Bo# ha!e bro#ght o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t with great *ower and with a mighty handC
69o -2:12 .>hy sho#ld the 6gy*tians s*ea'% and say% AHe bro#ght them o#t to harm them% to 'ill them in the
mo#ntains% and to ons#me them $rom the $ae o$ the earthAC T#rn $rom Bo#r $iere wrath% and relent $rom this
harm to Bo#r *eo*le"
69o -2:1- .:emember +braham% Isaa% and Israel% Bo#r ser!ants% to whom Bo# swore by Bo#r own sel$% and
said to them% AI will m#lti*ly yo#r desendants as the stars o$ hea!en& and all this land that I ha!e s*o'en o$ I gi!e
to yo#r desendants% and they shall inherit (it) $ore!er"A .
69o -2:10 ,o the /8:2 relented $rom the harm whih He said He wo#ld do to His *eo*le"
69o -2:11 +nd ?oses t#rned and went down $rom the mo#ntain% and the two tablets o$ the Testimony (were) in
his hand" The tablets (were) written on both sides& on the one (side) and on the other they were written"
69o -2:13 Now the tablets (were) the wor' o$ God% and the writing (was) the writing o$ God engra!ed on the
69o -2:14 +nd when Josh#a heard the noise o$ the *eo*le as they sho#ted% he said to ?oses% .(There is) a
noise o$ war in the am*".
69o -2:18 B#t he said: .(It is) not the noise o$ the sho#t o$ !itory% Nor the noise o$ the ry o$ de$eat% (B#t) the
so#nd o$ singing I hear".
69o -2:19 ,o it was% as soon as he ame near the am*% that he saw the al$ (and) the daning" ,o ?osesA
anger beame hot% and he ast the tablets o#t o$ his hands and bro'e them at the $oot o$ the mo#ntain"
69o -2:25 Then he too' the al$ whih they had made% b#rned (it) in the $ire% and gro#nd (it) to *owder& and he
sattered (it) on the water and made the hildren o$ Israel drin' (it")
69o -2:21 +nd ?oses said to +aron% .>hat did this *eo*le do to yo# that yo# ha!e bro#ght (so) great a sin
#*on themC.
69o -2:22 ,o +aron said% .2o not let the anger o$ my lord beome hot" Bo# 'now the *eo*le% that they (are set)
on e!il"
69o -2:2- .;or they said to me% A?a'e #s gods that shall go be$ore #s& (as $or) this ?oses% the man who bro#ght
#s o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% we do not 'now what has beome o$ him"A
69o -2:20 .+nd I said to them% A>hoe!er has any gold% let them brea' (it) o$$"A ,o they ga!e (it) to me% and I ast
it into the $ire% and this al$ ame o#t".
69o -2:21 Now when ?oses saw that the *eo*le (were) #nrestrained I$or +aron had not restrained them% to
(their) shame among their enemiesJ%
69o -2:23 then ?oses stood in the entrane o$ the am*% and said% .>hoe!er (is) on the /8:2As side DD (ome)
to me". +nd all the sons o$ /e!i gathered themsel!es together to him"
69o -2:24 +nd he said to them% .Th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: A/et e!ery man *#t his sword on his side%
and go in and o#t $rom entrane to entrane thro#gho#t the am*% and let e!ery man 'ill his brother% e!ery man
his om*anion% and e!ery man his neighbor"A .
69o -2:28 ,o the sons o$ /e!i did aording to the word o$ ?oses" +nd abo#t three tho#sand men o$ the *eo*le
$ell that day"
69o -2:29 Then ?oses said% .=onserate yo#rsel!es today to the /8:2% that He may bestow on yo# a blessing
this day% $or e!ery man has o**osed his son and his brother".
69o -2:-5 Now it ame to *ass on the ne9t day that ?oses said to the *eo*le% .Bo# ha!e ommitted a great sin"
,o now I will go #* to the /8:2& *erha*s I an ma'e atonement $or yo#r sin".
69o -2:-1 Then ?oses ret#rned to the /8:2 and said% .8h% these *eo*le ha!e ommitted a great sin% and
ha!e made $or themsel!es a god o$ goldF
69o -2:-2 .Bet now% i$ Bo# will $orgi!e their sin DD b#t i$ not% I *ray% blot me o#t o$ Bo#r boo' whih Bo# ha!e
69o -2:-- +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .>hoe!er has sinned against ?e% I will blot him o#t o$ ?y boo'"
69o -2:-0 .Now there$ore% go% lead the *eo*le to (the *lae) o$ whih I ha!e s*o'en to yo#" Behold% ?y +ngel
shall go be$ore yo#" Ne!ertheless% in the day when I !isit $or *#nishment% I will !isit *#nishment #*on them $or
their sin".
69o -2:-1 ,o the /8:2 *lag#ed the *eo*le bea#se o$ what they did with the al$ whih +aron made"
69o --:1 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .2e*art (and) go #* $rom here% yo# and the *eo*le whom yo# ha!e
bro#ght o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% to the land o$ whih I swore to +braham% Isaa% and Jaob% saying% ATo yo#r
desendants I will gi!e it"A
69o --:2 .+nd I will send (?y) +ngel be$ore yo#% and I will dri!e o#t the =anaanite and the +morite and the
Hittite and the <eriHHite and the Hi!ite and the Jeb#site"
69o --:- .(Go #*) to a land $lowing with mil' and honey& $or I will not go #* in yo#r midst% lest I ons#me yo# on
the way% $or yo# (are) a sti$$Dne'ed *eo*le".
69o --:0 +nd when the *eo*le heard this bad news% they mo#rned% and no one *#t on his ornaments"
69o --:1 ;or the /8:2 had said to ?oses% .,ay to the hildren o$ Israel% ABo# (are) a sti$$Dne'ed *eo*le" I
o#ld ome #* into yo#r midst in one moment and ons#me yo#" Now there$ore% ta'e o$$ yo#r ornaments% that I
may 'now what to do to yo#"A .
69o --:3 ,o the hildren o$ Israel stri**ed themsel!es o$ their ornaments by ?o#nt Horeb"
69o --:4 ?oses too' his tent and *ithed it o#tside the am*% $ar $rom the am*% and alled it the tabernale o$
meeting" +nd it ame to *ass (that) e!eryone who so#ght the /8:2 went o#t to the tabernale o$ meeting whih
(was) o#tside the am*"
69o --:8 ,o it was% whene!er ?oses went o#t to the tabernale% (that) all the *eo*le rose% and eah man stood
(at) his tent door and wathed ?oses #ntil he had gone into the tabernale"
69o --:9 +nd it ame to *ass% when ?oses entered the tabernale% that the *illar o$ lo#d desended and stood
(at) the door o$ the tabernale% and (the) (/ord) tal'ed with ?oses"
69o --:15 +ll the *eo*le saw the *illar o$ lo#d standing (at) the tabernale door% and all the *eo*le rose and
worshi*ed% eah man (in) his tent door"
69o --:11 ,o the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses $ae to $ae% as a man s*ea's to his $riend" +nd he wo#ld ret#rn to the
am*% b#t his ser!ant Josh#a the son o$ N#n% a yo#ng man% did not de*art $rom the tabernale"
69o --:12 Then ?oses said to the /8:2% .,ee% Bo# say to me% ABring #* this *eo*le"A B#t Bo# ha!e not let me
'now whom Bo# will send with me" Bet Bo# ha!e said% AI 'now yo# by name% and yo# ha!e also $o#nd grae in
?y sight"A
69o --:1- .Now there$ore% I *ray% i$ I ha!e $o#nd grae in Bo#r sight% show me now Bo#r way% that I may 'now
Bo# and that I may $ind grae in Bo#r sight" +nd onsider that this nation (is) Bo#r *eo*le".
69o --:10 +nd He said% .?y <resene will go (with yo#%) and I will gi!e yo# rest".
69o --:11 Then he said to Him% .I$ Bo#r <resene does not go (with #s%) do not bring #s #* $rom here"
69o --:13 .;or how then will it be 'nown that Bo#r *eo*le and I ha!e $o#nd grae in Bo#r sight% e9e*t Bo# go
with #sC ,o we shall be se*arate% Bo#r *eo*le and I% $rom all the *eo*le who (are) #*on the $ae o$ the earth".
69o --:14 ,o the /8:2 said to ?oses% .I will also do this thing that yo# ha!e s*o'en& $or yo# ha!e $o#nd grae
in ?y sight% and I 'now yo# by name".
69o --:18 +nd he said% .<lease% show me Bo#r glory".
69o --:19 Then He said% .I will ma'e all ?y goodness *ass be$ore yo#% and I will *rolaim the name o$ the
/8:2 be$ore yo#" I will be graio#s to whom I will be graio#s% and I will ha!e om*assion on whom I will ha!e
69o --:25 B#t He said% .Bo# annot see ?y $ae& $or no man shall see ?e% and li!e".
69o --:21 +nd the /8:2 said% .Here is a *lae by ?e% and yo# shall stand on the ro'"
69o --:22 .,o it shall be% while ?y glory *asses by% that I will *#t yo# in the le$t o$ the ro'% and will o!er yo#
with ?y hand while I *ass by"
69o --:2- .Then I will ta'e away ?y hand% and yo# shall see ?y ba'& b#t ?y $ae shall not be seen".
69o -0:1 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .=#t two tablets o$ stone li'e the $irst (ones%) and I will write on (these)
tablets the words that were on the $irst tablets whih yo# bro'e"
69o -0:2 .,o be ready in the morning% and ome #* in the morning to ?o#nt ,inai% and *resent yo#rsel$ to ?e
there on the to* o$ the mo#ntain"
69o -0:- .+nd no man shall ome #* with yo#% and let no man be seen thro#gho#t all the mo#ntain& let neither
$lo's nor herds $eed be$ore that mo#ntain".
69o -0:0 ,o he #t two tablets o$ stone li'e the $irst (ones") Then ?oses rose early in the morning and went #*
?o#nt ,inai% as the /8:2 had ommanded him& and he too' in his hand the two tablets o$ stone"
69o -0:1 Now the /8:2 desended in the lo#d and stood with him there% and *rolaimed the name o$ the
69o -0:3 +nd the /8:2 *assed be$ore him and *rolaimed% .The /8:2% the /8:2 God% meri$#l and graio#s%
longs#$$ering% and abo#nding in goodness and tr#th%
69o -0:4 .'ee*ing mery $or tho#sands% $orgi!ing iniE#ity and transgression and sin% by no means learing (the
g#ilty%) !isiting the iniE#ity o$ the $athers #*on the hildren and the hildrenAs hildren to the third and the $o#rth
69o -0:8 ,o ?oses made haste and bowed his head toward the earth% and worshi*ed"
69o -0:9 Then he said% .I$ now I ha!e $o#nd grae in Bo#r sight% 8 /ord% let my /ord% I *ray% go among #s% e!en
tho#gh we (are) a sti$$Dne'ed *eo*le& and *ardon o#r iniE#ity and o#r sin% and ta'e #s as Bo#r inheritane".
69o -0:15 +nd He said: .Behold% I ma'e a o!enant" Be$ore all yo#r *eo*le I will do mar!els s#h as ha!e not
been done in all the earth% nor in any nation& and all the *eo*le among whom yo# (are) shall see the wor' o$ the
/8:2" ;or it (is) an awesome thing that I will do with yo#"
69o -0:11 .8bser!e what I ommand yo# this day" Behold% I am dri!ing o#t $rom be$ore yo# the +morite and the
=anaanite and the Hittite and the <eriHHite and the Hi!ite and the Jeb#site"
69o -0:12 .Ta'e heed to yo#rsel$% lest yo# ma'e a o!enant with the inhabitants o$ the land where yo# are
going% lest it be a snare in yo#r midst"
69o -0:1- .B#t yo# shall destroy their altars% brea' their (sared) *illars% and #t down their (wooden) images
69o -0:10 AI$or yo# shall worshi* no other god% $or the /8:2% whose name (is) Jealo#s% (is) a @ealo#s GodJ%
69o -0:11 .lest yo# ma'e a o!enant with the inhabitants o$ the land% and they *lay the harlot with their gods
and ma'e sari$ie to their gods% and (one o$ them) in!ites yo# and yo# eat o$ his sari$ie%
69o -0:13 .and yo# ta'e o$ his da#ghters $or yo#r sons% and his da#ghters *lay the harlot with their gods and
ma'e yo#r sons *lay the harlot with their gods"
69o -0:14 .Bo# shall ma'e no molded gods $or yo#rsel!es"
69o -0:18 . The ;east o$ 7nlea!ened Bread yo# shall 'ee*" ,e!en days yo# shall eat #nlea!ened bread% as I
ommanded yo#% in the a**ointed time o$ the month o$ +bib& $or in the month o$ +bib yo# ame o#t $rom 6gy*t"
69o -0:19 .+ll that o*en the womb (are) ?ine% and e!ery male $irstborn among yo#r li!esto'% (whether) o9 or
69o -0:25 .B#t the $irstborn o$ a don'ey yo# shall redeem with a lamb" +nd i$ yo# will not redeem (him%) then
yo# shall brea' his ne'" +ll the $irstborn o$ yo#r sons yo# shall redeem" +nd none shall a**ear be$ore ?e
69o -0:21 . ,i9 days yo# shall wor'% b#t on the se!enth day yo# shall rest& in *lowing time and in har!est yo#
shall rest"
69o -0:22 .+nd yo# shall obser!e the ;east o$ >ee's% o$ the $irst$r#its o$ wheat har!est% and the ;east o$
Ingathering at the yearAs end"
69o -0:2- .Three times in the year all yo#r men shall a**ear be$ore the /ord% the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
69o -0:20 .;or I will ast o#t the nations be$ore yo# and enlarge yo#r borders& neither will any man o!et yo#r
land when yo# go #* to a**ear be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God three times in the year"
69o -0:21 . Bo# shall not o$$er the blood o$ ?y sari$ie with lea!en% nor shall the sari$ie o$ the ;east o$ the
<asso!er be le$t #ntil morning"
69o -0:23 .The $irst o$ the $irst$r#its o$ yo#r land yo# shall bring to the ho#se o$ the /8:2 yo#r God" Bo# shall
not boil a yo#ng goat in its motherAs mil'".
69o -0:24 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .>rite these words% $or aording to the tenor o$ these words I ha!e
made a o!enant with yo# and with Israel".
69o -0:28 ,o he was there with the /8:2 $orty days and $orty nights& he neither ate bread nor dran' water" +nd
He wrote on the tablets the words o$ the o!enant% the Ten =ommandments"
69o -0:29 Now it was so% when ?oses ame down $rom ?o#nt ,inai Iand the two tablets o$ the Testimony
(were) in ?osesA hand when he ame down $rom the mo#ntainJ% that ?oses did not 'now that the s'in o$ his $ae
shone while he tal'ed with Him"
69o -0:-5 ,o when +aron and all the hildren o$ Israel saw ?oses% behold% the s'in o$ his $ae shone% and they
were a$raid to ome near him"
69o -0:-1 Then ?oses alled to them% and +aron and all the r#lers o$ the ongregation ret#rned to him& and
?oses tal'ed with them"
69o -0:-2 +$terward all the hildren o$ Israel ame near% and he ga!e them as ommandments all that the
/8:2 had s*o'en with him on ?o#nt ,inai"
69o -0:-- +nd when ?oses had $inished s*ea'ing with them% he *#t a !eil on his $ae"
69o -0:-0 B#t whene!er ?oses went in be$ore the /8:2 to s*ea' with Him% he wo#ld ta'e the !eil o$$ #ntil he
ame o#t& and he wo#ld ome o#t and s*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel whate!er he had been ommanded"
69o -0:-1 +nd whene!er the hildren o$ Israel saw the $ae o$ ?oses% that the s'in o$ ?osesA $ae shone% then
?oses wo#ld *#t the !eil on his $ae again% #ntil he went in to s*ea' with Him"
69o -1:1 Then ?oses gathered all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel together% and said to them% .These
(are) the words whih the /8:2 has ommanded (yo#) to do:
69o -1:2 .>or' shall be done $or si9 days% b#t the se!enth day shall be a holy day $or yo#% a ,abbath o$ rest to
the /8:2" >hoe!er does any wor' on it shall be *#t to death"
69o -1:- .Bo# shall 'indle no $ire thro#gho#t yo#r dwellings on the ,abbath day".
69o -1:0 +nd ?oses s*o'e to all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel% saying% .This (is) the thing whih the
/8:2 ommanded% saying:
69o -1:1 ATa'e $rom among yo# an o$$ering to the /8:2" >hoe!er (is) o$ a willing heart% let him bring it as an
o$$ering to the /8:2: gold% sil!er% and bronHe&
69o -1:3 Abl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) $ine linen% and goatsA (hair&)
69o -1:4 Aram s'ins dyed red% badger s'ins% and aaia wood&
69o -1:8 Aoil $or the light% and s*ies $or the anointing oil and $or the sweet inense&
69o -1:9 Aony9 stones% and stones to be set in the e*hod and in the breast*late"
69o -1:15 A +ll (who are) gi$ted artisans among yo# shall ome and ma'e all that the /8:2 has ommanded:
69o -1:11 Athe tabernale% its tent% its o!ering% its las*s% its boards% its bars% its *illars% and its so'ets&
69o -1:12 Athe ar' and its *oles% (with) the mery seat% and the !eil o$ the o!ering&
69o -1:1- Athe table and its *oles% all its #tensils% and the showbread&
69o -1:10 Aalso the lam*stand $or the light% its #tensils% its lam*s% and the oil $or the light&
69o -1:11 Athe inense altar% its *oles% the anointing oil% the sweet inense% and the sreen $or the door at the
entrane o$ the tabernale&
69o -1:13 Athe altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering with its bronHe grating% its *oles% all its #tensils% (and) the la!er and its base&
69o -1:14 Athe hangings o$ the o#rt% its *illars% their so'ets% and the sreen $or the gate o$ the o#rt&
69o -1:18 Athe *egs o$ the tabernale% the *egs o$ the o#rt% and their ords&
69o -1:19 Athe garments o$ ministry% $or ministering in the holy (*lae DD the) holy garments $or +aron the *riest
and the garments o$ his sons% to minister as *riests"A .
69o -1:25 +nd all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel de*arted $rom the *resene o$ ?oses"
69o -1:21 Then e!eryone ame whose heart was stirred% and e!eryone whose s*irit was willing% (and) they
bro#ght the /8:2As o$$ering $or the wor' o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% $or all its ser!ie% and $or the holy
69o -1:22 They ame% both men and women% as many as had a willing heart% (and) bro#ght earrings and nose
rings% rings and ne'laes% all @ewelry o$ gold% that is% e!ery man who (made) an o$$ering o$ gold to the /8:2"
69o -1:2- +nd e!ery man% with whom was $o#nd bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) $ine linen% and goatsA (hair%)
red s'ins o$ rams% and badger s'ins% bro#ght (them")
69o -1:20 6!eryone who o$$ered an o$$ering o$ sil!er or bronHe bro#ght the /8:2As o$$ering" +nd e!eryone with
whom was $o#nd aaia wood $or any wor' o$ the ser!ie% bro#ght (it")
69o -1:21 +ll the women (who were) gi$ted artisans s*#n yarn with their hands% and bro#ght what they had
s*#n% o$ bl#e % *#r*le% (and) sarlet% and $ine linen"
69o -1:23 +nd all the women whose heart stirred with wisdom s*#n yarn o$ goatsA (hair")
69o -1:24 The r#lers bro#ght ony9 stones% and the stones to be set in the e*hod and in the breast*late%
69o -1:28 and s*ies and oil $or the light% $or the anointing oil% and $or the sweet inense"
69o -1:29 The hildren o$ Israel bro#ght a $reewill o$$ering to the /8:2% all the men and women whose hearts
were willing to bring (material) $or all 'inds o$ wor' whih the /8:2% by the hand o$ ?oses% had ommanded to
be done"
69o -1:-5 +nd ?oses said to the hildren o$ Israel% .,ee% the /8:2 has alled by name BeHalel the son o$ 7ri%
the son o$ H#r% o$ the tribe o$ J#dah&
69o -1:-1 .and He has $illed him with the ,*irit o$ God% in wisdom and #nderstanding% in 'nowledge and all
manner o$ wor'manshi*%
69o -1:-2 .to design artisti wor's% to wor' in gold and sil!er and bronHe%
69o -1:-- .in #tting @ewels $or setting% in ar!ing wood% and to wor' in all manner o$ artisti wor'manshi*"
69o -1:-0 .+nd He has *#t in his heart the ability to teah% (in) him and +holiab the son o$ +hisamah% o$ the
tribe o$ 2an"
69o -1:-1 .He has $illed them with s'ill to do all manner o$ wor' o$ the engra!er and the designer and the
ta*estry ma'er% in bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and $ine linen% and o$ the wea!er DD those who do e!ery wor'
and those who design artisti wor's"
69o -3:1 .+nd BeHalel and +holiab% and e!ery gi$ted artisan in whom the /8:2 has *#t wisdom and
#nderstanding% to 'now how to do all manner o$ wor' $or the ser!ie o$ the sant#ary% shall do aording to all
that the /8:2 has ommanded".
69o -3:2 Then ?oses alled BeHalel and +holiab% and e!ery gi$ted artisan in whose heart the /8:2 had *#t
wisdom% e!eryone whose heart was stirred% to ome and do the wor'"
69o -3:- +nd they reei!ed $rom ?oses all the o$$ering whih the hildren o$ Israel had bro#ght $or the wor' o$
the ser!ie o$ ma'ing the sant#ary" ,o they ontin#ed bringing to him $reewill o$$erings e!ery morning"
69o -3:0 Then all the ra$tsmen who were doing all the wor' o$ the sant#ary ame% eah $rom the wor' he was
69o -3:1 and they s*o'e to ?oses% saying% .The *eo*le bring m#h more than eno#gh $or the ser!ie o$ the
wor' whih the /8:2 ommanded (#s) to do".
69o -3:3 ,o ?oses ga!e a ommandment% and they a#sed it to be *rolaimed thro#gho#t the am*% saying%
./et neither man nor woman do any more wor' $or the o$$ering o$ the sant#ary". +nd the *eo*le were restrained
$rom bringing%
69o -3:4 $or the material they had was s#$$iient $or all the wor' to be done DD indeed too m#h"
69o -3:8 Then all the gi$ted artisans among them who wor'ed on the tabernale made ten #rtains wo!en o$
$ine linen% and o$ bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread& with) artisti designs o$ her#bim they made them"
69o -3:9 The length o$ eah #rtain (was) twentyDeight #bits% and the width o$ eah #rtain $o#r #bits& the
#rtains (were) all the same siHe"
69o -3:15 +nd he o#*led $i!e #rtains to one another% and (the other) $i!e #rtains he o#*led to one another"
69o -3:11 He made loo*s o$ bl#e (yarn) on the edge o$ the #rtain on the sel!edge o$ one set& li'ewise he did
on the o#ter edge o$ (the other) #rtain o$ the seond set"
69o -3:12 ;i$ty loo*s he made on one #rtain% and $i$ty loo*s he made on the edge o$ the #rtain on the end o$
the seond set& the loo*s held one (#rtain) to another"
69o -3:1- +nd he made $i$ty las*s o$ gold% and o#*led the #rtains to one another with the las*s% that it
might be one tabernale"
69o -3:10 He made #rtains o$ goatsA (hair) $or the tent o!er the tabernale& he made ele!en #rtains"
69o -3:11 The length o$ eah #rtain (was) thirty #bits% and the width o$ eah #rtain $o#r #bits& the ele!en
#rtains (were) the same siHe"
69o -3:13 He o#*led $i!e #rtains by themsel!es and si9 #rtains by themsel!es"
69o -3:14 +nd he made $i$ty loo*s on the edge o$ the #rtain that is o#termost in one set% and $i$ty loo*s he
made on the edge o$ the #rtain o$ the seond set"
69o -3:18 He also made $i$ty bronHe las*s to o#*le the tent together% that it might be one"
69o -3:19 Then he made a o!ering $or the tent o$ ram s'ins dyed red% and a o!ering o$ badger s'ins abo!e
69o -3:25 ;or the tabernale he made boards o$ aaia wood% standing #*right"
69o -3:21 The length o$ eah board (was) ten #bits% and the width o$ eah board a #bit and a hal$"
69o -3:22 6ah board had two tenons $or binding one to another" Th#s he made $or all the boards o$ the
69o -3:2- +nd he made boards $or the tabernale% twenty boards $or the so#th side"
69o -3:20 ;orty so'ets o$ sil!er he made to go #nder the twenty boards: two so'ets #nder eah o$ the boards
$or its two tenons"
69o -3:21 +nd $or the other side o$ the tabernale% the north side% he made twenty boards
69o -3:23 and their $orty so'ets o$ sil!er: two so'ets #nder eah o$ the boards"
69o -3:24 ;or the west side o$ the tabernale he made si9 boards"
69o -3:28 He also made two boards $or the two ba' orners o$ the tabernale"
69o -3:29 +nd they were o#*led at the bottom and o#*led together at the to* by one ring" Th#s he made both
o$ them $or the two orners"
69o -3:-5 ,o there were eight boards and their so'ets DD si9teen so'ets o$ sil!er DD two so'ets #nder eah o$
the boards"
69o -3:-1 +nd he made bars o$ aaia wood: $i!e $or the boards on one side o$ the tabernale%
69o -3:-2 $i!e bars $or the boards on the other side o$ the tabernale% and $i!e bars $or the boards o$ the
tabernale on the $ar side westward"
69o -3:-- +nd he made the middle bar to *ass thro#gh the boards $rom one end to the other"
69o -3:-0 He o!erlaid the boards with gold% made their rings o$ gold (to be) holders $or the bars% and o!erlaid
the bars with gold"
69o -3:-1 +nd he made a !eil o$ bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and $ine wo!en linen& it was wor'ed (with) an
artisti design o$ her#bim"
69o -3:-3 He made $or it $o#r *illars o$ aaia (wood%) and o!erlaid them with gold% with their hoo's o$ gold& and
he ast $o#r so'ets o$ sil!er $or them"
69o -3:-4 He also made a sreen $or the tabernale door% o$ bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and $ine wo!en
linen% made by a wea!er%
69o -3:-8 and its $i!e *illars with their hoo's" +nd he o!erlaid their a*itals and their rings with gold% b#t their
$i!e so'ets (were) bronHe"
69o -4:1 Then BeHalel made the ar' o$ aaia wood& two and a hal$ #bits (was) its length% a #bit and a hal$ its
width% and a #bit and a hal$ its height"
69o -4:2 He o!erlaid it with *#re gold inside and o#tside% and made a molding o$ gold all aro#nd it"
69o -4:- +nd he ast $or it $o#r rings o$ gold (to be set) in its $o#r orners: two rings on one side% and two rings
on the other side o$ it"
69o -4:0 He made *oles o$ aaia wood% and o!erlaid them with gold"
69o -4:1 +nd he *#t the *oles into the rings at the sides o$ the ar'% to bear the ar'"
69o -4:3 He also made the mery seat o$ *#re gold& two and a hal$ #bits (was) its length and a #bit and a hal$
its width"
69o -4:4 He made two her#bim o$ beaten gold& he made them o$ one *iee at the two ends o$ the mery seat:
69o -4:8 one her#b at one end on this side% and the other her#b at the (other) end on that side" He made the
her#bim at the two ends (o$ one *iee) with the mery seat"
69o -4:9 The her#bim s*read o#t (their) wings abo!e% (and) o!ered the mery seat with their wings" They
$aed one another& the $aes o$ the her#bim were toward the mery seat"
69o -4:15 He made the table o$ aaia wood& two #bits (was) its length% a #bit its width% and a #bit and a hal$
its height"
69o -4:11 +nd he o!erlaid it with *#re gold% and made a molding o$ gold all aro#nd it"
69o -4:12 +lso he made a $rame o$ a handbreadth all aro#nd it% and made a molding o$ gold $or the $rame all
aro#nd it"
69o -4:1- +nd he ast $or it $o#r rings o$ gold% and *#t the rings on the $o#r orners that (were) at its $o#r legs"
69o -4:10 The rings were lose to the $rame% as holders $or the *oles to bear the table"
69o -4:11 +nd he made the *oles o$ aaia wood to bear the table% and o!erlaid them with gold"
69o -4:13 He made o$ *#re gold the #tensils whih were on the table: its dishes% its #*s% its bowls% and its
*ithers $or *o#ring"
69o -4:14 He also made the lam*stand o$ *#re gold& o$ hammered wor' he made the lam*stand" Its sha$t% its
branhes% its bowls% its (ornamental) 'nobs% and its $lowers were o$ the same *iee"
69o -4:18 +nd si9 branhes ame o#t o$ its sides: three branhes o$ the lam*stand o#t o$ one side% and three
branhes o$ the lam*stand o#t o$ the other side"
69o -4:19 There were three bowls made li'e almond (blossoms) on one branh% with an (ornamental) 'nob and
a $lower% and three bowls made li'e almond (blossoms) on the other branh% with an (ornamental) 'nob and a
$lower DD and so $or the si9 branhes oming o#t o$ the lam*stand"
69o -4:25 +nd on the lam*stand itsel$ (were) $o#r bowls made li'e almond (blossoms% eah with) its
(ornamental) 'nob and $lower"
69o -4:21 (There was) a 'nob #nder the ($irst) two branhes o$ the same% a 'nob #nder the (seond) two
branhes o$ the same% and a 'nob #nder the (third) two branhes o$ the same% aording to the si9 branhes
e9tending $rom it"
69o -4:22 Their 'nobs and their branhes were o$ one *iee& all o$ it (was) one hammered *iee o$ *#re gold"
69o -4:2- +nd he made its se!en lam*s% its wi'Dtrimmers% and its trays o$ *#re gold"
69o -4:20 8$ a talent o$ *#re gold he made it% with all its #tensils"
69o -4:21 He made the inense altar o$ aaia wood" Its length (was) a #bit and its width a #bit DD (it was)
sE#are DD and two #bits (was) its height" Its horns were (o$ one *iee) with it"
69o -4:23 +nd he o!erlaid it with *#re gold: its to*% its sides all aro#nd% and its horns" He also made $or it a
molding o$ gold all aro#nd it"
69o -4:24 He made two rings o$ gold $or it #nder its molding% by its two orners on both sides% as holders $or the
*oles with whih to bear it"
69o -4:28 +nd he made the *oles o$ aaia wood% and o!erlaid them with gold"
69o -4:29 He also made the holy anointing oil and the *#re inense o$ sweet s*ies% aording to the wor' o$
the *er$#mer"
69o -8:1 He made the altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering o$ aaia wood& $i!e #bits (was) its length and $i!e #bits its width
DD (it was) sE#are DD and its height (was) three #bits"
69o -8:2 He made its horns on its $o#r orners& the horns were (o$ one *iee) with it" +nd he o!erlaid it with
69o -8:- He made all the #tensils $or the altar: the *ans% the sho!els% the basins% the $or's% and the $ire*ans& all
its #tensils he made o$ bronHe"
69o -8:0 +nd he made a grate o$ bronHe networ' $or the altar% #nder its rim% midway $rom the bottom"
69o -8:1 He ast $o#r rings $or the $o#r orners o$ the bronHe grating% (as) holders $or the *oles"
69o -8:3 +nd he made the *oles o$ aaia wood% and o!erlaid them with bronHe"
69o -8:4 Then he *#t the *oles into the rings on the sides o$ the altar% with whih to bear it" He made the altar
hollow with boards"
69o -8:8 He made the la!er o$ bronHe and its base o$ bronHe% $rom the bronHe mirrors o$ the ser!ing women
who assembled at the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
69o -8:9 Then he made the o#rt on the so#th side& the hangings o$ the o#rt (were o$) $ine wo!en linen% one
h#ndred #bits long"
69o -8:15 There (were) twenty *illars $or them% with twenty bronHe so'ets" The hoo's o$ the *illars and their
bands (were) sil!er"
69o -8:11 8n the north side (the hangings were) one h#ndred #bits (long%) with twenty *illars and their twenty
bronHe so'ets" The hoo's o$ the *illars and their bands (were) sil!er"
69o -8:12 +nd on the west side (there were) hangings o$ $i$ty #bits% with ten *illars and their ten so'ets" The
hoo's o$ the *illars and their bands (were) sil!er"
69o -8:1- ;or the east side (the hangings were) $i$ty #bits"
69o -8:10 The hangings o$ one side (o$ the gate were) $i$teen #bits (long% with) their three *illars and their three
69o -8:11 and the same $or the other side o$ the o#rt gate& on this side and that (were) hangings o$ $i$teen
#bits% (with) their three *illars and their three so'ets"
69o -8:13 +ll the hangings o$ the o#rt all aro#nd (were o$) $ine wo!en linen"
69o -8:14 The so'ets $or the *illars (were) bronHe% the hoo's o$ the *illars and their bands (were) sil!er% and
the o!erlay o$ their a*itals (was) sil!er& and all the *illars o$ the o#rt had bands o$ sil!er"
69o -8:18 The sreen $or the gate o$ the o#rt (was) wo!en o$ bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and o$ $ine
wo!en linen" The length (was) twenty #bits% and the height along its width (was) $i!e #bits% orres*onding to the
hangings o$ the o#rt"
69o -8:19 +nd (there were) $o#r *illars (with) their $o#r so'ets o$ bronHe& their hoo's (were) sil!er% and the
o!erlay o$ their a*itals and their bands (was) sil!er"
69o -8:25 +ll the *egs o$ the tabernale% and o$ the o#rt all aro#nd% (were) bronHe"
69o -8:21 This is the in!entory o$ the tabernale% the tabernale o$ the Testimony% whih was o#nted aording
to the ommandment o$ ?oses% $or the ser!ie o$ the /e!ites% by the hand o$ Ithamar% son o$ +aron the *riest"
69o -8:22 BeHalel the son o$ 7ri% the son o$ H#r% o$ the tribe o$ J#dah% made all that the /8:2 had ommanded
69o -8:2- +nd with him (was) +holiab the son o$ +hisamah% o$ the tribe o$ 2an% an engra!er and designer% a
wea!er o$ bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and o$ $ine linen"
69o -8:20 +ll the gold that was #sed in all the wor' o$ the holy (*lae%) that is% the gold o$ the o$$ering% was
twentyDnine talents and se!en h#ndred and thirty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary"
69o -8:21 +nd the sil!er $rom those who were n#mbered o$ the ongregation (was) one h#ndred talents and
one tho#sand se!en h#ndred and se!entyD$i!e she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary:
69o -8:23 a be'ah $or eah man I(that is%) hal$ a she'el% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#aryJ% $or e!eryone
inl#ded in the n#mbering $rom twenty years old and abo!e% $or si9 h#ndred and three tho#sand% $i!e h#ndred
and $i$ty (men")
69o -8:24 +nd $rom the h#ndred talents o$ sil!er were ast the so'ets o$ the sant#ary and the bases o$ the
!eil: one h#ndred so'ets $rom the h#ndred talents% one talent $or eah so'et"
69o -8:28 Then $rom the one tho#sand se!en h#ndred and se!entyD$i!e (she'els) he made hoo's $or the *illars%
o!erlaid their a*itals% and made bands $or them"
69o -8:29 The o$$ering o$ bronHe (was) se!enty talents and two tho#sand $o#r h#ndred she'els"
69o -8:-5 +nd with it he made the so'ets $or the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% the bronHe altar% the
bronHe grating $or it% and all the #tensils $or the altar%
69o -8:-1 the so'ets $or the o#rt all aro#nd% the bases $or the o#rt gate% all the *egs $or the tabernale% and
all the *egs $or the o#rt all aro#nd"
69o -9:1 8$ the bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread) they made garments o$ ministry% $or ministering in the holy
(*lae%) and made the holy garments $or +aron% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o -9:2 He made the e*hod o$ gold% bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and o$ $ine wo!en linen"
69o -9:- +nd they beat the gold into thin sheets and #t (it into) threads% to wor' (it) in (with) the bl#e% *#r*le%
and sarlet (thread) and the $ine linen% (into) artisti designs"
69o -9:0 They made sho#lder stra*s $or it to o#*le (it) together& it was o#*led together at its two edges"
69o -9:1 +nd the intriately wo!en band o$ his e*hod that (was) on it (was) o$ the same wor'manshi*% (wo!en
o$) gold% bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and o$ $ine wo!en linen% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o -9:3 +nd they set ony9 stones% enlosed in settings o$ gold& they were engra!ed% as signets are engra!ed%
with the names o$ the sons o$ Israel"
69o -9:4 He *#t them on the sho#lders o$ the e*hod (as) memorial stones $or the sons o$ Israel% as the /8:2
had ommanded ?oses"
69o -9:8 +nd he made the breast*late% artistially wo!en li'e the wor'manshi* o$ the e*hod% o$ gold% bl#e%
*#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) and o$ $ine wo!en linen"
69o -9:9 They made the breast*late sE#are by do#bling it& a s*an (was) its length and a s*an its width when
69o -9:15 +nd they set in it $o#r rows o$ stones: a row with a sardi#s% a to*aH% and an emerald was the $irst row&
69o -9:11 the seond row% a t#rE#oise% a sa**hire% and a diamond&
69o -9:12 the third row% a @ainth% an agate% and an amethyst&
69o -9:1- the $o#rth row% a beryl% an ony9% and a @as*er" (They were) enlosed in settings o$ gold in their
69o -9:10 (There were) twel!e stones aording to the names o$ the sons o$ Israel: aording to their names%
(engra!ed li'e) a signet% eah one with its own name aording to the twel!e tribes"
69o -9:11 +nd they made hains $or the breast*late at the ends% li'e braided ords o$ *#re gold"
69o -9:13 They also made two settings o$ gold and two gold rings% and *#t the two rings on the two ends o$ the
69o -9:14 +nd they *#t the two braided hains o$ gold in the two rings on the ends o$ the breast*late"
69o -9:18 The two ends o$ the two braided hains they $astened in the two settings% and *#t them on the
sho#lder stra*s o$ the e*hod in the $ront"
69o -9:19 +nd they made two rings o$ gold and *#t (them) on the two ends o$ the breast*late% on the edge o$ it%
whih (was) on the inward side o$ the e*hod"
69o -9:25 They made two (other) gold rings and *#t them on the two sho#lder stra*s% #nderneath the e*hod
toward its $ront% right at the seam abo!e the intriately wo!en band o$ the e*hod"
69o -9:21 +nd they bo#nd the breast*late by means o$ its rings to the rings o$ the e*hod with a bl#e ord% so
that it wo#ld be abo!e the intriately wo!en band o$ the e*hod% and that the breast*late wo#ld not ome loose
$rom the e*hod% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o -9:22 He made the robe o$ the e*hod o$ wo!en wor'% all o$ bl#e"
69o -9:2- +nd (there was) an o*ening in the middle o$ the robe% li'e the o*ening in a oat o$ mail% (with) a
wo!en binding all aro#nd the o*ening% so that it wo#ld not tear"
69o -9:20 They made on the hem o$ the robe *omegranates o$ bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet% and o$ $ine wo!en
69o -9:21 +nd they made bells o$ *#re gold% and *#t the bells between the *omegranates on the hem o$ the
robe all aro#nd between the *omegranates:
69o -9:23 a bell and a *omegranate% a bell and a *omegranate% all aro#nd the hem o$ the robe to minister in% as
the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o -9:24 They made t#nis% artistially wo!en o$ $ine linen% $or +aron and his sons%
69o -9:28 a t#rban o$ $ine linen% e9E#isite hats o$ $ine linen% short tro#sers o$ $ine wo!en linen%
69o -9:29 and a sash o$ $ine wo!en linen with bl#e% *#r*le% and sarlet (thread%) made by a wea!er% as the
/8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o -9:-5 Then they made the *late o$ the holy rown o$ *#re gold% and wrote on it an insri*tion (li'e) the
engra!ing o$ a signet: H8/IN6,, T8 TH6 /8:2"
69o -9:-1 +nd they tied to it a bl#e ord% to $asten (it) abo!e on the t#rban% as the /8:2 had ommanded
69o -9:-2 Th#s all the wor' o$ the tabernale o$ the tent o$ meeting was $inished" +nd the hildren o$ Israel did
aording to all that the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses& so they did"
69o -9:-- +nd they bro#ght the tabernale to ?oses% the tent and all its $#rnishings: its las*s% its boards% its
bars% its *illars% and its so'ets&
69o -9:-0 the o!ering o$ ram s'ins dyed red% the o!ering o$ badger s'ins% and the !eil o$ the o!ering&
69o -9:-1 the ar' o$ the Testimony with its *oles% and the mery seat&
69o -9:-3 the table% all its #tensils% and the showbread&
69o -9:-4 the *#re (gold) lam*stand with its lam*s Ithe lam*s set in orderJ% all its #tensils% and the oil $or light&
69o -9:-8 the gold altar% the anointing oil% and the sweet inense& the sreen $or the tabernale door&
69o -9:-9 the bronHe altar% its grate o$ bronHe% its *oles% and all its #tensils& the la!er with its base&
69o -9:05 the hangings o$ the o#rt% its *illars and its so'ets% the sreen $or the o#rt gate% its ords% and its
*egs& all the #tensils $or the ser!ie o$ the tabernale% $or the tent o$ meeting&
69o -9:01 and the garments o$ ministry% to minister in the holy (*lae:) the holy garments $or +aron the *riest%
and his sonsA garments% to minister as *riests"
69o -9:02 +ording to all that the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses% so the hildren o$ Israel did all the wor'"
69o -9:0- Then ?oses loo'ed o!er all the wor'% and indeed they had done it& as the /8:2 had ommanded%
@#st so they had done it" +nd ?oses blessed them"
69o 05:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
69o 05:2 .8n the $irst day o$ the $irst month yo# shall set #* the tabernale o$ the tent o$ meeting"
69o 05:- .Bo# shall *#t in it the ar' o$ the Testimony% and *artition o$$ the ar' with the !eil"
69o 05:0 .Bo# shall bring in the table and arrange the things that are to be set in order on it& and yo# shall bring
in the lam*stand and light its lam*s"
69o 05:1 .Bo# shall also set the altar o$ gold $or the inense be$ore the ar' o$ the Testimony% and *#t #* the
sreen $or the door o$ the tabernale"
69o 05:3 .Then yo# shall set the altar o$ the b#rnt o$$ering be$ore the door o$ the tabernale o$ the tent o$
69o 05:4 .+nd yo# shall set the la!er between the tabernale o$ meeting and the altar% and *#t water in it"
69o 05:8 .Bo# shall set #* the o#rt all aro#nd% and hang #* the sreen at the o#rt gate"
69o 05:9 .+nd yo# shall ta'e the anointing oil% and anoint the tabernale and all that (is) in it& and yo# shall
hallow it and all its #tensils% and it shall be holy"
69o 05:15 .Bo# shall anoint the altar o$ the b#rnt o$$ering and all its #tensils% and onserate the altar" The altar
shall be most holy"
69o 05:11 .+nd yo# shall anoint the la!er and its base% and onserate it"
69o 05:12 .Then yo# shall bring +aron and his sons to the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting and wash them
with water"
69o 05:1- .Bo# shall *#t the holy garments on +aron% and anoint him and onserate him% that he may minister
to ?e as *riest"
69o 05:10 .+nd yo# shall bring his sons and lothe them with t#nis"
69o 05:11 .Bo# shall anoint them% as yo# anointed their $ather% that they may minister to ?e as *riests& $or their
anointing shall s#rely be an e!erlasting *riesthood thro#gho#t their generations".
69o 05:13 Th#s ?oses did& aording to all that the /8:2 had ommanded him% so he did"
69o 05:14 +nd it ame to *ass in the $irst month o$ the seond year% on the $irst (day) o$ the month% (that) the
tabernale was raised #*"
69o 05:18 ,o ?oses raised #* the tabernale% $astened its so'ets% set #* its boards% *#t in its bars% and raised
#* its *illars"
69o 05:19 +nd he s*read o#t the tent o!er the tabernale and *#t the o!ering o$ the tent on to* o$ it% as the
/8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o 05:25 He too' the Testimony and *#t (it) into the ar'% inserted the *oles thro#gh the rings o$ the ar'% and *#t
the mery seat on to* o$ the ar'"
69o 05:21 +nd he bro#ght the ar' into the tabernale% h#ng #* the !eil o$ the o!ering% and *artitioned o$$ the
ar' o$ the Testimony% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o 05:22 He *#t the table in the tabernale o$ meeting% on the north side o$ the tabernale% o#tside the !eil&
69o 05:2- and he set the bread in order #*on it be$ore the /8:2% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o 05:20 He *#t the lam*stand in the tabernale o$ meeting% aross $rom the table% on the so#th side o$ the
69o 05:21 and he lit the lam*s be$ore the /8:2% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o 05:23 He *#t the gold altar in the tabernale o$ meeting in $ront o$ the !eil&
69o 05:24 and he b#rned sweet inense on it% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o 05:28 He h#ng #* the sreen (at) the door o$ the tabernale"
69o 05:29 +nd he *#t the altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering (be$ore) the door o$ the tabernale o$ the tent o$ meeting% and
o$$ered #*on it the b#rnt o$$ering and the grain o$$ering% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o 05:-5 He set the la!er between the tabernale o$ meeting and the altar% and *#t water there $or washing&
69o 05:-1 and ?oses% +aron% and his sons wo#ld wash their hands and their $eet (with water) $rom it"
69o 05:-2 >hene!er they went into the tabernale o$ meeting% and when they ame near the altar% they
washed% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
69o 05:-- +nd he raised #* the o#rt all aro#nd the tabernale and the altar% and h#ng #* the sreen o$ the
o#rt gate" ,o ?oses $inished the wor'"
69o 05:-0 Then the lo#d o!ered the tabernale o$ meeting% and the glory o$ the /8:2 $illed the tabernale"
69o 05:-1 +nd ?oses was not able to enter the tabernale o$ meeting% bea#se the lo#d rested abo!e it% and
the glory o$ the /8:2 $illed the tabernale"
69o 05:-3 >hene!er the lo#d was ta'en #* $rom abo!e the tabernale% the hildren o$ Israel wo#ld go onward
in all their @o#rneys"
69o 05:-4 B#t i$ the lo#d was not ta'en #*% then they did not @o#rney till the day that it was ta'en #*"
69o 05:-8 ;or the lo#d o$ the /8:2 (was) abo!e the tabernale by day% and $ire was o!er it by night% in the
sight o$ all the ho#se o$ Israel% thro#gho#t all their @o#rneys"
/e! 1:1 Now the /8:2 alled to ?oses% and s*o'e to him $rom the tabernale o$ meeting% saying%
/e! 1:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hen any one o$ yo# brings an o$$ering to the /8:2%
yo# shall bring yo#r o$$ering o$ the li!esto' DD o$ the herd and o$ the $lo'"
/e! 1:- A I$ his o$$ering (is) a b#rnt sari$ie o$ the herd% let him o$$er a male witho#t blemish& he shall o$$er it o$
his own $ree will at the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 1:0 AThen he shall *#t his hand on the head o$ the b#rnt o$$ering% and it will be ae*ted on his behal$ to
ma'e atonement $or him"
/e! 1:1 AHe shall 'ill the b#ll be$ore the /8:2& and the *riests% +aronAs sons% shall bring the blood and s*rin'le
the blood all aro#nd on the altar that (is by) the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
/e! 1:3 A+nd he shall s'in the b#rnt o$$ering and #t it into its *iees"
/e! 1:4 AThe sons o$ +aron the *riest shall *#t $ire on the altar% and lay the wood in order on the $ire"
/e! 1:8 AThen the *riests% +aronAs sons% shall lay the *arts% the head% and the $at in order on the wood that (is) on
the $ire #*on the altar&
/e! 1:9 Ab#t he shall wash its entrails and its legs with water" +nd the *riest shall b#rn all on the altar as a b#rnt
sari$ie% an o$$ering made by $ire% a sweet aroma to the /8:2"
/e! 1:15 A I$ his o$$ering (is) o$ the $lo's DD o$ the shee* or o$ the goats DD as a b#rnt sari$ie% he shall bring a
male witho#t blemish"
/e! 1:11 AHe shall 'ill it on the north side o$ the altar be$ore the /8:2& and the *riests% +aronAs sons% shall
s*rin'le its blood all aro#nd on the altar"
/e! 1:12 A+nd he shall #t it into its *iees% with its head and its $at& and the *riest shall lay them in order on the
wood that (is) on the $ire #*on the altar&
/e! 1:1- Ab#t he shall wash the entrails and the legs with water" Then the *riest shall bring (it) all and b#rn (it) on
the altar& it (is) a b#rnt sari$ie% an o$$ering made by $ire% a sweet aroma to the /8:2"
/e! 1:10 A +nd i$ the b#rnt sari$ie o$ his o$$ering to the /8:2 (is) o$ birds% then he shall bring his o$$ering o$
t#rtledo!es or yo#ng *igeons"
/e! 1:11 AThe *riest shall bring it to the altar% wring o$$ its head% and b#rn (it) on the altar& its blood shall be
drained o#t at the side o$ the altar"
/e! 1:13 A+nd he shall remo!e its ro* with its $eathers and ast it beside the altar on the east side% into the
*lae $or ashes"
/e! 1:14 AThen he shall s*lit it at its wings% (b#t) shall not di!ide (it) om*letely& and the *riest shall b#rn it on the
altar% on the wood that (is) on the $ire" It (is) a b#rnt sari$ie% an o$$ering made by $ire% a sweet aroma to the
/e! 2:1 A>hen anyone o$$ers a grain o$$ering to the /8:2% his o$$ering shall be (o$) $ine $lo#r" +nd he shall *o#r
oil on it% and *#t $ran'inense on it"
/e! 2:2 AHe shall bring it to +aronAs sons% the *riests% one o$ whom shall ta'e $rom it his hand$#l o$ $ine $lo#r and
oil with all the $ran'inense" +nd the *riest shall b#rn (it as) a memorial on the altar% an o$$ering made by $ire% a
sweet aroma to the /8:2"
/e! 2:- AThe rest o$ the grain o$$ering (shall be) +aronAs and his sonsA" (It is) most holy o$ the o$$erings to the
/8:2 made by $ire"
/e! 2:0 A +nd i$ yo# bring as an o$$ering a grain o$$ering ba'ed in the o!en% (it shall be) #nlea!ened a'es o$ $ine
$lo#r mi9ed with oil% or #nlea!ened wa$ers anointed with oil"
/e! 2:1 AB#t i$ yo#r o$$ering (is) a grain o$$ering (ba'ed) in a *an% (it shall be o$) $ine $lo#r% #nlea!ened% mi9ed with
/e! 2:3 ABo# shall brea' it in *iees and *o#r oil on it& it (is) a grain o$$ering"
/e! 2:4 A I$ yo#r o$$ering (is) a grain o$$ering (ba'ed) in a o!ered *an% it shall be made (o$) $ine $lo#r with oil"
/e! 2:8 ABo# shall bring the grain o$$ering that is made o$ these things to the /8:2" +nd when it is *resented to
the *riest% he shall bring it to the altar"
/e! 2:9 AThen the *riest shall ta'e $rom the grain o$$ering a memorial *ortion% and b#rn (it) on the altar" (It is) an
o$$ering made by $ire% a sweet aroma to the /8:2"
/e! 2:15 A+nd what is le$t o$ the grain o$$ering (shall be) +aronAs and his sonsA" (It is) most holy o$ the o$$erings to
the /8:2 made by $ire"
/e! 2:11 A No grain o$$ering whih yo# bring to the /8:2 shall be made with lea!en% $or yo# shall b#rn no
lea!en nor any honey in any o$$ering to the /8:2 made by $ire"
/e! 2:12 A+s $or the o$$ering o$ the $irst$r#its% yo# shall o$$er them to the /8:2% b#t they shall not be b#rned on
the altar $or a sweet aroma"
/e! 2:1- A+nd e!ery o$$ering o$ yo#r grain o$$ering yo# shall season with salt& yo# shall not allow the salt o$ the
o!enant o$ yo#r God to be la'ing $rom yo#r grain o$$ering" >ith all yo#r o$$erings yo# shall o$$er salt"
/e! 2:10 A I$ yo# o$$er a grain o$$ering o$ yo#r $irst$r#its to the /8:2% yo# shall o$$er $or the grain o$$ering o$ yo#r
$irst$r#its green heads o$ grain roasted on the $ire% grain beaten $rom $#ll heads"
/e! 2:11 A+nd yo# shall *#t oil on it% and lay $ran'inense on it" It (is) a grain o$$ering"
/e! 2:13 AThen the *riest shall b#rn the memorial *ortion: (*art) o$ its beaten grain and (*art) o$ its oil% with all the
$ran'inense% as an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2"
/e! -:1 A>hen his o$$ering (is) a sari$ie o$ a *eae o$$ering% i$ he o$$ers (it) o$ the herd% whether male or $emale%
he shall o$$er it witho#t blemish be$ore the /8:2"
/e! -:2 A+nd he shall lay his hand on the head o$ his o$$ering% and 'ill it (at) the door o$ the tabernale o$
meeting& and +aronAs sons% the *riests% shall s*rin'le the blood all aro#nd on the altar"
/e! -:- AThen he shall o$$er $rom the sari$ie o$ the *eae o$$ering an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2" The
$at that o!ers the entrails and all the $at that (is) on the entrails%
/e! -:0 Athe two 'idneys and the $at that (is) on them by the $lan's% and the $atty lobe (attahed) to the li!er
abo!e the 'idneys% he shall remo!e&
/e! -:1 Aand +aronAs sons shall b#rn it on the altar #*on the b#rnt sari$ie% whih (is) on the wood that (is) on
the $ire% (as) an o$$ering made by $ire% a sweet aroma to the /8:2"
/e! -:3 A I$ his o$$ering as a sari$ie o$ a *eae o$$ering to the /8:2 (is) o$ the $lo'% (whether) male or $emale%
he shall o$$er it witho#t blemish"
/e! -:4 AI$ he o$$ers a lamb as his o$$ering% then he shall o$$er it be$ore the /8:2"
/e! -:8 A+nd he shall lay his hand on the head o$ his o$$ering% and 'ill it be$ore the tabernale o$ meeting& and
+aronAs sons shall s*rin'le its blood all aro#nd on the altar"
/e! -:9 AThen he shall o$$er $rom the sari$ie o$ the *eae o$$ering% as an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2% its
$at (and) the whole $at tail whih he shall remo!e lose to the ba'bone" +nd the $at that o!ers the entrails and
all the $at that (is) on the entrails%
/e! -:15 Athe two 'idneys and the $at that (is) on them by the $lan's% and the $atty lobe (attahed) to the li!er
abo!e the 'idneys% he shall remo!e&
/e! -:11 Aand the *riest shall b#rn (them) on the altar (as) $ood% an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2"
/e! -:12 A +nd i$ his o$$ering (is) a goat% then he shall o$$er it be$ore the /8:2"
/e! -:1- AHe shall lay his hand on its head and 'ill it be$ore the tabernale o$ meeting& and the sons o$ +aron
shall s*rin'le its blood all aro#nd on the altar"
/e! -:10 AThen he shall o$$er $rom it his o$$ering% as an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2" The $at that o!ers the
entrails and all the $at that (is) on the entrails%
/e! -:11 Athe two 'idneys and the $at that (is) on them by the $lan's% and the $atty lobe (attahed) to the li!er
abo!e the 'idneys% he shall remo!e&
/e! -:13 Aand the *riest shall b#rn them on the altar (as) $ood% an o$$ering made by $ire $or a sweet aroma& all the
$at (is) the /8:2As"
/e! -:14 A (This shall be) a *er*et#al stat#te thro#gho#t yo#r generations in all yo#r dwellings: yo# shall eat
neither $at nor blood"A .
/e! 0:1 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 0:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: AI$ a *erson sins #nintentionally against any o$ the
ommandments o$ the /8:2 (in anything) whih o#ght not to be done% and does any o$ them%
/e! 0:- Ai$ the anointed *riest sins% bringing g#ilt on the *eo*le% then let him o$$er to the /8:2 $or his sin whih
he has sinned a yo#ng b#ll witho#t blemish as a sin o$$ering"
/e! 0:0 AHe shall bring the b#ll to the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting be$ore the /8:2% lay his hand on the
b#llAs head% and 'ill the b#ll be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 0:1 AThen the anointed *riest shall ta'e some o$ the b#llAs blood and bring it to the tabernale o$ meeting"
/e! 0:3 AThe *riest shall di* his $inger in the blood and s*rin'le some o$ the blood se!en times be$ore the /8:2%
in $ront o$ the !eil o$ the sant#ary"
/e! 0:4 A+nd the *riest shall *#t some o$ the blood on the horns o$ the altar o$ sweet inense be$ore the /8:2%
whih is in the tabernale o$ meeting& and he shall *o#r the remaining blood o$ the b#ll at the base o$ the altar o$
the b#rnt o$$ering% whih is at the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
/e! 0:8 AHe shall ta'e $rom it all the $at o$ the b#ll as the sin o$$ering" The $at that o!ers the entrails and all the
$at whih (is) on the entrails%
/e! 0:9 Athe two 'idneys and the $at that (is) on them by the $lan's% and the $atty lobe (attahed) to the li!er
abo!e the 'idneys% he shall remo!e%
/e! 0:15 Aas it was ta'en $rom the b#ll o$ the sari$ie o$ the *eae o$$ering& and the *riest shall b#rn them on
the altar o$ the b#rnt o$$ering"
/e! 0:11 AB#t the b#llAs hide and all its $lesh% with its head and legs% its entrails and o$$al DD
/e! 0:12 Athe whole b#ll he shall arry o#tside the am* to a lean *lae% where the ashes are *o#red o#t% and
b#rn it on wood with $ire& where the ashes are *o#red o#t it shall be b#rned"
/e! 0:1- A Now i$ the whole ongregation o$ Israel sins #nintentionally% and the thing is hidden $rom the eyes o$
the assembly% and they ha!e done (something against) any o$ the ommandments o$ the /8:2 (in anything)
whih sho#ld not be done% and are g#ilty&
/e! 0:10 Awhen the sin whih they ha!e ommitted beomes 'nown% then the assembly shall o$$er a yo#ng b#ll
$or the sin% and bring it be$ore the tabernale o$ meeting"
/e! 0:11 A+nd the elders o$ the ongregation shall lay their hands on the head o$ the b#ll be$ore the /8:2" Then
the b#ll shall be 'illed be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 0:13 AThe anointed *riest shall bring some o$ the b#llAs blood to the tabernale o$ meeting"
/e! 0:14 AThen the *riest shall di* his $inger in the blood and s*rin'le (it) se!en times be$ore the /8:2% in $ront
o$ the !eil"
/e! 0:18 A+nd he shall *#t (some) o$ the blood on the horns o$ the altar whih (is) be$ore the /8:2% whih (is) in
the tabernale o$ meeting& and he shall *o#r the remaining blood at the base o$ the altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering% whih
is at the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
/e! 0:19 AHe shall ta'e all the $at $rom it and b#rn (it) on the altar"
/e! 0:25 A+nd he shall do with the b#ll as he did with the b#ll as a sin o$$ering& th#s he shall do with it" ,o the
*riest shall ma'e atonement $or them% and it shall be $orgi!en them"
/e! 0:21 AThen he shall arry the b#ll o#tside the am*% and b#rn it as he b#rned the $irst b#ll" It (is) a sin
o$$ering $or the assembly"
/e! 0:22 A >hen a r#ler has sinned% and done (something) #nintentionally (against) any o$ the ommandments o$
the /8:2 his God (in anything) whih sho#ld not be done% and is g#ilty%
/e! 0:2- Aor i$ his sin whih he has ommitted omes to his 'nowledge% he shall bring as his o$$ering a 'id o$ the
goats% a male witho#t blemish"
/e! 0:20 A+nd he shall lay his hand on the head o$ the goat% and 'ill it at the *lae where they 'ill the b#rnt
o$$ering be$ore the /8:2" It (is) a sin o$$ering"
/e! 0:21 AThe *riest shall ta'e some o$ the blood o$ the sin o$$ering with his $inger% *#t (it) on the horns o$ the
altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering% and *o#r its blood at the base o$ the altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering"
/e! 0:23 A+nd he shall b#rn all its $at on the altar% li'e the $at o$ the sari$ie o$ the *eae o$$ering" ,o the *riest
shall ma'e atonement $or him onerning his sin% and it shall be $orgi!en him"
/e! 0:24 A I$ anyone o$ the ommon *eo*le sins #nintentionally by doing (something against) any o$ the
ommandments o$ the /8:2 (in anything) whih o#ght not to be done% and is g#ilty%
/e! 0:28 Aor i$ his sin whih he has ommitted omes to his 'nowledge% then he shall bring as his o$$ering a 'id
o$ the goats% a $emale witho#t blemish% $or his sin whih he has ommitted"
/e! 0:29 A+nd he shall lay his hand on the head o$ the sin o$$ering% and 'ill the sin o$$ering at the *lae o$ the
b#rnt o$$ering"
/e! 0:-5 AThen the *riest shall ta'e (some) o$ its blood with his $inger% *#t (it) on the horns o$ the altar o$ b#rnt
o$$ering% and *o#r all (the remaining) blood at the base o$ the altar"
/e! 0:-1 AHe shall remo!e all its $at% as $at is remo!ed $rom the sari$ie o$ the *eae o$$ering& and the *riest
shall b#rn it on the altar $or a sweet aroma to the /8:2" ,o the *riest shall ma'e atonement $or him% and it shall
be $orgi!en him"
/e! 0:-2 A I$ he brings a lamb as his sin o$$ering% he shall bring a $emale witho#t blemish"
/e! 0:-- AThen he shall lay his hand on the head o$ the sin o$$ering% and 'ill it as a sin o$$ering at the *lae
where they 'ill the b#rnt o$$ering"
/e! 0:-0 AThe *riest shall ta'e (some) o$ the blood o$ the sin o$$ering with his $inger% *#t (it) on the horns o$ the
altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering% and *o#r all (the remaining) blood at the base o$ the altar"
/e! 0:-1 AHe shall remo!e all its $at% as the $at o$ the lamb is remo!ed $rom the sari$ie o$ the *eae o$$ering"
Then the *riest shall b#rn it on the altar% aording to the o$$erings made by $ire to the /8:2" ,o the *riest shall
ma'e atonement $or his sin that he has ommitted% and it shall be $orgi!en him"
/e! 1:1 AI$ a *erson sins in hearing the #tterane o$ an oath% and (is) a witness% whether he has seen or 'nown
(o$ the matter DD i$) he does not tell (it%) he bears g#ilt"
/e! 1:2 A8r i$ a *erson to#hes any #nlean thing% whether (it is) the arass o$ an #nlean beast% or the arass
o$ #nlean li!esto'% or the arass o$ #nlean ree*ing things% and he is #naware o$ it% he also shall be #nlean
and g#ilty"
/e! 1:- A8r i$ he to#hes h#man #nleanness DD whate!er #nleanness with whih a man may be de$iled% and he
is #naware o$ it DD when he realiHes (it%) then he shall be g#ilty"
/e! 1:0 A8r i$ a *erson swears% s*ea'ing tho#ghtlessly with (his) li*s to do e!il or to do good% whate!er (it is) that
a man may *rono#ne by an oath% and he is #naware o$ it DD when he realiHes (it%) then he shall be g#ilty in any o$
these (matters")
/e! 1:1 A+nd it shall be% when he is g#ilty in any o$ these (matters%) that he shall on$ess that he has sinned in
that (thing&)
/e! 1:3 Aand he shall bring his tres*ass o$$ering to the /8:2 $or his sin whih he has ommitted% a $emale $rom
the $lo'% a lamb or a 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering" ,o the *riest shall ma'e atonement $or him onerning
his sin"
/e! 1:4 A I$ he is not able to bring a lamb% then he shall bring to the /8:2% $or his tres*ass whih he has
ommitted% two t#rtledo!es or two yo#ng *igeons: one as a sin o$$ering and the other as a b#rnt o$$ering"
/e! 1:8 A+nd he shall bring them to the *riest% who shall o$$er (that) whih (is) $or the sin o$$ering $irst% and wring
o$$ its head $rom its ne'% b#t shall not di!ide (it) om*letely"
/e! 1:9 AThen he shall s*rin'le (some) o$ the blood o$ the sin o$$ering on the side o$ the altar% and the rest o$ the
blood shall be drained o#t at the base o$ the altar" It (is) a sin o$$ering"
/e! 1:15 A+nd he shall o$$er the seond (as) a b#rnt o$$ering aording to the *resribed manner" ,o the *riest
shall ma'e atonement on his behal$ $or his sin whih he has ommitted% and it shall be $orgi!en him"
/e! 1:11 A B#t i$ he is not able to bring two t#rtledo!es or two yo#ng *igeons% then he who sinned shall bring $or
his o$$ering oneDtenth o$ an e*hah o$ $ine $lo#r as a sin o$$ering" He shall *#t no oil on it% nor shall he *#t
$ran'inense on it% $or it (is) a sin o$$ering"
/e! 1:12 AThen he shall bring it to the *riest% and the *riest shall ta'e his hand$#l o$ it as a memorial *ortion% and
b#rn (it) on the altar aording to the o$$erings made by $ire to the /8:2" It (is) a sin o$$ering"
/e! 1:1- AThe *riest shall ma'e atonement $or him% $or his sin that he has ommitted in any o$ these matters&
and it shall be $orgi!en him" (The rest) shall be the *riestAs as a grain o$$ering"A .
/e! 1:10 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
/e! 1:11 .I$ a *erson ommits a tres*ass% and sins #nintentionally in regard to the holy things o$ the /8:2% then
he shall bring to the /8:2 as his tres*ass o$$ering a ram witho#t blemish $rom the $lo's% with yo#r !al#ation in
she'els o$ sil!er aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% as a tres*ass o$$ering"
/e! 1:13 .+nd he shall ma'e restit#tion $or the harm that he has done in regard to the holy thing% and shall add
oneD$i$th to it and gi!e it to the *riest" ,o the *riest shall ma'e atonement $or him with the ram o$ the tres*ass
o$$ering% and it shall be $orgi!en him"
/e! 1:14 . I$ a *erson sins% and ommits any o$ these things whih are $orbidden to be done by the
ommandments o$ the /8:2% tho#gh he does not 'now (it%) yet he is g#ilty and shall bear his iniE#ity"
/e! 1:18 .+nd he shall bring to the *riest a ram witho#t blemish $rom the $lo'% with yo#r !al#ation% as a
tres*ass o$$ering" ,o the *riest shall ma'e atonement $or him regarding his ignorane in whih he erred and did
not 'now (it%) and it shall be $orgi!en him"
/e! 1:19 .It is a tres*ass o$$ering& he has ertainly tres*assed against the /8:2".
/e! 3:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
/e! 3:2 .I$ a *erson sins and ommits a tres*ass against the /8:2 by lying to his neighbor abo#t what was
deli!ered to him $or sa$e'ee*ing% or abo#t a *ledge% or abo#t a robbery% or i$ he has e9torted $rom his neighbor%
/e! 3:- .or i$ he has $o#nd what was lost and lies onerning it% and swears $alsely DD in any one o$ these things
that a man may do in whih he sins:
/e! 3:0 .then it shall be% bea#se he has sinned and is g#ilty% that he shall restore what he has stolen% or the
thing whih he has e9torted% or what was deli!ered to him $or sa$e'ee*ing% or the lost thing whih he $o#nd%
/e! 3:1 .or all that abo#t whih he has sworn $alsely" He shall restore its $#ll !al#e% add oneD$i$th more to it% (and)
gi!e it to whome!er it belongs% on the day o$ his tres*ass o$$ering"
/e! 3:3 .+nd he shall bring his tres*ass o$$ering to the /8:2% a ram witho#t blemish $rom the $lo'% with yo#r
!al#ation% as a tres*ass o$$ering% to the *riest"
/e! 3:4 .,o the *riest shall ma'e atonement $or him be$ore the /8:2% and he shall be $orgi!en $or any one o$
these things that he may ha!e done in whih he tres*asses".
/e! 3:8 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 3:9 .=ommand +aron and his sons% saying% AThis (is) the law o$ the b#rnt o$$ering: The b#rnt o$$ering (shall
be) on the hearth #*on the altar all night #ntil morning% and the $ire o$ the altar shall be 'e*t b#rning on it"
/e! 3:15 A+nd the *riest shall *#t on his linen garment% and his linen tro#sers he shall *#t on his body% and ta'e
#* the ashes o$ the b#rnt o$$ering whih the $ire has ons#med on the altar% and he shall *#t them beside the
/e! 3:11 AThen he shall ta'e o$$ his garments% *#t on other garments% and arry the ashes o#tside the am* to a
lean *lae"
/e! 3:12 A+nd the $ire on the altar shall be 'e*t b#rning on it& it shall not be *#t o#t" +nd the *riest shall b#rn
wood on it e!ery morning% and lay the b#rnt o$$ering in order on it& and he shall b#rn on it the $at o$ the *eae
/e! 3:1- A+ $ire shall always be b#rning on the altar& it shall ne!er go o#t"
/e! 3:10 A This (is) the law o$ the grain o$$ering: The sons o$ +aron shall o$$er it on the altar be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 3:11 AHe shall ta'e $rom it his hand$#l o$ the $ine $lo#r o$ the grain o$$ering% with its oil% and all the
$ran'inense whih (is) on the grain o$$ering% and shall b#rn (it) on the altar ($or) a sweet aroma% as a memorial to
the /8:2"
/e! 3:13 A+nd the remainder o$ it +aron and his sons shall eat& with #nlea!ened bread it shall be eaten in a holy
*lae& in the o#rt o$ the tabernale o$ meeting they shall eat it"
/e! 3:14 AIt shall not be ba'ed with lea!en" I ha!e gi!en it (as) their *ortion o$ ?y o$$erings made by $ire& it (is)
most holy% li'e the sin o$$ering and the tres*ass o$$ering"
/e! 3:18 A+ll the males among the hildren o$ +aron may eat it" (It shall be) a stat#te $ore!er in yo#r generations
onerning the o$$erings made by $ire to the /8:2" 6!eryone who to#hes them m#st be holy"A .
/e! 3:19 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 3:25 .This (is) the o$$ering o$ +aron and his sons% whih they shall o$$er to the /8:2% (beginning) on the day
when he is anointed: oneDtenth o$ an e*hah o$ $ine $lo#r as a daily grain o$$ering% hal$ o$ it in the morning and hal$
o$ it at night"
/e! 3:21 .It shall be made in a *an with oil" (>hen it is) mi9ed% yo# shall bring it in" The ba'ed *iees o$ the
grain o$$ering yo# shall o$$er ($or) a sweet aroma to the /8:2"
/e! 3:22 .The *riest $rom among his sons% who is anointed in his *lae% shall o$$er it" (It is) a stat#te $ore!er to
the /8:2" It shall be wholly b#rned"
/e! 3:2- .;or e!ery grain o$$ering $or the *riest shall be wholly b#rned" It shall not be eaten".
/e! 3:20 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 3:21 .,*ea' to +aron and to his sons% saying% AThis (is) the law o$ the sin o$$ering: In the *lae where the
b#rnt o$$ering is 'illed% the sin o$$ering shall be 'illed be$ore the /8:2" It (is) most holy"
/e! 3:23 AThe *riest who o$$ers it $or sin shall eat it" In a holy *lae it shall be eaten% in the o#rt o$ the
tabernale o$ meeting"
/e! 3:24 A6!eryone who to#hes its $lesh m#st be holy" +nd when its blood is s*rin'led on any garment% yo#
shall wash that on whih it was s*rin'led% in a holy *lae"
/e! 3:28 AB#t the earthen !essel in whih it is boiled shall be bro'en" +nd i$ it is boiled in a bronHe *ot% it shall be
both so#red and rinsed in water"
/e! 3:29 A+ll the males among the *riests may eat it" It (is) most holy"
/e! 3:-5 AB#t no sin o$$ering $rom whih (any) o$ the blood is bro#ght into the tabernale o$ meeting% to ma'e
atonement in the holy (*lae%) shall be eaten" It shall be b#rned in the $ire"
/e! 4:1 A/i'ewise this (is) the law o$ the tres*ass o$$ering Iit (is) most holyJ:
/e! 4:2 AIn the *lae where they 'ill the b#rnt o$$ering they shall 'ill the tres*ass o$$ering" +nd its blood he shall
s*rin'le all aro#nd on the altar"
/e! 4:- A+nd he shall o$$er $rom it all its $at" The $at tail and the $at that o!ers the entrails%
/e! 4:0 Athe two 'idneys and the $at that (is) on them by the $lan's% and the $atty lobe (attahed) to the li!er
abo!e the 'idneys% he shall remo!e&
/e! 4:1 Aand the *riest shall b#rn them on the altar (as) an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2" It (is) a tres*ass
/e! 4:3 A6!ery male among the *riests may eat it" It shall be eaten in a holy *lae" It (is) most holy"
/e! 4:4 AThe tres*ass o$$ering (is) li'e the sin o$$ering& (there is) one law $or them both: the *riest who ma'es
atonement with it shall ha!e (it")
/e! 4:8 A+nd the *riest who o$$ers anyoneAs b#rnt o$$ering% that *riest shall ha!e $or himsel$ the s'in o$ the b#rnt
o$$ering whih he has o$$ered"
/e! 4:9 A+lso e!ery grain o$$ering that is ba'ed in the o!en and all that is *re*ared in the o!ered *an% or in a
*an% shall be the *riestAs who o$$ers it"
/e! 4:15 A6!ery grain o$$ering% (whether) mi9ed with oil% or dry% shall belong to all the sons o$ +aron% to one (as
m#h) as the other"
/e! 4:11 A This (is) the law o$ the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings whih he shall o$$er to the /8:2:
/e! 4:12 AI$ he o$$ers it $or a than'sgi!ing% then he shall o$$er% with the sari$ie o$ than'sgi!ing% #nlea!ened
a'es mi9ed with oil% #nlea!ened wa$ers anointed with oil% or a'es o$ blended $lo#r mi9ed with oil"
/e! 4:1- ABesides the a'es% (as) his o$$ering he shall o$$er lea!ened bread with the sari$ie o$ than'sgi!ing o$
his *eae o$$ering"
/e! 4:10 A+nd $rom it he shall o$$er one a'e $rom eah o$$ering (as) a hea!e o$$ering to the /8:2" It shall
belong to the *riest who s*rin'les the blood o$ the *eae o$$ering"
/e! 4:11 A The $lesh o$ the sari$ie o$ his *eae o$$ering $or than'sgi!ing shall be eaten the same day it is
o$$ered" He shall not lea!e any o$ it #ntil morning"
/e! 4:13 AB#t i$ the sari$ie o$ his o$$ering (is) a !ow or a !ol#ntary o$$ering% it shall be eaten the same day that
he o$$ers his sari$ie& b#t on the ne9t day the remainder o$ it also may be eaten&
/e! 4:14 Athe remainder o$ the $lesh o$ the sari$ie on the third day m#st be b#rned with $ire"
/e! 4:18 A+nd i$ (any) o$ the $lesh o$ the sari$ie o$ his *eae o$$ering is eaten at all on the third day% it shall not
be ae*ted% nor shall it be im*#ted to him& it shall be an abomination (to) him who o$$ers it% and the *erson who
eats o$ it shall bear g#ilt"
/e! 4:19 A The $lesh that to#hes any #nlean thing shall not be eaten" It shall be b#rned with $ire" +nd as $or the
(lean) $lesh% all who are lean may eat o$ it"
/e! 4:25 AB#t the *erson who eats the $lesh o$ the sari$ie o$ the *eae o$$ering that (belongs) to the /8:2%
while he is #nlean% that *erson shall be #t o$$ $rom his *eo*le"
/e! 4:21 A?oreo!er the *erson who to#hes any #nlean thing% (s#h as) h#man #nleanness% (an) #nlean
animal% or any abominable #nlean thing% and who eats the $lesh o$ the sari$ie o$ the *eae o$$ering that
(belongs) to the /8:2% that *erson shall be #t o$$ $rom his *eo*le"A .
/e! 4:22 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 4:2- .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: ABo# shall not eat any $at% o$ o9 or shee* or goat"
/e! 4:20 A+nd the $at o$ an animal that dies (nat#rally%) and the $at o$ what is torn by wild beasts% may be #sed in
any other way& b#t yo# shall by no means eat it"
/e! 4:21 A;or whoe!er eats the $at o$ the animal o$ whih men o$$er an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2% the
*erson who eats (it) shall be #t o$$ $rom his *eo*le"
/e! 4:23 A?oreo!er yo# shall not eat any blood in any o$ yo#r dwellings% (whether) o$ bird or beast"
/e! 4:24 A>hoe!er eats any blood% that *erson shall be #t o$$ $rom his *eo*le"A .
/e! 4:28 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 4:29 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: AHe who o$$ers the sari$ie o$ his *eae o$$ering to the /8:2
shall bring his o$$ering to the /8:2 $rom the sari$ie o$ his *eae o$$ering"
/e! 4:-5 AHis own hands shall bring the o$$erings made by $ire to the /8:2" The $at with the breast he shall
bring% that the breast may be wa!ed (as) a wa!e o$$ering be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 4:-1 A+nd the *riest shall b#rn the $at on the altar% b#t the breast shall be +aronAs and his sonsA"
/e! 4:-2 A+lso the right thigh yo# shall gi!e to the *riest (as) a hea!e o$$ering $rom the sari$ies o$ yo#r *eae
/e! 4:-- AHe among the sons o$ +aron% who o$$ers the blood o$ the *eae o$$ering and the $at% shall ha!e the
right thigh $or (his) *art"
/e! 4:-0 A;or the breast o$ the wa!e o$$ering and the thigh o$ the hea!e o$$ering I ha!e ta'en $rom the hildren o$
Israel% $rom the sari$ies o$ their *eae o$$erings% and I ha!e gi!en them to +aron the *riest and to his sons $rom
the hildren o$ Israel by a stat#te $ore!er"A .
/e! 4:-1 This (is) the onserated *ortion $or +aron and his sons% $rom the o$$erings made by $ire to the /8:2%
on the day when (?oses) *resented them to minister to the /8:2 as *riests"
/e! 4:-3 The /8:2 ommanded this to be gi!en to them by the hildren o$ Israel% on the day that He anointed
them% (by) a stat#te $ore!er thro#gho#t their generations"
/e! 4:-4 This (is) the law o$ the b#rnt o$$ering% the grain o$$ering% the sin o$$ering% the tres*ass o$$ering% the
onserations% and the sari$ie o$ the *eae o$$ering%
/e! 4:-8 whih the /8:2 ommanded ?oses on ?o#nt ,inai% on the day when He ommanded the hildren o$
Israel to o$$er their o$$erings to the /8:2 in the >ilderness o$ ,inai"
/e! 8:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
/e! 8:2 .Ta'e +aron and his sons with him% and the garments% the anointing oil% a b#ll as the sin o$$ering% two
rams% and a bas'et o$ #nlea!ened bread&
/e! 8:- .and gather all the ongregation together at the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting".
/e! 8:0 ,o ?oses did as the /8:2 ommanded him" +nd the ongregation was gathered together at the door
o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
/e! 8:1 +nd ?oses said to the ongregation% .This (is) what the /8:2 ommanded to be done".
/e! 8:3 Then ?oses bro#ght +aron and his sons and washed them with water"
/e! 8:4 +nd he *#t the t#ni on him% girded him with the sash% lothed him with the robe% and *#t the e*hod on
him& and he girded him with the intriately wo!en band o$ the e*hod% and with it tied (the e*hod) on him"
/e! 8:8 Then he *#t the breast*late on him% and he *#t the 7rim and the Th#mmim in the breast*late"
/e! 8:9 +nd he *#t the t#rban on his head" +lso on the t#rban% on its $ront% he *#t the golden *late% the holy
rown% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
/e! 8:15 +lso ?oses too' the anointing oil% and anointed the tabernale and all that (was) in it% and onserated
/e! 8:11 He s*rin'led some o$ it on the altar se!en times% anointed the altar and all its #tensils% and the la!er
and its base% to onserate them"
/e! 8:12 +nd he *o#red some o$ the anointing oil on +aronAs head and anointed him% to onserate him"
/e! 8:1- Then ?oses bro#ght +aronAs sons and *#t t#nis on them% girded them with sashes% and *#t hats on
them% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
/e! 8:10 +nd he bro#ght the b#ll $or the sin o$$ering" Then +aron and his sons laid their hands on the head o$
the b#ll $or the sin o$$ering%
/e! 8:11 and ?oses 'illed (it") Then he too' the blood% and *#t (some) on the horns o$ the altar all aro#nd with
his $inger% and *#ri$ied the altar" +nd he *o#red the blood at the base o$ the altar% and onserated it% to ma'e
atonement $or it"
/e! 8:13 Then he too' all the $at that (was) on the entrails% the $atty lobe (attahed to) the li!er% and the two
'idneys with their $at% and ?oses b#rned (them) on the altar"
/e! 8:14 B#t the b#ll% its hide% its $lesh% and its o$$al% he b#rned with $ire o#tside the am*% as the /8:2 had
ommanded ?oses"
/e! 8:18 Then he bro#ght the ram as the b#rnt o$$ering" +nd +aron and his sons laid their hands on the head o$
the ram%
/e! 8:19 and ?oses 'illed (it") Then he s*rin'led the blood all aro#nd on the altar"
/e! 8:25 +nd he #t the ram into *iees& and ?oses b#rned the head% the *iees% and the $at"
/e! 8:21 Then he washed the entrails and the legs in water" +nd ?oses b#rned the whole ram on the altar" It
(was) a b#rnt sari$ie $or a sweet aroma% an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2% as the /8:2 had ommanded
/e! 8:22 +nd he bro#ght the seond ram% the ram o$ onseration" Then +aron and his sons laid their hands on
the head o$ the ram%
/e! 8:2- and ?oses 'illed (it") +lso he too' (some) o$ its blood and *#t it on the ti* o$ +aronAs right ear% on the
th#mb o$ his right hand% and on the big toe o$ his right $oot"
/e! 8:20 Then he bro#ght +aronAs sons" +nd ?oses *#t (some) o$ the blood on the ti*s o$ their right ears% on the
th#mbs o$ their right hands% and on the big toes o$ their right $eet" +nd ?oses s*rin'led the blood all aro#nd on
the altar"
/e! 8:21 Then he too' the $at and the $at tail% all the $at that (was) on the entrails% the $atty lobe (attahed to) the
li!er% the two 'idneys and their $at% and the right thigh&
/e! 8:23 and $rom the bas'et o$ #nlea!ened bread that was be$ore the /8:2 he too' one #nlea!ened a'e% a
a'e o$ bread (anointed with) oil% and one wa$er% and *#t (them) on the $at and on the right thigh&
/e! 8:24 and he *#t all (these) in +aronAs hands and in his sonsA hands% and wa!ed them (as) a wa!e o$$ering
be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 8:28 Then ?oses too' them $rom their hands and b#rned (them) on the altar% on the b#rnt o$$ering" They
(were) onseration o$$erings $or a sweet aroma" That (was) an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2"
/e! 8:29 +nd ?oses too' the breast and wa!ed it (as) a wa!e o$$ering be$ore the /8:2" It was ?osesA *art o$
the ram o$ onseration% as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
/e! 8:-5 Then ?oses too' some o$ the anointing oil and some o$ the blood whih (was) on the altar% and
s*rin'led (it) on +aron% on his garments% on his sons% and on the garments o$ his sons with him& and he
onserated +aron% his garments% his sons% and the garments o$ his sons with him"
/e! 8:-1 +nd ?oses said to +aron and his sons% .Boil the $lesh (at) the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% and
eat it there with the bread that (is) in the bas'et o$ onseration o$$erings% as I ommanded% saying% A+aron and
his sons shall eat it"A
/e! 8:-2 .>hat remains o$ the $lesh and o$ the bread yo# shall b#rn with $ire"
/e! 8:-- .+nd yo# shall not go o#tside the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting ($or) se!en days% #ntil the days o$
yo#r onseration are ended" ;or se!en days he shall onserate yo#"
/e! 8:-0 .+s he has done this day% (so) the /8:2 has ommanded to do% to ma'e atonement $or yo#"
/e! 8:-1 .There$ore yo# shall stay (at) the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting day and night $or se!en days% and
'ee* the harge o$ the /8:2% so that yo# may not die& $or so I ha!e been ommanded".
/e! 8:-3 ,o +aron and his sons did all the things that the /8:2 had ommanded by the hand o$ ?oses"
/e! 9:1 It ame to *ass on the eighth day that ?oses alled +aron and his sons and the elders o$ Israel"
/e! 9:2 +nd he said to +aron% .Ta'e $or yo#rsel$ a yo#ng b#ll as a sin o$$ering and a ram as a b#rnt o$$ering%
witho#t blemish% and o$$er (them) be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 9:- .+nd to the hildren o$ Israel yo# shall s*ea'% saying% ATa'e a 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering% and a
al$ and a lamb% (both) o$ the $irst year% witho#t blemish% as a b#rnt o$$ering%
/e! 9:0 Aalso a b#ll and a ram as *eae o$$erings% to sari$ie be$ore the /8:2% and a grain o$$ering mi9ed with
oil& $or today the /8:2 will a**ear to yo#"A .
/e! 9:1 ,o they bro#ght what ?oses ommanded be$ore the tabernale o$ meeting" +nd all the ongregation
drew near and stood be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 9:3 Then ?oses said% .This (is) the thing whih the /8:2 ommanded yo# to do% and the glory o$ the /8:2
will a**ear to yo#".
/e! 9:4 +nd ?oses said to +aron% .Go to the altar% o$$er yo#r sin o$$ering and yo#r b#rnt o$$ering% and ma'e
atonement $or yo#rsel$ and $or the *eo*le" 8$$er the o$$ering o$ the *eo*le% and ma'e atonement $or them% as the
/8:2 ommanded".
/e! 9:8 +aron there$ore went to the altar and 'illed the al$ o$ the sin o$$ering% whih (was) $or himsel$"
/e! 9:9 Then the sons o$ +aron bro#ght the blood to him" +nd he di**ed his $inger in the blood% *#t (it) on the
horns o$ the altar% and *o#red the blood at the base o$ the altar"
/e! 9:15 B#t the $at% the 'idneys% and the $atty lobe $rom the li!er o$ the sin o$$ering he b#rned on the altar% as
the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
/e! 9:11 The $lesh and the hide he b#rned with $ire o#tside the am*"
/e! 9:12 +nd he 'illed the b#rnt o$$ering& and +aronAs sons *resented to him the blood% whih he s*rin'led all
aro#nd on the altar"
/e! 9:1- Then they *resented the b#rnt o$$ering to him% with its *iees and head% and he b#rned (them) on the
/e! 9:10 +nd he washed the entrails and the legs% and b#rned (them) with the b#rnt o$$ering on the altar"
/e! 9:11 Then he bro#ght the *eo*leAs o$$ering% and too' the goat% whih (was) the sin o$$ering $or the *eo*le%
and 'illed it and o$$ered it $or sin% li'e the $irst one"
/e! 9:13 +nd he bro#ght the b#rnt o$$ering and o$$ered it aording to the *resribed manner"
/e! 9:14 Then he bro#ght the grain o$$ering% too' a hand$#l o$ it% and b#rned (it) on the altar% besides the b#rnt
sari$ie o$ the morning"
/e! 9:18 He also 'illed the b#ll and the ram (as) sari$ies o$ *eae o$$erings% whih (were) $or the *eo*le" +nd
+aronAs sons *resented to him the blood% whih he s*rin'led all aro#nd on the altar%
/e! 9:19 and the $at $rom the b#ll and the ram DD the $atty tail% what o!ers (the entrails) and the 'idneys% and the
$atty lobe (attahed to) the li!er&
/e! 9:25 and they *#t the $at on the breasts" Then he b#rned the $at on the altar&
/e! 9:21 b#t the breasts and the right thigh +aron wa!ed (as) a wa!e o$$ering be$ore the /8:2% as ?oses had
/e! 9:22 Then +aron li$ted his hand toward the *eo*le% blessed them% and ame down $rom o$$ering the sin
o$$ering% the b#rnt o$$ering% and *eae o$$erings"
/e! 9:2- +nd ?oses and +aron went into the tabernale o$ meeting% and ame o#t and blessed the *eo*le"
Then the glory o$ the /8:2 a**eared to all the *eo*le%
/e! 9:20 and $ire ame o#t $rom be$ore the /8:2 and ons#med the b#rnt o$$ering and the $at on the altar"
>hen all the *eo*le saw (it%) they sho#ted and $ell on their $aes"
/e! 15:1 Then Nadab and +bih#% the sons o$ +aron% eah too' his enser and *#t $ire in it% *#t inense on it%
and o$$ered *ro$ane $ire be$ore the /8:2% whih He had not ommanded them"
/e! 15:2 ,o $ire went o#t $rom the /8:2 and de!o#red them% and they died be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 15:- +nd ?oses said to +aron% .This is what the /8:2 s*o'e% saying: ABy those who ome near ?e I m#st
be regarded as holy& +nd be$ore all the *eo*le I m#st be glori$ied"A . ,o +aron held his *eae"
/e! 15:0 +nd ?oses alled ?ishael and 6lHa*han% the sons o$ 7HHiel the #nle o$ +aron% and said to them%
.=ome near% arry yo#r brethren $rom be$ore the sant#ary o#t o$ the am*".
/e! 15:1 ,o they went near and arried them by their t#nis o#t o$ the am*% as ?oses had said"
/e! 15:3 +nd ?oses said to +aron% and to 6leaHar and Ithamar% his sons% .2o not #no!er yo#r heads nor tear
yo#r lothes% lest yo# die% and wrath ome #*on all the *eo*le" B#t let yo#r brethren% the whole ho#se o$ Israel%
bewail the b#rning whih the /8:2 has 'indled"
/e! 15:4 .Bo# shall not go o#t $rom the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% lest yo# die% $or the anointing oil o$
the /8:2 (is) #*on yo#". +nd they did aording to the word o$ ?oses"
/e! 15:8 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to +aron% saying:
/e! 15:9 .2o not drin' wine or into9iating drin'% yo#% nor yo#r sons with yo#% when yo# go into the tabernale
o$ meeting% lest yo# die" (It shall be) a stat#te $ore!er thro#gho#t yo#r generations%
/e! 15:15 .that yo# may disting#ish between holy and #nholy% and between #nlean and lean%
/e! 15:11 .and that yo# may teah the hildren o$ Israel all the stat#tes whih the /8:2 has s*o'en to them by
the hand o$ ?oses".
/e! 15:12 +nd ?oses s*o'e to +aron% and to 6leaHar and Ithamar% his sons who were le$t: .Ta'e the grain
o$$ering that remains o$ the o$$erings made by $ire to the /8:2% and eat it witho#t lea!en beside the altar& $or it
(is) most holy"
/e! 15:1- .Bo# shall eat it in a holy *lae% bea#se it (is) yo#r d#e and yo#r sonsA d#e% o$ the sari$ies made by
$ire to the /8:2& $or so I ha!e been ommanded"
/e! 15:10 .The breast o$ the wa!e o$$ering and the thigh o$ the hea!e o$$ering yo# shall eat in a lean *lae%
yo#% yo#r sons% and yo#r da#ghters with yo#& $or (they are) yo#r d#e and yo#r sonsA d#e% (whih) are gi!en $rom
the sari$ies o$ *eae o$$erings o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
/e! 15:11 .The thigh o$ the hea!e o$$ering and the breast o$ the wa!e o$$ering they shall bring with the o$$erings
o$ $at made by $ire% to o$$er (as) a wa!e o$$ering be$ore the /8:2" +nd it shall be yo#rs and yo#r sonsA with yo#%
by a stat#te $ore!er% as the /8:2 has ommanded".
/e! 15:13 Then ?oses made are$#l inE#iry abo#t the goat o$ the sin o$$ering% and there it was DD b#rned #*"
+nd he was angry with 6leaHar and Ithamar% the sons o$ +aron (who were) le$t% saying%
/e! 15:14 .>hy ha!e yo# not eaten the sin o$$ering in a holy *lae% sine it (is) most holy% and (God) has gi!en it
to yo# to bear the g#ilt o$ the ongregation% to ma'e atonement $or them be$ore the /8:2C
/e! 15:18 .,eeF Its blood was not bro#ght inside the holy (*lae&) indeed yo# sho#ld ha!e eaten it in a holy
(*lae%) as I ommanded".
/e! 15:19 +nd +aron said to ?oses% ./oo'% this day they ha!e o$$ered their sin o$$ering and their b#rnt o$$ering
be$ore the /8:2% and s#h things ha!e be$allen meF (I$) I had eaten the sin o$$ering today% wo#ld it ha!e been
ae*ted in the sight o$ the /8:2C.
/e! 15:25 ,o when ?oses heard (that%) he was ontent"
/e! 11:1 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% saying to them%
/e! 11:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying% AThese (are) the animals whih yo# may eat among all the
animals that (are) on the earth:
/e! 11:- A+mong the animals% whate!er di!ides the hoo$% ha!ing lo!en hoo!es (and) hewing the #d DD that
yo# may eat"
/e! 11:0 ANe!ertheless these yo# shall not eat among those that hew the #d or those that ha!e lo!en
hoo!es: the amel% bea#se it hews the #d b#t does not ha!e lo!en hoo!es% is #nlean to yo#&
/e! 11:1 Athe ro' hyra9% bea#se it hews the #d b#t does not ha!e lo!en hoo!es% (is) #nlean to yo#&
/e! 11:3 Athe hare% bea#se it hews the #d b#t does not ha!e lo!en hoo!es% (is) #nlean to yo#&
/e! 11:4 Aand the swine% tho#gh it di!ides the hoo$% ha!ing lo!en hoo!es% yet does not hew the #d% (is)
#nlean to yo#"
/e! 11:8 ATheir $lesh yo# shall not eat% and their arasses yo# shall not to#h" They (are) #nlean to yo#"
/e! 11:9 A These yo# may eat o$ all that (are) in the water: whate!er in the water has $ins and sales% whether in
the seas or in the ri!ers DD that yo# may eat"
/e! 11:15 AB#t all in the seas or in the ri!ers that do not ha!e $ins and sales% all that mo!e in the water or any
li!ing thing whih (is) in the water% they (are) an abomination to yo#"
/e! 11:11 AThey shall be an abomination to yo#& yo# shall not eat their $lesh% b#t yo# shall regard their
arasses as an abomination"
/e! 11:12 A>hate!er in the water does not ha!e $ins or sales DD that (shall be) an abomination to yo#"
/e! 11:1- A +nd these yo# shall regard as an abomination among the birds& they shall not be eaten% they (are)
an abomination: the eagle% the !#lt#re% the b#HHard%
/e! 11:10 Athe 'ite% and the $alon a$ter its 'ind&
/e! 11:11 Ae!ery ra!en a$ter its 'ind%
/e! 11:13 Athe ostrih% the shortDeared owl% the sea g#ll% and the haw' a$ter its 'ind&
/e! 11:14 Athe little owl% the $isher owl% and the sreeh owl&
/e! 11:18 Athe white owl% the @a'daw% and the arrion !#lt#re&
/e! 11:19 Athe stor'% the heron a$ter its 'ind% the hoo*oe% and the bat"
/e! 11:25 A +ll $lying insets that ree* on (all) $o#rs (shall be) an abomination to yo#"
/e! 11:21 ABet these yo# may eat o$ e!ery $lying inset that ree*s on (all) $o#rs: those whih ha!e @ointed legs
abo!e their $eet with whih to lea* on the earth"
/e! 11:22 AThese yo# may eat: the lo#st a$ter its 'ind% the destroying lo#st a$ter its 'ind% the ri'et a$ter its
'ind% and the grassho**er a$ter its 'ind"
/e! 11:2- AB#t all (other) $lying insets whih ha!e $o#r $eet (shall be) an abomination to yo#"
/e! 11:20 A By these yo# shall beome #nlean& whoe!er to#hes the arass o$ any o$ them shall be #nlean
#ntil e!ening&
/e! 11:21 Awhoe!er arries *art o$ the arass o$ any o$ them shall wash his lothes and be #nlean #ntil
/e! 11:23 A(The arass) o$ any animal whih di!ides the $oot% b#t is not lo!enDhoo$ed or does not hew the
#d% (is) #nlean to yo#" 6!eryone who to#hes it shall be #nlean"
/e! 11:24 A+nd whate!er goes on its *aws% among all 'inds o$ animals that go on (all) $o#rs% those (are) #nlean
to yo#" >hoe!er to#hes any s#h arass shall be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:28 A>hoe!er arries (any s#h) arass shall wash his lothes and be #nlean #ntil e!ening" It (is)
#nlean to yo#"
/e! 11:29 A These also (shall be) #nlean to yo# among the ree*ing things that ree* on the earth: the mole%
the mo#se% and the large liHard a$ter its 'ind&
/e! 11:-5 Athe ge'o% the monitor liHard% the sand re*tile% the sand liHard% and the hameleon"
/e! 11:-1 AThese (are) #nlean to yo# among all that ree*" >hoe!er to#hes them when they are dead shall
be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:-2 A+nything on whih (any) o$ them $alls% when they are dead shall be #nlean% whether (it is) any item o$
wood or lothing or s'in or sa'% whate!er item (it is%) in whih (any) wor' is done% it m#st be *#t in water" +nd it
shall be #nlean #ntil e!ening& then it shall be lean"
/e! 11:-- A+ny earthen !essel into whih (any) o$ them $alls yo# shall brea'& and whate!er (is) in it shall be
/e! 11:-0 Ain s#h a !essel% any edible $ood #*on whih water $alls beomes #nlean% and any drin' that may
be dr#n' $rom it beomes #nlean"
/e! 11:-1 A+nd e!erything on whih (a *art) o$ (any s#h) arass $alls shall be #nlean& (whether it is) an o!en
or oo'ing sto!e% it shall be bro'en down& ($or) they (are) #nlean% and shall be #nlean to yo#"
/e! 11:-3 ANe!ertheless a s*ring or a istern% (in whih there is) *lenty o$ water% shall be lean% b#t whate!er
to#hes any s#h arass beomes #nlean"
/e! 11:-4 A+nd i$ a *art o$ (any s#h) arass $alls on any *lanting seed whih is to be sown% it (remains) lean"
/e! 11:-8 AB#t i$ water is *#t on the seed% and i$ (a *art) o$ (any s#h) arass $alls on it% it (beomes) #nlean to
/e! 11:-9 A +nd i$ any animal whih yo# may eat dies% he who to#hes its arass shall be #nlean #ntil
/e! 11:05 AHe who eats o$ its arass shall wash his lothes and be #nlean #ntil e!ening" He also who arries
its arass shall wash his lothes and be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:01 A +nd e!ery ree*ing thing that ree*s on the earth (shall be) an abomination" It shall not be eaten"
/e! 11:02 A>hate!er rawls on its belly% whate!er goes on (all) $o#rs% or whate!er has many $eet among all
ree*ing things that ree* on the earth DD these yo# shall not eat% $or they (are) an abomination"
/e! 11:0- ABo# shall not ma'e yo#rsel!es abominable with any ree*ing thing that ree*s& nor shall yo# ma'e
yo#rsel!es #nlean with them% lest yo# be de$iled by them"
/e! 11:00 A;or I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God" Bo# shall there$ore onserate yo#rsel!es% and yo# shall be holy& $or
I (am) holy" Neither shall yo# de$ile yo#rsel!es with any ree*ing thing that ree*s on the earth"
/e! 11:01 A;or I (am) the /8:2 who brings yo# #* o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% to be yo#r God" Bo# shall there$ore
be holy% $or I (am) holy"
/e! 11:03 A This (is) the law o$ the animals and the birds and e!ery li!ing reat#re that mo!es in the waters% and
o$ e!ery reat#re that ree*s on the earth%
/e! 11:04 Ato disting#ish between the #nlean and the lean% and between the animal that may be eaten and the
animal that may not be eaten"A .
/e! 12:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 12:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: AI$ a woman has onei!ed% and borne a male hild% then she
shall be #nlean se!en days& as in the days o$ her #stomary im*#rity she shall be #nlean"
/e! 12:- A+nd on the eighth day the $lesh o$ his $ores'in shall be ir#mised"
/e! 12:0 A,he shall then ontin#e in the blood o$ (her) *#ri$iation thirtyDthree days" ,he shall not to#h any
hallowed thing% nor ome into the sant#ary #ntil the days o$ her *#ri$iation are $#l$illed"
/e! 12:1 AB#t i$ she bears a $emale hild% then she shall be #nlean two wee's% as in her #stomary im*#rity%
and she shall ontin#e in the blood o$ (her) *#ri$iation si9tyDsi9 days"
/e! 12:3 A >hen the days o$ her *#ri$iation are $#l$illed% whether $or a son or a da#ghter% she shall bring to the
*riest a lamb o$ the $irst year as a b#rnt o$$ering% and a yo#ng *igeon or a t#rtledo!e as a sin o$$ering% to the door
o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
/e! 12:4 AThen he shall o$$er it be$ore the /8:2% and ma'e atonement $or her" +nd she shall be lean $rom the
$low o$ her blood" This (is) the law $or her who has borne a male or a $emale"
/e! 12:8 A+nd i$ she is not able to bring a lamb% then she may bring two t#rtledo!es or two yo#ng *igeons DD one
as a b#rnt o$$ering and the other as a sin o$$ering" ,o the *riest shall ma'e atonement $or her% and she will be
lean"A .
/e! 1-:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% saying:
/e! 1-:2 .>hen a man has on the s'in o$ his body a swelling% a sab% or a bright s*ot% and it beomes on the
s'in o$ his body (li'e) a le*ro#s sore% then he shall be bro#ght to +aron the *riest or to one o$ his sons the
/e! 1-:- .The *riest shall e9amine the sore on the s'in o$ the body& and i$ the hair on the sore has t#rned white%
and the sore a**ears (to be) dee*er than the s'in o$ his body% it (is) a le*ro#s sore" Then the *riest shall e9amine
him% and *rono#ne him #nlean"
/e! 1-:0 .B#t i$ the bright s*ot (is) white on the s'in o$ his body% and does not a**ear (to be) dee*er than the
s'in% and its hair has not t#rned white% then the *riest shall isolate (the one who has) the sore se!en days"
/e! 1-:1 .+nd the *riest shall e9amine him on the se!enth day& and indeed (i$) the sore a**ears to be as it was%
(and) the sore has not s*read on the s'in% then the *riest shall isolate him another se!en days"
/e! 1-:3 .Then the *riest shall e9amine him again on the se!enth day& and indeed (i$) the sore has $aded% (and)
the sore has not s*read on the s'in% then the *riest shall *rono#ne him lean& it (is only) a sab% and he shall
wash his lothes and be lean"
/e! 1-:4 .B#t i$ the sab sho#ld at all s*read o!er the s'in% a$ter he has been seen by the *riest $or his
leansing% he shall be seen by the *riest again"
/e! 1-:8 .+nd (i$) the *riest sees that the sab has indeed s*read on the s'in% then the *riest shall *rono#ne
him #nlean" It (is) le*rosy"
/e! 1-:9 . >hen the le*ro#s sore is on a *erson% then he shall be bro#ght to the *riest"
/e! 1-:15 .+nd the *riest shall e9amine (him&) and indeed (i$) the swelling on the s'in (is) white% and it has
t#rned the hair white% and (there is) a s*ot o$ raw $lesh in the swelling%
/e! 1-:11 .it (is) an old le*rosy on the s'in o$ his body" The *riest shall *rono#ne him #nlean% and shall not
isolate him% $or he (is) #nlean"
/e! 1-:12 . +nd i$ le*rosy brea's o#t all o!er the s'in% and the le*rosy o!ers all the s'in o$ (the one who has)
the sore% $rom his head to his $oot% where!er the *riest loo's%
/e! 1-:1- .then the *riest shall onsider& and indeed (i$) the le*rosy has o!ered all his body% he shall
*rono#ne (him) lean (who has) the sore" It has all t#rned white" He (is) lean"
/e! 1-:10 .B#t when raw $lesh a**ears on him% he shall be #nlean"
/e! 1-:11 .+nd the *riest shall e9amine the raw $lesh and *rono#ne him to be #nlean& ($or) the raw $lesh (is)
#nlean" It (is) le*rosy"
/e! 1-:13 .8r i$ the raw $lesh hanges and t#rns white again% he shall ome to the *riest"
/e! 1-:14 .+nd the *riest shall e9amine him& and indeed (i$) the sore has t#rned white% then the *riest shall
*rono#ne (him) lean (who has) the sore" He (is) lean"
/e! 1-:18 . I$ the body de!elo*s a boil in the s'in% and it is healed%
/e! 1-:19 .and in the *lae o$ the boil there omes a white swelling or a bright s*ot% reddishDwhite% then it shall
be shown to the *riest&
/e! 1-:25 .and (i$%) when the *riest sees it% it indeed (a**ears) dee*er than the s'in% and its hair has t#rned
white% the *riest shall *rono#ne him #nlean" It (is) a le*ro#s sore whih has bro'en o#t o$ the boil"
/e! 1-:21 .B#t i$ the *riest e9amines it% and indeed (there are) no white hairs in it% and it (is) not dee*er than the
s'in% b#t has $aded% then the *riest shall isolate him se!en days&
/e! 1-:22 .and i$ it sho#ld at all s*read o!er the s'in% then the *riest shall *rono#ne him #nlean" It (is) a
le*ro#s sore"
/e! 1-:2- .B#t i$ the bright s*ot stays in one *lae% (and) has not s*read% it (is) the sar o$ the boil& and the *riest
shall *rono#ne him lean"
/e! 1-:20 . 8r i$ the body reei!es a b#rn on its s'in by $ire% and the raw ($lesh) o$ the b#rn beomes a bright
s*ot% reddishDwhite or white%
/e! 1-:21 .then the *riest shall e9amine it& and indeed (i$) the hair o$ the bright s*ot has t#rned white% and it
a**ears dee*er than the s'in% it (is) le*rosy bro'en o#t in the b#rn" There$ore the *riest shall *rono#ne him
#nlean" It (is) a le*ro#s sore"
/e! 1-:23 .B#t i$ the *riest e9amines it% and indeed (there are) no white hairs in the bright s*ot% and it (is) not
dee*er than the s'in% b#t has $aded% then the *riest shall isolate him se!en days"
/e! 1-:24 .+nd the *riest shall e9amine him on the se!enth day" I$ it has at all s*read o!er the s'in% then the
*riest shall *rono#ne him #nlean" It (is) a le*ro#s sore"
/e! 1-:28 .B#t i$ the bright s*ot stays in one *lae% (and) has not s*read on the s'in% b#t has $aded% it (is) a
swelling $rom the b#rn" The *riest shall *rono#ne him lean% $or it (is) the sar $rom the b#rn"
/e! 1-:29 . I$ a man or woman has a sore on the head or the beard%
/e! 1-:-5 .then the *riest shall e9amine the sore& and indeed i$ it a**ears dee*er than the s'in% (and there is) in
it thin yellow hair% then the *riest shall *rono#ne him #nlean" It (is) a saly le*rosy o$ the head or beard"
/e! 1-:-1 .B#t i$ the *riest e9amines the saly sore% and indeed it does not a**ear dee*er than the s'in% and
(there is) no bla' hair in it% then the *riest shall isolate (the one who has) the sale se!en days"
/e! 1-:-2 .+nd on the se!enth day the *riest shall e9amine the sore& and indeed (i$) the sale has not s*read%
and there is no yellow hair in it% and the sale does not a**ear dee*er than the s'in%
/e! 1-:-- .he shall sha!e himsel$% b#t the sale he shall not sha!e" +nd the *riest shall isolate (the one who
has) the sale another se!en days"
/e! 1-:-0 .8n the se!enth day the *riest shall e9amine the sale& and indeed (i$) the sale has not s*read o!er
the s'in% and does not a**ear dee*er than the s'in% then the *riest shall *rono#ne him lean" He shall wash his
lothes and be lean"
/e! 1-:-1 .B#t i$ the sale sho#ld at all s*read o!er the s'in a$ter his leansing%
/e! 1-:-3 .then the *riest shall e9amine him& and indeed (i$) the sale has s*read o!er the s'in% the *riest need
not see' $or yellow hair" He (is) #nlean"
/e! 1-:-4 .B#t i$ the sale a**ears to be at a standstill% and there is bla' hair grown #* in it% the sale has
healed" He (is) lean% and the *riest shall *rono#ne him lean"
/e! 1-:-8 . I$ a man or a woman has bright s*ots on the s'in o$ the body% (s*ei$ially) white bright s*ots%
/e! 1-:-9 .then the *riest shall loo'& and indeed (i$) the bright s*ots on the s'in o$ the body (are) d#ll white% it (is)
a white s*ot (that) grows on the s'in" He (is) lean"
/e! 1-:05 .+s $or the man whose hair has $allen $rom his head% he (is) bald% (b#t) he (is) lean"
/e! 1-:01 .He whose hair has $allen $rom his $orehead% he (is) bald on the $orehead% (b#t) he (is) lean"
/e! 1-:02 .+nd i$ there is on the bald head or bald $orehead a reddishDwhite sore% it (is) le*rosy brea'ing o#t on
his bald head or his bald $orehead"
/e! 1-:0- .Then the *riest shall e9amine it& and indeed (i$) the swelling o$ the sore (is) reddishDwhite on his bald
head or on his bald $orehead% as the a**earane o$ le*rosy on the s'in o$ the body%
/e! 1-:00 .he is a le*ro#s man" He (is) #nlean" The *riest shall s#rely *rono#ne him #nlean& his sore (is) on
his head"
/e! 1-:01 .Now the le*er on whom the sore (is%) his lothes shall be torn and his head bare& and he shall o!er
his m#stahe% and ry% A7nleanF 7nleanFA
/e! 1-:03 .He shall be #nlean" +ll the days he has the sore he shall be #nlean" He (is) #nlean% and he shall
dwell alone& his dwelling (shall be) o#tside the am*"
/e! 1-:04 . +lso% i$ a garment has a le*ro#s *lag#e in it% (whether it is) a woolen garment or a linen garment%
/e! 1-:08 .whether (it is) in the war* or woo$ o$ linen or wool% whether in leather or in anything made o$ leather%
/e! 1-:09 .and i$ the *lag#e is greenish or reddish in the garment or in the leather% whether in the war* or in the
woo$% or in anything made o$ leather% it (is) a le*ro#s *lag#e and shall be shown to the *riest"
/e! 1-:15 .The *riest shall e9amine the *lag#e and isolate (that whih has) the *lag#e se!en days"
/e! 1-:11 .+nd he shall e9amine the *lag#e on the se!enth day" I$ the *lag#e has s*read in the garment% either
in the war* or in the woo$% in the leather (or) in anything made o$ leather% the *lag#e (is) an ati!e le*rosy" It (is)
/e! 1-:12 .He shall there$ore b#rn that garment in whih is the *lag#e% whether war* or woo$% in wool or in
linen% or anything o$ leather% $or it (is) an ati!e le*rosy& (the garment) shall be b#rned in the $ire"
/e! 1-:1- . B#t i$ the *riest e9amines (it%) and indeed the *lag#e has not s*read in the garment% either in the
war* or in the woo$% or in anything made o$ leather%
/e! 1-:10 .then the *riest shall ommand that they wash (the thing) in whih (is) the *lag#e& and he shall isolate
it another se!en days"
/e! 1-:11 .Then the *riest shall e9amine the *lag#e a$ter it has been washed& and indeed (i$) the *lag#e has not
hanged its olor% tho#gh the *lag#e has not s*read% it (is) #nlean% and yo# shall b#rn it in the $ire& it ontin#es
eating away% (whether) the damage (is) o#tside or inside"
/e! 1-:13 .I$ the *riest e9amines (it%) and indeed the *lag#e has $aded a$ter washing it% then he shall tear it o#t
o$ the garment% whether o#t o$ the war* or o#t o$ the woo$% or o#t o$ the leather"
/e! 1-:14 .B#t i$ it a**ears again in the garment% either in the war* or in the woo$% or in anything made o$
leather% it (is) a s*reading (*lag#e&) yo# shall b#rn with $ire that in whih is the *lag#e"
/e! 1-:18 .+nd i$ yo# wash the garment% either war* or woo$% or whate!er is made o$ leather% i$ the *lag#e has
disa**eared $rom it% then it shall be washed a seond time% and shall be lean"
/e! 1-:19 . This (is) the law o$ the le*ro#s *lag#e in a garment o$ wool or linen% either in the war* or woo$% or in
anything made o$ leather% to *rono#ne it lean or to *rono#ne it #nlean".
/e! 10:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 10:2 .This shall be the law o$ the le*er $or the day o$ his leansing: He shall be bro#ght to the *riest"
/e! 10:- .+nd the *riest shall go o#t o$ the am*% and the *riest shall e9amine (him&) and indeed% (i$) the le*rosy
is healed in the le*er%
/e! 10:0 .then the *riest shall ommand to ta'e $or him who is to be leansed two li!ing (and) lean birds% edar
wood% sarlet% and hysso*"
/e! 10:1 .+nd the *riest shall ommand that one o$ the birds be 'illed in an earthen !essel o!er r#nning water"
/e! 10:3 .+s $or the li!ing bird% he shall ta'e it% the edar wood and the sarlet and the hysso*% and di* them
and the li!ing bird in the blood o$ the bird (that was) 'illed o!er the r#nning water"
/e! 10:4 .+nd he shall s*rin'le it se!en times on him who is to be leansed $rom the le*rosy% and shall
*rono#ne him lean% and shall let the li!ing bird loose in the o*en $ield"
/e! 10:8 .He who is to be leansed shall wash his lothes% sha!e o$$ all his hair% and wash himsel$ in water% that
he may be lean" +$ter that he shall ome into the am*% and shall stay o#tside his tent se!en days"
/e! 10:9 .B#t on the se!enth day he shall sha!e all the hair o$$ his head and his beard and his eyebrows DD all
his hair he shall sha!e o$$" He shall wash his lothes and wash his body in water% and he shall be lean"
/e! 10:15 . +nd on the eighth day he shall ta'e two male lambs witho#t blemish% one ewe lamb o$ the $irst year
witho#t blemish% threeDtenths (o$ an e*hah) o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed with oil as a grain o$$ering% and one log o$ oil"
/e! 10:11 .Then the *riest who ma'es (him) lean shall *resent the man who is to be made lean% and those
things% be$ore the /8:2% (at) the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
/e! 10:12 .+nd the *riest shall ta'e one male lamb and o$$er it as a tres*ass o$$ering% and the log o$ oil% and
wa!e them (as) a wa!e o$$ering be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 10:1- .Then he shall 'ill the lamb in the *lae where he 'ills the sin o$$ering and the b#rnt o$$ering% in a holy
*lae& $or as the sin o$$ering (is) the *riestAs% so (is) the tres*ass o$$ering" It (is) most holy"
/e! 10:10 .The *riest shall ta'e (some) o$ the blood o$ the tres*ass o$$ering% and the *riest shall *#t (it) on the ti*
o$ the right ear o$ him who is to be leansed% on the th#mb o$ his right hand% and on the big toe o$ his right $oot"
/e! 10:11 .+nd the *riest shall ta'e (some) o$ the log o$ oil% and *o#r (it) into the *alm o$ his own le$t hand"
/e! 10:13 .Then the *riest shall di* his right $inger in the oil that (is) in his le$t hand% and shall s*rin'le some o$
the oil with his $inger se!en times be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 10:14 .+nd o$ the rest o$ the oil in his hand% the *riest shall *#t (some) on the ti* o$ the right ear o$ him who
is to be leansed% on the th#mb o$ his right hand% and on the big toe o$ his right $oot% on the blood o$ the tres*ass
/e! 10:18 .The rest o$ the oil that (is) in the *riestAs hand he shall *#t on the head o$ him who is to be leansed"
,o the *riest shall ma'e atonement $or him be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 10:19 .Then the *riest shall o$$er the sin o$$ering% and ma'e atonement $or him who is to be leansed $rom
his #nleanness" +$terward he shall 'ill the b#rnt o$$ering"
/e! 10:25 .+nd the *riest shall o$$er the b#rnt o$$ering and the grain o$$ering on the altar" ,o the *riest shall
ma'e atonement $or him% and he shall be lean"
/e! 10:21 . B#t i$ he (is) *oor and annot a$$ord it% then he shall ta'e one male lamb (as) a tres*ass o$$ering to
be wa!ed% to ma'e atonement $or him% oneDtenth (o$ an e*hah) o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed with oil as a grain o$$ering% a
log o$ oil%
/e! 10:22 .and two t#rtledo!es or two yo#ng *igeons% s#h as he is able to a$$ord: one shall be a sin o$$ering
and the other a b#rnt o$$ering"
/e! 10:2- .He shall bring them to the *riest on the eighth day $or his leansing% to the door o$ the tabernale o$
meeting% be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 10:20 .+nd the *riest shall ta'e the lamb o$ the tres*ass o$$ering and the log o$ oil% and the *riest shall wa!e
them (as) a wa!e o$$ering be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 10:21 .Then he shall 'ill the lamb o$ the tres*ass o$$ering% and the *riest shall ta'e (some) o$ the blood o$
the tres*ass o$$ering and *#t (it) on the ti* o$ the right ear o$ him who is to be leansed% on the th#mb o$ his right
hand% and on the big toe o$ his right $oot"
/e! 10:23 .+nd the *riest shall *o#r some o$ the oil into the *alm o$ his own le$t hand"
/e! 10:24 .Then the *riest shall s*rin'le with his right $inger (some) o$ the oil that (is) in his le$t hand se!en times
be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 10:28 .+nd the *riest shall *#t (some) o$ the oil that (is) in his hand on the ti* o$ the right ear o$ him who is to
be leansed% on the th#mb o$ the right hand% and on the big toe o$ his right $oot% on the *lae o$ the blood o$ the
tres*ass o$$ering"
/e! 10:29 .The rest o$ the oil that (is) in the *riestAs hand he shall *#t on the head o$ him who is to be leansed%
to ma'e atonement $or him be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 10:-5 .+nd he shall o$$er one o$ the t#rtledo!es or yo#ng *igeons% s#h as he an a$$ord DD
/e! 10:-1 .s#h as he is able to a$$ord% the one (as) a sin o$$ering and the other (as) a b#rnt o$$ering% with the
grain o$$ering" ,o the *riest shall ma'e atonement $or him who is to be leansed be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 10:-2 .This (is) the law ($or one) who had a le*ro#s sore% who annot a$$ord the #s#al leansing".
/e! 10:-- +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% saying:
/e! 10:-0 .>hen yo# ha!e ome into the land o$ =anaan% whih I gi!e yo# as a *ossession% and I *#t the
le*ro#s *lag#e in a ho#se in the land o$ yo#r *ossession%
/e! 10:-1 .and he who owns the ho#se omes and tells the *riest% saying% AIt seems to me that (there is) some
*lag#e in the ho#se%A
/e! 10:-3 .then the *riest shall ommand that they em*ty the ho#se% be$ore the *riest goes (into it) to e9amine
the *lag#e% that all that (is) in the ho#se may not be made #nlean& and a$terward the *riest shall go in to
e9amine the ho#se"
/e! 10:-4 .+nd he shall e9amine the *lag#e& and indeed (i$) the *lag#e (is) on the walls o$ the ho#se with
ingrained strea's% greenish or reddish% whih a**ear to be dee* in the wall%
/e! 10:-8 .then the *riest shall go o#t o$ the ho#se% to the door o$ the ho#se% and sh#t #* the ho#se se!en
/e! 10:-9 .+nd the *riest shall ome again on the se!enth day and loo'& and indeed (i$) the *lag#e has s*read
on the walls o$ the ho#se%
/e! 10:05 .then the *riest shall ommand that they ta'e away the stones in whih (is) the *lag#e% and they shall
ast them into an #nlean *lae o#tside the ity"
/e! 10:01 .+nd he shall a#se the ho#se to be sra*ed inside% all aro#nd% and the d#st that they sra*e o$$ they
shall *o#r o#t in an #nlean *lae o#tside the ity"
/e! 10:02 .Then they shall ta'e other stones and *#t (them) in the *lae o$ (those) stones% and he shall ta'e
other mortar and *laster the ho#se"
/e! 10:0- . Now i$ the *lag#e omes ba' and brea's o#t in the ho#se% a$ter he has ta'en away the stones%
a$ter he has sra*ed the ho#se% and a$ter it is *lastered%
/e! 10:00 .then the *riest shall ome and loo'& and indeed (i$) the *lag#e has s*read in the ho#se% it (is) an
ati!e le*rosy in the ho#se" It (is) #nlean"
/e! 10:01 .+nd he shall brea' down the ho#se% its stones% its timber% and all the *laster o$ the ho#se% and he
shall arry (them) o#tside the ity to an #nlean *lae"
/e! 10:03 .?oreo!er he who goes into the ho#se at all while it is sh#t #* shall be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 10:04 .+nd he who lies down in the ho#se shall wash his lothes% and he who eats in the ho#se shall wash
his lothes"
/e! 10:08 . B#t i$ the *riest omes in and e9amines (it%) and indeed the *lag#e has not s*read in the ho#se a$ter
the ho#se was *lastered% then the *riest shall *rono#ne the ho#se lean% bea#se the *lag#e is healed"
/e! 10:09 .+nd he shall ta'e% to leanse the ho#se% two birds% edar wood% sarlet% and hysso*"
/e! 10:15 .Then he shall 'ill one o$ the birds in an earthen !essel o!er r#nning water&
/e! 10:11 .and he shall ta'e the edar wood% the hysso*% the sarlet% and the li!ing bird% and di* them in the
blood o$ the slain bird and in the r#nning water% and s*rin'le the ho#se se!en times"
/e! 10:12 .+nd he shall leanse the ho#se with the blood o$ the bird and the r#nning water and the li!ing bird%
with the edar wood% the hysso*% and the sarlet"
/e! 10:1- .Then he shall let the li!ing bird loose o#tside the ity in the o*en $ield% and ma'e atonement $or the
ho#se% and it shall be lean"
/e! 10:10 . This (is) the law $or any le*ro#s sore and sale%
/e! 10:11 .$or the le*rosy o$ a garment and o$ a ho#se%
/e! 10:13 .$or a swelling and a sab and a bright s*ot%
/e! 10:14 .to teah when (it is) #nlean and when (it is) lean" This (is) the law o$ le*rosy".
/e! 11:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% saying%
/e! 11:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hen any man has a disharge $rom his body% his
disharge (is) #nlean"
/e! 11:- A+nd this shall be his #nleanness in regard to his disharge DD whether his body r#ns with his
disharge% or his body is sto**ed #* by his disharge% it (is) his #nleanness"
/e! 11:0 A6!ery bed is #nlean on whih he who has the disharge lies% and e!erything on whih he sits shall be
/e! 11:1 A+nd whoe!er to#hes his bed shall wash his lothes and bathe in water% and be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:3 AHe who sits on anything on whih he who has the disharge sat shall wash his lothes and bathe in
water% and be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:4 A+nd he who to#hes the body o$ him who has the disharge shall wash his lothes and bathe in water%
and be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:8 AI$ he who has the disharge s*its on him who is lean% then he shall wash his lothes and bathe in
water% and be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:9 A+ny saddle on whih he who has the disharge rides shall be #nlean"
/e! 11:15 A>hoe!er to#hes anything that was #nder him shall be #nlean #ntil e!ening" He who arries (any
o$) those things shall wash his lothes and bathe in water% and be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:11 A+nd whome!er the one who has the disharge to#hes% and has not rinsed his hands in water% he
shall wash his lothes and bathe in water% and be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:12 AThe !essel o$ earth that he who has the disharge to#hes shall be bro'en% and e!ery !essel o$
wood shall be rinsed in water"
/e! 11:1- A +nd when he who has a disharge is leansed o$ his disharge% then he shall o#nt $or himsel$
se!en days $or his leansing% wash his lothes% and bathe his body in r#nning water& then he shall be lean"
/e! 11:10 A8n the eighth day he shall ta'e $or himsel$ two t#rtledo!es or two yo#ng *igeons% and ome be$ore
the /8:2% to the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% and gi!e them to the *riest"
/e! 11:11 AThen the *riest shall o$$er them% the one (as) a sin o$$ering and the other (as) a b#rnt o$$ering" ,o the
*riest shall ma'e atonement $or him be$ore the /8:2 bea#se o$ his disharge"
/e! 11:13 A I$ any man has an emission o$ semen% then he shall wash all his body in water% and be #nlean #ntil
/e! 11:14 A+nd any garment and any leather on whih there is semen% it shall be washed with water% and be
#nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:18 A+lso% when a woman lies with a man% and (there is) an emission o$ semen% they shall bathe in water%
and be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:19 A I$ a woman has a disharge% (and) the disharge $rom her body is blood% she shall be set a*art
se!en days& and whoe!er to#hes her shall be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:25 A6!erything that she lies on d#ring her im*#rity shall be #nlean& also e!erything that she sits on shall
be #nlean"
/e! 11:21 A>hoe!er to#hes her bed shall wash his lothes and bathe in water% and be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:22 A+nd whoe!er to#hes anything that she sat on shall wash his lothes and bathe in water% and be
#nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:2- AI$ (anything) is on (her) bed or on anything on whih she sits% when he to#hes it% he shall be #nlean
#ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:20 A+nd i$ any man lies with her at all% so that her im*#rity is on him% he shall be #nlean se!en days& and
e!ery bed on whih he lies shall be #nlean"
/e! 11:21 A I$ a woman has a disharge o$ blood $or many days% other than at the time o$ her (#stomary)
im*#rity% or i$ it r#ns beyond her (#s#al time o$) im*#rity% all the days o$ her #nlean disharge shall be as the
days o$ her (#stomary) im*#rity" ,he (shall be) #nlean"
/e! 11:23 A6!ery bed on whih she lies all the days o$ her disharge shall be to her as the bed o$ her im*#rity&
and whate!er she sits on shall be #nlean% as the #nleanness o$ her im*#rity"
/e! 11:24 A>hoe!er to#hes those things shall be #nlean& he shall wash his lothes and bathe in water% and be
#nlean #ntil e!ening"
/e! 11:28 A B#t i$ she is leansed o$ her disharge% then she shall o#nt $or hersel$ se!en days% and a$ter that
she shall be lean"
/e! 11:29 A+nd on the eighth day she shall ta'e $or hersel$ two t#rtledo!es or two yo#ng *igeons% and bring
them to the *riest% to the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
/e! 11:-5 AThen the *riest shall o$$er the one (as) a sin o$$ering and the other (as) a b#rnt o$$ering% and the *riest
shall ma'e atonement $or her be$ore the /8:2 $or the disharge o$ her #nleanness"
/e! 11:-1 A Th#s yo# shall se*arate the hildren o$ Israel $rom their #nleanness% lest they die in their
#nleanness when they de$ile ?y tabernale that (is) among them"
/e! 11:-2 AThis (is) the law $or one who has a disharge% and ($or him) who emits semen and is #nlean thereby%
/e! 11:-- Aand $or her who is indis*osed bea#se o$ her (#stomary) im*#rity% and $or one who has a disharge%
either man or woman% and $or him who lies with her who is #nlean"A .
/e! 13:1 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses a$ter the death o$ the two sons o$ +aron% when they o$$ered (*ro$ane
$ire) be$ore the /8:2% and died&
/e! 13:2 and the /8:2 said to ?oses: .Tell +aron yo#r brother not to ome at (@#st) any time into the Holy
(<lae) inside the !eil% be$ore the mery seat whih (is) on the ar'% lest he die& $or I will a**ear in the lo#d abo!e
the mery seat"
/e! 13:- .Th#s +aron shall ome into the Holy (<lae:) with (the blood o$) a yo#ng b#ll as a sin o$$ering% and (o$)
a ram as a b#rnt o$$ering"
/e! 13:0 .He shall *#t the holy linen t#ni and the linen tro#sers on his body& he shall be girded with a linen
sash% and with the linen t#rban he shall be attired" These (are) holy garments" There$ore he shall wash his body
in water% and *#t them on"
/e! 13:1 .+nd he shall ta'e $rom the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel two 'ids o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering%
and one ram as a b#rnt o$$ering"
/e! 13:3 . +aron shall o$$er the b#ll as a sin o$$ering% whih (is) $or himsel$% and ma'e atonement $or himsel$ and
$or his ho#se"
/e! 13:4 .He shall ta'e the two goats and *resent them be$ore the /8:2 (at) the door o$ the tabernale o$
/e! 13:8 .Then +aron shall ast lots $or the two goats: one lot $or the /8:2 and the other lot $or the sa*egoat"
/e! 13:9 .+nd +aron shall bring the goat on whih the /8:2As lot $ell% and o$$er it (as) a sin o$$ering"
/e! 13:15 .B#t the goat on whih the lot $ell to be the sa*egoat shall be *resented ali!e be$ore the /8:2% to
ma'e atonement #*on it% (and) to let it go as the sa*egoat into the wilderness"
/e! 13:11 . +nd +aron shall bring the b#ll o$ the sin o$$ering% whih is $or himsel$% and ma'e atonement $or
himsel$ and $or his ho#se% and shall 'ill the b#ll as the sin o$$ering whih (is) $or himsel$"
/e! 13:12 .Then he shall ta'e a enser $#ll o$ b#rning oals o$ $ire $rom the altar be$ore the /8:2% with his
hands $#ll o$ sweet inense beaten $ine% and bring (it) inside the !eil"
/e! 13:1- .+nd he shall *#t the inense on the $ire be$ore the /8:2% that the lo#d o$ inense may o!er the
mery seat that (is) on the Testimony% lest he die"
/e! 13:10 .He shall ta'e some o$ the blood o$ the b#ll and s*rin'le (it) with his $inger on the mery seat on the
east (side&) and be$ore the mery seat he shall s*rin'le some o$ the blood with his $inger se!en times"
/e! 13:11 . Then he shall 'ill the goat o$ the sin o$$ering% whih (is) $or the *eo*le% bring its blood inside the !eil%
do with that blood as he did with the blood o$ the b#ll% and s*rin'le it on the mery seat and be$ore the mery
/e! 13:13 .,o he shall ma'e atonement $or the Holy (<lae%) bea#se o$ the #nleanness o$ the hildren o$
Israel% and bea#se o$ their transgressions% $or all their sins& and so he shall do $or the tabernale o$ meeting
whih remains among them in the midst o$ their #nleanness"
/e! 13:14 .There shall be no man in the tabernale o$ meeting when he goes in to ma'e atonement in the Holy
(<lae%) #ntil he omes o#t% that he may ma'e atonement $or himsel$% $or his ho#sehold% and $or all the assembly
o$ Israel"
/e! 13:18 .+nd he shall go o#t to the altar that (is) be$ore the /8:2% and ma'e atonement $or it% and shall ta'e
some o$ the blood o$ the b#ll and some o$ the blood o$ the goat% and *#t it on the horns o$ the altar all aro#nd"
/e! 13:19 .Then he shall s*rin'le some o$ the blood on it with his $inger se!en times% leanse it% and onserate
it $rom the #nleanness o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
/e! 13:25 . +nd when he has made an end o$ atoning $or the Holy (<lae%) the tabernale o$ meeting% and the
altar% he shall bring the li!e goat"
/e! 13:21 .+aron shall lay both his hands on the head o$ the li!e goat% on$ess o!er it all the iniE#ities o$ the
hildren o$ Israel% and all their transgressions% onerning all their sins% *#tting them on the head o$ the goat% and
shall send (it) away into the wilderness by the hand o$ a s#itable man"
/e! 13:22 .The goat shall bear on itsel$ all their iniE#ities to an #ninhabited land& and he shall release the goat in
the wilderness"
/e! 13:2- . Then +aron shall ome into the tabernale o$ meeting% shall ta'e o$$ the linen garments whih he
*#t on when he went into the Holy (<lae%) and shall lea!e them there"
/e! 13:20 .+nd he shall wash his body with water in a holy *lae% *#t on his garments% ome o#t and o$$er his
b#rnt o$$ering and the b#rnt o$$ering o$ the *eo*le% and ma'e atonement $or himsel$ and $or the *eo*le"
/e! 13:21 .The $at o$ the sin o$$ering he shall b#rn on the altar"
/e! 13:23 .+nd he who released the goat as the sa*egoat shall wash his lothes and bathe his body in water%
and a$terward he may ome into the am*"
/e! 13:24 .The b#ll ($or) the sin o$$ering and the goat ($or) the sin o$$ering% whose blood was bro#ght in to ma'e
atonement in the Holy (<lae%) shall be arried o#tside the am*" +nd they shall b#rn in the $ire their s'ins% their
$lesh% and their o$$al"
/e! 13:28 .Then he who b#rns them shall wash his lothes and bathe his body in water% and a$terward he may
ome into the am*"
/e! 13:29 . (This) shall be a stat#te $ore!er $or yo#: In the se!enth month% on the tenth (day) o$ the month% yo#
shall a$$lit yo#r so#ls% and do no wor' at all% (whether) a nati!e o$ yo#r own o#ntry or a stranger who dwells
among yo#"
/e! 13:-5 .;or on that day (the *riest) shall ma'e atonement $or yo#% to leanse yo#% (that) yo# may be lean
$rom all yo#r sins be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 13:-1 .It (is) a sabbath o$ solemn rest $or yo#% and yo# shall a$$lit yo#r so#ls" (It is) a stat#te $ore!er"
/e! 13:-2 .+nd the *riest% who is anointed and onserated to minister as *riest in his $atherAs *lae% shall ma'e
atonement% and *#t on the linen lothes% the holy garments&
/e! 13:-- .then he shall ma'e atonement $or the Holy ,ant#ary% and he shall ma'e atonement $or the
tabernale o$ meeting and $or the altar% and he shall ma'e atonement $or the *riests and $or all the *eo*le o$ the
/e! 13:-0 .This shall be an e!erlasting stat#te $or yo#% to ma'e atonement $or the hildren o$ Israel% $or all their
sins% one a year". +nd he did as the /8:2 ommanded ?oses"
/e! 14:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 14:2 .,*ea' to +aron% to his sons% and to all the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them% AThis (is) the thing whih
the /8:2 has ommanded% saying:
/e! 14:- .>hate!er man o$ the ho#se o$ Israel who 'ills an o9 or lamb or goat in the am*% or who 'ills (it)
o#tside the am*%
/e! 14:0 .and does not bring it to the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting to o$$er an o$$ering to the /8:2 be$ore
the tabernale o$ the /8:2% the g#ilt o$ bloodshed shall be im*#ted to that man" He has shed blood& and that
man shall be #t o$$ $rom among his *eo*le%
/e! 14:1 .to the end that the hildren o$ Israel may bring their sari$ies whih they o$$er in the o*en $ield% that
they may bring them to the /8:2 at the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% to the *riest% and o$$er them (as)
*eae o$$erings to the /8:2"
/e! 14:3 .+nd the *riest shall s*rin'le the blood on the altar o$ the /8:2 (at) the door o$ the tabernale o$
meeting% and b#rn the $at $or a sweet aroma to the /8:2"
/e! 14:4 .They shall no more o$$er their sari$ies to demons% a$ter whom they ha!e *layed the harlot" This shall
be a stat#te $ore!er $or them thro#gho#t their generations". A
/e! 14:8 .+lso yo# shall say to them: A>hate!er man o$ the ho#se o$ Israel% or o$ the strangers who dwell
among yo#% who o$$ers a b#rnt o$$ering or sari$ie%
/e! 14:9 Aand does not bring it to the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% to o$$er it to the /8:2% that man shall be
#t o$$ $rom among his *eo*le"
/e! 14:15 A +nd whate!er man o$ the ho#se o$ Israel% or o$ the strangers who dwell among yo#% who eats any
blood% I will set ?y $ae against that *erson who eats blood% and will #t him o$$ $rom among his *eo*le"
/e! 14:11 A;or the li$e o$ the $lesh (is) in the blood% and I ha!e gi!en it to yo# #*on the altar to ma'e atonement
$or yo#r so#ls& $or it (is) the blood (that) ma'es atonement $or the so#l"A
/e! 14:12 .There$ore I said to the hildren o$ Israel% ANo one among yo# shall eat blood% nor shall any stranger
who dwells among yo# eat blood"A
/e! 14:1- .>hate!er man o$ the hildren o$ Israel% or o$ the strangers who dwell among yo#% who h#nts and
athes any animal or bird that may be eaten% he shall *o#r o#t its blood and o!er it with d#st&
/e! 14:10 .$or (it is) the li$e o$ all $lesh" Its blood s#stains its li$e" There$ore I said to the hildren o$ Israel% ABo#
shall not eat the blood o$ any $lesh% $or the li$e o$ all $lesh is its blood" >hoe!er eats it shall be #t o$$"A
/e! 14:11 . +nd e!ery *erson who eats what died (nat#rally) or what was torn (by beasts% whether he is) a
nati!e o$ yo#r own o#ntry or a stranger% he shall both wash his lothes and bathe in water% and be #nlean #ntil
e!ening" Then he shall be lean"
/e! 14:13 .B#t i$ he does not wash (them) or bathe his body% then he shall bear his g#ilt".
/e! 18:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 18:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: AI am the /8:2 yo#r God"
/e! 18:- A+ording to the doings o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% where yo# dwelt% yo# shall not do& and aording to the
doings o$ the land o$ =anaan% where I am bringing yo#% yo# shall not do& nor shall yo# wal' in their ordinanes"
/e! 18:0 ABo# shall obser!e ?y @#dgments and 'ee* ?y ordinanes% to wal' in them: I (am) the /8:2 yo#r
/e! 18:1 ABo# shall there$ore 'ee* ?y stat#tes and ?y @#dgments% whih i$ a man does% he shall li!e by them: I
(am) the /8:2"
/e! 18:3 A None o$ yo# shall a**roah anyone who is near o$ 'in to him% to #no!er his na'edness: I (am) the
/e! 18:4 AThe na'edness o$ yo#r $ather or the na'edness o$ yo#r mother yo# shall not #no!er" ,he (is) yo#r
mother& yo# shall not #no!er her na'edness"
/e! 18:8 AThe na'edness o$ yo#r $atherAs wi$e yo# shall not #no!er& it (is) yo#r $atherAs na'edness"
/e! 18:9 AThe na'edness o$ yo#r sister% the da#ghter o$ yo#r $ather% or the da#ghter o$ yo#r mother% (whether)
born at home or elsewhere% their na'edness yo# shall not #no!er"
/e! 18:15 AThe na'edness o$ yo#r sonAs da#ghter or yo#r da#ghterAs da#ghter% their na'edness yo# shall not
#no!er& $or theirs (is) yo#r own na'edness"
/e! 18:11 AThe na'edness o$ yo#r $atherAs wi$eAs da#ghter% begotten by yo#r $ather DD she (is) yo#r sister DD yo#
shall not #no!er her na'edness"
/e! 18:12 ABo# shall not #no!er the na'edness o$ yo#r $atherAs sister& she (is) near o$ 'in to yo#r $ather"
/e! 18:1- ABo# shall not #no!er the na'edness o$ yo#r motherAs sister% $or she (is) near o$ 'in to yo#r mother"
/e! 18:10 ABo# shall not #no!er the na'edness o$ yo#r $atherAs brother" Bo# shall not a**roah his wi$e& she
(is) yo#r a#nt"
/e! 18:11 ABo# shall not #no!er the na'edness o$ yo#r da#ghterDinDlaw DD she (is) yo#r sonAs wi$e DD yo# shall
not #no!er her na'edness"
/e! 18:13 ABo# shall not #no!er the na'edness o$ yo#r brotherAs wi$e& it (is) yo#r brotherAs na'edness"
/e! 18:14 ABo# shall not #no!er the na'edness o$ a woman and her da#ghter% nor shall yo# ta'e her sonAs
da#ghter or her da#ghterAs da#ghter% to #no!er her na'edness" They (are) near o$ 'in to her" It (is) wi'edness"
/e! 18:18 ANor shall yo# ta'e a woman as a ri!al to her sister% to #no!er her na'edness while the other is ali!e"
/e! 18:19 A +lso yo# shall not a**roah a woman to #no!er her na'edness as long as she is in her (#stomary)
/e! 18:25 A?oreo!er yo# shall not lie arnally with yo#r neighborAs wi$e% to de$ile yo#rsel$ with her"
/e! 18:21 A+nd yo# shall not let any o$ yo#r desendants *ass thro#gh (the $ire) to ?oleh% nor shall yo# *ro$ane
the name o$ yo#r God: I (am) the /8:2"
/e! 18:22 ABo# shall not lie with a male as with a woman" It (is) an abomination"
/e! 18:2- ANor shall yo# mate with any animal% to de$ile yo#rsel$ with it" Nor shall any woman stand be$ore an
animal to mate with it" It (is) *er!ersion"
/e! 18:20 A 2o not de$ile yo#rsel!es with any o$ these things& $or by all these the nations are de$iled% whih I am
asting o#t be$ore yo#"
/e! 18:21 A;or the land is de$iled& there$ore I !isit the *#nishment o$ its iniE#ity #*on it% and the land !omits o#t
its inhabitants"
/e! 18:23 ABo# shall there$ore 'ee* ?y stat#tes and ?y @#dgments% and shall not ommit (any) o$ these
abominations% (either) any o$ yo#r own nation or any stranger who dwells among yo#
/e! 18:24 AI$or all these abominations the men o$ the land ha!e done% who (were) be$ore yo#% and th#s the land
is de$iledJ%
/e! 18:28 Alest the land !omit yo# o#t also when yo# de$ile it% as it !omited o#t the nations that (were) be$ore
/e! 18:29 A;or whoe!er ommits any o$ these abominations% the *ersons who ommit (them) shall be #t o$$
$rom among their *eo*le"
/e! 18:-5 AThere$ore yo# shall 'ee* ?y ordinane% so that (yo#) do not ommit (any) o$ these abominable
#stoms whih were ommitted be$ore yo#% and that yo# do not de$ile yo#rsel!es by them: I (am) the /8:2 yo#r
God"A .
/e! 19:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 19:2 .,*ea' to all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: ABo# shall be holy% $or I the
/8:2 yo#r God (am) holy"
/e! 19:- A 6!ery one o$ yo# shall re!ere his mother and his $ather% and 'ee* ?y ,abbaths: I (am) the /8:2
yo#r God"
/e! 19:0 A 2o not t#rn to idols% nor ma'e $or yo#rsel!es molded gods: I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God"
/e! 19:1 A +nd i$ yo# o$$er a sari$ie o$ a *eae o$$ering to the /8:2% yo# shall o$$er it o$ yo#r own $ree will"
/e! 19:3 AIt shall be eaten the same day yo# o$$er (it%) and on the ne9t day" +nd i$ any remains #ntil the third day%
it shall be b#rned in the $ire"
/e! 19:4 A+nd i$ it is eaten at all on the third day% it (is) an abomination" It shall not be ae*ted"
/e! 19:8 AThere$ore (e!eryone) who eats it shall bear his iniE#ity% bea#se he has *ro$aned the hallowed
(o$$ering) o$ the /8:2& and that *erson shall be #t o$$ $rom his *eo*le"
/e! 19:9 A >hen yo# rea* the har!est o$ yo#r land% yo# shall not wholly rea* the orners o$ yo#r $ield% nor shall
yo# gather the gleanings o$ yo#r har!est"
/e! 19:15 A+nd yo# shall not glean yo#r !ineyard% nor shall yo# gather (e!ery) gra*e o$ yo#r !ineyard& yo# shall
lea!e them $or the *oor and the stranger: I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God"
/e! 19:11 A Bo# shall not steal% nor deal $alsely% nor lie to one another"
/e! 19:12 A+nd yo# shall not swear by ?y name $alsely% nor shall yo# *ro$ane the name o$ yo#r God: I (am) the
/e! 19:1- A Bo# shall not heat yo#r neighbor% nor rob (him") The wages o$ him who is hired shall not remain
with yo# all night #ntil morning"
/e! 19:10 ABo# shall not #rse the dea$% nor *#t a st#mbling blo' be$ore the blind% b#t shall $ear yo#r God: I
(am) the /8:2"
/e! 19:11 A Bo# shall do no in@#stie in @#dgment" Bo# shall not be *artial to the *oor% nor honor the *erson o$
the mighty" In righteo#sness yo# shall @#dge yo#r neighbor"
/e! 19:13 ABo# shall not go abo#t (as) a talebearer among yo#r *eo*le& nor shall yo# ta'e a stand against the
li$e o$ yo#r neighbor: I (am) the /8:2"
/e! 19:14 A Bo# shall not hate yo#r brother in yo#r heart" Bo# shall s#rely reb#'e yo#r neighbor% and not bear
sin bea#se o$ him"
/e! 19:18 ABo# shall not ta'e !engeane% nor bear any gr#dge against the hildren o$ yo#r *eo*le% b#t yo# shall
lo!e yo#r neighbor as yo#rsel$: I (am) the /8:2"
/e! 19:19 A Bo# shall 'ee* ?y stat#tes" Bo# shall not let yo#r li!esto' breed with another 'ind" Bo# shall not
sow yo#r $ield with mi9ed seed" Nor shall a garment o$ mi9ed linen and wool ome #*on yo#"
/e! 19:25 A>hoe!er lies arnally with a woman who (is) betrothed to a man as a on#bine% and who has not at
all been redeemed nor gi!en her $reedom% $or this there shall be so#rging& (b#t) they shall not be *#t to death%
bea#se she was not $ree"
/e! 19:21 A+nd he shall bring his tres*ass o$$ering to the /8:2% to the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% a ram
as a tres*ass o$$ering"
/e! 19:22 AThe *riest shall ma'e atonement $or him with the ram o$ the tres*ass o$$ering be$ore the /8:2 $or
his sin whih he has ommitted" +nd the sin whih he has ommitted shall be $orgi!en him"
/e! 19:2- A >hen yo# ome into the land% and ha!e *lanted all 'inds o$ trees $or $ood% then yo# shall o#nt their
$r#it as #nir#mised" Three years it shall be as #nir#mised to yo#" (It) shall not be eaten"
/e! 19:20 AB#t in the $o#rth year all its $r#it shall be holy% a *raise to the /8:2"
/e! 19:21 A+nd in the $i$th year yo# may eat its $r#it% that it may yield to yo# its inrease: I (am) the /8:2 yo#r
/e! 19:23 A Bo# shall not eat (anything) with the blood% nor shall yo# *ratie di!ination or soothsaying"
/e! 19:24 ABo# shall not sha!e aro#nd the sides o$ yo#r head% nor shall yo# dis$ig#re the edges o$ yo#r beard"
/e! 19:28 ABo# shall not ma'e any #ttings in yo#r $lesh $or the dead% nor tattoo any mar's on yo#: I (am) the
/e! 19:29 A 2o not *rostit#te yo#r da#ghter% to a#se her to be a harlot% lest the land $all into harlotry% and the
land beome $#ll o$ wi'edness"
/e! 19:-5 A Bo# shall 'ee* ?y ,abbaths and re!erene ?y sant#ary: I (am) the /8:2"
/e! 19:-1 A Gi!e no regard to medi#ms and $amiliar s*irits& do not see' a$ter them% to be de$iled by them: I (am)
the /8:2 yo#r God"
/e! 19:-2 A Bo# shall rise be$ore the gray headed and honor the *resene o$ an old man% and $ear yo#r God: I
(am) the /8:2"
/e! 19:-- A +nd i$ a stranger dwells with yo# in yo#r land% yo# shall not mistreat him"
/e! 19:-0 AThe stranger who dwells among yo# shall be to yo# as one born among yo#% and yo# shall lo!e him
as yo#rsel$& $or yo# were strangers in the land o$ 6gy*t: I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God"
/e! 19:-1 A Bo# shall do no in@#stie in @#dgment% in meas#rement o$ length% weight% or !ol#me"
/e! 19:-3 ABo# shall ha!e honest sales% honest weights% an honest e*hah% and an honest hin: I (am) the /8:2
yo#r God% who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t"
/e! 19:-4 A There$ore yo# shall obser!e all ?y stat#tes and all ?y @#dgments% and *er$orm them: I (am) the
/8:2"A .
/e! 25:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 25:2 .+gain% yo# shall say to the hildren o$ Israel: A>hoe!er o$ the hildren o$ Israel% or o$ the strangers
who dwell in Israel% who gi!es (any) o$ his desendants to ?oleh% he shall s#rely be *#t to death" The *eo*le o$
the land shall stone him with stones"
/e! 25:- AI will set ?y $ae against that man% and will #t him o$$ $rom his *eo*le% bea#se he has gi!en (some)
o$ his desendants to ?oleh% to de$ile ?y sant#ary and *ro$ane ?y holy name"
/e! 25:0 A+nd i$ the *eo*le o$ the land sho#ld in any way hide their eyes $rom the man% when he gi!es (some) o$
his desendants to ?oleh% and they do not 'ill him%
/e! 25:1 Athen I will set ?y $ae against that man and against his $amily& and I will #t him o$$ $rom his *eo*le%
and all who *rostit#te themsel!es with him to ommit harlotry with ?oleh"
/e! 25:3 A +nd the *erson who t#rns to medi#ms and $amiliar s*irits% to *rostit#te himsel$ with them% I will set ?y
$ae against that *erson and #t him o$$ $rom his *eo*le"
/e! 25:4 A=onserate yo#rsel!es there$ore% and be holy% $or I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God"
/e! 25:8 A +nd yo# shall 'ee* ?y stat#tes% and *er$orm them: I (am) the /8:2 who santi$ies yo#"
/e! 25:9 A;or e!eryone who #rses his $ather or his mother shall s#rely be *#t to death" He has #rsed his
$ather or his mother" His blood (shall be) #*on him"
/e! 25:15 AThe man who ommits ad#ltery with (another) manAs wi$e% (he) who ommits ad#ltery with his
neighborAs wi$e% the ad#lterer and the ad#lteress% shall s#rely be *#t to death"
/e! 25:11 AThe man who lies with his $atherAs wi$e has #no!ered his $atherAs na'edness& both o$ them shall
s#rely be *#t to death" Their blood (shall be) #*on them"
/e! 25:12 AI$ a man lies with his da#ghterDinDlaw% both o$ them shall s#rely be *#t to death" They ha!e ommitted
*er!ersion" Their blood (shall be) #*on them"
/e! 25:1- AI$ a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman% both o$ them ha!e ommitted an abomination"
They shall s#rely be *#t to death" Their blood (shall be) #*on them"
/e! 25:10 AI$ a man marries a woman and her mother% it (is) wi'edness" They shall be b#rned with $ire% both he
and they% that there may be no wi'edness among yo#"
/e! 25:11 AI$ a man mates with an animal% he shall s#rely be *#t to death% and yo# shall 'ill the animal"
/e! 25:13 AI$ a woman a**roahes any animal and mates with it% yo# shall 'ill the woman and the animal" They
shall s#rely be *#t to death" Their blood (is) #*on them"
/e! 25:14 AI$ a man ta'es his sister% his $atherAs da#ghter or his motherAs da#ghter% and sees her na'edness and
she sees his na'edness% it (is) a wi'ed thing" +nd they shall be #t o$$ in the sight o$ their *eo*le" He has
#no!ered his sisterAs na'edness" He shall bear his g#ilt"
/e! 25:18 AI$ a man lies with a woman d#ring her si'ness and #no!ers her na'edness% he has e9*osed her
$low% and she has #no!ered the $low o$ her blood" Both o$ them shall be #t o$$ $rom their *eo*le"
/e! 25:19 ABo# shall not #no!er the na'edness o$ yo#r motherAs sister nor o$ yo#r $atherAs sister% $or that wo#ld
#no!er his near o$ 'in" They shall bear their g#ilt"
/e! 25:25 AI$ a man lies with his #nleAs wi$e% he has #no!ered his #nleAs na'edness" They shall bear their sin&
they shall die hildless"
/e! 25:21 AI$ a man ta'es his brotherAs wi$e% it (is) an #nlean thing" He has #no!ered his brotherAs na'edness"
They shall be hildless"
/e! 25:22 A Bo# shall there$ore 'ee* all ?y stat#tes and all ?y @#dgments% and *er$orm them% that the land
where I am bringing yo# to dwell may not !omit yo# o#t"
/e! 25:2- A+nd yo# shall not wal' in the stat#tes o$ the nation whih I am asting o#t be$ore yo#& $or they
ommit all these things% and there$ore I abhor them"
/e! 25:20 AB#t I ha!e said to yo#% .Bo# shall inherit their land% and I will gi!e it to yo# to *ossess% a land $lowing
with mil' and honey". I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God% who has se*arated yo# $rom the *eo*les"
/e! 25:21 ABo# shall there$ore disting#ish between lean animals and #nlean% between #nlean birds and
lean% and yo# shall not ma'e yo#rsel!es abominable by beast or by bird% or by any 'ind o$ li!ing thing that
ree*s on the gro#nd% whih I ha!e se*arated $rom yo# as #nlean"
/e! 25:23 A+nd yo# shall be holy to ?e% $or I the /8:2 (am) holy% and ha!e se*arated yo# $rom the *eo*les%
that yo# sho#ld be ?ine"
/e! 25:24 A + man or a woman who is a medi#m% or who has $amiliar s*irits% shall s#rely be *#t to death& they
shall stone them with stones" Their blood (shall be) #*on them"A .
/e! 21:1 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .,*ea' to the *riests% the sons o$ +aron% and say to them: ANone shall
de$ile himsel$ $or the dead among his *eo*le%
/e! 21:2 Ae9e*t $or his relati!es who are nearest to him: his mother% his $ather% his son% his da#ghter% and his
/e! 21:- Aalso his !irgin sister who is near to him% who has had no h#sband% $or her he may de$ile himsel$"
/e! 21:0 A(8therwise) he shall not de$ile himsel$% (being) a hie$ man among his *eo*le% to *ro$ane himsel$"
/e! 21:1 A They shall not ma'e any bald (*lae) on their heads% nor shall they sha!e the edges o$ their beards
nor ma'e any #ttings in their $lesh"
/e! 21:3 AThey shall be holy to their God and not *ro$ane the name o$ their God% $or they o$$er the o$$erings o$
the /8:2 made by $ire% (and) the bread o$ their God& there$ore they shall be holy"
/e! 21:4 AThey shall not ta'e a wi$e (who is) a harlot or a de$iled woman% nor shall they ta'e a woman di!ored
$rom her h#sband& $or (the *riest) is holy to his God"
/e! 21:8 AThere$ore yo# shall onserate him% $or he o$$ers the bread o$ yo#r God" He shall be holy to yo#% $or I
the /8:2% who santi$y yo#% (am) holy"
/e! 21:9 AThe da#ghter o$ any *riest% i$ she *ro$anes hersel$ by *laying the harlot% she *ro$anes her $ather" ,he
shall be b#rned with $ire"
/e! 21:15 A (He who is) the high *riest among his brethren% on whose head the anointing oil was *o#red and
who is onserated to wear the garments% shall not #no!er his head nor tear his lothes&
/e! 21:11 Anor shall he go near any dead body% nor de$ile himsel$ $or his $ather or his mother&
/e! 21:12 Anor shall he go o#t o$ the sant#ary% nor *ro$ane the sant#ary o$ his God& $or the onseration o$ the
anointing oil o$ his God (is) #*on him: I (am) the /8:2"
/e! 21:1- A+nd he shall ta'e a wi$e in her !irginity"
/e! 21:10 A+ widow or a di!ored woman or a de$iled woman (or) a harlot DD these he shall not marry& b#t he
shall ta'e a !irgin o$ his own *eo*le as wi$e"
/e! 21:11 ANor shall he *ro$ane his *osterity among his *eo*le% $or I the /8:2 santi$y him"A .
/e! 21:13 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 21:14 .,*ea' to +aron% saying: ANo man o$ yo#r desendants in (s#eeding) generations% who has (any)
de$et% may a**roah to o$$er the bread o$ his God"
/e! 21:18 A;or any man who has a de$et shall not a**roah: a man blind or lame% who has a marred ($ae) or
any (limb) too long%
/e! 21:19 Aa man who has a bro'en $oot or bro'en hand%
/e! 21:25 Aor is a h#nhba' or a dwar$% or (a man) who has a de$et in his eye% or eHema or sab% or is a
/e! 21:21 ANo man o$ the desendants o$ +aron the *riest% who has a de$et% shall ome near to o$$er the
o$$erings made by $ire to the /8:2" He has a de$et& he shall not ome near to o$$er the bread o$ his God"
/e! 21:22 AHe may eat the bread o$ his God% (both) the most holy and the holy&
/e! 21:2- Aonly he shall not go near the !eil or a**roah the altar% bea#se he has a de$et% lest he *ro$ane ?y
sant#aries& $or I the /8:2 santi$y them"A .
/e! 21:20 +nd ?oses told (it) to +aron and his sons% and to all the hildren o$ Israel"
/e! 22:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 22:2 .,*ea' to +aron and his sons% that they se*arate themsel!es $rom the holy things o$ the hildren o$
Israel% and that they do not *ro$ane ?y holy name (by) what they dediate to ?e: I (am) the /8:2"
/e! 22:- .,ay to them: A>hoe!er o$ all yo#r desendants thro#gho#t yo#r generations% who goes near the holy
things whih the hildren o$ Israel dediate to the /8:2% while he has #nleanness #*on him% that *erson shall
be #t o$$ $rom ?y *resene: I (am) the /8:2"
/e! 22:0 A>hate!er man o$ the desendants o$ +aron% who (is) a le*er or has a disharge% shall not eat the holy
o$$erings #ntil he is lean" +nd whoe!er to#hes anything made #nlean (by) a or*se% or a man who has had an
emission o$ semen%
/e! 22:1 Aor whoe!er to#hes any ree*ing thing by whih he wo#ld be made #nlean% or any *erson by whom
he wo#ld beome #nlean% whate!er his #nleanness may be DD
/e! 22:3 Athe *erson who has to#hed any s#h thing shall be #nlean #ntil e!ening% and shall not eat the holy
(o$$erings) #nless he washes his body with water"
/e! 22:4 A+nd when the s#n goes down he shall be lean& and a$terward he may eat the holy (o$$erings%)
bea#se it (is) his $ood"
/e! 22:8 A>hate!er dies (nat#rally) or is torn (by beasts) he shall not eat% to de$ile himsel$ with it: I (am) the
/e! 22:9 AThey shall there$ore 'ee* ?y ordinane% lest they bear sin $or it and die thereby% i$ they *ro$ane it: I the
/8:2 santi$y them"
/e! 22:15 A No o#tsider shall eat the holy (o$$ering&) one who dwells with the *riest% or a hired ser!ant% shall not
eat the holy thing"
/e! 22:11 AB#t i$ the *riest b#ys a *erson with his money% he may eat it& and one who is born in his ho#se may
eat his $ood"
/e! 22:12 AI$ the *riestAs da#ghter is married to an o#tsider% she may not eat o$ the holy o$$erings"
/e! 22:1- AB#t i$ the *riestAs da#ghter is a widow or di!ored% and has no hild% and has ret#rned to her $atherAs
ho#se as in her yo#th% she may eat her $atherAs $ood& b#t no o#tsider shall eat it"
/e! 22:10 A +nd i$ a man eats the holy (o$$ering) #nintentionally% then he shall restore a holy (o$$ering) to the
*riest% and add oneD$i$th to it"
/e! 22:11 AThey shall not *ro$ane the holy (o$$erings) o$ the hildren o$ Israel% whih they o$$er to the /8:2%
/e! 22:13 Aor allow them to bear the g#ilt o$ tres*ass when they eat their holy (o$$erings&) $or I the /8:2 santi$y
them"A .
/e! 22:14 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 22:18 .,*ea' to +aron and his sons% and to all the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hate!er man o$ the
ho#se o$ Israel% or o$ the strangers in Israel% who o$$ers his sari$ie $or any o$ his !ows or $or any o$ his $reewill
o$$erings% whih they o$$er to the /8:2 as a b#rnt o$$ering DD
/e! 22:19 A(yo# shall o$$er) o$ yo#r own $ree will a male witho#t blemish $rom the attle% $rom the shee*% or $rom
the goats"
/e! 22:25 A>hate!er has a de$et% yo# shall not o$$er% $or it shall not be ae*table on yo#r behal$"
/e! 22:21 A+nd whoe!er o$$ers a sari$ie o$ a *eae o$$ering to the /8:2% to $#l$ill (his) !ow% or a $reewill
o$$ering $rom the attle or the shee*% it m#st be *er$et to be ae*ted& there shall be no de$et in it"
/e! 22:22 AThose (that are) blind or bro'en or maimed% or ha!e an #ler or eHema or sabs% yo# shall not o$$er
to the /8:2% nor ma'e an o$$ering by $ire o$ them on the altar to the /8:2"
/e! 22:2- A6ither a b#ll or a lamb that has any limb too long or too short yo# may o$$er (as) a $reewill o$$ering%
b#t $or a !ow it shall not be ae*ted"
/e! 22:20 ABo# shall not o$$er to the /8:2 what is br#ised or r#shed% or torn or #t& nor shall yo# ma'e (any
o$$ering o$ them) in yo#r land"
/e! 22:21 ANor $rom a $oreignerAs hand shall yo# o$$er any o$ these as the bread o$ yo#r God% bea#se their
orr#*tion (is) in them% (and) de$ets (are) in them" They shall not be ae*ted on yo#r behal$"A .
/e! 22:23 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
/e! 22:24 .>hen a b#ll or a shee* or a goat is born% it shall be se!en days with its mother& and $rom the eighth
day and therea$ter it shall be ae*ted as an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2"
/e! 22:28 .(>hether it is) a ow or ewe% do not 'ill both her and her yo#ng on the same day"
/e! 22:29 .+nd when yo# o$$er a sari$ie o$ than'sgi!ing to the /8:2% o$$er (it) o$ yo#r own $ree will"
/e! 22:-5 .8n the same day it shall be eaten& yo# shall lea!e none o$ it #ntil morning: I (am) the /8:2"
/e! 22:-1 . There$ore yo# shall 'ee* ?y ommandments% and *er$orm them: I (am) the /8:2"
/e! 22:-2 .Bo# shall not *ro$ane ?y holy name% b#t I will be hallowed among the hildren o$ Israel" I (am) the
/8:2 who santi$ies yo#%
/e! 22:-- .who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% to be yo#r God: I (am) the /8:2".
/e! 2-:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 2-:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: AThe $easts o$ the /8:2% whih yo# shall *rolaim (to
be) holy on!oations% these (are) ?y $easts"
/e! 2-:- A ,i9 days shall wor' be done% b#t the se!enth day (is) a ,abbath o$ solemn rest% a holy on!oation"
Bo# shall do no wor' (on it&) it (is) the ,abbath o$ the /8:2 in all yo#r dwellings"
/e! 2-:0 A These (are) the $easts o$ the /8:2% holy on!oations whih yo# shall *rolaim at their a**ointed
/e! 2-:1 A8n the $o#rteenth (day) o$ the $irst month at twilight (is) the /8:2As <asso!er"
/e! 2-:3 A+nd on the $i$teenth day o$ the same month (is) the ;east o$ 7nlea!ened Bread to the /8:2& se!en
days yo# m#st eat #nlea!ened bread"
/e! 2-:4 A8n the $irst day yo# shall ha!e a holy on!oation& yo# shall do no #stomary wor' on it"
/e! 2-:8 AB#t yo# shall o$$er an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2 $or se!en days" The se!enth day (shall be) a
holy on!oation& yo# shall do no #stomary wor' (on it"A) .
/e! 2-:9 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 2-:15 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hen yo# ome into the land whih I gi!e to yo#%
and rea* its har!est% then yo# shall bring a shea$ o$ the $irst$r#its o$ yo#r har!est to the *riest"
/e! 2-:11 AHe shall wa!e the shea$ be$ore the /8:2% to be ae*ted on yo#r behal$& on the day a$ter the
,abbath the *riest shall wa!e it"
/e! 2-:12 A+nd yo# shall o$$er on that day% when yo# wa!e the shea$% a male lamb o$ the $irst year% witho#t
blemish% as a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2"
/e! 2-:1- AIts grain o$$ering (shall be) twoDtenths (o$ an e*hah) o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed with oil% an o$$ering made by
$ire to the /8:2% $or a sweet aroma& and its drin' o$$ering (shall be) o$ wine% oneD$o#rth o$ a hin"
/e! 2-:10 ABo# shall eat neither bread nor *arhed grain nor $resh grain #ntil the same day that yo# ha!e
bro#ght an o$$ering to yo#r God& (it shall be) a stat#te $ore!er thro#gho#t yo#r generations in all yo#r dwellings"
/e! 2-:11 A +nd yo# shall o#nt $or yo#rsel!es $rom the day a$ter the ,abbath% $rom the day that yo# bro#ght the
shea$ o$ the wa!e o$$ering: se!en ,abbaths shall be om*leted"
/e! 2-:13 A=o#nt $i$ty days to the day a$ter the se!enth ,abbath& then yo# shall o$$er a new grain o$$ering to the
/e! 2-:14 ABo# shall bring $rom yo#r dwellings two wa!e (loa!es) o$ twoDtenths (o$ an e*hah") They shall be o$
$ine $lo#r& they shall be ba'ed with lea!en" (They are) the $irst$r#its to the /8:2"
/e! 2-:18 A+nd yo# shall o$$er with the bread se!en lambs o$ the $irst year% witho#t blemish% one yo#ng b#ll% and
two rams" They shall be (as) a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2% with their grain o$$ering and their drin' o$$erings% an
o$$ering made by $ire $or a sweet aroma to the /8:2"
/e! 2-:19 AThen yo# shall sari$ie one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering% and two male lambs o$ the $irst year as
a sari$ie o$ a *eae o$$ering"
/e! 2-:25 AThe *riest shall wa!e them with the bread o$ the $irst$r#its (as) a wa!e o$$ering be$ore the /8:2% with
the two lambs" They shall be holy to the /8:2 $or the *riest"
/e! 2-:21 A+nd yo# shall *rolaim on the same day (that) it is a holy on!oation to yo#" Bo# shall do no
#stomary wor' (on it" It shall be) a stat#te $ore!er in all yo#r dwellings thro#gho#t yo#r generations"
/e! 2-:22 A >hen yo# rea* the har!est o$ yo#r land% yo# shall not wholly rea* the orners o$ yo#r $ield when yo#
rea*% nor shall yo# gather any gleaning $rom yo#r har!est" Bo# shall lea!e them $or the *oor and $or the stranger:
I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God"A .
/e! 2-:2- Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 2-:20 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: AIn the se!enth month% on the $irst (day) o$ the month% yo#
shall ha!e a sabbathD(rest%) a memorial o$ blowing o$ tr#m*ets% a holy on!oation"
/e! 2-:21 ABo# shall do no #stomary wor' (on it&) and yo# shall o$$er an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2"A .
/e! 2-:23 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
/e! 2-:24 .+lso the tenth (day) o$ this se!enth month (shall be) the 2ay o$ +tonement" It shall be a holy
on!oation $or yo#& yo# shall a$$lit yo#r so#ls% and o$$er an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2"
/e! 2-:28 .+nd yo# shall do no wor' on that same day% $or it (is) the 2ay o$ +tonement% to ma'e atonement $or
yo# be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God"
/e! 2-:29 .;or any *erson who is not a$$lited (in so#l) on that same day shall be #t o$$ $rom his *eo*le"
/e! 2-:-5 .+nd any *erson who does any wor' on that same day% that *erson I will destroy $rom among his
/e! 2-:-1 .Bo# shall do no manner o$ wor'& (it shall be) a stat#te $ore!er thro#gho#t yo#r generations in all yo#r
/e! 2-:-2 .It (shall be) to yo# a sabbath o$ (solemn) rest% and yo# shall a$$lit yo#r so#ls& on the ninth (day) o$ the
month at e!ening% $rom e!ening to e!ening% yo# shall elebrate yo#r sabbath".
/e! 2-:-- Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 2-:-0 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: AThe $i$teenth day o$ this se!enth month (shall be) the ;east o$
Tabernales ($or) se!en days to the /8:2"
/e! 2-:-1 A8n the $irst day (there shall be) a holy on!oation" Bo# shall do no #stomary wor' (on it")
/e! 2-:-3 A(;or) se!en days yo# shall o$$er an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2" 8n the eighth day yo# shall
ha!e a holy on!oation% and yo# shall o$$er an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2" It (is) a sared assembly%
(and) yo# shall do no #stomary wor' (on it")
/e! 2-:-4 AThese (are) the $easts o$ the /8:2 whih yo# shall *rolaim (to be) holy on!oations% to o$$er an
o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2% a b#rnt o$$ering and a grain o$$ering% a sari$ie and drin' o$$erings% e!erything
on its day DD
/e! 2-:-8 Abesides the ,abbaths o$ the /8:2% besides yo#r gi$ts% besides all yo#r !ows% and besides all yo#r
$reewill o$$erings whih yo# gi!e to the /8:2"
/e! 2-:-9 A +lso on the $i$teenth day o$ the se!enth month% when yo# ha!e gathered in the $r#it o$ the land% yo#
shall 'ee* the $east o$ the /8:2 ($or) se!en days& on the $irst day (there shall be) a sabbathD(rest%) and on the
eighth day a sabbathD(rest")
/e! 2-:05 A+nd yo# shall ta'e $or yo#rsel!es on the $irst day the $r#it o$ bea#ti$#l trees% branhes o$ *alm trees%
the bo#ghs o$ lea$y trees% and willows o$ the broo'& and yo# shall re@oie be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God $or se!en
/e! 2-:01 ABo# shall 'ee* it as a $east to the /8:2 $or se!en days in the year" (It shall be) a stat#te $ore!er in
yo#r generations" Bo# shall elebrate it in the se!enth month"
/e! 2-:02 ABo# shall dwell in booths $or se!en days" +ll who are nati!e Israelites shall dwell in booths%
/e! 2-:0- Athat yo#r generations may 'now that I made the hildren o$ Israel dwell in booths when I bro#ght
them o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t: I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God"A .
/e! 2-:00 ,o ?oses delared to the hildren o$ Israel the $easts o$ the /8:2"
/e! 20:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
/e! 20:2 .=ommand the hildren o$ Israel that they bring to yo# *#re oil o$ *ressed oli!es $or the light% to ma'e
the lam*s b#rn ontin#ally"
/e! 20:- .8#tside the !eil o$ the Testimony% in the tabernale o$ meeting% +aron shall be in harge o$ it $rom
e!ening #ntil morning be$ore the /8:2 ontin#ally& (it shall be) a stat#te $ore!er in yo#r generations"
/e! 20:0 .He shall be in harge o$ the lam*s on the *#re (gold) lam*stand be$ore the /8:2 ontin#ally"
/e! 20:1 . +nd yo# shall ta'e $ine $lo#r and ba'e twel!e a'es with it" TwoDtenths (o$ an e*hah) shall be in eah
/e! 20:3 .Bo# shall set them in two rows% si9 in a row% on the *#re (gold) table be$ore the /8:2"
/e! 20:4 .+nd yo# shall *#t *#re $ran'inense on (eah) row% that it may be on the bread $or a memorial% an
o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2"
/e! 20:8 .6!ery ,abbath he shall set it in order be$ore the /8:2 ontin#ally% (being ta'en) $rom the hildren o$
Israel by an e!erlasting o!enant"
/e! 20:9 .+nd it shall be $or +aron and his sons% and they shall eat it in a holy *lae& $or it (is) most holy to him
$rom the o$$erings o$ the /8:2 made by $ire% by a *er*et#al stat#te".
/e! 20:15 Now the son o$ an Israelite woman% whose $ather (was) an 6gy*tian% went o#t among the hildren o$
Israel& and this Israelite (womanAs) son and a man o$ Israel $o#ght eah other in the am*"
/e! 20:11 +nd the Israelite womanAs son blas*hemed the name (o$ the) (/ord) and #rsed& and so they bro#ght
him to ?oses" IHis motherAs name (was) ,helomith the da#ghter o$ 2ibri% o$ the tribe o$ 2an"J
/e! 20:12 Then they *#t him in #stody% that the mind o$ the /8:2 might be shown to them"
/e! 20:1- +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 20:10 .Ta'e o#tside the am* him who has #rsed& then let all who heard (him) lay their hands on his head%
and let all the ongregation stone him"
/e! 20:11 .Then yo# shall s*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: A>hoe!er #rses his God shall bear his sin"
/e! 20:13 A+nd whoe!er blas*hemes the name o$ the /8:2 shall s#rely be *#t to death" +ll the ongregation
shall ertainly stone him% the stranger as well as him who is born in the land" >hen he blas*hemes the name (o$
the) (/ord%) he shall be *#t to death"
/e! 20:14 A >hoe!er 'ills any man shall s#rely be *#t to death"
/e! 20:18 A>hoe!er 'ills an animal shall ma'e it good% animal $or animal"
/e! 20:19 AI$ a man a#ses dis$ig#rement o$ his neighbor% as he has done% so shall it be done to him DD
/e! 20:25 A$rat#re $or $rat#re% eye $or eye% tooth $or tooth& as he has a#sed dis$ig#rement o$ a man% so shall it
be done to him"
/e! 20:21 A+nd whoe!er 'ills an animal shall restore it& b#t whoe!er 'ills a man shall be *#t to death"
/e! 20:22 ABo# shall ha!e the same law $or the stranger and $or one $rom yo#r own o#ntry& $or I (am) the /8:2
yo#r God"A .
/e! 20:2- Then ?oses s*o'e to the hildren o$ Israel& and they too' o#tside the am* him who had #rsed% and
stoned him with stones" ,o the hildren o$ Israel did as the /8:2 ommanded ?oses"
/e! 21:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses on ?o#nt ,inai% saying%
/e! 21:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hen yo# ome into the land whih I gi!e yo#% then
the land shall 'ee* a sabbath to the /8:2"
/e! 21:- A,i9 years yo# shall sow yo#r $ield% and si9 years yo# shall *r#ne yo#r !ineyard% and gather its $r#it&
/e! 21:0 Ab#t in the se!enth year there shall be a sabbath o$ solemn rest $or the land% a sabbath to the /8:2"
Bo# shall neither sow yo#r $ield nor *r#ne yo#r !ineyard"
/e! 21:1 A>hat grows o$ its own aord o$ yo#r har!est yo# shall not rea*% nor gather the gra*es o$ yo#r
#ntended !ine% ($or) it is a year o$ rest $or the land"
/e! 21:3 A+nd the sabbath (*rod#e) o$ the land shall be $ood $or yo#: $or yo#% yo#r male and $emale ser!ants%
yo#r hired man% and the stranger who dwells with yo#%
/e! 21:4 A$or yo#r li!esto' and the beasts that (are) in yo#r land DD all its *rod#e shall be $or $ood"
/e! 21:8 A +nd yo# shall o#nt se!en sabbaths o$ years $or yo#rsel$% se!en times se!en years& and the time o$
the se!en sabbaths o$ years shall be to yo# $ortyDnine years"
/e! 21:9 AThen yo# shall a#se the tr#m*et o$ the J#bilee to so#nd on the tenth (day) o$ the se!enth month& on
the 2ay o$ +tonement yo# shall ma'e the tr#m*et to so#nd thro#gho#t all yo#r land"
/e! 21:15 A+nd yo# shall onserate the $i$tieth year% and *rolaim liberty thro#gho#t (all) the land to all its
inhabitants" It shall be a J#bilee $or yo#& and eah o$ yo# shall ret#rn to his *ossession% and eah o$ yo# shall
ret#rn to his $amily"
/e! 21:11 AThat $i$tieth year shall be a J#bilee to yo#& in it yo# shall neither sow nor rea* what grows o$ its own
aord% nor gather (the gra*es) o$ yo#r #ntended !ine"
/e! 21:12 A;or it (is) the J#bilee& it shall be holy to yo#& yo# shall eat its *rod#e $rom the $ield"
/e! 21:1- A In this Bear o$ J#bilee% eah o$ yo# shall ret#rn to his *ossession"
/e! 21:10 A+nd i$ yo# sell anything to yo#r neighbor or b#y $rom yo#r neighborAs hand% yo# shall not o**ress one
/e! 21:11 A+ording to the n#mber o$ years a$ter the J#bilee yo# shall b#y $rom yo#r neighbor% and aording
to the n#mber o$ years o$ ro*s he shall sell to yo#"
/e! 21:13 A+ording to the m#ltit#de o$ years yo# shall inrease its *rie% and aording to the $ewer n#mber o$
years yo# shall diminish its *rie& $or he sells to yo# (aording) to the n#mber (o$ the years) o$ the ro*s"
/e! 21:14 AThere$ore yo# shall not o**ress one another% b#t yo# shall $ear yo#r God& $or I (am) the /8:2 yo#r
/e! 21:18 A ,o yo# shall obser!e ?y stat#tes and 'ee* ?y @#dgments% and *er$orm them& and yo# will dwell in
the land in sa$ety"
/e! 21:19 AThen the land will yield its $r#it% and yo# will eat yo#r $ill% and dwell there in sa$ety"
/e! 21:25 A+nd i$ yo# say% .>hat shall we eat in the se!enth year% sine we shall not sow nor gather in o#r
/e! 21:21 AThen I will ommand ?y blessing on yo# in the si9th year% and it will bring $orth *rod#e eno#gh $or
three years"
/e! 21:22 A+nd yo# shall sow in the eighth year% and eat old *rod#e #ntil the ninth year& #ntil its *rod#e omes
in% yo# shall eat (o$) the old (har!est")
/e! 21:2- A The land shall not be sold *ermanently% $or the land (is) ?ine& $or yo# (are) strangers and so@o#rners
with ?e"
/e! 21:20 A+nd in all the land o$ yo#r *ossession yo# shall grant redem*tion o$ the land"
/e! 21:21 A I$ one o$ yo#r brethren beomes *oor% and has sold (some) o$ his *ossession% and i$ his redeeming
relati!e omes to redeem it% then he may redeem what his brother sold"
/e! 21:23 A8r i$ the man has no one to redeem it% b#t he himsel$ beomes able to redeem it%
/e! 21:24 Athen let him o#nt the years sine its sale% and restore the remainder to the man to whom he sold it%
that he may ret#rn to his *ossession"
/e! 21:28 AB#t i$ he is not able to ha!e (it) restored to himsel$% then what was sold shall remain in the hand o$
him who bo#ght it #ntil the Bear o$ J#bilee& and in the J#bilee it shall be released% and he shall ret#rn to his
/e! 21:29 AI$ a man sells a ho#se in a walled ity% then he may redeem it within a whole year a$ter it is sold&
(within) a $#ll year he may redeem it"
/e! 21:-5 AB#t i$ it is not redeemed within the s*ae o$ a $#ll year% then the ho#se in the walled ity shall belong
*ermanently to him who bo#ght it% thro#gho#t his generations" It shall not be released in the J#bilee"
/e! 21:-1 AHowe!er the ho#ses o$ !illages whih ha!e no wall aro#nd them shall be o#nted as the $ields o$ the
o#ntry" They may be redeemed% and they shall be released in the J#bilee"
/e! 21:-2 ANe!ertheless the ities o$ the /e!ites% (and) the ho#ses in the ities o$ their *ossession% the /e!ites
may redeem at any time"
/e! 21:-- A+nd i$ a man *#rhases a ho#se $rom the /e!ites% then the ho#se that was sold in the ity o$ his
*ossession shall be released in the J#bilee& $or the ho#ses in the ities o$ the /e!ites (are) their *ossession
among the hildren o$ Israel"
/e! 21:-0 AB#t the $ield o$ the ommonDland o$ their ities may not be sold% $or it (is) their *er*et#al *ossession"
/e! 21:-1 A I$ one o$ yo#r brethren beomes *oor% and $alls into *o!erty among yo#% then yo# shall hel* him% li'e
a stranger or a so@o#rner% that he may li!e with yo#"
/e! 21:-3 ATa'e no #s#ry or interest $rom him& b#t $ear yo#r God% that yo#r brother may li!e with yo#"
/e! 21:-4 ABo# shall not lend him yo#r money $or #s#ry% nor lend him yo#r $ood at a *ro$it"
/e! 21:-8 AI (am) the /8:2 yo#r God% who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% to gi!e yo# the land o$ =anaan
(and) to be yo#r God"
/e! 21:-9 A +nd i$ (one o$) yo#r brethren (who dwells) by yo# beomes *oor% and sells himsel$ to yo#% yo# shall
not om*el him to ser!e as a sla!e"
/e! 21:05 A+s a hired ser!ant (and) a so@o#rner he shall be with yo#% (and) shall ser!e yo# #ntil the Bear o$
/e! 21:01 A+nd (then) he shall de*art $rom yo# DD he and his hildren with him DD and shall ret#rn to his own
$amily" He shall ret#rn to the *ossession o$ his $athers"
/e! 21:02 A;or they (are) ?y ser!ants% whom I bro#ght o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t& they shall not be sold as sla!es"
/e! 21:0- ABo# shall not r#le o!er him with rigor% b#t yo# shall $ear yo#r God"
/e! 21:00 A+nd as $or yo#r male and $emale sla!es whom yo# may ha!e DD $rom the nations that are aro#nd yo#%
$rom them yo# may b#y male and $emale sla!es"
/e! 21:01 A?oreo!er yo# may b#y the hildren o$ the strangers who dwell among yo#% and their $amilies who are
with yo#% whih they beget in yo#r land& and they shall beome yo#r *ro*erty"
/e! 21:03 A+nd yo# may ta'e them as an inheritane $or yo#r hildren a$ter yo#% to inherit (them as) a
*ossession& they shall be yo#r *ermanent sla!es" B#t regarding yo#r brethren% the hildren o$ Israel% yo# shall
not r#le o!er one another with rigor"
/e! 21:04 A Now i$ a so@o#rner or stranger lose to yo# beomes rih% and (one o$) yo#r brethren (who dwells) by
him beomes *oor% and sells himsel$ to the stranger (or) so@o#rner lose to yo#% or to a member o$ the strangerAs
/e! 21:08 Aa$ter he is sold he may be redeemed again" 8ne o$ his brothers may redeem him&
/e! 21:09 Aor his #nle or his #nleAs son may redeem him& or (anyone) who is near o$ 'in to him in his $amily
may redeem him& or i$ he is able he may redeem himsel$"
/e! 21:15 ATh#s he shall re'on with him who bo#ght him: The *rie o$ his release shall be aording to the
n#mber o$ years% $rom the year that he was sold to him #ntil the Bear o$ J#bilee& (it shall be) aording to the time
o$ a hired ser!ant $or him"
/e! 21:11 AI$ (there are) still many years (remaining%) aording to them he shall re*ay the *rie o$ his
redem*tion $rom the money with whih he was bo#ght"
/e! 21:12 A+nd i$ there remain b#t a $ew years #ntil the Bear o$ J#bilee% then he shall re'on with him% (and)
aording to his years he shall re*ay him the *rie o$ his redem*tion"
/e! 21:1- AHe shall be with him as a yearly hired ser!ant% and he shall not r#le with rigor o!er him in yo#r sight"
/e! 21:10 A+nd i$ he is not redeemed in these (years%) then he shall be released in the Bear o$ J#bilee DD he and
his hildren with him"
/e! 21:11 A;or the hildren o$ Israel (are) ser!ants to ?e& they (are) ?y ser!ants whom I bro#ght o#t o$ the land
o$ 6gy*t: I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God"
/e! 23:1 ABo# shall not ma'e idols $or yo#rsel!es& neither a ar!ed image nor a (sared) *illar shall yo# rear #*
$or yo#rsel!es& nor shall yo# set #* an engra!ed stone in yo#r land% to bow down to it& $or I (am) the /8:2 yo#r
/e! 23:2 Bo# shall 'ee* ?y ,abbaths and re!erene ?y sant#ary: I (am) the /8:2"
/e! 23:- A I$ yo# wal' in ?y stat#tes and 'ee* ?y ommandments% and *er$orm them%
/e! 23:0 then I will gi!e yo# rain in its season% the land shall yield its *rod#e% and the trees o$ the $ield shall
yield their $r#it"
/e! 23:1 Bo#r threshing shall last till the time o$ !intage% and the !intage shall last till the time o$ sowing& yo#
shall eat yo#r bread to the $#ll% and dwell in yo#r land sa$ely"
/e! 23:3 I will gi!e *eae in the land% and yo# shall lie down% and none will ma'e (yo#) a$raid& I will rid the land
o$ e!il beasts% and the sword will not go thro#gh yo#r land"
/e! 23:4 Bo# will hase yo#r enemies% and they shall $all by the sword be$ore yo#"
/e! 23:8 ;i!e o$ yo# shall hase a h#ndred% and a h#ndred o$ yo# shall *#t ten tho#sand to $light& yo#r enemies
shall $all by the sword be$ore yo#"
/e! 23:9 A ;or I will loo' on yo# $a!orably and ma'e yo# $r#it$#l% m#lti*ly yo# and on$irm ?y o!enant with yo#"
/e! 23:15 Bo# shall eat the old har!est% and lear o#t the old bea#se o$ the new"
/e! 23:11 I will set ?y tabernale among yo#% and ?y so#l shall not abhor yo#"
/e! 23:12 I will wal' among yo# and be yo#r God% and yo# shall be ?y *eo*le"
/e! 23:1- I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God% who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% that (yo#) sho#ld not be their
sla!es& I ha!e bro'en the bands o$ yo#r yo'e and made yo# wal' #*right"
/e! 23:10 A B#t i$ yo# do not obey ?e% and do not obser!e all these ommandments%
/e! 23:11 and i$ yo# des*ise ?y stat#tes% or i$ yo#r so#l abhors ?y @#dgments% so that yo# do not *er$orm all
?y ommandments% (b#t) brea' ?y o!enant%
/e! 23:13 I also will do this to yo#: I will e!en a**oint terror o!er yo#% wasting disease and $e!er whih shall
ons#me the eyes and a#se sorrow o$ heart" +nd yo# shall sow yo#r seed in !ain% $or yo#r enemies shall eat it"
/e! 23:14 I will set ?y $ae against yo#% and yo# shall be de$eated by yo#r enemies" Those who hate yo# shall
reign o!er yo#% and yo# shall $lee when no one *#rs#es yo#"
/e! 23:18 A +nd a$ter all this% i$ yo# do not obey ?e% then I will *#nish yo# se!en times more $or yo#r sins"
/e! 23:19 I will brea' the *ride o$ yo#r *ower& I will ma'e yo#r hea!ens li'e iron and yo#r earth li'e bronHe"
/e! 23:25 +nd yo#r strength shall be s*ent in !ain& $or yo#r land shall not yield its *rod#e% nor shall the trees o$
the land yield their $r#it"
/e! 23:21 A Then% i$ yo# wal' ontrary to ?e% and are not willing to obey ?e% I will bring on yo# se!en times
more *lag#es% aording to yo#r sins"
/e! 23:22 I will also send wild beasts among yo#% whih shall rob yo# o$ yo#r hildren% destroy yo#r li!esto'%
and ma'e yo# $ew in n#mber& and yo#r highways shall be desolate"
/e! 23:2- A +nd i$ by these things yo# are not re$ormed by ?e% b#t wal' ontrary to ?e%
/e! 23:20 then I also will wal' ontrary to yo#% and I will *#nish yo# yet se!en times $or yo#r sins"
/e! 23:21 +nd I will bring a sword against yo# that will e9e#te the !engeane o$ the o!enant& when yo# are
gathered together within yo#r ities I will send *estilene among yo#& and yo# shall be deli!ered into the hand o$
the enemy"
/e! 23:23 >hen I ha!e #t o$$ yo#r s#**ly o$ bread% ten women shall ba'e yo#r bread in one o!en% and they
shall bring ba' yo#r bread by weight% and yo# shall eat and not be satis$ied"
/e! 23:24 A +nd a$ter all this% i$ yo# do not obey ?e% b#t wal' ontrary to ?e%
/e! 23:28 then I also will wal' ontrary to yo# in $#ry& and I% e!en I% will hastise yo# se!en times $or yo#r sins"
/e! 23:29 Bo# shall eat the $lesh o$ yo#r sons% and yo# shall eat the $lesh o$ yo#r da#ghters"
/e! 23:-5 I will destroy yo#r high *laes% #t down yo#r inense altars% and ast yo#r arasses on the li$eless
$orms o$ yo#r idols& and ?y so#l shall abhor yo#"
/e! 23:-1 I will lay yo#r ities waste and bring yo#r sant#aries to desolation% and I will not smell the $ragrane
o$ yo#r sweet aromas"
/e! 23:-2 I will bring the land to desolation% and yo#r enemies who dwell in it shall be astonished at it"
/e! 23:-- I will satter yo# among the nations and draw o#t a sword a$ter yo#& yo#r land shall be desolate and
yo#r ities waste"
/e! 23:-0 Then the land shall en@oy its sabbaths as long as it lies desolate and yo# (are) in yo#r enemiesA land&
then the land shall rest and en@oy its sabbaths"
/e! 23:-1 +s long as (it) lies desolate it shall rest DD $or the time it did not rest on yo#r sabbaths when yo# dwelt
in it"
/e! 23:-3 A +nd as $or those o$ yo# who are le$t% I will send $aintness into their hearts in the lands o$ their
enemies& the so#nd o$ a sha'en lea$ shall a#se them to $lee& they shall $lee as tho#gh $leeing $rom a sword% and
they shall $all when no one *#rs#es"
/e! 23:-4 They shall st#mble o!er one another% as it were be$ore a sword% when no one *#rs#es& and yo# shall
ha!e no (*ower) to stand be$ore yo#r enemies"
/e! 23:-8 Bo# shall *erish among the nations% and the land o$ yo#r enemies shall eat yo# #*"
/e! 23:-9 +nd those o$ yo# who are le$t shall waste away in their iniE#ity in yo#r enemiesA lands& also in their
$athersA iniE#ities% whih are with them% they shall waste away"
/e! 23:05 A (B#t) i$ they on$ess their iniE#ity and the iniE#ity o$ their $athers% with their #n$aith$#lness in whih
they were #n$aith$#l to ?e% and that they also ha!e wal'ed ontrary to ?e%
/e! 23:01 and (that) I also ha!e wal'ed ontrary to them and ha!e bro#ght them into the land o$ their enemies& i$
their #nir#mised hearts are h#mbled% and they ae*t their g#ilt DD
/e! 23:02 then I will remember ?y o!enant with Jaob% and ?y o!enant with Isaa and ?y o!enant with
+braham I will remember& I will remember the land"
/e! 23:0- The land also shall be le$t em*ty by them% and will en@oy its sabbaths while it lies desolate witho#t
them& they will ae*t their g#ilt% bea#se they des*ised ?y @#dgments and bea#se their so#l abhorred ?y
/e! 23:00 Bet $or all that% when they are in the land o$ their enemies% I will not ast them away% nor shall I abhor
them% to #tterly destroy them and brea' ?y o!enant with them& $or I (am) the /8:2 their God"
/e! 23:01 B#t $or their sa'e I will remember the o!enant o$ their anestors% whom I bro#ght o#t o$ the land o$
6gy*t in the sight o$ the nations% that I might be their God: I (am) the /8:2"A .
/e! 23:03 These (are) the stat#tes and @#dgments and laws whih the /8:2 made between Himsel$ and the
hildren o$ Israel on ?o#nt ,inai by the hand o$ ?oses"
/e! 24:1 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
/e! 24:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hen a man onserates by a !ow ertain *ersons
to the /8:2% aording to yo#r !al#ation%
/e! 24:- Ai$ yo#r !al#ation is o$ a male $rom twenty years old #* to si9ty years old% then yo#r !al#ation shall be
$i$ty she'els o$ sil!er% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary"
/e! 24:0 AI$ it (is) a $emale% then yo#r !al#ation shall be thirty she'els&
/e! 24:1 Aand i$ $rom $i!e years old #* to twenty years old% then yo#r !al#ation $or a male shall be twenty
she'els% and $or a $emale ten she'els&
/e! 24:3 Aand i$ $rom a month old #* to $i!e years old% then yo#r !al#ation $or a male shall be $i!e she'els o$
sil!er% and $or a $emale yo#r !al#ation shall be three she'els o$ sil!er&
/e! 24:4 Aand i$ $rom si9ty years old and abo!e% i$ (it is) a male% then yo#r !al#ation shall be $i$teen she'els% and
$or a $emale ten she'els"
/e! 24:8 AB#t i$ he is too *oor to *ay yo#r !al#ation% then he shall *resent himsel$ be$ore the *riest% and the
*riest shall set a !al#e $or him& aording to the ability o$ him who !owed% the *riest shall !al#e him"
/e! 24:9 A I$ (it is) an animal that men may bring as an o$$ering to the /8:2% all that (anyone) gi!es to the /8:2
shall be holy"
/e! 24:15 AHe shall not s#bstit#te it or e9hange it% good $or bad or bad $or good& and i$ he at all e9hanges
animal $or animal% then both it and the one e9hanged $or it shall be holy"
/e! 24:11 AI$ (it is) an #nlean animal whih they do not o$$er as a sari$ie to the /8:2% then he shall *resent
the animal be$ore the *riest&
/e! 24:12 Aand the *riest shall set a !al#e $or it% whether it is good or bad& as yo#% the *riest% !al#e it% so it shall
/e! 24:1- AB#t i$ he (wants) at all (to) redeem it% then he m#st add oneD$i$th to yo#r !al#ation"
/e! 24:10 A +nd when a man dediates his ho#se (to be) holy to the /8:2% then the *riest shall set a !al#e $or
it% whether it is good or bad& as the *riest !al#es it% so it shall stand"
/e! 24:11 AI$ he who dediated it (wants to) redeem his ho#se% then he m#st add oneD$i$th o$ the money o$ yo#r
!al#ation to it% and it shall be his"
/e! 24:13 A I$ a man dediates to the /8:2 (*art) o$ a $ield o$ his *ossession% then yo#r !al#ation shall be
aording to the seed $or it" + homer o$ barley seed (shall be !al#ed) at $i$ty she'els o$ sil!er"
/e! 24:14 AI$ he dediates his $ield $rom the Bear o$ J#bilee% aording to yo#r !al#ation it shall stand"
/e! 24:18 AB#t i$ he dediates his $ield a$ter the J#bilee% then the *riest shall re'on to him the money d#e
aording to the years that remain till the Bear o$ J#bilee% and it shall be ded#ted $rom yo#r !al#ation"
/e! 24:19 A+nd i$ he who dediates the $ield e!er wishes to redeem it% then he m#st add oneD$i$th o$ the money
o$ yo#r !al#ation to it% and it shall belong to him"
/e! 24:25 AB#t i$ he does not want to redeem the $ield% or i$ he has sold the $ield to another man% it shall not be
redeemed anymore&
/e! 24:21 Ab#t the $ield% when it is released in the J#bilee% shall be holy to the /8:2% as a de!oted $ield& it shall
be the *ossession o$ the *riest"
/e! 24:22 A+nd i$ a man dediates to the /8:2 a $ield whih he has bo#ght% whih is not the $ield o$ his
/e! 24:2- Athen the *riest shall re'on to him the worth o$ yo#r !al#ation% #* to the Bear o$ J#bilee% and he shall
gi!e yo#r !al#ation on that day (as) a holy (o$$ering) to the /8:2"
/e! 24:20 AIn the Bear o$ J#bilee the $ield shall ret#rn to him $rom whom it was bo#ght% to the one who (owned)
the land as a *ossession"
/e! 24:21 A+nd all yo#r !al#ations shall be aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary: twenty gerahs to the
/e! 24:23 A B#t the $irstborn o$ the animals% whih sho#ld be the /8:2As $irstborn% no man shall dediate&
whether (it is) an o9 or shee*% it (is) the /8:2As"
/e! 24:24 A+nd i$ (it is) an #nlean animal% then he shall redeem (it) aording to yo#r !al#ation% and shall add
oneD$i$th to it& or i$ it is not redeemed% then it shall be sold aording to yo#r !al#ation"
/e! 24:28 A Ne!ertheless no de!oted (o$$ering) that a man may de!ote to the /8:2 o$ all that he has% (both) man
and beast% or the $ield o$ his *ossession% shall be sold or redeemed& e!ery de!oted (o$$ering is) most holy to the
/e! 24:29 ANo *erson #nder the ban% who may beome doomed to destr#tion among men% shall be redeemed%
(b#t) shall s#rely be *#t to death"
/e! 24:-5 A+nd all the tithe o$ the land% (whether) o$ the seed o$ the land (or) o$ the $r#it o$ the tree% (is) the
/8:2As" It (is) holy to the /8:2"
/e! 24:-1 AI$ a man wants at all to redeem (any) o$ his tithes% he shall add oneD$i$th to it"
/e! 24:-2 A+nd onerning the tithe o$ the herd or the $lo'% o$ whate!er *asses #nder the rod% the tenth one
shall be holy to the /8:2"
/e! 24:-- AHe shall not inE#ire whether it is good or bad% nor shall he e9hange it& and i$ he e9hanges it at all%
then both it and the one e9hanged $or it shall be holy& it shall not be redeemed"A .
/e! 24:-0 These (are) the ommandments whih the /8:2 ommanded ?oses $or the hildren o$ Israel on
?o#nt ,inai"
N#m 1:1 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses in the >ilderness o$ ,inai% in the tabernale o$ meeting% on the $irst
(day) o$ the seond month% in the seond year a$ter they had ome o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% saying:
N#m 1:2 .Ta'e a ens#s o$ all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel% by their $amilies% by their $athersA
ho#ses% aording to the n#mber o$ names% e!ery male indi!id#ally%
N#m 1:- .$rom twenty years old and abo!e DD all who (are able to) go to war in Israel" Bo# and +aron shall
n#mber them by their armies"
N#m 1:0 .+nd with yo# there shall be a man $rom e!ery tribe% eah one the head o$ his $atherAs ho#se"
N#m 1:1 . These are the names o$ the men who shall stand with yo#: $rom :e#ben% 6liH#r the son o$ ,hede#r&
N#m 1:3 .$rom ,imeon% ,hel#miel the son o$ G#rishaddai&
N#m 1:4 .$rom J#dah% Nahshon the son o$ +mminadab&
N#m 1:8 .$rom Issahar% Nethanel the son o$ G#ar&
N#m 1:9 .$rom Geb#l#n% 6liab the son o$ Helon&
N#m 1:15 .$rom the sons o$ Jose*h: $rom 6*hraim% 6lishama the son o$ +mmih#d& $rom ?anasseh% Gamaliel
the son o$ <edahH#r&
N#m 1:11 .$rom Ben@amin% +bidan the son o$ Gideoni&
N#m 1:12 .$rom 2an% +hieHer the son o$ +mmishaddai&
N#m 1:1- .$rom +sher% <agiel the son o$ 8ran&
N#m 1:10 .$rom Gad% 6liasa*h the son o$ 2e#el&
N#m 1:11 .$rom Na*htali% +hira the son o$ 6nan".
N#m 1:13 These (were) hosen $rom the ongregation% leaders o$ their $athersA tribes% heads o$ the di!isions in
N#m 1:14 Then ?oses and +aron too' these men who had been mentioned by name%
N#m 1:18 and they assembled all the ongregation together on the $irst (day) o$ the seond month& and they
reited their anestry by $amilies% by their $athersA ho#ses% aording to the n#mber o$ names% $rom twenty years
old and abo!e% eah one indi!id#ally"
N#m 1:19 +s the /8:2 ommanded ?oses% so he n#mbered them in the >ilderness o$ ,inai"
N#m 1:25 Now the hildren o$ :e#ben% IsraelAs oldest son% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA
ho#se% aording to the n#mber o$ names% e!ery male indi!id#ally% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all who
(were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:21 those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ :e#ben (were) $ortyDsi9 tho#sand $i!e h#ndred"
N#m 1:22 ;rom the hildren o$ ,imeon% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA ho#se% o$ those who
were n#mbered% aording to the n#mber o$ names% e!ery male indi!id#ally% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all
who (were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:2- those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ ,imeon (were) $i$tyDnine tho#sand three h#ndred"
N#m 1:20 ;rom the hildren o$ Gad% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA ho#se% aording to the
n#mber o$ names% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all who (were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:21 those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ Gad (were) $ortyD$i!e tho#sand si9 h#ndred and $i$ty"
N#m 1:23 ;rom the hildren o$ J#dah% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA ho#se% aording to
the n#mber o$ names% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all who (were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:24 those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ J#dah (were) se!entyD$o#r tho#sand si9 h#ndred"
N#m 1:28 ;rom the hildren o$ Issahar% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA ho#se% aording to
the n#mber o$ names% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all who (were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:29 those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ Issahar (were) $i$tyD$o#r tho#sand $o#r h#ndred"
N#m 1:-5 ;rom the hildren o$ Geb#l#n% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA ho#se% aording to
the n#mber o$ names% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all who (were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:-1 those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ Geb#l#n (were) $i$tyDse!en tho#sand $o#r h#ndred"
N#m 1:-2 ;rom the sons o$ Jose*h% the hildren o$ 6*hraim% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA
ho#se% aording to the n#mber o$ names% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all who (were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:-- those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ 6*hraim (were) $orty tho#sand $i!e h#ndred"
N#m 1:-0 ;rom the hildren o$ ?anasseh% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA ho#se% aording
to the n#mber o$ names% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all who (were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:-1 those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh (were) thirtyDtwo tho#sand two h#ndred"
N#m 1:-3 ;rom the hildren o$ Ben@amin% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA ho#se% aording
to the n#mber o$ names% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all who (were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:-4 those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ Ben@amin (were) thirtyD$i!e tho#sand $o#r h#ndred"
N#m 1:-8 ;rom the hildren o$ 2an% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA ho#se% aording to the
n#mber o$ names% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all who (were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:-9 those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ 2an (were) si9tyDtwo tho#sand se!en h#ndred"
N#m 1:05 ;rom the hildren o$ +sher% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA ho#se% aording to
the n#mber o$ names% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all who (were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:01 those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ +sher (were) $ortyDone tho#sand $i!e h#ndred"
N#m 1:02 ;rom the hildren o$ Na*htali% their genealogies by their $amilies% by their $athersA ho#se% aording to
the n#mber o$ names% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% all who (were able to) go to war:
N#m 1:0- those who were n#mbered o$ the tribe o$ Na*htali (were) $i$tyDthree tho#sand $o#r h#ndred"
N#m 1:00 These are the ones who were n#mbered% whom ?oses and +aron n#mbered% with the leaders o$
Israel% twel!e men% eah one re*resenting his $atherAs ho#se"
N#m 1:01 ,o all who were n#mbered o$ the hildren o$ Israel% by their $athersA ho#ses% $rom twenty years old
and abo!e% all who (were able to go) to war in Israel DD
N#m 1:03 all who were n#mbered were si9 h#ndred and three tho#sand $i!e h#ndred and $i$ty"
N#m 1:04 B#t the /e!ites were not n#mbered among them by their $athersA tribe&
N#m 1:08 $or the /8:2 had s*o'en to ?oses% saying:
N#m 1:09 .8nly the tribe o$ /e!i yo# shall not n#mber% nor ta'e a ens#s o$ them among the hildren o$ Israel&
N#m 1:15 .b#t yo# shall a**oint the /e!ites o!er the tabernale o$ the Testimony% o!er all its $#rnishings% and
o!er all things that belong to it& they shall arry the tabernale and all its $#rnishings& they shall attend to it and
am* aro#nd the tabernale"
N#m 1:11 .+nd when the tabernale is to go $orward% the /e!ites shall ta'e it down& and when the tabernale is
to be set #*% the /e!ites shall set it #*" The o#tsider who omes near shall be *#t to death"
N#m 1:12 .The hildren o$ Israel shall *ith their tents% e!eryone by his own am*% e!eryone by his own
standard% aording to their armies&
N#m 1:1- .b#t the /e!ites shall am* aro#nd the tabernale o$ the Testimony% that there may be no wrath on
the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel& and the /e!ites shall 'ee* harge o$ the tabernale o$ the Testimony".
N#m 1:10 Th#s the hildren o$ Israel did& aording to all that the /8:2 ommanded ?oses% so they did"
N#m 2:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% saying:
N#m 2:2 .6!eryone o$ the hildren o$ Israel shall am* by his own standard% beside the emblems o$ his $atherAs
ho#se& they shall am* some distane $rom the tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 2:- .8n the east side% toward the rising o$ the s#n% those o$ the standard o$ the $ores with J#dah shall
am* aording to their armies& and Nahshon the son o$ +mminadab (shall be) the leader o$ the hildren o$
N#m 2:0 +nd his army was n#mbered at se!entyD$o#r tho#sand si9 h#ndred"
N#m 2:1 .Those who am* ne9t to him (shall be) the tribe o$ Issahar% and Nethanel the son o$ G#ar (shall be)
the leader o$ the hildren o$ Issahar".
N#m 2:3 +nd his army was n#mbered at $i$tyD$o#r tho#sand $o#r h#ndred"
N#m 2:4 .Then (omes) the tribe o$ Geb#l#n% and 6liab the son o$ Helon (shall be) the leader o$ the hildren o$
N#m 2:8 +nd his army was n#mbered at $i$tyDse!en tho#sand $o#r h#ndred"
N#m 2:9 .+ll who were n#mbered aording to their armies o$ the $ores with J#dah% one h#ndred and eightyDsi9
tho#sand $o#r h#ndred DD these shall brea' am* $irst"
N#m 2:15 . 8n the so#th side (shall be) the standard o$ the $ores with :e#ben aording to their armies% and
the leader o$ the hildren o$ :e#ben (shall be) 6liH#r the son o$ ,hede#r".
N#m 2:11 +nd his army was n#mbered at $ortyDsi9 tho#sand $i!e h#ndred"
N#m 2:12 .Those who am* ne9t to him (shall be) the tribe o$ ,imeon% and the leader o$ the hildren o$ ,imeon
(shall be) ,hel#miel the son o$ G#rishaddai".
N#m 2:1- +nd his army was n#mbered at $i$tyDnine tho#sand three h#ndred"
N#m 2:10 .Then (omes) the tribe o$ Gad% and the leader o$ the hildren o$ Gad (shall be) 6liasa*h the son o$
N#m 2:11 +nd his army was n#mbered at $ortyD$i!e tho#sand si9 h#ndred and $i$ty"
N#m 2:13 .+ll who were n#mbered aording to their armies o$ the $ores with :e#ben% one h#ndred and $i$tyD
one tho#sand $o#r h#ndred and $i$ty DD they shall be the seond to brea' am*"
N#m 2:14 .+nd the tabernale o$ meeting shall mo!e o#t with the am* o$ the /e!ites in the middle o$ the
am*s& as they am*% so they shall mo!e o#t% e!eryone in his *lae% by their standards"
N#m 2:18 . 8n the west side (shall be) the standard o$ the $ores with 6*hraim aording to their armies% and
the leader o$ the hildren o$ 6*hraim (shall be) 6lishama the son o$ +mmih#d".
N#m 2:19 +nd his army was n#mbered at $orty tho#sand $i!e h#ndred"
N#m 2:25 .Ne9t to him (omes) the tribe o$ ?anasseh% and the leader o$ the hildren o$ ?anasseh (shall be)
Gamaliel the son o$ <edahH#r".
N#m 2:21 +nd his army was n#mbered at thirtyDtwo tho#sand two h#ndred"
N#m 2:22 .Then (omes) the tribe o$ Ben@amin% and the leader o$ the hildren o$ Ben@amin (shall be) +bidan the
son o$ Gideoni".
N#m 2:2- +nd his army was n#mbered at thirtyD$i!e tho#sand $o#r h#ndred"
N#m 2:20 .+ll who were n#mbered aording to their armies o$ the $ores with 6*hraim% one h#ndred and eight
tho#sand one h#ndred DD they shall be the third to brea' am*"
N#m 2:21 . The standard o$ the $ores with 2an (shall be) on the north side aording to their armies% and the
leader o$ the hildren o$ 2an (shall be) +hieHer the son o$ +mmishaddai".
N#m 2:23 +nd his army was n#mbered at si9tyDtwo tho#sand se!en h#ndred"
N#m 2:24 .Those who am* ne9t to him (shall be) the tribe o$ +sher% and the leader o$ the hildren o$ +sher
(shall be) <agiel the son o$ 8ran".
N#m 2:28 +nd his army was n#mbered at $ortyDone tho#sand $i!e h#ndred"
N#m 2:29 .Then (omes) the tribe o$ Na*htali% and the leader o$ the hildren o$ Na*htali (shall be) +hira the son
o$ 6nan".
N#m 2:-5 +nd his army was n#mbered at $i$tyDthree tho#sand $o#r h#ndred"
N#m 2:-1 .+ll who were n#mbered o$ the $ores with 2an% one h#ndred and $i$tyDse!en tho#sand si9 h#ndred DD
they shall brea' am* last% with their standards".
N#m 2:-2 These (are) the ones who were n#mbered o$ the hildren o$ Israel by their $athersA ho#ses" +ll who
were n#mbered aording to their armies o$ the $ores (were) si9 h#ndred and three tho#sand $i!e h#ndred and
N#m 2:-- B#t the /e!ites were not n#mbered among the hildren o$ Israel% @#st as the /8:2 ommanded
N#m 2:-0 Th#s the hildren o$ Israel did aording to all that the /8:2 ommanded ?oses& so they am*ed by
their standards and so they bro'e am*% eah one by his $amily% aording to their $athersA ho#ses"
N#m -:1 Now these (are) the reords o$ +aron and ?oses when the /8:2 s*o'e with ?oses on ?o#nt ,inai"
N#m -:2 +nd these (are) the names o$ the sons o$ +aron: Nadab% the $irstborn% and +bih#% 6leaHar% and Ithamar"
N#m -:- These (are) the names o$ the sons o$ +aron% the anointed *riests% whom he onserated to minister as
N#m -:0 Nadab and +bih# had died be$ore the /8:2 when they o$$ered *ro$ane $ire be$ore the /8:2 in the
>ilderness o$ ,inai& and they had no hildren" ,o 6leaHar and Ithamar ministered as *riests in the *resene o$
+aron their $ather"
N#m -:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m -:3 .Bring the tribe o$ /e!i near% and *resent them be$ore +aron the *riest% that they may ser!e him"
N#m -:4 .+nd they shall attend to his needs and the needs o$ the whole ongregation be$ore the tabernale o$
meeting% to do the wor' o$ the tabernale"
N#m -:8 .+lso they shall attend to all the $#rnishings o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% and to the needs o$ the
hildren o$ Israel% to do the wor' o$ the tabernale"
N#m -:9 .+nd yo# shall gi!e the /e!ites to +aron and his sons& they (are) gi!en entirely to him $rom among the
hildren o$ Israel"
N#m -:15 .,o yo# shall a**oint +aron and his sons% and they shall attend to their *riesthood& b#t the o#tsider
who omes near shall be *#t to death".
N#m -:11 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m -:12 .Now behold% I ?ysel$ ha!e ta'en the /e!ites $rom among the hildren o$ Israel instead o$ e!ery
$irstborn who o*ens the womb among the hildren o$ Israel" There$ore the /e!ites shall be ?ine%
N#m -:1- .bea#se all the $irstborn (are) ?ine" 8n the day that I str#' all the $irstborn in the land o$ 6gy*t% I
santi$ied to ?ysel$ all the $irstborn in Israel% both man and beast" They shall be ?ine: I (am) the /8:2".
N#m -:10 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses in the >ilderness o$ ,inai% saying:
N#m -:11 .N#mber the hildren o$ /e!i by their $athersA ho#ses% by their $amilies& yo# shall n#mber e!ery male
$rom a month old and abo!e".
N#m -:13 ,o ?oses n#mbered them aording to the word o$ the /8:2% as he was ommanded"
N#m -:14 These were the sons o$ /e!i by their names: Gershon% Kohath% and ?erari"
N#m -:18 +nd these (are) the names o$ the sons o$ Gershon by their $amilies: /ibni and ,himei"
N#m -:19 +nd the sons o$ Kohath by their $amilies: +mram% IHehar% Hebron% and 7HHiel"
N#m -:25 +nd the sons o$ ?erari by their $amilies: ?ahli and ?#shi" These (are) the $amilies o$ the /e!ites by
their $athersA ho#ses"
N#m -:21 ;rom Gershon (ame) the $amily o$ the /ibnites and the $amily o$ the ,himites& these (were) the
$amilies o$ the Gershonites"
N#m -:22 Those who were n#mbered% aording to the n#mber o$ all the males $rom a month old and abo!e DD
o$ those who were n#mbered (there were) se!en tho#sand $i!e h#ndred"
N#m -:2- The $amilies o$ the Gershonites were to am* behind the tabernale westward"
N#m -:20 +nd the leader o$ the $athersA ho#se o$ the Gershonites (was) 6liasa*h the son o$ /ael"
N#m -:21 The d#ties o$ the hildren o$ Gershon in the tabernale o$ meeting (inl#ded) the tabernale% the tent
with its o!ering% the sreen $or the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting%
N#m -:23 the sreen $or the door o$ the o#rt% the hangings o$ the o#rt whih (are) aro#nd the tabernale and
the altar% and their ords% aording to all the wor' relating to them"
N#m -:24 ;rom Kohath (ame) the $amily o$ the +mramites% the $amily o$ the IHharites% the $amily o$ the
Hebronites% and the $amily o$ the 7HHielites& these (were) the $amilies o$ the Kohathites"
N#m -:28 +ording to the n#mber o$ all the males% $rom a month old and abo!e% (there were) eight tho#sand
si9 h#ndred 'ee*ing harge o$ the sant#ary"
N#m -:29 The $amilies o$ the hildren o$ Kohath were to am* on the so#th side o$ the tabernale"
N#m -:-5 +nd the leader o$ the $athersA ho#se o$ the $amilies o$ the Kohathites (was) 6liHa*han the son o$
N#m -:-1 Their d#ty (inl#ded) the ar'% the table% the lam*stand% the altars% the #tensils o$ the sant#ary with
whih they ministered% the sreen% and all the wor' relating to them"
N#m -:-2 +nd 6leaHar the son o$ +aron the *riest (was to be) hie$ o!er the leaders o$ the /e!ites% (with)
o!ersight o$ those who 'e*t harge o$ the sant#ary"
N#m -:-- ;rom ?erari (ame) the $amily o$ the ?ahlites and the $amily o$ the ?#shites& these (were) the $amilies
o$ ?erari"
N#m -:-0 +nd those who were n#mbered% aording to the n#mber o$ all the males $rom a month old and
abo!e% (were) si9 tho#sand two h#ndred"
N#m -:-1 The leader o$ the $athersA ho#se o$ the $amilies o$ ?erari (was) G#riel the son o$ +bihail" These (were)
to am* on the north side o$ the tabernale"
N#m -:-3 +nd the a**ointed d#ty o$ the hildren o$ ?erari (inl#ded) the boards o$ the tabernale% its bars% its
*illars% its so'ets% its #tensils% all the wor' relating to them%
N#m -:-4 and the *illars o$ the o#rt all aro#nd% with their so'ets% their *egs% and their ords"
N#m -:-8 ?oreo!er those who were to am* be$ore the tabernale on the east% be$ore the tabernale o$
meeting% (were) ?oses% +aron% and his sons% 'ee*ing harge o$ the sant#ary% to meet the needs o$ the hildren
o$ Israel& b#t the o#tsider who ame near was to be *#t to death"
N#m -:-9 +ll who were n#mbered o$ the /e!ites% whom ?oses and +aron n#mbered at the ommandment o$
the /8:2% by their $amilies% all the males $rom a month old and abo!e% (were) twentyDtwo tho#sand"
N#m -:05 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses: .N#mber all the $irstborn males o$ the hildren o$ Israel $rom a month
old and abo!e% and ta'e the n#mber o$ their names"
N#m -:01 .+nd yo# shall ta'e the /e!ites $or ?e DD I (am) the /8:2 DD instead o$ all the $irstborn among the
hildren o$ Israel% and the li!esto' o$ the /e!ites instead o$ all the $irstborn among the li!esto' o$ the hildren o$
N#m -:02 ,o ?oses n#mbered all the $irstborn among the hildren o$ Israel% as the /8:2 ommanded him"
N#m -:0- +nd all the $irstborn males% aording to the n#mber o$ names $rom a month old and abo!e% o$ those
who were n#mbered o$ them% were twentyDtwo tho#sand two h#ndred and se!entyDthree"
N#m -:00 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m -:01 .Ta'e the /e!ites instead o$ all the $irstborn among the hildren o$ Israel% and the li!esto' o$ the
/e!ites instead o$ their li!esto'" The /e!ites shall be ?ine: I (am) the /8:2"
N#m -:03 .+nd $or the redem*tion o$ the two h#ndred and se!entyDthree o$ the $irstborn o$ the hildren o$ Israel%
who are more than the n#mber o$ the /e!ites%
N#m -:04 .yo# shall ta'e $i!e she'els $or eah one indi!id#ally& yo# shall ta'e (them) in the #rreny o$ the
she'el o$ the sant#ary% the she'el o$ twenty gerahs"
N#m -:08 .+nd yo# shall gi!e the money% with whih the e9ess n#mber o$ them is redeemed% to +aron and his
N#m -:09 ,o ?oses too' the redem*tion money $rom those who were o!er and abo!e those who were
redeemed by the /e!ites"
N#m -:15 ;rom the $irstborn o$ the hildren o$ Israel he too' the money% one tho#sand three h#ndred and si9tyD
$i!e (she'els%) aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary"
N#m -:11 +nd ?oses ga!e their redem*tion money to +aron and his sons% aording to the word o$ the /8:2%
as the /8:2 ommanded ?oses"
N#m 0:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% saying:
N#m 0:2 .Ta'e a ens#s o$ the sons o$ Kohath $rom among the hildren o$ /e!i% by their $amilies% by their
$athersA ho#se%
N#m 0:- .$rom thirty years old and abo!e% e!en to $i$ty years old% all who enter the ser!ie to do the wor' in the
tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 0:0 . This (is) the ser!ie o$ the sons o$ Kohath in the tabernale o$ meeting% (relating to) the most holy
N#m 0:1 .>hen the am* *re*ares to @o#rney% +aron and his sons shall ome% and they shall ta'e down the
o!ering !eil and o!er the ar' o$ the Testimony with it"
N#m 0:3 .Then they shall *#t on it a o!ering o$ badger s'ins% and s*read o!er (that) a loth entirely o$ bl#e& and
they shall insert its *oles"
N#m 0:4 .8n the table o$ showbread they shall s*read a bl#e loth% and *#t on it the dishes% the *ans% the
bowls% and the *ithers $or *o#ring& and the showbread shall be on it"
N#m 0:8 .They shall s*read o!er them a sarlet loth% and o!er the same with a o!ering o$ badger s'ins& and
they shall insert its *oles"
N#m 0:9 .+nd they shall ta'e a bl#e loth and o!er the lam*stand o$ the light% with its lam*s% its wi'Dtrimmers%
its trays% and all its oil !essels% with whih they ser!ie it"
N#m 0:15 .Then they shall *#t it with all its #tensils in a o!ering o$ badger s'ins% and *#t (it) on a arrying
N#m 0:11 .8!er the golden altar they shall s*read a bl#e loth% and o!er it with a o!ering o$ badger s'ins& and
they shall insert its *oles"
N#m 0:12 .Then they shall ta'e all the #tensils o$ ser!ie with whih they minister in the sant#ary% *#t (them) in
a bl#e loth% o!er them with a o!ering o$ badger s'ins% and *#t (them) on a arrying beam"
N#m 0:1- .+lso they shall ta'e away the ashes $rom the altar% and s*read a *#r*le loth o!er it"
N#m 0:10 .They shall *#t on it all its im*lements with whih they minister there DD the $ire*ans% the $or's% the
sho!els% the basins% and all the #tensils o$ the altar DD and they shall s*read on it a o!ering o$ badger s'ins% and
insert its *oles"
N#m 0:11 .+nd when +aron and his sons ha!e $inished o!ering the sant#ary and all the $#rnishings o$ the
sant#ary% when the am* is set to go% then the sons o$ Kohath shall ome to arry (them&) b#t they shall not
to#h any holy thing% lest they die" These (are) the things in the tabernale o$ meeting whih the sons o$ Kohath
are to arry"
N#m 0:13 .The a**ointed d#ty o$ 6leaHar the son o$ +aron the *riest (is) the oil $or the light% the sweet inense%
the daily grain o$$ering% the anointing oil% the o!ersight o$ all the tabernale% o$ all that (is) in it% with the sant#ary
and its $#rnishings".
N#m 0:14 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% saying:
N#m 0:18 .2o not #t o$$ the tribe o$ the $amilies o$ the Kohathites $rom among the /e!ites&
N#m 0:19 .b#t do this in regard to them% that they may li!e and not die when they a**roah the most holy
things: +aron and his sons shall go in and a**oint eah o$ them to his ser!ie and his tas'"
N#m 0:25 .B#t they shall not go in to wath while the holy things are being o!ered% lest they die".
N#m 0:21 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 0:22 .+lso ta'e a ens#s o$ the sons o$ Gershon% by their $athersA ho#se% by their $amilies"
N#m 0:2- .;rom thirty years old and abo!e% e!en to $i$ty years old% yo# shall n#mber them% all who enter to
*er$orm the ser!ie% to do the wor' in the tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 0:20 .This (is) the ser!ie o$ the $amilies o$ the Gershonites% in ser!ing and arrying:
N#m 0:21 .They shall arry the #rtains o$ the tabernale and the tabernale o$ meeting (with) its o!ering% the
o!ering o$ badger s'ins that (is) on it% the sreen $or the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting%
N#m 0:23 .the sreen $or the door o$ the gate o$ the o#rt% the hangings o$ the o#rt whih (are) aro#nd the
tabernale and altar% and their ords% all the $#rnishings $or their ser!ie and all that is made $or these things: so
shall they ser!e"
N#m 0:24 .+aron and his sons shall assign all the ser!ie o$ the sons o$ the Gershonites% all their tas's and all
their ser!ie" +nd yo# shall a**oint to them all their tas's as their d#ty"
N#m 0:28 .This (is) the ser!ie o$ the $amilies o$ the sons o$ Gershon in the tabernale o$ meeting" +nd their
d#ties (shall be) #nder the a#thority o$ Ithamar the son o$ +aron the *riest"
N#m 0:29 . (+s $or) the sons o$ ?erari% yo# shall n#mber them by their $amilies and by their $athersA ho#se"
N#m 0:-5 .;rom thirty years old and abo!e% e!en to $i$ty years old% yo# shall n#mber them% e!eryone who enters
the ser!ie to do the wor' o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 0:-1 .+nd this (is) what they m#st arry as all their ser!ie $or the tabernale o$ meeting: the boards o$ the
tabernale% its bars% its *illars% its so'ets%
N#m 0:-2 .and the *illars aro#nd the o#rt with their so'ets% *egs% and ords% with all their $#rnishings and all
their ser!ie& and yo# shall assign (to eah man) by name the items he m#st arry"
N#m 0:-- .This (is) the ser!ie o$ the $amilies o$ the sons o$ ?erari% as all their ser!ie $or the tabernale o$
meeting% #nder the a#thority o$ Ithamar the son o$ +aron the *riest".
N#m 0:-0 +nd ?oses% +aron% and the leaders o$ the ongregation n#mbered the sons o$ the Kohathites by their
$amilies and by their $athersA ho#se%
N#m 0:-1 $rom thirty years old and abo!e% e!en to $i$ty years old% e!eryone who entered the ser!ie $or wor' in
the tabernale o$ meeting&
N#m 0:-3 and those who were n#mbered by their $amilies were two tho#sand se!en h#ndred and $i$ty"
N#m 0:-4 These (were) the ones who were n#mbered o$ the $amilies o$ the Kohathites% all who might ser!e in
the tabernale o$ meeting% whom ?oses and +aron n#mbered aording to the ommandment o$ the /8:2 by
the hand o$ ?oses"
N#m 0:-8 +nd those who were n#mbered o$ the sons o$ Gershon% by their $amilies and by their $athersA ho#se%
N#m 0:-9 $rom thirty years old and abo!e% e!en to $i$ty years old% e!eryone who entered the ser!ie $or wor' in
the tabernale o$ meeting DD
N#m 0:05 those who were n#mbered by their $amilies% by their $athersA ho#se% were two tho#sand si9 h#ndred
and thirty"
N#m 0:01 These (are) the ones who were n#mbered o$ the $amilies o$ the sons o$ Gershon% o$ all who might
ser!e in the tabernale o$ meeting% whom ?oses and +aron n#mbered aording to the ommandment o$ the
N#m 0:02 Those o$ the $amilies o$ the sons o$ ?erari who were n#mbered% by their $amilies% by their $athersA
N#m 0:0- $rom thirty years old and abo!e% e!en to $i$ty years old% e!eryone who entered the ser!ie $or wor' in
the tabernale o$ meeting DD
N#m 0:00 those who were n#mbered by their $amilies were three tho#sand two h#ndred"
N#m 0:01 These (are) the ones who were n#mbered o$ the $amilies o$ the sons o$ ?erari% whom ?oses and
+aron n#mbered aording to the word o$ the /8:2 by the hand o$ ?oses"
N#m 0:03 +ll who were n#mbered o$ the /e!ites% whom ?oses% +aron% and the leaders o$ Israel n#mbered% by
their $amilies and by their $athersA ho#ses%
N#m 0:04 $rom thirty years old and abo!e% e!en to $i$ty years old% e!eryone who ame to do the wor' o$ ser!ie
and the wor' o$ bearing b#rdens in the tabernale o$ meeting DD
N#m 0:08 those who were n#mbered were eight tho#sand $i!e h#ndred and eighty"
N#m 0:09 +ording to the ommandment o$ the /8:2 they were n#mbered by the hand o$ ?oses% eah
aording to his ser!ie and aording to his tas'& th#s were they n#mbered by him% as the /8:2 ommanded
N#m 1:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 1:2 .=ommand the hildren o$ Israel that they *#t o#t o$ the am* e!ery le*er% e!eryone who has a
disharge% and whoe!er beomes de$iled by a or*se"
N#m 1:- .Bo# shall *#t o#t both male and $emale& yo# shall *#t them o#tside the am*% that they may not de$ile
their am*s in the midst o$ whih I dwell".
N#m 1:0 +nd the hildren o$ Israel did so% and *#t them o#tside the am*& as the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% so the
hildren o$ Israel did"
N#m 1:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 1:3 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel: A>hen a man or woman ommits any sin that men ommit in
#n$aith$#lness against the /8:2% and that *erson is g#ilty%
N#m 1:4 Athen he shall on$ess the sin whih he has ommitted" He shall ma'e restit#tion $or his tres*ass in $#ll%
*l#s oneD$i$th o$ it% and gi!e (it) to the one he has wronged"
N#m 1:8 AB#t i$ the man has no relati!e to whom restit#tion may be made $or the wrong% the restit#tion $or the
wrong (m#st go) to the /8:2 $or the *riest% in addition to the ram o$ the atonement with whih atonement is
made $or him"
N#m 1:9 A6!ery o$$ering o$ all the holy things o$ the hildren o$ Israel% whih they bring to the *riest% shall be his"
N#m 1:15 A+nd e!ery manAs holy things shall be his& whate!er any man gi!es the *riest shall be his"A .
N#m 1:11 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 1:12 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: AI$ any manAs wi$e goes astray and beha!es
#n$aith$#lly toward him%
N#m 1:1- Aand a man lies with her arnally% and it is hidden $rom the eyes o$ her h#sband% and it is onealed
that she has de$iled hersel$% and (there was) no witness against her% nor was she a#ght DD
N#m 1:10 Ai$ the s*irit o$ @ealo#sy omes #*on him and he beomes @ealo#s o$ his wi$e% who has de$iled hersel$&
or i$ the s*irit o$ @ealo#sy omes #*on him and he beomes @ealo#s o$ his wi$e% altho#gh she has not de$iled
hersel$ DD
N#m 1:11 Athen the man shall bring his wi$e to the *riest" He shall bring the o$$ering reE#ired $or her% oneDtenth o$
an 6<H+H o$ barley meal& he shall *o#r no oil on it and *#t no $ran'inense on it% bea#se it (is) a grain o$$ering
o$ @ealo#sy% an o$$ering $or remembering% $or bringing iniE#ity to remembrane"
N#m 1:13 A +nd the *riest shall bring her near% and set her be$ore the /8:2"
N#m 1:14 AThe *riest shall ta'e holy water in an earthen !essel% and ta'e some o$ the d#st that is on the $loor o$
the tabernale and *#t (it) into the water"
N#m 1:18 AThen the *riest shall stand the woman be$ore the /8:2% #no!er the womanAs head% and *#t the
o$$ering $or remembering in her hands% whih (is) the grain o$$ering o$ @ealo#sy" +nd the *riest shall ha!e in his
hand the bitter water that brings a #rse"
N#m 1:19 A+nd the *riest shall *#t her #nder oath% and say to the woman% .I$ no man has lain with yo#% and i$
yo# ha!e not gone astray to #nleanness (while) #nder yo#r h#sbandAs (a#thority%) be $ree $rom this bitter water
that brings a #rse"
N#m 1:25 .B#t i$ yo# ha!e gone astray (while) #nder yo#r h#sbandAs (a#thority%) and i$ yo# ha!e de$iled yo#rsel$
and some man other than yo#r h#sband has lain with yo#. DD
N#m 1:21 Athen the *riest shall *#t the woman #nder the oath o$ the #rse% and he shall say to the woman DD .the
/8:2 ma'e yo# a #rse and an oath among yo#r *eo*le% when the /8:2 ma'es yo#r thigh rot and yo#r belly
N#m 1:22 .and may this water that a#ses the #rse go into yo#r stomah% and ma'e (yo#r) belly swell and
(yo#r) thigh rot". Then the woman shall say% .+men% so be it".
N#m 1:2- A Then the *riest shall write these #rses in a boo'% and he shall sra*e (them) o$$ into the bitter water"
N#m 1:20 A+nd he shall ma'e the woman drin' the bitter water that brings a #rse% and the water that brings the
#rse shall enter her (to beome) bitter"
N#m 1:21 AThen the *riest shall ta'e the grain o$$ering o$ @ealo#sy $rom the womanAs hand% shall wa!e the
o$$ering be$ore the /8:2% and bring it to the altar&
N#m 1:23 Aand the *riest shall ta'e a hand$#l o$ the o$$ering% as its memorial *ortion% b#rn (it) on the altar% and
a$terward ma'e the woman drin' the water"
N#m 1:24 A>hen he has made her drin' the water% then it shall be% i$ she has de$iled hersel$ and beha!ed
#n$aith$#lly toward her h#sband% that the water that brings a #rse will enter her (and beome) bitter% and her
belly will swell% her thigh will rot% and the woman will beome a #rse among her *eo*le"
N#m 1:28 AB#t i$ the woman has not de$iled hersel$% and is lean% then she shall be $ree and may onei!e
N#m 1:29 A This (is) the law o$ @ealo#sy% when a wi$e% (while) #nder her h#sbandAs (a#thority%) goes astray and
de$iles hersel$%
N#m 1:-5 Aor when the s*irit o$ @ealo#sy omes #*on a man% and he beomes @ealo#s o$ his wi$e& then he shall
stand the woman be$ore the /8:2% and the *riest shall e9e#te all this law #*on her"
N#m 1:-1 AThen the man shall be $ree $rom iniE#ity% b#t that woman shall bear her g#ilt"A .
N#m 3:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 3:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hen either a man or woman onserates an
o$$ering to ta'e the !ow o$ a NaHirite% to se*arate himsel$ to the /8:2%
N#m 3:- Ahe shall se*arate himsel$ $rom wine and (similar) drin'& he shall drin' neither !inegar made $rom wine
nor !inegar made $rom (similar) drin'& neither shall he drin' any gra*e @#ie% nor eat $resh gra*es or raisins"
N#m 3:0 A+ll the days o$ his se*aration he shall eat nothing that is *rod#ed by the gra*e!ine% $rom seed to s'in"
N#m 3:1 A+ll the days o$ the !ow o$ his se*aration no raHor shall ome #*on his head& #ntil the days are $#l$illed
$or whih he se*arated himsel$ to the /8:2% he shall be holy" (Then) he shall let the lo's o$ the hair o$ his head
N#m 3:3 A+ll the days that he se*arates himsel$ to the /8:2 he shall not go near a dead body"
N#m 3:4 AHe shall not ma'e himsel$ #nlean e!en $or his $ather or his mother% $or his brother or his sister% when
they die% bea#se his se*aration to God (is) on his head"
N#m 3:8 A+ll the days o$ his se*aration he shall be holy to the /8:2"
N#m 3:9 A +nd i$ anyone dies !ery s#ddenly beside him% and he de$iles his onserated head% then he shall
sha!e his head on the day o$ his leansing& on the se!enth day he shall sha!e it"
N#m 3:15 AThen on the eighth day he shall bring two t#rtledo!es or two yo#ng *igeons to the *riest% to the door
o$ the tabernale o$ meeting&
N#m 3:11 Aand the *riest shall o$$er one as a sin o$$ering and (the) other as a b#rnt o$$ering% and ma'e
atonement $or him% bea#se he sinned in regard to the or*se& and he shall santi$y his head that same day"
N#m 3:12 AHe shall onserate to the /8:2 the days o$ his se*aration% and bring a male lamb in its $irst year as
a tres*ass o$$ering& b#t the $ormer days shall be lost% bea#se his se*aration was de$iled"
N#m 3:1- A Now this (is) the law o$ the NaHirite: >hen the days o$ his se*aration are $#l$illed% he shall be bro#ght
to the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 3:10 A+nd he shall *resent his o$$ering to the /8:2: one male lamb in its $irst year witho#t blemish as a
b#rnt o$$ering% one ewe lamb in its $irst year witho#t blemish as a sin o$$ering% one ram witho#t blemish as a
*eae o$$ering%
N#m 3:11 Aa bas'et o$ #nlea!ened bread% a'es o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed with oil% #nlea!ened wa$ers anointed with oil%
and their grain o$$ering with their drin' o$$erings"
N#m 3:13 AThen the *riest shall bring (them) be$ore the /8:2 and o$$er his sin o$$ering and his b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 3:14 Aand he shall o$$er the ram as a sari$ie o$ *eae o$$ering to the /8:2% with the bas'et o$
#nlea!ened bread& the *riest shall also o$$er its grain o$$ering and its drin' o$$ering"
N#m 3:18 AThen the NaHirite shall sha!e his onserated head (at) the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% and
shall ta'e the hair $rom his onserated head and *#t (it) on the $ire whih is #nder the sari$ie o$ the *eae
N#m 3:19 A+nd the *riest shall ta'e the boiled sho#lder o$ the ram% one #nlea!ened a'e $rom the bas'et% and
one #nlea!ened wa$er% and *#t (them) #*on the hands o$ the NaHirite a$ter he has sha!ed his onserated (hair%)
N#m 3:25 Aand the *riest shall wa!e them as a wa!e o$$ering be$ore the /8:2& they (are) holy $or the *riest%
together with the breast o$ the wa!e o$$ering and the thigh o$ the hea!e o$$ering" +$ter that the NaHirite may drin'
N#m 3:21 . This is the law o$ the NaHirite who !ows to the /8:2 the o$$ering $or his se*aration% and besides
that% whate!er else his hand is able to *ro!ide& aording to the !ow whih he ta'es% so he m#st do aording to
the law o$ his se*aration".
N#m 3:22 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 3:2- .,*ea' to +aron and his sons% saying% AThis is the way yo# shall bless the hildren o$ Israel" ,ay to
N#m 3:20 .The /8:2 bless yo# and 'ee* yo#&
N#m 3:21 The /8:2 ma'e His $ae shine #*on yo#% +nd be graio#s to yo#&
N#m 3:23 The /8:2 li$t #* His o#ntenane #*on yo#% +nd gi!e yo# *eae". A
N#m 3:24 .,o they shall *#t ?y name on the hildren o$ Israel% and I will bless them".
N#m 4:1 Now it ame to *ass% when ?oses had $inished setting #* the tabernale% that he anointed it and
onserated it and all its $#rnishings% and the altar and all its #tensils& so he anointed them and onserated
N#m 4:2 Then the leaders o$ Israel% the heads o$ their $athersA ho#ses% who (were) the leaders o$ the tribes and
o!er those who were n#mbered% made an o$$ering"
N#m 4:- +nd they bro#ght their o$$ering be$ore the /8:2% si9 o!ered arts and twel!e o9en% a art $or (e!ery)
two o$ the leaders% and $or eah one an o9& and they *resented them be$ore the tabernale"
N#m 4:0 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 4:1 .+e*t (these) $rom them% that they may be #sed in doing the wor' o$ the tabernale o$ meeting& and
yo# shall gi!e them to the /e!ites% (to) e!ery man aording to his ser!ie".
N#m 4:3 ,o ?oses too' the arts and the o9en% and ga!e them to the /e!ites"
N#m 4:4 Two arts and $o#r o9en he ga!e to the sons o$ Gershon% aording to their ser!ie&
N#m 4:8 and $o#r arts and eight o9en he ga!e to the sons o$ ?erari% aording to their ser!ie% #nder the
a#thority o$ Ithamar the son o$ +aron the *riest"
N#m 4:9 B#t to the sons o$ Kohath he ga!e none% bea#se theirs (was) the ser!ie o$ the holy things% (whih)
they arried on their sho#lders"
N#m 4:15 Now the leaders o$$ered the dediation (o$$ering) $or the altar when it was anointed& so the leaders
o$$ered their o$$ering be$ore the altar"
N#m 4:11 ;or the /8:2 said to ?oses% .They shall o$$er their o$$ering% one leader eah day% $or the dediation
o$ the altar".
N#m 4:12 +nd the one who o$$ered his o$$ering on the $irst day (was) Nahshon the son o$ +mminadab% $rom the
tribe o$ J#dah"
N#m 4:1- His o$$ering (was) one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els%) and
one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed
with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:10 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:11 one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:13 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:14 and $or the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ Nahshon the son o$ +mminadab"
N#m 4:18 8n the seond day Nethanel the son o$ G#ar% leader o$ Issahar% *resented (an o$$ering")
N#m 4:19 (;or) his o$$ering he o$$ered one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty
(she'els%) and one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$
$ine $lo#r mi9ed with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:25 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:21 one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:22 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:2- and as the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ Nethanel the son o$ G#ar"
N#m 4:20 8n the third day 6liab the son o$ Helon% leader o$ the hildren o$ Geb#l#n% (*resented an o$$ering")
N#m 4:21 His o$$ering (was) one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els%) and
one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed
with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:23 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:24 one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:28 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:29 and $or the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ 6liab the son o$ Helon"
N#m 4:-5 8n the $o#rth day 6liH#r the son o$ ,hede#r% leader o$ the hildren o$ :e#ben% (*resented an o$$ering")
N#m 4:-1 His o$$ering (was) one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els%) and
one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed
with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:-2 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:-- one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:-0 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:-1 and as the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ 6liH#r the son o$ ,hede#r"
N#m 4:-3 8n the $i$th day ,hel#miel the son o$ G#rishaddai% leader o$ the hildren o$ ,imeon% (*resented an
N#m 4:-4 His o$$ering (was) one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els%) and
one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed
with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:-8 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:-9 one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:05 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:01 and as the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ ,hel#miel the son o$ G#rishaddai"
N#m 4:02 8n the si9th day 6liasa*h the son o$ 2e#el% leader o$ the hildren o$ Gad% (*resented an o$$ering")
N#m 4:0- His o$$ering (was) one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els%) and
one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed
with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:00 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:01 one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:03 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:04 and as the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ 6liasa*h the son o$ 2e#el"
N#m 4:08 8n the se!enth day 6lishama the son o$ +mmih#d% leader o$ the hildren o$ 6*hraim% (*resented an
N#m 4:09 His o$$ering (was) one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els%) and
one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed
with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:15 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:11 one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:12 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:1- and as the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ 6lishama the son o$ +mmih#d"
N#m 4:10 8n the eighth day Gamaliel the son o$ <edahH#r% leader o$ the hildren o$ ?anasseh% (*resented an
N#m 4:11 His o$$ering (was) one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els%) and
one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed
with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:13 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:14 one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:18 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:19 and as the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ Gamaliel the son o$ <edahH#r"
N#m 4:35 8n the ninth day +bidan the son o$ Gideoni% leader o$ the hildren o$ Ben@amin% (*resented an
N#m 4:31 His o$$ering (was) one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els%) and
one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed
with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:32 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:3- one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:30 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:31 and as the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ +bidan the son o$ Gideoni"
N#m 4:33 8n the tenth day +hieHer the son o$ +mmishaddai% leader o$ the hildren o$ 2an% (*resented an
N#m 4:34 His o$$ering (was) one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els%) and
one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed
with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:38 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:39 one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:45 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:41 and as the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ +hieHer the son o$ +mmishaddai"
N#m 4:42 8n the ele!enth day <agiel the son o$ 8ran% leader o$ the hildren o$ +sher% (*resented an o$$ering")
N#m 4:4- His o$$ering (was) one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els%) and
one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed
with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:40 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:41 one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:43 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:44 and as the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ <agiel the son o$ 8ran"
N#m 4:48 8n the twel$th day +hira the son o$ 6nan% leader o$ the hildren o$ Na*htali% (*resented an o$$ering")
N#m 4:49 His o$$ering (was) one sil!er *latter% the weight o$ whih (was) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els%) and
one sil!er bowl o$ se!enty she'els% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% both o$ them $#ll o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed
with oil as a grain o$$ering&
N#m 4:85 one gold *an o$ ten (she'els%) $#ll o$ inense&
N#m 4:81 one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% and one male lamb in its $irst year% as a b#rnt o$$ering&
N#m 4:82 one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering&
N#m 4:8- and as the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings: two o9en% $i!e rams% $i!e male goats% and $i!e male lambs in
their $irst year" This (was) the o$$ering o$ +hira the son o$ 6nan"
N#m 4:80 This (was) the dediation (o$$ering) $or the altar $rom the leaders o$ Israel% when it was anointed:
twel!e sil!er *latters% twel!e sil!er bowls% and twel!e gold *ans"
N#m 4:81 6ah sil!er *latter (weighed) one h#ndred and thirty (she'els) and eah bowl se!enty (she'els") +ll
the sil!er o$ the !essels (weighed) two tho#sand $o#r h#ndred (she'els%) aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary"
N#m 4:83 The twel!e gold *ans $#ll o$ inense (weighed) ten (she'els) a*iee% aording to the she'el o$ the
sant#ary& all the gold o$ the *ans (weighed) one h#ndred and twenty (she'els")
N#m 4:84 +ll the o9en $or the b#rnt o$$ering (were) twel!e yo#ng b#lls% the rams twel!e% the male lambs in their
$irst year twel!e% with their grain o$$ering% and the 'ids o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering twel!e"
N#m 4:88 +nd all the o9en $or the sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings were twentyD$o#r b#lls% the rams si9ty% the male
goats si9ty% and the lambs in their $irst year si9ty" This (was) the dediation (o$$ering) $or the altar a$ter it was
N#m 4:89 Now when ?oses went into the tabernale o$ meeting to s*ea' with Him% he heard the !oie o$ 8ne
s*ea'ing to him $rom abo!e the mery seat that (was) on the ar' o$ the Testimony% $rom between the two
her#bim& th#s He s*o'e to him"
N#m 8:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 8:2 .,*ea' to +aron% and say to him% A>hen yo# arrange the lam*s% the se!en lam*s shall gi!e light in
$ront o$ the lam*stand"A .
N#m 8:- +nd +aron did so& he arranged the lam*s to $ae toward the $ront o$ the lam*stand% as the /8:2
ommanded ?oses"
N#m 8:0 Now this wor'manshi* o$ the lam*stand (was) hammered gold& $rom its sha$t to its $lowers it (was)
hammered wor'" +ording to the *attern whih the /8:2 had shown ?oses% so he made the lam*stand"
N#m 8:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 8:3 .Ta'e the /e!ites $rom among the hildren o$ Israel and leanse them (eremonially")
N#m 8:4 .Th#s yo# shall do to them to leanse them: ,*rin'le water o$ *#ri$iation on them% and let them sha!e
all their body% and let them wash their lothes% and (so) ma'e themsel!es lean"
N#m 8:8 .Then let them ta'e a yo#ng b#ll with its grain o$$ering o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed with oil% and yo# shall ta'e
another yo#ng b#ll as a sin o$$ering"
N#m 8:9 .+nd yo# shall bring the /e!ites be$ore the tabernale o$ meeting% and yo# shall gather together the
whole ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m 8:15 .,o yo# shall bring the /e!ites be$ore the /8:2% and the hildren o$ Israel shall lay their hands on the
N#m 8:11 .and +aron shall o$$er the /e!ites be$ore the /8:2% (li'e) a wa!e o$$ering $rom the hildren o$ Israel%
that they may *er$orm the wor' o$ the /8:2"
N#m 8:12 .Then the /e!ites shall lay their hands on the heads o$ the yo#ng b#lls% and yo# shall o$$er one as a
sin o$$ering and the other as a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2% to ma'e atonement $or the /e!ites"
N#m 8:1- .+nd yo# shall stand the /e!ites be$ore +aron and his sons% and then o$$er them (li'e) a wa!e o$$ering
to the /8:2"
N#m 8:10 .Th#s yo# shall se*arate the /e!ites $rom among the hildren o$ Israel% and the /e!ites shall be ?ine"
N#m 8:11 .+$ter that the /e!ites shall go in to ser!ie the tabernale o$ meeting" ,o yo# shall leanse them and
o$$er them% (li'e) a wa!e o$$ering"
N#m 8:13 .;or they (are) wholly gi!en to ?e $rom among the hildren o$ Israel& I ha!e ta'en them $or ?ysel$
instead o$ all who o*en the womb% the $irstborn o$ all the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m 8:14 .;or all the $irstborn among the hildren o$ Israel (are) ?ine% (both) man and beast& on the day that I
str#' all the $irstborn in the land o$ 6gy*t I santi$ied them to ?ysel$"
N#m 8:18 .I ha!e ta'en the /e!ites instead o$ all the $irstborn o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m 8:19 .+nd I ha!e gi!en the /e!ites as a gi$t to +aron and his sons $rom among the hildren o$ Israel% to do
the wor' $or the hildren o$ Israel in the tabernale o$ meeting% and to ma'e atonement $or the hildren o$ Israel%
that there be no *lag#e among the hildren o$ Israel when the hildren o$ Israel ome near the sant#ary".
N#m 8:25 Th#s ?oses and +aron and all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel did to the /e!ites& aording
to all that the /8:2 ommanded ?oses onerning the /e!ites% so the hildren o$ Israel did to them"
N#m 8:21 +nd the /e!ites *#ri$ied themsel!es and washed their lothes& then +aron *resented them% (li'e) a
wa!e o$$ering be$ore the /8:2% and +aron made atonement $or them to leanse them"
N#m 8:22 +$ter that the /e!ites went in to do their wor' in the tabernale o$ meeting be$ore +aron and his sons&
as the /8:2 ommanded ?oses onerning the /e!ites% so they did to them"
N#m 8:2- Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 8:20 .This (is) what (*ertains) to the /e!ites: ;rom twentyD$i!e years old and abo!e one may enter to
*er$orm ser!ie in the wor' o$ the tabernale o$ meeting&
N#m 8:21 .and at the age o$ $i$ty years they m#st ease *er$orming this wor'% and shall wor' no more"
N#m 8:23 .They may minister with their brethren in the tabernale o$ meeting% to attend to needs% b#t they
(themsel!es) shall do no wor'" Th#s yo# shall do to the /e!ites regarding their d#ties".
N#m 9:1 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses in the >ilderness o$ ,inai% in the $irst month o$ the seond year a$ter
they had ome o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% saying:
N#m 9:2 ./et the hildren o$ Israel 'ee* the <asso!er at its a**ointed time"
N#m 9:- .8n the $o#rteenth day o$ this month% at twilight% yo# shall 'ee* it at its a**ointed time" +ording to all
its rites and eremonies yo# shall 'ee* it".
N#m 9:0 ,o ?oses told the hildren o$ Israel that they sho#ld 'ee* the <asso!er"
N#m 9:1 +nd they 'e*t the <asso!er on the $o#rteenth day o$ the $irst month% at twilight% in the >ilderness o$
,inai& aording to all that the /8:2 ommanded ?oses% so the hildren o$ Israel did"
N#m 9:3 Now there were (ertain) men who were de$iled by a h#man or*se% so that they o#ld not 'ee* the
<asso!er on that day& and they ame be$ore ?oses and +aron that day"
N#m 9:4 +nd those men said to him% .>e (beame) de$iled by a h#man or*se" >hy are we 'e*t $rom
*resenting the o$$ering o$ the /8:2 at its a**ointed time among the hildren o$ IsraelC.
N#m 9:8 +nd ?oses said to them% .,tand still% that I may hear what the /8:2 will ommand onerning yo#".
N#m 9:9 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 9:15 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: AI$ anyone o$ yo# or yo#r *osterity is #nlean bea#se o$ a
or*se% or (is) $ar away on a @o#rney% he may still 'ee* the /8:2As <asso!er"
N#m 9:11 A8n the $o#rteenth day o$ the seond month% at twilight% they may 'ee* it" They shall eat it with
#nlea!ened bread and bitter herbs"
N#m 9:12 AThey shall lea!e none o$ it #ntil morning% nor brea' one o$ its bones" +ording to all the ordinanes
o$ the <asso!er they shall 'ee* it"
N#m 9:1- AB#t the man who (is) lean and is not on a @o#rney% and eases to 'ee* the <asso!er% that same
*erson shall be #t o$$ $rom among his *eo*le% bea#se he did not bring the o$$ering o$ the /8:2 at its
a**ointed time& that man shall bear his sin"
N#m 9:10 A+nd i$ a stranger dwells among yo#% and wo#ld 'ee* the /8:2As <asso!er% he m#st do so aording
to the rite o$ the <asso!er and aording to its eremony& yo# shall ha!e one ordinane% both $or the stranger
and the nati!e o$ the land"A .
N#m 9:11 Now on the day that the tabernale was raised #*% the lo#d o!ered the tabernale% the tent o$ the
Testimony& $rom e!ening #ntil morning it was abo!e the tabernale li'e the a**earane o$ $ire"
N#m 9:13 ,o it was always: the lo#d o!ered it (by day%) and the a**earane o$ $ire by night"
N#m 9:14 >hene!er the lo#d was ta'en #* $rom abo!e the tabernale% a$ter that the hildren o$ Israel wo#ld
@o#rney& and in the *lae where the lo#d settled% there the hildren o$ Israel wo#ld *ith their tents"
N#m 9:18 +t the ommand o$ the /8:2 the hildren o$ Israel wo#ld @o#rney% and at the ommand o$ the /8:2
they wo#ld am*& as long as the lo#d stayed abo!e the tabernale they remained enam*ed"
N#m 9:19 6!en when the lo#d ontin#ed long% many days abo!e the tabernale% the hildren o$ Israel 'e*t the
harge o$ the /8:2 and did not @o#rney"
N#m 9:25 ,o it was% when the lo#d was abo!e the tabernale a $ew days: aording to the ommand o$ the
/8:2 they wo#ld remain enam*ed% and aording to the ommand o$ the /8:2 they wo#ld @o#rney"
N#m 9:21 ,o it was% when the lo#d remained only $rom e!ening #ntil morning: when the lo#d was ta'en #* in
the morning% then they wo#ld @o#rney& whether by day or by night% whene!er the lo#d was ta'en #*% they wo#ld
N#m 9:22 (>hether it was) two days% a month% or a year that the lo#d remained abo!e the tabernale% the
hildren o$ Israel wo#ld remain enam*ed and not @o#rney& b#t when it was ta'en #*% they wo#ld @o#rney"
N#m 9:2- +t the ommand o$ the /8:2 they remained enam*ed% and at the ommand o$ the /8:2 they
@o#rneyed& they 'e*t the harge o$ the /8:2% at the ommand o$ the /8:2 by the hand o$ ?oses"
N#m 15:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 15:2 .?a'e two sil!er tr#m*ets $or yo#rsel$& yo# shall ma'e them o$ hammered wor'& yo# shall #se them
$or alling the ongregation and $or direting the mo!ement o$ the am*s"
N#m 15:- .>hen they blow both o$ them% all the ongregation shall gather be$ore yo# at the door o$ the
tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 15:0 .B#t i$ they blow (only) one% then the leaders% the heads o$ the di!isions o$ Israel% shall gather to yo#"
N#m 15:1 .>hen yo# so#nd the ad!ane% the am*s that lie on the east side shall then begin their @o#rney"
N#m 15:3 .>hen yo# so#nd the ad!ane the seond time% then the am*s that lie on the so#th side shall begin
their @o#rney& they shall so#nd the all $or them to begin their @o#rneys"
N#m 15:4 .+nd when the assembly is to be gathered together% yo# shall blow% b#t not so#nd the ad!ane"
N#m 15:8 .The sons o$ +aron% the *riests% shall blow the tr#m*ets& and these shall be to yo# as an ordinane
$ore!er thro#gho#t yo#r generations"
N#m 15:9 .>hen yo# go to war in yo#r land against the enemy who o**resses yo#% then yo# shall so#nd an
alarm with the tr#m*ets% and yo# will be remembered be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God% and yo# will be sa!ed $rom
yo#r enemies"
N#m 15:15 .+lso in the day o$ yo#r gladness% in yo#r a**ointed $easts% and at the beginning o$ yo#r months% yo#
shall blow the tr#m*ets o!er yo#r b#rnt o$$erings and o!er the sari$ies o$ yo#r *eae o$$erings& and they shall
be a memorial $or yo# be$ore yo#r God: I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God".
N#m 15:11 Now it ame to *ass on the twentieth (day) o$ the seond month% in the seond year% that the lo#d
was ta'en #* $rom abo!e the tabernale o$ the Testimony"
N#m 15:12 +nd the hildren o$ Israel set o#t $rom the >ilderness o$ ,inai on their @o#rneys& then the lo#d
settled down in the >ilderness o$ <aran"
N#m 15:1- ,o they started o#t $or the $irst time aording to the ommand o$ the /8:2 by the hand o$ ?oses"
N#m 15:10 The standard o$ the am* o$ the hildren o$ J#dah set o#t $irst aording to their armies& o!er their
army was Nahshon the son o$ +mminadab"
N#m 15:11 8!er the army o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Issahar (was) Nethanel the son o$ G#ar"
N#m 15:13 +nd o!er the army o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Geb#l#n (was) 6liab the son o$ Helon"
N#m 15:14 Then the tabernale was ta'en down& and the sons o$ Gershon and the sons o$ ?erari set o#t%
arrying the tabernale"
N#m 15:18 +nd the standard o$ the am* o$ :e#ben set o#t aording to their armies& o!er their army (was)
6liH#r the son o$ ,hede#r"
N#m 15:19 8!er the army o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ ,imeon (was) ,hel#miel the son o$ G#rishaddai"
N#m 15:25 +nd o!er the army o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Gad (was) 6liasa*h the son o$ 2e#el"
N#m 15:21 Then the Kohathites set o#t% arrying the holy things" IThe tabernale wo#ld be *re*ared $or their
N#m 15:22 +nd the standard o$ the am* o$ the hildren o$ 6*hraim set o#t aording to their armies& o!er their
army (was) 6lishama the son o$ +mmih#d"
N#m 15:2- 8!er the army o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ ?anasseh (was) Gamaliel the son o$ <edahH#r"
N#m 15:20 +nd o!er the army o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Ben@amin (was) +bidan the son o$ Gideoni"
N#m 15:21 Then the standard o$ the am* o$ the hildren o$ 2an Ithe rear g#ard o$ all the am*sJ set o#t
aording to their armies& o!er their army (was) +hieHer the son o$ +mmishaddai"
N#m 15:23 8!er the army o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ +sher (was) <agiel the son o$ 8ran"
N#m 15:24 +nd o!er the army o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Na*htali (was) +hira the son o$ 6nan"
N#m 15:28 Th#s (was) the order o$ marh o$ the hildren o$ Israel% aording to their armies% when they began
their @o#rney"
N#m 15:29 Now ?oses said to Hobab the son o$ :e#el the ?idianite% ?osesA $atherDinDlaw% .>e are setting o#t
$or the *lae o$ whih the /8:2 said% AI will gi!e it to yo#"A =ome with #s% and we will treat yo# well& $or the /8:2
has *romised good things to Israel".
N#m 15:-5 +nd he said to him% .I will not go% b#t I will de*art to my (own) land and to my relati!es".
N#m 15:-1 ,o (?oses) said% .<lease do not lea!e% inasm#h as yo# 'now how we are to am* in the
wilderness% and yo# an be o#r eyes"
N#m 15:-2 .+nd it shall be% i$ yo# go with #s DD indeed it shall be DD that whate!er good the /8:2 will do to #s%
the same we will do to yo#".
N#m 15:-- ,o they de*arted $rom the mo#ntain o$ the /8:2 on a @o#rney o$ three days& and the ar' o$ the
o!enant o$ the /8:2 went be$ore them $or the three daysA @o#rney% to searh o#t a resting *lae $or them"
N#m 15:-0 +nd the lo#d o$ the /8:2 (was) abo!e them by day when they went o#t $rom the am*"
N#m 15:-1 ,o it was% whene!er the ar' set o#t% that ?oses said: .:ise #*% 8 /8:2F /et Bo#r enemies be
sattered% +nd let those who hate Bo# $lee be$ore Bo#".
N#m 15:-3 +nd when it rested% he said: .:et#rn% 8 /8:2% (To) the many tho#sands o$ Israel".
N#m 11:1 Now (when) the *eo*le om*lained% it dis*leased the /8:2& $or the /8:2 heard (it%) and His anger
was aro#sed" ,o the $ire o$ the /8:2 b#rned among them% and ons#med (some) in the o#ts'irts o$ the am*"
N#m 11:2 Then the *eo*le ried o#t to ?oses% and when ?oses *rayed to the /8:2% the $ire was E#enhed"
N#m 11:- ,o he alled the name o$ the *lae Taberah% bea#se the $ire o$ the /8:2 had b#rned among them"
N#m 11:0 Now the mi9ed m#ltit#de who were among them yielded to intense ra!ing& so the hildren o$ Israel
also we*t again and said: .>ho will gi!e #s meat to eatC
N#m 11:1 .>e remember the $ish whih we ate $reely in 6gy*t% the ##mbers% the melons% the lee's% the
onions% and the garli&
N#m 11:3 .b#t now o#r whole being (is) dried #*& (there is) nothing at all e9e*t this manna (be$ore) o#r eyesF.
N#m 11:4 Now the manna (was) li'e oriander seed% and its olor li'e the olor o$ bdelli#m"
N#m 11:8 The *eo*le went abo#t and gathered (it%) gro#nd (it) on millstones or beat (it) in the mortar% oo'ed (it)
in *ans% and made a'es o$ it& and its taste was li'e the taste o$ *astry *re*ared with oil"
N#m 11:9 +nd when the dew $ell on the am* in the night% the manna $ell on it"
N#m 11:15 Then ?oses heard the *eo*le wee*ing thro#gho#t their $amilies% e!eryone at the door o$ his tent&
and the anger o$ the /8:2 was greatly aro#sed& ?oses also was dis*leased"
N#m 11:11 ,o ?oses said to the /8:2% .>hy ha!e Bo# a$$lited Bo#r ser!antC +nd why ha!e I not $o#nd $a!or
in Bo#r sight% that Bo# ha!e laid the b#rden o$ all these *eo*le on meC
N#m 11:12 .2id I onei!e all these *eo*leC 2id I beget them% that Bo# sho#ld say to me% A=arry them in yo#r
bosom% as a g#ardian arries a n#rsing hild%A to the land whih Bo# swore to their $athersC
N#m 11:1- .>here am I to get meat to gi!e to all these *eo*leC ;or they wee* all o!er me% saying% AGi!e #s
meat% that we may eat"A
N#m 11:10 .I am not able to bear all these *eo*le alone% bea#se the b#rden (is) too hea!y $or me"
N#m 11:11 .I$ Bo# treat me li'e this% *lease 'ill me here and now DD i$ I ha!e $o#nd $a!or in Bo#r sight DD and do
not let me see my wrethednessF.
N#m 11:13 ,o the /8:2 said to ?oses: .Gather to ?e se!enty men o$ the elders o$ Israel% whom yo# 'now to
be the elders o$ the *eo*le and o$$iers o!er them& bring them to the tabernale o$ meeting% that they may stand
there with yo#"
N#m 11:14 .Then I will ome down and tal' with yo# there" I will ta'e o$ the ,*irit that (is) #*on yo# and will *#t
(the same) #*on them& and they shall bear the b#rden o$ the *eo*le with yo#% that yo# may not bear (it) yo#rsel$
N#m 11:18 .Then yo# shall say to the *eo*le% A=onserate yo#rsel!es $or tomorrow% and yo# shall eat meat& $or
yo# ha!e we*t in the hearing o$ the /8:2% saying% .>ho will gi!e #s meat to eatC ;or (it was) well with #s in
6gy*t". There$ore the /8:2 will gi!e yo# meat% and yo# shall eat"
N#m 11:19 ABo# shall eat% not one day% nor two days% nor $i!e days% nor ten days% nor twenty days%
N#m 11:25 Ab#t ($or) a whole month% #ntil it omes o#t o$ yo#r nostrils and beomes loathsome to yo#% bea#se
yo# ha!e des*ised the /8:2 who is among yo#% and ha!e we*t be$ore Him% saying% .>hy did we e!er ome #*
o#t o$ 6gy*tC. A .
N#m 11:21 +nd ?oses said% .The *eo*le whom I (am) among (are) si9 h#ndred tho#sand men on $oot& yet Bo#
ha!e said% AI will gi!e them meat% that they may eat ($or) a whole month"A
N#m 11:22 .,hall $lo's and herds be sla#ghtered $or them% to *ro!ide eno#gh $or themC 8r shall all the $ish o$
the sea be gathered together $or them% to *ro!ide eno#gh $or themC.
N#m 11:2- +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Has the /8:2As arm been shortenedC Now yo# shall see whether
what I say will ha**en to yo# or not".
N#m 11:20 ,o ?oses went o#t and told the *eo*le the words o$ the /8:2% and he gathered the se!enty men o$
the elders o$ the *eo*le and *laed them aro#nd the tabernale"
N#m 11:21 Then the /8:2 ame down in the lo#d% and s*o'e to him% and too' o$ the ,*irit that (was) #*on
him% and *laed (the same) #*on the se!enty elders& and it ha**ened% when the ,*irit rested #*on them% that
they *ro*hesied% altho#gh they ne!er did (so) again"
N#m 11:23 B#t two men had remained in the am*: the name o$ one (was) 6ldad% and the name o$ the other
?edad" +nd the ,*irit rested #*on them" Now they (were) among those listed% b#t who had not gone o#t to the
tabernale& yet they *ro*hesied in the am*"
N#m 11:24 +nd a yo#ng man ran and told ?oses% and said% .6ldad and ?edad are *ro*hesying in the am*".
N#m 11:28 ,o Josh#a the son o$ N#n% ?osesA assistant% (one) o$ his hoie men% answered and said% .?oses
my lord% $orbid themF.
N#m 11:29 Then ?oses said to him% .+re yo# Healo#s $or my sa'eC 8h% that all the /8:2As *eo*le were
*ro*hets (and) that the /8:2 wo#ld *#t His ,*irit #*on themF.
N#m 11:-5 +nd ?oses ret#rned to the am*% (both) he and the elders o$ Israel"
N#m 11:-1 Now a wind went o#t $rom the /8:2% and it bro#ght E#ail $rom the sea and le$t (them) $l#ttering near
the am*% abo#t a dayAs @o#rney on this side and abo#t a dayAs @o#rney on the other side% all aro#nd the am*%
and abo#t two #bits abo!e the s#r$ae o$ the gro#nd"
N#m 11:-2 +nd the *eo*le stayed #* all that day% all night% and all the ne9t day% and gathered the E#ail Ihe who
gathered least gathered ten homersJ& and they s*read (them) o#t $or themsel!es all aro#nd the am*"
N#m 11:-- B#t while the meat (was) still between their teeth% be$ore it was hewed% the wrath o$ the /8:2 was
aro#sed against the *eo*le% and the /8:2 str#' the *eo*le with a !ery great *lag#e"
N#m 11:-0 ,o he alled the name o$ that *lae Kibroth Hattaa!ah% bea#se there they b#ried the *eo*le who
had yielded to ra!ing"
N#m 11:-1 ;rom Kibroth Hattaa!ah the *eo*le mo!ed to HaHeroth% and am*ed at HaHeroth"
N#m 12:1 Then ?iriam and +aron s*o'e against ?oses bea#se o$ the 6thio*ian woman whom he had
married& $or he had married an 6thio*ian woman"
N#m 12:2 ,o they said% .Has the /8:2 indeed s*o'en only thro#gh ?osesC Has He not s*o'en thro#gh #s
alsoC. +nd the /8:2 heard (it")
N#m 12:- INow the man ?oses (was) !ery h#mble% more than all men who (were) on the $ae o$ the earth"J
N#m 12:0 ,#ddenly the /8:2 said to ?oses% +aron% and ?iriam% .=ome o#t% yo# three% to the tabernale o$
meetingF. ,o the three ame o#t"
N#m 12:1 Then the /8:2 ame down in the *illar o$ lo#d and stood (in) the door o$ the tabernale% and alled
+aron and ?iriam" +nd they both went $orward"
N#m 12:3 Then He said% .Hear now ?y words: I$ there is a *ro*het among yo#% (I%) the /8:2% ma'e ?ysel$
'nown to him in a !ision& I s*ea' to him in a dream"
N#m 12:4 Not so with ?y ser!ant ?oses& He (is) $aith$#l in all ?y ho#se"
N#m 12:8 I s*ea' with him $ae to $ae% 6!en *lainly% and not in dar' sayings& +nd he sees the $orm o$ the
/8:2" >hy then were yo# not a$raid To s*ea' against ?y ser!ant ?osesC.
N#m 12:9 ,o the anger o$ the /8:2 was aro#sed against them% and He de*arted"
N#m 12:15 +nd when the lo#d de*arted $rom abo!e the tabernale% s#ddenly ?iriam (beame) le*ro#s% as
(white as) snow" Then +aron t#rned toward ?iriam% and there she was% a le*er"
N#m 12:11 ,o +aron said to ?oses% .8h% my lordF <lease do not lay (this) sin on #s% in whih we ha!e done
$oolishly and in whih we ha!e sinned"
N#m 12:12 .<lease do not let her be as one dead% whose $lesh is hal$ ons#med when he omes o#t o$ his
motherAs wombF.
N#m 12:1- ,o ?oses ried o#t to the /8:2% saying% .<lease heal her% 8 God% I *rayF.
N#m 12:10 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .I$ her $ather had b#t s*it in her $ae% wo#ld she not be shamed
se!en daysC /et her be sh#t o#t o$ the am* se!en days% and a$terward she may be reei!ed (again".)
N#m 12:11 ,o ?iriam was sh#t o#t o$ the am* se!en days% and the *eo*le did not @o#rney till ?iriam was
bro#ght in (again")
N#m 12:13 +nd a$terward the *eo*le mo!ed $rom HaHeroth and am*ed in the >ilderness o$ <aran"
N#m 1-:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 1-:2 .,end men to s*y o#t the land o$ =anaan% whih I am gi!ing to the hildren o$ Israel& $rom eah tribe
o$ their $athers yo# shall send a man% e!ery one a leader among them".
N#m 1-:- ,o ?oses sent them $rom the >ilderness o$ <aran aording to the ommand o$ the /8:2% all o$
them men who (were) heads o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m 1-:0 Now these (were) their names: $rom the tribe o$ :e#ben% ,hamm#a the son o$ Ga#r&
N#m 1-:1 $rom the tribe o$ ,imeon% ,ha*hat the son o$ Hori&
N#m 1-:3 $rom the tribe o$ J#dah% =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh&
N#m 1-:4 $rom the tribe o$ Issahar% Igal the son o$ Jose*h&
N#m 1-:8 $rom the tribe o$ 6*hraim% Hoshea the son o$ N#n&
N#m 1-:9 $rom the tribe o$ Ben@amin% <alti the son o$ :a*h#&
N#m 1-:15 $rom the tribe o$ Geb#l#n% Gaddiel the son o$ ,odi&
N#m 1-:11 $rom the tribe o$ Jose*h% (that is%) $rom the tribe o$ ?anasseh% Gaddi the son o$ ,#si&
N#m 1-:12 $rom the tribe o$ 2an% +mmiel the son o$ Gemalli&
N#m 1-:1- $rom the tribe o$ +sher% ,eth#r the son o$ ?ihael&
N#m 1-:10 $rom the tribe o$ Na*htali% Nahbi the son o$ Vo*hsi&
N#m 1-:11 $rom the tribe o$ Gad% Ge#el the son o$ ?ahi"
N#m 1-:13 These (are) the names o$ the men whom ?oses sent to s*y o#t the land" +nd ?oses alled Hoshea
the son o$ N#n% Josh#a"
N#m 1-:14 Then ?oses sent them to s*y o#t the land o$ =anaan% and said to them% .Go #* this (way) into the
,o#th% and go #* to the mo#ntains%
N#m 1-:18 .and see what the land is li'e: whether the *eo*le who dwell in it (are) strong or wea'% $ew or many&
N#m 1-:19 .whether the land they dwell in (is) good or bad& whether the ities they inhabit (are) li'e am*s or
N#m 1-:25 .whether the land (is) rih or *oor& and whether there are $orests there or not" Be o$ good o#rage"
+nd bring some o$ the $r#it o$ the land". Now the time (was) the season o$ the $irst ri*e gra*es"
N#m 1-:21 ,o they went #* and s*ied o#t the land $rom the >ilderness o$ Gin as $ar as :ehob% near the
entrane o$ Hamath"
N#m 1-:22 +nd they went #* thro#gh the ,o#th and ame to Hebron& +himan% ,heshai% and Talmai% the
desendants o$ +na'% (were) there" INow Hebron was b#ilt se!en years be$ore Goan in 6gy*t"J
N#m 1-:2- Then they ame to the Valley o$ 6shol% and there #t down a branh with one l#ster o$ gra*es&
they arried it between two o$ them on a *ole" (They) also (bro#ght) some o$ the *omegranates and $igs"
N#m 1-:20 The *lae was alled the Valley o$ 6shol% bea#se o$ the l#ster whih the men o$ Israel #t down
N#m 1-:21 +nd they ret#rned $rom s*ying o#t the land a$ter $orty days"
N#m 1-:23 Now they de*arted and ame ba' to ?oses and +aron and all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$
Israel in the >ilderness o$ <aran% at Kadesh& they bro#ght ba' word to them and to all the ongregation% and
showed them the $r#it o$ the land"
N#m 1-:24 Then they told him% and said: .>e went to the land where yo# sent #s" It tr#ly $lows with mil' and
honey% and this (is) its $r#it"
N#m 1-:28 .Ne!ertheless the *eo*le who dwell in the land (are) strong& the ities (are) $orti$ied (and) !ery large&
moreo!er we saw the desendants o$ +na' there"
N#m 1-:29 .The +male'ites dwell in the land o$ the ,o#th& the Hittites% the Jeb#sites% and the +morites dwell in
the mo#ntains& and the =anaanites dwell by the sea and along the ban's o$ the Jordan".
N#m 1-:-5 Then =aleb E#ieted the *eo*le be$ore ?oses% and said% ./et #s go #* at one and ta'e *ossession%
$or we are well able to o!erome it".
N#m 1-:-1 B#t the men who had gone #* with him said% .>e are not able to go #* against the *eo*le% $or they
(are) stronger than we".
N#m 1-:-2 +nd they ga!e the hildren o$ Israel a bad re*ort o$ the land whih they had s*ied o#t% saying% .The
land thro#gh whih we ha!e gone as s*ies (is) a land that de!o#rs its inhabitants% and all the *eo*le whom we
saw in it (are) men o$ (great) stat#re"
N#m 1-:-- .There we saw the giants Ithe desendants o$ +na' ame $rom the giantsJ& and we were li'e
grassho**ers in o#r own sight% and so we were in their sight".
N#m 10:1 ,o all the ongregation li$ted #* their !oies and ried% and the *eo*le we*t that night"
N#m 10:2 +nd all the hildren o$ Israel om*lained against ?oses and +aron% and the whole ongregation said
to them% .I$ only we had died in the land o$ 6gy*tF 8r i$ only we had died in this wildernessF
N#m 10:- .>hy has the /8:2 bro#ght #s to this land to $all by the sword% that o#r wi!es and hildren sho#ld
beome !itimsC >o#ld it not be better $or #s to ret#rn to 6gy*tC.
N#m 10:0 ,o they said to one another% ./et #s selet a leader and ret#rn to 6gy*t".
N#m 10:1 Then ?oses and +aron $ell on their $aes be$ore all the assembly o$ the ongregation o$ the hildren
o$ Israel"
N#m 10:3 B#t Josh#a the son o$ N#n and =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh% (who were) among those who had s*ied
o#t the land% tore their lothes&
N#m 10:4 and they s*o'e to all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel% saying: .The land we *assed thro#gh
to s*y o#t (is) an e9eedingly good land"
N#m 10:8 .I$ the /8:2 delights in #s% then He will bring #s into this land and gi!e it to #s% Aa land whih $lows
with mil' and honey"A
N#m 10:9 .8nly do not rebel against the /8:2% nor $ear the *eo*le o$ the land% $or they (are) o#r bread& their
*rotetion has de*arted $rom them% and the /8:2 (is) with #s" 2o not $ear them".
N#m 10:15 +nd all the ongregation said to stone them with stones" Now the glory o$ the /8:2 a**eared in the
tabernale o$ meeting be$ore all the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m 10:11 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses: .How long will these *eo*le re@et ?eC +nd how long will they not
belie!e ?e% with all the signs whih I ha!e *er$ormed among themC
N#m 10:12 .I will stri'e them with the *estilene and disinherit them% and I will ma'e o$ yo# a nation greater and
mightier than they".
N#m 10:1- +nd ?oses said to the /8:2: .Then the 6gy*tians will hear (it%) $or by Bo#r might Bo# bro#ght these
*eo*le #* $rom among them%
N#m 10:10 .and they will tell (it) to the inhabitants o$ this land" They ha!e heard that Bo#% /8:2% (are) among
these *eo*le& that Bo#% /8:2% are seen $ae to $ae and Bo#r lo#d stands abo!e them% and Bo# go be$ore
them in a *illar o$ lo#d by day and in a *illar o$ $ire by night"
N#m 10:11 .Now (i$) Bo# 'ill these *eo*le as one man% then the nations whih ha!e heard o$ Bo#r $ame will
s*ea'% saying%
N#m 10:13 ABea#se the /8:2 was not able to bring this *eo*le to the land whih He swore to gi!e them%
there$ore He 'illed them in the wilderness"A
N#m 10:14 .+nd now% I *ray% let the *ower o$ my /8:2 be great% @#st as Bo# ha!e s*o'en% saying%
N#m 10:18 AThe /8:2 is longs#$$ering and ab#ndant in mery% $orgi!ing iniE#ity and transgression& b#t He by
no means lears (the g#ilty%) !isiting the iniE#ity o$ the $athers on the hildren to the third and $o#rth (generation"A)
N#m 10:19 .<ardon the iniE#ity o$ this *eo*le% I *ray% aording to the greatness o$ Bo#r mery% @#st as Bo#
ha!e $orgi!en this *eo*le% $rom 6gy*t e!en #ntil now".
N#m 10:25 Then the /8:2 said: .I ha!e *ardoned% aording to yo#r word&
N#m 10:21 .b#t tr#ly% as I li!e% all the earth shall be $illed with the glory o$ the /8:2 DD
N#m 10:22 .bea#se all these men who ha!e seen ?y glory and the signs whih I did in 6gy*t and in the
wilderness% and ha!e *#t ?e to the test now these ten times% and ha!e not heeded ?y !oie%
N#m 10:2- .they ertainly shall not see the land o$ whih I swore to their $athers% nor shall any o$ those who
re@eted ?e see it"
N#m 10:20 .B#t ?y ser!ant =aleb% bea#se he has a di$$erent s*irit in him and has $ollowed ?e $#lly% I will bring
into the land where he went% and his desendants shall inherit it"
N#m 10:21 .Now the +male'ites and the =anaanites dwell in the !alley& tomorrow t#rn and mo!e o#t into the
wilderness by the >ay o$ the :ed ,ea".
N#m 10:23 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% saying%
N#m 10:24 .How long (shall I bear with) this e!il ongregation who om*lain against ?eC I ha!e heard the
om*laints whih the hildren o$ Israel ma'e against ?e"
N#m 10:28 .,ay to them% A+s I li!e%A says the /8:2% A@#st as yo# ha!e s*o'en in ?y hearing% so I will do to yo#:
N#m 10:29 AThe arasses o$ yo# who ha!e om*lained against ?e shall $all in this wilderness% all o$ yo# who
were n#mbered% aording to yo#r entire n#mber% $rom twenty years old and abo!e"
N#m 10:-5 A69e*t $or =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh and Josh#a the son o$ N#n% yo# shall by no means enter
the land whih I swore I wo#ld ma'e yo# dwell in"
N#m 10:-1 AB#t yo#r little ones% whom yo# said wo#ld be !itims% I will bring in% and they shall 'now the land
whih yo# ha!e des*ised"
N#m 10:-2 AB#t (as $or) yo#% yo#r arasses shall $all in this wilderness"
N#m 10:-- A+nd yo#r sons shall be she*herds in the wilderness $orty years% and bear the br#nt o$ yo#r in$idelity%
#ntil yo#r arasses are ons#med in the wilderness"
N#m 10:-0 A+ording to the n#mber o$ the days in whih yo# s*ied o#t the land% $orty days% $or eah day yo#
shall bear yo#r g#ilt one year% (namely) $orty years% and yo# shall 'now ?y re@etion"
N#m 10:-1 AI the /8:2 ha!e s*o'en this& I will s#rely do so to all this e!il ongregation who are gathered
together against ?e" In this wilderness they shall be ons#med% and there they shall die"A .
N#m 10:-3 Now the men whom ?oses sent to s*y o#t the land% who ret#rned and made all the ongregation
om*lain against him by bringing a bad re*ort o$ the land%
N#m 10:-4 those !ery men who bro#ght the e!il re*ort abo#t the land% died by the *lag#e be$ore the /8:2"
N#m 10:-8 B#t Josh#a the son o$ N#n and =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh remained ali!e% o$ the men who went to
s*y o#t the land"
N#m 10:-9 Then ?oses told these words to all the hildren o$ Israel% and the *eo*le mo#rned greatly"
N#m 10:05 +nd they rose early in the morning and went #* to the to* o$ the mo#ntain% saying% .Here we are%
and we will go #* to the *lae whih the /8:2 has *romised% $or we ha!e sinnedF.
N#m 10:01 +nd ?oses said% .Now why do yo# transgress the ommand o$ the /8:2C ;or this will not s#eed"
N#m 10:02 .2o not go #*% lest yo# be de$eated by yo#r enemies% $or the /8:2 (is) not among yo#"
N#m 10:0- .;or the +male'ites and the =anaanites (are) there be$ore yo#% and yo# shall $all by the sword&
bea#se yo# ha!e t#rned away $rom the /8:2% the /8:2 will not be with yo#".
N#m 10:00 B#t they *res#med to go #* to the mo#ntainto*& ne!ertheless% neither the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the
/8:2 nor ?oses de*arted $rom the am*"
N#m 10:01 Then the +male'ites and the =anaanites who dwelt in that mo#ntain ame down and atta'ed them%
and dro!e them ba' as $ar as Hormah"
N#m 11:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 11:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hen yo# ha!e ome into the land yo# are to
inhabit% whih I am gi!ing to yo#%
N#m 11:- Aand yo# ma'e an o$$ering by $ire to the /8:2% a b#rnt o$$ering or a sari$ie% to $#l$ill a !ow or as a
$reewill o$$ering or in yo#r a**ointed $easts% to ma'e a sweet aroma to the /8:2% $rom the herd or the $lo'%
N#m 11:0 Athen he who *resents his o$$ering to the /8:2 shall bring a grain o$$ering o$ oneDtenth (o$ an e*hah)
o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed with oneD$o#rth o$ a HIN o$ oil&
N#m 11:1 Aand oneD$o#rth o$ a HIN o$ wine as a drin' o$$ering yo# shall *re*are with the b#rnt o$$ering or the
sari$ie% $or eah lamb"
N#m 11:3 A8r $or a ram yo# shall *re*are as a grain o$$ering twoDtenths (o$ an e*hah) o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed with
oneDthird o$ a HIN o$ oil&
N#m 11:4 Aand as a drin' o$$ering yo# shall o$$er oneDthird o$ a HIN o$ wine as a sweet aroma to the /8:2"
N#m 11:8 A+nd when yo# *re*are a yo#ng b#ll as a b#rnt o$$ering% or as a sari$ie to $#l$ill a !ow% or as a *eae
o$$ering to the /8:2%
N#m 11:9 Athen shall be o$$ered with the yo#ng b#ll a grain o$$ering o$ threeDtenths (o$ an e*hah) o$ $ine $lo#r
mi9ed with hal$ a HIN o$ oil&
N#m 11:15 Aand yo# shall bring as the drin' o$$ering hal$ a hin o$ wine as an o$$ering made by $ire% a sweet
aroma to the /8:2"
N#m 11:11 ATh#s it shall be done $or eah yo#ng b#ll% $or eah ram% or $or eah lamb or yo#ng goat"
N#m 11:12 A+ording to the n#mber that yo# *re*are% so yo# shall do with e!eryone aording to their n#mber"
N#m 11:1- A+ll who are nati!eDborn shall do these things in this manner% in *resenting an o$$ering made by $ire%
a sweet aroma to the /8:2"
N#m 11:10 A+nd i$ a stranger dwells with yo#% or whoe!er (is) among yo# thro#gho#t yo#r generations% and
wo#ld *resent an o$$ering made by $ire% a sweet aroma to the /8:2% @#st as yo# do% so shall he do"
N#m 11:11 A8ne ordinane (shall be) $or yo# o$ the assembly and $or the stranger who dwells (with yo#%) an
ordinane $ore!er thro#gho#t yo#r generations& as yo# are% so shall the stranger be be$ore the /8:2"
N#m 11:13 A8ne law and one #stom shall be $or yo# and $or the stranger who dwells with yo#"A .
N#m 11:14 +gain the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 11:18 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hen yo# ome into the land to whih I bring yo#%
N#m 11:19 Athen it will be% when yo# eat o$ the bread o$ the land% that yo# shall o$$er #* a hea!e o$$ering to the
N#m 11:25 ABo# shall o$$er #* a a'e o$ the $irst o$ yo#r gro#nd meal (as) a hea!e o$$ering& as a hea!e o$$ering
o$ the threshing $loor% so shall yo# o$$er it #*"
N#m 11:21 A8$ the $irst o$ yo#r gro#nd meal yo# shall gi!e to the /8:2 a hea!e o$$ering thro#gho#t yo#r
N#m 11:22 A I$ yo# sin #nintentionally% and do not obser!e all these ommandments whih the /8:2 has
s*o'en to ?oses DD
N#m 11:2- Aall that the /8:2 has ommanded yo# by the hand o$ ?oses% $rom the day the /8:2 ga!e
ommandment and onward thro#gho#t yo#r generations DD
N#m 11:20 Athen it will be% i$ it is #nintentionally ommitted% witho#t the 'nowledge o$ the ongregation% that the
whole ongregation shall o$$er one yo#ng b#ll as a b#rnt o$$ering% as a sweet aroma to the /8:2% with its grain
o$$ering and its drin' o$$ering% aording to the ordinane% and one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering"
N#m 11:21 A,o the *riest shall ma'e atonement $or the whole ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel% and it shall
be $orgi!en them% $or it was #nintentional& they shall bring their o$$ering% an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2%
and their sin o$$ering be$ore the /8:2% $or their #nintended sin"
N#m 11:23 AIt shall be $orgi!en the whole ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel and the stranger who dwells
among them% bea#se all the *eo*le (did it) #nintentionally"
N#m 11:24 A +nd i$ a *erson sins #nintentionally% then he shall bring a $emale goat in its $irst year as a sin
N#m 11:28 A,o the *riest shall ma'e atonement $or the *erson who sins #nintentionally% when he sins
#nintentionally be$ore the /8:2% to ma'e atonement $or him& and it shall be $orgi!en him"
N#m 11:29 ABo# shall ha!e one law $or him who sins #nintentionally% ($or) him who is nati!eDborn among the
hildren o$ Israel and $or the stranger who dwells among them"
N#m 11:-5 A B#t the *erson who does (anything) *res#m*t#o#sly% (whether he is) nati!eDborn or a stranger% that
one brings re*roah on the /8:2% and he shall be #t o$$ $rom among his *eo*le"
N#m 11:-1 ABea#se he has des*ised the word o$ the /8:2% and has bro'en His ommandment% that *erson
shall be om*letely #t o$$& his g#ilt (shall be) #*on him"A .
N#m 11:-2 Now while the hildren o$ Israel were in the wilderness% they $o#nd a man gathering sti's on the
,abbath day"
N#m 11:-- +nd those who $o#nd him gathering sti's bro#ght him to ?oses and +aron% and to all the
N#m 11:-0 They *#t him #nder g#ard% bea#se it had not been e9*lained what sho#ld be done to him"
N#m 11:-1 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .The man m#st s#rely be *#t to death& all the ongregation shall
stone him with stones o#tside the am*".
N#m 11:-3 ,o% as the /8:2 ommanded ?oses% all the ongregation bro#ght him o#tside the am* and
stoned him with stones% and he died"
N#m 11:-4 +gain the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 11:-8 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel: Tell them to ma'e tassels on the orners o$ their garments
thro#gho#t their generations% and to *#t a bl#e thread in the tassels o$ the orners"
N#m 11:-9 .+nd yo# shall ha!e the tassel% that yo# may loo' #*on it and remember all the ommandments o$
the /8:2 and do them% and that yo# (may) not $ollow the harlotry to whih yo#r own heart and yo#r own eyes
are inlined%
N#m 11:05 .and that yo# may remember and do all ?y ommandments% and be holy $or yo#r God"
N#m 11:01 .I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God% who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% to be yo#r God: I (am) the
/8:2 yo#r God".
N#m 13:1 Now Korah the son o$ IHhar% the son o$ Kohath% the son o$ /e!i% with 2athan and +biram the sons o$
6liab% and 8n the son o$ <eleth% sons o$ :e#ben% too' (men&)
N#m 13:2 and they rose #* be$ore ?oses with some o$ the hildren o$ Israel% two h#ndred and $i$ty leaders o$
the ongregation% re*resentati!es o$ the ongregation% men o$ renown"
N#m 13:- They gathered together against ?oses and +aron% and said to them% .(Bo# ta'e) too m#h #*on
yo#rsel!es% $or all the ongregation (is) holy% e!ery one o$ them% and the /8:2 (is) among them" >hy then do
yo# e9alt yo#rsel!es abo!e the assembly o$ the /8:2C.
N#m 13:0 ,o when ?oses heard (it%) he $ell on his $ae&
N#m 13:1 and he s*o'e to Korah and all his om*any% saying% .Tomorrow morning the /8:2 will show who (is)
His and (who is) holy% and will a#se (him) to ome near to Him" That one whom He hooses He will a#se to
ome near to Him"
N#m 13:3 .2o this: Ta'e ensers% Korah and all yo#r om*any&
N#m 13:4 .*#t $ire in them and *#t inense in them be$ore the /8:2 tomorrow% and it shall be (that) the man
whom the /8:2 hooses (is) the holy one" (Bo# ta'e) too m#h #*on yo#rsel!es% yo# sons o$ /e!iF.
N#m 13:8 Then ?oses said to Korah% .Hear now% yo# sons o$ /e!i:
N#m 13:9 .(Is it) a small thing to yo# that the God o$ Israel has se*arated yo# $rom the ongregation o$ Israel% to
bring yo# near to Himsel$% to do the wor' o$ the tabernale o$ the /8:2% and to stand be$ore the ongregation to
ser!e them&
N#m 13:15 .and that He has bro#ght yo# near (to Himsel$%) yo# and all yo#r brethren% the sons o$ /e!i% with
yo#C +nd are yo# see'ing the *riesthood alsoC
N#m 13:11 .There$ore yo# and all yo#r om*any (are) gathered together against the /8:2" +nd what (is) +aron
that yo# om*lain against himC.
N#m 13:12 +nd ?oses sent to all 2athan and +biram the sons o$ 6liab% b#t they said% .>e will not ome #*F
N#m 13:1- .(Is it) a small thing that yo# ha!e bro#ght #s #* o#t o$ a land $lowing with mil' and honey% to 'ill #s
in the wilderness% that yo# sho#ld 'ee* ating li'e a *rine o!er #sC
N#m 13:10 .?oreo!er yo# ha!e not bro#ght #s into a land $lowing with mil' and honey% nor gi!en #s inheritane
o$ $ields and !ineyards" >ill yo# *#t o#t the eyes o$ these menC >e will not ome #*F.
N#m 13:11 Then ?oses was !ery angry% and said to the /8:2% .2o not res*et their o$$ering" I ha!e not ta'en
one don'ey $rom them% nor ha!e I h#rt one o$ them".
N#m 13:13 +nd ?oses said to Korah% .Tomorrow% yo# and all yo#r om*any be *resent be$ore the /8:2 DD yo#
and they% as well as +aron"
N#m 13:14 ./et eah ta'e his enser and *#t inense in it% and eah o$ yo# bring his enser be$ore the /8:2%
two h#ndred and $i$ty ensers& both yo# and +aron% eah (with) his enser".
N#m 13:18 ,o e!ery man too' his enser% *#t $ire in it% laid inense on it% and stood at the door o$ the tabernale
o$ meeting with ?oses and +aron"
N#m 13:19 +nd Korah gathered all the ongregation against them at the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
Then the glory o$ the /8:2 a**eared to all the ongregation"
N#m 13:25 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% saying%
N#m 13:21 .,e*arate yo#rsel!es $rom among this ongregation% that I may ons#me them in a moment".
N#m 13:22 Then they $ell on their $aes% and said% .8 God% the God o$ the s*irits o$ all $lesh% shall one man sin%
and Bo# be angry with all the ongregationC.
N#m 13:2- ,o the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 13:20 .,*ea' to the ongregation% saying% AGet away $rom the tents o$ Korah% 2athan% and +biram"A .
N#m 13:21 Then ?oses rose and went to 2athan and +biram% and the elders o$ Israel $ollowed him"
N#m 13:23 +nd he s*o'e to the ongregation% saying% .2e*art now $rom the tents o$ these wi'ed menF To#h
nothing o$ theirs% lest yo# be ons#med in all their sins".
N#m 13:24 ,o they got away $rom aro#nd the tents o$ Korah% 2athan% and +biram& and 2athan and +biram
ame o#t and stood at the door o$ their tents% with their wi!es% their sons% and their little hildren"
N#m 13:28 +nd ?oses said: .By this yo# shall 'now that the /8:2 has sent me to do all these wor's% $or (I
ha!e) not (done them) o$ my own will"
N#m 13:29 .I$ these men die nat#rally li'e all men% or i$ they are !isited by the ommon $ate o$ all men% (then) the
/8:2 has not sent me"
N#m 13:-5 .B#t i$ the /8:2 reates a new thing% and the earth o*ens its mo#th and swallows them #* with all
that belongs to them% and they go down ali!e into the *it% then yo# will #nderstand that these men ha!e re@eted
the /8:2".
N#m 13:-1 Now it ame to *ass% as he $inished s*ea'ing all these words% that the gro#nd s*lit a*art #nder
N#m 13:-2 and the earth o*ened its mo#th and swallowed them #*% with their ho#seholds and all the men with
Korah% with all (their) goods"
N#m 13:-- ,o they and all those with them went down ali!e into the *it& the earth losed o!er them% and they
*erished $rom among the assembly"
N#m 13:-0 Then all Israel who (were) aro#nd them $led at their ry% $or they said% ./est the earth swallow #s #*
N#m 13:-1 +nd a $ire ame o#t $rom the /8:2 and ons#med the two h#ndred and $i$ty men who were o$$ering
N#m 13:-3 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 13:-4 .Tell 6leaHar% the son o$ +aron the *riest% to *i' #* the ensers o#t o$ the blaHe% $or they are holy%
and satter the $ire some distane away"
N#m 13:-8 .The ensers o$ these men who sinned against their own so#ls% let them be made into hammered
*lates as a o!ering $or the altar" Bea#se they *resented them be$ore the /8:2% there$ore they are holy& and
they shall be a sign to the hildren o$ Israel".
N#m 13:-9 ,o 6leaHar the *riest too' the bronHe ensers% whih those who were b#rned #* had *resented% and
they were hammered o#t as a o!ering on the altar%
N#m 13:05 (to be) a memorial to the hildren o$ Israel that no o#tsider% who (is) not a desendant o$ +aron%
sho#ld ome near to o$$er inense be$ore the /8:2% that he might not beome li'e Korah and his om*anions%
@#st as the /8:2 had said to him thro#gh ?oses"
N#m 13:01 8n the ne9t day all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel m#rm#red against ?oses and +aron%
saying% .Bo# ha!e 'illed the *eo*le o$ the /8:2".
N#m 13:02 Now it ha**ened% when the ongregation had gathered against ?oses and +aron% that they t#rned
toward the tabernale o$ meeting& and s#ddenly the lo#d o!ered it% and the glory o$ the /8:2 a**eared"
N#m 13:0- Then ?oses and +aron ame be$ore the tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 13:00 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 13:01 .Get away $rom among this ongregation% that I may ons#me them in a moment". +nd they $ell on
their $aes"
N#m 13:03 ,o ?oses said to +aron% .Ta'e a enser and *#t $ire in it $rom the altar% *#t inense (on it%) and ta'e
it E#i'ly to the ongregation and ma'e atonement $or them& $or wrath has gone o#t $rom the /8:2" The *lag#e
has beg#n".
N#m 13:04 Then +aron too' (it) as ?oses ommanded% and ran into the midst o$ the assembly& and already the
*lag#e had beg#n among the *eo*le" ,o he *#t in the inense and made atonement $or the *eo*le"
N#m 13:08 +nd he stood between the dead and the li!ing& so the *lag#e was sto**ed"
N#m 13:09 Now those who died in the *lag#e were $o#rteen tho#sand se!en h#ndred% besides those who died
in the Korah inident"
N#m 13:15 ,o +aron ret#rned to ?oses at the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% $or the *lag#e had sto**ed"
N#m 14:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 14:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and get $rom them a rod $rom eah $atherAs ho#se% all their leaders
aording to their $athersA ho#ses DD twel!e rods" >rite eah manAs name on his rod"
N#m 14:- .+nd yo# shall write +aronAs name on the rod o$ /e!i" ;or there shall be one rod $or the head o$ (eah)
$atherAs ho#se"
N#m 14:0 .Then yo# shall *lae them in the tabernale o$ meeting be$ore the Testimony% where I meet with yo#"
N#m 14:1 .+nd it shall be (that) the rod o$ the man whom I hoose will blossom& th#s I will rid ?ysel$ o$ the
om*laints o$ the hildren o$ Israel% whih they ma'e against yo#".
N#m 14:3 ,o ?oses s*o'e to the hildren o$ Israel% and eah o$ their leaders ga!e him a rod a*iee% $or eah
leader aording to their $athersA ho#ses% twel!e rods& and the rod o$ +aron (was) among their rods"
N#m 14:4 +nd ?oses *laed the rods be$ore the /8:2 in the tabernale o$ witness"
N#m 14:8 Now it ame to *ass on the ne9t day that ?oses went into the tabernale o$ witness% and behold% the
rod o$ +aron% o$ the ho#se o$ /e!i% had s*ro#ted and *#t $orth b#ds% had *rod#ed blossoms and yielded ri*e
N#m 14:9 Then ?oses bro#ght o#t all the rods $rom be$ore the /8:2 to all the hildren o$ Israel& and they
loo'ed% and eah man too' his rod"
N#m 14:15 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Bring +aronAs rod ba' be$ore the Testimony% to be 'e*t as a sign
against the rebels% that yo# may *#t their om*laints away $rom ?e% lest they die".
N#m 14:11 Th#s did ?oses& @#st as the /8:2 had ommanded him% so he did"
N#m 14:12 ,o the hildren o$ Israel s*o'e to ?oses% saying% .,#rely we die% we *erish% we all *erishF
N#m 14:1- .>hoe!er e!en omes near the tabernale o$ the /8:2 m#st die" ,hall we all #tterly dieC.
N#m 18:1 Then the /8:2 said to +aron: .Bo# and yo#r sons and yo#r $atherAs ho#se with yo# shall bear the
iniE#ity (related to) the sant#ary% and yo# and yo#r sons with yo# shall bear the iniE#ity (assoiated with) yo#r
N#m 18:2 .+lso bring with yo# yo#r brethren o$ the tribe o$ /e!i% the tribe o$ yo#r $ather% that they may be @oined
with yo# and ser!e yo# while yo# and yo#r sons (are) with yo# be$ore the tabernale o$ witness"
N#m 18:- .They shall attend to yo#r needs and all the needs o$ the tabernale& b#t they shall not ome near the
artiles o$ the sant#ary and the altar% lest they die DD they and yo# also"
N#m 18:0 .They shall be @oined with yo# and attend to the needs o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% $or all the wor' o$
the tabernale& b#t an o#tsider shall not ome near yo#"
N#m 18:1 .+nd yo# shall attend to the d#ties o$ the sant#ary and the d#ties o$ the altar% that there (may) be no
more wrath on the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m 18:3 .Behold% I ?ysel$ ha!e ta'en yo#r brethren the /e!ites $rom among the hildren o$ Israel& (they are) a
gi$t to yo#% gi!en by the /8:2% to do the wor' o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 18:4 .There$ore yo# and yo#r sons with yo# shall attend to yo#r *riesthood $or e!erything at the altar and
behind the !eil& and yo# shall ser!e" I gi!e yo#r *riesthood (to yo#) as a gi$t $or ser!ie% b#t the o#tsider who
omes near shall be *#t to death".
N#m 18:8 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to +aron: .Here% I ?ysel$ ha!e also gi!en yo# harge o$ ?y hea!e o$$erings% all
the holy gi$ts o$ the hildren o$ Israel& I ha!e gi!en them as a *ortion to yo# and yo#r sons% as an ordinane
N#m 18:9 .This shall be yo#rs o$ the most holy things (reser!ed) $rom the $ire: e!ery o$$ering o$ theirs% e!ery
grain o$$ering and e!ery sin o$$ering and e!ery tres*ass o$$ering whih they render to ?e% (shall be) most holy $or
yo# and yo#r sons"
N#m 18:15 .In a most holy (*lae) yo# shall eat it& e!ery male shall eat it" It shall be holy to yo#"
N#m 18:11 .This also (is) yo#rs: the hea!e o$$ering o$ their gi$t% with all the wa!e o$$erings o$ the hildren o$
Israel& I ha!e gi!en them to yo#% and yo#r sons and da#ghters with yo#% as an ordinane $ore!er" 6!eryone who
is lean in yo#r ho#se may eat it"
N#m 18:12 .+ll the best o$ the oil% all the best o$ the new wine and the grain% their $irst$r#its whih they o$$er to
the /8:2% I ha!e gi!en them to yo#"
N#m 18:1- .>hate!er $irst ri*e $r#it is in their land% whih they bring to the /8:2% shall be yo#rs" 6!eryone who
is lean in yo#r ho#se may eat it"
N#m 18:10 .6!ery de!oted thing in Israel shall be yo#rs"
N#m 18:11 .6!erything that $irst o*ens the womb o$ all $lesh% whih they bring to the /8:2% whether man or
beast% shall be yo#rs& ne!ertheless the $irstborn o$ man yo# shall s#rely redeem% and the $irstborn o$ #nlean
animals yo# shall redeem"
N#m 18:13 .+nd those redeemed o$ the de!oted things yo# shall redeem when one month old% aording to
yo#r !al#ation% $or $i!e she'els o$ sil!er% aording to the she'el o$ the sant#ary% whih (is) twenty G6:+H,"
N#m 18:14 .B#t the $irstborn o$ a ow% the $irstborn o$ a shee*% or the $irstborn o$ a goat yo# shall not redeem&
they (are) holy" Bo# shall s*rin'le their blood on the altar% and b#rn their $at (as) an o$$ering made by $ire $or a
sweet aroma to the /8:2"
N#m 18:18 .+nd their $lesh shall be yo#rs% @#st as the wa!e breast and the right thigh are yo#rs"
N#m 18:19 .+ll the hea!e o$$erings o$ the holy things% whih the hildren o$ Israel o$$er to the /8:2% I ha!e
gi!en to yo# and yo#r sons and da#ghters with yo# as an ordinane $ore!er& it (is) a o!enant o$ salt $ore!er
be$ore the /8:2 with yo# and yo#r desendants with yo#".
N#m 18:25 Then the /8:2 said to +aron: .Bo# shall ha!e no inheritane in their land% nor shall yo# ha!e any
*ortion among them& I (am) yo#r *ortion and yo#r inheritane among the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m 18:21 . Behold% I ha!e gi!en the hildren o$ /e!i all the tithes in Israel as an inheritane in ret#rn $or the
wor' whih they *er$orm% the wor' o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 18:22 .Herea$ter the hildren o$ Israel shall not ome near the tabernale o$ meeting% lest they bear sin
and die"
N#m 18:2- .B#t the /e!ites shall *er$orm the wor' o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% and they shall bear their
iniE#ity& (it shall be) a stat#te $ore!er% thro#gho#t yo#r generations% that among the hildren o$ Israel they shall
ha!e no inheritane"
N#m 18:20 .;or the tithes o$ the hildren o$ Israel% whih they o$$er #* (as) a hea!e o$$ering to the /8:2% I ha!e
gi!en to the /e!ites as an inheritane& there$ore I ha!e said to them% A+mong the hildren o$ Israel they shall
ha!e no inheritane"A .
N#m 18:21 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 18:23 .,*ea' th#s to the /e!ites% and say to them: A>hen yo# ta'e $rom the hildren o$ Israel the tithes
whih I ha!e gi!en yo# $rom them as yo#r inheritane% then yo# shall o$$er #* a hea!e o$$ering o$ it to the /8:2%
a tenth o$ the tithe"
N#m 18:24 A+nd yo#r hea!e o$$ering shall be re'oned to yo# as tho#gh (it were) the grain o$ the threshing $loor
and as the $#llness o$ the wine*ress"
N#m 18:28 ATh#s yo# shall also o$$er a hea!e o$$ering to the /8:2 $rom all yo#r tithes whih yo# reei!e $rom
the hildren o$ Israel% and yo# shall gi!e the /8:2As hea!e o$$ering $rom it to +aron the *riest"
N#m 18:29 A8$ all yo#r gi$ts yo# shall o$$er #* e!ery hea!e o$$ering d#e to the /8:2% $rom all the best o$ them%
the onserated *art o$ them"A
N#m 18:-5 .There$ore yo# shall say to them: A>hen yo# ha!e li$ted #* the best o$ it% then (the rest) shall be
ao#nted to the /e!ites as the *rod#e o$ the threshing $loor and as the *rod#e o$ the wine*ress"
N#m 18:-1 ABo# may eat it in any *lae% yo# and yo#r ho#seholds% $or it (is) yo#r reward $or yo#r wor' in the
tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 18:-2 A+nd yo# shall bear no sin bea#se o$ it% when yo# ha!e li$ted #* the best o$ it" B#t yo# shall not
*ro$ane the holy gi$ts o$ the hildren o$ Israel% lest yo# die"A .
N#m 19:1 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% saying%
N#m 19:2 .This (is) the ordinane o$ the law whih the /8:2 has ommanded% saying: A,*ea' to the hildren o$
Israel% that they bring yo# a red hei$er witho#t blemish% in whih there (is) no de$et (and) on whih a yo'e has
ne!er ome"
N#m 19:- ABo# shall gi!e it to 6leaHar the *riest% that he may ta'e it o#tside the am*% and it shall be
sla#ghtered be$ore him&
N#m 19:0 Aand 6leaHar the *riest shall ta'e some o$ its blood with his $inger% and s*rin'le some o$ its blood
se!en times diretly in $ront o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 19:1 AThen the hei$er shall be b#rned in his sight: its hide% its $lesh% its blood% and its o$$al shall be b#rned"
N#m 19:3 A+nd the *riest shall ta'e edar wood and hysso* and sarlet% and ast (them) into the midst o$ the $ire
b#rning the hei$er"
N#m 19:4 AThen the *riest shall wash his lothes% he shall bathe in water% and a$terward he shall ome into the
am*& the *riest shall be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
N#m 19:8 A+nd the one who b#rns it shall wash his lothes in water% bathe in water% and shall be #nlean #ntil
N#m 19:9 AThen a man (who is) lean shall gather #* the ashes o$ the hei$er% and store (them) o#tside the am*
in a lean *lae& and they shall be 'e*t $or the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel $or the water o$ *#ri$iation&
it (is) $or *#ri$ying $rom sin"
N#m 19:15 A+nd the one who gathers the ashes o$ the hei$er shall wash his lothes% and be #nlean #ntil
e!ening" It shall be a stat#te $ore!er to the hildren o$ Israel and to the stranger who dwells among them"
N#m 19:11 A He who to#hes the dead body o$ anyone shall be #nlean se!en days"
N#m 19:12 AHe shall *#ri$y himsel$ with the water on the third day and on the se!enth day& (then) he will be
lean" B#t i$ he does not *#ri$y himsel$ on the third day and on the se!enth day% he will not be lean"
N#m 19:1- A>hoe!er to#hes the body o$ anyone who has died% and does not *#ri$y himsel$% de$iles the
tabernale o$ the /8:2" That *erson shall be #t o$$ $rom Israel" He shall be #nlean% bea#se the water o$
*#ri$iation was not s*rin'led on him& his #nleanness (is) still on him"
N#m 19:10 A This (is) the law when a man dies in a tent: +ll who ome into the tent and all who (are) in the tent
shall be #nlean se!en days&
N#m 19:11 Aand e!ery o*en !essel% whih has no o!er $astened on it% (is) #nlean"
N#m 19:13 A>hoe!er in the o*en $ield to#hes one who is slain by a sword or who has died% or a bone o$ a man%
or a gra!e% shall be #nlean se!en days"
N#m 19:14 A+nd $or an #nlean (*erson) they shall ta'e some o$ the ashes o$ the hei$er b#rnt $or *#ri$iation
$rom sin% and r#nning water shall be *#t on them in a !essel"
N#m 19:18 A+ lean *erson shall ta'e hysso* and di* (it) in the water% s*rin'le (it) on the tent% on all the !essels%
on the *ersons who were there% or on the one who to#hed a bone% the slain% the dead% or a gra!e"
N#m 19:19 AThe lean (*erson) shall s*rin'le the #nlean on the third day and on the se!enth day& and on the
se!enth day he shall *#ri$y himsel$% wash his lothes% and bathe in water& and at e!ening he shall be lean"
N#m 19:25 A B#t the man who is #nlean and does not *#ri$y himsel$% that *erson shall be #t o$$ $rom among
the assembly% bea#se he has de$iled the sant#ary o$ the /8:2" The water o$ *#ri$iation has not been
s*rin'led on him& he (is) #nlean"
N#m 19:21 AIt shall be a *er*et#al stat#te $or them" He who s*rin'les the water o$ *#ri$iation shall wash his
lothes& and he who to#hes the water o$ *#ri$iation shall be #nlean #ntil e!ening"
N#m 19:22 A>hate!er the #nlean (*erson) to#hes shall be #nlean& and the *erson who to#hes (it) shall be
#nlean #ntil e!ening"A .
N#m 25:1 Then the hildren o$ Israel% the whole ongregation% ame into the >ilderness o$ Gin in the $irst month%
and the *eo*le stayed in Kadesh& and ?iriam died there and was b#ried there"
N#m 25:2 Now there was no water $or the ongregation& so they gathered together against ?oses and +aron"
N#m 25:- +nd the *eo*le ontended with ?oses and s*o'e% saying: .I$ only we had died when o#r brethren
died be$ore the /8:2F
N#m 25:0 .>hy ha!e yo# bro#ght #* the assembly o$ the /8:2 into this wilderness% that we and o#r animals
sho#ld die hereC
N#m 25:1 .+nd why ha!e yo# made #s ome #* o#t o$ 6gy*t% to bring #s to this e!il *laeC It (is) not a *lae o$
grain or $igs or !ines or *omegranates& nor (is) there any water to drin'".
N#m 25:3 ,o ?oses and +aron went $rom the *resene o$ the assembly to the door o$ the tabernale o$
meeting% and they $ell on their $aes" +nd the glory o$ the /8:2 a**eared to them"
N#m 25:4 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 25:8 .Ta'e the rod& yo# and yo#r brother +aron gather the ongregation together" ,*ea' to the ro' be$ore
their eyes% and it will yield its water& th#s yo# shall bring water $or them o#t o$ the ro'% and gi!e drin' to the
ongregation and their animals".
N#m 25:9 ,o ?oses too' the rod $rom be$ore the /8:2 as He ommanded him"
N#m 25:15 +nd ?oses and +aron gathered the assembly together be$ore the ro'& and he said to them% .Hear
now% yo# rebelsF ?#st we bring water $or yo# o#t o$ this ro'C.
N#m 25:11 Then ?oses li$ted his hand and str#' the ro' twie with his rod& and water ame o#t ab#ndantly%
and the ongregation and their animals dran'"
N#m 25:12 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron% .Bea#se yo# did not belie!e ?e% to hallow ?e in the
eyes o$ the hildren o$ Israel% there$ore yo# shall not bring this assembly into the land whih I ha!e gi!en them".
N#m 25:1- This (was) the water o$ ?eribah% bea#se the hildren o$ Israel ontended with the /8:2% and He
was hallowed among them"
N#m 25:10 Now ?oses sent messengers $rom Kadesh to the 'ing o$ 6dom" .Th#s says yo#r brother Israel: ABo#
'now all the hardshi* that has be$allen #s%
N#m 25:11 Ahow o#r $athers went down to 6gy*t% and we dwelt in 6gy*t a long time% and the 6gy*tians a$$lited
#s and o#r $athers"
N#m 25:13 A>hen we ried o#t to the /8:2% He heard o#r !oie and sent the +ngel and bro#ght #s #* o#t o$
6gy*t& now here we are in Kadesh% a ity on the edge o$ yo#r border"
N#m 25:14 A<lease let #s *ass thro#gh yo#r o#ntry" >e will not *ass thro#gh $ields or !ineyards% nor will we
drin' water $rom wells& we will go along the KingAs Highway& we will not t#rn aside to the right hand or to the le$t
#ntil we ha!e *assed thro#gh yo#r territory"A .
N#m 25:18 Then 6dom said to him% .Bo# shall not *ass thro#gh my (land%) lest I ome o#t against yo# with the
N#m 25:19 ,o the hildren o$ Israel said to him% .>e will go by the Highway% and i$ I or my li!esto' drin' any o$
yo#r water% then I will *ay $or it& let me only *ass thro#gh on $oot% nothing (more".)
N#m 25:25 Then he said% .Bo# shall not *ass thro#gh". ,o 6dom ame o#t against them with many men and
with a strong hand"
N#m 25:21 Th#s 6dom re$#sed to gi!e Israel *assage thro#gh his territory& so Israel t#rned away $rom him"
N#m 25:22 Then the hildren o$ Israel% the whole ongregation% @o#rneyed $rom Kadesh and ame to ?o#nt Hor"
N#m 25:2- +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and +aron in ?o#nt Hor by the border o$ the land o$ 6dom% saying:
N#m 25:20 .+aron shall be gathered to his *eo*le% $or he shall not enter the land whih I ha!e gi!en to the
hildren o$ Israel% bea#se yo# rebelled against ?y word at the water o$ ?eribah"
N#m 25:21 .Ta'e +aron and 6leaHar his son% and bring them #* to ?o#nt Hor&
N#m 25:23 .and stri* +aron o$ his garments and *#t them on 6leaHar his son& $or +aron shall be gathered (to
his *eo*le) and die there".
N#m 25:24 ,o ?oses did @#st as the /8:2 ommanded% and they went #* to ?o#nt Hor in the sight o$ all the
N#m 25:28 ?oses stri**ed +aron o$ his garments and *#t them on 6leaHar his son& and +aron died there on the
to* o$ the mo#ntain" Then ?oses and 6leaHar ame down $rom the mo#ntain"
N#m 25:29 Now when all the ongregation saw that +aron was dead% all the ho#se o$ Israel mo#rned $or +aron
thirty days"
N#m 21:1 The 'ing o$ +rad% the =anaanite% who dwelt in the ,o#th% heard that Israel was oming on the road to
+tharim% then he $o#ght against Israel and too' (some) o$ them *risoners"
N#m 21:2 ,o Israel made a !ow to the /8:2% and said% .I$ Bo# will indeed deli!er this *eo*le into my hand%
then I will #tterly destroy their ities".
N#m 21:- +nd the /8:2 listened to the !oie o$ Israel and deli!ered #* the =anaanites% and they #tterly
destroyed them and their ities" ,o the name o$ that *lae was alled Hormah"
N#m 21:0 Then they @o#rneyed $rom ?o#nt Hor by the >ay o$ the :ed ,ea% to go aro#nd the land o$ 6dom& and
the so#l o$ the *eo*le beame !ery diso#raged on the way"
N#m 21:1 +nd the *eo*le s*o'e against God and against ?oses: .>hy ha!e yo# bro#ght #s #* o#t o$ 6gy*t to
die in the wildernessC ;or (there is) no $ood and no water% and o#r so#l loathes this worthless bread".
N#m 21:3 ,o the /8:2 sent $iery ser*ents among the *eo*le% and they bit the *eo*le& and many o$ the *eo*le
o$ Israel died"
N#m 21:4 There$ore the *eo*le ame to ?oses% and said% .>e ha!e sinned% $or we ha!e s*o'en against the
/8:2 and against yo#& *ray to the /8:2 that He ta'e away the ser*ents $rom #s". ,o ?oses *rayed $or the
N#m 21:8 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .?a'e a $iery (ser*ent%) and set it on a *ole& and it shall be that
e!eryone who is bitten% when he loo's at it% shall li!e".
N#m 21:9 ,o ?oses made a bronHe ser*ent% and *#t it on a *ole& and so it was% i$ a ser*ent had bitten anyone%
when he loo'ed at the bronHe ser*ent% he li!ed"
N#m 21:15 Now the hildren o$ Israel mo!ed on and am*ed in 8both"
N#m 21:11 +nd they @o#rneyed $rom 8both and am*ed at I@e +barim% in the wilderness whih (is) east o$ ?oab%
toward the s#nrise"
N#m 21:12 ;rom there they mo!ed and am*ed in the Valley o$ Gered"
N#m 21:1- ;rom there they mo!ed and am*ed on the other side o$ the +rnon% whih (is) in the wilderness that
e9tends $rom the border o$ the +morites& $or the +rnon (is) the border o$ ?oab% between ?oab and the +morites"
N#m 21:10 There$ore it is said in the Boo' o$ the >ars o$ the /8:2: .>aheb in ,#*hah% The broo's o$ the
N#m 21:11 +nd the slo*e o$ the broo's That reahes to the dwelling o$ +r% +nd lies on the border o$ ?oab".
N#m 21:13 ;rom there (they went) to Beer% whih (is) the well where the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Gather the
*eo*le together% and I will gi!e them water".
N#m 21:14 Then Israel sang this song: .,*ring #*% 8 wellF +ll o$ yo# sing to it DD
N#m 21:18 The well the leaders san'% 2#g by the nationAs nobles% By the lawgi!er% with their sta!es". +nd $rom
the wilderness (they went) to ?attanah%
N#m 21:19 $rom ?attanah to Nahaliel% $rom Nahaliel to Bamoth%
N#m 21:25 and $rom Bamoth% (in) the !alley that (is) in the o#ntry o$ ?oab% to the to* o$ <isgah whih loo's
down on the wasteland"
N#m 21:21 Then Israel sent messengers to ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% saying%
N#m 21:22 ./et me *ass thro#gh yo#r land" >e will not t#rn aside into $ields or !ineyards& we will not drin'
water $rom wells" >e will go by the KingAs Highway #ntil we ha!e *assed thro#gh yo#r territory".
N#m 21:2- B#t ,ihon wo#ld not allow Israel to *ass thro#gh his territory" ,o ,ihon gathered all his *eo*le
together and went o#t against Israel in the wilderness% and he ame to JahaH and $o#ght against Israel"
N#m 21:20 Then Israel de$eated him with the edge o$ the sword% and too' *ossession o$ his land $rom the +rnon
to the Jabbo'% as $ar as the *eo*le o$ +mmon& $or the border o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon (was) $orti$ied"
N#m 21:21 ,o Israel too' all these ities% and Israel dwelt in all the ities o$ the +morites% in Heshbon and in all
its !illages"
N#m 21:23 ;or Heshbon (was) the ity o$ ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% who had $o#ght against the $ormer 'ing o$
?oab% and had ta'en all his land $rom his hand as $ar as the +rnon"
N#m 21:24 There$ore those who s*ea' in *ro!erbs say: .=ome to Heshbon% let it be b#ilt& /et the ity o$ ,ihon
be re*aired"
N#m 21:28 .;or $ire went o#t $rom Heshbon% + $lame $rom the ity o$ ,ihon& It ons#med +r o$ ?oab% The lords
o$ the heights o$ the +rnon"
N#m 21:29 >oe to yo#% ?oabF Bo# ha!e *erished% 8 *eo*le o$ =hemoshF He has gi!en his sons as $#giti!es%
+nd his da#ghters into a*ti!ity% To ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites"
N#m 21:-5 .B#t we ha!e shot at them& Heshbon has *erished as $ar as 2ibon" Then we laid waste as $ar as
No*hah% >hih (reahes) to ?edeba".
N#m 21:-1 Th#s Israel dwelt in the land o$ the +morites"
N#m 21:-2 Then ?oses sent to s*y o#t JaHer& and they too' its !illages and dro!e o#t the +morites who (were)
N#m 21:-- +nd they t#rned and went #* by the way to Bashan" ,o 8g 'ing o$ Bashan went o#t against them%
he and all his *eo*le% to battle at 6drei"
N#m 21:-0 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .2o not $ear him% $or I ha!e deli!ered him into yo#r hand% with all his
*eo*le and his land& and yo# shall do to him as yo# did to ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% who dwelt at Heshbon".
N#m 21:-1 ,o they de$eated him% his sons% and all his *eo*le% #ntil there was no s#r!i!or le$t him& and they too'
*ossession o$ his land"
N#m 22:1 Then the hildren o$ Israel mo!ed% and am*ed in the *lains o$ ?oab on the side o$ the Jordan
(aross $rom) Jeriho"
N#m 22:2 Now Bala' the son o$ Gi**or saw all that Israel had done to the +morites"
N#m 22:- +nd ?oab was e9eedingly a$raid o$ the *eo*le bea#se they (were) many% and ?oab was si' with
dread bea#se o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m 22:0 ,o ?oab said to the elders o$ ?idian% .Now this om*any will li' #* e!erything aro#nd #s% as an o9
li's #* the grass o$ the $ield". +nd Bala' the son o$ Gi**or (was) 'ing o$ the ?oabites at that time"
N#m 22:1 Then he sent messengers to Balaam the son o$ Beor at <ethor% whih (is) near the :i!er in the land o$
the sons o$ his *eo*le% to all him% saying: ./oo'% a *eo*le has ome $rom 6gy*t" ,ee% they o!er the $ae o$ the
earth% and are settling ne9t to meF
N#m 22:3 .There$ore *lease ome at one% #rse this *eo*le $or me% $or they (are) too mighty $or me" <erha*s I
shall be able to de$eat them and dri!e them o#t o$ the land% $or I 'now that he whom yo# bless (is) blessed% and
he whom yo# #rse is #rsed".
N#m 22:4 ,o the elders o$ ?oab and the elders o$ ?idian de*arted with the di!inerAs $ee in their hand% and they
ame to Balaam and s*o'e to him the words o$ Bala'"
N#m 22:8 +nd he said to them% ./odge here tonight% and I will bring ba' word to yo#% as the /8:2 s*ea's to
me". ,o the *rines o$ ?oab stayed with Balaam"
N#m 22:9 Then God ame to Balaam and said% .>ho (are) these men with yo#C.
N#m 22:15 ,o Balaam said to God% .Bala' the son o$ Gi**or% 'ing o$ ?oab% has sent to me% (saying%)
N#m 22:11 A/oo'% a *eo*le has ome o#t o$ 6gy*t% and they o!er the $ae o$ the earth" =ome now% #rse them
$or me& *erha*s I shall be able to o!er*ower them and dri!e them o#t"A .
N#m 22:12 +nd God said to Balaam% .Bo# shall not go with them& yo# shall not #rse the *eo*le% $or they (are)
N#m 22:1- ,o Balaam rose in the morning and said to the *rines o$ Bala'% .Go ba' to yo#r land% $or the
/8:2 has re$#sed to gi!e me *ermission to go with yo#".
N#m 22:10 +nd the *rines o$ ?oab rose and went to Bala'% and said% .Balaam re$#ses to ome with #s".
N#m 22:11 Then Bala' again sent *rines% more n#mero#s and more honorable than they"
N#m 22:13 +nd they ame to Balaam and said to him% .Th#s says Bala' the son o$ Gi**or: A<lease let nothing
hinder yo# $rom oming to me&
N#m 22:14 A$or I will ertainly honor yo# greatly% and I will do whate!er yo# say to me" There$ore *lease ome%
#rse this *eo*le $or me"A .
N#m 22:18 Then Balaam answered and said to the ser!ants o$ Bala'% .Tho#gh Bala' were to gi!e me his ho#se
$#ll o$ sil!er and gold% I o#ld not go beyond the word o$ the /8:2 my God% to do less or more"
N#m 22:19 .Now there$ore% *lease% yo# also stay here tonight% that I may 'now what more the /8:2 will say to
N#m 22:25 +nd God ame to Balaam at night and said to him% .I$ the men ome to all yo#% rise (and) go with
them& b#t only the word whih I s*ea' to yo# DD that yo# shall do".
N#m 22:21 ,o Balaam rose in the morning% saddled his don'ey% and went with the *rines o$ ?oab"
N#m 22:22 Then GodAs anger was aro#sed bea#se he went% and the +ngel o$ the /8:2 too' His stand in the
way as an ad!ersary against him" +nd he was riding on his don'ey% and his two ser!ants (were) with him"
N#m 22:2- Now the don'ey saw the +ngel o$ the /8:2 standing in the way with His drawn sword in His hand%
and the don'ey t#rned aside o#t o$ the way and went into the $ield" ,o Balaam str#' the don'ey to t#rn her
ba' onto the road"
N#m 22:20 Then the +ngel o$ the /8:2 stood in a narrow *ath between the !ineyards% (with) a wall on this side
and a wall on that side"
N#m 22:21 +nd when the don'ey saw the +ngel o$ the /8:2% she *#shed hersel$ against the wall and r#shed
BalaamAs $oot against the wall& so he str#' her again"
N#m 22:23 Then the +ngel o$ the /8:2 went $#rther% and stood in a narrow *lae where there (was) no way to
t#rn either to the right hand or to the le$t"
N#m 22:24 +nd when the don'ey saw the +ngel o$ the /8:2% she lay down #nder Balaam& so BalaamAs anger
was aro#sed% and he str#' the don'ey with his sta$$"
N#m 22:28 Then the /8:2 o*ened the mo#th o$ the don'ey% and she said to Balaam% .>hat ha!e I done to
yo#% that yo# ha!e str#' me these three timesC.
N#m 22:29 +nd Balaam said to the don'ey% .Bea#se yo# ha!e ab#sed me" I wish there were a sword in my
hand% $or now I wo#ld 'ill yo#F.
N#m 22:-5 ,o the don'ey said to Balaam% .(+m) I not yo#r don'ey on whih yo# ha!e ridden% e!er sine (I
beame) yo#rs% to this dayC >as I e!er dis*osed to do this to yo#C. +nd he said% .No".
N#m 22:-1 Then the /8:2 o*ened BalaamAs eyes% and he saw the +ngel o$ the /8:2 standing in the way with
His drawn sword in His hand& and he bowed his head and $ell $lat on his $ae"
N#m 22:-2 +nd the +ngel o$ the /8:2 said to him% .>hy ha!e yo# str#' yo#r don'ey these three timesC
Behold% I ha!e ome o#t to stand against yo#% bea#se (yo#r) way is *er!erse be$ore ?e"
N#m 22:-- .The don'ey saw ?e and t#rned aside $rom ?e these three times" I$ she had not t#rned aside $rom
?e% s#rely I wo#ld also ha!e 'illed yo# by now% and let her li!e".
N#m 22:-0 +nd Balaam said to the +ngel o$ the /8:2% .I ha!e sinned% $or I did not 'now Bo# stood in the way
against me" Now there$ore% i$ it dis*leases Bo#% I will t#rn ba'".
N#m 22:-1 Then the +ngel o$ the /8:2 said to Balaam% .Go with the men% b#t only the word that I s*ea' to
yo#% that yo# shall s*ea'". ,o Balaam went with the *rines o$ Bala'"
N#m 22:-3 Now when Bala' heard that Balaam was oming% he went o#t to meet him at the ity o$ ?oab% whih
(is) on the border at the +rnon% the bo#ndary o$ the territory"
N#m 22:-4 Then Bala' said to Balaam% .2id I not earnestly send to yo#% alling $or yo#C >hy did yo# not ome
to meC +m I not able to honor yo#C.
N#m 22:-8 +nd Balaam said to Bala'% ./oo'% I ha!e ome to yo#F Now% ha!e I any *ower at all to say anythingC
The word that God *#ts in my mo#th% that I m#st s*ea'".
N#m 22:-9 ,o Balaam went with Bala'% and they ame to Kir@ath H#Hoth"
N#m 22:05 Then Bala' o$$ered o9en and shee*% and he sent (some) to Balaam and to the *rines who (were)
with him"
N#m 22:01 ,o it was the ne9t day% that Bala' too' Balaam and bro#ght him #* to the high *laes o$ Baal% that
$rom there he might obser!e the e9tent o$ the *eo*le"
N#m 2-:1 Then Balaam said to Bala'% .B#ild se!en altars $or me here% and *re*are $or me here se!en b#lls and
se!en rams".
N#m 2-:2 +nd Bala' did @#st as Balaam had s*o'en% and Bala' and Balaam o$$ered a b#ll and a ram on (eah)
N#m 2-:- Then Balaam said to Bala'% .,tand by yo#r b#rnt o$$ering% and I will go& *erha*s the /8:2 will ome
to meet me% and whate!er He shows me I will tell yo#". ,o he went to a desolate height"
N#m 2-:0 +nd God met Balaam% and he said to Him% .I ha!e *re*ared the se!en altars% and I ha!e o$$ered on
(eah) altar a b#ll and a ram".
N#m 2-:1 Then the /8:2 *#t a word in BalaamAs mo#th% and said% .:et#rn to Bala'% and th#s yo# shall s*ea'".
N#m 2-:3 ,o he ret#rned to him% and there he was% standing by his b#rnt o$$ering% he and all the *rines o$
N#m 2-:4 +nd he too' #* his orale and said: .Bala' the 'ing o$ ?oab has bro#ght me $rom +ram% ;rom the
mo#ntains o$ the east" A=ome% #rse Jaob $or me% +nd ome% deno#ne IsraelFA
N#m 2-:8 .How shall I #rse whom God has not #rsedC +nd how shall I deno#ne (whom) the /8:2 has not
N#m 2-:9 ;or $rom the to* o$ the ro's I see him% +nd $rom the hills I behold him& ThereF + *eo*le dwelling
alone% Not re'oning itsel$ among the nations"
N#m 2-:15 .>ho an o#nt the d#st o$ Jaob% 8r n#mber oneD$o#rth o$ IsraelC /et me die the death o$ the
righteo#s% +nd let my end be li'e hisF.
N#m 2-:11 Then Bala' said to Balaam% .>hat ha!e yo# done to meC I too' yo# to #rse my enemies% and loo'%
yo# ha!e blessed (them) bo#nti$#llyF.
N#m 2-:12 ,o he answered and said% .?#st I not ta'e heed to s*ea' what the /8:2 has *#t in my mo#thC.
N#m 2-:1- Then Bala' said to him% .<lease ome with me to another *lae $rom whih yo# may see them& yo#
shall see only the o#ter *art o$ them% and shall not see them all& #rse them $or me $rom there".
N#m 2-:10 ,o he bro#ght him to the $ield o$ Go*him% to the to* o$ <isgah% and b#ilt se!en altars% and o$$ered a
b#ll and a ram on (eah) altar"
N#m 2-:11 +nd he said to Bala'% .,tand here by yo#r b#rnt o$$ering while I meet (the) (/ord) o!er there".
N#m 2-:13 Then the /8:2 met Balaam% and *#t a word in his mo#th% and said% .Go ba' to Bala'% and th#s
yo# shall s*ea'".
N#m 2-:14 ,o he ame to him% and there he was% standing by his b#rnt o$$ering% and the *rines o$ ?oab were
with him" +nd Bala' said to him% .>hat has the /8:2 s*o'enC.
N#m 2-:18 Then he too' #* his orale and said: .:ise #*% Bala'% and hearF /isten to me% son o$ Gi**orF
N#m 2-:19 .God (is) not a man% that He sho#ld lie% Nor a son o$ man% that He sho#ld re*ent" Has He said% and
will He not doC 8r has He s*o'en% and will He not ma'e it goodC
N#m 2-:25 Behold% I ha!e reei!ed (a ommand) to bless& He has blessed% and I annot re!erse it"
N#m 2-:21 .He has not obser!ed iniE#ity in Jaob% Nor has He seen wi'edness in Israel" The /8:2 his God
(is) with him% +nd the sho#t o$ a King (is) among them"
N#m 2-:22 God brings them o#t o$ 6gy*t& He has strength li'e a wild o9"
N#m 2-:2- .;or (there is) no sorery against Jaob% Nor any di!ination against Israel" It now m#st be said o$
Jaob +nd o$ Israel% A8h% what God has doneFA
N#m 2-:20 /oo'% a *eo*le rises li'e a lioness% +nd li$ts itsel$ #* li'e a lion& It shall not lie down #ntil it de!o#rs
the *rey% +nd drin's the blood o$ the slain".
N#m 2-:21 Then Bala' said to Balaam% .Neither #rse them at all% nor bless them at allF.
N#m 2-:23 ,o Balaam answered and said to Bala'% .2id I not tell yo#% saying% A+ll that the /8:2 s*ea's% that I
m#st doAC.
N#m 2-:24 Then Bala' said to Balaam% .<lease ome% I will ta'e yo# to another *lae& *erha*s it will *lease
God that yo# may #rse them $or me $rom there".
N#m 2-:28 ,o Bala' too' Balaam to the to* o$ <eor% that o!erloo's the wasteland"
N#m 2-:29 Then Balaam said to Bala'% .B#ild $or me here se!en altars% and *re*are $or me here se!en b#lls
and se!en rams".
N#m 2-:-5 +nd Bala' did as Balaam had said% and o$$ered a b#ll and a ram on (e!ery) altar"
N#m 20:1 Now when Balaam saw that it *leased the /8:2 to bless Israel% he did not go as at other times% to
see' to #se sorery% b#t he set his $ae toward the wilderness"
N#m 20:2 +nd Balaam raised his eyes% and saw Israel enam*ed aording to their tribes& and the ,*irit o$ God
ame #*on him"
N#m 20:- Then he too' #* his orale and said: .The #tterane o$ Balaam the son o$ Beor% The #tterane o$ the
man whose eyes are o*ened%
N#m 20:0 The #tterane o$ him who hears the words o$ God% >ho sees the !ision o$ the +lmighty% >ho $alls
down% with eyes wide o*en:
N#m 20:1 .How lo!ely are yo#r tents% 8 JaobF Bo#r dwellings% 8 IsraelF
N#m 20:3 /i'e !alleys that streth o#t% /i'e gardens by the ri!erside% /i'e aloes *lanted by the /8:2% /i'e
edars beside the waters"
N#m 20:4 He shall *o#r water $rom his b#'ets% +nd his seed (shall be) in many waters" .His 'ing shall be
higher than +gag% +nd his 'ingdom shall be e9alted"
N#m 20:8 .God brings him o#t o$ 6gy*t& He has strength li'e a wild o9& He shall ons#me the nations% his
enemies& He shall brea' their bones +nd *iere (them) with his arrows"
N#m 20:9 AHe bows down% he lies down as a lion& +nd as a lion% who shall ro#se himCA .Blessed (is) he who
blesses yo#% +nd #rsed (is) he who #rses yo#".
N#m 20:15 Then Bala'As anger was aro#sed against Balaam% and he str#' his hands together& and Bala' said
to Balaam% .I alled yo# to #rse my enemies% and loo'% yo# ha!e bo#nti$#lly blessed (them) these three timesF
N#m 20:11 .Now there$ore% $lee to yo#r *lae" I said I wo#ld greatly honor yo#% b#t in $at% the /8:2 has 'e*t
yo# ba' $rom honor".
N#m 20:12 ,o Balaam said to Bala'% .2id I not also s*ea' to yo#r messengers whom yo# sent to me% saying%
N#m 20:1- AI$ Bala' were to gi!e me his ho#se $#ll o$ sil!er and gold% I o#ld not go beyond the word o$ the
/8:2% to do good or bad o$ my own will" >hat the /8:2 says% that I m#st s*ea'AC
N#m 20:10 .+nd now% indeed% I am going to my *eo*le" =ome% I will ad!ise yo# what this *eo*le will do to yo#r
*eo*le in the latter days".
N#m 20:11 ,o he too' #* his orale and said: .The #tterane o$ Balaam the son o$ Beor% +nd the #tterane o$
the man whose eyes are o*ened&
N#m 20:13 The #tterane o$ him who hears the words o$ God% +nd has the 'nowledge o$ the ?ost High% (>ho)
sees the !ision o$ the +lmighty% (>ho) $alls down% with eyes wide o*en:
N#m 20:14 .I see Him% b#t not now& I behold Him% b#t not near& + ,tar shall ome o#t o$ Jaob& + ,e*ter shall
rise o#t o$ Israel% +nd batter the brow o$ ?oab% +nd destroy all the sons o$ t#m#lt"
N#m 20:18 .+nd 6dom shall be a *ossession& ,eir also% his enemies% shall be a *ossession% >hile Israel does
N#m 20:19 8#t o$ Jaob 8ne shall ha!e dominion% +nd destroy the remains o$ the ity".
N#m 20:25 Then he loo'ed on +male'% and he too' #* his orale and said: .+male' (was) $irst among the
nations% B#t (shall be) last #ntil he *erishes".
N#m 20:21 Then he loo'ed on the Kenites% and he too' #* his orale and said: .;irm is yo#r dwelling *lae% +nd
yo#r nest is set in the ro'&
N#m 20:22 Ne!ertheless Kain shall be b#rned" How long #ntil +ssh#r arries yo# away a*ti!eC.
N#m 20:2- Then he too' #* his orale and said: .+lasF >ho shall li!e when God does thisC
N#m 20:20 B#t shi*s (shall ome) $rom the oasts o$ =y*r#s% +nd they shall a$$lit +ssh#r and a$$lit 6ber% +nd
so shall (+male'%) #ntil he *erishes".
N#m 20:21 ,o Balaam rose and de*arted and ret#rned to his *lae& Bala' also went his way"
N#m 21:1 Now Israel remained in +aia Gro!e% and the *eo*le began to ommit harlotry with the women o$
N#m 21:2 They in!ited the *eo*le to the sari$ies o$ their gods% and the *eo*le ate and bowed down to their
N#m 21:- ,o Israel was @oined to Baal o$ <eor% and the anger o$ the /8:2 was aro#sed against Israel"
N#m 21:0 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Ta'e all the leaders o$ the *eo*le and hang the o$$enders be$ore the
/8:2% o#t in the s#n% that the $iere anger o$ the /8:2 may t#rn away $rom Israel".
N#m 21:1 ,o ?oses said to the @#dges o$ Israel% .6!ery one o$ yo# 'ill his men who were @oined to Baal o$
N#m 21:3 +nd indeed% one o$ the hildren o$ Israel ame and *resented to his brethren a ?idianite woman in
the sight o$ ?oses and in the sight o$ all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel% who (were) wee*ing at the
door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
N#m 21:4 Now when <hinehas the son o$ 6leaHar% the son o$ +aron the *riest% saw (it%) he rose $rom among the
ongregation and too' a @a!elin in his hand&
N#m 21:8 and he went a$ter the man o$ Israel into the tent and thr#st both o$ them thro#gh% the man o$ Israel%
and the woman thro#gh her body" ,o the *lag#e was sto**ed among the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m 21:9 +nd those who died in the *lag#e were twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
N#m 21:15 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 21:11 .<hinehas the son o$ 6leaHar% the son o$ +aron the *riest% has t#rned ba' ?y wrath $rom the
hildren o$ Israel% bea#se he was Healo#s with ?y Heal among them% so that I did not ons#me the hildren o$
Israel in ?y Heal"
N#m 21:12 .There$ore say% ABehold% I gi!e to him ?y o!enant o$ *eae&
N#m 21:1- Aand it shall be to him and his desendants a$ter him a o!enant o$ an e!erlasting *riesthood%
bea#se he was Healo#s $or his God% and made atonement $or the hildren o$ Israel"A .
N#m 21:10 Now the name o$ the Israelite who was 'illed% who was 'illed with the ?idianite woman% (was) Gimri
the son o$ ,al#% a leader o$ a $atherAs ho#se among the ,imeonites"
N#m 21:11 +nd the name o$ the ?idianite woman who was 'illed (was) =oHbi the da#ghter o$ G#r& he (was)
head o$ the *eo*le o$ a $atherAs ho#se in ?idian"
N#m 21:13 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 21:14 .Harass the ?idianites% and atta' them&
N#m 21:18 .$or they harassed yo# with their shemes by whih they sed#ed yo# in the matter o$ <eor and in
the matter o$ =oHbi% the da#ghter o$ a leader o$ ?idian% their sister% who was 'illed in the day o$ the *lag#e
bea#se o$ <eor".
N#m 23:1 +nd it ame to *ass% a$ter the *lag#e% that the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses and 6leaHar the son o$ +aron
the *riest% saying:
N#m 23:2 .Ta'e a ens#s o$ all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel $rom twenty years old and abo!e% by
their $athersA ho#ses% all who are able to go to war in Israel".
N#m 23:- ,o ?oses and 6leaHar the *riest s*o'e with them in the *lains o$ ?oab by the Jordan% (aross $rom)
Jeriho% saying:
N#m 23:0 .(Ta'e a ens#s o$ the *eo*le) $rom twenty years old and abo!e% @#st as the /8:2 ommanded
?oses and the hildren o$ Israel who ame o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t".
N#m 23:1 :e#ben (was) the $irstborn o$ Israel" The hildren o$ :e#ben (were: o$) Hanoh% the $amily o$ the
Hanohites& (o$) <all#% the $amily o$ the <all#ites&
N#m 23:3 (o$) HeHron% the $amily o$ the HeHronites& (o$) =armi% the $amily o$ the =armites"
N#m 23:4 These (are) the $amilies o$ the :e#benites: those who were n#mbered o$ them were $ortyDthree
tho#sand se!en h#ndred and thirty"
N#m 23:8 +nd the son o$ <all# (was) 6liab"
N#m 23:9 The sons o$ 6liab (were) Nem#el% 2athan% and +biram" These (are) the 2athan and +biram%
re*resentati!es o$ the ongregation% who ontended against ?oses and +aron in the om*any o$ Korah% when
they ontended against the /8:2&
N#m 23:15 and the earth o*ened its mo#th and swallowed them #* together with Korah when that om*any
died% when the $ire de!o#red two h#ndred and $i$ty men& and they beame a sign"
N#m 23:11 Ne!ertheless the hildren o$ Korah did not die"
N#m 23:12 The sons o$ ,imeon aording to their $amilies (were: o$) Nem#el% the $amily o$ the Nem#elites& (o$)
Jamin% the $amily o$ the Jaminites& (o$) Jahin% the $amily o$ the Jahinites&
N#m 23:1- (o$) Gerah% the $amily o$ the Garhites& (o$) ,ha#l% the $amily o$ the ,ha#lites"
N#m 23:10 These (are) the $amilies o$ the ,imeonites: twentyDtwo tho#sand two h#ndred"
N#m 23:11 The sons o$ Gad aording to their $amilies (were: o$) Ge*hon% the $amily o$ the Ge*honites& (o$)
Haggi% the $amily o$ the Haggites& (o$) ,h#ni% the $amily o$ the ,h#nites&
N#m 23:13 (o$) 8Hni% the $amily o$ the 8Hnites& (o$) 6ri% the $amily o$ the 6rites&
N#m 23:14 (o$) +rod% the $amily o$ the +rodites& (o$) +reli% the $amily o$ the +relites"
N#m 23:18 These (are) the $amilies o$ the sons o$ Gad aording to those who were n#mbered o$ them: $orty
tho#sand $i!e h#ndred"
N#m 23:19 The sons o$ J#dah (were) 6r and 8nan& and 6r and 8nan died in the land o$ =anaan"
N#m 23:25 +nd the sons o$ J#dah aording to their $amilies were: (o$) ,helah% the $amily o$ the ,helanites& (o$)
<ereH% the $amily o$ the <arHites& (o$) Gerah% the $amily o$ the Garhites"
N#m 23:21 +nd the sons o$ <ereH were: (o$) HeHron% the $amily o$ the HeHronites& (o$) Ham#l% the $amily o$ the
N#m 23:22 These (are) the $amilies o$ J#dah aording to those who were n#mbered o$ them: se!entyDsi9
tho#sand $i!e h#ndred"
N#m 23:2- The sons o$ Issahar aording to their $amilies (were: o$) Tola% the $amily o$ the Tolaites& o$ <#ah%
the $amily o$ the <#nites&
N#m 23:20 o$ Jash#b% the $amily o$ the Jash#bites& o$ ,himron% the $amily o$ the ,himronites"
N#m 23:21 These (are) the $amilies o$ Issahar aording to those who were n#mbered o$ them: si9tyD$o#r
tho#sand three h#ndred"
N#m 23:23 The sons o$ Geb#l#n aording to their $amilies (were:) o$ ,ered% the $amily o$ the ,ardites& o$ 6lon%
the $amily o$ the 6lonites& o$ Jahleel% the $amily o$ the Jahleelites"
N#m 23:24 These (are) the $amilies o$ the Geb#l#nites aording to those who were n#mbered o$ them: si9ty
tho#sand $i!e h#ndred"
N#m 23:28 The sons o$ Jose*h aording to their $amilies% by ?anasseh and 6*hraim% (were:)
N#m 23:29 The sons o$ ?anasseh: o$ ?ahir% the $amily o$ the ?ahirites& and ?ahir begot Gilead& o$ Gilead%
the $amily o$ the Gileadites"
N#m 23:-5 These (are) the sons o$ Gilead: (o$) JeeHer% the $amily o$ the JeeHerites& o$ Hele'% the $amily o$ the
N#m 23:-1 (o$) +sriel% the $amily o$ the +srielites& (o$) ,hehem% the $amily o$ the ,hehemites&
N#m 23:-2 (o$) ,hemida% the $amily o$ the ,hemidaites& (o$) He*her% the $amily o$ the He*herites"
N#m 23:-- Now Gelo*hehad the son o$ He*her had no sons% b#t da#ghters& and the names o$ the da#ghters o$
Gelo*hehad (were) ?ahlah% Noah% Hoglah% ?ilah% and TirHah"
N#m 23:-0 These (are) the $amilies o$ ?anasseh& and those who were n#mbered o$ them (were) $i$tyDtwo
tho#sand se!en h#ndred"
N#m 23:-1 These (are) the sons o$ 6*hraim aording to their $amilies: o$ ,h#thelah% the $amily o$ the
,h#thalhites& o$ Beher% the $amily o$ the Bahrites& o$ Tahan% the $amily o$ the Tahanites"
N#m 23:-3 +nd these (are) the sons o$ ,h#thelah: o$ 6ran% the $amily o$ the 6ranites"
N#m 23:-4 These (are) the $amilies o$ the sons o$ 6*hraim aording to those who were n#mbered o$ them:
thirtyDtwo tho#sand $i!e h#ndred" These (are) the sons o$ Jose*h aording to their $amilies"
N#m 23:-8 The sons o$ Ben@amin aording to their $amilies were: o$ Bela% the $amily o$ the Belaites& o$ +shbel%
the $amily o$ the +shbelites& o$ +hiram% the $amily o$ the +hiramites&
N#m 23:-9 o$ ,h#*ham% the $amily o$ the ,h#*hamites& o$ H#*ham% the $amily o$ the H#*hamites"
N#m 23:05 +nd the sons o$ Bela were +rd and Naaman: (o$ +rd%) the $amily o$ the +rdites& o$ Naaman% the
$amily o$ the Naamites"
N#m 23:01 These (are) the sons o$ Ben@amin aording to their $amilies& and those who were n#mbered o$ them
(were) $ortyD$i!e tho#sand si9 h#ndred"
N#m 23:02 These (are) the sons o$ 2an aording to their $amilies: o$ ,h#ham% the $amily o$ the ,h#hamites"
These (are) the $amilies o$ 2an aording to their $amilies"
N#m 23:0- +ll the $amilies o$ the ,h#hamites% aording to those who were n#mbered o$ them% (were) si9tyD$o#r
tho#sand $o#r h#ndred"
N#m 23:00 The sons o$ +sher aording to their $amilies (were:) o$ Jimna% the $amily o$ the Jimnites& o$ Jes#i%
the $amily o$ the Jes#ites& o$ Beriah% the $amily o$ the Beriites"
N#m 23:01 8$ the sons o$ Beriah: o$ Heber% the $amily o$ the Heberites& o$ ?alhiel% the $amily o$ the
N#m 23:03 +nd the name o$ the da#ghter o$ +sher (was) ,erah"
N#m 23:04 These (are) the $amilies o$ the sons o$ +sher aording to those who were n#mbered o$ them: $i$tyD
three tho#sand $o#r h#ndred"
N#m 23:08 The sons o$ Na*htali aording to their $amilies (were:) o$ JahHeel% the $amily o$ the JahHeelites& o$
G#ni% the $amily o$ the G#nites&
N#m 23:09 o$ JeHer% the $amily o$ the JeHerites& o$ ,hillem% the $amily o$ the ,hillemites"
N#m 23:15 These (are) the $amilies o$ Na*htali aording to their $amilies& and those who were n#mbered o$
them (were) $ortyD$i!e tho#sand $o#r h#ndred"
N#m 23:11 These (are) those who were n#mbered o$ the hildren o$ Israel: si9 h#ndred and one tho#sand
se!en h#ndred and thirty"
N#m 23:12 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 23:1- .To these the land shall be di!ided as an inheritane% aording to the n#mber o$ names"
N#m 23:10 .To a large (tribe) yo# shall gi!e a larger inheritane% and to a small (tribe) yo# shall gi!e a smaller
inheritane" 6ah shall be gi!en its inheritane aording to those who were n#mbered o$ them"
N#m 23:11 .B#t the land shall be di!ided by lot& they shall inherit aording to the names o$ the tribes o$ their
N#m 23:13 .+ording to the lot their inheritane shall be di!ided between the larger and the smaller".
N#m 23:14 +nd these (are) those who were n#mbered o$ the /e!ites aording to their $amilies: o$ Gershon% the
$amily o$ the Gershonites& o$ Kohath% the $amily o$ the Kohathites& o$ ?erari% the $amily o$ the ?erarites"
N#m 23:18 These (are) the $amilies o$ the /e!ites: the $amily o$ the /ibnites% the $amily o$ the Hebronites% the
$amily o$ the ?ahlites% the $amily o$ the ?#shites% and the $amily o$ the Korathites" +nd Kohath begot +mram"
N#m 23:19 The name o$ +mramAs wi$e (was) Johebed the da#ghter o$ /e!i% who was born to /e!i in 6gy*t& and
to +mram she bore +aron and ?oses and their sister ?iriam"
N#m 23:35 To +aron were born Nadab and +bih#% 6leaHar and Ithamar"
N#m 23:31 +nd Nadab and +bih# died when they o$$ered *ro$ane $ire be$ore the /8:2"
N#m 23:32 Now those who were n#mbered o$ them were twentyDthree tho#sand% e!ery male $rom a month old
and abo!e& $or they were not n#mbered among the other hildren o$ Israel% bea#se there was no inheritane
gi!en to them among the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m 23:3- These (are) those who were n#mbered by ?oses and 6leaHar the *riest% who n#mbered the hildren
o$ Israel in the *lains o$ ?oab by the Jordan% (aross $rom) Jeriho"
N#m 23:30 B#t among these there was not a man o$ those who were n#mbered by ?oses and +aron the *riest
when they n#mbered the hildren o$ Israel in the >ilderness o$ ,inai"
N#m 23:31 ;or the /8:2 had said o$ them% .They shall s#rely die in the wilderness". ,o there was not le$t a
man o$ them% e9e*t =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh and Josh#a the son o$ N#n"
N#m 24:1 Then ame the da#ghters o$ Gelo*hehad the son o$ He*her% the son o$ Gilead% the son o$ ?ahir% the
son o$ ?anasseh% $rom the $amilies o$ ?anasseh the son o$ Jose*h& and these (were) the names o$ his
da#ghters: ?ahlah% Noah% Hoglah% ?ilah% and TirHah"
N#m 24:2 +nd they stood be$ore ?oses% be$ore 6leaHar the *riest% and be$ore the leaders and all the
ongregation% (by) the doorway o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% saying:
N#m 24:- .8#r $ather died in the wilderness& b#t he was not in the om*any o$ those who gathered together
against the /8:2% in om*any with Korah% b#t he died in his own sin& and he had no sons"
N#m 24:0 .>hy sho#ld the name o$ o#r $ather be remo!ed $rom among his $amily bea#se he had no sonC Gi!e
#s a *ossession among o#r $atherAs brothers".
N#m 24:1 ,o ?oses bro#ght their ase be$ore the /8:2"
N#m 24:3 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m 24:4 .The da#ghters o$ Gelo*hehad s*ea' (what is) right& yo# shall s#rely gi!e them a *ossession o$
inheritane among their $atherAs brothers% and a#se the inheritane o$ their $ather to *ass to them"
N#m 24:8 .+nd yo# shall s*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: AI$ a man dies and has no son% then yo# shall
a#se his inheritane to *ass to his da#ghter"
N#m 24:9 AI$ he has no da#ghter% then yo# shall gi!e his inheritane to his brothers"
N#m 24:15 AI$ he has no brothers% then yo# shall gi!e his inheritane to his $atherAs brothers"
N#m 24:11 A+nd i$ his $ather has no brothers% then yo# shall gi!e his inheritane to the relati!e losest him in his
$amily% and he shall *ossess it"A . +nd it shall be to the hildren o$ Israel a stat#te o$ @#dgment% @#st as the /8:2
ommanded ?oses"
N#m 24:12 Now the /8:2 said to ?oses: .Go #* into this ?o#nt +barim% and see the land whih I ha!e gi!en
to the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m 24:1- .+nd when yo# ha!e seen it% yo# also shall be gathered to yo#r *eo*le% as +aron yo#r brother was
N#m 24:10 .;or in the >ilderness o$ Gin% d#ring the stri$e o$ the ongregation% yo# rebelled against ?y
ommand to hallow ?e at the waters be$ore their eyes". IThese (are) the waters o$ ?eribah% at Kadesh in the
>ilderness o$ Gin"J
N#m 24:11 Then ?oses s*o'e to the /8:2% saying:
N#m 24:13 ./et the /8:2% the God o$ the s*irits o$ all $lesh% set a man o!er the ongregation%
N#m 24:14 .who may go o#t be$ore them and go in be$ore them% who may lead them o#t and bring them in% that
the ongregation o$ the /8:2 may not be li'e shee* whih ha!e no she*herd".
N#m 24:18 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses: .Ta'e Josh#a the son o$ N#n with yo#% a man in whom (is) the ,*irit%
and lay yo#r hand on him&
N#m 24:19 .set him be$ore 6leaHar the *riest and be$ore all the ongregation% and ina#g#rate him in their sight"
N#m 24:25 .+nd yo# shall gi!e (some) o$ yo#r a#thority to him% that all the ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel
may be obedient"
N#m 24:21 .He shall stand be$ore 6leaHar the *riest% who shall inE#ire be$ore the /8:2 $or him by the
@#dgment o$ the 7rim" +t his word they shall go o#t% and at his word they shall ome in% he and all the hildren o$
Israel with him DD all the ongregation".
N#m 24:22 ,o ?oses did as the /8:2 ommanded him" He too' Josh#a and set him be$ore 6leaHar the *riest
and be$ore all the ongregation"
N#m 24:2- +nd he laid his hands on him and ina#g#rated him% @#st as the /8:2 ommanded by the hand o$
N#m 28:1 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m 28:2 .=ommand the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them% A?y o$$ering% ?y $ood $or ?y o$$erings made by $ire
as a sweet aroma to ?e% yo# shall be are$#l to o$$er to ?e at their a**ointed time"A
N#m 28:- .+nd yo# shall say to them% AThis (is) the o$$ering made by $ire whih yo# shall o$$er to the /8:2: two
male lambs in their $irst year witho#t blemish% day by day% as a reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering"
N#m 28:0 AThe one lamb yo# shall o$$er in the morning% the other lamb yo# shall o$$er in the e!ening%
N#m 28:1 Aand oneDtenth o$ an e*hah o$ $ine $lo#r as a grain o$$ering mi9ed with oneD$o#rth o$ a hin o$ *ressed
N#m 28:3 A(It is) a reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering whih was ordained at ?o#nt ,inai $or a sweet aroma% an o$$ering made
by $ire to the /8:2"
N#m 28:4 A+nd its drin' o$$ering (shall be) oneD$o#rth o$ a hin $or eah lamb& in a holy (*lae) yo# shall *o#r o#t
the drin' to the /8:2 as an o$$ering"
N#m 28:8 AThe other lamb yo# shall o$$er in the e!ening& as the morning grain o$$ering and its drin' o$$ering% yo#
shall o$$er (it) as an o$$ering made by $ire% a sweet aroma to the /8:2"
N#m 28:9 A +nd on the ,abbath day two lambs in their $irst year% witho#t blemish% and twoDtenths (o$ an e*hah)
o$ $ine $lo#r as a grain o$$ering% mi9ed with oil% with its drin' o$$ering DD
N#m 28:15 A(this is) the b#rnt o$$ering $or e!ery ,abbath% besides the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering with its drin' o$$ering"
N#m 28:11 A +t the beginnings o$ yo#r months yo# shall *resent a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2: two yo#ng b#lls%
one ram% and se!en lambs in their $irst year% witho#t blemish&
N#m 28:12 AthreeDtenths (o$ an e*hah) o$ $ine $lo#r as a grain o$$ering% mi9ed with oil% $or eah b#ll& twoDtenths (o$
an e*hah) o$ $ine $lo#r as a grain o$$ering% mi9ed with oil% $or the one ram&
N#m 28:1- Aand oneDtenth (o$ an e*hah) o$ $ine $lo#r% mi9ed with oil% as a grain o$$ering $or eah lamb% as a b#rnt
o$$ering o$ sweet aroma% an o$$ering made by $ire to the /8:2"
N#m 28:10 ATheir drin' o$$ering shall be hal$ a hin o$ wine $or a b#ll% oneDthird o$ a hin $or a ram% and oneD$o#rth
o$ a hin $or a lamb& this (is) the b#rnt o$$ering $or eah month thro#gho#t the months o$ the year"
N#m 28:11 A+lso one 'id o$ the goats as a sin o$$ering to the /8:2 shall be o$$ered% besides the reg#lar b#rnt
o$$ering and its drin' o$$ering"
N#m 28:13 A 8n the $o#rteenth day o$ the $irst month (is) the <asso!er o$ the /8:2"
N#m 28:14 A+nd on the $i$teenth day o$ this month (is) the $east& #nlea!ened bread shall be eaten $or se!en
N#m 28:18 A8n the $irst day (yo# shall ha!e) a holy on!oation" Bo# shall do no #stomary wor'"
N#m 28:19 A+nd yo# shall *resent an o$$ering made by $ire as a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2: two yo#ng b#lls%
one ram% and se!en lambs in their $irst year" Be s#re they are witho#t blemish"
N#m 28:25 ATheir grain o$$ering shall be o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed with oil: threeDtenths (o$ an e*hah) yo# shall o$$er $or
a b#ll% and twoDtenths $or a ram&
N#m 28:21 Ayo# shall o$$er oneDtenth (o$ an e*hah) $or eah o$ the se!en lambs&
N#m 28:22 Aalso one goat (as) a sin o$$ering% to ma'e atonement $or yo#"
N#m 28:2- ABo# shall o$$er these besides the b#rnt o$$ering o$ the morning% whih (is) $or a reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering"
N#m 28:20 AIn this manner yo# shall o$$er the $ood o$ the o$$ering made by $ire daily $or se!en days% as a sweet
aroma to the /8:2& it shall be o$$ered besides the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering and its drin' o$$ering"
N#m 28:21 A+nd on the se!enth day yo# shall ha!e a holy on!oation" Bo# shall do no #stomary wor'"
N#m 28:23 A +lso on the day o$ the $irst$r#its% when yo# bring a new grain o$$ering to the /8:2 at yo#r (;east o$)
>ee's% yo# shall ha!e a holy on!oation" Bo# shall do no #stomary wor'"
N#m 28:24 ABo# shall *resent a b#rnt o$$ering as a sweet aroma to the /8:2: two yo#ng b#lls% one ram% and
se!en lambs in their $irst year%
N#m 28:28 Awith their grain o$$ering o$ $ine $lo#r mi9ed with oil: threeDtenths (o$ an e*hah) $or eah b#ll% twoD
tenths $or the one ram%
N#m 28:29 Aand oneDtenth $or eah o$ the se!en lambs&
N#m 28:-5 A(also) one 'id o$ the goats% to ma'e atonement $or yo#"
N#m 28:-1 ABe s#re they are witho#t blemish" Bo# shall *resent (them) with their drin' o$$erings% besides the
reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering with its grain o$$ering"
N#m 29:1 A+nd in the se!enth month% on the $irst (day) o$ the month% yo# shall ha!e a holy on!oation" Bo#
shall do no #stomary wor'" ;or yo# it is a day o$ blowing the tr#m*ets"
N#m 29:2 ABo# shall o$$er a b#rnt o$$ering as a sweet aroma to the /8:2: one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% (and) se!en
lambs in their $irst year% witho#t blemish"
N#m 29:- ATheir grain o$$ering (shall be) $ine $lo#r mi9ed with oil: threeDtenths (o$ an e*hah) $or the b#ll% twoD
tenths $or the ram%
N#m 29:0 Aand oneDtenth $or eah o$ the se!en lambs&
N#m 29:1 Aalso one 'id o$ the goats (as) a sin o$$ering% to ma'e atonement $or yo#&
N#m 29:3 Abesides the b#rnt o$$ering with its grain o$$ering $or the New ?oon% the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering with its
grain o$$ering% and their drin' o$$erings% aording to their ordinane% as a sweet aroma% an o$$ering made by $ire
to the /8:2"
N#m 29:4 A 8n the tenth (day) o$ this se!enth month yo# shall ha!e a holy on!oation" Bo# shall a$$lit yo#r
so#ls& yo# shall not do any wor'"
N#m 29:8 ABo# shall *resent a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2 (as) a sweet aroma: one yo#ng b#ll% one ram% (and)
se!en lambs in their $irst year" Be s#re they are witho#t blemish"
N#m 29:9 ATheir grain o$$ering (shall be o$) $ine $lo#r mi9ed with oil: threeDtenths (o$ an e*hah) $or the b#ll% twoD
tenths $or the one ram%
N#m 29:15 Aand oneDtenth $or eah o$ the se!en lambs&
N#m 29:11 Aalso one 'id o$ the goats (as) a sin o$$ering% besides the sin o$$ering $or atonement% the reg#lar b#rnt
o$$ering with its grain o$$ering% and their drin' o$$erings"
N#m 29:12 A 8n the $i$teenth day o$ the se!enth month yo# shall ha!e a holy on!oation" Bo# shall do no
#stomary wor'% and yo# shall 'ee* a $east to the /8:2 se!en days"
N#m 29:1- ABo# shall *resent a b#rnt o$$ering% an o$$ering made by $ire as a sweet aroma to the /8:2: thirteen
yo#ng b#lls% two rams% (and) $o#rteen lambs in their $irst year" They shall be witho#t blemish"
N#m 29:10 ATheir grain o$$ering (shall be o$) $ine $lo#r mi9ed with oil: threeDtenths (o$ an e*hah) $or eah o$ the
thirteen b#lls% twoDtenths $or eah o$ the two rams%
N#m 29:11 Aand oneDtenth $or eah o$ the $o#rteen lambs&
N#m 29:13 Aalso one 'id o$ the goats (as) a sin o$$ering% besides the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering% its grain o$$ering% and
its drin' o$$ering"
N#m 29:14 A 8n the seond day (*resent) twel!e yo#ng b#lls% two rams% $o#rteen lambs in their $irst year witho#t
N#m 29:18 Aand their grain o$$ering and their drin' o$$erings $or the b#lls% $or the rams% and $or the lambs% by their
n#mber% aording to the ordinane&
N#m 29:19 Aalso one 'id o$ the goats (as) a sin o$$ering% besides the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering with its grain o$$ering%
and their drin' o$$erings"
N#m 29:25 A 8n the third day (*resent) ele!en b#lls% two rams% $o#rteen lambs in their $irst year witho#t blemish%
N#m 29:21 Aand their grain o$$ering and their drin' o$$erings $or the b#lls% $or the rams% and $or the lambs% by their
n#mber% aording to the ordinane&
N#m 29:22 Aalso one goat (as) a sin o$$ering% besides the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering% its grain o$$ering% and its drin'
N#m 29:2- A 8n the $o#rth day (*resent) ten b#lls% two rams% (and) $o#rteen lambs in their $irst year% witho#t
N#m 29:20 Aand their grain o$$ering and their drin' o$$erings $or the b#lls% $or the rams% and $or the lambs% by their
n#mber% aording to the ordinane&
N#m 29:21 Aalso one 'id o$ the goats (as) a sin o$$ering% besides the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering% its grain o$$ering% and
its drin' o$$ering"
N#m 29:23 A 8n the $i$th day (*resent) nine b#lls% two rams% (and) $o#rteen lambs in their $irst year witho#t
N#m 29:24 Aand their grain o$$ering and their drin' o$$erings $or the b#lls% $or the rams% and $or the lambs% by their
n#mber% aording to the ordinane&
N#m 29:28 Aalso one goat (as) a sin o$$ering% besides the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering% its grain o$$ering% and its drin'
N#m 29:29 A 8n the si9th day (*resent) eight b#lls% two rams% (and) $o#rteen lambs in their $irst year witho#t
N#m 29:-5 Aand their grain o$$ering and their drin' o$$erings $or the b#lls% $or the rams% and $or the lambs% by their
n#mber% aording to the ordinane&
N#m 29:-1 Aalso one goat (as) a sin o$$ering% besides the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering% its grain o$$ering% and its drin'
N#m 29:-2 A 8n the se!enth day (*resent) se!en b#lls% two rams% (and) $o#rteen lambs in their $irst year witho#t
N#m 29:-- Aand their grain o$$ering and their drin' o$$erings $or the b#lls% $or the rams% and $or the lambs% by their
n#mber% aording to the ordinane&
N#m 29:-0 Aalso one goat (as) a sin o$$ering% besides the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering% its grain o$$ering% and its drin'
N#m 29:-1 A 8n the eighth day yo# shall ha!e a sared assembly" Bo# shall do no #stomary wor'"
N#m 29:-3 ABo# shall *resent a b#rnt o$$ering% an o$$ering made by $ire as a sweet aroma to the /8:2: one b#ll%
one ram% se!en lambs in their $irst year witho#t blemish%
N#m 29:-4 Aand their grain o$$ering and their drin' o$$erings $or the b#ll% $or the ram% and $or the lambs% by their
n#mber% aording to the ordinane&
N#m 29:-8 Aalso one goat (as) a sin o$$ering% besides the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering% its grain o$$ering% and its drin'
N#m 29:-9 A These yo# shall *resent to the /8:2 at yo#r a**ointed $easts Ibesides yo#r !owed o$$erings and
yo#r $reewill o$$eringsJ as yo#r b#rnt o$$erings and yo#r grain o$$erings% as yo#r drin' o$$erings and yo#r *eae
o$$erings"A .
N#m 29:05 ,o ?oses told the hildren o$ Israel e!erything% @#st as the /8:2 ommanded ?oses"
N#m -5:1 Then ?oses s*o'e to the heads o$ the tribes onerning the hildren o$ Israel% saying% .This (is) the
thing whih the /8:2 has ommanded:
N#m -5:2 .I$ a man ma'es a !ow to the /8:2% or swears an oath to bind himsel$ by some agreement% he shall
not brea' his word& he shall do aording to all that *roeeds o#t o$ his mo#th"
N#m -5:- . 8r i$ a woman ma'es a !ow to the /8:2% and binds (hersel$) by some agreement while in her
$atherAs ho#se in her yo#th%
N#m -5:0 .and her $ather hears her !ow and the agreement by whih she has bo#nd hersel$% and her $ather
holds his *eae% then all her !ows shall stand% and e!ery agreement with whih she has bo#nd hersel$ shall
N#m -5:1 .B#t i$ her $ather o!err#les her on the day that he hears% then none o$ her !ows nor her agreements
by whih she has bo#nd hersel$ shall stand& and the /8:2 will release her% bea#se her $ather o!err#led her"
N#m -5:3 . I$ indeed she ta'es a h#sband% while bo#nd by her !ows or by a rash #tterane $rom her li*s by
whih she bo#nd hersel$%
N#m -5:4 .and her h#sband hears (it%) and ma'es no res*onse to her on the day that he hears% then her !ows
shall stand% and her agreements by whih she bo#nd hersel$ shall stand"
N#m -5:8 .B#t i$ her h#sband o!err#les her on the day that he hears (it%) he shall ma'e !oid her !ow whih she
too' and what she #ttered with her li*s% by whih she bo#nd hersel$% and the /8:2 will release her"
N#m -5:9 . +lso any !ow o$ a widow or a di!ored woman% by whih she has bo#nd hersel$% shall stand against
N#m -5:15 . I$ she !owed in her h#sbandAs ho#se% or bo#nd hersel$ by an agreement with an oath%
N#m -5:11 .and her h#sband heard (it%) and made no res*onse to her (and) did not o!err#le her% then all her
!ows shall stand% and e!ery agreement by whih she bo#nd hersel$ shall stand"
N#m -5:12 .B#t i$ her h#sband tr#ly made them !oid on the day he heard (them%) then whate!er *roeeded $rom
her li*s onerning her !ows or onerning the agreement binding her% it shall not stand& her h#sband has made
them !oid% and the /8:2 will release her"
N#m -5:1- .6!ery !ow and e!ery binding oath to a$$lit her so#l% her h#sband may on$irm it% or her h#sband
may ma'e it !oid"
N#m -5:10 .Now i$ her h#sband ma'es no res*onse whate!er to her $rom day to day% then he on$irms all her
!ows or all the agreements that bind her& he on$irms them% bea#se he made no res*onse to her on the day
that he heard (them")
N#m -5:11 .B#t i$ he does ma'e them !oid a$ter he has heard (them%) then he shall bear her g#ilt".
N#m -5:13 These (are) the stat#tes whih the /8:2 ommanded ?oses% between a man and his wi$e% and
between a $ather and his da#ghter in her yo#th in her $atherAs ho#se"
N#m -1:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m -1:2 .Ta'e !engeane on the ?idianites $or the hildren o$ Israel" +$terward yo# shall be gathered to yo#r
N#m -1:- ,o ?oses s*o'e to the *eo*le% saying% .+rm some o$ yo#rsel!es $or war% and let them go against the
?idianites to ta'e !engeane $or the /8:2 on ?idian"
N#m -1:0 .+ tho#sand $rom eah tribe o$ all the tribes o$ Israel yo# shall send to the war".
N#m -1:1 ,o there were rer#ited $rom the di!isions o$ Israel one tho#sand $rom (eah) tribe% twel!e tho#sand
armed $or war"
N#m -1:3 Then ?oses sent them to the war% one tho#sand $rom (eah) tribe& he sent them to the war with
<hinehas the son o$ 6leaHar the *riest% with the holy artiles and the signal tr#m*ets in his hand"
N#m -1:4 +nd they warred against the ?idianites% @#st as the /8:2 ommanded ?oses% and they 'illed all the
N#m -1:8 They 'illed the 'ings o$ ?idian with (the rest o$) those who were 'illed DD 6!i% :e'em% G#r% H#r% and
:eba% the $i!e 'ings o$ ?idian" Balaam the son o$ Beor they also 'illed with the sword"
N#m -1:9 +nd the hildren o$ Israel too' the women o$ ?idian a*ti!e% with their little ones% and too' as s*oil all
their attle% all their $lo's% and all their goods"
N#m -1:15 They also b#rned with $ire all the ities where they dwelt% and all their $orts"
N#m -1:11 +nd they too' all the s*oil and all the booty DD o$ man and beast"
N#m -1:12 Then they bro#ght the a*ti!es% the booty% and the s*oil to ?oses% to 6leaHar the *riest% and to the
ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel% to the am* in the *lains o$ ?oab by the Jordan% (aross $rom) Jeriho"
N#m -1:1- +nd ?oses% 6leaHar the *riest% and all the leaders o$ the ongregation% went to meet them o#tside
the am*"
N#m -1:10 B#t ?oses was angry with the o$$iers o$ the army% (with) the a*tains o!er tho#sands and a*tains
o!er h#ndreds% who had ome $rom the battle"
N#m -1:11 +nd ?oses said to them: .Ha!e yo# 'e*t all the women ali!eC
N#m -1:13 ./oo'% these (women) a#sed the hildren o$ Israel% thro#gh the o#nsel o$ Balaam% to tres*ass
against the /8:2 in the inident o$ <eor% and there was a *lag#e among the ongregation o$ the /8:2"
N#m -1:14 .Now there$ore% 'ill e!ery male among the little ones% and 'ill e!ery woman who has 'nown a man
N#m -1:18 .B#t 'ee* ali!e $or yo#rsel!es all the yo#ng girls who ha!e not 'nown a man intimately"
N#m -1:19 .+nd as $or yo#% remain o#tside the am* se!en days& whoe!er has 'illed any *erson% and whoe!er
has to#hed any slain% *#ri$y yo#rsel!es and yo#r a*ti!es on the third day and on the se!enth day"
N#m -1:25 .<#ri$y e!ery garment% e!erything made o$ leather% e!erything wo!en o$ goatsA (hair%) and e!erything
made o$ wood".
N#m -1:21 Then 6leaHar the *riest said to the men o$ war who had gone to the battle% .This (is) the ordinane o$
the law whih the /8:2 ommanded ?oses:
N#m -1:22 .8nly the gold% the sil!er% the bronHe% the iron% the tin% and the lead%
N#m -1:2- .e!erything that an end#re $ire% yo# shall *#t thro#gh the $ire% and it shall be lean& and it shall be
*#ri$ied with the water o$ *#ri$iation" B#t all that annot end#re $ire yo# shall *#t thro#gh water"
N#m -1:20 .+nd yo# shall wash yo#r lothes on the se!enth day and be lean% and a$terward yo# may ome
into the am*".
N#m -1:21 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying:
N#m -1:23 .=o#nt #* the *l#nder that was ta'en DD o$ man and beast DD yo# and 6leaHar the *riest and the hie$
$athers o$ the ongregation&
N#m -1:24 .and di!ide the *l#nder into two *arts% between those who too' *art in the war% who went o#t to
battle% and all the ongregation"
N#m -1:28 .+nd le!y a trib#te $or the /8:2 on the men o$ war who went o#t to battle: one o$ e!ery $i!e h#ndred
o$ the *ersons% the attle% the don'eys% and the shee*&
N#m -1:29 .ta'e (it) $rom their hal$% and gi!e (it) to 6leaHar the *riest as a hea!e o$$ering to the /8:2"
N#m -1:-5 .+nd $rom the hildren o$ IsraelAs hal$ yo# shall ta'e one o$ e!ery $i$ty% drawn $rom the *ersons% the
attle% the don'eys% and the shee*% $rom all the li!esto'% and gi!e them to the /e!ites who 'ee* harge o$ the
tabernale o$ the /8:2".
N#m -1:-1 ,o ?oses and 6leaHar the *riest did as the /8:2 ommanded ?oses"
N#m -1:-2 The booty remaining $rom the *l#nder% whih the men o$ war had ta'en% was si9 h#ndred and
se!entyD$i!e tho#sand shee*%
N#m -1:-- se!entyDtwo tho#sand attle%
N#m -1:-0 si9tyDone tho#sand don'eys%
N#m -1:-1 and thirtyDtwo tho#sand *ersons in all% o$ women who had not 'nown a man intimately"
N#m -1:-3 +nd the hal$% the *ortion $or those who had gone o#t to war% was in n#mber three h#ndred and thirtyD
se!en tho#sand $i!e h#ndred shee*&
N#m -1:-4 and the /8:2As trib#te o$ the shee* was si9 h#ndred and se!entyD$i!e"
N#m -1:-8 The attle (were) thirtyDsi9 tho#sand% o$ whih the /8:2As trib#te (was) se!entyDtwo"
N#m -1:-9 The don'eys (were) thirty tho#sand $i!e h#ndred% o$ whih the /8:2As trib#te (was) si9tyDone"
N#m -1:05 The *ersons (were) si9teen tho#sand% o$ whih the /8:2As trib#te (was) thirtyDtwo *ersons"
N#m -1:01 ,o ?oses ga!e the trib#te (whih was) the /8:2As hea!e o$$ering to 6leaHar the *riest% as the
/8:2 ommanded ?oses"
N#m -1:02 +nd $rom the hildren o$ IsraelAs hal$% whih ?oses se*arated $rom the men who $o#ght DD
N#m -1:0- now the hal$ belonging to the ongregation was three h#ndred and thirtyDse!en tho#sand $i!e
h#ndred shee*%
N#m -1:00 thirtyDsi9 tho#sand attle%
N#m -1:01 thirty tho#sand $i!e h#ndred don'eys%
N#m -1:03 and si9teen tho#sand *ersons DD
N#m -1:04 and $rom the hildren o$ IsraelAs hal$ ?oses too' one o$ e!ery $i$ty% drawn $rom man and beast% and
ga!e them to the /e!ites% who 'e*t harge o$ the tabernale o$ the /8:2% as the /8:2 ommanded ?oses"
N#m -1:08 Then the o$$iers who (were) o!er tho#sands o$ the army% the a*tains o$ tho#sands and a*tains o$
h#ndreds% ame near to ?oses&
N#m -1:09 and they said to ?oses% .Bo#r ser!ants ha!e ta'en a o#nt o$ the men o$ war who (are) #nder o#r
ommand% and not a man o$ #s is missing"
N#m -1:15 .There$ore we ha!e bro#ght an o$$ering $or the /8:2% what e!ery man $o#nd o$ ornaments o$ gold:
armlets and braelets and signet rings and earrings and ne'laes% to ma'e atonement $or o#rsel!es be$ore the
N#m -1:11 ,o ?oses and 6leaHar the *riest reei!ed the gold $rom them% all the $ashioned ornaments"
N#m -1:12 +nd all the gold o$ the o$$ering that they o$$ered to the /8:2% $rom the a*tains o$ tho#sands and
a*tains o$ h#ndreds% was si9teen tho#sand se!en h#ndred and $i$ty she'els"
N#m -1:1- IThe men o$ war had ta'en s*oil% e!ery man $or himsel$"J
N#m -1:10 +nd ?oses and 6leaHar the *riest reei!ed the gold $rom the a*tains o$ tho#sands and o$
h#ndreds% and bro#ght it into the tabernale o$ meeting as a memorial $or the hildren o$ Israel be$ore the /8:2"
N#m -2:1 Now the hildren o$ :e#ben and the hildren o$ Gad had a !ery great m#ltit#de o$ li!esto'& and when
they saw the land o$ JaHer and the land o$ Gilead% that indeed the region (was) a *lae $or li!esto'%
N#m -2:2 the hildren o$ Gad and the hildren o$ :e#ben ame and s*o'e to ?oses% to 6leaHar the *riest% and
to the leaders o$ the ongregation% saying%
N#m -2:- .+taroth% 2ibon% JaHer% Nimrah% Heshbon% 6lealeh% ,hebam% Nebo% and Beon%
N#m -2:0 .the o#ntry whih the /8:2 de$eated be$ore the ongregation o$ Israel% (is) a land $or li!esto'% and
yo#r ser!ants ha!e li!esto'".
N#m -2:1 There$ore they said% .I$ we ha!e $o#nd $a!or in yo#r sight% let this land be gi!en to yo#r ser!ants as a
*ossession" 2o not ta'e #s o!er the Jordan".
N#m -2:3 +nd ?oses said to the hildren o$ Gad and to the hildren o$ :e#ben: .,hall yo#r brethren go to war
while yo# sit hereC
N#m -2:4 .Now why will yo# diso#rage the heart o$ the hildren o$ Israel $rom going o!er into the land whih
the /8:2 has gi!en themC
N#m -2:8 .Th#s yo#r $athers did when I sent them away $rom Kadesh Barnea to see the land"
N#m -2:9 .;or when they went #* to the Valley o$ 6shol and saw the land% they diso#raged the heart o$ the
hildren o$ Israel% so that they did not go into the land whih the /8:2 had gi!en them"
N#m -2:15 .,o the /8:2As anger was aro#sed on that day% and He swore an oath% saying%
N#m -2:11 A,#rely none o$ the men who ame #* $rom 6gy*t% $rom twenty years old and abo!e% shall see the
land o$ whih I swore to +braham% Isaa% and Jaob% bea#se they ha!e not wholly $ollowed ?e%
N#m -2:12 Ae9e*t =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh% the KeniHHite% and Josh#a the son o$ N#n% $or they ha!e wholly
$ollowed the /8:2"A
N#m -2:1- .,o the /8:2As anger was aro#sed against Israel% and He made them wander in the wilderness
$orty years% #ntil all the generation that had done e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2 was gone"
N#m -2:10 .+nd loo'F Bo# ha!e risen in yo#r $atherAs *lae% a brood o$ sin$#l men% to inrease still more the
$iere anger o$ the /8:2 against Israel"
N#m -2:11 .;or i$ yo# t#rn away $rom $ollowing Him% He will one again lea!e them in the wilderness% and yo#
will destroy all these *eo*le".
N#m -2:13 Then they ame near to him and said: .>e will b#ild shee*$olds here $or o#r li!esto'% and ities $or
o#r little ones%
N#m -2:14 .b#t we o#rsel!es will be armed% ready (to go) be$ore the hildren o$ Israel #ntil we ha!e bro#ght
them to their *lae& and o#r little ones will dwell in the $orti$ied ities bea#se o$ the inhabitants o$ the land"
N#m -2:18 .>e will not ret#rn to o#r homes #ntil e!ery one o$ the hildren o$ Israel has reei!ed his inheritane"
N#m -2:19 .;or we will not inherit with them on the other side o$ the Jordan and beyond% bea#se o#r
inheritane has $allen to #s on this eastern side o$ the Jordan".
N#m -2:25 Then ?oses said to them: .I$ yo# do this thing% i$ yo# arm yo#rsel!es be$ore the /8:2 $or the war%
N#m -2:21 .and all yo#r armed men ross o!er the Jordan be$ore the /8:2 #ntil He has dri!en o#t His
enemies $rom be$ore Him%
N#m -2:22 .and the land is s#bd#ed be$ore the /8:2% then a$terward yo# may ret#rn and be blameless be$ore
the /8:2 and be$ore Israel& and this land shall be yo#r *ossession be$ore the /8:2"
N#m -2:2- .B#t i$ yo# do not do so% then ta'e note% yo# ha!e sinned against the /8:2& and be s#re yo#r sin
will $ind yo# o#t"
N#m -2:20 .B#ild ities $or yo#r little ones and $olds $or yo#r shee*% and do what has *roeeded o#t o$ yo#r
N#m -2:21 +nd the hildren o$ Gad and the hildren o$ :e#ben s*o'e to ?oses% saying: .Bo#r ser!ants will do
as my lord ommands"
N#m -2:23 .8#r little ones% o#r wi!es% o#r $lo's% and all o#r li!esto' will be there in the ities o$ Gilead&
N#m -2:24 .b#t yo#r ser!ants will ross o!er% e!ery man armed $or war% be$ore the /8:2 to battle% @#st as my
lord says".
N#m -2:28 ,o ?oses ga!e ommand onerning them to 6leaHar the *riest% to Josh#a the son o$ N#n% and to
the hie$ $athers o$ the tribes o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m -2:29 +nd ?oses said to them: .I$ the hildren o$ Gad and the hildren o$ :e#ben ross o!er the Jordan
with yo#% e!ery man armed $or battle be$ore the /8:2% and the land is s#bd#ed be$ore yo#% then yo# shall gi!e
them the land o$ Gilead as a *ossession"
N#m -2:-5 .B#t i$ they do not ross o!er armed with yo#% they shall ha!e *ossessions among yo# in the land o$
N#m -2:-1 Then the hildren o$ Gad and the hildren o$ :e#ben answered% saying: .+s the /8:2 has said to
yo#r ser!ants% so we will do"
N#m -2:-2 .>e will ross o!er armed be$ore the /8:2 into the land o$ =anaan% b#t the *ossession o$ o#r
inheritane (shall remain) with #s on this side o$ the Jordan".
N#m -2:-- ,o ?oses ga!e to the hildren o$ Gad% to the hildren o$ :e#ben% and to hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh
the son o$ Jose*h% the 'ingdom o$ ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites and the 'ingdom o$ 8g 'ing o$ Bashan% the land
with its ities within the borders% the ities o$ the s#rro#nding o#ntry"
N#m -2:-0 +nd the hildren o$ Gad b#ilt 2ibon and +taroth and +roer%
N#m -2:-1 +troth and ,ho*han and JaHer and Jogbehah%
N#m -2:-3 Beth Nimrah and Beth Haran% $orti$ied ities% and $olds $or shee*"
N#m -2:-4 +nd the hildren o$ :e#ben b#ilt Heshbon and 6lealeh and Kir@athaim%
N#m -2:-8 Nebo and Baal ?eon I(their) names being hangedJ and ,hibmah& and they ga!e (other) names to
the ities whih they b#ilt"
N#m -2:-9 +nd the hildren o$ ?ahir the son o$ ?anasseh went to Gilead and too' it% and dis*ossessed the
+morites who (were) in it"
N#m -2:05 ,o ?oses ga!e Gilead to ?ahir the son o$ ?anasseh% and he dwelt in it"
N#m -2:01 +lso Jair the son o$ ?anasseh went and too' its small towns% and alled them Ha!oth Jair"
N#m -2:02 Then Nobah went and too' Kenath and its !illages% and he alled it Nobah% a$ter his own name"
N#m --:1 These (are) the @o#rneys o$ the hildren o$ Israel% who went o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t by their armies
#nder the hand o$ ?oses and +aron"
N#m --:2 Now ?oses wrote down the starting *oints o$ their @o#rneys at the ommand o$ the /8:2" +nd these
(are) their @o#rneys aording to their starting *oints:
N#m --:- They de*arted $rom :ameses in the $irst month% on the $i$teenth day o$ the $irst month& on the day
a$ter the <asso!er the hildren o$ Israel went o#t with boldness in the sight o$ all the 6gy*tians"
N#m --:0 ;or the 6gy*tians were b#rying all (their) $irstborn% whom the /8:2 had 'illed among them" +lso on
their gods the /8:2 had e9e#ted @#dgments"
N#m --:1 Then the hildren o$ Israel mo!ed $rom :ameses and am*ed at ,#oth"
N#m --:3 They de*arted $rom ,#oth and am*ed at 6tham% whih (is) on the edge o$ the wilderness"
N#m --:4 They mo!ed $rom 6tham and t#rned ba' to <i Hahiroth% whih (is) east o$ Baal Ge*hon& and they
am*ed near ?igdol"
N#m --:8 They de*arted $rom be$ore Hahiroth and *assed thro#gh the midst o$ the sea into the wilderness%
went three daysA @o#rney in the >ilderness o$ 6tham% and am*ed at ?arah"
N#m --:9 They mo!ed $rom ?arah and ame to 6lim" +t 6lim (were) twel!e s*rings o$ water and se!enty *alm
trees& so they am*ed there"
N#m --:15 They mo!ed $rom 6lim and am*ed by the :ed ,ea"
N#m --:11 They mo!ed $rom the :ed ,ea and am*ed in the >ilderness o$ ,in"
N#m --:12 They @o#rneyed $rom the >ilderness o$ ,in and am*ed at 2o*h'ah"
N#m --:1- They de*arted $rom 2o*h'ah and am*ed at +l#sh"
N#m --:10 They mo!ed $rom +l#sh and am*ed at :e*hidim% where there was no water $or the *eo*le to drin'"
N#m --:11 They de*arted $rom :e*hidim and am*ed in the >ilderness o$ ,inai"
N#m --:13 They mo!ed $rom the >ilderness o$ ,inai and am*ed at Kibroth Hattaa!ah"
N#m --:14 They de*arted $rom Kibroth Hattaa!ah and am*ed at HaHeroth"
N#m --:18 They de*arted $rom HaHeroth and am*ed at :ithmah"
N#m --:19 They de*arted $rom :ithmah and am*ed at :immon <ereH"
N#m --:25 They de*arted $rom :immon <ereH and am*ed at /ibnah"
N#m --:21 They mo!ed $rom /ibnah and am*ed at :issah"
N#m --:22 They @o#rneyed $rom :issah and am*ed at Kehelathah"
N#m --:2- They went $rom Kehelathah and am*ed at ?o#nt ,he*her"
N#m --:20 They mo!ed $rom ?o#nt ,he*her and am*ed at Haradah"
N#m --:21 They mo!ed $rom Haradah and am*ed at ?a'heloth"
N#m --:23 They mo!ed $rom ?a'heloth and am*ed at Tahath"
N#m --:24 They de*arted $rom Tahath and am*ed at Terah"
N#m --:28 They mo!ed $rom Terah and am*ed at ?ith'ah"
N#m --:29 They went $rom ?ith'ah and am*ed at Hashmonah"
N#m --:-5 They de*arted $rom Hashmonah and am*ed at ?oseroth"
N#m --:-1 They de*arted $rom ?oseroth and am*ed at Bene Jaa'an"
N#m --:-2 They mo!ed $rom Bene Jaa'an and am*ed at Hor Hagidgad"
N#m --:-- They went $rom Hor Hagidgad and am*ed at Jotbathah"
N#m --:-0 They mo!ed $rom Jotbathah and am*ed at +bronah"
N#m --:-1 They de*arted $rom +bronah and am*ed at 6Hion Geber"
N#m --:-3 They mo!ed $rom 6Hion Geber and am*ed in the >ilderness o$ Gin% whih (is) Kadesh"
N#m --:-4 They mo!ed $rom Kadesh and am*ed at ?o#nt Hor% on the bo#ndary o$ the land o$ 6dom"
N#m --:-8 Then +aron the *riest went #* to ?o#nt Hor at the ommand o$ the /8:2% and died there in the
$ortieth year a$ter the hildren o$ Israel had ome o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% on the $irst (day) o$ the $i$th month"
N#m --:-9 +aron (was) one h#ndred and twentyDthree years old when he died on ?o#nt Hor"
N#m --:05 Now the 'ing o$ +rad% the =anaanite% who dwelt in the ,o#th in the land o$ =anaan% heard o$ the
oming o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m --:01 ,o they de*arted $rom ?o#nt Hor and am*ed at Galmonah"
N#m --:02 They de*arted $rom Galmonah and am*ed at <#non"
N#m --:0- They de*arted $rom <#non and am*ed at 8both"
N#m --:00 They de*arted $rom 8both and am*ed at I@e +barim% at the border o$ ?oab"
N#m --:01 They de*arted $rom I@im and am*ed at 2ibon Gad"
N#m --:03 They mo!ed $rom 2ibon Gad and am*ed at +lmon 2iblathaim"
N#m --:04 They mo!ed $rom +lmon 2iblathaim and am*ed in the mo#ntains o$ +barim% be$ore Nebo"
N#m --:08 They de*arted $rom the mo#ntains o$ +barim and am*ed in the *lains o$ ?oab by the Jordan%
(aross $rom) Jeriho"
N#m --:09 They am*ed by the Jordan% $rom Beth Jesimoth as $ar as the +bel +aia Gro!e in the *lains o$
N#m --:15 Now the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses in the *lains o$ ?oab by the Jordan% (aross $rom) Jeriho% saying%
N#m --:11 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hen yo# ha!e rossed the Jordan into the land
o$ =anaan%
N#m --:12 Athen yo# shall dri!e o#t all the inhabitants o$ the land $rom be$ore yo#% destroy all their engra!ed
stones% destroy all their molded images% and demolish all their high *laes&
N#m --:1- Ayo# shall dis*ossess (the inhabitants o$) the land and dwell in it% $or I ha!e gi!en yo# the land to
N#m --:10 A+nd yo# shall di!ide the land by lot as an inheritane among yo#r $amilies& to the larger yo# shall
gi!e a larger inheritane% and to the smaller yo# shall gi!e a smaller inheritane& there e!eryoneAs (inheritane)
shall be whate!er $alls to him by lot" Bo# shall inherit aording to the tribes o$ yo#r $athers"
N#m --:11 AB#t i$ yo# do not dri!e o#t the inhabitants o$ the land $rom be$ore yo#% then it shall be that those
whom yo# let remain (shall be) irritants in yo#r eyes and thorns in yo#r sides% and they shall harass yo# in the
land where yo# dwell"
N#m --:13 A?oreo!er it shall be (that) I will do to yo# as I tho#ght to do to them"A .
N#m -0:1 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m -0:2 .=ommand the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hen yo# ome into the land o$ =anaan% this (is)
the land that shall $all to yo# as an inheritane DD the land o$ =anaan to its bo#ndaries"
N#m -0:- ABo#r so#thern border shall be $rom the >ilderness o$ Gin along the border o$ 6dom& then yo#r
so#thern border shall e9tend eastward to the end o$ the ,alt ,ea&
N#m -0:0 Ayo#r border shall t#rn $rom the so#thern side o$ the +sent o$ +'rabbim% ontin#e to Gin% and be on
the so#th o$ Kadesh Barnea& then it shall go on to HaHar +ddar% and ontin#e to +Hmon&
N#m -0:1 Athe border shall t#rn $rom +Hmon to the Broo' o$ 6gy*t% and it shall end at the ,ea"
N#m -0:3 A +s $or the western border% yo# shall ha!e the Great ,ea $or a border& this shall be yo#r western
N#m -0:4 A +nd this shall be yo#r northern border: ;rom the Great ,ea yo# shall mar' o#t yo#r (border) line to
?o#nt Hor&
N#m -0:8 A$rom ?o#nt Hor yo# shall mar' o#t (yo#r border) to the entrane o$ Hamath& then the diretion o$ the
border shall be toward Gedad&
N#m -0:9 Athe border shall *roeed to Gi*hron% and it shall end at HaHar 6nan" This shall be yo#r northern
N#m -0:15 A Bo# shall mar' o#t yo#r eastern border $rom HaHar 6nan to ,he*ham&
N#m -0:11 Athe border shall go down $rom ,he*ham to :iblah on the east side o$ +in& the border shall go down
and reah to the eastern side o$ the ,ea o$ =hinnereth&
N#m -0:12 Athe border shall go down along the Jordan% and it shall end at the ,alt ,ea" This shall be yo#r land
with its s#rro#nding bo#ndaries"A .
N#m -0:1- Then ?oses ommanded the hildren o$ Israel% saying: .This (is) the land whih yo# shall inherit by
lot% whih the /8:2 has ommanded to gi!e to the nine tribes and to the hal$Dtribe"
N#m -0:10 .;or the tribe o$ the hildren o$ :e#ben aording to the ho#se o$ their $athers% and the tribe o$ the
hildren o$ Gad aording to the ho#se o$ their $athers% ha!e reei!ed (their inheritane&) and the hal$Dtribe o$
?anasseh has reei!ed its inheritane"
N#m -0:11 .The two tribes and the hal$Dtribe ha!e reei!ed their inheritane on this side o$ the Jordan% (aross
$rom) Jeriho eastward% toward the s#nrise".
N#m -0:13 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m -0:14 .These (are) the names o$ the men who shall di!ide the land among yo# as an inheritane: 6leaHar
the *riest and Josh#a the son o$ N#n"
N#m -0:18 .+nd yo# shall ta'e one leader o$ e!ery tribe to di!ide the land $or the inheritane"
N#m -0:19 .These (are) the names o$ the men: $rom the tribe o$ J#dah% =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh&
N#m -0:25 .$rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ ,imeon% ,hem#el the son o$ +mmih#d&
N#m -0:21 .$rom the tribe o$ Ben@amin% 6lidad the son o$ =hislon&
N#m -0:22 .a leader $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ 2an% B#''i the son o$ Jogli&
N#m -0:2- .$rom the sons o$ Jose*h: a leader $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ ?anasseh% Hanniel the son o$
N#m -0:20 .and a leader $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ 6*hraim% Kem#el the son o$ ,hi*htan&
N#m -0:21 .a leader $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Geb#l#n% 6liHa*han the son o$ <arnah&
N#m -0:23 .a leader $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Issahar% <altiel the son o$ +HHan&
N#m -0:24 .a leader $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ +sher% +hih#d the son o$ ,helomi&
N#m -0:28 .and a leader $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Na*htali% <edahel the son o$ +mmih#d".
N#m -0:29 These (are) the ones the /8:2 ommanded to di!ide the inheritane among the hildren o$ Israel in
the land o$ =anaan"
N#m -1:1 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses in the *lains o$ ?oab by the Jordan (aross $rom) Jeriho% saying:
N#m -1:2 .=ommand the hildren o$ Israel that they gi!e the /e!ites ities to dwell in $rom the inheritane o$
their *ossession% and yo# shall (also) gi!e the /e!ites ommonDland aro#nd the ities"
N#m -1:- .They shall ha!e the ities to dwell in& and their ommonDland shall be $or their attle% $or their herds%
and $or all their animals"
N#m -1:0 .The ommonDland o$ the ities whih yo# shall gi!e the /e!ites (shall e9tend) $rom the wall o$ the ity
o#tward a tho#sand #bits all aro#nd"
N#m -1:1 .+nd yo# shall meas#re o#tside the ity on the east side two tho#sand #bits% on the so#th side two
tho#sand #bits% on the west side two tho#sand #bits% and on the north side two tho#sand #bits" The ity (shall
be) in the middle" This shall belong to them as ommonDland $or the ities"
N#m -1:3 .Now among the ities whih yo# will gi!e to the /e!ites (yo# shall a**oint) si9 ities o$ re$#ge% to
whih a manslayer may $lee" +nd to these yo# shall add $ortyDtwo ities"
N#m -1:4 .,o all the ities yo# will gi!e to the /e!ites (shall be) $ortyDeight& these (yo# shall gi!e) with their
N#m -1:8 .+nd the ities whih yo# will gi!e (shall be) $rom the *ossession o$ the hildren o$ Israel& $rom the
larger (tribe) yo# shall gi!e many% $rom the smaller yo# shall gi!e $ew" 6ah shall gi!e some o$ its ities to the
/e!ites% in *ro*ortion to the inheritane that eah reei!es".
N#m -1:9 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses% saying%
N#m -1:15 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% and say to them: A>hen yo# ross the Jordan into the land o$
N#m -1:11 Athen yo# shall a**oint ities to be ities o$ re$#ge $or yo#% that the manslayer who 'ills any *erson
aidentally may $lee there"
N#m -1:12 AThey shall be ities o$ re$#ge $or yo# $rom the a!enger% that the manslayer may not die #ntil he
stands be$ore the ongregation in @#dgment"
N#m -1:1- A+nd o$ the ities whih yo# gi!e% yo# shall ha!e si9 ities o$ re$#ge"
N#m -1:10 ABo# shall a**oint three ities on this side o$ the Jordan% and three ities yo# shall a**oint in the
land o$ =anaan% (whih) will be ities o$ re$#ge"
N#m -1:11 AThese si9 ities shall be $or re$#ge $or the hildren o$ Israel% $or the stranger% and $or the so@o#rner
among them% that anyone who 'ills a *erson aidentally may $lee there"
N#m -1:13 A B#t i$ he stri'es him with an iron im*lement% so that he dies% he (is) a m#rderer& the m#rderer shall
s#rely be *#t to death"
N#m -1:14 A+nd i$ he stri'es him with a stone in the hand% by whih one o#ld die% and he does die% he (is) a
m#rderer& the m#rderer shall s#rely be *#t to death"
N#m -1:18 A8r (i$) he stri'es him with a wooden hand wea*on% by whih one o#ld die% and he does die% he (is)
a m#rderer& the m#rderer shall s#rely be *#t to death"
N#m -1:19 AThe a!enger o$ blood himsel$ shall *#t the m#rderer to death& when he meets him% he shall *#t him
to death"
N#m -1:25 AI$ he *#shes him o#t o$ hatred or% while lying in wait% h#rls something at him so that he dies%
N#m -1:21 Aor in enmity he stri'es him with his hand so that he dies% the one who str#' (him) shall s#rely be
*#t to death" He (is) a m#rderer" The a!enger o$ blood shall *#t the m#rderer to death when he meets him"
N#m -1:22 A Howe!er% i$ he *#shes him s#ddenly witho#t enmity% or throws anything at him witho#t lying in wait%
N#m -1:2- Aor #ses a stone% by whih a man o#ld die% throwing (it) at him witho#t seeing (him%) so that he dies%
while he was not his enemy or see'ing his harm%
N#m -1:20 Athen the ongregation shall @#dge between the manslayer and the a!enger o$ blood aording to
these @#dgments"
N#m -1:21 A,o the ongregation shall deli!er the manslayer $rom the hand o$ the a!enger o$ blood% and the
ongregation shall ret#rn him to the ity o$ re$#ge where he had $led% and he shall remain there #ntil the death o$
the high *riest who was anointed with the holy oil"
N#m -1:23 AB#t i$ the manslayer at any time goes o#tside the limits o$ the ity o$ re$#ge where he $led%
N#m -1:24 Aand the a!enger o$ blood $inds him o#tside the limits o$ his ity o$ re$#ge% and the a!enger o$ blood
'ills the manslayer% he shall not be g#ilty o$ blood%
N#m -1:28 Abea#se he sho#ld ha!e remained in his ity o$ re$#ge #ntil the death o$ the high *riest" B#t a$ter the
death o$ the high *riest the manslayer may ret#rn to the land o$ his *ossession"
N#m -1:29 A +nd these (things) shall be a stat#te o$ @#dgment to yo# thro#gho#t yo#r generations in all yo#r
N#m -1:-5 A>hoe!er 'ills a *erson% the m#rderer shall be *#t to death on the testimony o$ witnesses& b#t one
witness is not (s#$$iient) testimony against a *erson $or the death (*enalty")
N#m -1:-1 A?oreo!er yo# shall ta'e no ransom $or the li$e o$ a m#rderer who (is) g#ilty o$ death% b#t he shall
s#rely be *#t to death"
N#m -1:-2 A+nd yo# shall ta'e no ransom $or him who has $led to his ity o$ re$#ge% that he may ret#rn to dwell
in the land be$ore the death o$ the *riest"
N#m -1:-- A,o yo# shall not *oll#te the land where yo# (are&) $or blood de$iles the land% and no atonement an
be made $or the land% $or the blood that is shed on it% e9e*t by the blood o$ him who shed it"
N#m -1:-0 AThere$ore do not de$ile the land whih yo# inhabit% in the midst o$ whih I dwell& $or I the /8:2 dwell
among the hildren o$ Israel"A .
N#m -3:1 Now the hie$ $athers o$ the $amilies o$ the hildren o$ Gilead the son o$ ?ahir% the son o$ ?anasseh%
o$ the $amilies o$ the sons o$ Jose*h% ame near and s*o'e be$ore ?oses and be$ore the leaders% the hie$
$athers o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
N#m -3:2 +nd they said: .The /8:2 ommanded my lord (?oses) to gi!e the land as an inheritane by lot to
the hildren o$ Israel% and my lord was ommanded by the /8:2 to gi!e the inheritane o$ o#r brother
Gelo*hehad to his da#ghters"
N#m -3:- .Now i$ they are married to any o$ the sons o$ the (other) tribes o$ the hildren o$ Israel% then their
inheritane will be ta'en $rom the inheritane o$ o#r $athers% and it will be added to the inheritane o$ the tribe
into whih they marry& so it will be ta'en $rom the lot o$ o#r inheritane"
N#m -3:0 .+nd when the J#bilee o$ the hildren o$ Israel omes% then their inheritane will be added to the
inheritane o$ the tribe into whih they marry& so their inheritane will be ta'en away $rom the inheritane o$ the
tribe o$ o#r $athers".
N#m -3:1 Then ?oses ommanded the hildren o$ Israel aording to the word o$ the /8:2% saying: .>hat the
tribe o$ the sons o$ Jose*h s*ea's is right"
N#m -3:3 .This (is) what the /8:2 ommands onerning the da#ghters o$ Gelo*hehad% saying% A/et them
marry whom they thin' best% b#t they may marry only within the $amily o$ their $atherAs tribe"A
N#m -3:4 .,o the inheritane o$ the hildren o$ Israel shall not hange hands $rom tribe to tribe% $or e!ery one o$
the hildren o$ Israel shall 'ee* the inheritane o$ the tribe o$ his $athers"
N#m -3:8 .+nd e!ery da#ghter who *ossesses an inheritane in any tribe o$ the hildren o$ Israel shall be the
wi$e o$ one o$ the $amily o$ her $atherAs tribe% so that the hildren o$ Israel eah may *ossess the inheritane o$
his $athers"
N#m -3:9 .Th#s no inheritane shall hange hands $rom (one) tribe to another% b#t e!ery tribe o$ the hildren o$
Israel shall 'ee* its own inheritane".
N#m -3:15 J#st as the /8:2 ommanded ?oses% so did the da#ghters o$ Gelo*hehad&
N#m -3:11 $or ?ahlah% TirHah% Hoglah% ?ilah% and Noah% the da#ghters o$ Gelo*hehad% were married to the
sons o$ their $atherAs brothers"
N#m -3:12 They were married into the $amilies o$ the hildren o$ ?anasseh the son o$ Jose*h% and their
inheritane remained in the tribe o$ their $atherAs $amily"
N#m -3:1- These (are) the ommandments and the @#dgments whih the /8:2 ommanded the hildren o$
Israel by the hand o$ ?oses in the *lains o$ ?oab by the Jordan% (aross $rom) Jeriho"
2e# 1:1 These (are) the words whih ?oses s*o'e to all Israel on this side o$ the Jordan in the wilderness% in
the *lain o**osite ,#*h% between <aran% To*hel% /aban% HaHeroth% and 2iHahab"
2e# 1:2 (It is) ele!en daysA (@o#rney) $rom Horeb by way o$ ?o#nt ,eir to Kadesh Barnea"
2e# 1:- Now it ame to *ass in the $ortieth year% in the ele!enth month% on the $irst (day) o$ the month% (that)
?oses s*o'e to the hildren o$ Israel aording to all that the /8:2 had gi!en him as ommandments to them%
2e# 1:0 a$ter he had 'illed ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% who dwelt in Heshbon% and 8g 'ing o$ Bashan% who
dwelt at +shtaroth in 6drei"
2e# 1:1 8n this side o$ the Jordan in the land o$ ?oab% ?oses began to e9*lain this law% saying%
2e# 1:3 .The /8:2 o#r God s*o'e to #s in Horeb% saying: ABo# ha!e dwelt long eno#gh at this mo#ntain"
2e# 1:4 AT#rn and ta'e yo#r @o#rney% and go to the mo#ntains o$ the +morites% to all the neighboring (*laes) in
the *lain% in the mo#ntains and in the lowland% in the ,o#th and on the seaoast% to the land o$ the =anaanites
and to /ebanon% as $ar as the great ri!er% the :i!er 6#*hrates"
2e# 1:8 A,ee% I ha!e set the land be$ore yo#& go in and *ossess the land whih the /8:2 swore to yo#r $athers
DD to +braham% Isaa% and Jaob DD to gi!e to them and their desendants a$ter them"A
2e# 1:9 . +nd I s*o'e to yo# at that time% saying: AI alone am not able to bear yo#"
2e# 1:15 AThe /8:2 yo#r God has m#lti*lied yo#% and here yo# (are) today% as the stars o$ hea!en in m#ltit#de"
2e# 1:11 A?ay the /8:2 God o$ yo#r $athers ma'e yo# a tho#sand times more n#mero#s than yo# are% and
bless yo# as He has *romised yo#F
2e# 1:12 AHow an I alone bear yo#r *roblems and yo#r b#rdens and yo#r om*laintsC
2e# 1:1- A=hoose wise% #nderstanding% and 'nowledgeable men $rom among yo#r tribes% and I will ma'e them
heads o!er yo#"A
2e# 1:10 .+nd yo# answered me and said% AThe thing whih yo# ha!e told (#s) to do (is) good"A
2e# 1:11 .,o I too' the heads o$ yo#r tribes% wise and 'nowledgeable men% and made them heads o!er yo#%
leaders o$ tho#sands% leaders o$ h#ndreds% leaders o$ $i$ties% leaders o$ tens% and o$$iers $or yo#r tribes"
2e# 1:13 .Then I ommanded yo#r @#dges at that time% saying% AHear (the ases) between yo#r brethren% and
@#dge righteo#sly between a man and his brother or the stranger who is with him"
2e# 1:14 ABo# shall not show *artiality in @#dgment& yo# shall hear the small as well as the great& yo# shall not
be a$raid in any manAs *resene% $or the @#dgment (is) GodAs" The ase that is too hard $or yo#% bring to me% and I
will hear it"A
2e# 1:18 .+nd I ommanded yo# at that time all the things whih yo# sho#ld do"
2e# 1:19 . ,o we de*arted $rom Horeb% and went thro#gh all that great and terrible wilderness whih yo# saw
on the way to the mo#ntains o$ the +morites% as the /8:2 o#r God had ommanded #s" Then we ame to
Kadesh Barnea"
2e# 1:25 .+nd I said to yo#% ABo# ha!e ome to the mo#ntains o$ the +morites% whih the /8:2 o#r God is
gi!ing #s"
2e# 1:21 A/oo'% the /8:2 yo#r God has set the land be$ore yo#& go #* (and) *ossess (it%) as the /8:2 God o$
yo#r $athers has s*o'en to yo#& do not $ear or be diso#raged"A
2e# 1:22 .+nd e!eryone o$ yo# ame near to me and said% A/et #s send men be$ore #s% and let them searh o#t
the land $or #s% and bring ba' word to #s o$ the way by whih we sho#ld go #*% and o$ the ities into whih we
shall ome"A
2e# 1:2- .The *lan *leased me well& so I too' twel!e o$ yo#r men% one man $rom (eah) tribe"
2e# 1:20 .+nd they de*arted and went #* into the mo#ntains% and ame to the Valley o$ 6shol% and s*ied it
2e# 1:21 .They also too' (some) o$ the $r#it o$ the land in their hands and bro#ght (it) down to #s& and they
bro#ght ba' word to #s% saying% A(It is) a good land whih the /8:2 o#r God is gi!ing #s"A
2e# 1:23 . Ne!ertheless yo# wo#ld not go #*% b#t rebelled against the ommand o$ the /8:2 yo#r God&
2e# 1:24 .and yo# om*lained in yo#r tents% and said% ABea#se the /8:2 hates #s% He has bro#ght #s o#t o$
the land o$ 6gy*t to deli!er #s into the hand o$ the +morites% to destroy #s"
2e# 1:28 A>here an we go #*C 8#r brethren ha!e diso#raged o#r hearts% saying% .The *eo*le (are) greater
and taller than we& the ities (are) great and $orti$ied #* to hea!en& moreo!er we ha!e seen the sons o$ the
+na'im there". A
2e# 1:29 .Then I said to yo#% A2o not be terri$ied% or a$raid o$ them"
2e# 1:-5 AThe /8:2 yo#r God% who goes be$ore yo#% He will $ight $or yo#% aording to all He did $or yo# in
6gy*t be$ore yo#r eyes%
2e# 1:-1 Aand in the wilderness where yo# saw how the /8:2 yo#r God arried yo#% as a man arries his son%
in all the way that yo# went #ntil yo# ame to this *lae"A
2e# 1:-2 .Bet% $or all that% yo# did not belie!e the /8:2 yo#r God%
2e# 1:-- .who went in the way be$ore yo# to searh o#t a *lae $or yo# to *ith yo#r tents% to show yo# the way
yo# sho#ld go% in the $ire by night and in the lo#d by day"
2e# 1:-0 . +nd the /8:2 heard the so#nd o$ yo#r words% and was angry% and too' an oath% saying%
2e# 1:-1 A,#rely not one o$ these men o$ this e!il generation shall see that good land o$ whih I swore to gi!e to
yo#r $athers%
2e# 1:-3 Ae9e*t =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh& he shall see it% and to him and his hildren I am gi!ing the land
on whih he wal'ed% bea#se he wholly $ollowed the /8:2"A
2e# 1:-4 .The /8:2 was also angry with me $or yo#r sa'es% saying% A6!en yo# shall not go in there&
2e# 1:-8 AJosh#a the son o$ N#n% who stands be$ore yo#% he shall go in there" 6no#rage him% $or he shall
a#se Israel to inherit it"
2e# 1:-9 A?oreo!er yo#r little ones and yo#r hildren% who yo# say will be !itims% who today ha!e no
'nowledge o$ good and e!il% they shall go in there& to them I will gi!e it% and they shall *ossess it"
2e# 1:05 AB#t (as $or) yo#% t#rn and ta'e yo#r @o#rney into the wilderness by the >ay o$ the :ed ,ea"A
2e# 1:01 . Then yo# answered and said to me% A>e ha!e sinned against the /8:2& we will go #* and $ight% @#st
as the /8:2 o#r God ommanded #s"A +nd when e!eryone o$ yo# had girded on his wea*ons o$ war% yo# were
ready to go #* into the mo#ntain"
2e# 1:02 .+nd the /8:2 said to me% ATell them% .2o not go #* nor $ight% $or I (am) not among yo#& lest yo# be
de$eated be$ore yo#r enemies". A
2e# 1:0- .,o I s*o'e to yo#& yet yo# wo#ld not listen% b#t rebelled against the ommand o$ the /8:2% and
*res#m*t#o#sly went #* into the mo#ntain"
2e# 1:00 .+nd the +morites who dwelt in that mo#ntain ame o#t against yo# and hased yo# as bees do% and
dro!e yo# ba' $rom ,eir to Hormah"
2e# 1:01 .Then yo# ret#rned and we*t be$ore the /8:2% b#t the /8:2 wo#ld not listen to yo#r !oie nor gi!e
ear to yo#"
2e# 1:03 .,o yo# remained in Kadesh many days% aording to the days that yo# s*ent (there")
2e# 2:1 .Then we t#rned and @o#rneyed into the wilderness o$ the >ay o$ the :ed ,ea% as the /8:2 s*o'e to
me% and we s'irted ?o#nt ,eir $or many days"
2e# 2:2 .+nd the /8:2 s*o'e to me% saying:
2e# 2:- ABo# ha!e s'irted this mo#ntain long eno#gh& t#rn northward"
2e# 2:0 A+nd ommand the *eo*le% saying% .Bo# (are abo#t to) *ass thro#gh the territory o$ yo#r brethren% the
desendants o$ 6sa#% who li!e in ,eir& and they will be a$raid o$ yo#" There$ore wath yo#rsel!es are$#lly"
2e# 2:1 .2o not meddle with them% $or I will not gi!e yo# (any) o$ their land% no% not so m#h as one $ootste*%
bea#se I ha!e gi!en ?o#nt ,eir to 6sa# (as) a *ossession"
2e# 2:3 .Bo# shall b#y $ood $rom them with money% that yo# may eat& and yo# shall also b#y water $rom them
with money% that yo# may drin'"
2e# 2:4 .;or the /8:2 yo#r God has blessed yo# in all the wor' o$ yo#r hand" He 'nows yo#r tr#dging thro#gh
this great wilderness" These $orty years the /8:2 yo#r God (has been) with yo#& yo# ha!e la'ed nothing". A
2e# 2:8 . +nd when we *assed beyond o#r brethren% the desendants o$ 6sa# who dwell in ,eir% away $rom the
road o$ the *lain% away $rom 6lath and 6Hion Geber% we t#rned and *assed by way o$ the >ilderness o$ ?oab"
2e# 2:9 .Then the /8:2 said to me% A2o not harass ?oab% nor ontend with them in battle% $or I will not gi!e yo#
(any) o$ their land (as) a *ossession% bea#se I ha!e gi!en +r to the desendants o$ /ot (as) a *ossession"A .
2e# 2:15 IThe 6mim had dwelt there in times *ast% a *eo*le as great and n#mero#s and tall as the +na'im"
2e# 2:11 They were also regarded as giants% li'e the +na'im% b#t the ?oabites all them 6mim"
2e# 2:12 The Horites $ormerly dwelt in ,eir% b#t the desendants o$ 6sa# dis*ossessed them and destroyed
them $rom be$ore them% and dwelt in their *lae% @#st as Israel did to the land o$ their *ossession whih the /8:2
ga!e them"J
2e# 2:1- . ANow rise and ross o!er the Valley o$ the Gered"A ,o we rossed o!er the Valley o$ the Gered"
2e# 2:10 .+nd the time we too' to ome $rom Kadesh Barnea #ntil we rossed o!er the Valley o$ the Gered
(was) thirtyDeight years% #ntil all the generation o$ the men o$ war was ons#med $rom the midst o$ the am*% @#st
as the /8:2 had sworn to them"
2e# 2:11 .;or indeed the hand o$ the /8:2 was against them% to destroy them $rom the midst o$ the am* #ntil
they were ons#med"
2e# 2:13 . ,o it was% when all the men o$ war had $inally *erished $rom among the *eo*le%
2e# 2:14 .that the /8:2 s*o'e to me% saying:
2e# 2:18 AThis day yo# are to ross o!er at +r% the bo#ndary o$ ?oab"
2e# 2:19 A+nd (when) yo# ome near the *eo*le o$ +mmon% do not harass them or meddle with them% $or I will
not gi!e yo# (any) o$ the land o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon (as) a *ossession% bea#se I ha!e gi!en it to the
desendants o$ /ot (as) a *ossession"A .
2e# 2:25 IThat was also regarded as a land o$ giants& giants $ormerly dwelt there" B#t the +mmonites all them
2e# 2:21 a *eo*le as great and n#mero#s and tall as the +na'im" B#t the /8:2 destroyed them be$ore them%
and they dis*ossessed them and dwelt in their *lae%
2e# 2:22 @#st as He had done $or the desendants o$ 6sa#% who dwelt in ,eir% when He destroyed the Horites
$rom be$ore them" They dis*ossessed them and dwelt in their *lae% e!en to this day"
2e# 2:2- +nd the +!im% who dwelt in !illages as $ar as GaHa DD the =a*htorim% who ame $rom =a*htor%
destroyed them and dwelt in their *lae"J
2e# 2:20 . A :ise% ta'e yo#r @o#rney% and ross o!er the :i!er +rnon" /oo'% I ha!e gi!en into yo#r hand ,ihon
the +morite% 'ing o$ Heshbon% and his land" Begin to *ossess (it%) and engage him in battle"
2e# 2:21 AThis day I will begin to *#t the dread and $ear o$ yo# #*on the nations #nder the whole hea!en% who
shall hear the re*ort o$ yo#% and shall tremble and be in ang#ish bea#se o$ yo#"A
2e# 2:23 . +nd I sent messengers $rom the >ilderness o$ Kedemoth to ,ihon 'ing o$ Heshbon% with words o$
*eae% saying%
2e# 2:24 A/et me *ass thro#gh yo#r land& I will 'ee* stritly to the road% and I will t#rn neither to the right nor to
the le$t"
2e# 2:28 ABo# shall sell me $ood $or money% that I may eat% and gi!e me water $or money% that I may drin'& only
let me *ass thro#gh on $oot%
2e# 2:29 A@#st as the desendants o$ 6sa# who dwell in ,eir and the ?oabites who dwell in +r did $or me% #ntil I
ross the Jordan to the land whih the /8:2 o#r God is gi!ing #s"A
2e# 2:-5 .B#t ,ihon 'ing o$ Heshbon wo#ld not let #s *ass thro#gh% $or the /8:2 yo#r God hardened his s*irit
and made his heart obstinate% that He might deli!er him into yo#r hand% as (it is) this day"
2e# 2:-1 .+nd the /8:2 said to me% A,ee% I ha!e beg#n to gi!e ,ihon and his land o!er to yo#" Begin to
*ossess (it%) that yo# may inherit his land"A
2e# 2:-2 .Then ,ihon and all his *eo*le ame o#t against #s to $ight at JahaH"
2e# 2:-- .+nd the /8:2 o#r God deli!ered him o!er to #s& so we de$eated him% his sons% and all his *eo*le"
2e# 2:-0 .>e too' all his ities at that time% and we #tterly destroyed the men% women% and little ones o$ e!ery
ity& we le$t none remaining"
2e# 2:-1 .>e too' only the li!esto' as *l#nder $or o#rsel!es% with the s*oil o$ the ities whih we too'"
2e# 2:-3 .;rom +roer% whih (is) on the ban' o$ the :i!er +rnon% and ($rom) the ity that (is) in the ra!ine% as $ar
as Gilead% there was not one ity too strong $or #s& the /8:2 o#r God deli!ered all to #s"
2e# 2:-4 .8nly yo# did not go near the land o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon DD anywhere along the :i!er Jabbo'% or to
the ities o$ the mo#ntains% or where!er the /8:2 o#r God had $orbidden #s"
2e# -:1 .Then we t#rned and went #* the road to Bashan& and 8g 'ing o$ Bashan ame o#t against #s% he and
all his *eo*le% to battle at 6drei"
2e# -:2 .+nd the /8:2 said to me% A2o not $ear him% $or I ha!e deli!ered him and all his *eo*le and his land
into yo#r hand& yo# shall do to him as yo# did to ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% who dwelt at Heshbon"A
2e# -:- .,o the /8:2 o#r God also deli!ered into o#r hands 8g 'ing o$ Bashan% with all his *eo*le% and we
atta'ed him #ntil he had no s#r!i!ors remaining"
2e# -:0 .+nd we too' all his ities at that time& there was not a ity whih we did not ta'e $rom them: si9ty ities%
all the region o$ +rgob% the 'ingdom o$ 8g in Bashan"
2e# -:1 .+ll these ities (were) $orti$ied with high walls% gates% and bars% besides a great many r#ral towns"
2e# -:3 .+nd we #tterly destroyed them% as we did to ,ihon 'ing o$ Heshbon% #tterly destroying the men%
women% and hildren o$ e!ery ity"
2e# -:4 .B#t all the li!esto' and the s*oil o$ the ities we too' as booty $or o#rsel!es"
2e# -:8 .+nd at that time we too' the land $rom the hand o$ the two 'ings o$ the +morites who (were) on this
side o$ the Jordan% $rom the :i!er +rnon to ?o#nt Hermon
2e# -:9 AIthe ,idonians all Hermon ,irion% and the +morites all it ,enirJ%
2e# -:15 .all the ities o$ the *lain% all Gilead% and all Bashan% as $ar as ,alah and 6drei% ities o$ the 'ingdom
o$ 8g in Bashan"
2e# -:11 .;or only 8g 'ing o$ Bashan remained o$ the remnant o$ the giants" Indeed his bedstead (was) an iron
bedstead" I(Is) it not in :abbah o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmonCJ Nine #bits (is) its length and $o#r #bits its width%
aording to the standard #bit"
2e# -:12 . +nd this land% (whih) we *ossessed at that time% $rom +roer% whih (is) by the :i!er +rnon% and hal$
the mo#ntains o$ Gilead and its ities% I ga!e to the :e#benites and the Gadites"
2e# -:1- .The rest o$ Gilead% and all Bashan% the 'ingdom o$ 8g% I ga!e to hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh" I+ll the
region o$ +rgob% with all Bashan% was alled the land o$ the giants"
2e# -:10 .Jair the son o$ ?anasseh too' all the region o$ +rgob% as $ar as the border o$ the Gesh#rites and the
?aahathites% and alled Bashan a$ter his own name% Ha!oth Jair% to this day"J
2e# -:11 .+lso I ga!e Gilead to ?ahir"
2e# -:13 .+nd to the :e#benites and the Gadites I ga!e $rom Gilead as $ar as the :i!er +rnon% the middle o$
the ri!er as (the) border% as $ar as the :i!er Jabbo'% the border o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon&
2e# -:14 .the *lain also% with the Jordan as (the) border% $rom =hinnereth as $ar as the east side o$ the ,ea o$
the +rabah Ithe ,alt ,eaJ% below the slo*es o$ <isgah"
2e# -:18 . Then I ommanded yo# at that time% saying: AThe /8:2 yo#r God has gi!en yo# this land to
*ossess" +ll yo# men o$ !alor shall ross o!er armed be$ore yo#r brethren% the hildren o$ Israel"
2e# -:19 AB#t yo#r wi!es% yo#r little ones% and yo#r li!esto' II 'now that yo# ha!e m#h li!esto'J shall stay in
yo#r ities whih I ha!e gi!en yo#%
2e# -:25 A#ntil the /8:2 has gi!en rest to yo#r brethren as to yo#% and they also *ossess the land whih the
/8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing them beyond the Jordan" Then eah o$ yo# may ret#rn to his *ossession whih I ha!e
gi!en yo#"A
2e# -:21 .+nd I ommanded Josh#a at that time% saying% ABo#r eyes ha!e seen all that the /8:2 yo#r God has
done to these two 'ings& so will the /8:2 do to all the 'ingdoms thro#gh whih yo# *ass"
2e# -:22 ABo# m#st not $ear them% $or the /8:2 yo#r God Himsel$ $ights $or yo#"A
2e# -:2- . Then I *leaded with the /8:2 at that time% saying:
2e# -:20 A8 /ord G82% Bo# ha!e beg#n to show Bo#r ser!ant Bo#r greatness and Bo#r mighty hand% $or what
god (is there) in hea!en or on earth who an do (anything) li'e Bo#r wor's and Bo#r mighty (deedsC)
2e# -:21 AI *ray% let me ross o!er and see the good land beyond the Jordan% those *leasant mo#ntains% and
2e# -:23 .B#t the /8:2 was angry with me on yo#r ao#nt% and wo#ld not listen to me" ,o the /8:2 said to
me: A6no#gh o$ thatF ,*ea' no more to ?e o$ this matter"
2e# -:24 AGo #* to the to* o$ <isgah% and li$t yo#r eyes toward the west% the north% the so#th% and the east&
behold (it) with yo#r eyes% $or yo# shall not ross o!er this Jordan"
2e# -:28 AB#t ommand Josh#a% and eno#rage him and strengthen him& $or he shall go o!er be$ore this
*eo*le% and he shall a#se them to inherit the land whih yo# will see"A
2e# -:29 .,o we stayed in the !alley o**osite Beth <eor"
2e# 0:1 .Now% 8 Israel% listen to the stat#tes and the @#dgments whih I teah yo# to obser!e% that yo# may li!e%
and go in and *ossess the land whih the /8:2 God o$ yo#r $athers is gi!ing yo#"
2e# 0:2 .Bo# shall not add to the word whih I ommand yo#% nor ta'e $rom it% that yo# may 'ee* the
ommandments o$ the /8:2 yo#r God whih I ommand yo#"
2e# 0:- .Bo#r eyes ha!e seen what the /8:2 did at Baal <eor& $or the /8:2 yo#r God has destroyed $rom
among yo# all the men who $ollowed Baal o$ <eor"
2e# 0:0 .B#t yo# who held $ast to the /8:2 yo#r God (are) ali!e today% e!ery one o$ yo#"
2e# 0:1 .,#rely I ha!e ta#ght yo# stat#tes and @#dgments% @#st as the /8:2 my God ommanded me% that yo#
sho#ld at aording (to them) in the land whih yo# go to *ossess"
2e# 0:3 .There$ore be are$#l to obser!e (them&) $or this (is) yo#r wisdom and yo#r #nderstanding in the sight o$
the *eo*les who will hear all these stat#tes% and say% A,#rely this great nation (is) a wise and #nderstanding
2e# 0:4 .;or what great nation (is there) that has God (so) near to it% as the /8:2 o#r God (is) to #s% $or
whate!er (reason) we may all #*on HimC
2e# 0:8 .+nd what great nation (is there) that has (s#h) stat#tes and righteo#s @#dgments as are in all this law
whih I set be$ore yo# this dayC
2e# 0:9 . 8nly ta'e heed to yo#rsel$% and diligently 'ee* yo#rsel$% lest yo# $orget the things yo#r eyes ha!e
seen% and lest they de*art $rom yo#r heart all the days o$ yo#r li$e" +nd teah them to yo#r hildren and yo#r
2e# 0:15 .(es*eially onerning) the day yo# stood be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God in Horeb% when the /8:2 said
to me% AGather the *eo*le to ?e% and I will let them hear ?y words% that they may learn to $ear ?e all the days
they li!e on the earth% and (that) they may teah their hildren"A
2e# 0:11 .Then yo# ame near and stood at the $oot o$ the mo#ntain% and the mo#ntain b#rned with $ire to the
midst o$ hea!en% with dar'ness% lo#d% and thi' dar'ness"
2e# 0:12 .+nd the /8:2 s*o'e to yo# o#t o$ the midst o$ the $ire" Bo# heard the so#nd o$ the words% b#t saw
no $orm& (yo#) only (heard) a !oie"
2e# 0:1- .,o He delared to yo# His o!enant whih He ommanded yo# to *er$orm% the Ten =ommandments&
and He wrote them on two tablets o$ stone"
2e# 0:10 .+nd the /8:2 ommanded me at that time to teah yo# stat#tes and @#dgments% that yo# might
obser!e them in the land whih yo# ross o!er to *ossess"
2e# 0:11 . Ta'e are$#l heed to yo#rsel!es% $or yo# saw no $orm when the /8:2 s*o'e to yo# at Horeb o#t o$
the midst o$ the $ire%
2e# 0:13 .lest yo# at orr#*tly and ma'e $or yo#rsel!es a ar!ed image in the $orm o$ any $ig#re: the li'eness
o$ male or $emale%
2e# 0:14 .the li'eness o$ any animal that (is) on the earth or the li'eness o$ any winged bird that $lies in the air%
2e# 0:18 .the li'eness o$ anything that ree*s on the gro#nd or the li'eness o$ any $ish that (is) in the water
beneath the earth"
2e# 0:19 .+nd (ta'e heed%) lest yo# li$t yo#r eyes to hea!en% and (when) yo# see the s#n% the moon% and the
stars% all the host o$ hea!en% yo# $eel dri!en to worshi* them and ser!e them% whih the /8:2 yo#r God has
gi!en to all the *eo*les #nder the whole hea!en as a heritage"
2e# 0:25 .B#t the /8:2 has ta'en yo# and bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the iron $#rnae% o#t o$ 6gy*t% to be His *eo*le%
an inheritane% as yo# are this day"
2e# 0:21 .;#rthermore the /8:2 was angry with me $or yo#r sa'es% and swore that I wo#ld not ross o!er the
Jordan% and that I wo#ld not enter the good land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo# as an inheritane"
2e# 0:22 .B#t I m#st die in this land% I m#st not ross o!er the Jordan& b#t yo# shall ross o!er and *ossess that
good land"
2e# 0:2- .Ta'e heed to yo#rsel!es% lest yo# $orget the o!enant o$ the /8:2 yo#r God whih He made with
yo#% and ma'e $or yo#rsel!es a ar!ed image in the $orm o$ anything whih the /8:2 yo#r God has $orbidden
2e# 0:20 .;or the /8:2 yo#r God (is) a ons#ming $ire% a @ealo#s God"
2e# 0:21 . >hen yo# beget hildren and grandhildren and ha!e grown old in the land% and at orr#*tly and
ma'e a ar!ed image in the $orm o$ anything% and do e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2 yo#r God to *ro!o'e Him to
2e# 0:23 .I all hea!en and earth to witness against yo# this day% that yo# will soon #tterly *erish $rom the land
whih yo# ross o!er the Jordan to *ossess& yo# will not *rolong (yo#r) days in it% b#t will be #tterly destroyed"
2e# 0:24 .+nd the /8:2 will satter yo# among the *eo*les% and yo# will be le$t $ew in n#mber among the
nations where the /8:2 will dri!e yo#"
2e# 0:28 .+nd there yo# will ser!e gods% the wor' o$ menAs hands% wood and stone% whih neither see nor hear
nor eat nor smell"
2e# 0:29 .B#t $rom there yo# will see' the /8:2 yo#r God% and yo# will $ind (Him) i$ yo# see' Him with all yo#r
heart and with all yo#r so#l"
2e# 0:-5 .>hen yo# are in distress% and all these things ome #*on yo# in the latter days% when yo# t#rn to the
/8:2 yo#r God and obey His !oie
2e# 0:-1 AI$or the /8:2 yo#r God (is) a meri$#l GodJ% He will not $orsa'e yo# nor destroy yo#% nor $orget the
o!enant o$ yo#r $athers whih He swore to them"
2e# 0:-2 . ;or as' now onerning the days that are *ast% whih were be$ore yo#% sine the day that God
reated man on the earth% and (as') $rom one end o$ hea!en to the other% whether (any) great (thing) li'e this has
ha**ened% or (anything) li'e it has been heard"
2e# 0:-- .2id (any) *eo*le (e!er) hear the !oie o$ God s*ea'ing o#t o$ the midst o$ the $ire% as yo# ha!e heard%
and li!eC
2e# 0:-0 .8r did God (e!er) try to go (and) ta'e $or Himsel$ a nation $rom the midst o$ (another) nation% by trials%
by signs% by wonders% by war% by a mighty hand and an o#tstrethed arm% and by great terrors% aording to all
that the /8:2 yo#r God did $or yo# in 6gy*t be$ore yo#r eyesC
2e# 0:-1 .To yo# it was shown% that yo# might 'now that the /8:2 Himsel$ (is) God& (there is) none other
besides Him"
2e# 0:-3 .8#t o$ hea!en He let yo# hear His !oie% that He might instr#t yo#& on earth He showed yo# His
great $ire% and yo# heard His words o#t o$ the midst o$ the $ire"
2e# 0:-4 .+nd bea#se He lo!ed yo#r $athers% there$ore He hose their desendants a$ter them& and He
bro#ght yo# o#t o$ 6gy*t with His <resene% with His mighty *ower%
2e# 0:-8 .dri!ing o#t $rom be$ore yo# nations greater and mightier than yo#% to bring yo# in% to gi!e yo# their
land (as) an inheritane% as (it is) this day"
2e# 0:-9 .There$ore 'now this day% and onsider (it) in yo#r heart% that the /8:2 Himsel$ (is) God in hea!en
abo!e and on the earth beneath& (there is) no other"
2e# 0:05 .Bo# shall there$ore 'ee* His stat#tes and His ommandments whih I ommand yo# today% that it
may go well with yo# and with yo#r hildren a$ter yo#% and that yo# may *rolong (yo#r) days in the land whih the
/8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo# $or all time".
2e# 0:01 Then ?oses set a*art three ities on this side o$ the Jordan% toward the rising o$ the s#n%
2e# 0:02 that the manslayer might $lee there% who 'ills his neighbor #nintentionally% witho#t ha!ing hated him in
time *ast% and that by $leeing to one o$ these ities he might li!e:
2e# 0:0- BeHer in the wilderness on the *latea# $or the :e#benites% :amoth in Gilead $or the Gadites% and
Golan in Bashan $or the ?anassites"
2e# 0:00 Now this (is) the law whih ?oses set be$ore the hildren o$ Israel"
2e# 0:01 These (are) the testimonies% the stat#tes% and the @#dgments whih ?oses s*o'e to the hildren o$
Israel a$ter they ame o#t o$ 6gy*t%
2e# 0:03 on this side o$ the Jordan% in the !alley o**osite Beth <eor% in the land o$ ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites%
who dwelt at Heshbon% whom ?oses and the hildren o$ Israel de$eated a$ter they ame o#t o$ 6gy*t"
2e# 0:04 +nd they too' *ossession o$ his land and the land o$ 8g 'ing o$ Bashan% two 'ings o$ the +morites%
who (were) on this side o$ the Jordan% toward the rising o$ the s#n%
2e# 0:08 $rom +roer% whih (is) on the ban' o$ the :i!er +rnon% e!en to ?o#nt ,ion Ithat is% HermonJ%
2e# 0:09 and all the *lain on the east side o$ the Jordan as $ar as the ,ea o$ the +rabah% below the slo*es o$
2e# 1:1 +nd ?oses alled all Israel% and said to them: .Hear% 8 Israel% the stat#tes and @#dgments whih I
s*ea' in yo#r hearing today% that yo# may learn them and be are$#l to obser!e them"
2e# 1:2 .The /8:2 o#r God made a o!enant with #s in Horeb"
2e# 1:- .The /8:2 did not ma'e this o!enant with o#r $athers% b#t with #s% those who (are) here today% all o$
#s who (are) ali!e"
2e# 1:0 .The /8:2 tal'ed with yo# $ae to $ae on the mo#ntain $rom the midst o$ the $ire"
2e# 1:1 .I stood between the /8:2 and yo# at that time% to delare to yo# the word o$ the /8:2& $or yo# were
a$raid bea#se o$ the $ire% and yo# did not go #* the mo#ntain" (He) said:
2e# 1:3 A I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% o#t o$ the ho#se o$ bondage"
2e# 1:4 A Bo# shall ha!e no other gods be$ore ?e"
2e# 1:8 A Bo# shall not ma'e $or yo#rsel$ a ar!ed image DD any li'eness (o$ anything) that (is) in hea!en abo!e%
or that (is) in the earth beneath% or that (is) in the water #nder the earth&
2e# 1:9 yo# shall not bow down to them nor ser!e them" ;or I% the /8:2 yo#r God% (am) a @ealo#s God% !isiting
the iniE#ity o$ the $athers #*on the hildren to the third and $o#rth (generations) o$ those who hate ?e%
2e# 1:15 b#t showing mery to tho#sands% to those who lo!e ?e and 'ee* ?y ommandments"
2e# 1:11 A Bo# shall not ta'e the name o$ the /8:2 yo#r God in !ain% $or the /8:2 will not hold (him) g#iltless
who ta'es His name in !ain"
2e# 1:12 A 8bser!e the ,abbath day% to 'ee* it holy% as the /8:2 yo#r God ommanded yo#"
2e# 1:1- ,i9 days yo# shall labor and do all yo#r wor'%
2e# 1:10 b#t the se!enth day (is) the ,abbath o$ the /8:2 yo#r God" (In it) yo# shall do no wor': yo#% nor yo#r
son% nor yo#r da#ghter% nor yo#r male ser!ant% nor yo#r $emale ser!ant% nor yo#r o9% nor yo#r don'ey% nor any o$
yo#r attle% nor yo#r stranger who (is) within yo#r gates% that yo#r male ser!ant and yo#r $emale ser!ant may rest
as well as yo#"
2e# 1:11 +nd remember that yo# were a sla!e in the land o$ 6gy*t% and the /8:2 yo#r God bro#ght yo# o#t
$rom there by a mighty hand and by an o#tstrethed arm& there$ore the /8:2 yo#r God ommanded yo# to 'ee*
the ,abbath day"
2e# 1:13 A Honor yo#r $ather and yo#r mother% as the /8:2 yo#r God has ommanded yo#% that yo#r days may
be long% and that it may be well with yo# in the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo#"
2e# 1:14 A Bo# shall not m#rder"
2e# 1:18 A Bo# shall not ommit ad#ltery"
2e# 1:19 A Bo# shall not steal"
2e# 1:25 A Bo# shall not bear $alse witness against yo#r neighbor"
2e# 1:21 A Bo# shall not o!et yo#r neighborAs wi$e& and yo# shall not desire yo#r neighborAs ho#se% his $ield% his
male ser!ant% his $emale ser!ant% his o9% his don'ey% or anything that (is) yo#r neighborAs"A
2e# 1:22 . These words the /8:2 s*o'e to all yo#r assembly% in the mo#ntain $rom the midst o$ the $ire% the
lo#d% and the thi' dar'ness% with a lo#d !oie& and He added no more" +nd He wrote them on two tablets o$
stone and ga!e them to me"
2e# 1:2- . ,o it was% when yo# heard the !oie $rom the midst o$ the dar'ness% while the mo#ntain was b#rning
with $ire% that yo# ame near to me% all the heads o$ yo#r tribes and yo#r elders"
2e# 1:20 .+nd yo# said: A,#rely the /8:2 o#r God has shown #s His glory and His greatness% and we ha!e
heard His !oie $rom the midst o$ the $ire" >e ha!e seen this day that God s*ea's with man& yet he (still) li!es"
2e# 1:21 ANow there$ore% why sho#ld we dieC ;or this great $ire will ons#me #s& i$ we hear the !oie o$ the
/8:2 o#r God anymore% then we shall die"
2e# 1:23 A;or who (is there) o$ all $lesh who has heard the !oie o$ the li!ing God s*ea'ing $rom the midst o$ the
$ire% as we (ha!e%) and li!edC
2e# 1:24 ABo# go near and hear all that the /8:2 o#r God may say% and tell #s all that the /8:2 o#r God says
to yo#% and we will hear and do (it"A)
2e# 1:28 .Then the /8:2 heard the !oie o$ yo#r words when yo# s*o'e to me% and the /8:2 said to me: AI
ha!e heard the !oie o$ the words o$ this *eo*le whih they ha!e s*o'en to yo#" They are right (in) all that they
ha!e s*o'en"
2e# 1:29 A8h% that they had s#h a heart in them that they wo#ld $ear ?e and always 'ee* all ?y
ommandments% that it might be well with them and with their hildren $ore!erF
2e# 1:-5 AGo and say to them% .:et#rn to yo#r tents".
2e# 1:-1 AB#t as $or yo#% stand here by ?e% and I will s*ea' to yo# all the ommandments% the stat#tes% and the
@#dgments whih yo# shall teah them% that they may obser!e (them) in the land whih I am gi!ing them to
2e# 1:-2 .There$ore yo# shall be are$#l to do as the /8:2 yo#r God has ommanded yo#& yo# shall not t#rn
aside to the right hand or to the le$t"
2e# 1:-- .Bo# shall wal' in all the ways whih the /8:2 yo#r God has ommanded yo#% that yo# may li!e and
(that it may be) well with yo#% and (that) yo# may *rolong (yo#r) days in the land whih yo# shall *ossess"
2e# 3:1 .Now this (is) the ommandment% (and these are) the stat#tes and @#dgments whih the /8:2 yo#r God
has ommanded to teah yo#% that yo# may obser!e (them) in the land whih yo# are rossing o!er to *ossess%
2e# 3:2 .that yo# may $ear the /8:2 yo#r God% to 'ee* all His stat#tes and His ommandments whih I
ommand yo#% yo# and yo#r son and yo#r grandson% all the days o$ yo#r li$e% and that yo#r days may be
2e# 3:- .There$ore hear% 8 Israel% and be are$#l to obser!e (it%) that it may be well with yo#% and that yo# may
m#lti*ly greatly as the /8:2 God o$ yo#r $athers has *romised yo# DD Aa land $lowing with mil' and honey"A
2e# 3:0 . Hear% 8 Israel: The /8:2 o#r God% the /8:2 (is) oneF
2e# 3:1 .Bo# shall lo!e the /8:2 yo#r God with all yo#r heart% with all yo#r so#l% and with all yo#r strength"
2e# 3:3 . +nd these words whih I ommand yo# today shall be in yo#r heart"
2e# 3:4 .Bo# shall teah them diligently to yo#r hildren% and shall tal' o$ them when yo# sit in yo#r ho#se%
when yo# wal' by the way% when yo# lie down% and when yo# rise #*"
2e# 3:8 .Bo# shall bind them as a sign on yo#r hand% and they shall be as $rontlets between yo#r eyes"
2e# 3:9 .Bo# shall write them on the door*osts o$ yo#r ho#se and on yo#r gates"
2e# 3:15 . ,o it shall be% when the /8:2 yo#r God brings yo# into the land o$ whih He swore to yo#r $athers%
to +braham% Isaa% and Jaob% to gi!e yo# large and bea#ti$#l ities whih yo# did not b#ild%
2e# 3:11 .ho#ses $#ll o$ all good things% whih yo# did not $ill% hewnDo#t wells whih yo# did not dig% !ineyards
and oli!e trees whih yo# did not *lant DD when yo# ha!e eaten and are $#ll DD
2e# 3:12 .(then) beware% lest yo# $orget the /8:2 who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% $rom the ho#se o$
2e# 3:1- .Bo# shall $ear the /8:2 yo#r God and ser!e Him% and shall ta'e oaths in His name"
2e# 3:10 .Bo# shall not go a$ter other gods% the gods o$ the *eo*les who (are) all aro#nd yo#
2e# 3:11 AI$or the /8:2 yo#r God (is) a @ealo#s God among yo#J% lest the anger o$ the /8:2 yo#r God be
aro#sed against yo# and destroy yo# $rom the $ae o$ the earth"
2e# 3:13 . Bo# shall not tem*t the /8:2 yo#r God as yo# tem*ted (Him) in ?assah"
2e# 3:14 .Bo# shall diligently 'ee* the ommandments o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% His testimonies% and His
stat#tes whih He has ommanded yo#"
2e# 3:18 .+nd yo# shall do (what is) right and good in the sight o$ the /8:2% that it may be well with yo#% and
that yo# may go in and *ossess the good land o$ whih the /8:2 swore to yo#r $athers%
2e# 3:19 .to ast o#t all yo#r enemies $rom be$ore yo#% as the /8:2 has s*o'en"
2e# 3:25 . >hen yo#r son as's yo# in time to ome% saying% A>hat (is the meaning o$) the testimonies% the
stat#tes% and the @#dgments whih the /8:2 o#r God has ommanded yo#CA
2e# 3:21 .then yo# shall say to yo#r son: A>e were sla!es o$ <haraoh in 6gy*t% and the /8:2 bro#ght #s o#t o$
6gy*t with a mighty hand&
2e# 3:22 Aand the /8:2 showed signs and wonders be$ore o#r eyes% great and se!ere% against 6gy*t%
<haraoh% and all his ho#sehold"
2e# 3:2- AThen He bro#ght #s o#t $rom there% that He might bring #s in% to gi!e #s the land o$ whih He swore to
o#r $athers"
2e# 3:20 A+nd the /8:2 ommanded #s to obser!e all these stat#tes% to $ear the /8:2 o#r God% $or o#r good
always% that He might *reser!e #s ali!e% as (it is) this day"
2e# 3:21 AThen it will be righteo#sness $or #s% i$ we are are$#l to obser!e all these ommandments be$ore the
/8:2 o#r God% as He has ommanded #s"A
2e# 4:1 .>hen the /8:2 yo#r God brings yo# into the land whih yo# go to *ossess% and has ast o#t many
nations be$ore yo#% the Hittites and the Girgashites and the +morites and the =anaanites and the <eriHHites and
the Hi!ites and the Jeb#sites% se!en nations greater and mightier than yo#%
2e# 4:2 .and when the /8:2 yo#r God deli!ers them o!er to yo#% yo# shall onE#er them (and) #tterly destroy
them" Bo# shall ma'e no o!enant with them nor show mery to them"
2e# 4:- .Nor shall yo# ma'e marriages with them" Bo# shall not gi!e yo#r da#ghter to their son% nor ta'e their
da#ghter $or yo#r son"
2e# 4:0 .;or they will t#rn yo#r sons away $rom $ollowing ?e% to ser!e other gods& so the anger o$ the /8:2 will
be aro#sed against yo# and destroy yo# s#ddenly"
2e# 4:1 .B#t th#s yo# shall deal with them: yo# shall destroy their altars% and brea' down their (sared) *illars%
and #t down their wooden images% and b#rn their ar!ed images with $ire"
2e# 4:3 . ;or yo# (are) a holy *eo*le to the /8:2 yo#r God& the /8:2 yo#r God has hosen yo# to be a
*eo*le $or Himsel$% a s*eial treas#re abo!e all the *eo*les on the $ae o$ the earth"
2e# 4:4 .The /8:2 did not set His lo!e on yo# nor hoose yo# bea#se yo# were more in n#mber than any
other *eo*le% $or yo# were the least o$ all *eo*les&
2e# 4:8 .b#t bea#se the /8:2 lo!es yo#% and bea#se He wo#ld 'ee* the oath whih He swore to yo#r
$athers% the /8:2 has bro#ght yo# o#t with a mighty hand% and redeemed yo# $rom the ho#se o$ bondage% $rom
the hand o$ <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t"
2e# 4:9 .There$ore 'now that the /8:2 yo#r God% He (is) God% the $aith$#l God who 'ee*s o!enant and mery
$or a tho#sand generations with those who lo!e Him and 'ee* His ommandments&
2e# 4:15 .and He re*ays those who hate Him to their $ae% to destroy them" He will not be sla' with him who
hates Him& He will re*ay him to his $ae"
2e# 4:11 .There$ore yo# shall 'ee* the ommandment% the stat#tes% and the @#dgments whih I ommand yo#
today% to obser!e them"
2e# 4:12 . Then it shall ome to *ass% bea#se yo# listen to these @#dgments% and 'ee* and do them% that the
/8:2 yo#r God will 'ee* with yo# the o!enant and the mery whih He swore to yo#r $athers"
2e# 4:1- .+nd He will lo!e yo# and bless yo# and m#lti*ly yo#& He will also bless the $r#it o$ yo#r womb and the
$r#it o$ yo#r land% yo#r grain and yo#r new wine and yo#r oil% the inrease o$ yo#r attle and the o$$s*ring o$ yo#r
$lo'% in the land o$ whih He swore to yo#r $athers to gi!e yo#"
2e# 4:10 .Bo# shall be blessed abo!e all *eo*les& there shall not be a male or $emale barren among yo# or
among yo#r li!esto'"
2e# 4:11 .+nd the /8:2 will ta'e away $rom yo# all si'ness% and will a$$lit yo# with none o$ the terrible
diseases o$ 6gy*t whih yo# ha!e 'nown% b#t will lay (them) on all those who hate yo#"
2e# 4:13 .+nd yo# shall destroy all the *eo*les whom the /8:2 yo#r God deli!ers o!er to yo#& yo#r eye shall
ha!e no *ity on them& nor shall yo# ser!e their gods% $or that (will be) a snare to yo#"
2e# 4:14 . I$ yo# sho#ld say in yo#r heart% AThese nations are greater than I& how an I dis*ossess themCA DD
2e# 4:18 .yo# shall not be a$raid o$ them% (b#t) yo# shall remember well what the /8:2 yo#r God did to
<haraoh and to all 6gy*t:
2e# 4:19 .the great trials whih yo#r eyes saw% the signs and the wonders% the mighty hand and the
o#tstrethed arm% by whih the /8:2 yo#r God bro#ght yo# o#t" ,o shall the /8:2 yo#r God do to all the
*eo*les o$ whom yo# are a$raid"
2e# 4:25 .?oreo!er the /8:2 yo#r God will send the hornet among them #ntil those who are le$t% who hide
themsel!es $rom yo#% are destroyed"
2e# 4:21 .Bo# shall not be terri$ied o$ them& $or the /8:2 yo#r God% the great and awesome God% (is) among
2e# 4:22 .+nd the /8:2 yo#r God will dri!e o#t those nations be$ore yo# little by little& yo# will be #nable to
destroy them at one% lest the beasts o$ the $ield beome (too) n#mero#s $or yo#"
2e# 4:2- .B#t the /8:2 yo#r God will deli!er them o!er to yo#% and will in$lit de$eat #*on them #ntil they are
2e# 4:20 .+nd He will deli!er their 'ings into yo#r hand% and yo# will destroy their name $rom #nder hea!en& no
one shall be able to stand against yo# #ntil yo# ha!e destroyed them"
2e# 4:21 .Bo# shall b#rn the ar!ed images o$ their gods with $ire& yo# shall not o!et the sil!er or gold (that is)
on them% nor ta'e (it) $or yo#rsel!es% lest yo# be snared by it& $or it (is) an abomination to the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 4:23 .Nor shall yo# bring an abomination into yo#r ho#se% lest yo# be doomed to destr#tion li'e it" Bo#
shall #tterly detest it and #tterly abhor it% $or it (is) an a#rsed thing"
2e# 8:1 .6!ery ommandment whih I ommand yo# today yo# m#st be are$#l to obser!e% that yo# may li!e
and m#lti*ly% and go in and *ossess the land o$ whih the /8:2 swore to yo#r $athers"
2e# 8:2 .+nd yo# shall remember that the /8:2 yo#r God led yo# all the way these $orty years in the
wilderness% to h#mble yo# (and) test yo#% to 'now what (was) in yo#r heart% whether yo# wo#ld 'ee* His
ommandments or not"
2e# 8:- .,o He h#mbled yo#% allowed yo# to h#nger% and $ed yo# with manna whih yo# did not 'now nor did
yo#r $athers 'now% that He might ma'e yo# 'now that man shall not li!e by bread alone& b#t man li!es by e!ery
(word) that *roeeds $rom the mo#th o$ the /8:2"
2e# 8:0 .Bo#r garments did not wear o#t on yo#% nor did yo#r $oot swell these $orty years"
2e# 8:1 .Bo# sho#ld 'now in yo#r heart that as a man hastens his son% (so) the /8:2 yo#r God hastens yo#"
2e# 8:3 .There$ore yo# shall 'ee* the ommandments o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% to wal' in His ways and to $ear
2e# 8:4 .;or the /8:2 yo#r God is bringing yo# into a good land% a land o$ broo's o$ water% o$ $o#ntains and
s*rings% that $low o#t o$ !alleys and hills&
2e# 8:8 .a land o$ wheat and barley% o$ !ines and $ig trees and *omegranates% a land o$ oli!e oil and honey&
2e# 8:9 .a land in whih yo# will eat bread witho#t sarity% in whih yo# will la' nothing& a land whose stones
(are) iron and o#t o$ whose hills yo# an dig o**er"
2e# 8:15 .>hen yo# ha!e eaten and are $#ll% then yo# shall bless the /8:2 yo#r God $or the good land whih
He has gi!en yo#"
2e# 8:11 . Beware that yo# do not $orget the /8:2 yo#r God by not 'ee*ing His ommandments% His
@#dgments% and His stat#tes whih I ommand yo# today%
2e# 8:12 .lest DD (when) yo# ha!e eaten and are $#ll% and ha!e b#ilt bea#ti$#l ho#ses and dwell (in them&)
2e# 8:1- .and (when) yo#r herds and yo#r $lo's m#lti*ly% and yo#r sil!er and yo#r gold are m#lti*lied% and all
that yo# ha!e is m#lti*lied&
2e# 8:10 .when yo#r heart is li$ted #*% and yo# $orget the /8:2 yo#r God who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$
6gy*t% $rom the ho#se o$ bondage&
2e# 8:11 .who led yo# thro#gh that great and terrible wilderness% (in whih were) $iery ser*ents and sor*ions
and thirsty land where there was no water& who bro#ght water $or yo# o#t o$ the $linty ro'&
2e# 8:13 .who $ed yo# in the wilderness with manna% whih yo#r $athers did not 'now% that He might h#mble
yo# and that He might test yo#% to do yo# good in the end DD
2e# 8:14 .then yo# say in yo#r heart% A?y *ower and the might o$ my hand ha!e gained me this wealth"A
2e# 8:18 .+nd yo# shall remember the /8:2 yo#r God% $or (it is) He who gi!es yo# *ower to get wealth% that
He may establish His o!enant whih He swore to yo#r $athers% as (it is) this day"
2e# 8:19 .Then it shall be% i$ yo# by any means $orget the /8:2 yo#r God% and $ollow other gods% and ser!e
them and worshi* them% I testi$y against yo# this day that yo# shall s#rely *erish"
2e# 8:25 .+s the nations whih the /8:2 destroys be$ore yo#% so yo# shall *erish% bea#se yo# wo#ld not be
obedient to the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 9:1 .Hear% 8 Israel: Bo# (are) to ross o!er the Jordan today% and go in to dis*ossess nations greater and
mightier than yo#rsel$% ities great and $orti$ied #* to hea!en%
2e# 9:2 .a *eo*le great and tall% the desendants o$ the +na'im% whom yo# 'now% and (o$ whom) yo# heard (it
said%) A>ho an stand be$ore the desendants o$ +na'CA
2e# 9:- .There$ore #nderstand today that the /8:2 yo#r God (is) He who goes o!er be$ore yo# (as) a
ons#ming $ire" He will destroy them and bring them down be$ore yo#& so yo# shall dri!e them o#t and destroy
them E#i'ly% as the /8:2 has said to yo#"
2e# 9:0 .2o not thin' in yo#r heart% a$ter the /8:2 yo#r God has ast them o#t be$ore yo#% saying% ABea#se o$
my righteo#sness the /8:2 has bro#ght me in to *ossess this landA& b#t (it is) bea#se o$ the wi'edness o$
these nations (that) the /8:2 is dri!ing them o#t $rom be$ore yo#"
2e# 9:1 .(It is) not bea#se o$ yo#r righteo#sness or the #*rightness o$ yo#r heart (that) yo# go in to *ossess
their land% b#t bea#se o$ the wi'edness o$ these nations (that) the /8:2 yo#r God dri!es them o#t $rom be$ore
yo#% and that He may $#l$ill the word whih the /8:2 swore to yo#r $athers% to +braham% Isaa% and Jaob"
2e# 9:3 .There$ore #nderstand that the /8:2 yo#r God is not gi!ing yo# this good land to *ossess bea#se o$
yo#r righteo#sness% $or yo# (are) a sti$$Dne'ed *eo*le"
2e# 9:4 . :ememberF 2o not $orget how yo# *ro!o'ed the /8:2 yo#r God to wrath in the wilderness" ;rom the
day that yo# de*arted $rom the land o$ 6gy*t #ntil yo# ame to this *lae% yo# ha!e been rebellio#s against the
2e# 9:8 .+lso in Horeb yo# *ro!o'ed the /8:2 to wrath% so that the /8:2 was angry (eno#gh) with yo# to
ha!e destroyed yo#"
2e# 9:9 .>hen I went #* into the mo#ntain to reei!e the tablets o$ stone% the tablets o$ the o!enant whih the
/8:2 made with yo#% then I stayed on the mo#ntain $orty days and $orty nights" I neither ate bread nor dran'
2e# 9:15 .Then the /8:2 deli!ered to me two tablets o$ stone written with the $inger o$ God% and on them
(were) all the words whih the /8:2 had s*o'en to yo# on the mo#ntain $rom the midst o$ the $ire in the day o$
the assembly"
2e# 9:11 .+nd it ame to *ass% at the end o$ $orty days and $orty nights% (that) the /8:2 ga!e me the two
tablets o$ stone% the tablets o$ the o!enant"
2e# 9:12 .Then the /8:2 said to me% A+rise% go down E#i'ly $rom here% $or yo#r *eo*le whom yo# bro#ght o#t
o$ 6gy*t ha!e ated orr#*tly& they ha!e E#i'ly t#rned aside $rom the way whih I ommanded them& they ha!e
made themsel!es a molded image"A
2e# 9:1- . ;#rthermore the /8:2 s*o'e to me% saying% AI ha!e seen this *eo*le% and indeed they are a sti$$D
ne'ed *eo*le"
2e# 9:10 A/et ?e alone% that I may destroy them and blot o#t their name $rom #nder hea!en& and I will ma'e o$
yo# a nation mightier and greater than they"A
2e# 9:11 .,o I t#rned and ame down $rom the mo#ntain% and the mo#ntain b#rned with $ire& and the two
tablets o$ the o!enant (were) in my two hands"
2e# 9:13 .+nd I loo'ed% and behold% yo# had sinned against the /8:2 yo#r God DD had made $or yo#rsel!es a
molded al$F Bo# had t#rned aside E#i'ly $rom the way whih the /8:2 had ommanded yo#"
2e# 9:14 .Then I too' the two tablets and threw them o#t o$ my two hands and bro'e them be$ore yo#r eyes"
2e# 9:18 .+nd I $ell down be$ore the /8:2% as at the $irst% $orty days and $orty nights& I neither ate bread nor
dran' water% bea#se o$ all yo#r sin whih yo# ommitted in doing wi'edly in the sight o$ the /8:2% to *ro!o'e
Him to anger"
2e# 9:19 .;or I was a$raid o$ the anger and hot dis*leas#re with whih the /8:2 was angry with yo#% to destroy
yo#" B#t the /8:2 listened to me at that time also"
2e# 9:25 .+nd the /8:2 was !ery angry with +aron (and) wo#ld ha!e destroyed him& so I *rayed $or +aron
also at the same time"
2e# 9:21 .Then I too' yo#r sin% the al$ whih yo# had made% and b#rned it with $ire and r#shed it (and) gro#nd
(it) !ery small% #ntil it was as $ine as d#st& and I threw its d#st into the broo' that desended $rom the mo#ntain"
2e# 9:22 . +lso at Taberah and ?assah and Kibroth Hattaa!ah yo# *ro!o'ed the /8:2 to wrath"
2e# 9:2- ./i'ewise% when the /8:2 sent yo# $rom Kadesh Barnea% saying% AGo #* and *ossess the land whih
I ha!e gi!en yo#%A then yo# rebelled against the ommandment o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% and yo# did not belie!e
Him nor obey His !oie"
2e# 9:20 .Bo# ha!e been rebellio#s against the /8:2 $rom the day that I 'new yo#"
2e# 9:21 . Th#s I *rostrated mysel$ be$ore the /8:2& $orty days and $orty nights I 'e*t *rostrating mysel$%
bea#se the /8:2 had said He wo#ld destroy yo#"
2e# 9:23 .There$ore I *rayed to the /8:2% and said: A8 /ord G82% do not destroy Bo#r *eo*le and Bo#r
inheritane whom Bo# ha!e redeemed thro#gh Bo#r greatness% whom Bo# ha!e bro#ght o#t o$ 6gy*t with a
mighty hand"
2e# 9:24 A:emember Bo#r ser!ants% +braham% Isaa% and Jaob& do not loo' on the st#bbornness o$ this
*eo*le% or on their wi'edness or their sin%
2e# 9:28 Alest the land $rom whih Bo# bro#ght #s sho#ld say% .Bea#se the /8:2 was not able to bring them
to the land whih He *romised them% and bea#se He hated them% He has bro#ght them o#t to 'ill them in the
2e# 9:29 ABet they (are) Bo#r *eo*le and Bo#r inheritane% whom Bo# bro#ght o#t by Bo#r mighty *ower and by
Bo#r o#tstrethed arm"A
2e# 15:1 .+t that time the /8:2 said to me% AHew $or yo#rsel$ two tablets o$ stone li'e the $irst% and ome #* to
?e on the mo#ntain and ma'e yo#rsel$ an ar' o$ wood"
2e# 15:2 A+nd I will write on the tablets the words that were on the $irst tablets% whih yo# bro'e& and yo# shall
*#t them in the ar'"A
2e# 15:- .,o I made an ar' o$ aaia wood% hewed two tablets o$ stone li'e the $irst% and went #* the mo#ntain%
ha!ing the two tablets in my hand"
2e# 15:0 .+nd He wrote on the tablets aording to the $irst writing% the Ten =ommandments% whih the /8:2
had s*o'en to yo# in the mo#ntain $rom the midst o$ the $ire in the day o$ the assembly& and the /8:2 ga!e
them to me"
2e# 15:1 .Then I t#rned and ame down $rom the mo#ntain% and *#t the tablets in the ar' whih I had made&
and there they are% @#st as the /8:2 ommanded me".
2e# 15:3 I Now the hildren o$ Israel @o#rneyed $rom the wells o$ Bene Jaa'an to ?oserah% where +aron died%
and where he was b#ried& and 6leaHar his son ministered as *riest in his stead"
2e# 15:4 ;rom there they @o#rneyed to G#dgodah% and $rom G#dgodah to Jotbathah% a land o$ ri!ers o$ water"
2e# 15:8 +t that time the /8:2 se*arated the tribe o$ /e!i to bear the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2% to
stand be$ore the /8:2 to minister to Him and to bless in His name% to this day"
2e# 15:9 There$ore /e!i has no *ortion nor inheritane with his brethren& the /8:2 (is) his inheritane% @#st as
the /8:2 yo#r God *romised him"J
2e# 15:15 .+s at the $irst time% I stayed in the mo#ntain $orty days and $orty nights& the /8:2 also heard me at
that time% (and) the /8:2 hose not to destroy yo#"
2e# 15:11 .Then the /8:2 said to me% A+rise% begin (yo#r) @o#rney be$ore the *eo*le% that they may go in and
*ossess the land whih I swore to their $athers to gi!e them"A
2e# 15:12 . +nd now% Israel% what does the /8:2 yo#r God reE#ire o$ yo#% b#t to $ear the /8:2 yo#r God% to
wal' in all His ways and to lo!e Him% to ser!e the /8:2 yo#r God with all yo#r heart and with all yo#r so#l%
2e# 15:1- .(and) to 'ee* the ommandments o$ the /8:2 and His stat#tes whih I ommand yo# today $or
yo#r goodC
2e# 15:10 .Indeed hea!en and the highest hea!ens belong to the /8:2 yo#r God% (also) the earth with all that
(is) in it"
2e# 15:11 .The /8:2 delighted only in yo#r $athers% to lo!e them& and He hose their desendants a$ter them%
yo# abo!e all *eo*les% as (it is) this day"
2e# 15:13 .There$ore ir#mise the $ores'in o$ yo#r heart% and be sti$$Dne'ed no longer"
2e# 15:14 .;or the /8:2 yo#r God (is) God o$ gods and /ord o$ lords% the great God% mighty and awesome%
who shows no *artiality nor ta'es a bribe"
2e# 15:18 .He administers @#stie $or the $atherless and the widow% and lo!es the stranger% gi!ing him $ood and
2e# 15:19 .There$ore lo!e the stranger% $or yo# were strangers in the land o$ 6gy*t"
2e# 15:25 .Bo# shall $ear the /8:2 yo#r God& yo# shall ser!e Him% and to Him yo# shall hold $ast% and ta'e
oaths in His name"
2e# 15:21 .He (is) yo#r *raise% and He (is) yo#r God% who has done $or yo# these great and awesome things
whih yo#r eyes ha!e seen"
2e# 15:22 .Bo#r $athers went down to 6gy*t with se!enty *ersons% and now the /8:2 yo#r God has made yo#
as the stars o$ hea!en in m#ltit#de"
2e# 11:1 .There$ore yo# shall lo!e the /8:2 yo#r God% and 'ee* His harge% His stat#tes% His @#dgments% and
His ommandments always"
2e# 11:2 .Know today that (I do) not (s*ea') with yo#r hildren% who ha!e not 'nown and who ha!e not seen the
hastening o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% His greatness and His mighty hand and His o#tstrethed arm DD
2e# 11:- .His signs and His ats whih He did in the midst o$ 6gy*t% to <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t% and to all his
2e# 11:0 .what He did to the army o$ 6gy*t% to their horses and their hariots: how He made the waters o$ the
:ed ,ea o!er$low them as they *#rs#ed yo#% and (how) the /8:2 has destroyed them to this day&
2e# 11:1 .what He did $or yo# in the wilderness #ntil yo# ame to this *lae&
2e# 11:3 .and what He did to 2athan and +biram the sons o$ 6liab% the son o$ :e#ben: how the earth o*ened
its mo#th and swallowed them #*% their ho#seholds% their tents% and all the s#bstane that (was) in their
*ossession% in the midst o$ all Israel DD
2e# 11:4 .b#t yo#r eyes ha!e seen e!ery great at o$ the /8:2 whih He did"
2e# 11:8 . There$ore yo# shall 'ee* e!ery ommandment whih I ommand yo# today% that yo# may be strong%
and go in and *ossess the land whih yo# ross o!er to *ossess%
2e# 11:9 .and that yo# may *rolong (yo#r) days in the land whih the /8:2 swore to gi!e yo#r $athers% to them
and their desendants% Aa land $lowing with mil' and honey"A
2e# 11:15 .;or the land whih yo# go to *ossess (is) not li'e the land o$ 6gy*t $rom whih yo# ha!e ome%
where yo# sowed yo#r seed and watered (it) by $oot% as a !egetable garden&
2e# 11:11 .b#t the land whih yo# ross o!er to *ossess (is) a land o$ hills and !alleys% whih drin's water $rom
the rain o$ hea!en%
2e# 11:12 .a land $or whih the /8:2 yo#r God ares& the eyes o$ the /8:2 yo#r God (are) always on it% $rom
the beginning o$ the year to the !ery end o$ the year"
2e# 11:1- A +nd it shall be that i$ yo# earnestly obey ?y ommandments whih I ommand yo# today% to lo!e
the /8:2 yo#r God and ser!e Him with all yo#r heart and with all yo#r so#l%
2e# 11:10 Athen I will gi!e (yo#) the rain $or yo#r land in its season% the early rain and the latter rain% that yo#
may gather in yo#r grain% yo#r new wine% and yo#r oil"
2e# 11:11 A+nd I will send grass in yo#r $ields $or yo#r li!esto'% that yo# may eat and be $illed"A
2e# 11:13 .Ta'e heed to yo#rsel!es% lest yo#r heart be deei!ed% and yo# t#rn aside and ser!e other gods and
worshi* them%
2e# 11:14 .lest the /8:2As anger be aro#sed against yo#% and He sh#t #* the hea!ens so that there be no
rain% and the land yield no *rod#e% and yo# *erish E#i'ly $rom the good land whih the /8:2 is gi!ing yo#"
2e# 11:18 . There$ore yo# shall lay #* these words o$ mine in yo#r heart and in yo#r so#l% and bind them as a
sign on yo#r hand% and they shall be as $rontlets between yo#r eyes"
2e# 11:19 .Bo# shall teah them to yo#r hildren% s*ea'ing o$ them when yo# sit in yo#r ho#se% when yo# wal'
by the way% when yo# lie down% and when yo# rise #*"
2e# 11:25 .+nd yo# shall write them on the door*osts o$ yo#r ho#se and on yo#r gates%
2e# 11:21 .that yo#r days and the days o$ yo#r hildren may be m#lti*lied in the land o$ whih the /8:2 swore
to yo#r $athers to gi!e them% li'e the days o$ the hea!ens abo!e the earth"
2e# 11:22 . ;or i$ yo# are$#lly 'ee* all these ommandments whih I ommand yo# to do DD to lo!e the /8:2
yo#r God% to wal' in all His ways% and to hold $ast to Him DD
2e# 11:2- .then the /8:2 will dri!e o#t all these nations $rom be$ore yo#% and yo# will dis*ossess greater and
mightier nations than yo#rsel!es"
2e# 11:20 .6!ery *lae on whih the sole o$ yo#r $oot treads shall be yo#rs: $rom the wilderness and /ebanon%
$rom the ri!er% the :i!er 6#*hrates% e!en to the >estern ,ea% shall be yo#r territory"
2e# 11:21 .No man shall be able to stand against yo#& the /8:2 yo#r God will *#t the dread o$ yo# and the
$ear o$ yo# #*on all the land where yo# tread% @#st as He has said to yo#"
2e# 11:23 . Behold% I set be$ore yo# today a blessing and a #rse:
2e# 11:24 .the blessing% i$ yo# obey the ommandments o$ the /8:2 yo#r God whih I ommand yo# today&
2e# 11:28 .and the #rse% i$ yo# do not obey the ommandments o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% b#t t#rn aside $rom the
way whih I ommand yo# today% to go a$ter other gods whih yo# ha!e not 'nown"
2e# 11:29 .Now it shall be% when the /8:2 yo#r God has bro#ght yo# into the land whih yo# go to *ossess%
that yo# shall *#t the blessing on ?o#nt GeriHim and the #rse on ?o#nt 6bal"
2e# 11:-5 .(+re) they not on the other side o$ the Jordan% toward the setting s#n% in the land o$ the =anaanites
who dwell in the *lain o**osite Gilgal% beside the terebinth trees o$ ?orehC
2e# 11:-1 .;or yo# will ross o!er the Jordan and go in to *ossess the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing
yo#% and yo# will *ossess it and dwell in it"
2e# 11:-2 .+nd yo# shall be are$#l to obser!e all the stat#tes and @#dgments whih I set be$ore yo# today"
2e# 12:1 .These (are) the stat#tes and @#dgments whih yo# shall be are$#l to obser!e in the land whih the
/8:2 God o$ yo#r $athers is gi!ing yo# to *ossess% all the days that yo# li!e on the earth"
2e# 12:2 .Bo# shall #tterly destroy all the *laes where the nations whih yo# shall dis*ossess ser!ed their
gods% on the high mo#ntains and on the hills and #nder e!ery green tree"
2e# 12:- .+nd yo# shall destroy their altars% brea' their (sared) *illars% and b#rn their wooden images with $ire&
yo# shall #t down the ar!ed images o$ their gods and destroy their names $rom that *lae"
2e# 12:0 .Bo# shall not worshi* the /8:2 yo#r God (with) s#h (things")
2e# 12:1 .B#t yo# shall see' the *lae where the /8:2 yo#r God hooses% o#t o$ all yo#r tribes% to *#t His
name $or His dwelling *lae& and there yo# shall go"
2e# 12:3 .There yo# shall ta'e yo#r b#rnt o$$erings% yo#r sari$ies% yo#r tithes% the hea!e o$$erings o$ yo#r
hand% yo#r !owed o$$erings% yo#r $reewill o$$erings% and the $irstborn o$ yo#r herds and $lo's"
2e# 12:4 .+nd there yo# shall eat be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God% and yo# shall re@oie in all to whih yo# ha!e *#t
yo#r hand% yo# and yo#r ho#seholds% in whih the /8:2 yo#r God has blessed yo#"
2e# 12:8 .Bo# shall not at all do as we are doing here today DD e!ery man doing whate!er (is) right in his own
eyes DD
2e# 12:9 .$or as yet yo# ha!e not ome to the rest and the inheritane whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo#"
2e# 12:15 .B#t (when) yo# ross o!er the Jordan and dwell in the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo#
to inherit% and He gi!es yo# rest $rom all yo#r enemies ro#nd abo#t% so that yo# dwell in sa$ety%
2e# 12:11 .then there will be the *lae where the /8:2 yo#r God hooses to ma'e His name abide" There yo#
shall bring all that I ommand yo#: yo#r b#rnt o$$erings% yo#r sari$ies% yo#r tithes% the hea!e o$$erings o$ yo#r
hand% and all yo#r hoie o$$erings whih yo# !ow to the /8:2"
2e# 12:12 .+nd yo# shall re@oie be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God% yo# and yo#r sons and yo#r da#ghters% yo#r male
and $emale ser!ants% and the /e!ite who (is) within yo#r gates% sine he has no *ortion nor inheritane with yo#"
2e# 12:1- .Ta'e heed to yo#rsel$ that yo# do not o$$er yo#r b#rnt o$$erings in e!ery *lae that yo# see&
2e# 12:10 .b#t in the *lae whih the /8:2 hooses% in one o$ yo#r tribes% there yo# shall o$$er yo#r b#rnt
o$$erings% and there yo# shall do all that I ommand yo#"
2e# 12:11 . Howe!er% yo# may sla#ghter and eat meat within all yo#r gates% whate!er yo#r heart desires%
aording to the blessing o$ the /8:2 yo#r God whih He has gi!en yo#& the #nlean and the lean may eat o$
it% o$ the gaHelle and the deer ali'e"
2e# 12:13 .8nly yo# shall not eat the blood& yo# shall *o#r it on the earth li'e water"
2e# 12:14 .Bo# may not eat within yo#r gates the tithe o$ yo#r grain or yo#r new wine or yo#r oil% o$ the $irstborn
o$ yo#r herd or yo#r $lo'% o$ any o$ yo#r o$$erings whih yo# !ow% o$ yo#r $reewill o$$erings% or o$ the hea!e
o$$ering o$ yo#r hand"
2e# 12:18 .B#t yo# m#st eat them be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God in the *lae whih the /8:2 yo#r God hooses%
yo# and yo#r son and yo#r da#ghter% yo#r male ser!ant and yo#r $emale ser!ant% and the /e!ite who (is) within
yo#r gates& and yo# shall re@oie be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God in all to whih yo# *#t yo#r hands"
2e# 12:19 .Ta'e heed to yo#rsel$ that yo# do not $orsa'e the /e!ite as long as yo# li!e in yo#r land"
2e# 12:25 . >hen the /8:2 yo#r God enlarges yo#r border as He has *romised yo#% and yo# say% A/et me eat
meat%A bea#se yo# long to eat meat% yo# may eat as m#h meat as yo#r heart desires"
2e# 12:21 .I$ the *lae where the /8:2 yo#r God hooses to *#t His name is too $ar $rom yo#% then yo# may
sla#ghter $rom yo#r herd and $rom yo#r $lo' whih the /8:2 has gi!en yo#% @#st as I ha!e ommanded yo#%
and yo# may eat within yo#r gates as m#h as yo#r heart desires"
2e# 12:22 .J#st as the gaHelle and the deer are eaten% so yo# may eat them& the #nlean and the lean ali'e
may eat them"
2e# 12:2- .8nly be s#re that yo# do not eat the blood% $or the blood (is) the li$e& yo# may not eat the li$e with the
2e# 12:20 .Bo# shall not eat it& yo# shall *o#r it on the earth li'e water"
2e# 12:21 .Bo# shall not eat it% that it may go well with yo# and yo#r hildren a$ter yo#% when yo# do (what is)
right in the sight o$ the /8:2"
2e# 12:23 .8nly the holy things whih yo# ha!e% and yo#r !owed o$$erings% yo# shall ta'e and go to the *lae
whih the /8:2 hooses"
2e# 12:24 .+nd yo# shall o$$er yo#r b#rnt o$$erings% the meat and the blood% on the altar o$ the /8:2 yo#r God&
and the blood o$ yo#r sari$ies shall be *o#red o#t on the altar o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% and yo# shall eat the
2e# 12:28 .8bser!e and obey all these words whih I ommand yo#% that it may go well with yo# and yo#r
hildren a$ter yo# $ore!er% when yo# do (what is) good and right in the sight o$ the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 12:29 . >hen the /8:2 yo#r God #ts o$$ $rom be$ore yo# the nations whih yo# go to dis*ossess% and
yo# dis*lae them and dwell in their land%
2e# 12:-5 .ta'e heed to yo#rsel$ that yo# are not ensnared to $ollow them% a$ter they are destroyed $rom be$ore
yo#% and that yo# do not inE#ire a$ter their gods% saying% AHow did these nations ser!e their godsC I also will do
2e# 12:-1 .Bo# shall not worshi* the /8:2 yo#r God in that way& $or e!ery abomination to the /8:2 whih He
hates they ha!e done to their gods& $or they b#rn e!en their sons and da#ghters in the $ire to their gods"
2e# 12:-2 .>hate!er I ommand yo#% be are$#l to obser!e it& yo# shall not add to it nor ta'e away $rom it"
2e# 1-:1 .I$ there arises among yo# a *ro*het or a dreamer o$ dreams% and he gi!es yo# a sign or a wonder%
2e# 1-:2 .and the sign or the wonder omes to *ass% o$ whih he s*o'e to yo#% saying% A/et #s go a$ter other
godsA DD whih yo# ha!e not 'nown DD Aand let #s ser!e them%A
2e# 1-:- .yo# shall not listen to the words o$ that *ro*het or that dreamer o$ dreams% $or the /8:2 yo#r God is
testing yo# to 'now whether yo# lo!e the /8:2 yo#r God with all yo#r heart and with all yo#r so#l"
2e# 1-:0 .Bo# shall wal' a$ter the /8:2 yo#r God and $ear Him% and 'ee* His ommandments and obey His
!oie% and yo# shall ser!e Him and hold $ast to Him"
2e# 1-:1 .B#t that *ro*het or that dreamer o$ dreams shall be *#t to death% bea#se he has s*o'en in order to
t#rn (yo#) away $rom the /8:2 yo#r God% who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t and redeemed yo# $rom the
ho#se o$ bondage% to entie yo# $rom the way in whih the /8:2 yo#r God ommanded yo# to wal'" ,o yo#
shall *#t away the e!il $rom yo#r midst"
2e# 1-:3 . I$ yo#r brother% the son o$ yo#r mother% yo#r son or yo#r da#ghter% the wi$e o$ yo#r bosom% or yo#r
$riend who is as yo#r own so#l% seretly enties yo#% saying% A/et #s go and ser!e other gods%A whih yo# ha!e
not 'nown% neither yo# nor yo#r $athers%
2e# 1-:4 .o$ the gods o$ the *eo*le whih (are) all aro#nd yo#% near to yo# or $ar o$$ $rom yo#% $rom (one) end o$
the earth to the (other) end o$ the earth%
2e# 1-:8 .yo# shall not onsent to him or listen to him% nor shall yo#r eye *ity him% nor shall yo# s*are him or
oneal him&
2e# 1-:9 .b#t yo# shall s#rely 'ill him& yo#r hand shall be $irst against him to *#t him to death% and a$terward the
hand o$ all the *eo*le"
2e# 1-:15 .+nd yo# shall stone him with stones #ntil he dies% bea#se he so#ght to entie yo# away $rom the
/8:2 yo#r God% who bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% $rom the ho#se o$ bondage"
2e# 1-:11 .,o all Israel shall hear and $ear% and not again do s#h wi'edness as this among yo#"
2e# 1-:12 . I$ yo# hear someone in one o$ yo#r ities% whih the /8:2 yo#r God gi!es yo# to dwell in% saying%
2e# 1-:1- A=orr#*t men ha!e gone o#t $rom among yo# and entied the inhabitants o$ their ity% saying% ./et #s
go and ser!e other gods. A DD whih yo# ha!e not 'nown DD
2e# 1-:10 .then yo# shall inE#ire% searh o#t% and as' diligently" +nd (i$ it is) indeed tr#e (and) ertain (that) s#h
an abomination was ommitted among yo#%
2e# 1-:11 .yo# shall s#rely stri'e the inhabitants o$ that ity with the edge o$ the sword DD #tterly destroying it% all
that is in it and its li!esto'% with the edge o$ the sword"
2e# 1-:13 .+nd yo# shall gather all its *l#nder into the middle o$ the street% and om*letely b#rn with $ire the
ity and all its *l#nder% $or the /8:2 yo#r God" It shall be a hea* $ore!er& it shall not be b#ilt again"
2e# 1-:14 .,o none o$ the a#rsed things shall remain in yo#r hand% that the /8:2 may t#rn $rom the
$iereness o$ His anger and show yo# mery% ha!e om*assion on yo# and m#lti*ly yo#% @#st as He swore to
yo#r $athers%
2e# 1-:18 .bea#se yo# ha!e listened to the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% to 'ee* all His ommandments
whih I ommand yo# today% to do (what is) right in the eyes o$ the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 10:1 .Bo# (are) the hildren o$ the /8:2 yo#r God& yo# shall not #t yo#rsel!es nor sha!e the $ront o$ yo#r
head $or the dead"
2e# 10:2 .;or yo# (are) a holy *eo*le to the /8:2 yo#r God% and the /8:2 has hosen yo# to be a *eo*le $or
Himsel$% a s*eial treas#re abo!e all the *eo*les who (are) on the $ae o$ the earth"
2e# 10:- . Bo# shall not eat any detestable thing"
2e# 10:0 .These (are) the animals whih yo# may eat: the o9% the shee*% the goat%
2e# 10:1 .the deer% the gaHelle% the roe deer% the wild goat% the mo#ntain goat% the antelo*e% and the mo#ntain
2e# 10:3 .+nd yo# may eat e!ery animal with lo!en hoo!es% ha!ing the hoo$ s*lit into two *arts% (and that)
hews the #d% among the animals"
2e# 10:4 .Ne!ertheless% o$ those that hew the #d or ha!e lo!en hoo!es% yo# shall not eat% (s#h as) these:
the amel% the hare% and the ro' hyra9& $or they hew the #d b#t do not ha!e lo!en hoo!es& they (are) #nlean
$or yo#"
2e# 10:8 .+lso the swine is #nlean $or yo#% bea#se it has lo!en hoo!es% yet (does) not (hew) the #d& yo#
shall not eat their $lesh or to#h their dead arasses"
2e# 10:9 . These yo# may eat o$ all that (are) in the waters: yo# may eat all that ha!e $ins and sales"
2e# 10:15 .+nd whate!er does not ha!e $ins and sales yo# shall not eat& it (is) #nlean $or yo#"
2e# 10:11 . +ll lean birds yo# may eat"
2e# 10:12 .B#t these yo# shall not eat: the eagle% the !#lt#re% the b#HHard%
2e# 10:1- .the red 'ite% the $alon% and the 'ite a$ter their 'inds&
2e# 10:10 .e!ery ra!en a$ter its 'ind&
2e# 10:11 .the ostrih% the shortDeared owl% the seag#ll% and the haw' a$ter their 'inds&
2e# 10:13 .the little owl% the sreeh owl% the white owl%
2e# 10:14 .the @a'daw% the arrion !#lt#re% the $isher owl%
2e# 10:18 .the stor'% the heron a$ter its 'ind% and the hoo*oe and the bat"
2e# 10:19 .+lso e!ery ree*ing thing that $lies is #nlean $or yo#& they shall not be eaten"
2e# 10:25 .Bo# may eat all lean birds"
2e# 10:21 . Bo# shall not eat anything that dies (o$ itsel$&) yo# may gi!e it to the alien who (is) within yo#r gates%
that he may eat it% or yo# may sell it to a $oreigner& $or yo# (are) a holy *eo*le to the /8:2 yo#r God" Bo# shall
not boil a yo#ng goat in its motherAs mil'"
2e# 10:22 . Bo# shall tr#ly tithe all the inrease o$ yo#r grain that the $ield *rod#es year by year"
2e# 10:2- .+nd yo# shall eat be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God% in the *lae where He hooses to ma'e His name
abide% the tithe o$ yo#r grain and yo#r new wine and yo#r oil% o$ the $irstborn o$ yo#r herds and yo#r $lo's% that
yo# may learn to $ear the /8:2 yo#r God always"
2e# 10:20 .B#t i$ the @o#rney is too long $or yo#% so that yo# are not able to arry (the tithe% or) i$ the *lae where
the /8:2 yo#r God hooses to *#t His name is too $ar $rom yo#% when the /8:2 yo#r God has blessed yo#%
2e# 10:21 .then yo# shall e9hange (it) $or money% ta'e the money in yo#r hand% and go to the *lae whih the
/8:2 yo#r God hooses"
2e# 10:23 .+nd yo# shall s*end that money $or whate!er yo#r heart desires: $or o9en or shee*% $or wine or
similar drin'% $or whate!er yo#r heart desires& yo# shall eat there be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God% and yo# shall
re@oie% yo# and yo#r ho#sehold"
2e# 10:24 .Bo# shall not $orsa'e the /e!ite who (is) within yo#r gates% $or he has no *art nor inheritane with
2e# 10:28 . +t the end o$ (e!ery) third year yo# shall bring o#t the tithe o$ yo#r *rod#e o$ that year and store (it)
#* within yo#r gates"
2e# 10:29 .+nd the /e!ite% bea#se he has no *ortion nor inheritane with yo#% and the stranger and the
$atherless and the widow who (are) within yo#r gates% may ome and eat and be satis$ied% that the /8:2 yo#r
God may bless yo# in all the wor' o$ yo#r hand whih yo# do"
2e# 11:1 .+t the end o$ (e!ery) se!en years yo# shall grant a release (o$ debts")
2e# 11:2 .+nd this (is) the $orm o$ the release: 6!ery reditor who has lent (anything) to his neighbor shall
release (it&) he shall not reE#ire (it) o$ his neighbor or his brother% bea#se it is alled the /8:2As release"
2e# 11:- .8$ a $oreigner yo# may reE#ire (it&) b#t yo# shall gi!e #* yo#r laim to what is owed by yo#r brother%
2e# 11:0 .e9e*t when there may be no *oor among yo#& $or the /8:2 will greatly bless yo# in the land whih
the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo# to *ossess (as) an inheritane DD
2e# 11:1 .only i$ yo# are$#lly obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% to obser!e with are all these
ommandments whih I ommand yo# today"
2e# 11:3 .;or the /8:2 yo#r God will bless yo# @#st as He *romised yo#& yo# shall lend to many nations% b#t
yo# shall not borrow& yo# shall reign o!er many nations% b#t they shall not reign o!er yo#"
2e# 11:4 . I$ there is among yo# a *oor man o$ yo#r brethren% within any o$ the gates in yo#r land whih the
/8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo#% yo# shall not harden yo#r heart nor sh#t yo#r hand $rom yo#r *oor brother%
2e# 11:8 .b#t yo# shall o*en yo#r hand wide to him and willingly lend him s#$$iient $or his need% whate!er he
2e# 11:9 .Beware lest there be a wi'ed tho#ght in yo#r heart% saying% AThe se!enth year% the year o$ release% is
at hand%A and yo#r eye be e!il against yo#r *oor brother and yo# gi!e him nothing% and he ry o#t to the /8:2
against yo#% and it beome sin among yo#"
2e# 11:15 .Bo# shall s#rely gi!e to him% and yo#r heart sho#ld not be grie!ed when yo# gi!e to him% bea#se
$or this thing the /8:2 yo#r God will bless yo# in all yo#r wor's and in all to whih yo# *#t yo#r hand"
2e# 11:11 .;or the *oor will ne!er ease $rom the land& there$ore I ommand yo#% saying% ABo# shall o*en yo#r
hand wide to yo#r brother% to yo#r *oor and yo#r needy% in yo#r land"A
2e# 11:12 . I$ yo#r brother% a Hebrew man% or a Hebrew woman% is sold to yo# and ser!es yo# si9 years% then in
the se!enth year yo# shall let him go $ree $rom yo#"
2e# 11:1- .+nd when yo# send him away $ree $rom yo#% yo# shall not let him go away em*tyDhanded&
2e# 11:10 .yo# shall s#**ly him liberally $rom yo#r $lo'% $rom yo#r threshing $loor% and $rom yo#r wine*ress"
(;rom what) the /8:2 has blessed yo# with% yo# shall gi!e to him"
2e# 11:11 .Bo# shall remember that yo# were a sla!e in the land o$ 6gy*t% and the /8:2 yo#r God redeemed
yo#& there$ore I ommand yo# this thing today"
2e# 11:13 .+nd i$ it ha**ens that he says to yo#% AI will not go away $rom yo#%A bea#se he lo!es yo# and yo#r
ho#se% sine he *ros*ers with yo#%
2e# 11:14 .then yo# shall ta'e an awl and thr#st (it) thro#gh his ear to the door% and he shall be yo#r ser!ant
$ore!er" +lso to yo#r $emale ser!ant yo# shall do li'ewise"
2e# 11:18 .It shall not seem hard to yo# when yo# send him away $ree $rom yo#& $or he has been worth a
do#ble hired ser!ant in ser!ing yo# si9 years" Then the /8:2 yo#r God will bless yo# in all that yo# do"
2e# 11:19 .+ll the $irstborn males that ome $rom yo#r herd and yo#r $lo' yo# shall santi$y to the /8:2 yo#r
God& yo# shall do no wor' with the $irstborn o$ yo#r herd% nor shear the $irstborn o$ yo#r $lo'"
2e# 11:25 .Bo# and yo#r ho#sehold shall eat (it) be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God year by year in the *lae whih the
/8:2 hooses"
2e# 11:21 .B#t i$ there is a de$et in it% (i$ it is) lame or blind (or has) any serio#s de$et% yo# shall not sari$ie it
to the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 11:22 .Bo# may eat it within yo#r gates& the #nlean and the lean (*erson) ali'e (may eat it%) as (i$ it were)
a gaHelle or a deer"
2e# 11:2- .8nly yo# shall not eat its blood& yo# shall *o#r it on the gro#nd li'e water"
2e# 13:1 .8bser!e the month o$ +bib% and 'ee* the <asso!er to the /8:2 yo#r God% $or in the month o$ +bib
the /8:2 yo#r God bro#ght yo# o#t o$ 6gy*t by night"
2e# 13:2 .There$ore yo# shall sari$ie the <asso!er to the /8:2 yo#r God% $rom the $lo' and the herd% in the
*lae where the /8:2 hooses to *#t His name"
2e# 13:- .Bo# shall eat no lea!ened bread with it& se!en days yo# shall eat #nlea!ened bread with it% (that is%)
the bread o$ a$$lition I$or yo# ame o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t in hasteJ% that yo# may remember the day in whih
yo# ame o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t all the days o$ yo#r li$e"
2e# 13:0 .+nd no lea!en shall be seen among yo# in all yo#r territory $or se!en days% nor shall (any) o$ the meat
whih yo# sari$ie the $irst day at twilight remain o!ernight #ntil morning"
2e# 13:1 .Bo# may not sari$ie the <asso!er within any o$ yo#r gates whih the /8:2 yo#r God gi!es yo#&
2e# 13:3 .b#t at the *lae where the /8:2 yo#r God hooses to ma'e His name abide% there yo# shall
sari$ie the <asso!er at twilight% at the going down o$ the s#n% at the time yo# ame o#t o$ 6gy*t"
2e# 13:4 .+nd yo# shall roast and eat (it) in the *lae whih the /8:2 yo#r God hooses% and in the morning
yo# shall t#rn and go to yo#r tents"
2e# 13:8 .,i9 days yo# shall eat #nlea!ened bread% and on the se!enth day there (shall be) a sared assembly
to the /8:2 yo#r God" Bo# shall do no wor' (on it")
2e# 13:9 . Bo# shall o#nt se!en wee's $or yo#rsel$& begin to o#nt the se!en wee's $rom (the time) yo# begin
(to *#t) the si'le to the grain"
2e# 13:15 .Then yo# shall 'ee* the ;east o$ >ee's to the /8:2 yo#r God with the trib#te o$ a $reewill o$$ering
$rom yo#r hand% whih yo# shall gi!e as the /8:2 yo#r God blesses yo#"
2e# 13:11 .Bo# shall re@oie be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God% yo# and yo#r son and yo#r da#ghter% yo#r male
ser!ant and yo#r $emale ser!ant% the /e!ite who (is) within yo#r gates% the stranger and the $atherless and the
widow who (are) among yo#% at the *lae where the /8:2 yo#r God hooses to ma'e His name abide"
2e# 13:12 .+nd yo# shall remember that yo# were a sla!e in 6gy*t% and yo# shall be are$#l to obser!e these
2e# 13:1- . Bo# shall obser!e the ;east o$ Tabernales se!en days% when yo# ha!e gathered $rom yo#r
threshing $loor and $rom yo#r wine*ress"
2e# 13:10 .+nd yo# shall re@oie in yo#r $east% yo# and yo#r son and yo#r da#ghter% yo#r male ser!ant and yo#r
$emale ser!ant and the /e!ite% the stranger and the $atherless and the widow% who (are) within yo#r gates"
2e# 13:11 .,e!en days yo# shall 'ee* a sared $east to the /8:2 yo#r God in the *lae whih the /8:2
hooses% bea#se the /8:2 yo#r God will bless yo# in all yo#r *rod#e and in all the wor' o$ yo#r hands% so
that yo# s#rely re@oie"
2e# 13:13 .Three times a year all yo#r males shall a**ear be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God in the *lae whih He
hooses: at the ;east o$ 7nlea!ened Bread% at the ;east o$ >ee's% and at the ;east o$ Tabernales& and they
shall not a**ear be$ore the /8:2 em*tyDhanded"
2e# 13:14 .6!ery man (shall gi!e) as he is able% aording to the blessing o$ the /8:2 yo#r God whih He has
gi!en yo#"
2e# 13:18 . Bo# shall a**oint @#dges and o$$iers in all yo#r gates% whih the /8:2 yo#r God gi!es yo#%
aording to yo#r tribes% and they shall @#dge the *eo*le with @#st @#dgment"
2e# 13:19 .Bo# shall not *er!ert @#stie& yo# shall not show *artiality% nor ta'e a bribe% $or a bribe blinds the
eyes o$ the wise and twists the words o$ the righteo#s"
2e# 13:25 .Bo# shall $ollow what is altogether @#st% that yo# may li!e and inherit the land whih the /8:2 yo#r
God is gi!ing yo#"
2e# 13:21 . Bo# shall not *lant $or yo#rsel$ any tree% as a wooden image% near the altar whih yo# b#ild $or
yo#rsel$ to the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 13:22 .Bo# shall not set #* a sared *illar% whih the /8:2 yo#r God hates"
2e# 14:1 .Bo# shall not sari$ie to the /8:2 yo#r God a b#ll or shee* whih has any blemish (or) de$et% $or
that (is) an abomination to the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 14:2 . I$ there is $o#nd among yo#% within any o$ yo#r gates whih the /8:2 yo#r God gi!es yo#% a man or
a woman who has been wi'ed in the sight o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% in transgressing His o!enant%
2e# 14:- .who has gone and ser!ed other gods and worshi*ed them% either the s#n or moon or any o$ the host
o$ hea!en% whih I ha!e not ommanded%
2e# 14:0 .and it is told yo#% and yo# hear (o$ it%) then yo# shall inE#ire diligently" +nd i$ (it is) indeed tr#e (and)
ertain that s#h an abomination has been ommitted in Israel%
2e# 14:1 .then yo# shall bring o#t to yo#r gates that man or woman who has ommitted that wi'ed thing% and
shall stone to death that man or woman with stones"
2e# 14:3 .>hoe!er is deser!ing o$ death shall be *#t to death on the testimony o$ two or three witnesses& he
shall not be *#t to death on the testimony o$ one witness"
2e# 14:4 .The hands o$ the witnesses shall be the $irst against him to *#t him to death% and a$terward the hands
o$ all the *eo*le" ,o yo# shall *#t away the e!il $rom among yo#"
2e# 14:8 . I$ a matter arises whih is too hard $or yo# to @#dge% between degrees o$ g#ilt $or bloodshed% between
one @#dgment or another% or between one *#nishment or another% matters o$ ontro!ersy within yo#r gates% then
yo# shall arise and go #* to the *lae whih the /8:2 yo#r God hooses"
2e# 14:9 .+nd yo# shall ome to the *riests% the /e!ites% and to the @#dge (there) in those days% and inE#ire (o$
them&) they shall *rono#ne #*on yo# the sentene o$ @#dgment"
2e# 14:15 .Bo# shall do aording to the sentene whih they *rono#ne #*on yo# in that *lae whih the
/8:2 hooses" +nd yo# shall be are$#l to do aording to all that they order yo#"
2e# 14:11 .+ording to the sentene o$ the law in whih they instr#t yo#% aording to the @#dgment whih
they tell yo#% yo# shall do& yo# shall not t#rn aside (to) the right hand or (to) the le$t $rom the sentene whih they
*rono#ne #*on yo#"
2e# 14:12 .Now the man who ats *res#m*t#o#sly and will not heed the *riest who stands to minister there
be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God% or the @#dge% that man shall die" ,o yo# shall *#t away the e!il $rom Israel"
2e# 14:1- .+nd all the *eo*le shall hear and $ear% and no longer at *res#m*t#o#sly"
2e# 14:10 . >hen yo# ome to the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo#% and *ossess it and dwell in it%
and say% AI will set a 'ing o!er me li'e all the nations that (are) aro#nd me%A
2e# 14:11 .yo# shall s#rely set a 'ing o!er yo# whom the /8:2 yo#r God hooses& (one) $rom among yo#r
brethren yo# shall set as 'ing o!er yo#& yo# may not set a $oreigner o!er yo#% who (is) not yo#r brother"
2e# 14:13 .B#t he shall not m#lti*ly horses $or himsel$% nor a#se the *eo*le to ret#rn to 6gy*t to m#lti*ly
horses% $or the /8:2 has said to yo#% ABo# shall not ret#rn that way again"A
2e# 14:14 .Neither shall he m#lti*ly wi!es $or himsel$% lest his heart t#rn away& nor shall he greatly m#lti*ly
sil!er and gold $or himsel$"
2e# 14:18 . +lso it shall be% when he sits on the throne o$ his 'ingdom% that he shall write $or himsel$ a o*y o$
this law in a boo'% $rom (the one) be$ore the *riests% the /e!ites"
2e# 14:19 .+nd it shall be with him% and he shall read it all the days o$ his li$e% that he may learn to $ear the
/8:2 his God and be are$#l to obser!e all the words o$ this law and these stat#tes%
2e# 14:25 .that his heart may not be li$ted abo!e his brethren% that he may not t#rn aside $rom the
ommandment (to) the right hand or (to) the le$t% and that he may *rolong (his) days in his 'ingdom% he and his
hildren in the midst o$ Israel"
2e# 18:1 .The *riests% the /e!ites DD all the tribe o$ /e!i DD shall ha!e no *art nor inheritane with Israel& they
shall eat the o$$erings o$ the /8:2 made by $ire% and His *ortion"
2e# 18:2 .There$ore they shall ha!e no inheritane among their brethren& the /8:2 is their inheritane% as He
said to them"
2e# 18:- . +nd this shall be the *riestAs d#e $rom the *eo*le% $rom those who o$$er a sari$ie% whether (it is) b#ll
or shee*: they shall gi!e to the *riest the sho#lder% the hee's% and the stomah"
2e# 18:0 .The $irst$r#its o$ yo#r grain and yo#r new wine and yo#r oil% and the $irst o$ the $leee o$ yo#r shee*%
yo# shall gi!e him"
2e# 18:1 .;or the /8:2 yo#r God has hosen him o#t o$ all yo#r tribes to stand to minister in the name o$ the
/8:2% him and his sons $ore!er"
2e# 18:3 . ,o i$ a /e!ite omes $rom any o$ yo#r gates% $rom where he dwells among all Israel% and omes with
all the desire o$ his mind to the *lae whih the /8:2 hooses%
2e# 18:4 .then he may ser!e in the name o$ the /8:2 his God as all his brethren the /e!ites (do%) who stand
there be$ore the /8:2"
2e# 18:8 .They shall ha!e eE#al *ortions to eat% besides what omes $rom the sale o$ his inheritane"
2e# 18:9 . >hen yo# ome into the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo#% yo# shall not learn to $ollow
the abominations o$ those nations"
2e# 18:15 .There shall not be $o#nd among yo# (anyone) who ma'es his son or his da#ghter *ass thro#gh the
$ire% (or one) who *raties withra$t% (or) a soothsayer% or one who inter*rets omens% or a sorerer%
2e# 18:11 .or one who on@#res s*ells% or a medi#m% or a s*iritist% or one who alls #* the dead"
2e# 18:12 .;or all who do these things (are) an abomination to the /8:2% and bea#se o$ these abominations
the /8:2 yo#r God dri!es them o#t $rom be$ore yo#"
2e# 18:1- .Bo# shall be blameless be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 18:10 .;or these nations whih yo# will dis*ossess listened to soothsayers and di!iners& b#t as $or yo#% the
/8:2 yo#r God has not a**ointed s#h $or yo#"
2e# 18:11 . The /8:2 yo#r God will raise #* $or yo# a <ro*het li'e me $rom yo#r midst% $rom yo#r brethren"
Him yo# shall hear%
2e# 18:13 .aording to all yo# desired o$ the /8:2 yo#r God in Horeb in the day o$ the assembly% saying% A/et
me not hear again the !oie o$ the /8:2 my God% nor let me see this great $ire anymore% lest I die"A
2e# 18:14 .+nd the /8:2 said to me: A>hat they ha!e s*o'en is good"
2e# 18:18 AI will raise #* $or them a <ro*het li'e yo# $rom among their brethren% and will *#t ?y words in His
mo#th% and He shall s*ea' to them all that I ommand Him"
2e# 18:19 A+nd it shall be (that) whoe!er will not hear ?y words% whih He s*ea's in ?y name% I will reE#ire (it)
o$ him"
2e# 18:25 AB#t the *ro*het who *res#mes to s*ea' a word in ?y name% whih I ha!e not ommanded him to
s*ea'% or who s*ea's in the name o$ other gods% that *ro*het shall die"A
2e# 18:21 .+nd i$ yo# say in yo#r heart% AHow shall we 'now the word whih the /8:2 has not s*o'enCA DD
2e# 18:22 .when a *ro*het s*ea's in the name o$ the /8:2% i$ the thing does not ha**en or ome to *ass% that
(is) the thing whih the /8:2 has not s*o'en& the *ro*het has s*o'en it *res#m*t#o#sly& yo# shall not be a$raid
o$ him"
2e# 19:1 .>hen the /8:2 yo#r God has #t o$$ the nations whose land the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo#% and
yo# dis*ossess them and dwell in their ities and in their ho#ses%
2e# 19:2 .yo# shall se*arate three ities $or yo#rsel$ in the midst o$ yo#r land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is
gi!ing yo# to *ossess"
2e# 19:- .Bo# shall *re*are roads $or yo#rsel$% and di!ide into three *arts the territory o$ yo#r land whih the
/8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo# to inherit% that any manslayer may $lee there"
2e# 19:0 . +nd this (is) the ase o$ the manslayer who $lees there% that he may li!e: >hoe!er 'ills his neighbor
#nintentionally% not ha!ing hated him in time *ast DD
2e# 19:1 .as when (a man) goes to the woods with his neighbor to #t timber% and his hand swings a stro'e with
the a9 to #t down the tree% and the head sli*s $rom the handle and stri'es his neighbor so that he dies DD he
shall $lee to one o$ these ities and li!e&
2e# 19:3 .lest the a!enger o$ blood% while his anger is hot% *#rs#e the manslayer and o!erta'e him% bea#se
the way is long% and 'ill him% tho#gh he (was) not deser!ing o$ death% sine he had not hated the !itim in time
2e# 19:4 .There$ore I ommand yo#% saying% ABo# shall se*arate three ities $or yo#rsel$"A
2e# 19:8 .Now i$ the /8:2 yo#r God enlarges yo#r territory% as He swore to yo#r $athers% and gi!es yo# the
land whih He *romised to gi!e to yo#r $athers%
2e# 19:9 .and i$ yo# 'ee* all these ommandments and do them% whih I ommand yo# today% to lo!e the
/8:2 yo#r God and to wal' always in His ways% then yo# shall add three more ities $or yo#rsel$ besides these
2e# 19:15 .lest innoent blood be shed in the midst o$ yo#r land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo# (as) an
inheritane% and (th#s) g#ilt o$ bloodshed be #*on yo#"
2e# 19:11 . B#t i$ anyone hates his neighbor% lies in wait $or him% rises against him and stri'es him mortally% so
that he dies% and he $lees to one o$ these ities%
2e# 19:12 .then the elders o$ his ity shall send and bring him $rom there% and deli!er him o!er to the hand o$
the a!enger o$ blood% that he may die"
2e# 19:1- .Bo#r eye shall not *ity him% b#t yo# shall *#t away (the g#ilt o$) innoent blood $rom Israel% that it
may go well with yo#"
2e# 19:10 . Bo# shall not remo!e yo#r neighborAs landmar'% whih the men o$ old ha!e set% in yo#r inheritane
whih yo# will inherit in the land that the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo# to *ossess"
2e# 19:11 . 8ne witness shall not rise against a man onerning any iniE#ity or any sin that he ommits& by the
mo#th o$ two or three witnesses the matter shall be established"
2e# 19:13 .I$ a $alse witness rises against any man to testi$y against him o$ wrongdoing%
2e# 19:14 .then both men in the ontro!ersy shall stand be$ore the /8:2% be$ore the *riests and the @#dges
who ser!e in those days"
2e# 19:18 .+nd the @#dges shall ma'e are$#l inE#iry% and indeed% (i$) the witness (is) a $alse witness% who has
testi$ied $alsely against his brother%
2e# 19:19 .then yo# shall do to him as he tho#ght to ha!e done to his brother& so yo# shall *#t away the e!il
$rom among yo#"
2e# 19:25 .+nd those who remain shall hear and $ear% and herea$ter they shall not again ommit s#h e!il
among yo#"
2e# 19:21 .Bo#r eye shall not *ity: li$e (shall be) $or li$e% eye $or eye% tooth $or tooth% hand $or hand% $oot $or $oot"
2e# 25:1 .>hen yo# go o#t to battle against yo#r enemies% and see horses and hariots (and) *eo*le more
n#mero#s than yo#% do not be a$raid o$ them& $or the /8:2 yo#r God (is) with yo#% who bro#ght yo# #* $rom the
land o$ 6gy*t"
2e# 25:2 .,o it shall be% when yo# are on the !erge o$ battle% that the *riest shall a**roah and s*ea' to the
2e# 25:- .+nd he shall say to them% AHear% 8 Israel: Today yo# are on the !erge o$ battle with yo#r enemies" 2o
not let yo#r heart $aint% do not be a$raid% and do not tremble or be terri$ied bea#se o$ them&
2e# 25:0 A$or the /8:2 yo#r God (is) He who goes with yo#% to $ight $or yo# against yo#r enemies% to sa!e yo#"A
2e# 25:1 .Then the o$$iers shall s*ea' to the *eo*le% saying: A>hat man (is there) who has b#ilt a new ho#se
and has not dediated itC /et him go and ret#rn to his ho#se% lest he die in the battle and another man dediate
2e# 25:3 A+lso what man (is there) who has *lanted a !ineyard and has not eaten o$ itC /et him go and ret#rn to
his ho#se% lest he die in the battle and another man eat o$ it"
2e# 25:4 A+nd what man (is there) who is betrothed to a woman and has not married herC /et him go and ret#rn
to his ho#se% lest he die in the battle and another man marry her"A
2e# 25:8 .The o$$iers shall s*ea' $#rther to the *eo*le% and say% A>hat man (is there who is) $ear$#l and
$aintheartedC /et him go and ret#rn to his ho#se% lest the heart o$ his brethren $aint li'e his heart"A
2e# 25:9 .+nd so it shall be% when the o$$iers ha!e $inished s*ea'ing to the *eo*le% that they shall ma'e
a*tains o$ the armies to lead the *eo*le"
2e# 25:15 . >hen yo# go near a ity to $ight against it% then *rolaim an o$$er o$ *eae to it"
2e# 25:11 .+nd it shall be that i$ they ae*t yo#r o$$er o$ *eae% and o*en to yo#% then all the *eo*le (who are)
$o#nd in it shall be *laed #nder trib#te to yo#% and ser!e yo#"
2e# 25:12 .Now i$ (the ity) will not ma'e *eae with yo#% b#t ma'es war against yo#% then yo# shall besiege it"
2e# 25:1- .+nd when the /8:2 yo#r God deli!ers it into yo#r hands% yo# shall stri'e e!ery male in it with the
edge o$ the sword"
2e# 25:10 .B#t the women% the little ones% the li!esto'% and all that is in the ity% all its s*oil% yo# shall *l#nder
$or yo#rsel$& and yo# shall eat the enemiesA *l#nder whih the /8:2 yo#r God gi!es yo#"
2e# 25:11 .Th#s yo# shall do to all the ities (whih are) !ery $ar $rom yo#% whih (are) not o$ the ities o$ these
2e# 25:13 .B#t o$ the ities o$ these *eo*les whih the /8:2 yo#r God gi!es yo# (as) an inheritane% yo# shall
let nothing that breathes remain ali!e%
2e# 25:14 .b#t yo# shall #tterly destroy them: the Hittite and the +morite and the =anaanite and the <eriHHite
and the Hi!ite and the Jeb#site% @#st as the /8:2 yo#r God has ommanded yo#%
2e# 25:18 .lest they teah yo# to do aording to all their abominations whih they ha!e done $or their gods%
and yo# sin against the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 25:19 . >hen yo# besiege a ity $or a long time% while ma'ing war against it to ta'e it% yo# shall not destroy
its trees by wielding an a9 against them& i$ yo# an eat o$ them% do not #t them down to #se in the siege% $or the
tree o$ the $ield (is) manAs ($ood")
2e# 25:25 .8nly the trees whih yo# 'now (are) not trees $or $ood yo# may destroy and #t down% to b#ild
siegewor's against the ity that ma'es war with yo#% #ntil it is s#bd#ed"
2e# 21:1 .I$ (anyone) is $o#nd slain% lying in the $ield in the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo# to
*ossess% (and) it is not 'nown who 'illed him%
2e# 21:2 .then yo#r elders and yo#r @#dges shall go o#t and meas#re (the distane) $rom the slain man to the
s#rro#nding ities"
2e# 21:- .+nd it shall be (that) the elders o$ the ity nearest to the slain man will ta'e a hei$er whih has not
been wor'ed (and) whih has not *#lled with a yo'e"
2e# 21:0 .The elders o$ that ity shall bring the hei$er down to a !alley with $lowing water% whih is neither
*lowed nor sown% and they shall brea' the hei$erAs ne' there in the !alley"
2e# 21:1 .Then the *riests% the sons o$ /e!i% shall ome near% $or the /8:2 yo#r God has hosen them to
minister to Him and to bless in the name o$ the /8:2& by their word e!ery ontro!ersy and e!ery assa#lt shall
be (settled")
2e# 21:3 .+nd all the elders o$ that ity nearest to the slain (man) shall wash their hands o!er the hei$er whose
ne' was bro'en in the !alley"
2e# 21:4 .Then they shall answer and say% A8#r hands ha!e not shed this blood% nor ha!e o#r eyes seen (it")
2e# 21:8 A<ro!ide atonement% 8 /8:2% $or Bo#r *eo*le Israel% whom Bo# ha!e redeemed% and do not lay
innoent blood to the harge o$ Bo#r *eo*le Israel"A +nd atonement shall be *ro!ided on their behal$ $or the
2e# 21:9 .,o yo# shall *#t away the (g#ilt o$) innoent blood $rom among yo# when yo# do (what is) right in the
sight o$ the /8:2"
2e# 21:15 . >hen yo# go o#t to war against yo#r enemies% and the /8:2 yo#r God deli!ers them into yo#r
hand% and yo# ta'e them a*ti!e%
2e# 21:11 .and yo# see among the a*ti!es a bea#ti$#l woman% and desire her and wo#ld ta'e her $or yo#r
2e# 21:12 .then yo# shall bring her home to yo#r ho#se% and she shall sha!e her head and trim her nails"
2e# 21:1- .,he shall *#t o$$ the lothes o$ her a*ti!ity% remain in yo#r ho#se% and mo#rn her $ather and her
mother a $#ll month& a$ter that yo# may go in to her and be her h#sband% and she shall be yo#r wi$e"
2e# 21:10 .+nd it shall be% i$ yo# ha!e no delight in her% then yo# shall set her $ree% b#t yo# ertainly shall not
sell her $or money& yo# shall not treat her br#tally% bea#se yo# ha!e h#mbled her"
2e# 21:11 . I$ a man has two wi!es% one lo!ed and the other #nlo!ed% and they ha!e borne him hildren% (both)
the lo!ed and the #nlo!ed% and (i$) the $irstborn son is o$ her who is #nlo!ed%
2e# 21:13 .then it shall be% on the day he beE#eaths his *ossessions to his sons% (that) he m#st not bestow
$irstborn stat#s on the son o$ the lo!ed wi$e in *re$erene to the son o$ the #nlo!ed% the (tr#e) $irstborn"
2e# 21:14 .B#t he shall a'nowledge the son o$ the #nlo!ed wi$e (as) the $irstborn by gi!ing him a do#ble
*ortion o$ all that he has% $or he (is) the beginning o$ his strength& the right o$ the $irstborn (is) his"
2e# 21:18 . I$ a man has a st#bborn and rebellio#s son who will not obey the !oie o$ his $ather or the !oie o$
his mother% and (who%) when they ha!e hastened him% will not heed them%
2e# 21:19 .then his $ather and his mother shall ta'e hold o$ him and bring him o#t to the elders o$ his ity% to the
gate o$ his ity"
2e# 21:25 .+nd they shall say to the elders o$ his ity% AThis son o$ o#rs is st#bborn and rebellio#s& he will not
obey o#r !oie& he is a gl#tton and a dr#n'ard"A
2e# 21:21 .Then all the men o$ his ity shall stone him to death with stones& so yo# shall *#t away the e!il $rom
among yo#% and all Israel shall hear and $ear"
2e# 21:22 . I$ a man has ommitted a sin deser!ing o$ death% and he is *#t to death% and yo# hang him on a
2e# 21:2- .his body shall not remain o!ernight on the tree% b#t yo# shall s#rely b#ry him that day% so that yo#
do not de$ile the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo# (as) an inheritane& $or he who is hanged (is)
a#rsed o$ God"
2e# 22:1 .Bo# shall not see yo#r brotherAs o9 or his shee* going astray% and hide yo#rsel$ $rom them& yo# shall
ertainly bring them ba' to yo#r brother"
2e# 22:2 .+nd i$ yo#r brother (is) not near yo#% or i$ yo# do not 'now him% then yo# shall bring it to yo#r own
ho#se% and it shall remain with yo# #ntil yo#r brother see's it& then yo# shall restore it to him"
2e# 22:- .Bo# shall do the same with his don'ey% and so shall yo# do with his garment& with any lost thing o$
yo#r brotherAs% whih he has lost and yo# ha!e $o#nd% yo# shall do li'ewise& yo# m#st not hide yo#rsel$"
2e# 22:0 . Bo# shall not see yo#r brotherAs don'ey or his o9 $all down along the road% and hide yo#rsel$ $rom
them& yo# shall s#rely hel* him li$t (them) #* again"
2e# 22:1 . + woman shall not wear anything that *ertains to a man% nor shall a man *#t on a womanAs garment%
$or all who do so (are) an abomination to the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 22:3 . I$ a birdAs nest ha**ens to be be$ore yo# along the way% in any tree or on the gro#nd% with yo#ng
ones or eggs% with the mother sitting on the yo#ng or on the eggs% yo# shall not ta'e the mother with the yo#ng&
2e# 22:4 .yo# shall s#rely let the mother go% and ta'e the yo#ng $or yo#rsel$% that it may be well with yo# and
(that) yo# may *rolong (yo#r) days"
2e# 22:8 . >hen yo# b#ild a new ho#se% then yo# shall ma'e a *ara*et $or yo#r roo$% that yo# may not bring
g#ilt o$ bloodshed on yo#r ho#sehold i$ anyone $alls $rom it"
2e# 22:9 . Bo# shall not sow yo#r !ineyard with di$$erent 'inds o$ seed% lest the yield o$ the seed whih yo#
ha!e sown and the $r#it o$ yo#r !ineyard be de$iled"
2e# 22:15 . Bo# shall not *low with an o9 and a don'ey together"
2e# 22:11 . Bo# shall not wear a garment o$ di$$erent sorts% (s#h as) wool and linen mi9ed together"
2e# 22:12 . Bo# shall ma'e tassels on the $o#r orners o$ the lothing with whih yo# o!er (yo#rsel$")
2e# 22:1- . I$ any man ta'es a wi$e% and goes in to her% and detests her%
2e# 22:10 .and harges her with shame$#l ond#t% and brings a bad name on her% and says% AI too' this
woman% and when I ame to her I $o#nd she (was) not a !irgin%A
2e# 22:11 .then the $ather and mother o$ the yo#ng woman shall ta'e and bring o#t (the e!idene o$) the yo#ng
womanAs !irginity to the elders o$ the ity at the gate"
2e# 22:13 .+nd the yo#ng womanAs $ather shall say to the elders% AI ga!e my da#ghter to this man as wi$e% and
he detests her"
2e# 22:14 ANow he has harged her with shame$#l ond#t% saying% .I $o#nd yo#r da#ghter (was) not a !irgin%.
and yet these (are the e!idenes o$) my da#ghterAs !irginity"A +nd they shall s*read the loth be$ore the elders o$
the ity"
2e# 22:18 .Then the elders o$ that ity shall ta'e that man and *#nish him&
2e# 22:19 .and they shall $ine him one h#ndred (she'els) o$ sil!er and gi!e (them) to the $ather o$ the yo#ng
woman% bea#se he has bro#ght a bad name on a !irgin o$ Israel" +nd she shall be his wi$e& he annot di!ore
her all his days"
2e# 22:25 .B#t i$ the thing is tr#e% (and e!idenes o$) !irginity are not $o#nd $or the yo#ng woman%
2e# 22:21 .then they shall bring o#t the yo#ng woman to the door o$ her $atherAs ho#se% and the men o$ her ity
shall stone her to death with stones% bea#se she has done a disgrae$#l thing in Israel% to *lay the harlot in her
$atherAs ho#se" ,o yo# shall *#t away the e!il $rom among yo#"
2e# 22:22 . I$ a man is $o#nd lying with a woman married to a h#sband% then both o$ them shall die DD the man
that lay with the woman% and the woman& so yo# shall *#t away the e!il $rom Israel"
2e# 22:2- . I$ a yo#ng woman (who is) a !irgin is betrothed to a h#sband% and a man $inds her in the ity and
lies with her%
2e# 22:20 .then yo# shall bring them both o#t to the gate o$ that ity% and yo# shall stone them to death with
stones% the yo#ng woman bea#se she did not ry o#t in the ity% and the man bea#se he h#mbled his
neighborAs wi$e& so yo# shall *#t away the e!il $rom among yo#"
2e# 22:21 . B#t i$ a man $inds a betrothed yo#ng woman in the o#ntryside% and the man $ores her and lies
with her% then only the man who lay with her shall die"
2e# 22:23 .B#t yo# shall do nothing to the yo#ng woman& (there is) in the yo#ng woman no sin (deser!ing) o$
death% $or @#st as when a man rises against his neighbor and 'ills him% e!en so (is) this matter"
2e# 22:24 .;or he $o#nd her in the o#ntryside% (and) the betrothed yo#ng woman ried o#t% b#t (there was) no
one to sa!e her"
2e# 22:28 . I$ a man $inds a yo#ng woman (who is) a !irgin% who is not betrothed% and he seiHes her and lies
with her% and they are $o#nd o#t%
2e# 22:29 .then the man who lay with her shall gi!e to the yo#ng womanAs $ather $i$ty (she'els) o$ sil!er% and
she shall be his wi$e bea#se he has h#mbled her& he shall not be *ermitted to di!ore her all his days"
2e# 22:-5 . + man shall not ta'e his $atherAs wi$e% nor #no!er his $atherAs bed"
2e# 2-:1 .He who is emas#lated by r#shing or m#tilation shall not enter the assembly o$ the /8:2"
2e# 2-:2 . 8ne o$ illegitimate birth shall not enter the assembly o$ the /8:2& e!en to the tenth generation none
o$ his (desendants) shall enter the assembly o$ the /8:2"
2e# 2-:- . +n +mmonite or ?oabite shall not enter the assembly o$ the /8:2& e!en to the tenth generation
none o$ his (desendants) shall enter the assembly o$ the /8:2 $ore!er%
2e# 2-:0 .bea#se they did not meet yo# with bread and water on the road when yo# ame o#t o$ 6gy*t% and
bea#se they hired against yo# Balaam the son o$ Beor $rom <ethor o$ ?eso*otamia% to #rse yo#"
2e# 2-:1 .Ne!ertheless the /8:2 yo#r God wo#ld not listen to Balaam% b#t the /8:2 yo#r God t#rned the
#rse into a blessing $or yo#% bea#se the /8:2 yo#r God lo!es yo#"
2e# 2-:3 .Bo# shall not see' their *eae nor their *ros*erity all yo#r days $ore!er"
2e# 2-:4 . Bo# shall not abhor an 6domite% $or he (is) yo#r brother" Bo# shall not abhor an 6gy*tian% bea#se
yo# were an alien in his land"
2e# 2-:8 .The hildren o$ the third generation born to them may enter the assembly o$ the /8:2"
2e# 2-:9 . >hen the army goes o#t against yo#r enemies% then 'ee* yo#rsel$ $rom e!ery wi'ed thing"
2e# 2-:15 .I$ there is any man among yo# who beomes #nlean by some o#rrene in the night% then he
shall go o#tside the am*& he shall not ome inside the am*"
2e# 2-:11 .B#t it shall be% when e!ening omes% that he shall wash with water& and when the s#n sets% he may
ome into the am*"
2e# 2-:12 .+lso yo# shall ha!e a *lae o#tside the am*% where yo# may go o#t&
2e# 2-:1- .and yo# shall ha!e an im*lement among yo#r eE#i*ment% and when yo# sit down o#tside% yo# shall
dig with it and t#rn and o!er yo#r re$#se"
2e# 2-:10 .;or the /8:2 yo#r God wal's in the midst o$ yo#r am*% to deli!er yo# and gi!e yo#r enemies o!er
to yo#& there$ore yo#r am* shall be holy% that He may see no #nlean thing among yo#% and t#rn away $rom
2e# 2-:11 . Bo# shall not gi!e ba' to his master the sla!e who has esa*ed $rom his master to yo#"
2e# 2-:13 .He may dwell with yo# in yo#r midst% in the *lae whih he hooses within one o$ yo#r gates% where
it seems best to him& yo# shall not o**ress him"
2e# 2-:14 . There shall be no (rit#al) harlot o$ the da#ghters o$ Israel% or a *er!erted one o$ the sons o$ Israel"
2e# 2-:18 .Bo# shall not bring the wages o$ a harlot or the *rie o$ a dog to the ho#se o$ the /8:2 yo#r God
$or any !owed o$$ering% $or both o$ these (are) an abomination to the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 2-:19 . Bo# shall not harge interest to yo#r brother DD interest on money (or) $ood (or) anything that is lent
o#t at interest"
2e# 2-:25 .To a $oreigner yo# may harge interest% b#t to yo#r brother yo# shall not harge interest% that the
/8:2 yo#r God may bless yo# in all to whih yo# set yo#r hand in the land whih yo# are entering to *ossess"
2e# 2-:21 . >hen yo# ma'e a !ow to the /8:2 yo#r God% yo# shall not delay to *ay it& $or the /8:2 yo#r God
will s#rely reE#ire it o$ yo#% and it wo#ld be sin to yo#"
2e# 2-:22 .B#t i$ yo# abstain $rom !owing% it shall not be sin to yo#"
2e# 2-:2- .That whih has gone $rom yo#r li*s yo# shall 'ee* and *er$orm% $or yo# !ol#ntarily !owed to the
/8:2 yo#r God what yo# ha!e *romised with yo#r mo#th"
2e# 2-:20 . >hen yo# ome into yo#r neighborAs !ineyard% yo# may eat yo#r $ill o$ gra*es at yo#r *leas#re% b#t
yo# shall not *#t (any) in yo#r ontainer"
2e# 2-:21 .>hen yo# ome into yo#r neighborAs standing grain% yo# may *l#' the heads with yo#r hand% b#t
yo# shall not #se a si'le on yo#r neighborAs standing grain"
2e# 20:1 .>hen a man ta'es a wi$e and marries her% and it ha**ens that she $inds no $a!or in his eyes bea#se
he has $o#nd some #nleanness in her% and he writes her a erti$iate o$ di!ore% *#ts (it) in her hand% and sends
her o#t o$ his ho#se%
2e# 20:2 .when she has de*arted $rom his ho#se% and goes and beomes another manAs (wi$e%)
2e# 20:- .(i$) the latter h#sband detests her and writes her a erti$iate o$ di!ore% *#ts (it) in her hand% and
sends her o#t o$ his ho#se% or i$ the latter h#sband dies who too' her as his wi$e%
2e# 20:0 .(then) her $ormer h#sband who di!ored her m#st not ta'e her ba' to be his wi$e a$ter she has been
de$iled& $or that (is) an abomination be$ore the /8:2% and yo# shall not bring sin on the land whih the /8:2
yo#r God is gi!ing yo# (as) an inheritane"
2e# 20:1 . >hen a man has ta'en a new wi$e% he shall not go o#t to war or be harged with any b#siness& he
shall be $ree at home one year% and bring ha**iness to his wi$e whom he has ta'en"
2e# 20:3 . No man shall ta'e the lower or the #**er millstone in *ledge% $or he ta'es (oneAs) li!ing in *ledge"
2e# 20:4 . I$ a man is $o#nd 'idna**ing any o$ his brethren o$ the hildren o$ Israel% and mistreats him or sells
him% then that 'idna**er shall die& and yo# shall *#t away the e!il $rom among yo#"
2e# 20:8 . Ta'e heed in an o#tbrea' o$ le*rosy% that yo# are$#lly obser!e and do aording to all that the
*riests% the /e!ites% shall teah yo#& @#st as I ommanded them% (so) yo# shall be are$#l to do"
2e# 20:9 .:emember what the /8:2 yo#r God did to ?iriam on the way when yo# ame o#t o$ 6gy*t"
2e# 20:15 . >hen yo# lend yo#r brother anything% yo# shall not go into his ho#se to get his *ledge"
2e# 20:11 .Bo# shall stand o#tside% and the man to whom yo# lend shall bring the *ledge o#t to yo#"
2e# 20:12 .+nd i$ the man (is) *oor% yo# shall not 'ee* his *ledge o!ernight"
2e# 20:1- .Bo# shall in any ase ret#rn the *ledge to him again when the s#n goes down% that he may slee* in
his own garment and bless yo#& and it shall be righteo#sness to yo# be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 20:10 . Bo# shall not o**ress a hired ser!ant (who is) *oor and needy% (whether) one o$ yo#r brethren or
one o$ the aliens who (is) in yo#r land within yo#r gates"
2e# 20:11 .6ah day yo# shall gi!e (him) his wages% and not let the s#n go down on it% $or he (is) *oor and has
set his heart on it& lest he ry o#t against yo# to the /8:2% and it be sin to yo#"
2e# 20:13 .;athers shall not be *#t to death $or (their) hildren% nor shall the hildren be *#t to death $or (their)
$athers& a *erson shall be *#t to death $or his own sin"
2e# 20:14 . Bo# shall not *er!ert @#stie d#e the stranger or the $atherless% nor ta'e a widowAs garment as a
2e# 20:18 .B#t yo# shall remember that yo# were a sla!e in 6gy*t% and the /8:2 yo#r God redeemed yo#
$rom there& there$ore I ommand yo# to do this thing"
2e# 20:19 . >hen yo# rea* yo#r har!est in yo#r $ield% and $orget a shea$ in the $ield% yo# shall not go ba' to
get it& it shall be $or the stranger% the $atherless% and the widow% that the /8:2 yo#r God may bless yo# in all the
wor' o$ yo#r hands"
2e# 20:25 .>hen yo# beat yo#r oli!e trees% yo# shall not go o!er the bo#ghs again& it shall be $or the stranger%
the $atherless% and the widow"
2e# 20:21 .>hen yo# gather the gra*es o$ yo#r !ineyard% yo# shall not glean (it) a$terward& it shall be $or the
stranger% the $atherless% and the widow"
2e# 20:22 .+nd yo# shall remember that yo# were a sla!e in the land o$ 6gy*t& there$ore I ommand yo# to do
this thing"
2e# 21:1 .I$ there is a dis*#te between men% and they ome to o#rt% that (the @#dges) may @#dge them% and they
@#sti$y the righteo#s and ondemn the wi'ed%
2e# 21:2 .then it shall be% i$ the wi'ed man deser!es to be beaten% that the @#dge will a#se him to lie down
and be beaten in his *resene% aording to his g#ilt% with a ertain n#mber o$ blows"
2e# 21:- .;orty blows he may gi!e him (and) no more% lest he sho#ld e9eed this and beat him with many blows
abo!e these% and yo#r brother be h#miliated in yo#r sight"
2e# 21:0 . Bo# shall not m#HHle an o9 while it treads o#t (the grain")
2e# 21:1 . I$ brothers dwell together% and one o$ them dies and has no son% the widow o$ the dead man shall not
be (married) to a stranger o#tside (the $amily&) her h#sbandAs brother shall go in to her% ta'e her as his wi$e% and
*er$orm the d#ty o$ a h#sbandAs brother to her"
2e# 21:3 .+nd it shall be (that) the $irstborn son whih she bears will s#eed to the name o$ his dead brother%
that his name may not be blotted o#t o$ Israel"
2e# 21:4 .B#t i$ the man does not want to ta'e his brotherAs wi$e% then let his brotherAs wi$e go #* to the gate to
the elders% and say% A?y h#sbandAs brother re$#ses to raise #* a name to his brother in Israel& he will not *er$orm
the d#ty o$ my h#sbandAs brother"A
2e# 21:8 .Then the elders o$ his ity shall all him and s*ea' to him" B#t (i$) he stands $irm and says% AI do not
want to ta'e her%A
2e# 21:9 .then his brotherAs wi$e shall ome to him in the *resene o$ the elders% remo!e his sandal $rom his
$oot% s*it in his $ae% and answer and say% A,o shall it be done to the man who will not b#ild #* his brotherAs
2e# 21:15 .+nd his name shall be alled in Israel% AThe ho#se o$ him who had his sandal remo!ed"A
2e# 21:11 . I$ (two) men $ight together% and the wi$e o$ one draws near to res#e her h#sband $rom the hand o$
the one atta'ing him% and *#ts o#t her hand and seiHes him by the genitals%
2e# 21:12 .then yo# shall #t o$$ her hand& yo#r eye shall not *ity (her")
2e# 21:1- . Bo# shall not ha!e in yo#r bag di$$ering weights% a hea!y and a light"
2e# 21:10 .Bo# shall not ha!e in yo#r ho#se di$$ering meas#res% a large and a small"
2e# 21:11 .Bo# shall ha!e a *er$et and @#st weight% a *er$et and @#st meas#re% that yo#r days may be
lengthened in the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo#"
2e# 21:13 .;or all who do s#h things% all who beha!e #nrighteo#sly% (are) an abomination to the /8:2 yo#r
2e# 21:14 . :emember what +male' did to yo# on the way as yo# were oming o#t o$ 6gy*t%
2e# 21:18 .how he met yo# on the way and atta'ed yo#r rear ran's% all the stragglers at yo#r rear% when yo#
(were) tired and weary& and he did not $ear God"
2e# 21:19 .There$ore it shall be% when the /8:2 yo#r God has gi!en yo# rest $rom yo#r enemies all aro#nd% in
the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo# to *ossess (as) an inheritane% (that) yo# will blot o#t the
remembrane o$ +male' $rom #nder hea!en" Bo# shall not $orget"
2e# 23:1 .+nd it shall be% when yo# ome into the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo# (as) an
inheritane% and yo# *ossess it and dwell in it%
2e# 23:2 .that yo# shall ta'e some o$ the $irst o$ all the *rod#e o$ the gro#nd% whih yo# shall bring $rom yo#r
land that the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo#% and *#t (it) in a bas'et and go to the *lae where the /8:2 yo#r
God hooses to ma'e His name abide"
2e# 23:- .+nd yo# shall go to the one who is *riest in those days% and say to him% AI delare today to the /8:2
yo#r God that I ha!e ome to the o#ntry whih the /8:2 swore to o#r $athers to gi!e #s"A
2e# 23:0 .Then the *riest shall ta'e the bas'et o#t o$ yo#r hand and set it down be$ore the altar o$ the /8:2
yo#r God"
2e# 23:1 .+nd yo# shall answer and say be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God: A?y $ather (was) a ,yrian% abo#t to *erish%
and he went down to 6gy*t and dwelt there% $ew in n#mber& and there he beame a nation% great% mighty% and
2e# 23:3 AB#t the 6gy*tians mistreated #s% a$$lited #s% and laid hard bondage on #s"
2e# 23:4 AThen we ried o#t to the /8:2 God o$ o#r $athers% and the /8:2 heard o#r !oie and loo'ed on o#r
a$$lition and o#r labor and o#r o**ression"
2e# 23:8 A,o the /8:2 bro#ght #s o#t o$ 6gy*t with a mighty hand and with an o#tstrethed arm% with great
terror and with signs and wonders"
2e# 23:9 AHe has bro#ght #s to this *lae and has gi!en #s this land% .a land $lowing with mil' and honey.&
2e# 23:15 Aand now% behold% I ha!e bro#ght the $irst$r#its o$ the land whih yo#% 8 /8:2% ha!e gi!en me"A Then
yo# shall set it be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God% and worshi* be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 23:11 .,o yo# shall re@oie in e!ery good (thing) whih the /8:2 yo#r God has gi!en to yo# and yo#r
ho#se% yo# and the /e!ite and the stranger who (is) among yo#"
2e# 23:12 . >hen yo# ha!e $inished laying aside all the tithe o$ yo#r inrease in the third year DD the year o$
tithing DD and ha!e gi!en (it) to the /e!ite% the stranger% the $atherless% and the widow% so that they may eat within
yo#r gates and be $illed%
2e# 23:1- .then yo# shall say be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God: AI ha!e remo!ed the holy (tithe) $rom (my) ho#se% and
also ha!e gi!en them to the /e!ite% the stranger% the $atherless% and the widow% aording to all Bo#r
ommandments whih Bo# ha!e ommanded me& I ha!e not transgressed Bo#r ommandments% nor ha!e I
$orgotten (them")
2e# 23:10 AI ha!e not eaten any o$ it when in mo#rning% nor ha!e I remo!ed (any) o$ it $or an #nlean (#se%) nor
gi!en (any) o$ it $or the dead" I ha!e obeyed the !oie o$ the /8:2 my God% and ha!e done aording to all that
Bo# ha!e ommanded me"
2e# 23:11 A/oo' down $rom Bo#r holy habitation% $rom hea!en% and bless Bo#r *eo*le Israel and the land whih
Bo# ha!e gi!en #s% @#st as Bo# swore to o#r $athers% .a land $lowing with mil' and honey". A
2e# 23:13 . This day the /8:2 yo#r God ommands yo# to obser!e these stat#tes and @#dgments& there$ore
yo# shall be are$#l to obser!e them with all yo#r heart and with all yo#r so#l"
2e# 23:14 .Today yo# ha!e *rolaimed the /8:2 to be yo#r God% and that yo# will wal' in His ways and 'ee*
His stat#tes% His ommandments% and His @#dgments% and that yo# will obey His !oie"
2e# 23:18 .+lso today the /8:2 has *rolaimed yo# to be His s*eial *eo*le% @#st as He *romised yo#% that
(yo#) sho#ld 'ee* all His ommandments%
2e# 23:19 .and that He will set yo# high abo!e all nations whih He has made% in *raise% in name% and in honor%
and that yo# may be a holy *eo*le to the /8:2 yo#r God% @#st as He has s*o'en".
2e# 24:1 Now ?oses% with the elders o$ Israel% ommanded the *eo*le% saying: .Kee* all the ommandments
whih I ommand yo# today"
2e# 24:2 .+nd it shall be% on the day when yo# ross o!er the Jordan to the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is
gi!ing yo#% that yo# shall set #* $or yo#rsel!es large stones% and whitewash them with lime"
2e# 24:- .Bo# shall write on them all the words o$ this law% when yo# ha!e rossed o!er% that yo# may enter the
land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo#% Aa land $lowing with mil' and honey%A @#st as the /8:2 God o$ yo#r
$athers *romised yo#"
2e# 24:0 .There$ore it shall be% when yo# ha!e rossed o!er the Jordan% (that) on ?o#nt 6bal yo# shall set #*
these stones% whih I ommand yo# today% and yo# shall whitewash them with lime"
2e# 24:1 .+nd there yo# shall b#ild an altar to the /8:2 yo#r God% an altar o$ stones& yo# shall not #se an iron
(tool) on them"
2e# 24:3 .Bo# shall b#ild with whole stones the altar o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% and o$$er b#rnt o$$erings on it to
the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 24:4 .Bo# shall o$$er *eae o$$erings% and shall eat there% and re@oie be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 24:8 .+nd yo# shall write !ery *lainly on the stones all the words o$ this law".
2e# 24:9 Then ?oses and the *riests% the /e!ites% s*o'e to all Israel% saying% .Ta'e heed and listen% 8 Israel:
This day yo# ha!e beome the *eo*le o$ the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 24:15 .There$ore yo# shall obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% and obser!e His ommandments and
His stat#tes whih I ommand yo# today".
2e# 24:11 +nd ?oses ommanded the *eo*le on the same day% saying%
2e# 24:12 .These shall stand on ?o#nt GeriHim to bless the *eo*le% when yo# ha!e rossed o!er the Jordan:
,imeon% /e!i% J#dah% Issahar% Jose*h% and Ben@amin&
2e# 24:1- .and these shall stand on ?o#nt 6bal to #rse: :e#ben% Gad% +sher% Geb#l#n% 2an% and Na*htali"
2e# 24:10 . +nd the /e!ites shall s*ea' with a lo#d !oie and say to all the men o$ Israel:
2e# 24:11 A=#rsed (is) the one who ma'es a ar!ed or molded image% an abomination to the /8:2% the wor' o$
the hands o$ the ra$tsman% and sets (it) #* in seret"A +nd all the *eo*le shall answer and say% A+menFA
2e# 24:13 A=#rsed (is) the one who treats his $ather or his mother with ontem*t"A +nd all the *eo*le shall say%
2e# 24:14 A=#rsed (is) the one who mo!es his neighborAs landmar'"A +nd all the *eo*le shall say% A+menFA
2e# 24:18 A=#rsed (is) the one who ma'es the blind to wander o$$ the road"A +nd all the *eo*le shall say%
2e# 24:19 A=#rsed (is) the one who *er!erts the @#stie d#e the stranger% the $atherless% and widow"A +nd all the
*eo*le shall say% A+menFA
2e# 24:25 A=#rsed (is) the one who lies with his $atherAs wi$e% bea#se he has #no!ered his $atherAs bed"A +nd
all the *eo*le shall say% A+menFA
2e# 24:21 A=#rsed (is) the one who lies with any 'ind o$ animal"A +nd all the *eo*le shall say% A+menFA
2e# 24:22 A=#rsed (is) the one who lies with his sister% the da#ghter o$ his $ather or the da#ghter o$ his mother"A
+nd all the *eo*le shall say% A+menFA
2e# 24:2- A=#rsed (is) the one who lies with his motherDinDlaw"A +nd all the *eo*le shall say% A+menFA
2e# 24:20 A=#rsed (is) the one who atta's his neighbor seretly"A +nd all the *eo*le shall say% A+menFA
2e# 24:21 A=#rsed (is) the one who ta'es a bribe to slay an innoent *erson"A +nd all the *eo*le shall say%
2e# 24:23 A=#rsed (is) the one who does not on$irm (all) the words o$ this law"A +nd all the *eo*le shall say%
2e# 28:1 .Now it shall ome to *ass% i$ yo# diligently obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% to obser!e are$#lly
all His ommandments whih I ommand yo# today% that the /8:2 yo#r God will set yo# high abo!e all nations
o$ the earth"
2e# 28:2 .+nd all these blessings shall ome #*on yo# and o!erta'e yo#% bea#se yo# obey the !oie o$ the
/8:2 yo#r God:
2e# 28:- .Blessed (shall) yo# (be) in the ity% and blessed (shall) yo# (be) in the o#ntry"
2e# 28:0 .Blessed (shall be) the $r#it o$ yo#r body% the *rod#e o$ yo#r gro#nd and the inrease o$ yo#r herds%
the inrease o$ yo#r attle and the o$$s*ring o$ yo#r $lo's"
2e# 28:1 .Blessed (shall be) yo#r bas'et and yo#r 'neading bowl"
2e# 28:3 .Blessed (shall) yo# (be) when yo# ome in% and blessed (shall) yo# (be) when yo# go o#t"
2e# 28:4 . The /8:2 will a#se yo#r enemies who rise against yo# to be de$eated be$ore yo#r $ae& they shall
ome o#t against yo# one way and $lee be$ore yo# se!en ways"
2e# 28:8 .The /8:2 will ommand the blessing on yo# in yo#r storeho#ses and in all to whih yo# set yo#r
hand% and He will bless yo# in the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing yo#"
2e# 28:9 .The /8:2 will establish yo# as a holy *eo*le to Himsel$% @#st as He has sworn to yo#% i$ yo# 'ee* the
ommandments o$ the /8:2 yo#r God and wal' in His ways"
2e# 28:15 .Then all *eo*les o$ the earth shall see that yo# are alled by the name o$ the /8:2% and they shall
be a$raid o$ yo#"
2e# 28:11 .+nd the /8:2 will grant yo# *lenty o$ goods% in the $r#it o$ yo#r body% in the inrease o$ yo#r
li!esto'% and in the *rod#e o$ yo#r gro#nd% in the land o$ whih the /8:2 swore to yo#r $athers to gi!e yo#"
2e# 28:12 .The /8:2 will o*en to yo# His good treas#re% the hea!ens% to gi!e the rain to yo#r land in its
season% and to bless all the wor' o$ yo#r hand" Bo# shall lend to many nations% b#t yo# shall not borrow"
2e# 28:1- .+nd the /8:2 will ma'e yo# the head and not the tail& yo# shall be abo!e only% and not be beneath%
i$ yo# heed the ommandments o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% whih I ommand yo# today% and are are$#l to obser!e
2e# 28:10 .,o yo# shall not t#rn aside $rom any o$ the words whih I ommand yo# this day% (to) the right or the
le$t% to go a$ter other gods to ser!e them"
2e# 28:11 . B#t it shall ome to *ass% i$ yo# do not obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% to obser!e are$#lly
all His ommandments and His stat#tes whih I ommand yo# today% that all these #rses will ome #*on yo#
and o!erta'e yo#:
2e# 28:13 .=#rsed (shall) yo# (be) in the ity% and #rsed (shall) yo# (be) in the o#ntry"
2e# 28:14 .=#rsed (shall be) yo#r bas'et and yo#r 'neading bowl"
2e# 28:18 .=#rsed (shall be) the $r#it o$ yo#r body and the *rod#e o$ yo#r land% the inrease o$ yo#r attle and
the o$$s*ring o$ yo#r $lo's"
2e# 28:19 .=#rsed (shall) yo# (be) when yo# ome in% and #rsed (shall) yo# (be) when yo# go o#t"
2e# 28:25 . The /8:2 will send on yo# #rsing% on$#sion% and reb#'e in all that yo# set yo#r hand to do% #ntil
yo# are destroyed and #ntil yo# *erish E#i'ly% bea#se o$ the wi'edness o$ yo#r doings in whih yo# ha!e
$orsa'en ?e"
2e# 28:21 .The /8:2 will ma'e the *lag#e ling to yo# #ntil He has ons#med yo# $rom the land whih yo#
are going to *ossess"
2e# 28:22 .The /8:2 will stri'e yo# with ons#m*tion% with $e!er% with in$lammation% with se!ere b#rning $e!er%
with the sword% with sorhing% and with mildew& they shall *#rs#e yo# #ntil yo# *erish"
2e# 28:2- .+nd yo#r hea!ens whih (are) o!er yo#r head shall be bronHe% and the earth whih is #nder yo#
(shall be) iron"
2e# 28:20 .The /8:2 will hange the rain o$ yo#r land to *owder and d#st& $rom the hea!en it shall ome down
on yo# #ntil yo# are destroyed"
2e# 28:21 .The /8:2 will a#se yo# to be de$eated be$ore yo#r enemies& yo# shall go o#t one way against
them and $lee se!en ways be$ore them& and yo# shall beome tro#blesome to all the 'ingdoms o$ the earth"
2e# 28:23 .Bo#r arasses shall be $ood $or all the birds o$ the air and the beasts o$ the earth% and no one shall
$righten (them) away"
2e# 28:24 .The /8:2 will stri'e yo# with the boils o$ 6gy*t% with t#mors% with the sab% and with the ith% $rom
whih yo# annot be healed"
2e# 28:28 .The /8:2 will stri'e yo# with madness and blindness and on$#sion o$ heart"
2e# 28:29 .+nd yo# shall gro*e at noonday% as a blind man gro*es in dar'ness& yo# shall not *ros*er in yo#r
ways& yo# shall be only o**ressed and *l#ndered ontin#ally% and no one shall sa!e (yo#")
2e# 28:-5 .Bo# shall betroth a wi$e% b#t another man shall lie with her& yo# shall b#ild a ho#se% b#t yo# shall not
dwell in it& yo# shall *lant a !ineyard% b#t shall not gather its gra*es"
2e# 28:-1 .Bo#r o9 (shall be) sla#ghtered be$ore yo#r eyes% b#t yo# shall not eat o$ it& yo#r don'ey (shall be)
!iolently ta'en away $rom be$ore yo#% and shall not be restored to yo#& yo#r shee* (shall be) gi!en to yo#r
enemies% and yo# shall ha!e no one to res#e (them")
2e# 28:-2 .Bo#r sons and yo#r da#ghters (shall be) gi!en to another *eo*le% and yo#r eyes shall loo' and $ail
(with longing) $or them all day long& and (there shall be) no strength in yo#r hand"
2e# 28:-- .+ nation whom yo# ha!e not 'nown shall eat the $r#it o$ yo#r land and the *rod#e o$ yo#r labor%
and yo# shall be only o**ressed and r#shed ontin#ally"
2e# 28:-0 .,o yo# shall be dri!en mad bea#se o$ the sight whih yo#r eyes see"
2e# 28:-1 .The /8:2 will stri'e yo# in the 'nees and on the legs with se!ere boils whih annot be healed%
and $rom the sole o$ yo#r $oot to the to* o$ yo#r head"
2e# 28:-3 .The /8:2 will bring yo# and the 'ing whom yo# set o!er yo# to a nation whih neither yo# nor yo#r
$athers ha!e 'nown% and there yo# shall ser!e other gods DD wood and stone"
2e# 28:-4 .+nd yo# shall beome an astonishment% a *ro!erb% and a byword among all nations where the
/8:2 will dri!e yo#"
2e# 28:-8 .Bo# shall arry m#h seed o#t to the $ield b#t gather little in% $or the lo#st shall ons#me it"
2e# 28:-9 .Bo# shall *lant !ineyards and tend (them%) b#t yo# shall neither drin' (o$) the wine nor gather the
(gra*es&) $or the worms shall eat them"
2e# 28:05 .Bo# shall ha!e oli!e trees thro#gho#t all yo#r territory% b#t yo# shall not anoint (yo#rsel$) with the oil&
$or yo#r oli!es shall dro* o$$"
2e# 28:01 .Bo# shall beget sons and da#ghters% b#t they shall not be yo#rs& $or they shall go into a*ti!ity"
2e# 28:02 ./o#sts shall ons#me all yo#r trees and the *rod#e o$ yo#r land"
2e# 28:0- .The alien who (is) among yo# shall rise higher and higher abo!e yo#% and yo# shall ome down
lower and lower"
2e# 28:00 .He shall lend to yo#% b#t yo# shall not lend to him& he shall be the head% and yo# shall be the tail"
2e# 28:01 .?oreo!er all these #rses shall ome #*on yo# and *#rs#e and o!erta'e yo#% #ntil yo# are
destroyed% bea#se yo# did not obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% to 'ee* His ommandments and His
stat#tes whih He ommanded yo#"
2e# 28:03 .+nd they shall be #*on yo# $or a sign and a wonder% and on yo#r desendants $ore!er"
2e# 28:04 . Bea#se yo# did not ser!e the /8:2 yo#r God with @oy and gladness o$ heart% $or the ab#ndane
o$ e!erything%
2e# 28:08 .there$ore yo# shall ser!e yo#r enemies% whom the /8:2 will send against yo#% in h#nger% in thirst%
in na'edness% and in need o$ e!erything& and He will *#t a yo'e o$ iron on yo#r ne' #ntil He has destroyed yo#"
2e# 28:09 .The /8:2 will bring a nation against yo# $rom a$ar% $rom the end o$ the earth% (as swi$t) as the eagle
$lies% a nation whose lang#age yo# will not #nderstand%
2e# 28:15 .a nation o$ $iere o#ntenane% whih does not res*et the elderly nor show $a!or to the yo#ng"
2e# 28:11 .+nd they shall eat the inrease o$ yo#r li!esto' and the *rod#e o$ yo#r land% #ntil yo# are
destroyed& they shall not lea!e yo# grain or new wine or oil% (or) the inrease o$ yo#r attle or the o$$s*ring o$
yo#r $lo's% #ntil they ha!e destroyed yo#"
2e# 28:12 .They shall besiege yo# at all yo#r gates #ntil yo#r high and $orti$ied walls% in whih yo# tr#st% ome
down thro#gho#t all yo#r land& and they shall besiege yo# at all yo#r gates thro#gho#t all yo#r land whih the
/8:2 yo#r God has gi!en yo#"
2e# 28:1- .Bo# shall eat the $r#it o$ yo#r own body% the $lesh o$ yo#r sons and yo#r da#ghters whom the /8:2
yo#r God has gi!en yo#% in the siege and des*erate straits in whih yo#r enemy shall distress yo#"
2e# 28:10 .The sensiti!e and !ery re$ined man among yo# will be hostile toward his brother% toward the wi$e o$
his bosom% and toward the rest o$ his hildren whom he lea!es behind%
2e# 28:11 .so that he will not gi!e any o$ them the $lesh o$ his hildren whom he will eat% bea#se he has
nothing le$t in the siege and des*erate straits in whih yo#r enemy shall distress yo# at all yo#r gates"
2e# 28:13 .The tender and deliate woman among yo#% who wo#ld not !ent#re to set the sole o$ her $oot on the
gro#nd bea#se o$ her deliateness and sensiti!ity% will re$#se to the h#sband o$ her bosom% and to her son and
her da#ghter%
2e# 28:14 .her *laenta whih omes o#t $rom between her $eet and her hildren whom she bears& $or she will
eat them seretly $or la' o$ e!erything in the siege and des*erate straits in whih yo#r enemy shall distress yo#
at all yo#r gates"
2e# 28:18 . I$ yo# do not are$#lly obser!e all the words o$ this law that are written in this boo'% that yo# may
$ear this glorio#s and awesome name% TH6 /8:2 B87: G82%
2e# 28:19 .then the /8:2 will bring #*on yo# and yo#r desendants e9traordinary *lag#es DD great and
*rolonged *lag#es DD and serio#s and *rolonged si'nesses"
2e# 28:35 .?oreo!er He will bring ba' on yo# all the diseases o$ 6gy*t% o$ whih yo# were a$raid% and they
shall ling to yo#"
2e# 28:31 .+lso e!ery si'ness and e!ery *lag#e% whih (is) not written in this Boo' o$ the /aw% will the /8:2
bring #*on yo# #ntil yo# are destroyed"
2e# 28:32 .Bo# shall be le$t $ew in n#mber% whereas yo# were as the stars o$ hea!en in m#ltit#de% bea#se yo#
wo#ld not obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 28:3- .+nd it shall be% (that) @#st as the /8:2 re@oied o!er yo# to do yo# good and m#lti*ly yo#% so the
/8:2 will re@oie o!er yo# to destroy yo# and bring yo# to nothing& and yo# shall be *l#'ed $rom o$$ the land
whih yo# go to *ossess"
2e# 28:30 . Then the /8:2 will satter yo# among all *eo*les% $rom one end o$ the earth to the other% and
there yo# shall ser!e other gods% whih neither yo# nor yo#r $athers ha!e 'nown DD wood and stone"
2e# 28:31 .+nd among those nations yo# shall $ind no rest% nor shall the sole o$ yo#r $oot ha!e a resting *lae&
b#t there the /8:2 will gi!e yo# a trembling heart% $ailing eyes% and ang#ish o$ so#l"
2e# 28:33 .Bo#r li$e shall hang in do#bt be$ore yo#& yo# shall $ear day and night% and ha!e no ass#rane o$ li$e"
2e# 28:34 .In the morning yo# shall say% A8h% that it were e!eningFA +nd at e!ening yo# shall say% A8h% that it
were morningFA bea#se o$ the $ear whih terri$ies yo#r heart% and bea#se o$ the sight whih yo#r eyes see"
2e# 28:38 .+nd the /8:2 will ta'e yo# ba' to 6gy*t in shi*s% by the way o$ whih I said to yo#% ABo# shall
ne!er see it again"A +nd there yo# shall be o$$ered $or sale to yo#r enemies as male and $emale sla!es% b#t no
one will b#y (yo#".)
2e# 29:1 These (are) the words o$ the o!enant whih the /8:2 ommanded ?oses to ma'e with the hildren
o$ Israel in the land o$ ?oab% besides the o!enant whih He made with them in Horeb"
2e# 29:2 Now ?oses alled all Israel and said to them: .Bo# ha!e seen all that the /8:2 did be$ore yo#r eyes
in the land o$ 6gy*t% to <haraoh and to all his ser!ants and to all his land DD
2e# 29:- .the great trials whih yo#r eyes ha!e seen% the signs% and those great wonders"
2e# 29:0 .Bet the /8:2 has not gi!en yo# a heart to *erei!e and eyes to see and ears to hear% to this (!ery)
2e# 29:1 .+nd I ha!e led yo# $orty years in the wilderness" Bo#r lothes ha!e not worn o#t on yo#% and yo#r
sandals ha!e not worn o#t on yo#r $eet"
2e# 29:3 .Bo# ha!e not eaten bread% nor ha!e yo# dr#n' wine or (similar) drin'% that yo# may 'now that I (am)
the /8:2 yo#r God"
2e# 29:4 .+nd when yo# ame to this *lae% ,ihon 'ing o$ Heshbon and 8g 'ing o$ Bashan ame o#t against
#s to battle% and we onE#ered them"
2e# 29:8 .>e too' their land and ga!e it as an inheritane to the :e#benites% to the Gadites% and to hal$ the
tribe o$ ?anasseh"
2e# 29:9 .There$ore 'ee* the words o$ this o!enant% and do them% that yo# may *ros*er in all that yo# do"
2e# 29:15 . +ll o$ yo# stand today be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God: yo#r leaders and yo#r tribes and yo#r elders and
yo#r o$$iers% all the men o$ Israel%
2e# 29:11 .yo#r little ones and yo#r wi!es DD also the stranger who (is) in yo#r am*% $rom the one who #ts
yo#r wood to the one who draws yo#r water DD
2e# 29:12 .that yo# may enter into o!enant with the /8:2 yo#r God% and into His oath% whih the /8:2 yo#r
God ma'es with yo# today%
2e# 29:1- .that He may establish yo# today as a *eo*le $or Himsel$% and (that) He may be God to yo#% @#st as
He has s*o'en to yo#% and @#st as He has sworn to yo#r $athers% to +braham% Isaa% and Jaob"
2e# 29:10 . I ma'e this o!enant and this oath% not with yo# alone%
2e# 29:11 .b#t with (him) who stands here with #s today be$ore the /8:2 o#r God% as well as with (him) who
(is) not here with #s today
2e# 29:13 I$or yo# 'now that we dwelt in the land o$ 6gy*t and that we ame thro#gh the nations whih yo#
*assed by%
2e# 29:14 and yo# saw their abominations and their idols whih (were) among them DD wood and stone and
sil!er and goldJ&
2e# 29:18 .so that there may not be among yo# man or woman or $amily or tribe% whose heart t#rns away today
$rom the /8:2 o#r God% to go (and) ser!e the gods o$ these nations% and that there may not be among yo# a
root bearing bitterness or wormwood&
2e# 29:19 .and so it may not ha**en% when he hears the words o$ this #rse% that he blesses himsel$ in his
heart% saying% AI shall ha!e *eae% e!en tho#gh I $ollow the ditates o$ my heartA DD as tho#gh the dr#n'ard o#ld
be inl#ded with the sober"
2e# 29:25 .The /8:2 wo#ld not s*are him& $or then the anger o$ the /8:2 and His @ealo#sy wo#ld b#rn
against that man% and e!ery #rse that is written in this boo' wo#ld settle on him% and the /8:2 wo#ld blot o#t
his name $rom #nder hea!en"
2e# 29:21 .+nd the /8:2 wo#ld se*arate him $rom all the tribes o$ Israel $or ad!ersity% aording to all the
#rses o$ the o!enant that are written in this Boo' o$ the /aw%
2e# 29:22 .so that the oming generation o$ yo#r hildren who rise #* a$ter yo#% and the $oreigner who omes
$rom a $ar land% wo#ld say% when they see the *lag#es o$ that land and the si'nesses whih the /8:2 has laid
on it:
2e# 29:2- AThe whole land (is) brimstone% salt% and b#rning& it is not sown% nor does it bear% nor does any grass
grow there% li'e the o!erthrow o$ ,odom and Gomorrah% +dmah% and Geboim% whih the /8:2 o!erthrew in His
anger and His wrath"A
2e# 29:20 .+ll nations wo#ld say% A>hy has the /8:2 done so to this landC >hat does the heat o$ this great
anger meanCA
2e# 29:21 .Then (*eo*le) wo#ld say: ABea#se they ha!e $orsa'en the o!enant o$ the /8:2 God o$ their
$athers% whih He made with them when He bro#ght them o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t&
2e# 29:23 A$or they went and ser!ed other gods and worshi*ed them% gods that they did not 'now and that He
had not gi!en to them"
2e# 29:24 AThen the anger o$ the /8:2 was aro#sed against this land% to bring on it e!ery #rse that is written
in this boo'"
2e# 29:28 A+nd the /8:2 #*rooted them $rom their land in anger% in wrath% and in great indignation% and ast
them into another land% as (it is) this day"A
2e# 29:29 .The seret (things belong) to the /8:2 o#r God% b#t those (things whih are) re!ealed (belong) to
#s and to o#r hildren $ore!er% that (we) may do all the words o$ this law"
2e# -5:1 .Now it shall ome to *ass% when all these things ome #*on yo#% the blessing and the #rse whih I
ha!e set be$ore yo#% and yo# all (them) to mind among all the nations where the /8:2 yo#r God dri!es yo#%
2e# -5:2 .and yo# ret#rn to the /8:2 yo#r God and obey His !oie% aording to all that I ommand yo# today%
yo# and yo#r hildren% with all yo#r heart and with all yo#r so#l%
2e# -5:- .that the /8:2 yo#r God will bring yo# ba' $rom a*ti!ity% and ha!e om*assion on yo#% and gather
yo# again $rom all the nations where the /8:2 yo#r God has sattered yo#"
2e# -5:0 .I$ (any) o$ yo# are dri!en o#t to the $arthest (*arts) #nder hea!en% $rom there the /8:2 yo#r God will
gather yo#% and $rom there He will bring yo#"
2e# -5:1 .Then the /8:2 yo#r God will bring yo# to the land whih yo#r $athers *ossessed% and yo# shall
*ossess it" He will *ros*er yo# and m#lti*ly yo# more than yo#r $athers"
2e# -5:3 .+nd the /8:2 yo#r God will ir#mise yo#r heart and the heart o$ yo#r desendants% to lo!e the
/8:2 yo#r God with all yo#r heart and with all yo#r so#l% that yo# may li!e"
2e# -5:4 .+lso the /8:2 yo#r God will *#t all these #rses on yo#r enemies and on those who hate yo#% who
*erse#ted yo#"
2e# -5:8 .+nd yo# will again obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 and do all His ommandments whih I ommand yo#
2e# -5:9 .The /8:2 yo#r God will ma'e yo# abo#nd in all the wor' o$ yo#r hand% in the $r#it o$ yo#r body% in
the inrease o$ yo#r li!esto'% and in the *rod#e o$ yo#r land $or good" ;or the /8:2 will again re@oie o!er yo#
$or good as He re@oied o!er yo#r $athers%
2e# -5:15 .i$ yo# obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% to 'ee* His ommandments and His stat#tes whih are
written in this Boo' o$ the /aw% (and) i$ yo# t#rn to the /8:2 yo#r God with all yo#r heart and with all yo#r so#l"
2e# -5:11 . ;or this ommandment whih I ommand yo# today (is) not (too) mysterio#s $or yo#% nor (is) it $ar
2e# -5:12 .It (is) not in hea!en% that yo# sho#ld say% A>ho will asend into hea!en $or #s and bring it to #s% that
we may hear it and do itCA
2e# -5:1- .Nor (is) it beyond the sea% that yo# sho#ld say% A>ho will go o!er the sea $or #s and bring it to #s%
that we may hear it and do itCA
2e# -5:10 .B#t the word (is) !ery near yo#% in yo#r mo#th and in yo#r heart% that yo# may do it"
2e# -5:11 . ,ee% I ha!e set be$ore yo# today li$e and good% death and e!il%
2e# -5:13 .in that I ommand yo# today to lo!e the /8:2 yo#r God% to wal' in His ways% and to 'ee* His
ommandments% His stat#tes% and His @#dgments% that yo# may li!e and m#lti*ly& and the /8:2 yo#r God will
bless yo# in the land whih yo# go to *ossess"
2e# -5:14 .B#t i$ yo#r heart t#rns away so that yo# do not hear% and are drawn away% and worshi* other gods
and ser!e them%
2e# -5:18 .I anno#ne to yo# today that yo# shall s#rely *erish& yo# shall not *rolong (yo#r) days in the land
whih yo# ross o!er the Jordan to go in and *ossess"
2e# -5:19 .I all hea!en and earth as witnesses today against yo#% (that) I ha!e set be$ore yo# li$e and death%
blessing and #rsing& there$ore hoose li$e% that both yo# and yo#r desendants may li!e&
2e# -5:25 .that yo# may lo!e the /8:2 yo#r God% that yo# may obey His !oie% and that yo# may ling to Him%
$or He (is) yo#r li$e and the length o$ yo#r days& and that yo# may dwell in the land whih the /8:2 swore to
yo#r $athers% to +braham% Isaa% and Jaob% to gi!e them".
2e# -1:1 Then ?oses went and s*o'e these words to all Israel"
2e# -1:2 +nd he said to them: .I (am) one h#ndred and twenty years old today" I an no longer go o#t and
ome in" +lso the /8:2 has said to me% ABo# shall not ross o!er this Jordan"A
2e# -1:- .The /8:2 yo#r God Himsel$ rosses o!er be$ore yo#& He will destroy these nations $rom be$ore yo#%
and yo# shall dis*ossess them" Josh#a himsel$ rosses o!er be$ore yo#% @#st as the /8:2 has said"
2e# -1:0 .+nd the /8:2 will do to them as He did to ,ihon and 8g% the 'ings o$ the +morites and their land%
when He destroyed them"
2e# -1:1 .The /8:2 will gi!e them o!er to yo#% that yo# may do to them aording to e!ery ommandment
whih I ha!e ommanded yo#"
2e# -1:3 .Be strong and o$ good o#rage% do not $ear nor be a$raid o$ them& $or the /8:2 yo#r God% He (is) the
8ne who goes with yo#" He will not lea!e yo# nor $orsa'e yo#".
2e# -1:4 Then ?oses alled Josh#a and said to him in the sight o$ all Israel% .Be strong and o$ good o#rage%
$or yo# m#st go with this *eo*le to the land whih the /8:2 has sworn to their $athers to gi!e them% and yo#
shall a#se them to inherit it"
2e# -1:8 .+nd the /8:2% He (is) the one who goes be$ore yo#" He will be with yo#% He will not lea!e yo# nor
$orsa'e yo#& do not $ear nor be dismayed".
2e# -1:9 ,o ?oses wrote this law and deli!ered it to the *riests% the sons o$ /e!i% who bore the ar' o$ the
o!enant o$ the /8:2% and to all the elders o$ Israel"
2e# -1:15 +nd ?oses ommanded them% saying: .+t the end o$ (e!ery) se!en years% at the a**ointed time in
the year o$ release% at the ;east o$ Tabernales%
2e# -1:11 .when all Israel omes to a**ear be$ore the /8:2 yo#r God in the *lae whih He hooses% yo#
shall read this law be$ore all Israel in their hearing"
2e# -1:12 .Gather the *eo*le together% men and women and little ones% and the stranger who (is) within yo#r
gates% that they may hear and that they may learn to $ear the /8:2 yo#r God and are$#lly obser!e all the
words o$ this law%
2e# -1:1- .and (that) their hildren% who ha!e not 'nown it% may hear and learn to $ear the /8:2 yo#r God as
long as yo# li!e in the land whih yo# ross the Jordan to *ossess".
2e# -1:10 Then the /8:2 said to ?oses% .Behold% the days a**roah when yo# m#st die& all Josh#a% and
*resent yo#rsel!es in the tabernale o$ meeting% that I may ina#g#rate him". ,o ?oses and Josh#a went and
*resented themsel!es in the tabernale o$ meeting"
2e# -1:11 Now the /8:2 a**eared at the tabernale in a *illar o$ lo#d% and the *illar o$ lo#d stood abo!e the
door o$ the tabernale"
2e# -1:13 +nd the /8:2 said to ?oses: .Behold% yo# will rest with yo#r $athers& and this *eo*le will rise and
*lay the harlot with the gods o$ the $oreigners o$ the land% where they go (to be) among them% and they will
$orsa'e ?e and brea' ?y o!enant whih I ha!e made with them"
2e# -1:14 .Then ?y anger shall be aro#sed against them in that day% and I will $orsa'e them% and I will hide ?y
$ae $rom them% and they shall be de!o#red" +nd many e!ils and tro#bles shall be$all them% so that they will say
in that day% AHa!e not these e!ils ome #*on #s bea#se o#r God (is) not among #sCA
2e# -1:18 .+nd I will s#rely hide ?y $ae in that day bea#se o$ all the e!il whih they ha!e done% in that they
ha!e t#rned to other gods"
2e# -1:19 .Now there$ore% write down this song $or yo#rsel!es% and teah it to the hildren o$ Israel& *#t it in
their mo#ths% that this song may be a witness $or ?e against the hildren o$ Israel"
2e# -1:25 .>hen I ha!e bro#ght them to the land $lowing with mil' and honey% o$ whih I swore to their $athers%
and they ha!e eaten and $illed themsel!es and grown $at% then they will t#rn to other gods and ser!e them& and
they will *ro!o'e ?e and brea' ?y o!enant"
2e# -1:21 .Then it shall be% when many e!ils and tro#bles ha!e ome #*on them% that this song will testi$y
against them as a witness& $or it will not be $orgotten in the mo#ths o$ their desendants% $or I 'now the inlination
o$ their beha!ior today% e!en be$ore I ha!e bro#ght them to the land o$ whih I swore (to gi!e them".)
2e# -1:22 There$ore ?oses wrote this song the same day% and ta#ght it to the hildren o$ Israel"
2e# -1:2- Then He ina#g#rated Josh#a the son o$ N#n% and said% .Be strong and o$ good o#rage& $or yo# shall
bring the hildren o$ Israel into the land o$ whih I swore to them% and I will be with yo#".
2e# -1:20 ,o it was% when ?oses had om*leted writing the words o$ this law in a boo'% when they were
2e# -1:21 that ?oses ommanded the /e!ites% who bore the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2% saying:
2e# -1:23 .Ta'e this Boo' o$ the /aw% and *#t it beside the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% that it
may be there as a witness against yo#&
2e# -1:24 .$or I 'now yo#r rebellion and yo#r sti$$ ne'" (I$) today% while I am yet ali!e with yo#% yo# ha!e been
rebellio#s against the /8:2% then how m#h more a$ter my deathC
2e# -1:28 .Gather to me all the elders o$ yo#r tribes% and yo#r o$$iers% that I may s*ea' these words in their
hearing and all hea!en and earth to witness against them"
2e# -1:29 .;or I 'now that a$ter my death yo# will beome #tterly orr#*t% and t#rn aside $rom the way whih I
ha!e ommanded yo#& and e!il will be$all yo# in the latter days% bea#se yo# will do e!il in the sight o$ the
/8:2% to *ro!o'e Him to anger thro#gh the wor' o$ yo#r hands".
2e# -1:-5 Then ?oses s*o'e in the hearing o$ all the assembly o$ Israel the words o$ this song #ntil they were
2e# -2:1 .Gi!e ear% 8 hea!ens% and I will s*ea'& +nd hear% 8 earth% the words o$ my mo#th"
2e# -2:2 /et my teahing dro* as the rain% ?y s*eeh distill as the dew% +s raindro*s on the tender herb% +nd
as showers on the grass"
2e# -2:- ;or I *rolaim the name o$ the /8:2: +sribe greatness to o#r God"
2e# -2:0 (He is) the :o'% His wor' (is) *er$et& ;or all His ways (are) @#stie% + God o$ tr#th and witho#t
in@#stie& :ighteo#s and #*right (is) He"
2e# -2:1 .They ha!e orr#*ted themsel!es& (They are) not His hildren% Bea#se o$ their blemish: + *er!erse
and roo'ed generation"
2e# -2:3 2o yo# th#s deal with the /8:2% 8 $oolish and #nwise *eo*leC (Is) He not yo#r ;ather% (who) bo#ght
yo#C Has He not made yo# and established yo#C
2e# -2:4 .:emember the days o$ old% =onsider the years o$ many generations" +s' yo#r $ather% and he will
show yo#& Bo#r elders% and they will tell yo#:
2e# -2:8 >hen the ?ost High di!ided their inheritane to the nations% >hen He se*arated the sons o$ +dam%
He set the bo#ndaries o$ the *eo*les +ording to the n#mber o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
2e# -2:9 ;or the /8:2As *ortion (is) His *eo*le& Jaob (is) the *lae o$ His inheritane"
2e# -2:15 .He $o#nd him in a desert land +nd in the wasteland% a howling wilderness& He enirled him% He
instr#ted him% He 'e*t him as the a**le o$ His eye"
2e# -2:11 +s an eagle stirs #* its nest% Ho!ers o!er its yo#ng% ,*reading o#t its wings% ta'ing them #*%
=arrying them on its wings%
2e# -2:12 (,o) the /8:2 alone led him% +nd (there was) no $oreign god with him"
2e# -2:1- .He made him ride in the heights o$ the earth% That he might eat the *rod#e o$ the $ields& He made
him draw honey $rom the ro'% +nd oil $rom the $linty ro'&
2e# -2:10 =#rds $rom the attle% and mil' o$ the $lo'% >ith $at o$ lambs& +nd rams o$ the breed o$ Bashan% and
goats% >ith the hoiest wheat& +nd yo# dran' wine% the blood o$ the gra*es"
2e# -2:11 . B#t Jesh#r#n grew $at and 'i'ed& Bo# grew $at% yo# grew thi'% Bo# are obeseF Then he $orsoo'
God (who) made him% +nd sorn$#lly esteemed the :o' o$ his sal!ation"
2e# -2:13 They *ro!o'ed Him to @ealo#sy with $oreign (gods&) >ith abominations they *ro!o'ed Him to anger"
2e# -2:14 They sari$ied to demons% not to God% (To gods) they did not 'now% To new (gods%) new arri!als That
yo#r $athers did not $ear"
2e# -2:18 8$ the :o' (who) begot yo#% yo# are #nmind$#l% +nd ha!e $orgotten the God who $athered yo#"
2e# -2:19 . +nd when the /8:2 saw (it%) He s*#rned (them%) Bea#se o$ the *ro!oation o$ His sons and His
2e# -2:25 +nd He said: AI will hide ?y $ae $rom them% I will see what their end (will be%) ;or they (are) a
*er!erse generation% =hildren in whom (is) no $aith"
2e# -2:21 They ha!e *ro!o'ed ?e to @ealo#sy by (what) is not God& They ha!e mo!ed ?e to anger by their
$oolish idols" B#t I will *ro!o'e them to @ealo#sy by (those who are) not a nation& I will mo!e them to anger by a
$oolish nation"
2e# -2:22 ;or a $ire is 'indled by my anger% +nd shall b#rn to the lowest hell& It shall ons#me the earth with her
inrease% +nd set on $ire the $o#ndations o$ the mo#ntains"
2e# -2:2- A I will hea* disasters on them& I will s*end ?y arrows on them"
2e# -2:20 (They shall be) wasted with h#nger% 2e!o#red by *estilene and bitter destr#tion& I will also send
against them the teeth o$ beasts% >ith the *oison o$ ser*ents o$ the d#st"
2e# -2:21 The sword shall destroy o#tside& (There shall be) terror within ;or the yo#ng man and !irgin% The
n#rsing hild with the man o$ gray hairs"
2e# -2:23 I wo#ld ha!e said% .I will dash them in *iees% I will ma'e the memory o$ them to ease $rom among
2e# -2:24 Had I not $eared the wrath o$ the enemy% /est their ad!ersaries sho#ld mis#nderstand% /est they
sho#ld say% .8#r hand (is) high& +nd it is not the /8:2 who has done all this". A
2e# -2:28 . ;or they (are) a nation !oid o$ o#nsel% Nor (is there any) #nderstanding in them"
2e# -2:29 8h% that they were wise% (that) they #nderstood this% (That) they wo#ld onsider their latter endF
2e# -2:-5 How o#ld one hase a tho#sand% +nd two *#t ten tho#sand to $light% 7nless their :o' had sold
them% +nd the /8:2 had s#rrendered themC
2e# -2:-1 ;or their ro' (is) not li'e o#r :o'% 6!en o#r enemies themsel!es (being) @#dges"
2e# -2:-2 ;or their !ine (is) o$ the !ine o$ ,odom +nd o$ the $ields o$ Gomorrah& Their gra*es (are) gra*es o$
gall% Their l#sters (are) bitter"
2e# -2:-- Their wine (is) the *oison o$ ser*ents% +nd the r#el !enom o$ obras"
2e# -2:-0 A (Is) this not laid #* in store with ?e% ,ealed #* among ?y treas#resC
2e# -2:-1 Vengeane is ?ine% and reom*ense& Their $oot shall sli* in (d#e) time& ;or the day o$ their alamity
(is) at hand% +nd the things to ome hasten #*on them"A
2e# -2:-3 .;or the /8:2 will @#dge His *eo*le +nd ha!e om*assion on His ser!ants% >hen He sees that
(their) *ower is gone% +nd (there is) no one (remaining%) bond or $ree"
2e# -2:-4 He will say: A>here (are) their gods% The ro' in whih they so#ght re$#geC
2e# -2:-8 >ho ate the $at o$ their sari$ies% (+nd) dran' the wine o$ their drin' o$$eringC /et them rise and hel*
yo#% (+nd) be yo#r re$#ge"
2e# -2:-9 ANow see that I% (e!en) I% (am) He% +nd (there is) no God besides ?e& I 'ill and I ma'e ali!e& I wo#nd
and I heal& Nor (is there any) who an deli!er $rom ?y hand"
2e# -2:05 ;or I raise ?y hand to hea!en% +nd say% .(+s) I li!e $ore!er%
2e# -2:01 I$ I whet ?y glittering sword% +nd ?y hand ta'es hold on @#dgment% I will render !engeane to ?y
enemies% +nd re*ay those who hate ?e"
2e# -2:02 I will ma'e ?y arrows dr#n' with blood% +nd ?y sword shall de!o#r $lesh% >ith the blood o$ the slain
and the a*ti!es% ;rom the heads o$ the leaders o$ the enemy". A
2e# -2:0- .:e@oie% 8 Gentiles% (with) His *eo*le& ;or He will a!enge the blood o$ His ser!ants% +nd render
!engeane to His ad!ersaries& He will *ro!ide atonement $or His land (and) His *eo*le".
2e# -2:00 ,o ?oses ame with Josh#a the son o$ N#n and s*o'e all the words o$ this song in the hearing o$
the *eo*le"
2e# -2:01 ?oses $inished s*ea'ing all these words to all Israel%
2e# -2:03 and He said to them: .,et yo#r hearts on all the words whih I testi$y among yo# today% whih yo#
shall ommand yo#r hildren to be are$#l to obser!e DD all the words o$ this law"
2e# -2:04 .;or it (is) not a $#tile thing $or yo#% bea#se it (is) yo#r li$e% and by this word yo# shall *rolong (yo#r)
days in the land whih yo# ross o!er the Jordan to *ossess".
2e# -2:08 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to ?oses that !ery same day% saying:
2e# -2:09 .Go #* this mo#ntain o$ the +barim% ?o#nt Nebo% whih (is) in the land o$ ?oab% aross $rom Jeriho&
!iew the land o$ =anaan% whih I gi!e to the hildren o$ Israel as a *ossession&
2e# -2:15 .and die on the mo#ntain whih yo# asend% and be gathered to yo#r *eo*le% @#st as +aron yo#r
brother died on ?o#nt Hor and was gathered to his *eo*le&
2e# -2:11 .bea#se yo# tres*assed against ?e among the hildren o$ Israel at the waters o$ ?eribah Kadesh%
in the >ilderness o$ Gin% bea#se yo# did not hallow ?e in the midst o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
2e# -2:12 .Bet yo# shall see the land be$ore (yo#%) tho#gh yo# shall not go there% into the land whih I am
gi!ing to the hildren o$ Israel".
2e# --:1 Now this (is) the blessing with whih ?oses the man o$ God blessed the hildren o$ Israel be$ore his
2e# --:2 +nd he said: .The /8:2 ame $rom ,inai% +nd dawned on them $rom ,eir& He shone $orth $rom
?o#nt <aran% +nd He ame with ten tho#sands o$ saints& ;rom His right hand (=ame) a $iery law $or them"
2e# --:- Bes% He lo!es the *eo*le& +ll His saints (are) in Bo#r hand& They sit down at Bo#r $eet& (6!eryone)
reei!es Bo#r words"
2e# --:0 ?oses ommanded a law $or #s% + heritage o$ the ongregation o$ Jaob"
2e# --:1 +nd He was King in Jesh#r#n% >hen the leaders o$ the *eo*le were gathered% +ll the tribes o$ Israel
2e# --:3 . /et :e#ben li!e% and not die% (Nor) let his men be $ew".
2e# --:4 +nd this he said o$ J#dah: .Hear% /8:2% the !oie o$ J#dah% +nd bring him to his *eo*le& /et his
hands be s#$$iient $or him% +nd may Bo# be a hel* against his enemies".
2e# --:8 +nd o$ /e!i he said: .(/et) Bo#r Th#mmim and Bo#r 7rim (be) with Bo#r holy one% >hom Bo# tested at
?assah% +nd with whom Bo# ontended at the waters o$ ?eribah%
2e# --:9 >ho says o$ his $ather and mother% AI ha!e not seen themA& Nor did he a'nowledge his brothers% 8r
'now his own hildren& ;or they ha!e obser!ed Bo#r word +nd 'e*t Bo#r o!enant"
2e# --:15 They shall teah Jaob Bo#r @#dgments% +nd Israel Bo#r law" They shall *#t inense be$ore Bo#%
+nd a whole b#rnt sari$ie on Bo#r altar"
2e# --:11 Bless his s#bstane% /8:2% +nd ae*t the wor' o$ his hands& ,tri'e the loins o$ those who rise
against him% +nd o$ those who hate him% that they rise not again".
2e# --:12 8$ Ben@amin he said: .The belo!ed o$ the /8:2 shall dwell in sa$ety by Him% (>ho) shelters him all
the day long& +nd he shall dwell between His sho#lders".
2e# --:1- +nd o$ Jose*h he said: .Blessed o$ the /8:2 (is) his land% >ith the *reio#s things o$ hea!en% with
the dew% +nd the dee* lying beneath%
2e# --:10 >ith the *reio#s $r#its o$ the s#n% >ith the *reio#s *rod#e o$ the months%
2e# --:11 >ith the best things o$ the anient mo#ntains% >ith the *reio#s things o$ the e!erlasting hills%
2e# --:13 >ith the *reio#s things o$ the earth and its $#llness% +nd the $a!or o$ Him who dwelt in the b#sh" /et
(the blessing) ome Aon the head o$ Jose*h% +nd on the rown o$ the head o$ him (who was) se*arate $rom his
2e# --:14 His glory (is li'e) a $irstborn b#ll% +nd his horns (li'e) the horns o$ the wild o9& Together with them He
shall *#sh the *eo*les To the ends o$ the earth& They (are) the ten tho#sands o$ 6*hraim% +nd they (are) the
tho#sands o$ ?anasseh".
2e# --:18 +nd o$ Geb#l#n he said: .:e@oie% Geb#l#n% in yo#r going o#t% +nd Issahar in yo#r tentsF
2e# --:19 They shall all the *eo*les (to) the mo#ntain& There they shall o$$er sari$ies o$ righteo#sness& ;or
they shall *arta'e (o$) the ab#ndane o$ the seas +nd (o$) treas#res hidden in the sand".
2e# --:25 +nd o$ Gad he said: .Blessed (is) he who enlarges Gad& He dwells as a lion% +nd tears the arm and
the rown o$ his head"
2e# --:21 He *ro!ided the $irst (*art) $or himsel$% Bea#se a lawgi!erAs *ortion was reser!ed there" He ame
(with) the heads o$ the *eo*le& He administered the @#stie o$ the /8:2% +nd His @#dgments with Israel".
2e# --:22 +nd o$ 2an he said: .2an (is) a lionAs whel*& He shall lea* $rom Bashan".
2e# --:2- +nd o$ Na*htali he said: .8 Na*htali% satis$ied with $a!or% +nd $#ll o$ the blessing o$ the /8:2%
<ossess the west and the so#th".
2e# --:20 +nd o$ +sher he said: .+sher (is) most blessed o$ sons& /et him be $a!ored by his brothers% +nd let
him di* his $oot in oil"
2e# --:21 Bo#r sandals (shall be) iron and bronHe& +s yo#r days% (so shall) yo#r strength (be")
2e# --:23 .(There is) no one li'e the God o$ Jesh#r#n% (>ho) rides the hea!ens to hel* yo#% +nd in His
e9elleny on the lo#ds"
2e# --:24 The eternal God (is yo#r) re$#ge% +nd #nderneath (are) the e!erlasting arms& He will thr#st o#t the
enemy $rom be$ore yo#% +nd will say% A2estroyFA
2e# --:28 Then Israel shall dwell in sa$ety% The $o#ntain o$ Jaob alone% In a land o$ grain and new wine& His
hea!ens shall also dro* dew"
2e# --:29 Ha**y (are) yo#% 8 IsraelF >ho (is) li'e yo#% a *eo*le sa!ed by the /8:2% The shield o$ yo#r hel*
+nd the sword o$ yo#r ma@estyF Bo#r enemies shall s#bmit to yo#% +nd yo# shall tread down their high *laes".
2e# -0:1 Then ?oses went #* $rom the *lains o$ ?oab to ?o#nt Nebo% to the to* o$ <isgah% whih is aross
$rom Jeriho" +nd the /8:2 showed him all the land o$ Gilead as $ar as 2an%
2e# -0:2 all Na*htali and the land o$ 6*hraim and ?anasseh% all the land o$ J#dah as $ar as the >estern ,ea%
2e# -0:- the ,o#th% and the *lain o$ the Valley o$ Jeriho% the ity o$ *alm trees% as $ar as Goar"
2e# -0:0 Then the /8:2 said to him% .This (is) the land o$ whih I swore to gi!e +braham% Isaa% and Jaob%
saying% AI will gi!e it to yo#r desendants"A I ha!e a#sed yo# to see (it) with yo#r eyes% b#t yo# shall not ross
o!er there".
2e# -0:1 ,o ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 died there in the land o$ ?oab% aording to the word o$ the /8:2"
2e# -0:3 +nd He b#ried him in a !alley in the land o$ ?oab% o**osite Beth <eor& b#t no one 'nows his gra!e to
this day"
2e# -0:4 ?oses (was) one h#ndred and twenty years old when he died" His eyes were not dim nor his nat#ral
!igor diminished"
2e# -0:8 +nd the hildren o$ Israel we*t $or ?oses in the *lains o$ ?oab thirty days" ,o the days o$ wee*ing
(and) mo#rning $or ?oses ended"
2e# -0:9 Now Josh#a the son o$ N#n was $#ll o$ the s*irit o$ wisdom% $or ?oses had laid his hands on him& so
the hildren o$ Israel heeded him% and did as the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
2e# -0:15 B#t sine then there has not arisen in Israel a *ro*het li'e ?oses% whom the /8:2 'new $ae to
2e# -0:11 in all the signs and wonders whih the /8:2 sent him to do in the land o$ 6gy*t% be$ore <haraoh%
be$ore all his ser!ants% and in all his land%
2e# -0:12 and by all that mighty *ower and all the great terror whih ?oses *er$ormed in the sight o$ all Israel"
Jos 1:1 +$ter the death o$ ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2% it ame to *ass that the /8:2 s*o'e to Josh#a the
son o$ N#n% ?osesA assistant% saying:
Jos 1:2 .?oses ?y ser!ant is dead" Now there$ore% arise% go o!er this Jordan% yo# and all this *eo*le% to the
land whih I am gi!ing to them DD the hildren o$ Israel"
Jos 1:- .6!ery *lae that the sole o$ yo#r $oot will tread #*on I ha!e gi!en yo#% as I said to ?oses"
Jos 1:0 .;rom the wilderness and this /ebanon as $ar as the great ri!er% the :i!er 6#*hrates% all the land o$ the
Hittites% and to the Great ,ea toward the going down o$ the s#n% shall be yo#r territory"
Jos 1:1 .No man shall (be able to) stand be$ore yo# all the days o$ yo#r li$e& as I was with ?oses% (so) I will be
with yo#" I will not lea!e yo# nor $orsa'e yo#"
Jos 1:3 .Be strong and o$ good o#rage% $or to this *eo*le yo# shall di!ide as an inheritane the land whih I
swore to their $athers to gi!e them"
Jos 1:4 .8nly be strong and !ery o#rageo#s% that yo# may obser!e to do aording to all the law whih ?oses
?y ser!ant ommanded yo#& do not t#rn $rom it to the right hand or to the le$t% that yo# may *ros*er where!er
yo# go"
Jos 1:8 .This Boo' o$ the /aw shall not de*art $rom yo#r mo#th% b#t yo# shall meditate in it day and night% that
yo# may obser!e to do aording to all that is written in it" ;or then yo# will ma'e yo#r way *ros*ero#s% and then
yo# will ha!e good s#ess"
Jos 1:9 .Ha!e I not ommanded yo#C Be strong and o$ good o#rage& do not be a$raid% nor be dismayed% $or the
/8:2 yo#r God (is) with yo# where!er yo# go".
Jos 1:15 Then Josh#a ommanded the o$$iers o$ the *eo*le% saying%
Jos 1:11 .<ass thro#gh the am* and ommand the *eo*le% saying% A<re*are *ro!isions $or yo#rsel!es% $or
within three days yo# will ross o!er this Jordan% to go in to *ossess the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing
yo# to *ossess"A .
Jos 1:12 +nd to the :e#benites% the Gadites% and hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh Josh#a s*o'e% saying%
Jos 1:1- .:emember the word whih ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 ommanded yo#% saying% AThe /8:2 yo#r
God is gi!ing yo# rest and is gi!ing yo# this land"A
Jos 1:10 .Bo#r wi!es% yo#r little ones% and yo#r li!esto' shall remain in the land whih ?oses ga!e yo# on this
side o$ the Jordan" B#t yo# shall *ass be$ore yo#r brethren armed% all yo#r mighty men o$ !alor% and hel* them%
Jos 1:11 .#ntil the /8:2 has gi!en yo#r brethren rest% as He (ga!e) yo#% and they also ha!e ta'en *ossession
o$ the land whih the /8:2 yo#r God is gi!ing them" Then yo# shall ret#rn to the land o$ yo#r *ossession and
en@oy it% whih ?oses the /8:2As ser!ant ga!e yo# on this side o$ the Jordan toward the s#nrise".
Jos 1:13 ,o they answered Josh#a% saying% .+ll that yo# ommand #s we will do% and where!er yo# send #s we
will go"
Jos 1:14 .J#st as we heeded ?oses in all things% so we will heed yo#" 8nly the /8:2 yo#r God be with yo#% as
He was with ?oses"
Jos 1:18 .>hoe!er rebels against yo#r ommand and does not heed yo#r words% in all that yo# ommand him%
shall be *#t to death" 8nly be strong and o$ good o#rage".
Jos 2:1 Now Josh#a the son o$ N#n sent o#t two men $rom +aia Gro!e to s*y seretly% saying% .Go% !iew the
land% es*eially Jeriho". ,o they went% and ame to the ho#se o$ a harlot named :ahab% and lodged there"
Jos 2:2 +nd it was told the 'ing o$ Jeriho% saying% .Behold% men ha!e ome here tonight $rom the hildren o$
Israel to searh o#t the o#ntry".
Jos 2:- ,o the 'ing o$ Jeriho sent to :ahab% saying% .Bring o#t the men who ha!e ome to yo#% who ha!e
entered yo#r ho#se% $or they ha!e ome to searh o#t all the o#ntry".
Jos 2:0 Then the woman too' the two men and hid them" ,o she said% .Bes% the men ame to me% b#t I did not
'now where they (were) $rom"
Jos 2:1 .+nd it ha**ened as the gate was being sh#t% when it was dar'% that the men went o#t" >here the men
went I do not 'now& *#rs#e them E#i'ly% $or yo# may o!erta'e them".
Jos 2:3 IB#t she had bro#ght them #* to the roo$ and hidden them with the stal's o$ $la9% whih she had laid in
order on the roo$"J
Jos 2:4 Then the men *#rs#ed them by the road to the Jordan% to the $ords" +nd as soon as those who *#rs#ed
them had gone o#t% they sh#t the gate"
Jos 2:8 Now be$ore they lay down% she ame #* to them on the roo$%
Jos 2:9 and said to the men: .I 'now that the /8:2 has gi!en yo# the land% that the terror o$ yo# has $allen on
#s% and that all the inhabitants o$ the land are $ainthearted bea#se o$ yo#"
Jos 2:15 .;or we ha!e heard how the /8:2 dried #* the water o$ the :ed ,ea $or yo# when yo# ame o#t o$
6gy*t% and what yo# did to the two 'ings o$ the +morites who (were) on the other side o$ the Jordan% ,ihon and
8g% whom yo# #tterly destroyed"
Jos 2:11 .+nd as soon as we heard (these things%) o#r hearts melted& neither did there remain any more
o#rage in anyone bea#se o$ yo#% $or the /8:2 yo#r God% He (is) God in hea!en abo!e and on earth beneath"
Jos 2:12 .Now there$ore% I beg yo#% swear to me by the /8:2% sine I ha!e shown yo# 'indness% that yo# also
will show 'indness to my $atherAs ho#se% and gi!e me a tr#e to'en%
Jos 2:1- .and s*are my $ather% my mother% my brothers% my sisters% and all that they ha!e% and deli!er o#r li!es
$rom death".
Jos 2:10 ,o the men answered her% .8#r li!es $or yo#rs% i$ none o$ yo# tell this b#siness o$ o#rs" +nd it shall be%
when the /8:2 has gi!en #s the land% that we will deal 'indly and tr#ly with yo#".
Jos 2:11 Then she let them down by a ro*e thro#gh the window% $or her ho#se (was) on the ity wall& she dwelt
on the wall"
Jos 2:13 +nd she said to them% .Get to the mo#ntain% lest the *#rs#ers meet yo#" Hide there three days% #ntil
the *#rs#ers ha!e ret#rned" +$terward yo# may go yo#r way".
Jos 2:14 ,o the men said to her: .>e (will be) blameless o$ this oath o$ yo#rs whih yo# ha!e made #s swear%
Jos 2:18 .#nless% (when) we ome into the land% yo# bind this line o$ sarlet ord in the window thro#gh whih
yo# let #s down% and #nless yo# bring yo#r $ather% yo#r mother% yo#r brothers% and all yo#r $atherAs ho#sehold to
yo#r own home"
Jos 2:19 .,o it shall be (that) whoe!er goes o#tside the doors o$ yo#r ho#se into the street% his blood (shall be)
on his own head% and we (will be) g#iltless" +nd whoe!er is with yo# in the ho#se% his blood (shall be) on o#r
head i$ a hand is laid on him"
Jos 2:25 .+nd i$ yo# tell this b#siness o$ o#rs% then we will be $ree $rom yo#r oath whih yo# made #s swear".
Jos 2:21 Then she said% .+ording to yo#r words% so (be) it". +nd she sent them away% and they de*arted" +nd
she bo#nd the sarlet ord in the window"
Jos 2:22 They de*arted and went to the mo#ntain% and stayed there three days #ntil the *#rs#ers ret#rned" The
*#rs#ers so#ght (them) all along the way% b#t did not $ind (them")
Jos 2:2- ,o the two men ret#rned% desended $rom the mo#ntain% and rossed o!er& and they ame to Josh#a
the son o$ N#n% and told him all that had be$allen them"
Jos 2:20 +nd they said to Josh#a% .Tr#ly the /8:2 has deli!ered all the land into o#r hands% $or indeed all the
inhabitants o$ the o#ntry are $ainthearted bea#se o$ #s".
Jos -:1 Then Josh#a rose early in the morning& and they set o#t $rom +aia Gro!e and ame to the Jordan% he
and all the hildren o$ Israel% and lodged there be$ore they rossed o!er"
Jos -:2 ,o it was% a$ter three days% that the o$$iers went thro#gh the am*&
Jos -:- and they ommanded the *eo*le% saying% .>hen yo# see the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 yo#r
God% and the *riests% the /e!ites% bearing it% then yo# shall set o#t $rom yo#r *lae and go a$ter it"
Jos -:0 .Bet there shall be a s*ae between yo# and it% abo#t two tho#sand #bits by meas#re" 2o not ome
near it% that yo# may 'now the way by whih yo# m#st go% $or yo# ha!e not *assed (this) way be$ore".
Jos -:1 +nd Josh#a said to the *eo*le% .,anti$y yo#rsel!es% $or tomorrow the /8:2 will do wonders among
Jos -:3 Then Josh#a s*o'e to the *riests% saying% .Ta'e #* the ar' o$ the o!enant and ross o!er be$ore the
*eo*le". ,o they too' #* the ar' o$ the o!enant and went be$ore the *eo*le"
Jos -:4 +nd the /8:2 said to Josh#a% .This day I will begin to e9alt yo# in the sight o$ all Israel% that they may
'now that% as I was with ?oses% (so) I will be with yo#"
Jos -:8 .Bo# shall ommand the *riests who bear the ar' o$ the o!enant% saying% A>hen yo# ha!e ome to the
edge o$ the water o$ the Jordan% yo# shall stand in the Jordan"A .
Jos -:9 ,o Josh#a said to the hildren o$ Israel% .=ome here% and hear the words o$ the /8:2 yo#r God".
Jos -:15 +nd Josh#a said% .By this yo# shall 'now that the li!ing God (is) among yo#% and (that) He will witho#t
$ail dri!e o#t $rom be$ore yo# the =anaanites and the Hittites and the Hi!ites and the <eriHHites and the
Girgashites and the +morites and the Jeb#sites:
Jos -:11 .Behold% the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /ord o$ all the earth is rossing o!er be$ore yo# into the Jordan"
Jos -:12 .Now there$ore% ta'e $or yo#rsel!es twel!e men $rom the tribes o$ Israel% one man $rom e!ery tribe"
Jos -:1- .+nd it shall ome to *ass% as soon as the soles o$ the $eet o$ the *riests who bear the ar' o$ the
/8:2% the /ord o$ all the earth% shall rest in the waters o$ the Jordan% (that) the waters o$ the Jordan shall be #t
o$$% the waters that ome down $rom #*stream% and they shall stand as a hea*".
Jos -:10 ,o it was% when the *eo*le set o#t $rom their am* to ross o!er the Jordan% with the *riests bearing
the ar' o$ the o!enant be$ore the *eo*le%
Jos -:11 and as those who bore the ar' ame to the Jordan% and the $eet o$ the *riests who bore the ar' di**ed
in the edge o$ the water I$or the Jordan o!er$lows all its ban's d#ring the whole time o$ har!estJ%
Jos -:13 that the waters whih ame down $rom #*stream stood (still% and) rose in a hea* !ery $ar away at
+dam% the ity that (is) beside Garetan" ,o the waters that went down into the ,ea o$ the +rabah% the ,alt ,ea%
$ailed% (and) were #t o$$& and the *eo*le rossed o!er o**osite Jeriho"
Jos -:14 Then the *riests who bore the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 stood $irm on dry gro#nd in the midst o$
the Jordan& and all Israel rossed o!er on dry gro#nd% #ntil all the *eo*le had rossed om*letely o!er the
Jos 0:1 +nd it ame to *ass% when all the *eo*le had om*letely rossed o!er the Jordan% that the /8:2 s*o'e
to Josh#a% saying:
Jos 0:2 .Ta'e $or yo#rsel!es twel!e men $rom the *eo*le% one man $rom e!ery tribe%
Jos 0:- .and ommand them% saying% ATa'e $or yo#rsel!es twel!e stones $rom here% o#t o$ the midst o$ the
Jordan% $rom the *lae where the *riestsA $eet stood $irm" Bo# shall arry them o!er with yo# and lea!e them in
the lodging *lae where yo# lodge tonight"A .
Jos 0:0 Then Josh#a alled the twel!e men whom he had a**ointed $rom the hildren o$ Israel% one man $rom
e!ery tribe&
Jos 0:1 and Josh#a said to them: .=ross o!er be$ore the ar' o$ the /8:2 yo#r God into the midst o$ the Jordan%
and eah one o$ yo# ta'e #* a stone on his sho#lder% aording to the n#mber o$ the tribes o$ the hildren o$
Jos 0:3 .that this may be a sign among yo# when yo#r hildren as' in time to ome% saying% A>hat do these
stones (mean) to yo#CA
Jos 0:4 .Then yo# shall answer them that the waters o$ the Jordan were #t o$$ be$ore the ar' o$ the o!enant o$
the /8:2& when it rossed o!er the Jordan% the waters o$ the Jordan were #t o$$" +nd these stones shall be $or
a memorial to the hildren o$ Israel $ore!er".
Jos 0:8 +nd the hildren o$ Israel did so% @#st as Josh#a ommanded% and too' #* twel!e stones $rom the midst
o$ the Jordan% as the /8:2 had s*o'en to Josh#a% aording to the n#mber o$ the tribes o$ the hildren o$ Israel%
and arried them o!er with them to the *lae where they lodged% and laid them down there"
Jos 0:9 Then Josh#a set #* twel!e stones in the midst o$ the Jordan% in the *lae where the $eet o$ the *riests
who bore the ar' o$ the o!enant stood& and they are there to this day"
Jos 0:15 ,o the *riests who bore the ar' stood in the midst o$ the Jordan #ntil e!erything was $inished that the
/8:2 had ommanded Josh#a to s*ea' to the *eo*le% aording to all that ?oses had ommanded Josh#a&
and the *eo*le h#rried and rossed o!er"
Jos 0:11 Then it ame to *ass% when all the *eo*le had om*letely rossed o!er% that the ar' o$ the /8:2 and
the *riests rossed o!er in the *resene o$ the *eo*le"
Jos 0:12 +nd the men o$ :e#ben% the men o$ Gad% and hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh rossed o!er armed be$ore
the hildren o$ Israel% as ?oses had s*o'en to them"
Jos 0:1- +bo#t $orty tho#sand *re*ared $or war rossed o!er be$ore the /8:2 $or battle% to the *lains o$
Jos 0:10 8n that day the /8:2 e9alted Josh#a in the sight o$ all Israel& and they $eared him% as they had $eared
?oses% all the days o$ his li$e"
Jos 0:11 Then the /8:2 s*o'e to Josh#a% saying%
Jos 0:13 .=ommand the *riests who bear the ar' o$ the Testimony to ome #* $rom the Jordan".
Jos 0:14 Josh#a there$ore ommanded the *riests% saying% .=ome #* $rom the Jordan".
Jos 0:18 +nd it ame to *ass% when the *riests who bore the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 had ome $rom
the midst o$ the Jordan% (and) the soles o$ the *riestsA $eet to#hed the dry land% that the waters o$ the Jordan
ret#rned to their *lae and o!er$lowed all its ban's as be$ore"
Jos 0:19 Now the *eo*le ame #* $rom the Jordan on the tenth (day) o$ the $irst month% and they am*ed in
Gilgal on the east border o$ Jeriho"
Jos 0:25 +nd those twel!e stones whih they too' o#t o$ the Jordan% Josh#a set #* in Gilgal"
Jos 0:21 Then he s*o'e to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: .>hen yo#r hildren as' their $athers in time to ome%
saying% A>hat (are) these stonesCA
Jos 0:22 .then yo# shall let yo#r hildren 'now% saying% AIsrael rossed o!er this Jordan on dry landA&
Jos 0:2- .$or the /8:2 yo#r God dried #* the waters o$ the Jordan be$ore yo# #ntil yo# had rossed o!er% as
the /8:2 yo#r God did to the :ed ,ea% whih He dried #* be$ore #s #ntil we had rossed o!er%
Jos 0:20 .that all the *eo*les o$ the earth may 'now the hand o$ the /8:2% that it (is) mighty% that yo# may $ear
the /8:2 yo#r God $ore!er".
Jos 1:1 ,o it was% when all the 'ings o$ the +morites who (were) on the west side o$ the Jordan% and all the 'ings
o$ the =anaanites who (were) by the sea% heard that the /8:2 had dried #* the waters o$ the Jordan $rom be$ore
the hildren o$ Israel #ntil we had rossed o!er% that their heart melted& and there was no s*irit in them any
longer bea#se o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
Jos 1:2 +t that time the /8:2 said to Josh#a% .?a'e $lint 'ni!es $or yo#rsel$% and ir#mise the sons o$ Israel
again the seond time".
Jos 1:- ,o Josh#a made $lint 'ni!es $or himsel$% and ir#mised the sons o$ Israel at the hill o$ the $ores'ins"
Jos 1:0 +nd this (is) the reason why Josh#a ir#mised them: +ll the *eo*le who ame o#t o$ 6gy*t (who were)
males% all the men o$ war% had died in the wilderness on the way% a$ter they had ome o#t o$ 6gy*t"
Jos 1:1 ;or all the *eo*le who ame o#t had been ir#mised% b#t all the *eo*le born in the wilderness% on the
way as they ame o#t o$ 6gy*t% had not been ir#mised"
Jos 1:3 ;or the hildren o$ Israel wal'ed $orty years in the wilderness% till all the *eo*le (who were) men o$ war%
who ame o#t o$ 6gy*t% were ons#med% bea#se they did not obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 DD to whom the /8:2
swore that He wo#ld not show them the land whih the /8:2 had sworn to their $athers that He wo#ld gi!e #s%
.a land $lowing with mil' and honey".
Jos 1:4 Then Josh#a ir#mised their sons (whom) He raised #* in their *lae& $or they were #nir#mised%
bea#se they had not been ir#mised on the way"
Jos 1:8 ,o it was% when they had $inished ir#mising all the *eo*le% that they stayed in their *laes in the
am* till they were healed"
Jos 1:9 Then the /8:2 said to Josh#a% .This day I ha!e rolled away the re*roah o$ 6gy*t $rom yo#". There$ore
the name o$ the *lae is alled Gilgal to this day"
Jos 1:15 Now the hildren o$ Israel am*ed in Gilgal% and 'e*t the <asso!er on the $o#rteenth day o$ the month
at twilight on the *lains o$ Jeriho"
Jos 1:11 +nd they ate o$ the *rod#e o$ the land on the day a$ter the <asso!er% #nlea!ened bread and *arhed
grain% on the !ery same day"
Jos 1:12 Then the manna eased on the day a$ter they had eaten the *rod#e o$ the land& and the hildren o$
Israel no longer had manna% b#t they ate the $ood o$ the land o$ =anaan that year"
Jos 1:1- +nd it ame to *ass% when Josh#a was by Jeriho% that he li$ted his eyes and loo'ed% and behold% a
?an stood o**osite him with His sword drawn in His hand" +nd Josh#a went to Him and said to Him% .(+re) Bo#
$or #s or $or o#r ad!ersariesC.
Jos 1:10 ,o He said% .No% b#t (as) =ommander o$ the army o$ the /8:2 I ha!e now ome". +nd Josh#a $ell on
his $ae to the earth and worshi*ed% and said to Him% .>hat does my /ord say to His ser!antC.
Jos 1:11 Then the =ommander o$ the /8:2As army said to Josh#a% .Ta'e yo#r sandal o$$ yo#r $oot% $or the
*lae where yo# stand (is) holy". +nd Josh#a did so"
Jos 3:1 Now Jeriho was se#rely sh#t #* bea#se o$ the hildren o$ Israel& none went o#t% and none ame in"
Jos 3:2 +nd the /8:2 said to Josh#a: .,eeF I ha!e gi!en Jeriho into yo#r hand% its 'ing% (and) the mighty men
o$ !alor"
Jos 3:- .Bo# shall marh aro#nd the ity% all (yo#) men o$ war& yo# shall go all aro#nd the ity one" This yo#
shall do si9 days"
Jos 3:0 .+nd se!en *riests shall bear se!en tr#m*ets o$ ramsA horns be$ore the ar'" B#t the se!enth day yo#
shall marh aro#nd the ity se!en times% and the *riests shall blow the tr#m*ets"
Jos 3:1 .It shall ome to *ass% when they ma'e a long (blast) with the ramAs horn% (and) when yo# hear the
so#nd o$ the tr#m*et% that all the *eo*le shall sho#t with a great sho#t& then the wall o$ the ity will $all down $lat"
+nd the *eo*le shall go #* e!ery man straight be$ore him".
Jos 3:3 Then Josh#a the son o$ N#n alled the *riests and said to them% .Ta'e #* the ar' o$ the o!enant% and
let se!en *riests bear se!en tr#m*ets o$ ramsA horns be$ore the ar' o$ the /8:2".
Jos 3:4 +nd he said to the *eo*le% .<roeed% and marh aro#nd the ity% and let him who is armed ad!ane
be$ore the ar' o$ the /8:2".
Jos 3:8 ,o it was% when Josh#a had s*o'en to the *eo*le% that the se!en *riests bearing the se!en tr#m*ets o$
ramsA horns be$ore the /8:2 ad!aned and blew the tr#m*ets% and the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2
$ollowed them"
Jos 3:9 The armed men went be$ore the *riests who blew the tr#m*ets% and the rear g#ard ame a$ter the ar'%
while (the *riests) ontin#ed blowing the tr#m*ets"
Jos 3:15 Now Josh#a had ommanded the *eo*le% saying% .Bo# shall not sho#t or ma'e any noise with yo#r
!oie% nor shall a word *roeed o#t o$ yo#r mo#th% #ntil the day I say to yo#% A,ho#tFA Then yo# shall sho#t".
Jos 3:11 ,o he had the ar' o$ the /8:2 irle the ity% going aro#nd (it) one" Then they ame into the am*
and lodged in the am*"
Jos 3:12 +nd Josh#a rose early in the morning% and the *riests too' #* the ar' o$ the /8:2"
Jos 3:1- Then se!en *riests bearing se!en tr#m*ets o$ ramsA horns be$ore the ar' o$ the /8:2 went on
ontin#ally and blew with the tr#m*ets" +nd the armed men went be$ore them" B#t the rear g#ard ame a$ter the
ar' o$ the /8:2% while (the *riests) ontin#ed blowing the tr#m*ets"
Jos 3:10 +nd the seond day they marhed aro#nd the ity one and ret#rned to the am*" ,o they did si9
Jos 3:11 B#t it ame to *ass on the se!enth day that they rose early% abo#t the dawning o$ the day% and
marhed aro#nd the ity se!en times in the same manner" 8n that day only they marhed aro#nd the ity se!en
Jos 3:13 +nd the se!enth time it ha**ened% when the *riests blew the tr#m*ets% that Josh#a said to the *eo*le:
.,ho#t% $or the /8:2 has gi!en yo# the ityF
Jos 3:14 .Now the ity shall be doomed by the /8:2 to destr#tion% it and all who (are) in it" 8nly :ahab the
harlot shall li!e% she and all who (are) with her in the ho#se% bea#se she hid the messengers that we sent"
Jos 3:18 .+nd yo#% by all means abstain $rom the a#rsed things% lest yo# beome a#rsed when yo# ta'e o$
the a#rsed things% and ma'e the am* o$ Israel a #rse% and tro#ble it"
Jos 3:19 .B#t all the sil!er and gold% and !essels o$ bronHe and iron% (are) onserated to the /8:2& they shall
ome into the treas#ry o$ the /8:2".
Jos 3:25 ,o the *eo*le sho#ted when (the *riests) blew the tr#m*ets" +nd it ha**ened when the *eo*le heard
the so#nd o$ the tr#m*et% and the *eo*le sho#ted with a great sho#t% that the wall $ell down $lat" Then the *eo*le
went #* into the ity% e!ery man straight be$ore him% and they too' the ity"
Jos 3:21 +nd they #tterly destroyed all that (was) in the ity% both man and woman% yo#ng and old% o9 and shee*
and don'ey% with the edge o$ the sword"
Jos 3:22 B#t Josh#a had said to the two men who had s*ied o#t the o#ntry% .Go into the harlotAs ho#se% and
$rom there bring o#t the woman and all that she has% as yo# swore to her".
Jos 3:2- +nd the yo#ng men who had been s*ies went in and bro#ght o#t :ahab% her $ather% her mother% her
brothers% and all that she had" ,o they bro#ght o#t all her relati!es and le$t them o#tside the am* o$ Israel"
Jos 3:20 B#t they b#rned the ity and all that (was) in it with $ire" 8nly the sil!er and gold% and the !essels o$
bronHe and iron% they *#t into the treas#ry o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
Jos 3:21 +nd Josh#a s*ared :ahab the harlot% her $atherAs ho#sehold% and all that she had" ,o she dwells in
Israel to this day% bea#se she hid the messengers whom Josh#a sent to s*y o#t Jeriho"
Jos 3:23 Then Josh#a harged (them) at that time% saying% .=#rsed (be) the man be$ore the /8:2 who rises #*
and b#ilds this ity Jeriho& he shall lay its $o#ndation with his $irstborn% and with his yo#ngest he shall set #* its
Jos 3:24 ,o the /8:2 was with Josh#a% and his $ame s*read thro#gho#t all the o#ntry"
Jos 4:1 B#t the hildren o$ Israel ommitted a tres*ass regarding the a#rsed things% $or +han the son o$
=armi% the son o$ Gabdi% the son o$ Gerah% o$ the tribe o$ J#dah% too' o$ the a#rsed things& so the anger o$ the
/8:2 b#rned against the hildren o$ Israel"
Jos 4:2 Now Josh#a sent men $rom Jeriho to +i% whih (is) beside Beth +!en% on the east side o$ Bethel% and
s*o'e to them% saying% .Go #* and s*y o#t the o#ntry". ,o the men went #* and s*ied o#t +i"
Jos 4:- +nd they ret#rned to Josh#a and said to him% .2o not let all the *eo*le go #*% b#t let abo#t two or three
tho#sand men go #* and atta' +i" 2o not weary all the *eo*le there% $or (the *eo*le o$ +i are) $ew".
Jos 4:0 ,o abo#t three tho#sand men went #* there $rom the *eo*le% b#t they $led be$ore the men o$ +i"
Jos 4:1 +nd the men o$ +i str#' down abo#t thirtyDsi9 men% $or they hased them ($rom) be$ore the gate as $ar
as ,hebarim% and str#' them down on the desent& there$ore the hearts o$ the *eo*le melted and beame li'e
Jos 4:3 Then Josh#a tore his lothes% and $ell to the earth on his $ae be$ore the ar' o$ the /8:2 #ntil e!ening%
he and the elders o$ Israel& and they *#t d#st on their heads"
Jos 4:4 +nd Josh#a said% .+las% /ord G82% why ha!e Bo# bro#ght this *eo*le o!er the Jordan at all DD to deli!er
#s into the hand o$ the +morites% to destroy #sC 8h% that we had been ontent% and dwelt on the other side o$ the
Jos 4:8 .8 /ord% what shall I say when Israel t#rns its ba' be$ore its enemiesC
Jos 4:9 .;or the =anaanites and all the inhabitants o$ the land will hear (it%) and s#rro#nd #s% and #t o$$ o#r
name $rom the earth" Then what will Bo# do $or Bo#r great nameC.
Jos 4:15 ,o the /8:2 said to Josh#a: .Get #*F >hy do yo# lie th#s on yo#r $aeC
Jos 4:11 .Israel has sinned% and they ha!e also transgressed ?y o!enant whih I ommanded them" ;or they
ha!e e!en ta'en some o$ the a#rsed things% and ha!e both stolen and deei!ed& and they ha!e also *#t (it)
among their own st#$$"
Jos 4:12 .There$ore the hildren o$ Israel o#ld not stand be$ore their enemies% (b#t) t#rned (their) ba's be$ore
their enemies% bea#se they ha!e beome doomed to destr#tion" Neither will I be with yo# anymore% #nless yo#
destroy the a#rsed $rom among yo#"
Jos 4:1- .Get #*% santi$y the *eo*le% and say% A,anti$y yo#rsel!es $or tomorrow% bea#se th#s says the /8:2
God o$ Israel: .(There is) an a#rsed thing in yo#r midst% 8 Israel& yo# annot stand be$ore yo#r enemies #ntil
yo# ta'e away the a#rsed thing $rom among yo#".
Jos 4:10 AIn the morning there$ore yo# shall be bro#ght aording to yo#r tribes" +nd it shall be (that) the tribe
whih the /8:2 ta'es shall ome aording to $amilies& and the $amily whih the /8:2 ta'es shall ome by
ho#seholds& and the ho#sehold whih the /8:2 ta'es shall ome man by man"
Jos 4:11 AThen it shall be (that) he who is ta'en with the a#rsed thing shall be b#rned with $ire% he and all that
he has% bea#se he has transgressed the o!enant o$ the /8:2% and bea#se he has done a disgrae$#l thing
in Israel"A .
Jos 4:13 ,o Josh#a rose early in the morning and bro#ght Israel by their tribes% and the tribe o$ J#dah was
Jos 4:14 He bro#ght the lan o$ J#dah% and he too' the $amily o$ the Garhites& and he bro#ght the $amily o$ the
Garhites man by man% and Gabdi was ta'en"
Jos 4:18 Then he bro#ght his ho#sehold man by man% and +han the son o$ =armi% the son o$ Gabdi% the son o$
Gerah% o$ the tribe o$ J#dah% was ta'en"
Jos 4:19 Now Josh#a said to +han% .?y son% I beg yo#% gi!e glory to the /8:2 God o$ Israel% and ma'e
on$ession to Him% and tell me now what yo# ha!e done& do not hide (it) $rom me".
Jos 4:25 +nd +han answered Josh#a and said% .Indeed I ha!e sinned against the /8:2 God o$ Israel% and
this is what I ha!e done:
Jos 4:21 .>hen I saw among the s*oils a bea#ti$#l Babylonian garment% two h#ndred she'els o$ sil!er% and a
wedge o$ gold weighing $i$ty she'els% I o!eted them and too' them" +nd there they are% hidden in the earth in
the midst o$ my tent% with the sil!er #nder it".
Jos 4:22 ,o Josh#a sent messengers% and they ran to the tent& and there it was% hidden in his tent% with the
sil!er #nder it"
Jos 4:2- +nd they too' them $rom the midst o$ the tent% bro#ght them to Josh#a and to all the hildren o$ Israel%
and laid them o#t be$ore the /8:2"
Jos 4:20 Then Josh#a% and all Israel with him% too' +han the son o$ Gerah% the sil!er% the garment% the wedge
o$ gold% his sons% his da#ghters% his o9en% his don'eys% his shee*% his tent% and all that he had% and they bro#ght
them to the Valley o$ +hor"
Jos 4:21 +nd Josh#a said% .>hy ha!e yo# tro#bled #sC The /8:2 will tro#ble yo# this day". ,o all Israel stoned
him with stones& and they b#rned them with $ire a$ter they had stoned them with stones"
Jos 4:23 Then they raised o!er him a great hea* o$ stones% still there to this day" ,o the /8:2 t#rned $rom the
$iereness o$ His anger" There$ore the name o$ that *lae has been alled the Valley o$ +hor to this day"
Jos 8:1 Now the /8:2 said to Josh#a: .2o not be a$raid% nor be dismayed& ta'e all the *eo*le o$ war with yo#%
and arise% go #* to +i" ,ee% I ha!e gi!en into yo#r hand the 'ing o$ +i% his *eo*le% his ity% and his land"
Jos 8:2 .+nd yo# shall do to +i and its 'ing as yo# did to Jeriho and its 'ing" 8nly its s*oil and its attle yo#
shall ta'e as booty $or yo#rsel!es" /ay an amb#sh $or the ity behind it".
Jos 8:- ,o Josh#a arose% and all the *eo*le o$ war% to go #* against +i& and Josh#a hose thirty tho#sand
mighty men o$ !alor and sent them away by night"
Jos 8:0 +nd he ommanded them% saying: .Behold% yo# shall lie in amb#sh against the ity% behind the ity" 2o
not go !ery $ar $rom the ity% b#t all o$ yo# be ready"
Jos 8:1 .Then I and all the *eo*le who (are) with me will a**roah the ity& and it will ome abo#t% when they
ome o#t against #s as at the $irst% that we shall $lee be$ore them"
Jos 8:3 .;or they will ome o#t a$ter #s till we ha!e drawn them $rom the ity% $or they will say% A(They are) $leeing
be$ore #s as at the $irst"A There$ore we will $lee be$ore them"
Jos 8:4 .Then yo# shall rise $rom the amb#sh and seiHe the ity% $or the /8:2 yo#r God will deli!er it into yo#r
Jos 8:8 .+nd it will be% when yo# ha!e ta'en the ity% (that) yo# shall set the ity on $ire" +ording to the
ommandment o$ the /8:2 yo# shall do" ,ee% I ha!e ommanded yo#".
Jos 8:9 Josh#a there$ore sent them o#t& and they went to lie in amb#sh% and stayed between Bethel and +i% on
the west side o$ +i& b#t Josh#a lodged that night among the *eo*le"
Jos 8:15 Then Josh#a rose #* early in the morning and m#stered the *eo*le% and went #*% he and the elders o$
Israel% be$ore the *eo*le to +i"
Jos 8:11 +nd all the *eo*le o$ war who (were) with him went #* and drew near& and they ame be$ore the ity
and am*ed on the north side o$ +i" Now a !alley (lay) between them and +i"
Jos 8:12 ,o he too' abo#t $i!e tho#sand men and set them in amb#sh between Bethel and +i% on the west side
o$ the ity"
Jos 8:1- +nd when they had set the *eo*le% all the army that (was) on the north o$ the ity% and its rear g#ard on
the west o$ the ity% Josh#a went that night into the midst o$ the !alley"
Jos 8:10 Now it ha**ened% when the 'ing o$ +i saw (it%) that the men o$ the ity h#rried and rose early and went
o#t against Israel to battle% he and all his *eo*le% at an a**ointed *lae be$ore the *lain" B#t he did not 'now that
(there was) an amb#sh against him behind the ity"
Jos 8:11 +nd Josh#a and all Israel made as i$ they were beaten be$ore them% and $led by the way o$ the
Jos 8:13 ,o all the *eo*le who (were) in +i were alled together to *#rs#e them" +nd they *#rs#ed Josh#a and
were drawn away $rom the ity"
Jos 8:14 There was not a man le$t in +i or Bethel who did not go o#t a$ter Israel" ,o they le$t the ity o*en and
*#rs#ed Israel"
Jos 8:18 Then the /8:2 said to Josh#a% .,treth o#t the s*ear that (is) in yo#r hand toward +i% $or I will gi!e it
into yo#r hand". +nd Josh#a strethed o#t the s*ear that (was) in his hand toward the ity"
Jos 8:19 ,o (those in) amb#sh arose E#i'ly o#t o$ their *lae& they ran as soon as he had strethed o#t his
hand% and they entered the ity and too' it% and h#rried to set the ity on $ire"
Jos 8:25 +nd when the men o$ +i loo'ed behind them% they saw% and behold% the smo'e o$ the ity asended to
hea!en" ,o they had no *ower to $lee this way or that way% and the *eo*le who had $led to the wilderness t#rned
ba' on the *#rs#ers"
Jos 8:21 Now when Josh#a and all Israel saw that the amb#sh had ta'en the ity and that the smo'e o$ the ity
asended% they t#rned ba' and str#' down the men o$ +i"
Jos 8:22 Then the others ame o#t o$ the ity against them& so they were (a#ght) in the midst o$ Israel% some
on this side and some on that side" +nd they str#' them down% so that they let none o$ them remain or esa*e"
Jos 8:2- B#t the 'ing o$ +i they too' ali!e% and bro#ght him to Josh#a"
Jos 8:20 +nd it ame to *ass when Israel had made an end o$ slaying all the inhabitants o$ +i in the $ield% in the
wilderness where they *#rs#ed them% and when they all had $allen by the edge o$ the sword #ntil they were
ons#med% that all the Israelites ret#rned to +i and str#' it with the edge o$ the sword"
Jos 8:21 ,o it was (that) all who $ell that day% both men and women% (were) twel!e tho#sand DD all the *eo*le o$
Jos 8:23 ;or Josh#a did not draw ba' his hand% with whih he strethed o#t the s*ear% #ntil he had #tterly
destroyed all the inhabitants o$ +i"
Jos 8:24 8nly the li!esto' and the s*oil o$ that ity Israel too' as booty $or themsel!es% aording to the word
o$ the /8:2 whih He had ommanded Josh#a"
Jos 8:28 ,o Josh#a b#rned +i and made it a hea* $ore!er% a desolation to this day"
Jos 8:29 +nd the 'ing o$ +i he hanged on a tree #ntil e!ening" +nd as soon as the s#n was down% Josh#a
ommanded that they sho#ld ta'e his or*se down $rom the tree% ast it at the entrane o$ the gate o$ the ity%
and raise o!er it a great hea* o$ stones (that remains) to this day"
Jos 8:-5 Now Josh#a b#ilt an altar to the /8:2 God o$ Israel in ?o#nt 6bal%
Jos 8:-1 as ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 had ommanded the hildren o$ Israel% as it is written in the Boo' o$
the /aw o$ ?oses: .an altar o$ whole stones o!er whih no man has wielded an iron (tool".) +nd they o$$ered on it
b#rnt o$$erings to the /8:2% and sari$ied *eae o$$erings"
Jos 8:-2 +nd there% in the *resene o$ the hildren o$ Israel% he wrote on the stones a o*y o$ the law o$ ?oses%
whih he had written"
Jos 8:-- Then all Israel% with their elders and o$$iers and @#dges% stood on either side o$ the ar' be$ore the
*riests% the /e!ites% who bore the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2% the stranger as well as he who was born
among them" Hal$ o$ them (were) in $ront o$ ?o#nt GeriHim and hal$ o$ them in $ront o$ ?o#nt 6bal% as ?oses the
ser!ant o$ the /8:2 had ommanded be$ore% that they sho#ld bless the *eo*le o$ Israel"
Jos 8:-0 +nd a$terward he read all the words o$ the law% the blessings and the #rsings% aording to all that is
written in the Boo' o$ the /aw"
Jos 8:-1 There was not a word o$ all that ?oses had ommanded whih Josh#a did not read be$ore all the
assembly o$ Israel% with the women% the little ones% and the strangers who were li!ing among them"
Jos 9:1 +nd it ame to *ass when all the 'ings who (were) on this side o$ the Jordan% in the hills and in the
lowland and in all the oasts o$ the Great ,ea toward /ebanon DD the Hittite% the +morite% the =anaanite% the
<eriHHite% the Hi!ite% and the Jeb#site DD heard (abo#t it%)
Jos 9:2 that they gathered together to $ight with Josh#a and Israel with one aord"
Jos 9:- B#t when the inhabitants o$ Gibeon heard what Josh#a had done to Jeriho and +i%
Jos 9:0 they wor'ed ra$tily% and went and *retended to be ambassadors" +nd they too' old sa's on their
don'eys% old wines'ins torn and mended%
Jos 9:1 old and *athed sandals on their $eet% and old garments on themsel!es& and all the bread o$ their
*ro!ision was dry (and) moldy"
Jos 9:3 +nd they went to Josh#a% to the am* at Gilgal% and said to him and to the men o$ Israel% .>e ha!e
ome $rom a $ar o#ntry& now there$ore% ma'e a o!enant with #s".
Jos 9:4 Then the men o$ Israel said to the Hi!ites% .<erha*s yo# dwell among #s& so how an we ma'e a
o!enant with yo#C.
Jos 9:8 B#t they said to Josh#a% .>e (are) yo#r ser!ants". +nd Josh#a said to them% .>ho (are) yo#% and where
do yo# ome $romC.
Jos 9:9 ,o they said to him: .;rom a !ery $ar o#ntry yo#r ser!ants ha!e ome% bea#se o$ the name o$ the
/8:2 yo#r God& $or we ha!e heard o$ His $ame% and all that He did in 6gy*t%
Jos 9:15 .and all that He did to the two 'ings o$ the +morites who (were) beyond the Jordan DD to ,ihon 'ing o$
Heshbon% and 8g 'ing o$ Bashan% who was at +shtaroth"
Jos 9:11 .There$ore o#r elders and all the inhabitants o$ o#r o#ntry s*o'e to #s% saying% ATa'e *ro!isions with
yo# $or the @o#rney% and go to meet them% and say to them% .>e (are) yo#r ser!ants& now there$ore% ma'e a
o!enant with #s". A
Jos 9:12 .This bread o$ o#rs we too' hot ($or) o#r *ro!ision $rom o#r ho#ses on the day we de*arted to ome to
yo#" B#t now loo'% it is dry and moldy"
Jos 9:1- .+nd these wines'ins whih we $illed (were) new% and see% they are torn& and these o#r garments and
o#r sandals ha!e beome old bea#se o$ the !ery long @o#rney".
Jos 9:10 Then the men o$ Israel too' some o$ their *ro!isions& b#t they did not as' o#nsel o$ the /8:2"
Jos 9:11 ,o Josh#a made *eae with them% and made a o!enant with them to let them li!e& and the r#lers o$
the ongregation swore to them"
Jos 9:13 +nd it ha**ened at the end o$ three days% a$ter they had made a o!enant with them% that they heard
that they (were) their neighbors who dwelt near them"
Jos 9:14 Then the hildren o$ Israel @o#rneyed and ame to their ities on the third day" Now their ities (were)
Gibeon% =he*hirah% Beeroth% and Kir@ath Jearim"
Jos 9:18 B#t the hildren o$ Israel did not atta' them% bea#se the r#lers o$ the ongregation had sworn to
them by the /8:2 God o$ Israel" +nd all the ongregation om*lained against the r#lers"
Jos 9:19 Then all the r#lers said to all the ongregation% .>e ha!e sworn to them by the /8:2 God o$ Israel&
now there$ore% we may not to#h them"
Jos 9:25 .This we will do to them: >e will let them li!e% lest wrath be #*on #s bea#se o$ the oath whih we
swore to them".
Jos 9:21 +nd the r#lers said to them% ./et them li!e% b#t let them be wood#tters and water arriers $or all the
ongregation% as the r#lers had *romised them".
Jos 9:22 Then Josh#a alled $or them% and he s*o'e to them% saying% .>hy ha!e yo# deei!ed #s% saying% A>e
(are) !ery $ar $rom yo#%A when yo# dwell near #sC
Jos 9:2- .Now there$ore% yo# (are) #rsed% and none o$ yo# shall be $reed $rom being sla!es DD wood#tters and
water arriers $or the ho#se o$ my God".
Jos 9:20 ,o they answered Josh#a and said% .Bea#se yo#r ser!ants were learly told that the /8:2 yo#r God
ommanded His ser!ant ?oses to gi!e yo# all the land% and to destroy all the inhabitants o$ the land $rom be$ore
yo#& there$ore we were !ery m#h a$raid $or o#r li!es bea#se o$ yo#% and ha!e done this thing"
Jos 9:21 .+nd now% here we are% in yo#r hands& do with #s as it seems good and right to do to #s".
Jos 9:23 ,o he did to them% and deli!ered them o#t o$ the hand o$ the hildren o$ Israel% so that they did not 'ill
Jos 9:24 +nd that day Josh#a made them wood#tters and water arriers $or the ongregation and $or the altar
o$ the /8:2% in the *lae whih He wo#ld hoose% e!en to this day"
Jos 15:1 Now it ame to *ass when +doniDGede' 'ing o$ Jer#salem heard how Josh#a had ta'en +i and had
#tterly destroyed it DD as he had done to Jeriho and its 'ing% so he had done to +i and its 'ing DD and how the
inhabitants o$ Gibeon had made *eae with Israel and were among them%
Jos 15:2 that they $eared greatly% bea#se Gibeon (was) a great ity% li'e one o$ the royal ities% and bea#se it
(was) greater than +i% and all its men (were) mighty"
Jos 15:- There$ore +doniDGede' 'ing o$ Jer#salem sent to Hoham 'ing o$ Hebron% <iram 'ing o$ Jarm#th%
Ja*hia 'ing o$ /ahish% and 2ebir 'ing o$ 6glon% saying%
Jos 15:0 .=ome #* to me and hel* me% that we may atta' Gibeon% $or it has made *eae with Josh#a and with
the hildren o$ Israel".
Jos 15:1 There$ore the $i!e 'ings o$ the +morites% the 'ing o$ Jer#salem% the 'ing o$ Hebron% the 'ing o$
Jarm#th% the 'ing o$ /ahish% (and) the 'ing o$ 6glon% gathered together and went #*% they and all their armies%
and am*ed be$ore Gibeon and made war against it"
Jos 15:3 +nd the men o$ Gibeon sent to Josh#a at the am* at Gilgal% saying% .2o not $orsa'e yo#r ser!ants&
ome #* to #s E#i'ly% sa!e #s and hel* #s% $or all the 'ings o$ the +morites who dwell in the mo#ntains ha!e
gathered together against #s".
Jos 15:4 ,o Josh#a asended $rom Gilgal% he and all the *eo*le o$ war with him% and all the mighty men o$
Jos 15:8 +nd the /8:2 said to Josh#a% .2o not $ear them% $or I ha!e deli!ered them into yo#r hand& not a man
o$ them shall stand be$ore yo#".
Jos 15:9 Josh#a there$ore ame #*on them s#ddenly% ha!ing marhed all night $rom Gilgal"
Jos 15:15 ,o the /8:2 ro#ted them be$ore Israel% 'illed them with a great sla#ghter at Gibeon% hased them
along the road that goes to Beth Horon% and str#' them down as $ar as +He'ah and ?a''edah"
Jos 15:11 +nd it ha**ened% as they $led be$ore Israel (and) were on the desent o$ Beth Horon% that the /8:2
ast down large hailstones $rom hea!en on them as $ar as +He'ah% and they died" (There were) more who died
$rom the hailstones than the hildren o$ Israel 'illed with the sword"
Jos 15:12 Then Josh#a s*o'e to the /8:2 in the day when the /8:2 deli!ered #* the +morites be$ore the
hildren o$ Israel% and he said in the sight o$ Israel: .,#n% stand still o!er Gibeon& +nd ?oon% in the Valley o$
Jos 15:1- ,o the s#n stood still% +nd the moon sto**ed% Till the *eo*le had re!enge 7*on their enemies" (Is)
this not written in the Boo' o$ JasherC ,o the s#n stood still in the midst o$ hea!en% and did not hasten to go
(down) $or abo#t a whole day"
Jos 15:10 +nd there has been no day li'e that% be$ore it or a$ter it% that the /8:2 heeded the !oie o$ a man& $or
the /8:2 $o#ght $or Israel"
Jos 15:11 Then Josh#a ret#rned% and all Israel with him% to the am* at Gilgal"
Jos 15:13 B#t these $i!e 'ings had $led and hidden themsel!es in a a!e at ?a''edah"
Jos 15:14 +nd it was told Josh#a% saying% .The $i!e 'ings ha!e been $o#nd hidden in the a!e at ?a''edah".
Jos 15:18 ,o Josh#a said% .:oll large stones against the mo#th o$ the a!e% and set men by it to g#ard them"
Jos 15:19 .+nd do not stay (there) yo#rsel!es% (b#t) *#rs#e yo#r enemies% and atta' their rear (g#ard") 2o not
allow them to enter their ities% $or the /8:2 yo#r God has deli!ered them into yo#r hand".
Jos 15:25 Then it ha**ened% while Josh#a and the hildren o$ Israel made an end o$ slaying them with a !ery
great sla#ghter% till they had $inished% that those who esa*ed entered $orti$ied ities"
Jos 15:21 +nd all the *eo*le ret#rned to the am*% to Josh#a at ?a''edah% in *eae" No one mo!ed his tong#e
against any o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
Jos 15:22 Then Josh#a said% .8*en the mo#th o$ the a!e% and bring o#t those $i!e 'ings to me $rom the a!e".
Jos 15:2- +nd they did so% and bro#ght o#t those $i!e 'ings to him $rom the a!e: the 'ing o$ Jer#salem% the
'ing o$ Hebron% the 'ing o$ Jarm#th% the 'ing o$ /ahish% (and) the 'ing o$ 6glon"
Jos 15:20 ,o it was% when they bro#ght o#t those 'ings to Josh#a% that Josh#a alled $or all the men o$ Israel%
and said to the a*tains o$ the men o$ war who went with him% .=ome near% *#t yo#r $eet on the ne's o$ these
'ings". +nd they drew near and *#t their $eet on their ne's"
Jos 15:21 Then Josh#a said to them% .2o not be a$raid% nor be dismayed& be strong and o$ good o#rage% $or
th#s the /8:2 will do to all yo#r enemies against whom yo# $ight".
Jos 15:23 +nd a$terward Josh#a str#' them and 'illed them% and hanged them on $i!e trees& and they were
hanging on the trees #ntil e!ening"
Jos 15:24 ,o it was at the time o$ the going down o$ the s#n (that) Josh#a ommanded% and they too' them
down $rom the trees% ast them into the a!e where they had been hidden% and laid large stones against the
a!eAs mo#th% (whih remain) #ntil this !ery day"
Jos 15:28 8n that day Josh#a too' ?a''edah% and str#' it and its 'ing with the edge o$ the sword" He #tterly
destroyed them DD all the *eo*le who (were) in it" He let none remain" He also did to the 'ing o$ ?a''edah as he
had done to the 'ing o$ Jeriho"
Jos 15:29 Then Josh#a *assed $rom ?a''edah% and all Israel with him% to /ibnah& and they $o#ght against
Jos 15:-5 +nd the /8:2 also deli!ered it and its 'ing into the hand o$ Israel& he str#' it and all the *eo*le who
(were) in it with the edge o$ the sword" He let none remain in it% b#t did to its 'ing as he had done to the 'ing o$
Jos 15:-1 Then Josh#a *assed $rom /ibnah% and all Israel with him% to /ahish& and they enam*ed against it
and $o#ght against it"
Jos 15:-2 +nd the /8:2 deli!ered /ahish into the hand o$ Israel% who too' it on the seond day% and str#' it
and all the *eo*le who (were) in it with the edge o$ the sword% aording to all that he had done to /ibnah"
Jos 15:-- Then Horam 'ing o$ GeHer ame #* to hel* /ahish& and Josh#a str#' him and his *eo*le% #ntil he
le$t him none remaining"
Jos 15:-0 ;rom /ahish Josh#a *assed to 6glon% and all Israel with him& and they enam*ed against it and
$o#ght against it"
Jos 15:-1 They too' it on that day and str#' it with the edge o$ the sword& all the *eo*le who (were) in it he
#tterly destroyed that day% aording to all that he had done to /ahish"
Jos 15:-3 ,o Josh#a went #* $rom 6glon% and all Israel with him% to Hebron& and they $o#ght against it"
Jos 15:-4 +nd they too' it and str#' it with the edge o$ the sword DD its 'ing% all its ities% and all the *eo*le who
(were) in it& he le$t none remaining% aording to all that he had done to 6glon% b#t #tterly destroyed it and all the
*eo*le who (were) in it"
Jos 15:-8 Then Josh#a ret#rned% and all Israel with him% to 2ebir& and they $o#ght against it"
Jos 15:-9 +nd he too' it and its 'ing and all its ities& they str#' them with the edge o$ the sword and #tterly
destroyed all the *eo*le who (were) in it" He le$t none remaining& as he had done to Hebron% so he did to 2ebir
and its 'ing% as he had done also to /ibnah and its 'ing"
Jos 15:05 ,o Josh#a onE#ered all the land: the mo#ntain o#ntry and the ,o#th and the lowland and the
wilderness slo*es% and all their 'ings& he le$t none remaining% b#t #tterly destroyed all that breathed% as the
/8:2 God o$ Israel had ommanded"
Jos 15:01 +nd Josh#a onE#ered them $rom Kadesh Barnea as $ar as GaHa% and all the o#ntry o$ Goshen%
e!en as $ar as Gibeon"
Jos 15:02 +ll these 'ings and their land Josh#a too' at one time% bea#se the /8:2 God o$ Israel $o#ght $or
Jos 15:0- Then Josh#a ret#rned% and all Israel with him% to the am* at Gilgal"
Jos 11:1 +nd it ame to *ass% when Jabin 'ing o$ HaHor heard (these things%) that he sent to Jobab 'ing o$
?adon% to the 'ing o$ ,himron% to the 'ing o$ +hsha*h%
Jos 11:2 and to the 'ings who (were) $rom the north% in the mo#ntains% in the *lain so#th o$ =hinneroth% in the
lowland% and in the heights o$ 2or on the west%
Jos 11:- to the =anaanites in the east and in the west% the +morite% the Hittite% the <eriHHite% the Jeb#site in the
mo#ntains% and the Hi!ite below Hermon in the land o$ ?iH*ah"
Jos 11:0 ,o they went o#t% they and all their armies with them% (as) many *eo*le (as) the sand that (is) on the
seashore in m#ltit#de% with !ery many horses and hariots"
Jos 11:1 +nd when all these 'ings had met together% they ame and am*ed together at the waters o$ ?erom to
$ight against Israel"
Jos 11:3 B#t the /8:2 said to Josh#a% .2o not be a$raid bea#se o$ them% $or tomorrow abo#t this time I will
deli!er all o$ them slain be$ore Israel" Bo# shall hamstring their horses and b#rn their hariots with $ire".
Jos 11:4 ,o Josh#a and all the *eo*le o$ war with him ame against them s#ddenly by the waters o$ ?erom%
and they atta'ed them"
Jos 11:8 +nd the /8:2 deli!ered them into the hand o$ Israel% who de$eated them and hased them to Greater
,idon% to the Broo' ?isre*hoth% and to the Valley o$ ?iH*ah eastward& they atta'ed them #ntil they le$t none o$
them remaining"
Jos 11:9 ,o Josh#a did to them as the /8:2 had told him: he hamstr#ng their horses and b#rned their hariots
with $ire"
Jos 11:15 Josh#a t#rned ba' at that time and too' HaHor% and str#' its 'ing with the sword& $or HaHor was
$ormerly the head o$ all those 'ingdoms"
Jos 11:11 +nd they str#' all the *eo*le who (were) in it with the edge o$ the sword% #tterly destroying (them")
There was none le$t breathing" Then he b#rned HaHor with $ire"
Jos 11:12 ,o all the ities o$ those 'ings% and all their 'ings% Josh#a too' and str#' with the edge o$ the sword"
He #tterly destroyed them% as ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 had ommanded"
Jos 11:1- B#t (as $or) the ities that stood on their mo#nds% Israel b#rned none o$ them% e9e*t HaHor only%
(whih) Josh#a b#rned"
Jos 11:10 +nd all the s*oil o$ these ities and the li!esto'% the hildren o$ Israel too' as booty $or themsel!es&
b#t they str#' e!ery man with the edge o$ the sword #ntil they had destroyed them% and they le$t none
Jos 11:11 +s the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses his ser!ant% so ?oses ommanded Josh#a% and so Josh#a
did" He le$t nothing #ndone o$ all that the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
Jos 11:13 Th#s Josh#a too' all this land: the mo#ntain o#ntry% all the ,o#th% all the land o$ Goshen% the
lowland% and the Jordan *lain DD the mo#ntains o$ Israel and its lowlands%
Jos 11:14 $rom ?o#nt Hala' and the asent to ,eir% e!en as $ar as Baal Gad in the Valley o$ /ebanon below
?o#nt Hermon" He a*t#red all their 'ings% and str#' them down and 'illed them"
Jos 11:18 Josh#a made war a long time with all those 'ings"
Jos 11:19 There was not a ity that made *eae with the hildren o$ Israel% e9e*t the Hi!ites% the inhabitants o$
Gibeon" +ll (the others) they too' in battle"
Jos 11:25 ;or it was o$ the /8:2 to harden their hearts% that they sho#ld ome against Israel in battle% that He
might #tterly destroy them% (and) that they might reei!e no mery% b#t that He might destroy them% as the /8:2
had ommanded ?oses"
Jos 11:21 +nd at that time Josh#a ame and #t o$$ the +na'im $rom the mo#ntains: $rom Hebron% $rom 2ebir%
$rom +nab% $rom all the mo#ntains o$ J#dah% and $rom all the mo#ntains o$ Israel& Josh#a #tterly destroyed them
with their ities"
Jos 11:22 None o$ the +na'im were le$t in the land o$ the hildren o$ Israel& they remained only in GaHa% in Gath%
and in +shdod"
Jos 11:2- ,o Josh#a too' the whole land% aording to all that the /8:2 had said to ?oses& and Josh#a ga!e it
as an inheritane to Israel aording to their di!isions by their tribes" Then the land rested $rom war"
Jos 12:1 These (are) the 'ings o$ the land whom the hildren o$ Israel de$eated% and whose land they *ossessed
on the other side o$ the Jordan toward the rising o$ the s#n% $rom the :i!er +rnon to ?o#nt Hermon% and all the
eastern Jordan *lain:
Jos 12:2 (8ne 'ing was) ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% who dwelt in Heshbon (and) r#led hal$ o$ Gilead% $rom
+roer% whih is on the ban' o$ the :i!er +rnon% $rom the middle o$ that ri!er% e!en as $ar as the :i!er Jabbo'%
(whih is) the border o$ the +mmonites%
Jos 12:- and the eastern Jordan *lain $rom the ,ea o$ =hinneroth as $ar as the ,ea o$ the +rabah Ithe ,alt
,eaJ% the road to Beth Jeshimoth% and so#thward below the slo*es o$ <isgah"
Jos 12:0 (The other 'ing was) 8g 'ing o$ Bashan and his territory% (who was) o$ the remnant o$ the giants% who
dwelt at +shtaroth and at 6drei%
Jos 12:1 and reigned o!er ?o#nt Hermon% o!er ,alah% o!er all Bashan% as $ar as the border o$ the Gesh#rites
and the ?aahathites% and o!er hal$ o$ Gilead (to) the border o$ ,ihon 'ing o$ Heshbon"
Jos 12:3 These ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 and the hildren o$ Israel had onE#ered& and ?oses the
ser!ant o$ the /8:2 had gi!en it (as) a *ossession to the :e#benites% the Gadites% and hal$ the tribe o$
Jos 12:4 +nd these (are) the 'ings o$ the o#ntry whih Josh#a and the hildren o$ Israel onE#ered on this side
o$ the Jordan% on the west% $rom Baal Gad in the Valley o$ /ebanon as $ar as ?o#nt Hala' and the asent to ,eir%
whih Josh#a ga!e to the tribes o$ Israel (as) a *ossession aording to their di!isions%
Jos 12:8 in the mo#ntain o#ntry% in the lowlands% in the (Jordan) *lain% in the slo*es% in the wilderness% and in
the ,o#th DD the Hittites% the +morites% the =anaanites% the <eriHHites% the Hi!ites% and the Jeb#sites:
Jos 12:9 the 'ing o$ Jeriho% one& the 'ing o$ +i% whih (is) beside Bethel% one&
Jos 12:15 the 'ing o$ Jer#salem% one& the 'ing o$ Hebron% one&
Jos 12:11 the 'ing o$ Jarm#th% one& the 'ing o$ /ahish% one&
Jos 12:12 the 'ing o$ 6glon% one& the 'ing o$ GeHer% one&
Jos 12:1- the 'ing o$ 2ebir% one& the 'ing o$ Geder% one&
Jos 12:10 the 'ing o$ Hormah% one& the 'ing o$ +rad% one&
Jos 12:11 the 'ing o$ /ibnah% one& the 'ing o$ +d#llam% one&
Jos 12:13 the 'ing o$ ?a''edah% one& the 'ing o$ Bethel% one&
Jos 12:14 the 'ing o$ Ta**#ah% one& the 'ing o$ He*her% one&
Jos 12:18 the 'ing o$ +*he'% one& the 'ing o$ /asharon% one&
Jos 12:19 the 'ing o$ ?adon% one& the 'ing o$ HaHor% one&
Jos 12:25 the 'ing o$ ,himron ?eron% one& the 'ing o$ +hsha*h% one&
Jos 12:21 the 'ing o$ Taanah% one& the 'ing o$ ?egiddo% one&
Jos 12:22 the 'ing o$ Kedesh% one& the 'ing o$ Jo'neam in =armel% one&
Jos 12:2- the 'ing o$ 2or in the heights o$ 2or% one& the 'ing o$ the *eo*le o$ Gilgal% one&
Jos 12:20 the 'ing o$ TirHah% one DD all the 'ings% thirtyDone"
Jos 1-:1 Now Josh#a was old% ad!aned in years" +nd the /8:2 said to him: .Bo# are old% ad!aned in years%
and there remains !ery m#h land yet to be *ossessed"
Jos 1-:2 .This is the land that yet remains: all the territory o$ the <hilistines and all (that o$) the Gesh#rites%
Jos 1-:- .$rom ,ihor% whih (is) east o$ 6gy*t% as $ar as the border o$ 6'ron northward I(whih) is o#nted as
=anaaniteJ& the $i!e lords o$ the <hilistines DD the GaHites% the +shdodites% the +sh'elonites% the Gittites% and the
6'ronites& also the +!ites&
Jos 1-:0 .$rom the so#th% all the land o$ the =anaanites% and ?earah that belongs to the ,idonians as $ar as
+*he'% to the border o$ the +morites&
Jos 1-:1 .the land o$ the Gebalites% and all /ebanon% toward the s#nrise% $rom Baal Gad below ?o#nt Hermon
as $ar as the entrane to Hamath&
Jos 1-:3 .all the inhabitants o$ the mo#ntains $rom /ebanon as $ar as the Broo' ?isre*hoth% (and) all the
,idonians DD them I will dri!e o#t $rom be$ore the hildren o$ Israel& only di!ide it by lot to Israel as an inheritane%
as I ha!e ommanded yo#"
Jos 1-:4 .Now there$ore% di!ide this land as an inheritane to the nine tribes and hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh".
Jos 1-:8 >ith the other hal$ tribe the :e#benites and the Gadites reei!ed their inheritane% whih ?oses had
gi!en them% beyond the Jordan eastward% as ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 had gi!en them:
Jos 1-:9 $rom +roer whih (is) on the ban' o$ the :i!er +rnon% and the town that (is) in the midst o$ the ra!ine%
and all the *lain o$ ?edeba as $ar as 2ibon&
Jos 1-:15 all the ities o$ ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% who reigned in Heshbon% as $ar as the border o$ the
hildren o$ +mmon&
Jos 1-:11 Gilead% and the border o$ the Gesh#rites and ?aahathites% all ?o#nt Hermon% and all Bashan as $ar
as ,alah&
Jos 1-:12 all the 'ingdom o$ 8g in Bashan% who reigned in +shtaroth and 6drei% who remained o$ the remnant
o$ the giants& $or ?oses had de$eated and ast o#t these"
Jos 1-:1- Ne!ertheless the hildren o$ Israel did not dri!e o#t the Gesh#rites or the ?aahathites% b#t the
Gesh#rites and the ?aahathites dwell among the Israelites #ntil this day"
Jos 1-:10 8nly to the tribe o$ /e!i he had gi!en no inheritane& the sari$ies o$ the /8:2 God o$ Israel made
by $ire (are) their inheritane% as He said to them"
Jos 1-:11 +nd ?oses had gi!en to the tribe o$ the hildren o$ :e#ben (an inheritane) aording to their
Jos 1-:13 Their territory was $rom +roer% whih (is) on the ban' o$ the :i!er +rnon% and the ity that (is) in the
midst o$ the ra!ine% and all the *lain by ?edeba&
Jos 1-:14 Heshbon and all its ities that (are) in the *lain: 2ibon% Bamoth Baal% Beth Baal ?eon%
Jos 1-:18 JahaHa% Kedemoth% ?e*haath%
Jos 1-:19 Kir@athaim% ,ibmah% Gereth ,hahar on the mo#ntain o$ the !alley%
Jos 1-:25 Beth <eor% the slo*es o$ <isgah% and Beth Jeshimoth DD
Jos 1-:21 all the ities o$ the *lain and all the 'ingdom o$ ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% who reigned in Heshbon%
whom ?oses had str#' with the *rines o$ ?idian: 6!i% :e'em% G#r% H#r% and :eba% who (were) *rines o$
,ihon dwelling in the o#ntry"
Jos 1-:22 The hildren o$ Israel also 'illed with the sword Balaam the son o$ Beor% the soothsayer% among those
who were 'illed by them"
Jos 1-:2- +nd the border o$ the hildren o$ :e#ben was the ban' o$ the Jordan" This (was) the inheritane o$
the hildren o$ :e#ben aording to their $amilies% the ities and their !illages"
Jos 1-:20 ?oses also had gi!en (an inheritane) to the tribe o$ Gad% to the hildren o$ Gad aording to their
Jos 1-:21 Their territory was JaHer% and all the ities o$ Gilead% and hal$ the land o$ the +mmonites as $ar as
+roer% whih (is) be$ore :abbah%
Jos 1-:23 and $rom Heshbon to :amath ?iH*ah and Betonim% and $rom ?ahanaim to the border o$ 2ebir%
Jos 1-:24 and in the !alley Beth Haram% Beth Nimrah% ,#oth% and Ga*hon% the rest o$ the 'ingdom o$ ,ihon
'ing o$ Heshbon% with the Jordan as (its) border% as $ar as the edge o$ the ,ea o$ =hinnereth% on the other side o$
the Jordan eastward"
Jos 1-:28 This (is) the inheritane o$ the hildren o$ Gad aording to their $amilies% the ities and their !illages"
Jos 1-:29 ?oses also had gi!en (an inheritane) to hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh& it was $or hal$ the tribe o$ the
hildren o$ ?anasseh aording to their $amilies:
Jos 1-:-5 Their territory was $rom ?ahanaim% all Bashan% all the 'ingdom o$ 8g 'ing o$ Bashan% and all the
towns o$ Jair whih are in Bashan% si9ty ities&
Jos 1-:-1 hal$ o$ Gilead% and +shtaroth and 6drei% ities o$ the 'ingdom o$ 8g in Bashan% (were) $or the hildren
o$ ?ahir the son o$ ?anasseh% $or hal$ o$ the hildren o$ ?ahir aording to their $amilies"
Jos 1-:-2 These (are the areas) whih ?oses had distrib#ted as an inheritane in the *lains o$ ?oab on the
other side o$ the Jordan% by Jeriho eastward"
Jos 1-:-- B#t to the tribe o$ /e!i ?oses had gi!en no inheritane& the /8:2 God o$ Israel (was) their
inheritane% as He had said to them"
Jos 10:1 These (are the areas) whih the hildren o$ Israel inherited in the land o$ =anaan% whih 6leaHar the
*riest% Josh#a the son o$ N#n% and the heads o$ the $athers o$ the tribes o$ the hildren o$ Israel distrib#ted as an
inheritane to them"
Jos 10:2 Their inheritane (was) by lot% as the /8:2 had ommanded by the hand o$ ?oses% $or the nine tribes
and the hal$Dtribe"
Jos 10:- ;or ?oses had gi!en the inheritane o$ the two tribes and the hal$Dtribe on the other side o$ the Jordan&
b#t to the /e!ites he had gi!en no inheritane among them"
Jos 10:0 ;or the hildren o$ Jose*h were two tribes: ?anasseh and 6*hraim" +nd they ga!e no *art to the
/e!ites in the land% e9e*t ities to dwell (in%) with their ommonDlands $or their li!esto' and their *ro*erty"
Jos 10:1 +s the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses% so the hildren o$ Israel did& and they di!ided the land"
Jos 10:3 Then the hildren o$ J#dah ame to Josh#a in Gilgal" +nd =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh the KeniHHite
said to him: .Bo# 'now the word whih the /8:2 said to ?oses the man o$ God onerning yo# and me in
Kadesh Barnea"
Jos 10:4 .I (was) $orty years old when ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 sent me $rom Kadesh Barnea to s*y o#t
the land% and I bro#ght ba' word to him as (it was) in my heart"
Jos 10:8 .Ne!ertheless my brethren who went #* with me made the heart o$ the *eo*le melt% b#t I wholly
$ollowed the /8:2 my God"
Jos 10:9 .,o ?oses swore on that day% saying% A,#rely the land where yo#r $oot has trodden shall be yo#r
inheritane and yo#r hildrenAs $ore!er% bea#se yo# ha!e wholly $ollowed the /8:2 my God"A
Jos 10:15 .+nd now% behold% the /8:2 has 'e*t me ali!e% as He said% these $ortyD$i!e years% e!er sine the
/8:2 s*o'e this word to ?oses while Israel wandered in the wilderness& and now% here I am this day% eightyD
$i!e years old"
Jos 10:11 .+s yet I (am as) strong this day as on the day that ?oses sent me& @#st as my strength (was) then% so
now (is) my strength $or war% both $or going o#t and $or oming in"
Jos 10:12 .Now there$ore% gi!e me this mo#ntain o$ whih the /8:2 s*o'e in that day& $or yo# heard in that day
how the +na'im (were) there% and (that) the ities (were) great (and) $orti$ied" It may be that the /8:2 (will be)
with me% and I shall be able to dri!e them o#t as the /8:2 said".
Jos 10:1- +nd Josh#a blessed him% and ga!e Hebron to =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh as an inheritane"
Jos 10:10 Hebron there$ore beame the inheritane o$ =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh the KeniHHite to this day%
bea#se he wholly $ollowed the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
Jos 10:11 +nd the name o$ Hebron $ormerly was Kir@ath +rba I(+rba was) the greatest man among the +na'imJ"
Then the land had rest $rom war"
Jos 11:1 ,o (this) was the lot o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ J#dah aording to their $amilies: The border o$ 6dom
at the >ilderness o$ Gin so#thward (was) the e9treme so#thern bo#ndary"
Jos 11:2 +nd their so#thern border began at the shore o$ the ,alt ,ea% $rom the bay that $aes so#thward"
Jos 11:- Then it went o#t to the so#thern side o$ the +sent o$ +'rabbim% *assed along to Gin% asended on the
so#th side o$ Kadesh Barnea% *assed along to HeHron% went #* to +dar% and went aro#nd to Kar'aa"
Jos 11:0 (;rom there) it *assed toward +Hmon and went o#t to the Broo' o$ 6gy*t& and the border ended at the
sea" This shall be yo#r so#thern border"
Jos 11:1 The east border (was) the ,alt ,ea as $ar as the mo#th o$ the Jordan" +nd the border on the northern
E#arter (began) at the bay o$ the sea at the mo#th o$ the Jordan"
Jos 11:3 The border went #* to Beth Hoglah and *assed north o$ Beth +rabah& and the border went #* to the
stone o$ Bohan the son o$ :e#ben"
Jos 11:4 Then the border went #* toward 2ebir $rom the Valley o$ +hor% and it t#rned northward toward Gilgal%
whih (is) be$ore the +sent o$ +d#mmim% whih (is) on the so#th side o$ the !alley" The border ontin#ed toward
the waters o$ 6n ,hemesh and ended at 6n :ogel"
Jos 11:8 +nd the border went #* by the Valley o$ the ,on o$ Hinnom to the so#thern slo*e o$ the Jeb#site (ity)
Iwhih (is) Jer#salemJ" The border went #* to the to* o$ the mo#ntain that (lies) be$ore the Valley o$ Hinnom
westward% whih (is) at the end o$ the Valley o$ :e*haim northward"
Jos 11:9 Then the border went aro#nd $rom the to* o$ the hill to the $o#ntain o$ the water o$ Ne*htoah% and
e9tended to the ities o$ ?o#nt 6*hron" +nd the border went aro#nd to Baalah Iwhih (is) Kir@ath JearimJ"
Jos 11:15 Then the border t#rned westward $rom Baalah to ?o#nt ,eir% *assed along to the side o$ ?o#nt
Jearim on the north Iwhih (is) =hesalonJ% went down to Beth ,hemesh% and *assed on to Timnah"
Jos 11:11 +nd the border went o#t to the side o$ 6'ron northward" Then the border went aro#nd to ,hiron%
*assed along to ?o#nt Baalah% and e9tended to Jabneel& and the border ended at the sea"
Jos 11:12 The west border (was) the oastline o$ the Great ,ea" This (is) the bo#ndary o$ the hildren o$ J#dah
all aro#nd aording to their $amilies"
Jos 11:1- Now to =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh he ga!e a share among the hildren o$ J#dah% aording to the
ommandment o$ the /8:2 to Josh#a% (namely%) Kir@ath +rba% whih (is) Hebron I(+rba was) the $ather o$ +na'J"
Jos 11:10 =aleb dro!e o#t the three sons o$ +na' $rom there: ,heshai% +himan% and Talmai% the hildren o$
Jos 11:11 Then he went #* $rom there to the inhabitants o$ 2ebir I$ormerly the name o$ 2ebir (was) Kir@ath
Jos 11:13 +nd =aleb said% .He who atta's Kir@ath ,e*her and ta'es it% to him I will gi!e +hsah my da#ghter as
Jos 11:14 ,o 8thniel the son o$ KenaH% the brother o$ =aleb% too' it& and he ga!e him +hsah his da#ghter as
Jos 11:18 Now it was so% when she ame (to him%) that she *ers#aded him to as' her $ather $or a $ield" ,o she
dismo#nted $rom (her) don'ey% and =aleb said to her% .>hat do yo# wishC.
Jos 11:19 ,he answered% .Gi!e me a blessing& sine yo# ha!e gi!en me land in the ,o#th% gi!e me also s*rings
o$ water". ,o he ga!e her the #**er s*rings and the lower s*rings"
Jos 11:25 This (was) the inheritane o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ J#dah aording to their $amilies:
Jos 11:21 The ities at the limits o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ J#dah% toward the border o$ 6dom in the ,o#th%
were KabHeel% 6der% Jag#r%
Jos 11:22 Kinah% 2imonah% +dadah%
Jos 11:2- Kedesh% HaHor% Ithnan%
Jos 11:20 Gi*h% Telem% Bealoth%
Jos 11:21 HaHor% Hadattah% Kerioth% HeHron Iwhih (is) HaHorJ%
Jos 11:23 +mam% ,hema% ?oladah%
Jos 11:24 HaHar Gaddah% Heshmon% Beth <elet%
Jos 11:28 HaHar ,h#al% Beersheba% BiH@oth@ah%
Jos 11:29 Baalah% I@im% 6Hem%
Jos 11:-5 6ltolad% =hesil% Hormah%
Jos 11:-1 Gi'lag% ?admannah% ,ansannah%
Jos 11:-2 /ebaoth% ,hilhim% +in% and :immon: all the ities (are) twentyDnine% with their !illages"
Jos 11:-- In the lowland: 6shtaol% Gorah% +shnah%
Jos 11:-0 Ganoah% 6n Gannim% Ta**#ah% 6nam%
Jos 11:-1 Jarm#th% +d#llam% ,ooh% +He'ah%
Jos 11:-3 ,haraim% +dithaim% Gederah% and Gederothaim: $o#rteen ities with their !illages&
Jos 11:-4 Genan% Hadashah% ?igdal Gad%
Jos 11:-8 2ilean% ?iH*ah% Jo'theel%
Jos 11:-9 /ahish% BoH'ath% 6glon%
Jos 11:05 =abbon% /ahmas% Kithlish%
Jos 11:01 Gederoth% Beth 2agon% Naamah% and ?a''edah: si9teen ities with their !illages&
Jos 11:02 /ibnah% 6ther% +shan%
Jos 11:0- Ji*htah% +shnah% NeHib%
Jos 11:00 Keilah% +hHib% and ?areshah: nine ities with their !illages&
Jos 11:01 6'ron% with its towns and !illages&
Jos 11:03 $rom 6'ron to the sea% all that (lay) near +shdod% with their !illages&
Jos 11:04 +shdod with its towns and !illages% GaHa with its towns and !illages DD as $ar as the Broo' o$ 6gy*t
and the Great ,ea with (its) oastline"
Jos 11:08 +nd in the mo#ntain o#ntry: ,hamir% Jattir% ,ohoh%
Jos 11:09 2annah% Kir@ath ,annah Iwhih (is) 2ebirJ%
Jos 11:15 +nab% 6shtemoh% +nim%
Jos 11:11 Goshen% Holon% and Giloh: ele!en ities with their !illages&
Jos 11:12 +rab% 2#mah% 6shean%
Jos 11:1- Jan#m% Beth Ta**#ah% +*he'ah%
Jos 11:10 H#mtah% Kir@ath +rba Iwhih (is) HebronJ% and Gior: nine ities with their !illages&
Jos 11:11 ?aon% =armel% Gi*h% J#ttah%
Jos 11:13 JeHreel% Jo'deam% Ganoah%
Jos 11:14 Kain% Gibeah% and Timnah: ten ities with their !illages&
Jos 11:18 Halh#l% Beth G#r% Gedor%
Jos 11:19 ?aarath% Beth +noth% and 6lte'on: si9 ities with their !illages&
Jos 11:35 Kir@ath Baal Iwhih (is) Kir@ath JearimJ and :abbah: two ities with their !illages"
Jos 11:31 In the wilderness: Beth +rabah% ?iddin% ,eaah%
Jos 11:32 Nibshan% the =ity o$ ,alt% and 6n Gedi: si9 ities with their !illages"
Jos 11:3- +s $or the Jeb#sites% the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem% the hildren o$ J#dah o#ld not dri!e them o#t& b#t
the Jeb#sites dwell with the hildren o$ J#dah at Jer#salem to this day"
Jos 13:1 The lot $ell to the hildren o$ Jose*h $rom the Jordan% by Jeriho% to the waters o$ Jeriho on the east%
to the wilderness that goes #* $rom Jeriho thro#gh the mo#ntains to Bethel%
Jos 13:2 then went o#t $rom Bethel to /#H% *assed along to the border o$ the +rhites at +taroth%
Jos 13:- and went down westward to the bo#ndary o$ the Ja*hletites% as $ar as the bo#ndary o$ /ower Beth
Horon to GeHer& and it ended at the sea"
Jos 13:0 ,o the hildren o$ Jose*h% ?anasseh and 6*hraim% too' their inheritane"
Jos 13:1 The border o$ the hildren o$ 6*hraim% aording to their $amilies% was (th#s:) The border o$ their
inheritane on the east side was +taroth +ddar as $ar as 7**er Beth Horon"
Jos 13:3 +nd the border went o#t toward the sea on the north side o$ ?ihmethath& then the border went aro#nd
eastward to Taanath ,hiloh% and *assed by it on the east o$ Janohah"
Jos 13:4 Then it went down $rom Janohah to +taroth and Naarah% reahed to Jeriho% and ame o#t at the
Jos 13:8 The border went o#t $rom Ta**#ah westward to the Broo' Kanah% and it ended at the sea" This (was)
the inheritane o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ 6*hraim aording to their $amilies"
Jos 13:9 The se*arate ities $or the hildren o$ 6*hraim (were) among the inheritane o$ the hildren o$
?anasseh% all the ities with their !illages"
Jos 13:15 +nd they did not dri!e o#t the =anaanites who dwelt in GeHer& b#t the =anaanites dwell among the
6*hraimites to this day and ha!e beome $ored laborers"
Jos 14:1 There was also a lot $or the tribe o$ ?anasseh% $or he (was) the $irstborn o$ Jose*h: (namely) $or ?ahir
the $irstborn o$ ?anasseh% the $ather o$ Gilead% bea#se he was a man o$ war& there$ore he was gi!en Gilead
and Bashan"
Jos 14:2 +nd there was (a lot) $or the rest o$ the hildren o$ ?anasseh aording to their $amilies: $or the hildren
o$ +bieHer% the hildren o$ Hele'% the hildren o$ +sriel% the hildren o$ ,hehem% the hildren o$ He*her% and the
hildren o$ ,hemida& these (were) the male hildren o$ ?anasseh the son o$ Jose*h aording to their $amilies"
Jos 14:- B#t Gelo*hehad the son o$ He*her% the son o$ Gilead% the son o$ ?ahir% the son o$ ?anasseh% had no
sons% b#t only da#ghters" +nd these (are) the names o$ his da#ghters: ?ahlah% Noah% Hoglah% ?ilah% and
Jos 14:0 +nd they ame near be$ore 6leaHar the *riest% be$ore Josh#a the son o$ N#n% and be$ore the r#lers%
saying% .The /8:2 ommanded ?oses to gi!e #s an inheritane among o#r brothers". There$ore% aording to
the ommandment o$ the /8:2% he ga!e them an inheritane among their $atherAs brothers"
Jos 14:1 Ten shares $ell to ?anasseh% besides the land o$ Gilead and Bashan% whih (were) on the other side o$
the Jordan%
Jos 14:3 bea#se the da#ghters o$ ?anasseh reei!ed an inheritane among his sons& and the rest o$
?anassehAs sons had the land o$ Gilead"
Jos 14:4 +nd the territory o$ ?anasseh was $rom +sher to ?ihmethath% that (lies) east o$ ,hehem& and the
border went along so#th to the inhabitants o$ 6n Ta**#ah"
Jos 14:8 ?anasseh had the land o$ Ta**#ah% b#t Ta**#ah on the border o$ ?anasseh (belonged) to the
hildren o$ 6*hraim"
Jos 14:9 +nd the border desended to the Broo' Kanah% so#thward to the broo'" These ities o$ 6*hraim (are)
among the ities o$ ?anasseh" The border o$ ?anasseh (was) on the north side o$ the broo'& and it ended at the
Jos 14:15 ,o#thward (it was) 6*hraimAs% northward (it was) ?anassehAs% and the sea was its border" ?anassehAs
territory was ad@oining +sher on the north and Issahar on the east"
Jos 14:11 +nd in Issahar and in +sher% ?anasseh had Beth ,hean and its towns% Ibleam and its towns% the
inhabitants o$ 2or and its towns% the inhabitants o$ 6n 2or and its towns% the inhabitants o$ Taanah and its
towns% and the inhabitants o$ ?egiddo and its towns DD three hilly regions"
Jos 14:12 Bet the hildren o$ ?anasseh o#ld not dri!e o#t (the inhabitants o$) those ities% b#t the =anaanites
were determined to dwell in that land"
Jos 14:1- +nd it ha**ened% when the hildren o$ Israel grew strong% that they *#t the =anaanites to $ored
labor% b#t did not #tterly dri!e them o#t"
Jos 14:10 Then the hildren o$ Jose*h s*o'e to Josh#a% saying% .>hy ha!e yo# gi!en #s (only) one lot and one
share to inherit% sine we (are) a great *eo*le% inasm#h as the /8:2 has blessed #s #ntil nowC.
Jos 14:11 ,o Josh#a answered them% .I$ yo# (are) a great *eo*le% (then) go #* to the $orest (o#ntry) and lear a
*lae $or yo#rsel$ there in the land o$ the <eriHHites and the giants% sine the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim are too
on$ined $or yo#".
Jos 14:13 B#t the hildren o$ Jose*h said% .The mo#ntain o#ntry is not eno#gh $or #s& and all the =anaanites
who dwell in the land o$ the !alley ha!e hariots o$ iron% (both those) who (are) o$ Beth ,hean and its towns and
(those) who (are) o$ the Valley o$ JeHreel".
Jos 14:14 +nd Josh#a s*o'e to the ho#se o$ Jose*h DD to 6*hraim and ?anasseh DD saying% .Bo# (are) a great
*eo*le and ha!e great *ower& yo# shall not ha!e (only) one lot%
Jos 14:18 .b#t the mo#ntain o#ntry shall be yo#rs" +ltho#gh it (is) wooded% yo# shall #t it down% and its
$arthest e9tent shall be yo#rs& $or yo# shall dri!e o#t the =anaanites% tho#gh they ha!e iron hariots (and) are
Jos 18:1 Now the whole ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel assembled together at ,hiloh% and set #* the
tabernale o$ meeting there" +nd the land was s#bd#ed be$ore them"
Jos 18:2 B#t there remained among the hildren o$ Israel se!en tribes whih had not yet reei!ed their
Jos 18:- Then Josh#a said to the hildren o$ Israel: .How long will yo# neglet to go and *ossess the land whih
the /8:2 God o$ yo#r $athers has gi!en yo#C
Jos 18:0 .<i' o#t $rom among yo# three men $or (eah) tribe% and I will send them& they shall rise and go
thro#gh the land% s#r!ey it aording to their inheritane% and ome (ba') to me"
Jos 18:1 .+nd they shall di!ide it into se!en *arts" J#dah shall remain in their territory on the so#th% and the
ho#se o$ Jose*h shall remain in their territory on the north"
Jos 18:3 .Bo# shall there$ore s#r!ey the land in se!en *arts and bring (the s#r!ey) here to me% that I may ast
lots $or yo# here be$ore the /8:2 o#r God"
Jos 18:4 .B#t the /e!ites ha!e no *art among yo#% $or the *riesthood o$ the /8:2 (is) their inheritane" +nd
Gad% :e#ben% and hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh ha!e reei!ed their inheritane beyond the Jordan on the east%
whih ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 ga!e them".
Jos 18:8 Then the men arose to go away& and Josh#a harged those who went to s#r!ey the land% saying% .Go%
wal' thro#gh the land% s#r!ey it% and ome ba' to me% that I may ast lots $or yo# here be$ore the /8:2 in
Jos 18:9 ,o the men went% *assed thro#gh the land% and wrote the s#r!ey in a boo' in se!en *arts by ities&
and they ame to Josh#a at the am* in ,hiloh"
Jos 18:15 Then Josh#a ast lots $or them in ,hiloh be$ore the /8:2% and there Josh#a di!ided the land to the
hildren o$ Israel aording to their di!isions"
Jos 18:11 Now the lot o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Ben@amin ame #* aording to their $amilies% and the
territory o$ their lot ame o#t between the hildren o$ J#dah and the hildren o$ Jose*h"
Jos 18:12 Their border on the north side began at the Jordan% and the border went #* to the side o$ Jeriho on
the north% and went #* thro#gh the mo#ntains westward& it ended at the >ilderness o$ Beth +!en"
Jos 18:1- The border went o!er $rom there toward /#H% to the side o$ /#H Iwhih (is) BethelJ so#thward& and the
border desended to +taroth +ddar% near the hill that (lies) on the so#th side o$ /ower Beth Horon"
Jos 18:10 Then the border e9tended aro#nd the west side to the so#th% $rom the hill that (lies) be$ore Beth Horon
so#thward& and it ended at Kir@ath Baal Iwhih (is) Kir@ath JearimJ% a ity o$ the hildren o$ J#dah" This (was) the
west side"
Jos 18:11 The so#th side (began) at the end o$ Kir@ath Jearim% and the border e9tended on the west and went
o#t to the s*ring o$ the waters o$ Ne*htoah"
Jos 18:13 Then the border ame down to the end o$ the mo#ntain that (lies) be$ore the Valley o$ the ,on o$
Hinnom% whih (is) in the Valley o$ the :e*haim on the north% desended to the Valley o$ Hinnom% to the side o$
the Jeb#site (ity) on the so#th% and desended to 6n :ogel"
Jos 18:14 +nd it went aro#nd $rom the north% went o#t to 6n ,hemesh% and e9tended toward Geliloth% whih is
be$ore the +sent o$ +d#mmim% and desended to the stone o$ Bohan the son o$ :e#ben"
Jos 18:18 Then it *assed along toward the north side o$ +rabah% and went down to +rabah"
Jos 18:19 +nd the border *assed along to the north side o$ Beth Hoglah& then the border ended at the north bay
at the ,alt ,ea% at the so#th end o$ the Jordan" This (was) the so#thern bo#ndary"
Jos 18:25 The Jordan was its border on the east side" This (was) the inheritane o$ the hildren o$ Ben@amin%
aording to its bo#ndaries all aro#nd% aording to their $amilies"
Jos 18:21 Now the ities o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Ben@amin% aording to their $amilies% were Jeriho% Beth
Hoglah% 6me' KeHiH%
Jos 18:22 Beth +rabah% Gemaraim% Bethel%
Jos 18:2- +!im% <arah% 8*hrah%
Jos 18:20 =he*har Haammoni% 8*hni% and Gaba: twel!e ities with their !illages&
Jos 18:21 Gibeon% :amah% Beeroth%
Jos 18:23 ?iH*ah% =he*hirah% ?oHah%
Jos 18:24 :e'em% Ir*eel% Taralah%
Jos 18:28 Gelah% 6le*h% Jeb#s Iwhih (is) Jer#salemJ% Gibeath% (and) Kir@ath: $o#rteen ities with their !illages"
This was the inheritane o$ the hildren o$ Ben@amin aording to their $amilies"
Jos 19:1 The seond lot ame o#t $or ,imeon% $or the tribe o$ the hildren o$ ,imeon aording to their $amilies"
+nd their inheritane was within the inheritane o$ the hildren o$ J#dah"
Jos 19:2 They had in their inheritane Beersheba I,hebaJ% ?oladah%
Jos 19:- HaHar ,h#al% Balah% 6Hem%
Jos 19:0 6ltolad% Beth#l% Hormah%
Jos 19:1 Gi'lag% Beth ?araboth% HaHar ,#sah%
Jos 19:3 Beth /ebaoth% and ,har#hen: thirteen ities and their !illages&
Jos 19:4 +in% :immon% 6ther% and +shan: $o#r ities and their !illages&
Jos 19:8 and all the !illages that (were) all aro#nd these ities as $ar as Baalath Beer% :amah o$ the ,o#th" This
(was) the inheritane o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ ,imeon aording to their $amilies"
Jos 19:9 The inheritane o$ the hildren o$ ,imeon (was inl#ded) in the share o$ the hildren o$ J#dah% $or the
share o$ the hildren o$ J#dah was too m#h $or them" There$ore the hildren o$ ,imeon had (their) inheritane
within the inheritane o$ that *eo*le"
Jos 19:15 The third lot ame o#t $or the hildren o$ Geb#l#n aording to their $amilies% and the border o$ their
inheritane was as $ar as ,arid"
Jos 19:11 Their border went toward the west and to ?aralah% went to 2abbasheth% and e9tended along the
broo' that is east o$ Jo'neam"
Jos 19:12 Then $rom ,arid it went eastward toward the s#nrise along the border o$ =hisloth Tabor% and went o#t
toward 2aberath% by*assing Ja*hia"
Jos 19:1- +nd $rom there it *assed along on the east o$ Gath He*her% toward 6th KaHin% and e9tended to
:immon% whih borders on Neah"
Jos 19:10 Then the border went aro#nd it on the north side o$ Hannathon% and it ended in the Valley o$ Ji*hthah
Jos 19:11 Inl#ded were Kattath% Nahallal% ,himron% Idalah% and Bethlehem: twel!e ities with their !illages"
Jos 19:13 This (was) the inheritane o$ the hildren o$ Geb#l#n aording to their $amilies% these ities with their
Jos 19:14 The $o#rth lot ame o#t to Issahar% $or the hildren o$ Issahar aording to their $amilies"
Jos 19:18 +nd their territory went to JeHreel% and (inl#ded) =hes#lloth% ,h#nem%
Jos 19:19 Ha*hraim% ,hion% +naharath%
Jos 19:25 :abbith% Kishion% +beH%
Jos 19:21 :emeth% 6n Gannim% 6n Haddah% and Beth <aHHeH"
Jos 19:22 +nd the border reahed to Tabor% ,hahaHimah% and Beth ,hemesh& their border ended at the Jordan:
si9teen ities with their !illages"
Jos 19:2- This (was) the inheritane o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Issahar aording to their $amilies% the ities
and their !illages"
Jos 19:20 The $i$th lot ame o#t $or the tribe o$ the hildren o$ +sher aording to their $amilies"
Jos 19:21 +nd their territory inl#ded Hel'ath% Hali% Beten% +hsha*h%
Jos 19:23 +lammeleh% +mad% and ?ishal& it reahed to ?o#nt =armel westward% along (the Broo') ,hihor
Jos 19:24 It t#rned toward the s#nrise to Beth 2agon& and it reahed to Geb#l#n and to the Valley o$ Ji*hthah
6l% then northward beyond Beth 6me' and Neiel% by*assing =ab#l (whih was) on the le$t%
Jos 19:28 inl#ding 6bron% :ehob% Hammon% and Kanah% as $ar as Greater ,idon"
Jos 19:29 +nd the border t#rned to :amah and to the $orti$ied ity o$ Tyre& then the border t#rned to Hosah% and
ended at the sea by the region o$ +hHib"
Jos 19:-5 +lso 7mmah% +*he'% and :ehob (were inl#ded:) twentyDtwo ities with their !illages"
Jos 19:-1 This (was) the inheritane o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ +sher aording to their $amilies% these ities
with their !illages"
Jos 19:-2 The si9th lot ame o#t to the hildren o$ Na*htali% $or the hildren o$ Na*htali aording to their
Jos 19:-- +nd their border began at Hele*h% enlosing the territory $rom the terebinth tree in Gaanannim% +dami
Ne'eb% and Jabneel% as $ar as /a''#m& it ended at the Jordan"
Jos 19:-0 ;rom Hele*h the border e9tended westward to +Hnoth Tabor% and went o#t $rom there toward
H#''o'& it ad@oined Geb#l#n on the so#th side and +sher on the west side% and ended at J#dah by the Jordan
toward the s#nrise"
Jos 19:-1 +nd the $orti$ied ities (are) Giddim% Ger% Hammath% :a''ath% =hinnereth%
Jos 19:-3 +damah% :amah% HaHor%
Jos 19:-4 Kedesh% 6drei% 6n HaHor%
Jos 19:-8 Iron% ?igdal 6l% Horem% Beth +nath% and Beth ,hemesh: nineteen ities with their !illages"
Jos 19:-9 This (was) the inheritane o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Na*htali aording to their $amilies% the ities
and their !illages"
Jos 19:05 The se!enth lot ame o#t $or the tribe o$ the hildren o$ 2an aording to their $amilies"
Jos 19:01 +nd the territory o$ their inheritane was Gorah% 6shtaol% Ir ,hemesh%
Jos 19:02 ,haalabbin% +i@alon% Jethlah%
Jos 19:0- 6lon% Timnah% 6'ron%
Jos 19:00 6lte'eh% Gibbethon% Baalath%
Jos 19:01 Jeh#d% Bene Bera'% Gath :immon%
Jos 19:03 ?e Jar'on% and :a''on% with the region near Jo**a"
Jos 19:04 +nd the border o$ the hildren o$ 2an went beyond these% bea#se the hildren o$ 2an went #* to
$ight against /eshem and too' it& and they str#' it with the edge o$ the sword% too' *ossession o$ it% and dwelt in
it" They alled /eshem% 2an% a$ter the name o$ 2an their $ather"
Jos 19:08 This (is) the inheritane o$ the tribe o$ the hildren o$ 2an aording to their $amilies% these ities with
their !illages"
Jos 19:09 >hen they had made an end o$ di!iding the land as an inheritane aording to their borders% the
hildren o$ Israel ga!e an inheritane among them to Josh#a the son o$ N#n"
Jos 19:15 +ording to the word o$ the /8:2 they ga!e him the ity whih he as'ed $or% Timnath ,erah in the
mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim& and he b#ilt the ity and dwelt in it"
Jos 19:11 These (were) the inheritanes whih 6leaHar the *riest% Josh#a the son o$ N#n% and the heads o$ the
$athers o$ the tribes o$ the hildren o$ Israel di!ided as an inheritane by lot in ,hiloh be$ore the /8:2% at the
door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting" ,o they made an end o$ di!iding the o#ntry"
Jos 25:1 The /8:2 also s*o'e to Josh#a% saying%
Jos 25:2 .,*ea' to the hildren o$ Israel% saying: A+**oint $or yo#rsel!es ities o$ re$#ge% o$ whih I s*o'e to yo#
thro#gh ?oses%
Jos 25:- Athat the slayer who 'ills a *erson aidentally (or) #nintentionally may $lee there& and they shall be
yo#r re$#ge $rom the a!enger o$ blood"
Jos 25:0 A+nd when he $lees to one o$ those ities% and stands at the entrane o$ the gate o$ the ity% and
delares his ase in the hearing o$ the elders o$ that ity% they shall ta'e him into the ity as one o$ them% and
gi!e him a *lae% that he may dwell among them"
Jos 25:1 AThen i$ the a!enger o$ blood *#rs#es him% they shall not deli!er the slayer into his hand% bea#se he
str#' his neighbor #nintentionally% b#t did not hate him be$orehand"
Jos 25:3 A+nd he shall dwell in that ity #ntil he stands be$ore the ongregation $or @#dgment% (and) #ntil the
death o$ the one who is high *riest in those days" Then the slayer may ret#rn and ome to his own ity and his
own ho#se% to the ity $rom whih he $led"A .
Jos 25:4 ,o they a**ointed Kedesh in Galilee% in the mo#ntains o$ Na*htali% ,hehem in the mo#ntains o$
6*hraim% and Kir@ath +rba Iwhih (is) HebronJ in the mo#ntains o$ J#dah"
Jos 25:8 +nd on the other side o$ the Jordan% by Jeriho eastward% they assigned BeHer in the wilderness on the
*lain% $rom the tribe o$ :e#ben% :amoth in Gilead% $rom the tribe o$ Gad% and Golan in Bashan% $rom the tribe o$
Jos 25:9 These were the ities a**ointed $or all the hildren o$ Israel and $or the stranger who dwelt among
them% that whoe!er 'illed a *erson aidentally might $lee there% and not die by the hand o$ the a!enger o$ blood
#ntil he stood be$ore the ongregation"
Jos 21:1 Then the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ the /e!ites ame near to 6leaHar the *riest% to Josh#a the
son o$ N#n% and to the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ the tribes o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
Jos 21:2 +nd they s*o'e to them at ,hiloh in the land o$ =anaan% saying% .The /8:2 ommanded thro#gh
?oses to gi!e #s ities to dwell in% with their ommonDlands $or o#r li!esto'".
Jos 21:- ,o the hildren o$ Israel ga!e to the /e!ites $rom their inheritane% at the ommandment o$ the /8:2%
these ities and their ommonDlands:
Jos 21:0 Now the lot ame o#t $or the $amilies o$ the Kohathites" +nd the hildren o$ +aron the *riest% (who
were) o$ the /e!ites% had thirteen ities by lot $rom the tribe o$ J#dah% $rom the tribe o$ ,imeon% and $rom the tribe
o$ Ben@amin"
Jos 21:1 The rest o$ the hildren o$ Kohath had ten ities by lot $rom the $amilies o$ the tribe o$ 6*hraim% $rom
the tribe o$ 2an% and $rom the hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh"
Jos 21:3 +nd the hildren o$ Gershon had thirteen ities by lot $rom the $amilies o$ the tribe o$ Issahar% $rom the
tribe o$ +sher% $rom the tribe o$ Na*htali% and $rom the hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh in Bashan"
Jos 21:4 The hildren o$ ?erari aording to their $amilies had twel!e ities $rom the tribe o$ :e#ben% $rom the
tribe o$ Gad% and $rom the tribe o$ Geb#l#n"
Jos 21:8 +nd the hildren o$ Israel ga!e these ities with their ommonDlands by lot to the /e!ites% as the /8:2
had ommanded by the hand o$ ?oses"
Jos 21:9 ,o they ga!e $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ J#dah and $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ ,imeon these
ities whih are designated by name%
Jos 21:15 whih were $or the hildren o$ +aron% one o$ the $amilies o$ the Kohathites% (who were) o$ the hildren
o$ /e!i& $or the lot was theirs $irst"
Jos 21:11 +nd they ga!e them Kir@ath +rba I(+rba was) the $ather o$ +na'J% whih (is) Hebron% in the mo#ntains
o$ J#dah% with the ommonDland s#rro#nding it"
Jos 21:12 B#t the $ields o$ the ity and its !illages they ga!e to =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh as his *ossession"
Jos 21:1- Th#s to the hildren o$ +aron the *riest they ga!e Hebron with its ommonDland Ia ity o$ re$#ge $or
the slayerJ% /ibnah with its ommonDland%
Jos 21:10 Jattir with its ommonDland% 6shtemoa with its ommonDland%
Jos 21:11 Holon with its ommonDland% 2ebir with its ommonDland%
Jos 21:13 +in with its ommonDland% J#ttah with its ommonDland% and Beth ,hemesh with its ommonDland:
nine ities $rom those two tribes&
Jos 21:14 and $rom the tribe o$ Ben@amin% Gibeon with its ommonDland% Geba with its ommonDland%
Jos 21:18 +nathoth with its ommonDland% and +lmon with its ommonDland: $o#r ities"
Jos 21:19 +ll the ities o$ the hildren o$ +aron% the *riests% (were) thirteen ities with their ommonDlands"
Jos 21:25 +nd the $amilies o$ the hildren o$ Kohath% the /e!ites% the rest o$ the hildren o$ Kohath% e!en they
had the ities o$ their lot $rom the tribe o$ 6*hraim"
Jos 21:21 ;or they ga!e them ,hehem with its ommonDland in the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim Ia ity o$ re$#ge $or
the slayerJ% GeHer with its ommonDland%
Jos 21:22 KibHaim with its ommonDland% and Beth Horon with its ommonDland: $o#r ities&
Jos 21:2- and $rom the tribe o$ 2an% 6lte'eh with its ommonDland% Gibbethon with its ommonDland%
Jos 21:20 +i@alon with its ommonDland% (and) Gath :immon with its ommonDland: $o#r ities&
Jos 21:21 and $rom the hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh% Tanah with its ommonDland and Gath :immon with its
ommonDland: two ities"
Jos 21:23 +ll the ten ities with their ommonDlands were $or the rest o$ the $amilies o$ the hildren o$ Kohath"
Jos 21:24 +lso to the hildren o$ Gershon% o$ the $amilies o$ the /e!ites% $rom the (other) hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh%
(they ga!e) Golan in Bashan with its ommonDland Ia ity o$ re$#ge $or the slayerJ% and Be 6shterah with its
ommonDland: two ities&
Jos 21:28 and $rom the tribe o$ Issahar% Kishion with its ommonDland% 2aberath with its ommonDland%
Jos 21:29 Jarm#th with its ommonDland% (and) 6n Gannim with its ommonDland: $o#r ities&
Jos 21:-5 and $rom the tribe o$ +sher% ?ishal with its ommonDland% +bdon with its ommonDland%
Jos 21:-1 Hel'ath with its ommonDland% and :ehob with its ommonDland: $o#r ities&
Jos 21:-2 and $rom the tribe o$ Na*htali% Kedesh in Galilee with its ommonDland Ia ity o$ re$#ge $or the slayerJ%
Hammoth 2or with its ommonDland% and Kartan with its ommonDland: three ities"
Jos 21:-- +ll the ities o$ the Gershonites aording to their $amilies (were) thirteen ities with their ommonD
Jos 21:-0 +nd to the $amilies o$ the hildren o$ ?erari% the rest o$ the /e!ites% $rom the tribe o$ Geb#l#n%
Jo'neam with its ommonDland% Kartah with its ommonDland%
Jos 21:-1 2imnah with its ommonDland% (and) Nahalal with its ommonDland: $o#r ities&
Jos 21:-3 and $rom the tribe o$ :e#ben% BeHer with its ommonDland% JahaH with its ommonDland%
Jos 21:-4 Kedemoth with its ommonDland% and ?e*haath with its ommonDland: $o#r ities&
Jos 21:-8 and $rom the tribe o$ Gad% :amoth in Gilead with its ommonDland Ia ity o$ re$#ge $or the slayerJ%
?ahanaim with its ommonDland%
Jos 21:-9 Heshbon with its ommonDland% (and) JaHer with its ommonDland: $o#r ities in all"
Jos 21:05 ,o all the ities $or the hildren o$ ?erari aording to their $amilies% the rest o$ the $amilies o$ the
/e!ites% were (by) their lot twel!e ities"
Jos 21:01 +ll the ities o$ the /e!ites within the *ossession o$ the hildren o$ Israel (were) $ortyDeight ities with
their ommonDlands"
Jos 21:02 6!ery one o$ these ities had its ommonDland s#rro#nding it& th#s (were) all these ities"
Jos 21:0- ,o the /8:2 ga!e to Israel all the land o$ whih He had sworn to gi!e to their $athers% and they too'
*ossession o$ it and dwelt in it"
Jos 21:00 The /8:2 ga!e them rest all aro#nd% aording to all that He had sworn to their $athers" +nd not a
man o$ all their enemies stood against them& the /8:2 deli!ered all their enemies into their hand"
Jos 21:01 Not a word $ailed o$ any good thing whih the /8:2 had s*o'en to the ho#se o$ Israel" +ll ame to
Jos 22:1 Then Josh#a alled the :e#benites% the Gadites% and hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh%
Jos 22:2 and said to them: .Bo# ha!e 'e*t all that ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 ommanded yo#% and ha!e
obeyed my !oie in all that I ommanded yo#"
Jos 22:- .Bo# ha!e not le$t yo#r brethren these many days% #* to this day% b#t ha!e 'e*t the harge o$ the
ommandment o$ the /8:2 yo#r God"
Jos 22:0 .+nd now the /8:2 yo#r God has gi!en rest to yo#r brethren% as He *romised them& now there$ore%
ret#rn and go to yo#r tents (and) to the land o$ yo#r *ossession% whih ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 ga!e yo#
on the other side o$ the Jordan"
Jos 22:1 .B#t ta'e are$#l heed to do the ommandment and the law whih ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2
ommanded yo#% to lo!e the /8:2 yo#r God% to wal' in all His ways% to 'ee* His ommandments% to hold $ast to
Him% and to ser!e Him with all yo#r heart and with all yo#r so#l".
Jos 22:3 ,o Josh#a blessed them and sent them away% and they went to their tents"
Jos 22:4 Now to hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh ?oses had gi!en a *ossession in Bashan% b#t to the (other) hal$ o$ it
Josh#a ga!e (a *ossession) among their brethren on this side o$ the Jordan% westward" +nd indeed% when
Josh#a sent them away to their tents% he blessed them%
Jos 22:8 and s*o'e to them% saying% .:et#rn with m#h rihes to yo#r tents% with !ery m#h li!esto'% with
sil!er% with gold% with bronHe% with iron% and with !ery m#h lothing" 2i!ide the s*oil o$ yo#r enemies with yo#r
Jos 22:9 ,o the hildren o$ :e#ben% the hildren o$ Gad% and hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh ret#rned% and de*arted
$rom the hildren o$ Israel at ,hiloh% whih (is) in the land o$ =anaan% to go to the o#ntry o$ Gilead% to the land o$
their *ossession% whih they had obtained aording to the word o$ the /8:2 by the hand o$ ?oses"
Jos 22:15 +nd when they ame to the region o$ the Jordan whih (is) in the land o$ =anaan% the hildren o$
:e#ben% the hildren o$ Gad% and hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh b#ilt an altar there by the Jordan DD a great%
im*ressi!e altar"
Jos 22:11 Now the hildren o$ Israel heard (someone) say% .Behold% the hildren o$ :e#ben% the hildren o$ Gad%
and hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh ha!e b#ilt an altar on the $rontier o$ the land o$ =anaan% in the region o$ the
Jordan DD on the hildren o$ IsraelAs side".
Jos 22:12 +nd when the hildren o$ Israel heard (o$ it%) the whole ongregation o$ the hildren o$ Israel gathered
together at ,hiloh to go to war against them"
Jos 22:1- Then the hildren o$ Israel sent <hinehas the son o$ 6leaHar the *riest to the hildren o$ :e#ben% to
the hildren o$ Gad% and to hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh% into the land o$ Gilead%
Jos 22:10 and with him ten r#lers% one r#ler eah $rom the hie$ ho#se o$ e!ery tribe o$ Israel& and eah one
(was) the head o$ the ho#se o$ his $ather among the di!isions o$ Israel"
Jos 22:11 Then they ame to the hildren o$ :e#ben% to the hildren o$ Gad% and to hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh%
to the land o$ Gilead% and they s*o'e with them% saying%
Jos 22:13 .Th#s says the whole ongregation o$ the /8:2: A>hat treahery (is) this that yo# ha!e ommitted
against the God o$ Israel% to t#rn away this day $rom $ollowing the /8:2% in that yo# ha!e b#ilt $or yo#rsel!es an
altar% that yo# might rebel this day against the /8:2C
Jos 22:14 A(Is) the iniE#ity o$ <eor not eno#gh $or #s% $rom whih we are not leansed #ntil this day% altho#gh
there was a *lag#e in the ongregation o$ the /8:2%
Jos 22:18 Ab#t that yo# m#st t#rn away this day $rom $ollowing the /8:2C +nd it shall be% i$ yo# rebel today
against the /8:2% that tomorrow He will be angry with the whole ongregation o$ Israel"
Jos 22:19 ANe!ertheless% i$ the land o$ yo#r *ossession (is) #nlean% (then) ross o!er to the land o$ the
*ossession o$ the /8:2% where the /8:2As tabernale stands% and ta'e *ossession among #s& b#t do not rebel
against the /8:2% nor rebel against #s% by b#ilding yo#rsel!es an altar besides the altar o$ the /8:2 o#r God"
Jos 22:25 A2id not +han the son o$ Gerah ommit a tres*ass in the a#rsed thing% and wrath $ell on all the
ongregation o$ IsraelC +nd that man did not *erish alone in his iniE#ity"A .
Jos 22:21 Then the hildren o$ :e#ben% the hildren o$ Gad% and hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh answered and said
to the heads o$ the di!isions o$ Israel:
Jos 22:22 .The /8:2 God o$ gods% the /8:2 God o$ gods% He 'nows% and let Israel itsel$ 'now DD i$ (it is) in
rebellion% or i$ in treahery against the /8:2% do not sa!e #s this day"
Jos 22:2- .I$ we ha!e b#ilt o#rsel!es an altar to t#rn $rom $ollowing the /8:2% or i$ to o$$er on it b#rnt o$$erings
or grain o$$erings% or i$ to o$$er *eae o$$erings on it% let the /8:2 Himsel$ reE#ire (an ao#nt")
Jos 22:20 .B#t in $at we ha!e done it $or $ear% $or a reason% saying% AIn time to ome yo#r desendants may
s*ea' to o#r desendants% saying% .>hat ha!e yo# to do with the /8:2 God o$ IsraelC
Jos 22:21 .;or the /8:2 has made the Jordan a border between yo# and #s% (yo#) hildren o$ :e#ben and
hildren o$ Gad" Bo# ha!e no *art in the /8:2". ,o yo#r desendants wo#ld ma'e o#r desendants ease
$earing the /8:2"A
Jos 22:23 .There$ore we said% A/et #s now *re*are to b#ild o#rsel!es an altar% not $or b#rnt o$$ering nor $or
Jos 22:24 Ab#t (that) it (may be) a witness between yo# and #s and o#r generations a$ter #s% that we may
*er$orm the ser!ie o$ the /8:2 be$ore Him with o#r b#rnt o$$erings% with o#r sari$ies% and with o#r *eae
o$$erings& that yo#r desendants may not say to o#r desendants in time to ome% .Bo# ha!e no *art in the
/8:2". A
Jos 22:28 .There$ore we said that it will be% when they say (this) to #s or to o#r generations in time to ome% that
we may say% AHere is the re*lia o$ the altar o$ the /8:2 whih o#r $athers made% tho#gh not $or b#rnt o$$erings
nor $or sari$ies& b#t it (is) a witness between yo# and #s"A
Jos 22:29 .;ar be it $rom #s that we sho#ld rebel against the /8:2% and t#rn $rom $ollowing the /8:2 this day%
to b#ild an altar $or b#rnt o$$erings% $or grain o$$erings% or $or sari$ies% besides the altar o$ the /8:2 o#r God
whih (is) be$ore His tabernale".
Jos 22:-5 Now when <hinehas the *riest and the r#lers o$ the ongregation% the heads o$ the di!isions o$ Israel
who (were) with him% heard the words that the hildren o$ :e#ben% the hildren o$ Gad% and the hildren o$
?anasseh s*o'e% it *leased them"
Jos 22:-1 Then <hinehas the son o$ 6leaHar the *riest said to the hildren o$ :e#ben% the hildren o$ Gad% and
the hildren o$ ?anasseh% .This day we *erei!e that the /8:2 (is) among #s% bea#se yo# ha!e not ommitted
this treahery against the /8:2" Now yo# ha!e deli!ered the hildren o$ Israel o#t o$ the hand o$ the /8:2".
Jos 22:-2 +nd <hinehas the son o$ 6leaHar the *riest% and the r#lers% ret#rned $rom the hildren o$ :e#ben and
the hildren o$ Gad% $rom the land o$ Gilead to the land o$ =anaan% to the hildren o$ Israel% and bro#ght ba'
word to them"
Jos 22:-- ,o the thing *leased the hildren o$ Israel% and the hildren o$ Israel blessed God& they s*o'e no
more o$ going against them in battle% to destroy the land where the hildren o$ :e#ben and Gad dwelt"
Jos 22:-0 The hildren o$ :e#ben and the hildren o$ Gad alled the altar% (>itness%) .;or (it is) a witness
between #s that the /8:2 (is) God".
Jos 2-:1 Now it ame to *ass% a long time a$ter the /8:2 had gi!en rest to Israel $rom all their enemies ro#nd
abo#t% that Josh#a was old% ad!aned in age"
Jos 2-:2 +nd Josh#a alled $or all Israel% $or their elders% $or their heads% $or their @#dges% and $or their o$$iers%
and said to them: .I am old% ad!aned in age"
Jos 2-:- .Bo# ha!e seen all that the /8:2 yo#r God has done to all these nations bea#se o$ yo#% $or the
/8:2 yo#r God (is) He who has $o#ght $or yo#"
Jos 2-:0 .,ee% I ha!e di!ided to yo# by lot these nations that remain% to be an inheritane $or yo#r tribes% $rom
the Jordan% with all the nations that I ha!e #t o$$% as $ar as the Great ,ea westward"
Jos 2-:1 .+nd the /8:2 yo#r God will e9*el them $rom be$ore yo# and dri!e them o#t o$ yo#r sight" ,o yo#
shall *ossess their land% as the /8:2 yo#r God *romised yo#"
Jos 2-:3 .There$ore be !ery o#rageo#s to 'ee* and to do all that is written in the Boo' o$ the /aw o$ ?oses%
lest yo# t#rn aside $rom it to the right hand or to the le$t%
Jos 2-:4 .(and) lest yo# go among these nations% these who remain among yo#" Bo# shall not ma'e mention o$
the name o$ their gods% nor a#se (anyone) to swear (by them&) yo# shall not ser!e them nor bow down to them%
Jos 2-:8 .b#t yo# shall hold $ast to the /8:2 yo#r God% as yo# ha!e done to this day"
Jos 2-:9 .;or the /8:2 has dri!en o#t $rom be$ore yo# great and strong nations& b#t (as $or) yo#% no one has
been able to stand against yo# to this day"
Jos 2-:15 .8ne man o$ yo# shall hase a tho#sand% $or the /8:2 yo#r God (is) He who $ights $or yo#% as He
*romised yo#"
Jos 2-:11 .There$ore ta'e are$#l heed to yo#rsel!es% that yo# lo!e the /8:2 yo#r God"
Jos 2-:12 .8r else% i$ indeed yo# do go ba'% and ling to the remnant o$ these nations DD these that remain
among yo# DD and ma'e marriages with them% and go in to them and they to yo#%
Jos 2-:1- .'now $or ertain that the /8:2 yo#r God will no longer dri!e o#t these nations $rom be$ore yo#" B#t
they shall be snares and tra*s to yo#% and so#rges on yo#r sides and thorns in yo#r eyes% #ntil yo# *erish $rom
this good land whih the /8:2 yo#r God has gi!en yo#"
Jos 2-:10 . Behold% this day I (am) going the way o$ all the earth" +nd yo# 'now in all yo#r hearts and in all yo#r
so#ls that not one thing has $ailed o$ all the good things whih the /8:2 yo#r God s*o'e onerning yo#" +ll
ha!e ome to *ass $or yo#& not one word o$ them has $ailed"
Jos 2-:11 .There$ore it shall ome to *ass% that as all the good things ha!e ome #*on yo# whih the /8:2
yo#r God *romised yo#% so the /8:2 will bring #*on yo# all harm$#l things% #ntil He has destroyed yo# $rom this
good land whih the /8:2 yo#r God has gi!en yo#"
Jos 2-:13 .>hen yo# ha!e transgressed the o!enant o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% whih He ommanded yo#% and
ha!e gone and ser!ed other gods% and bowed down to them% then the anger o$ the /8:2 will b#rn against yo#%
and yo# shall *erish E#i'ly $rom the good land whih He has gi!en yo#".
Jos 20:1 Then Josh#a gathered all the tribes o$ Israel to ,hehem and alled $or the elders o$ Israel% $or their
heads% $or their @#dges% and $or their o$$iers& and they *resented themsel!es be$ore God"
Jos 20:2 +nd Josh#a said to all the *eo*le% .Th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: ABo#r $athers% (inl#ding) Terah%
the $ather o$ +braham and the $ather o$ Nahor% dwelt on the other side o$ the :i!er in old times& and they ser!ed
other gods"
Jos 20:- AThen I too' yo#r $ather +braham $rom the other side o$ the :i!er% led him thro#gho#t all the land o$
=anaan% and m#lti*lied his desendants and ga!e him Isaa"
Jos 20:0 ATo Isaa I ga!e Jaob and 6sa#" To 6sa# I ga!e the mo#ntains o$ ,eir to *ossess% b#t Jaob and his
hildren went down to 6gy*t"
Jos 20:1 A+lso I sent ?oses and +aron% and I *lag#ed 6gy*t% aording to what I did among them" +$terward I
bro#ght yo# o#t"
Jos 20:3 AThen I bro#ght yo#r $athers o#t o$ 6gy*t% and yo# ame to the sea& and the 6gy*tians *#rs#ed yo#r
$athers with hariots and horsemen to the :ed ,ea"
Jos 20:4 A,o they ried o#t to the /8:2& and He *#t dar'ness between yo# and the 6gy*tians% bro#ght the sea
#*on them% and o!ered them" +nd yo#r eyes saw what I did in 6gy*t" Then yo# dwelt in the wilderness a long
Jos 20:8 A+nd I bro#ght yo# into the land o$ the +morites% who dwelt on the other side o$ the Jordan% and they
$o#ght with yo#" B#t I ga!e them into yo#r hand% that yo# might *ossess their land% and I destroyed them $rom
be$ore yo#"
Jos 20:9 AThen Bala' the son o$ Gi**or% 'ing o$ ?oab% arose to ma'e war against Israel% and sent and alled
Balaam the son o$ Beor to #rse yo#"
Jos 20:15 AB#t I wo#ld not listen to Balaam& there$ore he ontin#ed to bless yo#" ,o I deli!ered yo# o#t o$ his
Jos 20:11 AThen yo# went o!er the Jordan and ame to Jeriho" +nd the men o$ Jeriho $o#ght against yo# DD
(also) the +morites% the <eriHHites% the =anaanites% the Hittites% the Girgashites% the Hi!ites% and the Jeb#sites"
B#t I deli!ered them into yo#r hand"
Jos 20:12 AI sent the hornet be$ore yo# whih dro!e them o#t $rom be$ore yo#% (also) the two 'ings o$ the
+morites% (b#t) not with yo#r sword or with yo#r bow"
Jos 20:1- AI ha!e gi!en yo# a land $or whih yo# did not labor% and ities whih yo# did not b#ild% and yo# dwell
in them& yo# eat o$ the !ineyards and oli!e gro!es whih yo# did not *lant"A
Jos 20:10 . Now there$ore% $ear the /8:2% ser!e Him in sinerity and in tr#th% and *#t away the gods whih yo#r
$athers ser!ed on the other side o$ the :i!er and in 6gy*t" ,er!e the /8:2F
Jos 20:11 .+nd i$ it seems e!il to yo# to ser!e the /8:2% hoose $or yo#rsel!es this day whom yo# will ser!e%
whether the gods whih yo#r $athers ser!ed that (were) on the other side o$ the :i!er% or the gods o$ the
+morites% in whose land yo# dwell" B#t as $or me and my ho#se% we will ser!e the /8:2".
Jos 20:13 ,o the *eo*le answered and said: .;ar be it $rom #s that we sho#ld $orsa'e the /8:2 to ser!e other
Jos 20:14 .$or the /8:2 o#r God (is) He who bro#ght #s and o#r $athers #* o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% $rom the
ho#se o$ bondage% who did those great signs in o#r sight% and *reser!ed #s in all the way that we went and
among all the *eo*le thro#gh whom we *assed"
Jos 20:18 .+nd the /8:2 dro!e o#t $rom be$ore #s all the *eo*le% inl#ding the +morites who dwelt in the land"
>e also will ser!e the /8:2% $or He (is) o#r God".
Jos 20:19 B#t Josh#a said to the *eo*le% .Bo# annot ser!e the /8:2% $or He (is) a holy God" He (is) a @ealo#s
God& He will not $orgi!e yo#r transgressions nor yo#r sins"
Jos 20:25 .I$ yo# $orsa'e the /8:2 and ser!e $oreign gods% then He will t#rn and do yo# harm and ons#me
yo#% a$ter He has done yo# good".
Jos 20:21 +nd the *eo*le said to Josh#a% .No% b#t we will ser!e the /8:2F.
Jos 20:22 ,o Josh#a said to the *eo*le% .Bo# (are) witnesses against yo#rsel!es that yo# ha!e hosen the
/8:2 $or yo#rsel!es% to ser!e Him". +nd they said% .(>e are) witnessesF.
Jos 20:2- .Now there$ore%. (he said%) .*#t away the $oreign gods whih (are) among yo#% and inline yo#r heart
to the /8:2 God o$ Israel".
Jos 20:20 +nd the *eo*le said to Josh#a% .The /8:2 o#r God we will ser!e% and His !oie we will obeyF.
Jos 20:21 ,o Josh#a made a o!enant with the *eo*le that day% and made $or them a stat#te and an ordinane
in ,hehem"
Jos 20:23 Then Josh#a wrote these words in the Boo' o$ the /aw o$ God" +nd he too' a large stone% and set it
#* there #nder the oa' that (was) by the sant#ary o$ the /8:2"
Jos 20:24 +nd Josh#a said to all the *eo*le% .Behold% this stone shall be a witness to #s% $or it has heard all the
words o$ the /8:2 whih He s*o'e to #s" It shall there$ore be a witness to yo#% lest yo# deny yo#r God".
Jos 20:28 ,o Josh#a let the *eo*le de*art% eah to his own inheritane"
Jos 20:29 Now it ame to *ass a$ter these things that Josh#a the son o$ N#n% the ser!ant o$ the /8:2% died%
(being) one h#ndred and ten years old"
Jos 20:-5 +nd they b#ried him within the border o$ his inheritane at Timnath ,erah% whih (is) in the mo#ntains
o$ 6*hraim% on the north side o$ ?o#nt Gaash"
Jos 20:-1 Israel ser!ed the /8:2 all the days o$ Josh#a% and all the days o$ the elders who o#tli!ed Josh#a%
who had 'nown all the wor's o$ the /8:2 whih He had done $or Israel"
Jos 20:-2 The bones o$ Jose*h% whih the hildren o$ Israel had bro#ght #* o#t o$ 6gy*t% they b#ried at
,hehem% in the *lot o$ gro#nd whih Jaob had bo#ght $rom the sons o$ Hamor the $ather o$ ,hehem $or one
h#ndred *iees o$ sil!er% and whih had beome an inheritane o$ the hildren o$ Jose*h"
Jos 20:-- +nd 6leaHar the son o$ +aron died" They b#ried him in a hill (belonging to) <hinehas his son% whih
was gi!en to him in the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim"
Jdg 1:1 Now a$ter the death o$ Josh#a it ame to *ass that the hildren o$ Israel as'ed the /8:2% saying% .>ho
shall be $irst to go #* $or #s against the =anaanites to $ight against themC.
Jdg 1:2 +nd the /8:2 said% .J#dah shall go #*" Indeed I ha!e deli!ered the land into his hand".
Jdg 1:- ,o J#dah said to ,imeon his brother% .=ome #* with me to my allotted territory% that we may $ight
against the =anaanites& and I will li'ewise go with yo# to yo#r allotted territory". +nd ,imeon went with him"
Jdg 1:0 Then J#dah went #*% and the /8:2 deli!ered the =anaanites and the <eriHHites into their hand& and
they 'illed ten tho#sand men at BeHe'"
Jdg 1:1 +nd they $o#nd +doniDBeHe' in BeHe'% and $o#ght against him& and they de$eated the =anaanites and
the <eriHHites"
Jdg 1:3 Then +doniDBeHe' $led% and they *#rs#ed him and a#ght him and #t o$$ his th#mbs and big toes"
Jdg 1:4 +nd +doniDBeHe' said% .,e!enty 'ings with their th#mbs and big toes #t o$$ #sed to gather (sra*s)
#nder my table& as I ha!e done% so God has re*aid me". Then they bro#ght him to Jer#salem% and there he died"
Jdg 1:8 Now the hildren o$ J#dah $o#ght against Jer#salem and too' it& they str#' it with the edge o$ the sword
and set the ity on $ire"
Jdg 1:9 +nd a$terward the hildren o$ J#dah went down to $ight against the =anaanites who dwelt in the
mo#ntains% in the ,o#th% and in the lowland"
Jdg 1:15 Then J#dah went against the =anaanites who dwelt in Hebron" INow the name o$ Hebron (was)
$ormerly Kir@ath +rba"J +nd they 'illed ,heshai% +himan% and Talmai"
Jdg 1:11 ;rom there they went against the inhabitants o$ 2ebir" IThe name o$ 2ebir (was) $ormerly Kir@ath
Jdg 1:12 Then =aleb said% .>hoe!er atta's Kir@ath ,e*her and ta'es it% to him I will gi!e my da#ghter +hsah
as wi$e".
Jdg 1:1- +nd 8thniel the son o$ KenaH% =alebAs yo#nger brother% too' it& so he ga!e him his da#ghter +hsah
as wi$e"
Jdg 1:10 Now it ha**ened% when she ame (to him%) that she #rged him to as' her $ather $or a $ield" +nd she
dismo#nted $rom (her) don'ey% and =aleb said to her% .>hat do yo# wishC.
Jdg 1:11 ,o she said to him% .Gi!e me a blessing& sine yo# ha!e gi!en me land in the ,o#th% gi!e me also
s*rings o$ water". +nd =aleb ga!e her the #**er s*rings and the lower s*rings"
Jdg 1:13 Now the hildren o$ the Kenite% ?osesA $atherDinDlaw% went #* $rom the =ity o$ <alms with the hildren
o$ J#dah into the >ilderness o$ J#dah% whih (lies) in the ,o#th (near) +rad& and they went and dwelt among the
Jdg 1:14 +nd J#dah went with his brother ,imeon% and they atta'ed the =anaanites who inhabited Ge*hath%
and #tterly destroyed it" ,o the name o$ the ity was alled Hormah"
Jdg 1:18 +lso J#dah too' GaHa with its territory% +sh'elon with its territory% and 6'ron with its territory"
Jdg 1:19 ,o the /8:2 was with J#dah" +nd they dro!e o#t the mo#ntaineers% b#t they o#ld not dri!e o#t the
inhabitants o$ the lowland% bea#se they had hariots o$ iron"
Jdg 1:25 +nd they ga!e Hebron to =aleb% as ?oses had said" Then he e9*elled $rom there the three sons o$
Jdg 1:21 B#t the hildren o$ Ben@amin did not dri!e o#t the Jeb#sites who inhabited Jer#salem& so the Jeb#sites
dwell with the hildren o$ Ben@amin in Jer#salem to this day"
Jdg 1:22 +nd the ho#se o$ Jose*h also went #* against Bethel% and the /8:2 (was) with them"
Jdg 1:2- ,o the ho#se o$ Jose*h sent men to s*y o#t Bethel" IThe name o$ the ity (was) $ormerly /#H"J
Jdg 1:20 +nd when the s*ies saw a man oming o#t o$ the ity% they said to him% .<lease show #s the entrane
to the ity% and we will show yo# mery".
Jdg 1:21 ,o he showed them the entrane to the ity% and they str#' the ity with the edge o$ the sword& b#t
they let the man and all his $amily go"
Jdg 1:23 +nd the man went to the land o$ the Hittites% b#ilt a ity% and alled its name /#H% whih (is) its name to
this day"
Jdg 1:24 Howe!er% ?anasseh did not dri!e o#t (the inhabitants o$) Beth ,hean and its !illages% or Taanah and
its !illages% or the inhabitants o$ 2or and its !illages% or the inhabitants o$ Ibleam and its !illages% or the
inhabitants o$ ?egiddo and its !illages& $or the =anaanites were determined to dwell in that land"
Jdg 1:28 +nd it ame to *ass% when Israel was strong% that they *#t the =anaanites #nder trib#te% b#t did not
om*letely dri!e them o#t"
Jdg 1:29 Nor did 6*hraim dri!e o#t the =anaanites who dwelt in GeHer& so the =anaanites dwelt in GeHer
among them"
Jdg 1:-5 Nor did Geb#l#n dri!e o#t the inhabitants o$ Kitron or the inhabitants o$ Nahalol& so the =anaanites
dwelt among them% and were *#t #nder trib#te"
Jdg 1:-1 Nor did +sher dri!e o#t the inhabitants o$ +o or the inhabitants o$ ,idon% or o$ +hlab% +hHib% Helbah%
+*hi'% or :ehob"
Jdg 1:-2 ,o the +sherites dwelt among the =anaanites% the inhabitants o$ the land& $or they did not dri!e them
Jdg 1:-- Nor did Na*htali dri!e o#t the inhabitants o$ Beth ,hemesh or the inhabitants o$ Beth +nath& b#t they
dwelt among the =anaanites% the inhabitants o$ the land" Ne!ertheless the inhabitants o$ Beth ,hemesh and
Beth +nath were *#t #nder trib#te to them"
Jdg 1:-0 +nd the +morites $ored the hildren o$ 2an into the mo#ntains% $or they wo#ld not allow them to ome
down to the !alley&
Jdg 1:-1 and the +morites were determined to dwell in ?o#nt Heres% in +i@alon% and in ,haalbim& yet when the
strength o$ the ho#se o$ Jose*h beame greater% they were *#t #nder trib#te"
Jdg 1:-3 Now the bo#ndary o$ the +morites (was) $rom the +sent o$ +'rabbim% $rom ,ela% and #*ward"
Jdg 2:1 Then the +ngel o$ the /8:2 ame #* $rom Gilgal to Bohim% and said: .I led yo# #* $rom 6gy*t and
bro#ght yo# to the land o$ whih I swore to yo#r $athers& and I said% AI will ne!er brea' ?y o!enant with yo#"
Jdg 2:2 A+nd yo# shall ma'e no o!enant with the inhabitants o$ this land& yo# shall tear down their altars"A B#t
yo# ha!e not obeyed ?y !oie" >hy ha!e yo# done thisC
Jdg 2:- .There$ore I also said% AI will not dri!e them o#t be$ore yo#& b#t they shall be (thorns) in yo#r side% and
their gods shall be a snare to yo#"A .
Jdg 2:0 ,o it was% when the +ngel o$ the /8:2 s*o'e these words to all the hildren o$ Israel% that the *eo*le
li$ted #* their !oies and we*t"
Jdg 2:1 Then they alled the name o$ that *lae Bohim& and they sari$ied there to the /8:2"
Jdg 2:3 +nd when Josh#a had dismissed the *eo*le% the hildren o$ Israel went eah to his own inheritane to
*ossess the land"
Jdg 2:4 ,o the *eo*le ser!ed the /8:2 all the days o$ Josh#a% and all the days o$ the elders who o#tli!ed
Josh#a% who had seen all the great wor's o$ the /8:2 whih He had done $or Israel"
Jdg 2:8 Now Josh#a the son o$ N#n% the ser!ant o$ the /8:2% died (when he was) one h#ndred and ten years
Jdg 2:9 +nd they b#ried him within the border o$ his inheritane at Timnath Heres% in the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim%
on the north side o$ ?o#nt Gaash"
Jdg 2:15 >hen all that generation had been gathered to their $athers% another generation arose a$ter them who
did not 'now the /8:2 nor the wor' whih He had done $or Israel"
Jdg 2:11 Then the hildren o$ Israel did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% and ser!ed the Baals&
Jdg 2:12 and they $orsoo' the /8:2 God o$ their $athers% who had bro#ght them o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t& and
they $ollowed other gods $rom (among) the gods o$ the *eo*le who (were) all aro#nd them% and they bowed down
to them& and they *ro!o'ed the /8:2 to anger"
Jdg 2:1- They $orsoo' the /8:2 and ser!ed Baal and the +shtoreths"
Jdg 2:10 +nd the anger o$ the /8:2 was hot against Israel" ,o He deli!ered them into the hands o$ *l#nderers
who des*oiled them& and He sold them into the hands o$ their enemies all aro#nd% so that they o#ld no longer
stand be$ore their enemies"
Jdg 2:11 >here!er they went o#t% the hand o$ the /8:2 was against them $or alamity% as the /8:2 had said%
and as the /8:2 had sworn to them" +nd they were greatly distressed"
Jdg 2:13 Ne!ertheless% the /8:2 raised #* @#dges who deli!ered them o#t o$ the hand o$ those who *l#ndered
Jdg 2:14 Bet they wo#ld not listen to their @#dges% b#t they *layed the harlot with other gods% and bowed down to
them" They t#rned E#i'ly $rom the way in whih their $athers wal'ed% in obeying the ommandments o$ the
/8:2& they did not do so"
Jdg 2:18 +nd when the /8:2 raised #* @#dges $or them% the /8:2 was with the @#dge and deli!ered them o#t
o$ the hand o$ their enemies all the days o$ the @#dge& $or the /8:2 was mo!ed to *ity by their groaning bea#se
o$ those who o**ressed them and harassed them"
Jdg 2:19 +nd it ame to *ass% when the @#dge was dead% that they re!erted and beha!ed more orr#*tly than
their $athers% by $ollowing other gods% to ser!e them and bow down to them" They did not ease $rom their own
doings nor $rom their st#bborn way"
Jdg 2:25 Then the anger o$ the /8:2 was hot against Israel& and He said% .Bea#se this nation has
transgressed ?y o!enant whih I ommanded their $athers% and has not heeded ?y !oie%
Jdg 2:21 .I also will no longer dri!e o#t be$ore them any o$ the nations whih Josh#a le$t when he died%
Jdg 2:22 .so that thro#gh them I may test Israel% whether they will 'ee* the ways o$ the /8:2% to wal' in them
as their $athers 'e*t (them%) or not".
Jdg 2:2- There$ore the /8:2 le$t those nations% witho#t dri!ing them o#t immediately& nor did He deli!er them
into the hand o$ Josh#a"
Jdg -:1 Now these (are) the nations whih the /8:2 le$t% that He might test Israel by them% (that is%) all who had
not 'nown any o$ the wars in =anaan
Jdg -:2 I(this was) only so that the generations o$ the hildren o$ Israel might be ta#ght to 'now war% at least
those who had not $ormerly 'nown itJ%
Jdg -:- (namely%) $i!e lords o$ the <hilistines% all the =anaanites% the ,idonians% and the Hi!ites who dwelt in
?o#nt /ebanon% $rom ?o#nt Baal Hermon to the entrane o$ Hamath"
Jdg -:0 +nd they were (le$t% that He might) test Israel by them% to 'now whether they wo#ld obey the
ommandments o$ the /8:2% whih He had ommanded their $athers by the hand o$ ?oses"
Jdg -:1 Th#s the hildren o$ Israel dwelt among the =anaanites% the Hittites% the +morites% the <eriHHites% the
Hi!ites% and the Jeb#sites"
Jdg -:3 +nd they too' their da#ghters to be their wi!es% and ga!e their da#ghters to their sons& and they ser!ed
their gods"
Jdg -:4 ,o the hildren o$ Israel did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2" They $orgot the /8:2 their God% and ser!ed
the Baals and +sherahs"
Jdg -:8 There$ore the anger o$ the /8:2 was hot against Israel% and He sold them into the hand o$ =#shanD
:ishathaim 'ing o$ ?eso*otamia& and the hildren o$ Israel ser!ed =#shanD:ishathaim eight years"
Jdg -:9 >hen the hildren o$ Israel ried o#t to the /8:2% the /8:2 raised #* a deli!erer $or the hildren o$
Israel% who deli!ered them: 8thniel the son o$ KenaH% =alebAs yo#nger brother"
Jdg -:15 The ,*irit o$ the /8:2 ame #*on him% and he @#dged Israel" He went o#t to war% and the /8:2
deli!ered =#shanD:ishathaim 'ing o$ ?eso*otamia into his hand& and his hand *re!ailed o!er =#shanD
Jdg -:11 ,o the land had rest $or $orty years" Then 8thniel the son o$ KenaH died"
Jdg -:12 +nd the hildren o$ Israel again did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2" ,o the /8:2 strengthened 6glon
'ing o$ ?oab against Israel% bea#se they had done e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2"
Jdg -:1- Then he gathered to himsel$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon and +male'% went and de$eated Israel% and too'
*ossession o$ the =ity o$ <alms"
Jdg -:10 ,o the hildren o$ Israel ser!ed 6glon 'ing o$ ?oab eighteen years"
Jdg -:11 B#t when the hildren o$ Israel ried o#t to the /8:2% the /8:2 raised #* a deli!erer $or them: 6h#d
the son o$ Gera% the Ben@amite% a le$tDhanded man" By him the hildren o$ Israel sent trib#te to 6glon 'ing o$
Jdg -:13 Now 6h#d made himsel$ a dagger Iit was do#bleDedged and a #bit in lengthJ and $astened it #nder his
lothes on his right thigh"
Jdg -:14 ,o he bro#ght the trib#te to 6glon 'ing o$ ?oab" INow 6glon (was) a !ery $at man"J
Jdg -:18 +nd when he had $inished *resenting the trib#te% he sent away the *eo*le who had arried the trib#te"
Jdg -:19 B#t he himsel$ t#rned ba' $rom the stone images that (were) at Gilgal% and said% .I ha!e a seret
message $or yo#% 8 'ing". He said% .Kee* sileneF. +nd all who attended him went o#t $rom him"
Jdg -:25 +nd 6h#d ame to him Inow he was sitting #*stairs in his ool *ri!ate hamberJ" Then 6h#d said% .I
ha!e a message $rom God $or yo#". ,o he arose $rom (his) seat"
Jdg -:21 Then 6h#d reahed with his le$t hand% too' the dagger $rom his right thigh% and thr#st it into his belly"
Jdg -:22 6!en the hilt went in a$ter the blade% and the $at losed o!er the blade% $or he did not draw the dagger
o#t o$ his belly& and his entrails ame o#t"
Jdg -:2- Then 6h#d went o#t thro#gh the *orh and sh#t the doors o$ the #**er room behind him and lo'ed
Jdg -:20 >hen he had gone o#t% 6glonAs ser!ants ame to loo'% and (to their) s#r*rise% the doors o$ the #**er
room were lo'ed" ,o they said% .He is *robably attending to his needs in the ool hamber".
Jdg -:21 ,o they waited till they were embarrassed% and still he had not o*ened the doors o$ the #**er room"
There$ore they too' the 'ey and o*ened (them") +nd there was their master% $allen dead on the $loor"
Jdg -:23 B#t 6h#d had esa*ed while they delayed% and *assed beyond the stone images and esa*ed to
Jdg -:24 +nd it ha**ened% when he arri!ed% that he blew the tr#m*et in the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% and the
hildren o$ Israel went down with him $rom the mo#ntains& and he led them"
Jdg -:28 Then he said to them% .;ollow (me%) $or the /8:2 has deli!ered yo#r enemies the ?oabites into yo#r
hand". ,o they went down a$ter him% seiHed the $ords o$ the Jordan leading to ?oab% and did not allow anyone to
ross o!er"
Jdg -:29 +nd at that time they 'illed abo#t ten tho#sand men o$ ?oab% all sto#t men o$ !alor& not a man
Jdg -:-5 ,o ?oab was s#bd#ed that day #nder the hand o$ Israel" +nd the land had rest $or eighty years"
Jdg -:-1 +$ter him was ,hamgar the son o$ +nath% who 'illed si9 h#ndred men o$ the <hilistines with an o9
goad& and he also deli!ered Israel"
Jdg 0:1 >hen 6h#d was dead% the hildren o$ Israel again did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2"
Jdg 0:2 ,o the /8:2 sold them into the hand o$ Jabin 'ing o$ =anaan% who reigned in HaHor" The ommander
o$ his army (was) ,isera% who dwelt in Harosheth Hagoyim"
Jdg 0:- +nd the hildren o$ Israel ried o#t to the /8:2& $or Jabin had nine h#ndred hariots o$ iron% and $or
twenty years he harshly o**ressed the hildren o$ Israel"
Jdg 0:0 Now 2eborah% a *ro*hetess% the wi$e o$ /a*idoth% was @#dging Israel at that time"
Jdg 0:1 +nd she wo#ld sit #nder the *alm tree o$ 2eborah between :amah and Bethel in the mo#ntains o$
6*hraim" +nd the hildren o$ Israel ame #* to her $or @#dgment"
Jdg 0:3 Then she sent and alled $or Bara' the son o$ +binoam $rom Kedesh in Na*htali% and said to him% .Has
not the /8:2 God o$ Israel ommanded% AGo and de*loy (troo*s) at ?o#nt Tabor& ta'e with yo# ten tho#sand
men o$ the sons o$ Na*htali and o$ the sons o$ Geb#l#n&
Jdg 0:4 Aand against yo# I will de*loy ,isera% the ommander o$ JabinAs army% with his hariots and his m#ltit#de
at the :i!er Kishon& and I will deli!er him into yo#r handAC.
Jdg 0:8 +nd Bara' said to her% .I$ yo# will go with me% then I will go& b#t i$ yo# will not go with me% I will not goF.
Jdg 0:9 ,o she said% .I will s#rely go with yo#& ne!ertheless there will be no glory $or yo# in the @o#rney yo# are
ta'ing% $or the /8:2 will sell ,isera into the hand o$ a woman". Then 2eborah arose and went with Bara' to
Jdg 0:15 +nd Bara' alled Geb#l#n and Na*htali to Kedesh& he went #* with ten tho#sand men #nder his
ommand% and 2eborah went #* with him"
Jdg 0:11 Now Heber the Kenite% o$ the hildren o$ Hobab the $atherDinDlaw o$ ?oses% had se*arated himsel$ $rom
the Kenites and *ithed his tent near the terebinth tree at Gaanaim% whih (is) beside Kedesh"
Jdg 0:12 +nd they re*orted to ,isera that Bara' the son o$ +binoam had gone #* to ?o#nt Tabor"
Jdg 0:1- ,o ,isera gathered together all his hariots% nine h#ndred hariots o$ iron% and all the *eo*le who
(were) with him% $rom Harosheth Hagoyim to the :i!er Kishon"
Jdg 0:10 Then 2eborah said to Bara'% .7*F ;or this (is) the day in whih the /8:2 has deli!ered ,isera into
yo#r hand" Has not the /8:2 gone o#t be$ore yo#C. ,o Bara' went down $rom ?o#nt Tabor with ten tho#sand
men $ollowing him"
Jdg 0:11 +nd the /8:2 ro#ted ,isera and all (his) hariots and all (his) army with the edge o$ the sword be$ore
Bara'& and ,isera alighted $rom (his) hariot and $led away on $oot"
Jdg 0:13 B#t Bara' *#rs#ed the hariots and the army as $ar as Harosheth Hagoyim% and all the army o$ ,isera
$ell by the edge o$ the sword& not a man was le$t"
Jdg 0:14 Howe!er% ,isera had $led away on $oot to the tent o$ Jael% the wi$e o$ Heber the Kenite& $or (there was)
*eae between Jabin 'ing o$ HaHor and the ho#se o$ Heber the Kenite"
Jdg 0:18 +nd Jael went o#t to meet ,isera% and said to him% .T#rn aside% my lord% t#rn aside to me& do not $ear".
+nd when he had t#rned aside with her into the tent% she o!ered him with a blan'et"
Jdg 0:19 Then he said to her% .<lease gi!e me a little water to drin'% $or I am thirsty". ,o she o*ened a @#g o$
mil'% ga!e him a drin'% and o!ered him"
Jdg 0:25 +nd he said to her% .,tand at the door o$ the tent% and i$ any man omes and inE#ires o$ yo#% and says%
AIs there any man hereCA yo# shall say% ANo"A .
Jdg 0:21 Then Jael% HeberAs wi$e% too' a tent *eg and too' a hammer in her hand% and went so$tly to him and
dro!e the *eg into his tem*le% and it went down into the gro#nd& $or he was $ast aslee* and weary" ,o he died"
Jdg 0:22 +nd then% as Bara' *#rs#ed ,isera% Jael ame o#t to meet him% and said to him% .=ome% I will show
yo# the man whom yo# see'". +nd when he went into her (tent%) there lay ,isera% dead with the *eg in his
Jdg 0:2- ,o on that day God s#bd#ed Jabin 'ing o$ =anaan in the *resene o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
Jdg 0:20 +nd the hand o$ the hildren o$ Israel grew stronger and stronger against Jabin 'ing o$ =anaan% #ntil
they had destroyed Jabin 'ing o$ =anaan"
Jdg 1:1 Then 2eborah and Bara' the son o$ +binoam sang on that day% saying:
Jdg 1:2 .>hen leaders lead in Israel% >hen the *eo*le willingly o$$er themsel!es% Bless the /8:2F
Jdg 1:- .Hear% 8 'ingsF Gi!e ear% 8 *rinesF I% (e!en) I% will sing to the /8:2& I will sing *raise to the /8:2 God
o$ Israel"
Jdg 1:0 ./8:2% when Bo# went o#t $rom ,eir% >hen Bo# marhed $rom the $ield o$ 6dom% The earth trembled
and the hea!ens *o#red% The lo#ds also *o#red water&
Jdg 1:1 The mo#ntains g#shed be$ore the /8:2% This ,inai% be$ore the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
Jdg 1:3 .In the days o$ ,hamgar% son o$ +nath% In the days o$ Jael% The highways were deserted% +nd the
tra!elers wal'ed along the byways"
Jdg 1:4 Village li$e eased% it eased in Israel% 7ntil I% 2eborah% arose% +rose a mother in Israel"
Jdg 1:8 They hose new gods& Then (there was) war in the gates& Not a shield or s*ear was seen among $orty
tho#sand in Israel"
Jdg 1:9 ?y heart (is) with the r#lers o$ Israel >ho o$$ered themsel!es willingly with the *eo*le" Bless the /8:2F
Jdg 1:15 .,*ea'% yo# who ride on white don'eys% >ho sit in @#dgesA attire% +nd who wal' along the road"
Jdg 1:11 ;ar $rom the noise o$ the arhers% among the watering *laes% There they shall reo#nt the righteo#s
ats o$ the /8:2% The righteo#s ats ($or) His !illagers in Israel& Then the *eo*le o$ the /8:2 shall go down to
the gates"
Jdg 1:12 .+wa'e% awa'e% 2eborahF +wa'e% awa'e% sing a songF +rise% Bara'% and lead yo#r a*ti!es away% 8
son o$ +binoamF
Jdg 1:1- .Then the s#r!i!ors ame down% the *eo*le against the nobles& The /8:2 ame down $or me against
the mighty"
Jdg 1:10 ;rom 6*hraim (were) those whose roots were in +male'" +$ter yo#% Ben@amin% with yo#r *eo*les% ;rom
?ahir r#lers ame down% +nd $rom Geb#l#n those who bear the rer#iterAs sta$$"
Jdg 1:11 +nd the *rines o$ Issahar (were) with 2eborah& +s Issahar% so (was) Bara' ,ent into the !alley
#nder his ommand& +mong the di!isions o$ :e#ben (There were) great resol!es o$ heart"
Jdg 1:13 >hy did yo# sit among the shee*$olds% To hear the *i*ings $or the $lo'sC The di!isions o$ :e#ben
ha!e great searhings o$ heart"
Jdg 1:14 Gilead stayed beyond the Jordan% +nd why did 2an remain on shi*sC +sher ontin#ed at the
seashore% +nd stayed by his inlets"
Jdg 1:18 Geb#l#n (is) a *eo*le (who) @eo*ardiHed their li!es to the *oint o$ death% Na*htali also% on the heights o$
the battle$ield"
Jdg 1:19 .The 'ings ame (and) $o#ght% Then the 'ings o$ =anaan $o#ght In Taanah% by the waters o$ ?egiddo&
They too' no s*oils o$ sil!er"
Jdg 1:25 They $o#ght $rom the hea!ens& The stars $rom their o#rses $o#ght against ,isera"
Jdg 1:21 The torrent o$ Kishon swe*t them away% That anient torrent% the torrent o$ Kishon" 8 my so#l% marh
on in strengthF
Jdg 1:22 Then the horsesA hoo!es *o#nded% The gallo*ing% gallo*ing o$ his steeds"
Jdg 1:2- A=#rse ?eroH%A said the angel o$ the /8:2% A=#rse its inhabitants bitterly% Bea#se they did not ome to
the hel* o$ the /8:2% To the hel* o$ the /8:2 against the mighty"A
Jdg 1:20 .?ost blessed among women is Jael% The wi$e o$ Heber the Kenite& Blessed is she among women in
Jdg 1:21 He as'ed $or water% she ga!e mil'& ,he bro#ght o#t ream in a lordly bowl"
Jdg 1:23 ,he strethed her hand to the tent *eg% Her right hand to the wor'menAs hammer& ,he *o#nded
,isera% she *iered his head% ,he s*lit and str#' thro#gh his tem*le"
Jdg 1:24 +t her $eet he san'% he $ell% he lay still& +t her $eet he san'% he $ell& >here he san'% there he $ell dead"
Jdg 1:28 .The mother o$ ,isera loo'ed thro#gh the window% +nd ried o#t thro#gh the lattie% A>hy is his hariot
(so) long in omingC >hy tarries the latter o$ his hariotsCA
Jdg 1:29 Her wisest ladies answered her% Bes% she answered hersel$%
Jdg 1:-5 A+re they not $inding and di!iding the s*oil: To e!ery man a girl (or) two& ;or ,isera% *l#nder o$ dyed
garments% <l#nder o$ garments embroidered and dyed% Two *iees o$ dyed embroidery $or the ne' o$ the
Jdg 1:-1 .Th#s let all Bo#r enemies *erish% 8 /8:2F B#t (let) those who lo!e Him (be) li'e the s#n >hen it
omes o#t in $#ll strength". ,o the land had rest $or $orty years"
Jdg 3:1 Then the hildren o$ Israel did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2" ,o the /8:2 deli!ered them into the hand
o$ ?idian $or se!en years%
Jdg 3:2 and the hand o$ ?idian *re!ailed against Israel" Bea#se o$ the ?idianites% the hildren o$ Israel made
$or themsel!es the dens% the a!es% and the strongholds whih (are) in the mo#ntains"
Jdg 3:- ,o it was% whene!er Israel had sown% ?idianites wo#ld ome #*& also +male'ites and the *eo*le o$ the
6ast wo#ld ome #* against them"
Jdg 3:0 Then they wo#ld enam* against them and destroy the *rod#e o$ the earth as $ar as GaHa% and lea!e
no s#stenane $or Israel% neither shee* nor o9 nor don'ey"
Jdg 3:1 ;or they wo#ld ome #* with their li!esto' and their tents% oming in as n#mero#s as lo#sts& both they
and their amels were witho#t n#mber& and they wo#ld enter the land to destroy it"
Jdg 3:3 ,o Israel was greatly im*o!erished bea#se o$ the ?idianites% and the hildren o$ Israel ried o#t to the
Jdg 3:4 +nd it ame to *ass% when the hildren o$ Israel ried o#t to the /8:2 bea#se o$ the ?idianites%
Jdg 3:8 that the /8:2 sent a *ro*het to the hildren o$ Israel% who said to them% .Th#s says the /8:2 God o$
Israel: AI bro#ght yo# #* $rom 6gy*t and bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the ho#se o$ bondage&
Jdg 3:9 Aand I deli!ered yo# o#t o$ the hand o$ the 6gy*tians and o#t o$ the hand o$ all who o**ressed yo#% and
dro!e them o#t be$ore yo# and ga!e yo# their land"
Jdg 3:15 A+lso I said to yo#% .I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God& do not $ear the gods o$ the +morites% in whose land yo#
dwell". B#t yo# ha!e not obeyed ?y !oie"A .
Jdg 3:11 Now the +ngel o$ the /8:2 ame and sat #nder the terebinth tree whih (was) in 8*hrah% whih
(belonged) to Joash the +bieHrite% while his son Gideon threshed wheat in the wine*ress% in order to hide (it) $rom
the ?idianites"
Jdg 3:12 +nd the +ngel o$ the /8:2 a**eared to him% and said to him% .The /8:2 (is) with yo#% yo# mighty
man o$ !alorF.
Jdg 3:1- Gideon said to Him% .8 my lord% i$ the /8:2 is with #s% why then has all this ha**ened to #sC +nd
where (are) all His mirales whih o#r $athers told #s abo#t% saying% A2id not the /8:2 bring #s #* $rom 6gy*tCA
B#t now the /8:2 has $orsa'en #s and deli!ered #s into the hands o$ the ?idianites".
Jdg 3:10 Then the /8:2 t#rned to him and said% .Go in this might o$ yo#rs% and yo# shall sa!e Israel $rom the
hand o$ the ?idianites" Ha!e I not sent yo#C.
Jdg 3:11 ,o he said to Him% .8 my /ord% how an I sa!e IsraelC Indeed my lan (is) the wea'est in ?anasseh%
and I (am) the least in my $atherAs ho#se".
Jdg 3:13 +nd the /8:2 said to him% .,#rely I will be with yo#% and yo# shall de$eat the ?idianites as one man".
Jdg 3:14 Then he said to Him% .I$ now I ha!e $o#nd $a!or in Bo#r sight% then show me a sign that it is Bo# who
tal' with me"
Jdg 3:18 .2o not de*art $rom here% I *ray% #ntil I ome to Bo# and bring o#t my o$$ering and set (it) be$ore Bo#".
+nd He said% .I will wait #ntil yo# ome ba'".
Jdg 3:19 ,o Gideon went in and *re*ared a yo#ng goat% and #nlea!ened bread $rom an e*hah o$ $lo#r" The
meat he *#t in a bas'et% and he *#t the broth in a *ot& and he bro#ght (them) o#t to Him #nder the terebinth tree
and *resented (them")
Jdg 3:25 The +ngel o$ God said to him% .Ta'e the meat and the #nlea!ened bread and lay (them) on this ro'%
and *o#r o#t the broth". +nd he did so"
Jdg 3:21 Then the +ngel o$ the /8:2 *#t o#t the end o$ the sta$$ that (was) in His hand% and to#hed the meat
and the #nlea!ened bread& and $ire rose o#t o$ the ro' and ons#med the meat and the #nlea!ened bread" +nd
the +ngel o$ the /8:2 de*arted o#t o$ his sight"
Jdg 3:22 Now Gideon *erei!ed that He (was) the +ngel o$ the /8:2" ,o Gideon said% .+las% 8 /ord G82F ;or
I ha!e seen the +ngel o$ the /8:2 $ae to $ae".
Jdg 3:2- Then the /8:2 said to him% .<eae (be) with yo#& do not $ear% yo# shall not die".
Jdg 3:20 ,o Gideon b#ilt an altar there to the /8:2% and alled it TheD/8:2D(IsD<eae") To this day it (is) still in
8*hrah o$ the +bieHrites"
Jdg 3:21 Now it ame to *ass the same night that the /8:2 said to him% .Ta'e yo#r $atherAs yo#ng b#ll% the
seond b#ll o$ se!en years old% and tear down the altar o$ Baal that yo#r $ather has% and #t down the wooden
image that (is) beside it&
Jdg 3:23 .and b#ild an altar to the /8:2 yo#r God on to* o$ this ro' in the *ro*er arrangement% and ta'e the
seond b#ll and o$$er a b#rnt sari$ie with the wood o$ the image whih yo# shall #t down".
Jdg 3:24 ,o Gideon too' ten men $rom among his ser!ants and did as the /8:2 had said to him" B#t bea#se
he $eared his $atherAs ho#sehold and the men o$ the ity too m#h to do (it) by day% he did (it) by night"
Jdg 3:28 +nd when the men o$ the ity arose early in the morning% there was the altar o$ Baal% torn down& and
the wooden image that (was) beside it was #t down% and the seond b#ll was being o$$ered on the altar (whih
had been) b#ilt"
Jdg 3:29 ,o they said to one another% .>ho has done this thingC. +nd when they had inE#ired and as'ed% they
said% .Gideon the son o$ Joash has done this thing".
Jdg 3:-5 Then the men o$ the ity said to Joash% .Bring o#t yo#r son% that he may die% bea#se he has torn
down the altar o$ Baal% and bea#se he has #t down the wooden image that (was) beside it".
Jdg 3:-1 B#t Joash said to all who stood against him% .>o#ld yo# *lead $or BaalC >o#ld yo# sa!e himC /et the
one who wo#ld *lead $or him be *#t to death by morningF I$ he (is) a god% let him *lead $or himsel$% bea#se his
altar has been torn downF.
Jdg 3:-2 There$ore on that day he alled him Jer#bbaal% saying% ./et Baal *lead against him% bea#se he has
torn down his altar".
Jdg 3:-- Then all the ?idianites and +male'ites% the *eo*le o$ the 6ast% gathered together& and they rossed
o!er and enam*ed in the Valley o$ JeHreel"
Jdg 3:-0 B#t the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 ame #*on Gideon& then he blew the tr#m*et% and the +bieHrites gathered
behind him"
Jdg 3:-1 +nd he sent messengers thro#gho#t all ?anasseh% who also gathered behind him" He also sent
messengers to +sher% Geb#l#n% and Na*htali& and they ame #* to meet them"
Jdg 3:-3 ,o Gideon said to God% .I$ Bo# will sa!e Israel by my hand as Bo# ha!e said DD
Jdg 3:-4 .loo'% I shall *#t a $leee o$ wool on the threshing $loor& i$ there is dew on the $leee only% and (it is) dry
on all the gro#nd% then I shall 'now that Bo# will sa!e Israel by my hand% as Bo# ha!e said".
Jdg 3:-8 +nd it was so" >hen he rose early the ne9t morning and sE#eeHed the $leee together% he wr#ng the
dew o#t o$ the $leee% a bowl$#l o$ water"
Jdg 3:-9 Then Gideon said to God% .2o not be angry with me% b#t let me s*ea' @#st one more: /et me test% I
*ray% @#st one more with the $leee& let it now be dry only on the $leee% b#t on all the gro#nd let there be dew".
Jdg 3:05 +nd God did so that night" It was dry on the $leee only% b#t there was dew on all the gro#nd"
Jdg 4:1 Then Jer#bbaal Ithat (is%) GideonJ and all the *eo*le who (were) with him rose early and enam*ed
beside the well o$ Harod% so that the am* o$ the ?idianites was on the north side o$ them by the hill o$ ?oreh in
the !alley"
Jdg 4:2 +nd the /8:2 said to Gideon% .The *eo*le who (are) with yo# (are) too many $or ?e to gi!e the
?idianites into their hands% lest Israel laim glory $or itsel$ against ?e% saying% A?y own hand has sa!ed me"A
Jdg 4:- .Now there$ore% *rolaim in the hearing o$ the *eo*le% saying% A>hoe!er (is) $ear$#l and a$raid% let him
t#rn and de*art at one $rom ?o#nt Gilead"A . +nd twentyDtwo tho#sand o$ the *eo*le ret#rned% and ten tho#sand
Jdg 4:0 B#t the /8:2 said to Gideon% .The *eo*le (are) still (too) many& bring them down to the water% and I will
test them $or yo# there" Then it will be% (that) o$ whom I say to yo#% AThis one shall go with yo#%A the same shall go
with yo#& and o$ whome!er I say to yo#% AThis one shall not go with yo#%A the same shall not go".
Jdg 4:1 ,o he bro#ght the *eo*le down to the water" +nd the /8:2 said to Gideon% .6!eryone who la*s $rom
the water with his tong#e% as a dog la*s% yo# shall set a*art by himsel$& li'ewise e!eryone who gets down on his
'nees to drin'".
Jdg 4:3 +nd the n#mber o$ those who la**ed% (*#tting) their hand to their mo#th% was three h#ndred men& b#t all
the rest o$ the *eo*le got down on their 'nees to drin' water"
Jdg 4:4 Then the /8:2 said to Gideon% .By the three h#ndred men who la**ed I will sa!e yo#% and deli!er the
?idianites into yo#r hand" /et all the (other) *eo*le go% e!ery man to his *lae".
Jdg 4:8 ,o the *eo*le too' *ro!isions and their tr#m*ets in their hands" +nd he sent away all (the rest o$) Israel%
e!ery man to his tent% and retained those three h#ndred men" Now the am* o$ ?idian was below him in the
Jdg 4:9 It ha**ened on the same night that the /8:2 said to him% .+rise% go down against the am*% $or I ha!e
deli!ered it into yo#r hand"
Jdg 4:15 .B#t i$ yo# are a$raid to go down% go down to the am* with <#rah yo#r ser!ant%
Jdg 4:11 .and yo# shall hear what they say& and a$terward yo#r hands shall be strengthened to go down against
the am*". Then he went down with <#rah his ser!ant to the o#t*ost o$ the armed men who (were) in the am*"
Jdg 4:12 Now the ?idianites and +male'ites% all the *eo*le o$ the 6ast% were lying in the !alley as n#mero#s as
lo#sts& and their amels (were) witho#t n#mber% as the sand by the seashore in m#ltit#de"
Jdg 4:1- +nd when Gideon had ome% there was a man telling a dream to his om*anion" He said% .I ha!e had
a dream: (To my) s#r*rise% a loa$ o$ barley bread t#mbled into the am* o$ ?idian& it ame to a tent and str#' it
so that it $ell and o!ert#rned% and the tent olla*sed".
Jdg 4:10 Then his om*anion answered and said% .This (is) nothing else b#t the sword o$ Gideon the son o$
Joash% a man o$ IsraelF Into his hand God has deli!ered ?idian and the whole am*".
Jdg 4:11 +nd so it was% when Gideon heard the telling o$ the dream and its inter*retation% that he worshi*ed" He
ret#rned to the am* o$ Israel% and said% .+rise% $or the /8:2 has deli!ered the am* o$ ?idian into yo#r hand".
Jdg 4:13 Then he di!ided the three h#ndred men (into) three om*anies% and he *#t a tr#m*et into e!ery manAs
hand% with em*ty *ithers% and torhes inside the *ithers"
Jdg 4:14 +nd he said to them% ./oo' at me and do li'ewise& wath% and when I ome to the edge o$ the am*
yo# shall do as I do:
Jdg 4:18 .>hen I blow the tr#m*et% I and all who (are) with me% then yo# also blow the tr#m*ets on e!ery side o$
the whole am*% and say% A(The sword o$) the /8:2 and o$ GideonFA .
Jdg 4:19 ,o Gideon and the h#ndred men who (were) with him ame to the o#t*ost o$ the am* at the
beginning o$ the middle wath% @#st as they had *osted the wath& and they blew the tr#m*ets and bro'e the
*ithers that (were) in their hands"
Jdg 4:25 Then the three om*anies blew the tr#m*ets and bro'e the *ithers DD they held the torhes in their le$t
hands and the tr#m*ets in their right hands $or blowing DD and they ried% .The sword o$ the /8:2 and o$
Jdg 4:21 +nd e!ery man stood in his *lae all aro#nd the am*& and the whole army ran and ried o#t and $led"
Jdg 4:22 >hen the three h#ndred blew the tr#m*ets% the /8:2 set e!ery manAs sword against his om*anion
thro#gho#t the whole am*& and the army $led to Beth +aia% toward Gererah% as $ar as the border o$ +bel
?eholah% by Tabbath"
Jdg 4:2- +nd the men o$ Israel gathered together $rom Na*htali% +sher% and all ?anasseh% and *#rs#ed the
Jdg 4:20 Then Gideon sent messengers thro#gho#t all the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% saying% .=ome down against
the ?idianites% and seiHe $rom them the watering *laes as $ar as Beth Barah and the Jordan". Then all the men
o$ 6*hraim gathered together and seiHed the watering *laes as $ar as Beth Barah and the Jordan"
Jdg 4:21 +nd they a*t#red two *rines o$ the ?idianites% 8reb and Geeb" They 'illed 8reb at the ro' o$ 8reb%
and Geeb they 'illed at the wine*ress o$ Geeb" They *#rs#ed ?idian and bro#ght the heads o$ 8reb and Geeb to
Gideon on the other side o$ the Jordan"
Jdg 8:1 Now the men o$ 6*hraim said to him% .>hy ha!e yo# done this to #s by not alling #s when yo# went to
$ight with the ?idianitesC. +nd they re*rimanded him shar*ly"
Jdg 8:2 ,o he said to them% .>hat ha!e I done now in om*arison with yo#C (Is) not the gleaning (o$ the gra*es)
o$ 6*hraim better than the !intage o$ +bieHerC
Jdg 8:- .God has deli!ered into yo#r hands the *rines o$ ?idian% 8reb and Geeb" +nd what was I able to do in
om*arison with yo#C. Then their anger toward him s#bsided when he said that"
Jdg 8:0 >hen Gideon ame to the Jordan% he and the three h#ndred men who (were) with him rossed o!er%
e9ha#sted b#t still in *#rs#it"
Jdg 8:1 Then he said to the men o$ ,#oth% .<lease gi!e loa!es o$ bread to the *eo*le who $ollow me% $or they
are e9ha#sted% and I am *#rs#ing Gebah and Galm#nna% 'ings o$ ?idian".
Jdg 8:3 +nd the leaders o$ ,#oth said% .(+re) the hands o$ Gebah and Galm#nna now in yo#r hand% that we
sho#ld gi!e bread to yo#r armyC.
Jdg 8:4 ,o Gideon said% .;or this a#se% when the /8:2 has deli!ered Gebah and Galm#nna into my hand%
then I will tear yo#r $lesh with the thorns o$ the wilderness and with briersF.
Jdg 8:8 Then he went #* $rom there to <en#el and s*o'e to them in the same way" +nd the men o$ <en#el
answered him as the men o$ ,#oth had answered"
Jdg 8:9 ,o he also s*o'e to the men o$ <en#el% saying% .>hen I ome ba' in *eae% I will tear down this
Jdg 8:15 Now Gebah and Galm#nna (were) at Kar'or% and their armies with them% abo#t $i$teen tho#sand% all
who were le$t o$ all the army o$ the *eo*le o$ the 6ast& $or one h#ndred and twenty tho#sand men who drew the
sword had $allen"
Jdg 8:11 Then Gideon went #* by the road o$ those who dwell in tents on the east o$ Nobah and Jogbehah& and
he atta'ed the army while the am* $elt se#re"
Jdg 8:12 >hen Gebah and Galm#nna $led% he *#rs#ed them& and he too' the two 'ings o$ ?idian% Gebah and
Galm#nna% and ro#ted the whole army"
Jdg 8:1- Then Gideon the son o$ Joash ret#rned $rom battle% $rom the +sent o$ Heres"
Jdg 8:10 +nd he a#ght a yo#ng man o$ the men o$ ,#oth and interrogated him& and he wrote down $or him
the leaders o$ ,#oth and its elders% se!entyDse!en men"
Jdg 8:11 Then he ame to the men o$ ,#oth and said% .Here are Gebah and Galm#nna% abo#t whom yo#
ridi#led me% saying% A(+re) the hands o$ Gebah and Galm#nna now in yo#r hand% that we sho#ld gi!e bread to
yo#r weary menCA .
Jdg 8:13 +nd he too' the elders o$ the ity% and thorns o$ the wilderness and briers% and with them he ta#ght the
men o$ ,#oth"
Jdg 8:14 Then he tore down the tower o$ <en#el and 'illed the men o$ the ity"
Jdg 8:18 +nd he said to Gebah and Galm#nna% .>hat 'ind o$ men (were they) whom yo# 'illed at TaborC. ,o
they answered% .+s yo# (are%) so (were) they& eah one resembled the son o$ a 'ing".
Jdg 8:19 Then he said% .They (were) my brothers% the sons o$ my mother" (+s) the /8:2 li!es% i$ yo# had let
them li!e% I wo#ld not 'ill yo#".
Jdg 8:25 +nd he said to Jether his $irstborn% .:ise% 'ill themF. B#t the yo#th wo#ld not draw his sword& $or he
was a$raid% bea#se he (was) still a yo#th"
Jdg 8:21 ,o Gebah and Galm#nna said% .:ise yo#rsel$% and 'ill #s& $or as a man (is% so is) his strength". ,o
Gideon arose and 'illed Gebah and Galm#nna% and too' the resent ornaments that (were) on their amelsA
Jdg 8:22 Then the men o$ Israel said to Gideon% .:#le o!er #s% both yo# and yo#r son% and yo#r grandson also&
$or yo# ha!e deli!ered #s $rom the hand o$ ?idian".
Jdg 8:2- B#t Gideon said to them% .I will not r#le o!er yo#% nor shall my son r#le o!er yo#& the /8:2 shall r#le
o!er yo#".
Jdg 8:20 Then Gideon said to them% .I wo#ld li'e to ma'e a reE#est o$ yo#% that eah o$ yo# wo#ld gi!e me the
earrings $rom his *l#nder". ;or they had gold earrings% bea#se they (were) Ishmaelites"
Jdg 8:21 ,o they answered% .>e will gladly gi!e (them".) +nd they s*read o#t a garment% and eah man threw
into it the earrings $rom his *l#nder"
Jdg 8:23 Now the weight o$ the gold earrings that he reE#ested was one tho#sand se!en h#ndred (she'els) o$
gold% besides the resent ornaments% *endants% and *#r*le robes whih (were) on the 'ings o$ ?idian% and
besides the hains that (were) aro#nd their amelsA ne's"
Jdg 8:24 Then Gideon made it into an e*hod and set it #* in his ity% 8*hrah" +nd all Israel *layed the harlot
with it there" It beame a snare to Gideon and to his ho#se"
Jdg 8:28 Th#s ?idian was s#bd#ed be$ore the hildren o$ Israel% so that they li$ted their heads no more" +nd the
o#ntry was E#iet $or $orty years in the days o$ Gideon"
Jdg 8:29 Then Jer#bbaal the son o$ Joash went and dwelt in his own ho#se"
Jdg 8:-5 Gideon had se!enty sons who were his own o$$s*ring% $or he had many wi!es"
Jdg 8:-1 +nd his on#bine who (was) in ,hehem also bore him a son% whose name he alled +bimeleh"
Jdg 8:-2 Now Gideon the son o$ Joash died at a good old age% and was b#ried in the tomb o$ Joash his $ather%
in 8*hrah o$ the +bieHrites"
Jdg 8:-- ,o it was% as soon as Gideon was dead% that the hildren o$ Israel again *layed the harlot with the
Baals% and made BaalDBerith their god"
Jdg 8:-0 Th#s the hildren o$ Israel did not remember the /8:2 their God% who had deli!ered them $rom the
hands o$ all their enemies on e!ery side&
Jdg 8:-1 nor did they show 'indness to the ho#se o$ Jer#bbaal IGideonJ in aordane with the good he had
done $or Israel"
Jdg 9:1 Then +bimeleh the son o$ Jer#bbaal went to ,hehem% to his motherAs brothers% and s*o'e with them
and with all the $amily o$ the ho#se o$ his motherAs $ather% saying%
Jdg 9:2 .<lease s*ea' in the hearing o$ all the men o$ ,hehem: A>hih is better $or yo#% that all se!enty o$ the
sons o$ Jer#bbaal reign o!er yo#% or that one reign o!er yo#CA :emember that I (am) yo#r own $lesh and bone".
Jdg 9:- +nd his motherAs brothers s*o'e all these words onerning him in the hearing o$ all the men o$
,hehem& and their heart was inlined to $ollow +bimeleh% $or they said% .He is o#r brother".
Jdg 9:0 ,o they ga!e him se!enty (she'els) o$ sil!er $rom the tem*le o$ BaalDBerith% with whih +bimeleh hired
worthless and re'less men& and they $ollowed him"
Jdg 9:1 Then he went to his $atherAs ho#se at 8*hrah and 'illed his brothers% the se!enty sons o$ Jer#bbaal% on
one stone" B#t Jotham the yo#ngest son o$ Jer#bbaal was le$t% bea#se he hid himsel$"
Jdg 9:3 +nd all the men o$ ,hehem gathered together% all o$ Beth ?illo% and they went and made +bimeleh
'ing beside the terebinth tree at the *illar that (was) in ,hehem"
Jdg 9:4 Now when they told Jotham% he went and stood on to* o$ ?o#nt GeriHim% and li$ted his !oie and ried
o#t" +nd he said to them: ./isten to me% yo# men o$ ,hehem% That God may listen to yo#F
Jdg 9:8 .The trees one went $orth to anoint a 'ing o!er them" +nd they said to the oli!e tree% A:eign o!er #sFA
Jdg 9:9 B#t the oli!e tree said to them% A,ho#ld I ease gi!ing my oil% >ith whih they honor God and men% +nd
go to sway o!er treesCA
Jdg 9:15 .Then the trees said to the $ig tree% ABo# ome (and) reign o!er #sFA
Jdg 9:11 B#t the $ig tree said to them% A,ho#ld I ease my sweetness and my good $r#it% +nd go to sway o!er
Jdg 9:12 .Then the trees said to the !ine% ABo# ome (and) reign o!er #sFA
Jdg 9:1- B#t the !ine said to them% A,ho#ld I ease my new wine% >hih heers (both) God and men% +nd go to
sway o!er treesCA
Jdg 9:10 .Then all the trees said to the bramble% ABo# ome (and) reign o!er #sFA
Jdg 9:11 +nd the bramble said to the trees% AI$ in tr#th yo# anoint me as 'ing o!er yo#% (Then) ome (and) ta'e
shelter in my shade& B#t i$ not% let $ire ome o#t o$ the bramble +nd de!o#r the edars o$ /ebanonFA
Jdg 9:13 . Now there$ore% i$ yo# ha!e ated in tr#th and sinerity in ma'ing +bimeleh 'ing% and i$ yo# ha!e
dealt well with Jer#bbaal and his ho#se% and ha!e done to him as he deser!es DD
Jdg 9:14 .$or my $ather $o#ght $or yo#% ris'ed his li$e% and deli!ered yo# o#t o$ the hand o$ ?idian&
Jdg 9:18 .b#t yo# ha!e risen #* against my $atherAs ho#se this day% and 'illed his se!enty sons on one stone%
and made +bimeleh% the son o$ his $emale ser!ant% 'ing o!er the men o$ ,hehem% bea#se he is yo#r brother
Jdg 9:19 .i$ then yo# ha!e ated in tr#th and sinerity with Jer#bbaal and with his ho#se this day% (then) re@oie
in +bimeleh% and let him also re@oie in yo#"
Jdg 9:25 .B#t i$ not% let $ire ome $rom +bimeleh and de!o#r the men o$ ,hehem and Beth ?illo& and let $ire
ome $rom the men o$ ,hehem and $rom Beth ?illo and de!o#r +bimelehF.
Jdg 9:21 +nd Jotham ran away and $led& and he went to Beer and dwelt there% $or $ear o$ +bimeleh his brother"
Jdg 9:22 +$ter +bimeleh had reigned o!er Israel three years%
Jdg 9:2- God sent a s*irit o$ ill will between +bimeleh and the men o$ ,hehem& and the men o$ ,hehem
dealt treahero#sly with +bimeleh%
Jdg 9:20 that the rime (done) to the se!enty sons o$ Jer#bbaal might be settled and their blood be laid on
+bimeleh their brother% who 'illed them% and on the men o$ ,hehem% who aided him in the 'illing o$ his
Jdg 9:21 +nd the men o$ ,hehem set men in amb#sh against him on the to*s o$ the mo#ntains% and they
robbed all who *assed by them along that way& and it was told +bimeleh"
Jdg 9:23 Now Gaal the son o$ 6bed ame with his brothers and went o!er to ,hehem& and the men o$
,hehem *#t their on$idene in him"
Jdg 9:24 ,o they went o#t into the $ields% and gathered (gra*es) $rom their !ineyards and trod (them%) and made
merry" +nd they went into the ho#se o$ their god% and ate and dran'% and #rsed +bimeleh"
Jdg 9:28 Then Gaal the son o$ 6bed said% .>ho (is) +bimeleh% and who (is) ,hehem% that we sho#ld ser!e
himC (Is he) not the son o$ Jer#bbaal% and (is not) Geb#l his o$$ierC ,er!e the men o$ Hamor the $ather o$
,hehem& b#t why sho#ld we ser!e himC
Jdg 9:29 .I$ only this *eo*le were #nder my a#thorityF Then I wo#ld remo!e +bimeleh". ,o he said to
+bimeleh% .Inrease yo#r army and ome o#tF.
Jdg 9:-5 >hen Geb#l% the r#ler o$ the ity% heard the words o$ Gaal the son o$ 6bed% his anger was aro#sed"
Jdg 9:-1 +nd he sent messengers to +bimeleh seretly% saying% .Ta'e noteF Gaal the son o$ 6bed and his
brothers ha!e ome to ,hehem& and here they are% $orti$ying the ity against yo#"
Jdg 9:-2 .Now there$ore% get #* by night% yo# and the *eo*le who (are) with yo#% and lie in wait in the $ield"
Jdg 9:-- .+nd it shall be% as soon as the s#n is #* in the morning% (that) yo# shall rise early and r#sh #*on the
ity& and (when) he and the *eo*le who are with him ome o#t against yo#% yo# may then do to them as yo# $ind
Jdg 9:-0 ,o +bimeleh and all the *eo*le who (were) with him rose by night% and lay in wait against ,hehem in
$o#r om*anies"
Jdg 9:-1 >hen Gaal the son o$ 6bed went o#t and stood in the entrane to the ity gate% +bimeleh and the
*eo*le who (were) with him rose $rom lying in wait"
Jdg 9:-3 +nd when Gaal saw the *eo*le% he said to Geb#l% ./oo'% *eo*le are oming down $rom the to*s o$ the
mo#ntainsF. B#t Geb#l said to him% .Bo# see the shadows o$ the mo#ntains as (i$ they were) men".
Jdg 9:-4 ,o Gaal s*o'e again and said% .,ee% *eo*le are oming down $rom the enter o$ the land% and another
om*any is oming $rom the 2i!inersA Terebinth Tree".
Jdg 9:-8 Then Geb#l said to him% .>here indeed (is) yo#r mo#th now% with whih yo# said% A>ho is +bimeleh%
that we sho#ld ser!e himCA (+re) not these the *eo*le whom yo# des*isedC Go o#t% i$ yo# will% and $ight with
them now".
Jdg 9:-9 ,o Gaal went o#t% leading the men o$ ,hehem% and $o#ght with +bimeleh"
Jdg 9:05 +nd +bimeleh hased him% and he $led $rom him& and many $ell wo#nded% to the (!ery) entrane o$ the
Jdg 9:01 Then +bimeleh dwelt at +r#mah% and Geb#l dro!e o#t Gaal and his brothers% so that they wo#ld not
dwell in ,hehem"
Jdg 9:02 +nd it ame abo#t on the ne9t day that the *eo*le went o#t into the $ield% and they told +bimeleh"
Jdg 9:0- ,o he too' his *eo*le% di!ided them into three om*anies% and lay in wait in the $ield" +nd he loo'ed%
and there were the *eo*le% oming o#t o$ the ity& and he rose against them and atta'ed them"
Jdg 9:00 Then +bimeleh and the om*any that (was) with him r#shed $orward and stood at the entrane o$ the
gate o$ the ity& and the (other) two om*anies r#shed #*on all who (were) in the $ields and 'illed them"
Jdg 9:01 ,o +bimeleh $o#ght against the ity all that day& he too' the ity and 'illed the *eo*le who (were) in it&
and he demolished the ity and sowed it with salt"
Jdg 9:03 Now when all the men o$ the tower o$ ,hehem had heard (that%) they entered the stronghold o$ the
tem*le o$ the god Berith"
Jdg 9:04 +nd it was told +bimeleh that all the men o$ the tower o$ ,hehem were gathered together"
Jdg 9:08 Then +bimeleh went #* to ?o#nt Galmon% he and all the *eo*le who (were) with him" +nd +bimeleh
too' an a9 in his hand and #t down a bo#gh $rom the trees% and too' it and laid (it) on his sho#lder& then he said
to the *eo*le who were with him% .>hat yo# ha!e seen me do% ma'e haste (and) do as I (ha!e done".)
Jdg 9:09 ,o eah o$ the *eo*le li'ewise #t down his own bo#gh and $ollowed +bimeleh% *#t (them) against
the stronghold% and set the stronghold on $ire abo!e them% so that all the *eo*le o$ the tower o$ ,hehem died%
abo#t a tho#sand men and women"
Jdg 9:15 Then +bimeleh went to ThebeH% and he enam*ed against ThebeH and too' it"
Jdg 9:11 B#t there was a strong tower in the ity% and all the men and women DD all the *eo*le o$ the ity DD $led
there and sh#t themsel!es in& then they went #* to the to* o$ the tower"
Jdg 9:12 ,o +bimeleh ame as $ar as the tower and $o#ght against it& and he drew near the door o$ the tower
to b#rn it with $ire"
Jdg 9:1- B#t a ertain woman dro**ed an #**er millstone on +bimelehAs head and r#shed his s'#ll"
Jdg 9:10 Then he alled E#i'ly to the yo#ng man% his armorbearer% and said to him% .2raw yo#r sword and 'ill
me% lest men say o$ me% A+ woman 'illed him"A . ,o his yo#ng man thr#st him thro#gh% and he died"
Jdg 9:11 +nd when the men o$ Israel saw that +bimeleh was dead% they de*arted% e!ery man to his *lae"
Jdg 9:13 Th#s God re*aid the wi'edness o$ +bimeleh% whih he had done to his $ather by 'illing his se!enty
Jdg 9:14 +nd all the e!il o$ the men o$ ,hehem God ret#rned on their own heads% and on them ame the #rse
o$ Jotham the son o$ Jer#bbaal"
Jdg 15:1 +$ter +bimeleh there arose to sa!e Israel Tola the son o$ <#ah% the son o$ 2odo% a man o$ Issahar&
and he dwelt in ,hamir in the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim"
Jdg 15:2 He @#dged Israel twentyDthree years& and he died and was b#ried in ,hamir"
Jdg 15:- +$ter him arose Jair% a Gileadite& and he @#dged Israel twentyDtwo years"
Jdg 15:0 Now he had thirty sons who rode on thirty don'eys& they also had thirty towns% whih are alled
.Ha!oth Jair. to this day% whih (are) in the land o$ Gilead"
Jdg 15:1 +nd Jair died and was b#ried in =amon"
Jdg 15:3 Then the hildren o$ Israel again did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% and ser!ed the Baals and the
+shtoreths% the gods o$ ,yria% the gods o$ ,idon% the gods o$ ?oab% the gods o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon% and the
gods o$ the <hilistines& and they $orsoo' the /8:2 and did not ser!e Him"
Jdg 15:4 ,o the anger o$ the /8:2 was hot against Israel& and He sold them into the hands o$ the <hilistines
and into the hands o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon"
Jdg 15:8 ;rom that year they harassed and o**ressed the hildren o$ Israel $or eighteen years DD all the hildren
o$ Israel who (were) on the other side o$ the Jordan in the land o$ the +morites% in Gilead"
Jdg 15:9 ?oreo!er the *eo*le o$ +mmon rossed o!er the Jordan to $ight against J#dah also% against Ben@amin%
and against the ho#se o$ 6*hraim% so that Israel was se!erely distressed"
Jdg 15:15 +nd the hildren o$ Israel ried o#t to the /8:2% saying% .>e ha!e sinned against Bo#% bea#se we
ha!e both $orsa'en o#r God and ser!ed the BaalsF.
Jdg 15:11 ,o the /8:2 said to the hildren o$ Israel% .(2id I) not (deli!er yo#) $rom the 6gy*tians and $rom the
+morites and $rom the *eo*le o$ +mmon and $rom the <hilistinesC
Jdg 15:12 .+lso the ,idonians and +male'ites and ?aonites o**ressed yo#& and yo# ried o#t to ?e% and I
deli!ered yo# $rom their hand"
Jdg 15:1- .Bet yo# ha!e $orsa'en ?e and ser!ed other gods" There$ore I will deli!er yo# no more"
Jdg 15:10 .Go and ry o#t to the gods whih yo# ha!e hosen& let them deli!er yo# in yo#r time o$ distress".
Jdg 15:11 +nd the hildren o$ Israel said to the /8:2% .>e ha!e sinnedF 2o to #s whate!er seems best to Bo#&
only deli!er #s this day% we *ray".
Jdg 15:13 ,o they *#t away the $oreign gods $rom among them and ser!ed the /8:2" +nd His so#l o#ld no
longer end#re the misery o$ Israel"
Jdg 15:14 Then the *eo*le o$ +mmon gathered together and enam*ed in Gilead" +nd the hildren o$ Israel
assembled together and enam*ed in ?iH*ah"
Jdg 15:18 +nd the *eo*le% the leaders o$ Gilead% said to one another% .>ho (is) the man who will begin the $ight
against the *eo*le o$ +mmonC He shall be head o!er all the inhabitants o$ Gilead".
Jdg 11:1 Now Je*hthah the Gileadite was a mighty man o$ !alor% b#t he (was) the son o$ a harlot& and Gilead
begot Je*hthah"
Jdg 11:2 GileadAs wi$e bore sons& and when his wi$eAs sons grew #*% they dro!e Je*hthah o#t% and said to him%
.Bo# shall ha!e no inheritane in o#r $atherAs ho#se% $or yo# (are) the son o$ another woman".
Jdg 11:- Then Je*hthah $led $rom his brothers and dwelt in the land o$ Tob& and worthless men banded together
with Je*hthah and went o#t (raiding) with him"
Jdg 11:0 It ame to *ass a$ter a time that the *eo*le o$ +mmon made war against Israel"
Jdg 11:1 +nd so it was% when the *eo*le o$ +mmon made war against Israel% that the elders o$ Gilead went to
get Je*hthah $rom the land o$ Tob"
Jdg 11:3 Then they said to Je*hthah% .=ome and be o#r ommander% that we may $ight against the *eo*le o$
Jdg 11:4 ,o Je*hthah said to the elders o$ Gilead% .2id yo# not hate me% and e9*el me $rom my $atherAs ho#seC
>hy ha!e yo# ome to me now when yo# are in distressC.
Jdg 11:8 +nd the elders o$ Gilead said to Je*hthah% .That is why we ha!e t#rned again to yo# now% that yo#
may go with #s and $ight against the *eo*le o$ +mmon% and be o#r head o!er all the inhabitants o$ Gilead".
Jdg 11:9 ,o Je*hthah said to the elders o$ Gilead% .I$ yo# ta'e me ba' home to $ight against the *eo*le o$
+mmon% and the /8:2 deli!ers them to me% shall I be yo#r headC.
Jdg 11:15 +nd the elders o$ Gilead said to Je*hthah% .The /8:2 will be a witness between #s% i$ we do not do
aording to yo#r words".
Jdg 11:11 Then Je*hthah went with the elders o$ Gilead% and the *eo*le made him head and ommander o!er
them& and Je*hthah s*o'e all his words be$ore the /8:2 in ?iH*ah"
Jdg 11:12 Now Je*hthah sent messengers to the 'ing o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon% saying% .>hat do yo# ha!e
against me% that yo# ha!e ome to $ight against me in my landC.
Jdg 11:1- +nd the 'ing o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon answered the messengers o$ Je*hthah% .Bea#se Israel too'
away my land when they ame #* o#t o$ 6gy*t% $rom the +rnon as $ar as the Jabbo'% and to the Jordan" Now
there$ore% restore those (lands) *eaeably".
Jdg 11:10 ,o Je*hthah again sent messengers to the 'ing o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon%
Jdg 11:11 and said to him% .Th#s says Je*hthah: AIsrael did not ta'e away the land o$ ?oab% nor the land o$ the
*eo*le o$ +mmon&
Jdg 11:13 A$or when Israel ame #* $rom 6gy*t% they wal'ed thro#gh the wilderness as $ar as the :ed ,ea and
ame to Kadesh"
Jdg 11:14 AThen Israel sent messengers to the 'ing o$ 6dom% saying% .<lease let me *ass thro#gh yo#r land".
B#t the 'ing o$ 6dom wo#ld not heed" +nd in li'e manner they sent to the 'ing o$ ?oab% b#t he wo#ld not
(onsent") ,o Israel remained in Kadesh"
Jdg 11:18 A+nd they went along thro#gh the wilderness and by*assed the land o$ 6dom and the land o$ ?oab%
ame to the east side o$ the land o$ ?oab% and enam*ed on the other side o$ the +rnon" B#t they did not enter
the border o$ ?oab% $or the +rnon (was) the border o$ ?oab"
Jdg 11:19 AThen Israel sent messengers to ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% 'ing o$ Heshbon& and Israel said to him%
.<lease let #s *ass thro#gh yo#r land into o#r *lae".
Jdg 11:25 AB#t ,ihon did not tr#st Israel to *ass thro#gh his territory" ,o ,ihon gathered all his *eo*le together%
enam*ed in JahaH% and $o#ght against Israel"
Jdg 11:21 A+nd the /8:2 God o$ Israel deli!ered ,ihon and all his *eo*le into the hand o$ Israel% and they
de$eated them" Th#s Israel gained *ossession o$ all the land o$ the +morites% who inhabited that o#ntry"
Jdg 11:22 AThey too' *ossession o$ all the territory o$ the +morites% $rom the +rnon to the Jabbo' and $rom the
wilderness to the Jordan"
Jdg 11:2- A+nd now the /8:2 God o$ Israel has dis*ossessed the +morites $rom be$ore His *eo*le Israel&
sho#ld yo# then *ossess itC
Jdg 11:20 A>ill yo# not *ossess whate!er =hemosh yo#r god gi!es yo# to *ossessC ,o whate!er the /8:2 o#r
God ta'es *ossession o$ be$ore #s% we will *ossess"
Jdg 11:21 A+nd now% (are) yo# any better than Bala' the son o$ Gi**or% 'ing o$ ?oabC 2id he e!er stri!e against
IsraelC 2id he e!er $ight against themC
Jdg 11:23 A>hile Israel dwelt in Heshbon and its !illages% in +roer and its !illages% and in all the ities along the
ban's o$ the +rnon% $or three h#ndred years% why did yo# not reo!er (them) within that timeC
Jdg 11:24 AThere$ore I ha!e not sinned against yo#% b#t yo# wronged me by $ighting against me" ?ay the /8:2%
the J#dge% render @#dgment this day between the hildren o$ Israel and the *eo*le o$ +mmon"A .
Jdg 11:28 Howe!er% the 'ing o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon did not heed the words whih Je*hthah sent him"
Jdg 11:29 Then the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 ame #*on Je*hthah% and he *assed thro#gh Gilead and ?anasseh%
and *assed thro#gh ?iH*ah o$ Gilead& and $rom ?iH*ah o$ Gilead he ad!aned (toward) the *eo*le o$ +mmon"
Jdg 11:-5 +nd Je*hthah made a !ow to the /8:2% and said% .I$ Bo# will indeed deli!er the *eo*le o$ +mmon
into my hands%
Jdg 11:-1 .then it will be that whate!er omes o#t o$ the doors o$ my ho#se to meet me% when I ret#rn in *eae
$rom the *eo*le o$ +mmon% shall s#rely be the /8:2As% and I will o$$er it #* as a b#rnt o$$ering".
Jdg 11:-2 ,o Je*hthah ad!aned toward the *eo*le o$ +mmon to $ight against them% and the /8:2 deli!ered
them into his hands"
Jdg 11:-- +nd he de$eated them $rom +roer as $ar as ?innith DD twenty ities DD and to +bel Keramim% with a
!ery great sla#ghter" Th#s the *eo*le o$ +mmon were s#bd#ed be$ore the hildren o$ Israel"
Jdg 11:-0 >hen Je*hthah ame to his ho#se at ?iH*ah% there was his da#ghter% oming o#t to meet him with
timbrels and daning& and she (was his) only hild" Besides her he had neither son nor da#ghter"
Jdg 11:-1 +nd it ame to *ass% when he saw her% that he tore his lothes% and said% .+las% my da#ghterF Bo#
ha!e bro#ght me !ery lowF Bo# are among those who tro#ble meF ;or I ha!e gi!en my word to the /8:2% and I
annot go ba' on it".
Jdg 11:-3 ,o she said to him% .?y $ather% (i$) yo# ha!e gi!en yo#r word to the /8:2% do to me aording to
what has gone o#t o$ yo#r mo#th% bea#se the /8:2 has a!enged yo# o$ yo#r enemies% the *eo*le o$ +mmon".
Jdg 11:-4 Then she said to her $ather% ./et this thing be done $or me: let me alone $or two months% that I may go
and wander on the mo#ntains and bewail my !irginity% my $riends and I".
Jdg 11:-8 ,o he said% .Go". +nd he sent her away ($or) two months& and she went with her $riends% and
bewailed her !irginity on the mo#ntains"
Jdg 11:-9 +nd it was so at the end o$ two months that she ret#rned to her $ather% and he arried o#t his !ow
with her whih he had !owed" ,he 'new no man" +nd it beame a #stom in Israel
Jdg 11:05 (that) the da#ghters o$ Israel went $o#r days eah year to lament the da#ghter o$ Je*hthah the
Jdg 12:1 Then the men o$ 6*hraim gathered together% rossed o!er toward Ga*hon% and said to Je*hthah% .>hy
did yo# ross o!er to $ight against the *eo*le o$ +mmon% and did not all #s to go with yo#C >e will b#rn yo#r
ho#se down on yo# with $ireF.
Jdg 12:2 +nd Je*hthah said to them% .?y *eo*le and I were in a great str#ggle with the *eo*le o$ +mmon& and
when I alled yo#% yo# did not deli!er me o#t o$ their hands"
Jdg 12:- .,o when I saw that yo# wo#ld not deli!er (me%) I too' my li$e in my hands and rossed o!er against
the *eo*le o$ +mmon& and the /8:2 deli!ered them into my hand" >hy then ha!e yo# ome #* to me this day
to $ight against meC.
Jdg 12:0 Now Je*hthah gathered together all the men o$ Gilead and $o#ght against 6*hraim" +nd the men o$
Gilead de$eated 6*hraim% bea#se they said% .Bo# Gileadites (are) $#giti!es o$ 6*hraim among the 6*hraimites
(and) among the ?anassites".
Jdg 12:1 The Gileadites seiHed the $ords o$ the Jordan be$ore the 6*hraimites (arri!ed") +nd when (any)
6*hraimite who esa*ed said% ./et me ross o!er%. the men o$ Gilead wo#ld say to him% .(+re) yo# an
6*hraimiteC. I$ he said% .No%.
Jdg 12:3 then they wo#ld say to him% .Then say% A,hibbolethAF. +nd he wo#ld say% .,ibboleth%. $or he o#ld not
*rono#ne (it) right" Then they wo#ld ta'e him and 'ill him at the $ords o$ the Jordan" There $ell at that time $ortyD
two tho#sand 6*hraimites"
Jdg 12:4 +nd Je*hthah @#dged Israel si9 years" Then Je*hthah the Gileadite died and was b#ried in among the
ities o$ Gilead"
Jdg 12:8 +$ter him% IbHan o$ Bethlehem @#dged Israel"
Jdg 12:9 He had thirty sons" +nd he ga!e away thirty da#ghters in marriage% and bro#ght in thirty da#ghters
$rom elsewhere $or his sons" He @#dged Israel se!en years"
Jdg 12:15 Then IbHan died and was b#ried at Bethlehem"
Jdg 12:11 +$ter him% 6lon the Geb#l#nite @#dged Israel" He @#dged Israel ten years"
Jdg 12:12 +nd 6lon the Geb#l#nite died and was b#ried at +i@alon in the o#ntry o$ Geb#l#n"
Jdg 12:1- +$ter him% +bdon the son o$ Hillel the <irathonite @#dged Israel"
Jdg 12:10 He had $orty sons and thirty grandsons% who rode on se!enty yo#ng don'eys" He @#dged Israel eight
Jdg 12:11 Then +bdon the son o$ Hillel the <irathonite died and was b#ried in <irathon in the land o$ 6*hraim% in
the mo#ntains o$ the +male'ites"
Jdg 1-:1 +gain the hildren o$ Israel did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% and the /8:2 deli!ered them into the
hand o$ the <hilistines $or $orty years"
Jdg 1-:2 Now there was a ertain man $rom Gorah% o$ the $amily o$ the 2anites% whose name (was) ?anoah& and
his wi$e (was) barren and had no hildren"
Jdg 1-:- +nd the +ngel o$ the /8:2 a**eared to the woman and said to her% .Indeed now% yo# are barren and
ha!e borne no hildren% b#t yo# shall onei!e and bear a son"
Jdg 1-:0 .Now there$ore% *lease be are$#l not to drin' wine or (similar) drin'% and not to eat anything #nlean"
Jdg 1-:1 .;or behold% yo# shall onei!e and bear a son" +nd no raHor shall ome #*on his head% $or the hild
shall be a NaHirite to God $rom the womb& and he shall begin to deli!er Israel o#t o$ the hand o$ the <hilistines".
Jdg 1-:3 ,o the woman ame and told her h#sband% saying% .+ ?an o$ God ame to me% and His o#ntenane
(was) li'e the o#ntenane o$ the +ngel o$ God% !ery awesome& b#t I did not as' Him where He (was) $rom% and
He did not tell me His name"
Jdg 1-:4 .+nd He said to me% ABehold% yo# shall onei!e and bear a son" Now drin' no wine or (similar) drin'%
nor eat anything #nlean% $or the hild shall be a NaHirite to God $rom the womb to the day o$ his death"A .
Jdg 1-:8 Then ?anoah *rayed to the /8:2% and said% .8 my /ord% *lease let the ?an o$ God whom Bo# sent
ome to #s again and teah #s what we shall do $or the hild who will be born".
Jdg 1-:9 +nd God listened to the !oie o$ ?anoah% and the +ngel o$ God ame to the woman again as she was
sitting in the $ield& b#t ?anoah her h#sband (was) not with her"
Jdg 1-:15 Then the woman ran in haste and told her h#sband% and said to him% ./oo'% the ?an who ame to me
the (other) day has @#st now a**eared to meF.
Jdg 1-:11 ,o ?anoah arose and $ollowed his wi$e" >hen he ame to the ?an% he said to Him% .+re Bo# the
?an who s*o'e to this womanC. +nd He said% .I (am".)
Jdg 1-:12 ?anoah said% .Now let Bo#r words ome (to *assF) >hat will be the boyAs r#le o$ li$e% and his wor'C.
Jdg 1-:1- ,o the +ngel o$ the /8:2 said to ?anoah% .8$ all that I said to the woman let her be are$#l"
Jdg 1-:10 .,he may not eat anything that omes $rom the !ine% nor may she drin' wine or (similar) drin'% nor eat
anything #nlean" +ll that I ommanded her let her obser!e".
Jdg 1-:11 Then ?anoah said to the +ngel o$ the /8:2% .<lease let #s detain Bo#% and we will *re*are a yo#ng
goat $or Bo#".
Jdg 1-:13 +nd the +ngel o$ the /8:2 said to ?anoah% .Tho#gh yo# detain ?e% I will not eat yo#r $ood" B#t i$
yo# o$$er a b#rnt o$$ering% yo# m#st o$$er it to the /8:2". I;or ?anoah did not 'now He (was) the +ngel o$ the
Jdg 1-:14 Then ?anoah said to the +ngel o$ the /8:2% .>hat (is) Bo#r name% that when Bo#r words ome (to
*ass) we may honor Bo#C.
Jdg 1-:18 +nd the +ngel o$ the /8:2 said to him% .>hy do yo# as' ?y name% seeing it (is) wonder$#lC.
Jdg 1-:19 ,o ?anoah too' the yo#ng goat with the grain o$$ering% and o$$ered it #*on the ro' to the /8:2" +nd
He did a wondro#s thing while ?anoah and his wi$e loo'ed on DD
Jdg 1-:25 it ha**ened as the $lame went #* toward hea!en $rom the altar DD the +ngel o$ the /8:2 asended in
the $lame o$ the altarF >hen ?anoah and his wi$e saw (this%) they $ell on their $aes to the gro#nd"
Jdg 1-:21 >hen the +ngel o$ the /8:2 a**eared no more to ?anoah and his wi$e% then ?anoah 'new that He
(was) the +ngel o$ the /8:2"
Jdg 1-:22 +nd ?anoah said to his wi$e% .>e shall s#rely die% bea#se we ha!e seen GodF.
Jdg 1-:2- B#t his wi$e said to him% .I$ the /8:2 had desired to 'ill #s% He wo#ld not ha!e ae*ted a b#rnt
o$$ering and a grain o$$ering $rom o#r hands% nor wo#ld He ha!e shown #s all these (things%) nor wo#ld He ha!e
told #s (s#h things) as these at this time".
Jdg 1-:20 ,o the woman bore a son and alled his name ,amson& and the hild grew% and the /8:2 blessed
Jdg 1-:21 +nd the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 began to mo!e #*on him at ?ahaneh 2an between Gorah and 6shtaol"
Jdg 10:1 Now ,amson went down to Timnah% and saw a woman in Timnah o$ the da#ghters o$ the <hilistines"
Jdg 10:2 ,o he went #* and told his $ather and mother% saying% .I ha!e seen a woman in Timnah o$ the
da#ghters o$ the <hilistines& now there$ore% get her $or me as a wi$e".
Jdg 10:- Then his $ather and mother said to him% .(Is there) no woman among the da#ghters o$ yo#r brethren% or
among all my *eo*le% that yo# m#st go and get a wi$e $rom the #nir#mised <hilistinesC. +nd ,amson said to
his $ather% .Get her $or me% $or she *leases me well".
Jdg 10:0 B#t his $ather and mother did not 'now that it was o$ the /8:2 DD that He was see'ing an oasion to
mo!e against the <hilistines" ;or at that time the <hilistines had dominion o!er Israel"
Jdg 10:1 ,o ,amson went down to Timnah with his $ather and mother% and ame to the !ineyards o$ Timnah"
Now (to his) s#r*rise% a yo#ng lion (ame) roaring against him"
Jdg 10:3 +nd the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 ame mightily #*on him% and he tore the lion a*art as one wo#ld ha!e torn
a*art a yo#ng goat% tho#gh (he had) nothing in his hand" B#t he did not tell his $ather or his mother what he had
Jdg 10:4 Then he went down and tal'ed with the woman& and she *leased ,amson well"
Jdg 10:8 +$ter some time% when he ret#rned to get her% he t#rned aside to see the arass o$ the lion" +nd
behold% a swarm o$ bees and honey (were) in the arass o$ the lion"
Jdg 10:9 He too' some o$ it in his hands and went along% eating" >hen he ame to his $ather and mother% he
ga!e (some) to them% and they also ate" B#t he did not tell them that he had ta'en the honey o#t o$ the arass
o$ the lion"
Jdg 10:15 ,o his $ather went down to the woman" +nd ,amson ga!e a $east there% $or yo#ng men #sed to do
Jdg 10:11 +nd it ha**ened% when they saw him% that they bro#ght thirty om*anions to be with him"
Jdg 10:12 Then ,amson said to them% ./et me *ose a riddle to yo#" I$ yo# an orretly sol!e and e9*lain it to
me within the se!en days o$ the $east% then I will gi!e yo# thirty linen garments and thirty hanges o$ lothing"
Jdg 10:1- .B#t i$ yo# annot e9*lain (it) to me% then yo# shall gi!e me thirty linen garments and thirty hanges o$
lothing". +nd they said to him% .<ose yo#r riddle% that we may hear it".
Jdg 10:10 ,o he said to them: .8#t o$ the eater ame something to eat% +nd o#t o$ the strong ame something
sweet". Now $or three days they o#ld not e9*lain the riddle"
Jdg 10:11 B#t it ame to *ass on the se!enth day that they said to ,amsonAs wi$e% .6ntie yo#r h#sband% that he
may e9*lain the riddle to #s% or else we will b#rn yo# and yo#r $atherAs ho#se with $ire" Ha!e yo# in!ited #s in
order to ta'e what is o#rsC (Is that) not (soC.)
Jdg 10:13 Then ,amsonAs wi$e we*t on him% and said% .Bo# only hate meF Bo# do not lo!e meF Bo# ha!e *osed
a riddle to the sons o$ my *eo*le% b#t yo# ha!e not e9*lained (it) to me". +nd he said to her% ./oo'% I ha!e not
e9*lained (it) to my $ather or my mother& so sho#ld I e9*lain (it) to yo#C.
Jdg 10:14 Now she had we*t on him the se!en days while their $east lasted" +nd it ha**ened on the se!enth
day that he told her% bea#se she *ressed him so m#h" Then she e9*lained the riddle to the sons o$ her *eo*le"
Jdg 10:18 ,o the men o$ the ity said to him on the se!enth day be$ore the s#n went down: .>hat (is) sweeter
than honeyC +nd what (is) stronger than a lionC. +nd he said to them: .I$ yo# had not *lowed with my hei$er% Bo#
wo#ld not ha!e sol!ed my riddleF.
Jdg 10:19 Then the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 ame #*on him mightily% and he went down to +sh'elon and 'illed thirty
o$ their men% too' their a**arel% and ga!e the hanges (o$ lothing) to those who had e9*lained the riddle" ,o his
anger was aro#sed% and he went ba' #* to his $atherAs ho#se"
Jdg 10:25 +nd ,amsonAs wi$e was (gi!en) to his om*anion% who had been his best man"
Jdg 11:1 +$ter a while% in the time o$ wheat har!est% it ha**ened that ,amson !isited his wi$e with a yo#ng goat"
+nd he said% ./et me go in to my wi$e% into (her) room". B#t her $ather wo#ld not *ermit him to go in"
Jdg 11:2 Her $ather said% .I really tho#ght that yo# thoro#ghly hated her& there$ore I ga!e her to yo#r om*anion"
(Is) not her yo#nger sister better than sheC <lease% ta'e her instead".
Jdg 11:- +nd ,amson said to them% .This time I shall be blameless regarding the <hilistines i$ I harm themF.
Jdg 11:0 Then ,amson went and a#ght three h#ndred $o9es& and he too' torhes% t#rned (the $o9es) tail to tail%
and *#t a torh between eah *air o$ tails"
Jdg 11:1 >hen he had set the torhes on $ire% he let (the $o9es) go into the standing grain o$ the <hilistines% and
b#rned #* both the sho's and the standing grain% as well as the !ineyards (and) oli!e gro!es"
Jdg 11:3 Then the <hilistines said% .>ho has done thisC. +nd they answered% .,amson% the sonDinDlaw o$ the
Timnite% bea#se he has ta'en his wi$e and gi!en her to his om*anion". ,o the <hilistines ame #* and b#rned
her and her $ather with $ire"
Jdg 11:4 ,amson said to them% .,ine yo# wo#ld do a thing li'e this% I will s#rely ta'e re!enge on yo#% and a$ter
that I will ease".
Jdg 11:8 ,o he atta'ed them hi* and thigh with a great sla#ghter& then he went down and dwelt in the le$t o$
the ro' o$ 6tam"
Jdg 11:9 Now the <hilistines went #*% enam*ed in J#dah% and de*loyed themsel!es against /ehi"
Jdg 11:15 +nd the men o$ J#dah said% .>hy ha!e yo# ome #* against #sC. ,o they answered% .>e ha!e ome
#* to arrest ,amson% to do to him as he has done to #s".
Jdg 11:11 Then three tho#sand men o$ J#dah went down to the le$t o$ the ro' o$ 6tam% and said to ,amson%
.2o yo# not 'now that the <hilistines r#le o!er #sC >hat (is) this yo# ha!e done to #sC. +nd he said to them% .+s
they did to me% so I ha!e done to them".
Jdg 11:12 B#t they said to him% .>e ha!e ome down to arrest yo#% that we may deli!er yo# into the hand o$ the
<hilistines". Then ,amson said to them% .,wear to me that yo# will not 'ill me yo#rsel!es".
Jdg 11:1- ,o they s*o'e to him% saying% .No% b#t we will tie yo# se#rely and deli!er yo# into their hand& b#t we
will s#rely not 'ill yo#". +nd they bo#nd him with two new ro*es and bro#ght him #* $rom the ro'"
Jdg 11:10 >hen he ame to /ehi% the <hilistines ame sho#ting against him" Then the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 ame
mightily #*on him& and the ro*es that (were) on his arms beame li'e $la9 that is b#rned with $ire% and his bonds
bro'e loose $rom his hands"
Jdg 11:11 He $o#nd a $resh @awbone o$ a don'ey% reahed o#t his hand and too' it% and 'illed a tho#sand men
with it"
Jdg 11:13 Then ,amson said: .>ith the @awbone o$ a don'ey% Hea*s #*on hea*s% >ith the @awbone o$ a
don'ey I ha!e slain a tho#sand menF.
Jdg 11:14 +nd so it was% when he had $inished s*ea'ing% that he threw the @awbone $rom his hand% and alled
that *lae :amath /ehi"
Jdg 11:18 Then he beame !ery thirsty& so he ried o#t to the /8:2 and said% .Bo# ha!e gi!en this great
deli!erane by the hand o$ Bo#r ser!ant& and now shall I die o$ thirst and $all into the hand o$ the
Jdg 11:19 ,o God s*lit the hollow *lae that (is) in /ehi% and water ame o#t% and he dran'& and his s*irit
ret#rned% and he re!i!ed" There$ore he alled its name 6n Ha''ore% whih is in /ehi to this day"
Jdg 11:25 +nd he @#dged Israel twenty years in the days o$ the <hilistines"
Jdg 13:1 Now ,amson went to GaHa and saw a harlot there% and went in to her"
Jdg 13:2 (>hen) the GaHites (were told%) .,amson has ome hereF. they s#rro#nded (the *lae) and lay in wait
$or him all night at the gate o$ the ity" They were E#iet all night% saying% .In the morning% when it is daylight% we
will 'ill him".
Jdg 13:- +nd ,amson lay (low) till midnight& then he arose at midnight% too' hold o$ the doors o$ the gate o$ the
ity and the two gate*osts% *#lled them #*% bar and all% *#t (them) on his sho#lders% and arried them to the to*
o$ the hill that $aes Hebron"
Jdg 13:0 +$terward it ha**ened that he lo!ed a woman in the Valley o$ ,ore'% whose name (was) 2elilah"
Jdg 13:1 +nd the lords o$ the <hilistines ame #* to her and said to her% .6ntie him% and $ind o#t where his
great strength (lies%) and by what (means) we may o!er*ower him% that we may bind him to a$$lit him& and e!ery
one o$ #s will gi!e yo# ele!en h#ndred (*iees) o$ sil!er".
Jdg 13:3 ,o 2elilah said to ,amson% .<lease tell me where yo#r great strength (lies%) and with what yo# may be
bo#nd to a$$lit yo#".
Jdg 13:4 +nd ,amson said to her% .I$ they bind me with se!en $resh bowstrings% not yet dried% then I shall
beome wea'% and be li'e any (other) man".
Jdg 13:8 ,o the lords o$ the <hilistines bro#ght #* to her se!en $resh bowstrings% not yet dried% and she bo#nd
him with them"
Jdg 13:9 Now (men were) lying in wait% staying with her in the room" +nd she said to him% .The <hilistines (are)
#*on yo#% ,amsonF. B#t he bro'e the bowstrings as a strand o$ yarn brea's when it to#hes $ire" ,o the seret
o$ his strength was not 'nown"
Jdg 13:15 Then 2elilah said to ,amson% ./oo'% yo# ha!e mo'ed me and told me lies" Now% *lease tell me what
yo# may be bo#nd with".
Jdg 13:11 ,o he said to her% .I$ they bind me se#rely with new ro*es that ha!e ne!er been #sed% then I shall
beome wea'% and be li'e any (other) man".
Jdg 13:12 There$ore 2elilah too' new ro*es and bo#nd him with them% and said to him% .The <hilistines (are)
#*on yo#% ,amsonF. +nd (men were) lying in wait% staying in the room" B#t he bro'e them o$$ his arms li'e a
Jdg 13:1- 2elilah said to ,amson% .7ntil now yo# ha!e mo'ed me and told me lies" Tell me what yo# may be
bo#nd with". +nd he said to her% .I$ yo# wea!e the se!en lo's o$ my head into the web o$ the loom. DD
Jdg 13:10 ,o she wo!e (it) tightly with the batten o$ the loom% and said to him% .The <hilistines (are) #*on yo#%
,amsonF. B#t he awo'e $rom his slee*% and *#lled o#t the batten and the web $rom the loom"
Jdg 13:11 Then she said to him% .How an yo# say% AI lo!e yo#%A when yo#r heart (is) not with meC Bo# ha!e
mo'ed me these three times% and ha!e not told me where yo#r great strength (lies".)
Jdg 13:13 +nd it ame to *ass% when she *estered him daily with her words and *ressed him% (so) that his so#l
was !e9ed to death%
Jdg 13:14 that he told her all his heart% and said to her% .No raHor has e!er ome #*on my head% $or I (ha!e
been) a NaHirite to God $rom my motherAs womb" I$ I am sha!en% then my strength will lea!e me% and I shall
beome wea'% and be li'e any (other) man".
Jdg 13:18 >hen 2elilah saw that he had told her all his heart% she sent and alled $or the lords o$ the <hilistines%
saying% .=ome #* one more% $or he has told me all his heart". ,o the lords o$ the <hilistines ame #* to her and
bro#ght the money in their hand"
Jdg 13:19 Then she l#lled him to slee* on her 'nees% and alled $or a man and had him sha!e o$$ the se!en
lo's o$ his head" Then she began to torment him% and his strength le$t him"
Jdg 13:25 +nd she said% .The <hilistines (are) #*on yo#% ,amsonF. ,o he awo'e $rom his slee*% and said% .I will
go o#t as be$ore% at other times% and sha'e mysel$ $reeF. B#t he did not 'now that the /8:2 had de*arted $rom
Jdg 13:21 Then the <hilistines too' him and *#t o#t his eyes% and bro#ght him down to GaHa" They bo#nd him
with bronHe $etters% and he beame a grinder in the *rison"
Jdg 13:22 Howe!er% the hair o$ his head began to grow again a$ter it had been sha!en"
Jdg 13:2- Now the lords o$ the <hilistines gathered together to o$$er a great sari$ie to 2agon their god% and to
re@oie" +nd they said: .8#r god has deli!ered into o#r hands ,amson o#r enemyF.
Jdg 13:20 >hen the *eo*le saw him% they *raised their god& $or they said: .8#r god has deli!ered into o#r
hands o#r enemy% The destroyer o$ o#r land% +nd the one who m#lti*lied o#r dead".
Jdg 13:21 ,o it ha**ened% when their hearts were merry% that they said% .=all $or ,amson% that he may *er$orm
$or #s". ,o they alled $or ,amson $rom the *rison% and he *er$ormed $or them" +nd they stationed him between
the *illars"
Jdg 13:23 Then ,amson said to the lad who held him by the hand% ./et me $eel the *illars whih s#**ort the
tem*le% so that I an lean on them".
Jdg 13:24 Now the tem*le was $#ll o$ men and women" +ll the lords o$ the <hilistines (were) there DD abo#t three
tho#sand men and women on the roo$ wathing while ,amson *er$ormed"
Jdg 13:28 Then ,amson alled to the /8:2% saying% .8 /ord G82% remember me% I *rayF ,trengthen me% I
*ray% @#st this one% 8 God% that I may with one (blow) ta'e !engeane on the <hilistines $or my two eyesF.
Jdg 13:29 +nd ,amson too' hold o$ the two middle *illars whih s#**orted the tem*le% and he braed himsel$
against them% one on his right and the other on his le$t"
Jdg 13:-5 Then ,amson said% ./et me die with the <hilistinesF. +nd he *#shed with (all his) might% and the
tem*le $ell on the lords and all the *eo*le who (were) in it" ,o the dead that he 'illed at his death were more than
he had 'illed in his li$e"
Jdg 13:-1 +nd his brothers and all his $atherAs ho#sehold ame down and too' him% and bro#ght (him) #* and
b#ried him between Gorah and 6shtaol in the tomb o$ his $ather ?anoah" He had @#dged Israel twenty years"
Jdg 14:1 Now there was a man $rom the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% whose name (was) ?iah"
Jdg 14:2 +nd he said to his mother% .The ele!en h#ndred (she'els) o$ sil!er that were ta'en $rom yo#% and on
whih yo# *#t a #rse% e!en saying it in my ears DD here (is) the sil!er with me& I too' it". +nd his mother said%
.(?ay yo# be) blessed by the /8:2% my sonF.
Jdg 14:- ,o when he had ret#rned the ele!en h#ndred (she'els) o$ sil!er to his mother% his mother said% .I had
wholly dediated the sil!er $rom my hand to the /8:2 $or my son% to ma'e a ar!ed image and a molded image&
now there$ore% I will ret#rn it to yo#".
Jdg 14:0 Th#s he ret#rned the sil!er to his mother" Then his mother too' two h#ndred (she'els) o$ sil!er and
ga!e them to the sil!ersmith% and he made it into a ar!ed image and a molded image& and they were in the
ho#se o$ ?iah"
Jdg 14:1 The man ?iah had a shrine% and made an e*hod and ho#sehold idols& and he onserated one o$ his
sons% who beame his *riest"
Jdg 14:3 In those days (there was) no 'ing in Israel& e!eryone did (what was) right in his own eyes"
Jdg 14:4 Now there was a yo#ng man $rom Bethlehem in J#dah% o$ the $amily o$ J#dah& he (was) a /e!ite% and
was staying there"
Jdg 14:8 The man de*arted $rom the ity o$ Bethlehem in J#dah to stay where!er he o#ld $ind (a *lae") Then
he ame to the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% to the ho#se o$ ?iah% as he @o#rneyed"
Jdg 14:9 +nd ?iah said to him% .>here do yo# ome $romC. ,o he said to him% .I (am) a /e!ite $rom Bethlehem
in J#dah% and I am on my way to $ind (a *lae) to stay".
Jdg 14:15 ?iah said to him% .2well with me% and be a $ather and a *riest to me% and I will gi!e yo# ten (she'els)
o$ sil!er *er year% a s#it o$ lothes% and yo#r s#stenane". ,o the /e!ite went in"
Jdg 14:11 Then the /e!ite was ontent to dwell with the man& and the yo#ng man beame li'e one o$ his sons
to him"
Jdg 14:12 ,o ?iah onserated the /e!ite% and the yo#ng man beame his *riest% and li!ed in the ho#se o$
Jdg 14:1- Then ?iah said% .Now I 'now that the /8:2 will be good to me% sine I ha!e a /e!ite as *riestF.
Jdg 18:1 In those days (there was) no 'ing in Israel" +nd in those days the tribe o$ the 2anites was see'ing an
inheritane $or itsel$ to dwell in& $or #ntil that day (their) inheritane among the tribes o$ Israel had not $allen to
Jdg 18:2 ,o the hildren o$ 2an sent $i!e men o$ their $amily $rom their territory% men o$ !alor $rom Gorah and
6shtaol% to s*y o#t the land and searh it" They said to them% .Go% searh the land". ,o they went to the
mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% to the ho#se o$ ?iah% and lodged there"
Jdg 18:- >hile they (were) at the ho#se o$ ?iah% they reogniHed the !oie o$ the yo#ng /e!ite" They t#rned
aside and said to him% .>ho bro#ght yo# hereC >hat are yo# doing in this (*laeC) >hat do yo# ha!e hereC.
Jdg 18:0 He said to them% .Th#s and so ?iah did $or me" He has hired me% and I ha!e beome his *riest".
Jdg 18:1 ,o they said to him% .<lease inE#ire o$ God% that we may 'now whether the @o#rney on whih we go
will be *ros*ero#s".
Jdg 18:3 +nd the *riest said to them% .Go in *eae" The *resene o$ the /8:2 (be) with yo# on yo#r way".
Jdg 18:4 ,o the $i!e men de*arted and went to /aish" They saw the *eo*le who (were) there% how they dwelt
sa$ely% in the manner o$ the ,idonians% E#iet and se#re" (There were) no r#lers in the land who might *#t (them)
to shame $or anything" They (were) $ar $rom the ,idonians% and they had no ties with anyone"
Jdg 18:8 Then (the s*ies) ame ba' to their brethren at Gorah and 6shtaol% and their brethren said to them%
.>hat (is) yo#r (re*ortC.)
Jdg 18:9 ,o they said% .+rise% let #s go #* against them" ;or we ha!e seen the land% and indeed it (is) !ery
good" (>o#ld) yo# (do) nothingC 2o not hesitate to go% (and) enter to *ossess the land"
Jdg 18:15 .>hen yo# go% yo# will ome to a se#re *eo*le and a large land" ;or God has gi!en it into yo#r
hands% a *lae where (there is) no la' o$ anything that (is) on the earth".
Jdg 18:11 +nd si9 h#ndred men o$ the $amily o$ the 2anites went $rom there% $rom Gorah and 6shtaol% armed
with wea*ons o$ war"
Jdg 18:12 Then they went #* and enam*ed in Kir@ath Jearim in J#dah" IThere$ore they all that *lae ?ahaneh
2an to this day" There (it is%) west o$ Kir@ath Jearim"J
Jdg 18:1- +nd they *assed $rom there to the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% and ame to the ho#se o$ ?iah"
Jdg 18:10 Then the $i!e men who had gone to s*y o#t the o#ntry o$ /aish answered and said to their brethren%
.2o yo# 'now that there are in these ho#ses an e*hod% ho#sehold idols% a ar!ed image% and a molded imageC
Now there$ore% onsider what yo# sho#ld do".
Jdg 18:11 ,o they t#rned aside there% and ame to the ho#se o$ the yo#ng /e!ite man DD to the ho#se o$ ?iah
DD and greeted him"
Jdg 18:13 The si9 h#ndred men armed with their wea*ons o$ war% who (were) o$ the hildren o$ 2an% stood by
the entrane o$ the gate"
Jdg 18:14 Then the $i!e men who had gone to s*y o#t the land went #*" 6ntering there% they too' the ar!ed
image% the e*hod% the ho#sehold idols% and the molded image" The *riest stood at the entrane o$ the gate with
the si9 h#ndred men (who were) armed with wea*ons o$ war"
Jdg 18:18 >hen these went into ?iahAs ho#se and too' the ar!ed image% the e*hod% the ho#sehold idols% and
the molded image% the *riest said to them% .>hat are yo# doingC.
Jdg 18:19 +nd they said to him% .Be E#iet% *#t yo#r hand o!er yo#r mo#th% and ome with #s& be a $ather and a
*riest to #s" (Is it) better $or yo# to be a *riest to the ho#sehold o$ one man% or that yo# be a *riest to a tribe and
a $amily in IsraelC.
Jdg 18:25 ,o the *riestAs heart was glad& and he too' the e*hod% the ho#sehold idols% and the ar!ed image%
and too' his *lae among the *eo*le"
Jdg 18:21 Then they t#rned and de*arted% and *#t the little ones% the li!esto'% and the goods in $ront o$ them"
Jdg 18:22 >hen they were a good way $rom the ho#se o$ ?iah% the men who (were) in the ho#ses near
?iahAs ho#se gathered together and o!ertoo' the hildren o$ 2an"
Jdg 18:2- +nd they alled o#t to the hildren o$ 2an" ,o they t#rned aro#nd and said to ?iah% .>hat ails yo#%
that yo# ha!e gathered s#h a om*anyC.
Jdg 18:20 ,o he said% .Bo# ha!e ta'en away my gods whih I made% and the *riest% and yo# ha!e gone away"
Now what more do I ha!eC How an yo# say to me% A>hat ails yo#CA .
Jdg 18:21 +nd the hildren o$ 2an said to him% .2o not let yo#r !oie be heard among #s% lest angry men $all
#*on yo#% and yo# lose yo#r li$e% with the li!es o$ yo#r ho#seholdF.
Jdg 18:23 Then the hildren o$ 2an went their way" +nd when ?iah saw that they (were) too strong $or him% he
t#rned and went ba' to his ho#se"
Jdg 18:24 ,o they too' (the things) ?iah had made% and the *riest who had belonged to him% and went to
/aish% to a *eo*le E#iet and se#re& and they str#' them with the edge o$ the sword and b#rned the ity with
Jdg 18:28 (There was) no deli!erer% bea#se it (was) $ar $rom ,idon% and they had no ties with anyone" It was in
the !alley that belongs to Beth :ehob" ,o they reb#ilt the ity and dwelt there"
Jdg 18:29 +nd they alled the name o$ the ity 2an% a$ter the name o$ 2an their $ather% who was born to Israel"
Howe!er% the name o$ the ity $ormerly (was) /aish"
Jdg 18:-5 Then the hildren o$ 2an set #* $or themsel!es the ar!ed image& and Jonathan the son o$ Gershom%
the son o$ ?anasseh% and his sons were *riests to the tribe o$ 2an #ntil the day o$ the a*ti!ity o$ the land"
Jdg 18:-1 ,o they set #* $or themsel!es ?iahAs ar!ed image whih he made% all the time that the ho#se o$
God was in ,hiloh"
Jdg 19:1 +nd it ame to *ass in those days% when (there was) no 'ing in Israel% that there was a ertain /e!ite
staying in the remote mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim" He too' $or himsel$ a on#bine $rom Bethlehem in J#dah"
Jdg 19:2 B#t his on#bine *layed the harlot against him% and went away $rom him to her $atherAs ho#se at
Bethlehem in J#dah% and was there $o#r whole months"
Jdg 19:- Then her h#sband arose and went a$ter her% to s*ea' 'indly to her (and) bring her ba'% ha!ing his
ser!ant and a o#*le o$ don'eys with him" ,o she bro#ght him into her $atherAs ho#se& and when the $ather o$
the yo#ng woman saw him% he was glad to meet him"
Jdg 19:0 Now his $atherDinDlaw% the yo#ng womanAs $ather% detained him& and he stayed with him three days" ,o
they ate and dran' and lodged there"
Jdg 19:1 Then it ame to *ass on the $o#rth day that they arose early in the morning% and he stood to de*art&
b#t the yo#ng womanAs $ather said to his sonDinDlaw% .:e$resh yo#r heart with a morsel o$ bread% and a$terward
go yo#r way".
Jdg 19:3 ,o they sat down% and the two o$ them ate and dran' together" Then the yo#ng womanAs $ather said to
the man% .<lease be ontent to stay all night% and let yo#r heart be merry".
Jdg 19:4 +nd when the man stood to de*art% his $atherDinDlaw #rged him& so he lodged there again"
Jdg 19:8 Then he arose early in the morning on the $i$th day to de*art% b#t the yo#ng womanAs $ather said%
.<lease re$resh yo#r heart". ,o they delayed #ntil a$ternoon& and both o$ them ate"
Jdg 19:9 +nd when the man stood to de*art DD he and his on#bine and his ser!ant DD his $atherDinDlaw% the
yo#ng womanAs $ather% said to him% ./oo'% the day is now drawing toward e!ening& *lease s*end the night" ,ee%
the day is oming to an end& lodge here% that yo#r heart may be merry" Tomorrow go yo#r way early% so that yo#
may get home".
Jdg 19:15 Howe!er% the man was not willing to s*end that night& so he rose and de*arted% and ame to o**osite
Jeb#s Ithat (is%) Jer#salemJ" >ith him were the two saddled don'eys& his on#bine (was) also with him"
Jdg 19:11 They (were) near Jeb#s% and the day was $ar s*ent& and the ser!ant said to his master% .=ome%
*lease% and let #s t#rn aside into this ity o$ the Jeb#sites and lodge in it".
Jdg 19:12 B#t his master said to him% .>e will not t#rn aside here into a ity o$ $oreigners% who (are) not o$ the
hildren o$ Israel& we will go on to Gibeah".
Jdg 19:1- ,o he said to his ser!ant% .=ome% let #s draw near to one o$ these *laes% and s*end the night in
Gibeah or in :amah".
Jdg 19:10 +nd they *assed by and went their way& and the s#n went down on them near Gibeah% whih belongs
to Ben@amin"
Jdg 19:11 They t#rned aside there to go in to lodge in Gibeah" +nd when he went in% he sat down in the o*en
sE#are o$ the ity% $or no one wo#ld ta'e them into (his) ho#se to s*end the night"
Jdg 19:13 J#st then an old man ame in $rom his wor' in the $ield at e!ening% who also (was) $rom the
mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim& he was staying in Gibeah% whereas the men o$ the *lae (were) Ben@amites"
Jdg 19:14 +nd when he raised his eyes% he saw the tra!eler in the o*en sE#are o$ the ity& and the old man
said% .>here are yo# going% and where do yo# ome $romC.
Jdg 19:18 ,o he said to him% .>e (are) *assing $rom Bethlehem in J#dah toward the remote mo#ntains o$
6*hraim& I (am) $rom there" I went to Bethlehem in J#dah& (now) I am going to the ho#se o$ the /8:2" B#t there
(is) no one who will ta'e me into his ho#se%
Jdg 19:19 .altho#gh we ha!e both straw and $odder $or o#r don'eys% and bread and wine $or mysel$% $or yo#r
$emale ser!ant% and $or the yo#ng man (who is) with yo#r ser!ant& (there is) no la' o$ anything".
Jdg 19:25 +nd the old man said% .<eae (be) with yo#F Howe!er% (let) all yo#r needs (be) my res*onsibility& only
do not s*end the night in the o*en sE#are".
Jdg 19:21 ,o he bro#ght him into his ho#se% and ga!e $odder to the don'eys" +nd they washed their $eet% and
ate and dran'"
Jdg 19:22 +s they were en@oying themsel!es% s#ddenly ertain men o$ the ity% *er!erted men% s#rro#nded the
ho#se (and) beat on the door" They s*o'e to the master o$ the ho#se% the old man% saying% .Bring o#t the man
who ame to yo#r ho#se% that we may 'now him (arnallyF.)
Jdg 19:2- B#t the man% the master o$ the ho#se% went o#t to them and said to them% .No% my brethrenF I beg
yo#% do not at (so) wi'edlyF ,eeing this man has ome into my ho#se% do not ommit this o#trage"
Jdg 19:20 ./oo'% (here is) my !irgin da#ghter and (the manAs) on#bine& let me bring them o#t now" H#mble
them% and do with them as yo# *lease& b#t to this man do not do s#h a !ile thingF.
Jdg 19:21 B#t the men wo#ld not heed him" ,o the man too' his on#bine and bro#ght (her) o#t to them" +nd
they 'new her and ab#sed her all night #ntil morning& and when the day began to brea'% they let her go"
Jdg 19:23 Then the woman ame as the day was dawning% and $ell down at the door o$ the manAs ho#se where
her master (was%) till it was light"
Jdg 19:24 >hen her master arose in the morning% and o*ened the doors o$ the ho#se and went o#t to go his
way% there was his on#bine% $allen (at) the door o$ the ho#se with her hands on the threshold"
Jdg 19:28 +nd he said to her% .Get #* and let #s be going". B#t there was no answer" ,o the man li$ted her onto
the don'ey& and the man got #* and went to his *lae"
Jdg 19:29 >hen he entered his ho#se he too' a 'ni$e% laid hold o$ his on#bine% and di!ided her into twel!e
*iees% limb by limb% and sent her thro#gho#t all the territory o$ Israel"
Jdg 19:-5 +nd so it was that all who saw it said% .No s#h deed has been done or seen $rom the day that the
hildren o$ Israel ame #* $rom the land o$ 6gy*t #ntil this day" =onsider it% on$er% and s*ea' #*F.
Jdg 25:1 ,o all the hildren o$ Israel ame o#t% $rom 2an to Beersheba% as well as $rom the land o$ Gilead% and
the ongregation gathered together as one man be$ore the /8:2 at ?iH*ah"
Jdg 25:2 +nd the leaders o$ all the *eo*le% all the tribes o$ Israel% *resented themsel!es in the assembly o$ the
*eo*le o$ God% $o#r h#ndred tho#sand $oot soldiers who drew the sword"
Jdg 25:- INow the hildren o$ Ben@amin heard that the hildren o$ Israel had gone #* to ?iH*ah"J Then the
hildren o$ Israel said% .Tell (#s%) how did this wi'ed deed ha**enC.
Jdg 25:0 ,o the /e!ite% the h#sband o$ the woman who was m#rdered% answered and said% .?y on#bine and I
went into Gibeah% whih belongs to Ben@amin% to s*end the night"
Jdg 25:1 .+nd the men o$ Gibeah rose against me% and s#rro#nded the ho#se at night bea#se o$ me" They
intended to 'ill me% b#t instead they ra!ished my on#bine so that she died"
Jdg 25:3 .,o I too' hold o$ my on#bine% #t her in *iees% and sent her thro#gho#t all the territory o$ the
inheritane o$ Israel% bea#se they ommitted lewdness and o#trage in Israel"
Jdg 25:4 ./oo'F +ll o$ yo# (are) hildren o$ Israel& gi!e yo#r ad!ie and o#nsel here and nowF.
Jdg 25:8 ,o all the *eo*le arose as one man% saying% .None (o$ #s) will go to his tent% nor will any t#rn ba' to
his ho#se&
Jdg 25:9 .b#t now this (is) the thing whih we will do to Gibeah: (>e will go #*) against it by lot"
Jdg 25:15 .>e will ta'e ten men o#t o$ (e!ery) h#ndred thro#gho#t all the tribes o$ Israel% a h#ndred o#t o$
(e!ery) tho#sand% and a tho#sand o#t o$ (e!ery) ten tho#sand% to ma'e *ro!isions $or the *eo*le% that when they
ome to Gibeah in Ben@amin% they may re*ay all the !ileness that they ha!e done in Israel".
Jdg 25:11 ,o all the men o$ Israel were gathered against the ity% #nited together as one man"
Jdg 25:12 Then the tribes o$ Israel sent men thro#gh all the tribe o$ Ben@amin% saying% .>hat (is) this wi'edness
that has o#rred among yo#C
Jdg 25:1- .Now there$ore% deli!er #* the men% the *er!erted men who (are) in Gibeah% that we may *#t them to
death and remo!e the e!il $rom IsraelF. B#t the hildren o$ Ben@amin wo#ld not listen to the !oie o$ their
brethren% the hildren o$ Israel"
Jdg 25:10 Instead% the hildren o$ Ben@amin gathered together $rom their ities to Gibeah% to go to battle against
the hildren o$ Israel"
Jdg 25:11 +nd $rom their ities at that time the hildren o$ Ben@amin n#mbered twentyDsi9 tho#sand men who
drew the sword% besides the inhabitants o$ Gibeah% who n#mbered se!en h#ndred selet men"
Jdg 25:13 +mong all this *eo*le (were) se!en h#ndred selet men (who were) le$tDhanded& e!ery one o#ld sling
a stone at a hairAs (breadth) and not miss"
Jdg 25:14 Now besides Ben@amin% the men o$ Israel n#mbered $o#r h#ndred tho#sand men who drew the
sword& all o$ these (were) men o$ war"
Jdg 25:18 Then the hildren o$ Israel arose and went #* to the ho#se o$ God to inE#ire o$ God" They said%
.>hih o$ #s shall go #* $irst to battle against the hildren o$ Ben@aminC. The /8:2 said% .J#dah $irstF.
Jdg 25:19 ,o the hildren o$ Israel rose in the morning and enam*ed against Gibeah"
Jdg 25:25 +nd the men o$ Israel went o#t to battle against Ben@amin% and the men o$ Israel *#t themsel!es in
battle array to $ight against them at Gibeah"
Jdg 25:21 Then the hildren o$ Ben@amin ame o#t o$ Gibeah% and on that day #t down to the gro#nd twentyD
two tho#sand men o$ the Israelites"
Jdg 25:22 +nd the *eo*le% that is% the men o$ Israel% eno#raged themsel!es and again $ormed the battle line at
the *lae where they had *#t themsel!es in array on the $irst day"
Jdg 25:2- Then the hildren o$ Israel went #* and we*t be$ore the /8:2 #ntil e!ening% and as'ed o#nsel o$
the /8:2% saying% .,hall I again draw near $or battle against the hildren o$ my brother Ben@aminC. +nd the
/8:2 said% .Go #* against him".
Jdg 25:20 ,o the hildren o$ Israel a**roahed the hildren o$ Ben@amin on the seond day"
Jdg 25:21 +nd Ben@amin went o#t against them $rom Gibeah on the seond day% and #t down to the gro#nd
eighteen tho#sand more o$ the hildren o$ Israel& all these drew the sword"
Jdg 25:23 Then all the hildren o$ Israel% that is% all the *eo*le% went #* and ame to the ho#se o$ God and
we*t" They sat there be$ore the /8:2 and $asted that day #ntil e!ening& and they o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings and
*eae o$$erings be$ore the /8:2"
Jdg 25:24 ,o the hildren o$ Israel inE#ired o$ the /8:2 Ithe ar' o$ the o!enant o$ God (was) there in those
Jdg 25:28 and <hinehas the son o$ 6leaHar% the son o$ +aron% stood be$ore it in those daysJ% saying% .,hall I yet
again go o#t to battle against the hildren o$ my brother Ben@amin% or shall I easeC. +nd the /8:2 said% .Go
#*% $or tomorrow I will deli!er them into yo#r hand".
Jdg 25:29 Then Israel set men in amb#sh all aro#nd Gibeah"
Jdg 25:-5 +nd the hildren o$ Israel went #* against the hildren o$ Ben@amin on the third day% and *#t
themsel!es in battle array against Gibeah as at the other times"
Jdg 25:-1 ,o the hildren o$ Ben@amin went o#t against the *eo*le% (and) were drawn away $rom the ity" They
began to stri'e down (and) 'ill some o$ the *eo*le% as at the other times% in the highways Ione o$ whih goes #*
to Bethel and the other to GibeahJ and in the $ield% abo#t thirty men o$ Israel"
Jdg 25:-2 +nd the hildren o$ Ben@amin said% .They (are) de$eated be$ore #s% as at $irst". B#t the hildren o$
Israel said% ./et #s $lee and draw them away $rom the ity to the highways".
Jdg 25:-- ,o all the men o$ Israel rose $rom their *lae and *#t themsel!es in battle array at Baal Tamar" Then
IsraelAs men in amb#sh b#rst $orth $rom their *osition in the *lain o$ Geba"
Jdg 25:-0 +nd ten tho#sand selet men $rom all Israel ame against Gibeah% and the battle was $iere" B#t (the
Ben@amites) did not 'now that disaster (was) #*on them"
Jdg 25:-1 The /8:2 de$eated Ben@amin be$ore Israel" +nd the hildren o$ Israel destroyed that day twentyD$i!e
tho#sand one h#ndred Ben@amites& all these drew the sword"
Jdg 25:-3 ,o the hildren o$ Ben@amin saw that they were de$eated" The men o$ Israel had gi!en gro#nd to the
Ben@amites% bea#se they relied on the men in amb#sh whom they had set against Gibeah"
Jdg 25:-4 +nd the men in amb#sh E#i'ly r#shed #*on Gibeah& the men in amb#sh s*read o#t and str#' the
whole ity with the edge o$ the sword"
Jdg 25:-8 Now the a**ointed signal between the men o$ Israel and the men in amb#sh was that they wo#ld
ma'e a great lo#d o$ smo'e rise #* $rom the ity%
Jdg 25:-9 where#*on the men o$ Israel wo#ld t#rn in battle" Now Ben@amin had beg#n to stri'e (and) 'ill abo#t
thirty o$ the men o$ Israel" ;or they said% .,#rely they are de$eated be$ore #s% as (in) the $irst battle".
Jdg 25:05 B#t when the lo#d began to rise $rom the ity in a ol#mn o$ smo'e% the Ben@amites loo'ed behind
them% and there was the whole ity going #* (in smo'e) to hea!en"
Jdg 25:01 +nd when the men o$ Israel t#rned ba'% the men o$ Ben@amin *ani'ed% $or they saw that disaster
had ome #*on them"
Jdg 25:02 There$ore they t#rned (their ba's) be$ore the men o$ Israel in the diretion o$ the wilderness& b#t the
battle o!ertoo' them% and whoe!er (ame) o#t o$ the ities they destroyed in their midst"
Jdg 25:0- They s#rro#nded the Ben@amites% hased them% (and) easily tram*led them down as $ar as the $ront o$
Gibeah toward the east"
Jdg 25:00 +nd eighteen tho#sand men o$ Ben@amin $ell& all these (were) men o$ !alor"
Jdg 25:01 Then they t#rned and $led toward the wilderness to the ro' o$ :immon& and they #t down $i!e
tho#sand o$ them on the highways" Then they *#rs#ed them relentlessly #* to Gidom% and 'illed two tho#sand o$
Jdg 25:03 ,o all who $ell o$ Ben@amin that day were twentyD$i!e tho#sand men who drew the sword& all these
(were) men o$ !alor"
Jdg 25:04 B#t si9 h#ndred men t#rned and $led toward the wilderness to the ro' o$ :immon% and they stayed at
the ro' o$ :immon $or $o#r months"
Jdg 25:08 +nd the men o$ Israel t#rned ba' against the hildren o$ Ben@amin% and str#' them down with the
edge o$ the sword DD $rom (e!ery) ity% men and beasts% all who were $o#nd" They also set $ire to all the ities they
ame to"
Jdg 21:1 Now the men o$ Israel had sworn an oath at ?iH*ah% saying% .None o$ #s shall gi!e his da#ghter to
Ben@amin as a wi$e".
Jdg 21:2 Then the *eo*le ame to the ho#se o$ God% and remained there be$ore God till e!ening" They li$ted #*
their !oies and we*t bitterly%
Jdg 21:- and said% .8 /8:2 God o$ Israel% why has this ome to *ass in Israel% that today there sho#ld be one
tribe (missing) in IsraelC.
Jdg 21:0 ,o it was% on the ne9t morning% that the *eo*le rose early and b#ilt an altar there% and o$$ered b#rnt
o$$erings and *eae o$$erings"
Jdg 21:1 The hildren o$ Israel said% .>ho (is there) among all the tribes o$ Israel who did not ome #* with the
assembly to the /8:2C. ;or they had made a great oath onerning anyone who had not ome #* to the /8:2
at ?iH*ah% saying% .He shall s#rely be *#t to death".
Jdg 21:3 +nd the hildren o$ Israel grie!ed $or Ben@amin their brother% and said% .8ne tribe is #t o$$ $rom Israel
Jdg 21:4 .>hat shall we do $or wi!es $or those who remain% seeing we ha!e sworn by the /8:2 that we will not
gi!e them o#r da#ghters as wi!esC.
Jdg 21:8 +nd they said% .>hat one (is there) $rom the tribes o$ Israel who did not ome #* to ?iH*ah to the
/8:2C. +nd% in $at% no one had ome to the am* $rom Jabesh Gilead to the assembly"
Jdg 21:9 ;or when the *eo*le were o#nted% indeed% not one o$ the inhabitants o$ Jabesh Gilead (was) there"
Jdg 21:15 ,o the ongregation sent o#t there twel!e tho#sand o$ their most !aliant men% and ommanded them%
saying% .Go and stri'e the inhabitants o$ Jabesh Gilead with the edge o$ the sword% inl#ding the women and
Jdg 21:11 .+nd this (is) the thing that yo# shall do: Bo# shall #tterly destroy e!ery male% and e!ery woman who
has 'nown a man intimately".
Jdg 21:12 ,o they $o#nd among the inhabitants o$ Jabesh Gilead $o#r h#ndred yo#ng !irgins who had not
'nown a man intimately& and they bro#ght them to the am* at ,hiloh% whih is in the land o$ =anaan"
Jdg 21:1- Then the whole ongregation sent (word) to the hildren o$ Ben@amin who (were) at the ro' o$
:immon% and anno#ned *eae to them"
Jdg 21:10 ,o Ben@amin ame ba' at that time% and they ga!e them the women whom they had sa!ed ali!e o$
the women o$ Jabesh Gilead& and yet they had not $o#nd eno#gh $or them"
Jdg 21:11 +nd the *eo*le grie!ed $or Ben@amin% bea#se the /8:2 had made a !oid in the tribes o$ Israel"
Jdg 21:13 Then the elders o$ the ongregation said% .>hat shall we do $or wi!es $or those who remain% sine the
women o$ Ben@amin ha!e been destroyedC.
Jdg 21:14 +nd they said% .(There m#st be) an inheritane $or the s#r!i!ors o$ Ben@amin% that a tribe may not be
destroyed $rom Israel"
Jdg 21:18 .Howe!er% we annot gi!e them wi!es $rom o#r da#ghters% $or the hildren o$ Israel ha!e sworn an
oath% saying% A=#rsed (be) the one who gi!es a wi$e to Ben@amin"A .
Jdg 21:19 Then they said% .In $at% (there is) a yearly $east o$ the /8:2 in ,hiloh% whih (is) north o$ Bethel% on
the east side o$ the highway that goes #* $rom Bethel to ,hehem% and so#th o$ /ebonah".
Jdg 21:25 There$ore they instr#ted the hildren o$ Ben@amin% saying% .Go% lie in wait in the !ineyards%
Jdg 21:21 .and wath& and @#st when the da#ghters o$ ,hiloh ome o#t to *er$orm their danes% then ome o#t
$rom the !ineyards% and e!ery man ath a wi$e $or himsel$ $rom the da#ghters o$ ,hiloh& then go to the land o$
Jdg 21:22 .Then it shall be% when their $athers or their brothers ome to #s to om*lain% that we will say to them%
ABe 'ind to them $or o#r sa'es% bea#se we did not ta'e a wi$e $or any o$ them in the war& $or (it is) not (as
tho#gh) yo# ha!e gi!en the (women) to them at this time% ma'ing yo#rsel!es g#ilty o$ yo#r oath"A .
Jdg 21:2- +nd the hildren o$ Ben@amin did so& they too' eno#gh wi!es $or their n#mber $rom those who
daned% whom they a#ght" Then they went and ret#rned to their inheritane% and they reb#ilt the ities and
dwelt in them"
Jdg 21:20 ,o the hildren o$ Israel de*arted $rom there at that time% e!ery man to his tribe and $amily& they went
o#t $rom there% e!ery man to his inheritane"
Jdg 21:21 In those days (there was) no 'ing in Israel& e!eryone did (what was) right in his own eyes"
:#t 1:1 Now it ame to *ass% in the days when the @#dges r#led% that there was a $amine in the land" +nd a
ertain man o$ Bethlehem% J#dah% went to dwell in the o#ntry o$ ?oab% he and his wi$e and his two sons"
:#t 1:2 The name o$ the man (was) 6limeleh% the name o$ his wi$e (was) Naomi% and the names o$ his two sons
(were) ?ahlon and =hilion DD 6*hrathites o$ Bethlehem% J#dah" +nd they went to the o#ntry o$ ?oab and
remained there"
:#t 1:- Then 6limeleh% NaomiAs h#sband% died& and she was le$t% and her two sons"
:#t 1:0 Now they too' wi!es o$ the women o$ ?oab: the name o$ the one (was) 8r*ah% and the name o$ the
other :#th" +nd they dwelt there abo#t ten years"
:#t 1:1 Then both ?ahlon and =hilion also died& so the woman s#r!i!ed her two sons and her h#sband"
:#t 1:3 Then she arose with her da#ghtersDinDlaw that she might ret#rn $rom the o#ntry o$ ?oab% $or she had
heard in the o#ntry o$ ?oab that the /8:2 had !isited His *eo*le by gi!ing them bread"
:#t 1:4 There$ore she went o#t $rom the *lae where she was% and her two da#ghtersDinDlaw with her& and they
went on the way to ret#rn to the land o$ J#dah"
:#t 1:8 +nd Naomi said to her two da#ghtersDinDlaw% .Go% ret#rn eah to her motherAs ho#se" The /8:2 deal
'indly with yo#% as yo# ha!e dealt with the dead and with me"
:#t 1:9 .The /8:2 grant that yo# may $ind rest% eah in the ho#se o$ her h#sband". Then she 'issed them% and
they li$ted #* their !oies and we*t"
:#t 1:15 +nd they said to her% .,#rely we will ret#rn with yo# to yo#r *eo*le".
:#t 1:11 B#t Naomi said% .T#rn ba'% my da#ghters& why will yo# go with meC (+re) there still sons in my womb%
that they may be yo#r h#sbandsC
:#t 1:12 .T#rn ba'% my da#ghters% go DD $or I am too old to ha!e a h#sband" I$ I sho#ld say I ha!e ho*e% (i$) I
sho#ld ha!e a h#sband tonight and sho#ld also bear sons%
:#t 1:1- .wo#ld yo# wait $or them till they were grownC >o#ld yo# restrain yo#rsel!es $rom ha!ing h#sbandsC
No% my da#ghters& $or it grie!es me !ery m#h $or yo#r sa'es that the hand o$ the /8:2 has gone o#t against
:#t 1:10 Then they li$ted #* their !oies and we*t again& and 8r*ah 'issed her motherDinDlaw% b#t :#th l#ng to
:#t 1:11 +nd she said% ./oo'% yo#r sisterDinDlaw has gone ba' to her *eo*le and to her gods& ret#rn a$ter yo#r
:#t 1:13 B#t :#th said: .6ntreat me not to lea!e yo#% (8r to) t#rn ba' $rom $ollowing a$ter yo#& ;or where!er
yo# go% I will go& +nd where!er yo# lodge% I will lodge& Bo#r *eo*le (shall be) my *eo*le% +nd yo#r God% my God"
:#t 1:14 >here yo# die% I will die% +nd there will I be b#ried" The /8:2 do so to me% and more also% I$ (anything
b#t) death *arts yo# and me".
:#t 1:18 >hen she saw that she was determined to go with her% she sto**ed s*ea'ing to her"
:#t 1:19 Now the two o$ them went #ntil they ame to Bethlehem" +nd it ha**ened% when they had ome to
Bethlehem% that all the ity was e9ited bea#se o$ them& and the women said% .(Is) this NaomiC.
:#t 1:25 B#t she said to them% .2o not all me Naomi& all me ?ara% $or the +lmighty has dealt !ery bitterly with
:#t 1:21 .I went o#t $#ll% and the /8:2 has bro#ght me home again em*ty" >hy do yo# all me Naomi% sine
the /8:2 has testi$ied against me% and the +lmighty has a$$lited meC.
:#t 1:22 ,o Naomi ret#rned% and :#th the ?oabitess her da#ghterDinDlaw with her% who ret#rned $rom the
o#ntry o$ ?oab" Now they ame to Bethlehem at the beginning o$ barley har!est"
:#t 2:1 There was a relati!e o$ NaomiAs h#sband% a man o$ great wealth% o$ the $amily o$ 6limeleh" His name
(was) BoaH"
:#t 2:2 ,o :#th the ?oabitess said to Naomi% .<lease let me go to the $ield% and glean heads o$ grain a$ter (him)
in whose sight I may $ind $a!or". +nd she said to her% .Go% my da#ghter".
:#t 2:- Then she le$t% and went and gleaned in the $ield a$ter the rea*ers" +nd she ha**ened to ome to the
*art o$ the $ield (belonging) to BoaH% who (was) o$ the $amily o$ 6limeleh"
:#t 2:0 Now behold% BoaH ame $rom Bethlehem% and said to the rea*ers% .The /8:2 (be) with yo#F. +nd they
answered him% .The /8:2 bless yo#F.
:#t 2:1 Then BoaH said to his ser!ant who was in harge o$ the rea*ers% .>hose yo#ng woman (is) thisC.
:#t 2:3 ,o the ser!ant who was in harge o$ the rea*ers answered and said% .It (is) the yo#ng ?oabite woman
who ame ba' with Naomi $rom the o#ntry o$ ?oab"
:#t 2:4 .+nd she said% A<lease let me glean and gather a$ter the rea*ers among the shea!es"A ,o she ame and
has ontin#ed $rom morning #ntil now% tho#gh she rested a little in the ho#se".
:#t 2:8 Then BoaH said to :#th% .Bo# will listen% my da#ghter% will yo# notC 2o not go to glean in another $ield%
nor go $rom here% b#t stay lose by my yo#ng women"
:#t 2:9 .(/et) yo#r eyes (be) on the $ield whih they rea*% and go a$ter them" Ha!e I not ommanded the yo#ng
men not to to#h yo#C +nd when yo# are thirsty% go to the !essels and drin' $rom what the yo#ng men ha!e
:#t 2:15 ,o she $ell on her $ae% bowed down to the gro#nd% and said to him% .>hy ha!e I $o#nd $a!or in yo#r
eyes% that yo# sho#ld ta'e notie o$ me% sine I (am) a $oreignerC.
:#t 2:11 +nd BoaH answered and said to her% .It has been $#lly re*orted to me% all that yo# ha!e done $or yo#r
motherDinDlaw sine the death o$ yo#r h#sband% and (how) yo# ha!e le$t yo#r $ather and yo#r mother and the land
o$ yo#r birth% and ha!e ome to a *eo*le whom yo# did not 'now be$ore"
:#t 2:12 .The /8:2 re*ay yo#r wor'% and a $#ll reward be gi!en yo# by the /8:2 God o$ Israel% #nder whose
wings yo# ha!e ome $or re$#ge".
:#t 2:1- Then she said% ./et me $ind $a!or in yo#r sight% my lord& $or yo# ha!e om$orted me% and ha!e s*o'en
'indly to yo#r maidser!ant% tho#gh I am not li'e one o$ yo#r maidser!ants".
:#t 2:10 Now BoaH said to her at mealtime% .=ome here% and eat o$ the bread% and di* yo#r *iee o$ bread in
the !inegar". ,o she sat beside the rea*ers% and he *assed *arhed (grain) to her& and she ate and was
satis$ied% and 'e*t some ba'"
:#t 2:11 +nd when she rose #* to glean% BoaH ommanded his yo#ng men% saying% ./et her glean e!en among
the shea!es% and do not re*roah her"
:#t 2:13 .+lso let (grain) $rom the b#ndles $all *#r*osely $or her& lea!e (it) that she may glean% and do not reb#'e
:#t 2:14 ,o she gleaned in the $ield #ntil e!ening% and beat o#t what she had gleaned% and it was abo#t an
e*hah o$ barley"
:#t 2:18 Then she too' (it) #* and went into the ity% and her motherDinDlaw saw what she had gleaned" ,o she
bro#ght o#t and ga!e to her what she had 'e*t ba' a$ter she had been satis$ied"
:#t 2:19 +nd her motherDinDlaw said to her% .>here ha!e yo# gleaned todayC +nd where did yo# wor'C Blessed
be the one who too' notie o$ yo#". ,o she told her motherDinDlaw with whom she had wor'ed% and said% .The
manAs name with whom I wor'ed today (is) BoaH".
:#t 2:25 Then Naomi said to her da#ghterDinDlaw% .Blessed (be) he o$ the /8:2% who has not $orsa'en His
'indness to the li!ing and the deadF. +nd Naomi said to her% .This man (is) a relation o$ o#rs% one o$ o#r lose
:#t 2:21 :#th the ?oabitess said% .He also said to me% ABo# shall stay lose by my yo#ng men #ntil they ha!e
$inished all my har!est"A .
:#t 2:22 +nd Naomi said to :#th her da#ghterDinDlaw% .(It is) good% my da#ghter% that yo# go o#t with his yo#ng
women% and that *eo*le do not meet yo# in any other $ield".
:#t 2:2- ,o she stayed lose by the yo#ng women o$ BoaH% to glean #ntil the end o$ barley har!est and wheat
har!est& and she dwelt with her motherDinDlaw"
:#t -:1 Then Naomi her motherDinDlaw said to her% .?y da#ghter% shall I not see' se#rity $or yo#% that it may be
well with yo#C
:#t -:2 .Now BoaH% whose yo#ng women yo# were with% (is he) not o#r relati!eC In $at% he is winnowing barley
tonight at the threshing $loor"
:#t -:- .There$ore wash yo#rsel$ and anoint yo#rsel$% *#t on yo#r (best) garment and go down to the threshing
$loor& (b#t) do not ma'e yo#rsel$ 'nown to the man #ntil he has $inished eating and drin'ing"
:#t -:0 .Then it shall be% when he lies down% that yo# shall notie the *lae where he lies& and yo# shall go in%
#no!er his $eet% and lie down& and he will tell yo# what yo# sho#ld do".
:#t -:1 +nd she said to her% .+ll that yo# say to me I will do".
:#t -:3 ,o she went down to the threshing $loor and did aording to all that her motherDinDlaw instr#ted her"
:#t -:4 +nd a$ter BoaH had eaten and dr#n'% and his heart was heer$#l% he went to lie down at the end o$ the
hea* o$ grain& and she ame so$tly% #no!ered his $eet% and lay down"
:#t -:8 Now it ha**ened at midnight that the man was startled% and t#rned himsel$& and there% a woman was
lying at his $eet"
:#t -:9 +nd he said% .>ho (are) yo#C. ,o she answered% .I (am) :#th% yo#r maidser!ant" Ta'e yo#r maidser!ant
#nder yo#r wing% $or yo# are a lose relati!e".
:#t -:15 Then he said% .Blessed (are) yo# o$ the /8:2% my da#ghterF ;or yo# ha!e shown more 'indness at the
end than at the beginning% in that yo# did not go a$ter yo#ng men% whether *oor or rih"
:#t -:11 .+nd now% my da#ghter% do not $ear" I will do $or yo# all that yo# reE#est% $or all the *eo*le o$ my town
'now that yo# (are) a !irt#o#s woman"
:#t -:12 .Now it is tr#e that I (am) a lose relati!e& howe!er% there is a relati!e loser than I"
:#t -:1- .,tay this night% and in the morning it shall be (that) i$ he will *er$orm the d#ty o$ a lose relati!e $or yo#
DD good& let him do it" B#t i$ he does not want to *er$orm the d#ty $or yo#% then I will *er$orm the d#ty $or yo#% (as)
the /8:2 li!esF /ie down #ntil morning".
:#t -:10 ,o she lay at his $eet #ntil morning% and she arose be$ore one o#ld reogniHe another" Then he said%
.2o not let it be 'nown that the woman ame to the threshing $loor".
:#t -:11 +lso he said% .Bring the shawl that (is) on yo# and hold it". +nd when she held it% he meas#red si9
(e*hahs) o$ barley% and laid (it) on her" Then she went into the ity"
:#t -:13 ,o when she ame to her motherDinDlaw% she said% .(Is) that yo#% my da#ghterC. Then she told her all
that the man had done $or her"
:#t -:14 +nd she said% .These si9 (e*hahs) o$ barley he ga!e me& $or he said to me% A2o not go em*tyDhanded
to yo#r motherDinDlaw"A .
:#t -:18 Then she said% .,it still% my da#ghter% #ntil yo# 'now how the matter will t#rn o#t& $or the man will not
rest #ntil he has onl#ded the matter this day".
:#t 0:1 Now BoaH went #* to the gate and sat down there& and behold% the lose relati!e o$ whom BoaH had
s*o'en ame by" ,o BoaH said% .=ome aside% $riend% sit down here". ,o he ame aside and sat down"
:#t 0:2 +nd he too' ten men o$ the elders o$ the ity% and said% .,it down here". ,o they sat down"
:#t 0:- Then he said to the lose relati!e% .Naomi% who has ome ba' $rom the o#ntry o$ ?oab% sold the *iee
o$ land whih (belonged) to o#r brother 6limeleh"
:#t 0:0 .+nd I tho#ght to in$orm yo#% saying% AB#y (it) ba' in the *resene o$ the inhabitants and the elders o$
my *eo*le" I$ yo# will redeem (it%) redeem (it&) b#t i$ yo# will not redeem (it% then) tell me% that I may 'now& $or
(there is) no one b#t yo# to redeem (it%) and I (am) ne9t a$ter yo#"A . +nd he said% .I will redeem (it".)
:#t 0:1 Then BoaH said% .8n the day yo# b#y the $ield $rom the hand o$ Naomi% yo# m#st also b#y (it) $rom :#th
the ?oabitess% the wi$e o$ the dead% to *er*et#ate the name o$ the dead thro#gh his inheritane".
:#t 0:3 +nd the lose relati!e said% .I annot redeem (it) $or mysel$% lest I r#in my own inheritane" Bo# redeem
my right o$ redem*tion $or yo#rsel$% $or I annot redeem (it".)
:#t 0:4 Now this (was the #stom) in $ormer times in Israel onerning redeeming and e9hanging% to on$irm
anything: one man too' o$$ his sandal and ga!e (it) to the other% and this (was) a on$irmation in Israel"
:#t 0:8 There$ore the lose relati!e said to BoaH% .B#y (it) $or yo#rsel$". ,o he too' o$$ his sandal"
:#t 0:9 +nd BoaH said to the elders and all the *eo*le% .Bo# (are) witnesses this day that I ha!e bo#ght all that
was 6limelehAs% and all that (was) =hilionAs and ?ahlonAs% $rom the hand o$ Naomi"
:#t 0:15 .?oreo!er% :#th the ?oabitess% the widow o$ ?ahlon% I ha!e aE#ired as my wi$e% to *er*et#ate the
name o$ the dead thro#gh his inheritane% that the name o$ the dead may not be #t o$$ $rom among his brethren
and $rom his *osition at the gate" Bo# (are) witnesses this day".
:#t 0:11 +nd all the *eo*le who (were) at the gate% and the elders% said% .(>e are) witnesses" The /8:2 ma'e
the woman who is oming to yo#r ho#se li'e :ahel and /eah% the two who b#ilt the ho#se o$ Israel& and may
yo# *ros*er in 6*hrathah and be $amo#s in Bethlehem"
:#t 0:12 .?ay yo#r ho#se be li'e the ho#se o$ <ereH% whom Tamar bore to J#dah% bea#se o$ the o$$s*ring
whih the /8:2 will gi!e yo# $rom this yo#ng woman".
:#t 0:1- ,o BoaH too' :#th and she beame his wi$e& and when he went in to her% the /8:2 ga!e her
one*tion% and she bore a son"
:#t 0:10 Then the women said to Naomi% .Blessed (be) the /8:2% who has not le$t yo# this day witho#t a lose
relati!e& and may his name be $amo#s in IsraelF
:#t 0:11 .+nd may he be to yo# a restorer o$ li$e and a no#risher o$ yo#r old age& $or yo#r da#ghterDinDlaw% who
lo!es yo#% who is better to yo# than se!en sons% has borne him".
:#t 0:13 Then Naomi too' the hild and laid him on her bosom% and beame a n#rse to him"
:#t 0:14 +lso the neighbor women ga!e him a name% saying% .There is a son born to Naomi". +nd they alled
his name 8bed" He (is) the $ather o$ Jesse% the $ather o$ 2a!id"
:#t 0:18 Now this (is) the genealogy o$ <ereH: <ereH begot HeHron&
:#t 0:19 HeHron begot :am% and :am begot +mminadab&
:#t 0:25 +mminadab begot Nahshon% and Nahshon begot ,almon&
:#t 0:21 ,almon begot BoaH% and BoaH begot 8bed&
:#t 0:22 8bed begot Jesse% and Jesse begot 2a!id"
1,a 1:1 Now there was a ertain man o$ :amathaim Go*him% o$ the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% and his name (was)
6l'anah the son o$ Jeroham% the son o$ 6lih#% the son o$ Toh#% the son o$ G#*h% an 6*hraimite"
1,a 1:2 +nd he had two wi!es: the name o$ one (was) Hannah% and the name o$ the other <eninnah" <eninnah
had hildren% b#t Hannah had no hildren"
1,a 1:- This man went #* $rom his ity yearly to worshi* and sari$ie to the /8:2 o$ hosts in ,hiloh" +lso the
two sons o$ 6li% Ho*hni and <hinehas% the *riests o$ the /8:2% (were) there"
1,a 1:0 +nd whene!er the time ame $or 6l'anah to ma'e an o$$ering% he wo#ld gi!e *ortions to <eninnah his
wi$e and to all her sons and da#ghters"
1,a 1:1 B#t to Hannah he wo#ld gi!e a do#ble *ortion% $or he lo!ed Hannah% altho#gh the /8:2 had losed her
1,a 1:3 +nd her ri!al also *ro!o'ed her se!erely% to ma'e her miserable% bea#se the /8:2 had losed her
1,a 1:4 ,o it was% year by year% when she went #* to the ho#se o$ the /8:2% that she *ro!o'ed her& there$ore
she we*t and did not eat"
1,a 1:8 Then 6l'anah her h#sband said to her% .Hannah% why do yo# wee*C >hy do yo# not eatC +nd why is
yo#r heart grie!edC (+m) I not better to yo# than ten sonsC.
1,a 1:9 ,o Hannah arose a$ter they had $inished eating and drin'ing in ,hiloh" Now 6li the *riest was sitting on
the seat by the door*ost o$ the tabernale o$ the /8:2"
1,a 1:15 +nd she (was) in bitterness o$ so#l% and *rayed to the /8:2 and we*t in ang#ish"
1,a 1:11 Then she made a !ow and said% .8 /8:2 o$ hosts% i$ Bo# will indeed loo' on the a$$lition o$ Bo#r
maidser!ant and remember me% and not $orget Bo#r maidser!ant% b#t will gi!e Bo#r maidser!ant a male hild%
then I will gi!e him to the /8:2 all the days o$ his li$e% and no raHor shall ome #*on his head".
1,a 1:12 +nd it ha**ened% as she ontin#ed *raying be$ore the /8:2% that 6li wathed her mo#th"
1,a 1:1- Now Hannah s*o'e in her heart& only her li*s mo!ed% b#t her !oie was not heard" There$ore 6li
tho#ght she was dr#n'"
1,a 1:10 ,o 6li said to her% .How long will yo# be dr#n'C <#t yo#r wine away $rom yo#F.
1,a 1:11 +nd Hannah answered and said% .No% my lord% I (am) a woman o$ sorrow$#l s*irit" I ha!e dr#n' neither
wine nor into9iating drin'% b#t ha!e *o#red o#t my so#l be$ore the /8:2"
1,a 1:13 .2o not onsider yo#r maidser!ant a wi'ed woman% $or o#t o$ the ab#ndane o$ my om*laint and
grie$ I ha!e s*o'en #ntil now".
1,a 1:14 Then 6li answered and said% .Go in *eae% and the God o$ Israel grant yo#r *etition whih yo# ha!e
as'ed o$ Him".
1,a 1:18 +nd she said% ./et yo#r maidser!ant $ind $a!or in yo#r sight". ,o the woman went her way and ate%
and her $ae was no longer (sad")
1,a 1:19 Then they rose early in the morning and worshi*ed be$ore the /8:2% and ret#rned and ame to their
ho#se at :amah" +nd 6l'anah 'new Hannah his wi$e% and the /8:2 remembered her"
1,a 1:25 ,o it ame to *ass in the *roess o$ time that Hannah onei!ed and bore a son% and alled his name
,am#el% (saying%) .Bea#se I ha!e as'ed $or him $rom the /8:2".
1,a 1:21 Now the man 6l'anah and all his ho#se went #* to o$$er to the /8:2 the yearly sari$ie and his !ow"
1,a 1:22 B#t Hannah did not go #*% $or she said to her h#sband% .(Not) #ntil the hild is weaned& then I will ta'e
him% that he may a**ear be$ore the /8:2 and remain there $ore!er".
1,a 1:2- +nd 6l'anah her h#sband said to her% .2o what seems best to yo#& wait #ntil yo# ha!e weaned him"
8nly let the /8:2 establish His word". ,o the woman stayed and n#rsed her son #ntil she had weaned him"
1,a 1:20 Now when she had weaned him% she too' him #* with her% with three b#lls% one e*hah o$ $lo#r% and a
s'in o$ wine% and bro#ght him to the ho#se o$ the /8:2 in ,hiloh" +nd the hild (was) yo#ng"
1,a 1:21 Then they sla#ghtered a b#ll% and bro#ght the hild to 6li"
1,a 1:23 +nd she said% .8 my lordF +s yo#r so#l li!es% my lord% I (am) the woman who stood by yo# here%
*raying to the /8:2"
1,a 1:24 .;or this hild I *rayed% and the /8:2 has granted me my *etition whih I as'ed o$ Him"
1,a 1:28 .There$ore I also ha!e lent him to the /8:2& as long as he li!es he shall be lent to the /8:2". ,o
they worshi*ed the /8:2 there"
1,a 2:1 +nd Hannah *rayed and said: .?y heart re@oies in the /8:2& ?y horn is e9alted in the /8:2" I smile
at my enemies% Bea#se I re@oie in Bo#r sal!ation"
1,a 2:2 .No one is holy li'e the /8:2% ;or (there is) none besides Bo#% Nor (is there) any ro' li'e o#r God"
1,a 2:- .Tal' no more so !ery *ro#dly& /et no arrogane ome $rom yo#r mo#th% ;or the /8:2 (is) the God o$
'nowledge& +nd by Him ations are weighed"
1,a 2:0 .The bows o$ the mighty men (are) bro'en% +nd those who st#mbled are girded with strength"
1,a 2:1 (Those who were) $#ll ha!e hired themsel!es o#t $or bread% +nd the h#ngry ha!e eased (to h#nger")
6!en the barren has borne se!en% +nd she who has many hildren has beome $eeble"
1,a 2:3 .The /8:2 'ills and ma'es ali!e& He brings down to the gra!e and brings #*"
1,a 2:4 The /8:2 ma'es *oor and ma'es rih& He brings low and li$ts #*"
1,a 2:8 He raises the *oor $rom the d#st (+nd) li$ts the beggar $rom the ash hea*% To set (them) among *rines
+nd ma'e them inherit the throne o$ glory" .;or the *illars o$ the earth (are) the /8:2As% +nd He has set the
world #*on them"
1,a 2:9 He will g#ard the $eet o$ His saints% B#t the wi'ed shall be silent in dar'ness" .;or by strength no man
shall *re!ail"
1,a 2:15 The ad!ersaries o$ the /8:2 shall be bro'en in *iees& ;rom hea!en He will th#nder against them"
The /8:2 will @#dge the ends o$ the earth" .He will gi!e strength to His 'ing% +nd e9alt the horn o$ His anointed".
1,a 2:11 Then 6l'anah went to his ho#se at :amah" B#t the hild ministered to the /8:2 be$ore 6li the *riest"
1,a 2:12 Now the sons o$ 6li (were) orr#*t& they did not 'now the /8:2"
1,a 2:1- +nd the *riestsA #stom with the *eo*le (was that) when any man o$$ered a sari$ie% the *riestAs
ser!ant wo#ld ome with a threeD*ronged $leshhoo' in his hand while the meat was boiling"
1,a 2:10 Then he wo#ld thr#st (it) into the *an% or 'ettle% or aldron% or *ot& and the *riest wo#ld ta'e $or himsel$
all that the $leshhoo' bro#ght #*" ,o they did in ,hiloh to all the Israelites who ame there"
1,a 2:11 +lso% be$ore they b#rned the $at% the *riestAs ser!ant wo#ld ome and say to the man who sari$ied%
.Gi!e meat $or roasting to the *riest% $or he will not ta'e boiled meat $rom yo#% b#t raw".
1,a 2:13 +nd (i$) the man said to him% .They sho#ld really b#rn the $at $irst& (then) yo# may ta'e (as m#h) as
yo#r heart desires%. he wo#ld then answer him% .(No%) b#t yo# m#st gi!e (it) now& and i$ not% I will ta'e (it) by
1,a 2:14 There$ore the sin o$ the yo#ng men was !ery great be$ore the /8:2% $or men abhorred the o$$ering o$
the /8:2"
1,a 2:18 B#t ,am#el ministered be$ore the /8:2% (e!en as) a hild% wearing a linen e*hod"
1,a 2:19 ?oreo!er his mother #sed to ma'e him a little robe% and bring (it) to him year by year when she ame
#* with her h#sband to o$$er the yearly sari$ie"
1,a 2:25 +nd 6li wo#ld bless 6l'anah and his wi$e% and say% .The /8:2 gi!e yo# desendants $rom this
woman $or the loan that was gi!en to the /8:2". Then they wo#ld go to their own home"
1,a 2:21 +nd the /8:2 !isited Hannah% so that she onei!ed and bore three sons and two da#ghters"
?eanwhile the hild ,am#el grew be$ore the /8:2"
1,a 2:22 Now 6li was !ery old& and he heard e!erything his sons did to all Israel% and how they lay with the
women who assembled at the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
1,a 2:2- ,o he said to them% .>hy do yo# do s#h thingsC ;or I hear o$ yo#r e!il dealings $rom all the *eo*le"
1,a 2:20 .No% my sonsF ;or (it is) not a good re*ort that I hear" Bo# ma'e the /8:2As *eo*le transgress"
1,a 2:21 .I$ one man sins against another% God will @#dge him" B#t i$ a man sins against the /8:2% who will
interede $or himC. Ne!ertheless they did not heed the !oie o$ their $ather% bea#se the /8:2 desired to 'ill
1,a 2:23 +nd the hild ,am#el grew in stat#re% and in $a!or both with the /8:2 and men"
1,a 2:24 Then a man o$ God ame to 6li and said to him% .Th#s says the /8:2: A2id I not learly re!eal ?ysel$
to the ho#se o$ yo#r $ather when they were in 6gy*t in <haraohAs ho#seC
1,a 2:28 A2id I not hoose him o#t o$ all the tribes o$ Israel (to be) ?y *riest% to o$$er #*on ?y altar% to b#rn
inense% and to wear an e*hod be$ore ?eC +nd did I not gi!e to the ho#se o$ yo#r $ather all the o$$erings o$ the
hildren o$ Israel made by $ireC
1,a 2:29 A>hy do yo# 'i' at ?y sari$ie and ?y o$$ering whih I ha!e ommanded (in ?y) dwelling *lae% and
honor yo#r sons more than ?e% to ma'e yo#rsel!es $at with the best o$ all the o$$erings o$ Israel ?y *eo*leCA
1,a 2:-5 .There$ore the /8:2 God o$ Israel says: AI said indeed (that) yo#r ho#se and the ho#se o$ yo#r $ather
wo#ld wal' be$ore ?e $ore!er"A B#t now the /8:2 says: A;ar be it $rom ?e& $or those who honor ?e I will honor%
and those who des*ise ?e shall be lightly esteemed"
1,a 2:-1 ABehold% the days are oming that I will #t o$$ yo#r arm and the arm o$ yo#r $atherAs ho#se% so that
there will not be an old man in yo#r ho#se"
1,a 2:-2 A+nd yo# will see an enemy (in ?y) dwelling *lae% (des*ite) all the good whih God does $or Israel"
+nd there shall not be an old man in yo#r ho#se $ore!er"
1,a 2:-- AB#t any o$ yo#r men (whom) I do not #t o$$ $rom ?y altar shall ons#me yo#r eyes and grie!e yo#r
heart" +nd all the desendants o$ yo#r ho#se shall die in the $lower o$ their age"
1,a 2:-0 ANow this (shall be) a sign to yo# that will ome #*on yo#r two sons% on Ho*hni and <hinehas: in one
day they shall die% both o$ them"
1,a 2:-1 AThen I will raise #* $or ?ysel$ a $aith$#l *riest (who) shall do aording to what (is) in ?y heart and in
?y mind" I will b#ild him a s#re ho#se% and he shall wal' be$ore ?y anointed $ore!er"
1,a 2:-3 A+nd it shall ome to *ass that e!eryone who is le$t in yo#r ho#se will ome (and) bow down to him $or
a *iee o$ sil!er and a morsel o$ bread% and say% .<lease% *#t me in one o$ the *riestly *ositions% that I may eat a
*iee o$ bread". A .
1,a -:1 Then the boy ,am#el ministered to the /8:2 be$ore 6li" +nd the word o$ the /8:2 was rare in those
days& (there was) no wides*read re!elation"
1,a -:2 +nd it ame to *ass at that time% while 6li (was) lying down in his *lae% and when his eyes had beg#n
to grow so dim that he o#ld not see%
1,a -:- and be$ore the lam* o$ God went o#t in the tabernale o$ the /8:2 where the ar' o$ God (was%) and
while ,am#el was lying down%
1,a -:0 that the /8:2 alled ,am#el" +nd he answered% .Here I amF.
1,a -:1 ,o he ran to 6li and said% .Here I am% $or yo# alled me". +nd he said% .I did not all& lie down again".
+nd he went and lay down"
1,a -:3 Then the /8:2 alled yet again% .,am#elF. ,o ,am#el arose and went to 6li% and said% .Here I am% $or
yo# alled me". He answered% .I did not all% my son& lie down again".
1,a -:4 INow ,am#el did not yet 'now the /8:2% nor was the word o$ the /8:2 yet re!ealed to him"J
1,a -:8 +nd the /8:2 alled ,am#el again the third time" Then he arose and went to 6li% and said% .Here I am%
$or yo# did all me". Then 6li *erei!ed that the /8:2 had alled the boy"
1,a -:9 There$ore 6li said to ,am#el% .Go% lie down& and it shall be% i$ He alls yo#% that yo# m#st say% A,*ea'%
/8:2% $or Bo#r ser!ant hears"A . ,o ,am#el went and lay down in his *lae"
1,a -:15 Now the /8:2 ame and stood and alled as at other times% .,am#elF ,am#elF. +nd ,am#el
answered% .,*ea'% $or Bo#r ser!ant hears".
1,a -:11 Then the /8:2 said to ,am#el: .Behold% I will do something in Israel at whih both ears o$ e!eryone
who hears it will tingle"
1,a -:12 .In that day I will *er$orm against 6li all that I ha!e s*o'en onerning his ho#se% $rom beginning to
1,a -:1- .;or I ha!e told him that I will @#dge his ho#se $ore!er $or the iniE#ity whih he 'nows% bea#se his
sons made themsel!es !ile% and he did not restrain them"
1,a -:10 .+nd there$ore I ha!e sworn to the ho#se o$ 6li that the iniE#ity o$ 6liAs ho#se shall not be atoned $or
by sari$ie or o$$ering $ore!er".
1,a -:11 ,o ,am#el lay down #ntil morning% and o*ened the doors o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2" +nd ,am#el was
a$raid to tell 6li the !ision"
1,a -:13 Then 6li alled ,am#el and said% .,am#el% my sonF. +nd he answered% .Here I am".
1,a -:14 +nd he said% .>hat (is) the word that (the) (/ord) s*o'e to yo#C <lease do not hide (it) $rom me" God
do so to yo#% and more also% i$ yo# hide anything $rom me o$ all the things that He said to yo#".
1,a -:18 Then ,am#el told him e!erything% and hid nothing $rom him" +nd he said% .It (is) the /8:2" /et Him do
what seems good to Him".
1,a -:19 ,o ,am#el grew% and the /8:2 was with him and let none o$ his words $all to the gro#nd"
1,a -:25 +nd all Israel $rom 2an to Beersheba 'new that ,am#el (had been) established as a *ro*het o$ the
1,a -:21 Then the /8:2 a**eared again in ,hiloh" ;or the /8:2 re!ealed Himsel$ to ,am#el in ,hiloh by the
word o$ the /8:2"
1,a 0:1 +nd the word o$ ,am#el ame to all Israel" Now Israel went o#t to battle against the <hilistines% and
enam*ed beside 6beneHer& and the <hilistines enam*ed in +*he'"
1,a 0:2 Then the <hilistines *#t themsel!es in battle array against Israel" +nd when they @oined battle% Israel
was de$eated by the <hilistines% who 'illed abo#t $o#r tho#sand men o$ the army in the $ield"
1,a 0:- +nd when the *eo*le had ome into the am*% the elders o$ Israel said% .>hy has the /8:2 de$eated
#s today be$ore the <hilistinesC /et #s bring the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 $rom ,hiloh to #s% that when it
omes among #s it may sa!e #s $rom the hand o$ o#r enemies".
1,a 0:0 ,o the *eo*le sent to ,hiloh% that they might bring $rom there the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 o$
hosts% who dwells (between) the her#bim" +nd the two sons o$ 6li% Ho*hni and <hinehas% (were) there with the
ar' o$ the o!enant o$ God"
1,a 0:1 +nd when the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 ame into the am*% all Israel sho#ted so lo#dly that the
earth shoo'"
1,a 0:3 Now when the <hilistines heard the noise o$ the sho#t% they said% .>hat (does) the so#nd o$ this great
sho#t in the am* o$ the Hebrews (meanC.) Then they #nderstood that the ar' o$ the /8:2 had ome into the
1,a 0:4 ,o the <hilistines were a$raid% $or they said% .God has ome into the am*F. +nd they said% .>oe to #sF
;or s#h a thing has ne!er ha**ened be$ore"
1,a 0:8 .>oe to #sF >ho will deli!er #s $rom the hand o$ these mighty godsC These (are) the gods who str#'
the 6gy*tians with all the *lag#es in the wilderness"
1,a 0:9 .Be strong and ond#t yo#rsel!es li'e men% yo# <hilistines% that yo# do not beome ser!ants o$ the
Hebrews% as they ha!e been to yo#" =ond#t yo#rsel!es li'e men% and $ightF.
1,a 0:15 ,o the <hilistines $o#ght% and Israel was de$eated% and e!ery man $led to his tent" There was a !ery
great sla#ghter% and there $ell o$ Israel thirty tho#sand $oot soldiers"
1,a 0:11 +lso the ar' o$ God was a*t#red& and the two sons o$ 6li% Ho*hni and <hinehas% died"
1,a 0:12 Then a man o$ Ben@amin ran $rom the battle line the same day% and ame to ,hiloh with his lothes
torn and dirt on his head"
1,a 0:1- Now when he ame% there was 6li% sitting on a seat by the wayside wathing% $or his heart trembled $or
the ar' o$ God" +nd when the man ame into the ity and told (it%) all the ity ried o#t"
1,a 0:10 >hen 6li heard the noise o$ the o#try% he said% .>hat (does) the so#nd o$ this t#m#lt (meanC.) +nd
the man ame E#i'ly and told 6li"
1,a 0:11 6li was ninetyDeight years old% and his eyes were so dim that he o#ld not see"
1,a 0:13 Then the man said to 6li% .I (am) he who ame $rom the battle" +nd I $led today $rom the battle line".
+nd he said% .>hat ha**ened% my sonC.
1,a 0:14 ,o the messenger answered and said% .Israel has $led be$ore the <hilistines% and there has been a
great sla#ghter among the *eo*le" +lso yo#r two sons% Ho*hni and <hinehas% are dead& and the ar' o$ God has
been a*t#red".
1,a 0:18 Then it ha**ened% when he made mention o$ the ar' o$ God% that 6li $ell o$$ the seat ba'ward by the
side o$ the gate& and his ne' was bro'en and he died% $or the man was old and hea!y" +nd he had @#dged Israel
$orty years"
1,a 0:19 Now his da#ghterDinDlaw% <hinehasA wi$e% was with hild% (d#e) to be deli!ered& and when she heard
the news that the ar' o$ God was a*t#red% and that her $atherDinDlaw and her h#sband were dead% she bowed
hersel$ and ga!e birth% $or her labor *ains ame #*on her"
1,a 0:25 +nd abo#t the time o$ her death the women who stood by her said to her% .2o not $ear% $or yo# ha!e
borne a son". B#t she did not answer% nor did she regard (it")
1,a 0:21 Then she named the hild Ihabod% saying% .The glory has de*arted $rom IsraelF. bea#se the ar' o$
God had been a*t#red and bea#se o$ her $atherDinDlaw and her h#sband"
1,a 0:22 +nd she said% .The glory has de*arted $rom Israel% $or the ar' o$ God has been a*t#red".
1,a 1:1 Then the <hilistines too' the ar' o$ God and bro#ght it $rom 6beneHer to +shdod"
1,a 1:2 >hen the <hilistines too' the ar' o$ God% they bro#ght it into the tem*le o$ 2agon and set it by 2agon"
1,a 1:- +nd when the *eo*le o$ +shdod arose early in the morning% there was 2agon% $allen on its $ae to the
earth be$ore the ar' o$ the /8:2" ,o they too' 2agon and set it in its *lae again"
1,a 1:0 +nd when they arose early the ne9t morning% there was 2agon% $allen on its $ae to the gro#nd be$ore
the ar' o$ the /8:2" The head o$ 2agon and both the *alms o$ its hands (were) bro'en o$$ on the threshold& only
2agonAs torso was le$t o$ it"
1,a 1:1 There$ore neither the *riests o$ 2agon nor any who ome into 2agonAs ho#se tread on the threshold o$
2agon in +shdod to this day"
1,a 1:3 B#t the hand o$ the /8:2 was hea!y on the *eo*le o$ +shdod% and He ra!aged them and str#' them
with t#mors% (both) +shdod and its territory"
1,a 1:4 +nd when the men o$ +shdod saw how (it was%) they said% .The ar' o$ the God o$ Israel m#st not remain
with #s% $or His hand is harsh toward #s and 2agon o#r god".
1,a 1:8 There$ore they sent and gathered to themsel!es all the lords o$ the <hilistines% and said% .>hat shall we
do with the ar' o$ the God o$ IsraelC. +nd they answered% ./et the ar' o$ the God o$ Israel be arried away to
Gath". ,o they arried the ar' o$ the God o$ Israel away"
1,a 1:9 ,o it was% a$ter they had arried it away% that the hand o$ the /8:2 was against the ity with a !ery
great destr#tion& and He str#' the men o$ the ity% both small and great% and t#mors bro'e o#t on them"
1,a 1:15 There$ore they sent the ar' o$ God to 6'ron" ,o it was% as the ar' o$ God ame to 6'ron% that the
6'ronites ried o#t% saying% .They ha!e bro#ght the ar' o$ the God o$ Israel to #s% to 'ill #s and o#r *eo*leF.
1,a 1:11 ,o they sent and gathered together all the lords o$ the <hilistines% and said% .,end away the ar' o$ the
God o$ Israel% and let it go ba' to its own *lae% so that it does not 'ill #s and o#r *eo*le". ;or there was a
deadly destr#tion thro#gho#t all the ity& the hand o$ God was !ery hea!y there"
1,a 1:12 +nd the men who did not die were stri'en with the t#mors% and the ry o$ the ity went #* to hea!en"
1,a 3:1 Now the ar' o$ the /8:2 was in the o#ntry o$ the <hilistines se!en months"
1,a 3:2 +nd the <hilistines alled $or the *riests and the di!iners% saying% .>hat shall we do with the ar' o$ the
/8:2C Tell #s how we sho#ld send it to its *lae".
1,a 3:- ,o they said% .I$ yo# send away the ar' o$ the God o$ Israel% do not send it em*ty& b#t by all means
ret#rn (it) to Him (with) a tres*ass o$$ering" Then yo# will be healed% and it will be 'nown to yo# why His hand is
not remo!ed $rom yo#".
1,a 3:0 Then they said% .>hat (is) the tres*ass o$$ering whih we shall ret#rn to HimC. They answered% .;i!e
golden t#mors and $i!e golden rats% (aording to) the n#mber o$ the lords o$ the <hilistines" ;or the same *lag#e
(was) on all o$ yo# and on yo#r lords"
1,a 3:1 .There$ore yo# shall ma'e images o$ yo#r t#mors and images o$ yo#r rats that ra!age the land% and yo#
shall gi!e glory to the God o$ Israel& *erha*s He will lighten His hand $rom yo#% $rom yo#r gods% and $rom yo#r
1,a 3:3 .>hy then do yo# harden yo#r hearts as the 6gy*tians and <haraoh hardened their heartsC >hen He
did mighty things among them% did they not let the *eo*le go% that they might de*artC
1,a 3:4 .Now there$ore% ma'e a new art% ta'e two mil' ows whih ha!e ne!er been yo'ed% and hith the ows
to the art& and ta'e their al!es home% away $rom them"
1,a 3:8 .Then ta'e the ar' o$ the /8:2 and set it on the art& and *#t the artiles o$ gold whih yo# are
ret#rning to Him (as) a tres*ass o$$ering in a hest by its side" Then send it away% and let it go"
1,a 3:9 .+nd wath: i$ it goes #* the road to its own territory% to Beth ,hemesh% (then) He has done #s this great
e!il" B#t i$ not% then we shall 'now that (it is) not His hand (that) str#' #s DD it ha**ened to #s by hane".
1,a 3:15 Then the men did so& they too' two mil' ows and hithed them to the art% and sh#t #* their al!es at
1,a 3:11 +nd they set the ar' o$ the /8:2 on the art% and the hest with the gold rats and the images o$ their
1,a 3:12 Then the ows headed straight $or the road to Beth ,hemesh% (and) went along the highway% lowing as
they went% and did not t#rn aside to the right hand or the le$t" +nd the lords o$ the <hilistines went a$ter them to
the border o$ Beth ,hemesh"
1,a 3:1- Now (the *eo*le o$) Beth ,hemesh (were) rea*ing their wheat har!est in the !alley& and they li$ted
their eyes and saw the ar'% and re@oied to see (it")
1,a 3:10 Then the art ame into the $ield o$ Josh#a o$ Beth ,hemesh% and stood there& a large stone (was)
there" ,o they s*lit the wood o$ the art and o$$ered the ows as a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2"
1,a 3:11 The /e!ites too' down the ar' o$ the /8:2 and the hest that (was) with it% in whih (were) the artiles
o$ gold% and *#t (them) on the large stone" Then the men o$ Beth ,hemesh o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings and made
sari$ies the same day to the /8:2"
1,a 3:13 ,o when the $i!e lords o$ the <hilistines had seen (it%) they ret#rned to 6'ron the same day"
1,a 3:14 These (are) the golden t#mors whih the <hilistines ret#rned (as) a tres*ass o$$ering to the /8:2: one
$or +shdod% one $or GaHa% one $or +sh'elon% one $or Gath% one $or 6'ron&
1,a 3:18 and the golden rats% (aording to) the n#mber o$ all the ities o$ the <hilistines (belonging) to the $i!e
lords% (both) $orti$ied ities and o#ntry !illages% e!en as $ar as the large (stone o$) +bel on whih they set the ar'
o$ the /8:2% (whih stone remains) to this day in the $ield o$ Josh#a o$ Beth ,hemesh"
1,a 3:19 Then He str#' the men o$ Beth ,hemesh% bea#se they had loo'ed into the ar' o$ the /8:2" He
str#' $i$ty tho#sand and se!enty men o$ the *eo*le% and the *eo*le lamented bea#se the /8:2 had str#' the
*eo*le with a great sla#ghter"
1,a 3:25 +nd the men o$ Beth ,hemesh said% .>ho is able to stand be$ore this holy /8:2 GodC +nd to whom
shall it go #* $rom #sC.
1,a 3:21 ,o they sent messengers to the inhabitants o$ Kir@ath Jearim% saying% .The <hilistines ha!e bro#ght
ba' the ar' o$ the /8:2& ome down (and) ta'e it #* with yo#".
1,a 4:1 Then the men o$ Kir@ath Jearim ame and too' the ar' o$ the /8:2% and bro#ght it into the ho#se o$
+binadab on the hill% and onserated 6leaHar his son to 'ee* the ar' o$ the /8:2"
1,a 4:2 ,o it was that the ar' remained in Kir@ath Jearim a long time& it was there twenty years" +nd all the
ho#se o$ Israel lamented a$ter the /8:2"
1,a 4:- Then ,am#el s*o'e to all the ho#se o$ Israel% saying% .I$ yo# ret#rn to the /8:2 with all yo#r hearts%
(then) *#t away the $oreign gods and the +shtoreths $rom among yo#% and *re*are yo#r hearts $or the /8:2%
and ser!e Him only& and He will deli!er yo# $rom the hand o$ the <hilistines".
1,a 4:0 ,o the hildren o$ Israel *#t away the Baals and the +shtoreths% and ser!ed the /8:2 only"
1,a 4:1 +nd ,am#el said% .Gather all Israel to ?iH*ah% and I will *ray to the /8:2 $or yo#".
1,a 4:3 ,o they gathered together at ?iH*ah% drew water% and *o#red (it) o#t be$ore the /8:2" +nd they $asted
that day% and said there% .>e ha!e sinned against the /8:2". +nd ,am#el @#dged the hildren o$ Israel at
1,a 4:4 Now when the <hilistines heard that the hildren o$ Israel had gathered together at ?iH*ah% the lords o$
the <hilistines went #* against Israel" +nd when the hildren o$ Israel heard (o$ it%) they were a$raid o$ the
1,a 4:8 ,o the hildren o$ Israel said to ,am#el% .2o not ease to ry o#t to the /8:2 o#r God $or #s% that He
may sa!e #s $rom the hand o$ the <hilistines".
1,a 4:9 +nd ,am#el too' a s#'ling lamb and o$$ered (it as) a whole b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2" Then ,am#el
ried o#t to the /8:2 $or Israel% and the /8:2 answered him"
1,a 4:15 Now as ,am#el was o$$ering #* the b#rnt o$$ering% the <hilistines drew near to battle against Israel"
B#t the /8:2 th#ndered with a lo#d th#nder #*on the <hilistines that day% and so on$#sed them that they were
o!erome be$ore Israel"
1,a 4:11 +nd the men o$ Israel went o#t o$ ?iH*ah and *#rs#ed the <hilistines% and dro!e them ba' as $ar as
below Beth =ar"
1,a 4:12 Then ,am#el too' a stone and set (it) #* between ?iH*ah and ,hen% and alled its name 6beneHer%
saying% .Th#s $ar the /8:2 has hel*ed #s".
1,a 4:1- ,o the <hilistines were s#bd#ed% and they did not ome anymore into the territory o$ Israel" +nd the
hand o$ the /8:2 was against the <hilistines all the days o$ ,am#el"
1,a 4:10 Then the ities whih the <hilistines had ta'en $rom Israel were restored to Israel% $rom 6'ron to Gath&
and Israel reo!ered its territory $rom the hands o$ the <hilistines" +lso there was *eae between Israel and the
1,a 4:11 +nd ,am#el @#dged Israel all the days o$ his li$e"
1,a 4:13 He went $rom year to year on a ir#it to Bethel% Gilgal% and ?iH*ah% and @#dged Israel in all those
1,a 4:14 B#t he always ret#rned to :amah% $or his home (was) there" There he @#dged Israel% and there he b#ilt
an altar to the /8:2"
1,a 8:1 Now it ame to *ass when ,am#el was old that he made his sons @#dges o!er Israel"
1,a 8:2 The name o$ his $irstborn was Joel% and the name o$ his seond% +bi@ah& (they were) @#dges in
1,a 8:- B#t his sons did not wal' in his ways& they t#rned aside a$ter dishonest gain% too' bribes% and *er!erted
1,a 8:0 Then all the elders o$ Israel gathered together and ame to ,am#el at :amah%
1,a 8:1 and said to him% ./oo'% yo# are old% and yo#r sons do not wal' in yo#r ways" Now ma'e #s a 'ing to
@#dge #s li'e all the nations".
1,a 8:3 B#t the thing dis*leased ,am#el when they said% .Gi!e #s a 'ing to @#dge #s". ,o ,am#el *rayed to the
1,a 8:4 +nd the /8:2 said to ,am#el% .Heed the !oie o$ the *eo*le in all that they say to yo#& $or they ha!e
not re@eted yo#% b#t they ha!e re@eted ?e% that I sho#ld not reign o!er them"
1,a 8:8 .+ording to all the wor's whih they ha!e done sine the day that I bro#ght them #* o#t o$ 6gy*t%
e!en to this day DD with whih they ha!e $orsa'en ?e and ser!ed other gods DD so they are doing to yo# also"
1,a 8:9 .Now there$ore% heed their !oie" Howe!er% yo# shall solemnly $orewarn them% and show them the
beha!ior o$ the 'ing who will reign o!er them".
1,a 8:15 ,o ,am#el told all the words o$ the /8:2 to the *eo*le who as'ed him $or a 'ing"
1,a 8:11 +nd he said% .This will be the beha!ior o$ the 'ing who will reign o!er yo#: He will ta'e yo#r sons and
a**oint (them) $or his own hariots and (to be) his horsemen% and (some) will r#n be$ore his hariots"
1,a 8:12 .He will a**oint a*tains o!er his tho#sands and a*tains o!er his $i$ties% (will set some) to *low his
gro#nd and rea* his har!est% and (some) to ma'e his wea*ons o$ war and eE#i*ment $or his hariots"
1,a 8:1- .He will ta'e yo#r da#ghters (to be) *er$#mers% oo's% and ba'ers"
1,a 8:10 .+nd he will ta'e the best o$ yo#r $ields% yo#r !ineyards% and yo#r oli!e gro!es% and gi!e (them) to his
1,a 8:11 .He will ta'e a tenth o$ yo#r grain and yo#r !intage% and gi!e it to his o$$iers and ser!ants"
1,a 8:13 .+nd he will ta'e yo#r male ser!ants% yo#r $emale ser!ants% yo#r $inest yo#ng men% and yo#r don'eys%
and *#t (them) to his wor'"
1,a 8:14 .He will ta'e a tenth o$ yo#r shee*" +nd yo# will be his ser!ants"
1,a 8:18 .+nd yo# will ry o#t in that day bea#se o$ yo#r 'ing whom yo# ha!e hosen $or yo#rsel!es% and the
/8:2 will not hear yo# in that day".
1,a 8:19 Ne!ertheless the *eo*le re$#sed to obey the !oie o$ ,am#el& and they said% .No% b#t we will ha!e a
'ing o!er #s%
1,a 8:25 that we also may be li'e all the nations% and that o#r 'ing may @#dge #s and go o#t be$ore #s and $ight
o#r battles".
1,a 8:21 +nd ,am#el heard all the words o$ the *eo*le% and he re*eated them in the hearing o$ the /8:2"
1,a 8:22 ,o the /8:2 said to ,am#el% .Heed their !oie% and ma'e them a 'ing". +nd ,am#el said to the men
o$ Israel% .6!ery man go to his ity".
1,a 9:1 There was a man o$ Ben@amin whose name (was) Kish the son o$ +biel% the son o$ Geror% the son o$
Behorath% the son o$ +*hiah% a Ben@amite% a mighty man o$ *ower"
1,a 9:2 +nd he had a hoie and handsome son whose name (was) ,a#l" (There was) not a more handsome
*erson than he among the hildren o$ Israel" ;rom his sho#lders #*ward (he was) taller than any o$ the *eo*le"
1,a 9:- Now the don'eys o$ Kish% ,a#lAs $ather% were lost" +nd Kish said to his son ,a#l% .<lease% ta'e one o$
the ser!ants with yo#% and arise% go and loo' $or the don'eys".
1,a 9:0 ,o he *assed thro#gh the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim and thro#gh the land o$ ,halisha% b#t they did not $ind
(them") Then they *assed thro#gh the land o$ ,haalim% and (they were) not (there") Then he *assed thro#gh the
land o$ the Ben@amites% b#t they did not $ind (them")
1,a 9:1 >hen they had ome to the land o$ G#*h% ,a#l said to his ser!ant who (was) with him% .=ome% let #s
ret#rn% lest my $ather ease (aring) abo#t the don'eys and beome worried abo#t #s".
1,a 9:3 +nd he said to him% ./oo' now% (there is) in this ity a man o$ God% and (he is) an honorable man& all that
he says s#rely omes to *ass" ,o let #s go there& *erha*s he an show #s the way that we sho#ld go".
1,a 9:4 Then ,a#l said to his ser!ant% .B#t loo'% (i$) we go% what shall we bring the manC ;or the bread in o#r
!essels is all gone% and (there is) no *resent to bring to the man o$ God" >hat do we ha!eC.
1,a 9:8 +nd the ser!ant answered ,a#l again and said% ./oo'% I ha!e here at hand one $o#rth o$ a she'el o$
sil!er" I will gi!e (that) to the man o$ God% to tell #s o#r way".
1,a 9:9 I;ormerly in Israel% when a man went to inE#ire o$ God% he s*o'e th#s: .=ome% let #s go to the seer.&
$or (he who is) now (alled) a *ro*het was $ormerly alled a seer"J
1,a 9:15 Then ,a#l said to his ser!ant% .>ell said& ome% let #s go". ,o they went to the ity where the man o$
God (was")
1,a 9:11 +s they went #* the hill to the ity% they met some yo#ng women going o#t to draw water% and said to
them% .Is the seer hereC.
1,a 9:12 +nd they answered them and said% .Bes% there he is% @#st ahead o$ yo#" H#rry now& $or today he ame
to this ity% bea#se there is a sari$ie o$ the *eo*le today on the high *lae"
1,a 9:1- .+s soon as yo# ome into the ity% yo# will s#rely $ind him be$ore he goes #* to the high *lae to eat"
;or the *eo*le will not eat #ntil he omes% bea#se he m#st bless the sari$ie& a$terward those who are in!ited
will eat" Now there$ore% go #*% $or abo#t this time yo# will $ind him".
1,a 9:10 ,o they went #* to the ity" +s they were oming into the ity% there was ,am#el% oming o#t toward
them on his way #* to the high *lae"
1,a 9:11 Now the /8:2 had told ,am#el in his ear the day be$ore ,a#l ame% saying%
1,a 9:13 .Tomorrow abo#t this time I will send yo# a man $rom the land o$ Ben@amin% and yo# shall anoint him
ommander o!er ?y *eo*le Israel% that he may sa!e ?y *eo*le $rom the hand o$ the <hilistines& $or I ha!e
loo'ed #*on ?y *eo*le% bea#se their ry has ome to me".
1,a 9:14 +nd when ,am#el saw ,a#l% the /8:2 said to him% .There he is% the man o$ whom I s*o'e to yo#"
This one shall reign o!er ?y *eo*le".
1,a 9:18 Then ,a#l drew near to ,am#el in the gate% and said% .<lease tell me% where (is) the seerAs ho#seC.
1,a 9:19 +nd ,am#el answered ,a#l and said% .I (am) the seer" Go #* be$ore me to the high *lae% $or yo#
shall eat with me today& and tomorrow I will let yo# go and will tell yo# all that (is) in yo#r heart"
1,a 9:25 .B#t as $or yo#r don'eys that were lost three days ago% do not be an9io#s abo#t them% $or they ha!e
been $o#nd" +nd on whom (is) all the desire o$ IsraelC (Is it) not on yo# and on all yo#r $atherAs ho#seC.
1,a 9:21 +nd ,a#l answered and said% .(+m) I not a Ben@amite% o$ the smallest o$ the tribes o$ Israel% and my
$amily the least o$ all the $amilies o$ the tribe o$ Ben@aminC >hy then do yo# s*ea' li'e this to meC.
1,a 9:22 Now ,am#el too' ,a#l and his ser!ant and bro#ght them into the hall% and had them sit in the *lae o$
honor among those who were in!ited& there (were) abo#t thirty *ersons"
1,a 9:2- +nd ,am#el said to the oo'% .Bring the *ortion whih I ga!e yo#% o$ whih I said to yo#% A,et it a*art"A .
1,a 9:20 ,o the oo' too' #* the thigh with its #**er *art and set (it) be$ore ,a#l" +nd (,am#el) said% .Here it is%
what was 'e*t ba'" (It) was set a*art $or yo#" 6at& $or #ntil this time it has been 'e*t $or yo#% sine I said I in!ited
the *eo*le". ,o ,a#l ate with ,am#el that day"
1,a 9:21 >hen they had ome down $rom the high *lae into the ity% (,am#el) s*o'e with ,a#l on the to* o$
the ho#se"
1,a 9:23 They arose early& and it was abo#t the dawning o$ the day that ,am#el alled to ,a#l on the to* o$ the
ho#se% saying% .Get #*% that I may send yo# on yo#r way". +nd ,a#l arose% and both o$ them went o#tside% he
and ,am#el"
1,a 9:24 +s they were going down to the o#ts'irts o$ the ity% ,am#el said to ,a#l% .Tell the ser!ant to go on
ahead o$ #s". +nd he went on" .B#t yo# stand here awhile% that I may anno#ne to yo# the word o$ God".
1,a 15:1 Then ,am#el too' a $las' o$ oil and *o#red (it) on his head% and 'issed him and said: .(Is it) not
bea#se the /8:2 has anointed yo# ommander o!er His inheritaneC
1,a 15:2 .>hen yo# ha!e de*arted $rom me today% yo# will $ind two men by :ahelAs tomb in the territory o$
Ben@amin at GelHah& and they will say to yo#% AThe don'eys whih yo# went to loo' $or ha!e been $o#nd" +nd
now yo#r $ather has eased aring abo#t the don'eys and is worrying abo#t yo#% saying% .>hat shall I do abo#t
my sonC. A
1,a 15:- .Then yo# shall go on $orward $rom there and ome to the terebinth tree o$ Tabor" There three men
going #* to God at Bethel will meet yo#% one arrying three yo#ng goats% another arrying three loa!es o$ bread%
and another arrying a s'in o$ wine"
1,a 15:0 .+nd they will greet yo# and gi!e yo# two (loa!es) o$ bread% whih yo# shall reei!e $rom their hands"
1,a 15:1 .+$ter that yo# shall ome to the hill o$ God where the <hilistine garrison (is") +nd it will ha**en% when
yo# ha!e ome there to the ity% that yo# will meet a gro#* o$ *ro*hets oming down $rom the high *lae with a
stringed instr#ment% a tambo#rine% a $l#te% and a har* be$ore them& and they will be *ro*hesying"
1,a 15:3 .Then the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 will ome #*on yo#% and yo# will *ro*hesy with them and be t#rned into
another man"
1,a 15:4 .+nd let it be% when these signs ome to yo#% (that) yo# do as the oasion demands& $or God (is) with
1,a 15:8 .Bo# shall go down be$ore me to Gilgal& and s#rely I will ome down to yo# to o$$er b#rnt o$$erings
(and) ma'e sari$ies o$ *eae o$$erings" ,e!en days yo# shall wait% till I ome to yo# and show yo# what yo#
sho#ld do".
1,a 15:9 ,o it was% when he had t#rned his ba' to go $rom ,am#el% that God ga!e him another heart& and all
those signs ame to *ass that day"
1,a 15:15 >hen they ame there to the hill% there was a gro#* o$ *ro*hets to meet him& then the ,*irit o$ God
ame #*on him% and he *ro*hesied among them"
1,a 15:11 +nd it ha**ened% when all who 'new him $ormerly saw that he indeed *ro*hesied among the
*ro*hets% that the *eo*le said to one another% .>hat (is) this (that) has ome #*on the son o$ KishC (Is) ,a#l also
among the *ro*hetsC.
1,a 15:12 Then a man $rom there answered and said% .B#t who (is) their $atherC. There$ore it beame a
*ro!erb: .(Is) ,a#l also among the *ro*hetsC.
1,a 15:1- +nd when he had $inished *ro*hesying% he went to the high *lae"
1,a 15:10 Then ,a#lAs #nle said to him and his ser!ant% .>here did yo# goC. ,o he said% .To loo' $or the
don'eys" >hen we saw that (they were) nowhere (to be $o#nd%) we went to ,am#el".
1,a 15:11 +nd ,a#lAs #nle said% .Tell me% *lease% what ,am#el said to yo#".
1,a 15:13 ,o ,a#l said to his #nle% .He told #s *lainly that the don'eys had been $o#nd". B#t abo#t the matter
o$ the 'ingdom% he did not tell him what ,am#el had said"
1,a 15:14 Then ,am#el alled the *eo*le together to the /8:2 at ?iH*ah%
1,a 15:18 and said to the hildren o$ Israel% .Th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: AI bro#ght #* Israel o#t o$
6gy*t% and deli!ered yo# $rom the hand o$ the 6gy*tians (and) $rom the hand o$ all 'ingdoms and $rom those who
o**ressed yo#"A
1,a 15:19 .B#t yo# ha!e today re@eted yo#r God% who Himsel$ sa!ed yo# $rom all yo#r ad!ersities and yo#r
trib#lations& and yo# ha!e said to Him% ANo% set a 'ing o!er #sFA Now there$ore% *resent yo#rsel!es be$ore the
/8:2 by yo#r tribes and by yo#r lans".
1,a 15:25 +nd when ,am#el had a#sed all the tribes o$ Israel to ome near% the tribe o$ Ben@amin was hosen"
1,a 15:21 >hen he had a#sed the tribe o$ Ben@amin to ome near by their $amilies% the $amily o$ ?atri was
hosen" +nd ,a#l the son o$ Kish was hosen" B#t when they so#ght him% he o#ld not be $o#nd"
1,a 15:22 There$ore they inE#ired o$ the /8:2 $#rther% .Has the man ome here yetC. +nd the /8:2
answered% .There he is% hidden among the eE#i*ment".
1,a 15:2- ,o they ran and bro#ght him $rom there& and when he stood among the *eo*le% he was taller than
any o$ the *eo*le $rom his sho#lders #*ward"
1,a 15:20 +nd ,am#el said to all the *eo*le% .2o yo# see him whom the /8:2 has hosen% that (there is) no
one li'e him among all the *eo*leC. ,o all the *eo*le sho#ted and said% ./ong li!e the 'ingF.
1,a 15:21 Then ,am#el e9*lained to the *eo*le the beha!ior o$ royalty% and wrote (it) in a boo' and laid (it) #*
be$ore the /8:2" +nd ,am#el sent all the *eo*le away% e!ery man to his ho#se"
1,a 15:23 +nd ,a#l also went home to Gibeah& and !aliant (men) went with him% whose hearts God had
1,a 15:24 B#t some rebels said% .How an this man sa!e #sC. ,o they des*ised him% and bro#ght him no
*resents" B#t he held his *eae"
1,a 11:1 Then Nahash the +mmonite ame #* and enam*ed against Jabesh Gilead& and all the men o$
Jabesh said to Nahash% .?a'e a o!enant with #s% and we will ser!e yo#".
1,a 11:2 +nd Nahash the +mmonite answered them% .8n this (ondition) I will ma'e (a o!enant) with yo#% that
I may *#t o#t all yo#r right eyes% and bring re*roah on all Israel".
1,a 11:- Then the elders o$ Jabesh said to him% .Hold o$$ $or se!en days% that we may send messengers to all
the territory o$ Israel" +nd then% i$ (there is) no one to sa!e #s% we will ome o#t to yo#".
1,a 11:0 ,o the messengers ame to Gibeah o$ ,a#l and told the news in the hearing o$ the *eo*le" +nd all the
*eo*le li$ted #* their !oies and we*t"
1,a 11:1 Now there was ,a#l% oming behind the herd $rom the $ield& and ,a#l said% .>hat (tro#bles) the
*eo*le% that they wee*C. +nd they told him the words o$ the men o$ Jabesh"
1,a 11:3 Then the ,*irit o$ God ame #*on ,a#l when he heard this news% and his anger was greatly aro#sed"
1,a 11:4 ,o he too' a yo'e o$ o9en and #t them in *iees% and sent (them) thro#gho#t all the territory o$ Israel
by the hands o$ messengers% saying% .>hoe!er does not go o#t with ,a#l and ,am#el to battle% so it shall be
done to his o9en". +nd the $ear o$ the /8:2 $ell on the *eo*le% and they ame o#t with one onsent"
1,a 11:8 >hen he n#mbered them in BeHe'% the hildren o$ Israel were three h#ndred tho#sand% and the men
o$ J#dah thirty tho#sand"
1,a 11:9 +nd they said to the messengers who ame% .Th#s yo# shall say to the men o$ Jabesh Gilead:
ATomorrow% by (the time) the s#n is hot% yo# shall ha!e hel*"A . Then the messengers ame and re*orted (it) to the
men o$ Jabesh% and they were glad"
1,a 11:15 There$ore the men o$ Jabesh said% .Tomorrow we will ome o#t to yo#% and yo# may do with #s
whate!er seems good to yo#".
1,a 11:11 ,o it was% on the ne9t day% that ,a#l *#t the *eo*le in three om*anies& and they ame into the midst
o$ the am* in the morning wath% and 'illed +mmonites #ntil the heat o$ the day" +nd it ha**ened that those
who s#r!i!ed were sattered% so that no two o$ them were le$t together"
1,a 11:12 Then the *eo*le said to ,am#el% .>ho (is) he who said% A,hall ,a#l reign o!er #sCA Bring the men%
that we may *#t them to death".
1,a 11:1- B#t ,a#l said% .Not a man shall be *#t to death this day% $or today the /8:2 has aom*lished
sal!ation in Israel".
1,a 11:10 Then ,am#el said to the *eo*le% .=ome% let #s go to Gilgal and renew the 'ingdom there".
1,a 11:11 ,o all the *eo*le went to Gilgal% and there they made ,a#l 'ing be$ore the /8:2 in Gilgal" There
they made sari$ies o$ *eae o$$erings be$ore the /8:2% and there ,a#l and all the men o$ Israel re@oied
1,a 12:1 Now ,am#el said to all Israel: .Indeed I ha!e heeded yo#r !oie in all that yo# said to me% and ha!e
made a 'ing o!er yo#"
1,a 12:2 .+nd now here is the 'ing% wal'ing be$ore yo#& and I am old and grayheaded% and loo'% my sons (are)
with yo#" I ha!e wal'ed be$ore yo# $rom my hildhood to this day"
1,a 12:- .Here I am" >itness against me be$ore the /8:2 and be$ore His anointed: >hose o9 ha!e I ta'en% or
whose don'ey ha!e I ta'en% or whom ha!e I heatedC >hom ha!e I o**ressed% or $rom whose hand ha!e I
reei!ed (any) bribe with whih to blind my eyesC I will restore (it) to yo#".
1,a 12:0 +nd they said% .Bo# ha!e not heated #s or o**ressed #s% nor ha!e yo# ta'en anything $rom any
manAs hand".
1,a 12:1 Then he said to them% .The /8:2 (is) witness against yo#% and His anointed (is) witness this day% that
yo# ha!e not $o#nd anything in my hand". +nd they answered% .(He is) witness".
1,a 12:3 Then ,am#el said to the *eo*le% .(It is) the /8:2 who raised #* ?oses and +aron% and who bro#ght
yo#r $athers #* $rom the land o$ 6gy*t"
1,a 12:4 .Now there$ore% stand still% that I may reason with yo# be$ore the /8:2 onerning all the righteo#s
ats o$ the /8:2 whih He did to yo# and yo#r $athers:
1,a 12:8 .>hen Jaob had gone into 6gy*t% and yo#r $athers ried o#t to the /8:2% then the /8:2 sent
?oses and +aron% who bro#ght yo#r $athers o#t o$ 6gy*t and made them dwell in this *lae"
1,a 12:9 .+nd when they $orgot the /8:2 their God% He sold them into the hand o$ ,isera% ommander o$ the
army o$ HaHor% into the hand o$ the <hilistines% and into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ ?oab& and they $o#ght against
1,a 12:15 .Then they ried o#t to the /8:2% and said% A>e ha!e sinned% bea#se we ha!e $orsa'en the /8:2
and ser!ed the Baals and +shtoreths& b#t now deli!er #s $rom the hand o$ o#r enemies% and we will ser!e Bo#"A
1,a 12:11 .+nd the /8:2 sent Jer#bbaal% Bedan% Je*hthah% and ,am#el% and deli!ered yo# o#t o$ the hand o$
yo#r enemies on e!ery side& and yo# dwelt in sa$ety"
1,a 12:12 .+nd when yo# saw that Nahash 'ing o$ the +mmonites ame against yo#% yo# said to me% ANo% b#t a
'ing shall reign o!er #s%A when the /8:2 yo#r God (was) yo#r 'ing"
1,a 12:1- .Now there$ore% here is the 'ing whom yo# ha!e hosen (and) whom yo# ha!e desired" +nd ta'e
note% the /8:2 has set a 'ing o!er yo#"
1,a 12:10 .I$ yo# $ear the /8:2 and ser!e Him and obey His !oie% and do not rebel against the
ommandment o$ the /8:2% then both yo# and the 'ing who reigns o!er yo# will ontin#e $ollowing the /8:2
yo#r God"
1,a 12:11 .Howe!er% i$ yo# do not obey the !oie o$ the /8:2% b#t rebel against the ommandment o$ the
/8:2% then the hand o$ the /8:2 will be against yo#% as (it was) against yo#r $athers"
1,a 12:13 . Now there$ore% stand and see this great thing whih the /8:2 will do be$ore yo#r eyes:
1,a 12:14 .(Is) today not the wheat har!estC I will all to the /8:2% and He will send th#nder and rain% that yo#
may *erei!e and see that yo#r wi'edness (is) great% whih yo# ha!e done in the sight o$ the /8:2% in as'ing a
'ing $or yo#rsel!es".
1,a 12:18 ,o ,am#el alled to the /8:2% and the /8:2 sent th#nder and rain that day& and all the *eo*le
greatly $eared the /8:2 and ,am#el"
1,a 12:19 +nd all the *eo*le said to ,am#el% .<ray $or yo#r ser!ants to the /8:2 yo#r God% that we may not
die& $or we ha!e added to all o#r sins the e!il o$ as'ing a 'ing $or o#rsel!es".
1,a 12:25 Then ,am#el said to the *eo*le% .2o not $ear" Bo# ha!e done all this wi'edness& yet do not t#rn
aside $rom $ollowing the /8:2% b#t ser!e the /8:2 with all yo#r heart"
1,a 12:21 .+nd do not t#rn aside& $or (then yo# wo#ld go) a$ter em*ty things whih annot *ro$it or deli!er% $or
they (are) nothing"
1,a 12:22 .;or the /8:2 will not $orsa'e His *eo*le% $or His great nameAs sa'e% bea#se it has *leased the
/8:2 to ma'e yo# His *eo*le"
1,a 12:2- .?oreo!er% as $or me% $ar be it $rom me that I sho#ld sin against the /8:2 in easing to *ray $or yo#&
b#t I will teah yo# the good and the right way"
1,a 12:20 .8nly $ear the /8:2% and ser!e Him in tr#th with all yo#r heart& $or onsider what great things He has
done $or yo#"
1,a 12:21 .B#t i$ yo# still do wi'edly% yo# shall be swe*t away% both yo# and yo#r 'ing".
1,a 1-:1 ,a#l reigned one year& and when he had reigned two years o!er Israel%
1,a 1-:2 ,a#l hose $or himsel$ three tho#sand (men) o$ Israel" Two tho#sand were with ,a#l in ?ihmash and
in the mo#ntains o$ Bethel% and a tho#sand were with Jonathan in Gibeah o$ Ben@amin" The rest o$ the *eo*le he
sent away% e!ery man to his tent"
1,a 1-:- +nd Jonathan atta'ed the garrison o$ the <hilistines that (was) in Geba% and the <hilistines heard (o$
it") Then ,a#l blew the tr#m*et thro#gho#t all the land% saying% ./et the Hebrews hearF.
1,a 1-:0 Now all Israel heard it said (that) ,a#l had atta'ed a garrison o$ the <hilistines% and (that) Israel had
also beome an abomination to the <hilistines" +nd the *eo*le were alled together to ,a#l at Gilgal"
1,a 1-:1 Then the <hilistines gathered together to $ight with Israel% thirty tho#sand hariots and si9 tho#sand
horsemen% and *eo*le as the sand whih (is) on the seashore in m#ltit#de" +nd they ame #* and enam*ed in
?ihmash% to the east o$ Beth +!en"
1,a 1-:3 >hen the men o$ Israel saw that they were in danger I$or the *eo*le were distressedJ% then the *eo*le
hid in a!es% in thi'ets% in ro's% in holes% and in *its"
1,a 1-:4 +nd (some o$) the Hebrews rossed o!er the Jordan to the land o$ Gad and Gilead" +s $or ,a#l% he
(was) still in Gilgal% and all the *eo*le $ollowed him trembling"
1,a 1-:8 Then he waited se!en days% aording to the time set by ,am#el" B#t ,am#el did not ome to Gilgal&
and the *eo*le were sattered $rom him"
1,a 1-:9 ,o ,a#l said% .Bring a b#rnt o$$ering and *eae o$$erings here to me". +nd he o$$ered the b#rnt
1,a 1-:15 Now it ha**ened% as soon as he had $inished *resenting the b#rnt o$$ering% that ,am#el ame& and
,a#l went o#t to meet him% that he might greet him"
1,a 1-:11 +nd ,am#el said% .>hat ha!e yo# doneC. +nd ,a#l said% .>hen I saw that the *eo*le were
sattered $rom me% and (that) yo# did not ome within the days a**ointed% and (that) the <hilistines gathered
together at ?ihmash%
1,a 1-:12 .then I said% AThe <hilistines will now ome down on me at Gilgal% and I ha!e not made s#**liation to
the /8:2"A There$ore I $elt om*elled% and o$$ered a b#rnt o$$ering".
1,a 1-:1- +nd ,am#el said to ,a#l% .Bo# ha!e done $oolishly" Bo# ha!e not 'e*t the ommandment o$ the
/8:2 yo#r God% whih He ommanded yo#" ;or now the /8:2 wo#ld ha!e established yo#r 'ingdom o!er
Israel $ore!er"
1,a 1-:10 .B#t now yo#r 'ingdom shall not ontin#e" The /8:2 has so#ght $or Himsel$ a man a$ter His own
heart% and the /8:2 has ommanded him (to be) ommander o!er His *eo*le% bea#se yo# ha!e not 'e*t what
the /8:2 ommanded yo#".
1,a 1-:11 Then ,am#el arose and went #* $rom Gilgal to Gibeah o$ Ben@amin" +nd ,a#l n#mbered the *eo*le
*resent with him% abo#t si9 h#ndred men"
1,a 1-:13 ,a#l% Jonathan his son% and the *eo*le *resent with them remained in Gibeah o$ Ben@amin" B#t the
<hilistines enam*ed in ?ihmash"
1,a 1-:14 Then raiders ame o#t o$ the am* o$ the <hilistines in three om*anies" 8ne om*any t#rned to the
road to 8*hrah% to the land o$ ,h#al%
1,a 1-:18 another om*any t#rned to the road (to) Beth Horon% and another om*any t#rned (to) the road o$ the
border that o!erloo's the Valley o$ Geboim toward the wilderness"
1,a 1-:19 Now there was no bla'smith to be $o#nd thro#gho#t all the land o$ Israel% $or the <hilistines said%
./est the Hebrews ma'e swords or s*ears".
1,a 1-:25 B#t all the Israelites wo#ld go down to the <hilistines to shar*en eah manAs *lowshare% his matto'%
his a9% and his si'le&
1,a 1-:21 and the harge $or a shar*ening was a *im $or the *lowshares% the matto's% the $or's% and the a9es%
and to set the *oints o$ the goads"
1,a 1-:22 ,o it ame abo#t% on the day o$ battle% that there was neither sword nor s*ear $o#nd in the hand o$
any o$ the *eo*le who (were) with ,a#l and Jonathan" B#t they were $o#nd with ,a#l and Jonathan his son"
1,a 1-:2- +nd the garrison o$ the <hilistines went o#t to the *ass o$ ?ihmash"
1,a 10:1 Now it ha**ened one day that Jonathan the son o$ ,a#l said to the yo#ng man who bore his armor%
.=ome% let #s go o!er to the <hilistinesA garrison that (is) on the other side". B#t he did not tell his $ather"
1,a 10:2 +nd ,a#l was sitting in the o#ts'irts o$ Gibeah #nder a *omegranate tree whih (is) in ?igron" The
*eo*le who (were) with him (were) abo#t si9 h#ndred men"
1,a 10:- +hi@ah the son o$ +hit#b% IhabodAs brother% the son o$ <hinehas% the son o$ 6li% the /8:2As *riest in
,hiloh% was wearing an e*hod" B#t the *eo*le did not 'now that Jonathan had gone"
1,a 10:0 Between the *asses% by whih Jonathan so#ght to go o!er to the <hilistinesA garrison% (there was) a
shar* ro' on one side and a shar* ro' on the other side" +nd the name o$ one (was) BoHeH% and the name o$
the other ,eneh"
1,a 10:1 The $ront o$ one $aed northward o**osite ?ihmash% and the other so#thward o**osite Gibeah"
1,a 10:3 Then Jonathan said to the yo#ng man who bore his armor% .=ome% let #s go o!er to the garrison o$
these #nir#mised& it may be that the /8:2 will wor' $or #s" ;or nothing restrains the /8:2 $rom sa!ing by
many or by $ew".
1,a 10:4 ,o his armorbearer said to him% .2o all that is in yo#r heart" Go then& here I am with yo#% aording to
yo#r heart".
1,a 10:8 Then Jonathan said% .Very well% let #s ross o!er to (these) men% and we will show o#rsel!es to them"
1,a 10:9 .I$ they say th#s to #s% A>ait #ntil we ome to yo#%A then we will stand still in o#r *lae and not go #* to
1,a 10:15 .B#t i$ they say th#s% A=ome #* to #s%A then we will go #*" ;or the /8:2 has deli!ered them into o#r
hand% and this (will be) a sign to #s".
1,a 10:11 ,o both o$ them showed themsel!es to the garrison o$ the <hilistines" +nd the <hilistines said% ./oo'%
the Hebrews are oming o#t o$ the holes where they ha!e hidden".
1,a 10:12 Then the men o$ the garrison alled to Jonathan and his armorbearer% and said% .=ome #* to #s% and
we will show yo# something". Jonathan said to his armorbearer% .=ome #* a$ter me% $or the /8:2 has deli!ered
them into the hand o$ Israel".
1,a 10:1- +nd Jonathan limbed #* on his hands and 'nees with his armorbearer a$ter him& and they $ell be$ore
Jonathan" +nd as he ame a$ter him% his armorbearer 'illed them"
1,a 10:10 That $irst sla#ghter whih Jonathan and his armorbearer made was abo#t twenty men within abo#t
hal$ an are o$ land"
1,a 10:11 +nd there was trembling in the am*% in the $ield% and among all the *eo*le" The garrison and the
raiders also trembled& and the earth E#a'ed% so that it was a !ery great trembling"
1,a 10:13 Now the wathmen o$ ,a#l in Gibeah o$ Ben@amin loo'ed% and (there) was the m#ltit#de% melting
away& and they went here and there"
1,a 10:14 Then ,a#l said to the *eo*le who (were) with him% .Now all the roll and see who has gone $rom #s".
+nd when they had alled the roll% s#r*risingly% Jonathan and his armorbearer (were) not (there")
1,a 10:18 +nd ,a#l said to +hi@ah% .Bring the ar' o$ God here. I$or at that time the ar' o$ God was with the
hildren o$ IsraelJ"
1,a 10:19 Now it ha**ened% while ,a#l tal'ed to the *riest% that the noise whih (was) in the am* o$ the
<hilistines ontin#ed to inrease& so ,a#l said to the *riest% .>ithdraw yo#r hand".
1,a 10:25 Then ,a#l and all the *eo*le who (were) with him assembled% and they went to the battle& and indeed
e!ery manAs sword was against his neighbor% (and there was) !ery great on$#sion"
1,a 10:21 ?oreo!er the Hebrews (who) were with the <hilistines be$ore that time% who went #* with them into
the am* ($rom the) s#rro#nding (o#ntry%) they also @oined the Israelites who (were) with ,a#l and Jonathan"
1,a 10:22 /i'ewise all the men o$ Israel who had hidden in the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% (when) they heard that
the <hilistines $led% they also $ollowed hard a$ter them in the battle"
1,a 10:2- ,o the /8:2 sa!ed Israel that day% and the battle shi$ted to Beth +!en"
1,a 10:20 +nd the men o$ Israel were distressed that day% $or ,a#l had *laed the *eo*le #nder oath% saying%
.=#rsed (is) the man who eats (any) $ood #ntil e!ening% be$ore I ha!e ta'en !engeane on my enemies". ,o none
o$ the *eo*le tasted $ood"
1,a 10:21 Now all (the *eo*le) o$ the land ame to a $orest& and there was honey on the gro#nd"
1,a 10:23 +nd when the *eo*le had ome into the woods% there was the honey% dri**ing& b#t no one *#t his
hand to his mo#th% $or the *eo*le $eared the oath"
1,a 10:24 B#t Jonathan had not heard his $ather harge the *eo*le with the oath& there$ore he strethed o#t the
end o$ the rod that (was) in his hand and di**ed it in a honeyomb% and *#t his hand to his mo#th& and his
o#ntenane brightened"
1,a 10:28 Then one o$ the *eo*le said% .Bo#r $ather stritly harged the *eo*le with an oath% saying% A=#rsed
(is) the man who eats $ood this day"A . +nd the *eo*le were $aint"
1,a 10:29 B#t Jonathan said% .?y $ather has tro#bled the land" /oo' now% how my o#ntenane has brightened
bea#se I tasted a little o$ this honey"
1,a 10:-5 .How m#h better i$ the *eo*le had eaten $reely today o$ the s*oil o$ their enemies whih they $o#ndF
;or now wo#ld there not ha!e been a m#h greater sla#ghter among the <hilistinesC.
1,a 10:-1 Now they had dri!en ba' the <hilistines that day $rom ?ihmash to +i@alon" ,o the *eo*le were !ery
1,a 10:-2 +nd the *eo*le r#shed on the s*oil% and too' shee*% o9en% and al!es% and sla#ghtered (them) on the
gro#nd& and the *eo*le ate (them) with the blood"
1,a 10:-- Then they told ,a#l% saying% ./oo'% the *eo*le are sinning against the /8:2 by eating with the
bloodF. ,o he said% .Bo# ha!e dealt treahero#sly& roll a large stone to me this day".
1,a 10:-0 +nd ,a#l said% .2is*erse yo#rsel!es among the *eo*le% and say to them% ABring me here e!ery manAs
o9 and e!ery manAs shee*% sla#ghter (them) here% and eat& and do not sin against the /8:2 by eating with the
blood"A . ,o e!ery one o$ the *eo*le bro#ght his o9 with him that night% and sla#ghtered (it) there"
1,a 10:-1 Then ,a#l b#ilt an altar to the /8:2" This was the $irst altar that he b#ilt to the /8:2"
1,a 10:-3 Now ,a#l said% ./et #s go down a$ter the <hilistines by night% and *l#nder them #ntil the morning
light& and let #s not lea!e a man o$ them". +nd they said% .2o whate!er seems good to yo#". Then the *riest
said% ./et #s draw near to God here".
1,a 10:-4 ,o ,a#l as'ed o#nsel o$ God% .,hall I go down a$ter the <hilistinesC >ill Bo# deli!er them into the
hand o$ IsraelC. B#t He did not answer him that day"
1,a 10:-8 +nd ,a#l said% .=ome o!er here% all yo# hie$s o$ the *eo*le% and 'now and see what this sin was
1,a 10:-9 .;or (as) the /8:2 li!es% who sa!es Israel% tho#gh it be in Jonathan my son% he shall s#rely die". B#t
not a man among all the *eo*le answered him"
1,a 10:05 Then he said to all Israel% .Bo# be on one side% and my son Jonathan and I will be on the other side".
+nd the *eo*le said to ,a#l% .2o what seems good to yo#".
1,a 10:01 There$ore ,a#l said to the /8:2 God o$ Israel% .Gi!e a *er$et (lot".) ,o ,a#l and Jonathan were
ta'en% b#t the *eo*le esa*ed"
1,a 10:02 +nd ,a#l said% .=ast (lots) between my son Jonathan and me". ,o Jonathan was ta'en"
1,a 10:0- Then ,a#l said to Jonathan% .Tell me what yo# ha!e done". +nd Jonathan told him% and said% .I only
tasted a little honey with the end o$ the rod that (was) in my hand" ,o now I m#st dieF.
1,a 10:00 +nd ,a#l answered% .God do so and more also& $or yo# shall s#rely die% Jonathan".
1,a 10:01 B#t the *eo*le said to ,a#l% .,hall Jonathan die% who has aom*lished this great deli!erane in
IsraelC =ertainly notF (+s) the /8:2 li!es% not one hair o$ his head shall $all to the gro#nd% $or he has wor'ed with
God this day". ,o the *eo*le res#ed Jonathan% and he did not die"
1,a 10:03 Then ,a#l ret#rned $rom *#rs#ing the <hilistines% and the <hilistines went to their own *lae"
1,a 10:04 ,o ,a#l established his so!ereignty o!er Israel% and $o#ght against all his enemies on e!ery side%
against ?oab% against the *eo*le o$ +mmon% against 6dom% against the 'ings o$ Gobah% and against the
<hilistines" >here!er he t#rned% he harassed (them")
1,a 10:08 +nd he gathered an army and atta'ed the +male'ites% and deli!ered Israel $rom the hands o$ those
who *l#ndered them"
1,a 10:09 The sons o$ ,a#l were Jonathan% Jish#i and ?alhish#a" +nd the names o$ his two da#ghters (were
these:) the name o$ the $irstborn ?erab% and the name o$ the yo#nger ?ihal"
1,a 10:15 The name o$ ,a#lAs wi$e (was) +hinoam the da#ghter o$ +himaaH" +nd the name o$ the ommander
o$ his army (was) +bner the son o$ Ner% ,a#lAs #nle"
1,a 10:11 Kish (was) the $ather o$ ,a#l% and Ner the $ather o$ +bner (was) the son o$ +biel"
1,a 10:12 Now there was $iere war with the <hilistines all the days o$ ,a#l" +nd when ,a#l saw any strong
man or any !aliant man% he too' him $or himsel$"
1,a 11:1 ,am#el also said to ,a#l% .The /8:2 sent me to anoint yo# 'ing o!er His *eo*le% o!er Israel" Now
there$ore% heed the !oie o$ the words o$ the /8:2"
1,a 11:2 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: AI will *#nish +male' ($or) what he did to Israel% how he amb#shed him
on the way when he ame #* $rom 6gy*t"
1,a 11:- ANow go and atta' +male'% and #tterly destroy all that they ha!e% and do not s*are them" B#t 'ill both
man and woman% in$ant and n#rsing hild% o9 and shee*% amel and don'ey"A .
1,a 11:0 ,o ,a#l gathered the *eo*le together and n#mbered them in Telaim% two h#ndred tho#sand $oot
soldiers and ten tho#sand men o$ J#dah"
1,a 11:1 +nd ,a#l ame to a ity o$ +male'% and lay in wait in the !alley"
1,a 11:3 Then ,a#l said to the Kenites% .Go% de*art% get down $rom among the +male'ites% lest I destroy yo#
with them" ;or yo# showed 'indness to all the hildren o$ Israel when they ame #* o#t o$ 6gy*t". ,o the Kenites
de*arted $rom among the +male'ites"
1,a 11:4 +nd ,a#l atta'ed the +male'ites% $rom Ha!ilah all the way to ,h#r% whih is east o$ 6gy*t"
1,a 11:8 He also too' +gag 'ing o$ the +male'ites ali!e% and #tterly destroyed all the *eo*le with the edge o$
the sword"
1,a 11:9 B#t ,a#l and the *eo*le s*ared +gag and the best o$ the shee*% the o9en% the $atlings% the lambs% and
all (that was) good% and were #nwilling to #tterly destroy them" B#t e!erything des*ised and worthless% that they
#tterly destroyed"
1,a 11:15 Now the word o$ the /8:2 ame to ,am#el% saying%
1,a 11:11 .I greatly regret that I ha!e set #* ,a#l (as) 'ing% $or he has t#rned ba' $rom $ollowing ?e% and has
not *er$ormed ?y ommandments". +nd it grie!ed ,am#el% and he ried o#t to the /8:2 all night"
1,a 11:12 ,o when ,am#el rose early in the morning to meet ,a#l% it was told ,am#el% saying% .,a#l went to
=armel% and indeed% he set #* a mon#ment $or himsel$& and he has gone on aro#nd% *assed by% and gone down
to Gilgal".
1,a 11:1- Then ,am#el went to ,a#l% and ,a#l said to him% .Blessed (are) yo# o$ the /8:2F I ha!e *er$ormed
the ommandment o$ the /8:2".
1,a 11:10 B#t ,am#el said% .>hat then (is) this bleating o$ the shee* in my ears% and the lowing o$ the o9en
whih I hearC.
1,a 11:11 +nd ,a#l said% .They ha!e bro#ght them $rom the +male'ites& $or the *eo*le s*ared the best o$ the
shee* and the o9en% to sari$ie to the /8:2 yo#r God& and the rest we ha!e #tterly destroyed".
1,a 11:13 Then ,am#el said to ,a#l% .Be E#ietF +nd I will tell yo# what the /8:2 said to me last night". +nd he
said to him% .,*ea' on".
1,a 11:14 ,o ,am#el said% .>hen yo# (were) little in yo#r own eyes% (were) yo# not head o$ the tribes o$ IsraelC
+nd did not the /8:2 anoint yo# 'ing o!er IsraelC
1,a 11:18 .Now the /8:2 sent yo# on a mission% and said% AGo% and #tterly destroy the sinners% the
+male'ites% and $ight against them #ntil they are ons#med"A
1,a 11:19 .>hy then did yo# not obey the !oie o$ the /8:2C >hy did yo# swoo* down on the s*oil% and do
e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2C.
1,a 11:25 +nd ,a#l said to ,am#el% .B#t I ha!e obeyed the !oie o$ the /8:2% and gone on the mission on
whih the /8:2 sent me% and bro#ght ba' +gag 'ing o$ +male'& I ha!e #tterly destroyed the +male'ites"
1,a 11:21 .B#t the *eo*le too' o$ the *l#nder% shee* and o9en% the best o$ the things whih sho#ld ha!e been
#tterly destroyed% to sari$ie to the /8:2 yo#r God in Gilgal".
1,a 11:22 Then ,am#el said: .Has the /8:2 (as great) delight in b#rnt o$$erings and sari$ies% +s in obeying
the !oie o$ the /8:2C Behold% to obey is better than sari$ie% (+nd) to heed than the $at o$ rams"
1,a 11:2- ;or rebellion (is as) the sin o$ withra$t% +nd st#bbornness (is as) iniE#ity and idolatry" Bea#se yo#
ha!e re@eted the word o$ the /8:2% He also has re@eted yo# $rom (being) 'ing".
1,a 11:20 Then ,a#l said to ,am#el% .I ha!e sinned% $or I ha!e transgressed the ommandment o$ the /8:2
and yo#r words% bea#se I $eared the *eo*le and obeyed their !oie"
1,a 11:21 .Now there$ore% *lease *ardon my sin% and ret#rn with me% that I may worshi* the /8:2".
1,a 11:23 B#t ,am#el said to ,a#l% .I will not ret#rn with yo#% $or yo# ha!e re@eted the word o$ the /8:2% and
the /8:2 has re@eted yo# $rom being 'ing o!er Israel".
1,a 11:24 +nd as ,am#el t#rned aro#nd to go away% (,a#l) seiHed the edge o$ his robe% and it tore"
1,a 11:28 ,o ,am#el said to him% .The /8:2 has torn the 'ingdom o$ Israel $rom yo# today% and has gi!en it to
a neighbor o$ yo#rs% (who is) better than yo#"
1,a 11:29 .+nd also the ,trength o$ Israel will not lie nor relent" ;or He (is) not a man% that He sho#ld relent".
1,a 11:-5 Then he said% .I ha!e sinned& (yet) honor me now% *lease% be$ore the elders o$ my *eo*le and be$ore
Israel% and ret#rn with me% that I may worshi* the /8:2 yo#r God".
1,a 11:-1 ,o ,am#el t#rned ba' a$ter ,a#l% and ,a#l worshi*ed the /8:2"
1,a 11:-2 Then ,am#el said% .Bring +gag 'ing o$ the +male'ites here to me". ,o +gag ame to him a#tio#sly"
+nd +gag said% .,#rely the bitterness o$ death is *ast".
1,a 11:-- B#t ,am#el said% .+s yo#r sword has made women hildless% so shall yo#r mother be hildless
among women". +nd ,am#el ha'ed +gag in *iees be$ore the /8:2 in Gilgal"
1,a 11:-0 Then ,am#el went to :amah% and ,a#l went #* to his ho#se at Gibeah o$ ,a#l"
1,a 11:-1 +nd ,am#el went no more to see ,a#l #ntil the day o$ his death" Ne!ertheless ,am#el mo#rned $or
,a#l% and the /8:2 regretted that He had made ,a#l 'ing o!er Israel"
1,a 13:1 Now the /8:2 said to ,am#el% .How long will yo# mo#rn $or ,a#l% seeing I ha!e re@eted him $rom
reigning o!er IsraelC ;ill yo#r horn with oil% and go& I am sending yo# to Jesse the Bethlehemite" ;or I ha!e
*ro!ided ?ysel$ a 'ing among his sons".
1,a 13:2 +nd ,am#el said% .How an I goC I$ ,a#l hears (it%) he will 'ill me". +nd the /8:2 said% .Ta'e a hei$er
with yo#% and say% AI ha!e ome to sari$ie to the /8:2"A
1,a 13:- .Then in!ite Jesse to the sari$ie% and I will show yo# what yo# shall do& yo# shall anoint $or ?e the
one I name to yo#".
1,a 13:0 ,o ,am#el did what the /8:2 said% and went to Bethlehem" +nd the elders o$ the town trembled at
his oming% and said% .2o yo# ome *eaeablyC.
1,a 13:1 +nd he said% .<eaeably& I ha!e ome to sari$ie to the /8:2" ,anti$y yo#rsel!es% and ome with
me to the sari$ie". Then he onserated Jesse and his sons% and in!ited them to the sari$ie"
1,a 13:3 ,o it was% when they ame% that he loo'ed at 6liab and said% .,#rely the /8:2As anointed (is) be$ore
1,a 13:4 B#t the /8:2 said to ,am#el% .2o not loo' at his a**earane or at the height o$ his stat#re% bea#se I
ha!e re$#sed him" ;or (the) (/ord does) not (see) as man sees& $or man loo's at the o#tward a**earane% b#t the
/8:2 loo's at the heart".
1,a 13:8 ,o Jesse alled +binadab% and made him *ass be$ore ,am#el" +nd he said% .Neither has the /8:2
hosen this one".
1,a 13:9 Then Jesse made ,hammah *ass by" +nd he said% .Neither has the /8:2 hosen this one".
1,a 13:15 Th#s Jesse made se!en o$ his sons *ass be$ore ,am#el" +nd ,am#el said to Jesse% .The /8:2
has not hosen these".
1,a 13:11 +nd ,am#el said to Jesse% .+re all the yo#ng men hereC. Then he said% .There remains yet the
yo#ngest% and there he is% 'ee*ing the shee*". +nd ,am#el said to Jesse% .,end and bring him" ;or we will not
sit down till he omes here".
1,a 13:12 ,o he sent and bro#ght him in" Now he (was) r#ddy% with bright eyes% and goodDloo'ing" +nd the
/8:2 said% .+rise% anoint him& $or this (is) the oneF.
1,a 13:1- Then ,am#el too' the horn o$ oil and anointed him in the midst o$ his brothers& and the ,*irit o$ the
/8:2 ame #*on 2a!id $rom that day $orward" ,o ,am#el arose and went to :amah"
1,a 13:10 B#t the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 de*arted $rom ,a#l% and a distressing s*irit $rom the /8:2 tro#bled him"
1,a 13:11 +nd ,a#lAs ser!ants said to him% .,#rely% a distressing s*irit $rom God is tro#bling yo#"
1,a 13:13 ./et o#r master now ommand yo#r ser!ants% (who are) be$ore yo#% to see' o#t a man (who is) a
s'ill$#l *layer on the har*& and it shall be that he will *lay it with his hand when the distressing s*irit $rom God is
#*on yo#% and yo# shall be well".
1,a 13:14 ,o ,a#l said to his ser!ants% .<ro!ide me now a man who an *lay well% and bring (him) to me".
1,a 13:18 Then one o$ the ser!ants answered and said% ./oo'% I ha!e seen a son o$ Jesse the Bethlehemite%
(who is) s'ill$#l in *laying% a mighty man o$ !alor% a man o$ war% *r#dent in s*eeh% and a handsome *erson& and
the /8:2 (is) with him".
1,a 13:19 There$ore ,a#l sent messengers to Jesse% and said% .,end me yo#r son 2a!id% who (is) with the
1,a 13:25 +nd Jesse too' a don'ey (loaded with) bread% a s'in o$ wine% and a yo#ng goat% and sent (them) by
his son 2a!id to ,a#l"
1,a 13:21 ,o 2a!id ame to ,a#l and stood be$ore him" +nd he lo!ed him greatly% and he beame his
1,a 13:22 Then ,a#l sent to Jesse% saying% .<lease let 2a!id stand be$ore me% $or he has $o#nd $a!or in my
1,a 13:2- +nd so it was% whene!er the s*irit $rom God was #*on ,a#l% that 2a!id wo#ld ta'e a har* and *lay
(it) with his hand" Then ,a#l wo#ld beome re$reshed and well% and the distressing s*irit wo#ld de*art $rom him"
1,a 14:1 Now the <hilistines gathered their armies together to battle% and were gathered together at ,ohoh%
whih (belongs) to J#dah& they enam*ed between ,ohoh and +He'ah% in 6*hes 2ammim"
1,a 14:2 +nd ,a#l and the men o$ Israel were gathered together% and they enam*ed in the Valley o$ 6lah% and
drew #* in battle array against the <hilistines"
1,a 14:- The <hilistines stood on a mo#ntain on one side% and Israel stood on a mo#ntain on the other side%
with a !alley between them"
1,a 14:0 +nd a ham*ion went o#t $rom the am* o$ the <hilistines% named Goliath% $rom Gath% whose height
(was) si9 #bits and a s*an"
1,a 14:1 (He had) a bronHe helmet on his head% and he (was) armed with a oat o$ mail% and the weight o$ the
oat (was) $i!e tho#sand she'els o$ bronHe"
1,a 14:3 +nd (he had) bronHe armor on his legs and a bronHe @a!elin between his sho#lders"
1,a 14:4 Now the sta$$ o$ his s*ear (was) li'e a wea!erAs beam% and his iron s*earhead (weighed) si9 h#ndred
she'els& and a shieldDbearer went be$ore him"
1,a 14:8 Then he stood and ried o#t to the armies o$ Israel% and said to them% .>hy ha!e yo# ome o#t to line
#* $or battleC (+m) I not a <hilistine% and yo# the ser!ants o$ ,a#lC =hoose a man $or yo#rsel!es% and let him
ome down to me"
1,a 14:9 .I$ he is able to $ight with me and 'ill me% then we will be yo#r ser!ants" B#t i$ I *re!ail against him and
'ill him% then yo# shall be o#r ser!ants and ser!e #s".
1,a 14:15 +nd the <hilistine said% .I de$y the armies o$ Israel this day& gi!e me a man% that we may $ight
1,a 14:11 >hen ,a#l and all Israel heard these words o$ the <hilistine% they were dismayed and greatly a$raid"
1,a 14:12 Now 2a!id (was) the son o$ that 6*hrathite o$ Bethlehem J#dah% whose name (was) Jesse% and who
had eight sons" +nd the man was old% ad!aned (in years%) in the days o$ ,a#l"
1,a 14:1- The three oldest sons o$ Jesse had gone to $ollow ,a#l to the battle" The names o$ his three sons
who went to the battle (were) 6liab the $irstborn% ne9t to him +binadab% and the third ,hammah"
1,a 14:10 2a!id (was) the yo#ngest" +nd the three oldest $ollowed ,a#l"
1,a 14:11 B#t 2a!id oasionally went and ret#rned $rom ,a#l to $eed his $atherAs shee* at Bethlehem"
1,a 14:13 +nd the <hilistine drew near and *resented himsel$ $orty days% morning and e!ening"
1,a 14:14 Then Jesse said to his son 2a!id% .Ta'e now $or yo#r brothers an e*hah o$ this dried (grain) and
these ten loa!es% and r#n to yo#r brothers at the am*"
1,a 14:18 .+nd arry these ten heeses to the a*tain o$ (their) tho#sand% and see how yo#r brothers $are% and
bring ba' news o$ them".
1,a 14:19 Now ,a#l and they and all the men o$ Israel (were) in the Valley o$ 6lah% $ighting with the <hilistines"
1,a 14:25 ,o 2a!id rose early in the morning% le$t the shee* with a 'ee*er% and too' (the things) and went as
Jesse had ommanded him" +nd he ame to the am* as the army was going o#t to the $ight and sho#ting $or
the battle"
1,a 14:21 ;or Israel and the <hilistines had drawn #* in battle array% army against army"
1,a 14:22 +nd 2a!id le$t his s#**lies in the hand o$ the s#**ly 'ee*er% ran to the army% and ame and greeted
his brothers"
1,a 14:2- Then as he tal'ed with them% there was the ham*ion% the <hilistine o$ Gath% Goliath by name%
oming #* $rom the armies o$ the <hilistines& and he s*o'e aording to the same words" ,o 2a!id heard (them")
1,a 14:20 +nd all the men o$ Israel% when they saw the man% $led $rom him and were dread$#lly a$raid"
1,a 14:21 ,o the men o$ Israel said% .Ha!e yo# seen this man who has ome #*C ,#rely he has ome #* to
de$y Israel& and it shall be (that) the man who 'ills him the 'ing will enrih with great rihes% will gi!e him his
da#ghter% and gi!e his $atherAs ho#se e9em*tion ($rom ta9es) in Israel".
1,a 14:23 Then 2a!id s*o'e to the men who stood by him% saying% .>hat shall be done $or the man who 'ills
this <hilistine and ta'es away the re*roah $rom IsraelC ;or who (is) this #nir#mised <hilistine% that he sho#ld
de$y the armies o$ the li!ing GodC.
1,a 14:24 +nd the *eo*le answered him in this manner% saying% .,o shall it be done $or the man who 'ills him".
1,a 14:28 Now 6liab his oldest brother heard when he s*o'e to the men& and 6liabAs anger was aro#sed
against 2a!id% and he said% .>hy did yo# ome down hereC +nd with whom ha!e yo# le$t those $ew shee* in the
wildernessC I 'now yo#r *ride and the insolene o$ yo#r heart% $or yo# ha!e ome down to see the battle".
1,a 14:29 +nd 2a!id said% .>hat ha!e I done nowC (Is there) not a a#seC.
1,a 14:-5 Then he t#rned $rom him toward another and said the same thing& and these *eo*le answered him
as the $irst ones (did")
1,a 14:-1 Now when the words whih 2a!id s*o'e were heard% they re*orted (them) to ,a#l& and he sent $or
1,a 14:-2 Then 2a!id said to ,a#l% ./et no manAs heart $ail bea#se o$ him& yo#r ser!ant will go and $ight with
this <hilistine".
1,a 14:-- +nd ,a#l said to 2a!id% .Bo# are not able to go against this <hilistine to $ight with him& $or yo# (are) a
yo#th% and he a man o$ war $rom his yo#th".
1,a 14:-0 B#t 2a!id said to ,a#l% .Bo#r ser!ant #sed to 'ee* his $atherAs shee*% and when a lion or a bear
ame and too' a lamb o#t o$ the $lo'%
1,a 14:-1 I went o#t a$ter it and str#' it% and deli!ered (the lamb) $rom its mo#th& and when it arose against
me% I a#ght (it) by its beard% and str#' and 'illed it"
1,a 14:-3 .Bo#r ser!ant has 'illed both lion and bear& and this #nir#mised <hilistine will be li'e one o$ them%
seeing he has de$ied the armies o$ the li!ing God".
1,a 14:-4 ?oreo!er 2a!id said% .The /8:2% who deli!ered me $rom the *aw o$ the lion and $rom the *aw o$ the
bear% He will deli!er me $rom the hand o$ this <hilistine". +nd ,a#l said to 2a!id% .Go% and the /8:2 be with
1,a 14:-8 ,o ,a#l lothed 2a!id with his armor% and he *#t a bronHe helmet on his head& he also lothed him
with a oat o$ mail"
1,a 14:-9 2a!id $astened his sword to his armor and tried to wal'% $or he had not tested (them") +nd 2a!id said
to ,a#l% .I annot wal' with these% $or I ha!e not tested (them".) ,o 2a!id too' them o$$"
1,a 14:05 Then he too' his sta$$ in his hand& and he hose $or himsel$ $i!e smooth stones $rom the broo'% and
*#t them in a she*herdAs bag% in a *o#h whih he had% and his sling was in his hand" +nd he drew near to the
1,a 14:01 ,o the <hilistine ame% and began drawing near to 2a!id% and the man who bore the shield (went)
be$ore him"
1,a 14:02 +nd when the <hilistine loo'ed abo#t and saw 2a!id% he disdained him& $or he was (only) a yo#th%
r#ddy and goodDloo'ing"
1,a 14:0- ,o the <hilistine said to 2a!id% .(+m) I a dog% that yo# ome to me with sti'sC. +nd the <hilistine
#rsed 2a!id by his gods"
1,a 14:00 +nd the <hilistine said to 2a!id% .=ome to me% and I will gi!e yo#r $lesh to the birds o$ the air and the
beasts o$ the $ieldF.
1,a 14:01 Then 2a!id said to the <hilistine% .Bo# ome to me with a sword% with a s*ear% and with a @a!elin" B#t
I ome to yo# in the name o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ the armies o$ Israel% whom yo# ha!e de$ied"
1,a 14:03 .This day the /8:2 will deli!er yo# into my hand% and I will stri'e yo# and ta'e yo#r head $rom yo#"
+nd this day I will gi!e the arasses o$ the am* o$ the <hilistines to the birds o$ the air and the wild beasts o$
the earth% that all the earth may 'now that there is a God in Israel"
1,a 14:04 .Then all this assembly shall 'now that the /8:2 does not sa!e with sword and s*ear& $or the battle
(is) the /8:2As% and He will gi!e yo# into o#r hands".
1,a 14:08 ,o it was% when the <hilistine arose and ame and drew near to meet 2a!id% that 2a!id hastened
and ran toward the army to meet the <hilistine"
1,a 14:09 Then 2a!id *#t his hand in his bag and too' o#t a stone& and he sl#ng (it) and str#' the <hilistine in
his $orehead% so that the stone san' into his $orehead% and he $ell on his $ae to the earth"
1,a 14:15 ,o 2a!id *re!ailed o!er the <hilistine with a sling and a stone% and str#' the <hilistine and 'illed
him" B#t (there was) no sword in the hand o$ 2a!id"
1,a 14:11 There$ore 2a!id ran and stood o!er the <hilistine% too' his sword and drew it o#t o$ its sheath and
'illed him% and #t o$$ his head with it" +nd when the <hilistines saw that their ham*ion was dead% they $led"
1,a 14:12 Now the men o$ Israel and J#dah arose and sho#ted% and *#rs#ed the <hilistines as $ar as the
entrane o$ the !alley and to the gates o$ 6'ron" +nd the wo#nded o$ the <hilistines $ell along the road to
,haaraim% e!en as $ar as Gath and 6'ron"
1,a 14:1- Then the hildren o$ Israel ret#rned $rom hasing the <hilistines% and they *l#ndered their tents"
1,a 14:10 +nd 2a!id too' the head o$ the <hilistine and bro#ght it to Jer#salem% b#t he *#t his armor in his tent"
1,a 14:11 >hen ,a#l saw 2a!id going o#t against the <hilistine% he said to +bner% the ommander o$ the army%
.+bner% whose son (is) this yo#thC. +nd +bner said% .+s yo#r so#l li!es% 8 'ing% I do not 'now".
1,a 14:13 ,o the 'ing said% .InE#ire whose son this yo#ng man (is".)
1,a 14:14 Then% as 2a!id ret#rned $rom the sla#ghter o$ the <hilistine% +bner too' him and bro#ght him be$ore
,a#l with the head o$ the <hilistine in his hand"
1,a 14:18 +nd ,a#l said to him% .>hose son (are) yo#% yo#ng manC. ,o 2a!id answered% .(I am) the son o$
yo#r ser!ant Jesse the Bethlehemite".
1,a 18:1 Now when he had $inished s*ea'ing to ,a#l% the so#l o$ Jonathan was 'nit to the so#l o$ 2a!id% and
Jonathan lo!ed him as his own so#l"
1,a 18:2 ,a#l too' him that day% and wo#ld not let him go home to his $atherAs ho#se anymore"
1,a 18:- Then Jonathan and 2a!id made a o!enant% bea#se he lo!ed him as his own so#l"
1,a 18:0 +nd Jonathan too' o$$ the robe that (was) on him and ga!e it to 2a!id% with his armor% e!en to his
sword and his bow and his belt"
1,a 18:1 ,o 2a!id went o#t where!er ,a#l sent him% (and) beha!ed wisely" +nd ,a#l set him o!er the men o$
war% and he was ae*ted in the sight o$ all the *eo*le and also in the sight o$ ,a#lAs ser!ants"
1,a 18:3 Now it had ha**ened as they were oming (home%) when 2a!id was ret#rning $rom the sla#ghter o$
the <hilistine% that the women had ome o#t o$ all the ities o$ Israel% singing and daning% to meet King ,a#l%
with tambo#rines% with @oy% and with m#sial instr#ments"
1,a 18:4 ,o the women sang as they daned% and said: .,a#l has slain his tho#sands% +nd 2a!id his ten
1,a 18:8 Then ,a#l was !ery angry% and the saying dis*leased him& and he said% .They ha!e asribed to 2a!id
ten tho#sands% and to me they ha!e asribed (only) tho#sands" Now (what) more an he ha!e b#t the 'ingdomC.
1,a 18:9 ,o ,a#l eyed 2a!id $rom that day $orward"
1,a 18:15 +nd it ha**ened on the ne9t day that the distressing s*irit $rom God ame #*on ,a#l% and he
*ro*hesied inside the ho#se" ,o 2a!id *layed (m#si) with his hand% as at other times& b#t (there was) a s*ear in
,a#lAs hand"
1,a 18:11 +nd ,a#l ast the s*ear% $or he said% .I will *in 2a!id to the wallF. B#t 2a!id esa*ed his *resene
1,a 18:12 Now ,a#l was a$raid o$ 2a!id% bea#se the /8:2 was with him% b#t had de*arted $rom ,a#l"
1,a 18:1- There$ore ,a#l remo!ed him $rom his *resene% and made him his a*tain o!er a tho#sand& and he
went o#t and ame in be$ore the *eo*le"
1,a 18:10 +nd 2a!id beha!ed wisely in all his ways% and the /8:2 (was) with him"
1,a 18:11 There$ore% when ,a#l saw that he beha!ed !ery wisely% he was a$raid o$ him"
1,a 18:13 B#t all Israel and J#dah lo!ed 2a!id% bea#se he went o#t and ame in be$ore them"
1,a 18:14 Then ,a#l said to 2a!id% .Here is my older da#ghter ?erab& I will gi!e her to yo# as a wi$e" 8nly be
!aliant $or me% and $ight the /8:2As battles". ;or ,a#l tho#ght% ./et my hand not be against him% b#t let the hand
o$ the <hilistines be against him".
1,a 18:18 ,o 2a!id said to ,a#l% .>ho (am) I% and what (is) my li$e (or) my $atherAs $amily in Israel% that I sho#ld
be sonDinDlaw to the 'ingC.
1,a 18:19 B#t it ha**ened at the time when ?erab% ,a#lAs da#ghter% sho#ld ha!e been gi!en to 2a!id% that she
was gi!en to +driel the ?eholathite as a wi$e"
1,a 18:25 Now ?ihal% ,a#lAs da#ghter% lo!ed 2a!id" +nd they told ,a#l% and the thing *leased him"
1,a 18:21 ,o ,a#l said% .I will gi!e her to him% that she may be a snare to him% and that the hand o$ the
<hilistines may be against him". There$ore ,a#l said to 2a!id a seond time% .Bo# shall be my sonDinDlaw today".
1,a 18:22 +nd ,a#l ommanded his ser!ants% .=omm#niate with 2a!id seretly% and say% A/oo'% the 'ing has
delight in yo#% and all his ser!ants lo!e yo#" Now there$ore% beome the 'ingAs sonDinDlaw"A .
1,a 18:2- ,o ,a#lAs ser!ants s*o'e those words in the hearing o$ 2a!id" +nd 2a!id said% .2oes it seem to yo#
(a) light (thing) to be a 'ingAs sonDinDlaw% seeing I (am) a *oor and lightly esteemed manC.
1,a 18:20 +nd the ser!ants o$ ,a#l told him% saying% .In this manner 2a!id s*o'e".
1,a 18:21 Then ,a#l said% .Th#s yo# shall say to 2a!id: AThe 'ing does not desire any dowry b#t one h#ndred
$ores'ins o$ the <hilistines% to ta'e !engeane on the 'ingAs enemies"A . B#t ,a#l tho#ght to ma'e 2a!id $all by
the hand o$ the <hilistines"
1,a 18:23 ,o when his ser!ants told 2a!id these words% it *leased 2a!id well to beome the 'ingAs sonDinDlaw"
Now the days had not e9*ired&
1,a 18:24 there$ore 2a!id arose and went% he and his men% and 'illed two h#ndred men o$ the <hilistines" +nd
2a!id bro#ght their $ores'ins% and they ga!e them in $#ll o#nt to the 'ing% that he might beome the 'ingAs sonD
inDlaw" Then ,a#l ga!e him ?ihal his da#ghter as a wi$e"
1,a 18:28 Th#s ,a#l saw and 'new that the /8:2 (was) with 2a!id% and (that) ?ihal% ,a#lAs da#ghter% lo!ed
1,a 18:29 and ,a#l was still more a$raid o$ 2a!id" ,o ,a#l beame 2a!idAs enemy ontin#ally"
1,a 18:-5 Then the *rines o$ the <hilistines went o#t (to war") +nd so it was% whene!er they went o#t% (that)
2a!id beha!ed more wisely than all the ser!ants o$ ,a#l% so that his name beame highly esteemed"
1,a 19:1 Now ,a#l s*o'e to Jonathan his son and to all his ser!ants% that they sho#ld 'ill 2a!id& b#t Jonathan%
,a#lAs son% delighted greatly in 2a!id"
1,a 19:2 ,o Jonathan told 2a!id% saying% .?y $ather ,a#l see's to 'ill yo#" There$ore *lease be on yo#r g#ard
#ntil morning% and stay in a seret (*lae) and hide"
1,a 19:- .+nd I will go o#t and stand beside my $ather in the $ield where yo# (are%) and I will s*ea' with my
$ather abo#t yo#" Then what I obser!e% I will tell yo#".
1,a 19:0 Th#s Jonathan s*o'e well o$ 2a!id to ,a#l his $ather% and said to him% ./et not the 'ing sin against his
ser!ant% against 2a!id% bea#se he has not sinned against yo#% and bea#se his wor's (ha!e been) !ery good
toward yo#"
1,a 19:1 .;or he too' his li$e in his hands and 'illed the <hilistine% and the /8:2 bro#ght abo#t a great
deli!erane $or all Israel" Bo# saw (it) and re@oied" >hy then will yo# sin against innoent blood% to 'ill 2a!id
witho#t a a#seC.
1,a 19:3 ,o ,a#l heeded the !oie o$ Jonathan% and ,a#l swore% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% he shall not be 'illed".
1,a 19:4 Then Jonathan alled 2a!id% and Jonathan told him all these things" ,o Jonathan bro#ght 2a!id to
,a#l% and he was in his *resene as in times *ast"
1,a 19:8 +nd there was war again& and 2a!id went o#t and $o#ght with the <hilistines% and str#' them with a
mighty blow% and they $led $rom him"
1,a 19:9 Now the distressing s*irit $rom the /8:2 ame #*on ,a#l as he sat in his ho#se with his s*ear in his
hand" +nd 2a!id was *laying (m#si) with (his) hand"
1,a 19:15 Then ,a#l so#ght to *in 2a!id to the wall with the s*ear% b#t he sli**ed away $rom ,a#lAs *resene&
and he dro!e the s*ear into the wall" ,o 2a!id $led and esa*ed that night"
1,a 19:11 ,a#l also sent messengers to 2a!idAs ho#se to wath him and to 'ill him in the morning" +nd ?ihal%
2a!idAs wi$e% told him% saying% .I$ yo# do not sa!e yo#r li$e tonight% tomorrow yo# will be 'illed".
1,a 19:12 ,o ?ihal let 2a!id down thro#gh a window" +nd he went and $led and esa*ed"
1,a 19:1- +nd ?ihal too' an image and laid (it) in the bed% *#t a o!er o$ goatsA (hair) $or his head% and
o!ered (it) with lothes"
1,a 19:10 ,o when ,a#l sent messengers to ta'e 2a!id% she said% .He (is) si'".
1,a 19:11 Then ,a#l sent the messengers (ba') to see 2a!id% saying% .Bring him #* to me in the bed% that I
may 'ill him".
1,a 19:13 +nd when the messengers had ome in% there was the image in the bed% with a o!er o$ goatsA (hair)
$or his head"
1,a 19:14 Then ,a#l said to ?ihal% .>hy ha!e yo# deei!ed me li'e this% and sent my enemy away% so that he
has esa*edC. +nd ?ihal answered ,a#l% .He said to me% A/et me goF >hy sho#ld I 'ill yo#CA .
1,a 19:18 ,o 2a!id $led and esa*ed% and went to ,am#el at :amah% and told him all that ,a#l had done to
him" +nd he and ,am#el went and stayed in Naioth"
1,a 19:19 Now it was told ,a#l% saying% .Ta'e note% 2a!id (is) at Naioth in :amahF.
1,a 19:25 Then ,a#l sent messengers to ta'e 2a!id" +nd when they saw the gro#* o$ *ro*hets *ro*hesying%
and ,am#el standing (as) leader o!er them% the ,*irit o$ God ame #*on the messengers o$ ,a#l% and they also
1,a 19:21 +nd when ,a#l was told% he sent other messengers% and they *ro*hesied li'ewise" Then ,a#l sent
messengers again the third time% and they *ro*hesied also"
1,a 19:22 Then he also went to :amah% and ame to the great well that (is) at ,eh#" ,o he as'ed% and said%
.>here (are) ,am#el and 2a!idC. +nd (someone) said% .Indeed (they are) at Naioth in :amah".
1,a 19:2- ,o he went there to Naioth in :amah" Then the ,*irit o$ God was #*on him also% and he went on and
*ro*hesied #ntil he ame to Naioth in :amah"
1,a 19:20 +nd he also stri**ed o$$ his lothes and *ro*hesied be$ore ,am#el in li'e manner% and lay down
na'ed all that day and all that night" There$ore they say% .(Is) ,a#l also among the *ro*hetsC.
1,a 25:1 Then 2a!id $led $rom Naioth in :amah% and went and said to Jonathan% .>hat ha!e I doneC >hat (is)
my iniE#ity% and what (is) my sin be$ore yo#r $ather% that he see's my li$eC.
1,a 25:2 ,o Jonathan said to him% .By no meansF Bo# shall not dieF Indeed% my $ather will do nothing either
great or small witho#t $irst telling me" +nd why sho#ld my $ather hide this thing $rom meC It (is) not (soF.)
1,a 25:- Then 2a!id too' an oath again% and said% .Bo#r $ather ertainly 'nows that I ha!e $o#nd $a!or in yo#r
eyes% and he has said% A2o not let Jonathan 'now this% lest he be grie!ed"A B#t tr#ly% (as) the /8:2 li!es and (as)
yo#r so#l li!es% (there is) b#t a ste* between me and death".
1,a 25:0 ,o Jonathan said to 2a!id% .>hate!er yo# yo#rsel$ desire% I will do (it) $or yo#".
1,a 25:1 +nd 2a!id said to Jonathan% .Indeed tomorrow (is) the New ?oon% and I sho#ld not $ail to sit with the
'ing to eat" B#t let me go% that I may hide in the $ield #ntil the third (day) at e!ening"
1,a 25:3 .I$ yo#r $ather misses me at all% then say% A2a!id earnestly as'ed (*ermission) o$ me that he might r#n
o!er to Bethlehem% his ity% $or (there is) a yearly sari$ie there $or all the $amily"A
1,a 25:4 .I$ he says th#s: A(It is) well%A yo#r ser!ant will be sa$e" B#t i$ he is !ery angry% (then) be s#re that e!il is
determined by him"
1,a 25:8 .There$ore yo# shall deal 'indly with yo#r ser!ant% $or yo# ha!e bro#ght yo#r ser!ant into a o!enant
o$ the /8:2 with yo#" Ne!ertheless% i$ there is iniE#ity in me% 'ill me yo#rsel$% $or why sho#ld yo# bring me to
yo#r $atherC.
1,a 25:9 B#t Jonathan said% .;ar be it $rom yo#F ;or i$ I 'new ertainly that e!il was determined by my $ather to
ome #*on yo#% then wo#ld I not tell yo#C.
1,a 25:15 Then 2a!id said to Jonathan% .>ho will tell me% or what (i$) yo#r $ather answers yo# ro#ghlyC.
1,a 25:11 +nd Jonathan said to 2a!id% .=ome% and let #s go o#t into the $ield". ,o both o$ them went o#t into
the $ield"
1,a 25:12 Then Jonathan said to 2a!id: .The /8:2 God o$ Israel (is witnessF) >hen I ha!e so#nded o#t my
$ather sometime tomorrow% (or) the third (day%) and indeed (there is) good toward 2a!id% and I do not send to yo#
and tell yo#%
1,a 25:1- .may the /8:2 do so and m#h more to Jonathan" B#t i$ it *leases my $ather (to do) yo# e!il% then I
will re*ort it to yo# and send yo# away% that yo# may go in sa$ety" +nd the /8:2 be with yo# as He has been
with my $ather"
1,a 25:10 .+nd yo# shall not only show me the 'indness o$ the /8:2 while I still li!e% that I may not die&
1,a 25:11 .b#t yo# shall not #t o$$ yo#r 'indness $rom my ho#se $ore!er% no% not when the /8:2 has #t o$$
e!ery one o$ the enemies o$ 2a!id $rom the $ae o$ the earth".
1,a 25:13 ,o Jonathan made (a o!enant) with the ho#se o$ 2a!id% (saying%) ./et the /8:2 reE#ire (it) at the
hand o$ 2a!idAs enemies".
1,a 25:14 Now Jonathan again a#sed 2a!id to !ow% bea#se he lo!ed him& $or he lo!ed him as he lo!ed his
own so#l"
1,a 25:18 Then Jonathan said to 2a!id% .Tomorrow (is) the New ?oon& and yo# will be missed% bea#se yo#r
seat will be em*ty"
1,a 25:19 .+nd (when) yo# ha!e stayed three days% go down E#i'ly and ome to the *lae where yo# hid on
the day o$ the deed& and remain by the stone 6Hel"
1,a 25:25 .Then I will shoot three arrows to the side% as tho#gh I shot at a target&
1,a 25:21 .and there I will send a lad% (saying%) AGo% $ind the arrows"A I$ I e9*ressly say to him% A/oo'% the arrows
(are) on this side o$ yo#& get them and omeA DD then% as the /8:2 li!es% (there is) sa$ety $or yo# and no harm"
1,a 25:22 .B#t i$ I say th#s to the yo#ng man% A/oo'% the arrows (are) beyond yo#A DD go yo#r way% $or the /8:2
has sent yo# away"
1,a 25:2- .+nd as $or the matter whih yo# and I ha!e s*o'en o$% indeed the /8:2 (be) between yo# and me
1,a 25:20 Then 2a!id hid in the $ield" +nd when the New ?oon had ome% the 'ing sat down to eat the $east"
1,a 25:21 Now the 'ing sat on his seat% as at other times% on a seat by the wall" +nd Jonathan arose% and
+bner sat by ,a#lAs side% b#t 2a!idAs *lae was em*ty"
1,a 25:23 Ne!ertheless ,a#l did not say anything that day% $or he tho#ght% .,omething has ha**ened to him&
he (is) #nlean% s#rely he (is) #nlean".
1,a 25:24 +nd it ha**ened the ne9t day% the seond (day) o$ the month% that 2a!idAs *lae was em*ty" +nd
,a#l said to Jonathan his son% .>hy has the son o$ Jesse not ome to eat% either yesterday or todayC.
1,a 25:28 ,o Jonathan answered ,a#l% .2a!id earnestly as'ed (*ermission) o$ me (to go) to Bethlehem"
1,a 25:29 .+nd he said% A<lease let me go% $or o#r $amily has a sari$ie in the ity% and my brother has
ommanded me (to be there") +nd now% i$ I ha!e $o#nd $a!or in yo#r eyes% *lease let me get away and see my
brothers"A There$ore he has not ome to the 'ingAs table".
1,a 25:-5 Then ,a#lAs anger was aro#sed against Jonathan% and he said to him% .Bo# son o$ a *er!erse%
rebellio#s (womanF) 2o I not 'now that yo# ha!e hosen the son o$ Jesse to yo#r own shame and to the shame
o$ yo#r motherAs na'ednessC
1,a 25:-1 .;or as long as the son o$ Jesse li!es on the earth% yo# shall not be established% nor yo#r 'ingdom"
Now there$ore% send and bring him to me% $or he shall s#rely die".
1,a 25:-2 +nd Jonathan answered ,a#l his $ather% and said to him% .>hy sho#ld he be 'illedC >hat has he
1,a 25:-- Then ,a#l ast a s*ear at him to 'ill him% by whih Jonathan 'new that it was determined by his
$ather to 'ill 2a!id"
1,a 25:-0 ,o Jonathan arose $rom the table in $iere anger% and ate no $ood the seond day o$ the month% $or
he was grie!ed $or 2a!id% bea#se his $ather had treated him shame$#lly"
1,a 25:-1 +nd so it was% in the morning% that Jonathan went o#t into the $ield at the time a**ointed with 2a!id%
and a little lad (was) with him"
1,a 25:-3 Then he said to his lad% .Now r#n% $ind the arrows whih I shoot". +s the lad ran% he shot an arrow
beyond him"
1,a 25:-4 >hen the lad had ome to the *lae where the arrow was whih Jonathan had shot% Jonathan ried
o#t a$ter the lad and said% .(Is) not the arrow beyond yo#C.
1,a 25:-8 +nd Jonathan ried o#t a$ter the lad% .?a'e haste% h#rry% do not delayF. ,o JonathanAs lad gathered
#* the arrows and ame ba' to his master"
1,a 25:-9 B#t the lad did not 'now anything" 8nly Jonathan and 2a!id 'new o$ the matter"
1,a 25:05 Then Jonathan ga!e his wea*ons to his lad% and said to him% .Go% arry (them) to the ity".
1,a 25:01 +s soon as the lad had gone% 2a!id arose $rom (a) *lae toward the so#th% $ell on his $ae to the
gro#nd% and bowed down three times" +nd they 'issed one another& and they we*t together% b#t 2a!id more so"
1,a 25:02 Then Jonathan said to 2a!id% .Go in *eae% sine we ha!e both sworn in the name o$ the /8:2%
saying% A?ay the /8:2 be between yo# and me% and between yo#r desendants and my desendants% $ore!er"A
. ,o he arose and de*arted% and Jonathan went into the ity"
1,a 21:1 Now 2a!id ame to Nob% to +himeleh the *riest" +nd +himeleh was a$raid when he met 2a!id% and
said to him% .>hy (are) yo# alone% and no one is with yo#C.
1,a 21:2 ,o 2a!id said to +himeleh the *riest% .The 'ing has ordered me on some b#siness% and said to me%
A2o not let anyone 'now anything abo#t the b#siness on whih I send yo#% or what I ha!e ommanded yo#"A +nd
I ha!e direted (my) yo#ng men to s#h and s#h a *lae"
1,a 21:- .Now there$ore% what ha!e yo# on handC Gi!e (me) $i!e (loa!es o$) bread in my hand% or whate!er an
be $o#nd".
1,a 21:0 +nd the *riest answered 2a!id and said% .(There is) no ommon bread on hand& b#t there is holy
bread% i$ the yo#ng men ha!e at least 'e*t themsel!es $rom women".
1,a 21:1 Then 2a!id answered the *riest% and said to him% .Tr#ly% women (ha!e been) 'e*t $rom #s abo#t three
days sine I ame o#t" +nd the !essels o$ the yo#ng men are holy% and (the bread is) in e$$et ommon% e!en
tho#gh it was santi$ied in the !essel this day".
1,a 21:3 ,o the *riest ga!e him holy (bread&) $or there was no bread there b#t the showbread whih had been
ta'en $rom be$ore the /8:2% in order to *#t hot bread (in its *lae) on the day when it was ta'en away"
1,a 21:4 Now a ertain man o$ the ser!ants o$ ,a#l (was) there that day% detained be$ore the /8:2" +nd his
name (was) 2oeg% an 6domite% the hie$ o$ the herdsmen who (belonged) to ,a#l"
1,a 21:8 +nd 2a!id said to +himeleh% .Is there not here on hand a s*ear or a swordC ;or I ha!e bro#ght
neither my sword nor my wea*ons with me% bea#se the 'ingAs b#siness reE#ired haste".
1,a 21:9 ,o the *riest said% .The sword o$ Goliath the <hilistine% whom yo# 'illed in the Valley o$ 6lah% there it
is% wra**ed in a loth behind the e*hod" I$ yo# will ta'e that% ta'e (it") ;or (there is) no other e9e*t that one
here". +nd 2a!id said% .(There is) none li'e it& gi!e it to me".
1,a 21:15 Then 2a!id arose and $led that day $rom be$ore ,a#l% and went to +hish the 'ing o$ Gath"
1,a 21:11 +nd the ser!ants o$ +hish said to him% .(Is) this not 2a!id the 'ing o$ the landC 2id they not sing o$
him to one another in danes% saying: A,a#l has slain his tho#sands% +nd 2a!id his ten tho#sandsAC.
1,a 21:12 Now 2a!id too' these words to heart% and was !ery m#h a$raid o$ +hish the 'ing o$ Gath"
1,a 21:1- ,o he hanged his beha!ior be$ore them% $eigned madness in their hands% srathed on the doors o$
the gate% and let his sali!a $all down on his beard"
1,a 21:10 Then +hish said to his ser!ants% ./oo'% yo# see the man is insane" >hy ha!e yo# bro#ght him to
1,a 21:11 .Ha!e I need o$ madmen% that yo# ha!e bro#ght this ($ellow) to *lay the madman in my *reseneC
,hall this ($ellow) ome into my ho#seC.
1,a 22:1 2a!id there$ore de*arted $rom there and esa*ed to the a!e o$ +d#llam" +nd when his brothers and
all his $atherAs ho#se heard (it%) they went down there to him"
1,a 22:2 +nd e!eryone (who was) in distress% e!eryone who (was) in debt% and e!eryone (who was)
disontented gathered to him" ,o he beame a*tain o!er them" +nd there were abo#t $o#r h#ndred men with
1,a 22:- Then 2a!id went $rom there to ?iH*ah o$ ?oab& and he said to the 'ing o$ ?oab% .<lease let my $ather
and mother ome here with yo#% till I 'now what God will do $or me".
1,a 22:0 ,o he bro#ght them be$ore the 'ing o$ ?oab% and they dwelt with him all the time that 2a!id was in the
1,a 22:1 Now the *ro*het Gad said to 2a!id% .2o not stay in the stronghold& de*art% and go to the land o$
J#dah". ,o 2a!id de*arted and went into the $orest o$ Hereth"
1,a 22:3 >hen ,a#l heard that 2a!id and the men who (were) with him had been diso!ered DD now ,a#l was
staying in Gibeah #nder a tamaris' tree in :amah% with his s*ear in his hand% and all his ser!ants standing abo#t
him DD
1,a 22:4 then ,a#l said to his ser!ants who stood abo#t him% .Hear now% yo# Ben@amitesF >ill the son o$ Jesse
gi!e e!ery one o$ yo# $ields and !ineyards% (and) ma'e yo# all a*tains o$ tho#sands and a*tains o$ h#ndredsC
1,a 22:8 .+ll o$ yo# ha!e ons*ired against me% and (there is) no one who re!eals to me that my son has made
a o!enant with the son o$ Jesse& and (there is) not one o$ yo# who is sorry $or me or re!eals to me that my son
has stirred #* my ser!ant against me% to lie in wait% as (it is) this day".
1,a 22:9 Then answered 2oeg the 6domite% who was set o!er the ser!ants o$ ,a#l% and said% .I saw the son o$
Jesse going to Nob% to +himeleh the son o$ +hit#b"
1,a 22:15 .+nd he inE#ired o$ the /8:2 $or him% ga!e him *ro!isions% and ga!e him the sword o$ Goliath the
1,a 22:11 ,o the 'ing sent to all +himeleh the *riest% the son o$ +hit#b% and all his $atherAs ho#se% the *riests
who (were) in Nob" +nd they all ame to the 'ing"
1,a 22:12 +nd ,a#l said% .Hear now% son o$ +hit#bF. +nd he answered% .Here I am% my lord".
1,a 22:1- Then ,a#l said to him% .>hy ha!e yo# ons*ired against me% yo# and the son o$ Jesse% in that yo#
ha!e gi!en him bread and a sword% and ha!e inE#ired o$ God $or him% that he sho#ld rise against me% to lie in
wait% as it is this dayC.
1,a 22:10 ,o +himeleh answered the 'ing and said% .+nd who among all yo#r ser!ants (is as) $aith$#l as
2a!id% who is the 'ingAs sonDinDlaw% who goes at yo#r bidding% and is honorable in yo#r ho#seC
1,a 22:11 .2id I then begin to inE#ire o$ God $or himC ;ar be it $rom meF /et not the 'ing im*#te anything to his
ser!ant% (or) to any in the ho#se o$ my $ather" ;or yo#r ser!ant 'new nothing o$ all this% little or m#h".
1,a 22:13 +nd the 'ing said% .Bo# shall s#rely die% +himeleh% yo# and all yo#r $atherAs ho#seF.
1,a 22:14 Then the 'ing said to the g#ards who stood abo#t him% .T#rn and 'ill the *riests o$ the /8:2%
bea#se their hand also (is) with 2a!id% and bea#se they 'new when he $led and did not tell it to me". B#t the
ser!ants o$ the 'ing wo#ld not li$t their hands to stri'e the *riests o$ the /8:2"
1,a 22:18 +nd the 'ing said to 2oeg% .Bo# t#rn and 'ill the *riestsF. ,o 2oeg the 6domite t#rned and str#' the
*riests% and 'illed on that day eightyD$i!e men who wore a linen e*hod"
1,a 22:19 +lso Nob% the ity o$ the *riests% he str#' with the edge o$ the sword% both men and women% hildren
and n#rsing in$ants% o9en and don'eys and shee* DD with the edge o$ the sword"
1,a 22:25 Now one o$ the sons o$ +himeleh the son o$ +hit#b% named +biathar% esa*ed and $led a$ter 2a!id"
1,a 22:21 +nd +biathar told 2a!id that ,a#l had 'illed the /8:2As *riests"
1,a 22:22 ,o 2a!id said to +biathar% .I 'new that day% when 2oeg the 6domite (was) there% that he wo#ld
s#rely tell ,a#l" I ha!e a#sed (the death) o$ all the *ersons o$ yo#r $atherAs ho#se"
1,a 22:2- .,tay with me& do not $ear" ;or he who see's my li$e see's yo#r li$e% b#t with me yo# (shall be) sa$e".
1,a 2-:1 Then they told 2a!id% saying% ./oo'% the <hilistines are $ighting against Keilah% and they are robbing
the threshing $loors".
1,a 2-:2 There$ore 2a!id inE#ired o$ the /8:2% saying% .,hall I go and atta' these <hilistinesC. +nd the
/8:2 said to 2a!id% .Go and atta' the <hilistines% and sa!e Keilah".
1,a 2-:- B#t 2a!idAs men said to him% ./oo'% we are a$raid here in J#dah" How m#h more then i$ we go to
Keilah against the armies o$ the <hilistinesC.
1,a 2-:0 Then 2a!id inE#ired o$ the /8:2 one again" +nd the /8:2 answered him and said% .+rise% go down
to Keilah" ;or I will deli!er the <hilistines into yo#r hand".
1,a 2-:1 +nd 2a!id and his men went to Keilah and $o#ght with the <hilistines% str#' them with a mighty blow%
and too' away their li!esto'" ,o 2a!id sa!ed the inhabitants o$ Keilah"
1,a 2-:3 Now it ha**ened% when +biathar the son o$ +himeleh $led to 2a!id at Keilah% (that) he went down
(with) an e*hod in his hand"
1,a 2-:4 +nd ,a#l was told that 2a!id had gone to Keilah" ,o ,a#l said% .God has deli!ered him into my hand%
$or he has sh#t himsel$ in by entering a town that has gates and bars".
1,a 2-:8 Then ,a#l alled all the *eo*le together $or war% to go down to Keilah to besiege 2a!id and his men"
1,a 2-:9 >hen 2a!id 'new that ,a#l *lotted e!il against him% he said to +biathar the *riest% .Bring the e*hod
1,a 2-:15 Then 2a!id said% .8 /8:2 God o$ Israel% Bo#r ser!ant has ertainly heard that ,a#l see's to ome
to Keilah to destroy the ity $or my sa'e"
1,a 2-:11 .>ill the men o$ Keilah deli!er me into his handC >ill ,a#l ome down% as Bo#r ser!ant has heardC
8 /8:2 God o$ Israel% I *ray% tell Bo#r ser!ant". +nd the /8:2 said% .He will ome down".
1,a 2-:12 Then 2a!id said% .>ill the men o$ Keilah deli!er me and my men into the hand o$ ,a#lC. +nd the
/8:2 said% .They will deli!er (yo#".)
1,a 2-:1- ,o 2a!id and his men% abo#t si9 h#ndred% arose and de*arted $rom Keilah and went where!er they
o#ld go" Then it was told ,a#l that 2a!id had esa*ed $rom Keilah& so he halted the e9*edition"
1,a 2-:10 +nd 2a!id stayed in strongholds in the wilderness% and remained in the mo#ntains in the >ilderness
o$ Gi*h" ,a#l so#ght him e!ery day% b#t God did not deli!er him into his hand"
1,a 2-:11 ,o 2a!id saw that ,a#l had ome o#t to see' his li$e" +nd 2a!id (was) in the >ilderness o$ Gi*h in a
1,a 2-:13 Then Jonathan% ,a#lAs son% arose and went to 2a!id in the woods and strengthened his hand in God"
1,a 2-:14 +nd he said to him% .2o not $ear% $or the hand o$ ,a#l my $ather shall not $ind yo#" Bo# shall be 'ing
o!er Israel% and I shall be ne9t to yo#" 6!en my $ather ,a#l 'nows that".
1,a 2-:18 ,o the two o$ them made a o!enant be$ore the /8:2" +nd 2a!id stayed in the woods% and
Jonathan went to his own ho#se"
1,a 2-:19 Then the Gi*hites ame #* to ,a#l at Gibeah% saying% .Is 2a!id not hiding with #s in strongholds in
the woods% in the hill o$ Hahilah% whih (is) on the so#th o$ JeshimonC
1,a 2-:25 .Now there$ore% 8 'ing% ome down aording to all the desire o$ yo#r so#l to ome down& and o#r
*art (shall be) to deli!er him into the 'ingAs hand".
1,a 2-:21 +nd ,a#l said% .Blessed (are) yo# o$ the /8:2% $or yo# ha!e om*assion on me"
1,a 2-:22 .<lease go and $ind o#t $or s#re% and see the *lae where his hideo#t is% (and) who has seen him
there" ;or I am told he is !ery ra$ty"
1,a 2-:2- .,ee there$ore% and ta'e 'nowledge o$ all the l#r'ing *laes where he hides& and ome ba' to me
with ertainty% and I will go with yo#" +nd it shall be% i$ he is in the land% that I will searh $or him thro#gho#t all the
lans o$ J#dah".
1,a 2-:20 ,o they arose and went to Gi*h be$ore ,a#l" B#t 2a!id and his men (were) in the >ilderness o$
?aon% in the *lain on the so#th o$ Jeshimon"
1,a 2-:21 >hen ,a#l and his men went to see' (him%) they told 2a!id" There$ore he went down to the ro'% and
stayed in the >ilderness o$ ?aon" +nd when ,a#l heard (that%) he *#rs#ed 2a!id in the >ilderness o$ ?aon"
1,a 2-:23 Then ,a#l went on one side o$ the mo#ntain% and 2a!id and his men on the other side o$ the
mo#ntain" ,o 2a!id made haste to get away $rom ,a#l% $or ,a#l and his men were enirling 2a!id and his men
to ta'e them"
1,a 2-:24 B#t a messenger ame to ,a#l% saying% .Hasten and ome% $or the <hilistines ha!e in!aded the landF.
1,a 2-:28 There$ore ,a#l ret#rned $rom *#rs#ing 2a!id% and went against the <hilistines& so they alled that
*lae the :o' o$ 6sa*e"
1,a 2-:29 Then 2a!id went #* $rom there and dwelt in strongholds at 6n Gedi"
1,a 20:1 Now it ha**ened% when ,a#l had ret#rned $rom $ollowing the <hilistines% that it was told him% saying%
.Ta'e noteF 2a!id (is) in the >ilderness o$ 6n Gedi".
1,a 20:2 Then ,a#l too' three tho#sand hosen men $rom all Israel% and went to see' 2a!id and his men on
the :o's o$ the >ild Goats"
1,a 20:- ,o he ame to the shee*$olds by the road% where there (was) a a!e& and ,a#l went in to attend to his
needs" I2a!id and his men were staying in the reesses o$ the a!e"J
1,a 20:0 Then the men o$ 2a!id said to him% .This is the day o$ whih the /8:2 said to yo#% ABehold% I will
deli!er yo#r enemy into yo#r hand% that yo# may do to him as it seems good to yo#"A . +nd 2a!id arose and
seretly #t o$$ a orner o$ ,a#lAs robe"
1,a 20:1 Now it ha**ened a$terward that 2a!idAs heart tro#bled him bea#se he had #t ,a#lAs (robe")
1,a 20:3 +nd he said to his men% .The /8:2 $orbid that I sho#ld do this thing to my master% the /8:2As
anointed% to streth o#t my hand against him% seeing he (is) the anointed o$ the /8:2".
1,a 20:4 ,o 2a!id restrained his ser!ants with (these) words% and did not allow them to rise against ,a#l" +nd
,a#l got #* $rom the a!e and went on (his) way"
1,a 20:8 2a!id also arose a$terward% went o#t o$ the a!e% and alled o#t to ,a#l% saying% .?y lord the 'ingF.
+nd when ,a#l loo'ed behind him% 2a!id stoo*ed with his $ae to the earth% and bowed down"
1,a 20:9 +nd 2a!id said to ,a#l: .>hy do yo# listen to the words o$ men who say% AIndeed 2a!id see's yo#r
1,a 20:15 ./oo'% this day yo#r eyes ha!e seen that the /8:2 deli!ered yo# today into my hand in the a!e%
and (someone) #rged (me) to 'ill yo#" B#t (my eye) s*ared yo#% and I said% AI will not streth o#t my hand against
my lord% $or he (is) the /8:2As anointed"A
1,a 20:11 .?oreo!er% my $ather% seeF Bes% see the orner o$ yo#r robe in my handF ;or in that I #t o$$ the
orner o$ yo#r robe% and did not 'ill yo#% 'now and see that (there is) neither e!il nor rebellion in my hand% and I
ha!e not sinned against yo#" Bet yo# h#nt my li$e to ta'e it"
1,a 20:12 ./et the /8:2 @#dge between yo# and me% and let the /8:2 a!enge me on yo#" B#t my hand shall
not be against yo#"
1,a 20:1- .+s the *ro!erb o$ the anients says% A>i'edness *roeeds $rom the wi'ed"A B#t my hand shall not
be against yo#"
1,a 20:10 .+$ter whom has the 'ing o$ Israel ome o#tC >hom do yo# *#rs#eC + dead dogC + $leaC
1,a 20:11 .There$ore let the /8:2 be @#dge% and @#dge between yo# and me% and see and *lead my ase% and
deli!er me o#t o$ yo#r hand".
1,a 20:13 ,o it was% when 2a!id had $inished s*ea'ing these words to ,a#l% that ,a#l said% .(Is) this yo#r !oie%
my son 2a!idC. +nd ,a#l li$ted #* his !oie and we*t"
1,a 20:14 Then he said to 2a!id: .Bo# (are) more righteo#s than I& $or yo# ha!e rewarded me with good%
whereas I ha!e rewarded yo# with e!il"
1,a 20:18 .+nd yo# ha!e shown this day how yo# ha!e dealt well with me& $or when the /8:2 deli!ered me
into yo#r hand% yo# did not 'ill me"
1,a 20:19 .;or i$ a man $inds his enemy% will he let him get away sa$elyC There$ore may the /8:2 reward yo#
with good $or what yo# ha!e done to me this day"
1,a 20:25 .+nd now I 'now indeed that yo# shall s#rely be 'ing% and that the 'ingdom o$ Israel shall be
established in yo#r hand"
1,a 20:21 .There$ore swear now to me by the /8:2 that yo# will not #t o$$ my desendants a$ter me% and that
yo# will not destroy my name $rom my $atherAs ho#se".
1,a 20:22 ,o 2a!id swore to ,a#l" +nd ,a#l went home% b#t 2a!id and his men went #* to the stronghold"
1,a 21:1 Then ,am#el died& and the Israelites gathered together and lamented $or him% and b#ried him at his
home in :amah" +nd 2a!id arose and went down to the >ilderness o$ <aran"
1,a 21:2 Now (there was) a man in ?aon whose b#siness (was) in =armel% and the man (was) !ery rih" He had
three tho#sand shee* and a tho#sand goats" +nd he was shearing his shee* in =armel"
1,a 21:- The name o$ the man (was) Nabal% and the name o$ his wi$e +bigail" +nd (she was) a woman o$ good
#nderstanding and bea#ti$#l a**earane& b#t the man (was) harsh and e!il in (his) doings" +nd he (was o$ the
ho#se o$) =aleb"
1,a 21:0 >hen 2a!id heard in the wilderness that Nabal was shearing his shee*%
1,a 21:1 2a!id sent ten yo#ng men& and 2a!id said to the yo#ng men% .Go #* to =armel% go to Nabal% and
greet him in my name"
1,a 21:3 .+nd th#s yo# shall say to him who li!es (in *ros*erity:) A<eae (be) to yo#% *eae to yo#r ho#se% and
*eae to all that yo# ha!eF
1,a 21:4 ANow I ha!e heard that yo# ha!e shearers" Bo#r she*herds were with #s% and we did not h#rt them%
nor was there anything missing $rom them all the while they were in =armel"
1,a 21:8 A+s' yo#r yo#ng men% and they will tell yo#" There$ore let (my) yo#ng men $ind $a!or in yo#r eyes% $or
we ome on a $east day" <lease gi!e whate!er omes to yo#r hand to yo#r ser!ants and to yo#r son 2a!id"A .
1,a 21:9 ,o when 2a!idAs yo#ng men ame% they s*o'e to Nabal aording to all these words in the name o$
2a!id% and waited"
1,a 21:15 Then Nabal answered 2a!idAs ser!ants% and said% .>ho (is) 2a!id% and who (is) the son o$ JesseC
There are many ser!ants nowadays who brea' away eah one $rom his master"
1,a 21:11 .,hall I then ta'e my bread and my water and my meat that I ha!e 'illed $or my shearers% and gi!e (it)
to men when I do not 'now where they (are) $romC.
1,a 21:12 ,o 2a!idAs yo#ng men t#rned on their heels and went ba'& and they ame and told him all these
1,a 21:1- Then 2a!id said to his men% .6!ery man gird on his sword". ,o e!ery man girded on his sword% and
2a!id also girded on his sword" +nd abo#t $o#r h#ndred men went with 2a!id% and two h#ndred stayed with the
1,a 21:10 Now one o$ the yo#ng men told +bigail% NabalAs wi$e% saying% ./oo'% 2a!id sent messengers $rom the
wilderness to greet o#r master& and he re!iled them"
1,a 21:11 .B#t the men (were) !ery good to #s% and we were not h#rt% nor did we miss anything as long as we
aom*anied them% when we were in the $ields"
1,a 21:13 .They were a wall to #s both by night and day% all the time we were with them 'ee*ing the shee*"
1,a 21:14 .Now there$ore% 'now and onsider what yo# will do% $or harm is determined against o#r master and
against all his ho#sehold" ;or he (is s#h) a so#ndrel that (one) annot s*ea' to him".
1,a 21:18 Then +bigail made haste and too' two h#ndred (loa!es) o$ bread% two s'ins o$ wine% $i!e shee*
already dressed% $i!e seahs o$ roasted (grain%) one h#ndred l#sters o$ raisins% and two h#ndred a'es o$ $igs%
and loaded (them) on don'eys"
1,a 21:19 +nd she said to her ser!ants% .Go on be$ore me& see% I am oming a$ter yo#". B#t she did not tell her
h#sband Nabal"
1,a 21:25 ,o it was% (as) she rode on the don'ey% that she went down #nder o!er o$ the hill& and there were
2a!id and his men% oming down toward her% and she met them"
1,a 21:21 Now 2a!id had said% .,#rely in !ain I ha!e *roteted all that this ($ellow) has in the wilderness% so
that nothing was missed o$ all that (belongs) to him" +nd he has re*aid me e!il $or good"
1,a 21:22 .?ay God do so% and more also% to the enemies o$ 2a!id% i$ I lea!e one male o$ all who (belong) to
him by morning light".
1,a 21:2- Now when +bigail saw 2a!id% she hastened to dismo#nt $rom the don'ey% $ell on her $ae be$ore
2a!id% and bowed down to the gro#nd"
1,a 21:20 ,o she $ell at his $eet and said: .8n me% my lord% (on) me (let) this iniE#ity (beF) +nd *lease let yo#r
maidser!ant s*ea' in yo#r ears% and hear the words o$ yo#r maidser!ant"
1,a 21:21 .<lease% let not my lord regard this so#ndrel Nabal" ;or as his name (is%) so (is) he: Nabal (is) his
name% and $olly (is) with him" B#t I% yo#r maidser!ant% did not see the yo#ng men o$ my lord whom yo# sent"
1,a 21:23 .Now there$ore% my lord% (as) the /8:2 li!es and (as) yo#r so#l li!es% sine the /8:2 has held yo#
ba' $rom oming to bloodshed and $rom a!enging yo#rsel$ with yo#r own hand% now then% let yo#r enemies and
those who see' harm $or my lord be as Nabal"
1,a 21:24 .+nd now this *resent whih yo#r maidser!ant has bro#ght to my lord% let it be gi!en to the yo#ng
men who $ollow my lord"
1,a 21:28 .<lease $orgi!e the tres*ass o$ yo#r maidser!ant" ;or the /8:2 will ertainly ma'e $or my lord an
end#ring ho#se% bea#se my lord $ights the battles o$ the /8:2% and e!il is not $o#nd in yo# thro#gho#t yo#r
1,a 21:29 .Bet a man has risen to *#rs#e yo# and see' yo#r li$e% b#t the li$e o$ my lord shall be bo#nd in the
b#ndle o$ the li!ing with the /8:2 yo#r God& and the li!es o$ yo#r enemies He shall sling o#t% (as $rom) the
*o'et o$ a sling"
1,a 21:-5 .+nd it shall ome to *ass% when the /8:2 has done $or my lord aording to all the good that He
has s*o'en onerning yo#% and has a**ointed yo# r#ler o!er Israel%
1,a 21:-1 .that this will be no grie$ to yo#% nor o$$ense o$ heart to my lord% either that yo# ha!e shed blood
witho#t a#se% or that my lord has a!enged himsel$" B#t when the /8:2 has dealt well with my lord% then
remember yo#r maidser!ant".
1,a 21:-2 Then 2a!id said to +bigail: .Blessed (is) the /8:2 God o$ Israel% who sent yo# this day to meet meF
1,a 21:-- .+nd blessed (is) yo#r ad!ie and blessed (are) yo#% bea#se yo# ha!e 'e*t me this day $rom oming
to bloodshed and $rom a!enging mysel$ with my own hand"
1,a 21:-0 .;or indeed% (as) the /8:2 God o$ Israel li!es% who has 'e*t me ba' $rom h#rting yo#% #nless yo#
had hastened and ome to meet me% s#rely by morning light no males wo#ld ha!e been le$t to NabalF.
1,a 21:-1 ,o 2a!id reei!ed $rom her hand what she had bro#ght him% and said to her% .Go #* in *eae to yo#r
ho#se" ,ee% I ha!e heeded yo#r !oie and res*eted yo#r *erson".
1,a 21:-3 Now +bigail went to Nabal% and there he was% holding a $east in his ho#se% li'e the $east o$ a 'ing"
+nd NabalAs heart (was) merry within him% $or he (was) !ery dr#n'& there$ore she told him nothing% little or m#h%
#ntil morning light"
1,a 21:-4 ,o it was% in the morning% when the wine had gone $rom Nabal% and his wi$e had told him these
things% that his heart died within him% and he beame (li'e) a stone"
1,a 21:-8 Then it ame abo#t% (a$ter) abo#t ten days% that the /8:2 str#' Nabal% and he died"
1,a 21:-9 ,o when 2a!id heard that Nabal was dead% he said% .Blessed (be) the /8:2% who has *leaded the
a#se o$ my re*roah $rom the hand o$ Nabal% and has 'e*t His ser!ant $rom e!ilF ;or the /8:2 has ret#rned
the wi'edness o$ Nabal on his own head". +nd 2a!id sent and *ro*osed to +bigail% to ta'e her as his wi$e"
1,a 21:05 >hen the ser!ants o$ 2a!id had ome to +bigail at =armel% they s*o'e to her saying% .2a!id sent #s
to yo#% to as' yo# to beome his wi$e".
1,a 21:01 Then she arose% bowed her $ae to the earth% and said% .Here is yo#r maidser!ant% a ser!ant to wash
the $eet o$ the ser!ants o$ my lord".
1,a 21:02 ,o +bigail rose in haste and rode on a don'ey% attended by $i!e o$ her maidens& and she $ollowed the
messengers o$ 2a!id% and beame his wi$e"
1,a 21:0- 2a!id also too' +hinoam o$ JeHreel% and so both o$ them were his wi!es"
1,a 21:00 B#t ,a#l had gi!en ?ihal his da#ghter% 2a!idAs wi$e% to <alti the son o$ /aish% who (was) $rom
1,a 23:1 Now the Gi*hites ame to ,a#l at Gibeah% saying% .Is 2a!id not hiding in the hill o$ Hahilah% o**osite
1,a 23:2 Then ,a#l arose and went down to the >ilderness o$ Gi*h% ha!ing three tho#sand hosen men o$
Israel with him% to see' 2a!id in the >ilderness o$ Gi*h"
1,a 23:- +nd ,a#l enam*ed in the hill o$ Hahilah% whih (is) o**osite Jeshimon% by the road" B#t 2a!id
stayed in the wilderness% and he saw that ,a#l ame a$ter him into the wilderness"
1,a 23:0 2a!id there$ore sent o#t s*ies% and #nderstood that ,a#l had indeed ome"
1,a 23:1 ,o 2a!id arose and ame to the *lae where ,a#l had enam*ed" +nd 2a!id saw the *lae where
,a#l lay% and +bner the son o$ Ner% the ommander o$ his army" Now ,a#l lay within the am*% with the *eo*le
enam*ed all aro#nd him"
1,a 23:3 Then 2a!id answered% and said to +himeleh the Hittite and to +bishai the son o$ Ger#iah% brother o$
Joab% saying% .>ho will go down with me to ,a#l in the am*C. +nd +bishai said% .I will go down with yo#".
1,a 23:4 ,o 2a!id and +bishai ame to the *eo*le by night& and there ,a#l lay slee*ing within the am*% with
his s*ear st#' in the gro#nd by his head" +nd +bner and the *eo*le lay all aro#nd him"
1,a 23:8 Then +bishai said to 2a!id% .God has deli!ered yo#r enemy into yo#r hand this day" Now there$ore%
*lease% let me stri'e him at one with the s*ear% right to the earth& and I will not (ha!e to stri'e) him a seond
1,a 23:9 +nd 2a!id said to +bishai% .2o not destroy him& $or who an streth o#t his hand against the /8:2As
anointed% and be g#iltlessC.
1,a 23:15 2a!id said $#rthermore% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% the /8:2 shall stri'e him% or his day shall ome to die%
or he shall go o#t to battle and *erish"
1,a 23:11 .The /8:2 $orbid that I sho#ld streth o#t my hand against the /8:2As anointed" B#t *lease% ta'e
now the s*ear and the @#g o$ water that (are) by his head% and let #s go".
1,a 23:12 ,o 2a!id too' the s*ear and the @#g o$ water (by) ,a#lAs head% and they got away& and no man saw
(it) or 'new (it) or awo'e" ;or they (were) all aslee*% bea#se a dee* slee* $rom the /8:2 had $allen on them"
1,a 23:1- Now 2a!id went o!er to the other side% and stood on the to* o$ a hill a$ar o$$% a great distane (being)
between them"
1,a 23:10 +nd 2a!id alled o#t to the *eo*le and to +bner the son o$ Ner% saying% .2o yo# not answer% +bnerC.
Then +bner answered and said% .>ho (are) yo#% alling o#t to the 'ingC.
1,a 23:11 ,o 2a!id said to +bner% .(+re) yo# not a manC +nd who (is) li'e yo# in IsraelC >hy then ha!e yo# not
g#arded yo#r lord the 'ingC ;or one o$ the *eo*le ame in to destroy yo#r lord the 'ing"
1,a 23:13 .This thing that yo# ha!e done (is) not good" (+s) the /8:2 li!es% yo# deser!e to die% bea#se yo#
ha!e not g#arded yo#r master% the /8:2As anointed" +nd now see where the 'ingAs s*ear (is%) and the @#g o$
water that (was) by his head".
1,a 23:14 Then ,a#l 'new 2a!idAs !oie% and said% .(Is) that yo#r !oie% my son 2a!idC. +nd 2a!id said% .(It is)
my !oie% my lord% 8 'ing".
1,a 23:18 +nd he said% .>hy does my lord th#s *#rs#e his ser!antC ;or what ha!e I done% or what e!il (is) in
my handC
1,a 23:19 .Now there$ore% *lease% let my lord the 'ing hear the words o$ his ser!ant: I$ the /8:2 has stirred
yo# #* against me% let Him ae*t an o$$ering" B#t i$ (it is) the hildren o$ men% (may) they (be) #rsed be$ore the
/8:2% $or they ha!e dri!en me o#t this day $rom sharing in the inheritane o$ the /8:2% saying% AGo% ser!e other
1,a 23:25 .,o now% do not let my blood $all to the earth be$ore the $ae o$ the /8:2" ;or the 'ing o$ Israel has
ome o#t to see' a $lea% as when one h#nts a *artridge in the mo#ntains".
1,a 23:21 Then ,a#l said% .I ha!e sinned" :et#rn% my son 2a!id" ;or I will harm yo# no more% bea#se my li$e
was *reio#s in yo#r eyes this day" Indeed I ha!e *layed the $ool and erred e9eedingly".
1,a 23:22 +nd 2a!id answered and said% .Here is the 'ingAs s*ear" /et one o$ the yo#ng men ome o!er and
get it"
1,a 23:2- .?ay the /8:2 re*ay e!ery man ($or) his righteo#sness and his $aith$#lness& $or the /8:2 deli!ered
yo# into (my) hand today% b#t I wo#ld not streth o#t my hand against the /8:2As anointed"
1,a 23:20 .+nd indeed% as yo#r li$e was !al#ed m#h this day in my eyes% so let my li$e be !al#ed m#h in the
eyes o$ the /8:2% and let Him deli!er me o#t o$ all trib#lation".
1,a 23:21 Then ,a#l said to 2a!id% .(?ay) yo# (be) blessed% my son 2a!idF Bo# shall both do great things and
also still *re!ail". ,o 2a!id went on his way% and ,a#l ret#rned to his *lae"
1,a 24:1 +nd 2a!id said in his heart% .Now I shall *erish someday by the hand o$ ,a#l" (There is) nothing better
$or me than that I sho#ld s*eedily esa*e to the land o$ the <hilistines& and ,a#l will des*air o$ me% to see' me
anymore in any *art o$ Israel" ,o I shall esa*e o#t o$ his hand".
1,a 24:2 Then 2a!id arose and went o!er with the si9 h#ndred men who (were) with him to +hish the son o$
?aoh% 'ing o$ Gath"
1,a 24:- ,o 2a!id dwelt with +hish at Gath% he and his men% eah man with his ho#sehold% (and) 2a!id with
his two wi!es% +hinoam the JeHreelitess% and +bigail the =armelitess% NabalAs widow"
1,a 24:0 +nd it was told ,a#l that 2a!id had $led to Gath& so he so#ght him no more"
1,a 24:1 Then 2a!id said to +hish% .I$ I ha!e now $o#nd $a!or in yo#r eyes% let them gi!e me a *lae in some
town in the o#ntry% that I may dwell there" ;or why sho#ld yo#r ser!ant dwell in the royal ity with yo#C.
1,a 24:3 ,o +hish ga!e him Gi'lag that day" There$ore Gi'lag has belonged to the 'ings o$ J#dah to this day"
1,a 24:4 Now the time that 2a!id dwelt in the o#ntry o$ the <hilistines was one $#ll year and $o#r months"
1,a 24:8 +nd 2a!id and his men went #* and raided the Gesh#rites% the GirHites% and the +male'ites" ;or
those nations were the inhabitants o$ the land $rom o$ old% as yo# go to ,h#r% e!en as $ar as the land o$ 6gy*t"
1,a 24:9 >hene!er 2a!id atta'ed the land% he le$t neither man nor woman ali!e% b#t too' away the shee*% the
o9en% the don'eys% the amels% and the a**arel% and ret#rned and ame to +hish"
1,a 24:15 Then +hish wo#ld say% .>here ha!e yo# made a raid todayC. +nd 2a!id wo#ld say% .+gainst the
so#thern (area) o$ J#dah% or against the so#thern (area) o$ the Jerahmeelites% or against the so#thern (area) o$
the Kenites".
1,a 24:11 2a!id wo#ld sa!e neither man nor woman ali!e% to bring (news) to Gath% saying% ./est they sho#ld
in$orm on #s% saying% ATh#s 2a!id did"A . +nd th#s (was) his beha!ior all the time he dwelt in the o#ntry o$ the
1,a 24:12 ,o +hish belie!ed 2a!id% saying% .He has made his *eo*le Israel #tterly abhor him& there$ore he will
be my ser!ant $ore!er".
1,a 28:1 Now it ha**ened in those days that the <hilistines gathered their armies together $or war% to $ight with
Israel" +nd +hish said to 2a!id% .Bo# ass#redly 'now that yo# will go o#t with me to battle% yo# and yo#r men".
1,a 28:2 +nd 2a!id said to +hish% .,#rely yo# 'now what yo#r ser!ant an do". +nd +hish said to 2a!id%
.There$ore I will ma'e yo# one o$ my hie$ g#ardians $ore!er".
1,a 28:- Now ,am#el had died% and all Israel had lamented $or him and b#ried him in :amah% in his own ity"
+nd ,a#l had *#t the medi#ms and the s*iritists o#t o$ the land"
1,a 28:0 Then the <hilistines gathered together% and ame and enam*ed at ,h#nem" ,o ,a#l gathered all
Israel together% and they enam*ed at Gilboa"
1,a 28:1 >hen ,a#l saw the army o$ the <hilistines% he was a$raid% and his heart trembled greatly"
1,a 28:3 +nd when ,a#l inE#ired o$ the /8:2% the /8:2 did not answer him% either by dreams or by 7rim or
by the *ro*hets"
1,a 28:4 Then ,a#l said to his ser!ants% .;ind me a woman who is a medi#m% that I may go to her and inE#ire
o$ her". +nd his ser!ants said to him% .In $at% (there is) a woman who is a medi#m at 6n 2or".
1,a 28:8 ,o ,a#l disg#ised himsel$ and *#t on other lothes% and he went% and two men with him& and they
ame to the woman by night" +nd he said% .<lease ond#t a seane $or me% and bring #* $or me the one I shall
name to yo#".
1,a 28:9 Then the woman said to him% ./oo'% yo# 'now what ,a#l has done% how he has #t o$$ the medi#ms
and the s*iritists $rom the land" >hy then do yo# lay a snare $or my li$e% to a#se me to dieC.
1,a 28:15 +nd ,a#l swore to her by the /8:2% saying% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% no *#nishment shall ome #*on
yo# $or this thing".
1,a 28:11 Then the woman said% .>hom shall I bring #* $or yo#C. +nd he said% .Bring #* ,am#el $or me".
1,a 28:12 >hen the woman saw ,am#el% she ried o#t with a lo#d !oie" +nd the woman s*o'e to ,a#l%
saying% .>hy ha!e yo# deei!ed meC ;or yo# (are) ,a#lF.
1,a 28:1- +nd the 'ing said to her% .2o not be a$raid" >hat did yo# seeC. +nd the woman said to ,a#l% .I saw a
s*irit asending o#t o$ the earth".
1,a 28:10 ,o he said to her% .>hat (is) his $ormC. +nd she said% .+n old man is oming #*% and he (is) o!ered
with a mantle". +nd ,a#l *erei!ed that it (was) ,am#el% and he stoo*ed with (his) $ae to the gro#nd and bowed
1,a 28:11 Now ,am#el said to ,a#l% .>hy ha!e yo# dist#rbed me by bringing me #*C. +nd ,a#l answered% .I
am dee*ly distressed& $or the <hilistines ma'e war against me% and God has de*arted $rom me and does not
answer me anymore% neither by *ro*hets nor by dreams" There$ore I ha!e alled yo#% that yo# may re!eal to me
what I sho#ld do".
1,a 28:13 Then ,am#el said: .>hy then do yo# as' me% seeing the /8:2 has de*arted $rom yo# and has
beome yo#r enemyC
1,a 28:14 .+nd the /8:2 has done $or Himsel$ as He s*o'e by me" ;or the /8:2 has torn the 'ingdom o#t o$
yo#r hand and gi!en it to yo#r neighbor% 2a!id"
1,a 28:18 .Bea#se yo# did not obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 nor e9e#te His $iere wrath #*on +male'%
there$ore the /8:2 has done this thing to yo# this day"
1,a 28:19 .?oreo!er the /8:2 will also deli!er Israel with yo# into the hand o$ the <hilistines" +nd tomorrow
yo# and yo#r sons (will be) with me" The /8:2 will also deli!er the army o$ Israel into the hand o$ the
1,a 28:25 Then immediately ,a#l $ell $#ll length on the gro#nd% and was dread$#lly a$raid bea#se o$ the words
o$ ,am#el" +nd there was no strength in him% $or he had eaten no $ood all day or all night"
1,a 28:21 +nd the woman ame to ,a#l and saw that he was se!erely tro#bled% and said to him% ./oo'% yo#r
maidser!ant has obeyed yo#r !oie% and I ha!e *#t my li$e in my hands and heeded the words whih yo# s*o'e
to me"
1,a 28:22 .Now there$ore% *lease% heed also the !oie o$ yo#r maidser!ant% and let me set a *iee o$ bread
be$ore yo#& and eat% that yo# may ha!e strength when yo# go on (yo#r) way".
1,a 28:2- B#t he re$#sed and said% .I will not eat". ,o his ser!ants% together with the woman% #rged him& and he
heeded their !oie" Then he arose $rom the gro#nd and sat on the bed"
1,a 28:20 Now the woman had a $atted al$ in the ho#se% and she hastened to 'ill it" +nd she too' $lo#r and
'neaded (it%) and ba'ed #nlea!ened bread $rom it"
1,a 28:21 ,o she bro#ght (it) be$ore ,a#l and his ser!ants% and they ate" Then they rose and went away that
1,a 29:1 Then the <hilistines gathered together all their armies at +*he'% and the Israelites enam*ed by a
$o#ntain whih (is) in JeHreel"
1,a 29:2 +nd the lords o$ the <hilistines *assed in re!iew by h#ndreds and by tho#sands% b#t 2a!id and his
men *assed in re!iew at the rear with +hish"
1,a 29:- Then the *rines o$ the <hilistines said% .>hat (are) these Hebrews (doing hereC.) +nd +hish said to
the *rines o$ the <hilistines% .(Is) this not 2a!id% the ser!ant o$ ,a#l 'ing o$ Israel% who has been with me these
days% or these yearsC +nd to this day I ha!e $o#nd no $a#lt in him sine he de$eted (to me".)
1,a 29:0 B#t the *rines o$ the <hilistines were angry with him& so the *rines o$ the <hilistines said to him%
.?a'e this $ellow ret#rn% that he may go ba' to the *lae whih yo# ha!e a**ointed $or him% and do not let him
go down with #s to battle% lest in the battle he beome o#r ad!ersary" ;or with what o#ld he reonile himsel$ to
his master% i$ not with the heads o$ these menC
1,a 29:1 .(Is) this not 2a!id% o$ whom they sang to one another in danes% saying: A,a#l has slain his
tho#sands% +nd 2a!id his ten tho#sandsAC.
1,a 29:3 Then +hish alled 2a!id and said to him% .,#rely% (as) the /8:2 li!es% yo# ha!e been #*right% and
yo#r going o#t and yo#r oming in with me in the army (is) good in my sight" ;or to this day I ha!e not $o#nd e!il
in yo# sine the day o$ yo#r oming to me" Ne!ertheless the lords do not $a!or yo#"
1,a 29:4 .There$ore ret#rn now% and go in *eae% that yo# may not dis*lease the lords o$ the <hilistines".
1,a 29:8 ,o 2a!id said to +hish% .B#t what ha!e I doneC +nd to this day what ha!e yo# $o#nd in yo#r ser!ant
as long as I ha!e been with yo#% that I may not go and $ight against the enemies o$ my lord the 'ingC.
1,a 29:9 Then +hish answered and said to 2a!id% .I 'now that yo# (are) as good in my sight as an angel o$
God& ne!ertheless the *rines o$ the <hilistines ha!e said% AHe shall not go #* with #s to the battle"A
1,a 29:15 .Now there$ore% rise early in the morning with yo#r masterAs ser!ants who ha!e ome with yo#" +nd
as soon as yo# are #* early in the morning and ha!e light% de*art".
1,a 29:11 ,o 2a!id and his men rose early to de*art in the morning% to ret#rn to the land o$ the <hilistines" +nd
the <hilistines went #* to JeHreel"
1,a -5:1 Now it ha**ened% when 2a!id and his men ame to Gi'lag% on the third day% that the +male'ites had
in!aded the ,o#th and Gi'lag% atta'ed Gi'lag and b#rned it with $ire%
1,a -5:2 and had ta'en a*ti!e the women and those who (were) there% $rom small to great& they did not 'ill
anyone% b#t arried (them) away and went their way"
1,a -5:- ,o 2a!id and his men ame to the ity% and there it was% b#rned with $ire& and their wi!es% their sons%
and their da#ghters had been ta'en a*ti!e"
1,a -5:0 Then 2a!id and the *eo*le who (were) with him li$ted #* their !oies and we*t% #ntil they had no more
*ower to wee*"
1,a -5:1 +nd 2a!idAs two wi!es% +hinoam the JeHreelitess% and +bigail the widow o$ Nabal the =armelite% had
been ta'en a*ti!e"
1,a -5:3 Now 2a!id was greatly distressed% $or the *eo*le s*o'e o$ stoning him% bea#se the so#l o$ all the
*eo*le was grie!ed% e!ery man $or his sons and his da#ghters" B#t 2a!id strengthened himsel$ in the /8:2 his
1,a -5:4 Then 2a!id said to +biathar the *riest% +himelehAs son% .<lease bring the e*hod here to me". +nd
+biathar bro#ght the e*hod to 2a!id"
1,a -5:8 ,o 2a!id inE#ired o$ the /8:2% saying% .,hall I *#rs#e this troo*C ,hall I o!erta'e themC. +nd He
answered him% .<#rs#e% $or yo# shall s#rely o!erta'e (them) and witho#t $ail reo!er (all".)
1,a -5:9 ,o 2a!id went% he and the si9 h#ndred men who (were) with him% and ame to the Broo' Besor% where
those stayed who were le$t behind"
1,a -5:15 B#t 2a!id *#rs#ed% he and $o#r h#ndred men& $or two h#ndred stayed (behind%) who were so weary
that they o#ld not ross the Broo' Besor"
1,a -5:11 Then they $o#nd an 6gy*tian in the $ield% and bro#ght him to 2a!id& and they ga!e him bread and he
ate% and they let him drin' water"
1,a -5:12 +nd they ga!e him a *iee o$ a a'e o$ $igs and two l#sters o$ raisins" ,o when he had eaten% his
strength ame ba' to him& $or he had eaten no bread nor dr#n' water $or three days and three nights"
1,a -5:1- Then 2a!id said to him% .To whom do yo# (belong%) and where (are) yo# $romC. +nd he said% .I (am) a
yo#ng man $rom 6gy*t% ser!ant o$ an +male'ite& and my master le$t me behind% bea#se three days ago I $ell
1,a -5:10 .>e made an in!asion o$ the so#thern (area) o$ the =herethites% in the (territory) whih (belongs) to
J#dah% and o$ the so#thern (area) o$ =aleb& and we b#rned Gi'lag with $ire".
1,a -5:11 +nd 2a!id said to him% .=an yo# ta'e me down to this troo*C. ,o he said% .,wear to me by God that
yo# will neither 'ill me nor deli!er me into the hands o$ my master% and I will ta'e yo# down to this troo*".
1,a -5:13 +nd when he had bro#ght him down% there they were% s*read o#t o!er all the land% eating and
drin'ing and daning% bea#se o$ all the great s*oil whih they had ta'en $rom the land o$ the <hilistines and
$rom the land o$ J#dah"
1,a -5:14 Then 2a!id atta'ed them $rom twilight #ntil the e!ening o$ the ne9t day" Not a man o$ them
esa*ed% e9e*t $o#r h#ndred yo#ng men who rode on amels and $led"
1,a -5:18 ,o 2a!id reo!ered all that the +male'ites had arried away% and 2a!id res#ed his two wi!es"
1,a -5:19 +nd nothing o$ theirs was la'ing% either small or great% sons or da#ghters% s*oil or anything whih
they had ta'en $rom them& 2a!id reo!ered all"
1,a -5:25 Then 2a!id too' all the $lo's and herds they had dri!en be$ore those (other) li!esto'% and said%
.This (is) 2a!idAs s*oil".
1,a -5:21 Now 2a!id ame to the two h#ndred men who had been so weary that they o#ld not $ollow 2a!id%
whom they also had made to stay at the Broo' Besor" ,o they went o#t to meet 2a!id and to meet the *eo*le
who (were) with him" +nd when 2a!id ame near the *eo*le% he greeted them"
1,a -5:22 Then all the wi'ed and worthless men o$ those who went with 2a!id answered and said% .Bea#se
they did not go with #s% we will not gi!e them (any) o$ the s*oil that we ha!e reo!ered% e9e*t $or e!ery manAs
wi$e and hildren% that they may lead (them) away and de*art".
1,a -5:2- B#t 2a!id said% .?y brethren% yo# shall not do so with what the /8:2 has gi!en #s% who has
*reser!ed #s and deli!ered into o#r hand the troo* that ame against #s"
1,a -5:20 .;or who will heed yo# in this matterC B#t as his *art (is) who goes down to the battle% so (shall) his
*art (be) who stays by the s#**lies& they shall share ali'e".
1,a -5:21 ,o it was% $rom that day $orward& he made it a stat#te and an ordinane $or Israel to this day"
1,a -5:23 Now when 2a!id ame to Gi'lag% he sent (some) o$ the s*oil to the elders o$ J#dah% to his $riends%
saying% .Here is a *resent $or yo# $rom the s*oil o$ the enemies o$ the /8:2. DD
1,a -5:24 to (those) who (were) in Bethel% (those) who (were) in :amoth o$ the ,o#th% (those) who (were) in
1,a -5:28 (those) who (were) in +roer% (those) who (were) in ,i*hmoth% (those) who (were) in 6shtemoa%
1,a -5:29 (those) who (were) in :ahal% (those) who (were) in the ities o$ the Jerahmeelites% (those) who (were)
in the ities o$ the Kenites%
1,a -5:-5 (those) who (were) in Hormah% (those) who (were) in =horashan% (those) who (were) in +thah%
1,a -5:-1 (those) who (were) in Hebron% and to all the *laes where 2a!id himsel$ and his men were
a#stomed to ro!e"
1,a -1:1 Now the <hilistines $o#ght against Israel& and the men o$ Israel $led $rom be$ore the <hilistines% and $ell
slain on ?o#nt Gilboa"
1,a -1:2 Then the <hilistines $ollowed hard a$ter ,a#l and his sons" +nd the <hilistines 'illed Jonathan%
+binadab% and ?alhish#a% ,a#lAs sons"
1,a -1:- The battle beame $iere against ,a#l" The arhers hit him% and he was se!erely wo#nded by the
1,a -1:0 Then ,a#l said to his armorbearer% .2raw yo#r sword% and thr#st me thro#gh with it% lest these
#nir#mised men ome and thr#st me thro#gh and ab#se me". B#t his armorbearer wo#ld not% $or he was
greatly a$raid" There$ore ,a#l too' a sword and $ell on it"
1,a -1:1 +nd when his armorbearer saw that ,a#l was dead% he also $ell on his sword% and died with him"
1,a -1:3 ,o ,a#l% his three sons% his armorbearer% and all his men died together that same day"
1,a -1:4 +nd when the men o$ Israel who (were) on the other side o$ the !alley% and (those) who (were) on the
other side o$ the Jordan% saw that the men o$ Israel had $led and that ,a#l and his sons were dead% they $orsoo'
the ities and $led& and the <hilistines ame and dwelt in them"
1,a -1:8 ,o it ha**ened the ne9t day% when the <hilistines ame to stri* the slain% that they $o#nd ,a#l and his
three sons $allen on ?o#nt Gilboa"
1,a -1:9 +nd they #t o$$ his head and stri**ed o$$ his armor% and sent (word) thro#gho#t the land o$ the
<hilistines% to *rolaim (it in) the tem*le o$ their idols and among the *eo*le"
1,a -1:15 Then they *#t his armor in the tem*le o$ the +shtoreths% and they $astened his body to the wall o$
Beth ,han"
1,a -1:11 Now when the inhabitants o$ Jabesh Gilead heard what the <hilistines had done to ,a#l%
1,a -1:12 all the !aliant men arose and tra!eled all night% and too' the body o$ ,a#l and the bodies o$ his sons
$rom the wall o$ Beth ,han& and they ame to Jabesh and b#rned them there"
1,a -1:1- Then they too' their bones and b#ried (them) #nder the tamaris' tree at Jabesh% and $asted se!en
2,a 1:1 Now it ame to *ass a$ter the death o$ ,a#l% when 2a!id had ret#rned $rom the sla#ghter o$ the
+male'ites% and 2a!id had stayed two days in Gi'lag%
2,a 1:2 on the third day% behold% it ha**ened that a man ame $rom ,a#lAs am* with his lothes torn and d#st
on his head" ,o it was% when he ame to 2a!id% that he $ell to the gro#nd and *rostrated himsel$"
2,a 1:- +nd 2a!id said to him% .>here ha!e yo# ome $romC. ,o he said to him% .I ha!e esa*ed $rom the
am* o$ Israel".
2,a 1:0 Then 2a!id said to him% .How did the matter goC <lease tell me". +nd he answered% .The *eo*le ha!e
$led $rom the battle% many o$ the *eo*le are $allen and dead% and ,a#l and Jonathan his son are dead also".
2,a 1:1 ,o 2a!id said to the yo#ng man who told him% .How do yo# 'now that ,a#l and Jonathan his son are
2,a 1:3 Then the yo#ng man who told him said% .+s I ha**ened by hane (to be) on ?o#nt Gilboa% there was
,a#l% leaning on his s*ear& and indeed the hariots and horsemen $ollowed hard a$ter him"
2,a 1:4 .Now when he loo'ed behind him% he saw me and alled to me" +nd I answered% AHere I am"A
2,a 1:8 .+nd he said to me% A>ho (are) yo#CA ,o I answered him% AI (am) an +male'ite"A
2,a 1:9 .He said to me again% A<lease stand o!er me and 'ill me% $or ang#ish has ome #*on me% b#t my li$e still
(remains) in me"A
2,a 1:15 .,o I stood o!er him and 'illed him% bea#se I was s#re that he o#ld not li!e a$ter he had $allen" +nd I
too' the rown that (was) on his head and the braelet that (was) on his arm% and ha!e bro#ght them here to my
2,a 1:11 (There$ore) 2a!id too' hold o$ his own lothes and tore them% and (so did) all the men who (were) with
2,a 1:12 +nd they mo#rned and we*t and $asted #ntil e!ening $or ,a#l and $or Jonathan his son% $or the *eo*le
o$ the /8:2 and $or the ho#se o$ Israel% bea#se they had $allen by the sword"
2,a 1:1- Then 2a!id said to the yo#ng man who told him% .>here (are) yo# $romC. +nd he answered% .I (am)
the son o$ an alien% an +male'ite".
2,a 1:10 ,o 2a!id said to him% .How was it yo# were not a$raid to *#t $orth yo#r hand to destroy the /8:2As
2,a 1:11 Then 2a!id alled one o$ the yo#ng men and said% .Go near% (and) e9e#te himF. +nd he str#' him so
that he died"
2,a 1:13 ,o 2a!id said to him% .Bo#r blood (is) on yo#r own head% $or yo#r own mo#th has testi$ied against yo#%
saying% AI ha!e 'illed the /8:2As anointed"A .
2,a 1:14 Then 2a!id lamented with this lamentation o!er ,a#l and o!er Jonathan his son%
2,a 1:18 and he told (them) to teah the hildren o$ J#dah (the ,ong o$) the Bow& indeed (it is) written in the
Boo' o$ Jasher:
2,a 1:19 .The bea#ty o$ Israel is slain on yo#r high *laesF How the mighty ha!e $allenF
2,a 1:25 Tell (it) not in Gath% <rolaim (it) not in the streets o$ +sh'elon DD /est the da#ghters o$ the <hilistines
re@oie% /est the da#ghters o$ the #nir#mised tri#m*h"
2,a 1:21 .8 mo#ntains o$ Gilboa% (/et there be) no dew nor rain #*on yo#% Nor $ields o$ o$$erings" ;or the shield
o$ the mighty is ast away thereF The shield o$ ,a#l% not anointed with oil"
2,a 1:22 ;rom the blood o$ the slain% ;rom the $at o$ the mighty% The bow o$ Jonathan did not t#rn ba'% +nd
the sword o$ ,a#l did not ret#rn em*ty"
2,a 1:2- .,a#l and Jonathan (were) belo!ed and *leasant in their li!es% +nd in their death they were not
di!ided& They were swi$ter than eagles% They were stronger than lions"
2,a 1:20 .8 da#ghters o$ Israel% wee* o!er ,a#l% >ho lothed yo# in sarlet% with l#9#ry& >ho *#t ornaments o$
gold on yo#r a**arel"
2,a 1:21 .How the mighty ha!e $allen in the midst o$ the battleF Jonathan (was) slain in yo#r high *laes"
2,a 1:23 I am distressed $or yo#% my brother Jonathan& Bo# ha!e been !ery *leasant to me& Bo#r lo!e to me
was wonder$#l% ,#r*assing the lo!e o$ women"
2,a 1:24 .How the mighty ha!e $allen% +nd the wea*ons o$ war *erishedF.
2,a 2:1 It ha**ened a$ter this that 2a!id inE#ired o$ the /8:2% saying% .,hall I go #* to any o$ the ities o$
J#dahC. +nd the /8:2 said to him% .Go #*". 2a!id said% .>here shall I go #*C. +nd He said% .To Hebron".
2,a 2:2 ,o 2a!id went #* there% and his two wi!es also% +hinoam the JeHreelitess% and +bigail the widow o$
Nabal the =armelite"
2,a 2:- +nd 2a!id bro#ght #* the men who (were) with him% e!ery man with his ho#sehold" ,o they dwelt in the
ities o$ Hebron"
2,a 2:0 Then the men o$ J#dah ame% and there they anointed 2a!id 'ing o!er the ho#se o$ J#dah" +nd they
told 2a!id% saying% .The men o$ Jabesh Gilead (were the ones) who b#ried ,a#l".
2,a 2:1 ,o 2a!id sent messengers to the men o$ Jabesh Gilead% and said to them% .Bo# (are) blessed o$ the
/8:2% $or yo# ha!e shown this 'indness to yo#r lord% to ,a#l% and ha!e b#ried him"
2,a 2:3 .+nd now may the /8:2 show 'indness and tr#th to yo#" I also will re*ay yo# this 'indness% bea#se
yo# ha!e done this thing"
2,a 2:4 .Now there$ore% let yo#r hands be strengthened% and be !aliant& $or yo#r master ,a#l is dead% and also
the ho#se o$ J#dah has anointed me 'ing o!er them".
2,a 2:8 B#t +bner the son o$ Ner% ommander o$ ,a#lAs army% too' Ishbosheth the son o$ ,a#l and bro#ght him
o!er to ?ahanaim&
2,a 2:9 and he made him 'ing o!er Gilead% o!er the +sh#rites% o!er JeHreel% o!er 6*hraim% o!er Ben@amin% and
o!er all Israel"
2,a 2:15 Ishbosheth% ,a#lAs son% (was) $orty years old when he began to reign o!er Israel% and he reigned two
years" 8nly the ho#se o$ J#dah $ollowed 2a!id"
2,a 2:11 +nd the time that 2a!id was 'ing in Hebron o!er the ho#se o$ J#dah was se!en years and si9 months"
2,a 2:12 Now +bner the son o$ Ner% and the ser!ants o$ Ishbosheth the son o$ ,a#l% went o#t $rom ?ahanaim
to Gibeon"
2,a 2:1- +nd Joab the son o$ Ger#iah% and the ser!ants o$ 2a!id% went o#t and met them by the *ool o$ Gibeon"
,o they sat down% one on one side o$ the *ool and the other on the other side o$ the *ool"
2,a 2:10 Then +bner said to Joab% ./et the yo#ng men now arise and om*ete be$ore #s". +nd Joab said% ./et
them arise".
2,a 2:11 ,o they arose and went o!er by n#mber% twel!e $rom Ben@amin% ($ollowers) o$ Ishbosheth the son o$
,a#l% and twel!e $rom the ser!ants o$ 2a!id"
2,a 2:13 +nd eah one gras*ed his o**onent by the head and (thr#st) his sword in his o**onentAs side& so they
$ell down together" There$ore that *lae was alled the ;ield o$ ,har* ,words% whih (is) in Gibeon"
2,a 2:14 ,o there was a !ery $iere battle that day% and +bner and the men o$ Israel were beaten be$ore the
ser!ants o$ 2a!id"
2,a 2:18 Now the three sons o$ Ger#iah were there: Joab and +bishai and +sahel" +nd +sahel (was as) $leet o$
$oot as a wild gaHelle"
2,a 2:19 ,o +sahel *#rs#ed +bner% and in going he did not t#rn to the right hand or to the le$t $rom $ollowing
2,a 2:25 Then +bner loo'ed behind him and said% .(+re) yo# +sahelC. He answered% .I (am".)
2,a 2:21 +nd +bner said to him% .T#rn aside to yo#r right hand or to yo#r le$t% and lay hold on one o$ the yo#ng
men and ta'e his armor $or yo#rsel$". B#t +sahel wo#ld not t#rn aside $rom $ollowing him"
2,a 2:22 ,o +bner said again to +sahel% .T#rn aside $rom $ollowing me" >hy sho#ld I stri'e yo# to the gro#ndC
How then o#ld I $ae yo#r brother JoabC.
2,a 2:2- Howe!er% he re$#sed to t#rn aside" There$ore +bner str#' him in the stomah with the bl#nt end o$
the s*ear% so that the s*ear ame o#t o$ his ba'& and he $ell down there and died on the s*ot" ,o it was (that) as
many as ame to the *lae where +sahel $ell down and died% stood still"
2,a 2:20 Joab and +bishai also *#rs#ed +bner" +nd the s#n was going down when they ame to the hill o$
+mmah% whih (is) be$ore Giah by the road to the >ilderness o$ Gibeon"
2,a 2:21 Now the hildren o$ Ben@amin gathered together behind +bner and beame a #nit% and too' their stand
on to* o$ a hill"
2,a 2:23 Then +bner alled to Joab and said% .,hall the sword de!o#r $ore!erC 2o yo# not 'now that it will be
bitter in the latter endC How long will it be then #ntil yo# tell the *eo*le to ret#rn $rom *#rs#ing their brethrenC.
2,a 2:24 +nd Joab said% .(+s) God li!es% #nless yo# had s*o'en% s#rely then by morning all the *eo*le wo#ld
ha!e gi!en #* *#rs#ing their brethren".
2,a 2:28 ,o Joab blew a tr#m*et& and all the *eo*le stood still and did not *#rs#e Israel anymore% nor did they
$ight anymore"
2,a 2:29 Then +bner and his men went on all that night thro#gh the *lain% rossed o!er the Jordan% and went
thro#gh all Bithron& and they ame to ?ahanaim"
2,a 2:-5 ,o Joab ret#rned $rom *#rs#ing +bner" +nd when he had gathered all the *eo*le together% there were
missing o$ 2a!idAs ser!ants nineteen men and +sahel"
2,a 2:-1 B#t the ser!ants o$ 2a!id had str#' down% o$ Ben@amin and +bnerAs men% three h#ndred and si9ty
men who died"
2,a 2:-2 Then they too' #* +sahel and b#ried him in his $atherAs tomb% whih (was in) Bethlehem" +nd Joab
and his men went all night% and they ame to Hebron at daybrea'"
2,a -:1 Now there was a long war between the ho#se o$ ,a#l and the ho#se o$ 2a!id" B#t 2a!id grew stronger
and stronger% and the ho#se o$ ,a#l grew wea'er and wea'er"
2,a -:2 ,ons were born to 2a!id in Hebron: His $irstborn was +mnon by +hinoam the JeHreelitess&
2,a -:- his seond% =hileab% by +bigail the widow o$ Nabal the =armelite& the third% +bsalom the son o$
?aaah% the da#ghter o$ Talmai% 'ing o$ Gesh#r&
2,a -:0 the $o#rth% +doni@ah the son o$ Haggith& the $i$th% ,he*hatiah the son o$ +bital&
2,a -:1 and the si9th% Ithream% by 2a!idAs wi$e 6glah" These were born to 2a!id in Hebron"
2,a -:3 Now it was so% while there was war between the ho#se o$ ,a#l and the ho#se o$ 2a!id% that +bner was
strengthening (his hold) on the ho#se o$ ,a#l"
2,a -:4 +nd ,a#l had a on#bine% whose name (was) :iH*ah% the da#ghter o$ +iah" ,o (Ishbosheth) said to
+bner% .>hy ha!e yo# gone in to my $atherAs on#bineC.
2,a -:8 Then +bner beame !ery angry at the words o$ Ishbosheth% and said% .(+m) I a dogAs head that belongs
to J#dahC Today I show loyalty to the ho#se o$ ,a#l yo#r $ather% to his brothers% and to his $riends% and ha!e not
deli!ered yo# into the hand o$ 2a!id& and yo# harge me today with a $a#lt onerning this womanC
2,a -:9 .?ay God do so to +bner% and more also% i$ I do not do $or 2a!id as the /8:2 has sworn to him DD
2,a -:15 .to trans$er the 'ingdom $rom the ho#se o$ ,a#l% and set #* the throne o$ 2a!id o!er Israel and o!er
J#dah% $rom 2an to Beersheba".
2,a -:11 +nd he o#ld not answer +bner another word% bea#se he $eared him"
2,a -:12 Then +bner sent messengers on his behal$ to 2a!id% saying% .>hose (is) the landC. saying (also%)
.?a'e yo#r o!enant with me% and indeed my hand (shall be) with yo# to bring all Israel to yo#".
2,a -:1- +nd (2a!id) said% .Good% I will ma'e a o!enant with yo#" B#t one thing I reE#ire o$ yo#: yo# shall not
see my $ae #nless yo# $irst bring ?ihal% ,a#lAs da#ghter% when yo# ome to see my $ae".
2,a -:10 ,o 2a!id sent messengers to Ishbosheth% ,a#lAs son% saying% .Gi!e (me) my wi$e ?ihal% whom I
betrothed to mysel$ $or a h#ndred $ores'ins o$ the <hilistines".
2,a -:11 +nd Ishbosheth sent and too' her $rom (her) h#sband% $rom <altiel the son o$ /aish"
2,a -:13 Then her h#sband went along with her to Bah#rim% wee*ing behind her" ,o +bner said to him% .Go%
ret#rnF. +nd he ret#rned"
2,a -:14 Now +bner had omm#niated with the elders o$ Israel% saying% .In time *ast yo# were see'ing $or
2a!id (to be) 'ing o!er yo#"
2,a -:18 .Now then% do (itF) ;or the /8:2 has s*o'en o$ 2a!id% saying% ABy the hand o$ ?y ser!ant 2a!id% I will
sa!e ?y *eo*le Israel $rom the hand o$ the <hilistines and the hand o$ all their enemies"A .
2,a -:19 +nd +bner also s*o'e in the hearing o$ Ben@amin" Then +bner also went to s*ea' in the hearing o$
2a!id in Hebron all that seemed good to Israel and the whole ho#se o$ Ben@amin"
2,a -:25 ,o +bner and twenty men with him ame to 2a!id at Hebron" +nd 2a!id made a $east $or +bner and
the men who (were) with him"
2,a -:21 Then +bner said to 2a!id% .I will arise and go% and gather all Israel to my lord the 'ing% that they may
ma'e a o!enant with yo#% and that yo# may reign o!er all that yo#r heart desires". ,o 2a!id sent +bner away%
and he went in *eae"
2,a -:22 +t that moment the ser!ants o$ 2a!id and Joab ame $rom a raid and bro#ght m#h s*oil with them"
B#t +bner (was) not with 2a!id in Hebron% $or he had sent him away% and he had gone in *eae"
2,a -:2- >hen Joab and all the troo*s that (were) with him had ome% they told Joab% saying% .+bner the son o$
Ner ame to the 'ing% and he sent him away% and he has gone in *eae".
2,a -:20 Then Joab ame to the 'ing and said% .>hat ha!e yo# doneC /oo'% +bner ame to yo#& why (is) it
(that) yo# sent him away% and he has already goneC
2,a -:21 .,#rely yo# realiHe that +bner the son o$ Ner ame to deei!e yo#% to 'now yo#r going o#t and yo#r
oming in% and to 'now all that yo# are doing".
2,a -:23 +nd when Joab had gone $rom 2a!idAs *resene% he sent messengers a$ter +bner% who bro#ght him
ba' $rom the well o$ ,irah" B#t 2a!id did not 'now (it")
2,a -:24 Now when +bner had ret#rned to Hebron% Joab too' him aside in the gate to s*ea' with him *ri!ately%
and there stabbed him in the stomah% so that he died $or the blood o$ +sahel his brother"
2,a -:28 +$terward% when 2a!id heard (it%) he said% .?y 'ingdom and I (are) g#iltless be$ore the /8:2 $ore!er
o$ the blood o$ +bner the son o$ Ner"
2,a -:29 ./et it rest on the head o$ Joab and on all his $atherAs ho#se& and let there ne!er $ail to be in the ho#se
o$ Joab one who has a disharge or is a le*er% who leans on a sta$$ or $alls by the sword% or who la's bread".
2,a -:-5 ,o Joab and +bishai his brother 'illed +bner% bea#se he had 'illed their brother +sahel at Gibeon in
the battle"
2,a -:-1 Then 2a!id said to Joab and to all the *eo*le who were with him% .Tear yo#r lothes% gird yo#rsel!es
with sa'loth% and mo#rn $or +bner". +nd King 2a!id $ollowed the o$$in"
2,a -:-2 ,o they b#ried +bner in Hebron& and the 'ing li$ted #* his !oie and we*t at the gra!e o$ +bner% and
all the *eo*le we*t"
2,a -:-- +nd the 'ing sang (a lament) o!er +bner and said: .,ho#ld +bner die as a $ool diesC
2,a -:-0 Bo#r hands were not bo#nd Nor yo#r $eet *#t into $etters& +s a man $alls be$ore wi'ed men% (so) yo#
$ell". Then all the *eo*le we*t o!er him again"
2,a -:-1 +nd when all the *eo*le ame to *ers#ade 2a!id to eat $ood while it was still day% 2a!id too' an oath%
saying% .God do so to me% and more also% i$ I taste bread or anything else till the s#n goes downF.
2,a -:-3 Now all the *eo*le too' note (o$ it%) and it *leased them% sine whate!er the 'ing did *leased all the
2,a -:-4 ;or all the *eo*le and all Israel #nderstood that day that it had not been the 'ingAs (intent) to 'ill +bner
the son o$ Ner"
2,a -:-8 Then the 'ing said to his ser!ants% .2o yo# not 'now that a *rine and a great man has $allen this day
in IsraelC
2,a -:-9 .+nd I (am) wea' today% tho#gh anointed 'ing& and these men% the sons o$ Ger#iah% (are) too harsh $or
me" The /8:2 shall re*ay the e!ildoer aording to his wi'edness".
2,a 0:1 >hen ,a#lAs son heard that +bner had died in Hebron% he lost heart% and all Israel was tro#bled"
2,a 0:2 Now ,a#lAs son (had) two men (who were) a*tains o$ troo*s" The name o$ one (was) Baanah and the
name o$ the other :ehab% the sons o$ :immon the Beerothite% o$ the hildren o$ Ben@amin" I;or Beeroth also
was (*art) o$ Ben@amin%
2,a 0:- bea#se the Beerothites $led to Gittaim and ha!e been so@o#rners there #ntil this day"J
2,a 0:0 Jonathan% ,a#lAs son% had a son (who was) lame in (his) $eet" He was $i!e years old when the news
abo#t ,a#l and Jonathan ame $rom JeHreel& and his n#rse too' him #* and $led" +nd it ha**ened% as she made
haste to $lee% that he $ell and beame lame" His name (was) ?e*hibosheth"
2,a 0:1 Then the sons o$ :immon the Beerothite% :ehab and Baanah% set o#t and ame at abo#t the heat o$
the day to the ho#se o$ Ishbosheth% who was lying on his bed at noon"
2,a 0:3 +nd they ame there% all the way into the ho#se% (as tho#gh) to get wheat% and they stabbed him in the
stomah" Then :ehab and Baanah his brother esa*ed"
2,a 0:4 ;or when they ame into the ho#se% he was lying on his bed in his bedroom& then they str#' him and
'illed him% beheaded him and too' his head% and were all night esa*ing thro#gh the *lain"
2,a 0:8 +nd they bro#ght the head o$ Ishbosheth to 2a!id at Hebron% and said to the 'ing% .Here is the head o$
Ishbosheth% the son o$ ,a#l yo#r enemy% who so#ght yo#r li$e& and the /8:2 has a!enged my lord the 'ing this
day o$ ,a#l and his desendants".
2,a 0:9 B#t 2a!id answered :ehab and Baanah his brother% the sons o$ :immon the Beerothite% and said to
them% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% who has redeemed my li$e $rom all ad!ersity%
2,a 0:15 .when someone told me% saying% A/oo'% ,a#l is dead%A thin'ing to ha!e bro#ght good news% I arrested
him and had him e9e#ted in Gi'lag DD the one who (tho#ght) I wo#ld gi!e him a reward $or (his) news"
2,a 0:11 .How m#h more% when wi'ed men ha!e 'illed a righteo#s *erson in his own ho#se on his bedC
There$ore% shall I not now reE#ire his blood at yo#r hand and remo!e yo# $rom the earthC.
2,a 0:12 ,o 2a!id ommanded his yo#ng men% and they e9e#ted them% #t o$$ their hands and $eet% and
hanged (them) by the *ool in Hebron" B#t they too' the head o$ Ishbosheth and b#ried (it) in the tomb o$ +bner in
2,a 1:1 Then all the tribes o$ Israel ame to 2a!id at Hebron and s*o'e% saying% .Indeed we (are) yo#r bone
and yo#r $lesh"
2,a 1:2 .+lso% in time *ast% when ,a#l was 'ing o!er #s% yo# were the one who led Israel o#t and bro#ght them
in& and the /8:2 said to yo#% ABo# shall she*herd ?y *eo*le Israel% and be r#ler o!er Israel"A .
2,a 1:- There$ore all the elders o$ Israel ame to the 'ing at Hebron% and King 2a!id made a o!enant with
them at Hebron be$ore the /8:2" +nd they anointed 2a!id 'ing o!er Israel"
2,a 1:0 2a!id (was) thirty years old when he began to reign% (and) he reigned $orty years"
2,a 1:1 In Hebron he reigned o!er J#dah se!en years and si9 months% and in Jer#salem he reigned thirtyDthree
years o!er all Israel and J#dah"
2,a 1:3 +nd the 'ing and his men went to Jer#salem against the Jeb#sites% the inhabitants o$ the land% who
s*o'e to 2a!id% saying% .Bo# shall not ome in here& b#t the blind and the lame will re*el yo#%. thin'ing% .2a!id
annot ome in here".
2,a 1:4 Ne!ertheless 2a!id too' the stronghold o$ Gion Ithat (is%) the =ity o$ 2a!idJ"
2,a 1:8 Now 2a!id said on that day% .>hoe!er limbs #* by way o$ the water sha$t and de$eats the Jeb#sites
Ithe lame and the blind% (who are) hated by 2a!idAs so#lJ% (he shall be hie$ and a*tain".) There$ore they say%
.The blind and the lame shall not ome into the ho#se".
2,a 1:9 Then 2a!id dwelt in the stronghold% and alled it the =ity o$ 2a!id" +nd 2a!id b#ilt all aro#nd $rom the
?illo and inward"
2,a 1:15 ,o 2a!id went on and beame great% and the /8:2 God o$ hosts (was) with him"
2,a 1:11 Then Hiram 'ing o$ Tyre sent messengers to 2a!id% and edar trees% and ar*enters and masons"
+nd they b#ilt 2a!id a ho#se"
2,a 1:12 ,o 2a!id 'new that the /8:2 had established him as 'ing o!er Israel% and that He had e9alted His
'ingdom $or the sa'e o$ His *eo*le Israel"
2,a 1:1- +nd 2a!id too' more on#bines and wi!es $rom Jer#salem% a$ter he had ome $rom Hebron" +lso
more sons and da#ghters were born to 2a!id"
2,a 1:10 Now these (are) the names o$ those who were born to him in Jer#salem: ,hamm#a% ,hobab% Nathan%
2,a 1:11 Ibhar% 6lish#a% Ne*heg% Ja*hia%
2,a 1:13 6lishama% 6liada% and 6li*helet"
2,a 1:14 Now when the <hilistines heard that they had anointed 2a!id 'ing o!er Israel% all the <hilistines went
#* to searh $or 2a!id" +nd 2a!id heard (o$ it) and went down to the stronghold"
2,a 1:18 The <hilistines also went and de*loyed themsel!es in the Valley o$ :e*haim"
2,a 1:19 ,o 2a!id inE#ired o$ the /8:2% saying% .,hall I go #* against the <hilistinesC >ill Bo# deli!er them
into my handC. +nd the /8:2 said to 2a!id% .Go #*% $or I will do#btless deli!er the <hilistines into yo#r hand".
2,a 1:25 ,o 2a!id went to Baal <eraHim% and 2a!id de$eated them there& and he said% .The /8:2 has bro'en
thro#gh my enemies be$ore me% li'e a brea'thro#gh o$ water". There$ore he alled the name o$ that *lae Baal
2,a 1:21 +nd they le$t their images there% and 2a!id and his men arried them away"
2,a 1:22 Then the <hilistines went #* one again and de*loyed themsel!es in the Valley o$ :e*haim"
2,a 1:2- There$ore 2a!id inE#ired o$ the /8:2% and He said% .Bo# shall not go #*& irle aro#nd behind them%
and ome #*on them in $ront o$ the m#lberry trees"
2,a 1:20 .+nd it shall be% when yo# hear the so#nd o$ marhing in the to*s o$ the m#lberry trees% then yo# shall
ad!ane E#i'ly" ;or then the /8:2 will go o#t be$ore yo# to stri'e the am* o$ the <hilistines".
2,a 1:21 +nd 2a!id did so% as the /8:2 ommanded him& and he dro!e ba' the <hilistines $rom Geba as $ar
as GeHer"
2,a 3:1 +gain 2a!id gathered all (the) hoie (men) o$ Israel% thirty tho#sand"
2,a 3:2 +nd 2a!id arose and went with all the *eo*le who (were) with him $rom Baale J#dah to bring #* $rom
there the ar' o$ God% whose name is alled by the Name% the /8:2 o$ Hosts% who dwells (between) the
2,a 3:- ,o they set the ar' o$ God on a new art% and bro#ght it o#t o$ the ho#se o$ +binadab% whih (was) on
the hill& and 7HHah and +hio% the sons o$ +binadab% dro!e the new art"
2,a 3:0 +nd they bro#ght it o#t o$ the ho#se o$ +binadab% whih (was) on the hill% aom*anying the ar' o$ God&
and +hio went be$ore the ar'"
2,a 3:1 Then 2a!id and all the ho#se o$ Israel *layed (m#si) be$ore the /8:2 on all 'inds o$ (instr#ments o$)
$ir wood% on har*s% on stringed instr#ments% on tambo#rines% on sistr#ms% and on ymbals"
2,a 3:3 +nd when they ame to NahonAs threshing $loor% 7HHah *#t o#t (his hand) to the ar' o$ God and too'
hold o$ it% $or the o9en st#mbled"
2,a 3:4 Then the anger o$ the /8:2 was aro#sed against 7HHah% and God str#' him there $or (his) error& and
he died there by the ar' o$ God"
2,a 3:8 +nd 2a!id beame angry bea#se o$ the /8:2As o#tbrea' against 7HHah& and he alled the name o$
the *lae <ereH 7HHah to this day"
2,a 3:9 2a!id was a$raid o$ the /8:2 that day& and he said% .How an the ar' o$ the /8:2 ome to meC.
2,a 3:15 ,o 2a!id wo#ld not mo!e the ar' o$ the /8:2 with him into the =ity o$ 2a!id& b#t 2a!id too' it aside
into the ho#se o$ 8bedD6dom the Gittite"
2,a 3:11 The ar' o$ the /8:2 remained in the ho#se o$ 8bedD6dom the Gittite three months" +nd the /8:2
blessed 8bedD6dom and all his ho#sehold"
2,a 3:12 Now it was told King 2a!id% saying% .The /8:2 has blessed the ho#se o$ 8bedD6dom and all that
(belongs) to him% bea#se o$ the ar' o$ God". ,o 2a!id went and bro#ght #* the ar' o$ God $rom the ho#se o$
8bedD6dom to the =ity o$ 2a!id with gladness"
2,a 3:1- +nd so it was% when those bearing the ar' o$ the /8:2 had gone si9 *aes% that he sari$ied o9en
and $atted shee*"
2,a 3:10 Then 2a!id daned be$ore the /8:2 with all (his) might& and 2a!id (was) wearing a linen e*hod"
2,a 3:11 ,o 2a!id and all the ho#se o$ Israel bro#ght #* the ar' o$ the /8:2 with sho#ting and with the so#nd
o$ the tr#m*et"
2,a 3:13 Now as the ar' o$ the /8:2 ame into the =ity o$ 2a!id% ?ihal% ,a#lAs da#ghter% loo'ed thro#gh a
window and saw King 2a!id lea*ing and whirling be$ore the /8:2& and she des*ised him in her heart"
2,a 3:14 ,o they bro#ght the ar' o$ the /8:2% and set it in its *lae in the midst o$ the tabernale that 2a!id
had ereted $or it" Then 2a!id o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings and *eae o$$erings be$ore the /8:2"
2,a 3:18 +nd when 2a!id had $inished o$$ering b#rnt o$$erings and *eae o$$erings% he blessed the *eo*le in
the name o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts"
2,a 3:19 Then he distrib#ted among all the *eo*le% among the whole m#ltit#de o$ Israel% both the women and
the men% to e!eryone a loa$ o$ bread% a *iee (o$ meat%) and a a'e o$ raisins" ,o all the *eo*le de*arted%
e!eryone to his ho#se"
2,a 3:25 Then 2a!id ret#rned to bless his ho#sehold" +nd ?ihal the da#ghter o$ ,a#l ame o#t to meet 2a!id%
and said% .How glorio#s was the 'ing o$ Israel today% #no!ering himsel$ today in the eyes o$ the maids o$ his
ser!ants% as one o$ the base $ellows shamelessly #no!ers himsel$F.
2,a 3:21 ,o 2a!id said to ?ihal% .(It was) be$ore the /8:2% who hose me instead o$ yo#r $ather and all his
ho#se% to a**oint me r#ler o!er the *eo*le o$ the /8:2% o!er Israel" There$ore I will *lay (m#si) be$ore the
2,a 3:22 .+nd I will be e!en more #ndigni$ied than this% and will be h#mble in my own sight" B#t as $or the
maidser!ants o$ whom yo# ha!e s*o'en% by them I will be held in honor".
2,a 3:2- There$ore ?ihal the da#ghter o$ ,a#l had no hildren to the day o$ her death"
2,a 4:1 Now it ame to *ass when the 'ing was dwelling in his ho#se% and the /8:2 had gi!en him rest $rom
all his enemies all aro#nd%
2,a 4:2 that the 'ing said to Nathan the *ro*het% .,ee now% I dwell in a ho#se o$ edar% b#t the ar' o$ God
dwells inside tent #rtains".
2,a 4:- Then Nathan said to the 'ing% .Go% do all that (is) in yo#r heart% $or the /8:2 (is) with yo#".
2,a 4:0 B#t it ha**ened that night that the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Nathan% saying%
2,a 4:1 .Go and tell ?y ser!ant 2a!id% ATh#s says the /8:2: .>o#ld yo# b#ild a ho#se $or ?e to dwell inC
2,a 4:3 .;or I ha!e not dwelt in a ho#se sine the time that I bro#ght the hildren o$ Israel #* $rom 6gy*t% e!en
to this day% b#t ha!e mo!ed abo#t in a tent and in a tabernale"
2,a 4:4 .>here!er I ha!e mo!ed abo#t with all the hildren o$ Israel% ha!e I e!er s*o'en a word to anyone $rom
the tribes o$ Israel% whom I ommanded to she*herd ?y *eo*le Israel% saying% A>hy ha!e yo# not b#ilt ?e a
ho#se o$ edarCA . A
2,a 4:8 .Now there$ore% th#s shall yo# say to ?y ser!ant 2a!id% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .I too' yo# $rom
the shee*$old% $rom $ollowing the shee*% to be r#ler o!er ?y *eo*le% o!er Israel"
2,a 4:9 .+nd I ha!e been with yo# where!er yo# ha!e gone% and ha!e #t o$$ all yo#r enemies $rom be$ore yo#%
and ha!e made yo# a great name% li'e the name o$ the great men who (are) on the earth"
2,a 4:15 .?oreo!er I will a**oint a *lae $or ?y *eo*le Israel% and will *lant them% that they may dwell in a
*lae o$ their own and mo!e no more& nor shall the sons o$ wi'edness o**ress them anymore% as *re!io#sly%
2,a 4:11 .sine the time that I ommanded @#dges (to be) o!er ?y *eo*le Israel% and ha!e a#sed yo# to rest
$rom all yo#r enemies" +lso the /8:2 tells yo# that He will ma'e yo# a ho#se"
2,a 4:12 . >hen yo#r days are $#l$illed and yo# rest with yo#r $athers% I will set #* yo#r seed a$ter yo#% who will
ome $rom yo#r body% and I will establish his 'ingdom"
2,a 4:1- .He shall b#ild a ho#se $or ?y name% and I will establish the throne o$ his 'ingdom $ore!er"
2,a 4:10 .I will be his ;ather% and he shall be ?y son" I$ he ommits iniE#ity% I will hasten him with the rod o$
men and with the blows o$ the sons o$ men"
2,a 4:11 .B#t ?y mery shall not de*art $rom him% as I too' (it) $rom ,a#l% whom I remo!ed $rom be$ore yo#"
2,a 4:13 .+nd yo#r ho#se and yo#r 'ingdom shall be established $ore!er be$ore yo#" Bo#r throne shall be
established $ore!er". A .
2,a 4:14 +ording to all these words and aording to all this !ision% so Nathan s*o'e to 2a!id"
2,a 4:18 Then King 2a!id went in and sat be$ore the /8:2& and he said: .>ho (am) I% 8 /ord G82C +nd what
is my ho#se% that Bo# ha!e bro#ght me this $arC
2,a 4:19 .+nd yet this was a small thing in Bo#r sight% 8 /ord G82& and Bo# ha!e also s*o'en o$ Bo#r
ser!antAs ho#se $or a great while to ome" (Is) this the manner o$ man% 8 /ord G82C
2,a 4:25 .Now what more an 2a!id say to Bo#C ;or Bo#% /ord G82% 'now Bo#r ser!ant"
2,a 4:21 .;or Bo#r wordAs sa'e% and aording to Bo#r own heart% Bo# ha!e done all these great things% to
ma'e Bo#r ser!ant 'now (them")
2,a 4:22 .There$ore Bo# are great% 8 /ord G82" ;or (there is) none li'e Bo#% nor (is there any) God besides
Bo#% aording to all that we ha!e heard with o#r ears"
2,a 4:2- .+nd who (is) li'e Bo#r *eo*le% li'e Israel% the one nation on the earth whom God went to redeem $or
Himsel$ as a *eo*le% to ma'e $or Himsel$ a name DD and to do $or Bo#rsel$ great and awesome deeds $or Bo#r
land DD be$ore Bo#r *eo*le whom Bo# redeemed $or Bo#rsel$ $rom 6gy*t% the nations% and their godsC
2,a 4:20 .;or Bo# ha!e made Bo#r *eo*le Israel Bo#r !ery own *eo*le $ore!er& and Bo#% /8:2% ha!e beome
their God"
2,a 4:21 .Now% 8 /8:2 God% the word whih Bo# ha!e s*o'en onerning Bo#r ser!ant and onerning his
ho#se% establish (it) $ore!er and do as Bo# ha!e said"
2,a 4:23 .,o let Bo#r name be magni$ied $ore!er% saying% AThe /8:2 o$ hosts (is) the God o!er Israel"A +nd let
the ho#se o$ Bo#r ser!ant 2a!id be established be$ore Bo#"
2,a 4:24 .;or Bo#% 8 /8:2 o$ hosts% God o$ Israel% ha!e re!ealed (this) to Bo#r ser!ant% saying% AI will b#ild yo#
a ho#se"A There$ore Bo#r ser!ant has $o#nd it in his heart to *ray this *rayer to Bo#"
2,a 4:28 .+nd now% 8 /ord G82% Bo# are God% and Bo#r words are tr#e% and Bo# ha!e *romised this
goodness to Bo#r ser!ant"
2,a 4:29 .Now there$ore% let it *lease Bo# to bless the ho#se o$ Bo#r ser!ant% that it may ontin#e $ore!er
be$ore Bo#& $or Bo#% 8 /ord G82% ha!e s*o'en (it%) and with Bo#r blessing let the ho#se o$ Bo#r ser!ant be
blessed $ore!er".
2,a 8:1 +$ter this it ame to *ass that 2a!id atta'ed the <hilistines and s#bd#ed them" +nd 2a!id too' ?etheg
+mmah $rom the hand o$ the <hilistines"
2,a 8:2 Then he de$eated ?oab" ;oring them down to the gro#nd% he meas#red them o$$ with a line" >ith two
lines he meas#red o$$ those to be *#t to death% and with one $#ll line those to be 'e*t ali!e" ,o the ?oabites
beame 2a!idAs ser!ants% (and) bro#ght trib#te"
2,a 8:- 2a!id also de$eated HadadeHer the son o$ :ehob% 'ing o$ Gobah% as he went to reo!er his territory at
the :i!er 6#*hrates"
2,a 8:0 2a!id too' $rom him one tho#sand (hariots%) se!en h#ndred horsemen% and twenty tho#sand $oot
soldiers" +lso 2a!id hamstr#ng all the hariot horses% e9e*t that he s*ared (eno#gh) o$ them $or one h#ndred
2,a 8:1 >hen the ,yrians o$ 2amas#s ame to hel* HadadeHer 'ing o$ Gobah% 2a!id 'illed twentyDtwo
tho#sand o$ the ,yrians"
2,a 8:3 Then 2a!id *#t garrisons in ,yria o$ 2amas#s& and the ,yrians beame 2a!idAs ser!ants% (and)
bro#ght trib#te" The /8:2 *reser!ed 2a!id where!er he went"
2,a 8:4 +nd 2a!id too' the shields o$ gold that had belonged to the ser!ants o$ HadadeHer% and bro#ght them
to Jer#salem"
2,a 8:8 +lso $rom Betah and $rom Berothai% ities o$ HadadeHer% King 2a!id too' a large amo#nt o$ bronHe"
2,a 8:9 >hen Toi 'ing o$ Hamath heard that 2a!id had de$eated all the army o$ HadadeHer%
2,a 8:15 then Toi sent Joram his son to King 2a!id% to greet him and bless him% bea#se he had $o#ght against
HadadeHer and de$eated him I$or HadadeHer had been at war with ToiJ& and (Joram) bro#ght with him artiles o$
sil!er% artiles o$ gold% and artiles o$ bronHe"
2,a 8:11 King 2a!id also dediated these to the /8:2% along with the sil!er and gold that he had dediated
$rom all the nations whih he had s#bd#ed DD
2,a 8:12 $rom ,yria% $rom ?oab% $rom the *eo*le o$ +mmon% $rom the <hilistines% $rom +male'% and $rom the
s*oil o$ HadadeHer the son o$ :ehob% 'ing o$ Gobah"
2,a 8:1- +nd 2a!id made (himsel$) a name when he ret#rned $rom 'illing eighteen tho#sand ,yrians in the
Valley o$ ,alt"
2,a 8:10 He also *#t garrisons in 6dom& thro#gho#t all 6dom he *#t garrisons% and all the 6domites beame
2a!idAs ser!ants" +nd the /8:2 *reser!ed 2a!id where!er he went"
2,a 8:11 ,o 2a!id reigned o!er all Israel& and 2a!id administered @#dgment and @#stie to all his *eo*le"
2,a 8:13 Joab the son o$ Ger#iah (was) o!er the army& Jehosha*hat the son o$ +hil#d (was) reorder&
2,a 8:14 Gado' the son o$ +hit#b and +himeleh the son o$ +biathar (were) the *riests& ,eraiah (was) the
2,a 8:18 Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada (was o!er) both the =herethites and the <elethites& and 2a!idAs sons
were hie$ ministers"
2,a 9:1 Now 2a!id said% .Is there still anyone who is le$t o$ the ho#se o$ ,a#l% that I may show him 'indness $or
JonathanAs sa'eC.
2,a 9:2 +nd (there was) a ser!ant o$ the ho#se o$ ,a#l whose name (was) Giba" ,o when they had alled him to
2a!id% the 'ing said to him% .(+re) yo# GibaC. +nd he said% .+t yo#r ser!ieF.
2,a 9:- Then the 'ing said% .(Is) there not still someone o$ the ho#se o$ ,a#l% to whom I may show the 'indness
o$ GodC. +nd Giba said to the 'ing% .There is still a son o$ Jonathan (who is) lame in (his) $eet".
2,a 9:0 ,o the 'ing said to him% .>here (is) heC. +nd Giba said to the 'ing% .Indeed he (is) in the ho#se o$
?ahir the son o$ +mmiel% in /o 2ebar".
2,a 9:1 Then King 2a!id sent and bro#ght him o#t o$ the ho#se o$ ?ahir the son o$ +mmiel% $rom /o 2ebar"
2,a 9:3 Now when ?e*hibosheth the son o$ Jonathan% the son o$ ,a#l% had ome to 2a!id% he $ell on his $ae
and *rostrated himsel$" Then 2a!id said% .?e*hiboshethC. +nd he answered% .Here is yo#r ser!antF.
2,a 9:4 ,o 2a!id said to him% .2o not $ear% $or I will s#rely show yo# 'indness $or Jonathan yo#r $atherAs sa'e%
and will restore to yo# all the land o$ ,a#l yo#r grand$ather& and yo# shall eat bread at my table ontin#ally".
2,a 9:8 Then he bowed himsel$% and said% .>hat (is) yo#r ser!ant% that yo# sho#ld loo' #*on s#h a dead dog
as IC.
2,a 9:9 +nd the 'ing alled to Giba% ,a#lAs ser!ant% and said to him% .I ha!e gi!en to yo#r masterAs son all that
belonged to ,a#l and to all his ho#se"
2,a 9:15 .Bo# there$ore% and yo#r sons and yo#r ser!ants% shall wor' the land $or him% and yo# shall bring in
(the har!est%) that yo#r masterAs son may ha!e $ood to eat" B#t ?e*hibosheth yo#r masterAs son shall eat bread
at my table always". Now Giba had $i$teen sons and twenty ser!ants"
2,a 9:11 Then Giba said to the 'ing% .+ording to all that my lord the 'ing has ommanded his ser!ant% so will
yo#r ser!ant do". .+s $or ?e*hibosheth%. (said the 'ing%) .he shall eat at my table li'e one o$ the 'ingAs sons".
2,a 9:12 ?e*hibosheth had a yo#ng son whose name (was) ?iha" +nd all who dwelt in the ho#se o$ Giba
(were) ser!ants o$ ?e*hibosheth"
2,a 9:1- ,o ?e*hibosheth dwelt in Jer#salem% $or he ate ontin#ally at the 'ingAs table" +nd he was lame in
both his $eet"
2,a 15:1 It ha**ened a$ter this that the 'ing o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon died% and Han#n his son reigned in his
2,a 15:2 Then 2a!id said% .I will show 'indness to Han#n the son o$ Nahash% as his $ather showed 'indness to
me". ,o 2a!id sent by the hand o$ his ser!ants to om$ort him onerning his $ather" +nd 2a!idAs ser!ants ame
into the land o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon"
2,a 15:- +nd the *rines o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon said to Han#n their lord% .2o yo# thin' that 2a!id really
honors yo#r $ather bea#se he has sent om$orters to yo#C Has 2a!id not (rather) sent his ser!ants to yo# to
searh the ity% to s*y it o#t% and to o!erthrow itC.
2,a 15:0 There$ore Han#n too' 2a!idAs ser!ants% sha!ed o$$ hal$ o$ their beards% #t o$$ their garments in the
middle% at their b#tto's% and sent them away"
2,a 15:1 >hen they told 2a!id% he sent to meet them% bea#se the men were greatly ashamed" +nd the 'ing
said% .>ait at Jeriho #ntil yo#r beards ha!e grown% and (then) ret#rn".
2,a 15:3 >hen the *eo*le o$ +mmon saw that they had made themsel!es re*#lsi!e to 2a!id% the *eo*le o$
+mmon sent and hired the ,yrians o$ Beth :ehob and the ,yrians o$ Goba% twenty tho#sand $oot soldiers& and
$rom the 'ing o$ ?aaah one tho#sand men% and $rom IshDTob twel!e tho#sand men"
2,a 15:4 Now when 2a!id heard (o$ it%) he sent Joab and all the army o$ the mighty men"
2,a 15:8 Then the *eo*le o$ +mmon ame o#t and *#t themsel!es in battle array at the entrane o$ the gate"
+nd the ,yrians o$ Goba% Beth :ehob% IshDTob% and ?aaah (were) by themsel!es in the $ield"
2,a 15:9 >hen Joab saw that the battle line was against him be$ore and behind% he hose some o$ IsraelAs best
and *#t (them) in battle array against the ,yrians"
2,a 15:15 +nd the rest o$ the *eo*le he *#t #nder the ommand o$ +bishai his brother% that he might set (them)
in battle array against the *eo*le o$ +mmon"
2,a 15:11 Then he said% .I$ the ,yrians are too strong $or me% then yo# shall hel* me& b#t i$ the *eo*le o$
+mmon are too strong $or yo#% then I will ome and hel* yo#"
2,a 15:12 .Be o$ good o#rage% and let #s be strong $or o#r *eo*le and $or the ities o$ o#r God" +nd may the
/8:2 do (what is) good in His sight".
2,a 15:1- ,o Joab and the *eo*le who (were) with him drew near $or the battle against the ,yrians% and they
$led be$ore him"
2,a 15:10 >hen the *eo*le o$ +mmon saw that the ,yrians were $leeing% they also $led be$ore +bishai% and
entered the ity" ,o Joab ret#rned $rom the *eo*le o$ +mmon and went to Jer#salem"
2,a 15:11 >hen the ,yrians saw that they had been de$eated by Israel% they gathered together"
2,a 15:13 Then HadadeHer sent and bro#ght o#t the ,yrians who (were) beyond the :i!er% and they ame to
Helam" +nd ,hobah the ommander o$ HadadeHerAs army (went) be$ore them"
2,a 15:14 >hen it was told 2a!id% he gathered all Israel% rossed o!er the Jordan% and ame to Helam" +nd the
,yrians set themsel!es in battle array against 2a!id and $o#ght with him"
2,a 15:18 Then the ,yrians $led be$ore Israel& and 2a!id 'illed se!en h#ndred harioteers and $orty tho#sand
horsemen o$ the ,yrians% and str#' ,hobah the ommander o$ their army% who died there"
2,a 15:19 +nd when all the 'ings (who were) ser!ants to HadadeHer saw that they were de$eated by Israel% they
made *eae with Israel and ser!ed them" ,o the ,yrians were a$raid to hel* the *eo*le o$ +mmon anymore"
2,a 11:1 It ha**ened in the s*ring o$ the year% at the time when 'ings go o#t (to battle%) that 2a!id sent Joab
and his ser!ants with him% and all Israel& and they destroyed the *eo*le o$ +mmon and besieged :abbah" B#t
2a!id remained at Jer#salem"
2,a 11:2 Then it ha**ened one e!ening that 2a!id arose $rom his bed and wal'ed on the roo$ o$ the 'ingAs
ho#se" +nd $rom the roo$ he saw a woman bathing% and the woman (was) !ery bea#ti$#l to behold"
2,a 11:- ,o 2a!id sent and inE#ired abo#t the woman" +nd (someone) said% .(Is) this not Bathsheba% the
da#ghter o$ 6liam% the wi$e o$ 7riah the HittiteC.
2,a 11:0 Then 2a!id sent messengers% and too' her& and she ame to him% and he lay with her% $or she was
leansed $rom her im*#rity& and she ret#rned to her ho#se"
2,a 11:1 +nd the woman onei!ed& so she sent and told 2a!id% and said% .I (am) with hild".
2,a 11:3 Then 2a!id sent to Joab% (saying%) .,end me 7riah the Hittite". +nd Joab sent 7riah to 2a!id"
2,a 11:4 >hen 7riah had ome to him% 2a!id as'ed how Joab was doing% and how the *eo*le were doing% and
how the war *ros*ered"
2,a 11:8 +nd 2a!id said to 7riah% .Go down to yo#r ho#se and wash yo#r $eet". ,o 7riah de*arted $rom the
'ingAs ho#se% and a gi$t (o$ $ood) $rom the 'ing $ollowed him"
2,a 11:9 B#t 7riah sle*t at the door o$ the 'ingAs ho#se with all the ser!ants o$ his lord% and did not go down to
his ho#se"
2,a 11:15 ,o when they told 2a!id% saying% .7riah did not go down to his ho#se%. 2a!id said to 7riah% .2id yo#
not ome $rom a @o#rneyC >hy did yo# not go down to yo#r ho#seC.
2,a 11:11 +nd 7riah said to 2a!id% .The ar' and Israel and J#dah are dwelling in tents% and my lord Joab and
the ser!ants o$ my lord are enam*ed in the o*en $ields" ,hall I then go to my ho#se to eat and drin'% and to lie
with my wi$eC (+s) yo# li!e% and (as) yo#r so#l li!es% I will not do this thing".
2,a 11:12 Then 2a!id said to 7riah% .>ait here today also% and tomorrow I will let yo# de*art". ,o 7riah
remained in Jer#salem that day and the ne9t"
2,a 11:1- Now when 2a!id alled him% he ate and dran' be$ore him& and he made him dr#n'" +nd at e!ening
he went o#t to lie on his bed with the ser!ants o$ his lord% b#t he did not go down to his ho#se"
2,a 11:10 In the morning it ha**ened that 2a!id wrote a letter to Joab and sent (it) by the hand o$ 7riah"
2,a 11:11 +nd he wrote in the letter% saying% .,et 7riah in the $ore$ront o$ the hottest battle% and retreat $rom
him% that he may be str#' down and die".
2,a 11:13 ,o it was% while Joab besieged the ity% that he assigned 7riah to a *lae where he 'new there
(were) !aliant men"
2,a 11:14 Then the men o$ the ity ame o#t and $o#ght with Joab" +nd (some) o$ the *eo*le o$ the ser!ants o$
2a!id $ell& and 7riah the Hittite died also"
2,a 11:18 Then Joab sent and told 2a!id all the things onerning the war%
2,a 11:19 and harged the messenger% saying% .>hen yo# ha!e $inished telling the matters o$ the war to the
2,a 11:25 i$ it ha**ens that the 'ingAs wrath rises% and he says to yo#: A>hy did yo# a**roah so near to the ity
when yo# $o#ghtC 2id yo# not 'now that they wo#ld shoot $rom the wallC
2,a 11:21 A>ho str#' +bimeleh the son o$ Jer#bbeshethC >as it not a woman who ast a *iee o$ a millstone
on him $rom the wall% so that he died in ThebeHC >hy did yo# go near the wallCA DD then yo# shall say% ABo#r
ser!ant 7riah the Hittite is dead also"A .
2,a 11:22 ,o the messenger went% and ame and told 2a!id all that Joab had sent by him"
2,a 11:2- +nd the messenger said to 2a!id% .,#rely the men *re!ailed against #s and ame o#t to #s in the
$ield& then we dro!e them ba' as $ar as the entrane o$ the gate"
2,a 11:20 .The arhers shot $rom the wall at yo#r ser!ants& and (some) o$ the 'ingAs ser!ants are dead% and
yo#r ser!ant 7riah the Hittite is dead also".
2,a 11:21 Then 2a!id said to the messenger% .Th#s yo# shall say to Joab: A2o not let this thing dis*lease yo#%
$or the sword de!o#rs one as well as another" ,trengthen yo#r atta' against the ity% and o!erthrow it"A ,o
eno#rage him".
2,a 11:23 >hen the wi$e o$ 7riah heard that 7riah her h#sband was dead% she mo#rned $or her h#sband"
2,a 11:24 +nd when her mo#rning was o!er% 2a!id sent and bro#ght her to his ho#se% and she beame his wi$e
and bore him a son" B#t the thing that 2a!id had done dis*leased the /8:2"
2,a 12:1 Then the /8:2 sent Nathan to 2a!id" +nd he ame to him% and said to him: .There were two men in
one ity% one rih and the other *oor"
2,a 12:2 .The rih (man) had e9eedingly many $lo's and herds"
2,a 12:- .B#t the *oor (man) had nothing% e9e*t one little ewe lamb whih he had bo#ght and no#rished& and it
grew #* together with him and with his hildren" It ate o$ his own $ood and dran' $rom his own #* and lay in his
bosom& and it was li'e a da#ghter to him"
2,a 12:0 .+nd a tra!eler ame to the rih man% who re$#sed to ta'e $rom his own $lo' and $rom his own herd to
*re*are one $or the way$aring man who had ome to him& b#t he too' the *oor manAs lamb and *re*ared it $or
the man who had ome to him".
2,a 12:1 ,o 2a!idAs anger was greatly aro#sed against the man% and he said to Nathan% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es%
the man who has done this shall s#rely dieF
2,a 12:3 .+nd he shall restore $o#r$old $or the lamb% bea#se he did this thing and bea#se he had no *ity".
2,a 12:4 Then Nathan said to 2a!id% .Bo# (are) the manF Th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: AI anointed yo#
'ing o!er Israel% and I deli!ered yo# $rom the hand o$ ,a#l"
2,a 12:8 AI ga!e yo# yo#r masterAs ho#se and yo#r masterAs wi!es into yo#r 'ee*ing% and ga!e yo# the ho#se o$
Israel and J#dah" +nd i$ (that had been) too little% I also wo#ld ha!e gi!en yo# m#h moreF
2,a 12:9 A>hy ha!e yo# des*ised the ommandment o$ the /8:2% to do e!il in His sightC Bo# ha!e 'illed 7riah
the Hittite with the sword& yo# ha!e ta'en his wi$e (to be) yo#r wi$e% and ha!e 'illed him with the sword o$ the
*eo*le o$ +mmon"
2,a 12:15 ANow there$ore% the sword shall ne!er de*art $rom yo#r ho#se% bea#se yo# ha!e des*ised ?e% and
ha!e ta'en the wi$e o$ 7riah the Hittite to be yo#r wi$e"A
2,a 12:11 .Th#s says the /8:2: ABehold% I will raise #* ad!ersity against yo# $rom yo#r own ho#se& and I will
ta'e yo#r wi!es be$ore yo#r eyes and gi!e (them) to yo#r neighbor% and he shall lie with yo#r wi!es in the sight o$
this s#n"
2,a 12:12 A;or yo# did (it) seretly% b#t I will do this thing be$ore all Israel% be$ore the s#n"A .
2,a 12:1- ,o 2a!id said to Nathan% .I ha!e sinned against the /8:2". +nd Nathan said to 2a!id% .The /8:2
also has *#t away yo#r sin& yo# shall not die"
2,a 12:10 .Howe!er% bea#se by this deed yo# ha!e gi!en great oasion to the enemies o$ the /8:2 to
blas*heme% the hild also (who is) born to yo# shall s#rely die".
2,a 12:11 Then Nathan de*arted to his ho#se" +nd the /8:2 str#' the hild that 7riahAs wi$e bore to 2a!id%
and it beame ill"
2,a 12:13 2a!id there$ore *leaded with God $or the hild% and 2a!id $asted and went in and lay all night on the
2,a 12:14 ,o the elders o$ his ho#se arose (and went) to him% to raise him #* $rom the gro#nd" B#t he wo#ld
not% nor did he eat $ood with them"
2,a 12:18 Then on the se!enth day it ame to *ass that the hild died" +nd the ser!ants o$ 2a!id were a$raid to
tell him that the hild was dead" ;or they said% .Indeed% while the hild was ali!e% we s*o'e to him% and he wo#ld
not heed o#r !oie" How an we tell him that the hild is deadC He may do some harmF.
2,a 12:19 >hen 2a!id saw that his ser!ants were whis*ering% 2a!id *erei!ed that the hild was dead"
There$ore 2a!id said to his ser!ants% .Is the hild deadC. +nd they said% .He is dead".
2,a 12:25 ,o 2a!id arose $rom the gro#nd% washed and anointed himsel$% and hanged his lothes& and he
went into the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and worshi*ed" Then he went to his own ho#se& and when he reE#ested% they
set $ood be$ore him% and he ate"
2,a 12:21 Then his ser!ants said to him% .>hat (is) this that yo# ha!e doneC Bo# $asted and we*t $or the hild
(while he was) ali!e% b#t when the hild died% yo# arose and ate $ood".
2,a 12:22 +nd he said% .>hile the hild was ali!e% I $asted and we*t& $or I said% A>ho an tell (whether) the
/8:2 will be graio#s to me% that the hild may li!eCA
2,a 12:2- .B#t now he is dead& why sho#ld I $astC =an I bring him ba' againC I shall go to him% b#t he shall
not ret#rn to me".
2,a 12:20 Then 2a!id om$orted Bathsheba his wi$e% and went in to her and lay with her" ,o she bore a son%
and he alled his name ,olomon" Now the /8:2 lo!ed him%
2,a 12:21 and He sent (word) by the hand o$ Nathan the *ro*het: ,o he alled his name Jedidiah% bea#se o$
the /8:2"
2,a 12:23 Now Joab $o#ght against :abbah o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon% and too' the royal ity"
2,a 12:24 +nd Joab sent messengers to 2a!id% and said% .I ha!e $o#ght against :abbah% and I ha!e ta'en the
ityAs water (s#**ly")
2,a 12:28 .Now there$ore% gather the rest o$ the *eo*le together and enam* against the ity and ta'e it% lest I
ta'e the ity and it be alled a$ter my name".
2,a 12:29 ,o 2a!id gathered all the *eo*le together and went to :abbah% $o#ght against it% and too' it"
2,a 12:-5 Then he too' their 'ingAs rown $rom his head" Its weight (was) a talent o$ gold% with *reio#s stones"
+nd it was (set) on 2a!idAs head" +lso he bro#ght o#t the s*oil o$ the ity in great ab#ndane"
2,a 12:-1 +nd he bro#ght o#t the *eo*le who (were) in it% and *#t (them to wor') with saws and iron *i's and
iron a9es% and made them ross o!er to the bri' wor's" ,o he did to all the ities o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon" Then
2a!id and all the *eo*le ret#rned to Jer#salem"
2,a 1-:1 +$ter this +bsalom the son o$ 2a!id had a lo!ely sister% whose name (was) Tamar& and +mnon the son
o$ 2a!id lo!ed her"
2,a 1-:2 +mnon was so distressed o!er his sister Tamar that he beame si'& $or she (was) a !irgin" +nd it was
im*ro*er $or +mnon to do anything to her"
2,a 1-:- B#t +mnon had a $riend whose name (was) Jonadab the son o$ ,himeah% 2a!idAs brother" Now
Jonadab (was) a !ery ra$ty man"
2,a 1-:0 +nd he said to him% .>hy (are) yo#% the 'ingAs son% beoming thinner day a$ter dayC >ill yo# not tell
meC. +mnon said to him% .I lo!e Tamar% my brother +bsalomAs sister".
2,a 1-:1 ,o Jonadab said to him% ./ie down on yo#r bed and *retend to be ill" +nd when yo#r $ather omes to
see yo#% say to him% A<lease let my sister Tamar ome and gi!e me $ood% and *re*are the $ood in my sight% that I
may see (it) and eat it $rom her hand"A .
2,a 1-:3 Then +mnon lay down and *retended to be ill& and when the 'ing ame to see him% +mnon said to the
'ing% .<lease let Tamar my sister ome and ma'e a o#*le o$ a'es $or me in my sight% that I may eat $rom her
2,a 1-:4 +nd 2a!id sent home to Tamar% saying% .Now go to yo#r brother +mnonAs ho#se% and *re*are $ood $or
2,a 1-:8 ,o Tamar went to her brother +mnonAs ho#se& and he was lying down" Then she too' $lo#r and
'neaded (it%) made a'es in his sight% and ba'ed the a'es"
2,a 1-:9 +nd she too' the *an and *laed (them) o#t be$ore him% b#t he re$#sed to eat" Then +mnon said%
.Ha!e e!eryone go o#t $rom me". +nd they all went o#t $rom him"
2,a 1-:15 Then +mnon said to Tamar% .Bring the $ood into the bedroom% that I may eat $rom yo#r hand". +nd
Tamar too' the a'es whih she had made% and bro#ght (them) to +mnon her brother in the bedroom"
2,a 1-:11 Now when she had bro#ght (them) to him to eat% he too' hold o$ her and said to her% .=ome% lie with
me% my sister".
2,a 1-:12 +nd she answered him% .No% my brother% do not $ore me% $or no s#h thing sho#ld be done in Israel"
2o not do this disgrae$#l thingF
2,a 1-:1- .+nd I% where o#ld I ta'e my shameC +nd as $or yo#% yo# wo#ld be li'e one o$ the $ools in Israel"
Now there$ore% *lease s*ea' to the 'ing& $or he will not withhold me $rom yo#".
2,a 1-:10 Howe!er% he wo#ld not heed her !oie& and being stronger than she% he $ored her and lay with her"
2,a 1-:11 Then +mnon hated her e9eedingly% so that the hatred with whih he hated her (was) greater than
the lo!e with whih he had lo!ed her" +nd +mnon said to her% .+rise% be goneF.
2,a 1-:13 ,o she said to him% .No% indeedF This e!il o$ sending me away (is) worse than the other that yo# did
to me". B#t he wo#ld not listen to her"
2,a 1-:14 Then he alled his ser!ant who attended him% and said% .HereF <#t this (woman) o#t% away $rom me%
and bolt the door behind her".
2,a 1-:18 Now she had on a robe o$ many olors% $or the 'ingAs !irgin da#ghters wore s#h a**arel" +nd his
ser!ant *#t her o#t and bolted the door behind her"
2,a 1-:19 Then Tamar *#t ashes on her head% and tore her robe o$ many olors that (was) on her% and laid her
hand on her head and went away rying bitterly"
2,a 1-:25 +nd +bsalom her brother said to her% .Has +mnon yo#r brother been with yo#C B#t now hold yo#r
*eae% my sister" He (is) yo#r brother& do not ta'e this thing to heart". ,o Tamar remained desolate in her brother
+bsalomAs ho#se"
2,a 1-:21 B#t when King 2a!id heard o$ all these things% he was !ery angry"
2,a 1-:22 +nd +bsalom s*o'e to his brother +mnon neither good nor bad" ;or +bsalom hated +mnon% bea#se
he had $ored his sister Tamar"
2,a 1-:2- +nd it ame to *ass% a$ter two $#ll years% that +bsalom had shee*shearers in Baal HaHor% whih (is)
near 6*hraim& so +bsalom in!ited all the 'ingAs sons"
2,a 1-:20 Then +bsalom ame to the 'ing and said% .Kindly note% yo#r ser!ant has shee*shearers& *lease% let
the 'ing and his ser!ants go with yo#r ser!ant".
2,a 1-:21 B#t the 'ing said to +bsalom% .No% my son% let #s not all go now% lest we be a b#rden to yo#". Then
he #rged him% b#t he wo#ld not go& and he blessed him"
2,a 1-:23 Then +bsalom said% .I$ not% *lease let my brother +mnon go with #s". +nd the 'ing said to him% .>hy
sho#ld he go with yo#C.
2,a 1-:24 B#t +bsalom #rged him& so he let +mnon and all the 'ingAs sons go with him"
2,a 1-:28 Now +bsalom had ommanded his ser!ants% saying% .>ath now% when +mnonAs heart is merry with
wine% and when I say to yo#% A,tri'e +mnonFA then 'ill him" 2o not be a$raid" Ha!e I not ommanded yo#C Be
o#rageo#s and !aliant".
2,a 1-:29 ,o the ser!ants o$ +bsalom did to +mnon as +bsalom had ommanded" Then all the 'ingAs sons
arose% and eah one got on his m#le and $led"
2,a 1-:-5 +nd it ame to *ass% while they were on the way% that news ame to 2a!id% saying% .+bsalom has
'illed all the 'ingAs sons% and not one o$ them is le$tF.
2,a 1-:-1 ,o the 'ing arose and tore his garments and lay on the gro#nd% and all his ser!ants stood by with
their lothes torn"
2,a 1-:-2 Then Jonadab the son o$ ,himeah% 2a!idAs brother% answered and said% ./et not my lord s#**ose
they ha!e 'illed all the yo#ng men% the 'ingAs sons% $or only +mnon is dead" ;or by the ommand o$ +bsalom this
has been determined $rom the day that he $ored his sister Tamar"
2,a 1-:-- .Now there$ore% let not my lord the 'ing ta'e the thing to his heart% to thin' that all the 'ingAs sons are
dead" ;or only +mnon is dead".
2,a 1-:-0 Then +bsalom $led" +nd the yo#ng man who was 'ee*ing wath li$ted his eyes and loo'ed% and
there% many *eo*le were oming $rom the road on the hillside behind him"
2,a 1-:-1 +nd Jonadab said to the 'ing% ./oo'% the 'ingAs sons are oming& as yo#r ser!ant said% so it is".
2,a 1-:-3 ,o it was% as soon as he had $inished s*ea'ing% that the 'ingAs sons indeed ame% and they li$ted #*
their !oie and we*t" +lso the 'ing and all his ser!ants we*t !ery bitterly"
2,a 1-:-4 B#t +bsalom $led and went to Talmai the son o$ +mmih#d% 'ing o$ Gesh#r" +nd (2a!id) mo#rned $or
his son e!ery day"
2,a 1-:-8 ,o +bsalom $led and went to Gesh#r% and was there three years"
2,a 1-:-9 +nd King 2a!id longed to go to +bsalom" ;or he had been om$orted onerning +mnon% bea#se
he was dead"
2,a 10:1 ,o Joab the son o$ Ger#iah *erei!ed that the 'ingAs heart (was) onerned abo#t +bsalom"
2,a 10:2 +nd Joab sent to Te'oa and bro#ght $rom there a wise woman% and said to her% .<lease *retend to be
a mo#rner% and *#t on mo#rning a**arel& do not anoint yo#rsel$ with oil% b#t at li'e a woman who has been
mo#rning a long time $or the dead"
2,a 10:- .Go to the 'ing and s*ea' to him in this manner". ,o Joab *#t the words in her mo#th"
2,a 10:0 +nd when the woman o$ Te'oa s*o'e to the 'ing% she $ell on her $ae to the gro#nd and *rostrated
hersel$% and said% .Hel*% 8 'ingF.
2,a 10:1 Then the 'ing said to her% .>hat tro#bles yo#C. +nd she answered% .Indeed I (am) a widow% my
h#sband is dead"
2,a 10:3 .Now yo#r maidser!ant had two sons& and the two $o#ght with eah other in the $ield% and (there was)
no one to *art them% b#t the one str#' the other and 'illed him"
2,a 10:4 .+nd now the whole $amily has risen #* against yo#r maidser!ant% and they said% A2eli!er him who
str#' his brother% that we may e9e#te him $or the li$e o$ his brother whom he 'illed& and we will destroy the heir
also"A ,o they wo#ld e9ting#ish my ember that is le$t% and lea!e to my h#sband (neither) name nor remnant on
the earth".
2,a 10:8 Then the 'ing said to the woman% .Go to yo#r ho#se% and I will gi!e orders onerning yo#".
2,a 10:9 +nd the woman o$ Te'oa said to the 'ing% .?y lord% 8 'ing% (let) the iniE#ity (be) on me and on my
$atherAs ho#se% and the 'ing and his throne (be) g#iltless".
2,a 10:15 ,o the 'ing said% .>hoe!er says (anything) to yo#% bring him to me% and he shall not to#h yo#
2,a 10:11 Then she said% .<lease let the 'ing remember the /8:2 yo#r God% and do not *ermit the a!enger o$
blood to destroy anymore% lest they destroy my son". +nd he said% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% not one hair o$ yo#r son
shall $all to the gro#nd".
2,a 10:12 There$ore the woman said% .<lease% let yo#r maidser!ant s*ea' (another) word to my lord the 'ing".
+nd he said% .,ay on".
2,a 10:1- ,o the woman said: .>hy then ha!e yo# shemed s#h a thing against the *eo*le o$ GodC ;or the
'ing s*ea's this thing as one who is g#ilty% (in that) the 'ing does not bring his banished one home again"
2,a 10:10 .;or we will s#rely die and (beome) li'e water s*illed on the gro#nd% whih annot be gathered #*
again" Bet God does not ta'e away a li$e& b#t He de!ises means% so that His banished ones are not e9*elled
$rom Him"
2,a 10:11 .Now there$ore% I ha!e ome to s*ea' o$ this thing to my lord the 'ing bea#se the *eo*le ha!e
made me a$raid" +nd yo#r maidser!ant said% AI will now s*ea' to the 'ing& it may be that the 'ing will *er$orm the
reE#est o$ his maidser!ant"
2,a 10:13 A;or the 'ing will hear and deli!er his maidser!ant $rom the hand o$ the man (who wo#ld) destroy me
and my son together $rom the inheritane o$ God"A
2,a 10:14 .Bo#r maidser!ant said% AThe word o$ my lord the 'ing will now be om$orting& $or as the angel o$
God% so (is) my lord the 'ing in diserning good and e!il" +nd may the /8:2 yo#r God be with yo#"A .
2,a 10:18 Then the 'ing answered and said to the woman% .<lease do not hide $rom me anything that I as'
yo#". +nd the woman said% .<lease% let my lord the 'ing s*ea'".
2,a 10:19 ,o the 'ing said% .(Is) the hand o$ Joab with yo# in all thisC. +nd the woman answered and said% .(+s)
yo# li!e% my lord the 'ing% no one an t#rn to the right hand or to the le$t $rom anything that my lord the 'ing has
s*o'en" ;or yo#r ser!ant Joab ommanded me% and he *#t all these words in the mo#th o$ yo#r maidser!ant"
2,a 10:25 .To bring abo#t this hange o$ a$$airs yo#r ser!ant Joab has done this thing& b#t my lord (is) wise%
aording to the wisdom o$ the angel o$ God% to 'now e!erything that (is) in the earth".
2,a 10:21 +nd the 'ing said to Joab% .+ll right% I ha!e granted this thing" Go there$ore% bring ba' the yo#ng
man +bsalom".
2,a 10:22 Then Joab $ell to the gro#nd on his $ae and bowed himsel$% and than'ed the 'ing" +nd Joab said%
.Today yo#r ser!ant 'nows that I ha!e $o#nd $a!or in yo#r sight% my lord% 8 'ing% in that the 'ing has $#l$illed the
reE#est o$ his ser!ant".
2,a 10:2- ,o Joab arose and went to Gesh#r% and bro#ght +bsalom to Jer#salem"
2,a 10:20 +nd the 'ing said% ./et him ret#rn to his own ho#se% b#t do not let him see my $ae". ,o +bsalom
ret#rned to his own ho#se% b#t did not see the 'ingAs $ae"
2,a 10:21 Now in all Israel there was no one who was *raised as m#h as +bsalom $or his good loo's" ;rom
the sole o$ his $oot to the rown o$ his head there was no blemish in him"
2,a 10:23 +nd when he #t the hair o$ his head DD at the end o$ e!ery year he #t (it) bea#se it was hea!y on
him DD when he #t it% he weighed the hair o$ his head at two h#ndred she'els aording to the 'ingAs standard"
2,a 10:24 To +bsalom were born three sons% and one da#ghter whose name (was) Tamar" ,he was a woman
o$ bea#ti$#l a**earane"
2,a 10:28 +nd +bsalom dwelt two $#ll years in Jer#salem% b#t did not see the 'ingAs $ae"
2,a 10:29 There$ore +bsalom sent $or Joab% to send him to the 'ing% b#t he wo#ld not ome to him" +nd when
he sent again the seond time% he wo#ld not ome"
2,a 10:-5 ,o he said to his ser!ants% .,ee% JoabAs $ield is near mine% and he has barley there& go and set it on
$ire". +nd +bsalomAs ser!ants set the $ield on $ire"
2,a 10:-1 Then Joab arose and ame to +bsalomAs ho#se% and said to him% .>hy ha!e yo#r ser!ants set my
$ield on $ireC.
2,a 10:-2 +nd +bsalom answered Joab% ./oo'% I sent to yo#% saying% A=ome here% so that I may send yo# to the
'ing% to say% .>hy ha!e I ome $rom Gesh#rC (It wo#ld be) better $or me (to be) there still". A Now there$ore% let
me see the 'ingAs $ae& b#t i$ there is iniE#ity in me% let him e9e#te me".
2,a 10:-- ,o Joab went to the 'ing and told him" +nd when he had alled $or +bsalom% he ame to the 'ing and
bowed himsel$ on his $ae to the gro#nd be$ore the 'ing" Then the 'ing 'issed +bsalom"
2,a 11:1 +$ter this it ha**ened that +bsalom *ro!ided himsel$ with hariots and horses% and $i$ty men to r#n
be$ore him"
2,a 11:2 Now +bsalom wo#ld rise early and stand beside the way to the gate" ,o it was% whene!er anyone who
had a laws#it ame to the 'ing $or a deision% that +bsalom wo#ld all to him and say% .>hat ity (are) yo#
$romC. +nd he wo#ld say% .Bo#r ser!ant (is) $rom s#h and s#h a tribe o$ Israel".
2,a 11:- Then +bsalom wo#ld say to him% ./oo'% yo#r ase (is) good and right& b#t (there is) no de*#ty o$ the
'ing to hear yo#".
2,a 11:0 ?oreo!er +bsalom wo#ld say% .8h% that I were made @#dge in the land% and e!eryone who has any
s#it or a#se wo#ld ome to me& then I wo#ld gi!e him @#stie".
2,a 11:1 +nd (so) it was% whene!er anyone ame near to bow down to him% that he wo#ld *#t o#t his hand and
ta'e him and 'iss him"
2,a 11:3 In this manner +bsalom ated toward all Israel who ame to the 'ing $or @#dgment" ,o +bsalom stole
the hearts o$ the men o$ Israel"
2,a 11:4 Now it ame to *ass a$ter $orty years that +bsalom said to the 'ing% .<lease% let me go to Hebron and
*ay the !ow whih I made to the /8:2"
2,a 11:8 .;or yo#r ser!ant too' a !ow while I dwelt at Gesh#r in ,yria% saying% AI$ the /8:2 indeed brings me
ba' to Jer#salem% then I will ser!e the /8:2"A .
2,a 11:9 +nd the 'ing said to him% .Go in *eae". ,o he arose and went to Hebron"
2,a 11:15 Then +bsalom sent s*ies thro#gho#t all the tribes o$ Israel% saying% .+s soon as yo# hear the so#nd
o$ the tr#m*et% then yo# shall say% A+bsalom reigns in HebronFA .
2,a 11:11 +nd with +bsalom went two h#ndred men in!ited $rom Jer#salem% and they went along innoently
and did not 'now anything"
2,a 11:12 Then +bsalom sent $or +hitho*hel the Gilonite% 2a!idAs o#nselor% $rom his ity DD $rom Giloh DD while
he o$$ered sari$ies" +nd the ons*iray grew strong% $or the *eo*le with +bsalom ontin#ally inreased in
2,a 11:1- Now a messenger ame to 2a!id% saying% .The hearts o$ the men o$ Israel are with +bsalom".
2,a 11:10 ,o 2a!id said to all his ser!ants who (were) with him at Jer#salem% .+rise% and let #s $lee& or we shall
not esa*e $rom +bsalom" ?a'e haste to de*art% lest he o!erta'e #s s#ddenly and bring disaster #*on #s% and
stri'e the ity with the edge o$ the sword".
2,a 11:11 +nd the 'ingAs ser!ants said to the 'ing% .>e (are) yo#r ser!ants% (ready to do) whate!er my lord the
'ing ommands".
2,a 11:13 Then the 'ing went o#t with all his ho#sehold a$ter him" B#t the 'ing le$t ten women% on#bines% to
'ee* the ho#se"
2,a 11:14 +nd the 'ing went o#t with all the *eo*le a$ter him% and sto**ed at the o#ts'irts"
2,a 11:18 Then all his ser!ants *assed be$ore him& and all the =herethites% all the <elethites% and all the
Gittites% si9 h#ndred men who had $ollowed him $rom Gath% *assed be$ore the 'ing"
2,a 11:19 Then the 'ing said to Ittai the Gittite% .>hy are yo# also going with #sC :et#rn and remain with the
'ing" ;or yo# (are) a $oreigner and also an e9ile $rom yo#r own *lae"
2,a 11:25 .In $at% yo# ame (only) yesterday" ,ho#ld I ma'e yo# wander #* and down with #s today% sine I go
I 'now not whereC :et#rn% and ta'e yo#r brethren ba'" ?ery and tr#th (be) with yo#".
2,a 11:21 +nd Ittai answered the 'ing and said% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% and (as) my lord the 'ing li!es% s#rely in
whate!er *lae my lord the 'ing shall be% whether in death or li$e% e!en there also yo#r ser!ant will be".
2,a 11:22 ,o 2a!id said to Ittai% .Go% and ross o!er". Then Ittai the Gittite and all his men and all the little ones
who (were) with him rossed o!er"
2,a 11:2- +nd all the o#ntry we*t with a lo#d !oie% and all the *eo*le rossed o!er" The 'ing himsel$ also
rossed o!er the Broo' Kidron% and all the *eo*le rossed o!er toward the way o$ the wilderness"
2,a 11:20 There was Gado' also% and all the /e!ites with him% bearing the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ God" +nd they
set down the ar' o$ God% and +biathar went #* #ntil all the *eo*le had $inished rossing o!er $rom the ity"
2,a 11:21 Then the 'ing said to Gado'% .=arry the ar' o$ God ba' into the ity" I$ I $ind $a!or in the eyes o$ the
/8:2% He will bring me ba' and show me (both) it and His dwelling *lae"
2,a 11:23 .B#t i$ He says th#s: AI ha!e no delight in yo#%A here I am% let Him do to me as seems good to Him".
2,a 11:24 The 'ing also said to Gado' the *riest% .(+re) yo# (not) a seerC :et#rn to the ity in *eae% and yo#r
two sons with yo#% +himaaH yo#r son% and Jonathan the son o$ +biathar"
2,a 11:28 .,ee% I will wait in the *lains o$ the wilderness #ntil word omes $rom yo# to in$orm me".
2,a 11:29 There$ore Gado' and +biathar arried the ar' o$ God ba' to Jer#salem" +nd they remained there"
2,a 11:-5 ,o 2a!id went #* by the +sent o$ the (?o#nt o$) 8li!es% and we*t as he went #*& and he had his
head o!ered and went bare$oot" +nd all the *eo*le who (were) with him o!ered their heads and went #*%
wee*ing as they went #*"
2,a 11:-1 Then (someone) told 2a!id% saying% .+hitho*hel (is) among the ons*irators with +bsalom". +nd
2a!id said% .8 /8:2% I *ray% t#rn the o#nsel o$ +hitho*hel into $oolishnessF.
2,a 11:-2 Now it ha**ened when 2a!id had ome to the to* (o$ the mo#ntain%) where he worshi*ed God DD
there was H#shai the +rhite oming to meet him with his robe torn and d#st on his head"
2,a 11:-- 2a!id said to him% .I$ yo# go on with me% then yo# will beome a b#rden to me"
2,a 11:-0 .B#t i$ yo# ret#rn to the ity% and say to +bsalom% AI will be yo#r ser!ant% 8 'ing& (as) I (was) yo#r
$atherAs ser!ant *re!io#sly% so I (will) now also (be) yo#r ser!ant%A then yo# may de$eat the o#nsel o$ +hitho*hel
$or me"
2,a 11:-1 .+nd (do) yo# not (ha!e) Gado' and +biathar the *riests with yo# thereC There$ore it will be (that)
whate!er yo# hear $rom the 'ingAs ho#se% yo# shall tell to Gado' and +biathar the *riests"
2,a 11:-3 .Indeed (they ha!e) there with them their two sons% +himaaH% Gado'As (son%) and Jonathan% +biatharAs
(son&) and by them yo# shall send me e!erything yo# hear".
2,a 11:-4 ,o H#shai% 2a!idAs $riend% went into the ity" +nd +bsalom ame into Jer#salem"
2,a 13:1 >hen 2a!id was a little *ast the to* (o$ the mo#ntain%) there was Giba the ser!ant o$ ?e*hibosheth%
who met him with a o#*le o$ saddled don'eys% and on them two h#ndred (loa!es) o$ bread% one h#ndred
l#sters o$ raisins% one h#ndred s#mmer $r#its% and a s'in o$ wine"
2,a 13:2 +nd the 'ing said to Giba% .>hat do yo# mean to do with theseC. ,o Giba said% .The don'eys (are) $or
the 'ingAs ho#sehold to ride on% the bread and s#mmer $r#it $or the yo#ng men to eat% and the wine $or those who
are $aint in the wilderness to drin'".
2,a 13:- Then the 'ing said% .+nd where (is) yo#r masterAs sonC. +nd Giba said to the 'ing% .Indeed he is
staying in Jer#salem% $or he said% AToday the ho#se o$ Israel will restore the 'ingdom o$ my $ather to me"A .
2,a 13:0 ,o the 'ing said to Giba% .Here% all that (belongs) to ?e*hibosheth (is) yo#rs". +nd Giba said% .I h#mbly
bow be$ore yo#% (that) I may $ind $a!or in yo#r sight% my lord% 8 'ingF.
2,a 13:1 Now when King 2a!id ame to Bah#rim% there was a man $rom the $amily o$ the ho#se o$ ,a#l% whose
name (was) ,himei the son o$ Gera% oming $rom there" He ame o#t% #rsing ontin#o#sly as he ame"
2,a 13:3 +nd he threw stones at 2a!id and at all the ser!ants o$ King 2a!id" +nd all the *eo*le and all the
mighty men (were) on his right hand and on his le$t"
2,a 13:4 +lso ,himei said th#s when he #rsed: .=ome o#tF =ome o#tF Bo# bloodthirsty man% yo# rog#eF
2,a 13:8 .The /8:2 has bro#ght #*on yo# all the blood o$ the ho#se o$ ,a#l% in whose *lae yo# ha!e
reigned& and the /8:2 has deli!ered the 'ingdom into the hand o$ +bsalom yo#r son" ,o now yo# (are a#ght)
in yo#r own e!il% bea#se yo# are a bloodthirsty manF.
2,a 13:9 Then +bishai the son o$ Ger#iah said to the 'ing% .>hy sho#ld this dead dog #rse my lord the 'ingC
<lease% let me go o!er and ta'e o$$ his headF.
2,a 13:15 B#t the 'ing said% .>hat ha!e I to do with yo#% yo# sons o$ Ger#iahC ,o let him #rse% bea#se the
/8:2 has said to him% A=#rse 2a!id"A >ho then shall say% A>hy ha!e yo# done soCA .
2,a 13:11 +nd 2a!id said to +bishai and all his ser!ants% .,ee how my son who ame $rom my own body see's
my li$e" How m#h more now (may this) Ben@amiteC /et him alone% and let him #rse& $or so the /8:2 has
ordered him"
2,a 13:12 .It may be that the /8:2 will loo' on my a$$lition% and that the /8:2 will re*ay me with good $or his
#rsing this day".
2,a 13:1- +nd as 2a!id and his men went along the road% ,himei went along the hillside o**osite him and
#rsed as he went% threw stones at him and 'i'ed #* d#st"
2,a 13:10 Now the 'ing and all the *eo*le who (were) with him beame weary& so they re$reshed themsel!es
2,a 13:11 ?eanwhile +bsalom and all the *eo*le% the men o$ Israel% ame to Jer#salem& and +hitho*hel (was)
with him"
2,a 13:13 +nd so it was% when H#shai the +rhite% 2a!idAs $riend% ame to +bsalom% that H#shai said to
+bsalom% .(/ong) li!e the 'ingF (/ong) li!e the 'ingF.
2,a 13:14 ,o +bsalom said to H#shai% .(Is) this yo#r loyalty to yo#r $riendC >hy did yo# not go with yo#r
2,a 13:18 +nd H#shai said to +bsalom% .No% b#t whom the /8:2 and this *eo*le and all the men o$ Israel
hoose% his I will be% and with him I will remain"
2,a 13:19 .;#rthermore% whom sho#ld I ser!eC (,ho#ld I) not (ser!e) in the *resene o$ his sonC +s I ha!e
ser!ed in yo#r $atherAs *resene% so will I be in yo#r *resene".
2,a 13:25 Then +bsalom said to +hitho*hel% .Gi!e o#nsel as to what we sho#ld do".
2,a 13:21 +nd +hitho*hel said to +bsalom% .Go in to yo#r $atherAs on#bines% whom he has le$t to 'ee* the
ho#se& and all Israel will hear that yo# are abhorred by yo#r $ather" Then the hands o$ all who are with yo# will be
2,a 13:22 ,o they *ithed a tent $or +bsalom on the to* o$ the ho#se% and +bsalom went in to his $atherAs
on#bines in the sight o$ all Israel"
2,a 13:2- Now the ad!ie o$ +hitho*hel% whih he ga!e in those days% (was) as i$ one had inE#ired at the orale
o$ God" ,o (was) all the ad!ie o$ +hitho*hel both with 2a!id and with +bsalom"
2,a 14:1 ?oreo!er +hitho*hel said to +bsalom% .Now let me hoose twel!e tho#sand men% and I will arise and
*#rs#e 2a!id tonight"
2,a 14:2 .I will ome #*on him while he (is) weary and wea'% and ma'e him a$raid" +nd all the *eo*le who (are)
with him will $lee% and I will stri'e only the 'ing"
2,a 14:- .Then I will bring ba' all the *eo*le to yo#" >hen all ret#rn e9e*t the man whom yo# see'% all the
*eo*le will be at *eae".
2,a 14:0 +nd the saying *leased +bsalom and all the elders o$ Israel"
2,a 14:1 Then +bsalom said% .Now all H#shai the +rhite also% and let #s hear what he says too".
2,a 14:3 +nd when H#shai ame to +bsalom% +bsalom s*o'e to him% saying% .+hitho*hel has s*o'en in this
manner" ,hall we do as he saysC I$ not% s*ea' #*".
2,a 14:4 ,o H#shai said to +bsalom: .The ad!ie that +hitho*hel has gi!en (is) not good at this time"
2,a 14:8 .;or%. said H#shai% .yo# 'now yo#r $ather and his men% that they (are) mighty men% and they (are)
enraged in their minds% li'e a bear robbed o$ her #bs in the $ield& and yo#r $ather (is) a man o$ war% and will not
am* with the *eo*le"
2,a 14:9 .,#rely by now he is hidden in some *it% or in some (other) *lae" +nd it will be% when some o$ them
are o!erthrown at the $irst% that whoe!er hears (it) will say% AThere is a sla#ghter among the *eo*le who $ollow
2,a 14:15 .+nd e!en he (who is) !aliant% whose heart (is) li'e the heart o$ a lion% will melt om*letely" ;or all
Israel 'nows that yo#r $ather (is) a mighty man% and (those) who (are) with him (are) !aliant men"
2,a 14:11 .There$ore I ad!ise that all Israel be $#lly gathered to yo#% $rom 2an to Beersheba% li'e the sand that
(is) by the sea $or m#ltit#de% and that yo# go to battle in *erson"
2,a 14:12 .,o we will ome #*on him in some *lae where he may be $o#nd% and we will $all on him as the dew
$alls on the gro#nd" +nd o$ him and all the men who (are) with him there shall not be le$t so m#h as one"
2,a 14:1- .?oreo!er% i$ he has withdrawn into a ity% then all Israel shall bring ro*es to that ity& and we will *#ll
it into the ri!er% #ntil there is not one small stone $o#nd there".
2,a 14:10 ,o +bsalom and all the men o$ Israel said% .The ad!ie o$ H#shai the +rhite (is) better than the
ad!ie o$ +hitho*hel". ;or the /8:2 had *#r*osed to de$eat the good ad!ie o$ +hitho*hel% to the intent that the
/8:2 might bring disaster on +bsalom"
2,a 14:11 Then H#shai said to Gado' and +biathar the *riests% .Th#s and so +hitho*hel ad!ised +bsalom and
the elders o$ Israel% and th#s and so I ha!e ad!ised"
2,a 14:13 .Now there$ore% send E#i'ly and tell 2a!id% saying% A2o not s*end this night in the *lains o$ the
wilderness% b#t s*eedily ross o!er% lest the 'ing and all the *eo*le who (are) with him be swallowed #*"A .
2,a 14:14 Now Jonathan and +himaaH stayed at 6n :ogel% $or they dared not be seen oming into the ity& so a
$emale ser!ant wo#ld ome and tell them% and they wo#ld go and tell King 2a!id"
2,a 14:18 Ne!ertheless a lad saw them% and told +bsalom" B#t both o$ them went away E#i'ly and ame to a
manAs ho#se in Bah#rim% who had a well in his o#rt& and they went down into it"
2,a 14:19 Then the woman too' and s*read a o!ering o!er the wellAs mo#th% and s*read gro#nd grain on it&
and the thing was not 'nown"
2,a 14:25 +nd when +bsalomAs ser!ants ame to the woman at the ho#se% they said% .>here (are) +himaaH
and JonathanC. ,o the woman said to them% .They ha!e gone o!er the water broo'". +nd when they had
searhed and o#ld not $ind (them%) they ret#rned to Jer#salem"
2,a 14:21 Now it ame to *ass% a$ter they had de*arted% that they ame #* o#t o$ the well and went and told
King 2a!id% and said to 2a!id% .+rise and ross o!er the water E#i'ly" ;or th#s has +hitho*hel ad!ised against
2,a 14:22 ,o 2a!id and all the *eo*le who (were) with him arose and rossed o!er the Jordan" By morning light
not one o$ them was le$t who had not gone o!er the Jordan"
2,a 14:2- Now when +hitho*hel saw that his ad!ie was not $ollowed% he saddled a don'ey% and arose and
went home to his ho#se% to his ity" Then he *#t his ho#sehold in order% and hanged himsel$% and died& and he
was b#ried in his $atherAs tomb"
2,a 14:20 Then 2a!id went to ?ahanaim" +nd +bsalom rossed o!er the Jordan% he and all the men o$ Israel
with him"
2,a 14:21 +nd +bsalom made +masa a*tain o$ the army instead o$ Joab" This +masa (was) the son o$ a man
whose name (was) Jithra% an Israelite% who had gone in to +bigail the da#ghter o$ Nahash% sister o$ Ger#iah%
JoabAs mother"
2,a 14:23 ,o Israel and +bsalom enam*ed in the land o$ Gilead"
2,a 14:24 Now it ha**ened% when 2a!id had ome to ?ahanaim% that ,hobi the son o$ Nahash $rom :abbah o$
the *eo*le o$ +mmon% ?ahir the son o$ +mmiel $rom /o 2ebar% and BarHillai the Gileadite $rom :ogelim%
2,a 14:28 bro#ght beds and basins% earthen !essels and wheat% barley and $lo#r% *arhed (grain) and beans%
lentils and *arhed (seeds%)
2,a 14:29 honey and #rds% shee* and heese o$ the herd% $or 2a!id and the *eo*le who (were) with him to eat"
;or they said% .The *eo*le are h#ngry and weary and thirsty in the wilderness".
2,a 18:1 +nd 2a!id n#mbered the *eo*le who (were) with him% and set a*tains o$ tho#sands and a*tains o$
h#ndreds o!er them"
2,a 18:2 Then 2a!id sent o#t one third o$ the *eo*le #nder the hand o$ Joab% one third #nder the hand o$
+bishai the son o$ Ger#iah% JoabAs brother% and one third #nder the hand o$ Ittai the Gittite" +nd the 'ing said to
the *eo*le% .I also will s#rely go o#t with yo# mysel$".
2,a 18:- B#t the *eo*le answered% .Bo# shall not go o#tF ;or i$ we $lee away% they will not are abo#t #s& nor i$
hal$ o$ #s die% will they are abo#t #s" B#t (yo# are) worth ten tho#sand o$ #s now" ;or yo# are now more hel* to
#s in the ity".
2,a 18:0 Then the 'ing said to them% .>hate!er seems best to yo# I will do". ,o the 'ing stood beside the gate%
and all the *eo*le went o#t by h#ndreds and by tho#sands"
2,a 18:1 Now the 'ing had ommanded Joab% +bishai% and Ittai% saying% .(2eal) gently $or my sa'e with the
yo#ng man +bsalom". +nd all the *eo*le heard when the 'ing ga!e all the a*tains orders onerning +bsalom"
2,a 18:3 ,o the *eo*le went o#t into the $ield o$ battle against Israel" +nd the battle was in the woods o$
2,a 18:4 The *eo*le o$ Israel were o!erthrown there be$ore the ser!ants o$ 2a!id% and a great sla#ghter o$
twenty tho#sand too' *lae there that day"
2,a 18:8 ;or the battle there was sattered o!er the $ae o$ the whole o#ntryside% and the woods de!o#red
more *eo*le that day than the sword de!o#red"
2,a 18:9 Then +bsalom met the ser!ants o$ 2a!id" +bsalom rode on a m#le" The m#le went #nder the thi'
bo#ghs o$ a great terebinth tree% and his head a#ght in the terebinth& so he was le$t hanging between hea!en
and earth" +nd the m#le whih (was) #nder him went on"
2,a 18:15 Now a ertain man saw (it) and told Joab% and said% .I @#st saw +bsalom hanging in a terebinth treeF.
2,a 18:11 ,o Joab said to the man who told him% .Bo# @#st saw (himF) +nd why did yo# not stri'e him there to
the gro#ndC I wo#ld ha!e gi!en yo# ten (she'els) o$ sil!er and a belt".
2,a 18:12 B#t the man said to Joab% .Tho#gh I were to reei!e a tho#sand (she'els) o$ sil!er in my hand% I
wo#ld not raise my hand against the 'ingAs son" ;or in o#r hearing the 'ing ommanded yo# and +bishai and
Ittai% saying% ABeware lest anyone (to#h) the yo#ng man +bsalomFA
2,a 18:1- .8therwise I wo#ld ha!e dealt $alsely against my own li$e" ;or there is nothing hidden $rom the 'ing%
and yo# yo#rsel$ wo#ld ha!e set yo#rsel$ against (me".)
2,a 18:10 Then Joab said% .I annot linger with yo#". +nd he too' three s*ears in his hand and thr#st them
thro#gh +bsalomAs heart% while he was (still) ali!e in the midst o$ the terebinth tree"
2,a 18:11 +nd ten yo#ng men who bore JoabAs armor s#rro#nded +bsalom% and str#' and 'illed him"
2,a 18:13 ,o Joab blew the tr#m*et% and the *eo*le ret#rned $rom *#rs#ing Israel" ;or Joab held ba' the
2,a 18:14 +nd they too' +bsalom and ast him into a large *it in the woods% and laid a !ery large hea* o$
stones o!er him" Then all Israel $led% e!eryone to his tent"
2,a 18:18 Now +bsalom in his li$etime had ta'en and set #* a *illar $or himsel$% whih (is) in the KingAs Valley"
;or he said% .I ha!e no son to 'ee* my name in remembrane". He alled the *illar a$ter his own name" +nd to
this day it is alled +bsalomAs ?on#ment"
2,a 18:19 Then +himaaH the son o$ Gado' said% ./et me r#n now and ta'e the news to the 'ing% how the /8:2
has a!enged him o$ his enemies".
2,a 18:25 +nd Joab said to him% .Bo# shall not ta'e the news this day% $or yo# shall ta'e the news another day"
B#t today yo# shall ta'e no news% bea#se the 'ingAs son is dead".
2,a 18:21 Then Joab said to the =#shite% .Go% tell the 'ing what yo# ha!e seen". ,o the =#shite bowed himsel$
to Joab and ran"
2,a 18:22 +nd +himaaH the son o$ Gado' said again to Joab% .B#t whate!er ha**ens% *lease let me also r#n
a$ter the =#shite". ,o Joab said% .>hy will yo# r#n% my son% sine yo# ha!e no news readyC.
2,a 18:2- .B#t whate!er ha**ens%. (he said%) .let me r#n". ,o he said to him% .:#n". Then +himaaH ran by way
o$ the *lain% and o#tran the =#shite"
2,a 18:20 Now 2a!id was sitting between the two gates" +nd the wathman went #* to the roo$ o!er the gate%
to the wall% li$ted his eyes and loo'ed% and there was a man% r#nning alone"
2,a 18:21 Then the wathman ried o#t and told the 'ing" +nd the 'ing said% .I$ he (is) alone% (there is) news in
his mo#th". +nd he ame ra*idly and drew near"
2,a 18:23 Then the wathman saw (another) man r#nning% and the wathman alled to the gate'ee*er and
said% .There is (another) man% r#nning aloneF. +nd the 'ing said% .He also brings news".
2,a 18:24 ,o the wathman said% .I thin' the r#nning o$ the $irst is li'e the r#nning o$ +himaaH the son o$
Gado'". +nd the 'ing said% .He (is) a good man% and omes with good news".
2,a 18:28 +nd +himaaH alled o#t and said to the 'ing% .+ll is wellF. Then he bowed down with his $ae to the
earth be$ore the 'ing% and said% .Blessed (be) the /8:2 yo#r God% who has deli!ered #* the men who raised
their hand against my lord the 'ingF.
2,a 18:29 The 'ing said% .Is the yo#ng man +bsalom sa$eC. +himaaH answered% .>hen Joab sent the 'ingAs
ser!ant and (me) yo#r ser!ant% I saw a great t#m#lt% b#t I did not 'now what (it was abo#t".)
2,a 18:-5 +nd the 'ing said% .T#rn aside (and) stand here". ,o he t#rned aside and stood still"
2,a 18:-1 J#st then the =#shite ame% and the =#shite said% .There is good news% my lord the 'ingF ;or the
/8:2 has a!enged yo# this day o$ all those who rose against yo#".
2,a 18:-2 +nd the 'ing said to the =#shite% .Is the yo#ng man +bsalom sa$eC. ,o the =#shite answered% .?ay
the enemies o$ my lord the 'ing% and all who rise against yo# to do harm% be li'e (that) yo#ng manF.
2,a 18:-- Then the 'ing was dee*ly mo!ed% and went #* to the hamber o!er the gate% and we*t" +nd as he
went% he said th#s: .8 my son +bsalom DD my son% my son +bsalom DD i$ only I had died in yo#r *laeF 8 +bsalom
my son% my sonF.
2,a 19:1 +nd Joab was told% .Behold% the 'ing is wee*ing and mo#rning $or +bsalom".
2,a 19:2 ,o the !itory that day was (t#rned) into mo#rning $or all the *eo*le" ;or the *eo*le heard it said that
day% .The 'ing is grie!ed $or his son".
2,a 19:- +nd the *eo*le stole ba' into the ity that day% as *eo*le who are ashamed steal away when they
$lee in battle"
2,a 19:0 B#t the 'ing o!ered his $ae% and the 'ing ried o#t with a lo#d !oie% .8 my son +bsalomF 8
+bsalom% my son% my sonF.
2,a 19:1 Then Joab ame into the ho#se to the 'ing% and said% .Today yo# ha!e disgraed all yo#r ser!ants
who today ha!e sa!ed yo#r li$e% the li!es o$ yo#r sons and da#ghters% the li!es o$ yo#r wi!es and the li!es o$
yo#r on#bines%
2,a 19:3 .in that yo# lo!e yo#r enemies and hate yo#r $riends" ;or yo# ha!e delared today that yo# regard
neither *rines nor ser!ants& $or today I *erei!e that i$ +bsalom had li!ed and all o$ #s had died today% then it
wo#ld ha!e *leased yo# well"
2,a 19:4 .Now there$ore% arise% go o#t and s*ea' om$ort to yo#r ser!ants" ;or I swear by the /8:2% i$ yo# do
not go o#t% not one will stay with yo# this night" +nd that will be worse $or yo# than all the e!il that has be$allen
yo# $rom yo#r yo#th #ntil now".
2,a 19:8 Then the 'ing arose and sat in the gate" +nd they told all the *eo*le% saying% .There is the 'ing% sitting
in the gate". ,o all the *eo*le ame be$ore the 'ing" ;or e!eryone o$ Israel had $led to his tent"
2,a 19:9 Now all the *eo*le were in a dis*#te thro#gho#t all the tribes o$ Israel% saying% .The 'ing sa!ed #s
$rom the hand o$ o#r enemies% he deli!ered #s $rom the hand o$ the <hilistines% and now he has $led $rom the
land bea#se o$ +bsalom"
2,a 19:15 .B#t +bsalom% whom we anointed o!er #s% has died in battle" Now there$ore% why do yo# say nothing
abo#t bringing ba' the 'ingC.
2,a 19:11 ,o King 2a!id sent to Gado' and +biathar the *riests% saying% .,*ea' to the elders o$ J#dah% saying%
A>hy are yo# the last to bring the 'ing ba' to his ho#se% sine the words o$ all Israel ha!e ome to the 'ing% to
his (!ery) ho#seC
2,a 19:12 ABo# (are) my brethren% yo# (are) my bone and my $lesh" >hy then are yo# the last to bring ba' the
2,a 19:1- .+nd say to +masa% A(+re) yo# not my bone and my $leshC God do so to me% and more also% i$ yo# are
not ommander o$ the army be$ore me ontin#ally in *lae o$ Joab"A .
2,a 19:10 ,o he swayed the hearts o$ all the men o$ J#dah% @#st as (the heart o$) one man% so that they sent
(this word) to the 'ing: .:et#rn% yo# and all yo#r ser!antsF.
2,a 19:11 Then the 'ing ret#rned and ame to the Jordan" +nd J#dah ame to Gilgal% to go to meet the 'ing% to
esort the 'ing aross the Jordan"
2,a 19:13 +nd ,himei the son o$ Gera% a Ben@amite% who (was) $rom Bah#rim% hastened and ame down with
the men o$ J#dah to meet King 2a!id"
2,a 19:14 (There were) a tho#sand men o$ Ben@amin with him% and Giba the ser!ant o$ the ho#se o$ ,a#l% and
his $i$teen sons and his twenty ser!ants with him& and they went o!er the Jordan be$ore the 'ing"
2,a 19:18 Then a $erryboat went aross to arry o!er the 'ingAs ho#sehold% and to do what he tho#ght good"
Now ,himei the son o$ Gera $ell down be$ore the 'ing when he had rossed the Jordan"
2,a 19:19 Then he said to the 'ing% .2o not let my lord im*#te iniE#ity to me% or remember what wrong yo#r
ser!ant did on the day that my lord the 'ing le$t Jer#salem% that the 'ing sho#ld ta'e (it) to heart"
2,a 19:25 .;or I% yo#r ser!ant% 'now that I ha!e sinned" There$ore here I am% the $irst to ome today o$ all the
ho#se o$ Jose*h to go down to meet my lord the 'ing".
2,a 19:21 B#t +bishai the son o$ Ger#iah answered and said% .,hall not ,himei be *#t to death $or this%
bea#se he #rsed the /8:2As anointedC.
2,a 19:22 +nd 2a!id said% .>hat ha!e I to do with yo#% yo# sons o$ Ger#iah% that yo# sho#ld be ad!ersaries to
me todayC ,hall any man be *#t to death today in IsraelC ;or do I not 'now that today I (am) 'ing o!er IsraelC.
2,a 19:2- There$ore the 'ing said to ,himei% .Bo# shall not die". +nd the 'ing swore to him"
2,a 19:20 Now ?e*hibosheth the son o$ ,a#l ame down to meet the 'ing" +nd he had not ared $or his $eet%
nor trimmed his m#stahe% nor washed his lothes% $rom the day the 'ing de*arted #ntil the day he ret#rned in
2,a 19:21 ,o it was% when he had ome to Jer#salem to meet the 'ing% that the 'ing said to him% .>hy did yo#
not go with me% ?e*hiboshethC.
2,a 19:23 +nd he answered% .?y lord% 8 'ing% my ser!ant deei!ed me" ;or yo#r ser!ant said% AI will saddle a
don'ey $or mysel$% that I may ride on it and go to the 'ing%A bea#se yo#r ser!ant (is) lame"
2,a 19:24 .+nd he has slandered yo#r ser!ant to my lord the 'ing% b#t my lord the 'ing (is) li'e the angel o$
God" There$ore do (what is) good in yo#r eyes"
2,a 19:28 .;or all my $atherAs ho#se were b#t dead men be$ore my lord the 'ing" Bet yo# set yo#r ser!ant
among those who eat at yo#r own table" There$ore what right ha!e I still to ry o#t anymore to the 'ingC.
2,a 19:29 ,o the 'ing said to him% .>hy do yo# s*ea' anymore o$ yo#r mattersC I ha!e said% ABo# and Giba
di!ide the land"A .
2,a 19:-5 Then ?e*hibosheth said to the 'ing% .:ather% let him ta'e it all% inasm#h as my lord the 'ing has
ome ba' in *eae to his own ho#se".
2,a 19:-1 +nd BarHillai the Gileadite ame down $rom :ogelim and went aross the Jordan with the 'ing% to
esort him aross the Jordan"
2,a 19:-2 Now BarHillai was a !ery aged man% eighty years old" +nd he had *ro!ided the 'ing with s#**lies
while he stayed at ?ahanaim% $or he (was) a !ery rih man"
2,a 19:-- +nd the 'ing said to BarHillai% .=ome aross with me% and I will *ro!ide $or yo# while yo# are with me
in Jer#salem".
2,a 19:-0 B#t BarHillai said to the 'ing% .How long ha!e I to li!e% that I sho#ld go #* with the 'ing to Jer#salemC
2,a 19:-1 .I (am) today eighty years old" =an I disern between the good and badC =an yo#r ser!ant taste what
I eat or what I drin'C =an I hear any longer the !oie o$ singing men and singing womenC >hy then sho#ld yo#r
ser!ant be a $#rther b#rden to my lord the 'ingC
2,a 19:-3 .Bo#r ser!ant will go a little way aross the Jordan with the 'ing" +nd why sho#ld the 'ing re*ay me
(with) s#h a rewardC
2,a 19:-4 .<lease let yo#r ser!ant t#rn ba' again% that I may die in my own ity% near the gra!e o$ my $ather
and mother" B#t here is yo#r ser!ant =himham& let him ross o!er with my lord the 'ing% and do $or him what
seems good to yo#".
2,a 19:-8 +nd the 'ing answered% .=himham shall ross o!er with me% and I will do $or him what seems good to
yo#" Now whate!er yo# reE#est o$ me% I will do $or yo#".
2,a 19:-9 Then all the *eo*le went o!er the Jordan" +nd when the 'ing had rossed o!er% the 'ing 'issed
BarHillai and blessed him% and he ret#rned to his own *lae"
2,a 19:05 Now the 'ing went on to Gilgal% and =himham went on with him" +nd all the *eo*le o$ J#dah
esorted the 'ing% and also hal$ the *eo*le o$ Israel"
2,a 19:01 J#st then all the men o$ Israel ame to the 'ing% and said to the 'ing% .>hy ha!e o#r brethren% the
men o$ J#dah% stolen yo# away and bro#ght the 'ing% his ho#sehold% and all 2a!idAs men with him aross the
2,a 19:02 ,o all the men o$ J#dah answered the men o$ Israel% .Bea#se the 'ing (is) a lose relati!e o$ o#rs"
>hy then are yo# angry o!er this matterC Ha!e we e!er eaten at the 'ingAs (e9*enseC) 8r has he gi!en #s any
2,a 19:0- +nd the men o$ Israel answered the men o$ J#dah% and said% .>e ha!e ten shares in the 'ing&
there$ore we also ha!e more (right) to 2a!id than yo#" >hy then do yo# des*ise #s DD were we not the $irst to
ad!ise bringing ba' o#r 'ingC. Bet the words o$ the men o$ J#dah were $ierer than the words o$ the men o$
2,a 25:1 +nd there ha**ened to be there a rebel% whose name (was) ,heba the son o$ Bihri% a Ben@amite" +nd
he blew a tr#m*et% and said: .>e ha!e no share in 2a!id% Nor do we ha!e inheritane in the son o$ Jesse& 6!ery
man to his tents% 8 IsraelF.
2,a 25:2 ,o e!ery man o$ Israel deserted 2a!id% (and) $ollowed ,heba the son o$ Bihri" B#t the men o$ J#dah%
$rom the Jordan as $ar as Jer#salem% remained loyal to their 'ing"
2,a 25:- Now 2a!id ame to his ho#se at Jer#salem" +nd the 'ing too' the ten women% his on#bines whom
he had le$t to 'ee* the ho#se% and *#t them in sel#sion and s#**orted them% b#t did not go in to them" ,o they
were sh#t #* to the day o$ their death% li!ing in widowhood"
2,a 25:0 +nd the 'ing said to +masa% .+ssemble the men o$ J#dah $or me within three days% and be *resent
here yo#rsel$".
2,a 25:1 ,o +masa went to assemble (the men o$) J#dah" B#t he delayed longer than the set time whih 2a!id
had a**ointed him"
2,a 25:3 +nd 2a!id said to +bishai% .Now ,heba the son o$ Bihri will do #s more harm than +bsalom" Ta'e
yo#r lordAs ser!ants and *#rs#e him% lest he $ind $or himsel$ $orti$ied ities% and esa*e #s".
2,a 25:4 ,o JoabAs men% with the =herethites% the <elethites% and all the mighty men% went o#t a$ter him" +nd
they went o#t o$ Jer#salem to *#rs#e ,heba the son o$ Bihri"
2,a 25:8 >hen they (were) at the large stone whih (is) in Gibeon% +masa ame be$ore them" Now Joab was
dressed in battle armor& on it was a belt (with) a sword $astened in its sheath at his hi*s& and as he was going
$orward% it $ell o#t"
2,a 25:9 Then Joab said to +masa% .(+re) yo# in health% my brotherC. +nd Joab too' +masa by the beard with
his right hand to 'iss him"
2,a 25:15 B#t +masa did not notie the sword that (was) in JoabAs hand" +nd he str#' him with it in the
stomah% and his entrails *o#red o#t on the gro#nd& and he did not (stri'e) him again" Th#s he died" Then Joab
and +bishai his brother *#rs#ed ,heba the son o$ Bihri"
2,a 25:11 ?eanwhile one o$ JoabAs men stood near +masa% and said% .>hoe!er $a!ors Joab and whoe!er (is)
$or 2a!id DD $ollow JoabF.
2,a 25:12 B#t +masa wallowed in (his) blood in the middle o$ the highway" +nd when the man saw that all the
*eo*le stood still% he mo!ed +masa $rom the highway to the $ield and threw a garment o!er him% when he saw
that e!eryone who ame #*on him halted"
2,a 25:1- >hen he was remo!ed $rom the highway% all the *eo*le went on a$ter Joab to *#rs#e ,heba the son
o$ Bihri"
2,a 25:10 +nd he went thro#gh all the tribes o$ Israel to +bel and Beth ?aahah and all the Berites" ,o they
were gathered together and also went a$ter (,heba")
2,a 25:11 Then they ame and besieged him in +bel o$ Beth ?aahah& and they ast #* a siege mo#nd against
the ity% and it stood by the ram*art" +nd all the *eo*le who (were) with Joab battered the wall to throw it down"
2,a 25:13 Then a wise woman ried o#t $rom the ity% .Hear% HearF <lease say to Joab% A=ome nearby% that I
may s*ea' with yo#"A .
2,a 25:14 >hen he had ome near to her% the woman said% .(+re) yo# JoabC. He answered% .I (am".) Then she
said to him% .Hear the words o$ yo#r maidser!ant". +nd he answered% .I am listening".
2,a 25:18 ,o she s*o'e% saying% .They #sed to tal' in $ormer times% saying% AThey shall s#rely see' (g#idane)
at +bel%A and so they wo#ld end (dis*#tes")
2,a 25:19 .I (am among the) *eaeable (and) $aith$#l in Israel" Bo# see' to destroy a ity and a mother in Israel"
>hy wo#ld yo# swallow #* the inheritane o$ the /8:2C.
2,a 25:25 +nd Joab answered and said% .;ar be it% $ar be it $rom me% that I sho#ld swallow #* or destroyF
2,a 25:21 .That (is) not so" B#t a man $rom the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% ,heba the son o$ Bihri by name% has
raised his hand against the 'ing% against 2a!id" 2eli!er him only% and I will de*art $rom the ity". ,o the woman
said to Joab% .>ath% his head will be thrown to yo# o!er the wall".
2,a 25:22 Then the woman in her wisdom went to all the *eo*le" +nd they #t o$$ the head o$ ,heba the son o$
Bihri% and threw (it) o#t to Joab" Then he blew a tr#m*et% and they withdrew $rom the ity% e!ery man to his tent"
,o Joab ret#rned to the 'ing at Jer#salem"
2,a 25:2- +nd Joab (was) o!er all the army o$ Israel& Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada (was) o!er the =herethites
and the <elethites&
2,a 25:20 +doram (was) in harge o$ re!en#e& Jehosha*hat the son o$ +hil#d (was) reorder&
2,a 25:21 ,he!a (was) sribe& Gado' and +biathar (were) the *riests&
2,a 25:23 and Ira the Jairite was a hie$ minister #nder 2a!id"
2,a 21:1 Now there was a $amine in the days o$ 2a!id $or three years% year a$ter year& and 2a!id inE#ired o$ the
/8:2" +nd the /8:2 answered% .(It is) bea#se o$ ,a#l and (his) bloodthirsty ho#se% bea#se he 'illed the
2,a 21:2 ,o the 'ing alled the Gibeonites and s*o'e to them" Now the Gibeonites (were) not o$ the hildren o$
Israel% b#t o$ the remnant o$ the +morites& the hildren o$ Israel had sworn *rotetion to them% b#t ,a#l had
so#ght to 'ill them in his Heal $or the hildren o$ Israel and J#dah"
2,a 21:- There$ore 2a!id said to the Gibeonites% .>hat shall I do $or yo#C +nd with what shall I ma'e
atonement% that yo# may bless the inheritane o$ the /8:2C.
2,a 21:0 +nd the Gibeonites said to him% .>e will ha!e no sil!er or gold $rom ,a#l or $rom his ho#se% nor shall
yo# 'ill any man in Israel $or #s". ,o he said% .>hate!er yo# say% I will do $or yo#".
2,a 21:1 Then they answered the 'ing% .+s $or the man who ons#med #s and *lotted against #s% (that) we
sho#ld be destroyed $rom remaining in any o$ the territories o$ Israel%
2,a 21:3 .let se!en men o$ his desendants be deli!ered to #s% and we will hang them be$ore the /8:2 in
Gibeah o$ ,a#l% (whom) the /8:2 hose". +nd the 'ing said% .I will gi!e (them".)
2,a 21:4 B#t the 'ing s*ared ?e*hibosheth the son o$ Jonathan% the son o$ ,a#l% bea#se o$ the /8:2As oath
that (was) between them% between 2a!id and Jonathan the son o$ ,a#l"
2,a 21:8 ,o the 'ing too' +rmoni and ?e*hibosheth% the two sons o$ :iH*ah the da#ghter o$ +iah% whom she
bore to ,a#l& and the $i!e sons o$ ?ihal the da#ghter o$ ,a#l% whom she bro#ght #* $or +driel the son o$
BarHillai the ?eholathite&
2,a 21:9 and he deli!ered them into the hands o$ the Gibeonites% and they hanged them on the hill be$ore the
/8:2" ,o they $ell% (all) se!en together% and were *#t to death in the days o$ har!est% in the $irst (days%) in the
beginning o$ barley har!est"
2,a 21:15 Now :iH*ah the da#ghter o$ +iah too' sa'loth and s*read it $or hersel$ on the ro'% $rom the
beginning o$ har!est #ntil the late rains *o#red on them $rom hea!en" +nd she did not allow the birds o$ the air to
rest on them by day nor the beasts o$ the $ield by night"
2,a 21:11 +nd 2a!id was told what :iH*ah the da#ghter o$ +iah% the on#bine o$ ,a#l% had done"
2,a 21:12 Then 2a!id went and too' the bones o$ ,a#l% and the bones o$ Jonathan his son% $rom the men o$
Jabesh Gilead who had stolen them $rom the street o$ Beth ,han% where the <hilistines had h#ng them #*% a$ter
the <hilistines had str#' down ,a#l in Gilboa"
2,a 21:1- ,o he bro#ght #* the bones o$ ,a#l and the bones o$ Jonathan his son $rom there& and they gathered
the bones o$ those who had been hanged"
2,a 21:10 They b#ried the bones o$ ,a#l and Jonathan his son in the o#ntry o$ Ben@amin in Gelah% in the tomb
o$ Kish his $ather" ,o they *er$ormed all that the 'ing ommanded" +nd a$ter that God heeded the *rayer $or the
2,a 21:11 >hen the <hilistines were at war again with Israel% 2a!id and his ser!ants with him went down and
$o#ght against the <hilistines& and 2a!id grew $aint"
2,a 21:13 Then IshbiDBenob% who (was) one o$ the sons o$ the giant% the weight o$ whose bronHe s*ear (was)
three h#ndred (she'els%) who was bearing a new (sword%) tho#ght he o#ld 'ill 2a!id"
2,a 21:14 B#t +bishai the son o$ Ger#iah ame to his aid% and str#' the <hilistine and 'illed him" Then the men
o$ 2a!id swore to him% saying% .Bo# shall go o#t no more with #s to battle% lest yo# E#enh the lam* o$ Israel".
2,a 21:18 Now it ha**ened a$terward that there was again a battle with the <hilistines at Gob" Then ,ibbehai
the H#shathite 'illed ,a*h% who (was) one o$ the sons o$ the giant"
2,a 21:19 +gain there was war at Gob with the <hilistines% where 6lhanan the son o$ JaareD8regim the
Bethlehemite 'illed (the brother o$) Goliath the Gittite% the sha$t o$ whose s*ear (was) li'e a wea!erAs beam"
2,a 21:25 Bet again there was war at Gath% where there was a man o$ (great) stat#re% who had si9 $ingers on
eah hand and si9 toes on eah $oot% twentyD$o#r in n#mber& and he also was born to the giant"
2,a 21:21 ,o when he de$ied Israel% Jonathan the son o$ ,himea% 2a!idAs brother% 'illed him"
2,a 21:22 These $o#r were born to the giant in Gath% and $ell by the hand o$ 2a!id and by the hand o$ his
2,a 22:1 Then 2a!id s*o'e to the /8:2 the words o$ this song% on the day when the /8:2 had deli!ered him
$rom the hand o$ all his enemies% and $rom the hand o$ ,a#l"
2,a 22:2 +nd he said: .The /8:2 (is) my ro' and my $ortress and my deli!erer&
2,a 22:- The God o$ my strength% in whom I will tr#st& ?y shield and the horn o$ my sal!ation% ?y stronghold
and my re$#ge& ?y ,a!ior% Bo# sa!e me $rom !iolene"
2,a 22:0 I will all #*on the /8:2% (who is worthy) to be *raised& ,o shall I be sa!ed $rom my enemies"
2,a 22:1 A>hen the wa!es o$ death s#rro#nded me% The $loods o$ #ngodliness made me a$raid"
2,a 22:3 The sorrows o$ ,heol s#rro#nded me& The snares o$ death on$ronted me"
2,a 22:4 In my distress I alled #*on the /8:2% +nd ried o#t to my God& He heard my !oie $rom His tem*le%
+nd my ry (entered) His ears"
2,a 22:8 .Then the earth shoo' and trembled& The $o#ndations o$ hea!en E#a'ed and were sha'en% Bea#se
He was angry"
2,a 22:9 ,mo'e went #* $rom His nostrils% +nd de!o#ring $ire $rom His mo#th& =oals were 'indled by it"
2,a 22:15 He bowed the hea!ens also% and ame down >ith dar'ness #nder His $eet"
2,a 22:11 He rode #*on a her#b% and $lew& +nd He was seen #*on the wings o$ the wind"
2,a 22:12 He made dar'ness ano*ies aro#nd Him% 2ar' waters (and) thi' lo#ds o$ the s'ies"
2,a 22:1- ;rom the brightness be$ore Him =oals o$ $ire were 'indled"
2,a 22:10 .The /8:2 th#ndered $rom hea!en% +nd the ?ost High #ttered His !oie"
2,a 22:11 He sent o#t arrows and sattered them& /ightning bolts% and He !anE#ished them"
2,a 22:13 Then the hannels o$ the sea were seen% The $o#ndations o$ the world were #no!ered% +t the
reb#'e o$ the /8:2% +t the blast o$ the breath o$ His nostrils"
2,a 22:14 .He sent $rom abo!e% He too' me% He drew me o#t o$ many waters"
2,a 22:18 He deli!ered me $rom my strong enemy% ;rom those who hated me& ;or they were too strong $or me"
2,a 22:19 They on$ronted me in the day o$ my alamity% B#t the /8:2 was my s#**ort"
2,a 22:25 He also bro#ght me o#t into a broad *lae& He deli!ered me bea#se He delighted in me"
2,a 22:21 .The /8:2 rewarded me aording to my righteo#sness& +ording to the leanness o$ my hands
He has reom*ensed me"
2,a 22:22 ;or I ha!e 'e*t the ways o$ the /8:2% +nd ha!e not wi'edly de*arted $rom my God"
2,a 22:2- ;or all His @#dgments (were) be$ore me& +nd (as $or) His stat#tes% I did not de*art $rom them"
2,a 22:20 I was also blameless be$ore Him% +nd I 'e*t mysel$ $rom my iniE#ity"
2,a 22:21 There$ore the /8:2 has reom*ensed me aording to my righteo#sness% +ording to my
leanness in His eyes"
2,a 22:23 .>ith the meri$#l Bo# will show Bo#rsel$ meri$#l& >ith a blameless man Bo# will show Bo#rsel$
2,a 22:24 >ith the *#re Bo# will show Bo#rsel$ *#re& +nd with the de!io#s Bo# will show Bo#rsel$ shrewd"
2,a 22:28 Bo# will sa!e the h#mble *eo*le& B#t Bo#r eyes (are) on the ha#ghty% (that) Bo# may bring (them)
2,a 22:29 .;or Bo# (are) my lam*% 8 /8:2& The /8:2 shall enlighten my dar'ness"
2,a 22:-5 ;or by Bo# I an r#n against a troo*& By my God I an lea* o!er a wall"
2,a 22:-1 (+s $or) God% His way (is) *er$et& The word o$ the /8:2 (is) *ro!en& He (is) a shield to all who tr#st in
2,a 22:-2 .;or who (is) God% e9e*t the /8:2C +nd who (is) a ro'% e9e*t o#r GodC
2,a 22:-- God (is) my strength (and) *ower% +nd He ma'es my way *er$et"
2,a 22:-0 He ma'es my $eet li'e the ($eet) o$ deer% +nd sets me on my high *laes"
2,a 22:-1 He teahes my hands to ma'e war% ,o that my arms an bend a bow o$ bronHe"
2,a 22:-3 .Bo# ha!e also gi!en me the shield o$ Bo#r sal!ation& Bo#r gentleness has made me great"
2,a 22:-4 Bo# enlarged my *ath #nder me& ,o my $eet did not sli*"
2,a 22:-8 .I ha!e *#rs#ed my enemies and destroyed them& Neither did I t#rn ba' again till they were
2,a 22:-9 +nd I ha!e destroyed them and wo#nded them% ,o that they o#ld not rise& They ha!e $allen #nder
my $eet"
2,a 22:05 ;or Bo# ha!e armed me with strength $or the battle& Bo# ha!e s#bd#ed #nder me those who rose
against me"
2,a 22:01 Bo# ha!e also gi!en me the ne's o$ my enemies% ,o that I destroyed those who hated me"
2,a 22:02 They loo'ed% b#t (there was) none to sa!e& (6!en) to the /8:2% b#t He did not answer them"
2,a 22:0- Then I beat them as $ine as the d#st o$ the earth& I trod them li'e dirt in the streets% (+nd) I s*read
them o#t"
2,a 22:00 .Bo# ha!e also deli!ered me $rom the stri!ings o$ my *eo*le& Bo# ha!e 'e*t me as the head o$ the
nations" + *eo*le I ha!e not 'nown shall ser!e me"
2,a 22:01 The $oreigners s#bmit to me& +s soon as they hear% they obey me"
2,a 22:03 The $oreigners $ade away% +nd ome $rightened $rom their hideo#ts"
2,a 22:04 .The /8:2 li!esF Blessed (be) my :o'F /et God be e9alted% The :o' o$ my sal!ationF
2,a 22:08 (It is) God who a!enges me% +nd s#bd#es the *eo*les #nder me&
2,a 22:09 He deli!ers me $rom my enemies" Bo# also li$t me #* abo!e those who rise against me& Bo# ha!e
deli!ered me $rom the !iolent man"
2,a 22:15 There$ore I will gi!e than's to Bo#% 8 /8:2% among the Gentiles% +nd sing *raises to Bo#r name"
2,a 22:11 (He is) the tower o$ sal!ation to His 'ing% +nd shows mery to His anointed% To 2a!id and his
desendants $ore!ermore".
2,a 2-:1 Now these (are) the last words o$ 2a!id" (Th#s) says 2a!id the son o$ Jesse& (Th#s) says the man
raised #* on high% The anointed o$ the God o$ Jaob% +nd the sweet *salmist o$ Israel:
2,a 2-:2 .The ,*irit o$ the /8:2 s*o'e by me% +nd His word (was) on my tong#e"
2,a 2-:- The God o$ Israel said% The :o' o$ Israel s*o'e to me: AHe who r#les o!er men (m#st be) @#st% :#ling
in the $ear o$ God"
2,a 2-:0 +nd (he shall be) li'e the light o$ the morning (when) the s#n rises% + morning witho#t lo#ds% (/i'e) the
tender grass (s*ringing) o#t o$ the earth% By lear shining a$ter rain"A
2,a 2-:1 .+ltho#gh my ho#se (is) not so with God% Bet He has made with me an e!erlasting o!enant% 8rdered
in all (things) and se#re" ;or (this is) all my sal!ation and all (my) desire& >ill He not ma'e (it) inreaseC
2,a 2-:3 B#t (the sons) o$ rebellion (shall) all (be) as thorns thr#st away% Bea#se they annot be ta'en with
2,a 2-:4 B#t the man (who) to#hes them ?#st be armed with iron and the sha$t o$ a s*ear% +nd they shall be
#tterly b#rned with $ire in (their) *lae".
2,a 2-:8 These (are) the names o$ the mighty men whom 2a!id had: JoshebDBasshebeth the Tahmonite% hie$
among the a*tains" He was alled +dino the 6Hnite% bea#se he had 'illed eight h#ndred men at one time"
2,a 2-:9 +nd a$ter him (was) 6leaHar the son o$ 2odo% the +hohite% (one) o$ the three mighty men with 2a!id
when they de$ied the <hilistines (who) were gathered there $or battle% and the men o$ Israel had retreated"
2,a 2-:15 He arose and atta'ed the <hilistines #ntil his hand was weary% and his hand st#' to the sword" The
/8:2 bro#ght abo#t a great !itory that day& and the *eo*le ret#rned a$ter him only to *l#nder"
2,a 2-:11 +nd a$ter him (was) ,hammah the son o$ +gee the Hararite" The <hilistines had gathered together
into a troo* where there was a *iee o$ gro#nd $#ll o$ lentils" Then the *eo*le $led $rom the <hilistines"
2,a 2-:12 B#t he stationed himsel$ in the middle o$ the $ield% de$ended it% and 'illed the <hilistines" +nd the
/8:2 bro#ght abo#t a great !itory"
2,a 2-:1- Then three o$ the thirty hie$ men went down at har!est time and ame to 2a!id at the a!e o$
+d#llam" +nd the troo* o$ <hilistines enam*ed in the Valley o$ :e*haim"
2,a 2-:10 2a!id (was) then in the stronghold% and the garrison o$ the <hilistines (was) then (in) Bethlehem"
2,a 2-:11 +nd 2a!id said with longing% .8h% that someone wo#ld gi!e me a drin' o$ the water $rom the well o$
Bethlehem% whih (is) by the gateF.
2,a 2-:13 ,o the three mighty men bro'e thro#gh the am* o$ the <hilistines% drew water $rom the well o$
Bethlehem that (was) by the gate% and too' it and bro#ght (it) to 2a!id" Ne!ertheless he wo#ld not drin' it% b#t
*o#red it o#t to the /8:2"
2,a 2-:14 +nd he said% .;ar be it $rom me% 8 /8:2% that I sho#ld do thisF Is (this not) the blood o$ the men who
went in (@eo*ardy o$) their li!esC. There$ore he wo#ld not drin' it" These things were done by the three mighty
2,a 2-:18 Now +bishai the brother o$ Joab% the son o$ Ger#iah% was hie$ o$ (another) three" He li$ted his s*ear
against three h#ndred (men%) 'illed (them%) and won a name among (these) three"
2,a 2-:19 >as he not the most honored o$ threeC There$ore he beame their a*tain" Howe!er% he did not
attain to the ($irst) three"
2,a 2-:25 Benaiah (was) the son o$ Jehoiada% the son o$ a !aliant man $rom KabHeel% who had done many
deeds" He had 'illed two lionDli'e heroes o$ ?oab" He also had gone down and 'illed a lion in the midst o$ a *it
on a snowy day"
2,a 2-:21 +nd he 'illed an 6gy*tian% a s*eta#lar man" The 6gy*tian (had) a s*ear in his hand& so he went
down to him with a sta$$% wrested the s*ear o#t o$ the 6gy*tianAs hand% and 'illed him with his own s*ear"
2,a 2-:22 These (things) Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada did% and won a name among three mighty men"
2,a 2-:2- He was more honored than the thirty% b#t he did not attain to the ($irst) three" +nd 2a!id a**ointed
him o!er his g#ard"
2,a 2-:20 +sahel the brother o$ Joab (was) one o$ the thirty& 6lhanan the son o$ 2odo o$ Bethlehem%
2,a 2-:21 ,hammah the Harodite% 6li'a the Harodite%
2,a 2-:23 HeleH the <altite% Ira the son o$ I''esh the Te'oite%
2,a 2-:24 +bieHer the +nathothite% ?eb#nnai the H#shathite%
2,a 2-:28 Galmon the +hohite% ?aharai the Neto*hathite%
2,a 2-:29 Heleb the son o$ Baanah Ithe Neto*hathiteJ% Ittai the son o$ :ibai $rom Gibeah o$ the hildren o$
2,a 2-:-5 Benaiah a <irathonite% Hiddai $rom the broo's o$ Gaash%
2,a 2-:-1 +biD+lbon the +rbathite% +Hma!eth the Barh#mite%
2,a 2-:-2 6liahba the ,haalbonite Io$ the sons o$ JashenJ% Jonathan%
2,a 2-:-- ,hammah the Hararite% +hiam the son o$ ,harar the Hararite%
2,a 2-:-0 6li*helet the son o$ +hasbai% the son o$ the ?aahathite% 6liam the son o$ +hitho*hel the Gilonite%
2,a 2-:-1 HeHrai the =armelite% <aarai the +rbite%
2,a 2-:-3 Igal the son o$ Nathan o$ Gobah% Bani the Gadite%
2,a 2-:-4 Gele' the +mmonite% Naharai the Beerothite Iarmorbearer o$ Joab the son o$ Ger#iahJ%
2,a 2-:-8 Ira the Ithrite% Gareb the Ithrite%
2,a 2-:-9 (and) 7riah the Hittite: thirtyDse!en in all"
2,a 20:1 +gain the anger o$ the /8:2 was aro#sed against Israel% and He mo!ed 2a!id against them to say%
.Go% n#mber Israel and J#dah".
2,a 20:2 ,o the 'ing said to Joab the ommander o$ the army who (was) with him% .Now go thro#gho#t all the
tribes o$ Israel% $rom 2an to Beersheba% and o#nt the *eo*le% that I may 'now the n#mber o$ the *eo*le".
2,a 20:- +nd Joab said to the 'ing% .Now may the /8:2 yo#r God add to the *eo*le a h#ndred times more
than there are% and may the eyes o$ my lord the 'ing see (it") B#t why does my lord the 'ing desire this thingC.
2,a 20:0 Ne!ertheless the 'ingAs word *re!ailed against Joab and against the a*tains o$ the army" There$ore
Joab and the a*tains o$ the army went o#t $rom the *resene o$ the 'ing to o#nt the *eo*le o$ Israel"
2,a 20:1 +nd they rossed o!er the Jordan and am*ed in +roer% on the right side o$ the town whih (is) in the
midst o$ the ra!ine o$ Gad% and toward JaHer"
2,a 20:3 Then they ame to Gilead and to the land o$ Tahtim Hodshi& they ame to 2an Jaan and aro#nd to
2,a 20:4 and they ame to the stronghold o$ Tyre and to all the ities o$ the Hi!ites and the =anaanites" Then
they went o#t to ,o#th J#dah (as $ar as) Beersheba"
2,a 20:8 ,o when they had gone thro#gh all the land% they ame to Jer#salem at the end o$ nine months and
twenty days"
2,a 20:9 Then Joab ga!e the s#m o$ the n#mber o$ the *eo*le to the 'ing" +nd there were in Israel eight
h#ndred tho#sand !aliant men who drew the sword% and the men o$ J#dah were $i!e h#ndred tho#sand men"
2,a 20:15 +nd 2a!idAs heart ondemned him a$ter he had n#mbered the *eo*le" ,o 2a!id said to the /8:2% .I
ha!e sinned greatly in what I ha!e done& b#t now% I *ray% 8 /8:2% ta'e away the iniE#ity o$ Bo#r ser!ant% $or I
ha!e done !ery $oolishly".
2,a 20:11 Now when 2a!id arose in the morning% the word o$ the /8:2 ame to the *ro*het Gad% 2a!idAs
seer% saying%
2,a 20:12 .Go and tell 2a!id% ATh#s says the /8:2: .I o$$er yo# three (things&) hoose one o$ them $or yo#rsel$%
that I may do (it) to yo#". A .
2,a 20:1- ,o Gad ame to 2a!id and told him& and he said to him% .,hall se!en years o$ $amine ome to yo# in
yo#r landC 8r shall yo# $lee three months be$ore yo#r enemies% while they *#rs#e yo#C 8r shall there be three
daysA *lag#e in yo#r landC Now onsider and see what answer I sho#ld ta'e ba' to Him who sent me".
2,a 20:10 +nd 2a!id said to Gad% .I am in great distress" <lease let #s $all into the hand o$ the /8:2% $or His
meries (are) great& b#t do not let me $all into the hand o$ man".
2,a 20:11 ,o the /8:2 sent a *lag#e #*on Israel $rom the morning till the a**ointed time" ;rom 2an to
Beersheba se!enty tho#sand men o$ the *eo*le died"
2,a 20:13 +nd when the angel strethed o#t His hand o!er Jer#salem to destroy it% the /8:2 relented $rom the
destr#tion% and said to the angel who was destroying the *eo*le% .It is eno#gh& now restrain yo#r hand". +nd
the angel o$ the /8:2 was by the threshing $loor o$ +ra#nah the Jeb#site"
2,a 20:14 Then 2a!id s*o'e to the /8:2 when he saw the angel who was stri'ing the *eo*le% and said%
.,#rely I ha!e sinned% and I ha!e done wi'edly& b#t these shee*% what ha!e they doneC /et Bo#r hand% I *ray%
be against me and against my $atherAs ho#se".
2,a 20:18 +nd Gad ame that day to 2a!id and said to him% .Go #*% eret an altar to the /8:2 on the
threshing $loor o$ +ra#nah the Jeb#site".
2,a 20:19 ,o 2a!id% aording to the word o$ Gad% went #* as the /8:2 ommanded"
2,a 20:25 Now +ra#nah loo'ed% and saw the 'ing and his ser!ants oming toward him" ,o +ra#nah went o#t
and bowed be$ore the 'ing with his $ae to the gro#nd"
2,a 20:21 Then +ra#nah said% .>hy has my lord the 'ing ome to his ser!antC. +nd 2a!id said% .To b#y the
threshing $loor $rom yo#% to b#ild an altar to the /8:2% that the *lag#e may be withdrawn $rom the *eo*le".
2,a 20:22 Now +ra#nah said to 2a!id% ./et my lord the 'ing ta'e and o$$er #* whate!er (seems) good to him"
/oo'% (here are) o9en $or b#rnt sari$ie% and threshing im*lements and the yo'es o$ the o9en $or wood"
2,a 20:2- .+ll these% 8 'ing% +ra#nah has gi!en to the 'ing". +nd +ra#nah said to the 'ing% .?ay the /8:2
yo#r God ae*t yo#".
2,a 20:20 Then the 'ing said to +ra#nah% .No% b#t I will s#rely b#y (it) $rom yo# $or a *rie& nor will I o$$er b#rnt
o$$erings to the /8:2 my God with that whih osts me nothing". ,o 2a!id bo#ght the threshing $loor and the
o9en $or $i$ty she'els o$ sil!er"
2,a 20:21 +nd 2a!id b#ilt there an altar to the /8:2% and o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings and *eae o$$erings" ,o the
/8:2 heeded the *rayers $or the land% and the *lag#e was withdrawn $rom Israel"
1Ki 1:1 Now King 2a!id was old% ad!aned in years& and they *#t o!ers on him% b#t he o#ld not get warm"
1Ki 1:2 There$ore his ser!ants said to him% ./et a yo#ng woman% a !irgin% be so#ght $or o#r lord the 'ing% and let
her stand be$ore the 'ing% and let her are $or him& and let her lie in yo#r bosom% that o#r lord the 'ing may be
1Ki 1:- ,o they so#ght $or a lo!ely yo#ng woman thro#gho#t all the territory o$ Israel% and $o#nd +bishag the
,h#nammite% and bro#ght her to the 'ing"
1Ki 1:0 The yo#ng woman (was) !ery lo!ely& and she ared $or the 'ing% and ser!ed him& b#t the 'ing did not
'now her"
1Ki 1:1 Then +doni@ah the son o$ Haggith e9alted himsel$% saying% .I will be 'ing.& and he *re*ared $or himsel$
hariots and horsemen% and $i$ty men to r#n be$ore him"
1Ki 1:3 I+nd his $ather had not reb#'ed him at any time by saying% .>hy ha!e yo# done soC. He (was) also !ery
goodDloo'ing" (His mother) had borne him a$ter +bsalom"J
1Ki 1:4 Then he on$erred with Joab the son o$ Ger#iah and with +biathar the *riest% and they $ollowed and
hel*ed +doni@ah"
1Ki 1:8 B#t Gado' the *riest% Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada% Nathan the *ro*het% ,himei% :ei% and the mighty
men who (belonged) to 2a!id were not with +doni@ah"
1Ki 1:9 +nd +doni@ah sari$ied shee* and o9en and $attened attle by the stone o$ Goheleth% whih (is) by 6n
:ogel& he also in!ited all his brothers% the 'ingAs sons% and all the men o$ J#dah% the 'ingAs ser!ants"
1Ki 1:15 B#t he did not in!ite Nathan the *ro*het% Benaiah% the mighty men% or ,olomon his brother"
1Ki 1:11 ,o Nathan s*o'e to Bathsheba the mother o$ ,olomon% saying% .Ha!e yo# not heard that +doni@ah the
son o$ Haggith has beome 'ing% and 2a!id o#r lord does not 'now (itC)
1Ki 1:12 .=ome% *lease% let me now gi!e yo# ad!ie% that yo# may sa!e yo#r own li$e and the li$e o$ yo#r son
1Ki 1:1- .Go immediately to King 2a!id and say to him% A2id yo# not% my lord% 8 'ing% swear to yo#r
maidser!ant% saying% .+ss#redly yo#r son ,olomon shall reign a$ter me% and he shall sit on my throne.C >hy
then has +doni@ah beome 'ingCA
1Ki 1:10 .Then% while yo# are still tal'ing there with the 'ing% I also will ome in a$ter yo# and on$irm yo#r
1Ki 1:11 ,o Bathsheba went into the hamber to the 'ing" INow the 'ing was !ery old% and +bishag the
,h#nammite was ser!ing the 'ing"J
1Ki 1:13 +nd Bathsheba bowed and did homage to the 'ing" Then the 'ing said% .>hat is yo#r wishC.
1Ki 1:14 Then she said to him% .?y lord% yo# swore by the /8:2 yo#r God to yo#r maidser!ant% (saying%)
A+ss#redly ,olomon yo#r son shall reign a$ter me% and he shall sit on my throne"A
1Ki 1:18 .,o now% loo'F +doni@ah has beome 'ing& and now% my lord the 'ing% yo# do not 'now abo#t (it")
1Ki 1:19 .He has sari$ied o9en and $attened attle and shee* in ab#ndane% and has in!ited all the sons o$ the
'ing% +biathar the *riest% and Joab the ommander o$ the army& b#t ,olomon yo#r ser!ant he has not in!ited"
1Ki 1:25 .+nd as $or yo#% my lord% 8 'ing% the eyes o$ all Israel (are) on yo#% that yo# sho#ld tell them who will sit
on the throne o$ my lord the 'ing a$ter him"
1Ki 1:21 .8therwise it will ha**en% when my lord the 'ing rests with his $athers% that I and my son ,olomon will
be o#nted as o$$enders".
1Ki 1:22 +nd @#st then% while she was still tal'ing with the 'ing% Nathan the *ro*het also ame in"
1Ki 1:2- ,o they told the 'ing% saying% .Here is Nathan the *ro*het". +nd when he ame in be$ore the 'ing% he
bowed down be$ore the 'ing with his $ae to the gro#nd"
1Ki 1:20 +nd Nathan said% .?y lord% 8 'ing% ha!e yo# said% A+doni@ah shall reign a$ter me% and he shall sit on my
1Ki 1:21 .;or he has gone down today% and has sari$ied o9en and $attened attle and shee* in ab#ndane%
and has in!ited all the 'ingAs sons% and the ommanders o$ the army% and +biathar the *riest& and loo'F They are
eating and drin'ing be$ore him& and they say% A(/ong) li!e King +doni@ahFA
1Ki 1:23 .B#t he has not in!ited me DD me yo#r ser!ant DD nor Gado' the *riest% nor Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada%
nor yo#r ser!ant ,olomon"
1Ki 1:24 .Has this thing been done by my lord the 'ing% and yo# ha!e not told yo#r ser!ant who sho#ld sit on
the throne o$ my lord the 'ing a$ter himC.
1Ki 1:28 Then King 2a!id answered and said% .=all Bathsheba to me". ,o she ame into the 'ingAs *resene
and stood be$ore the 'ing"
1Ki 1:29 +nd the 'ing too' an oath and said% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% who has redeemed my li$e $rom e!ery
1Ki 1:-5 .@#st as I swore to yo# by the /8:2 God o$ Israel% saying% A+ss#redly ,olomon yo#r son shall be 'ing
a$ter me% and he shall sit on my throne in my *lae%A so I ertainly will do this day".
1Ki 1:-1 Then Bathsheba bowed with (her) $ae to the earth% and *aid homage to the 'ing% and said% ./et my
lord King 2a!id li!e $ore!erF.
1Ki 1:-2 +nd King 2a!id said% .=all to me Gado' the *riest% Nathan the *ro*het% and Benaiah the son o$
Jehoiada". ,o they ame be$ore the 'ing"
1Ki 1:-- The 'ing also said to them% .Ta'e with yo# the ser!ants o$ yo#r lord% and ha!e ,olomon my son ride on
my own m#le% and ta'e him down to Gihon"
1Ki 1:-0 .There let Gado' the *riest and Nathan the *ro*het anoint him 'ing o!er Israel& and blow the horn% and
say% A(/ong) li!e King ,olomonFA
1Ki 1:-1 .Then yo# shall ome #* a$ter him% and he shall ome and sit on my throne% and he shall be 'ing in my
*lae" ;or I ha!e a**ointed him to be r#ler o!er Israel and J#dah".
1Ki 1:-3 Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada answered the 'ing and said% .+menF ?ay the /8:2 God o$ my lord the
'ing say so (too")
1Ki 1:-4 .+s the /8:2 has been with my lord the 'ing% e!en so may He be with ,olomon% and ma'e his throne
greater than the throne o$ my lord King 2a!id".
1Ki 1:-8 ,o Gado' the *riest% Nathan the *ro*het% Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada% the =herethites% and the
<elethites went down and had ,olomon ride on King 2a!idAs m#le% and too' him to Gihon"
1Ki 1:-9 Then Gado' the *riest too' a horn o$ oil $rom the tabernale and anointed ,olomon" +nd they blew the
horn% and all the *eo*le said% .(/ong) li!e King ,olomonF.
1Ki 1:05 +nd all the *eo*le went #* a$ter him& and the *eo*le *layed the $l#tes and re@oied with great @oy% so
that the earth (seemed to) s*lit with their so#nd"
1Ki 1:01 Now +doni@ah and all the g#ests who (were) with him heard (it) as they $inished eating" +nd when Joab
heard the so#nd o$ the horn% he said% .>hy (is) the ity in s#h a noisy #*roarC.
1Ki 1:02 >hile he was still s*ea'ing% there ame Jonathan% the son o$ +biathar the *riest" +nd +doni@ah said to
him% .=ome in% $or yo# (are) a *rominent man% and bring good news".
1Ki 1:0- Then Jonathan answered and said to +doni@ah% .NoF 8#r lord King 2a!id has made ,olomon 'ing"
1Ki 1:00 .The 'ing has sent with him Gado' the *riest% Nathan the *ro*het% Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada% the
=herethites% and the <elethites& and they ha!e made him ride on the 'ingAs m#le"
1Ki 1:01 .,o Gado' the *riest and Nathan the *ro*het ha!e anointed him 'ing at Gihon& and they ha!e gone #*
$rom there re@oiing% so that the ity is in an #*roar" This (is) the noise that yo# ha!e heard"
1Ki 1:03 .+lso ,olomon sits on the throne o$ the 'ingdom"
1Ki 1:04 .+nd moreo!er the 'ingAs ser!ants ha!e gone to bless o#r lord King 2a!id% saying% A?ay God ma'e the
name o$ ,olomon better than yo#r name% and may He ma'e his throne greater than yo#r throne"A Then the 'ing
bowed himsel$ on the bed"
1Ki 1:08 .+lso the 'ing said th#s% ABlessed (be) the /8:2 God o$ Israel% who has gi!en (one) to sit on my throne
this day% while my eyes see (itFA) .
1Ki 1:09 ,o all the g#ests who were with +doni@ah were a$raid% and arose% and eah one went his way"
1Ki 1:15 Now +doni@ah was a$raid o$ ,olomon& so he arose% and went and too' hold o$ the horns o$ the altar"
1Ki 1:11 +nd it was told ,olomon% saying% .Indeed +doni@ah is a$raid o$ King ,olomon& $or loo'% he has ta'en
hold o$ the horns o$ the altar% saying% A/et King ,olomon swear to me today that he will not *#t his ser!ant to
death with the sword"A .
1Ki 1:12 Then ,olomon said% .I$ he *ro!es himsel$ a worthy man% not one hair o$ him shall $all to the earth& b#t i$
wi'edness is $o#nd in him% he shall die".
1Ki 1:1- ,o King ,olomon sent them to bring him down $rom the altar" +nd he ame and $ell down be$ore King
,olomon& and ,olomon said to him% .Go to yo#r ho#se".
1Ki 2:1 Now the days o$ 2a!id drew near that he sho#ld die% and he harged ,olomon his son% saying:
1Ki 2:2 .I go the way o$ all the earth& be strong% there$ore% and *ro!e yo#rsel$ a man"
1Ki 2:- .+nd 'ee* the harge o$ the /8:2 yo#r God: to wal' in His ways% to 'ee* His stat#tes% His
ommandments% His @#dgments% and His testimonies% as it is written in the /aw o$ ?oses% that yo# may *ros*er
in all that yo# do and where!er yo# t#rn&
1Ki 2:0 .that the /8:2 may $#l$ill His word whih He s*o'e onerning me% saying% AI$ yo#r sons ta'e heed to
their way% to wal' be$ore ?e in tr#th with all their heart and with all their so#l%A He said% Ayo# shall not la' a man
on the throne o$ Israel"A
1Ki 2:1 .?oreo!er yo# 'now also what Joab the son o$ Ger#iah did to me% (and) what he did to the two
ommanders o$ the armies o$ Israel% to +bner the son o$ Ner and +masa the son o$ Jether% whom he 'illed" +nd
he shed the blood o$ war in *eaetime% and *#t the blood o$ war on his belt that (was) aro#nd his waist% and on
his sandals that (were) on his $eet"
1Ki 2:3 .There$ore do aording to yo#r wisdom% and do not let his gray hair go down to the gra!e in *eae"
1Ki 2:4 .B#t show 'indness to the sons o$ BarHillai the Gileadite% and let them be among those who eat at yo#r
table% $or so they ame to me when I $led $rom +bsalom yo#r brother"
1Ki 2:8 .+nd see% (yo# ha!e) with yo# ,himei the son o$ Gera% a Ben@amite $rom Bah#rim% who #rsed me with a
maliio#s #rse in the day when I went to ?ahanaim" B#t he ame down to meet me at the Jordan% and I swore
to him by the /8:2% saying% AI will not *#t yo# to death with the sword"A
1Ki 2:9 .Now there$ore% do not hold him g#iltless% $or yo# (are) a wise man and 'now what yo# o#ght to do to
him& b#t bring his gray hair down to the gra!e with blood".
1Ki 2:15 ,o 2a!id rested with his $athers% and was b#ried in the =ity o$ 2a!id"
1Ki 2:11 The *eriod that 2a!id reigned o!er Israel (was) $orty years& se!en years he reigned in Hebron% and in
Jer#salem he reigned thirtyDthree years"
1Ki 2:12 Then ,olomon sat on the throne o$ his $ather 2a!id& and his 'ingdom was $irmly established"
1Ki 2:1- Now +doni@ah the son o$ Haggith ame to Bathsheba the mother o$ ,olomon" ,o she said% .2o yo#
ome *eaeablyC. +nd he said% .<eaeably".
1Ki 2:10 ?oreo!er he said% .I ha!e something (to say) to yo#". +nd she said% .,ay it".
1Ki 2:11 Then he said% .Bo# 'now that the 'ingdom was mine% and all Israel had set their e9*etations on me%
that I sho#ld reign" Howe!er% the 'ingdom has been t#rned o!er% and has beome my brotherAs& $or it was his
$rom the /8:2"
1Ki 2:13 .Now I as' one *etition o$ yo#& do not deny me". +nd she said to him% .,ay it".
1Ki 2:14 Then he said% .<lease s*ea' to King ,olomon% $or he will not re$#se yo#% that he may gi!e me +bishag
the ,h#nammite as wi$e".
1Ki 2:18 ,o Bathsheba said% .Very well% I will s*ea' $or yo# to the 'ing".
1Ki 2:19 Bathsheba there$ore went to King ,olomon% to s*ea' to him $or +doni@ah" +nd the 'ing rose #* to meet
her and bowed down to her% and sat down on his throne and had a throne set $or the 'ingAs mother& so she sat at
his right hand"
1Ki 2:25 Then she said% .I desire one small *etition o$ yo#& do not re$#se me". +nd the 'ing said to her% .+s' it%
my mother% $or I will not re$#se yo#".
1Ki 2:21 ,o she said% ./et +bishag the ,h#nammite be gi!en to +doni@ah yo#r brother as wi$e".
1Ki 2:22 +nd King ,olomon answered and said to his mother% .Now why do yo# as' +bishag the ,h#nammite
$or +doni@ahC +s' $or him the 'ingdom also DD $or he (is) my older brother DD $or him% and $or +biathar the *riest%
and $or Joab the son o$ Ger#iah".
1Ki 2:2- Then King ,olomon swore by the /8:2% saying% .?ay God do so to me% and more also% i$ +doni@ah
has not s*o'en this word against his own li$eF
1Ki 2:20 .Now there$ore% (as) the /8:2 li!es% who has on$irmed me and set me on the throne o$ 2a!id my
$ather% and who has established a ho#se $or me% as He *romised% +doni@ah shall be *#t to death todayF.
1Ki 2:21 ,o King ,olomon sent by the hand o$ Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada& and he str#' him down% and he
1Ki 2:23 +nd to +biathar the *riest the 'ing said% .Go to +nathoth% to yo#r own $ields% $or yo# (are) deser!ing o$
death& b#t I will not *#t yo# to death at this time% bea#se yo# arried the ar' o$ the /ord G82 be$ore my $ather
2a!id% and bea#se yo# were a$$lited e!ery time my $ather was a$$lited".
1Ki 2:24 ,o ,olomon remo!ed +biathar $rom being *riest to the /8:2% that he might $#l$ill the word o$ the
/8:2 whih He s*o'e onerning the ho#se o$ 6li at ,hiloh"
1Ki 2:28 Then news ame to Joab% $or Joab had de$eted to +doni@ah% tho#gh he had not de$eted to +bsalom"
,o Joab $led to the tabernale o$ the /8:2% and too' hold o$ the horns o$ the altar"
1Ki 2:29 +nd King ,olomon was told% .Joab has $led to the tabernale o$ the /8:2& there (he is%) by the altar".
Then ,olomon sent Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada% saying% .Go% stri'e him down".
1Ki 2:-5 ,o Benaiah went to the tabernale o$ the /8:2% and said to him% .Th#s says the 'ing% A=ome o#tFA .
+nd he said% .No% b#t I will die here". +nd Benaiah bro#ght ba' word to the 'ing% saying% .Th#s said Joab% and
th#s he answered me".
1Ki 2:-1 Then the 'ing said to him% .2o as he has said% and stri'e him down and b#ry him% that yo# may ta'e
away $rom me and $rom the ho#se o$ my $ather the innoent blood whih Joab shed"
1Ki 2:-2 .,o the /8:2 will ret#rn his blood on his head% bea#se he str#' down two men more righteo#s and
better than he% and 'illed them with the sword DD +bner the son o$ Ner% the ommander o$ the army o$ Israel% and
+masa the son o$ Jether% the ommander o$ the army o$ J#dah DD tho#gh my $ather 2a!id did not 'now (it")
1Ki 2:-- .Their blood shall there$ore ret#rn #*on the head o$ Joab and #*on the head o$ his desendants
$ore!er" B#t #*on 2a!id and his desendants% #*on his ho#se and his throne% there shall be *eae $ore!er $rom
the /8:2".
1Ki 2:-0 ,o Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada went #* and str#' and 'illed him& and he was b#ried in his own
ho#se in the wilderness"
1Ki 2:-1 The 'ing *#t Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada in his *lae o!er the army% and the 'ing *#t Gado' the *riest
in the *lae o$ +biathar"
1Ki 2:-3 Then the 'ing sent and alled $or ,himei% and said to him% .B#ild yo#rsel$ a ho#se in Jer#salem and
dwell there% and do not go o#t $rom there anywhere"
1Ki 2:-4 .;or it shall be% on the day yo# go o#t and ross the Broo' Kidron% 'now $or ertain yo# shall s#rely die&
yo#r blood shall be on yo#r own head".
1Ki 2:-8 +nd ,himei said to the 'ing% .The saying (is) good" +s my lord the 'ing has said% so yo#r ser!ant will
do". ,o ,himei dwelt in Jer#salem many days"
1Ki 2:-9 Now it ha**ened at the end o$ three years% that two sla!es o$ ,himei ran away to +hish the son o$
?aahah% 'ing o$ Gath" +nd they told ,himei% saying% ./oo'% yo#r sla!es (are) in GathF.
1Ki 2:05 ,o ,himei arose% saddled his don'ey% and went to +hish at Gath to see' his sla!es" +nd ,himei went
and bro#ght his sla!es $rom Gath"
1Ki 2:01 +nd ,olomon was told that ,himei had gone $rom Jer#salem to Gath and had ome ba'"
1Ki 2:02 Then the 'ing sent and alled $or ,himei% and said to him% .2id I not ma'e yo# swear by the /8:2%
and warn yo#% saying% AKnow $or ertain that on the day yo# go o#t and tra!el anywhere% yo# shall s#rely dieAC
+nd yo# said to me% AThe word I ha!e heard (is) good"A
1Ki 2:0- .>hy then ha!e yo# not 'e*t the oath o$ the /8:2 and the ommandment that I ga!e yo#C.
1Ki 2:00 The 'ing said moreo!er to ,himei% .Bo# 'now% as yo#r heart a'nowledges% all the wi'edness that
yo# did to my $ather 2a!id& there$ore the /8:2 will ret#rn yo#r wi'edness on yo#r own head"
1Ki 2:01 .B#t King ,olomon (shall be) blessed% and the throne o$ 2a!id shall be established be$ore the /8:2
1Ki 2:03 ,o the 'ing ommanded Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada& and he went o#t and str#' him down% and he
died" Th#s the 'ingdom was established in the hand o$ ,olomon"
1Ki -:1 Now ,olomon made a treaty with <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t% and married <haraohAs da#ghter& then he
bro#ght her to the =ity o$ 2a!id #ntil he had $inished b#ilding his own ho#se% and the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and
the wall all aro#nd Jer#salem"
1Ki -:2 ?eanwhile the *eo*le sari$ied at the high *laes% bea#se there was no ho#se b#ilt $or the name o$
the /8:2 #ntil those days"
1Ki -:- +nd ,olomon lo!ed the /8:2% wal'ing in the stat#tes o$ his $ather 2a!id% e9e*t that he sari$ied and
b#rned inense at the high *laes"
1Ki -:0 Now the 'ing went to Gibeon to sari$ie there% $or that (was) the great high *lae: ,olomon o$$ered a
tho#sand b#rnt o$$erings on that altar"
1Ki -:1 +t Gibeon the /8:2 a**eared to ,olomon in a dream by night& and God said% .+s'F >hat shall I gi!e
1Ki -:3 +nd ,olomon said: .Bo# ha!e shown great mery to Bo#r ser!ant 2a!id my $ather% bea#se he wal'ed
be$ore Bo# in tr#th% in righteo#sness% and in #*rightness o$ heart with Bo#& Bo# ha!e ontin#ed this great
'indness $or him% and Bo# ha!e gi!en him a son to sit on his throne% as (it is) this day"
1Ki -:4 .Now% 8 /8:2 my God% Bo# ha!e made Bo#r ser!ant 'ing instead o$ my $ather 2a!id% b#t I (am) a little
hild& I do not 'now (how) to go o#t or ome in"
1Ki -:8 .+nd Bo#r ser!ant (is) in the midst o$ Bo#r *eo*le whom Bo# ha!e hosen% a great *eo*le% too
n#mero#s to be n#mbered or o#nted"
1Ki -:9 .There$ore gi!e to Bo#r ser!ant an #nderstanding heart to @#dge Bo#r *eo*le% that I may disern
between good and e!il" ;or who is able to @#dge this great *eo*le o$ Bo#rsC.
1Ki -:15 The s*eeh *leased the /8:2% that ,olomon had as'ed this thing"
1Ki -:11 Then God said to him: .Bea#se yo# ha!e as'ed this thing% and ha!e not as'ed long li$e $or yo#rsel$%
nor ha!e as'ed rihes $or yo#rsel$% nor ha!e as'ed the li$e o$ yo#r enemies% b#t ha!e as'ed $or yo#rsel$
#nderstanding to disern @#stie%
1Ki -:12 .behold% I ha!e done aording to yo#r words& see% I ha!e gi!en yo# a wise and #nderstanding heart%
so that there has not been anyone li'e yo# be$ore yo#% nor shall any li'e yo# arise a$ter yo#"
1Ki -:1- .+nd I ha!e also gi!en yo# what yo# ha!e not as'ed: both rihes and honor% so that there shall not be
anyone li'e yo# among the 'ings all yo#r days"
1Ki -:10 .,o i$ yo# wal' in ?y ways% to 'ee* ?y stat#tes and ?y ommandments% as yo#r $ather 2a!id wal'ed%
then I will lengthen yo#r days".
1Ki -:11 Then ,olomon awo'e& and indeed it had been a dream" +nd he ame to Jer#salem and stood be$ore
the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2% o$$ered #* b#rnt o$$erings% o$$ered *eae o$$erings% and made a $east $or all
his ser!ants"
1Ki -:13 Now two women (who were) harlots ame to the 'ing% and stood be$ore him"
1Ki -:14 +nd one woman said% .8 my lord% this woman and I dwell in the same ho#se& and I ga!e birth while she
(was) in the ho#se"
1Ki -:18 .Then it ha**ened% the third day a$ter I had gi!en birth% that this woman also ga!e birth" +nd we (were)
together& no one (was) with #s in the ho#se% e9e*t the two o$ #s in the ho#se"
1Ki -:19 .+nd this womanAs son died in the night% bea#se she lay on him"
1Ki -:25 .,o she arose in the middle o$ the night and too' my son $rom my side% while yo#r maidser!ant sle*t%
and laid him in her bosom% and laid her dead hild in my bosom"
1Ki -:21 .+nd when I rose in the morning to n#rse my son% there he was% dead" B#t when I had e9amined him in
the morning% indeed% he was not my son whom I had borne".
1Ki -:22 Then the other woman said% .NoF B#t the li!ing one (is) my son% and the dead one (is) yo#r son". +nd
the $irst woman said% .NoF B#t the dead one (is) yo#r son% and the li!ing one (is) my son". Th#s they s*o'e be$ore
the 'ing"
1Ki -:2- +nd the 'ing said% .The one says% AThis (is) my son% who li!es% and yo#r son (is) the dead oneA& and the
other says% ANoF B#t yo#r son (is) the dead one% and my son (is) the li!ing one"A .
1Ki -:20 Then the 'ing said% .Bring me a sword". ,o they bro#ght a sword be$ore the 'ing"
1Ki -:21 +nd the 'ing said% .2i!ide the li!ing hild in two% and gi!e hal$ to one% and hal$ to the other".
1Ki -:23 Then the woman whose son (was) li!ing s*o'e to the 'ing% $or she yearned with om*assion $or her
son& and she said% .8 my lord% gi!e her the li!ing hild% and by no means 'ill himF. B#t the other said% ./et him be
neither mine nor yo#rs% (b#t) di!ide (him".)
1Ki -:24 ,o the 'ing answered and said% .Gi!e the $irst woman the li!ing hild% and by no means 'ill him& she (is)
his mother".
1Ki -:28 +nd all Israel heard o$ the @#dgment whih the 'ing had rendered& and they $eared the 'ing% $or they
saw that the wisdom o$ God (was) in him to administer @#stie"
1Ki 0:1 ,o King ,olomon was 'ing o!er all Israel"
1Ki 0:2 +nd these (were) his o$$iials: +Hariah the son o$ Gado'% the *riest&
1Ki 0:- 6lihore*h and +hi@ah% the sons o$ ,hisha% sribes& Jehosha*hat the son o$ +hil#d% the reorder&
1Ki 0:0 Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada% o!er the army& Gado' and +biathar% the *riests&
1Ki 0:1 +Hariah the son o$ Nathan% o!er the o$$iers& Gab#d the son o$ Nathan% a *riest (and) the 'ingAs $riend&
1Ki 0:3 +hishar% o!er the ho#sehold& and +doniram the son o$ +bda% o!er the labor $ore"
1Ki 0:4 +nd ,olomon had twel!e go!ernors o!er all Israel% who *ro!ided $ood $or the 'ing and his ho#sehold&
eah one made *ro!ision $or one month o$ the year"
1Ki 0:8 These (are) their names: BenDH#r% in the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim&
1Ki 0:9 BenD2e'er% in ?a'aH% ,haalbim% Beth ,hemesh% and 6lon Beth Hanan&
1Ki 0:15 BenDHesed% in +r#bboth& to him (belonged) ,ohoh and all the land o$ He*her&
1Ki 0:11 BenD+binadab% (in) all the regions o$ 2or& he had Ta*hath the da#ghter o$ ,olomon as wi$e&
1Ki 0:12 Baana the son o$ +hil#d% (in) Taanah% ?egiddo% and all Beth ,hean% whih (is) beside Garetan below
JeHreel% $rom Beth ,hean to +bel ?eholah% as $ar as the other side o$ Jo'neam&
1Ki 0:1- BenDGeber% in :amoth Gilead& to him (belonged) the towns o$ Jair the son o$ ?anasseh% in Gilead& to
him (also belonged) the region o$ +rgob in Bashan DD si9ty large ities with walls and bronHe gateDbars&
1Ki 0:10 +hinadab the son o$ Iddo% (in) ?ahanaim&
1Ki 0:11 +himaaH% in Na*htali& he also too' Basemath the da#ghter o$ ,olomon as wi$e&
1Ki 0:13 Baanah the son o$ H#shai% in +sher and +loth&
1Ki 0:14 Jehosha*hat the son o$ <ar#ah% in Issahar&
1Ki 0:18 ,himei the son o$ 6lah% in Ben@amin&
1Ki 0:19 Geber the son o$ 7ri% in the land o$ Gilead% (in) the o#ntry o$ ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% and o$ 8g
'ing o$ Bashan" (He was) the only go!ernor who (was) in the land"
1Ki 0:25 J#dah and Israel (were) as n#mero#s as the sand by the sea in m#ltit#de% eating and drin'ing and
1Ki 0:21 ,o ,olomon reigned o!er all 'ingdoms $rom the :i!er (to) the land o$ the <hilistines% as $ar as the
border o$ 6gy*t" (They) bro#ght trib#te and ser!ed ,olomon all the days o$ his li$e"
1Ki 0:22 Now ,olomonAs *ro!ision $or one day was thirty 'ors o$ $ine $lo#r% si9ty 'ors o$ meal%
1Ki 0:2- ten $atted o9en% twenty o9en $rom the *ast#res% and one h#ndred shee*% besides deer% gaHelles%
roeb#'s% and $atted $owl"
1Ki 0:20 ;or he had dominion o!er all (the region) on this side o$ the :i!er $rom Ti*hsah e!en to GaHa% namely
o!er all the 'ings on this side o$ the :i!er& and he had *eae on e!ery side all aro#nd him"
1Ki 0:21 +nd J#dah and Israel dwelt sa$ely% eah man #nder his !ine and his $ig tree% $rom 2an as $ar as
Beersheba% all the days o$ ,olomon"
1Ki 0:23 ,olomon had $orty tho#sand stalls o$ horses $or his hariots% and twel!e tho#sand horsemen"
1Ki 0:24 +nd these go!ernors% eah man in his month% *ro!ided $ood $or King ,olomon and $or all who ame to
King ,olomonAs table" There was no la' in their s#**ly"
1Ki 0:28 They also bro#ght barley and straw to the *ro*er *lae% $or the horses and steeds% eah man aording
to his harge"
1Ki 0:29 +nd God ga!e ,olomon wisdom and e9eedingly great #nderstanding% and largeness o$ heart li'e the
sand on the seashore"
1Ki 0:-5 Th#s ,olomonAs wisdom e9elled the wisdom o$ all the men o$ the 6ast and all the wisdom o$ 6gy*t"
1Ki 0:-1 ;or he was wiser than all men DD than 6than the 6Hrahite% and Heman% =halol% and 2arda% the sons o$
?ahol& and his $ame was in all the s#rro#nding nations"
1Ki 0:-2 He s*o'e three tho#sand *ro!erbs% and his songs were one tho#sand and $i!e"
1Ki 0:-- +lso he s*o'e o$ trees% $rom the edar tree o$ /ebanon e!en to the hysso* that s*rings o#t o$ the wall&
he s*o'e also o$ animals% o$ birds% o$ ree*ing things% and o$ $ish"
1Ki 0:-0 +nd men o$ all nations% $rom all the 'ings o$ the earth who had heard o$ his wisdom% ame to hear the
wisdom o$ ,olomon"
1Ki 1:1 Now Hiram 'ing o$ Tyre sent his ser!ants to ,olomon% bea#se he heard that they had anointed him
'ing in *lae o$ his $ather% $or Hiram had always lo!ed 2a!id"
1Ki 1:2 Then ,olomon sent to Hiram% saying:
1Ki 1:- Bo# 'now how my $ather 2a!id o#ld not b#ild a ho#se $or the name o$ the /8:2 his God bea#se o$
the wars whih were $o#ght against him on e!ery side% #ntil the /8:2 *#t (his $oes) #nder the soles o$ his $eet"
1Ki 1:0 B#t now the /8:2 my God has gi!en me rest on e!ery side& (there is) neither ad!ersary nor e!il
1Ki 1:1 +nd behold% I *ro*ose to b#ild a ho#se $or the name o$ the /8:2 my God% as the /8:2 s*o'e to my
$ather 2a!id% saying% .Bo#r son% whom I will set on yo#r throne in yo#r *lae% he shall b#ild the ho#se $or ?y
1Ki 1:3 Now there$ore% ommand that they #t down edars $or me $rom /ebanon& and my ser!ants will be with
yo#r ser!ants% and I will *ay yo# wages $or yo#r ser!ants aording to whate!er yo# say" ;or yo# 'now (there is)
none among #s who has s'ill to #t timber li'e the ,idonians"
1Ki 1:4 ,o it was% when Hiram heard the words o$ ,olomon% that he re@oied greatly and said% Blessed (be) the
/8:2 this day% $or He has gi!en 2a!id a wise son o!er this great *eo*leF
1Ki 1:8 Then Hiram sent to ,olomon% saying: I ha!e onsidered (the message) whih yo# sent me% (and) I will do
all yo# desire onerning the edar and y*ress logs"
1Ki 1:9 ?y ser!ants shall bring (them) down $rom /ebanon to the sea& I will $loat them in ra$ts by sea to the *lae
yo# indiate to me% and will ha!e them bro'en a*art there& then yo# an ta'e (them) away" +nd yo# shall $#l$ill
my desire by gi!ing $ood $or my ho#sehold"
1Ki 1:15 Then Hiram ga!e ,olomon edar and y*ress logs (aording to) all his desire"
1Ki 1:11 +nd ,olomon ga!e Hiram twenty tho#sand 'ors o$ wheat (as) $ood $or his ho#sehold% and twenty 'ors
o$ *ressed oil" Th#s ,olomon ga!e to Hiram year by year"
1Ki 1:12 ,o the /8:2 ga!e ,olomon wisdom% as He had *romised him& and there was *eae between Hiram
and ,olomon% and the two o$ them made a treaty together"
1Ki 1:1- Then King ,olomon raised #* a labor $ore o#t o$ all Israel& and the labor $ore was thirty tho#sand
1Ki 1:10 +nd he sent them to /ebanon% ten tho#sand a month in shi$ts: they were one month in /ebanon (and)
two months at home& +doniram (was) in harge o$ the labor $ore"
1Ki 1:11 ,olomon had se!enty tho#sand who arried b#rdens% and eighty tho#sand who E#arried (stone) in the
1Ki 1:13 besides three tho#sand three h#ndred $rom the hie$s o$ ,olomonAs de*#ties% who s#*er!ised the
*eo*le who labored in the wor'"
1Ki 1:14 +nd the 'ing ommanded them to E#arry large stones% ostly stones% (and) hewn stones% to lay the
$o#ndation o$ the tem*le"
1Ki 1:18 ,o ,olomonAs b#ilders% HiramAs b#ilders% and the Gebalites E#arried (them&) and they *re*ared timber
and stones to b#ild the tem*le"
1Ki 3:1 +nd it ame to *ass in the $o#r h#ndred and eightieth year a$ter the hildren o$ Israel had ome o#t o$
the land o$ 6gy*t% in the $o#rth year o$ ,olomonAs reign o!er Israel% in the month o$ Gi!% whih (is) the seond
month% that he began to b#ild the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
1Ki 3:2 Now the ho#se whih King ,olomon b#ilt $or the /8:2% its length (was) si9ty #bits% its width twenty% and
its height thirty #bits"
1Ki 3:- The !estib#le in $ront o$ the sant#ary o$ the ho#se (was) twenty #bits long aross the width o$ the
ho#se% (and) the width o$ (the !estib#le e9tended) ten #bits $rom the $ront o$ the ho#se"
1Ki 3:0 +nd he made $or the ho#se windows with be!eled $rames"
1Ki 3:1 +gainst the wall o$ the tem*le he b#ilt hambers all aro#nd% (against) the walls o$ the tem*le% all aro#nd
the sant#ary and the inner sant#ary" Th#s he made side hambers all aro#nd it"
1Ki 3:3 The lowest hamber (was) $i!e #bits wide% the middle (was) si9 #bits wide% and the third (was) se!en
#bits wide& $or he made narrow ledges aro#nd the o#tside o$ the tem*le% so that (the s#**ort beams) wo#ld not
be $astened into the walls o$ the tem*le"
1Ki 3:4 +nd the tem*le% when it was being b#ilt% was b#ilt with stone $inished at the E#arry% so that no hammer
or hisel (or) any iron tool was heard in the tem*le while it was being b#ilt"
1Ki 3:8 The doorway $or the middle story (was) on the right side o$ the tem*le" They went #* by stairs to the
middle (story%) and $rom the middle to the third"
1Ki 3:9 ,o he b#ilt the tem*le and $inished it% and he *aneled the tem*le with beams and boards o$ edar"
1Ki 3:15 +nd he b#ilt side hambers against the entire tem*le% eah $i!e #bits high& they were attahed to the
tem*le with edar beams"
1Ki 3:11 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to ,olomon% saying:
1Ki 3:12 .(=onerning) this tem*le whih yo# are b#ilding% i$ yo# wal' in ?y stat#tes% e9e#te ?y @#dgments%
'ee* all ?y ommandments% and wal' in them% then I will *er$orm ?y word with yo#% whih I s*o'e to yo#r $ather
1Ki 3:1- .+nd I will dwell among the hildren o$ Israel% and will not $orsa'e ?y *eo*le Israel".
1Ki 3:10 ,o ,olomon b#ilt the tem*le and $inished it"
1Ki 3:11 +nd he b#ilt the inside walls o$ the tem*le with edar boards& $rom the $loor o$ the tem*le to the eiling
he *aneled the inside with wood& and he o!ered the $loor o$ the tem*le with *lan's o$ y*ress"
1Ki 3:13 Then he b#ilt the twentyD#bit room at the rear o$ the tem*le% $rom $loor to eiling% with edar boards& he
b#ilt (it) inside as the inner sant#ary% as the ?ost Holy (<lae")
1Ki 3:14 +nd in $ront o$ it the tem*le sant#ary was $orty #bits (long")
1Ki 3:18 The inside o$ the tem*le was edar% ar!ed with ornamental b#ds and o*en $lowers" +ll (was) edar&
there was no stone (to be) seen"
1Ki 3:19 +nd he *re*ared the inner sant#ary inside the tem*le% to set the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2
1Ki 3:25 The inner sant#ary (was) twenty #bits long% twenty #bits wide% and twenty #bits high" He o!erlaid it
with *#re gold% and o!erlaid the altar o$ edar"
1Ki 3:21 ,o ,olomon o!erlaid the inside o$ the tem*le with *#re gold" He strethed gold hains aross the $ront
o$ the inner sant#ary% and o!erlaid it with gold"
1Ki 3:22 The whole tem*le he o!erlaid with gold% #ntil he had $inished all the tem*le& also he o!erlaid with gold
the entire altar that (was) by the inner sant#ary"
1Ki 3:2- Inside the inner sant#ary he made two her#bim (o$) oli!e wood% (eah) ten #bits high"
1Ki 3:20 8ne wing o$ the her#b (was) $i!e #bits% and the other wing o$ the her#b $i!e #bits: ten #bits $rom
the ti* o$ one wing to the ti* o$ the other"
1Ki 3:21 +nd the other her#b (was) ten #bits& both her#bim (were) o$ the same siHe and sha*e"
1Ki 3:23 The height o$ one her#b (was) ten #bits% and so (was) the other her#b"
1Ki 3:24 Then he set the her#bim inside the inner room& and they strethed o#t the wings o$ the her#bim so
that the wing o$ the one to#hed (one) wall% and the wing o$ the other her#b to#hed the other wall" +nd their
wings to#hed eah other in the middle o$ the room"
1Ki 3:28 +lso he o!erlaid the her#bim with gold"
1Ki 3:29 Then he ar!ed all the walls o$ the tem*le all aro#nd% both the inner and o#ter (sant#aries%) with
ar!ed $ig#res o$ her#bim% *alm trees% and o*en $lowers"
1Ki 3:-5 +nd the $loor o$ the tem*le he o!erlaid with gold% both the inner and o#ter (sant#aries")
1Ki 3:-1 ;or the entrane o$ the inner sant#ary he made doors (o$) oli!e wood& the lintel (and) door*osts (were)
oneD$i$th (o$ the wall")
1Ki 3:-2 The two doors (were o$) oli!e wood& and he ar!ed on them $ig#res o$ her#bim% *alm trees% and o*en
$lowers% and o!erlaid (them) with gold& and he s*read gold on the her#bim and on the *alm trees"
1Ki 3:-- ,o $or the door o$ the sant#ary he also made door*osts (o$) oli!e wood% oneD$o#rth (o$ the wall")
1Ki 3:-0 +nd the two doors (were o$) y*ress wood& two *anels (om*rised) one $olding door% and two *anels
(om*rised) the other $olding door"
1Ki 3:-1 Then he ar!ed her#bim% *alm trees% and o*en $lowers (on them%) and o!erlaid (them) with gold
a**lied e!enly on the ar!ed wor'"
1Ki 3:-3 +nd he b#ilt the inner o#rt with three rows o$ hewn stone and a row o$ edar beams"
1Ki 3:-4 In the $o#rth year the $o#ndation o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 was laid% in the month o$ Gi!"
1Ki 3:-8 +nd in the ele!enth year% in the month o$ B#l% whih is the eighth month% the ho#se was $inished in all
its details and aording to all its *lans" ,o he was se!en years in b#ilding it"
1Ki 4:1 B#t ,olomon too' thirteen years to b#ild his own ho#se& so he $inished all his ho#se"
1Ki 4:2 He also b#ilt the Ho#se o$ the ;orest o$ /ebanon& its length (was) one h#ndred #bits% its width $i$ty
#bits% and its height thirty #bits% with $o#r rows o$ edar *illars% and edar beams on the *illars"
1Ki 4:- +nd (it was) *aneled with edar abo!e the beams that (were) on $ortyD$i!e *illars% $i$teen (to) a row"
1Ki 4:0 (There were) windows (with be!eled $rames in) three rows% and window (was) o**osite window (in) three
1Ki 4:1 +nd all the doorways and door*osts (had) retang#lar $rames& and window (was) o**osite window (in)
three tiers"
1Ki 4:3 He also made the Hall o$ <illars: its length (was) $i$ty #bits% and its width thirty #bits& and in $ront o$
them (was) a *ortio with *illars% and a ano*y (was) in $ront o$ them"
1Ki 4:4 Then he made a hall $or the throne% the Hall o$ J#dgment% where he might @#dge& and (it was) *aneled
with edar $rom $loor to eiling"
1Ki 4:8 +nd the ho#se where he dwelt (had) another o#rt inside the hall% o$ li'e wor'manshi*" ,olomon also
made a ho#se li'e this hall $or <haraohAs da#ghter% whom he had ta'en (as wi$e")
1Ki 4:9 +ll these (were o$) ostly stones #t to siHe% trimmed with saws% inside and o#t% $rom the $o#ndation to
the ea!es% and also on the o#tside to the great o#rt"
1Ki 4:15 The $o#ndation (was o$) ostly stones% large stones% some ten #bits and some eight #bits"
1Ki 4:11 +nd abo!e (were) ostly stones% hewn to siHe% and edar wood"
1Ki 4:12 The great o#rt (was) enlosed with three rows o$ hewn stones and a row o$ edar beams" ,o were the
inner o#rt o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and the !estib#le o$ the tem*le"
1Ki 4:1- Now King ,olomon sent and bro#ght H#ram $rom Tyre"
1Ki 4:10 He (was) the son o$ a widow $rom the tribe o$ Na*htali% and his $ather (was) a man o$ Tyre% a bronHe
wor'er& he was $illed with wisdom and #nderstanding and s'ill in wor'ing with all 'inds o$ bronHe wor'" ,o he
ame to King ,olomon and did all his wor'"
1Ki 4:11 +nd he ast two *illars o$ bronHe% eah one eighteen #bits high% and a line o$ twel!e #bits meas#red
the ir#m$erene o$ eah"
1Ki 4:13 Then he made two a*itals (o$) ast bronHe% to set on the to*s o$ the *illars" The height o$ one a*ital
(was) $i!e #bits% and the height o$ the other a*ital (was) $i!e #bits"
1Ki 4:14 (He made) a lattie networ'% with wreaths o$ hainwor'% $or the a*itals whih (were) on to* o$ the
*illars: se!en hains $or one a*ital and se!en $or the other a*ital"
1Ki 4:18 ,o he made the *illars% and two rows o$ *omegranates abo!e the networ' all aro#nd to o!er the
a*itals that (were) on to*& and th#s he did $or the other a*ital"
1Ki 4:19 The a*itals whih (were) on to* o$ the *illars in the hall (were) in the sha*e o$ lilies% $o#r #bits"
1Ki 4:25 The a*itals on the two *illars also (had *omegranates) abo!e% by the on!e9 s#r$ae whih (was) ne9t
to the networ'& and there (were) two h#ndred s#h *omegranates in rows on eah o$ the a*itals all aro#nd"
1Ki 4:21 Then he set #* the *illars by the !estib#le o$ the tem*le& he set #* the *illar on the right and alled its
name Jahin% and he set #* the *illar on the le$t and alled its name BoaH"
1Ki 4:22 The to*s o$ the *illars were in the sha*e o$ lilies" ,o the wor' o$ the *illars was $inished"
1Ki 4:2- +nd he made the ,ea o$ ast bronHe% ten #bits $rom one brim to the other& (it was) om*letely ro#nd"
Its height (was) $i!e #bits% and a line o$ thirty #bits meas#red its ir#m$erene"
1Ki 4:20 Below its brim (were) ornamental b#ds enirling it all aro#nd% ten to a #bit% all the way aro#nd the
,ea" The ornamental b#ds (were) ast in two rows when it was ast"
1Ki 4:21 It stood on twel!e o9en: three loo'ing toward the north% three loo'ing toward the west% three loo'ing
toward the so#th% and three loo'ing toward the east& the ,ea (was set) #*on them% and all their ba' *arts
(*ointed) inward"
1Ki 4:23 It (was) a handbreadth thi'& and its brim was sha*ed li'e the brim o$ a #*% (li'e) a lily blossom" It
ontained two tho#sand baths"
1Ki 4:24 He also made ten arts o$ bronHe& $o#r #bits (was) the length o$ eah art% $o#r #bits its width% and
three #bits its height"
1Ki 4:28 +nd this (was) the design o$ the arts: They had *anels% and the *anels (were) between $rames&
1Ki 4:29 on the *anels that (were) between the $rames (were) lions% o9en% and her#bim" +nd on the $rames
(was) a *edestal on to*" Below the lions and o9en (were) wreaths o$ *laited wor'"
1Ki 4:-5 6!ery art had $o#r bronHe wheels and a9les o$ bronHe% and its $o#r $eet had s#**orts" 7nder the la!er
(were) s#**orts o$ ast (bronHe) beside eah wreath"
1Ki 4:-1 Its o*ening inside the rown at the to* (was) one #bit in diameter& and the o*ening (was) ro#nd%
sha*ed (li'e) a *edestal% one and a hal$ #bits in o#tside diameter& and also on the o*ening (were) engra!ings%
b#t the *anels were sE#are% not ro#nd"
1Ki 4:-2 7nder the *anels (were) the $o#r wheels% and the a9les o$ the wheels (were @oined) to the art" The
height o$ a wheel (was) one and a hal$ #bits"
1Ki 4:-- The wor'manshi* o$ the wheels (was) li'e the wor'manshi* o$ a hariot wheel& their a9le *ins% their
rims% their s*o'es% and their h#bs (were) all o$ ast (bronHe")
1Ki 4:-0 +nd (there were) $o#r s#**orts at the $o#r orners o$ eah art& its s#**orts (were) *art o$ the art itsel$"
1Ki 4:-1 8n the to* o$ the art% at the height o$ hal$ a #bit% (it was) *er$etly ro#nd" +nd on the to* o$ the art% its
$langes and its *anels (were) o$ the same asting"
1Ki 4:-3 8n the *lates o$ its $langes and on its *anels he engra!ed her#bim% lions% and *alm trees% where!er
there was a lear s*ae on eah% with wreaths all aro#nd"
1Ki 4:-4 Th#s he made the ten arts" +ll o$ them were o$ the same mold% one meas#re% (and) one sha*e"
1Ki 4:-8 Then he made ten la!ers o$ bronHe& eah la!er ontained $orty baths% (and) eah la!er (was) $o#r
#bits" 8n eah o$ the ten arts (was) a la!er"
1Ki 4:-9 +nd he *#t $i!e arts on the right side o$ the ho#se% and $i!e on the le$t side o$ the ho#se" He set the
,ea on the right side o$ the ho#se% toward the so#theast"
1Ki 4:05 H#ram made the la!ers and the sho!els and the bowls" ,o H#ram $inished doing all the wor' that he
was to do $or King ,olomon ($or) the ho#se o$ the /8:2:
1Ki 4:01 the two *illars% the (two) bowlDsha*ed a*itals that (were) on to* o$ the two *illars& the two networ's
o!ering the two bowlDsha*ed a*itals whih (were) on to* o$ the *illars&
1Ki 4:02 $o#r h#ndred *omegranates $or the two networ's Itwo rows o$ *omegranates $or eah networ'% to
o!er the two bowlDsha*ed a*itals that (were) on to* o$ the *illarsJ&
1Ki 4:0- the ten arts% and ten la!ers on the arts&
1Ki 4:00 one ,ea% and twel!e o9en #nder the ,ea&
1Ki 4:01 the *ots% the sho!els% and the bowls" +ll these artiles whih H#ram made $or King ,olomon ($or) the
ho#se o$ the /8:2 (were o$) b#rnished bronHe"
1Ki 4:03 In the *lain o$ Jordan the 'ing had them ast in lay molds% between ,#oth and Garetan"
1Ki 4:04 +nd ,olomon did not weigh all the artiles% bea#se (there were) so many& the weight o$ the bronHe
was not determined"
1Ki 4:08 Th#s ,olomon had all the $#rnishings made $or the ho#se o$ the /8:2: the altar o$ gold% and the table
o$ gold on whih (was) the showbread&
1Ki 4:09 the lam*stands o$ *#re gold% $i!e on the right (side) and $i!e on the le$t in $ront o$ the inner sant#ary%
with the $lowers and the lam*s and the wi'Dtrimmers o$ gold&
1Ki 4:15 the basins% the trimmers% the bowls% the ladles% and the ensers o$ *#re gold& and the hinges o$ gold%
(both) $or the doors o$ the inner room Ithe ?ost Holy (<laeJ and) $or the doors o$ the main hall o$ the tem*le"
1Ki 4:11 ,o all the wor' that King ,olomon had done $or the ho#se o$ the /8:2 was $inished& and ,olomon
bro#ght in the things whih his $ather 2a!id had dediated: the sil!er and the gold and the $#rnishings" He *#t
them in the treas#ries o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
1Ki 8:1 Now ,olomon assembled the elders o$ Israel and all the heads o$ the tribes% the hie$ $athers o$ the
hildren o$ Israel% to King ,olomon in Jer#salem% that they might bring #* the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2
$rom the =ity o$ 2a!id% whih (is) Gion"
1Ki 8:2 There$ore all the men o$ Israel assembled with King ,olomon at the $east in the month o$ 6thanim% whih
(is) the se!enth month"
1Ki 8:- ,o all the elders o$ Israel ame% and the *riests too' #* the ar'"
1Ki 8:0 Then they bro#ght #* the ar' o$ the /8:2% the tabernale o$ meeting% and all the holy $#rnishings that
(were) in the tabernale" The *riests and the /e!ites bro#ght them #*"
1Ki 8:1 +lso King ,olomon% and all the ongregation o$ Israel who were assembled with him% (were) with him
be$ore the ar'% sari$iing shee* and o9en that o#ld not be o#nted or n#mbered $or m#ltit#de"
1Ki 8:3 Then the *riests bro#ght in the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 to its *lae% into the inner sant#ary o$
the tem*le% to the ?ost Holy (<lae%) #nder the wings o$ the her#bim"
1Ki 8:4 ;or the her#bim s*read (their) two wings o!er the *lae o$ the ar'% and the her#bim o!ershadowed the
ar' and its *oles"
1Ki 8:8 The *oles e9tended so that the ends o$ the *oles o#ld be seen $rom the holy (*lae%) in $ront o$ the
inner sant#ary& b#t they o#ld not be seen $rom o#tside" +nd they are there to this day"
1Ki 8:9 Nothing (was) in the ar' e9e*t the two tablets o$ stone whih ?oses *#t there at Horeb% when the
/8:2 made (a o!enant) with the hildren o$ Israel% when they ame o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t"
1Ki 8:15 +nd it ame to *ass% when the *riests ame o#t o$ the holy (*lae%) that the lo#d $illed the ho#se o$ the
1Ki 8:11 so that the *riests o#ld not ontin#e ministering bea#se o$ the lo#d& $or the glory o$ the /8:2 $illed
the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
1Ki 8:12 Then ,olomon s*o'e: .The /8:2 said He wo#ld dwell in the dar' lo#d"
1Ki 8:1- I ha!e s#rely b#ilt Bo# an e9alted ho#se% +nd a *lae $or Bo# to dwell in $ore!er".
1Ki 8:10 Then the 'ing t#rned aro#nd and blessed the whole assembly o$ Israel% while all the assembly o$ Israel
was standing"
1Ki 8:11 +nd he said: .Blessed (be) the /8:2 God o$ Israel% who s*o'e with His mo#th to my $ather 2a!id% and
with His hand has $#l$illed (it%) saying%
1Ki 8:13 A,ine the day that I bro#ght ?y *eo*le Israel o#t o$ 6gy*t% I ha!e hosen no ity $rom any tribe o$
Israel (in whih) to b#ild a ho#se% that ?y name might be there& b#t I hose 2a!id to be o!er ?y *eo*le Israel"A
1Ki 8:14 .Now it was in the heart o$ my $ather 2a!id to b#ild a tem*le $or the name o$ the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
1Ki 8:18 .B#t the /8:2 said to my $ather 2a!id% A>hereas it was in yo#r heart to b#ild a tem*le $or ?y name%
yo# did well that it was in yo#r heart"
1Ki 8:19 ANe!ertheless yo# shall not b#ild the tem*le% b#t yo#r son who will ome $rom yo#r body% he shall b#ild
the tem*le $or ?y name"A
1Ki 8:25 .,o the /8:2 has $#l$illed His word whih He s*o'e& and I ha!e $illed the *osition o$ my $ather 2a!id%
and sit on the throne o$ Israel% as the /8:2 *romised& and I ha!e b#ilt a tem*le $or the name o$ the /8:2 God
o$ Israel"
1Ki 8:21 .+nd there I ha!e made a *lae $or the ar'% in whih (is) the o!enant o$ the /8:2 whih He made with
o#r $athers% when He bro#ght them o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t".
1Ki 8:22 Then ,olomon stood be$ore the altar o$ the /8:2 in the *resene o$ all the assembly o$ Israel% and
s*read o#t his hands toward hea!en&
1Ki 8:2- and he said: ./8:2 God o$ Israel% (there is) no God in hea!en abo!e or on earth below li'e Bo#% who
'ee* (Bo#r) o!enant and mery with Bo#r ser!ants who wal' be$ore Bo# with all their hearts"
1Ki 8:20 .Bo# ha!e 'e*t what Bo# *romised Bo#r ser!ant 2a!id my $ather& Bo# ha!e both s*o'en with Bo#r
mo#th and $#l$illed (it) with Bo#r hand% as (it is) this day"
1Ki 8:21 .There$ore% /8:2 God o$ Israel% now 'ee* what Bo# *romised Bo#r ser!ant 2a!id my $ather% saying%
ABo# shall not $ail to ha!e a man sit be$ore ?e on the throne o$ Israel% only i$ yo#r sons ta'e heed to their way%
that they wal' be$ore ?e as yo# ha!e wal'ed be$ore ?e"A
1Ki 8:23 .+nd now I *ray% 8 God o$ Israel% let Bo#r word ome tr#e% whih Bo# ha!e s*o'en to Bo#r ser!ant
2a!id my $ather"
1Ki 8:24 .B#t will God indeed dwell on the earthC Behold% hea!en and the hea!en o$ hea!ens annot ontain
Bo#" How m#h less this tem*le whih I ha!e b#iltF
1Ki 8:28 .Bet regard the *rayer o$ Bo#r ser!ant and his s#**liation% 8 /8:2 my God% and listen to the ry and
the *rayer whih Bo#r ser!ant is *raying be$ore Bo# today:
1Ki 8:29 .that Bo#r eyes may be o*en toward this tem*le night and day% toward the *lae o$ whih Bo# said% A?y
name shall be there%A that Bo# may hear the *rayer whih Bo#r ser!ant ma'es toward this *lae"
1Ki 8:-5 .+nd may Bo# hear the s#**liation o$ Bo#r ser!ant and o$ Bo#r *eo*le Israel% when they *ray toward
this *lae" Hear in hea!en Bo#r dwelling *lae& and when Bo# hear% $orgi!e"
1Ki 8:-1 . >hen anyone sins against his neighbor% and is $ored to ta'e an oath% and omes (and) ta'es an oath
be$ore Bo#r altar in this tem*le%
1Ki 8:-2 .then hear in hea!en% and at% and @#dge Bo#r ser!ants% ondemning the wi'ed% bringing his way on
his head% and @#sti$ying the righteo#s by gi!ing him aording to his righteo#sness"
1Ki 8:-- . >hen Bo#r *eo*le Israel are de$eated be$ore an enemy bea#se they ha!e sinned against Bo#% and
when they t#rn ba' to Bo# and on$ess Bo#r name% and *ray and ma'e s#**liation to Bo# in this tem*le%
1Ki 8:-0 .then hear in hea!en% and $orgi!e the sin o$ Bo#r *eo*le Israel% and bring them ba' to the land whih
Bo# ga!e to their $athers"
1Ki 8:-1 . >hen the hea!ens are sh#t #* and there is no rain bea#se they ha!e sinned against Bo#% when
they *ray toward this *lae and on$ess Bo#r name% and t#rn $rom their sin bea#se Bo# a$$lit them%
1Ki 8:-3 .then hear in hea!en% and $orgi!e the sin o$ Bo#r ser!ants% Bo#r *eo*le Israel% that Bo# may teah
them the good way in whih they sho#ld wal'& and send rain on Bo#r land whih Bo# ha!e gi!en to Bo#r *eo*le
as an inheritane"
1Ki 8:-4 . >hen there is $amine in the land% *estilene (or) blight (or) mildew% lo#sts (or) grassho**ers& when
their enemy besieges them in the land o$ their ities& whate!er *lag#e or whate!er si'ness (there is&)
1Ki 8:-8 .whate!er *rayer% whate!er s#**liation is made by anyone% (or) by all Bo#r *eo*le Israel% when eah
one 'nows the *lag#e o$ his own heart% and s*reads o#t his hands toward this tem*le:
1Ki 8:-9 .then hear in hea!en Bo#r dwelling *lae% and $orgi!e% and at% and gi!e to e!eryone aording to all
his ways% whose heart Bo# 'now I$or Bo# alone 'now the hearts o$ all the sons o$ menJ%
1Ki 8:05 .that they may $ear Bo# all the days that they li!e in the land whih Bo# ga!e to o#r $athers"
1Ki 8:01 . ?oreo!er% onerning a $oreigner% who (is) not o$ Bo#r *eo*le Israel% b#t has ome $rom a $ar o#ntry
$or Bo#r nameAs sa'e
1Ki 8:02 AI$or they will hear o$ Bo#r great name and Bo#r strong hand and Bo#r o#tstrethed armJ% when he
omes and *rays toward this tem*le%
1Ki 8:0- .hear in hea!en Bo#r dwelling *lae% and do aording to all $or whih the $oreigner alls to Bo#% that
all *eo*les o$ the earth may 'now Bo#r name and $ear Bo#% as (do) Bo#r *eo*le Israel% and that they may 'now
that this tem*le whih I ha!e b#ilt is alled by Bo#r name"
1Ki 8:00 . >hen Bo#r *eo*le go o#t to battle against their enemy% where!er Bo# send them% and when they
*ray to the /8:2 toward the ity whih Bo# ha!e hosen and the tem*le whih I ha!e b#ilt $or Bo#r name%
1Ki 8:01 .then hear in hea!en their *rayer and their s#**liation% and maintain their a#se"
1Ki 8:03 . >hen they sin against Bo# I$or (there is) no one who does not sinJ% and Bo# beome angry with them
and deli!er them to the enemy% and they ta'e them a*ti!e to the land o$ the enemy% $ar or near&
1Ki 8:04 .(yet) when they ome to themsel!es in the land where they were arried a*ti!e% and re*ent% and
ma'e s#**liation to Bo# in the land o$ those who too' them a*ti!e% saying% A>e ha!e sinned and done wrong%
we ha!e ommitted wi'ednessA&
1Ki 8:08 .and (when) they ret#rn to Bo# with all their heart and with all their so#l in the land o$ their enemies who
led them away a*ti!e% and *ray to Bo# toward their land whih Bo# ga!e to their $athers% the ity whih Bo#
ha!e hosen and the tem*le whih I ha!e b#ilt $or Bo#r name:
1Ki 8:09 .then hear in hea!en Bo#r dwelling *lae their *rayer and their s#**liation% and maintain their a#se%
1Ki 8:15 .and $orgi!e Bo#r *eo*le who ha!e sinned against Bo#% and all their transgressions whih they ha!e
transgressed against Bo#& and grant them om*assion be$ore those who too' them a*ti!e% that they may ha!e
om*assion on them
1Ki 8:11 .I$or they (are) Bo#r *eo*le and Bo#r inheritane% whom Bo# bro#ght o#t o$ 6gy*t% o#t o$ the iron
1Ki 8:12 .that Bo#r eyes may be o*en to the s#**liation o$ Bo#r ser!ant and the s#**liation o$ Bo#r *eo*le
Israel% to listen to them whene!er they all to Bo#"
1Ki 8:1- .;or Bo# se*arated them $rom among all the *eo*les o$ the earth (to be) Bo#r inheritane% as Bo#
s*o'e by Bo#r ser!ant ?oses% when Bo# bro#ght o#r $athers o#t o$ 6gy*t% 8 /ord G82".
1Ki 8:10 +nd so it was% when ,olomon had $inished *raying all this *rayer and s#**liation to the /8:2% that he
arose $rom be$ore the altar o$ the /8:2% $rom 'neeling on his 'nees with his hands s*read #* to hea!en"
1Ki 8:11 Then he stood and blessed all the assembly o$ Israel with a lo#d !oie% saying:
1Ki 8:13 .Blessed (be) the /8:2% who has gi!en rest to His *eo*le Israel% aording to all that He *romised"
There has not $ailed one word o$ all His good *romise% whih He *romised thro#gh His ser!ant ?oses"
1Ki 8:14 .?ay the /8:2 o#r God be with #s% as He was with o#r $athers" ?ay He not lea!e #s nor $orsa'e #s%
1Ki 8:18 .that He may inline o#r hearts to Himsel$% to wal' in all His ways% and to 'ee* His ommandments and
His stat#tes and His @#dgments% whih He ommanded o#r $athers"
1Ki 8:19 .+nd may these words o$ mine% with whih I ha!e made s#**liation be$ore the /8:2% be near the
/8:2 o#r God day and night% that He may maintain the a#se o$ His ser!ant and the a#se o$ His *eo*le Israel%
as eah day may reE#ire%
1Ki 8:35 .that all the *eo*les o$ the earth may 'now that the /8:2 (is) God& (there is) no other"
1Ki 8:31 ./et yo#r heart there$ore be loyal to the /8:2 o#r God% to wal' in His stat#tes and 'ee* His
ommandments% as at this day".
1Ki 8:32 Then the 'ing and all Israel with him o$$ered sari$ies be$ore the /8:2"
1Ki 8:3- +nd ,olomon o$$ered a sari$ie o$ *eae o$$erings% whih he o$$ered to the /8:2% twentyDtwo
tho#sand b#lls and one h#ndred and twenty tho#sand shee*" ,o the 'ing and all the hildren o$ Israel dediated
the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
1Ki 8:30 8n the same day the 'ing onserated the middle o$ the o#rt that (was) in $ront o$ the ho#se o$ the
/8:2& $or there he o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings% grain o$$erings% and the $at o$ the *eae o$$erings% bea#se the
bronHe altar that (was) be$ore the /8:2 (was) too small to reei!e the b#rnt o$$erings% the grain o$$erings% and
the $at o$ the *eae o$$erings"
1Ki 8:31 +t that time ,olomon held a $east% and all Israel with him% a great assembly $rom the entrane o$
Hamath to the Broo' o$ 6gy*t% be$ore the /8:2 o#r God% se!en days and se!en (more) days DD $o#rteen days"
1Ki 8:33 8n the eighth day he sent the *eo*le away& and they blessed the 'ing% and went to their tents @oy$#l
and glad o$ heart $or all the good that the /8:2 had done $or His ser!ant 2a!id% and $or Israel His *eo*le"
1Ki 9:1 +nd it ame to *ass% when ,olomon had $inished b#ilding the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and the 'ingAs ho#se%
and all ,olomonAs desire whih he wanted to do%
1Ki 9:2 that the /8:2 a**eared to ,olomon the seond time% as He had a**eared to him at Gibeon"
1Ki 9:- +nd the /8:2 said to him: .I ha!e heard yo#r *rayer and yo#r s#**liation that yo# ha!e made be$ore
?e& I ha!e onserated this ho#se whih yo# ha!e b#ilt to *#t ?y name there $ore!er% and ?y eyes and ?y
heart will be there *er*et#ally"
1Ki 9:0 .Now i$ yo# wal' be$ore ?e as yo#r $ather 2a!id wal'ed% in integrity o$ heart and in #*rightness% to do
aording to all that I ha!e ommanded yo#% (and) i$ yo# 'ee* ?y stat#tes and ?y @#dgments%
1Ki 9:1 .then I will establish the throne o$ yo#r 'ingdom o!er Israel $ore!er% as I *romised 2a!id yo#r $ather%
saying% ABo# shall not $ail to ha!e a man on the throne o$ Israel"A
1Ki 9:3 .(B#t) i$ yo# or yo#r sons at all t#rn $rom $ollowing ?e% and do not 'ee* ?y ommandments (and) ?y
stat#tes whih I ha!e set be$ore yo#% b#t go and ser!e other gods and worshi* them%
1Ki 9:4 .then I will #t o$$ Israel $rom the land whih I ha!e gi!en them& and this ho#se whih I ha!e onserated
$or ?y name I will ast o#t o$ ?y sight" Israel will be a *ro!erb and a byword among all *eo*les"
1Ki 9:8 .+nd (as $or) this ho#se% (whih) is e9alted% e!eryone who *asses by it will be astonished and will hiss%
and say% A>hy has the /8:2 done th#s to this land and to this ho#seCA
1Ki 9:9 .Then they will answer% ABea#se they $orsoo' the /8:2 their God% who bro#ght their $athers o#t o$ the
land o$ 6gy*t% and ha!e embraed other gods% and worshi*ed them and ser!ed them& there$ore the /8:2 has
bro#ght all this alamity on them"A .
1Ki 9:15 Now it ha**ened at the end o$ twenty years% when ,olomon had b#ilt the two ho#ses% the ho#se o$ the
/8:2 and the 'ingAs ho#se
1Ki 9:11 IHiram the 'ing o$ Tyre had s#**lied ,olomon with edar and y*ress and gold% as m#h as he
desiredJ% (that) King ,olomon then ga!e Hiram twenty ities in the land o$ Galilee"
1Ki 9:12 Then Hiram went $rom Tyre to see the ities whih ,olomon had gi!en him% b#t they did not *lease
1Ki 9:1- ,o he said% .>hat ('ind o$) ities (are) these whih yo# ha!e gi!en me% my brotherC. +nd he alled
them the land o$ =ab#l% as they are to this day"
1Ki 9:10 Then Hiram sent the 'ing one h#ndred and twenty talents o$ gold"
1Ki 9:11 +nd this (is) the reason $or the labor $ore whih King ,olomon raised: to b#ild the ho#se o$ the /8:2%
his own ho#se% the ?illo% the wall o$ Jer#salem% HaHor% ?egiddo% and GeHer"
1Ki 9:13 I<haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t had gone #* and ta'en GeHer and b#rned it with $ire% had 'illed the =anaanites
who dwelt in the ity% and had gi!en it (as) a dowry to his da#ghter% ,olomonAs wi$e"J
1Ki 9:14 +nd ,olomon b#ilt GeHer% /ower Beth Horon%
1Ki 9:18 Baalath% and Tadmor in the wilderness% in the land (o$ J#dah%)
1Ki 9:19 all the storage ities that ,olomon had% ities $or his hariots and ities $or his a!alry% and whate!er
,olomon desired to b#ild in Jer#salem% in /ebanon% and in all the land o$ his dominion"
1Ki 9:25 +ll the *eo*le (who were) le$t o$ the +morites% Hittites% <eriHHites% Hi!ites% and Jeb#sites% who (were) not
o$ the hildren o$ Israel DD
1Ki 9:21 that is% their desendants who were le$t in the land a$ter them% whom the hildren o$ Israel had not been
able to destroy om*letely DD $rom these ,olomon raised $ored labor% as it is to this day"
1Ki 9:22 B#t o$ the hildren o$ Israel ,olomon made no $ored laborers% bea#se they (were) men o$ war and his
ser!ants: his o$$iers% his a*tains% ommanders o$ his hariots% and his a!alry"
1Ki 9:2- 8thers (were) hie$s o$ the o$$iials who (were) o!er ,olomonAs wor': $i!e h#ndred and $i$ty% who r#led
o!er the *eo*le who did the wor'"
1Ki 9:20 B#t <haraohAs da#ghter ame #* $rom the =ity o$ 2a!id to her ho#se whih (,olomon) had b#ilt $or her"
Then he b#ilt the ?illo"
1Ki 9:21 Now three times a year ,olomon o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings and *eae o$$erings on the altar whih he had
b#ilt $or the /8:2% and he b#rned inense with them (on the altar) that (was) be$ore the /8:2" ,o he $inished
the tem*le"
1Ki 9:23 King ,olomon also b#ilt a $leet o$ shi*s at 6Hion Geber% whih (is) near 6lath on the shore o$ the :ed
,ea% in the land o$ 6dom"
1Ki 9:24 Then Hiram sent his ser!ants with the $leet% seamen who 'new the sea% to wor' with the ser!ants o$
1Ki 9:28 +nd they went to 8*hir% and aE#ired $o#r h#ndred and twenty talents o$ gold $rom there% and bro#ght
(it) to King ,olomon"
1Ki 15:1 Now when the E#een o$ ,heba heard o$ the $ame o$ ,olomon onerning the name o$ the /8:2% she
ame to test him with hard E#estions"
1Ki 15:2 ,he ame to Jer#salem with a !ery great retin#e% with amels that bore s*ies% !ery m#h gold% and
*reio#s stones& and when she ame to ,olomon% she s*o'e with him abo#t all that was in her heart"
1Ki 15:- ,o ,olomon answered all her E#estions& there was nothing so di$$i#lt $or the 'ing that he o#ld not
e9*lain (it) to her"
1Ki 15:0 +nd when the E#een o$ ,heba had seen all the wisdom o$ ,olomon% the ho#se that he had b#ilt%
1Ki 15:1 the $ood on his table% the seating o$ his ser!ants% the ser!ie o$ his waiters and their a**arel% his
#*bearers% and his entryway by whih he went #* to the ho#se o$ the /8:2% there was no more s*irit in her"
1Ki 15:3 Then she said to the 'ing: .It was a tr#e re*ort whih I heard in my own land abo#t yo#r words and
yo#r wisdom"
1Ki 15:4 .Howe!er I did not belie!e the words #ntil I ame and saw with my own eyes& and indeed the hal$ was
not told me" Bo#r wisdom and *ros*erity e9eed the $ame o$ whih I heard"
1Ki 15:8 .Ha**y (are) yo#r men and ha**y (are) these yo#r ser!ants% who stand ontin#ally be$ore yo# (and)
hear yo#r wisdomF
1Ki 15:9 .Blessed be the /8:2 yo#r God% who delighted in yo#% setting yo# on the throne o$ IsraelF Bea#se the
/8:2 has lo!ed Israel $ore!er% there$ore He made yo# 'ing% to do @#stie and righteo#sness".
1Ki 15:15 Then she ga!e the 'ing one h#ndred and twenty talents o$ gold% s*ies in great E#antity% and *reio#s
stones" There ne!er again ame s#h ab#ndane o$ s*ies as the E#een o$ ,heba ga!e to King ,olomon"
1Ki 15:11 +lso% the shi*s o$ Hiram% whih bro#ght gold $rom 8*hir% bro#ght great (E#antities) o$ alm#g wood and
*reio#s stones $rom 8*hir"
1Ki 15:12 +nd the 'ing made ste*s o$ the alm#g wood $or the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and $or the 'ingAs ho#se% also
har*s and stringed instr#ments $or singers" There ne!er again ame s#h alm#g wood% nor has the li'e been
seen to this day"
1Ki 15:1- Now King ,olomon ga!e the E#een o$ ,heba all she desired% whate!er she as'ed% besides what
,olomon had gi!en her aording to the royal generosity" ,o she t#rned and went to her own o#ntry% she and
her ser!ants"
1Ki 15:10 The weight o$ gold that ame to ,olomon yearly was si9 h#ndred and si9tyDsi9 talents o$ gold%
1Ki 15:11 besides (that) $rom the tra!eling merhants% $rom the inome o$ traders% $rom all the 'ings o$ +rabia%
and $rom the go!ernors o$ the o#ntry"
1Ki 15:13 +nd King ,olomon made two h#ndred large shields (o$) hammered gold& si9 h#ndred (she'els) o$ gold
went into eah shield"
1Ki 15:14 He also (made) three h#ndred shields (o$) hammered gold& three minas o$ gold went into eah shield"
The 'ing *#t them in the Ho#se o$ the ;orest o$ /ebanon"
1Ki 15:18 ?oreo!er the 'ing made a great throne o$ i!ory% and o!erlaid it with *#re gold"
1Ki 15:19 The throne had si9 ste*s% and the to* o$ the throne (was) ro#nd at the ba'& (there were) armrests on
either side o$ the *lae o$ the seat% and two lions stood beside the armrests"
1Ki 15:25 Twel!e lions stood there% one on eah side o$ the si9 ste*s& nothing li'e (this) had been made $or any
(other) 'ingdom"
1Ki 15:21 +ll King ,olomonAs drin'ing !essels (were) gold% and all the !essels o$ the Ho#se o$ the ;orest o$
/ebanon (were) *#re gold" Not (one was) sil!er% $or this was ao#nted as nothing in the days o$ ,olomon"
1Ki 15:22 ;or the 'ing had merhant shi*s at sea with the $leet o$ Hiram" 8ne e!ery three years the merhant
shi*s ame bringing gold% sil!er% i!ory% a*es% and mon'eys"
1Ki 15:2- ,o King ,olomon s#r*assed all the 'ings o$ the earth in rihes and wisdom"
1Ki 15:20 Now all the earth so#ght the *resene o$ ,olomon to hear his wisdom% whih God had *#t in his
1Ki 15:21 6ah man bro#ght his *resent: artiles o$ sil!er and gold% garments% armor% s*ies% horses% and
m#les% at a set rate year by year"
1Ki 15:23 +nd ,olomon gathered hariots and horsemen& he had one tho#sand $o#r h#ndred hariots and
twel!e tho#sand horsemen% whom he stationed in the hariot ities and with the 'ing in Jer#salem"
1Ki 15:24 The 'ing made sil!er (as ommon) in Jer#salem as stones% and he made edar trees as ab#ndant as
the syamores whih (are) in the lowland"
1Ki 15:28 +lso ,olomon had horses im*orted $rom 6gy*t and Ke!eh& the 'ingAs merhants bo#ght them in
Ke!eh at the (#rrent) *rie"
1Ki 15:29 Now a hariot that was im*orted $rom 6gy*t ost si9 h#ndred (she'els) o$ sil!er% and a horse one
h#ndred and $i$ty& and th#s% thro#gh their agents% they e9*orted (them) to all the 'ings o$ the Hittites and the
'ings o$ ,yria"
1Ki 11:1 B#t King ,olomon lo!ed many $oreign women% as well as the da#ghter o$ <haraoh: women o$ the
?oabites% +mmonites% 6domites% ,idonians% (and) Hittites DD
1Ki 11:2 $rom the nations o$ whom the /8:2 had said to the hildren o$ Israel% .Bo# shall not intermarry with
them% nor they with yo#" ,#rely they will t#rn away yo#r hearts a$ter their gods". ,olomon l#ng to these in lo!e"
1Ki 11:- +nd he had se!en h#ndred wi!es% *rinesses% and three h#ndred on#bines& and his wi!es t#rned
away his heart"
1Ki 11:0 ;or it was so% when ,olomon was old% that his wi!es t#rned his heart a$ter other gods& and his heart
was not loyal to the /8:2 his God% as (was) the heart o$ his $ather 2a!id"
1Ki 11:1 ;or ,olomon went a$ter +shtoreth the goddess o$ the ,idonians% and a$ter ?ilom the abomination o$
the +mmonites"
1Ki 11:3 ,olomon did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% and did not $#lly $ollow the /8:2% as (did) his $ather 2a!id"
1Ki 11:4 Then ,olomon b#ilt a high *lae $or =hemosh the abomination o$ ?oab% on the hill that (is) east o$
Jer#salem% and $or ?oleh the abomination o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon"
1Ki 11:8 +nd he did li'ewise $or all his $oreign wi!es% who b#rned inense and sari$ied to their gods"
1Ki 11:9 ,o the /8:2 beame angry with ,olomon% bea#se his heart had t#rned $rom the /8:2 God o$ Israel%
who had a**eared to him twie%
1Ki 11:15 and had ommanded him onerning this thing% that he sho#ld not go a$ter other gods& b#t he did not
'ee* what the /8:2 had ommanded"
1Ki 11:11 There$ore the /8:2 said to ,olomon% .Bea#se yo# ha!e done this% and ha!e not 'e*t ?y o!enant
and ?y stat#tes% whih I ha!e ommanded yo#% I will s#rely tear the 'ingdom away $rom yo# and gi!e it to yo#r
1Ki 11:12 .Ne!ertheless I will not do it in yo#r days% $or the sa'e o$ yo#r $ather 2a!id& I will tear it o#t o$ the hand
o$ yo#r son"
1Ki 11:1- .Howe!er I will not tear away the whole 'ingdom& I will gi!e one tribe to yo#r son $or the sa'e o$ my
ser!ant 2a!id% and $or the sa'e o$ Jer#salem whih I ha!e hosen".
1Ki 11:10 Now the /8:2 raised #* an ad!ersary against ,olomon% Hadad the 6domite& he (was) a desendant
o$ the 'ing in 6dom"
1Ki 11:11 ;or it ha**ened% when 2a!id was in 6dom% and Joab the ommander o$ the army had gone #* to
b#ry the slain% a$ter he had 'illed e!ery male in 6dom
1Ki 11:13 Ibea#se $or si9 months Joab remained there with all Israel% #ntil he had #t down e!ery male in
1Ki 11:14 that Hadad $led to go to 6gy*t% he and ertain 6domites o$ his $atherAs ser!ants with him" Hadad (was)
still a little hild"
1Ki 11:18 Then they arose $rom ?idian and ame to <aran& and they too' men with them $rom <aran and ame
to 6gy*t% to <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t% who ga!e him a ho#se% a**ortioned $ood $or him% and ga!e him land"
1Ki 11:19 +nd Hadad $o#nd great $a!or in the sight o$ <haraoh% so that he ga!e him as wi$e the sister o$ his own
wi$e% that is% the sister o$ K#een Tah*enes"
1Ki 11:25 Then the sister o$ Tah*enes bore him Gen#bath his son% whom Tah*enes weaned in <haraohAs
ho#se" +nd Gen#bath was in <haraohAs ho#sehold among the sons o$ <haraoh"
1Ki 11:21 ,o when Hadad heard in 6gy*t that 2a!id rested with his $athers% and that Joab the ommander o$
the army was dead% Hadad said to <haraoh% ./et me de*art% that I may go to my own o#ntry".
1Ki 11:22 Then <haraoh said to him% .B#t what ha!e yo# la'ed with me% that s#ddenly yo# see' to go to yo#r
own o#ntryC. ,o he answered% .Nothing% b#t do let me go anyway".
1Ki 11:2- +nd God raised #* (another) ad!ersary against him% :eHon the son o$ 6liadah% who had $led $rom his
lord% HadadeHer 'ing o$ Gobah"
1Ki 11:20 ,o he gathered men to him and beame a*tain o!er a band (o$ raiders%) when 2a!id 'illed those (o$
Gobah") +nd they went to 2amas#s and dwelt there% and reigned in 2amas#s"
1Ki 11:21 He was an ad!ersary o$ Israel all the days o$ ,olomon Ibesides the tro#ble that Hadad (a#sedJ&) and
he abhorred Israel% and reigned o!er ,yria"
1Ki 11:23 Then ,olomonAs ser!ant% Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% an 6*hraimite $rom Gereda% whose motherAs
name (was) Ger#ah% a widow% also rebelled against the 'ing"
1Ki 11:24 +nd this (is) what a#sed him to rebel against the 'ing: ,olomon had b#ilt the ?illo (and) re*aired the
damages to the =ity o$ 2a!id his $ather"
1Ki 11:28 The man Jeroboam (was) a mighty man o$ !alor& and ,olomon% seeing that the yo#ng man was
ind#strio#s% made him the o$$ier o!er all the labor $ore o$ the ho#se o$ Jose*h"
1Ki 11:29 Now it ha**ened at that time% when Jeroboam went o#t o$ Jer#salem% that the *ro*het +hi@ah the
,hilonite met him on the way& and he had lothed himsel$ with a new garment% and the two (were) alone in the
1Ki 11:-5 Then +hi@ah too' hold o$ the new garment that (was) on him% and tore it (into) twel!e *iees"
1Ki 11:-1 +nd he said to Jeroboam% .Ta'e $or yo#rsel$ ten *iees% $or th#s says the /8:2% the God o$ Israel:
ABehold% I will tear the 'ingdom o#t o$ the hand o$ ,olomon and will gi!e ten tribes to yo#
1Ki 11:-2 AIb#t he shall ha!e one tribe $or the sa'e o$ ?y ser!ant 2a!id% and $or the sa'e o$ Jer#salem% the ity
whih I ha!e hosen o#t o$ all the tribes o$ IsraelJ%
1Ki 11:-- Abea#se they ha!e $orsa'en ?e% and worshi*ed +shtoreth the goddess o$ the ,idonians% =hemosh
the god o$ the ?oabites% and ?ilom the god o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon% and ha!e not wal'ed in ?y ways to do
(what is) right in ?y eyes and ('ee*) ?y stat#tes and ?y @#dgments% as (did) his $ather 2a!id"
1Ki 11:-0 AHowe!er I will not ta'e the whole 'ingdom o#t o$ his hand% bea#se I ha!e made him r#ler all the
days o$ his li$e $or the sa'e o$ ?y ser!ant 2a!id% whom I hose bea#se he 'e*t ?y ommandments and ?y
1Ki 11:-1 AB#t I will ta'e the 'ingdom o#t o$ his sonAs hand and gi!e it to yo# DD ten tribes"
1Ki 11:-3 A+nd to his son I will gi!e one tribe% that ?y ser!ant 2a!id may always ha!e a lam* be$ore ?e in
Jer#salem% the ity whih I ha!e hosen $or ?ysel$% to *#t ?y name there"
1Ki 11:-4 A,o I will ta'e yo#% and yo# shall reign o!er all yo#r heart desires% and yo# shall be 'ing o!er Israel"
1Ki 11:-8 AThen it shall be% i$ yo# heed all that I ommand yo#% wal' in ?y ways% and do (what is) right in ?y
sight% to 'ee* ?y stat#tes and ?y ommandments% as ?y ser!ant 2a!id did% then I will be with yo# and b#ild $or
yo# an end#ring ho#se% as I b#ilt $or 2a!id% and will gi!e Israel to yo#"
1Ki 11:-9 A+nd I will a$$lit the desendants o$ 2a!id bea#se o$ this% b#t not $ore!er"A .
1Ki 11:05 ,olomon there$ore so#ght to 'ill Jeroboam" B#t Jeroboam arose and $led to 6gy*t% to ,hisha' 'ing o$
6gy*t% and was in 6gy*t #ntil the death o$ ,olomon"
1Ki 11:01 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ ,olomon% all that he did% and his wisdom% (are) they not written in the boo'
o$ the ats o$ ,olomonC
1Ki 11:02 +nd the *eriod that ,olomon reigned in Jer#salem o!er all Israel (was) $orty years"
1Ki 11:0- Then ,olomon rested with his $athers% and was b#ried in the =ity o$ 2a!id his $ather" +nd :ehoboam
his son reigned in his *lae"
1Ki 12:1 +nd :ehoboam went to ,hehem% $or all Israel had gone to ,hehem to ma'e him 'ing"
1Ki 12:2 ,o it ha**ened% when Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat heard (it) Ihe was still in 6gy*t% $or he had $led $rom
the *resene o$ King ,olomon and had been dwelling in 6gy*tJ%
1Ki 12:- that they sent and alled him" Then Jeroboam and the whole assembly o$ Israel ame and s*o'e to
:ehoboam% saying%
1Ki 12:0 .Bo#r $ather made o#r yo'e hea!y& now there$ore% lighten the b#rdensome ser!ie o$ yo#r $ather% and
his hea!y yo'e whih he *#t on #s% and we will ser!e yo#".
1Ki 12:1 ,o he said to them% .2e*art ($or) three days% then ome ba' to me". +nd the *eo*le de*arted"
1Ki 12:3 Then King :ehoboam ons#lted the elders who stood be$ore his $ather ,olomon while he still li!ed%
and he said% .How do yo# ad!ise (me) to answer these *eo*leC.
1Ki 12:4 +nd they s*o'e to him% saying% .I$ yo# will be a ser!ant to these *eo*le today% and ser!e them% and
answer them% and s*ea' good words to them% then they will be yo#r ser!ants $ore!er".
1Ki 12:8 B#t he re@eted the ad!ie whih the elders had gi!en him% and ons#lted the yo#ng men who had
grown #* with him% who stood be$ore him"
1Ki 12:9 +nd he said to them% .>hat ad!ie do yo# gi!eC How sho#ld we answer this *eo*le who ha!e s*o'en
to me% saying% A/ighten the yo'e whih yo#r $ather *#t on #sAC.
1Ki 12:15 Then the yo#ng men who had grown #* with him s*o'e to him% saying% .Th#s yo# sho#ld s*ea' to
this *eo*le who ha!e s*o'en to yo#% saying% ABo#r $ather made o#r yo'e hea!y% b#t yo# ma'e (it) lighter on #sA DD
th#s yo# shall say to them: A?y little ($inger) shall be thi'er than my $atherAs waistF
1Ki 12:11 A+nd now% whereas my $ather *#t a hea!y yo'e on yo#% I will add to yo#r yo'e& my $ather hastised
yo# with whi*s% b#t I will hastise yo# with so#rgesFA .
1Ki 12:12 ,o Jeroboam and all the *eo*le ame to :ehoboam the third day% as the 'ing had direted% saying%
.=ome ba' to me the third day".
1Ki 12:1- Then the 'ing answered the *eo*le ro#ghly% and re@eted the ad!ie whih the elders had gi!en him&
1Ki 12:10 and he s*o'e to them aording to the ad!ie o$ the yo#ng men% saying% .?y $ather made yo#r yo'e
hea!y% b#t I will add to yo#r yo'e& my $ather hastised yo# with whi*s% b#t I will hastise yo# with so#rgesF.
1Ki 12:11 ,o the 'ing did not listen to the *eo*le& $or the t#rn (o$ e!ents) was $rom the /8:2% that He might $#l$ill
His word% whih the /8:2 had s*o'en by +hi@ah the ,hilonite to Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat"
1Ki 12:13 Now when all Israel saw that the 'ing did not listen to them% the *eo*le answered the 'ing% saying:
.>hat share ha!e we in 2a!idC (>e ha!e) no inheritane in the son o$ Jesse" To yo#r tents% 8 IsraelF Now% see
to yo#r own ho#se% 8 2a!idF. ,o Israel de*arted to their tents"
1Ki 12:14 B#t :ehoboam reigned o!er the hildren o$ Israel who dwelt in the ities o$ J#dah"
1Ki 12:18 Then King :ehoboam sent +doram% who (was) in harge o$ the re!en#e& b#t all Israel stoned him with
stones% and he died" There$ore King :ehoboam mo#nted his hariot in haste to $lee to Jer#salem"
1Ki 12:19 ,o Israel has been in rebellion against the ho#se o$ 2a!id to this day"
1Ki 12:25 Now it ame to *ass when all Israel heard that Jeroboam had ome ba'% they sent $or him and alled
him to the ongregation% and made him 'ing o!er all Israel" There was none who $ollowed the ho#se o$ 2a!id%
b#t the tribe o$ J#dah only"
1Ki 12:21 +nd when :ehoboam ame to Jer#salem% he assembled all the ho#se o$ J#dah with the tribe o$
Ben@amin% one h#ndred and eighty tho#sand hosen (men) who were warriors% to $ight against the ho#se o$
Israel% that he might restore the 'ingdom to :ehoboam the son o$ ,olomon"
1Ki 12:22 B#t the word o$ God ame to ,hemaiah the man o$ God% saying%
1Ki 12:2- .,*ea' to :ehoboam the son o$ ,olomon% 'ing o$ J#dah% to all the ho#se o$ J#dah and Ben@amin% and
to the rest o$ the *eo*le% saying%
1Ki 12:20 ATh#s says the /8:2: .Bo# shall not go #* nor $ight against yo#r brethren the hildren o$ Israel" /et
e!ery man ret#rn to his ho#se% $or this thing is $rom ?e". A . There$ore they obeyed the word o$ the /8:2% and
t#rned ba'% aording to the word o$ the /8:2"
1Ki 12:21 Then Jeroboam b#ilt ,hehem in the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% and dwelt there" +lso he went o#t $rom
there and b#ilt <en#el"
1Ki 12:23 +nd Jeroboam said in his heart% .Now the 'ingdom may ret#rn to the ho#se o$ 2a!id:
1Ki 12:24 .I$ these *eo*le go #* to o$$er sari$ies in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 at Jer#salem% then the heart o$ this
*eo*le will t#rn ba' to their lord% :ehoboam 'ing o$ J#dah% and they will 'ill me and go ba' to :ehoboam 'ing
o$ J#dah".
1Ki 12:28 There$ore the 'ing as'ed ad!ie% made two al!es o$ gold% and said to the *eo*le% .It is too m#h $or
yo# to go #* to Jer#salem" Here are yo#r gods% 8 Israel% whih bro#ght yo# #* $rom the land o$ 6gy*tF.
1Ki 12:29 +nd he set #* one in Bethel% and the other he *#t in 2an"
1Ki 12:-5 Now this thing beame a sin% $or the *eo*le went (to worshi*) be$ore the one as $ar as 2an"
1Ki 12:-1 He made shrines on the high *laes% and made *riests $rom e!ery lass o$ *eo*le% who were not o$
the sons o$ /e!i"
1Ki 12:-2 Jeroboam ordained a $east on the $i$teenth day o$ the eighth month% li'e the $east that (was) in J#dah%
and o$$ered sari$ies on the altar" ,o he did at Bethel% sari$iing to the al!es that he had made" +nd at Bethel
he installed the *riests o$ the high *laes whih he had made"
1Ki 12:-- ,o he made o$$erings on the altar whih he had made at Bethel on the $i$teenth day o$ the eighth
month% in the month whih he had de!ised in his own heart" +nd he ordained a $east $or the hildren o$ Israel%
and o$$ered sari$ies on the altar and b#rned inense"
1Ki 1-:1 +nd behold% a man o$ God went $rom J#dah to Bethel by the word o$ the /8:2% and Jeroboam stood
by the altar to b#rn inense"
1Ki 1-:2 Then he ried o#t against the altar by the word o$ the /8:2% and said% .8 altar% altarF Th#s says the
/8:2: ABehold% a hild% Josiah by name% shall be born to the ho#se o$ 2a!id& and on yo# he shall sari$ie the
*riests o$ the high *laes who b#rn inense on yo#% and menAs bones shall be b#rned on yo#"A .
1Ki 1-:- +nd he ga!e a sign the same day% saying% .This (is) the sign whih the /8:2 has s*o'en: ,#rely the
altar shall s*lit a*art% and the ashes on it shall be *o#red o#t".
1Ki 1-:0 ,o it ame to *ass when King Jeroboam heard the saying o$ the man o$ God% who ried o#t against the
altar in Bethel% that he strethed o#t his hand $rom the altar% saying% .+rrest himF. Then his hand% whih he
strethed o#t toward him% withered% so that he o#ld not *#ll it ba' to himsel$"
1Ki 1-:1 The altar also was s*lit a*art% and the ashes *o#red o#t $rom the altar% aording to the sign whih the
man o$ God had gi!en by the word o$ the /8:2"
1Ki 1-:3 Then the 'ing answered and said to the man o$ God% .<lease entreat the $a!or o$ the /8:2 yo#r God%
and *ray $or me% that my hand may be restored to me". ,o the man o$ God entreated the /8:2% and the 'ingAs
hand was restored to him% and beame as be$ore"
1Ki 1-:4 Then the 'ing said to the man o$ God% .=ome home with me and re$resh yo#rsel$% and I will gi!e yo# a
1Ki 1-:8 B#t the man o$ God said to the 'ing% .I$ yo# were to gi!e me hal$ yo#r ho#se% I wo#ld not go in with yo#&
nor wo#ld I eat bread nor drin' water in this *lae"
1Ki 1-:9 .;or so it was ommanded me by the word o$ the /8:2% saying% ABo# shall not eat bread% nor drin'
water% nor ret#rn by the same way yo# ame"A .
1Ki 1-:15 ,o he went another way and did not ret#rn by the way he ame to Bethel"
1Ki 1-:11 Now an old *ro*het dwelt in Bethel% and his sons ame and told him all the wor's that the man o$ God
had done that day in Bethel& they also told their $ather the words whih he had s*o'en to the 'ing"
1Ki 1-:12 +nd their $ather said to them% .>hih way did he goC. ;or his sons had seen whih way the man o$
God went who ame $rom J#dah"
1Ki 1-:1- Then he said to his sons% .,addle the don'ey $or me". ,o they saddled the don'ey $or him& and he
rode on it%
1Ki 1-:10 and went a$ter the man o$ God% and $o#nd him sitting #nder an oa'" Then he said to him% .(+re) yo#
the man o$ God who ame $rom J#dahC. +nd he said% .I (am".)
1Ki 1-:11 Then he said to him% .=ome home with me and eat bread".
1Ki 1-:13 +nd he said% .I annot ret#rn with yo# nor go in with yo#& neither an I eat bread nor drin' water with
yo# in this *lae"
1Ki 1-:14 .;or I ha!e been told by the word o$ the /8:2% ABo# shall not eat bread nor drin' water there% nor
ret#rn by going the way yo# ame"A .
1Ki 1-:18 He said to him% .I too (am) a *ro*het as yo# (are%) and an angel s*o'e to me by the word o$ the /8:2%
saying% ABring him ba' with yo# to yo#r ho#se% that he may eat bread and drin' water"A . IHe was lying to him"J
1Ki 1-:19 ,o he went ba' with him% and ate bread in his ho#se% and dran' water"
1Ki 1-:25 Now it ha**ened% as they sat at the table% that the word o$ the /8:2 ame to the *ro*het who had
bro#ght him ba'&
1Ki 1-:21 and he ried o#t to the man o$ God who ame $rom J#dah% saying% .Th#s says the /8:2: ABea#se
yo# ha!e disobeyed the word o$ the /8:2% and ha!e not 'e*t the ommandment whih the /8:2 yo#r God
ommanded yo#%
1Ki 1-:22 Ab#t yo# ame ba'% ate bread% and dran' water in the *lae o$ whih (the) (/ord) said to yo#% .6at no
bread and drin' no water%. yo#r or*se shall not ome to the tomb o$ yo#r $athers"A .
1Ki 1-:2- ,o it was% a$ter he had eaten bread and a$ter he had dr#n'% that he saddled the don'ey $or him% the
*ro*het whom he had bro#ght ba'"
1Ki 1-:20 >hen he was gone% a lion met him on the road and 'illed him" +nd his or*se was thrown on the
road% and the don'ey stood by it" The lion also stood by the or*se"
1Ki 1-:21 +nd there% men *assed by and saw the or*se thrown on the road% and the lion standing by the
or*se" Then they went and told (it) in the ity where the old *ro*het dwelt"
1Ki 1-:23 Now when the *ro*het who had bro#ght him ba' $rom the way heard (it%) he said% .It (is) the man o$
God who was disobedient to the word o$ the /8:2" There$ore the /8:2 has deli!ered him to the lion% whih has
torn him and 'illed him% aording to the word o$ the /8:2 whih He s*o'e to him".
1Ki 1-:24 +nd he s*o'e to his sons% saying% .,addle the don'ey $or me". ,o they saddled (it")
1Ki 1-:28 Then he went and $o#nd his or*se thrown on the road% and the don'ey and the lion standing by the
or*se" The lion had not eaten the or*se nor torn the don'ey"
1Ki 1-:29 +nd the *ro*het too' #* the or*se o$ the man o$ God% laid it on the don'ey% and bro#ght it ba'" ,o
the old *ro*het ame to the ity to mo#rn% and to b#ry him"
1Ki 1-:-5 Then he laid the or*se in his own tomb& and they mo#rned o!er him% (saying%) .+las% my brotherF.
1Ki 1-:-1 ,o it was% a$ter he had b#ried him% that he s*o'e to his sons% saying% .>hen I am dead% then b#ry me
in the tomb where the man o$ God (is) b#ried& lay my bones beside his bones"
1Ki 1-:-2 .;or the saying whih he ried o#t by the word o$ the /8:2 against the altar in Bethel% and against all
the shrines on the high *laes whih (are) in the ities o$ ,amaria% will s#rely ome to *ass".
1Ki 1-:-- +$ter this e!ent Jeroboam did not t#rn $rom his e!il way% b#t again he made *riests $rom e!ery lass o$
*eo*le $or the high *laes& whoe!er wished% he onserated him% and he beame (one) o$ the *riests o$ the high
1Ki 1-:-0 +nd this thing was the sin o$ the ho#se o$ Jeroboam% so as to e9terminate and destroy (it) $rom the
$ae o$ the earth"
1Ki 10:1 +t that time +bi@ah the son o$ Jeroboam beame si'"
1Ki 10:2 +nd Jeroboam said to his wi$e% .<lease arise% and disg#ise yo#rsel$% that they may not reogniHe yo#
as the wi$e o$ Jeroboam% and go to ,hiloh" Indeed% +hi@ah the *ro*het (is) there% who told me that (I wo#ld be)
'ing o!er this *eo*le"
1Ki 10:- .+lso ta'e with yo# ten loa!es% (some) a'es% and a @ar o$ honey% and go to him& he will tell yo# what
will beome o$ the hild".
1Ki 10:0 +nd JeroboamAs wi$e did so& she arose and went to ,hiloh% and ame to the ho#se o$ +hi@ah" B#t
+hi@ah o#ld not see% $or his eyes were glaHed by reason o$ his age"
1Ki 10:1 Now the /8:2 had said to +hi@ah% .Here is the wi$e o$ Jeroboam% oming to as' yo# something abo#t
her son% $or he (is) si'" Th#s and th#s yo# shall say to her& $or it will be% when she omes in% that she will
*retend (to be) another (woman".)
1Ki 10:3 +nd so it was% when +hi@ah heard the so#nd o$ her $ootste*s as she ame thro#gh the door% he said%
.=ome in% wi$e o$ Jeroboam" >hy do yo# *retend (to be) another (*ersonC) ;or I (ha!e been) sent to yo# (with)
bad (news")
1Ki 10:4 .Go% tell Jeroboam% ATh#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: .Bea#se I e9alted yo# $rom among the
*eo*le% and made yo# r#ler o!er ?y *eo*le Israel%
1Ki 10:8 .and tore the 'ingdom away $rom the ho#se o$ 2a!id% and ga!e it to yo#& and (yet) yo# ha!e not been
as ?y ser!ant 2a!id% who 'e*t ?y ommandments and who $ollowed ?e with all his heart% to do only (what was)
right in ?y eyes&
1Ki 10:9 .b#t yo# ha!e done more e!il than all who were be$ore yo#% $or yo# ha!e gone and made $or yo#rsel$
other gods and molded images to *ro!o'e ?e to anger% and ha!e ast ?e behind yo#r ba' DD
1Ki 10:15 .there$ore beholdF I will bring disaster on the ho#se o$ Jeroboam% and will #t o$$ $rom Jeroboam e!ery
male in Israel% bond and $ree& I will ta'e away the remnant o$ the ho#se o$ Jeroboam% as one ta'es away re$#se
#ntil it is all gone"
1Ki 10:11 .The dogs shall eat whoe!er belongs to Jeroboam and dies in the ity% and the birds o$ the air shall
eat whoe!er dies in the $ield& $or the /8:2 has s*o'enF. A
1Ki 10:12 .+rise there$ore% go to yo#r own ho#se" >hen yo#r $eet enter the ity% the hild shall die"
1Ki 10:1- .+nd all Israel shall mo#rn $or him and b#ry him% $or he is the only one o$ Jeroboam who shall ome to
the gra!e% bea#se in him there is $o#nd something good toward the /8:2 God o$ Israel in the ho#se o$
1Ki 10:10 .?oreo!er the /8:2 will raise #* $or Himsel$ a 'ing o!er Israel who shall #t o$$ the ho#se o$
Jeroboam& this is the day" >hatC 6!en nowF
1Ki 10:11 .;or the /8:2 will stri'e Israel% as a reed is sha'en in the water" He will #*root Israel $rom this good
land whih He ga!e to their $athers% and will satter them beyond the :i!er% bea#se they ha!e made their
wooden images% *ro!o'ing the /8:2 to anger"
1Ki 10:13 .+nd He will gi!e Israel #* bea#se o$ the sins o$ Jeroboam% who sinned and who made Israel sin".
1Ki 10:14 Then JeroboamAs wi$e arose and de*arted% and ame to TirHah" >hen she ame to the threshold o$
the ho#se% the hild died"
1Ki 10:18 +nd they b#ried him& and all Israel mo#rned $or him% aording to the word o$ the /8:2 whih He
s*o'e thro#gh His ser!ant +hi@ah the *ro*het"
1Ki 10:19 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Jeroboam% how he made war and how he reigned% indeed they (are) written
in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ Israel"
1Ki 10:25 The *eriod that Jeroboam reigned (was) twentyDtwo years" ,o he rested with his $athers" Then Nadab
his son reigned in his *lae"
1Ki 10:21 +nd :ehoboam the son o$ ,olomon reigned in J#dah" :ehoboam (was) $ortyDone years old when he
beame 'ing" He reigned se!enteen years in Jer#salem% the ity whih the /8:2 had hosen o#t o$ all the tribes
o$ Israel% to *#t His name there" His motherAs name (was) Naamah% an +mmonitess"
1Ki 10:22 Now J#dah did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% and they *ro!o'ed Him to @ealo#sy with their sins whih
they ommitted% more than all that their $athers had done"
1Ki 10:2- ;or they also b#ilt $or themsel!es high *laes% (sared) *illars% and wooden images on e!ery high hill
and #nder e!ery green tree"
1Ki 10:20 +nd there were also *er!erted *ersons in the land" They did aording to all the abominations o$ the
nations whih the /8:2 had ast o#t be$ore the hildren o$ Israel"
1Ki 10:21 It ha**ened in the $i$th year o$ King :ehoboam (that) ,hisha' 'ing o$ 6gy*t ame #* against
1Ki 10:23 +nd he too' away the treas#res o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and the treas#res o$ the 'ingAs ho#se& he
too' away e!erything" He also too' away all the gold shields whih ,olomon had made"
1Ki 10:24 Then King :ehoboam made bronHe shields in their *lae% and ommitted (them) to the hands o$ the
a*tains o$ the g#ard% who g#arded the doorway o$ the 'ingAs ho#se"
1Ki 10:28 +nd whene!er the 'ing entered the ho#se o$ the /8:2% the g#ards arried them% then bro#ght them
ba' into the g#ardroom"
1Ki 10:29 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ :ehoboam% and all that he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC
1Ki 10:-5 +nd there was war between :ehoboam and Jeroboam all (their) days"
1Ki 10:-1 ,o :ehoboam rested with his $athers% and was b#ried with his $athers in the =ity o$ 2a!id" His
motherAs name (was) Naamah% an +mmonitess" Then +bi@am his son reigned in his *lae"
1Ki 11:1 In the eighteenth year o$ King Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% +bi@am beame 'ing o!er J#dah"
1Ki 11:2 He reigned three years in Jer#salem" His motherAs name (was) ?aahah the grandda#ghter o$
1Ki 11:- +nd he wal'ed in all the sins o$ his $ather% whih he had done be$ore him& his heart was not loyal to the
/8:2 his God% as was the heart o$ his $ather 2a!id"
1Ki 11:0 Ne!ertheless $or 2a!idAs sa'e the /8:2 his God ga!e him a lam* in Jer#salem% by setting #* his son
a$ter him and by establishing Jer#salem&
1Ki 11:1 bea#se 2a!id did (what was) right in the eyes o$ the /8:2% and had not t#rned aside $rom anything
that He ommanded him all the days o$ his li$e% e9e*t in the matter o$ 7riah the Hittite"
1Ki 11:3 +nd there was war between :ehoboam and Jeroboam all the days o$ his li$e"
1Ki 11:4 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ +bi@am% and all that he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC +nd there was war between +bi@am and Jeroboam"
1Ki 11:8 ,o +bi@am rested with his $athers% and they b#ried him in the =ity o$ 2a!id" Then +sa his son reigned in
his *lae"
1Ki 11:9 In the twentieth year o$ Jeroboam 'ing o$ Israel% +sa beame 'ing o!er J#dah"
1Ki 11:15 +nd he reigned $ortyDone years in Jer#salem" His grandmotherAs name (was) ?aahah the
grandda#ghter o$ +bishalom"
1Ki 11:11 +sa did (what was) right in the eyes o$ the /8:2% as (did) his $ather 2a!id"
1Ki 11:12 +nd he banished the *er!erted *ersons $rom the land% and remo!ed all the idols that his $athers had
1Ki 11:1- +lso he remo!ed ?aahah his grandmother $rom (being) E#een mother% bea#se she had made an
obsene image o$ +sherah" +nd +sa #t down her obsene image and b#rned (it) by the Broo' Kidron"
1Ki 11:10 B#t the high *laes were not remo!ed" Ne!ertheless +saAs heart was loyal to the /8:2 all his days"
1Ki 11:11 He also bro#ght into the ho#se o$ the /8:2 the things whih his $ather had dediated% and the things
whih he himsel$ had dediated: sil!er and gold and #tensils"
1Ki 11:13 Now there was war between +sa and Baasha 'ing o$ Israel all their days"
1Ki 11:14 +nd Baasha 'ing o$ Israel ame #* against J#dah% and b#ilt :amah% that he might let none go o#t or
ome in to +sa 'ing o$ J#dah"
1Ki 11:18 Then +sa too' all the sil!er and gold (that was) le$t in the treas#ries o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and the
treas#ries o$ the 'ingAs ho#se% and deli!ered them into the hand o$ his ser!ants" +nd King +sa sent them to BenD
Hadad the son o$ Tabrimmon% the son o$ HeHion% 'ing o$ ,yria% who dwelt in 2amas#s% saying%
1Ki 11:19 .(/et there be) a treaty between yo# and me% as there was between my $ather and yo#r $ather" ,ee% I
ha!e sent yo# a *resent o$ sil!er and gold" =ome and brea' yo#r treaty with Baasha 'ing o$ Israel% so that he will
withdraw $rom me".
1Ki 11:25 ,o BenDHadad heeded King +sa% and sent the a*tains o$ his armies against the ities o$ Israel" He
atta'ed I@on% 2an% +bel Beth ?aahah% and all =hinneroth% with all the land o$ Na*htali"
1Ki 11:21 Now it ha**ened% when Baasha heard (it%) that he sto**ed b#ilding :amah% and remained in TirHah"
1Ki 11:22 Then King +sa made a *rolamation thro#gho#t all J#dah& none (was) e9em*ted" +nd they too' away
the stones and timber o$ :amah% whih Baasha had #sed $or b#ilding& and with them King +sa b#ilt Geba o$
Ben@amin% and ?iH*ah"
1Ki 11:2- The rest o$ all the ats o$ +sa% all his might% all that he did% and the ities whih he b#ilt% (are) they not
written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC B#t in the time o$ his old age he was diseased in his
1Ki 11:20 ,o +sa rested with his $athers% and was b#ried with his $athers in the =ity o$ 2a!id his $ather" Then
Jehosha*hat his son reigned in his *lae"
1Ki 11:21 Now Nadab the son o$ Jeroboam beame 'ing o!er Israel in the seond year o$ +sa 'ing o$ J#dah%
and he reigned o!er Israel two years"
1Ki 11:23 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% and wal'ed in the way o$ his $ather% and in his sin by whih
he had made Israel sin"
1Ki 11:24 Then Baasha the son o$ +hi@ah% o$ the ho#se o$ Issahar% ons*ired against him" +nd Baasha 'illed
him at Gibbethon% whih (belonged) to the <hilistines% while Nadab and all Israel laid siege to Gibbethon"
1Ki 11:28 Baasha 'illed him in the third year o$ +sa 'ing o$ J#dah% and reigned in his *lae"
1Ki 11:29 +nd it was so% when he beame 'ing% (that) he 'illed all the ho#se o$ Jeroboam" He did not lea!e to
Jeroboam anyone that breathed% #ntil he had destroyed him% aording to the word o$ the /8:2 whih He had
s*o'en by His ser!ant +hi@ah the ,hilonite%
1Ki 11:-5 bea#se o$ the sins o$ Jeroboam% whih he had sinned and by whih he had made Israel sin% bea#se
o$ his *ro!oation with whih he had *ro!o'ed the /8:2 God o$ Israel to anger"
1Ki 11:-1 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Nadab% and all that he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
1Ki 11:-2 +nd there was war between +sa and Baasha 'ing o$ Israel all their days"
1Ki 11:-- In the third year o$ +sa 'ing o$ J#dah% Baasha the son o$ +hi@ah beame 'ing o!er all Israel in TirHah%
and (reigned) twentyD$o#r years"
1Ki 11:-0 He did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% and wal'ed in the way o$ Jeroboam% and in his sin by whih he
had made Israel sin"
1Ki 13:1 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jeh# the son o$ Hanani% against Baasha% saying:
1Ki 13:2 .Inasm#h as I li$ted yo# o#t o$ the d#st and made yo# r#ler o!er ?y *eo*le Israel% and yo# ha!e
wal'ed in the way o$ Jeroboam% and ha!e made ?y *eo*le Israel sin% to *ro!o'e ?e to anger with their sins%
1Ki 13:- .s#rely I will ta'e away the *osterity o$ Baasha and the *osterity o$ his ho#se% and I will ma'e yo#r
ho#se li'e the ho#se o$ Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat"
1Ki 13:0 .The dogs shall eat whoe!er belongs to Baasha and dies in the ity% and the birds o$ the air shall eat
whoe!er dies in the $ields".
1Ki 13:1 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Baasha% what he did% and his might% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
1Ki 13:3 ,o Baasha rested with his $athers and was b#ried in TirHah" Then 6lah his son reigned in his *lae"
1Ki 13:4 +nd also the word o$ the /8:2 ame by the *ro*het Jeh# the son o$ Hanani against Baasha and his
ho#se% bea#se o$ all the e!il that he did in the sight o$ the /8:2 in *ro!o'ing Him to anger with the wor' o$ his
hands% in being li'e the ho#se o$ Jeroboam% and bea#se he 'illed them"
1Ki 13:8 In the twentyDsi9th year o$ +sa 'ing o$ J#dah% 6lah the son o$ Baasha beame 'ing o!er Israel% (and
reigned) two years in TirHah"
1Ki 13:9 Now his ser!ant Gimri% ommander o$ hal$ (his) hariots% ons*ired against him as he was in TirHah
drin'ing himsel$ dr#n' in the ho#se o$ +rHa% steward o$ (his) ho#se in TirHah"
1Ki 13:15 +nd Gimri went in and str#' him and 'illed him in the twentyDse!enth year o$ +sa 'ing o$ J#dah% and
reigned in his *lae"
1Ki 13:11 Then it ame to *ass% when he began to reign% as soon as he was seated on his throne% (that) he
'illed all the ho#sehold o$ Baasha& he did not lea!e him one male% neither o$ his relati!es nor o$ his $riends"
1Ki 13:12 Th#s Gimri destroyed all the ho#sehold o$ Baasha% aording to the word o$ the /8:2% whih He
s*o'e against Baasha by Jeh# the *ro*het%
1Ki 13:1- $or all the sins o$ Baasha and the sins o$ 6lah his son% by whih they had sinned and by whih they
had made Israel sin% in *ro!o'ing the /8:2 God o$ Israel to anger with their idols"
1Ki 13:10 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ 6lah% and all that he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles
o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
1Ki 13:11 In the twentyDse!enth year o$ +sa 'ing o$ J#dah% Gimri had reigned in TirHah se!en days" +nd the
*eo*le (were) enam*ed against Gibbethon% whih (belonged) to the <hilistines"
1Ki 13:13 Now the *eo*le (who were) enam*ed heard it said% .Gimri has ons*ired and also has 'illed the
'ing". ,o all Israel made 8mri% the ommander o$ the army% 'ing o!er Israel that day in the am*"
1Ki 13:14 Then 8mri and all Israel with him went #* $rom Gibbethon% and they besieged TirHah"
1Ki 13:18 +nd it ha**ened% when Gimri saw that the ity was ta'en% that he went into the itadel o$ the 'ingAs
ho#se and b#rned the 'ingAs ho#se down #*on himsel$ with $ire% and died%
1Ki 13:19 bea#se o$ the sins whih he had ommitted in doing e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% in wal'ing in the
way o$ Jeroboam% and in his sin whih he had ommitted to ma'e Israel sin"
1Ki 13:25 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Gimri% and the treason he ommitted% (are) they not written in the boo' o$
the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
1Ki 13:21 Then the *eo*le o$ Israel were di!ided into two *arts: hal$ o$ the *eo*le $ollowed Tibni the son o$
Ginath% to ma'e him 'ing% and hal$ $ollowed 8mri"
1Ki 13:22 B#t the *eo*le who $ollowed 8mri *re!ailed o!er the *eo*le who $ollowed Tibni the son o$ Ginath" ,o
Tibni died and 8mri reigned"
1Ki 13:2- In the thirtyD$irst year o$ +sa 'ing o$ J#dah% 8mri beame 'ing o!er Israel% (and reigned) twel!e years"
,i9 years he reigned in TirHah"
1Ki 13:20 +nd he bo#ght the hill o$ ,amaria $rom ,hemer $or two talents o$ sil!er& then he b#ilt on the hill% and
alled the name o$ the ity whih he b#ilt% ,amaria% a$ter the name o$ ,hemer% owner o$ the hill"
1Ki 13:21 8mri did e!il in the eyes o$ the /8:2% and did worse than all who (were) be$ore him"
1Ki 13:23 ;or he wal'ed in all the ways o$ Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% and in his sin by whih he had made
Israel sin% *ro!o'ing the /8:2 God o$ Israel to anger with their idols"
1Ki 13:24 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ 8mri whih he did% and the might that he showed% (are) they not written in
the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
1Ki 13:28 ,o 8mri rested with his $athers and was b#ried in ,amaria" Then +hab his son reigned in his *lae"
1Ki 13:29 In the thirtyDeighth year o$ +sa 'ing o$ J#dah% +hab the son o$ 8mri beame 'ing o!er Israel& and
+hab the son o$ 8mri reigned o!er Israel in ,amaria twentyDtwo years"
1Ki 13:-5 Now +hab the son o$ 8mri did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% more than all who (were) be$ore him"
1Ki 13:-1 +nd it ame to *ass% as tho#gh it had been a tri!ial thing $or him to wal' in the sins o$ Jeroboam the
son o$ Nebat% that he too' as wi$e JeHebel the da#ghter o$ 6thbaal% 'ing o$ the ,idonians& and he went and
ser!ed Baal and worshi*ed him"
1Ki 13:-2 Then he set #* an altar $or Baal in the tem*le o$ Baal% whih he had b#ilt in ,amaria"
1Ki 13:-- +nd +hab made a wooden image" +hab did more to *ro!o'e the /8:2 God o$ Israel to anger than all
the 'ings o$ Israel who were be$ore him"
1Ki 13:-0 In his days Hiel o$ Bethel b#ilt Jeriho" He laid its $o#ndation with +biram his $irstborn% and with his
yo#ngest (son) ,eg#b he set #* its gates% aording to the word o$ the /8:2% whih He had s*o'en thro#gh
Josh#a the son o$ N#n"
1Ki 14:1 +nd 6li@ah the Tishbite% o$ the inhabitants o$ Gilead% said to +hab% .(+s) the /8:2 God o$ Israel li!es%
be$ore whom I stand% there shall not be dew nor rain these years% e9e*t at my word".
1Ki 14:2 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to him% saying%
1Ki 14:- .Get away $rom here and t#rn eastward% and hide by the Broo' =herith% whih $lows into the Jordan"
1Ki 14:0 .+nd it will be (that) yo# shall drin' $rom the broo'% and I ha!e ommanded the ra!ens to $eed yo#
1Ki 14:1 ,o he went and did aording to the word o$ the /8:2% $or he went and stayed by the Broo' =herith%
whih $lows into the Jordan"
1Ki 14:3 The ra!ens bro#ght him bread and meat in the morning% and bread and meat in the e!ening& and he
dran' $rom the broo'"
1Ki 14:4 +nd it ha**ened a$ter a while that the broo' dried #*% bea#se there had been no rain in the land"
1Ki 14:8 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to him% saying%
1Ki 14:9 .+rise% go to Gare*hath% whih (belongs) to ,idon% and dwell there" ,ee% I ha!e ommanded a widow
there to *ro!ide $or yo#".
1Ki 14:15 ,o he arose and went to Gare*hath" +nd when he ame to the gate o$ the ity% indeed a widow (was)
there gathering sti's" +nd he alled to her and said% .<lease bring me a little water in a #*% that I may drin'".
1Ki 14:11 +nd as she was going to get (it%) he alled to her and said% .<lease bring me a morsel o$ bread in yo#r
1Ki 14:12 ,o she said% .+s the /8:2 yo#r God li!es% I do not ha!e bread% only a hand$#l o$ $lo#r in a bin% and a
little oil in a @ar& and see% I (am) gathering a o#*le o$ sti's that I may go in and *re*are it $or mysel$ and my son%
that we may eat it% and die".
1Ki 14:1- +nd 6li@ah said to her% .2o not $ear& go (and) do as yo# ha!e said% b#t ma'e me a small a'e $rom it
$irst% and bring (it) to me& and a$terward ma'e (some) $or yo#rsel$ and yo#r son"
1Ki 14:10 .;or th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: AThe bin o$ $lo#r shall not be #sed #*% nor shall the @ar o$ oil
r#n dry% #ntil the day the /8:2 sends rain on the earth"A .
1Ki 14:11 ,o she went away and did aording to the word o$ 6li@ah& and she and he and her ho#sehold ate $or
(many) days"
1Ki 14:13 The bin o$ $lo#r was not #sed #*% nor did the @ar o$ oil r#n dry% aording to the word o$ the /8:2
whih He s*o'e by 6li@ah"
1Ki 14:14 Now it ha**ened a$ter these things (that) the son o$ the woman who owned the ho#se beame si'"
+nd his si'ness was so serio#s that there was no breath le$t in him"
1Ki 14:18 ,o she said to 6li@ah% .>hat ha!e I to do with yo#% 8 man o$ GodC Ha!e yo# ome to me to bring my
sin to remembrane% and to 'ill my sonC.
1Ki 14:19 +nd he said to her% .Gi!e me yo#r son". ,o he too' him o#t o$ her arms and arried him to the #**er
room where he was staying% and laid him on his own bed"
1Ki 14:25 Then he ried o#t to the /8:2 and said% .8 /8:2 my God% ha!e Bo# also bro#ght tragedy on the
widow with whom I lodge% by 'illing her sonC.
1Ki 14:21 +nd he strethed himsel$ o#t on the hild three times% and ried o#t to the /8:2 and said% .8 /8:2
my God% I *ray% let this hildAs so#l ome ba' to him".
1Ki 14:22 Then the /8:2 heard the !oie o$ 6li@ah& and the so#l o$ the hild ame ba' to him% and he re!i!ed"
1Ki 14:2- +nd 6li@ah too' the hild and bro#ght him down $rom the #**er room into the ho#se% and ga!e him to
his mother" +nd 6li@ah said% .,ee% yo#r son li!esF.
1Ki 14:20 Then the woman said to 6li@ah% .Now by this I 'now that yo# (are) a man o$ God% (and) that the word o$
the /8:2 in yo#r mo#th (is) the tr#th".
1Ki 18:1 +nd it ame to *ass (a$ter) many days that the word o$ the /8:2 ame to 6li@ah% in the third year%
saying% .Go% *resent yo#rsel$ to +hab% and I will send rain on the earth".
1Ki 18:2 ,o 6li@ah went to *resent himsel$ to +hab& and (there was) a se!ere $amine in ,amaria"
1Ki 18:- +nd +hab had alled 8badiah% who (was) in harge o$ (his) ho#se" INow 8badiah $eared the /8:2
1Ki 18:0 ;or so it was% while JeHebel massared the *ro*hets o$ the /8:2% that 8badiah had ta'en one
h#ndred *ro*hets and hidden them% $i$ty to a a!e% and had $ed them with bread and water"J
1Ki 18:1 +nd +hab had said to 8badiah% .Go into the land to all the s*rings o$ water and to all the broo's&
*erha*s we may $ind grass to 'ee* the horses and m#les ali!e% so that we will not ha!e to 'ill any li!esto'"
1Ki 18:3 ,o they di!ided the land between them to e9*lore it& +hab went one way by himsel$% and 8badiah went
another way by himsel$"
1Ki 18:4 Now as 8badiah was on his way% s#ddenly 6li@ah met him& and he reogniHed him% and $ell on his $ae%
and said% .(Is) that yo#% my lord 6li@ahC.
1Ki 18:8 +nd he answered him% .(It is) I" Go% tell yo#r master% A6li@ah (is here"A) .
1Ki 18:9 ,o he said% .How ha!e I sinned% that yo# are deli!ering yo#r ser!ant into the hand o$ +hab% to 'ill meC
1Ki 18:15 .(+s) the /8:2 yo#r God li!es% there is no nation or 'ingdom where my master has not sent someone
to h#nt $or yo#& and when they said% A(He is) not (here%A) he too' an oath $rom the 'ingdom or nation that they
o#ld not $ind yo#"
1Ki 18:11 .+nd now yo# say% AGo% tell yo#r master% .6li@ah (is here.) AF
1Ki 18:12 .+nd it shall ome to *ass% (as soon as) I am gone $rom yo#% that the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 will arry yo#
to a *lae I do not 'now& so when I go and tell +hab% and he annot $ind yo#% he will 'ill me" B#t I yo#r ser!ant
ha!e $eared the /8:2 $rom my yo#th"
1Ki 18:1- .>as it not re*orted to my lord what I did when JeHebel 'illed the *ro*hets o$ the /8:2% how I hid
one h#ndred men o$ the /8:2As *ro*hets% $i$ty to a a!e% and $ed them with bread and waterC
1Ki 18:10 .+nd now yo# say% AGo% tell yo#r master% .6li@ah (is here".) A He will 'ill meF.
1Ki 18:11 Then 6li@ah said% .(+s) the /8:2 o$ hosts li!es% be$ore whom I stand% I will s#rely *resent mysel$ to
him today".
1Ki 18:13 ,o 8badiah went to meet +hab% and told him& and +hab went to meet 6li@ah"
1Ki 18:14 Then it ha**ened% when +hab saw 6li@ah% that +hab said to him% .(Is that) yo#% 8 tro#bler o$ IsraelC.
1Ki 18:18 +nd he answered% .I ha!e not tro#bled Israel% b#t yo# and yo#r $atherAs ho#se (ha!e%) in that yo# ha!e
$orsa'en the ommandments o$ the /8:2 and ha!e $ollowed the Baals"
1Ki 18:19 .Now there$ore% send (and) gather all Israel to me on ?o#nt =armel% the $o#r h#ndred and $i$ty
*ro*hets o$ Baal% and the $o#r h#ndred *ro*hets o$ +sherah% who eat at JeHebelAs table".
1Ki 18:25 ,o +hab sent $or all the hildren o$ Israel% and gathered the *ro*hets together on ?o#nt =armel"
1Ki 18:21 +nd 6li@ah ame to all the *eo*le% and said% .How long will yo# $alter between two o*inionsC I$ the
/8:2 (is) God% $ollow Him& b#t i$ Baal% $ollow him". B#t the *eo*le answered him not a word"
1Ki 18:22 Then 6li@ah said to the *eo*le% .I alone am le$t a *ro*het o$ the /8:2& b#t BaalAs *ro*hets (are) $o#r
h#ndred and $i$ty men"
1Ki 18:2- .There$ore let them gi!e #s two b#lls& and let them hoose one b#ll $or themsel!es% #t it in *iees%
and lay (it) on the wood% b#t *#t no $ire (#nder it&) and I will *re*are the other b#ll% and lay (it) on the wood% b#t *#t
no $ire (#nder it")
1Ki 18:20 .Then yo# all on the name o$ yo#r gods% and I will all on the name o$ the /8:2& and the God who
answers by $ire% He is God". ,o all the *eo*le answered and said% .It is well s*o'en".
1Ki 18:21 Now 6li@ah said to the *ro*hets o$ Baal% .=hoose one b#ll $or yo#rsel!es and *re*are (it) $irst% $or yo#
(are) many& and all on the name o$ yo#r god% b#t *#t no $ire (#nder it".)
1Ki 18:23 ,o they too' the b#ll whih was gi!en them% and they *re*ared (it%) and alled on the name o$ Baal
$rom morning e!en till noon% saying% .8 Baal% hear #sF. B#t (there was) no !oie& no one answered" Then they
lea*ed abo#t the altar whih they had made"
1Ki 18:24 +nd so it was% at noon% that 6li@ah mo'ed them and said% .=ry alo#d% $or he (is) a god& either he is
meditating% or he is b#sy% or he is on a @o#rney% (or) *erha*s he is slee*ing and m#st be awa'ened".
1Ki 18:28 ,o they ried alo#d% and #t themsel!es% as was their #stom% with 'ni!es and lanes% #ntil the blood
g#shed o#t on them"
1Ki 18:29 +nd when midday was *ast% they *ro*hesied #ntil the (time) o$ the o$$ering o$ the (e!ening) sari$ie"
B#t (there was) no !oie& no one answered% no one *aid attention"
1Ki 18:-5 Then 6li@ah said to all the *eo*le% .=ome near to me". ,o all the *eo*le ame near to him" +nd he
re*aired the altar o$ the /8:2 (that was) bro'en down"
1Ki 18:-1 +nd 6li@ah too' twel!e stones% aording to the n#mber o$ the tribes o$ the sons o$ Jaob% to whom the
word o$ the /8:2 had ome% saying% .Israel shall be yo#r name".
1Ki 18:-2 Then with the stones he b#ilt an altar in the name o$ the /8:2& and he made a trenh aro#nd the
altar large eno#gh to hold two seahs o$ seed"
1Ki 18:-- +nd he *#t the wood in order% #t the b#ll in *iees% and laid (it) on the wood% and said% .;ill $o#r
water*ots with water% and *o#r (it) on the b#rnt sari$ie and on the wood".
1Ki 18:-0 Then he said% .2o (it) a seond time%. and they did (it) a seond time& and he said% .2o (it) a third
time%. and they did (it) a third time"
1Ki 18:-1 ,o the water ran all aro#nd the altar& and he also $illed the trenh with water"
1Ki 18:-3 +nd it ame to *ass% at (the time o$) the o$$ering o$ the (e!ening) sari$ie% that 6li@ah the *ro*het ame
near and said% ./8:2 God o$ +braham% Isaa% and Israel% let it be 'nown this day that Bo# (are) God in Israel
and I (am) Bo#r ser!ant% and (that) I ha!e done all these things at Bo#r word"
1Ki 18:-4 .Hear me% 8 /8:2% hear me% that this *eo*le may 'now that Bo# (are) the /8:2 God% and (that) Bo#
ha!e t#rned their hearts ba' (to Bo#) again".
1Ki 18:-8 Then the $ire o$ the /8:2 $ell and ons#med the b#rnt sari$ie% and the wood and the stones and the
d#st% and it li'ed #* the water that (was) in the trenh"
1Ki 18:-9 Now when all the *eo*le saw (it%) they $ell on their $aes& and they said% .The /8:2% He (is) GodF The
/8:2% He (is) GodF.
1Ki 18:05 +nd 6li@ah said to them% .,eiHe the *ro*hets o$ BaalF 2o not let one o$ them esa*eF. ,o they seiHed
them& and 6li@ah bro#ght them down to the Broo' Kishon and e9e#ted them there"
1Ki 18:01 Then 6li@ah said to +hab% .Go #*% eat and drin'& $or (there is) the so#nd o$ ab#ndane o$ rain".
1Ki 18:02 ,o +hab went #* to eat and drin'" +nd 6li@ah went #* to the to* o$ =armel& then he bowed down on
the gro#nd% and *#t his $ae between his 'nees%
1Ki 18:0- and said to his ser!ant% .Go #* now% loo' toward the sea". ,o he went #* and loo'ed% and said%
.(There is) nothing". +nd se!en times he said% .Go again".
1Ki 18:00 Then it ame to *ass the se!enth (time%) that he said% .There is a lo#d% as small as a manAs hand%
rising o#t o$ the seaF. ,o he said% .Go #*% say to +hab% A<re*are (yo#r hariot%) and go down be$ore the rain sto*s
yo#"A .
1Ki 18:01 Now it ha**ened in the meantime that the s'y beame bla' with lo#ds and wind% and there was a
hea!y rain" ,o +hab rode away and went to JeHreel"
1Ki 18:03 Then the hand o$ the /8:2 ame #*on 6li@ah& and he girded #* his loins and ran ahead o$ +hab to
the entrane o$ JeHreel"
1Ki 19:1 +nd +hab told JeHebel all that 6li@ah had done% also how he had e9e#ted all the *ro*hets with the
1Ki 19:2 Then JeHebel sent a messenger to 6li@ah% saying% .,o let the gods do (to me%) and more also% i$ I do not
ma'e yo#r li$e as the li$e o$ one o$ them by tomorrow abo#t this time".
1Ki 19:- +nd when he saw (that%) he arose and ran $or his li$e% and went to Beersheba% whih (belongs) to
J#dah% and le$t his ser!ant there"
1Ki 19:0 B#t he himsel$ went a dayAs @o#rney into the wilderness% and ame and sat down #nder a broom tree"
+nd he *rayed that he might die% and said% .It is eno#ghF Now% /8:2% ta'e my li$e% $or I (am) no better than my
1Ki 19:1 Then as he lay and sle*t #nder a broom tree% s#ddenly an angel to#hed him% and said to him% .+rise
(and) eat".
1Ki 19:3 Then he loo'ed% and there by his head (was) a a'e ba'ed on oals% and a @ar o$ water" ,o he ate and
dran'% and lay down again"
1Ki 19:4 +nd the angel o$ the /8:2 ame ba' the seond time% and to#hed him% and said% .+rise (and) eat%
bea#se the @o#rney (is) too great $or yo#".
1Ki 19:8 ,o he arose% and ate and dran'& and he went in the strength o$ that $ood $orty days and $orty nights as
$ar as Horeb% the mo#ntain o$ God"
1Ki 19:9 +nd there he went into a a!e% and s*ent the night in that *lae& and behold% the word o$ the /8:2
(ame) to him% and He said to him% .>hat are yo# doing here% 6li@ahC.
1Ki 19:15 ,o he said% .I ha!e been !ery Healo#s $or the /8:2 God o$ hosts& $or the hildren o$ Israel ha!e
$orsa'en Bo#r o!enant% torn down Bo#r altars% and 'illed Bo#r *ro*hets with the sword" I alone am le$t& and they
see' to ta'e my li$e".
1Ki 19:11 Then He said% .Go o#t% and stand on the mo#ntain be$ore the /8:2". +nd behold% the /8:2 *assed
by% and a great and strong wind tore into the mo#ntains and bro'e the ro's in *iees be$ore the /8:2% (b#t) the
/8:2 (was) not in the wind& and a$ter the wind an earthE#a'e% (b#t) the /8:2 (was) not in the earthE#a'e&
1Ki 19:12 and a$ter the earthE#a'e a $ire% (b#t) the /8:2 (was) not in the $ire& and a$ter the $ire a still small
1Ki 19:1- ,o it was% when 6li@ah heard (it%) that he wra**ed his $ae in his mantle and went o#t and stood in the
entrane o$ the a!e" ,#ddenly a !oie (ame) to him% and said% .>hat are yo# doing here% 6li@ahC.
1Ki 19:10 +nd he said% .I ha!e been !ery Healo#s $or the /8:2 God o$ hosts& bea#se the hildren o$ Israel
ha!e $orsa'en Bo#r o!enant% torn down Bo#r altars% and 'illed Bo#r *ro*hets with the sword" I alone am le$t&
and they see' to ta'e my li$e".
1Ki 19:11 Then the /8:2 said to him: .Go% ret#rn on yo#r way to the >ilderness o$ 2amas#s& and when yo#
arri!e% anoint HaHael (as) 'ing o!er ,yria"
1Ki 19:13 .+lso yo# shall anoint Jeh# the son o$ Nimshi (as) 'ing o!er Israel" +nd 6lisha the son o$ ,ha*hat o$
+bel ?eholah yo# shall anoint (as) *ro*het in yo#r *lae"
1Ki 19:14 .It shall be (that) whoe!er esa*es the sword o$ HaHael% Jeh# will 'ill& and whoe!er esa*es the sword
o$ Jeh#% 6lisha will 'ill"
1Ki 19:18 .Bet I ha!e reser!ed se!en tho#sand in Israel% all whose 'nees ha!e not bowed to Baal% and e!ery
mo#th that has not 'issed him".
1Ki 19:19 ,o he de*arted $rom there% and $o#nd 6lisha the son o$ ,ha*hat% who (was) *lowing (with) twel!e
yo'e (o$ o9en) be$ore him% and he was with the twel$th" Then 6li@ah *assed by him and threw his mantle on him"
1Ki 19:25 +nd he le$t the o9en and ran a$ter 6li@ah% and said% .<lease let me 'iss my $ather and my mother% and
(then) I will $ollow yo#". +nd he said to him% .Go ba' again% $or what ha!e I done to yo#C.
1Ki 19:21 ,o (6lisha) t#rned ba' $rom him% and too' a yo'e o$ o9en and sla#ghtered them and boiled their
$lesh% #sing the o9enAs eE#i*ment% and ga!e it to the *eo*le% and they ate" Then he arose and $ollowed 6li@ah%
and beame his ser!ant"
1Ki 25:1 Now BenDHadad the 'ing o$ ,yria gathered all his $ores together& thirtyDtwo 'ings (were) with him% with
horses and hariots" +nd he went #* and besieged ,amaria% and made war against it"
1Ki 25:2 Then he sent messengers into the ity to +hab 'ing o$ Israel% and said to him% .Th#s says BenDHadad:
1Ki 25:- ABo#r sil!er and yo#r gold (are) mine& yo#r lo!eliest wi!es and hildren are mine"A .
1Ki 25:0 +nd the 'ing o$ Israel answered and said% .?y lord% 8 'ing% @#st as yo# say% I and all that I ha!e (are)
1Ki 25:1 Then the messengers ame ba' and said% .Th#s s*ea's BenDHadad% saying% AIndeed I ha!e sent to
yo#% saying% .Bo# shall deli!er to me yo#r sil!er and yo#r gold% yo#r wi!es and yo#r hildren.&
1Ki 25:3 Ab#t I will send my ser!ants to yo# tomorrow abo#t this time% and they shall searh yo#r ho#se and the
ho#ses o$ yo#r ser!ants" +nd it shall be% (that) whate!er is *leasant in yo#r eyes% they will *#t (it) in their hands
and ta'e (it"A) .
1Ki 25:4 ,o the 'ing o$ Israel alled all the elders o$ the land% and said% .Notie% *lease% and see how this (man)
see's tro#ble% $or he sent to me $or my wi!es% my hildren% my sil!er% and my gold& and I did not deny him".
1Ki 25:8 +nd all the elders and all the *eo*le said to him% .2o not listen or onsent".
1Ki 25:9 There$ore he said to the messengers o$ BenDHadad% .Tell my lord the 'ing% A+ll that yo# sent $or to yo#r
ser!ant the $irst time I will do% b#t this thing I annot do"A . +nd the messengers de*arted and bro#ght ba' word
to him"
1Ki 25:15 Then BenDHadad sent to him and said% .The gods do so to me% and more also% i$ eno#gh d#st is le$t o$
,amaria $or a hand$#l $or eah o$ the *eo*le who $ollow me".
1Ki 25:11 ,o the 'ing o$ Israel answered and said% .Tell (him%) A/et not the one who *#ts on (his armor) boast li'e
the one who ta'es (it o$$"A) .
1Ki 25:12 +nd it ha**ened when (BenDHadad) heard this message% as he and the 'ings (were) drin'ing at the
ommand *ost% that he said to his ser!ants% .Get ready". +nd they got ready to atta' the ity"
1Ki 25:1- ,#ddenly a *ro*het a**roahed +hab 'ing o$ Israel% saying% .Th#s says the /8:2: AHa!e yo# seen
all this great m#ltit#deC Behold% I will deli!er it into yo#r hand today% and yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"A .
1Ki 25:10 ,o +hab said% .By whomC. +nd he said% .Th#s says the /8:2: ABy the yo#ng leaders o$ the
*ro!ines"A . Then he said% .>ho will set the battle in orderC. +nd he answered% .Bo#".
1Ki 25:11 Then he m#stered the yo#ng leaders o$ the *ro!ines% and there were two h#ndred and thirtyDtwo&
and a$ter them he m#stered all the *eo*le% all the hildren o$ Israel DD se!en tho#sand"
1Ki 25:13 ,o they went o#t at noon" ?eanwhile BenDHadad and the thirtyDtwo 'ings hel*ing him were getting
dr#n' at the ommand *ost"
1Ki 25:14 The yo#ng leaders o$ the *ro!ines went o#t $irst" +nd BenDHadad sent o#t (a *atrol%) and they told
him% saying% .?en are oming o#t o$ ,amariaF.
1Ki 25:18 ,o he said% .I$ they ha!e ome o#t $or *eae% ta'e them ali!e& and i$ they ha!e ome o#t $or war% ta'e
them ali!e".
1Ki 25:19 Then these yo#ng leaders o$ the *ro!ines went o#t o$ the ity with the army whih $ollowed them"
1Ki 25:25 +nd eah one 'illed his man& so the ,yrians $led% and Israel *#rs#ed them& and BenDHadad the 'ing o$
,yria esa*ed on a horse with the a!alry"
1Ki 25:21 Then the 'ing o$ Israel went o#t and atta'ed the horses and hariots% and 'illed the ,yrians with a
great sla#ghter"
1Ki 25:22 +nd the *ro*het ame to the 'ing o$ Israel and said to him% .Go% strengthen yo#rsel$& ta'e note% and
see what yo# sho#ld do% $or in the s*ring o$ the year the 'ing o$ ,yria will ome #* against yo#".
1Ki 25:2- Then the ser!ants o$ the 'ing o$ ,yria said to him% .Their gods (are) gods o$ the hills" There$ore they
were stronger than we& b#t i$ we $ight against them in the *lain% s#rely we will be stronger than they"
1Ki 25:20 .,o do this thing: 2ismiss the 'ings% eah $rom his *osition% and *#t a*tains in their *laes&
1Ki 25:21 .and yo# shall m#ster an army li'e the army that yo# ha!e lost% horse $or horse and hariot $or hariot"
Then we will $ight against them in the *lain& s#rely we will be stronger than they". +nd he listened to their !oie
and did so"
1Ki 25:23 ,o it was% in the s*ring o$ the year% that BenDHadad m#stered the ,yrians and went #* to +*he' to
$ight against Israel"
1Ki 25:24 +nd the hildren o$ Israel were m#stered and gi!en *ro!isions% and they went against them" Now the
hildren o$ Israel enam*ed be$ore them li'e two little $lo's o$ goats% while the ,yrians $illed the o#ntryside"
1Ki 25:28 Then a man o$ God ame and s*o'e to the 'ing o$ Israel% and said% .Th#s says the /8:2: ABea#se
the ,yrians ha!e said% .The /8:2 (is) God o$ the hills% b#t He (is) not God o$ the !alleys%. there$ore I will deli!er
all this great m#ltit#de into yo#r hand% and yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"A .
1Ki 25:29 +nd they enam*ed o**osite eah other $or se!en days" ,o it was that on the se!enth day the battle
was @oined& and the hildren o$ Israel 'illed one h#ndred tho#sand $oot soldiers (o$) the ,yrians in one day"
1Ki 25:-5 B#t the rest $led to +*he'% into the ity& then a wall $ell on twentyDse!en tho#sand o$ the men (who
were) le$t" +nd BenDHadad $led and went into the ity% into an inner hamber"
1Ki 25:-1 Then his ser!ants said to him% ./oo' now% we ha!e heard that the 'ings o$ the ho#se o$ Israel (are)
meri$#l 'ings" <lease% let #s *#t sa'loth aro#nd o#r waists and ro*es aro#nd o#r heads% and go o#t to the
'ing o$ Israel& *erha*s he will s*are yo#r li$e".
1Ki 25:-2 ,o they wore sa'loth aro#nd their waists and (*#t) ro*es aro#nd their heads% and ame to the 'ing
o$ Israel and said% .Bo#r ser!ant BenDHadad says% A<lease let me li!e"A . +nd he said% .(Is) he still ali!eC He (is)
my brother".
1Ki 25:-- Now the men were wathing losely to see whether (any sign o$ mery wo#ld ome) $rom him& and
they E#i'ly gras*ed (at this word) and said% .Bo#r brother BenDHadad". ,o he said% .Go% bring him". Then BenD
Hadad ame o#t to him& and he had him ome #* into the hariot"
1Ki 25:-0 ,o (BenDHadad) said to him% .The ities whih my $ather too' $rom yo#r $ather I will restore& and yo#
may set #* mar'et*laes $or yo#rsel$ in 2amas#s% as my $ather did in ,amaria". Then (+hab said%) .I will send
yo# away with this treaty". ,o he made a treaty with him and sent him away"
1Ki 25:-1 Now a ertain man o$ the sons o$ the *ro*hets said to his neighbor by the word o$ the /8:2% .,tri'e
me% *lease". +nd the man re$#sed to stri'e him"
1Ki 25:-3 Then he said to him% .Bea#se yo# ha!e not obeyed the !oie o$ the /8:2% s#rely% as soon as yo#
de*art $rom me% a lion shall 'ill yo#". +nd as soon as he le$t him% a lion $o#nd him and 'illed him"
1Ki 25:-4 +nd he $o#nd another man% and said% .,tri'e me% *lease". ,o the man str#' him% in$liting a wo#nd"
1Ki 25:-8 Then the *ro*het de*arted and waited $or the 'ing by the road% and disg#ised himsel$ with a bandage
o!er his eyes"
1Ki 25:-9 Now as the 'ing *assed by% he ried o#t to the 'ing and said% .Bo#r ser!ant went o#t into the midst o$
the battle& and there% a man ame o!er and bro#ght a man to me% and said% AG#ard this man& i$ by any means he
is missing% yo#r li$e shall be $or his li$e% or else yo# shall *ay a talent o$ sil!er"A
1Ki 25:05 .>hile yo#r ser!ant was b#sy here and there% he was gone". Then the 'ing o$ Israel said to him% .,o
(shall) yo#r @#dgment (be&) yo# yo#rsel$ ha!e deided (it".)
1Ki 25:01 +nd he hastened to ta'e the bandage away $rom his eyes& and the 'ing o$ Israel reogniHed him as
one o$ the *ro*hets"
1Ki 25:02 Then he said to him% .Th#s says the /8:2: ABea#se yo# ha!e let sli* o#t o$ (yo#r) hand a man
whom I a**ointed to #tter destr#tion% there$ore yo#r li$e shall go $or his li$e% and yo#r *eo*le $or his *eo*le"A .
1Ki 25:0- ,o the 'ing o$ Israel went to his ho#se s#llen and dis*leased% and ame to ,amaria"
1Ki 21:1 +nd it ame to *ass a$ter these things (that) Naboth the JeHreelite had a !ineyard whih (was) in
JeHreel% ne9t to the *alae o$ +hab 'ing o$ ,amaria"
1Ki 21:2 ,o +hab s*o'e to Naboth% saying% .Gi!e me yo#r !ineyard% that I may ha!e it $or a !egetable garden%
bea#se it (is) near% ne9t to my ho#se& and $or it I will gi!e yo# a !ineyard better than it" (8r%) i$ it seems good to
yo#% I will gi!e yo# its worth in money".
1Ki 21:- B#t Naboth said to +hab% .The /8:2 $orbid that I sho#ld gi!e the inheritane o$ my $athers to yo#F.
1Ki 21:0 ,o +hab went into his ho#se s#llen and dis*leased bea#se o$ the word whih Naboth the JeHreelite
had s*o'en to him& $or he had said% .I will not gi!e yo# the inheritane o$ my $athers". +nd he lay down on his
bed% and t#rned away his $ae% and wo#ld eat no $ood"
1Ki 21:1 B#t JeHebel his wi$e ame to him% and said to him% .>hy is yo#r s*irit so s#llen that yo# eat no $oodC.
1Ki 21:3 He said to her% .Bea#se I s*o'e to Naboth the JeHreelite% and said to him% AGi!e me yo#r !ineyard $or
money& or else% i$ it *leases yo#% I will gi!e yo# (another) !ineyard $or it"A +nd he answered% AI will not gi!e yo# my
!ineyard"A .
1Ki 21:4 Then JeHebel his wi$e said to him% .Bo# now e9erise a#thority o!er IsraelF +rise% eat $ood% and let yo#r
heart be heer$#l& I will gi!e yo# the !ineyard o$ Naboth the JeHreelite".
1Ki 21:8 +nd she wrote letters in +habAs name% sealed (them) with his seal% and sent the letters to the elders and
the nobles who (were) dwelling in the ity with Naboth"
1Ki 21:9 ,he wrote in the letters% saying% <rolaim a $ast% and seat Naboth with high honor among the *eo*le&
1Ki 21:15 and seat two men% so#ndrels% be$ore him to bear witness against him% saying% .Bo# ha!e
blas*hemed God and the 'ing". (Then) ta'e him o#t% and stone him% that he may die"
1Ki 21:11 ,o the men o$ his ity% the elders and nobles who were inhabitants o$ his ity% did as JeHebel had sent
to them% as it (was) written in the letters whih she had sent to them"
1Ki 21:12 They *rolaimed a $ast% and seated Naboth with high honor among the *eo*le"
1Ki 21:1- +nd two men% so#ndrels% ame in and sat be$ore him& and the so#ndrels witnessed against him%
against Naboth% in the *resene o$ the *eo*le% saying% .Naboth has blas*hemed God and the 'ingF. Then they
too' him o#tside the ity and stoned him with stones% so that he died"
1Ki 21:10 Then they sent to JeHebel% saying% .Naboth has been stoned and is dead".
1Ki 21:11 +nd it ame to *ass% when JeHebel heard that Naboth had been stoned and was dead% that JeHebel
said to +hab% .+rise% ta'e *ossession o$ the !ineyard o$ Naboth the JeHreelite% whih he re$#sed to gi!e yo# $or
money& $or Naboth is not ali!e% b#t dead".
1Ki 21:13 ,o it was% when +hab heard that Naboth was dead% that +hab got #* and went down to ta'e
*ossession o$ the !ineyard o$ Naboth the JeHreelite"
1Ki 21:14 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to 6li@ah the Tishbite% saying%
1Ki 21:18 .+rise% go down to meet +hab 'ing o$ Israel% who (li!es) in ,amaria" There (he is%) in the !ineyard o$
Naboth% where he has gone down to ta'e *ossession o$ it"
1Ki 21:19 .Bo# shall s*ea' to him% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2: .Ha!e yo# m#rdered and also ta'en
*ossessionC. A +nd yo# shall s*ea' to him% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2: .In the *lae where dogs li'ed the
blood o$ Naboth% dogs shall li' yo#r blood% e!en yo#rs". A .
1Ki 21:25 ,o +hab said to 6li@ah% .Ha!e yo# $o#nd me% 8 my enemyC. +nd he answered% .I ha!e $o#nd (yo#%)
bea#se yo# ha!e sold yo#rsel$ to do e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2:
1Ki 21:21 ABehold% I will bring alamity on yo#" I will ta'e away yo#r *osterity% and will #t o$$ $rom +hab e!ery
male in Israel% both bond and $ree"
1Ki 21:22 AI will ma'e yo#r ho#se li'e the ho#se o$ Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% and li'e the ho#se o$ Baasha
the son o$ +hi@ah% bea#se o$ the *ro!oation with whih yo# ha!e *ro!o'ed (?e) to anger% and made Israel sin"A
1Ki 21:2- .+nd onerning JeHebel the /8:2 also s*o'e% saying% AThe dogs shall eat JeHebel by the wall o$
1Ki 21:20 .The dogs shall eat whoe!er belongs to +hab and dies in the ity% and the birds o$ the air shall eat
whoe!er dies in the $ield".
1Ki 21:21 B#t there was no one li'e +hab who sold himsel$ to do wi'edness in the sight o$ the /8:2% bea#se
JeHebel his wi$e stirred him #*"
1Ki 21:23 +nd he beha!ed !ery abominably in $ollowing idols% aording to all (that) the +morites had done%
whom the /8:2 had ast o#t be$ore the hildren o$ Israel"
1Ki 21:24 ,o it was% when +hab heard those words% that he tore his lothes and *#t sa'loth on his body% and
$asted and lay in sa'loth% and went abo#t mo#rning"
1Ki 21:28 +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to 6li@ah the Tishbite% saying%
1Ki 21:29 .,ee how +hab has h#mbled himsel$ be$ore ?eC Bea#se he has h#mbled himsel$ be$ore ?e% I will
not bring the alamity in his days" In the days o$ his son I will bring the alamity on his ho#se".
1Ki 22:1 Now three years *assed witho#t war between ,yria and Israel"
1Ki 22:2 Then it ame to *ass% in the third year% that Jehosha*hat the 'ing o$ J#dah went down to (!isit) the 'ing
o$ Israel"
1Ki 22:- +nd the 'ing o$ Israel said to his ser!ants% .2o yo# 'now that :amoth in Gilead (is) o#rs% b#t we
hesitate to ta'e it o#t o$ the hand o$ the 'ing o$ ,yriaC.
1Ki 22:0 ,o he said to Jehosha*hat% .>ill yo# go with me to $ight at :amoth GileadC. Jehosha*hat said to the
'ing o$ Israel% .I (am) as yo# (are%) my *eo*le as yo#r *eo*le% my horses as yo#r horses".
1Ki 22:1 +lso Jehosha*hat said to the 'ing o$ Israel% .<lease inE#ire $or the word o$ the /8:2 today".
1Ki 22:3 Then the 'ing o$ Israel gathered the *ro*hets together% abo#t $o#r h#ndred men% and said to them%
.,hall I go against :amoth Gilead to $ight% or shall I re$rainC. ,o they said% .Go #*% $or the /ord will deli!er (it) into
the hand o$ the 'ing".
1Ki 22:4 +nd Jehosha*hat said% .(Is there) not still a *ro*het o$ the /8:2 here% that we may inE#ire o$ HimC.
1Ki 22:8 ,o the 'ing o$ Israel said to Jehosha*hat% .(There is) still one man% ?iaiah the son o$ Imlah% by whom
we may inE#ire o$ the /8:2& b#t I hate him% bea#se he does not *ro*hesy good onerning me% b#t e!il". +nd
Jehosha*hat said% ./et not the 'ing say s#h thingsF.
1Ki 22:9 Then the 'ing o$ Israel alled an o$$ier and said% .Bring ?iaiah the son o$ Imlah E#i'lyF.
1Ki 22:15 The 'ing o$ Israel and Jehosha*hat the 'ing o$ J#dah% ha!ing *#t on (their) robes% sat eah on his
throne% at a threshing $loor at the entrane o$ the gate o$ ,amaria& and all the *ro*hets *ro*hesied be$ore them"
1Ki 22:11 Now Gede'iah the son o$ =henaanah had made horns o$ iron $or himsel$& and he said% .Th#s says the
/8:2: A>ith these yo# shall gore the ,yrians #ntil they are destroyed"A .
1Ki 22:12 +nd all the *ro*hets *ro*hesied so% saying% .Go #* to :amoth Gilead and *ros*er% $or the /8:2 will
deli!er (it) into the 'ingAs hand".
1Ki 22:1- Then the messenger who had gone to all ?iaiah s*o'e to him% saying% .Now listen% the words o$ the
*ro*hets with one aord eno#rage the 'ing" <lease% let yo#r word be li'e the word o$ one o$ them% and s*ea'
1Ki 22:10 +nd ?iaiah said% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% whate!er the /8:2 says to me% that I will s*ea'".
1Ki 22:11 Then he ame to the 'ing& and the 'ing said to him% .?iaiah% shall we go to war against :amoth
Gilead% or shall we re$rainC. +nd he answered him% .Go and *ros*er% $or the /8:2 will deli!er (it) into the hand
o$ the 'ingF.
1Ki 22:13 ,o the 'ing said to him% .How many times shall I ma'e yo# swear that yo# tell me nothing b#t the
tr#th in the name o$ the /8:2C.
1Ki 22:14 Then he said% .I saw all Israel sattered on the mo#ntains% as shee* that ha!e no she*herd" +nd the
/8:2 said% AThese ha!e no master" /et eah ret#rn to his ho#se in *eae"A .
1Ki 22:18 +nd the 'ing o$ Israel said to Jehosha*hat% .2id I not tell yo# he wo#ld not *ro*hesy good onerning
me% b#t e!ilC.
1Ki 22:19 Then (?iaiah) said% .There$ore hear the word o$ the /8:2: I saw the /8:2 sitting on His throne%
and all the host o$ hea!en standing by% on His right hand and on His le$t"
1Ki 22:25 .+nd the /8:2 said% A>ho will *ers#ade +hab to go #*% that he may $all at :amoth GileadCA ,o one
s*o'e in this manner% and another s*o'e in that manner"
1Ki 22:21 .Then a s*irit ame $orward and stood be$ore the /8:2% and said% AI will *ers#ade him"A
1Ki 22:22 .The /8:2 said to him% AIn what wayCA ,o he said% AI will go o#t and be a lying s*irit in the mo#th o$ all
his *ro*hets"A +nd the /8:2 said% ABo# shall *ers#ade (him%) and also *re!ail" Go o#t and do so"A
1Ki 22:2- .There$ore loo'F The /8:2 has *#t a lying s*irit in the mo#th o$ all these *ro*hets o$ yo#rs% and the
/8:2 has delared disaster against yo#".
1Ki 22:20 Now Gede'iah the son o$ =henaanah went near and str#' ?iaiah on the hee'% and said% .>hih
way did the s*irit $rom the /8:2 go $rom me to s*ea' to yo#C.
1Ki 22:21 +nd ?iaiah said% .Indeed% yo# shall see on that day when yo# go into an inner hamber to hideF.
1Ki 22:23 ,o the 'ing o$ Israel said% .Ta'e ?iaiah% and ret#rn him to +mon the go!ernor o$ the ity and to
Joash the 'ingAs son&
1Ki 22:24 .and say% ATh#s says the 'ing: .<#t this ($ellow) in *rison% and $eed him with bread o$ a$$lition and
water o$ a$$lition% #ntil I ome in *eae". A .
1Ki 22:28 B#t ?iaiah said% .I$ yo# e!er ret#rn in *eae% the /8:2 has not s*o'en by me". +nd he said% .Ta'e
heed% all yo# *eo*leF.
1Ki 22:29 ,o the 'ing o$ Israel and Jehosha*hat the 'ing o$ J#dah went #* to :amoth Gilead"
1Ki 22:-5 +nd the 'ing o$ Israel said to Jehosha*hat% .I will disg#ise mysel$ and go into battle& b#t yo# *#t on
yo#r robes". ,o the 'ing o$ Israel disg#ised himsel$ and went into battle"
1Ki 22:-1 Now the 'ing o$ ,yria had ommanded the thirtyDtwo a*tains o$ his hariots% saying% .;ight with no
one small or great% b#t only with the 'ing o$ Israel".
1Ki 22:-2 ,o it was% when the a*tains o$ the hariots saw Jehosha*hat% that they said% .,#rely it (is) the 'ing o$
IsraelF. There$ore they t#rned aside to $ight against him% and Jehosha*hat ried o#t"
1Ki 22:-- +nd it ha**ened% when the a*tains o$ the hariots saw that it (was) not the 'ing o$ Israel% that they
t#rned ba' $rom *#rs#ing him"
1Ki 22:-0 Now a (ertain) man drew a bow at random% and str#' the 'ing o$ Israel between the @oints o$ his
armor" ,o he said to the dri!er o$ his hariot% .T#rn aro#nd and ta'e me o#t o$ the battle% $or I am wo#nded".
1Ki 22:-1 The battle inreased that day& and the 'ing was *ro**ed #* in his hariot% $aing the ,yrians% and died
at e!ening" The blood ran o#t $rom the wo#nd onto the $loor o$ the hariot"
1Ki 22:-3 Then% as the s#n was going down% a sho#t went thro#gho#t the army% saying% .6!ery man to his ity%
and e!ery man to his own o#ntryF.
1Ki 22:-4 ,o the 'ing died% and was bro#ght to ,amaria" +nd they b#ried the 'ing in ,amaria"
1Ki 22:-8 Then (someone) washed the hariot at a *ool in ,amaria% and the dogs li'ed #* his blood while the
harlots bathed% aording to the word o$ the /8:2 whih He had s*o'en"
1Ki 22:-9 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ +hab% and all that he did% the i!ory ho#se whih he b#ilt and all the ities
that he b#ilt% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
1Ki 22:05 ,o +hab rested with his $athers" Then +haHiah his son reigned in his *lae"
1Ki 22:01 Jehosha*hat the son o$ +sa had beome 'ing o!er J#dah in the $o#rth year o$ +hab 'ing o$ Israel"
1Ki 22:02 Jehosha*hat (was) thirtyD$i!e years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned twentyD$i!e years in
Jer#salem" His motherAs name (was) +H#bah the da#ghter o$ ,hilhi"
1Ki 22:0- +nd he wal'ed in all the ways o$ his $ather +sa" He did not t#rn aside $rom them% doing (what was)
right in the eyes o$ the /8:2" Ne!ertheless the high *laes were not ta'en away% ($or) the *eo*le o$$ered
sari$ies and b#rned inense on the high *laes"
1Ki 22:00 +lso Jehosha*hat made *eae with the 'ing o$ Israel"
1Ki 22:01 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Jehosha*hat% the might that he showed% and how he made war% (are) they
not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC
1Ki 22:03 +nd the rest o$ the *er!erted *ersons% who remained in the days o$ his $ather +sa% he banished $rom
the land"
1Ki 22:04 (There was) then no 'ing in 6dom% only a de*#ty o$ the 'ing"
1Ki 22:08 Jehosha*hat made merhant shi*s to go to 8*hir $or gold& b#t they ne!er sailed% $or the shi*s were
wre'ed at 6Hion Geber"
1Ki 22:09 Then +haHiah the son o$ +hab said to Jehosha*hat% ./et my ser!ants go with yo#r ser!ants in the
shi*s". B#t Jehosha*hat wo#ld not"
1Ki 22:15 +nd Jehosha*hat rested with his $athers% and was b#ried with his $athers in the =ity o$ 2a!id his
$ather" Then Jehoram his son reigned in his *lae"
1Ki 22:11 +haHiah the son o$ +hab beame 'ing o!er Israel in ,amaria in the se!enteenth year o$ Jehosha*hat
'ing o$ J#dah% and reigned two years o!er Israel"
1Ki 22:12 He did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% and wal'ed in the way o$ his $ather and in the way o$ his mother
and in the way o$ Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% who had made Israel sin&
1Ki 22:1- $or he ser!ed Baal and worshi*ed him% and *ro!o'ed the /8:2 God o$ Israel to anger% aording to
all that his $ather had done"
2Ki 1:1 ?oab rebelled against Israel a$ter the death o$ +hab"
2Ki 1:2 Now +haHiah $ell thro#gh the lattie o$ his #**er room in ,amaria% and was in@#red& so he sent
messengers and said to them% .Go% inE#ire o$ BaalDGeb#b% the god o$ 6'ron% whether I shall reo!er $rom this
2Ki 1:- B#t the angel o$ the /8:2 said to 6li@ah the Tishbite% .+rise% go #* to meet the messengers o$ the 'ing
o$ ,amaria% and say to them% A(Is it) bea#se (there is) no God in Israel (that) yo# are going to inE#ire o$ BaalD
Geb#b% the god o$ 6'ronCA
2Ki 1:0 .Now there$ore% th#s says the /8:2: ABo# shall not ome down $rom the bed to whih yo# ha!e gone
#*% b#t yo# shall s#rely die"A . ,o 6li@ah de*arted"
2Ki 1:1 +nd when the messengers ret#rned to him% he said to them% .>hy ha!e yo# ome ba'C.
2Ki 1:3 ,o they said to him% .+ man ame #* to meet #s% and said to #s% AGo% ret#rn to the 'ing who sent yo#%
and say to him% .Th#s says the /8:2: A(Is it) bea#se (there is) no God in Israel (that) yo# are sending to inE#ire
o$ BaalDGeb#b% the god o$ 6'ronC There$ore yo# shall not ome down $rom the bed to whih yo# ha!e gone #*%
b#t yo# shall s#rely die"A . A .
2Ki 1:4 Then he said to them% .>hat 'ind o$ man (was it) who ame #* to meet yo# and told yo# these wordsC.
2Ki 1:8 ,o they answered him% .+ hairy man wearing a leather belt aro#nd his waist". +nd he said% .It (is) 6li@ah
the Tishbite".
2Ki 1:9 Then the 'ing sent to him a a*tain o$ $i$ty with his $i$ty men" ,o he went #* to him& and there he was%
sitting on the to* o$ a hill" +nd he s*o'e to him: .?an o$ God% the 'ing has said% A=ome downFA .
2Ki 1:15 ,o 6li@ah answered and said to the a*tain o$ $i$ty% .I$ I (am) a man o$ God% then let $ire ome down $rom
hea!en and ons#me yo# and yo#r $i$ty men". +nd $ire ame down $rom hea!en and ons#med him and his $i$ty"
2Ki 1:11 Then he sent to him another a*tain o$ $i$ty with his $i$ty men" +nd he answered and said to him: .?an
o$ God% th#s has the 'ing said% A=ome down E#i'lyFA .
2Ki 1:12 ,o 6li@ah answered and said to them% .I$ I (am) a man o$ God% let $ire ome down $rom hea!en and
ons#me yo# and yo#r $i$ty men". +nd the $ire o$ God ame down $rom hea!en and ons#med him and his $i$ty"
2Ki 1:1- +gain% he sent a third a*tain o$ $i$ty with his $i$ty men" +nd the third a*tain o$ $i$ty went #*% and ame
and $ell on his 'nees be$ore 6li@ah% and *leaded with him% and said to him: .?an o$ God% *lease let my li$e and
the li$e o$ these $i$ty ser!ants o$ yo#rs be *reio#s in yo#r sight"
2Ki 1:10 ./oo'% $ire has ome down $rom hea!en and b#rned #* the $irst two a*tains o$ $i$ties with their $i$ties"
B#t let my li$e now be *reio#s in yo#r sight".
2Ki 1:11 +nd the angel o$ the /8:2 said to 6li@ah% .Go down with him& do not be a$raid o$ him". ,o he arose and
went down with him to the 'ing"
2Ki 1:13 Then he said to him% .Th#s says the /8:2: ABea#se yo# ha!e sent messengers to inE#ire o$ BaalD
Geb#b% the god o$ 6'ron% (is it) bea#se (there is) no God in Israel to inE#ire o$ His wordC There$ore yo# shall not
ome down $rom the bed to whih yo# ha!e gone #*% b#t yo# shall s#rely die"A .
2Ki 1:14 ,o (+haHiah) died aording to the word o$ the /8:2 whih 6li@ah had s*o'en" Bea#se he had no
son% Jehoram beame 'ing in his *lae% in the seond year o$ Jehoram the son o$ Jehosha*hat% 'ing o$ J#dah"
2Ki 1:18 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ +haHiah whih he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$
the 'ings o$ IsraelC
2Ki 2:1 +nd it ame to *ass% when the /8:2 was abo#t to ta'e #* 6li@ah into hea!en by a whirlwind% that 6li@ah
went with 6lisha $rom Gilgal"
2Ki 2:2 Then 6li@ah said to 6lisha% .,tay here% *lease% $or the /8:2 has sent me on to Bethel". B#t 6lisha said%
.(+s) the /8:2 li!es% and (as) yo#r so#l li!es% I will not lea!e yo#F. ,o they went down to Bethel"
2Ki 2:- Now the sons o$ the *ro*hets who (were) at Bethel ame o#t to 6lisha% and said to him% .2o yo# 'now
that the /8:2 will ta'e away yo#r master $rom o!er yo# todayC. +nd he said% .Bes% I 'now& 'ee* silentF.
2Ki 2:0 Then 6li@ah said to him% .6lisha% stay here% *lease% $or the /8:2 has sent me on to Jeriho". B#t he
said% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% and (as) yo#r so#l li!es% I will not lea!e yo#F. ,o they ame to Jeriho"
2Ki 2:1 Now the sons o$ the *ro*hets who (were) at Jeriho ame to 6lisha and said to him% .2o yo# 'now that
the /8:2 will ta'e away yo#r master $rom o!er yo# todayC. ,o he answered% .Bes% I 'now& 'ee* silentF.
2Ki 2:3 Then 6li@ah said to him% .,tay here% *lease% $or the /8:2 has sent me on to the Jordan". B#t he said%
.(+s) the /8:2 li!es% and (as) yo#r so#l li!es% I will not lea!e yo#F. ,o the two o$ them went on"
2Ki 2:4 +nd $i$ty men o$ the sons o$ the *ro*hets went and stood $aing (them) at a distane% while the two o$
them stood by the Jordan"
2Ki 2:8 Now 6li@ah too' his mantle% rolled (it) #*% and str#' the water& and it was di!ided this way and that% so
that the two o$ them rossed o!er on dry gro#nd"
2Ki 2:9 +nd so it was% when they had rossed o!er% that 6li@ah said to 6lisha% .+s'F >hat may I do $or yo#%
be$ore I am ta'en away $rom yo#C. 6lisha said% .<lease let a do#ble *ortion o$ yo#r s*irit be #*on me".
2Ki 2:15 ,o he said% .Bo# ha!e as'ed a hard thing" (Ne!ertheless%) i$ yo# see me (when I am) ta'en $rom yo#% it
shall be so $or yo#& b#t i$ not% it shall not be (so".)
2Ki 2:11 Then it ha**ened% as they ontin#ed on and tal'ed% that s#ddenly a hariot o$ $ire (a**eared) with
horses o$ $ire% and se*arated the two o$ them& and 6li@ah went #* by a whirlwind into hea!en"
2Ki 2:12 +nd 6lisha saw (it%) and he ried o#t% .?y $ather% my $ather% the hariot o$ Israel and its horsemenF. ,o
he saw him no more" +nd he too' hold o$ his own lothes and tore them into two *iees"
2Ki 2:1- He also too' #* the mantle o$ 6li@ah that had $allen $rom him% and went ba' and stood by the ban' o$
the Jordan"
2Ki 2:10 Then he too' the mantle o$ 6li@ah that had $allen $rom him% and str#' the water% and said% .>here (is)
the /8:2 God o$ 6li@ahC. +nd when he also had str#' the water% it was di!ided this way and that& and 6lisha
rossed o!er"
2Ki 2:11 Now when the sons o$ the *ro*hets who (were) $rom Jeriho saw him% they said% .The s*irit o$ 6li@ah
rests on 6lisha". +nd they ame to meet him% and bowed to the gro#nd be$ore him"
2Ki 2:13 Then they said to him% ./oo' now% there are $i$ty strong men with yo#r ser!ants" <lease let them go and
searh $or yo#r master% lest *erha*s the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 has ta'en him #* and ast him #*on some mo#ntain
or into some !alley". +nd he said% .Bo# shall not send anyone".
2Ki 2:14 B#t when they #rged him till he was ashamed% he said% .,end (themF.) There$ore they sent $i$ty men%
and they searhed $or three days b#t did not $ind him"
2Ki 2:18 +nd when they ame ba' to him% $or he had stayed in Jeriho% he said to them% .2id I not say to yo#%
A2o not goAC.
2Ki 2:19 Then the men o$ the ity said to 6lisha% .<lease notie% the sit#ation o$ this ity (is) *leasant% as my lord
sees& b#t the water (is) bad% and the gro#nd barren".
2Ki 2:25 +nd he said% .Bring me a new bowl% and *#t salt in it". ,o they bro#ght (it) to him"
2Ki 2:21 Then he went o#t to the so#re o$ the water% and ast in the salt there% and said% .Th#s says the /8:2:
AI ha!e healed this water& $rom it there shall be no more death or barrenness"A .
2Ki 2:22 ,o the water remains healed to this day% aording to the word o$ 6lisha whih he s*o'e"
2Ki 2:2- Then he went #* $rom there to Bethel& and as he was going #* the road% some yo#ths ame $rom the
ity and mo'ed him% and said to him% .Go #*% yo# baldheadF Go #*% yo# baldheadF.
2Ki 2:20 ,o he t#rned aro#nd and loo'ed at them% and *rono#ned a #rse on them in the name o$ the /8:2"
+nd two $emale bears ame o#t o$ the woods and ma#led $ortyDtwo o$ the yo#ths"
2Ki 2:21 Then he went $rom there to ?o#nt =armel% and $rom there he ret#rned to ,amaria"
2Ki -:1 Now Jehoram the son o$ +hab beame 'ing o!er Israel at ,amaria in the eighteenth year o$
Jehosha*hat 'ing o$ J#dah% and reigned twel!e years"
2Ki -:2 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% b#t not li'e his $ather and mother& $or he *#t away the (sared)
*illar o$ Baal that his $ather had made"
2Ki -:- Ne!ertheless he *ersisted in the sins o$ Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% who had made Israel sin& he did not
de*art $rom them"
2Ki -:0 Now ?esha 'ing o$ ?oab was a shee*breeder% and he reg#larly *aid the 'ing o$ Israel one h#ndred
tho#sand lambs and the wool o$ one h#ndred tho#sand rams"
2Ki -:1 B#t it ha**ened% when +hab died% that the 'ing o$ ?oab rebelled against the 'ing o$ Israel"
2Ki -:3 ,o King Jehoram went o#t o$ ,amaria at that time and m#stered all Israel"
2Ki -:4 Then he went and sent to Jehosha*hat 'ing o$ J#dah% saying% .The 'ing o$ ?oab has rebelled against
me" >ill yo# go with me to $ight against ?oabC. +nd he said% .I will go #*& I (am) as yo# (are%) my *eo*le as yo#r
*eo*le% my horses as yo#r horses".
2Ki -:8 Then he said% .>hih way shall we go #*C. +nd he answered% .By way o$ the >ilderness o$ 6dom".
2Ki -:9 ,o the 'ing o$ Israel went with the 'ing o$ J#dah and the 'ing o$ 6dom% and they marhed on that
ro#ndabo#t ro#te se!en days& and there was no water $or the army% nor $or the animals that $ollowed them"
2Ki -:15 +nd the 'ing o$ Israel said% .+lasF ;or the /8:2 has alled these three 'ings together to deli!er them
into the hand o$ ?oab".
2Ki -:11 B#t Jehosha*hat said% .(Is there) no *ro*het o$ the /8:2 here% that we may inE#ire o$ the /8:2 by
himC. ,o one o$ the ser!ants o$ the 'ing o$ Israel answered and said% .6lisha the son o$ ,ha*hat (is) here% who
*o#red water on the hands o$ 6li@ah".
2Ki -:12 +nd Jehosha*hat said% .The word o$ the /8:2 is with him". ,o the 'ing o$ Israel and Jehosha*hat and
the 'ing o$ 6dom went down to him"
2Ki -:1- Then 6lisha said to the 'ing o$ Israel% .>hat ha!e I to do with yo#C Go to the *ro*hets o$ yo#r $ather
and the *ro*hets o$ yo#r mother". B#t the 'ing o$ Israel said to him% .No% $or the /8:2 has alled these three
'ings (together) to deli!er them into the hand o$ ?oab".
2Ki -:10 +nd 6lisha said% .(+s) the /8:2 o$ hosts li!es% be$ore whom I stand% s#rely were it not that I regard the
*resene o$ Jehosha*hat 'ing o$ J#dah% I wo#ld not loo' at yo#% nor see yo#"
2Ki -:11 .B#t now bring me a m#siian". Then it ha**ened% when the m#siian *layed% that the hand o$ the
/8:2 ame #*on him"
2Ki -:13 +nd he said% .Th#s says the /8:2: A?a'e this !alley $#ll o$ dithes"A
2Ki -:14 .;or th#s says the /8:2: ABo# shall not see wind% nor shall yo# see rain& yet that !alley shall be $illed
with water% so that yo#% yo#r attle% and yo#r animals may drin'"A
2Ki -:18 .+nd this is a sim*le matter in the sight o$ the /8:2& He will also deli!er the ?oabites into yo#r hand"
2Ki -:19 .+lso yo# shall atta' e!ery $orti$ied ity and e!ery hoie ity% and shall #t down e!ery good tree% and
sto* #* e!ery s*ring o$ water% and r#in e!ery good *iee o$ land with stones".
2Ki -:25 Now it ha**ened in the morning% when the grain o$$ering was o$$ered% that s#ddenly water ame by way
o$ 6dom% and the land was $illed with water"
2Ki -:21 +nd when all the ?oabites heard that the 'ings had ome #* to $ight against them% all who were able to
bear arms and older were gathered& and they stood at the border"
2Ki -:22 Then they rose #* early in the morning% and the s#n was shining on the water& and the ?oabites saw
the water on the other side (as) red as blood"
2Ki -:2- +nd they said% .This is blood& the 'ings ha!e s#rely str#' swords and ha!e 'illed one another& now
there$ore% ?oab% to the s*oilF.
2Ki -:20 ,o when they ame to the am* o$ Israel% Israel rose #* and atta'ed the ?oabites% so that they $led
be$ore them& and they entered (their) land% 'illing the ?oabites"
2Ki -:21 Then they destroyed the ities% and eah man threw a stone on e!ery good *iee o$ land and $illed it&
and they sto**ed #* all the s*rings o$ water and #t down all the good trees" B#t they le$t the stones o$ Kir
Haraseth (intat") Howe!er the slingers s#rro#nded and atta'ed it"
2Ki -:23 +nd when the 'ing o$ ?oab saw that the battle was too $iere $or him% he too' with him se!en h#ndred
men who drew swords% to brea' thro#gh to the 'ing o$ 6dom% b#t they o#ld not"
2Ki -:24 Then he too' his eldest son who wo#ld ha!e reigned in his *lae% and o$$ered him (as) a b#rnt o$$ering
#*on the wall& and there was great indignation against Israel" ,o they de*arted $rom him and ret#rned to (their
own) land"
2Ki 0:1 + ertain woman o$ the wi!es o$ the sons o$ the *ro*hets ried o#t to 6lisha% saying% .Bo#r ser!ant my
h#sband is dead% and yo# 'now that yo#r ser!ant $eared the /8:2" +nd the reditor is oming to ta'e my two
sons to be his sla!es".
2Ki 0:2 ,o 6lisha said to her% .>hat shall I do $or yo#C Tell me% what do yo# ha!e in the ho#seC. +nd she said%
.Bo#r maidser!ant has nothing in the ho#se b#t a @ar o$ oil".
2Ki 0:- Then he said% .Go% borrow !essels $rom e!erywhere% $rom all yo#r neighbors DD em*ty !essels& do not
gather @#st a $ew"
2Ki 0:0 .+nd when yo# ha!e ome in% yo# shall sh#t the door behind yo# and yo#r sons& then *o#r it into all
those !essels% and set aside the $#ll ones".
2Ki 0:1 ,o she went $rom him and sh#t the door behind her and her sons% who bro#ght (the !essels) to her& and
she *o#red (it) o#t"
2Ki 0:3 Now it ame to *ass% when the !essels were $#ll% that she said to her son% .Bring me another !essel".
+nd he said to her% .(There is) not another !essel". ,o the oil eased"
2Ki 0:4 Then she ame and told the man o$ God" +nd he said% .Go% sell the oil and *ay yo#r debt& and yo# (and)
yo#r sons li!e on the rest".
2Ki 0:8 Now it ha**ened one day that 6lisha went to ,h#nem% where there (was) a notable woman% and she
*ers#aded him to eat some $ood" ,o it was% as o$ten as he *assed by% he wo#ld t#rn in there to eat some $ood"
2Ki 0:9 +nd she said to her h#sband% ./oo' now% I 'now that this (is) a holy man o$ God% who *asses by #s
2Ki 0:15 .<lease% let #s ma'e a small #**er room on the wall& and let #s *#t a bed $or him there% and a table
and a hair and a lam*stand& so it will be% whene!er he omes to #s% he an t#rn in there".
2Ki 0:11 +nd it ha**ened one day that he ame there% and he t#rned in to the #**er room and lay down there"
2Ki 0:12 Then he said to GehaHi his ser!ant% .=all this ,h#nammite woman". >hen he had alled her% she
stood be$ore him"
2Ki 0:1- +nd he said to him% .,ay now to her% A/oo'% yo# ha!e been onerned $or #s with all this are" >hat
(an I) do $or yo#C 2o yo# want me to s*ea' on yo#r behal$ to the 'ing or to the ommander o$ the armyCA . ,he
answered% .I dwell among my own *eo*le".
2Ki 0:10 ,o he said% .>hat then (is) to be done $or herC. +nd GehaHi answered% .+t#ally% she has no son% and
her h#sband is old".
2Ki 0:11 ,o he said% .=all her". >hen he had alled her% she stood in the doorway"
2Ki 0:13 Then he said% .+bo#t this time ne9t year yo# shall embrae a son". +nd she said% .No% my lord" ?an o$
God% do not lie to yo#r maidser!antF.
2Ki 0:14 B#t the woman onei!ed% and bore a son when the a**ointed time had ome% o$ whih 6lisha had told
2Ki 0:18 +nd the hild grew" Now it ha**ened one day that he went o#t to his $ather% to the rea*ers"
2Ki 0:19 +nd he said to his $ather% .?y head% my headF. ,o he said to a ser!ant% .=arry him to his mother".
2Ki 0:25 >hen he had ta'en him and bro#ght him to his mother% he sat on her 'nees till noon% and (then) died"
2Ki 0:21 +nd she went #* and laid him on the bed o$ the man o$ God% sh#t (the door) #*on him% and went o#t"
2Ki 0:22 Then she alled to her h#sband% and said% .<lease send me one o$ the yo#ng men and one o$ the
don'eys% that I may r#n to the man o$ God and ome ba'".
2Ki 0:2- ,o he said% .>hy are yo# going to him todayC (It is) neither the New ?oon nor the ,abbath". +nd she
said% .(It is) well".
2Ki 0:20 Then she saddled a don'ey% and said to her ser!ant% .2ri!e% and go $orward& do not sla'en the *ae
$or me #nless I tell yo#".
2Ki 0:21 +nd so she de*arted% and went to the man o$ God at ?o#nt =armel" ,o it was% when the man o$ God
saw her a$ar o$$% that he said to his ser!ant GehaHi% ./oo'% the ,h#nammite womanF"
2Ki 0:23 .<lease r#n now to meet her% and say to her% A(Is it) well with yo#C (Is it) well with yo#r h#sbandC (Is it)
well with the hildCA . +nd she answered% .(It is) well".
2Ki 0:24 Now when she ame to the man o$ God at the hill% she a#ght him by the $eet% b#t GehaHi ame near to
*#sh her away" B#t the man o$ God said% ./et her alone& $or her so#l (is) in dee* distress% and the /8:2 has
hidden (it) $rom me% and has not told me".
2Ki 0:28 ,o she said% .2id I as' a son o$ my lordC 2id I not say% A2o not deei!e meAC.
2Ki 0:29 Then he said to GehaHi% .Get yo#rsel$ ready% and ta'e my sta$$ in yo#r hand% and be on yo#r way" I$ yo#
meet anyone% do not greet him& and i$ anyone greets yo#% do not answer him& b#t lay my sta$$ on the $ae o$ the
2Ki 0:-5 +nd the mother o$ the hild said% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% and (as) yo#r so#l li!es% I will not lea!e yo#". ,o
he arose and $ollowed her"
2Ki 0:-1 Now GehaHi went on ahead o$ them% and laid the sta$$ on the $ae o$ the hild& b#t (there was) neither
!oie nor hearing" There$ore he went ba' to meet him% and told him% saying% .The hild has not awa'ened".
2Ki 0:-2 >hen 6lisha ame into the ho#se% there was the hild% lying dead on his bed"
2Ki 0:-- He went in there$ore% sh#t the door behind the two o$ them% and *rayed to the /8:2"
2Ki 0:-0 +nd he went #* and lay on the hild% and *#t his mo#th on his mo#th% his eyes on his eyes% and his
hands on his hands& and he strethed himsel$ o#t on the hild% and the $lesh o$ the hild beame warm"
2Ki 0:-1 He ret#rned and wal'ed ba' and $orth in the ho#se% and again went #* and strethed himsel$ o#t on
him& then the hild sneeHed se!en times% and the hild o*ened his eyes"
2Ki 0:-3 +nd he alled GehaHi and said% .=all this ,h#nammite woman". ,o he alled her" +nd when she ame
in to him% he said% .<i' #* yo#r son".
2Ki 0:-4 ,o she went in% $ell at his $eet% and bowed to the gro#nd& then she *i'ed #* her son and went o#t"
2Ki 0:-8 +nd 6lisha ret#rned to Gilgal% and (there was) a $amine in the land" Now the sons o$ the *ro*hets
(were) sitting be$ore him& and he said to his ser!ant% .<#t on the large *ot% and boil stew $or the sons o$ the
2Ki 0:-9 ,o one went o#t into the $ield to gather herbs% and $o#nd a wild !ine% and gathered $rom it a la*$#l o$
wild go#rds% and ame and slied (them) into the *ot o$ stew% tho#gh they did not 'now (what they were")
2Ki 0:05 Then they ser!ed it to the men to eat" Now it ha**ened% as they were eating the stew% that they ried
o#t and said% .?an o$ God% (there is) death in the *otF. +nd they o#ld not eat (it")
2Ki 0:01 ,o he said% .Then bring some $lo#r". +nd he *#t (it) into the *ot% and said% .,er!e (it) to the *eo*le% that
they may eat". +nd there was nothing harm$#l in the *ot"
2Ki 0:02 Then a man ame $rom Baal ,halisha% and bro#ght the man o$ God bread o$ the $irst$r#its% twenty
loa!es o$ barley bread% and newly ri*ened grain in his 'na*sa'" +nd he said% .Gi!e (it) to the *eo*le% that they
may eat".
2Ki 0:0- B#t his ser!ant said% .>hatC ,hall I set this be$ore one h#ndred menC. He said again% .Gi!e it to the
*eo*le% that they may eat& $or th#s says the /8:2: AThey shall eat and ha!e (some) le$t o!er"A .
2Ki 0:00 ,o he set (it) be$ore them& and they ate and had (some) le$t o!er% aording to the word o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 1:1 Now Naaman% ommander o$ the army o$ the 'ing o$ ,yria% was a great and honorable man in the eyes
o$ his master% bea#se by him the /8:2 had gi!en !itory to ,yria" He was also a mighty man o$ !alor% (b#t) a
2Ki 1:2 +nd the ,yrians had gone o#t on raids% and had bro#ght ba' a*ti!e a yo#ng girl $rom the land o$
Israel" ,he waited on NaamanAs wi$e"
2Ki 1:- Then she said to her mistress% .I$ only my master (were) with the *ro*het who (is) in ,amariaF ;or he
wo#ld heal him o$ his le*rosy".
2Ki 1:0 +nd (Naaman) went in and told his master% saying% .Th#s and th#s said the girl who (is) $rom the land o$
2Ki 1:1 Then the 'ing o$ ,yria said% .Go now% and I will send a letter to the 'ing o$ Israel". ,o he de*arted and
too' with him ten talents o$ sil!er% si9 tho#sand (she'els) o$ gold% and ten hanges o$ lothing"
2Ki 1:3 Then he bro#ght the letter to the 'ing o$ Israel% whih said% Now be ad!ised% when this letter omes to
yo#% that I ha!e sent Naaman my ser!ant to yo#% that yo# may heal him o$ his le*rosy"
2Ki 1:4 +nd it ha**ened% when the 'ing o$ Israel read the letter% that he tore his lothes and said% .(+m) I God% to
'ill and ma'e ali!e% that this man sends a man to me to heal him o$ his le*rosyC There$ore *lease onsider% and
see how he see's a E#arrel with me".
2Ki 1:8 ,o it was% when 6lisha the man o$ God heard that the 'ing o$ Israel had torn his lothes% that he sent to
the 'ing% saying% .>hy ha!e yo# torn yo#r lothesC <lease let him ome to me% and he shall 'now that there is a
*ro*het in Israel".
2Ki 1:9 Then Naaman went with his horses and hariot% and he stood at the door o$ 6lishaAs ho#se"
2Ki 1:15 +nd 6lisha sent a messenger to him% saying% .Go and wash in the Jordan se!en times% and yo#r $lesh
shall be restored to yo#% and (yo# shall) be lean".
2Ki 1:11 B#t Naaman beame $#rio#s% and went away and said% .Indeed% I said to mysel$% AHe will s#rely ome
o#t (to me%) and stand and all on the name o$ the /8:2 his God% and wa!e his hand o!er the *lae% and heal
the le*rosy"A
2Ki 1:12 .(+re) not the +banah and the <har*ar% the ri!ers o$ 2amas#s% better than all the waters o$ IsraelC
=o#ld I not wash in them and be leanC. ,o he t#rned and went away in a rage"
2Ki 1:1- +nd his ser!ants ame near and s*o'e to him% and said% .?y $ather% (i$) the *ro*het had told yo# (to do)
something great% wo#ld yo# not ha!e done (itC) How m#h more then% when he says to yo#% A>ash% and be
2Ki 1:10 ,o he went down and di**ed se!en times in the Jordan% aording to the saying o$ the man o$ God&
and his $lesh was restored li'e the $lesh o$ a little hild% and he was lean"
2Ki 1:11 +nd he ret#rned to the man o$ God% he and all his aides% and ame and stood be$ore him& and he said%
.Indeed% now I 'now that (there is) no God in all the earth% e9e*t in Israel& now there$ore% *lease ta'e a gi$t $rom
yo#r ser!ant".
2Ki 1:13 B#t he said% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% be$ore whom I stand% I will reei!e nothing". +nd he #rged him to
ta'e (it%) b#t he re$#sed"
2Ki 1:14 ,o Naaman said% .Then% i$ not% *lease let yo#r ser!ant be gi!en two m#leDloads o$ earth& $or yo#r
ser!ant will no longer o$$er either b#rnt o$$ering or sari$ie to other gods% b#t to the /8:2"
2Ki 1:18 .Bet in this thing may the /8:2 *ardon yo#r ser!ant: when my master goes into the tem*le o$ :immon
to worshi* there% and he leans on my hand% and I bow down in the tem*le o$ :immon DD when I bow down in the
tem*le o$ :immon% may the /8:2 *lease *ardon yo#r ser!ant in this thing".
2Ki 1:19 Then he said to him% .Go in *eae". ,o he de*arted $rom him a short distane"
2Ki 1:25 B#t GehaHi% the ser!ant o$ 6lisha the man o$ God% said% ./oo'% my master has s*ared Naaman this
,yrian% while not reei!ing $rom his hands what he bro#ght& b#t (as) the /8:2 li!es% I will r#n a$ter him and ta'e
something $rom him".
2Ki 1:21 ,o GehaHi *#rs#ed Naaman" >hen Naaman saw (him) r#nning a$ter him% he got down $rom the hariot
to meet him% and said% .(Is) all wellC.
2Ki 1:22 +nd he said% .+ll (is) well" ?y master has sent me% saying% AIndeed% @#st now two yo#ng men o$ the sons
o$ the *ro*hets ha!e ome to me $rom the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim" <lease gi!e them a talent o$ sil!er and two
hanges o$ garments"A .
2Ki 1:2- ,o Naaman said% .<lease% ta'e two talents". +nd he #rged him% and bo#nd two talents o$ sil!er in two
bags% with two hanges o$ garments% and handed (them) to two o$ his ser!ants& and they arried (them) on ahead
o$ him"
2Ki 1:20 >hen he ame to the itadel% he too' (them) $rom their hand% and stored (them) away in the ho#se&
then he let the men go% and they de*arted"
2Ki 1:21 Now he went in and stood be$ore his master" 6lisha said to him% .>here (did yo# go%) GehaHiC. +nd he
said% .Bo#r ser!ant did not go anywhere".
2Ki 1:23 Then he said to him% .2id not my heart go (with yo#) when the man t#rned ba' $rom his hariot to
meet yo#C (Is it) time to reei!e money and to reei!e lothing% oli!e gro!es and !ineyards% shee* and o9en%
male and $emale ser!antsC
2Ki 1:24 .There$ore the le*rosy o$ Naaman shall ling to yo# and yo#r desendants $ore!er". +nd he went o#t
$rom his *resene le*ro#s% (as white) as snow"
2Ki 3:1 +nd the sons o$ the *ro*hets said to 6lisha% .,ee now% the *lae where we dwell with yo# is too small
$or #s"
2Ki 3:2 .<lease% let #s go to the Jordan% and let e!ery man ta'e a beam $rom there% and let #s ma'e there a
*lae where we may dwell". ,o he answered% .Go".
2Ki 3:- Then one said% .<lease onsent to go with yo#r ser!ants". +nd he answered% .I will go".
2Ki 3:0 ,o he went with them" +nd when they ame to the Jordan% they #t down trees"
2Ki 3:1 B#t as one was #tting down a tree% the iron (a9 head) $ell into the water& and he ried o#t and said%
.+las% masterF ;or it was borrowed".
2Ki 3:3 ,o the man o$ God said% .>here did it $allC. +nd he showed him the *lae" ,o he #t o$$ a sti'% and
threw (it) in there& and he made the iron $loat"
2Ki 3:4 There$ore he said% .<i' (it) #* $or yo#rsel$". ,o he reahed o#t his hand and too' it"
2Ki 3:8 Now the 'ing o$ ,yria was ma'ing war against Israel& and he ons#lted with his ser!ants% saying% .?y
am* (will be) in s#h and s#h a *lae".
2Ki 3:9 +nd the man o$ God sent to the 'ing o$ Israel% saying% .Beware that yo# do not *ass this *lae% $or the
,yrians are oming down there".
2Ki 3:15 Then the 'ing o$ Israel sent (someone) to the *lae o$ whih the man o$ God had told him" Th#s he
warned him% and he was wath$#l there% not @#st one or twie"
2Ki 3:11 There$ore the heart o$ the 'ing o$ ,yria was greatly tro#bled by this thing& and he alled his ser!ants
and said to them% .>ill yo# not show me whih o$ #s (is) $or the 'ing o$ IsraelC.
2Ki 3:12 +nd one o$ his ser!ants said% .None% my lord% 8 'ing& b#t 6lisha% the *ro*het who (is) in Israel% tells the
'ing o$ Israel the words that yo# s*ea' in yo#r bedroom".
2Ki 3:1- ,o he said% .Go and see where he (is%) that I may send and get him". +nd it was told him% saying%
.,#rely (he is) in 2othan".
2Ki 3:10 There$ore he sent horses and hariots and a great army there% and they ame by night and s#rro#nded
the ity"
2Ki 3:11 +nd when the ser!ant o$ the man o$ God arose early and went o#t% there was an army% s#rro#nding the
ity with horses and hariots" +nd his ser!ant said to him% .+las% my masterF >hat shall we doC.
2Ki 3:13 ,o he answered% .2o not $ear% $or those who (are) with #s (are) more than those who (are) with them".
2Ki 3:14 +nd 6lisha *rayed% and said% ./8:2% I *ray% o*en his eyes that he may see". Then the /8:2 o*ened
the eyes o$ the yo#ng man% and he saw" +nd behold% the mo#ntain (was) $#ll o$ horses and hariots o$ $ire all
aro#nd 6lisha"
2Ki 3:18 ,o when (the ,yrians) ame down to him% 6lisha *rayed to the /8:2% and said% .,tri'e this *eo*le% I
*ray% with blindness". +nd He str#' them with blindness aording to the word o$ 6lisha"
2Ki 3:19 Now 6lisha said to them% .This (is) not the way% nor (is) this the ity" ;ollow me% and I will bring yo# to
the man whom yo# see'". B#t he led them to ,amaria"
2Ki 3:25 ,o it was% when they had ome to ,amaria% that 6lisha said% ./8:2% o*en the eyes o$ these (men%) that
they may see". +nd the /8:2 o*ened their eyes% and they saw& and there (they were%) inside ,amariaF
2Ki 3:21 Now when the 'ing o$ Israel saw them% he said to 6lisha% .?y $ather% shall I 'ill (themC) ,hall I 'ill
2Ki 3:22 B#t he answered% .Bo# shall not 'ill (them") >o#ld yo# 'ill those whom yo# ha!e ta'en a*ti!e with
yo#r sword and yo#r bowC ,et $ood and water be$ore them% that they may eat and drin' and go to their master".
2Ki 3:2- Then he *re*ared a great $east $or them& and a$ter they ate and dran'% he sent them away and they
went to their master" ,o the bands o$ ,yrian (raiders) ame no more into the land o$ Israel"
2Ki 3:20 +nd it ha**ened a$ter this that BenDHadad 'ing o$ ,yria gathered all his army% and went #* and
besieged ,amaria"
2Ki 3:21 +nd there was a great $amine in ,amaria& and indeed they besieged it #ntil a don'eyAs head was (sold)
$or eighty (she'els) o$ sil!er% and oneD$o#rth o$ a 'ab o$ do!e dro**ings $or $i!e (she'els) o$ sil!er"
2Ki 3:23 Then% as the 'ing o$ Israel was *assing by on the wall% a woman ried o#t to him% saying% .Hel*% my
lord% 8 'ingF.
2Ki 3:24 +nd he said% .I$ the /8:2 does not hel* yo#% where an I $ind hel* $or yo#C ;rom the threshing $loor or
$rom the wine*ressC.
2Ki 3:28 Then the 'ing said to her% .>hat is tro#bling yo#C. +nd she answered% .This woman said to me% AGi!e
yo#r son% that we may eat him today% and we will eat my son tomorrow"A
2Ki 3:29 .,o we boiled my son% and ate him" +nd I said to her on the ne9t day% AGi!e yo#r son% that we may eat
himA& b#t she has hidden her son".
2Ki 3:-5 Now it ha**ened% when the 'ing heard the words o$ the woman% that he tore his lothes& and as he
*assed by on the wall% the *eo*le loo'ed% and there #nderneath (he had) sa'loth on his body"
2Ki 3:-1 Then he said% .God do so to me and more also% i$ the head o$ 6lisha the son o$ ,ha*hat remains on
him today".
2Ki 3:-2 B#t 6lisha was sitting in his ho#se% and the elders were sitting with him" +nd (the 'ing) sent a man
ahead o$ him% b#t be$ore the messenger ame to him% he said to the elders% .2o yo# see how this son o$ a
m#rderer has sent someone to ta'e away my headC /oo'% when the messenger omes% sh#t the door% and hold
him $ast at the door" (Is) not the so#nd o$ his masterAs $eet behind himC.
2Ki 3:-- +nd while he was still tal'ing with them% there was the messenger% oming down to him& and then (the
'ing) said% .,#rely this alamity (is) $rom the /8:2& why sho#ld I wait $or the /8:2 any longerC.
2Ki 4:1 Then 6lisha said% .Hear the word o$ the /8:2" Th#s says the /8:2: ATomorrow abo#t this time a seah
o$ $ine $lo#r (shall be sold) $or a she'el% and two seahs o$ barley $or a she'el% at the gate o$ ,amaria"A .
2Ki 4:2 ,o an o$$ier on whose hand the 'ing leaned answered the man o$ God and said% ./oo'% (i$) the /8:2
wo#ld ma'e windows in hea!en% o#ld this thing beC. +nd he said% .In $at% yo# shall see (it) with yo#r eyes% b#t
yo# shall not eat o$ it".
2Ki 4:- Now there were $o#r le*ro#s men at the entrane o$ the gate& and they said to one another% .>hy are we
sitting here #ntil we dieC
2Ki 4:0 .I$ we say% A>e will enter the ity%A the $amine (is) in the ity% and we shall die there" +nd i$ we sit here% we
die also" Now there$ore% ome% let #s s#rrender to the army o$ the ,yrians" I$ they 'ee* #s ali!e% we shall li!e&
and i$ they 'ill #s% we shall only die".
2Ki 4:1 +nd they rose at twilight to go to the am* o$ the ,yrians& and when they had ome to the o#ts'irts o$
the ,yrian am*% to their s#r*rise no one (was) there"
2Ki 4:3 ;or the /8:2 had a#sed the army o$ the ,yrians to hear the noise o$ hariots and the noise o$ horses
DD the noise o$ a great army& so they said to one another% ./oo'% the 'ing o$ Israel has hired against #s the 'ings
o$ the Hittites and the 'ings o$ the 6gy*tians to atta' #sF.
2Ki 4:4 There$ore they arose and $led at twilight% and le$t the am* intat DD their tents% their horses% and their
don'eys DD and they $led $or their li!es"
2Ki 4:8 +nd when these le*ers ame to the o#ts'irts o$ the am*% they went into one tent and ate and dran'%
and arried $rom it sil!er and gold and lothing% and went and hid (them&) then they ame ba' and entered
another tent% and arried (some) $rom there (also%) and went and hid (it")
2Ki 4:9 Then they said to one another% .>e are not doing right" This day (is) a day o$ good news% and we remain
silent" I$ we wait #ntil morning light% some *#nishment will ome #*on #s" Now there$ore% ome% let #s go and tell
the 'ingAs ho#sehold".
2Ki 4:15 ,o they went and alled to the gate'ee*ers o$ the ity% and told them% saying% .>e went to the ,yrian
am*% and s#r*risingly no one (was) there% not a h#man so#nd DD only horses and don'eys tied% and the tents
2Ki 4:11 +nd the gate'ee*ers alled o#t% and they told (it) to the 'ingAs ho#sehold inside"
2Ki 4:12 ,o the 'ing arose in the night and said to his ser!ants% ./et me now tell yo# what the ,yrians ha!e
done to #s" They 'now that we (are) h#ngry& there$ore they ha!e gone o#t o$ the am* to hide themsel!es in the
$ield% saying% A>hen they ome o#t o$ the ity% we shall ath them ali!e% and get into the ity"A .
2Ki 4:1- +nd one o$ his ser!ants answered and said% .<lease% let se!eral (men) ta'e $i!e o$ the remaining
horses whih are le$t in the ity" /oo'% they (may either beome) li'e all the m#ltit#de o$ Israel that are le$t in it& or
indeed% (I say%) they (may beome) li'e all the m#ltit#de o$ Israel le$t $rom those who are ons#med& so let #s
send them and see".
2Ki 4:10 There$ore they too' two hariots with horses& and the 'ing sent them in the diretion o$ the ,yrian
army% saying% .Go and see".
2Ki 4:11 +nd they went a$ter them to the Jordan& and indeed all the road (was) $#ll o$ garments and wea*ons
whih the ,yrians had thrown away in their haste" ,o the messengers ret#rned and told the 'ing"
2Ki 4:13 Then the *eo*le went o#t and *l#ndered the tents o$ the ,yrians" ,o a seah o$ $ine $lo#r was (sold) $or
a she'el% and two seahs o$ barley $or a she'el% aording to the word o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 4:14 Now the 'ing had a**ointed the o$$ier on whose hand he leaned to ha!e harge o$ the gate" B#t the
*eo*le tram*led him in the gate% and he died% @#st as the man o$ God had said% who s*o'e when the 'ing ame
down to him"
2Ki 4:18 ,o it ha**ened @#st as the man o$ God had s*o'en to the 'ing% saying% .Two seahs o$ barley $or a
she'el% and a seah o$ $ine $lo#r $or a she'el% shall be (sold) tomorrow abo#t this time in the gate o$ ,amaria".
2Ki 4:19 Then that o$$ier had answered the man o$ God% and said% .Now loo'% (i$) the /8:2 wo#ld ma'e
windows in hea!en% o#ld s#h a thing beC. +nd he had said% .In $at% yo# shall see (it) with yo#r eyes% b#t yo#
shall not eat o$ it".
2Ki 4:25 +nd so it ha**ened to him% $or the *eo*le tram*led him in the gate% and he died"
2Ki 8:1 Then 6lisha s*o'e to the woman whose son he had restored to li$e% saying% .+rise and go% yo# and yo#r
ho#sehold% and stay where!er yo# an& $or the /8:2 has alled $or a $amine% and $#rthermore% it will ome #*on
the land $or se!en years".
2Ki 8:2 ,o the woman arose and did aording to the saying o$ the man o$ God% and she went with her
ho#sehold and dwelt in the land o$ the <hilistines se!en years"
2Ki 8:- It ame to *ass% at the end o$ se!en years% that the woman ret#rned $rom the land o$ the <hilistines& and
she went to ma'e an a**eal to the 'ing $or her ho#se and $or her land"
2Ki 8:0 Then the 'ing tal'ed with GehaHi% the ser!ant o$ the man o$ God% saying% .Tell me% *lease% all the great
things 6lisha has done".
2Ki 8:1 Now it ha**ened% as he was telling the 'ing how he had restored the dead to li$e% that there was the
woman whose son he had restored to li$e% a**ealing to the 'ing $or her ho#se and $or her land" +nd GehaHi said%
.?y lord% 8 'ing% this (is) the woman% and this (is) her son whom 6lisha restored to li$e".
2Ki 8:3 +nd when the 'ing as'ed the woman% she told him" ,o the 'ing a**ointed a ertain o$$ier $or her%
saying% .:estore all that (was) hers% and all the *roeeds o$ the $ield $rom the day that she le$t the land #ntil now".
2Ki 8:4 Then 6lisha went to 2amas#s% and BenDHadad 'ing o$ ,yria was si'& and it was told him% saying% .The
man o$ God has ome here".
2Ki 8:8 +nd the 'ing said to HaHael% .Ta'e a *resent in yo#r hand% and go to meet the man o$ God% and inE#ire
o$ the /8:2 by him% saying% A,hall I reo!er $rom this diseaseCA .
2Ki 8:9 ,o HaHael went to meet him and too' a *resent with him% o$ e!ery good thing o$ 2amas#s% $orty amelD
loads& and he ame and stood be$ore him% and said% .Bo#r son BenDHadad 'ing o$ ,yria has sent me to yo#%
saying% A,hall I reo!er $rom this diseaseCA .
2Ki 8:15 +nd 6lisha said to him% .Go% say to him% ABo# shall ertainly reo!er"A Howe!er the /8:2 has shown
me that he will really die".
2Ki 8:11 Then he set his o#ntenane in a stare #ntil he was ashamed& and the man o$ God we*t"
2Ki 8:12 +nd HaHael said% .>hy is my lord wee*ingC. He answered% .Bea#se I 'now the e!il that yo# will do to
the hildren o$ Israel: Their strongholds yo# will set on $ire% and their yo#ng men yo# will 'ill with the sword& and
yo# will dash their hildren% and ri* o*en their women with hild".
2Ki 8:1- ,o HaHael said% .B#t what (is) yo#r ser!ant DD a dog% that he sho#ld do this gross thingC. +nd 6lisha
answered% .The /8:2 has shown me that yo# (will beome) 'ing o!er ,yria".
2Ki 8:10 Then he de*arted $rom 6lisha% and ame to his master% who said to him% .>hat did 6lisha say to yo#C.
+nd he answered% .He told me yo# wo#ld s#rely reo!er".
2Ki 8:11 B#t it ha**ened on the ne9t day that he too' a thi' loth and di**ed (it) in water% and s*read (it) o!er
his $ae so that he died& and HaHael reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 8:13 Now in the $i$th year o$ Joram the son o$ +hab% 'ing o$ Israel% Jehosha*hat (ha!ing been) 'ing o$ J#dah%
Jehoram the son o$ Jehosha*hat began to reign as 'ing o$ J#dah"
2Ki 8:14 He was thirtyDtwo years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned eight years in Jer#salem"
2Ki 8:18 +nd he wal'ed in the way o$ the 'ings o$ Israel% @#st as the ho#se o$ +hab had done% $or the da#ghter o$
+hab was his wi$e& and he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 8:19 Bet the /8:2 wo#ld not destroy J#dah% $or the sa'e o$ his ser!ant 2a!id% as He *romised him to gi!e
a lam* to him (and) his sons $ore!er"
2Ki 8:25 In his days 6dom re!olted against J#dahAs a#thority% and made a 'ing o!er themsel!es"
2Ki 8:21 ,o Joram went to Gair% and all his hariots with him" Then he rose by night and atta'ed the 6domites
who had s#rro#nded him and the a*tains o$ the hariots& and the troo*s $led to their tents"
2Ki 8:22 Th#s 6dom has been in re!olt against J#dahAs a#thority to this day" +nd /ibnah re!olted at that time"
2Ki 8:2- Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Joram% and all that he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles
o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC
2Ki 8:20 ,o Joram rested with his $athers% and was b#ried with his $athers in the =ity o$ 2a!id" Then +haHiah his
son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 8:21 In the twel$th year o$ Joram the son o$ +hab% 'ing o$ Israel% +haHiah the son o$ Jehoram% 'ing o$ J#dah%
began to reign"
2Ki 8:23 +haHiah (was) twentyDtwo years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned one year in Jer#salem" His
motherAs name (was) +thaliah the grandda#ghter o$ 8mri% 'ing o$ Israel"
2Ki 8:24 +nd he wal'ed in the way o$ the ho#se o$ +hab% and did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% li'e the ho#se o$
+hab% $or he (was) the sonDinDlaw o$ the ho#se o$ +hab"
2Ki 8:28 Now he went with Joram the son o$ +hab to war against HaHael 'ing o$ ,yria at :amoth Gilead& and
the ,yrians wo#nded Joram"
2Ki 8:29 Then King Joram went ba' to JeHreel to reo!er $rom the wo#nds whih the ,yrians had in$lited on
him at :amah% when he $o#ght against HaHael 'ing o$ ,yria" +nd +haHiah the son o$ Jehoram% 'ing o$ J#dah%
went down to see Joram the son o$ +hab in JeHreel% bea#se he was si'"
2Ki 9:1 +nd 6lisha the *ro*het alled one o$ the sons o$ the *ro*hets% and said to him% .Get yo#rsel$ ready% ta'e
this $las' o$ oil in yo#r hand% and go to :amoth Gilead"
2Ki 9:2 .Now when yo# arri!e at that *lae% loo' there $or Jeh# the son o$ Jehosha*hat% the son o$ Nimshi% and
go in and ma'e him rise #* $rom among his assoiates% and ta'e him to an inner room"
2Ki 9:- .Then ta'e the $las' o$ oil% and *o#r (it) on his head% and say% ATh#s says the /8:2: .I ha!e anointed yo#
'ing o!er Israel". A Then o*en the door and $lee% and do not delay".
2Ki 9:0 ,o the yo#ng man% the ser!ant o$ the *ro*het% went to :amoth Gilead"
2Ki 9:1 +nd when he arri!ed% there (were) the a*tains o$ the army sitting& and he said% .I ha!e a message $or
yo#% =ommander". Jeh# said% .;or whih (one) o$ #sC. +nd he said% .;or yo#% =ommander".
2Ki 9:3 Then he arose and went into the ho#se" +nd he *o#red the oil on his head% and said to him% .Th#s says
the /8:2 God o$ Israel: AI ha!e anointed yo# 'ing o!er the *eo*le o$ the /8:2% o!er Israel"
2Ki 9:4 ABo# shall stri'e down the ho#se o$ +hab yo#r master% that I may a!enge the blood o$ ?y ser!ants the
*ro*hets% and the blood o$ all the ser!ants o$ the /8:2% at the hand o$ JeHebel"
2Ki 9:8 A;or the whole ho#se o$ +hab shall *erish& and I will #t o$$ $rom +hab all the males in Israel% both bond
and $ree"
2Ki 9:9 A,o I will ma'e the ho#se o$ +hab li'e the ho#se o$ Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% and li'e the ho#se o$
Baasha the son o$ +hi@ah"
2Ki 9:15 AThe dogs shall eat JeHebel on the *lot (o$ gro#nd) at JeHreel% and (there shall be) none to b#ry (her"A) .
+nd he o*ened the door and $led"
2Ki 9:11 Then Jeh# ame o#t to the ser!ants o$ his master% and (one) said to him% .(Is) all wellC >hy did this
madman ome to yo#C. +nd he said to them% .Bo# 'now the man and his babble".
2Ki 9:12 +nd they said% .+ lieF Tell #s now". ,o he said% .Th#s and th#s he s*o'e to me% saying% ATh#s says the
/8:2: .I ha!e anointed yo# 'ing o!er Israel". A .
2Ki 9:1- Then eah man hastened to ta'e his garment and *#t (it) #nder him on the to* o$ the ste*s& and they
blew tr#m*ets% saying% .Jeh# is 'ingF.
2Ki 9:10 ,o Jeh# the son o$ Jehosha*hat% the son o$ Nimshi% ons*ired against Joram" INow Joram had been
de$ending :amoth Gilead% he and all Israel% against HaHael 'ing o$ ,yria"
2Ki 9:11 B#t King Joram had ret#rned to JeHreel to reo!er $rom the wo#nds whih the ,yrians had in$lited on
him when he $o#ght with HaHael 'ing o$ ,yria"J +nd Jeh# said% .I$ yo# are so minded% let no one lea!e (or)
esa*e $rom the ity to go and tell (it) in JeHreel".
2Ki 9:13 ,o Jeh# rode in a hariot and went to JeHreel% $or Joram was laid #* there& and +haHiah 'ing o$ J#dah
had ome down to see Joram"
2Ki 9:14 Now a wathman stood on the tower in JeHreel% and he saw the om*any o$ Jeh# as he ame% and
said% .I see a om*any o$ men". +nd Joram said% .Get a horseman and send him to meet them% and let him say%
A(Is it) *eaeCA .
2Ki 9:18 ,o the horseman went to meet him% and said% .Th#s says the 'ing: A(Is it) *eaeCA . +nd Jeh# said%
.>hat ha!e yo# to do with *eaeC T#rn aro#nd and $ollow me". ,o the wathman re*orted% saying% .The
messenger went to them% b#t is not oming ba'".
2Ki 9:19 Then he sent o#t a seond horseman who ame to them% and said% .Th#s says the 'ing: A(Is it) *eaeCA
. +nd Jeh# answered% .>hat ha!e yo# to do with *eaeC T#rn aro#nd and $ollow me".
2Ki 9:25 ,o the wathman re*orted% saying% .He went #* to them and is not oming ba'& and the dri!ing (is)
li'e the dri!ing o$ Jeh# the son o$ Nimshi% $or he dri!es $#rio#slyF.
2Ki 9:21 Then Joram said% .?a'e ready". +nd his hariot was made ready" Then Joram 'ing o$ Israel and
+haHiah 'ing o$ J#dah went o#t% eah in his hariot& and they went o#t to meet Jeh#% and met him on the
*ro*erty o$ Naboth the JeHreelite"
2Ki 9:22 Now it ha**ened% when Joram saw Jeh#% that he said% .(Is it) *eae% Jeh#C. ,o he answered% .>hat
*eae% as long as the harlotries o$ yo#r mother JeHebel and her withra$t (are so) manyC.
2Ki 9:2- Then Joram t#rned aro#nd and $led% and said to +haHiah% .Treahery% +haHiahF.
2Ki 9:20 Now Jeh# drew his bow with $#ll strength and shot Jehoram between his arms& and the arrow ame o#t
at his heart% and he san' down in his hariot"
2Ki 9:21 Then (Jeh#) said to Bid'ar his a*tain% .<i' (him) #*% (and) throw him into the trat o$ the $ield o$
Naboth the JeHreelite& $or remember% when yo# and I were riding together behind +hab his $ather% that the /8:2
laid this b#rden #*on him:
2Ki 9:23 A,#rely I saw yesterday the blood o$ Naboth and the blood o$ his sons%A says the /8:2% Aand I will re*ay
yo# in this *lot%A says the /8:2" Now there$ore% ta'e (and) throw him on the *lot (o$ gro#nd%) aording to the
word o$ the /8:2".
2Ki 9:24 B#t when +haHiah 'ing o$ J#dah saw (this%) he $led by the road to Beth Haggan" ,o Jeh# *#rs#ed him%
and said% .,hoot him also in the hariot". (+nd they shot him) at the +sent o$ G#r% whih is by Ibleam" Then he
$led to ?egiddo% and died there"
2Ki 9:28 +nd his ser!ants arried him in the hariot to Jer#salem% and b#ried him in his tomb with his $athers in
the =ity o$ 2a!id"
2Ki 9:29 In the ele!enth year o$ Joram the son o$ +hab% +haHiah had beome 'ing o!er J#dah"
2Ki 9:-5 Now when Jeh# had ome to JeHreel% JeHebel heard (o$ it&) and she *#t *aint on her eyes and adorned
her head% and loo'ed thro#gh a window"
2Ki 9:-1 Then% as Jeh# entered at the gate% she said% .(Is it) *eae% Gimri% m#rderer o$ yo#r masterC.
2Ki 9:-2 +nd he loo'ed #* at the window% and said% .>ho (is) on my sideC >hoC. ,o two (or) three e#n#hs
loo'ed o#t at him"
2Ki 9:-- Then he said% .Throw her down". ,o they threw her down% and (some) o$ her blood s*attered on the
wall and on the horses& and he tram*led her #nder$oot"
2Ki 9:-0 +nd when he had gone in% he ate and dran'" Then he said% .Go now% see to this a#rsed (woman%)
and b#ry her% $or she was a 'ingAs da#ghter".
2Ki 9:-1 ,o they went to b#ry her% b#t they $o#nd no more o$ her than the s'#ll and the $eet and the *alms o$
(her) hands"
2Ki 9:-3 There$ore they ame ba' and told him" +nd he said% .This (is) the word o$ the /8:2% whih He s*o'e
by His ser!ant 6li@ah the Tishbite% saying% A8n the *lot (o$ gro#nd) at JeHreel dogs shall eat the $lesh o$ JeHebel&
2Ki 9:-4 Aand the or*se o$ JeHebel shall be as re$#se on the s#r$ae o$ the $ield% in the *lot at JeHreel% so that
they shall not say% .Here (lies) JeHebel". A .
2Ki 15:1 Now +hab had se!enty sons in ,amaria" +nd Jeh# wrote and sent letters to ,amaria% to the r#lers o$
JeHreel% to the elders% and to those who reared +habAs (sons%) saying:
2Ki 15:2 Now as soon as this letter omes to yo#% sine yo#r masterAs sons (are) with yo#% and yo# ha!e
hariots and horses% a $orti$ied ity also% and wea*ons%
2Ki 15:- hoose the best E#ali$ied o$ yo#r masterAs sons% set (him) on his $atherAs throne% and $ight $or yo#r
masterAs ho#se"
2Ki 15:0 B#t they were e9eedingly a$raid% and said% ./oo'% two 'ings o#ld not stand #* to him& how then an
we standC.
2Ki 15:1 +nd he who (was) in harge o$ the ho#se% and he who (was) in harge o$ the ity% the elders also% and
those who reared (the sons%) sent to Jeh#% saying% .>e (are) yo#r ser!ants% we will do all yo# tell #s& b#t we will
not ma'e anyone 'ing" 2o (what is) good in yo#r sight".
2Ki 15:3 Then he wrote a seond letter to them% saying: I$ yo# (are) $or me and will obey my !oie% ta'e the
heads o$ the men% yo#r masterAs sons% and ome to me at JeHreel by this time tomorrow" Now the 'ingAs sons%
se!enty *ersons% (were) with the great men o$ the ity% (who) were rearing them"
2Ki 15:4 ,o it was% when the letter ame to them% that they too' the 'ingAs sons and sla#ghtered se!enty
*ersons% *#t their heads in bas'ets and sent (them) to him at JeHreel"
2Ki 15:8 Then a messenger ame and told him% saying% .They ha!e bro#ght the heads o$ the 'ingAs sons". +nd
he said% ./ay them in two hea*s at the entrane o$ the gate #ntil morning".
2Ki 15:9 ,o it was% in the morning% that he went o#t and stood% and said to all the *eo*le% .Bo# (are) righteo#s"
Indeed I ons*ired against my master and 'illed him& b#t who 'illed all theseC
2Ki 15:15 .Know now that nothing shall $all to the earth o$ the word o$ the /8:2 whih the /8:2 s*o'e
onerning the ho#se o$ +hab& $or the /8:2 has done what He s*o'e by His ser!ant 6li@ah".
2Ki 15:11 ,o Jeh# 'illed all who remained o$ the ho#se o$ +hab in JeHreel% and all his great men and his lose
aE#aintanes and his *riests% #ntil he le$t him none remaining"
2Ki 15:12 +nd he arose and de*arted and went to ,amaria" 8n the way% at Beth 6'ed o$ the ,he*herds%
2Ki 15:1- Jeh# met with the brothers o$ +haHiah 'ing o$ J#dah% and said% .>ho (are) yo#C. ,o they answered%
.>e (are) the brothers o$ +haHiah& we ha!e ome down to greet the sons o$ the 'ing and the sons o$ the E#een
2Ki 15:10 +nd he said% .Ta'e them ali!eF. ,o they too' them ali!e% and 'illed them at the well o$ Beth 6'ed%
$ortyDtwo men& and he le$t none o$ them"
2Ki 15:11 Now when he de*arted $rom there% he met Jehonadab the son o$ :ehab% (oming) to meet him& and
he greeted him and said to him% .Is yo#r heart right% as my heart (is) toward yo#r heartC. +nd Jehonadab
answered% .It is". (Jeh# said%) .I$ it is% gi!e (me) yo#r hand". ,o he ga!e (him) his hand% and he too' him #* to him
into the hariot"
2Ki 15:13 Then he said% .=ome with me% and see my Heal $or the /8:2". ,o they had him ride in his hariot"
2Ki 15:14 +nd when he ame to ,amaria% he 'illed all who remained to +hab in ,amaria% till he had destroyed
them% aording to the word o$ the /8:2 whih He s*o'e to 6li@ah"
2Ki 15:18 Then Jeh# gathered all the *eo*le together% and said to them% .+hab ser!ed Baal a little% Jeh# will
ser!e him m#h"
2Ki 15:19 .Now there$ore% all to me all the *ro*hets o$ Baal% all his ser!ants% and all his *riests" /et no one be
missing% $or I ha!e a great sari$ie $or Baal" >hoe!er is missing shall not li!e". B#t Jeh# ated dee*ti!ely% with
the intent o$ destroying the worshi*ers o$ Baal"
2Ki 15:25 +nd Jeh# said% .<rolaim a solemn assembly $or Baal". ,o they *rolaimed (it")
2Ki 15:21 Then Jeh# sent thro#gho#t all Israel& and all the worshi*ers o$ Baal ame% so that there was not a
man le$t who did not ome" ,o they ame into the tem*le o$ Baal% and the tem*le o$ Baal was $#ll $rom one end
to the other"
2Ki 15:22 +nd he said to the one in harge o$ the wardrobe% .Bring o#t !estments $or all the worshi*ers o$ Baal".
,o he bro#ght o#t !estments $or them"
2Ki 15:2- Then Jeh# and Jehonadab the son o$ :ehab went into the tem*le o$ Baal% and said to the
worshi*ers o$ Baal% .,earh and see that no ser!ants o$ the /8:2 are here with yo#% b#t only the worshi*ers o$
2Ki 15:20 ,o they went in to o$$er sari$ies and b#rnt o$$erings" Now Jeh# had a**ointed $or himsel$ eighty men
on the o#tside% and had said% .(I$) any o$ the men whom I ha!e bro#ght into yo#r hands esa*es% (whoe!er lets
him esa*e% it shall be) his li$e $or the li$e o$ the other".
2Ki 15:21 Now it ha**ened% as soon as he had made an end o$ o$$ering the b#rnt o$$ering% that Jeh# said to the
g#ard and to the a*tains% .Go in (and) 'ill them& let no one ome o#tF. +nd they 'illed them with the edge o$ the
sword& then the g#ards and the o$$iers threw (them) o#t% and went into the inner room o$ the tem*le o$ Baal"
2Ki 15:23 +nd they bro#ght the (sared) *illars o#t o$ the tem*le o$ Baal and b#rned them"
2Ki 15:24 Then they bro'e down the (sared) *illar o$ Baal% and tore down the tem*le o$ Baal and made it a
re$#se d#m* to this day"
2Ki 15:28 Th#s Jeh# destroyed Baal $rom Israel"
2Ki 15:29 Howe!er Jeh# did not t#rn away $rom the sins o$ Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% who had made Israel
sin% (that is%) $rom the golden al!es that (were) at Bethel and 2an"
2Ki 15:-5 +nd the /8:2 said to Jeh#% .Bea#se yo# ha!e done well in doing (what is) right in ?y sight% (and)
ha!e done to the ho#se o$ +hab all that (was) in ?y heart% yo#r sons shall sit on the throne o$ Israel to the $o#rth
2Ki 15:-1 B#t Jeh# too' no heed to wal' in the law o$ the /8:2 God o$ Israel with all his heart& $or he did not
de*art $rom the sins o$ Jeroboam% who had made Israel sin"
2Ki 15:-2 In those days the /8:2 began to #t o$$ (*arts) o$ Israel& and HaHael onE#ered them in all the
territory o$ Israel
2Ki 15:-- $rom the Jordan eastward: all the land o$ Gilead DD Gad% :e#ben% and ?anasseh DD $rom +roer% whih
(is) by the :i!er +rnon% inl#ding Gilead and Bashan"
2Ki 15:-0 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Jeh#% all that he did% and all his might% (are) they not written in the boo' o$
the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
2Ki 15:-1 ,o Jeh# rested with his $athers% and they b#ried him in ,amaria" Then JehoahaH his son reigned in
his *lae"
2Ki 15:-3 +nd the *eriod that Jeh# reigned o!er Israel in ,amaria (was) twentyDeight years"
2Ki 11:1 >hen +thaliah the mother o$ +haHiah saw that her son was dead% she arose and destroyed all the
royal heirs"
2Ki 11:2 B#t Jehosheba% the da#ghter o$ King Joram% sister o$ +haHiah% too' Joash the son o$ +haHiah% and
stole him away $rom among the 'ingAs sons (who were) being m#rdered& and they hid him and his n#rse in the
bedroom% $rom +thaliah% so that he was not 'illed"
2Ki 11:- ,o he was hidden with her in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 $or si9 years% while +thaliah reigned o!er the land"
2Ki 11:0 In the se!enth year Jehoiada sent and bro#ght the a*tains o$ h#ndreds DD o$ the bodyg#ards and the
esorts DD and bro#ght them into the ho#se o$ the /8:2 to him" +nd he made a o!enant with them and too' an
oath $rom them in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and showed them the 'ingAs son"
2Ki 11:1 Then he ommanded them% saying% .This (is) what yo# shall do: 8neDthird o$ yo# who ome on d#ty on
the ,abbath shall be 'ee*ing wath o!er the 'ingAs ho#se%
2Ki 11:3 .oneDthird (shall be) at the gate o$ ,#r% and oneDthird at the gate behind the esorts" Bo# shall 'ee* the
wath o$ the ho#se% lest it be bro'en down"
2Ki 11:4 .The two ontingents o$ yo# who go o$$ d#ty on the ,abbath shall 'ee* the wath o$ the ho#se o$ the
/8:2 $or the 'ing"
2Ki 11:8 .B#t yo# shall s#rro#nd the 'ing on all sides% e!ery man with his wea*ons in his hand& and whoe!er
omes within range% let him be *#t to death" Bo# are to be with the 'ing as he goes o#t and as he omes in".
2Ki 11:9 ,o the a*tains o$ the h#ndreds did aording to all that Jehoiada the *riest ommanded" 6ah o$ them
too' his men who were to be on d#ty on the ,abbath% with those who were going o$$ d#ty on the ,abbath% and
ame to Jehoiada the *riest"
2Ki 11:15 +nd the *riest ga!e the a*tains o$ h#ndreds the s*ears and shields whih (had belonged) to King
2a!id% that were in the tem*le o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 11:11 Then the esorts stood% e!ery man with his wea*ons in his hand% all aro#nd the 'ing% $rom the right
side o$ the tem*le to the le$t side o$ the tem*le% by the altar and the ho#se"
2Ki 11:12 +nd he bro#ght o#t the 'ingAs son% *#t the rown on him% and (ga!e him) the Testimony& they made
him 'ing and anointed him% and they la**ed their hands and said% ./ong li!e the 'ingF.
2Ki 11:1- Now when +thaliah heard the noise o$ the esorts (and) the *eo*le% she ame to the *eo*le (in) the
tem*le o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 11:10 >hen she loo'ed% there was the 'ing standing by a *illar aording to #stom& and the leaders and
the tr#m*eters were by the 'ing" +ll the *eo*le o$ the land were re@oiing and blowing tr#m*ets" ,o +thaliah tore
her lothes and ried o#t% .TreasonF TreasonF.
2Ki 11:11 +nd Jehoiada the *riest ommanded the a*tains o$ the h#ndreds% the o$$iers o$ the army% and said
to them% .Ta'e her o#tside #nder g#ard% and slay with the sword whoe!er $ollows her". ;or the *riest had said%
.2o not let her be 'illed in the ho#se o$ the /8:2".
2Ki 11:13 ,o they seiHed her& and she went by way o$ the horsesA entrane (into) the 'ingAs ho#se% and there
she was 'illed"
2Ki 11:14 Then Jehoiada made a o!enant between the /8:2% the 'ing% and the *eo*le% that they sho#ld be
the /8:2As *eo*le% and (also) between the 'ing and the *eo*le"
2Ki 11:18 +nd all the *eo*le o$ the land went to the tem*le o$ Baal% and tore it down" They thoro#ghly bro'e in
*iees its altars and images% and 'illed ?attan the *riest o$ Baal be$ore the altars" +nd the *riest a**ointed
o$$iers o!er the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 11:19 Then he too' the a*tains o$ h#ndreds% the bodyg#ards% the esorts% and all the *eo*le o$ the land&
and they bro#ght the 'ing down $rom the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and went by way o$ the gate o$ the esorts to the
'ingAs ho#se" Then he sat on the throne o$ the 'ings"
2Ki 11:25 ,o all the *eo*le o$ the land re@oied& and the ity was E#iet% $or they had slain +thaliah with the sword
(in) the 'ingAs ho#se"
2Ki 11:21 Jehoash (was) se!en years old when he beame 'ing"
2Ki 12:1 In the se!enth year o$ Jeh#% Jehoash beame 'ing% and he reigned $orty years in Jer#salem" His
motherAs name (was) Gibiah o$ Beersheba"
2Ki 12:2 Jehoash did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2 all the days in whih Jehoiada the *riest
instr#ted him"
2Ki 12:- B#t the high *laes were not ta'en away& the *eo*le still sari$ied and b#rned inense on the high
2Ki 12:0 +nd Jehoash said to the *riests% .+ll the money o$ the dediated gi$ts that are bro#ght into the ho#se o$
the /8:2 DD eah manAs ens#s money% eah manAs assessment money DD (and) all the money that a man
*#r*oses in his heart to bring into the ho#se o$ the /8:2%
2Ki 12:1 .let the *riests ta'e (it) themsel!es% eah $rom his onstit#eny& and let them re*air the damages o$ the
tem*le% where!er any dila*idation is $o#nd".
2Ki 12:3 Now it was so% by the twentyDthird year o$ King Jehoash% (that) the *riests had not re*aired the
damages o$ the tem*le"
2Ki 12:4 ,o King Jehoash alled Jehoiada the *riest and the (other) *riests% and said to them% .>hy ha!e yo#
not re*aired the damages o$ the tem*leC Now there$ore% do not ta'e (more) money $rom yo#r onstit#eny% b#t
deli!er it $or re*airing the damages o$ the tem*le".
2Ki 12:8 +nd the *riests agreed that they wo#ld neither reei!e (more) money $rom the *eo*le% nor re*air the
damages o$ the tem*le"
2Ki 12:9 Then Jehoiada the *riest too' a hest% bored a hole in its lid% and set it beside the altar% on the right
side as one omes into the ho#se o$ the /8:2& and the *riests who 'e*t the door *#t there all the money
bro#ght into the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 12:15 ,o it was% whene!er they saw that (there was) m#h money in the hest% that the 'ingAs sribe and the
high *riest ame #* and *#t it in bags% and o#nted the money that was $o#nd in the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 12:11 Then they ga!e the money% whih had been a**ortioned% into the hands o$ those who did the wor'%
who had the o!ersight o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2& and they *aid it o#t to the ar*enters and b#ilders who wor'ed
on the ho#se o$ the /8:2%
2Ki 12:12 and to masons and stone#tters% and $or b#ying timber and hewn stone% to re*air the damage o$ the
ho#se o$ the /8:2% and $or all that was *aid o#t to re*air the tem*le"
2Ki 12:1- Howe!er there were not made $or the ho#se o$ the /8:2 basins o$ sil!er% trimmers% s*rin'lingDbowls%
tr#m*ets% any artiles o$ gold or artiles o$ sil!er% $rom the money bro#ght into the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 12:10 B#t they ga!e that to the wor'men% and they re*aired the ho#se o$ the /8:2 with it"
2Ki 12:11 ?oreo!er they did not reE#ire an ao#nt $rom the men into whose hand they deli!ered the money to
be *aid to wor'men% $or they dealt $aith$#lly"
2Ki 12:13 The money $rom the tres*ass o$$erings and the money $rom the sin o$$erings was not bro#ght into the
ho#se o$ the /8:2" It belonged to the *riests"
2Ki 12:14 HaHael 'ing o$ ,yria went #* and $o#ght against Gath% and too' it& then HaHael set his $ae to go #* to
2Ki 12:18 +nd Jehoash 'ing o$ J#dah too' all the sared things that his $athers% Jehosha*hat and Jehoram and
+haHiah% 'ings o$ J#dah% had dediated% and his own sared things% and all the gold $o#nd in the treas#ries o$ the
ho#se o$ the /8:2 and in the 'ingAs ho#se% and sent (them) to HaHael 'ing o$ ,yria" Then he went away $rom
2Ki 12:19 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Joash% and all that he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC
2Ki 12:25 +nd his ser!ants arose and $ormed a ons*iray% and 'illed Joash in the ho#se o$ the ?illo% whih
goes down to ,illa"
2Ki 12:21 ;or JoHahar the son o$ ,himeath and JehoHabad the son o$ ,homer% his ser!ants% str#' him" ,o he
died% and they b#ried him with his $athers in the =ity o$ 2a!id" Then +maHiah his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 1-:1 In the twentyDthird year o$ Joash the son o$ +haHiah% 'ing o$ J#dah% JehoahaH the son o$ Jeh# beame
'ing o!er Israel in ,amaria% (and reigned) se!enteen years"
2Ki 1-:2 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% and $ollowed the sins o$ Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% who had
made Israel sin" He did not de*art $rom them"
2Ki 1-:- Then the anger o$ the /8:2 was aro#sed against Israel% and He deli!ered them into the hand o$
HaHael 'ing o$ ,yria% and into the hand o$ BenDHadad the son o$ HaHael% all (their) days"
2Ki 1-:0 ,o JehoahaH *leaded with the /8:2% and the /8:2 listened to him& $or He saw the o**ression o$
Israel% bea#se the 'ing o$ ,yria o**ressed them"
2Ki 1-:1 Then the /8:2 ga!e Israel a deli!erer% so that they esa*ed $rom #nder the hand o$ the ,yrians& and
the hildren o$ Israel dwelt in their tents as be$ore"
2Ki 1-:3 Ne!ertheless they did not de*art $rom the sins o$ the ho#se o$ Jeroboam% who had made Israel sin%
(b#t) wal'ed in them& and the wooden image also remained in ,amaria"
2Ki 1-:4 ;or He le$t o$ the army o$ JehoahaH only $i$ty horsemen% ten hariots% and ten tho#sand $oot soldiers&
$or the 'ing o$ ,yria had destroyed them and made them li'e the d#st at threshing"
2Ki 1-:8 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ JehoahaH% all that he did% and his might% (are) they not written in the boo' o$
the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
2Ki 1-:9 ,o JehoahaH rested with his $athers% and they b#ried him in ,amaria" Then Joash his son reigned in
his *lae"
2Ki 1-:15 In the thirtyDse!enth year o$ Joash 'ing o$ J#dah% Jehoash the son o$ JehoahaH beame 'ing o!er
Israel in ,amaria% (and reigned) si9teen years"
2Ki 1-:11 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2" He did not de*art $rom all the sins o$ Jeroboam the son o$
Nebat% who made Israel sin% (b#t) wal'ed in them"
2Ki 1-:12 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Joash% all that he did% and his might with whih he $o#ght against +maHiah
'ing o$ J#dah% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
2Ki 1-:1- ,o Joash rested with his $athers" Then Jeroboam sat on his throne" +nd Joash was b#ried in ,amaria
with the 'ings o$ Israel"
2Ki 1-:10 6lisha had beome si' with the illness o$ whih he wo#ld die" Then Joash the 'ing o$ Israel ame
down to him% and we*t o!er his $ae% and said% .8 my $ather% my $ather% the hariots o$ Israel and their
2Ki 1-:11 +nd 6lisha said to him% .Ta'e a bow and some arrows". ,o he too' himsel$ a bow and some arrows"
2Ki 1-:13 Then he said to the 'ing o$ Israel% .<#t yo#r hand on the bow". ,o he *#t his hand (on it%) and 6lisha
*#t his hands on the 'ingAs hands"
2Ki 1-:14 +nd he said% .8*en the east window.& and he o*ened (it") Then 6lisha said% .,hoot.& and he shot" +nd
he said% .The arrow o$ the /8:2As deli!erane and the arrow o$ deli!erane $rom ,yria& $or yo# m#st stri'e the
,yrians at +*he' till yo# ha!e destroyed (them".)
2Ki 1-:18 Then he said% .Ta'e the arrows.& so he too' (them") +nd he said to the 'ing o$ Israel% .,tri'e the
gro#nd.& so he str#' three times% and sto**ed"
2Ki 1-:19 +nd the man o$ God was angry with him% and said% .Bo# sho#ld ha!e str#' $i!e or si9 times& then yo#
wo#ld ha!e str#' ,yria till yo# had destroyed (itF) B#t now yo# will stri'e ,yria (only) three times".
2Ki 1-:25 Then 6lisha died% and they b#ried him" +nd the (raiding) bands $rom ?oab in!aded the land in the
s*ring o$ the year"
2Ki 1-:21 ,o it was% as they were b#rying a man% that s#ddenly they s*ied a band (o$ raiders&) and they *#t the
man in the tomb o$ 6lisha& and when the man was let down and to#hed the bones o$ 6lisha% he re!i!ed and
stood on his $eet"
2Ki 1-:22 +nd HaHael 'ing o$ ,yria o**ressed Israel all the days o$ JehoahaH"
2Ki 1-:2- B#t the /8:2 was graio#s to them% had om*assion on them% and regarded them% bea#se o$ His
o!enant with +braham% Isaa% and Jaob% and wo#ld not yet destroy them or ast them $rom His *resene"
2Ki 1-:20 Now HaHael 'ing o$ ,yria died" Then BenDHadad his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 1-:21 +nd Jehoash the son o$ JehoahaH rea*t#red $rom the hand o$ BenDHadad% the son o$ HaHael% the
ities whih he had ta'en o#t o$ the hand o$ JehoahaH his $ather by war" Three times Joash de$eated him and
rea*t#red the ities o$ Israel"
2Ki 10:1 In the seond year o$ Joash the son o$ JehoahaH% 'ing o$ Israel% +maHiah the son o$ Joash% 'ing o$
J#dah% beame 'ing"
2Ki 10:2 He was twentyD$i!e years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned twentyDnine years in Jer#salem"
His motherAs name was Jehoaddan o$ Jer#salem"
2Ki 10:- +nd he did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2% yet not li'e his $ather 2a!id& he did e!erything as
his $ather Joash had done"
2Ki 10:0 Howe!er the high *laes were not ta'en away% and the *eo*le still sari$ied and b#rned inense on
the high *laes"
2Ki 10:1 Now it ha**ened% as soon as the 'ingdom was established in his hand% that he e9e#ted his ser!ants
who had m#rdered his $ather the 'ing"
2Ki 10:3 B#t the hildren o$ the m#rderers he did not e9e#te% aording to what is written in the Boo' o$ the
/aw o$ ?oses% in whih the /8:2 ommanded% saying% .;athers shall not be *#t to death $or their hildren% nor
shall hildren be *#t to death $or their $athers& b#t a *erson shall be *#t to death $or his own sin".
2Ki 10:4 He 'illed ten tho#sand 6domites in the Valley o$ ,alt% and too' ,ela by war% and alled its name
Jo'theel to this day"
2Ki 10:8 Then +maHiah sent messengers to Jehoash the son o$ JehoahaH% the son o$ Jeh#% 'ing o$ Israel%
saying% .=ome% let #s $ae one another (in battle".)
2Ki 10:9 +nd Jehoash 'ing o$ Israel sent to +maHiah 'ing o$ J#dah% saying% .The thistle that (was) in /ebanon
sent to the edar that (was) in /ebanon% saying% AGi!e yo#r da#ghter to my son as wi$eA& and a wild beast that
(was) in /ebanon *assed by and tram*led the thistle"
2Ki 10:15 .Bo# ha!e indeed de$eated 6dom% and yo#r heart has li$ted yo# #*" Glory (in that%) and stay at home&
$or why sho#ld yo# meddle with tro#ble so that yo# $all DD yo# and J#dah with yo#C.
2Ki 10:11 B#t +maHiah wo#ld not heed" There$ore Jehoash 'ing o$ Israel went o#t& so he and +maHiah 'ing o$
J#dah $aed one another at Beth ,hemesh% whih (belongs) to J#dah"
2Ki 10:12 +nd J#dah was de$eated by Israel% and e!ery man $led to his tent"
2Ki 10:1- Then Jehoash 'ing o$ Israel a*t#red +maHiah 'ing o$ J#dah% the son o$ Jehoash% the son o$ +haHiah%
at Beth ,hemesh& and he went to Jer#salem% and bro'e down the wall o$ Jer#salem $rom the Gate o$ 6*hraim to
the =orner Gate DD $o#r h#ndred #bits"
2Ki 10:10 +nd he too' all the gold and sil!er% all the artiles that were $o#nd in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and in the
treas#ries o$ the 'ingAs ho#se% and hostages% and ret#rned to ,amaria"
2Ki 10:11 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Jehoash whih he did DD his might% and how he $o#ght with +maHiah 'ing o$
J#dah DD (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
2Ki 10:13 ,o Jehoash rested with his $athers% and was b#ried in ,amaria with the 'ings o$ Israel" Then
Jeroboam his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 10:14 +maHiah the son o$ Joash% 'ing o$ J#dah% li!ed $i$teen years a$ter the death o$ Jehoash the son o$
JehoahaH% 'ing o$ Israel"
2Ki 10:18 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ +maHiah% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$
2Ki 10:19 +nd they $ormed a ons*iray against him in Jer#salem% and he $led to /ahish& b#t they sent a$ter
him to /ahish and 'illed him there"
2Ki 10:25 Then they bro#ght him on horses% and he was b#ried at Jer#salem with his $athers in the =ity o$
2Ki 10:21 +nd all the *eo*le o$ J#dah too' +Hariah% who (was) si9teen years old% and made him 'ing instead o$
his $ather +maHiah"
2Ki 10:22 He b#ilt 6lath and restored it to J#dah% a$ter the 'ing rested with his $athers"
2Ki 10:2- In the $i$teenth year o$ +maHiah the son o$ Joash% 'ing o$ J#dah% Jeroboam the son o$ Joash% 'ing o$
Israel% beame 'ing in ,amaria% (and reigned) $ortyDone years"
2Ki 10:20 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2& he did not de*art $rom all the sins o$ Jeroboam the son o$
Nebat% who had made Israel sin"
2Ki 10:21 He restored the territory o$ Israel $rom the entrane o$ Hamath to the ,ea o$ the +rabah% aording to
the word o$ the /8:2 God o$ Israel% whih He had s*o'en thro#gh His ser!ant Jonah the son o$ +mittai% the
*ro*het who (was) $rom Gath He*her"
2Ki 10:23 ;or the /8:2 saw (that) the a$$lition o$ Israel (was) !ery bitter& and whether bond or $ree% there was
no hel*er $or Israel"
2Ki 10:24 +nd the /8:2 did not say that He wo#ld blot o#t the name o$ Israel $rom #nder hea!en& b#t He sa!ed
them by the hand o$ Jeroboam the son o$ Joash"
2Ki 10:28 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Jeroboam% and all that he did DD his might% how he made war% and how he
rea*t#red $or Israel% $rom 2amas#s and Hamath% (what had belonged) to J#dah DD (are) they not written in the
boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
2Ki 10:29 ,o Jeroboam rested with his $athers% the 'ings o$ Israel" Then Gehariah his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 11:1 In the twentyDse!enth year o$ Jeroboam 'ing o$ Israel% +Hariah the son o$ +maHiah% 'ing o$ J#dah%
beame 'ing"
2Ki 11:2 He was si9teen years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned $i$tyDtwo years in Jer#salem" His
motherAs name (was) Jeholiah o$ Jer#salem"
2Ki 11:- +nd he did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to all that his $ather +maHiah had done%
2Ki 11:0 e9e*t that the high *laes were not remo!ed& the *eo*le still sari$ied and b#rned inense on the
high *laes"
2Ki 11:1 Then the /8:2 str#' the 'ing% so that he was a le*er #ntil the day o$ his death& so he dwelt in an
isolated ho#se" +nd Jotham the 'ingAs son (was) o!er the (royal) ho#se% @#dging the *eo*le o$ the land"
2Ki 11:3 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ +Hariah% and all that he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC
2Ki 11:4 ,o +Hariah rested with his $athers% and they b#ried him with his $athers in the =ity o$ 2a!id" Then
Jotham his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 11:8 In the thirtyDeighth year o$ +Hariah 'ing o$ J#dah% Gehariah the son o$ Jeroboam reigned o!er Israel in
,amaria si9 months"
2Ki 11:9 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% as his $athers had done& he did not de*art $rom the sins o$
Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% who had made Israel sin"
2Ki 11:15 Then ,hall#m the son o$ Jabesh ons*ired against him% and str#' and 'illed him in $ront o$ the
*eo*le& and he reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 11:11 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Gehariah% indeed they (are) written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the
'ings o$ Israel"
2Ki 11:12 This (was) the word o$ the /8:2 whih He s*o'e to Jeh#% saying% .Bo#r sons shall sit on the throne
o$ Israel to the $o#rth (generation".) +nd so it was"
2Ki 11:1- ,hall#m the son o$ Jabesh beame 'ing in the thirtyDninth year o$ 7HHiah 'ing o$ J#dah& and he
reigned a $#ll month in ,amaria"
2Ki 11:10 ;or ?enahem the son o$ Gadi went #* $rom TirHah% ame to ,amaria% and str#' ,hall#m the son o$
Jabesh in ,amaria and 'illed him& and he reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 11:11 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ ,hall#m% and the ons*iray whih he led% indeed they (are) written in the
boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ Israel"
2Ki 11:13 Then $rom TirHah% ?enahem atta'ed Ti*hsah% all who (were) there% and its territory" Bea#se they
did not s#rrender% there$ore he atta'ed (it") +ll the women there who were with hild he ri**ed o*en"
2Ki 11:14 In the thirtyDninth year o$ +Hariah 'ing o$ J#dah% ?enahem the son o$ Gadi beame 'ing o!er Israel%
(and reigned) ten years in ,amaria"
2Ki 11:18 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2& he did not de*art all his days $rom the sins o$ Jeroboam the
son o$ Nebat% who had made Israel sin"
2Ki 11:19 <#l 'ing o$ +ssyria ame against the land& and ?enahem ga!e <#l a tho#sand talents o$ sil!er% that
his hand might be with him to strengthen the 'ingdom #nder his ontrol"
2Ki 11:25 +nd ?enahem e9ated the money $rom Israel% $rom all the !ery wealthy% $rom eah man $i$ty she'els
o$ sil!er% to gi!e to the 'ing o$ +ssyria" ,o the 'ing o$ +ssyria t#rned ba'% and did not stay there in the land"
2Ki 11:21 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ ?enahem% and all that he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ IsraelC
2Ki 11:22 ,o ?enahem rested with his $athers" Then <e'ahiah his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 11:2- In the $i$tieth year o$ +Hariah 'ing o$ J#dah% <e'ahiah the son o$ ?enahem beame 'ing o!er Israel in
,amaria% (and reigned) two years"
2Ki 11:20 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2& he did not de*art $rom the sins o$ Jeroboam the son o$
Nebat% who had made Israel sin"
2Ki 11:21 Then <e'ah the son o$ :emaliah% an o$$ier o$ his% ons*ired against him and 'illed him in ,amaria% in
the itadel o$ the 'ingAs ho#se% along with +rgob and +rieh& and with him were $i$ty men o$ Gilead" He 'illed him
and reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 11:23 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ <e'ahiah% and all that he did% indeed they (are) written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ Israel"
2Ki 11:24 In the $i$tyDseond year o$ +Hariah 'ing o$ J#dah% <e'ah the son o$ :emaliah beame 'ing o!er Israel
in ,amaria% (and reigned) twenty years"
2Ki 11:28 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2& he did not de*art $rom the sins o$ Jeroboam the son o$
Nebat% who had made Israel sin"
2Ki 11:29 In the days o$ <e'ah 'ing o$ Israel% TiglathD<ileser 'ing o$ +ssyria ame and too' I@on% +bel Beth
?aahah% Janoah% Kedesh% HaHor% Gilead% and Galilee% all the land o$ Na*htali& and he arried them a*ti!e to
2Ki 11:-5 Then Hoshea the son o$ 6lah led a ons*iray against <e'ah the son o$ :emaliah% and str#' and
'illed him& so he reigned in his *lae in the twentieth year o$ Jotham the son o$ 7HHiah"
2Ki 11:-1 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ <e'ah% and all that he did% indeed they (are) written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ Israel"
2Ki 11:-2 In the seond year o$ <e'ah the son o$ :emaliah% 'ing o$ Israel% Jotham the son o$ 7HHiah% 'ing o$
J#dah% began to reign"
2Ki 11:-- He was twentyD$i!e years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned si9teen years in Jer#salem" His
motherAs name (was) Jer#sha the da#ghter o$ Gado'"
2Ki 11:-0 +nd he did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2& he did aording to all that his $ather 7HHiah had
2Ki 11:-1 Howe!er the high *laes were not remo!ed& the *eo*le still sari$ied and b#rned inense on the high
*laes" He b#ilt the 7**er Gate o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 11:-3 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Jotham% and all that he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC
2Ki 11:-4 In those days the /8:2 began to send :eHin 'ing o$ ,yria and <e'ah the son o$ :emaliah against
2Ki 11:-8 ,o Jotham rested with his $athers% and was b#ried with his $athers in the =ity o$ 2a!id his $ather" Then
+haH his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 13:1 In the se!enteenth year o$ <e'ah the son o$ :emaliah% +haH the son o$ Jotham% 'ing o$ J#dah% began
to reign"
2Ki 13:2 +haH (was) twenty years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned si9teen years in Jer#salem& and he
did not do (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2 his God% as his $ather 2a!id (had done")
2Ki 13:- B#t he wal'ed in the way o$ the 'ings o$ Israel& indeed he made his son *ass thro#gh the $ire%
aording to the abominations o$ the nations whom the /8:2 had ast o#t $rom be$ore the hildren o$ Israel"
2Ki 13:0 +nd he sari$ied and b#rned inense on the high *laes% on the hills% and #nder e!ery green tree"
2Ki 13:1 Then :eHin 'ing o$ ,yria and <e'ah the son o$ :emaliah% 'ing o$ Israel% ame #* to Jer#salem to
(ma'e) war& and they besieged +haH b#t o#ld not o!erome (him")
2Ki 13:3 +t that time :eHin 'ing o$ ,yria a*t#red 6lath $or ,yria% and dro!e the men o$ J#dah $rom 6lath" Then
the 6domites went to 6lath% and dwell there to this day"
2Ki 13:4 ,o +haH sent messengers to TiglathD<ileser 'ing o$ +ssyria% saying% .I (am) yo#r ser!ant and yo#r son"
=ome #* and sa!e me $rom the hand o$ the 'ing o$ ,yria and $rom the hand o$ the 'ing o$ Israel% who rise #*
against me".
2Ki 13:8 +nd +haH too' the sil!er and gold that was $o#nd in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and in the treas#ries o$ the
'ingAs ho#se% and sent (it as) a *resent to the 'ing o$ +ssyria"
2Ki 13:9 ,o the 'ing o$ +ssyria heeded him& $or the 'ing o$ +ssyria went #* against 2amas#s and too' it%
arried (its *eo*le) a*ti!e to Kir% and 'illed :eHin"
2Ki 13:15 Now King +haH went to 2amas#s to meet TiglathD<ileser 'ing o$ +ssyria% and saw an altar that (was)
at 2amas#s& and King +haH sent to 7ri@ah the *riest the design o$ the altar and its *attern% aording to all its
2Ki 13:11 Then 7ri@ah the *riest b#ilt an altar aording to all that King +haH had sent $rom 2amas#s" ,o
7ri@ah the *riest made (it) be$ore King +haH ame ba' $rom 2amas#s"
2Ki 13:12 +nd when the 'ing ame ba' $rom 2amas#s% the 'ing saw the altar& and the 'ing a**roahed the
altar and made o$$erings on it"
2Ki 13:1- ,o he b#rned his b#rnt o$$ering and his grain o$$ering& and he *o#red his drin' o$$ering and s*rin'led
the blood o$ his *eae o$$erings on the altar"
2Ki 13:10 He also bro#ght the bronHe altar whih (was) be$ore the /8:2% $rom the $ront o$ the tem*le DD $rom
between the (new) altar and the ho#se o$ the /8:2 DD and *#t it on the north side o$ the (new) altar"
2Ki 13:11 Then King +haH ommanded 7ri@ah the *riest% saying% .8n the great (new) altar b#rn the morning
b#rnt o$$ering% the e!ening grain o$$ering% the 'ingAs b#rnt sari$ie% and his grain o$$ering% with the b#rnt o$$ering
o$ all the *eo*le o$ the land% their grain o$$ering% and their drin' o$$erings& and s*rin'le on it all the blood o$ the
b#rnt o$$ering and all the blood o$ the sari$ie" +nd the bronHe altar shall be $or me to inE#ire (by".)
2Ki 13:13 Th#s did 7ri@ah the *riest% aording to all that King +haH ommanded"
2Ki 13:14 +nd King +haH #t o$$ the *anels o$ the arts% and remo!ed the la!ers $rom them& and he too' down
the ,ea $rom the bronHe o9en that (were) #nder it% and *#t it on a *a!ement o$ stones"
2Ki 13:18 +lso he remo!ed the ,abbath *a!ilion whih they had b#ilt in the tem*le% and he remo!ed the 'ingAs
o#ter entrane $rom the ho#se o$ the /8:2% on ao#nt o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria"
2Ki 13:19 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ +haH whih he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$
the 'ings o$ J#dahC
2Ki 13:25 ,o +haH rested with his $athers% and was b#ried with his $athers in the =ity o$ 2a!id" Then HeHe'iah
his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 14:1 In the twel$th year o$ +haH 'ing o$ J#dah% Hoshea the son o$ 6lah beame 'ing o$ Israel in ,amaria%
(and he reigned) nine years"
2Ki 14:2 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% b#t not as the 'ings o$ Israel who were be$ore him"
2Ki 14:- ,halmaneser 'ing o$ +ssyria ame #* against him& and Hoshea beame his !assal% and *aid him
trib#te money"
2Ki 14:0 +nd the 'ing o$ +ssyria #no!ered a ons*iray by Hoshea& $or he had sent messengers to ,o% 'ing o$
6gy*t% and bro#ght no trib#te to the 'ing o$ +ssyria% as (he had done) year by year" There$ore the 'ing o$ +ssyria
sh#t him #*% and bo#nd him in *rison"
2Ki 14:1 Now the 'ing o$ +ssyria went thro#gho#t all the land% and went #* to ,amaria and besieged it $or three
2Ki 14:3 In the ninth year o$ Hoshea% the 'ing o$ +ssyria too' ,amaria and arried Israel away to +ssyria% and
*laed them in Halah and by the Habor% the :i!er o$ GoHan% and in the ities o$ the ?edes"
2Ki 14:4 ;or so it was that the hildren o$ Israel had sinned against the /8:2 their God% who had bro#ght them
#* o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% $rom #nder the hand o$ <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t& and they had $eared other gods%
2Ki 14:8 and had wal'ed in the stat#tes o$ the nations whom the /8:2 had ast o#t $rom be$ore the hildren o$
Israel% and o$ the 'ings o$ Israel% whih they had made"
2Ki 14:9 +lso the hildren o$ Israel seretly did against the /8:2 their God things that (were) not right% and they
b#ilt $or themsel!es high *laes in all their ities% $rom wathtower to $orti$ied ity"
2Ki 14:15 They set #* $or themsel!es (sared) *illars and wooden images on e!ery high hill and #nder e!ery
green tree"
2Ki 14:11 There they b#rned inense on all the high *laes% li'e the nations whom the /8:2 had arried away
be$ore them& and they did wi'ed things to *ro!o'e the /8:2 to anger%
2Ki 14:12 $or they ser!ed idols% o$ whih the /8:2 had said to them% .Bo# shall not do this thing".
2Ki 14:1- Bet the /8:2 testi$ied against Israel and against J#dah% by all o$ His *ro*hets% e!ery seer% saying%
.T#rn $rom yo#r e!il ways% and 'ee* ?y ommandments (and) ?y stat#tes% aording to all the law whih I
ommanded yo#r $athers% and whih I sent to yo# by ?y ser!ants the *ro*hets".
2Ki 14:10 Ne!ertheless they wo#ld not hear% b#t sti$$ened their ne's% li'e the ne's o$ their $athers% who did not
belie!e in the /8:2 their God"
2Ki 14:11 +nd they re@eted His stat#tes and His o!enant that He had made with their $athers% and His
testimonies whih He had testi$ied against them& they $ollowed idols% beame idolaters% and (went) a$ter the
nations who (were) all aro#nd them% (onerning) whom the /8:2 had harged them that they sho#ld not do li'e
2Ki 14:13 ,o they le$t all the ommandments o$ the /8:2 their God% made $or themsel!es a molded image
(and) two al!es% made a wooden image and worshi*ed all the host o$ hea!en% and ser!ed Baal"
2Ki 14:14 +nd they a#sed their sons and da#ghters to *ass thro#gh the $ire% *ratied withra$t and
soothsaying% and sold themsel!es to do e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% to *ro!o'e Him to anger"
2Ki 14:18 There$ore the /8:2 was !ery angry with Israel% and remo!ed them $rom His sight& there was none
le$t b#t the tribe o$ J#dah alone"
2Ki 14:19 +lso J#dah did not 'ee* the ommandments o$ the /8:2 their God% b#t wal'ed in the stat#tes o$
Israel whih they made"
2Ki 14:25 +nd the /8:2 re@eted all the desendants o$ Israel% a$$lited them% and deli!ered them into the hand
o$ *l#nderers% #ntil He had ast them $rom His sight"
2Ki 14:21 ;or He tore Israel $rom the ho#se o$ 2a!id% and they made Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat 'ing" Then
Jeroboam dro!e Israel $rom $ollowing the /8:2% and made them ommit a great sin"
2Ki 14:22 ;or the hildren o$ Israel wal'ed in all the sins o$ Jeroboam whih he did& they did not de*art $rom
2Ki 14:2- #ntil the /8:2 remo!ed Israel o#t o$ His sight% as He had said by all His ser!ants the *ro*hets" ,o
Israel was arried away $rom their own land to +ssyria% (as it is) to this day"
2Ki 14:20 Then the 'ing o$ +ssyria bro#ght (*eo*le) $rom Babylon% =#thah% +!a% Hamath% and $rom ,e*har!aim%
and *laed (them) in the ities o$ ,amaria instead o$ the hildren o$ Israel& and they too' *ossession o$ ,amaria
and dwelt in its ities"
2Ki 14:21 +nd it was so% at the beginning o$ their dwelling there% (that) they did not $ear the /8:2& there$ore the
/8:2 sent lions among them% whih 'illed (some) o$ them"
2Ki 14:23 ,o they s*o'e to the 'ing o$ +ssyria% saying% .The nations whom yo# ha!e remo!ed and *laed in the
ities o$ ,amaria do not 'now the rit#als o$ the God o$ the land& there$ore He has sent lions among them% and
indeed% they are 'illing them bea#se they do not 'now the rit#als o$ the God o$ the land".
2Ki 14:24 Then the 'ing o$ +ssyria ommanded% saying% .,end there one o$ the *riests whom yo# bro#ght $rom
there& let him go and dwell there% and let him teah them the rit#als o$ the God o$ the land".
2Ki 14:28 Then one o$ the *riests whom they had arried away $rom ,amaria ame and dwelt in Bethel% and
ta#ght them how they sho#ld $ear the /8:2"
2Ki 14:29 Howe!er e!ery nation ontin#ed to ma'e gods o$ its own% and *#t (them) in the shrines on the high
*laes whih the ,amaritans had made% (e!ery) nation in the ities where they dwelt"
2Ki 14:-5 The men o$ Babylon made ,#oth Benoth% the men o$ =#th made Nergal% the men o$ Hamath made
2Ki 14:-1 and the +!ites made NibhaH and Tarta'& and the ,e*har!ites b#rned their hildren in $ire to
+drammeleh and +nammeleh% the gods o$ ,e*har!aim"
2Ki 14:-2 ,o they $eared the /8:2% and $rom e!ery lass they a**ointed $or themsel!es *riests o$ the high
*laes% who sari$ied $or them in the shrines o$ the high *laes"
2Ki 14:-- They $eared the /8:2% yet ser!ed their own gods DD aording to the rit#als o$ the nations $rom
among whom they were arried away"
2Ki 14:-0 To this day they ontin#e *ratiing the $ormer rit#als& they do not $ear the /8:2% nor do they $ollow
their stat#tes or their ordinanes% or the law and ommandment whih the /8:2 had ommanded the hildren o$
Jaob% whom He named Israel%
2Ki 14:-1 with whom the /8:2 had made a o!enant and harged them% saying: .Bo# shall not $ear other
gods% nor bow down to them nor ser!e them nor sari$ie to them&
2Ki 14:-3 .b#t the /8:2% who bro#ght yo# #* $rom the land o$ 6gy*t with great *ower and an o#tstrethed arm%
Him yo# shall $ear% Him yo# shall worshi*% and to Him yo# shall o$$er sari$ie"
2Ki 14:-4 .+nd the stat#tes% the ordinanes% the law% and the ommandment whih He wrote $or yo#% yo# shall
be are$#l to obser!e $ore!er& yo# shall not $ear other gods"
2Ki 14:-8 .+nd the o!enant that I ha!e made with yo#% yo# shall not $orget% nor shall yo# $ear other gods"
2Ki 14:-9 .B#t the /8:2 yo#r God yo# shall $ear& and He will deli!er yo# $rom the hand o$ all yo#r enemies".
2Ki 14:05 Howe!er they did not obey% b#t they $ollowed their $ormer rit#als"
2Ki 14:01 ,o these nations $eared the /8:2% yet ser!ed their ar!ed images& also their hildren and their
hildrenAs hildren ha!e ontin#ed doing as their $athers did% e!en to this day"
2Ki 18:1 Now it ame to *ass in the third year o$ Hoshea the son o$ 6lah% 'ing o$ Israel% (that) HeHe'iah the son
o$ +haH% 'ing o$ J#dah% began to reign"
2Ki 18:2 He was twentyD$i!e years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned twentyDnine years in Jer#salem"
His motherAs name (was) +bi the da#ghter o$ Gehariah"
2Ki 18:- +nd he did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to all that his $ather 2a!id had done"
2Ki 18:0 He remo!ed the high *laes and bro'e the (sared) *illars% #t down the wooden image and bro'e in
*iees the bronHe ser*ent that ?oses had made& $or #ntil those days the hildren o$ Israel b#rned inense to it%
and alled it Neh#shtan"
2Ki 18:1 He tr#sted in the /8:2 God o$ Israel% so that a$ter him was none li'e him among all the 'ings o$ J#dah%
nor who were be$ore him"
2Ki 18:3 ;or he held $ast to the /8:2& he did not de*art $rom $ollowing Him% b#t 'e*t His ommandments%
whih the /8:2 had ommanded ?oses"
2Ki 18:4 The /8:2 was with him& he *ros*ered where!er he went" +nd he rebelled against the 'ing o$ +ssyria
and did not ser!e him"
2Ki 18:8 He s#bd#ed the <hilistines% as $ar as GaHa and its territory% $rom wathtower to $orti$ied ity"
2Ki 18:9 Now it ame to *ass in the $o#rth year o$ King HeHe'iah% whih (was) the se!enth year o$ Hoshea the
son o$ 6lah% 'ing o$ Israel% (that) ,halmaneser 'ing o$ +ssyria ame #* against ,amaria and besieged it"
2Ki 18:15 +nd at the end o$ three years they too' it" In the si9th year o$ HeHe'iah% that (is%) the ninth year o$
Hoshea 'ing o$ Israel% ,amaria was ta'en"
2Ki 18:11 Then the 'ing o$ +ssyria arried Israel away a*ti!e to +ssyria% and *#t them in Halah and by the
Habor% the :i!er o$ GoHan% and in the ities o$ the ?edes%
2Ki 18:12 bea#se they did not obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 their God% b#t transgressed His o!enant (and) all
that ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 had ommanded& and they wo#ld neither hear nor do (them")
2Ki 18:1- +nd in the $o#rteenth year o$ King HeHe'iah% ,ennaherib 'ing o$ +ssyria ame #* against all the
$orti$ied ities o$ J#dah and too' them"
2Ki 18:10 Then HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah sent to the 'ing o$ +ssyria at /ahish% saying% .I ha!e done wrong& t#rn
away $rom me& whate!er yo# im*ose on me I will *ay". +nd the 'ing o$ +ssyria assessed HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah
three h#ndred talents o$ sil!er and thirty talents o$ gold"
2Ki 18:11 ,o HeHe'iah ga!e (him) all the sil!er that was $o#nd in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and in the treas#ries o$
the 'ingAs ho#se"
2Ki 18:13 +t that time HeHe'iah stri**ed (the gold $rom) the doors o$ the tem*le o$ the /8:2% and ($rom) the
*illars whih HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah had o!erlaid% and ga!e it to the 'ing o$ +ssyria"
2Ki 18:14 Then the 'ing o$ +ssyria sent (the) Tartan% (the) :absaris% (and the) :absha'eh $rom /ahish% with a
great army against Jer#salem% to King HeHe'iah" +nd they went #* and ame to Jer#salem" >hen they had
ome #*% they went and stood by the aE#ed#t $rom the #**er *ool% whih (was) on the highway to the ;#llerAs
2Ki 18:18 +nd when they had alled to the 'ing% 6lia'im the son o$ Hil'iah% who (was) o!er the ho#sehold%
,hebna the sribe% and Joah the son o$ +sa*h% the reorder% ame o#t to them"
2Ki 18:19 Then (the) :absha'eh said to them% .,ay now to HeHe'iah% ATh#s says the great 'ing% the 'ing o$
+ssyria: .>hat on$idene (is) this in whih yo# tr#stC
2Ki 18:25 .Bo# s*ea' o$ (ha!ing) *lans and *ower $or war& b#t (they are) mere words" +nd in whom do yo# tr#st%
that yo# rebel against meC
2Ki 18:21 .Now loo'F Bo# are tr#sting in the sta$$ o$ this bro'en reed% 6gy*t% on whih i$ a man leans% it will go
into his hand and *iere it" ,o (is) <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t to all who tr#st in him"
2Ki 18:22 .B#t i$ yo# say to me% A>e tr#st in the /8:2 o#r God%A (is) it not He whose high *laes and whose
altars HeHe'iah has ta'en away% and said to J#dah and Jer#salem% ABo# shall worshi* be$ore this altar in
Jer#salemAC. A
2Ki 18:2- .Now there$ore% I #rge yo#% gi!e a *ledge to my master the 'ing o$ +ssyria% and I will gi!e yo# two
tho#sand horses DD i$ yo# are able on yo#r *art to *#t riders on themF
2Ki 18:20 .How then will yo# re*el one a*tain o$ the least o$ my masterAs ser!ants% and *#t yo#r tr#st in 6gy*t
$or hariots and horsemenC
2Ki 18:21 .Ha!e I now ome #* witho#t the /8:2 against this *lae to destroy itC The /8:2 said to me% AGo #*
against this land% and destroy it"A .
2Ki 18:23 Then 6lia'im the son o$ Hil'iah% ,hebna% and Joah said to (the) :absha'eh% .<lease s*ea' to yo#r
ser!ants in +ramai% $or we #nderstand (it&) and do not s*ea' to #s in Hebrew in the hearing o$ the *eo*le who
(are) on the wall".
2Ki 18:24 B#t (the) :absha'eh said to them% .Has my master sent me to yo#r master and to yo# to s*ea' these
words% and not to the men who sit on the wall% who will eat and drin' their own waste with yo#C.
2Ki 18:28 Then (the) :absha'eh stood and alled o#t with a lo#d !oie in Hebrew% and s*o'e% saying% .Hear the
word o$ the great 'ing% the 'ing o$ +ssyriaF
2Ki 18:29 .Th#s says the 'ing: A2o not let HeHe'iah deei!e yo#% $or he shall not be able to deli!er yo# $rom his
2Ki 18:-5 Anor let HeHe'iah ma'e yo# tr#st in the /8:2% saying% .The /8:2 will s#rely deli!er #s& this ity shall
not be gi!en into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria". A
2Ki 18:-1 .2o not listen to HeHe'iah& $or th#s says the 'ing o$ +ssyria: A?a'e (*eae) with me by a *resent and
ome o#t to me& and e!ery one o$ yo# eat $rom his own !ine and e!ery one $rom his own $ig tree% and e!ery one
o$ yo# drin' the waters o$ his own istern&
2Ki 18:-2 A#ntil I ome and ta'e yo# away to a land li'e yo#r own land% a land o$ grain and new wine% a land o$
bread and !ineyards% a land o$ oli!e gro!es and honey% that yo# may li!e and not die" B#t do not listen to
HeHe'iah% lest he *ers#ade yo#% saying% .The /8:2 will deli!er #s".
2Ki 18:-- AHas any o$ the gods o$ the nations at all deli!ered its land $rom the hand o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyriaC
2Ki 18:-0 A>here (are) the gods o$ Hamath and +r*adC >here (are) the gods o$ ,e*har!aim and Hena and
I!ahC Indeed% ha!e they deli!ered ,amaria $rom my handC
2Ki 18:-1 A>ho among all the gods o$ the lands ha!e deli!ered their o#ntries $rom my hand% that the /8:2
sho#ld deli!er Jer#salem $rom my handCA .
2Ki 18:-3 B#t the *eo*le held their *eae and answered him not a word& $or the 'ingAs ommandment was% .2o
not answer him".
2Ki 18:-4 Then 6lia'im the son o$ Hil'iah% who (was) o!er the ho#sehold% ,hebna the sribe% and Joah the son
o$ +sa*h% the reorder% ame to HeHe'iah with (their) lothes torn% and told him the words o$ (the) :absha'eh"
2Ki 19:1 +nd so it was% when King HeHe'iah heard (it%) that he tore his lothes% o!ered himsel$ with sa'loth%
and went into the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 19:2 Then he sent 6lia'im% who (was) o!er the ho#sehold% ,hebna the sribe% and the elders o$ the *riests%
o!ered with sa'loth% to Isaiah the *ro*het% the son o$ +moH"
2Ki 19:- +nd they said to him% .Th#s says HeHe'iah: AThis day (is) a day o$ tro#ble% and reb#'e% and blas*hemy&
$or the hildren ha!e ome to birth% b#t (there is) no strength to bring them $orth"
2Ki 19:0 AIt may be that the /8:2 yo#r God will hear all the words o$ (the) :absha'eh% whom his master the
'ing o$ +ssyria has sent to re*roah the li!ing God% and will reb#'e the words whih the /8:2 yo#r God has
heard" There$ore li$t #* (yo#r) *rayer $or the remnant that is le$t"A .
2Ki 19:1 ,o the ser!ants o$ King HeHe'iah ame to Isaiah"
2Ki 19:3 +nd Isaiah said to them% .Th#s yo# shall say to yo#r master% ATh#s says the /8:2: .2o not be a$raid o$
the words whih yo# ha!e heard% with whih the ser!ants o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria ha!e blas*hemed ?e"
2Ki 19:4 .,#rely I will send a s*irit #*on him% and he shall hear a r#mor and ret#rn to his own land& and I will
a#se him to $all by the sword in his own land". A .
2Ki 19:8 Then (the) :absha'eh ret#rned and $o#nd the 'ing o$ +ssyria warring against /ibnah% $or he heard that
he had de*arted $rom /ahish"
2Ki 19:9 +nd the 'ing heard onerning Tirha'ah 'ing o$ 6thio*ia% ./oo'% he has ome o#t to ma'e war with
yo#". ,o he again sent messengers to HeHe'iah% saying%
2Ki 19:15 .Th#s yo# shall s*ea' to HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah% saying: A2o not let yo#r God in whom yo# tr#st
deei!e yo#% saying% .Jer#salem shall not be gi!en into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria".
2Ki 19:11 A/oo'F Bo# ha!e heard what the 'ings o$ +ssyria ha!e done to all lands by #tterly destroying them&
and shall yo# be deli!eredC
2Ki 19:12 AHa!e the gods o$ the nations deli!ered those whom my $athers ha!e destroyed% GoHan and Haran
and :eHe*h% and the *eo*le o$ 6den who (were) in TelassarC
2Ki 19:1- A>here (is) the 'ing o$ Hamath% the 'ing o$ +r*ad% and the 'ing o$ the ity o$ ,e*har!aim% Hena% and
I!ahCA .
2Ki 19:10 +nd HeHe'iah reei!ed the letter $rom the hand o$ the messengers% and read it& and HeHe'iah went
#* to the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and s*read it be$ore the /8:2"
2Ki 19:11 Then HeHe'iah *rayed be$ore the /8:2% and said: .8 /8:2 God o$ Israel% (the 8ne) who dwells
(between) the her#bim% Bo# are God% Bo# alone% o$ all the 'ingdoms o$ the earth" Bo# ha!e made hea!en and
2Ki 19:13 .Inline Bo#r ear% 8 /8:2% and hear& o*en Bo#r eyes% 8 /8:2% and see& and hear the words o$
,ennaherib% whih he has sent to re*roah the li!ing God"
2Ki 19:14 .Tr#ly% /8:2% the 'ings o$ +ssyria ha!e laid waste the nations and their lands%
2Ki 19:18 .and ha!e ast their gods into the $ire& $or they (were) not gods% b#t the wor' o$ menAs hands DD wood
and stone" There$ore they destroyed them"
2Ki 19:19 .Now there$ore% 8 /8:2 o#r God% I *ray% sa!e #s $rom his hand% that all the 'ingdoms o$ the earth
may 'now that Bo# (are) the /8:2 God% Bo# alone".
2Ki 19:25 Then Isaiah the son o$ +moH sent to HeHe'iah% saying% .Th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: ABea#se
yo# ha!e *rayed to ?e against ,ennaherib 'ing o$ +ssyria% I ha!e heard"A
2Ki 19:21 .This (is) the word whih the /8:2 has s*o'en onerning him: AThe !irgin% the da#ghter o$ Gion% Has
des*ised yo#% la#ghed yo# to sorn& The da#ghter o$ Jer#salem Has sha'en (her) head behind yo#r ba'F
2Ki 19:22 A >hom ha!e yo# re*roahed and blas*hemedC +gainst whom ha!e yo# raised (yo#r) !oie% +nd
li$ted #* yo#r eyes on highC +gainst the Holy (8ne) o$ Israel"
2Ki 19:2- By yo#r messengers yo# ha!e re*roahed the /ord% +nd said: .By the m#ltit#de o$ my hariots I ha!e
ome #* to the height o$ the mo#ntains% To the limits o$ /ebanon& I will #t down its tall edars (+nd) its hoie
y*ress trees& I will enter the e9tremity o$ its borders% (To) its $r#it$#l $orest"
2Ki 19:20 I ha!e d#g and dr#n' strange water% +nd with the soles o$ my $eet I ha!e dried #* +ll the broo's o$
2Ki 19:21 A 2id yo# not hear long ago (How) I made it% ;rom anient times that I $ormed itC Now I ha!e bro#ght it
to *ass% That yo# sho#ld be ;or r#shing $orti$ied ities (into) hea*s o$ r#ins"
2Ki 19:23 There$ore their inhabitants had little *ower& They were dismayed and on$o#nded& They were (as) the
grass o$ the $ield +nd the green herb% (+s) the grass on the ho#seto*s +nd (grain) blighted be$ore it is grown"
2Ki 19:24 A B#t I 'now yo#r dwelling *lae% Bo#r going o#t and yo#r oming in% +nd yo#r rage against ?e"
2Ki 19:28 Bea#se yo#r rage against ?e and yo#r t#m#lt Ha!e ome #* to ?y ears% There$ore I will *#t ?y
hoo' in yo#r nose +nd ?y bridle in yo#r li*s% +nd I will t#rn yo# ba' By the way whih yo# ame"
2Ki 19:29 A This (shall be) a sign to yo#: Bo# shall eat this year s#h as grows o$ itsel$% +nd in the seond year
what s*rings $rom the same& +lso in the third year sow and rea*% <lant !ineyards and eat the $r#it o$ them"
2Ki 19:-5 +nd the remnant who ha!e esa*ed o$ the ho#se o$ J#dah ,hall again ta'e root downward% +nd bear
$r#it #*ward"
2Ki 19:-1 ;or o#t o$ Jer#salem shall go a remnant% +nd those who esa*e $rom ?o#nt Gion" The Heal o$ the
/8:2 o$ hosts will do this"A
2Ki 19:-2 . There$ore th#s says the /8:2 onerning the 'ing o$ +ssyria: AHe shall not ome into this ity% Nor
shoot an arrow there% Nor ome be$ore it with shield% Nor b#ild a siege mo#nd against it"
2Ki 19:-- By the way that he ame% By the same shall he ret#rn& +nd he shall not ome into this ity%A ,ays the
2Ki 19:-0 A;or I will de$end this ity% to sa!e it ;or ?y own sa'e and $or ?y ser!ant 2a!idAs sa'e"A .
2Ki 19:-1 +nd it ame to *ass on a ertain night that the angel o$ the /8:2 went o#t% and 'illed in the am* o$
the +ssyrians one h#ndred and eightyD$i!e tho#sand& and when (*eo*le) arose early in the morning% there were
the or*ses DD all dead"
2Ki 19:-3 ,o ,ennaherib 'ing o$ +ssyria de*arted and went away% ret#rned (home%) and remained at Nine!eh"
2Ki 19:-4 Now it ame to *ass% as he was worshi*ing in the tem*le o$ Nisroh his god% that his sons
+drammeleh and ,hareHer str#' him down with the sword& and they esa*ed into the land o$ +rarat" Then
6sarhaddon his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 25:1 In those days HeHe'iah was si' and near death" +nd Isaiah the *ro*het% the son o$ +moH% went to him
and said to him% .Th#s says the /8:2: A,et yo#r ho#se in order% $or yo# shall die% and not li!e"A .
2Ki 25:2 Then he t#rned his $ae toward the wall% and *rayed to the /8:2% saying%
2Ki 25:- .:emember now% 8 /8:2% I *ray% how I ha!e wal'ed be$ore Bo# in tr#th and with a loyal heart% and
ha!e done (what was) good in Bo#r sight". +nd HeHe'iah we*t bitterly"
2Ki 25:0 +nd it ha**ened% be$ore Isaiah had gone o#t into the middle o#rt% that the word o$ the /8:2 ame to
him% saying%
2Ki 25:1 .:et#rn and tell HeHe'iah the leader o$ ?y *eo*le% ATh#s says the /8:2% the God o$ 2a!id yo#r $ather:
.I ha!e heard yo#r *rayer% I ha!e seen yo#r tears& s#rely I will heal yo#" 8n the third day yo# shall go #* to the
ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 25:3 .+nd I will add to yo#r days $i$teen years" I will deli!er yo# and this ity $rom the hand o$ the 'ing o$
+ssyria& and I will de$end this ity $or ?y own sa'e% and $or the sa'e o$ ?y ser!ant 2a!id". A .
2Ki 25:4 Then Isaiah said% .Ta'e a l#m* o$ $igs". ,o they too' and laid (it) on the boil% and he reo!ered"
2Ki 25:8 +nd HeHe'iah said to Isaiah% .>hat (is) the sign that the /8:2 will heal me% and that I shall go #* to
the ho#se o$ the /8:2 the third dayC.
2Ki 25:9 Then Isaiah said% .This is the sign to yo# $rom the /8:2% that the /8:2 will do the thing whih He has
s*o'en: (shall) the shadow go $orward ten degrees or go ba'ward ten degreesC.
2Ki 25:15 +nd HeHe'iah answered% .It is an easy thing $or the shadow to go down ten degrees& no% b#t let the
shadow go ba'ward ten degrees".
2Ki 25:11 ,o Isaiah the *ro*het ried o#t to the /8:2% and He bro#ght the shadow ten degrees ba'ward% by
whih it had gone down on the s#ndial o$ +haH"
2Ki 25:12 +t that time BerodahDBaladan the son o$ Baladan% 'ing o$ Babylon% sent letters and a *resent to
HeHe'iah% $or he heard that HeHe'iah had been si'"
2Ki 25:1- +nd HeHe'iah was attenti!e to them% and showed them all the ho#se o$ his treas#res DD the sil!er and
gold% the s*ies and *reio#s ointment% and all his armory DD all that was $o#nd among his treas#res" There was
nothing in his ho#se or in all his dominion that HeHe'iah did not show them"
2Ki 25:10 Then Isaiah the *ro*het went to King HeHe'iah% and said to him% .>hat did these men say% and $rom
where did they ome to yo#C. ,o HeHe'iah said% .They ame $rom a $ar o#ntry% $rom Babylon".
2Ki 25:11 +nd he said% .>hat ha!e they seen in yo#r ho#seC. ,o HeHe'iah answered% .They ha!e seen all that
(is) in my ho#se& there is nothing among my treas#res that I ha!e not shown them".
2Ki 25:13 Then Isaiah said to HeHe'iah% .Hear the word o$ the /8:2:
2Ki 25:14 ABehold% the days are oming when all that (is) in yo#r ho#se% and what yo#r $athers ha!e
a#m#lated #ntil this day% shall be arried to Babylon& nothing shall be le$t%A says the /8:2"
2Ki 25:18 A+nd they shall ta'e away some o$ yo#r sons who will desend $rom yo#% whom yo# will beget& and
they shall be e#n#hs in the *alae o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon"A .
2Ki 25:19 ,o HeHe'iah said to Isaiah% .The word o$ the /8:2 whih yo# ha!e s*o'en (is) goodF. ;or he said%
.>ill there not be *eae and tr#th at least in my daysC.
2Ki 25:25 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ HeHe'iah DD all his might% and how he made a *ool and a t#nnel and
bro#ght water into the ity DD (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC
2Ki 25:21 ,o HeHe'iah rested with his $athers" Then ?anasseh his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 21:1 ?anasseh (was) twel!e years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned $i$tyD$i!e years in Jer#salem"
His motherAs name (was) He*hHibah"
2Ki 21:2 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to the abominations o$ the nations whom the /8:2
had ast o#t be$ore the hildren o$ Israel"
2Ki 21:- ;or he reb#ilt the high *laes whih HeHe'iah his $ather had destroyed& he raised #* altars $or Baal%
and made a wooden image% as +hab 'ing o$ Israel had done& and he worshi*ed all the host o$ hea!en and
ser!ed them"
2Ki 21:0 He also b#ilt altars in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% o$ whih the /8:2 had said% .In Jer#salem I will *#t ?y
2Ki 21:1 +nd he b#ilt altars $or all the host o$ hea!en in the two o#rts o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 21:3 +lso he made his son *ass thro#gh the $ire% *ratied soothsaying% #sed withra$t% and ons#lted
s*iritists and medi#ms" He did m#h e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% to *ro!o'e (Him) to anger"
2Ki 21:4 He e!en set a ar!ed image o$ +sherah that he had made% in the ho#se o$ whih the /8:2 had said to
2a!id and to ,olomon his son% .In this ho#se and in Jer#salem% whih I ha!e hosen o#t o$ all the tribes o$
Israel% I will *#t ?y name $ore!er&
2Ki 21:8 .and I will not ma'e the $eet o$ Israel wander anymore $rom the land whih I ga!e their $athers DD only i$
they are are$#l to do aording to all that I ha!e ommanded them% and aording to all the law that ?y ser!ant
?oses ommanded them".
2Ki 21:9 B#t they *aid no attention% and ?anasseh sed#ed them to do more e!il than the nations whom the
/8:2 had destroyed be$ore the hildren o$ Israel"
2Ki 21:15 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e by His ser!ants the *ro*hets% saying%
2Ki 21:11 .Bea#se ?anasseh 'ing o$ J#dah has done these abominations Ihe has ated more wi'edly than
all the +morites who (were) be$ore him% and has also made J#dah sin with his idolsJ%
2Ki 21:12 .there$ore th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: ABehold% (I) am bringing (s#h) alamity #*on Jer#salem
and J#dah% that whoe!er hears o$ it% both his ears will tingle"
2Ki 21:1- A+nd I will streth o!er Jer#salem the meas#ring line o$ ,amaria and the *l#mmet o$ the ho#se o$
+hab& I will wi*e Jer#salem as (one) wi*es a dish% wi*ing (it) and t#rning (it) #*side down"
2Ki 21:10 A,o I will $orsa'e the remnant o$ ?y inheritane and deli!er them into the hand o$ their enemies& and
they shall beome !itims o$ *l#nder to all their enemies%
2Ki 21:11 Abea#se they ha!e done e!il in ?y sight% and ha!e *ro!o'ed ?e to anger sine the day their $athers
ame o#t o$ 6gy*t% e!en to this day"A .
2Ki 21:13 ?oreo!er ?anasseh shed !ery m#h innoent blood% till he had $illed Jer#salem $rom one end to
another% besides his sin by whih he made J#dah sin% in doing e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 21:14 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ ?anasseh DD all that he did% and the sin that he ommitted DD (are) they not
written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC
2Ki 21:18 ,o ?anasseh rested with his $athers% and was b#ried in the garden o$ his own ho#se% in the garden o$
7HHa" Then his son +mon reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 21:19 +mon (was) twentyDtwo years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned two years in Jer#salem" His
motherAs name (was) ?esh#llemeth the da#ghter o$ Har#H o$ Jotbah"
2Ki 21:25 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% as his $ather ?anasseh had done"
2Ki 21:21 ,o he wal'ed in all the ways that his $ather had wal'ed& and he ser!ed the idols that his $ather had
ser!ed% and worshi*ed them"
2Ki 21:22 He $orsoo' the /8:2 God o$ his $athers% and did not wal' in the way o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 21:2- Then the ser!ants o$ +mon ons*ired against him% and 'illed the 'ing in his own ho#se"
2Ki 21:20 B#t the *eo*le o$ the land e9e#ted all those who had ons*ired against King +mon" Then the *eo*le
o$ the land made his son Josiah 'ing in his *lae"
2Ki 21:21 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ +mon whih he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$
the 'ings o$ J#dahC
2Ki 21:23 +nd he was b#ried in his tomb in the garden o$ 7HHa" Then Josiah his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 22:1 Josiah (was) eight years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned thirtyDone years in Jer#salem" His
motherAs name (was) Jedidah the da#ghter o$ +daiah o$ BoH'ath"
2Ki 22:2 +nd he did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2% and wal'ed in all the ways o$ his $ather 2a!id& he
did not t#rn aside to the right hand or to the le$t"
2Ki 22:- Now it ame to *ass% in the eighteenth year o$ King Josiah% (that) the 'ing sent ,ha*han the sribe% the
son o$ +Haliah% the son o$ ?esh#llam% to the ho#se o$ the /8:2% saying:
2Ki 22:0 .Go #* to Hil'iah the high *riest% that he may o#nt the money whih has been bro#ght into the ho#se
o$ the /8:2% whih the door'ee*ers ha!e gathered $rom the *eo*le"
2Ki 22:1 .+nd let them deli!er it into the hand o$ those doing the wor'% who are the o!erseers in the ho#se o$ the
/8:2& let them gi!e it to those who (are) in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 doing the wor'% to re*air the damages o$ the
ho#se DD
2Ki 22:3 .to ar*enters and b#ilders and masons DD and to b#y timber and hewn stone to re*air the ho#se"
2Ki 22:4 .Howe!er there need be no ao#nting made with them o$ the money deli!ered into their hand%
bea#se they deal $aith$#lly".
2Ki 22:8 Then Hil'iah the high *riest said to ,ha*han the sribe% .I ha!e $o#nd the Boo' o$ the /aw in the ho#se
o$ the /8:2". +nd Hil'iah ga!e the boo' to ,ha*han% and he read it"
2Ki 22:9 ,o ,ha*han the sribe went to the 'ing% bringing the 'ing word% saying% .Bo#r ser!ants ha!e gathered
the money that was $o#nd in the ho#se% and ha!e deli!ered it into the hand o$ those who do the wor'% who
o!ersee the ho#se o$ the /8:2".
2Ki 22:15 Then ,ha*han the sribe showed the 'ing% saying% .Hil'iah the *riest has gi!en me a boo'". +nd
,ha*han read it be$ore the 'ing"
2Ki 22:11 Now it ha**ened% when the 'ing heard the words o$ the Boo' o$ the /aw% that he tore his lothes"
2Ki 22:12 Then the 'ing ommanded Hil'iah the *riest% +hi'am the son o$ ,ha*han% +hbor the son o$
?ihaiah% ,ha*han the sribe% and +saiah a ser!ant o$ the 'ing% saying%
2Ki 22:1- .Go% inE#ire o$ the /8:2 $or me% $or the *eo*le and $or all J#dah% onerning the words o$ this boo'
that has been $o#nd& $or great (is) the wrath o$ the /8:2 that is aro#sed against #s% bea#se o#r $athers ha!e
not obeyed the words o$ this boo'% to do aording to all that is written onerning #s".
2Ki 22:10 ,o Hil'iah the *riest% +hi'am% +hbor% ,ha*han% and +saiah went to H#ldah the *ro*hetess% the wi$e
o$ ,hall#m the son o$ Ti'!ah% the son o$ Harhas% 'ee*er o$ the wardrobe" I,he dwelt in Jer#salem in the ,eond
K#arter"J +nd they s*o'e with her"
2Ki 22:11 Then she said to them% .Th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel% ATell the man who sent yo# to ?e%
2Ki 22:13 .Th#s says the /8:2: ABehold% I will bring alamity on this *lae and on its inhabitants DD all the words
o$ the boo' whih the 'ing o$ J#dah has read DD
2Ki 22:14 Abea#se they ha!e $orsa'en ?e and b#rned inense to other gods% that they might *ro!o'e ?e to
anger with all the wor's o$ their hands" There$ore ?y wrath shall be aro#sed against this *lae and shall not be
E#enhed"A . A
2Ki 22:18 .B#t as $or the 'ing o$ J#dah% who sent yo# to inE#ire o$ the /8:2% in this manner yo# shall s*ea' to
him% ATh#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: .(=onerning) the words whih yo# ha!e heard DD
2Ki 22:19 .bea#se yo#r heart was tender% and yo# h#mbled yo#rsel$ be$ore the /8:2 when yo# heard what I
s*o'e against this *lae and against its inhabitants% that they wo#ld beome a desolation and a #rse% and yo#
tore yo#r lothes and we*t be$ore ?e% I also ha!e heard (yo#%.) says the /8:2"
2Ki 22:25 .,#rely% there$ore% I will gather yo# to yo#r $athers% and yo# shall be gathered to yo#r gra!e in *eae&
and yo#r eyes shall not see all the alamity whih I will bring on this *lae". A . ,o they bro#ght ba' word to the
2Ki 2-:1 Now the 'ing sent them to gather all the elders o$ J#dah and Jer#salem to him"
2Ki 2-:2 The 'ing went #* to the ho#se o$ the /8:2 with all the men o$ J#dah% and with him all the inhabitants
o$ Jer#salem DD the *riests and the *ro*hets and all the *eo*le% both small and great" +nd he read in their
hearing all the words o$ the Boo' o$ the =o!enant whih had been $o#nd in the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 2-:- Then the 'ing stood by a *illar and made a o!enant be$ore the /8:2% to $ollow the /8:2 and to 'ee*
His ommandments and His testimonies and His stat#tes% with all (his) heart and all (his) so#l% to *er$orm the
words o$ this o!enant that were written in this boo'" +nd all the *eo*le too' a stand $or the o!enant"
2Ki 2-:0 +nd the 'ing ommanded Hil'iah the high *riest% the *riests o$ the seond order% and the door'ee*ers%
to bring o#t o$ the tem*le o$ the /8:2 all the artiles that were made $or Baal% $or +sherah% and $or all the host o$
hea!en& and he b#rned them o#tside Jer#salem in the $ields o$ Kidron% and arried their ashes to Bethel"
2Ki 2-:1 Then he remo!ed the idolatro#s *riests whom the 'ings o$ J#dah had ordained to b#rn inense on the
high *laes in the ities o$ J#dah and in the *laes all aro#nd Jer#salem% and those who b#rned inense to Baal%
to the s#n% to the moon% to the onstellations% and to all the host o$ hea!en"
2Ki 2-:3 +nd he bro#ght o#t the wooden image $rom the ho#se o$ the /8:2% to the Broo' Kidron o#tside
Jer#salem% b#rned it at the Broo' Kidron and gro#nd (it) to ashes% and threw its ashes on the gra!es o$ the
ommon *eo*le"
2Ki 2-:4 Then he tore down the (rit#al) booths o$ the *er!erted *ersons that (were) in the ho#se o$ the /8:2%
where the women wo!e hangings $or the wooden image"
2Ki 2-:8 +nd he bro#ght all the *riests $rom the ities o$ J#dah% and de$iled the high *laes where the *riests
had b#rned inense% $rom Geba to Beersheba& also he bro'e down the high *laes at the gates whih (were) at
the entrane o$ the Gate o$ Josh#a the go!ernor o$ the ity% whih (were) to the le$t o$ the ity gate"
2Ki 2-:9 Ne!ertheless the *riests o$ the high *laes did not ome #* to the altar o$ the /8:2 in Jer#salem% b#t
they ate #nlea!ened bread among their brethren"
2Ki 2-:15 +nd he de$iled To*heth% whih (is) in the Valley o$ the ,on o$ Hinnom% that no man might ma'e his
son or his da#ghter *ass thro#gh the $ire to ?oleh"
2Ki 2-:11 Then he remo!ed the horses that the 'ings o$ J#dah had dediated to the s#n% at the entrane to the
ho#se o$ the /8:2% by the hamber o$ NathanD?eleh% the o$$ier who (was) in the o#rt& and he b#rned the
hariots o$ the s#n with $ire"
2Ki 2-:12 The altars that (were) on the roo$% the #**er hamber o$ +haH% whih the 'ings o$ J#dah had made%
and the altars whih ?anasseh had made in the two o#rts o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2% the 'ing bro'e down and
*#l!eriHed there% and threw their d#st into the Broo' Kidron"
2Ki 2-:1- Then the 'ing de$iled the high *laes that (were) east o$ Jer#salem% whih (were) on the so#th o$ the
?o#nt o$ =orr#*tion% whih ,olomon 'ing o$ Israel had b#ilt $or +shtoreth the abomination o$ the ,idonians% $or
=hemosh the abomination o$ the ?oabites% and $or ?ilom the abomination o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon"
2Ki 2-:10 +nd he bro'e in *iees the (sared) *illars and #t down the wooden images% and $illed their *laes
with the bones o$ men"
2Ki 2-:11 ?oreo!er the altar that (was) at Bethel% (and) the high *lae whih Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% who
made Israel sin% had made% both that altar and the high *lae he bro'e down& and he b#rned the high *lae (and)
r#shed (it) to *owder% and b#rned the wooden image"
2Ki 2-:13 +s Josiah t#rned% he saw the tombs that (were) there on the mo#ntain" +nd he sent and too' the
bones o#t o$ the tombs and b#rned (them) on the altar% and de$iled it aording to the word o$ the /8:2 whih
the man o$ God *rolaimed% who *rolaimed these words"
2Ki 2-:14 Then he said% .>hat gra!estone (is) this that I seeC. ,o the men o$ the ity told him% .(It is) the tomb o$
the man o$ God who ame $rom J#dah and *rolaimed these things whih yo# ha!e done against the altar o$
2Ki 2-:18 +nd he said% ./et him alone& let no one mo!e his bones". ,o they let his bones alone% with the bones
o$ the *ro*het who ame $rom ,amaria"
2Ki 2-:19 Now Josiah also too' away all the shrines o$ the high *laes that (were) in the ities o$ ,amaria% whih
the 'ings o$ Israel had made to *ro!o'e the /8:2 to anger& and he did to them aording to all the deeds he
had done in Bethel"
2Ki 2-:25 He e9e#ted all the *riests o$ the high *laes who (were) there% on the altars% and b#rned menAs
bones on them& and he ret#rned to Jer#salem"
2Ki 2-:21 Then the 'ing ommanded all the *eo*le% saying% .Kee* the <asso!er to the /8:2 yo#r God% as (it is)
written in this Boo' o$ the =o!enant".
2Ki 2-:22 ,#h a <asso!er s#rely had ne!er been held sine the days o$ the @#dges who @#dged Israel% nor in all
the days o$ the 'ings o$ Israel and the 'ings o$ J#dah"
2Ki 2-:2- B#t in the eighteenth year o$ King Josiah this <asso!er was held be$ore the /8:2 in Jer#salem"
2Ki 2-:20 ?oreo!er Josiah *#t away those who ons#lted medi#ms and s*iritists% the ho#sehold gods and idols%
all the abominations that were seen in the land o$ J#dah and in Jer#salem% that he might *er$orm the words o$
the law whih were written in the boo' that Hil'iah the *riest $o#nd in the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2Ki 2-:21 Now be$ore him there was no 'ing li'e him% who t#rned to the /8:2 with all his heart% with all his
so#l% and with all his might% aording to all the /aw o$ ?oses& nor a$ter him did (any) arise li'e him"
2Ki 2-:23 Ne!ertheless the /8:2 did not t#rn $rom the $iereness o$ His great wrath% with whih His anger was
aro#sed against J#dah% bea#se o$ all the *ro!oations with whih ?anasseh had *ro!o'ed Him"
2Ki 2-:24 +nd the /8:2 said% .I will also remo!e J#dah $rom ?y sight% as I ha!e remo!ed Israel% and will ast
o$$ this ity Jer#salem whih I ha!e hosen% and the ho#se o$ whih I said% A?y name shall be there"A .
2Ki 2-:28 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Josiah% and all that he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC
2Ki 2-:29 In his days <haraoh Neho 'ing o$ 6gy*t went to the aid o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria% to the :i!er
6#*hrates& and King Josiah went against him" +nd (<haraoh Neho) 'illed him at ?egiddo when he on$ronted
2Ki 2-:-5 Then his ser!ants mo!ed his body in a hariot $rom ?egiddo% bro#ght him to Jer#salem% and b#ried
him in his own tomb" +nd the *eo*le o$ the land too' JehoahaH the son o$ Josiah% anointed him% and made him
'ing in his $atherAs *lae"
2Ki 2-:-1 JehoahaH (was) twentyDthree years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned three months in
Jer#salem" His motherAs name (was) Ham#tal the da#ghter o$ Jeremiah o$ /ibnah"
2Ki 2-:-2 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to all that his $athers had done"
2Ki 2-:-- Now <haraoh Neho *#t him in *rison at :iblah in the land o$ Hamath% that he might not reign in
Jer#salem& and he im*osed on the land a trib#te o$ one h#ndred talents o$ sil!er and a talent o$ gold"
2Ki 2-:-0 Then <haraoh Neho made 6lia'im the son o$ Josiah 'ing in *lae o$ his $ather Josiah% and hanged
his name to Jehoia'im" +nd (<haraoh) too' JehoahaH and went to 6gy*t% and he died there"
2Ki 2-:-1 ,o Jehoia'im ga!e the sil!er and gold to <haraoh& b#t he ta9ed the land to gi!e money aording to
the ommand o$ <haraoh& he e9ated the sil!er and gold $rom the *eo*le o$ the land% $rom e!ery one aording
to his assessment% to gi!e (it) to <haraoh Neho"
2Ki 2-:-3 Jehoia'im (was) twentyD$i!e years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned ele!en years in
Jer#salem" His motherAs name (was) Geb#dah the da#ghter o$ <edaiah o$ :#mah"
2Ki 2-:-4 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to all that his $athers had done"
2Ki 20:1 In his days Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon ame #*% and Jehoia'im beame his !assal ($or) three
years" Then he t#rned and rebelled against him"
2Ki 20:2 +nd the /8:2 sent against him (raiding) bands o$ =haldeans% bands o$ ,yrians% bands o$ ?oabites%
and bands o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon& He sent them against J#dah to destroy it% aording to the word o$ the
/8:2 whih He had s*o'en by His ser!ants the *ro*hets"
2Ki 20:- ,#rely at the ommandment o$ the /8:2 (this) ame #*on J#dah% to remo!e (them) $rom His sight
bea#se o$ the sins o$ ?anasseh% aording to all that he had done%
2Ki 20:0 and also bea#se o$ the innoent blood that he had shed& $or he had $illed Jer#salem with innoent
blood% whih the /8:2 wo#ld not *ardon"
2Ki 20:1 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Jehoia'im% and all that he did% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the
hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ J#dahC
2Ki 20:3 ,o Jehoia'im rested with his $athers" Then Jehoiahin his son reigned in his *lae"
2Ki 20:4 +nd the 'ing o$ 6gy*t did not ome o#t o$ his land anymore% $or the 'ing o$ Babylon had ta'en all that
belonged to the 'ing o$ 6gy*t $rom the Broo' o$ 6gy*t to the :i!er 6#*hrates"
2Ki 20:8 Jehoiahin (was) eighteen years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned in Jer#salem three months"
His motherAs name (was) Neh#shta the da#ghter o$ 6lnathan o$ Jer#salem"
2Ki 20:9 +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to all that his $ather had done"
2Ki 20:15 +t that time the ser!ants o$ Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon ame #* against Jer#salem% and the ity
was besieged"
2Ki 20:11 +nd Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon ame against the ity% as his ser!ants were besieging it"
2Ki 20:12 Then Jehoiahin 'ing o$ J#dah% his mother% his ser!ants% his *rines% and his o$$iers went o#t to the
'ing o$ Babylon& and the 'ing o$ Babylon% in the eighth year o$ his reign% too' him *risoner"
2Ki 20:1- +nd he arried o#t $rom there all the treas#res o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and the treas#res o$ the
'ingAs ho#se% and he #t in *iees all the artiles o$ gold whih ,olomon 'ing o$ Israel had made in the tem*le o$
the /8:2% as the /8:2 had said"
2Ki 20:10 +lso he arried into a*ti!ity all Jer#salem: all the a*tains and all the mighty men o$ !alor% ten
tho#sand a*ti!es% and all the ra$tsmen and smiths" None remained e9e*t the *oorest *eo*le o$ the land"
2Ki 20:11 +nd he arried Jehoiahin a*ti!e to Babylon" The 'ingAs mother% the 'ingAs wi!es% his o$$iers% and
the mighty o$ the land he arried into a*ti!ity $rom Jer#salem to Babylon"
2Ki 20:13 +ll the !aliant men% se!en tho#sand% and ra$tsmen and smiths% one tho#sand% all (who were) strong
(and) $it $or war% these the 'ing o$ Babylon bro#ght a*ti!e to Babylon"
2Ki 20:14 Then the 'ing o$ Babylon made ?attaniah% (JehoiahinAs) #nle% 'ing in his *lae% and hanged his
name to Gede'iah"
2Ki 20:18 Gede'iah (was) twentyDone years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned ele!en years in
Jer#salem" His motherAs name (was) Ham#tal the da#ghter o$ Jeremiah o$ /ibnah"
2Ki 20:19 He also did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to all that Jehoia'im had done"
2Ki 20:25 ;or bea#se o$ the anger o$ the /8:2 (this) ha**ened in Jer#salem and J#dah% that He $inally ast
them o#t $rom His *resene" Then Gede'iah rebelled against the 'ing o$ Babylon"
2Ki 21:1 Now it ame to *ass in the ninth year o$ his reign% in the tenth month% on the tenth (day) o$ the month%
(that) Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon and all his army ame against Jer#salem and enam*ed against it& and
they b#ilt a siege wall against it all aro#nd"
2Ki 21:2 ,o the ity was besieged #ntil the ele!enth year o$ King Gede'iah"
2Ki 21:- By the ninth (day) o$ the ($o#rth) month the $amine had beome so se!ere in the ity that there was no
$ood $or the *eo*le o$ the land"
2Ki 21:0 Then the ity wall was bro'en thro#gh% and all the men o$ war ($led) at night by way o$ the gate between
two walls% whih was by the 'ingAs garden% e!en tho#gh the =haldeans (were) still enam*ed all aro#nd against
the ity" +nd (the 'ing) went by way o$ the *lain"
2Ki 21:1 B#t the army o$ the =haldeans *#rs#ed the 'ing% and they o!ertoo' him in the *lains o$ Jeriho" +ll his
army was sattered $rom him"
2Ki 21:3 ,o they too' the 'ing and bro#ght him #* to the 'ing o$ Babylon at :iblah% and they *rono#ned
@#dgment on him"
2Ki 21:4 Then they 'illed the sons o$ Gede'iah be$ore his eyes% *#t o#t the eyes o$ Gede'iah% bo#nd him with
bronHe $etters% and too' him to Babylon"
2Ki 21:8 +nd in the $i$th month% on the se!enth (day) o$ the month Iwhih (was) the nineteenth year o$ King
Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ BabylonJ% Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the g#ard% a ser!ant o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon%
ame to Jer#salem"
2Ki 21:9 He b#rned the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and the 'ingAs ho#se& all the ho#ses o$ Jer#salem% that is% all the
ho#ses o$ the great% he b#rned with $ire"
2Ki 21:15 +nd all the army o$ the =haldeans who (were with) the a*tain o$ the g#ard bro'e down the walls o$
Jer#salem all aro#nd"
2Ki 21:11 Then Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the g#ard arried away a*ti!e the rest o$ the *eo*le (who)
remained in the ity and the de$etors who had deserted to the 'ing o$ Babylon% with the rest o$ the m#ltit#de"
2Ki 21:12 B#t the a*tain o$ the g#ard le$t (some) o$ the *oor o$ the land as !inedressers and $armers"
2Ki 21:1- The bronHe *illars that (were) in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and the arts and the bronHe ,ea that (were)
in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% the =haldeans bro'e in *iees% and arried their bronHe to Babylon"
2Ki 21:10 They also too' away the *ots% the sho!els% the trimmers% the s*oons% and all the bronHe #tensils with
whih the *riests ministered"
2Ki 21:11 The $ire*ans and the basins% the things o$ solid gold and solid sil!er% the a*tain o$ the g#ard too'
2Ki 21:13 The two *illars% one ,ea% and the arts% whih ,olomon had made $or the ho#se o$ the /8:2% the
bronHe o$ all these artiles was beyond meas#re"
2Ki 21:14 The height o$ one *illar (was) eighteen #bits% and the a*ital on it (was) o$ bronHe" The height o$ the
a*ital was three #bits% and the networ' and *omegranates all aro#nd the a*ital were all o$ bronHe" The
seond *illar was the same% with a networ'"
2Ki 21:18 +nd the a*tain o$ the g#ard too' ,eraiah the hie$ *riest% Ge*haniah the seond *riest% and the three
2Ki 21:19 He also too' o#t o$ the ity an o$$ier who had harge o$ the men o$ war% $i!e men o$ the 'ingAs lose
assoiates who were $o#nd in the ity% the hie$ rer#iting o$$ier o$ the army% who m#stered the *eo*le o$ the
land% and si9ty men o$ the *eo*le o$ the land (who were) $o#nd in the ity"
2Ki 21:25 ,o Neb#Haradan% a*tain o$ the g#ard% too' these and bro#ght them to the 'ing o$ Babylon at :iblah"
2Ki 21:21 Then the 'ing o$ Babylon str#' them and *#t them to death at :iblah in the land o$ Hamath" Th#s
J#dah was arried away a*ti!e $rom its own land"
2Ki 21:22 Then he made Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am% the son o$ ,ha*han% go!ernor o!er the *eo*le who
remained in the land o$ J#dah% whom Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon had le$t"
2Ki 21:2- Now when all the a*tains o$ the armies% they and (their) men% heard that the 'ing o$ Babylon had
made Gedaliah go!ernor% they ame to Gedaliah at ?iH*ah DD Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah% Johanan the son o$
=areah% ,eraiah the son o$ Tanh#meth the Neto*hathite% and JaaHaniah the son o$ a ?aahathite% they and their
2Ki 21:20 +nd Gedaliah too' an oath be$ore them and their men% and said to them% .2o not be a$raid o$ the
ser!ants o$ the =haldeans" 2well in the land and ser!e the 'ing o$ Babylon% and it shall be well with yo#".
2Ki 21:21 B#t it ha**ened in the se!enth month that Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah% the son o$ 6lishama% o$ the
royal $amily% ame with ten men and str#' and 'illed Gedaliah% the Jews% as well as the =haldeans who were
with him at ?iH*ah"
2Ki 21:23 +nd all the *eo*le% small and great% and the a*tains o$ the armies% arose and went to 6gy*t& $or they
were a$raid o$ the =haldeans"
2Ki 21:24 Now it ame to *ass in the thirtyDse!enth year o$ the a*ti!ity o$ Jehoiahin 'ing o$ J#dah% in the
twel$th month% on the twentyDse!enth (day) o$ the month% (that) 6!ilD?erodah 'ing o$ Babylon% in the year that he
began to reign% released Jehoiahin 'ing o$ J#dah $rom *rison"
2Ki 21:28 He s*o'e 'indly to him% and ga!e him a more *rominent seat than those o$ the 'ings who (were) with
him in Babylon"
2Ki 21:29 ,o Jehoiahin hanged $rom his *rison garments% and he ate bread reg#larly be$ore the 'ing all the
days o$ his li$e"
2Ki 21:-5 +nd as $or his *ro!isions% (there was) a reg#lar ration gi!en him by the 'ing% a *ortion $or eah day% all
the days o$ his li$e"
1=h 1:1 +dam% ,eth% 6nosh%
1=h 1:2 =ainan% ?ahalalel% Jared%
1=h 1:- 6noh% ?eth#selah% /ameh%
1=h 1:0 Noah% ,hem% Ham% and Ja*heth"
1=h 1:1 The sons o$ Ja*heth (were) Gomer% ?agog% ?adai% Ja!an% T#bal% ?esheh% and Tiras"
1=h 1:3 The sons o$ Gomer (were) +sh'enaH% 2i*hath% and Togarmah"
1=h 1:4 The sons o$ Ja!an (were) 6lishah% Tarshishah% Kittim% and :odanim"
1=h 1:8 The sons o$ Ham (were) =#sh% ?iHraim% <#t% and =anaan"
1=h 1:9 The sons o$ =#sh (were) ,eba% Ha!ilah% ,abta% :aama% and ,abteha" The sons o$ :aama (were)
,heba and 2edan"
1=h 1:15 =#sh begot Nimrod& he began to be a mighty one on the earth"
1=h 1:11 ?iHraim begot /#dim% +namim% /ehabim% Na*ht#him%
1=h 1:12 <athr#sim% =asl#him I$rom whom ame the <hilistines and the =a*htorimJ"
1=h 1:1- =anaan begot ,idon% his $irstborn% and Heth&
1=h 1:10 the Jeb#site% the +morite% and the Girgashite&
1=h 1:11 the Hi!ite% the +r'ite% and the ,inite&
1=h 1:13 the +r!adite% the Gemarite% and the Hamathite"
1=h 1:14 The sons o$ ,hem (were) 6lam% +ssh#r% +r*ha9ad% /#d% +ram% 7H% H#l% Gether% and ?esheh"
1=h 1:18 +r*ha9ad begot ,helah% and ,helah begot 6ber"
1=h 1:19 To 6ber were born two sons: the name o$ one (was) <eleg% $or in his days the earth was di!ided& and
his brotherAs name (was) Jo'tan"
1=h 1:25 Jo'tan begot +lmodad% ,hele*h% HaHarma!eth% Jerah%
1=h 1:21 Hadoram% 7Hal% 2i'lah%
1=h 1:22 6bal% +bimael% ,heba%
1=h 1:2- 8*hir% Ha!ilah% and Jobab" +ll these (were) the sons o$ Jo'tan"
1=h 1:20 ,hem% +r*ha9ad% ,helah%
1=h 1:21 6ber% <eleg% :e#%
1=h 1:23 ,er#g% Nahor% Terah%
1=h 1:24 and +bram% who (is) +braham"
1=h 1:28 The sons o$ +braham (were) Isaa and Ishmael"
1=h 1:29 These (are) their genealogies: The $irstborn o$ Ishmael (was) Neba@oth& then Kedar% +dbeel% ?ibsam%
1=h 1:-5 ?ishma% 2#mah% ?assa% Hadad% Tema%
1=h 1:-1 Jet#r% Na*hish% and Kedemah" These (were) the sons o$ Ishmael"
1=h 1:-2 Now the sons born to Ket#rah% +brahamAs on#bine% (were) Gimran% Jo'shan% ?edan% ?idian% Ishba'%
and ,h#ah" The sons o$ Jo'shan (were) ,heba and 2edan"
1=h 1:-- The sons o$ ?idian (were) 6*hah% 6*her% Hanoh% +bida% and 6ldaah" +ll these were the hildren o$
1=h 1:-0 +nd +braham begot Isaa" The sons o$ Isaa (were) 6sa# and Israel"
1=h 1:-1 The sons o$ 6sa# (were) 6li*haH% :e#el% Je#sh% Jaalam% and Korah"
1=h 1:-3 +nd the sons o$ 6li*haH (were) Teman% 8mar% Ge*hi% Gatam% (and) KenaH& and (by) Timna% +male'"
1=h 1:-4 The sons o$ :e#el (were) Nahath% Gerah% ,hammah% and ?iHHah"
1=h 1:-8 The sons o$ ,eir (were) /otan% ,hobal% Gibeon% +nah% 2ishon% 6Her% and 2ishan"
1=h 1:-9 +nd the sons o$ /otan (were) Hori and Homam& /otanAs sister (was) Timna"
1=h 1:05 The sons o$ ,hobal (were) +lian% ?anahath% 6bal% ,he*hi% and 8nam" The sons o$ Gibeon (were) +@ah
and +nah"
1=h 1:01 The son o$ +nah (was) 2ishon" The sons o$ 2ishon (were) Hamran% 6shban% Ithran% and =heran"
1=h 1:02 The sons o$ 6Her (were) Bilhan% Gaa!an% (and) Jaa'an" The sons o$ 2ishan (were) 7H and +ran"
1=h 1:0- Now these (were) the 'ings who reigned in the land o$ 6dom be$ore a 'ing reigned o!er the hildren o$
Israel: Bela the son o$ Beor% and the name o$ his ity was 2inhabah"
1=h 1:00 +nd when Bela died% Jobab the son o$ Gerah o$ BoHrah reigned in his *lae"
1=h 1:01 >hen Jobab died% H#sham o$ the land o$ the Temanites reigned in his *lae"
1=h 1:03 +nd when H#sham died% Hadad the son o$ Bedad% who atta'ed ?idian in the $ield o$ ?oab% reigned
in his *lae" The name o$ his ity (was) +!ith"
1=h 1:04 >hen Hadad died% ,amlah o$ ?asre'ah reigned in his *lae"
1=h 1:08 +nd when ,amlah died% ,a#l o$ :ehobothDbyDtheD:i!er reigned in his *lae"
1=h 1:09 >hen ,a#l died% BaalDHanan the son o$ +hbor reigned in his *lae"
1=h 1:15 +nd when BaalDHanan died% Hadad reigned in his *lae& and the name o$ his ity was <ai" His wi$eAs
name was ?ehetabel the da#ghter o$ ?atred% the da#ghter o$ ?eHahab"
1=h 1:11 Hadad died also" +nd the hie$s o$ 6dom were =hie$ Timnah% =hie$ +liah% =hie$ Jetheth%
1=h 1:12 =hie$ +holibamah% =hie$ 6lah% =hie$ <inon%
1=h 1:1- =hie$ KenaH% =hie$ Teman% =hie$ ?ibHar%
1=h 1:10 =hie$ ?agdiel% and =hie$ Iram" These (were) the hie$s o$ 6dom"
1=h 2:1 These (were) the sons o$ Israel: :e#ben% ,imeon% /e!i% J#dah% Issahar% Geb#l#n%
1=h 2:2 2an% Jose*h% Ben@amin% Na*htali% Gad% and +sher"
1=h 2:- The sons o$ J#dah (were) 6r% 8nan% and ,helah" (These) three were born to him by the da#ghter o$
,h#a% the =anaanitess" 6r% the $irstborn o$ J#dah% was wi'ed in the sight o$ the /8:2& so He 'illed him"
1=h 2:0 +nd Tamar% his da#ghterDinDlaw% bore him <ereH and Gerah" +ll the sons o$ J#dah (were) $i!e"
1=h 2:1 The sons o$ <ereH (were) HeHron and Ham#l"
1=h 2:3 The sons o$ Gerah (were) Gimri% 6than% Heman% =alol% and 2ara DD $i!e o$ them in all"
1=h 2:4 The son o$ =armi (was) +har% the tro#bler o$ Israel% who transgressed in the a#rsed thing"
1=h 2:8 The son o$ 6than (was) +Hariah"
1=h 2:9 +lso the sons o$ HeHron who were born to him (were) Jerahmeel% :am% and =hel#bai"
1=h 2:15 :am begot +mminadab% and +mminadab begot Nahshon% leader o$ the hildren o$ J#dah&
1=h 2:11 Nahshon begot ,alma% and ,alma begot BoaH&
1=h 2:12 BoaH begot 8bed% and 8bed begot Jesse&
1=h 2:1- Jesse begot 6liab his $irstborn% +binadab the seond% ,himea the third%
1=h 2:10 Nethanel the $o#rth% :addai the $i$th%
1=h 2:11 8Hem the si9th% (and) 2a!id the se!enth"
1=h 2:13 Now their sisters (were) Ger#iah and +bigail" +nd the sons o$ Ger#iah (were) +bishai% Joab% and
+sahel DD three"
1=h 2:14 +bigail bore +masa& and the $ather o$ +masa (was) Jether the Ishmaelite"
1=h 2:18 =aleb the son o$ HeHron had hildren by +H#bah% (his) wi$e% and by Jerioth" Now these were her sons:
Jesher% ,hobab% and +rdon"
1=h 2:19 >hen +H#bah died% =aleb too' 6*hrath as his wi$e% who bore him H#r"
1=h 2:25 +nd H#r begot 7ri% and 7ri begot BeHalel"
1=h 2:21 Now a$terward HeHron went in to the da#ghter o$ ?ahir the $ather o$ Gilead% whom he married when
he (was) si9ty years old& and she bore him ,eg#b"
1=h 2:22 ,eg#b begot Jair% who had twentyDthree ities in the land o$ Gilead"
1=h 2:2- IGesh#r and ,yria too' $rom them the towns o$ Jair% with Kenath and its towns DD si9ty towns"J +ll
these (belonged to) the sons o$ ?ahir the $ather o$ Gilead"
1=h 2:20 +$ter HeHron died in =aleb 6*hrathah% HeHronAs wi$e +bi@ah bore him +shh#r the $ather o$ Te'oa"
1=h 2:21 The sons o$ Jerahmeel% the $irstborn o$ HeHron% (were) :am% the $irstborn% and B#nah% 8ren% 8Hem%
(and) +hi@ah"
1=h 2:23 Jerahmeel had another wi$e% whose name was +tarah& she was the mother o$ 8nam"
1=h 2:24 The sons o$ :am% the $irstborn o$ Jerahmeel% were ?aaH% Jamin% and 6'er"
1=h 2:28 The sons o$ 8nam were ,hammai and Jada" The sons o$ ,hammai (were) Nadab and +bish#r"
1=h 2:29 +nd the name o$ the wi$e o$ +bish#r (was) +bihail% and she bore him +hban and ?olid"
1=h 2:-5 The sons o$ Nadab (were) ,eled and +**aim& ,eled died witho#t hildren"
1=h 2:-1 The son o$ +**aim (was) Ishi% the son o$ Ishi (was) ,heshan% and ,heshanAs hild (was) +hlai"
1=h 2:-2 The sons o$ Jada% the brother o$ ,hammai% (were) Jether and Jonathan& Jether died witho#t hildren"
1=h 2:-- The sons o$ Jonathan (were) <eleth and GaHa" These were the sons o$ Jerahmeel"
1=h 2:-0 Now ,heshan had no sons% only da#ghters" +nd ,heshan had an 6gy*tian ser!ant whose name (was)
1=h 2:-1 ,heshan ga!e his da#ghter to Jarha his ser!ant as wi$e% and she bore him +ttai"
1=h 2:-3 +ttai begot Nathan% and Nathan begot Gabad&
1=h 2:-4 Gabad begot 6*hlal% and 6*hlal begot 8bed&
1=h 2:-8 8bed begot Jeh#% and Jeh# begot +Hariah&
1=h 2:-9 +Hariah begot HeleH% and HeleH begot 6leasah&
1=h 2:05 6leasah begot ,ismai% and ,ismai begot ,hall#m&
1=h 2:01 ,hall#m begot Je'amiah% and Je'amiah begot 6lishama"
1=h 2:02 The desendants o$ =aleb the brother o$ Jerahmeel (were) ?esha% his $irstborn% who was the $ather o$
Gi*h% and the sons o$ ?areshah the $ather o$ Hebron"
1=h 2:0- The sons o$ Hebron (were) Korah% Ta**#ah% :e'em% and ,hema"
1=h 2:00 ,hema begot :aham the $ather o$ Jor'oam% and :e'em begot ,hammai"
1=h 2:01 +nd the son o$ ,hammai (was) ?aon% and ?aon (was) the $ather o$ Beth G#r"
1=h 2:03 6*hah% =alebAs on#bine% bore Haran% ?oHa% and GaHeH& and Haran begot GaHeH"
1=h 2:04 +nd the sons o$ Jahdai (were) :egem% Jotham% Geshan% <elet% 6*hah% and ,haa*h"
1=h 2:08 ?aahah% =alebAs on#bine% bore ,heber and Tirhanah"
1=h 2:09 ,he also bore ,haa*h the $ather o$ ?admannah% ,he!a the $ather o$ ?ahbenah and the $ather o$
Gibea" +nd the da#ghter o$ =aleb (was) +hsah"
1=h 2:15 These were the desendants o$ =aleb: The sons o$ H#r% the $irstborn o$ 6*hrathah% (were) ,hobal the
$ather o$ Kir@ath Jearim%
1=h 2:11 ,alma the $ather o$ Bethlehem% (and) Hare*h the $ather o$ Beth Gader"
1=h 2:12 +nd ,hobal the $ather o$ Kir@ath Jearim had desendants: Haroeh% (and) hal$ o$ the ($amilies o$)
1=h 2:1- The $amilies o$ Kir@ath Jearim (were) the Ithrites% the <#thites% the ,h#mathites% and the ?ishraites"
;rom these ame the Gorathites and the 6shtaolites"
1=h 2:10 The sons o$ ,alma (were) Bethlehem% the Neto*hathites% +troth Beth Joab% hal$ o$ the ?anahethites%
and the Gorites"
1=h 2:11 +nd the $amilies o$ the sribes who dwelt at JabeH (were) the Tirathites% the ,himeathites% (and) the
,#hathites" These (were) the Kenites who ame $rom Hammath% the $ather o$ the ho#se o$ :ehab"
1=h -:1 Now these were the sons o$ 2a!id who were born to him in Hebron: The $irstborn (was) +mnon% by
+hinoam the JeHreelitess& the seond% 2aniel% by +bigail the =armelitess&
1=h -:2 the third% +bsalom the son o$ ?aaah% the da#ghter o$ Talmai% 'ing o$ Gesh#r& the $o#rth% +doni@ah the
son o$ Haggith&
1=h -:- the $i$th% ,he*hatiah% by +bital& the si9th% Ithream% by his wi$e 6glah"
1=h -:0 (These) si9 were born to him in Hebron" There he reigned se!en years and si9 months% and in
Jer#salem he reigned thirtyDthree years"
1=h -:1 +nd these were born to him in Jer#salem: ,himea% ,hobab% Nathan% and ,olomon DD $o#r by Bathsh#a
the da#ghter o$ +mmiel"
1=h -:3 +lso (there) were Ibhar% 6lishama% 6li*helet%
1=h -:4 Nogah% Ne*heg% Ja*hia%
1=h -:8 6lishama% 6liada% and 6li*helet DD nine (in all")
1=h -:9 (These were) all the sons o$ 2a!id% besides the sons o$ the on#bines% and Tamar their sister"
1=h -:15 ,olomonAs son (was) :ehoboam& +bi@ah (was) his son% +sa his son% Jehosha*hat his son%
1=h -:11 Joram his son% +haHiah his son% Joash his son%
1=h -:12 +maHiah his son% +Hariah his son% Jotham his son%
1=h -:1- +haH his son% HeHe'iah his son% ?anasseh his son%
1=h -:10 +mon his son% (and) Josiah his son"
1=h -:11 The sons o$ Josiah (were) Johanan the $irstborn% the seond Jehoia'im% the third Gede'iah% and the
$o#rth ,hall#m"
1=h -:13 The sons o$ Jehoia'im (were) Jeoniah his son (and) Gede'iah his son"
1=h -:14 +nd the sons o$ Jeoniah (were) +ssir% ,healtiel his son%
1=h -:18 (and) ?alhiram% <edaiah% ,henaHHar% Jeamiah% Hoshama% and Nedabiah"
1=h -:19 The sons o$ <edaiah (were) Ger#bbabel and ,himei" The sons o$ Ger#bbabel (were) ?esh#llam%
Hananiah% ,helomith their sister%
1=h -:25 and Hash#bah% 8hel% Berehiah% Hasadiah% and J#shabDHesed DD $i!e (in all")
1=h -:21 The sons o$ Hananiah (were) <elatiah and Jeshaiah% the sons o$ :e*haiah% the sons o$ +rnan% the
sons o$ 8badiah% and the sons o$ ,hehaniah"
1=h -:22 The son o$ ,hehaniah was ,hemaiah" The sons o$ ,hemaiah (were) Hatt#sh% Igal% Bariah% Neariah%
and ,ha*hat DD si9 (in all")
1=h -:2- The sons o$ Neariah (were) 6lioenai% HeHe'iah% and +Hri'am DD three (in all")
1=h -:20 The sons o$ 6lioenai (were) Hoda!iah% 6liashib% <elaiah% +''#b% Johanan% 2elaiah% and +nani DD se!en
(in all")
1=h 0:1 The sons o$ J#dah (were) <ereH% HeHron% =armi% H#r% and ,hobal"
1=h 0:2 +nd :eaiah the son o$ ,hobal begot Jahath% and Jahath begot +h#mai and /ahad" These (were) the
$amilies o$ the Gorathites"
1=h 0:- These (were) the sons (o$ the $ather) o$ 6tam: JeHreel% Ishma% and Idbash& and the name o$ their sister
(was) HaHelel*oni&
1=h 0:0 and <en#el (was) the $ather o$ Gedor% and 6Her (was the) $ather o$ H#shah" These (were) the sons o$
H#r% the $irstborn o$ 6*hrathah the $ather o$ Bethlehem"
1=h 0:1 +nd +shh#r the $ather o$ Te'oa had two wi!es% Helah and Naarah"
1=h 0:3 Naarah bore him +h#HHam% He*her% Temeni% and Haahashtari" These (were) the sons o$ Naarah"
1=h 0:4 The sons o$ Helah (were) Gereth% Gohar% and 6thnan&
1=h 0:8 and KoH begot +n#b% Gobebah% and the $amilies o$ +harhel the son o$ Har#m"
1=h 0:9 Now JabeH was more honorable than his brothers% and his mother alled his name JabeH% saying%
.Bea#se I bore (him) in *ain".
1=h 0:15 +nd JabeH alled on the God o$ Israel saying% .8h% that Bo# wo#ld bless me indeed% and enlarge my
territory% that Bo#r hand wo#ld be with me% and that Bo# wo#ld 'ee* (me) $rom e!il% that I may not a#se *ainF.
,o God granted him what he reE#ested"
1=h 0:11 =hel#b the brother o$ ,h#hah begot ?ehir% who (was) the $ather o$ 6shton"
1=h 0:12 +nd 6shton begot BethD:a*ha% <aseah% and Tehinnah the $ather o$ IrDNahash" These (were) the men
o$ :ehah"
1=h 0:1- The sons o$ KenaH (were) 8thniel and ,eraiah" The sons o$ 8thniel (were) Hathath%
1=h 0:10 and ?eonothai (who) begot 8*hrah" ,eraiah begot Joab the $ather o$ Ge Harashim% $or they were
1=h 0:11 The sons o$ =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh (were) Ir#% 6lah% and Naam" The son o$ 6lah (was) KenaH"
1=h 0:13 The sons o$ Jehallelel (were) Gi*h% Gi*hah% Tiria% and +sarel"
1=h 0:14 The sons o$ 6Hrah (were) Jether% ?ered% 6*her% and Jalon" +nd (?eredAs wi$e bore) ?iriam% ,hammai%
and Ishbah the $ather o$ 6shtemoa"
1=h 0:18 IHis wi$e Jeh#di@ah bore Jered the $ather o$ Gedor% Heber the $ather o$ ,ohoh% and Je'#thiel the
$ather o$ Ganoah"J +nd these were the sons o$ Bithiah the da#ghter o$ <haraoh% whom ?ered too'"
1=h 0:19 The sons o$ HodiahAs wi$e% the sister o$ Naham% (were) the $athers o$ Keilah the Garmite and o$
6shtemoa the ?aahathite"
1=h 0:25 +nd the sons o$ ,himon (were) +mnon% :innah% BenDHanan% and Tilon" +nd the sons o$ Ishi (were)
Goheth and BenDGoheth"
1=h 0:21 The sons o$ ,helah the son o$ J#dah (were) 6r the $ather o$ /eah% /aadah the $ather o$ ?areshah%
and the $amilies o$ the ho#se o$ the linen wor'ers o$ the ho#se o$ +shbea&
1=h 0:22 also Jo'im% the men o$ =hoHeba% and Joash& ,ara*h% who r#led in ?oab% and Jash#biD/ehem" Now
the reords are anient"
1=h 0:2- These (were) the *otters and those who dwell at Netaim and Gederah& there they dwelt with the 'ing
$or his wor'"
1=h 0:20 The sons o$ ,imeon (were) Nem#el% Jamin% Jarib% Gerah% (and) ,ha#l%
1=h 0:21 ,hall#m his son% ?ibsam his son% and ?ishma his son"
1=h 0:23 +nd the sons o$ ?ishma (were) Ham#el his son% Gah#r his son% and ,himei his son"
1=h 0:24 ,himei had si9teen sons and si9 da#ghters& b#t his brothers did not ha!e many hildren% nor did any
o$ their $amilies m#lti*ly as m#h as the hildren o$ J#dah"
1=h 0:28 They dwelt at Beersheba% ?oladah% HaHar ,h#al%
1=h 0:29 Bilhah% 6Hem% Tolad%
1=h 0:-5 Beth#el% Hormah% Gi'lag%
1=h 0:-1 Beth ?araboth% HaHar ,#sim% Beth Biri% and at ,haaraim" These (were) their ities #ntil the reign o$
1=h 0:-2 +nd their !illages (were) 6tam% +in% :immon% Tohen% and +shan DD $i!e ities DD
1=h 0:-- and all the !illages that (were) aro#nd these ities as $ar as Baal" These (were) their dwelling *laes%
and they maintained their genealogy:
1=h 0:-0 ?eshobab% Jamleh% and Joshah the son o$ +maHiah&
1=h 0:-1 Joel% and Jeh# the son o$ Joshibiah% the son o$ ,eraiah% the son o$ +siel&
1=h 0:-3 6lioenai% Jaa'obah% Jeshohaiah% +saiah% +diel% Jesimiel% and Benaiah&
1=h 0:-4 GiHa the son o$ ,hi*hi% the son o$ +llon% the son o$ Jedaiah% the son o$ ,himri% the son o$ ,hemaiah DD
1=h 0:-8 these mentioned by name (were) leaders in their $amilies% and their $atherAs ho#se inreased greatly"
1=h 0:-9 ,o they went to the entrane o$ Gedor% as $ar as the east side o$ the !alley% to see' *ast#re $or their
1=h 0:05 +nd they $o#nd rih% good *ast#re% and the land (was) broad% E#iet% and *eae$#l& $or some Hamites
$ormerly li!ed there"
1=h 0:01 These reorded by name ame in the days o$ HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah& and they atta'ed their tents
and the ?e#nites who were $o#nd there% and #tterly destroyed them% as it is to this day" ,o they dwelt in their
*lae% bea#se (there was) *ast#re $or their $lo's there"
1=h 0:02 Now (some) o$ them% $i!e h#ndred men o$ the sons o$ ,imeon% went to ?o#nt ,eir% ha!ing as their
a*tains <elatiah% Neariah% :e*haiah% and 7HHiel% the sons o$ Ishi"
1=h 0:0- +nd they de$eated the rest o$ the +male'ites who had esa*ed" They ha!e dwelt there to this day"
1=h 1:1 Now the sons o$ :e#ben the $irstborn o$ Israel DD he (was) indeed the $irstborn% b#t bea#se he de$iled
his $atherAs bed% his birthright was gi!en to the sons o$ Jose*h% the son o$ Israel% so that the genealogy is not
listed aording to the birthright&
1=h 1:2 yet J#dah *re!ailed o!er his brothers% and $rom him (ame) a r#ler% altho#gh the birthright was Jose*hAs
1=h 1:- the sons o$ :e#ben the $irstborn o$ Israel were Hanoh% <all#% HeHron% and =armi"
1=h 1:0 The sons o$ Joel (were) ,hemaiah his son% Gog his son% ,himei his son%
1=h 1:1 ?iah his son% :eaiah his son% Baal his son%
1=h 1:3 and Beerah his son% whom TiglathD<ileser 'ing o$ +ssyria arried into a*ti!ity" He (was) leader o$ the
1=h 1:4 +nd his brethren by their $amilies% when the genealogy o$ their generations was registered: the hie$%
Jeiel% and Gehariah%
1=h 1:8 and Bela the son o$ +HaH% the son o$ ,hema% the son o$ Joel% who dwelt in +roer% as $ar as Nebo and
Baal ?eon"
1=h 1:9 6astward they settled as $ar as the entrane o$ the wilderness this side o$ the :i!er 6#*hrates% bea#se
their attle had m#lti*lied in the land o$ Gilead"
1=h 1:15 Now in the days o$ ,a#l they made war with the Hagrites% who $ell by their hand& and they dwelt in
their tents thro#gho#t the entire (area) east o$ Gilead"
1=h 1:11 +nd the hildren o$ Gad dwelt ne9t to them in the land o$ Bashan as $ar as ,alah:
1=h 1:12 Joel (was) the hie$% ,ha*ham the ne9t% then Jaanai and ,ha*hat in Bashan%
1=h 1:1- and their brethren o$ their $atherAs ho#se: ?ihael% ?esh#llam% ,heba% Jorai% Jahan% Gia% and 6ber DD
se!en (in all")
1=h 1:10 These (were) the hildren o$ +bihail the son o$ H#ri% the son o$ Jaroah% the son o$ Gilead% the son o$
?ihael% the son o$ Jeshishai% the son o$ Jahdo% the son o$ B#H&
1=h 1:11 +hi the son o$ +bdiel% the son o$ G#ni% (was) hie$ o$ their $atherAs ho#se"
1=h 1:13 +nd (the Gadites) dwelt in Gilead% in Bashan and in its !illages% and in all the ommonDlands o$ ,haron
within their borders"
1=h 1:14 +ll these were registered by genealogies in the days o$ Jotham 'ing o$ J#dah% and in the days o$
Jeroboam 'ing o$ Israel"
1=h 1:18 The sons o$ :e#ben% the Gadites% and hal$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh (had) $ortyD$o#r tho#sand se!en
h#ndred and si9ty !aliant men% men able to bear shield and sword% to shoot with the bow% and s'ill$#l in war% who
went to war"
1=h 1:19 They made war with the Hagrites% Jet#r% Na*hish% and Nodab"
1=h 1:25 +nd they were hel*ed against them% and the Hagrites were deli!ered into their hand% and all who
(were) with them% $or they ried o#t to God in the battle" He heeded their *rayer% bea#se they *#t their tr#st in
1=h 1:21 Then they too' away their li!esto' DD $i$ty tho#sand o$ their amels% two h#ndred and $i$ty tho#sand o$
their shee*% and two tho#sand o$ their don'eys DD also one h#ndred tho#sand o$ their men&
1=h 1:22 $or many $ell dead% bea#se the war (was) GodAs" +nd they dwelt in their *lae #ntil the a*ti!ity"
1=h 1:2- ,o the hildren o$ the hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh dwelt in the land" Their (n#mbers) inreased $rom Bashan
to Baal Hermon% that is% to ,enir% or ?o#nt Hermon"
1=h 1:20 These (were) the heads o$ their $athersA ho#ses: 6*her% Ishi% 6liel% +Hriel% Jeremiah% Hoda!iah% and
Jahdiel" They were mighty men o$ !alor% $amo#s men% (and) heads o$ their $athersA ho#ses"
1=h 1:21 +nd they were #n$aith$#l to the God o$ their $athers% and *layed the harlot a$ter the gods o$ the *eo*les
o$ the land% whom God had destroyed be$ore them"
1=h 1:23 ,o the God o$ Israel stirred #* the s*irit o$ <#l 'ing o$ +ssyria% that is% TiglathD<ileser 'ing o$ +ssyria"
He arried the :e#benites% the Gadites% and the hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh into a*ti!ity" He too' them to Halah%
Habor% Hara% and the ri!er o$ GoHan to this day"
1=h 3:1 The sons o$ /e!i (were) Gershon% Kohath% and ?erari"
1=h 3:2 The sons o$ Kohath (were) +mram% IHhar% Hebron% and 7HHiel"
1=h 3:- The hildren o$ +mram (were) +aron% ?oses% and ?iriam" +nd the sons o$ +aron (were) Nadab% +bih#%
6leaHar% and Ithamar"
1=h 3:0 6leaHar begot <hinehas% (and) <hinehas begot +bish#a&
1=h 3:1 +bish#a begot B#''i% and B#''i begot 7HHi&
1=h 3:3 7HHi begot Gerahiah% and Gerahiah begot ?eraioth&
1=h 3:4 ?eraioth begot +mariah% and +mariah begot +hit#b&
1=h 3:8 +hit#b begot Gado'% and Gado' begot +himaaH&
1=h 3:9 +himaaH begot +Hariah% and +Hariah begot Johanan&
1=h 3:15 Johanan begot +Hariah Iit was he who ministered as *riest in the tem*le that ,olomon b#ilt in
1=h 3:11 +Hariah begot +mariah% and +mariah begot +hit#b&
1=h 3:12 +hit#b begot Gado'% and Gado' begot ,hall#m&
1=h 3:1- ,hall#m begot Hil'iah% and Hil'iah begot +Hariah&
1=h 3:10 +Hariah begot ,eraiah% and ,eraiah begot JehoHada'"
1=h 3:11 JehoHada' went (into a*ti!ity) when the /8:2 arried J#dah and Jer#salem into a*ti!ity by the
hand o$ Neb#hadneHHar"
1=h 3:13 The sons o$ /e!i (were) Gershon% Kohath% and ?erari"
1=h 3:14 These are the names o$ the sons o$ Gershon: /ibni and ,himei"
1=h 3:18 The sons o$ Kohath (were) +mram% IHhar% Hebron% and 7HHiel"
1=h 3:19 The sons o$ ?erari (were) ?ahli and ?#shi" Now these (are) the $amilies o$ the /e!ites aording to
their $athers:
1=h 3:25 8$ Gershon (were) /ibni his son% Jahath his son% Gimmah his son%
1=h 3:21 Joah his son% Iddo his son% Gerah his son% (and) Jeatherai his son"
1=h 3:22 The sons o$ Kohath (were) +mminadab his son% Korah his son% +ssir his son%
1=h 3:2- 6l'anah his son% 6biasa*h his son% +ssir his son%
1=h 3:20 Tahath his son% 7riel his son% 7HHiah his son% and ,ha#l his son"
1=h 3:21 The sons o$ 6l'anah (were) +masai and +himoth"
1=h 3:23 (+s $or) 6l'anah% the sons o$ 6l'anah (were) Go*hai his son% Nahath his son%
1=h 3:24 6liab his son% Jeroham his son% (and) 6l'anah his son"
1=h 3:28 The sons o$ ,am#el (were Joel) the $irstborn% and +bi@ah the seond"
1=h 3:29 The sons o$ ?erari (were) ?ahli% /ibni his son% ,himei his son% 7HHah his son%
1=h 3:-5 ,himea his son% Haggiah his son% (and) +saiah his son"
1=h 3:-1 Now these are the men whom 2a!id a**ointed o!er the ser!ie o$ song in the ho#se o$ the /8:2%
a$ter the ar' ame to rest"
1=h 3:-2 They were ministering with m#si be$ore the dwelling *lae o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% #ntil
,olomon had b#ilt the ho#se o$ the /8:2 in Jer#salem% and they ser!ed in their o$$ie aording to their order"
1=h 3:-- +nd these (are) the ones who ministered with their sons: 8$ the sons o$ the Kohathites (were) Heman
the singer% the son o$ Joel% the son o$ ,am#el%
1=h 3:-0 the son o$ 6l'anah% the son o$ Jeroham% the son o$ 6liel% the son o$ Toah%
1=h 3:-1 the son o$ G#*h% the son o$ 6l'anah% the son o$ ?ahath% the son o$ +masai%
1=h 3:-3 the son o$ 6l'anah% the son o$ Joel% the son o$ +Hariah% the son o$ Ge*haniah%
1=h 3:-4 the son o$ Tahath% the son o$ +ssir% the son o$ 6biasa*h% the son o$ Korah%
1=h 3:-8 the son o$ IHhar% the son o$ Kohath% the son o$ /e!i% the son o$ Israel"
1=h 3:-9 +nd his brother +sa*h% who stood at his right hand% (was) +sa*h the son o$ Berahiah% the son o$
1=h 3:05 the son o$ ?ihael% the son o$ Baaseiah% the son o$ ?alhi@ah%
1=h 3:01 the son o$ 6thni% the son o$ Gerah% the son o$ +daiah%
1=h 3:02 the son o$ 6than% the son o$ Gimmah% the son o$ ,himei%
1=h 3:0- the son o$ Jahath% the son o$ Gershon% the son o$ /e!i"
1=h 3:00 Their brethren% the sons o$ ?erari% on the le$t hand% (were) 6than the son o$ Kishi% the son o$ +bdi% the
son o$ ?all#h%
1=h 3:01 the son o$ Hashabiah% the son o$ +maHiah% the son o$ Hil'iah%
1=h 3:03 the son o$ +mHi% the son o$ Bani% the son o$ ,hamer%
1=h 3:04 the son o$ ?ahli% the son o$ ?#shi% the son o$ ?erari% the son o$ /e!i"
1=h 3:08 +nd their brethren% the /e!ites% (were) a**ointed to e!ery 'ind o$ ser!ie o$ the tabernale o$ the
ho#se o$ God"
1=h 3:09 B#t +aron and his sons o$$ered sari$ies on the altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering and on the altar o$ inense% $or
all the wor' o$ the ?ost Holy (<lae%) and to ma'e atonement $or Israel% aording to all that ?oses the ser!ant
o$ God had ommanded"
1=h 3:15 Now these (are) the sons o$ +aron: 6leaHar his son% <hinehas his son% +bish#a his son%
1=h 3:11 B#''i his son% 7HHi his son% Gerahiah his son%
1=h 3:12 ?eraioth his son% +mariah his son% +hit#b his son%
1=h 3:1- Gado' his son% (and) +himaaH his son"
1=h 3:10 Now these (are) their dwelling *laes thro#gho#t their settlements in their territory% $or they were
(gi!en) by lot to the sons o$ +aron% o$ the $amily o$ the Kohathites:
1=h 3:11 They ga!e them Hebron in the land o$ J#dah% with its s#rro#nding ommonDlands"
1=h 3:13 B#t the $ields o$ the ity and its !illages they ga!e to =aleb the son o$ Je*h#nneh"
1=h 3:14 +nd to the sons o$ +aron they ga!e (one o$) the ities o$ re$#ge% Hebron& also /ibnah with its ommonD
lands% Jattir% 6shtemoa with its ommonDlands%
1=h 3:18 Hilen with its ommonDlands% 2ebir with its ommonDlands%
1=h 3:19 +shan with its ommonDlands% and Beth ,hemesh with its ommonDlands"
1=h 3:35 +nd $rom the tribe o$ Ben@amin: Geba with its ommonDlands% +lemeth with its ommonDlands% and
+nathoth with its ommonDlands" +ll their ities among their $amilies (were) thirteen"
1=h 3:31 To the rest o$ the $amily o$ the tribe o$ the Kohathites (they ga!e) by lot ten ities $rom hal$ the tribe o$
1=h 3:32 +nd to the sons o$ Gershon% thro#gho#t their $amilies% (they ga!e) thirteen ities $rom the tribe o$
Issahar% $rom the tribe o$ +sher% $rom the tribe o$ Na*htali% and $rom the tribe o$ ?anasseh in Bashan"
1=h 3:3- To the sons o$ ?erari% thro#gho#t their $amilies% (they ga!e) twel!e ities $rom the tribe o$ :e#ben%
$rom the tribe o$ Gad% and $rom the tribe o$ Geb#l#n"
1=h 3:30 ,o the hildren o$ Israel ga!e (these) ities with their ommonDlands to the /e!ites"
1=h 3:31 +nd they ga!e by lot $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ J#dah% $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ ,imeon%
and $rom the tribe o$ the hildren o$ Ben@amin these ities whih are alled by (their) names"
1=h 3:33 Now some o$ the $amilies o$ the sons o$ Kohath (were gi!en) ities as their territory $rom the tribe o$
1=h 3:34 +nd they ga!e them (one o$) the ities o$ re$#ge% ,hehem with its ommonDlands% in the mo#ntains o$
6*hraim% also GeHer with its ommonDlands%
1=h 3:38 Jo'meam with its ommonDlands% Beth Horon with its ommonDlands%
1=h 3:39 +i@alon with its ommonDlands% and Gath :immon with its ommonDlands"
1=h 3:45 +nd $rom the hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh: +ner with its ommonDlands and Bileam with its ommonDlands%
$or the rest o$ the $amily o$ the sons o$ Kohath"
1=h 3:41 ;rom the $amily o$ the hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh the sons o$ Gershon (were gi!en) Golan in Bashan with
its ommonDlands and +shtaroth with its ommonDlands"
1=h 3:42 +nd $rom the tribe o$ Issahar: Kedesh with its ommonDlands% 2aberath with its ommonDlands%
1=h 3:4- :amoth with its ommonDlands% and +nem with its ommonDlands"
1=h 3:40 +nd $rom the tribe o$ +sher: ?ashal with its ommonDlands% +bdon with its ommonDlands%
1=h 3:41 H#'o' with its ommonDlands% and :ehob with its ommonDlands"
1=h 3:43 +nd $rom the tribe o$ Na*htali: Kedesh in Galilee with its ommonDlands% Hammon with its ommonD
lands% and Kir@athaim with its ommonDlands"
1=h 3:44 ;rom the tribe o$ Geb#l#n the rest o$ the hildren o$ ?erari (were gi!en) :immon with its ommonD
lands and Tabor with its ommonDlands"
1=h 3:48 +nd on the other side o$ the Jordan% aross $rom Jeriho% on the east side o$ the Jordan% (they were
gi!en) $rom the tribe o$ :e#ben: BeHer in the wilderness with its ommonDlands% JahHah with its ommonDlands%
1=h 3:49 Kedemoth with its ommonDlands% and ?e*haath with its ommonDlands"
1=h 3:85 +nd $rom the tribe o$ Gad: :amoth in Gilead with its ommonDlands% ?ahanaim with its ommonD
1=h 3:81 Heshbon with its ommonDlands% and JaHer with its ommonDlands"
1=h 4:1 The sons o$ Issahar (were) Tola% <#ah% Jash#b% and ,himron DD $o#r (in all")
1=h 4:2 The sons o$ Tola (were) 7HHi% :e*haiah% Jeriel% Jahmai% Jibsam% and ,hem#el% heads o$ their $atherAs
ho#se" (The sons) o$ Tola (were) mighty men o$ !alor in their generations& their n#mber in the days o$ 2a!id
(was) twentyDtwo tho#sand si9 h#ndred"
1=h 4:- The son o$ 7HHi (was) IHrahiah% and the sons o$ IHrahiah (were) ?ihael% 8badiah% Joel% and Ishiah" +ll
$i!e o$ them (were) hie$ men"
1=h 4:0 +nd with them% by their generations% aording to their $athersA ho#ses% (were) thirtyDsi9 tho#sand troo*s
ready $or war& $or they had many wi!es and sons"
1=h 4:1 Now their brethren among all the $amilies o$ Issahar (were) mighty men o$ !alor% listed by their
genealogies% eightyDse!en tho#sand in all"
1=h 4:3 (The sons) o$ Ben@amin (were) Bela% Beher% and Jediael DD three (in all")
1=h 4:4 The sons o$ Bela were 6Hbon% 7HHi% 7HHiel% Jerimoth% and Iri DD $i!e (in all") They (were) heads o$ (their)
$athersA ho#ses% and they were listed by their genealogies% twentyDtwo tho#sand and thirtyD$o#r mighty men o$
1=h 4:8 The sons o$ Beher (were) Gemirah% Joash% 6lieHer% 6lioenai% 8mri% Jerimoth% +bi@ah% +nathoth% and
+lemeth" +ll these (are) the sons o$ Beher"
1=h 4:9 +nd they were reorded by genealogy aording to their generations% heads o$ their $athersA ho#ses%
twenty tho#sand two h#ndred mighty men o$ !alor"
1=h 4:15 The son o$ Jediael (was) Bilhan% and the sons o$ Bilhan (were) Je#sh% Ben@amin% 6h#d% =henaanah%
Gethan% Tharshish% and +hishahar"
1=h 4:11 +ll these sons o$ Jediael (were) heads o$ their $athersA ho#ses& (there were) se!enteen tho#sand two
h#ndred mighty men o$ !alor $it to go o#t $or war (and) battle"
1=h 4:12 ,h#**im and H#**im (were) the sons o$ Ir% (and) H#shim (was) the son o$ +her"
1=h 4:1- The sons o$ Na*htali (were) JahHiel% G#ni% JeHer% and ,hall#m% the sons o$ Bilhah"
1=h 4:10 The desendants o$ ?anasseh: his ,yrian on#bine bore him ?ahir the $ather o$ Gilead% the $ather
o$ +sriel"
1=h 4:11 ?ahir too' as his wi$e (the sister) o$ H#**im and ,h#**im% whose name (was) ?aahah" The name
o$ (GileadAs) grandson (was) Gelo*hehad% b#t Gelo*hehad begot only da#ghters"
1=h 4:13 I?aahah the wi$e o$ ?ahir bore a son% and she alled his name <eresh" The name o$ his brother
(was) ,heresh% and his sons (were) 7lam and :a'em"
1=h 4:14 The son o$ 7lam (was) Bedan"J These (were) the desendants o$ Gilead the son o$ ?ahir% the son o$
1=h 4:18 His sister Hammole'eth bore Ishhod% +bieHer% and ?ahlah"
1=h 4:19 +nd the sons o$ ,hemida were +hian% ,hehem% /i'hi% and +niam"
1=h 4:25 The sons o$ 6*hraim (were) ,h#thelah% Bered his son% Tahath his son% 6ladah his son% Tahath his
1=h 4:21 Gabad his son% ,h#thelah his son% and 6Her and 6lead" The men o$ Gath who were born in (that) land
'illed (them) bea#se they ame down to ta'e away their attle"
1=h 4:22 Then 6*hraim their $ather mo#rned many days% and his brethren ame to om$ort him"
1=h 4:2- +nd when he went in to his wi$e% she onei!ed and bore a son& and he alled his name Beriah%
bea#se tragedy had ome #*on his ho#se"
1=h 4:20 Now his da#ghter (was) ,heerah% who b#ilt /ower and 7**er Beth Horon and 7HHen ,heerah&
1=h 4:21 and :e*hah (was) his son% (as well) as :eshe*h% and Telah his son% Tahan his son%
1=h 4:23 /aadan his son% +mmih#d his son% 6lishama his son%
1=h 4:24 N#n his son% and Josh#a his son"
1=h 4:28 Now their *ossessions and dwelling *laes (were) Bethel and its towns: to the east Naaran% to the
west GeHer and its towns% and ,hehem and its towns% as $ar as +yyah and its towns&
1=h 4:29 and by the borders o$ the hildren o$ ?anasseh (were) Beth ,hean and its towns% Taanah and its
towns% ?egiddo and its towns% 2or and its towns" In these dwelt the hildren o$ Jose*h% the son o$ Israel"
1=h 4:-5 The sons o$ +sher (were) Imnah% Ish!ah% Ish!i% Beriah% and their sister ,erah"
1=h 4:-1 The sons o$ Beriah (were) Heber and ?alhiel% who was the $ather o$ BirHaith"
1=h 4:-2 +nd Heber begot Ja*hlet% ,homer% Hotham% and their sister ,h#a"
1=h 4:-- The sons o$ Ja*hlet (were) <asah% Bimhal% and +sh!ath" These (were) the hildren o$ Ja*hlet"
1=h 4:-0 The sons o$ ,hemer (were) +hi% :ohgah% Jeh#bbah% and +ram"
1=h 4:-1 +nd the sons o$ his brother Helem (were) Go*hah% Imna% ,helesh% and +mal"
1=h 4:-3 The sons o$ Go*hah (were) ,#ah% Harne*her% ,h#al% Beri% Imrah%
1=h 4:-4 BeHer% Hod% ,hamma% ,hilshah% Jithran% and Beera"
1=h 4:-8 The sons o$ Jether (were) Je*h#nneh% <is*ah% and +ra"
1=h 4:-9 The sons o$ 7lla (were) +rah% Haniel% and :iHia"
1=h 4:05 +ll these (were) the hildren o$ +sher% heads o$ (their) $athersA ho#ses% hoie men% mighty men o$
!alor% hie$ leaders" +nd they were reorded by genealogies among the army $it $or battle& their n#mber (was)
twentyDsi9 tho#sand"
1=h 8:1 Now Ben@amin begot Bela his $irstborn% +shbel the seond% +harah the third%
1=h 8:2 Nohah the $o#rth% and :a*ha the $i$th"
1=h 8:- The sons o$ Bela (were) +ddar% Gera% +bih#d%
1=h 8:0 +bish#a% Naaman% +hoah%
1=h 8:1 Gera% ,he*h#*han% and H#ram"
1=h 8:3 These (are) the sons o$ 6h#d% who were the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ the inhabitants o$ Geba%
and who $ored them to mo!e to ?anahath:
1=h 8:4 Naaman% +hi@ah% and Gera who $ored them to mo!e" He begot 7HHa and +hih#d"
1=h 8:8 +nd ,haharaim had hildren in the o#ntry o$ ?oab% a$ter he had sent away H#shim and Baara his
1=h 8:9 By Hodesh his wi$e he begot Jobab% Gibia% ?esha% ?alam%
1=h 8:15 Je#H% ,ahiah% and ?irmah" These (were) his sons% heads o$ their $athersA (ho#ses")
1=h 8:11 +nd by H#shim he begot +bit#b and 6l*aal"
1=h 8:12 The sons o$ 6l*aal (were) 6ber% ?isham% and ,hemed% who b#ilt 8no and /od with its towns&
1=h 8:1- and Beriah and ,hema% who (were) heads o$ their $athersA (ho#ses) o$ the inhabitants o$ +i@alon% who
dro!e o#t the inhabitants o$ Gath"
1=h 8:10 +hio% ,hasha'% Jeremoth%
1=h 8:11 Gebadiah% +rad% 6der%
1=h 8:13 ?ihael% Is*ah% and Joha (were) the sons o$ Beriah"
1=h 8:14 Gebadiah% ?esh#llam% HiH'i% Heber%
1=h 8:18 Ishmerai% JiHliah% and Jobab (were) the sons o$ 6l*aal"
1=h 8:19 Ja'im% Gihri% Gabdi%
1=h 8:25 6lienai% Gillethai% 6liel%
1=h 8:21 +daiah% Beraiah% and ,himrath (were) the sons o$ ,himei"
1=h 8:22 Ish*an% 6ber% 6liel%
1=h 8:2- +bdon% Gihri% Hanan%
1=h 8:20 Hananiah% 6lam% +ntothi@ah%
1=h 8:21 I*hdeiah% and <en#el (were) the sons o$ ,hasha'"
1=h 8:23 ,hamsherai% ,hehariah% +thaliah%
1=h 8:24 Jaareshiah% 6li@ah% and Gihri (were) the sons o$ Jeroham"
1=h 8:28 These (were) heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) by their generations% hie$ men" These dwelt in
1=h 8:29 Now the $ather o$ Gibeon% whose wi$eAs name (was) ?aaah% dwelt at Gibeon"
1=h 8:-5 +nd his $irstborn son (was) +bdon% then G#r% Kish% Baal% Nadab%
1=h 8:-1 Gedor% +hio% Geher%
1=h 8:-2 and ?i'loth% (who) begot ,himeah" They also dwelt alongside their relati!es in Jer#salem% with their
1=h 8:-- Ner begot Kish% Kish begot ,a#l% and ,a#l begot Jonathan% ?alhish#a% +binadab% and 6shDBaal"
1=h 8:-0 The son o$ Jonathan (was) ?eribDBaal% and ?eribDBaal begot ?iah"
1=h 8:-1 The sons o$ ?iah (were) <ithon% ?eleh% Tarea% and +haH"
1=h 8:-3 +nd +haH begot Jehoaddah& Jehoaddah begot +lemeth% +Hma!eth% and Gimri& and Gimri begot ?oHa"
1=h 8:-4 ?oHa begot Binea% :a*hah his son% 6leasah his son% (and) +Hel his son"
1=h 8:-8 +Hel had si9 sons whose names (were) these: +Hri'am% Boher#% Ishmael% ,heariah% 8badiah% and
Hanan" +ll these (were) the sons o$ +Hel"
1=h 8:-9 +nd the sons o$ 6she' his brother (were) 7lam his $irstborn% Je#sh the seond% and 6li*helet the third"
1=h 8:05 The sons o$ 7lam were mighty men o$ !alor DD arhers" (They) had many sons and grandsons% one
h#ndred and $i$ty (in all") These (were) all sons o$ Ben@amin"
1=h 9:1 ,o all Israel was reorded by genealogies% and indeed% they (were) insribed in the boo' o$ the 'ings o$
Israel" B#t J#dah was arried away a*ti!e to Babylon bea#se o$ their #n$aith$#lness"
1=h 9:2 +nd the $irst inhabitants who (dwelt) in their *ossessions in their ities (were) Israelites% *riests% /e!ites%
and the Nethinim"
1=h 9:- Now in Jer#salem the hildren o$ J#dah dwelt% and some o$ the hildren o$ Ben@amin% and o$ the
hildren o$ 6*hraim and ?anasseh:
1=h 9:0 7thai the son o$ +mmih#d% the son o$ 8mri% the son o$ Imri% the son o$ Bani% o$ the desendants o$
<ereH% the son o$ J#dah"
1=h 9:1 8$ the ,hilonites: +saiah the $irstborn and his sons"
1=h 9:3 8$ the sons o$ Gerah: Je#el% and their brethren DD si9 h#ndred and ninety"
1=h 9:4 8$ the sons o$ Ben@amin: ,all# the son o$ ?esh#llam% the son o$ Hoda!iah% the son o$ Hassen#ah&
1=h 9:8 Ibneiah the son o$ Jeroham& 6lah the son o$ 7HHi% the son o$ ?ihri& ?esh#llam the son o$ ,he*hatiah%
the son o$ :e#el% the son o$ Ibni@ah&
1=h 9:9 and their brethren% aording to their generations DD nine h#ndred and $i$tyDsi9" +ll these men (were)
heads o$ a $atherAs (ho#se) in their $athersA ho#ses"
1=h 9:15 8$ the *riests: Jedaiah% Jehoiarib% and Jahin&
1=h 9:11 +Hariah the son o$ Hil'iah% the son o$ ?esh#llam% the son o$ Gado'% the son o$ ?eraioth% the son o$
+hit#b% the o$$ier o!er the ho#se o$ God&
1=h 9:12 +daiah the son o$ Jeroham% the son o$ <ash#r% the son o$ ?alhi@ah& ?aasai the son o$ +diel% the son
o$ JahHerah% the son o$ ?esh#llam% the son o$ ?eshillemith% the son o$ Immer&
1=h 9:1- and their brethren% heads o$ their $athersA (ho#ses DD one) tho#sand se!en h#ndred and si9ty" (They
were) !ery able men $or the wor' o$ the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ God"
1=h 9:10 8$ the /e!ites: ,hemaiah the son o$ Hassh#b% the son o$ +Hri'am% the son o$ Hashabiah% o$ the sons
o$ ?erari&
1=h 9:11 Ba'ba''ar% Heresh% Galal% and ?attaniah the son o$ ?iah% the son o$ Gihri% the son o$ +sa*h&
1=h 9:13 8badiah the son o$ ,hemaiah% the son o$ Galal% the son o$ Jed#th#n& and Berehiah the son o$ +sa%
the son o$ 6l'anah% who li!ed in the !illages o$ the Neto*hathites"
1=h 9:14 +nd the gate'ee*ers (were) ,hall#m% +''#b% Talmon% +himan% and their brethren" ,hall#m (was) the
1=h 9:18 7ntil then (they had been) gate'ee*ers $or the am*s o$ the hildren o$ /e!i at the KingAs Gate on the
1=h 9:19 ,hall#m the son o$ Kore% the son o$ 6biasa*h% the son o$ Korah% and his brethren% $rom his $atherAs
ho#se% the Korahites% (were) in harge o$ the wor' o$ the ser!ie% gate'ee*ers o$ the tabernale" Their $athers
had been 'ee*ers o$ the entrane to the am* o$ the /8:2"
1=h 9:25 +nd <hinehas the son o$ 6leaHar had been the o$$ier o!er them in time *ast& the /8:2 (was) with
1=h 9:21 Gehariah the son o$ ?eshelemiah (was) 'ee*er o$ the door o$ the tabernale o$ meeting"
1=h 9:22 +ll those hosen as gate'ee*ers (were) two h#ndred and twel!e" They were reorded by their
genealogy% in their !illages" 2a!id and ,am#el the seer had a**ointed them to their tr#sted o$$ie"
1=h 9:2- ,o they and their hildren (were) in harge o$ the gates o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2% the ho#se o$ the
tabernale% by assignment"
1=h 9:20 The gate'ee*ers were assigned to the $o#r diretions: the east% west% north% and so#th"
1=h 9:21 +nd their brethren in their !illages (had) to ome with them $rom time to time $or se!en days"
1=h 9:23 ;or in this tr#sted o$$ie (were) $o#r hie$ gate'ee*ers& they were /e!ites" +nd they had harge o!er
the hambers and treas#ries o$ the ho#se o$ God"
1=h 9:24 +nd they lodged (all) aro#nd the ho#se o$ God bea#se they (had) the res*onsibility% and they (were)
in harge o$ o*ening (it) e!ery morning"
1=h 9:28 Now (some) o$ them were in harge o$ the ser!ing !essels% $or they bro#ght them in and too' them o#t
by o#nt"
1=h 9:29 (,ome) o$ them (were) a**ointed o!er the $#rnishings and o!er all the im*lements o$ the sant#ary%
and o!er the $ine $lo#r and the wine and the oil and the inense and the s*ies"
1=h 9:-5 +nd (some) o$ the sons o$ the *riests made the ointment o$ the s*ies"
1=h 9:-1 ?attithiah o$ the /e!ites% the $irstborn o$ ,hall#m the Korahite% had the tr#sted o$$ie o!er the things
that were ba'ed in the *ans"
1=h 9:-2 +nd some o$ their brethren o$ the sons o$ the Kohathites (were) in harge o$ *re*aring the showbread
$or e!ery ,abbath"
1=h 9:-- These are the singers% heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ the /e!ites% (who lodged) in the hambers%
(and were) $ree ($rom other d#ties&) $or they were em*loyed in (that) wor' day and night"
1=h 9:-0 These heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ the /e!ites (were) heads thro#gho#t their generations" They
dwelt at Jer#salem"
1=h 9:-1 Jeiel the $ather o$ Gibeon% whose wi$eAs name (was) ?aaah% dwelt at Gibeon"
1=h 9:-3 His $irstborn son (was) +bdon% then G#r% Kish% Baal% Ner% Nadab%
1=h 9:-4 Gedor% +hio% Gehariah% and ?i'loth"
1=h 9:-8 +nd ?i'loth begot ,himeam" They also dwelt alongside their relati!es in Jer#salem% with their
1=h 9:-9 Ner begot Kish% Kish begot ,a#l% and ,a#l begot Jonathan% ?alhish#a% +binadab% and 6shDBaal"
1=h 9:05 The son o$ Jonathan (was) ?eribDBaal% and ?eribDBaal begot ?iah"
1=h 9:01 The sons o$ ?iah (were) <ithon% ?eleh% Tahrea% (and +haH")
1=h 9:02 +nd +haH begot Jarah& Jarah begot +lemeth% +Hma!eth% and Gimri& and Gimri begot ?oHa&
1=h 9:0- ?oHa begot Binea% :e*haiah his son% 6leasah his son% and +Hel his son"
1=h 9:00 +nd +Hel had si9 sons whose names (were) these: +Hri'am% Boher#% Ishmael% ,heariah% 8badiah%
and Hanan& these (were) the sons o$ +Hel"
1=h 15:1 Now the <hilistines $o#ght against Israel& and the men o$ Israel $led $rom be$ore the <hilistines% and $ell
slain on ?o#nt Gilboa"
1=h 15:2 Then the <hilistines $ollowed hard a$ter ,a#l and his sons" +nd the <hilistines 'illed Jonathan%
+binadab% and ?alhish#a% ,a#lAs sons"
1=h 15:- The battle beame $iere against ,a#l" The arhers hit him% and he was wo#nded by the arhers"
1=h 15:0 Then ,a#l said to his armorbearer% .2raw yo#r sword% and thr#st me thro#gh with it% lest these
#nir#mised men ome and ab#se me". B#t his armorbearer wo#ld not% $or he was greatly a$raid" There$ore
,a#l too' a sword and $ell on it"
1=h 15:1 +nd when his armorbearer saw that ,a#l was dead% he also $ell on his sword and died"
1=h 15:3 ,o ,a#l and his three sons died% and all his ho#se died together"
1=h 15:4 +nd when all the men o$ Israel who (were) in the !alley saw that they had $led and that ,a#l and his
sons were dead% they $orsoo' their ities and $led& then the <hilistines ame and dwelt in them"
1=h 15:8 ,o it ha**ened the ne9t day% when the <hilistines ame to stri* the slain% that they $o#nd ,a#l and his
sons $allen on ?o#nt Gilboa"
1=h 15:9 +nd they stri**ed him and too' his head and his armor% and sent word (thro#gho#t) the land o$ the
<hilistines to *rolaim the news (in the tem*le) o$ their idols and among the *eo*le"
1=h 15:15 Then they *#t his armor in the tem*le o$ their gods% and $astened his head in the tem*le o$ 2agon"
1=h 15:11 +nd when all Jabesh Gilead heard all that the <hilistines had done to ,a#l%
1=h 15:12 all the !aliant men arose and too' the body o$ ,a#l and the bodies o$ his sons& and they bro#ght
them to Jabesh% and b#ried their bones #nder the tamaris' tree at Jabesh% and $asted se!en days"
1=h 15:1- ,o ,a#l died $or his #n$aith$#lness whih he had ommitted against the /8:2% bea#se he did not
'ee* the word o$ the /8:2% and also bea#se he ons#lted a medi#m $or g#idane"
1=h 15:10 B#t (he) did not inE#ire o$ the /8:2& there$ore He 'illed him% and t#rned the 'ingdom o!er to 2a!id
the son o$ Jesse"
1=h 11:1 Then all Israel ame together to 2a!id at Hebron% saying% .Indeed we (are) yo#r bone and yo#r $lesh"
1=h 11:2 .+lso% in time *ast% e!en when ,a#l was 'ing% yo# (were) the one who led Israel o#t and bro#ght them
in& and the /8:2 yo#r God said to yo#% ABo# shall she*herd ?y *eo*le Israel% and be r#ler o!er ?y *eo*le
Israel"A .
1=h 11:- There$ore all the elders o$ Israel ame to the 'ing at Hebron% and 2a!id made a o!enant with them at
Hebron be$ore the /8:2" Then they anointed 2a!id 'ing o!er Israel% aording to the word o$ the /8:2 by
1=h 11:0 +nd 2a!id and all Israel went to Jer#salem% whih is Jeb#s% where the Jeb#sites (were%) the
inhabitants o$ the land"
1=h 11:1 Then the inhabitants o$ Jeb#s said to 2a!id% .Bo# shall not ome in hereF. Ne!ertheless 2a!id too'
the stronghold o$ Gion Ithat is% the =ity o$ 2a!idJ"
1=h 11:3 Now 2a!id said% .>hoe!er atta's the Jeb#sites $irst shall be hie$ and a*tain". +nd Joab the son o$
Ger#iah went #* $irst% and beame hie$"
1=h 11:4 Then 2a!id dwelt in the stronghold& there$ore they alled it the =ity o$ 2a!id"
1=h 11:8 +nd he b#ilt the ity aro#nd it% $rom the ?illo to the s#rro#nding area" Joab re*aired the rest o$ the ity"
1=h 11:9 Then 2a!id went on and beame great% and the /8:2 o$ hosts (was) with him"
1=h 11:15 Now these (were) the heads o$ the mighty men whom 2a!id had% who strengthened themsel!es with
him in his 'ingdom% with all Israel% to ma'e him 'ing% aording to the word o$ the /8:2 onerning Israel"
1=h 11:11 +nd this (is) the n#mber o$ the mighty men whom 2a!id had: Jashobeam the son o$ a Hahmonite%
hie$ o$ the a*tains& he had li$ted #* his s*ear against three h#ndred% 'illed (by him) at one time"
1=h 11:12 +$ter him (was) 6leaHar the son o$ 2odo% the +hohite% who (was one) o$ the three mighty men"
1=h 11:1- He was with 2a!id at <asdammim" Now there the <hilistines were gathered $or battle% and there was
a *iee o$ gro#nd $#ll o$ barley" +nd the *eo*le $led $rom the <hilistines"
1=h 11:10 B#t they stationed themsel!es in the middle o$ (that) $ield% de$ended it% and 'illed the <hilistines" ,o
the /8:2 bro#ght abo#t a great !itory"
1=h 11:11 Now three o$ the thirty hie$ men went down to the ro' to 2a!id% into the a!e o$ +d#llam& and the
army o$ the <hilistines enam*ed in the Valley o$ :e*haim"
1=h 11:13 2a!id (was) then in the stronghold% and the garrison o$ the <hilistines (was) then in Bethlehem"
1=h 11:14 +nd 2a!id said with longing% .8h% that someone wo#ld gi!e me a drin' o$ water $rom the well o$
Bethlehem% whih is by the gateF.
1=h 11:18 ,o the three bro'e thro#gh the am* o$ the <hilistines% drew water $rom the well o$ Bethlehem that
(was) by the gate% and too' (it) and bro#ght (it) to 2a!id" Ne!ertheless 2a!id wo#ld not drin' it% b#t *o#red it o#t
to the /8:2"
1=h 11:19 +nd he said% .;ar be it $rom me% 8 my God% that I sho#ld do thisF ,hall I drin' the blood o$ these men
(who ha!e *#t) their li!es (in @eo*ardyC) ;or at the ris' o$ their li!es they bro#ght it". There$ore he wo#ld not drin'
it" These things were done by the three mighty men"
1=h 11:25 +bishai the brother o$ Joab was hie$ o$ (another) three" He had li$ted #* his s*ear against three
h#ndred (men%) 'illed (them%) and won a name among (these) three"
1=h 11:21 8$ the three he was more honored than the other two men" There$ore he beame their a*tain"
Howe!er he did not attain to the ($irst) three"
1=h 11:22 Benaiah was the son o$ Jehoiada% the son o$ a !aliant man $rom KabHeel% who had done many
deeds" He had 'illed two lionDli'e heroes o$ ?oab" He also had gone down and 'illed a lion in the midst o$ a *it
on a snowy day"
1=h 11:2- +nd he 'illed an 6gy*tian% a man o$ G:6+T height% $i!e #bits tall" In the 6gy*tianAs hand (there was)
a s*ear li'e a wea!erAs beam& and he went down to him with a sta$$% wrested the s*ear o#t o$ the 6gy*tianAs
hand% and 'illed him with his own s*ear"
1=h 11:20 These (things) Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada did% and won a name among three mighty men"
1=h 11:21 Indeed he was more honored than the thirty% b#t he did not attain to the ($irst) three" +nd 2a!id
a**ointed him o!er his g#ard"
1=h 11:23 +lso the mighty warriors (were) +sahel the brother o$ Joab% 6lhanan the son o$ 2odo o$ Bethlehem%
1=h 11:24 ,hammoth the Harorite% HeleH the <elonite%
1=h 11:28 Ira the son o$ I''esh the Te'oite% +bieHer the +nathothite%
1=h 11:29 ,ibbehai the H#shathite% Ilai the +hohite%
1=h 11:-5 ?aharai the Neto*hathite% Heled the son o$ Baanah the Neto*hathite%
1=h 11:-1 Ithai the son o$ :ibai o$ Gibeah% o$ the sons o$ Ben@amin% Benaiah the <irathonite%
1=h 11:-2 H#rai o$ the broo's o$ Gaash% +biel the +rbathite%
1=h 11:-- +Hma!eth the Bahar#mite% 6liahba the ,haalbonite%
1=h 11:-0 the sons o$ Hashem the GiHonite% Jonathan the son o$ ,hageh the Hararite%
1=h 11:-1 +hiam the son o$ ,aar the Hararite% 6li*hal the son o$ 7r%
1=h 11:-3 He*her the ?eherathite% +hi@ah the <elonite%
1=h 11:-4 HeHro the =armelite% Naarai the son o$ 6Hbai%
1=h 11:-8 Joel the brother o$ Nathan% ?ibhar the son o$ Hagri%
1=h 11:-9 Gele' the +mmonite% Naharai the Berothite Ithe armorbearer o$ Joab the son o$ Ger#iahJ%
1=h 11:05 Ira the Ithrite% Gareb the Ithrite%
1=h 11:01 7riah the Hittite% Gabad the son o$ +hlai%
1=h 11:02 +dina the son o$ ,hiHa the :e#benite Ia hie$ o$ the :e#benitesJ and thirty with him%
1=h 11:0- Hanan the son o$ ?aahah% Josha*hat the ?ithnite%
1=h 11:00 7HHia the +shterathite% ,hama and Jeiel the sons o$ Hotham the +roerite%
1=h 11:01 Jediael the son o$ ,himri% and Joha his brother% the TiHite%
1=h 11:03 6liel the ?aha!ite% Jeribai and Josha!iah the sons o$ 6lnaam% Ithmah the ?oabite%
1=h 11:04 6liel% 8bed% and Jaasiel the ?eHobaite"
1=h 12:1 Now these (were) the men who ame to 2a!id at Gi'lag while he was still a $#giti!e $rom ,a#l the son
o$ Kish& and they (were) among the mighty men% hel*ers in the war%
1=h 12:2 armed with bows% #sing both the right hand and the le$t in (h#rling) stones and (shooting) arrows with
the bow" (They were) o$ Ben@amin% ,a#lAs brethren"
1=h 12:- The hie$ (was) +hieHer% then Joash% the sons o$ ,hemaah the Gibeathite& JeHiel and <elet the sons o$
+Hma!eth& Berahah% and Jeh# the +nathothite&
1=h 12:0 Ishmaiah the Gibeonite% a mighty man among the thirty% and o!er the thirty& Jeremiah% JahaHiel%
Johanan% and JoHabad the Gederathite&
1=h 12:1 6l#Hai% Jerimoth% Bealiah% ,hemariah% and ,he*hatiah the Har#*hite&
1=h 12:3 6l'anah% Jisshiah% +Harel% JoeHer% and Jashobeam% the Korahites&
1=h 12:4 and Joelah and Gebadiah the sons o$ Jeroham o$ Gedor"
1=h 12:8 (,ome) Gadites @oined 2a!id at the stronghold in the wilderness% mighty men o$ !alor% men trained $or
battle% who o#ld handle shield and s*ear% whose $aes (were li'e) the $aes o$ lions% and (were) as swi$t as
gaHelles on the mo#ntains:
1=h 12:9 6Her the $irst% 8badiah the seond% 6liab the third%
1=h 12:15 ?ishmannah the $o#rth% Jeremiah the $i$th%
1=h 12:11 +ttai the si9th% 6liel the se!enth%
1=h 12:12 Johanan the eighth% 6lHabad the ninth%
1=h 12:1- Jeremiah the tenth% and ?ahbanai the ele!enth"
1=h 12:10 These (were) $rom the sons o$ Gad% a*tains o$ the army& the least was o!er a h#ndred% and the
greatest was o!er a tho#sand"
1=h 12:11 These (are) the ones who rossed the Jordan in the $irst month% when it had o!er$lowed all its ban's&
and they *#t to $light all (those) in the !alleys% to the east and to the west"
1=h 12:13 Then some o$ the sons o$ Ben@amin and J#dah ame to 2a!id at the stronghold"
1=h 12:14 +nd 2a!id went o#t to meet them% and answered and said to them% .I$ yo# ha!e ome *eaeably to
me to hel* me% my heart will be #nited with yo#& b#t i$ to betray me to my enemies% sine (there is) no wrong in
my hands% may the God o$ o#r $athers loo' and bring @#dgment".
1=h 12:18 Then the ,*irit ame #*on +masai% hie$ o$ the a*tains% (and he said:) .(>e are) yo#rs% 8 2a!id& >e
(are) on yo#r side% 8 son o$ JesseF <eae% *eae to yo#% +nd *eae to yo#r hel*ersF ;or yo#r God hel*s yo#".
,o 2a!id reei!ed them% and made them a*tains o$ the troo*"
1=h 12:19 +nd (some) $rom ?anasseh de$eted to 2a!id when he was going with the <hilistines to battle
against ,a#l& b#t they did not hel* them% $or the lords o$ the <hilistines sent him away by agreement% saying% .He
may de$et to his master ,a#l (and endanger) o#r heads".
1=h 12:25 >hen he went to Gi'lag% those o$ ?anasseh who de$eted to him were +dnah% JoHabad% Jediael%
?ihael% JoHabad% 6lih#% and Gillethai% a*tains o$ the tho#sands who (were) $rom ?anasseh"
1=h 12:21 +nd they hel*ed 2a!id against the bands (o$ raiders%) $or they (were) all mighty men o$ !alor% and
they were a*tains in the army"
1=h 12:22 ;or at (that) time they ame to 2a!id day by day to hel* him% #ntil (it was) a great army% li'e the army
o$ God"
1=h 12:2- Now these (were) the n#mbers o$ the di!isions (that were) eE#i**ed $or war% (and) ame to 2a!id at
Hebron to t#rn (o!er) the 'ingdom o$ ,a#l to him% aording to the word o$ the /8:2:
1=h 12:20 o$ the sons o$ J#dah bearing shield and s*ear% si9 tho#sand eight h#ndred armed $or war&
1=h 12:21 o$ the sons o$ ,imeon% mighty men o$ !alor $it $or war% se!en tho#sand one h#ndred&
1=h 12:23 o$ the sons o$ /e!i $o#r tho#sand si9 h#ndred&
1=h 12:24 Jehoiada% the leader o$ the +aronites% and with him three tho#sand se!en h#ndred&
1=h 12:28 Gado'% a yo#ng man% a !aliant warrior% and $rom his $atherAs ho#se twentyDtwo a*tains&
1=h 12:29 o$ the sons o$ Ben@amin% relati!es o$ ,a#l% three tho#sand I#ntil then the greatest *art o$ them had
remained loyal to the ho#se o$ ,a#lJ&
1=h 12:-5 o$ the sons o$ 6*hraim twenty tho#sand eight h#ndred% mighty men o$ !alor% $amo#s men thro#gho#t
their $atherAs ho#se&
1=h 12:-1 o$ the hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh eighteen tho#sand% who were designated by name to ome and ma'e
2a!id 'ing&
1=h 12:-2 o$ the sons o$ Issahar who had #nderstanding o$ the times% to 'now what Israel o#ght to do% their
hie$s were two h#ndred& and all their brethren were at their ommand&
1=h 12:-- o$ Geb#l#n there were $i$ty tho#sand who went o#t to battle% e9*ert in war with all wea*ons o$ war%
sto#thearted men who o#ld 'ee* ran's&
1=h 12:-0 o$ Na*htali one tho#sand a*tains% and with them thirtyDse!en tho#sand with shield and s*ear&
1=h 12:-1 o$ the 2anites who o#ld 'ee* battle $ormation% twentyDeight tho#sand si9 h#ndred&
1=h 12:-3 o$ +sher% those who o#ld go o#t to war% able to 'ee* battle $ormation% $orty tho#sand&
1=h 12:-4 o$ the :e#benites and the Gadites and the hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh% $rom the other side o$ the Jordan%
one h#ndred and twenty tho#sand armed $or battle with e!ery ('ind) o$ wea*on o$ war"
1=h 12:-8 +ll these men o$ war% who o#ld 'ee* ran's% ame to Hebron with a loyal heart% to ma'e 2a!id 'ing
o!er all Israel& and all the rest o$ Israel (were) o$ one mind to ma'e 2a!id 'ing"
1=h 12:-9 +nd they were there with 2a!id three days% eating and drin'ing% $or their brethren had *re*ared $or
1=h 12:05 ?oreo!er those who were near to them% $rom as $ar away as Issahar and Geb#l#n and Na*htali%
were bringing $ood on don'eys and amels% on m#les and o9en DD *ro!isions o$ $lo#r and a'es o$ $igs and a'es
o$ raisins% wine and oil and o9en and shee* ab#ndantly% $or (there was) @oy in Israel"
1=h 1-:1 Then 2a!id ons#lted with the a*tains o$ tho#sands and h#ndreds% (and) with e!ery leader"
1=h 1-:2 +nd 2a!id said to all the assembly o$ Israel% .I$ (it seems) good to yo#% and i$ it is o$ the /8:2 o#r
God% let #s send o#t to o#r brethren e!erywhere (who are) le$t in all the land o$ Israel% and with them to the
*riests and /e!ites (who are) in their ities (and) their ommonDlands% that they may gather together to #s&
1=h 1-:- .and let #s bring the ar' o$ o#r God ba' to #s% $or we ha!e not inE#ired at it sine the days o$ ,a#l".
1=h 1-:0 Then all the assembly said that they wo#ld do so% $or the thing was right in the eyes o$ all the *eo*le"
1=h 1-:1 ,o 2a!id gathered all Israel together% $rom ,hihor in 6gy*t to as $ar as the entrane o$ Hamath% to
bring the ar' o$ God $rom Kir@ath Jearim"
1=h 1-:3 +nd 2a!id and all Israel went #* to Baalah% to Kir@ath Jearim% whih belonged to J#dah% to bring #*
$rom there the ar' o$ God the /8:2% who dwells (between) the her#bim% where (His) name is *rolaimed"
1=h 1-:4 ,o they arried the ar' o$ God on a new art $rom the ho#se o$ +binadab% and 7HHa and +hio dro!e
the art"
1=h 1-:8 Then 2a!id and all Israel *layed (m#si) be$ore God with all (their) might% with singing% on har*s% on
stringed instr#ments% on tambo#rines% on ymbals% and with tr#m*ets"
1=h 1-:9 +nd when they ame to =hidonAs threshing $loor% 7HHa *#t o#t his hand to hold the ar'% $or the o9en
1=h 1-:15 Then the anger o$ the /8:2 was aro#sed against 7HHa% and He str#' him bea#se he *#t his hand
to the ar'& and he died there be$ore God"
1=h 1-:11 +nd 2a!id beame angry bea#se o$ the /8:2As o#tbrea' against 7HHa& there$ore that *lae is
alled <ereH 7HHa to this day"
1=h 1-:12 2a!id was a$raid o$ God that day% saying% .How an I bring the ar' o$ God to meC.
1=h 1-:1- ,o 2a!id wo#ld not mo!e the ar' with him into the =ity o$ 2a!id% b#t too' it aside into the ho#se o$
8bedD6dom the Gittite"
1=h 1-:10 The ar' o$ God remained with the $amily o$ 8bedD6dom in his ho#se three months" +nd the /8:2
blessed the ho#se o$ 8bedD6dom and all that he had"
1=h 10:1 Now Hiram 'ing o$ Tyre sent messengers to 2a!id% and edar trees% with masons and ar*enters% to
b#ild him a ho#se"
1=h 10:2 ,o 2a!id 'new that the /8:2 had established him as 'ing o!er Israel% $or his 'ingdom was highly
e9alted $or the sa'e o$ His *eo*le Israel"
1=h 10:- Then 2a!id too' more wi!es in Jer#salem% and 2a!id begot more sons and da#ghters"
1=h 10:0 +nd these are the names o$ his hildren whom he had in Jer#salem: ,hamm#a% ,hobab% Nathan%
1=h 10:1 Ibhar% 6lish#a% 6l*elet%
1=h 10:3 Nogah% Ne*heg% Ja*hia%
1=h 10:4 6lishama% Beeliada% and 6li*helet"
1=h 10:8 Now when the <hilistines heard that 2a!id had been anointed 'ing o!er all Israel% all the <hilistines
went #* to searh $or 2a!id" +nd 2a!id heard (o$ it) and went o#t against them"
1=h 10:9 Then the <hilistines went and made a raid on the Valley o$ :e*haim"
1=h 10:15 +nd 2a!id inE#ired o$ God% saying% .,hall I go #* against the <hilistinesC >ill Bo# deli!er them into
my handC. +nd the /8:2 said to him% .Go #*% $or I will deli!er them into yo#r hand".
1=h 10:11 ,o they went #* to Baal <eraHim% and 2a!id de$eated them there" Then 2a!id said% .God has bro'en
thro#gh my enemies by my hand li'e a brea'thro#gh o$ water". There$ore they alled the name o$ that *lae
Baal <eraHim"
1=h 10:12 +nd when they le$t their gods there% 2a!id ga!e a ommandment% and they were b#rned with $ire"
1=h 10:1- Then the <hilistines one again made a raid on the !alley"
1=h 10:10 There$ore 2a!id inE#ired again o$ God% and God said to him% .Bo# shall not go #* a$ter them& irle
aro#nd them% and ome #*on them in $ront o$ the m#lberry trees"
1=h 10:11 .+nd it shall be% when yo# hear a so#nd o$ marhing in the to*s o$ the m#lberry trees% then yo# shall
go o#t to battle% $or God has gone o#t be$ore yo# to stri'e the am* o$ the <hilistines".
1=h 10:13 ,o 2a!id did as God ommanded him% and they dro!e ba' the army o$ the <hilistines $rom Gibeon
as $ar as GeHer"
1=h 10:14 Then the $ame o$ 2a!id went o#t into all lands% and the /8:2 bro#ght the $ear o$ him #*on all
1=h 11:1 (2a!id) b#ilt ho#ses $or himsel$ in the =ity o$ 2a!id& and he *re*ared a *lae $or the ar' o$ God% and
*ithed a tent $or it"
1=h 11:2 Then 2a!id said% .No one may arry the ar' o$ God b#t the /e!ites% $or the /8:2 has hosen them to
arry the ar' o$ God and to minister be$ore Him $ore!er".
1=h 11:- +nd 2a!id gathered all Israel together at Jer#salem% to bring #* the ar' o$ the /8:2 to its *lae%
whih he had *re*ared $or it"
1=h 11:0 Then 2a!id assembled the hildren o$ +aron and the /e!ites:
1=h 11:1 o$ the sons o$ Kohath% 7riel the hie$% and one h#ndred and twenty o$ his brethren&
1=h 11:3 o$ the sons o$ ?erari% +saiah the hie$% and two h#ndred and twenty o$ his brethren&
1=h 11:4 o$ the sons o$ Gershom% Joel the hie$% and one h#ndred and thirty o$ his brethren&
1=h 11:8 o$ the sons o$ 6liHa*han% ,hemaiah the hie$% and two h#ndred o$ his brethren&
1=h 11:9 o$ the sons o$ Hebron% 6liel the hie$% and eighty o$ his brethren&
1=h 11:15 o$ the sons o$ 7HHiel% +mminadab the hie$% and one h#ndred and twel!e o$ his brethren"
1=h 11:11 +nd 2a!id alled $or Gado' and +biathar the *riests% and $or the /e!ites: $or 7riel% +saiah% Joel%
,hemaiah% 6liel% and +mminadab"
1=h 11:12 He said to them% .Bo# (are) the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ the /e!ites& santi$y yo#rsel!es% yo#
and yo#r brethren% that yo# may bring #* the ar' o$ the /8:2 God o$ Israel to (the *lae) I ha!e *re*ared $or it"
1=h 11:1- .;or bea#se yo# (did) not (do it) the $irst (time%) the /8:2 o#r God bro'e o#t against #s% bea#se we
did not ons#lt Him abo#t the *ro*er order".
1=h 11:10 ,o the *riests and the /e!ites santi$ied themsel!es to bring #* the ar' o$ the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
1=h 11:11 +nd the hildren o$ the /e!ites bore the ar' o$ God on their sho#lders% by its *oles% as ?oses had
ommanded aording to the word o$ the /8:2"
1=h 11:13 Then 2a!id s*o'e to the leaders o$ the /e!ites to a**oint their brethren (to be) the singers
aom*anied by instr#ments o$ m#si% stringed instr#ments% har*s% and ymbals% by raising the !oie with
reso#nding @oy"
1=h 11:14 ,o the /e!ites a**ointed Heman the son o$ Joel& and o$ his brethren% +sa*h the son o$ Berehiah&
and o$ their brethren% the sons o$ ?erari% 6than the son o$ K#shaiah&
1=h 11:18 and with them their brethren o$ the seond (ran':) Gehariah% Ben% JaaHiel% ,hemiramoth% Jehiel%
7nni% 6liab% Benaiah% ?aaseiah% ?attithiah% 6li*heleh% ?i'neiah% 8bedD6dom% and Jeiel% the gate'ee*ers&
1=h 11:19 the singers% Heman% +sa*h% and 6than% (were) to so#nd the ymbals o$ bronHe&
1=h 11:25 Gehariah% +Hiel% ,hemiramoth% Jehiel% 7nni% 6liab% ?aaseiah% and Benaiah% with strings aording to
1=h 11:21 ?attithiah% 6li*heleh% ?i'neiah% 8bedD6dom% Jeiel% and +HaHiah% to diret with har*s on the
1=h 11:22 =henaniah% leader o$ the /e!ites% was instr#tor (in harge o$) the m#si% bea#se he (was) s'ill$#l&
1=h 11:2- Berehiah and 6l'anah (were) door'ee*ers $or the ar'&
1=h 11:20 ,hebaniah% Josha*hat% Nethanel% +masai% Gehariah% Benaiah% and 6lieHer% the *riests% were to blow
the tr#m*ets be$ore the ar' o$ God& and 8bedD6dom and Jehiah% door'ee*ers $or the ar'"
1=h 11:21 ,o 2a!id% the elders o$ Israel% and the a*tains o!er tho#sands went to bring #* the ar' o$ the
o!enant o$ the /8:2 $rom the ho#se o$ 8bedD6dom with @oy"
1=h 11:23 +nd so it was% when God hel*ed the /e!ites who bore the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2% that they
o$$ered se!en b#lls and se!en rams"
1=h 11:24 2a!id was lothed with a robe o$ $ine linen% as were all the /e!ites who bore the ar'% the singers% and
=henaniah the m#si master (with) the singers" 2a!id also wore a linen e*hod"
1=h 11:28 Th#s all Israel bro#ght #* the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 with sho#ting and with the so#nd o$
the horn% with tr#m*ets and with ymbals% ma'ing m#si with stringed instr#ments and har*s"
1=h 11:29 +nd it ha**ened% (as) the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 ame to the =ity o$ 2a!id% that ?ihal%
,a#lAs da#ghter% loo'ed thro#gh a window and saw King 2a!id whirling and *laying m#si& and she des*ised
him in her heart"
1=h 13:1 ,o they bro#ght the ar' o$ God% and set it in the midst o$ the tabernale that 2a!id had ereted $or it"
Then they o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings and *eae o$$erings be$ore God"
1=h 13:2 +nd when 2a!id had $inished o$$ering the b#rnt o$$erings and the *eae o$$erings% he blessed the
*eo*le in the name o$ the /8:2"
1=h 13:- Then he distrib#ted to e!eryone o$ Israel% both man and woman% to e!eryone a loa$ o$ bread% a *iee
(o$ meat%) and a a'e o$ raisins"
1=h 13:0 +nd he a**ointed some o$ the /e!ites to minister be$ore the ar' o$ the /8:2% to ommemorate% to
than'% and to *raise the /8:2 God o$ Israel:
1=h 13:1 +sa*h the hie$% and ne9t to him Gehariah% (then) Jeiel% ,hemiramoth% Jehiel% ?attithiah% 6liab%
Benaiah% and 8bedD6dom: Jeiel with stringed instr#ments and har*s% b#t +sa*h made m#si with ymbals&
1=h 13:3 Benaiah and JahaHiel the *riests reg#larly (blew) the tr#m*ets be$ore the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ God"
1=h 13:4 8n that day 2a!id $irst deli!ered (this *salm) into the hand o$ +sa*h and his brethren% to than' the
1=h 13:8 8h% gi!e than's to the /8:2F =all #*on His name& ?a'e 'nown His deeds among the *eo*lesF
1=h 13:9 ,ing to Him% sing *salms to Him& Tal' o$ all His wondro#s wor'sF
1=h 13:15 Glory in His holy name& /et the hearts o$ those re@oie who see' the /8:2F
1=h 13:11 ,ee' the /8:2 and His strength& ,ee' His $ae e!ermoreF
1=h 13:12 :emember His mar!elo#s wor's whih He has done% His wonders% and the @#dgments o$ His mo#th%
1=h 13:1- 8 seed o$ Israel His ser!ant% Bo# hildren o$ Jaob% His hosen onesF
1=h 13:10 He (is) the /8:2 o#r God& His @#dgments (are) in all the earth"
1=h 13:11 :emember His o!enant $ore!er% The word whih He ommanded% $or a tho#sand generations%
1=h 13:13 (The o!enant whih) He made with +braham% +nd His oath to Isaa%
1=h 13:14 +nd on$irmed it to Jaob $or a stat#te% To Israel ($or) an e!erlasting o!enant%
1=h 13:18 ,aying% .To yo# I will gi!e the land o$ =anaan +s the allotment o$ yo#r inheritane%.
1=h 13:19 >hen yo# were $ew in n#mber% Indeed !ery $ew% and strangers in it"
1=h 13:25 >hen they went $rom one nation to another% +nd $rom (one) 'ingdom to another *eo*le%
1=h 13:21 He *ermitted no man to do them wrong& Bes% He reb#'ed 'ings $or their sa'es%
1=h 13:22 (,aying%) .2o not to#h ?y anointed ones% +nd do ?y *ro*hets no harm".
1=h 13:2- ,ing to the /8:2% all the earth& <rolaim the good news o$ His sal!ation $rom day to day"
1=h 13:20 2elare His glory among the nations% His wonders among all *eo*les"
1=h 13:21 ;or the /8:2 (is) great and greatly to be *raised& He (is) also to be $eared abo!e all gods"
1=h 13:23 ;or all the gods o$ the *eo*les (are) idols% B#t the /8:2 made the hea!ens"
1=h 13:24 Honor and ma@esty (are) be$ore Him& ,trength and gladness are in His *lae"
1=h 13:28 Gi!e to the /8:2% 8 $amilies o$ the *eo*les% Gi!e to the /8:2 glory and strength"
1=h 13:29 Gi!e to the /8:2 the glory (d#e) His name& Bring an o$$ering% and ome be$ore Him" 8h% worshi* the
/8:2 in the bea#ty o$ holinessF
1=h 13:-5 Tremble be$ore Him% all the earth" The world also is $irmly established% It shall not be mo!ed"
1=h 13:-1 /et the hea!ens re@oie% and let the earth be glad& +nd let them say among the nations% .The /8:2
1=h 13:-2 /et the sea roar% and all its $#llness& /et the $ield re@oie% and all that (is) in it"
1=h 13:-- Then the trees o$ the woods shall re@oie be$ore the /8:2% ;or He is oming to @#dge the earth"
1=h 13:-0 8h% gi!e than's to the /8:2% $or (He is) goodF ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er"
1=h 13:-1 +nd say% .,a!e #s% 8 God o$ o#r sal!ation& Gather #s together% and deli!er #s $rom the Gentiles% To
gi!e than's to Bo#r holy name% To tri#m*h in Bo#r *raise".
1=h 13:-3 Blessed (be) the /8:2 God o$ Israel ;rom e!erlasting to e!erlastingF +nd all the *eo*le said%
.+menF. and *raised the /8:2"
1=h 13:-4 ,o he le$t +sa*h and his brothers there be$ore the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 to minister
be$ore the ar' reg#larly% as e!ery dayAs wor' reE#ired&
1=h 13:-8 and 8bedD6dom with his si9tyDeight brethren% inl#ding 8bedD6dom the son o$ Jed#th#n% and Hosah%
(to be) gate'ee*ers&
1=h 13:-9 and Gado' the *riest and his brethren the *riests% be$ore the tabernale o$ the /8:2 at the high
*lae that (was) at Gibeon%
1=h 13:05 to o$$er b#rnt o$$erings to the /8:2 on the altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering reg#larly morning and e!ening% and
(to do) aording to all that is written in the /aw o$ the /8:2 whih He ommanded Israel&
1=h 13:01 and with them Heman and Jed#th#n and the rest who were hosen% who were designated by name%
to gi!e than's to the /8:2% bea#se His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
1=h 13:02 and with them Heman and Jed#th#n% to so#nd alo#d with tr#m*ets and ymbals and the m#sial
instr#ments o$ God" Now the sons o$ Jed#th#n (were) gate'ee*ers"
1=h 13:0- Then all the *eo*le de*arted% e!ery man to his ho#se& and 2a!id ret#rned to bless his ho#se"
1=h 14:1 Now it ame to *ass% when 2a!id was dwelling in his ho#se% that 2a!id said to Nathan the *ro*het%
.,ee now% I dwell in a ho#se o$ edar% b#t the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 (is) #nder tent #rtains".
1=h 14:2 Then Nathan said to 2a!id% .2o all that (is) in yo#r heart% $or God (is) with yo#".
1=h 14:- B#t it ha**ened that night that the word o$ God ame to Nathan% saying%
1=h 14:0 .Go and tell ?y ser!ant 2a!id% ATh#s says the /8:2: .Bo# shall not b#ild ?e a ho#se to dwell in"
1=h 14:1 .;or I ha!e not dwelt in a ho#se sine the time that I bro#ght #* Israel% e!en to this day% b#t ha!e gone
$rom tent to tent% and $rom (one) tabernale (to another")
1=h 14:3 .>here!er I ha!e mo!ed abo#t with all Israel% ha!e I e!er s*o'en a word to any o$ the @#dges o$ Israel%
whom I ommanded to she*herd ?y *eo*le% saying% A>hy ha!e yo# not b#ilt ?e a ho#se o$ edarCA . A
1=h 14:4 .Now there$ore% th#s shall yo# say to ?y ser!ant 2a!id% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .I too' yo#
$rom the shee*$old% $rom $ollowing the shee*% to be r#ler o!er ?y *eo*le Israel"
1=h 14:8 .+nd I ha!e been with yo# where!er yo# ha!e gone% and ha!e #t o$$ all yo#r enemies $rom be$ore
yo#% and ha!e made yo# a name li'e the name o$ the great men who (are) on the earth"
1=h 14:9 .?oreo!er I will a**oint a *lae $or ?y *eo*le Israel% and will *lant them% that they may dwell in a
*lae o$ their own and mo!e no more& nor shall the sons o$ wi'edness o**ress them anymore% as *re!io#sly%
1=h 14:15 .sine the time that I ommanded @#dges (to be) o!er ?y *eo*le Israel" +lso I will s#bd#e all yo#r
enemies" ;#rthermore I tell yo# that the /8:2 will b#ild yo# a ho#se"
1=h 14:11 .+nd it shall be% when yo#r days are $#l$illed% when yo# m#st go (to be) with yo#r $athers% that I will
set #* yo#r seed a$ter yo#% who will be o$ yo#r sons& and I will establish his 'ingdom"
1=h 14:12 .He shall b#ild ?e a ho#se% and I will establish his throne $ore!er"
1=h 14:1- .I will be his ;ather% and he shall be ?y son& and I will not ta'e ?y mery away $rom him% as I too' (it)
$rom (him) who was be$ore yo#"
1=h 14:10 .+nd I will establish him in ?y ho#se and in ?y 'ingdom $ore!er& and his throne shall be established
$ore!er". A .
1=h 14:11 +ording to all these words and aording to all this !ision% so Nathan s*o'e to 2a!id"
1=h 14:13 Then King 2a!id went in and sat be$ore the /8:2& and he said: .>ho (am) I% 8 /8:2 GodC +nd
what is my ho#se% that Bo# ha!e bro#ght me this $arC
1=h 14:14 .+nd (yet) this was a small thing in Bo#r sight% 8 God& and Bo# ha!e (also) s*o'en o$ Bo#r ser!antAs
ho#se $or a great while to ome% and ha!e regarded me aording to the ran' o$ a man o$ high degree% 8 /8:2
1=h 14:18 .>hat more an 2a!id (say) to Bo# $or the honor o$ Bo#r ser!antC ;or Bo# 'now Bo#r ser!ant"
1=h 14:19 .8 /8:2% $or Bo#r ser!antAs sa'e% and aording to Bo#r own heart% Bo# ha!e done all this
greatness% in ma'ing 'nown all these great things"
1=h 14:25 .8 /8:2% (there is) none li'e Bo#% nor (is there any) God besides Bo#% aording to all that we ha!e
heard with o#r ears"
1=h 14:21 .+nd who (is) li'e Bo#r *eo*le Israel% the one nation on the earth whom God went to redeem $or
Himsel$ (as) a *eo*le DD to ma'e $or Bo#rsel$ a name by great and awesome deeds% by dri!ing o#t nations $rom
be$ore Bo#r *eo*le whom Bo# redeemed $rom 6gy*tC
1=h 14:22 .;or Bo# ha!e made Bo#r *eo*le Israel Bo#r !ery own *eo*le $ore!er& and Bo#% /8:2% ha!e
beome their God"
1=h 14:2- . +nd now% 8 /8:2% the word whih Bo# ha!e s*o'en onerning Bo#r ser!ant and onerning his
ho#se% (let it) be established $ore!er% and do as Bo# ha!e said"
1=h 14:20 .,o let it be established% that Bo#r name may be magni$ied $ore!er% saying% AThe /8:2 o$ hosts% the
God o$ Israel% (is) IsraelAs God"A +nd let the ho#se o$ Bo#r ser!ant 2a!id be established be$ore Bo#"
1=h 14:21 .;or Bo#% 8 my God% ha!e re!ealed to Bo#r ser!ant that Bo# will b#ild him a ho#se" There$ore Bo#r
ser!ant has $o#nd it (in his heart) to *ray be$ore Bo#"
1=h 14:23 .+nd now% /8:2% Bo# are God% and ha!e *romised this goodness to Bo#r ser!ant"
1=h 14:24 .Now Bo# ha!e been *leased to bless the ho#se o$ Bo#r ser!ant% that it may ontin#e be$ore Bo#
$ore!er& $or Bo# ha!e blessed it% 8 /8:2% and (it shall be) blessed $ore!er".
1=h 18:1 +$ter this it ame to *ass that 2a!id atta'ed the <hilistines% s#bd#ed them% and too' Gath and its
towns $rom the hand o$ the <hilistines"
1=h 18:2 Then he de$eated ?oab% and the ?oabites beame 2a!idAs ser!ants% (and) bro#ght trib#te"
1=h 18:- +nd 2a!id de$eated HadadeHer 'ing o$ Gobah (as $ar as) Hamath% as he went to establish his *ower
by the :i!er 6#*hrates"
1=h 18:0 2a!id too' $rom him one tho#sand hariots% se!en tho#sand horsemen% and twenty tho#sand $oot
soldiers" +nd 2a!id also hamstr#ng all the hariot (horses%) e9e*t that he s*ared eno#gh o$ them $or one
h#ndred hariots"
1=h 18:1 >hen the ,yrians o$ 2amas#s ame to hel* HadadeHer 'ing o$ Gobah% 2a!id 'illed twentyDtwo
tho#sand o$ the ,yrians"
1=h 18:3 Then 2a!id *#t (garrisons) in ,yria o$ 2amas#s& and the ,yrians beame 2a!idAs ser!ants% (and)
bro#ght trib#te" ,o the /8:2 *reser!ed 2a!id where!er he went"
1=h 18:4 +nd 2a!id too' the shields o$ gold that were on the ser!ants o$ HadadeHer% and bro#ght them to
1=h 18:8 +lso $rom Tibhath and $rom =h#n% ities o$ HadadeHer% 2a!id bro#ght a large amo#nt o$ bronHe% with
whih ,olomon made the bronHe ,ea% the *illars% and the artiles o$ bronHe"
1=h 18:9 Now when To# 'ing o$ Hamath heard that 2a!id had de$eated all the army o$ HadadeHer 'ing o$
1=h 18:15 he sent Hadoram his son to King 2a!id% to greet him and bless him% bea#se he had $o#ght against
HadadeHer and de$eated him I$or HadadeHer had been at war with To#J& and (Hadoram bro#ght with him) all
'inds o$ artiles o$ gold% sil!er% and bronHe"
1=h 18:11 King 2a!id also dediated these to the /8:2% along with the sil!er and gold that he had bro#ght
$rom all (these) nations DD $rom 6dom% $rom ?oab% $rom the *eo*le o$ +mmon% $rom the <hilistines% and $rom
1=h 18:12 ?oreo!er +bishai the son o$ Ger#iah 'illed eighteen tho#sand 6domites in the Valley o$ ,alt"
1=h 18:1- He also *#t garrisons in 6dom% and all the 6domites beame 2a!idAs ser!ants" +nd the /8:2
*reser!ed 2a!id where!er he went"
1=h 18:10 ,o 2a!id reigned o!er all Israel% and administered @#dgment and @#stie to all his *eo*le"
1=h 18:11 Joab the son o$ Ger#iah (was) o!er the army& Jehosha*hat the son o$ +hil#d (was) reorder&
1=h 18:13 Gado' the son o$ +hit#b and +bimeleh the son o$ +biathar (were) the *riests& ,ha!sha (was) the
1=h 18:14 Benaiah the son o$ Jehoiada (was) o!er the =herethites and the <elethites& and 2a!idAs sons (were)
hie$ ministers at the 'ingAs side"
1=h 19:1 It ha**ened a$ter this that Nahash the 'ing o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon died% and his son reigned in his
1=h 19:2 Then 2a!id said% .I will show 'indness to Han#n the son o$ Nahash% bea#se his $ather showed
'indness to me". ,o 2a!id sent messengers to om$ort him onerning his $ather" +nd 2a!idAs ser!ants ame to
Han#n in the land o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon to om$ort him"
1=h 19:- +nd the *rines o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon said to Han#n% .2o yo# thin' that 2a!id really honors yo#r
$ather bea#se he has sent om$orters to yo#C 2id his ser!ants not ome to yo# to searh and to o!erthrow and
to s*y o#t the landC.
1=h 19:0 There$ore Han#n too' 2a!idAs ser!ants% sha!ed them% and #t o$$ their garments in the middle% at their
b#tto's% and sent them away"
1=h 19:1 Then (some) went and told 2a!id abo#t the men& and he sent to meet them% bea#se the men were
greatly ashamed" +nd the 'ing said% .>ait at Jeriho #ntil yo#r beards ha!e grown% and (then) ret#rn".
1=h 19:3 >hen the *eo*le o$ +mmon saw that they had made themsel!es re*#lsi!e to 2a!id% Han#n and the
*eo*le o$ +mmon sent a tho#sand talents o$ sil!er to hire $or themsel!es hariots and horsemen $rom
?eso*otamia% $rom ,yrian ?aahah% and $rom Gobah"
1=h 19:4 ,o they hired $or themsel!es thirtyDtwo tho#sand hariots% with the 'ing o$ ?aahah and his *eo*le%
who ame and enam*ed be$ore ?edeba" +lso the *eo*le o$ +mmon gathered together $rom their ities% and
ame to battle"
1=h 19:8 Now when 2a!id heard (o$ it%) he sent Joab and all the army o$ the mighty men"
1=h 19:9 Then the *eo*le o$ +mmon ame o#t and *#t themsel!es in battle array be$ore the gate o$ the ity%
and the 'ings who had ome (were) by themsel!es in the $ield"
1=h 19:15 >hen Joab saw that the battle line was against him be$ore and behind% he hose some o$ IsraelAs
best and *#t (them) in battle array against the ,yrians"
1=h 19:11 +nd the rest o$ the *eo*le he *#t #nder the ommand o$ +bishai his brother% and they set
(themsel!es) in battle array against the *eo*le o$ +mmon"
1=h 19:12 Then he said% .I$ the ,yrians are too strong $or me% then yo# shall hel* me& b#t i$ the *eo*le o$
+mmon are too strong $or yo#% then I will hel* yo#"
1=h 19:1- .Be o$ good o#rage% and let #s be strong $or o#r *eo*le and $or the ities o$ o#r God" +nd may the
/8:2 do (what is) good in His sight".
1=h 19:10 ,o Joab and the *eo*le who (were) with him drew near $or the battle against the ,yrians% and they
$led be$ore him"
1=h 19:11 >hen the *eo*le o$ +mmon saw that the ,yrians were $leeing% they also $led be$ore +bishai his
brother% and entered the ity" ,o Joab went to Jer#salem"
1=h 19:13 Now when the ,yrians saw that they had been de$eated by Israel% they sent messengers and
bro#ght the ,yrians who were beyond the :i!er% and ,ho*hah the ommander o$ HadadeHerAs army (went)
be$ore them"
1=h 19:14 >hen it was told 2a!id% he gathered all Israel% rossed o!er the Jordan and ame #*on them% and
set #* in battle array against them" ,o when 2a!id had set #* in (battle) array against the ,yrians% they $o#ght
with him"
1=h 19:18 Then the ,yrians $led be$ore Israel& and 2a!id 'illed se!en tho#sand harioteers and $orty tho#sand
$oot soldiers o$ the ,yrians% and 'illed ,ho*hah the ommander o$ the army"
1=h 19:19 +nd when the ser!ants o$ HadadeHer saw that they were de$eated by Israel% they made *eae with
2a!id and beame his ser!ants" ,o the ,yrians were not willing to hel* the *eo*le o$ +mmon anymore"
1=h 25:1 It ha**ened in the s*ring o$ the year% at the time 'ings go o#t (to battle%) that Joab led o#t the armed
$ores and ra!aged the o#ntry o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon% and ame and besieged :abbah" B#t 2a!id stayed at
Jer#salem" +nd Joab de$eated :abbah and o!erthrew it"
1=h 25:2 Then 2a!id too' their 'ingAs rown $rom his head% and $o#nd it to weigh a talent o$ gold% and (there
were) *reio#s stones in it" +nd it was set on 2a!idAs head" +lso he bro#ght o#t the s*oil o$ the ity in great
1=h 25:- +nd he bro#ght o#t the *eo*le who (were) in it% and *#t (them) to wor' with saws% with iron *i's% and
with a9es" ,o 2a!id did to all the ities o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon" Then 2a!id and all the *eo*le ret#rned (to)
1=h 25:0 Now it ha**ened a$terward that war bro'e o#t at GeHer with the <hilistines% at whih time ,ibbehai
the H#shathite 'illed ,i**ai% (who was one) o$ the sons o$ the giant" +nd they were s#bd#ed"
1=h 25:1 +gain there was war with the <hilistines% and 6lhanan the son o$ Jair 'illed /ahmi the brother o$
Goliath the Gittite% the sha$t o$ whose s*ear (was) li'e a wea!erAs beam"
1=h 25:3 Bet again there was war at Gath% where there was a man o$ (great) stat#re% with twentyD$o#r $ingers
and toes% si9 (on eah hand) and si9 (on eah $oot&) and he also was born to the giant"
1=h 25:4 ,o when he de$ied Israel% Jonathan the son o$ ,himea% 2a!idAs brother% 'illed him"
1=h 25:8 These were born to the giant in Gath% and they $ell by the hand o$ 2a!id and by the hand o$ his
1=h 21:1 Now ,atan stood #* against Israel% and mo!ed 2a!id to n#mber Israel"
1=h 21:2 ,o 2a!id said to Joab and to the leaders o$ the *eo*le% .Go% n#mber Israel $rom Beersheba to 2an%
and bring the n#mber o$ them to me that I may 'now (it".)
1=h 21:- +nd Joab answered% .?ay the /8:2 ma'e His *eo*le a h#ndred times more than they are" B#t% my
lord the 'ing% (are) they not all my lordAs ser!antsC >hy then does my lord reE#ire this thingC >hy sho#ld he be a
a#se o$ g#ilt in IsraelC.
1=h 21:0 Ne!ertheless the 'ingAs word *re!ailed against Joab" There$ore Joab de*arted and went thro#gho#t
all Israel and ame to Jer#salem"
1=h 21:1 Then Joab ga!e the s#m o$ the n#mber o$ the *eo*le to 2a!id" +ll Israel (had) one million one
h#ndred tho#sand men who drew the sword% and J#dah (had) $o#r h#ndred and se!enty tho#sand men who
drew the sword"
1=h 21:3 B#t he did not o#nt /e!i and Ben@amin among them% $or the 'ingAs word was abominable to Joab"
1=h 21:4 +nd God was dis*leased with this thing& there$ore He str#' Israel"
1=h 21:8 ,o 2a!id said to God% .I ha!e sinned greatly% bea#se I ha!e done this thing& b#t now% I *ray% ta'e
away the iniE#ity o$ Bo#r ser!ant% $or I ha!e done !ery $oolishly".
1=h 21:9 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to Gad% 2a!idAs seer% saying%
1=h 21:15 .Go and tell 2a!id% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2: .I o$$er yo# three (things&) hoose one o$ them $or
yo#rsel$% that I may do (it) to yo#". A .
1=h 21:11 ,o Gad ame to 2a!id and said to him% .Th#s says the /8:2: A=hoose $or yo#rsel$%
1=h 21:12 Aeither three years o$ $amine% or three months to be de$eated by yo#r $oes with the sword o$ yo#r
enemies o!erta'ing (yo#%) or else $or three days the sword o$ the /8:2 DD the *lag#e in the land% with the angel
o$ the /8:2 destroying thro#gho#t all the territory o$ Israel"A Now onsider what answer I sho#ld ta'e ba' to
Him who sent me".
1=h 21:1- +nd 2a!id said to Gad% .I am in great distress" <lease let me $all into the hand o$ the /8:2% $or His
meries (are) !ery great& b#t do not let me $all into the hand o$ man".
1=h 21:10 ,o the /8:2 sent a *lag#e #*on Israel% and se!enty tho#sand men o$ Israel $ell"
1=h 21:11 +nd God sent an angel to Jer#salem to destroy it" +s he was destroying% the /8:2 loo'ed and
relented o$ the disaster% and said to the angel who was destroying% .It is eno#gh& now restrain yo#r hand". +nd
the angel o$ the /8:2 stood by the threshing $loor o$ 8rnan the Jeb#site"
1=h 21:13 Then 2a!id li$ted his eyes and saw the angel o$ the /8:2 standing between earth and hea!en%
ha!ing in his hand a drawn sword strethed o#t o!er Jer#salem" ,o 2a!id and the elders% lothed in sa'loth%
$ell on their $aes"
1=h 21:14 +nd 2a!id said to God% .>as it not I who ommanded the *eo*le to be n#mberedC I am the one who
has sinned and done e!il indeed& b#t these shee*% what ha!e they doneC /et Bo#r hand% I *ray% 8 /8:2 my
God% be against me and my $atherAs ho#se% b#t not against Bo#r *eo*le that they sho#ld be *lag#ed".
1=h 21:18 There$ore% the angel o$ the /8:2 ommanded Gad to say to 2a!id that 2a!id sho#ld go and eret
an altar to the /8:2 on the threshing $loor o$ 8rnan the Jeb#site"
1=h 21:19 ,o 2a!id went #* at the word o$ Gad% whih he had s*o'en in the name o$ the /8:2"
1=h 21:25 Now 8rnan t#rned and saw the angel& and his $o#r sons (who were) with him hid themsel!es% b#t
8rnan ontin#ed threshing wheat"
1=h 21:21 Then 2a!id ame to 8rnan% and 8rnan loo'ed and saw 2a!id" +nd he went o#t $rom the threshing
$loor% and bowed be$ore 2a!id with (his) $ae to the gro#nd"
1=h 21:22 Then 2a!id said to 8rnan% .Grant me the *lae o$ (this) threshing $loor% that I may b#ild an altar on it
to the /8:2" Bo# shall grant it to me at the $#ll *rie% that the *lag#e may be withdrawn $rom the *eo*le".
1=h 21:2- +nd 8rnan said to 2a!id% .Ta'e (it) to yo#rsel$% and let my lord the 'ing do (what is) good in his eyes"
/oo'% I (also) gi!e (yo#) the o9en $or b#rnt o$$erings% the threshing im*lements $or wood% and the wheat $or the
grain o$$ering& I gi!e (it) all".
1=h 21:20 Then King 2a!id said to 8rnan% .No% b#t I will s#rely b#y (it) $or the $#ll *rie% $or I will not ta'e what is
yo#rs $or the /8:2% nor o$$er b#rnt o$$erings with (that whih) osts (me) nothing".
1=h 21:21 ,o 2a!id ga!e 8rnan si9 h#ndred she'els o$ gold by weight $or the *lae"
1=h 21:23 +nd 2a!id b#ilt there an altar to the /8:2% and o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings and *eae o$$erings% and
alled on the /8:2& and He answered him $rom hea!en by $ire on the altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering"
1=h 21:24 ,o the /8:2 ommanded the angel% and he ret#rned his sword to its sheath"
1=h 21:28 +t that time% when 2a!id saw that the /8:2 had answered him on the threshing $loor o$ 8rnan the
Jeb#site% he sari$ied there"
1=h 21:29 ;or the tabernale o$ the /8:2 and the altar o$ the b#rnt o$$ering% whih ?oses had made in the
wilderness% (were) at that time at the high *lae in Gibeon"
1=h 21:-5 B#t 2a!id o#ld not go be$ore it to inE#ire o$ God% $or he was a$raid o$ the sword o$ the angel o$ the
1=h 22:1 Then 2a!id said% .This (is) the ho#se o$ the /8:2 God% and this (is) the altar o$ b#rnt o$$ering $or
1=h 22:2 ,o 2a!id ommanded to gather the aliens who (were) in the land o$ Israel& and he a**ointed masons
to #t hewn stones to b#ild the ho#se o$ God"
1=h 22:- +nd 2a!id *re*ared iron in ab#ndane $or the nails o$ the doors o$ the gates and $or the @oints% and
bronHe in ab#ndane beyond meas#re%
1=h 22:0 and edar trees in ab#ndane& $or the ,idonians and those $rom Tyre bro#ght m#h edar wood to
1=h 22:1 Now 2a!id said% .,olomon my son (is) yo#ng and ine9*eriened% and the ho#se to be b#ilt $or the
/8:2 (m#st be) e9eedingly magni$ient% $amo#s and glorio#s thro#gho#t all o#ntries" I will now ma'e
*re*aration $or it". ,o 2a!id made ab#ndant *re*arations be$ore his death"
1=h 22:3 Then he alled $or his son ,olomon% and harged him to b#ild a ho#se $or the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
1=h 22:4 +nd 2a!id said to ,olomon: .?y son% as $or me% it was in my mind to b#ild a ho#se to the name o$ the
/8:2 my God&
1=h 22:8 .b#t the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying% ABo# ha!e shed m#h blood and ha!e made great
wars& yo# shall not b#ild a ho#se $or ?y name% bea#se yo# ha!e shed m#h blood on the earth in ?y sight"
1=h 22:9 ABehold% a son shall be born to yo#% who shall be a man o$ rest& and I will gi!e him rest $rom all his
enemies all aro#nd" His name shall be ,olomon% $or I will gi!e *eae and E#ietness to Israel in his days"
1=h 22:15 AHe shall b#ild a ho#se $or ?y name% and he shall be ?y son% and I (will be) his ;ather& and I will
establish the throne o$ his 'ingdom o!er Israel $ore!er"A
1=h 22:11 .Now% my son% may the /8:2 be with yo#& and may yo# *ros*er% and b#ild the ho#se o$ the /8:2
yo#r God% as He has said to yo#"
1=h 22:12 .8nly may the /8:2 gi!e yo# wisdom and #nderstanding% and gi!e yo# harge onerning Israel%
that yo# may 'ee* the law o$ the /8:2 yo#r God"
1=h 22:1- .Then yo# will *ros*er% i$ yo# ta'e are to $#l$ill the stat#tes and @#dgments with whih the /8:2
harged ?oses onerning Israel" Be strong and o$ good o#rage& do not $ear nor be dismayed"
1=h 22:10 .Indeed I ha!e ta'en m#h tro#ble to *re*are $or the ho#se o$ the /8:2 one h#ndred tho#sand
talents o$ gold and one million talents o$ sil!er% and bronHe and iron beyond meas#re% $or it is so ab#ndant" I
ha!e *re*ared timber and stone also% and yo# may add to them"
1=h 22:11 .?oreo!er (there are) wor'men with yo# in ab#ndane: woodsmen and stone#tters% and all ty*es o$
s'ill$#l men $or e!ery 'ind o$ wor'"
1=h 22:13 .8$ gold and sil!er and bronHe and iron (there is) no limit" +rise and begin wor'ing% and the /8:2 be
with yo#".
1=h 22:14 2a!id also ommanded all the leaders o$ Israel to hel* ,olomon his son% (saying%)
1=h 22:18 .(Is) not the /8:2 yo#r God with yo#C +nd has He (not) gi!en yo# rest on e!ery sideC ;or He has
gi!en the inhabitants o$ the land into my hand% and the land is s#bd#ed be$ore the /8:2 and be$ore His *eo*le"
1=h 22:19 .Now set yo#r heart and yo#r so#l to see' the /8:2 yo#r God" There$ore arise and b#ild the
sant#ary o$ the /8:2 God% to bring the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 and the holy artiles o$ God into the
ho#se that is to be b#ilt $or the name o$ the /8:2".
1=h 2-:1 ,o when 2a!id was old and $#ll o$ days% he made his son ,olomon 'ing o!er Israel"
1=h 2-:2 +nd he gathered together all the leaders o$ Israel% with the *riests and the /e!ites"
1=h 2-:- Now the /e!ites were n#mbered $rom the age o$ thirty years and abo!e& and the n#mber o$ indi!id#al
males was thirtyDeight tho#sand"
1=h 2-:0 8$ these% twentyD$o#r tho#sand (were) to loo' a$ter the wor' o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2% si9 tho#sand
(were) o$$iers and @#dges%
1=h 2-:1 $o#r tho#sand (were) gate'ee*ers% and $o#r tho#sand *raised the /8:2 with (m#sial) instr#ments%
.whih I made%. (said 2a!id%) .$or gi!ing *raise".
1=h 2-:3 +lso 2a!id se*arated them into di!isions among the sons o$ /e!i: Gershon% Kohath% and ?erari"
1=h 2-:4 8$ the Gershonites: /aadan and ,himei"
1=h 2-:8 The sons o$ /aadan: the $irst Jehiel% then Getham and Joel DD three (in all")
1=h 2-:9 The sons o$ ,himei: ,helomith% HaHiel% and Haran DD three (in all") These were the heads o$ the
$athersA (ho#ses) o$ /aadan"
1=h 2-:15 +nd the sons o$ ,himei: Jahath% Gina% Je#sh% and Beriah" These (were) the $o#r sons o$ ,himei"
1=h 2-:11 Jahath was the $irst and GiHah the seond" B#t Je#sh and Beriah did not ha!e many sons& there$ore
they were assigned as one $atherAs ho#se"
1=h 2-:12 The sons o$ Kohath: +mram% IHhar% Hebron% and 7HHiel DD $o#r (in all")
1=h 2-:1- The sons o$ +mram: +aron and ?oses& and +aron was set a*art% he and his sons $ore!er% that he
sho#ld santi$y the most holy things% to b#rn inense be$ore the /8:2% to minister to Him% and to gi!e the
blessing in His name $ore!er"
1=h 2-:10 Now the sons o$ ?oses the man o$ God were re'oned to the tribe o$ /e!i"
1=h 2-:11 The sons o$ ?oses (were) Gershon and 6lieHer"
1=h 2-:13 8$ the sons o$ Gershon% ,heb#el (was) the $irst"
1=h 2-:14 8$ the desendants o$ 6lieHer% :ehabiah was the $irst" +nd 6lieHer had no other sons% b#t the sons o$
:ehabiah were !ery many"
1=h 2-:18 8$ the sons o$ IHhar% ,helomith (was) the $irst"
1=h 2-:19 8$ the sons o$ Hebron% Jeriah (was) the $irst% +mariah the seond% JahaHiel the third% and Je'ameam
the $o#rth"
1=h 2-:25 8$ the sons o$ 7HHiel% ?ihah (was) the $irst and Jesshiah the seond"
1=h 2-:21 The sons o$ ?erari (were) ?ahli and ?#shi" The sons o$ ?ahli (were) 6leaHar and Kish"
1=h 2-:22 +nd 6leaHar died% and had no sons% b#t only da#ghters& and their brethren% the sons o$ Kish% too'
them (as wi!es")
1=h 2-:2- The sons o$ ?#shi (were) ?ahli% 6der% and Jeremoth DD three (in all")
1=h 2-:20 These (were) the sons o$ /e!i by their $athersA ho#ses DD the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) as they
were o#nted indi!id#ally by the n#mber o$ their names% who did the wor' $or the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ the
/8:2% $rom the age o$ twenty years and abo!e"
1=h 2-:21 ;or 2a!id said% .The /8:2 God o$ Israel has gi!en rest to His *eo*le% that they may dwell in
Jer#salem $ore!er.&
1=h 2-:23 and also to the /e!ites% .They shall no longer arry the tabernale% or any o$ the artiles $or its
1=h 2-:24 ;or by the last words o$ 2a!id the /e!ites (were) n#mbered $rom twenty years old and abo!e&
1=h 2-:28 bea#se their d#ty (was) to hel* the sons o$ +aron in the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2% in the
o#rts and in the hambers% in the *#ri$ying o$ all holy things and the wor' o$ the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ God%
1=h 2-:29 both with the showbread and the $ine $lo#r $or the grain o$$ering% with the #nlea!ened a'es and
(what is ba'ed in) the *an% with what is mi9ed and with all 'inds o$ meas#res and siHes&
1=h 2-:-5 to stand e!ery morning to than' and *raise the /8:2% and li'ewise at e!ening&
1=h 2-:-1 and at e!ery *resentation o$ a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2 on the ,abbaths and on the New ?oons
and on the set $easts% by n#mber aording to the ordinane go!erning them% reg#larly be$ore the /8:2&
1=h 2-:-2 and that they sho#ld attend to the needs o$ the tabernale o$ meeting% the needs o$ the holy (*lae%)
and the needs o$ the sons o$ +aron their brethren in the wor' o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
1=h 20:1 Now (these are) the di!isions o$ the sons o$ +aron" The sons o$ +aron (were) Nadab% +bih#% 6leaHar%
and Ithamar"
1=h 20:2 +nd Nadab and +bih# died be$ore their $ather% and had no hildren& there$ore 6leaHar and Ithamar
ministered as *riests"
1=h 20:- Then 2a!id with Gado' o$ the sons o$ 6leaHar% and +himeleh o$ the sons o$ Ithamar% di!ided them
aording to the shed#le o$ their ser!ie"
1=h 20:0 There were more leaders $o#nd o$ the sons o$ 6leaHar than o$ the sons o$ Ithamar% and (th#s) they
were di!ided" +mong the sons o$ 6leaHar (were) si9teen heads o$ (their) $athersA ho#ses% and eight heads o$ their
$athersA ho#ses among the sons o$ Ithamar"
1=h 20:1 Th#s they were di!ided by lot% one gro#* as another% $or there were o$$iials o$ the sant#ary and
o$$iials (o$ the ho#se) o$ God% $rom the sons o$ 6leaHar and $rom the sons o$ Ithamar"
1=h 20:3 +nd the sribe% ,hemaiah the son o$ Nethanel% (one o$) the /e!ites% wrote them down be$ore the 'ing%
the leaders% Gado' the *riest% +himeleh the son o$ +biathar% and the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ the *riests
and /e!ites% one $atherAs ho#se ta'en $or 6leaHar and (one) $or Ithamar"
1=h 20:4 Now the $irst lot $ell to Jehoiarib% the seond to Jedaiah%
1=h 20:8 the third to Harim% the $o#rth to ,eorim%
1=h 20:9 the $i$th to ?alhi@ah% the si9th to ?i@amin%
1=h 20:15 the se!enth to Ha''oH% the eighth to +bi@ah%
1=h 20:11 the ninth to Jesh#a% the tenth to ,heaniah%
1=h 20:12 the ele!enth to 6liashib% the twel$th to Ja'im%
1=h 20:1- the thirteenth to H#**ah% the $o#rteenth to Jeshebeab%
1=h 20:10 the $i$teenth to Bilgah% the si9teenth to Immer%
1=h 20:11 the se!enteenth to HeHir% the eighteenth to Ha**iHHeH%
1=h 20:13 the nineteenth to <ethahiah% the twentieth to JeheHe'el%
1=h 20:14 the twentyD$irst to Jahin% the twentyDseond to Gam#l%
1=h 20:18 the twentyDthird to 2elaiah% the twentyD$o#rth to ?aaHiah"
1=h 20:19 This (was) the shed#le o$ their ser!ie $or oming into the ho#se o$ the /8:2 aording to their
ordinane by the hand o$ +aron their $ather% as the /8:2 God o$ Israel had ommanded him"
1=h 20:25 +nd the rest o$ the sons o$ /e!i: o$ the sons o$ +mram% ,h#bael& o$ the sons o$ ,h#bael% Jehdeiah"
1=h 20:21 =onerning :ehabiah% o$ the sons o$ :ehabiah% the $irst (was) Isshiah"
1=h 20:22 8$ the IHharites% ,helomoth& o$ the sons o$ ,helomoth% Jahath"
1=h 20:2- 8$ the sons (o$ Hebron%) Jeriah (was the $irst%) +mariah the seond% JahaHiel the third% (and)
Je'ameam the $o#rth"
1=h 20:20 (8$) the sons o$ 7HHiel% ?ihah& o$ the sons o$ ?ihah% ,hamir"
1=h 20:21 The brother o$ ?ihah% Isshiah& o$ the sons o$ Isshiah% Gehariah"
1=h 20:23 The sons o$ ?erari (were) ?ahli and ?#shi& the son o$ JaaHiah% Beno"
1=h 20:24 The sons o$ ?erari by JaaHiah (were) Beno% ,hoham% Ga#r% and Ibri"
1=h 20:28 8$ ?ahli: 6leaHar% who had no sons"
1=h 20:29 8$ Kish: the son o$ Kish% Jerahmeel"
1=h 20:-5 +lso the sons o$ ?#shi (were) ?ahli% 6der% and Jerimoth" These (were) the sons o$ the /e!ites
aording to their $athersA ho#ses"
1=h 20:-1 These also ast lots @#st as their brothers the sons o$ +aron did% in the *resene o$ King 2a!id%
Gado'% +himeleh% and the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ the *riests and /e!ites" The hie$ $athers (did) @#st
as their yo#nger brethren"
1=h 21:1 ?oreo!er 2a!id and the a*tains o$ the army se*arated $or the ser!ie (some) o$ the sons o$ +sa*h%
o$ Heman% and o$ Jed#th#n% who (sho#ld) *ro*hesy with har*s% stringed instr#ments% and ymbals" +nd the
n#mber o$ the s'illed men *er$orming their ser!ie was:
1=h 21:2 8$ the sons o$ +sa*h: Ga#r% Jose*h% Nethaniah% and +sharelah& the sons o$ +sa*h (were) #nder the
diretion o$ +sa*h% who *ro*hesied aording to the order o$ the 'ing"
1=h 21:- 8$ Jed#th#n% the sons o$ Jed#th#n: Gedaliah% Geri% Jeshaiah% ,himei% Hashabiah% and ?attithiah% si9%
#nder the diretion o$ their $ather Jed#th#n% who *ro*hesied with a har* to gi!e than's and to *raise the /8:2"
1=h 21:0 8$ Heman% the sons o$ Heman: B#''iah% ?attaniah% 7HHiel% ,heb#el% Jerimoth% Hananiah% Hanani%
6liathah% Giddalti% :omamtiD6Her% Joshbe'ashah% ?allothi% Hothir% (and) ?ahaHioth"
1=h 21:1 +ll these (were) the sons o$ Heman the 'ingAs seer in the words o$ God% to e9alt his horn" ;or God
ga!e Heman $o#rteen sons and three da#ghters"
1=h 21:3 +ll these (were) #nder the diretion o$ their $ather $or the m#si (in) the ho#se o$ the /8:2% with
ymbals% stringed instr#ments% and har*s% $or the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ God" +sa*h% Jed#th#n% and Heman
(were) #nder the a#thority o$ the 'ing"
1=h 21:4 ,o the n#mber o$ them% with their brethren who were instr#ted in the songs o$ the /8:2% all who
were s'ill$#l% (was) two h#ndred and eightyDeight"
1=h 21:8 +nd they ast lots $or their d#ty% the small as well as the great% the teaher with the st#dent"
1=h 21:9 Now the $irst lot $or +sa*h ame o#t $or Jose*h& the seond $or Gedaliah% him with his brethren and
sons% twel!e&
1=h 21:15 the third $or Ga#r% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:11 the $o#rth $or JiHri% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:12 the $i$th $or Nethaniah% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:1- the si9th $or B#''iah% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:10 the se!enth $or Jesharelah% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:11 the eighth $or Jeshaiah% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:13 the ninth $or ?attaniah% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:14 the tenth $or ,himei% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:18 the ele!enth $or +Harel% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:19 the twel$th $or Hashabiah% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:25 the thirteenth $or ,h#bael% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:21 the $o#rteenth $or ?attithiah% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:22 the $i$teenth $or Jeremoth% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:2- the si9teenth $or Hananiah% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:20 the se!enteenth $or Joshbe'ashah% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:21 the eighteenth $or Hanani% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:23 the nineteenth $or ?allothi% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:24 the twentieth $or 6liathah% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:28 the twentyD$irst $or Hothir% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:29 the twentyDseond $or Giddalti% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:-5 the twentyDthird $or ?ahaHioth% his sons and his brethren% twel!e&
1=h 21:-1 the twentyD$o#rth $or :omamtiD6Her% his sons and his brethren% twel!e"
1=h 23:1 =onerning the di!isions o$ the gate'ee*ers: o$ the Korahites% ?eshelemiah the son o$ Kore% o$ the
sons o$ +sa*h"
1=h 23:2 +nd the sons o$ ?eshelemiah (were) Gehariah the $irstborn% Jediael the seond% Gebadiah the third%
Jathniel the $o#rth%
1=h 23:- 6lam the $i$th% Jehohanan the si9th% 6liehoenai the se!enth"
1=h 23:0 ?oreo!er the sons o$ 8bedD6dom (were) ,hemaiah the $irstborn% JehoHabad the seond% Joah the
third% ,aar the $o#rth% Nethanel the $i$th%
1=h 23:1 +mmiel the si9th% Issahar the se!enth% <e#lthai the eighth& $or God blessed him"
1=h 23:3 +lso to ,hemaiah his son were sons born who go!erned their $athersA ho#ses% bea#se they (were)
men o$ great ability"
1=h 23:4 The sons o$ ,hemaiah (were) 8thni% :e*hael% 8bed% and 6lHabad% whose brothers 6lih# and
,emahiah (were) able men"
1=h 23:8 +ll these (were) o$ the sons o$ 8bedD6dom% they and their sons and their brethren% able men with
strength $or the wor': si9tyDtwo o$ 8bedD6dom"
1=h 23:9 +nd ?eshelemiah had sons and brethren% eighteen able men"
1=h 23:15 +lso Hosah% o$ the hildren o$ ?erari% had sons: ,himri the $irst I$or (tho#gh) he was not the $irstborn%
his $ather made him the $irstJ%
1=h 23:11 Hil'iah the seond% Tebaliah the third% Gehariah the $o#rth& all the sons and brethren o$ Hosah
(were) thirteen"
1=h 23:12 +mong these (were) the di!isions o$ the gate'ee*ers% among the hie$ men% (ha!ing) d#ties @#st li'e
their brethren% to ser!e in the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
1=h 23:1- +nd they ast lots $or eah gate% the small as well as the great% aording to their $atherAs ho#se"
1=h 23:10 The lot $or the 6ast (Gate) $ell to ,helemiah" Then they ast lots ($or) his son Gehariah% a wise
o#nselor% and his lot ame o#t $or the North Gate&
1=h 23:11 to 8bedD6dom the ,o#th Gate% and to his sons the storeho#se"
1=h 23:13 To ,h#**im and Hosah (the lot ame o#t) $or the >est Gate% with the ,halleheth Gate on the
asending highway DD wathman o**osite wathman"
1=h 23:14 8n the east were (si9) /e!ites% on the north $o#r eah day% on the so#th $o#r eah day% and $or the
storeho#se two by two"
1=h 23:18 +s $or the <arbar on the west% (there were) $o#r on the highway (and) two at the <arbar"
1=h 23:19 These were the di!isions o$ the gate'ee*ers among the sons o$ Korah and among the sons o$
1=h 23:25 8$ the /e!ites% +hi@ah (was) o!er the treas#ries o$ the ho#se o$ God and o!er the treas#ries o$ the
dediated things"
1=h 23:21 The sons o$ /aadan% the desendants o$ the Gershonites o$ /aadan% heads o$ their $athersA (ho#ses%)
o$ /aadan the Gershonite: Jehieli"
1=h 23:22 The sons o$ Jehieli% Getham and Joel his brother% (were) o!er the treas#ries o$ the ho#se o$ the
1=h 23:2- 8$ the +mramites% the IHharites% the Hebronites% and the 7HHielites:
1=h 23:20 ,heb#el the son o$ Gershom% the son o$ ?oses% (was) o!erseer o$ the treas#ries"
1=h 23:21 +nd his brethren by 6lieHer (were) :ehabiah his son% Jeshaiah his son% Joram his son% Gihri his son%
and ,helomith his son"
1=h 23:23 This ,helomith and his brethren (were) o!er all the treas#ries o$ the dediated things whih King
2a!id and the heads o$ $athersA (ho#ses%) the a*tains o!er tho#sands and h#ndreds% and the a*tains o$ the
army% had dediated"
1=h 23:24 ,ome o$ the s*oils won in battles they dediated to maintain the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
1=h 23:28 +nd all that ,am#el the seer% ,a#l the son o$ Kish% +bner the son o$ Ner% and Joab the son o$
Ger#iah had dediated% e!ery dediated (thing%) was #nder the hand o$ ,helomith and his brethren"
1=h 23:29 8$ the IHharites% =henaniah and his sons (*er$ormed) d#ties as o$$iials and @#dges o!er Israel
o#tside Jer#salem"
1=h 23:-5 8$ the Hebronites% Hashabiah and his brethren% one tho#sand se!en h#ndred able men% had the
o!ersight o$ Israel on the west side o$ the Jordan $or all the b#siness o$ the /8:2% and in the ser!ie o$ the 'ing"
1=h 23:-1 +mong the Hebronites% Jeri@ah (was) head o$ the Hebronites aording to his genealogy o$ the
$athers" In the $ortieth year o$ the reign o$ 2a!id they were so#ght% and there were $o#nd among them a*able
men at JaHer o$ Gilead"
1=h 23:-2 +nd his brethren (were) two tho#sand se!en h#ndred able men% heads o$ $athersA (ho#ses%) whom
King 2a!id made o$$iials o!er the :e#benites% the Gadites% and the hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh% $or e!ery matter
*ertaining to God and the a$$airs o$ the 'ing"
1=h 24:1 +nd the hildren o$ Israel% aording to their n#mber% the heads o$ $athersA (ho#ses%) the a*tains o$
tho#sands and h#ndreds and their o$$iers% ser!ed the 'ing in e!ery matter o$ the (military) di!isions" (These
di!isions) ame in and went o#t month by month thro#gho#t all the months o$ the year% eah di!ision (ha!ing)
twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
1=h 24:2 8!er the $irst di!ision $or the $irst month (was) Jashobeam the son o$ Gabdiel% and in his di!ision (were)
twentyD$o#r tho#sand&
1=h 24:- (he was) o$ the hildren o$ <ereH% and the hie$ o$ all the a*tains o$ the army $or the $irst month"
1=h 24:0 8!er the di!ision o$ the seond month (was) 2odai an +hohite% and o$ his di!ision ?i'loth also (was)
the leader& in his di!ision (were) twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
1=h 24:1 The third a*tain o$ the army $or the third month (was) Benaiah% the son o$ Jehoiada the *riest% who
was hie$& in his di!ision (were) twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
1=h 24:3 This was the Benaiah (who was) mighty (among) the thirty% and was o!er the thirty& in his di!ision (was)
+mmiHabad his son"
1=h 24:4 The $o#rth (a*tain) $or the $o#rth month (was) +sahel the brother o$ Joab% and Gebadiah his son a$ter
him& in his di!ision (were) twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
1=h 24:8 The $i$th (a*tain) $or the $i$th month (was) ,hamh#th the IHrahite& in his di!ision were twentyD$o#r
1=h 24:9 The si9th (a*tain) $or the si9th month (was) Ira the son o$ I''esh the Te'oite& in his di!ision (were)
twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
1=h 24:15 The se!enth (a*tain) $or the se!enth month (was) HeleH the <elonite% o$ the hildren o$ 6*hraim& in
his di!ision (were) twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
1=h 24:11 The eighth (a*tain) $or the eighth month (was) ,ibbehai the H#shathite% o$ the Garhites& in his
di!ision (were) twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
1=h 24:12 The ninth (a*tain) $or the ninth month (was) +bieHer the +nathothite% o$ the Ben@amites& in his
di!ision (were) twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
1=h 24:1- The tenth (a*tain) $or the tenth month (was) ?aharai the Neto*hathite% o$ the Garhites& in his di!ision
(were) twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
1=h 24:10 The ele!enth (a*tain) $or the ele!enth month (was) Benaiah the <irathonite% o$ the hildren o$
6*hraim& in his di!ision (were) twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
1=h 24:11 The twel$th (a*tain) $or the twel$th month (was) Heldai the Neto*hathite% o$ 8thniel& in his di!ision
(were) twentyD$o#r tho#sand"
1=h 24:13 ;#rthermore% o!er the tribes o$ Israel: the o$$ier o!er the :e#benites (was) 6lieHer the son o$ Gihri&
o!er the ,imeonites% ,he*hatiah the son o$ ?aahah&
1=h 24:14 (o!er) the /e!ites% Hashabiah the son o$ Kem#el& o!er the +aronites% Gado'&
1=h 24:18 (o!er) J#dah% 6lih#% (one) o$ 2a!idAs brothers& (o!er) Issahar% 8mri the son o$ ?ihael&
1=h 24:19 (o!er) Geb#l#n% Ishmaiah the son o$ 8badiah& (o!er) Na*htali% Jerimoth the son o$ +Hriel&
1=h 24:25 (o!er) the hildren o$ 6*hraim% Hoshea the son o$ +HaHiah& (o!er) the hal$Dtribe o$ ?anasseh% Joel the
son o$ <edaiah&
1=h 24:21 (o!er) the (hal$Dtribe) o$ ?anasseh in Gilead% Iddo the son o$ Gehariah& (o!er) Ben@amin% Jaasiel the
son o$ +bner&
1=h 24:22 (o!er) 2an% +Harel the son o$ Jeroham" These (were) the leaders o$ the tribes o$ Israel"
1=h 24:2- B#t 2a!id did not ta'e the n#mber o$ those twenty years old and #nder% bea#se the /8:2 had said
He wo#ld m#lti*ly Israel li'e the stars o$ the hea!ens"
1=h 24:20 Joab the son o$ Ger#iah began a ens#s% b#t he did not $inish% $or wrath ame #*on Israel bea#se o$
this ens#s& nor was the n#mber reorded in the ao#nt o$ the hroniles o$ King 2a!id"
1=h 24:21 +nd +Hma!eth the son o$ +diel (was) o!er the 'ingAs treas#ries& and Jehonathan the son o$ 7HHiah
was o!er the storeho#ses in the $ield% in the ities% in the !illages% and in the $ortresses"
1=h 24:23 6Hri the son o$ =hel#b was o!er those who did the wor' o$ the $ield $or tilling the gro#nd"
1=h 24:24 +nd ,himei the :amathite (was) o!er the !ineyards% and Gabdi the ,hi*hmite was o!er the *rod#e
o$ the !ineyards $or the s#**ly o$ wine"
1=h 24:28 BaalDHanan the Gederite was o!er the oli!e trees and the syamore trees that (were) in the lowlands%
and Joash (was) o!er the store o$ oil"
1=h 24:29 +nd ,hitrai the ,haronite (was) o!er the herds that $ed in ,haron% and ,ha*hat the son o$ +dlai was
o!er the herds (that were) in the !alleys"
1=h 24:-5 8bil the Ishmaelite (was) o!er the amels% Jehdeiah the ?eronothite (was) o!er the don'eys%
1=h 24:-1 and JaHiH the Hagrite (was) o!er the $lo's" +ll these (were) the o$$iials o!er King 2a!idAs *ro*erty"
1=h 24:-2 +lso Jehonathan% 2a!idAs #nle% (was) a o#nselor% a wise man% and a sribe& and Jehiel the son o$
Hahmoni (was) with the 'ingAs sons"
1=h 24:-- +hitho*hel (was) the 'ingAs o#nselor% and H#shai the +rhite (was) the 'ingAs om*anion"
1=h 24:-0 +$ter +hitho*hel (was) Jehoiada the son o$ Benaiah% then +biathar" +nd the general o$ the 'ingAs
army (was) Joab"
1=h 28:1 Now 2a!id assembled at Jer#salem all the leaders o$ Israel: the o$$iers o$ the tribes and the a*tains
o$ the di!isions who ser!ed the 'ing% the a*tains o!er tho#sands and a*tains o!er h#ndreds% and the stewards
o!er all the s#bstane and *ossessions o$ the 'ing and o$ his sons% with the o$$iials% the !aliant men% and all the
mighty men o$ !alor"
1=h 28:2 Then King 2a!id rose to his $eet and said% .Hear me% my brethren and my *eo*le: I (had) it in my heart
to b#ild a ho#se o$ rest $or the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2% and $or the $ootstool o$ o#r God% and had made
*re*arations to b#ild it"
1=h 28:- .B#t God said to me% ABo# shall not b#ild a ho#se $or ?y name% bea#se yo# (ha!e been) a man o$
war and ha!e shed blood"A
1=h 28:0 .Howe!er the /8:2 God o$ Israel hose me abo!e all the ho#se o$ my $ather to be 'ing o!er Israel
$ore!er% $or He has hosen J#dah (to be) the r#ler& and o$ the ho#se o$ J#dah% the ho#se o$ my $ather% and
among the sons o$ my $ather% He was *leased with me to ma'e (me) 'ing o!er all Israel"
1=h 28:1 .+nd o$ all my sons I$or the /8:2 has gi!en me many sonsJ He has hosen my son ,olomon to sit on
the throne o$ the 'ingdom o$ the /8:2 o!er Israel"
1=h 28:3 .Now He said to me% AIt is yo#r son ,olomon (who) shall b#ild ?y ho#se and ?y o#rts& $or I ha!e
hosen him (to be) ?y son% and I will be his ;ather"
1=h 28:4 A?oreo!er I will establish his 'ingdom $ore!er% i$ he is stead$ast to obser!e ?y ommandments and ?y
@#dgments% as it is this day"A
1=h 28:8 .Now there$ore% in the sight o$ all Israel% the assembly o$ the /8:2% and in the hearing o$ o#r God% be
are$#l to see' o#t all the ommandments o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% that yo# may *ossess this good land% and
lea!e (it) as an inheritane $or yo#r hildren a$ter yo# $ore!er"
1=h 28:9 . +s $or yo#% my son ,olomon% 'now the God o$ yo#r $ather% and ser!e Him with a loyal heart and with
a willing mind& $or the /8:2 searhes all hearts and #nderstands all the intent o$ the tho#ghts" I$ yo# see' Him%
He will be $o#nd by yo#& b#t i$ yo# $orsa'e Him% He will ast yo# o$$ $ore!er"
1=h 28:15 .=onsider now% $or the /8:2 has hosen yo# to b#ild a ho#se $or the sant#ary& be strong% and do
1=h 28:11 Then 2a!id ga!e his son ,olomon the *lans $or the !estib#le% its ho#ses% its treas#ries% its #**er
hambers% its inner hambers% and the *lae o$ the mery seat&
1=h 28:12 and the *lans $or all that he had by the ,*irit% o$ the o#rts o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2% o$ all the
hambers all aro#nd% o$ the treas#ries o$ the ho#se o$ God% and o$ the treas#ries $or the dediated things&
1=h 28:1- also $or the di!ision o$ the *riests and the /e!ites% $or all the wor' o$ the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ the
/8:2% and $or all the artiles o$ ser!ie in the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
1=h 28:10 (He ga!e) gold by weight $or (things) o$ gold% $or all artiles #sed in e!ery 'ind o$ ser!ie& also (sil!er)
$or all artiles o$ sil!er by weight% $or all artiles #sed in e!ery 'ind o$ ser!ie&
1=h 28:11 the weight $or the lam*stands o$ gold% and their lam*s o$ gold% by weight $or eah lam*stand and its
lam*s& $or the lam*stands o$ sil!er by weight% $or the lam*stand and its lam*s% aording to the #se o$ eah
1=h 28:13 +nd by weight (he ga!e) gold $or the tables o$ the showbread% $or eah table% and sil!er $or the tables
o$ sil!er&
1=h 28:14 also *#re gold $or the $or's% the basins% the *ithers o$ *#re gold% and the golden bowls DD (he ga!e
gold) by weight $or e!ery bowl& and $or the sil!er bowls% (sil!er) by weight $or e!ery bowl&
1=h 28:18 and re$ined gold by weight $or the altar o$ inense% and $or the onstr#tion o$ the hariot% that is% the
gold her#bim that s*read (their wings) and o!ershadowed the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2"
1=h 28:19 .+ll (this%. said 2a!id%) .the /8:2 made me #nderstand in writing% by (His) hand #*on me% all the
wor's o$ these *lans".
1=h 28:25 +nd 2a!id said to his son ,olomon% .Be strong and o$ good o#rage% and do (it&) do not $ear nor be
dismayed% $or the /8:2 God DD my God DD (will be) with yo#" He will not lea!e yo# nor $orsa'e yo#% #ntil yo# ha!e
$inished all the wor' $or the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
1=h 28:21 .(Here are) the di!isions o$ the *riests and the /e!ites $or all the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ God& and
e!ery willing ra$tsman (will be) with yo# $or all manner o$ wor'manshi*% $or e!ery 'ind o$ ser!ie& also the
leaders and all the *eo*le (will be) om*letely at yo#r ommand".
1=h 29:1 ;#rthermore King 2a!id said to all the assembly: .?y son ,olomon% whom alone God has hosen% (is)
yo#ng and ine9*eriened& and the wor' (is) great% bea#se the tem*le (is) not $or man b#t $or the /8:2 God"
1=h 29:2 .Now $or the ho#se o$ my God I ha!e *re*ared with all my might: gold $or (things to be made o$) gold%
sil!er $or (things o$) sil!er% bronHe $or (things o$) bronHe% iron $or (things o$) iron% wood $or (things o$) wood% ony9
stones% (stones) to be set% glistening stones o$ !ario#s olors% all 'inds o$ *reio#s stones% and marble slabs in
1=h 29:- .?oreo!er% bea#se I ha!e set my a$$etion on the ho#se o$ my God% I ha!e gi!en to the ho#se o$ my
God% o!er and abo!e all that I ha!e *re*ared $or the holy ho#se% my own s*eial treas#re o$ gold and sil!er:
1=h 29:0 .three tho#sand talents o$ gold% o$ the gold o$ 8*hir% and se!en tho#sand talents o$ re$ined sil!er% to
o!erlay the walls o$ the ho#ses&
1=h 29:1 .the gold $or (things o$) gold and the sil!er $or (things o$) sil!er% and $or all 'inds o$ wor' (to be done) by
the hands o$ ra$tsmen" >ho (then) is willing to onserate himsel$ this day to the /8:2C.
1=h 29:3 Then the leaders o$ the $athersA (ho#ses%) leaders o$ the tribes o$ Israel% the a*tains o$ tho#sands and
o$ h#ndreds% with the o$$iers o!er the 'ingAs wor'% o$$ered willingly"
1=h 29:4 They ga!e $or the wor' o$ the ho#se o$ God $i!e tho#sand talents and ten tho#sand daris o$ gold% ten
tho#sand talents o$ sil!er% eighteen tho#sand talents o$ bronHe% and one h#ndred tho#sand talents o$ iron"
1=h 29:8 +nd whoe!er had (*reio#s) stones ga!e (them) to the treas#ry o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2% into the
hand o$ Jehiel the Gershonite"
1=h 29:9 Then the *eo*le re@oied% $or they had o$$ered willingly% bea#se with a loyal heart they had o$$ered
willingly to the /8:2& and King 2a!id also re@oied greatly"
1=h 29:15 There$ore 2a!id blessed the /8:2 be$ore all the assembly& and 2a!id said: .Blessed are Bo#%
/8:2 God o$ Israel% o#r ;ather% $ore!er and e!er"
1=h 29:11 Bo#rs% 8 /8:2% (is) the greatness% The *ower and the glory% The !itory and the ma@esty& ;or all
(that is) in hea!en and in earth (is Bo#rs&) Bo#rs (is) the 'ingdom% 8 /8:2% +nd Bo# are e9alted as head o!er
1=h 29:12 Both rihes and honor (ome) $rom Bo#% +nd Bo# reign o!er all" In Bo#r hand (is) *ower and might& In
Bo#r hand (it is) to ma'e great +nd to gi!e strength to all"
1=h 29:1- . Now there$ore% o#r God% >e than' Bo# +nd *raise Bo#r glorio#s name"
1=h 29:10 B#t who (am) I% and who (are) my *eo*le% That we sho#ld be able to o$$er so willingly as thisC ;or all
things (ome) $rom Bo#% +nd o$ Bo#r own we ha!e gi!en Bo#"
1=h 29:11 ;or we (are) aliens and *ilgrims be$ore Bo#% +s (were) all o#r $athers& 8#r days on earth (are) as a
shadow% +nd witho#t ho*e"
1=h 29:13 . 8 /8:2 o#r God% all this ab#ndane that we ha!e *re*ared to b#ild Bo# a ho#se $or Bo#r holy
name is $rom Bo#r hand% and (is) all Bo#r own"
1=h 29:14 .I 'now also% my God% that Bo# test the heart and ha!e *leas#re in #*rightness" +s $or me% in the
#*rightness o$ my heart I ha!e willingly o$$ered all these (things&) and now with @oy I ha!e seen Bo#r *eo*le% who
are *resent here to o$$er willingly to Bo#"
1=h 29:18 .8 /8:2 God o$ +braham% Isaa% and Israel% o#r $athers% 'ee* this $ore!er in the intent o$ the
tho#ghts o$ the heart o$ Bo#r *eo*le% and $i9 their heart toward Bo#"
1=h 29:19 .+nd gi!e my son ,olomon a loyal heart to 'ee* Bo#r ommandments and Bo#r testimonies and
Bo#r stat#tes% to do all (these things%) and to b#ild the tem*le $or whih I ha!e made *ro!ision".
1=h 29:25 Then 2a!id said to all the assembly% .Now bless the /8:2 yo#r God". ,o all the assembly blessed
the /8:2 God o$ their $athers% and bowed their heads and *rostrated themsel!es be$ore the /8:2 and the 'ing"
1=h 29:21 +nd they made sari$ies to the /8:2 and o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings to the /8:2 on the ne9t day: a
tho#sand b#lls% a tho#sand rams% a tho#sand lambs% with their drin' o$$erings% and sari$ies in ab#ndane $or all
1=h 29:22 ,o they ate and dran' be$ore the /8:2 with great gladness on that day" +nd they made ,olomon
the son o$ 2a!id 'ing the seond time% and anointed (him) be$ore the /8:2 (to be) the leader% and Gado' (to be)
1=h 29:2- Then ,olomon sat on the throne o$ the /8:2 as 'ing instead o$ 2a!id his $ather% and *ros*ered& and
all Israel obeyed him"
1=h 29:20 +ll the leaders and the mighty men% and also all the sons o$ King 2a!id% s#bmitted themsel!es to
King ,olomon"
1=h 29:21 ,o the /8:2 e9alted ,olomon e9eedingly in the sight o$ all Israel% and bestowed on him (s#h)
royal ma@esty as had not been on any 'ing be$ore him in Israel"
1=h 29:23 Th#s 2a!id the son o$ Jesse reigned o!er all Israel"
1=h 29:24 +nd the *eriod that he reigned o!er Israel (was) $orty years& se!en years he reigned in Hebron% and
thirtyDthree (years) he reigned in Jer#salem"
1=h 29:28 ,o he died in a good old age% $#ll o$ days and rihes and honor& and ,olomon his son reigned in his
1=h 29:29 Now the ats o$ King 2a!id% $irst and last% indeed they (are) written in the boo' o$ ,am#el the seer% in
the boo' o$ Nathan the *ro*het% and in the boo' o$ Gad the seer%
1=h 29:-5 with all his reign and his might% and the e!ents that ha**ened to him% to Israel% and to all the
'ingdoms o$ the lands"
2=h 1:1 Now ,olomon the son o$ 2a!id was strengthened in his 'ingdom% and the /8:2 his God (was) with him
and e9alted him e9eedingly"
2=h 1:2 +nd ,olomon s*o'e to all Israel% to the a*tains o$ tho#sands and o$ h#ndreds% to the @#dges% and to
e!ery leader in all Israel% the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses")
2=h 1:- Then ,olomon% and all the assembly with him% went to the high *lae that (was) at Gibeon& $or the
tabernale o$ meeting with God was there% whih ?oses the ser!ant o$ the /8:2 had made in the wilderness"
2=h 1:0 B#t 2a!id had bro#ght #* the ar' o$ God $rom Kir@ath Jearim to (the *lae) 2a!id had *re*ared $or it% $or
he had *ithed a tent $or it at Jer#salem"
2=h 1:1 Now the bronHe altar that BeHalel the son o$ 7ri% the son o$ H#r% had made% he *#t be$ore the
tabernale o$ the /8:2& ,olomon and the assembly so#ght Him (there")
2=h 1:3 +nd ,olomon went #* there to the bronHe altar be$ore the /8:2% whih (was) at the tabernale o$
meeting% and o$$ered a tho#sand b#rnt o$$erings on it"
2=h 1:4 8n that night God a**eared to ,olomon% and said to him% .+s'F >hat shall I gi!e yo#C.
2=h 1:8 +nd ,olomon said to God: .Bo# ha!e shown great mery to 2a!id my $ather% and ha!e made me 'ing
in his *lae"
2=h 1:9 .Now% 8 /8:2 God% let Bo#r *romise to 2a!id my $ather be established% $or Bo# ha!e made me 'ing
o!er a *eo*le li'e the d#st o$ the earth in m#ltit#de"
2=h 1:15 .Now gi!e me wisdom and 'nowledge% that I may go o#t and ome in be$ore this *eo*le& $or who an
@#dge this great *eo*le o$ Bo#rsC.
2=h 1:11 +nd God said to ,olomon: .Bea#se this was in yo#r heart% and yo# ha!e not as'ed rihes or wealth
or honor or the li$e o$ yo#r enemies% nor ha!e yo# as'ed long li$e DD b#t ha!e as'ed wisdom and 'nowledge $or
yo#rsel$% that yo# may @#dge ?y *eo*le o!er whom I ha!e made yo# 'ing DD
2=h 1:12 .wisdom and 'nowledge (are) granted to yo#& and I will gi!e yo# rihes and wealth and honor% s#h as
none o$ the 'ings ha!e had who (were) be$ore yo#% nor shall any a$ter yo# ha!e the li'e".
2=h 1:1- ,o ,olomon ame to Jer#salem $rom the high *lae that (was) at Gibeon% $rom be$ore the tabernale
o$ meeting% and reigned o!er Israel"
2=h 1:10 +nd ,olomon gathered hariots and horsemen& he had one tho#sand $o#r h#ndred hariots and
twel!e tho#sand horsemen% whom he stationed in the hariot ities and with the 'ing in Jer#salem"
2=h 1:11 +lso the 'ing made sil!er and gold as ommon in Jer#salem as stones% and he made edars as
ab#ndant as the syamores whih (are) in the lowland"
2=h 1:13 +nd ,olomon had horses im*orted $rom 6gy*t and Ke!eh& the 'ingAs merhants bo#ght them in
Ke!eh at the (#rrent) *rie"
2=h 1:14 They also aE#ired and im*orted $rom 6gy*t a hariot $or si9 h#ndred (she'els) o$ sil!er% and a horse
$or one h#ndred and $i$ty& th#s% thro#gh their agents% they e9*orted them to all the 'ings o$ the Hittites and the
'ings o$ ,yria"
2=h 2:1 Then ,olomon determined to b#ild a tem*le $or the name o$ the /8:2% and a royal ho#se $or himsel$"
2=h 2:2 ,olomon seleted se!enty tho#sand men to bear b#rdens% eighty tho#sand to E#arry (stone) in the
mo#ntains% and three tho#sand si9 h#ndred to o!ersee them"
2=h 2:- Then ,olomon sent to Hiram 'ing o$ Tyre% saying: +s yo# ha!e dealt with 2a!id my $ather% and sent him
edars to b#ild himsel$ a ho#se to dwell in% (so deal with me")
2=h 2:0 Behold% I am b#ilding a tem*le $or the name o$ the /8:2 my God% to dediate (it) to Him% to b#rn be$ore
Him sweet inense% $or the ontin#al showbread% $or the b#rnt o$$erings morning and e!ening% on the ,abbaths%
on the New ?oons% and on the set $easts o$ the /8:2 o#r God" This (is an ordinane) $ore!er to Israel"
2=h 2:1 +nd the tem*le whih I b#ild (will be) great% $or o#r God is greater than all gods"
2=h 2:3 B#t who is able to b#ild Him a tem*le% sine hea!en and the hea!en o$ hea!ens annot ontain HimC
>ho (am) I then% that I sho#ld b#ild Him a tem*le% e9e*t to b#rn sari$ie be$ore HimC
2=h 2:4 There$ore send me at one a man s'ill$#l to wor' in gold and sil!er% in bronHe and iron% in *#r*le and
rimson and bl#e% who has s'ill to engra!e with the s'ill$#l men who are with me in J#dah and Jer#salem% whom
2a!id my $ather *ro!ided"
2=h 2:8 +lso send me edar and y*ress and alg#m logs $rom /ebanon% $or I 'now that yo#r ser!ants ha!e s'ill
to #t timber in /ebanon& and indeed my ser!ants (will be) with yo#r ser!ants%
2=h 2:9 to *re*are timber $or me in ab#ndane% $or the tem*le whih I am abo#t to b#ild (shall be) great and
2=h 2:15 +nd indeed I will gi!e to yo#r ser!ants% the woodsmen who #t timber% twenty tho#sand 'ors o$ gro#nd
wheat% twenty tho#sand 'ors o$ barley% twenty tho#sand baths o$ wine% and twenty tho#sand baths o$ oil"
2=h 2:11 Then Hiram 'ing o$ Tyre answered in writing% whih he sent to ,olomon: Bea#se the /8:2 lo!es His
*eo*le% He has made yo# 'ing o!er them"
2=h 2:12 Hiram also said: Blessed (be) the /8:2 God o$ Israel% who made hea!en and earth% $or He has gi!en
King 2a!id a wise son% endowed with *r#dene and #nderstanding% who will b#ild a tem*le $or the /8:2 and a
royal ho#se $or himsel$F
2=h 2:1- +nd now I ha!e sent a s'ill$#l man% endowed with #nderstanding% H#ram my master (ra$tsman)
2=h 2:10 Ithe son o$ a woman o$ the da#ghters o$ 2an% and his $ather was a man o$ TyreJ% s'illed to wor' in
gold and sil!er% bronHe and iron% stone and wood% *#r*le and bl#e% $ine linen and rimson% and to ma'e any
engra!ing and to aom*lish any *lan whih may be gi!en to him% with yo#r s'ill$#l men and with the s'ill$#l men
o$ my lord 2a!id yo#r $ather"
2=h 2:11 Now there$ore% the wheat% the barley% the oil% and the wine whih my lord has s*o'en o$% let him send
to his ser!ants"
2=h 2:13 +nd we will #t wood $rom /ebanon% as m#h as yo# need& we will bring it to yo# in ra$ts by sea to
Jo**a% and yo# will arry it #* to Jer#salem"
2=h 2:14 Then ,olomon n#mbered all the aliens who (were) in the land o$ Israel% a$ter the ens#s in whih
2a!id his $ather had n#mbered them& and there were $o#nd to be one h#ndred and $i$tyDthree tho#sand si9
2=h 2:18 +nd he made se!enty tho#sand o$ them bearers o$ b#rdens% eighty tho#sand stone#tters in the
mo#ntain% and three tho#sand si9 h#ndred o!erseers to ma'e the *eo*le wor'"
2=h -:1 Now ,olomon began to b#ild the ho#se o$ the /8:2 at Jer#salem on ?o#nt ?oriah% where (the) (/ord)
had a**eared to his $ather 2a!id% at the *lae that 2a!id had *re*ared on the threshing $loor o$ 8rnan the
2=h -:2 +nd he began to b#ild on the seond (day) o$ the seond month in the $o#rth year o$ his reign"
2=h -:- This is the $o#ndation whih ,olomon laid $or b#ilding the ho#se o$ God: The length (was) si9ty #bits
Iby #bits aording to the $ormer meas#reJ and the width twenty #bits"
2=h -:0 +nd the !estib#le that (was) in $ront (o$ the sant#ary) was twenty #bits long aross the width o$ the
ho#se% and the height (was) one h#ndred and twenty" He o!erlaid the inside with *#re gold"
2=h -:1 The larger room he *aneled with y*ress whih he o!erlaid with $ine gold% and he ar!ed *alm trees
and hainwor' on it"
2=h -:3 +nd he deorated the ho#se with *reio#s stones $or bea#ty% and the gold (was) gold $rom <ar!aim"
2=h -:4 He also o!erlaid the ho#se DD the beams and door*osts% its walls and doors DD with gold& and he ar!ed
her#bim on the walls"
2=h -:8 +nd he made the ?ost Holy <lae" Its length was aording to the width o$ the ho#se% twenty #bits%
and its width twenty #bits" He o!erlaid it with si9 h#ndred talents o$ $ine gold"
2=h -:9 The weight o$ the nails (was) $i$ty she'els o$ gold& and he o!erlaid the #**er area with gold"
2=h -:15 In the ?ost Holy <lae he made two her#bim% $ashioned by ar!ing% and o!erlaid them with gold"
2=h -:11 The wings o$ the her#bim (were) twenty #bits in (o!erall) length: one wing (o$ the one her#b was)
$i!e #bits% to#hing the wall o$ the room% and the other wing (was) $i!e #bits% to#hing the wing o$ the other
2=h -:12 (one) wing o$ the other her#b (was) $i!e #bits% to#hing the wall o$ the room% and the other wing (also
was) $i!e #bits% to#hing the wing o$ the other her#b"
2=h -:1- The wings o$ these her#bim s*anned twenty #bits o!erall" They stood on their $eet% and they $aed
2=h -:10 +nd he made the !eil o$ bl#e% *#r*le% rimson% and $ine linen% and wo!e her#bim into it"
2=h -:11 +lso he made in $ront o$ the tem*le two *illars thirtyD$i!e #bits high% and the a*ital that (was) on the
to* o$ eah o$ (them) was $i!e #bits"
2=h -:13 He made wreaths o$ hainwor'% as in the inner sant#ary% and *#t (them) on to* o$ the *illars& and he
made one h#ndred *omegranates% and *#t (them) on the wreaths o$ hainwor'"
2=h -:14 Then he set #* the *illars be$ore the tem*le% one on the right hand and the other on the le$t& he alled
the name o$ the one on the right hand Jahin% and the name o$ the one on the le$t BoaH"
2=h 0:1 ?oreo!er he made a bronHe altar: twenty #bits was its length% twenty #bits its width% and ten #bits its
2=h 0:2 Then he made the ,ea o$ ast (bronHe%) ten #bits $rom one brim to the other& (it was) om*letely ro#nd"
Its height (was) $i!e #bits% and a line o$ thirty #bits meas#red its ir#m$erene"
2=h 0:- +nd #nder it (was) the li'eness o$ o9en enirling it all aro#nd% ten to a #bit% all the way aro#nd the
,ea" The o9en (were) ast in two rows% when it was ast"
2=h 0:0 It stood on twel!e o9en: three loo'ing toward the north% three loo'ing toward the west% three loo'ing
toward the so#th% and three loo'ing toward the east& the ,ea (was set) #*on them% and all their ba' *arts
(*ointed) inward"
2=h 0:1 It (was) a handbreadth thi'& and its brim was sha*ed li'e the brim o$ a #*% (li'e) a lily blossom" It
ontained three tho#sand baths"
2=h 0:3 He also made ten la!ers% and *#t $i!e on the right side and $i!e on the le$t% to wash in them& s#h things
as they o$$ered $or the b#rnt o$$ering they wo#ld wash in them% b#t the ,ea (was) $or the *riests to wash in"
2=h 0:4 +nd he made ten lam*stands o$ gold aording to their design% and set (them) in the tem*le% $i!e on the
right side and $i!e on the le$t"
2=h 0:8 He also made ten tables% and *laed (them) in the tem*le% $i!e on the right side and $i!e on the le$t" +nd
he made one h#ndred bowls o$ gold"
2=h 0:9 ;#rthermore he made the o#rt o$ the *riests% and the great o#rt and doors $or the o#rt& and he
o!erlaid these doors with bronHe"
2=h 0:15 He set the ,ea on the right side% toward the so#theast"
2=h 0:11 Then H#ram made the *ots and the sho!els and the bowls" ,o H#ram $inished doing the wor' that he
was to do $or King ,olomon $or the ho#se o$ God:
2=h 0:12 the two *illars and the bowlDsha*ed a*itals (that were) on to* o$ the two *illars& the two networ's
o!ering the two bowlDsha*ed a*itals whih (were) on to* o$ the *illars&
2=h 0:1- $o#r h#ndred *omegranates $or the two networ's Itwo rows o$ *omegranates $or eah networ'% to
o!er the two bowlDsha*ed a*itals that (were) on the *illarsJ&
2=h 0:10 he also made arts and the la!ers on the arts&
2=h 0:11 one ,ea and twel!e o9en #nder it&
2=h 0:13 also the *ots% the sho!els% the $or's DD and all their artiles H#ram his master (ra$tsman) made o$
b#rnished bronHe $or King ,olomon $or the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2=h 0:14 In the *lain o$ Jordan the 'ing had them ast in lay molds% between ,#oth and Geredah"
2=h 0:18 +nd ,olomon had all these artiles made in s#h great ab#ndane that the weight o$ the bronHe was
not determined"
2=h 0:19 Th#s ,olomon had all the $#rnishings made $or the ho#se o$ God: the altar o$ gold and the tables on
whih (was) the showbread&
2=h 0:25 the lam*stands with their lam*s o$ *#re gold% to b#rn in the *resribed manner in $ront o$ the inner
2=h 0:21 with the $lowers and the lam*s and the wi'Dtrimmers o$ gold% o$ *#rest gold&
2=h 0:22 the trimmers% the bowls% the ladles% and the ensers o$ *#re gold" +s $or the entry o$ the sant#ary% its
inner doors to the ?ost Holy (<lae%) and the doors o$ the main hall o$ the tem*le% (were) gold"
2=h 1:1 ,o all the wor' that ,olomon had done $or the ho#se o$ the /8:2 was $inished& and ,olomon bro#ght
in the things whih his $ather 2a!id had dediated: the sil!er and the gold and all the $#rnishings" +nd he *#t
(them) in the treas#ries o$ the ho#se o$ God"
2=h 1:2 Now ,olomon assembled the elders o$ Israel and all the heads o$ the tribes% the hie$ $athers o$ the
hildren o$ Israel% in Jer#salem% that they might bring the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 #* $rom the =ity o$
2a!id% whih (is) Gion"
2=h 1:- There$ore all the men o$ Israel assembled with the 'ing at the $east% whih (was) in the se!enth month"
2=h 1:0 ,o all the elders o$ Israel ame% and the /e!ites too' #* the ar'"
2=h 1:1 Then they bro#ght #* the ar'% the tabernale o$ meeting% and all the holy $#rnishings that (were) in the
tabernale" The *riests and the /e!ites bro#ght them #*"
2=h 1:3 +lso King ,olomon% and all the ongregation o$ Israel who were assembled with him be$ore the ar'%
were sari$iing shee* and o9en that o#ld not be o#nted or n#mbered $or m#ltit#de"
2=h 1:4 Then the *riests bro#ght in the ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2 to its *lae% into the inner sant#ary o$
the tem*le% to the ?ost Holy (<lae%) #nder the wings o$ the her#bim"
2=h 1:8 ;or the her#bim s*read (their) wings o!er the *lae o$ the ar'% and the her#bim o!ershadowed the
ar' and its *oles"
2=h 1:9 +nd the *oles e9tended so that the ends o$ the *oles o$ the ar' o#ld be seen $rom (the holy *lae%) in
$ront o$ the inner sant#ary& b#t they o#ld not be seen $rom o#tside" +nd they are there to this day"
2=h 1:15 Nothing was in the ar' e9e*t the two tablets whih ?oses *#t (there) at Horeb% when the /8:2 made
(a o!enant) with the hildren o$ Israel% when they had ome o#t o$ 6gy*t"
2=h 1:11 +nd it ame to *ass when the *riests ame o#t o$ the (?ost) Holy (<lae) I$or all the *riests who (were)
*resent had santi$ied themsel!es% witho#t 'ee*ing to their di!isionsJ%
2=h 1:12 and the /e!ites (who were) the singers% all those o$ +sa*h and Heman and Jed#th#n% with their sons
and their brethren% stood at the east end o$ the altar% lothed in white linen% ha!ing ymbals% stringed instr#ments
and har*s% and with them one h#ndred and twenty *riests so#nding with tr#m*ets DD
2=h 1:1- indeed it ame to *ass% when the tr#m*eters and singers (were) as one% to ma'e one so#nd to be
heard in *raising and than'ing the /8:2% and when they li$ted #* their !oie with the tr#m*ets and ymbals and
instr#ments o$ m#si% and *raised the /8:2% (saying:) .(;or He is) good% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er%. that
the ho#se% the ho#se o$ the /8:2% was $illed with a lo#d%
2=h 1:10 so that the *riests o#ld not ontin#e ministering bea#se o$ the lo#d& $or the glory o$ the /8:2 $illed
the ho#se o$ God"
2=h 3:1 Then ,olomon s*o'e: .The /8:2 said He wo#ld dwell in the dar' lo#d"
2=h 3:2 I ha!e s#rely b#ilt Bo# an e9alted ho#se% +nd a *lae $or Bo# to dwell in $ore!er".
2=h 3:- Then the 'ing t#rned aro#nd and blessed the whole assembly o$ Israel% while all the assembly o$ Israel
was standing"
2=h 3:0 +nd he said: .Blessed (be) the /8:2 God o$ Israel% who has $#l$illed with His hands (what) He s*o'e
with His mo#th to my $ather 2a!id% saying%
2=h 3:1 A,ine the day that I bro#ght ?y *eo*le o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% I ha!e hosen no ity $rom any tribe o$
Israel (in whih) to b#ild a ho#se% that ?y name might be there% nor did I hoose any man to be a r#ler o!er ?y
*eo*le Israel"
2=h 3:3 ABet I ha!e hosen Jer#salem% that ?y name may be there& and I ha!e hosen 2a!id to be o!er ?y
*eo*le Israel"A
2=h 3:4 .Now it was in the heart o$ my $ather 2a!id to b#ild a tem*le $or the name o$ the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
2=h 3:8 .B#t the /8:2 said to my $ather 2a!id% A>hereas it was in yo#r heart to b#ild a tem*le $or ?y name%
yo# did well in that it was in yo#r heart"
2=h 3:9 ANe!ertheless yo# shall not b#ild the tem*le% b#t yo#r son who will ome $rom yo#r body% he shall b#ild
the tem*le $or ?y name"A
2=h 3:15 .,o the /8:2 has $#l$illed His word whih He s*o'e% and I ha!e $illed the *osition o$ my $ather 2a!id%
and sit on the throne o$ Israel% as the /8:2 *romised& and I ha!e b#ilt the tem*le $or the name o$ the /8:2 God
o$ Israel"
2=h 3:11 .+nd there I ha!e *#t the ar'% in whih (is) the o!enant o$ the /8:2 whih He made with the hildren
o$ Israel".
2=h 3:12 Then (,olomon) stood be$ore the altar o$ the /8:2 in the *resene o$ all the assembly o$ Israel% and
s*read o#t his hands
2=h 3:1- I$or ,olomon had made a bronHe *lat$orm $i!e #bits long% $i!e #bits wide% and three #bits high% and
had set it in the midst o$ the o#rt& and he stood on it% 'nelt down on his 'nees be$ore all the assembly o$ Israel%
and s*read o#t his hands toward hea!enJ&
2=h 3:10 and he said: ./8:2 God o$ Israel% (there is) no God in hea!en or on earth li'e Bo#% who 'ee* (Bo#r)
o!enant and mery with Bo#r ser!ants who wal' be$ore Bo# with all their hearts"
2=h 3:11 .Bo# ha!e 'e*t what Bo# *romised Bo#r ser!ant 2a!id my $ather& Bo# ha!e both s*o'en with Bo#r
mo#th and $#l$illed (it) with Bo#r hand% as (it is) this day"
2=h 3:13 .There$ore% /8:2 God o$ Israel% now 'ee* what Bo# *romised Bo#r ser!ant 2a!id my $ather% saying%
ABo# shall not $ail to ha!e a man sit be$ore ?e on the throne o$ Israel% only i$ yo#r sons ta'e heed to their way%
that they wal' in ?y law as yo# ha!e wal'ed be$ore ?e"A
2=h 3:14 .+nd now% 8 /8:2 God o$ Israel% let Bo#r word ome tr#e% whih Bo# ha!e s*o'en to Bo#r ser!ant
2=h 3:18 . B#t will God indeed dwell with men on the earthC Behold% hea!en and the hea!en o$ hea!ens annot
ontain Bo#" How m#h less this tem*le whih I ha!e b#iltF
2=h 3:19 .Bet regard the *rayer o$ Bo#r ser!ant and his s#**liation% 8 /8:2 my God% and listen to the ry
and the *rayer whih Bo#r ser!ant is *raying be$ore Bo#:
2=h 3:25 .that Bo#r eyes may be o*en toward this tem*le day and night% toward the *lae where (Bo#) said
(Bo# wo#ld) *#t Bo#r name% that Bo# may hear the *rayer whih Bo#r ser!ant *rays toward this *lae"
2=h 3:21 .+nd may Bo# hear the s#**liations o$ Bo#r ser!ant and o$ Bo#r *eo*le Israel% when they *ray
toward this *lae" Hear $rom hea!en Bo#r dwelling *lae% and when Bo# hear% $orgi!e"
2=h 3:22 . I$ anyone sins against his neighbor% and is $ored to ta'e an oath% and omes (and) ta'es an oath
be$ore Bo#r altar in this tem*le%
2=h 3:2- .then hear $rom hea!en% and at% and @#dge Bo#r ser!ants% bringing retrib#tion on the wi'ed by
bringing his way on his own head% and @#sti$ying the righteo#s by gi!ing him aording to his righteo#sness"
2=h 3:20 . 8r i$ Bo#r *eo*le Israel are de$eated be$ore an enemy bea#se they ha!e sinned against Bo#% and
ret#rn and on$ess Bo#r name% and *ray and ma'e s#**liation be$ore Bo# in this tem*le%
2=h 3:21 .then hear $rom hea!en and $orgi!e the sin o$ Bo#r *eo*le Israel% and bring them ba' to the land
whih Bo# ga!e to them and their $athers"
2=h 3:23 . >hen the hea!ens are sh#t #* and there is no rain bea#se they ha!e sinned against Bo#% when
they *ray toward this *lae and on$ess Bo#r name% and t#rn $rom their sin bea#se Bo# a$$lit them%
2=h 3:24 .then hear (in) hea!en% and $orgi!e the sin o$ Bo#r ser!ants% Bo#r *eo*le Israel% that Bo# may teah
them the good way in whih they sho#ld wal'& and send rain on Bo#r land whih Bo# ha!e gi!en to Bo#r *eo*le
as an inheritane"
2=h 3:28 . >hen there is $amine in the land% *estilene or blight or mildew% lo#sts or grassho**ers& when their
enemies besiege them in the land o$ their ities& whate!er *lag#e or whate!er si'ness (there is&)
2=h 3:29 .whate!er *rayer% whate!er s#**liation is (made) by anyone% or by all Bo#r *eo*le Israel% when eah
one 'nows his own b#rden and his own grie$% and s*reads o#t his hands to this tem*le:
2=h 3:-5 .then hear $rom hea!en Bo#r dwelling *lae% and $orgi!e% and gi!e to e!eryone aording to all his
ways% whose heart Bo# 'now I$or Bo# alone 'now the hearts o$ the sons o$ menJ%
2=h 3:-1 .that they may $ear Bo#% to wal' in Bo#r ways as long as they li!e in the land whih Bo# ga!e to o#r
2=h 3:-2 . ?oreo!er% onerning a $oreigner% who is not o$ Bo#r *eo*le Israel% b#t who omes $rom a $ar
o#ntry $or the sa'e o$ Bo#r great name and Bo#r mighty hand and Bo#r o#tstrethed arm% when they ome and
*ray in this tem*le&
2=h 3:-- .then hear $rom hea!en Bo#r dwelling *lae% and do aording to all $or whih the $oreigner alls to
Bo#% that all *eo*les o$ the earth may 'now Bo#r name and $ear Bo#% as (do) Bo#r *eo*le Israel% and that they
may 'now that this tem*le whih I ha!e b#ilt is alled by Bo#r name"
2=h 3:-0 . >hen Bo#r *eo*le go o#t to battle against their enemies% where!er Bo# send them% and when they
*ray to Bo# toward this ity whih Bo# ha!e hosen and the tem*le whih I ha!e b#ilt $or Bo#r name%
2=h 3:-1 .then hear $rom hea!en their *rayer and their s#**liation% and maintain their a#se"
2=h 3:-3 . >hen they sin against Bo# I$or (there is) no one who does not sinJ% and Bo# beome angry with
them and deli!er them to the enemy% and they ta'e them a*ti!e to a land $ar or near&
2=h 3:-4 .(yet) when they ome to themsel!es in the land where they were arried a*ti!e% and re*ent% and
ma'e s#**liation to Bo# in the land o$ their a*ti!ity% saying% A>e ha!e sinned% we ha!e done wrong% and ha!e
ommitted wi'ednessA&
2=h 3:-8 .and (when) they ret#rn to Bo# with all their heart and with all their so#l in the land o$ their a*ti!ity%
where they ha!e been arried a*ti!e% and *ray toward their land whih Bo# ga!e to their $athers% the ity whih
Bo# ha!e hosen% and toward the tem*le whih I ha!e b#ilt $or Bo#r name:
2=h 3:-9 .then hear $rom hea!en Bo#r dwelling *lae their *rayer and their s#**liations% and maintain their
a#se% and $orgi!e Bo#r *eo*le who ha!e sinned against Bo#"
2=h 3:05 .Now% my God% I *ray% let Bo#r eyes be o*en and (let) Bo#r ears (be) attenti!e to the *rayer (made) in
this *lae"
2=h 3:01 . Now there$ore% +rise% 8 /8:2 God% to Bo#r resting *lae% Bo# and the ar' o$ Bo#r strength" /et
Bo#r *riests% 8 /8:2 God% be lothed with sal!ation% +nd let Bo#r saints re@oie in goodness"
2=h 3:02 .8 /8:2 God% do not t#rn away the $ae o$ Bo#r +nointed& :emember the meries o$ Bo#r ser!ant
2=h 4:1 >hen ,olomon had $inished *raying% $ire ame down $rom hea!en and ons#med the b#rnt o$$ering
and the sari$ies& and the glory o$ the /8:2 $illed the tem*le"
2=h 4:2 +nd the *riests o#ld not enter the ho#se o$ the /8:2% bea#se the glory o$ the /8:2 had $illed the
/8:2As ho#se"
2=h 4:- >hen all the hildren o$ Israel saw how the $ire ame down% and the glory o$ the /8:2 on the tem*le%
they bowed their $aes to the gro#nd on the *a!ement% and worshi*ed and *raised the /8:2% (saying:) .;or (He
is) good% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er".
2=h 4:0 Then the 'ing and all the *eo*le o$$ered sari$ies be$ore the /8:2"
2=h 4:1 King ,olomon o$$ered a sari$ie o$ twentyDtwo tho#sand b#lls and one h#ndred and twenty tho#sand
shee*" ,o the 'ing and all the *eo*le dediated the ho#se o$ God"
2=h 4:3 +nd the *riests attended to their ser!ies& the /e!ites also with instr#ments o$ the m#si o$ the /8:2%
whih King 2a!id had made to *raise the /8:2% saying% .;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er%. whene!er 2a!id
o$$ered *raise by their ministry" The *riests so#nded tr#m*ets o**osite them% while all Israel stood"
2=h 4:4 ;#rthermore ,olomon onserated the middle o$ the o#rt that (was) in $ront o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2&
$or there he o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings and the $at o$ the *eae o$$erings% bea#se the bronHe altar whih ,olomon
had made was not able to reei!e the b#rnt o$$erings% the grain o$$erings% and the $at"
2=h 4:8 +t that time ,olomon 'e*t the $east se!en days% and all Israel with him% a !ery great assembly $rom the
entrane o$ Hamath to the Broo' o$ 6gy*t"
2=h 4:9 +nd on the eighth day they held a sared assembly% $or they obser!ed the dediation o$ the altar se!en
days% and the $east se!en days"
2=h 4:15 8n the twentyDthird day o$ the se!enth month he sent the *eo*le away to their tents% @oy$#l and glad o$
heart $or the good that the /8:2 had done $or 2a!id% $or ,olomon% and $or His *eo*le Israel"
2=h 4:11 Th#s ,olomon $inished the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and the 'ingAs ho#se& and ,olomon s#ess$#lly
aom*lished all that ame into his heart to ma'e in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and in his own ho#se"
2=h 4:12 Then the /8:2 a**eared to ,olomon by night% and said to him: .I ha!e heard yo#r *rayer% and ha!e
hosen this *lae $or ?ysel$ as a ho#se o$ sari$ie"
2=h 4:1- .>hen I sh#t #* hea!en and there is no rain% or ommand the lo#sts to de!o#r the land% or send
*estilene among ?y *eo*le%
2=h 4:10 .i$ ?y *eo*le who are alled by ?y name will h#mble themsel!es% and *ray and see' ?y $ae% and
t#rn $rom their wi'ed ways% then I will hear $rom hea!en% and will $orgi!e their sin and heal their land"
2=h 4:11 .Now ?y eyes will be o*en and ?y ears attenti!e to *rayer (made) in this *lae"
2=h 4:13 .;or now I ha!e hosen and santi$ied this ho#se% that ?y name may be there $ore!er& and ?y eyes
and ?y heart will be there *er*et#ally"
2=h 4:14 .+s $or yo#% i$ yo# wal' be$ore ?e as yo#r $ather 2a!id wal'ed% and do aording to all that I ha!e
ommanded yo#% and i$ yo# 'ee* ?y stat#tes and ?y @#dgments%
2=h 4:18 .then I will establish the throne o$ yo#r 'ingdom% as I o!enanted with 2a!id yo#r $ather% saying% ABo#
shall not $ail (to ha!e) a man as r#ler in Israel"A
2=h 4:19 . B#t i$ yo# t#rn away and $orsa'e ?y stat#tes and ?y ommandments whih I ha!e set be$ore yo#%
and go and ser!e other gods% and worshi* them%
2=h 4:25 .then I will #*root them $rom ?y land whih I ha!e gi!en them& and this ho#se whih I ha!e santi$ied
$or ?y name I will ast o#t o$ ?y sight% and will ma'e it a *ro!erb and a byword among all *eo*les"
2=h 4:21 .+nd (as $or) this ho#se% whih is e9alted% e!eryone who *asses by it will be astonished and say% A>hy
has the /8:2 done th#s to this land and this ho#seCA
2=h 4:22 .Then they will answer% ABea#se they $orsoo' the /8:2 God o$ their $athers% who bro#ght them o#t o$
the land o$ 6gy*t% and embraed other gods% and worshi*ed them and ser!ed them& there$ore He has bro#ght all
this alamity on them"A .
2=h 8:1 It ame to *ass at the end o$ twenty years% in whih ,olomon had b#ilt the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and his
own ho#se%
2=h 8:2 that the ities whih Hiram had gi!en to ,olomon% ,olomon b#ilt them& and he settled the hildren o$
Israel there"
2=h 8:- +nd ,olomon went to Hamath Gobah and seiHed it"
2=h 8:0 He also b#ilt Tadmor in the wilderness% and all the storage ities whih he b#ilt in Hamath"
2=h 8:1 He b#ilt 7**er Beth Horon and /ower Beth Horon% $orti$ied ities (with) walls% gates% and bars%
2=h 8:3 also Baalath and all the storage ities that ,olomon had% and all the hariot ities and the ities o$ the
a!alry% and all that ,olomon desired to b#ild in Jer#salem% in /ebanon% and in all the land o$ his dominion"
2=h 8:4 +ll the *eo*le (who were) le$t o$ the Hittites% +morites% <eriHHites% Hi!ites% and Jeb#sites% who (were) not
o$ Israel DD
2=h 8:8 that is% their desendants who were le$t in the land a$ter them% whom the hildren o$ Israel did not
destroy DD $rom these ,olomon raised $ored labor% as it is to this day"
2=h 8:9 B#t ,olomon did not ma'e the hildren o$ Israel ser!ants $or his wor'" ,ome (were) men o$ war%
a*tains o$ his o$$iers% a*tains o$ his hariots% and his a!alry"
2=h 8:15 +nd others (were) hie$s o$ the o$$iials o$ King ,olomon: two h#ndred and $i$ty% who r#led o!er the
2=h 8:11 Now ,olomon bro#ght the da#ghter o$ <haraoh #* $rom the =ity o$ 2a!id to the ho#se he had b#ilt $or
her% $or he said% .?y wi$e shall not dwell in the ho#se o$ 2a!id 'ing o$ Israel% bea#se (the *laes) to whih the
ar' o$ the /8:2 has ome are holy".
2=h 8:12 Then ,olomon o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings to the /8:2 on the altar o$ the /8:2 whih he had b#ilt be$ore
the !estib#le%
2=h 8:1- aording to the daily rate% o$$ering aording to the ommandment o$ ?oses% $or the ,abbaths% the
New ?oons% and the three a**ointed yearly $easts DD the ;east o$ 7nlea!ened Bread% the ;east o$ >ee's% and
the ;east o$ Tabernales"
2=h 8:10 +nd% aording to the order o$ 2a!id his $ather% he a**ointed the di!isions o$ the *riests $or their
ser!ie% the /e!ites $or their d#ties Ito *raise and ser!e be$ore the *riestsJ as the d#ty o$ eah day reE#ired% and
the gate'ee*ers by their di!isions at eah gate& $or so 2a!id the man o$ God had ommanded"
2=h 8:11 They did not de*art $rom the ommand o$ the 'ing to the *riests and /e!ites onerning any matter or
onerning the treas#ries"
2=h 8:13 Now all the wor' o$ ,olomon was wellDordered $rom the day o$ the $o#ndation o$ the ho#se o$ the
/8:2 #ntil it was $inished" ,o the ho#se o$ the /8:2 was om*leted"
2=h 8:14 Then ,olomon went to 6Hion Geber and 6lath on the seaoast% in the land o$ 6dom"
2=h 8:18 +nd Hiram sent him shi*s by the hand o$ his ser!ants% and ser!ants who 'new the sea" They went
with the ser!ants o$ ,olomon to 8*hir% and aE#ired $o#r h#ndred and $i$ty talents o$ gold $rom there% and
bro#ght it to King ,olomon"
2=h 9:1 Now when the E#een o$ ,heba heard o$ the $ame o$ ,olomon% she ame to Jer#salem to test ,olomon
with hard E#estions% (ha!ing) a !ery great retin#e% amels that bore s*ies% gold in ab#ndane% and *reio#s
stones& and when she ame to ,olomon% she s*o'e with him abo#t all that was in her heart"
2=h 9:2 ,o ,olomon answered all her E#estions& there was nothing so di$$i#lt $or ,olomon that he o#ld not
e9*lain it to her"
2=h 9:- +nd when the E#een o$ ,heba had seen the wisdom o$ ,olomon% the ho#se that he had b#ilt%
2=h 9:0 the $ood on his table% the seating o$ his ser!ants% the ser!ie o$ his waiters and their a**arel% his
#*bearers and their a**arel% and his entryway by whih he went #* to the ho#se o$ the /8:2% there was no
more s*irit in her"
2=h 9:1 Then she said to the 'ing: .(It was) a tr#e re*ort whih I heard in my own land abo#t yo#r words and
yo#r wisdom"
2=h 9:3 .Howe!er I did not belie!e their words #ntil I ame and saw with my own eyes& and indeed the hal$ o$
the greatness o$ yo#r wisdom was not told me" Bo# e9eed the $ame o$ whih I heard"
2=h 9:4 .Ha**y (are) yo#r men and ha**y (are) these yo#r ser!ants% who stand ontin#ally be$ore yo# and hear
yo#r wisdomF
2=h 9:8 .Blessed be the /8:2 yo#r God% who delighted in yo#% setting yo# on His throne (to be) 'ing $or the
/8:2 yo#r GodF Bea#se yo#r God has lo!ed Israel% to establish them $ore!er% there$ore He made yo# 'ing
o!er them% to do @#stie and righteo#sness".
2=h 9:9 +nd she ga!e the 'ing one h#ndred and twenty talents o$ gold% s*ies in great ab#ndane% and
*reio#s stones& there ne!er were any s*ies s#h as those the E#een o$ ,heba ga!e to King ,olomon"
2=h 9:15 +lso% the ser!ants o$ Hiram and the ser!ants o$ ,olomon% who bro#ght gold $rom 8*hir% bro#ght alg#m
wood and *reio#s stones"
2=h 9:11 +nd the 'ing made wal'ways (o$) the alg#m wood $or the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and $or the 'ingAs ho#se%
also har*s and stringed instr#ments $or singers& and there were none s#h (as these) seen be$ore in the land o$
2=h 9:12 Now King ,olomon ga!e to the E#een o$ ,heba all she desired% whate!er she as'ed% (m#h more)
than she had bro#ght to the 'ing" ,o she t#rned and went to her own o#ntry% she and her ser!ants"
2=h 9:1- The weight o$ gold that ame to ,olomon yearly was si9 h#ndred and si9tyDsi9 talents o$ gold%
2=h 9:10 besides (what) the tra!eling merhants and traders bro#ght" +nd all the 'ings o$ +rabia and go!ernors
o$ the o#ntry bro#ght gold and sil!er to ,olomon"
2=h 9:11 +nd King ,olomon made two h#ndred large shields o$ hammered gold& si9 h#ndred (she'els) o$
hammered gold went into eah shield"
2=h 9:13 (He) also (made) three h#ndred shields o$ hammered gold& three h#ndred (she'els) o$ gold went into
eah shield" The 'ing *#t them in the Ho#se o$ the ;orest o$ /ebanon"
2=h 9:14 ?oreo!er the 'ing made a great throne o$ i!ory% and o!erlaid it with *#re gold"
2=h 9:18 The throne (had) si9 ste*s% with a $ootstool o$ gold% (whih were) $astened to the throne& there were
armrests on either side o$ the *lae o$ the seat% and two lions stood beside the armrests"
2=h 9:19 Twel!e lions stood there% one on eah side o$ the si9 ste*s& nothing li'e (this) had been made $or any
(other) 'ingdom"
2=h 9:25 +ll King ,olomonAs drin'ing !essels (were) gold% and all the !essels o$ the Ho#se o$ the ;orest o$
/ebanon (were) *#re gold" Not (one was) sil!er% $or this was ao#nted as nothing in the days o$ ,olomon"
2=h 9:21 ;or the 'ingAs shi*s went to Tarshish with the ser!ants o$ Hiram" 8ne e!ery three years the merhant
shi*s ame% bringing gold% sil!er% i!ory% a*es% and mon'eys"
2=h 9:22 ,o King ,olomon s#r*assed all the 'ings o$ the earth in rihes and wisdom"
2=h 9:2- +nd all the 'ings o$ the earth so#ght the *resene o$ ,olomon to hear his wisdom% whih God had *#t
in his heart"
2=h 9:20 6ah man bro#ght his *resent: artiles o$ sil!er and gold% garments% armor% s*ies% horses% and m#les%
at a set rate year by year"
2=h 9:21 ,olomon had $o#r tho#sand stalls $or horses and hariots% and twel!e tho#sand horsemen whom he
stationed in the hariot ities and with the 'ing at Jer#salem"
2=h 9:23 ,o he reigned o!er all the 'ings $rom the :i!er to the land o$ the <hilistines% as $ar as the border o$
2=h 9:24 The 'ing made sil!er (as ommon) in Jer#salem as stones% and he made edar trees as ab#ndant as
the syamores whih (are) in the lowland"
2=h 9:28 +nd they bro#ght horses to ,olomon $rom 6gy*t and $rom all lands"
2=h 9:29 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ ,olomon% $irst and last% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ Nathan the
*ro*het% in the *ro*hey o$ +hi@ah the ,hilonite% and in the !isions o$ Iddo the seer onerning Jeroboam the son
o$ NebatC
2=h 9:-5 ,olomon reigned in Jer#salem o!er all Israel $orty years"
2=h 9:-1 Then ,olomon rested with his $athers% and was b#ried in the =ity o$ 2a!id his $ather" +nd :ehoboam
his son reigned in his *lae"
2=h 15:1 +nd :ehoboam went to ,hehem% $or all Israel had gone to ,hehem to ma'e him 'ing"
2=h 15:2 ,o it ha**ened% when Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat heard (it) Ihe was in 6gy*t% where he had $led $rom
the *resene o$ King ,olomonJ% that Jeroboam ret#rned $rom 6gy*t"
2=h 15:- Then they sent $or him and alled him" +nd Jeroboam and all Israel ame and s*o'e to :ehoboam%
2=h 15:0 .Bo#r $ather made o#r yo'e hea!y& now there$ore% lighten the b#rdensome ser!ie o$ yo#r $ather and
his hea!y yo'e whih he *#t on #s% and we will ser!e yo#".
2=h 15:1 ,o he said to them% .=ome ba' to me a$ter three days". +nd the *eo*le de*arted"
2=h 15:3 Then King :ehoboam ons#lted the elders who stood be$ore his $ather ,olomon while he still li!ed%
saying% .How do yo# ad!ise (me) to answer these *eo*leC.
2=h 15:4 +nd they s*o'e to him% saying% .I$ yo# are 'ind to these *eo*le% and *lease them% and s*ea' good
words to them% they will be yo#r ser!ants $ore!er".
2=h 15:8 B#t he re@eted the ad!ie whih the elders had gi!en him% and ons#lted the yo#ng men who had
grown #* with him% who stood be$ore him"
2=h 15:9 +nd he said to them% .>hat ad!ie do yo# gi!eC How sho#ld we answer this *eo*le who ha!e s*o'en
to me% saying% A/ighten the yo'e whih yo#r $ather *#t on #sAC.
2=h 15:15 Then the yo#ng men who had grown #* with him s*o'e to him% saying% .Th#s yo# sho#ld s*ea' to
the *eo*le who ha!e s*o'en to yo#% saying% ABo#r $ather made o#r yo'e hea!y% b#t yo# ma'e (it) lighter on #sA DD
th#s yo# shall say to them: A?y little ($inger) shall be thi'er than my $atherAs waistF
2=h 15:11 A+nd now% whereas my $ather *#t a hea!y yo'e on yo#% I will add to yo#r yo'e& my $ather hastised
yo# with whi*s% b#t I (will hastise yo#) with so#rgesFA .
2=h 15:12 ,o Jeroboam and all the *eo*le ame to :ehoboam on the third day% as the 'ing had direted%
saying% .=ome ba' to me the third day".
2=h 15:1- Then the 'ing answered them ro#ghly" King :ehoboam re@eted the ad!ie o$ the elders%
2=h 15:10 and he s*o'e to them aording to the ad!ie o$ the yo#ng men% saying% .?y $ather made yo#r yo'e
hea!y% b#t I will add to it& my $ather hastised yo# with whi*s% b#t I (will hastise yo#) with so#rgesF.
2=h 15:11 ,o the 'ing did not listen to the *eo*le& $or the t#rn (o$ e!ents) was $rom God% that the /8:2 might
$#l$ill His word% whih He had s*o'en by the hand o$ +hi@ah the ,hilonite to Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat"
2=h 15:13 Now when all Israel (saw) that the 'ing did not listen to them% the *eo*le answered the 'ing% saying:
.>hat share ha!e we in 2a!idC (>e ha!e) no inheritane in the son o$ Jesse" 6!ery man to yo#r tents% 8 IsraelF
Now see to yo#r own ho#se% 8 2a!idF. ,o all Israel de*arted to their tents"
2=h 15:14 B#t :ehoboam reigned o!er the hildren o$ Israel who dwelt in the ities o$ J#dah"
2=h 15:18 Then King :ehoboam sent Hadoram% who (was) in harge o$ re!en#e& b#t the hildren o$ Israel
stoned him with stones% and he died" There$ore King :ehoboam mo#nted (his) hariot in haste to $lee to
2=h 15:19 ,o Israel has been in rebellion against the ho#se o$ 2a!id to this day"
2=h 11:1 Now when :ehoboam ame to Jer#salem% he assembled $rom the ho#se o$ J#dah and Ben@amin one
h#ndred and eighty tho#sand hosen (men) who were warriors% to $ight against Israel% that he might restore the
'ingdom to :ehoboam"
2=h 11:2 B#t the word o$ the /8:2 ame to ,hemaiah the man o$ God% saying%
2=h 11:- .,*ea' to :ehoboam the son o$ ,olomon% 'ing o$ J#dah% and to all Israel in J#dah and Ben@amin%
2=h 11:0 ATh#s says the /8:2: .Bo# shall not go #* or $ight against yo#r brethrenF /et e!ery man ret#rn to his
ho#se% $or this thing is $rom ?e". A . There$ore they obeyed the words o$ the /8:2% and t#rned ba' $rom
atta'ing Jeroboam"
2=h 11:1 ,o :ehoboam dwelt in Jer#salem% and b#ilt ities $or de$ense in J#dah"
2=h 11:3 +nd he b#ilt Bethlehem% 6tam% Te'oa%
2=h 11:4 Beth G#r% ,ohoh% +d#llam%
2=h 11:8 Gath% ?areshah% Gi*h%
2=h 11:9 +doraim% /ahish% +He'ah%
2=h 11:15 Gorah% +i@alon% and Hebron% whih are in J#dah and Ben@amin% $orti$ied ities"
2=h 11:11 +nd he $orti$ied the strongholds% and *#t a*tains in them% and stores o$ $ood% oil% and wine"
2=h 11:12 +lso in e!ery ity (he *#t) shields and s*ears% and made them !ery strong% ha!ing J#dah and
Ben@amin on his side"
2=h 11:1- +nd $rom all their territories the *riests and the /e!ites who (were) in all Israel too' their stand with
2=h 11:10 ;or the /e!ites le$t their ommonDlands and their *ossessions and ame to J#dah and Jer#salem% $or
Jeroboam and his sons had re@eted them $rom ser!ing as *riests to the /8:2"
2=h 11:11 Then he a**ointed $or himsel$ *riests $or the high *laes% $or the demons% and the al$ idols whih he
had made"
2=h 11:13 +nd a$ter (the /e!ites le$t%) those $rom all the tribes o$ Israel% s#h as set their heart to see' the
/8:2 God o$ Israel% ame to Jer#salem to sari$ie to the /8:2 God o$ their $athers"
2=h 11:14 ,o they strengthened the 'ingdom o$ J#dah% and made :ehoboam the son o$ ,olomon strong $or
three years% bea#se they wal'ed in the way o$ 2a!id and ,olomon $or three years"
2=h 11:18 Then :ehoboam too' $or himsel$ as wi$e ?ahalath the da#ghter o$ Jerimoth the son o$ 2a!id% (and
o$) +bihail the da#ghter o$ 6liah the son o$ Jesse"
2=h 11:19 +nd she bore him hildren: Je#sh% ,hamariah% and Gaham"
2=h 11:25 +$ter her he too' ?aaah the grandda#ghter o$ +bsalom& and she bore him +bi@ah% +ttai% GiHa% and
2=h 11:21 Now :ehoboam lo!ed ?aahah the grandda#ghter o$ +bsalom more than all his wi!es and his
on#bines& $or he too' eighteen wi!es and si9ty on#bines% and begot twentyDeight sons and si9ty da#ghters"
2=h 11:22 +nd :ehoboam a**ointed +bi@ah the son o$ ?aahah as hie$% (to be) leader among his brothers& $or
he (intended) to ma'e him 'ing"
2=h 11:2- He dealt wisely% and dis*ersed some o$ his sons thro#gho#t all the territories o$ J#dah and Ben@amin%
to e!ery $orti$ied ity& and he ga!e them *ro!isions in ab#ndane" He also so#ght many wi!es ($or them")
2=h 12:1 Now it ame to *ass% when :ehoboam had established the 'ingdom and had strengthened himsel$%
that he $orsoo' the law o$ the /8:2% and all Israel along with him"
2=h 12:2 +nd it ha**ened in the $i$th year o$ King :ehoboam% (that) ,hisha' 'ing o$ 6gy*t ame #* against
Jer#salem% bea#se they had transgressed against the /8:2%
2=h 12:- with twel!e h#ndred hariots% si9ty tho#sand horsemen% and *eo*le witho#t n#mber who ame with
him o#t o$ 6gy*t DD the /#bim and the ,#''iim and the 6thio*ians"
2=h 12:0 +nd he too' the $orti$ied ities o$ J#dah and ame to Jer#salem"
2=h 12:1 Then ,hemaiah the *ro*het ame to :ehoboam and the leaders o$ J#dah% who were gathered
together in Jer#salem bea#se o$ ,hisha'% and said to them% .Th#s says the /8:2: ABo# ha!e $orsa'en ?e% and
there$ore I also ha!e le$t yo# in the hand o$ ,hisha'"A .
2=h 12:3 ,o the leaders o$ Israel and the 'ing h#mbled themsel!es& and they said% .The /8:2 (is) righteo#s".
2=h 12:4 Now when the /8:2 saw that they h#mbled themsel!es% the word o$ the /8:2 ame to ,hemaiah%
saying% .They ha!e h#mbled themsel!es& (there$ore) I will not destroy them% b#t I will grant them some
deli!erane" ?y wrath shall not be *o#red o#t on Jer#salem by the hand o$ ,hisha'"
2=h 12:8 .Ne!ertheless they will be his ser!ants% that they may disting#ish ?y ser!ie $rom the ser!ie o$ the
'ingdoms o$ the nations".
2=h 12:9 ,o ,hisha' 'ing o$ 6gy*t ame #* against Jer#salem% and too' away the treas#res o$ the ho#se o$
the /8:2 and the treas#res o$ the 'ingAs ho#se& he too' e!erything" He also arried away the gold shields whih
,olomon had made"
2=h 12:15 Then King :ehoboam made bronHe shields in their *lae% and ommitted (them) to the hands o$ the
a*tains o$ the g#ard% who g#arded the doorway o$ the 'ingAs ho#se"
2=h 12:11 +nd whene!er the 'ing entered the ho#se o$ the /8:2% the g#ard wo#ld go and bring them o#t& then
they wo#ld ta'e them ba' into the g#ardroom"
2=h 12:12 >hen he h#mbled himsel$% the wrath o$ the /8:2 t#rned $rom him% so as not to destroy (him)
om*letely& and things also went well in J#dah"
2=h 12:1- Th#s :ehoboam strengthened himsel$ in Jer#salem and reigned" Now :ehoboam (was) $ortyDone
years old when he beame 'ing& and he reigned se!enteen years in Jer#salem% the ity whih the /8:2 had
hosen o#t o$ all the tribes o$ Israel% to *#t His name there" His motherAs name (was) Naamah% an +mmonitess"
2=h 12:10 +nd he did e!il% bea#se he did not *re*are his heart to see' the /8:2"
2=h 12:11 The ats o$ :ehoboam% $irst and last% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ ,hemaiah the *ro*het% and
o$ Iddo the seer onerning genealogiesC +nd (there were) wars between :ehoboam and Jeroboam all their
2=h 12:13 ,o :ehoboam rested with his $athers% and was b#ried in the =ity o$ 2a!id" Then +bi@ah his son
reigned in his *lae"
2=h 1-:1 In the eighteenth year o$ King Jeroboam% +bi@ah beame 'ing o!er J#dah"
2=h 1-:2 He reigned three years in Jer#salem" His motherAs name (was) ?ihaiah the da#ghter o$ 7riel o$
Gibeah" +nd there was war between +bi@ah and Jeroboam"
2=h 1-:- +bi@ah set the battle in order with an army o$ !aliant warriors% $o#r h#ndred tho#sand hoie men"
Jeroboam also drew #* in battle $ormation against him with eight h#ndred tho#sand hoie men% mighty men o$
2=h 1-:0 Then +bi@ah stood on ?o#nt Gemaraim% whih (is) in the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% and said% .Hear me%
Jeroboam and all Israel:
2=h 1-:1 .,ho#ld yo# not 'now that the /8:2 God o$ Israel ga!e the dominion o!er Israel to 2a!id $ore!er% to
him and his sons% by a o!enant o$ saltC
2=h 1-:3 .Bet Jeroboam the son o$ Nebat% the ser!ant o$ ,olomon the son o$ 2a!id% rose #* and rebelled
against his lord"
2=h 1-:4 .Then worthless rog#es gathered to him% and strengthened themsel!es against :ehoboam the son o$
,olomon% when :ehoboam was yo#ng and ine9*eriened and o#ld not withstand them"
2=h 1-:8 .+nd now yo# thin' to withstand the 'ingdom o$ the /8:2% whih is in the hand o$ the sons o$ 2a!id&
and yo# (are) a great m#ltit#de% and with yo# are the gold al!es whih Jeroboam made $or yo# as gods"
2=h 1-:9 .Ha!e yo# not ast o#t the *riests o$ the /8:2% the sons o$ +aron% and the /e!ites% and made $or
yo#rsel!es *riests% li'e the *eo*les o$ (other) lands% so that whoe!er omes to onserate himsel$ with a yo#ng
b#ll and se!en rams may be a *riest o$ (things that are) not godsC
2=h 1-:15 .B#t as $or #s% the /8:2 (is) o#r God% and we ha!e not $orsa'en Him& and the *riests who minister to
the /8:2 (are) the sons o$ +aron% and the /e!ites (attend) to (their) d#ties"
2=h 1-:11 .+nd they b#rn to the /8:2 e!ery morning and e!ery e!ening b#rnt sari$ies and sweet inense&
(they) also (set) the showbread (in order on) the *#re (gold) table% and the lam*stand o$ gold with its lam*s to
b#rn e!ery e!ening& $or we 'ee* the ommand o$ the /8:2 o#r God% b#t yo# ha!e $orsa'en Him"
2=h 1-:12 .Now loo'% God Himsel$ is with #s as (o#r) head% and His *riests with so#nding tr#m*ets to so#nd the
alarm against yo#" 8 hildren o$ Israel% do not $ight against the /8:2 God o$ yo#r $athers% $or yo# shall not
2=h 1-:1- B#t Jeroboam a#sed an amb#sh to go aro#nd behind them& so they were in $ront o$ J#dah% and the
amb#sh (was) behind them"
2=h 1-:10 +nd when J#dah loo'ed aro#nd% to their s#r*rise the battle line (was) at both $ront and rear& and they
ried o#t to the /8:2% and the *riests so#nded the tr#m*ets"
2=h 1-:11 Then the men o$ J#dah ga!e a sho#t& and as the men o$ J#dah sho#ted% it ha**ened that God str#'
Jeroboam and all Israel be$ore +bi@ah and J#dah"
2=h 1-:13 +nd the hildren o$ Israel $led be$ore J#dah% and God deli!ered them into their hand"
2=h 1-:14 Then +bi@ah and his *eo*le str#' them with a great sla#ghter& so $i!e h#ndred tho#sand hoie men
o$ Israel $ell slain"
2=h 1-:18 Th#s the hildren o$ Israel were s#bd#ed at that time& and the hildren o$ J#dah *re!ailed% bea#se
they relied on the /8:2 God o$ their $athers"
2=h 1-:19 +nd +bi@ah *#rs#ed Jeroboam and too' ities $rom him: Bethel with its !illages% Jeshanah with its
!illages% and 6*hrain with its !illages"
2=h 1-:25 ,o Jeroboam did not reo!er strength again in the days o$ +bi@ah& and the /8:2 str#' him% and he
2=h 1-:21 B#t +bi@ah grew mighty% married $o#rteen wi!es% and begot twentyDtwo sons and si9teen da#ghters"
2=h 1-:22 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ +bi@ah% his ways% and his sayings (are) written in the annals o$ the *ro*het
2=h 10:1 ,o +bi@ah rested with his $athers% and they b#ried him in the =ity o$ 2a!id" Then +sa his son reigned in
his *lae" In his days the land was E#iet $or ten years"
2=h 10:2 +sa did (what was) good and right in the eyes o$ the /8:2 his God%
2=h 10:- $or he remo!ed the altars o$ the $oreign (gods) and the high *laes% and bro'e down the (sared) *illars
and #t down the wooden images"
2=h 10:0 He ommanded J#dah to see' the /8:2 God o$ their $athers% and to obser!e the law and the
2=h 10:1 He also remo!ed the high *laes and the inense altars $rom all the ities o$ J#dah% and the 'ingdom
was E#iet #nder him"
2=h 10:3 +nd he b#ilt $orti$ied ities in J#dah% $or the land had rest& he had no war in those years% bea#se the
/8:2 had gi!en him rest"
2=h 10:4 There$ore he said to J#dah% ./et #s b#ild these ities and ma'e walls aro#nd (them%) and towers%
gates% and bars% (while) the land (is) yet be$ore #s% bea#se we ha!e so#ght the /8:2 o#r God& we ha!e so#ght
(Him%) and He has gi!en #s rest on e!ery side". ,o they b#ilt and *ros*ered"
2=h 10:8 +nd +sa had an army o$ three h#ndred tho#sand $rom J#dah who arried shields and s*ears% and
$rom Ben@amin two h#ndred and eighty tho#sand men who arried shields and drew bows& all these (were)
mighty men o$ !alor"
2=h 10:9 Then Gerah the 6thio*ian ame o#t against them with an army o$ a million men and three h#ndred
hariots% and he ame to ?areshah"
2=h 10:15 ,o +sa went o#t against him% and they set the troo*s in battle array in the Valley o$ Ge*hathah at
2=h 10:11 +nd +sa ried o#t to the /8:2 his God% and said% ./8:2% (it is) nothing $or Bo# to hel*% whether with
many or with those who ha!e no *ower& hel* #s% 8 /8:2 o#r God% $or we rest on Bo#% and in Bo#r name we go
against this m#ltit#de" 8 /8:2% Bo# (are) o#r God& do not let man *re!ail against Bo#F.
2=h 10:12 ,o the /8:2 str#' the 6thio*ians be$ore +sa and J#dah% and the 6thio*ians $led"
2=h 10:1- +nd +sa and the *eo*le who (were) with him *#rs#ed them to Gerar" ,o the 6thio*ians were
o!erthrown% and they o#ld not reo!er% $or they were bro'en be$ore the /8:2 and His army" +nd they arried
away !ery m#h s*oil"
2=h 10:10 Then they de$eated all the ities aro#nd Gerar% $or the $ear o$ the /8:2 ame #*on them& and they
*l#ndered all the ities% $or there was e9eedingly m#h s*oil in them"
2=h 10:11 They also atta'ed the li!esto' enlos#res% and arried o$$ shee* and amels in ab#ndane% and
ret#rned to Jer#salem"
2=h 11:1 Now the ,*irit o$ God ame #*on +Hariah the son o$ 8ded"
2=h 11:2 +nd he went o#t to meet +sa% and said to him: .Hear me% +sa% and all J#dah and Ben@amin" The
/8:2 (is) with yo# while yo# are with Him" I$ yo# see' Him% He will be $o#nd by yo#& b#t i$ yo# $orsa'e Him% He
will $orsa'e yo#"
2=h 11:- .;or a long time Israel (has been) witho#t the tr#e God% witho#t a teahing *riest% and witho#t law&
2=h 11:0 .b#t when in their tro#ble they t#rned to the /8:2 God o$ Israel% and so#ght Him% He was $o#nd by
2=h 11:1 .+nd in those times (there was) no *eae to the one who went o#t% nor to the one who ame in% b#t
great t#rmoil (was) on all the inhabitants o$ the lands"
2=h 11:3 .,o nation was destroyed by nation% and ity by ity% $or God tro#bled them with e!ery ad!ersity"
2=h 11:4 .B#t yo#% be strong and do not let yo#r hands be wea'% $or yo#r wor' shall be rewardedF.
2=h 11:8 +nd when +sa heard these words and the *ro*hey o$ 8ded the *ro*het% he too' o#rage% and
remo!ed the abominable idols $rom all the land o$ J#dah and Ben@amin and $rom the ities whih he had ta'en in
the mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim& and he restored the altar o$ the /8:2 that (was) be$ore the !estib#le o$ the /8:2"
2=h 11:9 Then he gathered all J#dah and Ben@amin% and those who dwelt with them $rom 6*hraim% ?anasseh%
and ,imeon% $or they ame o!er to him in great n#mbers $rom Israel when they saw that the /8:2 his God was
with him"
2=h 11:15 ,o they gathered together at Jer#salem in the third month% in the $i$teenth year o$ the reign o$ +sa"
2=h 11:11 +nd they o$$ered to the /8:2 at that time se!en h#ndred b#lls and se!en tho#sand shee* $rom the
s*oil they had bro#ght"
2=h 11:12 Then they entered into a o!enant to see' the /8:2 God o$ their $athers with all their heart and with
all their so#l&
2=h 11:1- and whoe!er wo#ld not see' the /8:2 God o$ Israel was to be *#t to death% whether small or great%
whether man or woman"
2=h 11:10 Then they too' an oath be$ore the /8:2 with a lo#d !oie% with sho#ting and tr#m*ets and ramsA
2=h 11:11 +nd all J#dah re@oied at the oath% $or they had sworn with all their heart and so#ght Him with all their
so#l& and He was $o#nd by them% and the /8:2 ga!e them rest all aro#nd"
2=h 11:13 +lso he remo!ed ?aahah% the mother o$ +sa the 'ing% $rom (being) E#een mother% bea#se she had
made an obsene image o$ +sherah& and +sa #t down her obsene image% then r#shed and b#rned (it) by the
Broo' Kidron"
2=h 11:14 B#t the high *laes were not remo!ed $rom Israel" Ne!ertheless the heart o$ +sa was loyal all his
2=h 11:18 He also bro#ght into the ho#se o$ God the things that his $ather had dediated and that he himsel$
had dediated: sil!er and gold and #tensils"
2=h 11:19 +nd there was no war #ntil the thirtyD$i$th year o$ the reign o$ +sa"
2=h 13:1 In the thirtyDsi9th year o$ the reign o$ +sa% Baasha 'ing o$ Israel ame #* against J#dah and b#ilt
:amah% that he might let none go o#t or ome in to +sa 'ing o$ J#dah"
2=h 13:2 Then +sa bro#ght sil!er and gold $rom the treas#ries o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and o$ the 'ingAs
ho#se% and sent to BenDHadad 'ing o$ ,yria% who dwelt in 2amas#s% saying%
2=h 13:- .(/et there be) a treaty between yo# and me% as there was between my $ather and yo#r $ather" Here% I
ha!e sent yo# sil!er and gold& ome% brea' yo#r treaty with Baasha 'ing o$ Israel% so that he will withdraw $rom
2=h 13:0 ,o BenDHadad heeded King +sa% and sent the a*tains o$ his armies against the ities o$ Israel" They
atta'ed I@on% 2an% +bel ?aim% and all the storage ities o$ Na*htali"
2=h 13:1 Now it ha**ened% when Baasha heard (it%) that he sto**ed b#ilding :amah and eased his wor'"
2=h 13:3 Then King +sa too' all J#dah% and they arried away the stones and timber o$ :amah% whih Baasha
had #sed $or b#ilding& and with them he b#ilt Geba and ?iH*ah"
2=h 13:4 +nd at that time Hanani the seer ame to +sa 'ing o$ J#dah% and said to him: .Bea#se yo# ha!e
relied on the 'ing o$ ,yria% and ha!e not relied on the /8:2 yo#r God% there$ore the army o$ the 'ing o$ ,yria
has esa*ed $rom yo#r hand"
2=h 13:8 .>ere the 6thio*ians and the /#bim not a h#ge army with !ery many hariots and horsemenC Bet%
bea#se yo# relied on the /8:2% He deli!ered them into yo#r hand"
2=h 13:9 .;or the eyes o$ the /8:2 r#n to and $ro thro#gho#t the whole earth% to show Himsel$ strong on behal$
o$ (those) whose heart (is) loyal to Him" In this yo# ha!e done $oolishly& there$ore $rom now on yo# shall ha!e
2=h 13:15 Then +sa was angry with the seer% and *#t him in *rison% $or (he was) enraged at him bea#se o$
this" +nd +sa o**ressed (some) o$ the *eo*le at that time"
2=h 13:11 Note that the ats o$ +sa% $irst and last% are indeed written in the boo' o$ the 'ings o$ J#dah and
2=h 13:12 +nd in the thirtyDninth year o$ his reign% +sa beame diseased in his $eet% and his malady was se!ere&
yet in his disease he did not see' the /8:2% b#t the *hysiians"
2=h 13:1- ,o +sa rested with his $athers& he died in the $ortyD$irst year o$ his reign"
2=h 13:10 They b#ried him in his own tomb% whih he had made $or himsel$ in the =ity o$ 2a!id& and they laid
him in the bed whih was $illed with s*ies and !ario#s ingredients *re*ared in a mi9t#re o$ ointments" They
made a !ery great b#rning $or him"
2=h 14:1 Then Jehosha*hat his son reigned in his *lae% and strengthened himsel$ against Israel"
2=h 14:2 +nd he *laed troo*s in all the $orti$ied ities o$ J#dah% and set garrisons in the land o$ J#dah and in
the ities o$ 6*hraim whih +sa his $ather had ta'en"
2=h 14:- Now the /8:2 was with Jehosha*hat% bea#se he wal'ed in the $ormer ways o$ his $ather 2a!id& he
did not see' the Baals%
2=h 14:0 b#t so#ght the God o$ his $ather% and wal'ed in His ommandments and not aording to the ats o$
2=h 14:1 There$ore the /8:2 established the 'ingdom in his hand& and all J#dah ga!e *resents to
Jehosha*hat% and he had rihes and honor in ab#ndane"
2=h 14:3 +nd his heart too' delight in the ways o$ the /8:2& moreo!er he remo!ed the high *laes and
wooden images $rom J#dah"
2=h 14:4 +lso in the third year o$ his reign he sent his leaders% BenDHail% 8badiah% Gehariah% Nethanel% and
?ihaiah% to teah in the ities o$ J#dah"
2=h 14:8 +nd with them (he sent) /e!ites: ,hemaiah% Nethaniah% Gebadiah% +sahel% ,hemiramoth% Jehonathan%
+doni@ah% Tobi@ah% and Tobadoni@ah DD the /e!ites& and with them 6lishama and Jehoram% the *riests"
2=h 14:9 ,o they ta#ght in J#dah% and (had) the Boo' o$ the /aw o$ the /8:2 with them& they went thro#gho#t
all the ities o$ J#dah and ta#ght the *eo*le"
2=h 14:15 +nd the $ear o$ the /8:2 $ell on all the 'ingdoms o$ the lands that (were) aro#nd J#dah% so that they
did not ma'e war against Jehosha*hat"
2=h 14:11 +lso (some) o$ the <hilistines bro#ght Jehosha*hat *resents and sil!er as trib#te& and the +rabians
bro#ght him $lo's% se!en tho#sand se!en h#ndred rams and se!en tho#sand se!en h#ndred male goats"
2=h 14:12 ,o Jehosha*hat beame inreasingly *ower$#l% and he b#ilt $ortresses and storage ities in J#dah"
2=h 14:1- He had m#h *ro*erty in the ities o$ J#dah& and the men o$ war% mighty men o$ !alor% (were) in
2=h 14:10 These (are) their n#mbers% aording to their $athersA ho#ses" 8$ J#dah% the a*tains o$ tho#sands:
+dnah the a*tain% and with him three h#ndred tho#sand mighty men o$ !alor&
2=h 14:11 and ne9t to him (was) Jehohanan the a*tain% and with him two h#ndred and eighty tho#sand&
2=h 14:13 and ne9t to him (was) +masiah the son o$ Gihri% who willingly o$$ered himsel$ to the /8:2% and with
him two h#ndred tho#sand mighty men o$ !alor"
2=h 14:14 8$ Ben@amin: 6liada a mighty man o$ !alor% and with him two h#ndred tho#sand men armed with bow
and shield&
2=h 14:18 and ne9t to him (was) JehoHabad% and with him one h#ndred and eighty tho#sand *re*ared $or war"
2=h 14:19 These ser!ed the 'ing% besides those the 'ing *#t in the $orti$ied ities thro#gho#t all J#dah"
2=h 18:1 Jehosha*hat had rihes and honor in ab#ndane& and by marriage he allied himsel$ with +hab"
2=h 18:2 +$ter some years he went down to (!isit) +hab in ,amaria& and +hab 'illed shee* and o9en in
ab#ndane $or him and the *eo*le who were with him% and *ers#aded him to go #* (with him) to :amoth Gilead"
2=h 18:- ,o +hab 'ing o$ Israel said to Jehosha*hat 'ing o$ J#dah% .>ill yo# go with me (against) :amoth
GileadC. +nd he answered him% .I (am) as yo# (are%) and my *eo*le as yo#r *eo*le& (we will be) with yo# in the
2=h 18:0 +nd Jehosha*hat said to the 'ing o$ Israel% .<lease inE#ire $or the word o$ the /8:2 today".
2=h 18:1 Then the 'ing o$ Israel gathered the *ro*hets together% $o#r h#ndred men% and said to them% .,hall we
go to war against :amoth Gilead% or shall I re$rainC. +nd they said% .Go #*% $or God will deli!er it into the 'ingAs
2=h 18:3 B#t Jehosha*hat said% .(Is there) not still a *ro*het o$ the /8:2 here% that we may inE#ire o$ HimC.
2=h 18:4 ,o the 'ing o$ Israel said to Jehosha*hat% .(There is) still one man by whom we may inE#ire o$ the
/8:2& b#t I hate him% bea#se he ne!er *ro*hesies good onerning me% b#t always e!il" He (is) ?iaiah the
son o$ Imla". +nd Jehosha*hat said% ./et not the 'ing say s#h thingsF.
2=h 18:8 Then the 'ing o$ Israel alled one (o$ his) o$$iers and said% .Bring ?iaiah the son o$ Imla E#i'lyF.
2=h 18:9 The 'ing o$ Israel and Jehosha*hat 'ing o$ J#dah% lothed in (their) robes% sat eah on his throne& and
they sat at a threshing $loor at the entrane o$ the gate o$ ,amaria& and all the *ro*hets *ro*hesied be$ore them"
2=h 18:15 Now Gede'iah the son o$ =henaanah had made horns o$ iron $or himsel$& and he said% .Th#s says
the /8:2: A>ith these yo# shall gore the ,yrians #ntil they are destroyed"A .
2=h 18:11 +nd all the *ro*hets *ro*hesied so% saying% .Go #* to :amoth Gilead and *ros*er% $or the /8:2 will
deli!er (it) into the 'ingAs hand".
2=h 18:12 Then the messenger who had gone to all ?iaiah s*o'e to him% saying% .Now listen% the words o$
the *ro*hets with one aord eno#rage the 'ing" There$ore *lease let yo#r word be li'e (the word o$) one o$
them% and s*ea' eno#ragement".
2=h 18:1- +nd ?iaiah said% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% whate!er my God says% that I will s*ea'".
2=h 18:10 Then he ame to the 'ing& and the 'ing said to him% .?iaiah% shall we go to war against :amoth
Gilead% or shall I re$rainC. +nd he said% .Go and *ros*er% and they shall be deli!ered into yo#r handF.
2=h 18:11 ,o the 'ing said to him% .How many times shall I ma'e yo# swear that yo# tell me nothing b#t the
tr#th in the name o$ the /8:2C.
2=h 18:13 Then he said% .I saw all Israel sattered on the mo#ntains% as shee* that ha!e no she*herd" +nd the
/8:2 said% AThese ha!e no master" /et eah ret#rn to his ho#se in *eae"A .
2=h 18:14 +nd the 'ing o$ Israel said to Jehosha*hat% .2id I not tell yo# he wo#ld not *ro*hesy good
onerning me% b#t e!ilC.
2=h 18:18 Then (?iaiah) said% .There$ore hear the word o$ the /8:2: I saw the /8:2 sitting on His throne%
and all the host o$ hea!en standing on His right hand and His le$t"
2=h 18:19 .+nd the /8:2 said% A>ho will *ers#ade +hab 'ing o$ Israel to go #*% that he may $all at :amoth
GileadCA ,o one s*o'e in this manner% and another s*o'e in that manner"
2=h 18:25 .Then a s*irit ame $orward and stood be$ore the /8:2% and said% AI will *ers#ade him"A The /8:2
said to him% AIn what wayCA
2=h 18:21 .,o he said% AI will go o#t and be a lying s*irit in the mo#th o$ all his *ro*hets"A +nd (the) (/ord) said%
ABo# shall *ers#ade (him) and also *re!ail& go o#t and do so"A
2=h 18:22 .There$ore loo'F The /8:2 has *#t a lying s*irit in the mo#th o$ these *ro*hets o$ yo#rs% and the
/8:2 has delared disaster against yo#".
2=h 18:2- Then Gede'iah the son o$ =henaanah went near and str#' ?iaiah on the hee'% and said% .>hih
way did the s*irit $rom the /8:2 go $rom me to s*ea' to yo#C.
2=h 18:20 +nd ?iaiah said% .Indeed yo# shall see on that day when yo# go into an inner hamber to hideF.
2=h 18:21 Then the 'ing o$ Israel said% .Ta'e ?iaiah% and ret#rn him to +mon the go!ernor o$ the ity and to
Joash the 'ingAs son&
2=h 18:23 .and say% ATh#s says the 'ing: .<#t this ($ellow) in *rison% and $eed him with bread o$ a$$lition and
water o$ a$$lition #ntil I ret#rn in *eae". A .
2=h 18:24 Then ?iaiah said% .I$ yo# e!er ret#rn in *eae% the /8:2 has not s*o'en by me". +nd he said%
.Ta'e heed% all yo# *eo*leF.
2=h 18:28 ,o the 'ing o$ Israel and Jehosha*hat the 'ing o$ J#dah went #* to :amoth Gilead"
2=h 18:29 +nd the 'ing o$ Israel said to Jehosha*hat% .I will disg#ise mysel$ and go into battle& b#t yo# *#t on
yo#r robes". ,o the 'ing o$ Israel disg#ised himsel$% and they went into battle"
2=h 18:-5 Now the 'ing o$ ,yria had ommanded the a*tains o$ the hariots who (were) with him% saying%
.;ight with no one small or great% b#t only with the 'ing o$ Israel".
2=h 18:-1 ,o it was% when the a*tains o$ the hariots saw Jehosha*hat% that they said% .It (is) the 'ing o$
IsraelF. There$ore they s#rro#nded him to atta'& b#t Jehosha*hat ried o#t% and the /8:2 hel*ed him% and God
di!erted them $rom him"
2=h 18:-2 ;or so it was% when the a*tains o$ the hariots saw that it was not the 'ing o$ Israel% that they t#rned
ba' $rom *#rs#ing him"
2=h 18:-- Now a ertain man drew a bow at random% and str#' the 'ing o$ Israel between the @oints o$ his
armor" ,o he said to the dri!er o$ his hariot% .T#rn aro#nd and ta'e me o#t o$ the battle% $or I am wo#nded".
2=h 18:-0 The battle inreased that day% and the 'ing o$ Israel *ro**ed (himsel$) #* in (his) hariot $aing the
,yrians #ntil e!ening& and abo#t the time o$ s#nset he died"
2=h 19:1 Then Jehosha*hat the 'ing o$ J#dah ret#rned sa$ely to his ho#se in Jer#salem"
2=h 19:2 +nd Jeh# the son o$ Hanani the seer went o#t to meet him% and said to King Jehosha*hat% .,ho#ld
yo# hel* the wi'ed and lo!e those who hate the /8:2C There$ore the wrath o$ the /8:2 (is) #*on yo#"
2=h 19:- .Ne!ertheless good things are $o#nd in yo#% in that yo# ha!e remo!ed the wooden images $rom the
land% and ha!e *re*ared yo#r heart to see' God".
2=h 19:0 ,o Jehosha*hat dwelt at Jer#salem& and he went o#t again among the *eo*le $rom Beersheba to the
mo#ntains o$ 6*hraim% and bro#ght them ba' to the /8:2 God o$ their $athers"
2=h 19:1 Then he set @#dges in the land thro#gho#t all the $orti$ied ities o$ J#dah% ity by ity%
2=h 19:3 and said to the @#dges% .Ta'e heed to what yo# are doing% $or yo# do not @#dge $or man b#t $or the
/8:2% who (is) with yo# in the @#dgment"
2=h 19:4 .Now there$ore% let the $ear o$ the /8:2 be #*on yo#& ta'e are and do (it%) $or (there is) no iniE#ity
with the /8:2 o#r God% no *artiality% nor ta'ing o$ bribes".
2=h 19:8 ?oreo!er in Jer#salem% $or the @#dgment o$ the /8:2 and $or ontro!ersies% Jehosha*hat a**ointed
some o$ the /e!ites and *riests% and some o$ the hie$ $athers o$ Israel% when they ret#rned to Jer#salem"
2=h 19:9 +nd he ommanded them% saying% .Th#s yo# shall at in the $ear o$ the /8:2% $aith$#lly and with a
loyal heart:
2=h 19:15 .>hate!er ase omes to yo# $rom yo#r brethren who dwell in their ities% whether o$ bloodshed or
o$$enses against law or ommandment% against stat#tes or ordinanes% yo# shall warn them% lest they tres*ass
against the /8:2 and wrath ome #*on yo# and yo#r brethren" 2o this% and yo# will not be g#ilty"
2=h 19:11 .+nd ta'e notie: +mariah the hie$ *riest (is) o!er yo# in all matters o$ the /8:2& and Gebadiah the
son o$ Ishmael% the r#ler o$ the ho#se o$ J#dah% $or all the 'ingAs matters& also the /e!ites (will be) o$$iials be$ore
yo#" Beha!e o#rageo#sly% and the /8:2 will be with the good".
2=h 25:1 It ha**ened a$ter this (that) the *eo*le o$ ?oab with the *eo*le o$ +mmon% and (others) with them
besides the +mmonites% ame to battle against Jehosha*hat"
2=h 25:2 Then some ame and told Jehosha*hat% saying% .+ great m#ltit#de is oming against yo# $rom beyond
the sea% $rom ,yria& and they are in HaHaHon Tamar. Iwhih (is) 6n GediJ"
2=h 25:- +nd Jehosha*hat $eared% and set himsel$ to see' the /8:2% and *rolaimed a $ast thro#gho#t all
2=h 25:0 ,o J#dah gathered together to as' (hel*) $rom the /8:2& and $rom all the ities o$ J#dah they ame to
see' the /8:2"
2=h 25:1 Then Jehosha*hat stood in the assembly o$ J#dah and Jer#salem% in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% be$ore
the new o#rt%
2=h 25:3 and said: .8 /8:2 God o$ o#r $athers% (are) Bo# not God in hea!en% and do Bo# (not) r#le o!er all the
'ingdoms o$ the nations% and in Bo#r hand (is there not) *ower and might% so that no one is able to withstand
2=h 25:4 .(+re) Bo# not o#r God% (who) dro!e o#t the inhabitants o$ this land be$ore Bo#r *eo*le Israel% and
ga!e it to the desendants o$ +braham Bo#r $riend $ore!erC
2=h 25:8 .+nd they dwell in it% and ha!e b#ilt Bo# a sant#ary in it $or Bo#r name% saying%
2=h 25:9 AI$ disaster omes #*on #s DD sword% @#dgment% *estilene% or $amine DD we will stand be$ore this tem*le
and in Bo#r *resene I$or Bo#r name (is) in this tem*leJ% and ry o#t to Bo# in o#r a$$lition% and Bo# will hear
and sa!e"A
2=h 25:15 .+nd now% here are the *eo*le o$ +mmon% ?oab% and ?o#nt ,eir DD whom Bo# wo#ld not let Israel
in!ade when they ame o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% b#t they t#rned $rom them and did not destroy them DD
2=h 25:11 .here they are% rewarding #s by oming to throw #s o#t o$ Bo#r *ossession whih Bo# ha!e gi!en #s
to inherit"
2=h 25:12 .8 o#r God% will Bo# not @#dge themC ;or we ha!e no *ower against this great m#ltit#de that is
oming against #s& nor do we 'now what to do% b#t o#r eyes (are) #*on Bo#".
2=h 25:1- Now all J#dah% with their little ones% their wi!es% and their hildren% stood be$ore the /8:2"
2=h 25:10 Then the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 ame #*on JahaHiel the son o$ Gehariah% the son o$ Benaiah% the son
o$ Jeiel% the son o$ ?attaniah% a /e!ite o$ the sons o$ +sa*h% in the midst o$ the assembly"
2=h 25:11 +nd he said% ./isten% all yo# o$ J#dah and yo# inhabitants o$ Jer#salem% and yo#% King Jehosha*hatF
Th#s says the /8:2 to yo#: A2o not be a$raid nor dismayed bea#se o$ this great m#ltit#de% $or the battle (is) not
yo#rs% b#t GodAs"
2=h 25:13 ATomorrow go down against them" They will s#rely ome #* by the +sent o$ GiH% and yo# will $ind
them at the end o$ the broo' be$ore the >ilderness o$ Jer#el"
2=h 25:14 ABo# will not (need) to $ight in this (battle") <osition yo#rsel!es% stand still and see the sal!ation o$ the
/8:2% who is with yo#% 8 J#dah and Jer#salemFA 2o not $ear or be dismayed& tomorrow go o#t against them% $or
the /8:2 (is) with yo#".
2=h 25:18 +nd Jehosha*hat bowed his head with (his) $ae to the gro#nd% and all J#dah and the inhabitants o$
Jer#salem bowed be$ore the /8:2% worshi*ing the /8:2"
2=h 25:19 Then the /e!ites o$ the hildren o$ the Kohathites and o$ the hildren o$ the Korahites stood #* to
*raise the /8:2 God o$ Israel with !oies lo#d and high"
2=h 25:25 ,o they rose early in the morning and went o#t into the >ilderness o$ Te'oa& and as they went o#t%
Jehosha*hat stood and said% .Hear me% 8 J#dah and yo# inhabitants o$ Jer#salem: Belie!e in the /8:2 yo#r
God% and yo# shall be established& belie!e His *ro*hets% and yo# shall *ros*er".
2=h 25:21 +nd when he had ons#lted with the *eo*le% he a**ointed those who sho#ld sing to the /8:2% and
who sho#ld *raise the bea#ty o$ holiness% as they went o#t be$ore the army and were saying: .<raise the /8:2%
;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er".
2=h 25:22 Now when they began to sing and to *raise% the /8:2 set amb#shes against the *eo*le o$ +mmon%
?oab% and ?o#nt ,eir% who had ome against J#dah& and they were de$eated"
2=h 25:2- ;or the *eo*le o$ +mmon and ?oab stood #* against the inhabitants o$ ?o#nt ,eir to #tterly 'ill and
destroy (them") +nd when they had made an end o$ the inhabitants o$ ,eir% they hel*ed to destroy one another"
2=h 25:20 ,o when J#dah ame to a *lae o!erloo'ing the wilderness% they loo'ed toward the m#ltit#de& and
there (were) their dead bodies% $allen on the earth" No one had esa*ed"
2=h 25:21 >hen Jehosha*hat and his *eo*le ame to ta'e away their s*oil% they $o#nd among them an
ab#ndane o$ !al#ables on the dead bodies% and *reio#s @ewelry% whih they stri**ed o$$ $or themsel!es% more
than they o#ld arry away& and they were three days gathering the s*oil bea#se there was so m#h"
2=h 25:23 +nd on the $o#rth day they assembled in the Valley o$ Berahah% $or there they blessed the /8:2&
there$ore the name o$ that *lae was alled The Valley o$ Berahah #ntil this day"
2=h 25:24 Then they ret#rned% e!ery man o$ J#dah and Jer#salem% with Jehosha*hat in $ront o$ them% to go
ba' to Jer#salem with @oy% $or the /8:2 had made them re@oie o!er their enemies"
2=h 25:28 ,o they ame to Jer#salem% with stringed instr#ments and har*s and tr#m*ets% to the ho#se o$ the
2=h 25:29 +nd the $ear o$ God was on all the 'ingdoms o$ (those) o#ntries when they heard that the /8:2 had
$o#ght against the enemies o$ Israel"
2=h 25:-5 Then the realm o$ Jehosha*hat was E#iet% $or his God ga!e him rest all aro#nd"
2=h 25:-1 ,o Jehosha*hat was 'ing o!er J#dah" (He was) thirtyD$i!e years old when he beame 'ing% and he
reigned twentyD$i!e years in Jer#salem" His motherAs name (was) +H#bah the da#ghter o$ ,hilhi"
2=h 25:-2 +nd he wal'ed in the way o$ his $ather +sa% and did not t#rn aside $rom it% doing (what was) right in
the sight o$ the /8:2"
2=h 25:-- Ne!ertheless the high *laes were not ta'en away% $or as yet the *eo*le had not direted their hearts
to the God o$ their $athers"
2=h 25:-0 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Jehosha*hat% $irst and last% indeed they (are) written in the boo' o$ Jeh#
the son o$ Hanani% whih (is) mentioned in the boo' o$ the 'ings o$ Israel"
2=h 25:-1 +$ter this Jehosha*hat 'ing o$ J#dah allied himsel$ with +haHiah 'ing o$ Israel% who ated !ery
2=h 25:-3 +nd he allied himsel$ with him to ma'e shi*s to go to Tarshish% and they made the shi*s in 6Hion
2=h 25:-4 B#t 6lieHer the son o$ 2oda!ah o$ ?areshah *ro*hesied against Jehosha*hat% saying% .Bea#se yo#
ha!e allied yo#rsel$ with +haHiah% the /8:2 has destroyed yo#r wor's". Then the shi*s were wre'ed% so that
they were not able to go to Tarshish"
2=h 21:1 +nd Jehosha*hat rested with his $athers% and was b#ried with his $athers in the =ity o$ 2a!id" Then
Jehoram his son reigned in his *lae"
2=h 21:2 He had brothers% the sons o$ Jehosha*hat: +Hariah% Jehiel% Gehariah% +Haryah#% ?ihael% and
,he*hatiah& all these (were) the sons o$ Jehosha*hat 'ing o$ Israel"
2=h 21:- Their $ather ga!e them great gi$ts o$ sil!er and gold and *reio#s things% with $orti$ied ities in J#dah&
b#t he ga!e the 'ingdom to Jehoram% bea#se he (was) the $irstborn"
2=h 21:0 Now when Jehoram was established o!er the 'ingdom o$ his $ather% he strengthened himsel$ and
'illed all his brothers with the sword% and also (others) o$ the *rines o$ Israel"
2=h 21:1 Jehoram (was) thirtyDtwo years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned eight years in Jer#salem"
2=h 21:3 +nd he wal'ed in the way o$ the 'ings o$ Israel% @#st as the ho#se o$ +hab had done% $or he had the
da#ghter o$ +hab as a wi$e& and he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2"
2=h 21:4 Bet the /8:2 wo#ld not destroy the ho#se o$ 2a!id% bea#se o$ the o!enant that He had made with
2a!id% and sine He had *romised to gi!e a lam* to him and to his sons $ore!er"
2=h 21:8 In his days the 6domites re!olted against J#dahAs a#thority% and made a 'ing o!er themsel!es"
2=h 21:9 ,o Jehoram went o#t with his o$$iers% and all his hariots with him" +nd he rose by night and atta'ed
the 6domites who had s#rro#nded him and the a*tains o$ the hariots"
2=h 21:15 Th#s 6dom has been in re!olt against J#dahAs a#thority to this day" +t that time /ibnah re!olted
against his r#le% bea#se he had $orsa'en the /8:2 God o$ his $athers"
2=h 21:11 ?oreo!er he made high *laes in the mo#ntains o$ J#dah% and a#sed the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem
to ommit harlotry% and led J#dah astray"
2=h 21:12 +nd a letter ame to him $rom 6li@ah the *ro*het% saying% Th#s says the /8:2 God o$ yo#r $ather
2a!id: Bea#se yo# ha!e not wal'ed in the ways o$ Jehosha*hat yo#r $ather% or in the ways o$ +sa 'ing o$
2=h 21:1- b#t ha!e wal'ed in the way o$ the 'ings o$ Israel% and ha!e made J#dah and the inhabitants o$
Jer#salem to *lay the harlot li'e the harlotry o$ the ho#se o$ +hab% and also ha!e 'illed yo#r brothers% those o$
yo#r $atherAs ho#sehold% (who were) better than yo#rsel$%
2=h 21:10 behold% the /8:2 will stri'e yo#r *eo*le with a serio#s a$$lition DD yo#r hildren% yo#r wi!es% and all
yo#r *ossessions&
2=h 21:11 and yo# (will beome) !ery si' with a disease o$ yo#r intestines% #ntil yo#r intestines ome o#t by
reason o$ the si'ness% day by day"
2=h 21:13 ?oreo!er the /8:2 stirred #* against Jehoram the s*irit o$ the <hilistines and the +rabians who
(were) near the 6thio*ians"
2=h 21:14 +nd they ame #* into J#dah and in!aded it% and arried away all the *ossessions that were $o#nd in
the 'ingAs ho#se% and also his sons and his wi!es% so that there was not a son le$t to him e9e*t JehoahaH% the
yo#ngest o$ his sons"
2=h 21:18 +$ter all this the /8:2 str#' him in his intestines with an in#rable disease"
2=h 21:19 Then it ha**ened in the o#rse o$ time% a$ter the end o$ two years% that his intestines ame o#t
bea#se o$ his si'ness& so he died in se!ere *ain" +nd his *eo*le made no b#rning $or him% li'e the b#rning $or
his $athers"
2=h 21:25 He was thirtyDtwo years old when he beame 'ing" He reigned in Jer#salem eight years and% to no
oneAs sorrow% de*arted" Howe!er they b#ried him in the =ity o$ 2a!id% b#t not in the tombs o$ the 'ings"
2=h 22:1 Then the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem made +haHiah his yo#ngest son 'ing in his *lae% $or the raiders
who ame with the +rabians into the am* had 'illed all the older (sons") ,o +haHiah the son o$ Jehoram% 'ing o$
J#dah% reigned"
2=h 22:2 +haHiah (was) $ortyDtwo years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned one year in Jer#salem" His
motherAs name (was) +thaliah the grandda#ghter o$ 8mri"
2=h 22:- He also wal'ed in the ways o$ the ho#se o$ +hab% $or his mother ad!ised him to do wi'edly"
2=h 22:0 There$ore he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% li'e the ho#se o$ +hab& $or they were his o#nselors
a$ter the death o$ his $ather% to his destr#tion"
2=h 22:1 He also $ollowed their ad!ie% and went with Jehoram the son o$ +hab 'ing o$ Israel to war against
HaHael 'ing o$ ,yria at :amoth Gilead& and the ,yrians wo#nded Joram"
2=h 22:3 Then he ret#rned to JeHreel to reo!er $rom the wo#nds whih he had reei!ed at :amah% when he
$o#ght against HaHael 'ing o$ ,yria" +nd +Hariah the son o$ Jehoram% 'ing o$ J#dah% went down to see Jehoram
the son o$ +hab in JeHreel% bea#se he was si'"
2=h 22:4 His going to Joram was GodAs oasion $or +haHiahAs down$all& $or when he arri!ed% he went o#t with
Jehoram against Jeh# the son o$ Nimshi% whom the /8:2 had anointed to #t o$$ the ho#se o$ +hab"
2=h 22:8 +nd it ha**ened% when Jeh# was e9e#ting @#dgment on the ho#se o$ +hab% and $o#nd the *rines o$
J#dah and the sons o$ +haHiahAs brothers who ser!ed +haHiah% that he 'illed them"
2=h 22:9 Then he searhed $or +haHiah& and they a#ght him Ihe was hiding in ,amariaJ% and bro#ght him to
Jeh#" >hen they had 'illed him% they b#ried him% .bea#se%. they said% .he is the son o$ Jehosha*hat% who
so#ght the /8:2 with all his heart". ,o the ho#se o$ +haHiah had no one to ass#me *ower o!er the 'ingdom"
2=h 22:15 Now when +thaliah the mother o$ +haHiah saw that her son was dead% she arose and destroyed all
the royal heirs o$ the ho#se o$ J#dah"
2=h 22:11 B#t Jehoshabeath% the da#ghter o$ the 'ing% too' Joash the son o$ +haHiah% and stole him away $rom
among the 'ingAs sons who were being m#rdered% and *#t him and his n#rse in a bedroom" ,o Jehoshabeath%
the da#ghter o$ King Jehoram% the wi$e o$ Jehoiada the *riest I$or she was the sister o$ +haHiahJ% hid him $rom
+thaliah so that she did not 'ill him"
2=h 22:12 +nd he was hidden with them in the ho#se o$ God $or si9 years% while +thaliah reigned o!er the land"
2=h 2-:1 In the se!enth year Jehoiada strengthened himsel$% (and made a) o!enant with the a*tains o$
h#ndreds: +Hariah the son o$ Jeroham% Ishmael the son o$ Jehohanan% +Hariah the son o$ 8bed% ?aaseiah the
son o$ +daiah% and 6lisha*hat the son o$ Gihri"
2=h 2-:2 +nd they went thro#gho#t J#dah and gathered the /e!ites $rom all the ities o$ J#dah% and the hie$
$athers o$ Israel% and they ame to Jer#salem"
2=h 2-:- Then all the assembly made a o!enant with the 'ing in the ho#se o$ God" +nd he said to them%
.Behold% the 'ingAs son shall reign% as the /8:2 has said o$ the sons o$ 2a!id"
2=h 2-:0 .This (is) what yo# shall do: 8neDthird o$ yo# entering on the ,abbath% o$ the *riests and the /e!ites%
(shall be) 'ee*ing wath o!er the doors&
2=h 2-:1 .oneDthird (shall be) at the 'ingAs ho#se& and oneDthird at the Gate o$ the ;o#ndation" +ll the *eo*le
(shall be) in the o#rts o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2=h 2-:3 .B#t let no one ome into the ho#se o$ the /8:2 e9e*t the *riests and those o$ the /e!ites who
ser!e" They may go in% $or they (are) holy& b#t all the *eo*le shall 'ee* the wath o$ the /8:2"
2=h 2-:4 .+nd the /e!ites shall s#rro#nd the 'ing on all sides% e!ery man with his wea*ons in his hand& and
whoe!er omes into the ho#se% let him be *#t to death" Bo# are to be with the 'ing when he omes in and when
he goes o#t".
2=h 2-:8 ,o the /e!ites and all J#dah did aording to all that Jehoiada the *riest ommanded" +nd eah man
too' his men who were to be on d#ty on the ,abbath% with those who were going (o$$ d#ty) on the ,abbath& $or
Jehoiada the *riest had not dismissed the di!isions"
2=h 2-:9 +nd Jehoiada the *riest ga!e to the a*tains o$ h#ndreds the s*ears and the large and small shields
whih (had belonged) to King 2a!id% that (were) in the tem*le o$ God"
2=h 2-:15 Then he set all the *eo*le% e!ery man with his wea*on in his hand% $rom the right side o$ the tem*le
to the le$t side o$ the tem*le% along by the altar and by the tem*le% all aro#nd the 'ing"
2=h 2-:11 +nd they bro#ght o#t the 'ingAs son% *#t the rown on him% (ga!e him) the Testimony% and made him
'ing" Then Jehoiada and his sons anointed him% and said% .(/ong) li!e the 'ingF.
2=h 2-:12 Now when +thaliah heard the noise o$ the *eo*le r#nning and *raising the 'ing% she ame to the
*eo*le (in) the tem*le o$ the /8:2"
2=h 2-:1- >hen she loo'ed% there was the 'ing standing by his *illar at the entrane& and the leaders and the
tr#m*eters (were) by the 'ing" +ll the *eo*le o$ the land were re@oiing and blowing tr#m*ets% also the singers
with m#sial instr#ments% and those who led in *raise" ,o +thaliah tore her lothes and said% .TreasonF
2=h 2-:10 +nd Jehoiada the *riest bro#ght o#t the a*tains o$ h#ndreds who were set o!er the army% and said
to them% .Ta'e her o#tside #nder g#ard% and slay with the sword whoe!er $ollows her". ;or the *riest had said%
.2o not 'ill her in the ho#se o$ the /8:2".
2=h 2-:11 ,o they seiHed her& and she went by way o$ the entrane o$ the Horse Gate (into) the 'ingAs ho#se%
and they 'illed her there"
2=h 2-:13 Then Jehoiada made a o!enant between himsel$% the *eo*le% and the 'ing% that they sho#ld be the
/8:2As *eo*le"
2=h 2-:14 +nd all the *eo*le went to the tem*le o$ Baal% and tore it down" They bro'e in *iees its altars and
images% and 'illed ?attan the *riest o$ Baal be$ore the altars"
2=h 2-:18 +lso Jehoiada a**ointed the o!ersight o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 to the hand o$ the *riests% the
/e!ites% whom 2a!id had assigned in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% to o$$er the b#rnt o$$erings o$ the /8:2% as (it is)
written in the /aw o$ ?oses% with re@oiing and with singing% (as it was established) by 2a!id"
2=h 2-:19 +nd he set the gate'ee*ers at the gates o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2% so that no one (who was) in any
way #nlean sho#ld enter"
2=h 2-:25 Then he too' the a*tains o$ h#ndreds% the nobles% the go!ernors o$ the *eo*le% and all the *eo*le o$
the land% and bro#ght the 'ing down $rom the ho#se o$ the /8:2& and they went thro#gh the 7**er Gate to the
'ingAs ho#se% and set the 'ing on the throne o$ the 'ingdom"
2=h 2-:21 ,o all the *eo*le o$ the land re@oied& and the ity was E#iet% $or they had slain +thaliah with the
2=h 20:1 Joash (was) se!en years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned $orty years in Jer#salem" His
motherAs name (was) Gibiah o$ Beersheba"
2=h 20:2 Joash did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2 all the days o$ Jehoiada the *riest"
2=h 20:- +nd Jehoiada too' two wi!es $or him% and he had sons and da#ghters"
2=h 20:0 Now it ha**ened a$ter this (that) Joash set his heart on re*airing the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2=h 20:1 Then he gathered the *riests and the /e!ites% and said to them% .Go o#t to the ities o$ J#dah% and
gather $rom all Israel money to re*air the ho#se o$ yo#r God $rom year to year% and see that yo# do it E#i'ly".
Howe!er the /e!ites did not do it E#i'ly"
2=h 20:3 ,o the 'ing alled Jehoiada the hie$ (*riest%) and said to him% .>hy ha!e yo# not reE#ired the /e!ites
to bring in $rom J#dah and $rom Jer#salem the olletion% (aording to the ommandment) o$ ?oses the ser!ant
o$ the /8:2 and o$ the assembly o$ Israel% $or the tabernale o$ witnessC.
2=h 20:4 ;or the sons o$ +thaliah% that wi'ed woman% had bro'en into the ho#se o$ God% and had also
*resented all the dediated things o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 to the Baals"
2=h 20:8 Then at the 'ingAs ommand they made a hest% and set it o#tside at the gate o$ the ho#se o$ the
2=h 20:9 +nd they made a *rolamation thro#gho#t J#dah and Jer#salem to bring to the /8:2 the olletion
(that) ?oses the ser!ant o$ God (had im*osed) on Israel in the wilderness"
2=h 20:15 Then all the leaders and all the *eo*le re@oied% bro#ght their ontrib#tions% and *#t (them) into the
hest #ntil all had gi!en"
2=h 20:11 ,o it was% at that time% when the hest was bro#ght to the 'ingAs o$$iial by the hand o$ the /e!ites%
and when they saw that (there was) m#h money% that the 'ingAs sribe and the high *riestAs o$$ier ame and
em*tied the hest% and too' it and ret#rned it to its *lae" Th#s they did day by day% and gathered money in
2=h 20:12 The 'ing and Jehoiada ga!e it to those who did the wor' o$ the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2&
and they hired masons and ar*enters to re*air the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and also those who wor'ed in iron and
bronHe to restore the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2=h 20:1- ,o the wor'men labored% and the wor' was om*leted by them& they restored the ho#se o$ God to its
original ondition and rein$ored it"
2=h 20:10 >hen they had $inished% they bro#ght the rest o$ the money be$ore the 'ing and Jehoiada& they made
$rom it artiles $or the ho#se o$ the /8:2% artiles $or ser!ing and o$$ering% s*oons and !essels o$ gold and sil!er"
+nd they o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 ontin#ally all the days o$ Jehoiada"
2=h 20:11 B#t Jehoiada grew old and was $#ll o$ days% and he died& (he was) one h#ndred and thirty years old
when he died"
2=h 20:13 +nd they b#ried him in the =ity o$ 2a!id among the 'ings% bea#se he had done good in Israel% both
toward God and His ho#se"
2=h 20:14 Now a$ter the death o$ Jehoiada the leaders o$ J#dah ame and bowed down to the 'ing" +nd the
'ing listened to them"
2=h 20:18 There$ore they le$t the ho#se o$ the /8:2 God o$ their $athers% and ser!ed wooden images and
idols& and wrath ame #*on J#dah and Jer#salem bea#se o$ their tres*ass"
2=h 20:19 Bet He sent *ro*hets to them% to bring them ba' to the /8:2& and they testi$ied against them% b#t
they wo#ld not listen"
2=h 20:25 Then the ,*irit o$ God ame #*on Gehariah the son o$ Jehoiada the *riest% who stood abo!e the
*eo*le% and said to them% .Th#s says God: A>hy do yo# transgress the ommandments o$ the /8:2% so that
yo# annot *ros*erC Bea#se yo# ha!e $orsa'en the /8:2% He also has $orsa'en yo#"A .
2=h 20:21 ,o they ons*ired against him% and at the ommand o$ the 'ing they stoned him with stones in the
o#rt o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2=h 20:22 Th#s Joash the 'ing did not remember the 'indness whih Jehoiada his $ather had done to him% b#t
'illed his son& and as he died% he said% .The /8:2 loo' on (it%) and re*ayF.
2=h 20:2- ,o it ha**ened in the s*ring o$ the year (that) the army o$ ,yria ame #* against him& and they ame
to J#dah and Jer#salem% and destroyed all the leaders o$ the *eo*le $rom among the *eo*le% and sent all their
s*oil to the 'ing o$ 2amas#s"
2=h 20:20 ;or the army o$ the ,yrians ame with a small om*any o$ men& b#t the /8:2 deli!ered a !ery great
army into their hand% bea#se they had $orsa'en the /8:2 God o$ their $athers" ,o they e9e#ted @#dgment
against Joash"
2=h 20:21 +nd when they had withdrawn $rom him I$or they le$t him se!erely wo#ndedJ% his own ser!ants
ons*ired against him bea#se o$ the blood o$ the sons o$ Jehoiada the *riest% and 'illed him on his bed" ,o he
died" +nd they b#ried him in the =ity o$ 2a!id% b#t they did not b#ry him in the tombs o$ the 'ings"
2=h 20:23 These are the ones who ons*ired against him: Gabad the son o$ ,himeath the +mmonitess% and
JehoHabad the son o$ ,himrith the ?oabitess"
2=h 20:24 Now (onerning) his sons% and the many orales abo#t him% and the re*airing o$ the ho#se o$ God%
indeed they (are) written in the annals o$ the boo' o$ the 'ings" Then +maHiah his son reigned in his *lae"
2=h 21:1 +maHiah (was) twentyD$i!e years old (when) he beame 'ing% and he reigned twentyDnine years in
Jer#salem" His motherAs name (was) Jehoaddan o$ Jer#salem"
2=h 21:2 +nd he did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2% b#t not with a loyal heart"
2=h 21:- Now it ha**ened% as soon as the 'ingdom was established $or him% that he e9e#ted his ser!ants who
had m#rdered his $ather the 'ing"
2=h 21:0 Howe!er he did not e9e#te their hildren% b#t (did) as (it is) written in the /aw in the Boo' o$ ?oses%
where the /8:2 ommanded% saying% .The $athers shall not be *#t to death $or their hildren% nor shall the
hildren be *#t to death $or their $athers& b#t a *erson shall die $or his own sin".
2=h 21:1 ?oreo!er +maHiah gathered J#dah together and set o!er them a*tains o$ tho#sands and a*tains o$
h#ndreds% aording to (their) $athersA ho#ses% thro#gho#t all J#dah and Ben@amin& and he n#mbered them $rom
twenty years old and abo!e% and $o#nd them to be three h#ndred tho#sand hoie (men% able) to go to war% who
o#ld handle s*ear and shield"
2=h 21:3 He also hired one h#ndred tho#sand mighty men o$ !alor $rom Israel $or one h#ndred talents o$ sil!er"
2=h 21:4 B#t a man o$ God ame to him% saying% .8 'ing% do not let the army o$ Israel go with yo#% $or the /8:2
(is) not with Israel DD (not with) any o$ the hildren o$ 6*hraim"
2=h 21:8 .B#t i$ yo# go% be goneF Be strong in battleF (6!en so%) God shall ma'e yo# $all be$ore the enemy& $or
God has *ower to hel* and to o!erthrow".
2=h 21:9 Then +maHiah said to the man o$ God% .B#t what (shall we) do abo#t the h#ndred talents whih I ha!e
gi!en to the troo*s o$ IsraelC. +nd the man o$ God answered% .The /8:2 is able to gi!e yo# m#h more than
2=h 21:15 ,o +maHiah disharged the troo*s that had ome to him $rom 6*hraim% to go ba' home" There$ore
their anger was greatly aro#sed against J#dah% and they ret#rned home in great anger"
2=h 21:11 Then +maHiah strengthened himsel$% and leading his *eo*le% he went to the Valley o$ ,alt and 'illed
ten tho#sand o$ the *eo*le o$ ,eir"
2=h 21:12 +lso the hildren o$ J#dah too' a*ti!e ten tho#sand ali!e% bro#ght them to the to* o$ the ro'% and
ast them down $rom the to* o$ the ro'% so that they all were dashed in *iees"
2=h 21:1- B#t as $or the soldiers o$ the army whih +maHiah had disharged% so that they wo#ld not go with him
to battle% they raided the ities o$ J#dah $rom ,amaria to Beth Horon% 'illed three tho#sand in them% and too'
m#h s*oil"
2=h 21:10 Now it was so% a$ter +maHiah ame $rom the sla#ghter o$ the 6domites% that he bro#ght the gods o$
the *eo*le o$ ,eir% set them #* (to be) his gods% and bowed down be$ore them and b#rned inense to them"
2=h 21:11 There$ore the anger o$ the /8:2 was aro#sed against +maHiah% and He sent him a *ro*het who
said to him% .>hy ha!e yo# so#ght the gods o$ the *eo*le% whih o#ld not res#e their own *eo*le $rom yo#r
2=h 21:13 ,o it was% as he tal'ed with him% that (the 'ing) said to him% .Ha!e we made yo# the 'ingAs
o#nselorC =easeF >hy sho#ld yo# be 'illedC. Then the *ro*het eased% and said% .I 'now that God has
determined to destroy yo#% bea#se yo# ha!e done this and ha!e not heeded my ad!ie".
2=h 21:14 Now +maHiah 'ing o$ J#dah as'ed ad!ie and sent to Joash the son o$ JehoahaH% the son o$ Jeh#%
'ing o$ Israel% saying% .=ome% let #s $ae one another (in battle".)
2=h 21:18 +nd Joash 'ing o$ Israel sent to +maHiah 'ing o$ J#dah% saying% .The thistle that (was) in /ebanon
sent to the edar that was in /ebanon% saying% AGi!e yo#r da#ghter to my son as wi$eA& and a wild beast that
(was) in /ebanon *assed by and tram*led the thistle"
2=h 21:19 .Indeed yo# say that yo# ha!e de$eated the 6domites% and yo#r heart is li$ted #* to boast" ,tay at
home now& why sho#ld yo# meddle with tro#ble% that yo# sho#ld $all DD yo# and J#dah with yo#C.
2=h 21:25 B#t +maHiah wo#ld not heed% $or it (ame) $rom God% that He might gi!e them into the hand (o$ their
enemies%) bea#se they so#ght the gods o$ 6dom"
2=h 21:21 ,o Joash 'ing o$ Israel went o#t& and he and +maHiah 'ing o$ J#dah $aed one another at Beth
,hemesh% whih (belongs) to J#dah"
2=h 21:22 +nd J#dah was de$eated by Israel% and e!ery man $led to his tent"
2=h 21:2- Then Joash the 'ing o$ Israel a*t#red +maHiah 'ing o$ J#dah% the son o$ Joash% the son o$
JehoahaH% at Beth ,hemesh& and he bro#ght him to Jer#salem% and bro'e down the wall o$ Jer#salem $rom the
Gate o$ 6*hraim to the =orner Gate DD $o#r h#ndred #bits"
2=h 21:20 +nd (he too') all the gold and sil!er% all the artiles that were $o#nd in the ho#se o$ God with 8bedD
6dom% the treas#res o$ the 'ingAs ho#se% and hostages% and ret#rned to ,amaria"
2=h 21:21 +maHiah the son o$ Joash% 'ing o$ J#dah% li!ed $i$teen years a$ter the death o$ Joash the son o$
JehoahaH% 'ing o$ Israel"
2=h 21:23 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ +maHiah% $rom $irst to last% indeed (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the
'ings o$ J#dah and IsraelC
2=h 21:24 +$ter the time that +maHiah t#rned away $rom $ollowing the /8:2% they made a ons*iray against
him in Jer#salem% and he $led to /ahish& b#t they sent a$ter him to /ahish and 'illed him there"
2=h 21:28 Then they bro#ght him on horses and b#ried him with his $athers in the =ity o$ J#dah"
2=h 23:1 Now all the *eo*le o$ J#dah too' 7HHiah% who (was) si9teen years old% and made him 'ing instead o$
his $ather +maHiah"
2=h 23:2 He b#ilt 6lath and restored it to J#dah% a$ter the 'ing rested with his $athers"
2=h 23:- 7HHiah (was) si9teen years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned $i$tyDtwo years in Jer#salem" His
motherAs name was Jeholiah o$ Jer#salem"
2=h 23:0 +nd he did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to all that his $ather +maHiah had
2=h 23:1 He so#ght God in the days o$ Gehariah% who had #nderstanding in the !isions o$ God& and as long as
he so#ght the /8:2% God made him *ros*er"
2=h 23:3 Now he went o#t and made war against the <hilistines% and bro'e down the wall o$ Gath% the wall o$
Jabneh% and the wall o$ +shdod& and he b#ilt ities (aro#nd) +shdod and among the <hilistines"
2=h 23:4 God hel*ed him against the <hilistines% against the +rabians who li!ed in G#r Baal% and against the
2=h 23:8 +lso the +mmonites bro#ght trib#te to 7HHiah" His $ame s*read as $ar as the entrane o$ 6gy*t% $or he
beame e9eedingly strong"
2=h 23:9 +nd 7HHiah b#ilt towers in Jer#salem at the =orner Gate% at the Valley Gate% and at the orner
b#ttress o$ the wall& then he $orti$ied them"
2=h 23:15 +lso he b#ilt towers in the desert" He d#g many wells% $or he had m#h li!esto'% both in the
lowlands and in the *lains& (he also had) $armers and !inedressers in the mo#ntains and in =armel% $or he lo!ed
the soil"
2=h 23:11 ?oreo!er 7HHiah had an army o$ $ighting men who went o#t to war by om*anies% aording to the
n#mber on their roll as *re*ared by Jeiel the sribe and ?aaseiah the o$$ier% #nder the hand o$ Hananiah% (one)
o$ the 'ingAs a*tains"
2=h 23:12 The total n#mber o$ hie$ o$$iers o$ the mighty men o$ !alor (was) two tho#sand si9 h#ndred"
2=h 23:1- +nd #nder their a#thority (was) an army o$ three h#ndred and se!en tho#sand $i!e h#ndred% that
made war with mighty *ower% to hel* the 'ing against the enemy"
2=h 23:10 Then 7HHiah *re*ared $or them% $or the entire army% shields% s*ears% helmets% body armor% bows% and
slings (to ast) stones"
2=h 23:11 +nd he made de!ies in Jer#salem% in!ented by s'ill$#l men% to be on the towers and the orners% to
shoot arrows and large stones" ,o his $ame s*read $ar and wide% $or he was mar!elo#sly hel*ed till he beame
2=h 23:13 B#t when he was strong his heart was li$ted #*% to (his) destr#tion% $or he transgressed against the
/8:2 his God by entering the tem*le o$ the /8:2 to b#rn inense on the altar o$ inense"
2=h 23:14 ,o +Hariah the *riest went in a$ter him% and with him were eighty *riests o$ the /8:2 DD !aliant men"
2=h 23:18 +nd they withstood King 7HHiah% and said to him% .(It is) not $or yo#% 7HHiah% to b#rn inense to the
/8:2% b#t $or the *riests% the sons o$ +aron% who are onserated to b#rn inense" Get o#t o$ the sant#ary% $or
yo# ha!e tres*assedF Bo# (shall ha!e) no honor $rom the /8:2 God".
2=h 23:19 Then 7HHiah beame $#rio#s& and he (had) a enser in his hand to b#rn inense" +nd while he was
angry with the *riests% le*rosy bro'e o#t on his $orehead% be$ore the *riests in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% beside the
inense altar"
2=h 23:25 +nd +Hariah the hie$ *riest and all the *riests loo'ed at him% and there% on his $orehead% he (was)
le*ro#s& so they thr#st him o#t o$ that *lae" Indeed he also h#rried to get o#t% bea#se the /8:2 had str#'
2=h 23:21 King 7HHiah was a le*er #ntil the day o$ his death" He dwelt in an isolated ho#se% bea#se he was a
le*er& $or he was #t o$$ $rom the ho#se o$ the /8:2" Then Jotham his son (was) o!er the 'ingAs ho#se% @#dging
the *eo*le o$ the land"
2=h 23:22 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ 7HHiah% $rom $irst to last% the *ro*het Isaiah the son o$ +moH wrote"
2=h 23:2- ,o 7HHiah rested with his $athers% and they b#ried him with his $athers in the $ield o$ b#rial whih
(belonged) to the 'ings% $or they said% .He is a le*er". Then Jotham his son reigned in his *lae"
2=h 24:1 Jotham (was) twentyD$i!e years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned si9teen years in Jer#salem"
His motherAs name (was) Jer#shah the da#ghter o$ Gado'"
2=h 24:2 +nd he did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to all that his $ather 7HHiah had done
Ialtho#gh he did not enter the tem*le o$ the /8:2J" B#t still the *eo*le ated orr#*tly"
2=h 24:- He b#ilt the 7**er Gate o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and he b#ilt e9tensi!ely on the wall o$ 8*hel"
2=h 24:0 ?oreo!er he b#ilt ities in the mo#ntains o$ J#dah% and in the $orests he b#ilt $ortresses and towers"
2=h 24:1 He also $o#ght with the 'ing o$ the +mmonites and de$eated them" +nd the *eo*le o$ +mmon ga!e
him in that year one h#ndred talents o$ sil!er% ten tho#sand 'ors o$ wheat% and ten tho#sand o$ barley" The
*eo*le o$ +mmon *aid this to him in the seond and third years also"
2=h 24:3 ,o Jotham beame mighty% bea#se he *re*ared his ways be$ore the /8:2 his God"
2=h 24:4 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Jotham% and all his wars and his ways% indeed they (are) written in the boo'
o$ the 'ings o$ Israel and J#dah"
2=h 24:8 He was twentyD$i!e years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned si9teen years in Jer#salem"
2=h 24:9 ,o Jotham rested with his $athers% and they b#ried him in the =ity o$ 2a!id" Then +haH his son reigned
in his *lae"
2=h 28:1 +haH (was) twenty years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned si9teen years in Jer#salem& and
he did not do (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2% as his $ather 2a!id (had done")
2=h 28:2 ;or he wal'ed in the ways o$ the 'ings o$ Israel% and made molded images $or the Baals"
2=h 28:- He b#rned inense in the Valley o$ the ,on o$ Hinnom% and b#rned his hildren in the $ire% aording to
the abominations o$ the nations whom the /8:2 had ast o#t be$ore the hildren o$ Israel"
2=h 28:0 +nd he sari$ied and b#rned inense on the high *laes% on the hills% and #nder e!ery green tree"
2=h 28:1 There$ore the /8:2 his God deli!ered him into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ ,yria" They de$eated him% and
arried away a great m#ltit#de o$ them as a*ti!es% and bro#ght (them) to 2amas#s" Then he was also
deli!ered into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ Israel% who de$eated him with a great sla#ghter"
2=h 28:3 ;or <e'ah the son o$ :emaliah 'illed one h#ndred and twenty tho#sand in J#dah in one day% all
!aliant men% bea#se they had $orsa'en the /8:2 God o$ their $athers"
2=h 28:4 Gihri% a mighty man o$ 6*hraim% 'illed ?aaseiah the 'ingAs son% +Hri'am the o$$ier o!er the ho#se%
and 6l'anah (who was) seond to the 'ing"
2=h 28:8 +nd the hildren o$ Israel arried away a*ti!e o$ their brethren two h#ndred tho#sand women% sons%
and da#ghters& and they also too' away m#h s*oil $rom them% and bro#ght the s*oil to ,amaria"
2=h 28:9 B#t a *ro*het o$ the /8:2 was there% whose name (was) 8ded& and he went o#t be$ore the army that
ame to ,amaria% and said to them: ./oo'% bea#se the /8:2 God o$ yo#r $athers was angry with J#dah% He
has deli!ered them into yo#r hand& b#t yo# ha!e 'illed them in a rage (that) reahes #* to hea!en"
2=h 28:15 .+nd now yo# *ro*ose to $ore the hildren o$ J#dah and Jer#salem to be yo#r male and $emale
sla!es& (b#t are) yo# not also g#ilty be$ore the /8:2 yo#r GodC
2=h 28:11 .Now hear me% there$ore% and ret#rn the a*ti!es% whom yo# ha!e ta'en a*ti!e $rom yo#r brethren%
$or the $iere wrath o$ the /8:2 (is) #*on yo#".
2=h 28:12 Then some o$ the heads o$ the hildren o$ 6*hraim% +Hariah the son o$ Johanan% Berehiah the son
o$ ?eshillemoth% JehiH'iah the son o$ ,hall#m% and +masa the son o$ Hadlai% stood #* against those who ame
$rom the war%
2=h 28:1- and said to them% .Bo# shall not bring the a*ti!es here% $or we (already) ha!e o$$ended the /8:2"
Bo# intend to add to o#r sins and to o#r g#ilt& $or o#r g#ilt is great% and (there is) $iere wrath against Israel".
2=h 28:10 ,o the armed men le$t the a*ti!es and the s*oil be$ore the leaders and all the assembly"
2=h 28:11 Then the men who were designated by name rose #* and too' the a*ti!es% and $rom the s*oil they
lothed all who were na'ed among them% dressed them and ga!e them sandals% ga!e them $ood and drin'% and
anointed them& and they let all the $eeble ones ride on don'eys" ,o they bro#ght them to their brethren at
Jeriho% the ity o$ *alm trees" Then they ret#rned to ,amaria"
2=h 28:13 +t the same time King +haH sent to the 'ings o$ +ssyria to hel* him"
2=h 28:14 ;or again the 6domites had ome% atta'ed J#dah% and arried away a*ti!es"
2=h 28:18 The <hilistines also had in!aded the ities o$ the lowland and o$ the ,o#th o$ J#dah% and had ta'en
Beth ,hemesh% +i@alon% Gederoth% ,ohoh with its !illages% Timnah with its !illages% and GimHo with its !illages&
and they dwelt there"
2=h 28:19 ;or the /8:2 bro#ght J#dah low bea#se o$ +haH 'ing o$ Israel% $or he had eno#raged moral
deline in J#dah and had been ontin#ally #n$aith$#l to the /8:2"
2=h 28:25 +lso TiglathD<ileser 'ing o$ +ssyria ame to him and distressed him% and did not assist him"
2=h 28:21 ;or +haH too' *art (o$ the treas#res) $rom the ho#se o$ the /8:2% $rom the ho#se o$ the 'ing% and
$rom the leaders% and he ga!e (it) to the 'ing o$ +ssyria& b#t he did not hel* him"
2=h 28:22 Now in the time o$ his distress King +haH beame inreasingly #n$aith$#l to the /8:2" This (is that)
King +haH"
2=h 28:2- ;or he sari$ied to the gods o$ 2amas#s whih had de$eated him% saying% .Bea#se the gods o$
the 'ings o$ ,yria hel* them% I will sari$ie to them that they may hel* me". B#t they were the r#in o$ him and o$
all Israel"
2=h 28:20 ,o +haH gathered the artiles o$ the ho#se o$ God% #t in *iees the artiles o$ the ho#se o$ God%
sh#t #* the doors o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and made $or himsel$ altars in e!ery orner o$ Jer#salem"
2=h 28:21 +nd in e!ery single ity o$ J#dah he made high *laes to b#rn inense to other gods% and *ro!o'ed
to anger the /8:2 God o$ his $athers"
2=h 28:23 Now the rest o$ his ats and all his ways% $rom $irst to last% indeed they (are) written in the boo' o$ the
'ings o$ J#dah and Israel"
2=h 28:24 ,o +haH rested with his $athers% and they b#ried him in the ity% in Jer#salem& b#t they did not bring
him into the tombs o$ the 'ings o$ Israel" Then HeHe'iah his son reigned in his *lae"
2=h 29:1 HeHe'iah beame 'ing (when he was) twentyD$i!e years old% and he reigned twentyDnine years in
Jer#salem" His motherAs name (was) +bi@ah the da#ghter o$ Gehariah"
2=h 29:2 +nd he did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to all that his $ather 2a!id had done"
2=h 29:- In the $irst year o$ his reign% in the $irst month% he o*ened the doors o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and
re*aired them"
2=h 29:0 Then he bro#ght in the *riests and the /e!ites% and gathered them in the 6ast ,E#are%
2=h 29:1 and said to them: .Hear me% /e!itesF Now santi$y yo#rsel!es% santi$y the ho#se o$ the /8:2 God o$
yo#r $athers% and arry o#t the r#bbish $rom the holy (*lae")
2=h 29:3 .;or o#r $athers ha!e tres*assed and done e!il in the eyes o$ the /8:2 o#r God& they ha!e $orsa'en
Him% ha!e t#rned their $aes away $rom the dwelling *lae o$ the /8:2% and t#rned (their) ba's (on Him")
2=h 29:4 .They ha!e also sh#t #* the doors o$ the !estib#le% *#t o#t the lam*s% and ha!e not b#rned inense or
o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings in the holy (*lae) to the God o$ Israel"
2=h 29:8 .There$ore the wrath o$ the /8:2 $ell #*on J#dah and Jer#salem% and He has gi!en them #* to
tro#ble% to desolation% and to @eering% as yo# see with yo#r eyes"
2=h 29:9 .;or indeed% bea#se o$ this o#r $athers ha!e $allen by the sword& and o#r sons% o#r da#ghters% and
o#r wi!es (are) in a*ti!ity"
2=h 29:15 .Now (it is) in my heart to ma'e a o!enant with the /8:2 God o$ Israel% that His $iere wrath may
t#rn away $rom #s"
2=h 29:11 .?y sons% do not be negligent now% $or the /8:2 has hosen yo# to stand be$ore Him% to ser!e Him%
and that yo# sho#ld minister to Him and b#rn inense".
2=h 29:12 Then these /e!ites arose: ?ahath the son o$ +masai and Joel the son o$ +Hariah% o$ the sons o$ the
Kohathites& o$ the sons o$ ?erari% Kish the son o$ +bdi and +Hariah the son o$ Jehallelel& o$ the Gershonites%
Joah the son o$ Gimmah and 6den the son o$ Joah&
2=h 29:1- o$ the sons o$ 6liHa*han% ,himri and Jeiel& o$ the sons o$ +sa*h% Gehariah and ?attaniah&
2=h 29:10 o$ the sons o$ Heman% Jehiel and ,himei& and o$ the sons o$ Jed#th#n% ,hemaiah and 7HHiel"
2=h 29:11 +nd they gathered their brethren% santi$ied themsel!es% and went aording to the ommandment o$
the 'ing% at the words o$ the /8:2% to leanse the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2=h 29:13 Then the *riests went into the inner *art o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 to leanse (it%) and bro#ght o#t all
the debris that they $o#nd in the tem*le o$ the /8:2 to the o#rt o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2" +nd the /e!ites too'
(it) o#t and arried (it) to the Broo' Kidron"
2=h 29:14 Now they began to santi$y on the $irst (day) o$ the $irst month% and on the eighth day o$ the month
they ame to the !estib#le o$ the /8:2" Then they santi$ied the ho#se o$ the /8:2 in eight days% and on the
si9teenth day o$ the $irst month they $inished"
2=h 29:18 Then they went in to King HeHe'iah and said% .>e ha!e leansed all the ho#se o$ the /8:2% the
altar o$ b#rnt o$$erings with all its artiles% and the table o$ the showbread with all its artiles"
2=h 29:19 .?oreo!er all the artiles whih King +haH in his reign had ast aside in his transgression we ha!e
*re*ared and santi$ied& and there they (are%) be$ore the altar o$ the /8:2".
2=h 29:25 Then King HeHe'iah rose early% gathered the r#lers o$ the ity% and went #* to the ho#se o$ the
2=h 29:21 +nd they bro#ght se!en b#lls% se!en rams% se!en lambs% and se!en male goats $or a sin o$$ering $or
the 'ingdom% $or the sant#ary% and $or J#dah" Then he ommanded the *riests% the sons o$ +aron% to o$$er
(them) on the altar o$ the /8:2"
2=h 29:22 ,o they 'illed the b#lls% and the *riests reei!ed the blood and s*rin'led (it) on the altar" /i'ewise
they 'illed the rams and s*rin'led the blood on the altar" They also 'illed the lambs and s*rin'led the blood on
the altar"
2=h 29:2- Then they bro#ght o#t the male goats ($or) the sin o$$ering be$ore the 'ing and the assembly% and
they laid their hands on them"
2=h 29:20 +nd the *riests 'illed them& and they *resented their blood on the altar as a sin o$$ering to ma'e an
atonement $or all Israel% $or the 'ing ommanded (that) the b#rnt o$$ering and the sin o$$ering (be made) $or all
2=h 29:21 +nd he stationed the /e!ites in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 with ymbals% with stringed instr#ments% and
with har*s% aording to the ommandment o$ 2a!id% o$ Gad the 'ingAs seer% and o$ Nathan the *ro*het& $or th#s
(was) the ommandment o$ the /8:2 by his *ro*hets"
2=h 29:23 The /e!ites stood with the instr#ments o$ 2a!id% and the *riests with the tr#m*ets"
2=h 29:24 Then HeHe'iah ommanded (them) to o$$er the b#rnt o$$ering on the altar" +nd when the b#rnt
o$$ering began% the song o$ the /8:2 (also) began% with the tr#m*ets and with the instr#ments o$ 2a!id 'ing o$
2=h 29:28 ,o all the assembly worshi*ed% the singers sang% and the tr#m*eters so#nded& all (this ontin#ed)
#ntil the b#rnt o$$ering was $inished"
2=h 29:29 +nd when they had $inished o$$ering% the 'ing and all who were *resent with him bowed and
2=h 29:-5 ?oreo!er King HeHe'iah and the leaders ommanded the /e!ites to sing *raise to the /8:2 with
the words o$ 2a!id and o$ +sa*h the seer" ,o they sang *raises with gladness% and they bowed their heads and
2=h 29:-1 Then HeHe'iah answered and said% .Now (that) yo# ha!e onserated yo#rsel!es to the /8:2%
ome near% and bring sari$ies and than' o$$erings into the ho#se o$ the /8:2". ,o the assembly bro#ght in
sari$ies and than' o$$erings% and as many as were o$ a willing heart (bro#ght) b#rnt o$$erings"
2=h 29:-2 +nd the n#mber o$ the b#rnt o$$erings whih the assembly bro#ght was se!enty b#lls% one h#ndred
rams% (and) two h#ndred lambs& all these (were) $or a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2"
2=h 29:-- The onserated things (were) si9 h#ndred b#lls and three tho#sand shee*"
2=h 29:-0 B#t the *riests were too $ew% so that they o#ld not s'in all the b#rnt o$$erings& there$ore their
brethren the /e!ites hel*ed them #ntil the wor' was ended and #ntil the (other) *riests had santi$ied
themsel!es% $or the /e!ites were more diligent in santi$ying themsel!es than the *riests"
2=h 29:-1 +lso the b#rnt o$$erings (were) in ab#ndane% with the $at o$ the *eae o$$erings and (with) the drin'
o$$erings $or (e!ery) b#rnt o$$ering" ,o the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 was set in order"
2=h 29:-3 Then HeHe'iah and all the *eo*le re@oied that God had *re*ared the *eo*le% sine the e!ents too'
*lae so s#ddenly"
2=h -5:1 +nd HeHe'iah sent to all Israel and J#dah% and also wrote letters to 6*hraim and ?anasseh% that they
sho#ld ome to the ho#se o$ the /8:2 at Jer#salem% to 'ee* the <asso!er to the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
2=h -5:2 ;or the 'ing and his leaders and all the assembly in Jer#salem had agreed to 'ee* the <asso!er in
the seond month"
2=h -5:- ;or they o#ld not 'ee* it at the reg#lar time% bea#se a s#$$iient n#mber o$ *riests had not
onserated themsel!es% nor had the *eo*le gathered together at Jer#salem"
2=h -5:0 +nd the matter *leased the 'ing and all the assembly"
2=h -5:1 ,o they resol!ed to ma'e a *rolamation thro#gho#t all Israel% $rom Beersheba to 2an% that they
sho#ld ome to 'ee* the <asso!er to the /8:2 God o$ Israel at Jer#salem% sine they had not done (it) $or a
long (time) in the (*resribed) manner"
2=h -5:3 Then the r#nners went thro#gho#t all Israel and J#dah with the letters $rom the 'ing and his leaders%
and s*o'e aording to the ommand o$ the 'ing: .=hildren o$ Israel% ret#rn to the /8:2 God o$ +braham%
Isaa% and Israel& then He will ret#rn to the remnant o$ yo# who ha!e esa*ed $rom the hand o$ the 'ings o$
2=h -5:4 .+nd do not be li'e yo#r $athers and yo#r brethren% who tres*assed against the /8:2 God o$ their
$athers% so that He ga!e them #* to desolation% as yo# see"
2=h -5:8 .Now do not be sti$$Dne'ed% as yo#r $athers (were% b#t) yield yo#rsel!es to the /8:2& and enter His
sant#ary% whih He has santi$ied $ore!er% and ser!e the /8:2 yo#r God% that the $iereness o$ His wrath may
t#rn away $rom yo#"
2=h -5:9 .;or i$ yo# ret#rn to the /8:2% yo#r brethren and yo#r hildren (will be treated) with om*assion by
those who lead them a*ti!e% so that they may ome ba' to this land& $or the /8:2 yo#r God (is) graio#s and
meri$#l% and will not t#rn (His) $ae $rom yo# i$ yo# ret#rn to Him".
2=h -5:15 ,o the r#nners *assed $rom ity to ity thro#gh the o#ntry o$ 6*hraim and ?anasseh% as $ar as
Geb#l#n& b#t they la#ghed at them and mo'ed them"
2=h -5:11 Ne!ertheless some $rom +sher% ?anasseh% and Geb#l#n h#mbled themsel!es and ame to
2=h -5:12 +lso the hand o$ God was on J#dah to gi!e them singleness o$ heart to obey the ommand o$ the
'ing and the leaders% at the word o$ the /8:2"
2=h -5:1- Now many *eo*le% a !ery great assembly% gathered at Jer#salem to 'ee* the ;east o$ 7nlea!ened
Bread in the seond month"
2=h -5:10 They arose and too' away the altars that (were) in Jer#salem% and they too' away all the inense
altars and ast (them) into the Broo' Kidron"
2=h -5:11 Then they sla#ghtered the <asso!er (lambs) on the $o#rteenth (day) o$ the seond month" The *riests
and the /e!ites were ashamed% and santi$ied themsel!es% and bro#ght the b#rnt o$$erings to the ho#se o$ the
2=h -5:13 They stood in their *lae aording to their #stom% aording to the /aw o$ ?oses the man o$ God&
the *riests s*rin'led the blood (reei!ed) $rom the hand o$ the /e!ites"
2=h -5:14 ;or (there were) many in the assembly who had not santi$ied themsel!es& there$ore the /e!ites had
harge o$ the sla#ghter o$ the <asso!er (lambs) $or e!eryone (who was) not lean% to santi$y (them) to the
2=h -5:18 ;or a m#ltit#de o$ the *eo*le% many $rom 6*hraim% ?anasseh% Issahar% and Geb#l#n% had not
leansed themsel!es% yet they ate the <asso!er ontrary to what was written" B#t HeHe'iah *rayed $or them%
saying% .?ay the good /8:2 *ro!ide atonement $or e!eryone
2=h -5:19 (who) *re*ares his heart to see' God% the /8:2 God o$ his $athers% tho#gh (he is) not (leansed)
aording to the *#ri$iation o$ the sant#ary".
2=h -5:25 +nd the /8:2 listened to HeHe'iah and healed the *eo*le"
2=h -5:21 ,o the hildren o$ Israel who were *resent at Jer#salem 'e*t the ;east o$ 7nlea!ened Bread se!en
days with great gladness& and the /e!ites and the *riests *raised the /8:2 day by day% (singing) to the /8:2%
aom*anied by lo#d instr#ments"
2=h -5:22 +nd HeHe'iah ga!e eno#ragement to all the /e!ites who ta#ght the good 'nowledge o$ the /8:2&
and they ate thro#gho#t the $east se!en days% o$$ering *eae o$$erings and ma'ing on$ession to the /8:2 God
o$ their $athers"
2=h -5:2- Then the whole assembly agreed to 'ee* (the $east) another se!en days% and they 'e*t it (another)
se!en days with gladness"
2=h -5:20 ;or HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah ga!e to the assembly a tho#sand b#lls and se!en tho#sand shee*% and
the leaders ga!e to the assembly a tho#sand b#lls and ten tho#sand shee*& and a great n#mber o$ *riests
santi$ied themsel!es"
2=h -5:21 The whole assembly o$ J#dah re@oied% also the *riests and /e!ites% all the assembly that ame $rom
Israel% the so@o#rners who ame $rom the land o$ Israel% and those who dwelt in J#dah"
2=h -5:23 ,o there was great @oy in Jer#salem% $or sine the time o$ ,olomon the son o$ 2a!id% 'ing o$ Israel%
(there had) been nothing li'e this in Jer#salem"
2=h -5:24 Then the *riests% the /e!ites% arose and blessed the *eo*le% and their !oie was heard& and their
*rayer ame (#*) to His holy dwelling *lae% to hea!en"
2=h -1:1 Now when all this was $inished% all Israel who were *resent went o#t to the ities o$ J#dah and bro'e
the sared *illars in *iees% #t down the wooden images% and threw down the high *laes and the altars DD $rom
all J#dah% Ben@amin% 6*hraim% and ?anasseh DD #ntil they had #tterly destroyed them all" Then all the hildren o$
Israel ret#rned to their own ities% e!ery man to his *ossession"
2=h -1:2 +nd HeHe'iah a**ointed the di!isions o$ the *riests and the /e!ites aording to their di!isions% eah
man aording to his ser!ie% the *riests and /e!ites $or b#rnt o$$erings and *eae o$$erings% to ser!e% to gi!e
than's% and to *raise in the gates o$ the am* o$ the /8:2"
2=h -1:- The 'ing also (a**ointed) a *ortion o$ his *ossessions $or the b#rnt o$$erings: $or the morning and
e!ening b#rnt o$$erings% the b#rnt o$$erings $or the ,abbaths and the New ?oons and the set $easts% as (it is)
written in the /aw o$ the /8:2"
2=h -1:0 ?oreo!er he ommanded the *eo*le who dwelt in Jer#salem to ontrib#te s#**ort $or the *riests and
the /e!ites% that they might de!ote themsel!es to the /aw o$ the /8:2"
2=h -1:1 +s soon as the ommandment was ir#lated% the hildren o$ Israel bro#ght in ab#ndane the
$irst$r#its o$ grain and wine% oil and honey% and o$ all the *rod#e o$ the $ield& and they bro#ght in ab#ndantly the
tithe o$ e!erything"
2=h -1:3 +nd the hildren o$ Israel and J#dah% who dwelt in the ities o$ J#dah% bro#ght the tithe o$ o9en and
shee*& also the tithe o$ holy things whih were onserated to the /8:2 their God they laid in hea*s"
2=h -1:4 In the third month they began laying them in hea*s% and they $inished in the se!enth month"
2=h -1:8 +nd when HeHe'iah and the leaders ame and saw the hea*s% they blessed the /8:2 and His
*eo*le Israel"
2=h -1:9 Then HeHe'iah E#estioned the *riests and the /e!ites onerning the hea*s"
2=h -1:15 +nd +Hariah the hie$ *riest% $rom the ho#se o$ Gado'% answered him and said% .,ine (the *eo*le)
began to bring the o$$erings into the ho#se o$ the /8:2% we ha!e had eno#gh to eat and ha!e *lenty le$t% $or the
/8:2 has blessed His *eo*le& and what is le$t (is) this great ab#ndane".
2=h -1:11 Now HeHe'iah ommanded (them) to *re*are rooms in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and they *re*ared
2=h -1:12 Then they $aith$#lly bro#ght in the o$$erings% the tithes% and the dediated things& =ononiah the /e!ite
had harge o$ them% and ,himei his brother (was) the ne9t"
2=h -1:1- Jehiel% +HaHiah% Nahath% +sahel% Jerimoth% JoHabad% 6liel% Ismahiah% ?ahath% and Benaiah (were)
o!erseers #nder the hand o$ =ononiah and ,himei his brother% at the ommandment o$ HeHe'iah the 'ing and
+Hariah the r#ler o$ the ho#se o$ God"
2=h -1:10 Kore the son o$ Imnah the /e!ite% the 'ee*er o$ the 6ast Gate% (was) o!er the $reewill o$$erings to
God% to distrib#te the o$$erings o$ the /8:2 and the most holy things"
2=h -1:11 +nd #nder him (were) 6den% ?iniamin% Jesh#a% ,hemaiah% +mariah% and ,heaniah% (his) $aith$#l
assistants in the ities o$ the *riests% to distrib#te allotments to their brethren by di!isions% to the great as well as
the small"
2=h -1:13 Besides those males $rom three years old and #* who were written in the genealogy% they distrib#ted
to e!eryone who entered the ho#se o$ the /8:2 his daily *ortion $or the wor' o$ his ser!ie% by his di!ision%
2=h -1:14 and to the *riests who were written in the genealogy aording to their $atherAs ho#se% and to the
/e!ites $rom twenty years old and #* aording to their wor'% by their di!isions%
2=h -1:18 and to all who were written in the genealogy DD their little ones and their wi!es% their sons and
da#ghters% the whole om*any o$ them DD $or in their $aith$#lness they santi$ied themsel!es in holiness"
2=h -1:19 +lso $or the sons o$ +aron the *riests% (who were) in the $ields o$ the ommonDlands o$ their ities% in
e!ery single ity% (there were) men who were designated by name to distrib#te *ortions to all the males among
the *riests and to all who were listed by genealogies among the /e!ites"
2=h -1:25 Th#s HeHe'iah did thro#gho#t all J#dah% and he did what (was) good and right and tr#e be$ore the
/8:2 his God"
2=h -1:21 +nd in e!ery wor' that he began in the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ God% in the law and in the
ommandment% to see' his God% he did (it) with all his heart" ,o he *ros*ered"
2=h -2:1 +$ter these deeds o$ $aith$#lness% ,ennaherib 'ing o$ +ssyria ame and entered J#dah& he enam*ed
against the $orti$ied ities% thin'ing to win them o!er to himsel$"
2=h -2:2 +nd when HeHe'iah saw that ,ennaherib had ome% and that his *#r*ose was to ma'e war against
2=h -2:- he ons#lted with his leaders and ommanders to sto* the water $rom the s*rings whih (were)
o#tside the ity& and they hel*ed him"
2=h -2:0 Th#s many *eo*le gathered together who sto**ed all the s*rings and the broo' that ran thro#gh the
land% saying% .>hy sho#ld the 'ings o$ +ssyria ome and $ind m#h waterC.
2=h -2:1 +nd he strengthened himsel$% b#ilt #* all the wall that was bro'en% raised (it) #* to the towers% and
(b#ilt) another wall o#tside& also he re*aired the ?illo (in) the =ity o$ 2a!id% and made wea*ons and shields in
2=h -2:3 Then he set military a*tains o!er the *eo*le% gathered them together to him in the o*en sE#are o$ the
ity gate% and ga!e them eno#ragement% saying%
2=h -2:4 .Be strong and o#rageo#s& do not be a$raid nor dismayed be$ore the 'ing o$ +ssyria% nor be$ore all
the m#ltit#de that (is) with him& $or (there are) more with #s than with him"
2=h -2:8 .>ith him (is) an arm o$ $lesh& b#t with #s (is) the /8:2 o#r God% to hel* #s and to $ight o#r battles".
+nd the *eo*le were strengthened by the words o$ HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah"
2=h -2:9 +$ter this ,ennaherib 'ing o$ +ssyria sent his ser!ants to Jer#salem Ib#t he and all the $ores with
him (laid siege) against /ahishJ% to HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah% and to all J#dah who (were) in Jer#salem% saying%
2=h -2:15 .Th#s says ,ennaherib 'ing o$ +ssyria: AIn what do yo# tr#st% that yo# remain #nder siege in
2=h -2:11 A2oes not HeHe'iah *ers#ade yo# to gi!e yo#rsel!es o!er to die by $amine and by thirst% saying% .The
/8:2 o#r God will deli!er #s $rom the hand o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria.C
2=h -2:12 AHas not the same HeHe'iah ta'en away His high *laes and His altars% and ommanded J#dah and
Jer#salem% saying% .Bo# shall worshi* be$ore one altar and b#rn inense on it.C
2=h -2:1- A2o yo# not 'now what I and my $athers ha!e done to all the *eo*les o$ (other) landsC >ere the gods
o$ the nations o$ those lands in any way able to deli!er their lands o#t o$ my handC
2=h -2:10 A>ho (was there) among all the gods o$ those nations that my $athers #tterly destroyed that o#ld
deli!er his *eo*le $rom my hand% that yo#r God sho#ld be able to deli!er yo# $rom my handC
2=h -2:11 ANow there$ore% do not let HeHe'iah deei!e yo# or *ers#ade yo# li'e this% and do not belie!e him& $or
no god o$ any nation or 'ingdom was able to deli!er his *eo*le $rom my hand or the hand o$ my $athers" How
m#h less will yo#r God deli!er yo# $rom my handCA .
2=h -2:13 ;#rthermore% his ser!ants s*o'e against the /8:2 God and against His ser!ant HeHe'iah"
2=h -2:14 He also wrote letters to re!ile the /8:2 God o$ Israel% and to s*ea' against Him% saying% .+s the
gods o$ the nations o$ (other) lands ha!e not deli!ered their *eo*le $rom my hand% so the God o$ HeHe'iah will
not deli!er His *eo*le $rom my hand".
2=h -2:18 Then they alled o#t with a lo#d !oie in Hebrew to the *eo*le o$ Jer#salem who (were) on the wall%
to $righten them and tro#ble them% that they might ta'e the ity"
2=h -2:19 +nd they s*o'e against the God o$ Jer#salem% as against the gods o$ the *eo*le o$ the earth DD the
wor' o$ menAs hands"
2=h -2:25 Now bea#se o$ this King HeHe'iah and the *ro*het Isaiah% the son o$ +moH% *rayed and ried o#t to
2=h -2:21 Then the /8:2 sent an angel who #t down e!ery mighty man o$ !alor% leader% and a*tain in the
am* o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria" ,o he ret#rned shame$aed to his own land" +nd when he had gone into the tem*le
o$ his god% some o$ his own o$$s*ring str#' him down with the sword there"
2=h -2:22 Th#s the /8:2 sa!ed HeHe'iah and the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem $rom the hand o$ ,ennaherib the
'ing o$ +ssyria% and $rom the hand o$ all (others%) and g#ided them on e!ery side"
2=h -2:2- +nd many bro#ght gi$ts to the /8:2 at Jer#salem% and *resents to HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah% so that
he was e9alted in the sight o$ all nations therea$ter"
2=h -2:20 In those days HeHe'iah was si' and near death% and he *rayed to the /8:2& and He s*o'e to him
and ga!e him a sign"
2=h -2:21 B#t HeHe'iah did not re*ay aording to the $a!or (shown) him% $or his heart was li$ted #*& there$ore
wrath was looming o!er him and o!er J#dah and Jer#salem"
2=h -2:23 Then HeHe'iah h#mbled himsel$ $or the *ride o$ his heart% he and the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem% so
that the wrath o$ the /8:2 did not ome #*on them in the days o$ HeHe'iah"
2=h -2:24 HeHe'iah had !ery great rihes and honor" +nd he made himsel$ treas#ries $or sil!er% $or gold% $or
*reio#s stones% $or s*ies% $or shields% and $or all 'inds o$ desirable items&
2=h -2:28 storeho#ses $or the har!est o$ grain% wine% and oil& and stalls $or all 'inds o$ li!esto'% and $olds $or
2=h -2:29 ?oreo!er he *ro!ided ities $or himsel$% and *ossessions o$ $lo's and herds in ab#ndane& $or God
had gi!en him !ery m#h *ro*erty"
2=h -2:-5 This same HeHe'iah also sto**ed the water o#tlet o$ 7**er Gihon% and bro#ght the water by t#nnel
to the west side o$ the =ity o$ 2a!id" HeHe'iah *ros*ered in all his wor's"
2=h -2:-1 Howe!er% (regarding) the ambassadors o$ the *rines o$ Babylon% whom they sent to him to inE#ire
abo#t the wonder that was (done) in the land% God withdrew $rom him% in order to test him% that He might 'now all
(that was) in his heart"
2=h -2:-2 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ HeHe'iah% and his goodness% indeed they (are) written in the !ision o$
Isaiah the *ro*het% the son o$ +moH% (and) in the boo' o$ the 'ings o$ J#dah and Israel"
2=h -2:-- ,o HeHe'iah rested with his $athers% and they b#ried him in the #**er tombs o$ the sons o$ 2a!id&
and all J#dah and the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem honored him at his death" Then ?anasseh his son reigned in his
2=h --:1 ?anasseh (was) twel!e years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned $i$tyD$i!e years in Jer#salem"
2=h --:2 B#t he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to the abominations o$ the nations whom the /8:2
had ast o#t be$ore the hildren o$ Israel"
2=h --:- ;or he reb#ilt the high *laes whih HeHe'iah his $ather had bro'en down& he raised #* altars $or the
Baals% and made wooden images& and he worshi*ed all the host o$ hea!en and ser!ed them"
2=h --:0 He also b#ilt altars in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% o$ whih the /8:2 had said% .In Jer#salem shall ?y
name be $ore!er".
2=h --:1 +nd he b#ilt altars $or all the host o$ hea!en in the two o#rts o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2=h --:3 +lso he a#sed his sons to *ass thro#gh the $ire in the Valley o$ the ,on o$ Hinnom& he *ratied
soothsaying% #sed withra$t and sorery% and ons#lted medi#ms and s*iritists" He did m#h e!il in the sight o$
the /8:2% to *ro!o'e Him to anger"
2=h --:4 He e!en set a ar!ed image% the idol whih he had made% in the ho#se o$ God% o$ whih God had said
to 2a!id and to ,olomon his son% .In this ho#se and in Jer#salem% whih I ha!e hosen o#t o$ all the tribes o$
Israel% I will *#t ?y name $ore!er&
2=h --:8 .and I will not again remo!e the $oot o$ Israel $rom the land whih I ha!e a**ointed $or yo#r $athers DD
only i$ they are are$#l to do all that I ha!e ommanded them% aording to the whole law and the stat#tes and
the ordinanes by the hand o$ ?oses".
2=h --:9 ,o ?anasseh sed#ed J#dah and the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem to do more e!il than the nations whom
the /8:2 had destroyed be$ore the hildren o$ Israel"
2=h --:15 +nd the /8:2 s*o'e to ?anasseh and his *eo*le% b#t they wo#ld not listen"
2=h --:11 There$ore the /8:2 bro#ght #*on them the a*tains o$ the army o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria% who too'
?anasseh with hoo's% bo#nd him with bronHe ($etters%) and arried him o$$ to Babylon"
2=h --:12 Now when he was in a$$lition% he im*lored the /8:2 his God% and h#mbled himsel$ greatly be$ore
the God o$ his $athers%
2=h --:1- and *rayed to Him& and He reei!ed his entreaty% heard his s#**liation% and bro#ght him ba' to
Jer#salem into his 'ingdom" Then ?anasseh 'new that the /8:2 (was) God"
2=h --:10 +$ter this he b#ilt a wall o#tside the =ity o$ 2a!id on the west side o$ Gihon% in the !alley% as $ar as
the entrane o$ the ;ish Gate& and (it) enlosed 8*hel% and he raised it to a !ery great height" Then he *#t
military a*tains in all the $orti$ied ities o$ J#dah"
2=h --:11 He too' away the $oreign gods and the idol $rom the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and all the altars that he
had b#ilt in the mo#nt o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and in Jer#salem& and he ast (them) o#t o$ the ity"
2=h --:13 He also re*aired the altar o$ the /8:2% sari$ied *eae o$$erings and than' o$$erings on it% and
ommanded J#dah to ser!e the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
2=h --:14 Ne!ertheless the *eo*le still sari$ied on the high *laes% (b#t) only to the /8:2 their God"
2=h --:18 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ ?anasseh% his *rayer to his God% and the words o$ the seers who s*o'e
to him in the name o$ the /8:2 God o$ Israel% indeed they (are written) in the boo' o$ the 'ings o$ Israel"
2=h --:19 +lso his *rayer and (how God) reei!ed his entreaty% and all his sin and tres*ass% and the sites
where he b#ilt high *laes and set #* wooden images and ar!ed images% be$ore he was h#mbled% indeed they
(are) written among the sayings o$ HoHai"
2=h --:25 ,o ?anasseh rested with his $athers% and they b#ried him in his own ho#se" Then his son +mon
reigned in his *lae"
2=h --:21 +mon (was) twentyDtwo years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned two years in Jer#salem"
2=h --:22 B#t he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% as his $ather ?anasseh had done& $or +mon sari$ied to all
the ar!ed images whih his $ather ?anasseh had made% and ser!ed them"
2=h --:2- +nd he did not h#mble himsel$ be$ore the /8:2% as his $ather ?anasseh had h#mbled himsel$& b#t
+mon tres*assed more and more"
2=h --:20 Then his ser!ants ons*ired against him% and 'illed him in his own ho#se"
2=h --:21 B#t the *eo*le o$ the land e9e#ted all those who had ons*ired against King +mon" Then the
*eo*le o$ the land made his son Josiah 'ing in his *lae"
2=h -0:1 Josiah (was) eight years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned thirtyDone years in Jer#salem"
2=h -0:2 +nd he did (what was) right in the sight o$ the /8:2% and wal'ed in the ways o$ his $ather 2a!id& (he)
did (not) t#rn aside to the right hand or to the le$t"
2=h -0:- ;or in the eighth year o$ his reign% while he was still yo#ng% he began to see' the God o$ his $ather
2a!id& and in the twel$th year he began to *#rge J#dah and Jer#salem o$ the high *laes% the wooden images%
the ar!ed images% and the molded images"
2=h -0:0 They bro'e down the altars o$ the Baals in his *resene% and the inense altars whih (were) abo!e
them he #t down& and the wooden images% the ar!ed images% and the molded images he bro'e in *iees% and
made d#st o$ them and sattered (it) on the gra!es o$ those who had sari$ied to them"
2=h -0:1 He also b#rned the bones o$ the *riests on their altars% and leansed J#dah and Jer#salem"
2=h -0:3 +nd (so he did) in the ities o$ ?anasseh% 6*hraim% and ,imeon% as $ar as Na*htali and all aro#nd%
with a9es"
2=h -0:4 >hen he had bro'en down the altars and the wooden images% had beaten the ar!ed images into
*owder% and #t down all the inense altars thro#gho#t all the land o$ Israel% he ret#rned to Jer#salem"
2=h -0:8 In the eighteenth year o$ his reign% when he had *#rged the land and the tem*le% he sent ,ha*han the
son o$ +Haliah% ?aaseiah the go!ernor o$ the ity% and Joah the son o$ JoahaH the reorder% to re*air the ho#se
o$ the /8:2 his God"
2=h -0:9 >hen they ame to Hil'iah the high *riest% they deli!ered the money that was bro#ght into the ho#se
o$ God% whih the /e!ites who 'e*t the doors had gathered $rom the hand o$ ?anasseh and 6*hraim% $rom all
the remnant o$ Israel% $rom all J#dah and Ben@amin% and (whih) they had bro#ght ba' to Jer#salem"
2=h -0:15 Then they *#t (it) in the hand o$ the $oremen who had the o!ersight o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2& and
they ga!e it to the wor'men who wor'ed in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% to re*air and restore the ho#se"
2=h -0:11 They ga!e (it) to the ra$tsmen and b#ilders to b#y hewn stone and timber $or beams% and to $loor the
ho#ses whih the 'ings o$ J#dah had destroyed"
2=h -0:12 +nd the men did the wor' $aith$#lly" Their o!erseers (were) Jahath and 8badiah the /e!ites% o$ the
sons o$ ?erari% and Gehariah and ?esh#llam% o$ the sons o$ the Kohathites% to s#*er!ise" (8thers o$) the
/e!ites% all o$ whom were s'ill$#l with instr#ments o$ m#si%
2=h -0:1- (were) o!er the b#rden bearers and (were) o!erseers o$ all who did wor' in any 'ind o$ ser!ie" +nd
(some) o$ the /e!ites (were) sribes% o$$iers% and gate'ee*ers"
2=h -0:10 Now when they bro#ght o#t the money that was bro#ght into the ho#se o$ the /8:2% Hil'iah the
*riest $o#nd the Boo' o$ the /aw o$ the /8:2 (gi!en) by ?oses"
2=h -0:11 Then Hil'iah answered and said to ,ha*han the sribe% .I ha!e $o#nd the Boo' o$ the /aw in the
ho#se o$ the /8:2". +nd Hil'iah ga!e the boo' to ,ha*han"
2=h -0:13 ,o ,ha*han arried the boo' to the 'ing% bringing the 'ing word% saying% .+ll that was ommitted to
yo#r ser!ants they are doing"
2=h -0:14 .+nd they ha!e gathered the money that was $o#nd in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and ha!e deli!ered it
into the hand o$ the o!erseers and the wor'men".
2=h -0:18 Then ,ha*han the sribe told the 'ing% saying% .Hil'iah the *riest has gi!en me a boo'". +nd
,ha*han read it be$ore the 'ing"
2=h -0:19 Th#s it ha**ened% when the 'ing heard the words o$ the /aw% that he tore his lothes"
2=h -0:25 Then the 'ing ommanded Hil'iah% +hi'am the son o$ ,ha*han% +bdon the son o$ ?iah% ,ha*han
the sribe% and +saiah a ser!ant o$ the 'ing% saying%
2=h -0:21 .Go% inE#ire o$ the /8:2 $or me% and $or those who are le$t in Israel and J#dah% onerning the
words o$ the boo' that is $o#nd& $or great (is) the wrath o$ the /8:2 that is *o#red o#t on #s% bea#se o#r $athers
ha!e not 'e*t the word o$ the /8:2% to do aording to all that is written in this boo'".
2=h -0:22 ,o Hil'iah and those the 'ing (had a**ointed) went to H#ldah the *ro*hetess% the wi$e o$ ,hall#m the
son o$ To'hath% the son o$ Hasrah% 'ee*er o$ the wardrobe" I,he dwelt in Jer#salem in the ,eond K#arter"J +nd
they s*o'e to her to that (e$$et")
2=h -0:2- Then she answered them% .Th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel% ATell the man who sent yo# to ?e%
2=h -0:20 .Th#s says the /8:2: ABehold% I will bring alamity on this *lae and on its inhabitants% all the #rses
that are written in the boo' whih they ha!e read be$ore the 'ing o$ J#dah%
2=h -0:21 Abea#se they ha!e $orsa'en ?e and b#rned inense to other gods% that they might *ro!o'e ?e to
anger with all the wor's o$ their hands" There$ore ?y wrath will be *o#red o#t on this *lae% and not be
E#enhed"A . A
2=h -0:23 .B#t as $or the 'ing o$ J#dah% who sent yo# to inE#ire o$ the /8:2% in this manner yo# shall s*ea' to
him% ATh#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: .(=onerning) the words whih yo# ha!e heard DD
2=h -0:24 .bea#se yo#r heart was tender% and yo# h#mbled yo#rsel$ be$ore God when yo# heard His words
against this *lae and against its inhabitants% and yo# h#mbled yo#rsel$ be$ore ?e% and yo# tore yo#r lothes
and we*t be$ore ?e% I also ha!e heard (yo#%.) says the /8:2"
2=h -0:28 .,#rely I will gather yo# to yo#r $athers% and yo# shall be gathered to yo#r gra!e in *eae& and yo#r
eyes shall not see all the alamity whih I will bring on this *lae and its inhabitants". A . ,o they bro#ght ba'
word to the 'ing"
2=h -0:29 Then the 'ing sent and gathered all the elders o$ J#dah and Jer#salem"
2=h -0:-5 The 'ing went #* to the ho#se o$ the /8:2% with all the men o$ J#dah and the inhabitants o$
Jer#salem DD the *riests and the /e!ites% and all the *eo*le% great and small" +nd he read in their hearing all the
words o$ the Boo' o$ the =o!enant whih had been $o#nd in the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2=h -0:-1 Then the 'ing stood in his *lae and made a o!enant be$ore the /8:2% to $ollow the /8:2% and to
'ee* His ommandments and His testimonies and His stat#tes with all his heart and all his so#l% to *er$orm the
words o$ the o!enant that were written in this boo'"
2=h -0:-2 +nd he made all who were *resent in Jer#salem and Ben@amin ta'e a stand" ,o the inhabitants o$
Jer#salem did aording to the o!enant o$ God% the God o$ their $athers"
2=h -0:-- Th#s Josiah remo!ed all the abominations $rom all the o#ntry that (belonged) to the hildren o$
Israel% and made all who were *resent in Israel diligently ser!e the /8:2 their God" +ll his days they did not
de*art $rom $ollowing the /8:2 God o$ their $athers"
2=h -1:1 Now Josiah 'e*t a <asso!er to the /8:2 in Jer#salem% and they sla#ghtered the <asso!er (lambs)
on the $o#rteenth (day) o$ the $irst month"
2=h -1:2 +nd he set the *riests in their d#ties and eno#raged them $or the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
2=h -1:- Then he said to the /e!ites who ta#ght all Israel% who were holy to the /8:2: .<#t the holy ar' in the
ho#se whih ,olomon the son o$ 2a!id% 'ing o$ Israel% b#ilt" (It shall) no longer (be) a b#rden on (yo#r) sho#lders"
Now ser!e the /8:2 yo#r God and His *eo*le Israel"
2=h -1:0 .<re*are (yo#rsel!es) aording to yo#r $athersA ho#ses% aording to yo#r di!isions% $ollowing the
written instr#tion o$ 2a!id 'ing o$ Israel and the written instr#tion o$ ,olomon his son"
2=h -1:1 .+nd stand in the holy (*lae) aording to the di!isions o$ the $athersA ho#ses o$ yo#r brethren the
(lay) *eo*le% and (aording to) the di!ision o$ the $atherAs ho#se o$ the /e!ites"
2=h -1:3 .,o sla#ghter the <asso!er (o$$erings%) onserate yo#rsel!es% and *re*are (them) $or yo#r brethren%
that (they) may do aording to the word o$ the /8:2 by the hand o$ ?oses".
2=h -1:4 Then Josiah ga!e the (lay) *eo*le lambs and yo#ng goats $rom the $lo'% all $or <asso!er (o$$erings)
$or all who were *resent% to the n#mber o$ thirty tho#sand% as well as three tho#sand attle& these (were) $rom the
'ingAs *ossessions"
2=h -1:8 +nd his leaders ga!e willingly to the *eo*le% to the *riests% and to the /e!ites" Hil'iah% Gehariah% and
Jehiel% r#lers o$ the ho#se o$ God% ga!e to the *riests $or the <asso!er (o$$erings) two tho#sand si9 h#ndred
($rom the $lo'%) and three h#ndred attle"
2=h -1:9 +lso =onaniah% his brothers ,hemaiah and Nethanel% and Hashabiah and Jeiel and JoHabad% hie$ o$
the /e!ites% ga!e to the /e!ites $or <asso!er (o$$erings) $i!e tho#sand ($rom the $lo') and $i!e h#ndred attle"
2=h -1:15 ,o the ser!ie was *re*ared% and the *riests stood in their *laes% and the /e!ites in their di!isions%
aording to the 'ingAs ommand"
2=h -1:11 +nd they sla#ghtered the <asso!er (o$$erings&) and the *riests s*rin'led (the blood) with their hands%
while the /e!ites s'inned (the animals")
2=h -1:12 Then they remo!ed the b#rnt o$$erings that (they) might gi!e them to the di!isions o$ the $athersA
ho#ses o$ the (lay) *eo*le% to o$$er to the /8:2% as (it is) written in the Boo' o$ ?oses" +nd so (they did) with the
2=h -1:1- +lso they roasted the <asso!er (o$$erings) with $ire aording to the ordinane& b#t the (other) holy
(o$$erings) they boiled in *ots% in aldrons% and in *ans% and di!ided (them) E#i'ly among all the (lay) *eo*le"
2=h -1:10 Then a$terward they *re*ared *ortions $or themsel!es and $or the *riests% bea#se the *riests% the
sons o$ +aron% (were b#sy) in o$$ering b#rnt o$$erings and $at #ntil night& there$ore the /e!ites *re*ared *ortions
$or themsel!es and $or the *riests% the sons o$ +aron"
2=h -1:11 +nd the singers% the sons o$ +sa*h% (were) in their *laes% aording to the ommand o$ 2a!id%
+sa*h% Heman% and Jed#th#n the 'ingAs seer" +lso the gate'ee*ers were at eah gate& they did not ha!e to
lea!e their *osition% bea#se their brethren the /e!ites *re*ared *ortions $or them"
2=h -1:13 ,o all the ser!ie o$ the /8:2 was *re*ared the same day% to 'ee* the <asso!er and to o$$er b#rnt
o$$erings on the altar o$ the /8:2% aording to the ommand o$ King Josiah"
2=h -1:14 +nd the hildren o$ Israel who were *resent 'e*t the <asso!er at that time% and the ;east o$
7nlea!ened Bread $or se!en days"
2=h -1:18 There had been no <asso!er 'e*t in Israel li'e that sine the days o$ ,am#el the *ro*het& and none
o$ the 'ings o$ Israel had 'e*t s#h a <asso!er as Josiah 'e*t% with the *riests and the /e!ites% all J#dah and
Israel who were *resent% and the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem"
2=h -1:19 In the eighteenth year o$ the reign o$ Josiah this <asso!er was 'e*t"
2=h -1:25 +$ter all this% when Josiah had *re*ared the tem*le% Neho 'ing o$ 6gy*t ame #* to $ight against
=arhemish by the 6#*hrates& and Josiah went o#t against him"
2=h -1:21 B#t he sent messengers to him% saying% .>hat ha!e I to do with yo#% 'ing o$ J#dahC (I ha!e) not
(ome) against yo# this day% b#t against the ho#se with whih I ha!e war& $or God ommanded me to ma'e
haste" :e$rain ($rom meddling with) God% who (is) with me% lest He destroy yo#".
2=h -1:22 Ne!ertheless Josiah wo#ld not t#rn his $ae $rom him% b#t disg#ised himsel$ so that he might $ight
with him% and did not heed the words o$ Neho $rom the mo#th o$ God" ,o he ame to $ight in the Valley o$
2=h -1:2- +nd the arhers shot King Josiah& and the 'ing said to his ser!ants% .Ta'e me away% $or I am
se!erely wo#nded".
2=h -1:20 His ser!ants there$ore too' him o#t o$ that hariot and *#t him in the seond hariot that he had% and
they bro#ght him to Jer#salem" ,o he died% and was b#ried in (one o$) the tombs o$ his $athers" +nd all J#dah
and Jer#salem mo#rned $or Josiah"
2=h -1:21 Jeremiah also lamented $or Josiah" +nd to this day all the singing men and the singing women s*ea'
o$ Josiah in their lamentations" They made it a #stom in Israel& and indeed they (are) written in the /aments"
2=h -1:23 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Josiah and his goodness% aording to (what was) written in the /aw o$
the /8:2%
2=h -1:24 and his deeds $rom $irst to last% indeed they (are) written in the boo' o$ the 'ings o$ Israel and J#dah"
2=h -3:1 Then the *eo*le o$ the land too' JehoahaH the son o$ Josiah% and made him 'ing in his $atherAs *lae
in Jer#salem"
2=h -3:2 JehoahaH (was) twentyDthree years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned three months in
2=h -3:- Now the 'ing o$ 6gy*t de*osed him at Jer#salem& and he im*osed on the land a trib#te o$ one
h#ndred talents o$ sil!er and a talent o$ gold"
2=h -3:0 Then the 'ing o$ 6gy*t made (JehoahaHAs) brother 6lia'im 'ing o!er J#dah and Jer#salem% and
hanged his name to Jehoia'im" +nd Neho too' JehoahaH his brother and arried him o$$ to 6gy*t"
2=h -3:1 Jehoia'im (was) twentyD$i!e years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned ele!en years in
Jer#salem" +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2 his God"
2=h -3:3 Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon ame #* against him% and bo#nd him in bronHe ($etters) to arry him
o$$ to Babylon"
2=h -3:4 Neb#hadneHHar also arried o$$ (some) o$ the artiles $rom the ho#se o$ the /8:2 to Babylon% and
*#t them in his tem*le at Babylon"
2=h -3:8 Now the rest o$ the ats o$ Jehoia'im% the abominations whih he did% and what was $o#nd against
him% indeed they (are) written in the boo' o$ the 'ings o$ Israel and J#dah" Then Jehoiahin his son reigned in his
2=h -3:9 Jehoiahin (was) eight years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned in Jer#salem three months
and ten days" +nd he did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2"
2=h -3:15 +t the t#rn o$ the year King Neb#hadneHHar s#mmoned (him) and too' him to Babylon% with the
ostly artiles $rom the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and made Gede'iah% (Jehoia'imAs) brother% 'ing o!er J#dah and
2=h -3:11 Gede'iah (was) twentyDone years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned ele!en years in
2=h -3:12 He did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2 his God% (and) did not h#mble himsel$ be$ore Jeremiah the
*ro*het% (who s*o'e) $rom the mo#th o$ the /8:2"
2=h -3:1- +nd he also rebelled against King Neb#hadneHHar% who had made him swear (an oath) by God& b#t
he sti$$ened his ne' and hardened his heart against t#rning to the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
2=h -3:10 ?oreo!er all the leaders o$ the *riests and the *eo*le transgressed more and more% (aording) to all
the abominations o$ the nations% and de$iled the ho#se o$ the /8:2 whih He had onserated in Jer#salem"
2=h -3:11 +nd the /8:2 God o$ their $athers sent (warnings) to them by His messengers% rising #* early and
sending (them%) bea#se He had om*assion on His *eo*le and on His dwelling *lae"
2=h -3:13 B#t they mo'ed the messengers o$ God% des*ised His words% and so$$ed at His *ro*hets% #ntil the
wrath o$ the /8:2 arose against His *eo*le% till (there was) no remedy"
2=h -3:14 There$ore He bro#ght against them the 'ing o$ the =haldeans% who 'illed their yo#ng men with the
sword in the ho#se o$ their sant#ary% and had no om*assion on yo#ng man or !irgin% on the aged or the wea'&
He ga!e (them) all into his hand"
2=h -3:18 +nd all the artiles $rom the ho#se o$ God% great and small% the treas#res o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2%
and the treas#res o$ the 'ing and o$ his leaders% all (these) he too' to Babylon"
2=h -3:19 Then they b#rned the ho#se o$ God% bro'e down the wall o$ Jer#salem% b#rned all its *alaes with
$ire% and destroyed all its *reio#s *ossessions"
2=h -3:25 +nd those who esa*ed $rom the sword he arried away to Babylon% where they beame ser!ants to
him and his sons #ntil the r#le o$ the 'ingdom o$ <ersia%
2=h -3:21 to $#l$ill the word o$ the /8:2 by the mo#th o$ Jeremiah% #ntil the land had en@oyed her ,abbaths" +s
long as she lay desolate she 'e*t ,abbath% to $#l$ill se!enty years"
2=h -3:22 Now in the $irst year o$ =yr#s 'ing o$ <ersia% that the word o$ the /8:2 by the mo#th o$ Jeremiah
might be $#l$illed% the /8:2 stirred #* the s*irit o$ =yr#s 'ing o$ <ersia% so that he made a *rolamation
thro#gho#t all his 'ingdom% and also (*#t it) in writing% saying%
2=h -3:2- Th#s says =yr#s 'ing o$ <ersia: +ll the 'ingdoms o$ the earth the /8:2 God o$ hea!en has gi!en
me" +nd He has ommanded me to b#ild Him a ho#se at Jer#salem whih is in J#dah" >ho (is) among yo# o$ all
His *eo*leC ?ay the /8:2 his God (be) with him% and let him go #*F
6Hr 1:1 Now in the $irst year o$ =yr#s 'ing o$ <ersia% that the word o$ the /8:2 by the mo#th o$ Jeremiah might
be $#l$illed% the /8:2 stirred #* the s*irit o$ =yr#s 'ing o$ <ersia% so that he made a *rolamation thro#gho#t all
his 'ingdom% and also (*#t it) in writing% saying%
6Hr 1:2 Th#s says =yr#s 'ing o$ <ersia: +ll the 'ingdoms o$ the earth the /8:2 God o$ hea!en has gi!en me"
+nd He has ommanded me to b#ild Him a ho#se at Jer#salem whih (is) in J#dah"
6Hr 1:- >ho (is) among yo# o$ all His *eo*leC ?ay his God be with him% and let him go #* to Jer#salem whih
(is) in J#dah% and b#ild the ho#se o$ the /8:2 God o$ Israel IHe (is) GodJ% whih (is) in Jer#salem"
6Hr 1:0 +nd whoe!er is le$t in any *lae where he dwells% let the men o$ his *lae hel* him with sil!er and gold%
with goods and li!esto'% besides the $reewill o$$erings $or the ho#se o$ God whih (is) in Jer#salem"
6Hr 1:1 Then the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ J#dah and Ben@amin% and the *riests and the /e!ites% with all
whose s*irits God had mo!ed% arose to go #* and b#ild the ho#se o$ the /8:2 whih (is) in Jer#salem"
6Hr 1:3 +nd all those who (were) aro#nd them eno#raged them with artiles o$ sil!er and gold% with goods and
li!esto'% and with *reio#s things% besides all (that) was willingly o$$ered"
6Hr 1:4 King =yr#s also bro#ght o#t the artiles o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2% whih Neb#hadneHHar had ta'en
$rom Jer#salem and *#t in the tem*le o$ his gods&
6Hr 1:8 and =yr#s 'ing o$ <ersia bro#ght them o#t by the hand o$ ?ithredath the treas#rer% and o#nted them
o#t to ,heshbaHHar the *rine o$ J#dah"
6Hr 1:9 This (is) the n#mber o$ them: thirty gold *latters% one tho#sand sil!er *latters% twentyDnine 'ni!es%
6Hr 1:15 thirty gold basins% $o#r h#ndred and ten sil!er basins o$ a similar ('ind% and) one tho#sand other
6Hr 1:11 +ll the artiles o$ gold and sil!er (were) $i!e tho#sand $o#r h#ndred" +ll (these) ,heshbaHHar too' with
the a*ti!es who were bro#ght $rom Babylon to Jer#salem"
6Hr 2:1 Now these (are) the *eo*le o$ the *ro!ine who ame ba' $rom the a*ti!ity% o$ those who had been
arried away% whom Neb#hadneHHar the 'ing o$ Babylon had arried away to Babylon% and who ret#rned to
Jer#salem and J#dah% e!eryone to his (own) ity"
6Hr 2:2 (Those) who ame with Ger#bbabel (were) Jesh#a% Nehemiah% ,eraiah% :eelaiah% ?ordeai% Bilshan%
?is*ar% Big!ai% :eh#m% (and) Baanah" The n#mber o$ the men o$ the *eo*le o$ Israel:
6Hr 2:- the *eo*le o$ <arosh% two tho#sand one h#ndred and se!entyDtwo&
6Hr 2:0 the *eo*le o$ ,he*hatiah% three h#ndred and se!entyDtwo&
6Hr 2:1 the *eo*le o$ +rah% se!en h#ndred and se!entyD$i!e&
6Hr 2:3 the *eo*le o$ <ahathD?oab% o$ the *eo*le o$ Jesh#a (and) Joab% two tho#sand eight h#ndred and
6Hr 2:4 the *eo*le o$ 6lam% one tho#sand two h#ndred and $i$tyD$o#r&
6Hr 2:8 the *eo*le o$ Gatt#% nine h#ndred and $ortyD$i!e&
6Hr 2:9 the *eo*le o$ Gaai% se!en h#ndred and si9ty&
6Hr 2:15 the *eo*le o$ Bani% si9 h#ndred and $ortyDtwo&
6Hr 2:11 the *eo*le o$ Bebai% si9 h#ndred and twentyDthree&
6Hr 2:12 the *eo*le o$ +Hgad% one tho#sand two h#ndred and twentyDtwo&
6Hr 2:1- the *eo*le o$ +doni'am% si9 h#ndred and si9tyDsi9&
6Hr 2:10 the *eo*le o$ Big!ai% two tho#sand and $i$tyDsi9&
6Hr 2:11 the *eo*le o$ +din% $o#r h#ndred and $i$tyD$o#r&
6Hr 2:13 the *eo*le o$ +ter o$ HeHe'iah% ninetyDeight&
6Hr 2:14 the *eo*le o$ BeHai% three h#ndred and twentyDthree&
6Hr 2:18 the *eo*le o$ Jorah% one h#ndred and twel!e&
6Hr 2:19 the *eo*le o$ Hash#m% two h#ndred and twentyDthree&
6Hr 2:25 the *eo*le o$ Gibbar% ninetyD$i!e&
6Hr 2:21 the *eo*le o$ Bethlehem% one h#ndred and twentyDthree&
6Hr 2:22 the men o$ Neto*hah% $i$tyDsi9&
6Hr 2:2- the men o$ +nathoth% one h#ndred and twentyDeight&
6Hr 2:20 the *eo*le o$ +Hma!eth% $ortyDtwo&
6Hr 2:21 the *eo*le o$ Kir@ath +rim% =he*hirah% and Beeroth% se!en h#ndred and $ortyDthree&
6Hr 2:23 the *eo*le o$ :amah and Geba% si9 h#ndred and twentyDone&
6Hr 2:24 the men o$ ?ihmas% one h#ndred and twentyDtwo&
6Hr 2:28 the men o$ Bethel and +i% two h#ndred and twentyDthree&
6Hr 2:29 the *eo*le o$ Nebo% $i$tyDtwo&
6Hr 2:-5 the *eo*le o$ ?agbish% one h#ndred and $i$tyDsi9&
6Hr 2:-1 the *eo*le o$ the other 6lam% one tho#sand two h#ndred and $i$tyD$o#r&
6Hr 2:-2 the *eo*le o$ Harim% three h#ndred and twenty&
6Hr 2:-- the *eo*le o$ /od% Hadid% and 8no% se!en h#ndred and twentyD$i!e&
6Hr 2:-0 the *eo*le o$ Jeriho% three h#ndred and $ortyD$i!e&
6Hr 2:-1 the *eo*le o$ ,enaah% three tho#sand si9 h#ndred and thirty"
6Hr 2:-3 The *riests: the sons o$ Jedaiah% o$ the ho#se o$ Jesh#a% nine h#ndred and se!entyDthree&
6Hr 2:-4 the sons o$ Immer% one tho#sand and $i$tyDtwo&
6Hr 2:-8 the sons o$ <ashh#r% one tho#sand two h#ndred and $ortyDse!en&
6Hr 2:-9 the sons o$ Harim% one tho#sand and se!enteen"
6Hr 2:05 The /e!ites: the sons o$ Jesh#a and Kadmiel% o$ the sons o$ Hoda!iah% se!entyD$o#r"
6Hr 2:01 The singers: the sons o$ +sa*h% one h#ndred and twentyDeight"
6Hr 2:02 The sons o$ the gate'ee*ers: the sons o$ ,hall#m% the sons o$ +ter% the sons o$ Talmon% the sons o$
+''#b% the sons o$ Hatita% and the sons o$ ,hobai% one h#ndred and thirtyDnine (in) all"
6Hr 2:0- The Nethinim: the sons o$ Giha% the sons o$ Has#*ha% the sons o$ Tabbaoth%
6Hr 2:00 the sons o$ Keros% the sons o$ ,iaha% the sons o$ <adon%
6Hr 2:01 the sons o$ /ebanah% the sons o$ Hagabah% the sons o$ +''#b%
6Hr 2:03 the sons o$ Hagab% the sons o$ ,halmai% the sons o$ Hanan%
6Hr 2:04 the sons o$ Giddel% the sons o$ Gahar% the sons o$ :eaiah%
6Hr 2:08 the sons o$ :eHin% the sons o$ Ne'oda% the sons o$ GaHHam%
6Hr 2:09 the sons o$ 7HHa% the sons o$ <aseah% the sons o$ Besai%
6Hr 2:15 the sons o$ +snah% the sons o$ ?e#nim% the sons o$ Ne*h#sim%
6Hr 2:11 the sons o$ Ba'b#'% the sons o$ Ha'#*ha% the sons o$ Harh#r%
6Hr 2:12 the sons o$ BaHl#th% the sons o$ ?ehida% the sons o$ Harsha%
6Hr 2:1- the sons o$ Bar'os% the sons o$ ,isera% the sons o$ Tamah%
6Hr 2:10 the sons o$ NeHiah% and the sons o$ Hati*ha"
6Hr 2:11 The sons o$ ,olomonAs ser!ants: the sons o$ ,otai% the sons o$ ,o*hereth% the sons o$ <er#da%
6Hr 2:13 the sons o$ Jaala% the sons o$ 2ar'on% the sons o$ Giddel%
6Hr 2:14 the sons o$ ,he*hatiah% the sons o$ Hattil% the sons o$ <ohereth o$ Gebaim% and the sons o$ +mi"
6Hr 2:18 +ll the Nethinim and the hildren o$ ,olomonAs ser!ants were three h#ndred and ninetyDtwo"
6Hr 2:19 +nd these (were) the ones who ame #* $rom Tel ?elah% Tel Harsha% =her#b% +ddan% and Immer& b#t
they o#ld not identi$y their $atherAs ho#se or their genealogy% whether they (were) o$ Israel:
6Hr 2:35 the sons o$ 2elaiah% the sons o$ Tobiah% and the sons o$ Ne'oda% si9 h#ndred and $i$tyDtwo&
6Hr 2:31 and o$ the sons o$ the *riests: the sons o$ Habaiah% the sons o$ KoH% and the sons o$ BarHillai% who too'
a wi$e o$ the da#ghters o$ BarHillai the Gileadite% and was alled by their name"
6Hr 2:32 These so#ght their listing (among) those who were registered by genealogy% b#t they were not $o#nd&
there$ore they (were e9l#ded) $rom the *riesthood as de$iled"
6Hr 2:3- +nd the go!ernor said to them that they sho#ld not eat o$ the most holy things till a *riest o#ld ons#lt
with the 7rim and Th#mmim"
6Hr 2:30 The whole assembly together (was) $ortyDtwo tho#sand three h#ndred (and) si9ty%
6Hr 2:31 besides their male and $emale ser!ants% o$ whom (there were) se!en tho#sand three h#ndred and
thirtyDse!en& and they had two h#ndred men and women singers"
6Hr 2:33 Their horses (were) se!en h#ndred and thirtyDsi9% their m#les two h#ndred and $ortyD$i!e%
6Hr 2:34 their amels $o#r h#ndred and thirtyD$i!e% and (their) don'eys si9 tho#sand se!en h#ndred and twenty"
6Hr 2:38 (,ome) o$ the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses%) when they ame to the ho#se o$ the /8:2 whih (is) in
Jer#salem% o$$ered $reely $or the ho#se o$ God% to eret it in its *lae:
6Hr 2:39 +ording to their ability% they ga!e to the treas#ry $or the wor' si9tyDone tho#sand gold drahmas% $i!e
tho#sand minas o$ sil!er% and one h#ndred *riestly garments"
6Hr 2:45 ,o the *riests and the /e!ites% (some) o$ the *eo*le% the singers% the gate'ee*ers% and the Nethinim%
dwelt in their ities% and all Israel in their ities"
6Hr -:1 +nd when the se!enth month had ome% and the hildren o$ Israel (were) in the ities% the *eo*le
gathered together as one man to Jer#salem"
6Hr -:2 Then Jesh#a the son o$ JoHada' and his brethren the *riests% and Ger#bbabel the son o$ ,healtiel and
his brethren% arose and b#ilt the altar o$ the God o$ Israel% to o$$er b#rnt o$$erings on it% as (it is) written in the /aw
o$ ?oses the man o$ God"
6Hr -:- Tho#gh $ear (had ome) #*on them bea#se o$ the *eo*le o$ those o#ntries% they set the altar on its
bases& and they o$$ered b#rnt o$$erings on it to the /8:2% (both) the morning and e!ening b#rnt o$$erings"
6Hr -:0 They also 'e*t the ;east o$ Tabernales% as (it is) written% and (o$$ered) the daily b#rnt o$$erings in the
n#mber reE#ired by ordinane $or eah day"
6Hr -:1 +$terwards (they o$$ered) the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering% and (those) $or New ?oons and $or all the a**ointed
$easts o$ the /8:2 that were onserated% and (those) o$ e!eryone who willingly o$$ered a $reewill o$$ering to the
6Hr -:3 ;rom the $irst day o$ the se!enth month they began to o$$er b#rnt o$$erings to the /8:2% altho#gh the
$o#ndation o$ the tem*le o$ the /8:2 had not been laid"
6Hr -:4 They also ga!e money to the masons and the ar*enters% and $ood% drin'% and oil to the *eo*le o$ ,idon
and Tyre to bring edar logs $rom /ebanon to the sea% to Jo**a% aording to the *ermission whih they had
$rom =yr#s 'ing o$ <ersia"
6Hr -:8 Now in the seond month o$ the seond year o$ their oming to the ho#se o$ God at Jer#salem%
Ger#bbabel the son o$ ,healtiel% Jesh#a the son o$ JoHada'% and the rest o$ their brethren the *riests and the
/e!ites% and all those who had ome o#t o$ the a*ti!ity to Jer#salem% began (wor') and a**ointed the /e!ites
$rom twenty years old and abo!e to o!ersee the wor' o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
6Hr -:9 Then Jesh#a (with) his sons and brothers% Kadmiel (with) his sons% and the sons o$ J#dah% arose as one
to o!ersee those wor'ing on the ho#se o$ God: the sons o$ Henadad (with) their sons and their brethren the
6Hr -:15 >hen the b#ilders laid the $o#ndation o$ the tem*le o$ the /8:2% the *riests stood in their a**arel with
tr#m*ets% and the /e!ites% the sons o$ +sa*h% with ymbals% to *raise the /8:2% aording to the ordinane o$
2a!id 'ing o$ Israel"
6Hr -:11 +nd they sang res*onsi!ely% *raising and gi!ing than's to the /8:2: .;or (He is) good% ;or His mery
(end#res) $ore!er toward Israel". Then all the *eo*le sho#ted with a great sho#t% when they *raised the /8:2%
bea#se the $o#ndation o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 was laid"
6Hr -:12 B#t many o$ the *riests and /e!ites and heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses%) old men who had seen the $irst
tem*le% we*t with a lo#d !oie when the $o#ndation o$ this tem*le was laid be$ore their eyes" Bet many sho#ted
alo#d $or @oy%
6Hr -:1- so that the *eo*le o#ld not disern the noise o$ the sho#t o$ @oy $rom the noise o$ the wee*ing o$ the
*eo*le% $or the *eo*le sho#ted with a lo#d sho#t% and the so#nd was heard a$ar o$$"
6Hr 0:1 Now when the ad!ersaries o$ J#dah and Ben@amin heard that the desendants o$ the a*ti!ity were
b#ilding the tem*le o$ the /8:2 God o$ Israel%
6Hr 0:2 they ame to Ger#bbabel and the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses%) and said to them% ./et #s b#ild with
yo#% $or we see' yo#r God as yo# (do&) and we ha!e sari$ied to Him sine the days o$ 6sarhaddon 'ing o$
+ssyria% who bro#ght #s here".
6Hr 0:- B#t Ger#bbabel and Jesh#a and the rest o$ the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ Israel said to them%
.Bo# may do nothing with #s to b#ild a ho#se $or o#r God& b#t we alone will b#ild to the /8:2 God o$ Israel% as
King =yr#s the 'ing o$ <ersia has ommanded #s".
6Hr 0:0 Then the *eo*le o$ the land tried to diso#rage the *eo*le o$ J#dah" They tro#bled them in b#ilding%
6Hr 0:1 and hired o#nselors against them to $r#strate their *#r*ose all the days o$ =yr#s 'ing o$ <ersia% e!en
#ntil the reign o$ 2ari#s 'ing o$ <ersia"
6Hr 0:3 In the reign o$ +has#er#s% in the beginning o$ his reign% they wrote an a#sation against the inhabitants
o$ J#dah and Jer#salem"
6Hr 0:4 In the days o$ +rta9er9es also% Bishlam% ?ithredath% Tabel% and the rest o$ their om*anions wrote to
+rta9er9es 'ing o$ <ersia& and the letter (was) written in +ramai sri*t% and translated into the +ramai
6Hr 0:8 :eh#m the ommander and ,himshai the sribe wrote a letter against Jer#salem to King +rta9er9es in
this $ashion:
6Hr 0:9 ;rom :eh#m the ommander% ,himshai the sribe% and the rest o$ their om*anions DD (re*resentati!es)
o$ the 2inaites% the +*harsathhites% the Tar*elites% the *eo*le o$ <ersia and 6reh and Babylon and ,h#shan%
the 2eha!ites% the 6lamites%
6Hr 0:15 and the rest o$ the nations whom the great and noble 8sna**er too' a*ti!e and settled in the ities o$
,amaria and the remainder beyond the :i!er DD and so $orth"
6Hr 0:11 IThis (is) a o*y o$ the letter that they sent himJ To King +rta9er9es $rom yo#r ser!ants% the men (o$ the
region) beyond the :i!er% and so $orth:
6Hr 0:12 /et it be 'nown to the 'ing that the Jews who ame #* $rom yo# ha!e ome to #s at Jer#salem% and
are b#ilding the rebellio#s and e!il ity% and are $inishing (its) walls and re*airing the $o#ndations"
6Hr 0:1- /et it now be 'nown to the 'ing that% i$ this ity is b#ilt and the walls om*leted% they will not *ay ta9%
trib#te% or #stom% and the 'ingAs treas#ry will be diminished"
6Hr 0:10 Now bea#se we reei!e s#**ort $rom the *alae% it was not *ro*er $or #s to see the 'ingAs dishonor&
there$ore we ha!e sent and in$ormed the 'ing%
6Hr 0:11 that searh may be made in the boo' o$ the reords o$ yo#r $athers" +nd yo# will $ind in the boo' o$ the
reords and 'now that this ity (is) a rebellio#s ity% harm$#l to 'ings and *ro!ines% and that they ha!e inited
sedition within the ity in $ormer times% $or whih a#se this ity was destroyed"
6Hr 0:13 >e in$orm the 'ing that i$ this ity is reb#ilt and its walls are om*leted% the res#lt will be that yo# will
ha!e no dominion beyond the :i!er"
6Hr 0:14 The 'ing sent an answer: To :eh#m the ommander% (to) ,himshai the sribe% (to) the rest o$ their
om*anions who dwell in ,amaria% and (to) the remainder beyond the :i!er: <eae% and so $orth"
6Hr 0:18 The letter whih yo# sent to #s has been learly read be$ore me"
6Hr 0:19 +nd I ga!e the ommand% and a searh has been made% and it was $o#nd that this ity in $ormer times
has re!olted against 'ings% and rebellion and sedition ha!e been $ostered in it"
6Hr 0:25 There ha!e also been mighty 'ings o!er Jer#salem% who ha!e r#led o!er all (the region) beyond the
:i!er& and ta9% trib#te% and #stom were *aid to them"
6Hr 0:21 Now gi!e the ommand to ma'e these men ease% that this ity may not be b#ilt #ntil the ommand is
gi!en by me"
6Hr 0:22 Ta'e heed now that yo# do not $ail to do this" >hy sho#ld damage inrease to the h#rt o$ the 'ingsC
6Hr 0:2- Now when the o*y o$ King +rta9er9esA letter (was) read be$ore :eh#m% ,himshai the sribe% and their
om*anions% they went #* in haste to Jer#salem against the Jews% and by $ore o$ arms made them ease"
6Hr 0:20 Th#s the wor' o$ the ho#se o$ God whih (is) at Jer#salem eased% and it was disontin#ed #ntil the
seond year o$ the reign o$ 2ari#s 'ing o$ <ersia"
6Hr 1:1 Then the *ro*het Haggai and Gehariah the son o$ Iddo% *ro*hets% *ro*hesied to the Jews who (were) in
J#dah and Jer#salem% in the name o$ the God o$ Israel% (who was) o!er them"
6Hr 1:2 ,o Ger#bbabel the son o$ ,healtiel and Jesh#a the son o$ JoHada' rose #* and began to b#ild the
ho#se o$ God whih (is) in Jer#salem& and the *ro*hets o$ God (were) with them% hel*ing them"
6Hr 1:- +t the same time Tattenai the go!ernor o$ (the region) beyond the :i!er and ,hetharDBoHnai and their
om*anions ame to them and s*o'e th#s to them: .>ho has ommanded yo# to b#ild this tem*le and $inish
this wallC.
6Hr 1:0 Then% aordingly% we told them the names o$ the men who were onstr#ting this b#ilding"
6Hr 1:1 B#t the eye o$ their God was #*on the elders o$ the Jews% so that they o#ld not ma'e them ease till a
re*ort o#ld go to 2ari#s" Then a written answer was ret#rned onerning this (matter")
6Hr 1:3 This is a o*y o$ the letter that Tattenai sent: The go!ernor o$ (the region) beyond the :i!er% and
,hetharDBoHnai% and his om*anions% the <ersians who (were in the region) beyond the :i!er% to 2ari#s the 'ing"
6Hr 1:4 They sent a letter to him% in whih was written th#s DD To 2ari#s the 'ing: +ll *eae"
6Hr 1:8 /et it be 'nown to the 'ing that we went into the *ro!ine o$ J#dea% to the tem*le o$ the great God%
whih is being b#ilt with hea!y stones% and timber is being laid in the walls& and this wor' goes on diligently and
*ros*ers in their hands"
6Hr 1:9 Then we as'ed those elders% (and) s*o'e th#s to them: .>ho ommanded yo# to b#ild this tem*le and
to $inish these wallsC.
6Hr 1:15 >e also as'ed them their names to in$orm yo#% that we might write the names o$ the men who (were)
hie$ among them"
6Hr 1:11 +nd th#s they ret#rned #s an answer% saying: .>e are the ser!ants o$ the God o$ hea!en and earth%
and we are reb#ilding the tem*le that was b#ilt many years ago% whih a great 'ing o$ Israel b#ilt and om*leted"
6Hr 1:12 .B#t bea#se o#r $athers *ro!o'ed the God o$ hea!en to wrath% He ga!e them into the hand o$
Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon% the =haldean% (who) destroyed this tem*le and arried the *eo*le away to
6Hr 1:1- .Howe!er% in the $irst year o$ =yr#s 'ing o$ Babylon% King =yr#s iss#ed a deree to b#ild this ho#se o$
6Hr 1:10 .+lso% the gold and sil!er artiles o$ the ho#se o$ God% whih Neb#hadneHHar had ta'en $rom the
tem*le that (was) in Jer#salem and arried into the tem*le o$ Babylon DD those King =yr#s too' $rom the tem*le
o$ Babylon% and they were gi!en to one named ,heshbaHHar% whom he had made go!ernor"
6Hr 1:11 .+nd he said to him% ATa'e these artiles& go% arry them to the tem*le (site) that (is) in Jer#salem% and
let the ho#se o$ God be reb#ilt on its $ormer site"A
6Hr 1:13 .Then the same ,heshbaHHar ame (and) laid the $o#ndation o$ the ho#se o$ God whih (is) in
Jer#salem& b#t $rom that time e!en #ntil now it has been #nder onstr#tion% and it is not $inished".
6Hr 1:14 Now there$ore% i$ (it seems) good to the 'ing% let a searh be made in the 'ingAs treas#re ho#se% whih
(is) there in Babylon% whether it is (so) that a deree was iss#ed by King =yr#s to b#ild this ho#se o$ God at
Jer#salem% and let the 'ing send #s his *leas#re onerning this (matter")
6Hr 3:1 Then King 2ari#s iss#ed a deree% and a searh was made in the arhi!es% where the treas#res were
stored in Babylon"
6Hr 3:2 +nd at +hmetha% in the *alae that (is) in the *ro!ine o$ ?edia% a sroll was $o#nd% and in it a reord
(was) written th#s:
6Hr 3:- In the $irst year o$ King =yr#s% King =yr#s iss#ed a deree (onerning) the ho#se o$ God at Jer#salem:
./et the ho#se be reb#ilt% the *lae where they o$$ered sari$ies& and let the $o#ndations o$ it be $irmly laid% its
height si9ty #bits (and) its width si9ty #bits%
6Hr 3:0 (with) three rows o$ hea!y stones and one row o$ new timber" /et the e9*enses be *aid $rom the 'ingAs
6Hr 3:1 +lso let the gold and sil!er artiles o$ the ho#se o$ God% whih Neb#hadneHHar too' $rom the tem*le
whih (is) in Jer#salem and bro#ght to Babylon% be restored and ta'en ba' to the tem*le whih (is) in
Jer#salem% (eah) to its *lae& and de*osit (them) in the ho#se o$ God. DD
6Hr 3:3 Now (there$ore%) Tattenai% go!ernor o$ (the region) beyond the :i!er% and ,hetharDBoHnai% and yo#r
om*anions the <ersians who (are) beyond the :i!er% 'ee* yo#rsel!es $ar $rom there"
6Hr 3:4 /et the wor' o$ this ho#se o$ God alone& let the go!ernor o$ the Jews and the elders o$ the Jews b#ild
this ho#se o$ God on its site"
6Hr 3:8 ?oreo!er I iss#e a deree (as to) what yo# shall do $or the elders o$ these Jews% $or the b#ilding o$ this
ho#se o$ God: /et the ost be *aid at the 'ingAs e9*ense $rom ta9es (on the region) beyond the :i!er& this is to
be gi!en immediately to these men% so that they are not hindered"
6Hr 3:9 +nd whate!er they need DD yo#ng b#lls% rams% and lambs $or the b#rnt o$$erings o$ the God o$ hea!en%
wheat% salt% wine% and oil% aording to the reE#est o$ the *riests who (are) in Jer#salem DD let it be gi!en them
day by day witho#t $ail%
6Hr 3:15 that they may o$$er sari$ies o$ sweet aroma to the God o$ hea!en% and *ray $or the li$e o$ the 'ing and
his sons"
6Hr 3:11 +lso I iss#e a deree that whoe!er alters this edit% let a timber be *#lled $rom his ho#se and ereted%
and let him be hanged on it& and let his ho#se be made a re$#se hea* bea#se o$ this"
6Hr 3:12 +nd may the God who a#ses His name to dwell there destroy any 'ing or *eo*le who *#t their hand
to alter it% or to destroy this ho#se o$ God whih is in Jer#salem" I 2ari#s iss#e a deree& let it be done diligently"
6Hr 3:1- Then Tattenai% go!ernor o$ (the region) beyond the :i!er% ,hetharDBoHnai% and their om*anions
diligently did aording to what King 2ari#s had sent"
6Hr 3:10 ,o the elders o$ the Jews b#ilt% and they *ros*ered thro#gh the *ro*hesying o$ Haggai the *ro*het and
Gehariah the son o$ Iddo" +nd they b#ilt and $inished (it%) aording to the ommandment o$ the God o$ Israel%
and aording to the ommand o$ =yr#s% 2ari#s% and +rta9er9es 'ing o$ <ersia"
6Hr 3:11 Now the tem*le was $inished on the third day o$ the month o$ +dar% whih was in the si9th year o$ the
reign o$ King 2ari#s"
6Hr 3:13 Then the hildren o$ Israel% the *riests and the /e!ites and the rest o$ the desendants o$ the a*ti!ity%
elebrated the dediation o$ this ho#se o$ God with @oy"
6Hr 3:14 +nd they o$$ered sari$ies at the dediation o$ this ho#se o$ God% one h#ndred b#lls% two h#ndred
rams% $o#r h#ndred lambs% and as a sin o$$ering $or all Israel twel!e male goats% aording to the n#mber o$ the
tribes o$ Israel"
6Hr 3:18 They assigned the *riests to their di!isions and the /e!ites to their di!isions% o!er the ser!ie o$ God in
Jer#salem% as it is written in the Boo' o$ ?oses"
6Hr 3:19 +nd the desendants o$ the a*ti!ity 'e*t the <asso!er on the $o#rteenth (day) o$ the $irst month"
6Hr 3:25 ;or the *riests and the /e!ites had *#ri$ied themsel!es& all o$ them (were rit#ally) lean" +nd they
sla#ghtered the <asso!er (lambs) $or all the desendants o$ the a*ti!ity% $or their brethren the *riests% and $or
6Hr 3:21 Then the hildren o$ Israel who had ret#rned $rom the a*ti!ity ate together with all who had se*arated
themsel!es $rom the $ilth o$ the nations o$ the land in order to see' the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
6Hr 3:22 +nd they 'e*t the ;east o$ 7nlea!ened Bread se!en days with @oy& $or the /8:2 made them @oy$#l%
and t#rned the heart o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria toward them% to strengthen their hands in the wor' o$ the ho#se o$
God% the God o$ Israel"
6Hr 4:1 Now a$ter these things% in the reign o$ +rta9er9es 'ing o$ <ersia% 6Hra the son o$ ,eraiah% the son o$
+Hariah% the son o$ Hil'iah%
6Hr 4:2 the son o$ ,hall#m% the son o$ Gado'% the son o$ +hit#b%
6Hr 4:- the son o$ +mariah% the son o$ +Hariah% the son o$ ?eraioth%
6Hr 4:0 the son o$ Gerahiah% the son o$ 7HHi% the son o$ B#''i%
6Hr 4:1 the son o$ +bish#a% the son o$ <hinehas% the son o$ 6leaHar% the son o$ +aron the hie$ *riest DD
6Hr 4:3 this 6Hra ame #* $rom Babylon& and he (was) a s'illed sribe in the /aw o$ ?oses% whih the /8:2
God o$ Israel had gi!en" The 'ing granted him all his reE#est% aording to the hand o$ the /8:2 his God #*on
6Hr 4:4 (,ome) o$ the hildren o$ Israel% the *riests% the /e!ites% the singers% the gate'ee*ers% and the Nethinim
ame #* to Jer#salem in the se!enth year o$ King +rta9er9es"
6Hr 4:8 +nd 6Hra ame to Jer#salem in the $i$th month% whih (was) in the se!enth year o$ the 'ing"
6Hr 4:9 8n the $irst (day) o$ the $irst month he began (his) @o#rney $rom Babylon% and on the $irst (day) o$ the $i$th
month he ame to Jer#salem% aording to the good hand o$ his God #*on him"
6Hr 4:15 ;or 6Hra had *re*ared his heart to see' the /aw o$ the /8:2% and to do (it%) and to teah stat#tes and
ordinanes in Israel"
6Hr 4:11 This (is) a o*y o$ the letter that King +rta9er9es ga!e 6Hra the *riest% the sribe% e9*ert in the words o$
the ommandments o$ the /8:2% and o$ His stat#tes to Israel:
6Hr 4:12 +rta9er9es% 'ing o$ 'ings% To 6Hra the *riest% a sribe o$ the /aw o$ the God o$ hea!en: <er$et (*eae%)
and so $orth"
6Hr 4:1- I iss#e a deree that all those o$ the *eo*le o$ Israel and the *riests and /e!ites in my realm% who
!ol#nteer to go #* to Jer#salem% may go with yo#"
6Hr 4:10 +nd whereas yo# are being sent by the 'ing and his se!en o#nselors to inE#ire onerning J#dah and
Jer#salem% with regard to the /aw o$ yo#r God whih (is) in yo#r hand&
6Hr 4:11 and (whereas yo# are) to arry the sil!er and gold whih the 'ing and his o#nselors ha!e $reely
o$$ered to the God o$ Israel% whose dwelling (is) in Jer#salem&
6Hr 4:13 and (whereas) all the sil!er and gold that yo# may $ind in all the *ro!ine o$ Babylon% along with the
$reewill o$$ering o$ the *eo*le and the *riests% (are to be) $reely o$$ered $or the ho#se o$ their God in Jer#salem DD
6Hr 4:14 now there$ore% be are$#l to b#y with this money b#lls% rams% and lambs% with their grain o$$erings and
their drin' o$$erings% and o$$er them on the altar o$ the ho#se o$ yo#r God in Jer#salem"
6Hr 4:18 +nd whate!er seems good to yo# and yo#r brethren to do with the rest o$ the sil!er and the gold% do it
aording to the will o$ yo#r God"
6Hr 4:19 +lso the artiles that are gi!en to yo# $or the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ yo#r God% deli!er in $#ll be$ore the
God o$ Jer#salem"
6Hr 4:25 +nd whate!er more may be needed $or the ho#se o$ yo#r God% whih yo# may ha!e oasion to
*ro!ide% *ay ($or it) $rom the 'ingAs treas#ry"
6Hr 4:21 +nd I% (e!en) I% +rta9er9es the 'ing% iss#e a deree to all the treas#rers who (are in the region) beyond
the :i!er% that whate!er 6Hra the *riest% the sribe o$ the /aw o$ the God o$ hea!en% may reE#ire o$ yo#% let it be
done diligently%
6Hr 4:22 #* to one h#ndred talents o$ sil!er% one h#ndred 'ors o$ wheat% one h#ndred baths o$ wine% one
h#ndred baths o$ oil% and salt witho#t *resribed limit"
6Hr 4:2- >hate!er is ommanded by the God o$ hea!en% let it diligently be done $or the ho#se o$ the God o$
hea!en" ;or why sho#ld there be wrath against the realm o$ the 'ing and his sonsC
6Hr 4:20 +lso we in$orm yo# that it shall not be law$#l to im*ose ta9% trib#te% or #stom (on) any o$ the *riests%
/e!ites% singers% gate'ee*ers% Nethinim% or ser!ants o$ this ho#se o$ God"
6Hr 4:21 +nd yo#% 6Hra% aording to yo#r GodDgi!en wisdom% set magistrates and @#dges who may @#dge all the
*eo*le who (are in the region) beyond the :i!er% all s#h as 'now the laws o$ yo#r God& and teah those who do
not 'now (them")
6Hr 4:23 >hoe!er will not obser!e the law o$ yo#r God and the law o$ the 'ing% let @#dgment be e9e#ted
s*eedily on him% whether (it be) death% or banishment% or on$isation o$ goods% or im*risonment"
6Hr 4:24 Blessed (be) the /8:2 God o$ o#r $athers% who has *#t (s#h a thing) as this in the 'ingAs heart% to
bea#ti$y the ho#se o$ the /8:2 whih (is) in Jer#salem%
6Hr 4:28 and has e9tended mery to me be$ore the 'ing and his o#nselors% and be$ore all the 'ingAs mighty
*rines" ,o I was eno#raged% as the hand o$ the /8:2 my God (was) #*on me& and I gathered leading men o$
Israel to go #* with me"
6Hr 8:1 These (are) the heads o$ their $athersA (ho#ses%) and (this is) the genealogy o$ those who went #* with
me $rom Babylon% in the reign o$ King +rta9er9es:
6Hr 8:2 o$ the sons o$ <hinehas% Gershom& o$ the sons o$ Ithamar% 2aniel& o$ the sons o$ 2a!id% Hatt#sh&
6Hr 8:- o$ the sons o$ ,heaniah% o$ the sons o$ <arosh% Gehariah& and registered with him (were) one h#ndred
and $i$ty males&
6Hr 8:0 o$ the sons o$ <ahathD?oab% 6liehoenai the son o$ Gerahiah% and with him two h#ndred males&
6Hr 8:1 o$ the sons o$ ,hehaniah% BenDJahaHiel% and with him three h#ndred males&
6Hr 8:3 o$ the sons o$ +din% 6bed the son o$ Jonathan% and with him $i$ty males&
6Hr 8:4 o$ the sons o$ 6lam% Jeshaiah the son o$ +thaliah% and with him se!enty males&
6Hr 8:8 o$ the sons o$ ,he*hatiah% Gebadiah the son o$ ?ihael% and with him eighty males&
6Hr 8:9 o$ the sons o$ Joab% 8badiah the son o$ Jehiel% and with him two h#ndred and eighteen males&
6Hr 8:15 o$ the sons o$ ,helomith% BenDJosi*hiah% and with him one h#ndred and si9ty males&
6Hr 8:11 o$ the sons o$ Bebai% Gehariah the son o$ Bebai% and with him twentyDeight males&
6Hr 8:12 o$ the sons o$ +Hgad% Johanan the son o$ Ha''atan% and with him one h#ndred and ten males&
6Hr 8:1- o$ the last sons o$ +doni'am% whose names (are) these DD 6li*helet% Jeiel% and ,hemaiah DD and with
them si9ty males&
6Hr 8:10 also o$ the sons o$ Big!ai% 7thai and Gabb#d% and with them se!enty males"
6Hr 8:11 Now I gathered them by the ri!er that $lows to +ha!a% and we am*ed there three days" +nd I loo'ed
among the *eo*le and the *riests% and $o#nd none o$ the sons o$ /e!i there"
6Hr 8:13 Then I sent $or 6lieHer% +riel% ,hemaiah% 6lnathan% Jarib% 6lnathan% Nathan% Gehariah% and ?esh#llam%
leaders& also $or Joiarib and 6lnathan% men o$ #nderstanding"
6Hr 8:14 +nd I ga!e them a ommand $or Iddo the hie$ man at the *lae =asi*hia% and I told them what they
sho#ld say to Iddo (and) his brethren the Nethinim at the *lae =asi*hia DD that they sho#ld bring #s ser!ants $or
the ho#se o$ o#r God"
6Hr 8:18 Then% by the good hand o$ o#r God #*on #s% they bro#ght #s a man o$ #nderstanding% o$ the sons o$
?ahli the son o$ /e!i% the son o$ Israel% namely ,herebiah% with his sons and brothers% eighteen men&
6Hr 8:19 and Hashabiah% and with him Jeshaiah o$ the sons o$ ?erari% his brothers and their sons% twenty men&
6Hr 8:25 also o$ the Nethinim% whom 2a!id and the leaders had a**ointed $or the ser!ie o$ the /e!ites% two
h#ndred and twenty Nethinim" +ll o$ them were designated by name"
6Hr 8:21 Then I *rolaimed a $ast there at the ri!er o$ +ha!a% that we might h#mble o#rsel!es be$ore o#r God% to
see' $rom Him the right way $or #s and o#r little ones and all o#r *ossessions"
6Hr 8:22 ;or I was ashamed to reE#est o$ the 'ing an esort o$ soldiers and horsemen to hel* #s against the
enemy on the road% bea#se we had s*o'en to the 'ing% saying% .The hand o$ o#r God (is) #*on all those $or
good who see' Him% b#t His *ower and His wrath (are) against all those who $orsa'e Him".
6Hr 8:2- ,o we $asted and entreated o#r God $or this% and He answered o#r *rayer"
6Hr 8:20 +nd I se*arated twel!e o$ the leaders o$ the *riests DD ,herebiah% Hashabiah% and ten o$ their brethren
with them DD
6Hr 8:21 and weighed o#t to them the sil!er% the gold% and the artiles% the o$$ering $or the ho#se o$ o#r God
whih the 'ing and his o#nselors and his *rines% and all Israel (who were) *resent% had o$$ered"
6Hr 8:23 I weighed into their hand si9 h#ndred and $i$ty talents o$ sil!er% sil!er artiles (weighing) one h#ndred
talents% one h#ndred talents o$ gold%
6Hr 8:24 twenty gold basins (worth) a tho#sand drahmas% and two !essels o$ $ine *olished bronHe% *reio#s as
6Hr 8:28 +nd I said to them% .Bo# (are) holy to the /8:2& the artiles (are) holy also& and the sil!er and the gold
(are) a $reewill o$$ering to the /8:2 God o$ yo#r $athers"
6Hr 8:29 .>ath and 'ee* (them) #ntil yo# weigh (them) be$ore the leaders o$ the *riests and the /e!ites and
heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ Israel in Jer#salem% (in) the hambers o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2".
6Hr 8:-5 ,o the *riests and the /e!ites reei!ed the sil!er and the gold and the artiles by weight% to bring
(them) to Jer#salem to the ho#se o$ o#r God"
6Hr 8:-1 Then we de*arted $rom the ri!er o$ +ha!a on the twel$th (day) o$ the $irst month% to go to Jer#salem"
+nd the hand o$ o#r God was #*on #s% and He deli!ered #s $rom the hand o$ the enemy and $rom amb#sh along
the road"
6Hr 8:-2 ,o we ame to Jer#salem% and stayed there three days"
6Hr 8:-- Now on the $o#rth day the sil!er and the gold and the artiles were weighed in the ho#se o$ o#r God by
the hand o$ ?eremoth the son o$ 7riah the *riest% and with him (was) 6leaHar the son o$ <hinehas& with them
(were) the /e!ites% JoHabad the son o$ Jesh#a and Noadiah the son o$ Binn#i%
6Hr 8:-0 with the n#mber (and) weight o$ e!erything" +ll the weight was written down at that time"
6Hr 8:-1 The hildren o$ those who had been arried away a*ti!e% who had ome $rom the a*ti!ity% o$$ered
b#rnt o$$erings to the God o$ Israel: twel!e b#lls $or all Israel% ninetyDsi9 rams% se!entyDse!en lambs% and twel!e
male goats (as) a sin o$$ering" +ll (this was) a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2"
6Hr 8:-3 +nd they deli!ered the 'ingAs orders to the 'ingAs satra*s and the go!ernors (in the region) beyond the
:i!er" ,o they ga!e s#**ort to the *eo*le and the ho#se o$ God"
6Hr 9:1 >hen these things were done% the leaders ame to me% saying% .The *eo*le o$ Israel and the *riests
and the /e!ites ha!e not se*arated themsel!es $rom the *eo*les o$ the lands% with res*et to the abominations
o$ the =anaanites% the Hittites% the <eriHHites% the Jeb#sites% the +mmonites% the ?oabites% the 6gy*tians% and
the +morites"
6Hr 9:2 .;or they ha!e ta'en some o$ their da#ghters (as wi!es) $or themsel!es and their sons% so that the holy
seed is mi9ed with the *eo*les o$ (those) lands" Indeed% the hand o$ the leaders and r#lers has been $oremost in
this tres*ass".
6Hr 9:- ,o when I heard this thing% I tore my garment and my robe% and *l#'ed o#t some o$ the hair o$ my head
and beard% and sat down astonished"
6Hr 9:0 Then e!eryone who trembled at the words o$ the God o$ Israel assembled to me% bea#se o$ the
transgression o$ those who had been arried away a*ti!e% and I sat astonished #ntil the e!ening sari$ie"
6Hr 9:1 +t the e!ening sari$ie I arose $rom my $asting& and ha!ing torn my garment and my robe% I $ell on my
'nees and s*read o#t my hands to the /8:2 my God"
6Hr 9:3 +nd I said: .8 my God% I am too ashamed and h#miliated to li$t #* my $ae to Bo#% my God& $or o#r
iniE#ities ha!e risen higher than (o#r) heads% and o#r g#ilt has grown #* to the hea!ens"
6Hr 9:4 .,ine the days o$ o#r $athers to this day we (ha!e been) !ery g#ilty% and $or o#r iniE#ities we% o#r 'ings%
(and) o#r *riests ha!e been deli!ered into the hand o$ the 'ings o$ the lands% to the sword% to a*ti!ity% to
*l#nder% and to h#miliation% as (it is) this day"
6Hr 9:8 .+nd now $or a little while grae has been (shown) $rom the /8:2 o#r God% to lea!e #s a remnant to
esa*e% and to gi!e #s a *eg in His holy *lae% that o#r God may enlighten o#r eyes and gi!e #s a meas#re o$
re!i!al in o#r bondage"
6Hr 9:9 .;or we (were) sla!es" Bet o#r God did not $orsa'e #s in o#r bondage& b#t He e9tended mery to #s in
the sight o$ the 'ings o$ <ersia% to re!i!e #s% to re*air the ho#se o$ o#r God% to reb#ild its r#ins% and to gi!e #s a
wall in J#dah and Jer#salem"
6Hr 9:15 .+nd now% 8 o#r God% what shall we say a$ter thisC ;or we ha!e $orsa'en Bo#r ommandments%
6Hr 9:11 .whih Bo# ommanded by Bo#r ser!ants the *ro*hets% saying% AThe land whih yo# are entering to
*ossess is an #nlean land% with the #nleanness o$ the *eo*les o$ the lands% with their abominations whih
ha!e $illed it $rom one end to another with their im*#rity"
6Hr 9:12 ANow there$ore% do not gi!e yo#r da#ghters as wi!es $or their sons% nor ta'e their da#ghters to yo#r
sons& and ne!er see' their *eae or *ros*erity% that yo# may be strong and eat the good o$ the land% and lea!e
(it) as an inheritane to yo#r hildren $ore!er"A
6Hr 9:1- .+nd a$ter all that has ome #*on #s $or o#r e!il deeds and $or o#r great g#ilt% sine Bo# o#r God ha!e
*#nished #s less than o#r iniE#ities (deser!e%) and ha!e gi!en #s (s#h) deli!erane as this%
6Hr 9:10 .sho#ld we again brea' Bo#r ommandments% and @oin in marriage with the *eo*le (ommitting) these
abominationsC >o#ld Bo# not be angry with #s #ntil Bo# had ons#med (#s%) so that (there wo#ld be) no
remnant or s#r!i!orC
6Hr 9:11 .8 /8:2 God o$ Israel% Bo# (are) righteo#s% $or we are le$t as a remnant% as (it is) this day" Here we
(are) be$ore Bo#% in o#r g#ilt% tho#gh no one an stand be$ore Bo# bea#se o$ thisF.
6Hr 15:1 Now while 6Hra was *raying% and while he was on$essing% wee*ing% and bowing down be$ore the
ho#se o$ God% a !ery large assembly o$ men% women% and hildren gathered to him $rom Israel& $or the *eo*le
we*t !ery bitterly"
6Hr 15:2 +nd ,hehaniah the son o$ Jehiel% (one) o$ the sons o$ 6lam% s*o'e #* and said to 6Hra% .>e ha!e
tres*assed against o#r God% and ha!e ta'en *agan wi!es $rom the *eo*les o$ the land& yet now there is ho*e in
Israel in s*ite o$ this"
6Hr 15:- .Now there$ore% let #s ma'e a o!enant with o#r God to *#t away all these wi!es and those who ha!e
been born to them% aording to the ad!ie o$ my master and o$ those who tremble at the ommandment o$ o#r
God& and let it be done aording to the law"
6Hr 15:0 .+rise% $or (this) matter (is) yo#r (res*onsibility") >e also (are) with yo#" Be o$ good o#rage% and do (it".)
6Hr 15:1 Then 6Hra arose% and made the leaders o$ the *riests% the /e!ites% and all Israel swear an oath that
they wo#ld do aording to this word" ,o they swore an oath"
6Hr 15:3 Then 6Hra rose #* $rom be$ore the ho#se o$ God% and went into the hamber o$ Jehohanan the son o$
6liashib& and (when) he ame there% he ate no bread and dran' no water% $or he mo#rned bea#se o$ the g#ilt o$
those $rom the a*ti!ity"
6Hr 15:4 +nd they iss#ed a *rolamation thro#gho#t J#dah and Jer#salem to all the desendants o$ the
a*ti!ity% that they m#st gather at Jer#salem%
6Hr 15:8 and that whoe!er wo#ld not ome within three days% aording to the instr#tions o$ the leaders and
elders% all his *ro*erty wo#ld be on$isated% and he himsel$ wo#ld be se*arated $rom the assembly o$ those
$rom the a*ti!ity"
6Hr 15:9 ,o all the men o$ J#dah and Ben@amin gathered at Jer#salem within three days" It (was) the ninth
month% on the twentieth o$ the month& and all the *eo*le sat in the o*en sE#are o$ the ho#se o$ God% trembling
bea#se o$ (this) matter and bea#se o$ hea!y rain"
6Hr 15:15 Then 6Hra the *riest stood #* and said to them% .Bo# ha!e transgressed and ha!e ta'en *agan
wi!es% adding to the g#ilt o$ Israel"
6Hr 15:11 .Now there$ore% ma'e on$ession to the /8:2 God o$ yo#r $athers% and do His will& se*arate
yo#rsel!es $rom the *eo*les o$ the land% and $rom the *agan wi!es".
6Hr 15:12 Then all the assembly answered and said with a lo#d !oie% .BesF +s yo# ha!e said% so we m#st do"
6Hr 15:1- .B#t (there are) many *eo*le& (it is) the season $or hea!y rain% and we are not able to stand o#tside"
Nor (is this) the wor' o$ one or two days% $or (there are) many o$ #s who ha!e transgressed in this matter"
6Hr 15:10 .<lease% let the leaders o$ o#r entire assembly stand& and let all those in o#r ities who ha!e ta'en
*agan wi!es ome at a**ointed times% together with the elders and @#dges o$ their ities% #ntil the $iere wrath o$
o#r God is t#rned away $rom #s in this matter".
6Hr 15:11 8nly Jonathan the son o$ +sahel and JahaHiah the son o$ Ti'!ah o**osed this% and ?esh#llam and
,habbethai the /e!ite ga!e them s#**ort"
6Hr 15:13 Then the desendants o$ the a*ti!ity did so" +nd 6Hra the *riest% (with) ertain heads o$ the $athersA
(ho#seholds%) were set a*art by the $athersA (ho#seholds%) eah o$ them by name& and they sat down on the $irst
day o$ the tenth month to e9amine the matter"
6Hr 15:14 By the $irst day o$ the $irst month they $inished (E#estioning) all the men who had ta'en *agan wi!es"
6Hr 15:18 +nd among the sons o$ the *riests who had ta'en *agan wi!es (the $ollowing) were $o#nd o$ the sons
o$ Jesh#a the son o$ JoHada'% and his brothers: ?aaseiah% 6lieHer% Jarib% and Gedaliah"
6Hr 15:19 +nd they ga!e their *romise that they wo#ld *#t away their wi!es& and (being) g#ilty% (they *resented)
a ram o$ the $lo' as their tres*ass o$$ering"
6Hr 15:25 +lso o$ the sons o$ Immer: Hanani and Gebadiah&
6Hr 15:21 o$ the sons o$ Harim: ?aaseiah% 6li@ah% ,hemaiah% Jehiel% and 7HHiah&
6Hr 15:22 o$ the sons o$ <ashh#r: 6lioenai% ?aaseiah% Ishmael% Nethanel% JoHabad% and 6lasah"
6Hr 15:2- +lso o$ the /e!ites: JoHabad% ,himei% Kelaiah Ithe same (is) KelitaJ% <ethahiah% J#dah% and 6lieHer"
6Hr 15:20 +lso o$ the singers: 6liashib& and o$ the gate'ee*ers: ,hall#m% Telem% and 7ri"
6Hr 15:21 +nd others o$ Israel: o$ the sons o$ <arosh: :amiah% JeHiah% ?alhiah% ?i@amin% 6leaHar% ?alhi@ah%
and Benaiah&
6Hr 15:23 o$ the sons o$ 6lam: ?attaniah% Gehariah% Jehiel% +bdi% Jeremoth% and 6liah&
6Hr 15:24 o$ the sons o$ Gatt#: 6lioenai% 6liashib% ?attaniah% Jeremoth% Gabad% and +HiHa&
6Hr 15:28 o$ the sons o$ Bebai: Jehohanan% Hananiah% Gabbai% (and) +thlai&
6Hr 15:29 o$ the sons o$ Bani: ?esh#llam% ?all#h% +daiah% Jash#b% ,heal% (and) :amoth&
6Hr 15:-5 o$ the sons o$ <ahathD?oab: +dna% =helal% Benaiah% ?aaseiah% ?attaniah% BeHalel% Binn#i% and
6Hr 15:-1 (o$) the sons o$ Harim: 6lieHer% Ishi@ah% ?alhi@ah% ,hemaiah% ,himeon%
6Hr 15:-2 Ben@amin% ?all#h% (and) ,hemariah&
6Hr 15:-- o$ the sons o$ Hash#m: ?attenai% ?attattah% Gabad% 6li*helet% Jeremai% ?anasseh% (and) ,himei&
6Hr 15:-0 o$ the sons o$ Bani: ?aadai% +mram% 7el%
6Hr 15:-1 Benaiah% Bedeiah% =hel#h%
6Hr 15:-3 Vaniah% ?eremoth% 6liashib%
6Hr 15:-4 ?attaniah% ?attenai% Jaasai%
6Hr 15:-8 Bani% Binn#i% ,himei%
6Hr 15:-9 ,helemiah% Nathan% +daiah%
6Hr 15:05 ?ahnadebai% ,hashai% ,harai%
6Hr 15:01 +Harel% ,helemiah% ,hemariah%
6Hr 15:02 ,hall#m% +mariah% (and) Jose*h&
6Hr 15:0- o$ the sons o$ Nebo: Jeiel% ?attithiah% Gabad% Gebina% Jaddai% Joel% (and) Benaiah"
6Hr 15:00 +ll these had ta'en *agan wi!es% and (some) o$ them had wi!es (by whom) they had hildren"
Neh 1:1 The words o$ Nehemiah the son o$ Hahaliah" It ame to *ass in the month o$ =hisle!% (in) the twentieth
year% as I was in ,h#shan the itadel%
Neh 1:2 that Hanani one o$ my brethren ame with men $rom J#dah& and I as'ed them onerning the Jews who
had esa*ed% who had s#r!i!ed the a*ti!ity% and onerning Jer#salem"
Neh 1:- +nd they said to me% .The s#r!i!ors who are le$t $rom the a*ti!ity in the *ro!ine (are) there in great
distress and re*roah" The wall o$ Jer#salem (is) also bro'en down% and its gates (are b#rned) with $ire".
Neh 1:0 ,o it was% when I heard these words% that I sat down and we*t% and mo#rned ($or many) days& I was
$asting and *raying be$ore the God o$ hea!en"
Neh 1:1 +nd I said: .I *ray% /8:2 God o$ hea!en% 8 great and awesome God% (Bo#) who 'ee* (Bo#r) o!enant
and mery with those who lo!e Bo# and obser!e Bo#r ommandments%
Neh 1:3 .*lease let Bo#r ear be attenti!e and Bo#r eyes o*en% that Bo# may hear the *rayer o$ Bo#r ser!ant
whih I *ray be$ore Bo# now% day and night% $or the hildren o$ Israel Bo#r ser!ants% and on$ess the sins o$ the
hildren o$ Israel whih we ha!e sinned against Bo#" Both my $atherAs ho#se and I ha!e sinned"
Neh 1:4 .>e ha!e ated !ery orr#*tly against Bo#% and ha!e not 'e*t the ommandments% the stat#tes% nor the
ordinanes whih Bo# ommanded Bo#r ser!ant ?oses"
Neh 1:8 .:emember% I *ray% the word that Bo# ommanded Bo#r ser!ant ?oses% saying% A(I$) yo# are #n$aith$#l% I
will satter yo# among the nations&
Neh 1:9 Ab#t (i$) yo# ret#rn to ?e% and 'ee* ?y ommandments and do them% tho#gh some o$ yo# were ast o#t
to the $arthest *art o$ the hea!ens% (yet) I will gather them $rom there% and bring them to the *lae whih I ha!e
hosen as a dwelling $or ?y name"A
Neh 1:15 .Now these (are) Bo#r ser!ants and Bo#r *eo*le% whom Bo# ha!e redeemed by Bo#r great *ower%
and by Bo#r strong hand"
Neh 1:11 .8 /ord% I *ray% *lease let Bo#r ear be attenti!e to the *rayer o$ Bo#r ser!ant% and to the *rayer o$
Bo#r ser!ants who desire to $ear Bo#r name& and let Bo#r ser!ant *ros*er this day% I *ray% and grant him mery
in the sight o$ this man". ;or I was the 'ingAs #*bearer"
Neh 2:1 +nd it ame to *ass in the month o$ Nisan% in the twentieth year o$ King +rta9er9es% (when) wine (was)
be$ore him% that I too' the wine and ga!e it to the 'ing" Now I had ne!er been sad in his *resene be$ore"
Neh 2:2 There$ore the 'ing said to me% .>hy (is) yo#r $ae sad% sine yo# (are) not si'C This (is) nothing b#t
sorrow o$ heart". ,o I beame dread$#lly a$raid%
Neh 2:- and said to the 'ing% .?ay the 'ing li!e $ore!erF >hy sho#ld my $ae not be sad% when the ity% the
*lae o$ my $athersA tombs% (lies) waste% and its gates are b#rned with $ireC.
Neh 2:0 Then the 'ing said to me% .>hat do yo# reE#estC. ,o I *rayed to the God o$ hea!en"
Neh 2:1 +nd I said to the 'ing% .I$ it *leases the 'ing% and i$ yo#r ser!ant has $o#nd $a!or in yo#r sight% I as' that
yo# send me to J#dah% to the ity o$ my $athersA tombs% that I may reb#ild it".
Neh 2:3 Then the 'ing said to me Ithe E#een also sitting beside himJ% .How long will yo#r @o#rney beC +nd when
will yo# ret#rnC. ,o it *leased the 'ing to send me& and I set him a time"
Neh 2:4 ;#rthermore I said to the 'ing% .I$ it *leases the 'ing% let letters be gi!en to me $or the go!ernors (o$ the
region) beyond the :i!er% that they m#st *ermit me to *ass thro#gh till I ome to J#dah%
Neh 2:8 .and a letter to +sa*h the 'ee*er o$ the 'ingAs $orest% that he m#st gi!e me timber to ma'e beams $or
the gates o$ the itadel whih (*ertains) to the tem*le% $or the ity wall% and $or the ho#se that I will o#*y". +nd
the 'ing granted (them) to me aording to the good hand o$ my God #*on me"
Neh 2:9 Then I went to the go!ernors (in the region) beyond the :i!er% and ga!e them the 'ingAs letters" Now the
'ing had sent a*tains o$ the army and horsemen with me"
Neh 2:15 >hen ,anballat the Horonite and Tobiah the +mmonite o$$iial heard (o$ it%) they were dee*ly
dist#rbed that a man had ome to see' the wellDbeing o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
Neh 2:11 ,o I ame to Jer#salem and was there three days"
Neh 2:12 Then I arose in the night% I and a $ew men with me& I told no one what my God had *#t in my heart to
do at Jer#salem& nor was there any animal with me% e9e*t the one on whih I rode"
Neh 2:1- +nd I went o#t by night thro#gh the Valley Gate to the ,er*ent >ell and the :e$#se Gate% and !iewed
the walls o$ Jer#salem whih were bro'en down and its gates whih were b#rned with $ire"
Neh 2:10 Then I went on to the ;o#ntain Gate and to the KingAs <ool% b#t (there was) no room $or the animal
#nder me to *ass"
Neh 2:11 ,o I went #* in the night by the !alley% and !iewed the wall& then I t#rned ba' and entered by the
Valley Gate% and so ret#rned"
Neh 2:13 +nd the o$$iials did not 'now where I had gone or what I had done& I had not yet told the Jews% the
*riests% the nobles% the o$$iials% or the others who did the wor'"
Neh 2:14 Then I said to them% .Bo# see the distress that we (are) in% how Jer#salem (lies) waste% and its gates
are b#rned with $ire" =ome and let #s b#ild the wall o$ Jer#salem% that we may no longer be a re*roah".
Neh 2:18 +nd I told them o$ the hand o$ my God whih had been good #*on me% and also o$ the 'ingAs words
that he had s*o'en to me" ,o they said% ./et #s rise #* and b#ild". Then they set their hands to (this) good
Neh 2:19 B#t when ,anballat the Horonite% Tobiah the +mmonite o$$iial% and Geshem the +rab heard (o$ it%)
they la#ghed at #s and des*ised #s% and said% .>hat (is) this thing that yo# are doingC >ill yo# rebel against the
Neh 2:25 ,o I answered them% and said to them% .The God o$ hea!en Himsel$ will *ros*er #s& there$ore we His
ser!ants will arise and b#ild% b#t yo# ha!e no heritage or right or memorial in Jer#salem".
Neh -:1 Then 6liashib the high *riest rose #* with his brethren the *riests and b#ilt the ,hee* Gate& they
onserated it and h#ng its doors" They b#ilt as $ar as the Tower o$ the H#ndred% (and) onserated it% then as
$ar as the Tower o$ Hananel"
Neh -:2 Ne9t to (6liashib) the men o$ Jeriho b#ilt" +nd ne9t to them Ga#r the son o$ Imri b#ilt"
Neh -:- +lso the sons o$ Hassenaah b#ilt the ;ish Gate& they laid its beams and h#ng its doors with its bolts
and bars"
Neh -:0 +nd ne9t to them ?eremoth the son o$ 7ri@ah% the son o$ KoH% made re*airs" Ne9t to them ?esh#llam
the son o$ Berehiah% the son o$ ?esheHabel% made re*airs" Ne9t to them Gado' the son o$ Baana made re*airs"
Neh -:1 Ne9t to them the Te'oites made re*airs& b#t their nobles did not *#t their sho#lders to the wor' o$ their
Neh -:3 ?oreo!er Jehoiada the son o$ <aseah and ?esh#llam the son o$ Besodeiah re*aired the 8ld Gate&
they laid its beams and h#ng its doors% with its bolts and bars"
Neh -:4 +nd ne9t to them ?elatiah the Gibeonite% Jadon the ?eronothite% the men o$ Gibeon and ?iH*ah%
re*aired the residene o$ the go!ernor (o$ the region) beyond the :i!er"
Neh -:8 Ne9t to him 7HHiel the son o$ Harhaiah% one o$ the goldsmiths% made re*airs" +lso ne9t to him
Hananiah% one o$ the *er$#mers% made re*airs& and they $orti$ied Jer#salem as $ar as the Broad >all"
Neh -:9 +nd ne9t to them :e*haiah the son o$ H#r% leader o$ hal$ the distrit o$ Jer#salem% made re*airs"
Neh -:15 Ne9t to them Jedaiah the son o$ Har#ma*h made re*airs in $ront o$ his ho#se" +nd ne9t to him
Hatt#sh the son o$ Hashabniah made re*airs"
Neh -:11 ?alhi@ah the son o$ Harim and Hash#b the son o$ <ahathD?oab re*aired another setion% as well as
the Tower o$ the 8!ens"
Neh -:12 +nd ne9t to him was ,hall#m the son o$ Hallohesh% leader o$ hal$ the distrit o$ Jer#salem& he and his
da#ghters made re*airs"
Neh -:1- Han#n and the inhabitants o$ Ganoah re*aired the Valley Gate" They b#ilt it% h#ng its doors with its
bolts and bars% and (re*aired) a tho#sand #bits o$ the wall as $ar as the :e$#se Gate"
Neh -:10 ?alhi@ah the son o$ :ehab% leader o$ the distrit o$ Beth Haerem% re*aired the :e$#se Gate& he
b#ilt it and h#ng its doors with its bolts and bars"
Neh -:11 ,hall#n the son o$ =olDHoHeh% leader o$ the distrit o$ ?iH*ah% re*aired the ;o#ntain Gate& he b#ilt it%
o!ered it% h#ng its doors with its bolts and bars% and re*aired the wall o$ the <ool o$ ,helah by the KingAs
Garden% as $ar as the stairs that go down $rom the =ity o$ 2a!id"
Neh -:13 +$ter him Nehemiah the son o$ +Hb#'% leader o$ hal$ the distrit o$ Beth G#r% made re*airs as $ar as
(the *lae) in $ront o$ the tombs o$ 2a!id% to the manDmade *ool% and as $ar as the Ho#se o$ the ?ighty"
Neh -:14 +$ter him the /e!ites% (#nder) :eh#m the son o$ Bani% made re*airs" Ne9t to him Hashabiah% leader o$
hal$ the distrit o$ Keilah% made re*airs $or his distrit"
Neh -:18 +$ter him their brethren% (#nder) Ba!ai the son o$ Henadad% leader o$ the (other) hal$ o$ the distrit o$
Keilah% made re*airs"
Neh -:19 +nd ne9t to him 6Her the son o$ Jesh#a% the leader o$ ?iH*ah% re*aired another setion in $ront o$ the
+sent to the +rmory at the b#ttress"
Neh -:25 +$ter him Bar#h the son o$ Gabbai are$#lly re*aired the other setion% $rom the b#ttress to the door
o$ the ho#se o$ 6liashib the high *riest"
Neh -:21 +$ter him ?eremoth the son o$ 7ri@ah% the son o$ KoH% re*aired another setion% $rom the door o$ the
ho#se o$ 6liashib to the end o$ the ho#se o$ 6liashib"
Neh -:22 +nd a$ter him the *riests% the men o$ the *lain% made re*airs"
Neh -:2- +$ter him Ben@amin and Hassh#b made re*airs o**osite their ho#se" +$ter them +Hariah the son o$
?aaseiah% the son o$ +naniah% made re*airs by his ho#se"
Neh -:20 +$ter him Binn#i the son o$ Henadad re*aired another setion% $rom the ho#se o$ +Hariah to the
b#ttress% e!en as $ar as the orner"
Neh -:21 <alal the son o$ 7Hai (made re*airs) o**osite the b#ttress% and on the tower whih *ro@ets $rom the
'ingAs #**er ho#se that (was) by the o#rt o$ the *rison" +$ter him <edaiah the son o$ <arosh (made re*airs")
Neh -:23 ?oreo!er the Nethinim who dwelt in 8*hel (made re*airs) as $ar as (the *lae) in $ront o$ the >ater
Gate toward the east% and on the *ro@eting tower"
Neh -:24 +$ter them the Te'oites re*aired another setion% ne9t to the great *ro@eting tower% and as $ar as the
wall o$ 8*hel"
Neh -:28 Beyond the Horse Gate the *riests made re*airs% eah in $ront o$ his (own) ho#se"
Neh -:29 +$ter them Gado' the son o$ Immer made re*airs in $ront o$ his (own) ho#se" +$ter him ,hemaiah the
son o$ ,hehaniah% the 'ee*er o$ the 6ast Gate% made re*airs"
Neh -:-5 +$ter him Hananiah the son o$ ,helemiah% and Han#n% the si9th son o$ Gala*h% re*aired another
setion" +$ter him ?esh#llam the son o$ Berehiah made re*airs in $ront o$ his dwelling"
Neh -:-1 +$ter him ?alhi@ah% one o$ the goldsmiths% made re*airs as $ar as the ho#se o$ the Nethinim and o$
the merhants% in $ront o$ the ?i*h'ad Gate% and as $ar as the #**er room at the orner"
Neh -:-2 +nd between the #**er room at the orner% as $ar as the ,hee* Gate% the goldsmiths and the
merhants made re*airs"
Neh 0:1 B#t it so ha**ened% when ,anballat heard that we were reb#ilding the wall% that he was $#rio#s and
!ery indignant% and mo'ed the Jews"
Neh 0:2 +nd he s*o'e be$ore his brethren and the army o$ ,amaria% and said% .>hat are these $eeble Jews
doingC >ill they $orti$y themsel!esC >ill they o$$er sari$iesC >ill they om*lete it in a dayC >ill they re!i!e the
stones $rom the hea*s o$ r#bbish DD (stones) that are b#rnedC.
Neh 0:- Now Tobiah the +mmonite (was) beside him% and he said% .>hate!er they b#ild% i$ e!en a $o9 goes #*
(on it%) he will brea' down their stone wall".
Neh 0:0 Hear% 8 o#r God% $or we are des*ised& t#rn their re*roah on their own heads% and gi!e them as
*l#nder to a land o$ a*ti!ityF
Neh 0:1 2o not o!er their iniE#ity% and do not let their sin be blotted o#t $rom be$ore Bo#& $or they ha!e
*ro!o'ed (Bo#) to anger be$ore the b#ilders"
Neh 0:3 ,o we b#ilt the wall% and the entire wall was @oined together #* to hal$ its (height%) $or the *eo*le had a
mind to wor'"
Neh 0:4 Now it ha**ened% when ,anballat% Tobiah% the +rabs% the +mmonites% and the +shdodites heard that
the walls o$ Jer#salem were being restored and the ga*s were beginning to be losed% that they beame !ery
Neh 0:8 and all o$ them ons*ired together to ome (and) atta' Jer#salem and reate on$#sion"
Neh 0:9 Ne!ertheless we made o#r *rayer to o#r God% and bea#se o$ them we set a wath against them day
and night"
Neh 0:15 Then J#dah said% .The strength o$ the laborers is $ailing% and (there is) so m#h r#bbish that we are
not able to b#ild the wall".
Neh 0:11 +nd o#r ad!ersaries said% .They will neither 'now nor see anything% till we ome into their midst and
'ill them and a#se the wor' to ease".
Neh 0:12 ,o it was% when the Jews who dwelt near them ame% that they told #s ten times% .;rom whate!er
*lae yo# t#rn% (they will be) #*on #s".
Neh 0:1- There$ore I *ositioned (men) behind the lower *arts o$ the wall% at the o*enings& and I set the *eo*le
aording to their $amilies% with their swords% their s*ears% and their bows"
Neh 0:10 +nd I loo'ed% and arose and said to the nobles% to the leaders% and to the rest o$ the *eo*le% .2o not
be a$raid o$ them" :emember the /ord% great and awesome% and $ight $or yo#r brethren% yo#r sons% yo#r
da#ghters% yo#r wi!es% and yo#r ho#ses".
Neh 0:11 +nd it ha**ened% when o#r enemies heard that it was 'nown to #s% and (that) God had bro#ght their
*lot to nothing% that all o$ #s ret#rned to the wall% e!eryone to his wor'"
Neh 0:13 ,o it was% $rom that time on% (that) hal$ o$ my ser!ants wor'ed at onstr#tion% while the other hal$ held
the s*ears% the shields% the bows% and (wore) armor& and the leaders (were) behind all the ho#se o$ J#dah"
Neh 0:14 Those who b#ilt on the wall% and those who arried b#rdens% loaded themsel!es so that with one hand
they wor'ed at onstr#tion% and with the other held a wea*on"
Neh 0:18 6!ery one o$ the b#ilders had his sword girded at his side as he b#ilt" +nd the one who so#nded the
tr#m*et (was) beside me"
Neh 0:19 Then I said to the nobles% the r#lers% and the rest o$ the *eo*le% .The wor' (is) great and e9tensi!e%
and we are se*arated $ar $rom one another on the wall"
Neh 0:25 .>here!er yo# hear the so#nd o$ the tr#m*et% rally to #s there" 8#r God will $ight $or #s".
Neh 0:21 ,o we labored in the wor'% and hal$ o$ (the men) held the s*ears $rom daybrea' #ntil the stars
Neh 0:22 +t the same time I also said to the *eo*le% ./et eah man and his ser!ant stay at night in Jer#salem%
that they may be o#r g#ard by night and a wor'ing *arty by day".
Neh 0:2- ,o neither I% my brethren% my ser!ants% nor the men o$ the g#ard who $ollowed me too' o$$ o#r lothes%
(e9e*t) that e!eryone too' them o$$ $or washing"
Neh 1:1 +nd there was a great o#try o$ the *eo*le and their wi!es against their Jewish brethren"
Neh 1:2 ;or there were those who said% .>e% o#r sons% and o#r da#ghters (are) many& there$ore let #s get grain%
that we may eat and li!e".
Neh 1:- There were also (some) who said% .>e ha!e mortgaged o#r lands and !ineyards and ho#ses% that we
might b#y grain bea#se o$ the $amine".
Neh 1:0 There were also those who said% .>e ha!e borrowed money $or the 'ingAs ta9 (on) o#r lands and
Neh 1:1 .Bet now o#r $lesh (is) as the $lesh o$ o#r brethren% o#r hildren as their hildren& and indeed we are
$oring o#r sons and o#r da#ghters to be sla!es% and (some) o$ o#r da#ghters ha!e been bro#ght into sla!ery" (It
is) not in o#r *ower (to redeem them%) $or other men ha!e o#r lands and !ineyards".
Neh 1:3 +nd I beame !ery angry when I heard their o#try and these words"
Neh 1:4 +$ter serio#s tho#ght% I reb#'ed the nobles and r#lers% and said to them% .6ah o$ yo# is e9ating #s#ry
$rom his brother". ,o I alled a great assembly against them"
Neh 1:8 +nd I said to them% .+ording to o#r ability we ha!e redeemed o#r Jewish brethren who were sold to
the nations" Now indeed% will yo# e!en sell yo#r brethrenC 8r sho#ld they be sold to #sC. Then they were
silened and $o#nd nothing (to say")
Neh 1:9 Then I said% .>hat yo# are doing (is) not good" ,ho#ld yo# not wal' in the $ear o$ o#r God bea#se o$
the re*roah o$ the nations% o#r enemiesC.
Neh 1:15 .I also% (with) my brethren and my ser!ants% am lending them money and grain" <lease% let #s sto* this
Neh 1:11 .:estore now to them% e!en this day% their lands% their !ineyards% their oli!e gro!es% and their ho#ses%
also a h#ndredth o$ the money and the grain% the new wine and the oil% that yo# ha!e harged them".
Neh 1:12 ,o they said% .>e will restore (it%) and will reE#ire nothing $rom them& we will do as yo# say". Then I
alled the *riests% and reE#ired an oath $rom them that they wo#ld do aording to this *romise"
Neh 1:1- Then I shoo' o#t the $old o$ my garment and said% .,o may God sha'e o#t eah man $rom his ho#se%
and $rom his *ro*erty% who does not *er$orm this *romise" 6!en th#s may he be sha'en o#t and em*tied". +nd
all the assembly said% .+menF. and *raised the /8:2" Then the *eo*le did aording to this *romise"
Neh 1:10 ?oreo!er% $rom the time that I was a**ointed to be their go!ernor in the land o$ J#dah% $rom the
twentieth year #ntil the thirtyDseond year o$ King +rta9er9es% twel!e years% neither I nor my brothers ate the
go!ernorAs *ro!isions"
Neh 1:11 B#t the $ormer go!ernors who (were) be$ore me laid b#rdens on the *eo*le% and too' $rom them bread
and wine% besides $orty she'els o$ sil!er" Bes% e!en their ser!ants bore r#le o!er the *eo*le% b#t I did not do so%
bea#se o$ the $ear o$ God"
Neh 1:13 Indeed% I also ontin#ed the wor' on this wall% and we did not b#y any land" +ll my ser!ants (were)
gathered there $or the wor'"
Neh 1:14 +nd at my table (were) one h#ndred and $i$ty Jews and r#lers% besides those who ame to #s $rom the
nations aro#nd #s"
Neh 1:18 Now (that) whih was *re*ared daily (was) one o9 (and) si9 hoie shee*" +lso $owl were *re*ared $or
me% and one e!ery ten days an ab#ndane o$ all 'inds o$ wine" Bet in s*ite o$ this I did not demand the
go!ernorAs *ro!isions% bea#se the bondage was hea!y on this *eo*le"
Neh 1:19 :emember me% my God% $or good% (aording to) all that I ha!e done $or this *eo*le"
Neh 3:1 Now it ha**ened when ,anballat% Tobiah% Geshem the +rab% and the rest o$ o#r enemies heard that I
had reb#ilt the wall% and (that) there were no brea's le$t in it Itho#gh at that time I had not h#ng the doors in the
Neh 3:2 that ,anballat and Geshem sent to me% saying% .=ome% let #s meet together among the !illages in the
*lain o$ 8no". B#t they tho#ght to do me harm"
Neh 3:- ,o I sent messengers to them% saying% .I (am) doing a great wor'% so that I annot ome down" >hy
sho#ld the wor' ease while I lea!e it and go down to yo#C.
Neh 3:0 B#t they sent me this message $o#r times% and I answered them in the same manner"
Neh 3:1 Then ,anballat sent his ser!ant to me as be$ore% the $i$th time% with an o*en letter in his hand"
Neh 3:3 In it (was) written: It is re*orted among the nations% and Geshem says% (that) yo# and the Jews *lan to
rebel& there$ore% aording to these r#mors% yo# are reb#ilding the wall% that yo# may be their 'ing"
Neh 3:4 +nd yo# ha!e also a**ointed *ro*hets to *rolaim onerning yo# at Jer#salem% saying% A(There is) a
'ing in J#dahFA Now these matters will be re*orted to the 'ing" ,o ome% there$ore% and let #s ons#lt together"
Neh 3:8 Then I sent to him% saying% .No s#h things as yo# say are being done% b#t yo# in!ent them in yo#r own
Neh 3:9 ;or they all (were trying to) ma'e #s a$raid% saying% .Their hands will be wea'ened in the wor'% and it
will not be done". Now there$ore% (8 God%) strengthen my hands"
Neh 3:15 +$terward I ame to the ho#se o$ ,hemaiah the son o$ 2elaiah% the son o$ ?ehetabel% who (was) a
seret in$ormer& and he said% ./et #s meet together in the ho#se o$ God% within the tem*le% and let #s lose the
doors o$ the tem*le% $or they are oming to 'ill yo#& indeed% at night they will ome to 'ill yo#".
Neh 3:11 +nd I said% .,ho#ld s#h a man as I $leeC +nd who (is there) s#h as I who wo#ld go into the tem*le to
sa!e his li$eC I will not go inF.
Neh 3:12 Then I *erei!ed that God had not sent him at all% b#t that he *rono#ned (this) *ro*hey against me
bea#se Tobiah and ,anballat had hired him"
Neh 3:1- ;or this reason he (was) hired% that I sho#ld be a$raid and at that way and sin% so (that) they might
ha!e (a#se) $or an e!il re*ort% that they might re*roah me"
Neh 3:10 ?y God% remember Tobiah and ,anballat% aording to these their wor's% and the *ro*hetess
Noadiah and the rest o$ the *ro*hets who wo#ld ha!e made me a$raid"
Neh 3:11 ,o the wall was $inished on the twentyD$i$th (day) o$ 6l#l% in $i$tyDtwo days"
Neh 3:13 +nd it ha**ened% when all o#r enemies heard (o$ it%) and all the nations aro#nd #s saw (these things%)
that they were !ery disheartened in their own eyes& $or they *erei!ed that this wor' was done by o#r God"
Neh 3:14 +lso in those days the nobles o$ J#dah sent many letters to Tobiah% and (the letters o$) Tobiah ame to
Neh 3:18 ;or many in J#dah were *ledged to him% bea#se he was the sonDinDlaw o$ ,hehaniah the son o$
+rah% and his son Jehohanan had married the da#ghter o$ ?esh#llam the son o$ Berehiah"
Neh 3:19 +lso they re*orted his good deeds be$ore me% and re*orted my words to him" Tobiah sent letters to
$righten me"
Neh 4:1 Then it was% when the wall was b#ilt and I had h#ng the doors% when the gate'ee*ers% the singers% and
the /e!ites had been a**ointed%
Neh 4:2 that I ga!e the harge o$ Jer#salem to my brother Hanani% and Hananiah the leader o$ the itadel% $or
he (was) a $aith$#l man and $eared God more than many"
Neh 4:- +nd I said to them% .2o not let the gates o$ Jer#salem be o*ened #ntil the s#n is hot& and while they
stand (g#ard%) let them sh#t and bar the doors& and a**oint g#ards $rom among the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem%
one at his wath station and another in $ront o$ his own ho#se".
Neh 4:0 Now the ity (was) large and s*aio#s% b#t the *eo*le in it (were) $ew% and the ho#ses (were) not reb#ilt"
Neh 4:1 Then my God *#t it into my heart to gather the nobles% the r#lers% and the *eo*le% that they might be
registered by genealogy" +nd I $o#nd a register o$ the genealogy o$ those who had ome #* in the $irst (ret#rn%)
and $o#nd written in it:
Neh 4:3 These (are) the *eo*le o$ the *ro!ine who ame ba' $rom the a*ti!ity% o$ those who had been
arried away% whom Neb#hadneHHar the 'ing o$ Babylon had arried away% and who ret#rned to Jer#salem and
J#dah% e!eryone to his ity"
Neh 4:4 Those who ame with Ger#bbabel (were) Jesh#a% Nehemiah% +Hariah% :aamiah% Nahamani% ?ordeai%
Bilshan% ?is*ereth% Big!ai% Neh#m% and Baanah" The n#mber o$ the men o$ the *eo*le o$ Israel:
Neh 4:8 the sons o$ <arosh% two tho#sand one h#ndred and se!entyDtwo&
Neh 4:9 the sons o$ ,he*hatiah% three h#ndred and se!entyDtwo&
Neh 4:15 the sons o$ +rah% si9 h#ndred and $i$tyDtwo&
Neh 4:11 the sons o$ <ahathD?oab% o$ the sons o$ Jesh#a and Joab% two tho#sand eight h#ndred and eighteen&
Neh 4:12 the sons o$ 6lam% one tho#sand two h#ndred and $i$tyD$o#r&
Neh 4:1- the sons o$ Gatt#% eight h#ndred and $ortyD$i!e&
Neh 4:10 the sons o$ Gaai% se!en h#ndred and si9ty&
Neh 4:11 the sons o$ Binn#i% si9 h#ndred and $ortyDeight&
Neh 4:13 the sons o$ Bebai% si9 h#ndred and twentyDeight&
Neh 4:14 the sons o$ +Hgad% two tho#sand three h#ndred and twentyDtwo&
Neh 4:18 the sons o$ +doni'am% si9 h#ndred and si9tyDse!en&
Neh 4:19 the sons o$ Big!ai% two tho#sand and si9tyDse!en&
Neh 4:25 the sons o$ +din% si9 h#ndred and $i$tyD$i!e&
Neh 4:21 the sons o$ +ter o$ HeHe'iah% ninetyDeight&
Neh 4:22 the sons o$ Hash#m% three h#ndred and twentyDeight&
Neh 4:2- the sons o$ BeHai% three h#ndred and twentyD$o#r&
Neh 4:20 the sons o$ Hari*h% one h#ndred and twel!e&
Neh 4:21 the sons o$ Gibeon% ninetyD$i!e&
Neh 4:23 the men o$ Bethlehem and Neto*hah% one h#ndred and eightyDeight&
Neh 4:24 the men o$ +nathoth% one h#ndred and twentyDeight&
Neh 4:28 the men o$ Beth +Hma!eth% $ortyDtwo&
Neh 4:29 the men o$ Kir@ath Jearim% =he*hirah% and Beeroth% se!en h#ndred and $ortyDthree&
Neh 4:-5 the men o$ :amah and Geba% si9 h#ndred and twentyDone&
Neh 4:-1 the men o$ ?ihmas% one h#ndred and twentyDtwo&
Neh 4:-2 the men o$ Bethel and +i% one h#ndred and twentyDthree&
Neh 4:-- the men o$ the other Nebo% $i$tyDtwo&
Neh 4:-0 the sons o$ the other 6lam% one tho#sand two h#ndred and $i$tyD$o#r&
Neh 4:-1 the sons o$ Harim% three h#ndred and twenty&
Neh 4:-3 the sons o$ Jeriho% three h#ndred and $ortyD$i!e&
Neh 4:-4 the sons o$ /od% Hadid% and 8no% se!en h#ndred and twentyDone&
Neh 4:-8 the sons o$ ,enaah% three tho#sand nine h#ndred and thirty"
Neh 4:-9 The *riests: the sons o$ Jedaiah% o$ the ho#se o$ Jesh#a% nine h#ndred and se!entyDthree&
Neh 4:05 the sons o$ Immer% one tho#sand and $i$tyDtwo&
Neh 4:01 the sons o$ <ashh#r% one tho#sand two h#ndred and $ortyDse!en&
Neh 4:02 the sons o$ Harim% one tho#sand and se!enteen"
Neh 4:0- The /e!ites: the sons o$ Jesh#a% o$ Kadmiel% (and) o$ the sons o$ Hode!ah% se!entyD$o#r"
Neh 4:00 The singers: the sons o$ +sa*h% one h#ndred and $ortyDeight"
Neh 4:01 The gate'ee*ers: the sons o$ ,hall#m% the sons o$ +ter% the sons o$ Talmon% the sons o$ +''#b% the
sons o$ Hatita% the sons o$ ,hobai% one h#ndred and thirtyDeight"
Neh 4:03 The Nethinim: the sons o$ Giha% the sons o$ Has#*ha% the sons o$ Tabbaoth%
Neh 4:04 the sons o$ Keros% the sons o$ ,ia% the sons o$ <adon%
Neh 4:08 the sons o$ /ebana% the sons o$ Hagaba% the sons o$ ,almai%
Neh 4:09 the sons o$ Hanan% the sons o$ Giddel% the sons o$ Gahar%
Neh 4:15 the sons o$ :eaiah% the sons o$ :eHin% the sons o$ Ne'oda%
Neh 4:11 the sons o$ GaHHam% the sons o$ 7HHa% the sons o$ <aseah%
Neh 4:12 the sons o$ Besai% the sons o$ ?e#nim% the sons o$ Ne*hishesim%
Neh 4:1- the sons o$ Ba'b#'% the sons o$ Ha'#*ha% the sons o$ Harh#r%
Neh 4:10 the sons o$ BaHlith% the sons o$ ?ehida% the sons o$ Harsha%
Neh 4:11 the sons o$ Bar'os% the sons o$ ,isera% the sons o$ Tamah%
Neh 4:13 the sons o$ NeHiah% and the sons o$ Hati*ha"
Neh 4:14 The sons o$ ,olomonAs ser!ants: the sons o$ ,otai% the sons o$ ,o*hereth% the sons o$ <erida%
Neh 4:18 the sons o$ Jaala% the sons o$ 2ar'on% the sons o$ Giddel%
Neh 4:19 the sons o$ ,he*hatiah% the sons o$ Hattil% the sons o$ <ohereth o$ Gebaim% and the sons o$ +mon"
Neh 4:35 +ll the Nethinim% and the sons o$ ,olomonAs ser!ants% (were) three h#ndred and ninetyDtwo"
Neh 4:31 +nd these (were) the ones who ame #* $rom Tel ?elah% Tel Harsha% =her#b% +ddon% and Immer% b#t
they o#ld not identi$y their $atherAs ho#se nor their lineage% whether they (were) o$ Israel:
Neh 4:32 the sons o$ 2elaiah% the sons o$ Tobiah% the sons o$ Ne'oda% si9 h#ndred and $ortyDtwo&
Neh 4:3- and o$ the *riests: the sons o$ Habaiah% the sons o$ KoH% the sons o$ BarHillai% who too' a wi$e o$ the
da#ghters o$ BarHillai the Gileadite% and was alled by their name"
Neh 4:30 These so#ght their listing (among) those who were registered by genealogy% b#t it was not $o#nd&
there$ore they were e9l#ded $rom the *riesthood as de$iled"
Neh 4:31 +nd the go!ernor said to them that they sho#ld not eat o$ the most holy things till a *riest o#ld ons#lt
with the 7rim and Th#mmim"
Neh 4:33 +ltogether the whole assembly (was) $ortyDtwo tho#sand three h#ndred and si9ty%
Neh 4:34 besides their male and $emale ser!ants% o$ whom (there were) se!en tho#sand three h#ndred and
thirtyDse!en& and they had two h#ndred and $ortyD$i!e men and women singers"
Neh 4:38 Their horses were se!en h#ndred and thirtyDsi9% their m#les two h#ndred and $ortyD$i!e%
Neh 4:39 (their) amels $o#r h#ndred and thirtyD$i!e% (and) don'eys si9 tho#sand se!en h#ndred and twenty"
Neh 4:45 +nd some o$ the heads o$ the $athersA ho#ses ga!e to the wor'" The go!ernor ga!e to the treas#ry
one tho#sand gold drahmas% $i$ty basins% and $i!e h#ndred and thirty *riestly garments"
Neh 4:41 ,ome o$ the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) ga!e to the treas#ry o$ the wor' twenty tho#sand gold
drahmas% and two tho#sand two h#ndred sil!er minas"
Neh 4:42 +nd that whih the rest o$ the *eo*le ga!e (was) twenty tho#sand gold drahmas% two tho#sand sil!er
minas% and si9tyDse!en *riestly garments"
Neh 4:4- ,o the *riests% the /e!ites% the gate'ee*ers% the singers% (some) o$ the *eo*le% the Nethinim% and all
Israel dwelt in their ities" >hen the se!enth month ame% the hildren o$ Israel (were) in their ities"
Neh 8:1 Now all the *eo*le gathered together as one man in the o*en sE#are that (was) in $ront o$ the >ater
Gate& and they told 6Hra the sribe to bring the Boo' o$ the /aw o$ ?oses% whih the /8:2 had ommanded
Neh 8:2 ,o 6Hra the *riest bro#ght the /aw be$ore the assembly o$ men and women and all who (o#ld) hear
with #nderstanding on the $irst day o$ the se!enth month"
Neh 8:- Then he read $rom it in the o*en sE#are that (was) in $ront o$ the >ater Gate $rom morning #ntil midday%
be$ore the men and women and those who o#ld #nderstand& and the ears o$ all the *eo*le (were attenti!e) to
the Boo' o$ the /aw"
Neh 8:0 ,o 6Hra the sribe stood on a *lat$orm o$ wood whih they had made $or the *#r*ose& and beside him%
at his right hand% stood ?attithiah% ,hema% +naiah% 7ri@ah% Hil'iah% and ?aaseiah& and at his le$t hand <edaiah%
?ishael% ?alhi@ah% Hash#m% Hashbadana% Gehariah% (and) ?esh#llam"
Neh 8:1 +nd 6Hra o*ened the boo' in the sight o$ all the *eo*le% $or he was (standing) abo!e all the *eo*le& and
when he o*ened it% all the *eo*le stood #*"
Neh 8:3 +nd 6Hra blessed the /8:2% the great God" Then all the *eo*le answered% .+men% +menF. while li$ting
#* their hands" +nd they bowed their heads and worshi*ed the /8:2 with (their) $aes to the gro#nd"
Neh 8:4 +lso Jesh#a% Bani% ,herebiah% Jamin% +''#b% ,habbethai% Hodi@ah% ?aaseiah% Kelita% +Hariah% JoHabad%
Hanan% <elaiah% and the /e!ites% hel*ed the *eo*le to #nderstand the /aw& and the *eo*le (stood) in their *lae"
Neh 8:8 ,o they read distintly $rom the boo'% in the /aw o$ God& and they ga!e the sense% and hel*ed (them) to
#nderstand the reading"
Neh 8:9 +nd Nehemiah% who (was) the go!ernor% 6Hra the *riest (and) sribe% and the /e!ites who ta#ght the
*eo*le said to all the *eo*le% .This day (is) holy to the /8:2 yo#r God& do not mo#rn nor wee*". ;or all the
*eo*le we*t% when they heard the words o$ the /aw"
Neh 8:15 Then he said to them% .Go yo#r way% eat the $at% drin' the sweet% and send *ortions to those $or whom
nothing is *re*ared& $or (this) day (is) holy to o#r /8:2" 2o not sorrow% $or the @oy o$ the /8:2 is yo#r strength".
Neh 8:11 ,o the /e!ites E#ieted all the *eo*le% saying% .Be still% $or the day (is) holy& do not be grie!ed".
Neh 8:12 +nd all the *eo*le went their way to eat and drin'% to send *ortions and re@oie greatly% bea#se they
#nderstood the words that were delared to them"
Neh 8:1- Now on the seond day the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) o$ all the *eo*le% with the *riests and
/e!ites% were gathered to 6Hra the sribe% in order to #nderstand the words o$ the /aw"
Neh 8:10 +nd they $o#nd written in the /aw% whih the /8:2 had ommanded by ?oses% that the hildren o$
Israel sho#ld dwell in booths d#ring the $east o$ the se!enth month%
Neh 8:11 and that they sho#ld anno#ne and *rolaim in all their ities and in Jer#salem% saying% .Go o#t to the
mo#ntain% and bring oli!e branhes% branhes o$ oil trees% myrtle branhes% *alm branhes% and branhes o$
lea$y trees% to ma'e booths% as (it is) written".
Neh 8:13 Then the *eo*le went o#t and bro#ght (them) and made themsel!es booths% eah one on the roo$ o$
his ho#se% or in their o#rtyards or the o#rts o$ the ho#se o$ God% and in the o*en sE#are o$ the >ater Gate and
in the o*en sE#are o$ the Gate o$ 6*hraim"
Neh 8:14 ,o the whole assembly o$ those who had ret#rned $rom the a*ti!ity made booths and sat #nder the
booths& $or sine the days o$ Josh#a the son o$ N#n #ntil that day the hildren o$ Israel had not done so" +nd
there was !ery great gladness"
Neh 8:18 +lso day by day% $rom the $irst day #ntil the last day% he read $rom the Boo' o$ the /aw o$ God" +nd
they 'e*t the $east se!en days& and on the eighth day (there was) a sared assembly% aording to the
(*resribed) manner"
Neh 9:1 Now on the twentyD$o#rth day o$ this month the hildren o$ Israel were assembled with $asting% in
sa'loth% and with d#st on their heads"
Neh 9:2 Then those o$ Israelite lineage se*arated themsel!es $rom all $oreigners& and they stood and on$essed
their sins and the iniE#ities o$ their $athers"
Neh 9:- +nd they stood #* in their *lae and read $rom the Boo' o$ the /aw o$ the /8:2 their God ($or oneD
$o#rth) o$ the day& and ($or another) $o#rth they on$essed and worshi*ed the /8:2 their God"
Neh 9:0 Then Jesh#a% Bani% Kadmiel% ,hebaniah% B#nni% ,herebiah% Bani% (and) =henani stood on the stairs o$
the /e!ites and ried o#t with a lo#d !oie to the /8:2 their God"
Neh 9:1 +nd the /e!ites% Jesh#a% Kadmiel% Bani% Hashabniah% ,herebiah% Hodi@ah% ,hebaniah% (and) <ethahiah%
said: .,tand #* (and) bless the /8:2 yo#r God ;ore!er and e!erF .Blessed be Bo#r glorio#s name% >hih is
e9alted abo!e all blessing and *raiseF
Neh 9:3 Bo# alone (are) the /8:2& Bo# ha!e made hea!en% The hea!en o$ hea!ens% with all their host% The
earth and e!erything on it% The seas and all that is in them% +nd Bo# *reser!e them all" The host o$ hea!en
worshi*s Bo#"
Neh 9:4 .Bo# (are) the /8:2 God% >ho hose +bram% +nd bro#ght him o#t o$ 7r o$ the =haldeans% +nd ga!e
him the name +braham&
Neh 9:8 Bo# $o#nd his heart $aith$#l be$ore Bo#% +nd made a o!enant with him To gi!e the land o$ the
=anaanites% The Hittites% the +morites% the <eriHHites% the Jeb#sites% +nd the Girgashites DD To gi!e (it) to his
desendants" Bo# ha!e *er$ormed Bo#r words% ;or Bo# (are) righteo#s"
Neh 9:9 . Bo# saw the a$$lition o$ o#r $athers in 6gy*t% +nd heard their ry by the :ed ,ea"
Neh 9:15 Bo# showed signs and wonders against <haraoh% +gainst all his ser!ants% +nd against all the *eo*le
o$ his land" ;or Bo# 'new that they ated *ro#dly against them" ,o Bo# made a name $or Bo#rsel$% as (it is) this
Neh 9:11 +nd Bo# di!ided the sea be$ore them% ,o that they went thro#gh the midst o$ the sea on the dry land&
+nd their *erse#tors Bo# threw into the dee*% +s a stone into the mighty waters"
Neh 9:12 ?oreo!er Bo# led them by day with a lo#dy *illar% +nd by night with a *illar o$ $ire% To gi!e them light
on the road >hih they sho#ld tra!el"
Neh 9:1- .Bo# ame down also on ?o#nt ,inai% +nd s*o'e with them $rom hea!en% +nd ga!e them @#st
ordinanes and tr#e laws% Good stat#tes and ommandments"
Neh 9:10 Bo# made 'nown to them Bo#r holy ,abbath% +nd ommanded them *ree*ts% stat#tes and laws% By
the hand o$ ?oses Bo#r ser!ant"
Neh 9:11 Bo# ga!e them bread $rom hea!en $or their h#nger% +nd bro#ght them water o#t o$ the ro' $or their
thirst% +nd told them to go in to *ossess the land >hih Bo# had sworn to gi!e them"
Neh 9:13 . B#t they and o#r $athers ated *ro#dly% Hardened their ne's% +nd did not heed Bo#r
Neh 9:14 They re$#sed to obey% +nd they were not mind$#l o$ Bo#r wonders That Bo# did among them" B#t they
hardened their ne's% +nd in their rebellion They a**ointed a leader To ret#rn to their bondage" B#t Bo# (are)
God% :eady to *ardon% Graio#s and meri$#l% ,low to anger% +b#ndant in 'indness% +nd did not $orsa'e them"
Neh 9:18 .6!en when they made a molded al$ $or themsel!es% +nd said% AThis (is) yo#r god That bro#ght yo#
#* o#t o$ 6gy*t%A +nd wor'ed great *ro!oations%
Neh 9:19 Bet in Bo#r mani$old meries Bo# did not $orsa'e them in the wilderness" The *illar o$ the lo#d did
not de*art $rom them by day% To lead them on the road& Nor the *illar o$ $ire by night% To show them light% +nd
the way they sho#ld go"
Neh 9:25 Bo# also ga!e Bo#r good ,*irit to instr#t them% +nd did not withhold Bo#r manna $rom their mo#th%
+nd ga!e them water $or their thirst"
Neh 9:21 ;orty years Bo# s#stained them in the wilderness% They la'ed nothing& Their lothes did not wear o#t
+nd their $eet did not swell"
Neh 9:22 .?oreo!er Bo# ga!e them 'ingdoms and nations% +nd di!ided them into distrits" ,o they too'
*ossession o$ the land o$ ,ihon% The land o$ the 'ing o$ Heshbon% +nd the land o$ 8g 'ing o$ Bashan"
Neh 9:2- Bo# also m#lti*lied their hildren as the stars o$ hea!en% +nd bro#ght them into the land >hih Bo#
had told their $athers To go in and *ossess"
Neh 9:20 ,o the *eo*le went in +nd *ossessed the land& Bo# s#bd#ed be$ore them the inhabitants o$ the land%
The =anaanites% +nd ga!e them into their hands% >ith their 'ings +nd the *eo*le o$ the land% That they might do
with them as they wished"
Neh 9:21 +nd they too' strong ities and a rih land% +nd *ossessed ho#ses $#ll o$ all goods% =isterns (already)
d#g% !ineyards% oli!e gro!es% +nd $r#it trees in ab#ndane" ,o they ate and were $illed and grew $at% +nd
delighted themsel!es in Bo#r great goodness"
Neh 9:23 . Ne!ertheless they were disobedient +nd rebelled against Bo#% =ast Bo#r law behind their ba's +nd
'illed Bo#r *ro*hets% who testi$ied against them To t#rn them to Bo#rsel$& +nd they wor'ed great *ro!oations"
Neh 9:24 There$ore Bo# deli!ered them into the hand o$ their enemies% >ho o**ressed them& +nd in the time o$
their tro#ble% >hen they ried to Bo#% Bo# heard $rom hea!en& +nd aording to Bo#r ab#ndant meries Bo#
ga!e them deli!erers who sa!ed them ;rom the hand o$ their enemies"
Neh 9:28 .B#t a$ter they had rest% They again did e!il be$ore Bo#" There$ore Bo# le$t them in the hand o$ their
enemies% ,o that they had dominion o!er them& Bet when they ret#rned and ried o#t to Bo#% Bo# heard $rom
hea!en& +nd many times Bo# deli!ered them aording to Bo#r meries%
Neh 9:29 +nd testi$ied against them% That Bo# might bring them ba' to Bo#r law" Bet they ated *ro#dly% +nd
did not heed Bo#r ommandments% B#t sinned against Bo#r @#dgments% A>hih i$ a man does% he shall li!e by
them"A +nd they shr#gged their sho#lders% ,ti$$ened their ne's% +nd wo#ld not hear"
Neh 9:-5 Bet $or many years Bo# had *atiene with them% +nd testi$ied against them by Bo#r ,*irit in Bo#r
*ro*hets" Bet they wo#ld not listen& There$ore Bo# ga!e them into the hand o$ the *eo*les o$ the lands"
Neh 9:-1 Ne!ertheless in Bo#r great mery Bo# did not #tterly ons#me them nor $orsa'e them& ;or Bo# (are)
God% graio#s and meri$#l"
Neh 9:-2 . Now there$ore% o#r God% The great% the mighty% and awesome God% >ho 'ee*s o!enant and mery:
2o not let all the tro#ble seem small be$ore Bo# That has ome #*on #s% 8#r 'ings and o#r *rines% 8#r *riests
and o#r *ro*hets% 8#r $athers and on all Bo#r *eo*le% $rom the days o$ the 'ings o$ +ssyria #ntil this day"
Neh 9:-- Howe!er Bo# (are) @#st in all that has be$allen #s& ;or Bo# ha!e dealt $aith$#lly% B#t we ha!e done
Neh 9:-0 Neither o#r 'ings nor o#r *rines% 8#r *riests nor o#r $athers% Ha!e 'e*t Bo#r law% Nor heeded Bo#r
ommandments and Bo#r testimonies% >ith whih Bo# testi$ied against them"
Neh 9:-1 ;or they ha!e not ser!ed Bo# in their 'ingdom% 8r in the many good (things) that Bo# ga!e them% 8r in
the large and rih land whih Bo# set be$ore them& Nor did they t#rn $rom their wi'ed wor's"
Neh 9:-3 .Here we (are%) ser!ants todayF +nd the land that Bo# ga!e to o#r $athers% To eat its $r#it and its
bo#nty% Here we (are%) ser!ants in itF
Neh 9:-4 +nd it yields m#h inrease to the 'ings Bo# ha!e set o!er #s% Bea#se o$ o#r sins& +lso they ha!e
dominion o!er o#r bodies and o#r attle +t their *leas#re& +nd we (are) in great distress"
Neh 9:-8 . +nd bea#se o$ all this% >e ma'e a s#re (o!enant%) and write (it&) o#r leaders% o#r /e!ites% (and) o#r
*riests seal (it".)
Neh 15:1 Now those who *laed (their) seal on (the do#ment were:) Nehemiah the go!ernor% the son o$
Haaliah% and Gede'iah%
Neh 15:2 ,eraiah% +Hariah% Jeremiah%
Neh 15:- <ashh#r% +mariah% ?alhi@ah%
Neh 15:0 Hatt#sh% ,hebaniah% ?all#h%
Neh 15:1 Harim% ?eremoth% 8badiah%
Neh 15:3 2aniel% Ginnethon% Bar#h%
Neh 15:4 ?esh#llam% +bi@ah% ?i@amin%
Neh 15:8 ?aaHiah% Bilgai% (and) ,hemaiah" These (were) the *riests"
Neh 15:9 The /e!ites: Jesh#a the son o$ +Haniah% Binn#i o$ the sons o$ Henadad% (and) Kadmiel"
Neh 15:15 Their brethren: ,hebaniah% Hodi@ah% Kelita% <elaiah% Hanan%
Neh 15:11 ?iha% :ehob% Hashabiah%
Neh 15:12 Ga#r% ,herebiah% ,hebaniah%
Neh 15:1- Hodi@ah% Bani% (and) Benin#"
Neh 15:10 The leaders o$ the *eo*le: <arosh% <ahathD?oab% 6lam% Gatt#% Bani%
Neh 15:11 B#nni% +Hgad% Bebai%
Neh 15:13 +doni@ah% Big!ai% +din%
Neh 15:14 +ter% HeHe'iah% +HH#r%
Neh 15:18 Hodi@ah% Hash#m% BeHai%
Neh 15:19 Hari*h% +nathoth% Nebai%
Neh 15:25 ?ag*iash% ?esh#llam% HeHir%
Neh 15:21 ?esheHabel% Gado'% Jadd#a%
Neh 15:22 <elatiah% Hanan% +naiah%
Neh 15:2- Hoshea% Hananiah% Hassh#b%
Neh 15:20 Hallohesh% <ilha% ,hobe'%
Neh 15:21 :eh#m% Hashabnah% ?aaseiah%
Neh 15:23 +hi@ah% Hanan% +nan%
Neh 15:24 ?all#h% Harim% (and) Baanah"
Neh 15:28 Now the rest o$ the *eo*le DD the *riests% the /e!ites% the gate'ee*ers% the singers% the Nethinim% and
all those who had se*arated themsel!es $rom the *eo*les o$ the lands to the /aw o$ God% their wi!es% their sons%
and their da#ghters% e!eryone who had 'nowledge and #nderstanding DD
Neh 15:29 these @oined with their brethren% their nobles% and entered into a #rse and an oath to wal' in GodAs
/aw% whih was gi!en by ?oses the ser!ant o$ God% and to obser!e and do all the ommandments o$ the /8:2
o#r /ord% and His ordinanes and His stat#tes:
Neh 15:-5 >e wo#ld not gi!e o#r da#ghters as wi!es to the *eo*les o$ the land% nor ta'e their da#ghters $or o#r
Neh 15:-1 (i$) the *eo*les o$ the land bro#ght wares or any grain to sell on the ,abbath day% we wo#ld not b#y it
$rom them on the ,abbath% or on a holy day& and we wo#ld $orego the se!enth yearAs (*rod#e) and the e9ating
o$ e!ery debt"
Neh 15:-2 +lso we made ordinanes $or o#rsel!es% to e9at $rom o#rsel!es yearly oneDthird o$ a she'el $or the
ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$ o#r God:
Neh 15:-- $or the showbread% $or the reg#lar grain o$$ering% $or the reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering o$ the ,abbaths% the
New ?oons% and the set $easts& $or the holy things% $or the sin o$$erings to ma'e atonement $or Israel% and all the
wor' o$ the ho#se o$ o#r God"
Neh 15:-0 >e ast lots among the *riests% the /e!ites% and the *eo*le% $or (bringing) the wood o$$ering into the
ho#se o$ o#r God% aording to o#r $athersA ho#ses% at the a**ointed times year by year% to b#rn on the altar o$
the /8:2 o#r God as (it is) written in the /aw"
Neh 15:-1 +nd (we made ordinanes) to bring the $irst$r#its o$ o#r gro#nd and the $irst$r#its o$ all $r#it o$ all trees%
year by year% to the ho#se o$ the /8:2&
Neh 15:-3 to bring the $irstborn o$ o#r sons and o#r attle% as (it is) written in the /aw% and the $irstborn o$ o#r
herds and o#r $lo's% to the ho#se o$ o#r God% to the *riests who minister in the ho#se o$ o#r God&
Neh 15:-4 to bring the $irst$r#its o$ o#r do#gh% o#r o$$erings% the $r#it $rom all 'inds o$ trees% (the) new wine and
oil% to the *riests% to the storerooms o$ the ho#se o$ o#r God& and to bring the tithes o$ o#r land to the /e!ites% $or
the /e!ites sho#ld reei!e the tithes in all o#r $arming omm#nities"
Neh 15:-8 +nd the *riest% the desendant o$ +aron% shall be with the /e!ites when the /e!ites reei!e tithes&
and the /e!ites shall bring #* a tenth o$ the tithes to the ho#se o$ o#r God% to the rooms o$ the storeho#se"
Neh 15:-9 ;or the hildren o$ Israel and the hildren o$ /e!i shall bring the o$$ering o$ the grain% o$ the new wine
and the oil% to the storerooms where the artiles o$ the sant#ary (are% where) the *riests who minister and the
gate'ee*ers and the singers (are&) and we will not neglet the ho#se o$ o#r God"
Neh 11:1 Now the leaders o$ the *eo*le dwelt at Jer#salem& the rest o$ the *eo*le ast lots to bring one o#t o$
ten to dwell in Jer#salem% the holy ity% and nineDtenths (were to dwell) in (other) ities"
Neh 11:2 +nd the *eo*le blessed all the men who willingly o$$ered themsel!es to dwell at Jer#salem"
Neh 11:- These (are) the heads o$ the *ro!ine who dwelt in Jer#salem" IB#t in the ities o$ J#dah e!eryone
dwelt in his own *ossession in their ities DD Israelites% *riests% /e!ites% Nethinim% and desendants o$ ,olomonAs
Neh 11:0 +lso in Jer#salem dwelt (some) o$ the hildren o$ J#dah and o$ the hildren o$ Ben@amin" The hildren
o$ J#dah: +thaiah the son o$ 7HHiah% the son o$ Gehariah% the son o$ +mariah% the son o$ ,he*hatiah% the son o$
?ahalalel% o$ the hildren o$ <ereH&
Neh 11:1 and ?aaseiah the son o$ Bar#h% the son o$ =olDHoHeh% the son o$ HaHaiah% the son o$ +daiah% the
son o$ Joiarib% the son o$ Gehariah% the son o$ ,hiloni"
Neh 11:3 +ll the sons o$ <ereH who dwelt at Jer#salem (were) $o#r h#ndred and si9tyDeight !aliant men"
Neh 11:4 +nd these are the sons o$ Ben@amin: ,all# the son o$ ?esh#llam% the son o$ Joed% the son o$ <edaiah%
the son o$ Kolaiah% the son o$ ?aaseiah% the son o$ Ithiel% the son o$ Jeshaiah&
Neh 11:8 and a$ter him Gabbai (and) ,allai% nine h#ndred and twentyDeight"
Neh 11:9 Joel the son o$ Gihri (was) their o!erseer% and J#dah the son o$ ,en#ah (was) seond o!er the ity"
Neh 11:15 8$ the *riests: Jedaiah the son o$ Joiarib% and Jahin&
Neh 11:11 ,eraiah the son o$ Hil'iah% the son o$ ?esh#llam% the son o$ Gado'% the son o$ ?eraioth% the son o$
+hit#b% (was) the leader o$ the ho#se o$ God"
Neh 11:12 Their brethren who did the wor' o$ the ho#se (were) eight h#ndred and twentyDtwo& and +daiah the
son o$ Jeroham% the son o$ <elaliah% the son o$ +mHi% the son o$ Gehariah% the son o$ <ashh#r% the son o$
Neh 11:1- and his brethren% heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses% were) two h#ndred and $ortyDtwo& and +mashai the
son o$ +Harel% the son o$ +hHai% the son o$ ?eshillemoth% the son o$ Immer%
Neh 11:10 and their brethren% mighty men o$ !alor% (were) one h#ndred and twentyDeight" Their o!erseer (was)
Gabdiel the son o$ (one o$) the great men"
Neh 11:11 +lso o$ the /e!ites: ,hemaiah the son o$ Hassh#b% the son o$ +Hri'am% the son o$ Hashabiah% the
son o$ B#nni&
Neh 11:13 ,habbethai and JoHabad% o$ the heads o$ the /e!ites% (had) the o!ersight o$ the b#siness o#tside o$
the ho#se o$ God&
Neh 11:14 ?attaniah the son o$ ?iha% the son o$ Gabdi% the son o$ +sa*h% the leader (who) began the
than'sgi!ing with *rayer& Ba'b#'iah% the seond among his brethren& and +bda the son o$ ,hamm#a% the son o$
Galal% the son o$ Jed#th#n"
Neh 11:18 +ll the /e!ites in the holy ity (were) two h#ndred and eightyD$o#r"
Neh 11:19 ?oreo!er the gate'ee*ers% +''#b% Talmon% and their brethren who 'e*t the gates% (were) one
h#ndred and se!entyDtwo"
Neh 11:25 +nd the rest o$ Israel% o$ the *riests (and) /e!ites% (were) in all the ities o$ J#dah% e!eryone in his
Neh 11:21 B#t the Nethinim dwelt in 8*hel" +nd Giha and Gish*a (were) o!er the Nethinim"
Neh 11:22 +lso the o!erseer o$ the /e!ites at Jer#salem (was) 7HHi the son o$ Bani% the son o$ Hashabiah% the
son o$ ?attaniah% the son o$ ?iha% o$ the sons o$ +sa*h% the singers in harge o$ the ser!ie o$ the ho#se o$
Neh 11:2- ;or (it was) the 'ingAs ommand onerning them that a ertain *ortion sho#ld be $or the singers% a
E#ota day by day"
Neh 11:20 <ethahiah the son o$ ?esheHabel% o$ the hildren o$ Gerah the son o$ J#dah% (was) the 'ingAs de*#ty
in all matters onerning the *eo*le"
Neh 11:21 +nd as $or the !illages with their $ields% (some) o$ the hildren o$ J#dah dwelt in Kir@ath +rba and its
!illages% 2ibon and its !illages% Je'abHeel and its !illages&
Neh 11:23 in Jesh#a% ?oladah% Beth <elet%
Neh 11:24 HaHar ,h#al% and Beersheba and its !illages&
Neh 11:28 in Gi'lag and ?eonah and its !illages&
Neh 11:29 in 6n :immon% Gorah% Jarm#th%
Neh 11:-5 Ganoah% +d#llam% and their !illages& in /ahish and its $ields& in +He'ah and its !illages" They dwelt
$rom Beersheba to the Valley o$ Hinnom"
Neh 11:-1 +lso the hildren o$ Ben@amin $rom Geba (dwelt) in ?ihmash% +i@a% and Bethel% and their !illages&
Neh 11:-2 in +nathoth% Nob% +naniah&
Neh 11:-- in HaHor% :amah% Gittaim&
Neh 11:-0 in Hadid% Geboim% Neballat&
Neh 11:-1 in /od% 8no% (and) the Valley o$ =ra$tsmen"
Neh 11:-3 ,ome o$ the J#dean di!isions o$ /e!ites (were) in Ben@amin"
Neh 12:1 Now these (are) the *riests and the /e!ites who ame #* with Ger#bbabel the son o$ ,healtiel% and
Jesh#a: ,eraiah% Jeremiah% 6Hra%
Neh 12:2 +mariah% ?all#h% Hatt#sh%
Neh 12:- ,hehaniah% :eh#m% ?eremoth%
Neh 12:0 Iddo% Ginnethoi% +bi@ah%
Neh 12:1 ?i@amin% ?aadiah% Bilgah%
Neh 12:3 ,hemaiah% Joiarib% Jedaiah%
Neh 12:4 ,all#% +mo'% Hil'iah% (and) Jedaiah" These (were) the heads o$ the *riests and their brethren in the
days o$ Jesh#a"
Neh 12:8 ?oreo!er the /e!ites (were) Jesh#a% Binn#i% Kadmiel% ,herebiah% J#dah% (and) ?attaniah (who led) the
than'sgi!ing (*salms%) he and his brethren"
Neh 12:9 +lso Ba'b#'iah and 7nni% their brethren% (stood) aross $rom them in (their) d#ties"
Neh 12:15 Jesh#a begot Joia'im% Joia'im begot 6liashib% 6liashib begot Joiada%
Neh 12:11 Joiada begot Jonathan% and Jonathan begot Jadd#a"
Neh 12:12 Now in the days o$ Joia'im% the *riests% the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses were:) o$ ,eraiah% ?eraiah&
o$ Jeremiah% Hananiah&
Neh 12:1- o$ 6Hra% ?esh#llam& o$ +mariah% Jehohanan&
Neh 12:10 o$ ?elih#% Jonathan& o$ ,hebaniah% Jose*h&
Neh 12:11 o$ Harim% +dna& o$ ?eraioth% Hel'ai&
Neh 12:13 o$ Iddo% Gehariah& o$ Ginnethon% ?esh#llam&
Neh 12:14 o$ +bi@ah% Gihri& (the son) o$ ?in@amin& o$ ?oadiah% <iltai&
Neh 12:18 o$ Bilgah% ,hamm#a& o$ ,hemaiah% Jehonathan&
Neh 12:19 o$ Joiarib% ?attenai& o$ Jedaiah% 7HHi&
Neh 12:25 o$ ,allai% Kallai& o$ +mo'% 6ber&
Neh 12:21 o$ Hil'iah% Hashabiah& (and) o$ Jedaiah% Nethanel"
Neh 12:22 2#ring the reign o$ 2ari#s the <ersian% a reord (was also 'e*t) o$ the /e!ites and *riests (who had
been) heads o$ their $athersA (ho#ses) in the days o$ 6liashib% Joiada% Johanan% and Jadd#a"
Neh 12:2- The sons o$ /e!i% the heads o$ the $athersA (ho#ses) #ntil the days o$ Johanan the son o$ 6liashib%
(were) written in the boo' o$ the hroniles"
Neh 12:20 +nd the heads o$ the /e!ites (were) Hashabiah% ,herebiah% and Jesh#a the son o$ Kadmiel% with their
brothers aross $rom them% to *raise (and) gi!e than's% gro#* alternating with gro#*% aording to the ommand
o$ 2a!id the man o$ God"
Neh 12:21 ?attaniah% Ba'b#'iah% 8badiah% ?esh#llam% Talmon% and +''#b (were) gate'ee*ers 'ee*ing the
wath at the storerooms o$ the gates"
Neh 12:23 These (li!ed) in the days o$ Joia'im the son o$ Jesh#a% the son o$ JoHada'% and in the days o$
Nehemiah the go!ernor% and o$ 6Hra the *riest% the sribe"
Neh 12:24 Now at the dediation o$ the wall o$ Jer#salem they so#ght o#t the /e!ites in all their *laes% to bring
them to Jer#salem to elebrate the dediation with gladness% both with than'sgi!ings and singing% (with) ymbals
and stringed instr#ments and har*s"
Neh 12:28 +nd the sons o$ the singers gathered together $rom the o#ntryside aro#nd Jer#salem% $rom the
!illages o$ the Neto*hathites%
Neh 12:29 $rom the ho#se o$ Gilgal% and $rom the $ields o$ Geba and +Hma!eth& $or the singers had b#ilt
themsel!es !illages all aro#nd Jer#salem"
Neh 12:-5 Then the *riests and /e!ites *#ri$ied themsel!es% and *#ri$ied the *eo*le% the gates% and the wall"
Neh 12:-1 ,o I bro#ght the leaders o$ J#dah #* on the wall% and a**ointed two large than'sgi!ing hoirs" (8ne)
went to the right hand on the wall toward the :e$#se Gate"
Neh 12:-2 +$ter them went Hoshaiah and hal$ o$ the leaders o$ J#dah%
Neh 12:-- and +Hariah% 6Hra% ?esh#llam%
Neh 12:-0 J#dah% Ben@amin% ,hemaiah% Jeremiah%
Neh 12:-1 and some o$ the *riestsA sons with tr#m*ets DD Gehariah the son o$ Jonathan% the son o$ ,hemaiah%
the son o$ ?attaniah% the son o$ ?ihaiah% the son o$ Ga#r% the son o$ +sa*h%
Neh 12:-3 and his brethren% ,hemaiah% +Harel% ?ilalai% Gilalai% ?aai% Nethanel% J#dah% (and) Hanani% with the
m#sial instr#ments o$ 2a!id the man o$ God" 6Hra the sribe (went) be$ore them"
Neh 12:-4 By the ;o#ntain Gate% in $ront o$ them% they went #* the stairs o$ the =ity o$ 2a!id% on the stairway o$
the wall% beyond the ho#se o$ 2a!id% as $ar as the >ater Gate eastward"
Neh 12:-8 The other than'sgi!ing hoir went the o**osite (way%) and I (was) behind them with hal$ o$ the *eo*le
on the wall% going *ast the Tower o$ the 8!ens as $ar as the Broad >all%
Neh 12:-9 and abo!e the Gate o$ 6*hraim% abo!e the 8ld Gate% abo!e the ;ish Gate% the Tower o$ Hananel%
the Tower o$ the H#ndred% as $ar as the ,hee* Gate& and they sto**ed by the Gate o$ the <rison"
Neh 12:05 ,o the two than'sgi!ing hoirs stood in the ho#se o$ God% li'ewise I and the hal$ o$ the r#lers with
Neh 12:01 and the *riests% 6lia'im% ?aaseiah% ?in@amin% ?ihaiah% 6lioenai% Gehariah% (and) Hananiah% with
Neh 12:02 also ?aaseiah% ,hemaiah% 6leaHar% 7HHi% Jehohanan% ?alhi@ah% 6lam% and 6Her" The singers sang
lo#dly with JeHrahiah the diretor"
Neh 12:0- +lso that day they o$$ered great sari$ies% and re@oied% $or God had made them re@oie with great
@oy& the women and the hildren also re@oied% so that the @oy o$ Jer#salem was heard a$ar o$$"
Neh 12:00 +nd at the same time some were a**ointed o!er the rooms o$ the storeho#se $or the o$$erings% the
$irst$r#its% and the tithes% to gather into them $rom the $ields o$ the ities the *ortions s*ei$ied by the /aw $or the
*riests and /e!ites& $or J#dah re@oied o!er the *riests and /e!ites who ministered"
Neh 12:01 Both the singers and the gate'ee*ers 'e*t the harge o$ their God and the harge o$ the *#ri$iation%
aording to the ommand o$ 2a!id (and) ,olomon his son"
Neh 12:03 ;or in the days o$ 2a!id and +sa*h o$ old (there were) hie$s o$ the singers% and songs o$ *raise and
than'sgi!ing to God"
Neh 12:04 In the days o$ Ger#bbabel and in the days o$ Nehemiah all Israel ga!e the *ortions $or the singers
and the gate'ee*ers% a *ortion $or eah day" They also onserated (holy things) $or the /e!ites% and the /e!ites
onserated (them) $or the hildren o$ +aron"
Neh 1-:1 8n that day they read $rom the Boo' o$ ?oses in the hearing o$ the *eo*le% and in it was $o#nd written
that no +mmonite or ?oabite sho#ld e!er ome into the assembly o$ God%
Neh 1-:2 bea#se they had not met the hildren o$ Israel with bread and water% b#t hired Balaam against them
to #rse them" Howe!er% o#r God t#rned the #rse into a blessing"
Neh 1-:- ,o it was% when they had heard the /aw% that they se*arated all the mi9ed m#ltit#de $rom Israel"
Neh 1-:0 Now be$ore this% 6liashib the *riest% ha!ing a#thority o!er the storerooms o$ the ho#se o$ o#r God%
(was) allied with Tobiah"
Neh 1-:1 +nd he had *re*ared $or him a large room% where *re!io#sly they had stored the grain o$$erings% the
$ran'inense% the artiles% the tithes o$ grain% the new wine and oil% whih were ommanded (to be gi!en) to the
/e!ites and singers and gate'ee*ers% and the o$$erings $or the *riests"
Neh 1-:3 B#t d#ring all this I was not in Jer#salem% $or in the thirtyDseond year o$ +rta9er9es 'ing o$ Babylon I
had ret#rned to the 'ing" Then a$ter ertain days I obtained lea!e $rom the 'ing%
Neh 1-:4 and I ame to Jer#salem and diso!ered the e!il that 6liashib had done $or Tobiah% in *re*aring a
room $or him in the o#rts o$ the ho#se o$ God"
Neh 1-:8 +nd it grie!ed me bitterly& there$ore I threw all the ho#sehold goods o$ Tobiah o#t o$ the room"
Neh 1-:9 Then I ommanded them to leanse the rooms& and I bro#ght ba' into them the artiles o$ the ho#se
o$ God% with the grain o$$ering and the $ran'inense"
Neh 1-:15 I also realiHed that the *ortions $or the /e!ites had not been gi!en (them&) $or eah o$ the /e!ites and
the singers who did the wor' had gone ba' to his $ield"
Neh 1-:11 ,o I ontended with the r#lers% and said% .>hy is the ho#se o$ God $orsa'enC. +nd I gathered them
together and set them in their *lae"
Neh 1-:12 Then all J#dah bro#ght the tithe o$ the grain and the new wine and the oil to the storeho#se"
Neh 1-:1- +nd I a**ointed as treas#rers o!er the storeho#se ,helemiah the *riest and Gado' the sribe% and o$
the /e!ites% <edaiah& and ne9t to them (was) Hanan the son o$ Ga#r% the son o$ ?attaniah& $or they were
onsidered $aith$#l% and their tas' (was) to distrib#te to their brethren"
Neh 1-:10 :emember me% 8 my God% onerning this% and do not wi*e o#t my good deeds that I ha!e done $or
the ho#se o$ my God% and $or its ser!iesF
Neh 1-:11 In those days I saw (*eo*le) in J#dah treading wine *resses on the ,abbath% and bringing in
shea!es% and loading don'eys with wine% gra*es% $igs% and all ('inds o$) b#rdens% whih they bro#ght into
Jer#salem on the ,abbath day" +nd I warned (them) abo#t the day on whih they were selling *ro!isions"
Neh 1-:13 ?en o$ Tyre dwelt there also% who bro#ght in $ish and all 'inds o$ goods% and sold (them) on the
,abbath to the hildren o$ J#dah% and in Jer#salem"
Neh 1-:14 Then I ontended with the nobles o$ J#dah% and said to them% .>hat e!il thing (is) this that yo# do% by
whih yo# *ro$ane the ,abbath dayC
Neh 1-:18 .2id not yo#r $athers do th#s% and did not o#r God bring all this disaster on #s and on this ityC Bet
yo# bring added wrath on Israel by *ro$aning the ,abbath".
Neh 1-:19 ,o it was% at the gates o$ Jer#salem% as it began to be dar' be$ore the ,abbath% that I ommanded
the gates to be sh#t% and harged that they m#st not be o*ened till a$ter the ,abbath" Then I *osted (some) o$
my ser!ants at the gates% (so that) no b#rdens wo#ld be bro#ght in on the ,abbath day"
Neh 1-:25 Now the merhants and sellers o$ all 'inds o$ wares lodged o#tside Jer#salem one or twie"
Neh 1-:21 Then I warned them% and said to them% .>hy do yo# s*end the night aro#nd the wallC I$ yo# do (so)
again% I will lay hands on yo#F. ;rom that time on they ame no (more) on the ,abbath"
Neh 1-:22 +nd I ommanded the /e!ites that they sho#ld leanse themsel!es% and that they sho#ld go and
g#ard the gates% to santi$y the ,abbath day" :emember me% 8 my God% (onerning) this also% and s*are me
aording to the greatness o$ Bo#r meryF
Neh 1-:2- In those days I also saw Jews (who) had married women o$ +shdod% +mmon% (and) ?oab"
Neh 1-:20 +nd hal$ o$ their hildren s*o'e the lang#age o$ +shdod% and o#ld not s*ea' the lang#age o$ J#dah%
b#t s*o'e aording to the lang#age o$ one or the other *eo*le"
Neh 1-:21 ,o I ontended with them and #rsed them% str#' some o$ them and *#lled o#t their hair% and made
them swear by God% (saying%) .Bo# shall not gi!e yo#r da#ghters as wi!es to their sons% nor ta'e their da#ghters
$or yo#r sons or yo#rsel!es"
Neh 1-:23 .2id not ,olomon 'ing o$ Israel sin by these thingsC Bet among many nations there was no 'ing li'e
him% who was belo!ed o$ his God& and God made him 'ing o!er all Israel" Ne!ertheless *agan women a#sed
e!en him to sin"
Neh 1-:24 .,ho#ld we then hear o$ yo#r doing all this great e!il% transgressing against o#r God by marrying
*agan womenC.
Neh 1-:28 +nd (one) o$ the sons o$ Joiada% the son o$ 6liashib the high *riest% (was) a sonDinDlaw o$ ,anballat
the Horonite& there$ore I dro!e him $rom me"
Neh 1-:29 :emember them% 8 my God% bea#se they ha!e de$iled the *riesthood and the o!enant o$ the
*riesthood and the /e!ites"
Neh 1-:-5 Th#s I leansed them o$ e!erything *agan" I also assigned d#ties to the *riests and the /e!ites% eah
to his ser!ie%
Neh 1-:-1 and (to bringing) the wood o$$ering and the $irst$r#its at a**ointed times" :emember me% 8 my God%
$or goodF
6st 1:1 Now it ame to *ass in the days o$ +has#er#s Ithis (was) the +has#er#s who reigned o!er one h#ndred
and twentyDse!en *ro!ines% $rom India to 6thio*iaJ%
6st 1:2 in those days when King +has#er#s sat on the throne o$ his 'ingdom% whih (was) in ,h#shan the
6st 1:- (that) in the third year o$ his reign he made a $east $or all his o$$iials and ser!ants DD the *owers o$
<ersia and ?edia% the nobles% and the *rines o$ the *ro!ines (being) be$ore him DD
6st 1:0 when he showed the rihes o$ his glorio#s 'ingdom and the s*lendor o$ his e9ellent ma@esty $or many
days% one h#ndred and eighty days (in all")
6st 1:1 +nd when these days were om*leted% the 'ing made a $east lasting se!en days $or all the *eo*le who
were *resent in ,h#shan the itadel% $rom great to small% in the o#rt o$ the garden o$ the 'ingAs *alae"
6st 1:3 (There were) white and bl#e linen (#rtains) $astened with ords o$ $ine linen and *#r*le on sil!er rods
and marble *illars& (and the) o#hes (were) o$ gold and sil!er on a (mosai) *a!ement o$ alabaster% t#rE#oise%
and white and bla' marble"
6st 1:4 +nd they ser!ed drin's in golden !essels% eah !essel being di$$erent $rom the other% with royal wine in
ab#ndane% aording to the generosity o$ the 'ing"
6st 1:8 In aordane with the law% the drin'ing was not om*#lsory& $or so the 'ing had ordered all the o$$iers
o$ his ho#sehold% that they sho#ld do aording to eah manAs *leas#re"
6st 1:9 K#een Vashti also made a $east $or the women (in) the royal *alae whih (belonged) to King
6st 1:15 8n the se!enth day% when the heart o$ the 'ing was merry with wine% he ommanded ?eh#man%
BiHtha% Harbona% Bigtha% +bagtha% Gethar% and =aras% se!en e#n#hs who ser!ed in the *resene o$ King
6st 1:11 to bring K#een Vashti be$ore the 'ing% (wearing) her royal rown% in order to show her bea#ty to the
*eo*le and the o$$iials% $or she (was) bea#ti$#l to behold"
6st 1:12 B#t K#een Vashti re$#sed to ome at the 'ingAs ommand (bro#ght) by (his) e#n#hs& there$ore the 'ing
was $#rio#s% and his anger b#rned within him"
6st 1:1- Then the 'ing said to the wise men who #nderstood the times I$or this (was) the 'ingAs manner toward
all who 'new law and @#stie%
6st 1:10 those losest to him (being) =arshena% ,hethar% +dmatha% Tarshish% ?eres% ?arsena% and ?em#an%
the se!en *rines o$ <ersia and ?edia% who had aess to the 'ingAs *resene% (and) who ran'ed highest in the
6st 1:11 .>hat (shall we) do to K#een Vashti% aording to law% bea#se she did not obey the ommand o$ King
+has#er#s (bro#ght to her) by the e#n#hsC.
6st 1:13 +nd ?em#an answered be$ore the 'ing and the *rines: .K#een Vashti has not only wronged the
'ing% b#t also all the *rines% and all the *eo*le who (are) in all the *ro!ines o$ King +has#er#s"
6st 1:14 .;or the E#eenAs beha!ior will beome 'nown to all women% so that they will des*ise their h#sbands in
their eyes% when they re*ort% AKing +has#er#s ommanded K#een Vashti to be bro#ght in be$ore him% b#t she
did not ome"A
6st 1:18 .This !ery day the (noble) ladies o$ <ersia and ?edia will say to all the 'ingAs o$$iials that they ha!e
heard o$ the beha!ior o$ the E#een" Th#s (there will be) e9essi!e ontem*t and wrath"
6st 1:19 .I$ it *leases the 'ing% let a royal deree go o#t $rom him% and let it be reorded in the laws o$ the
<ersians and the ?edes% so that it will not be altered% that Vashti shall ome no more be$ore King +has#er#s&
and let the 'ing gi!e her royal *osition to another who is better than she"
6st 1:25 .>hen the 'ingAs deree whih he will ma'e is *rolaimed thro#gho#t all his em*ire I$or it is greatJ% all
wi!es will honor their h#sbands% both great and small".
6st 1:21 +nd the re*ly *leased the 'ing and the *rines% and the 'ing did aording to the word o$ ?em#an"
6st 1:22 Then he sent letters to all the 'ingAs *ro!ines% to eah *ro!ine in its own sri*t% and to e!ery *eo*le
in their own lang#age% that eah man sho#ld be master in his own ho#se% and s*ea' in the lang#age o$ his own
6st 2:1 +$ter these things% when the wrath o$ King +has#er#s s#bsided% he remembered Vashti% what she had
done% and what had been dereed against her"
6st 2:2 Then the 'ingAs ser!ants who attended him said: ./et bea#ti$#l yo#ng !irgins be so#ght $or the 'ing&
6st 2:- .and let the 'ing a**oint o$$iers in all the *ro!ines o$ his 'ingdom% that they may gather all the bea#ti$#l
yo#ng !irgins to ,h#shan the itadel% into the womenAs E#arters% #nder the #stody o$ Hegai the 'ingAs e#n#h%
#stodian o$ the women" +nd let bea#ty *re*arations be gi!en (them")
6st 2:0 .Then let the yo#ng woman who *leases the 'ing be E#een instead o$ Vashti". This thing *leased the
'ing% and he did so"
6st 2:1 In ,h#shan the itadel there was a ertain Jew whose name (was) ?ordeai the son o$ Jair% the son o$
,himei% the son o$ Kish% a Ben@amite"
6st 2:3 (Kish) had been arried away $rom Jer#salem with the a*ti!es who had been a*t#red with Jeoniah
'ing o$ J#dah% whom Neb#hadneHHar the 'ing o$ Babylon had arried away"
6st 2:4 +nd (?ordeai) had bro#ght #* Hadassah% that (is%) 6sther% his #nleAs da#ghter% $or she had neither
$ather nor mother" The yo#ng woman (was) lo!ely and bea#ti$#l" >hen her $ather and mother died% ?ordeai
too' her as his own da#ghter"
6st 2:8 ,o it was% when the 'ingAs ommand and deree were heard% and when many yo#ng women were
gathered at ,h#shan the itadel% (#nder) the #stody o$ Hegai% that 6sther also was ta'en to the 'ingAs *alae%
into the are o$ Hegai the #stodian o$ the women"
6st 2:9 Now the yo#ng woman *leased him% and she obtained his $a!or& so he readily ga!e bea#ty *re*arations
to her% besides her allowane" Then se!en hoie maidser!ants were *ro!ided $or her $rom the 'ingAs *alae%
and he mo!ed her and her maidser!ants to the best (*lae) in the ho#se o$ the women"
6st 2:15 6sther had not re!ealed her *eo*le or $amily% $or ?ordeai had harged her not to re!eal (it")
6st 2:11 +nd e!ery day ?ordeai *aed in $ront o$ the o#rt o$ the womenAs E#arters% to learn o$ 6stherAs
wel$are and what was ha**ening to her"
6st 2:12 6ah yo#ng womanAs t#rn ame to go in to King +has#er#s a$ter she had om*leted twel!e monthsA
*re*aration% aording to the reg#lations $or the women% $or th#s were the days o$ their *re*aration a**ortioned:
si9 months with oil o$ myrrh% and si9 months with *er$#mes and *re*arations $or bea#ti$ying women"
6st 2:1- Th#s (*re*ared% eah) yo#ng woman went to the 'ing% and she was gi!en whate!er she desired to ta'e
with her $rom the womenAs E#arters to the 'ingAs *alae"
6st 2:10 In the e!ening she went% and in the morning she ret#rned to the seond ho#se o$ the women% to the
#stody o$ ,haashgaH% the 'ingAs e#n#h who 'e*t the on#bines" ,he wo#ld not go in to the 'ing again #nless
the 'ing delighted in her and alled $or her by name"
6st 2:11 Now when the t#rn ame $or 6sther the da#ghter o$ +bihail the #nle o$ ?ordeai% who had ta'en her
as his da#ghter% to go in to the 'ing% she reE#ested nothing b#t what Hegai the 'ingAs e#n#h% the #stodian o$
the women% ad!ised" +nd 6sther obtained $a!or in the sight o$ all who saw her"
6st 2:13 ,o 6sther was ta'en to King +has#er#s% into his royal *alae% in the tenth month% whih (is) the month
o$ Tebeth% in the se!enth year o$ his reign"
6st 2:14 The 'ing lo!ed 6sther more than all the (other) women% and she obtained grae and $a!or in his sight
more than all the !irgins& so he set the royal rown #*on her head and made her E#een instead o$ Vashti"
6st 2:18 Then the 'ing made a great $east% the ;east o$ 6sther% $or all his o$$iials and ser!ants& and he
*rolaimed a holiday in the *ro!ines and ga!e gi$ts aording to the generosity o$ a 'ing"
6st 2:19 >hen !irgins were gathered together a seond time% ?ordeai sat within the 'ingAs gate"
6st 2:25 (Now) 6sther had not re!ealed her $amily and her *eo*le% @#st as ?ordeai had harged her% $or 6sther
obeyed the ommand o$ ?ordeai as when she was bro#ght #* by him"
6st 2:21 In those days% while ?ordeai sat within the 'ingAs gate% two o$ the 'ingAs e#n#hs% Bigthan and Teresh%
door'ee*ers% beame $#rio#s and so#ght to lay hands on King +has#er#s"
6st 2:22 ,o the matter beame 'nown to ?ordeai% who told K#een 6sther% and 6sther in$ormed the 'ing in
?ordeaiAs name"
6st 2:2- +nd when an inE#iry was made into the matter% it was on$irmed% and both were hanged on a gallows&
and it was written in the boo' o$ the hroniles in the *resene o$ the 'ing"
6st -:1 +$ter these things King +has#er#s *romoted Haman% the son o$ Hammedatha the +gagite% and
ad!aned him and set his seat abo!e all the *rines who (were) with him"
6st -:2 +nd all the 'ingAs ser!ants who (were) within the 'ingAs gate bowed and *aid homage to Haman% $or so
the 'ing had ommanded onerning him" B#t ?ordeai wo#ld not bow or *ay homage"
6st -:- Then the 'ingAs ser!ants who (were) within the 'ingAs gate said to ?ordeai% .>hy do yo# transgress the
'ingAs ommandC.
6st -:0 Now it ha**ened% when they s*o'e to him daily and he wo#ld not listen to them% that they told (it) to
Haman% to see whether ?ordeaiAs words wo#ld stand& $or (?ordeai) had told them that he (was) a Jew"
6st -:1 >hen Haman saw that ?ordeai did not bow or *ay him homage% Haman was $illed with wrath"
6st -:3 B#t he disdained to lay hands on ?ordeai alone% $or they had told him o$ the *eo*le o$ ?ordeai"
Instead% Haman so#ght to destroy all the Jews who (were) thro#gho#t the whole 'ingdom o$ +has#er#s DD the
*eo*le o$ ?ordeai"
6st -:4 In the $irst month% whih is the month o$ Nisan% in the twel$th year o$ King +has#er#s% they ast <#r Ithat
(is%) the lotJ% be$ore Haman to determine the day and the month% #ntil (it $ell on the) twel$th (month%) whih (is) the
month o$ +dar"
6st -:8 Then Haman said to King +has#er#s% .There is a ertain *eo*le sattered and dis*ersed among the
*eo*le in all the *ro!ines o$ yo#r 'ingdom& their laws (are) di$$erent $rom all (other) *eo*leAs% and they do not
'ee* the 'ingAs laws" There$ore it (is) not $itting $or the 'ing to let them remain"
6st -:9 .I$ it *leases the 'ing% let (a deree) be written that they be destroyed% and I will *ay ten tho#sand talents
o$ sil!er into the hands o$ those who do the wor'% to bring (it) into the 'ingAs treas#ries".
6st -:15 ,o the 'ing too' his signet ring $rom his hand and ga!e it to Haman% the son o$ Hammedatha the
+gagite% the enemy o$ the Jews"
6st -:11 +nd the 'ing said to Haman% .The money and the *eo*le (are) gi!en to yo#% to do with them as seems
good to yo#".
6st -:12 Then the 'ingAs sribes were alled on the thirteenth day o$ the $irst month% and (a deree) was written
aording to all that Haman ommanded DD to the 'ingAs satra*s% to the go!ernors who (were) o!er eah
*ro!ine% to the o$$iials o$ all *eo*le% to e!ery *ro!ine aording to its sri*t% and to e!ery *eo*le in their
lang#age" In the name o$ King +has#er#s it was written% and sealed with the 'ingAs signet ring"
6st -:1- +nd the letters were sent by o#riers into all the 'ingAs *ro!ines% to destroy% to 'ill% and to annihilate all
the Jews% both yo#ng and old% little hildren and women% in one day% on the thirteenth (day) o$ the twel$th (month%)
whih (is) the month o$ +dar% and to *l#nder their *ossessions"
6st -:10 + o*y o$ the do#ment was to be iss#ed as law in e!ery *ro!ine% being *#blished $or all *eo*le% that
they sho#ld be ready $or that day"
6st -:11 The o#riers went o#t% hastened by the 'ingAs ommand& and the deree was *rolaimed in ,h#shan
the itadel" ,o the 'ing and Haman sat down to drin'% b#t the ity o$ ,h#shan was *er*le9ed"
6st 0:1 >hen ?ordeai learned all that had ha**ened% he tore his lothes and *#t on sa'loth and ashes% and
went o#t into the midst o$ the ity" He ried o#t with a lo#d and bitter ry"
6st 0:2 He went as $ar as the $ront o$ the 'ingAs gate% $or no one (might) enter the 'ingAs gate lothed with
6st 0:- +nd in e!ery *ro!ine where the 'ingAs ommand and deree arri!ed% (there was) great mo#rning among
the Jews% with $asting% wee*ing% and wailing& and many lay in sa'loth and ashes"
6st 0:0 ,o 6stherAs maids and e#n#hs ame and told her% and the E#een was dee*ly distressed" Then she
sent garments to lothe ?ordeai and ta'e his sa'loth away $rom him% b#t he wo#ld not ae*t (them")
6st 0:1 Then 6sther alled Hathah% (one) o$ the 'ingAs e#n#hs whom he had a**ointed to attend her% and she
ga!e him a ommand onerning ?ordeai% to learn what and why this (was")
6st 0:3 ,o Hathah went o#t to ?ordeai in the ity sE#are that (was) in $ront o$ the 'ingAs gate"
6st 0:4 +nd ?ordeai told him all that had ha**ened to him% and the s#m o$ money that Haman had *romised to
*ay into the 'ingAs treas#ries to destroy the Jews"
6st 0:8 He also ga!e him a o*y o$ the written deree $or their destr#tion% whih was gi!en at ,h#shan% that he
might show it to 6sther and e9*lain it to her% and that he might ommand her to go in to the 'ing to ma'e
s#**liation to him and *lead be$ore him $or her *eo*le"
6st 0:9 ,o Hathah ret#rned and told 6sther the words o$ ?ordeai"
6st 0:15 Then 6sther s*o'e to Hathah% and ga!e him a ommand $or ?ordeai:
6st 0:11 .+ll the 'ingAs ser!ants and the *eo*le o$ the 'ingAs *ro!ines 'now that any man or woman who goes
into the inner o#rt to the 'ing% who has not been alled% (he has) b#t one law: *#t (all) to death% e9e*t the one
to whom the 'ing holds o#t the golden se*ter% that he may li!e" Bet I mysel$ ha!e not been alled to go in to the
'ing these thirty days".
6st 0:12 ,o they told ?ordeai 6stherAs words"
6st 0:1- +nd ?ordeai told (them) to answer 6sther: .2o not thin' in yo#r heart that yo# will esa*e in the 'ingAs
*alae any more than all the other Jews"
6st 0:10 .;or i$ yo# remain om*letely silent at this time% relie$ and deli!erane will arise $or the Jews $rom
another *lae% b#t yo# and yo#r $atherAs ho#se will *erish" Bet who 'nows whether yo# ha!e ome to the
'ingdom $or (s#h) a time as thisC.
6st 0:11 Then 6sther told (them) to re*ly to ?ordeai:
6st 0:13 .Go% gather all the Jews who are *resent in ,h#shan% and $ast $or me& neither eat nor drin' $or three
days% night or day" ?y maids and I will $ast li'ewise" +nd so I will go to the 'ing% whih (is) against the law& and i$
I *erish% I *erishF.
6st 0:14 ,o ?ordeai went his way and did aording to all that 6sther ommanded him"
6st 1:1 Now it ha**ened on the third day that 6sther *#t on (her) royal (robes) and stood in the inner o#rt o$ the
'ingAs *alae% aross $rom the 'ingAs ho#se% while the 'ing sat on his royal throne in the royal ho#se% $aing the
entrane o$ the ho#se"
6st 1:2 ,o it was% when the 'ing saw K#een 6sther standing in the o#rt% (that) she $o#nd $a!or in his sight% and
the 'ing held o#t to 6sther the golden se*ter that (was) in his hand" Then 6sther went near and to#hed the to*
o$ the se*ter"
6st 1:- +nd the 'ing said to her% .>hat do yo# wish% K#een 6stherC >hat (is) yo#r reE#estC It shall be gi!en to
yo# DD #* to hal$ the 'ingdomF.
6st 1:0 ,o 6sther answered% .I$ it *leases the 'ing% let the 'ing and Haman ome today to the banE#et that I
ha!e *re*ared $or him".
6st 1:1 Then the 'ing said% .Bring Haman E#i'ly% that he may do as 6sther has said". ,o the 'ing and Haman
went to the banE#et that 6sther had *re*ared"
6st 1:3 +t the banE#et o$ wine the 'ing said to 6sther% .>hat (is) yo#r *etitionC It shall be granted yo#" >hat (is)
yo#r reE#est% #* to hal$ the 'ingdomC It shall be doneF.
6st 1:4 Then 6sther answered and said% .?y *etition and reE#est (is this:)
6st 1:8 .I$ I ha!e $o#nd $a!or in the sight o$ the 'ing% and i$ it *leases the 'ing to grant my *etition and $#l$ill my
reE#est% then let the 'ing and Haman ome to the banE#et whih I will *re*are $or them% and tomorrow I will do
as the 'ing has said".
6st 1:9 ,o Haman went o#t that day @oy$#l and with a glad heart& b#t when Haman saw ?ordeai in the 'ingAs
gate% and that he did not stand or tremble be$ore him% he was $illed with indignation against ?ordeai"
6st 1:15 Ne!ertheless Haman restrained himsel$ and went home% and he sent and alled $or his $riends and his
wi$e Geresh"
6st 1:11 Then Haman told them o$ his great rihes% the m#ltit#de o$ his hildren% e!erything in whih the 'ing
had *romoted him% and how he had ad!aned him abo!e the o$$iials and ser!ants o$ the 'ing"
6st 1:12 ?oreo!er Haman said% .Besides% K#een 6sther in!ited no one b#t me to ome in with the 'ing to the
banE#et that she *re*ared& and tomorrow I am again in!ited by her% along with the 'ing"
6st 1:1- .Bet all this a!ails me nothing% so long as I see ?ordeai the Jew sitting at the 'ingAs gate".
6st 1:10 Then his wi$e Geresh and all his $riends said to him% ./et a gallows be made% $i$ty #bits high% and in the
morning s#ggest to the 'ing that ?ordeai be hanged on it& then go merrily with the 'ing to the banE#et". +nd the
thing *leased Haman& so he had the gallows made"
6st 3:1 That night the 'ing o#ld not slee*" ,o one was ommanded to bring the boo' o$ the reords o$ the
hroniles& and they were read be$ore the 'ing"
6st 3:2 +nd it was $o#nd written that ?ordeai had told o$ Bigthana and Teresh% two o$ the 'ingAs e#n#hs% the
door'ee*ers who had so#ght to lay hands on King +has#er#s"
6st 3:- Then the 'ing said% .>hat honor or dignity has been bestowed on ?ordeai $or thisC. +nd the 'ingAs
ser!ants who attended him said% .Nothing has been done $or him".
6st 3:0 ,o the 'ing said% .>ho (is) in the o#rtC. Now Haman had (@#st) entered the o#ter o#rt o$ the 'ingAs
*alae to s#ggest that the 'ing hang ?ordeai on the gallows that he had *re*ared $or him"
6st 3:1 The 'ingAs ser!ants said to him% .Haman is there% standing in the o#rt". +nd the 'ing said% ./et him
ome in".
6st 3:3 ,o Haman ame in% and the 'ing as'ed him% .>hat shall be done $or the man whom the 'ing delights to
honorC. Now Haman tho#ght in his heart% .>hom wo#ld the 'ing delight to honor more than meC.
6st 3:4 +nd Haman answered the 'ing% .(;or) the man whom the 'ing delights to honor%
6st 3:8 .let a royal robe be bro#ght whih the 'ing has worn% and a horse on whih the 'ing has ridden% whih
has a royal rest *laed on its head"
6st 3:9 .Then let this robe and horse be deli!ered to the hand o$ one o$ the 'ingAs most noble *rines% that he
may array the man whom the 'ing delights to honor" Then *arade him on horseba' thro#gh the ity sE#are% and
*rolaim be$ore him: ATh#s shall it be done to the man whom the 'ing delights to honorFA .
6st 3:15 Then the 'ing said to Haman% .H#rry% ta'e the robe and the horse% as yo# ha!e s#ggested% and do so
$or ?ordeai the Jew who sits within the 'ingAs gateF /ea!e nothing #ndone o$ all that yo# ha!e s*o'en".
6st 3:11 ,o Haman too' the robe and the horse% arrayed ?ordeai and led him on horseba' thro#gh the ity
sE#are% and *rolaimed be$ore him% .Th#s shall it be done to the man whom the 'ing delights to honorF.
6st 3:12 +$terward ?ordeai went ba' to the 'ingAs gate" B#t Haman h#rried to his ho#se% mo#rning and with
his head o!ered"
6st 3:1- >hen Haman told his wi$e Geresh and all his $riends e!erything that had ha**ened to him% his wise
men and his wi$e Geresh said to him% .I$ ?ordeai% be$ore whom yo# ha!e beg#n to $all% is o$ Jewish desent%
yo# will not *re!ail against him b#t will s#rely $all be$ore him".
6st 3:10 >hile they (were) still tal'ing with him% the 'ingAs e#n#hs ame% and hastened to bring Haman to the
banE#et whih 6sther had *re*ared"
6st 4:1 ,o the 'ing and Haman went to dine with K#een 6sther"
6st 4:2 +nd on the seond day% at the banE#et o$ wine% the 'ing again said to 6sther% .>hat (is) yo#r *etition%
K#een 6stherC It shall be granted yo#" +nd what (is) yo#r reE#est% #* to hal$ the 'ingdomC It shall be doneF.
6st 4:- Then K#een 6sther answered and said% .I$ I ha!e $o#nd $a!or in yo#r sight% 8 'ing% and i$ it *leases the
'ing% let my li$e be gi!en me at my *etition% and my *eo*le at my reE#est"
6st 4:0 .;or we ha!e been sold% my *eo*le and I% to be destroyed% to be 'illed% and to be annihilated" Had we
been sold as male and $emale sla!es% I wo#ld ha!e held my tong#e% altho#gh the enemy o#ld ne!er
om*ensate $or the 'ingAs loss".
6st 4:1 ,o King +has#er#s answered and said to K#een 6sther% .>ho is he% and where is he% who wo#ld dare
*res#me in his heart to do s#h a thingC.
6st 4:3 +nd 6sther said% .The ad!ersary and enemy (is) this wi'ed HamanF. ,o Haman was terri$ied be$ore the
'ing and E#een"
6st 4:4 Then the 'ing arose in his wrath $rom the banE#et o$ wine (and went) into the *alae garden& b#t Haman
stood be$ore K#een 6sther% *leading $or his li$e% $or he saw that e!il was determined against him by the 'ing"
6st 4:8 >hen the 'ing ret#rned $rom the *alae garden to the *lae o$ the banE#et o$ wine% Haman had $allen
aross the o#h where 6sther (was") Then the 'ing said% .>ill he also assa#lt the E#een while I (am) in the
ho#seC. +s the word le$t the 'ingAs mo#th% they o!ered HamanAs $ae"
6st 4:9 Now Harbonah% one o$ the e#n#hs% said to the 'ing% ./oo'F The gallows% $i$ty #bits high% whih Haman
made $or ?ordeai% who s*o'e good on the 'ingAs behal$% is standing at the ho#se o$ Haman". Then the 'ing
said% .Hang him on itF.
6st 4:15 ,o they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had *re*ared $or ?ordeai" Then the 'ingAs wrath
6st 8:1 8n that day King +has#er#s ga!e K#een 6sther the ho#se o$ Haman% the enemy o$ the Jews" +nd
?ordeai ame be$ore the 'ing% $or 6sther had told how he (was related) to her"
6st 8:2 ,o the 'ing too' o$$ his signet ring% whih he had ta'en $rom Haman% and ga!e it to ?ordeai& and
6sther a**ointed ?ordeai o!er the ho#se o$ Haman"
6st 8:- Now 6sther s*o'e again to the 'ing% $ell down at his $eet% and im*lored him with tears to o#nterat the
e!il o$ Haman the +gagite% and the sheme whih he had de!ised against the Jews"
6st 8:0 +nd the 'ing held o#t the golden se*ter toward 6sther" ,o 6sther arose and stood be$ore the 'ing%
6st 8:1 and said% .I$ it *leases the 'ing% and i$ I ha!e $o#nd $a!or in his sight and the thing (seems) right to the
'ing and I am *leasing in his eyes% let it be written to re!o'e the letters de!ised by Haman% the son o$
Hammedatha the +gagite% whih he wrote to annihilate the Jews who (are) in all the 'ingAs *ro!ines"
6st 8:3 .;or how an I end#re to see the e!il that will ome to my *eo*leC 8r how an I end#re to see the
destr#tion o$ my o#ntrymenC.
6st 8:4 Then King +has#er#s said to K#een 6sther and ?ordeai the Jew% .Indeed% I ha!e gi!en 6sther the
ho#se o$ Haman% and they ha!e hanged him on the gallows bea#se he (tried to) lay his hand on the Jews"
6st 8:8 .Bo# yo#rsel!es write (a deree) onerning the Jews% as yo# *lease% in the 'ingAs name% and seal (it)
with the 'ingAs signet ring& $or whate!er is written in the 'ingAs name and sealed with the 'ingAs signet ring no one
an re!o'e".
6st 8:9 ,o the 'ingAs sribes were alled at that time% in the third month% whih (is) the month o$ ,i!an% on the
twentyDthird (day&) and it was written% aording to all that ?ordeai ommanded% to the Jews% the satra*s% the
go!ernors% and the *rines o$ the *ro!ines $rom India to 6thio*ia% one h#ndred and twentyDse!en *ro!ines (in
all%) to e!ery *ro!ine in its own sri*t% to e!ery *eo*le in their own lang#age% and to the Jews in their own sri*t
and lang#age"
6st 8:15 +nd he wrote in the name o$ King +has#er#s% sealed (it) with the 'ingAs signet ring% and sent letters by
o#riers on horseba'% riding on royal horses bred $rom swi$t steeds"
6st 8:11 By these letters the 'ing *ermitted the Jews who (were) in e!ery ity to gather together and *rotet
their li!es DD to destroy% 'ill% and annihilate all the $ores o$ any *eo*le or *ro!ine that wo#ld assa#lt them% (both)
little hildren and women% and to *l#nder their *ossessions%
6st 8:12 on one day in all the *ro!ines o$ King +has#er#s% on the thirteenth (day) o$ the twel$th month% whih
(is) the month o$ +dar"
6st 8:1- + o*y o$ the do#ment was to be iss#ed as a deree in e!ery *ro!ine and *#blished $or all *eo*le%
so that the Jews wo#ld be ready on that day to a!enge themsel!es on their enemies"
6st 8:10 The o#riers who rode on royal horses went o#t% hastened and *ressed on by the 'ingAs ommand"
+nd the deree was iss#ed in ,h#shan the itadel"
6st 8:11 ,o ?ordeai went o#t $rom the *resene o$ the 'ing in royal a**arel o$ bl#e and white% with a great
rown o$ gold and a garment o$ $ine linen and *#r*le& and the ity o$ ,h#shan re@oied and was glad"
6st 8:13 The Jews had light and gladness% @oy and honor"
6st 8:14 +nd in e!ery *ro!ine and ity% where!er the 'ingAs ommand and deree ame% the Jews had @oy and
gladness% a $east and a holiday" Then many o$ the *eo*le o$ the land beame Jews% bea#se $ear o$ the Jews
$ell #*on them"
6st 9:1 Now in the twel$th month% that (is%) the month o$ +dar% on the thirteenth day% (the time) ame $or the 'ingAs
ommand and his deree to be e9e#ted" 8n the day that the enemies o$ the Jews had ho*ed to o!er*ower
them% the o**osite o#rred% in that the Jews themsel!es o!er*owered those who hated them"
6st 9:2 The Jews gathered together in their ities thro#gho#t all the *ro!ines o$ King +has#er#s to lay hands
on those who so#ght their harm" +nd no one o#ld withstand them% bea#se $ear o$ them $ell #*on all *eo*le"
6st 9:- +nd all the o$$iials o$ the *ro!ines% the satra*s% the go!ernors% and all those doing the 'ingAs wor'%
hel*ed the Jews% bea#se the $ear o$ ?ordeai $ell #*on them"
6st 9:0 ;or ?ordeai (was) great in the 'ingAs *alae% and his $ame s*read thro#gho#t all the *ro!ines& $or this
man ?ordeai beame inreasingly *rominent"
6st 9:1 Th#s the Jews de$eated all their enemies with the stro'e o$ the sword% with sla#ghter and destr#tion%
and did what they *leased with those who hated them"
6st 9:3 +nd in ,h#shan the itadel the Jews 'illed and destroyed $i!e h#ndred men"
6st 9:4 +lso <arshandatha% 2al*hon% +s*atha%
6st 9:8 <oratha% +dalia% +ridatha%
6st 9:9 <armashta% +risai% +ridai% and Va@eHatha DD
6st 9:15 the ten sons o$ Haman the son o$ Hammedatha% the enemy o$ the Jews DD they 'illed& b#t they did not
lay a hand on the *l#nder"
6st 9:11 8n that day the n#mber o$ those who were 'illed in ,h#shan the itadel was bro#ght to the 'ing"
6st 9:12 +nd the 'ing said to K#een 6sther% .The Jews ha!e 'illed and destroyed $i!e h#ndred men in ,h#shan
the itadel% and the ten sons o$ Haman" >hat ha!e they done in the rest o$ the 'ingAs *ro!inesC Now what (is)
yo#r *etitionC It shall be granted to yo#" 8r what (is) yo#r $#rther reE#estC It shall be done".
6st 9:1- Then 6sther said% .I$ it *leases the 'ing% let it be granted to the Jews who (are) in ,h#shan to do again
tomorrow aording to todayAs deree% and let HamanAs ten sons be hanged on the gallows".
6st 9:10 ,o the 'ing ommanded this to be done& the deree was iss#ed in ,h#shan% and they hanged HamanAs
ten sons"
6st 9:11 +nd the Jews who (were) in ,h#shan gathered together again on the $o#rteenth day o$ the month o$
+dar and 'illed three h#ndred men at ,h#shan& b#t they did not lay a hand on the *l#nder"
6st 9:13 The remainder o$ the Jews in the 'ingAs *ro!ines gathered together and *roteted their li!es% had rest
$rom their enemies% and 'illed se!entyD$i!e tho#sand o$ their enemies& b#t they did not lay a hand on the *l#nder"
6st 9:14 (This was) on the thirteenth day o$ the month o$ +dar" +nd on the $o#rteenth day o$ (the month) they
rested and made it a day o$ $easting and gladness"
6st 9:18 B#t the Jews who (were) at ,h#shan assembled together on the thirteenth (day%) as well as on the
$o#rteenth& and on the $i$teenth o$ (the month) they rested% and made it a day o$ $easting and gladness"
6st 9:19 There$ore the Jews o$ the !illages who dwelt in the #nwalled towns elebrated the $o#rteenth day o$ the
month o$ +dar (with) gladness and $easting% as a holiday% and $or sending *resents to one another"
6st 9:25 +nd ?ordeai wrote these things and sent letters to all the Jews% near and $ar% who (were) in all the
*ro!ines o$ King +has#er#s%
6st 9:21 to establish among them that they sho#ld elebrate yearly the $o#rteenth and $i$teenth days o$ the
month o$ +dar%
6st 9:22 as the days on whih the Jews had rest $rom their enemies% as the month whih was t#rned $rom
sorrow to @oy $or them% and $rom mo#rning to a holiday& that they sho#ld ma'e them days o$ $easting and @oy% o$
sending *resents to one another and gi$ts to the *oor"
6st 9:2- ,o the Jews ae*ted the #stom whih they had beg#n% as ?ordeai had written to them%
6st 9:20 bea#se Haman% the son o$ Hammedatha the +gagite% the enemy o$ all the Jews% had *lotted against
the Jews to annihilate them% and had ast <#r Ithat (is%) the lotJ% to ons#me them and destroy them&
6st 9:21 b#t when (6sther) ame be$ore the 'ing% he ommanded by letter that this wi'ed *lot whih (Haman)
had de!ised against the Jews sho#ld ret#rn on his own head% and that he and his sons sho#ld be hanged on the
6st 9:23 ,o they alled these days <#rim% a$ter the name <#r" There$ore% bea#se o$ all the words o$ this letter%
what they had seen onerning this matter% and what had ha**ened to them%
6st 9:24 the Jews established and im*osed it #*on themsel!es and their desendants and all who wo#ld @oin
them% that witho#t $ail they sho#ld elebrate these two days e!ery year% aording to the written (instr#tions) and
aording to the (*resribed) time%
6st 9:28 (that) these days (sho#ld be) remembered and 'e*t thro#gho#t e!ery generation% e!ery $amily% e!ery
*ro!ine% and e!ery ity% that these days o$ <#rim sho#ld not $ail (to be obser!ed) among the Jews% and (that) the
memory o$ them sho#ld not *erish among their desendants"
6st 9:29 Then K#een 6sther% the da#ghter o$ +bihail% with ?ordeai the Jew% wrote with $#ll a#thority to on$irm
this seond letter abo#t <#rim"
6st 9:-5 +nd (?ordeai) sent letters to all the Jews% to the one h#ndred and twentyDse!en *ro!ines o$ the
'ingdom o$ +has#er#s% (with) words o$ *eae and tr#th%
6st 9:-1 to on$irm these days o$ <#rim at their (a**ointed) time% as ?ordeai the Jew and K#een 6sther had
*resribed $or them% and as they had dereed $or themsel!es and their desendants onerning matters o$ their
$asting and lamenting"
6st 9:-2 ,o the deree o$ 6sther on$irmed these matters o$ <#rim% and it was written in the boo'"
6st 15:1 +nd King +has#er#s im*osed trib#te on the land and (on) the islands o$ the sea"
6st 15:2 Now all the ats o$ his *ower and his might% and the ao#nt o$ the greatness o$ ?ordeai% to whih the
'ing ad!aned him% (are) they not written in the boo' o$ the hroniles o$ the 'ings o$ ?edia and <ersiaC
6st 15:- ;or ?ordeai the Jew (was) seond to King +has#er#s% and was great among the Jews and well
reei!ed by the m#ltit#de o$ his brethren% see'ing the good o$ his *eo*le and s*ea'ing *eae to all his
Job 1:1 There was a man in the land o$ 7H% whose name (was) Job& and that man was blameless and #*right%
and one who $eared God and sh#nned e!il"
Job 1:2 +nd se!en sons and three da#ghters were born to him"
Job 1:- +lso% his *ossessions were se!en tho#sand shee*% three tho#sand amels% $i!e h#ndred yo'e o$ o9en%
$i!e h#ndred $emale don'eys% and a !ery large ho#sehold% so that this man was the greatest o$ all the *eo*le o$
the 6ast"
Job 1:0 +nd his sons wo#ld go and $east (in their) ho#ses% eah on his (a**ointed) day% and wo#ld send and
in!ite their three sisters to eat and drin' with them"
Job 1:1 ,o it was% when the days o$ $easting had r#n their o#rse% that Job wo#ld send and santi$y them% and
he wo#ld rise early in the morning and o$$er b#rnt o$$erings (aording to) the n#mber o$ them all" ;or Job said%
.It may be that my sons ha!e sinned and #rsed God in their hearts". Th#s Job did reg#larly"
Job 1:3 Now there was a day when the sons o$ God ame to *resent themsel!es be$ore the /8:2% and ,atan
also ame among them"
Job 1:4 +nd the /8:2 said to ,atan% .;rom where do yo# omeC. ,o ,atan answered the /8:2 and said%
.;rom going to and $ro on the earth% and $rom wal'ing ba' and $orth on it".
Job 1:8 Then the /8:2 said to ,atan% .Ha!e yo# onsidered ?y ser!ant Job% that (there is) none li'e him on
the earth% a blameless and #*right man% one who $ears God and sh#ns e!ilC.
Job 1:9 ,o ,atan answered the /8:2 and said% .2oes Job $ear God $or nothingC
Job 1:15 .Ha!e Bo# not made a hedge aro#nd him% aro#nd his ho#sehold% and aro#nd all that he has on e!ery
sideC Bo# ha!e blessed the wor' o$ his hands% and his *ossessions ha!e inreased in the land"
Job 1:11 .B#t now% streth o#t Bo#r hand and to#h all that he has% and he will s#rely #rse Bo# to Bo#r $aeF.
Job 1:12 +nd the /8:2 said to ,atan% .Behold% all that he has (is) in yo#r *ower& only do not lay a hand on his
(*erson".) ,o ,atan went o#t $rom the *resene o$ the /8:2"
Job 1:1- Now there was a day when his sons and da#ghters (were) eating and drin'ing wine in their oldest
brotherAs ho#se&
Job 1:10 and a messenger ame to Job and said% .The o9en were *lowing and the don'eys $eeding beside
Job 1:11 .when the ,abeans raided (them) and too' them away DD indeed they ha!e 'illed the ser!ants with the
edge o$ the sword& and I alone ha!e esa*ed to tell yo#F.
Job 1:13 >hile he (was) still s*ea'ing% another also ame and said% .The $ire o$ God $ell $rom hea!en and
b#rned #* the shee* and the ser!ants% and ons#med them& and I alone ha!e esa*ed to tell yo#F.
Job 1:14 >hile he (was) still s*ea'ing% another also ame and said% .The =haldeans $ormed three bands% raided
the amels and too' them away% yes% and 'illed the ser!ants with the edge o$ the sword& and I alone ha!e
esa*ed to tell yo#F.
Job 1:18 >hile he (was) still s*ea'ing% another also ame and said% .Bo#r sons and da#ghters (were) eating and
drin'ing wine in their oldest brotherAs ho#se%
Job 1:19 .and s#ddenly a great wind ame $rom aross the wilderness and str#' the $o#r orners o$ the ho#se%
and it $ell on the yo#ng *eo*le% and they are dead& and I alone ha!e esa*ed to tell yo#F.
Job 1:25 Then Job arose% tore his robe% and sha!ed his head& and he $ell to the gro#nd and worshi*ed"
Job 1:21 +nd he said: .Na'ed I ame $rom my motherAs womb% +nd na'ed shall I ret#rn there" The /8:2 ga!e%
and the /8:2 has ta'en away& Blessed be the name o$ the /8:2".
Job 1:22 In all this Job did not sin nor harge God with wrong"
Job 2:1 +gain there was a day when the sons o$ God ame to *resent themsel!es be$ore the /8:2% and ,atan
ame also among them to *resent himsel$ be$ore the /8:2"
Job 2:2 +nd the /8:2 said to ,atan% .;rom where do yo# omeC. ,o ,atan answered the /8:2 and said%
.;rom going to and $ro on the earth% and $rom wal'ing ba' and $orth on it".
Job 2:- Then the /8:2 said to ,atan% .Ha!e yo# onsidered ?y ser!ant Job% that (there is) none li'e him on
the earth% a blameless and #*right man% one who $ears God and sh#ns e!ilC +nd still he holds $ast to his
integrity% altho#gh yo# inited ?e against him% to destroy him witho#t a#se".
Job 2:0 ,o ,atan answered the /8:2 and said% .,'in $or s'inF Bes% all that a man has he will gi!e $or his li$e"
Job 2:1 .B#t streth o#t Bo#r hand now% and to#h his bone and his $lesh% and he will s#rely #rse Bo# to Bo#r
Job 2:3 +nd the /8:2 said to ,atan% .Behold% he (is) in yo#r hand% b#t s*are his li$e".
Job 2:4 ,o ,atan went o#t $rom the *resene o$ the /8:2% and str#' Job with *ain$#l boils $rom the sole o$ his
$oot to the rown o$ his head"
Job 2:8 +nd he too' $or himsel$ a *otsherd with whih to sra*e himsel$ while he sat in the midst o$ the ashes"
Job 2:9 Then his wi$e said to him% .2o yo# still hold $ast to yo#r integrityC =#rse God and dieF.
Job 2:15 B#t he said to her% .Bo# s*ea' as one o$ the $oolish women s*ea's" ,hall we indeed ae*t good $rom
God% and shall we not ae*t ad!ersityC. In all this Job did not sin with his li*s"
Job 2:11 Now when JobAs three $riends heard o$ all this ad!ersity that had ome #*on him% eah one ame $rom
his own *lae DD 6li*haH the Temanite% Bildad the ,h#hite% and Go*har the Naamathite" ;or they had made an
a**ointment together to ome and mo#rn with him% and to om$ort him"
Job 2:12 +nd when they raised their eyes $rom a$ar% and did not reogniHe him% they li$ted their !oies and we*t&
and eah one tore his robe and s*rin'led d#st on his head toward hea!en"
Job 2:1- ,o they sat down with him on the gro#nd se!en days and se!en nights% and no one s*o'e a word to
him% $or they saw that (his) grie$ was !ery great"
Job -:1 +$ter this Job o*ened his mo#th and #rsed the day o$ his (birth")
Job -:2 +nd Job s*o'e% and said:
Job -:- .?ay the day *erish on whih I was born% +nd the night (in whih) it was said% A+ male hild is
Job -:0 ?ay that day be dar'ness& ?ay God abo!e not see' it% Nor the light shine #*on it"
Job -:1 ?ay dar'ness and the shadow o$ death laim it& ?ay a lo#d settle on it& ?ay the bla'ness o$ the day
terri$y it"
Job -:3 (+s $or) that night% may dar'ness seiHe it& ?ay it not re@oie among the days o$ the year% ?ay it not ome
into the n#mber o$ the months"
Job -:4 8h% may that night be barrenF ?ay no @oy$#l sho#t ome into itF
Job -:8 ?ay those #rse it who #rse the day% Those who are ready to aro#se /e!iathan"
Job -:9 ?ay the stars o$ its morning be dar'& ?ay it loo' $or light% b#t (ha!e) none% +nd not see the dawning o$
the day&
Job -:15 Bea#se it did not sh#t #* the doors o$ my (motherAs) womb% Nor hide sorrow $rom my eyes"
Job -:11 .>hy did I not die at birthC (>hy) did I (not) *erish when I ame $rom the wombC
Job -:12 >hy did the 'nees reei!e meC 8r why the breasts% that I sho#ld n#rseC
Job -:1- ;or now I wo#ld ha!e lain still and been E#iet% I wo#ld ha!e been aslee*& Then I wo#ld ha!e been at
Job -:10 >ith 'ings and o#nselors o$ the earth% >ho b#ilt r#ins $or themsel!es%
Job -:11 8r with *rines who had gold% >ho $illed their ho#ses (with) sil!er&
Job -:13 8r (why) was I not hidden li'e a stillborn hild% /i'e in$ants who ne!er saw lightC
Job -:14 There the wi'ed ease ($rom) tro#bling% +nd there the weary are at rest"
Job -:18 (There) the *risoners rest together& They do not hear the !oie o$ the o**ressor"
Job -:19 The small and great are there% +nd the ser!ant (is) $ree $rom his master"
Job -:25 .>hy is light gi!en to him who is in misery% +nd li$e to the bitter o$ so#l%
Job -:21 >ho long $or death% b#t it does not (ome%) +nd searh $or it more than hidden treas#res&
Job -:22 >ho re@oie e9eedingly% (+nd) are glad when they an $ind the gra!eC
Job -:2- (>hy is light gi!en) to a man whose way is hidden% +nd whom God has hedged inC
Job -:20 ;or my sighing omes be$ore I eat% +nd my groanings *o#r o#t li'e water"
Job -:21 ;or the thing I greatly $eared has ome #*on me% +nd what I dreaded has ha**ened to me"
Job -:23 I am not at ease% nor am I E#iet& I ha!e no rest% $or tro#ble omes".
Job 0:1 Then 6li*haH the Temanite answered and said:
Job 0:2 .(I$) one attem*ts a word with yo#% will yo# beome wearyC B#t who an withhold himsel$ $rom
Job 0:- ,#rely yo# ha!e instr#ted many% +nd yo# ha!e strengthened wea' hands"
Job 0:0 Bo#r words ha!e #*held him who was st#mbling% +nd yo# ha!e strengthened the $eeble 'nees&
Job 0:1 B#t now it omes #*on yo#% and yo# are weary& It to#hes yo#% and yo# are tro#bled"
Job 0:3 (Is) not yo#r re!erene yo#r on$ideneC +nd the integrity o$ yo#r ways yo#r ho*eC
Job 0:4 .:emember now% who (e!er) *erished being innoentC 8r where were the #*right (e!er) #t o$$C
Job 0:8 6!en as I ha!e seen% Those who *low iniE#ity +nd sow tro#ble rea* the same"
Job 0:9 By the blast o$ God they *erish% +nd by the breath o$ His anger they are ons#med"
Job 0:15 The roaring o$ the lion% The !oie o$ the $iere lion% +nd the teeth o$ the yo#ng lions are bro'en"
Job 0:11 The old lion *erishes $or la' o$ *rey% +nd the #bs o$ the lioness are sattered"
Job 0:12 . Now a word was seretly bro#ght to me% +nd my ear reei!ed a whis*er o$ it"
Job 0:1- In disE#ieting tho#ghts $rom the !isions o$ the night% >hen dee* slee* $alls on men%
Job 0:10 ;ear ame #*on me% and trembling% >hih made all my bones sha'e"
Job 0:11 Then a s*irit *assed be$ore my $ae& The hair on my body stood #*"
Job 0:13 It stood still% B#t I o#ld not disern its a**earane" + $orm (was) be$ore my eyes& (There was) silene&
Then I heard a !oie (saying:)
Job 0:14 A=an a mortal be more righteo#s than GodC =an a man be more *#re than his ?a'erC
Job 0:18 I$ He *#ts no tr#st in His ser!ants% (I$) He harges His angels with error%
Job 0:19 How m#h more those who dwell in ho#ses o$ lay% >hose $o#ndation is in the d#st% (>ho) are
r#shed be$ore a mothC
Job 0:25 They are bro'en in *iees $rom morning till e!ening& They *erish $ore!er% with no one regarding"
Job 0:21 2oes not their own e9ellene go awayC They die% e!en witho#t wisdom"A
Job 1:1 .=all o#t now& Is there anyone who will answer yo#C +nd to whih o$ the holy ones will yo# t#rnC
Job 1:2 ;or wrath 'ills a $oolish man% +nd en!y slays a sim*le one"
Job 1:- I ha!e seen the $oolish ta'ing root% B#t s#ddenly I #rsed his dwelling *lae"
Job 1:0 His sons are $ar $rom sa$ety% They are r#shed in the gate% +nd (there is) no deli!erer"
Job 1:1 Bea#se the h#ngry eat #* his har!est% Ta'ing it e!en $rom the thorns% +nd a snare snathes their
Job 1:3 ;or a$$lition does not ome $rom the d#st% Nor does tro#ble s*ring $rom the gro#nd&
Job 1:4 Bet man is born to tro#ble% +s the s*ar's $ly #*ward"
Job 1:8 .B#t as $or me% I wo#ld see' God% +nd to God I wo#ld ommit my a#se DD
Job 1:9 >ho does great things% and #nsearhable% ?ar!elo#s things witho#t n#mber"
Job 1:15 He gi!es rain on the earth% +nd sends waters on the $ields"
Job 1:11 He sets on high those who are lowly% +nd those who mo#rn are li$ted to sa$ety"
Job 1:12 He $r#strates the de!ies o$ the ra$ty% ,o that their hands annot arry o#t their *lans"
Job 1:1- He athes the wise in their own ra$tiness% +nd the o#nsel o$ the #nning omes E#i'ly #*on them"
Job 1:10 They meet with dar'ness in the daytime% +nd gro*e at noontime as in the night"
Job 1:11 B#t He sa!es the needy $rom the sword% ;rom the mo#th o$ the mighty% +nd $rom their hand"
Job 1:13 ,o the *oor ha!e ho*e% +nd in@#stie sh#ts her mo#th"
Job 1:14 . Behold% ha**y (is) the man whom God orrets& There$ore do not des*ise the hastening o$ the
Job 1:18 ;or He br#ises% b#t He binds #*& He wo#nds% b#t His hands ma'e whole"
Job 1:19 He shall deli!er yo# in si9 tro#bles% Bes% in se!en no e!il shall to#h yo#"
Job 1:25 In $amine He shall redeem yo# $rom death% +nd in war $rom the *ower o$ the sword"
Job 1:21 Bo# shall be hidden $rom the so#rge o$ the tong#e% +nd yo# shall not be a$raid o$ destr#tion when it
Job 1:22 Bo# shall la#gh at destr#tion and $amine% +nd yo# shall not be a$raid o$ the beasts o$ the earth"
Job 1:2- ;or yo# shall ha!e a o!enant with the stones o$ the $ield% +nd the beasts o$ the $ield shall be at *eae
with yo#"
Job 1:20 Bo# shall 'now that yo#r tent (is) in *eae& Bo# shall !isit yo#r dwelling and $ind nothing amiss"
Job 1:21 Bo# shall also 'now that yo#r desendants (shall be) many% +nd yo#r o$$s*ring li'e the grass o$ the
Job 1:23 Bo# shall ome to the gra!e at a $#ll age% +s a shea$ o$ grain ri*ens in its season"
Job 1:24 Behold% this we ha!e searhed o#t& It (is) tr#e" Hear it% and 'now $or yo#rsel$".
Job 3:1 Then Job answered and said:
Job 3:2 .8h% that my grie$ were $#lly weighed% +nd my alamity laid with it on the salesF
Job 3:- ;or then it wo#ld be hea!ier than the sand o$ the sea DD There$ore my words ha!e been rash"
Job 3:0 ;or the arrows o$ the +lmighty (are) within me& ?y s*irit drin's in their *oison& The terrors o$ God are
arrayed against me"
Job 3:1 2oes the wild don'ey bray when it has grass% 8r does the o9 low o!er its $odderC
Job 3:3 =an $la!orless $ood be eaten witho#t saltC 8r is there (any) taste in the white o$ an eggC
Job 3:4 ?y so#l re$#ses to to#h them& They (are) as loathsome $ood to me"
Job 3:8 . 8h% that I might ha!e my reE#est% That God wo#ld grant (me) the thing that I long $orF
Job 3:9 That it wo#ld *lease God to r#sh me% That He wo#ld loose His hand and #t me o$$F
Job 3:15 Then I wo#ld still ha!e om$ort& Tho#gh in ang#ish% I wo#ld e9#lt% He will not s*are& ;or I ha!e not
onealed the words o$ the Holy 8ne"
Job 3:11 .>hat strength do I ha!e% that I sho#ld ho*eC +nd what (is) my end% that I sho#ld *rolong my li$eC
Job 3:12 (Is) my strength the strength o$ stonesC 8r is my $lesh bronHeC
Job 3:1- (Is) my hel* not within meC +nd is s#ess dri!en $rom meC
Job 3:10 . To him who is a$$lited% 'indness (sho#ld be shown) by his $riend% 6!en tho#gh he $orsa'es the $ear o$
the +lmighty"
Job 3:11 ?y brothers ha!e dealt deeit$#lly li'e a broo'% /i'e the streams o$ the broo's that *ass away%
Job 3:13 >hih are dar' bea#se o$ the ie% (+nd) into whih the snow !anishes"
Job 3:14 >hen it is warm% they ease to $low& >hen it is hot% they !anish $rom their *lae"
Job 3:18 The *aths o$ their way t#rn aside% They go nowhere and *erish"
Job 3:19 The ara!ans o$ Tema loo'% The tra!elers o$ ,heba ho*e $or them"
Job 3:25 They are disa**ointed bea#se they were on$ident& They ome there and are on$#sed"
Job 3:21 ;or now yo# are nothing% Bo# see terror and are a$raid"
Job 3:22 2id I e!er say% ABring (something) to meAC 8r% A8$$er a bribe $or me $rom yo#r wealthAC
Job 3:2- 8r% A2eli!er me $rom the enemyAs handAC 8r% A:edeem me $rom the hand o$ o**ressorsAC
Job 3:20 . Teah me% and I will hold my tong#e& =a#se me to #nderstand wherein I ha!e erred"
Job 3:21 How $ore$#l are right wordsF B#t what does yo#r arg#ing *ro!eC
Job 3:23 2o yo# intend to reb#'e (my) words% +nd the s*eehes o$ a des*erate one% (whih are) as windC
Job 3:24 Bes% yo# o!erwhelm the $atherless% +nd yo# #ndermine yo#r $riend"
Job 3:28 Now there$ore% be *leased to loo' at me& ;or I wo#ld ne!er lie to yo#r $ae"
Job 3:29 Bield now% let there be no in@#stieF Bes% onede% my righteo#sness still standsF
Job 3:-5 Is there in@#stie on my tong#eC =annot my taste disern the #nsa!oryC
Job 4:1 .(Is there) not a time o$ hard ser!ie $or man on earthC (+re not) his days also li'e the days o$ a hired
Job 4:2 /i'e a ser!ant who earnestly desires the shade% +nd li'e a hired man who eagerly loo's $or his wages%
Job 4:- ,o I ha!e been allotted months o$ $#tility% +nd wearisome nights ha!e been a**ointed to me"
Job 4:0 >hen I lie down% I say% A>hen shall I arise% +nd the night be endedCA ;or I ha!e had my $ill o$ tossing till
Job 4:1 ?y $lesh is a'ed with worms and d#st% ?y s'in is ra'ed and brea's o#t a$resh"
Job 4:3 .?y days are swi$ter than a wea!erAs sh#ttle% +nd are s*ent witho#t ho*e"
Job 4:4 8h% remember that my li$e (is) a breathF ?y eye will ne!er again see good"
Job 4:8 The eye o$ him who sees me will see me no (more&) (>hile) yo#r (eyes) are #*on me% I shall no longer
Job 4:9 (+s) the lo#d disa**ears and !anishes away% ,o he who goes down to the gra!e does not ome #*"
Job 4:15 He shall ne!er ret#rn to his ho#se% Nor shall his *lae 'now him anymore"
Job 4:11 . There$ore I will not restrain my mo#th& I will s*ea' in the ang#ish o$ my s*irit& I will om*lain in the
bitterness o$ my so#l"
Job 4:12 (+m) I a sea% or a sea ser*ent% That Bo# set a g#ard o!er meC
Job 4:1- >hen I say% A?y bed will om$ort me% ?y o#h will ease my om*laint%A
Job 4:10 Then Bo# sare me with dreams +nd terri$y me with !isions%
Job 4:11 ,o that my so#l hooses strangling (+nd) death rather than my body"
Job 4:13 I loathe (my li$e&) I wo#ld not li!e $ore!er" /et me alone% ;or my days (are b#t) a breath"
Job 4:14 .>hat (is) man% that Bo# sho#ld e9alt him% (That) Bo# sho#ld set Bo#r heart on him%
Job 4:18 That Bo# sho#ld !isit him e!ery morning% (+nd) test him e!ery momentC
Job 4:19 How longC >ill Bo# not loo' away $rom me% +nd let me alone till I swallow my sali!aC
Job 4:25 Ha!e I sinnedC >hat ha!e I done to Bo#% 8 wather o$ menC >hy ha!e Bo# set me as Bo#r target% ,o
that I am a b#rden to mysel$C
Job 4:21 >hy then do Bo# not *ardon my transgression% +nd ta'e away my iniE#ityC ;or now I will lie down in
the d#st% +nd Bo# will see' me diligently% B#t I (will) no longer (be".)
Job 8:1 Then Bildad the ,h#hite answered and said:
Job 8:2 .How long will yo# s*ea' these (things%) +nd the words o$ yo#r mo#th (be li'e) a strong windC
Job 8:- 2oes God s#b!ert @#dgmentC 8r does the +lmighty *er!ert @#stieC
Job 8:0 I$ yo#r sons ha!e sinned against Him% He has ast them away $or their transgression"
Job 8:1 I$ yo# wo#ld earnestly see' God +nd ma'e yo#r s#**liation to the +lmighty%
Job 8:3 I$ yo# (were) *#re and #*right% ,#rely now He wo#ld awa'e $or yo#% +nd *ros*er yo#r right$#l dwelling
Job 8:4 Tho#gh yo#r beginning was small% Bet yo#r latter end wo#ld inrease ab#ndantly"
Job 8:8 .;or inE#ire% *lease% o$ the $ormer age% +nd onsider the things diso!ered by their $athers&
Job 8:9 ;or we (were born) yesterday% and 'now nothing% Bea#se o#r days on earth (are) a shadow"
Job 8:15 >ill they not teah yo# and tell yo#% +nd #tter words $rom their heartC
Job 8:11 . =an the *a*yr#s grow #* witho#t a marshC =an the reeds $lo#rish witho#t waterC
Job 8:12 >hile it (is) yet green (and) not #t down% It withers be$ore any (other) *lant"
Job 8:1- ,o (are) the *aths o$ all who $orget God& +nd the ho*e o$ the hy*orite shall *erish%
Job 8:10 >hose on$idene shall be #t o$$% +nd whose tr#st (is) a s*iderAs web"
Job 8:11 He leans on his ho#se% b#t it does not stand" He holds it $ast% b#t it does not end#re"
Job 8:13 He grows green in the s#n% +nd his branhes s*read o#t in his garden"
Job 8:14 His roots wra* aro#nd the ro' hea*% (+nd) loo' $or a *lae in the stones"
Job 8:18 I$ he is destroyed $rom his *lae% Then (it) will deny him% (saying%) AI ha!e not seen yo#"A
Job 8:19 . Behold% this is the @oy o$ His way% +nd o#t o$ the earth others will grow"
Job 8:25 Behold% God will not ast away the blameless% Nor will He #*hold the e!ildoers"
Job 8:21 He will yet $ill yo#r mo#th with la#ghing% +nd yo#r li*s with re@oiing"
Job 8:22 Those who hate yo# will be lothed with shame% +nd the dwelling *lae o$ the wi'ed will ome to
Job 9:1 Then Job answered and said:
Job 9:2 .Tr#ly I 'now (it is) so% B#t how an a man be righteo#s be$ore GodC
Job 9:- I$ one wished to ontend with Him% He o#ld not answer Him one time o#t o$ a tho#sand"
Job 9:0 God (is) wise in heart and mighty in strength" >ho has hardened (himsel$) against Him and *ros*eredC
Job 9:1 He remo!es the mo#ntains% and they do not 'now >hen He o!ert#rns them in His anger&
Job 9:3 He sha'es the earth o#t o$ its *lae% +nd its *illars tremble&
Job 9:4 He ommands the s#n% and it does not rise& He seals o$$ the stars&
Job 9:8 He alone s*reads o#t the hea!ens% +nd treads on the wa!es o$ the sea&
Job 9:9 He made the Bear% 8rion% and the <leiades% +nd the hambers o$ the so#th&
Job 9:15 He does great things *ast $inding o#t% Bes% wonders witho#t n#mber"
Job 9:11 I$ He goes by me% I do not see (Him&) I$ He mo!es *ast% I do not *erei!e Him&
Job 9:12 I$ He ta'es away% who an hinder HimC >ho an say to Him% A>hat are Bo# doingCA
Job 9:1- God will not withdraw His anger% The allies o$ the *ro#d lie *rostrate beneath Him"
Job 9:10 . How then an I answer Him% (+nd) hoose my words (to reason) with HimC
Job 9:11 ;or tho#gh I were righteo#s% I o#ld not answer Him& I wo#ld beg mery o$ my J#dge"
Job 9:13 I$ I alled and He answered me% I wo#ld not belie!e that He was listening to my !oie"
Job 9:14 ;or He r#shes me with a tem*est% +nd m#lti*lies my wo#nds witho#t a#se"
Job 9:18 He will not allow me to ath my breath% B#t $ills me with bitterness"
Job 9:19 I$ (it is a matter) o$ strength% indeed (He is) strong& +nd i$ o$ @#stie% who will a**oint my day (in o#rtC)
Job 9:25 Tho#gh I were righteo#s% my own mo#th wo#ld ondemn me& Tho#gh I (were) blameless% it wo#ld
*ro!e me *er!erse"
Job 9:21 .I am blameless% yet I do not 'now mysel$& I des*ise my li$e"
Job 9:22 It (is) all one (thing&) There$ore I say% AHe destroys the blameless and the wi'ed"A
Job 9:2- I$ the so#rge slays s#ddenly% He la#ghs at the *light o$ the innoent"
Job 9:20 The earth is gi!en into the hand o$ the wi'ed" He o!ers the $aes o$ its @#dges" I$ it is not (He%) who
else o#ld it beC
Job 9:21 .Now my days are swi$ter than a r#nner& They $lee away% they see no good"
Job 9:23 They *ass by li'e swi$t shi*s% /i'e an eagle swoo*ing on its *rey"
Job 9:24 I$ I say% AI will $orget my om*laint% I will *#t o$$ my sad $ae and wear a smile%A
Job 9:28 I am a$raid o$ all my s#$$erings& I 'now that Bo# will not hold me innoent"
Job 9:29 (I$) I am ondemned% >hy then do I labor in !ainC
Job 9:-5 I$ I wash mysel$ with snow water% +nd leanse my hands with soa*%
Job 9:-1 Bet Bo# will *l#nge me into the *it% +nd my own lothes will abhor me"
Job 9:-2 .;or (He is) not a man% as I (am%) (That) I may answer Him% (+nd that) we sho#ld go to o#rt together"
Job 9:-- Nor is there any mediator between #s% (>ho) may lay his hand on #s both"
Job 9:-0 /et Him ta'e His rod away $rom me% +nd do not let dread o$ Him terri$y me"
Job 9:-1 (Then) I wo#ld s*ea' and not $ear Him% B#t it is not so with me"
Job 15:1 .?y so#l loathes my li$e& I will gi!e $ree o#rse to my om*laint% I will s*ea' in the bitterness o$ my
Job 15:2 I will say to God% A2o not ondemn me& ,how me why Bo# ontend with me"
Job 15:- (2oes it) seem good to Bo# that Bo# sho#ld o**ress% That Bo# sho#ld des*ise the wor' o$ Bo#r
hands% +nd smile on the o#nsel o$ the wi'edC
Job 15:0 2o Bo# ha!e eyes o$ $leshC 8r do Bo# see as man seesC
Job 15:1 (+re) Bo#r days li'e the days o$ a mortal manC (+re) Bo#r years li'e the days o$ a mighty man%
Job 15:3 That Bo# sho#ld see' $or my iniE#ity +nd searh o#t my sin%
Job 15:4 +ltho#gh Bo# 'now that I am not wi'ed% +nd (there is) no one who an deli!er $rom Bo#r handC
Job 15:8 ABo#r hands ha!e made me and $ashioned me% +n intriate #nity& Bet Bo# wo#ld destroy me"
Job 15:9 :emember% I *ray% that Bo# ha!e made me li'e lay" +nd will Bo# t#rn me into d#st againC
Job 15:15 2id yo# not *o#r me o#t li'e mil'% +nd #rdle me li'e heese%
Job 15:11 =lothe me with s'in and $lesh% +nd 'nit me together with bones and sinewsC
Job 15:12 Bo# ha!e granted me li$e and $a!or% +nd Bo#r are has *reser!ed my s*irit"
Job 15:1- A+nd these (things) Bo# ha!e hidden in Bo#r heart& I 'now that this (was) with Bo#:
Job 15:10 I$ I sin% then Bo# mar' me% +nd will not aE#it me o$ my iniE#ity"
Job 15:11 I$ I am wi'ed% woe to me& 6!en (i$) I am righteo#s% I annot li$t #* my head" (I am) $#ll o$ disgrae&
,ee my miseryF
Job 15:13 I$ (my head) is e9alted% Bo# h#nt me li'e a $iere lion% +nd again Bo# show Bo#rsel$ awesome against
Job 15:14 Bo# renew Bo#r witnesses against me% +nd inrease Bo#r indignation toward me& =hanges and war
are (e!er) with me"
Job 15:18 A>hy then ha!e Bo# bro#ght me o#t o$ the wombC 8h% that I had *erished and no eye had seen meF
Job 15:19 I wo#ld ha!e been as tho#gh I had not been" I wo#ld ha!e been arried $rom the womb to the gra!e"
Job 15:25 +re not my days $ewC =easeF /ea!e me alone% that I may ta'e a little om$ort%
Job 15:21 Be$ore I go (to the *lae $rom whih) I shall not ret#rn% To the land o$ dar'ness and the shadow o$
Job 15:22 + land as dar' as dar'ness (itsel$%) +s the shadow o$ death% witho#t any order% (>here) e!en the light
(is) li'e dar'ness"A .
Job 11:1 Then Go*har the Naamathite answered and said:
Job 11:2 .,ho#ld not the m#ltit#de o$ words be answeredC +nd sho#ld a man $#ll o$ tal' be !indiatedC
Job 11:- ,ho#ld yo#r em*ty tal' ma'e men hold their *eaeC +nd when yo# mo'% sho#ld no one reb#'e yo#C
Job 11:0 ;or yo# ha!e said% A?y dotrine (is) *#re% +nd I am lean in yo#r eyes"A
Job 11:1 B#t oh% that God wo#ld s*ea'% +nd o*en His li*s against yo#%
Job 11:3 That He wo#ld show yo# the serets o$ wisdomF ;or (they wo#ld) do#ble (yo#r) *r#dene" Know
there$ore that God e9ats $rom yo# (/ess) than yo#r iniE#ity (deser!es")
Job 11:4 .=an yo# searh o#t the dee* things o$ GodC =an yo# $ind o#t the limits o$ the +lmightyC
Job 11:8 (They are) higher than hea!en DD what an yo# doC 2ee*er than ,heol DD what an yo# 'nowC
Job 11:9 Their meas#re (is) longer than the earth +nd broader than the sea"
Job 11:15 .I$ He *asses by% im*risons% and gathers (to @#dgment%) Then who an hinder HimC
Job 11:11 ;or He 'nows deeit$#l men& He sees wi'edness also" >ill He not then onsider (itC)
Job 11:12 ;or an em*tyDheaded man will be wise% >hen a wild don'eyAs olt is born a man"
Job 11:1- .I$ yo# wo#ld *re*are yo#r heart% +nd streth o#t yo#r hands toward Him&
Job 11:10 I$ iniE#ity (were) in yo#r hand% (and yo#) *#t it $ar away% +nd wo#ld not let wi'edness dwell in yo#r
Job 11:11 Then s#rely yo# o#ld li$t #* yo#r $ae witho#t s*ot& Bes% yo# o#ld be stead$ast% and not $ear&
Job 11:13 Bea#se yo# wo#ld $orget (yo#r) misery% +nd remember (it) as waters (that ha!e) *assed away%
Job 11:14 +nd (yo#r) li$e wo#ld be brighter than noonday" (Tho#gh) yo# were dar'% yo# wo#ld be li'e the
Job 11:18 +nd yo# wo#ld be se#re% bea#se there is ho*e& Bes% yo# wo#ld dig (aro#nd yo#% and) ta'e yo#r
rest in sa$ety"
Job 11:19 Bo# wo#ld also lie down% and no one wo#ld ma'e (yo#) a$raid& (Bes%) many wo#ld o#rt yo#r $a!or"
Job 11:25 B#t the eyes o$ the wi'ed will $ail% +nd they shall not esa*e% +nd their ho*e DD loss o$ li$eF.
Job 12:1 Then Job answered and said:
Job 12:2 .No do#bt yo# (are) the *eo*le% +nd wisdom will die with yo#F
Job 12:- B#t I ha!e #nderstanding as well as yo#& I (am) not in$erior to yo#" Indeed% who does not ('now) s#h
things as theseC
Job 12:0 .I am one mo'ed by his $riends% >ho alled on God% and He answered him% The @#st and blameless
(who is) ridi#led"
Job 12:1 + lam* is des*ised in the tho#ght o$ one who is at ease& (It is) made ready $or those whose $eet sli*"
Job 12:3 The tents o$ robbers *ros*er% +nd those who *ro!o'e God are se#re DD In what God *ro!ides by His
Job 12:4 . B#t now as' the beasts% and they will teah yo#& +nd the birds o$ the air% and they will tell yo#&
Job 12:8 8r s*ea' to the earth% and it will teah yo#& +nd the $ish o$ the sea will e9*lain to yo#"
Job 12:9 >ho among all these does not 'now That the hand o$ the /8:2 has done this%
Job 12:15 In whose hand (is) the li$e o$ e!ery li!ing thing% +nd the breath o$ all man'indC
Job 12:11 2oes not the ear test words +nd the mo#th taste its $oodC
Job 12:12 >isdom (is) with aged men% +nd with length o$ days% #nderstanding"
Job 12:1- .>ith Him (are) wisdom and strength% He has o#nsel and #nderstanding"
Job 12:10 I$ He brea's (a thing) down% it annot be reb#ilt& (I$) He im*risons a man% there an be no release"
Job 12:11 I$ He withholds the waters% they dry #*& (I$) He sends them o#t% they o!erwhelm the earth"
Job 12:13 >ith Him (are) strength and *r#dene" The deei!ed and the deei!er (are) His"
Job 12:14 He leads o#nselors away *l#ndered% +nd ma'es $ools o$ the @#dges"
Job 12:18 He loosens the bonds o$ 'ings% +nd binds their waist with a belt"
Job 12:19 He leads *rines away *l#ndered% +nd o!erthrows the mighty"
Job 12:25 He de*ri!es the tr#sted ones o$ s*eeh% +nd ta'es away the disernment o$ the elders"
Job 12:21 He *o#rs ontem*t on *rines% +nd disarms the mighty"
Job 12:22 He #no!ers dee* things o#t o$ dar'ness% +nd brings the shadow o$ death to light"
Job 12:2- He ma'es nations great% and destroys them& He enlarges nations% and g#ides them"
Job 12:20 He ta'es away the #nderstanding o$ the hie$s o$ the *eo*le o$ the earth% +nd ma'es them wander in
a *athless wilderness"
Job 12:21 They gro*e in the dar' witho#t light% +nd He ma'es them stagger li'e a dr#n'en (man")
Job 1-:1 .Behold% my eye has seen all (this%) ?y ear has heard and #nderstood it"
Job 1-:2 >hat yo# 'now% I also 'now& I (am) not in$erior to yo#"
Job 1-:- B#t I wo#ld s*ea' to the +lmighty% +nd I desire to reason with God"
Job 1-:0 B#t yo# $orgers o$ lies% Bo# (are) all worthless *hysiians"
Job 1-:1 8h% that yo# wo#ld be silent% +nd it wo#ld be yo#r wisdomF
Job 1-:3 Now hear my reasoning% +nd heed the *leadings o$ my li*s"
Job 1-:4 >ill yo# s*ea' wi'edly $or God% +nd tal' deeit$#lly $or HimC
Job 1-:8 >ill yo# show *artiality $or HimC >ill yo# ontend $or GodC
Job 1-:9 >ill it be well when He searhes yo# o#tC 8r an yo# mo' Him as one mo's a manC
Job 1-:15 He will s#rely reb#'e yo# I$ yo# seretly show *artiality"
Job 1-:11 >ill not His e9ellene ma'e yo# a$raid% +nd the dread o$ Him $all #*on yo#C
Job 1-:12 Bo#r *latit#des (are) *ro!erbs o$ ashes% Bo#r de$enses are de$enses o$ lay"
Job 1-:1- . Hold yo#r *eae with me% and let me s*ea'% Then let ome on me what (mayF)
Job 1-:10 >hy do I ta'e my $lesh in my teeth% +nd *#t my li$e in my handsC
Job 1-:11 Tho#gh He slay me% yet will I tr#st Him" 6!en so% I will de$end my own ways be$ore Him"
Job 1-:13 He also (shall) be my sal!ation% ;or a hy*orite o#ld not ome be$ore Him"
Job 1-:14 /isten are$#lly to my s*eeh% +nd to my delaration with yo#r ears"
Job 1-:18 ,ee now% I ha!e *re*ared (my) ase% I 'now that I shall be !indiated"
Job 1-:19 >ho (is) he (who) will ontend with meC I$ now I hold my tong#e% I *erish"
Job 1-:25 . 8nly two (things) do not do to me% Then I will not hide mysel$ $rom Bo#:
Job 1-:21 >ithdraw Bo#r hand $ar $rom me% +nd let not the dread o$ Bo# ma'e me a$raid"
Job 1-:22 Then all% and I will answer& 8r let me s*ea'% then Bo# res*ond to me"
Job 1-:2- How many (are) my iniE#ities and sinsC ?a'e me 'now my transgression and my sin"
Job 1-:20 >hy do Bo# hide Bo#r $ae% +nd regard me as Bo#r enemyC
Job 1-:21 >ill Bo# $righten a lea$ dri!en to and $roC +nd will Bo# *#rs#e dry st#bbleC
Job 1-:23 ;or Bo# write bitter things against me% +nd ma'e me inherit the iniE#ities o$ my yo#th"
Job 1-:24 Bo# *#t my $eet in the sto's% +nd wath losely all my *aths" Bo# set a limit $or the soles o$ my $eet"
Job 1-:28 . ?an deays li'e a rotten thing% /i'e a garment that is mothDeaten"
Job 10:1 .?an (who is) born o$ woman Is o$ $ew days and $#ll o$ tro#ble"
Job 10:2 He omes $orth li'e a $lower and $ades away& He $lees li'e a shadow and does not ontin#e"
Job 10:- +nd do Bo# o*en Bo#r eyes on s#h a one% +nd bring me to @#dgment with Bo#rsel$C
Job 10:0 >ho an bring a lean (thing) o#t o$ an #nleanC No oneF
Job 10:1 ,ine his days (are) determined% The n#mber o$ his months (is) with Bo#& Bo# ha!e a**ointed his
limits% so that he annot *ass"
Job 10:3 /oo' away $rom him that he may rest% Till li'e a hired man he $inishes his day"
Job 10:4 .;or there is ho*e $or a tree% I$ it is #t down% that it will s*ro#t again% +nd that its tender shoots will not
Job 10:8 Tho#gh its root may grow old in the earth% +nd its st#m* may die in the gro#nd%
Job 10:9 (Bet) at the sent o$ water it will b#d +nd bring $orth branhes li'e a *lant"
Job 10:15 B#t man dies and is laid away& Indeed he breathes his last +nd where (is) heC
Job 10:11 (+s) water disa**ears $rom the sea% +nd a ri!er beomes *arhed and dries #*%
Job 10:12 ,o man lies down and does not rise" Till the hea!ens (are) no more% They will not awa'e Nor be
ro#sed $rom their slee*"
Job 10:1- . 8h% that Bo# wo#ld hide me in the gra!e% That Bo# wo#ld oneal me #ntil Bo#r wrath is *ast% That
Bo# wo#ld a**oint me a set time% and remember meF
Job 10:10 I$ a man dies% shall he li!e (againC) +ll the days o$ my hard ser!ie I will wait% Till my hange omes"
Job 10:11 Bo# shall all% and I will answer Bo#& Bo# shall desire the wor' o$ Bo#r hands"
Job 10:13 ;or now Bo# n#mber my ste*s% B#t do not wath o!er my sin"
Job 10:14 ?y transgression (is) sealed #* in a bag% +nd Bo# o!er my iniE#ity"
Job 10:18 .B#t (as) a mo#ntain $alls (and) r#mbles away% +nd (as) a ro' is mo!ed $rom its *lae&
Job 10:19 (+s) water wears away stones% (+nd as) torrents wash away the soil o$ the earth& ,o Bo# destroy the
ho*e o$ man"
Job 10:25 Bo# *re!ail $ore!er against him% and he *asses on& Bo# hange his o#ntenane and send him away"
Job 10:21 His sons ome to honor% and he does not 'now (it&) They are bro#ght low% and he does not *erei!e
Job 10:22 B#t his $lesh will be in *ain o!er it% +nd his so#l will mo#rn o!er it".
Job 11:1 Then 6li*haH the Temanite answered and said:
Job 11:2 .,ho#ld a wise man answer with em*ty 'nowledge% +nd $ill himsel$ with the east windC
Job 11:- ,ho#ld he reason with #n*ro$itable tal'% 8r by s*eehes with whih he an do no goodC
Job 11:0 Bes% yo# ast o$$ $ear% +nd restrain *rayer be$ore God"
Job 11:1 ;or yo#r iniE#ity teahes yo#r mo#th% +nd yo# hoose the tong#e o$ the ra$ty"
Job 11:3 Bo#r own mo#th ondemns yo#% and not I& Bes% yo#r own li*s testi$y against yo#"
Job 11:4 .(+re) yo# the $irst man (who) was bornC 8r were yo# made be$ore the hillsC
Job 11:8 Ha!e yo# heard the o#nsel o$ GodC 2o yo# limit wisdom to yo#rsel$C
Job 11:9 >hat do yo# 'now that we do not 'nowC (>hat) do yo# #nderstand that (is) not in #sC
Job 11:15 Both the grayDhaired and the aged (are) among #s% ?#h older than yo#r $ather"
Job 11:11 (+re) the onsolations o$ God too small $or yo#% +nd the word (s*o'en) gently with yo#C
Job 11:12 >hy does yo#r heart arry yo# away% +nd what do yo#r eyes win' at%
Job 11:1- That yo# t#rn yo#r s*irit against God% +nd let (s#h) words go o#t o$ yo#r mo#thC
Job 11:10 .>hat (is) man% that he o#ld be *#reC +nd (he who is) born o$ a woman% that he o#ld be righteo#sC
Job 11:11 I$ (God) *#ts no tr#st in His saints% +nd the hea!ens are not *#re in His sight%
Job 11:13 How m#h less man% (who is) abominable and $ilthy% >ho drin's iniE#ity li'e waterF
Job 11:14 . I will tell yo#% hear me& >hat I ha!e seen I will delare%
Job 11:18 >hat wise men ha!e told% Not hiding (anything reei!ed) $rom their $athers%
Job 11:19 To whom alone the land was gi!en% +nd no alien *assed among them:
Job 11:25 The wi'ed man writhes with *ain all (his) days% +nd the n#mber o$ years is hidden $rom the
Job 11:21 2read$#l so#nds (are) in his ears& In *ros*erity the destroyer omes #*on him"
Job 11:22 He does not belie!e that he will ret#rn $rom dar'ness% ;or a sword is waiting $or him"
Job 11:2- He wanders abo#t $or bread% (saying%) A>here (is itCA) He 'nows that a day o$ dar'ness is ready at his
Job 11:20 Tro#ble and ang#ish ma'e him a$raid& They o!er*ower him% li'e a 'ing ready $or battle"
Job 11:21 ;or he strethes o#t his hand against God% +nd ats de$iantly against the +lmighty%
Job 11:23 :#nning st#bbornly against Him >ith his strong% embossed shield"
Job 11:24 .Tho#gh he has o!ered his $ae with his $atness% +nd made (his) waist hea!y with $at%
Job 11:28 He dwells in desolate ities% In ho#ses whih no one inhabits% >hih are destined to beome r#ins"
Job 11:29 He will not be rih% Nor will his wealth ontin#e% Nor will his *ossessions o!ers*read the earth"
Job 11:-5 He will not de*art $rom dar'ness& The $lame will dry o#t his branhes% +nd by the breath o$ His mo#th
he will go away"
Job 11:-1 /et him not tr#st in $#tile (things%) deei!ing himsel$% ;or $#tility will be his reward"
Job 11:-2 It will be aom*lished be$ore his time% +nd his branh will not be green"
Job 11:-- He will sha'e o$$ his #nri*e gra*e li'e a !ine% +nd ast o$$ his blossom li'e an oli!e tree"
Job 11:-0 ;or the om*any o$ hy*orites (will be) barren% +nd $ire will ons#me the tents o$ bribery"
Job 11:-1 They onei!e tro#ble and bring $orth $#tility& Their womb *re*ares deeit".
Job 13:1 Then Job answered and said:
Job 13:2 .I ha!e heard many s#h things& ?iserable om$orters (are) yo# allF
Job 13:- ,hall words o$ wind ha!e an endC 8r what *ro!o'es yo# that yo# answerC
Job 13:0 I also o#ld s*ea' as yo# (do%) I$ yo#r so#l were in my so#lAs *lae" I o#ld hea* #* words against yo#%
+nd sha'e my head at yo#&
Job 13:1 (B#t) I wo#ld strengthen yo# with my mo#th% +nd the om$ort o$ my li*s wo#ld relie!e (yo#r grie$")
Job 13:3 . Tho#gh I s*ea'% my grie$ is not relie!ed& +nd (i$) I remain silent% how am I easedC
Job 13:4 B#t now He has worn me o#t& Bo# ha!e made desolate all my om*any"
Job 13:8 Bo# ha!e shri!eled me #*% +nd it is a witness (against me&) ?y leanness rises #* against me (+nd)
bears witness to my $ae"
Job 13:9 He tears (me) in His wrath% and hates me& He gnashes at me with His teeth& ?y ad!ersary shar*ens
His gaHe on me"
Job 13:15 They ga*e at me with their mo#th% They stri'e me re*roah$#lly on the hee'% They gather together
against me"
Job 13:11 God has deli!ered me to the #ngodly% +nd t#rned me o!er to the hands o$ the wi'ed"
Job 13:12 I was at ease% b#t He has shattered me& He also has ta'en (me) by my ne'% and sha'en me to
*iees& He has set me #* $or His target%
Job 13:1- His arhers s#rro#nd me" He *ieres my heart and does not *ity& He *o#rs o#t my gall on the gro#nd"
Job 13:10 He brea's me with wo#nd #*on wo#nd& He r#ns at me li'e a warrior"
Job 13:11 .I ha!e sewn sa'loth o!er my s'in% +nd laid my head in the d#st"
Job 13:13 ?y $ae is $l#shed $rom wee*ing% +nd on my eyelids (is) the shadow o$ death&
Job 13:14 +ltho#gh no !iolene (is) in my hands% +nd my *rayer (is) *#re"
Job 13:18 . 8 earth% do not o!er my blood% +nd let my ry ha!e no (resting) *laeF
Job 13:19 ,#rely e!en now my witness (is) in hea!en% +nd my e!idene (is) on high"
Job 13:25 ?y $riends sorn me& ?y eyes *o#r o#t (tears) to God"
Job 13:21 8h% that one might *lead $or a man with God% +s a man (*leads) $or his neighborF
Job 13:22 ;or when a $ew years are $inished% I shall go the way o$ no ret#rn"
Job 14:1 .?y s*irit is bro'en% ?y days are e9ting#ished% The gra!e (is ready) $or me"
Job 14:2 (+re) not mo'ers with meC +nd does not my eye dwell on their *ro!oationC
Job 14:- .Now *#t down a *ledge $or me with Bo#rsel$" >ho (is) he (who) will sha'e hands with meC
Job 14:0 ;or Bo# ha!e hidden their heart $rom #nderstanding& There$ore Bo# will not e9alt (them")
Job 14:1 He who s*ea's $lattery to (his) $riends% 6!en the eyes o$ his hildren will $ail"
Job 14:3 . B#t He has made me a byword o$ the *eo*le% +nd I ha!e beome one in whose $ae men s*it"
Job 14:4 ?y eye has also grown dim bea#se o$ sorrow% +nd all my members (are) li'e shadows"
Job 14:8 7*right (men) are astonished at this% +nd the innoent stirs himsel$ #* against the hy*orite"
Job 14:9 Bet the righteo#s will hold to his way% +nd he who has lean hands will be stronger and stronger"
Job 14:15 . B#t *lease% ome ba' again% all o$ yo#% ;or I shall not $ind (one) wise (man) among yo#"
Job 14:11 ?y days are *ast% ?y *#r*oses are bro'en o$$% (6!en) the tho#ghts o$ my heart"
Job 14:12 They hange the night into day& AThe light (is) near%A (they say%) in the $ae o$ dar'ness"
Job 14:1- I$ I wait ($or) the gra!e (as) my ho#se% I$ I ma'e my bed in the dar'ness%
Job 14:10 I$ I say to orr#*tion% ABo# (are) my $ather%A +nd to the worm% ABo# (are) my mother and my sister%A
Job 14:11 >here then (is) my ho*eC +s $or my ho*e% who an see itC
Job 14:13 (>ill) they go down to the gates o$ ,heolC ,hall (we ha!e) rest together in the d#stC.
Job 18:1 Then Bildad the ,h#hite answered and said:
Job 18:2 .How long (till) yo# *#t an end to wordsC Gain #nderstanding% and a$terward we will s*ea'"
Job 18:- >hy are we o#nted as beasts% (+nd) regarded as st#*id in yo#r sightC
Job 18:0 Bo# who tear yo#rsel$ in anger% ,hall the earth be $orsa'en $or yo#C 8r shall the ro' be remo!ed $rom
its *laeC
Job 18:1 .The light o$ the wi'ed indeed goes o#t% +nd the $lame o$ his $ire does not shine"
Job 18:3 The light is dar' in his tent% +nd his lam* beside him is *#t o#t"
Job 18:4 The ste*s o$ his strength are shortened% +nd his own o#nsel asts him down"
Job 18:8 ;or he is ast into a net by his own $eet% +nd he wal's into a snare"
Job 18:9 The net ta'es (him) by the heel% (+nd) a snare lays hold o$ him"
Job 18:15 + noose (is) hidden $or him on the gro#nd% +nd a tra* $or him in the road"
Job 18:11 Terrors $righten him on e!ery side% +nd dri!e him to his $eet"
Job 18:12 His strength is star!ed% +nd destr#tion (is) ready at his side"
Job 18:1- It de!o#rs *athes o$ his s'in& The $irstborn o$ death de!o#rs his limbs"
Job 18:10 He is #*rooted $rom the shelter o$ his tent% +nd they *arade him be$ore the 'ing o$ terrors"
Job 18:11 They dwell in his tent (who are) none o$ his& Brimstone is sattered on his dwelling"
Job 18:13 His roots are dried o#t below% +nd his branh withers abo!e"
Job 18:14 The memory o$ him *erishes $rom the earth% +nd he has no name among the renowned"
Job 18:18 He is dri!en $rom light into dar'ness% +nd hased o#t o$ the world"
Job 18:19 He has neither son nor *osterity among his *eo*le% Nor any remaining in his dwellings"
Job 18:25 Those in the west are astonished at his day% +s those in the east are $rightened"
Job 18:21 ,#rely s#h (are) the dwellings o$ the wi'ed% +nd this (is) the *lae (o$ him) who does not 'now
Job 19:1 Then Job answered and said:
Job 19:2 .How long will yo# torment my so#l% +nd brea' me in *iees with wordsC
Job 19:- These ten times yo# ha!e re*roahed me& Bo# are not ashamed (that) yo# ha!e wronged me"
Job 19:0 +nd i$ indeed I ha!e erred% ?y error remains with me"
Job 19:1 I$ indeed yo# e9alt (yo#rsel!es) against me% +nd *lead my disgrae against me%
Job 19:3 Know then that God has wronged me% +nd has s#rro#nded me with His net"
Job 19:4 .I$ I ry o#t onerning wrong% I am not heard" I$ I ry alo#d% (there is) no @#stie"
Job 19:8 He has $ened #* my way% so that I annot *ass& +nd He has set dar'ness in my *aths"
Job 19:9 He has stri**ed me o$ my glory% +nd ta'en the rown ($rom) my head"
Job 19:15 He brea's me down on e!ery side% +nd I am gone& ?y ho*e He has #*rooted li'e a tree"
Job 19:11 He has also 'indled His wrath against me% +nd He o#nts me as (one o$) His enemies"
Job 19:12 His troo*s ome together +nd b#ild #* their road against me& They enam* all aro#nd my tent"
Job 19:1- . He has remo!ed my brothers $ar $rom me% +nd my aE#aintanes are om*letely estranged $rom
Job 19:10 ?y relati!es ha!e $ailed% +nd my lose $riends ha!e $orgotten me"
Job 19:11 Those who dwell in my ho#se% and my maidser!ants% =o#nt me as a stranger& I am an alien in their
Job 19:13 I all my ser!ant% b#t he gi!es no answer& I beg him with my mo#th"
Job 19:14 ?y breath is o$$ensi!e to my wi$e% +nd I am re*#lsi!e to the hildren o$ my own body"
Job 19:18 6!en yo#ng hildren des*ise me& I arise% and they s*ea' against me"
Job 19:19 +ll my lose $riends abhor me% +nd those whom I lo!e ha!e t#rned against me"
Job 19:25 ?y bone lings to my s'in and to my $lesh% +nd I ha!e esa*ed by the s'in o$ my teeth"
Job 19:21 . Ha!e *ity on me% ha!e *ity on me% 8 yo# my $riends% ;or the hand o$ God has str#' meF
Job 19:22 >hy do yo# *erse#te me as God (does%) +nd are not satis$ied with my $leshC
Job 19:2- . 8h% that my words were writtenF 8h% that they were insribed in a boo'F
Job 19:20 That they were engra!ed on a ro' >ith an iron *en and lead% $ore!erF
Job 19:21 ;or I 'now (that) my :edeemer li!es% +nd He shall stand at last on the earth&
Job 19:23 +nd a$ter my s'in is destroyed% this (I 'now%) That in my $lesh I shall see God%
Job 19:24 >hom I shall see $or mysel$% +nd my eyes shall behold% and not another" (How) my heart yearns
within meF
Job 19:28 I$ yo# sho#ld say% AHow shall we *erse#te himCA DD ,ine the root o$ the matter is $o#nd in me%
Job 19:29 Be a$raid o$ the sword $or yo#rsel!es& ;or wrath (brings) the *#nishment o$ the sword% That yo# may
'now (there is) a @#dgment".
Job 25:1 Then Go*har the Naamathite answered and said:
Job 25:2 .There$ore my an9io#s tho#ghts ma'e me answer% Bea#se o$ the t#rmoil within me"
Job 25:- I ha!e heard the reb#'e that re*roahes me% +nd the s*irit o$ my #nderstanding a#ses me to answer"
Job 25:0 .2o yo# (not) 'now this o$ old% ,ine man was *laed on earth%
Job 25:1 That the tri#m*hing o$ the wi'ed is short% +nd the @oy o$ the hy*orite is (b#t) $or a momentC
Job 25:3 Tho#gh his ha#ghtiness mo#nts #* to the hea!ens% +nd his head reahes to the lo#ds%
Job 25:4 (Bet) he will *erish $ore!er li'e his own re$#se& Those who ha!e seen him will say% A>here is heCA
Job 25:8 He will $ly away li'e a dream% and not be $o#nd& Bes% he will be hased away li'e a !ision o$ the night"
Job 25:9 The eye (that) saw him will (see him) no more% Nor will his *lae behold him anymore"
Job 25:15 His hildren will see' the $a!or o$ the *oor% +nd his hands will restore his wealth"
Job 25:11 His bones are $#ll o$ his yo#th$#l !igor% B#t it will lie down with him in the d#st"
Job 25:12 .Tho#gh e!il is sweet in his mo#th% (+nd) he hides it #nder his tong#e%
Job 25:1- (Tho#gh) he s*ares it and does not $orsa'e it% B#t still 'ee*s it in his mo#th%
Job 25:10 (Bet) his $ood in his stomah t#rns so#r& It beomes obra !enom within him"
Job 25:11 He swallows down rihes +nd !omits them #* again& God asts them o#t o$ his belly"
Job 25:13 He will s#' the *oison o$ obras& The !i*erAs tong#e will slay him"
Job 25:14 He will not see the streams% The ri!ers $lowing with honey and ream"
Job 25:18 He will restore that $or whih he labored% +nd will not swallow (it) down& ;rom the *roeeds o$
b#siness He will get no en@oyment"
Job 25:19 ;or he has o**ressed (and) $orsa'en the *oor% He has !iolently seiHed a ho#se whih he did not
Job 25:25 .Bea#se he 'nows no E#ietness in his heart% He will not sa!e anything he desires"
Job 25:21 Nothing is le$t $or him to eat& There$ore his wellDbeing will not last"
Job 25:22 In his sel$Ds#$$iieny he will be in distress& 6!ery hand o$ misery will ome against him"
Job 25:2- (>hen) he is abo#t to $ill his stomah% (God) will ast on him the $#ry o$ His wrath% +nd will rain (it) on
him while he is eating"
Job 25:20 He will $lee $rom the iron wea*on& + bronHe bow will *iere him thro#gh"
Job 25:21 It is drawn% and omes o#t o$ the body& Bes% the glittering (*oint omes) o#t o$ his gall" Terrors (ome)
#*on him&
Job 25:23 Total dar'ness (is) reser!ed $or his treas#res" +n #n$anned $ire will ons#me him& It shall go ill with
him who is le$t in his tent"
Job 25:24 The hea!ens will re!eal his iniE#ity% +nd the earth will rise #* against him"
Job 25:28 The inrease o$ his ho#se will de*art% (+nd his goods) will $low away in the day o$ His wrath"
Job 25:29 This (is) the *ortion $rom God $or a wi'ed man% The heritage a**ointed to him by God".
Job 21:1 Then Job answered and said:
Job 21:2 ./isten are$#lly to my s*eeh% +nd let this be yo#r onsolation"
Job 21:- Bear with me that I may s*ea'% +nd a$ter I ha!e s*o'en% 'ee* mo'ing"
Job 21:0 .+s $or me% (is) my om*laint against manC +nd i$ (it were%) why sho#ld I not be im*atientC
Job 21:1 /oo' at me and be astonished& <#t (yo#r) hand o!er (yo#r) mo#th"
Job 21:3 6!en when I remember I am terri$ied% +nd trembling ta'es hold o$ my $lesh"
Job 21:4 >hy do the wi'ed li!e (and) beome old% Bes% beome mighty in *owerC
Job 21:8 Their desendants are established with them in their sight% +nd their o$$s*ring be$ore their eyes"
Job 21:9 Their ho#ses (are) sa$e $rom $ear% Neither (is) the rod o$ God #*on them"
Job 21:15 Their b#ll breeds witho#t $ail#re& Their ow al!es witho#t misarriage"
Job 21:11 They send $orth their little ones li'e a $lo'% +nd their hildren dane"
Job 21:12 They sing to the tambo#rine and har*% +nd re@oie to the so#nd o$ the $l#te"
Job 21:1- They s*end their days in wealth% +nd in a moment go down to the gra!e"
Job 21:10 Bet they say to God% A2e*art $rom #s% ;or we do not desire the 'nowledge o$ Bo#r ways"
Job 21:11 >ho (is) the +lmighty% that we sho#ld ser!e HimC +nd what *ro$it do we ha!e i$ we *ray to HimCA
Job 21:13 Indeed their *ros*erity (is) not in their hand& The o#nsel o$ the wi'ed is $ar $rom me"
Job 21:14 . How o$ten is the lam* o$ the wi'ed *#t o#tC (How o$ten) does their destr#tion ome #*on them%
The sorrows (God) distrib#tes in His angerC
Job 21:18 They are li'e straw be$ore the wind% +nd li'e ha$$ that a storm arries away"
Job 21:19 (They say%) AGod lays #* oneAs iniE#ity $or his hildrenA& /et Him reom*ense him% that he may 'now
Job 21:25 /et his eyes see his destr#tion% +nd let him drin' o$ the wrath o$ the +lmighty"
Job 21:21 ;or what does he are abo#t his ho#sehold a$ter him% >hen the n#mber o$ his months is #t in hal$C
Job 21:22 . =an (anyone) teah God 'nowledge% ,ine He @#dges those on highC
Job 21:2- 8ne dies in his $#ll strength% Being wholly at ease and se#re&
Job 21:20 His *ails are $#ll o$ mil'% +nd the marrow o$ his bones is moist"
Job 21:21 +nother man dies in the bitterness o$ his so#l% Ne!er ha!ing eaten with *leas#re"
Job 21:23 They lie down ali'e in the d#st% +nd worms o!er them"
Job 21:24 ./oo'% I 'now yo#r tho#ghts% +nd the shemes (with whih) yo# wo#ld wrong me"
Job 21:28 ;or yo# say% A>here (is) the ho#se o$ the *rineC +nd where (is) the tent% The dwelling *lae o$ the
Job 21:29 Ha!e yo# not as'ed those who tra!el the roadC +nd do yo# not 'now their signsC
Job 21:-5 ;or the wi'ed are reser!ed $or the day o$ doom& They shall be bro#ght o#t on the day o$ wrath"
Job 21:-1 >ho ondemns his way to his $aeC +nd who re*ays him ($or what) he has doneC
Job 21:-2 Bet he shall be bro#ght to the gra!e% +nd a !igil 'e*t o!er the tomb"
Job 21:-- The lods o$ the !alley shall be sweet to him& 6!eryone shall $ollow him% +s o#ntless (ha!e gone)
be$ore him"
Job 21:-0 How then an yo# om$ort me with em*ty words% ,ine $alsehood remains in yo#r answersC.
Job 22:1 Then 6li*haH the Temanite answered and said:
Job 22:2 .=an a man be *ro$itable to God% Tho#gh he who is wise may be *ro$itable to himsel$C
Job 22:- (Is it) any *leas#re to the +lmighty that yo# are righteo#sC 8r (is it) gain (to Him) that yo# ma'e yo#r
ways blamelessC
Job 22:0 .Is it bea#se o$ yo#r $ear o$ Him that He orrets yo#% +nd enters into @#dgment with yo#C
Job 22:1 (Is) not yo#r wi'edness great% +nd yo#r iniE#ity witho#t endC
Job 22:3 ;or yo# ha!e ta'en *ledges $rom yo#r brother $or no reason% +nd stri**ed the na'ed o$ their lothing"
Job 22:4 Bo# ha!e not gi!en the weary water to drin'% +nd yo# ha!e withheld bread $rom the h#ngry"
Job 22:8 B#t the mighty man *ossessed the land% +nd the honorable man dwelt in it"
Job 22:9 Bo# ha!e sent widows away em*ty% +nd the strength o$ the $atherless was r#shed"
Job 22:15 There$ore snares (are) all aro#nd yo#% +nd s#dden $ear tro#bles yo#%
Job 22:11 8r dar'ness (so that) yo# annot see& +nd an ab#ndane o$ water o!ers yo#"
Job 22:12 .Is not God in the height o$ hea!enC +nd see the highest stars% how lo$ty they areF
Job 22:1- +nd yo# say% A>hat does God 'nowC =an He @#dge thro#gh the dee* dar'nessC
Job 22:10 Thi' lo#ds o!er Him% so that He annot see% +nd He wal's abo!e the irle o$ hea!en"A
Job 22:11 >ill yo# 'ee* to the old way >hih wi'ed men ha!e trod%
Job 22:13 >ho were #t down be$ore their time% >hose $o#ndations were swe*t away by a $loodC
Job 22:14 They said to God% A2e*art $rom #sF >hat an the +lmighty do to themCA
Job 22:18 Bet He $illed their ho#ses with good (things&) B#t the o#nsel o$ the wi'ed is $ar $rom me"
Job 22:19 .The righteo#s see (it) and are glad% +nd the innoent la#gh at them:
Job 22:25 A,#rely o#r ad!ersaries are #t down% +nd the $ire ons#mes their remnant"A
Job 22:21 . Now aE#aint yo#rsel$ with Him% and be at *eae& Thereby good will ome to yo#"
Job 22:22 :eei!e% *lease% instr#tion $rom His mo#th% +nd lay #* His words in yo#r heart"
Job 22:2- I$ yo# ret#rn to the +lmighty% yo# will be b#ilt #*& Bo# will remo!e iniE#ity $ar $rom yo#r tents"
Job 22:20 Then yo# will lay yo#r gold in the d#st% +nd the (gold) o$ 8*hir among the stones o$ the broo's"
Job 22:21 Bes% the +lmighty will be yo#r gold +nd yo#r *reio#s sil!er&
Job 22:23 ;or then yo# will ha!e yo#r delight in the +lmighty% +nd li$t #* yo#r $ae to God"
Job 22:24 Bo# will ma'e yo#r *rayer to Him% He will hear yo#% +nd yo# will *ay yo#r !ows"
Job 22:28 Bo# will also delare a thing% +nd it will be established $or yo#& ,o light will shine on yo#r ways"
Job 22:29 >hen they ast (yo#) down% and yo# say% A69altation (will omeFA) Then He will sa!e the h#mble
Job 22:-5 He will (e!en) deli!er one who is not innoent& Bes% he will be deli!ered by the *#rity o$ yo#r hands".
Job 2-:1 Then Job answered and said:
Job 2-:2 .6!en today my om*laint is bitter& ?y hand is listless bea#se o$ my groaning"
Job 2-:- 8h% that I 'new where I might $ind Him% (That) I might ome to His seatF
Job 2-:0 I wo#ld *resent (my) ase be$ore Him% +nd $ill my mo#th with arg#ments"
Job 2-:1 I wo#ld 'now the words (whih) He wo#ld answer me% +nd #nderstand what He wo#ld say to me"
Job 2-:3 >o#ld He ontend with me in His great *owerC NoF B#t He wo#ld ta'e (note) o$ me"
Job 2-:4 There the #*right o#ld reason with Him% +nd I wo#ld be deli!ered $ore!er $rom my J#dge"
Job 2-:8 ./oo'% I go $orward% b#t He is not (there%) +nd ba'ward% b#t I annot *erei!e Him&
Job 2-:9 >hen He wor's on the le$t hand% I annot behold (Him&) >hen He t#rns to the right hand% I annot see
Job 2-:15 B#t He 'nows the way that I ta'e& (>hen) He has tested me% I shall ome $orth as gold"
Job 2-:11 ?y $oot has held $ast to His ste*s& I ha!e 'e*t His way and not t#rned aside"
Job 2-:12 I ha!e not de*arted $rom the ommandment o$ His li*s& I ha!e treas#red the words o$ His mo#th ?ore
than my neessary ($ood")
Job 2-:1- .B#t He (is) #niE#e% and who an ma'e Him hangeC +nd (whate!er) His so#l desires% (that) He does"
Job 2-:10 ;or He *er$orms (what is) a**ointed $or me% +nd many s#h (things are) with Him"
Job 2-:11 There$ore I am terri$ied at His *resene& >hen I onsider (this%) I am a$raid o$ Him"
Job 2-:13 ;or God made my heart wea'% +nd the +lmighty terri$ies me&
Job 2-:14 Bea#se I was not #t o$$ $rom the *resene o$ dar'ness% +nd He did (not) hide dee* dar'ness $rom
my $ae"
Job 20:1 .(,ine) times are not hidden $rom the +lmighty% >hy do those who 'now Him see not His daysC
Job 20:2 .(,ome) remo!e landmar's& They seiHe $lo's !iolently and $eed (on them&)
Job 20:- They dri!e away the don'ey o$ the $atherless& They ta'e the widowAs o9 as a *ledge"
Job 20:0 They *#sh the needy o$$ the road& +ll the *oor o$ the land are $ored to hide"
Job 20:1 Indeed% (li'e) wild don'eys in the desert% They go o#t to their wor'% searhing $or $ood" The wilderness
(yields) $ood $or them (and) $or (their) hildren"
Job 20:3 They gather their $odder in the $ield +nd glean in the !ineyard o$ the wi'ed"
Job 20:4 They s*end the night na'ed% witho#t lothing% +nd ha!e no o!ering in the old"
Job 20:8 They are wet with the showers o$ the mo#ntains% +nd h#ddle aro#nd the ro' $or want o$ shelter"
Job 20:9 .(,ome) snath the $atherless $rom the breast% +nd ta'e a *ledge $rom the *oor"
Job 20:15 They a#se (the *oor) to go na'ed% witho#t lothing& +nd they ta'e away the shea!es $rom the
Job 20:11 They *ress o#t oil within their walls% +nd tread wine*resses% yet s#$$er thirst"
Job 20:12 The dying groan in the ity% +nd the so#ls o$ the wo#nded ry o#t& Bet God does not harge (them)
with wrong"
Job 20:1- . There are those who rebel against the light& They do not 'now its ways Nor abide in its *aths"
Job 20:10 The m#rderer rises with the light& He 'ills the *oor and needy& +nd in the night he is li'e a thie$"
Job 20:11 The eye o$ the ad#lterer waits $or the twilight% ,aying% ANo eye will see meA& +nd he disg#ises (his)
Job 20:13 In the dar' they brea' into ho#ses >hih they mar'ed $or themsel!es in the daytime& They do not
'now the light"
Job 20:14 ;or the morning is the same to them as the shadow o$ death& I$ (someone) reogniHes (them%) (They
are in) the terrors o$ the shadow o$ death"
Job 20:18 .They (sho#ld be) swi$t on the $ae o$ the waters% Their *ortion (sho#ld be) #rsed in the earth% (,o
that) no (one wo#ld) t#rn into the way o$ their !ineyards"
Job 20:19 +s dro#ght and heat ons#me the snow waters% (,o) the gra!e (ons#mes those who) ha!e sinned"
Job 20:25 The womb (sho#ld) $orget him% The worm (sho#ld) $eed sweetly on him& He (sho#ld) be remembered
no more% +nd wi'edness (sho#ld) be bro'en li'e a tree"
Job 20:21 ;or he *reys on the barren (who) do not bear% +nd does no good $or the widow"
Job 20:22 . B#t God draws the mighty away with His *ower& He rises #*% b#t no (man) is s#re o$ li$e"
Job 20:2- He gi!es them se#rity% and they rely (on it&) Bet His eyes (are) on their ways"
Job 20:20 They are e9alted $or a little while% Then they are gone" They are bro#ght low& They are ta'en o#t o$
the way li'e all (others&) They dry o#t li'e the heads o$ grain"
Job 20:21 . Now i$ (it is) not (so%) who will *ro!e me a liar% +nd ma'e my s*eeh worth nothingC.
Job 21:1 Then Bildad the ,h#hite answered and said:
Job 21:2 .2ominion and $ear (belong) to Him& He ma'es *eae in His high *laes"
Job 21:- Is there any n#mber to His armiesC 7*on whom does His light not riseC
Job 21:0 How then an man be righteo#s be$ore GodC 8r how an he be *#re (who is) born o$ a womanC
Job 21:1 I$ e!en the moon does not shine% +nd the stars are not *#re in His sight%
Job 21:3 How m#h less man% (who is) a maggot% +nd a son o$ man% (who is) a wormC.
Job 23:1 B#t Job answered and said:
Job 23:2 .How ha!e yo# hel*ed (him who is) witho#t *owerC (How) ha!e yo# sa!ed the arm (that has) no
Job 23:- How ha!e yo# o#nseled (one who has) no wisdomC +nd (how) ha!e yo# delared so#nd ad!ie to
Job 23:0 To whom ha!e yo# #ttered wordsC +nd whose s*irit ame $rom yo#C
Job 23:1 .The dead tremble% Those #nder the waters and those inhabiting them"
Job 23:3 ,heol (is) na'ed be$ore Him% +nd 2estr#tion has no o!ering"
Job 23:4 He strethes o#t the north o!er em*ty s*ae& (He) hangs the earth on nothing"
Job 23:8 He binds #* the water in His thi' lo#ds% Bet the lo#ds are not bro'en #nder it"
Job 23:9 He o!ers the $ae o$ (His) throne% (+nd) s*reads His lo#d o!er it"
Job 23:15 He drew a ir#lar horiHon on the $ae o$ the waters% +t the bo#ndary o$ light and dar'ness"
Job 23:11 The *illars o$ hea!en tremble% +nd are astonished at His reb#'e"
Job 23:12 He stirs #* the sea with His *ower% +nd by His #nderstanding He brea's #* the storm"
Job 23:1- By His ,*irit He adorned the hea!ens& His hand *iered the $leeing ser*ent"
Job 23:10 Indeed these (are) the mere edges o$ His ways% +nd how small a whis*er we hear o$ HimF B#t the
th#nder o$ His *ower who an #nderstandC.
Job 24:1 ?oreo!er Job ontin#ed his diso#rse% and said:
Job 24:2 .(+s) God li!es% (who) has ta'en away my @#stie% +nd the +lmighty% (who) has made my so#l bitter%
Job 24:- +s long as my breath (is) in me% +nd the breath o$ God in my nostrils%
Job 24:0 ?y li*s will not s*ea' wi'edness% Nor my tong#e #tter deeit"
Job 24:1 ;ar be it $rom me That I sho#ld say yo# are right& Till I die I will not *#t away my integrity $rom me"
Job 24:3 ?y righteo#sness I hold $ast% and will not let it go& ?y heart shall not re*roah (me) as long as I li!e"
Job 24:4 .?ay my enemy be li'e the wi'ed% +nd he who rises #* against me li'e the #nrighteo#s"
Job 24:8 ;or what is the ho*e o$ the hy*orite% Tho#gh he may gain (m#h%) I$ God ta'es away his li$eC
Job 24:9 >ill God hear his ry >hen tro#ble omes #*on himC
Job 24:15 >ill he delight himsel$ in the +lmightyC >ill he always all on GodC
Job 24:11 .I will teah yo# abo#t the hand o$ God& >hat (is) with the +lmighty I will not oneal"
Job 24:12 ,#rely all o$ yo# ha!e seen (it&) >hy then do yo# beha!e with om*lete nonsenseC
Job 24:1- . This is the *ortion o$ a wi'ed man with God% +nd the heritage o$ o**ressors% reei!ed $rom the
Job 24:10 I$ his hildren are m#lti*lied% (it is) $or the sword& +nd his o$$s*ring shall not be satis$ied with bread"
Job 24:11 Those who s#r!i!e him shall be b#ried in death% +nd their widows shall not wee*%
Job 24:13 Tho#gh he hea*s #* sil!er li'e d#st% +nd *iles #* lothing li'e lay DD
Job 24:14 He may *ile (it) #*% b#t the @#st will wear (it%) +nd the innoent will di!ide the sil!er"
Job 24:18 He b#ilds his ho#se li'e a moth% /i'e a booth (whih) a wathman ma'es"
Job 24:19 The rih man will lie down% B#t not be gathered (#*&) He o*ens his eyes% +nd he (is) no more"
Job 24:25 Terrors o!erta'e him li'e a $lood& + tem*est steals him away in the night"
Job 24:21 The east wind arries him away% and he is gone& It swee*s him o#t o$ his *lae"
Job 24:22 It h#rls against him and does not s*are& He $lees des*erately $rom its *ower"
Job 24:2- (?en) shall la* their hands at him% +nd shall hiss him o#t o$ his *lae"
Job 28:1 .,#rely there is a mine $or sil!er% +nd a *lae (where) gold is re$ined"
Job 28:2 Iron is ta'en $rom the earth% +nd o**er (is) smelted ($rom) ore"
Job 28:- (?an) *#ts an end to dar'ness% +nd searhes e!ery reess ;or ore in the dar'ness and the shadow o$
Job 28:0 He brea's o*en a sha$t away $rom *eo*le& (In *laes) $orgotten by $eet They hang $ar away $rom men&
They swing to and $ro"
Job 28:1 (+s $or) the earth% $rom it omes bread% B#t #nderneath it is t#rned #* as by $ire&
Job 28:3 Its stones (are) the so#re o$ sa**hires% +nd it ontains gold d#st"
Job 28:4 (That) *ath no bird 'nows% Nor has the $alonAs eye seen it"
Job 28:8 The *ro#d lions ha!e not trodden it% Nor has the $iere lion *assed o!er it"
Job 28:9 He *#ts his hand on the $lint& He o!ert#rns the mo#ntains at the roots"
Job 28:15 He #ts o#t hannels in the ro's% +nd his eye sees e!ery *reio#s thing"
Job 28:11 He dams #* the streams $rom tri'ling& (>hat is) hidden he brings $orth to light"
Job 28:12 . B#t where an wisdom be $o#ndC +nd where (is) the *lae o$ #nderstandingC
Job 28:1- ?an does not 'now its !al#e% Nor is it $o#nd in the land o$ the li!ing"
Job 28:10 The dee* says% A(It is) not in meA& +nd the sea says% A(It is) not with me"A
Job 28:11 It annot be *#rhased $or gold% Nor an sil!er be weighed ($or) its *rie"
Job 28:13 It annot be !al#ed in the gold o$ 8*hir% In *reio#s ony9 or sa**hire"
Job 28:14 Neither gold nor rystal an eE#al it% Nor an it be e9hanged $or @ewelry o$ $ine gold"
Job 28:18 No mention shall be made o$ oral or E#artH% ;or the *rie o$ wisdom (is) abo!e r#bies"
Job 28:19 The to*aH o$ 6thio*ia annot eE#al it% Nor an it be !al#ed in *#re gold"
Job 28:25 .;rom where then does wisdom omeC +nd where (is) the *lae o$ #nderstandingC
Job 28:21 It is hidden $rom the eyes o$ all li!ing% +nd onealed $rom the birds o$ the air"
Job 28:22 2estr#tion and 2eath say% A>e ha!e heard a re*ort abo#t it with o#r ears"A
Job 28:2- God #nderstands its way% +nd He 'nows its *lae"
Job 28:20 ;or He loo's to the ends o$ the earth% (+nd) sees #nder the whole hea!ens%
Job 28:21 To establish a weight $or the wind% +nd a**ortion the waters by meas#re"
Job 28:23 >hen He made a law $or the rain% +nd a *ath $or the th#nderbolt%
Job 28:24 Then He saw (wisdom) and delared it& He *re*ared it% indeed% He searhed it o#t"
Job 28:28 +nd to man He said% ABehold% the $ear o$ the /ord% that (is) wisdom% +nd to de*art $rom e!il (is)
#nderstanding"A .
Job 29:1 Job $#rther ontin#ed his diso#rse% and said:
Job 29:2 8h% that I were as (in) months *ast% +s (in) the days (when) God wathed o!er me&
Job 29:- >hen His lam* shone #*on my head% (+nd when) by His light I wal'ed (thro#gh) dar'ness&
Job 29:0 J#st as I was in the days o$ my *rime% >hen the $riendly o#nsel o$ God (was) o!er my tent&
Job 29:1 >hen the +lmighty (was) yet with me% (>hen) my hildren (were) aro#nd me&
Job 29:3 >hen my ste*s were bathed with ream% +nd the ro' *o#red o#t ri!ers o$ oil $or meF
Job 29:4 .>hen I went o#t to the gate by the ity% (>hen) I too' my seat in the o*en sE#are%
Job 29:8 The yo#ng men saw me and hid% +nd the aged arose (and) stood&
Job 29:9 The *rines re$rained $rom tal'ing% +nd *#t (their) hand on their mo#th&
Job 29:15 The !oie o$ nobles was h#shed% +nd their tong#e st#' to the roo$ o$ their mo#th"
Job 29:11 >hen the ear heard% then it blessed me% +nd when the eye saw% then it a**ro!ed me&
Job 29:12 Bea#se I deli!ered the *oor who ried o#t% The $atherless and (the one who) had no hel*er"
Job 29:1- The blessing o$ a *erishing (man) ame #*on me% +nd I a#sed the widowAs heart to sing $or @oy"
Job 29:10 I *#t on righteo#sness% and it lothed me& ?y @#stie (was) li'e a robe and a t#rban"
Job 29:11 I (was) eyes to the blind% +nd I (was) $eet to the lame"
Job 29:13 I (was) a $ather to the *oor% +nd I searhed o#t the ase (that) I did not 'now"
Job 29:14 I bro'e the $angs o$ the wi'ed% +nd *l#'ed the !itim $rom his teeth"
Job 29:18 .Then I said% AI shall die in my nest% +nd m#lti*ly (my) days as the sand"
Job 29:19 ?y root (is) s*read o#t to the waters% +nd the dew lies all night on my branh"
Job 29:25 ?y glory (is) $resh within me% +nd my bow is renewed in my hand"A
Job 29:21 .(?en) listened to me and waited% +nd 'e*t silene $or my o#nsel"
Job 29:22 +$ter my words they did not s*ea' again% +nd my s*eeh settled on them (as dew")
Job 29:2- They waited $or me (as) $or the rain% +nd they o*ened their mo#th wide (as) $or the s*ring rain"
Job 29:20 (I$) I mo'ed at them% they did not belie!e (it%) +nd the light o$ my o#ntenane they did not ast down"
Job 29:21 I hose the way $or them% and sat as hie$& ,o I dwelt as a 'ing in the army% +s one (who) om$orts
Job -5:1 .B#t now they mo' at me% (men) yo#nger than I% >hose $athers I disdained to *#t with the dogs o$ my
Job -5:2 Indeed% what (*ro$it) is the strength o$ their hands to meC Their !igor has *erished"
Job -5:- (They are) ga#nt $rom want and $amine% ;leeing late to the wilderness% desolate and waste%
Job -5:0 >ho *l#' mallow by the b#shes% +nd broom tree roots ($or) their $ood"
Job -5:1 They were dri!en o#t $rom among (men%) They sho#ted at them as (at) a thie$"
Job -5:3 (They had) to li!e in the le$ts o$ the !alleys% (In) a!es o$ the earth and the ro's"
Job -5:4 +mong the b#shes they brayed% 7nder the nettles they nestled"
Job -5:8 (They were) sons o$ $ools% Bes% sons o$ !ile men& They were so#rged $rom the land"
Job -5:9 .+nd now I am their ta#nting song& Bes% I am their byword"
Job -5:15 They abhor me% they 'ee* $ar $rom me& They do not hesitate to s*it in my $ae"
Job -5:11 Bea#se He has loosed my bowstring and a$$lited me% They ha!e ast o$$ restraint be$ore me"
Job -5:12 +t (my) right (hand) the rabble arises& They *#sh away my $eet% +nd they raise against me their ways
o$ destr#tion"
Job -5:1- They brea' #* my *ath% They *romote my alamity& They ha!e no hel*er"
Job -5:10 They ome as broad brea'ers& 7nder the r#ino#s storm they roll along"
Job -5:11 Terrors are t#rned #*on me& They *#rs#e my honor as the wind% +nd my *ros*erity has *assed li'e a
Job -5:13 .+nd now my so#l is *o#red o#t bea#se o$ my (*light&) The days o$ a$$lition ta'e hold o$ me"
Job -5:14 ?y bones are *iered in me at night% +nd my gnawing *ains ta'e no rest"
Job -5:18 By great $ore my garment is dis$ig#red& It binds me abo#t as the ollar o$ my oat"
Job -5:19 He has ast me into the mire% +nd I ha!e beome li'e d#st and ashes"
Job -5:25 . I ry o#t to Bo#% b#t Bo# do not answer me& I stand #*% and Bo# regard me"
Job -5:21 (B#t) Bo# ha!e beome r#el to me& >ith the strength o$ Bo#r hand Bo# o**ose me"
Job -5:22 Bo# li$t me #* to the wind and a#se me to ride (on it&) Bo# s*oil my s#ess"
Job -5:2- ;or I 'now (that) Bo# will bring me (to) death% +nd (to) the ho#se a**ointed $or all li!ing"
Job -5:20 . ,#rely He wo#ld not streth o#t (His) hand against a hea* o$ r#ins% I$ they ry o#t when He destroys
Job -5:21 Ha!e I not we*t $or him who was in tro#bleC Has (not) my so#l grie!ed $or the *oorC
Job -5:23 B#t when I loo'ed $or good% e!il ame (to me&) +nd when I waited $or light% then ame dar'ness"
Job -5:24 ?y heart is in t#rmoil and annot rest& 2ays o$ a$$lition on$ront me"
Job -5:28 I go abo#t mo#rning% b#t not in the s#n& I stand #* in the assembly (and) ry o#t $or hel*"
Job -5:29 I am a brother o$ @a'als% +nd a om*anion o$ ostrihes"
Job -5:-5 ?y s'in grows bla' and $alls $rom me& ?y bones b#rn with $e!er"
Job -5:-1 ?y har* is (t#rned) to mo#rning% +nd my $l#te to the !oie o$ those who wee*"
Job -1:1 .I ha!e made a o!enant with my eyes& >hy then sho#ld I loo' #*on a yo#ng womanC
Job -1:2 ;or what (is) the allotment o$ God $rom abo!e% +nd the inheritane o$ the +lmighty $rom on highC
Job -1:- (Is) it not destr#tion $or the wi'ed% +nd disaster $or the wor'ers o$ iniE#ityC
Job -1:0 2oes He not see my ways% +nd o#nt all my ste*sC
Job -1:1 .I$ I ha!e wal'ed with $alsehood% 8r i$ my $oot has hastened to deeit%
Job -1:3 /et me be weighed on honest sales% That God may 'now my integrity"
Job -1:4 I$ my ste* has t#rned $rom the way% 8r my heart wal'ed a$ter my eyes% 8r i$ any s*ot adheres to my
Job -1:8 (Then) let me sow% and another eat& Bes% let my har!est be rooted o#t"
Job -1:9 .I$ my heart has been entied by a woman% 8r (i$) I ha!e l#r'ed at my neighborAs door%
Job -1:15 (Then) let my wi$e grind $or another% +nd let others bow down o!er her"
Job -1:11 ;or that (wo#ld be) wi'edness& Bes% it (wo#ld be) iniE#ity (deser!ing o$) @#dgment"
Job -1:12 ;or that (wo#ld be) a $ire (that) ons#mes to destr#tion% +nd wo#ld root o#t all my inrease"
Job -1:1- .I$ I ha!e des*ised the a#se o$ my male or $emale ser!ant >hen they om*lained against me%
Job -1:10 >hat then shall I do when God rises #*C >hen He *#nishes% how shall I answer HimC
Job -1:11 2id not He who made me in the womb ma'e themC 2id not the same 8ne $ashion #s in the wombC
Job -1:13 .I$ I ha!e 'e*t the *oor $rom (their) desire% 8r a#sed the eyes o$ the widow to $ail%
Job -1:14 8r eaten my morsel by mysel$% ,o that the $atherless o#ld not eat o$ it
Job -1:18 IB#t $rom my yo#th I reared him as a $ather% +nd $rom my motherAs womb I g#ided (the widowJ&)
Job -1:19 I$ I ha!e seen anyone *erish $or la' o$ lothing% 8r any *oor (man) witho#t o!ering&
Job -1:25 I$ his heart has not blessed me% +nd (i$) he was (not) warmed with the $leee o$ my shee*&
Job -1:21 I$ I ha!e raised my hand against the $atherless% >hen I saw I had hel* in the gate&
Job -1:22 (Then) let my arm $all $rom my sho#lder% /et my arm be torn $rom the so'et"
Job -1:2- ;or destr#tion ($rom) God (is) a terror to me% +nd bea#se o$ His magni$iene I annot end#re"
Job -1:20 .I$ I ha!e made gold my ho*e% 8r said to $ine gold% A(Bo# are) my on$ideneA&
Job -1:21 I$ I ha!e re@oied bea#se my wealth (was) great% +nd bea#se my hand had gained m#h&
Job -1:23 I$ I ha!e obser!ed the s#n when it shines% 8r the moon mo!ing (in) brightness%
Job -1:24 ,o that my heart has been seretly entied% +nd my mo#th has 'issed my hand&
Job -1:28 This also (wo#ld be) an iniE#ity (deser!ing o$) @#dgment% ;or I wo#ld ha!e denied God (who is) abo!e"
Job -1:29 .I$ I ha!e re@oied at the destr#tion o$ him who hated me% 8r li$ted mysel$ #* when e!il $o#nd him
Job -1:-5 IIndeed I ha!e not allowed my mo#th to sin By as'ing $or a #rse on his so#lJ&
Job -1:-1 I$ the men o$ my tent ha!e not said% A>ho is there that has not been satis$ied with his meatCA
Job -1:-2 I(B#t) no so@o#rner had to lodge in the street% (;or) I ha!e o*ened my doors to the tra!elerJ&
Job -1:-- I$ I ha!e o!ered my transgressions as +dam% By hiding my iniE#ity in my bosom%
Job -1:-0 Bea#se I $eared the great m#ltit#de% +nd dreaded the ontem*t o$ $amilies% ,o that I 'e*t silene
(+nd) did not go o#t o$ the door DD
Job -1:-1 8h% that I had one to hear meF Here is my mar'" (8h% that) the +lmighty wo#ld answer me% (That) my
<rose#tor had written a boo'F
Job -1:-3 ,#rely I wo#ld arry it on my sho#lder% (+nd) bind it on me (li'e) a rown&
Job -1:-4 I wo#ld delare to Him the n#mber o$ my ste*s& /i'e a *rine I wo#ld a**roah Him"
Job -1:-8 .I$ my land ries o#t against me% +nd its $#rrows wee* together&
Job -1:-9 I$ I ha!e eaten its $r#it witho#t money% 8r a#sed its owners to lose their li!es&
Job -1:05 (Then) let thistles grow instead o$ wheat% +nd weeds instead o$ barley". The words o$ Job are ended"
Job -2:1 ,o these three men eased answering Job% bea#se he (was) righteo#s in his own eyes"
Job -2:2 Then the wrath o$ 6lih#% the son o$ Barahel the B#Hite% o$ the $amily o$ :am% was aro#sed against
Job& his wrath was aro#sed bea#se he @#sti$ied himsel$ rather than God"
Job -2:- +lso against his three $riends his wrath was aro#sed% bea#se they had $o#nd no answer% and (yet)
had ondemned Job"
Job -2:0 Now bea#se they (were) years older than he% 6lih# had waited to s*ea' to Job"
Job -2:1 >hen 6lih# saw that (there was) no answer in the mo#th o$ these three men% his wrath was aro#sed"
Job -2:3 ,o 6lih#% the son o$ Barahel the B#Hite% answered and said: .I (am) yo#ng in years% and yo# (are) !ery
old& There$ore I was a$raid% +nd dared not delare my o*inion to yo#"
Job -2:4 I said% A+ge sho#ld s*ea'% +nd m#ltit#de o$ years sho#ld teah wisdom"A
Job -2:8 B#t (there is) a s*irit in man% +nd the breath o$ the +lmighty gi!es him #nderstanding"
Job -2:9 Great men are not (always) wise% Nor do the aged (always) #nderstand @#stie"
Job -2:15 .There$ore I say% A/isten to me% I also will delare my o*inion"A
Job -2:11 Indeed I waited $or yo#r words% I listened to yo#r reasonings% while yo# searhed o#t what to say"
Job -2:12 I *aid lose attention to yo#& +nd s#rely not one o$ yo# on!ined Job% (8r) answered his words DD
Job -2:1- /est yo# say% A>e ha!e $o#nd wisdomA& God will !anE#ish him% not man"
Job -2:10 Now he has not direted (his) words against me& ,o I will not answer him with yo#r words"
Job -2:11 . They are dismayed and answer no more& >ords esa*e them"
Job -2:13 +nd I ha!e waited% bea#se they did not s*ea'% Bea#se they stood still (and) answered no more"
Job -2:14 I also will answer my *art% I too will delare my o*inion"
Job -2:18 ;or I am $#ll o$ words& The s*irit within me om*els me"
Job -2:19 Indeed my belly (is) li'e wine (that) has no !ent& It is ready to b#rst li'e new wines'ins"
Job -2:25 I will s*ea'% that I may $ind relie$& I m#st o*en my li*s and answer"
Job -2:21 /et me not% I *ray% show *artiality to anyone& Nor let me $latter any man"
Job -2:22 ;or I do not 'now how to $latter% (6lse) my ?a'er wo#ld soon ta'e me away"
Job --:1 .B#t *lease% Job% hear my s*eeh% +nd listen to all my words"
Job --:2 Now% I o*en my mo#th& ?y tong#e s*ea's in my mo#th"
Job --:- ?y words (ome) $rom my #*right heart& ?y li*s #tter *#re 'nowledge"
Job --:0 The ,*irit o$ God has made me% +nd the breath o$ the +lmighty gi!es me li$e"
Job --:1 I$ yo# an answer me% ,et (yo#r words) in order be$ore me& Ta'e yo#r stand"
Job --:3 Tr#ly I (am) as yo#r s*o'esman be$ore God& I also ha!e been $ormed o#t o$ lay"
Job --:4 ,#rely no $ear o$ me will terri$y yo#% Nor will my hand be hea!y on yo#"
Job --:8 . ,#rely yo# ha!e s*o'en in my hearing% +nd I ha!e heard the so#nd o$ (yo#r) words% (saying%)
Job --:9 AI (am) *#re% witho#t transgression& I (am) innoent% and (there is) no iniE#ity in me"
Job --:15 Bet He $inds oasions against me% He o#nts me as His enemy&
Job --:11 He *#ts my $eet in the sto's% He wathes all my *aths"A
Job --:12 . /oo'% (in) this yo# are not righteo#s" I will answer yo#% ;or God is greater than man"
Job --:1- >hy do yo# ontend with HimC ;or He does not gi!e an ao#nting o$ any o$ His words"
Job --:10 ;or God may s*ea' in one way% or in another% (Bet man) does not *erei!e it"
Job --:11 In a dream% in a !ision o$ the night% >hen dee* slee* $alls #*on men% >hile sl#mbering on their beds%
Job --:13 Then He o*ens the ears o$ men% +nd seals their instr#tion"
Job --:14 In order to t#rn man ($rom his) deed% +nd oneal *ride $rom man%
Job --:18 He 'ee*s ba' his so#l $rom the <it% +nd his li$e $rom *erishing by the sword"
Job --:19 . ?an is also hastened with *ain on his bed% +nd with strong (*ain) in many o$ his bones%
Job --:25 ,o that his li$e abhors bread% +nd his so#l s##lent $ood"
Job --:21 His $lesh wastes away $rom sight% +nd his bones sti' o#t (whih one) were not seen"
Job --:22 Bes% his so#l draws near the <it% +nd his li$e to the e9e#tioners"
Job --:2- . I$ there is a messenger $or him% + mediator% one among a tho#sand% To show man His #*rightness%
Job --:20 Then He is graio#s to him% and says% A2eli!er him $rom going down to the <it& I ha!e $o#nd a
Job --:21 His $lesh shall be yo#ng li'e a hildAs% He shall ret#rn to the days o$ his yo#th"
Job --:23 He shall *ray to God% and He will delight in him% He shall see His $ae with @oy% ;or He restores to
man His righteo#sness"
Job --:24 Then he loo's at men and says% AI ha!e sinned% and *er!erted (what was) right% +nd it did not *ro$it
Job --:28 He will redeem his so#l $rom going down to the <it% +nd his li$e shall see the light"
Job --:29 .Behold% God wor's all these (things%) Twie% (in $at%) three (times) with a man%
Job --:-5 To bring ba' his so#l $rom the <it% That he may be enlightened with the light o$ li$e"
Job --:-1 .Gi!e ear% Job% listen to me& Hold yo#r *eae% and I will s*ea'"
Job --:-2 I$ yo# ha!e anything to say% answer me& ,*ea'% $or I desire to @#sti$y yo#"
Job --:-- I$ not% listen to me& Hold yo#r *eae% and I will teah yo# wisdom".
Job -0:1 6lih# $#rther answered and said:
Job -0:2 .Hear my words% yo# wise (men&) Gi!e ear to me% yo# who ha!e 'nowledge"
Job -0:- ;or the ear tests words +s the *alate tastes $ood"
Job -0:0 /et #s hoose @#stie $or o#rsel!es& /et #s 'now among o#rsel!es what (is) good"
Job -0:1 .;or Job has said% AI am righteo#s% B#t God has ta'en away my @#stie&
Job -0:3 ,ho#ld I lie onerning my rightC ?y wo#nd (is) in#rable% (tho#gh I am) witho#t transgression"A
Job -0:4 >hat man (is) li'e Job% (>ho) drin's sorn li'e water%
Job -0:8 >ho goes in om*any with the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity% +nd wal's with wi'ed menC
Job -0:9 ;or he has said% AIt *ro$its a man nothing That he sho#ld delight in God"A
Job -0:15 . There$ore listen to me% yo# men o$ #nderstanding: ;ar be it $rom God (to do) wi'edness% +nd ($rom)
the +lmighty to (ommit) iniE#ity"
Job -0:11 ;or He re*ays man (aording to) his wor'% +nd ma'es man to $ind a reward aording to (his) way"
Job -0:12 ,#rely God will ne!er do wi'edly% Nor will the +lmighty *er!ert @#stie"
Job -0:1- >ho ga!e Him harge o!er the earthC 8r who a**ointed (Him o!er) the whole worldC
Job -0:10 I$ He sho#ld set His heart on it% (I$) He sho#ld gather to Himsel$ His ,*irit and His breath%
Job -0:11 +ll $lesh wo#ld *erish together% +nd man wo#ld ret#rn to d#st"
Job -0:13 .I$ (yo# ha!e) #nderstanding% hear this& listen to the so#nd o$ my words:
Job -0:14 ,ho#ld one who hates @#stie go!ernC >ill yo# ondemn (Him who is) most @#stC
Job -0:18 (Is it $itting) to say to a 'ing% A(Bo# are) worthless%A (+nd) to nobles% A(Bo# are) wi'edAC
Job -0:19 Bet He is not *artial to *rines% Nor does He regard the rih more than the *oor& ;or they (are) all the
wor' o$ His hands"
Job -0:25 In a moment they die% in the middle o$ the night& The *eo*le are sha'en and *ass away& The mighty
are ta'en away witho#t a hand"
Job -0:21 .;or His eyes (are) on the ways o$ man% +nd He sees all his ste*s"
Job -0:22 There is no dar'ness nor shadow o$ death >here the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity may hide themsel!es"
Job -0:2- ;or He need not $#rther onsider a man% That he sho#ld go be$ore God in @#dgment"
Job -0:20 He brea's in *iees mighty men witho#t inE#iry% +nd sets others in their *lae"
Job -0:21 There$ore he 'nows their wor's& He o!erthrows (them) in the night% +nd they are r#shed"
Job -0:23 He stri'es them as wi'ed (men) In the o*en sight o$ others%
Job -0:24 Bea#se they t#rned ba' $rom Him% +nd wo#ld not onsider any o$ His ways%
Job -0:28 ,o that they a#sed the ry o$ the *oor to ome to Him& ;or He hears the ry o$ the a$$lited"
Job -0:29 >hen He gi!es E#ietness% who then an ma'e tro#bleC +nd when He hides (His) $ae% who then an
see Him% >hether (it is) against a nation or a man aloneC DD
Job -0:-5 That the hy*orite sho#ld not reign% /est the *eo*le be ensnared"
Job -0:-1 . ;or has (anyone) said to God% AI ha!e borne (hastening&) I will o$$end no more&
Job -0:-2 Teah me (what) I do not see& I$ I ha!e done iniE#ity% I will do no moreAC
Job -0:-- ,ho#ld He re*ay (it) aording to yo#r (terms%) (J#st) bea#se yo# disa!ow itC Bo# m#st hoose% and
not I& There$ore s*ea' what yo# 'now"
Job -0:-0 .?en o$ #nderstanding say to me% >ise men who listen to me:
Job -0:-1 AJob s*ea's witho#t 'nowledge% His words (are) witho#t wisdom"A
Job -0:-3 8h% that Job were tried to the #tmost% Bea#se (his) answers (are li'e) those o$ wi'ed menF
Job -0:-4 ;or he adds rebellion to his sin& He la*s (his hands) among #s% +nd m#lti*lies his words against
Job -1:1 ?oreo!er 6lih# answered and said:
Job -1:2 .2o yo# thin' this is rightC 2o yo# say% A?y righteo#sness is more than GodAsAC
Job -1:- ;or yo# say% A>hat ad!antage will it be to Bo#C >hat *ro$it shall I ha!e% more than (i$) I had sinnedCA
Job -1:0 . I will answer yo#% +nd yo#r om*anions with yo#"
Job -1:1 /oo' to the hea!ens and see& +nd behold the lo#ds DD They are higher than yo#"
Job -1:3 I$ yo# sin% what do yo# aom*lish against HimC 8r% (i$) yo#r transgressions are m#lti*lied% what do
yo# do to HimC
Job -1:4 I$ yo# are righteo#s% what do yo# gi!e HimC 8r what does He reei!e $rom yo#r handC
Job -1:8 Bo#r wi'edness a$$ets a man s#h as yo#% +nd yo#r righteo#sness a son o$ man"
Job -1:9 .Bea#se o$ the m#ltit#de o$ o**ressions they ry o#t& They ry o#t $or hel* bea#se o$ the arm o$ the
Job -1:15 B#t no one says% A>here (is) God my ?a'er% >ho gi!es songs in the night%
Job -1:11 >ho teahes #s more than the beasts o$ the earth% +nd ma'es #s wiser than the birds o$ hea!enCA
Job -1:12 There they ry o#t% b#t He does not answer% Bea#se o$ the *ride o$ e!il men"
Job -1:1- ,#rely God will not listen to em*ty (tal'%) Nor will the +lmighty regard it"
Job -1:10 +ltho#gh yo# say yo# do not see Him% (Bet) @#stie (is) be$ore Him% and yo# m#st wait $or Him"
Job -1:11 +nd now% bea#se He has not *#nished in His anger% Nor ta'en m#h notie o$ $olly%
Job -1:13 There$ore Job o*ens his mo#th in !ain& He m#lti*lies words witho#t 'nowledge".
Job -3:1 6lih# also *roeeded and said:
Job -3:2 .Bear with me a little% and I will show yo# That (there are) yet words to s*ea' on GodAs behal$"
Job -3:- I will $eth my 'nowledge $rom a$ar& I will asribe righteo#sness to my ?a'er"
Job -3:0 ;or tr#ly my words (are) not $alse& 8ne who is *er$et in 'nowledge (is) with yo#"
Job -3:1 .Behold% God (is) mighty% b#t des*ises (no one&) (He is) mighty in strength o$ #nderstanding"
Job -3:3 He does not *reser!e the li$e o$ the wi'ed% B#t gi!es @#stie to the o**ressed"
Job -3:4 He does not withdraw His eyes $rom the righteo#s& B#t (they are) on the throne with 'ings% ;or He has
seated them $ore!er% +nd they are e9alted"
Job -3:8 +nd i$ (they are) bo#nd in $etters% Held in the ords o$ a$$lition%
Job -3:9 Then He tells them their wor' and their transgressions DD That they ha!e ated de$iantly"
Job -3:15 He also o*ens their ear to instr#tion% +nd ommands that they t#rn $rom iniE#ity"
Job -3:11 I$ they obey and ser!e (Him%) They shall s*end their days in *ros*erity% +nd their years in *leas#res"
Job -3:12 B#t i$ they do not obey% They shall *erish by the sword% +nd they shall die witho#t 'nowledge"
Job -3:1- . B#t the hy*orites in heart store #* wrath& They do not ry $or hel* when He binds them"
Job -3:10 They die in yo#th% +nd their li$e (ends) among the *er!erted *ersons"
Job -3:11 He deli!ers the *oor in their a$$lition% +nd o*ens their ears in o**ression"
Job -3:13 .Indeed He wo#ld ha!e bro#ght yo# o#t o$ dire distress% (Into) a broad *lae where (there is) no
restraint& +nd what is set on yo#r table (wo#ld be) $#ll o$ rihness"
Job -3:14 B#t yo# are $illed with the @#dgment d#e the wi'ed& J#dgment and @#stie ta'e hold (o$ yo#")
Job -3:18 Bea#se (there is) wrath% (beware) lest He ta'e yo# away with (one) blow& ;or a large ransom wo#ld
not hel* yo# a!oid (it")
Job -3:19 >ill yo#r rihes% 8r all the mighty $ores% Kee* yo# $rom distressC
Job -3:25 2o not desire the night% >hen *eo*le are #t o$$ in their *lae"
Job -3:21 Ta'e heed% do not t#rn to iniE#ity% ;or yo# ha!e hosen this rather than a$$lition"
Job -3:22 . Behold% God is e9alted by His *ower& >ho teahes li'e HimC
Job -3:2- >ho has assigned Him His way% 8r who has said% ABo# ha!e done wrongAC
Job -3:20 . :emember to magni$y His wor'% 8$ whih men ha!e s#ng"
Job -3:21 6!eryone has seen it& ?an loo's on (it) $rom a$ar"
Job -3:23 .Behold% God (is) great% and we do not 'now (Him&) Nor an the n#mber o$ His years (be) diso!ered"
Job -3:24 ;or He draws #* dro*s o$ water% >hih distill as rain $rom the mist%
Job -3:28 >hih the lo#ds dro* down (+nd) *o#r ab#ndantly on man"
Job -3:29 Indeed% an (anyone) #nderstand the s*reading o$ lo#ds% The th#nder $rom His ano*yC
Job -3:-5 /oo'% He satters his light #*on it% +nd o!ers the de*ths o$ the sea"
Job -3:-1 ;or by these He @#dges the *eo*les& He gi!es $ood in ab#ndane"
Job -3:-2 He o!ers (His) hands with lightning% +nd ommands it to stri'e"
Job -3:-- His th#nder delares it% The attle also% onerning the rising (storm")
Job -4:1 .+t this also my heart trembles% +nd lea*s $rom its *lae"
Job -4:2 Hear attenti!ely the th#nder o$ His !oie% +nd the r#mbling (that) omes $rom His mo#th"
Job -4:- He sends it $orth #nder the whole hea!en% His lightning to the ends o$ the earth"
Job -4:0 +$ter it a !oie roars& He th#nders with His ma@esti !oie% +nd He does not restrain them when His
!oie is heard"
Job -4:1 God th#nders mar!elo#sly with His !oie& He does great things whih we annot om*rehend"
Job -4:3 ;or He says to the snow% A;all (on) the earthA& /i'ewise to the gentle rain and the hea!y rain o$ His
Job -4:4 He seals the hand o$ e!ery man% That all men may 'now His wor'"
Job -4:8 The beasts go into dens% +nd remain in their lairs"
Job -4:9 ;rom the hamber (o$ the so#th) omes the whirlwind% +nd old $rom the sattering winds (o$ the
Job -4:15 By the breath o$ God ie is gi!en% +nd the broad waters are $roHen"
Job -4:11 +lso with moist#re He sat#rates the thi' lo#ds& He satters His bright lo#ds"
Job -4:12 +nd they swirl abo#t% being t#rned by His g#idane% That they may do whate!er He ommands them
8n the $ae o$ the whole earth"
Job -4:1- He a#ses it to ome% >hether $or orretion% 8r $or His land% 8r $or mery"
Job -4:10 . /isten to this% 8 Job& ,tand still and onsider the wondro#s wor's o$ God"
Job -4:11 2o yo# 'now when God dis*athes them% +nd a#ses the light o$ His lo#d to shineC
Job -4:13 2o yo# 'now how the lo#ds are balaned% Those wondro#s wor's o$ Him who is *er$et in
Job -4:14 >hy (are) yo#r garments hot% >hen He E#iets the earth by the so#th (windC)
Job -4:18 >ith Him% ha!e yo# s*read o#t the s'ies% ,trong as a ast metal mirrorC
Job -4:19 .Teah #s what we sho#ld say to Him% (;or) we an *re*are nothing bea#se o$ the dar'ness"
Job -4:25 ,ho#ld He be told that I (wish to) s*ea'C I$ a man were to s*ea'% s#rely he wo#ld be swallowed #*"
Job -4:21 6!en now (men) annot loo' at the light (when it is) bright in the s'ies% >hen the wind has *assed
and leared them"
Job -4:22 He omes $rom the north (as) golden (s*lendor&) >ith God (is) awesome ma@esty"
Job -4:2- +s ($or) the +lmighty% we annot $ind Him& (He is) e9ellent in *ower% (In) @#dgment and ab#ndant
@#stie& He does not o**ress"
Job -4:20 There$ore men $ear Him& He shows no *artiality to any (who are) wise o$ heart".
Job -8:1 Then the /8:2 answered Job o#t o$ the whirlwind% and said:
Job -8:2 .>ho (is) this who dar'ens o#nsel By words witho#t 'nowledgeC
Job -8:- Now *re*are yo#rsel$ li'e a man& I will E#estion yo#% and yo# shall answer ?e"
Job -8:0 . >here were yo# when I laid the $o#ndations o$ the earthC Tell (?e%) i$ yo# ha!e #nderstanding"
Job -8:1 >ho determined its meas#rementsC ,#rely yo# 'nowF 8r who strethed the line #*on itC
Job -8:3 To what were its $o#ndations $astenedC 8r who laid its ornerstone%
Job -8:4 >hen the morning stars sang together% +nd all the sons o$ God sho#ted $or @oyC
Job -8:8 .8r (who) sh#t in the sea with doors% >hen it b#rst $orth (and) iss#ed $rom the womb&
Job -8:9 >hen I made the lo#ds its garment% +nd thi' dar'ness its swaddling band&
Job -8:15 >hen I $i9ed ?y limit $or it% +nd set bars and doors&
Job -8:11 >hen I said% AThis $ar yo# may ome% b#t no $arther% +nd here yo#r *ro#d wa!es m#st sto*FA
Job -8:12 . Ha!e yo# ommanded the morning sine yo#r days (began%) (+nd) a#sed the dawn to 'now its
Job -8:1- That it might ta'e hold o$ the ends o$ the earth% +nd the wi'ed be sha'en o#t o$ itC
Job -8:10 It ta'es on $orm li'e lay (#nder) a seal% +nd stands o#t li'e a garment"
Job -8:11 ;rom the wi'ed their light is withheld% +nd the #*raised arm is bro'en"
Job -8:13 .Ha!e yo# entered the s*rings o$ the seaC 8r ha!e yo# wal'ed in searh o$ the de*thsC
Job -8:14 Ha!e the gates o$ death been re!ealed to yo#C 8r ha!e yo# seen the doors o$ the shadow o$ deathC
Job -8:18 Ha!e yo# om*rehended the breadth o$ the earthC Tell (?e%) i$ yo# 'now all this"
Job -8:19 . >here (is) the way (to) the dwelling o$ lightC +nd dar'ness% where (is) its *lae%
Job -8:25 That yo# may ta'e it to its territory% That yo# may 'now the *aths (to) its homeC
Job -8:21 2o yo# 'now (it%) bea#se yo# were born then% 8r (bea#se) the n#mber o$ yo#r days (is) greatC
Job -8:22 .Ha!e yo# entered the treas#ry o$ snow% 8r ha!e yo# seen the treas#ry o$ hail%
Job -8:2- >hih I ha!e reser!ed $or the time o$ tro#ble% ;or the day o$ battle and warC
Job -8:20 By what way is light di$$#sed% (8r) the east wind sattered o!er the earthC
Job -8:21 .>ho has di!ided a hannel $or the o!er$lowing (water%) 8r a *ath $or the th#nderbolt%
Job -8:23 To a#se it to rain on a land (where there is) no one% + wilderness in whih (there is) no man&
Job -8:24 To satis$y the desolate waste% +nd a#se to s*ring $orth the growth o$ tender grassC
Job -8:28 Has the rain a $atherC 8r who has begotten the dro*s o$ dewC
Job -8:29 ;rom whose womb omes the ieC +nd the $rost o$ hea!en% who gi!es it birthC
Job -8:-5 The waters harden li'e stone% +nd the s#r$ae o$ the dee* is $roHen"
Job -8:-1 . =an yo# bind the l#ster o$ the <leiades% 8r loose the belt o$ 8rionC
Job -8:-2 =an yo# bring o#t ?aHHaroth in its seasonC 8r an yo# g#ide the Great Bear with its #bsC
Job -8:-- 2o yo# 'now the ordinanes o$ the hea!ensC =an yo# set their dominion o!er the earthC
Job -8:-0 .=an yo# li$t #* yo#r !oie to the lo#ds% That an ab#ndane o$ water may o!er yo#C
Job -8:-1 =an yo# send o#t lightnings% that they may go% +nd say to yo#% AHere we (areFAC)
Job -8:-3 >ho has *#t wisdom in the mindC 8r who has gi!en #nderstanding to the heartC
Job -8:-4 >ho an n#mber the lo#ds by wisdomC 8r who an *o#r o#t the bottles o$ hea!en%
Job -8:-8 >hen the d#st hardens in l#m*s% +nd the lods ling togetherC
Job -8:-9 . =an yo# h#nt the *rey $or the lion% 8r satis$y the a**etite o$ the yo#ng lions%
Job -8:05 >hen they ro#h in (their) dens% (8r) l#r' in their lairs to lie in waitC
Job -8:01 >ho *ro!ides $ood $or the ra!en% >hen its yo#ng ones ry to God% +nd wander abo#t $or la' o$
Job -9:1 .2o yo# 'now the time when the wild mo#ntain goats bear yo#ngC (8r) an yo# mar' when the deer
gi!es birthC
Job -9:2 =an yo# n#mber the months (that) they $#l$illC 8r do yo# 'now the time when they bear yo#ngC
Job -9:- They bow down% They bring $orth their yo#ng% They deli!er their o$$s*ring"
Job -9:0 Their yo#ng ones are healthy% They grow strong with grain& They de*art and do not ret#rn to them"
Job -9:1 .>ho set the wild don'ey $reeC >ho loosed the bonds o$ the onager%
Job -9:3 >hose home I ha!e made the wilderness% +nd the barren land his dwellingC
Job -9:4 He sorns the t#m#lt o$ the ity& He does not heed the sho#ts o$ the dri!er"
Job -9:8 The range o$ the mo#ntains (is) his *ast#re% +nd he searhes a$ter e!ery green thing"
Job -9:9 .>ill the wild o9 be willing to ser!e yo#C >ill he bed by yo#r mangerC
Job -9:15 =an yo# bind the wild o9 in the $#rrow with ro*esC 8r will he *low the !alleys behind yo#C
Job -9:11 >ill yo# tr#st him bea#se his strength (is) greatC 8r will yo# lea!e yo#r labor to himC
Job -9:12 >ill yo# tr#st him to bring home yo#r grain% +nd gather it to yo#r threshing $loorC
Job -9:1- .The wings o$ the ostrih wa!e *ro#dly% B#t are her wings and *inions (li'e the) 'indly stor'AsC
Job -9:10 ;or she lea!es her eggs on the gro#nd% +nd warms them in the d#st&
Job -9:11 ,he $orgets that a $oot may r#sh them% 8r that a wild beast may brea' them"
Job -9:13 ,he treats her yo#ng harshly% as tho#gh (they were) not hers& Her labor is in !ain% witho#t onern%
Job -9:14 Bea#se God de*ri!ed her o$ wisdom% +nd did not endow her with #nderstanding"
Job -9:18 >hen she li$ts hersel$ on high% ,he sorns the horse and its rider"
Job -9:19 .Ha!e yo# gi!en the horse strengthC Ha!e yo# lothed his ne' with th#nderC
Job -9:25 =an yo# $righten him li'e a lo#stC His ma@esti snorting stri'es terror"
Job -9:21 He *aws in the !alley% and re@oies in (his) strength& He gallo*s into the lash o$ arms"
Job -9:22 He mo's at $ear% and is not $rightened& Nor does he t#rn ba' $rom the sword"
Job -9:2- The E#i!er rattles against him% The glittering s*ear and @a!elin"
Job -9:20 He de!o#rs the distane with $iereness and rage& Nor does he ome to a halt bea#se the tr#m*et
(has) so#nded"
Job -9:21 +t the (blast o$) the tr#m*et he says% A+haFA He smells the battle $rom a$ar% The th#nder o$ a*tains
and sho#ting"
Job -9:23 .2oes the haw' $ly by yo#r wisdom% (+nd) s*read its wings toward the so#thC
Job -9:24 2oes the eagle mo#nt #* at yo#r ommand% +nd ma'e its nest on highC
Job -9:28 8n the ro's it dwells and resides% 8n the rag o$ the ro' and the stronghold"
Job -9:29 ;rom there it s*ies o#t the *rey& Its eyes obser!e $rom a$ar"
Job -9:-5 Its yo#ng ones s#' #* blood& +nd where the slain (are%) there it (is".)
Job 05:1 ?oreo!er the /8:2 answered Job% and said:
Job 05:2 .,hall the one who ontends with the +lmighty orret (HimC) He who reb#'es God% let him answer it".
Job 05:- Then Job answered the /8:2 and said:
Job 05:0 .Behold% I am !ile& >hat shall I answer Bo#C I lay my hand o!er my mo#th"
Job 05:1 8ne I ha!e s*o'en% b#t I will not answer& Bes% twie% b#t I will *roeed no $#rther".
Job 05:3 Then the /8:2 answered Job o#t o$ the whirlwind% and said:
Job 05:4 .Now *re*are yo#rsel$ li'e a man& I will E#estion yo#% and yo# shall answer ?e:
Job 05:8 .>o#ld yo# indeed ann#l ?y @#dgmentC >o#ld yo# ondemn ?e that yo# may be @#sti$iedC
Job 05:9 Ha!e yo# an arm li'e GodC 8r an yo# th#nder with a !oie li'e HisC
Job 05:15 Then adorn yo#rsel$ (with) ma@esty and s*lendor% and array yo#rsel$ with glory and bea#ty"
Job 05:11 2is*erse the rage o$ yo#r wrath& /oo' on e!eryone (who is) *ro#d% and h#mble him"
Job 05:12 /oo' on e!eryone (who is) *ro#d% (and) bring him low& Tread down the wi'ed in their *lae"
Job 05:1- Hide them in the d#st together% Bind their $aes in hidden (dar'ness")
Job 05:10 Then I will also on$ess to yo# That yo#r own right hand an sa!e yo#"
Job 05:11 . /oo' now at the behemoth% whih I made (along) with yo#& He eats grass li'e an o9"
Job 05:13 ,ee now% his strength (is) in his hi*s% +nd his *ower (is) in his stomah m#sles"
Job 05:14 He mo!es his tail li'e a edar& The sinews o$ his thighs are tightly 'nit"
Job 05:18 His bones (are li'e) beams o$ bronHe% His ribs li'e bars o$ iron"
Job 05:19 He (is) the $irst o$ the ways o$ God& 8nly He who made him an bring near His sword"
Job 05:25 ,#rely the mo#ntains yield $ood $or him% +nd all the beasts o$ the $ield *lay there"
Job 05:21 He lies #nder the lot#s trees% In a o!ert o$ reeds and marsh"
Job 05:22 The lot#s trees o!er him (with) their shade& The willows by the broo' s#rro#nd him"
Job 05:2- Indeed the ri!er may rage% (Bet) he is not dist#rbed& He is on$ident% tho#gh the Jordan g#shes into
his mo#th%
Job 05:20 (Tho#gh) he ta'es it in his eyes% (8r) one *ieres (his) nose with a snare"
Job 01:1 .=an yo# draw o#t /e!iathan with a hoo'% 8r (snare) his tong#e with a line (whih) yo# lowerC
Job 01:2 =an yo# *#t a reed thro#gh his nose% 8r *iere his @aw with a hoo'C
Job 01:- >ill he ma'e many s#**liations to yo#C >ill he s*ea' so$tly to yo#C
Job 01:0 >ill he ma'e a o!enant with yo#C >ill yo# ta'e him as a ser!ant $ore!erC
Job 01:1 >ill yo# *lay with him as (with) a bird% 8r will yo# leash him $or yo#r maidensC
Job 01:3 >ill (yo#r) om*anions ma'e a banE#et o$ himC >ill they a**ortion him among the merhantsC
Job 01:4 =an yo# $ill his s'in with har*oons% 8r his head with $ishing s*earsC
Job 01:8 /ay yo#r hand on him& :emember the battle DD Ne!er do it againF
Job 01:9 Indeed% (any) ho*e o$ (o!eroming) him is $alse& ,hall (one not) be o!erwhelmed at the sight o$ himC
Job 01:15 No one (is so) $iere that he wo#ld dare stir him #*" >ho then is able to stand against ?eC
Job 01:11 >ho has *reeded ?e% that I sho#ld *ay (himC) 6!erything #nder hea!en is ?ine"
Job 01:12 .I will not oneal his limbs% His mighty *ower% or his grae$#l *ro*ortions"
Job 01:1- >ho an remo!e his o#ter oatC >ho an a**roah (him) with a do#ble bridleC
Job 01:10 >ho an o*en the doors o$ his $ae% (>ith) his terrible teeth all aro#ndC
Job 01:11 (His) rows o$ sales are (his) *ride% ,h#t #* tightly (as with) a seal&
Job 01:13 8ne is so near another That no air an ome between them&
Job 01:14 They are @oined one to another% They sti' together and annot be *arted"
Job 01:18 His sneeHings $lash $orth light% +nd his eyes (are) li'e the eyelids o$ the morning"
Job 01:19 8#t o$ his mo#th go b#rning lights& ,*ar's o$ $ire shoot o#t"
Job 01:25 ,mo'e goes o#t o$ his nostrils% +s ($rom) a boiling *ot and b#rning r#shes"
Job 01:21 His breath 'indles oals% +nd a $lame goes o#t o$ his mo#th"
Job 01:22 ,trength dwells in his ne'% +nd sorrow danes be$ore him"
Job 01:2- The $olds o$ his $lesh are @oined together& They are $irm on him and annot be mo!ed"
Job 01:20 His heart is as hard as stone% 6!en as hard as the lower (millstone")
Job 01:21 >hen he raises himsel$ #*% the mighty are a$raid& Bea#se o$ his rashings they are beside
Job 01:23 (Tho#gh) the sword reahes him% it annot a!ail& Nor does s*ear% dart% or @a!elin"
Job 01:24 He regards iron as straw% (+nd) bronHe as rotten wood"
Job 01:28 The arrow annot ma'e him $lee& ,lingstones beome li'e st#bble to him"
Job 01:29 2arts are regarded as straw& He la#ghs at the threat o$ @a!elins"
Job 01:-5 His #ndersides (are) li'e shar* *otsherds& He s*reads *ointed (mar's) in the mire"
Job 01:-1 He ma'es the dee* boil li'e a *ot& He ma'es the sea li'e a *ot o$ ointment"
Job 01:-2 He lea!es a shining wa'e behind him& (8ne) wo#ld thin' the dee* had white hair"
Job 01:-- 8n earth there is nothing li'e him% >hih is made witho#t $ear"
Job 01:-0 He beholds e!ery high (thing&) He (is) 'ing o!er all the hildren o$ *ride".
Job 02:1 Then Job answered the /8:2 and said:
Job 02:2 .I 'now that Bo# an do e!erything% +nd that no *#r*ose (o$ Bo#rs) an be withheld $rom Bo#"
Job 02:- (Bo# as'ed%) A>ho (is) this who hides o#nsel witho#t 'nowledgeCA There$ore I ha!e #ttered what I did
not #nderstand% Things too wonder$#l $or me% whih I did not 'now"
Job 02:0 /isten% *lease% and let me s*ea'& (Bo# said%) AI will E#estion yo#% and yo# shall answer ?e"A
Job 02:1 .I ha!e heard o$ Bo# by the hearing o$ the ear% B#t now my eye sees Bo#"
Job 02:3 There$ore I abhor (mysel$%) +nd re*ent in d#st and ashes".
Job 02:4 +nd so it was% a$ter the /8:2 had s*o'en these words to Job% that the /8:2 said to 6li*haH the
Temanite% .?y wrath is aro#sed against yo# and yo#r two $riends% $or yo# ha!e not s*o'en o$ ?e (what is) right%
as ?y ser!ant Job (has")
Job 02:8 .Now there$ore% ta'e $or yo#rsel!es se!en b#lls and se!en rams% go to ?y ser!ant Job% and o$$er #* $or
yo#rsel!es a b#rnt o$$ering& and ?y ser!ant Job shall *ray $or yo#" ;or I will ae*t him% lest I deal with yo#
(aording to yo#r) $olly& bea#se yo# ha!e not s*o'en o$ ?e (what is) right% as ?y ser!ant Job (has".)
Job 02:9 ,o 6li*haH the Temanite and Bildad the ,h#hite (and) Go*har the Naamathite went and did as the
/8:2 ommanded them& $or the /8:2 had ae*ted Job"
Job 02:15 +nd the /8:2 restored JobAs losses when he *rayed $or his $riends" Indeed the /8:2 ga!e Job
twie as m#h as he had be$ore"
Job 02:11 Then all his brothers% all his sisters% and all those who had been his aE#aintanes be$ore% ame to
him and ate $ood with him in his ho#se& and they onsoled him and om$orted him $or all the ad!ersity that the
/8:2 had bro#ght #*on him" 6ah one ga!e him a *iee o$ sil!er and eah a ring o$ gold"
Job 02:12 Now the /8:2 blessed the latter (days) o$ Job more than his beginning& $or he had $o#rteen tho#sand
shee*% si9 tho#sand amels% one tho#sand yo'e o$ o9en% and one tho#sand $emale don'eys"
Job 02:1- He also had se!en sons and three da#ghters"
Job 02:10 +nd he alled the name o$ the $irst Jemimah% the name o$ the seond KeHiah% and the name o$ the
third KerenDHa**#h"
Job 02:11 In all the land were $o#nd no women (so) bea#ti$#l as the da#ghters o$ Job& and their $ather ga!e
them an inheritane among their brothers"
Job 02:13 +$ter this Job li!ed one h#ndred and $orty years% and saw his hildren and grandhildren ($or) $o#r
Job 02:14 ,o Job died% old and $#ll o$ days"
<sa 1:1 Blessed (is) the man >ho wal's not in the o#nsel o$ the #ngodly% Nor stands in the *ath o$ sinners% Nor
sits in the seat o$ the sorn$#l&
<sa 1:2 B#t his delight (is) in the law o$ the /8:2% +nd in His law he meditates day and night"
<sa 1:- He shall be li'e a tree <lanted by the ri!ers o$ water% That brings $orth its $r#it in its season% >hose lea$
also shall not wither& +nd whate!er he does shall *ros*er"
<sa 1:0 The #ngodly (are) not so% B#t (are) li'e the ha$$ whih the wind dri!es away"
<sa 1:1 There$ore the #ngodly shall not stand in the @#dgment% Nor sinners in the ongregation o$ the righteo#s"
<sa 1:3 ;or the /8:2 'nows the way o$ the righteo#s% B#t the way o$ the #ngodly shall *erish"
<sa 2:1 >hy do the nations rage% +nd the *eo*le *lot a !ain thingC
<sa 2:2 The 'ings o$ the earth set themsel!es% +nd the r#lers ta'e o#nsel together% +gainst the /8:2 and
against His +nointed% (saying%)
<sa 2:- ./et #s brea' Their bonds in *iees +nd ast away Their ords $rom #s".
<sa 2:0 He who sits in the hea!ens shall la#gh& The /8:2 shall hold them in derision"
<sa 2:1 Then He shall s*ea' to them in His wrath% +nd distress them in His dee* dis*leas#re:
<sa 2:3 .Bet I ha!e set ?y King 8n ?y holy hill o$ Gion".
<sa 2:4 .I will delare the deree: The /8:2 has said to ?e% ABo# (are) ?y ,on% Today I ha!e begotten Bo#"
<sa 2:8 +s' o$ ?e% and I will gi!e (Bo#) The nations ($or) Bo#r inheritane% +nd the ends o$ the earth ($or) Bo#r
<sa 2:9 Bo# shall brea' them with a rod o$ iron& Bo# shall dash them to *iees li'e a *otterAs !essel"A .
<sa 2:15 Now there$ore% be wise% 8 'ings& Be instr#ted% yo# @#dges o$ the earth"
<sa 2:11 ,er!e the /8:2 with $ear% +nd re@oie with trembling"
<sa 2:12 Kiss the ,on% lest He be angry% +nd yo# *erish (in) the way% >hen His wrath is 'indled b#t a little"
Blessed (are) all those who *#t their tr#st in Him"
<sa -:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id when he $led $rom +bsalom his son" /8:2% how they ha!e inreased who tro#ble meF
?any (are) they who rise #* against me"
<sa -:2 ?any (are) they who say o$ me% .(There is) no hel* $or him in God". ,elah
<sa -:- B#t Bo#% 8 /8:2% (are) a shield $or me% ?y glory and the 8ne who li$ts #* my head"
<sa -:0 I ried to the /8:2 with my !oie% +nd He heard me $rom His holy hill" ,elah
<sa -:1 I lay down and sle*t& I awo'e% $or the /8:2 s#stained me"
<sa -:3 I will not be a$raid o$ ten tho#sands o$ *eo*le >ho ha!e set (themsel!es) against me all aro#nd"
<sa -:4 +rise% 8 /8:2& ,a!e me% 8 my GodF ;or Bo# ha!e str#' all my enemies on the hee'bone& Bo# ha!e
bro'en the teeth o$ the #ngodly"
<sa -:8 ,al!ation (belongs) to the /8:2" Bo#r blessing (is) #*on Bo#r *eo*le" ,elah
<sa 0:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" >ith stringed instr#ments" + <salm o$ 2a!id" Hear me when I all% 8 God o$ my
righteo#snessF Bo# ha!e relie!ed me in (my) distress& Ha!e mery on me% and hear my *rayer"
<sa 0:2 How long% 8 yo# sons o$ men% (>ill yo# t#rn) my glory to shameC (How long) will yo# lo!e
worthlessness (+nd) see' $alsehoodC ,elah
<sa 0:- B#t 'now that the /8:2 has set a*art $or Himsel$ him who is godly& The /8:2 will hear when I all to
<sa 0:0 Be angry% and do not sin" ?editate within yo#r heart on yo#r bed% and be still" ,elah
<sa 0:1 8$$er the sari$ies o$ righteo#sness% +nd *#t yo#r tr#st in the /8:2"
<sa 0:3 (There are) many who say% .>ho will show #s (any) goodC. /8:2% li$t #* the light o$ Bo#r o#ntenane
#*on #s"
<sa 0:4 Bo# ha!e *#t gladness in my heart% ?ore than in the season that their grain and wine inreased"
<sa 0:8 I will both lie down in *eae% and slee*& ;or Bo# alone% 8 /8:2% ma'e me dwell in sa$ety"
<sa 1:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" >ith $l#tes" + <salm o$ 2a!id" Gi!e ear to my words% 8 /8:2% =onsider my
<sa 1:2 Gi!e heed to the !oie o$ my ry% ?y King and my God% ;or to Bo# I will *ray"
<sa 1:- ?y !oie Bo# shall hear in the morning% 8 /8:2& In the morning I will diret (it) to Bo#% +nd I will loo'
<sa 1:0 ;or Bo# (are) not a God who ta'es *leas#re in wi'edness% Nor shall e!il dwell with Bo#"
<sa 1:1 The boast$#l shall not stand in Bo#r sight& Bo# hate all wor'ers o$ iniE#ity"
<sa 1:3 Bo# shall destroy those who s*ea' $alsehood& The /8:2 abhors the bloodthirsty and deeit$#l man"
<sa 1:4 B#t as $or me% I will ome into Bo#r ho#se in the m#ltit#de o$ Bo#r mery& In $ear o$ Bo# I will worshi*
toward Bo#r holy tem*le"
<sa 1:8 /ead me% 8 /8:2% in Bo#r righteo#sness bea#se o$ my enemies& ?a'e Bo#r way straight be$ore my
<sa 1:9 ;or (there is) no $aith$#lness in their mo#th& Their inward *art (is) destr#tion& Their throat (is) an o*en
tomb& They $latter with their tong#e"
<sa 1:15 <rono#ne them g#ilty% 8 GodF /et them $all by their own o#nsels& =ast them o#t in the m#ltit#de o$
their transgressions% ;or they ha!e rebelled against Bo#"
<sa 1:11 B#t let all those re@oie who *#t their tr#st in Bo#& /et them e!er sho#t $or @oy% bea#se Bo# de$end
them& /et those also who lo!e Bo#r name Be @oy$#l in Bo#"
<sa 1:12 ;or Bo#% 8 /8:2% will bless the righteo#s& >ith $a!or Bo# will s#rro#nd him as (with) a shield"
<sa 3:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" >ith stringed instr#ments" 8n an eightDstringed har*" + <salm o$ 2a!id" 8
/8:2% do not reb#'e me in Bo#r anger% Nor hasten me in Bo#r hot dis*leas#re"
<sa 3:2 Ha!e mery on me% 8 /8:2% $or I (am) wea'& 8 /8:2% heal me% $or my bones are tro#bled"
<sa 3:- ?y so#l also is greatly tro#bled& B#t Bo#% 8 /8:2 DD how longC
<sa 3:0 :et#rn% 8 /8:2% deli!er meF 8h% sa!e me $or Bo#r meriesA sa'eF
<sa 3:1 ;or in death (there is) no remembrane o$ Bo#& In the gra!e who will gi!e Bo# than'sC
<sa 3:3 I am weary with my groaning& +ll night I ma'e my bed swim& I drenh my o#h with my tears"
<sa 3:4 ?y eye wastes away bea#se o$ grie$& It grows old bea#se o$ all my enemies"
<sa 3:8 2e*art $rom me% all yo# wor'ers o$ iniE#ity& ;or the /8:2 has heard the !oie o$ my wee*ing"
<sa 3:9 The /8:2 has heard my s#**liation& The /8:2 will reei!e my *rayer"
<sa 3:15 /et all my enemies be ashamed and greatly tro#bled& /et them t#rn ba' (and) be ashamed s#ddenly"
<sa 4:1 + ?editation o$ 2a!id% whih he sang to the /8:2 onerning the words o$ =#sh% a Ben@amite" 8
/8:2 my God% in Bo# I *#t my tr#st& ,a!e me $rom all those who *erse#te me& +nd deli!er me%
<sa 4:2 /est they tear me li'e a lion% :ending (me) in *iees% while (there is) none to deli!er"
<sa 4:- 8 /8:2 my God% i$ I ha!e done this: I$ there is iniE#ity in my hands%
<sa 4:0 I$ I ha!e re*aid e!il to him who was at *eae with me% 8r ha!e *l#ndered my enemy witho#t a#se%
<sa 4:1 /et the enemy *#rs#e me and o!erta'e (me&) Bes% let him tram*le my li$e to the earth% +nd lay my honor
in the d#st" ,elah
<sa 4:3 +rise% 8 /8:2% in Bo#r anger& /i$t Bo#rsel$ #* bea#se o$ the rage o$ my enemies& :ise #* $or me (to)
the @#dgment Bo# ha!e ommandedF
<sa 4:4 ,o the ongregation o$ the *eo*les shall s#rro#nd Bo#& ;or their sa'es% there$ore% ret#rn on high"
<sa 4:8 The /8:2 shall @#dge the *eo*les& J#dge me% 8 /8:2% aording to my righteo#sness% +nd aording
to my integrity within me"
<sa 4:9 8h% let the wi'edness o$ the wi'ed ome to an end% B#t establish the @#st& ;or the righteo#s God tests
the hearts and minds"
<sa 4:15 ?y de$ense (is) o$ God% >ho sa!es the #*right in heart"
<sa 4:11 God (is) a @#st @#dge% +nd God is angry (with the wi'ed) e!ery day"
<sa 4:12 I$ he does not t#rn ba'% He will shar*en His sword& He bends His bow and ma'es it ready"
<sa 4:1- He also *re*ares $or Himsel$ instr#ments o$ death& He ma'es His arrows into $iery sha$ts"
<sa 4:10 Behold% (the wi'ed) brings $orth iniE#ity& Bes% he onei!es tro#ble and brings $orth $alsehood"
<sa 4:11 He made a *it and d#g it o#t% +nd has $allen into the dith (whih) he made"
<sa 4:13 His tro#ble shall ret#rn #*on his own head% +nd his !iolent dealing shall ome down on his own rown"
<sa 4:14 I will *raise the /8:2 aording to His righteo#sness% +nd will sing *raise to the name o$ the /8:2
?ost High"
<sa 8:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" 8n the instr#ment o$ Gath" + <salm o$ 2a!id" 8 /8:2% o#r /ord% How e9ellent
(is) Bo#r name in all the earth% >ho ha!e set Bo#r glory abo!e the hea!ensF
<sa 8:2 8#t o$ the mo#th o$ babes and n#rsing in$ants Bo# ha!e ordained strength% Bea#se o$ Bo#r enemies%
That Bo# may silene the enemy and the a!enger"
<sa 8:- >hen I onsider Bo#r hea!ens% the wor' o$ Bo#r $ingers% The moon and the stars% whih Bo# ha!e
<sa 8:0 >hat is man that Bo# are mind$#l o$ him% +nd the son o$ man that Bo# !isit himC
<sa 8:1 ;or Bo# ha!e made him a little lower than the angels% +nd Bo# ha!e rowned him with glory and honor"
<sa 8:3 Bo# ha!e made him to ha!e dominion o!er the wor's o$ Bo#r hands& Bo# ha!e *#t all (things) #nder his
<sa 8:4 +ll shee* and o9en DD 6!en the beasts o$ the $ield%
<sa 8:8 The birds o$ the air% +nd the $ish o$ the sea That *ass thro#gh the *aths o$ the seas"
<sa 8:9 8 /8:2% o#r /ord% How e9ellent (is) Bo#r name in all the earthF
<sa 9:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" To (the t#ne o$) .2eath o$ the ,on". + <salm o$ 2a!id" I will *raise (Bo#%) 8
/8:2% with my whole heart& I will tell o$ all Bo#r mar!elo#s wor's"
<sa 9:2 I will be glad and re@oie in Bo#& I will sing *raise to Bo#r name% 8 ?ost High"
<sa 9:- >hen my enemies t#rn ba'% They shall $all and *erish at Bo#r *resene"
<sa 9:0 ;or Bo# ha!e maintained my right and my a#se& Bo# sat on the throne @#dging in righteo#sness"
<sa 9:1 Bo# ha!e reb#'ed the nations% Bo# ha!e destroyed the wi'ed& Bo# ha!e blotted o#t their name $ore!er
and e!er"
<sa 9:3 8 enemy% destr#tions are $inished $ore!erF +nd yo# ha!e destroyed ities& 6!en their memory has
<sa 9:4 B#t the /8:2 shall end#re $ore!er& He has *re*ared His throne $or @#dgment"
<sa 9:8 He shall @#dge the world in righteo#sness% +nd He shall administer @#dgment $or the *eo*les in
<sa 9:9 The /8:2 also will be a re$#ge $or the o**ressed% + re$#ge in times o$ tro#ble"
<sa 9:15 +nd those who 'now Bo#r name will *#t their tr#st in Bo#& ;or Bo#% /8:2% ha!e not $orsa'en those
who see' Bo#"
<sa 9:11 ,ing *raises to the /8:2% who dwells in GionF 2elare His deeds among the *eo*le"
<sa 9:12 >hen He a!enges blood% He remembers them& He does not $orget the ry o$ the h#mble"
<sa 9:1- Ha!e mery on me% 8 /8:2F =onsider my tro#ble $rom those who hate me% Bo# who li$t me #* $rom
the gates o$ death%
<sa 9:10 That I may tell o$ all Bo#r *raise In the gates o$ the da#ghter o$ Gion" I will re@oie in Bo#r sal!ation"
<sa 9:11 The nations ha!e s#n' down in the *it (whih) they made& In the net whih they hid% their own $oot is
<sa 9:13 The /8:2 is 'nown (by) the @#dgment He e9e#tes& The wi'ed is snared in the wor' o$ his own
hands" ?editation" ,elah
<sa 9:14 The wi'ed shall be t#rned into hell% (+nd) all the nations that $orget God"
<sa 9:18 ;or the needy shall not always be $orgotten& The e9*etation o$ the *oor shall (not) *erish $ore!er"
<sa 9:19 +rise% 8 /8:2% 2o not let man *re!ail& /et the nations be @#dged in Bo#r sight"
<sa 9:25 <#t them in $ear% 8 /8:2% (That) the nations may 'now themsel!es (to be b#t) men" ,elah
<sa 15:1 >hy do Bo# stand a$ar o$$% 8 /8:2C (>hy) do Bo# hide in times o$ tro#bleC
<sa 15:2 The wi'ed in (his) *ride *erse#tes the *oor& /et them be a#ght in the *lots whih they ha!e
<sa 15:- ;or the wi'ed boasts o$ his heartAs desire& He blesses the greedy (and) reno#nes the /8:2"
<sa 15:0 The wi'ed in his *ro#d o#ntenane does not see' (God&) God (is) in none o$ his tho#ghts"
<sa 15:1 His ways are always *ros*ering& Bo#r @#dgments (are) $ar abo!e% o#t o$ his sight& (+s $or) all his
enemies% he sneers at them"
<sa 15:3 He has said in his heart% .I shall not be mo!ed& I shall ne!er be in ad!ersity".
<sa 15:4 His mo#th is $#ll o$ #rsing and deeit and o**ression& 7nder his tong#e (is) tro#ble and iniE#ity"
<sa 15:8 He sits in the l#r'ing *laes o$ the !illages& In the seret *laes he m#rders the innoent& His eyes are
seretly $i9ed on the hel*less"
<sa 15:9 He lies in wait seretly% as a lion in his den& He lies in wait to ath the *oor& He athes the *oor when
he draws him into his net"
<sa 15:15 ,o he ro#hes% he lies low% That the hel*less may $all by his strength"
<sa 15:11 He has said in his heart% .God has $orgotten& He hides His $ae& He will ne!er see".
<sa 15:12 +rise% 8 /8:2F 8 God% li$t #* Bo#r handF 2o not $orget the h#mble"
<sa 15:1- >hy do the wi'ed reno#ne GodC He has said in his heart% .Bo# will not reE#ire (an ao#nt".)
<sa 15:10 B#t Bo# ha!e seen% $or Bo# obser!e tro#ble and grie$% To re*ay (it) by Bo#r hand" The hel*less
ommits himsel$ to Bo#& Bo# are the hel*er o$ the $atherless"
<sa 15:11 Brea' the arm o$ the wi'ed and the e!il (man&) ,ee' o#t his wi'edness (#ntil) Bo# $ind none"
<sa 15:13 The /8:2 (is) King $ore!er and e!er& The nations ha!e *erished o#t o$ His land"
<sa 15:14 /8:2% Bo# ha!e heard the desire o$ the h#mble& Bo# will *re*are their heart& Bo# will a#se Bo#r
ear to hear%
<sa 15:18 To do @#stie to the $atherless and the o**ressed% That the man o$ the earth may o**ress no more"
<sa 11:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" In the /8:2 I *#t my tr#st& How an yo# say to my so#l%
.;lee (as) a bird to yo#r mo#ntain.C
<sa 11:2 ;or loo'F The wi'ed bend (their) bow% They ma'e ready their arrow on the string% That they may shoot
seretly at the #*right in heart"
<sa 11:- I$ the $o#ndations are destroyed% >hat an the righteo#s doC
<sa 11:0 The /8:2 (is) in His holy tem*le% The /8:2As throne (is) in hea!en& His eyes behold% His eyelids test
the sons o$ men"
<sa 11:1 The /8:2 tests the righteo#s% B#t the wi'ed and the one who lo!es !iolene His so#l hates"
<sa 11:3 7*on the wi'ed He will rain oals& ;ire and brimstone and a b#rning wind (,hall be) the *ortion o$
their #*"
<sa 11:4 ;or the /8:2 (is) righteo#s% He lo!es righteo#sness& His o#ntenane beholds the #*right"
<sa 12:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" 8n an eightDstringed har*" + <salm o$ 2a!id" Hel*% /8:2% $or the godly man
easesF ;or the $aith$#l disa**ear $rom among the sons o$ men"
<sa 12:2 They s*ea' idly e!eryone with his neighbor& (>ith) $lattering li*s (and) a do#ble heart they s*ea'"
<sa 12:- ?ay the /8:2 #t o$$ all $lattering li*s% (+nd) the tong#e that s*ea's *ro#d things%
<sa 12:0 >ho ha!e said% .>ith o#r tong#e we will *re!ail& 8#r li*s (are) o#r own& >ho (is) lord o!er #sC.
<sa 12:1 .;or the o**ression o$ the *oor% $or the sighing o$ the needy% Now I will arise%. says the /8:2& .I will
set (him) in the sa$ety $or whih he yearns".
<sa 12:3 The words o$ the /8:2 (are) *#re words% (/i'e) sil!er tried in a $#rnae o$ earth% <#ri$ied se!en times"
<sa 12:4 Bo# shall 'ee* them% 8 /8:2% Bo# shall *reser!e them $rom this generation $ore!er"
<sa 12:8 The wi'ed *rowl on e!ery side% >hen !ileness is e9alted among the sons o$ men"
<sa 1-:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" How long% 8 /8:2C >ill Bo# $orget me $ore!erC How long
will Bo# hide Bo#r $ae $rom meC
<sa 1-:2 How long shall I ta'e o#nsel in my so#l% (Ha!ing) sorrow in my heart dailyC How long will my enemy
be e9alted o!er meC
<sa 1-:- =onsider (and) hear me% 8 /8:2 my God& 6nlighten my eyes% /est I slee* the (slee* o$) death&
<sa 1-:0 /est my enemy say% .I ha!e *re!ailed against him.& (/est) those who tro#ble me re@oie when I am
<sa 1-:1 B#t I ha!e tr#sted in Bo#r mery& ?y heart shall re@oie in Bo#r sal!ation"
<sa 1-:3 I will sing to the /8:2% Bea#se He has dealt bo#nti$#lly with me"
<sa 10:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" The $ool has said in his heart% .(There is) no God". They are
orr#*t% They ha!e done abominable wor's% There is none who does good"
<sa 10:2 The /8:2 loo's down $rom hea!en #*on the hildren o$ men% To see i$ there are any who
#nderstand% who see' God"
<sa 10:- They ha!e all t#rned aside% They ha!e together beome orr#*t& (There is) none who does good% No%
not one"
<sa 10:0 Ha!e all the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity no 'nowledge% >ho eat #* my *eo*le (as) they eat bread% +nd do not
all on the /8:2C
<sa 10:1 There they are in great $ear% ;or God (is) with the generation o$ the righteo#s"
<sa 10:3 Bo# shame the o#nsel o$ the *oor% B#t the /8:2 (is) his re$#ge"
<sa 10:4 8h% that the sal!ation o$ Israel (wo#ld ome) o#t o$ GionF >hen the /8:2 brings ba' the a*ti!ity o$
His *eo*le% /et Jaob re@oie (and) Israel be glad"
<sa 11:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" /8:2% who may abide in Bo#r tabernaleC >ho may dwell in Bo#r holy hillC
<sa 11:2 He who wal's #*rightly% +nd wor's righteo#sness% +nd s*ea's the tr#th in his heart&
<sa 11:- He (who) does not ba'bite with his tong#e% Nor does e!il to his neighbor% Nor does he ta'e #* a
re*roah against his $riend&
<sa 11:0 In whose eyes a !ile *erson is des*ised% B#t he honors those who $ear the /8:2& He (who) swears to
his own h#rt and does not hange&
<sa 11:1 He (who) does not *#t o#t his money at #s#ry% Nor does he ta'e a bribe against the innoent" He who
does these (things) shall ne!er be mo!ed"
<sa 13:1 + ?ihtam o$ 2a!id" <reser!e me% 8 God% $or in Bo# I *#t my tr#st"
<sa 13:2 (8 my so#l%) yo# ha!e said to the /8:2% .Bo# (are) my /ord% ?y goodness is nothing a*art $rom Bo#".
<sa 13:- +s $or the saints who (are) on the earth% .They are the e9ellent ones% in whom is all my delight".
<sa 13:0 Their sorrows shall be m#lti*lied who hasten (a$ter) another (god&) Their drin' o$$erings o$ blood I will
not o$$er% Nor ta'e #* their names on my li*s"
<sa 13:1 8 /8:2%(Bo# are) the *ortion o$ my inheritane and my #*& Bo# maintain my lot"
<sa 13:3 The lines ha!e $allen to me in *leasant (*laes&) Bes% I ha!e a good inheritane"
<sa 13:4 I will bless the /8:2 who has gi!en me o#nsel& ?y heart also instr#ts me in the night seasons"
<sa 13:8 I ha!e set the /8:2 always be$ore me& Bea#se (He is) at my right hand I shall not be mo!ed"
<sa 13:9 There$ore my heart is glad% and my glory re@oies& ?y $lesh also will rest in ho*e"
<sa 13:15 ;or Bo# will not lea!e my so#l in ,heol% Nor will Bo# allow Bo#r Holy 8ne to see orr#*tion"
<sa 13:11 Bo# will show me the *ath o$ li$e& In Bo#r *resene (is) $#llness o$ @oy& +t Bo#r right hand (are)
*leas#res $ore!ermore"
<sa 14:1 + <rayer o$ 2a!id" Hear a @#st a#se% 8 /8:2% +ttend to my ry& Gi!e ear to my *rayer (whih is) not
$rom deeit$#l li*s"
<sa 14:2 /et my !indiation ome $rom Bo#r *resene& /et Bo#r eyes loo' on the things that are #*right"
<sa 14:- Bo# ha!e tested my heart& Bo# ha!e !isited (me) in the night& Bo# ha!e tried me and ha!e $o#nd
nothing& I ha!e *#r*osed that my mo#th shall not transgress"
<sa 14:0 =onerning the wor's o$ men% By the word o$ Bo#r li*s% I ha!e 'e*t away $rom the *aths o$ the
<sa 14:1 7*hold my ste*s in Bo#r *aths% (That) my $ootste*s may not sli*"
<sa 14:3 I ha!e alled #*on Bo#% $or Bo# will hear me% 8 God& Inline Bo#r ear to me% (and) hear my s*eeh"
<sa 14:4 ,how Bo#r mar!elo#s lo!ing'indness by Bo#r right hand% 8 Bo# who sa!e those who tr#st (in Bo#)
;rom those who rise #* (against them")
<sa 14:8 Kee* me as the a**le o$ Bo#r eye& Hide me #nder the shadow o$ Bo#r wings%
<sa 14:9 ;rom the wi'ed who o**ress me% (;rom) my deadly enemies who s#rro#nd me"
<sa 14:15 They ha!e losed #* their $at (hearts&) >ith their mo#ths they s*ea' *ro#dly"
<sa 14:11 They ha!e now s#rro#nded #s in o#r ste*s& They ha!e set their eyes% ro#hing down to the earth%
<sa 14:12 +s a lion is eager to tear his *rey% +nd li'e a yo#ng lion l#r'ing in seret *laes"
<sa 14:1- +rise% 8 /8:2% =on$ront him% ast him down& 2eli!er my li$e $rom the wi'ed with Bo#r sword%
<sa 14:10 >ith Bo#r hand $rom men% 8 /8:2% ;rom men o$ the world (who ha!e) their *ortion in (this) li$e% +nd
whose belly Bo# $ill with Bo#r hidden treas#re" They are satis$ied with hildren% +nd lea!e the rest o$ their
(*ossession) $or their babes"
<sa 14:11 +s $or me% I will see Bo#r $ae in righteo#sness& I shall be satis$ied when I awa'e in Bo#r li'eness"
<sa 18:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id the ser!ant o$ the /8:2% who s*o'e to the /8:2 the words
o$ this song on the day that the /8:2 deli!ered him $rom the hand o$ all his enemies and $rom the hand o$ ,a#l"
+nd he said: I will lo!e Bo#% 8 /8:2% my strength"
<sa 18:2 The /8:2 is my ro' and my $ortress and my deli!erer& ?y God% my strength% in whom I will tr#st& ?y
shield and the horn o$ my sal!ation% my stronghold"
<sa 18:- I will all #*on the /8:2% (who is worthy) to be *raised& ,o shall I be sa!ed $rom my enemies"
<sa 18:0 The *angs o$ death s#rro#nded me% +nd the $loods o$ #ngodliness made me a$raid"
<sa 18:1 The sorrows o$ ,heol s#rro#nded me& The snares o$ death on$ronted me"
<sa 18:3 In my distress I alled #*on the /8:2% +nd ried o#t to my God& He heard my !oie $rom His tem*le%
+nd my ry ame be$ore Him% (e!en) to His ears"
<sa 18:4 Then the earth shoo' and trembled& The $o#ndations o$ the hills also E#a'ed and were sha'en%
Bea#se He was angry"
<sa 18:8 ,mo'e went #* $rom His nostrils% +nd de!o#ring $ire $rom His mo#th& =oals were 'indled by it"
<sa 18:9 He bowed the hea!ens also% and ame down >ith dar'ness #nder His $eet"
<sa 18:15 +nd He rode #*on a her#b% and $lew& He $lew #*on the wings o$ the wind"
<sa 18:11 He made dar'ness His seret *lae& His ano*y aro#nd Him (was) dar' waters (+nd) thi' lo#ds o$
the s'ies"
<sa 18:12 ;rom the brightness be$ore Him% His thi' lo#ds *assed with hailstones and oals o$ $ire"
<sa 18:1- The /8:2 th#ndered $rom hea!en% +nd the ?ost High #ttered His !oie% Hailstones and oals o$ $ire"
<sa 18:10 He sent o#t His arrows and sattered the $oe% /ightnings in ab#ndane% and He !anE#ished them"
<sa 18:11 Then the hannels o$ the sea were seen% The $o#ndations o$ the world were #no!ered +t Bo#r
reb#'e% 8 /8:2% +t the blast o$ the breath o$ Bo#r nostrils"
<sa 18:13 He sent $rom abo!e% He too' me& He drew me o#t o$ many waters"
<sa 18:14 He deli!ered me $rom my strong enemy% ;rom those who hated me% ;or they were too strong $or me"
<sa 18:18 They on$ronted me in the day o$ my alamity% B#t the /8:2 was my s#**ort"
<sa 18:19 He also bro#ght me o#t into a broad *lae& He deli!ered me bea#se He delighted in me"
<sa 18:25 The /8:2 rewarded me aording to my righteo#sness& +ording to the leanness o$ my hands He
has reom*ensed me"
<sa 18:21 ;or I ha!e 'e*t the ways o$ the /8:2% +nd ha!e not wi'edly de*arted $rom my God"
<sa 18:22 ;or all His @#dgments (were) be$ore me% +nd I did not *#t away His stat#tes $rom me"
<sa 18:2- I was also blameless be$ore Him% +nd I 'e*t mysel$ $rom my iniE#ity"
<sa 18:20 There$ore the /8:2 has reom*ensed me aording to my righteo#sness% +ording to the
leanness o$ my hands in His sight"
<sa 18:21 >ith the meri$#l Bo# will show Bo#rsel$ meri$#l& >ith a blameless man Bo# will show Bo#rsel$
<sa 18:23 >ith the *#re Bo# will show Bo#rsel$ *#re& +nd with the de!io#s Bo# will show Bo#rsel$ shrewd"
<sa 18:24 ;or Bo# will sa!e the h#mble *eo*le% B#t will bring down ha#ghty loo's"
<sa 18:28 ;or Bo# will light my lam*& The /8:2 my God will enlighten my dar'ness"
<sa 18:29 ;or by Bo# I an r#n against a troo*% By my God I an lea* o!er a wall"
<sa 18:-5 (+s $or) God% His way (is) *er$et& The word o$ the /8:2 is *ro!en& He (is) a shield to all who tr#st in
<sa 18:-1 ;or who (is) God% e9e*t the /8:2C +nd who (is) a ro'% e9e*t o#r GodC
<sa 18:-2 (It is) God who arms me with strength% +nd ma'es my way *er$et"
<sa 18:-- He ma'es my $eet li'e the ($eet o$) deer% +nd sets me on my high *laes"
<sa 18:-0 He teahes my hands to ma'e war% ,o that my arms an bend a bow o$ bronHe"
<sa 18:-1 Bo# ha!e also gi!en me the shield o$ Bo#r sal!ation& Bo#r right hand has held me #*% Bo#r
gentleness has made me great"
<sa 18:-3 Bo# enlarged my *ath #nder me% ,o my $eet did not sli*"
<sa 18:-4 I ha!e *#rs#ed my enemies and o!erta'en them& Neither did I t#rn ba' again till they were
<sa 18:-8 I ha!e wo#nded them% ,o that they o#ld not rise& They ha!e $allen #nder my $eet"
<sa 18:-9 ;or Bo# ha!e armed me with strength $or the battle& Bo# ha!e s#bd#ed #nder me those who rose #*
against me"
<sa 18:05 Bo# ha!e also gi!en me the ne's o$ my enemies% ,o that I destroyed those who hated me"
<sa 18:01 They ried o#t% b#t (there was) none to sa!e& (6!en) to the /8:2% b#t He did not answer them"
<sa 18:02 Then I beat them as $ine as the d#st be$ore the wind& I ast them o#t li'e dirt in the streets"
<sa 18:0- Bo# ha!e deli!ered me $rom the stri!ings o$ the *eo*le& Bo# ha!e made me the head o$ the nations&
+ *eo*le I ha!e not 'nown shall ser!e me"
<sa 18:00 +s soon as they hear o$ me they obey me& The $oreigners s#bmit to me"
<sa 18:01 The $oreigners $ade away% +nd ome $rightened $rom their hideo#ts"
<sa 18:03 The /8:2 li!esF Blessed (be) my :o'F /et the God o$ my sal!ation be e9alted"
<sa 18:04 (It is) God who a!enges me% +nd s#bd#es the *eo*les #nder me&
<sa 18:08 He deli!ers me $rom my enemies" Bo# also li$t me #* abo!e those who rise against me& Bo# ha!e
deli!ered me $rom the !iolent man"
<sa 18:09 There$ore I will gi!e than's to Bo#% 8 /8:2% among the Gentiles% +nd sing *raises to Bo#r name"
<sa 18:15 Great deli!erane He gi!es to His 'ing% +nd shows mery to His anointed% To 2a!id and his
desendants $ore!ermore"
<sa 19:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" The hea!ens delare the glory o$ God& +nd the $irmament
shows His handiwor'"
<sa 19:2 2ay #nto day #tters s*eeh% +nd night #nto night re!eals 'nowledge"
<sa 19:- (There is) no s*eeh nor lang#age (>here) their !oie is not heard"
<sa 19:0 Their line has gone o#t thro#gh all the earth% +nd their words to the end o$ the world" In them He has
set a tabernale $or the s#n%
<sa 19:1 >hih (is) li'e a bridegroom oming o#t o$ his hamber% (+nd) re@oies li'e a strong man to r#n its
<sa 19:3 Its rising (is) $rom one end o$ hea!en% +nd its ir#it to the other end& +nd there is nothing hidden $rom
its heat"
<sa 19:4 The law o$ the /8:2 (is) *er$et% on!erting the so#l& The testimony o$ the /8:2 (is) s#re% ma'ing
wise the sim*le&
<sa 19:8 The stat#tes o$ the /8:2 (are) right% re@oiing the heart& The ommandment o$ the /8:2 (is) *#re%
enlightening the eyes&
<sa 19:9 The $ear o$ the /8:2 (is) lean% end#ring $ore!er& The @#dgments o$ the /8:2 (are) tr#e (and)
righteo#s altogether"
<sa 19:15 ?ore to be desired (are they) than gold% Bea% than m#h $ine gold& ,weeter also than honey and the
<sa 19:11 ?oreo!er by them Bo#r ser!ant is warned% (+nd) in 'ee*ing them (there is) great reward"
<sa 19:12 >ho an #nderstand (his) errorsC =leanse me $rom seret ($a#lts")
<sa 19:1- Kee* ba' Bo#r ser!ant also $rom *res#m*t#o#s (sins&) /et them not ha!e dominion o!er me" Then I
shall be blameless% +nd I shall be innoent o$ great transgression"
<sa 19:10 /et the words o$ my mo#th and the meditation o$ my heart Be ae*table in Bo#r sight% 8 /8:2% my
strength and my :edeemer"
<sa 25:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" ?ay the /8:2 answer yo# in the day o$ tro#ble& ?ay the
name o$ the God o$ Jaob de$end yo#&
<sa 25:2 ?ay He send yo# hel* $rom the sant#ary% +nd strengthen yo# o#t o$ Gion&
<sa 25:- ?ay He remember all yo#r o$$erings% +nd ae*t yo#r b#rnt sari$ie" ,elah
<sa 25:0 ?ay He grant yo# aording to yo#r heartAs (desire%) +nd $#l$ill all yo#r *#r*ose"
<sa 25:1 >e will re@oie in yo#r sal!ation% +nd in the name o$ o#r God we will set #* (o#r) bannersF ?ay the
/8:2 $#l$ill all yo#r *etitions"
<sa 25:3 Now I 'now that the /8:2 sa!es His anointed& He will answer him $rom His holy hea!en >ith the
sa!ing strength o$ His right hand"
<sa 25:4 ,ome (tr#st) in hariots% and some in horses& B#t we will remember the name o$ the /8:2 o#r God"
<sa 25:8 They ha!e bowed down and $allen& B#t we ha!e risen and stand #*right"
<sa 25:9 ,a!e% /8:2F ?ay the King answer #s when we all"
<sa 21:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" The 'ing shall ha!e @oy in Bo#r strength% 8 /8:2& +nd in
Bo#r sal!ation how greatly shall he re@oieF
<sa 21:2 Bo# ha!e gi!en him his heartAs desire% +nd ha!e not withheld the reE#est o$ his li*s" ,elah
<sa 21:- ;or Bo# meet him with the blessings o$ goodness& Bo# set a rown o$ *#re gold #*on his head"
<sa 21:0 He as'ed li$e $rom Bo#% (and) Bo# ga!e (it) to him DD /ength o$ days $ore!er and e!er"
<sa 21:1 His glory (is) great in Bo#r sal!ation& Honor and ma@esty Bo# ha!e *laed #*on him"
<sa 21:3 ;or Bo# ha!e made him most blessed $ore!er& Bo# ha!e made him e9eedingly glad with Bo#r
<sa 21:4 ;or the 'ing tr#sts in the /8:2% +nd thro#gh the mery o$ the ?ost High he shall not be mo!ed"
<sa 21:8 Bo#r hand will $ind all Bo#r enemies& Bo#r right hand will $ind those who hate Bo#"
<sa 21:9 Bo# shall ma'e them as a $iery o!en in the time o$ Bo#r anger& The /8:2 shall swallow them #* in
His wrath% +nd the $ire shall de!o#r them"
<sa 21:15 Their o$$s*ring Bo# shall destroy $rom the earth% +nd their desendants $rom among the sons o$ men"
<sa 21:11 ;or they intended e!il against Bo#& They de!ised a *lot (whih) they are not able (to *er$orm")
<sa 21:12 There$ore Bo# will ma'e them t#rn their ba'& Bo# will ma'e ready (Bo#r arrows) on Bo#r string
toward their $aes"
<sa 21:1- Be e9alted% 8 /8:2% in Bo#r own strengthF >e will sing and *raise Bo#r *ower"
<sa 22:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to .The 2eer o$ the 2awn". + <salm o$ 2a!id" ?y God% ?y God% why ha!e
Bo# $orsa'en ?eC (>hy are Bo# so) $ar $rom hel*ing ?e% (+nd $rom) the words o$ ?y groaningC
<sa 22:2 8 ?y God% I ry in the daytime% b#t Bo# do not hear& +nd in the night season% and am not silent"
<sa 22:- B#t Bo# (are) holy% 6nthroned in the *raises o$ Israel"
<sa 22:0 8#r $athers tr#sted in Bo#& They tr#sted% and Bo# deli!ered them"
<sa 22:1 They ried to Bo#% and were deli!ered& They tr#sted in Bo#% and were not ashamed"
<sa 22:3 B#t I (am) a worm% and no man& + re*roah o$ men% and des*ised by the *eo*le"
<sa 22:4 +ll those who see ?e ridi#le ?e& They shoot o#t the li*% they sha'e the head% (saying%)
<sa 22:8 .He tr#sted in the /8:2% let Him res#e Him& /et Him deli!er Him% sine He delights in HimF.
<sa 22:9 B#t Bo# (are) He who too' ?e o#t o$ the womb& Bo# made ?e tr#st (while) on ?y motherAs breasts"
<sa 22:15 I was ast #*on Bo# $rom birth" ;rom ?y motherAs womb Bo# (ha!e been) ?y God"
<sa 22:11 Be not $ar $rom ?e% ;or tro#ble (is) near& ;or (there is) none to hel*"
<sa 22:12 ?any b#lls ha!e s#rro#nded ?e& ,trong (b#lls) o$ Bashan ha!e enirled ?e"
<sa 22:1- They ga*e at ?e (with) their mo#ths% (/i'e) a raging and roaring lion"
<sa 22:10 I am *o#red o#t li'e water% +nd all ?y bones are o#t o$ @oint& ?y heart is li'e wa9& It has melted within
<sa 22:11 ?y strength is dried #* li'e a *otsherd% +nd ?y tong#e lings to ?y @aws& Bo# ha!e bro#ght ?e to
the d#st o$ death"
<sa 22:13 ;or dogs ha!e s#rro#nded ?e& The ongregation o$ the wi'ed has enlosed ?e" They *iered ?y
hands and ?y $eet&
<sa 22:14 I an o#nt all ?y bones" They loo' (and) stare at ?e"
<sa 22:18 They di!ide ?y garments among them% +nd $or ?y lothing they ast lots"
<sa 22:19 B#t Bo#% 8 /8:2% do not be $ar $rom ?e& 8 ?y ,trength% hasten to hel* ?eF
<sa 22:25 2eli!er ?e $rom the sword% ?y *reio#s (li$e) $rom the *ower o$ the dog"
<sa 22:21 ,a!e ?e $rom the lionAs mo#th +nd $rom the horns o$ the wild o9enF Bo# ha!e answered ?e"
<sa 22:22 I will delare Bo#r name to ?y brethren& In the midst o$ the assembly I will *raise Bo#"
<sa 22:2- Bo# who $ear the /8:2% *raise HimF +ll yo# desendants o$ Jaob% glori$y Him% +nd $ear Him% all yo#
o$$s*ring o$ IsraelF
<sa 22:20 ;or He has not des*ised nor abhorred the a$$lition o$ the a$$lited& Nor has He hidden His $ae $rom
Him& B#t when He ried to Him% He heard"
<sa 22:21 ?y *raise (shall be) o$ Bo# in the great assembly& I will *ay ?y !ows be$ore those who $ear Him"
<sa 22:23 The *oor shall eat and be satis$ied& Those who see' Him will *raise the /8:2" /et yo#r heart li!e
<sa 22:24 +ll the ends o$ the world ,hall remember and t#rn to the /8:2% +nd all the $amilies o$ the nations
,hall worshi* be$ore Bo#"
<sa 22:28 ;or the 'ingdom (is) the /8:2As% +nd He r#les o!er the nations"
<sa 22:29 +ll the *ros*ero#s o$ the earth ,hall eat and worshi*& +ll those who go down to the d#st ,hall bow
be$ore Him% 6!en he who annot 'ee* himsel$ ali!e"
<sa 22:-5 + *osterity shall ser!e Him" It will be reo#nted o$ the /ord to the (ne9t) generation%
<sa 22:-1 They will ome and delare His righteo#sness to a *eo*le who will be born% That He has done (this")
<sa 2-:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" The /8:2 (is) my she*herd& I shall not want"
<sa 2-:2 He ma'es me to lie down in green *ast#res& He leads me beside the still waters"
<sa 2-:- He restores my so#l& He leads me in the *aths o$ righteo#sness ;or His nameAs sa'e"
<sa 2-:0 Bea% tho#gh I wal' thro#gh the !alley o$ the shadow o$ death% I will $ear no e!il& ;or Bo# (are) with me&
Bo#r rod and Bo#r sta$$% they om$ort me"
<sa 2-:1 Bo# *re*are a table be$ore me in the *resene o$ my enemies& Bo# anoint my head with oil& ?y #*
r#ns o!er"
<sa 2-:3 ,#rely goodness and mery shall $ollow me +ll the days o$ my li$e& +nd I will dwell in the ho#se o$ the
/8:2 ;ore!er"
<sa 20:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" The earth (is) the /8:2As% and all its $#llness% The world and those who dwell
<sa 20:2 ;or He has $o#nded it #*on the seas% +nd established it #*on the waters"
<sa 20:- >ho may asend into the hill o$ the /8:2C 8r who may stand in His holy *laeC
<sa 20:0 He who has lean hands and a *#re heart% >ho has not li$ted #* his so#l to an idol% Nor sworn
<sa 20:1 He shall reei!e blessing $rom the /8:2% +nd righteo#sness $rom the God o$ his sal!ation"
<sa 20:3 This (is) Jaob% the generation o$ those who see' Him% >ho see' Bo#r $ae" ,elah
<sa 20:4 /i$t #* yo#r heads% 8 yo# gatesF +nd be li$ted #*% yo# e!erlasting doorsF +nd the King o$ glory shall
ome in"
<sa 20:8 >ho (is) this King o$ gloryC The /8:2 strong and mighty% The /8:2 mighty in battle"
<sa 20:9 /i$t #* yo#r heads% 8 yo# gatesF /i$t #*% yo# e!erlasting doorsF +nd the King o$ glory shall ome in"
<sa 20:15 >ho is this King o$ gloryC The /8:2 o$ hosts% He (is) the King o$ glory" ,elah
<sa 21:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" To Bo#% 8 /8:2% I li$t #* my so#l"
<sa 21:2 8 my God% I tr#st in Bo#& /et me not be ashamed& /et not my enemies tri#m*h o!er me"
<sa 21:- Indeed% let no one who waits on Bo# be ashamed& /et those be ashamed who deal treahero#sly
witho#t a#se"
<sa 21:0 ,how me Bo#r ways% 8 /8:2& Teah me Bo#r *aths"
<sa 21:1 /ead me in Bo#r tr#th and teah me% ;or Bo# (are) the God o$ my sal!ation& 8n Bo# I wait all the day"
<sa 21:3 :emember% 8 /8:2% Bo#r tender meries and Bo#r lo!ing'indnesses% ;or they (are) $rom o$ old"
<sa 21:4 2o not remember the sins o$ my yo#th% nor my transgressions& +ording to Bo#r mery remember
me% ;or Bo#r goodnessA sa'e% 8 /8:2"
<sa 21:8 Good and #*right (is) the /8:2& There$ore He teahes sinners in the way"
<sa 21:9 The h#mble He g#ides in @#stie% +nd the h#mble He teahes His way"
<sa 21:15 +ll the *aths o$ the /8:2 (are) mery and tr#th% To s#h as 'ee* His o!enant and His testimonies"
<sa 21:11 ;or Bo#r nameAs sa'e% 8 /8:2% <ardon my iniE#ity% $or it (is) great"
<sa 21:12 >ho (is) the man that $ears the /8:2C Him shall He teah in the way He hooses"
<sa 21:1- He himsel$ shall dwell in *ros*erity% +nd his desendants shall inherit the earth"
<sa 21:10 The seret o$ the /8:2 (is) with those who $ear Him% +nd He will show them His o!enant"
<sa 21:11 ?y eyes (are) e!er toward the /8:2% ;or He shall *l#' my $eet o#t o$ the net"
<sa 21:13 T#rn Bo#rsel$ to me% and ha!e mery on me% ;or I (am) desolate and a$$lited"
<sa 21:14 The tro#bles o$ my heart ha!e enlarged& Bring me o#t o$ my distressesF
<sa 21:18 /oo' on my a$$lition and my *ain% +nd $orgi!e all my sins"
<sa 21:19 =onsider my enemies% $or they are many& +nd they hate me with r#el hatred"
<sa 21:25 Kee* my so#l% and deli!er me& /et me not be ashamed% $or I *#t my tr#st in Bo#"
<sa 21:21 /et integrity and #*rightness *reser!e me% ;or I wait $or Bo#"
<sa 21:22 :edeem Israel% 8 God% 8#t o$ all their tro#blesF
<sa 23:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" Vindiate me% 8 /8:2% ;or I ha!e wal'ed in my integrity" I ha!e also tr#sted in the
/8:2& I shall not sli*"
<sa 23:2 69amine me% 8 /8:2% and *ro!e me& Try my mind and my heart"
<sa 23:- ;or Bo#r lo!ing'indness (is) be$ore my eyes% +nd I ha!e wal'ed in Bo#r tr#th"
<sa 23:0 I ha!e not sat with idolatro#s mortals% Nor will I go in with hy*orites"
<sa 23:1 I ha!e hated the assembly o$ e!ildoers% +nd will not sit with the wi'ed"
<sa 23:3 I will wash my hands in innoene& ,o I will go abo#t Bo#r altar% 8 /8:2%
<sa 23:4 That I may *rolaim with the !oie o$ than'sgi!ing% +nd tell o$ all Bo#r wondro#s wor's"
<sa 23:8 /8:2% I ha!e lo!ed the habitation o$ Bo#r ho#se% +nd the *lae where Bo#r glory dwells"
<sa 23:9 2o not gather my so#l with sinners% Nor my li$e with bloodthirsty men%
<sa 23:15 In whose hands (is) a sinister sheme% +nd whose right hand is $#ll o$ bribes"
<sa 23:11 B#t as $or me% I will wal' in my integrity& :edeem me and be meri$#l to me"
<sa 23:12 ?y $oot stands in an e!en *lae& In the ongregations I will bless the /8:2"
<sa 24:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" The /8:2 (is) my light and my sal!ation& >hom shall I $earC The /8:2 (is) the
strength o$ my li$e& 8$ whom shall I be a$raidC
<sa 24:2 >hen the wi'ed ame against me To eat #* my $lesh% ?y enemies and $oes% They st#mbled and $ell"
<sa 24:- Tho#gh an army may enam* against me% ?y heart shall not $ear& Tho#gh war sho#ld rise against me%
In this I (will be) on$ident"
<sa 24:0 8ne (thing) I ha!e desired o$ the /8:2% That will I see': That I may dwell in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 +ll
the days o$ my li$e% To behold the bea#ty o$ the /8:2% +nd to inE#ire in His tem*le"
<sa 24:1 ;or in the time o$ tro#ble He shall hide me in His *a!ilion& In the seret *lae o$ His tabernale He
shall hide me& He shall set me high #*on a ro'"
<sa 24:3 +nd now my head shall be li$ted #* abo!e my enemies all aro#nd me& There$ore I will o$$er sari$ies
o$ @oy in His tabernale& I will sing% yes% I will sing *raises to the /8:2"
<sa 24:4 Hear% 8 /8:2% (when) I ry with my !oieF Ha!e mery also #*on me% and answer me"
<sa 24:8 (>hen Bo# said%) .,ee' ?y $ae%. ?y heart said to Bo#% .Bo#r $ae% /8:2% I will see'".
<sa 24:9 2o not hide Bo#r $ae $rom me& 2o not t#rn Bo#r ser!ant away in anger& Bo# ha!e been my hel*& 2o
not lea!e me nor $orsa'e me% 8 God o$ my sal!ation"
<sa 24:15 >hen my $ather and my mother $orsa'e me% Then the /8:2 will ta'e are o$ me"
<sa 24:11 Teah me Bo#r way% 8 /8:2% +nd lead me in a smooth *ath% bea#se o$ my enemies"
<sa 24:12 2o not deli!er me to the will o$ my ad!ersaries& ;or $alse witnesses ha!e risen against me% +nd s#h
as breathe o#t !iolene"
<sa 24:1- (I wo#ld ha!e lost heart%) #nless I had belie!ed That I wo#ld see the goodness o$ the /8:2 In the
land o$ the li!ing"
<sa 24:10 >ait on the /8:2& Be o$ good o#rage% +nd He shall strengthen yo#r heart& >ait% I say% on the
<sa 28:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" To Bo# I will ry% 8 /8:2 my :o': 2o not be silent to me% /est% i$ Bo# (are) silent
to me% I beome li'e those who go down to the *it"
<sa 28:2 Hear the !oie o$ my s#**liations >hen I ry to Bo#% >hen I li$t #* my hands toward Bo#r holy
<sa 28:- 2o not ta'e me away with the wi'ed +nd with the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity% >ho s*ea' *eae to their
neighbors% B#t e!il (is) in their hearts"
<sa 28:0 Gi!e them aording to their deeds% +nd aording to the wi'edness o$ their endea!ors& Gi!e them
aording to the wor' o$ their hands& :ender to them what they deser!e"
<sa 28:1 Bea#se they do not regard the wor's o$ the /8:2% Nor the o*eration o$ His hands% He shall destroy
them +nd not b#ild them #*"
<sa 28:3 Blessed (be) the /8:2% Bea#se He has heard the !oie o$ my s#**liationsF
<sa 28:4 The /8:2 (is) my strength and my shield& ?y heart tr#sted in Him% and I am hel*ed& There$ore my
heart greatly re@oies% +nd with my song I will *raise Him"
<sa 28:8 The /8:2 (is) their strength% +nd He (is) the sa!ing re$#ge o$ His anointed"
<sa 28:9 ,a!e Bo#r *eo*le% +nd bless Bo#r inheritane& ,he*herd them also% +nd bear them #* $ore!er"
<sa 29:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" Gi!e #nto the /8:2% 8 yo# mighty ones% Gi!e #nto the /8:2 glory and strength"
<sa 29:2 Gi!e #nto the /8:2 the glory d#e to His name& >orshi* the /8:2 in the bea#ty o$ holiness"
<sa 29:- The !oie o$ the /8:2 (is) o!er the waters& The God o$ glory th#nders& The /8:2 (is) o!er many
<sa 29:0 The !oie o$ the /8:2 (is) *ower$#l& The !oie o$ the /8:2 (is) $#ll o$ ma@esty"
<sa 29:1 The !oie o$ the /8:2 brea's the edars% Bes% the /8:2 s*linters the edars o$ /ebanon"
<sa 29:3 He ma'es them also s'i* li'e a al$% /ebanon and ,irion li'e a yo#ng wild o9"
<sa 29:4 The !oie o$ the /8:2 di!ides the $lames o$ $ire"
<sa 29:8 The !oie o$ the /8:2 sha'es the wilderness& The /8:2 sha'es the >ilderness o$ Kadesh"
<sa 29:9 The !oie o$ the /8:2 ma'es the deer gi!e birth% +nd stri*s the $orests bare& +nd in His tem*le
e!eryone says% .GloryF.
<sa 29:15 The /8:2 sat (enthroned) at the ;lood% +nd the /8:2 sits as King $ore!er"
<sa 29:11 The /8:2 will gi!e strength to His *eo*le& The /8:2 will bless His *eo*le with *eae"
<sa -5:1 + <salm" + ,ong at the dediation o$ the ho#se o$ 2a!id" I will e9tol Bo#% 8 /8:2% $or Bo# ha!e li$ted
me #*% +nd ha!e not let my $oes re@oie o!er me"
<sa -5:2 8 /8:2 my God% I ried o#t to Bo#% +nd Bo# healed me"
<sa -5:- 8 /8:2% Bo# bro#ght my so#l #* $rom the gra!e& Bo# ha!e 'e*t me ali!e% that I sho#ld not go down
to the *it"
<sa -5:0 ,ing *raise to the /8:2% Bo# saints o$ His% +nd gi!e than's at the remembrane o$ His holy name"
<sa -5:1 ;or His anger (is b#t $or) a moment% His $a!or (is $or) li$e& >ee*ing may end#re $or a night% B#t @oy
(omes) in the morning"
<sa -5:3 Now in my *ros*erity I said% .I shall ne!er be mo!ed".
<sa -5:4 /8:2% by Bo#r $a!or Bo# ha!e made my mo#ntain stand strong& Bo# hid Bo#r $ae% (and) I was
<sa -5:8 I ried o#t to Bo#% 8 /8:2& +nd to the /8:2 I made s#**liation:
<sa -5:9 .>hat *ro$it (is there) in my blood% >hen I go down to the *itC >ill the d#st *raise Bo#C >ill it delare
Bo#r tr#thC
<sa -5:15 Hear% 8 /8:2% and ha!e mery on me& /8:2% be my hel*erF.
<sa -5:11 Bo# ha!e t#rned $or me my mo#rning into daning& Bo# ha!e *#t o$$ my sa'loth and lothed me
with gladness%
<sa -5:12 To the end that (my) glory may sing *raise to Bo# and not be silent" 8 /8:2 my God% I will gi!e
than's to Bo# $ore!er"
<sa -1:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" In Bo#% 8 /8:2% I *#t my tr#st& /et me ne!er be ashamed&
2eli!er me in Bo#r righteo#sness"
<sa -1:2 Bow down Bo#r ear to me% 2eli!er me s*eedily& Be my ro' o$ re$#ge% + $ortress o$ de$ense to sa!e
<sa -1:- ;or Bo# (are) my ro' and my $ortress& There$ore% $or Bo#r nameAs sa'e% /ead me and g#ide me"
<sa -1:0 <#ll me o#t o$ the net whih they ha!e seretly laid $or me% ;or Bo# (are) my strength"
<sa -1:1 Into Bo#r hand I ommit my s*irit& Bo# ha!e redeemed me% 8 /8:2 God o$ tr#th"
<sa -1:3 I ha!e hated those who regard #seless idols& B#t I tr#st in the /8:2"
<sa -1:4 I will be glad and re@oie in Bo#r mery% ;or Bo# ha!e onsidered my tro#ble& Bo# ha!e 'nown my
so#l in ad!ersities%
<sa -1:8 +nd ha!e not sh#t me #* into the hand o$ the enemy& Bo# ha!e set my $eet in a wide *lae"
<sa -1:9 Ha!e mery on me% 8 /8:2% $or I am in tro#ble& ?y eye wastes away with grie$% (Bes%) my so#l and
my bodyF
<sa -1:15 ;or my li$e is s*ent with grie$% +nd my years with sighing& ?y strength $ails bea#se o$ my iniE#ity%
+nd my bones waste away"
<sa -1:11 I am a re*roah among all my enemies% B#t es*eially among my neighbors% +nd (am) re*#lsi!e to
my aE#aintanes& Those who see me o#tside $lee $rom me"
<sa -1:12 I am $orgotten li'e a dead man% o#t o$ mind& I am li'e a bro'en !essel"
<sa -1:1- ;or I hear the slander o$ many& ;ear (is) on e!ery side& >hile they ta'e o#nsel together against me%
They sheme to ta'e away my li$e"
<sa -1:10 B#t as $or me% I tr#st in Bo#% 8 /8:2& I say% .Bo# (are) my God".
<sa -1:11 ?y times (are) in Bo#r hand& 2eli!er me $rom the hand o$ my enemies% +nd $rom those who
*erse#te me"
<sa -1:13 ?a'e Bo#r $ae shine #*on Bo#r ser!ant& ,a!e me $or Bo#r meriesA sa'e"
<sa -1:14 2o not let me be ashamed% 8 /8:2% $or I ha!e alled #*on Bo#& /et the wi'ed be ashamed& /et
them be silent in the gra!e"
<sa -1:18 /et the lying li*s be *#t to silene% >hih s*ea' insolent things *ro#dly and ontem*t#o#sly against
the righteo#s"
<sa -1:19 8h% how great (is) Bo#r goodness% >hih Bo# ha!e laid #* $or those who $ear Bo#% (>hih) Bo# ha!e
*re*ared $or those who tr#st in Bo# In the *resene o$ the sons o$ menF
<sa -1:25 Bo# shall hide them in the seret *lae o$ Bo#r *resene ;rom the *lots o$ man& Bo# shall 'ee* them
seretly in a *a!ilion ;rom the stri$e o$ tong#es"
<sa -1:21 Blessed (be) the /8:2% ;or He has shown me His mar!elo#s 'indness in a strong ityF
<sa -1:22 ;or I said in my haste% .I am #t o$$ $rom be$ore Bo#r eyes.& Ne!ertheless Bo# heard the !oie o$ my
s#**liations >hen I ried o#t to Bo#"
<sa -1:2- 8h% lo!e the /8:2% all yo# His saintsF (;or) the /8:2 *reser!es the $aith$#l% +nd $#lly re*ays the
*ro#d *erson"
<sa -1:20 Be o$ good o#rage% +nd He shall strengthen yo#r heart% +ll yo# who ho*e in the /8:2"
<sa -2:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" + =ontem*lation" Blessed (is he whose) transgression (is) $orgi!en% (>hose) sin (is)
<sa -2:2 Blessed (is) the man to whom the /8:2 does not im*#te iniE#ity% +nd in whose s*irit (there is) no
<sa -2:- >hen I 'e*t silent% my bones grew old Thro#gh my groaning all the day long"
<sa -2:0 ;or day and night Bo#r hand was hea!y #*on me& ?y !itality was t#rned into the dro#ght o$ s#mmer"
<sa -2:1 I a'nowledged my sin to Bo#% +nd my iniE#ity I ha!e not hidden" I said% .I will on$ess my
transgressions to the /8:2%. +nd Bo# $orga!e the iniE#ity o$ my sin" ,elah
<sa -2:3 ;or this a#se e!eryone who is godly shall *ray to Bo# In a time when Bo# may be $o#nd& ,#rely in a
$lood o$ great waters They shall not ome near him"
<sa -2:4 Bo# (are) my hiding *lae& Bo# shall *reser!e me $rom tro#ble& Bo# shall s#rro#nd me with songs o$
deli!erane" ,elah
<sa -2:8 I will instr#t yo# and teah yo# in the way yo# sho#ld go& I will g#ide yo# with ?y eye"
<sa -2:9 2o not be li'e the horse (or) li'e the m#le% (>hih) ha!e no #nderstanding% >hih m#st be harnessed
with bit and bridle% 6lse they will not ome near yo#"
<sa -2:15 ?any sorrows (shall be) to the wi'ed& B#t he who tr#sts in the /8:2% mery shall s#rro#nd him"
<sa -2:11 Be glad in the /8:2 and re@oie% yo# righteo#s& +nd sho#t $or @oy% all (yo#) #*right in heartF
<sa --:1 :e@oie in the /8:2% 8 yo# righteo#sF (;or) *raise $rom the #*right is bea#ti$#l"
<sa --:2 <raise the /8:2 with the har*& ?a'e melody to Him with an instr#ment o$ ten strings"
<sa --:- ,ing to Him a new song& <lay s'ill$#lly with a sho#t o$ @oy"
<sa --:0 ;or the word o$ the /8:2 (is) right% +nd all His wor' (is done) in tr#th"
<sa --:1 He lo!es righteo#sness and @#stie& The earth is $#ll o$ the goodness o$ the /8:2"
<sa --:3 By the word o$ the /8:2 the hea!ens were made% +nd all the host o$ them by the breath o$ His
<sa --:4 He gathers the waters o$ the sea together as a hea*& He lays #* the dee* in storeho#ses"
<sa --:8 /et all the earth $ear the /8:2& /et all the inhabitants o$ the world stand in awe o$ Him"
<sa --:9 ;or He s*o'e% and it was (done&) He ommanded% and it stood $ast"
<sa --:15 The /8:2 brings the o#nsel o$ the nations to nothing& He ma'es the *lans o$ the *eo*les o$ no
<sa --:11 The o#nsel o$ the /8:2 stands $ore!er% The *lans o$ His heart to all generations"
<sa --:12 Blessed (is) the nation whose God (is) the /8:2% The *eo*le He has hosen as His own inheritane"
<sa --:1- The /8:2 loo's $rom hea!en& He sees all the sons o$ men"
<sa --:10 ;rom the *lae o$ His dwelling He loo's 8n all the inhabitants o$ the earth&
<sa --:11 He $ashions their hearts indi!id#ally& He onsiders all their wor's"
<sa --:13 No 'ing (is) sa!ed by the m#ltit#de o$ an army& + mighty man is not deli!ered by great strength"
<sa --:14 + horse (is) a !ain ho*e $or sa$ety& Neither shall it deli!er (any) by its great strength"
<sa --:18 Behold% the eye o$ the /8:2 (is) on those who $ear Him% 8n those who ho*e in His mery%
<sa --:19 To deli!er their so#l $rom death% +nd to 'ee* them ali!e in $amine"
<sa --:25 8#r so#l waits $or the /8:2& He (is) o#r hel* and o#r shield"
<sa --:21 ;or o#r heart shall re@oie in Him% Bea#se we ha!e tr#sted in His holy name"
<sa --:22 /et Bo#r mery% 8 /8:2% be #*on #s% J#st as we ho*e in Bo#"
<sa -0:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id when he *retended madness be$ore +bimeleh% who dro!e him away% and he
de*arted" I will bless the /8:2 at all times& His *raise (shall) ontin#ally (be) in my mo#th"
<sa -0:2 ?y so#l shall ma'e its boast in the /8:2& The h#mble shall hear (o$ it) and be glad"
<sa -0:- 8h% magni$y the /8:2 with me% +nd let #s e9alt His name together"
<sa -0:0 I so#ght the /8:2% and He heard me% +nd deli!ered me $rom all my $ears"
<sa -0:1 They loo'ed to Him and were radiant% +nd their $aes were not ashamed"
<sa -0:3 This *oor man ried o#t% and the /8:2 heard (him%) +nd sa!ed him o#t o$ all his tro#bles"
<sa -0:4 The angel o$ the /8:2 enam*s all aro#nd those who $ear Him% +nd deli!ers them"
<sa -0:8 8h% taste and see that the /8:2 (is) good& Blessed (is) the man (who) tr#sts in HimF
<sa -0:9 8h% $ear the /8:2% yo# His saintsF (There is) no want to those who $ear Him"
<sa -0:15 The yo#ng lions la' and s#$$er h#nger& B#t those who see' the /8:2 shall not la' any good
<sa -0:11 =ome% yo# hildren% listen to me& I will teah yo# the $ear o$ the /8:2"
<sa -0:12 >ho (is) the man (who) desires li$e% +nd lo!es (many) days% that he may see goodC
<sa -0:1- Kee* yo#r tong#e $rom e!il% +nd yo#r li*s $rom s*ea'ing deeit"
<sa -0:10 2e*art $rom e!il and do good& ,ee' *eae and *#rs#e it"
<sa -0:11 The eyes o$ the /8:2 (are) on the righteo#s% +nd His ears (are o*en) to their ry"
<sa -0:13 The $ae o$ the /8:2 (is) against those who do e!il% To #t o$$ the remembrane o$ them $rom the
<sa -0:14 (The righteo#s) ry o#t% and the /8:2 hears% +nd deli!ers them o#t o$ all their tro#bles"
<sa -0:18 The /8:2 (is) near to those who ha!e a bro'en heart% +nd sa!es s#h as ha!e a ontrite s*irit"
<sa -0:19 ?any (are) the a$$litions o$ the righteo#s% B#t the /8:2 deli!ers him o#t o$ them all"
<sa -0:25 He g#ards all his bones& Not one o$ them is bro'en"
<sa -0:21 6!il shall slay the wi'ed% +nd those who hate the righteo#s shall be ondemned"
<sa -0:22 The /8:2 redeems the so#l o$ His ser!ants% +nd none o$ those who tr#st in Him shall be
<sa -1:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" <lead (my a#se%) 8 /8:2% with those who stri!e with me& ;ight against those who
$ight against me"
<sa -1:2 Ta'e hold o$ shield and b#'ler% +nd stand #* $or my hel*"
<sa -1:- +lso draw o#t the s*ear% +nd sto* those who *#rs#e me" ,ay to my so#l% .I (am) yo#r sal!ation".
<sa -1:0 /et those be *#t to shame and bro#ght to dishonor >ho see' a$ter my li$e& /et those be t#rned ba'
and bro#ght to on$#sion >ho *lot my h#rt"
<sa -1:1 /et them be li'e ha$$ be$ore the wind% +nd let the angel o$ the /8:2 hase (them")
<sa -1:3 /et their way be dar' and sli**ery% +nd let the angel o$ the /8:2 *#rs#e them"
<sa -1:4 ;or witho#t a#se they ha!e hidden their net $or me (in) a *it% (>hih) they ha!e d#g witho#t a#se $or
my li$e"
<sa -1:8 /et destr#tion ome #*on him #ne9*etedly% +nd let his net that he has hidden ath himsel$& Into
that !ery destr#tion let him $all"
<sa -1:9 +nd my so#l shall be @oy$#l in the /8:2& It shall re@oie in His sal!ation"
<sa -1:15 +ll my bones shall say% ./8:2% who (is) li'e Bo#% 2eli!ering the *oor $rom him who is too strong $or
him% Bes% the *oor and the needy $rom him who *l#nders himC.
<sa -1:11 ;iere witnesses rise #*& They as' me (things) that I do not 'now"
<sa -1:12 They reward me e!il $or good% (To) the sorrow o$ my so#l"
<sa -1:1- B#t as $or me% when they were si'% ?y lothing (was) sa'loth& I h#mbled mysel$ with $asting& +nd
my *rayer wo#ld ret#rn to my own heart"
<sa -1:10 I *aed abo#t as tho#gh (he were) my $riend (or) brother& I bowed down hea!ily% as one who mo#rns
($or his) mother"
<sa -1:11 B#t in my ad!ersity they re@oied +nd gathered together& +tta'ers gathered against me% +nd I did
not 'now (it&) They tore (at me) and did not ease&
<sa -1:13 >ith #ngodly mo'ers at $easts They gnashed at me with their teeth"
<sa -1:14 /ord% how long will Bo# loo' onC :es#e me $rom their destr#tions% ?y *reio#s (li$e) $rom the lions"
<sa -1:18 I will gi!e Bo# than's in the great assembly& I will *raise Bo# among many *eo*le"
<sa -1:19 /et them not re@oie o!er me who are wrong$#lly my enemies& Nor let them win' with the eye who
hate me witho#t a a#se"
<sa -1:25 ;or they do not s*ea' *eae% B#t they de!ise deeit$#l matters +gainst (the) E#iet ones in the land"
<sa -1:21 They also o*ened their mo#th wide against me% (+nd) said% .+ha% ahaF 8#r eyes ha!e seen (it".)
<sa -1:22 (This) Bo# ha!e seen% 8 /8:2& 2o not 'ee* silene" 8 /ord% do not be $ar $rom me"
<sa -1:2- ,tir #* Bo#rsel$% and awa'e to my !indiation% To my a#se% my God and my /ord"
<sa -1:20 Vindiate me% 8 /8:2 my God% aording to Bo#r righteo#sness& +nd let them not re@oie o!er me"
<sa -1:21 /et them not say in their hearts% .+h% so we wo#ld ha!e itF. /et them not say% .>e ha!e swallowed
him #*".
<sa -1:23 /et them be ashamed and bro#ght to m#t#al on$#sion >ho re@oie at my h#rt& /et them be lothed
with shame and dishonor >ho e9alt themsel!es against me"
<sa -1:24 /et them sho#t $or @oy and be glad% >ho $a!or my righteo#s a#se& +nd let them say ontin#ally% ./et
the /8:2 be magni$ied% >ho has *leas#re in the *ros*erity o$ His ser!ant".
<sa -1:28 +nd my tong#e shall s*ea' o$ Bo#r righteo#sness (+nd) o$ Bo#r *raise all the day long"
<sa -3:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id the ser!ant o$ the /8:2" +n orale within my heart
onerning the transgression o$ the wi'ed: (There is) no $ear o$ God be$ore his eyes"
<sa -3:2 ;or he $latters himsel$ in his own eyes% >hen he $inds o#t his iniE#ity (and) when he hates"
<sa -3:- The words o$ his mo#th (are) wi'edness and deeit& He has eased to be wise (and) to do good"
<sa -3:0 He de!ises wi'edness on his bed& He sets himsel$ in a way (that is) not good& He does not abhor e!il"
<sa -3:1 Bo#r mery% 8 /8:2% (is) in the hea!ens& Bo#r $aith$#lness (reahes) to the lo#ds"
<sa -3:3 Bo#r righteo#sness (is) li'e the great mo#ntains& Bo#r @#dgments (are) a great dee*& 8 /8:2% Bo#
*reser!e man and beast"
<sa -3:4 How *reio#s (is) Bo#r lo!ing'indness% 8 GodF There$ore the hildren o$ men *#t their tr#st #nder the
shadow o$ Bo#r wings"
<sa -3:8 They are ab#ndantly satis$ied with the $#llness o$ Bo#r ho#se% +nd Bo# gi!e them drin' $rom the ri!er
o$ Bo#r *leas#res"
<sa -3:9 ;or with Bo# (is) the $o#ntain o$ li$e& In Bo#r light we see light"
<sa -3:15 8h% ontin#e Bo#r lo!ing'indness to those who 'now Bo#% +nd Bo#r righteo#sness to the #*right in
<sa -3:11 /et not the $oot o$ *ride ome against me% +nd let not the hand o$ the wi'ed dri!e me away"
<sa -3:12 There the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity ha!e $allen& They ha!e been ast down and are not able to rise"
<sa -4:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" 2o not $ret bea#se o$ e!ildoers% Nor be en!io#s o$ the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity"
<sa -4:2 ;or they shall soon be #t down li'e the grass% +nd wither as the green herb"
<sa -4:- Tr#st in the /8:2% and do good& 2well in the land% and $eed on His $aith$#lness"
<sa -4:0 2elight yo#rsel$ also in the /8:2% +nd He shall gi!e yo# the desires o$ yo#r heart"
<sa -4:1 =ommit yo#r way to the /8:2% Tr#st also in Him% +nd He shall bring (it) to *ass"
<sa -4:3 He shall bring $orth yo#r righteo#sness as the light% +nd yo#r @#stie as the noonday"
<sa -4:4 :est in the /8:2% and wait *atiently $or Him& 2o not $ret bea#se o$ him who *ros*ers in his way%
Bea#se o$ the man who brings wi'ed shemes to *ass"
<sa -4:8 =ease $rom anger% and $orsa'e wrath& 2o not $ret DD (it) only (a#ses) harm"
<sa -4:9 ;or e!ildoers shall be #t o$$& B#t those who wait on the /8:2% They shall inherit the earth"
<sa -4:15 ;or yet a little while and the wi'ed (shall be) no (more&) Indeed% yo# will loo' are$#lly $or his *lae%
B#t it (shall be) no (more")
<sa -4:11 B#t the mee' shall inherit the earth% +nd shall delight themsel!es in the ab#ndane o$ *eae"
<sa -4:12 The wi'ed *lots against the @#st% +nd gnashes at him with his teeth"
<sa -4:1- The /ord la#ghs at him% ;or He sees that his day is oming"
<sa -4:10 The wi'ed ha!e drawn the sword +nd ha!e bent their bow% To ast down the *oor and needy% To
slay those who are o$ #*right ond#t"
<sa -4:11 Their sword shall enter their own heart% +nd their bows shall be bro'en"
<sa -4:13 + little that a righteo#s man has (Is) better than the rihes o$ many wi'ed"
<sa -4:14 ;or the arms o$ the wi'ed shall be bro'en% B#t the /8:2 #*holds the righteo#s"
<sa -4:18 The /8:2 'nows the days o$ the #*right% +nd their inheritane shall be $ore!er"
<sa -4:19 They shall not be ashamed in the e!il time% +nd in the days o$ $amine they shall be satis$ied"
<sa -4:25 B#t the wi'ed shall *erish& +nd the enemies o$ the /8:2% /i'e the s*lendor o$ the meadows% shall
!anish" Into smo'e they shall !anish away"
<sa -4:21 The wi'ed borrows and does not re*ay% B#t the righteo#s shows mery and gi!es"
<sa -4:22 ;or (those) blessed by Him shall inherit the earth% B#t (those) #rsed by Him shall be #t o$$"
<sa -4:2- The ste*s o$ a (good) man are ordered by the /8:2% +nd He delights in his way"
<sa -4:20 Tho#gh he $all% he shall not be #tterly ast down& ;or the /8:2 #*holds (him with) His hand"
<sa -4:21 I ha!e been yo#ng% and (now) am old& Bet I ha!e not seen the righteo#s $orsa'en% Nor his
desendants begging bread"
<sa -4:23 (He is) e!er meri$#l% and lends& +nd his desendants (are) blessed"
<sa -4:24 2e*art $rom e!il% and do good& +nd dwell $ore!ermore"
<sa -4:28 ;or the /8:2 lo!es @#stie% +nd does not $orsa'e His saints& They are *reser!ed $ore!er% B#t the
desendants o$ the wi'ed shall be #t o$$"
<sa -4:29 The righteo#s shall inherit the land% +nd dwell in it $ore!er"
<sa -4:-5 The mo#th o$ the righteo#s s*ea's wisdom% +nd his tong#e tal's o$ @#stie"
<sa -4:-1 The law o$ his God (is) in his heart& None o$ his ste*s shall slide"
<sa -4:-2 The wi'ed wathes the righteo#s% +nd see's to slay him"
<sa -4:-- The /8:2 will not lea!e him in his hand% Nor ondemn him when he is @#dged"
<sa -4:-0 >ait on the /8:2% +nd 'ee* His way% +nd He shall e9alt yo# to inherit the land& >hen the wi'ed
are #t o$$% yo# shall see (it")
<sa -4:-1 I ha!e seen the wi'ed in great *ower% +nd s*reading himsel$ li'e a nati!e green tree"
<sa -4:-3 Bet he *assed away% and behold% he (was) no (more&) Indeed I so#ght him% b#t he o#ld not be $o#nd"
<sa -4:-4 ?ar' the blameless (man%) and obser!e the #*right& ;or the $#t#re o$ (that) man (is) *eae"
<sa -4:-8 B#t the transgressors shall be destroyed together& The $#t#re o$ the wi'ed shall be #t o$$"
<sa -4:-9 B#t the sal!ation o$ the righteo#s (is) $rom the /8:2& (He is) their strength in the time o$ tro#ble"
<sa -4:05 +nd the /8:2 shall hel* them and deli!er them& He shall deli!er them $rom the wi'ed% +nd sa!e
them% Bea#se they tr#st in Him"
<sa -8:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" To bring to remembrane" 8 /8:2% do not reb#'e me in Bo#r wrath% Nor hasten
me in Bo#r hot dis*leas#reF
<sa -8:2 ;or Bo#r arrows *iere me dee*ly% +nd Bo#r hand *resses me down"
<sa -8:- (There is) no so#ndness in my $lesh Bea#se o$ Bo#r anger% Nor (any) health in my bones Bea#se o$
my sin"
<sa -8:0 ;or my iniE#ities ha!e gone o!er my head& /i'e a hea!y b#rden they are too hea!y $or me"
<sa -8:1 ?y wo#nds are $o#l (and) $estering Bea#se o$ my $oolishness"
<sa -8:3 I am tro#bled% I am bowed down greatly& I go mo#rning all the day long"
<sa -8:4 ;or my loins are $#ll o$ in$lammation% +nd (there is) no so#ndness in my $lesh"
<sa -8:8 I am $eeble and se!erely bro'en& I groan bea#se o$ the t#rmoil o$ my heart"
<sa -8:9 /ord% all my desire (is) be$ore Bo#& +nd my sighing is not hidden $rom Bo#"
<sa -8:15 ?y heart *ants% my strength $ails me& +s $or the light o$ my eyes% it also has gone $rom me"
<sa -8:11 ?y lo!ed ones and my $riends stand aloo$ $rom my *lag#e% +nd my relati!es stand a$ar o$$"
<sa -8:12 Those also who see' my li$e lay snares ($or me&) Those who see' my h#rt s*ea' o$ destr#tion% +nd
*lan dee*tion all the day long"
<sa -8:1- B#t I% li'e a dea$ (man%) do not hear& +nd (I am) li'e a m#te (who) does not o*en his mo#th"
<sa -8:10 Th#s I am li'e a man who does not hear% +nd in whose mo#th (is) no res*onse"
<sa -8:11 ;or in Bo#% 8 /8:2% I ho*e& Bo# will hear% 8 /ord my God"
<sa -8:13 ;or I said% .(Hear me%) lest they re@oie o!er me% /est% when my $oot sli*s% they e9alt (themsel!es)
against me".
<sa -8:14 ;or I (am) ready to $all% +nd my sorrow (is) ontin#ally be$ore me"
<sa -8:18 ;or I will delare my iniE#ity& I will be in ang#ish o!er my sin"
<sa -8:19 B#t my enemies (are) !igoro#s% (and) they are strong& +nd those who hate me wrong$#lly ha!e
<sa -8:25 Those also who render e!il $or good% They are my ad!ersaries% bea#se I $ollow (what is) good"
<sa -8:21 2o not $orsa'e me% 8 /8:2& 8 my God% be not $ar $rom meF
<sa -8:22 ?a'e haste to hel* me% 8 /ord% my sal!ationF
<sa -9:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" To Jed#th#n" + <salm o$ 2a!id" I said% .I will g#ard my ways% /est I sin with my
tong#e& I will restrain my mo#th with a m#HHle% >hile the wi'ed are be$ore me".
<sa -9:2 I was m#te with silene% I held my *eae (e!en) $rom good& +nd my sorrow was stirred #*"
<sa -9:- ?y heart was hot within me& >hile I was m#sing% the $ire b#rned" (Then) I s*o'e with my tong#e:
<sa -9:0 ./8:2% ma'e me to 'now my end% +nd what (is) the meas#re o$ my days% (That) I may 'now how $rail I
<sa -9:1 Indeed% Bo# ha!e made my days (as) handbreadths% +nd my age (is) as nothing be$ore Bo#& =ertainly
e!ery man at his best state (is) b#t !a*or" ,elah
<sa -9:3 ,#rely e!ery man wal's abo#t li'e a shadow& ,#rely they b#sy themsel!es in !ain& He hea*s #*
(rihes%) +nd does not 'now who will gather them"
<sa -9:4 .+nd now% /ord% what do I wait $orC ?y ho*e (is) in Bo#"
<sa -9:8 2eli!er me $rom all my transgressions& 2o not ma'e me the re*roah o$ the $oolish"
<sa -9:9 I was m#te% I did not o*en my mo#th% Bea#se it was Bo# who did (it")
<sa -9:15 :emo!e Bo#r *lag#e $rom me& I am ons#med by the blow o$ Bo#r hand"
<sa -9:11 >hen with reb#'es Bo# orret man $or iniE#ity% Bo# ma'e his bea#ty melt away li'e a moth& ,#rely
e!ery man (is) !a*or" ,elah
<sa -9:12 .Hear my *rayer% 8 /8:2% +nd gi!e ear to my ry& 2o not be silent at my tears& ;or I (am) a stranger
with Bo#% + so@o#rner% as all my $athers (were")
<sa -9:1- :emo!e Bo#r gaHe $rom me% that I may regain strength% Be$ore I go away and am no more".
<sa 05:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" I waited *atiently $or the /8:2& +nd He inlined to me% +nd
heard my ry"
<sa 05:2 He also bro#ght me #* o#t o$ a horrible *it% 8#t o$ the miry lay% +nd set my $eet #*on a ro'% (+nd)
established my ste*s"
<sa 05:- He has *#t a new song in my mo#th DD <raise to o#r God& ?any will see (it) and $ear% +nd will tr#st in
the /8:2"
<sa 05:0 Blessed (is) that man who ma'es the /8:2 his tr#st% +nd does not res*et the *ro#d% nor s#h as t#rn
aside to lies"
<sa 05:1 ?any% 8 /8:2 my God% (are) Bo#r wonder$#l wor's (>hih) Bo# ha!e done& +nd Bo#r tho#ghts
toward #s =annot be reo#nted to Bo# in order& (I$) I wo#ld delare and s*ea' (o$ them%) They are more than an
be n#mbered"
<sa 05:3 ,ari$ie and o$$ering Bo# did not desire& ?y ears Bo# ha!e o*ened" B#rnt o$$ering and sin o$$ering
Bo# did not reE#ire"
<sa 05:4 Then I said% .Behold% I ome& In the sroll o$ the boo' (it is) written o$ me"
<sa 05:8 I delight to do Bo#r will% 8 my God% +nd Bo#r law (is) within my heart".
<sa 05:9 I ha!e *rolaimed the good news o$ righteo#sness In the great assembly& Indeed% I do not restrain my
li*s% 8 /8:2% Bo# Bo#rsel$ 'now"
<sa 05:15 I ha!e not hidden Bo#r righteo#sness within my heart& I ha!e delared Bo#r $aith$#lness and Bo#r
sal!ation& I ha!e not onealed Bo#r lo!ing'indness and Bo#r tr#th ;rom the great assembly"
<sa 05:11 2o not withhold Bo#r tender meries $rom me% 8 /8:2& /et Bo#r lo!ing'indness and Bo#r tr#th
ontin#ally *reser!e me"
<sa 05:12 ;or inn#merable e!ils ha!e s#rro#nded me& ?y iniE#ities ha!e o!erta'en me% so that I am not able to
loo' #*& They are more than the hairs o$ my head& There$ore my heart $ails me"
<sa 05:1- Be *leased% 8 /8:2% to deli!er me& 8 /8:2% ma'e haste to hel* meF
<sa 05:10 /et them be ashamed and bro#ght to m#t#al on$#sion >ho see' to destroy my li$e& /et them be
dri!en ba'ward and bro#ght to dishonor >ho wish me e!il"
<sa 05:11 /et them be on$o#nded bea#se o$ their shame% >ho say to me% .+ha% ahaF.
<sa 05:13 /et all those who see' Bo# re@oie and be glad in Bo#& /et s#h as lo!e Bo#r sal!ation say
ontin#ally% .The /8:2 be magni$iedF.
<sa 05:14 B#t I (am) *oor and needy& (Bet) the /8:2 thin's #*on me" Bo# (are) my hel* and my deli!erer& 2o
not delay% 8 my God"
<sa 01:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" Blessed (is) he who onsiders the *oor& The /8:2 will
deli!er him in time o$ tro#ble"
<sa 01:2 The /8:2 will *reser!e him and 'ee* him ali!e% (+nd) he will be blessed on the earth& Bo# will not
deli!er him to the will o$ his enemies"
<sa 01:- The /8:2 will strengthen him on his bed o$ illness& Bo# will s#stain him on his si'bed"
<sa 01:0 I said% ./8:2% be meri$#l to me& Heal my so#l% $or I ha!e sinned against Bo#".
<sa 01:1 ?y enemies s*ea' e!il o$ me: .>hen will he die% and his name *erishC.
<sa 01:3 +nd i$ he omes to see (me%) he s*ea's lies& His heart gathers iniE#ity to itsel$& (>hen) he goes o#t% he
tells (it")
<sa 01:4 +ll who hate me whis*er together against me& +gainst me they de!ise my h#rt"
<sa 01:8 .+n e!il disease%. (they say%) .lings to him" +nd (now) that he lies down% he will rise #* no more".
<sa 01:9 6!en my own $amiliar $riend in whom I tr#sted% >ho ate my bread% Has li$ted #* (his) heel against me"
<sa 01:15 B#t Bo#% 8 /8:2% be meri$#l to me% and raise me #*% That I may re*ay them"
<sa 01:11 By this I 'now that Bo# are well *leased with me% Bea#se my enemy does not tri#m*h o!er me"
<sa 01:12 +s $or me% Bo# #*hold me in my integrity% +nd set me be$ore Bo#r $ae $ore!er"
<sa 01:1- Blessed (be) the /8:2 God o$ Israel ;rom e!erlasting to e!erlastingF +men and +men"
<sa 02:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + =ontem*lation o$ the sons o$ Korah" +s the deer *ants $or the water broo's%
,o *ants my so#l $or Bo#% 8 God"
<sa 02:2 ?y so#l thirsts $or God% $or the li!ing God" >hen shall I ome and a**ear be$ore GodC
<sa 02:- ?y tears ha!e been my $ood day and night% >hile they ontin#ally say to me% .>here (is) yo#r GodC.
<sa 02:0 >hen I remember these (things%) I *o#r o#t my so#l within me" ;or I #sed to go with the m#ltit#de& I
went with them to the ho#se o$ God% >ith the !oie o$ @oy and *raise% >ith a m#ltit#de that 'e*t a *ilgrim $east"
<sa 02:1 >hy are yo# ast down% 8 my so#lC +nd (why) are yo# disE#ieted within meC Ho*e in God% $or I shall
yet *raise Him (;or) the hel* o$ His o#ntenane"
<sa 02:3 8 my God% my so#l is ast down within me& There$ore I will remember Bo# $rom the land o$ the Jordan%
+nd $rom the heights o$ Hermon% ;rom the Hill ?iHar"
<sa 02:4 2ee* alls #nto dee* at the noise o$ Bo#r water$alls& +ll Bo#r wa!es and billows ha!e gone o!er me"
<sa 02:8 The /8:2 will ommand His lo!ing'indness in the daytime% +nd in the night His song (shall be) with
me DD + *rayer to the God o$ my li$e"
<sa 02:9 I will say to God my :o'% .>hy ha!e Bo# $orgotten meC >hy do I go mo#rning bea#se o$ the
o**ression o$ the enemyC.
<sa 02:15 (+s) with a brea'ing o$ my bones% ?y enemies re*roah me% >hile they say to me all day long%
.>here (is) yo#r GodC.
<sa 02:11 >hy are yo# ast down% 8 my so#lC +nd why are yo# disE#ieted within meC Ho*e in God& ;or I shall
yet *raise Him% The hel* o$ my o#ntenane and my God"
<sa 0-:1 Vindiate me% 8 God% +nd *lead my a#se against an #ngodly nation& 8h% deli!er me $rom the
deeit$#l and #n@#st manF
<sa 0-:2 ;or Bo# (are) the God o$ my strength& >hy do Bo# ast me o$$C >hy do I go mo#rning bea#se o$ the
o**ression o$ the enemyC
<sa 0-:- 8h% send o#t Bo#r light and Bo#r tr#thF /et them lead me& /et them bring me to Bo#r holy hill +nd to
Bo#r tabernale"
<sa 0-:0 Then I will go to the altar o$ God% To God my e9eeding @oy& +nd on the har* I will *raise Bo#% 8 God%
my God"
<sa 0-:1 >hy are yo# ast down% 8 my so#lC +nd why are yo# disE#ieted within meC Ho*e in God& ;or I shall
yet *raise Him% The hel* o$ my o#ntenane and my God"
<sa 00:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + =ontem*lation o$ the sons o$ Korah" >e ha!e heard with o#r ears% 8 God%
8#r $athers ha!e told #s% The deeds Bo# did in their days% In days o$ old:
<sa 00:2 Bo# dro!e o#t the nations with Bo#r hand% B#t them Bo# *lanted& Bo# a$$lited the *eo*les% and ast
them o#t"
<sa 00:- ;or they did not gain *ossession o$ the land by their own sword% Nor did their own arm sa!e them& B#t
it was Bo#r right hand% Bo#r arm% and the light o$ Bo#r o#ntenane% Bea#se Bo# $a!ored them"
<sa 00:0 Bo# are my King% 8 God& =ommand !itories $or Jaob"
<sa 00:1 Thro#gh Bo# we will *#sh down o#r enemies& Thro#gh Bo#r name we will tram*le those who rise #*
against #s"
<sa 00:3 ;or I will not tr#st in my bow% Nor shall my sword sa!e me"
<sa 00:4 B#t Bo# ha!e sa!ed #s $rom o#r enemies% +nd ha!e *#t to shame those who hated #s"
<sa 00:8 In God we boast all day long% +nd *raise Bo#r name $ore!er" ,elah
<sa 00:9 B#t Bo# ha!e ast (#s) o$$ and *#t #s to shame% +nd Bo# do not go o#t with o#r armies"
<sa 00:15 Bo# ma'e #s t#rn ba' $rom the enemy% +nd those who hate #s ha!e ta'en s*oil $or themsel!es"
<sa 00:11 Bo# ha!e gi!en #s #* li'e shee* (intended) $or $ood% +nd ha!e sattered #s among the nations"
<sa 00:12 Bo# sell Bo#r *eo*le $or (ne9t to) nothing% +nd are not enrihed by selling them"
<sa 00:1- Bo# ma'e #s a re*roah to o#r neighbors% + sorn and a derision to those all aro#nd #s"
<sa 00:10 Bo# ma'e #s a byword among the nations% + sha'ing o$ the head among the *eo*les"
<sa 00:11 ?y dishonor (is) ontin#ally be$ore me% +nd the shame o$ my $ae has o!ered me%
<sa 00:13 Bea#se o$ the !oie o$ him who re*roahes and re!iles% Bea#se o$ the enemy and the a!enger"
<sa 00:14 +ll this has ome #*on #s& B#t we ha!e not $orgotten Bo#% Nor ha!e we dealt $alsely with Bo#r
<sa 00:18 8#r heart has not t#rned ba'% Nor ha!e o#r ste*s de*arted $rom Bo#r way&
<sa 00:19 B#t Bo# ha!e se!erely bro'en #s in the *lae o$ @a'als% +nd o!ered #s with the shadow o$ death"
<sa 00:25 I$ we had $orgotten the name o$ o#r God% 8r strethed o#t o#r hands to a $oreign god%
<sa 00:21 >o#ld not God searh this o#tC ;or He 'nows the serets o$ the heart"
<sa 00:22 Bet $or Bo#r sa'e we are 'illed all day long& >e are ao#nted as shee* $or the sla#ghter"
<sa 00:2- +wa'eF >hy do Bo# slee*% 8 /ordC +riseF 2o not ast (#s) o$$ $ore!er"
<sa 00:20 >hy do Bo# hide Bo#r $ae% (+nd) $orget o#r a$$lition and o#r o**ressionC
<sa 00:21 ;or o#r so#l is bowed down to the d#st& 8#r body lings to the gro#nd"
<sa 00:23 +rise $or o#r hel*% +nd redeem #s $or Bo#r meriesA sa'e"
<sa 01:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to .The /illies". + =ontem*lation o$ the sons o$ Korah" + ,ong o$ /o!e" ?y
heart is o!er$lowing with a good theme& I reite my om*osition onerning the King& ?y tong#e (is) the *en o$ a
ready writer"
<sa 01:2 Bo# are $airer than the sons o$ men& Grae is *o#red #*on Bo#r li*s& There$ore God has blessed Bo#
<sa 01:- Gird Bo#r sword #*on (Bo#r) thigh% 8 ?ighty 8ne% >ith Bo#r glory and Bo#r ma@esty"
<sa 01:0 +nd in Bo#r ma@esty ride *ros*ero#sly bea#se o$ tr#th% h#mility% (and) righteo#sness& +nd Bo#r right
hand shall teah Bo# awesome things"
<sa 01:1 Bo#r arrows (are) shar* in the heart o$ the KingAs enemies& The *eo*les $all #nder Bo#"
<sa 01:3 Bo#r throne% 8 God% (is) $ore!er and e!er& + se*ter o$ righteo#sness (is) the se*ter o$ Bo#r 'ingdom"
<sa 01:4 Bo# lo!e righteo#sness and hate wi'edness& There$ore God% Bo#r God% has anointed Bo# >ith the
oil o$ gladness more than Bo#r om*anions"
<sa 01:8 +ll Bo#r garments are sented with myrrh and aloes (and) assia% 8#t o$ the i!ory *alaes% by whih
they ha!e made Bo# glad"
<sa 01:9 KingsA da#ghters (are) among Bo#r honorable women& +t Bo#r right hand stands the E#een in gold
$rom 8*hir"
<sa 01:15 /isten% 8 da#ghter% =onsider and inline yo#r ear& ;orget yo#r own *eo*le also% and yo#r $atherAs
<sa 01:11 ,o the King will greatly desire yo#r bea#ty& Bea#se He (is) yo#r /ord% worshi* Him"
<sa 01:12 +nd the da#ghter o$ Tyre (will ome) with a gi$t& The rih among the *eo*le will see' yo#r $a!or"
<sa 01:1- The royal da#ghter (is) all glorio#s within (the *alae&) Her lothing (is) wo!en with gold"
<sa 01:10 ,he shall be bro#ght to the King in robes o$ many olors& The !irgins% her om*anions who $ollow
her% shall be bro#ght to Bo#"
<sa 01:11 >ith gladness and re@oiing they shall be bro#ght& They shall enter the KingAs *alae"
<sa 01:13 Instead o$ Bo#r $athers shall be Bo#r sons% >hom Bo# shall ma'e *rines in all the earth"
<sa 01:14 I will ma'e Bo#r name to be remembered in all generations& There$ore the *eo*le shall *raise Bo#
$ore!er and e!er"
<sa 03:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ the sons o$ Korah" + ,ong $or +lamoth" God (is) o#r re$#ge and
strength% + !ery *resent hel* in tro#ble"
<sa 03:2 There$ore we will not $ear% 6!en tho#gh the earth be remo!ed% +nd tho#gh the mo#ntains be arried
into the midst o$ the sea&
<sa 03:- (Tho#gh) its waters roar (and) be tro#bled% (Tho#gh) the mo#ntains sha'e with its swelling" ,elah
<sa 03:0 (There is) a ri!er whose streams shall ma'e glad the ity o$ God% The holy (*lae) o$ the tabernale o$
the ?ost High"
<sa 03:1 God (is) in the midst o$ her% she shall not be mo!ed& God shall hel* her% @#st at the brea' o$ dawn"
<sa 03:3 The nations raged% the 'ingdoms were mo!ed& He #ttered His !oie% the earth melted"
<sa 03:4 The /8:2 o$ hosts (is) with #s& The God o$ Jaob (is) o#r re$#ge" ,elah
<sa 03:8 =ome% behold the wor's o$ the /8:2% >ho has made desolations in the earth"
<sa 03:9 He ma'es wars ease to the end o$ the earth& He brea's the bow and #ts the s*ear in two& He b#rns
the hariot in the $ire"
<sa 03:15 Be still% and 'now that I (am) God& I will be e9alted among the nations% I will be e9alted in the earthF
<sa 03:11 The /8:2 o$ hosts (is) with #s& The God o$ Jaob (is) o#r re$#ge" ,elah
<sa 04:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ the sons o$ Korah" 8h% la* yo#r hands% all yo# *eo*lesF ,ho#t to
God with the !oie o$ tri#m*hF
<sa 04:2 ;or the /8:2 ?ost High (is) awesome& (He is) a great King o!er all the earth"
<sa 04:- He will s#bd#e the *eo*les #nder #s% +nd the nations #nder o#r $eet"
<sa 04:0 He will hoose o#r inheritane $or #s% The e9ellene o$ Jaob whom He lo!es" ,elah
<sa 04:1 God has gone #* with a sho#t% The /8:2 with the so#nd o$ a tr#m*et"
<sa 04:3 ,ing *raises to God% sing *raisesF ,ing *raises to o#r King% sing *raisesF
<sa 04:4 ;or God (is) the King o$ all the earth& ,ing *raises with #nderstanding"
<sa 04:8 God reigns o!er the nations& God sits on His holy throne"
<sa 04:9 The *rines o$ the *eo*le ha!e gathered together% The *eo*le o$ the God o$ +braham" ;or the shields
o$ the earth (belong) to God& He is greatly e9alted"
<sa 08:1 + ,ong" + <salm o$ the sons o$ Korah" Great (is) the /8:2% and greatly to be *raised In the ity o$ o#r
God% (In) His holy mo#ntain"
<sa 08:2 Bea#ti$#l in ele!ation% The @oy o$ the whole earth% (Is) ?o#nt Gion (on) the sides o$ the north% The ity o$
the great King"
<sa 08:- God (is) in her *alaes& He is 'nown as her re$#ge"
<sa 08:0 ;or behold% the 'ings assembled% They *assed by together"
<sa 08:1 They saw (it% and) so they mar!eled& They were tro#bled% they hastened away"
<sa 08:3 ;ear too' hold o$ them there% (+nd) *ain% as o$ a woman in birth *angs%
<sa 08:4 (+s when) Bo# brea' the shi*s o$ Tarshish >ith an east wind"
<sa 08:8 +s we ha!e heard% ,o we ha!e seen In the ity o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts% In the ity o$ o#r God: God will
establish it $ore!er" ,elah
<sa 08:9 >e ha!e tho#ght% 8 God% on Bo#r lo!ing'indness% In the midst o$ Bo#r tem*le"
<sa 08:15 +ording to Bo#r name% 8 God% ,o (is) Bo#r *raise to the ends o$ the earth& Bo#r right hand is $#ll o$
<sa 08:11 /et ?o#nt Gion re@oie% /et the da#ghters o$ J#dah be glad% Bea#se o$ Bo#r @#dgments"
<sa 08:12 >al' abo#t Gion% +nd go all aro#nd her" =o#nt her towers&
<sa 08:1- ?ar' well her b#lwar's& =onsider her *alaes& That yo# may tell (it) to the generation $ollowing"
<sa 08:10 ;or this (is) God% 8#r God $ore!er and e!er& He will be o#r g#ide (6!en) to death"
<sa 09:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ the sons o$ Korah" Hear this% all *eo*les& Gi!e ear% all inhabitants o$
the world%
<sa 09:2 Both low and high% :ih and *oor together"
<sa 09:- ?y mo#th shall s*ea' wisdom% +nd the meditation o$ my heart (shall gi!e) #nderstanding"
<sa 09:0 I will inline my ear to a *ro!erb& I will dislose my dar' saying on the har*"
<sa 09:1 >hy sho#ld I $ear in the days o$ e!il% (>hen) the iniE#ity at my heels s#rro#nds meC
<sa 09:3 Those who tr#st in their wealth +nd boast in the m#ltit#de o$ their rihes%
<sa 09:4 None (o$ them) an by any means redeem (his) brother% Nor gi!e to God a ransom $or him DD
<sa 09:8 ;or the redem*tion o$ their so#ls (is) ostly% +nd it shall ease $ore!er DD
<sa 09:9 That he sho#ld ontin#e to li!e eternally% (+nd) not see the <it"
<sa 09:15 ;or he sees wise men die& /i'ewise the $ool and the senseless *erson *erish% +nd lea!e their wealth
to others"
<sa 09:11 Their inner tho#ght (is that) their ho#ses (will last) $ore!er% Their dwelling *laes to all generations&
They all (their) lands a$ter their own names"
<sa 09:12 Ne!ertheless man% (tho#gh) in honor% does not remain& He is li'e the beasts (that) *erish"
<sa 09:1- This is the way o$ those who (are) $oolish% +nd o$ their *osterity who a**ro!e their sayings" ,elah
<sa 09:10 /i'e shee* they are laid in the gra!e& 2eath shall $eed on them& The #*right shall ha!e dominion o!er
them in the morning& +nd their bea#ty shall be ons#med in the gra!e% $ar $rom their dwelling"
<sa 09:11 B#t God will redeem my so#l $rom the *ower o$ the gra!e% ;or He shall reei!e me" ,elah
<sa 09:13 2o not be a$raid when one beomes rih% >hen the glory o$ his ho#se is inreased&
<sa 09:14 ;or when he dies he shall arry nothing away& His glory shall not desend a$ter him"
<sa 09:18 Tho#gh while he li!es he blesses himsel$ I;or (men) will *raise yo# when yo# do well $or yo#rsel$J%
<sa 09:19 He shall go to the generation o$ his $athers& They shall ne!er see light"
<sa 09:25 + man (who is) in honor% yet does not #nderstand% Is li'e the beasts (that) *erish"
<sa 15:1 + <salm o$ +sa*h" The ?ighty 8ne% God the /8:2% Has s*o'en and alled the earth ;rom the rising
o$ the s#n to its going down"
<sa 15:2 8#t o$ Gion% the *er$etion o$ bea#ty% God will shine $orth"
<sa 15:- 8#r God shall ome% and shall not 'ee* silent& + $ire shall de!o#r be$ore Him% +nd it shall be !ery
tem*est#o#s all aro#nd Him"
<sa 15:0 He shall all to the hea!ens $rom abo!e% +nd to the earth% that He may @#dge His *eo*le:
<sa 15:1 .Gather ?y saints together to ?e% Those who ha!e made a o!enant with ?e by sari$ie".
<sa 15:3 /et the hea!ens delare His righteo#sness% ;or God Himsel$ (is) J#dge" ,elah
<sa 15:4 .Hear% 8 ?y *eo*le% and I will s*ea'% 8 Israel% and I will testi$y against yo#& I (am) God% yo#r GodF
<sa 15:8 I will not reb#'e yo# $or yo#r sari$ies 8r yo#r b#rnt o$$erings% (>hih are) ontin#ally be$ore ?e"
<sa 15:9 I will not ta'e a b#ll $rom yo#r ho#se% (Nor) goats o#t o$ yo#r $olds"
<sa 15:15 ;or e!ery beast o$ the $orest (is) ?ine% (+nd) the attle on a tho#sand hills"
<sa 15:11 I 'now all the birds o$ the mo#ntains% +nd the wild beasts o$ the $ield (are) ?ine"
<sa 15:12 .I$ I were h#ngry% I wo#ld not tell yo#& ;or the world (is) ?ine% and all its $#llness"
<sa 15:1- >ill I eat the $lesh o$ b#lls% 8r drin' the blood o$ goatsC
<sa 15:10 8$$er to God than'sgi!ing% +nd *ay yo#r !ows to the ?ost High"
<sa 15:11 =all #*on ?e in the day o$ tro#ble& I will deli!er yo#% and yo# shall glori$y ?e".
<sa 15:13 B#t to the wi'ed God says: .>hat (right) ha!e yo# to delare ?y stat#tes% 8r ta'e ?y o!enant in
yo#r mo#th%
<sa 15:14 ,eeing yo# hate instr#tion +nd ast ?y words behind yo#C
<sa 15:18 >hen yo# saw a thie$% yo# onsented with him% +nd ha!e been a *arta'er with ad#lterers"
<sa 15:19 Bo# gi!e yo#r mo#th to e!il% +nd yo#r tong#e $rames deeit"
<sa 15:25 Bo# sit (and) s*ea' against yo#r brother& Bo# slander yo#r own motherAs son"
<sa 15:21 These (things) yo# ha!e done% and I 'e*t silent& Bo# tho#ght that I was altogether li'e yo#& (B#t) I will
reb#'e yo#% +nd set (them) in order be$ore yo#r eyes"
<sa 15:22 .Now onsider this% yo# who $orget God% /est I tear (yo#) in *iees% +nd (there be) none to deli!er:
<sa 15:2- >hoe!er o$$ers *raise glori$ies ?e& +nd to him who orders (his) ond#t (aright) I will show the
sal!ation o$ God".
<sa 11:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id when Nathan the *ro*het went to him% a$ter he had gone in to
Bathsheba" Ha!e mery #*on me% 8 God% +ording to Bo#r lo!ing'indness& +ording to the m#ltit#de o$ Bo#r
tender meries% Blot o#t my transgressions"
<sa 11:2 >ash me thoro#ghly $rom my iniE#ity% +nd leanse me $rom my sin"
<sa 11:- ;or I a'nowledge my transgressions% +nd my sin (is) always be$ore me"
<sa 11:0 +gainst Bo#% Bo# only% ha!e I sinned% +nd done (this) e!il in Bo#r sight DD That Bo# may be $o#nd @#st
when Bo# s*ea'% (+nd) blameless when Bo# @#dge"
<sa 11:1 Behold% I was bro#ght $orth in iniE#ity% +nd in sin my mother onei!ed me"
<sa 11:3 Behold% Bo# desire tr#th in the inward *arts% +nd in the hidden (*art) Bo# will ma'e me to 'now
<sa 11:4 <#rge me with hysso*% and I shall be lean& >ash me% and I shall be whiter than snow"
<sa 11:8 ?a'e me hear @oy and gladness% (That) the bones Bo# ha!e bro'en may re@oie"
<sa 11:9 Hide Bo#r $ae $rom my sins% +nd blot o#t all my iniE#ities"
<sa 11:15 =reate in me a lean heart% 8 God% +nd renew a stead$ast s*irit within me"
<sa 11:11 2o not ast me away $rom Bo#r *resene% +nd do not ta'e Bo#r Holy ,*irit $rom me"
<sa 11:12 :estore to me the @oy o$ Bo#r sal!ation% +nd #*hold me (by Bo#r) genero#s ,*irit"
<sa 11:1- (Then) I will teah transgressors Bo#r ways% +nd sinners shall be on!erted to Bo#"
<sa 11:10 2eli!er me $rom the g#ilt o$ bloodshed% 8 God% The God o$ my sal!ation% (+nd) my tong#e shall sing
alo#d o$ Bo#r righteo#sness"
<sa 11:11 8 /ord% o*en my li*s% +nd my mo#th shall show $orth Bo#r *raise"
<sa 11:13 ;or Bo# do not desire sari$ie% or else I wo#ld gi!e (it&) Bo# do not delight in b#rnt o$$ering"
<sa 11:14 The sari$ies o$ God (are) a bro'en s*irit% + bro'en and a ontrite heart DD These% 8 God% Bo# will
not des*ise"
<sa 11:18 2o good in Bo#r good *leas#re to Gion& B#ild the walls o$ Jer#salem"
<sa 11:19 Then Bo# shall be *leased with the sari$ies o$ righteo#sness% >ith b#rnt o$$ering and whole b#rnt
o$$ering& Then they shall o$$er b#lls on Bo#r altar"
<sa 12:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + =ontem*lation o$ 2a!id when 2oeg the 6domite went and told ,a#l% and said
to him% .2a!id has gone to the ho#se o$ +himeleh". >hy do yo# boast in e!il% 8 mighty manC The goodness o$
God (end#res) ontin#ally"
<sa 12:2 Bo#r tong#e de!ises destr#tion% /i'e a shar* raHor% wor'ing deeit$#lly"
<sa 12:- Bo# lo!e e!il more than good% /ying rather than s*ea'ing righteo#sness" ,elah
<sa 12:0 Bo# lo!e all de!o#ring words% (Bo#) deeit$#l tong#e"
<sa 12:1 God shall li'ewise destroy yo# $ore!er& He shall ta'e yo# away% and *l#' yo# o#t o$ (yo#r) dwelling
*lae% +nd #*root yo# $rom the land o$ the li!ing" ,elah
<sa 12:3 The righteo#s also shall see and $ear% +nd shall la#gh at him% (saying%)
<sa 12:4 .Here is the man (who) did not ma'e God his strength% B#t tr#sted in the ab#ndane o$ his rihes%
(+nd) strengthened himsel$ in his wi'edness".
<sa 12:8 B#t I (am) li'e a green oli!e tree in the ho#se o$ God& I tr#st in the mery o$ God $ore!er and e!er"
<sa 12:9 I will *raise Bo# $ore!er% Bea#se Bo# ha!e done (it&) +nd in the *resene o$ Bo#r saints I will wait on
Bo#r name% $or (it is) good"
<sa 1-:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to .?ahalath". + =ontem*lation o$ 2a!id" The $ool has said in his heart%
.(There is) no God". They are orr#*t% and ha!e done abominable iniE#ity& (There is) none who does good"
<sa 1-:2 God loo's down $rom hea!en #*on the hildren o$ men% To see i$ there are (any) who #nderstand% who
see' God"
<sa 1-:- 6!ery one o$ them has t#rned aside& They ha!e together beome orr#*t& (There is) none who does
good% No% not one"
<sa 1-:0 Ha!e the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity no 'nowledge% >ho eat #* my *eo*le (as) they eat bread% +nd do not all
#*on GodC
<sa 1-:1 There they are in great $ear (>here) no $ear was% ;or God has sattered the bones o$ him who
enam*s against yo#& Bo# ha!e *#t (them) to shame% Bea#se God has des*ised them"
<sa 1-:3 8h% that the sal!ation o$ Israel wo#ld ome o#t o$ GionF >hen God brings ba' the a*ti!ity o$ His
*eo*le% /et Jaob re@oie (and) Israel be glad"
<sa 10:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" >ith stringed instr#ments" + =ontem*lation o$ 2a!id when the Gi*hites went
and said to to ,a#l% .Is 2a!id not hiding with #sC. ,a!e me% 8 God% by Bo#r name% +nd !indiate me by Bo#r
<sa 10:2 Hear my *rayer% 8 God& Gi!e ear to the words o$ my mo#th"
<sa 10:- ;or strangers ha!e risen #* against me% +nd o**ressors ha!e so#ght a$ter my li$e& They ha!e not set
God be$ore them" ,elah
<sa 10:0 Behold% God (is) my hel*er& The /ord (is) with those who #*hold my li$e"
<sa 10:1 He will re*ay my enemies $or their e!il" =#t them o$$ in Bo#r tr#th"
<sa 10:3 I will $reely sari$ie to Bo#& I will *raise Bo#r name% 8 /8:2% $or (it is) good"
<sa 10:4 ;or He has deli!ered me o#t o$ all tro#ble& +nd my eye has seen (its desire) #*on my enemies"
<sa 11:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" >ith stringed instr#ments" + =ontem*lation o$ 2a!id" Gi!e ear to my *rayer% 8
God% +nd do not hide Bo#rsel$ $rom my s#**liation"
<sa 11:2 +ttend to me% and hear me& I am restless in my om*laint% and moan noisily%
<sa 11:- Bea#se o$ the !oie o$ the enemy% Bea#se o$ the o**ression o$ the wi'ed& ;or they bring down
tro#ble #*on me% +nd in wrath they hate me"
<sa 11:0 ?y heart is se!erely *ained within me% +nd the terrors o$ death ha!e $allen #*on me"
<sa 11:1 ;ear$#lness and trembling ha!e ome #*on me% +nd horror has o!erwhelmed me"
<sa 11:3 ,o I said% .8h% that I had wings li'e a do!eF I wo#ld $ly away and be at rest"
<sa 11:4 Indeed% I wo#ld wander $ar o$$% (+nd) remain in the wilderness" ,elah
<sa 11:8 I wo#ld hasten my esa*e ;rom the windy storm (and) tem*est".
<sa 11:9 2estroy% 8 /ord% (and) di!ide their tong#es% ;or I ha!e seen !iolene and stri$e in the ity"
<sa 11:15 2ay and night they go aro#nd it on its walls& IniE#ity and tro#ble (are) also in the midst o$ it"
<sa 11:11 2estr#tion (is) in its midst& 8**ression and deeit do not de*art $rom its streets"
<sa 11:12 ;or (it is) not an enemy (who) re*roahes me& Then I o#ld bear (it") Nor (is it) one (who) hates me
who has e9alted (himsel$) against me& Then I o#ld hide $rom him"
<sa 11:1- B#t (it was) yo#% a man my eE#al% ?y om*anion and my aE#aintane"
<sa 11:10 >e too' sweet o#nsel together% (+nd) wal'ed to the ho#se o$ God in the throng"
<sa 11:11 /et death seiHe them& /et them go down ali!e into hell% ;or wi'edness (is) in their dwellings (and)
among them"
<sa 11:13 +s $or me% I will all #*on God% +nd the /8:2 shall sa!e me"
<sa 11:14 6!ening and morning and at noon I will *ray% and ry alo#d% +nd He shall hear my !oie"
<sa 11:18 He has redeemed my so#l in *eae $rom the battle (that was) against me% ;or there were many
against me"
<sa 11:19 God will hear% and a$$lit them% 6!en He who abides $rom o$ old" ,elah Bea#se they do not hange%
There$ore they do not $ear God"
<sa 11:25 He has *#t $orth his hands against those who were at *eae with him& He has bro'en his o!enant"
<sa 11:21 (The words) o$ his mo#th were smoother than b#tter% B#t war (was) in his heart& His words were so$ter
than oil% Bet they (were) drawn swords"
<sa 11:22 =ast yo#r b#rden on the /8:2% +nd He shall s#stain yo#& He shall ne!er *ermit the righteo#s to be
<sa 11:2- B#t Bo#% 8 God% shall bring them down to the *it o$ destr#tion& Bloodthirsty and deeit$#l men shall
not li!e o#t hal$ their days& B#t I will tr#st in Bo#"
<sa 13:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to .The ,ilent 2o!e in 2istant /ands". + ?ihtam o$ 2a!id when the
<hilistines a*t#red him in Gath" Be meri$#l to me% 8 God% $or man wo#ld swallow me #*& ;ighting all day he
o**resses me"
<sa 13:2 ?y enemies wo#ld ho#nd (me) all day% ;or (there are) many who $ight against me% 8 ?ost High"
<sa 13:- >hene!er I am a$raid% I will tr#st in Bo#"
<sa 13:0 In God II will *raise His wordJ% In God I ha!e *#t my tr#st& I will not $ear" >hat an $lesh do to meC
<sa 13:1 +ll day they twist my words& +ll their tho#ghts (are) against me $or e!il"
<sa 13:3 They gather together% They hide% they mar' my ste*s% >hen they lie in wait $or my li$e"
<sa 13:4 ,hall they esa*e by iniE#ityC In anger ast down the *eo*les% 8 GodF
<sa 13:8 Bo# n#mber my wanderings& <#t my tears into Bo#r bottle& (+re they) not in Bo#r boo'C
<sa 13:9 >hen I ry o#t (to Bo#%) Then my enemies will t#rn ba'& This I 'now% bea#se God (is) $or me"
<sa 13:15 In God II will *raise (His) wordJ% In the /8:2 II will *raise (His) wordJ%
<sa 13:11 In God I ha!e *#t my tr#st& I will not be a$raid" >hat an man do to meC
<sa 13:12 Vows (made) to Bo# (are binding) #*on me% 8 God& I will render *raises to Bo#%
<sa 13:1- ;or Bo# ha!e deli!ered my so#l $rom death" (Ha!e Bo#) not ('e*t) my $eet $rom $alling% That I may
wal' be$ore God In the light o$ the li!ingC
<sa 14:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to .2o Not 2estroy". + ?ihtam o$ 2a!id when he $led $rom ,a#l into the
a!e" Be meri$#l to me% 8 God% be meri$#l to meF ;or my so#l tr#sts in Bo#& +nd in the shadow o$ Bo#r wings I
will ma'e my re$#ge% 7ntil (these) alamities ha!e *assed by"
<sa 14:2 I will ry o#t to God ?ost High% To God who *er$orms (all things) $or me"
<sa 14:- He shall send $rom hea!en and sa!e me& He re*roahes the one who wo#ld swallow me #*" ,elah
God shall send $orth His mery and His tr#th"
<sa 14:0 ?y so#l (is) among lions& I lie (among) the sons o$ men >ho are set on $ire% >hose teeth (are) s*ears
and arrows% +nd their tong#e a shar* sword"
<sa 14:1 Be e9alted% 8 God% abo!e the hea!ens& (/et) Bo#r glory (be) abo!e all the earth"
<sa 14:3 They ha!e *re*ared a net $or my ste*s& ?y so#l is bowed down& They ha!e d#g a *it be$ore me& Into
the midst o$ it they (themsel!es) ha!e $allen" ,elah
<sa 14:4 ?y heart is stead$ast% 8 God% my heart is stead$ast& I will sing and gi!e *raise"
<sa 14:8 +wa'e% my gloryF +wa'e% l#te and har*F I will awa'en the dawn"
<sa 14:9 I will *raise Bo#% 8 /ord% among the *eo*les& I will sing to Bo# among the nations"
<sa 14:15 ;or Bo#r mery reahes #nto the hea!ens% +nd Bo#r tr#th #nto the lo#ds"
<sa 14:11 Be e9alted% 8 God% abo!e the hea!ens& (/et) Bo#r glory (be) abo!e all the earth"
<sa 18:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to .2o Not 2estroy". + ?ihtam o$ 2a!id" 2o yo# indeed s*ea'
righteo#sness% yo# silent onesC 2o yo# @#dge #*rightly% yo# sons o$ menC
<sa 18:2 No% in heart yo# wor' wi'edness& Bo# weigh o#t the !iolene o$ yo#r hands in the earth"
<sa 18:- The wi'ed are estranged $rom the womb& They go astray as soon as they are born% s*ea'ing lies"
<sa 18:0 Their *oison (is) li'e the *oison o$ a ser*ent& (They are) li'e the dea$ obra (that) sto*s its ear%
<sa 18:1 >hih will not heed the !oie o$ harmers% =harming e!er so s'ill$#lly"
<sa 18:3 Brea' their teeth in their mo#th% 8 GodF Brea' o#t the $angs o$ the yo#ng lions% 8 /8:2F
<sa 18:4 /et them $low away as waters (whih) r#n ontin#ally& (>hen) he bends (his bow%) /et his arrows be as
i$ #t in *iees"
<sa 18:8 (/et them be) li'e a snail whih melts away as it goes% (/i'e) a stillborn hild o$ a woman% that they may
not see the s#n"
<sa 18:9 Be$ore yo#r *ots an $eel (the b#rning) thorns% He shall ta'e them away as with a whirlwind% +s in His
li!ing and b#rning wrath"
<sa 18:15 The righteo#s shall re@oie when he sees the !engeane& He shall wash his $eet in the blood o$ the
<sa 18:11 ,o that men will say% .,#rely (there is) a reward $or the righteo#s& ,#rely He is God who @#dges in the
<sa 19:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to .2o Not 2estroy". + ?ihtam o$ 2a!id when ,a#l sent men% and they
wathed the ho#se in order to 'ill him" 2eli!er me $rom my enemies% 8 my God& 2e$end me $rom those who rise
#* against me"
<sa 19:2 2eli!er me $rom the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity% +nd sa!e me $rom bloodthirsty men"
<sa 19:- ;or loo'% they lie in wait $or my li$e& The mighty gather against me% Not ($or) my transgression nor ($or)
my sin% 8 /8:2"
<sa 19:0 They r#n and *re*are themsel!es thro#gh no $a#lt (o$ mine") +wa'e to hel* me% and beholdF
<sa 19:1 Bo# there$ore% 8 /8:2 God o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel% +wa'e to *#nish all the nations& 2o not be
meri$#l to any wi'ed transgressors" ,elah
<sa 19:3 +t e!ening they ret#rn% They growl li'e a dog% +nd go all aro#nd the ity"
<sa 19:4 Indeed% they belh with their mo#th& ,words (are) in their li*s& ;or (they say%) .>ho hearsC.
<sa 19:8 B#t Bo#% 8 /8:2% shall la#gh at them& Bo# shall ha!e all the nations in derision"
<sa 19:9 I will wait $or Bo#% (8 Bo#) his ,trength& ;or God (is) my de$ense&
<sa 19:15 ?y God o$ mery shall ome to meet me& God shall let me see (my desire) on my enemies"
<sa 19:11 2o not slay them% lest my *eo*le $orget& ,atter them by Bo#r *ower% +nd bring them down% 8 /ord
o#r shield"
<sa 19:12 (;or) the sin o$ their mo#th (and) the words o$ their li*s% /et them e!en be ta'en in their *ride% +nd $or
the #rsing and lying (whih) they s*ea'"
<sa 19:1- =ons#me (them) in wrath% ons#me (them%) That they (may) not (be&) +nd let them 'now that God
r#les in Jaob To the ends o$ the earth" ,elah
<sa 19:10 +nd at e!ening they ret#rn% They growl li'e a dog% +nd go all aro#nd the ity"
<sa 19:11 They wander #* and down $or $ood% +nd howl i$ they are not satis$ied"
<sa 19:13 B#t I will sing o$ Bo#r *ower& Bes% I will sing alo#d o$ Bo#r mery in the morning& ;or Bo# ha!e been
my de$ense +nd re$#ge in the day o$ my tro#ble"
<sa 19:14 To Bo#% 8 my ,trength% I will sing *raises& ;or God (is) my de$ense% ?y God o$ mery"
<sa 35:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to ./ily o$ the Testimony". + ?ihtam o$ 2a!id" ;or teahing" >hen he
$o#ght against ?eso*otamia and ,yria o$ Gobah% and Joab ret#rned and 'illed twel!e tho#sand 6domites in the
Valley o$ ,alt" 8 God% Bo# ha!e ast #s o$$& Bo# ha!e bro'en #s down& Bo# ha!e been dis*leased& 8h% restore
#s againF
<sa 35:2 Bo# ha!e made the earth tremble& Bo# ha!e bro'en it& Heal its breahes% $or it is sha'ing"
<sa 35:- Bo# ha!e shown Bo#r *eo*le hard things& Bo# ha!e made #s drin' the wine o$ on$#sion"
<sa 35:0 Bo# ha!e gi!en a banner to those who $ear Bo#% That it may be dis*layed bea#se o$ the tr#th" ,elah
<sa 35:1 That Bo#r belo!ed may be deli!ered% ,a!e (with) Bo#r right hand% and hear me"
<sa 35:3 God has s*o'en in His holiness: .I will re@oie& I will di!ide ,hehem +nd meas#re o#t the Valley o$
<sa 35:4 Gilead (is) ?ine% and ?anasseh (is) ?ine& 6*hraim also (is) the helmet $or ?y head& J#dah (is) ?y
<sa 35:8 ?oab (is) ?y wash*ot& 8!er 6dom I will ast ?y shoe& <hilistia% sho#t in tri#m*h bea#se o$ ?e".
<sa 35:9 >ho will bring me (to) the strong ityC >ho will lead me to 6domC
<sa 35:15 (Is it) not Bo#% 8 God% (who) ast #s o$$C +nd Bo#% 8 God% (who) did not go o#t with o#r armiesC
<sa 35:11 Gi!e #s hel* $rom tro#ble% ;or the hel* o$ man (is) #seless"
<sa 35:12 Thro#gh God we will do !aliantly% ;or (it is) He (who) shall tread down o#r enemies"
<sa 31:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" 8n a stringed instr#ment" + <salm o$ 2a!id" H6+: my ry% 8 God& +ttend to
my *rayer"
<sa 31:2 ;rom the end o$ the earth I will ry to Bo#% >hen my heart is o!erwhelmed& /ead me to the ro' that is
higher than I"
<sa 31:- ;or Bo# ha!e been a shelter $or me% + strong tower $rom the enemy"
<sa 31:0 I will abide in Bo#r tabernale $ore!er& I will tr#st in the shelter o$ Bo#r wings" ,elah
<sa 31:1 ;or Bo#% 8 God% ha!e heard my !ows& Bo# ha!e gi!en (me) the heritage o$ those who $ear Bo#r
<sa 31:3 Bo# will *rolong the 'ingAs li$e% His years as many generations"
<sa 31:4 He shall abide be$ore God $ore!er" 8h% *re*are mery and tr#th% (whih) may *reser!e himF
<sa 31:8 ,o I will sing *raise to Bo#r name $ore!er% That I may daily *er$orm my !ows"
<sa 32:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" To Jed#th#n" + <salm o$ 2a!id" Tr#ly my so#l silently (waits) $or God& ;rom
Him (omes) my sal!ation"
<sa 32:2 He only (is) my ro' and my sal!ation& (He is) my de$ense& I shall not be greatly mo!ed"
<sa 32:- How long will yo# atta' a manC Bo# shall be slain% all o$ yo#% /i'e a leaning wall and a tottering $ene"
<sa 32:0 They only ons#lt to ast (him) down $rom his high *osition& They delight in lies& They bless with their
mo#th% B#t they #rse inwardly" ,elah
<sa 32:1 ?y so#l% wait silently $or God alone% ;or my e9*etation (is) $rom Him"
<sa 32:3 He only (is) my ro' and my sal!ation& (He is) my de$ense& I shall not be mo!ed"
<sa 32:4 In God (is) my sal!ation and my glory& The ro' o$ my strength% (+nd) my re$#ge% (is) in God"
<sa 32:8 Tr#st in Him at all times% yo# *eo*le& <o#r o#t yo#r heart be$ore Him& God (is) a re$#ge $or #s" ,elah
<sa 32:9 ,#rely men o$ low degree (are) a !a*or% ?en o$ high degree (are) a lie& I$ they are weighed on the
sales% They (are) altogether (lighter) than !a*or"
<sa 32:15 2o not tr#st in o**ression% Nor !ainly ho*e in robbery& I$ rihes inrease% 2o not set (yo#r) heart (on
<sa 32:11 God has s*o'en one% Twie I ha!e heard this: That *ower (belongs) to God"
<sa 32:12 +lso to Bo#% 8 /ord% (belongs) mery& ;or Bo# render to eah one aording to his wor'"
<sa 3-:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id when he was in the wilderness o$ J#dah" 8 God% Bo# (are) my God& 6arly will I see'
Bo#& ?y so#l thirsts $or Bo#& ?y $lesh longs $or Bo# In a dry and thirsty land >here there is no water"
<sa 3-:2 ,o I ha!e loo'ed $or Bo# in the sant#ary% To see Bo#r *ower and Bo#r glory"
<sa 3-:- Bea#se Bo#r lo!ing'indness (is) better than li$e% ?y li*s shall *raise Bo#"
<sa 3-:0 Th#s I will bless Bo# while I li!e& I will li$t #* my hands in Bo#r name"
<sa 3-:1 ?y so#l shall be satis$ied as with marrow and $atness% +nd my mo#th shall *raise Bo# with @oy$#l li*s"
<sa 3-:3 >hen I remember Bo# on my bed% I meditate on Bo# in the (night) wathes"
<sa 3-:4 Bea#se Bo# ha!e been my hel*% There$ore in the shadow o$ Bo#r wings I will re@oie"
<sa 3-:8 ?y so#l $ollows lose behind Bo#& Bo#r right hand #*holds me"
<sa 3-:9 B#t those (who) see' my li$e% to destroy (it%) ,hall go into the lower *arts o$ the earth"
<sa 3-:15 They shall $all by the sword& They shall be a *ortion $or @a'als"
<sa 3-:11 B#t the 'ing shall re@oie in God& 6!eryone who swears by Him shall glory& B#t the mo#th o$ those
who s*ea' lies shall be sto**ed"
<sa 30:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" Hear my !oie% 8 God% in my meditation& <reser!e my li$e
$rom $ear o$ the enemy"
<sa 30:2 Hide me $rom the seret *lots o$ the wi'ed% ;rom the rebellion o$ the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity%
<sa 30:- >ho shar*en their tong#e li'e a sword% +nd bend (their bows to shoot) their arrows DD bitter words%
<sa 30:0 That they may shoot in seret at the blameless& ,#ddenly they shoot at him and do not $ear"
<sa 30:1 They eno#rage themsel!es (in) an e!il matter& They tal' o$ laying snares seretly& They say% .>ho will
see themC.
<sa 30:3 They de!ise iniE#ities: .>e ha!e *er$eted a shrewd sheme". Both the inward tho#ght and the heart
o$ man are dee*"
<sa 30:4 B#t God shall shoot at them (with) an arrow& ,#ddenly they shall be wo#nded"
<sa 30:8 ,o He will ma'e them st#mble o!er their own tong#e& +ll who see them shall $lee away"
<sa 30:9 +ll men shall $ear% +nd shall delare the wor' o$ God& ;or they shall wisely onsider His doing"
<sa 30:15 The righteo#s shall be glad in the /8:2% and tr#st in Him" +nd all the #*right in heart shall glory"
<sa 31:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" + ,ong" <raise is awaiting Bo#% 8 God% in Gion& +nd to Bo#
the !ow shall be *er$ormed"
<sa 31:2 8 Bo# who hear *rayer% To Bo# all $lesh will ome"
<sa 31:- IniE#ities *re!ail against me& (+s $or) o#r transgressions% Bo# will *ro!ide atonement $or them"
<sa 31:0 Blessed (is the man) Bo# hoose% +nd a#se to a**roah (Bo#%) (That) he may dwell in Bo#r o#rts"
>e shall be satis$ied with the goodness o$ Bo#r ho#se% 8$ Bo#r holy tem*le"
<sa 31:1 (By) awesome deeds in righteo#sness Bo# will answer #s% 8 God o$ o#r sal!ation% (Bo# who are) the
on$idene o$ all the ends o$ the earth% +nd o$ the $arDo$$ seas&
<sa 31:3 >ho established the mo#ntains by His strength% (Being) lothed with *ower&
<sa 31:4 Bo# who still the noise o$ the seas% The noise o$ their wa!es% +nd the t#m#lt o$ the *eo*les"
<sa 31:8 They also who dwell in the $arthest *arts are a$raid o$ Bo#r signs& Bo# ma'e the o#tgoings o$ the
morning and e!ening re@oie"
<sa 31:9 Bo# !isit the earth and water it% Bo# greatly enrih it& The ri!er o$ God is $#ll o$ water& Bo# *ro!ide their
grain% ;or so Bo# ha!e *re*ared it"
<sa 31:15 Bo# water its ridges ab#ndantly% Bo# settle its $#rrows& Bo# ma'e it so$t with showers% Bo# bless its
<sa 31:11 Bo# rown the year with Bo#r goodness% +nd Bo#r *aths dri* (with) ab#ndane"
<sa 31:12 They dro* (on) the *ast#res o$ the wilderness% +nd the little hills re@oie on e!ery side"
<sa 31:1- The *ast#res are lothed with $lo's& The !alleys also are o!ered with grain& They sho#t $or @oy% they
also sing"
<sa 33:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + ,ong" + <salm" ?a'e a @oy$#l sho#t to God% all the earthF
<sa 33:2 ,ing o#t the honor o$ His name& ?a'e His *raise glorio#s"
<sa 33:- ,ay to God% .How awesome are Bo#r wor'sF Thro#gh the greatness o$ Bo#r *ower Bo#r enemies
shall s#bmit themsel!es to Bo#"
<sa 33:0 +ll the earth shall worshi* Bo# +nd sing *raises to Bo#& They shall sing *raises (to) Bo#r name". ,elah
<sa 33:1 =ome and see the wor's o$ God& (He is) awesome (in His) doing toward the sons o$ men"
<sa 33:3 He t#rned the sea into dry (land&) They went thro#gh the ri!er on $oot" There we will re@oie in Him"
<sa 33:4 He r#les by His *ower $ore!er& His eyes obser!e the nations& 2o not let the rebellio#s e9alt
themsel!es" ,elah
<sa 33:8 8h% bless o#r God% yo# *eo*lesF +nd ma'e the !oie o$ His *raise to be heard%
<sa 33:9 >ho 'ee*s o#r so#l among the li!ing% +nd does not allow o#r $eet to be mo!ed"
<sa 33:15 ;or Bo#% 8 God% ha!e tested #s& Bo# ha!e re$ined #s as sil!er is re$ined"
<sa 33:11 Bo# bro#ght #s into the net& Bo# laid a$$lition on o#r ba's"
<sa 33:12 Bo# ha!e a#sed men to ride o!er o#r heads& >e went thro#gh $ire and thro#gh water& B#t Bo#
bro#ght #s o#t to rih ($#l$illment")
<sa 33:1- I will go into Bo#r ho#se with b#rnt o$$erings& I will *ay Bo# my !ows%
<sa 33:10 >hih my li*s ha!e #ttered +nd my mo#th has s*o'en when I was in tro#ble"
<sa 33:11 I will o$$er Bo# b#rnt sari$ies o$ $at animals% >ith the sweet aroma o$ rams& I will o$$er b#lls with
goats" ,elah
<sa 33:13 =ome (and) hear% all yo# who $ear God% +nd I will delare what He has done $or my so#l"
<sa 33:14 I ried to Him with my mo#th% +nd He was e9tolled with my tong#e"
<sa 33:18 I$ I regard iniE#ity in my heart% The /ord will not hear"
<sa 33:19 (B#t) ertainly God has heard (me&) He has attended to the !oie o$ my *rayer"
<sa 33:25 Blessed (be) God% >ho has not t#rned away my *rayer% Nor His mery $rom meF
<sa 34:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" 8n stringed instr#ments" + <salm" + ,ong" God be meri$#l to #s and bless #s%
(+nd) a#se His $ae to shine #*on #s" ,elah
<sa 34:2 That Bo#r way may be 'nown on earth% Bo#r sal!ation among all nations"
<sa 34:- /et the *eo*les *raise Bo#% 8 God& /et all the *eo*les *raise Bo#"
<sa 34:0 8h% let the nations be glad and sing $or @oyF ;or Bo# shall @#dge the *eo*le righteo#sly% +nd go!ern the
nations on earth" ,elah
<sa 34:1 /et the *eo*les *raise Bo#% 8 God& /et all the *eo*les *raise Bo#"
<sa 34:3 (Then) the earth shall yield her inrease& God% o#r own God% shall bless #s"
<sa 34:4 God shall bless #s% +nd all the ends o$ the earth shall $ear Him"
<sa 38:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" + ,ong" /et God arise% /et His enemies be sattered& /et
those also who hate Him $lee be$ore Him"
<sa 38:2 +s smo'e is dri!en away% ,o dri!e (them) away& +s wa9 melts be$ore the $ire% (,o) let the wi'ed
*erish at the *resene o$ God"
<sa 38:- B#t let the righteo#s be glad& /et them re@oie be$ore God& Bes% let them re@oie e9eedingly"
<sa 38:0 ,ing to God% sing *raises to His name& 69tol Him who rides on the lo#ds% By His name B+H% +nd
re@oie be$ore Him"
<sa 38:1 + $ather o$ the $atherless% a de$ender o$ widows% (Is) God in His holy habitation"
<sa 38:3 God sets the solitary in $amilies& He brings o#t those who are bo#nd into *ros*erity& B#t the rebellio#s
dwell in a dry (land")
<sa 38:4 8 God% when Bo# went o#t be$ore Bo#r *eo*le% >hen Bo# marhed thro#gh the wilderness% ,elah
<sa 38:8 The earth shoo'& The hea!ens also dro**ed (rain) at the *resene o$ God& ,inai itsel$ (was mo!ed) at
the *resene o$ God% the God o$ Israel"
<sa 38:9 Bo#% 8 God% sent a *lenti$#l rain% >hereby Bo# on$irmed Bo#r inheritane% >hen it was weary"
<sa 38:15 Bo#r ongregation dwelt in it& Bo#% 8 God% *ro!ided $rom Bo#r goodness $or the *oor"
<sa 38:11 The /ord ga!e the word& Great (was) the om*any o$ those who *rolaimed (it:)
<sa 38:12 .Kings o$ armies $lee% they $lee% +nd she who remains at home di!ides the s*oil"
<sa 38:1- Tho#gh yo# lie down among the shee*$olds% (Bo# will be) li'e the wings o$ a do!e o!ered with sil!er%
+nd her $eathers with yellow gold".
<sa 38:10 >hen the +lmighty sattered 'ings in it% It was (white) as snow in Galmon"
<sa 38:11 + mo#ntain o$ God (is) the mo#ntain o$ Bashan& + mo#ntain (o$ many) *ea's (is) the mo#ntain o$
<sa 38:13 >hy do yo# $#me with en!y% yo# mo#ntains o$ (many) *ea'sC (This is) the mo#ntain (whih) God
desires to dwell in& Bes% the /8:2 will dwell (in it) $ore!er"
<sa 38:14 The hariots o$ God (are) twenty tho#sand% (6!en) tho#sands o$ tho#sands& The /ord is among them
(as in) ,inai% in the Holy (<lae")
<sa 38:18 Bo# ha!e asended on high% Bo# ha!e led a*ti!ity a*ti!e& Bo# ha!e reei!ed gi$ts among men%
6!en ($rom) the rebellio#s% That the /8:2 God might dwell (there")
<sa 38:19 Blessed (be) the /ord% (>ho) daily loads #s (with bene$its%) The God o$ o#r sal!ationF ,elah
<sa 38:25 8#r God (is) the God o$ sal!ation& +nd to G82 the /ord (belong) esa*es $rom death"
<sa 38:21 B#t God will wo#nd the head o$ His enemies% The hairy sal* o$ the one who still goes on in His
<sa 38:22 The /ord said% .I will bring ba' $rom Bashan% I will bring (them) ba' $rom the de*ths o$ the sea%
<sa 38:2- That yo#r $oot may r#sh (them) in blood% +nd the tong#es o$ yo#r dogs (may ha!e) their *ortion $rom
(yo#r) enemies".
<sa 38:20 They ha!e seen Bo#r *roession% 8 God% The *roession o$ my God% my King% into the sant#ary"
<sa 38:21 The singers went be$ore% the *layers on instr#ments ($ollowed) a$ter& +mong (them were) the maidens
*laying timbrels"
<sa 38:23 Bless God in the ongregations% The /ord% $rom the $o#ntain o$ Israel"
<sa 38:24 There (is) little Ben@amin% their leader% The *rines o$ J#dah (and) their om*any% The *rines o$
Geb#l#n (and) the *rines o$ Na*htali"
<sa 38:28 Bo#r God has ommanded yo#r strength& ,trengthen% 8 God% what Bo# ha!e done $or #s"
<sa 38:29 Bea#se o$ Bo#r tem*le at Jer#salem% Kings will bring *resents to Bo#"
<sa 38:-5 :eb#'e the beasts o$ the reeds% The herd o$ b#lls with the al!es o$ the *eo*les% (Till e!eryone)
s#bmits himsel$ with *iees o$ sil!er" ,atter the *eo*les (who) delight in war"
<sa 38:-1 6n!oys will ome o#t o$ 6gy*t& 6thio*ia will E#i'ly streth o#t her hands to God"
<sa 38:-2 ,ing to God% yo# 'ingdoms o$ the earth& 8h% sing *raises to the /ord% ,elah
<sa 38:-- To Him who rides on the hea!en o$ hea!ens% (whih were) o$ oldF Indeed% He sends o#t His !oie% a
mighty !oie"
<sa 38:-0 +sribe strength to God& His e9ellene (is) o!er Israel% +nd His strength (is) in the lo#ds"
<sa 38:-1 8 God% (Bo# are) more awesome than Bo#r holy *laes" The God o$ Israel (is) He who gi!es strength
and *ower to (His) *eo*le" Blessed (be) GodF
<sa 39:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to .The /ilies". + <salm o$ 2a!id" ,a!e me% 8 GodF ;or the waters ha!e
ome #* to (my) ne'"
<sa 39:2 I sin' in dee* mire% >here (there is) no standing& I ha!e ome into dee* waters% >here the $loods
o!er$low me"
<sa 39:- I am weary with my rying& ?y throat is dry& ?y eyes $ail while I wait $or my God"
<sa 39:0 Those who hate me witho#t a a#se +re more than the hairs o$ my head& They are mighty who wo#ld
destroy me% (Being) my enemies wrong$#lly& Tho#gh I ha!e stolen nothing% I (still) m#st restore (it")
<sa 39:1 8 God% Bo# 'now my $oolishness& +nd my sins are not hidden $rom Bo#"
<sa 39:3 /et not those who wait $or Bo#% 8 /ord G82 o$ hosts% be ashamed bea#se o$ me& /et not those who
see' Bo# be on$o#nded bea#se o$ me% 8 God o$ Israel"
<sa 39:4 Bea#se $or Bo#r sa'e I ha!e borne re*roah& ,hame has o!ered my $ae"
<sa 39:8 I ha!e beome a stranger to my brothers% +nd an alien to my motherAs hildren&
<sa 39:9 Bea#se Heal $or Bo#r ho#se has eaten me #*% +nd the re*roahes o$ those who re*roah Bo# ha!e
$allen on me"
<sa 39:15 >hen I we*t (and hastened) my so#l with $asting% That beame my re*roah"
<sa 39:11 I also made sa'loth my garment& I beame a byword to them"
<sa 39:12 Those who sit in the gate s*ea' against me% +nd I (am) the song o$ the dr#n'ards"
<sa 39:1- B#t as $or me% my *rayer (is) to Bo#% 8 /8:2% (in) the ae*table time& 8 God% in the m#ltit#de o$
Bo#r mery% Hear me in the tr#th o$ Bo#r sal!ation"
<sa 39:10 2eli!er me o#t o$ the mire% +nd let me not sin'& /et me be deli!ered $rom those who hate me% +nd
o#t o$ the dee* waters"
<sa 39:11 /et not the $loodwater o!er$low me% Nor let the dee* swallow me #*& +nd let not the *it sh#t its mo#th
on me"
<sa 39:13 Hear me% 8 /8:2% $or Bo#r lo!ing'indness (is) good& T#rn to me aording to the m#ltit#de o$ Bo#r
tender meries"
<sa 39:14 +nd do not hide Bo#r $ae $rom Bo#r ser!ant% ;or I am in tro#ble& Hear me s*eedily"
<sa 39:18 2raw near to my so#l% (and) redeem it& 2eli!er me bea#se o$ my enemies"
<sa 39:19 Bo# 'now my re*roah% my shame% and my dishonor& ?y ad!ersaries (are) all be$ore Bo#"
<sa 39:25 :e*roah has bro'en my heart% +nd I am $#ll o$ hea!iness& I loo'ed ($or someone) to ta'e *ity% b#t
(there was) none& +nd $or om$orters% b#t I $o#nd none"
<sa 39:21 They also ga!e me gall $or my $ood% +nd $or my thirst they ga!e me !inegar to drin'"
<sa 39:22 /et their table beome a snare be$ore them% +nd their wellDbeing a tra*"
<sa 39:2- /et their eyes be dar'ened% so that they do not see& +nd ma'e their loins sha'e ontin#ally"
<sa 39:20 <o#r o#t Bo#r indignation #*on them% +nd let Bo#r wrath$#l anger ta'e hold o$ them"
<sa 39:21 /et their dwelling *lae be desolate& /et no one li!e in their tents"
<sa 39:23 ;or they *erse#te the (ones) Bo# ha!e str#'% +nd tal' o$ the grie$ o$ those Bo# ha!e wo#nded"
<sa 39:24 +dd iniE#ity to their iniE#ity% +nd let them not ome into Bo#r righteo#sness"
<sa 39:28 /et them be blotted o#t o$ the boo' o$ the li!ing% +nd not be written with the righteo#s"
<sa 39:29 B#t I (am) *oor and sorrow$#l& /et Bo#r sal!ation% 8 God% set me #* on high"
<sa 39:-5 I will *raise the name o$ God with a song% +nd will magni$y Him with than'sgi!ing"
<sa 39:-1 (This) also shall *lease the /8:2 better than an o9 (or) b#ll% >hih has horns and hoo!es"
<sa 39:-2 The h#mble shall see (this and) be glad& +nd yo# who see' God% yo#r hearts shall li!e"
<sa 39:-- ;or the /8:2 hears the *oor% +nd does not des*ise His *risoners"
<sa 39:-0 /et hea!en and earth *raise Him% The seas and e!erything that mo!es in them"
<sa 39:-1 ;or God will sa!e Gion +nd b#ild the ities o$ J#dah% That they may dwell there and *ossess it"
<sa 39:-3 +lso% the desendants o$ His ser!ants shall inherit it% +nd those who lo!e His name shall dwell in it"
<sa 45:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" (+ <salm) o$ 2a!id" To bring to remembrane" ?a'e (haste%) 8 God% to deli!er
meF ?a'e haste to hel* me% 8 /8:2F
<sa 45:2 /et them be ashamed and on$o#nded >ho see' my li$e& /et them be t#rned ba' and on$#sed >ho
desire my h#rt"
<sa 45:- /et them be t#rned ba' bea#se o$ their shame% >ho say% .+ha% ahaF.
<sa 45:0 /et all those who see' Bo# re@oie and be glad in Bo#& +nd let those who lo!e Bo#r sal!ation say
ontin#ally% ./et God be magni$iedF.
<sa 45:1 B#t I (am) *oor and needy& ?a'e haste to me% 8 GodF Bo# (are) my hel* and my deli!erer& 8 /8:2%
do not delay"
<sa 41:1 In Bo#% 8 /8:2% I *#t my tr#st& /et me ne!er be *#t to shame"
<sa 41:2 2eli!er me in Bo#r righteo#sness% and a#se me to esa*e& Inline Bo#r ear to me% and sa!e me"
<sa 41:- Be my strong re$#ge% To whih I may resort ontin#ally& Bo# ha!e gi!en the ommandment to sa!e
me% ;or Bo# (are) my ro' and my $ortress"
<sa 41:0 2eli!er me% 8 my God% o#t o$ the hand o$ the wi'ed% 8#t o$ the hand o$ the #nrighteo#s and r#el
<sa 41:1 ;or Bo# are my ho*e% 8 /ord G82& (Bo# are) my tr#st $rom my yo#th"
<sa 41:3 By Bo# I ha!e been #*held $rom birth& Bo# are He who too' me o#t o$ my motherAs womb" ?y *raise
(shall be) ontin#ally o$ Bo#"
<sa 41:4 I ha!e beome as a wonder to many% B#t Bo# (are) my strong re$#ge"
<sa 41:8 /et my mo#th be $illed (with) Bo#r *raise (+nd with) Bo#r glory all the day"
<sa 41:9 2o not ast me o$$ in the time o$ old age& 2o not $orsa'e me when my strength $ails"
<sa 41:15 ;or my enemies s*ea' against me& +nd those who lie in wait $or my li$e ta'e o#nsel together%
<sa 41:11 ,aying% .God has $orsa'en him& <#rs#e and ta'e him% $or (there is) none to deli!er (him".)
<sa 41:12 8 God% do not be $ar $rom me& 8 my God% ma'e haste to hel* meF
<sa 41:1- /et them be on$o#nded (and) ons#med >ho are ad!ersaries o$ my li$e& /et them be o!ered (with)
re*roah and dishonor >ho see' my h#rt"
<sa 41:10 B#t I will ho*e ontin#ally% +nd will *raise Bo# yet more and more"
<sa 41:11 ?y mo#th shall tell o$ Bo#r righteo#sness (+nd) Bo#r sal!ation all the day% ;or I do not 'now (their)
<sa 41:13 I will go in the strength o$ the /ord G82& I will ma'e mention o$ Bo#r righteo#sness% o$ Bo#rs only"
<sa 41:14 8 God% Bo# ha!e ta#ght me $rom my yo#th& +nd to this (day) I delare Bo#r wondro#s wor's"
<sa 41:18 Now also when (I am) old and grayheaded% 8 God% do not $orsa'e me% 7ntil I delare Bo#r strength to
(this) generation% Bo#r *ower to e!eryone (who) is to ome"
<sa 41:19 +lso Bo#r righteo#sness% 8 God% (is) !ery high% Bo# who ha!e done great things& 8 God% who (is) li'e
<sa 41:25 (Bo#%) who ha!e shown me great and se!ere tro#bles% ,hall re!i!e me again% +nd bring me #* again
$rom the de*ths o$ the earth"
<sa 41:21 Bo# shall inrease my greatness% +nd om$ort me on e!ery side"
<sa 41:22 +lso with the l#te I will *raise yo# DD (+nd) Bo#r $aith$#lness% 8 my GodF To Bo# I will sing with the
har*% 8 Holy 8ne o$ Israel"
<sa 41:2- ?y li*s shall greatly re@oie when I sing to Bo#% +nd my so#l% whih Bo# ha!e redeemed"
<sa 41:20 ?y tong#e also shall tal' o$ Bo#r righteo#sness all the day long& ;or they are on$o#nded% ;or they
are bro#ght to shame >ho see' my h#rt"
<sa 42:1 + <salm o$ ,olomon" Gi!e the 'ing Bo#r @#dgments% 8 God% +nd Bo#r righteo#sness to the 'ingAs
<sa 42:2 He will @#dge Bo#r *eo*le with righteo#sness% +nd Bo#r *oor with @#stie"
<sa 42:- The mo#ntains will bring *eae to the *eo*le% +nd the little hills% by righteo#sness"
<sa 42:0 He will bring @#stie to the *oor o$ the *eo*le& He will sa!e the hildren o$ the needy% +nd will brea' in
*iees the o**ressor"
<sa 42:1 They shall $ear Bo# +s long as the s#n and moon end#re% Thro#gho#t all generations"
<sa 42:3 He shall ome down li'e rain #*on the grass be$ore mowing% /i'e showers (that) water the earth"
<sa 42:4 In His days the righteo#s shall $lo#rish% +nd ab#ndane o$ *eae% 7ntil the moon is no more"
<sa 42:8 He shall ha!e dominion also $rom sea to sea% +nd $rom the :i!er to the ends o$ the earth"
<sa 42:9 Those who dwell in the wilderness will bow be$ore Him% +nd His enemies will li' the d#st"
<sa 42:15 The 'ings o$ Tarshish and o$ the isles >ill bring *resents& The 'ings o$ ,heba and ,eba >ill o$$er
<sa 42:11 Bes% all 'ings shall $all down be$ore Him& +ll nations shall ser!e Him"
<sa 42:12 ;or He will deli!er the needy when he ries% The *oor also% and (him) who has no hel*er"
<sa 42:1- He will s*are the *oor and needy% +nd will sa!e the so#ls o$ the needy"
<sa 42:10 He will redeem their li$e $rom o**ression and !iolene& +nd *reio#s shall be their blood in His sight"
<sa 42:11 +nd He shall li!e& +nd the gold o$ ,heba will be gi!en to Him& <rayer also will be made $or Him
ontin#ally% (+nd) daily He shall be *raised"
<sa 42:13 There will be an ab#ndane o$ grain in the earth% 8n the to* o$ the mo#ntains& Its $r#it shall wa!e li'e
/ebanon& +nd (those) o$ the ity shall $lo#rish li'e grass o$ the earth"
<sa 42:14 His name shall end#re $ore!er& His name shall ontin#e as long as the s#n" +nd (men) shall be
blessed in Him& +ll nations shall all Him blessed"
<sa 42:18 Blessed (be) the /8:2 God% the God o$ Israel% >ho only does wondro#s thingsF
<sa 42:19 +nd blessed (be) His glorio#s name $ore!erF +nd let the whole earth be $illed (with) His glory" +men
and +men"
<sa 42:25 The *rayers o$ 2a!id the son o$ Jesse are ended"
<sa 4-:1 + <salm o$ +sa*h" Tr#ly God (is) good to Israel% To s#h as are *#re in heart"
<sa 4-:2 B#t as $or me% my $eet had almost st#mbled& ?y ste*s had nearly sli**ed"
<sa 4-:- ;or I (was) en!io#s o$ the boast$#l% >hen I saw the *ros*erity o$ the wi'ed"
<sa 4-:0 ;or (there are) no *angs in their death% B#t their strength (is) $irm"
<sa 4-:1 They (are) not in tro#ble (as other) men% Nor are they *lag#ed li'e (other) men"
<sa 4-:3 There$ore *ride ser!es as their ne'lae& Violene o!ers them (li'e) a garment"
<sa 4-:4 Their eyes b#lge with ab#ndane& They ha!e more than heart o#ld wish"
<sa 4-:8 They so$$ and s*ea' wi'edly (onerning) o**ression& They s*ea' lo$tily"
<sa 4-:9 They set their mo#th against the hea!ens% +nd their tong#e wal's thro#gh the earth"
<sa 4-:15 There$ore his *eo*le ret#rn here% +nd waters o$ a $#ll (#*) are drained by them"
<sa 4-:11 +nd they say% .How does God 'nowC +nd is there 'nowledge in the ?ost HighC.
<sa 4-:12 Behold% these (are) the #ngodly% >ho are always at ease& They inrease (in) rihes"
<sa 4-:1- ,#rely I ha!e leansed my heart (in) !ain% +nd washed my hands in innoene"
<sa 4-:10 ;or all day long I ha!e been *lag#ed% +nd hastened e!ery morning"
<sa 4-:11 I$ I had said% .I will s*ea' th#s%. Behold% I wo#ld ha!e been #ntr#e to the generation o$ Bo#r hildren"
<sa 4-:13 >hen I tho#ght (how) to #nderstand this% It (was) too *ain$#l $or me DD
<sa 4-:14 7ntil I went into the sant#ary o$ God& (Then) I #nderstood their end"
<sa 4-:18 ,#rely Bo# set them in sli**ery *laes& Bo# ast them down to destr#tion"
<sa 4-:19 8h% how they are (bro#ght) to desolation% as in a momentF They are #tterly ons#med with terrors"
<sa 4-:25 +s a dream when (one) awa'es% (,o%) /ord% when Bo# awa'e% Bo# shall des*ise their image"
<sa 4-:21 Th#s my heart was grie!ed% +nd I was !e9ed in my mind"
<sa 4-:22 I (was) so $oolish and ignorant& I was (li'e) a beast be$ore Bo#"
<sa 4-:2- Ne!ertheless I (am) ontin#ally with Bo#& Bo# hold (me) by my right hand"
<sa 4-:20 Bo# will g#ide me with Bo#r o#nsel% +nd a$terward reei!e me (to) glory"
<sa 4-:21 >hom ha!e I in hea!en (b#t Bo#C) +nd (there is) none #*on earth (that) I desire besides Bo#"
<sa 4-:23 ?y $lesh and my heart $ail& (B#t) God (is) the strength o$ my heart and my *ortion $ore!er"
<sa 4-:24 ;or indeed% those who are $ar $rom Bo# shall *erish& Bo# ha!e destroyed all those who desert Bo#
$or harlotry"
<sa 4-:28 B#t (it is) good $or me to draw near to God& I ha!e *#t my tr#st in the /ord G82% That I may delare
all Bo#r wor's"
<sa 40:1 + =ontem*lation o$ +sa*h" 8 God% why ha!e Bo# ast (#s) o$$ $ore!erC (>hy) does Bo#r anger smo'e
against the shee* o$ Bo#r *ast#reC
<sa 40:2 :emember Bo#r ongregation% (whih) Bo# ha!e *#rhased o$ old% The tribe o$ Bo#r inheritane%
(whih) Bo# ha!e redeemed DD This ?o#nt Gion where Bo# ha!e dwelt"
<sa 40:- /i$t #* Bo#r $eet to the *er*et#al desolations" The enemy has damaged e!erything in the sant#ary"
<sa 40:0 Bo#r enemies roar in the midst o$ Bo#r meeting *lae& They set #* their banners ($or) signs"
<sa 40:1 They seem li'e men who li$t #* +9es among the thi' trees"
<sa 40:3 +nd now they brea' down its ar!ed wor'% all at one% >ith a9es and hammers"
<sa 40:4 They ha!e set $ire to Bo#r sant#ary& They ha!e de$iled the dwelling *lae o$ Bo#r name to the
<sa 40:8 They said in their hearts% ./et #s destroy them altogether". They ha!e b#rned #* all the meeting
*laes o$ God in the land"
<sa 40:9 >e do not see o#r signs& (There is) no longer any *ro*het& Nor (is there) any among #s who 'nows
how long"
<sa 40:15 8 God% how long will the ad!ersary re*roahC >ill the enemy blas*heme Bo#r name $ore!erC
<sa 40:11 >hy do Bo# withdraw Bo#r hand% e!en Bo#r right handC (Ta'e it) o#t o$ Bo#r bosom and destroy
<sa 40:12 ;or God (is) my King $rom o$ old% >or'ing sal!ation in the midst o$ the earth"
<sa 40:1- Bo# di!ided the sea by Bo#r strength& Bo# bro'e the heads o$ the sea ser*ents in the waters"
<sa 40:10 Bo# bro'e the heads o$ /e!iathan in *iees% (+nd) ga!e him (as) $ood to the *eo*le inhabiting the
<sa 40:11 Bo# bro'e o*en the $o#ntain and the $lood& Bo# dried #* mighty ri!ers"
<sa 40:13 The day (is) Bo#rs% the night also (is) Bo#rs& Bo# ha!e *re*ared the light and the s#n"
<sa 40:14 Bo# ha!e set all the borders o$ the earth& Bo# ha!e made s#mmer and winter"
<sa 40:18 :emember this% (that) the enemy has re*roahed% 8 /8:2% +nd (that) a $oolish *eo*le has
blas*hemed Bo#r name"
<sa 40:19 8h% do not deli!er the li$e o$ Bo#r t#rtledo!e to the wild beastF 2o not $orget the li$e o$ Bo#r *oor
<sa 40:25 Ha!e res*et to the o!enant& ;or the dar' *laes o$ the earth are $#ll o$ the ha#nts o$ r#elty"
<sa 40:21 8h% do not let the o**ressed ret#rn ashamedF /et the *oor and needy *raise Bo#r name"
<sa 40:22 +rise% 8 God% *lead Bo#r own a#se& :emember how the $oolish man re*roahes Bo# daily"
<sa 40:2- 2o not $orget the !oie o$ Bo#r enemies& The t#m#lt o$ those who rise #* against Bo# inreases
<sa 41:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to .2o Not 2estroy". + <salm o$ +sa*h" + ,ong" >e gi!e than's to Bo#% 8
God% we gi!e than'sF ;or Bo#r wondro#s wor's delare (that) Bo#r name is near"
<sa 41:2 .>hen I hoose the *ro*er time% I will @#dge #*rightly"
<sa 41:- The earth and all its inhabitants are dissol!ed& I set #* its *illars $irmly" ,elah
<sa 41:0 AI said to the boast$#l% A2o not deal boast$#lly%A +nd to the wi'ed% A2o not li$t #* the horn"
<sa 41:1 2o not li$t #* yo#r horn on high& 2o (not) s*ea' with a sti$$ ne'"A .
<sa 41:3 ;or e9altation (omes) neither $rom the east Nor $rom the west nor $rom the so#th"
<sa 41:4 B#t God (is) the J#dge: He *#ts down one% +nd e9alts another"
<sa 41:8 ;or in the hand o$ the /8:2 (there is) a #*% +nd the wine is red& It is $#lly mi9ed% and He *o#rs it o#t&
,#rely its dregs shall all the wi'ed o$ the earth 2rain (and) drin' down"
<sa 41:9 B#t I will delare $ore!er% I will sing *raises to the God o$ Jaob"
<sa 41:15 A+ll the horns o$ the wi'ed I will also #t o$$% (B#t) the horns o$ the righteo#s shall be e9alted".
<sa 43:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" 8n stringed instr#ments" + <salm o$ +sa*h" + ,ong" In J#dah God (is) 'nown&
His name (is) great in Israel"
<sa 43:2 In ,alem also is His tabernale% +nd His dwelling *lae in Gion"
<sa 43:- There He bro'e the arrows o$ the bow% The shield and sword o$ battle" ,elah
<sa 43:0 Bo# (are) more glorio#s and e9ellent (Than) the mo#ntains o$ *rey"
<sa 43:1 The sto#thearted were *l#ndered& They ha!e s#n' into their slee*& +nd none o$ the mighty men ha!e
$o#nd the #se o$ their hands"
<sa 43:3 +t Bo#r reb#'e% 8 God o$ Jaob% Both the hariot and horse were ast into a dead slee*"
<sa 43:4 Bo#% Bo#rsel$% (are) to be $eared& +nd who may stand in Bo#r *resene >hen one Bo# are angryC
<sa 43:8 Bo# a#sed @#dgment to be heard $rom hea!en& The earth $eared and was still%
<sa 43:9 >hen God arose to @#dgment% To deli!er all the o**ressed o$ the earth" ,elah
<sa 43:15 ,#rely the wrath o$ man shall *raise Bo#& >ith the remainder o$ wrath Bo# shall gird Bo#rsel$"
<sa 43:11 ?a'e !ows to the /8:2 yo#r God% and *ay (them&) /et all who are aro#nd Him bring *resents to Him
who o#ght to be $eared"
<sa 43:12 He shall #t o$$ the s*irit o$ *rines& (He is) awesome to the 'ings o$ the earth"
<sa 44:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" To Jed#th#n" + <salm o$ +sa*h" I ried o#t to God with my !oie DD To God
with my !oie& +nd He ga!e ear to me"
<sa 44:2 In the day o$ my tro#ble I so#ght the /ord& ?y hand was strethed o#t in the night witho#t easing& ?y
so#l re$#sed to be om$orted"
<sa 44:- I remembered God% and was tro#bled& I om*lained% and my s*irit was o!erwhelmed" ,elah
<sa 44:0 Bo# hold my eyelids (o*en&) I am so tro#bled that I annot s*ea'"
<sa 44:1 I ha!e onsidered the days o$ old% The years o$ anient times"
<sa 44:3 I all to remembrane my song in the night& I meditate within my heart% +nd my s*irit ma'es diligent
<sa 44:4 >ill the /ord ast o$$ $ore!erC +nd will He be $a!orable no moreC
<sa 44:8 Has His mery eased $ore!erC Has (His) *romise $ailed $ore!ermoreC
<sa 44:9 Has God $orgotten to be graio#sC Has He in anger sh#t #* His tender meriesC ,elah
<sa 44:15 +nd I said% .This (is) my ang#ish& (B#t I will remember) the years o$ the right hand o$ the ?ost High".
<sa 44:11 I will remember the wor's o$ the /8:2& ,#rely I will remember Bo#r wonders o$ old"
<sa 44:12 I will also meditate on all Bo#r wor'% +nd tal' o$ Bo#r deeds"
<sa 44:1- Bo#r way% 8 God% (is) in the sant#ary& >ho (is) so great a God as (o#r) GodC
<sa 44:10 Bo# (are) the God who does wonders& Bo# ha!e delared Bo#r strength among the *eo*les"
<sa 44:11 Bo# ha!e with (Bo#r) arm redeemed Bo#r *eo*le% The sons o$ Jaob and Jose*h" ,elah
<sa 44:13 The waters saw Bo#% 8 God& The waters saw Bo#% they were a$raid& The de*ths also trembled"
<sa 44:14 The lo#ds *o#red o#t water& The s'ies sent o#t a so#nd& Bo#r arrows also $lashed abo#t"
<sa 44:18 The !oie o$ Bo#r th#nder (was) in the whirlwind& The lightnings lit #* the world& The earth trembled
and shoo'"
<sa 44:19 Bo#r way (was) in the sea% Bo#r *ath in the great waters% +nd Bo#r $ootste*s were not 'nown"
<sa 44:25 Bo# led Bo#r *eo*le li'e a $lo' By the hand o$ ?oses and +aron"
<sa 48:1 + =ontem*lation o$ +sa*h" Gi!e ear% 8 my *eo*le% (to) my law& Inline yo#r ears to the words o$ my
<sa 48:2 I will o*en my mo#th in a *arable& I will #tter dar' sayings o$ old%
<sa 48:- >hih we ha!e heard and 'nown% +nd o#r $athers ha!e told #s"
<sa 48:0 >e will not hide (them) $rom their hildren% Telling to the generation to ome the *raises o$ the /8:2%
+nd His strength and His wonder$#l wor's that He has done"
<sa 48:1 ;or He established a testimony in Jaob% +nd a**ointed a law in Israel% >hih He ommanded o#r
$athers% That they sho#ld ma'e them 'nown to their hildren&
<sa 48:3 That the generation to ome might 'now (them%) The hildren (who) wo#ld be born% (That) they may
arise and delare (them) to their hildren%
<sa 48:4 That they may set their ho*e in God% +nd not $orget the wor's o$ God% B#t 'ee* His ommandments&
<sa 48:8 +nd may not be li'e their $athers% + st#bborn and rebellio#s generation% + generation (that) did not set
its heart aright% +nd whose s*irit was not $aith$#l to God"
<sa 48:9 The hildren o$ 6*hraim% (being) armed (and) arrying bows% T#rned ba' in the day o$ battle"
<sa 48:15 They did not 'ee* the o!enant o$ God& They re$#sed to wal' in His law%
<sa 48:11 +nd $orgot His wor's +nd His wonders that He had shown them"
<sa 48:12 ?ar!elo#s things He did in the sight o$ their $athers% In the land o$ 6gy*t% (in) the $ield o$ Goan"
<sa 48:1- He di!ided the sea and a#sed them to *ass thro#gh& +nd He made the waters stand #* li'e a hea*"
<sa 48:10 In the daytime also He led them with the lo#d% +nd all the night with a light o$ $ire"
<sa 48:11 He s*lit the ro's in the wilderness% +nd ga!e (them) drin' in ab#ndane li'e the de*ths"
<sa 48:13 He also bro#ght streams o#t o$ the ro'% +nd a#sed waters to r#n down li'e ri!ers"
<sa 48:14 B#t they sinned e!en more against Him By rebelling against the ?ost High in the wilderness"
<sa 48:18 +nd they tested God in their heart By as'ing $or the $ood o$ their $any"
<sa 48:19 Bes% they s*o'e against God: They said% .=an God *re*are a table in the wildernessC
<sa 48:25 Behold% He str#' the ro'% ,o that the waters g#shed o#t% +nd the streams o!er$lowed" =an He gi!e
bread alsoC =an He *ro!ide meat $or His *eo*leC.
<sa 48:21 There$ore the /8:2 heard (this) and was $#rio#s& ,o a $ire was 'indled against Jaob% +nd anger
also ame #* against Israel%
<sa 48:22 Bea#se they did not belie!e in God% +nd did not tr#st in His sal!ation"
<sa 48:2- Bet He had ommanded the lo#ds abo!e% +nd o*ened the doors o$ hea!en%
<sa 48:20 Had rained down manna on them to eat% +nd gi!en them o$ the bread o$ hea!en"
<sa 48:21 ?en ate angelsA $ood& He sent them $ood to the $#ll"
<sa 48:23 He a#sed an east wind to blow in the hea!ens& +nd by His *ower He bro#ght in the so#th wind"
<sa 48:24 He also rained meat on them li'e the d#st% ;eathered $owl li'e the sand o$ the seas&
<sa 48:28 +nd He let (them) $all in the midst o$ their am*% +ll aro#nd their dwellings"
<sa 48:29 ,o they ate and were well $illed% ;or He ga!e them their own desire"
<sa 48:-5 They were not de*ri!ed o$ their ra!ing& B#t while their $ood (was) still in their mo#ths%
<sa 48:-1 The wrath o$ God ame against them% +nd slew the sto#test o$ them% +nd str#' down the hoie
(men) o$ Israel"
<sa 48:-2 In s*ite o$ this they still sinned% +N2 did not belie!e in His wondro#s wor's"
<sa 48:-- There$ore their days He ons#med in $#tility% +nd their years in $ear"
<sa 48:-0 >hen He slew them% then they so#ght Him& +nd they ret#rned and so#ght earnestly $or God"
<sa 48:-1 Then they remembered that God (was) their ro'% +nd the ?ost High God their :edeemer"
<sa 48:-3 Ne!ertheless they $lattered Him with their mo#th% +nd they lied to Him with their tong#e&
<sa 48:-4 ;or their heart was not stead$ast with Him% Nor were they $aith$#l in His o!enant"
<sa 48:-8 B#t He% (being) $#ll o$ om*assion% $orga!e (their) iniE#ity% +nd did not destroy (them") Bes% many a
time He t#rned His anger away% +nd did not stir #* all His wrath&
<sa 48:-9 ;or He remembered that they (were b#t) $lesh% + breath that *asses away and does not ome again"
<sa 48:05 How o$ten they *ro!o'ed Him in the wilderness% (+nd) grie!ed Him in the desertF
<sa 48:01 Bes% again and again they tem*ted God% +nd limited the Holy 8ne o$ Israel"
<sa 48:02 They did not remember His *ower: The day when He redeemed them $rom the enemy%
<sa 48:0- >hen He wor'ed His signs in 6gy*t% +nd His wonders in the $ield o$ Goan&
<sa 48:00 T#rned their ri!ers into blood% +nd their streams% that they o#ld not drin'"
<sa 48:01 He sent swarms o$ $lies among them% whih de!o#red them% +nd $rogs% whih destroyed them"
<sa 48:03 He also ga!e their ro*s to the ater*illar% +nd their labor to the lo#st"
<sa 48:04 He destroyed their !ines with hail% +nd their syamore trees with $rost"
<sa 48:08 He also ga!e #* their attle to the hail% +nd their $lo's to $iery lightning"
<sa 48:09 He ast on them the $iereness o$ His anger% >rath% indignation% and tro#ble% By sending angels o$
destr#tion (among them")
<sa 48:15 He made a *ath $or His anger& He did not s*are their so#l $rom death% B#t ga!e their li$e o!er to the
<sa 48:11 +nd destroyed all the $irstborn in 6gy*t% The $irst o$ (their) strength in the tents o$ Ham"
<sa 48:12 B#t He made His own *eo*le go $orth li'e shee*% +nd g#ided them in the wilderness li'e a $lo'&
<sa 48:1- +nd He led them on sa$ely% so that they did not $ear& B#t the sea o!erwhelmed their enemies"
<sa 48:10 +nd He bro#ght them to His holy border% This mo#ntain (whih) His right hand had aE#ired"
<sa 48:11 He also dro!e o#t the nations be$ore them% +llotted them an inheritane by s#r!ey% +nd made the
tribes o$ Israel dwell in their tents"
<sa 48:13 Bet they tested and *ro!o'ed the ?ost High God% +nd did not 'ee* His testimonies%
<sa 48:14 B#t t#rned ba' and ated #n$aith$#lly li'e their $athers& They were t#rned aside li'e a deeit$#l bow"
<sa 48:18 ;or they *ro!o'ed Him to anger with their high *laes% +nd mo!ed Him to @ealo#sy with their ar!ed
<sa 48:19 >hen God heard (this%) He was $#rio#s% +nd greatly abhorred Israel%
<sa 48:35 ,o that He $orsoo' the tabernale o$ ,hiloh% The tent He had *laed among men%
<sa 48:31 +nd deli!ered His strength into a*ti!ity% +nd His glory into the enemyAs hand"
<sa 48:32 He also ga!e His *eo*le o!er to the sword% +nd was $#rio#s with His inheritane"
<sa 48:3- The $ire ons#med their yo#ng men% +nd their maidens were not gi!en in marriage"
<sa 48:30 Their *riests $ell by the sword% +nd their widows made no lamentation"
<sa 48:31 Then the /ord awo'e as ($rom) slee*% /i'e a mighty man who sho#ts bea#se o$ wine"
<sa 48:33 +nd He beat ba' His enemies& He *#t them to a *er*et#al re*roah"
<sa 48:34 ?oreo!er He re@eted the tent o$ Jose*h% +nd did not hoose the tribe o$ 6*hraim%
<sa 48:38 B#t hose the tribe o$ J#dah% ?o#nt Gion whih He lo!ed"
<sa 48:39 +nd He b#ilt His sant#ary li'e the heights% /i'e the earth whih He has established $ore!er"
<sa 48:45 He also hose 2a!id His ser!ant% +nd too' him $rom the shee*$olds&
<sa 48:41 ;rom $ollowing the ewes that had yo#ng He bro#ght him% To she*herd Jaob His *eo*le% +nd Israel
His inheritane"
<sa 48:42 ,o he she*herded them aording to the integrity o$ his heart% +nd g#ided them by the s'ill$#lness o$
his hands"
<sa 49:1 + <salm o$ +sa*h" 8 God% the nations ha!e ome into Bo#r inheritane& Bo#r holy tem*le they ha!e
de$iled& They ha!e laid Jer#salem in hea*s"
<sa 49:2 The dead bodies o$ Bo#r ser!ants They ha!e gi!en (as) $ood $or the birds o$ the hea!ens% The $lesh o$
Bo#r saints to the beasts o$ the earth"
<sa 49:- Their blood they ha!e shed li'e water all aro#nd Jer#salem% +nd (there was) no one to b#ry (them")
<sa 49:0 >e ha!e beome a re*roah to o#r neighbors% + sorn and derision to those who are aro#nd #s"
<sa 49:1 How long% /8:2C >ill Bo# be angry $ore!erC >ill Bo#r @ealo#sy b#rn li'e $ireC
<sa 49:3 <o#r o#t Bo#r wrath on the nations that do not 'now Bo#% +nd on the 'ingdoms that do not all on
Bo#r name"
<sa 49:4 ;or they ha!e de!o#red Jaob% +nd laid waste his dwelling *lae"
<sa 49:8 8h% do not remember $ormer iniE#ities against #sF /et Bo#r tender meries ome s*eedily to meet #s%
;or we ha!e been bro#ght !ery low"
<sa 49:9 Hel* #s% 8 God o$ o#r sal!ation% ;or the glory o$ Bo#r name& +nd deli!er #s% and *ro!ide atonement
$or o#r sins% ;or Bo#r nameAs sa'eF
<sa 49:15 >hy sho#ld the nations say% .>here (is) their GodC. /et there be 'nown among the nations in o#r
sight The a!enging o$ the blood o$ Bo#r ser!ants (whih has been) shed"
<sa 49:11 /et the groaning o$ the *risoner ome be$ore Bo#& +ording to the greatness o$ Bo#r *ower
<reser!e those who are a**ointed to die&
<sa 49:12 +nd ret#rn to o#r neighbors se!en$old into their bosom Their re*roah with whih they ha!e
re*roahed Bo#% 8 /ord"
<sa 49:1- ,o we% Bo#r *eo*le and shee* o$ Bo#r *ast#re% >ill gi!e Bo# than's $ore!er& >e will show $orth Bo#r
*raise to all generations"
<sa 85:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to .The /illies". + Testimony o$ +sa*h" + <salm" Gi!e ear% 8 ,he*herd o$
Israel% Bo# who lead Jose*h li'e a $lo'& Bo# who dwell (between) the her#bim% shine $orthF
<sa 85:2 Be$ore 6*hraim% Ben@amin% and ?anasseh% ,tir #* Bo#r strength% +nd ome (and) sa!e #sF
<sa 85:- :estore #s% 8 God& =a#se Bo#r $ae to shine% +nd we shall be sa!edF
<sa 85:0 8 /8:2 God o$ hosts% How long will Bo# be angry +gainst the *rayer o$ Bo#r *eo*leC
<sa 85:1 Bo# ha!e $ed them with the bread o$ tears% +nd gi!en them tears to drin' in great meas#re"
<sa 85:3 Bo# ha!e made #s a stri$e to o#r neighbors% +nd o#r enemies la#gh among themsel!es"
<sa 85:4 :estore #s% 8 God o$ hosts& =a#se Bo#r $ae to shine% +nd we shall be sa!edF
<sa 85:8 Bo# ha!e bro#ght a !ine o#t o$ 6gy*t& Bo# ha!e ast o#t the nations% and *lanted it"
<sa 85:9 Bo# *re*ared (room) $or it% +nd a#sed it to ta'e dee* root% +nd it $illed the land"
<sa 85:15 The hills were o!ered with its shadow% +nd the mighty edars with its bo#ghs"
<sa 85:11 ,he sent o#t her bo#ghs to the ,ea% +nd her branhes to the :i!er"
<sa 85:12 >hy ha!e Bo# bro'en down her hedges% ,o that all who *ass by the way *l#' her ($r#itC)
<sa 85:1- The boar o#t o$ the woods #*roots it% +nd the wild beast o$ the $ield de!o#rs it"
<sa 85:10 :et#rn% we beseeh Bo#% 8 God o$ hosts& /oo' down $rom hea!en and see% +nd !isit this !ine
<sa 85:11 +nd the !ineyard whih Bo#r right hand has *lanted% +nd the branh (that) Bo# made strong $or
<sa 85:13 (It is) b#rned with $ire% (it is) #t down& They *erish at the reb#'e o$ Bo#r o#ntenane"
<sa 85:14 /et Bo#r hand be #*on the man o$ Bo#r right hand% 7*on the son o$ man (whom) Bo# made strong
$or Bo#rsel$"
<sa 85:18 Then we will not t#rn ba' $rom Bo#& :e!i!e #s% and we will all #*on Bo#r name"
<sa 85:19 :estore #s% 8 /8:2 God o$ hosts& =a#se Bo#r $ae to shine% +nd we shall be sa!edF
<sa 81:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" 8n an instr#ment o$ Gath" + <salm o$ +sa*h" ,ing alo#d to God o#r strength&
?a'e a @oy$#l sho#t to the God o$ Jaob"
<sa 81:2 :aise a song and stri'e the timbrel% The *leasant har* with the l#te"
<sa 81:- Blow the tr#m*et at the time o$ the New ?oon% +t the $#ll moon% on o#r solemn $east day"
<sa 81:0 ;or this (is) a stat#te $or Israel% + law o$ the God o$ Jaob"
<sa 81:1 This He established in Jose*h (as) a testimony% >hen He went thro#gho#t the land o$ 6gy*t% (>here) I
heard a lang#age I did not #nderstand"
<sa 81:3 .I remo!ed his sho#lder $rom the b#rden& His hands were $reed $rom the bas'ets"
<sa 81:4 Bo# alled in tro#ble% and I deli!ered yo#& I answered yo# in the seret *lae o$ th#nder& I tested yo#
at the waters o$ ?eribah" ,elah
<sa 81:8 .Hear% 8 ?y *eo*le% and I will admonish yo#F 8 Israel% i$ yo# will listen to ?eF
<sa 81:9 There shall be no $oreign god among yo#& Nor shall yo# worshi* any $oreign god"
<sa 81:15 I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God% >ho bro#ght yo# o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t& 8*en yo#r mo#th wide% and I
will $ill it"
<sa 81:11 .B#t ?y *eo*le wo#ld not heed ?y !oie% +nd Israel wo#ld (ha!e) none o$ ?e"
<sa 81:12 ,o I ga!e them o!er to their own st#bborn heart% To wal' in their own o#nsels"
<sa 81:1- .8h% that ?y *eo*le wo#ld listen to ?e% That Israel wo#ld wal' in ?y waysF
<sa 81:10 I wo#ld soon s#bd#e their enemies% +nd t#rn ?y hand against their ad!ersaries"
<sa 81:11 The haters o$ the /8:2 wo#ld *retend s#bmission to Him% B#t their $ate wo#ld end#re $ore!er"
<sa 81:13 He wo#ld ha!e $ed them also with the $inest o$ wheat& +nd with honey $rom the ro' I wo#ld ha!e
satis$ied yo#".
<sa 82:1 + <salm o$ +sa*h" God stands in the ongregation o$ the mighty& He @#dges among the gods"
<sa 82:2 How long will yo# @#dge #n@#stly% +nd show *artiality to the wi'edC ,elah
<sa 82:- 2e$end the *oor and $atherless& 2o @#stie to the a$$lited and needy"
<sa 82:0 2eli!er the *oor and needy& ;ree (them) $rom the hand o$ the wi'ed"
<sa 82:1 They do not 'now% nor do they #nderstand& They wal' abo#t in dar'ness& +ll the $o#ndations o$ the
earth are #nstable"
<sa 82:3 I said% .Bo# (are) gods% +nd all o$ yo# (are) hildren o$ the ?ost High"
<sa 82:4 B#t yo# shall die li'e men% +nd $all li'e one o$ the *rines".
<sa 82:8 +rise% 8 God% @#dge the earth& ;or Bo# shall inherit all nations"
<sa 8-:1 + ,ong" + <salm o$ +sa*h" 2o not 'ee* silent% 8 GodF 2o not hold Bo#r *eae% +nd do not be still% 8
<sa 8-:2 ;or behold% Bo#r enemies ma'e a t#m#lt& +nd those who hate Bo# ha!e li$ted #* their head"
<sa 8-:- They ha!e ta'en ra$ty o#nsel against Bo#r *eo*le% +nd ons#lted together against Bo#r sheltered
<sa 8-:0 They ha!e said% .=ome% and let #s #t them o$$ $rom (being) a nation% That the name o$ Israel may be
remembered no more".
<sa 8-:1 ;or they ha!e ons#lted together with one onsent& They $orm a on$ederay against Bo#:
<sa 8-:3 The tents o$ 6dom and the Ishmaelites& ?oab and the Hagrites&
<sa 8-:4 Gebal% +mmon% and +male'& <hilistia with the inhabitants o$ Tyre&
<sa 8-:8 +ssyria also has @oined with them& They ha!e hel*ed the hildren o$ /ot" ,elah
<sa 8-:9 2eal with them as (with) ?idian% +s (with) ,isera% +s (with) Jabin at the Broo' Kishon%
<sa 8-:15 >ho *erished at 6n 2or% (>ho) beame (as) re$#se on the earth"
<sa 8-:11 ?a'e their nobles li'e 8reb and li'e Geeb% Bes% all their *rines li'e Gebah and Galm#nna%
<sa 8-:12 >ho said% ./et #s ta'e $or o#rsel!es The *ast#res o$ God $or a *ossession".
<sa 8-:1- 8 my God% ma'e them li'e the whirling d#st% /i'e the ha$$ be$ore the windF
<sa 8-:10 +s the $ire b#rns the woods% +nd as the $lame sets the mo#ntains on $ire%
<sa 8-:11 ,o *#rs#e them with Bo#r tem*est% +nd $righten them with Bo#r storm"
<sa 8-:13 ;ill their $aes with shame% That they may see' Bo#r name% 8 /8:2"
<sa 8-:14 /et them be on$o#nded and dismayed $ore!er& Bes% let them be *#t to shame and *erish%
<sa 8-:18 That they may 'now that Bo#% whose name alone (is) the /8:2% (+re) the ?ost High o!er all the
<sa 80:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" 8n an instr#ment o$ Gath" + <salm o$ the sons o$ Korah" How lo!ely (is) Bo#r
tabernale% 8 /8:2 o$ hostsF
<sa 80:2 ?y so#l longs% yes% e!en $aints ;or the o#rts o$ the /8:2& ?y heart and my $lesh ry o#t $or the li!ing
<sa 80:- 6!en the s*arrow has $o#nd a home% +nd the swallow a nest $or hersel$% >here she may lay her
yo#ng DD (6!en) Bo#r altars% 8 /8:2 o$ hosts% ?y King and my God"
<sa 80:0 Blessed (are) those who dwell in Bo#r ho#se& They will still be *raising Bo#" ,elah
<sa 80:1 Blessed (is) the man whose strength (is) in Bo#% >hose heart (is) set on *ilgrimage"
<sa 80:3 (+s they) *ass thro#gh the Valley o$ Baa% They ma'e it a s*ring& The rain also o!ers it with *ools"
<sa 80:4 They go $rom strength to strength& (6ah one) a**ears be$ore God in Gion"
<sa 80:8 8 /8:2 God o$ hosts% hear my *rayer& Gi!e ear% 8 God o$ JaobF ,elah
<sa 80:9 8 God% behold o#r shield% +nd loo' #*on the $ae o$ Bo#r anointed"
<sa 80:15 ;or a day in Bo#r o#rts (is) better than a tho#sand" I wo#ld rather be a door'ee*er in the ho#se o$
my God Than dwell in the tents o$ wi'edness"
<sa 80:11 ;or the /8:2 God (is) a s#n and shield& The /8:2 will gi!e grae and glory& No good (thing) will He
withhold ;rom those who wal' #*rightly"
<sa 80:12 8 /8:2 o$ hosts% Blessed (is) the man who tr#sts in Bo#F
<sa 81:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ the sons o$ Korah" /ord% Bo# ha!e been $a!orable to Bo#r land&
Bo# ha!e bro#ght ba' the a*ti!ity o$ Jaob"
<sa 81:2 Bo# ha!e $orgi!en the iniE#ity o$ Bo#r *eo*le& Bo# ha!e o!ered all their sin" ,elah
<sa 81:- Bo# ha!e ta'en away all Bo#r wrath& Bo# ha!e t#rned $rom the $iereness o$ Bo#r anger"
<sa 81:0 :estore #s% 8 God o$ o#r sal!ation% +nd a#se Bo#r anger toward #s to ease"
<sa 81:1 >ill Bo# be angry with #s $ore!erC >ill Bo# *rolong Bo#r anger to all generationsC
<sa 81:3 >ill Bo# not re!i!e #s again% That Bo#r *eo*le may re@oie in Bo#C
<sa 81:4 ,how #s Bo#r mery% /8:2% +nd grant #s Bo#r sal!ation"
<sa 81:8 I will hear what God the /8:2 will s*ea'% ;or He will s*ea' *eae To His *eo*le and to His saints&
B#t let them not t#rn ba' to $olly"
<sa 81:9 ,#rely His sal!ation (is) near to those who $ear Him% That glory may dwell in o#r land"
<sa 81:15 ?ery and tr#th ha!e met together& :ighteo#sness and *eae ha!e 'issed"
<sa 81:11 Tr#th shall s*ring o#t o$ the earth% +nd righteo#sness shall loo' down $rom hea!en"
<sa 81:12 Bes% the /8:2 will gi!e (what is) good& +nd o#r land will yield its inrease"
<sa 81:1- :ighteo#sness will go be$ore Him% +nd shall ma'e His $ootste*s (o#r) *athway"
<sa 83:1 + <rayer o$ 2a!id Bow down Bo#r ear% 8 /8:2% hear me& ;or I (am) *oor and needy"
<sa 83:2 <reser!e my li$e% $or I (am) holy& Bo# are my God& ,a!e Bo#r ser!ant who tr#sts in Bo#F
<sa 83:- Be meri$#l to me% 8 /ord% ;or I ry to Bo# all day long"
<sa 83:0 :e@oie the so#l o$ Bo#r ser!ant% ;or to Bo#% 8 /ord% I li$t #* my so#l"
<sa 83:1 ;or Bo#% /ord% (are) good% and ready to $orgi!e% +nd ab#ndant in mery to all those who all #*on Bo#"
<sa 83:3 Gi!e ear% 8 /8:2% to my *rayer& +nd attend to the !oie o$ my s#**liations"
<sa 83:4 In the day o$ my tro#ble I will all #*on Bo#% ;or Bo# will answer me"
<sa 83:8 +mong the gods (there is) none li'e Bo#% 8 /ord& Nor (are there any wor's) li'e Bo#r wor's"
<sa 83:9 +ll nations whom Bo# ha!e made ,hall ome and worshi* be$ore Bo#% 8 /ord% +nd shall glori$y Bo#r
<sa 83:15 ;or Bo# (are) great% and do wondro#s things& Bo# alone (are) God"
<sa 83:11 Teah me Bo#r way% 8 /8:2& I will wal' in Bo#r tr#th& 7nite my heart to $ear Bo#r name"
<sa 83:12 I will *raise Bo#% 8 /ord my God% with all my heart% +nd I will glori$y Bo#r name $ore!ermore"
<sa 83:1- ;or great (is) Bo#r mery toward me% +nd Bo# ha!e deli!ered my so#l $rom the de*ths o$ ,heol"
<sa 83:10 8 God% the *ro#d ha!e risen against me% +nd a mob o$ !iolent (men) ha!e so#ght my li$e% +nd ha!e
not set Bo# be$ore them"
<sa 83:11 B#t Bo#% 8 /ord% (are) a God $#ll o$ om*assion% and graio#s% /ongs#$$ering and ab#ndant in mery
and tr#th"
<sa 83:13 8h% t#rn to me% and ha!e mery on meF Gi!e Bo#r strength to Bo#r ser!ant% +nd sa!e the son o$
Bo#r maidser!ant"
<sa 83:14 ,how me a sign $or good% That those who hate me may see (it) and be ashamed% Bea#se Bo#%
/8:2% ha!e hel*ed me and om$orted me"
<sa 84:1 + <salm o$ the sons o$ Korah" + ,ong" His $o#ndation (is) in the holy mo#ntains"
<sa 84:2 The /8:2 lo!es the gates o$ Gion ?ore than all the dwellings o$ Jaob"
<sa 84:- Glorio#s things are s*o'en o$ yo#% 8 ity o$ GodF ,elah
<sa 84:0 .I will ma'e mention o$ :ahab and Babylon to those who 'now ?e& Behold% 8 <hilistia and Tyre% with
6thio*ia: AThis (one) was born there"A .
<sa 84:1 +nd o$ Gion it will be said% .This (one) and that (one) were born in her& +nd the ?ost High Himsel$ shall
establish her".
<sa 84:3 The /8:2 will reord% >hen He registers the *eo*les: .This (one) was born there". ,elah
<sa 84:4 Both the singers and the *layers on instr#ments (say%) .+ll my s*rings (are) in yo#".
<sa 88:1 + ,ong" + <salm o$ the sons o$ Korah" To the =hie$ ?#siian" ,et to .?ahalath /eannoth". +
=ontem*lation o$ Heman the 6Hrahite" 8 /8:2% God o$ my sal!ation% I ha!e ried o#t day and night be$ore Bo#"
<sa 88:2 /et my *rayer ome be$ore Bo#& Inline Bo#r ear to my ry"
<sa 88:- ;or my so#l is $#ll o$ tro#bles% +nd my li$e draws near to the gra!e"
<sa 88:0 I am o#nted with those who go down to the *it& I am li'e a man (who has) no strength%
<sa 88:1 +dri$t among the dead% /i'e the slain who lie in the gra!e% >hom Bo# remember no more% +nd who
are #t o$$ $rom Bo#r hand"
<sa 88:3 Bo# ha!e laid me in the lowest *it% In dar'ness% in the de*ths"
<sa 88:4 Bo#r wrath lies hea!y #*on me% +nd Bo# ha!e a$$lited (me) with all Bo#r wa!es" ,elah
<sa 88:8 Bo# ha!e *#t away my aE#aintanes $ar $rom me& Bo# ha!e made me an abomination to them& (I am)
sh#t #*% and I annot get o#t&
<sa 88:9 ?y eye wastes away bea#se o$ a$$lition" /8:2% I ha!e alled daily #*on Bo#& I ha!e strethed o#t
my hands to Bo#"
<sa 88:15 >ill Bo# wor' wonders $or the deadC ,hall the dead arise (and) *raise Bo#C ,elah
<sa 88:11 ,hall Bo#r lo!ing'indness be delared in the gra!eC (8r) Bo#r $aith$#lness in the *lae o$
<sa 88:12 ,hall Bo#r wonders be 'nown in the dar'C +nd Bo#r righteo#sness in the land o$ $orget$#lnessC
<sa 88:1- B#t to Bo# I ha!e ried o#t% 8 /8:2% +nd in the morning my *rayer omes be$ore Bo#"
<sa 88:10 /8:2% why do Bo# ast o$$ my so#lC (>hy) do Bo# hide Bo#r $ae $rom meC
<sa 88:11 I (ha!e been) a$$lited and ready to die $rom (my) yo#th& I s#$$er Bo#r terrors& I am distra#ght"
<sa 88:13 Bo#r $iere wrath has gone o!er me& Bo#r terrors ha!e #t me o$$"
<sa 88:14 They ame aro#nd me all day long li'e water& They eng#l$ed me altogether"
<sa 88:18 /o!ed one and $riend Bo# ha!e *#t $ar $rom me% (+nd) my aE#aintanes into dar'ness"
<sa 89:1 + =ontem*lation o$ 6than the 6Hrahite" I will sing o$ the meries o$ the /8:2 $ore!er& >ith my mo#th
will I ma'e 'nown Bo#r $aith$#lness to all generations"
<sa 89:2 ;or I ha!e said% .?ery shall be b#ilt #* $ore!er& Bo#r $aith$#lness Bo# shall establish in the !ery
<sa 89:- .I ha!e made a o!enant with ?y hosen% I ha!e sworn to ?y ser!ant 2a!id:
<sa 89:0 ABo#r seed I will establish $ore!er% +nd b#ild #* yo#r throne to all generations"A . ,elah
<sa 89:1 +nd the hea!ens will *raise Bo#r wonders% 8 /8:2& Bo#r $aith$#lness also in the assembly o$ the
<sa 89:3 ;or who in the hea!ens an be om*ared to the /8:2C (>ho) among the sons o$ the mighty an be
li'ened to the /8:2C
<sa 89:4 God is greatly to be $eared in the assembly o$ the saints% +nd to be held in re!erene by all (those)
aro#nd Him"
<sa 89:8 8 /8:2 God o$ hosts% >ho (is) mighty li'e Bo#% 8 /8:2C Bo#r $aith$#lness also s#rro#nds Bo#"
<sa 89:9 Bo# r#le the raging o$ the sea& >hen its wa!es rise% Bo# still them"
<sa 89:15 Bo# ha!e bro'en :ahab in *iees% as one who is slain& Bo# ha!e sattered Bo#r enemies with Bo#r
mighty arm"
<sa 89:11 The hea!ens (are) Bo#rs% the earth also (is) Bo#rs& The world and all its $#llness% Bo# ha!e $o#nded
<sa 89:12 The north and the so#th% Bo# ha!e reated them& Tabor and Hermon re@oie in Bo#r name"
<sa 89:1- Bo# ha!e a mighty arm& ,trong is Bo#r hand% (and) high is Bo#r right hand"
<sa 89:10 :ighteo#sness and @#stie (are) the $o#ndation o$ Bo#r throne& ?ery and tr#th go be$ore Bo#r $ae"
<sa 89:11 Blessed (are) the *eo*le who 'now the @oy$#l so#ndF They wal'% 8 /8:2% in the light o$ Bo#r
<sa 89:13 In Bo#r name they re@oie all day long% +nd in Bo#r righteo#sness they are e9alted"
<sa 89:14 ;or Bo# (are) the glory o$ their strength% +nd in Bo#r $a!or o#r horn is e9alted"
<sa 89:18 ;or o#r shield (belongs) to the /8:2% +nd o#r 'ing to the Holy 8ne o$ Israel"
<sa 89:19 Then Bo# s*o'e in a !ision to Bo#r holy one% +nd said: .I ha!e gi!en hel* to (one who is) mighty& I
ha!e e9alted one hosen $rom the *eo*le"
<sa 89:25 I ha!e $o#nd ?y ser!ant 2a!id& >ith ?y holy oil I ha!e anointed him%
<sa 89:21 >ith whom ?y hand shall be established& +lso ?y arm shall strengthen him"
<sa 89:22 The enemy shall not o#twit him% Nor the son o$ wi'edness a$$lit him"
<sa 89:2- I will beat down his $oes be$ore his $ae% +nd *lag#e those who hate him"
<sa 89:20 .B#t ?y $aith$#lness and ?y mery (shall be) with him% +nd in ?y name his horn shall be e9alted"
<sa 89:21 +lso I will set his hand o!er the sea% +nd his right hand o!er the ri!ers"
<sa 89:23 He shall ry to ?e% ABo# (are) my ;ather% ?y God% and the ro' o$ my sal!ation"A
<sa 89:24 +lso I will ma'e him (?y) $irstborn% The highest o$ the 'ings o$ the earth"
<sa 89:28 ?y mery I will 'ee* $or him $ore!er% +nd ?y o!enant shall stand $irm with him"
<sa 89:29 His seed also I will ma'e (to end#re) $ore!er% +nd his throne as the days o$ hea!en"
<sa 89:-5 .I$ his sons $orsa'e ?y law +nd do not wal' in ?y @#dgments%
<sa 89:-1 I$ they brea' ?y stat#tes +nd do not 'ee* ?y ommandments%
<sa 89:-2 Then I will *#nish their transgression with the rod% +nd their iniE#ity with stri*es"
<sa 89:-- Ne!ertheless ?y lo!ing'indness I will not #tterly ta'e $rom him% Nor allow ?y $aith$#lness to $ail"
<sa 89:-0 ?y o!enant I will not brea'% Nor alter the word that has gone o#t o$ ?y li*s"
<sa 89:-1 8ne I ha!e sworn by ?y holiness& I will not lie to 2a!id:
<sa 89:-3 His seed shall end#re $ore!er% +nd his throne as the s#n be$ore ?e&
<sa 89:-4 It shall be established $ore!er li'e the moon% 6!en (li'e) the $aith$#l witness in the s'y". ,elah
<sa 89:-8 B#t Bo# ha!e ast o$$ and abhorred% Bo# ha!e been $#rio#s with Bo#r anointed"
<sa 89:-9 Bo# ha!e reno#ned the o!enant o$ Bo#r ser!ant& Bo# ha!e *ro$aned his rown (by asting it) to the
<sa 89:05 Bo# ha!e bro'en down all his hedges& Bo# ha!e bro#ght his strongholds to r#in"
<sa 89:01 +ll who *ass by the way *l#nder him& He is a re*roah to his neighbors"
<sa 89:02 Bo# ha!e e9alted the right hand o$ his ad!ersaries& Bo# ha!e made all his enemies re@oie"
<sa 89:0- Bo# ha!e also t#rned ba' the edge o$ his sword% +nd ha!e not s#stained him in the battle"
<sa 89:00 Bo# ha!e made his glory ease% +nd ast his throne down to the gro#nd"
<sa 89:01 The days o$ his yo#th Bo# ha!e shortened& Bo# ha!e o!ered him with shame" ,elah
<sa 89:03 How long% /8:2C >ill Bo# hide Bo#rsel$ $ore!erC >ill Bo#r wrath b#rn li'e $ireC
<sa 89:04 :emember how short my time is& ;or what $#tility ha!e Bo# reated all the hildren o$ menC
<sa 89:08 >hat man an li!e and not see deathC =an he deli!er his li$e $rom the *ower o$ the gra!eC ,elah
<sa 89:09 /ord% where (are) Bo#r $ormer lo!ing'indnesses% (>hih) Bo# swore to 2a!id in Bo#r tr#thC
<sa 89:15 :emember% /ord% the re*roah o$ Bo#r ser!ants DD (How) I bear in my bosom (the re*roah o$) all the
many *eo*les%
<sa 89:11 >ith whih Bo#r enemies ha!e re*roahed% 8 /8:2% >ith whih they ha!e re*roahed the $ootste*s
o$ Bo#r anointed"
<sa 89:12 Blessed (be) the /8:2 $ore!ermoreF +men and +men"
<sa 95:1 + <rayer o$ ?oses the man o$ God" /8:2% Bo# ha!e been o#r dwelling *lae in all generations"
<sa 95:2 Be$ore the mo#ntains were bro#ght $orth% 8r e!er Bo# had $ormed the earth and the world% 6!en $rom
e!erlasting to e!erlasting% Bo# (are) God"
<sa 95:- Bo# t#rn man to destr#tion% +nd say% .:et#rn% 8 hildren o$ men".
<sa 95:0 ;or a tho#sand years in Bo#r sight (+re) li'e yesterday when it is *ast% +nd (li'e) a wath in the night"
<sa 95:1 Bo# arry them away (li'e) a $lood& (They are) li'e a slee*" In the morning they are li'e grass (whih)
grows #*:
<sa 95:3 In the morning it $lo#rishes and grows #*& In the e!ening it is #t down and withers"
<sa 95:4 ;or we ha!e been ons#med by Bo#r anger% +nd by Bo#r wrath we are terri$ied"
<sa 95:8 Bo# ha!e set o#r iniE#ities be$ore Bo#% 8#r seret (sins) in the light o$ Bo#r o#ntenane"
<sa 95:9 ;or all o#r days ha!e *assed away in Bo#r wrath& >e $inish o#r years li'e a sigh"
<sa 95:15 The days o$ o#r li!es (are) se!enty years& +nd i$ by reason o$ strength (they are) eighty years% Bet
their boast (is) only labor and sorrow& ;or it is soon #t o$$% and we $ly away"
<sa 95:11 >ho 'nows the *ower o$ Bo#r angerC ;or as the $ear o$ Bo#% (so is) Bo#r wrath"
<sa 95:12 ,o teah (#s) to n#mber o#r days% That we may gain a heart o$ wisdom"
<sa 95:1- :et#rn% 8 /8:2F How longC +nd ha!e om*assion on Bo#r ser!ants"
<sa 95:10 8h% satis$y #s early with Bo#r mery% That we may re@oie and be glad all o#r daysF
<sa 95:11 ?a'e #s glad aording to the days (in whih) Bo# ha!e a$$lited #s% The years (in whih) we ha!e
seen e!il"
<sa 95:13 /et Bo#r wor' a**ear to Bo#r ser!ants% +nd Bo#r glory to their hildren"
<sa 95:14 +nd let the bea#ty o$ the /8:2 o#r God be #*on #s% +nd establish the wor' o$ o#r hands $or #s& Bes%
establish the wor' o$ o#r hands"
<sa 91:1 He who dwells in the seret *lae o$ the ?ost High ,hall abide #nder the shadow o$ the +lmighty"
<sa 91:2 I will say o$ the /8:2% .(He is) my re$#ge and my $ortress& ?y God% in Him I will tr#st".
<sa 91:- ,#rely He shall deli!er yo# $rom the snare o$ the $owler (+nd) $rom the *erilo#s *estilene"
<sa 91:0 He shall o!er yo# with His $eathers% +nd #nder His wings yo# shall ta'e re$#ge& His tr#th (shall be
yo#r) shield and b#'ler"
<sa 91:1 Bo# shall not be a$raid o$ the terror by night% (Nor) o$ the arrow (that) $lies by day%
<sa 91:3 (Nor) o$ the *estilene (that) wal's in dar'ness% (Nor) o$ the destr#tion (that) lays waste at noonday"
<sa 91:4 + tho#sand may $all at yo#r side% +nd ten tho#sand at yo#r right hand& (B#t) it shall not ome near yo#"
<sa 91:8 8nly with yo#r eyes shall yo# loo'% +nd see the reward o$ the wi'ed"
<sa 91:9 Bea#se yo# ha!e made the /8:2% (who is) my re$#ge% (6!en) the ?ost High% yo#r dwelling *lae%
<sa 91:15 No e!il shall be$all yo#% Nor shall any *lag#e ome near yo#r dwelling&
<sa 91:11 ;or He shall gi!e His angels harge o!er yo#% To 'ee* yo# in all yo#r ways"
<sa 91:12 In (their) hands they shall bear yo# #*% /est yo# dash yo#r $oot against a stone"
<sa 91:1- Bo# shall tread #*on the lion and the obra% The yo#ng lion and the ser*ent yo# shall tram*le
<sa 91:10 .Bea#se he has set his lo!e #*on ?e% there$ore I will deli!er him& I will set him on high% bea#se he
has 'nown ?y name"
<sa 91:11 He shall all #*on ?e% and I will answer him& I (will be) with him in tro#ble& I will deli!er him and honor
<sa 91:13 >ith long li$e I will satis$y him% +nd show him ?y sal!ation".
<sa 92:1 + <salm" + ,ong $or the ,abbath day" (It is) good to gi!e than's to the /8:2% +nd to sing *raises to
Bo#r name% 8 ?ost High&
<sa 92:2 To delare Bo#r lo!ing'indness in the morning% +nd Bo#r $aith$#lness e!ery night%
<sa 92:- 8n an instr#ment o$ ten strings% 8n the l#te% +nd on the har*% >ith harmonio#s so#nd"
<sa 92:0 ;or Bo#% /8:2% ha!e made me glad thro#gh Bo#r wor'& I will tri#m*h in the wor's o$ Bo#r hands"
<sa 92:1 8 /8:2% how great are Bo#r wor'sF Bo#r tho#ghts are !ery dee*"
<sa 92:3 + senseless man does not 'now% Nor does a $ool #nderstand this"
<sa 92:4 >hen the wi'ed s*ring #* li'e grass% +nd when all the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity $lo#rish% (It is) that they may
be destroyed $ore!er"
<sa 92:8 B#t Bo#% /8:2% (are) on high $ore!ermore"
<sa 92:9 ;or behold% Bo#r enemies% 8 /8:2% ;or behold% Bo#r enemies shall *erish& +ll the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity
shall be sattered"
<sa 92:15 B#t my horn Bo# ha!e e9alted li'e a wild o9& I ha!e been anointed with $resh oil"
<sa 92:11 ?y eye also has seen (my desire) on my enemies& ?y ears hear (my desire) on the wi'ed >ho rise
#* against me"
<sa 92:12 The righteo#s shall $lo#rish li'e a *alm tree% He shall grow li'e a edar in /ebanon"
<sa 92:1- Those who are *lanted in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 ,hall $lo#rish in the o#rts o$ o#r God"
<sa 92:10 They shall still bear $r#it in old age& They shall be $resh and $lo#rishing%
<sa 92:11 To delare that the /8:2 is #*right& (He is) my ro'% and (there is) no #nrighteo#sness in Him"
<sa 9-:1 The /8:2 reigns% He is lothed with ma@esty& The /8:2 is lothed% He has girded Himsel$ with
strength" ,#rely the world is established% so that it annot be mo!ed"
<sa 9-:2 Bo#r throne (is) established $rom o$ old& Bo# (are) $rom e!erlasting"
<sa 9-:- The $loods ha!e li$ted #*% 8 /8:2% The $loods ha!e li$ted #* their !oie& The $loods li$t #* their wa!es"
<sa 9-:0 The /8:2 on high (is) mightier Than the noise o$ many waters% (Than) the mighty wa!es o$ the sea"
<sa 9-:1 Bo#r testimonies are !ery s#re& Holiness adorns Bo#r ho#se% 8 /8:2% $ore!er"
<sa 90:1 8 /8:2 God% to whom !engeane belongs DD 8 God% to whom !engeane belongs% shine $orthF
<sa 90:2 :ise #*% 8 J#dge o$ the earth& :ender *#nishment to the *ro#d"
<sa 90:- /8:2% how long will the wi'ed% How long will the wi'ed tri#m*hC
<sa 90:0 They #tter s*eeh% (and) s*ea' insolent things& +ll the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity boast in themsel!es"
<sa 90:1 They brea' in *iees Bo#r *eo*le% 8 /8:2% +nd a$$lit Bo#r heritage"
<sa 90:3 They slay the widow and the stranger% +nd m#rder the $atherless"
<sa 90:4 Bet they say% .The /8:2 does not see% Nor does the God o$ Jaob #nderstand".
<sa 90:8 7nderstand% yo# senseless among the *eo*le& +nd (yo#) $ools% when will yo# be wiseC
<sa 90:9 He who *lanted the ear% shall He not hearC He who $ormed the eye% shall He not seeC
<sa 90:15 He who instr#ts the nations% shall He not orret% He who teahes man 'nowledgeC
<sa 90:11 The /8:2 'nows the tho#ghts o$ man% That they (are) $#tile"
<sa 90:12 Blessed (is) the man whom Bo# instr#t% 8 /8:2% +nd teah o#t o$ Bo#r law%
<sa 90:1- That Bo# may gi!e him rest $rom the days o$ ad!ersity% 7ntil the *it is d#g $or the wi'ed"
<sa 90:10 ;or the /8:2 will not ast o$$ His *eo*le% Nor will He $orsa'e His inheritane"
<sa 90:11 B#t @#dgment will ret#rn to righteo#sness% +nd all the #*right in heart will $ollow it"
<sa 90:13 >ho will rise #* $or me against the e!ildoersC >ho will stand #* $or me against the wor'ers o$
<sa 90:14 7nless the /8:2 (had been) my hel*% ?y so#l wo#ld soon ha!e settled in silene"
<sa 90:18 I$ I say% .?y $oot sli*s%. Bo#r mery% 8 /8:2% will hold me #*"
<sa 90:19 In the m#ltit#de o$ my an9ieties within me% Bo#r om$orts delight my so#l"
<sa 90:25 ,hall the throne o$ iniE#ity% whih de!ises e!il by law% Ha!e $ellowshi* with Bo#C
<sa 90:21 They gather together against the li$e o$ the righteo#s% +nd ondemn innoent blood"
<sa 90:22 B#t the /8:2 has been my de$ense% +nd my God the ro' o$ my re$#ge"
<sa 90:2- He has bro#ght on them their own iniE#ity% +nd shall #t them o$$ in their own wi'edness& The /8:2
o#r God shall #t them o$$"
<sa 91:1 8h ome% let #s sing to the /8:2F /et #s sho#t @oy$#lly to the :o' o$ o#r sal!ation"
<sa 91:2 /et #s ome be$ore His *resene with than'sgi!ing& /et #s sho#t @oy$#lly to Him with *salms"
<sa 91:- ;or the /8:2 (is) the great God% +nd the great King abo!e all gods"
<sa 91:0 In His hand (are) the dee* *laes o$ the earth& The heights o$ the hills (are) His also"
<sa 91:1 The sea (is) His% $or He made it& +nd His hands $ormed the dry (land")
<sa 91:3 8h ome% let #s worshi* and bow down& /et #s 'neel be$ore the /8:2 o#r ?a'er"
<sa 91:4 ;or He (is) o#r God% +nd we (are) the *eo*le o$ His *ast#re% +nd the shee* o$ His hand" Today% i$ yo#
will hear His !oie:
<sa 91:8 .2o not harden yo#r hearts% as in the rebellion% +s (in) the day o$ trial in the wilderness%
<sa 91:9 >hen yo#r $athers tested ?e& They tried ?e% tho#gh they saw ?y wor'"
<sa 91:15 ;or $orty years I was grie!ed with (that) generation% +nd said% AIt (is) a *eo*le who go astray in their
hearts% +nd they do not 'now ?y ways"A
<sa 91:11 ,o I swore in ?y wrath% AThey shall not enter ?y rest"A .
<sa 93:1 8h% sing to the /8:2 a new songF ,ing to the /8:2% all the earth"
<sa 93:2 ,ing to the /8:2% bless His name& <rolaim the good news o$ His sal!ation $rom day to day"
<sa 93:- 2elare His glory among the nations% His wonders among all *eo*les"
<sa 93:0 ;or the /8:2 (is) great and greatly to be *raised& He (is) to be $eared abo!e all gods"
<sa 93:1 ;or all the gods o$ the *eo*les (are) idols% B#t the /8:2 made the hea!ens"
<sa 93:3 Honor and ma@esty (are) be$ore Him& ,trength and bea#ty (are) in His sant#ary"
<sa 93:4 Gi!e to the /8:2% 8 $amilies o$ the *eo*les% Gi!e to the /8:2 glory and strength"
<sa 93:8 Gi!e to the /8:2 the glory (d#e) His name& Bring an o$$ering% and ome into His o#rts"
<sa 93:9 8h% worshi* the /8:2 in the bea#ty o$ holinessF Tremble be$ore Him% all the earth"
<sa 93:15 ,ay among the nations% .The /8:2 reigns& The world also is $irmly established% It shall not be
mo!ed& He shall @#dge the *eo*les righteo#sly".
<sa 93:11 /et the hea!ens re@oie% and let the earth be glad& /et the sea roar% and all its $#llness&
<sa 93:12 /et the $ield be @oy$#l% and all that (is) in it" Then all the trees o$ the woods will re@oie be$ore the
<sa 93:1- ;or He is oming% $or He is oming to @#dge the earth" He shall @#dge the world with righteo#sness%
+nd the *eo*les with His tr#th"
<sa 94:1 The /8:2 reigns& /et the earth re@oie& /et the m#ltit#de o$ isles be gladF
<sa 94:2 =lo#ds and dar'ness s#rro#nd Him& :ighteo#sness and @#stie (are) the $o#ndation o$ His throne"
<sa 94:- + $ire goes be$ore Him% +nd b#rns #* His enemies ro#nd abo#t"
<sa 94:0 His lightnings light the world& The earth sees and trembles"
<sa 94:1 The mo#ntains melt li'e wa9 at the *resene o$ the /8:2% +t the *resene o$ the /ord o$ the whole
<sa 94:3 The hea!ens delare His righteo#sness% +nd all the *eo*les see His glory"
<sa 94:4 /et all be *#t to shame who ser!e ar!ed images% >ho boast o$ idols" >orshi* Him% all (yo#) gods"
<sa 94:8 Gion hears and is glad% +nd the da#ghters o$ J#dah re@oie Bea#se o$ Bo#r @#dgments% 8 /8:2"
<sa 94:9 ;or Bo#% /8:2% (are) most high abo!e all the earth& Bo# are e9alted $ar abo!e all gods"
<sa 94:15 Bo# who lo!e the /8:2% hate e!ilF He *reser!es the so#ls o$ His saints& He deli!ers them o#t o$ the
hand o$ the wi'ed"
<sa 94:11 /ight is sown $or the righteo#s% +nd gladness $or the #*right in heart"
<sa 94:12 :e@oie in the /8:2% yo# righteo#s% +nd gi!e than's at the remembrane o$ His holy name"
<sa 98:1 + <salm" 8h% sing to the /8:2 a new songF ;or He has done mar!elo#s things& His right hand and
His holy arm ha!e gained Him the !itory"
<sa 98:2 The /8:2 has made 'nown His sal!ation& His righteo#sness He has re!ealed in the sight o$ the
<sa 98:- He has remembered His mery and His $aith$#lness to the ho#se o$ Israel& +ll the ends o$ the earth
ha!e seen the sal!ation o$ o#r God"
<sa 98:0 ,ho#t @oy$#lly to the /8:2% all the earth& Brea' $orth in song% re@oie% and sing *raises"
<sa 98:1 ,ing to the /8:2 with the har*% >ith the har* and the so#nd o$ a *salm%
<sa 98:3 >ith tr#m*ets and the so#nd o$ a horn& ,ho#t @oy$#lly be$ore the /8:2% the King"
<sa 98:4 /et the sea roar% and all its $#llness% The world and those who dwell in it&
<sa 98:8 /et the ri!ers la* (their) hands& /et the hills be @oy$#l together be$ore the /8:2%
<sa 98:9 ;or He is oming to @#dge the earth" >ith righteo#sness He shall @#dge the world% +nd the *eo*les
with eE#ity"
<sa 99:1 The /8:2 reigns& /et the *eo*les trembleF He dwells (between) the her#bim& /et the earth be
<sa 99:2 The /8:2 (is) great in Gion% +nd He (is) high abo!e all the *eo*les"
<sa 99:- /et them *raise Bo#r great and awesome name DD He (is) holy"
<sa 99:0 The KingAs strength also lo!es @#stie& Bo# ha!e established eE#ity& Bo# ha!e e9e#ted @#stie and
righteo#sness in Jaob"
<sa 99:1 69alt the /8:2 o#r God% +nd worshi* at His $ootstool DD He (is) holy"
<sa 99:3 ?oses and +aron were among His *riests% +nd ,am#el was among those who alled #*on His name&
They alled #*on the /8:2% and He answered them"
<sa 99:4 He s*o'e to them in the lo#dy *illar& They 'e*t His testimonies and the ordinane He ga!e them"
<sa 99:8 Bo# answered them% 8 /8:2 o#r God& Bo# were to them GodD>hoD;orgi!es% Tho#gh Bo# too'
!engeane on their deeds"
<sa 99:9 69alt the /8:2 o#r God% +nd worshi* at His holy hill& ;or the /8:2 o#r God (is) holy"
<sa 155:1 + <salm o$ Than'sgi!ing" ?a'e a @oy$#l sho#t to the /8:2% all yo# landsF
<sa 155:2 ,er!e the /8:2 with gladness& =ome be$ore His *resene with singing"
<sa 155:- Know that the /8:2% He (is) God& (It is) He (who) has made #s% and not we o#rsel!es& (>e are) His
*eo*le and the shee* o$ His *ast#re"
<sa 155:0 6nter into His gates with than'sgi!ing% (+nd) into His o#rts with *raise" Be than'$#l to Him% (and)
bless His name"
<sa 155:1 ;or the /8:2 (is) good& His mery (is) e!erlasting% +nd His tr#th (end#res) to all generations"
<sa 151:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" I will sing o$ mery and @#stie& To Bo#% 8 /8:2% I will sing *raises"
<sa 151:2 I will beha!e wisely in a *er$et way" 8h% when will Bo# ome to meC I will wal' within my ho#se with
a *er$et heart"
<sa 151:- I will set nothing wi'ed be$ore my eyes& I hate the wor' o$ those who $all away& It shall not ling to
<sa 151:0 + *er!erse heart shall de*art $rom me& I will not 'now wi'edness"
<sa 151:1 >hoe!er seretly slanders his neighbor% Him I will destroy& The one who has a ha#ghty loo' and a
*ro#d heart% Him I will not end#re"
<sa 151:3 ?y eyes (shall be) on the $aith$#l o$ the land% That they may dwell with me& He who wal's in a *er$et
way% He shall ser!e me"
<sa 151:4 He who wor's deeit shall not dwell within my ho#se& He who tells lies shall not ontin#e in my
<sa 151:8 6arly I will destroy all the wi'ed o$ the land% That I may #t o$$ all the e!ildoers $rom the ity o$ the
<sa 152:1 + <rayer o$ the a$$lited when he is o!erwhelmed and *o#rs o#t his om*laint be$ore the /8:2" Hear
my *rayer% 8 /8:2% +nd let my ry ome to Bo#"
<sa 152:2 2o not hide Bo#r $ae $rom me in the day o$ my tro#ble& Inline Bo#r ear to me& In the day that I all%
answer me s*eedily"
<sa 152:- ;or my days are ons#med li'e smo'e% +nd my bones are b#rned li'e a hearth"
<sa 152:0 ?y heart is stri'en and withered li'e grass% ,o that I $orget to eat my bread"
<sa 152:1 Bea#se o$ the so#nd o$ my groaning ?y bones ling to my s'in"
<sa 152:3 I am li'e a *elian o$ the wilderness& I am li'e an owl o$ the desert"
<sa 152:4 I lie awa'e% +nd am li'e a s*arrow alone on the ho#seto*"
<sa 152:8 ?y enemies re*roah me all day long% Those who deride me swear an oath against me"
<sa 152:9 ;or I ha!e eaten ashes li'e bread% +nd mingled my drin' with wee*ing%
<sa 152:15 Bea#se o$ Bo#r indignation and Bo#r wrath& ;or Bo# ha!e li$ted me #* and ast me away"
<sa 152:11 ?y days (are) li'e a shadow that lengthens% +nd I wither away li'e grass"
<sa 152:12 B#t Bo#% 8 /8:2% shall end#re $ore!er% +nd the remembrane o$ Bo#r name to all generations"
<sa 152:1- Bo# will arise (and) ha!e mery on Gion& ;or the time to $a!or her% Bes% the set time% has ome"
<sa 152:10 ;or Bo#r ser!ants ta'e *leas#re in her stones% +nd show $a!or to her d#st"
<sa 152:11 ,o the nations shall $ear the name o$ the /8:2% +nd all the 'ings o$ the earth Bo#r glory"
<sa 152:13 ;or the /8:2 shall b#ild #* Gion& He shall a**ear in His glory"
<sa 152:14 He shall regard the *rayer o$ the destit#te% +nd shall not des*ise their *rayer"
<sa 152:18 This will be written $or the generation to ome% That a *eo*le yet to be reated may *raise the
<sa 152:19 ;or He loo'ed down $rom the height o$ His sant#ary& ;rom hea!en the /8:2 !iewed the earth%
<sa 152:25 To hear the groaning o$ the *risoner% To release those a**ointed to death%
<sa 152:21 To delare the name o$ the /8:2 in Gion% +nd His *raise in Jer#salem%
<sa 152:22 >hen the *eo*les are gathered together% +nd the 'ingdoms% to ser!e the /8:2"
<sa 152:2- He wea'ened my strength in the way& He shortened my days"
<sa 152:20 I said% .8 my God% 2o not ta'e me away in the midst o$ my days& Bo#r years (are) thro#gho#t all
<sa 152:21 8$ old Bo# laid the $o#ndation o$ the earth% +nd the hea!ens (are) the wor' o$ Bo#r hands"
<sa 152:23 They will *erish% b#t Bo# will end#re& Bes% they will all grow old li'e a garment& /i'e a loa' Bo# will
hange them% +nd they will be hanged"
<sa 152:24 B#t Bo# (are) the same% +nd Bo#r years will ha!e no end"
<sa 152:28 The hildren o$ Bo#r ser!ants will ontin#e% +nd their desendants will be established be$ore Bo#".
<sa 15-:1 (+ <salm) o$ 2a!id" Bless the /8:2% 8 my so#l& +nd all that is within me% (bless) His holy nameF
<sa 15-:2 Bless the /8:2% 8 my so#l% +nd $orget not all His bene$its:
<sa 15-:- >ho $orgi!es all yo#r iniE#ities% >ho heals all yo#r diseases%
<sa 15-:0 >ho redeems yo#r li$e $rom destr#tion% >ho rowns yo# with lo!ing'indness and tender meries%
<sa 15-:1 >ho satis$ies yo#r mo#th with good (things%) (,o that) yo#r yo#th is renewed li'e the eagleAs"
<sa 15-:3 The /8:2 e9e#tes righteo#sness +nd @#stie $or all who are o**ressed"
<sa 15-:4 He made 'nown His ways to ?oses% His ats to the hildren o$ Israel"
<sa 15-:8 The /8:2 (is) meri$#l and graio#s% ,low to anger% and abo#nding in mery"
<sa 15-:9 He will not always stri!e (with #s%) Nor will He 'ee* (His anger) $ore!er"
<sa 15-:15 He has not dealt with #s aording to o#r sins% Nor *#nished #s aording to o#r iniE#ities"
<sa 15-:11 ;or as the hea!ens are high abo!e the earth% (,o) great is His mery toward those who $ear Him&
<sa 15-:12 +s $ar as the east is $rom the west% (,o) $ar has He remo!ed o#r transgressions $rom #s"
<sa 15-:1- +s a $ather *ities (his) hildren% (,o) the /8:2 *ities those who $ear Him"
<sa 15-:10 ;or He 'nows o#r $rame& He remembers that we (are) d#st"
<sa 15-:11 (+s $or) man% his days (are) li'e grass& +s a $lower o$ the $ield% so he $lo#rishes"
<sa 15-:13 ;or the wind *asses o!er it% and it is gone% +nd its *lae remembers it no more"
<sa 15-:14 B#t the mery o$ the /8:2 (is) $rom e!erlasting to e!erlasting 8n those who $ear Him% +nd His
righteo#sness to hildrenAs hildren%
<sa 15-:18 To s#h as 'ee* His o!enant% +nd to those who remember His ommandments to do them"
<sa 15-:19 The /8:2 has established His throne in hea!en% +nd His 'ingdom r#les o!er all"
<sa 15-:25 Bless the /8:2% yo# His angels% >ho e9el in strength% who do His word% Heeding the !oie o$ His
<sa 15-:21 Bless the /8:2% all (yo#) His hosts% (Bo#) ministers o$ His% who do His *leas#re"
<sa 15-:22 Bless the /8:2% all His wor's% In all *laes o$ His dominion" Bless the /8:2% 8 my so#lF
<sa 150:1 Bless the /8:2% 8 my so#lF 8 /8:2 my God% Bo# are !ery great: Bo# are lothed with honor and
<sa 150:2 >ho o!er (Bo#rsel$) with light as (with) a garment% >ho streth o#t the hea!ens li'e a #rtain"
<sa 150:- He lays the beams o$ His #**er hambers in the waters% >ho ma'es the lo#ds His hariot% >ho
wal's on the wings o$ the wind%
<sa 150:0 >ho ma'es His angels s*irits% His ministers a $lame o$ $ire"
<sa 150:1 (Bo# who) laid the $o#ndations o$ the earth% ,o (that) it sho#ld not be mo!ed $ore!er%
<sa 150:3 Bo# o!ered it with the dee* as (with) a garment& The waters stood abo!e the mo#ntains"
<sa 150:4 +t Bo#r reb#'e they $led& +t the !oie o$ Bo#r th#nder they hastened away"
<sa 150:8 They went #* o!er the mo#ntains& They went down into the !alleys% To the *lae whih Bo# $o#nded
$or them"
<sa 150:9 Bo# ha!e set a bo#ndary that they may not *ass o!er% That they may not ret#rn to o!er the earth"
<sa 150:15 He sends the s*rings into the !alleys% They $low among the hills"
<sa 150:11 They gi!e drin' to e!ery beast o$ the $ield& The wild don'eys E#enh their thirst"
<sa 150:12 By them the birds o$ the hea!ens ha!e their home& They sing among the branhes"
<sa 150:1- He waters the hills $rom His #**er hambers& The earth is satis$ied with the $r#it o$ Bo#r wor's"
<sa 150:10 He a#ses the grass to grow $or the attle% +nd !egetation $or the ser!ie o$ man% That he may bring
$orth $ood $rom the earth%
<sa 150:11 +nd wine (that) ma'es glad the heart o$ man% 8il to ma'e (his) $ae shine% +nd bread (whih)
strengthens manAs heart"
<sa 150:13 The trees o$ the /8:2 are $#ll (o$ sa*%) The edars o$ /ebanon whih He *lanted%
<sa 150:14 >here the birds ma'e their nests& The stor' has her home in the $ir trees"
<sa 150:18 The high hills (are) $or the wild goats& The li$$s are a re$#ge $or the ro' badgers"
<sa 150:19 He a**ointed the moon $or seasons& The s#n 'nows its going down"
<sa 150:25 Bo# ma'e dar'ness% and it is night% In whih all the beasts o$ the $orest ree* abo#t"
<sa 150:21 The yo#ng lions roar a$ter their *rey% +nd see' their $ood $rom God"
<sa 150:22 (>hen) the s#n rises% they gather together +nd lie down in their dens"
<sa 150:2- ?an goes o#t to his wor' +nd to his labor #ntil the e!ening"
<sa 150:20 8 /8:2% how mani$old are Bo#r wor'sF In wisdom Bo# ha!e made them all" The earth is $#ll o$
Bo#r *ossessions DD
<sa 150:21 This great and wide sea% In whih (are) inn#merable teeming things% /i!ing things both small and
<sa 150:23 There the shi*s sail abo#t& (There is) that /e!iathan >hih Bo# ha!e made to *lay there"
<sa 150:24 These all wait $or Bo#% That Bo# may gi!e (them) their $ood in d#e season"
<sa 150:28 (>hat) Bo# gi!e them they gather in& Bo# o*en Bo#r hand% they are $illed with good"
<sa 150:29 Bo# hide Bo#r $ae% they are tro#bled& Bo# ta'e away their breath% they die and ret#rn to their d#st"
<sa 150:-5 Bo# send $orth Bo#r ,*irit% they are reated& +nd Bo# renew the $ae o$ the earth"
<sa 150:-1 ?ay the glory o$ the /8:2 end#re $ore!er& ?ay the /8:2 re@oie in His wor's"
<sa 150:-2 He loo's on the earth% and it trembles& He to#hes the hills% and they smo'e"
<sa 150:-- I will sing to the /8:2 as long as I li!e& I will sing *raise to my God while I ha!e my being"
<sa 150:-0 ?ay my meditation be sweet to Him& I will be glad in the /8:2"
<sa 150:-1 ?ay sinners be ons#med $rom the earth% +nd the wi'ed be no more" Bless the /8:2% 8 my so#lF
<raise the /8:2F
<sa 151:1 8h% gi!e than's to the /8:2F =all #*on His name& ?a'e 'nown His deeds among the *eo*lesF
<sa 151:2 ,ing to Him% sing *salms to Him& Tal' o$ all His wondro#s wor'sF
<sa 151:- Glory in His holy name& /et the hearts o$ those re@oie who see' the /8:2F
<sa 151:0 ,ee' the /8:2 and His strength& ,ee' His $ae e!ermoreF
<sa 151:1 :emember His mar!elo#s wor's whih He has done% His wonders% and the @#dgments o$ His mo#th%
<sa 151:3 8 seed o$ +braham His ser!ant% Bo# hildren o$ Jaob% His hosen onesF
<sa 151:4 He (is) the /8:2 o#r God& His @#dgments (are) in all the earth"
<sa 151:8 He remembers His o!enant $ore!er% The word (whih) He ommanded% $or a tho#sand generations%
<sa 151:9 (The o!enant) whih He made with +braham% +nd His oath to Isaa%
<sa 151:15 +nd on$irmed it to Jaob $or a stat#te% To Israel (as) an e!erlasting o!enant%
<sa 151:11 ,aying% .To yo# I will gi!e the land o$ =anaan +s the allotment o$ yo#r inheritane%.
<sa 151:12 >hen they were $ew in n#mber% Indeed !ery $ew% and strangers in it"
<sa 151:1- >hen they went $rom one nation to another% ;rom (one) 'ingdom to another *eo*le%
<sa 151:10 He *ermitted no one to do them wrong& Bes% He reb#'ed 'ings $or their sa'es%
<sa 151:11 (,aying%) .2o not to#h ?y anointed ones% +nd do ?y *ro*hets no harm".
<sa 151:13 ?oreo!er He alled $or a $amine in the land& He destroyed all the *ro!ision o$ bread"
<sa 151:14 He sent a man be$ore them DD Jose*h DD (who) was sold as a sla!e"
<sa 151:18 They h#rt his $eet with $etters% He was laid in irons"
<sa 151:19 7ntil the time that his word ame to *ass% The word o$ the /8:2 tested him"
<sa 151:25 The 'ing sent and released him% The r#ler o$ the *eo*le let him go $ree"
<sa 151:21 He made him lord o$ his ho#se% +nd r#ler o$ all his *ossessions%
<sa 151:22 To bind his *rines at his *leas#re% +nd teah his elders wisdom"
<sa 151:2- Israel also ame into 6gy*t% +nd Jaob dwelt in the land o$ Ham"
<sa 151:20 He inreased His *eo*le greatly% +nd made them stronger than their enemies"
<sa 151:21 He t#rned their heart to hate His *eo*le% To deal ra$tily with His ser!ants"
<sa 151:23 He sent ?oses His ser!ant% (+nd) +aron whom He had hosen"
<sa 151:24 They *er$ormed His signs among them% +nd wonders in the land o$ Ham"
<sa 151:28 He sent dar'ness% and made (it) dar'& +nd they did not rebel against His word"
<sa 151:29 He t#rned their waters into blood% +nd 'illed their $ish"
<sa 151:-5 Their land abo#nded with $rogs% (6!en) in the hambers o$ their 'ings"
<sa 151:-1 He s*o'e% and there ame swarms o$ $lies% (+nd) lie in all their territory"
<sa 151:-2 He ga!e them hail $or rain% (+nd) $laming $ire in their land"
<sa 151:-- He str#' their !ines also% and their $ig trees% +nd s*lintered the trees o$ their territory"
<sa 151:-0 He s*o'e% and lo#sts ame% Bo#ng lo#sts witho#t n#mber%
<sa 151:-1 +nd ate #* all the !egetation in their land% +nd de!o#red the $r#it o$ their gro#nd"
<sa 151:-3 He also destroyed all the $irstborn in their land% The $irst o$ all their strength"
<sa 151:-4 He also bro#ght them o#t with sil!er and gold% +nd (there was) none $eeble among His tribes"
<sa 151:-8 6gy*t was glad when they de*arted% ;or the $ear o$ them had $allen #*on them"
<sa 151:-9 He s*read a lo#d $or a o!ering% +nd $ire to gi!e light in the night"
<sa 151:05 (The *eo*le) as'ed% and He bro#ght E#ail% +nd satis$ied them with the bread o$ hea!en"
<sa 151:01 He o*ened the ro'% and water g#shed o#t& It ran in the dry *laes (li'e) a ri!er"
<sa 151:02 ;or He remembered His holy *romise% (+nd) +braham His ser!ant"
<sa 151:0- He bro#ght o#t His *eo*le with @oy% His hosen ones with gladness"
<sa 151:00 He ga!e them the lands o$ the Gentiles% +nd they inherited the labor o$ the nations%
<sa 151:01 That they might obser!e His stat#tes +nd 'ee* His laws" <raise the /8:2F
<sa 153:1 <raise the /8:2F 8h% gi!e than's to the /8:2% $or (He is) goodF ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er"
<sa 153:2 >ho an #tter the mighty ats o$ the /8:2C >ho an delare all His *raiseC
<sa 153:- Blessed (are) those who 'ee* @#stie% (+nd) he who does righteo#sness at all timesF
<sa 153:0 :emember me% 8 /8:2% with the $a!or (Bo# ha!e toward) Bo#r *eo*le& 8h% !isit me with Bo#r
<sa 153:1 That I may see the bene$it o$ Bo#r hosen ones% That I may re@oie in the gladness o$ Bo#r nation%
That I may glory with Bo#r inheritane"
<sa 153:3 >e ha!e sinned with o#r $athers% >e ha!e ommitted iniE#ity% >e ha!e done wi'edly"
<sa 153:4 8#r $athers in 6gy*t did not #nderstand Bo#r wonders& They did not remember the m#ltit#de o$ Bo#r
meries% B#t rebelled by the sea DD the :ed ,ea"
<sa 153:8 Ne!ertheless He sa!ed them $or His nameAs sa'e% That He might ma'e His mighty *ower 'nown"
<sa 153:9 He reb#'ed the :ed ,ea also% and it dried #*& ,o He led them thro#gh the de*ths% +s thro#gh the
<sa 153:15 He sa!ed them $rom the hand o$ him who hated (them%) +nd redeemed them $rom the hand o$ the
<sa 153:11 The waters o!ered their enemies& There was not one o$ them le$t"
<sa 153:12 Then they belie!ed His words& They sang His *raise"
<sa 153:1- They soon $orgot His wor's& They did not wait $or His o#nsel%
<sa 153:10 B#t l#sted e9eedingly in the wilderness% +nd tested God in the desert"
<sa 153:11 +nd He ga!e them their reE#est% B#t sent leanness into their so#l"
<sa 153:13 >hen they en!ied ?oses in the am*% (+nd) +aron the saint o$ the /8:2%
<sa 153:14 The earth o*ened #* and swallowed 2athan% +nd o!ered the $ation o$ +biram"
<sa 153:18 + $ire was 'indled in their om*any& The $lame b#rned #* the wi'ed"
<sa 153:19 They made a al$ in Horeb% +nd worshi*ed the molded image"
<sa 153:25 Th#s they hanged their glory Into the image o$ an o9 that eats grass"
<sa 153:21 They $orgot God their ,a!ior% >ho had done great things in 6gy*t%
<sa 153:22 >ondro#s wor's in the land o$ Ham% +wesome things by the :ed ,ea"
<sa 153:2- There$ore He said that He wo#ld destroy them% Had not ?oses His hosen one stood be$ore Him in
the breah% To t#rn away His wrath% lest He destroy (them")
<sa 153:20 Then they des*ised the *leasant land& They did not belie!e His word%
<sa 153:21 B#t om*lained in their tents% (+nd) did not heed the !oie o$ the /8:2"
<sa 153:23 There$ore He raised #* His hand (in an oath) against them% To o!erthrow them in the wilderness%
<sa 153:24 To o!erthrow their desendants among the nations% +nd to satter them in the lands"
<sa 153:28 They @oined themsel!es also to Baal o$ <eor% +nd ate sari$ies made to the dead"
<sa 153:29 Th#s they *ro!o'ed (Him) to anger with their deeds% +nd the *lag#e bro'e o#t among them"
<sa 153:-5 Then <hinehas stood #* and inter!ened% +nd the *lag#e was sto**ed"
<sa 153:-1 +nd that was ao#nted to him $or righteo#sness To all generations $ore!ermore"
<sa 153:-2 They angered (Him) also at the waters o$ stri$e% ,o that it went ill with ?oses on ao#nt o$ them&
<sa 153:-- Bea#se they rebelled against His ,*irit% ,o that he s*o'e rashly with his li*s"
<sa 153:-0 They did not destroy the *eo*les% =onerning whom the /8:2 had ommanded them%
<sa 153:-1 B#t they mingled with the Gentiles +nd learned their wor's&
<sa 153:-3 They ser!ed their idols% >hih beame a snare to them"
<sa 153:-4 They e!en sari$ied their sons +nd their da#ghters to demons%
<sa 153:-8 +nd shed innoent blood% The blood o$ their sons and da#ghters% >hom they sari$ied to the idols
o$ =anaan& +nd the land was *oll#ted with blood"
<sa 153:-9 Th#s they were de$iled by their own wor's% +nd *layed the harlot by their own deeds"
<sa 153:05 There$ore the wrath o$ the /8:2 was 'indled against His *eo*le% ,o that He abhorred His own
<sa 153:01 +nd He ga!e them into the hand o$ the Gentiles% +nd those who hated them r#led o!er them"
<sa 153:02 Their enemies also o**ressed them% +nd they were bro#ght into s#b@etion #nder their hand"
<sa 153:0- ?any times He deli!ered them& B#t they rebelled in their o#nsel% +nd were bro#ght low $or their
<sa 153:00 Ne!ertheless He regarded their a$$lition% >hen He heard their ry&
<sa 153:01 +nd $or their sa'e He remembered His o!enant% +nd relented aording to the m#ltit#de o$ His
<sa 153:03 He also made them to be *itied By all those who arried them away a*ti!e"
<sa 153:04 ,a!e #s% 8 /8:2 o#r God% +nd gather #s $rom among the Gentiles% To gi!e than's to Bo#r holy
name% To tri#m*h in Bo#r *raise"
<sa 153:08 Blessed (be) the /8:2 God o$ Israel ;rom e!erlasting to e!erlastingF +nd let all the *eo*le say%
.+menF. <raise the /8:2F
<sa 154:1 8h% gi!e than's to the /8:2% $or (He is) goodF ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er"
<sa 154:2 /et the redeemed o$ the /8:2 say (so%) >hom He has redeemed $rom the hand o$ the enemy%
<sa 154:- +nd gathered o#t o$ the lands% ;rom the east and $rom the west% ;rom the north and $rom the so#th"
<sa 154:0 They wandered in the wilderness in a desolate way& They $o#nd no ity to dwell in"
<sa 154:1 H#ngry and thirsty% Their so#l $ainted in them"
<sa 154:3 Then they ried o#t to the /8:2 in their tro#ble% (+nd) He deli!ered them o#t o$ their distresses"
<sa 154:4 +nd He led them $orth by the right way% That they might go to a ity $or a dwelling *lae"
<sa 154:8 8h% that (men) wo#ld gi!e than's to the /8:2 ($or) His goodness% +nd ($or) His wonder$#l wor's to
the hildren o$ menF
<sa 154:9 ;or He satis$ies the longing so#l% +nd $ills the h#ngry so#l with goodness"
<sa 154:15 Those who sat in dar'ness and in the shadow o$ death% Bo#nd in a$$lition and irons DD
<sa 154:11 Bea#se they rebelled against the words o$ God% +nd des*ised the o#nsel o$ the ?ost High%
<sa 154:12 There$ore He bro#ght down their heart with labor& They $ell down% and (there was) none to hel*"
<sa 154:1- Then they ried o#t to the /8:2 in their tro#ble% (+nd) He sa!ed them o#t o$ their distresses"
<sa 154:10 He bro#ght them o#t o$ dar'ness and the shadow o$ death% +nd bro'e their hains in *iees"
<sa 154:11 8h% that (men) wo#ld gi!e than's to the /8:2 ($or) His goodness% +nd ($or) His wonder$#l wor's to
the hildren o$ menF
<sa 154:13 ;or He has bro'en the gates o$ bronHe% +nd #t the bars o$ iron in two"
<sa 154:14 ;ools% bea#se o$ their transgression% +nd bea#se o$ their iniE#ities% were a$$lited"
<sa 154:18 Their so#l abhorred all manner o$ $ood% +nd they drew near to the gates o$ death"
<sa 154:19 Then they ried o#t to the /8:2 in their tro#ble% (+nd) He sa!ed them o#t o$ their distresses"
<sa 154:25 He sent His word and healed them% +nd deli!ered (them) $rom their destr#tions"
<sa 154:21 8h% that (men) wo#ld gi!e than's to the /8:2 ($or) His goodness% +nd ($or) His wonder$#l wor's to
the hildren o$ menF
<sa 154:22 /et them sari$ie the sari$ies o$ than'sgi!ing% +nd delare His wor's with re@oiing"
<sa 154:2- Those who go down to the sea in shi*s% >ho do b#siness on great waters%
<sa 154:20 They see the wor's o$ the /8:2% +nd His wonders in the dee*"
<sa 154:21 ;or He ommands and raises the stormy wind% >hih li$ts #* the wa!es o$ the sea"
<sa 154:23 They mo#nt #* to the hea!ens% They go down again to the de*ths& Their so#l melts bea#se o$
<sa 154:24 They reel to and $ro% and stagger li'e a dr#n'en man% +nd are at their witsA end"
<sa 154:28 Then they ry o#t to the /8:2 in their tro#ble% +nd He brings them o#t o$ their distresses"
<sa 154:29 He alms the storm% ,o that its wa!es are still"
<sa 154:-5 Then they are glad bea#se they are E#iet& ,o He g#ides them to their desired ha!en"
<sa 154:-1 8h% that (men) wo#ld gi!e than's to the /8:2 ($or) His goodness% +nd ($or) His wonder$#l wor's to
the hildren o$ menF
<sa 154:-2 /et them e9alt Him also in the assembly o$ the *eo*le% +nd *raise Him in the om*any o$ the elders"
<sa 154:-- He t#rns ri!ers into a wilderness% +nd the waters*rings into dry gro#nd&
<sa 154:-0 + $r#it$#l land into barrenness% ;or the wi'edness o$ those who dwell in it"
<sa 154:-1 He t#rns a wilderness into *ools o$ water% +nd dry land into waters*rings"
<sa 154:-3 There He ma'es the h#ngry dwell% That they may establish a ity $or a dwelling *lae%
<sa 154:-4 +nd sow $ields and *lant !ineyards% That they may yield a $r#it$#l har!est"
<sa 154:-8 He also blesses them% and they m#lti*ly greatly& +nd He does not let their attle derease"
<sa 154:-9 >hen they are diminished and bro#ght low Thro#gh o**ression% a$$lition and sorrow%
<sa 154:05 He *o#rs ontem*t on *rines% +nd a#ses them to wander in the wilderness (where there is) no
<sa 154:01 Bet He sets the *oor on high% $ar $rom a$$lition% +nd ma'es (their) $amilies li'e a $lo'"
<sa 154:02 The righteo#s see (it) and re@oie% +nd all iniE#ity sto*s its mo#th"
<sa 154:0- >hoe!er (is) wise will obser!e these (things%) +nd they will #nderstand the lo!ing'indness o$ the
<sa 158:1 + ,ong" + <salm o$ 2a!id" 8 God% my heart is stead$ast& I will sing and gi!e *raise% e!en with my
<sa 158:2 +wa'e% l#te and har*F I will awa'en the dawn"
<sa 158:- I will *raise Bo#% 8 /8:2% among the *eo*les% +nd I will sing *raises to Bo# among the nations"
<sa 158:0 ;or Bo#r mery (is) great abo!e the hea!ens% +nd Bo#r tr#th (reahes) to the lo#ds"
<sa 158:1 Be e9alted% 8 God% abo!e the hea!ens% +nd Bo#r glory abo!e all the earth&
<sa 158:3 That Bo#r belo!ed may be deli!ered% ,a!e (with) Bo#r right hand% and hear me"
<sa 158:4 God has s*o'en in His holiness: .I will re@oie& I will di!ide ,hehem +nd meas#re o#t the Valley o$
<sa 158:8 Gilead (is) ?ine& ?anasseh (is) ?ine& 6*hraim also (is) the helmet $or ?y head& J#dah (is) ?y
<sa 158:9 ?oab (is) ?y wash*ot& 8!er 6dom I will ast ?y shoe& 8!er <hilistia I will tri#m*h".
<sa 158:15 >ho will bring me (into) the strong ityC >ho will lead me to 6domC
<sa 158:11 (Is it) not (Bo#%) 8 God% (who) ast #s o$$C +nd (Bo#%) 8 God% (who) did not go o#t with o#r armiesC
<sa 158:12 Gi!e #s hel* $rom tro#ble% ;or the hel* o$ man is #seless"
<sa 158:1- Thro#gh God we will do !aliantly% ;or (it is) He (who) shall tread down o#r enemies"
<sa 159:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" 2o not 'ee* silent% 8 God o$ my *raiseF
<sa 159:2 ;or the mo#th o$ the wi'ed and the mo#th o$ the deeit$#l Ha!e o*ened against me& They ha!e
s*o'en against me with a lying tong#e"
<sa 159:- They ha!e also s#rro#nded me with words o$ hatred% +nd $o#ght against me witho#t a a#se"
<sa 159:0 In ret#rn $or my lo!e they are my a#sers% B#t I (gi!e mysel$ to) *rayer"
<sa 159:1 Th#s they ha!e rewarded me e!il $or good% +nd hatred $or my lo!e"
<sa 159:3 ,et a wi'ed man o!er him% +nd let an a#ser stand at his right hand"
<sa 159:4 >hen he is @#dged% let him be $o#nd g#ilty% +nd let his *rayer beome sin"
<sa 159:8 /et his days be $ew% (+nd) let another ta'e his o$$ie"
<sa 159:9 /et his hildren be $atherless% +nd his wi$e a widow"
<sa 159:15 /et his hildren ontin#ally be !agabonds% and beg& /et them see' (their bread) also $rom their
desolate *laes"
<sa 159:11 /et the reditor seiHe all that he has% +nd let strangers *l#nder his labor"
<sa 159:12 /et there be none to e9tend mery to him% Nor let there be any to $a!or his $atherless hildren"
<sa 159:1- /et his *osterity be #t o$$% (+nd) in the generation $ollowing let their name be blotted o#t"
<sa 159:10 /et the iniE#ity o$ his $athers be remembered be$ore the /8:2% +nd let not the sin o$ his mother be
blotted o#t"
<sa 159:11 /et them be ontin#ally be$ore the /8:2% That He may #t o$$ the memory o$ them $rom the earth&
<sa 159:13 Bea#se he did not remember to show mery% B#t *erse#ted the *oor and needy man% That he
might e!en slay the bro'en in heart"
<sa 159:14 +s he lo!ed #rsing% so let it ome to him& +s he did not delight in blessing% so let it be $ar $rom him"
<sa 159:18 +s he lothed himsel$ with #rsing as with his garment% ,o let it enter his body li'e water% +nd li'e
oil into his bones"
<sa 159:19 /et it be to him li'e the garment whih o!ers him% +nd $or a belt with whih he girds himsel$
<sa 159:25 (/et) this (be) the /8:2As reward to my a#sers% +nd to those who s*ea' e!il against my *erson"
<sa 159:21 B#t Bo#% 8 G82 the /ord% 2eal with me $or Bo#r nameAs sa'e& Bea#se Bo#r mery (is) good%
deli!er me"
<sa 159:22 ;or I (am) *oor and needy% +nd my heart is wo#nded within me"
<sa 159:2- I am gone li'e a shadow when it lengthens& I am sha'en o$$ li'e a lo#st"
<sa 159:20 ?y 'nees are wea' thro#gh $asting% +nd my $lesh is $eeble $rom la' o$ $atness"
<sa 159:21 I also ha!e beome a re*roah to them& (>hen) they loo' at me% they sha'e their heads"
<sa 159:23 Hel* me% 8 /8:2 my GodF 8h% sa!e me aording to Bo#r mery%
<sa 159:24 That they may 'now that this (is) Bo#r hand DD (That) Bo#% /8:2% ha!e done itF
<sa 159:28 /et them #rse% b#t Bo# bless& >hen they arise% let them be ashamed% B#t let Bo#r ser!ant re@oie"
<sa 159:29 /et my a#sers be lothed with shame% +nd let them o!er themsel!es with their own disgrae as
with a mantle"
<sa 159:-5 I will greatly *raise the /8:2 with my mo#th& Bes% I will *raise Him among the m#ltit#de"
<sa 159:-1 ;or He shall stand at the right hand o$ the *oor% To sa!e (him) $rom those who ondemn him"
<sa 115:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" The /8:2 said to my /ord% .,it at ?y right hand% Till I ma'e Bo#r enemies Bo#r
<sa 115:2 The /8:2 shall send the rod o$ Bo#r strength o#t o$ Gion" :#le in the midst o$ Bo#r enemiesF
<sa 115:- Bo#r *eo*le (shall be) !ol#nteers In the day o$ Bo#r *ower& In the bea#ties o$ holiness% $rom the
womb o$ the morning% Bo# ha!e the dew o$ Bo#r yo#th"
<sa 115:0 The /8:2 has sworn +nd will not relent% .Bo# (are) a *riest $ore!er +ording to the order o$
<sa 115:1 The /ord (is) at Bo#r right hand& He shall e9e#te 'ings in the day o$ His wrath"
<sa 115:3 He shall @#dge among the nations% He shall $ill (the *laes) with dead bodies% He shall e9e#te the
heads o$ many o#ntries"
<sa 115:4 He shall drin' o$ the broo' by the wayside& There$ore He shall li$t #* the head"
<sa 111:1 <raise the /8:2F I will *raise the /8:2 with (my) whole heart% In the assembly o$ the #*right and (in)
the ongregation"
<sa 111:2 The wor's o$ the /8:2 (are) great% ,t#died by all who ha!e *leas#re in them"
<sa 111:- His wor' (is) honorable and glorio#s% +nd His righteo#sness end#res $ore!er"
<sa 111:0 He has made His wonder$#l wor's to be remembered& The /8:2 (is) graio#s and $#ll o$
<sa 111:1 He has gi!en $ood to those who $ear Him& He will e!er be mind$#l o$ His o!enant"
<sa 111:3 He has delared to His *eo*le the *ower o$ His wor's% In gi!ing them the heritage o$ the nations"
<sa 111:4 The wor's o$ His hands (are) !erity and @#stie& +ll His *ree*ts (are) s#re"
<sa 111:8 They stand $ast $ore!er and e!er% (+nd are) done in tr#th and #*rightness"
<sa 111:9 He has sent redem*tion to His *eo*le& He has ommanded His o!enant $ore!er: Holy and awesome
(is) His name"
<sa 111:15 The $ear o$ the /8:2 (is) the beginning o$ wisdom& + good #nderstanding ha!e all those who do
(His ommandments") His *raise end#res $ore!er"
<sa 112:1 <raise the /8:2F Blessed (is) the man (who) $ears the /8:2% (>ho) delights greatly in His
<sa 112:2 His desendants will be mighty on earth& The generation o$ the #*right will be blessed"
<sa 112:- >ealth and rihes (will be) in his ho#se% +nd his righteo#sness end#res $ore!er"
<sa 112:0 7nto the #*right there arises light in the dar'ness& (He is) graio#s% and $#ll o$ om*assion% and
<sa 112:1 + good man deals graio#sly and lends& He will g#ide his a$$airs with disretion"
<sa 112:3 ,#rely he will ne!er be sha'en& The righteo#s will be in e!erlasting remembrane"
<sa 112:4 He will not be a$raid o$ e!il tidings& His heart is stead$ast% tr#sting in the /8:2"
<sa 112:8 His heart (is) established& He will not be a$raid% 7ntil he sees (his desire) #*on his enemies"
<sa 112:9 He has dis*ersed abroad% He has gi!en to the *oor& His righteo#sness end#res $ore!er& His horn will
be e9alted with honor"
<sa 112:15 The wi'ed will see (it) and be grie!ed& He will gnash his teeth and melt away& The desire o$ the
wi'ed shall *erish"
<sa 11-:1 <raise the /8:2F <raise% 8 ser!ants o$ the /8:2% <raise the name o$ the /8:2F
<sa 11-:2 Blessed be the name o$ the /8:2 ;rom this time $orth and $ore!ermoreF
<sa 11-:- ;rom the rising o$ the s#n to its going down The /8:2As name (is) to be *raised"
<sa 11-:0 The /8:2 (is) high abo!e all nations% His glory abo!e the hea!ens"
<sa 11-:1 >ho (is) li'e the /8:2 o#r God% >ho dwells on high%
<sa 11-:3 >ho h#mbles Himsel$ to behold (The things that are) in the hea!ens and in the earthC
<sa 11-:4 He raises the *oor o#t o$ the d#st% (+nd) li$ts the needy o#t o$ the ash hea*%
<sa 11-:8 That He may seat (him) with *rines DD >ith the *rines o$ His *eo*le"
<sa 11-:9 He grants the barren woman a home% /i'e a @oy$#l mother o$ hildren" <raise the /8:2F
<sa 110:1 >hen Israel went o#t o$ 6gy*t% The ho#se o$ Jaob $rom a *eo*le o$ strange lang#age%
<sa 110:2 J#dah beame His sant#ary% (+nd) Israel His dominion"
<sa 110:- The sea saw (it) and $led& Jordan t#rned ba'"
<sa 110:0 The mo#ntains s'i**ed li'e rams% The little hills li'e lambs"
<sa 110:1 >hat ails yo#% 8 sea% that yo# $ledC 8 Jordan% (that) yo# t#rned ba'C
<sa 110:3 8 mo#ntains% (that) yo# s'i**ed li'e ramsC 8 little hills% li'e lambsC
<sa 110:4 Tremble% 8 earth% at the *resene o$ the /ord% +t the *resene o$ the God o$ Jaob%
<sa 110:8 >ho t#rned the ro' (into) a *ool o$ water% The $lint into a $o#ntain o$ waters"
<sa 111:1 Not #nto #s% 8 /8:2% not #nto #s% B#t to Bo#r name gi!e glory% Bea#se o$ Bo#r mery% Bea#se o$
Bo#r tr#th"
<sa 111:2 >hy sho#ld the Gentiles say% .,o where (is) their GodC.
<sa 111:- B#t o#r God (is) in hea!en& He does whate!er He *leases"
<sa 111:0 Their idols (are) sil!er and gold% The wor' o$ menAs hands"
<sa 111:1 They ha!e mo#ths% b#t they do not s*ea'& 6yes they ha!e% b#t they do not see&
<sa 111:3 They ha!e ears% b#t they do not hear& Noses they ha!e% b#t they do not smell&
<sa 111:4 They ha!e hands% b#t they do not handle& ;eet they ha!e% b#t they do not wal'& Nor do they m#tter
thro#gh their throat"
<sa 111:8 Those who ma'e them are li'e them& (,o is) e!eryone who tr#sts in them"
<sa 111:9 8 Israel% tr#st in the /8:2& He (is) their hel* and their shield"
<sa 111:15 8 ho#se o$ +aron% tr#st in the /8:2& He (is) their hel* and their shield"
<sa 111:11 Bo# who $ear the /8:2% tr#st in the /8:2& He (is) their hel* and their shield"
<sa 111:12 The /8:2 has been mind$#l o$ (#s&) He will bless #s& He will bless the ho#se o$ Israel& He will bless
the ho#se o$ +aron"
<sa 111:1- He will bless those who $ear the /8:2% (Both) small and great"
<sa 111:10 ?ay the /8:2 gi!e yo# inrease more and more% Bo# and yo#r hildren"
<sa 111:11 (?ay) yo# (be) blessed by the /8:2% >ho made hea!en and earth"
<sa 111:13 The hea!en% (e!en) the hea!ens% (are) the /8:2As& B#t the earth He has gi!en to the hildren o$
<sa 111:14 The dead do not *raise the /8:2% Nor any who go down into silene"
<sa 111:18 B#t we will bless the /8:2 ;rom this time $orth and $ore!ermore" <raise the /8:2F
<sa 113:1 I lo!e the /8:2% bea#se He has heard ?y !oie (and) my s#**liations"
<sa 113:2 Bea#se He has inlined His ear to me% There$ore I will all (#*on Him) as long as I li!e"
<sa 113:- The *ains o$ death s#rro#nded me% +nd the *angs o$ ,heol laid hold o$ me& I $o#nd tro#ble and
<sa 113:0 Then I alled #*on the name o$ the /8:2: .8 /8:2% I im*lore Bo#% deli!er my so#lF.
<sa 113:1 Graio#s (is) the /8:2% and righteo#s& Bes% o#r God (is) meri$#l"
<sa 113:3 The /8:2 *reser!es the sim*le& I was bro#ght low% and He sa!ed me"
<sa 113:4 :et#rn to yo#r rest% 8 my so#l% ;or the /8:2 has dealt bo#nti$#lly with yo#"
<sa 113:8 ;or Bo# ha!e deli!ered my so#l $rom death% ?y eyes $rom tears% (+nd) my $eet $rom $alling"
<sa 113:9 I will wal' be$ore the /8:2 In the land o$ the li!ing"
<sa 113:15 I belie!ed% there$ore I s*o'e% .I am greatly a$$lited".
<sa 113:11 I said in my haste% .+ll men (are) liars".
<sa 113:12 >hat shall I render to the /8:2 (;or) all His bene$its toward meC
<sa 113:1- I will ta'e #* the #* o$ sal!ation% +nd all #*on the name o$ the /8:2"
<sa 113:10 I will *ay my !ows to the /8:2 Now in the *resene o$ all His *eo*le"
<sa 113:11 <reio#s in the sight o$ the /8:2 (Is) the death o$ His saints"
<sa 113:13 8 /8:2% tr#ly I (am) Bo#r ser!ant& I (am) Bo#r ser!ant% the son o$ Bo#r maidser!ant& Bo# ha!e
loosed my bonds"
<sa 113:14 I will o$$er to Bo# the sari$ie o$ than'sgi!ing% +nd will all #*on the name o$ the /8:2"
<sa 113:18 I will *ay my !ows to the /8:2 Now in the *resene o$ all His *eo*le%
<sa 113:19 In the o#rts o$ the /8:2As ho#se% In the midst o$ yo#% 8 Jer#salem" <raise the /8:2F
<sa 114:1 <raise the /8:2% all yo# GentilesF /a#d Him% all yo# *eo*lesF
<sa 114:2 ;or His meri$#l 'indness is great toward #s% +nd the tr#th o$ the /8:2 (end#res) $ore!er" <raise the
<sa 118:1 8h% gi!e than's to the /8:2% $or (He is) goodF ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er"
<sa 118:2 /et Israel now say% .His mery (end#res) $ore!er".
<sa 118:- /et the ho#se o$ +aron now say% .His mery (end#res) $ore!er".
<sa 118:0 /et those who $ear the /8:2 now say% .His mery (end#res) $ore!er".
<sa 118:1 I alled on the /8:2 in distress& The /8:2 answered me (and set me) in a broad *lae"
<sa 118:3 The /8:2 (is) on my side& I will not $ear" >hat an man do to meC
<sa 118:4 The /8:2 is $or me among those who hel* me& There$ore I shall see (my desire) on those who hate
<sa 118:8 (It is) better to tr#st in the /8:2 Than to *#t on$idene in man"
<sa 118:9 (It is) better to tr#st in the /8:2 Than to *#t on$idene in *rines"
<sa 118:15 +ll nations s#rro#nded me% B#t in the name o$ the /8:2 I will destroy them"
<sa 118:11 They s#rro#nded me% Bes% they s#rro#nded me& B#t in the name o$ the /8:2 I will destroy them"
<sa 118:12 They s#rro#nded me li'e bees& They were E#enhed li'e a $ire o$ thorns& ;or in the name o$ the
/8:2 I will destroy them"
<sa 118:1- Bo# *#shed me !iolently% that I might $all% B#t the /8:2 hel*ed me"
<sa 118:10 The /8:2 (is) my strength and song% +nd He has beome my sal!ation"
<sa 118:11 The !oie o$ re@oiing and sal!ation (Is) in the tents o$ the righteo#s& The right hand o$ the /8:2
does !aliantly"
<sa 118:13 The right hand o$ the /8:2 is e9alted& The right hand o$ the /8:2 does !aliantly"
<sa 118:14 I shall not die% b#t li!e% +nd delare the wor's o$ the /8:2"
<sa 118:18 The /8:2 has hastened me se!erely% B#t He has not gi!en me o!er to death"
<sa 118:19 8*en to me the gates o$ righteo#sness& I will go thro#gh them% (+nd) I will *raise the /8:2"
<sa 118:25 This is the gate o$ the /8:2% Thro#gh whih the righteo#s shall enter"
<sa 118:21 I will *raise Bo#% ;or Bo# ha!e answered me% +nd ha!e beome my sal!ation"
<sa 118:22 The stone (whih) the b#ilders re@eted Has beome the hie$ ornerstone"
<sa 118:2- This was the /8:2As doing& It (is) mar!elo#s in o#r eyes"
<sa 118:20 This (is) the day the /8:2 has made& >e will re@oie and be glad in it"
<sa 118:21 ,a!e now% I *ray% 8 /8:2& 8 /8:2% I *ray% send now *ros*erity"
<sa 118:23 Blessed (is) he who omes in the name o$ the /8:2F >e ha!e blessed yo# $rom the ho#se o$ the
<sa 118:24 God (is) the /8:2% +nd He has gi!en #s light& Bind the sari$ie with ords to the horns o$ the altar"
<sa 118:28 Bo# (are) my God% and I will *raise Bo#& (Bo# are) my God% I will e9alt Bo#"
<sa 118:29 8h% gi!e than's to the /8:2% $or (He is) goodF ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er"
<sa 119:1 Blessed (are) the #nde$iled in the way% >ho wal' in the law o$ the /8:2F
<sa 119:2 Blessed (are) those who 'ee* His testimonies% >ho see' Him with the whole heartF
<sa 119:- They also do no iniE#ity& They wal' in His ways"
<sa 119:0 Bo# ha!e ommanded (#s) To 'ee* Bo#r *ree*ts diligently"
<sa 119:1 8h% that my ways were direted To 'ee* Bo#r stat#tesF
<sa 119:3 Then I wo#ld not be ashamed% >hen I loo' into all Bo#r ommandments"
<sa 119:4 I will *raise Bo# with #*rightness o$ heart% >hen I learn Bo#r righteo#s @#dgments"
<sa 119:8 I will 'ee* Bo#r stat#tes& 8h% do not $orsa'e me #tterlyF
<sa 119:9 How an a yo#ng man leanse his wayC By ta'ing heed aording to Bo#r word"
<sa 119:15 >ith my whole heart I ha!e so#ght Bo#& 8h% let me not wander $rom Bo#r ommandmentsF
<sa 119:11 Bo#r word I ha!e hidden in my heart% That I might not sin against Bo#F
<sa 119:12 Blessed (are) Bo#% 8 /8:2F Teah me Bo#r stat#tesF
<sa 119:1- >ith my li*s I ha!e delared +ll the @#dgments o$ Bo#r mo#th"
<sa 119:10 I ha!e re@oied in the way o$ Bo#r testimonies% +s (m#h as) in all rihes"
<sa 119:11 I will meditate on Bo#r *ree*ts% +nd ontem*late Bo#r ways"
<sa 119:13 I will delight mysel$ in Bo#r stat#tes& I will not $orget Bo#r word"
<sa 119:14 2eal bo#nti$#lly with Bo#r ser!ant% (That) I may li!e and 'ee* Bo#r word"
<sa 119:18 8*en my eyes% that I may see >ondro#s things $rom Bo#r law"
<sa 119:19 I (am) a stranger in the earth& 2o not hide Bo#r ommandments $rom me"
<sa 119:25 ?y so#l brea's with longing ;or Bo#r @#dgments at all times"
<sa 119:21 Bo# reb#'e the *ro#d DD the #rsed% >ho stray $rom Bo#r ommandments"
<sa 119:22 :emo!e $rom me re*roah and ontem*t% ;or I ha!e 'e*t Bo#r testimonies"
<sa 119:2- <rines also sit (and) s*ea' against me% (B#t) Bo#r ser!ant meditates on Bo#r stat#tes"
<sa 119:20 Bo#r testimonies also (are) my delight (+nd) my o#nselors"
<sa 119:21 ?y so#l lings to the d#st& :e!i!e me aording to Bo#r word"
<sa 119:23 I ha!e delared my ways% and Bo# answered me& Teah me Bo#r stat#tes"
<sa 119:24 ?a'e me #nderstand the way o$ Bo#r *ree*ts& ,o shall I meditate on Bo#r wondro#s wor's"
<sa 119:28 ?y so#l melts $rom hea!iness& ,trengthen me aording to Bo#r word"
<sa 119:29 :emo!e $rom me the way o$ lying% +nd grant me Bo#r law graio#sly"
<sa 119:-5 I ha!e hosen the way o$ tr#th& Bo#r @#dgments I ha!e laid (be$ore me")
<sa 119:-1 I ling to Bo#r testimonies& 8 /8:2% do not *#t me to shameF
<sa 119:-2 I will r#n the o#rse o$ Bo#r ommandments% ;or Bo# shall enlarge my heart"
<sa 119:-- Teah me% 8 /8:2% the way o$ Bo#r stat#tes% +nd I shall 'ee* it (to) the end"
<sa 119:-0 Gi!e me #nderstanding% and I shall 'ee* Bo#r law& Indeed% I shall obser!e it with (my) whole heart"
<sa 119:-1 ?a'e me wal' in the *ath o$ Bo#r ommandments% ;or I delight in it"
<sa 119:-3 Inline my heart to Bo#r testimonies% +nd not to o!eto#sness"
<sa 119:-4 T#rn away my eyes $rom loo'ing at worthless things% (+nd) re!i!e me in Bo#r way"
<sa 119:-8 6stablish Bo#r word to Bo#r ser!ant% >ho (is de!oted) to $earing Bo#"
<sa 119:-9 T#rn away my re*roah whih I dread% ;or Bo#r @#dgments (are) good"
<sa 119:05 Behold% I long $or Bo#r *ree*ts& :e!i!e me in Bo#r righteo#sness"
<sa 119:01 /et Bo#r meries ome also to me% 8 /8:2 DD Bo#r sal!ation aording to Bo#r word"
<sa 119:02 ,o shall I ha!e an answer $or him who re*roahes me% ;or I tr#st in Bo#r word"
<sa 119:0- +nd ta'e not the word o$ tr#th #tterly o#t o$ my mo#th% ;or I ha!e ho*ed in Bo#r ordinanes"
<sa 119:00 ,o shall I 'ee* Bo#r law ontin#ally% ;ore!er and e!er"
<sa 119:01 +nd I will wal' at liberty% ;or I see' Bo#r *ree*ts"
<sa 119:03 I will s*ea' o$ Bo#r testimonies also be$ore 'ings% +nd will not be ashamed"
<sa 119:04 +nd I will delight mysel$ in Bo#r ommandments% >hih I lo!e"
<sa 119:08 ?y hands also I will li$t #* to Bo#r ommandments% >hih I lo!e% +nd I will meditate on Bo#r
<sa 119:09 :emember the word to Bo#r ser!ant% 7*on whih Bo# ha!e a#sed me to ho*e"
<sa 119:15 This (is) my om$ort in my a$$lition% ;or Bo#r word has gi!en me li$e"
<sa 119:11 The *ro#d ha!e me in great derision% (Bet) I do not t#rn aside $rom Bo#r law"
<sa 119:12 I remembered Bo#r @#dgments o$ old% 8 /8:2% +nd ha!e om$orted mysel$"
<sa 119:1- Indignation has ta'en hold o$ me Bea#se o$ the wi'ed% who $orsa'e Bo#r law"
<sa 119:10 Bo#r stat#tes ha!e been my songs In the ho#se o$ my *ilgrimage"
<sa 119:11 I remember Bo#r name in the night% 8 /8:2% +nd I 'ee* Bo#r law"
<sa 119:13 This has beome mine% Bea#se I 'e*t Bo#r *ree*ts"
<sa 119:14 (Bo# are) my *ortion% 8 /8:2& I ha!e said that I wo#ld 'ee* Bo#r words"
<sa 119:18 I entreated Bo#r $a!or with (my) whole heart& Be meri$#l to me aording to Bo#r word"
<sa 119:19 I tho#ght abo#t my ways% +nd t#rned my $eet to Bo#r testimonies"
<sa 119:35 I made haste% and did not delay To 'ee* Bo#r ommandments"
<sa 119:31 The ords o$ the wi'ed ha!e bo#nd me% (B#t) I ha!e not $orgotten Bo#r law"
<sa 119:32 +t midnight I will rise to gi!e than's to Bo#% Bea#se o$ Bo#r righteo#s @#dgments"
<sa 119:3- I (am) a om*anion o$ all who $ear Bo#% +nd o$ those who 'ee* Bo#r *ree*ts"
<sa 119:30 The earth% 8 /8:2% is $#ll o$ Bo#r mery& Teah me Bo#r stat#tes"
<sa 119:31 Bo# ha!e dealt well with Bo#r ser!ant% 8 /8:2% aording to Bo#r word"
<sa 119:33 Teah me good @#dgment and 'nowledge% ;or I belie!e Bo#r ommandments"
<sa 119:34 Be$ore I was a$$lited I went astray% B#t now I 'ee* Bo#r word"
<sa 119:38 Bo# (are) good% and do good& Teah me Bo#r stat#tes"
<sa 119:39 The *ro#d ha!e $orged a lie against me% (B#t) I will 'ee* Bo#r *ree*ts with (my) whole heart"
<sa 119:45 Their heart is as $at as grease% (B#t) I delight in Bo#r law"
<sa 119:41 (It is) good $or me that I ha!e been a$$lited% That I may learn Bo#r stat#tes"
<sa 119:42 The law o$ Bo#r mo#th (is) better to me Than tho#sands o$ (oins o$) gold and sil!er"
<sa 119:4- Bo#r hands ha!e made me and $ashioned me& Gi!e me #nderstanding% that I may learn Bo#r
<sa 119:40 Those who $ear Bo# will be glad when they see me% Bea#se I ha!e ho*ed in Bo#r word"
<sa 119:41 I 'now% 8 /8:2% that Bo#r @#dgments (are) right% +nd (that) in $aith$#lness Bo# ha!e a$$lited me"
<sa 119:43 /et% I *ray% Bo#r meri$#l 'indness be $or my om$ort% +ording to Bo#r word to Bo#r ser!ant"
<sa 119:44 /et Bo#r tender meries ome to me% that I may li!e& ;or Bo#r law (is) my delight"
<sa 119:48 /et the *ro#d be ashamed% ;or they treated me wrong$#lly with $alsehood& (B#t) I will meditate on
Bo#r *ree*ts"
<sa 119:49 /et those who $ear Bo# t#rn to me% Those who 'now Bo#r testimonies"
<sa 119:85 /et my heart be blameless regarding Bo#r stat#tes% That I may not be ashamed"
<sa 119:81 ?y so#l $aints $or Bo#r sal!ation% B#t I ho*e in Bo#r word"
<sa 119:82 ?y eyes $ail ($rom searhing) Bo#r word% ,aying% .>hen will Bo# om$ort meC.
<sa 119:8- ;or I ha!e beome li'e a wines'in in smo'e% (Bet) I do not $orget Bo#r stat#tes"
<sa 119:80 How many (are) the days o$ Bo#r ser!antC >hen will Bo# e9e#te @#dgment on those who
*erse#te meC
<sa 119:81 The *ro#d ha!e d#g *its $or me% >hih (is) not aording to Bo#r law"
<sa 119:83 +ll Bo#r ommandments (are) $aith$#l& They *erse#te me wrong$#lly& Hel* meF
<sa 119:84 They almost made an end o$ me on earth% B#t I did not $orsa'e Bo#r *ree*ts"
<sa 119:88 :e!i!e me aording to Bo#r lo!ing'indness% ,o that I may 'ee* the testimony o$ Bo#r mo#th"
<sa 119:89 ;ore!er% 8 /8:2% Bo#r word is settled in hea!en"
<sa 119:95 Bo#r $aith$#lness (end#res) to all generations& Bo# established the earth% and it abides"
<sa 119:91 They ontin#e this day aording to Bo#r ordinanes% ;or all (are) Bo#r ser!ants"
<sa 119:92 7nless Bo#r law (had been) my delight% I wo#ld then ha!e *erished in my a$$lition"
<sa 119:9- I will ne!er $orget Bo#r *ree*ts% ;or by them Bo# ha!e gi!en me li$e"
<sa 119:90 I (am) Bo#rs% sa!e me& ;or I ha!e so#ght Bo#r *ree*ts"
<sa 119:91 The wi'ed wait $or me to destroy me% (B#t) I will onsider Bo#r testimonies"
<sa 119:93 I ha!e seen the ons#mmation o$ all *er$etion% (B#t) Bo#r ommandment (is) e9eedingly broad"
<sa 119:94 8h% how I lo!e Bo#r lawF It (is) my meditation all the day"
<sa 119:98 Bo#% thro#gh Bo#r ommandments% ma'e me wiser than my enemies& ;or they (are) e!er with me"
<sa 119:99 I ha!e more #nderstanding than all my teahers% ;or Bo#r testimonies (are) my meditation"
<sa 119:155 I #nderstand more than the anients% Bea#se I 'ee* Bo#r *ree*ts"
<sa 119:151 I ha!e restrained my $eet $rom e!ery e!il way% That I may 'ee* Bo#r word"
<sa 119:152 I ha!e not de*arted $rom Bo#r @#dgments% ;or Bo# Bo#rsel$ ha!e ta#ght me"
<sa 119:15- How sweet are Bo#r words to my taste% (,weeter) than honey to my mo#thF
<sa 119:150 Thro#gh Bo#r *ree*ts I get #nderstanding& There$ore I hate e!ery $alse way"
<sa 119:151 Bo#r word (is) a lam* to my $eet +nd a light to my *ath"
<sa 119:153 I ha!e sworn and on$irmed That I will 'ee* Bo#r righteo#s @#dgments"
<sa 119:154 I am a$$lited !ery m#h& :e!i!e me% 8 /8:2% aording to Bo#r word"
<sa 119:158 +e*t% I *ray% the $reewill o$$erings o$ my mo#th% 8 /8:2% +nd teah me Bo#r @#dgments"
<sa 119:159 ?y li$e (is) ontin#ally in my hand% Bet I do not $orget Bo#r law"
<sa 119:115 The wi'ed ha!e laid a snare $or me% Bet I ha!e not strayed $rom Bo#r *ree*ts"
<sa 119:111 Bo#r testimonies I ha!e ta'en as a heritage $ore!er% ;or they (are) the re@oiing o$ my heart"
<sa 119:112 I ha!e inlined my heart to *er$orm Bo#r stat#tes ;ore!er% to the !ery end"
<sa 119:11- I hate the do#bleDminded% B#t I lo!e Bo#r law"
<sa 119:110 Bo# (are) my hiding *lae and my shield& I ho*e in Bo#r word"
<sa 119:111 2e*art $rom me% yo# e!ildoers% ;or I will 'ee* the ommandments o$ my GodF
<sa 119:113 7*hold me aording to Bo#r word% that I may li!e& +nd do not let me be ashamed o$ my ho*e"
<sa 119:114 Hold me #*% and I shall be sa$e% +nd I shall obser!e Bo#r stat#tes ontin#ally"
<sa 119:118 Bo# re@et all those who stray $rom Bo#r stat#tes% ;or their deeit (is) $alsehood"
<sa 119:119 Bo# *#t away all the wi'ed o$ the earth (li'e) dross& There$ore I lo!e Bo#r testimonies"
<sa 119:125 ?y $lesh trembles $or $ear o$ Bo#% +nd I am a$raid o$ Bo#r @#dgments"
<sa 119:121 I ha!e done @#stie and righteo#sness& 2o not lea!e me to my o**ressors"
<sa 119:122 Be s#rety $or Bo#r ser!ant $or good& 2o not let the *ro#d o**ress me"
<sa 119:12- ?y eyes $ail ($rom see'ing) Bo#r sal!ation +nd Bo#r righteo#s word"
<sa 119:120 2eal with Bo#r ser!ant aording to Bo#r mery% +nd teah me Bo#r stat#tes"
<sa 119:121 I (am) Bo#r ser!ant& Gi!e me #nderstanding% That I may 'now Bo#r testimonies"
<sa 119:123 (It is) time $or (Bo#) to at% 8 /8:2% (;or) they ha!e regarded Bo#r law as !oid"
<sa 119:124 There$ore I lo!e Bo#r ommandments ?ore than gold% yes% than $ine goldF
<sa 119:128 There$ore all (Bo#r) *ree*ts (onerning) all (things) I onsider (to be) right& I hate e!ery $alse way"
<sa 119:129 Bo#r testimonies are wonder$#l& There$ore my so#l 'ee*s them"
<sa 119:1-5 The entrane o$ Bo#r words gi!es light& It gi!es #nderstanding to the sim*le"
<sa 119:1-1 I o*ened my mo#th and *anted% ;or I longed $or Bo#r ommandments"
<sa 119:1-2 /oo' #*on me and be meri$#l to me% +s Bo#r #stom (is) toward those who lo!e Bo#r name"
<sa 119:1-- 2iret my ste*s by Bo#r word% +nd let no iniE#ity ha!e dominion o!er me"
<sa 119:1-0 :edeem me $rom the o**ression o$ man% That I may 'ee* Bo#r *ree*ts"
<sa 119:1-1 ?a'e Bo#r $ae shine #*on Bo#r ser!ant% +nd teah me Bo#r stat#tes"
<sa 119:1-3 :i!ers o$ water r#n down $rom my eyes% Bea#se (men) do not 'ee* Bo#r law"
<sa 119:1-4 :ighteo#s (are) Bo#% 8 /8:2% +nd #*right (are) Bo#r @#dgments"
<sa 119:1-8 Bo#r testimonies% (whih) Bo# ha!e ommanded% (+re) righteo#s and !ery $aith$#l"
<sa 119:1-9 ?y Heal has ons#med me% Bea#se my enemies ha!e $orgotten Bo#r words"
<sa 119:105 Bo#r word (is) !ery *#re& There$ore Bo#r ser!ant lo!es it"
<sa 119:101 I (am) small and des*ised% (Bet) I do not $orget Bo#r *ree*ts"
<sa 119:102 Bo#r righteo#sness (is) an e!erlasting righteo#sness% +nd Bo#r law (is) tr#th"
<sa 119:10- Tro#ble and ang#ish ha!e o!erta'en me% (Bet) Bo#r ommandments (are) my delights"
<sa 119:100 The righteo#sness o$ Bo#r testimonies (is) e!erlasting& Gi!e me #nderstanding% and I shall li!e"
<sa 119:101 I ry o#t with (my) whole heart& Hear me% 8 /8:2F I will 'ee* Bo#r stat#tes"
<sa 119:103 I ry o#t to Bo#& ,a!e me% and I will 'ee* Bo#r testimonies"
<sa 119:104 I rise be$ore the dawning o$ the morning% +nd ry $or hel*& I ho*e in Bo#r word"
<sa 119:108 ?y eyes are awa'e thro#gh the (night) wathes% That I may meditate on Bo#r word"
<sa 119:109 Hear my !oie aording to Bo#r lo!ing'indness& 8 /8:2% re!i!e me aording to Bo#r @#stie"
<sa 119:115 They draw near who $ollow a$ter wi'edness& They are $ar $rom Bo#r law"
<sa 119:111 Bo# (are) near% 8 /8:2% +nd all Bo#r ommandments (are) tr#th"
<sa 119:112 =onerning Bo#r testimonies% I ha!e 'nown o$ old that Bo# ha!e $o#nded them $ore!er"
<sa 119:11- =onsider my a$$lition and deli!er me% ;or I do not $orget Bo#r law"
<sa 119:110 <lead my a#se and redeem me& :e!i!e me aording to Bo#r word"
<sa 119:111 ,al!ation (is) $ar $rom the wi'ed% ;or they do not see' Bo#r stat#tes"
<sa 119:113 Great (are) Bo#r tender meries% 8 /8:2& :e!i!e me aording to Bo#r @#dgments"
<sa 119:114 ?any (are) my *erse#tors and my enemies% (Bet) I do not t#rn $rom Bo#r testimonies"
<sa 119:118 I see the treahero#s% and am disg#sted% Bea#se they do not 'ee* Bo#r word"
<sa 119:119 =onsider how I lo!e Bo#r *ree*ts& :e!i!e me% 8 /8:2% aording to Bo#r lo!ing'indness"
<sa 119:135 The entirety o$ Bo#r word (is) tr#th% +nd e!ery one o$ Bo#r righteo#s @#dgments (end#res) $ore!er"
<sa 119:131 <rines *erse#te me witho#t a a#se% B#t my heart stands in awe o$ Bo#r word"
<sa 119:132 I re@oie at Bo#r word +s one who $inds great treas#re"
<sa 119:13- I hate and abhor lying% (B#t) I lo!e Bo#r law"
<sa 119:130 ,e!en times a day I *raise Bo#% Bea#se o$ Bo#r righteo#s @#dgments"
<sa 119:131 Great *eae ha!e those who lo!e Bo#r law% +nd nothing a#ses them to st#mble"
<sa 119:133 /8:2% I ho*e $or Bo#r sal!ation% +nd I do Bo#r ommandments"
<sa 119:134 ?y so#l 'ee*s Bo#r testimonies% +nd I lo!e them e9eedingly"
<sa 119:138 I 'ee* Bo#r *ree*ts and Bo#r testimonies% ;or all my ways (are) be$ore Bo#"
<sa 119:139 /et my ry ome be$ore Bo#% 8 /8:2& Gi!e me #nderstanding aording to Bo#r word"
<sa 119:145 /et my s#**liation ome be$ore Bo#& 2eli!er me aording to Bo#r word"
<sa 119:141 ?y li*s shall #tter *raise% ;or Bo# teah me Bo#r stat#tes"
<sa 119:142 ?y tong#e shall s*ea' o$ Bo#r word% ;or all Bo#r ommandments (are) righteo#sness"
<sa 119:14- /et Bo#r hand beome my hel*% ;or I ha!e hosen Bo#r *ree*ts"
<sa 119:140 I long $or Bo#r sal!ation% 8 /8:2% +nd Bo#r law (is) my delight"
<sa 119:141 /et my so#l li!e% and it shall *raise Bo#& +nd let Bo#r @#dgments hel* me"
<sa 119:143 I ha!e gone astray li'e a lost shee*& ,ee' Bo#r ser!ant% ;or I do not $orget Bo#r ommandments"
<sa 125:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" In my distress I ried to the /8:2% +nd He heard me"
<sa 125:2 2eli!er my so#l% 8 /8:2% $rom lying li*s (+nd) $rom a deeit$#l tong#e"
<sa 125:- >hat shall be gi!en to yo#% 8r what shall be done to yo#% Bo# $alse tong#eC
<sa 125:0 ,har* arrows o$ the warrior% >ith oals o$ the broom treeF
<sa 125:1 >oe is me% that I dwell in ?esheh% (That) I dwell among the tents o$ KedarF
<sa 125:3 ?y so#l has dwelt too long >ith one who hates *eae"
<sa 125:4 I (am $or) *eae& B#t when I s*ea'% they (are) $or war"
<sa 121:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" I will li$t #* my eyes to the hills DD ;rom whene omes my hel*C
<sa 121:2 ?y hel* (omes) $rom the /8:2% >ho made hea!en and earth"
<sa 121:- He will not allow yo#r $oot to be mo!ed& He who 'ee*s yo# will not sl#mber"
<sa 121:0 Behold% He who 'ee*s Israel ,hall neither sl#mber nor slee*"
<sa 121:1 The /8:2 (is) yo#r 'ee*er& The /8:2 (is) yo#r shade at yo#r right hand"
<sa 121:3 The s#n shall not stri'e yo# by day% Nor the moon by night"
<sa 121:4 The /8:2 shall *reser!e yo# $rom all e!il& He shall *reser!e yo#r so#l"
<sa 121:8 The /8:2 shall *reser!e yo#r going o#t and yo#r oming in ;rom this time $orth% and e!en
<sa 122:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" 8$ 2a!id" I was glad when they said to me% ./et #s go into the ho#se o$ the
<sa 122:2 8#r $eet ha!e been standing >ithin yo#r gates% 8 Jer#salemF
<sa 122:- Jer#salem is b#ilt +s a ity that is om*at together%
<sa 122:0 >here the tribes go #*% The tribes o$ the /8:2% To the Testimony o$ Israel% To gi!e than's to the
name o$ the /8:2"
<sa 122:1 ;or thrones are set there $or @#dgment% The thrones o$ the ho#se o$ 2a!id"
<sa 122:3 <ray $or the *eae o$ Jer#salem: .?ay they *ros*er who lo!e yo#"
<sa 122:4 <eae be within yo#r walls% <ros*erity within yo#r *alaes".
<sa 122:8 ;or the sa'e o$ my brethren and om*anions% I will now say% .<eae (be) within yo#".
<sa 122:9 Bea#se o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 o#r God I will see' yo#r good"
<sa 12-:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" 7nto Bo# I li$t #* my eyes% 8 Bo# who dwell in the hea!ens"
<sa 12-:2 Behold% as the eyes o$ ser!ants (loo') to the hand o$ their masters% +s the eyes o$ a maid to the hand
o$ her mistress% ,o o#r eyes (loo') to the /8:2 o#r God% 7ntil He has mery on #s"
<sa 12-:- Ha!e mery on #s% 8 /8:2% ha!e mery on #sF ;or we are e9eedingly $illed with ontem*t"
<sa 12-:0 8#r so#l is e9eedingly $illed >ith the sorn o$ those who are at ease% >ith the ontem*t o$ the
<sa 120:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" 8$ 2a!id" .I$ it had not been the /8:2 who was on o#r side%. /et Israel now say
<sa 120:2 .I$ it had not been the /8:2 who was on o#r side% >hen men rose #* against #s%
<sa 120:- Then they wo#ld ha!e swallowed #s ali!e% >hen their wrath was 'indled against #s&
<sa 120:0 Then the waters wo#ld ha!e o!erwhelmed #s% The stream wo#ld ha!e gone o!er o#r so#l&
<sa 120:1 Then the swollen waters >o#ld ha!e gone o!er o#r so#l".
<sa 120:3 Blessed (be) the /8:2% >ho has not gi!en #s (as) *rey to their teeth"
<sa 120:4 8#r so#l has esa*ed as a bird $rom the snare o$ the $owlers& The snare is bro'en% and we ha!e
<sa 120:8 8#r hel* (is) in the name o$ the /8:2% >ho made hea!en and earth"
<sa 121:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" Those who tr#st in the /8:2 (+re) li'e ?o#nt Gion% (>hih) annot be mo!ed%
(b#t) abides $ore!er"
<sa 121:2 +s the mo#ntains s#rro#nd Jer#salem% ,o the /8:2 s#rro#nds His *eo*le ;rom this time $orth and
<sa 121:- ;or the se*ter o$ wi'edness shall not rest 8n the land allotted to the righteo#s% /est the righteo#s
reah o#t their hands to iniE#ity"
<sa 121:0 2o good% 8 /8:2% to (those who are) good% +nd to (those who are) #*right in their hearts"
<sa 121:1 +s $or s#h as t#rn aside to their roo'ed ways% The /8:2 shall lead them away >ith the wor'ers o$
iniE#ity" <eae (be) #*on IsraelF
<sa 123:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" >hen the /8:2 bro#ght ba' the a*ti!ity o$ Gion% >e were li'e those who
<sa 123:2 Then o#r mo#th was $illed with la#ghter% +nd o#r tong#e with singing" Then they said among the
nations% .The /8:2 has done great things $or them".
<sa 123:- The /8:2 has done great things $or #s% (+nd) we are glad"
<sa 123:0 Bring ba' o#r a*ti!ity% 8 /8:2% +s the streams in the ,o#th"
<sa 123:1 Those who sow in tears ,hall rea* in @oy"
<sa 123:3 He who ontin#ally goes $orth wee*ing% Bearing seed $or sowing% ,hall do#btless ome again with
re@oiing% Bringing his shea!es (with him")
<sa 124:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" 8$ ,olomon" 7nless the /8:2 b#ilds the ho#se% They labor in !ain who b#ild it&
7nless the /8:2 g#ards the ity% The wathman stays awa'e in !ain"
<sa 124:2 (It is) !ain $or yo# to rise #* early% To sit #* late% To eat the bread o$ sorrows& (;or) so He gi!es His
belo!ed slee*"
<sa 124:- Behold% hildren (are) a heritage $rom the /8:2% The $r#it o$ the womb (is) a reward"
<sa 124:0 /i'e arrows in the hand o$ a warrior% ,o (are) the hildren o$ oneAs yo#th"
<sa 124:1 Ha**y (is) the man who has his E#i!er $#ll o$ them& They shall not be ashamed% B#t shall s*ea' with
their enemies in the gate"
<sa 128:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" Blessed (is) e!ery one who $ears the /8:2% >ho wal's in His ways"
<sa 128:2 >hen yo# eat the labor o$ yo#r hands% Bo# (shall be) ha**y% and (it shall be) well with yo#"
<sa 128:- Bo#r wi$e (shall be) li'e a $r#it$#l !ine In the !ery heart o$ yo#r ho#se% Bo#r hildren li'e oli!e *lants
+ll aro#nd yo#r table"
<sa 128:0 Behold% th#s shall the man be blessed >ho $ears the /8:2"
<sa 128:1 The /8:2 bless yo# o#t o$ Gion% +nd may yo# see the good o$ Jer#salem +ll the days o$ yo#r li$e"
<sa 128:3 Bes% may yo# see yo#r hildrenAs hildren" <eae (be) #*on IsraelF
<sa 129:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" .?any a time they ha!e a$$lited me $rom my yo#th%. /et Israel now say DD
<sa 129:2 .?any a time they ha!e a$$lited me $rom my yo#th& Bet they ha!e not *re!ailed against me"
<sa 129:- The *lowers *lowed on my ba'& They made their $#rrows long".
<sa 129:0 The /8:2 (is) righteo#s& He has #t in *iees the ords o$ the wi'ed"
<sa 129:1 /et all those who hate Gion Be *#t to shame and t#rned ba'"
<sa 129:3 /et them be as the grass (on) the ho#seto*s% >hih withers be$ore it grows #*%
<sa 129:4 >ith whih the rea*er does not $ill his hand% Nor he who binds shea!es% his arms"
<sa 129:8 Neither let those who *ass by them say% .The blessing o$ the /8:2 (be) #*on yo#& >e bless yo# in
the name o$ the /8:2F.
<sa 1-5:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" 8#t o$ the de*ths I ha!e ried to Bo#% 8 /8:2&
<sa 1-5:2 /ord% hear my !oieF /et Bo#r ears be attenti!e To the !oie o$ my s#**liations"
<sa 1-5:- I$ Bo#% /8:2% sho#ld mar' iniE#ities% 8 /ord% who o#ld standC
<sa 1-5:0 B#t (there is) $orgi!eness with Bo#% That Bo# may be $eared"
<sa 1-5:1 I wait $or the /8:2% my so#l waits% +nd in His word I do ho*e"
<sa 1-5:3 ?y so#l (waits) $or the /ord ?ore than those who wath $or the morning DD (Bes% more than) those
who wath $or the morning"
<sa 1-5:4 8 Israel% ho*e in the /8:2& ;or with the /8:2 (there is) mery% +nd with Him (is) ab#ndant
<sa 1-5:8 +nd He shall redeem Israel ;rom all his iniE#ities"
<sa 1-1:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" 8$ 2a!id" /8:2% my heart is not ha#ghty% Nor my eyes lo$ty" Neither do I onern
mysel$ with great matters% Nor with things too *ro$o#nd $or me"
<sa 1-1:2 ,#rely I ha!e almed and E#ieted my so#l% /i'e a weaned hild with his mother& /i'e a weaned hild
(is) my so#l within me"
<sa 1-1:- 8 Israel% ho*e in the /8:2 ;rom this time $orth and $ore!er"
<sa 1-2:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" /8:2% remember 2a!id (+nd) all his a$$litions&
<sa 1-2:2 How he swore to the /8:2% (+nd) !owed to the ?ighty 8ne o$ Jaob:
<sa 1-2:- .,#rely I will not go into the hamber o$ my ho#se% 8r go #* to the om$ort o$ my bed&
<sa 1-2:0 I will not gi!e slee* to my eyes (8r) sl#mber to my eyelids%
<sa 1-2:1 7ntil I $ind a *lae $or the /8:2% + dwelling *lae $or the ?ighty 8ne o$ Jaob".
<sa 1-2:3 Behold% we heard o$ it in 6*hrathah& >e $o#nd it in the $ields o$ the woods"
<sa 1-2:4 /et #s go into His tabernale& /et #s worshi* at His $ootstool"
<sa 1-2:8 +rise% 8 /8:2% to Bo#r resting *lae% Bo# and the ar' o$ Bo#r strength"
<sa 1-2:9 /et Bo#r *riests be lothed with righteo#sness% +nd let Bo#r saints sho#t $or @oy"
<sa 1-2:15 ;or Bo#r ser!ant 2a!idAs sa'e% 2o not t#rn away the $ae o$ Bo#r +nointed"
<sa 1-2:11 The /8:2 has sworn (in) tr#th to 2a!id& He will not t#rn $rom it: .I will set #*on yo#r throne the $r#it
o$ yo#r body"
<sa 1-2:12 I$ yo#r sons will 'ee* ?y o!enant +nd ?y testimony whih I shall teah them% Their sons also shall
sit #*on yo#r throne $ore!ermore".
<sa 1-2:1- ;or the /8:2 has hosen Gion& He has desired (it) $or His dwelling *lae:
<sa 1-2:10 .This (is) ?y resting *lae $ore!er& Here I will dwell% $or I ha!e desired it"
<sa 1-2:11 I will ab#ndantly bless her *ro!ision& I will satis$y her *oor with bread"
<sa 1-2:13 I will also lothe her *riests with sal!ation% +nd her saints shall sho#t alo#d $or @oy"
<sa 1-2:14 There I will ma'e the horn o$ 2a!id grow& I will *re*are a lam* $or ?y +nointed"
<sa 1-2:18 His enemies I will lothe with shame% B#t #*on Himsel$ His rown shall $lo#rish".
<sa 1--:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" 8$ 2a!id" Behold% how good and how *leasant (it is) ;or brethren to dwell
together in #nityF
<sa 1--:2 (It is) li'e the *reio#s oil #*on the head% :#nning down on the beard% The beard o$ +aron% :#nning
down on the edge o$ his garments"
<sa 1--:- (It is) li'e the dew o$ Hermon% 2esending #*on the mo#ntains o$ Gion& ;or there the /8:2
ommanded the blessing DD /i$e $ore!ermore"
<sa 1-0:1 + ,ong o$ +sents" Behold% bless the /8:2% +ll (yo#) ser!ants o$ the /8:2% >ho by night stand in
the ho#se o$ the /8:2F
<sa 1-0:2 /i$t #* yo#r hands (in) the sant#ary% +nd bless the /8:2"
<sa 1-0:- The /8:2 who made hea!en and earth Bless yo# $rom GionF
<sa 1-1:1 <raise the /8:2F <raise the name o$ the /8:2& <raise (Him%) 8 yo# ser!ants o$ the /8:2F
<sa 1-1:2 Bo# who stand in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% In the o#rts o$ the ho#se o$ o#r God%
<sa 1-1:- <raise the /8:2% $or the /8:2 (is) good& ,ing *raises to His name% $or (it is) *leasant"
<sa 1-1:0 ;or the /8:2 has hosen Jaob $or Himsel$% Israel $or His s*eial treas#re"
<sa 1-1:1 ;or I 'now that the /8:2 (is) great% +nd o#r /ord (is) abo!e all gods"
<sa 1-1:3 >hate!er the /8:2 *leases He does% In hea!en and in earth% In the seas and in all dee* *laes"
<sa 1-1:4 He a#ses the !a*ors to asend $rom the ends o$ the earth& He ma'es lightning $or the rain& He
brings the wind o#t o$ His treas#ries"
<sa 1-1:8 He destroyed the $irstborn o$ 6gy*t% Both o$ man and beast"
<sa 1-1:9 He sent signs and wonders into the midst o$ yo#% 8 6gy*t% 7*on <haraoh and all his ser!ants"
<sa 1-1:15 He de$eated many nations +nd slew mighty 'ings DD
<sa 1-1:11 ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% 8g 'ing o$ Bashan% +nd all the 'ingdoms o$ =anaan DD
<sa 1-1:12 +nd ga!e their land (as) a heritage% + heritage to Israel His *eo*le"
<sa 1-1:1- Bo#r name% 8 /8:2% (end#res) $ore!er% Bo#r $ame% 8 /8:2% thro#gho#t all generations"
<sa 1-1:10 ;or the /8:2 will @#dge His *eo*le% +nd He will ha!e om*assion on His ser!ants"
<sa 1-1:11 The idols o$ the nations (are) sil!er and gold% The wor' o$ menAs hands"
<sa 1-1:13 They ha!e mo#ths% b#t they do not s*ea'& 6yes they ha!e% b#t they do not see&
<sa 1-1:14 They ha!e ears% b#t they do not hear& Nor is there (any) breath in their mo#ths"
<sa 1-1:18 Those who ma'e them are li'e them& (,o is) e!eryone who tr#sts in them"
<sa 1-1:19 Bless the /8:2% 8 ho#se o$ IsraelF Bless the /8:2% 8 ho#se o$ +aronF
<sa 1-1:25 Bless the /8:2% 8 ho#se o$ /e!iF Bo# who $ear the /8:2% bless the /8:2F
<sa 1-1:21 Blessed be the /8:2 o#t o$ Gion% >ho dwells in Jer#salemF <raise the /8:2F
<sa 1-3:1 8h% gi!e than's to the /8:2% $or (He is) goodF ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er"
<sa 1-3:2 8h% gi!e than's to the God o$ godsF ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er"
<sa 1-3:- 8h% gi!e than's to the /ord o$ lordsF ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er:
<sa 1-3:0 To Him who alone does great wonders% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:1 To Him who by wisdom made the hea!ens% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:3 To Him who laid o#t the earth abo!e the waters% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:4 To Him who made great lights% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er DD
<sa 1-3:8 The s#n to r#le by day% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:9 The moon and stars to r#le by night% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er"
<sa 1-3:15 To Him who str#' 6gy*t in their $irstborn% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:11 +nd bro#ght o#t Israel $rom among them% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:12 >ith a strong hand% and with an o#tstrethed arm% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:1- To Him who di!ided the :ed ,ea in two% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:10 +nd made Israel *ass thro#gh the midst o$ it% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:11 B#t o!erthrew <haraoh and his army in the :ed ,ea% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:13 To Him who led His *eo*le thro#gh the wilderness% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:14 To Him who str#' down great 'ings% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:18 +nd slew $amo#s 'ings% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er DD
<sa 1-3:19 ,ihon 'ing o$ the +morites% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:25 +nd 8g 'ing o$ Bashan% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er DD
<sa 1-3:21 +nd ga!e their land as a heritage% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:22 + heritage to Israel His ser!ant% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er"
<sa 1-3:2- >ho remembered #s in o#r lowly state% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:20 +nd res#ed #s $rom o#r enemies% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er&
<sa 1-3:21 >ho gi!es $ood to all $lesh% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er"
<sa 1-3:23 8h% gi!e than's to the God o$ hea!enF ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er"
<sa 1-4:1 By the ri!ers o$ Babylon% There we sat down% yea% we we*t >hen we remembered Gion"
<sa 1-4:2 >e h#ng o#r har*s 7*on the willows in the midst o$ it"
<sa 1-4:- ;or there those who arried #s away a*ti!e as'ed o$ #s a song% +nd those who *l#ndered #s
(reE#ested) mirth% (,aying%) .,ing #s (one) o$ the songs o$ GionF.
<sa 1-4:0 How shall we sing the /8:2As song In a $oreign landC
<sa 1-4:1 I$ I $orget yo#% 8 Jer#salem% /et my right hand $orget (its s'illF)
<sa 1-4:3 I$ I do not remember yo#% /et my tong#e ling to the roo$ o$ my mo#th DD I$ I do not e9alt Jer#salem
+bo!e my hie$ @oy"
<sa 1-4:4 :emember% 8 /8:2% against the sons o$ 6dom The day o$ Jer#salem% >ho said% .:aHe (it%) raHe (it%)
To its !ery $o#ndationF.
<sa 1-4:8 8 da#ghter o$ Babylon% who are to be destroyed% Ha**y the one who re*ays yo# as yo# ha!e ser!ed
<sa 1-4:9 Ha**y the one who ta'es and dashes Bo#r little ones against the ro'F
<sa 1-8:1 (+ <salm) o$ 2a!id" I will *raise Bo# with my whole heart& Be$ore the gods I will sing *raises to Bo#"
<sa 1-8:2 I will worshi* toward Bo#r holy tem*le% +nd *raise Bo#r name ;or Bo#r lo!ing'indness and Bo#r
tr#th& ;or Bo# ha!e magni$ied Bo#r word abo!e all Bo#r name"
<sa 1-8:- In the day when I ried o#t% Bo# answered me% (+nd) made me bold (with) strength in my so#l"
<sa 1-8:0 +ll the 'ings o$ the earth shall *raise Bo#% 8 /8:2% >hen they hear the words o$ Bo#r mo#th"
<sa 1-8:1 Bes% they shall sing o$ the ways o$ the /8:2% ;or great (is) the glory o$ the /8:2"
<sa 1-8:3 Tho#gh the /8:2 (is) on high% Bet He regards the lowly& B#t the *ro#d He 'nows $rom a$ar"
<sa 1-8:4 Tho#gh I wal' in the midst o$ tro#ble% Bo# will re!i!e me& Bo# will streth o#t Bo#r hand +gainst the
wrath o$ my enemies% +nd Bo#r right hand will sa!e me"
<sa 1-8:8 The /8:2 will *er$et (that whih) onerns me& Bo#r mery% 8 /8:2% (end#res) $ore!er& 2o not
$orsa'e the wor's o$ Bo#r hands"
<sa 1-9:1 ;or the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" 8 /8:2% Bo# ha!e searhed me and 'nown (me")
<sa 1-9:2 Bo# 'now my sitting down and my rising #*& Bo# #nderstand my tho#ght a$ar o$$"
<sa 1-9:- Bo# om*rehend my *ath and my lying down% +nd are aE#ainted with all my ways"
<sa 1-9:0 ;or (there is) not a word on my tong#e% (B#t) behold% 8 /8:2% Bo# 'now it altogether"
<sa 1-9:1 Bo# ha!e hedged me behind and be$ore% +nd laid Bo#r hand #*on me"
<sa 1-9:3 (,#h) 'nowledge (is) too wonder$#l $or me& It is high% I annot (attain) it"
<sa 1-9:4 >here an I go $rom Bo#r ,*iritC 8r where an I $lee $rom Bo#r *reseneC
<sa 1-9:8 I$ I asend into hea!en% Bo# (are) there& I$ I ma'e my bed in hell% behold% Bo# (are there")
<sa 1-9:9 (I$) I ta'e the wings o$ the morning% (+nd) dwell in the #ttermost *arts o$ the sea%
<sa 1-9:15 6!en there Bo#r hand shall lead me% +nd Bo#r right hand shall hold me"
<sa 1-9:11 I$ I say% .,#rely the dar'ness shall $all on me%. 6!en the night shall be light abo#t me&
<sa 1-9:12 Indeed% the dar'ness shall not hide $rom Bo#% B#t the night shines as the day& The dar'ness and
the light (are) both ali'e (to Bo#")
<sa 1-9:1- ;or Bo# $ormed my inward *arts& Bo# o!ered me in my motherAs womb"
<sa 1-9:10 I will *raise Bo#% $or I am $ear$#lly (and) wonder$#lly made& ?ar!elo#s are Bo#r wor's% +nd (that) my
so#l 'nows !ery well"
<sa 1-9:11 ?y $rame was not hidden $rom Bo#% >hen I was made in seret% (+nd) s'ill$#lly wro#ght in the
lowest *arts o$ the earth"
<sa 1-9:13 Bo#r eyes saw my s#bstane% being yet #n$ormed" +nd in Bo#r boo' they all were written% The days
$ashioned $or me% >hen (as yet there were) none o$ them"
<sa 1-9:14 How *reio#s also are Bo#r tho#ghts to me% 8 GodF How great is the s#m o$ themF
<sa 1-9:18 (I$) I sho#ld o#nt them% they wo#ld be more in n#mber than the sand& >hen I awa'e% I am still with
<sa 1-9:19 8h% that Bo# wo#ld slay the wi'ed% 8 GodF 2e*art $rom me% there$ore% yo# bloodthirsty men"
<sa 1-9:25 ;or they s*ea' against Bo# wi'edly& Bo#r enemies ta'e (Bo#r name) in !ain"
<sa 1-9:21 2o I not hate them% 8 /8:2% who hate Bo#C +nd do I not loathe those who rise #* against Bo#C
<sa 1-9:22 I hate them with *er$et hatred& I o#nt them my enemies"
<sa 1-9:2- ,earh me% 8 God% and 'now my heart& Try me% and 'now my an9ieties&
<sa 1-9:20 +nd see i$ (there is any) wi'ed way in me% +nd lead me in the way e!erlasting"
<sa 105:1 To the =hie$ ?#siian" + <salm o$ 2a!id" 2eli!er me% 8 /8:2% $rom e!il men& <reser!e me $rom
!iolent men%
<sa 105:2 >ho *lan e!il things in (their) hearts& They ontin#ally gather together ($or) war"
<sa 105:- They shar*en their tong#es li'e a ser*ent& The *oison o$ as*s (is) #nder their li*s" ,elah
<sa 105:0 Kee* me% 8 /8:2% $rom the hands o$ the wi'ed& <reser!e me $rom !iolent men% >ho ha!e
*#r*osed to ma'e my ste*s st#mble"
<sa 105:1 The *ro#d ha!e hidden a snare $or me% and ords& They ha!e s*read a net by the wayside& They
ha!e set tra*s $or me" ,elah
<sa 105:3 I said to the /8:2: .Bo# (are) my God& Hear the !oie o$ my s#**liations% 8 /8:2"
<sa 105:4 8 G82 the /ord% the strength o$ my sal!ation% Bo# ha!e o!ered my head in the day o$ battle"
<sa 105:8 2o not grant% 8 /8:2% the desires o$ the wi'ed& 2o not $#rther his (wi'ed) sheme% (/est) they be
e9alted" ,elah
<sa 105:9 .(+s $or) the head o$ those who s#rro#nd me% /et the e!il o$ their li*s o!er them&
<sa 105:15 /et b#rning oals $all #*on them& /et them be ast into the $ire% Into dee* *its% that they rise not #*
<sa 105:11 /et not a slanderer be established in the earth& /et e!il h#nt the !iolent man to o!erthrow (him".)
<sa 105:12 I 'now that the /8:2 will maintain The a#se o$ the a$$lited% (+nd) @#stie $or the *oor"
<sa 105:1- ,#rely the righteo#s shall gi!e than's to Bo#r name& The #*right shall dwell in Bo#r *resene"
<sa 101:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" /8:2% I ry o#t to Bo#& ?a'e haste to meF Gi!e ear to my !oie when I ry o#t to
<sa 101:2 /et my *rayer be set be$ore Bo# (as) inense% The li$ting #* o$ my hands (as) the e!ening sari$ie"
<sa 101:- ,et a g#ard% 8 /8:2% o!er my mo#th& Kee* wath o!er the door o$ my li*s"
<sa 101:0 2o not inline my heart to any e!il thing% To *ratie wi'ed wor's >ith men who wor' iniE#ity& +nd
do not let me eat o$ their deliaies"
<sa 101:1 /et the righteo#s stri'e me& (It shall be) a 'indness" +nd let him reb#'e me& (It shall be) as e9ellent
oil& /et my head not re$#se it" ;or still my *rayer (is) against the deeds o$ the wi'ed"
<sa 101:3 Their @#dges are o!erthrown by the sides o$ the li$$% +nd they hear my words% $or they are sweet"
<sa 101:4 8#r bones are sattered at the mo#th o$ the gra!e% +s when one *lows and brea's #* the earth"
<sa 101:8 B#t my eyes (are) #*on Bo#% 8 G82 the /ord& In Bo# I ta'e re$#ge& 2o not lea!e my so#l destit#te"
<sa 101:9 Kee* me $rom the snares they ha!e laid $or me% +nd $rom the tra*s o$ the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity"
<sa 101:15 /et the wi'ed $all into their own nets% >hile I esa*e sa$ely"
<sa 102:1 + =ontem*lation o$ 2a!id" + <rayer when he was in the a!e" I ry o#t to the /8:2 with my !oie&
>ith my !oie to the /8:2 I ma'e my s#**liation"
<sa 102:2 I *o#r o#t my om*laint be$ore Him& I delare be$ore Him my tro#ble"
<sa 102:- >hen my s*irit was o!erwhelmed within me% Then Bo# 'new my *ath" In the way in whih I wal'
They ha!e seretly set a snare $or me"
<sa 102:0 /oo' on (my) right hand and see% ;or (there is) no one who a'nowledges me& :e$#ge has $ailed me&
No one ares $or my so#l"
<sa 102:1 I ried o#t to Bo#% 8 /8:2: I said% .Bo# (are) my re$#ge% ?y *ortion in the land o$ the li!ing"
<sa 102:3 +ttend to my ry% ;or I am bro#ght !ery low& 2eli!er me $rom my *erse#tors% ;or they are stronger
than I"
<sa 102:4 Bring my so#l o#t o$ *rison% That I may *raise Bo#r name& The righteo#s shall s#rro#nd me% ;or Bo#
shall deal bo#nti$#lly with me".
<sa 10-:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" Hear my *rayer% 8 /8:2% Gi!e ear to my s#**liationsF In Bo#r $aith$#lness
answer me% (+nd) in Bo#r righteo#sness"
<sa 10-:2 2o not enter into @#dgment with Bo#r ser!ant% ;or in Bo#r sight no one li!ing is righteo#s"
<sa 10-:- ;or the enemy has *erse#ted my so#l& He has r#shed my li$e to the gro#nd& He has made me
dwell in dar'ness% /i'e those who ha!e long been dead"
<sa 10-:0 There$ore my s*irit is o!erwhelmed within me& ?y heart within me is distressed"
<sa 10-:1 I remember the days o$ old& I meditate on all Bo#r wor's& I m#se on the wor' o$ Bo#r hands"
<sa 10-:3 I s*read o#t my hands to Bo#& ?y so#l (longs) $or Bo# li'e a thirsty land" ,elah
<sa 10-:4 +nswer me s*eedily% 8 /8:2& ?y s*irit $ailsF 2o not hide Bo#r $ae $rom me% /est I be li'e those
who go down into the *it"
<sa 10-:8 =a#se me to hear Bo#r lo!ing'indness in the morning% ;or in Bo# do I tr#st& =a#se me to 'now the
way in whih I sho#ld wal'% ;or I li$t #* my so#l to Bo#"
<sa 10-:9 2eli!er me% 8 /8:2% $rom my enemies& In Bo# I ta'e shelter"
<sa 10-:15 Teah me to do Bo#r will% ;or Bo# (are) my God& Bo#r ,*irit (is) good" /ead me in the land o$
<sa 10-:11 :e!i!e me% 8 /8:2% $or Bo#r nameAs sa'eF ;or Bo#r righteo#snessA sa'e bring my so#l o#t o$
<sa 10-:12 In Bo#r mery #t o$$ my enemies% +nd destroy all those who a$$lit my so#l& ;or I (am) Bo#r
<sa 100:1 + <salm o$ 2a!id" Blessed (be) the /8:2 my :o'% >ho trains my hands $or war% (+nd) my $ingers
$or battle DD
<sa 100:2 ?y lo!ing'indness and my $ortress% ?y high tower and my deli!erer% ?y shield and (the 8ne) in
whom I ta'e re$#ge% >ho s#bd#es my *eo*le #nder me"
<sa 100:- /8:2% what (is) man% that Bo# ta'e 'nowledge o$ himC (8r) the son o$ man% that Bo# are mind$#l o$
<sa 100:0 ?an is li'e a breath& His days (are) li'e a *assing shadow"
<sa 100:1 Bow down Bo#r hea!ens% 8 /8:2% and ome down& To#h the mo#ntains% and they shall smo'e"
<sa 100:3 ;lash $orth lightning and satter them& ,hoot o#t Bo#r arrows and destroy them"
<sa 100:4 ,treth o#t Bo#r hand $rom abo!e& :es#e me and deli!er me o#t o$ great waters% ;rom the hand o$
<sa 100:8 >hose mo#th s*ea's !ain words% +nd whose right hand (is) a right hand o$ $alsehood"
<sa 100:9 I will sing a new song to Bo#% 8 God& 8n a har* o$ ten strings I will sing *raises to Bo#%
<sa 100:15 (The 8ne) who gi!es sal!ation to 'ings% >ho deli!ers 2a!id His ser!ant ;rom the deadly sword"
<sa 100:11 :es#e me and deli!er me $rom the hand o$ $oreigners% >hose mo#th s*ea's lying words% +nd
whose right hand (is) a right hand o$ $alsehood DD
<sa 100:12 That o#r sons (may be) as *lants grown #* in their yo#th& (That) o#r da#ghters (may be) as *illars%
,#l*t#red in *alae style&
<sa 100:1- (That) o#r barns (may be) $#ll% ,#**lying all 'inds o$ *rod#e& (That) o#r shee* may bring $orth
tho#sands +nd ten tho#sands in o#r $ields&
<sa 100:10 (That) o#r o9en (may be) wellDladen& (That there be) no brea'ing in or going o#t& (That there be) no
o#try in o#r streets"
<sa 100:11 Ha**y (are) the *eo*le who are in s#h a state& Ha**y (are) the *eo*le whose God (is) the /8:2F
<sa 101:1 I will e9tol Bo#% my God% 8 King& +nd I will bless Bo#r name $ore!er and e!er"
<sa 101:2 6!ery day I will bless Bo#% +nd I will *raise Bo#r name $ore!er and e!er"
<sa 101:- Great (is) the /8:2% and greatly to be *raised& +nd His greatness (is) #nsearhable"
<sa 101:0 8ne generation shall *raise Bo#r wor's to another% +nd shall delare Bo#r mighty ats"
<sa 101:1 I will meditate on the glorio#s s*lendor o$ Bo#r ma@esty% +nd on Bo#r wondro#s wor's"
<sa 101:3 (?en) shall s*ea' o$ the might o$ Bo#r awesome ats% +nd I will delare Bo#r greatness"
<sa 101:4 They shall #tter the memory o$ Bo#r great goodness% +nd shall sing o$ Bo#r righteo#sness"
<sa 101:8 The /8:2 (is) graio#s and $#ll o$ om*assion% ,low to anger and great in mery"
<sa 101:9 The /8:2 (is) good to all% +nd His tender meries (are) o!er all His wor's"
<sa 101:15 +ll Bo#r wor's shall *raise Bo#% 8 /8:2% +nd Bo#r saints shall bless Bo#"
<sa 101:11 They shall s*ea' o$ the glory o$ Bo#r 'ingdom% +nd tal' o$ Bo#r *ower%
<sa 101:12 To ma'e 'nown to the sons o$ men His mighty ats% +nd the glorio#s ma@esty o$ His 'ingdom"
<sa 101:1- Bo#r 'ingdom (is) an e!erlasting 'ingdom% +nd Bo#r dominion (end#res) thro#gho#t all generations"
<sa 101:10 The /8:2 #*holds all who $all% +nd raises #* all (who are) bowed down"
<sa 101:11 The eyes o$ all loo' e9*etantly to Bo#% +nd Bo# gi!e them their $ood in d#e season"
<sa 101:13 Bo# o*en Bo#r hand +nd satis$y the desire o$ e!ery li!ing thing"
<sa 101:14 The /8:2 (is) righteo#s in all His ways% Graio#s in all His wor's"
<sa 101:18 The /8:2 (is) near to all who all #*on Him% To all who all #*on Him in tr#th"
<sa 101:19 He will $#l$ill the desire o$ those who $ear Him& He also will hear their ry and sa!e them"
<sa 101:25 The /8:2 *reser!es all who lo!e Him% B#t all the wi'ed He will destroy"
<sa 101:21 ?y mo#th shall s*ea' the *raise o$ the /8:2% +nd all $lesh shall bless His holy name ;ore!er and
<sa 103:1 <raise the /8:2F <raise the /8:2% 8 my so#lF
<sa 103:2 >hile I li!e I will *raise the /8:2& I will sing *raises to my God while I ha!e my being"
<sa 103:- 2o not *#t yo#r tr#st in *rines% (Nor) in a son o$ man% in whom (there is) no hel*"
<sa 103:0 His s*irit de*arts% he ret#rns to his earth& In that !ery day his *lans *erish"
<sa 103:1 Ha**y (is he) who (has) the God o$ Jaob $or his hel*% >hose ho*e (is) in the /8:2 his God%
<sa 103:3 >ho made hea!en and earth% The sea% and all that (is) in them& >ho 'ee*s tr#th $ore!er%
<sa 103:4 >ho e9e#tes @#stie $or the o**ressed% >ho gi!es $ood to the h#ngry" The /8:2 gi!es $reedom to
the *risoners"
<sa 103:8 The /8:2 o*ens (the eyes o$) the blind& The /8:2 raises those who are bowed down& The /8:2
lo!es the righteo#s"
<sa 103:9 The /8:2 wathes o!er the strangers& He relie!es the $atherless and widow& B#t the way o$ the
wi'ed He t#rns #*side down"
<sa 103:15 The /8:2 shall reign $ore!er DD Bo#r God% 8 Gion% to all generations" <raise the /8:2F
<sa 104:1 <raise the /8:2F ;or (it is) good to sing *raises to o#r God& ;or (it is) *leasant% (and) *raise is
<sa 104:2 The /8:2 b#ilds #* Jer#salem& He gathers together the o#tasts o$ Israel"
<sa 104:- He heals the bro'enhearted +nd binds #* their wo#nds"
<sa 104:0 He o#nts the n#mber o$ the stars& He alls them all by name"
<sa 104:1 Great (is) o#r /ord% and mighty in *ower& His #nderstanding (is) in$inite"
<sa 104:3 The /8:2 li$ts #* the h#mble& He asts the wi'ed down to the gro#nd"
<sa 104:4 ,ing to the /8:2 with than'sgi!ing& ,ing *raises on the har* to o#r God%
<sa 104:8 >ho o!ers the hea!ens with lo#ds% >ho *re*ares rain $or the earth% >ho ma'es grass to grow on
the mo#ntains"
<sa 104:9 He gi!es to the beast its $ood% (+nd) to the yo#ng ra!ens that ry"
<sa 104:15 He does not delight in the strength o$ the horse& He ta'es no *leas#re in the legs o$ a man"
<sa 104:11 The /8:2 ta'es *leas#re in those who $ear Him% In those who ho*e in His mery"
<sa 104:12 <raise the /8:2% 8 Jer#salemF <raise yo#r God% 8 GionF
<sa 104:1- ;or He has strengthened the bars o$ yo#r gates& He has blessed yo#r hildren within yo#"
<sa 104:10 He ma'es *eae (in) yo#r borders% (+nd) $ills yo# with the $inest wheat"
<sa 104:11 He sends o#t His ommand (to the) earth& His word r#ns !ery swi$tly"
<sa 104:13 He gi!es snow li'e wool& He satters the $rost li'e ashes&
<sa 104:14 He asts o#t His hail li'e morsels& >ho an stand be$ore His oldC
<sa 104:18 He sends o#t His word and melts them& He a#ses His wind to blow% (and) the waters $low"
<sa 104:19 He delares His word to Jaob% His stat#tes and His @#dgments to Israel"
<sa 104:25 He has not dealt th#s with any nation& +nd (as $or His) @#dgments% they ha!e not 'nown them"
<raise the /8:2F
<sa 108:1 <raise the /8:2F <raise the /8:2 $rom the hea!ens& <raise Him in the heightsF
<sa 108:2 <raise Him% all His angels& <raise Him% all His hostsF
<sa 108:- <raise Him% s#n and moon& <raise Him% all yo# stars o$ lightF
<sa 108:0 <raise Him% yo# hea!ens o$ hea!ens% +nd yo# waters abo!e the hea!ensF
<sa 108:1 /et them *raise the name o$ the /8:2% ;or He ommanded and they were reated"
<sa 108:3 He also established them $ore!er and e!er& He made a deree whih shall not *ass away"
<sa 108:4 <raise the /8:2 $rom the earth% Bo# great sea reat#res and all the de*ths&
<sa 108:8 ;ire and hail% snow and lo#ds& ,tormy wind% $#l$illing His word&
<sa 108:9 ?o#ntains and all hills& ;r#it$#l trees and all edars&
<sa 108:15 Beasts and all attle& =ree*ing things and $lying $owl&
<sa 108:11 Kings o$ the earth and all *eo*les& <rines and all @#dges o$ the earth&
<sa 108:12 Both yo#ng men and maidens& 8ld men and hildren"
<sa 108:1- /et them *raise the name o$ the /8:2% ;or His name alone is e9alted& His glory (is) abo!e the earth
and hea!en"
<sa 108:10 +nd He has e9alted the horn o$ His *eo*le% The *raise o$ all His saints DD 8$ the hildren o$ Israel% +
*eo*le near to Him" <raise the /8:2F
<sa 109:1 <raise the /8:2F ,ing to the /8:2 a new song% (+nd) His *raise in the assembly o$ saints"
<sa 109:2 /et Israel re@oie in their ?a'er& /et the hildren o$ Gion be @oy$#l in their King"
<sa 109:- /et them *raise His name with the dane& /et them sing *raises to Him with the timbrel and har*"
<sa 109:0 ;or the /8:2 ta'es *leas#re in His *eo*le& He will bea#ti$y the h#mble with sal!ation"
<sa 109:1 /et the saints be @oy$#l in glory& /et them sing alo#d on their beds"
<sa 109:3 (/et) the high *raises o$ God (be) in their mo#th% +nd a twoDedged sword in their hand%
<sa 109:4 To e9e#te !engeane on the nations% +nd *#nishments on the *eo*les&
<sa 109:8 To bind their 'ings with hains% +nd their nobles with $etters o$ iron&
<sa 109:9 To e9e#te on them the written @#dgment DD This honor ha!e all His saints" <raise the /8:2F
<sa 115:1 <raise the /8:2F <raise God in His sant#ary& <raise Him in His mighty $irmamentF
<sa 115:2 <raise Him $or His mighty ats& <raise Him aording to His e9ellent greatnessF
<sa 115:- <raise Him with the so#nd o$ the tr#m*et& <raise Him with the l#te and har*F
<sa 115:0 <raise Him with the timbrel and dane& <raise Him with stringed instr#ments and $l#tesF
<sa 115:1 <raise Him with lo#d ymbals& <raise Him with lashing ymbalsF
<sa 115:3 /et e!erything that has breath *raise the /8:2" <raise the /8:2F
<ro 1:1 The *ro!erbs o$ ,olomon the son o$ 2a!id% 'ing o$ Israel:
<ro 1:2 To 'now wisdom and instr#tion% To *erei!e the words o$ #nderstanding%
<ro 1:- To reei!e the instr#tion o$ wisdom% J#stie% @#dgment% and eE#ity&
<ro 1:0 To gi!e *r#dene to the sim*le% To the yo#ng man 'nowledge and disretion DD
<ro 1:1 + wise (man) will hear and inrease learning% +nd a man o$ #nderstanding will attain wise o#nsel%
<ro 1:3 To #nderstand a *ro!erb and an enigma% The words o$ the wise and their riddles"
<ro 1:4 The $ear o$ the /8:2 (is) the beginning o$ 'nowledge% (B#t) $ools des*ise wisdom and instr#tion"
<ro 1:8 ?y son% hear the instr#tion o$ yo#r $ather% +nd do not $orsa'e the law o$ yo#r mother&
<ro 1:9 ;or they (will be) a grae$#l ornament on yo#r head% +nd hains abo#t yo#r ne'"
<ro 1:15 ?y son% i$ sinners entie yo#% 2o not onsent"
<ro 1:11 I$ they say% .=ome with #s% /et #s lie in wait to (shed) blood& /et #s l#r' seretly $or the innoent witho#t
<ro 1:12 /et #s swallow them ali!e li'e ,heol% +nd whole% li'e those who go down to the <it&
<ro 1:1- >e shall $ind all ('inds) o$ *reio#s *ossessions% >e shall $ill o#r ho#ses with s*oil&
<ro 1:10 =ast in yo#r lot among #s% /et #s all ha!e one *#rse. DD
<ro 1:11 ?y son% do not wal' in the way with them% Kee* yo#r $oot $rom their *ath&
<ro 1:13 ;or their $eet r#n to e!il% +nd they ma'e haste to shed blood"
<ro 1:14 ,#rely% in !ain the net is s*read In the sight o$ any bird&
<ro 1:18 B#t they lie in wait $or their (own) blood% They l#r' seretly $or their (own) li!es"
<ro 1:19 ,o (are) the ways o$ e!eryone who is greedy $or gain& It ta'es away the li$e o$ its owners"
<ro 1:25 >isdom alls alo#d o#tside& ,he raises her !oie in the o*en sE#ares"
<ro 1:21 ,he ries o#t in the hie$ ono#rses% +t the o*enings o$ the gates in the ity ,he s*ea's her words:
<ro 1:22 .How long% yo# sim*le ones% will yo# lo!e sim*liityC ;or sorners delight in their sorning% +nd $ools
hate 'nowledge"
<ro 1:2- T#rn at my reb#'e& ,#rely I will *o#r o#t my s*irit on yo#& I will ma'e my words 'nown to yo#"
<ro 1:20 Bea#se I ha!e alled and yo# re$#sed% I ha!e strethed o#t my hand and no one regarded%
<ro 1:21 Bea#se yo# disdained all my o#nsel% +nd wo#ld ha!e none o$ my reb#'e%
<ro 1:23 I also will la#gh at yo#r alamity& I will mo' when yo#r terror omes%
<ro 1:24 >hen yo#r terror omes li'e a storm% +nd yo#r destr#tion omes li'e a whirlwind% >hen distress and
ang#ish ome #*on yo#"
<ro 1:28 .Then they will all on me% b#t I will not answer& They will see' me diligently% b#t they will not $ind me"
<ro 1:29 Bea#se they hated 'nowledge +nd did not hoose the $ear o$ the /8:2%
<ro 1:-5 They wo#ld ha!e none o$ my o#nsel (+nd) des*ised my e!ery reb#'e"
<ro 1:-1 There$ore they shall eat the $r#it o$ their own way% +nd be $illed to the $#ll with their own $anies"
<ro 1:-2 ;or the t#rning away o$ the sim*le will slay them% +nd the om*laeny o$ $ools will destroy them&
<ro 1:-- B#t whoe!er listens to me will dwell sa$ely% +nd will be se#re% witho#t $ear o$ e!il".
<ro 2:1 ?y son% i$ yo# reei!e my words% +nd treas#re my ommands within yo#%
<ro 2:2 ,o that yo# inline yo#r ear to wisdom% (+nd) a**ly yo#r heart to #nderstanding&
<ro 2:- Bes% i$ yo# ry o#t $or disernment% (+nd) li$t #* yo#r !oie $or #nderstanding%
<ro 2:0 I$ yo# see' her as sil!er% +nd searh $or her as ($or) hidden treas#res&
<ro 2:1 Then yo# will #nderstand the $ear o$ the /8:2% +nd $ind the 'nowledge o$ God"
<ro 2:3 ;or the /8:2 gi!es wisdom& ;rom His mo#th (ome) 'nowledge and #nderstanding&
<ro 2:4 He stores #* so#nd wisdom $or the #*right& (He is) a shield to those who wal' #*rightly&
<ro 2:8 He g#ards the *aths o$ @#stie% +nd *reser!es the way o$ His saints"
<ro 2:9 Then yo# will #nderstand righteo#sness and @#stie% 6E#ity (and) e!ery good *ath"
<ro 2:15 >hen wisdom enters yo#r heart% +nd 'nowledge is *leasant to yo#r so#l%
<ro 2:11 2isretion will *reser!e yo#& 7nderstanding will 'ee* yo#%
<ro 2:12 To deli!er yo# $rom the way o$ e!il% ;rom the man who s*ea's *er!erse things%
<ro 2:1- ;rom those who lea!e the *aths o$ #*rightness To wal' in the ways o$ dar'ness&
<ro 2:10 >ho re@oie in doing e!il% (+nd) delight in the *er!ersity o$ the wi'ed&
<ro 2:11 >hose ways (are) roo'ed% +nd (who are) de!io#s in their *aths&
<ro 2:13 To deli!er yo# $rom the immoral woman% ;rom the sed#tress (who) $latters with her words%
<ro 2:14 >ho $orsa'es the om*anion o$ her yo#th% +nd $orgets the o!enant o$ her God"
<ro 2:18 ;or her ho#se leads down to death% +nd her *aths to the dead&
<ro 2:19 None who go to her ret#rn% Nor do they regain the *aths o$ li$e DD
<ro 2:25 ,o yo# may wal' in the way o$ goodness% +nd 'ee* (to) the *aths o$ righteo#sness"
<ro 2:21 ;or the #*right will dwell in the land% +nd the blameless will remain in it&
<ro 2:22 B#t the wi'ed will be #t o$$ $rom the earth% +nd the #n$aith$#l will be #*rooted $rom it"
<ro -:1 ?y son% do not $orget my law% B#t let yo#r heart 'ee* my ommands&
<ro -:2 ;or length o$ days and long li$e +nd *eae they will add to yo#"
<ro -:- /et not mery and tr#th $orsa'e yo#& Bind them aro#nd yo#r ne'% >rite them on the tablet o$ yo#r
<ro -:0 (+nd) so $ind $a!or and high esteem In the sight o$ God and man"
<ro -:1 Tr#st in the /8:2 with all yo#r heart% +nd lean not on yo#r own #nderstanding&
<ro -:3 In all yo#r ways a'nowledge Him% +nd He shall diret yo#r *aths"
<ro -:4 2o not be wise in yo#r own eyes& ;ear the /8:2 and de*art $rom e!il"
<ro -:8 It will be health to yo#r $lesh% +nd strength to yo#r bones"
<ro -:9 Honor the /8:2 with yo#r *ossessions% +nd with the $irst$r#its o$ all yo#r inrease&
<ro -:15 ,o yo#r barns will be $illed with *lenty% +nd yo#r !ats will o!er$low with new wine"
<ro -:11 ?y son% do not des*ise the hastening o$ the /8:2% Nor detest His orretion&
<ro -:12 ;or whom the /8:2 lo!es He orrets% J#st as a $ather the son (in whom) he delights"
<ro -:1- Ha**y (is) the man (who) $inds wisdom% +nd the man (who) gains #nderstanding&
<ro -:10 ;or her *roeeds (are) better than the *ro$its o$ sil!er% +nd her gain than $ine gold"
<ro -:11 ,he (is) more *reio#s than r#bies% +nd all the things yo# may desire annot om*are with her"
<ro -:13 /ength o$ days (is) in her right hand% In her le$t hand rihes and honor"
<ro -:14 Her ways (are) ways o$ *leasantness% +nd all her *aths (are) *eae"
<ro -:18 ,he (is) a tree o$ li$e to those who ta'e hold o$ her% +nd ha**y (are all) who retain her"
<ro -:19 The /8:2 by wisdom $o#nded the earth& By #nderstanding He established the hea!ens&
<ro -:25 By His 'nowledge the de*ths were bro'en #*% +nd lo#ds dro* down the dew"
<ro -:21 ?y son% let them not de*art $rom yo#r eyes DD Kee* so#nd wisdom and disretion&
<ro -:22 ,o they will be li$e to yo#r so#l +nd grae to yo#r ne'"
<ro -:2- Then yo# will wal' sa$ely in yo#r way% +nd yo#r $oot will not st#mble"
<ro -:20 >hen yo# lie down% yo# will not be a$raid& Bes% yo# will lie down and yo#r slee* will be sweet"
<ro -:21 2o not be a$raid o$ s#dden terror% Nor o$ tro#ble $rom the wi'ed when it omes&
<ro -:23 ;or the /8:2 will be yo#r on$idene% +nd will 'ee* yo#r $oot $rom being a#ght"
<ro -:24 2o not withhold good $rom those to whom it is d#e% >hen it is in the *ower o$ yo#r hand to do (so")
<ro -:28 2o not say to yo#r neighbor% .Go% and ome ba'% +nd tomorrow I will gi!e (it%.) >hen (yo# ha!e) it
with yo#"
<ro -:29 2o not de!ise e!il against yo#r neighbor% ;or he dwells by yo# $or sa$etyAs sa'e"
<ro -:-5 2o not stri!e with a man witho#t a#se% I$ he has done yo# no harm"
<ro -:-1 2o not en!y the o**ressor% +nd hoose none o$ his ways&
<ro -:-2 ;or the *er!erse (*erson is) an abomination to the /8:2% B#t His seret o#nsel (is) with the #*right"
<ro -:-- The #rse o$ the /8:2 (is) on the ho#se o$ the wi'ed% B#t He blesses the home o$ the @#st"
<ro -:-0 ,#rely He sorns the sorn$#l% B#t gi!es grae to the h#mble"
<ro -:-1 The wise shall inherit glory% B#t shame shall be the legay o$ $ools"
<ro 0:1 Hear% (my) hildren% the instr#tion o$ a $ather% +nd gi!e attention to 'now #nderstanding&
<ro 0:2 ;or I gi!e yo# good dotrine: 2o not $orsa'e my law"
<ro 0:- >hen I was my $atherAs son% Tender and the only one in the sight o$ my mother%
<ro 0:0 He also ta#ght me% and said to me: ./et yo#r heart retain my words& Kee* my ommands% and li!e"
<ro 0:1 Get wisdomF Get #nderstandingF 2o not $orget% nor t#rn away $rom the words o$ my mo#th"
<ro 0:3 2o not $orsa'e her% and she will *reser!e yo#& /o!e her% and she will 'ee* yo#"
<ro 0:4 >isdom (is) the *rini*al thing& (There$ore) get wisdom" +nd in all yo#r getting% get #nderstanding"
<ro 0:8 69alt her% and she will *romote yo#& ,he will bring yo# honor% when yo# embrae her"
<ro 0:9 ,he will *lae on yo#r head an ornament o$ grae& + rown o$ glory she will deli!er to yo#".
<ro 0:15 Hear% my son% and reei!e my sayings% +nd the years o$ yo#r li$e will be many"
<ro 0:11 I ha!e ta#ght yo# in the way o$ wisdom& I ha!e led yo# in right *aths"
<ro 0:12 >hen yo# wal'% yo#r ste*s will not be hindered% +nd when yo# r#n% yo# will not st#mble"
<ro 0:1- Ta'e $irm hold o$ instr#tion% do not let go& Kee* her% $or she (is) yo#r li$e"
<ro 0:10 2o not enter the *ath o$ the wi'ed% +nd do not wal' in the way o$ e!il"
<ro 0:11 +!oid it% do not tra!el on it& T#rn away $rom it and *ass on"
<ro 0:13 ;or they do not slee* #nless they ha!e done e!il& +nd their slee* is ta'en away #nless they ma'e
(someone) $all"
<ro 0:14 ;or they eat the bread o$ wi'edness% +nd drin' the wine o$ !iolene"
<ro 0:18 B#t the *ath o$ the @#st (is) li'e the shining s#n% That shines e!er brighter #nto the *er$et day"
<ro 0:19 The way o$ the wi'ed (is) li'e dar'ness& They do not 'now what ma'es them st#mble"
<ro 0:25 ?y son% gi!e attention to my words& Inline yo#r ear to my sayings"
<ro 0:21 2o not let them de*art $rom yo#r eyes& Kee* them in the midst o$ yo#r heart&
<ro 0:22 ;or they (are) li$e to those who $ind them% +nd health to all their $lesh"
<ro 0:2- Kee* yo#r heart with all diligene% ;or o#t o$ it (s*ring) the iss#es o$ li$e"
<ro 0:20 <#t away $rom yo# a deeit$#l mo#th% +nd *#t *er!erse li*s $ar $rom yo#"
<ro 0:21 /et yo#r eyes loo' straight ahead% +nd yo#r eyelids loo' right be$ore yo#"
<ro 0:23 <onder the *ath o$ yo#r $eet% +nd let all yo#r ways be established"
<ro 0:24 2o not t#rn to the right or the le$t& :emo!e yo#r $oot $rom e!il"
<ro 1:1 ?y son% *ay attention to my wisdom& /end yo#r ear to my #nderstanding%
<ro 1:2 That yo# may *reser!e disretion% +nd yo#r li*s may 'ee* 'nowledge"
<ro 1:- ;or the li*s o$ an immoral woman dri* honey% +nd her mo#th (is) smoother than oil&
<ro 1:0 B#t in the end she is bitter as wormwood% ,har* as a twoDedged sword"
<ro 1:1 Her $eet go down to death% Her ste*s lay hold o$ hell"
<ro 1:3 /est yo# *onder (her) *ath o$ li$e DD Her ways are #nstable& Bo# do not 'now (them")
<ro 1:4 There$ore hear me now% (my) hildren% +nd do not de*art $rom the words o$ my mo#th"
<ro 1:8 :emo!e yo#r way $ar $rom her% +nd do not go near the door o$ her ho#se%
<ro 1:9 /est yo# gi!e yo#r honor to others% +nd yo#r years to the r#el (one&)
<ro 1:15 /est aliens be $illed with yo#r wealth% +nd yo#r labors (go) to the ho#se o$ a $oreigner&
<ro 1:11 +nd yo# mo#rn at last% >hen yo#r $lesh and yo#r body are ons#med%
<ro 1:12 +nd say: .How I ha!e hated instr#tion% +nd my heart des*ised orretionF
<ro 1:1- I ha!e not obeyed the !oie o$ my teahers% Nor inlined my ear to those who instr#ted meF
<ro 1:10 I was on the !erge o$ total r#in% In the midst o$ the assembly and ongregation".
<ro 1:11 2rin' water $rom yo#r own istern% +nd r#nning water $rom yo#r own well"
<ro 1:13 ,ho#ld yo#r $o#ntains be dis*ersed abroad% ,treams o$ water in the streetsC
<ro 1:14 /et them be only yo#r own% +nd not $or strangers with yo#"
<ro 1:18 /et yo#r $o#ntain be blessed% +nd re@oie with the wi$e o$ yo#r yo#th"
<ro 1:19 (+s a) lo!ing deer and a grae$#l doe% /et her breasts satis$y yo# at all times& +nd always be
enra*t#red with her lo!e"
<ro 1:25 ;or why sho#ld yo#% my son% be enra*t#red by an immoral woman% +nd be embraed in the arms o$ a
<ro 1:21 ;or the ways o$ man (are) be$ore the eyes o$ the /8:2% +nd He *onders all his *aths"
<ro 1:22 His own iniE#ities entra* the wi'ed (man%) +nd he is a#ght in the ords o$ his sin"
<ro 1:2- He shall die $or la' o$ instr#tion% +nd in the greatness o$ his $olly he shall go astray"
<ro 3:1 ?y son% i$ yo# beome s#rety $or yo#r $riend% (I$) yo# ha!e sha'en hands in *ledge $or a stranger%
<ro 3:2 Bo# are snared by the words o$ yo#r mo#th& Bo# are ta'en by the words o$ yo#r mo#th"
<ro 3:- ,o do this% my son% and deli!er yo#rsel$& ;or yo# ha!e ome into the hand o$ yo#r $riend: Go and
h#mble yo#rsel$& <lead with yo#r $riend"
<ro 3:0 Gi!e no slee* to yo#r eyes% Nor sl#mber to yo#r eyelids"
<ro 3:1 2eli!er yo#rsel$ li'e a gaHelle $rom the hand (o$ the h#nter%) +nd li'e a bird $rom the hand o$ the $owler"
<ro 3:3 Go to the ant% yo# sl#ggardF =onsider her ways and be wise%
<ro 3:4 >hih% ha!ing no a*tain% 8!erseer or r#ler%
<ro 3:8 <ro!ides her s#**lies in the s#mmer% (+nd) gathers her $ood in the har!est"
<ro 3:9 How long will yo# sl#mber% 8 sl#ggardC >hen will yo# rise $rom yo#r slee*C
<ro 3:15 + little slee*% a little sl#mber% + little $olding o$ the hands to slee* DD
<ro 3:11 ,o shall yo#r *o!erty ome on yo# li'e a *rowler% +nd yo#r need li'e an armed man"
<ro 3:12 + worthless *erson% a wi'ed man% >al's with a *er!erse mo#th&
<ro 3:1- He win's with his eyes% He sh#$$les his $eet% He *oints with his $ingers&
<ro 3:10 <er!ersity (is) in his heart% He de!ises e!il ontin#ally% He sows disord"
<ro 3:11 There$ore his alamity shall ome s#ddenly& ,#ddenly he shall be bro'en witho#t remedy"
<ro 3:13 These si9 (things) the /8:2 hates% Bes% se!en (are) an abomination to Him:
<ro 3:14 + *ro#d loo'% + lying tong#e% Hands that shed innoent blood%
<ro 3:18 + heart that de!ises wi'ed *lans% ;eet that are swi$t in r#nning to e!il%
<ro 3:19 + $alse witness (who) s*ea's lies% +nd one who sows disord among brethren"
<ro 3:25 ?y son% 'ee* yo#r $atherAs ommand% +nd do not $orsa'e the law o$ yo#r mother"
<ro 3:21 Bind them ontin#ally #*on yo#r heart& Tie them aro#nd yo#r ne'"
<ro 3:22 >hen yo# roam% they will lead yo#& >hen yo# slee*% they will 'ee* yo#& +nd (when) yo# awa'e% they
will s*ea' with yo#"
<ro 3:2- ;or the ommandment (is) a lam*% +nd the law a light& :e*roo$s o$ instr#tion (are) the way o$ li$e%
<ro 3:20 To 'ee* yo# $rom the e!il woman% ;rom the $lattering tong#e o$ a sed#tress"
<ro 3:21 2o not l#st a$ter her bea#ty in yo#r heart% Nor let her all#re yo# with her eyelids"
<ro 3:23 ;or by means o$ a harlot (+ man is red#ed) to a r#st o$ bread& +nd an ad#lteress will *rey #*on his
*reio#s li$e"
<ro 3:24 =an a man ta'e $ire to his bosom% +nd his lothes not be b#rnedC
<ro 3:28 =an one wal' on hot oals% +nd his $eet not be searedC
<ro 3:29 ,o (is) he who goes in to his neighborAs wi$e& >hoe!er to#hes her shall not be innoent"
<ro 3:-5 (<eo*le) do not des*ise a thie$ I$ he steals to satis$y himsel$ when he is star!ing"
<ro 3:-1 Bet (when) he is $o#nd% he m#st restore se!en$old& He may ha!e to gi!e #* all the s#bstane o$ his
<ro 3:-2 >hoe!er ommits ad#ltery with a woman la's #nderstanding& He (who) does so destroys his own
<ro 3:-- >o#nds and dishonor he will get% +nd his re*roah will not be wi*ed away"
<ro 3:-0 ;or @ealo#sy (is) a h#sbandAs $#ry& There$ore he will not s*are in the day o$ !engeane"
<ro 3:-1 He will ae*t no reom*ense% Nor will he be a**eased tho#gh yo# gi!e many gi$ts"
<ro 4:1 ?y son% 'ee* my words% +nd treas#re my ommands within yo#"
<ro 4:2 Kee* my ommands and li!e% +nd my law as the a**le o$ yo#r eye"
<ro 4:- Bind them on yo#r $ingers& >rite them on the tablet o$ yo#r heart"
<ro 4:0 ,ay to wisdom% .Bo# (are) my sister%. +nd all #nderstanding (yo#r) nearest 'in%
<ro 4:1 That they may 'ee* yo# $rom the immoral woman% ;rom the sed#tress (who) $latters with her words"
<ro 4:3 ;or at the window o$ my ho#se I loo'ed thro#gh my lattie%
<ro 4:4 +nd saw among the sim*le% I *erei!ed among the yo#ths% + yo#ng man de!oid o$ #nderstanding%
<ro 4:8 <assing along the street near her orner& +nd he too' the *ath to her ho#se
<ro 4:9 In the twilight% in the e!ening% In the bla' and dar' night"
<ro 4:15 +nd there a woman met him% (>ith) the attire o$ a harlot% and a ra$ty heart"
<ro 4:11 ,he (was) lo#d and rebellio#s% Her $eet wo#ld not stay at home"
<ro 4:12 +t times (she was) o#tside% at times in the o*en sE#are% /#r'ing at e!ery orner"
<ro 4:1- ,o she a#ght him and 'issed him& >ith an im*#dent $ae she said to him:
<ro 4:10 .(I ha!e) *eae o$$erings with me& Today I ha!e *aid my !ows"
<ro 4:11 ,o I ame o#t to meet yo#% 2iligently to see' yo#r $ae% +nd I ha!e $o#nd yo#"
<ro 4:13 I ha!e s*read my bed with ta*estry% =olored o!erings o$ 6gy*tian linen"
<ro 4:14 I ha!e *er$#med my bed >ith myrrh% aloes% and innamon"
<ro 4:18 =ome% let #s ta'e o#r $ill o$ lo!e #ntil morning& /et #s delight o#rsel!es with lo!e"
<ro 4:19 ;or my h#sband (is) not at home& He has gone on a long @o#rney&
<ro 4:25 He has ta'en a bag o$ money with him% (+nd) will ome home on the a**ointed day".
<ro 4:21 >ith her entiing s*eeh she a#sed him to yield% >ith her $lattering li*s she sed#ed him"
<ro 4:22 Immediately he went a$ter her% as an o9 goes to the sla#ghter% 8r as a $ool to the orretion o$ the
<ro 4:2- Till an arrow str#' his li!er" +s a bird hastens to the snare% He did not 'now it (wo#ld ost) his li$e"
<ro 4:20 Now there$ore% listen to me% (my) hildren& <ay attention to the words o$ my mo#th:
<ro 4:21 2o not let yo#r heart t#rn aside to her ways% 2o not stray into her *aths&
<ro 4:23 ;or she has ast down many wo#nded% +nd all who were slain by her were strong (men")
<ro 4:24 Her ho#se (is) the way to hell% 2esending to the hambers o$ death"
<ro 8:1 2oes not wisdom ry o#t% +nd #nderstanding li$t #* her !oieC
<ro 8:2 ,he ta'es her stand on the to* o$ the high hill% Beside the way% where the *aths meet"
<ro 8:- ,he ries o#t by the gates% at the entry o$ the ity% +t the entrane o$ the doors:
<ro 8:0 .To yo#% 8 men% I all% +nd my !oie (is) to the sons o$ men"
<ro 8:1 8 yo# sim*le ones% #nderstand *r#dene% +nd yo# $ools% be o$ an #nderstanding heart"
<ro 8:3 /isten% $or I will s*ea' o$ e9ellent things% +nd $rom the o*ening o$ my li*s (will ome) right things&
<ro 8:4 ;or my mo#th will s*ea' tr#th& >i'edness (is) an abomination to my li*s"
<ro 8:8 +ll the words o$ my mo#th (are) with righteo#sness& Nothing roo'ed or *er!erse (is) in them"
<ro 8:9 They (are) all *lain to him who #nderstands% +nd right to those who $ind 'nowledge"
<ro 8:15 :eei!e my instr#tion% and not sil!er% +nd 'nowledge rather than hoie gold&
<ro 8:11 ;or wisdom (is) better than r#bies% +nd all the things one may desire annot be om*ared with her"
<ro 8:12 . I% wisdom% dwell with *r#dene% +nd $ind o#t 'nowledge (and) disretion"
<ro 8:1- The $ear o$ the /8:2 (is) to hate e!il& <ride and arrogane and the e!il way +nd the *er!erse mo#th I
<ro 8:10 =o#nsel (is) mine% and so#nd wisdom& I (am) #nderstanding% I ha!e strength"
<ro 8:11 By me 'ings reign% +nd r#lers deree @#stie"
<ro 8:13 By me *rines r#le% and nobles% +ll the @#dges o$ the earth"
<ro 8:14 I lo!e those who lo!e me% +nd those who see' me diligently will $ind me"
<ro 8:18 :ihes and honor (are) with me% 6nd#ring rihes and righteo#sness"
<ro 8:19 ?y $r#it (is) better than gold% yes% than $ine gold% +nd my re!en#e than hoie sil!er"
<ro 8:25 I tra!erse the way o$ righteo#sness% In the midst o$ the *aths o$ @#stie%
<ro 8:21 That I may a#se those who lo!e me to inherit wealth% That I may $ill their treas#ries"
<ro 8:22 . The /8:2 *ossessed me at the beginning o$ His way% Be$ore His wor's o$ old"
<ro 8:2- I ha!e been established $rom e!erlasting% ;rom the beginning% be$ore there was e!er an earth"
<ro 8:20 >hen (there were) no de*ths I was bro#ght $orth% >hen (there were) no $o#ntains abo#nding with
<ro 8:21 Be$ore the mo#ntains were settled% Be$ore the hills% I was bro#ght $orth&
<ro 8:23 >hile as yet He had not made the earth or the $ields% 8r the *rime!al d#st o$ the world"
<ro 8:24 >hen He *re*ared the hea!ens% I (was) there% >hen He drew a irle on the $ae o$ the dee*%
<ro 8:28 >hen He established the lo#ds abo!e% >hen He strengthened the $o#ntains o$ the dee*%
<ro 8:29 >hen He assigned to the sea its limit% ,o that the waters wo#ld not transgress His ommand% >hen
He mar'ed o#t the $o#ndations o$ the earth%
<ro 8:-5 Then I was beside Him (as) a master ra$tsman& +nd I was daily (His) delight% :e@oiing always be$ore
<ro 8:-1 :e@oiing in His inhabited world% +nd my delight (was) with the sons o$ men"
<ro 8:-2 . Now there$ore% listen to me% (my) hildren% ;or blessed (are those who) 'ee* my ways"
<ro 8:-- Hear instr#tion and be wise% +nd do not disdain (it")
<ro 8:-0 Blessed is the man who listens to me% >athing daily at my gates% >aiting at the *osts o$ my doors"
<ro 8:-1 ;or whoe!er $inds me $inds li$e% +nd obtains $a!or $rom the /8:2&
<ro 8:-3 B#t he who sins against me wrongs his own so#l& +ll those who hate me lo!e death".
<ro 9:1 >isdom has b#ilt her ho#se% ,he has hewn o#t her se!en *illars&
<ro 9:2 ,he has sla#ghtered her meat% ,he has mi9ed her wine% ,he has also $#rnished her table"
<ro 9:- ,he has sent o#t her maidens% ,he ries o#t $rom the highest *laes o$ the ity%
<ro 9:0 .>hoe!er (is) sim*le% let him t#rn in hereF. (+s $or) him who la's #nderstanding% she says to him%
<ro 9:1 .=ome% eat o$ my bread +nd drin' o$ the wine I ha!e mi9ed"
<ro 9:3 ;orsa'e $oolishness and li!e% +nd go in the way o$ #nderstanding"
<ro 9:4 . He who orrets a so$$er gets shame $or himsel$% +nd he who reb#'es a wi'ed (man only) harms
<ro 9:8 2o not orret a so$$er% lest he hate yo#& :eb#'e a wise (man%) and he will lo!e yo#"
<ro 9:9 Gi!e (instr#tion) to a wise (man%) and he will be still wiser& Teah a @#st (man%) and he will inrease in
<ro 9:15 .The $ear o$ the /8:2 (is) the beginning o$ wisdom% +nd the 'nowledge o$ the Holy 8ne (is)
<ro 9:11 ;or by me yo#r days will be m#lti*lied% +nd years o$ li$e will be added to yo#"
<ro 9:12 I$ yo# are wise% yo# are wise $or yo#rsel$% +nd (i$) yo# so$$% yo# will bear (it) alone".
<ro 9:1- + $oolish woman is lamoro#s& (,he is) sim*le% and 'nows nothing"
<ro 9:10 ;or she sits at the door o$ her ho#se% 8n a seat (by) the highest *laes o$ the ity%
<ro 9:11 To all to those who *ass by% >ho go straight on their way:
<ro 9:13 .>hoe!er (is) sim*le% let him t#rn in here.& +nd (as $or) him who la's #nderstanding% she says to him%
<ro 9:14 .,tolen water is sweet% +nd bread (eaten) in seret is *leasant".
<ro 9:18 B#t he does not 'now that the dead (are) there% (That) her g#ests (are) in the de*ths o$ hell"
<ro 15:1 The <ro!erbs o$ ,olomon: + wise son ma'es a glad $ather% B#t a $oolish son (is) the grie$ o$ his mother"
<ro 15:2 Treas#res o$ wi'edness *ro$it nothing% B#t righteo#sness deli!ers $rom death"
<ro 15:- The /8:2 will not allow the righteo#s so#l to $amish% B#t He asts away the desire o$ the wi'ed"
<ro 15:0 He who has a sla' hand beomes *oor% B#t the hand o$ the diligent ma'es rih"
<ro 15:1 He who gathers in s#mmer (is) a wise son& He who slee*s in har!est (is) a son who a#ses shame"
<ro 15:3 Blessings (are) on the head o$ the righteo#s% B#t !iolene o!ers the mo#th o$ the wi'ed"
<ro 15:4 The memory o$ the righteo#s (is) blessed% B#t the name o$ the wi'ed will rot"
<ro 15:8 The wise in heart will reei!e ommands% B#t a *rating $ool will $all"
<ro 15:9 He who wal's with integrity wal's se#rely% B#t he who *er!erts his ways will beome 'nown"
<ro 15:15 He who win's with the eye a#ses tro#ble% B#t a *rating $ool will $all"
<ro 15:11 The mo#th o$ the righteo#s (is) a well o$ li$e% B#t !iolene o!ers the mo#th o$ the wi'ed"
<ro 15:12 Hatred stirs #* stri$e% B#t lo!e o!ers all sins"
<ro 15:1- >isdom is $o#nd on the li*s o$ him who has #nderstanding% B#t a rod (is) $or the ba' o$ him who is
de!oid o$ #nderstanding"
<ro 15:10 >ise (*eo*le) store #* 'nowledge% B#t the mo#th o$ the $oolish (is) near destr#tion"
<ro 15:11 The rih manAs wealth (is) his strong ity& The destr#tion o$ the *oor (is) their *o!erty"
<ro 15:13 The labor o$ the righteo#s (leads) to li$e% The wages o$ the wi'ed to sin"
<ro 15:14 He who 'ee*s instr#tion (is in) the way o$ li$e% B#t he who re$#ses orretion goes astray"
<ro 15:18 >hoe!er hides hatred (has) lying li*s% +nd whoe!er s*reads slander (is) a $ool"
<ro 15:19 In the m#ltit#de o$ words sin is not la'ing% B#t he who restrains his li*s (is) wise"
<ro 15:25 The tong#e o$ the righteo#s (is) hoie sil!er& The heart o$ the wi'ed (is worth) little"
<ro 15:21 The li*s o$ the righteo#s $eed many% B#t $ools die $or la' o$ wisdom"
<ro 15:22 The blessing o$ the /8:2 ma'es (one) rih% +nd He adds no sorrow with it"
<ro 15:2- To do e!il (is) li'e s*ort to a $ool% B#t a man o$ #nderstanding has wisdom"
<ro 15:20 The $ear o$ the wi'ed will ome #*on him% +nd the desire o$ the righteo#s will be granted"
<ro 15:21 >hen the whirlwind *asses by% the wi'ed (is) no (more%) B#t the righteo#s (has) an e!erlasting
<ro 15:23 +s !inegar to the teeth and smo'e to the eyes% ,o (is) the laHy (man) to those who send him"
<ro 15:24 The $ear o$ the /8:2 *rolongs days% B#t the years o$ the wi'ed will be shortened"
<ro 15:28 The ho*e o$ the righteo#s (will be) gladness% B#t the e9*etation o$ the wi'ed will *erish"
<ro 15:29 The way o$ the /8:2 (is) strength $or the #*right% B#t destr#tion (will ome) to the wor'ers o$
<ro 15:-5 The righteo#s will ne!er be remo!ed% B#t the wi'ed will not inhabit the earth"
<ro 15:-1 The mo#th o$ the righteo#s brings $orth wisdom% B#t the *er!erse tong#e will be #t o#t"
<ro 15:-2 The li*s o$ the righteo#s 'now what is ae*table% B#t the mo#th o$ the wi'ed (what is) *er!erse"
<ro 11:1 2ishonest sales (are) an abomination to the /8:2% B#t a @#st weight (is) His delight"
<ro 11:2 >hen *ride omes% then omes shame& B#t with the h#mble (is) wisdom"
<ro 11:- The integrity o$ the #*right will g#ide them% B#t the *er!ersity o$ the #n$aith$#l will destroy them"
<ro 11:0 :ihes do not *ro$it in the day o$ wrath% B#t righteo#sness deli!ers $rom death"
<ro 11:1 The righteo#sness o$ the blameless will diret his way aright% B#t the wi'ed will $all by his own
<ro 11:3 The righteo#sness o$ the #*right will deli!er them% B#t the #n$aith$#l will be a#ght by (their) l#st"
<ro 11:4 >hen a wi'ed man dies% (his) e9*etation will *erish% +nd the ho*e o$ the #n@#st *erishes"
<ro 11:8 The righteo#s is deli!ered $rom tro#ble% +nd it omes to the wi'ed instead"
<ro 11:9 The hy*orite with (his) mo#th destroys his neighbor% B#t thro#gh 'nowledge the righteo#s will be
<ro 11:15 >hen it goes well with the righteo#s% the ity re@oies& +nd when the wi'ed *erish% (there is)
<ro 11:11 By the blessing o$ the #*right the ity is e9alted% B#t it is o!erthrown by the mo#th o$ the wi'ed"
<ro 11:12 He who is de!oid o$ wisdom des*ises his neighbor% B#t a man o$ #nderstanding holds his *eae"
<ro 11:1- + talebearer re!eals serets% B#t he who is o$ a $aith$#l s*irit oneals a matter"
<ro 11:10 >here (there is) no o#nsel% the *eo*le $all& B#t in the m#ltit#de o$ o#nselors (there is) sa$ety"
<ro 11:11 He who is s#rety $or a stranger will s#$$er% B#t one who hates being s#rety is se#re"
<ro 11:13 + graio#s woman retains honor% B#t r#thless (men) retain rihes"
<ro 11:14 The meri$#l man does good $or his own so#l% B#t (he who is) r#el tro#bles his own $lesh"
<ro 11:18 The wi'ed (man) does dee*ti!e wor'% B#t he who sows righteo#sness (will ha!e) a s#re reward"
<ro 11:19 +s righteo#sness (leads) to li$e% ,o he who *#rs#es e!il (*#rs#es it) to his own death"
<ro 11:25 Those who are o$ a *er!erse heart (are) an abomination to the /8:2% B#t (the) blameless in their
ways (are) His delight"
<ro 11:21 (Tho#gh they @oin) $ores% the wi'ed will not go #n*#nished& B#t the *osterity o$ the righteo#s will be
<ro 11:22 (+s) a ring o$ gold in a swineAs sno#t% (,o is) a lo!ely woman who la's disretion"
<ro 11:2- The desire o$ the righteo#s (is) only good% (B#t) the e9*etation o$ the wi'ed (is) wrath"
<ro 11:20 There is (one) who satters% yet inreases more& +nd there is (one) who withholds more than is right%
B#t it (leads) to *o!erty"
<ro 11:21 The genero#s so#l will be made rih% +nd he who waters will also be watered himsel$"
<ro 11:23 The *eo*le will #rse him who withholds grain% B#t blessing (will be) on the head o$ him who sells (it")
<ro 11:24 He who earnestly see's good $inds $a!or% B#t tro#ble will ome to him who see's (e!il")
<ro 11:28 He who tr#sts in his rihes will $all% B#t the righteo#s will $lo#rish li'e $oliage"
<ro 11:29 He who tro#bles his own ho#se will inherit the wind% +nd the $ool (will be) ser!ant to the wise o$ heart"
<ro 11:-5 The $r#it o$ the righteo#s (is a) tree o$ li$e% +nd he who wins so#ls (is) wise"
<ro 11:-1 I$ the righteo#s will be reom*ensed on the earth% How m#h more the #ngodly and the sinner"
<ro 12:1 >hoe!er lo!es instr#tion lo!es 'nowledge% B#t he who hates orretion (is) st#*id"
<ro 12:2 + good (man) obtains $a!or $rom the /8:2% B#t a man o$ wi'ed intentions He will ondemn"
<ro 12:- + man is not established by wi'edness% B#t the root o$ the righteo#s annot be mo!ed"
<ro 12:0 +n e9ellent wi$e (is) the rown o$ her h#sband% B#t she who a#ses shame (is) li'e rottenness in his
<ro 12:1 The tho#ghts o$ the righteo#s (are) right% (B#t) the o#nsels o$ the wi'ed (are) deeit$#l"
<ro 12:3 The words o$ the wi'ed (are%) ./ie in wait $or blood%. B#t the mo#th o$ the #*right will deli!er them"
<ro 12:4 The wi'ed are o!erthrown and (are) no more% B#t the ho#se o$ the righteo#s will stand"
<ro 12:8 + man will be ommended aording to his wisdom% B#t he who is o$ a *er!erse heart will be des*ised"
<ro 12:9 Better (is the one) who is slighted b#t has a ser!ant% Than he who honors himsel$ b#t la's bread"
<ro 12:15 + righteo#s (man) regards the li$e o$ his animal% B#t the tender meries o$ the wi'ed (are) r#el"
<ro 12:11 He who tills his land will be satis$ied with bread% B#t he who $ollows $ri!olity (is) de!oid o$
<ro 12:12 The wi'ed o!et the ath o$ e!il (men%) B#t the root o$ the righteo#s yields ($r#it")
<ro 12:1- The wi'ed is ensnared by the transgression o$ (his) li*s% B#t the righteo#s will ome thro#gh tro#ble"
<ro 12:10 + man will be satis$ied with good by the $r#it o$ (his) mo#th% +nd the reom*ense o$ a manAs hands
will be rendered to him"
<ro 12:11 The way o$ a $ool (is) right in his own eyes% B#t he who heeds o#nsel (is) wise"
<ro 12:13 + $oolAs wrath is 'nown at one% B#t a *r#dent (man) o!ers shame"
<ro 12:14 He (who) s*ea's tr#th delares righteo#sness% B#t a $alse witness% deeit"
<ro 12:18 There is one who s*ea's li'e the *ierings o$ a sword% B#t the tong#e o$ the wise (*romotes) health"
<ro 12:19 The tr#th$#l li* shall be established $ore!er% B#t a lying tong#e (is) b#t $or a moment"
<ro 12:25 2eeit is in the heart o$ those who de!ise e!il% B#t o#nselors o$ *eae ha!e @oy"
<ro 12:21 No gra!e tro#ble will o!erta'e the righteo#s% B#t the wi'ed shall be $illed with e!il"
<ro 12:22 /ying li*s (are) an abomination to the /8:2% B#t those who deal tr#th$#lly (are) His delight"
<ro 12:2- + *r#dent man oneals 'nowledge% B#t the heart o$ $ools *rolaims $oolishness"
<ro 12:20 The hand o$ the diligent will r#le% B#t the laHy (man) will be *#t to $ored labor"
<ro 12:21 +n9iety in the heart o$ man a#ses de*ression% B#t a good word ma'es it glad"
<ro 12:23 The righteo#s sho#ld hoose his $riends are$#lly% ;or the way o$ the wi'ed leads them astray"
<ro 12:24 The laHy (man) does not roast what he too' in h#nting% B#t diligene (is) manAs *reio#s *ossession"
<ro 12:28 In the way o$ righteo#sness (is) li$e% +nd in (its) *athway (there is) no death"
<ro 1-:1 + wise son (heeds) his $atherAs instr#tion% B#t a so$$er does not listen to reb#'e"
<ro 1-:2 + man shall eat well by the $r#it o$ (his) mo#th% B#t the so#l o$ the #n$aith$#l $eeds on !iolene"
<ro 1-:- He who g#ards his mo#th *reser!es his li$e% (B#t) he who o*ens wide his li*s shall ha!e destr#tion"
<ro 1-:0 The so#l o$ a laHy (man) desires% and (has) nothing& B#t the so#l o$ the diligent shall be made rih"
<ro 1-:1 + righteo#s (man) hates lying% B#t a wi'ed (man) is loathsome and omes to shame"
<ro 1-:3 :ighteo#sness g#ards (him whose) way is blameless% B#t wi'edness o!erthrows the sinner"
<ro 1-:4 There is one who ma'es himsel$ rih% yet (has) nothing& (+nd) one who ma'es himsel$ *oor% yet (has)
great rihes"
<ro 1-:8 The ransom o$ a manAs li$e (is) his rihes% B#t the *oor does not hear reb#'e"
<ro 1-:9 The light o$ the righteo#s re@oies% B#t the lam* o$ the wi'ed will be *#t o#t"
<ro 1-:15 By *ride omes nothing b#t stri$e% B#t with the wellDad!ised (is) wisdom"
<ro 1-:11 >ealth (gained by) dishonesty will be diminished% B#t he who gathers by labor will inrease"
<ro 1-:12 Ho*e de$erred ma'es the heart si'% B#t (when) the desire omes% (it is) a tree o$ li$e"
<ro 1-:1- He who des*ises the word will be destroyed% B#t he who $ears the ommandment will be rewarded"
<ro 1-:10 The law o$ the wise (is) a $o#ntain o$ li$e% To t#rn (one) away $rom the snares o$ death"
<ro 1-:11 Good #nderstanding gains $a!or% B#t the way o$ the #n$aith$#l (is) hard"
<ro 1-:13 6!ery *r#dent (man) ats with 'nowledge% B#t a $ool lays o*en (his) $olly"
<ro 1-:14 + wi'ed messenger $alls into tro#ble% B#t a $aith$#l ambassador (brings) health"
<ro 1-:18 <o!erty and shame (will ome) to him who disdains orretion% B#t he who regards a reb#'e will be
<ro 1-:19 + desire aom*lished is sweet to the so#l% B#t (it is) an abomination to $ools to de*art $rom e!il"
<ro 1-:25 He who wal's with wise (men) will be wise% B#t the om*anion o$ $ools will be destroyed"
<ro 1-:21 6!il *#rs#es sinners% B#t to the righteo#s% good shall be re*aid"
<ro 1-:22 + good (man) lea!es an inheritane to his hildrenAs hildren% B#t the wealth o$ the sinner is stored #*
$or the righteo#s"
<ro 1-:2- ?#h $ood (is in) the $allow (gro#nd) o$ the *oor% +nd $or la' o$ @#stie there is waste"
<ro 1-:20 He who s*ares his rod hates his son% B#t he who lo!es him disi*lines him *rom*tly"
<ro 1-:21 The righteo#s eats to the satis$ying o$ his so#l% B#t the stomah o$ the wi'ed shall be in want"
<ro 10:1 The wise woman b#ilds her ho#se% B#t the $oolish *#lls it down with her hands"
<ro 10:2 He who wal's in his #*rightness $ears the /8:2% B#t (he who is) *er!erse in his ways des*ises Him"
<ro 10:- In the mo#th o$ a $ool (is) a rod o$ *ride% B#t the li*s o$ the wise will *reser!e them"
<ro 10:0 >here no o9en (are%) the tro#gh (is) lean& B#t m#h inrease (omes) by the strength o$ an o9"
<ro 10:1 + $aith$#l witness does not lie% B#t a $alse witness will #tter lies"
<ro 10:3 + so$$er see's wisdom and does not ($ind it%) B#t 'nowledge (is) easy to him who #nderstands"
<ro 10:4 Go $rom the *resene o$ a $oolish man% >hen yo# do not *erei!e (in him) the li*s o$ 'nowledge"
<ro 10:8 The wisdom o$ the *r#dent (is) to #nderstand his way% B#t the $olly o$ $ools (is) deeit"
<ro 10:9 ;ools mo' at sin% B#t among the #*right (there is) $a!or"
<ro 10:15 The heart 'nows its own bitterness% +nd a stranger does not share its @oy"
<ro 10:11 The ho#se o$ the wi'ed will be o!erthrown% B#t the tent o$ the #*right will $lo#rish"
<ro 10:12 There is a way (that seems) right to a man% B#t its end (is) the way o$ death"
<ro 10:1- 6!en in la#ghter the heart may sorrow% +nd the end o$ mirth (may be) grie$"
<ro 10:10 The ba'slider in heart will be $illed with his own ways% B#t a good man (will be satis$ied) $rom abo!e"
<ro 10:11 The sim*le belie!es e!ery word% B#t the *r#dent onsiders well his ste*s"
<ro 10:13 + wise (man) $ears and de*arts $rom e!il% B#t a $ool rages and is sel$Don$ident"
<ro 10:14 + E#i'Dtem*ered (man) ats $oolishly% +nd a man o$ wi'ed intentions is hated"
<ro 10:18 The sim*le inherit $olly% B#t the *r#dent are rowned with 'nowledge"
<ro 10:19 The e!il will bow be$ore the good% +nd the wi'ed at the gates o$ the righteo#s"
<ro 10:25 The *oor (man) is hated e!en by his own neighbor% B#t the rih (has) many $riends"
<ro 10:21 He who des*ises his neighbor sins& B#t he who has mery on the *oor% ha**y (is) he"
<ro 10:22 2o they not go astray who de!ise e!ilC B#t mery and tr#th (belong) to those who de!ise good"
<ro 10:2- In all labor there is *ro$it% B#t idle hatter (leads) only to *o!erty"
<ro 10:20 The rown o$ the wise is their rihes% (B#t) the $oolishness o$ $ools (is) $olly"
<ro 10:21 + tr#e witness deli!ers so#ls% B#t a deeit$#l (witness) s*ea's lies"
<ro 10:23 In the $ear o$ the /8:2 (there is) strong on$idene% +nd His hildren will ha!e a *lae o$ re$#ge"
<ro 10:24 The $ear o$ the /8:2 (is) a $o#ntain o$ li$e% To t#rn (one) away $rom the snares o$ death"
<ro 10:28 In a m#ltit#de o$ *eo*le (is) a 'ingAs honor% B#t in the la' o$ *eo*le (is) the down$all o$ a *rine"
<ro 10:29 (He who is) slow to wrath has great #nderstanding% B#t (he who is) im*#lsi!e e9alts $olly"
<ro 10:-5 + so#nd heart (is) li$e to the body% B#t en!y (is) rottenness to the bones"
<ro 10:-1 He who o**resses the *oor re*roahes his ?a'er% B#t he who honors Him has mery on the needy"
<ro 10:-2 The wi'ed is banished in his wi'edness% B#t the righteo#s has a re$#ge in his death"
<ro 10:-- >isdom rests in the heart o$ him who has #nderstanding% B#t (what is) in the heart o$ $ools is made
<ro 10:-0 :ighteo#sness e9alts a nation% B#t sin (is) a re*roah to (any) *eo*le"
<ro 10:-1 The 'ingAs $a!or (is) toward a wise ser!ant% B#t his wrath (is against) him who a#ses shame"
<ro 11:1 + so$t answer t#rns away wrath% B#t a harsh word stirs #* anger"
<ro 11:2 The tong#e o$ the wise #ses 'nowledge rightly% B#t the mo#th o$ $ools *o#rs $orth $oolishness"
<ro 11:- The eyes o$ the /8:2 (are) in e!ery *lae% Kee*ing wath on the e!il and the good"
<ro 11:0 + wholesome tong#e (is) a tree o$ li$e% B#t *er!erseness in it brea's the s*irit"
<ro 11:1 + $ool des*ises his $atherAs instr#tion% B#t he who reei!es orretion is *r#dent"
<ro 11:3 (In) the ho#se o$ the righteo#s (there is) m#h treas#re% B#t in the re!en#e o$ the wi'ed is tro#ble"
<ro 11:4 The li*s o$ the wise dis*erse 'nowledge% B#t the heart o$ the $ool (does) not (do) so"
<ro 11:8 The sari$ie o$ the wi'ed (is) an abomination to the /8:2% B#t the *rayer o$ the #*right (is) His
<ro 11:9 The way o$ the wi'ed (is) an abomination to the /8:2% B#t He lo!es him who $ollows righteo#sness"
<ro 11:15 Harsh disi*line (is) $or him who $orsa'es the way% (+nd) he who hates orretion will die"
<ro 11:11 Hell and 2estr#tion (are) be$ore the /8:2& ,o how m#h more the hearts o$ the sons o$ men"
<ro 11:12 + so$$er does not lo!e one who orrets him% Nor will he go to the wise"
<ro 11:1- + merry heart ma'es a heer$#l o#ntenane% B#t by sorrow o$ the heart the s*irit is bro'en"
<ro 11:10 The heart o$ him who has #nderstanding see's 'nowledge% B#t the mo#th o$ $ools $eeds on
<ro 11:11 +ll the days o$ the a$$lited (are) e!il% B#t he who is o$ a merry heart (has) a ontin#al $east"
<ro 11:13 Better (is) a little with the $ear o$ the /8:2% Than great treas#re with tro#ble"
<ro 11:14 Better (is) a dinner o$ herbs where lo!e is% Than a $atted al$ with hatred"
<ro 11:18 + wrath$#l man stirs #* stri$e% B#t (he who is) slow to anger allays ontention"
<ro 11:19 The way o$ the laHy (man is) li'e a hedge o$ thorns% B#t the way o$ the #*right (is) a highway"
<ro 11:25 + wise son ma'es a $ather glad% B#t a $oolish man des*ises his mother"
<ro 11:21 ;olly (is) @oy (to him who is) destit#te o$ disernment% B#t a man o$ #nderstanding wal's #*rightly"
<ro 11:22 >itho#t o#nsel% *lans go awry% B#t in the m#ltit#de o$ o#nselors they are established"
<ro 11:2- + man has @oy by the answer o$ his mo#th% +nd a word (s*o'en) in d#e season% how good (it isF)
<ro 11:20 The way o$ li$e (winds) #*ward $or the wise% That he may t#rn away $rom hell below"
<ro 11:21 The /8:2 will destroy the ho#se o$ the *ro#d% B#t He will establish the bo#ndary o$ the widow"
<ro 11:23 The tho#ghts o$ the wi'ed (are) an abomination to the /8:2% B#t (the words) o$ the *#re (are)
<ro 11:24 He who is greedy $or gain tro#bles his own ho#se% B#t he who hates bribes will li!e"
<ro 11:28 The heart o$ the righteo#s st#dies how to answer% B#t the mo#th o$ the wi'ed *o#rs $orth e!il"
<ro 11:29 The /8:2 (is) $ar $rom the wi'ed% B#t He hears the *rayer o$ the righteo#s"
<ro 11:-5 The light o$ the eyes re@oies the heart% (+nd) a good re*ort ma'es the bones healthy"
<ro 11:-1 The ear that hears the reb#'es o$ li$e >ill abide among the wise"
<ro 11:-2 He who disdains instr#tion des*ises his own so#l% B#t he who heeds reb#'e gets #nderstanding"
<ro 11:-- The $ear o$ the /8:2 (is) the instr#tion o$ wisdom% +nd be$ore honor (is) h#mility"
<ro 13:1 The *re*arations o$ the heart (belong) to man% B#t the answer o$ the tong#e (is) $rom the /8:2"
<ro 13:2 +ll the ways o$ a man (are) *#re in his own eyes% B#t the /8:2 weighs the s*irits"
<ro 13:- =ommit yo#r wor's to the /8:2% +nd yo#r tho#ghts will be established"
<ro 13:0 The /8:2 has made all $or Himsel$% Bes% e!en the wi'ed $or the day o$ doom"
<ro 13:1 6!eryone *ro#d in heart (is) an abomination to the /8:2& (Tho#gh they @oin) $ores% none will go
<ro 13:3 In mery and tr#th +tonement is *ro!ided $or iniE#ity& +nd by the $ear o$ the /8:2 (one) de*arts $rom
<ro 13:4 >hen a manAs ways *lease the /8:2% He ma'es e!en his enemies to be at *eae with him"
<ro 13:8 Better (is) a little with righteo#sness% Than !ast re!en#es witho#t @#stie"
<ro 13:9 + manAs heart *lans his way% B#t the /8:2 direts his ste*s"
<ro 13:15 2i!ination (is) on the li*s o$ the 'ing& His mo#th m#st not transgress in @#dgment"
<ro 13:11 Honest weights and sales (are) the /8:2As& +ll the weights in the bag (are) His wor'"
<ro 13:12 (It is) an abomination $or 'ings to ommit wi'edness% ;or a throne is established by righteo#sness"
<ro 13:1- :ighteo#s li*s (are) the delight o$ 'ings% +nd they lo!e him who s*ea's (what is) right"
<ro 13:10 +s messengers o$ death (is) the 'ingAs wrath% B#t a wise man will a**ease it"
<ro 13:11 In the light o$ the 'ingAs $ae (is) li$e% +nd his $a!or (is) li'e a lo#d o$ the latter rain"
<ro 13:13 How m#h better to get wisdom than goldF +nd to get #nderstanding is to be hosen rather than
<ro 13:14 The highway o$ the #*right (is) to de*art $rom e!il& He who 'ee*s his way *reser!es his so#l"
<ro 13:18 <ride (goes) be$ore destr#tion% +nd a ha#ghty s*irit be$ore a $all"
<ro 13:19 Better (to be) o$ a h#mble s*irit with the lowly% Than to di!ide the s*oil with the *ro#d"
<ro 13:25 He who heeds the word wisely will $ind good% +nd whoe!er tr#sts in the /8:2% ha**y (is) he"
<ro 13:21 The wise in heart will be alled *r#dent% +nd sweetness o$ the li*s inreases learning"
<ro 13:22 7nderstanding (is) a wells*ring o$ li$e to him who has it" B#t the orretion o$ $ools (is) $olly"
<ro 13:2- The heart o$ the wise teahes his mo#th% +nd adds learning to his li*s"
<ro 13:20 <leasant words (are li'e) a honeyomb% ,weetness to the so#l and health to the bones"
<ro 13:21 There is a way (that seems) right to a man% B#t its end (is) the way o$ death"
<ro 13:23 The *erson who labors% labors $or himsel$% ;or his (h#ngry) mo#th dri!es him (on")
<ro 13:24 +n #ngodly man digs #* e!il% +nd (it is) on his li*s li'e a b#rning $ire"
<ro 13:28 + *er!erse man sows stri$e% +nd a whis*erer se*arates the best o$ $riends"
<ro 13:29 + !iolent man enties his neighbor% +nd leads him in a way (that is) not good"
<ro 13:-5 He win's his eye to de!ise *er!erse things& He *#rses his li*s (and) brings abo#t e!il"
<ro 13:-1 The sil!erDhaired head (is) a rown o$ glory% (I$) it is $o#nd in the way o$ righteo#sness"
<ro 13:-2 (He who is) slow to anger (is) better than the mighty% +nd he who r#les his s*irit than he who ta'es a
<ro 13:-- The lot is ast into the la*% B#t its e!ery deision (is) $rom the /8:2"
<ro 14:1 Better (is) a dry morsel with E#ietness% Than a ho#se $#ll o$ $easting (with) stri$e"
<ro 14:2 + wise ser!ant will r#le o!er a son who a#ses shame% +nd will share an inheritane among the
<ro 14:- The re$ining *ot (is) $or sil!er and the $#rnae $or gold% B#t the /8:2 tests the hearts"
<ro 14:0 +n e!ildoer gi!es heed to $alse li*s& + liar listens eagerly to a s*ite$#l tong#e"
<ro 14:1 He who mo's the *oor re*roahes his ?a'er& He who is glad at alamity will not go #n*#nished"
<ro 14:3 =hildrenAs hildren (are) the rown o$ old men% +nd the glory o$ hildren (is) their $ather"
<ro 14:4 69ellent s*eeh is not beoming to a $ool% ?#h less lying li*s to a *rine"
<ro 14:8 + *resent (is) a *reio#s stone in the eyes o$ its *ossessor& >here!er he t#rns% he *ros*ers"
<ro 14:9 He who o!ers a transgression see's lo!e% B#t he who re*eats a matter se*arates $riends"
<ro 14:15 :eb#'e is more e$$eti!e $or a wise (man) Than a h#ndred blows on a $ool"
<ro 14:11 +n e!il (man) see's only rebellion& There$ore a r#el messenger will be sent against him"
<ro 14:12 /et a man meet a bear robbed o$ her #bs% :ather than a $ool in his $olly"
<ro 14:1- >hoe!er rewards e!il $or good% 6!il will not de*art $rom his ho#se"
<ro 14:10 The beginning o$ stri$e (is li'e) releasing water& There$ore sto* ontention be$ore a E#arrel starts"
<ro 14:11 He who @#sti$ies the wi'ed% and he who ondemns the @#st% Both o$ them ali'e (are) an abomination
to the /8:2"
<ro 14:13 >hy (is there) in the hand o$ a $ool the *#rhase *rie o$ wisdom% ,ine (he has) no heart ($or itC)
<ro 14:14 + $riend lo!es at all times% +nd a brother is born $or ad!ersity"
<ro 14:18 + man de!oid o$ #nderstanding sha'es hands in a *ledge% (+nd) beomes s#rety $or his $riend"
<ro 14:19 He who lo!es transgression lo!es stri$e% +nd he who e9alts his gate see's destr#tion"
<ro 14:25 He who has a deeit$#l heart $inds no good% +nd he who has a *er!erse tong#e $alls into e!il"
<ro 14:21 He who begets a so$$er (does so) to his sorrow% +nd the $ather o$ a $ool has no @oy"
<ro 14:22 + merry heart does good% (li'e) mediine% B#t a bro'en s*irit dries the bones"
<ro 14:2- + wi'ed (man) ae*ts a bribe behind the ba' To *er!ert the ways o$ @#stie"
<ro 14:20 >isdom (is) in the sight o$ him who has #nderstanding% B#t the eyes o$ a $ool (are) on the ends o$ the
<ro 14:21 + $oolish son (is) a grie$ to his $ather% +nd bitterness to her who bore him"
<ro 14:23 +lso% to *#nish the righteo#s (is) not good% (Nor) to stri'e *rines $or (their) #*rightness"
<ro 14:24 He who has 'nowledge s*ares his words% (+nd) a man o$ #nderstanding is o$ a alm s*irit"
<ro 14:28 6!en a $ool is o#nted wise when he holds his *eae& (>hen) he sh#ts his li*s% (he is onsidered)
<ro 18:1 + man who isolates himsel$ see's his own desire& He rages against all wise @#dgment"
<ro 18:2 + $ool has no delight in #nderstanding% B#t in e9*ressing his own heart"
<ro 18:- >hen the wi'ed omes% ontem*t omes also& +nd with dishonor (omes) re*roah"
<ro 18:0 The words o$ a manAs mo#th (are) dee* waters& The wells*ring o$ wisdom (is) a $lowing broo'"
<ro 18:1 (It is) not good to show *artiality to the wi'ed% (8r) to o!erthrow the righteo#s in @#dgment"
<ro 18:3 + $oolAs li*s enter into ontention% +nd his mo#th alls $or blows"
<ro 18:4 + $oolAs mo#th (is) his destr#tion% +nd his li*s (are) the snare o$ his so#l"
<ro 18:8 The words o$ a talebearer (are) li'e tasty tri$les% +nd they go down into the inmost body"
<ro 18:9 He who is sloth$#l in his wor' Is a brother to him who is a great destroyer"
<ro 18:15 The name o$ the /8:2 (is) a strong tower& The righteo#s r#n to it and are sa$e"
<ro 18:11 The rih manAs wealth (is) his strong ity% +nd li'e a high wall in his own esteem"
<ro 18:12 Be$ore destr#tion the heart o$ a man is ha#ghty% +nd be$ore honor (is) h#mility"
<ro 18:1- He who answers a matter be$ore he hears (it%) It (is) $olly and shame to him"
<ro 18:10 The s*irit o$ a man will s#stain him in si'ness% B#t who an bear a bro'en s*iritC
<ro 18:11 The heart o$ the *r#dent aE#ires 'nowledge% +nd the ear o$ the wise see's 'nowledge"
<ro 18:13 + manAs gi$t ma'es room $or him% +nd brings him be$ore great men"
<ro 18:14 The $irst (one) to *lead his a#se (seems) right% 7ntil his neighbor omes and e9amines him"
<ro 18:18 =asting lots a#ses ontentions to ease% +nd 'ee*s the mighty a*art"
<ro 18:19 + brother o$$ended (is harder to win) than a strong ity% +nd ontentions (are) li'e the bars o$ a astle"
<ro 18:25 + manAs stomah shall be satis$ied $rom the $r#it o$ his mo#th% (;rom) the *rod#e o$ his li*s he shall
be $illed"
<ro 18:21 2eath and li$e (are) in the *ower o$ the tong#e% +nd those who lo!e it will eat its $r#it"
<ro 18:22 (He who) $inds a wi$e $inds a good (thing%) +nd obtains $a!or $rom the /8:2"
<ro 18:2- The *oor (man) #ses entreaties% B#t the rih answers ro#ghly"
<ro 18:20 + man (who has) $riends m#st himsel$ be $riendly% B#t there is a $riend (who) sti's loser than a
<ro 19:1 Better (is) the *oor who wal's in his integrity Than (one who is) *er!erse in his li*s% and is a $ool"
<ro 19:2 +lso it is not good ($or) a so#l (to be) witho#t 'nowledge% +nd he sins who hastens with (his) $eet"
<ro 19:- The $oolishness o$ a man twists his way% +nd his heart $rets against the /8:2"
<ro 19:0 >ealth ma'es many $riends% B#t the *oor is se*arated $rom his $riend"
<ro 19:1 + $alse witness will not go #n*#nished% +nd (he who) s*ea's lies will not esa*e"
<ro 19:3 ?any entreat the $a!or o$ the nobility% +nd e!ery man (is) a $riend to one who gi!es gi$ts"
<ro 19:4 +ll the brothers o$ the *oor hate him& How m#h more do his $riends go $ar $rom himF He may *#rs#e
(them with) words% (yet) they abandon (him")
<ro 19:8 He who gets wisdom lo!es his own so#l& He who 'ee*s #nderstanding will $ind good"
<ro 19:9 + $alse witness will not go #n*#nished% +nd (he who) s*ea's lies shall *erish"
<ro 19:15 /#9#ry is not $itting $or a $ool% ?#h less $or a ser!ant to r#le o!er *rines"
<ro 19:11 The disretion o$ a man ma'es him slow to anger% +nd his glory (is) to o!erloo' a transgression"
<ro 19:12 The 'ingAs wrath (is) li'e the roaring o$ a lion% B#t his $a!or (is) li'e dew on the grass"
<ro 19:1- + $oolish son (is) the r#in o$ his $ather% +nd the ontentions o$ a wi$e (are) a ontin#al dri**ing"
<ro 19:10 Ho#ses and rihes (are) an inheritane $rom $athers% B#t a *r#dent wi$e (is) $rom the /8:2"
<ro 19:11 /aHiness asts (one) into a dee* slee*% +nd an idle *erson will s#$$er h#nger"
<ro 19:13 He who 'ee*s the ommandment 'ee*s his so#l% (B#t) he who is areless o$ his ways will die"
<ro 19:14 He who has *ity on the *oor lends to the /8:2% +nd He will *ay ba' what he has gi!en"
<ro 19:18 =hasten yo#r son while there is ho*e% +nd do not set yo#r heart on his destr#tion"
<ro 19:19 (+ man o$) great wrath will s#$$er *#nishment& ;or i$ yo# res#e (him%) yo# will ha!e to do it again"
<ro 19:25 /isten to o#nsel and reei!e instr#tion% That yo# may be wise in yo#r latter days"
<ro 19:21 There are many *lans in a manAs heart% Ne!ertheless the /8:2As o#nsel DD that will stand"
<ro 19:22 >hat is desired in a man is 'indness% +nd a *oor man is better than a liar"
<ro 19:2- The $ear o$ the /8:2 (leads) to li$e% +nd (he who has it) will abide in satis$ation& He will not be !isited
with e!il"
<ro 19:20 + laHy (man) b#ries his hand in the bowl% +nd will not so m#h as bring it to his mo#th again"
<ro 19:21 ,tri'e a so$$er% and the sim*le will beome wary& :eb#'e one who has #nderstanding% (and) he will
disern 'nowledge"
<ro 19:23 He who mistreats (his) $ather (and) hases away (his) mother (Is) a son who a#ses shame and brings
<ro 19:24 =ease listening to instr#tion% my son% +nd yo# will stray $rom the words o$ 'nowledge"
<ro 19:28 + disre*#table witness sorns @#stie% +nd the mo#th o$ the wi'ed de!o#rs iniE#ity"
<ro 19:29 J#dgments are *re*ared $or so$$ers% +nd beatings $or the ba's o$ $ools"
<ro 25:1 >ine (is) a mo'er% ,trong drin' (is) a brawler% +nd whoe!er is led astray by it is not wise"
<ro 25:2 The wrath o$ a 'ing (is) li'e the roaring o$ a lion& (>hoe!er) *ro!o'es him to anger sins (against) his
own li$e"
<ro 25:- (It is) honorable $or a man to sto* stri!ing% ,ine any $ool an start a E#arrel"
<ro 25:0 The laHy (man) will not *low bea#se o$ winter& He will beg d#ring har!est and (ha!e) nothing"
<ro 25:1 =o#nsel in the heart o$ man (is li'e) dee* water% B#t a man o$ #nderstanding will draw it o#t"
<ro 25:3 ?ost men will *rolaim eah his own goodness% B#t who an $ind a $aith$#l manC
<ro 25:4 The righteo#s (man) wal's in his integrity& His hildren (are) blessed a$ter him"
<ro 25:8 + 'ing who sits on the throne o$ @#dgment ,atters all e!il with his eyes"
<ro 25:9 >ho an say% .I ha!e made my heart lean% I am *#re $rom my sin.C
<ro 25:15 2i!erse weights (and) di!erse meas#res% They (are) both ali'e% an abomination to the /8:2"
<ro 25:11 6!en a hild is 'nown by his deeds% >hether what he does (is) *#re and right"
<ro 25:12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye% The /8:2 has made them both"
<ro 25:1- 2o not lo!e slee*% lest yo# ome to *o!erty& 8*en yo#r eyes% (and) yo# will be satis$ied with bread"
<ro 25:10 .(It is) good $or nothing%. ries the b#yer& B#t when he has gone his way% then he boasts"
<ro 25:11 There is gold and a m#ltit#de o$ r#bies% B#t the li*s o$ 'nowledge (are) a *reio#s @ewel"
<ro 25:13 Ta'e the garment o$ one who is s#rety ($or) a stranger% +nd hold it as a *ledge (when it) is $or a
<ro 25:14 Bread gained by deeit (is) sweet to a man% B#t a$terward his mo#th will be $illed with gra!el"
<ro 25:18 <lans are established by o#nsel& By wise o#nsel wage war"
<ro 25:19 He who goes abo#t (as) a talebearer re!eals serets& There$ore do not assoiate with one who $latters
with his li*s"
<ro 25:25 >hoe!er #rses his $ather or his mother% His lam* will be *#t o#t in dee* dar'ness"
<ro 25:21 +n inheritane gained hastily at the beginning >ill not be blessed at the end"
<ro 25:22 2o not say% .I will reom*ense e!il.& >ait $or the /8:2% and He will sa!e yo#"
<ro 25:2- 2i!erse weights (are) an abomination to the /8:2% +nd dishonest sales (are) not good"
<ro 25:20 + manAs ste*s (are) o$ the /8:2& How then an a man #nderstand his own wayC
<ro 25:21 (It is) a snare $or a man to de!ote rashly (something as) holy% +nd a$terward to reonsider (his) !ows"
<ro 25:23 + wise 'ing si$ts o#t the wi'ed% +nd brings the threshing wheel o!er them"
<ro 25:24 The s*irit o$ a man (is) the lam* o$ the /8:2% ,earhing all the inner de*ths o$ his heart"
<ro 25:28 ?ery and tr#th *reser!e the 'ing% +nd by lo!ing'indness he #*holds his throne"
<ro 25:29 The glory o$ yo#ng men (is) their strength% +nd the s*lendor o$ old men (is) their gray head"
<ro 25:-5 Blows that h#rt leanse away e!il% +s (do) stri*es the inner de*ths o$ the heart"
<ro 21:1 The 'ingAs heart (is) in the hand o$ the /8:2% (/i'e) the ri!ers o$ water& He t#rns it where!er He
<ro 21:2 6!ery way o$ a man (is) right in his own eyes% B#t the /8:2 weighs the hearts"
<ro 21:- To do righteo#sness and @#stie (Is) more ae*table to the /8:2 than sari$ie"
<ro 21:0 + ha#ghty loo'% a *ro#d heart% (+nd) the *lowing o$ the wi'ed (are) sin"
<ro 21:1 The *lans o$ the diligent (lead) s#rely to *lenty% B#t (those o$) e!eryone (who is) hasty% s#rely to
<ro 21:3 Getting treas#res by a lying tong#e (Is) the $leeting $antasy o$ those who see' death"
<ro 21:4 The !iolene o$ the wi'ed will destroy them% Bea#se they re$#se to do @#stie"
<ro 21:8 The way o$ a g#ilty man (is) *er!erse& B#t (as $or) the *#re% his wor' (is) right"
<ro 21:9 Better to dwell in a orner o$ a ho#seto*% Than in a ho#se shared with a ontentio#s woman"
<ro 21:15 The so#l o$ the wi'ed desires e!il& His neighbor $inds no $a!or in his eyes"
<ro 21:11 >hen the so$$er is *#nished% the sim*le is made wise& B#t when the wise is instr#ted% he reei!es
<ro 21:12 The righteo#s (God) wisely onsiders the ho#se o$ the wi'ed% 8!erthrowing the wi'ed $or (their)
<ro 21:1- >hoe!er sh#ts his ears to the ry o$ the *oor >ill also ry himsel$ and not be heard"
<ro 21:10 + gi$t in seret *ai$ies anger% +nd a bribe behind the ba'% strong wrath"
<ro 21:11 (It is) a @oy $or the @#st to do @#stie% B#t destr#tion (will ome) to the wor'ers o$ iniE#ity"
<ro 21:13 + man who wanders $rom the way o$ #nderstanding >ill rest in the assembly o$ the dead"
<ro 21:14 He who lo!es *leas#re (will be) a *oor man& He who lo!es wine and oil will not be rih"
<ro 21:18 The wi'ed (shall be) a ransom $or the righteo#s% +nd the #n$aith$#l $or the #*right"
<ro 21:19 Better to dwell in the wilderness% Than with a ontentio#s and angry woman"
<ro 21:25 (There is) desirable treas#re% +nd oil in the dwelling o$ the wise% B#t a $oolish man sE#anders it"
<ro 21:21 He who $ollows righteo#sness and mery ;inds li$e% righteo#sness and honor"
<ro 21:22 + wise (man) sales the ity o$ the mighty% +nd brings down the tr#sted stronghold"
<ro 21:2- >hoe!er g#ards his mo#th and tong#e Kee*s his so#l $rom tro#bles"
<ro 21:20 + *ro#d (and) ha#ghty (man DD .,o$$er. is) his name& He ats with arrogant *ride"
<ro 21:21 The desire o$ the laHy (man) 'ills him% ;or his hands re$#se to labor"
<ro 21:23 He o!ets greedily all day long% B#t the righteo#s gi!es and does not s*are"
<ro 21:24 The sari$ie o$ the wi'ed (is) an abomination& How m#h more (when) he brings it with wi'ed
<ro 21:28 + $alse witness shall *erish% B#t the man who hears (him) will s*ea' endlessly"
<ro 21:29 + wi'ed man hardens his $ae% B#t (as $or) the #*right% he establishes his way"
<ro 21:-5 (There is) no wisdom or #nderstanding 8r o#nsel against the /8:2"
<ro 21:-1 The horse (is) *re*ared $or the day o$ battle% B#t deli!erane (is) o$ the /8:2"
<ro 22:1 + (good) name is to be hosen rather than great rihes% /o!ing $a!or rather than sil!er and gold"
<ro 22:2 The rih and the *oor ha!e this in ommon% The /8:2 (is) the ma'er o$ them all"
<ro 22:- + *r#dent (man) $oresees e!il and hides himsel$% B#t the sim*le *ass on and are *#nished"
<ro 22:0 By h#mility (and) the $ear o$ the /8:2 (+re) rihes and honor and li$e"
<ro 22:1 Thorns (and) snares (are) in the way o$ the *er!erse& He who g#ards his so#l will be $ar $rom them"
<ro 22:3 Train #* a hild in the way he sho#ld go% +nd when he is old he will not de*art $rom it"
<ro 22:4 The rih r#les o!er the *oor% +nd the borrower (is) ser!ant to the lender"
<ro 22:8 He who sows iniE#ity will rea* sorrow% +nd the rod o$ his anger will $ail"
<ro 22:9 He who has a genero#s eye will be blessed% ;or he gi!es o$ his bread to the *oor"
<ro 22:15 =ast o#t the so$$er% and ontention will lea!e& Bes% stri$e and re*roah will ease"
<ro 22:11 He who lo!es *#rity o$ heart (+nd has) grae on his li*s% The 'ing (will be) his $riend"
<ro 22:12 The eyes o$ the /8:2 *reser!e 'nowledge% B#t He o!erthrows the words o$ the $aithless"
<ro 22:1- The laHy (man) says% .(There is) a lion o#tsideF I shall be slain in the streetsF.
<ro 22:10 The mo#th o$ an immoral woman (is) a dee* *it& He who is abhorred by the /8:2 will $all there"
<ro 22:11 ;oolishness (is) bo#nd #* in the heart o$ a hild& The rod o$ orretion will dri!e it $ar $rom him"
<ro 22:13 He who o**resses the *oor to inrease his (rihes%) (+nd) he who gi!es to the rih% (will) s#rely (ome)
to *o!erty"
<ro 22:14 Inline yo#r ear and hear the words o$ the wise% +nd a**ly yo#r heart to my 'nowledge&
<ro 22:18 ;or (it is) a *leasant thing i$ yo# 'ee* them within yo#& /et them all be $i9ed #*on yo#r li*s%
<ro 22:19 ,o that yo#r tr#st may be in the /8:2& I ha!e instr#ted yo# today% e!en yo#"
<ro 22:25 Ha!e I not written to yo# e9ellent things 8$ o#nsels and 'nowledge%
<ro 22:21 That I may ma'e yo# 'now the ertainty o$ the words o$ tr#th% That yo# may answer words o$ tr#th To
those who send to yo#C
<ro 22:22 2o not rob the *oor bea#se he (is) *oor% Nor o**ress the a$$lited at the gate&
<ro 22:2- ;or the /8:2 will *lead their a#se% +nd *l#nder the so#l o$ those who *l#nder them"
<ro 22:20 ?a'e no $riendshi* with an angry man% +nd with a $#rio#s man do not go%
<ro 22:21 /est yo# learn his ways +nd set a snare $or yo#r so#l"
<ro 22:23 2o not be one o$ those who sha'es hands in a *ledge% 8ne o$ those who is s#rety $or debts&
<ro 22:24 I$ yo# ha!e nothing (with whih) to *ay% >hy sho#ld he ta'e away yo#r bed $rom #nder yo#C
<ro 22:28 2o not remo!e the anient landmar' >hih yo#r $athers ha!e set"
<ro 22:29 2o yo# see a man (who) e9els in his wor'C He will stand be$ore 'ings& He will not stand be$ore
#n'nown (men")
<ro 2-:1 >hen yo# sit down to eat with a r#ler% =onsider are$#lly what (is) be$ore yo#&
<ro 2-:2 +nd *#t a 'ni$e to yo#r throat I$ yo# (are) a man gi!en to a**etite"
<ro 2-:- 2o not desire his deliaies% ;or they (are) dee*ti!e $ood"
<ro 2-:0 2o not o!erwor' to be rih& Bea#se o$ yo#r own #nderstanding% easeF
<ro 2-:1 >ill yo# set yo#r eyes on that whih is notC ;or (rihes) ertainly ma'e themsel!es wings& They $ly
away li'e an eagle (toward) hea!en"
<ro 2-:3 2o not eat the bread o$ a miser% Nor desire his deliaies&
<ro 2-:4 ;or as he thin's in his heart% so (is) he" .6at and drin'F. he says to yo#% B#t his heart is not with yo#"
<ro 2-:8 The morsel yo# ha!e eaten% yo# will !omit #*% +nd waste yo#r *leasant words"
<ro 2-:9 2o not s*ea' in the hearing o$ a $ool% ;or he will des*ise the wisdom o$ yo#r words"
<ro 2-:15 2o not remo!e the anient landmar'% Nor enter the $ields o$ the $atherless&
<ro 2-:11 ;or their :edeemer (is) mighty& He will *lead their a#se against yo#"
<ro 2-:12 +**ly yo#r heart to instr#tion% +nd yo#r ears to words o$ 'nowledge"
<ro 2-:1- 2o not withhold orretion $rom a hild% ;or (i$) yo# beat him with a rod% he will not die"
<ro 2-:10 Bo# shall beat him with a rod% +nd deli!er his so#l $rom hell"
<ro 2-:11 ?y son% i$ yo#r heart is wise% ?y heart will re@oie DD indeed% I mysel$&
<ro 2-:13 Bes% my inmost being will re@oie >hen yo#r li*s s*ea' right things"
<ro 2-:14 2o not let yo#r heart en!y sinners% B#t (be Healo#s) $or the $ear o$ the /8:2 all the day&
<ro 2-:18 ;or s#rely there is a herea$ter% +nd yo#r ho*e will not be #t o$$"
<ro 2-:19 Hear% my son% and be wise& +nd g#ide yo#r heart in the way"
<ro 2-:25 2o not mi9 with winebibbers% (8r) with gl#ttono#s eaters o$ meat&
<ro 2-:21 ;or the dr#n'ard and the gl#tton will ome to *o!erty% +nd drowsiness will lothe (a man) with rags"
<ro 2-:22 /isten to yo#r $ather who begot yo#% +nd do not des*ise yo#r mother when she is old"
<ro 2-:2- B#y the tr#th% and do not sell (it%) (+lso) wisdom and instr#tion and #nderstanding"
<ro 2-:20 The $ather o$ the righteo#s will greatly re@oie% +nd he who begets a wise (hild) will delight in him"
<ro 2-:21 /et yo#r $ather and yo#r mother be glad% +nd let her who bore yo# re@oie"
<ro 2-:23 ?y son% gi!e me yo#r heart% +nd let yo#r eyes obser!e my ways"
<ro 2-:24 ;or a harlot (is) a dee* *it% +nd a sed#tress (is) a narrow well"
<ro 2-:28 ,he also lies in wait as ($or) a !itim% +nd inreases the #n$aith$#l among men"
<ro 2-:29 >ho has woeC >ho has sorrowC >ho has ontentionsC >ho has om*laintsC >ho has wo#nds
witho#t a#seC >ho has redness o$ eyesC
<ro 2-:-5 Those who linger long at the wine% Those who go in searh o$ mi9ed wine"
<ro 2-:-1 2o not loo' on the wine when it is red% >hen it s*ar'les in the #*% (>hen) it swirls aro#nd smoothly&
<ro 2-:-2 +t the last it bites li'e a ser*ent% +nd stings li'e a !i*er"
<ro 2-:-- Bo#r eyes will see strange things% +nd yo#r heart will #tter *er!erse things"
<ro 2-:-0 Bes% yo# will be li'e one who lies down in the midst o$ the sea% 8r li'e one who lies at the to* o$ the
mast% (saying:)
<ro 2-:-1 .They ha!e str#' me% (b#t) I was not h#rt& They ha!e beaten me% b#t I did not $eel (it") >hen shall I
awa'e% that I may see' another (drin'C.)
<ro 20:1 2o not be en!io#s o$ e!il men% Nor desire to be with them&
<ro 20:2 ;or their heart de!ises !iolene% +nd their li*s tal' o$ tro#blema'ing"
<ro 20:- Thro#gh wisdom a ho#se is b#ilt% +nd by #nderstanding it is established&
<ro 20:0 By 'nowledge the rooms are $illed >ith all *reio#s and *leasant rihes"
<ro 20:1 + wise man (is) strong% Bes% a man o$ 'nowledge inreases strength&
<ro 20:3 ;or by wise o#nsel yo# will wage yo#r own war% +nd in a m#ltit#de o$ o#nselors (there is) sa$ety"
<ro 20:4 >isdom (is) too lo$ty $or a $ool& He does not o*en his mo#th in the gate"
<ro 20:8 He who *lots to do e!il >ill be alled a shemer"
<ro 20:9 The de!ising o$ $oolishness (is) sin% +nd the so$$er (is) an abomination to men"
<ro 20:15 (I$) yo# $aint in the day o$ ad!ersity% Bo#r strength (is) small"
<ro 20:11 2eli!er (those who) are drawn toward death% +nd hold ba' (those) st#mbling to the sla#ghter"
<ro 20:12 I$ yo# say% .,#rely we did not 'now this%. 2oes not He who weighs the hearts onsider (itC) He who
'ee*s yo#r so#l% does He (not) 'now (itC) +nd will He (not) render to (eah) man aording to his deedsC
<ro 20:1- ?y son% eat honey bea#se (it is) good% +nd the honeyomb (whih is) sweet to yo#r taste&
<ro 20:10 ,o (shall) the 'nowledge o$ wisdom (be) to yo#r so#l& I$ yo# ha!e $o#nd (it%) there is a *ros*et% +nd
yo#r ho*e will not be #t o$$"
<ro 20:11 2o not lie in wait% 8 wi'ed (man%) against the dwelling o$ the righteo#s& 2o not *l#nder his resting
<ro 20:13 ;or a righteo#s (man) may $all se!en times +nd rise again% B#t the wi'ed shall $all by alamity"
<ro 20:14 2o not re@oie when yo#r enemy $alls% +nd do not let yo#r heart be glad when he st#mbles&
<ro 20:18 /est the /8:2 see (it%) and it dis*lease Him% +nd He t#rn away His wrath $rom him"
<ro 20:19 2o not $ret bea#se o$ e!ildoers% Nor be en!io#s o$ the wi'ed&
<ro 20:25 ;or there will be no *ros*et $or the e!il (man&) The lam* o$ the wi'ed will be *#t o#t"
<ro 20:21 ?y son% $ear the /8:2 and the 'ing& 2o not assoiate with those gi!en to hange&
<ro 20:22 ;or their alamity will rise s#ddenly% +nd who 'nows the r#in those two an bringC
<ro 20:2- These (things) also (belong) to the wise: (It is) not good to show *artiality in @#dgment"
<ro 20:20 He who says to the wi'ed% .Bo# (are) righteo#s%. Him the *eo*le will #rse& Nations will abhor him"
<ro 20:21 B#t those who reb#'e (the wi'ed) will ha!e delight% +nd a good blessing will ome #*on them"
<ro 20:23 He who gi!es a right answer 'isses the li*s"
<ro 20:24 <re*are yo#r o#tside wor'% ?a'e it $it $or yo#rsel$ in the $ield& +nd a$terward b#ild yo#r ho#se"
<ro 20:28 2o not be a witness against yo#r neighbor witho#t a#se% ;or wo#ld yo# deei!e with yo#r li*sC
<ro 20:29 2o not say% .I will do to him @#st as he has done to me& I will render to the man aording to his wor'".
<ro 20:-5 I went by the $ield o$ the laHy (man%) +nd by the !ineyard o$ the man de!oid o$ #nderstanding&
<ro 20:-1 +nd there it was% all o!ergrown with thorns& Its s#r$ae was o!ered with nettles& Its stone wall was
bro'en down"
<ro 20:-2 >hen I saw (it%) I onsidered (it) well& I loo'ed on (it and) reei!ed instr#tion:
<ro 20:-- + little slee*% a little sl#mber% + little $olding o$ the hands to rest&
<ro 20:-0 ,o shall yo#r *o!erty ome (li'e) a *rowler% +nd yo#r need li'e an armed man"
<ro 21:1 These also (are) *ro!erbs o$ ,olomon whih the men o$ HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah o*ied:
<ro 21:2 (It is) the glory o$ God to oneal a matter% B#t the glory o$ 'ings (is) to searh o#t a matter"
<ro 21:- (+s) the hea!ens $or height and the earth $or de*th% ,o the heart o$ 'ings (is) #nsearhable"
<ro 21:0 Ta'e away the dross $rom sil!er% +nd it will go to the sil!ersmith ($or) @ewelry"
<ro 21:1 Ta'e away the wi'ed $rom be$ore the 'ing% +nd his throne will be established in righteo#sness"
<ro 21:3 2o not e9alt yo#rsel$ in the *resene o$ the 'ing% +nd do not stand in the *lae o$ the great&
<ro 21:4 ;or (it is) better that he say to yo#% .=ome #* here%. Than that yo# sho#ld be *#t lower in the *resene
o$ the *rine% >hom yo#r eyes ha!e seen"
<ro 21:8 2o not go hastily to o#rt& ;or what will yo# do in the end% >hen yo#r neighbor has *#t yo# to shameC
<ro 21:9 2ebate yo#r ase with yo#r neighbor% +nd do not dislose the seret to another&
<ro 21:15 /est he who hears (it) e9*ose yo#r shame% +nd yo#r re*#tation be r#ined"
<ro 21:11 + word $itly s*o'en (is li'e) a**les o$ gold In settings o$ sil!er"
<ro 21:12 (/i'e) an earring o$ gold and an ornament o$ $ine gold (Is) a wise reb#'er to an obedient ear"
<ro 21:1- /i'e the old o$ snow in time o$ har!est (Is) a $aith$#l messenger to those who send him% ;or he
re$reshes the so#l o$ his masters"
<ro 21:10 >hoe!er $alsely boasts o$ gi!ing (Is li'e) lo#ds and wind witho#t rain"
<ro 21:11 By long $orbearane a r#ler is *ers#aded% +nd a gentle tong#e brea's a bone"
<ro 21:13 Ha!e yo# $o#nd honeyC 6at only as m#h as yo# need% /est yo# be $illed with it and !omit"
<ro 21:14 ,eldom set $oot in yo#r neighborAs ho#se% /est he beome weary o$ yo# and hate yo#"
<ro 21:18 + man who bears $alse witness against his neighbor (Is li'e) a l#b% a sword% and a shar* arrow"
<ro 21:19 =on$idene in an #n$aith$#l (man) in time o$ tro#ble (Is li'e) a bad tooth and a $oot o#t o$ @oint"
<ro 21:25 (/i'e) one who ta'es away a garment in old weather% (+nd li'e) !inegar on soda% (Is) one who sings
songs to a hea!y heart"
<ro 21:21 I$ yo#r enemy is h#ngry% gi!e him bread to eat& +nd i$ he is thirsty% gi!e him water to drin'&
<ro 21:22 ;or (so) yo# will hea* oals o$ $ire on his head% +nd the /8:2 will reward yo#"
<ro 21:2- The north wind brings $orth rain% +nd a ba'biting tong#e an angry o#ntenane"
<ro 21:20 (It is) better to dwell in a orner o$ a ho#seto*% Than in a ho#se shared with a ontentio#s woman"
<ro 21:21 (+s) old water to a weary so#l% ,o (is) good news $rom a $ar o#ntry"
<ro 21:23 + righteo#s (man) who $alters be$ore the wi'ed (Is li'e) a m#r'y s*ring and a *oll#ted well"
<ro 21:24 (It is) not good to eat m#h honey& ,o to see' oneAs own glory (is not) glory"
<ro 21:28 >hoe!er (has) no r#le o!er his own s*irit (Is li'e) a ity bro'en down% witho#t walls"
<ro 23:1 +s snow in s#mmer and rain in har!est% ,o honor is not $itting $or a $ool"
<ro 23:2 /i'e a $litting s*arrow% li'e a $lying swallow% ,o a #rse witho#t a#se shall not alight"
<ro 23:- + whi* $or the horse% + bridle $or the don'ey% +nd a rod $or the $oolAs ba'"
<ro 23:0 2o not answer a $ool aording to his $olly% /est yo# also be li'e him"
<ro 23:1 +nswer a $ool aording to his $olly% /est he be wise in his own eyes"
<ro 23:3 He who sends a message by the hand o$ a $ool =#ts o$$ (his own) $eet (and) drin's !iolene"
<ro 23:4 (/i'e) the legs o$ the lame that hang lim* (Is) a *ro!erb in the mo#th o$ $ools"
<ro 23:8 /i'e one who binds a stone in a sling (Is) he who gi!es honor to a $ool"
<ro 23:9 (/i'e) a thorn (that) goes into the hand o$ a dr#n'ard (Is) a *ro!erb in the mo#th o$ $ools"
<ro 23:15 The great (God) who $ormed e!erything Gi!es the $ool (his) hire and the transgressor (his) wages"
<ro 23:11 +s a dog ret#rns to his own !omit% (,o) a $ool re*eats his $olly"
<ro 23:12 2o yo# see a man wise in his own eyesC (There is) more ho*e $or a $ool than $or him"
<ro 23:1- The laHy (man) says% .(There is) a lion in the roadF + $iere lion (is) in the streetsF.
<ro 23:10 (+s) a door t#rns on its hinges% ,o (does) the laHy (man) on his bed"
<ro 23:11 The laHy (man) b#ries his hand in the bowl& It wearies him to bring it ba' to his mo#th"
<ro 23:13 The laHy (man is) wiser in his own eyes Than se!en men who an answer sensibly"
<ro 23:14 He who *asses by (and) meddles in a E#arrel not his own (Is li'e) one who ta'es a dog by the ears"
<ro 23:18 /i'e a madman who throws $irebrands% arrows% and death%
<ro 23:19 (Is) the man (who) deei!es his neighbor% +nd says% .I was only @o'ingF.
<ro 23:25 >here (there is) no wood% the $ire goes o#t& +nd where (there is) no talebearer% stri$e eases"
<ro 23:21 (+s) haroal (is) to b#rning oals% and wood to $ire% ,o (is) a ontentio#s man to 'indle stri$e"
<ro 23:22 The words o$ a talebearer (are) li'e tasty tri$les% +nd they go down into the inmost body"
<ro 23:2- ;er!ent li*s with a wi'ed heart (+re li'e) earthenware o!ered with sil!er dross"
<ro 23:20 He who hates% disg#ises (it) with his li*s% +nd lays #* deeit within himsel$&
<ro 23:21 >hen he s*ea's 'indly% do not belie!e him% ;or (there are) se!en abominations in his heart&
<ro 23:23 (Tho#gh his) hatred is o!ered by deeit% His wi'edness will be re!ealed be$ore the assembly"
<ro 23:24 >hoe!er digs a *it will $all into it% +nd he who rolls a stone will ha!e it roll ba' on him"
<ro 23:28 + lying tong#e hates (those who are) r#shed by it% +nd a $lattering mo#th wor's r#in"
<ro 24:1 2o not boast abo#t tomorrow% ;or yo# do not 'now what a day may bring $orth"
<ro 24:2 /et another man *raise yo#% and not yo#r own mo#th& + stranger% and not yo#r own li*s"
<ro 24:- + stone (is) hea!y and sand (is) weighty% B#t a $oolAs wrath (is) hea!ier than both o$ them"
<ro 24:0 >rath (is) r#el and anger a torrent% B#t who (is) able to stand be$ore @ealo#syC
<ro 24:1 8*en reb#'e (is) better Than lo!e are$#lly onealed"
<ro 24:3 ;aith$#l (are) the wo#nds o$ a $riend% B#t the 'isses o$ an enemy (are) deeit$#l"
<ro 24:4 + satis$ied so#l loathes the honeyomb% B#t to a h#ngry so#l e!ery bitter thing (is) sweet"
<ro 24:8 /i'e a bird that wanders $rom its nest (Is) a man who wanders $rom his *lae"
<ro 24:9 8intment and *er$#me delight the heart% +nd the sweetness o$ a manAs $riend (gi!es delight) by hearty
<ro 24:15 2o not $orsa'e yo#r own $riend or yo#r $atherAs $riend% Nor go to yo#r brotherAs ho#se in the day o$
yo#r alamity& Better (is) a neighbor nearby than a brother $ar away"
<ro 24:11 ?y son% be wise% and ma'e my heart glad% That I may answer him who re*roahes me"
<ro 24:12 + *r#dent (man) $oresees e!il (and) hides himsel$& The sim*le *ass on (and) are *#nished"
<ro 24:1- Ta'e the garment o$ him who is s#rety $or a stranger% +nd hold it in *ledge (when) he is s#rety $or a
<ro 24:10 He who blesses his $riend with a lo#d !oie% rising early in the morning% It will be o#nted a #rse to
<ro 24:11 + ontin#al dri**ing on a !ery rainy day +nd a ontentio#s woman are ali'e&
<ro 24:13 >hoe!er restrains her restrains the wind% +nd gras*s oil with his right hand"
<ro 24:14 (+s) iron shar*ens iron% ,o a man shar*ens the o#ntenane o$ his $riend"
<ro 24:18 >hoe!er 'ee*s the $ig tree will eat its $r#it& ,o he who waits on his master will be honored"
<ro 24:19 +s in water $ae (re$lets) $ae% ,o a manAs heart (re!eals) the man"
<ro 24:25 Hell and 2estr#tion are ne!er $#ll& ,o the eyes o$ man are ne!er satis$ied"
<ro 24:21 The re$ining *ot (is) $or sil!er and the $#rnae $or gold% +nd a man (is !al#ed) by what others say o$
<ro 24:22 Tho#gh yo# grind a $ool in a mortar with a *estle along with r#shed grain% (Bet) his $oolishness will
not de*art $rom him"
<ro 24:2- Be diligent to 'now the state o$ yo#r $lo's% (+nd) attend to yo#r herds&
<ro 24:20 ;or rihes (are) not $ore!er% Nor does a rown (end#re) to all generations"
<ro 24:21 (>hen) the hay is remo!ed% and the tender grass shows itsel$% +nd the herbs o$ the mo#ntains are
gathered in%
<ro 24:23 The lambs (will *ro!ide) yo#r lothing% +nd the goats the *rie o$ a $ield&
<ro 24:24 (Bo# shall ha!e) eno#gh goatsA mil' $or yo#r $ood% ;or the $ood o$ yo#r ho#sehold% +nd the
no#rishment o$ yo#r maidser!ants"
<ro 28:1 The wi'ed $lee when no one *#rs#es% B#t the righteo#s are bold as a lion"
<ro 28:2 Bea#se o$ the transgression o$ a land% many (are) its *rines& B#t by a man o$ #nderstanding (and)
'nowledge :ight will be *rolonged"
<ro 28:- + *oor man who o**resses the *oor (Is li'e) a dri!ing rain whih lea!es no $ood"
<ro 28:0 Those who $orsa'e the law *raise the wi'ed% B#t s#h as 'ee* the law ontend with them"
<ro 28:1 6!il men do not #nderstand @#stie% B#t those who see' the /8:2 #nderstand all"
<ro 28:3 Better (is) the *oor who wal's in his integrity Than one *er!erse (in his) ways% tho#gh he (be) rih"
<ro 28:4 >hoe!er 'ee*s the law (is) a diserning son% B#t a om*anion o$ gl#ttons shames his $ather"
<ro 28:8 8ne who inreases his *ossessions by #s#ry and e9tortion Gathers it $or him who will *ity the *oor"
<ro 28:9 8ne who t#rns away his ear $rom hearing the law% 6!en his *rayer (is) an abomination"
<ro 28:15 >hoe!er a#ses the #*right to go astray in an e!il way% He himsel$ will $all into his own *it& B#t the
blameless will inherit good"
<ro 28:11 The rih man (is) wise in his own eyes% B#t the *oor who has #nderstanding searhes him o#t"
<ro 28:12 >hen the righteo#s re@oie% (there is) great glory& B#t when the wi'ed arise% men hide themsel!es"
<ro 28:1- He who o!ers his sins will not *ros*er% B#t whoe!er on$esses and $orsa'es (them) will ha!e mery"
<ro 28:10 Ha**y (is) the man who is always re!erent% B#t he who hardens his heart will $all into alamity"
<ro 28:11 (/i'e) a roaring lion and a harging bear (Is) a wi'ed r#ler o!er *oor *eo*le"
<ro 28:13 + r#ler who la's #nderstanding (is) a great o**ressor% (B#t) he who hates o!eto#sness will *rolong
(his) days"
<ro 28:14 + man b#rdened with bloodshed will $lee into a *it& /et no one hel* him"
<ro 28:18 >hoe!er wal's blamelessly will be sa!ed% B#t (he who is) *er!erse (in his) ways will s#ddenly $all"
<ro 28:19 He who tills his land will ha!e *lenty o$ bread% B#t he who $ollows $ri!olity will ha!e *o!erty eno#ghF
<ro 28:25 + $aith$#l man will abo#nd with blessings% B#t he who hastens to be rih will not go #n*#nished"
<ro 28:21 To show *artiality (is) not good% Bea#se $or a *iee o$ bread a man will transgress"
<ro 28:22 + man with an e!il eye hastens a$ter rihes% +nd does not onsider that *o!erty will ome #*on him"
<ro 28:2- He who reb#'es a man will $ind more $a!or a$terward Than he who $latters with the tong#e"
<ro 28:20 >hoe!er robs his $ather or his mother% +nd says% .(It is) no transgression%. The same (is) om*anion
to a destroyer"
<ro 28:21 He who is o$ a *ro#d heart stirs #* stri$e% B#t he who tr#sts in the /8:2 will be *ros*ered"
<ro 28:23 He who tr#sts in his own heart is a $ool% B#t whoe!er wal's wisely will be deli!ered"
<ro 28:24 He who gi!es to the *oor will not la'% B#t he who hides his eyes will ha!e many #rses"
<ro 28:28 >hen the wi'ed arise% men hide themsel!es& B#t when they *erish% the righteo#s inrease"
<ro 29:1 He who is o$ten reb#'ed% (and) hardens (his) ne'% >ill s#ddenly be destroyed% and that witho#t
<ro 29:2 >hen the righteo#s are in a#thority% the *eo*le re@oie& B#t when a wi'ed (man) r#les% the *eo*le
<ro 29:- >hoe!er lo!es wisdom ma'es his $ather re@oie% B#t a om*anion o$ harlots wastes (his) wealth"
<ro 29:0 The 'ing establishes the land by @#stie% B#t he who reei!es bribes o!erthrows it"
<ro 29:1 + man who $latters his neighbor ,*reads a net $or his $eet"
<ro 29:3 By transgression an e!il man is snared% B#t the righteo#s sings and re@oies"
<ro 29:4 The righteo#s onsiders the a#se o$ the *oor% (B#t) the wi'ed does not #nderstand (s#h)
<ro 29:8 ,o$$ers set a ity a$lame% B#t wise (men) t#rn away wrath"
<ro 29:9 (I$) a wise man ontends with a $oolish man% >hether (the $ool) rages or la#ghs% (there is) no *eae"
<ro 29:15 The bloodthirsty hate the blameless% B#t the #*right see' his wellDbeing"
<ro 29:11 + $ool !ents all his $eelings% B#t a wise (man) holds them ba'"
<ro 29:12 I$ a r#ler *ays attention to lies% +ll his ser!ants (beome) wi'ed"
<ro 29:1- The *oor (man) and the o**ressor ha!e this in ommon: The /8:2 gi!es light to the eyes o$ both"
<ro 29:10 The 'ing who @#dges the *oor with tr#th% His throne will be established $ore!er"
<ro 29:11 The rod and reb#'e gi!e wisdom% B#t a hild le$t (to himsel$) brings shame to his mother"
<ro 29:13 >hen the wi'ed are m#lti*lied% transgression inreases& B#t the righteo#s will see their $all"
<ro 29:14 =orret yo#r son% and he will gi!e yo# rest& Bes% he will gi!e delight to yo#r so#l"
<ro 29:18 >here (there is) no re!elation% the *eo*le ast o$$ restraint& B#t ha**y (is) he who 'ee*s the law"
<ro 29:19 + ser!ant will not be orreted by mere words& ;or tho#gh he #nderstands% he will not res*ond"
<ro 29:25 2o yo# see a man hasty in his wordsC (There is) more ho*e $or a $ool than $or him"
<ro 29:21 He who *am*ers his ser!ant $rom hildhood >ill ha!e him as a son in the end"
<ro 29:22 +n angry man stirs #* stri$e% +nd a $#rio#s man abo#nds in transgression"
<ro 29:2- + manAs *ride will bring him low% B#t the h#mble in s*irit will retain honor"
<ro 29:20 >hoe!er is a *artner with a thie$ hates his own li$e& He swears to tell the tr#th% b#t re!eals nothing"
<ro 29:21 The $ear o$ man brings a snare% B#t whoe!er tr#sts in the /8:2 shall be sa$e"
<ro 29:23 ?any see' the r#lerAs $a!or% B#t @#stie $or man (omes) $rom the /8:2"
<ro 29:24 +n #n@#st man (is) an abomination to the righteo#s% +nd (he who is) #*right in the way (is) an
abomination to the wi'ed"
<ro -5:1 The words o$ +g#r the son o$ Ja'eh% (his) #tterane" This man delared to Ithiel DD to Ithiel and 7al:
<ro -5:2 ,#rely I (am) more st#*id than (any) man% +nd do not ha!e the #nderstanding o$ a man"
<ro -5:- I neither learned wisdom Nor ha!e 'nowledge o$ the Holy 8ne"
<ro -5:0 >ho has asended into hea!en% or desendedC >ho has gathered the wind in His $istsC >ho has
bo#nd the waters in a garmentC >ho has established all the ends o$ the earthC >hat (is) His name% and what (is)
His ,onAs name% I$ yo# 'nowC
<ro -5:1 6!ery word o$ God (is) *#re& He (is) a shield to those who *#t their tr#st in Him"
<ro -5:3 2o not add to His words% /est He reb#'e yo#% and yo# be $o#nd a liar"
<ro -5:4 Two (things) I reE#est o$ Bo# I2e*ri!e me not be$ore I dieJ:
<ro -5:8 :emo!e $alsehood and lies $ar $rom me& Gi!e me neither *o!erty nor rihes DD ;eed me with the $ood
allotted to me&
<ro -5:9 /est I be $#ll and deny (Bo#%) +nd say% .>ho (is) the /8:2C. 8r lest I be *oor and steal% +nd *ro$ane
the name o$ my God"
<ro -5:15 2o not malign a ser!ant to his master% /est he #rse yo#% and yo# be $o#nd g#ilty"
<ro -5:11 (There is) a generation (that) #rses its $ather% +nd does not bless its mother"
<ro -5:12 (There is) a generation (that is) *#re in its own eyes% (Bet) is not washed $rom its $ilthiness"
<ro -5:1- (There is) a generation DD oh% how lo$ty are their eyesF +nd their eyelids are li$ted #*"
<ro -5:10 (There is) a generation whose teeth (are li'e) swords% +nd whose $angs (are li'e) 'ni!es% To de!o#r
the *oor $rom o$$ the earth% +nd the needy $rom (among) men"
<ro -5:11 The leeh has two da#ghters DD Gi!e (and) Gi!eF There are three (things that) are ne!er satis$ied% ;o#r
ne!er say% .6no#ghF.:
<ro -5:13 The gra!e% The barren womb% The earth (that) is not satis$ied with water DD +nd the $ire ne!er says%
<ro -5:14 The eye (that) mo's (his) $ather% +nd sorns obediene to (his) mother% The ra!ens o$ the !alley will
*i' it o#t% +nd the yo#ng eagles will eat it"
<ro -5:18 There are three (things whih) are too wonder$#l $or me% Bes% $o#r (whih) I do not #nderstand:
<ro -5:19 The way o$ an eagle in the air% The way o$ a ser*ent on a ro'% The way o$ a shi* in the midst o$ the
sea% +nd the way o$ a man with a !irgin"
<ro -5:25 This (is) the way o$ an ad#ltero#s woman: ,he eats and wi*es her mo#th% +nd says% .I ha!e done no
<ro -5:21 ;or three (things) the earth is *ert#rbed% Bes% $or $o#r it annot bear #*:
<ro -5:22 ;or a ser!ant when he reigns% + $ool when he is $illed with $ood%
<ro -5:2- + hate$#l (woman) when she is married% +nd a maidser!ant who s#eeds her mistress"
<ro -5:20 There are $o#r (things whih) are little on the earth% B#t they (are) e9eedingly wise:
<ro -5:21 The ants (are) a *eo*le not strong% Bet they *re*are their $ood in the s#mmer&
<ro -5:23 The ro' badgers are a $eeble $ol'% Bet they ma'e their homes in the rags&
<ro -5:24 The lo#sts ha!e no 'ing% Bet they all ad!ane in ran's&
<ro -5:28 The s*ider s'ill$#lly gras*s with its hands% +nd it is in 'ingsA *alaes"
<ro -5:29 There are three (things whih) are ma@esti in *ae% Bes% $o#r (whih) are stately in wal':
<ro -5:-5 + lion% (whih is) mighty among beasts +nd does not t#rn away $rom any&
<ro -5:-1 + greyho#nd% + male goat also% +nd a 'ing (whose) troo*s (are) with him"
<ro -5:-2 I$ yo# ha!e been $oolish in e9alting yo#rsel$% 8r i$ yo# ha!e de!ised e!il% (*#t yo#r) hand on (yo#r)
<ro -5:-- ;or (as) the h#rning o$ mil' *rod#es b#tter% +nd wringing the nose *rod#es blood% ,o the $oring o$
wrath *rod#es stri$e"
<ro -1:1 The words o$ King /em#el% the #tterane whih his mother ta#ght him:
<ro -1:2 >hat% my sonC +nd what% son o$ my wombC +nd what% son o$ my !owsC
<ro -1:- 2o not gi!e yo#r strength to women% Nor yo#r ways to that whih destroys 'ings"
<ro -1:0 (It is) not $or 'ings% 8 /em#el% (It is) not $or 'ings to drin' wine% Nor $or *rines into9iating drin'&
<ro -1:1 /est they drin' and $orget the law% +nd *er!ert the @#stie o$ all the a$$lited"
<ro -1:3 Gi!e strong drin' to him who is *erishing% +nd wine to those who are bitter o$ heart"
<ro -1:4 /et him drin' and $orget his *o!erty% +nd remember his misery no more"
<ro -1:8 8*en yo#r mo#th $or the s*eehless% In the a#se o$ all (who are) a**ointed to die"
<ro -1:9 8*en yo#r mo#th% @#dge righteo#sly% +nd *lead the a#se o$ the *oor and needy"
<ro -1:15 >ho an $ind a !irt#o#s wi$eC ;or her worth (is) $ar abo!e r#bies"
<ro -1:11 The heart o$ her h#sband sa$ely tr#sts her& ,o he will ha!e no la' o$ gain"
<ro -1:12 ,he does him good and not e!il +ll the days o$ her li$e"
<ro -1:1- ,he see's wool and $la9% +nd willingly wor's with her hands"
<ro -1:10 ,he is li'e the merhant shi*s% ,he brings her $ood $rom a$ar"
<ro -1:11 ,he also rises while it is yet night% +nd *ro!ides $ood $or her ho#sehold% +nd a *ortion $or her
<ro -1:13 ,he onsiders a $ield and b#ys it& ;rom her *ro$its she *lants a !ineyard"
<ro -1:14 ,he girds hersel$ with strength% +nd strengthens her arms"
<ro -1:18 ,he *erei!es that her merhandise (is) good% +nd her lam* does not go o#t by night"
<ro -1:19 ,he strethes o#t her hands to the dista$$% +nd her hand holds the s*indle"
<ro -1:25 ,he e9tends her hand to the *oor% Bes% she reahes o#t her hands to the needy"
<ro -1:21 ,he is not a$raid o$ snow $or her ho#sehold% ;or all her ho#sehold (is) lothed with sarlet"
<ro -1:22 ,he ma'es ta*estry $or hersel$& Her lothing (is) $ine linen and *#r*le"
<ro -1:2- Her h#sband is 'nown in the gates% >hen he sits among the elders o$ the land"
<ro -1:20 ,he ma'es linen garments and sells (them%) +nd s#**lies sashes $or the merhants"
<ro -1:21 ,trength and honor (are) her lothing& ,he shall re@oie in time to ome"
<ro -1:23 ,he o*ens her mo#th with wisdom% +nd on her tong#e (is) the law o$ 'indness"
<ro -1:24 ,he wathes o!er the ways o$ her ho#sehold% +nd does not eat the bread o$ idleness"
<ro -1:28 Her hildren rise #* and all her blessed& Her h#sband (also%) and he *raises her:
<ro -1:29 .?any da#ghters ha!e done well% B#t yo# e9el them all".
<ro -1:-5 =harm (is) deeit$#l and bea#ty (is) *assing% B#t a woman (who) $ears the /8:2% she shall be
<ro -1:-1 Gi!e her o$ the $r#it o$ her hands% +nd let her own wor's *raise her in the gates"
6 1:1 The words o$ the <reaher% the son o$ 2a!id% 'ing in Jer#salem"
6 1:2 .Vanity o$ !anities%. says the <reaher& .Vanity o$ !anities% all (is) !anity".
6 1:- >hat *ro$it has a man $rom all his labor In whih he toils #nder the s#nC
6 1:0 (8ne) generation *asses away% and (another) generation omes& B#t the earth abides $ore!er"
6 1:1 The s#n also rises% and the s#n goes down% +nd hastens to the *lae where it arose"
6 1:3 The wind goes toward the so#th% +nd t#rns aro#nd to the north& The wind whirls abo#t ontin#ally% +nd
omes again on its ir#it"
6 1:4 +ll the ri!ers r#n into the sea% Bet the sea (is) not $#ll& To the *lae $rom whih the ri!ers ome% There
they ret#rn again"
6 1:8 +ll things (are) $#ll o$ labor& ?an annot e9*ress (it") The eye is not satis$ied with seeing% Nor the ear
$illed with hearing"
6 1:9 That whih has been (is) what will be% That whih (is) done is what will be done% +nd (there is) nothing
new #nder the s#n"
6 1:15 Is there anything o$ whih it may be said% .,ee% this (is) new.C It has already been in anient times
be$ore #s"
6 1:11 (There is) no remembrane o$ $ormer (things%) Nor will there be any remembrane o$ (things) that are to
ome By (those) who will ome a$ter"
6 1:12 I% the <reaher% was 'ing o!er Israel in Jer#salem"
6 1:1- +nd I set my heart to see' and searh o#t by wisdom onerning all that is done #nder hea!en& this
b#rdensome tas' God has gi!en to the sons o$ man% by whih they may be e9erised"
6 1:10 I ha!e seen all the wor's that are done #nder the s#n& and indeed% all (is) !anity and gras*ing $or the
6 1:11 (>hat is) roo'ed annot be made straight% +nd what is la'ing annot be n#mbered"
6 1:13 I omm#ned with my heart% saying% ./oo'% I ha!e attained greatness% and ha!e gained more wisdom
than all who were be$ore me in Jer#salem" ?y heart has #nderstood great wisdom and 'nowledge".
6 1:14 +nd I set my heart to 'now wisdom and to 'now madness and $olly" I *erei!ed that this also is
gras*ing $or the wind"
6 1:18 ;or in m#h wisdom (is) m#h grie$% +nd he who inreases 'nowledge inreases sorrow"
6 2:1 I said in my heart% .=ome now% I will test yo# with mirth& there$ore en@oy *leas#re.& b#t s#rely% this also
(was) !anity"
6 2:2 I said o$ la#ghter DD .?adnessF.& and o$ mirth% .>hat does it aom*lishC.
6 2:- I searhed in my heart (how) to grati$y my $lesh with wine% while g#iding my heart with wisdom% and how
to lay hold on $olly% till I might see what (was) good $or the sons o$ men to do #nder hea!en all the days o$ their
6 2:0 I made my wor's great% I b#ilt mysel$ ho#ses% and *lanted mysel$ !ineyards"
6 2:1 I made mysel$ gardens and orhards% and I *lanted all ('inds) o$ $r#it trees in them"
6 2:3 I made mysel$ water *ools $rom whih to water the growing trees o$ the gro!e"
6 2:4 I aE#ired male and $emale ser!ants% and had ser!ants born in my ho#se" Bes% I had greater
*ossessions o$ herds and $lo's than all who were in Jer#salem be$ore me"
6 2:8 I also gathered $or mysel$ sil!er and gold and the s*eial treas#res o$ 'ings and o$ the *ro!ines" I
aE#ired male and $emale singers% the delights o$ the sons o$ men% (and) m#sial instr#ments o$ all 'inds"
6 2:9 ,o I beame great and e9elled more than all who were be$ore me in Jer#salem" +lso my wisdom
remained with me"
6 2:15 >hate!er my eyes desired I did not 'ee* $rom them" I did not withhold my heart $rom any *leas#re%
;or my heart re@oied in all my labor& +nd this was my reward $rom all my labor"
6 2:11 Then I loo'ed on all the wor's that my hands had done +nd on the labor in whih I had toiled& +nd
indeed all (was) !anity and gras*ing $or the wind" (There was) no *ro$it #nder the s#n"
6 2:12 Then I t#rned mysel$ to onsider wisdom and madness and $olly& ;or what (an) the man (do) who
s#eeds the 'ingC DD (8nly) what he has already done"
6 2:1- Then I saw that wisdom e9els $olly +s light e9els dar'ness"
6 2:10 The wise manAs eyes (are) in his head% B#t the $ool wal's in dar'ness" Bet I mysel$ *erei!ed That the
same e!ent ha**ens to them all"
6 2:11 ,o I said in my heart% .+s it ha**ens to the $ool% It also ha**ens to me% +nd why was I then more
wiseC. Then I said in my heart% .This also (is) !anity".
6 2:13 ;or (there is) no more remembrane o$ the wise than o$ the $ool $ore!er% ,ine all that now (is) will be
$orgotten in the days to ome" +nd how does a wise (man) dieC +s the $oolF
6 2:14 There$ore I hated li$e bea#se the wor' that was done #nder the s#n (was) distressing to me% $or all (is)
!anity and gras*ing $or the wind"
6 2:18 Then I hated all my labor in whih I had toiled #nder the s#n% bea#se I m#st lea!e it to the man who
will ome a$ter me"
6 2:19 +nd who 'nows whether he will be wise or a $oolC Bet he will r#le o!er all my labor in whih I toiled
and in whih I ha!e shown mysel$ wise #nder the s#n" This also (is) !anity"
6 2:25 There$ore I t#rned my heart and des*aired o$ all the labor in whih I had toiled #nder the s#n"
6 2:21 ;or there is a man whose labor (is) with wisdom% 'nowledge% and s'ill& yet he m#st lea!e his heritage
to a man who has not labored $or it" This also (is) !anity and a great e!il"
6 2:22 ;or what has man $or all his labor% and $or the stri!ing o$ his heart with whih he has toiled #nder the
6 2:2- ;or all his days (are) sorrow$#l% and his wor' b#rdensome& e!en in the night his heart ta'es no rest"
This also is !anity"
6 2:20 Nothing (is) better $or a man (than) that he sho#ld eat and drin'% and (that) his so#l sho#ld en@oy good
in his labor" This also% I saw% was $rom the hand o$ God"
6 2:21 ;or who an eat% or who an ha!e en@oyment% more than IC
6 2:23 ;or (God) gi!es wisdom and 'nowledge and @oy to a man who (is) good in His sight& b#t to the sinner
He gi!es the wor' o$ gathering and olleting% that he may gi!e to (him who is) good be$ore God" This also (is)
!anity and gras*ing $or the wind"
6 -:1 To e!erything (there is) a season% + time $or e!ery *#r*ose #nder hea!en:
6 -:2 + time to be born% +nd a time to die& + time to *lant% +nd a time to *l#' (what is) *lanted&
6 -:- + time to 'ill% +nd a time to heal& + time to brea' down% +nd a time to b#ild #*&
6 -:0 + time to wee*% +nd a time to la#gh& + time to mo#rn% +nd a time to dane&
6 -:1 + time to ast away stones% +nd a time to gather stones& + time to embrae% +nd a time to re$rain $rom
6 -:3 + time to gain% +nd a time to lose& + time to 'ee*% +nd a time to throw away&
6 -:4 + time to tear% +nd a time to sew& + time to 'ee* silene% +nd a time to s*ea'&
6 -:8 + time to lo!e% +nd a time to hate& + time o$ war% +nd a time o$ *eae"
6 -:9 >hat *ro$it has the wor'er $rom that in whih he laborsC
6 -:15 I ha!e seen the GodDgi!en tas' with whih the sons o$ men are to be o#*ied"
6 -:11 He has made e!erything bea#ti$#l in its time" +lso He has *#t eternity in their hearts% e9e*t that no
one an $ind o#t the wor' that God does $rom beginning to end"
6 -:12 I 'now that nothing (is) better $or them than to re@oie% and to do good in their li!es%
6 -:1- and also that e!ery man sho#ld eat and drin' and en@oy the good o$ all his labor DD it (is) the gi$t o$ God"
6 -:10 I 'now that whate!er God does% It shall be $ore!er" Nothing an be added to it% +nd nothing ta'en $rom
it" God does (it%) that men sho#ld $ear be$ore Him"
6 -:11 That whih is has already been% +nd what is to be has already been& +nd God reE#ires an ao#nt o$
what is *ast"
6 -:13 ?oreo!er I saw #nder the s#n: (In) the *lae o$ @#dgment% >i'edness (was) there& +nd (in) the *lae
o$ righteo#sness% IniE#ity (was) there"
6 -:14 I said in my heart% .God shall @#dge the righteo#s and the wi'ed% ;or (there is) a time there $or e!ery
*#r*ose and $or e!ery wor'".
6 -:18 I said in my heart% .=onerning the ondition o$ the sons o$ men% God tests them% that they may see
that they themsel!es are (li'e) animals".
6 -:19 ;or what ha**ens to the sons o$ men also ha**ens to animals& one thing be$alls them: as one dies% so
dies the other" ,#rely% they all ha!e one breath& man has no ad!antage o!er animals% $or all (is) !anity"
6 -:25 +ll go to one *lae: all are $rom the d#st% and all ret#rn to d#st"
6 -:21 >ho 'nows the s*irit o$ the sons o$ men% whih goes #*ward% and the s*irit o$ the animal% whih goes
down to the earthC
6 -:22 ,o I *erei!ed that nothing (is) better than that a man sho#ld re@oie in his own wor's% $or that (is) his
heritage" ;or who an bring him to see what will ha**en a$ter himC
6 0:1 Then I ret#rned and onsidered all the o**ression that is done #nder the s#n: +nd loo'F The tears o$ the
o**ressed% B#t they ha!e no om$orter DD 8n the side o$ their o**ressors (there is) *ower% B#t they ha!e no
6 0:2 There$ore I *raised the dead who were already dead% ?ore than the li!ing who are still ali!e"
6 0:- Bet% better than both (is he) who has ne!er e9isted% >ho has not seen the e!il wor' that is done #nder
the s#n"
6 0:0 +gain% I saw that $or all toil and e!ery s'ill$#l wor' a man is en!ied by his neighbor" This also (is) !anity
and gras*ing $or the wind"
6 0:1 The $ool $olds his hands +nd ons#mes his own $lesh"
6 0:3 Better a hand$#l (with) E#ietness Than both hands $#ll% (together with) toil and gras*ing $or the wind"
6 0:4 Then I ret#rned% and I saw !anity #nder the s#n:
6 0:8 There is one alone% witho#t om*anion: He has neither son nor brother" Bet (there is) no end to all his
labors% Nor is his eye satis$ied with rihes" (B#t he ne!er as's%) .;or whom do I toil and de*ri!e mysel$ o$ goodC.
This also (is) !anity and a gra!e mis$ort#ne"
6 0:9 Two (are) better than one% Bea#se they ha!e a good reward $or their labor"
6 0:15 ;or i$ they $all% one will li$t #* his om*anion" B#t woe to him (who is) alone when he $alls% ;or (he has)
no one to hel* him #*"
6 0:11 +gain% i$ two lie down together% they will 'ee* warm& B#t how an one be warm (aloneC)
6 0:12 Tho#gh one may be o!er*owered by another% two an withstand him" +nd a three$old ord is not
E#i'ly bro'en"
6 0:1- Better a *oor and wise yo#th Than an old and $oolish 'ing who will be admonished no more"
6 0:10 ;or he omes o#t o$ *rison to be 'ing% +ltho#gh he was born *oor in his 'ingdom"
6 0:11 I saw all the li!ing who wal' #nder the s#n& They were with the seond yo#th who stands in his *lae"
6 0:13 (There was) no end o$ all the *eo*le o!er whom he was made 'ing& Bet those who ome a$terward will
not re@oie in him" ,#rely this also (is) !anity and gras*ing $or the wind"
6 1:1 >al' *r#dently when yo# go to the ho#se o$ God& and draw near to hear rather than to gi!e the sari$ie
o$ $ools% $or they do not 'now that they do e!il"
6 1:2 2o not be rash with yo#r mo#th% +nd let not yo#r heart #tter anything hastily be$ore God" ;or God (is) in
hea!en% and yo# on earth& There$ore let yo#r words be $ew"
6 1:- ;or a dream omes thro#gh m#h ati!ity% +nd a $oolAs !oie (is 'nown) by (his) many words"
6 1:0 >hen yo# ma'e a !ow to God% do not delay to *ay it& ;or (He has) no *leas#re in $ools" <ay what yo#
ha!e !owed DD
6 1:1 Better not to !ow than to !ow and not *ay"
6 1:3 2o not let yo#r mo#th a#se yo#r $lesh to sin% nor say be$ore the messenger (o$ God) that it (was) an
error" >hy sho#ld God be angry at yo#r e9#se and destroy the wor' o$ yo#r handsC
6 1:4 ;or in the m#ltit#de o$ dreams and many words (there is) also !anity" B#t $ear God"
6 1:8 I$ yo# see the o**ression o$ the *oor% and the !iolent *er!ersion o$ @#stie and righteo#sness in a
*ro!ine% do not mar!el at the matter& $or high o$$iial wathes o!er high o$$iial% and higher o$$iials are o!er
6 1:9 ?oreo!er the *ro$it o$ the land is $or all& (e!en) the 'ing is ser!ed $rom the $ield"
6 1:15 He who lo!es sil!er will not be satis$ied with sil!er& Nor he who lo!es ab#ndane% with inrease" This
also (is) !anity"
6 1:11 >hen goods inrease% They inrease who eat them& ,o what *ro$it ha!e the owners 69e*t to see
(them) with their eyesC
6 1:12 The slee* o$ a laboring man (is) sweet% >hether he eats little or m#h& B#t the ab#ndane o$ the rih
will not *ermit him to slee*"
6 1:1- There is a se!ere e!il (whih) I ha!e seen #nder the s#n: :ihes 'e*t $or their owner to his h#rt"
6 1:10 B#t those rihes *erish thro#gh mis$ort#ne& >hen he begets a son% (there is) nothing in his hand"
6 1:11 +s he ame $rom his motherAs womb% na'ed shall he ret#rn% To go as he ame& +nd he shall ta'e
nothing $rom his labor >hih he may arry away in his hand"
6 1:13 +nd this also (is) a se!ere e!il DD J#st e9atly as he ame% so shall he go" +nd what *ro$it has he who
has labored $or the windC
6 1:14 +ll his days he also eats in dar'ness% +nd (he has) m#h sorrow and si'ness and anger"
6 1:18 Here is what I ha!e seen: (It is) good and $itting ($or one) to eat and drin'% and to en@oy the good o$ all
his labor in whih he toils #nder the s#n all the days o$ his li$e whih God gi!es him& $or it (is) his heritage"
6 1:19 +s $or e!ery man to whom God has gi!en rihes and wealth% and gi!en him *ower to eat o$ it% to
reei!e his heritage and re@oie in his labor DD this (is) the gi$t o$ God"
6 1:25 ;or he will not dwell #nd#ly on the days o$ his li$e% bea#se God 'ee*s (him) b#sy with the @oy o$ his
6 3:1 There is an e!il whih I ha!e seen #nder the s#n% and it (is) ommon among men:
6 3:2 + man to whom God has gi!en rihes and wealth and honor% so that he la's nothing $or himsel$ o$ all
he desires& yet God does not gi!e him *ower to eat o$ it% b#t a $oreigner ons#mes it" This (is) !anity% and it (is)
an e!il a$$lition"
6 3:- I$ a man begets a h#ndred (hildren) and li!es many years% so that the days o$ his years are many% b#t
his so#l is not satis$ied with goodness% or indeed he has no b#rial% I say (that) a stillborn hild (is) better than he DD
6 3:0 $or it omes in !anity and de*arts in dar'ness% and its name is o!ered with dar'ness"
6 3:1 Tho#gh it has not seen the s#n or 'nown (anything%) this has more rest than that man%
6 3:3 e!en i$ he li!es a tho#sand years twie DD b#t has not seen goodness" 2o not all go to one *laeC
6 3:4 +ll the labor o$ man (is) $or his mo#th% +nd yet the so#l is not satis$ied"
6 3:8 ;or what more has the wise (man) than the $oolC >hat does the *oor man ha!e% >ho 'nows (how) to
wal' be$ore the li!ingC
6 3:9 Better (is) the sight o$ the eyes than the wandering o$ desire" This also (is) !anity and gras*ing $or the
6 3:15 >hate!er one is% he has been named already% ;or it is 'nown that he (is) man& +nd he annot ontend
with Him who is mightier than he"
6 3:11 ,ine there are many things that inrease !anity% How (is) man the betterC
6 3:12 ;or who 'nows what (is) good $or man in li$e% all the days o$ his !ain li$e whih he *asses li'e a
shadowC >ho an tell a man what will ha**en a$ter him #nder the s#nC
6 4:1 + good name (is) better than *reio#s ointment% +nd the day o$ death than the day o$ oneAs birth&
6 4:2 Better to go to the ho#se o$ mo#rning Than to go to the ho#se o$ $easting% ;or that (is) the end o$ all
men& +nd the li!ing will ta'e (it) to heart"
6 4:- ,orrow (is) better than la#ghter% ;or by a sad o#ntenane the heart is made better"
6 4:0 The heart o$ the wise (is) in the ho#se o$ mo#rning% B#t the heart o$ $ools (is) in the ho#se o$ mirth"
6 4:1 (It is) better to hear the reb#'e o$ the wise Than $or a man to hear the song o$ $ools"
6 4:3 ;or li'e the ra'ling o$ thorns #nder a *ot% ,o (is) the la#ghter o$ the $ool" This also is !anity"
6 4:4 ,#rely o**ression destroys a wise (manAs) reason% +nd a bribe debases the heart"
6 4:8 The end o$ a thing (is) better than its beginning& The *atient in s*irit (is) better than the *ro#d in s*irit"
6 4:9 2o not hasten in yo#r s*irit to be angry% ;or anger rests in the bosom o$ $ools"
6 4:15 2o not say% .>hy were the $ormer days better than theseC. ;or yo# do not inE#ire wisely onerning
6 4:11 >isdom (is) good with an inheritane% +nd *ro$itable to those who see the s#n"
6 4:12 ;or wisdom (is) a de$ense (as) money (is) a de$ense% B#t the e9ellene o$ 'nowledge (is that) wisdom
gi!es li$e to those who ha!e it"
6 4:1- =onsider the wor' o$ God& ;or who an ma'e straight what He has made roo'edC
6 4:10 In the day o$ *ros*erity be @oy$#l% B#t in the day o$ ad!ersity onsider: ,#rely God has a**ointed the
one as well as the other% ,o that man an $ind o#t nothing (that will ome) a$ter him"
6 4:11 I ha!e seen e!erything in my days o$ !anity: There is a @#st (man) who *erishes in his righteo#sness%
+nd there is a wi'ed (man) who *rolongs (li$e) in his wi'edness"
6 4:13 2o not be o!erly righteo#s% Nor be o!erly wise: >hy sho#ld yo# destroy yo#rsel$C
6 4:14 2o not be o!erly wi'ed% Nor be $oolish: >hy sho#ld yo# die be$ore yo#r timeC
6 4:18 (It is) good that yo# gras* this% +nd also not remo!e yo#r hand $rom the other& ;or he who $ears God
will esa*e them all"
6 4:19 >isdom strengthens the wise ?ore than ten r#lers o$ the ity"
6 4:25 ;or (there is) not a @#st man on earth who does good +nd does not sin"
6 4:21 +lso do not ta'e to heart e!erything *eo*le say% /est yo# hear yo#r ser!ant #rsing yo#"
6 4:22 ;or many times% also% yo#r own heart has 'nown That e!en yo# ha!e #rsed others"
6 4:2- +ll this I ha!e *ro!ed by wisdom" I said% .I will be wise.& B#t it (was) $ar $rom me"
6 4:20 +s $or that whih is $ar o$$ and e9eedingly dee*% >ho an $ind it o#tC
6 4:21 I a**lied my heart to 'now% To searh and see' o#t wisdom and the reason (o$ things%) To 'now the
wi'edness o$ $olly% 6!en o$ $oolishness (and) madness"
6 4:23 +nd I $ind more bitter than death The woman whose heart (is) snares and nets% >hose hands (are)
$etters" He who *leases God shall esa*e $rom her% B#t the sinner shall be tra**ed by her"
6 4:24 . Here is what I ha!e $o#nd%. says the <reaher% .(+dding) one thing to the other to $ind o#t the reason%
6 4:28 >hih my so#l still see's b#t I annot $ind: 8ne man among a tho#sand I ha!e $o#nd% B#t a woman
among all these I ha!e not $o#nd"
6 4:29 Tr#ly% this only I ha!e $o#nd: That God made man #*right% B#t they ha!e so#ght o#t many shemes".
6 8:1 >ho (is) li'e a wise (manC) +nd who 'nows the inter*retation o$ a thingC + manAs wisdom ma'es his
$ae shine% +nd the sternness o$ his $ae is hanged"
6 8:2 I (say%) .Kee* the 'ingAs ommandment $or the sa'e o$ yo#r oath to God"
6 8:- .2o not be hasty to go $rom his *resene" 2o not ta'e yo#r stand $or an e!il thing% $or he does whate!er
*leases him".
6 8:0 >here the word o$ a 'ing (is% there is) *ower& +nd who may say to him% .>hat are yo# doingC.
6 8:1 He who 'ee*s his ommand will e9*eriene nothing harm$#l& +nd a wise manAs heart diserns both time
and @#dgment%
6 8:3 Bea#se $or e!ery matter there is a time and @#dgment% Tho#gh the misery o$ man inreases greatly"
6 8:4 ;or he does not 'now what will ha**en& ,o who an tell him when it will o#rC
6 8:8 No one has *ower o!er the s*irit to retain the s*irit% +nd no one has *ower in the day o$ death" (There
is) no release $rom that war% +nd wi'edness will not deli!er those who are gi!en to it"
6 8:9 +ll this I ha!e seen% and a**lied my heart to e!ery wor' that is done #nder the s#n: (There is) a time in
whih one man r#les o!er another to his own h#rt"
6 8:15 Then I saw the wi'ed b#ried% who had ome and gone $rom the *lae o$ holiness% and they were
$orgotten in the ity where they had so done" This also (is) !anity"
6 8:11 Bea#se the sentene against an e!il wor' is not e9e#ted s*eedily% there$ore the heart o$ the sons o$
men is $#lly set in them to do e!il"
6 8:12 Tho#gh a sinner does e!il a h#ndred (times%) and his (days) are *rolonged% yet I s#rely 'now that it will
be well with those who $ear God% who $ear be$ore Him"
6 8:1- B#t it will not be well with the wi'ed& nor will he *rolong (his) days% (whih are) as a shadow% bea#se
he does not $ear be$ore God"
6 8:10 There is a !anity whih o#rs on earth% that there are @#st (men) to whom it ha**ens aording to the
wor' o$ the wi'ed& again% there are wi'ed (men) to whom it ha**ens aording to the wor' o$ the righteo#s" I
said that this also (is) !anity"
6 8:11 ,o I ommended en@oyment% bea#se a man has nothing better #nder the s#n than to eat% drin'% and
be merry& $or this will remain with him in his labor (all) the days o$ his li$e whih God gi!es him #nder the s#n"
6 8:13 >hen I a**lied my heart to 'now wisdom and to see the b#siness that is done on earth% e!en tho#gh
one sees no slee* day or night%
6 8:14 then I saw all the wor' o$ God% that a man annot $ind o#t the wor' that is done #nder the s#n" ;or
tho#gh a man labors to diso!er (it%) yet he will not $ind (it&) moreo!er% tho#gh a wise (man) attem*ts to 'now (it%)
he will not be able to $ind (it")
6 9:1 ;or I onsidered all this in my heart% so that I o#ld delare it all: that the righteo#s and the wise and
their wor's (are) in the hand o$ God" <eo*le 'now neither lo!e nor hatred (by) anything (they see) be$ore them"
6 9:2 +ll things (ome) ali'e to all: 8ne e!ent (ha**ens) to the righteo#s and the wi'ed& To the good% the
lean% and the #nlean& To him who sari$ies and him who does not sari$ie" +s is the good% so (is) the sinner&
He who ta'es an oath as (he) who $ears an oath"
6 9:- This (is) an e!il in all that is done #nder the s#n: that one thing (ha**ens) to all" Tr#ly the hearts o$ the
sons o$ men are $#ll o$ e!il& madness (is) in their hearts while they li!e% and a$ter that (they go) to the dead"
6 9:0 B#t $or him who is @oined to all the li!ing there is ho*e% $or a li!ing dog is better than a dead lion"
6 9:1 ;or the li!ing 'now that they will die& B#t the dead 'now nothing% +nd they ha!e no more reward% ;or
the memory o$ them is $orgotten"
6 9:3 +lso their lo!e% their hatred% and their en!y ha!e now *erished& Ne!ermore will they ha!e a share In
anything done #nder the s#n"
6 9:4 Go% eat yo#r bread with @oy% +nd drin' yo#r wine with a merry heart& ;or God has already ae*ted yo#r
6 9:8 /et yo#r garments always be white% +nd let yo#r head la' no oil"
6 9:9 /i!e @oy$#lly with the wi$e whom yo# lo!e all the days o$ yo#r !ain li$e whih He has gi!en yo# #nder the
s#n% all yo#r days o$ !anity& $or that (is) yo#r *ortion in li$e% and in the labor whih yo# *er$orm #nder the s#n"
6 9:15 >hate!er yo#r hand $inds to do% do (it) with yo#r might& $or (there is) no wor' or de!ie or 'nowledge or
wisdom in the gra!e where yo# are going"
6 9:11 I ret#rned and saw #nder the s#n that DD The rae (is) not to the swi$t% Nor the battle to the strong% Nor
bread to the wise% Nor rihes to men o$ #nderstanding% Nor $a!or to men o$ s'ill& B#t time and hane ha**en to
them all"
6 9:12 ;or man also does not 'now his time: /i'e $ish ta'en in a r#el net% /i'e birds a#ght in a snare% ,o
the sons o$ men (are) snared in an e!il time% >hen it $alls s#ddenly #*on them"
6 9:1- This wisdom I ha!e also seen #nder the s#n% and it (seemed) great to me:
6 9:10 (There was) a little ity with $ew men in it& and a great 'ing ame against it% besieged it% and b#ilt great
snares aro#nd it"
6 9:11 Now there was $o#nd in it a *oor wise man% and he by his wisdom deli!ered the ity" Bet no one
remembered that same *oor man"
6 9:13 Then I said: .>isdom (is) better than strength" Ne!ertheless the *oor manAs wisdom (is) des*ised% +nd
his words are not heard"
6 9:14 >ords o$ the wise% (s*o'en) E#ietly% (sho#ld be) heard :ather than the sho#t o$ a r#ler o$ $ools"
6 9:18 >isdom (is) better than wea*ons o$ war& B#t one sinner destroys m#h good".
6 15:1 2ead $lies *#tre$y the *er$#merAs ointment% +nd a#se it to gi!e o$$ a $o#l odor& (,o does) a little $olly to
one res*eted $or wisdom (and) honor"
6 15:2 + wise manAs heart (is) at his right hand% B#t a $oolAs heart at his le$t"
6 15:- 6!en when a $ool wal's along the way% He la's wisdom% +nd he shows e!eryone (that) he (is) a $ool"
6 15:0 I$ the s*irit o$ the r#ler rises against yo#% 2o not lea!e yo#r *ost& ;or oniliation *ai$ies great
6 15:1 There is an e!il I ha!e seen #nder the s#n% +s an error *roeeding $rom the r#ler:
6 15:3 ;olly is set in great dignity% >hile the rih sit in a lowly *lae"
6 15:4 I ha!e seen ser!ants on horses% >hile *rines wal' on the gro#nd li'e ser!ants"
6 15:8 He who digs a *it will $all into it% +nd whoe!er brea's thro#gh a wall will be bitten by a ser*ent"
6 15:9 He who E#arries stones may be h#rt by them% (+nd) he who s*lits wood may be endangered by it"
6 15:15 I$ the a9 is d#ll% +nd one does not shar*en the edge% Then he m#st #se more strength& B#t wisdom
brings s#ess"
6 15:11 + ser*ent may bite when (it is) not harmed& The babbler is no di$$erent"
6 15:12 The words o$ a wise manAs mo#th (are) graio#s% B#t the li*s o$ a $ool shall swallow him #*&
6 15:1- The words o$ his mo#th begin with $oolishness% +nd the end o$ his tal' (is) ra!ing madness"
6 15:10 + $ool also m#lti*lies words" No man 'nows what is to be& >ho an tell him what will be a$ter himC
6 15:11 The labor o$ $ools wearies them% ;or they do not e!en 'now how to go to the ityF
6 15:13 >oe to yo#% 8 land% when yo#r 'ing (is) a hild% +nd yo#r *rines $east in the morningF
6 15:14 Blessed (are) yo#% 8 land% when yo#r 'ing (is) the son o$ nobles% +nd yo#r *rines $east at the *ro*er
time DD ;or strength and not $or dr#n'ennessF
6 15:18 Bea#se o$ laHiness the b#ilding deays% +nd thro#gh idleness o$ hands the ho#se lea's"
6 15:19 + $east is made $or la#ghter% +nd wine ma'es merry& B#t money answers e!erything"
6 15:25 2o not #rse the 'ing% e!en in yo#r tho#ght& 2o not #rse the rih% e!en in yo#r bedroom& ;or a bird
o$ the air may arry yo#r !oie% +nd a bird in $light may tell the matter"
6 11:1 =ast yo#r bread #*on the waters% ;or yo# will $ind it a$ter many days"
6 11:2 Gi!e a ser!ing to se!en% and also to eight% ;or yo# do not 'now what e!il will be on the earth"
6 11:- I$ the lo#ds are $#ll o$ rain% They em*ty (themsel!es) #*on the earth& +nd i$ a tree $alls to the so#th or
the north% In the *lae where the tree $alls% there it shall lie"
6 11:0 He who obser!es the wind will not sow% +nd he who regards the lo#ds will not rea*"
6 11:1 +s yo# do not 'now what (is) the way o$ the wind% (8r) how the bones (grow) in the womb o$ her who is
with hild% ,o yo# do not 'now the wor's o$ God who ma'es e!erything"
6 11:3 In the morning sow yo#r seed% +nd in the e!ening do not withhold yo#r hand& ;or yo# do not 'now
whih will *ros*er% 6ither this or that% 8r whether both ali'e (will be) good"
6 11:4 Tr#ly the light is sweet% +nd (it is) *leasant $or the eyes to behold the s#n&
6 11:8 B#t i$ a man li!es many years (+nd) re@oies in them all% Bet let him remember the days o$ dar'ness%
;or they will be many" +ll that is oming (is) !anity"
6 11:9 :e@oie% 8 yo#ng man% in yo#r yo#th% +nd let yo#r heart heer yo# in the days o$ yo#r yo#th& >al' in
the ways o$ yo#r heart% +nd in the sight o$ yo#r eyes& B#t 'now that $or all these God will bring yo# into @#dgment"
6 11:15 There$ore remo!e sorrow $rom yo#r heart% +nd *#t away e!il $rom yo#r $lesh% ;or hildhood and yo#th
(are) !anity"
6 12:1 :emember now yo#r =reator in the days o$ yo#r yo#th% Be$ore the di$$i#lt days ome% +nd the years
draw near when yo# say% .I ha!e no *leas#re in them.:
6 12:2 >hile the s#n and the light% The moon and the stars% +re not dar'ened% +nd the lo#ds do not ret#rn
a$ter the rain&
6 12:- In the day when the 'ee*ers o$ the ho#se tremble% +nd the strong men bow down& >hen the grinders
ease bea#se they are $ew% +nd those that loo' thro#gh the windows grow dim&
6 12:0 >hen the doors are sh#t in the streets% +nd the so#nd o$ grinding is low& >hen one rises #* at the
so#nd o$ a bird% +nd all the da#ghters o$ m#si are bro#ght low&
6 12:1 +lso they are a$raid o$ height% +nd o$ terrors in the way& >hen the almond tree blossoms% The
grassho**er is a b#rden% +nd desire $ails" ;or man goes to his eternal home% +nd the mo#rners go abo#t the
6 12:3 (:emember yo#r =reator) be$ore the sil!er ord is loosed% 8r the golden bowl is bro'en% 8r the *ither
shattered at the $o#ntain% 8r the wheel bro'en at the well"
6 12:4 Then the d#st will ret#rn to the earth as it was% +nd the s*irit will ret#rn to God who ga!e it"
6 12:8 .Vanity o$ !anities%. says the <reaher% .+ll (is) !anity".
6 12:9 +nd moreo!er% bea#se the <reaher was wise% he still ta#ght the *eo*le 'nowledge& yes% he
*ondered and so#ght o#t (and) set in order many *ro!erbs"
6 12:15 The <reaher so#ght to $ind ae*table words& and (what was) written (was) #*right DD words o$ tr#th"
6 12:11 The words o$ the wise are li'e goads% and the words o$ sholars are li'e wellDdri!en nails% gi!en by
one ,he*herd"
6 12:12 +nd $#rther% my son% be admonished by these" 8$ ma'ing many boo's (there is) no end% and m#h
st#dy (is) wearisome to the $lesh"
6 12:1- /et #s hear the onl#sion o$ the whole matter: ;ear God and 'ee* His ommandments% ;or this is
manAs all"
6 12:10 ;or God will bring e!ery wor' into @#dgment% Inl#ding e!ery seret thing% >hether good or e!il"
,ol 1:1 The song o$ songs% whih (is) ,olomonAs" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol 1:2 /et him 'iss me with the 'isses o$ his mo#th DD ;or yo#r lo!e (is) better than wine"
,ol 1:- Bea#se o$ the $ragrane o$ yo#r good ointments% Bo#r name (is) ointment *o#red $orth& There$ore the
!irgins lo!e yo#"
,ol 1:0 2raw me awayF TH6 2+7GHT6:, 8; J6:7,+/6? >e will r#n a$ter yo#" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6 The 'ing
has bro#ght me into his hambers" TH6 2+7GHT6:, 8; J6:7,+/6? >e will be glad and re@oie in yo#" >e
will remember yo#r lo!e more than wine" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6 :ightly do they lo!e yo#"
,ol 1:1 I (am) dar'% b#t lo!ely% 8 da#ghters o$ Jer#salem% /i'e the tents o$ Kedar% /i'e the #rtains o$ ,olomon"
,ol 1:3 2o not loo' #*on me% bea#se I (am) dar'% Bea#se the s#n has tanned me" ?y motherAs sons were
angry with me& They made me the 'ee*er o$ the !ineyards% (B#t) my own !ineyard I ha!e not 'e*t" IT8 H6:
,ol 1:4 Tell me% 8 yo# whom I lo!e% >here yo# $eed (yo#r $lo'%) >here yo# ma'e (it) rest at noon" ;or why
sho#ld I be as one who !eils hersel$ By the $lo's o$ yo#r om*anionsC TH6 B6/8V62
,ol 1:8 I$ yo# do not 'now% 8 $airest among women% ;ollow in the $ootste*s o$ the $lo'% +nd $eed yo#r little
goats Beside the she*herdsA tents"
,ol 1:9 I ha!e om*ared yo#% my lo!e% To my $illy among <haraohAs hariots"
,ol 1:15 Bo#r hee's are lo!ely with ornaments% Bo#r ne' with hains (o$ gold") TH6 2+7GHT6:, 8;
,ol 1:11 >e will ma'e yo# ornaments o$ gold >ith st#ds o$ sil!er" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol 1:12 >hile the 'ing (is) at his table% ?y s*i'enard sends $orth its $ragrane"
,ol 1:1- + b#ndle o$ myrrh (is) my belo!ed to me% That lies all night between my breasts"
,ol 1:10 ?y belo!ed (is) to me a l#ster o$ henna (blooms) In the !ineyards o$ 6n Gedi" TH6 B6/8V62
,ol 1:11 Behold% yo# (are) $air% my lo!eF Behold% yo# (are) $airF Bo# (ha!e) do!eAs eyes" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol 1:13 Behold% yo# (are) handsome% my belo!edF Bes% *leasantF +lso o#r bed (is) green"
,ol 1:14 The beams o$ o#r ho#ses (are) edar% (+nd) o#r ra$ters o$ $ir"
,ol 2:1 I (am) the rose o$ ,haron% (+nd) the lily o$ the !alleys" TH6 B6/8V62
,ol 2:2 /i'e a lily among thorns% ,o is my lo!e among the da#ghters" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol 2:- /i'e an a**le tree among the trees o$ the woods% ,o (is) my belo!ed among the sons" I sat down in his
shade with great delight% +nd his $r#it (was) sweet to my taste" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6 T8 TH6 2+7GHT6:, 8;
,ol 2:0 He bro#ght me to the banE#eting ho#se% +nd his banner o!er me (was) lo!e"
,ol 2:1 ,#stain me with a'es o$ raisins% :e$resh me with a**les% ;or I (am) lo!esi'"
,ol 2:3 His le$t hand (is) #nder my head% +nd his right hand embraes me"
,ol 2:4 I harge yo#% 8 da#ghters o$ Jer#salem% By the gaHelles or by the does o$ the $ield% 2o not stir #* nor
awa'en lo!e 7ntil it *leases" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol 2:8 The !oie o$ my belo!edF Behold% he omes /ea*ing #*on the mo#ntains% ,'i**ing #*on the hills"
,ol 2:9 ?y belo!ed is li'e a gaHelle or a yo#ng stag" Behold% he stands behind o#r wall& He is loo'ing thro#gh
the windows% GaHing thro#gh the lattie"
,ol 2:15 ?y belo!ed s*o'e% and said to me: .:ise #*% my lo!e% my $air one% +nd ome away"
,ol 2:11 ;or lo% the winter is *ast% The rain is o!er (and) gone"
,ol 2:12 The $lowers a**ear on the earth& The time o$ singing has ome% +nd the !oie o$ the t#rtledo!e Is
heard in o#r land"
,ol 2:1- The $ig tree *#ts $orth her green $igs% +nd the !ines (with) the tender gra*es Gi!e a good smell" :ise
#*% my lo!e% my $air one% +nd ome awayF
,ol 2:10 .8 my do!e% in the le$ts o$ the ro'% In the seret (*laes) o$ the li$$% /et me see yo#r $ae% /et me
hear yo#r !oie& ;or yo#r !oie (is) sweet% +nd yo#r $ae (is) lo!ely". H6: B:8TH6:,
,ol 2:11 =ath #s the $o9es% The little $o9es that s*oil the !ines% ;or o#r !ines (ha!e) tender gra*es" TH6
,ol 2:13 ?y belo!ed (is) mine% and I (am) his" He $eeds (his $lo') among the lilies" IT8 H6: B6/8V62J
,ol 2:14 7ntil the day brea's +nd the shadows $lee away% T#rn% my belo!ed% +nd be li'e a gaHelle 8r a yo#ng
stag 7*on the mo#ntains o$ Bether" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol -:1 By night on my bed I so#ght the one I lo!e& I so#ght him% b#t I did not $ind him"
,ol -:2 .I will rise now%. (I said%) .+nd go abo#t the ity& In the streets and in the sE#ares I will see' the one I
lo!e". I so#ght him% b#t I did not $ind him"
,ol -:- The wathmen who go abo#t the ity $o#nd me& (I said%) .Ha!e yo# seen the one I lo!eC.
,ol -:0 ,arely had I *assed by them% >hen I $o#nd the one I lo!e" I held him and wo#ld not let him go% 7ntil I
had bro#ght him to the ho#se o$ my mother% +nd into the hamber o$ her who onei!ed me"
,ol -:1 I harge yo#% 8 da#ghters o$ Jer#salem% By the gaHelles or by the does o$ the $ield% 2o not stir #* nor
awa'en lo!e 7ntil it *leases" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol -:3 >ho (is) this oming o#t o$ the wilderness /i'e *illars o$ smo'e% <er$#med with myrrh and $ran'inense%
>ith all the merhantAs $ragrant *owdersC
,ol -:4 Behold% it (is) ,olomonAs o#h% (>ith) si9ty !aliant men aro#nd it% 8$ the !aliant o$ Israel"
,ol -:8 They all hold swords% (Being) e9*ert in war" 6!ery man (has) his sword on his thigh Bea#se o$ $ear in
the night"
,ol -:9 8$ the wood o$ /ebanon ,olomon the King ?ade himsel$ a *alanE#in:
,ol -:15 He made its *illars (o$) sil!er% Its s#**ort (o$) gold% Its seat (o$) *#r*le% Its interior *a!ed (with) lo!e By
the da#ghters o$ Jer#salem"
,ol -:11 Go $orth% 8 da#ghters o$ Gion% +nd see King ,olomon with the rown >ith whih his mother rowned
him 8n the day o$ his wedding% The day o$ the gladness o$ his heart" TH6 B6/8V62
,ol 0:1 Behold% yo# (are) $air% my lo!eF Behold% yo# (are) $airF Bo# (ha!e) do!eAs eyes behind yo#r !eil" Bo#r hair
(is) li'e a $lo' o$ goats% Going down $rom ?o#nt Gilead"
,ol 0:2 Bo#r teeth (are) li'e a $lo' o$ shorn (shee*) >hih ha!e ome #* $rom the washing% 6!ery one o$ whih
bears twins% +nd none (is) barren among them"
,ol 0:- Bo#r li*s (are) li'e a strand o$ sarlet% +nd yo#r mo#th is lo!ely" Bo#r tem*les behind yo#r !eil (+re) li'e
a *iee o$ *omegranate"
,ol 0:0 Bo#r ne' (is) li'e the tower o$ 2a!id% B#ilt $or an armory% 8n whih hang a tho#sand b#'lers% +ll
shields o$ mighty men"
,ol 0:1 Bo#r two breasts (are) li'e two $awns% Twins o$ a gaHelle% >hih $eed among the lilies"
,ol 0:3 7ntil the day brea's +nd the shadows $lee away% I will go my way to the mo#ntain o$ myrrh +nd to the
hill o$ $ran'inense"
,ol 0:4 Bo# (are) all $air% my lo!e% +nd (there is) no s*ot in yo#"
,ol 0:8 =ome with me $rom /ebanon% (my) s*o#se% >ith me $rom /ebanon" /oo' $rom the to* o$ +mana% ;rom
the to* o$ ,enir and Hermon% ;rom the lionsA dens% ;rom the mo#ntains o$ the leo*ards"
,ol 0:9 Bo# ha!e ra!ished my heart% ?y sister% (my) s*o#se& Bo# ha!e ra!ished my heart >ith one (loo') o$ yo#r
eyes% >ith one lin' o$ yo#r ne'lae"
,ol 0:15 How $air is yo#r lo!e% ?y sister% (my) s*o#seF How m#h better than wine is yo#r lo!e% +nd the sent o$
yo#r *er$#mes Than all s*iesF
,ol 0:11 Bo#r li*s% 8 (my) s*o#se% 2ri* as the honeyomb& Honey and mil' (are) #nder yo#r tong#e& +nd the
$ragrane o$ yo#r garments (Is) li'e the $ragrane o$ /ebanon"
,ol 0:12 + garden enlosed (Is) my sister% (my) s*o#se% + s*ring sh#t #*% + $o#ntain sealed"
,ol 0:1- Bo#r *lants (are) an orhard o$ *omegranates >ith *leasant $r#its% ;ragrant henna with s*i'enard%
,ol 0:10 ,*i'enard and sa$$ron% =alam#s and innamon% >ith all trees o$ $ran'inense% ?yrrh and aloes% >ith
all the hie$ s*ies DD
,ol 0:11 + $o#ntain o$ gardens% + well o$ li!ing waters% +nd streams $rom /ebanon" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol 0:13 +wa'e% 8 north (wind%) +nd ome% 8 so#thF Blow #*on my garden% (That) its s*ies may $low o#t" /et
my belo!ed ome to his garden +nd eat its *leasant $r#its" TH6 B6/8V62
,ol 1:1 I ha!e ome to my garden% my sister% (my) s*o#se& I ha!e gathered my myrrh with my s*ie& I ha!e
eaten my honeyomb with my honey& I ha!e dr#n' my wine with my mil'" IT8 HI, ;:I6N2,J 6at% 8 $riendsF
2rin'% yes% drin' dee*ly% 8 belo!ed onesF TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol 1:2 I slee*% b#t my heart is awa'e& (It is) the !oie o$ my belo!edF He 'no's% (saying%) .8*en $or me% my
sister% my lo!e% ?y do!e% my *er$et one& ;or my head is o!ered with dew% ?y lo's with the dro*s o$ the night".
,ol 1:- I ha!e ta'en o$$ my robe& How an I *#t it on (againC) I ha!e washed my $eet& How an I de$ile themC
,ol 1:0 ?y belo!ed *#t his hand By the lath (o$ the door%) +nd my heart yearned $or him"
,ol 1:1 I arose to o*en $or my belo!ed% +nd my hands dri**ed (with) myrrh% ?y $ingers with liE#id myrrh% 8n the
handles o$ the lo'"
,ol 1:3 I o*ened $or my belo!ed% B#t my belo!ed had t#rned away (and) was gone" ?y heart lea*ed #* when he
s*o'e" I so#ght him% b#t I o#ld not $ind him& I alled him% b#t he ga!e me no answer"
,ol 1:4 The wathmen who went abo#t the ity $o#nd me" They str#' me% they wo#nded me& The 'ee*ers o$
the walls Too' my !eil away $rom me"
,ol 1:8 I harge yo#% 8 da#ghters o$ Jer#salem% I$ yo# $ind my belo!ed% That yo# tell him I (am) lo!esi'F TH6
2+7GHT6:, 8; J6:7,+/6?
,ol 1:9 >hat (is) yo#r belo!ed ?ore than (another) belo!ed% 8 $airest among womenC >hat (is) yo#r belo!ed
?ore than (another) belo!ed% That yo# so harge #sC TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol 1:15 ?y belo!ed (is) white and r#ddy% =hie$ among ten tho#sand"
,ol 1:11 His head (is li'e) the $inest gold& His lo's (are) wa!y% (+nd) bla' as a ra!en"
,ol 1:12 His eyes (are) li'e do!es By the ri!ers o$ waters% >ashed with mil'% (+nd) $itly set"
,ol 1:1- His hee's (are) li'e a bed o$ s*ies% Ban's o$ sented herbs" His li*s (are) lilies% 2ri**ing liE#id myrrh"
,ol 1:10 His hands (are) rods o$ gold ,et with beryl" His body (is) ar!ed i!ory Inlaid (with) sa**hires"
,ol 1:11 His legs (are) *illars o$ marble ,et on bases o$ $ine gold" His o#ntenane (is) li'e /ebanon% 69ellent
as the edars"
,ol 1:13 His mo#th (is) most sweet% Bes% he (is) altogether lo!ely" This (is) my belo!ed% +nd this (is) my $riend% 8
da#ghters o$ Jer#salemF TH6 2+7GHT6:, 8; J6:7,+/6?
,ol 3:1 >here has yo#r belo!ed gone% 8 $airest among womenC >here has yo#r belo!ed t#rned aside% That we
may see' him with yo#C TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol 3:2 ?y belo!ed has gone to his garden% To the beds o$ s*ies% To $eed (his $lo') in the gardens% +nd to
gather lilies"
,ol 3:- I (am) my belo!edAs% +nd my belo!ed (is) mine" He $eeds (his $lo') among the lilies" TH6 B6/8V62
,ol 3:0 8 my lo!e% yo# (are as) bea#ti$#l as TirHah% /o!ely as Jer#salem% +wesome as (an army) with bannersF
,ol 3:1 T#rn yo#r eyes away $rom me% ;or they ha!e o!erome me" Bo#r hair (is) li'e a $lo' o$ goats Going
down $rom Gilead"
,ol 3:3 Bo#r teeth (are) li'e a $lo' o$ shee* >hih ha!e ome #* $rom the washing& 6!ery one bears twins% +nd
none (is) barren among them"
,ol 3:4 /i'e a *iee o$ *omegranate (+re) yo#r tem*les behind yo#r !eil"
,ol 3:8 There are si9ty E#eens +nd eighty on#bines% +nd !irgins witho#t n#mber"
,ol 3:9 ?y do!e% my *er$et one% Is the only one% The only one o$ her mother% The $a!orite o$ the one who bore
her" The da#ghters saw her +nd alled her blessed% The E#eens and the on#bines% +nd they *raised her"
,ol 3:15 >ho is she who loo's $orth as the morning% ;air as the moon% =lear as the s#n% +wesome as (an army)
with bannersC TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol 3:11 I went down to the garden o$ n#ts To see the !erd#re o$ the !alley% To see whether the !ine had
b#dded (+nd) the *omegranates had bloomed"
,ol 3:12 Be$ore I was e!en aware% ?y so#l had made me (+s) the hariots o$ my noble *eo*le" TH6 B6/8V62
+N2 HI, ;:I6N2,
,ol 3:1- :et#rn% ret#rn% 8 ,h#lamite& :et#rn% ret#rn% that we may loo' #*on yo#F TH6 ,H7/+?IT6 >hat wo#ld
yo# see in the ,h#lamite DD +s it were% the dane o$ the two am*sC TH6 B6/8V62
,ol 4:1 How bea#ti$#l are yo#r $eet in sandals% 8 *rineAs da#ghterF The #r!es o$ yo#r thighs (are) li'e @ewels%
The wor' o$ the hands o$ a s'ill$#l wor'man"
,ol 4:2 Bo#r na!el (is) a ro#nded goblet& It la's no blended be!erage" Bo#r waist (is) a hea* o$ wheat ,et abo#t
with lilies"
,ol 4:- Bo#r two breasts (are) li'e two $awns% Twins o$ a gaHelle"
,ol 4:0 Bo#r ne' (is) li'e an i!ory tower% Bo#r eyes (li'e) the *ools in Heshbon By the gate o$ Bath :abbim"
Bo#r nose (is) li'e the tower o$ /ebanon >hih loo's toward 2amas#s"
,ol 4:1 Bo#r head (rowns) yo# li'e (?o#nt) =armel% +nd the hair o$ yo#r head (is) li'e *#r*le& + 'ing (is) held
a*ti!e by (yo#r) tresses"
,ol 4:3 How $air and how *leasant yo# are% 8 lo!e% with yo#r delightsF
,ol 4:4 This stat#re o$ yo#rs is li'e a *alm tree% +nd yo#r breasts (li'e) its l#sters"
,ol 4:8 I said% .I will go #* to the *alm tree% I will ta'e hold o$ its branhes". /et now yo#r breasts be li'e l#sters
o$ the !ine% The $ragrane o$ yo#r breath li'e a**les%
,ol 4:9 +nd the roo$ o$ yo#r mo#th li'e the best wine" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6 (The wine) goes (down) smoothly $or
my belo!ed% ?o!ing gently the li*s o$ slee*ers"
,ol 4:15 I (am) my belo!edAs% +nd his desire (is) toward me"
,ol 4:11 =ome% my belo!ed% /et #s go $orth to the $ield& /et #s lodge in the !illages"
,ol 4:12 /et #s get #* early to the !ineyards& /et #s see i$ the !ine has b#dded% (>hether) the gra*e blossoms
are o*en% (+nd) the *omegranates are in bloom" There I will gi!e yo# my lo!e"
,ol 4:1- The mandra'es gi!e o$$ a $ragrane% +nd at o#r gates (are) *leasant ($r#its%) +ll manner% new and old%
>hih I ha!e laid #* $or yo#% my belo!ed"
,ol 8:1 8h% that yo# were li'e my brother% >ho n#rsed at my motherAs breastsF (I$) I sho#ld $ind yo# o#tside% I
wo#ld 'iss yo#& I wo#ld not be des*ised"
,ol 8:2 I wo#ld lead yo# (and) bring yo# Into the ho#se o$ my mother% ,he (who) #sed to instr#t me" I wo#ld
a#se yo# to drin' o$ s*ied wine% 8$ the @#ie o$ my *omegranate" IT8 TH6 2+7GHT6:, 8; J6:7,+/6?J
,ol 8:- His le$t hand (is) #nder my head% +nd his right hand embraes me"
,ol 8:0 I harge yo#% 8 da#ghters o$ Jer#salem% 2o not stir #* nor awa'en lo!e 7ntil it *leases" + :6/+TIV6
,ol 8:1 >ho (is) this oming #* $rom the wilderness% /eaning #*on her belo!edC I awa'ened yo# #nder the
a**le tree" There yo#r mother bro#ght yo# $orth& There she (who) bore yo# bro#ght (yo#) $orth" TH6
,H7/+?IT6 T8 H6: B6/8V62
,ol 8:3 ,et me as a seal #*on yo#r heart% +s a seal #*on yo#r arm& ;or lo!e (is as) strong as death% Jealo#sy
(as) r#el as the gra!e& Its $lames (are) $lames o$ $ire% + most !ehement $lame"
,ol 8:4 ?any waters annot E#enh lo!e% Nor an the $loods drown it" I$ a man wo#ld gi!e $or lo!e +ll the wealth
o$ his ho#se% It wo#ld be #tterly des*ised" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6As B:8TH6:,
,ol 8:8 >e ha!e a little sister% +nd she has no breasts" >hat shall we do $or o#r sister In the day when she is
s*o'en $orC
,ol 8:9 I$ she (is) a wall% >e will b#ild #*on her + battlement o$ sil!er& +nd i$ she (is) a door% >e will enlose her
>ith boards o$ edar" TH6 ,H7/+?IT6
,ol 8:15 I (am) a wall% +nd my breasts li'e towers& Then I beame in his eyes +s one who $o#nd *eae"
,ol 8:11 ,olomon had a !ineyard at Baal Hamon& He leased the !ineyard to 'ee*ers& 6!eryone was to bring $or
its $r#it + tho#sand sil!er oins" IT8 ,8/8?8NJ
,ol 8:12 ?y own !ineyard (is) be$ore me" Bo#% 8 ,olomon% (may ha!e) a tho#sand% +nd those who tend its $r#it
two h#ndred" TH6 B6/8V62
,ol 8:1- Bo# who dwell in the gardens% The om*anions listen $or yo#r !oie DD /et me hear itF TH6
,ol 8:10 ?a'e haste% my belo!ed% +nd be li'e a gaHelle 8r a yo#ng stag 8n the mo#ntains o$ s*ies"
Isa 1:1 The !ision o$ Isaiah the son o$ +moH% whih he saw onerning J#dah and Jer#salem in the days o$
7HHiah% Jotham% +haH% (and) HeHe'iah% 'ings o$ J#dah"
Isa 1:2 Hear% 8 hea!ens% and gi!e ear% 8 earthF ;or the /8:2 has s*o'en: .I ha!e no#rished and bro#ght #*
hildren% +nd they ha!e rebelled against ?e&
Isa 1:- The o9 'nows its owner +nd the don'ey its masterAs rib& (B#t) Israel does not 'now% ?y *eo*le do not
Isa 1:0 +las% sin$#l nation% + *eo*le laden with iniE#ity% + brood o$ e!ildoers% =hildren who are orr#*tersF They
ha!e $orsa'en the /8:2% They ha!e *ro!o'ed to anger The Holy 8ne o$ Israel% They ha!e t#rned away
Isa 1:1 >hy sho#ld yo# be stri'en againC Bo# will re!olt more and more" The whole head is si'% +nd the
whole heart $aints"
Isa 1:3 ;rom the sole o$ the $oot e!en to the head% (There is) no so#ndness in it% (B#t) wo#nds and br#ises and
*#tre$ying sores& They ha!e not been losed or bo#nd #*% 8r soothed with ointment"
Isa 1:4 Bo#r o#ntry (is) desolate% Bo#r ities (are) b#rned with $ire& ,trangers de!o#r yo#r land in yo#r
*resene& +nd (it is) desolate% as o!erthrown by strangers"
Isa 1:8 ,o the da#ghter o$ Gion is le$t as a booth in a !ineyard% +s a h#t in a garden o$ ##mbers% +s a
besieged ity"
Isa 1:9 7nless the /8:2 o$ hosts Had le$t to #s a !ery small remnant% >e wo#ld ha!e beome li'e ,odom% >e
wo#ld ha!e been made li'e Gomorrah"
Isa 1:15 Hear the word o$ the /8:2% Bo# r#lers o$ ,odom& Gi!e ear to the law o$ o#r God% Bo# *eo*le o$
Isa 1:11 .To what *#r*ose (is) the m#ltit#de o$ yo#r sari$ies to ?eC. ,ays the /8:2" .I ha!e had eno#gh o$
b#rnt o$$erings o$ rams +nd the $at o$ $ed attle" I do not delight in the blood o$ b#lls% 8r o$ lambs or goats"
Isa 1:12 .>hen yo# ome to a**ear be$ore ?e% >ho has reE#ired this $rom yo#r hand% To tram*le ?y o#rtsC
Isa 1:1- Bring no more $#tile sari$ies& Inense is an abomination to ?e" The New ?oons% the ,abbaths% and
the alling o$ assemblies DD I annot end#re iniE#ity and the sared meeting"
Isa 1:10 Bo#r New ?oons and yo#r a**ointed $easts ?y so#l hates& They are a tro#ble to ?e% I am weary o$
bearing (them")
Isa 1:11 >hen yo# s*read o#t yo#r hands% I will hide ?y eyes $rom yo#& 6!en tho#gh yo# ma'e many *rayers% I
will not hear" Bo#r hands are $#ll o$ blood"
Isa 1:13 .>ash yo#rsel!es% ma'e yo#rsel!es lean& <#t away the e!il o$ yo#r doings $rom be$ore ?y eyes"
=ease to do e!il%
Isa 1:14 /earn to do good& ,ee' @#stie% :eb#'e the o**ressor& 2e$end the $atherless% <lead $or the widow"
Isa 1:18 . =ome now% and let #s reason together%. ,ays the /8:2% .Tho#gh yo#r sins are li'e sarlet% They
shall be as white as snow& Tho#gh they are red li'e rimson% They shall be as wool"
Isa 1:19 I$ yo# are willing and obedient% Bo# shall eat the good o$ the land&
Isa 1:25 B#t i$ yo# re$#se and rebel% Bo# shall be de!o#red by the sword.& ;or the mo#th o$ the /8:2 has
Isa 1:21 How the $aith$#l ity has beome a harlotF It was $#ll o$ @#stie& :ighteo#sness lodged in it% B#t now
Isa 1:22 Bo#r sil!er has beome dross% Bo#r wine mi9ed with water"
Isa 1:2- Bo#r *rines (are) rebellio#s% +nd om*anions o$ thie!es& 6!eryone lo!es bribes% +nd $ollows a$ter
rewards" They do not de$end the $atherless% Nor does the a#se o$ the widow ome be$ore them"
Isa 1:20 There$ore the /ord says% The /8:2 o$ hosts% the ?ighty 8ne o$ Israel% .+h% I will rid ?ysel$ o$ ?y
ad!ersaries% +nd ta'e !engeane on ?y enemies"
Isa 1:21 I will t#rn ?y hand against yo#% +nd thoro#ghly *#rge away yo#r dross% +nd ta'e away all yo#r alloy"
Isa 1:23 I will restore yo#r @#dges as at the $irst% +nd yo#r o#nselors as at the beginning" +$terward yo# shall be
alled the ity o$ righteo#sness% the $aith$#l ity".
Isa 1:24 Gion shall be redeemed with @#stie% +nd her *enitents with righteo#sness"
Isa 1:28 The destr#tion o$ transgressors and o$ sinners (shall be) together% +nd those who $orsa'e the /8:2
shall be ons#med"
Isa 1:29 ;or they shall be ashamed o$ the terebinth trees >hih yo# ha!e desired& +nd yo# shall be
embarrassed bea#se o$ the gardens >hih yo# ha!e hosen"
Isa 1:-5 ;or yo# shall be as a terebinth whose lea$ $ades% +nd as a garden that has no water"
Isa 1:-1 The strong shall be as tinder% +nd the wor' o$ it as a s*ar'& Both will b#rn together% +nd no one shall
E#enh (them")
Isa 2:1 The word that Isaiah the son o$ +moH saw onerning J#dah and Jer#salem"
Isa 2:2 Now it shall ome to *ass in the latter days (That) the mo#ntain o$ the /8:2As ho#se ,hall be
established on the to* o$ the mo#ntains% +nd shall be e9alted abo!e the hills& +nd all nations shall $low to it"
Isa 2:- ?any *eo*le shall ome and say% .=ome% and let #s go #* to the mo#ntain o$ the /8:2% To the ho#se
o$ the God o$ Jaob& He will teah #s His ways% +nd we shall wal' in His *aths". ;or o#t o$ Gion shall go $orth the
law% +nd the word o$ the /8:2 $rom Jer#salem"
Isa 2:0 He shall @#dge between the nations% +nd reb#'e many *eo*le& They shall beat their swords into
*lowshares% +nd their s*ears into *r#ning hoo's& Nation shall not li$t #* sword against nation% Neither shall they
learn war anymore"
Isa 2:1 8 ho#se o$ Jaob% ome and let #s wal' In the light o$ the /8:2"
Isa 2:3 ;or Bo# ha!e $orsa'en Bo#r *eo*le% the ho#se o$ Jaob% Bea#se they are $illed with eastern ways&
They (are) soothsayers li'e the <hilistines% +nd they are *leased with the hildren o$ $oreigners"
Isa 2:4 Their land is also $#ll o$ sil!er and gold% +nd there is no end to their treas#res& Their land is also $#ll o$
horses% +nd there is no end to their hariots"
Isa 2:8 Their land is also $#ll o$ idols& They worshi* the wor' o$ their own hands% That whih their own $ingers
ha!e made"
Isa 2:9 <eo*le bow down% +nd eah man h#mbles himsel$& There$ore do not $orgi!e them"
Isa 2:15 6nter into the ro'% and hide in the d#st% ;rom the terror o$ the /8:2 +nd the glory o$ His ma@esty"
Isa 2:11 The lo$ty loo's o$ man shall be h#mbled% The ha#ghtiness o$ men shall be bowed down% +nd the /8:2
alone shall be e9alted in that day"
Isa 2:12 ;or the day o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts (,hall ome) #*on e!erything *ro#d and lo$ty% 7*on e!erything li$ted
#* DD +nd it shall be bro#ght low DD
Isa 2:1- 7*on all the edars o$ /ebanon (that are) high and li$ted #*% +nd #*on all the oa's o$ Bashan&
Isa 2:10 7*on all the high mo#ntains% +nd #*on all the hills (that are) li$ted #*&
Isa 2:11 7*on e!ery high tower% +nd #*on e!ery $orti$ied wall&
Isa 2:13 7*on all the shi*s o$ Tarshish% +nd #*on all the bea#ti$#l sloo*s"
Isa 2:14 The lo$tiness o$ man shall be bowed down% +nd the ha#ghtiness o$ men shall be bro#ght low& The
/8:2 alone will be e9alted in that day%
Isa 2:18 B#t the idols He shall #tterly abolish"
Isa 2:19 They shall go into the holes o$ the ro's% +nd into the a!es o$ the earth% ;rom the terror o$ the /8:2
+nd the glory o$ His ma@esty% >hen He arises to sha'e the earth mightily"
Isa 2:25 In that day a man will ast away his idols o$ sil!er +nd his idols o$ gold% >hih they made% (eah) $or
himsel$ to worshi*% To the moles and bats%
Isa 2:21 To go into the le$ts o$ the ro's% +nd into the rags o$ the r#gged ro's% ;rom the terror o$ the /8:2
+nd the glory o$ His ma@esty% >hen He arises to sha'e the earth mightily"
Isa 2:22 ,e!er yo#rsel!es $rom s#h a man% >hose breath (is) in his nostrils& ;or o$ what ao#nt is heC
Isa -:1 ;or behold% the /ord% the /8:2 o$ hosts% Ta'es away $rom Jer#salem and $rom J#dah The sto' and the
store% The whole s#**ly o$ bread and the whole s#**ly o$ water&
Isa -:2 The mighty man and the man o$ war% The @#dge and the *ro*het% +nd the di!iner and the elder&
Isa -:- The a*tain o$ $i$ty and the honorable man% The o#nselor and the s'ill$#l artisan% +nd the e9*ert
Isa -:0 .I will gi!e hildren (to be) their *rines% +nd babes shall r#le o!er them"
Isa -:1 The *eo*le will be o**ressed% 6!ery one by another and e!ery one by his neighbor& The hild will be
insolent toward the elder% +nd the base toward the honorable".
Isa -:3 >hen a man ta'es hold o$ his brother In the ho#se o$ his $ather% (saying%) .Bo# ha!e lothing& Bo# be o#r
r#ler% +nd (let) these r#ins (be) #nder yo#r *ower%.
Isa -:4 In that day he will *rotest% saying% .I annot #re (yo#r) ills% ;or in my ho#se (is) neither $ood nor lothing&
2o not ma'e me a r#ler o$ the *eo*le".
Isa -:8 ;or Jer#salem st#mbled% +nd J#dah is $allen% Bea#se their tong#e and their doings (+re) against the
/8:2% To *ro!o'e the eyes o$ His glory"
Isa -:9 The loo' on their o#ntenane witnesses against them% +nd they delare their sin as ,odom& They do
not hide (it") >oe to their so#lF ;or they ha!e bro#ght e!il #*on themsel!es"
Isa -:15 . ,ay to the righteo#s that (it shall be) well (with them%) ;or they shall eat the $r#it o$ their doings"
Isa -:11 >oe to the wi'edF (It shall be) ill (with him%) ;or the reward o$ his hands shall be gi!en him"
Isa -:12 (+s $or) ?y *eo*le% hildren (are) their o**ressors% +nd women r#le o!er them" 8 ?y *eo*leF Those
who lead yo# a#se (yo#) to err% +nd destroy the way o$ yo#r *aths".
Isa -:1- The /8:2 stands #* to *lead% +nd stands to @#dge the *eo*le"
Isa -:10 The /8:2 will enter into @#dgment >ith the elders o$ His *eo*le +nd His *rines: .;or yo# ha!e eaten
#* the !ineyard& The *l#nder o$ the *oor (is) in yo#r ho#ses"
Isa -:11 >hat do yo# mean by r#shing ?y *eo*le +nd grinding the $aes o$ the *oorC. ,ays the /ord G82 o$
Isa -:13 ?oreo!er the /8:2 says: .Bea#se the da#ghters o$ Gion are ha#ghty% +nd wal' with o#tstrethed
ne's +nd wanton eyes% >al'ing and mining (as) they go% ?a'ing a @ingling with their $eet%
Isa -:14 There$ore the /ord will stri'e with a sab The rown o$ the head o$ the da#ghters o$ Gion% +nd the
/8:2 will #no!er their seret *arts".
Isa -:18 In that day the /ord will ta'e away the $inery: The @ingling an'lets% the sar!es% and the resents&
Isa -:19 The *endants% the braelets% and the !eils&
Isa -:25 The headdresses% the leg ornaments% and the headbands& The *er$#me bo9es% the harms%
Isa -:21 and the rings& The nose @ewels%
Isa -:22 the $estal a**arel% and the mantles& The o#ter garments% the *#rses%
Isa -:2- and the mirrors& The $ine linen% the t#rbans% and the robes"
Isa -:20 +nd so it shall be: Instead o$ a sweet smell there will be a stenh& Instead o$ a sash% a ro*e& Instead o$
wellDset hair% baldness& Instead o$ a rih robe% a girding o$ sa'loth& +nd branding instead o$ bea#ty"
Isa -:21 Bo#r men shall $all by the sword% +nd yo#r mighty in the war"
Isa -:23 Her gates shall lament and mo#rn% +nd she (being) desolate shall sit on the gro#nd"
Isa 0:1 +nd in that day se!en women shall ta'e hold o$ one man% saying% .>e will eat o#r own $ood and wear
o#r own a**arel& 8nly let #s be alled by yo#r name% To ta'e away o#r re*roah".
Isa 0:2 In that day the Branh o$ the /8:2 shall be bea#ti$#l and glorio#s& +nd the $r#it o$ the earth (shall be)
e9ellent and a**ealing ;or those o$ Israel who ha!e esa*ed"
Isa 0:- +nd it shall ome to *ass that (he who is) le$t in Gion and remains in Jer#salem will be alled holy DD
e!eryone who is reorded among the li!ing in Jer#salem"
Isa 0:0 >hen the /ord has washed away the $ilth o$ the da#ghters o$ Gion% and *#rged the blood o$ Jer#salem
$rom her midst% by the s*irit o$ @#dgment and by the s*irit o$ b#rning%
Isa 0:1 then the /8:2 will reate abo!e e!ery dwelling *lae o$ ?o#nt Gion% and abo!e her assemblies% a lo#d
and smo'e by day and the shining o$ a $laming $ire by night" ;or o!er all the glory there (will be) a o!ering"
Isa 0:3 +nd there will be a tabernale $or shade in the daytime $rom the heat% $or a *lae o$ re$#ge% and $or a
shelter $rom storm and rain"
Isa 1:1 Now let me sing to my >ellDbelo!ed + song o$ my Belo!ed regarding His !ineyard: ?y >ellDbelo!ed has
a !ineyard 8n a !ery $r#it$#l hill"
Isa 1:2 He d#g it #* and leared o#t its stones% +nd *lanted it with the hoiest !ine" He b#ilt a tower in its midst%
+nd also made a wine*ress in it& ,o He e9*eted (it) to bring $orth (good) gra*es% B#t it bro#ght $orth wild gra*es"
Isa 1:- . +nd now% 8 inhabitants o$ Jer#salem and men o$ J#dah% J#dge% *lease% between ?e and ?y !ineyard"
Isa 1:0 >hat more o#ld ha!e been done to ?y !ineyard That I ha!e not done in itC >hy then% when I e9*eted
(it) to bring $orth (good) gra*es% 2id it bring $orth wild gra*esC
Isa 1:1 +nd now% *lease let ?e tell yo# what I will do to ?y !ineyard: I will ta'e away its hedge% and it shall be
b#rned& (+nd) brea' down its wall% and it shall be tram*led down"
Isa 1:3 I will lay it waste& It shall not be *r#ned or d#g% B#t there shall ome #* briers and thorns" I will also
ommand the lo#ds That they rain no rain on it".
Isa 1:4 ;or the !ineyard o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts (is) the ho#se o$ Israel% +nd the men o$ J#dah are His *leasant
*lant" He loo'ed $or @#stie% b#t behold% o**ression& ;or righteo#sness% b#t behold% a ry ($or hel*")
Isa 1:8 >oe to those who @oin ho#se to ho#se& They add $ield to $ield% Till (there is) no *lae >here they may
dwell alone in the midst o$ the landF
Isa 1:9 In my hearing the /8:2 o$ hosts (said%) .Tr#ly% many ho#ses shall be desolate% Great and bea#ti$#l
ones% witho#t inhabitant"
Isa 1:15 ;or ten ares o$ !ineyard shall yield one bath% +nd a homer o$ seed shall yield one e*hah".
Isa 1:11 >oe to those who rise early in the morning% (That) they may $ollow into9iating drin'& >ho ontin#e #ntil
night% (till) wine in$lames themF
Isa 1:12 The har* and the strings% The tambo#rine and $l#te% +nd wine are in their $easts& B#t they do not regard
the wor' o$ the /8:2% Nor onsider the o*eration o$ His hands"
Isa 1:1- There$ore my *eo*le ha!e gone into a*ti!ity% Bea#se (they ha!e) no 'nowledge& Their honorable
men (are) $amished% +nd their m#ltit#de dried #* with thirst"
Isa 1:10 There$ore ,heol has enlarged itsel$ +nd o*ened its mo#th beyond meas#re& Their glory and their
m#ltit#de and their *om*% +nd he who is @#bilant% shall desend into it"
Isa 1:11 <eo*le shall be bro#ght down% 6ah man shall be h#mbled% +nd the eyes o$ the lo$ty shall be h#mbled"
Isa 1:13 B#t the /8:2 o$ hosts shall be e9alted in @#dgment% +nd God who is holy shall be hallowed in
Isa 1:14 Then the lambs shall $eed in their *ast#re% +nd in the waste *laes o$ the $at ones strangers shall eat"
Isa 1:18 >oe to those who draw iniE#ity with ords o$ !anity% +nd sin as i$ with a art ro*e&
Isa 1:19 That say% ./et Him ma'e s*eed (and) hasten His wor'% That we may see (it&) +nd let the o#nsel o$ the
Holy 8ne o$ Israel draw near and ome% That we may 'now (it".)
Isa 1:25 >oe to those who all e!il good% and good e!il& >ho *#t dar'ness $or light% and light $or dar'ness& >ho
*#t bitter $or sweet% and sweet $or bitterF
Isa 1:21 >oe to (those who are) wise in their own eyes% +nd *r#dent in their own sightF
Isa 1:22 >oe to men mighty at drin'ing wine% >oe to men !aliant $or mi9ing into9iating drin'%
Isa 1:2- >ho @#sti$y the wi'ed $or a bribe% +nd ta'e away @#stie $rom the righteo#s manF
Isa 1:20 There$ore% as the $ire de!o#rs the st#bble% +nd the $lame ons#mes the ha$$% (,o) their root will be as
rottenness% +nd their blossom will asend li'e d#st& Bea#se they ha!e re@eted the law o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts%
+nd des*ised the word o$ the Holy 8ne o$ Israel"
Isa 1:21 There$ore the anger o$ the /8:2 is aro#sed against His *eo*le& He has strethed o#t His hand against
them +nd stri'en them% +nd the hills trembled" Their arasses (were) as re$#se in the midst o$ the streets" ;or
all this His anger is not t#rned away% B#t His hand (is) strethed o#t still"
Isa 1:23 He will li$t #* a banner to the nations $rom a$ar% +nd will whistle to them $rom the end o$ the earth&
,#rely they shall ome with s*eed% swi$tly"
Isa 1:24 No one will be weary or st#mble among them% No one will sl#mber or slee*& Nor will the belt on their
loins be loosed% Nor the stra* o$ their sandals be bro'en&
Isa 1:28 >hose arrows (are) shar*% +nd all their bows bent& Their horsesA hoo!es will seem li'e $lint% +nd their
wheels li'e a whirlwind"
Isa 1:29 Their roaring (will be) li'e a lion% They will roar li'e yo#ng lions& Bes% they will roar +nd lay hold o$ the
*rey& They will arry (it) away sa$ely% +nd no one will deli!er"
Isa 1:-5 In that day they will roar against them /i'e the roaring o$ the sea" +nd i$ (one) loo's to the land% Behold%
dar'ness (and) sorrow& +nd the light is dar'ened by the lo#ds"
Isa 3:1 In the year that King 7HHiah died% I saw the /ord sitting on a throne% high and li$ted #*% and the train o$
His (robe) $illed the tem*le"
Isa 3:2 +bo!e it stood sera*him& eah one had si9 wings: with two he o!ered his $ae% with two he o!ered his
$eet% and with two he $lew"
Isa 3:- +nd one ried to another and said: .Holy% holy% holy (is) the /8:2 o$ hosts& The whole earth (is) $#ll o$
His gloryF.
Isa 3:0 +nd the *osts o$ the door were sha'en by the !oie o$ him who ried o#t% and the ho#se was $illed with
Isa 3:1 ,o I said: .>oe (is) me% $or I am #ndoneF Bea#se I (am) a man o$ #nlean li*s% +nd I dwell in the midst
o$ a *eo*le o$ #nlean li*s& ;or my eyes ha!e seen the King% The /8:2 o$ hosts".
Isa 3:3 Then one o$ the sera*him $lew to me% ha!ing in his hand a li!e oal (whih) he had ta'en with the tongs
$rom the altar"
Isa 3:4 +nd he to#hed my mo#th (with it%) and said: .Behold% this has to#hed yo#r li*s& Bo#r iniE#ity is ta'en
away% +nd yo#r sin *#rged".
Isa 3:8 +lso I heard the !oie o$ the /ord% saying: .>hom shall I send% +nd who will go $or 7sC. Then I said%
.Here (am) IF ,end me".
Isa 3:9 +nd He said% .Go% and tell this *eo*le: AKee* on hearing% b#t do not #nderstand& Kee* on seeing% b#t do
not *erei!e"A
Isa 3:15 .?a'e the heart o$ this *eo*le d#ll% +nd their ears hea!y% +nd sh#t their eyes& /est they see with their
eyes% +nd hear with their ears% +nd #nderstand with their heart% +nd ret#rn and be healed".
Isa 3:11 Then I said% ./ord% how longC. +nd He answered: .7ntil the ities are laid waste and witho#t inhabitant%
The ho#ses are witho#t a man% The land is #tterly desolate%
Isa 3:12 The /8:2 has remo!ed men $ar away% +nd the $orsa'en *laes (are) many in the midst o$ the land"
Isa 3:1- B#t yet a tenth (will be) in it% +nd will ret#rn and be $or ons#ming% +s a terebinth tree or as an oa'%
>hose st#m* (remains) when it is #t down" ,o the holy seed (shall be) its st#m*".
Isa 4:1 Now it ame to *ass in the days o$ +haH the son o$ Jotham% the son o$ 7HHiah% 'ing o$ J#dah% (that)
:eHin 'ing o$ ,yria and <e'ah the son o$ :emaliah% 'ing o$ Israel% went #* to Jer#salem to (ma'e) war against it%
b#t o#ld not *re!ail against it"
Isa 4:2 +nd it was told to the ho#se o$ 2a!id% saying% .,yriaAs $ores are de*loyed in 6*hraim". ,o his heart and
the heart o$ his *eo*le were mo!ed as the trees o$ the woods are mo!ed with the wind"
Isa 4:- Then the /8:2 said to Isaiah% .Go o#t now to meet +haH% yo# and ,hearDJash#b yo#r son% at the end o$
the aE#ed#t $rom the #**er *ool% on the highway to the ;#llerAs ;ield%
Isa 4:0 .and say to him: ATa'e heed% and be E#iet& do not $ear or be $ainthearted $or these two st#bs o$ smo'ing
$irebrands% $or the $iere anger o$ :eHin and ,yria% and the son o$ :emaliah"
Isa 4:1 ABea#se ,yria% 6*hraim% and the son o$ :emaliah ha!e *lotted e!il against yo#% saying%
Isa 4:3 ./et #s go #* against J#dah and tro#ble it% and let #s ma'e a ga* in its wall $or o#rsel!es% and set a 'ing
o!er them% the son o$ Tabel. DD
Isa 4:4 Ath#s says the /ord G82: .It shall not stand% Nor shall it ome to *ass"
Isa 4:8 ;or the head o$ ,yria (is) 2amas#s% +nd the head o$ 2amas#s (is) :eHin" >ithin si9tyD$i!e years
6*hraim will be bro'en% (,o that it will) not (be) a *eo*le"
Isa 4:9 The head o$ 6*hraim (is) ,amaria% +nd the head o$ ,amaria (is) :emaliahAs son" I$ yo# will not belie!e%
,#rely yo# shall not be established". A .
Isa 4:15 ?oreo!er the /8:2 s*o'e again to +haH% saying%
Isa 4:11 .+s' a sign $or yo#rsel$ $rom the /8:2 yo#r God& as' it either in the de*th or in the height abo!e".
Isa 4:12 B#t +haH said% .I will not as'% nor will I test the /8:2F.
Isa 4:1- Then he said% .Hear now% 8 ho#se o$ 2a!idF (Is it) a small thing $or yo# to weary men% b#t will yo#
weary my God alsoC
Isa 4:10 .There$ore the /ord Himsel$ will gi!e yo# a sign: Behold% the !irgin shall onei!e and bear a ,on% and
shall all His name Imman#el"
Isa 4:11 .=#rds and honey He shall eat% that He may 'now to re$#se the e!il and hoose the good"
Isa 4:13 .;or be$ore the =hild shall 'now to re$#se the e!il and hoose the good% the land that yo# dread will be
$orsa'en by both her 'ings"
Isa 4:14 .The /8:2 will bring the 'ing o$ +ssyria #*on yo# and yo#r *eo*le and yo#r $atherAs ho#se DD days that
ha!e not ome sine the day that 6*hraim de*arted $rom J#dah".
Isa 4:18 +nd it shall ome to *ass in that day (That) the /8:2 will whistle $or the $ly That (is) in the $arthest *art
o$ the ri!ers o$ 6gy*t% +nd $or the bee that (is) in the land o$ +ssyria"
Isa 4:19 They will ome% and all o$ them will rest In the desolate !alleys and in the le$ts o$ the ro's% +nd on all
thorns and in all *ast#res"
Isa 4:25 In the same day the /ord will sha!e with a hired raHor% >ith those $rom beyond the :i!er% with the 'ing
o$ +ssyria% The head and the hair o$ the legs% +nd will also remo!e the beard"
Isa 4:21 It shall be in that day (That) a man will 'ee* ali!e a yo#ng ow and two shee*&
Isa 4:22 ,o it shall be% $rom the ab#ndane o$ mil' they gi!e% That he will eat #rds& ;or #rds and honey
e!eryone will eat who is le$t in the land"
Isa 4:2- It shall ha**en in that day% (That) where!er there o#ld be a tho#sand !ines (>orth) a tho#sand
(she'els) o$ sil!er% It will be $or briers and thorns"
Isa 4:20 >ith arrows and bows men will ome there% Bea#se all the land will beome briers and thorns"
Isa 4:21 +nd to any hill whih o#ld be d#g with the hoe% Bo# will not go there $or $ear o$ briers and thorns& B#t it
will beome a range $or o9en +nd a *lae $or shee* to roam"
Isa 8:1 ?oreo!er the /8:2 said to me% .Ta'e a large sroll% and write on it with a manAs *en onerning ?aherD
Isa 8:2 .+nd I will ta'e $or ?ysel$ $aith$#l witnesses to reord% 7riah the *riest and Gehariah the son o$
Isa 8:- Then I went to the *ro*hetess% and she onei!ed and bore a son" Then the /8:2 said to me% .=all his
name ?aherD,halalDHashDBaH&
Isa 8:0 .$or be$ore the hild shall ha!e 'nowledge to ry A?y $atherA and A?y mother%A the rihes o$ 2amas#s and
the s*oil o$ ,amaria will be ta'en away be$ore the 'ing o$ +ssyria".
Isa 8:1 The /8:2 also s*o'e to me again% saying:
Isa 8:3 .Inasm#h as these *eo*le re$#sed The waters o$ ,hiloah that $low so$tly% +nd re@oie in :eHin and in
:emaliahAs son&
Isa 8:4 Now there$ore% behold% the /ord brings #* o!er them The waters o$ the :i!er% strong and mighty DD The
'ing o$ +ssyria and all his glory& He will go #* o!er all his hannels +nd go o!er all his ban's"
Isa 8:8 He will *ass thro#gh J#dah% He will o!er$low and *ass o!er% He will reah #* to the ne'& +nd the
strething o#t o$ his wings >ill $ill the breadth o$ Bo#r land% 8 Imman#el"
Isa 8:9 . Be shattered% 8 yo# *eo*les% and be bro'en in *ieesF Gi!e ear% all yo# $rom $ar o#ntries" Gird
yo#rsel!es% b#t be bro'en in *iees& Gird yo#rsel!es% b#t be bro'en in *iees"
Isa 8:15 Ta'e o#nsel together% b#t it will ome to nothing& ,*ea' the word% b#t it will not stand% ;or God (is)
with #s".
Isa 8:11 ;or the /8:2 s*o'e th#s to me with a strong hand% and instr#ted me that I sho#ld not wal' in the way
o$ this *eo*le% saying:
Isa 8:12 .2o not say% A+ ons*iray%A =onerning all that this *eo*le all a ons*iray% Nor be a$raid o$ their
threats% nor be tro#bled"
Isa 8:1- The /8:2 o$ hosts% Him yo# shall hallow& (/et) Him (be) yo#r $ear% +nd (let) Him (be) yo#r dread"
Isa 8:10 He will be as a sant#ary% B#t a stone o$ st#mbling and a ro' o$ o$$ense To both the ho#ses o$ Israel%
+s a tra* and a snare to the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem"
Isa 8:11 +nd many among them shall st#mble& They shall $all and be bro'en% Be snared and ta'en".
Isa 8:13 Bind #* the testimony% ,eal the law among my disi*les"
Isa 8:14 +nd I will wait on the /8:2% >ho hides His $ae $rom the ho#se o$ Jaob& +nd I will ho*e in Him"
Isa 8:18 Here am I and the hildren whom the /8:2 has gi!en meF (>e are) $or signs and wonders in Israel
;rom the /8:2 o$ hosts% >ho dwells in ?o#nt Gion"
Isa 8:19 +nd when they say to yo#% .,ee' those who are medi#ms and wiHards% who whis*er and m#tter%.
sho#ld not a *eo*le see' their GodC (,ho#ld they see') the dead on behal$ o$ the li!ingC
Isa 8:25 To the law and to the testimonyF I$ they do not s*ea' aording to this word% (it is) bea#se (there is) no
light in them"
Isa 8:21 They will *ass thro#gh it hard *ressed and h#ngry& and it shall ha**en% when they are h#ngry% that they
will be enraged and #rse their 'ing and their God% and loo' #*ward"
Isa 8:22 Then they will loo' to the earth% and see tro#ble and dar'ness% gloom o$ ang#ish& and (they will be)
dri!en into dar'ness"
Isa 9:1 Ne!ertheless the gloom (will) not (be) #*on her who (is) distressed% +s when at $irst He lightly esteemed
The land o$ Geb#l#n and the land o$ Na*htali% +nd a$terward more hea!ily o**ressed (her%) (By) the way o$ the
sea% beyond the Jordan% In Galilee o$ the Gentiles"
Isa 9:2 The *eo*le who wal'ed in dar'ness Ha!e seen a great light& Those who dwelt in the land o$ the shadow
o$ death% 7*on them a light has shined"
Isa 9:- Bo# ha!e m#lti*lied the nation (+nd) inreased its @oy& They re@oie be$ore Bo# +ording to the @oy o$
har!est% +s (men) re@oie when they di!ide the s*oil"
Isa 9:0 ;or Bo# ha!e bro'en the yo'e o$ his b#rden +nd the sta$$ o$ his sho#lder% The rod o$ his o**ressor% +s in
the day o$ ?idian"
Isa 9:1 ;or e!ery warriorAs sandal $rom the noisy battle% +nd garments rolled in blood% >ill be #sed $or b#rning
(and) $#el o$ $ire"
Isa 9:3 ;or #nto #s a =hild is born% 7nto #s a ,on is gi!en& +nd the go!ernment will be #*on His sho#lder" +nd
His name will be alled >onder$#l% =o#nselor% ?ighty God% 6!erlasting ;ather% <rine o$ <eae"
Isa 9:4 8$ the inrease o$ (His) go!ernment and *eae (There will be) no end% 7*on the throne o$ 2a!id and
o!er His 'ingdom% To order it and establish it with @#dgment and @#stie ;rom that time $orward% e!en $ore!er"
The Heal o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts will *er$orm this"
Isa 9:8 The /8:2 sent a word against Jaob% +nd it has $allen on Israel"
Isa 9:9 +ll the *eo*le will 'now DD 6*hraim and the inhabitant o$ ,amaria DD >ho say in *ride and arrogane o$
Isa 9:15 .The bri's ha!e $allen down% B#t we will reb#ild with hewn stones& The syamores are #t down% B#t
we will re*lae (them) with edars".
Isa 9:11 There$ore the /8:2 shall set #* The ad!ersaries o$ :eHin against him% +nd s*#r his enemies on%
Isa 9:12 The ,yrians be$ore and the <hilistines behind& +nd they shall de!o#r Israel with an o*en mo#th" ;or all
this His anger is not t#rned away% B#t His hand (is) strethed o#t still"
Isa 9:1- ;or the *eo*le do not t#rn to Him who stri'es them% Nor do they see' the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Isa 9:10 There$ore the /8:2 will #t o$$ head and tail $rom Israel% <alm branh and b#lr#sh in one day"
Isa 9:11 The elder and honorable% he (is) the head& The *ro*het who teahes lies% he (is) the tail"
Isa 9:13 ;or the leaders o$ this *eo*le a#se (them) to err% +nd (those who are) led by them are destroyed"
Isa 9:14 There$ore the /8:2 will ha!e no @oy in their yo#ng men% Nor ha!e mery on their $atherless and
widows& ;or e!eryone (is) a hy*orite and an e!ildoer% +nd e!ery mo#th s*ea's $olly" ;or all this His anger is not
t#rned away% B#t His hand (is) strethed o#t still"
Isa 9:18 ;or wi'edness b#rns as the $ire& It shall de!o#r the briers and thorns% +nd 'indle in the thi'ets o$ the
$orest& They shall mo#nt #* (li'e) rising smo'e"
Isa 9:19 Thro#gh the wrath o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts The land is b#rned #*% +nd the *eo*le shall be as $#el $or the
$ire& No man shall s*are his brother"
Isa 9:25 +nd he shall snath on the right hand +nd be h#ngry& He shall de!o#r on the le$t hand +nd not be
satis$ied& 6!ery man shall eat the $lesh o$ his own arm"
Isa 9:21 ?anasseh (shall de!o#r) 6*hraim% and 6*hraim ?anasseh& Together they (shall be) against J#dah" ;or
all this His anger is not t#rned away% B#t His hand (is) strethed o#t still"
Isa 15:1 .>oe to those who deree #nrighteo#s derees% >ho write mis$ort#ne% (>hih) they ha!e *resribed
Isa 15:2 To rob the needy o$ @#stie% +nd to ta'e what is right $rom the *oor o$ ?y *eo*le% That widows may be
their *rey% +nd (that) they may rob the $atherless"
Isa 15:- >hat will yo# do in the day o$ *#nishment% +nd in the desolation (whih) will ome $rom a$arC To whom
will yo# $lee $or hel*C +nd where will yo# lea!e yo#r gloryC
Isa 15:0 >itho#t ?e they shall bow down among the *risoners% +nd they shall $all among the slain". ;or all this
His anger is not t#rned away% B#t His hand (is) strethed o#t still"
Isa 15:1 . >oe to +ssyria% the rod o$ ?y anger +nd the sta$$ in whose hand is ?y indignation"
Isa 15:3 I will send him against an #ngodly nation% +nd against the *eo*le o$ ?y wrath I will gi!e him harge% To
seiHe the s*oil% to ta'e the *rey% +nd to tread them down li'e the mire o$ the streets"
Isa 15:4 Bet he does not mean so% Nor does his heart thin' so& B#t (it is) in his heart to destroy% +nd #t o$$ not a
$ew nations"
Isa 15:8 ;or he says% A(+re) not my *rines altogether 'ingsC
Isa 15:9 (Is) not =alno li'e =arhemishC (Is) not Hamath li'e +r*adC (Is) not ,amaria li'e 2amas#sC
Isa 15:15 +s my hand has $o#nd the 'ingdoms o$ the idols% >hose ar!ed images e9elled those o$ Jer#salem
and ,amaria%
Isa 15:11 +s I ha!e done to ,amaria and her idols% ,hall I not do also to Jer#salem and her idolsCA .
Isa 15:12 There$ore it shall ome to *ass% when the /8:2 has *er$ormed all His wor' on ?o#nt Gion and on
Jer#salem% (that He will say%) .I will *#nish the $r#it o$ the arrogant heart o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria% and the glory o$
his ha#ghty loo's".
Isa 15:1- ;or he says: .By the strength o$ my hand I ha!e done (it%) +nd by my wisdom% $or I am *r#dent& +lso I
ha!e remo!ed the bo#ndaries o$ the *eo*le% +nd ha!e robbed their treas#ries& ,o I ha!e *#t down the
inhabitants li'e a !aliant (man")
Isa 15:10 ?y hand has $o#nd li'e a nest the rihes o$ the *eo*le% +nd as one gathers eggs (that are) le$t% I ha!e
gathered all the earth& +nd there was no one who mo!ed (his) wing% Nor o*ened (his) mo#th with e!en a *ee*".
Isa 15:11 ,hall the a9 boast itsel$ against him who ho*s with itC (8r) shall the saw e9alt itsel$ against him who
saws with itC +s i$ a rod o#ld wield (itsel$) against those who li$t it #*% (8r) as i$ a sta$$ o#ld li$t #*% (as i$ it were)
not woodF
Isa 15:13 There$ore the /ord% the /ord o$ hosts% >ill send leanness among his $at ones& +nd #nder his glory He
will 'indle a b#rning /i'e the b#rning o$ a $ire"
Isa 15:14 ,o the /ight o$ Israel will be $or a $ire% +nd his Holy 8ne $or a $lame& It will b#rn and de!o#r His thorns
and his briers in one day"
Isa 15:18 +nd it will ons#me the glory o$ his $orest and o$ his $r#it$#l $ield% Both so#l and body& +nd they will be
as when a si' man wastes away"
Isa 15:19 Then the rest o$ the trees o$ his $orest >ill be so $ew in n#mber That a hild may write them"
Isa 15:25 +nd it shall ome to *ass in that day (That) the remnant o$ Israel% +nd s#h as ha!e esa*ed o$ the
ho#se o$ Jaob% >ill ne!er again de*end on him who de$eated them% B#t will de*end on the /8:2% the Holy
8ne o$ Israel% in tr#th"
Isa 15:21 The remnant will ret#rn% the remnant o$ Jaob% To the ?ighty God"
Isa 15:22 ;or tho#gh yo#r *eo*le% 8 Israel% be as the sand o$ the sea% + remnant o$ them will ret#rn& The
destr#tion dereed shall o!er$low with righteo#sness"
Isa 15:2- ;or the /ord G82 o$ hosts >ill ma'e a determined end In the midst o$ all the land"
Isa 15:20 There$ore th#s says the /ord G82 o$ hosts: .8 ?y *eo*le% who dwell in Gion% do not be a$raid o$ the
+ssyrian" He shall stri'e yo# with a rod and li$t #* his sta$$ against yo#% in the manner o$ 6gy*t"
Isa 15:21 .;or yet a !ery little while and the indignation will ease% as will ?y anger in their destr#tion".
Isa 15:23 +nd the /8:2 o$ hosts will stir #* a so#rge $or him li'e the sla#ghter o$ ?idian at the ro' o$ 8reb&
(as) His rod was on the sea% so will He li$t it #* in the manner o$ 6gy*t"
Isa 15:24 It shall ome to *ass in that day (That) his b#rden will be ta'en away $rom yo#r sho#lder% +nd his yo'e
$rom yo#r ne'% +nd the yo'e will be destroyed bea#se o$ the anointing oil"
Isa 15:28 He has ome to +iath% He has *assed ?igron& +t ?ihmash he has attended to his eE#i*ment"
Isa 15:29 They ha!e gone along the ridge% They ha!e ta'en #* lodging at Geba" :amah is a$raid% Gibeah o$
,a#l has $led"
Isa 15:-5 /i$t #* yo#r !oie% 8 da#ghter o$ GallimF =a#se it to be heard as $ar as /aish DD 8 *oor +nathothF
Isa 15:-1 ?admenah has $led% The inhabitants o$ Gebim see' re$#ge"
Isa 15:-2 +s yet he will remain at Nob that day& He will sha'e his $ist at the mo#nt o$ the da#ghter o$ Gion% The
hill o$ Jer#salem"
Isa 15:-- Behold% the /ord% The /8:2 o$ hosts% >ill lo* o$$ the bo#gh with terror& Those o$ high stat#re (will be)
hewn down% +nd the ha#ghty will be h#mbled"
Isa 15:-0 He will #t down the thi'ets o$ the $orest with iron% +nd /ebanon will $all by the ?ighty 8ne"
Isa 11:1 There shall ome $orth a :od $rom the stem o$ Jesse% +nd a Branh shall grow o#t o$ his roots"
Isa 11:2 The ,*irit o$ the /8:2 shall rest #*on Him% The ,*irit o$ wisdom and #nderstanding% The ,*irit o$
o#nsel and might% The ,*irit o$ 'nowledge and o$ the $ear o$ the /8:2"
Isa 11:- His delight (is) in the $ear o$ the /8:2% +nd He shall not @#dge by the sight o$ His eyes% Nor deide by
the hearing o$ His ears&
Isa 11:0 B#t with righteo#sness He shall @#dge the *oor% +nd deide with eE#ity $or the mee' o$ the earth& He
shall stri'e the earth with the rod o$ His mo#th% +nd with the breath o$ His li*s He shall slay the wi'ed"
Isa 11:1 :ighteo#sness shall be the belt o$ His loins% +nd $aith$#lness the belt o$ His waist"
Isa 11:3 . The wol$ also shall dwell with the lamb% The leo*ard shall lie down with the yo#ng goat% The al$ and
the yo#ng lion and the $atling together& +nd a little hild shall lead them"
Isa 11:4 The ow and the bear shall graHe& Their yo#ng ones shall lie down together& +nd the lion shall eat
straw li'e the o9"
Isa 11:8 The n#rsing hild shall *lay by the obraAs hole% +nd the weaned hild shall *#t his hand in the !i*erAs
Isa 11:9 They shall not h#rt nor destroy in all ?y holy mo#ntain% ;or the earth shall be $#ll o$ the 'nowledge o$
the /8:2 +s the waters o!er the sea"
Isa 11:15 . +nd in that day there shall be a :oot o$ Jesse% >ho shall stand as a banner to the *eo*le& ;or the
Gentiles shall see' Him% +nd His resting *lae shall be glorio#s".
Isa 11:11 It shall ome to *ass in that day (That) the /8:2 shall set His hand again the seond time To reo!er
the remnant o$ His *eo*le who are le$t% ;rom +ssyria and 6gy*t% ;rom <athros and =#sh% ;rom 6lam and
,hinar% ;rom Hamath and the islands o$ the sea"
Isa 11:12 He will set #* a banner $or the nations% +nd will assemble the o#tasts o$ Israel% +nd gather together
the dis*ersed o$ J#dah ;rom the $o#r orners o$ the earth"
Isa 11:1- +lso the en!y o$ 6*hraim shall de*art% +nd the ad!ersaries o$ J#dah shall be #t o$$& 6*hraim shall not
en!y J#dah% +nd J#dah shall not harass 6*hraim"
Isa 11:10 B#t they shall $ly down #*on the sho#lder o$ the <hilistines toward the west& Together they shall
*l#nder the *eo*le o$ the 6ast& They shall lay their hand on 6dom and ?oab& +nd the *eo*le o$ +mmon shall
obey them"
Isa 11:11 The /8:2 will #tterly destroy the tong#e o$ the ,ea o$ 6gy*t& >ith His mighty wind He will sha'e His
$ist o!er the :i!er% +nd stri'e it in the se!en streams% +nd ma'e (men) ross o!er dryDshod"
Isa 11:13 There will be a highway $or the remnant o$ His *eo*le >ho will be le$t $rom +ssyria% +s it was $or Israel
In the day that he ame #* $rom the land o$ 6gy*t"
Isa 12:1 +nd in that day yo# will say: .8 /8:2% I will *raise Bo#& Tho#gh Bo# were angry with me% Bo#r anger
is t#rned away% and Bo# om$ort me"
Isa 12:2 Behold% God (is) my sal!ation% I will tr#st and not be a$raid& A;or B+H% the /8:2% (is) my strength and
song& He also has beome my sal!ation"A .
Isa 12:- There$ore with @oy yo# will draw water ;rom the wells o$ sal!ation"
Isa 12:0 +nd in that day yo# will say: .<raise the /8:2% all #*on His name& 2elare His deeds among the
*eo*les% ?a'e mention that His name is e9alted"
Isa 12:1 ,ing to the /8:2% ;or He has done e9ellent things& This (is) 'nown in all the earth"
Isa 12:3 =ry o#t and sho#t% 8 inhabitant o$ Gion% ;or great (is) the Holy 8ne o$ Israel in yo#r midstF.
Isa 1-:1 The b#rden against Babylon whih Isaiah the son o$ +moH saw"
Isa 1-:2 ./i$t #* a banner on the high mo#ntain% :aise yo#r !oie to them& >a!e yo#r hand% that they may enter
the gates o$ the nobles"
Isa 1-:- I ha!e ommanded ?y santi$ied ones& I ha!e also alled ?y mighty ones $or ?y anger DD Those who
re@oie in ?y e9altation".
Isa 1-:0 The noise o$ a m#ltit#de in the mo#ntains% /i'e that o$ many *eo*leF + t#m#lt#o#s noise o$ the
'ingdoms o$ nations gathered togetherF The /8:2 o$ hosts m#sters The army $or battle"
Isa 1-:1 They ome $rom a $ar o#ntry% ;rom the end o$ hea!en DD The /8:2 and His wea*ons o$ indignation%
To destroy the whole land"
Isa 1-:3 >ail% $or the day o$ the /8:2 (is) at handF It will ome as destr#tion $rom the +lmighty"
Isa 1-:4 There$ore all hands will be lim*% 6!ery manAs heart will melt%
Isa 1-:8 +nd they will be a$raid" <angs and sorrows will ta'e hold o$ (them&) They will be in *ain as a woman in
hildbirth& They will be amaHed at one another& Their $aes (will be li'e) $lames"
Isa 1-:9 Behold% the day o$ the /8:2 omes% =r#el% with both wrath and $iere anger% To lay the land desolate&
+nd He will destroy its sinners $rom it"
Isa 1-:15 ;or the stars o$ hea!en and their onstellations >ill not gi!e their light& The s#n will be dar'ened in its
going $orth% +nd the moon will not a#se its light to shine"
Isa 1-:11 .I will *#nish the world $or (its) e!il% +nd the wi'ed $or their iniE#ity& I will halt the arrogane o$ the
*ro#d% +nd will lay low the ha#ghtiness o$ the terrible"
Isa 1-:12 I will ma'e a mortal more rare than $ine gold% + man more than the golden wedge o$ 8*hir"
Isa 1-:1- There$ore I will sha'e the hea!ens% +nd the earth will mo!e o#t o$ her *lae% In the wrath o$ the /8:2
o$ hosts +nd in the day o$ His $iere anger"
Isa 1-:10 It shall be as the h#nted gaHelle% +nd as a shee* that no man ta'es #*& 6!ery man will t#rn to his own
*eo*le% +nd e!eryone will $lee to his own land"
Isa 1-:11 6!eryone who is $o#nd will be thr#st thro#gh% +nd e!eryone who is a*t#red will $all by the sword"
Isa 1-:13 Their hildren also will be dashed to *iees be$ore their eyes& Their ho#ses will be *l#ndered +nd their
wi!es ra!ished"
Isa 1-:14 . Behold% I will stir #* the ?edes against them% >ho will not regard sil!er& +nd (as $or) gold% they will
not delight in it"
Isa 1-:18 +lso (their) bows will dash the yo#ng men to *iees% +nd they will ha!e no *ity on the $r#it o$ the
womb& Their eye will not s*are hildren"
Isa 1-:19 +nd Babylon% the glory o$ 'ingdoms% The bea#ty o$ the =haldeansA *ride% >ill be as when God
o!erthrew ,odom and Gomorrah"
Isa 1-:25 It will ne!er be inhabited% Nor will it be settled $rom generation to generation& Nor will the +rabian *ith
tents there% Nor will the she*herds ma'e their shee*$olds there"
Isa 1-:21 B#t wild beasts o$ the desert will lie there% +nd their ho#ses will be $#ll o$ owls& 8strihes will dwell
there% +nd wild goats will a*er there"
Isa 1-:22 The hyenas will howl in their itadels% +nd @a'als in their *leasant *alaes" Her time (is) near to ome%
+nd her days will not be *rolonged".
Isa 10:1 ;or the /8:2 will ha!e mery on Jaob% and will still hoose Israel% and settle them in their own land"
The strangers will be @oined with them% and they will ling to the ho#se o$ Jaob"
Isa 10:2 Then *eo*le will ta'e them and bring them to their *lae% and the ho#se o$ Israel will *ossess them $or
ser!ants and maids in the land o$ the /8:2& they will ta'e them a*ti!e whose a*ti!es they were% and r#le o!er
their o**ressors"
Isa 10:- It shall ome to *ass in the day the /8:2 gi!es yo# rest $rom yo#r sorrow% and $rom yo#r $ear and the
hard bondage in whih yo# were made to ser!e%
Isa 10:0 that yo# will ta'e #* this *ro!erb against the 'ing o$ Babylon% and say: .How the o**ressor has eased%
The golden ity easedF
Isa 10:1 The /8:2 has bro'en the sta$$ o$ the wi'ed% The se*ter o$ the r#lers&
Isa 10:3 He who str#' the *eo*le in wrath with a ontin#al stro'e% He who r#led the nations in anger% Is
*erse#ted (and) no one hinders"
Isa 10:4 The whole earth is at rest (and) E#iet& They brea' $orth into singing"
Isa 10:8 Indeed the y*ress trees re@oie o!er yo#% (+nd) the edars o$ /ebanon% (,aying%) A,ine yo# were #t
down% No woodsman has ome #* against #s"A
Isa 10:9 .Hell $rom beneath is e9ited abo#t yo#% To meet (yo#) at yo#r oming& It stirs #* the dead $or yo#% +ll
the hie$ ones o$ the earth& It has raised #* $rom their thrones +ll the 'ings o$ the nations"
Isa 10:15 They all shall s*ea' and say to yo#: AHa!e yo# also beome as wea' as weC Ha!e yo# beome li'e
Isa 10:11 Bo#r *om* is bro#ght down to ,heol% (+nd) the so#nd o$ yo#r stringed instr#ments& The maggot is
s*read #nder yo#% +nd worms o!er yo#"A
Isa 10:12 . How yo# are $allen $rom hea!en% 8 /#i$er% son o$ the morningF (How) yo# are #t down to the
gro#nd% Bo# who wea'ened the nationsF
Isa 10:1- ;or yo# ha!e said in yo#r heart: AI will asend into hea!en% I will e9alt my throne abo!e the stars o$
God& I will also sit on the mo#nt o$ the ongregation 8n the $arthest sides o$ the north&
Isa 10:10 I will asend abo!e the heights o$ the lo#ds% I will be li'e the ?ost High"A
Isa 10:11 Bet yo# shall be bro#ght down to ,heol% To the lowest de*ths o$ the <it"
Isa 10:13 .Those who see yo# will gaHe at yo#% (+nd) onsider yo#% (saying:) A(Is) this the man who made the
earth tremble% >ho shoo' 'ingdoms%
Isa 10:14 >ho made the world as a wilderness +nd destroyed its ities% (>ho) did not o*en the ho#se o$ his
Isa 10:18 .+ll the 'ings o$ the nations% +ll o$ them% slee* in glory% 6!eryone in his own ho#se&
Isa 10:19 B#t yo# are ast o#t o$ yo#r gra!e /i'e an abominable branh% (/i'e) the garment o$ those who are
slain% Thr#st thro#gh with a sword% >ho go down to the stones o$ the *it% /i'e a or*se trodden #nder$oot"
Isa 10:25 Bo# will not be @oined with them in b#rial% Bea#se yo# ha!e destroyed yo#r land (+nd) slain yo#r
*eo*le" The brood o$ e!ildoers shall ne!er be named"
Isa 10:21 <re*are sla#ghter $or his hildren Bea#se o$ the iniE#ity o$ their $athers% /est they rise #* and
*ossess the land% +nd $ill the $ae o$ the world with ities".
Isa 10:22 . ;or I will rise #* against them%. says the /8:2 o$ hosts% .+nd #t o$$ $rom Babylon the name and
remnant% +nd o$$s*ring and *osterity%. says the /8:2"
Isa 10:2- .I will also ma'e it a *ossession $or the *or#*ine% +nd marshes o$ m#ddy water& I will swee* it with
the broom o$ destr#tion%. says the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Isa 10:20 The /8:2 o$ hosts has sworn% saying% .,#rely% as I ha!e tho#ght% so it shall ome to *ass% +nd as I
ha!e *#r*osed% (so) it shall stand:
Isa 10:21 That I will brea' the +ssyrian in ?y land% +nd on ?y mo#ntains tread him #nder$oot" Then his yo'e
shall be remo!ed $rom them% +nd his b#rden remo!ed $rom their sho#lders"
Isa 10:23 This (is) the *#r*ose that is *#r*osed against the whole earth% +nd this (is) the hand that is strethed
o#t o!er all the nations"
Isa 10:24 ;or the /8:2 o$ hosts has *#r*osed% +nd who will ann#l (itC) His hand (is) strethed o#t% +nd who will
t#rn it ba'C.
Isa 10:28 This is the b#rden whih ame in the year that King +haH died"
Isa 10:29 .2o not re@oie% all yo# o$ <hilistia% Bea#se the rod that str#' yo# is bro'en& ;or o#t o$ the ser*entAs
roots will ome $orth a !i*er% +nd its o$$s*ring (will be) a $iery $lying ser*ent"
Isa 10:-5 The $irstborn o$ the *oor will $eed% +nd the needy will lie down in sa$ety& I will 'ill yo#r roots with
$amine% +nd it will slay yo#r remnant"
Isa 10:-1 >ail% 8 gateF =ry% 8 ityF +ll yo# o$ <hilistia (are) dissol!ed& ;or smo'e will ome $rom the north% +nd
no one (will be) alone in his a**ointed times".
Isa 10:-2 >hat will they answer the messengers o$ the nationC That the /8:2 has $o#nded Gion% +nd the *oor
o$ His *eo*le shall ta'e re$#ge in it"
Isa 11:1 The b#rden against ?oab" Bea#se in the night +r o$ ?oab is laid waste (+nd) destroyed% Bea#se in
the night Kir o$ ?oab is laid waste (+nd) destroyed%
Isa 11:2 He has gone #* to the tem*le and 2ibon% To the high *laes to wee*" ?oab will wail o!er Nebo and
o!er ?edeba& 8n all their heads (will be) baldness% (+nd) e!ery beard #t o$$"
Isa 11:- In their streets they will lothe themsel!es with sa'loth& 8n the to*s o$ their ho#ses +nd in their
streets 6!eryone will wail% wee*ing bitterly"
Isa 11:0 Heshbon and 6lealeh will ry o#t% Their !oie shall be heard as $ar as JahaH& There$ore the armed
soldiers o$ ?oab will ry o#t& His li$e will be b#rdensome to him"
Isa 11:1 .?y heart will ry o#t $or ?oab& His $#giti!es (shall $lee) to Goar% (/i'e) a threeDyearDold hei$er" ;or by the
+sent o$ /#hith They will go #* with wee*ing& ;or in the way o$ Horonaim They will raise #* a ry o$ destr#tion%
Isa 11:3 ;or the waters o$ Nimrim will be desolate% ;or the green grass has withered away& The grass $ails%
there is nothing green"
Isa 11:4 There$ore the ab#ndane they ha!e gained% +nd what they ha!e laid #*% They will arry away to the
Broo' o$ the >illows"
Isa 11:8 ;or the ry has gone all aro#nd the borders o$ ?oab% Its wailing to 6glaim +nd its wailing to Beer 6lim"
Isa 11:9 ;or the waters o$ 2imon will be $#ll o$ blood& Bea#se I will bring more #*on 2imon% /ions #*on him
who esa*es $rom ?oab% +nd on the remnant o$ the land".
Isa 13:1 ,end the lamb to the r#ler o$ the land% ;rom ,ela to the wilderness% To the mo#nt o$ the da#ghter o$
Isa 13:2 ;or it shall be as a wandering bird thrown o#t o$ the nest& (,o) shall be the da#ghters o$ ?oab at the
$ords o$ the +rnon"
Isa 13:- .Ta'e o#nsel% e9e#te @#dgment& ?a'e yo#r shadow li'e the night in the middle o$ the day& Hide the
o#tasts% 2o not betray him who esa*es"
Isa 13:0 /et ?y o#tasts dwell with yo#% 8 ?oab& Be a shelter to them $rom the $ae o$ the s*oiler" ;or the
e9tortioner is at an end% 2e!astation eases% The o**ressors are ons#med o#t o$ the land"
Isa 13:1 In mery the throne will be established& +nd 8ne will sit on it in tr#th% in the tabernale o$ 2a!id%
J#dging and see'ing @#stie and hastening righteo#sness".
Isa 13:3 >e ha!e heard o$ the *ride o$ ?oab DD (He is) !ery *ro#d DD 8$ his ha#ghtiness and his *ride and his
wrath& (B#t) his lies (shall) not (be) so"
Isa 13:4 There$ore ?oab shall wail $or ?oab& 6!eryone shall wail" ;or the $o#ndations o$ Kir Hareseth yo# shall
mo#rn& ,#rely (they are) stri'en"
Isa 13:8 ;or the $ields o$ Heshbon lang#ish% (+nd) the !ine o$ ,ibmah& The lords o$ the nations ha!e bro'en
down its hoie *lants% >hih ha!e reahed to JaHer +nd wandered thro#gh the wilderness" Her branhes are
strethed o#t% They are gone o!er the sea"
Isa 13:9 There$ore I will bewail the !ine o$ ,ibmah% >ith the wee*ing o$ JaHer& I will drenh yo# with my tears% 8
Heshbon and 6lealeh& ;or battle ries ha!e $allen 8!er yo#r s#mmer $r#its and yo#r har!est"
Isa 13:15 Gladness is ta'en away% +nd @oy $rom the *lenti$#l $ield& In the !ineyards there will be no singing% Nor
will there be sho#ting& No treaders will tread o#t wine in the *resses& I ha!e made their sho#ting ease"
Isa 13:11 There$ore my heart shall reso#nd li'e a har* $or ?oab% +nd my inner being $or Kir Heres"
Isa 13:12 +nd it shall ome to *ass% >hen it is seen that ?oab is weary on the high *lae% That he will ome to
his sant#ary to *ray& B#t he will not *re!ail"
Isa 13:1- This (is) the word whih the /8:2 has s*o'en onerning ?oab sine that time"
Isa 13:10 B#t now the /8:2 has s*o'en% saying% .>ithin three years% as the years o$ a hired man% the glory o$
?oab will be des*ised with all that great m#ltit#de% and the remnant (will be) !ery small (and) $eeble".
Isa 14:1 The b#rden against 2amas#s" .Behold% 2amas#s will ease $rom (being) a ity% +nd it will be a
r#ino#s hea*"
Isa 14:2 The ities o$ +roer (are) $orsa'en& They will be $or $lo's >hih lie down% and no one will ma'e (them)
Isa 14:- The $ortress also will ease $rom 6*hraim% The 'ingdom $rom 2amas#s% +nd the remnant o$ ,yria&
They will be as the glory o$ the hildren o$ Israel%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Isa 14:0 . In that day it shall ome to *ass (That) the glory o$ Jaob will wane% +nd the $atness o$ his $lesh grow
Isa 14:1 It shall be as when the har!ester gathers the grain% +nd rea*s the heads with his arm& It shall be as he
who gathers heads o$ grain In the Valley o$ :e*haim"
Isa 14:3 Bet gleaning gra*es will be le$t in it% /i'e the sha'ing o$ an oli!e tree% Two (or) three oli!es at the to* o$
the #**ermost bo#gh% ;o#r (or) $i!e in its most $r#it$#l branhes%. ,ays the /8:2 God o$ Israel"
Isa 14:4 In that day a man will loo' to his ?a'er% +nd his eyes will ha!e res*et $or the Holy 8ne o$ Israel"
Isa 14:8 He will not loo' to the altars% The wor' o$ his hands& He will not res*et what his $ingers ha!e made%
Nor the wooden images nor the inense altars"
Isa 14:9 In that day his strong ities will be as a $orsa'en bo#gh +nd an #**ermost branh% >hih they le$t
bea#se o$ the hildren o$ Israel& +nd there will be desolation"
Isa 14:15 Bea#se yo# ha!e $orgotten the God o$ yo#r sal!ation% +nd ha!e not been mind$#l o$ the :o' o$ yo#r
stronghold% There$ore yo# will *lant *leasant *lants +nd set o#t $oreign seedlings&
Isa 14:11 In the day yo# will ma'e yo#r *lant to grow% +nd in the morning yo# will ma'e yo#r seed to $lo#rish&
(B#t) the har!est (will be) a hea* o$ r#ins In the day o$ grie$ and des*erate sorrow"
Isa 14:12 >oe to the m#ltit#de o$ many *eo*le (>ho) ma'e a noise li'e the roar o$ the seas% +nd to the r#shing
o$ nations (That) ma'e a r#shing li'e the r#shing o$ mighty watersF
Isa 14:1- The nations will r#sh li'e the r#shing o$ many waters& B#t (God) will reb#'e them and they will $lee $ar
away% +nd be hased li'e the ha$$ o$ the mo#ntains be$ore the wind% /i'e a rolling thing be$ore the whirlwind"
Isa 14:10 Then behold% at e!entide% tro#bleF (+nd) be$ore the morning% he (is) no more" This (is) the *ortion o$
those who *l#nder #s% +nd the lot o$ those who rob #s"
Isa 18:1 >oe to the land shadowed with b#HHing wings% >hih (is) beyond the ri!ers o$ 6thio*ia%
Isa 18:2 >hih sends ambassadors by sea% 6!en in !essels o$ reed on the waters% (saying%) .Go% swi$t
messengers% to a nation tall and smooth (o$ s'in%) To a *eo*le terrible $rom their beginning onward% + nation
*ower$#l and treading down% >hose land the ri!ers di!ide".
Isa 18:- +ll inhabitants o$ the world and dwellers on the earth: >hen he li$ts #* a banner on the mo#ntains% yo#
see (it&) +nd when he blows a tr#m*et% yo# hear (it")
Isa 18:0 ;or so the /8:2 said to me% .I will ta'e ?y rest% +nd I will loo' $rom ?y dwelling *lae /i'e lear heat
in s#nshine% /i'e a lo#d o$ dew in the heat o$ har!est".
Isa 18:1 ;or be$ore the har!est% when the b#d is *er$et +nd the so#r gra*e is ri*ening in the $lower% He will both
#t o$$ the s*rigs with *r#ning hoo's +nd ta'e away (and) #t down the branhes"
Isa 18:3 They will be le$t together $or the mo#ntain birds o$ *rey +nd $or the beasts o$ the earth& The birds o$
*rey will s#mmer on them% +nd all the beasts o$ the earth will winter on them"
Isa 18:4 In that time a *resent will be bro#ght to the /8:2 o$ hosts ;rom a *eo*le tall and smooth (o$ s'in%) +nd
$rom a *eo*le terrible $rom their beginning onward% + nation *ower$#l and treading down% >hose land the ri!ers
di!ide DD To the *lae o$ the name o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts% To ?o#nt Gion"
Isa 19:1 The b#rden against 6gy*t" Behold% the /8:2 rides on a swi$t lo#d% +nd will ome into 6gy*t& The
idols o$ 6gy*t will totter at His *resene% +nd the heart o$ 6gy*t will melt in its midst"
Isa 19:2 .I will set 6gy*tians against 6gy*tians& 6!eryone will $ight against his brother% +nd e!eryone against his
neighbor% =ity against ity% 'ingdom against 'ingdom"
Isa 19:- The s*irit o$ 6gy*t will $ail in its midst& I will destroy their o#nsel% +nd they will ons#lt the idols and the
harmers% The medi#ms and the sorerers"
Isa 19:0 +nd the 6gy*tians I will gi!e Into the hand o$ a r#el master% +nd a $iere 'ing will r#le o!er them%.
,ays the /ord% the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Isa 19:1 The waters will $ail $rom the sea% +nd the ri!er will be wasted and dried #*"
Isa 19:3 The ri!ers will t#rn $o#l& The broo's o$ de$ense will be em*tied and dried #*& The reeds and r#shes will
Isa 19:4 The *a*yr#s reeds by the :i!er% by the mo#th o$ the :i!er% +nd e!erything sown by the :i!er% >ill
wither% be dri!en away% and be no more"
Isa 19:8 The $ishermen also will mo#rn& +ll those will lament who ast hoo's into the :i!er% +nd they will
lang#ish who s*read nets on the waters"
Isa 19:9 ?oreo!er those who wor' in $ine $la9 +nd those who wea!e $ine $abri will be ashamed&
Isa 19:15 +nd its $o#ndations will be bro'en" +ll who ma'e wages (will be) tro#bled o$ so#l"
Isa 19:11 ,#rely the *rines o$ Goan (are) $ools& <haraohAs wise o#nselors gi!e $oolish o#nsel" How do yo#
say to <haraoh% .I (am) the son o$ the wise% The son o$ anient 'ingsC.
Isa 19:12 >here (are) theyC >here are yo#r wise menC /et them tell yo# now% +nd let them 'now what the
/8:2 o$ hosts has *#r*osed against 6gy*t"
Isa 19:1- The *rines o$ Goan ha!e beome $ools& The *rines o$ No*h are deei!ed& They ha!e also del#ded
6gy*t% (Those who are) the mainstay o$ its tribes"
Isa 19:10 The /8:2 has mingled a *er!erse s*irit in her midst& +nd they ha!e a#sed 6gy*t to err in all her
wor'% +s a dr#n'en man staggers in his !omit"
Isa 19:11 Neither will there be (any) wor' $or 6gy*t% >hih the head or tail% <alm branh or b#lr#sh% may do"
Isa 19:13 In that day 6gy*t will be li'e women% and will be a$raid and $ear bea#se o$ the wa!ing o$ the hand o$
the /8:2 o$ hosts% whih He wa!es o!er it"
Isa 19:14 +nd the land o$ J#dah will be a terror to 6gy*t& e!eryone who ma'es mention o$ it will be a$raid in
himsel$% bea#se o$ the o#nsel o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts whih He has determined against it"
Isa 19:18 In that day $i!e ities in the land o$ 6gy*t will s*ea' the lang#age o$ =anaan and swear by the /8:2
o$ hosts& one will be alled the =ity o$ 2estr#tion"
Isa 19:19 In that day there will be an altar to the /8:2 in the midst o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% and a *illar to the
/8:2 at its border"
Isa 19:25 +nd it will be $or a sign and $or a witness to the /8:2 o$ hosts in the land o$ 6gy*t& $or they will ry to
the /8:2 bea#se o$ the o**ressors% and He will send them a ,a!ior and a ?ighty 8ne% and He will deli!er
Isa 19:21 Then the /8:2 will be 'nown to 6gy*t% and the 6gy*tians will 'now the /8:2 in that day% and will
ma'e sari$ie and o$$ering& yes% they will ma'e a !ow to the /8:2 and *er$orm (it")
Isa 19:22 +nd the /8:2 will stri'e 6gy*t% He will stri'e and heal (it&) they will ret#rn to the /8:2% and He will be
entreated by them and heal them"
Isa 19:2- In that day there will be a highway $rom 6gy*t to +ssyria% and the +ssyrian will ome into 6gy*t and
the 6gy*tian into +ssyria% and the 6gy*tians will ser!e with the +ssyrians"
Isa 19:20 In that day Israel will be one o$ three with 6gy*t and +ssyria DD a blessing in the midst o$ the land%
Isa 19:21 whom the /8:2 o$ hosts shall bless% saying% .Blessed (is) 6gy*t ?y *eo*le% and +ssyria the wor' o$
?y hands% and Israel ?y inheritane".
Isa 25:1 In the year that Tartan ame to +shdod% when ,argon the 'ing o$ +ssyria sent him% and he $o#ght
against +shdod and too' it%
Isa 25:2 at the same time the /8:2 s*o'e by Isaiah the son o$ +moH% saying% .Go% and remo!e the sa'loth
$rom yo#r body% and ta'e yo#r sandals o$$ yo#r $eet". +nd he did so% wal'ing na'ed and bare$oot"
Isa 25:- Then the /8:2 said% .J#st as ?y ser!ant Isaiah has wal'ed na'ed and bare$oot three years ($or) a sign
and a wonder against 6gy*t and 6thio*ia%
Isa 25:0 .so shall the 'ing o$ +ssyria lead away the 6gy*tians as *risoners and the 6thio*ians as a*ti!es%
yo#ng and old% na'ed and bare$oot% with their b#tto's #no!ered% to the shame o$ 6gy*t"
Isa 25:1 .Then they shall be a$raid and ashamed o$ 6thio*ia their e9*etation and 6gy*t their glory"
Isa 25:3 .+nd the inhabitant o$ this territory will say in that day% A,#rely s#h (is) o#r e9*etation% where!er we
$lee $or hel* to be deli!ered $rom the 'ing o$ +ssyria& and how shall we esa*eCA .
Isa 21:1 The b#rden against the >ilderness o$ the ,ea" +s whirlwinds in the ,o#th *ass thro#gh% (,o) it omes
$rom the desert% $rom a terrible land"
Isa 21:2 + distressing !ision is delared to me& The treahero#s dealer deals treahero#sly% +nd the *l#nderer
*l#nders" Go #*% 8 6lamF Besiege% 8 ?ediaF +ll its sighing I ha!e made to ease"
Isa 21:- There$ore my loins are $illed with *ain& <angs ha!e ta'en hold o$ me% li'e the *angs o$ a woman in
labor" I was distressed when (I) heard (it&) I was dismayed when (I) saw (it")
Isa 21:0 ?y heart wa!ered% $ear$#lness $rightened me& The night $or whih I longed He t#rned into $ear $or me"
Isa 21:1 <re*are the table% ,et a wathman in the tower% 6at and drin'" +rise% yo# *rines% +noint the shieldF
Isa 21:3 ;or th#s has the /ord said to me: .Go% set a wathman% /et him delare what he sees".
Isa 21:4 +nd he saw a hariot (with) a *air o$ horsemen% + hariot o$ don'eys% (and) a hariot o$ amels% +nd he
listened earnestly with great are"
Isa 21:8 Then he ried% .+ lion% my /ordF I stand ontin#ally on the wathtower in the daytime& I ha!e sat at my
*ost e!ery night"
Isa 21:9 +nd loo'% here omes a hariot o$ men (with) a *air o$ horsemenF. Then he answered and said%
.Babylon is $allen% is $allenF +nd all the ar!ed images o$ her gods He has bro'en to the gro#nd".
Isa 21:15 8h% my threshing and the grain o$ my $loorF That whih I ha!e heard $rom the /8:2 o$ hosts% The God
o$ Israel% I ha!e delared to yo#"
Isa 21:11 The b#rden against 2#mah" He alls to me o#t o$ ,eir% .>athman% what o$ the nightC >athman%
what o$ the nightC.
Isa 21:12 The wathman said% .The morning omes% and also the night" I$ yo# will inE#ire% inE#ire& :et#rnF =ome
Isa 21:1- The b#rden against +rabia" In the $orest in +rabia yo# will lodge% 8 yo# tra!eling om*anies o$
Isa 21:10 8 inhabitants o$ the land o$ Tema% Bring water to him who is thirsty& >ith their bread they met him who
Isa 21:11 ;or they $led $rom the swords% $rom the drawn sword% ;rom the bent bow% and $rom the distress o$ war"
Isa 21:13 ;or th#s the /8:2 has said to me: .>ithin a year% aording to the year o$ a hired man% all the glory
o$ Kedar will $ail&
Isa 21:14 .and the remainder o$ the n#mber o$ arhers% the mighty men o$ the *eo*le o$ Kedar% will be
diminished& $or the /8:2 God o$ Israel has s*o'en (it".)
Isa 22:1 The b#rden against the Valley o$ Vision" >hat ails yo# now% that yo# ha!e all gone #* to the ho#seto*s%
Isa 22:2 Bo# who are $#ll o$ noise% + t#m#lt#o#s ity% a @oyo#s ityC Bo#r slain (men are) not slain with the
sword% Nor dead in battle"
Isa 22:- +ll yo#r r#lers ha!e $led together& They are a*t#red by the arhers" +ll who are $o#nd in yo# are bo#nd
together& They ha!e $led $rom a$ar"
Isa 22:0 There$ore I said% ./oo' away $rom me% I will wee* bitterly& 2o not labor to om$ort me Bea#se o$ the
*l#ndering o$ the da#ghter o$ my *eo*le".
Isa 22:1 ;or (it is) a day o$ tro#ble and treading down and *er*le9ity By the /ord G82 o$ hosts In the Valley o$
Vision DD Brea'ing down the walls +nd o$ rying to the mo#ntain"
Isa 22:3 6lam bore the E#i!er >ith hariots o$ men (and) horsemen% +nd Kir #no!ered the shield"
Isa 22:4 It shall ome to *ass (that) yo#r hoiest !alleys ,hall be $#ll o$ hariots% +nd the horsemen shall set
themsel!es in array at the gate"
Isa 22:8 He remo!ed the *rotetion o$ J#dah" Bo# loo'ed in that day to the armor o$ the Ho#se o$ the ;orest&
Isa 22:9 Bo# also saw the damage to the ity o$ 2a!id% That it was great& +nd yo# gathered together the waters
o$ the lower *ool"
Isa 22:15 Bo# n#mbered the ho#ses o$ Jer#salem% +nd the ho#ses yo# bro'e down To $orti$y the wall"
Isa 22:11 Bo# also made a reser!oir between the two walls ;or the water o$ the old *ool" B#t yo# did not loo' to
its ?a'er% Nor did yo# ha!e res*et $or Him who $ashioned it long ago"
Isa 22:12 +nd in that day the /ord G82 o$ hosts =alled $or wee*ing and $or mo#rning% ;or baldness and $or
girding with sa'loth"
Isa 22:1- B#t instead% @oy and gladness% ,laying o9en and 'illing shee*% 6ating meat and drin'ing wine: ./et #s
eat and drin'% $or tomorrow we dieF.
Isa 22:10 Then it was re!ealed in my hearing by the /8:2 o$ hosts% .,#rely $or this iniE#ity there will be no
atonement $or yo#% 6!en to yo#r death%. says the /ord G82 o$ hosts"
Isa 22:11 Th#s says the /ord G82 o$ hosts: .Go% *roeed to this steward% To ,hebna% who (is) o!er the ho#se%
(and say:)
Isa 22:13 A>hat ha!e yo# here% and whom ha!e yo# here% That yo# ha!e hewn a se*#lher here% (+s) he who
hews himsel$ a se*#lher on high% >ho ar!es a tomb $or himsel$ in a ro'C
Isa 22:14 Indeed% the /8:2 will throw yo# away !iolently% 8 mighty man% +nd will s#rely seiHe yo#"
Isa 22:18 He will s#rely t#rn !iolently and toss yo# li'e a ball Into a large o#ntry& There yo# shall die% and there
yo#r glorio#s hariots (,hall be) the shame o$ yo#r masterAs ho#se"
Isa 22:19 ,o I will dri!e yo# o#t o$ yo#r o$$ie% +nd $rom yo#r *osition he will *#ll yo# down"
Isa 22:25 A Then it shall be in that day% That I will all ?y ser!ant 6lia'im the son o$ Hil'iah&
Isa 22:21 I will lothe him with yo#r robe +nd strengthen him with yo#r belt& I will ommit yo#r res*onsibility into
his hand" He shall be a $ather to the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem +nd to the ho#se o$ J#dah"
Isa 22:22 The 'ey o$ the ho#se o$ 2a!id I will lay on his sho#lder& ,o he shall o*en% and no one shall sh#t& +nd
he shall sh#t% and no one shall o*en"
Isa 22:2- I will $asten him (as) a *eg in a se#re *lae% +nd he will beome a glorio#s throne to his $atherAs
Isa 22:20 AThey will hang on him all the glory o$ his $atherAs ho#se% the o$$s*ring and the *osterity% all !essels o$
small E#antity% $rom the #*s to all the *ithers"
Isa 22:21 AIn that day%A says the /8:2 o$ hosts% Athe *eg that is $astened in the se#re *lae will be remo!ed and
be #t down and $all% and the b#rden that (was) on it will be #t o$$& $or the /8:2 has s*o'en"A .
Isa 2-:1 The b#rden against Tyre" >ail% yo# shi*s o$ TarshishF ;or it is laid waste% ,o that there is no ho#se% no
harbor& ;rom the land o$ =y*r#s it is re!ealed to them"
Isa 2-:2 Be still% yo# inhabitants o$ the oastland% Bo# merhants o$ ,idon% >hom those who ross the sea ha!e
Isa 2-:- +nd on great waters the grain o$ ,hihor% The har!est o$ the :i!er% (is) her re!en#e& +nd she is a
mar'et*lae $or the nations"
Isa 2-:0 Be ashamed% 8 ,idon& ;or the sea has s*o'en% The strength o$ the sea% saying% .I do not labor% nor
bring $orth hildren& Neither do I rear yo#ng men% (Nor) bring #* !irgins".
Isa 2-:1 >hen the re*ort (reahes) 6gy*t% They also will be in agony at the re*ort o$ Tyre"
Isa 2-:3 =ross o!er to Tarshish& >ail% yo# inhabitants o$ the oastlandF
Isa 2-:4 (Is) this yo#r @oyo#s (ity%) >hose antiE#ity (is) $rom anient days% >hose $eet arried her $ar o$$ to
Isa 2-:8 >ho has ta'en this o#nsel against Tyre% the rowning (ity%) >hose merhants (are) *rines% >hose
traders (are) the honorable o$ the earthC
Isa 2-:9 The /8:2 o$ hosts has *#r*osed it% To bring to dishonor the *ride o$ all glory% To bring into ontem*t
all the honorable o$ the earth"
Isa 2-:15 8!er$low thro#gh yo#r land li'e the :i!er% 8 da#ghter o$ Tarshish& (There is) no more strength"
Isa 2-:11 He strethed o#t His hand o!er the sea% He shoo' the 'ingdoms& The /8:2 has gi!en a
ommandment against =anaan To destroy its strongholds"
Isa 2-:12 +nd He said% .Bo# will re@oie no more% 8 yo# o**ressed !irgin da#ghter o$ ,idon" +rise% ross o!er to
=y*r#s& There also yo# will ha!e no rest".
Isa 2-:1- Behold% the land o$ the =haldeans% This *eo*le (whih) was not& +ssyria $o#nded it $or wild beasts o$
the desert" They set #* its towers% They raised #* its *alaes% (+nd) bro#ght it to r#in"
Isa 2-:10 >ail% yo# shi*s o$ TarshishF ;or yo#r strength is laid waste"
Isa 2-:11 Now it shall ome to *ass in that day that Tyre will be $orgotten se!enty years% aording to the days
o$ one 'ing" +t the end o$ se!enty years it will ha**en to Tyre as (in) the song o$ the harlot:
Isa 2-:13 .Ta'e a har*% go abo#t the ity% Bo# $orgotten harlot& ?a'e sweet melody% sing many songs% That yo#
may be remembered".
Isa 2-:14 +nd it shall be% at the end o$ se!enty years% that the /8:2 will !isit Tyre" ,he will ret#rn to her hire%
and ommit $orniation with all the 'ingdoms o$ the world on the $ae o$ the earth"
Isa 2-:18 Her gain and her *ay will be set a*art $or the /8:2& it will not be treas#red nor laid #*% $or her gain
will be $or those who dwell be$ore the /8:2% to eat s#$$iiently% and $or $ine lothing"
Isa 20:1 Behold% the /8:2 ma'es the earth em*ty and ma'es it waste% 2istorts its s#r$ae +nd satters abroad
its inhabitants"
Isa 20:2 +nd it shall be: +s with the *eo*le% so with the *riest& +s with the ser!ant% so with his master& +s with
the maid% so with her mistress& +s with the b#yer% so with the seller& +s with the lender% so with the borrower& +s
with the reditor% so with the debtor"
Isa 20:- The land shall be entirely em*tied and #tterly *l#ndered% ;or the /8:2 has s*o'en this word"
Isa 20:0 The earth mo#rns (and) $ades away% The world lang#ishes (and) $ades away& The ha#ghty *eo*le o$ the
earth lang#ish"
Isa 20:1 The earth is also de$iled #nder its inhabitants% Bea#se they ha!e transgressed the laws% =hanged the
ordinane% Bro'en the e!erlasting o!enant"
Isa 20:3 There$ore the #rse has de!o#red the earth% +nd those who dwell in it are desolate" There$ore the
inhabitants o$ the earth are b#rned% +nd $ew men (are) le$t"
Isa 20:4 The new wine $ails% the !ine lang#ishes% +ll the merryDhearted sigh"
Isa 20:8 The mirth o$ the tambo#rine eases% The noise o$ the @#bilant ends% The @oy o$ the har* eases"
Isa 20:9 They shall not drin' wine with a song& ,trong drin' is bitter to those who drin' it"
Isa 20:15 The ity o$ on$#sion is bro'en down& 6!ery ho#se is sh#t #*% so that none may go in"
Isa 20:11 (There is) a ry $or wine in the streets% +ll @oy is dar'ened% The mirth o$ the land is gone"
Isa 20:12 In the ity desolation is le$t% +nd the gate is stri'en with destr#tion"
Isa 20:1- >hen it shall be th#s in the midst o$ the land among the *eo*le% (It shall be) li'e the sha'ing o$ an
oli!e tree% /i'e the gleaning o$ gra*es when the !intage is done"
Isa 20:10 They shall li$t #* their !oie% they shall sing& ;or the ma@esty o$ the /8:2 They shall ry alo#d $rom
the sea"
Isa 20:11 There$ore glori$y the /8:2 in the dawning light% The name o$ the /8:2 God o$ Israel in the
oastlands o$ the sea"
Isa 20:13 ;rom the ends o$ the earth we ha!e heard songs: .Glory to the righteo#sF. B#t I said% .I am r#ined%
r#inedF >oe to meF The treahero#s dealers ha!e dealt treahero#sly% Indeed% the treahero#s dealers ha!e
dealt !ery treahero#sly".
Isa 20:14 ;ear and the *it and the snare (+re) #*on yo#% 8 inhabitant o$ the earth"
Isa 20:18 +nd it shall be (That) he who $lees $rom the noise o$ the $ear ,hall $all into the *it% +nd he who omes
#* $rom the midst o$ the *it ,hall be a#ght in the snare& ;or the windows $rom on high are o*en% +nd the
$o#ndations o$ the earth are sha'en"
Isa 20:19 The earth is !iolently bro'en% The earth is s*lit o*en% The earth is sha'en e9eedingly"
Isa 20:25 The earth shall reel to and $ro li'e a dr#n'ard% +nd shall totter li'e a h#t& Its transgression shall be
hea!y #*on it% +nd it will $all% and not rise again"
Isa 20:21 It shall ome to *ass in that day (That) the /8:2 will *#nish on high the host o$ e9alted ones% +nd on
the earth the 'ings o$ the earth"
Isa 20:22 They will be gathered together% (+s) *risoners are gathered in the *it% +nd will be sh#t #* in the *rison&
+$ter many days they will be *#nished"
Isa 20:2- Then the moon will be disgraed +nd the s#n ashamed& ;or the /8:2 o$ hosts will reign 8n ?o#nt
Gion and in Jer#salem +nd be$ore His elders% glorio#sly"
Isa 21:1 8 /8:2% Bo# (are) my God" I will e9alt Bo#% I will *raise Bo#r name% ;or Bo# ha!e done wonder$#l
(things&) (Bo#r) o#nsels o$ old (are) $aith$#lness (and) tr#th"
Isa 21:2 ;or Bo# ha!e made a ity a r#in% + $orti$ied ity a r#in% + *alae o$ $oreigners to be a ity no more& It will
ne!er be reb#ilt"
Isa 21:- There$ore the strong *eo*le will glori$y Bo#& The ity o$ the terrible nations will $ear Bo#"
Isa 21:0 ;or Bo# ha!e been a strength to the *oor% + strength to the needy in his distress% + re$#ge $rom the
storm% + shade $rom the heat& ;or the blast o$ the terrible ones (is) as a storm (against) the wall"
Isa 21:1 Bo# will red#e the noise o$ aliens% +s heat in a dry *lae& (+s) heat in the shadow o$ a lo#d% The song
o$ the terrible ones will be diminished"
Isa 21:3 +nd in this mo#ntain The /8:2 o$ hosts will ma'e $or all *eo*le + $east o$ hoie *iees% + $east o$
wines on the lees% 8$ $at things $#ll o$ marrow% 8$ wellDre$ined wines on the lees"
Isa 21:4 +nd He will destroy on this mo#ntain The s#r$ae o$ the o!ering ast o!er all *eo*le% +nd the !eil that
is s*read o!er all nations"
Isa 21:8 He will swallow #* death $ore!er% +nd the /ord G82 will wi*e away tears $rom all $aes& The reb#'e o$
His *eo*le He will ta'e away $rom all the earth& ;or the /8:2 has s*o'en"
Isa 21:9 +nd it will be said in that day: .Behold% this (is) o#r God& >e ha!e waited $or Him% and He will sa!e #s"
This (is) the /8:2& >e ha!e waited $or Him& >e will be glad and re@oie in His sal!ation".
Isa 21:15 ;or on this mo#ntain the hand o$ the /8:2 will rest% +nd ?oab shall be tram*led down #nder Him% +s
straw is tram*led down $or the re$#se hea*"
Isa 21:11 +nd He will s*read o#t His hands in their midst +s a swimmer reahes o#t to swim% +nd He will bring
down their *ride Together with the tri'ery o$ their hands"
Isa 21:12 The $ortress o$ the high $ort o$ yo#r walls He will bring down% lay low% (+nd) bring to the gro#nd% down
to the d#st"
Isa 23:1 In that day this song will be s#ng in the land o$ J#dah: .>e ha!e a strong ity& (God) will a**oint
sal!ation ($or) walls and b#lwar's"
Isa 23:2 8*en the gates% That the righteo#s nation whih 'ee*s the tr#th may enter in"
Isa 23:- Bo# will 'ee* (him) in *er$et *eae% (>hose) mind (is) stayed (on Bo#%) Bea#se he tr#sts in Bo#"
Isa 23:0 Tr#st in the /8:2 $ore!er% ;or in B+H% the /8:2% (is) e!erlasting strength"
Isa 23:1 ;or He brings down those who dwell on high% The lo$ty ity& He lays it low% He lays it low to the gro#nd%
He brings it down to the d#st"
Isa 23:3 The $oot shall tread it down DD The $eet o$ the *oor (+nd) the ste*s o$ the needy".
Isa 23:4 The way o$ the @#st (is) #*rightness& 8 ?ost 7*right% Bo# weigh the *ath o$ the @#st"
Isa 23:8 Bes% in the way o$ Bo#r @#dgments% 8 /8:2% we ha!e waited $or Bo#& The desire o$ (o#r) so#l (is) $or
Bo#r name +nd $or the remembrane o$ Bo#"
Isa 23:9 >ith my so#l I ha!e desired Bo# in the night% Bes% by my s*irit within me I will see' Bo# early& ;or when
Bo#r @#dgments (are) in the earth% The inhabitants o$ the world will learn righteo#sness"
Isa 23:15 /et grae be shown to the wi'ed% (Bet) he will not learn righteo#sness& In the land o$ #*rightness he
will deal #n@#stly% +nd will not behold the ma@esty o$ the /8:2"
Isa 23:11 /8:2% (when) Bo#r hand is li$ted #*% they will not see" B#t they will see and be ashamed ;or (their)
en!y o$ *eo*le& Bes% the $ire o$ Bo#r enemies shall de!o#r them"
Isa 23:12 /8:2% Bo# will establish *eae $or #s% ;or Bo# ha!e also done all o#r wor's in #s"
Isa 23:1- 8 /8:2 o#r God% masters besides Bo# Ha!e had dominion o!er #s& (B#t) by Bo# only we ma'e
mention o$ Bo#r name"
Isa 23:10 (They are) dead% they will not li!e& (They are) deeased% they will not rise" There$ore Bo# ha!e
*#nished and destroyed them% +nd made all their memory to *erish"
Isa 23:11 Bo# ha!e inreased the nation% 8 /8:2% Bo# ha!e inreased the nation& Bo# are glori$ied& Bo# ha!e
e9*anded all the borders o$ the land"
Isa 23:13 /8:2% in tro#ble they ha!e !isited Bo#% They *o#red o#t a *rayer (when) Bo#r hastening (was) #*on
Isa 23:14 +s a woman with hild Is in *ain and ries o#t in her *angs% >hen she draws near the time o$ her
deli!ery% ,o ha!e we been in Bo#r sight% 8 /8:2"
Isa 23:18 >e ha!e been with hild% we ha!e been in *ain& >e ha!e% as it were% bro#ght $orth wind& >e ha!e not
aom*lished any deli!erane in the earth% Nor ha!e the inhabitants o$ the world $allen"
Isa 23:19 Bo#r dead shall li!e& (Together with) my dead body they shall arise" +wa'e and sing% yo# who dwell in
d#st& ;or yo#r dew (is li'e) the dew o$ herbs% +nd the earth shall ast o#t the dead"
Isa 23:25 =ome% my *eo*le% enter yo#r hambers% +nd sh#t yo#r doors behind yo#& Hide yo#rsel$% as it were% $or
a little moment% 7ntil the indignation is *ast"
Isa 23:21 ;or behold% the /8:2 omes o#t o$ His *lae To *#nish the inhabitants o$ the earth $or their iniE#ity&
The earth will also dislose her blood% +nd will no more o!er her slain"
Isa 24:1 In that day the /8:2 with His se!ere sword% great and strong% >ill *#nish /e!iathan the $leeing
ser*ent% /e!iathan that twisted ser*ent& +nd He will slay the re*tile that (is) in the sea"
Isa 24:2 In that day sing to her% .+ !ineyard o$ red wineF
Isa 24:- I% the /8:2% 'ee* it% I water it e!ery moment& /est any h#rt it% I 'ee* it night and day"
Isa 24:0 ;#ry (is) not in ?e" >ho wo#ld set briers (and) thorns +gainst ?e in battleC I wo#ld go thro#gh them% I
wo#ld b#rn them together"
Isa 24:1 8r let him ta'e hold o$ ?y strength% (That) he may ma'e *eae with ?e& (+nd) he shall ma'e *eae
with ?e".
Isa 24:3 Those who ome He shall a#se to ta'e root in Jaob& Israel shall blossom and b#d% +nd $ill the $ae o$
the world with $r#it"
Isa 24:4 Has He str#' Israel as He str#' those who str#' himC 8r has He been slain aording to the
sla#ghter o$ those who were slain by HimC
Isa 24:8 In meas#re% by sending it away% Bo# ontended with it" He remo!es (it) by His ro#gh wind In the day o$
the east wind"
Isa 24:9 There$ore by this the iniE#ity o$ Jaob will be o!ered& +nd this (is) all the $r#it o$ ta'ing away his sin:
>hen he ma'es all the stones o$ the altar /i'e hal'stones that are beaten to d#st% >ooden images and inense
altars shall not stand"
Isa 24:15 Bet the $orti$ied ity (will be) desolate% The habitation $orsa'en and le$t li'e a wilderness& There the al$
will $eed% and there it will lie down +nd ons#me its branhes"
Isa 24:11 >hen its bo#ghs are withered% they will be bro'en o$$& The women ome (and) set them on $ire" ;or it
(is) a *eo*le o$ no #nderstanding& There$ore He who made them will not ha!e mery on them% +nd He who
$ormed them will show them no $a!or"
Isa 24:12 +nd it shall ome to *ass in that day (That) the /8:2 will thresh% ;rom the hannel o$ the :i!er to the
Broo' o$ 6gy*t& +nd yo# will be gathered one by one% 8 yo# hildren o$ Israel"
Isa 24:1- ,o it shall be in that day: The great tr#m*et will be blown& They will ome% who are abo#t to *erish in
the land o$ +ssyria% +nd they who are o#tasts in the land o$ 6gy*t% +nd shall worshi* the /8:2 in the holy
mo#nt at Jer#salem"
Isa 28:1 >oe to the rown o$ *ride% to the dr#n'ards o$ 6*hraim% >hose glorio#s bea#ty (is) a $ading $lower
>hih (is) at the head o$ the !erdant !alleys% To those who are o!erome with wineF
Isa 28:2 Behold% the /ord has a mighty and strong one% /i'e a tem*est o$ hail and a destroying storm% /i'e a
$lood o$ mighty waters o!er$lowing% >ho will bring (them) down to the earth with (His) hand"
Isa 28:- The rown o$ *ride% the dr#n'ards o$ 6*hraim% >ill be tram*led #nder$oot&
Isa 28:0 +nd the glorio#s bea#ty is a $ading $lower >hih (is) at the head o$ the !erdant !alley% /i'e the $irst $r#it
be$ore the s#mmer% >hih an obser!er sees& He eats it #* while it is still in his hand"
Isa 28:1 In that day the /8:2 o$ hosts will be ;or a rown o$ glory and a diadem o$ bea#ty To the remnant o$
His *eo*le%
Isa 28:3 ;or a s*irit o$ @#stie to him who sits in @#dgment% +nd $or strength to those who t#rn ba' the battle at
the gate"
Isa 28:4 B#t they also ha!e erred thro#gh wine% +nd thro#gh into9iating drin' are o#t o$ the way& The *riest and
the *ro*het ha!e erred thro#gh into9iating drin'% They are swallowed #* by wine% They are o#t o$ the way
thro#gh into9iating drin'& They err in !ision% they st#mble (in) @#dgment"
Isa 28:8 ;or all tables are $#ll o$ !omit (and) $ilth& No *lae (is lean")
Isa 28:9 . >hom will he teah 'nowledgeC +nd whom will he ma'e to #nderstand the messageC Those (@#st)
weaned $rom mil'C Those (@#st) drawn $rom the breastsC
Isa 28:15 ;or *ree*t (m#st be) #*on *ree*t% *ree*t #*on *ree*t% /ine #*on line% line #*on line% Here a little%
there a little".
Isa 28:11 ;or with stammering li*s and another tong#e He will s*ea' to this *eo*le%
Isa 28:12 To whom He said% .This (is) the rest (with whih) Bo# may a#se the weary to rest%. +nd% .This (is) the
re$reshing.& Bet they wo#ld not hear"
Isa 28:1- B#t the word o$ the /8:2 was to them% .<ree*t #*on *ree*t% *ree*t #*on *ree*t% /ine #*on line%
line #*on line% Here a little% there a little%. That they might go and $all ba'ward% and be bro'en +nd snared and
Isa 28:10 There$ore hear the word o$ the /8:2% yo# sorn$#l men% >ho r#le this *eo*le who (are) in Jer#salem%
Isa 28:11 Bea#se yo# ha!e said% .>e ha!e made a o!enant with death% +nd with ,heol we are in agreement"
>hen the o!er$lowing so#rge *asses thro#gh% It will not ome to #s% ;or we ha!e made lies o#r re$#ge% +nd
#nder $alsehood we ha!e hidden o#rsel!es".
Isa 28:13 There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% I lay in Gion a stone $or a $o#ndation% + tried stone% a
*reio#s ornerstone% a s#re $o#ndation& >hoe!er belie!es will not at hastily"
Isa 28:14 +lso I will ma'e @#stie the meas#ring line% +nd righteo#sness the *l#mmet& The hail will swee* away
the re$#ge o$ lies% +nd the waters will o!er$low the hiding *lae"
Isa 28:18 Bo#r o!enant with death will be ann#lled% +nd yo#r agreement with ,heol will not stand& >hen the
o!er$lowing so#rge *asses thro#gh% Then yo# will be tram*led down by it"
Isa 28:19 +s o$ten as it goes o#t it will ta'e yo#& ;or morning by morning it will *ass o!er% +nd by day and by
night& It will be a terror @#st to #nderstand the re*ort".
Isa 28:25 ;or the bed is too short to streth o#t (on%) +nd the o!ering so narrow that one annot wra* himsel$
(in it")
Isa 28:21 ;or the /8:2 will rise #* as (at) ?o#nt <eraHim% He will be angry as in the Valley o$ Gibeon DD That
He may do His wor'% His awesome wor'% +nd bring to *ass His at% His #n#s#al at"
Isa 28:22 Now there$ore% do not be mo'ers% /est yo#r bonds be made strong& ;or I ha!e heard $rom the /ord
G82 o$ hosts% + destr#tion determined e!en #*on the whole earth"
Isa 28:2- Gi!e ear and hear my !oie% /isten and hear my s*eeh"
Isa 28:20 2oes the *lowman 'ee* *lowing all day to sowC 2oes he 'ee* t#rning his soil and brea'ing the
Isa 28:21 >hen he has le!eled its s#r$ae% 2oes he not sow the bla' #mmin +nd satter the #mmin% <lant
the wheat in rows% The barley in the a**ointed *lae% +nd the s*elt in its *laeC
Isa 28:23 ;or He instr#ts him in right @#dgment% His God teahes him"
Isa 28:24 ;or the bla' #mmin is not threshed with a threshing sledge% Nor is a artwheel rolled o!er the
#mmin& B#t the bla' #mmin is beaten o#t with a sti'% +nd the #mmin with a rod"
Isa 28:28 Bread ($lo#r) m#st be gro#nd& There$ore he does not thresh it $ore!er% Brea' (it with) his artwheel% 8r
r#sh it (with) his horsemen"
Isa 28:29 This also omes $rom the /8:2 o$ hosts% (>ho) is wonder$#l in o#nsel (and) e9ellent in g#idane"
Isa 29:1 .>oe to +riel% to +riel% the ity (where) 2a!id dweltF +dd year to year& /et $easts ome aro#nd"
Isa 29:2 Bet I will distress +riel& There shall be hea!iness and sorrow% +nd it shall be to ?e as +riel"
Isa 29:- I will enam* against yo# all aro#nd% I will lay siege against yo# with a mo#nd% +nd I will raise
siegewor's against yo#"
Isa 29:0 Bo# shall be bro#ght down% Bo# shall s*ea' o#t o$ the gro#nd& Bo#r s*eeh shall be low% o#t o$ the
d#st& Bo#r !oie shall be li'e a medi#mAs% o#t o$ the gro#nd& +nd yo#r s*eeh shall whis*er o#t o$ the d#st"
Isa 29:1 . ?oreo!er the m#ltit#de o$ yo#r $oes ,hall be li'e $ine d#st% +nd the m#ltit#de o$ the terrible ones /i'e
ha$$ that *asses away& Bes% it shall be in an instant% s#ddenly"
Isa 29:3 Bo# will be *#nished by the /8:2 o$ hosts >ith th#nder and earthE#a'e and great noise% (>ith) storm
and tem*est +nd the $lame o$ de!o#ring $ire"
Isa 29:4 The m#ltit#de o$ all the nations who $ight against +riel% 6!en all who $ight against her and her $ortress%
+nd distress her% ,hall be as a dream o$ a night !ision"
Isa 29:8 It shall e!en be as when a h#ngry man dreams% +nd loo' DD he eats& B#t he awa'es% and his so#l is still
em*ty& 8r as when a thirsty man dreams% +nd loo' DD he drin's& B#t he awa'es% and indeed (he is) $aint% +nd his
so#l still ra!es: ,o the m#ltit#de o$ all the nations shall be% >ho $ight against ?o#nt Gion".
Isa 29:9 <a#se and wonderF Blind yo#rsel!es and be blindF They are dr#n'% b#t not with wine& They stagger% b#t
not with into9iating drin'"
Isa 29:15 ;or the /8:2 has *o#red o#t on yo# The s*irit o$ dee* slee*% +nd has losed yo#r eyes% namely% the
*ro*hets& +nd He has o!ered yo#r heads% (namely%) the seers"
Isa 29:11 The whole !ision has beome to yo# li'e the words o$ a boo' that is sealed% whih (men) deli!er to
one who is literate% saying% .:ead this% *lease". +nd he says% .I annot% $or it (is) sealed".
Isa 29:12 Then the boo' is deli!ered to one who is illiterate% saying% .:ead this% *lease". +nd he says% .I am not
Isa 29:1- There$ore the /8:2 said: .Inasm#h as these *eo*le draw near with their mo#ths +nd honor ?e with
their li*s% B#t ha!e remo!ed their hearts $ar $rom ?e% +nd their $ear toward ?e is ta#ght by the ommandment o$
Isa 29:10 There$ore% behold% I will again do a mar!elo#s wor' +mong this *eo*le% + mar!elo#s wor' and a
wonder& ;or the wisdom o$ their wise (men) shall *erish% +nd the #nderstanding o$ their *r#dent (men) shall be
Isa 29:11 >oe to those who see' dee* to hide their o#nsel $ar $rom the /8:2% +nd their wor's are in the dar'&
They say% .>ho sees #sC. and% .>ho 'nows #sC.
Isa 29:13 ,#rely yo# ha!e things t#rned aro#ndF ,hall the *otter be esteemed as the lay& ;or shall the thing
made say o$ him who made it% .He did not ma'e me.C 8r shall the thing $ormed say o$ him who $ormed it% .He
has no #nderstanding.C
Isa 29:14 (Is) it not yet a !ery little while Till /ebanon shall be t#rned into a $r#it$#l $ield% +nd the $r#it$#l $ield be
esteemed as a $orestC
Isa 29:18 In that day the dea$ shall hear the words o$ the boo'% +nd the eyes o$ the blind shall see o#t o$
obs#rity and o#t o$ dar'ness"
Isa 29:19 The h#mble also shall inrease (their) @oy in the /8:2% +nd the *oor among men shall re@oie In the
Holy 8ne o$ Israel"
Isa 29:25 ;or the terrible one is bro#ght to nothing% The sorn$#l one is ons#med% +nd all who wath $or iniE#ity
are #t o$$ DD
Isa 29:21 >ho ma'e a man an o$$ender by a word% +nd lay a snare $or him who re*ro!es in the gate% +nd t#rn
aside the @#st by em*ty words"
Isa 29:22 There$ore th#s says the /8:2% who redeemed +braham% onerning the ho#se o$ Jaob: .Jaob shall
not now be ashamed% Nor shall his $ae now grow *ale&
Isa 29:2- B#t when he sees his hildren% The wor' o$ ?y hands% in his midst% They will hallow ?y name% +nd
hallow the Holy 8ne o$ Jaob% +nd $ear the God o$ Israel"
Isa 29:20 These also who erred in s*irit will ome to #nderstanding% +nd those who om*lained will learn
Isa -5:1 .>oe to the rebellio#s hildren%. says the /8:2% .>ho ta'e o#nsel% b#t not o$ ?e% +nd who de!ise
*lans% b#t not o$ ?y ,*irit% That they may add sin to sin&
Isa -5:2 >ho wal' to go down to 6gy*t% +nd ha!e not as'ed ?y ad!ie% To strengthen themsel!es in the
strength o$ <haraoh% +nd to tr#st in the shadow o$ 6gy*tF
Isa -5:- There$ore the strength o$ <haraoh ,hall be yo#r shame% +nd tr#st in the shadow o$ 6gy*t ,hall be
(yo#r) h#miliation"
Isa -5:0 ;or his *rines were at Goan% +nd his ambassadors ame to Hanes"
Isa -5:1 They were all ashamed o$ a *eo*le (who) o#ld not bene$it them% 8r be hel* or bene$it% B#t a shame
and also a re*roah".
Isa -5:3 The b#rden against the beasts o$ the ,o#th" Thro#gh a land o$ tro#ble and ang#ish% ;rom whih (ame)
the lioness and lion% The !i*er and $iery $lying ser*ent% They will arry their rihes on the ba's o$ yo#ng
don'eys% +nd their treas#res on the h#m*s o$ amels% To a *eo*le (who) shall not *ro$it&
Isa -5:4 ;or the 6gy*tians shall hel* in !ain and to no *#r*ose" There$ore I ha!e alled her :ahabDHemD
Isa -5:8 Now go% write it be$ore them on a tablet% +nd note it on a sroll% That it may be $or time to ome%
;ore!er and e!er:
Isa -5:9 That this (is) a rebellio#s *eo*le% /ying hildren% =hildren (who) will not hear the law o$ the /8:2&
Isa -5:15 >ho say to the seers% .2o not see%. +nd to the *ro*hets% .2o not *ro*hesy to #s right things& ,*ea' to
#s smooth things% *ro*hesy deeits"
Isa -5:11 Get o#t o$ the way% T#rn aside $rom the *ath% =a#se the Holy 8ne o$ Israel To ease $rom be$ore #s".
Isa -5:12 There$ore th#s says the Holy 8ne o$ Israel: .Bea#se yo# des*ise this word% +nd tr#st in o**ression
and *er!ersity% +nd rely on them%
Isa -5:1- There$ore this iniE#ity shall be to yo# /i'e a breah ready to $all% + b#lge in a high wall% >hose
brea'ing omes s#ddenly% in an instant"
Isa -5:10 +nd He shall brea' it li'e the brea'ing o$ the *otterAs !essel% >hih is bro'en in *iees& He shall not
s*are" ,o there shall not be $o#nd among its $ragments + shard to ta'e $ire $rom the hearth% 8r to ta'e water
$rom the istern".
Isa -5:11 ;or th#s says the /ord G82% the Holy 8ne o$ Israel: .In ret#rning and rest yo# shall be sa!ed& In
E#ietness and on$idene shall be yo#r strength". B#t yo# wo#ld not%
Isa -5:13 +nd yo# said% .No% $or we will $lee on horses. DD There$ore yo# shall $leeF +nd% .>e will ride on swi$t
(horses. DD There$ore) those who *#rs#e yo# shall be swi$tF
Isa -5:14 8ne tho#sand (shall $lee) at the threat o$ one% +t the threat o$ $i!e yo# shall $lee% Till yo# are le$t as a
*ole on to* o$ a mo#ntain +nd as a banner on a hill"
Isa -5:18 There$ore the /8:2 will wait% that He may be graio#s to yo#& +nd there$ore He will be e9alted% that
He may ha!e mery on yo#" ;or the /8:2 (is) a God o$ @#stie& Blessed (are) all those who wait $or Him"
Isa -5:19 ;or the *eo*le shall dwell in Gion at Jer#salem& Bo# shall wee* no more" He will be !ery graio#s to
yo# at the so#nd o$ yo#r ry& >hen He hears it% He will answer yo#"
Isa -5:25 +nd (tho#gh) the /ord gi!es yo# The bread o$ ad!ersity and the water o$ a$$lition% Bet yo#r teahers
will not be mo!ed into a orner anymore% B#t yo#r eyes shall see yo#r teahers"
Isa -5:21 Bo#r ears shall hear a word behind yo#% saying% .This (is) the way% wal' in it%. >hene!er yo# t#rn to
the right hand 8r whene!er yo# t#rn to the le$t"
Isa -5:22 Bo# will also de$ile the o!ering o$ yo#r gra!en images o$ sil!er% +nd the ornament o$ yo#r molded
images o$ gold" Bo# will throw them away as an #nlean thing& Bo# will say to them% .Get awayF.
Isa -5:2- Then He will gi!e the rain $or yo#r seed >ith whih yo# sow the gro#nd% +nd bread o$ the inrease o$
the earth& It will be $at and *lenti$#l" In that day yo#r attle will $eed In large *ast#res"
Isa -5:20 /i'ewise the o9en and the yo#ng don'eys that wor' the gro#nd >ill eat #red $odder% >hih has been
winnowed with the sho!el and $an"
Isa -5:21 There will be on e!ery high mo#ntain +nd on e!ery high hill :i!ers (and) streams o$ waters% In the day
o$ the great sla#ghter% >hen the towers $all"
Isa -5:23 ?oreo!er the light o$ the moon will be as the light o$ the s#n% +nd the light o$ the s#n will be se!en$old%
+s the light o$ se!en days% In the day that the /8:2 binds #* the br#ise o$ His *eo*le +nd heals the stro'e o$
their wo#nd"
Isa -5:24 Behold% the name o$ the /8:2 omes $rom a$ar% B#rning (with) His anger% +nd (His) b#rden (is) hea!y&
His li*s are $#ll o$ indignation% +nd His tong#e li'e a de!o#ring $ire"
Isa -5:28 His breath is li'e an o!er$lowing stream% >hih reahes #* to the ne'% To si$t the nations with the
sie!e o$ $#tility& +nd (there shall be) a bridle in the @aws o$ the *eo*le% =a#sing (them) to err"
Isa -5:29 Bo# shall ha!e a song +s in the night (when) a holy $esti!al is 'e*t% +nd gladness o$ heart as when
one goes with a $l#te% To ome into the mo#ntain o$ the /8:2% To the ?ighty 8ne o$ Israel"
Isa -5:-5 The /8:2 will a#se His glorio#s !oie to be heard% +nd show the desent o$ His arm% >ith the
indignation o$ (His) anger +nd the $lame o$ a de!o#ring $ire% (>ith) sattering% tem*est% and hailstones"
Isa -5:-1 ;or thro#gh the !oie o$ the /8:2 +ssyria will be beaten down% (+s) He stri'es with the rod"
Isa -5:-2 +nd (in) e!ery *lae where the sta$$ o$ *#nishment *asses% >hih the /8:2 lays on him% (It) will be
with tambo#rines and har*s& +nd in battles o$ brandishing He will $ight with it"
Isa -5:-- ;or To*het (was) established o$ old% Bes% $or the 'ing it is *re*ared" He has made (it) dee* and large&
Its *yre (is) $ire with m#h wood& The breath o$ the /8:2% li'e a stream o$ brimstone% Kindles it"
Isa -1:1 >oe to those who go down to 6gy*t $or hel*% (+nd) rely on horses% >ho tr#st in hariots bea#se (they
are) many% +nd in horsemen bea#se they are !ery strong% B#t who do not loo' to the Holy 8ne o$ Israel% Nor
see' the /8:2F
Isa -1:2 Bet He also (is) wise and will bring disaster% +nd will not all ba' His words% B#t will arise against the
ho#se o$ e!ildoers% +nd against the hel* o$ those who wor' iniE#ity"
Isa -1:- Now the 6gy*tians (are) men% and not God& +nd their horses are $lesh% and not s*irit" >hen the /8:2
strethes o#t His hand% Both he who hel*s will $all% +nd he who is hel*ed will $all down& They all will *erish
Isa -1:0 ;or th#s the /8:2 has s*o'en to me: .+s a lion roars% +nd a yo#ng lion o!er his *rey I>hen a
m#ltit#de o$ she*herds is s#mmoned against him% (He) will not be a$raid o$ their !oie Nor be dist#rbed by their
noiseJ% ,o the /8:2 o$ hosts will ome down To $ight $or ?o#nt Gion and $or its hill"
Isa -1:1 /i'e birds $lying abo#t% ,o will the /8:2 o$ hosts de$end Jer#salem" 2e$ending% He will also deli!er (it&)
<assing o!er% He will *reser!e (it".)
Isa -1:3 :et#rn (to Him) against whom the hildren o$ Israel ha!e dee*ly re!olted"
Isa -1:4 ;or in that day e!ery man shall throw away his idols o$ sil!er and his idols o$ gold DD sin% whih yo#r own
hands ha!e made $or yo#rsel!es"
Isa -1:8 .Then +ssyria shall $all by a sword not o$ man% +nd a sword not o$ man'ind shall de!o#r him" B#t he
shall $lee $rom the sword% +nd his yo#ng men shall beome $ored labor"
Isa -1:9 He shall ross o!er to his stronghold $or $ear% +nd his *rines shall be a$raid o$ the banner%. ,ays the
/8:2% >hose $ire (is) in Gion +nd whose $#rnae (is) in Jer#salem"
Isa -2:1 Behold% a 'ing will reign in righteo#sness% +nd *rines will r#le with @#stie"
Isa -2:2 + man will be as a hiding *lae $rom the wind% +nd a o!er $rom the tem*est% +s ri!ers o$ water in a dry
*lae% +s the shadow o$ a great ro' in a weary land"
Isa -2:- The eyes o$ those who see will not be dim% +nd the ears o$ those who hear will listen"
Isa -2:0 +lso the heart o$ the rash will #nderstand 'nowledge% +nd the tong#e o$ the stammerers will be ready
to s*ea' *lainly"
Isa -2:1 The $oolish *erson will no longer be alled genero#s% Nor the miser said (to be) bo#nti$#l&
Isa -2:3 ;or the $oolish *erson will s*ea' $oolishness% +nd his heart will wor' iniE#ity: To *ratie #ngodliness%
To #tter error against the /8:2% To 'ee* the h#ngry #nsatis$ied% +nd he will a#se the drin' o$ the thirsty to $ail"
Isa -2:4 +lso the shemes o$ the shemer (are) e!il& He de!ises wi'ed *lans To destroy the *oor with lying
words% 6!en when the needy s*ea's @#stie"
Isa -2:8 B#t a genero#s man de!ises genero#s things% +nd by generosity he shall stand"
Isa -2:9 :ise #*% yo# women who are at ease% Hear my !oie& Bo# om*laent da#ghters% Gi!e ear to my
Isa -2:15 In a year and (some) days Bo# will be tro#bled% yo# om*laent women& ;or the !intage will $ail% The
gathering will not ome"
Isa -2:11 Tremble% yo# (women) who are at ease& Be tro#bled% yo# om*laent ones& ,tri* yo#rsel!es% ma'e
yo#rsel!es bare% +nd gird (sa'loth) on (yo#r) waists"
Isa -2:12 <eo*le shall mo#rn #*on their breasts ;or the *leasant $ields% $or the $r#it$#l !ine"
Isa -2:1- 8n the land o$ my *eo*le will ome #* thorns (and) briers% Bes% on all the ha**y homes (in) the @oyo#s
Isa -2:10 Bea#se the *alaes will be $orsa'en% The b#stling ity will be deserted" The $orts and towers will
beome lairs $ore!er% + @oy o$ wild don'eys% a *ast#re o$ $lo's DD
Isa -2:11 7ntil the ,*irit is *o#red #*on #s $rom on high% +nd the wilderness beomes a $r#it$#l $ield% +nd the
$r#it$#l $ield is o#nted as a $orest"
Isa -2:13 Then @#stie will dwell in the wilderness% +nd righteo#sness remain in the $r#it$#l $ield"
Isa -2:14 The wor' o$ righteo#sness will be *eae% +nd the e$$et o$ righteo#sness% E#ietness and ass#rane
Isa -2:18 ?y *eo*le will dwell in a *eae$#l habitation% In se#re dwellings% and in E#iet resting *laes%
Isa -2:19 Tho#gh hail omes down on the $orest% +nd the ity is bro#ght low in h#miliation"
Isa -2:25 Blessed (are) yo# who sow beside all waters% >ho send o#t $reely the $eet o$ the o9 and the don'ey"
Isa --:1 >oe to yo# who *l#nder% tho#gh yo# (ha!e) not (been) *l#ndered& +nd yo# who deal treahero#sly%
tho#gh they ha!e not dealt treahero#sly with yo#F >hen yo# ease *l#ndering% Bo# will be *l#ndered& >hen
yo# ma'e an end o$ dealing treahero#sly% They will deal treahero#sly with yo#"
Isa --:2 8 /8:2% be graio#s to #s& >e ha!e waited $or Bo#" Be their arm e!ery morning% 8#r sal!ation also in
the time o$ tro#ble"
Isa --:- +t the noise o$ the t#m#lt the *eo*le shall $lee& >hen Bo# li$t Bo#rsel$ #*% the nations shall be
Isa --:0 +nd Bo#r *l#nder shall be gathered (/i'e) the gathering o$ the ater*illar& +s the r#nning to and $ro o$
lo#sts% He shall r#n #*on them"
Isa --:1 The /8:2 is e9alted% $or He dwells on high& He has $illed Gion with @#stie and righteo#sness"
Isa --:3 >isdom and 'nowledge will be the stability o$ yo#r times% (+nd) the strength o$ sal!ation& The $ear o$
the /8:2 (is) His treas#re"
Isa --:4 ,#rely their !aliant ones shall ry o#tside% The ambassadors o$ *eae shall wee* bitterly"
Isa --:8 The highways lie waste% The tra!eling man eases" He has bro'en the o!enant% He has des*ised the
ities% He regards no man"
Isa --:9 The earth mo#rns (and) lang#ishes% /ebanon is shamed (and) shri!eled& ,haron is li'e a wilderness%
+nd Bashan and =armel sha'e o$$ (their $r#its")
Isa --:15 . Now I will rise%. says the /8:2& .Now I will be e9alted% Now I will li$t ?ysel$ #*"
Isa --:11 Bo# shall onei!e ha$$% Bo# shall bring $orth st#bble& Bo#r breath% (as) $ire% shall de!o#r yo#"
Isa --:12 +nd the *eo*le shall be (li'e) the b#rnings o$ lime& (/i'e) thorns #t #* they shall be b#rned in the $ire"
Isa --:1- Hear% yo# (who are) a$ar o$$% what I ha!e done& +nd yo# (who are) near% a'nowledge ?y might".
Isa --:10 The sinners in Gion are a$raid& ;ear$#lness has seiHed the hy*orites: .>ho among #s shall dwell with
the de!o#ring $ireC >ho among #s shall dwell with e!erlasting b#rningsC.
Isa --:11 He who wal's righteo#sly and s*ea's #*rightly% He who des*ises the gain o$ o**ressions% >ho
gest#res with his hands% re$#sing bribes% >ho sto*s his ears $rom hearing o$ bloodshed% +nd sh#ts his eyes $rom
seeing e!il:
Isa --:13 He will dwell on high& His *lae o$ de$ense (will be) the $ortress o$ ro's& Bread will be gi!en him% His
water (will be) s#re"
Isa --:14 Bo#r eyes will see the King in His bea#ty& They will see the land that is !ery $ar o$$"
Isa --:18 Bo#r heart will meditate on terror: .>here (is) the sribeC >here (is) he who weighsC >here (is) he
who o#nts the towersC.
Isa --:19 Bo# will not see a $iere *eo*le% + *eo*le o$ obs#re s*eeh% beyond *ere*tion% 8$ a stammering
tong#e (that yo#) annot #nderstand"
Isa --:25 /oo' #*on Gion% the ity o$ o#r a**ointed $easts& Bo#r eyes will see Jer#salem% a E#iet home% +
tabernale (that) will not be ta'en down& Not one o$ its sta'es will e!er be remo!ed% Nor will any o$ its ords be
Isa --:21 B#t there the ma@esti /8:2 (will be) $or #s + *lae o$ broad ri!ers (and) streams% In whih no galley
with oars will sail% Nor ma@esti shi*s *ass by
Isa --:22 I;or the /8:2 (is) o#r J#dge% The /8:2 (is) o#r /awgi!er% The /8:2 (is) o#r King& He will sa!e #sJ&
Isa --:2- Bo#r ta'le is loosed% They o#ld not strengthen their mast% They o#ld not s*read the sail" Then the
*rey o$ great *l#nder is di!ided& The lame ta'e the *rey"
Isa --:20 +nd the inhabitant will not say% .I am si'.& The *eo*le who dwell in it (will be) $orgi!en (their) iniE#ity"
Isa -0:1 =ome near% yo# nations% to hear& +nd heed% yo# *eo*leF /et the earth hear% and all that is in it% The
world and all things that ome $orth $rom it"
Isa -0:2 ;or the indignation o$ the /8:2 (is) against all nations% +nd (His) $#ry against all their armies& He has
#tterly destroyed them% He has gi!en them o!er to the sla#ghter"
Isa -0:- +lso their slain shall be thrown o#t& Their stenh shall rise $rom their or*ses% +nd the mo#ntains shall
be melted with their blood"
Isa -0:0 +ll the host o$ hea!en shall be dissol!ed% +nd the hea!ens shall be rolled #* li'e a sroll& +ll their host
shall $all down +s the lea$ $alls $rom the !ine% +nd as ($r#it) $alling $rom a $ig tree"
Isa -0:1 . ;or ?y sword shall be bathed in hea!en& Indeed it shall ome down on 6dom% +nd on the *eo*le o$
?y #rse% $or @#dgment"
Isa -0:3 The sword o$ the /8:2 is $illed with blood% It is made o!er$lowing with $atness% >ith the blood o$ lambs
and goats% >ith the $at o$ the 'idneys o$ rams" ;or the /8:2 has a sari$ie in BoHrah% +nd a great sla#ghter in
the land o$ 6dom"
Isa -0:4 The wild o9en shall ome down with them% +nd the yo#ng b#lls with the mighty b#lls& Their land shall
be soa'ed with blood% +nd their d#st sat#rated with $atness".
Isa -0:8 ;or (it is) the day o$ the /8:2As !engeane% The year o$ reom*ense $or the a#se o$ Gion"
Isa -0:9 Its streams shall be t#rned into *ith% +nd its d#st into brimstone& Its land shall beome b#rning *ith"
Isa -0:15 It shall not be E#enhed night or day& Its smo'e shall asend $ore!er" ;rom generation to generation it
shall lie waste& No one shall *ass thro#gh it $ore!er and e!er"
Isa -0:11 B#t the *elian and the *or#*ine shall *ossess it% +lso the owl and the ra!en shall dwell in it" +nd He
shall streth o#t o!er it The line o$ on$#sion and the stones o$ em*tiness"
Isa -0:12 They shall all its nobles to the 'ingdom% B#t none (shall be) there% and all its *rines shall be nothing"
Isa -0:1- +nd thorns shall ome #* in its *alaes% Nettles and brambles in its $ortresses& It shall be a habitation
o$ @a'als% + o#rtyard $or ostrihes"
Isa -0:10 The wild beasts o$ the desert shall also meet with the @a'als% +nd the wild goat shall bleat to its
om*anion& +lso the night reat#re shall rest there% +nd $ind $or hersel$ a *lae o$ rest"
Isa -0:11 There the arrow sna'e shall ma'e her nest and lay (eggs) +nd hath% and gather (them) #nder her
shadow& There also shall the haw's be gathered% 6!ery one with her mate"
Isa -0:13 . ,earh $rom the boo' o$ the /8:2% and read: Not one o$ these shall $ail& Not one shall la' her
mate" ;or ?y mo#th has ommanded it% and His ,*irit has gathered them"
Isa -0:14 He has ast the lot $or them% +nd His hand has di!ided it among them with a meas#ring line" They
shall *ossess it $ore!er& ;rom generation to generation they shall dwell in it".
Isa -1:1 The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad $or them% +nd the desert shall re@oie and blossom as
the rose&
Isa -1:2 It shall blossom ab#ndantly and re@oie% 6!en with @oy and singing" The glory o$ /ebanon shall be gi!en
to it% The e9ellene o$ =armel and ,haron" They shall see the glory o$ the /8:2% The e9elleny o$ o#r God"
Isa -1:- ,trengthen the wea' hands% +nd ma'e $irm the $eeble 'nees"
Isa -1:0 ,ay to those (who are) $ear$#lDhearted% .Be strong% do not $earF Behold% yo#r God will ome (with)
!engeane% (>ith) the reom*ense o$ God& He will ome and sa!e yo#".
Isa -1:1 Then the eyes o$ the blind shall be o*ened% +nd the ears o$ the dea$ shall be #nsto**ed"
Isa -1:3 Then the lame shall lea* li'e a deer% +nd the tong#e o$ the d#mb sing" ;or waters shall b#rst $orth in
the wilderness% +nd streams in the desert"
Isa -1:4 The *arhed gro#nd shall beome a *ool% +nd the thirsty land s*rings o$ water& In the habitation o$
@a'als% where eah lay% (There shall be) grass with reeds and r#shes"
Isa -1:8 + highway shall be there% and a road% +nd it shall be alled the Highway o$ Holiness" The #nlean shall
not *ass o!er it% B#t it (shall be) $or others" >hoe!er wal's the road% altho#gh a $ool% ,hall not go astray"
Isa -1:9 No lion shall be there% Nor shall (any) ra!eno#s beast go #* on it& It shall not be $o#nd there" B#t the
redeemed shall wal' (there%)
Isa -1:15 +nd the ransomed o$ the /8:2 shall ret#rn% +nd ome to Gion with singing% >ith e!erlasting @oy on
their heads" They shall obtain @oy and gladness% +nd sorrow and sighing shall $lee away"
Isa -3:1 Now it ame to *ass in the $o#rteenth year o$ King HeHe'iah (that) ,ennaherib 'ing o$ +ssyria ame
#* against all the $orti$ied ities o$ J#dah and too' them"
Isa -3:2 Then the 'ing o$ +ssyria sent (the) :absha'eh with a great army $rom /ahish to King HeHe'iah at
Jer#salem" +nd he stood by the aE#ed#t $rom the #**er *ool% on the highway to the ;#llerAs ;ield"
Isa -3:- +nd 6lia'im the son o$ Hil'iah% who was o!er the ho#sehold% ,hebna the sribe% and Joah the son o$
+sa*h% the reorder% ame o#t to him"
Isa -3:0 Then (the) :absha'eh said to them% .,ay now to HeHe'iah% ATh#s says the great 'ing% the 'ing o$
+ssyria: .>hat on$idene is this in whih yo# tr#stC
Isa -3:1 .I say yo# s*ea' o$ ha!ing *lans and *ower $or war& b#t (they are) mere words" Now in whom do yo#
tr#st% that yo# rebel against meC
Isa -3:3 ./oo'F Bo# are tr#sting in the sta$$ o$ this bro'en reed% 6gy*t% on whih i$ a man leans% it will go into his
hand and *iere it" ,o (is) <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t to all who tr#st in him"
Isa -3:4 .B#t i$ yo# say to me% A>e tr#st in the /8:2 o#r God%A (is it) not He whose high *laes and whose altars
HeHe'iah has ta'en away% and said to J#dah and Jer#salem% ABo# shall worshi* be$ore this altarAC. A
Isa -3:8 .Now there$ore% I #rge yo#% gi!e a *ledge to my master the 'ing o$ +ssyria% and I will gi!e yo# two
tho#sand horses DD i$ yo# are able on yo#r *art to *#t riders on themF
Isa -3:9 .How then will yo# re*el one a*tain o$ the least o$ my masterAs ser!ants% and *#t yo#r tr#st in 6gy*t $or
hariots and horsemenC
Isa -3:15 .Ha!e I now ome #* witho#t the /8:2 against this land to destroy itC The /8:2 said to me% AGo #*
against this land% and destroy it"A .
Isa -3:11 Then 6lia'im% ,hebna% and Joah said to (the) :absha'eh% .<lease s*ea' to yo#r ser!ants in the
+ramai lang#age% $or we #nderstand (it&) and do not s*ea' to #s in Hebrew in the hearing o$ the *eo*le who
(are) on the wall".
Isa -3:12 B#t (the) :absha'eh said% .Has my master sent me to yo#r master and to yo# to s*ea' these words%
and not to the men who sit on the wall% who will eat and drin' their own waste with yo#C.
Isa -3:1- Then (the) :absha'eh stood and alled o#t with a lo#d !oie in Hebrew% and said% .Hear the words o$
the great 'ing% the 'ing o$ +ssyriaF
Isa -3:10 .Th#s says the 'ing: A2o not let HeHe'iah deei!e yo#% $or he will not be able to deli!er yo#&
Isa -3:11 Anor let HeHe'iah ma'e yo# tr#st in the /8:2% saying% .The /8:2 will s#rely deli!er #s& this ity will
not be gi!en into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria". A
Isa -3:13 .2o not listen to HeHe'iah& $or th#s says the 'ing o$ +ssyria: A?a'e (*eae) with me (by a) *resent and
ome o#t to me& and e!ery one o$ yo# eat $rom his own !ine and e!ery one $rom his own $ig tree% and e!ery one
o$ yo# drin' the waters o$ his own istern&
Isa -3:14 A#ntil I ome and ta'e yo# away to a land li'e yo#r own land% a land o$ grain and new wine% a land o$
bread and !ineyards"
Isa -3:18 A(Beware) lest HeHe'iah *ers#ade yo#% saying% .The /8:2 will deli!er #s". Has any one o$ the gods o$
the nations deli!ered its land $rom the hand o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyriaC
Isa -3:19 A>here (are) the gods o$ Hamath and +r*adC >here (are) the gods o$ ,e*har!aimC Indeed% ha!e they
deli!ered ,amaria $rom my handC
Isa -3:25 A>ho among all the gods o$ these lands ha!e deli!ered their o#ntries $rom my hand% that the /8:2
sho#ld deli!er Jer#salem $rom my handCA .
Isa -3:21 B#t they held their *eae and answered him not a word& $or the 'ingAs ommandment was% .2o not
answer him".
Isa -3:22 Then 6lia'im the son o$ Hil'iah% who (was) o!er the ho#sehold% ,hebna the sribe% and Joah the son
o$ +sa*h% the reorder% ame to HeHe'iah with (their) lothes torn% and told him the words o$ (the) :absha'eh"
Isa -4:1 +nd so it was% when King HeHe'iah heard (it%) that he tore his lothes% o!ered himsel$ with sa'loth%
and went into the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
Isa -4:2 Then he sent 6lia'im% who (was) o!er the ho#sehold% ,hebna the sribe% and the elders o$ the *riests%
o!ered with sa'loth% to Isaiah the *ro*het% the son o$ +moH"
Isa -4:- +nd they said to him% .Th#s says HeHe'iah: AThis day (is) a day o$ tro#ble and reb#'e and blas*hemy&
$or the hildren ha!e ome to birth% b#t (there is) no strength to bring them $orth"
Isa -4:0 AIt may be that the /8:2 yo#r God will hear the words o$ (the) :absha'eh% whom his master the 'ing o$
+ssyria has sent to re*roah the li!ing God% and will reb#'e the words whih the /8:2 yo#r God has heard"
There$ore li$t #* (yo#r) *rayer $or the remnant that is le$t"A .
Isa -4:1 ,o the ser!ants o$ King HeHe'iah ame to Isaiah"
Isa -4:3 +nd Isaiah said to them% .Th#s shall yo# say to yo#r master% ATh#s says the /8:2: .2o not be a$raid o$
the words whih yo# ha!e heard% with whih the ser!ants o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria ha!e blas*hemed ?e"
Isa -4:4 .,#rely I will send a s*irit #*on him% and he shall hear a r#mor and ret#rn to his own land& and I will
a#se him to $all by the sword in his own land". A .
Isa -4:8 Then (the) :absha'eh ret#rned% and $o#nd the 'ing o$ +ssyria warring against /ibnah% $or he heard that
he had de*arted $rom /ahish"
Isa -4:9 +nd the 'ing heard onerning Tirha'ah 'ing o$ 6thio*ia% .He has ome o#t to ma'e war with yo#". ,o
when he heard (it%) he sent messengers to HeHe'iah% saying%
Isa -4:15 .Th#s yo# shall s*ea' to HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah% saying: A2o not let yo#r God in whom yo# tr#st
deei!e yo#% saying% .Jer#salem shall not be gi!en into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria".
Isa -4:11 A/oo'F Bo# ha!e heard what the 'ings o$ +ssyria ha!e done to all lands by #tterly destroying them&
and shall yo# be deli!eredC
Isa -4:12 AHa!e the gods o$ the nations deli!ered those whom my $athers ha!e destroyed% GoHan and Haran
and :eHe*h% and the *eo*le o$ 6den who (were) in TelassarC
Isa -4:1- A>here (is) the 'ing o$ Hamath% the 'ing o$ +r*ad% and the 'ing o$ the ity o$ ,e*har!aim% Hena% and
I!ahCA .
Isa -4:10 +nd HeHe'iah reei!ed the letter $rom the hand o$ the messengers% and read it& and HeHe'iah went #*
to the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and s*read it be$ore the /8:2"
Isa -4:11 Then HeHe'iah *rayed to the /8:2% saying:
Isa -4:13 .8 /8:2 o$ hosts% God o$ Israel% (the 8ne) who dwells (between) the her#bim% Bo# (are) God% Bo#
alone% o$ all the 'ingdoms o$ the earth" Bo# ha!e made hea!en and earth"
Isa -4:14 .Inline Bo#r ear% 8 /8:2% and hear& o*en Bo#r eyes% 8 /8:2% and see& and hear all the words o$
,ennaherib% whih he has sent to re*roah the li!ing God"
Isa -4:18 .Tr#ly% /8:2% the 'ings o$ +ssyria ha!e laid waste all the nations and their lands%
Isa -4:19 .and ha!e ast their gods into the $ire& $or they (were) not gods% b#t the wor' o$ menAs hands DD wood
and stone" There$ore they ha!e destroyed them"
Isa -4:25 .Now there$ore% 8 /8:2 o#r God% sa!e #s $rom his hand% that all the 'ingdoms o$ the earth may 'now
that Bo# (are) the /8:2% Bo# alone".
Isa -4:21 Then Isaiah the son o$ +moH sent to HeHe'iah% saying% .Th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel% ABea#se
yo# ha!e *rayed to ?e against ,ennaherib 'ing o$ +ssyria%
Isa -4:22 Athis (is) the word whih the /8:2 has s*o'en onerning him: .The !irgin% the da#ghter o$ Gion% Has
des*ised yo#% la#ghed yo# to sorn& The da#ghter o$ Jer#salem Has sha'en (her) head behind yo#r ba'F
Isa -4:2- .>hom ha!e yo# re*roahed and blas*hemedC +gainst whom ha!e yo# raised (yo#r) !oie% +nd li$ted
#* yo#r eyes on highC +gainst the Holy 8ne o$ Israel"
Isa -4:20 By yo#r ser!ants yo# ha!e re*roahed the /ord% +nd said% ABy the m#ltit#de o$ my hariots I ha!e
ome #* to the height o$ the mo#ntains% To the limits o$ /ebanon& I will #t down its tall edars (+nd) its hoie
y*ress trees& I will enter its $arthest height% To its $r#it$#l $orest"
Isa -4:21 I ha!e d#g and dr#n' water% +nd with the soles o$ my $eet I ha!e dried #* +ll the broo's o$ de$ense"A
Isa -4:23 .2id yo# not hear long ago (How) I made it% ;rom anient times that I $ormed itC Now I ha!e bro#ght it
to *ass% That yo# sho#ld be ;or r#shing $orti$ied ities (into) hea*s o$ r#ins"
Isa -4:24 There$ore their inhabitants (had) little *ower& They were dismayed and on$o#nded& They were (as)
the grass o$ the $ield +nd the green herb% (+s) the grass on the ho#seto*s +nd (grain) blighted be$ore it is grown"
Isa -4:28 .B#t I 'now yo#r dwelling *lae% Bo#r going o#t and yo#r oming in% +nd yo#r rage against ?e"
Isa -4:29 Bea#se yo#r rage against ?e and yo#r t#m#lt Ha!e ome #* to ?y ears% There$ore I will *#t ?y
hoo' in yo#r nose +nd ?y bridle in yo#r li*s% +nd I will t#rn yo# ba' By the way whih yo# ame". A
Isa -4:-5 . This (shall be) a sign to yo#: Bo# shall eat this year s#h as grows o$ itsel$% +nd the seond year
what s*rings $rom the same& +lso in the third year sow and rea*% <lant !ineyards and eat the $r#it o$ them"
Isa -4:-1 +nd the remnant who ha!e esa*ed o$ the ho#se o$ J#dah ,hall again ta'e root downward% +nd bear
$r#it #*ward"
Isa -4:-2 ;or o#t o$ Jer#salem shall go a remnant% +nd those who esa*e $rom ?o#nt Gion" The Heal o$ the
/8:2 o$ hosts will do this"
Isa -4:-- . There$ore th#s says the /8:2 onerning the 'ing o$ +ssyria: AHe shall not ome into this ity% Nor
shoot an arrow there% Nor ome be$ore it with shield% Nor b#ild a siege mo#nd against it"
Isa -4:-0 By the way that he ame% By the same shall he ret#rn& +nd he shall not ome into this ity%A ,ays the
Isa -4:-1 A;or I will de$end this ity% to sa!e it ;or ?y own sa'e and $or ?y ser!ant 2a!idAs sa'e"A .
Isa -4:-3 Then the angel o$ the /8:2 went o#t% and 'illed in the am* o$ the +ssyrians one h#ndred and
eightyD$i!e tho#sand& and when (*eo*le) arose early in the morning% there were the or*ses DD all dead"
Isa -4:-4 ,o ,ennaherib 'ing o$ +ssyria de*arted and went away% ret#rned (home%) and remained at Nine!eh"
Isa -4:-8 Now it ame to *ass% as he was worshi*ing in the ho#se o$ Nisroh his god% that his sons
+drammeleh and ,hareHer str#' him down with the sword& and they esa*ed into the land o$ +rarat" Then
6sarhaddon his son reigned in his *lae"
Isa -8:1 In those days HeHe'iah was si' and near death" +nd Isaiah the *ro*het% the son o$ +moH% went to him
and said to him% .Th#s says the /8:2: A,et yo#r ho#se in order% $or yo# shall die and not li!e"A .
Isa -8:2 Then HeHe'iah t#rned his $ae toward the wall% and *rayed to the /8:2%
Isa -8:- and said% .:emember now% 8 /8:2% I *ray% how I ha!e wal'ed be$ore Bo# in tr#th and with a loyal
heart% and ha!e done (what is) good in Bo#r sight". +nd HeHe'iah we*t bitterly"
Isa -8:0 +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Isaiah% saying%
Isa -8:1 .Go and tell HeHe'iah% ATh#s says the /8:2% the God o$ 2a!id yo#r $ather: .I ha!e heard yo#r *rayer% I
ha!e seen yo#r tears& s#rely I will add to yo#r days $i$teen years"
Isa -8:3 .I will deli!er yo# and this ity $rom the hand o$ the 'ing o$ +ssyria% and I will de$end this ity". A
Isa -8:4 .+nd this (is) the sign to yo# $rom the /8:2% that the /8:2 will do this thing whih He has s*o'en:
Isa -8:8 .Behold% I will bring the shadow on the s#ndial% whih has gone down with the s#n on the s#ndial o$
+haH% ten degrees ba'ward". ,o the s#n ret#rned ten degrees on the dial by whih it had gone down"
Isa -8:9 This is the writing o$ HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah% when he had been si' and had reo!ered $rom his
Isa -8:15 I said% .In the *rime o$ my li$e I shall go to the gates o$ ,heol& I am de*ri!ed o$ the remainder o$ my
Isa -8:11 I said% .I shall not see B+H% The /8:2 in the land o$ the li!ing& I shall obser!e man no more among
the inhabitants o$ the world"
Isa -8:12 ?y li$e s*an is gone% Ta'en $rom me li'e a she*herdAs tent& I ha!e #t o$$ my li$e li'e a wea!er" He
#ts me o$$ $rom the loom& ;rom day #ntil night Bo# ma'e an end o$ me"
Isa -8:1- I ha!e onsidered #ntil morning DD /i'e a lion% ,o He brea's all my bones& ;rom day #ntil night Bo#
ma'e an end o$ me"
Isa -8:10 /i'e a rane (or) a swallow% so I hattered& I mo#rned li'e a do!e& ?y eyes $ail ($rom loo'ing) #*ward"
8 /8:2% I am o**ressed& 7nderta'e $or meF
Isa -8:11 . >hat shall I sayC He has both s*o'en to me% +nd He Himsel$ has done (it") I shall wal' are$#lly all
my years In the bitterness o$ my so#l"
Isa -8:13 8 /8:2% by these (things men) li!e& +nd in all these (things is) the li$e o$ my s*irit& ,o Bo# will restore
me and ma'e me li!e"
Isa -8:14 Indeed (it was) $or (my own) *eae (That) I had great bitterness& B#t Bo# ha!e lo!ingly (deli!ered) my
so#l $rom the *it o$ orr#*tion% ;or Bo# ha!e ast all my sins behind Bo#r ba'"
Isa -8:18 ;or ,heol annot than' Bo#% 2eath annot *raise Bo#& Those who go down to the *it annot ho*e $or
Bo#r tr#th"
Isa -8:19 The li!ing% the li!ing man% he shall *raise Bo#% +s I (do) this day& The $ather shall ma'e 'nown Bo#r
tr#th to the hildren"
Isa -8:25 .The /8:2 (was ready) to sa!e me& There$ore we will sing my songs with stringed instr#ments +ll the
days o$ o#r li$e% in the ho#se o$ the /8:2".
Isa -8:21 Now Isaiah had said% ./et them ta'e a l#m* o$ $igs% and a**ly (it) as a *o#ltie on the boil% and he shall
Isa -8:22 +nd HeHe'iah had said% .>hat (is) the sign that I shall go #* to the ho#se o$ the /8:2C.
Isa -9:1 +t that time ?erodahDBaladan the son o$ Baladan% 'ing o$ Babylon% sent letters and a *resent to
HeHe'iah% $or he heard that he had been si' and had reo!ered"
Isa -9:2 +nd HeHe'iah was *leased with them% and showed them the ho#se o$ his treas#res DD the sil!er and
gold% the s*ies and *reio#s ointment% and all his armory DD all that was $o#nd among his treas#res" There was
nothing in his ho#se or in all his dominion that HeHe'iah did not show them"
Isa -9:- Then Isaiah the *ro*het went to King HeHe'iah% and said to him% .>hat did these men say% and $rom
where did they ome to yo#C. ,o HeHe'iah said% .They ame to me $rom a $ar o#ntry% $rom Babylon".
Isa -9:0 +nd he said% .>hat ha!e they seen in yo#r ho#seC. ,o HeHe'iah answered% .They ha!e seen all that
(is) in my ho#se& there is nothing among my treas#res that I ha!e not shown them".
Isa -9:1 Then Isaiah said to HeHe'iah% .Hear the word o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts:
Isa -9:3 ABehold% the days are oming when all that (is) in yo#r ho#se% and what yo#r $athers ha!e a#m#lated
#ntil this day% shall be arried to Babylon& nothing shall be le$t%A says the /8:2"
Isa -9:4 A+nd they shall ta'e away (some) o$ yo#r sons who will desend $rom yo#% whom yo# will beget& and
they shall be e#n#hs in the *alae o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon"A .
Isa -9:8 ,o HeHe'iah said to Isaiah% .The word o$ the /8:2 whih yo# ha!e s*o'en (is) goodF. ;or he said% .+t
least there will be *eae and tr#th in my days".
Isa 05:1 .=om$ort% yes% om$ort ?y *eo*leF. ,ays yo#r God"
Isa 05:2 .,*ea' om$ort to Jer#salem% and ry o#t to her% That her war$are is ended% That her iniE#ity is
*ardoned& ;or she has reei!ed $rom the /8:2As hand 2o#ble $or all her sins".
Isa 05:- The !oie o$ one rying in the wilderness: .<re*are the way o$ the /8:2& ?a'e straight in the desert +
highway $or o#r God"
Isa 05:0 6!ery !alley shall be e9alted +nd e!ery mo#ntain and hill bro#ght low& The roo'ed *laes shall be
made straight +nd the ro#gh *laes smooth&
Isa 05:1 The glory o$ the /8:2 shall be re!ealed% +nd all $lesh shall see (it) together& ;or the mo#th o$ the
/8:2 has s*o'en".
Isa 05:3 The !oie said% .=ry o#tF. +nd he said% .>hat shall I ryC. .+ll $lesh (is) grass% +nd all its lo!eliness (is)
li'e the $lower o$ the $ield"
Isa 05:4 The grass withers% the $lower $ades% Bea#se the breath o$ the /8:2 blows #*on it& ,#rely the *eo*le
(are) grass"
Isa 05:8 The grass withers% the $lower $ades% B#t the word o$ o#r God stands $ore!er".
Isa 05:9 8 Gion% Bo# who bring good tidings% Get #* into the high mo#ntain& 8 Jer#salem% Bo# who bring good
tidings% /i$t #* yo#r !oie with strength% /i$t (it) #*% be not a$raid& ,ay to the ities o$ J#dah% .Behold yo#r GodF.
Isa 05:15 Behold% the /ord G82 shall ome with a strong (hand%) +nd His arm shall r#le $or Him& Behold% His
reward (is) with Him% +nd His wor' be$ore Him"
Isa 05:11 He will $eed His $lo' li'e a she*herd& He will gather the lambs with His arm% +nd arry (them) in His
bosom% (+nd) gently lead those who are with yo#ng"
Isa 05:12 >ho has meas#red the waters in the hollow o$ His hand% ?eas#red hea!en with a s*an +nd
al#lated the d#st o$ the earth in a meas#reC >eighed the mo#ntains in sales +nd the hills in a balaneC
Isa 05:1- >ho has direted the ,*irit o$ the /8:2% 8r (as) His o#nselor has ta#ght HimC
Isa 05:10 >ith whom did He ta'e o#nsel% and (who) instr#ted Him% +nd ta#ght Him in the *ath o$ @#stieC >ho
ta#ght Him 'nowledge% +nd showed Him the way o$ #nderstandingC
Isa 05:11 Behold% the nations (are) as a dro* in a b#'et% +nd are o#nted as the small d#st on the sales&
/oo'% He li$ts #* the isles as a !ery little thing"
Isa 05:13 +nd /ebanon (is) not s#$$iient to b#rn% Nor its beasts s#$$iient $or a b#rnt o$$ering"
Isa 05:14 +ll nations be$ore Him (are) as nothing% +nd they are o#nted by Him less than nothing and worthless"
Isa 05:18 To whom then will yo# li'en GodC 8r what li'eness will yo# om*are to HimC
Isa 05:19 The wor'man molds an image% The goldsmith o!ers*reads it with gold% +nd the sil!ersmith asts
sil!er hains"
Isa 05:25 >hoe!er (is) too im*o!erished $or (s#h) a ontrib#tion =hooses a tree (that) will not rot& He see's $or
himsel$ a s'ill$#l wor'man To *re*are a ar!ed image (that) will not totter"
Isa 05:21 Ha!e yo# not 'nownC Ha!e yo# not heardC Has it not been told yo# $rom the beginningC Ha!e yo#
not #nderstood $rom the $o#ndations o$ the earthC
Isa 05:22 (It is) He who sits abo!e the irle o$ the earth% +nd its inhabitants (are) li'e grassho**ers% >ho
strethes o#t the hea!ens li'e a #rtain% +nd s*reads them o#t li'e a tent to dwell in"
Isa 05:2- He brings the *rines to nothing& He ma'es the @#dges o$ the earth #seless"
Isa 05:20 ,arely shall they be *lanted% ,arely shall they be sown% ,arely shall their sto' ta'e root in the
earth% >hen He will also blow on them% +nd they will wither% +nd the whirlwind will ta'e them away li'e st#bble"
Isa 05:21 . To whom then will yo# li'en ?e% 8r (to whom) shall I be eE#alC. says the Holy 8ne"
Isa 05:23 /i$t #* yo#r eyes on high% +nd see who has reated these (things%) >ho brings o#t their host by
n#mber& He alls them all by name% By the greatness o$ His might +nd the strength o$ (His) *ower& Not one is
Isa 05:24 >hy do yo# say% 8 Jaob% +nd s*ea'% 8 Israel: .?y way is hidden $rom the /8:2% +nd my @#st laim
is *assed o!er by my God.C
Isa 05:28 Ha!e yo# not 'nownC Ha!e yo# not heardC The e!erlasting God% the /8:2% The =reator o$ the ends
o$ the earth% Neither $aints nor is weary" His #nderstanding is #nsearhable"
Isa 05:29 He gi!es *ower to the wea'% +nd to (those who ha!e) no might He inreases strength"
Isa 05:-5 6!en the yo#ths shall $aint and be weary% +nd the yo#ng men shall #tterly $all%
Isa 05:-1 B#t those who wait on the /8:2 ,hall renew (their) strength& They shall mo#nt #* with wings li'e
eagles% They shall r#n and not be weary% They shall wal' and not $aint"
Isa 01:1 .Kee* silene be$ore ?e% 8 oastlands% +nd let the *eo*le renew (their) strengthF /et them ome near%
then let them s*ea'& /et #s ome near together $or @#dgment"
Isa 01:2 .>ho raised #* one $rom the eastC >ho in righteo#sness alled him to His $eetC >ho ga!e the nations
be$ore him% +nd made (him) r#le o!er 'ingsC >ho ga!e (them) as the d#st (to) his sword% +s dri!en st#bble to his
Isa 01:- >ho *#rs#ed them% (and) *assed sa$ely By the way (that) he had not gone with his $eetC
Isa 01:0 >ho has *er$ormed and done (it%) =alling the generations $rom the beginningC AI% the /8:2% am the
$irst& +nd with the last I (am) He"A .
Isa 01:1 The oastlands saw (it) and $eared% The ends o$ the earth were a$raid& They drew near and ame"
Isa 01:3 6!eryone hel*ed his neighbor% +nd said to his brother% .Be o$ good o#rageF.
Isa 01:4 ,o the ra$tsman eno#raged the goldsmith& He who smooths (with) the hammer (ins*ired) him who
stri'es the an!il% ,aying% .It (is) ready $or the soldering.& Then he $astened it with *egs% (That) it might not totter"
Isa 01:8 . B#t yo#% Israel% (are) ?y ser!ant% Jaob whom I ha!e hosen% The desendants o$ +braham ?y $riend"
Isa 01:9 (Bo#) whom I ha!e ta'en $rom the ends o$ the earth% +nd alled $rom its $arthest regions% +nd said to
yo#% ABo# (are) ?y ser!ant% I ha!e hosen yo# and ha!e not ast yo# away:
Isa 01:15 ;ear not% $or I (am) with yo#& Be not dismayed% $or I (am) yo#r God" I will strengthen yo#% Bes% I will
hel* yo#% I will #*hold yo# with ?y righteo#s right hand"A
Isa 01:11 .Behold% all those who were inensed against yo# ,hall be ashamed and disgraed& They shall be as
nothing% +nd those who stri!e with yo# shall *erish"
Isa 01:12 Bo# shall see' them and not $ind them DD Those who ontended with yo#" Those who war against yo#
,hall be as nothing% +s a none9istent thing"
Isa 01:1- ;or I% the /8:2 yo#r God% will hold yo#r right hand% ,aying to yo#% A;ear not% I will hel* yo#"A
Isa 01:10 . ;ear not% yo# worm Jaob% Bo# men o$ IsraelF I will hel* yo#%. says the /8:2 +nd yo#r :edeemer%
the Holy 8ne o$ Israel"
Isa 01:11 .Behold% I will ma'e yo# into a new threshing sledge with shar* teeth& Bo# shall thresh the mo#ntains
and beat (them) small% +nd ma'e the hills li'e ha$$"
Isa 01:13 Bo# shall winnow them% the wind shall arry them away% +nd the whirlwind shall satter them& Bo#
shall re@oie in the /8:2% (+nd) glory in the Holy 8ne o$ Israel"
Isa 01:14 . The *oor and needy see' water% b#t (there is) none% Their tong#es $ail $or thirst" I% the /8:2% will
hear them& (I%) the God o$ Israel% will not $orsa'e them"
Isa 01:18 I will o*en ri!ers in desolate heights% +nd $o#ntains in the midst o$ the !alleys& I will ma'e the
wilderness a *ool o$ water% +nd the dry land s*rings o$ water"
Isa 01:19 I will *lant in the wilderness the edar and the aaia tree% The myrtle and the oil tree& I will set in the
desert the y*ress tree (and) the *ine +nd the bo9 tree together%
Isa 01:25 That they may see and 'now% +nd onsider and #nderstand together% That the hand o$ the /8:2 has
done this% +nd the Holy 8ne o$ Israel has reated it"
Isa 01:21 . <resent yo#r ase%. says the /8:2" .Bring $orth yo#r strong (reasons%.) says the King o$ Jaob"
Isa 01:22 ./et them bring $orth and show #s what will ha**en& /et them show the $ormer things% what they
(were%) That we may onsider them% +nd 'now the latter end o$ them& 8r delare to #s things to ome"
Isa 01:2- ,how the things that are to ome herea$ter% That we may 'now that yo# (are) gods& Bes% do good or
do e!il% That we may be dismayed and see (it) together"
Isa 01:20 Indeed yo# (are) nothing% +nd yo#r wor' (is) nothing& (He who) hooses yo# (is) an abomination"
Isa 01:21 . I ha!e raised #* one $rom the north% +nd he shall ome& ;rom the rising o$ the s#n he shall all on
?y name& +nd he shall ome against *rines as (tho#gh) mortar% +s the *otter treads lay"
Isa 01:23 >ho has delared $rom the beginning% that we may 'nowC +nd $ormer times% that we may say% A(He is)
righteo#sAC ,#rely (there is) no one who shows% ,#rely (there is) no one who delares% ,#rely (there is) no one
who hears yo#r words"
Isa 01:24 The $irst time (I said) to Gion% A/oo'% there they areFA +nd I will gi!e to Jer#salem one who brings good
Isa 01:28 ;or I loo'ed% and (there was) no man& I loo'ed among them% b#t (there was) no o#nselor% >ho% when
I as'ed o$ them% o#ld answer a word"
Isa 01:29 Indeed they (are) all worthless& Their wor's (are) nothing& Their molded images (are) wind and
Isa 02:1 .BeholdF ?y ,er!ant whom I #*hold% ?y 6let 8ne (in whom) ?y so#l delightsF I ha!e *#t ?y ,*irit
#*on Him& He will bring $orth @#stie to the Gentiles"
Isa 02:2 He will not ry o#t% nor raise (His !oie%) Nor a#se His !oie to be heard in the street"
Isa 02:- + br#ised reed He will not brea'% +nd smo'ing $la9 He will not E#enh& He will bring $orth @#stie $or
Isa 02:0 He will not $ail nor be diso#raged% Till He has established @#stie in the earth& +nd the oastlands shall
wait $or His law".
Isa 02:1 Th#s says God the /8:2% >ho reated the hea!ens and strethed them o#t% >ho s*read $orth the
earth and that whih omes $rom it% >ho gi!es breath to the *eo*le on it% +nd s*irit to those who wal' on it:
Isa 02:3 .I% the /8:2% ha!e alled Bo# in righteo#sness% +nd will hold Bo#r hand& I will 'ee* Bo# and gi!e Bo#
as a o!enant to the *eo*le% +s a light to the Gentiles%
Isa 02:4 To o*en blind eyes% To bring o#t *risoners $rom the *rison% Those who sit in dar'ness $rom the *rison
Isa 02:8 I (am) the /8:2% that (is) ?y name& +nd ?y glory I will not gi!e to another% Nor ?y *raise to ar!ed
Isa 02:9 Behold% the $ormer things ha!e ome to *ass% +nd new things I delare& Be$ore they s*ring $orth I tell
yo# o$ them".
Isa 02:15 ,ing to the /8:2 a new song% (+nd) His *raise $rom the ends o$ the earth% Bo# who go down to the
sea% and all that is in it% Bo# oastlands and yo# inhabitants o$ themF
Isa 02:11 /et the wilderness and its ities li$t #* (their !oie%) The !illages (that) Kedar inhabits" /et the
inhabitants o$ ,ela sing% /et them sho#t $rom the to* o$ the mo#ntains"
Isa 02:12 /et them gi!e glory to the /8:2% +nd delare His *raise in the oastlands"
Isa 02:1- The /8:2 shall go $orth li'e a mighty man& He shall stir #* (His) Heal li'e a man o$ war" He shall ry
o#t% yes% sho#t alo#d& He shall *re!ail against His enemies"
Isa 02:10 . I ha!e held ?y *eae a long time% I ha!e been still and restrained ?ysel$" (Now) I will ry li'e a
woman in labor% I will *ant and gas* at one"
Isa 02:11 I will lay waste the mo#ntains and hills% +nd dry #* all their !egetation& I will ma'e the ri!ers
oastlands% +nd I will dry #* the *ools"
Isa 02:13 I will bring the blind by a way they did not 'now& I will lead them in *aths they ha!e not 'nown" I will
ma'e dar'ness light be$ore them% +nd roo'ed *laes straight" These things I will do $or them% +nd not $orsa'e
Isa 02:14 They shall be t#rned ba'% They shall be greatly ashamed% >ho tr#st in ar!ed images% >ho say to
the molded images% ABo# (are) o#r gods"A
Isa 02:18 . Hear% yo# dea$& +nd loo'% yo# blind% that yo# may see"
Isa 02:19 >ho (is) blind b#t ?y ser!ant% 8r dea$ as ?y messenger (whom) I sendC >ho (is) blind as (he who is)
*er$et% +nd blind as the /8:2As ser!antC
Isa 02:25 ,eeing many things% b#t yo# do not obser!e& 8*ening the ears% b#t he does not hear".
Isa 02:21 The /8:2 is well *leased $or His righteo#snessA sa'e& He will e9alt the law and ma'e (it) honorable"
Isa 02:22 B#t this (is) a *eo*le robbed and *l#ndered& +ll o$ them are snared in holes% +nd they are hidden in
*rison ho#ses& They are $or *rey% and no one deli!ers& ;or *l#nder% and no one says% .:estoreF.
Isa 02:2- >ho among yo# will gi!e ear to thisC (>ho) will listen and hear $or the time to omeC
Isa 02:20 >ho ga!e Jaob $or *l#nder% and Israel to the robbersC >as it not the /8:2% He against whom we
ha!e sinnedC ;or they wo#ld not wal' in His ways% Nor were they obedient to His law"
Isa 02:21 There$ore He has *o#red on him the $#ry o$ His anger +nd the strength o$ battle& It has set him on $ire
all aro#nd% Bet he did not 'now& +nd it b#rned him% Bet he did not ta'e (it) to heart"
Isa 0-:1 B#t now% th#s says the /8:2% who reated yo#% 8 Jaob% +nd He who $ormed yo#% 8 Israel: .;ear not%
$or I ha!e redeemed yo#& I ha!e alled (yo#) by yo#r name& Bo# (are) ?ine"
Isa 0-:2 >hen yo# *ass thro#gh the waters% I (will be) with yo#& +nd thro#gh the ri!ers% they shall not o!er$low
yo#" >hen yo# wal' thro#gh the $ire% yo# shall not be b#rned% Nor shall the $lame sorh yo#"
Isa 0-:- ;or I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God% The Holy 8ne o$ Israel% yo#r ,a!ior& I ga!e 6gy*t $or yo#r ransom%
6thio*ia and ,eba in yo#r *lae"
Isa 0-:0 ,ine yo# were *reio#s in ?y sight% Bo# ha!e been honored% +nd I ha!e lo!ed yo#& There$ore I will
gi!e men $or yo#% +nd *eo*le $or yo#r li$e"
Isa 0-:1 ;ear not% $or I (am) with yo#& I will bring yo#r desendants $rom the east% +nd gather yo# $rom the west&
Isa 0-:3 I will say to the north% AGi!e them #*FA +nd to the so#th% A2o not 'ee* them ba'FA Bring ?y sons $rom
a$ar% +nd ?y da#ghters $rom the ends o$ the earth DD
Isa 0-:4 6!eryone who is alled by ?y name% >hom I ha!e reated $or ?y glory& I ha!e $ormed him% yes% I ha!e
made him".
Isa 0-:8 Bring o#t the blind *eo*le who ha!e eyes% +nd the dea$ who ha!e ears"
Isa 0-:9 /et all the nations be gathered together% +nd let the *eo*le be assembled" >ho among them an
delare this% +nd show #s $ormer thingsC /et them bring o#t their witnesses% that they may be @#sti$ied& 8r let
them hear and say% .(It is) tr#th".
Isa 0-:15 .Bo# (are) ?y witnesses%. says the /8:2% .+nd ?y ser!ant whom I ha!e hosen% That yo# may 'now
and belie!e ?e% +nd #nderstand that I (am) He" Be$ore ?e there was no God $ormed% Nor shall there be a$ter
Isa 0-:11 I% (e!en) I% (am) the /8:2% +nd besides ?e (there is) no sa!ior"
Isa 0-:12 I ha!e delared and sa!ed% I ha!e *rolaimed% +nd (there was) no $oreign (god) among yo#& There$ore
yo# (are) ?y witnesses%. ,ays the /8:2% .that I (am) God"
Isa 0-:1- Indeed be$ore the day (was%) I (am) He& +nd (there is) no one who an deli!er o#t o$ ?y hand& I wor'%
and who will re!erse itC.
Isa 0-:10 Th#s says the /8:2% yo#r :edeemer% The Holy 8ne o$ Israel: .;or yo#r sa'e I will send to Babylon%
+nd bring them all down as $#giti!es DD The =haldeans% who re@oie in their shi*s"
Isa 0-:11 I (am) the /8:2% yo#r Holy 8ne% The =reator o$ Israel% yo#r King".
Isa 0-:13 Th#s says the /8:2% who ma'es a way in the sea +nd a *ath thro#gh the mighty waters%
Isa 0-:14 >ho brings $orth the hariot and horse% The army and the *ower IThey shall lie down together% they
shall not rise& They are e9ting#ished% they are E#enhed li'e a wi'J:
Isa 0-:18 .2o not remember the $ormer things% Nor onsider the things o$ old"
Isa 0-:19 Behold% I will do a new thing% Now it shall s*ring $orth& ,hall yo# not 'now itC I will e!en ma'e a road in
the wilderness (+nd) ri!ers in the desert"
Isa 0-:25 The beast o$ the $ield will honor ?e% The @a'als and the ostrihes% Bea#se I gi!e waters in the
wilderness (+nd) ri!ers in the desert% To gi!e drin' to ?y *eo*le% ?y hosen"
Isa 0-:21 This *eo*le I ha!e $ormed $or ?ysel$& They shall delare ?y *raise"
Isa 0-:22 . B#t yo# ha!e not alled #*on ?e% 8 Jaob& +nd yo# ha!e been weary o$ ?e% 8 Israel"
Isa 0-:2- Bo# ha!e not bro#ght ?e the shee* $or yo#r b#rnt o$$erings% Nor ha!e yo# honored ?e with yo#r
sari$ies" I ha!e not a#sed yo# to ser!e with grain o$$erings% Nor wearied yo# with inense"
Isa 0-:20 Bo# ha!e bo#ght ?e no sweet ane with money% Nor ha!e yo# satis$ied ?e with the $at o$ yo#r
sari$ies& B#t yo# ha!e b#rdened ?e with yo#r sins% Bo# ha!e wearied ?e with yo#r iniE#ities"
Isa 0-:21 . I% (e!en) I% (am) He who blots o#t yo#r transgressions $or ?y own sa'e& +nd I will not remember yo#r
Isa 0-:23 <#t ?e in remembrane& /et #s ontend together& ,tate yo#r (ase%) that yo# may be aE#itted"
Isa 0-:24 Bo#r $irst $ather sinned% +nd yo#r mediators ha!e transgressed against ?e"
Isa 0-:28 There$ore I will *ro$ane the *rines o$ the sant#ary& I will gi!e Jaob to the #rse% +nd Israel to
Isa 00:1 .Bet hear now% 8 Jaob ?y ser!ant% +nd Israel whom I ha!e hosen"
Isa 00:2 Th#s says the /8:2 who made yo# +nd $ormed yo# $rom the womb% (who) will hel* yo#: A;ear not% 8
Jaob ?y ser!ant& +nd yo#% Jesh#r#n% whom I ha!e hosen"
Isa 00:- ;or I will *o#r water on him who is thirsty% +nd $loods on the dry gro#nd& I will *o#r ?y ,*irit on yo#r
desendants% +nd ?y blessing on yo#r o$$s*ring&
Isa 00:0 They will s*ring #* among the grass /i'e willows by the watero#rses"A
Isa 00:1 8ne will say% AI (am) the /8:2AsA& +nother will all (himsel$) by the name o$ Jaob& +nother will write
(with) his hand% AThe /8:2As%A +nd name (himsel$) by the name o$ Israel"
Isa 00:3 . Th#s says the /8:2% the King o$ Israel% +nd his :edeemer% the /8:2 o$ hosts: AI (am) the ;irst and I
(am) the /ast& Besides ?e (there is) no God"
Isa 00:4 +nd who an *rolaim as I doC Then let him delare it and set it in order $or ?e% ,ine I a**ointed the
anient *eo*le" +nd the things that are oming and shall ome% /et them show these to them"
Isa 00:8 2o not $ear% nor be a$raid& Ha!e I not told yo# $rom that time% and delared (itC) Bo# (are) ?y witnesses"
Is there a God besides ?eC Indeed (there is) no other :o'& I 'now not (one"A) .
Isa 00:9 Those who ma'e an image% all o$ them (are) #seless% +nd their *reio#s things shall not *ro$it& They
(are) their own witnesses& They neither see nor 'now% that they may be ashamed"
Isa 00:15 >ho wo#ld $orm a god or mold an image (That) *ro$its him nothingC
Isa 00:11 ,#rely all his om*anions wo#ld be ashamed& +nd the wor'men% they (are) mere men" /et them all be
gathered together% /et them stand #*& Bet they shall $ear% They shall be ashamed together"
Isa 00:12 The bla'smith with the tongs wor's one in the oals% ;ashions it with hammers% +nd wor's it with the
strength o$ his arms" 6!en so% he is h#ngry% and his strength $ails& He drin's no water and is $aint"
Isa 00:1- The ra$tsman strethes o#t (his) r#le% He mar's one o#t with hal'& He $ashions it with a *lane% He
mar's it o#t with the om*ass% +nd ma'es it li'e the $ig#re o$ a man% +ording to the bea#ty o$ a man% that it
may remain in the ho#se"
Isa 00:10 He #ts down edars $or himsel$% +nd ta'es the y*ress and the oa'& He se#res (it) $or himsel$
among the trees o$ the $orest" He *lants a *ine% and the rain no#rishes (it")
Isa 00:11 Then it shall be $or a man to b#rn% ;or he will ta'e some o$ it and warm himsel$& Bes% he 'indles (it)
and ba'es bread& Indeed he ma'es a god and worshi*s (it&) He ma'es it a ar!ed image% and $alls down to it"
Isa 00:13 He b#rns hal$ o$ it in the $ire& >ith this hal$ he eats meat& He roasts a roast% and is satis$ied" He e!en
warms (himsel$) and says% .+hF I am warm% I ha!e seen the $ire".
Isa 00:14 +nd the rest o$ it he ma'es into a god% His ar!ed image" He $alls down be$ore it and worshi*s (it%)
<rays to it and says% .2eli!er me% $or yo# (are) my godF.
Isa 00:18 They do not 'now nor #nderstand& ;or He has sh#t their eyes% so that they annot see% (+nd) their
hearts% so that they annot #nderstand"
Isa 00:19 +nd no one onsiders in his heart% Nor (is there) 'nowledge nor #nderstanding to say% .I ha!e b#rned
hal$ o$ it in the $ire% Bes% I ha!e also ba'ed bread on its oals& I ha!e roasted meat and eaten (it&) +nd shall I
ma'e the rest o$ it an abominationC ,hall I $all down be$ore a blo' o$ woodC.
Isa 00:25 He $eeds on ashes& + deei!ed heart has t#rned him aside& +nd he annot deli!er his so#l% Nor say%
.(Is there) not a lie in my right handC.
Isa 00:21 . :emember these% 8 Jaob% +nd Israel% $or yo# (are) ?y ser!ant& I ha!e $ormed yo#% yo# (are) ?y
ser!ant& 8 Israel% yo# will not be $orgotten by ?eF
Isa 00:22 I ha!e blotted o#t% li'e a thi' lo#d% yo#r transgressions% +nd li'e a lo#d% yo#r sins" :et#rn to ?e% $or
I ha!e redeemed yo#".
Isa 00:2- ,ing% 8 hea!ens% $or the /8:2 has done (itF) ,ho#t% yo# lower *arts o$ the earth& Brea' $orth into
singing% yo# mo#ntains% 8 $orest% and e!ery tree in itF ;or the /8:2 has redeemed Jaob% +nd glori$ied Himsel$
in Israel"
Isa 00:20 Th#s says the /8:2% yo#r :edeemer% +nd He who $ormed yo# $rom the womb: .I (am) the /8:2%
who ma'es all (things%) >ho strethes o#t the hea!ens all alone% >ho s*reads abroad the earth by ?ysel$&
Isa 00:21 >ho $r#strates the signs o$ the babblers% +nd dri!es di!iners mad& >ho t#rns wise men ba'ward%
+nd ma'es their 'nowledge $oolishness&
Isa 00:23 >ho on$irms the word o$ His ser!ant% +nd *er$orms the o#nsel o$ His messengers& >ho says to
Jer#salem% ABo# shall be inhabited%A To the ities o$ J#dah% ABo# shall be b#ilt%A +nd I will raise #* her waste
Isa 00:24 >ho says to the dee*% ABe dryF +nd I will dry #* yo#r ri!ersA&
Isa 00:28 >ho says o$ =yr#s% A(He is) ?y she*herd% +nd he shall *er$orm all ?y *leas#re% ,aying to Jer#salem%
.Bo# shall be b#ilt%. +nd to the tem*le% .Bo#r $o#ndation shall be laid". A
Isa 01:1 .Th#s says the /8:2 to His anointed% To =yr#s% whose right hand I ha!e held DD To s#bd#e nations
be$ore him +nd loose the armor o$ 'ings% To o*en be$ore him the do#ble doors% ,o that the gates will not be
Isa 01:2 AI will go be$ore yo# +nd ma'e the roo'ed *laes straight& I will brea' in *iees the gates o$ bronHe
+nd #t the bars o$ iron"
Isa 01:- I will gi!e yo# the treas#res o$ dar'ness +nd hidden rihes o$ seret *laes% That yo# may 'now that I%
the /8:2% >ho all (yo#) by yo#r name% (+m) the God o$ Israel"
Isa 01:0 ;or Jaob ?y ser!antAs sa'e% +nd Israel ?y elet% I ha!e e!en alled yo# by yo#r name& I ha!e named
yo#% tho#gh yo# ha!e not 'nown ?e"
Isa 01:1 I (am) the /8:2% and (there is) no other& (There is) no God besides ?e" I will gird yo#% tho#gh yo# ha!e
not 'nown ?e%
Isa 01:3 That they may 'now $rom the rising o$ the s#n to its setting That (there is) none besides ?e" I (am) the
/8:2% and (there is) no other&
Isa 01:4 I $orm the light and reate dar'ness% I ma'e *eae and reate alamity& I% the /8:2% do all these
Isa 01:8 . :ain down% yo# hea!ens% $rom abo!e% +nd let the s'ies *o#r down righteo#sness& /et the earth o*en%
let them bring $orth sal!ation% +nd let righteo#sness s*ring #* together" I% the /8:2% ha!e reated it"
Isa 01:9 . >oe to him who stri!es with his ?a'erF (/et) the *otsherd (stri!e) with the *otsherds o$ the earthF ,hall
the lay say to him who $orms it% A>hat are yo# ma'ingCA 8r shall yo#r handiwor' (say%) AHe has no handsAC
Isa 01:15 >oe to him who says to (his) $ather% A>hat are yo# begettingCA 8r to the woman% A>hat ha!e yo#
bro#ght $orthCA .
Isa 01:11 Th#s says the /8:2% The Holy 8ne o$ Israel% and his ?a'er: .+s' ?e o$ things to ome onerning
?y sons& +nd onerning the wor' o$ ?y hands% yo# ommand ?e"
Isa 01:12 I ha!e made the earth% +nd reated man on it" I DD ?y hands DD strethed o#t the hea!ens% +nd all their
host I ha!e ommanded"
Isa 01:1- I ha!e raised him #* in righteo#sness% +nd I will diret all his ways& He shall b#ild ?y ity +nd let ?y
e9iles go $ree% Not $or *rie nor reward%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Isa 01:10 Th#s says the /8:2: .The labor o$ 6gy*t and merhandise o$ =#sh +nd o$ the ,abeans% men o$
stat#re% ,hall ome o!er to yo#% and they shall be yo#rs& They shall wal' behind yo#% They shall ome o!er in
hains& +nd they shall bow down to yo#" They will ma'e s#**liation to yo#% (saying%) A,#rely God (is) in yo#% +nd
(there is) no other& (There is) no other God"A .
Isa 01:11 Tr#ly Bo# (are) God% who hide Bo#rsel$% 8 God o$ Israel% the ,a!iorF
Isa 01:13 They shall be ashamed +nd also disgraed% all o$ them& They shall go in on$#sion together% (>ho
are) ma'ers o$ idols"
Isa 01:14 (B#t) Israel shall be sa!ed by the /8:2 >ith an e!erlasting sal!ation& Bo# shall not be ashamed or
disgraed ;ore!er and e!er"
Isa 01:18 ;or th#s says the /8:2% >ho reated the hea!ens% >ho is God% >ho $ormed the earth and made it%
>ho has established it% >ho did not reate it in !ain% >ho $ormed it to be inhabited: .I (am) the /8:2% and (there
is) no other"
Isa 01:19 I ha!e not s*o'en in seret% In a dar' *lae o$ the earth& I did not say to the seed o$ Jaob% A,ee' ?e
in !ainA& I% the /8:2% s*ea' righteo#sness% I delare things that are right"
Isa 01:25 . +ssemble yo#rsel!es and ome& 2raw near together% Bo# (who ha!e) esa*ed $rom the nations"
They ha!e no 'nowledge% >ho arry the wood o$ their ar!ed image% +nd *ray to a god (that) annot sa!e"
Isa 01:21 Tell and bring $orth (yo#r ase&) Bes% let them ta'e o#nsel together" >ho has delared this $rom
anient timeC (>ho) has told it $rom that timeC (Ha!e) not I% the /8:2C +nd (there is) no other God besides ?e%
+ @#st God and a ,a!ior& (There is) none besides ?e"
Isa 01:22 ./oo' to ?e% and be sa!ed% +ll yo# ends o$ the earthF ;or I (am) God% and (there is) no other"
Isa 01:2- I ha!e sworn by ?ysel$& The word has gone o#t o$ ?y mo#th (in) righteo#sness% +nd shall not ret#rn%
That to ?e e!ery 'nee shall bow% 6!ery tong#e shall ta'e an oath"
Isa 01:20 He shall say% A,#rely in the /8:2 I ha!e righteo#sness and strength" To Him (men) shall ome% +nd
all shall be ashamed >ho are inensed against Him"
Isa 01:21 In the /8:2 all the desendants o$ Israel ,hall be @#sti$ied% and shall glory"A .
Isa 03:1 Bel bows down% Nebo stoo*s& Their idols were on the beasts and on the attle" Bo#r arriages (were)
hea!ily loaded% + b#rden to the weary (beast")
Isa 03:2 They stoo*% they bow down together& They o#ld not deli!er the b#rden% B#t ha!e themsel!es gone into
Isa 03:- . /isten to ?e% 8 ho#se o$ Jaob% +nd all the remnant o$ the ho#se o$ Israel% >ho ha!e been #*held (by
?e) $rom birth% >ho ha!e been arried $rom the womb:
Isa 03:0 6!en to (yo#r) old age% I (am) He% +nd (e!en) to gray hairs I will arry (yo#F) I ha!e made% and I will bear&
6!en I will arry% and will deli!er (yo#")
Isa 03:1 . To whom will yo# li'en ?e% and ma'e (?e) eE#al +nd om*are ?e% that we sho#ld be ali'eC
Isa 03:3 They la!ish gold o#t o$ the bag% +nd weigh sil!er on the sales& They hire a goldsmith% and he ma'es it
a god& They *rostrate themsel!es% yes% they worshi*"
Isa 03:4 They bear it on the sho#lder% they arry it +nd set it in its *lae% and it stands& ;rom its *lae it shall not
mo!e" Tho#gh (one) ries o#t to it% yet it annot answer Nor sa!e him o#t o$ his tro#ble"
Isa 03:8 . :emember this% and show yo#rsel!es men& :eall to mind% 8 yo# transgressors"
Isa 03:9 :emember the $ormer things o$ old% ;or I (am) God% and (there is) no other& (I am) God% and (there is)
none li'e ?e%
Isa 03:15 2elaring the end $rom the beginning% +nd $rom anient times (things) that are not (yet) done% ,aying%
A?y o#nsel shall stand% +nd I will do all ?y *leas#re%A
Isa 03:11 =alling a bird o$ *rey $rom the east% The man who e9e#tes ?y o#nsel% $rom a $ar o#ntry" Indeed I
ha!e s*o'en (it&) I will also bring it to *ass" I ha!e *#r*osed (it&) I will also do it"
Isa 03:12 . /isten to ?e% yo# st#bbornDhearted% >ho (are) $ar $rom righteo#sness:
Isa 03:1- I bring ?y righteo#sness near% it shall not be $ar o$$& ?y sal!ation shall not linger" +nd I will *lae
sal!ation in Gion% ;or Israel ?y glory"
Isa 04:1 .=ome down and sit in the d#st% 8 !irgin da#ghter o$ Babylon& ,it on the gro#nd witho#t a throne% 8
da#ghter o$ the =haldeansF ;or yo# shall no more be alled Tender and deliate"
Isa 04:2 Ta'e the millstones and grind meal" :emo!e yo#r !eil% Ta'e o$$ the s'irt% 7no!er the thigh% <ass
thro#gh the ri!ers"
Isa 04:- Bo#r na'edness shall be #no!ered% Bes% yo#r shame will be seen& I will ta'e !engeane% +nd I will not
arbitrate with a man".
Isa 04:0 (+s $or) o#r :edeemer% the /8:2 o$ hosts (is) His name% The Holy 8ne o$ Israel"
Isa 04:1 . ,it in silene% and go into dar'ness% 8 da#ghter o$ the =haldeans& ;or yo# shall no longer be alled
The /ady o$ Kingdoms"
Isa 04:3 I was angry with ?y *eo*le& I ha!e *ro$aned ?y inheritane% +nd gi!en them into yo#r hand" Bo#
showed them no mery& 8n the elderly yo# laid yo#r yo'e !ery hea!ily"
Isa 04:4 +nd yo# said% AI shall be a lady $ore!er%A (,o) that yo# did not ta'e these (things) to heart% Nor remember
the latter end o$ them"
Isa 04:8 . There$ore hear this now% (yo# who are) gi!en to *leas#res% >ho dwell se#rely% >ho say in yo#r
heart% AI (am%) and (there is) no one else besides me& I shall not sit (as) a widow% Nor shall I 'now the loss o$
Isa 04:9 B#t these two (things) shall ome to yo# In a moment% in one day: The loss o$ hildren% and widowhood"
They shall ome #*on yo# in their $#llness Bea#se o$ the m#ltit#de o$ yo#r soreries% ;or the great ab#ndane
o$ yo#r enhantments"
Isa 04:15 .;or yo# ha!e tr#sted in yo#r wi'edness& Bo# ha!e said% ANo one sees meA& Bo#r wisdom and yo#r
'nowledge ha!e war*ed yo#& +nd yo# ha!e said in yo#r heart% AI (am%) and (there is) no one else besides me"A
Isa 04:11 There$ore e!il shall ome #*on yo#& Bo# shall not 'now $rom where it arises" +nd tro#ble shall $all
#*on yo#& Bo# will not be able to *#t it o$$" +nd desolation shall ome #*on yo# s#ddenly% (>hih) yo# shall not
Isa 04:12 . ,tand now with yo#r enhantments +nd the m#ltit#de o$ yo#r soreries% In whih yo# ha!e labored
$rom yo#r yo#th DD <erha*s yo# will be able to *ro$it% <erha*s yo# will *re!ail"
Isa 04:1- Bo# are wearied in the m#ltit#de o$ yo#r o#nsels& /et now the astrologers% the stargaHers% (+nd) the
monthly *rognostiators ,tand #* and sa!e yo# ;rom what shall ome #*on yo#"
Isa 04:10 Behold% they shall be as st#bble% The $ire shall b#rn them& They shall not deli!er themsel!es ;rom the
*ower o$ the $lame& (It shall) not (be) a oal to be warmed by% (Nor) a $ire to sit be$oreF
Isa 04:11 Th#s shall they be to yo# >ith whom yo# ha!e labored% Bo#r merhants $rom yo#r yo#th& They shall
wander eah one to his E#arter" No one shall sa!e yo#"
Isa 08:1 .Hear this% 8 ho#se o$ Jaob% >ho are alled by the name o$ Israel% +nd ha!e ome $orth $rom the
wells*rings o$ J#dah& >ho swear by the name o$ the /8:2% +nd ma'e mention o$ the God o$ Israel% (B#t) not in
tr#th or in righteo#sness&
Isa 08:2 ;or they all themsel!es a$ter the holy ity% +nd lean on the God o$ Israel& The /8:2 o$ hosts (is) His
Isa 08:- . I ha!e delared the $ormer things $rom the beginning& They went $orth $rom ?y mo#th% and I a#sed
them to hear it" ,#ddenly I did (them%) and they ame to *ass"
Isa 08:0 Bea#se I 'new that yo# (were) obstinate% +nd yo#r ne' (was) an iron sinew% +nd yo#r brow bronHe%
Isa 08:1 6!en $rom the beginning I ha!e delared (it) to yo#& Be$ore it ame to *ass I *rolaimed (it) to yo#% /est
yo# sho#ld say% A?y idol has done them% +nd my ar!ed image and my molded image Ha!e ommanded them"A
Isa 08:3 .Bo# ha!e heard& ,ee all this" +nd will yo# not delare (itC) I ha!e made yo# hear new things $rom this
time% 6!en hidden things% and yo# did not 'now them"
Isa 08:4 They are reated now and not $rom the beginning& +nd be$ore this day yo# ha!e not heard them% /est
yo# sho#ld say% A8$ o#rse I 'new them"A
Isa 08:8 ,#rely yo# did not hear% ,#rely yo# did not 'now& ,#rely $rom long ago yo#r ear was not o*ened" ;or I
'new that yo# wo#ld deal !ery treahero#sly% +nd were alled a transgressor $rom the womb"
Isa 08:9 .;or ?y nameAs sa'e I will de$er ?y anger% +nd ($or) ?y *raise I will restrain it $rom yo#% ,o that I do not
#t yo# o$$"
Isa 08:15 Behold% I ha!e re$ined yo#% b#t not as sil!er& I ha!e tested yo# in the $#rnae o$ a$$lition"
Isa 08:11 ;or ?y own sa'e% $or ?y own sa'e% I will do (it&) ;or how sho#ld (?y name) be *ro$anedC +nd I will not
gi!e ?y glory to another"
Isa 08:12 . /isten to ?e% 8 Jaob% +nd Israel% ?y alled: I (am) He% I (am) the ;irst% I (am) also the /ast"
Isa 08:1- Indeed ?y hand has laid the $o#ndation o$ the earth% +nd ?y right hand has strethed o#t the
hea!ens& (>hen) I all to them% They stand #* together"
Isa 08:10 .+ll o$ yo#% assemble yo#rsel!es% and hearF >ho among them has delared these (thingsC) The /8:2
lo!es him& He shall do His *leas#re on Babylon% +nd His arm (shall be against) the =haldeans"
Isa 08:11 I% (e!en) I% ha!e s*o'en& Bes% I ha!e alled him% I ha!e bro#ght him% and his way will *ros*er"
Isa 08:13 .=ome near to ?e% hear this: I ha!e not s*o'en in seret $rom the beginning& ;rom the time that it
was% I (was) there" +nd now the /ord G82 and His ,*irit Ha!e sent ?e".
Isa 08:14 Th#s says the /8:2% yo#r :edeemer% The Holy 8ne o$ Israel: .I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God% >ho
teahes yo# to *ro$it% >ho leads yo# by the way yo# sho#ld go"
Isa 08:18 8h% that yo# had heeded ?y ommandmentsF Then yo#r *eae wo#ld ha!e been li'e a ri!er% +nd
yo#r righteo#sness li'e the wa!es o$ the sea"
Isa 08:19 Bo#r desendants also wo#ld ha!e been li'e the sand% +nd the o$$s*ring o$ yo#r body li'e the grains
o$ sand& His name wo#ld not ha!e been #t o$$ Nor destroyed $rom be$ore ?e".
Isa 08:25 Go $orth $rom BabylonF ;lee $rom the =haldeansF >ith a !oie o$ singing% 2elare% *rolaim this% 7tter
it to the end o$ the earth& ,ay% .The /8:2 has redeemed His ser!ant JaobF.
Isa 08:21 +nd they did not thirst >hen He led them thro#gh the deserts& He a#sed the waters to $low $rom the
ro' $or them& He also s*lit the ro'% and the waters g#shed o#t"
Isa 08:22 .(There is) no *eae%. says the /8:2% .$or the wi'ed".
Isa 09:1 ./isten% 8 oastlands% to ?e% +nd ta'e heed% yo# *eo*les $rom a$arF The /8:2 has alled ?e $rom the
womb& ;rom the matri9 o$ ?y mother He has made mention o$ ?y name"
Isa 09:2 +nd He has made ?y mo#th li'e a shar* sword& In the shadow o$ His hand He has hidden ?e% +nd
made ?e a *olished sha$t& In His E#i!er He has hidden ?e".
Isa 09:- .+nd He said to me% ABo# (are) ?y ser!ant% 8 Israel% In whom I will be glori$ied"A
Isa 09:0 Then I said% AI ha!e labored in !ain% I ha!e s*ent my strength $or nothing and in !ain& Bet s#rely my @#st
reward (is) with the /8:2% +nd my wor' with my God"A .
Isa 09:1 . +nd now the /8:2 says% >ho $ormed ?e $rom the womb (to be) His ,er!ant% To bring Jaob ba' to
Him% ,o that Israel is gathered to Him I ;or I shall be glorio#s in the eyes o$ the /8:2% +nd ?y God shall be ?y
Isa 09:3 Indeed He says% AIt is too small a thing that Bo# sho#ld be ?y ,er!ant To raise #* the tribes o$ Jaob%
+nd to restore the *reser!ed ones o$ Israel& I will also gi!e Bo# as a light to the Gentiles% That Bo# sho#ld be ?y
sal!ation to the ends o$ the earth"A .
Isa 09:4 Th#s says the /8:2% The :edeemer o$ Israel% their Holy 8ne% To Him whom man des*ises% To Him
whom the nation abhors% To the ,er!ant o$ r#lers: .Kings shall see and arise% <rines also shall worshi*%
Bea#se o$ the /8:2 who is $aith$#l% The Holy 8ne o$ Israel& +nd He has hosen Bo#".
Isa 09:8 Th#s says the /8:2: .In an ae*table time I ha!e heard Bo#% +nd in the day o$ sal!ation I ha!e
hel*ed Bo#& I will *reser!e Bo# and gi!e Bo# +s a o!enant to the *eo*le% To restore the earth% To a#se them
to inherit the desolate heritages&
Isa 09:9 That Bo# may say to the *risoners% AGo $orth%A To those who (are) in dar'ness% A,how yo#rsel!es"A .They
shall $eed along the roads% +nd their *ast#res (shall be) on all desolate heights"
Isa 09:15 They shall neither h#nger nor thirst% Neither heat nor s#n shall stri'e them& ;or He who has mery on
them will lead them% 6!en by the s*rings o$ water He will g#ide them"
Isa 09:11 I will ma'e eah o$ ?y mo#ntains a road% +nd ?y highways shall be ele!ated"
Isa 09:12 ,#rely these shall ome $rom a$ar& /oo'F Those $rom the north and the west% +nd these $rom the land
o$ ,inim".
Isa 09:1- ,ing% 8 hea!ensF Be @oy$#l% 8 earthF +nd brea' o#t in singing% 8 mo#ntainsF ;or the /8:2 has
om$orted His *eo*le% +nd will ha!e mery on His a$$lited"
Isa 09:10 B#t Gion said% .The /8:2 has $orsa'en me% +nd my /ord has $orgotten me".
Isa 09:11 .=an a woman $orget her n#rsing hild% +nd not ha!e om*assion on the son o$ her wombC ,#rely
they may $orget% Bet I will not $orget yo#"
Isa 09:13 ,ee% I ha!e insribed yo# on the *alms (o$ ?y hands&) Bo#r walls (are) ontin#ally be$ore ?e"
Isa 09:14 Bo#r sons shall ma'e haste& Bo#r destroyers and those who laid yo# waste ,hall go away $rom yo#"
Isa 09:18 /i$t #* yo#r eyes% loo' aro#nd and see& +ll these gather together (and) ome to yo#" (+s) I li!e%. says
the /8:2% .Bo# shall s#rely lothe yo#rsel!es with them all as an ornament% +nd bind them (on yo#) as a bride
Isa 09:19 .;or yo#r waste and desolate *laes% +nd the land o$ yo#r destr#tion% >ill e!en now be too small $or
the inhabitants& +nd those who swallowed yo# #* will be $ar away"
Isa 09:25 The hildren yo# will ha!e% +$ter yo# ha!e lost the others% >ill say again in yo#r ears% AThe *lae (is)
too small $or me& Gi!e me a *lae where I may dwell"A
Isa 09:21 Then yo# will say in yo#r heart% A>ho has begotten these $or me% ,ine I ha!e lost my hildren and am
desolate% + a*ti!e% and wandering to and $roC +nd who has bro#ght these #*C There I was% le$t alone& B#t
these% where (were) theyCA .
Isa 09:22 Th#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% I will li$t ?y hand in an oath to the nations% +nd set #* ?y standard
$or the *eo*les& They shall bring yo#r sons in (their) arms% +nd yo#r da#ghters shall be arried on (their)
Isa 09:2- Kings shall be yo#r $oster $athers% +nd their E#eens yo#r n#rsing mothers& They shall bow down to
yo# with (their) $aes to the earth% +nd li' #* the d#st o$ yo#r $eet" Then yo# will 'now that I (am) the /8:2% ;or
they shall not be ashamed who wait $or ?e".
Isa 09:20 ,hall the *rey be ta'en $rom the mighty% 8r the a*ti!es o$ the righteo#s be deli!eredC
Isa 09:21 B#t th#s says the /8:2: .6!en the a*ti!es o$ the mighty shall be ta'en away% +nd the *rey o$ the
terrible be deli!ered& ;or I will ontend with him who ontends with yo#% +nd I will sa!e yo#r hildren"
Isa 09:23 I will $eed those who o**ress yo# with their own $lesh% +nd they shall be dr#n' with their own blood as
with sweet wine" +ll $lesh shall 'now That I% the /8:2% (am) yo#r ,a!ior% +nd yo#r :edeemer% the ?ighty 8ne o$
Isa 15:1 Th#s says the /8:2: .>here (is) the erti$iate o$ yo#r motherAs di!ore% >hom I ha!e *#t awayC 8r
whih o$ ?y reditors (is it) to whom I ha!e sold yo#C ;or yo#r iniE#ities yo# ha!e sold yo#rsel!es% +nd $or yo#r
transgressions yo#r mother has been *#t away"
Isa 15:2 >hy% when I ame% (was there) no manC (>hy%) when I alled% (was there) none to answerC Is ?y hand
shortened at all that it annot redeemC 8r ha!e I no *ower to deli!erC Indeed with ?y reb#'e I dry #* the sea% I
ma'e the ri!ers a wilderness& Their $ish stin' bea#se (there is) no water% +nd die o$ thirst"
Isa 15:- I lothe the hea!ens with bla'ness% +nd I ma'e sa'loth their o!ering".
Isa 15:0 . The /ord G82 has gi!en ?e The tong#e o$ the learned% That I sho#ld 'now how to s*ea' + word in
season to (him who is) weary" He awa'ens ?e morning by morning% He awa'ens ?y ear To hear as the learned"
Isa 15:1 The /ord G82 has o*ened ?y ear& +nd I was not rebellio#s% Nor did I t#rn away"
Isa 15:3 I ga!e ?y ba' to those who str#' (?e%) +nd ?y hee's to those who *l#'ed o#t the beard& I did not
hide ?y $ae $rom shame and s*itting"
Isa 15:4 . ;or the /ord G82 will hel* ?e& There$ore I will not be disgraed& There$ore I ha!e set ?y $ae li'e a
$lint% +nd I 'now that I will not be ashamed"
Isa 15:8 (He is) near who @#sti$ies ?e& >ho will ontend with ?eC /et #s stand together" >ho (is) ?y ad!ersaryC
/et him ome near ?e"
Isa 15:9 ,#rely the /ord G82 will hel* ?e& >ho (is) he (who) will ondemn ?eC Indeed they will all grow old li'e
a garment& The moth will eat them #*"
Isa 15:15 . >ho among yo# $ears the /8:2C >ho obeys the !oie o$ His ,er!antC >ho wal's in dar'ness +nd
has no lightC /et him tr#st in the name o$ the /8:2 +nd rely #*on his God"
Isa 15:11 /oo'% all yo# who 'indle a $ire% >ho enirle (yo#rsel!es) with s*ar's: >al' in the light o$ yo#r $ire and
in the s*ar's yo# ha!e 'indled DD This yo# shall ha!e $rom ?y hand: Bo# shall lie down in torment"
Isa 11:1 ./isten to ?e% yo# who $ollow a$ter righteo#sness% Bo# who see' the /8:2: /oo' to the ro' ($rom
whih) yo# were hewn% +nd to the hole o$ the *it ($rom whih) yo# were d#g"
Isa 11:2 /oo' to +braham yo#r $ather% +nd to ,arah (who) bore yo#& ;or I alled him alone% +nd blessed him
and inreased him".
Isa 11:- ;or the /8:2 will om$ort Gion% He will om$ort all her waste *laes& He will ma'e her wilderness li'e
6den% +nd her desert li'e the garden o$ the /8:2& Joy and gladness will be $o#nd in it% Than'sgi!ing and the
!oie o$ melody"
Isa 11:0 . /isten to ?e% ?y *eo*le& +nd gi!e ear to ?e% 8 ?y nation: ;or law will *roeed $rom ?e% +nd I will
ma'e ?y @#stie rest +s a light o$ the *eo*les"
Isa 11:1 ?y righteo#sness (is) near% ?y sal!ation has gone $orth% +nd ?y arms will @#dge the *eo*les& The
oastlands will wait #*on ?e% +nd on ?y arm they will tr#st"
Isa 11:3 /i$t #* yo#r eyes to the hea!ens% +nd loo' on the earth beneath" ;or the hea!ens will !anish away li'e
smo'e% The earth will grow old li'e a garment% +nd those who dwell in it will die in li'e manner& B#t ?y sal!ation
will be $ore!er% +nd ?y righteo#sness will not be abolished"
Isa 11:4 . /isten to ?e% yo# who 'now righteo#sness% Bo# *eo*le in whose heart (is) ?y law: 2o not $ear the
re*roah o$ men% Nor be a$raid o$ their ins#lts"
Isa 11:8 ;or the moth will eat them #* li'e a garment% +nd the worm will eat them li'e wool& B#t ?y
righteo#sness will be $ore!er% +nd ?y sal!ation $rom generation to generation".
Isa 11:9 +wa'e% awa'e% *#t on strength% 8 arm o$ the /8:2F +wa'e as in the anient days% In the generations
o$ old" (+re) Bo# not (the arm) that #t :ahab a*art% (+nd) wo#nded the ser*entC
Isa 11:15 (+re) Bo# not (the 8ne) who dried #* the sea% The waters o$ the great dee*& That made the de*ths o$
the sea a road ;or the redeemed to ross o!erC
Isa 11:11 ,o the ransomed o$ the /8:2 shall ret#rn% +nd ome to Gion with singing% >ith e!erlasting @oy on
their heads" They shall obtain @oy and gladness& ,orrow and sighing shall $lee away"
Isa 11:12 . I% (e!en) I% (am) He who om$orts yo#" >ho (are) yo# that yo# sho#ld be a$raid 8$ a man (who) will
die% +nd o$ the son o$ a man (who) will be made li'e grassC
Isa 11:1- +nd yo# $orget the /8:2 yo#r ?a'er% >ho strethed o#t the hea!ens +nd laid the $o#ndations o$ the
earth& Bo# ha!e $eared ontin#ally e!ery day Bea#se o$ the $#ry o$ the o**ressor% >hen (he has) *re*ared to
destroy" +nd where (is) the $#ry o$ the o**ressorC
Isa 11:10 The a*ti!e e9ile hastens% that he may be loosed% That he sho#ld not die in the *it% +nd that his bread
sho#ld not $ail"
Isa 11:11 B#t I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God% >ho di!ided the sea whose wa!es roared DD The /8:2 o$ hosts (is)
His name"
Isa 11:13 +nd I ha!e *#t ?y words in yo#r mo#th& I ha!e o!ered yo# with the shadow o$ ?y hand% That I may
*lant the hea!ens% /ay the $o#ndations o$ the earth% +nd say to Gion% ABo# (are) ?y *eo*le"A .
Isa 11:14 +wa'e% awa'eF ,tand #*% 8 Jer#salem% Bo# who ha!e dr#n' at the hand o$ the /8:2 The #* o$ His
$#ry& Bo# ha!e dr#n' the dregs o$ the #* o$ trembling% (+nd) drained (it) o#t"
Isa 11:18 (There is) no one to g#ide her +mong all the sons she has bro#ght $orth& Nor (is there any) who ta'es
her by the hand +mong all the sons she has bro#ght #*"
Isa 11:19 These two (things) ha!e ome to yo#& >ho will be sorry $or yo#C DD 2esolation and destr#tion% $amine
and sword DD By whom will I om$ort yo#C
Isa 11:25 Bo#r sons ha!e $ainted% They lie at the head o$ all the streets% /i'e an antelo*e in a net& They are $#ll
o$ the $#ry o$ the /8:2% The reb#'e o$ yo#r God"
Isa 11:21 There$ore *lease hear this% yo# a$$lited% +nd dr#n' b#t not with wine"
Isa 11:22 Th#s says yo#r /ord% The /8:2 and yo#r God% (>ho) *leads the a#se o$ His *eo*le: .,ee% I ha!e
ta'en o#t o$ yo#r hand The #* o$ trembling% The dregs o$ the #* o$ ?y $#ry& Bo# shall no longer drin' it"
Isa 11:2- B#t I will *#t it into the hand o$ those who a$$lit yo#% >ho ha!e said to yo#% A/ie down% that we may
wal' o!er yo#"A +nd yo# ha!e laid yo#r body li'e the gro#nd% +nd as the street% $or those who wal' o!er".
Isa 12:1 +wa'e% awa'eF <#t on yo#r strength% 8 Gion& <#t on yo#r bea#ti$#l garments% 8 Jer#salem% the holy
ityF ;or the #nir#mised and the #nlean ,hall no longer ome to yo#"
Isa 12:2 ,ha'e yo#rsel$ $rom the d#st% arise& ,it down% 8 Jer#salemF /oose yo#rsel$ $rom the bonds o$ yo#r
ne'% 8 a*ti!e da#ghter o$ GionF
Isa 12:- ;or th#s says the /8:2: .Bo# ha!e sold yo#rsel!es $or nothing% +nd yo# shall be redeemed witho#t
Isa 12:0 ;or th#s says the /ord G82: .?y *eo*le went down at $irst Into 6gy*t to dwell there& Then the +ssyrian
o**ressed them witho#t a#se"
Isa 12:1 Now there$ore% what ha!e I here%. says the /8:2% .That ?y *eo*le are ta'en away $or nothingC Those
who r#le o!er them ?a'e them wail%. says the /8:2% .+nd ?y name (is) blas*hemed ontin#ally e!ery day"
Isa 12:3 There$ore ?y *eo*le shall 'now ?y name& There$ore (they shall 'now) in that day That I (am) He who
s*ea's: ABehold% (it is) I"A .
Isa 12:4 How bea#ti$#l #*on the mo#ntains +re the $eet o$ him who brings good news% >ho *rolaims *eae%
>ho brings glad tidings o$ good (things%) >ho *rolaims sal!ation% >ho says to Gion% .Bo#r God reignsF.
Isa 12:8 Bo#r wathmen shall li$t #* (their) !oies% >ith their !oies they shall sing together& ;or they shall see
eye to eye >hen the /8:2 brings ba' Gion"
Isa 12:9 Brea' $orth into @oy% sing together% Bo# waste *laes o$ Jer#salemF ;or the /8:2 has om$orted His
*eo*le% He has redeemed Jer#salem"
Isa 12:15 The /8:2 has made bare His holy arm In the eyes o$ all the nations& +nd all the ends o$ the earth
shall see The sal!ation o$ o#r God"
Isa 12:11 2e*artF 2e*artF Go o#t $rom there% To#h no #nlean (thing&) Go o#t $rom the midst o$ her% Be lean%
Bo# who bear the !essels o$ the /8:2"
Isa 12:12 ;or yo# shall not go o#t with haste% Nor go by $light& ;or the /8:2 will go be$ore yo#% +nd the God o$
Israel (will be) yo#r rear g#ard"
Isa 12:1- Behold% ?y ,er!ant shall deal *r#dently& He shall be e9alted and e9tolled and be !ery high"
Isa 12:10 J#st as many were astonished at yo#% ,o His !isage was marred more than any man% +nd His $orm
more than the sons o$ men&
Isa 12:11 ,o shall He s*rin'le many nations" Kings shall sh#t their mo#ths at Him& ;or what had not been told
them they shall see% +nd what they had not heard they shall onsider"
Isa 1-:1 >ho has belie!ed o#r re*ortC +nd to whom has the arm o$ the /8:2 been re!ealedC
Isa 1-:2 ;or He shall grow #* be$ore Him as a tender *lant% +nd as a root o#t o$ dry gro#nd" He has no $orm or
omeliness& +nd when we see Him% (There is) no bea#ty that we sho#ld desire Him"
Isa 1-:- He is des*ised and re@eted by men% + ?an o$ sorrows and aE#ainted with grie$" +nd we hid% as it
were% (o#r) $aes $rom Him& He was des*ised% and we did not esteem Him"
Isa 1-:0 ,#rely He has borne o#r grie$s +nd arried o#r sorrows& Bet we esteemed Him stri'en% ,mitten by
God% and a$$lited"
Isa 1-:1 B#t He (was) wo#nded $or o#r transgressions% (He was) br#ised $or o#r iniE#ities& The hastisement $or
o#r *eae (was) #*on Him% +nd by His stri*es we are healed"
Isa 1-:3 +ll we li'e shee* ha!e gone astray& >e ha!e t#rned% e!ery one% to his own way& +nd the /8:2 has
laid on Him the iniE#ity o$ #s all"
Isa 1-:4 He was o**ressed and He was a$$lited% Bet He o*ened not His mo#th& He was led as a lamb to the
sla#ghter% +nd as a shee* be$ore its shearers is silent% ,o He o*ened not His mo#th"
Isa 1-:8 He was ta'en $rom *rison and $rom @#dgment% +nd who will delare His generationC ;or He was #t o$$
$rom the land o$ the li!ing& ;or the transgressions o$ ?y *eo*le He was stri'en"
Isa 1-:9 +nd they made His gra!e with the wi'ed DD B#t with the rih at His death% Bea#se He had done no
!iolene% Nor (was any) deeit in His mo#th"
Isa 1-:15 Bet it *leased the /8:2 to br#ise Him& He has *#t (Him) to grie$" >hen Bo# ma'e His so#l an o$$ering
$or sin% He shall see (His) seed% He shall *rolong (His) days% +nd the *leas#re o$ the /8:2 shall *ros*er in His
Isa 1-:11 He shall see the labor o$ His so#l% (and) be satis$ied" By His 'nowledge ?y righteo#s ,er!ant shall
@#sti$y many% ;or He shall bear their iniE#ities"
Isa 1-:12 There$ore I will di!ide Him a *ortion with the great% +nd He shall di!ide the s*oil with the strong%
Bea#se He *o#red o#t His so#l #nto death% +nd He was n#mbered with the transgressors% +nd He bore the sin
o$ many% +nd made interession $or the transgressors"
Isa 10:1 .,ing% 8 barren% Bo# (who) ha!e not borneF Brea' $orth into singing% and ry alo#d% Bo# (who) ha!e not
labored with hildF ;or more (are) the hildren o$ the desolate Than the hildren o$ the married woman%. says the
Isa 10:2 .6nlarge the *lae o$ yo#r tent% +nd let them streth o#t the #rtains o$ yo#r dwellings& 2o not s*are&
/engthen yo#r ords% +nd strengthen yo#r sta'es"
Isa 10:- ;or yo# shall e9*and to the right and to the le$t% +nd yo#r desendants will inherit the nations% +nd
ma'e the desolate ities inhabited"
Isa 10:0 . 2o not $ear% $or yo# will not be ashamed& Neither be disgraed% $or yo# will not be *#t to shame& ;or
yo# will $orget the shame o$ yo#r yo#th% +nd will not remember the re*roah o$ yo#r widowhood anymore"
Isa 10:1 ;or yo#r ?a'er (is) yo#r h#sband% The /8:2 o$ hosts (is) His name& +nd yo#r :edeemer (is) the Holy
8ne o$ Israel& He is alled the God o$ the whole earth"
Isa 10:3 ;or the /8:2 has alled yo# /i'e a woman $orsa'en and grie!ed in s*irit% /i'e a yo#th$#l wi$e when
yo# were re$#sed%. ,ays yo#r God"
Isa 10:4 .;or a mere moment I ha!e $orsa'en yo#% B#t with great meries I will gather yo#"
Isa 10:8 >ith a little wrath I hid ?y $ae $rom yo# $or a moment& B#t with e!erlasting 'indness I will ha!e mery
on yo#%. ,ays the /8:2% yo#r :edeemer"
Isa 10:9 . ;or this (is) li'e the waters o$ Noah to ?e& ;or as I ha!e sworn That the waters o$ Noah wo#ld no
longer o!er the earth% ,o ha!e I sworn That I wo#ld not be angry with yo#% nor reb#'e yo#"
Isa 10:15 ;or the mo#ntains shall de*art +nd the hills be remo!ed% B#t ?y 'indness shall not de*art $rom yo#%
Nor shall ?y o!enant o$ *eae be remo!ed%. ,ays the /8:2% who has mery on yo#"
Isa 10:11 . 8 yo# a$$lited one% Tossed with tem*est% (and) not om$orted% Behold% I will lay yo#r stones with
olor$#l gems% +nd lay yo#r $o#ndations with sa**hires"
Isa 10:12 I will ma'e yo#r *innales o$ r#bies% Bo#r gates o$ rystal% +nd all yo#r walls o$ *reio#s stones"
Isa 10:1- +ll yo#r hildren (shall be) ta#ght by the /8:2% +nd great (shall be) the *eae o$ yo#r hildren"
Isa 10:10 In righteo#sness yo# shall be established& Bo# shall be $ar $rom o**ression% $or yo# shall not $ear& +nd
$rom terror% $or it shall not ome near yo#"
Isa 10:11 Indeed they shall s#rely assemble% (b#t) not bea#se o$ ?e" >hoe!er assembles against yo# shall $all
$or yo#r sa'e"
Isa 10:13 .Behold% I ha!e reated the bla'smith >ho blows the oals in the $ire% >ho brings $orth an instr#ment
$or his wor'& +nd I ha!e reated the s*oiler to destroy"
Isa 10:14 No wea*on $ormed against yo# shall *ros*er% +nd e!ery tong#e (whih) rises against yo# in @#dgment
Bo# shall ondemn" This (is) the heritage o$ the ser!ants o$ the /8:2% +nd their righteo#sness (is) $rom ?e%.
,ays the /8:2"
Isa 11:1 .HoF 6!eryone who thirsts% =ome to the waters& +nd yo# who ha!e no money% =ome% b#y and eat" Bes%
ome% b#y wine and mil' >itho#t money and witho#t *rie"
Isa 11:2 >hy do yo# s*end money $or (what is) not bread% +nd yo#r wages $or (what) does not satis$yC /isten
are$#lly to ?e% and eat (what is) good% +nd let yo#r so#l delight itsel$ in ab#ndane"
Isa 11:- Inline yo#r ear% and ome to ?e" Hear% and yo#r so#l shall li!e& +nd I will ma'e an e!erlasting
o!enant with yo# DD The s#re meries o$ 2a!id"
Isa 11:0 Indeed I ha!e gi!en him (as) a witness to the *eo*le% + leader and ommander $or the *eo*le"
Isa 11:1 ,#rely yo# shall all a nation yo# do not 'now% +nd nations (who) do not 'now yo# shall r#n to yo#%
Bea#se o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% +nd the Holy 8ne o$ Israel& ;or He has glori$ied yo#".
Isa 11:3 ,ee' the /8:2 while He may be $o#nd% =all #*on Him while He is near"
Isa 11:4 /et the wi'ed $orsa'e his way% +nd the #nrighteo#s man his tho#ghts& /et him ret#rn to the /8:2%
+nd He will ha!e mery on him& +nd to o#r God% ;or He will ab#ndantly *ardon"
Isa 11:8 . ;or ?y tho#ghts (are) not yo#r tho#ghts% Nor (are) yo#r ways ?y ways%. says the /8:2"
Isa 11:9 .;or (as) the hea!ens are higher than the earth% ,o are ?y ways higher than yo#r ways% +nd ?y
tho#ghts than yo#r tho#ghts"
Isa 11:15 .;or as the rain omes down% and the snow $rom hea!en% +nd do not ret#rn there% B#t water the earth%
+nd ma'e it bring $orth and b#d% That it may gi!e seed to the sower +nd bread to the eater%
Isa 11:11 ,o shall ?y word be that goes $orth $rom ?y mo#th& It shall not ret#rn to ?e !oid% B#t it shall
aom*lish what I *lease% +nd it shall *ros*er (in the thing) $or whih I sent it"
Isa 11:12 .;or yo# shall go o#t with @oy% +nd be led o#t with *eae& The mo#ntains and the hills ,hall brea' $orth
into singing be$ore yo#% +nd all the trees o$ the $ield shall la* (their) hands"
Isa 11:1- Instead o$ the thorn shall ome #* the y*ress tree% +nd instead o$ the brier shall ome #* the myrtle
tree& +nd it shall be to the /8:2 $or a name% ;or an e!erlasting sign (that) shall not be #t o$$".
Isa 13:1 Th#s says the /8:2: .Kee* @#stie% and do righteo#sness% ;or ?y sal!ation (is) abo#t to ome% +nd ?y
righteo#sness to be re!ealed"
Isa 13:2 Blessed (is) the man (who) does this% +nd the son o$ man (who) lays hold on it& >ho 'ee*s $rom de$iling
the ,abbath% +nd 'ee*s his hand $rom doing any e!il".
Isa 13:- 2o not let the son o$ the $oreigner >ho has @oined himsel$ to the /8:2 ,*ea'% saying% .The /8:2 has
#tterly se*arated me $rom His *eo*le.& Nor let the e#n#h say% .Here I am% a dry tree".
Isa 13:0 ;or th#s says the /8:2: .To the e#n#hs who 'ee* ?y ,abbaths% +nd hoose what *leases ?e% +nd
hold $ast ?y o!enant%
Isa 13:1 6!en to them I will gi!e in ?y ho#se +nd within ?y walls a *lae and a name Better than that o$ sons
and da#ghters& I will gi!e them an e!erlasting name That shall not be #t o$$"
Isa 13:3 . +lso the sons o$ the $oreigner >ho @oin themsel!es to the /8:2% to ser!e Him% +nd to lo!e the name
o$ the /8:2% to be His ser!ants DD 6!eryone who 'ee*s $rom de$iling the ,abbath% +nd holds $ast ?y o!enant DD
Isa 13:4 6!en them I will bring to ?y holy mo#ntain% +nd ma'e them @oy$#l in ?y ho#se o$ *rayer" Their b#rnt
o$$erings and their sari$ies (>ill be) ae*ted on ?y altar& ;or ?y ho#se shall be alled a ho#se o$ *rayer $or
all nations".
Isa 13:8 The /ord G82% who gathers the o#tasts o$ Israel% says% .Bet I will gather to him (8thers) besides those
who are gathered to him".
Isa 13:9 +ll yo# beasts o$ the $ield% ome to de!o#r% +ll yo# beasts in the $orest"
Isa 13:15 His wathmen (are) blind% They are all ignorant& They (are) all d#mb dogs% They annot bar'& ,lee*ing%
lying down% lo!ing to sl#mber"
Isa 13:11 Bes% (they are) greedy dogs (>hih) ne!er ha!e eno#gh" +nd they (are) she*herds >ho annot
#nderstand& They all loo' to their own way% 6!ery one $or his own gain% ;rom his (own) territory"
Isa 13:12 .=ome%. (one says%) .I will bring wine% +nd we will $ill o#rsel!es with into9iating drin'& Tomorrow will
be as today% (+nd) m#h more ab#ndant".
Isa 14:1 The righteo#s *erishes% +nd no man ta'es (it) to heart& ?eri$#l men (are) ta'en away% >hile no one
onsiders That the righteo#s is ta'en away $rom e!il"
Isa 14:2 He shall enter into *eae& They shall rest in their beds% (6ah one) wal'ing (in) his #*rightness"
Isa 14:- . B#t ome here% Bo# sons o$ the soreress% Bo# o$$s*ring o$ the ad#lterer and the harlotF
Isa 14:0 >hom do yo# ridi#leC +gainst whom do yo# ma'e a wide mo#th (+nd) sti' o#t the tong#eC (+re) yo#
not hildren o$ transgression% 8$$s*ring o$ $alsehood%
Isa 14:1 In$laming yo#rsel!es with gods #nder e!ery green tree% ,laying the hildren in the !alleys% 7nder the
le$ts o$ the ro'sC
Isa 14:3 +mong the smooth (stones) o$ the stream (Is) yo#r *ortion& They% they% (are) yo#r lotF 6!en to them yo#
ha!e *o#red a drin' o$$ering% Bo# ha!e o$$ered a grain o$$ering" ,ho#ld I reei!e om$ort in theseC
Isa 14:4 .8n a lo$ty and high mo#ntain Bo# ha!e set yo#r bed& 6V6N there yo# went #* To o$$er sari$ie"
Isa 14:8 +lso behind the doors and their *osts Bo# ha!e set #* yo#r remembrane& ;or yo# ha!e #no!ered
yo#rsel$ (to those other) than ?e% +nd ha!e gone #* to them& Bo# ha!e enlarged yo#r bed +nd made (a
o!enant) with them& Bo# ha!e lo!ed their bed% >here yo# saw (their) n#dity"
Isa 14:9 Bo# went to the 'ing with ointment% +nd inreased yo#r *er$#mes& Bo# sent yo#r messengers $ar o$$%
+nd (e!en) desended to ,heol"
Isa 14:15 Bo# are wearied in the length o$ yo#r way& (Bet) yo# did not say% AThere is no ho*e"A Bo# ha!e $o#nd
the li$e o$ yo#r hand& There$ore yo# were not grie!ed"
Isa 14:11 . +nd o$ whom ha!e yo# been a$raid% or $eared% That yo# ha!e lied +nd not remembered ?e% Nor
ta'en (it) to yo#r heartC Is it not bea#se I ha!e held ?y *eae $rom o$ old That yo# do not $ear ?eC
Isa 14:12 I will delare yo#r righteo#sness +nd yo#r wor's% ;or they will not *ro$it yo#"
Isa 14:1- >hen yo# ry o#t% /et yo#r olletion (o$ idols) deli!er yo#" B#t the wind will arry them all away% +
breath will ta'e (them") B#t he who *#ts his tr#st in ?e shall *ossess the land% +nd shall inherit ?y holy
Isa 14:10 +nd one shall say% .Hea* it #*F Hea* it #*F <re*are the way% Ta'e the st#mbling blo' o#t o$ the way
o$ ?y *eo*le".
Isa 14:11 ;or th#s says the High and /o$ty 8ne >ho inhabits eternity% whose name (is) Holy: .I dwell in the high
and holy (*lae%) >ith him (who) has a ontrite and h#mble s*irit% To re!i!e the s*irit o$ the h#mble% +nd to re!i!e
the heart o$ the ontrite ones"
Isa 14:13 ;or I will not ontend $ore!er% Nor will I always be angry& ;or the s*irit wo#ld $ail be$ore ?e% +nd the
so#ls (whih) I ha!e made"
Isa 14:14 ;or the iniE#ity o$ his o!eto#sness I was angry and str#' him& I hid and was angry% +nd he went on
ba'sliding in the way o$ his heart"
Isa 14:18 I ha!e seen his ways% and will heal him& I will also lead him% +nd restore om$orts to him +nd to his
Isa 14:19 .I reate the $r#it o$ the li*s: <eae% *eae to (him who is) $ar o$$ and to (him who is) near%. ,ays the
/8:2% .+nd I will heal him".
Isa 14:25 B#t the wi'ed (are) li'e the tro#bled sea% >hen it annot rest% >hose waters ast #* mire and dirt"
Isa 14:21 .(There is) no *eae%. ,ays my God% .$or the wi'ed".
Isa 18:1 .=ry alo#d% s*are not& /i$t #* yo#r !oie li'e a tr#m*et& Tell ?y *eo*le their transgression% +nd the
ho#se o$ Jaob their sins"
Isa 18:2 Bet they see' ?e daily% +nd delight to 'now ?y ways% +s a nation that did righteo#sness% +nd did not
$orsa'e the ordinane o$ their God" They as' o$ ?e the ordinanes o$ @#stie& They ta'e delight in a**roahing
Isa 18:- A>hy ha!e we $asted%A (they say%) Aand Bo# ha!e not seenC (>hy) ha!e we a$$lited o#r so#ls% and Bo#
ta'e no notieCA .In $at% in the day o$ yo#r $ast yo# $ind *leas#re% +nd e9*loit all yo#r laborers"
Isa 18:0 Indeed yo# $ast $or stri$e and debate% +nd to stri'e with the $ist o$ wi'edness" Bo# will not $ast as (yo#
do) this day% To ma'e yo#r !oie heard on high"
Isa 18:1 Is it a $ast that I ha!e hosen% + day $or a man to a$$lit his so#lC (Is it) to bow down his head li'e a
b#lr#sh% +nd to s*read o#t sa'loth and ashesC >o#ld yo# all this a $ast% +nd an ae*table day to the
Isa 18:3 . (Is) this not the $ast that I ha!e hosen: To loose the bonds o$ wi'edness% To #ndo the hea!y
b#rdens% To let the o**ressed go $ree% +nd that yo# brea' e!ery yo'eC
Isa 18:4 (Is it) not to share yo#r bread with the h#ngry% +nd that yo# bring to yo#r ho#se the *oor who are ast
o#t& >hen yo# see the na'ed% that yo# o!er him% +nd not hide yo#rsel$ $rom yo#r own $leshC
Isa 18:8 Then yo#r light shall brea' $orth li'e the morning% Bo#r healing shall s*ring $orth s*eedily% +nd yo#r
righteo#sness shall go be$ore yo#& The glory o$ the /8:2 shall be yo#r rear g#ard"
Isa 18:9 Then yo# shall all% and the /8:2 will answer& Bo# shall ry% and He will say% AHere I (am"A) .I$ yo# ta'e
away the yo'e $rom yo#r midst% The *ointing o$ the $inger% and s*ea'ing wi'edness%
Isa 18:15 (I$) yo# e9tend yo#r so#l to the h#ngry +nd satis$y the a$$lited so#l% Then yo#r light shall dawn in the
dar'ness% +nd yo#r dar'ness shall (be) as the noonday"
Isa 18:11 The /8:2 will g#ide yo# ontin#ally% +nd satis$y yo#r so#l in dro#ght% +nd strengthen yo#r bones&
Bo# shall be li'e a watered garden% +nd li'e a s*ring o$ water% whose waters do not $ail"
Isa 18:12 Those $rom among yo# ,hall b#ild the old waste *laes& Bo# shall raise #* the $o#ndations o$ many
generations& +nd yo# shall be alled the :e*airer o$ the Breah% The :estorer o$ ,treets to 2well In"
Isa 18:1- . I$ yo# t#rn away yo#r $oot $rom the ,abbath% (;rom) doing yo#r *leas#re on ?y holy day% +nd all the
,abbath a delight% The holy (day) o$ the /8:2 honorable% +nd shall honor Him% not doing yo#r own ways% Nor
$inding yo#r own *leas#re% Nor s*ea'ing (yo#r own) words%
Isa 18:10 Then yo# shall delight yo#rsel$ in the /8:2& +nd I will a#se yo# to ride on the high hills o$ the earth%
+nd $eed yo# with the heritage o$ Jaob yo#r $ather" The mo#th o$ the /8:2 has s*o'en".
Isa 19:1 Behold% the /8:2As hand is not shortened% That it annot sa!e& Nor His ear hea!y% That it annot hear"
Isa 19:2 B#t yo#r iniE#ities ha!e se*arated yo# $rom yo#r God& +nd yo#r sins ha!e hidden (His) $ae $rom yo#%
,o that He will not hear"
Isa 19:- ;or yo#r hands are de$iled with blood% +nd yo#r $ingers with iniE#ity& Bo#r li*s ha!e s*o'en lies% Bo#r
tong#e has m#ttered *er!ersity"
Isa 19:0 No one alls $or @#stie% Nor does (any) *lead $or tr#th" They tr#st in em*ty words and s*ea' lies& They
onei!e e!il and bring $orth iniE#ity"
Isa 19:1 They hath !i*ersA eggs and wea!e the s*iderAs web& He who eats o$ their eggs dies% +nd ($rom) that
whih is r#shed a !i*er brea's o#t"
Isa 19:3 Their webs will not beome garments% Nor will they o!er themsel!es with their wor's& Their wor's (are)
wor's o$ iniE#ity% +nd the at o$ !iolene (is) in their hands"
Isa 19:4 Their $eet r#n to e!il% +nd they ma'e haste to shed innoent blood& Their tho#ghts (are) tho#ghts o$
iniE#ity& >asting and destr#tion (are) in their *aths"
Isa 19:8 The way o$ *eae they ha!e not 'nown% +nd (there is) no @#stie in their ways& They ha!e made
themsel!es roo'ed *aths& >hoe!er ta'es that way shall not 'now *eae"
Isa 19:9 There$ore @#stie is $ar $rom #s% Nor does righteo#sness o!erta'e #s& >e loo' $or light% b#t there is
dar'nessF ;or brightness% (b#t) we wal' in bla'nessF
Isa 19:15 >e gro*e $or the wall li'e the blind% +nd we gro*e as i$ (we had) no eyes& >e st#mble at noonday as
at twilight& (>e are) as dead (men) in desolate *laes"
Isa 19:11 >e all growl li'e bears% +nd moan sadly li'e do!es& >e loo' $or @#stie% b#t (there is) none& ;or
sal!ation% (b#t) it is $ar $rom #s"
Isa 19:12 ;or o#r transgressions are m#lti*lied be$ore Bo#% +nd o#r sins testi$y against #s& ;or o#r
transgressions (are) with #s% +nd (as $or) o#r iniE#ities% we 'now them:
Isa 19:1- In transgressing and lying against the /8:2% +nd de*arting $rom o#r God% ,*ea'ing o**ression and
re!olt% =onei!ing and #ttering $rom the heart words o$ $alsehood"
Isa 19:10 J#stie is t#rned ba'% +nd righteo#sness stands a$ar o$$& ;or tr#th is $allen in the street% +nd eE#ity
annot enter"
Isa 19:11 ,o tr#th $ails% +nd he (who) de*arts $rom e!il ma'es himsel$ a *rey" Then the /8:2 saw (it%) and it
dis*leased Him That (there was) no @#stie"
Isa 19:13 He saw that (there was) no man% +nd wondered that (there was) no interessor& There$ore His own
arm bro#ght sal!ation $or Him& +nd His own righteo#sness% it s#stained Him"
Isa 19:14 ;or He *#t on righteo#sness as a breast*late% +nd a helmet o$ sal!ation on His head& He *#t on the
garments o$ !engeane $or lothing% +nd was lad with Heal as a loa'"
Isa 19:18 +ording to (their) deeds% aordingly He will re*ay% ;#ry to His ad!ersaries% :eom*ense to His
enemies& The oastlands He will $#lly re*ay"
Isa 19:19 ,o shall they $ear The name o$ the /8:2 $rom the west% +nd His glory $rom the rising o$ the s#n&
>hen the enemy omes in li'e a $lood% The ,*irit o$ the /8:2 will li$t #* a standard against him"
Isa 19:25 . The :edeemer will ome to Gion% +nd to those who t#rn $rom transgression in Jaob%. ,ays the
Isa 19:21 .+s $or ?e%. says the /8:2% .this (is) ?y o!enant with them: ?y ,*irit who (is) #*on yo#% and ?y
words whih I ha!e *#t in yo#r mo#th% shall not de*art $rom yo#r mo#th% nor $rom the mo#th o$ yo#r
desendants% nor $rom the mo#th o$ yo#r desendantsA desendants%. says the /8:2% .$rom this time and
Isa 35:1 +rise% shine& ;or yo#r light has omeF +nd the glory o$ the /8:2 is risen #*on yo#"
Isa 35:2 ;or behold% the dar'ness shall o!er the earth% +nd dee* dar'ness the *eo*le& B#t the /8:2 will arise
o!er yo#% +nd His glory will be seen #*on yo#"
Isa 35:- The Gentiles shall ome to yo#r light% +nd 'ings to the brightness o$ yo#r rising"
Isa 35:0 . /i$t #* yo#r eyes all aro#nd% and see: They all gather together% they ome to yo#& Bo#r sons shall
ome $rom a$ar% +nd yo#r da#ghters shall be n#rsed at (yo#r) side"
Isa 35:1 Then yo# shall see and beome radiant% +nd yo#r heart shall swell with @oy& Bea#se the ab#ndane o$
the sea shall be t#rned to yo#% The wealth o$ the Gentiles shall ome to yo#"
Isa 35:3 The m#ltit#de o$ amels shall o!er yo#r (land%) The dromedaries o$ ?idian and 6*hah& +ll those $rom
,heba shall ome& They shall bring gold and inense% +nd they shall *rolaim the *raises o$ the /8:2"
Isa 35:4 +ll the $lo's o$ Kedar shall be gathered together to yo#% The rams o$ Nebaioth shall minister to yo#&
They shall asend with ae*tane on ?y altar% +nd I will glori$y the ho#se o$ ?y glory"
Isa 35:8 .>ho (are) these (who) $ly li'e a lo#d% +nd li'e do!es to their roostsC
Isa 35:9 ,#rely the oastlands shall wait $or ?e& +nd the shi*s o$ Tarshish (will ome) $irst% To bring yo#r sons
$rom a$ar% Their sil!er and their gold with them% To the name o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% +nd to the Holy 8ne o$
Israel% Bea#se He has glori$ied yo#"
Isa 35:15 . The sons o$ $oreigners shall b#ild #* yo#r walls% +nd their 'ings shall minister to yo#& ;or in ?y wrath
I str#' yo#% B#t in ?y $a!or I ha!e had mery on yo#"
Isa 35:11 There$ore yo#r gates shall be o*en ontin#ally& They shall not be sh#t day or night% That (men) may
bring to yo# the wealth o$ the Gentiles% +nd their 'ings in *roession"
Isa 35:12 ;or the nation and 'ingdom whih will not ser!e yo# shall *erish% +nd (those) nations shall be #tterly
Isa 35:1- .The glory o$ /ebanon shall ome to yo#% The y*ress% the *ine% and the bo9 tree together% To
bea#ti$y the *lae o$ ?y sant#ary& +nd I will ma'e the *lae o$ ?y $eet glorio#s"
Isa 35:10 +lso the sons o$ those who a$$lited yo# ,hall ome bowing to yo#% +nd all those who des*ised yo#
shall $all *rostrate at the soles o$ yo#r $eet& +nd they shall all yo# The =ity o$ the /8:2% Gion o$ the Holy 8ne o$
Isa 35:11 . >hereas yo# ha!e been $orsa'en and hated% ,o that no one went thro#gh (yo#%) I will ma'e yo# an
eternal e9ellene% + @oy o$ many generations"
Isa 35:13 Bo# shall drin' the mil' o$ the Gentiles% +nd mil' the breast o$ 'ings& Bo# shall 'now that I% the /8:2%
(am) yo#r ,a!ior +nd yo#r :edeemer% the ?ighty 8ne o$ Jaob"
Isa 35:14 . Instead o$ bronHe I will bring gold% Instead o$ iron I will bring sil!er% Instead o$ wood% bronHe% +nd
instead o$ stones% iron" I will also ma'e yo#r o$$iers *eae% +nd yo#r magistrates righteo#sness"
Isa 35:18 Violene shall no longer be heard in yo#r land% Neither wasting nor destr#tion within yo#r borders&
B#t yo# shall all yo#r walls ,al!ation% +nd yo#r gates <raise"
Isa 35:19 . The s#n shall no longer be yo#r light by day% Nor $or brightness shall the moon gi!e light to yo#& B#t
the /8:2 will be to yo# an e!erlasting light% +nd yo#r God yo#r glory"
Isa 35:25 Bo#r s#n shall no longer go down% Nor shall yo#r moon withdraw itsel$& ;or the /8:2 will be yo#r
e!erlasting light% +nd the days o$ yo#r mo#rning shall be ended"
Isa 35:21 +lso yo#r *eo*le (shall) all (be) righteo#s& They shall inherit the land $ore!er% The branh o$ ?y
*lanting% The wor' o$ ?y hands% That I may be glori$ied"
Isa 35:22 + little one shall beome a tho#sand% +nd a small one a strong nation" I% the /8:2% will hasten it in its
Isa 31:1 .The ,*irit o$ the /ord G82 (is) #*on ?e% Bea#se the /8:2 has anointed ?e To *reah good tidings
to the *oor& He has sent ?e to heal the bro'enhearted% To *rolaim liberty to the a*ti!es% +nd the o*ening o$
the *rison to (those who are) bo#nd&
Isa 31:2 To *rolaim the ae*table year o$ the /8:2% +nd the day o$ !engeane o$ o#r God& To om$ort all
who mo#rn%
Isa 31:- To onsole those who mo#rn in Gion% To gi!e them bea#ty $or ashes% The oil o$ @oy $or mo#rning% The
garment o$ *raise $or the s*irit o$ hea!iness& That they may be alled trees o$ righteo#sness% The *lanting o$ the
/8:2% that He may be glori$ied".
Isa 31:0 +nd they shall reb#ild the old r#ins% They shall raise #* the $ormer desolations% +nd they shall re*air the
r#ined ities% The desolations o$ many generations"
Isa 31:1 ,trangers shall stand and $eed yo#r $lo's% +nd the sons o$ the $oreigner (,hall be) yo#r *lowmen and
yo#r !inedressers"
Isa 31:3 B#t yo# shall be named the *riests o$ the /8:2% They shall all yo# the ser!ants o$ o#r God" Bo# shall
eat the rihes o$ the Gentiles% +nd in their glory yo# shall boast"
Isa 31:4 Instead o$ yo#r shame (yo# shall ha!e) do#ble (honor%) +nd (instead o$) on$#sion they shall re@oie in
their *ortion" There$ore in their land they shall *ossess do#ble& 6!erlasting @oy shall be theirs"
Isa 31:8 .;or I% the /8:2% lo!e @#stie& I hate robbery $or b#rnt o$$ering& I will diret their wor' in tr#th% +nd will
ma'e with them an e!erlasting o!enant"
Isa 31:9 Their desendants shall be 'nown among the Gentiles% +nd their o$$s*ring among the *eo*le" +ll who
see them shall a'nowledge them% That they (are) the *osterity (whom) the /8:2 has blessed".
Isa 31:15 I will greatly re@oie in the /8:2% ?y so#l shall be @oy$#l in my God& ;or He has lothed me with the
garments o$ sal!ation% He has o!ered me with the robe o$ righteo#sness% +s a bridegroom de's (himsel$) with
ornaments% +nd as a bride adorns (hersel$) with her @ewels"
Isa 31:11 ;or as the earth brings $orth its b#d% +s the garden a#ses the things that are sown in it to s*ring $orth%
,o the /ord G82 will a#se righteo#sness and *raise to s*ring $orth be$ore all the nations"
Isa 32:1 ;or GionAs sa'e I will not hold ?y *eae% +nd $or Jer#salemAs sa'e I will not rest% 7ntil her
righteo#sness goes $orth as brightness% +nd her sal!ation as a lam* (that) b#rns"
Isa 32:2 The Gentiles shall see yo#r righteo#sness% +nd all 'ings yo#r glory" Bo# shall be alled by a new
name% >hih the mo#th o$ the /8:2 will name"
Isa 32:- Bo# shall also be a rown o$ glory In the hand o$ the /8:2% +nd a royal diadem In the hand o$ yo#r
Isa 32:0 Bo# shall no longer be termed ;orsa'en% Nor shall yo#r land any more be termed 2esolate& B#t yo#
shall be alled He*hHibah% and yo#r land Be#lah& ;or the /8:2 delights in yo#% +nd yo#r land shall be married"
Isa 32:1 ;or (as) a yo#ng man marries a !irgin% (,o) shall yo#r sons marry yo#& +nd (as) the bridegroom re@oies
o!er the bride% (,o) shall yo#r God re@oie o!er yo#"
Isa 32:3 I ha!e set wathmen on yo#r walls% 8 Jer#salem& They shall ne!er hold their *eae day or night" Bo#
who ma'e mention o$ the /8:2% do not 'ee* silent%
Isa 32:4 +nd gi!e Him no rest till He establishes +nd till He ma'es Jer#salem a *raise in the earth"
Isa 32:8 The /8:2 has sworn by His right hand +nd by the arm o$ His strength: .,#rely I will no longer gi!e
yo#r grain (+s) $ood $or yo#r enemies& +nd the sons o$ the $oreigner shall not drin' yo#r new wine% ;or whih yo#
ha!e labored"
Isa 32:9 B#t those who ha!e gathered it shall eat it% +nd *raise the /8:2& Those who ha!e bro#ght it together
shall drin' it in ?y holy o#rts".
Isa 32:15 Go thro#gh% Go thro#gh the gatesF <re*are the way $or the *eo*le& B#ild #*% B#ild #* the highwayF
Ta'e o#t the stones% /i$t #* a banner $or the *eo*lesF
Isa 32:11 Indeed the /8:2 has *rolaimed To the end o$ the world: .,ay to the da#ghter o$ Gion% A,#rely yo#r
sal!ation is oming& Behold% His reward (is) with Him% +nd His wor' be$ore Him"A .
Isa 32:12 +nd they shall all them The Holy <eo*le% The :edeemed o$ the /8:2& +nd yo# shall be alled
,o#ght 8#t% + =ity Not ;orsa'en"
Isa 3-:1 >ho (is) this who omes $rom 6dom% >ith dyed garments $rom BoHrah% This (8ne who is) glorio#s in
His a**arel% Tra!eling in the greatness o$ His strengthC DD .I who s*ea' in righteo#sness% mighty to sa!e".
Isa 3-:2 >hy (is) Bo#r a**arel red% +nd Bo#r garments li'e one who treads in the wine*ressC
Isa 3-:- . I ha!e trodden the wine*ress alone% +nd $rom the *eo*les no one (was) with ?e" ;or I ha!e trodden
them in ?y anger% +nd tram*led them in ?y $#ry& Their blood is s*rin'led #*on ?y garments% +nd I ha!e stained
all ?y robes"
Isa 3-:0 ;or the day o$ !engeane (is) in ?y heart% +nd the year o$ ?y redeemed has ome"
Isa 3-:1 I loo'ed% b#t (there was) no one to hel*% +nd I wondered That (there was) no one to #*hold& There$ore
?y own arm bro#ght sal!ation $or ?e& +nd ?y own $#ry% it s#stained ?e"
Isa 3-:3 I ha!e trodden down the *eo*les in ?y anger% ?ade them dr#n' in ?y $#ry% +nd bro#ght down their
strength to the earth".
Isa 3-:4 I will mention the lo!ing'indnesses o$ the /8:2 (+nd) the *raises o$ the /8:2% +ording to all that
the /8:2 has bestowed on #s% +nd the great goodness toward the ho#se o$ Israel% >hih He has bestowed on
them aording to His meries% +ording to the m#ltit#de o$ His lo!ing'indnesses"
Isa 3-:8 ;or He said% .,#rely they (are) ?y *eo*le% =hildren (who) will not lie". ,o He beame their ,a!ior"
Isa 3-:9 In all their a$$lition He was a$$lited% +nd the +ngel o$ His <resene sa!ed them& In His lo!e and in His
*ity He redeemed them& +nd He bore them and arried them +ll the days o$ old"
Isa 3-:15 B#t they rebelled and grie!ed His Holy ,*irit& ,o He t#rned Himsel$ against them as an enemy% (+nd)
He $o#ght against them"
Isa 3-:11 Then he remembered the days o$ old% ?oses (and) his *eo*le% (saying:) .>here (is) He who bro#ght
them #* o#t o$ the sea >ith the she*herd o$ His $lo'C >here (is) He who *#t His Holy ,*irit within them%
Isa 3-:12 >ho led (them) by the right hand o$ ?oses% >ith His glorio#s arm% 2i!iding the water be$ore them To
ma'e $or Himsel$ an e!erlasting name%
Isa 3-:1- >ho led them thro#gh the dee*% +s a horse in the wilderness% (That) they might not st#mbleC.
Isa 3-:10 +s a beast goes down into the !alley% (+nd) the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 a#ses him to rest% ,o Bo# lead
Bo#r *eo*le% To ma'e Bo#rsel$ a glorio#s name"
Isa 3-:11 /oo' down $rom hea!en% +nd see $rom Bo#r habitation% holy and glorio#s" >here (are) Bo#r Heal and
Bo#r strength% The yearning o$ Bo#r heart and Bo#r meries toward meC +re they restrainedC
Isa 3-:13 2o#btless Bo# (are) o#r ;ather% Tho#gh +braham was ignorant o$ #s% +nd Israel does not
a'nowledge #s" Bo#% 8 /8:2% (are) o#r ;ather& 8#r :edeemer $rom 6!erlasting (is) Bo#r name"
Isa 3-:14 8 /8:2% why ha!e Bo# made #s stray $rom Bo#r ways% (+nd) hardened o#r heart $rom Bo#r $earC
:et#rn $or Bo#r ser!antsA sa'e% The tribes o$ Bo#r inheritane"
Isa 3-:18 Bo#r holy *eo*le ha!e *ossessed (it) b#t a little while& 8#r ad!ersaries ha!e trodden down Bo#r
Isa 3-:19 >e ha!e beome (li'e) those o$ old% o!er whom Bo# ne!er r#led% Those who were ne!er alled by
Bo#r name"
Isa 30:1 8h% that Bo# wo#ld rend the hea!ensF That Bo# wo#ld ome downF That the mo#ntains might sha'e at
Bo#r *resene DD
Isa 30:2 +s $ire b#rns br#shwood% +s $ire a#ses water to boil DD To ma'e Bo#r name 'nown to Bo#r
ad!ersaries% (That) the nations may tremble at Bo#r *reseneF
Isa 30:- >hen Bo# did awesome things ($or whih) we did not loo'% Bo# ame down% The mo#ntains shoo' at
Bo#r *resene"
Isa 30:0 ;or sine the beginning o$ the world (?en) ha!e not heard nor *erei!ed by the ear% Nor has the eye
seen any God besides Bo#% >ho ats $or the one who waits $or Him"
Isa 30:1 Bo# meet him who re@oies and does righteo#sness% (>ho) remembers Bo# in Bo#r ways" Bo# are
indeed angry% $or we ha!e sinned DD In these ways we ontin#e& +nd we need to be sa!ed"
Isa 30:3 B#t we are all li'e an #nlean (thing%) +nd all o#r righteo#snesses (are) li'e $ilthy rags& >e all $ade as a
lea$% +nd o#r iniE#ities% li'e the wind% Ha!e ta'en #s away"
Isa 30:4 +nd (there is) no one who alls on Bo#r name% >ho stirs himsel$ #* to ta'e hold o$ Bo#& ;or Bo# ha!e
hidden Bo#r $ae $rom #s% +nd ha!e ons#med #s bea#se o$ o#r iniE#ities"
Isa 30:8 B#t now% 8 /8:2% Bo# (are) o#r ;ather& >e (are) the lay% and Bo# o#r *otter& +nd all we (are) the
wor' o$ Bo#r hand"
Isa 30:9 2o not be $#rio#s% 8 /8:2% Nor remember iniE#ity $ore!er& Indeed% *lease loo' DD we all (are) Bo#r
Isa 30:15 Bo#r holy ities are a wilderness% Gion is a wilderness% Jer#salem a desolation"
Isa 30:11 8#r holy and bea#ti$#l tem*le% >here o#r $athers *raised Bo#% Is b#rned #* with $ire& +nd all o#r
*leasant things are laid waste"
Isa 30:12 >ill Bo# restrain Bo#rsel$ bea#se o$ these (things%) 8 /8:2C >ill Bo# hold Bo#r *eae% and a$$lit
#s !ery se!erelyC
Isa 31:1 .I was so#ght by (those who) did not as' ($or ?e&) I was $o#nd by (those who) did not see' ?e" I said%
AHere I am% here I am%A To a nation (that) was not alled by ?y name"
Isa 31:2 I ha!e strethed o#t ?y hands all day long to a rebellio#s *eo*le% >ho wal' in a way (that is) not good%
+ording to their own tho#ghts&
Isa 31:- + *eo*le who *ro!o'e ?e to anger ontin#ally to ?y $ae& >ho sari$ie in gardens% +nd b#rn inense
on altars o$ bri'&
Isa 31:0 >ho sit among the gra!es% +nd s*end the night in the tombs& >ho eat swineAs $lesh% +nd the broth o$
abominable things is (in) their !essels&
Isa 31:1 >ho say% AKee* to yo#rsel$% 2o not ome near me% ;or I am holier than yo#FA These (are) smo'e in ?y
nostrils% + $ire that b#rns all the day"
Isa 31:3 .Behold% (it is) written be$ore ?e: I will not 'ee* silene% b#t will re*ay DD 6!en re*ay into their bosom DD
Isa 31:4 Bo#r iniE#ities and the iniE#ities o$ yo#r $athers together%. ,ays the /8:2% .>ho ha!e b#rned inense
on the mo#ntains +nd blas*hemed ?e on the hills& There$ore I will meas#re their $ormer wor' into their bosom".
Isa 31:8 Th#s says the /8:2: .+s the new wine is $o#nd in the l#ster% +nd (one) says% A2o not destroy it% ;or a
blessing (is) in it%A ,o will I do $or ?y ser!antsA sa'e% That I may not destroy them all"
Isa 31:9 I will bring $orth desendants $rom Jaob% +nd $rom J#dah an heir o$ ?y mo#ntains& ?y elet shall
inherit it% +nd ?y ser!ants shall dwell there"
Isa 31:15 ,haron shall be a $old o$ $lo's% +nd the Valley o$ +hor a *lae $or herds to lie down% ;or ?y *eo*le
who ha!e so#ght ?e"
Isa 31:11 .B#t yo# (are) those who $orsa'e the /8:2% >ho $orget ?y holy mo#ntain% >ho *re*are a table $or
Gad% +nd who $#rnish a drin' o$$ering $or ?eni"
Isa 31:12 There$ore I will n#mber yo# $or the sword% +nd yo# shall all bow down to the sla#ghter& Bea#se%
when I alled% yo# did not answer& >hen I s*o'e% yo# did not hear% B#t did e!il be$ore ?y eyes% +nd hose (that)
in whih I do not delight".
Isa 31:1- There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% ?y ser!ants shall eat% B#t yo# shall be h#ngry& Behold%
?y ser!ants shall drin'% B#t yo# shall be thirsty& Behold% ?y ser!ants shall re@oie% B#t yo# shall be ashamed&
Isa 31:10 Behold% ?y ser!ants shall sing $or @oy o$ heart% B#t yo# shall ry $or sorrow o$ heart% +nd wail $or grie$
o$ s*irit"
Isa 31:11 Bo# shall lea!e yo#r name as a #rse to ?y hosen& ;or the /ord G82 will slay yo#% +nd all His
ser!ants by another name&
Isa 31:13 ,o that he who blesses himsel$ in the earth ,hall bless himsel$ in the God o$ tr#th& +nd he who swears
in the earth ,hall swear by the God o$ tr#th& Bea#se the $ormer tro#bles are $orgotten% +nd bea#se they are
hidden $rom ?y eyes"
Isa 31:14 . ;or behold% I reate new hea!ens and a new earth& +nd the $ormer shall not be remembered or
ome to mind"
Isa 31:18 B#t be glad and re@oie $ore!er in what I reate& ;or behold% I reate Jer#salem (as) a re@oiing% +nd
her *eo*le a @oy"
Isa 31:19 I will re@oie in Jer#salem% +nd @oy in ?y *eo*le& The !oie o$ wee*ing shall no longer be heard in her%
Nor the !oie o$ rying"
Isa 31:25 . No more shall an in$ant $rom there (li!e b#t a $ew) days% Nor an old man who has not $#l$illed his
days& ;or the hild shall die one h#ndred years old% B#t the sinner (being) one h#ndred years old shall be
Isa 31:21 They shall b#ild ho#ses and inhabit (them&) They shall *lant !ineyards and eat their $r#it"
Isa 31:22 They shall not b#ild and another inhabit& They shall not *lant and another eat& ;or as the days o$ a
tree% (so shall be) the days o$ ?y *eo*le% +nd ?y elet shall long en@oy the wor' o$ their hands"
Isa 31:2- They shall not labor in !ain% Nor bring $orth hildren $or tro#ble& ;or they (shall be) the desendants o$
the blessed o$ the /8:2% +nd their o$$s*ring with them"
Isa 31:20 . It shall ome to *ass That be$ore they all% I will answer& +nd while they are still s*ea'ing% I will hear"
Isa 31:21 The wol$ and the lamb shall $eed together% The lion shall eat straw li'e the o9% +nd d#st (shall be) the
ser*entAs $ood" They shall not h#rt nor destroy in all ?y holy mo#ntain%. ,ays the /8:2"
Isa 33:1 Th#s says the /8:2: .Hea!en (is) ?y throne% +nd earth (is) ?y $ootstool" >here (is) the ho#se that yo#
will b#ild ?eC +nd where (is) the *lae o$ ?y restC
Isa 33:2 ;or all those (things) ?y hand has made% +nd all those (things) e9ist%. ,ays the /8:2" .B#t on this
(one) will I loo': 8n (him who is) *oor and o$ a ontrite s*irit% +nd who trembles at ?y word"
Isa 33:- . He who 'ills a b#ll (is as i$) he slays a man& He who sari$ies a lamb% (as i$) he brea's a dogAs ne'&
He who o$$ers a grain o$$ering% (as i$ he o$$ers) swineAs blood& He who b#rns inense% (as i$) he blesses an idol"
J#st as they ha!e hosen their own ways% +nd their so#l delights in their abominations%
Isa 33:0 ,o will I hoose their del#sions% +nd bring their $ears on them& Bea#se% when I alled% no one
answered% >hen I s*o'e they did not hear& B#t they did e!il be$ore ?y eyes% +nd hose (that) in whih I do not
Isa 33:1 Hear the word o$ the /8:2% Bo# who tremble at His word: .Bo#r brethren who hated yo#% >ho ast
yo# o#t $or ?y nameAs sa'e% said% A/et the /8:2 be glori$ied% That we may see yo#r @oy"A B#t they shall be
Isa 33:3 The so#nd o$ noise $rom the ityF + !oie $rom the tem*leF The !oie o$ the /8:2% >ho $#lly re*ays His
Isa 33:4 .Be$ore she was in labor% she ga!e birth& Be$ore her *ain ame% ,he deli!ered a male hild"
Isa 33:8 >ho has heard s#h a thingC >ho has seen s#h thingsC ,hall the earth be made to gi!e birth in one
dayC (8r) shall a nation be born at oneC ;or as soon as Gion was in labor% ,he ga!e birth to her hildren"
Isa 33:9 ,hall I bring to the time o$ birth% and not a#se deli!eryC. says the /8:2" .,hall I who a#se deli!ery
sh#t #* (the wombC.) says yo#r God"
Isa 33:15 . :e@oie with Jer#salem% +nd be glad with her% all yo# who lo!e her& :e@oie $or @oy with her% all yo#
who mo#rn $or her&
Isa 33:11 That yo# may $eed and be satis$ied >ith the onsolation o$ her bosom% That yo# may drin' dee*ly and
be delighted >ith the ab#ndane o$ her glory".
Isa 33:12 ;or th#s says the /8:2: .Behold% I will e9tend *eae to her li'e a ri!er% +nd the glory o$ the Gentiles
li'e a $lowing stream" Then yo# shall $eed& 8n (her) sides shall yo# be arried% +nd be dandled on (her) 'nees"
Isa 33:1- +s one whom his mother om$orts% ,o I will om$ort yo#& +nd yo# shall be om$orted in Jer#salem".
Isa 33:10 >hen yo# see (this%) yo#r heart shall re@oie% +nd yo#r bones shall $lo#rish li'e grass& The hand o$ the
/8:2 shall be 'nown to His ser!ants% +nd (His) indignation to His enemies"
Isa 33:11 ;or behold% the /8:2 will ome with $ire +nd with His hariots% li'e a whirlwind% To render His anger
with $#ry% +nd His reb#'e with $lames o$ $ire"
Isa 33:13 ;or by $ire and by His sword The /8:2 will @#dge all $lesh& +nd the slain o$ the /8:2 shall be many"
Isa 33:14 .Those who santi$y themsel!es and *#ri$y themsel!es% (To go) to the gardens +$ter an (idol) in the
midst% 6ating swineAs $lesh and the abomination and the mo#se% ,hall be ons#med together%. says the /8:2"
Isa 33:18 . ;or I ('now) their wor's and their tho#ghts" It shall be that I will gather all nations and tong#es& and
they shall ome and see ?y glory"
Isa 33:19 .I will set a sign among them& and those among them who esa*e I will send to the nations: (to)
Tarshish and <#l and /#d% who draw the bow% and T#bal and Ja!an% (to) the oastlands a$ar o$$ who ha!e not
heard ?y $ame nor seen ?y glory" +nd they shall delare ?y glory among the Gentiles"
Isa 33:25 .Then they shall bring all yo#r brethren $or an o$$ering to the /8:2 o#t o$ all nations% on horses and in
hariots and in litters% on m#les and on amels% to ?y holy mo#ntain Jer#salem%. says the /8:2% .as the
hildren o$ Israel bring an o$$ering in a lean !essel into the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
Isa 33:21 .+nd I will also ta'e some o$ them $or *riests (and) /e!ites%. says the /8:2"
Isa 33:22 . ;or as the new hea!ens and the new earth >hih I will ma'e shall remain be$ore ?e%. says the
/8:2% .,o shall yo#r desendants and yo#r name remain"
Isa 33:2- +nd it shall ome to *ass (That) $rom one New ?oon to another% +nd $rom one ,abbath to another% +ll
$lesh shall ome to worshi* be$ore ?e%. says the /8:2"
Isa 33:20 .+nd they shall go $orth and loo' 7*on the or*ses o$ the men >ho ha!e transgressed against ?e"
;or their worm does not die% +nd their $ire is not E#enhed" They shall be an abhorrene to all $lesh".
Jer 1:1 The words o$ Jeremiah the son o$ Hil'iah% o$ the *riests who (were) in +nathoth in the land o$ Ben@amin%
Jer 1:2 to whom the word o$ the /8:2 ame in the days o$ Josiah the son o$ +mon% 'ing o$ J#dah% in the
thirteenth year o$ his reign"
Jer 1:- It ame also in the days o$ Jehoia'im the son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$ J#dah% #ntil the end o$ the ele!enth year
o$ Gede'iah the son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$ J#dah% #ntil the arrying away o$ Jer#salem a*ti!e in the $i$th month"
Jer 1:0 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying:
Jer 1:1 .Be$ore I $ormed yo# in the womb I 'new yo#& Be$ore yo# were born I santi$ied yo#& I ordained yo# a
*ro*het to the nations".
Jer 1:3 Then said I: .+h% /ord G82F Behold% I annot s*ea'% $or I (am) a yo#th".
Jer 1:4 B#t the /8:2 said to me: .2o not say% AI (am) a yo#th%A ;or yo# shall go to all to whom I send yo#% +nd
whate!er I ommand yo#% yo# shall s*ea'"
Jer 1:8 2o not be a$raid o$ their $aes% ;or I (am) with yo# to deli!er yo#%. says the /8:2"
Jer 1:9 Then the /8:2 *#t $orth His hand and to#hed my mo#th% and the /8:2 said to me: .Behold% I ha!e
*#t ?y words in yo#r mo#th"
Jer 1:15 ,ee% I ha!e this day set yo# o!er the nations and o!er the 'ingdoms% To root o#t and to *#ll down% To
destroy and to throw down% To b#ild and to *lant".
Jer 1:11 ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying% .Jeremiah% what do yo# seeC. +nd I said% .I see a
branh o$ an almond tree".
Jer 1:12 Then the /8:2 said to me% .Bo# ha!e seen well% $or I am ready to *er$orm ?y word".
Jer 1:1- +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me the seond time% saying% .>hat do yo# seeC. +nd I said% .I see
a boiling *ot% and it is $aing away $rom the north".
Jer 1:10 Then the /8:2 said to me: .8#t o$ the north alamity shall brea' $orth 8n all the inhabitants o$ the
Jer 1:11 ;or behold% I am alling +ll the $amilies o$ the 'ingdoms o$ the north%. says the /8:2& .They shall ome
and eah one set his throne +t the entrane o$ the gates o$ Jer#salem% +gainst all its walls all aro#nd% +nd
against all the ities o$ J#dah"
Jer 1:13 I will #tter ?y @#dgments +gainst them onerning all their wi'edness% Bea#se they ha!e $orsa'en
?e% B#rned inense to other gods% +nd worshi*ed the wor's o$ their own hands"
Jer 1:14 .There$ore *re*are yo#rsel$ and arise% +nd s*ea' to them all that I ommand yo#" 2o not be dismayed
be$ore their $aes% /est I dismay yo# be$ore them"
Jer 1:18 ;or behold% I ha!e made yo# this day + $orti$ied ity and an iron *illar% +nd bronHe walls against the
whole land DD +gainst the 'ings o$ J#dah% +gainst its *rines% +gainst its *riests% +nd against the *eo*le o$ the
Jer 1:19 They will $ight against yo#% B#t they shall not *re!ail against yo#" ;or I (am) with yo#%. says the /8:2%
.to deli!er yo#".
Jer 2:1 ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
Jer 2:2 .Go and ry in the hearing o$ Jer#salem% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2: .I remember yo#% The 'indness
o$ yo#r yo#th% The lo!e o$ yo#r betrothal% >hen yo# went a$ter ?e in the wilderness% In a land not sown"
Jer 2:- Israel (was) holiness to the /8:2% The $irst$r#its o$ His inrease" +ll that de!o#r him will o$$end& 2isaster
will ome #*on them%. says the /8:2"A .
Jer 2:0 Hear the word o$ the /8:2% 8 ho#se o$ Jaob and all the $amilies o$ the ho#se o$ Israel"
Jer 2:1 Th#s says the /8:2: .>hat in@#stie ha!e yo#r $athers $o#nd in ?e% That they ha!e gone $ar $rom ?e%
Ha!e $ollowed idols% +nd ha!e beome idolatersC
Jer 2:3 Neither did they say% A>here (is) the /8:2% >ho bro#ght #s #* o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% >ho led #s
thro#gh the wilderness% Thro#gh a land o$ deserts and *its% Thro#gh a land o$ dro#ght and the shadow o$ death%
Thro#gh a land that no one rossed +nd where no one dweltCA
Jer 2:4 I bro#ght yo# into a bo#nti$#l o#ntry% To eat its $r#it and its goodness" B#t when yo# entered% yo#
de$iled ?y land +nd made ?y heritage an abomination"
Jer 2:8 The *riests did not say% A>here (is) the /8:2CA +nd those who handle the law did not 'now ?e& The
r#lers also transgressed against ?e& The *ro*hets *ro*hesied by Baal% +nd wal'ed a$ter (things that) do not
Jer 2:9 . There$ore I will yet bring harges against yo#%. says the /8:2% .+nd against yo#r hildrenAs hildren I
will bring harges"
Jer 2:15 ;or *ass beyond the oasts o$ =y*r#s and see% ,end to Kedar and onsider diligently% +nd see i$ there
has been s#h (a thing")
Jer 2:11 Has a nation hanged (its) gods% >hih (are) not godsC B#t ?y *eo*le ha!e hanged their Glory ;or
(what) does not *ro$it"
Jer 2:12 Be astonished% 8 hea!ens% at this% +nd be horribly a$raid& Be !ery desolate%. says the /8:2"
Jer 2:1- .;or ?y *eo*le ha!e ommitted two e!ils: They ha!e $orsa'en ?e% the $o#ntain o$ li!ing waters% (+nd)
hewn themsel!es isterns DD bro'en isterns that an hold no water"
Jer 2:10 . (Is) Israel a ser!antC (Is) he a homeborn (sla!eC) >hy is he *l#nderedC
Jer 2:11 The yo#ng lions roared at him% (and) growled& They made his land waste& His ities are b#rned% witho#t
Jer 2:13 +lso the *eo*le o$ No*h and Tah*anhes Ha!e bro'en the rown o$ yo#r head"
Jer 2:14 Ha!e yo# not bro#ght this on yo#rsel$% In that yo# ha!e $orsa'en the /8:2 yo#r God >hen He led yo#
in the wayC
Jer 2:18 +nd now why ta'e the road to 6gy*t% To drin' the waters o$ ,ihorC 8r why ta'e the road to +ssyria% To
drin' the waters o$ the :i!erC
Jer 2:19 Bo#r own wi'edness will orret yo#% +nd yo#r ba'slidings will reb#'e yo#" Know there$ore and see
that (it is) an e!il and bitter (thing) That yo# ha!e $orsa'en the /8:2 yo#r God% +nd the $ear o$ ?e (is) not in
yo#%. ,ays the /ord G82 o$ hosts"
Jer 2:25 . ;or o$ old I ha!e bro'en yo#r yo'e (and) b#rst yo#r bonds& +nd yo# said% AI will not transgress%A >hen
on e!ery high hill and #nder e!ery green tree Bo# lay down% *laying the harlot"
Jer 2:21 Bet I had *lanted yo# a noble !ine% a seed o$ highest E#ality" How then ha!e yo# t#rned be$ore ?e Into
the degenerate *lant o$ an alien !ineC
Jer 2:22 ;or tho#gh yo# wash yo#rsel$ with lye% and #se m#h soa*% (Bet) yo#r iniE#ity is mar'ed be$ore ?e%.
says the /ord G82"
Jer 2:2- .How an yo# say% AI am not *oll#ted% I ha!e not gone a$ter the BaalsAC ,ee yo#r way in the !alley&
Know what yo# ha!e done: (Bo# are) a swi$t dromedary brea'ing loose in her ways%
Jer 2:20 + wild don'ey #sed to the wilderness% (That) sni$$s at the wind in her desire& In her time o$ mating% who
an t#rn her awayC +ll those who see' her will not weary themsel!es& In her month they will $ind her"
Jer 2:21 >ithhold yo#r $oot $rom being #nshod% and yo#r throat $rom thirst" B#t yo# said% AThere is no ho*e" NoF
;or I ha!e lo!ed aliens% and a$ter them I will go"A
Jer 2:23 . +s the thie$ is ashamed when he is $o#nd o#t% ,o is the ho#se o$ Israel ashamed& They and their
'ings and their *rines% and their *riests and their *ro*hets%
Jer 2:24 ,aying to a tree% ABo# (are) my $ather%A +nd to a stone% ABo# ga!e birth to me"A ;or they ha!e t#rned
(their) ba' to ?e% and not (their) $ae" B#t in the time o$ their tro#ble They will say% A+rise and sa!e #s"A
Jer 2:28 B#t where (are) yo#r gods that yo# ha!e made $or yo#rsel!esC /et them arise% I$ they an sa!e yo# in
the time o$ yo#r tro#ble& ;or (aording to) the n#mber o$ yo#r ities +re yo#r gods% 8 J#dah"
Jer 2:29 . >hy will yo# *lead with ?eC Bo# all ha!e transgressed against ?e%. says the /8:2"
Jer 2:-5 .In !ain I ha!e hastened yo#r hildren& They reei!ed no orretion" Bo#r sword has de!o#red yo#r
*ro*hets /i'e a destroying lion"
Jer 2:-1 .8 generation% see the word o$ the /8:2F Ha!e I been a wilderness to Israel% 8r a land o$ dar'nessC
>hy do ?y *eo*le say% A>e are lords& >e will ome no more to Bo#AC
Jer 2:-2 =an a !irgin $orget her ornaments% (8r) a bride her attireC Bet ?y *eo*le ha!e $orgotten ?e days
witho#t n#mber"
Jer 2:-- .>hy do yo# bea#ti$y yo#r way to see' lo!eC There$ore yo# ha!e also ta#ght The wi'ed women yo#r
Jer 2:-0 +lso on yo#r s'irts is $o#nd The blood o$ the li!es o$ the *oor innoents" I ha!e not $o#nd it by seret
searh% B#t *lainly on all these things"
Jer 2:-1 Bet yo# say% ABea#se I am innoent% ,#rely His anger shall t#rn $rom me"A Behold% I will *lead ?y ase
against yo#% Bea#se yo# say% AI ha!e not sinned"A
Jer 2:-3 >hy do yo# gad abo#t so m#h to hange yo#r wayC +lso yo# shall be ashamed o$ 6gy*t as yo# were
ashamed o$ +ssyria"
Jer 2:-4 Indeed yo# will go $orth $rom him >ith yo#r hands on yo#r head& ;or the /8:2 has re@eted yo#r
tr#sted allies% +nd yo# will not *ros*er by them"
Jer -:1 .They say% AI$ a man di!ores his wi$e% +nd she goes $rom him +nd beomes another manAs% ?ay he
ret#rn to her againCA >o#ld not that land be greatly *oll#tedC B#t yo# ha!e *layed the harlot with many lo!ers&
Bet ret#rn to ?e%. says the /8:2"
Jer -:2 ./i$t #* yo#r eyes to the desolate heights and see: >here ha!e yo# not lain (with menC) By the road yo#
ha!e sat $or them /i'e an +rabian in the wilderness& +nd yo# ha!e *oll#ted the land >ith yo#r harlotries and
yo#r wi'edness"
Jer -:- There$ore the showers ha!e been withheld% +nd there has been no latter rain" Bo# ha!e had a harlotAs
$orehead& Bo# re$#se to be ashamed"
Jer -:0 >ill yo# not $rom this time ry to ?e% A?y $ather% Bo# (are) the g#ide o$ my yo#thC
Jer -:1 >ill He remain angry $ore!erC >ill He 'ee* it to the endCA Behold% yo# ha!e s*o'en and done e!il
things% +s yo# were able".
Jer -:3 The /8:2 said also to me in the days o$ Josiah the 'ing: .Ha!e yo# seen what ba'sliding Israel has
doneC ,he has gone #* on e!ery high mo#ntain and #nder e!ery green tree% and there *layed the harlot"
Jer -:4 .+nd I said% a$ter she had done all these (things%) A:et#rn to ?e"A B#t she did not ret#rn" +nd her
treahero#s sister J#dah saw it"
Jer -:8 .Then I saw that $or all the a#ses $or whih ba'sliding Israel had ommitted ad#ltery% I had *#t her
away and gi!en her a erti$iate o$ di!ore& yet her treahero#s sister J#dah did not $ear% b#t went and *layed
the harlot also"
Jer -:9 .,o it ame to *ass% thro#gh her as#al harlotry% that she de$iled the land and ommitted ad#ltery with
stones and trees"
Jer -:15 .+nd yet $or all this her treahero#s sister J#dah has not t#rned to ?e with her whole heart% b#t in
*retense%. says the /8:2"
Jer -:11 Then the /8:2 said to me% .Ba'sliding Israel has shown hersel$ more righteo#s than treahero#s
Jer -:12 .Go and *rolaim these words toward the north% and say: A:et#rn% ba'sliding Israel%A says the /8:2& AI
will not a#se ?y anger to $all on yo#" ;or I (am) meri$#l%A says the /8:2& AI will not remain angry $ore!er"
Jer -:1- 8nly a'nowledge yo#r iniE#ity% That yo# ha!e transgressed against the /8:2 yo#r God% +nd ha!e
sattered yo#r harms To alien deities #nder e!ery green tree% +nd yo# ha!e not obeyed ?y !oie%A says the
Jer -:10 .:et#rn% 8 ba'sliding hildren%. says the /8:2& .$or I am married to yo#" I will ta'e yo#% one $rom a
ity and two $rom a $amily% and I will bring yo# to Gion"
Jer -:11 .+nd I will gi!e yo# she*herds aording to ?y heart% who will $eed yo# with 'nowledge and
Jer -:13 .Then it shall ome to *ass% when yo# are m#lti*lied and inreased in the land in those days%. says the
/8:2% .that they will say no more% AThe ar' o$ the o!enant o$ the /8:2"A It shall not ome to mind% nor shall
they remember it% nor shall they !isit (it%) nor shall it be made anymore"
Jer -:14 .+t that time Jer#salem shall be alled The Throne o$ the /8:2% and all the nations shall be gathered
to it% to the name o$ the /8:2% to Jer#salem" No more shall they $ollow the ditates o$ their e!il hearts"
Jer -:18 .In those days the ho#se o$ J#dah shall wal' with the ho#se o$ Israel% and they shall ome together o#t
o$ the land o$ the north to the land that I ha!e gi!en as an inheritane to yo#r $athers"
Jer -:19 . B#t I said: AHow an I *#t yo# among the hildren +nd gi!e yo# a *leasant land% + bea#ti$#l heritage
o$ the hosts o$ nationsCA . +nd I said: ABo# shall all ?e% .?y ;ather%. +nd not t#rn away $rom ?e"A
Jer -:25 ,#rely% (as) a wi$e treahero#sly de*arts $rom her h#sband% ,o ha!e yo# dealt treahero#sly with ?e%
8 ho#se o$ Israel%. says the /8:2"
Jer -:21 + !oie was heard on the desolate heights% >ee*ing (and) s#**liations o$ the hildren o$ Israel" ;or
they ha!e *er!erted their way& They ha!e $orgotten the /8:2 their God"
Jer -:22 .:et#rn% yo# ba'sliding hildren% (+nd) I will heal yo#r ba'slidings". .Indeed we do ome to Bo#% ;or
Bo# are the /8:2 o#r God"
Jer -:2- Tr#ly% in !ain (is sal!ation ho*ed $or) $rom the hills% (+nd $rom) the m#ltit#de o$ mo#ntains& Tr#ly% in the
/8:2 o#r God (Is) the sal!ation o$ Israel"
Jer -:20 ;or shame has de!o#red The labor o$ o#r $athers $rom o#r yo#th DD Their $lo's and their herds% Their
sons and their da#ghters"
Jer -:21 >e lie down in o#r shame% +nd o#r re*roah o!ers #s" ;or we ha!e sinned against the /8:2 o#r
God% >e and o#r $athers% ;rom o#r yo#th e!en to this day% +nd ha!e not obeyed the !oie o$ the /8:2 o#r
Jer 0:1 .I$ yo# will ret#rn% 8 Israel%. says the /8:2% .:et#rn to ?e& +nd i$ yo# will *#t away yo#r abominations
o#t o$ ?y sight% Then yo# shall not be mo!ed"
Jer 0:2 +nd yo# shall swear% AThe /8:2 li!es%A In tr#th% in @#dgment% and in righteo#sness& The nations shall
bless themsel!es in Him% +nd in Him they shall glory".
Jer 0:- ;or th#s says the /8:2 to the men o$ J#dah and Jer#salem: .Brea' #* yo#r $allow gro#nd% +nd do not
sow among thorns"
Jer 0:0 =ir#mise yo#rsel!es to the /8:2% +nd ta'e away the $ores'ins o$ yo#r hearts% Bo# men o$ J#dah and
inhabitants o$ Jer#salem% /est ?y $#ry ome $orth li'e $ire% +nd b#rn so that no one an E#enh (it%) Bea#se o$
the e!il o$ yo#r doings".
Jer 0:1 2elare in J#dah and *rolaim in Jer#salem% and say: .Blow the tr#m*et in the land& =ry% AGather
together%A +nd say% A+ssemble yo#rsel!es% +nd let #s go into the $orti$ied ities"A
Jer 0:3 ,et #* the standard toward Gion" Ta'e re$#geF 2o not delayF ;or I will bring disaster $rom the north% +nd
great destr#tion".
Jer 0:4 The lion has ome #* $rom his thi'et% +nd the destroyer o$ nations is on his way" He has gone $orth
$rom his *lae To ma'e yo#r land desolate" Bo#r ities will be laid waste% >itho#t inhabitant"
Jer 0:8 ;or this% lothe yo#rsel$ with sa'loth% /ament and wail" ;or the $iere anger o$ the /8:2 Has not
t#rned ba' $rom #s"
Jer 0:9 .+nd it shall ome to *ass in that day%. says the /8:2% .(That) the heart o$ the 'ing shall *erish% +nd the
heart o$ the *rines& The *riests shall be astonished% +nd the *ro*hets shall wonder".
Jer 0:15 Then I said% .+h% /ord G82F ,#rely Bo# ha!e greatly deei!ed this *eo*le and Jer#salem% ,aying%
ABo# shall ha!e *eae%A >hereas the sword reahes to the heart".
Jer 0:11 +t that time it will be said To this *eo*le and to Jer#salem% .+ dry wind o$ the desolate heights (blows)
in the wilderness Toward the da#ghter o$ ?y *eo*le DD Not to $an or to leanse DD
Jer 0:12 + wind too strong $or these will ome $or ?e& Now I will also s*ea' @#dgment against them".
Jer 0:1- .Behold% he shall ome #* li'e lo#ds% +nd his hariots li'e a whirlwind" His horses are swi$ter than
eagles" >oe to #s% $or we are *l#nderedF.
Jer 0:10 8 Jer#salem% wash yo#r heart $rom wi'edness% That yo# may be sa!ed" How long shall yo#r e!il
tho#ghts lodge within yo#C
Jer 0:11 ;or a !oie delares $rom 2an +nd *rolaims a$$lition $rom ?o#nt 6*hraim:
Jer 0:13 .?a'e mention to the nations% Bes% *rolaim against Jer#salem% (That) wathers ome $rom a $ar
o#ntry +nd raise their !oie against the ities o$ J#dah"
Jer 0:14 /i'e 'ee*ers o$ a $ield they are against her all aro#nd% Bea#se she has been rebellio#s against ?e%.
says the /8:2"
Jer 0:18 .Bo#r ways and yo#r doings Ha!e *ro#red these (things) $or yo#" This (is) yo#r wi'edness% Bea#se
it is bitter% Bea#se it reahes to yo#r heart".
Jer 0:19 8 my so#l% my so#lF I am *ained in my !ery heartF ?y heart ma'es a noise in me& I annot hold my
*eae% Bea#se yo# ha!e heard% 8 my so#l% The so#nd o$ the tr#m*et% The alarm o$ war"
Jer 0:25 2estr#tion #*on destr#tion is ried% ;or the whole land is *l#ndered" ,#ddenly my tents are
*l#ndered% (+nd) my #rtains in a moment"
Jer 0:21 How long will I see the standard% (+nd) hear the so#nd o$ the tr#m*etC
Jer 0:22 .;or ?y *eo*le (are) $oolish% They ha!e not 'nown ?e" They (are) silly hildren% +nd they ha!e no
#nderstanding" They (are) wise to do e!il% B#t to do good they ha!e no 'nowledge".
Jer 0:2- I beheld the earth% and indeed (it was) witho#t $orm% and !oid& +nd the hea!ens% they (had) no light"
Jer 0:20 I beheld the mo#ntains% and indeed they trembled% +nd all the hills mo!ed ba' and $orth"
Jer 0:21 I beheld% and indeed (there was) no man% +nd all the birds o$ the hea!ens had $led"
Jer 0:23 I beheld% and indeed the $r#it$#l land (was) a wilderness% +nd all its ities were bro'en down +t the
*resene o$ the /8:2% By His $iere anger"
Jer 0:24 ;or th#s says the /8:2: .The whole land shall be desolate& Bet I will not ma'e a $#ll end"
Jer 0:28 ;or this shall the earth mo#rn% +nd the hea!ens abo!e be bla'% Bea#se I ha!e s*o'en" I ha!e
*#r*osed and will not relent% Nor will I t#rn ba' $rom it"
Jer 0:29 The whole ity shall $lee $rom the noise o$ the horsemen and bowmen" They shall go into thi'ets and
limb #* on the ro's" 6!ery ity (shall be) $orsa'en% +nd not a man shall dwell in it"
Jer 0:-5 .+nd (when) yo# (are) *l#ndered% >hat will yo# doC Tho#gh yo# lothe yo#rsel$ with rimson% Tho#gh
yo# adorn (yo#rsel$) with ornaments o$ gold% Tho#gh yo# enlarge yo#r eyes with *aint% In !ain yo# will ma'e
yo#rsel$ $air& (Bo#r) lo!ers will des*ise yo#& They will see' yo#r li$e"
Jer 0:-1 .;or I ha!e heard a !oie as o$ a woman in labor% The ang#ish as o$ her who brings $orth her $irst hild%
The !oie o$ the da#ghter o$ Gion bewailing hersel$& ,he s*reads her hands% (saying%) A>oe (is) me now% $or my
so#l is weary Bea#se o$ m#rderersFA
Jer 1:1 .:#n to and $ro thro#gh the streets o$ Jer#salem& ,ee now and 'now& +nd see' in her o*en *laes I$ yo#
an $ind a man% I$ there is (anyone) who e9e#tes @#dgment% >ho see's the tr#th% +nd I will *ardon her"
Jer 1:2 Tho#gh they say% A(+s) the /8:2 li!es%A ,#rely they swear $alsely".
Jer 1:- 8 /8:2% (are) not Bo#r eyes on the tr#thC Bo# ha!e stri'en them% B#t they ha!e not grie!ed& Bo# ha!e
ons#med them% B#t they ha!e re$#sed to reei!e orretion" They ha!e made their $aes harder than ro'&
They ha!e re$#sed to ret#rn"
Jer 1:0 There$ore I said% .,#rely these (are) *oor" They are $oolish& ;or they do not 'now the way o$ the /8:2%
The @#dgment o$ their God"
Jer 1:1 I will go to the great men and s*ea' to them% ;or they ha!e 'nown the way o$ the /8:2% The @#dgment
o$ their God". B#t these ha!e altogether bro'en the yo'e (+nd) b#rst the bonds"
Jer 1:3 There$ore a lion $rom the $orest shall slay them% + wol$ o$ the deserts shall destroy them& + leo*ard will
wath o!er their ities" 6!eryone who goes o#t $rom there shall be torn in *iees% Bea#se their transgressions
are many& Their ba'slidings ha!e inreased"
Jer 1:4 . How shall I *ardon yo# $or thisC Bo#r hildren ha!e $orsa'en ?e +nd sworn by (those that are) not
gods" >hen I had $ed them to the $#ll% Then they ommitted ad#ltery +nd assembled themsel!es by troo*s in the
harlotsA ho#ses"
Jer 1:8 They were (li'e) wellD$ed l#sty stallions& 6!ery one neighed a$ter his neighborAs wi$e"
Jer 1:9 ,hall I not *#nish (them) $or these (thingsC.) says the /8:2" .+nd shall I not a!enge ?ysel$ on s#h a
nation as thisC
Jer 1:15 . Go #* on her walls and destroy% B#t do not ma'e a om*lete end" Ta'e away her branhes% ;or they
(are) not the /8:2As"
Jer 1:11 ;or the ho#se o$ Israel and the ho#se o$ J#dah Ha!e dealt !ery treahero#sly with ?e%. says the
Jer 1:12 They ha!e lied abo#t the /8:2% +nd said% .(It is) not He" Neither will e!il ome #*on #s% Nor shall we
see sword or $amine"
Jer 1:1- +nd the *ro*hets beome wind% ;or the word (is) not in them" Th#s shall it be done to them".
Jer 1:10 There$ore th#s says the /8:2 God o$ hosts: .Bea#se yo# s*ea' this word% Behold% I will ma'e ?y
words in yo#r mo#th $ire% +nd this *eo*le wood% +nd it shall de!o#r them"
Jer 1:11 Behold% I will bring a nation against yo# $rom a$ar% 8 ho#se o$ Israel%. says the /8:2" .It (is) a mighty
nation% It (is) an anient nation% + nation whose lang#age yo# do not 'now% Nor an yo# #nderstand what they
Jer 1:13 Their E#i!er (is) li'e an o*en tomb& They (are) all mighty men"
Jer 1:14 +nd they shall eat #* yo#r har!est and yo#r bread% (>hih) yo#r sons and da#ghters sho#ld eat" They
shall eat #* yo#r $lo's and yo#r herds& They shall eat #* yo#r !ines and yo#r $ig trees& They shall destroy yo#r
$orti$ied ities% In whih yo# tr#st% with the sword"
Jer 1:18 . Ne!ertheless in those days%. says the /8:2% .I will not ma'e a om*lete end o$ yo#"
Jer 1:19 .+nd it will be when yo# say% A>hy does the /8:2 o#r God do all these (things) to #sCA then yo# shall
answer them% AJ#st as yo# ha!e $orsa'en ?e and ser!ed $oreign gods in yo#r land% so yo# shall ser!e aliens in a
land (that is) not yo#rs"A
Jer 1:25 . 2elare this in the ho#se o$ Jaob +nd *rolaim it in J#dah% saying%
Jer 1:21 AHear this now% 8 $oolish *eo*le% >itho#t #nderstanding% >ho ha!e eyes and see not% +nd who ha!e
ears and hear not:
Jer 1:22 2o yo# not $ear ?eCA says the /8:2" A>ill yo# not tremble at ?y *resene% >ho ha!e *laed the sand
as the bo#nd o$ the sea% By a *er*et#al deree% that it annot *ass beyond itC +nd tho#gh its wa!es toss to and
$ro% Bet they annot *re!ail& Tho#gh they roar% yet they annot *ass o!er it"
Jer 1:2- B#t this *eo*le has a de$iant and rebellio#s heart& They ha!e re!olted and de*arted"
Jer 1:20 They do not say in their heart% ./et #s now $ear the /8:2 o#r God% >ho gi!es rain% both the $ormer
and the latter% in its season" He reser!es $or #s the a**ointed wee's o$ the har!est".
Jer 1:21 Bo#r iniE#ities ha!e t#rned these (things) away% +nd yo#r sins ha!e withheld good $rom yo#"
Jer 1:23 A;or among ?y *eo*le are $o#nd wi'ed (men&) They lie in wait as one who sets snares& They set a
tra*& They ath men"
Jer 1:24 +s a age is $#ll o$ birds% ,o their ho#ses (are) $#ll o$ deeit" There$ore they ha!e beome great and
grown rih"
Jer 1:28 They ha!e grown $at% they are slee'& Bes% they s#r*ass the deeds o$ the wi'ed& They do not *lead the
a#se% The a#se o$ the $atherless& Bet they *ros*er% +nd the right o$ the needy they do not de$end"
Jer 1:29 ,hall I not *#nish (them) $or these (thingsCA) says the /8:2" A,hall I not a!enge ?ysel$ on s#h a
nation as thisCA
Jer 1:-5 . +n astonishing and horrible thing Has been ommitted in the land:
Jer 1:-1 The *ro*hets *ro*hesy $alsely% +nd the *riests r#le by their (own) *ower& +nd ?y *eo*le lo!e (to ha!e
it) so" B#t what will yo# do in the endC
Jer 3:1 .8 yo# hildren o$ Ben@amin% Gather yo#rsel!es to $lee $rom the midst o$ Jer#salemF Blow the tr#m*et in
Te'oa% +nd set #* a signalD$ire in Beth Haerem& ;or disaster a**ears o#t o$ the north% +nd great destr#tion"
Jer 3:2 I ha!e li'ened the da#ghter o$ Gion To a lo!ely and deliate woman"
Jer 3:- The she*herds with their $lo's shall ome to her" They shall *ith (their) tents against her all aro#nd"
6ah one shall *ast#re in his own *lae".
Jer 3:0 .<re*are war against her& +rise% and let #s go #* at noon" >oe to #s% $or the day goes away% ;or the
shadows o$ the e!ening are lengthening"
Jer 3:1 +rise% and let #s go by night% +nd let #s destroy her *alaes".
Jer 3:3 ;or th#s has the /8:2 o$ hosts said: .=#t down trees% +nd b#ild a mo#nd against Jer#salem" This (is)
the ity to be *#nished" ,he (is) $#ll o$ o**ression in her midst"
Jer 3:4 +s a $o#ntain wells #* with water% ,o she wells #* with her wi'edness" Violene and *l#ndering are
heard in her" Be$ore ?e ontin#ally (are) grie$ and wo#nds"
Jer 3:8 Be instr#ted% 8 Jer#salem% /est ?y so#l de*art $rom yo#& /est I ma'e yo# desolate% + land not
Jer 3:9 Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .They shall thoro#ghly glean as a !ine the remnant o$ Israel& +s a gra*eD
gatherer% *#t yo#r hand ba' into the branhes".
Jer 3:15 To whom shall I s*ea' and gi!e warning% That they may hearC Indeed their ear (is) #nir#mised% +nd
they annot gi!e heed" Behold% the word o$ the /8:2 is a re*roah to them& They ha!e no delight in it"
Jer 3:11 There$ore I am $#ll o$ the $#ry o$ the /8:2" I am weary o$ holding (it) in" .I will *o#r it o#t on the hildren
o#tside% +nd on the assembly o$ yo#ng men together& ;or e!en the h#sband shall be ta'en with the wi$e% The
aged with (him who is) $#ll o$ days"
Jer 3:12 +nd their ho#ses shall be t#rned o!er to others% ;ields and wi!es together& ;or I will streth o#t ?y
hand +gainst the inhabitants o$ the land%. says the /8:2"
Jer 3:1- .Bea#se $rom the least o$ them e!en to the greatest o$ them% 6!eryone (is) gi!en to o!eto#sness&
+nd $rom the *ro*het e!en to the *riest% 6!eryone deals $alsely"
Jer 3:10 They ha!e also healed the h#rt o$ ?y *eo*le slightly% ,aying% A<eae% *eaeFA >hen (there is) no *eae"
Jer 3:11 >ere they ashamed when they had ommitted abominationC NoF They were not at all ashamed& Nor
did they 'now how to bl#sh" There$ore they shall $all among those who $all& +t the time I *#nish them% They shall
be ast down%. says the /8:2"
Jer 3:13 Th#s says the /8:2: .,tand in the ways and see% +nd as' $or the old *aths% where the good way (is%)
+nd wal' in it& Then yo# will $ind rest $or yo#r so#ls" B#t they said% A>e will not wal' (in it"A)
Jer 3:14 +lso% I set wathmen o!er yo#% (saying%) A/isten to the so#nd o$ the tr#m*etFA B#t they said% A>e will not
Jer 3:18 There$ore hear% yo# nations% +nd 'now% 8 ongregation% what (is) among them"
Jer 3:19 Hear% 8 earthF Behold% I will ertainly bring alamity on this *eo*le DD The $r#it o$ their tho#ghts%
Bea#se they ha!e not heeded ?y words% Nor ?y law% b#t re@eted it"
Jer 3:25 ;or what *#r*ose to ?e =omes $ran'inense $rom ,heba% +nd sweet ane $rom a $ar o#ntryC Bo#r
b#rnt o$$erings (are) not ae*table% Nor yo#r sari$ies sweet to ?e".
Jer 3:21 There$ore th#s says the /8:2: .Behold% I will lay st#mbling blo's be$ore this *eo*le% +nd the $athers
and the sons together shall $all on them" The neighbor and his $riend shall *erish".
Jer 3:22 Th#s says the /8:2: .Behold% a *eo*le omes $rom the north o#ntry% +nd a great nation will be
raised $rom the $arthest *arts o$ the earth"
Jer 3:2- They will lay hold on bow and s*ear& They (are) r#el and ha!e no mery& Their !oie roars li'e the
sea& +nd they ride on horses% +s men o$ war set in array against yo#% 8 da#ghter o$ Gion".
Jer 3:20 >e ha!e heard the re*ort o$ it& 8#r hands grow $eeble" +ng#ish has ta'en hold o$ #s% <ain as o$ a
woman in labor"
Jer 3:21 2o not go o#t into the $ield% Nor wal' by the way" Bea#se o$ the sword o$ the enemy% ;ear (is) on e!ery
Jer 3:23 8 da#ghter o$ my *eo*le% 2ress in sa'loth +nd roll abo#t in ashesF ?a'e mo#rning (as $or) an only
son% most bitter lamentation& ;or the *l#nderer will s#ddenly ome #*on #s"
Jer 3:24 . I ha!e set yo# (as) an assayer (and) a $ortress among ?y *eo*le% That yo# may 'now and test their
Jer 3:28 They (are) all st#bborn rebels% wal'ing as slanderers" (They are) bronHe and iron% They (are) all
Jer 3:29 The bellows blow $ierely% The lead is ons#med by the $ire& The smelter re$ines in !ain% ;or the wi'ed
are not drawn o$$"
Jer 3:-5 (<eo*le) will all them re@eted sil!er% Bea#se the /8:2 has re@eted them".
Jer 4:1 The word that ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2% saying%
Jer 4:2 .,tand in the gate o$ the /8:2As ho#se% and *rolaim there this word% and say% AHear the word o$ the
/8:2% all (yo# o$) J#dah who enter in at these gates to worshi* the /8:2FA .
Jer 4:- Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .+mend yo#r ways and yo#r doings% and I will a#se
yo# to dwell in this *lae"
Jer 4:0 .2o not tr#st in these lying words% saying% AThe tem*le o$ the /8:2% the tem*le o$ the /8:2% the tem*le
o$ the /8:2 (are) these"A
Jer 4:1 .;or i$ yo# thoro#ghly amend yo#r ways and yo#r doings% i$ yo# thoro#ghly e9e#te @#dgment between a
man and his neighbor%
Jer 4:3 .(i$) yo# do not o**ress the stranger% the $atherless% and the widow% and do not shed innoent blood in
this *lae% or wal' a$ter other gods to yo#r h#rt%
Jer 4:4 .then I will a#se yo# to dwell in this *lae% in the land that I ga!e to yo#r $athers $ore!er and e!er"
Jer 4:8 . Behold% yo# tr#st in lying words that annot *ro$it"
Jer 4:9 .>ill yo# steal% m#rder% ommit ad#ltery% swear $alsely% b#rn inense to Baal% and wal' a$ter other gods
whom yo# do not 'now%
Jer 4:15 .and (then) ome and stand be$ore ?e in this ho#se whih is alled by ?y name% and say% A>e are
deli!ered to do all these abominationsAC
Jer 4:11 .Has this ho#se% whih is alled by ?y name% beome a den o$ thie!es in yo#r eyesC Behold% I% e!en I%
ha!e seen (it%.) says the /8:2"
Jer 4:12 . B#t go now to ?y *lae whih (was) in ,hiloh% where I set ?y name at the $irst% and see what I did to it
bea#se o$ the wi'edness o$ ?y *eo*le Israel"
Jer 4:1- .+nd now% bea#se yo# ha!e done all these wor's%. says the /8:2% .and I s*o'e to yo#% rising #*
early and s*ea'ing% b#t yo# did not hear% and I alled yo#% b#t yo# did not answer%
Jer 4:10 .there$ore I will do to the ho#se whih is alled by ?y name% in whih yo# tr#st% and to this *lae whih
I ga!e to yo# and yo#r $athers% as I ha!e done to ,hiloh"
Jer 4:11 .+nd I will ast yo# o#t o$ ?y sight% as I ha!e ast o#t all yo#r brethren DD the whole *osterity o$
Jer 4:13 . There$ore do not *ray $or this *eo*le% nor li$t #* a ry or *rayer $or them% nor ma'e interession to ?e&
$or I will not hear yo#"
Jer 4:14 .2o yo# not see what they do in the ities o$ J#dah and in the streets o$ Jer#salemC
Jer 4:18 .The hildren gather wood% the $athers 'indle the $ire% and the women 'nead do#gh% to ma'e a'es $or
the E#een o$ hea!en& and (they) *o#r o#t drin' o$$erings to other gods% that they may *ro!o'e ?e to anger"
Jer 4:19 .2o they *ro!o'e ?e to angerC. says the /8:2" .(2o they) not (*ro!o'e) themsel!es% to the shame o$
their own $aesC.
Jer 4:25 There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% ?y anger and ?y $#ry will be *o#red o#t on this *lae DD
on man and on beast% on the trees o$ the $ield and on the $r#it o$ the gro#nd" +nd it will b#rn and not be
Jer 4:21 Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .+dd yo#r b#rnt o$$erings to yo#r sari$ies and eat
Jer 4:22 .;or I did not s*ea' to yo#r $athers% or ommand them in the day that I bro#ght them o#t o$ the land o$
6gy*t% onerning b#rnt o$$erings or sari$ies"
Jer 4:2- .B#t this is what I ommanded them% saying% A8bey ?y !oie% and I will be yo#r God% and yo# shall be
?y *eo*le" +nd wal' in all the ways that I ha!e ommanded yo#% that it may be well with yo#"A
Jer 4:20 .Bet they did not obey or inline their ear% b#t $ollowed the o#nsels (and) the ditates o$ their e!il
hearts% and went ba'ward and not $orward"
Jer 4:21 .,ine the day that yo#r $athers ame o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t #ntil this day% I ha!e e!en sent to yo# all
?y ser!ants the *ro*hets% daily rising #* early and sending (them")
Jer 4:23 .Bet they did not obey ?e or inline their ear% b#t sti$$ened their ne'" They did worse than their $athers"
Jer 4:24 . There$ore yo# shall s*ea' all these words to them% b#t they will not obey yo#" Bo# shall also all to
them% b#t they will not answer yo#"
Jer 4:28 .,o yo# shall say to them% AThis (is) a nation that does not obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 their God nor
reei!e orretion" Tr#th has *erished and has been #t o$$ $rom their mo#th"
Jer 4:29 A=#t o$$ yo#r hair and ast (it) away% and ta'e #* a lamentation on the desolate heights& $or the /8:2
has re@eted and $orsa'en the generation o$ His wrath"A
Jer 4:-5 .;or the hildren o$ J#dah ha!e done e!il in ?y sight%. says the /8:2" .They ha!e set their
abominations in the ho#se whih is alled by ?y name% to *oll#te it"
Jer 4:-1 .+nd they ha!e b#ilt the high *laes o$ To*het% whih (is) in the Valley o$ the ,on o$ Hinnom% to b#rn
their sons and their da#ghters in the $ire% whih I did not ommand% nor did it ome into ?y heart"
Jer 4:-2 . There$ore behold% the days are oming%. says the /8:2% .when it will no more be alled To*het% or
the Valley o$ the ,on o$ Hinnom% b#t the Valley o$ ,la#ghter& $or they will b#ry in To*het #ntil there is no room"
Jer 4:-- .The or*ses o$ this *eo*le will be $ood $or the birds o$ the hea!en and $or the beasts o$ the earth" +nd
no one will $righten (them away")
Jer 4:-0 .Then I will a#se to ease $rom the ities o$ J#dah and $rom the streets o$ Jer#salem the !oie o$ mirth
and the !oie o$ gladness% the !oie o$ the bridegroom and the !oie o$ the bride" ;or the land shall be desolate"
Jer 8:1 .+t that time%. says the /8:2% .they shall bring o#t the bones o$ the 'ings o$ J#dah% and the bones o$ its
*rines% and the bones o$ the *riests% and the bones o$ the *ro*hets% and the bones o$ the inhabitants o$
Jer#salem% o#t o$ their gra!es"
Jer 8:2 .They shall s*read them be$ore the s#n and the moon and all the host o$ hea!en% whih they ha!e lo!ed
and whih they ha!e ser!ed and a$ter whih they ha!e wal'ed% whih they ha!e so#ght and whih they ha!e
worshi*ed" They shall not be gathered nor b#ried& they shall be li'e re$#se on the $ae o$ the earth"
Jer 8:- .Then death shall be hosen rather than li$e by all the resid#e o$ those who remain o$ this e!il $amily%
who remain in all the *laes where I ha!e dri!en them%. says the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Jer 8:0 . ?oreo!er yo# shall say to them% ATh#s says the /8:2: .>ill they $all and not riseC >ill one t#rn away
and not ret#rnC
Jer 8:1 >hy has this *eo*le slidden ba'% Jer#salem% in a *er*et#al ba'slidingC They hold $ast to deeit% They
re$#se to ret#rn"
Jer 8:3 I listened and heard% (B#t) they do not s*ea' aright" No man re*ented o$ his wi'edness% ,aying% A>hat
ha!e I doneCA 6!eryone t#rned to his own o#rse% +s the horse r#shes into the battle"
Jer 8:4 .6!en the stor' in the hea!ens Knows her a**ointed times& +nd the t#rtledo!e% the swi$t% and the
swallow 8bser!e the time o$ their oming" B#t ?y *eo*le do not 'now the @#dgment o$ the /8:2"
Jer 8:8 . How an yo# say% A>e (are) wise% +nd the law o$ the /8:2 (is) with #sAC /oo'% the $alse *en o$ the
sribe ertainly wor's $alsehood"
Jer 8:9 The wise men are ashamed% They are dismayed and ta'en" Behold% they ha!e re@eted the word o$ the
/8:2& ,o what wisdom do they ha!eC
Jer 8:15 There$ore I will gi!e their wi!es to others% (+nd) their $ields to those who will inherit (them&) Bea#se
$rom the least e!en to the greatest 6!eryone is gi!en to o!eto#sness& ;rom the *ro*het e!en to the *riest
6!eryone deals $alsely"
Jer 8:11 ;or they ha!e healed the h#rt o$ the da#ghter o$ ?y *eo*le slightly% ,aying% A<eae% *eaeFA >hen
(there is) no *eae"
Jer 8:12 >ere they ashamed when they had ommitted abominationC NoF They were not at all ashamed% Nor
did they 'now how to bl#sh" There$ore they shall $all among those who $all& In the time o$ their *#nishment They
shall be ast down%. says the /8:2"
Jer 8:1- . I will s#rely ons#me them%. says the /8:2" .No gra*es (shall be) on the !ine% Nor $igs on the $ig tree%
+nd the lea$ shall $ade& +nd (the things) I ha!e gi!en them shall *ass away $rom them". A .
Jer 8:10 .>hy do we sit stillC +ssemble yo#rsel!es% +nd let #s enter the $orti$ied ities% +nd let #s be silent
there" ;or the /8:2 o#r God has *#t #s to silene +nd gi!en #s water o$ gall to drin'% Bea#se we ha!e sinned
against the /8:2"
Jer 8:11 .(>e) loo'ed $or *eae% b#t no good (ame&) +nd $or a time o$ health% and there was tro#bleF
Jer 8:13 The snorting o$ His horses was heard $rom 2an" The whole land trembled at the so#nd o$ the neighing
o$ His strong ones& ;or they ha!e ome and de!o#red the land and all that is in it% The ity and those who dwell
in it".
Jer 8:14 .;or behold% I will send ser*ents among yo#% Vi*ers whih annot be harmed% +nd they shall bite
yo#%. says the /8:2"
Jer 8:18 I wo#ld om$ort mysel$ in sorrow& ?y heart (is) $aint in me"
Jer 8:19 /istenF The !oie% The ry o$ the da#ghter o$ my *eo*le ;rom a $ar o#ntry: .(Is) not the /8:2 in GionC
(Is) not her King in herC. .>hy ha!e they *ro!o'ed ?e to anger >ith their ar!ed images DD >ith $oreign idolsC.
Jer 8:25 .The har!est is *ast% The s#mmer is ended% +nd we are not sa!edF.
Jer 8:21 ;or the h#rt o$ the da#ghter o$ my *eo*le I am h#rt" I am mo#rning& +stonishment has ta'en hold o$
Jer 8:22 (Is there) no balm in Gilead% (Is there) no *hysiian thereC >hy then is there no reo!ery ;or the health
o$ the da#ghter o$ my *eo*leC
Jer 9:1 8h% that my head were waters% +nd my eyes a $o#ntain o$ tears% That I might wee* day and night ;or the
slain o$ the da#ghter o$ my *eo*leF
Jer 9:2 8h% that I had in the wilderness + lodging *lae $or tra!elers& That I might lea!e my *eo*le% +nd go $rom
themF ;or they (are) all ad#lterers% +n assembly o$ treahero#s men"
Jer 9:- .+nd (li'e) their bow they ha!e bent their tong#es ($or) lies" They are not !aliant $or the tr#th on the earth"
;or they *roeed $rom e!il to e!il% +nd they do not 'now ?e%. says the /8:2"
Jer 9:0 .6!eryone ta'e heed to his neighbor% +nd do not tr#st any brother& ;or e!ery brother will #tterly
s#**lant% +nd e!ery neighbor will wal' with slanderers"
Jer 9:1 6!eryone will deei!e his neighbor% +nd will not s*ea' the tr#th& They ha!e ta#ght their tong#e to s*ea'
lies& They weary themsel!es to ommit iniE#ity"
Jer 9:3 Bo#r dwelling *lae (is) in the midst o$ deeit& Thro#gh deeit they re$#se to 'now ?e%. says the /8:2"
Jer 9:4 There$ore th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .Behold% I will re$ine them and try them& ;or how shall I deal with
the da#ghter o$ ?y *eo*leC
Jer 9:8 Their tong#e (is) an arrow shot o#t& It s*ea's deeit& (8ne) s*ea's *eaeably to his neighbor with his
mo#th% B#t in his heart he lies in wait"
Jer 9:9 ,hall I not *#nish them $or these (thingsC.) says the /8:2" .,hall I not a!enge ?ysel$ on s#h a nation
as thisC.
Jer 9:15 I will ta'e #* a wee*ing and wailing $or the mo#ntains% +nd $or the dwelling *laes o$ the wilderness a
lamentation% Bea#se they are b#rned #*% ,o that no one an *ass thro#gh& Nor an (men) hear the !oie o$ the
attle" Both the birds o$ the hea!ens and the beasts ha!e $led& They are gone"
Jer 9:11 .I will ma'e Jer#salem a hea* o$ r#ins% a den o$ @a'als" I will ma'e the ities o$ J#dah desolate% witho#t
an inhabitant".
Jer 9:12 >ho (is) the wise man who may #nderstand thisC +nd (who is he) to whom the mo#th o$ the /8:2 has
s*o'en% that he may delare itC >hy does the land *erish (and) b#rn #* li'e a wilderness% so that no one an
*ass thro#ghC
Jer 9:1- +nd the /8:2 said% .Bea#se they ha!e $orsa'en ?y law whih I set be$ore them% and ha!e not
obeyed ?y !oie% nor wal'ed aording to it%
Jer 9:10 .b#t they ha!e wal'ed aording to the ditates o$ their own hearts and a$ter the Baals% whih their
$athers ta#ght them%.
Jer 9:11 there$ore th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .Behold% I will $eed them% this *eo*le% with
wormwood% and gi!e them water o$ gall to drin'"
Jer 9:13 .I will satter them also among the Gentiles% whom neither they nor their $athers ha!e 'nown" +nd I will
send a sword a$ter them #ntil I ha!e ons#med them".
Jer 9:14 Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .=onsider and all $or the mo#rning women% That they may ome& +nd
send $or s'ill$#l wailing women% That they may ome"
Jer 9:18 /et them ma'e haste +nd ta'e #* a wailing $or #s% That o#r eyes may r#n with tears% +nd o#r eyelids
g#sh with water"
Jer 9:19 ;or a !oie o$ wailing is heard $rom Gion: AHow we are *l#nderedF >e are greatly ashamed% Bea#se
we ha!e $orsa'en the land% Bea#se we ha!e been ast o#t o$ o#r dwellings"A .
Jer 9:25 Bet hear the word o$ the /8:2% 8 women% +nd let yo#r ear reei!e the word o$ His mo#th& Teah yo#r
da#ghters wailing% +nd e!eryone her neighbor a lamentation"
Jer 9:21 ;or death has ome thro#gh o#r windows% Has entered o#r *alaes% To 'ill o$$ the hildren DD (no longer
to be) o#tsideF (+nd) the yo#ng men DD (no longer) on the streetsF
Jer 9:22 ,*ea'% .Th#s says the /8:2: A6!en the arasses o$ men shall $all as re$#se on the o*en $ield% /i'e
#ttings a$ter the har!ester% +nd no one shall gather (them"A) .
Jer 9:2- Th#s says the /8:2: ./et not the wise (man) glory in his wisdom% /et not the mighty (man) glory in his
might% Nor let the rih (man) glory in his rihes&
Jer 9:20 B#t let him who glories glory in this% That he #nderstands and 'nows ?e% That I (am) the /8:2%
e9erising lo!ing'indness% @#dgment% and righteo#sness in the earth" ;or in these I delight%. says the /8:2"
Jer 9:21 . Behold% the days are oming%. says the /8:2% .that I will *#nish all (who are) ir#mised with the
#nir#mised DD
Jer 9:23 .6gy*t% J#dah% 6dom% the *eo*le o$ +mmon% ?oab% and all (who are) in the $arthest orners% who dwell
in the wilderness" ;or all (these) nations (are) #nir#mised% and all the ho#se o$ Israel (are) #nir#mised in
the heart".
Jer 15:1 Hear the word whih the /8:2 s*ea's to yo#% 8 ho#se o$ Israel"
Jer 15:2 Th#s says the /8:2: .2o not learn the way o$ the Gentiles& 2o not be dismayed at the signs o$
hea!en% ;or the Gentiles are dismayed at them"
Jer 15:- ;or the #stoms o$ the *eo*les (are) $#tile& ;or (one) #ts a tree $rom the $orest% The wor' o$ the hands
o$ the wor'man% with the a9"
Jer 15:0 They deorate it with sil!er and gold& They $asten it with nails and hammers ,o that it will not to**le"
Jer 15:1 They (are) #*right% li'e a *alm tree% +nd they annot s*ea'& They m#st be arried% Bea#se they
annot go (by themsel!es") 2o not be a$raid o$ them% ;or they annot do e!il% Nor an they do any good".
Jer 15:3 Inasm#h as (there is) none li'e Bo#% 8 /8:2 IBo# (are) great% and Bo#r name (is) great in mightJ%
Jer 15:4 >ho wo#ld not $ear Bo#% 8 King o$ the nationsC ;or this is Bo#r right$#l d#e" ;or among all the wise
(men) o$ the nations% +nd in all their 'ingdoms% (There is) none li'e Bo#"
Jer 15:8 B#t they are altogether d#llDhearted and $oolish& + wooden idol (is) a worthless dotrine"
Jer 15:9 ,il!er is beaten into *lates& It is bro#ght $rom Tarshish% +nd gold $rom 7*haH% The wor' o$ the
ra$tsman +nd o$ the hands o$ the metalsmith& Bl#e and *#r*le (are) their lothing& They (are) all the wor' o$
s'ill$#l (men")
Jer 15:15 B#t the /8:2 (is) the tr#e God& He (is) the li!ing God and the e!erlasting King" +t His wrath the earth
will tremble% +nd the nations will not be able to end#re His indignation"
Jer 15:11 Th#s yo# shall say to them: .The gods that ha!e not made the hea!ens and the earth shall *erish
$rom the earth and $rom #nder these hea!ens".
Jer 15:12 He has made the earth by His *ower% He has established the world by His wisdom% +nd has strethed
o#t the hea!ens at His disretion"
Jer 15:1- >hen He #tters His !oie% (There is) a m#ltit#de o$ waters in the hea!ens: .+nd He a#ses the !a*ors
to asend $rom the ends o$ the earth" He ma'es lightning $or the rain% He brings the wind o#t o$ His treas#ries".
Jer 15:10 6!eryone is d#llDhearted% witho#t 'nowledge& 6!ery metalsmith is *#t to shame by an image& ;or his
molded image (is) $alsehood% +nd (there is) no breath in them"
Jer 15:11 They (are) $#tile% a wor' o$ errors& In the time o$ their *#nishment they shall *erish"
Jer 15:13 The <ortion o$ Jaob (is) not li'e them% ;or He (is) the ?a'er o$ all (things%) +nd Israel (is) the tribe o$
His inheritane& The /8:2 o$ hosts (is) His name"
Jer 15:14 Gather #* yo#r wares $rom the land% 8 inhabitant o$ the $ortressF
Jer 15:18 ;or th#s says the /8:2: .Behold% I will throw o#t at this time The inhabitants o$ the land% +nd will
distress them% That they may $ind (it so".)
Jer 15:19 >oe is me $or my h#rtF ?y wo#nd is se!ere" B#t I say% .Tr#ly this (is) an in$irmity% +nd I m#st bear it".
Jer 15:25 ?y tent is *l#ndered% +nd all my ords are bro'en& ?y hildren ha!e gone $rom me% +nd they (are) no
more" (There is) no one to *ith my tent anymore% 8r set #* my #rtains"
Jer 15:21 ;or the she*herds ha!e beome d#llDhearted% +nd ha!e not so#ght the /8:2& There$ore they shall
not *ros*er% +nd all their $lo's shall be sattered"
Jer 15:22 Behold% the noise o$ the re*ort has ome% +nd a great ommotion o#t o$ the north o#ntry% To ma'e
the ities o$ J#dah desolate% a den o$ @a'als"
Jer 15:2- 8 /8:2% I 'now the way o$ man (is) not in himsel$& (It is) not in man who wal's to diret his own ste*s"
Jer 15:20 8 /8:2% orret me% b#t with @#stie& Not in Bo#r anger% lest Bo# bring me to nothing"
Jer 15:21 <o#r o#t Bo#r $#ry on the Gentiles% who do not 'now Bo#% +nd on the $amilies who do not all on Bo#r
name& ;or they ha!e eaten #* Jaob% 2e!o#red him and ons#med him% +nd made his dwelling *lae desolate"
Jer 11:1 The word that ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2% saying%
Jer 11:2 .Hear the words o$ this o!enant% and s*ea' to the men o$ J#dah and to the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem&
Jer 11:- .and say to them% ATh#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: .=#rsed (is) the man who does not obey the
words o$ this o!enant
Jer 11:0 .whih I ommanded yo#r $athers in the day I bro#ght them o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% $rom the iron
$#rnae% saying% A8bey ?y !oie% and do aording to all that I ommand yo#& so shall yo# be ?y *eo*le% and I
will be yo#r God%A
Jer 11:1 .that I may establish the oath whih I ha!e sworn to yo#r $athers% to gi!e them Aa land $lowing with mil'
and honey%A as (it is) this day". A . +nd I answered and said% .,o be it% /8:2".
Jer 11:3 Then the /8:2 said to me% .<rolaim all these words in the ities o$ J#dah and in the streets o$
Jer#salem% saying: AHear the words o$ this o!enant and do them"
Jer 11:4 A;or I earnestly e9horted yo#r $athers in the day I bro#ght them #* o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% #ntil this
day% rising early and e9horting% saying% .8bey ?y !oie".
Jer 11:8 ABet they did not obey or inline their ear% b#t e!eryone $ollowed the ditates o$ his e!il heart& there$ore I
will bring #*on them all the words o$ this o!enant% whih I ommanded (them) to do% b#t (whih) they ha!e not
done"A .
Jer 11:9 +nd the /8:2 said to me% .+ ons*iray has been $o#nd among the men o$ J#dah and among the
inhabitants o$ Jer#salem"
Jer 11:15 .They ha!e t#rned ba' to the iniE#ities o$ their $ore$athers who re$#sed to hear ?y words% and they
ha!e gone a$ter other gods to ser!e them& the ho#se o$ Israel and the ho#se o$ J#dah ha!e bro'en ?y o!enant
whih I made with their $athers".
Jer 11:11 There$ore th#s says the /8:2: .Behold% I will s#rely bring alamity on them whih they will not be
able to esa*e& and tho#gh they ry o#t to ?e% I will not listen to them"
Jer 11:12 .Then the ities o$ J#dah and the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem will go and ry o#t to the gods to whom
they o$$er inense% b#t they will not sa!e them at all in the time o$ their tro#ble"
Jer 11:1- .;or (aording to) the n#mber o$ yo#r ities were yo#r gods% 8 J#dah& and (aording to) the n#mber
o$ the streets o$ Jer#salem yo# ha!e set #* altars to (that) shame$#l thing% altars to b#rn inense to Baal"
Jer 11:10 . ,o do not *ray $or this *eo*le% or li$t #* a ry or *rayer $or them& $or I will not hear (them) in the time
that they ry o#t to ?e bea#se o$ their tro#ble"
Jer 11:11 .>hat has ?y belo!ed to do in ?y ho#se% Ha!ing done lewd deeds with manyC +nd the holy $lesh has
*assed $rom yo#" >hen yo# do e!il% then yo# re@oie"
Jer 11:13 The /8:2 alled yo#r name% Green 8li!e Tree% /o!ely (and) o$ Good ;r#it" >ith the noise o$ a great
t#m#lt He has 'indled $ire on it% +nd its branhes are bro'en"
Jer 11:14 .;or the /8:2 o$ hosts% who *lanted yo#% has *rono#ned doom against yo# $or the e!il o$ the ho#se
o$ Israel and o$ the ho#se o$ J#dah% whih they ha!e done against themsel!es to *ro!o'e ?e to anger in o$$ering
inense to Baal".
Jer 11:18 Now the /8:2 ga!e me 'nowledge (o$ it%) and I 'now (it&) $or Bo# showed me their doings"
Jer 11:19 B#t I (was) li'e a doile lamb bro#ght to the sla#ghter& and I did not 'now that they had de!ised
shemes against me% (saying%) ./et #s destroy the tree with its $r#it% and let #s #t him o$$ $rom the land o$ the
li!ing% that his name may be remembered no more".
Jer 11:25 B#t% 8 /8:2 o$ hosts% Bo# who @#dge righteo#sly% Testing the mind and the heart% /et me see Bo#r
!engeane on them% ;or to Bo# I ha!e re!ealed my a#se"
Jer 11:21 . There$ore th#s says the /8:2 onerning the men o$ +nathoth who see' yo#r li$e% saying% A2o not
*ro*hesy in the name o$ the /8:2% lest yo# die by o#r handA DD
Jer 11:22 .there$ore th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: ABehold% I will *#nish them" The yo#ng men shall die by the
sword% their sons and their da#ghters shall die by $amine&
Jer 11:2- Aand there shall be no remnant o$ them% $or I will bring atastro*he on the men o$ +nathoth% (e!en) the
year o$ their *#nishment"A .
Jer 12:1 :ighteo#s (are) Bo#% 8 /8:2% when I *lead with Bo#& Bet let me tal' with Bo# abo#t (Bo#r) @#dgments"
>hy does the way o$ the wi'ed *ros*erC (>hy) are those ha**y who deal so treahero#slyC
Jer 12:2 Bo# ha!e *lanted them% yes% they ha!e ta'en root& They grow% yes% they bear $r#it" Bo# (are) near in
their mo#th B#t $ar $rom their mind"
Jer 12:- B#t Bo#% 8 /8:2% 'now me& Bo# ha!e seen me% +nd Bo# ha!e tested my heart toward Bo#" <#ll them
o#t li'e shee* $or the sla#ghter% +nd *re*are them $or the day o$ sla#ghter"
Jer 12:0 How long will the land mo#rn% +nd the herbs o$ e!ery $ield witherC The beasts and birds are ons#med%
;or the wi'edness o$ those who dwell there% Bea#se they said% .He will not see o#r $inal end".
Jer 12:1 . I$ yo# ha!e r#n with the $ootmen% and they ha!e wearied yo#% Then how an yo# ontend with
horsesC +nd (i$) in the land o$ *eae% (In whih) yo# tr#sted% (they wearied yo#%) Then how will yo# do in the
$lood*lain o$ the JordanC
Jer 12:3 ;or e!en yo#r brothers% the ho#se o$ yo#r $ather% 6!en they ha!e dealt treahero#sly with yo#& Bes%
they ha!e alled a m#ltit#de a$ter yo#" 2o not belie!e them% 6!en tho#gh they s*ea' smooth words to yo#"
Jer 12:4 . I ha!e $orsa'en ?y ho#se% I ha!e le$t ?y heritage& I ha!e gi!en the dearly belo!ed o$ ?y so#l into the
hand o$ her enemies"
Jer 12:8 ?y heritage is to ?e li'e a lion in the $orest& It ries o#t against ?e& There$ore I ha!e hated it"
Jer 12:9 ?y heritage (is) to ?e (li'e) a s*e'led !#lt#re& The !#lt#res all aro#nd (are) against her" =ome%
assemble all the beasts o$ the $ield% Bring them to de!o#rF
Jer 12:15 .?any r#lers ha!e destroyed ?y !ineyard% They ha!e trodden ?y *ortion #nder$oot& They ha!e made
?y *leasant *ortion a desolate wilderness"
Jer 12:11 They ha!e made it desolate& 2esolate% it mo#rns to ?e& The whole land is made desolate% Bea#se
no one ta'es (it) to heart"
Jer 12:12 The *l#nderers ha!e ome 8n all the desolate heights in the wilderness% ;or the sword o$ the /8:2
shall de!o#r ;rom (one) end o$ the land to the (other) end o$ the land& No $lesh shall ha!e *eae"
Jer 12:1- They ha!e sown wheat b#t rea*ed thorns& They ha!e *#t themsel!es to *ain (b#t) do not *ro$it" B#t be
ashamed o$ yo#r har!est Bea#se o$ the $iere anger o$ the /8:2".
Jer 12:10 Th#s says the /8:2: .+gainst all ?y e!il neighbors who to#h the inheritane whih I ha!e a#sed
?y *eo*le Israel to inherit DD behold% I will *l#' them o#t o$ their land and *l#' o#t the ho#se o$ J#dah $rom
among them"
Jer 12:11 .Then it shall be% a$ter I ha!e *l#'ed them o#t% that I will ret#rn and ha!e om*assion on them and
bring them ba'% e!eryone to his heritage and e!eryone to his land"
Jer 12:13 .+nd it shall be% i$ they will learn are$#lly the ways o$ ?y *eo*le% to swear by ?y name% A+s the /8:2
li!es%A as they ta#ght ?y *eo*le to swear by Baal% then they shall be established in the midst o$ ?y *eo*le"
Jer 12:14 .B#t i$ they do not obey% I will #tterly *l#' #* and destroy that nation%. says the /8:2"
Jer 1-:1 Th#s the /8:2 said to me: .Go and get yo#rsel$ a linen sash% and *#t it aro#nd yo#r waist% b#t do not
*#t it in water".
Jer 1-:2 ,o I got a sash aording to the word o$ the /8:2% and *#t (it) aro#nd my waist"
Jer 1-:- +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me the seond time% saying%
Jer 1-:0 .Ta'e the sash that yo# aE#ired% whih (is) aro#nd yo#r waist% and arise% go to the 6#*hrates% and
hide it there in a hole in the ro'".
Jer 1-:1 ,o I went and hid it by the 6#*hrates% as the /8:2 ommanded me"
Jer 1-:3 Now it ame to *ass a$ter many days that the /8:2 said to me% .+rise% go to the 6#*hrates% and ta'e
$rom there the sash whih I ommanded yo# to hide there".
Jer 1-:4 Then I went to the 6#*hrates and d#g% and I too' the sash $rom the *lae where I had hidden it& and
there was the sash% r#ined" It was *ro$itable $or nothing"
Jer 1-:8 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
Jer 1-:9 .Th#s says the /8:2: AIn this manner I will r#in the *ride o$ J#dah and the great *ride o$ Jer#salem"
Jer 1-:15 AThis e!il *eo*le% who re$#se to hear ?y words% who $ollow the ditates o$ their hearts% and wal' a$ter
other gods to ser!e them and worshi* them% shall be @#st li'e this sash whih is *ro$itable $or nothing"
Jer 1-:11 A;or as the sash lings to the waist o$ a man% so I ha!e a#sed the whole ho#se o$ Israel and the
whole ho#se o$ J#dah to ling to ?e%A says the /8:2% Athat they may beome ?y *eo*le% $or renown% $or *raise%
and $or glory& b#t they wo#ld not hear"A
Jer 1-:12 . There$ore yo# shall s*ea' to them this word: ATh#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: .6!ery bottle shall
be $illed with wine". A +nd they will say to yo#% A2o we not ertainly 'now that e!ery bottle will be $illed with wineCA
Jer 1-:1- .Then yo# shall say to them% ATh#s says the /8:2: .Behold% I will $ill all the inhabitants o$ this land DD
e!en the 'ings who sit on 2a!idAs throne% the *riests% the *ro*hets% and all the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem DD with
Jer 1-:10 .+nd I will dash them one against another% e!en the $athers and the sons together%. says the /8:2" .I
will not *ity nor s*are nor ha!e mery% b#t will destroy them". A .
Jer 1-:11 Hear and gi!e ear: 2o not be *ro#d% ;or the /8:2 has s*o'en"
Jer 1-:13 Gi!e glory to the /8:2 yo#r God Be$ore He a#ses dar'ness% +nd be$ore yo#r $eet st#mble 8n the
dar' mo#ntains% +nd while yo# are loo'ing $or light% He t#rns it into the shadow o$ death (+nd) ma'es (it) dense
Jer 1-:14 B#t i$ yo# will not hear it% ?y so#l will wee* in seret $or (yo#r) *ride& ?y eyes will wee* bitterly +nd
r#n down with tears% Bea#se the /8:2As $lo' has been ta'en a*ti!e"
Jer 1-:18 ,ay to the 'ing and to the E#een mother% .H#mble yo#rsel!es& ,it down% ;or yo#r r#le shall olla*se%
the rown o$ yo#r glory".
Jer 1-:19 The ities o$ the ,o#th shall be sh#t #*% +nd no one shall o*en (them&) J#dah shall be arried away
a*ti!e% all o$ it& It shall be wholly arried away a*ti!e"
Jer 1-:25 /i$t #* yo#r eyes and see Those who ome $rom the north" >here (is) the $lo' (that) was gi!en to yo#%
Bo#r bea#ti$#l shee*C
Jer 1-:21 >hat will yo# say when He *#nishes yo#C ;or yo# ha!e ta#ght them (To be) hie$tains% to be head
o!er yo#" >ill not *angs seiHe yo#% /i'e a woman in laborC
Jer 1-:22 +nd i$ yo# say in yo#r heart% .>hy ha!e these things ome #*on meC. ;or the greatness o$ yo#r
iniE#ity Bo#r s'irts ha!e been #no!ered% Bo#r heels made bare"
Jer 1-:2- =an the 6thio*ian hange his s'in or the leo*ard its s*otsC (Then) may yo# also do good who are
a#stomed to do e!il"
Jer 1-:20 . There$ore I will satter them li'e st#bble That *asses away by the wind o$ the wilderness"
Jer 1-:21 This is yo#r lot% The *ortion o$ yo#r meas#res $rom ?e%. says the /8:2% .Bea#se yo# ha!e $orgotten
?e +nd tr#sted in $alsehood"
Jer 1-:23 There$ore I will #no!er yo#r s'irts o!er yo#r $ae% That yo#r shame may a**ear"
Jer 1-:24 I ha!e seen yo#r ad#lteries +nd yo#r (l#st$#l) neighings% The lewdness o$ yo#r harlotry% Bo#r
abominations on the hills in the $ields" >oe to yo#% 8 Jer#salemF >ill yo# still not be made leanC.
Jer 10:1 The word o$ the /8:2 that ame to Jeremiah onerning the dro#ghts"
Jer 10:2 .J#dah mo#rns% +nd her gates lang#ish& They mo#rn $or the land% +nd the ry o$ Jer#salem has gone
Jer 10:- Their nobles ha!e sent their lads $or water& They went to the isterns (and) $o#nd no water" They
ret#rned with their !essels em*ty& They were ashamed and on$o#nded +nd o!ered their heads"
Jer 10:0 Bea#se the gro#nd is *arhed% ;or there was no rain in the land% The *lowmen were ashamed& They
o!ered their heads"
Jer 10:1 Bes% the deer also ga!e birth in the $ield% B#t le$t bea#se there was no grass"
Jer 10:3 +nd the wild don'eys stood in the desolate heights& They sni$$ed at the wind li'e @a'als& Their eyes
$ailed bea#se (there was) no grass".
Jer 10:4 8 /8:2% tho#gh o#r iniE#ities testi$y against #s% 2o it $or Bo#r nameAs sa'e& ;or o#r ba'slidings are
many% >e ha!e sinned against Bo#"
Jer 10:8 8 the Ho*e o$ Israel% his ,a!ior in time o$ tro#ble% >hy sho#ld Bo# be li'e a stranger in the land% +nd
li'e a tra!eler (who) t#rns aside to tarry $or a nightC
Jer 10:9 >hy sho#ld Bo# be li'e a man astonished% /i'e a mighty one (who) annot sa!eC Bet Bo#% 8 /8:2%
(are) in o#r midst% +nd we are alled by Bo#r name& 2o not lea!e #sF
Jer 10:15 Th#s says the /8:2 to this *eo*le: .Th#s they ha!e lo!ed to wander& They ha!e not restrained their
$eet" There$ore the /8:2 does not ae*t them& He will remember their iniE#ity now% +nd *#nish their sins".
Jer 10:11 Then the /8:2 said to me% .2o not *ray $or this *eo*le% $or (their) good"
Jer 10:12 .>hen they $ast% I will not hear their ry& and when they o$$er b#rnt o$$ering and grain o$$ering% I will not
ae*t them" B#t I will ons#me them by the sword% by the $amine% and by the *estilene".
Jer 10:1- Then I said% .+h% /ord G82F Behold% the *ro*hets say to them% ABo# shall not see the sword% nor shall
yo# ha!e $amine% b#t I will gi!e yo# ass#red *eae in this *lae"A .
Jer 10:10 +nd the /8:2 said to me% .The *ro*hets *ro*hesy lies in ?y name" I ha!e not sent them%
ommanded them% nor s*o'en to them& they *ro*hesy to yo# a $alse !ision% di!ination% a worthless thing% and the
deeit o$ their heart"
Jer 10:11 .There$ore th#s says the /8:2 onerning the *ro*hets who *ro*hesy in ?y name% whom I did not
send% and who say% A,word and $amine shall not be in this landA DD ABy sword and $amine those *ro*hets shall be
Jer 10:13 A+nd the *eo*le to whom they *ro*hesy shall be ast o#t in the streets o$ Jer#salem bea#se o$ the
$amine and the sword& they will ha!e no one to b#ry them DD them nor their wi!es% their sons nor their da#ghters
DD $or I will *o#r their wi'edness on them"A
Jer 10:14 . There$ore yo# shall say this word to them: A/et my eyes $low with tears night and day% +nd let them
not ease& ;or the !irgin da#ghter o$ my *eo*le Has been bro'en with a mighty stro'e% with a !ery se!ere blow"
Jer 10:18 I$ I go o#t to the $ield% Then behold% those slain with the swordF +nd i$ I enter the ity% Then behold%
those si' $rom $amineF Bes% both *ro*het and *riest go abo#t in a land they do not 'now"A .
Jer 10:19 Ha!e Bo# #tterly re@eted J#dahC Has Bo#r so#l loathed GionC >hy ha!e Bo# stri'en #s so that
(there is) no healing $or #sC >e loo'ed $or *eae% b#t (there was) no good& +nd $or the time o$ healing% and there
was tro#ble"
Jer 10:25 >e a'nowledge% 8 /8:2% o#r wi'edness (+nd) the iniE#ity o$ o#r $athers% ;or we ha!e sinned
against Bo#"
Jer 10:21 2o not abhor (#s%) $or Bo#r nameAs sa'e& 2o not disgrae the throne o$ Bo#r glory" :emember% do not
brea' Bo#r o!enant with #s"
Jer 10:22 +re there any among the idols o$ the nations that an a#se rainC 8r an the hea!ens gi!e showersC
(+re) Bo# not He% 8 /8:2 o#r GodC There$ore we will wait $or Bo#% ,ine Bo# ha!e made all these"
Jer 11:1 Then the /8:2 said to me% .(6!en) i$ ?oses and ,am#el stood be$ore ?e% ?y mind (wo#ld) not (be)
$a!orable toward this *eo*le" =ast (them) o#t o$ ?y sight% and let them go $orth"
Jer 11:2 .+nd it shall be% i$ they say to yo#% A>here sho#ld we goCA then yo# shall tell them% ATh#s says the
/8:2: .,#h as (are) $or death% to death& +nd s#h as (are) $or the sword% to the sword& +nd s#h as (are) $or the
$amine% to the $amine& +nd s#h as (are) $or the a*ti!ity% to the a*ti!ity". A
Jer 11:- .+nd I will a**oint o!er them $o#r $orms (o$ destr#tion%.) says the /8:2: .the sword to slay% the dogs
to drag% the birds o$ the hea!ens and the beasts o$ the earth to de!o#r and destroy"
Jer 11:0 .I will hand them o!er to tro#ble% to all 'ingdoms o$ the earth% bea#se o$ ?anasseh the son o$
HeHe'iah% 'ing o$ J#dah% $or what he did in Jer#salem"
Jer 11:1 . ;or who will ha!e *ity on yo#% 8 Jer#salemC 8r who will bemoan yo#C 8r who will t#rn aside to as'
how yo# are doingC
Jer 11:3 Bo# ha!e $orsa'en ?e%. says the /8:2% .Bo# ha!e gone ba'ward" There$ore I will streth o#t ?y
hand against yo# and destroy yo#& I am weary o$ relentingF
Jer 11:4 +nd I will winnow them with a winnowing $an in the gates o$ the land& I will berea!e (them) o$ hildren& I
will destroy ?y *eo*le% (,ine) they do not ret#rn $rom their ways"
Jer 11:8 Their widows will be inreased to ?e more than the sand o$ the seas& I will bring against them% +gainst
the mother o$ the yo#ng men% + *l#nderer at noonday& I will a#se ang#ish and terror to $all on them s#ddenly"
Jer 11:9 .,he lang#ishes who has borne se!en& ,he has breathed her last& Her s#n has gone down >hile (it
was) yet day& ,he has been ashamed and on$o#nded" +nd the remnant o$ them I will deli!er to the sword
Be$ore their enemies%. says the /8:2"
Jer 11:15 >oe is me% my mother% That yo# ha!e borne me% + man o$ stri$e and a man o$ ontention to the whole
earthF I ha!e neither lent $or interest% Nor ha!e men lent to me $or interest" 6!ery one o$ them #rses me"
Jer 11:11 The /8:2 said: .,#rely it will be well with yo#r remnant& ,#rely I will a#se the enemy to interede
with yo# In the time o$ ad!ersity and in the time o$ a$$lition"
Jer 11:12 =an anyone brea' iron% The northern iron and the bronHeC
Jer 11:1- Bo#r wealth and yo#r treas#res I will gi!e as *l#nder witho#t *rie% Bea#se o$ all yo#r sins%
Thro#gho#t yo#r territories"
Jer 11:10 +nd I will ma'e (yo#) ross o!er with yo#r enemies Into a land (whih) yo# do not 'now& ;or a $ire is
'indled in ?y anger% (>hih) shall b#rn #*on yo#".
Jer 11:11 8 /8:2% Bo# 'now& :emember me and !isit me% +nd ta'e !engeane $or me on my *erse#tors" In
Bo#r end#ring *atiene% do not ta'e me away" Know that $or Bo#r sa'e I ha!e s#$$ered reb#'e"
Jer 11:13 Bo#r words were $o#nd% and I ate them% +nd Bo#r word was to me the @oy and re@oiing o$ my heart&
;or I am alled by Bo#r name% 8 /8:2 God o$ hosts"
Jer 11:14 I did not sit in the assembly o$ the mo'ers% Nor did I re@oie& I sat alone bea#se o$ Bo#r hand% ;or
Bo# ha!e $illed me with indignation"
Jer 11:18 >hy is my *ain *er*et#al +nd my wo#nd in#rable% (>hih) re$#ses to be healedC >ill Bo# s#rely be
to me li'e an #nreliable stream% (+s) waters (that) $ailC
Jer 11:19 There$ore th#s says the /8:2: .I$ yo# ret#rn% Then I will bring yo# ba'& Bo# shall stand be$ore ?e& I$
yo# ta'e o#t the *reio#s $rom the !ile% Bo# shall be as ?y mo#th" /et them ret#rn to yo#% B#t yo# m#st not
ret#rn to them"
Jer 11:25 +nd I will ma'e yo# to this *eo*le a $orti$ied bronHe wall& +nd they will $ight against yo#% B#t they shall
not *re!ail against yo#& ;or I (am) with yo# to sa!e yo# +nd deli!er yo#%. says the /8:2"
Jer 11:21 .I will deli!er yo# $rom the hand o$ the wi'ed% +nd I will redeem yo# $rom the gri* o$ the terrible".
Jer 13:1 The word o$ the /8:2 also ame to me% saying%
Jer 13:2 .Bo# shall not ta'e a wi$e% nor shall yo# ha!e sons or da#ghters in this *lae".
Jer 13:- ;or th#s says the /8:2 onerning the sons and da#ghters who are born in this *lae% and onerning
their mothers who bore them and their $athers who begot them in this land:
Jer 13:0 .They shall die gr#esome deaths& they shall not be lamented nor shall they be b#ried% (b#t) they shall
be li'e re$#se on the $ae o$ the earth" They shall be ons#med by the sword and by $amine% and their or*ses
shall be meat $or the birds o$ hea!en and $or the beasts o$ the earth".
Jer 13:1 ;or th#s says the /8:2: .2o not enter the ho#se o$ mo#rning% nor go to lament or bemoan them& $or I
ha!e ta'en away ?y *eae $rom this *eo*le%. says the /8:2% .lo!ing'indness and meries"
Jer 13:3 .Both the great and the small shall die in this land" They shall not be b#ried& neither shall men lament
$or them% #t themsel!es% nor ma'e themsel!es bald $or them"
Jer 13:4 .Nor shall (men) brea' (bread) in mo#rning $or them% to om$ort them $or the dead& nor shall (men) gi!e
them the #* o$ onsolation to drin' $or their $ather or their mother"
Jer 13:8 .+lso yo# shall not go into the ho#se o$ $easting to sit with them% to eat and drin'".
Jer 13:9 ;or th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .Behold% I will a#se to ease $rom this *lae%
be$ore yo#r eyes and in yo#r days% the !oie o$ mirth and the !oie o$ gladness% the !oie o$ the bridegroom and
the !oie o$ the bride"
Jer 13:15 . +nd it shall be% when yo# show this *eo*le all these words% and they say to yo#% A>hy has the /8:2
*rono#ned all this great disaster against #sC 8r what (is) o#r iniE#ityC 8r what (is) o#r sin that we ha!e
ommitted against the /8:2 o#r GodCA
Jer 13:11 .then yo# shall say to them% ABea#se yo#r $athers ha!e $orsa'en ?e%A says the /8:2& Athey ha!e
wal'ed a$ter other gods and ha!e ser!ed them and worshi*ed them% and ha!e $orsa'en ?e and not 'e*t ?y law"
Jer 13:12 A+nd yo# ha!e done worse than yo#r $athers% $or behold% eah one $ollows the ditates o$ his own e!il
heart% so that no one listens to ?e"
Jer 13:1- AThere$ore I will ast yo# o#t o$ this land into a land that yo# do not 'now% neither yo# nor yo#r $athers&
and there yo# shall ser!e other gods day and night% where I will not show yo# $a!or"A
Jer 13:10 . There$ore behold% the days are oming%. says the /8:2% .that it shall no more be said% AThe /8:2
li!es who bro#ght #* the hildren o$ Israel $rom the land o$ 6gy*t%A
Jer 13:11 .b#t% AThe /8:2 li!es who bro#ght #* the hildren o$ Israel $rom the land o$ the north and $rom all the
lands where He had dri!en them"A ;or I will bring them ba' into their land whih I ga!e to their $athers"
Jer 13:13 . Behold% I will send $or many $ishermen%. says the /8:2% .and they shall $ish them& and a$terward I
will send $or many h#nters% and they shall h#nt them $rom e!ery mo#ntain and e!ery hill% and o#t o$ the holes o$
the ro's"
Jer 13:14 .;or ?y eyes (are) on all their ways& they are not hidden $rom ?y $ae% nor is their iniE#ity hidden $rom
?y eyes"
Jer 13:18 .+nd $irst I will re*ay do#ble $or their iniE#ity and their sin% bea#se they ha!e de$iled ?y land& they
ha!e $illed ?y inheritane with the arasses o$ their detestable and abominable idols".
Jer 13:19 8 /8:2% my strength and my $ortress% ?y re$#ge in the day o$ a$$lition% The Gentiles shall ome to
Bo# ;rom the ends o$ the earth and say% .,#rely o#r $athers ha!e inherited lies% >orthlessness and #n*ro$itable
Jer 13:25 >ill a man ma'e gods $or himsel$% >hih (are) not godsC
Jer 13:21 . There$ore behold% I will this one a#se them to 'now% I will a#se them to 'now ?y hand and ?y
might& +nd they shall 'now that ?y name (is) the /8:2"
Jer 14:1 .The sin o$ J#dah (is) written with a *en o$ iron& >ith the *oint o$ a diamond (it is) engra!ed 8n the
tablet o$ their heart% +nd on the horns o$ yo#r altars%
Jer 14:2 >hile their hildren remember Their altars and their wooden images By the green trees on the high
Jer 14:- 8 ?y mo#ntain in the $ield% I will gi!e as *l#nder yo#r wealth% all yo#r treas#res% (+nd) yo#r high *laes
o$ sin within all yo#r borders"
Jer 14:0 +nd yo#% e!en yo#rsel$% ,hall let go o$ yo#r heritage whih I ga!e yo#& +nd I will a#se yo# to ser!e
yo#r enemies In the land whih yo# do not 'now& ;or yo# ha!e 'indled a $ire in ?y anger (whih) shall b#rn
Jer 14:1 Th#s says the /8:2: .=#rsed (is) the man who tr#sts in man +nd ma'es $lesh his strength% >hose
heart de*arts $rom the /8:2"
Jer 14:3 ;or he shall be li'e a shr#b in the desert% +nd shall not see when good omes% B#t shall inhabit the
*arhed *laes in the wilderness% (In) a salt land (whih is) not inhabited"
Jer 14:4 .Blessed (is) the man who tr#sts in the /8:2% +nd whose ho*e is the /8:2"
Jer 14:8 ;or he shall be li'e a tree *lanted by the waters% >hih s*reads o#t its roots by the ri!er% +nd will not
$ear when heat omes& B#t its lea$ will be green% +nd will not be an9io#s in the year o$ dro#ght% Nor will ease
$rom yielding $r#it"
Jer 14:9 . The heart (is) deeit$#l abo!e all (things%) +nd des*erately wi'ed& >ho an 'now itC
Jer 14:15 I% the /8:2% searh the heart% (I) test the mind% 6!en to gi!e e!ery man aording to his ways%
+ording to the $r#it o$ his doings"
Jer 14:11 . (+s) a *artridge that broods b#t does not hath% (,o is) he who gets rihes% b#t not by right& It will
lea!e him in the midst o$ his days% +nd at his end he will be a $ool".
Jer 14:12 + glorio#s high throne $rom the beginning (Is) the *lae o$ o#r sant#ary"
Jer 14:1- 8 /8:2% the ho*e o$ Israel% +ll who $orsa'e Bo# shall be ashamed" .Those who de*art $rom ?e ,hall
be written in the earth% Bea#se they ha!e $orsa'en the /8:2% The $o#ntain o$ li!ing waters".
Jer 14:10 Heal me% 8 /8:2% and I shall be healed& ,a!e me% and I shall be sa!ed% ;or Bo# (are) my *raise"
Jer 14:11 Indeed they say to me% .>here (is) the word o$ the /8:2C /et it ome nowF.
Jer 14:13 +s $or me% I ha!e not h#rried away $rom (being) a she*herd (who) $ollows Bo#% Nor ha!e I desired the
woe$#l day& Bo# 'now what ame o#t o$ my li*s& It was right there be$ore Bo#"
Jer 14:14 2o not be a terror to me& Bo# (are) my ho*e in the day o$ doom"
Jer 14:18 /et them be ashamed who *erse#te me% B#t do not let me be *#t to shame& /et them be dismayed%
B#t do not let me be dismayed" Bring on them the day o$ doom% +nd destroy them with do#ble destr#tionF
Jer 14:19 Th#s the /8:2 said to me: .Go and stand in the gate o$ the hildren o$ the *eo*le% by whih the 'ings
o$ J#dah ome in and by whih they go o#t% and in all the gates o$ Jer#salem&
Jer 14:25 .and say to them% AHear the word o$ the /8:2% yo# 'ings o$ J#dah% and all J#dah% and all the
inhabitants o$ Jer#salem% who enter by these gates"
Jer 14:21 ATh#s says the /8:2: .Ta'e heed to yo#rsel!es% and bear no b#rden on the ,abbath day% nor bring
(it) in by the gates o$ Jer#salem&
Jer 14:22 .nor arry a b#rden o#t o$ yo#r ho#ses on the ,abbath day% nor do any wor'% b#t hallow the ,abbath
day% as I ommanded yo#r $athers"
Jer 14:2- .B#t they did not obey nor inline their ear% b#t made their ne' sti$$% that they might not hear nor
reei!e instr#tion"
Jer 14:20 . +nd it shall be% i$ yo# heed ?e are$#lly%. says the /8:2% .to bring no b#rden thro#gh the gates o$
this ity on the ,abbath day% b#t hallow the ,abbath day% to do no wor' in it%
Jer 14:21 .then shall enter the gates o$ this ity 'ings and *rines sitting on the throne o$ 2a!id% riding in
hariots and on horses% they and their *rines% aom*anied by the men o$ J#dah and the inhabitants o$
Jer#salem& and this ity shall remain $ore!er"
Jer 14:23 .+nd they shall ome $rom the ities o$ J#dah and $rom the *laes aro#nd Jer#salem% $rom the land o$
Ben@amin and $rom the lowland% $rom the mo#ntains and $rom the ,o#th% bringing b#rnt o$$erings and sari$ies%
grain o$$erings and inense% bringing sari$ies o$ *raise to the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
Jer 14:24 .B#t i$ yo# will not heed ?e to hallow the ,abbath day% s#h as not arrying a b#rden when entering
the gates o$ Jer#salem on the ,abbath day% then I will 'indle a $ire in its gates% and it shall de!o#r the *alaes o$
Jer#salem% and it shall not be E#enhed". A .
Jer 18:1 The word whih ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2% saying:
Jer 18:2 .+rise and go down to the *otterAs ho#se% and there I will a#se yo# to hear ?y words".
Jer 18:- Then I went down to the *otterAs ho#se% and there he was% ma'ing something at the wheel"
Jer 18:0 +nd the !essel that he made o$ lay was marred in the hand o$ the *otter& so he made it again into
another !essel% as it seemed good to the *otter to ma'e"
Jer 18:1 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying:
Jer 18:3 .8 ho#se o$ Israel% an I not do with yo# as this *otterC. says the /8:2" ./oo'% as the lay (is) in the
*otterAs hand% so (are) yo# in ?y hand% 8 ho#se o$ IsraelF
Jer 18:4 .The instant I s*ea' onerning a nation and onerning a 'ingdom% to *l#' #*% to *#ll down% and to
destroy (it%)
Jer 18:8 .i$ that nation against whom I ha!e s*o'en t#rns $rom its e!il% I will relent o$ the disaster that I tho#ght to
bring #*on it"
Jer 18:9 .+nd the instant I s*ea' onerning a nation and onerning a 'ingdom% to b#ild and to *lant (it%)
Jer 18:15 .i$ it does e!il in ?y sight so that it does not obey ?y !oie% then I will relent onerning the good with
whih I said I wo#ld bene$it it"
Jer 18:11 . Now there$ore% s*ea' to the men o$ J#dah and to the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem% saying% ATh#s says
the /8:2: .Behold% I am $ashioning a disaster and de!ising a *lan against yo#" :et#rn now e!ery one $rom his
e!il way% and ma'e yo#r ways and yo#r doings good". A .
Jer 18:12 +nd they said% .That is ho*elessF ,o we will wal' aording to o#r own *lans% and we will e!ery one
obey the ditates o$ his e!il heart".
Jer 18:1- There$ore th#s says the /8:2: .+s' now among the Gentiles% >ho has heard s#h thingsC The !irgin
o$ Israel has done a !ery horrible thing"
Jer 18:10 >ill (a man) lea!e the snow water o$ /ebanon% (>hih omes) $rom the ro' o$ the $ieldC >ill the old
$lowing waters be $orsa'en $or strange watersC
Jer 18:11 .Bea#se ?y *eo*le ha!e $orgotten ?e% They ha!e b#rned inense to worthless idols" +nd they ha!e
a#sed themsel!es to st#mble in their ways% (;rom) the anient *aths% To wal' in *athways and not on a
Jer 18:13 To ma'e their land desolate (and) a *er*et#al hissing& 6!eryone who *asses by it will be astonished
+nd sha'e his head"
Jer 18:14 I will satter them as with an east wind be$ore the enemy& I will show them the ba' and not the $ae
In the day o$ their alamity".
Jer 18:18 Then they said% .=ome and let #s de!ise *lans against Jeremiah& $or the law shall not *erish $rom the
*riest% nor o#nsel $rom the wise% nor the word $rom the *ro*het" =ome and let #s atta' him with the tong#e%
and let #s not gi!e heed to any o$ his words".
Jer 18:19 Gi!e heed to me% 8 /8:2% +nd listen to the !oie o$ those who ontend with meF
Jer 18:25 ,hall e!il be re*aid $or goodC ;or they ha!e d#g a *it $or my li$e" :emember that I stood be$ore Bo#
To s*ea' good $or them% To t#rn away Bo#r wrath $rom them"
Jer 18:21 There$ore deli!er #* their hildren to the $amine% +nd *o#r o#t their (blood) By the $ore o$ the sword&
/et their wi!es (beome) widows +nd berea!ed o$ their hildren" /et their men be *#t to death% Their yo#ng men
(be) slain By the sword in battle"
Jer 18:22 /et a ry be heard $rom their ho#ses% >hen Bo# bring a troo* s#ddenly #*on them& ;or they ha!e d#g
a *it to ta'e me% +nd hidden snares $or my $eet"
Jer 18:2- Bet% /8:2% Bo# 'now all their o#nsel >hih is against me% to slay (me") <ro!ide no atonement $or
their iniE#ity% Nor blot o#t their sin $rom Bo#r sight& B#t let them be o!erthrown be$ore Bo#" 2eal (th#s) with them
In the time o$ Bo#r anger"
Jer 19:1 Th#s says the /8:2: .Go and get a *otterAs earthen $las'% and (ta'e) some o$ the elders o$ the *eo*le
and some o$ the elders o$ the *riests"
Jer 19:2 .+nd go o#t to the Valley o$ the ,on o$ Hinnom% whih (is) by the entry o$ the <otsherd Gate& and
*rolaim there the words that I will tell yo#%
Jer 19:- .and say% AHear the word o$ the /8:2% 8 'ings o$ J#dah and inhabitants o$ Jer#salem" Th#s says the
/8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .Behold% I will bring s#h a atastro*he on this *lae% that whoe!er hears o$ it%
his ears will tingle"
Jer 19:0 . Bea#se they ha!e $orsa'en ?e and made this an alien *lae% bea#se they ha!e b#rned inense in
it to other gods whom neither they% their $athers% nor the 'ings o$ J#dah ha!e 'nown% and ha!e $illed this *lae
with the blood o$ the innoents
Jer 19:1 .Ithey ha!e also b#ilt the high *laes o$ Baal% to b#rn their sons with $ire ($or) b#rnt o$$erings to Baal%
whih I did not ommand or s*ea'% nor did it ome into ?y mindJ%
Jer 19:3 .there$ore behold% the days are oming%. says the /8:2% .that this *lae shall no more be alled
To*het or the Valley o$ the ,on o$ Hinnom% b#t the Valley o$ ,la#ghter"
Jer 19:4 .+nd I will ma'e !oid the o#nsel o$ J#dah and Jer#salem in this *lae% and I will a#se them to $all by
the sword be$ore their enemies and by the hands o$ those who see' their li!es& their or*ses I will gi!e as meat
$or the birds o$ the hea!en and $or the beasts o$ the earth"
Jer 19:8 .I will ma'e this ity desolate and a hissing& e!eryone who *asses by it will be astonished and hiss
bea#se o$ all its *lag#es"
Jer 19:9 .+nd I will a#se them to eat the $lesh o$ their sons and the $lesh o$ their da#ghters% and e!eryone shall
eat the $lesh o$ his $riend in the siege and in the des*eration with whih their enemies and those who see' their
li!es shall dri!e them to des*air". A
Jer 19:15 . Then yo# shall brea' the $las' in the sight o$ the men who go with yo#%
Jer 19:11 .and say to them% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .6!en so I will brea' this *eo*le and this ity% as
(one) brea's a *otterAs !essel% whih annot be made whole again& and they shall b#ry (them) in To*het till (there
is) no *lae to b#ry"
Jer 19:12 .Th#s I will do to this *lae%. says the /8:2% .and to its inhabitants% and ma'e this ity li'e To*het"
Jer 19:1- .+nd the ho#ses o$ Jer#salem and the ho#ses o$ the 'ings o$ J#dah shall be de$iled li'e the *lae o$
To*het% bea#se o$ all the ho#ses on whose roo$s they ha!e b#rned inense to all the host o$ hea!en% and
*o#red o#t drin' o$$erings to other gods". A .
Jer 19:10 Then Jeremiah ame $rom To*het% where the /8:2 had sent him to *ro*hesy& and he stood in the
o#rt o$ the /ordAs ho#se and said to all the *eo*le%
Jer 19:11 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: ABehold% I will bring on this ity and on all her towns
all the doom that I ha!e *rono#ned against it% bea#se they ha!e sti$$ened their ne's that they might not hear
?y words"A .
Jer 25:1 Now <ashh#r the son o$ Immer% the *riest who (was) also hie$ go!ernor in the ho#se o$ the /8:2%
heard that Jeremiah *ro*hesied these things"
Jer 25:2 Then <ashh#r str#' Jeremiah the *ro*het% and *#t him in the sto's that (were) in the high gate o$
Ben@amin% whih (was) by the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
Jer 25:- +nd it ha**ened on the ne9t day that <ashh#r bro#ght Jeremiah o#t o$ the sto's" Then Jeremiah said
to him% .The /8:2 has not alled yo#r name <ashh#r% b#t ?agorD?issabib"
Jer 25:0 .;or th#s says the /8:2: ABehold% I will ma'e yo# a terror to yo#rsel$ and to all yo#r $riends& and they
shall $all by the sword o$ their enemies% and yo#r eyes shall see (it") I will gi!e all J#dah into the hand o$ the 'ing
o$ Babylon% and he shall arry them a*ti!e to Babylon and slay them with the sword"
Jer 25:1 A?oreo!er I will deli!er all the wealth o$ this ity% all its *rod#e% and all its *reio#s things& all the
treas#res o$ the 'ings o$ J#dah I will gi!e into the hand o$ their enemies% who will *l#nder them% seiHe them% and
arry them to Babylon"
Jer 25:3 A+nd yo#% <ashh#r% and all who dwell in yo#r ho#se% shall go into a*ti!ity" Bo# shall go to Babylon% and
there yo# shall die% and be b#ried there% yo# and all yo#r $riends% to whom yo# ha!e *ro*hesied lies"A .
Jer 25:4 8 /8:2% Bo# ind#ed me% and I was *ers#aded& Bo# are stronger than I% and ha!e *re!ailed" I am in
derision daily& 6!eryone mo's me"
Jer 25:8 ;or when I s*o'e% I ried o#t& I sho#ted% .Violene and *l#nderF. Bea#se the word o$ the /8:2 was
made to me + re*roah and a derision daily"
Jer 25:9 Then I said% .I will not ma'e mention o$ Him% Nor s*ea' anymore in His name". B#t (His word) was in
my heart li'e a b#rning $ire ,h#t #* in my bones& I was weary o$ holding (it) ba'% +nd I o#ld not"
Jer 25:15 ;or I heard many mo'ing: .;ear on e!ery sideF. .:e*ort%. (they say%) .and we will re*ort itF. +ll my
aE#aintanes wathed $or my st#mbling% (saying%) .<erha*s he an be ind#ed& Then we will *re!ail against
him% +nd we will ta'e o#r re!enge on him".
Jer 25:11 B#t the /8:2 (is) with me as a mighty% awesome 8ne" There$ore my *erse#tors will st#mble% and
will not *re!ail" They will be greatly ashamed% $or they will not *ros*er" (Their) e!erlasting on$#sion will ne!er be
Jer 25:12 B#t% 8 /8:2 o$ hosts% Bo# who test the righteo#s% (+nd) see the mind and heart% /et me see Bo#r
!engeane on them& ;or I ha!e *leaded my a#se be$ore Bo#"
Jer 25:1- ,ing to the /8:2F <raise the /8:2F ;or He has deli!ered the li$e o$ the *oor ;rom the hand o$
Jer 25:10 =#rsed (be) the day in whih I was bornF /et the day not be blessed in whih my mother bore meF
Jer 25:11 /et the man (be) #rsed >ho bro#ght news to my $ather% saying% .+ male hild has been born to yo#F.
?a'ing him !ery glad"
Jer 25:13 +nd let that man be li'e the ities >hih the /8:2 o!erthrew% and did not relent& /et him hear the ry
in the morning +nd the sho#ting at noon%
Jer 25:14 Bea#se he did not 'ill me $rom the womb% That my mother might ha!e been my gra!e% +nd her
womb always enlarged (with me")
Jer 25:18 >hy did I ome $orth $rom the womb to see labor and sorrow% That my days sho#ld be ons#med with
Jer 21:1 The word whih ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2 when King Gede'iah sent to him <ashh#r the son o$
?elhiah% and Ge*haniah the son o$ ?aaseiah% the *riest% saying%
Jer 21:2 .<lease inE#ire o$ the /8:2 $or #s% $or Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon ma'es war against #s"
<erha*s the /8:2 will deal with #s aording to all His wonder$#l wor's% that (the 'ing) may go away $rom #s".
Jer 21:- Then Jeremiah said to them% .Th#s yo# shall say to Gede'iah%
Jer 21:0 ATh#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel: .Behold% I will t#rn ba' the wea*ons o$ war that (are) in yo#r
hands% with whih yo# $ight against the 'ing o$ Babylon and the =haldeans who besiege yo# o#tside the walls&
and I will assemble them in the midst o$ this ity"
Jer 21:1 .I ?ysel$ will $ight against yo# with an o#tstrethed hand and with a strong arm% e!en in anger and $#ry
and great wrath"
Jer 21:3 .I will stri'e the inhabitants o$ this ity% both man and beast& they shall die o$ a great *estilene"
Jer 21:4 .+nd a$terward%. says the /8:2% .I will deli!er Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah% his ser!ants and the *eo*le%
and s#h as are le$t in this ity $rom the *estilene and the sword and the $amine% into the hand o$
Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon% into the hand o$ their enemies% and into the hand o$ those who see' their li$e&
and he shall stri'e them with the edge o$ the sword" He shall not s*are them% or ha!e *ity or mery". A
Jer 21:8 . Now yo# shall say to this *eo*le% ATh#s says the /8:2: .Behold% I set be$ore yo# the way o$ li$e and
the way o$ death"
Jer 21:9 .He who remains in this ity shall die by the sword% by $amine% and by *estilene& b#t he who goes o#t
and de$ets to the =haldeans who besiege yo#% he shall li!e% and his li$e shall be as a *riHe to him"
Jer 21:15 .;or I ha!e set ?y $ae against this ity $or ad!ersity and not $or good%. says the /8:2" .It shall be
gi!en into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon% and he shall b#rn it with $ire". A
Jer 21:11 . +nd onerning the ho#se o$ the 'ing o$ J#dah% (say%) AHear the word o$ the /8:2%
Jer 21:12 A8 ho#se o$ 2a!idF Th#s says the /8:2: .69e#te @#dgment in the morning& +nd deli!er (him who is)
*l#ndered 8#t o$ the hand o$ the o**ressor% /est ?y $#ry go $orth li'e $ire +nd b#rn so that no one an E#enh
(it%) Bea#se o$ the e!il o$ yo#r doings"
Jer 21:1- . Behold% I (am) against yo#% 8 inhabitant o$ the !alley% (+nd) ro' o$ the *lain%. says the /8:2% .>ho
say% A>ho shall ome down against #sC 8r who shall enter o#r dwellingsCA
Jer 21:10 B#t I will *#nish yo# aording to the $r#it o$ yo#r doings%. says the /8:2& .I will 'indle a $ire in its
$orest% +nd it shall de!o#r all things aro#nd it". A .
Jer 22:1 Th#s says the /8:2: .Go down to the ho#se o$ the 'ing o$ J#dah% and there s*ea' this word%
Jer 22:2 .and say% AHear the word o$ the /8:2% 8 'ing o$ J#dah% yo# who sit on the throne o$ 2a!id% yo# and
yo#r ser!ants and yo#r *eo*le who enter these gatesF
Jer 22:- ATh#s says the /8:2: .69e#te @#dgment and righteo#sness% and deli!er the *l#ndered o#t o$ the hand
o$ the o**ressor" 2o no wrong and do no !iolene to the stranger% the $atherless% or the widow% nor shed
innoent blood in this *lae"
Jer 22:0 .;or i$ yo# indeed do this thing% then shall enter the gates o$ this ho#se% riding on horses and in
hariots% aom*anied by ser!ants and *eo*le% 'ings who sit on the throne o$ 2a!id"
Jer 22:1 .B#t i$ yo# will not hear these words% I swear by ?ysel$%. says the /8:2% .that this ho#se shall beome
a desolation". A .
Jer 22:3 ;or th#s says the /8:2 to the ho#se o$ the 'ing o$ J#dah: .Bo# (are) Gilead to ?e% The head o$
/ebanon& (Bet) I s#rely will ma'e yo# a wilderness% =ities (whih) are not inhabited"
Jer 22:4 I will *re*are destroyers against yo#% 6!eryone with his wea*ons& They shall #t down yo#r hoie
edars +nd ast (them) into the $ire"
Jer 22:8 .+nd many nations will *ass by this ity& and e!eryone will say to his neighbor% A>hy has the /8:2
done so to this great ityCA
Jer 22:9 .Then they will answer% ABea#se they ha!e $orsa'en the o!enant o$ the /8:2 their God% and
worshi*ed other gods and ser!ed them"A .
Jer 22:15 >ee* not $or the dead% nor bemoan him& >ee* bitterly $or him who goes away% ;or he shall ret#rn no
more% Nor see his nati!e o#ntry"
Jer 22:11 ;or th#s says the /8:2 onerning ,hall#m the son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$ J#dah% who reigned instead o$
Josiah his $ather% who went $rom this *lae: .He shall not ret#rn here anymore%
Jer 22:12 .b#t he shall die in the *lae where they ha!e led him a*ti!e% and shall see this land no more"
Jer 22:1- . >oe to him who b#ilds his ho#se by #nrighteo#sness +nd his hambers by in@#stie% (>ho) #ses his
neighborAs ser!ie witho#t wages +nd gi!es him nothing $or his wor'%
Jer 22:10 >ho says% AI will b#ild mysel$ a wide ho#se with s*aio#s hambers% +nd #t o#t windows $or it%
<aneling (it) with edar +nd *ainting (it) with !ermilion"A
Jer 22:11 .,hall yo# reign bea#se yo# enlose (yo#rsel$) in edarC 2id not yo#r $ather eat and drin'% +nd do
@#stie and righteo#snessC Then (it was) well with him"
Jer 22:13 He @#dged the a#se o$ the *oor and needy& Then (it was) well" (>as) not this 'nowing ?eC. says the
Jer 22:14 .Bet yo#r eyes and yo#r heart (are) $or nothing b#t yo#r o!eto#sness% ;or shedding innoent blood%
+nd *ratiing o**ression and !iolene".
Jer 22:18 There$ore th#s says the /8:2 onerning Jehoia'im the son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$ J#dah: .They shall not
lament $or him% (,aying%) A+las% my brotherFA or A+las% my sisterFA They shall not lament $or him% (,aying%) A+las%
masterFA or A+las% his gloryFA
Jer 22:19 He shall be b#ried with the b#rial o$ a don'ey% 2ragged and ast o#t beyond the gates o$ Jer#salem"
Jer 22:25 . Go #* to /ebanon% and ry o#t% +nd li$t #* yo#r !oie in Bashan& =ry $rom +barim% ;or all yo#r lo!ers
are destroyed"
Jer 22:21 I s*o'e to yo# in yo#r *ros*erity% (B#t) yo# said% AI will not hear"A This (has been) yo#r manner $rom
yo#r yo#th% That yo# did not obey ?y !oie"
Jer 22:22 The wind shall eat #* all yo#r r#lers% +nd yo#r lo!ers shall go into a*ti!ity& ,#rely then yo# will be
ashamed and h#miliated ;or all yo#r wi'edness"
Jer 22:2- 8 inhabitant o$ /ebanon% ?a'ing yo#r nest in the edars% How graio#s will yo# be when *angs ome
#*on yo#% /i'e the *ain o$ a woman in laborC
Jer 22:20 . (+s) I li!e%. says the /8:2% .tho#gh =oniah the son o$ Jehoia'im% 'ing o$ J#dah% were the signet on
?y right hand% yet I wo#ld *l#' yo# o$$&
Jer 22:21 .and I will gi!e yo# into the hand o$ those who see' yo#r li$e% and into the hand (o$ those) whose $ae
yo# $ear DD the hand o$ Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon and the hand o$ the =haldeans"
Jer 22:23 .,o I will ast yo# o#t% and yo#r mother who bore yo#% into another o#ntry where yo# were not born&
and there yo# shall die"
Jer 22:24 .B#t to the land to whih they desire to ret#rn% there they shall not ret#rn"
Jer 22:28 .Is this man =oniah a des*ised% bro'en idol DD + !essel in whih (is) no *leas#reC >hy are they ast
o#t% he and his desendants% +nd ast into a land whih they do not 'nowC
Jer 22:29 8 earth% earth% earth% Hear the word o$ the /8:2F
Jer 22:-5 Th#s says the /8:2: A>rite this man down as hildless% + man (who) shall not *ros*er in his days&
;or none o$ his desendants shall *ros*er% ,itting on the throne o$ 2a!id% +nd r#ling anymore in J#dah"A .
Jer 2-:1 .>oe to the she*herds who destroy and satter the shee* o$ ?y *ast#reF. says the /8:2"
Jer 2-:2 There$ore th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel against the she*herds who $eed ?y *eo*le: .Bo# ha!e
sattered ?y $lo'% dri!en them away% and not attended to them" Behold% I will attend to yo# $or the e!il o$ yo#r
doings%. says the /8:2"
Jer 2-:- .B#t I will gather the remnant o$ ?y $lo' o#t o$ all o#ntries where I ha!e dri!en them% and bring them
ba' to their $olds& and they shall be $r#it$#l and inrease"
Jer 2-:0 .I will set #* she*herds o!er them who will $eed them& and they shall $ear no more% nor be dismayed%
nor shall they be la'ing%. says the /8:2"
Jer 2-:1 . Behold% (the) days are oming%. says the /8:2% .That I will raise to 2a!id a Branh o$ righteo#sness&
+ King shall reign and *ros*er% +nd e9e#te @#dgment and righteo#sness in the earth"
Jer 2-:3 In His days J#dah will be sa!ed% +nd Israel will dwell sa$ely& Now this (is) His name by whih He will be
alled: TH6 /8:2 87: :IGHT687,N6,,"
Jer 2-:4 . There$ore% behold% (the) days are oming%. says the /8:2% .that they shall no longer say% A+s the
/8:2 li!es who bro#ght #* the hildren o$ Israel $rom the land o$ 6gy*t%A
Jer 2-:8 .b#t% A+s the /8:2 li!es who bro#ght #* and led the desendants o$ the ho#se o$ Israel $rom the north
o#ntry and $rom all the o#ntries where I had dri!en them"A +nd they shall dwell in their own land".
Jer 2-:9 ?y heart within me is bro'en Bea#se o$ the *ro*hets& +ll my bones sha'e" I am li'e a dr#n'en man%
+nd li'e a man whom wine has o!erome% Bea#se o$ the /8:2% +nd bea#se o$ His holy words"
Jer 2-:15 ;or the land is $#ll o$ ad#lterers& ;or bea#se o$ a #rse the land mo#rns" The *leasant *laes o$ the
wilderness are dried #*" Their o#rse o$ li$e is e!il% +nd their might (is) not right"
Jer 2-:11 . ;or both *ro*het and *riest are *ro$ane& Bes% in ?y ho#se I ha!e $o#nd their wi'edness%. says the
Jer 2-:12 .There$ore their way shall be to them /i'e sli**ery (ways&) In the dar'ness they shall be dri!en on +nd
$all in them& ;or I will bring disaster on them% The year o$ their *#nishment%. says the /8:2"
Jer 2-:1- .+nd I ha!e seen $olly in the *ro*hets o$ ,amaria: They *ro*hesied by Baal +nd a#sed ?y *eo*le
Israel to err"
Jer 2-:10 +lso I ha!e seen a horrible thing in the *ro*hets o$ Jer#salem: They ommit ad#ltery and wal' in lies&
They also strengthen the hands o$ e!ildoers% ,o that no one t#rns ba' $rom his wi'edness" +ll o$ them are li'e
,odom to ?e% +nd her inhabitants li'e Gomorrah"
Jer 2-:11 .There$ore th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts onerning the *ro*hets: ABehold% I will $eed them with
wormwood% +nd ma'e them drin' the water o$ gall& ;or $rom the *ro*hets o$ Jer#salem <ro$aneness has gone
o#t into all the land"A .
Jer 2-:13 Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .2o not listen to the words o$ the *ro*hets who *ro*hesy to yo#" They
ma'e yo# worthless& They s*ea' a !ision o$ their own heart% Not $rom the mo#th o$ the /8:2"
Jer 2-:14 They ontin#ally say to those who des*ise ?e% AThe /8:2 has said% .Bo# shall ha!e *eae. A& +nd
(to) e!eryone who wal's aording to the ditates o$ his own heart% they say% ANo e!il shall ome #*on yo#"A .
Jer 2-:18 ;or who has stood in the o#nsel o$ the /8:2% +nd has *erei!ed and heard His wordC >ho has
mar'ed His word and heard (itC)
Jer 2-:19 Behold% a whirlwind o$ the /8:2 has gone $orth in $#ry DD + !iolent whirlwindF It will $all !iolently on the
head o$ the wi'ed"
Jer 2-:25 The anger o$ the /8:2 will not t#rn ba' 7ntil He has e9e#ted and *er$ormed the tho#ghts o$ His
heart" In the latter days yo# will #nderstand it *er$etly"
Jer 2-:21 . I ha!e not sent these *ro*hets% yet they ran" I ha!e not s*o'en to them% yet they *ro*hesied"
Jer 2-:22 B#t i$ they had stood in ?y o#nsel% +nd had a#sed ?y *eo*le to hear ?y words% Then they wo#ld
ha!e t#rned them $rom their e!il way +nd $rom the e!il o$ their doings"
Jer 2-:2- . (+m) I a God near at hand%. says the /8:2% .+nd not a God a$ar o$$C
Jer 2-:20 =an anyone hide himsel$ in seret *laes% ,o I shall not see himC. says the /8:2& .2o I not $ill
hea!en and earthC. says the /8:2"
Jer 2-:21 .I ha!e heard what the *ro*hets ha!e said who *ro*hesy lies in ?y name% saying% AI ha!e dreamed% I
ha!e dreamedFA
Jer 2-:23 .How long will (this) be in the heart o$ the *ro*hets who *ro*hesy liesC Indeed (they are) *ro*hets o$
the deeit o$ their own heart%
Jer 2-:24 .who try to ma'e ?y *eo*le $orget ?y name by their dreams whih e!eryone tells his neighbor% as
their $athers $orgot ?y name $or Baal"
Jer 2-:28 .The *ro*het who has a dream% let him tell a dream& +nd he who has ?y word% let him s*ea' ?y word
$aith$#lly" >hat (is) the ha$$ to the wheatC. says the /8:2"
Jer 2-:29 .(Is) not ?y word li'e a $ireC. says the /8:2% .+nd li'e a hammer (that) brea's the ro' in *ieesC
Jer 2-:-5 . There$ore behold% I (am) against the *ro*hets%. says the /8:2% .who steal ?y words e!ery one $rom
his neighbor"
Jer 2-:-1 .Behold% I (am) against the *ro*hets%. says the /8:2% .who #se their tong#es and say% AHe says"A
Jer 2-:-2 .Behold% I (am) against those who *ro*hesy $alse dreams%. says the /8:2% .and tell them% and a#se
?y *eo*le to err by their lies and by their re'lessness" Bet I did not send them or ommand them& there$ore
they shall not *ro$it this *eo*le at all%. says the /8:2"
Jer 2-:-- . ,o when these *eo*le or the *ro*het or the *riest as' yo#% saying% A>hat is the orale o$ the /8:2CA
yo# shall then say to them% A>hat oraleCA I will e!en $orsa'e yo#%. says the /8:2"
Jer 2-:-0 .+nd (as $or) the *ro*het and the *riest and the *eo*le who say% AThe orale o$ the /8:2FA I will e!en
*#nish that man and his ho#se"
Jer 2-:-1 .Th#s e!ery one o$ yo# shall say to his neighbor% and e!ery one to his brother% A>hat has the /8:2
answeredCA and% A>hat has the /8:2 s*o'enCA
Jer 2-:-3 .+nd the orale o$ the /8:2 yo# shall mention no more" ;or e!ery manAs word will be his orale% $or
yo# ha!e *er!erted the words o$ the li!ing God% the /8:2 o$ hosts% o#r God"
Jer 2-:-4 .Th#s yo# shall say to the *ro*het% A>hat has the /8:2 answered yo#CA and% A>hat has the /8:2
Jer 2-:-8 .B#t sine yo# say% AThe orale o$ the /8:2FA there$ore th#s says the /8:2: ABea#se yo# say this
word% .The orale o$ the /8:2F. and I ha!e sent to yo#% saying% .2o not say% AThe orale o$ the /8:2FA .
Jer 2-:-9 Athere$ore behold% I% e!en I% will #tterly $orget yo# and $orsa'e yo#% and the ity that I ga!e yo# and
yo#r $athers% and (will ast yo#) o#t o$ ?y *resene"
Jer 2-:05 A+nd I will bring an e!erlasting re*roah #*on yo#% and a *er*et#al shame% whih shall not be
$orgotten"A .
Jer 20:1 The /8:2 showed me% and there were two bas'ets o$ $igs set be$ore the tem*le o$ the /8:2% a$ter
Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon had arried away a*ti!e Jeoniah the son o$ Jehoia'im% 'ing o$ J#dah% and
the *rines o$ J#dah with the ra$tsmen and smiths% $rom Jer#salem% and had bro#ght them to Babylon"
Jer 20:2 8ne bas'et (had) !ery good $igs% li'e the $igs (that are) $irst ri*e& and the other bas'et (had) !ery bad
$igs whih o#ld not be eaten% they were so bad"
Jer 20:- Then the /8:2 said to me% .>hat do yo# see% JeremiahC. +nd I said% .;igs% the good $igs% !ery good&
and the bad% !ery bad% whih annot be eaten% they are so bad".
Jer 20:0 +gain the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
Jer 20:1 .Th#s says the /8:2% the God o$ Israel: A/i'e these good $igs% so will I a'nowledge those who are
arried away a*ti!e $rom J#dah% whom I ha!e sent o#t o$ this *lae $or (their own) good% into the land o$ the
Jer 20:3 A;or I will set ?y eyes on them $or good% and I will bring them ba' to this land& I will b#ild them and not
*#ll (them) down% and I will *lant them and not *l#' (them) #*"
Jer 20:4 AThen I will gi!e them a heart to 'now ?e% that I (am) the /8:2& and they shall be ?y *eo*le% and I will
be their God% $or they shall ret#rn to ?e with their whole heart"
Jer 20:8 A +nd as the bad $igs whih annot be eaten% they are so badA DD s#rely th#s says the /8:2 DD Aso will I
gi!e #* Gede'iah the 'ing o$ J#dah% his *rines% the resid#e o$ Jer#salem who remain in this land% and those
who dwell in the land o$ 6gy*t"
Jer 20:9 AI will deli!er them to tro#ble into all the 'ingdoms o$ the earth% $or (their) harm% (to be) a re*roah and a
byword% a ta#nt and a #rse% in all *laes where I shall dri!e them"
Jer 20:15 A+nd I will send the sword% the $amine% and the *estilene among them% till they are ons#med $rom
the land that I ga!e to them and their $athers"A .
Jer 21:1 The word that ame to Jeremiah onerning all the *eo*le o$ J#dah% in the $o#rth year o$ Jehoia'im the
son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$ J#dah Iwhih (was) the $irst year o$ Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ BabylonJ%
Jer 21:2 whih Jeremiah the *ro*het s*o'e to all the *eo*le o$ J#dah and to all the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem%
Jer 21:- .;rom the thirteenth year o$ Josiah the son o$ +mon% 'ing o$ J#dah% e!en to this day% this (is) the
twentyDthird year in whih the word o$ the /8:2 has ome to me& and I ha!e s*o'en to yo#% rising early and
s*ea'ing% b#t yo# ha!e not listened"
Jer 21:0 .+nd the /8:2 has sent to yo# all His ser!ants the *ro*hets% rising early and sending (them%) b#t yo#
ha!e not listened nor inlined yo#r ear to hear"
Jer 21:1 .They said% A:e*ent now e!eryone o$ his e!il way and his e!il doings% and dwell in the land that the
/8:2 has gi!en to yo# and yo#r $athers $ore!er and e!er"
Jer 21:3 A2o not go a$ter other gods to ser!e them and worshi* them% and do not *ro!o'e ?e to anger with the
wor's o$ yo#r hands& and I will not harm yo#"A
Jer 21:4 .Bet yo# ha!e not listened to ?e%. says the /8:2% .that yo# might *ro!o'e ?e to anger with the wor's
o$ yo#r hands to yo#r own h#rt"
Jer 21:8 . There$ore th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: ABea#se yo# ha!e not heard ?y words%
Jer 21:9 Abehold% I will send and ta'e all the $amilies o$ the north%A says the /8:2% Aand Neb#hadneHHar the
'ing o$ Babylon% ?y ser!ant% and will bring them against this land% against its inhabitants% and against these
nations all aro#nd% and will #tterly destroy them% and ma'e them an astonishment% a hissing% and *er*et#al
Jer 21:15 A?oreo!er I will ta'e $rom them the !oie o$ mirth and the !oie o$ gladness% the !oie o$ the
bridegroom and the !oie o$ the bride% the so#nd o$ the millstones and the light o$ the lam*"
Jer 21:11 A+nd this whole land shall be a desolation (and) an astonishment% and these nations shall ser!e the
'ing o$ Babylon se!enty years"
Jer 21:12 A Then it will ome to *ass% when se!enty years are om*leted% (that) I will *#nish the 'ing o$ Babylon
and that nation% the land o$ the =haldeans% $or their iniE#ity%A says the /8:2& Aand I will ma'e it a *er*et#al
Jer 21:1- A,o I will bring on that land all ?y words whih I ha!e *rono#ned against it% all that is written in this
boo'% whih Jeremiah has *ro*hesied onerning all the nations"
Jer 21:10 AI;or many nations and great 'ings shall be ser!ed by them also& and I will re*ay them aording to
their deeds and aording to the wor's o$ their own hands"JA .
Jer 21:11 ;or th#s says the /8:2 God o$ Israel to me: .Ta'e this wine #* o$ $#ry $rom ?y hand% and a#se all
the nations% to whom I send yo#% to drin' it"
Jer 21:13 .+nd they will drin' and stagger and go mad bea#se o$ the sword that I will send among them".
Jer 21:14 Then I too' the #* $rom the /8:2As hand% and made all the nations drin'% to whom the /8:2 had
sent me:
Jer 21:18 Jer#salem and the ities o$ J#dah% its 'ings and its *rines% to ma'e them a desolation% an
astonishment% a hissing% and a #rse% as (it is) this day&
Jer 21:19 <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t% his ser!ants% his *rines% and all his *eo*le&
Jer 21:25 all the mi9ed m#ltit#de% all the 'ings o$ the land o$ 7H% all the 'ings o$ the land o$ the <hilistines
Inamely% +sh'elon% GaHa% 6'ron% and the remnant o$ +shdodJ&
Jer 21:21 6dom% ?oab% and the *eo*le o$ +mmon&
Jer 21:22 all the 'ings o$ Tyre% all the 'ings o$ ,idon% and the 'ings o$ the oastlands whih (are) aross the sea&
Jer 21:2- 2edan% Tema% B#H% and all (who are) in the $arthest orners&
Jer 21:20 all the 'ings o$ +rabia and all the 'ings o$ the mi9ed m#ltit#de who dwell in the desert&
Jer 21:21 all the 'ings o$ Gimri% all the 'ings o$ 6lam% and all the 'ings o$ the ?edes&
Jer 21:23 all the 'ings o$ the north% $ar and near% one with another& and all the 'ingdoms o$ the world whih (are)
on the $ae o$ the earth" +lso the 'ing o$ ,heshah shall drin' a$ter them"
Jer 21:24 . There$ore yo# shall say to them% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .2rin'% be dr#n'%
and !omitF ;all and rise no more% bea#se o$ the sword whih I will send among yo#". A
Jer 21:28 .+nd it shall be% i$ they re$#se to ta'e the #* $rom yo#r hand to drin'% then yo# shall say to them%
ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .Bo# shall ertainly drin'F
Jer 21:29 .;or behold% I begin to bring alamity on the ity whih is alled by ?y name% and sho#ld yo# be
#tterly #n*#nishedC Bo# shall not be #n*#nished% $or I will all $or a sword on all the inhabitants o$ the earth%.
says the /8:2 o$ hosts"A
Jer 21:-5 . There$ore *ro*hesy against them all these words% and say to them: AThe /8:2 will roar $rom on
high% +nd #tter His !oie $rom His holy habitation& He will roar mightily against His $old" He will gi!e a sho#t% as
those who tread (the gra*es%) +gainst all the inhabitants o$ the earth"
Jer 21:-1 + noise will ome to the ends o$ the earth DD ;or the /8:2 has a ontro!ersy with the nations& He will
*lead His ase with all $lesh" He will gi!e those (who are) wi'ed to the sword%A says the /8:2".
Jer 21:-2 Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .Behold% disaster shall go $orth ;rom nation to nation% +nd a great
whirlwind shall be raised #* ;rom the $arthest *arts o$ the earth"
Jer 21:-- .+nd at that day the slain o$ the /8:2 shall be $rom (one) end o$ the earth e!en to the (other) end o$
the earth" They shall not be lamented% or gathered% or b#ried& they shall beome re$#se on the gro#nd"
Jer 21:-0 . >ail% she*herds% and ryF :oll abo#t (in the ashes%) Bo# leaders o$ the $lo'F ;or the days o$ yo#r
sla#ghter and yo#r dis*ersions are $#l$illed& Bo# shall $all li'e a *reio#s !essel"
Jer 21:-1 +nd the she*herds will ha!e no way to $lee% Nor the leaders o$ the $lo' to esa*e"
Jer 21:-3 + !oie o$ the ry o$ the she*herds% +nd a wailing o$ the leaders to the $lo' (will be heard") ;or the
/8:2 has *l#ndered their *ast#re%
Jer 21:-4 +nd the *eae$#l dwellings are #t down Bea#se o$ the $iere anger o$ the /8:2"
Jer 21:-8 He has le$t His lair li'e the lion& ;or their land is desolate Bea#se o$ the $iereness o$ the 8**ressor%
+nd bea#se o$ His $iere anger".
Jer 23:1 In the beginning o$ the reign o$ Jehoia'im the son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$ J#dah% this word ame $rom the
/8:2% saying%
Jer 23:2 .Th#s says the /8:2: A,tand in the o#rt o$ the /8:2As ho#se% and s*ea' to all the ities o$ J#dah%
whih ome to worshi* (in) the /8:2As ho#se% all the words that I ommand yo# to s*ea' to them" 2o not
diminish a word"
Jer 23:- A<erha*s e!eryone will listen and t#rn $rom his e!il way% that I may relent onerning the alamity whih
I *#r*ose to bring on them bea#se o$ the e!il o$ their doings"A
Jer 23:0 .+nd yo# shall say to them% ATh#s says the /8:2: .I$ yo# will not listen to ?e% to wal' in ?y law whih I
ha!e set be$ore yo#%
Jer 23:1 .to heed the words o$ ?y ser!ants the *ro*hets whom I sent to yo#% both rising #* early and sending
(them) Ib#t yo# ha!e not heededJ%
Jer 23:3 .then I will ma'e this ho#se li'e ,hiloh% and will ma'e this ity a #rse to all the nations o$ the earth". A .
Jer 23:4 ,o the *riests and the *ro*hets and all the *eo*le heard Jeremiah s*ea'ing these words in the ho#se
o$ the /8:2"
Jer 23:8 Now it ha**ened% when Jeremiah had made an end o$ s*ea'ing all that the /8:2 had ommanded
(him) to s*ea' to all the *eo*le% that the *riests and the *ro*hets and all the *eo*le seiHed him% saying% .Bo# will
s#rely dieF
Jer 23:9 .>hy ha!e yo# *ro*hesied in the name o$ the /8:2% saying% AThis ho#se shall be li'e ,hiloh% and this
ity shall be desolate% witho#t an inhabitantAC. +nd all the *eo*le were gathered against Jeremiah in the ho#se o$
the /8:2"
Jer 23:15 >hen the *rines o$ J#dah heard these things% they ame #* $rom the 'ingAs ho#se to the ho#se o$
the /8:2 and sat down in the entry o$ the New Gate o$ the /8:2As (ho#se")
Jer 23:11 +nd the *riests and the *ro*hets s*o'e to the *rines and all the *eo*le% saying% .This man deser!es
to dieF ;or he has *ro*hesied against this ity% as yo# ha!e heard with yo#r ears".
Jer 23:12 Then Jeremiah s*o'e to all the *rines and all the *eo*le% saying: .The /8:2 sent me to *ro*hesy
against this ho#se and against this ity with all the words that yo# ha!e heard"
Jer 23:1- .Now there$ore% amend yo#r ways and yo#r doings% and obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God& then
the /8:2 will relent onerning the doom that He has *rono#ned against yo#"
Jer 23:10 .+s $or me% here I am% in yo#r hand& do with me as seems good and *ro*er to yo#"
Jer 23:11 .B#t 'now $or ertain that i$ yo# *#t me to death% yo# will s#rely bring innoent blood on yo#rsel!es%
on this ity% and on its inhabitants& $or tr#ly the /8:2 has sent me to yo# to s*ea' all these words in yo#r
Jer 23:13 ,o the *rines and all the *eo*le said to the *riests and the *ro*hets% .This man does not deser!e to
die" ;or he has s*o'en to #s in the name o$ the /8:2 o#r God".
Jer 23:14 Then ertain o$ the elders o$ the land rose #* and s*o'e to all the assembly o$ the *eo*le% saying:
Jer 23:18 .?iah o$ ?oresheth *ro*hesied in the days o$ HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah% and s*o'e to all the *eo*le o$
J#dah% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .Gion shall be *lowed (li'e) a $ield% Jer#salem shall beome hea*s
o$ r#ins% +nd the mo#ntain o$ the tem*le /i'e the bare hills o$ the $orest". A
Jer 23:19 .2id HeHe'iah 'ing o$ J#dah and all J#dah e!er *#t him to deathC 2id he not $ear the /8:2 and see'
the /8:2As $a!orC +nd the /ord relented onerning the doom whih He had *rono#ned against them" B#t we
are doing great e!il against o#rsel!es".
Jer 23:25 Now there was also a man who *ro*hesied in the name o$ the /8:2% 7ri@ah the son o$ ,hemaiah o$
Kir@ath Jearim% who *ro*hesied against this ity and against this land aording to all the words o$ Jeremiah"
Jer 23:21 +nd when Jehoia'im the 'ing% with all his mighty men and all the *rines% heard his words% the 'ing
so#ght to *#t him to death& b#t when 7ri@ah heard (it%) he was a$raid and $led% and went to 6gy*t"
Jer 23:22 Then Jehoia'im the 'ing sent men to 6gy*t: 6lnathan the son o$ +hbor% and (other) men (who went)
with him to 6gy*t"
Jer 23:2- +nd they bro#ght 7ri@ah $rom 6gy*t and bro#ght him to Jehoia'im the 'ing% who 'illed him with the
sword and ast his dead body into the gra!es o$ the ommon *eo*le"
Jer 23:20 Ne!ertheless the hand o$ +hi'am the son o$ ,ha*han was with Jeremiah% so that they sho#ld not gi!e
him into the hand o$ the *eo*le to *#t him to death"
Jer 24:1 In the beginning o$ the reign o$ Jehoia'im the son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$ J#dah% this word ame to Jeremiah
$rom the /8:2% saying%
Jer 24:2 .Th#s says the /8:2 to me: A?a'e $or yo#rsel!es bonds and yo'es% and *#t them on yo#r ne'%
Jer 24:- Aand send them to the 'ing o$ 6dom% the 'ing o$ ?oab% the 'ing o$ the +mmonites% the 'ing o$ Tyre% and
the 'ing o$ ,idon% by the hand o$ the messengers who ome to Jer#salem to Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah"
Jer 24:0 A+nd ommand them to say to their masters% .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel DD th#s
yo# shall say to yo#r masters:
Jer 24:1 AI ha!e made the earth% the man and the beast that (are) on the gro#nd% by ?y great *ower and by ?y
o#tstrethed arm% and ha!e gi!en it to whom it seemed *ro*er to ?e"
Jer 24:3 A+nd now I ha!e gi!en all these lands into the hand o$ Neb#hadneHHar the 'ing o$ Babylon% ?y
ser!ant& and the beasts o$ the $ield I ha!e also gi!en him to ser!e him"
Jer 24:4 A,o all nations shall ser!e him and his son and his sonAs son% #ntil the time o$ his land omes& and then
many nations and great 'ings shall ma'e him ser!e them"
Jer 24:8 A+nd it shall be% (that) the nation and 'ingdom whih will not ser!e Neb#hadneHHar the 'ing o$
Babylon% and whih will not *#t its ne' #nder the yo'e o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon% that nation I will *#nish%A says the
/8:2% Awith the sword% the $amine% and the *estilene% #ntil I ha!e ons#med them by his hand"
Jer 24:9 AThere$ore do not listen to yo#r *ro*hets% yo#r di!iners% yo#r dreamers% yo#r soothsayers% or yo#r
sorerers% who s*ea' to yo#% saying% .Bo# shall not ser!e the 'ing o$ Babylon".
Jer 24:15 A;or they *ro*hesy a lie to yo#% to remo!e yo# $ar $rom yo#r land& and I will dri!e yo# o#t% and yo# will
Jer 24:11 AB#t the nations that bring their ne's #nder the yo'e o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon and ser!e him% I will let
them remain in their own land%A says the /8:2% Aand they shall till it and dwell in it"A . A .
Jer 24:12 I also s*o'e to Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah aording to all these words% saying% .Bring yo#r ne's #nder
the yo'e o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon% and ser!e him and his *eo*le% and li!eF
Jer 24:1- .>hy will yo# die% yo# and yo#r *eo*le% by the sword% by the $amine% and by the *estilene% as the
/8:2 has s*o'en against the nation that will not ser!e the 'ing o$ BabylonC
Jer 24:10 .There$ore do not listen to the words o$ the *ro*hets who s*ea' to yo#% saying% ABo# shall not ser!e
the 'ing o$ Babylon%A $or they *ro*hesy a lie to yo#&
Jer 24:11 .$or I ha!e not sent them%. says the /8:2% .yet they *ro*hesy a lie in ?y name% that I may dri!e yo#
o#t% and that yo# may *erish% yo# and the *ro*hets who *ro*hesy to yo#".
Jer 24:13 +lso I s*o'e to the *riests and to all this *eo*le% saying% .Th#s says the /8:2: A2o not listen to the
words o$ yo#r *ro*hets who *ro*hesy to yo#% saying% .Behold% the !essels o$ the /8:2As ho#se will now shortly
be bro#ght ba' $rom Babylon.& $or they *ro*hesy a lie to yo#"
Jer 24:14 A2o not listen to them& ser!e the 'ing o$ Babylon% and li!eF >hy sho#ld this ity be laid wasteC
Jer 24:18 AB#t i$ they (are) *ro*hets% and i$ the word o$ the /8:2 is with them% let them now ma'e interession
to the /8:2 o$ hosts% that the !essels whih are le$t in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% (in) the ho#se o$ the 'ing o$
J#dah% and at Jer#salem% do not go to Babylon"A
Jer 24:19 . ;or th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts onerning the *illars% onerning the ,ea% onerning the arts%
and onerning the remainder o$ the !essels that remain in this ity%
Jer 24:25 .whih Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon did not ta'e% when he arried away a*ti!e Jeoniah the son
o$ Jehoia'im% 'ing o$ J#dah% $rom Jer#salem to Babylon% and all the nobles o$ J#dah and Jer#salem DD
Jer 24:21 .yes% th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel% onerning the !essels that remain in the ho#se
o$ the /8:2% and in the ho#se o$ the 'ing o$ J#dah and o$ Jer#salem:
Jer 24:22 AThey shall be arried to Babylon% and there they shall be #ntil the day that I !isit them%A says the
/8:2" AThen I will bring them #* and restore them to this *lae"A .
Jer 28:1 +nd it ha**ened in the same year% at the beginning o$ the reign o$ Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah% in the $o#rth
year (and) in the $i$th month% (that) Hananiah the son o$ +H#r the *ro*het% who (was) $rom Gibeon% s*o'e to me in
the ho#se o$ the /8:2 in the *resene o$ the *riests and o$ all the *eo*le% saying%
Jer 28:2 .Th#s s*ea's the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel% saying: AI ha!e bro'en the yo'e o$ the 'ing o$
Jer 28:- A>ithin two $#ll years I will bring ba' to this *lae all the !essels o$ the /8:2As ho#se% that
Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon too' away $rom this *lae and arried to Babylon"
Jer 28:0 A+nd I will bring ba' to this *lae Jeoniah the son o$ Jehoia'im% 'ing o$ J#dah% with all the a*ti!es o$
J#dah who went to Babylon%A says the /8:2% A$or I will brea' the yo'e o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon"A .
Jer 28:1 Then the *ro*het Jeremiah s*o'e to the *ro*het Hananiah in the *resene o$ the *riests and in the
*resene o$ all the *eo*le who stood in the ho#se o$ the /8:2%
Jer 28:3 and the *ro*het Jeremiah said% .+menF The /8:2 do so& the /8:2 *er$orm yo#r words whih yo#
ha!e *ro*hesied% to bring ba' the !essels o$ the /8:2As ho#se and all who were arried away a*ti!e% $rom
Babylon to this *lae"
Jer 28:4 .Ne!ertheless hear now this word that I s*ea' in yo#r hearing and in the hearing o$ all the *eo*le:
Jer 28:8 .The *ro*hets who ha!e been be$ore me and be$ore yo# o$ old *ro*hesied against many o#ntries and
great 'ingdoms DD o$ war and disaster and *estilene"
Jer 28:9 .+s $or the *ro*het who *ro*hesies o$ *eae% when the word o$ the *ro*het omes to *ass% the *ro*het
will be 'nown (as) one whom the /8:2 has tr#ly sent".
Jer 28:15 Then Hananiah the *ro*het too' the yo'e o$$ the *ro*het JeremiahAs ne' and bro'e it"
Jer 28:11 +nd Hananiah s*o'e in the *resene o$ all the *eo*le% saying% .Th#s says the /8:2: A6!en so I will
brea' the yo'e o$ Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon $rom the ne' o$ all nations within the s*ae o$ two $#ll
years"A . +nd the *ro*het Jeremiah went his way"
Jer 28:12 Now the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jeremiah% a$ter Hananiah the *ro*het had bro'en the yo'e $rom
the ne' o$ the *ro*het Jeremiah% saying%
Jer 28:1- .Go and tell Hananiah% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2: .Bo# ha!e bro'en the yo'es o$ wood% b#t yo#
ha!e made in their *lae yo'es o$ iron".
Jer 28:10 A;or th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .I ha!e *#t a yo'e o$ iron on the ne' o$ all these
nations% that they may ser!e Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon& and they shall ser!e him" I ha!e gi!en him the
beasts o$ the $ield also". A .
Jer 28:11 Then the *ro*het Jeremiah said to Hananiah the *ro*het% .Hear now% Hananiah% the /8:2 has not
sent yo#% b#t yo# ma'e this *eo*le tr#st in a lie"
Jer 28:13 .There$ore th#s says the /8:2: ABehold% I will ast yo# $rom the $ae o$ the earth" This year yo# shall
die% bea#se yo# ha!e ta#ght rebellion against the /8:2"A .
Jer 28:14 ,o Hananiah the *ro*het died the same year in the se!enth month"
Jer 29:1 Now these (are) the words o$ the letter that Jeremiah the *ro*het sent $rom Jer#salem to the remainder
o$ the elders who were arried away a*ti!e DD to the *riests% the *ro*hets% and all the *eo*le whom
Neb#hadneHHar had arried away a*ti!e $rom Jer#salem to Babylon"
Jer 29:2 IThis ha**ened a$ter Jeoniah the 'ing% the E#een mother% the e#n#hs% the *rines o$ J#dah and
Jer#salem% the ra$tsmen% and the smiths had de*arted $rom Jer#salem"J
Jer 29:- (The letter was sent) by the hand o$ 6lasah the son o$ ,ha*han% and Gemariah the son o$ Hil'iah%
whom Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah sent to Babylon% to Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon% saying%
Jer 29:0 Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel% to all who were arried away a*ti!e% whom I ha!e
a#sed to be arried away $rom Jer#salem to Babylon:
Jer 29:1 B#ild ho#ses and dwell (in them&) *lant gardens and eat their $r#it"
Jer 29:3 Ta'e wi!es and beget sons and da#ghters& and ta'e wi!es $or yo#r sons and gi!e yo#r da#ghters to
h#sbands% so that they may bear sons and da#ghters DD that yo# may be inreased there% and not diminished"
Jer 29:4 +nd see' the *eae o$ the ity where I ha!e a#sed yo# to be arried away a*ti!e% and *ray to the
/8:2 $or it& $or in its *eae yo# will ha!e *eae"
Jer 29:8 ;or th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: 2o not let yo#r *ro*hets and yo#r di!iners who are
in yo#r midst deei!e yo#% nor listen to yo#r dreams whih yo# a#se to be dreamed"
Jer 29:9 ;or they *ro*hesy $alsely to yo# in ?y name& I ha!e not sent them% says the /8:2"
Jer 29:15 ;or th#s says the /8:2: +$ter se!enty years are om*leted at Babylon% I will !isit yo# and *er$orm ?y
good word toward yo#% and a#se yo# to ret#rn to this *lae"
Jer 29:11 ;or I 'now the tho#ghts that I thin' toward yo#% says the /8:2% tho#ghts o$ *eae and not o$ e!il% to
gi!e yo# a $#t#re and a ho*e"
Jer 29:12 Then yo# will all #*on ?e and go and *ray to ?e% and I will listen to yo#"
Jer 29:1- +nd yo# will see' ?e and $ind (?e%) when yo# searh $or ?e with all yo#r heart"
Jer 29:10 I will be $o#nd by yo#% says the /8:2% and I will bring yo# ba' $rom yo#r a*ti!ity& I will gather yo#
$rom all the nations and $rom all the *laes where I ha!e dri!en yo#% says the /8:2% and I will bring yo# to the
*lae $rom whih I a#se yo# to be arried away a*ti!e"
Jer 29:11 Bea#se yo# ha!e said% .The /8:2 has raised #* *ro*hets $or #s in Babylon. DD
Jer 29:13 there$ore th#s says the /8:2 onerning the 'ing who sits on the throne o$ 2a!id% onerning all the
*eo*le who dwell in this ity% and onerning yo#r brethren who ha!e not gone o#t with yo# into a*ti!ity DD
Jer 29:14 th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: Behold% I will send on them the sword% the $amine% and the *estilene%
and will ma'e them li'e rotten $igs that annot be eaten% they are so bad"
Jer 29:18 +nd I will *#rs#e them with the sword% with $amine% and with *estilene& and I will deli!er them to
tro#ble among all the 'ingdoms o$ the earth DD to be a #rse% an astonishment% a hissing% and a re*roah among
all the nations where I ha!e dri!en them%
Jer 29:19 bea#se they ha!e not heeded ?y words% says the /8:2% whih I sent to them by ?y ser!ants the
*ro*hets% rising #* early and sending (them&) neither wo#ld yo# heed% says the /8:2"
Jer 29:25 There$ore hear the word o$ the /8:2% all yo# o$ the a*ti!ity% whom I ha!e sent $rom Jer#salem to
Jer 29:21 Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel% onerning +hab the son o$ Kolaiah% and Gede'iah
the son o$ ?aaseiah% who *ro*hesy a lie to yo# in ?y name: Behold% I will deli!er them into the hand o$
Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon% and he shall slay them be$ore yo#r eyes"
Jer 29:22 +nd bea#se o$ them a #rse shall be ta'en #* by all the a*ti!ity o$ J#dah who (are) in Babylon%
saying% .The /8:2 ma'e yo# li'e Gede'iah and +hab% whom the 'ing o$ Babylon roasted in the $ire.&
Jer 29:2- bea#se they ha!e done disgrae$#l things in Israel% ha!e ommitted ad#ltery with their neighborsA
wi!es% and ha!e s*o'en lying words in ?y name% whih I ha!e not ommanded them" Indeed I 'now% and (am) a
witness% says the /8:2"
Jer 29:20 Bo# shall also s*ea' to ,hemaiah the Nehelamite% saying%
Jer 29:21 Th#s s*ea's the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel% saying: Bo# ha!e sent letters in yo#r name to all
the *eo*le who (are) at Jer#salem% to Ge*haniah the son o$ ?aaseiah the *riest% and to all the *riests% saying%
Jer 29:23 .The /8:2 has made yo# *riest instead o$ Jehoiada the *riest% so that there sho#ld be o$$iers (in)
the ho#se o$ the /8:2 o!er e!ery man (who) is demented and onsiders himsel$ a *ro*het% that yo# sho#ld *#t
him in *rison and in the sto's"
Jer 29:24 Now there$ore% why ha!e yo# not re*ro!ed Jeremiah o$ +nathoth who ma'es himsel$ a *ro*het to
Jer 29:28 ;or he has sent to #s (in) Babylon% saying% AThis (a*ti!ity is) long& b#ild ho#ses and dwell (in them%)
and *lant gardens and eat their $r#it"A .
Jer 29:29 Now Ge*haniah the *riest read this letter in the hearing o$ Jeremiah the *ro*het"
Jer 29:-5 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jeremiah% saying:
Jer 29:-1 ,end to all those in a*ti!ity% saying% Th#s says the /8:2 onerning ,hemaiah the Nehelamite:
Bea#se ,hemaiah has *ro*hesied to yo#% and I ha!e not sent him% and he has a#sed yo# to tr#st in a lie DD
Jer 29:-2 there$ore th#s says the /8:2: Behold% I will *#nish ,hemaiah the Nehelamite and his $amily: he shall
not ha!e anyone to dwell among this *eo*le% nor shall he see the good that I will do $or ?y *eo*le% says the
/8:2% bea#se he has ta#ght rebellion against the /8:2"
Jer -5:1 The word that ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2% saying%
Jer -5:2 .Th#s s*ea's the /8:2 God o$ Israel% saying: A>rite in a boo' $or yo#rsel$ all the words that I ha!e
s*o'en to yo#"
Jer -5:- A;or behold% the days are oming%A says the /8:2% Athat I will bring ba' $rom a*ti!ity ?y *eo*le Israel
and J#dah%A says the /8:2" A+nd I will a#se them to ret#rn to the land that I ga!e to their $athers% and they shall
*ossess it"A .
Jer -5:0 Now these (are) the words that the /8:2 s*o'e onerning Israel and J#dah"
Jer -5:1 .;or th#s says the /8:2: A>e ha!e heard a !oie o$ trembling% 8$ $ear% and not o$ *eae"
Jer -5:3 +s' now% and see% >hether a man is e!er in labor with hildC ,o why do I see e!ery man (with) his
hands on his loins /i'e a woman in labor% +nd all $aes t#rned *aleC
Jer -5:4 +lasF ;or that day (is) great% ,o that none (is) li'e it& +nd it (is) the time o$ JaobAs tro#ble% B#t he shall
be sa!ed o#t o$ it"
Jer -5:8 A;or it shall ome to *ass in that day%A ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts% A(That) I will brea' his yo'e $rom yo#r
ne'% +nd will b#rst yo#r bonds& ;oreigners shall no more ensla!e them"
Jer -5:9 B#t they shall ser!e the /8:2 their God% +nd 2a!id their 'ing% >hom I will raise #* $or them"
Jer -5:15 A There$ore do not $ear% 8 ?y ser!ant Jaob%A says the /8:2% ANor be dismayed% 8 Israel& ;or behold%
I will sa!e yo# $rom a$ar% +nd yo#r seed $rom the land o$ their a*ti!ity" Jaob shall ret#rn% ha!e rest and be
E#iet% +nd no one shall ma'e (him) a$raid"
Jer -5:11 ;or I (am) with yo#%A says the /8:2% Ato sa!e yo#& Tho#gh I ma'e a $#ll end o$ all nations where I ha!e
sattered yo#% Bet I will not ma'e a om*lete end o$ yo#" B#t I will orret yo# in @#stie% +nd will not let yo# go
altogether #n*#nished"A
Jer -5:12 . ;or th#s says the /8:2: ABo#r a$$lition (is) in#rable% Bo#r wo#nd (is) se!ere"
Jer -5:1- (There is) no one to *lead yo#r a#se% That yo# may be bo#nd #*& Bo# ha!e no healing mediines"
Jer -5:10 +ll yo#r lo!ers ha!e $orgotten yo#& They do not see' yo#& ;or I ha!e wo#nded yo# with the wo#nd o$
an enemy% >ith the hastisement o$ a r#el one% ;or the m#ltit#de o$ yo#r iniE#ities% (Bea#se) yo#r sins ha!e
Jer -5:11 >hy do yo# ry abo#t yo#r a$$litionC Bo#r sorrow (is) in#rable" Bea#se o$ the m#ltit#de o$ yo#r
iniE#ities% (Bea#se) yo#r sins ha!e inreased% I ha!e done these things to yo#"
Jer -5:13 AThere$ore all those who de!o#r yo# shall be de!o#red& +nd all yo#r ad!ersaries% e!ery one o$ them%
shall go into a*ti!ity& Those who *l#nder yo# shall beome *l#nder% +nd all who *rey #*on yo# I will ma'e a
Jer -5:14 ;or I will restore health to yo# +nd heal yo# o$ yo#r wo#nds%A says the /8:2% ABea#se they alled
yo# an o#tast (saying:) .This (is) Gion& No one see's her". A
Jer -5:18 . Th#s says the /8:2: ABehold% I will bring ba' the a*ti!ity o$ JaobAs tents% +nd ha!e mery on his
dwelling *laes& The ity shall be b#ilt #*on its own mo#nd% +nd the *alae shall remain aording to its own
Jer -5:19 Then o#t o$ them shall *roeed than'sgi!ing +nd the !oie o$ those who ma'e merry& I will m#lti*ly
them% and they shall not diminish& I will also glori$y them% and they shall not be small"
Jer -5:25 Their hildren also shall be as be$ore% +nd their ongregation shall be established be$ore ?e& +nd I
will *#nish all who o**ress them"
Jer -5:21 Their nobles shall be $rom among them% +nd their go!ernor shall ome $rom their midst& Then I will
a#se him to draw near% +nd he shall a**roah ?e& ;or who (is) this who *ledged his heart to a**roah ?eCA
says the /8:2"
Jer -5:22 ABo# shall be ?y *eo*le% +nd I will be yo#r God"A .
Jer -5:2- Behold% the whirlwind o$ the /8:2 Goes $orth with $#ry% + ontin#ing whirlwind& It will $all !iolently on
the head o$ the wi'ed"
Jer -5:20 The $iere anger o$ the /8:2 will not ret#rn #ntil He has done it% +nd #ntil He has *er$ormed the
intents o$ His heart" In the latter days yo# will onsider it"
Jer -1:1 .+t the same time%. says the /8:2% .I will be the God o$ all the $amilies o$ Israel% and they shall be ?y
Jer -1:2 Th#s says the /8:2: .The *eo*le who s#r!i!ed the sword ;o#nd grae in the wilderness DD Israel%
when I went to gi!e him rest".
Jer -1:- The /8:2 has a**eared o$ old to me% (saying:) .Bes% I ha!e lo!ed yo# with an e!erlasting lo!e&
There$ore with lo!ing'indness I ha!e drawn yo#"
Jer -1:0 +gain I will b#ild yo#% and yo# shall be reb#ilt% 8 !irgin o$ IsraelF Bo# shall again be adorned with yo#r
tambo#rines% +nd shall go $orth in the danes o$ those who re@oie"
Jer -1:1 Bo# shall yet *lant !ines on the mo#ntains o$ ,amaria& The *lanters shall *lant and eat (them) as
ordinary $ood"
Jer -1:3 ;or there shall be a day (>hen) the wathmen will ry on ?o#nt 6*hraim% A+rise% and let #s go #* (to)
Gion% To the /8:2 o#r God"A .
Jer -1:4 ;or th#s says the /8:2: .,ing with gladness $or Jaob% +nd sho#t among the hie$ o$ the nations&
<rolaim% gi!e *raise% and say% A8 /8:2% sa!e Bo#r *eo*le% The remnant o$ IsraelFA
Jer -1:8 Behold% I will bring them $rom the north o#ntry% +nd gather them $rom the ends o$ the earth% (+mong)
them the blind and the lame% The woman with hild +nd the one who labors with hild% together& + great throng
shall ret#rn there"
Jer -1:9 They shall ome with wee*ing% +nd with s#**liations I will lead them" I will a#se them to wal' by the
ri!ers o$ waters% In a straight way in whih they shall not st#mble& ;or I am a ;ather to Israel% +nd 6*hraim (is)
?y $irstborn"
Jer -1:15 . Hear the word o$ the /8:2% 8 nations% +nd delare (it) in the isles a$ar o$$% and say% AHe who
sattered Israel will gather him% +nd 'ee* him as a she*herd (does) his $lo'"A
Jer -1:11 ;or the /8:2 has redeemed Jaob% +nd ransomed him $rom the hand o$ one stronger than he"
Jer -1:12 There$ore they shall ome and sing in the height o$ Gion% ,treaming to the goodness o$ the /8:2 DD
;or wheat and new wine and oil% ;or the yo#ng o$ the $lo' and the herd& Their so#ls shall be li'e a wellDwatered
garden% +nd they shall sorrow no more at all"
Jer -1:1- .Then shall the !irgin re@oie in the dane% +nd the yo#ng men and the old% together& ;or I will t#rn
their mo#rning to @oy% >ill om$ort them% +nd ma'e them re@oie rather than sorrow"
Jer -1:10 I will satiate the so#l o$ the *riests with ab#ndane% +nd ?y *eo*le shall be satis$ied with ?y
goodness% says the /8:2".
Jer -1:11 Th#s says the /8:2: .+ !oie was heard in :amah% /amentation (and) bitter wee*ing% :ahel
wee*ing $or her hildren% :e$#sing to be om$orted $or her hildren% Bea#se they (are) no more".
Jer -1:13 Th#s says the /8:2: .:e$rain yo#r !oie $rom wee*ing% +nd yo#r eyes $rom tears& ;or yo#r wor'
shall be rewarded% says the /8:2% +nd they shall ome ba' $rom the land o$ the enemy"
Jer -1:14 There is ho*e in yo#r $#t#re% says the /8:2% That (yo#r) hildren shall ome ba' to their own border"
Jer -1:18 . I ha!e s#rely heard 6*hraim bemoaning himsel$: ABo# ha!e hastised me% and I was hastised% /i'e
an #ntrained b#ll& :estore me% and I will ret#rn% ;or Bo# (are) the /8:2 my God"
Jer -1:19 ,#rely% a$ter my t#rning% I re*ented& +nd a$ter I was instr#ted% I str#' mysel$ on the thigh& I was
ashamed% yes% e!en h#miliated% Bea#se I bore the re*roah o$ my yo#th"A
Jer -1:25 (Is) 6*hraim ?y dear sonC (Is he) a *leasant hildC ;or tho#gh I s*o'e against him% I earnestly
remember him still& There$ore ?y heart yearns $or him& I will s#rely ha!e mery on him% says the /8:2"
Jer -1:21 . ,et #* sign*osts% ?a'e landmar's& ,et yo#r heart toward the highway% The way in (whih) yo# went"
T#rn ba'% 8 !irgin o$ Israel% T#rn ba' to these yo#r ities"
Jer -1:22 How long will yo# gad abo#t% 8 yo# ba'sliding da#ghterC ;or the /8:2 has reated a new thing in
the earth DD + woman shall enom*ass a man".
Jer -1:2- Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .They shall again #se this s*eeh in the land o$
J#dah and in its ities% when I bring ba' their a*ti!ity: AThe /8:2 bless yo#% 8 home o$ @#stie% (and) mo#ntain
o$ holinessFA
Jer -1:20 .+nd there shall dwell in J#dah itsel$% and in all its ities together% $armers and those going o#t with
Jer -1:21 .;or I ha!e satiated the weary so#l% and I ha!e re*lenished e!ery sorrow$#l so#l".
Jer -1:23 +$ter this I awo'e and loo'ed aro#nd% and my slee* was sweet to me"
Jer -1:24 . Behold% the days are oming% says the /8:2% that I will sow the ho#se o$ Israel and the ho#se o$
J#dah with the seed o$ man and the seed o$ beast"
Jer -1:28 .+nd it shall ome to *ass% (that) as I ha!e wathed o!er them to *l#' #*% to brea' down% to throw
down% to destroy% and to a$$lit% so I will wath o!er them to b#ild and to *lant% says the /8:2"
Jer -1:29 .In those days they shall say no more: AThe $athers ha!e eaten so#r gra*es% +nd the hildrenAs teeth
are set on edge"A
Jer -1:-5 .B#t e!ery one shall die $or his own iniE#ity& e!ery man who eats the so#r gra*es% his teeth shall be
set on edge"
Jer -1:-1 . Behold% the days are oming% says the /8:2% when I will ma'e a new o!enant with the ho#se o$
Israel and with the ho#se o$ J#dah DD
Jer -1:-2 .not aording to the o!enant that I made with their $athers in the day (that) I too' them by the hand
to lead them o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% ?y o!enant whih they bro'e% tho#gh I was a h#sband to them% says the
Jer -1:-- .B#t this (is) the o!enant that I will ma'e with the ho#se o$ Israel a$ter those days% says the /8:2: I
will *#t ?y law in their minds% and write it on their hearts& and I will be their God% and they shall be ?y *eo*le"
Jer -1:-0 .No more shall e!ery man teah his neighbor% and e!ery man his brother% saying% AKnow the /8:2%A
$or they all shall 'now ?e% $rom the least o$ them to the greatest o$ them% says the /8:2" ;or I will $orgi!e their
iniE#ity% and their sin I will remember no more".
Jer -1:-1 Th#s says the /8:2% >ho gi!es the s#n $or a light by day% The ordinanes o$ the moon and the stars
$or a light by night% >ho dist#rbs the sea% +nd its wa!es roar IThe /8:2 o$ hosts (is) His nameJ:
Jer -1:-3 .I$ those ordinanes de*art ;rom be$ore ?e% says the /8:2% (Then) the seed o$ Israel shall also
ease ;rom being a nation be$ore ?e $ore!er".
Jer -1:-4 Th#s says the /8:2: .I$ hea!en abo!e an be meas#red% +nd the $o#ndations o$ the earth searhed
o#t beneath% I will also ast o$$ all the seed o$ Israel ;or all that they ha!e done% says the /8:2"
Jer -1:-8 . Behold% the days are oming% says the /8:2% that the ity shall be b#ilt $or the /8:2 $rom the
Tower o$ Hananel to the =orner Gate"
Jer -1:-9 .The s#r!eyorAs line shall again e9tend straight $orward o!er the hill Gareb& then it shall t#rn toward
Jer -1:05 .+nd the whole !alley o$ the dead bodies and o$ the ashes% and all the $ields as $ar as the Broo'
Kidron% to the orner o$ the Horse Gate toward the east% (shall be) holy to the /8:2" It shall not be *l#'ed #* or
thrown down anymore $ore!er".
Jer -2:1 The word that ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2 in the tenth year o$ Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah% whih was
the eighteenth year o$ Neb#hadneHHar"
Jer -2:2 ;or then the 'ing o$ BabylonAs army besieged Jer#salem% and Jeremiah the *ro*het was sh#t #* in the
o#rt o$ the *rison% whih (was in) the 'ing o$ J#dahAs ho#se"
Jer -2:- ;or Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah had sh#t him #*% saying% .>hy do yo# *ro*hesy and say% ATh#s says the
/8:2: .Behold% I will gi!e this ity into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon% and he shall ta'e it&
Jer -2:0 .and Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah shall not esa*e $rom the hand o$ the =haldeans% b#t shall s#rely be
deli!ered into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon% and shall s*ea' with him $ae to $ae% and see him eye to eye&
Jer -2:1 .then he shall lead Gede'iah to Babylon% and there he shall be #ntil I !isit him%. says the /8:2& .tho#gh
yo# $ight with the =haldeans% yo# shall not s#eed. AC.
Jer -2:3 +nd Jeremiah said% .The word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
Jer -2:4 ABehold% Hanamel the son o$ ,hall#m yo#r #nle will ome to yo#% saying% .B#y my $ield whih (is) in
+nathoth% $or the right o$ redem*tion (is) yo#rs to b#y (it".) A
Jer -2:8 .Then Hanamel my #nleAs son ame to me in the o#rt o$ the *rison aording to the word o$ the
/8:2% and said to me% A<lease b#y my $ield that (is) in +nathoth% whih (is) in the o#ntry o$ Ben@amin& $or the
right o$ inheritane (is) yo#rs% and the redem*tion yo#rs& b#y (it) $or yo#rsel$"A Then I 'new that this was the word
o$ the /8:2"
Jer -2:9 .,o I bo#ght the $ield $rom Hanamel% the son o$ my #nle who (was) in +nathoth% and weighed (o#t to)
him the money DD se!enteen she'els o$ sil!er"
Jer -2:15 .+nd I signed the deed and sealed (it%) too' witnesses% and weighed the money on the sales"
Jer -2:11 .,o I too' the *#rhase deed% (both) that whih was sealed (aording) to the law and #stom% and
that whih was o*en&
Jer -2:12 .and I ga!e the *#rhase deed to Bar#h the son o$ Neriah% son o$ ?ahseiah% in the *resene o$
Hanamel my #nleAs (son%) and in the *resene o$ the witnesses who signed the *#rhase deed% be$ore all the
Jews who sat in the o#rt o$ the *rison"
Jer -2:1- . Then I harged Bar#h be$ore them% saying%
Jer -2:10 ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .Ta'e these deeds% both this *#rhase deed whih is
sealed and this deed whih is o*en% and *#t them in an earthen !essel% that they may last many days".
Jer -2:11 A;or th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .Ho#ses and $ields and !ineyards shall be
*ossessed again in this land". A
Jer -2:13 . Now when I had deli!ered the *#rhase deed to Bar#h the son o$ Neriah% I *rayed to the /8:2%
Jer -2:14 A+h% /ord G82F Behold% Bo# ha!e made the hea!ens and the earth by Bo#r great *ower and
o#tstrethed arm" There is nothing too hard $or Bo#"
Jer -2:18 A(Bo#) show lo!ing'indness to tho#sands% and re*ay the iniE#ity o$ the $athers into the bosom o$ their
hildren a$ter them DD the Great% the ?ighty God% whose name (is) the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Jer -2:19 A(Bo# are) great in o#nsel and mighty in wor'% $or yo#r eyes (are) o*en to all the ways o$ the sons o$
men% to gi!e e!eryone aording to his ways and aording to the $r#it o$ his doings"
Jer -2:25 ABo# ha!e set signs and wonders in the land o$ 6gy*t% to this day% and in Israel and among (other)
men& and Bo# ha!e made Bo#rsel$ a name% as it is this day"
Jer -2:21 ABo# ha!e bro#ght Bo#r *eo*le Israel o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t with signs and wonders% with a strong
hand and an o#tstrethed arm% and with great terror&
Jer -2:22 ABo# ha!e gi!en them this land% o$ whih Bo# swore to their $athers to gi!e them DD .a land $lowing with
mil' and honey".
Jer -2:2- A+nd they ame in and too' *ossession o$ it% b#t they ha!e not obeyed Bo#r !oie or wal'ed in Bo#r
law" They ha!e done nothing o$ all that Bo# ommanded them to do& there$ore Bo# ha!e a#sed all this alamity
to ome #*on them"
Jer -2:20 A/oo'% the siege mo#ndsF They ha!e ome to the ity to ta'e it& and the ity has been gi!en into the
hand o$ the =haldeans who $ight against it% bea#se o$ the sword and $amine and *estilene" >hat Bo# ha!e
s*o'en has ha**ened& there Bo# see (itF)
Jer -2:21 A+nd Bo# ha!e said to me% 8 /ord G82% .B#y the $ield $or money% and ta'e witnesses.F DD yet the ity
has been gi!en into the hand o$ the =haldeans"A .
Jer -2:23 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jeremiah% saying%
Jer -2:24 .Behold% I (am) the /8:2% the God o$ all $lesh" Is there anything too hard $or ?eC
Jer -2:28 .There$ore th#s says the /8:2: ABehold% I will gi!e this ity into the hand o$ the =haldeans% into the
hand o$ Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon% and he shall ta'e it"
Jer -2:29 A+nd the =haldeans who $ight against this ity shall ome and set $ire to this ity and b#rn it% with the
ho#ses on whose roo$s they ha!e o$$ered inense to Baal and *o#red o#t drin' o$$erings to other gods% to
*ro!o'e ?e to anger&
Jer -2:-5 Abea#se the hildren o$ Israel and the hildren o$ J#dah ha!e done only e!il be$ore ?e $rom their
yo#th" ;or the hildren o$ Israel ha!e *ro!o'ed ?e only to anger with the wor' o$ their hands%. says the /8:2"
Jer -2:-1 A;or this ity has been to ?e (a *ro!oation o$) ?y anger and ?y $#ry $rom the day that they b#ilt it%
e!en to this day& so I will remo!e it $rom be$ore ?y $ae
Jer -2:-2 Abea#se o$ all the e!il o$ the hildren o$ Israel and the hildren o$ J#dah% whih they ha!e done to
*ro!o'e ?e to anger DD they% their 'ings% their *rines% their *riests% their *ro*hets% the men o$ J#dah% and the
inhabitants o$ Jer#salem"
Jer -2:-- A+nd they ha!e t#rned to ?e the ba'% and not the $ae& tho#gh I ta#ght them% rising #* early and
teahing (them%) yet they ha!e not listened to reei!e instr#tion"
Jer -2:-0 AB#t they set their abominations in the ho#se whih is alled by ?y name% to de$ile it"
Jer -2:-1 A+nd they b#ilt the high *laes o$ Baal whih (are) in the Valley o$ the ,on o$ Hinnom% to a#se their
sons and their da#ghters to *ass thro#gh (the $ire) to ?oleh% whih I did not ommand them% nor did it ome into
?y mind that they sho#ld do this abomination% to a#se J#dah to sin"A
Jer -2:-3 . Now there$ore% th#s says the /8:2% the God o$ Israel% onerning this ity o$ whih yo# say% AIt shall
be deli!ered into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon by the sword% by the $amine% and by the *estileneA:
Jer -2:-4 ABehold% I will gather them o#t o$ all o#ntries where I ha!e dri!en them in ?y anger% in ?y $#ry% and in
great wrath& I will bring them ba' to this *lae% and I will a#se them to dwell sa$ely"
Jer -2:-8 AThey shall be ?y *eo*le% and I will be their God&
Jer -2:-9 Athen I will gi!e them one heart and one way% that they may $ear ?e $ore!er% $or the good o$ them and
their hildren a$ter them"
Jer -2:05 A+nd I will ma'e an e!erlasting o!enant with them% that I will not t#rn away $rom doing them good& b#t
I will *#t ?y $ear in their hearts so that they will not de*art $rom ?e"
Jer -2:01 ABes% I will re@oie o!er them to do them good% and I will ass#redly *lant them in this land% with all ?y
heart and with all ?y so#l"A
Jer -2:02 . ;or th#s says the /8:2: AJ#st as I ha!e bro#ght all this great alamity on this *eo*le% so I will bring
on them all the good that I ha!e *romised them"
Jer -2:0- A+nd $ields will be bo#ght in this land o$ whih yo# say% .(It is) desolate% witho#t man or beast& it has
been gi!en into the hand o$ the =haldeans".
Jer -2:00 A?en will b#y $ields $or money% sign deeds and seal (them%) and ta'e witnesses% in the land o$
Ben@amin% in the *laes aro#nd Jer#salem% in the ities o$ J#dah% in the ities o$ the mo#ntains% in the ities o$ the
lowland% and in the ities o$ the ,o#th& $or I will a#se their a*ti!es to ret#rn%A says the /8:2".
Jer --:1 ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jeremiah a seond time% while he was still sh#t #* in the o#rt
o$ the *rison% saying%
Jer --:2 .Th#s says the /8:2 who made it% the /8:2 who $ormed it to establish it Ithe /8:2 (is) His nameJ:
Jer --:- A=all to ?e% and I will answer yo#% and show yo# great and mighty things% whih yo# do not 'now"A
Jer --:0 . ;or th#s says the /8:2% the God o$ Israel% onerning the ho#ses o$ this ity and the ho#ses o$ the
'ings o$ J#dah% whih ha!e been *#lled down (to $orti$y) against the siege mo#nds and the sword:
Jer --:1 AThey ome to $ight with the =haldeans% b#t (only) to $ill their *laes with the dead bodies o$ men whom
I will slay in ?y anger and ?y $#ry% all $or whose wi'edness I ha!e hidden ?y $ae $rom this ity"
Jer --:3 ABehold% I will bring it health and healing& I will heal them and re!eal to them the ab#ndane o$ *eae
and tr#th"
Jer --:4 A+nd I will a#se the a*ti!es o$ J#dah and the a*ti!es o$ Israel to ret#rn% and will reb#ild those *laes
as at the $irst"
Jer --:8 AI will leanse them $rom all their iniE#ity by whih they ha!e sinned against ?e% and I will *ardon all
their iniE#ities by whih they ha!e sinned and by whih they ha!e transgressed against ?e"
Jer --:9 AThen it shall be to ?e a name o$ @oy% a *raise% and an honor be$ore all nations o$ the earth% who shall
hear all the good that I do to them& they shall $ear and tremble $or all the goodness and all the *ros*erity that I
*ro!ide $or it"A
Jer --:15 . Th#s says the /8:2: A+gain there shall be heard in this *lae DD o$ whih yo# say% .It (is) desolate%
witho#t man and witho#t beast. DD in the ities o$ J#dah% in the streets o$ Jer#salem that are desolate% witho#t
man and witho#t inhabitant and witho#t beast%
Jer --:11 Athe !oie o$ @oy and the !oie o$ gladness% the !oie o$ the bridegroom and the !oie o$ the bride% the
!oie o$ those who will say: .<raise the /8:2 o$ hosts% ;or the /8:2 (is) good% ;or His mery (end#res) $ore!er.
DD (and) o$ those (who will) bring the sari$ie o$ *raise into the ho#se o$ the /8:2" ;or I will a#se the a*ti!es
o$ the land to ret#rn as at the $irst%A says the /8:2"
Jer --:12 . Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: AIn this *lae whih is desolate% witho#t man and witho#t beast% and in
all its ities% there shall again be a dwelling *lae o$ she*herds a#sing (their) $lo's to lie down"
Jer --:1- AIn the ities o$ the mo#ntains% in the ities o$ the lowland% in the ities o$ the ,o#th% in the land o$
Ben@amin% in the *laes aro#nd Jer#salem% and in the ities o$ J#dah% the $lo's shall again *ass #nder the
hands o$ him who o#nts (them%A) says the /8:2"
Jer --:10 A Behold% the days are oming%A says the /8:2% Athat I will *er$orm that good thing whih I ha!e
*romised to the ho#se o$ Israel and to the ho#se o$ J#dah:
Jer --:11 AIn those days and at that time I will a#se to grow #* to 2a!id + Branh o$ righteo#sness& He shall
e9e#te @#dgment and righteo#sness in the earth"
Jer --:13 In those days J#dah will be sa!ed% +nd Jer#salem will dwell sa$ely" +nd this (is the name) by whih
she will be alled: TH6 /8:2 87: :IGHT687,N6,,"A
Jer --:14 .;or th#s says the /8:2: A2a!id shall ne!er la' a man to sit on the throne o$ the ho#se o$ Israel&
Jer --:18 Anor shall the *riests% the /e!ites% la' a man to o$$er b#rnt o$$erings be$ore ?e% to 'indle grain
o$$erings% and to sari$ie ontin#ally"A .
Jer --:19 +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jeremiah% saying%
Jer --:25 .Th#s says the /8:2: AI$ yo# an brea' ?y o!enant with the day and ?y o!enant with the night% so
that there will not be day and night in their season%
Jer --:21 Athen ?y o!enant may also be bro'en with 2a!id ?y ser!ant% so that he shall not ha!e a son to reign
on his throne% and with the /e!ites% the *riests% ?y ministers"
Jer --:22 A+s the host o$ hea!en annot be n#mbered% nor the sand o$ the sea meas#red% so will I m#lti*ly the
desendants o$ 2a!id ?y ser!ant and the /e!ites who minister to ?e"A .
Jer --:2- ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jeremiah% saying%
Jer --:20 .Ha!e yo# not onsidered what these *eo*le ha!e s*o'en% saying% AThe two $amilies whih the /8:2
has hosen% He has also ast them o$$AC Th#s they ha!e des*ised ?y *eo*le% as i$ they sho#ld no more be a
nation be$ore them"
Jer --:21 . Th#s says the /8:2: AI$ ?y o!enant (is) not with day and night% (and i$) I ha!e not a**ointed the
ordinanes o$ hea!en and earth%
Jer --:23 Athen I will ast away the desendants o$ Jaob and 2a!id ?y ser!ant% (so) that I will not ta'e (any) o$
his desendants (to be) r#lers o!er the desendants o$ +braham% Isaa% and Jaob" ;or I will a#se their a*ti!es
to ret#rn% and will ha!e mery on them"A .
Jer -0:1 The word whih ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2% when Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon and all his
army% all the 'ingdoms o$ the earth #nder his dominion% and all the *eo*le% $o#ght against Jer#salem and all its
ities% saying%
Jer -0:2 .Th#s says the /8:2% the God o$ Israel: AGo and s*ea' to Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah and tell him% .Th#s
says the /8:2: ABehold% I will gi!e this ity into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon% and he shall b#rn it with $ire"
Jer -0:- A+nd yo# shall not esa*e $rom his hand% b#t shall s#rely be ta'en and deli!ered into his hand& yo#r
eyes shall see the eyes o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon% he shall s*ea' with yo# $ae to $ae% and yo# shall go to
Babylon"A . A
Jer -0:0 .Bet hear the word o$ the /8:2% 8 Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dahF Th#s says the /8:2 onerning yo#: ABo#
shall not die by the sword"
Jer -0:1 ABo# shall die in *eae& as in the eremonies o$ yo#r $athers% the $ormer 'ings who were be$ore yo#% so
they shall b#rn inense $or yo# and lament $or yo#% (saying%) .+las% lordF. ;or I ha!e *rono#ned the word% says
the /8:2"A .
Jer -0:3 Then Jeremiah the *ro*het s*o'e all these words to Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah in Jer#salem%
Jer -0:4 when the 'ing o$ BabylonAs army $o#ght against Jer#salem and all the ities o$ J#dah that were le$t%
against /ahish and +He'ah& $or (only) these $orti$ied ities remained o$ the ities o$ J#dah"
Jer -0:8 (This is) the word that ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2% a$ter King Gede'iah had made a o!enant
with all the *eo*le who (were) at Jer#salem to *rolaim liberty to them:
Jer -0:9 that e!ery man sho#ld set $ree his male and $emale sla!e DD a Hebrew man or woman DD that no one
sho#ld 'ee* a Jewish brother in bondage"
Jer -0:15 Now when all the *rines and all the *eo*le% who had entered into the o!enant% heard that e!eryone
sho#ld set $ree his male and $emale sla!es% that no one sho#ld 'ee* them in bondage anymore% they obeyed
and let (them) go"
Jer -0:11 B#t a$terward they hanged their minds and made the male and $emale sla!es ret#rn% whom they had
set $ree% and bro#ght them into s#b@etion as male and $emale sla!es"
Jer -0:12 There$ore the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2% saying%
Jer -0:1- .Th#s says the /8:2% the God o$ Israel: AI made a o!enant with yo#r $athers in the day that I bro#ght
them o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% o#t o$ the ho#se o$ bondage% saying%
Jer -0:10 .+t the end o$ se!en years let e!ery man set $ree his Hebrew brother% who has been sold to him& and
when he has ser!ed yo# si9 years% yo# shall let him go $ree $rom yo#". B#t yo#r $athers did not obey ?e nor
inline their ear"
Jer -0:11 AThen yo# reently t#rned and did what was right in ?y sight DD e!ery man *rolaiming liberty to his
neighbor& and yo# made a o!enant be$ore ?e in the ho#se whih is alled by ?y name"
Jer -0:13 AThen yo# t#rned aro#nd and *ro$aned ?y name% and e!ery one o$ yo# bro#ght ba' his male and
$emale sla!es% whom he had set at liberty% at their *leas#re% and bro#ght them ba' into s#b@etion% to be yo#r
male and $emale sla!es"A
Jer -0:14 . There$ore th#s says the /8:2: ABo# ha!e not obeyed ?e in *rolaiming liberty% e!ery one to his
brother and e!ery one to his neighbor" Behold% I *rolaim liberty to yo#%A says the /8:2 DD Ato the sword% to
*estilene% and to $amineF +nd I will deli!er yo# to tro#ble among all the 'ingdoms o$ the earth"
Jer -0:18 A+nd I will gi!e the men who ha!e transgressed ?y o!enant% who ha!e not *er$ormed the words o$
the o!enant whih they made be$ore ?e% when they #t the al$ in two and *assed between the *arts o$ it DD
Jer -0:19 Athe *rines o$ J#dah% the *rines o$ Jer#salem% the e#n#hs% the *riests% and all the *eo*le o$ the
land who *assed between the *arts o$ the al$ DD
Jer -0:25 AI will gi!e them into the hand o$ their enemies and into the hand o$ those who see' their li$e" Their
dead bodies shall be $or meat $or the birds o$ the hea!en and the beasts o$ the earth"
Jer -0:21 A+nd I will gi!e Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah and his *rines into the hand o$ their enemies% into the hand o$
those who see' their li$e% and into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ BabylonAs army whih has gone ba' $rom yo#"
Jer -0:22 ABehold% I will ommand%A says the /8:2% Aand a#se them to ret#rn to this ity" They will $ight against
it and ta'e it and b#rn it with $ire& and I will ma'e the ities o$ J#dah a desolation witho#t inhabitant"A .
Jer -1:1 The word whih ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2 in the days o$ Jehoia'im the son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$
J#dah% saying%
Jer -1:2 .Go to the ho#se o$ the :ehabites% s*ea' to them% and bring them into the ho#se o$ the /8:2% into
one o$ the hambers% and gi!e them wine to drin'".
Jer -1:- Then I too' JaaHaniah the son o$ Jeremiah% the son o$ HabaHHiniah% his brothers and all his sons% and
the whole ho#se o$ the :ehabites%
Jer -1:0 and I bro#ght them into the ho#se o$ the /8:2% into the hamber o$ the sons o$ Hanan the son o$
Igdaliah% a man o$ God% whih (was) by the hamber o$ the *rines% abo!e the hamber o$ ?aaseiah the son o$
,hall#m% the 'ee*er o$ the door"
Jer -1:1 Then I set be$ore the sons o$ the ho#se o$ the :ehabites bowls $#ll o$ wine% and #*s& and I said to
them% .2rin' wine".
Jer -1:3 B#t they said% .>e will drin' no wine% $or Jonadab the son o$ :ehab% o#r $ather% ommanded #s%
saying% ABo# shall drin' no wine% yo# nor yo#r sons% $ore!er"
Jer -1:4 ABo# shall not b#ild a ho#se% sow seed% *lant a !ineyard% nor ha!e (any o$ these&) b#t all yo#r days yo#
shall dwell in tents% that yo# may li!e many days in the land where yo# are so@o#rners"A
Jer -1:8 .Th#s we ha!e obeyed the !oie o$ Jonadab the son o$ :ehab% o#r $ather% in all that he harged #s% to
drin' no wine all o#r days% we% o#r wi!es% o#r sons% or o#r da#ghters%
Jer -1:9 .nor to b#ild o#rsel!es ho#ses to dwell in& nor do we ha!e !ineyard% $ield% or seed"
Jer -1:15 .B#t we ha!e dwelt in tents% and ha!e obeyed and done aording to all that Jonadab o#r $ather
ommanded #s"
Jer -1:11 .B#t it ame to *ass% when Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon ame #* into the land% that we said%
A=ome% let #s go to Jer#salem $or $ear o$ the army o$ the =haldeans and $or $ear o$ the army o$ the ,yrians"A ,o
we dwell at Jer#salem".
Jer -1:12 Then ame the word o$ the /8:2 to Jeremiah% saying%
Jer -1:1- .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: AGo and tell the men o$ J#dah and the inhabitants o$
Jer#salem% .>ill yo# not reei!e instr#tion to obey ?y wordsC. says the /8:2"
Jer -1:10 .The words o$ Jonadab the son o$ :ehab% whih he ommanded his sons% not to drin' wine% are
*er$ormed& $or to this day they drin' none% and obey their $atherAs ommandment" B#t altho#gh I ha!e s*o'en to
yo#% rising early and s*ea'ing% yo# did not obey ?e"
Jer -1:11 .I ha!e also sent to yo# all ?y ser!ants the *ro*hets% rising #* early and sending (them%) saying% AT#rn
now e!eryone $rom his e!il way% amend yo#r doings% and do not go a$ter other gods to ser!e them& then yo# will
dwell in the land whih I ha!e gi!en yo# and yo#r $athers"A B#t yo# ha!e not inlined yo#r ear% nor obeyed ?e"
Jer -1:13 .,#rely the sons o$ Jonadab the son o$ :ehab ha!e *er$ormed the ommandment o$ their $ather%
whih he ommanded them% b#t this *eo*le has not obeyed ?e". A
Jer -1:14 .There$ore th#s says the /8:2 God o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: ABehold% I will bring on J#dah and on
all the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem all the doom that I ha!e *rono#ned against them& bea#se I ha!e s*o'en to
them b#t they ha!e not heard% and I ha!e alled to them b#t they ha!e not answered"A .
Jer -1:18 +nd Jeremiah said to the ho#se o$ the :ehabites% .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel:
ABea#se yo# ha!e obeyed the ommandment o$ Jonadab yo#r $ather% and 'e*t all his *ree*ts and done
aording to all that he ommanded yo#%
Jer -1:19 Athere$ore th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .Jonadab the son o$ :ehab shall not la'
a man to stand be$ore ?e $ore!er". A .
Jer -3:1 Now it ame to *ass in the $o#rth year o$ Jehoia'im the son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$ J#dah% (that) this word
ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2% saying:
Jer -3:2 .Ta'e a sroll o$ a boo' and write on it all the words that I ha!e s*o'en to yo# against Israel% against
J#dah% and against all the nations% $rom the day I s*o'e to yo#% $rom the days o$ Josiah e!en to this day"
Jer -3:- .It may be that the ho#se o$ J#dah will hear all the ad!ersities whih I *#r*ose to bring #*on them% that
e!eryone may t#rn $rom his e!il way% that I may $orgi!e their iniE#ity and their sin".
Jer -3:0 Then Jeremiah alled Bar#h the son o$ Neriah& and Bar#h wrote on a sroll o$ a boo'% at the
instr#tion o$ Jeremiah% all the words o$ the /8:2 whih He had s*o'en to him"
Jer -3:1 +nd Jeremiah ommanded Bar#h% saying% .I (am) on$ined% I annot go into the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
Jer -3:3 .Bo# go% there$ore% and read $rom the sroll whih yo# ha!e written at my instr#tion% the words o$ the
/8:2% in the hearing o$ the *eo*le in the /8:2As ho#se on the day o$ $asting" +nd yo# shall also read them in
the hearing o$ all J#dah who ome $rom their ities"
Jer -3:4 .It may be that they will *resent their s#**liation be$ore the /8:2% and e!eryone will t#rn $rom his e!il
way" ;or great (is) the anger and the $#ry that the /8:2 has *rono#ned against this *eo*le".
Jer -3:8 +nd Bar#h the son o$ Neriah did aording to all that Jeremiah the *ro*het ommanded him% reading
$rom the boo' the words o$ the /8:2 in the /8:2As ho#se"
Jer -3:9 Now it ame to *ass in the $i$th year o$ Jehoia'im the son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$ J#dah% in the ninth month%
(that) they *rolaimed a $ast be$ore the /8:2 to all the *eo*le in Jer#salem% and to all the *eo*le who ame
$rom the ities o$ J#dah to Jer#salem"
Jer -3:15 Then Bar#h read $rom the boo' the words o$ Jeremiah in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% in the hamber o$
Gemariah the son o$ ,ha*han the sribe% in the #**er o#rt at the entry o$ the New Gate o$ the /8:2As ho#se%
in the hearing o$ all the *eo*le"
Jer -3:11 >hen ?ihaiah the son o$ Gemariah% the son o$ ,ha*han% heard all the words o$ the /8:2 $rom the
Jer -3:12 he then went down to the 'ingAs ho#se% into the sribeAs hamber& and there all the *rines were
sitting DD 6lishama the sribe% 2elaiah the son o$ ,hemaiah% 6lnathan the son o$ +hbor% Gemariah the son o$
,ha*han% Gede'iah the son o$ Hananiah% and all the *rines"
Jer -3:1- Then ?ihaiah delared to them all the words that he had heard when Bar#h read the boo' in the
hearing o$ the *eo*le"
Jer -3:10 There$ore all the *rines sent Jeh#di the son o$ Nethaniah% the son o$ ,helemiah% the son o$ =#shi% to
Bar#h% saying% .Ta'e in yo#r hand the sroll $rom whih yo# ha!e read in the hearing o$ the *eo*le% and ome".
,o Bar#h the son o$ Neriah too' the sroll in his hand and ame to them"
Jer -3:11 +nd they said to him% .,it down now% and read it in o#r hearing". ,o Bar#h read (it) in their hearing"
Jer -3:13 Now it ha**ened% when they had heard all the words% that they loo'ed in $ear $rom one to another%
and said to Bar#h% .>e will s#rely tell the 'ing o$ all these words".
Jer -3:14 +nd they as'ed Bar#h% saying% .Tell #s now% how did yo# write all these words DD at his instr#tionC.
Jer -3:18 ,o Bar#h answered them% .He *rolaimed with his mo#th all these words to me% and I wrote (them)
with in' in the boo'".
Jer -3:19 Then the *rines said to Bar#h% .Go and hide% yo# and Jeremiah& and let no one 'now where yo#
Jer -3:25 +nd they went to the 'ing% into the o#rt& b#t they stored the sroll in the hamber o$ 6lishama the
sribe% and told all the words in the hearing o$ the 'ing"
Jer -3:21 ,o the 'ing sent Jeh#di to bring the sroll% and he too' it $rom 6lishama the sribeAs hamber" +nd
Jeh#di read it in the hearing o$ the 'ing and in the hearing o$ all the *rines who stood beside the 'ing"
Jer -3:22 Now the 'ing was sitting in the winter ho#se in the ninth month% with (a $ire) b#rning on the hearth
be$ore him"
Jer -3:2- +nd it ha**ened% when Jeh#di had read three or $o#r ol#mns% (that the 'ing) #t it with the sribeAs
'ni$e and ast (it) into the $ire that (was) on the hearth% #ntil all the sroll was ons#med in the $ire that (was) on
the hearth"
Jer -3:20 Bet they were not a$raid% nor did they tear their garments% the 'ing nor any o$ his ser!ants who heard
all these words"
Jer -3:21 Ne!ertheless 6lnathan% 2elaiah% and Gemariah im*lored the 'ing not to b#rn the sroll& b#t he wo#ld
not listen to them"
Jer -3:23 +nd the 'ing ommanded Jerahmeel the 'ingAs son% ,eraiah the son o$ +Hriel% and ,helemiah the son
o$ +bdeel% to seiHe Bar#h the sribe and Jeremiah the *ro*het% b#t the /8:2 hid them"
Jer -3:24 Now a$ter the 'ing had b#rned the sroll with the words whih Bar#h had written at the instr#tion o$
Jeremiah% the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jeremiah% saying:
Jer -3:28 .Ta'e yet another sroll% and write on it all the $ormer words that were in the $irst sroll whih
Jehoia'im the 'ing o$ J#dah has b#rned"
Jer -3:29 .+nd yo# shall say to Jehoia'im 'ing o$ J#dah% ATh#s says the /8:2: .Bo# ha!e b#rned this sroll%
saying% A>hy ha!e yo# written in it that the 'ing o$ Babylon will ertainly ome and destroy this land% and a#se
man and beast to ease $rom hereCA .
Jer -3:-5 AThere$ore th#s says the /8:2 onerning Jehoia'im 'ing o$ J#dah: .He shall ha!e no one to sit on
the throne o$ 2a!id% and his dead body shall be ast o#t to the heat o$ the day and the $rost o$ the night"
Jer -3:-1 .I will *#nish him% his $amily% and his ser!ants $or their iniE#ity& and I will bring on them% on the
inhabitants o$ Jer#salem% and on the men o$ J#dah all the doom that I ha!e *rono#ned against them& b#t they
did not heed". A .
Jer -3:-2 Then Jeremiah too' another sroll and ga!e it to Bar#h the sribe% the son o$ Neriah% who wrote on it
at the instr#tion o$ Jeremiah all the words o$ the boo' whih Jehoia'im 'ing o$ J#dah had b#rned in the $ire" +nd
besides% there were added to them many similar words"
Jer -4:1 Now King Gede'iah the son o$ Josiah reigned instead o$ =oniah the son o$ Jehoia'im% whom
Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon made 'ing in the land o$ J#dah"
Jer -4:2 B#t neither he nor his ser!ants nor the *eo*le o$ the land ga!e heed to the words o$ the /8:2 whih
He s*o'e by the *ro*het Jeremiah"
Jer -4:- +nd Gede'iah the 'ing sent Jeh#al the son o$ ,helemiah% and Ge*haniah the son o$ ?aaseiah% the
*riest% to the *ro*het Jeremiah% saying% .<ray now to the /8:2 o#r God $or #s".
Jer -4:0 Now Jeremiah was oming and going among the *eo*le% $or they had not (yet) *#t him in *rison"
Jer -4:1 Then <haraohAs army ame #* $rom 6gy*t& and when the =haldeans who were besieging Jer#salem
heard news o$ them% they de*arted $rom Jer#salem"
Jer -4:3 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to the *ro*het Jeremiah% saying%
Jer -4:4 .Th#s says the /8:2% the God o$ Israel% ATh#s yo# shall say to the 'ing o$ J#dah% who sent yo# to ?e
to inE#ire o$ ?e: .Behold% <haraohAs army whih has ome #* to hel* yo# will ret#rn to 6gy*t% to their own land"
Jer -4:8 .+nd the =haldeans shall ome ba' and $ight against this ity% and ta'e it and b#rn it with $ire". A
Jer -4:9 .Th#s says the /8:2: A2o not deei!e yo#rsel!es% saying% .The =haldeans will s#rely de*art $rom #s%.
$or they will not de*art"
Jer -4:15 A;or tho#gh yo# had de$eated the whole army o$ the =haldeans who $ight against yo#% and there
remained (only) wo#nded men among them% they wo#ld rise #*% e!ery man in his tent% and b#rn the ity with $ire"A
Jer -4:11 +nd it ha**ened% when the army o$ the =haldeans le$t (the siege) o$ Jer#salem $or $ear o$ <haraohAs
Jer -4:12 that Jeremiah went o#t o$ Jer#salem to go into the land o$ Ben@amin to laim his *ro*erty there among
the *eo*le"
Jer -4:1- +nd when he was in the Gate o$ Ben@amin% a a*tain o$ the g#ard (was) there whose name (was) Iri@ah
the son o$ ,helemiah% the son o$ Hananiah& and he seiHed Jeremiah the *ro*het% saying% .Bo# are de$eting to
the =haldeansF.
Jer -4:10 Then Jeremiah said% .;alseF I am not de$eting to the =haldeans". B#t he did not listen to him" ,o
Iri@ah seiHed Jeremiah and bro#ght him to the *rines"
Jer -4:11 There$ore the *rines were angry with Jeremiah% and they str#' him and *#t him in *rison in the
ho#se o$ Jonathan the sribe" ;or they had made that the *rison"
Jer -4:13 >hen Jeremiah entered the d#ngeon and the ells% and Jeremiah had remained there many days%
Jer -4:14 then Gede'iah the 'ing sent and too' him (o#t") The 'ing as'ed him seretly in his ho#se% and said% .Is
there (any) word $rom the /8:2C. +nd Jeremiah said% .There is". Then he said% .Bo# shall be deli!ered into the
hand o$ the 'ing o$ BabylonF.
Jer -4:18 ?oreo!er Jeremiah said to King Gede'iah% .>hat o$$ense ha!e I ommitted against yo#% against yo#r
ser!ants% or against this *eo*le% that yo# ha!e *#t me in *risonC
Jer -4:19 .>here now (are) yo#r *ro*hets who *ro*hesied to yo#% saying% AThe 'ing o$ Babylon will not ome
against yo# or against this landAC
Jer -4:25 .There$ore *lease hear now% 8 my lord the 'ing" <lease% let my *etition be ae*ted be$ore yo#% and
do not ma'e me ret#rn to the ho#se o$ Jonathan the sribe% lest I die there".
Jer -4:21 Then Gede'iah the 'ing ommanded that they sho#ld ommit Jeremiah to the o#rt o$ the *rison% and
that they sho#ld gi!e him daily a *iee o$ bread $rom the ba'ersA street% #ntil all the bread in the ity was gone"
Th#s Jeremiah remained in the o#rt o$ the *rison"
Jer -8:1 Now ,he*hatiah the son o$ ?attan% Gedaliah the son o$ <ashh#r% J#al the son o$ ,helemiah% and
<ashh#r the son o$ ?alhiah heard the words that Jeremiah had s*o'en to all the *eo*le% saying%
Jer -8:2 .Th#s says the /8:2: AHe who remains in this ity shall die by the sword% by $amine% and by *estilene&
b#t he who goes o!er to the =haldeans shall li!e& his li$e shall be as a *riHe to him% and he shall li!e"A
Jer -8:- .Th#s says the /8:2: AThis ity shall s#rely be gi!en into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ BabylonAs army% whih
shall ta'e it"A .
Jer -8:0 There$ore the *rines said to the 'ing% .<lease% let this man be *#t to death% $or th#s he wea'ens the
hands o$ the men o$ war who remain in this ity% and the hands o$ all the *eo*le% by s*ea'ing s#h words to
them" ;or this man does not see' the wel$are o$ this *eo*le% b#t their harm".
Jer -8:1 Then Gede'iah the 'ing said% ./oo'% he (is) in yo#r hand" ;or the 'ing an (do) nothing against yo#".
Jer -8:3 ,o they too' Jeremiah and ast him into the d#ngeon o$ ?alhiah the 'ingAs son% whih (was) in the
o#rt o$ the *rison% and they let Jeremiah down with ro*es" +nd in the d#ngeon (there was) no water% b#t mire"
,o Jeremiah san' in the mire"
Jer -8:4 Now 6bedD?eleh the 6thio*ian% one o$ the e#n#hs% who was in the 'ingAs ho#se% heard that they had
*#t Jeremiah in the d#ngeon" >hen the 'ing was sitting at the Gate o$ Ben@amin%
Jer -8:8 6bedD?eleh went o#t o$ the 'ingAs ho#se and s*o'e to the 'ing% saying:
Jer -8:9 .?y lord the 'ing% these men ha!e done e!il in all that they ha!e done to Jeremiah the *ro*het% whom
they ha!e ast into the d#ngeon% and he is li'ely to die $rom h#nger in the *lae where he is" ;or (there is) no
more bread in the ity".
Jer -8:15 Then the 'ing ommanded 6bedD?eleh the 6thio*ian% saying% .Ta'e $rom here thirty men with yo#%
and li$t Jeremiah the *ro*het o#t o$ the d#ngeon be$ore he dies".
Jer -8:11 ,o 6bedD?eleh too' the men with him and went into the ho#se o$ the 'ing #nder the treas#ry% and
too' $rom there old lothes and old rags% and let them down by ro*es into the d#ngeon to Jeremiah"
Jer -8:12 Then 6bedD?eleh the 6thio*ian said to Jeremiah% .<lease *#t these old lothes and rags #nder yo#r
arm*its% #nder the ro*es". +nd Jeremiah did so"
Jer -8:1- ,o they *#lled Jeremiah #* with ro*es and li$ted him o#t o$ the d#ngeon" +nd Jeremiah remained in
the o#rt o$ the *rison"
Jer -8:10 Then Gede'iah the 'ing sent and had Jeremiah the *ro*het bro#ght to him at the third entrane o$ the
ho#se o$ the /8:2" +nd the 'ing said to Jeremiah% .I will as' yo# something" Hide nothing $rom me".
Jer -8:11 Jeremiah said to Gede'iah% .I$ I delare (it) to yo#% will yo# not s#rely *#t me to deathC +nd i$ I gi!e
yo# ad!ie% yo# will not listen to me".
Jer -8:13 ,o Gede'iah the 'ing swore seretly to Jeremiah% saying% .(+s) the /8:2 li!es% who made o#r !ery
so#ls% I will not *#t yo# to death% nor will I gi!e yo# into the hand o$ these men who see' yo#r li$e".
Jer -8:14 Then Jeremiah said to Gede'iah% .Th#s says the /8:2% the God o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: AI$ yo#
s#rely s#rrender to the 'ing o$ BabylonAs *rines% then yo#r so#l shall li!e& this ity shall not be b#rned with $ire%
and yo# and yo#r ho#se shall li!e"
Jer -8:18 AB#t i$ yo# do not s#rrender to the 'ing o$ BabylonAs *rines% then this ity shall be gi!en into the hand
o$ the =haldeans& they shall b#rn it with $ire% and yo# shall not esa*e $rom their hand"A .
Jer -8:19 +nd Gede'iah the 'ing said to Jeremiah% .I am a$raid o$ the Jews who ha!e de$eted to the
=haldeans% lest they deli!er me into their hand% and they ab#se me".
Jer -8:25 B#t Jeremiah said% .They shall not deli!er (yo#") <lease% obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 whih I s*ea' to
yo#" ,o it shall be well with yo#% and yo#r so#l shall li!e"
Jer -8:21 .B#t i$ yo# re$#se to s#rrender% this (is) the word that the /8:2 has shown me:
Jer -8:22 ANow behold% all the women who are le$t in the 'ing o$ J#dahAs ho#se (shall be) s#rrendered to the 'ing
o$ BabylonAs *rines% and those (women) shall say: .Bo#r lose $riends ha!e set #*on yo# +nd *re!ailed against
yo#& Bo#r $eet ha!e s#n' in the mire% (+nd) they ha!e t#rned away again".
Jer -8:2- A,o they shall s#rrender all yo#r wi!es and hildren to the =haldeans" Bo# shall not esa*e $rom their
hand% b#t shall be ta'en by the hand o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon" +nd yo# shall a#se this ity to be b#rned with $ire"A .
Jer -8:20 Then Gede'iah said to Jeremiah% ./et no one 'now o$ these words% and yo# shall not die"
Jer -8:21 .B#t i$ the *rines hear that I ha!e tal'ed with yo#% and they ome to yo# and say to yo#% A2elare to
#s now what yo# ha!e said to the 'ing% and also what the 'ing said to yo#& do not hide (it) $rom #s% and we will
not *#t yo# to death%A
Jer -8:23 .then yo# shall say to them% AI *resented my reE#est be$ore the 'ing% that he wo#ld not ma'e me
ret#rn to JonathanAs ho#se to die there"A .
Jer -8:24 Then all the *rines ame to Jeremiah and as'ed him" +nd he told them aording to all these words
that the 'ing had ommanded" ,o they sto**ed s*ea'ing with him% $or the on!ersation had not been heard"
Jer -8:28 Now Jeremiah remained in the o#rt o$ the *rison #ntil the day that Jer#salem was ta'en" +nd he was
(there) when Jer#salem was ta'en"
Jer -9:1 In the ninth year o$ Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah% in the tenth month% Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon and
all his army ame against Jer#salem% and besieged it"
Jer -9:2 In the ele!enth year o$ Gede'iah% in the $o#rth month% on the ninth (day) o$ the month% the ity was
Jer -9:- Then all the *rines o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon ame in and sat in the ?iddle Gate: NergalD,hareHer%
,amgarDNebo% ,arsehim% :absaris% NergalD,areHer% :abmag% with the rest o$ the *rines o$ the 'ing o$
Jer -9:0 ,o it was% when Gede'iah the 'ing o$ J#dah and all the men o$ war saw them% that they $led and went
o#t o$ the ity by night% by way o$ the 'ingAs garden% by the gate between the two walls" +nd he went o#t by way
o$ the *lain"
Jer -9:1 B#t the =haldean army *#rs#ed them and o!ertoo' Gede'iah in the *lains o$ Jeriho" +nd when they
had a*t#red him% they bro#ght him #* to Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon% to :iblah in the land o$ Hamath%
where he *rono#ned @#dgment on him"
Jer -9:3 Then the 'ing o$ Babylon 'illed the sons o$ Gede'iah be$ore his eyes in :iblah& the 'ing o$ Babylon also
'illed all the nobles o$ J#dah"
Jer -9:4 ?oreo!er he *#t o#t Gede'iahAs eyes% and bo#nd him with bronHe $etters to arry him o$$ to Babylon"
Jer -9:8 +nd the =haldeans b#rned the 'ingAs ho#se and the ho#ses o$ the *eo*le with $ire% and bro'e down the
walls o$ Jer#salem"
Jer -9:9 Then Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the g#ard arried away a*ti!e to Babylon the remnant o$ the *eo*le
who remained in the ity and those who de$eted to him% with the rest o$ the *eo*le who remained"
Jer -9:15 B#t Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the g#ard le$t in the land o$ J#dah the *oor *eo*le% who had nothing%
and ga!e them !ineyards and $ields at the same time"
Jer -9:11 Now Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon ga!e harge onerning Jeremiah to Neb#Haradan the a*tain
o$ the g#ard% saying%
Jer -9:12 .Ta'e him and loo' a$ter him% and do him no harm& b#t do to him @#st as he says to yo#".
Jer -9:1- ,o Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the g#ard sent Neb#shasban% :absaris% NergalD,hareHer% :abmag%
and all the 'ing o$ BabylonAs hie$ o$$iers&
Jer -9:10 then they sent (someone) to ta'e Jeremiah $rom the o#rt o$ the *rison% and ommitted him to
Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am% the son o$ ,ha*han% that he sho#ld ta'e him home" ,o he dwelt among the *eo*le"
Jer -9:11 ?eanwhile the word o$ the /8:2 had ome to Jeremiah while he was sh#t #* in the o#rt o$ the
*rison% saying%
Jer -9:13 .Go and s*ea' to 6bedD?eleh the 6thio*ian% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$
Israel: .Behold% I will bring ?y words #*on this ity $or ad!ersity and not $or good% and they shall be (*er$ormed)
in that day be$ore yo#"
Jer -9:14 .B#t I will deli!er yo# in that day%. says the /8:2% .and yo# shall not be gi!en into the hand o$ the
men o$ whom yo# (are) a$raid"
Jer -9:18 .;or I will s#rely deli!er yo#% and yo# shall not $all by the sword& b#t yo#r li$e shall be as a *riHe to yo#%
bea#se yo# ha!e *#t yo#r tr#st in ?e%. says the /8:2"A .
Jer 05:1 The word that ame to Jeremiah $rom the /8:2 a$ter Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the g#ard had let
him go $rom :amah% when he had ta'en him bo#nd in hains among all who were arried away a*ti!e $rom
Jer#salem and J#dah% who were arried away a*ti!e to Babylon"
Jer 05:2 +nd the a*tain o$ the g#ard too' Jeremiah and said to him: .The /8:2 yo#r God has *rono#ned this
doom on this *lae"
Jer 05:- .Now the /8:2 has bro#ght (it%) and has done @#st as He said" Bea#se yo# (*eo*le) ha!e sinned
against the /8:2% and not obeyed His !oie% there$ore this thing has ome #*on yo#"
Jer 05:0 .+nd now loo'% I $ree yo# this day $rom the hains that (were) on yo#r hand" I$ it seems good to yo# to
ome with me to Babylon% ome% and I will loo' a$ter yo#" B#t i$ it seems wrong $or yo# to ome with me to
Babylon% remain here" ,ee% all the land (is) be$ore yo#& where!er it seems good and on!enient $or yo# to go% go
Jer 05:1 Now while Jeremiah had not yet gone ba'% (Neb#Haradan said%) .Go ba' to Gedaliah the son o$
+hi'am% the son o$ ,ha*han% whom the 'ing o$ Babylon has made go!ernor o!er the ities o$ J#dah% and dwell
with him among the *eo*le" 8r go where!er it seems on!enient $or yo# to go". ,o the a*tain o$ the g#ard ga!e
him rations and a gi$t and let him go"
Jer 05:3 Then Jeremiah went to Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am% to ?iH*ah% and dwelt with him among the *eo*le
who were le$t in the land"
Jer 05:4 +nd when all the a*tains o$ the armies who (were) in the $ields% they and their men% heard that the 'ing
o$ Babylon had made Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am go!ernor in the land% and had ommitted to him men% women%
hildren% and the *oorest o$ the land who had not been arried away a*ti!e to Babylon%
Jer 05:8 then they ame to Gedaliah at ?iH*ah DD Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah% Johanan and Jonathan the
sons o$ Kareah% ,eraiah the son o$ Tanh#meth% the sons o$ 6*hai the Neto*hathite% and JeHaniah the son o$ a
?aahathite% they and their men"
Jer 05:9 +nd Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am% the son o$ ,ha*han% too' an oath be$ore them and their men% saying%
.2o not be a$raid to ser!e the =haldeans" 2well in the land and ser!e the 'ing o$ Babylon% and it shall be well
with yo#"
Jer 05:15 .+s $or me% I will indeed dwell at ?iH*ah and ser!e the =haldeans who ome to #s" B#t yo#% gather
wine and s#mmer $r#it and oil% *#t (them) in yo#r !essels% and dwell in yo#r ities that yo# ha!e ta'en".
Jer 05:11 /i'ewise% when all the Jews who (were) in ?oab% among the +mmonites% in 6dom% and who (were) in
all the o#ntries% heard that the 'ing o$ Babylon had le$t a remnant o$ J#dah% and that he had set o!er them
Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am% the son o$ ,ha*han%
Jer 05:12 then all the Jews ret#rned o#t o$ all *laes where they had been dri!en% and ame to the land o$
J#dah% to Gedaliah at ?iH*ah% and gathered wine and s#mmer $r#it in ab#ndane"
Jer 05:1- ?oreo!er Johanan the son o$ Kareah and all the a*tains o$ the $ores that (were) in the $ields ame
to Gedaliah at ?iH*ah%
Jer 05:10 and said to him% .2o yo# ertainly 'now that Baalis the 'ing o$ the +mmonites has sent Ishmael the
son o$ Nethaniah to m#rder yo#C. B#t Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am did not belie!e them"
Jer 05:11 Then Johanan the son o$ Kareah s*o'e seretly to Gedaliah in ?iH*ah% saying% ./et me go% *lease%
and I will 'ill Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah% and no one will 'now (it") >hy sho#ld he m#rder yo#% so that all the
Jews who are gathered to yo# wo#ld be sattered% and the remnant in J#dah *erishC.
Jer 05:13 B#t Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am said to Johanan the son o$ Kareah% .Bo# shall not do this thing% $or
yo# s*ea' $alsely onerning Ishmael".
Jer 01:1 Now it ame to *ass in the se!enth month (that) Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah% the son o$ 6lishama% o$
the royal $amily and o$ the o$$iers o$ the 'ing% ame with ten men to Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am% at ?iH*ah" +nd
there they ate bread together in ?iH*ah"
Jer 01:2 Then Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah% and the ten men who were with him% arose and str#' Gedaliah
the son o$ +hi'am% the son o$ ,ha*han% with the sword% and 'illed him whom the 'ing o$ Babylon had made
go!ernor o!er the land"
Jer 01:- Ishmael also str#' down all the Jews who were with him% (that is%) with Gedaliah at ?iH*ah% and the
=haldeans who were $o#nd there% the men o$ war"
Jer 01:0 +nd it ha**ened% on the seond day a$ter he had 'illed Gedaliah% when as yet no one 'new (it%)
Jer 01:1 that ertain men ame $rom ,hehem% $rom ,hiloh% and $rom ,amaria% eighty men with their beards
sha!ed and their lothes torn% ha!ing #t themsel!es% with o$$erings and inense in their hand% to bring (them) to
the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
Jer 01:3 Now Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah went o#t $rom ?iH*ah to meet them% wee*ing as he went along& and
it ha**ened as he met them that he said to them% .=ome to Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'amF.
Jer 01:4 ,o it was% when they ame into the midst o$ the ity% that Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah 'illed them (and
ast them) into the midst o$ a *it% he and the men who were with him"
Jer 01:8 B#t ten men were $o#nd among them who said to Ishmael% .2o not 'ill #s% $or we ha!e treas#res o$
wheat% barley% oil% and honey in the $ield". ,o he desisted and did not 'ill them among their brethren"
Jer 01:9 Now the *it into whih Ishmael had ast all the dead bodies o$ the men whom he had slain% bea#se o$
Gedaliah% (was) the same one +sa the 'ing had made $or $ear o$ Baasha 'ing o$ Israel" Ishmael the son o$
Nethaniah $illed it with (the) slain"
Jer 01:15 Then Ishmael arried away a*ti!e all the rest o$ the *eo*le who (were) in ?iH*ah% the 'ingAs
da#ghters and all the *eo*le who remained in ?iH*ah% whom Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the g#ard had
ommitted to Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am" +nd Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah arried them away a*ti!e and
de*arted to go o!er to the +mmonites"
Jer 01:11 B#t when Johanan the son o$ Kareah and all the a*tains o$ the $ores that (were) with him heard o$
all the e!il that Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah had done%
Jer 01:12 they too' all the men and went to $ight with Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah& and they $o#nd him by the
great *ool that (is) in Gibeon"
Jer 01:1- ,o it was% when all the *eo*le who (were) with Ishmael saw Johanan the son o$ Kareah% and all the
a*tains o$ the $ores who (were) with him% that they were glad"
Jer 01:10 Then all the *eo*le whom Ishmael had arried away a*ti!e $rom ?iH*ah t#rned aro#nd and ame
ba'% and went to Johanan the son o$ Kareah"
Jer 01:11 B#t Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah esa*ed $rom Johanan with eight men and went to the +mmonites"
Jer 01:13 Then Johanan the son o$ Kareah% and all the a*tains o$ the $ores that were with him% too' $rom
?iH*ah all the rest o$ the *eo*le whom he had reo!ered $rom Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah a$ter he had
m#rdered Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am DD the mighty men o$ war and the women and the hildren and the
e#n#hs% whom he had bro#ght ba' $rom Gibeon"
Jer 01:14 +nd they de*arted and dwelt in the habitation o$ =himham% whih is near Bethlehem% as they went on
their way to 6gy*t%
Jer 01:18 bea#se o$ the =haldeans& $or they were a$raid o$ them% bea#se Ishmael the son o$ Nethaniah had
m#rdered Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am% whom the 'ing o$ Babylon had made go!ernor in the land"
Jer 02:1 Now all the a*tains o$ the $ores% Johanan the son o$ Kareah% JeHaniah the son o$ Hoshaiah% and all
the *eo*le% $rom the least to the greatest% ame near
Jer 02:2 and said to Jeremiah the *ro*het% .<lease% let o#r *etition be ae*table to yo#% and *ray $or #s to the
/8:2 yo#r God% $or all this remnant Isine we are le$t (b#t) a $ew o$ many% as yo# an seeJ%
Jer 02:- .that the /8:2 yo#r God may show #s the way in whih we sho#ld wal' and the thing we sho#ld do".
Jer 02:0 Then Jeremiah the *ro*het said to them% .I ha!e heard" Indeed% I will *ray to the /8:2 yo#r God
aording to yo#r words% and it shall be% (that) whate!er the /8:2 answers yo#% I will delare (it) to yo#" I will
'ee* nothing ba' $rom yo#".
Jer 02:1 ,o they said to Jeremiah% ./et the /8:2 be a tr#e and $aith$#l witness between #s% i$ we do not do
aording to e!erything whih the /8:2 yo#r God sends #s by yo#"
Jer 02:3 .>hether (it is) *leasing or dis*leasing% we will obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 o#r God to whom we send
yo#% that it may be well with #s when we obey the !oie o$ the /8:2 o#r God".
Jer 02:4 +nd it ha**ened a$ter ten days that the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jeremiah"
Jer 02:8 Then he alled Johanan the son o$ Kareah% all the a*tains o$ the $ores whih (were) with him% and all
the *eo*le $rom the least e!en to the greatest%
Jer 02:9 and said to them% .Th#s says the /8:2% the God o$ Israel% to whom yo# sent me to *resent yo#r
*etition be$ore Him:
Jer 02:15 AI$ yo# will still remain in this land% then I will b#ild yo# and not *#ll (yo#) down% and I will *lant yo# and
not *l#' (yo#) #*" ;or I relent onerning the disaster that I ha!e bro#ght #*on yo#"
Jer 02:11 A2o not be a$raid o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon% o$ whom yo# are a$raid& do not be a$raid o$ him%A says the
/8:2% A$or I (am) with yo#% to sa!e yo# and deli!er yo# $rom his hand"
Jer 02:12 A+nd I will show yo# mery% that he may ha!e mery on yo# and a#se yo# to ret#rn to yo#r own land"A
Jer 02:1- . B#t i$ yo# say% A>e will not dwell in this land%A disobeying the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God%
Jer 02:10 .saying% ANo% b#t we will go to the land o$ 6gy*t where we shall see no war% nor hear the so#nd o$ the
tr#m*et% nor be h#ngry $or bread% and there we will dwellA DD
Jer 02:11 .Then hear now the word o$ the /8:2% 8 remnant o$ J#dahF Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God
o$ Israel: AI$ yo# wholly set yo#r $aes to enter 6gy*t% and go to dwell there%
Jer 02:13 Athen it shall be (that) the sword whih yo# $eared shall o!erta'e yo# there in the land o$ 6gy*t& the
$amine o$ whih yo# were a$raid shall $ollow lose a$ter yo# there (in) 6gy*t& and there yo# shall die"
Jer 02:14 A,o shall it be with all the men who set their $aes to go to 6gy*t to dwell there" They shall die by the
sword% by $amine% and by *estilene" +nd none o$ them shall remain or esa*e $rom the disaster that I will bring
#*on them"A
Jer 02:18 . ;or th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: A+s ?y anger and ?y $#ry ha!e been *o#red o#t
on the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem% so will ?y $#ry be *o#red o#t on yo# when yo# enter 6gy*t" +nd yo# shall be an
oath% an astonishment% a #rse% and a re*roah& and yo# shall see this *lae no more"A
Jer 02:19 .The /8:2 has said onerning yo#% 8 remnant o$ J#dah% A2o not go to 6gy*tFA Know ertainly that I
ha!e admonished yo# this day"
Jer 02:25 .;or yo# were hy*orites in yo#r hearts when yo# sent me to the /8:2 yo#r God% saying% A<ray $or #s
to the /8:2 o#r God% and aording to all that the /8:2 yo#r God says% so delare to #s and we will do (it"A)
Jer 02:21 .+nd I ha!e this day delared (it) to yo#% b#t yo# ha!e not obeyed the !oie o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% or
anything whih He has sent yo# by me"
Jer 02:22 .Now there$ore% 'now ertainly that yo# shall die by the sword% by $amine% and by *estilene in the
*lae where yo# desire to go to dwell".
Jer 0-:1 Now it ha**ened% when Jeremiah had sto**ed s*ea'ing to all the *eo*le all the words o$ the /8:2
their God% $or whih the /8:2 their God had sent him to them% all these words%
Jer 0-:2 that +Hariah the son o$ Hoshaiah% Johanan the son o$ Kareah% and all the *ro#d men s*o'e% saying to
Jeremiah% .Bo# s*ea' $alselyF The /8:2 o#r God has not sent yo# to say% A2o not go to 6gy*t to dwell there"A
Jer 0-:- .B#t Bar#h the son o$ Neriah has set yo# against #s% to deli!er #s into the hand o$ the =haldeans% that
they may *#t #s to death or arry #s away a*ti!e to Babylon".
Jer 0-:0 ,o Johanan the son o$ Kareah% all the a*tains o$ the $ores% and all the *eo*le wo#ld not obey the
!oie o$ the /8:2% to remain in the land o$ J#dah"
Jer 0-:1 B#t Johanan the son o$ Kareah and all the a*tains o$ the $ores too' all the remnant o$ J#dah who had
ret#rned to dwell in the land o$ J#dah% $rom all nations where they had been dri!en DD
Jer 0-:3 men% women% hildren% the 'ingAs da#ghters% and e!ery *erson whom Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the
g#ard had le$t with Gedaliah the son o$ +hi'am% the son o$ ,ha*han% and Jeremiah the *ro*het and Bar#h the
son o$ Neriah"
Jer 0-:4 ,o they went to the land o$ 6gy*t% $or they did not obey the !oie o$ the /8:2" +nd they went as $ar as
Jer 0-:8 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jeremiah in Tah*anhes% saying%
Jer 0-:9 .Ta'e large stones in yo#r hand% and hide them in the sight o$ the men o$ J#dah% in the lay in the bri'
o#rtyard whih (is) at the entrane to <haraohAs ho#se in Tah*anhes&
Jer 0-:15 .and say to them% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .Behold% I will send and bring
Neb#hadneHHar the 'ing o$ Babylon% ?y ser!ant% and will set his throne abo!e these stones that I ha!e hidden"
+nd he will s*read his royal *a!ilion o!er them"
Jer 0-:11 .>hen he omes% he shall stri'e the land o$ 6gy*t (and deli!er) to death (those a**ointed) $or death%
and to a*ti!ity (those a**ointed) $or a*ti!ity% and to the sword (those a**ointed) $or the sword"
Jer 0-:12 .I will 'indle a $ire in the ho#ses o$ the gods o$ 6gy*t% and he shall b#rn them and arry them away
a*ti!e" +nd he shall array himsel$ with the land o$ 6gy*t% as a she*herd *#ts on his garment% and he shall go
o#t $rom there in *eae"
Jer 0-:1- .He shall also brea' the sared *illars o$ Beth ,hemesh that (are) in the land o$ 6gy*t& and the ho#ses
o$ the gods o$ the 6gy*tians he shall b#rn with $ire". A .
Jer 00:1 The word that ame to Jeremiah onerning all the Jews who dwell in the land o$ 6gy*t% who dwell at
?igdol% at Tah*anhes% at No*h% and in the o#ntry o$ <athros% saying%
Jer 00:2 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: ABo# ha!e seen all the alamity that I ha!e bro#ght on
Jer#salem and on all the ities o$ J#dah& and behold% this day they (are) a desolation% and no one dwells in them%
Jer 00:- Abea#se o$ their wi'edness whih they ha!e ommitted to *ro!o'e ?e to anger% in that they went to
b#rn inense (and) to ser!e other gods whom they did not 'now% they nor yo# nor yo#r $athers"
Jer 00:0 AHowe!er I ha!e sent to yo# all ?y ser!ants the *ro*hets% rising early and sending (them%) saying% .8h%
do not do this abominable thing that I hateF.
Jer 00:1 AB#t they did not listen or inline their ear to t#rn $rom their wi'edness% to b#rn no inense to other
Jer 00:3 A,o ?y $#ry and ?y anger were *o#red o#t and 'indled in the ities o$ J#dah and in the streets o$
Jer#salem& and they are wasted (and) desolate% as it is this day"A
Jer 00:4 .Now there$ore% th#s says the /8:2% the God o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: A>hy do yo# ommit (this)
great e!il against yo#rsel!es% to #t o$$ $rom yo# man and woman% hild and in$ant% o#t o$ J#dah% lea!ing none to
Jer 00:8 Ain that yo# *ro!o'e ?e to wrath with the wor's o$ yo#r hands% b#rning inense to other gods in the
land o$ 6gy*t where yo# ha!e gone to dwell% that yo# may #t yo#rsel!es o$$ and be a #rse and a re*roah
among all the nations o$ the earthC
Jer 00:9 AHa!e yo# $orgotten the wi'edness o$ yo#r $athers% the wi'edness o$ the 'ings o$ J#dah% the
wi'edness o$ their wi!es% yo#r own wi'edness% and the wi'edness o$ yo#r wi!es% whih they ommitted in the
land o$ J#dah and in the streets o$ Jer#salemC
Jer 00:15 AThey ha!e not been h#mbled% to this day% nor ha!e they $eared& they ha!e not wal'ed in ?y law or in
?y stat#tes that I set be$ore yo# and yo#r $athers"A
Jer 00:11 . There$ore th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: ABehold% I will set ?y $ae against yo# $or
atastro*he and $or #tting o$$ all J#dah"
Jer 00:12 A+nd I will ta'e the remnant o$ J#dah who ha!e set their $aes to go into the land o$ 6gy*t to dwell
there% and they shall all be ons#med (and) $all in the land o$ 6gy*t" They shall be ons#med by the sword (and)
by $amine" They shall die% $rom the least to the greatest% by the sword and by $amine& and they shall be an oath%
an astonishment% a #rse and a re*roahF
Jer 00:1- A;or I will *#nish those who dwell in the land o$ 6gy*t% as I ha!e *#nished Jer#salem% by the sword% by
$amine% and by *estilene%
Jer 00:10 Aso that none o$ the remnant o$ J#dah who ha!e gone into the land o$ 6gy*t to dwell there shall
esa*e or s#r!i!e% lest they ret#rn to the land o$ J#dah% to whih they desire to ret#rn and dwell" ;or none shall
ret#rn e9e*t those who esa*e"A .
Jer 00:11 Then all the men who 'new that their wi!es had b#rned inense to other gods% with all the women
who stood by% a great m#ltit#de% and all the *eo*le who dwelt in the land o$ 6gy*t% in <athros% answered
Jeremiah% saying:
Jer 00:13 .(+s $or) the word that yo# ha!e s*o'en to #s in the name o$ the /8:2% we will not listen to yo#F
Jer 00:14 .B#t we will ertainly do whate!er has gone o#t o$ o#r own mo#th% to b#rn inense to the E#een o$
hea!en and *o#r o#t drin' o$$erings to her% as we ha!e done% we and o#r $athers% o#r 'ings and o#r *rines% in
the ities o$ J#dah and in the streets o$ Jer#salem" ;or (then) we had *lenty o$ $ood% were wellDo$$% and saw no
Jer 00:18 .B#t sine we sto**ed b#rning inense to the E#een o$ hea!en and *o#ring o#t drin' o$$erings to her%
we ha!e la'ed e!erything and ha!e been ons#med by the sword and by $amine".
Jer 00:19 (The women also said%) .+nd when we b#rned inense to the E#een o$ hea!en and *o#red o#t drin'
o$$erings to her% did we ma'e a'es $or her% to worshi* her% and *o#r o#t drin' o$$erings to her witho#t o#r
h#sbandsA (*ermissionC.)
Jer 00:25 Then Jeremiah s*o'e to all the *eo*le DD the men% the women% and all the *eo*le who had gi!en him
(that) answer DD saying:
Jer 00:21 .The inense that yo# b#rned in the ities o$ J#dah and in the streets o$ Jer#salem% yo# and yo#r
$athers% yo#r 'ings and yo#r *rines% and the *eo*le o$ the land% did not the /8:2 remember them% and did it
(not) ome into His mindC
Jer 00:22 .,o the /8:2 o#ld no longer bear (it%) bea#se o$ the e!il o$ yo#r doings (and) bea#se o$ the
abominations whih yo# ommitted" There$ore yo#r land is a desolation% an astonishment% a #rse% and witho#t
an inhabitant% as (it is) this day"
Jer 00:2- .Bea#se yo# ha!e b#rned inense and bea#se yo# ha!e sinned against the /8:2% and ha!e not
obeyed the !oie o$ the /8:2 or wal'ed in His law% in His stat#tes or in His testimonies% there$ore this alamity
has ha**ened to yo#% as (at) this day".
Jer 00:20 ?oreo!er Jeremiah said to all the *eo*le and to all the women% .Hear the word o$ the /8:2% all
J#dah who (are) in the land o$ 6gy*tF
Jer 00:21 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel% saying: ABo# and yo#r wi!es ha!e s*o'en with yo#r
mo#ths and $#l$illed with yo#r hands% saying% .>e will s#rely 'ee* o#r !ows that we ha!e made% to b#rn inense
to the E#een o$ hea!en and *o#r o#t drin' o$$erings to her". Bo# will s#rely 'ee* yo#r !ows and *er$orm yo#r
Jer 00:23 .There$ore hear the word o$ the /8:2% all J#dah who dwell in the land o$ 6gy*t: ABehold% I ha!e sworn
by ?y great name%A says the /8:2% Athat ?y name shall no more be named in the mo#th o$ any man o$ J#dah in
all the land o$ 6gy*t% saying% .The /ord G82 li!es".
Jer 00:24 ABehold% I will wath o!er them $or ad!ersity and not $or good" +nd all the men o$ J#dah who (are) in
the land o$ 6gy*t shall be ons#med by the sword and by $amine% #ntil there is an end to them"
Jer 00:28 ABet a small n#mber who esa*e the sword shall ret#rn $rom the land o$ 6gy*t to the land o$ J#dah&
and all the remnant o$ J#dah% who ha!e gone to the land o$ 6gy*t to dwell there% shall 'now whose words will
stand% ?ine or theirs"
Jer 00:29 A+nd this (shall be) a sign to yo#%A says the /8:2% Athat I will *#nish yo# in this *lae% that yo# may
'now that ?y words will s#rely stand against yo# $or ad!ersity"A
Jer 00:-5 .Th#s says the /8:2: ABehold% I will gi!e <haraoh Ho*hra 'ing o$ 6gy*t into the hand o$ his enemies
and into the hand o$ those who see' his li$e% as I ga!e Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah into the hand o$ Neb#hadneHHar
'ing o$ Babylon% his enemy who so#ght his li$e"A .
Jer 01:1 The word that Jeremiah the *ro*het s*o'e to Bar#h the son o$ Neriah% when he had written these
words in a boo' at the instr#tion o$ Jeremiah% in the $o#rth year o$ Jehoia'im the son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$ J#dah%
Jer 01:2 .Th#s says the /8:2% the God o$ Israel% to yo#% 8 Bar#h:
Jer 01:- ABo# said% .>oe is me nowF ;or the /8:2 has added grie$ to my sorrow" I $ainted in my sighing% and I
$ind no rest". A
Jer 01:0 .Th#s yo# shall say to him% ATh#s says the /8:2: .Behold% what I ha!e b#ilt I will brea' down% and
what I ha!e *lanted I will *l#' #*% that is% this whole land"
Jer 01:1 .+nd do yo# see' great things $or yo#rsel$C 2o not see' (them&) $or behold% I will bring ad!ersity on all
$lesh%. says the /8:2" .B#t I will gi!e yo#r li$e to yo# as a *riHe in all *laes% where!er yo# go". A .
Jer 03:1 The word o$ the /8:2 whih ame to Jeremiah the *ro*het against the nations"
Jer 03:2 +gainst 6gy*t" =onerning the army o$ <haraoh Neho% 'ing o$ 6gy*t% whih was by the :i!er
6#*hrates in =arhemish% and whih Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon de$eated in the $o#rth year o$ Jehoia'im
the son o$ Josiah% 'ing o$ J#dah:
Jer 03:- .8rder the b#'ler and shield% +nd draw near to battleF
Jer 03:0 Harness the horses% +nd mo#nt #*% yo# horsemenF ,tand $orth with (yo#r) helmets% <olish the s*ears%
<#t on the armorF
Jer 03:1 >hy ha!e I seen them dismayed (and) t#rned ba'C Their mighty ones are beaten down& They ha!e
s*eedily $led% +nd did not loo' ba'% (;or) $ear (was) all aro#nd%. says the /8:2"
Jer 03:3 .2o not let the swi$t $lee away% Nor the mighty man esa*e& They will st#mble and $all Toward the
north% by the :i!er 6#*hrates"
Jer 03:4 .>ho (is) this oming #* li'e a $lood% >hose waters mo!e li'e the ri!ersC
Jer 03:8 6gy*t rises #* li'e a $lood% +nd (its) waters mo!e li'e the ri!ers& +nd he says% AI will go #* (and) o!er
the earth% I will destroy the ity and its inhabitants"A
Jer 03:9 =ome #*% 8 horses% and rage% 8 hariotsF +nd let the mighty men ome $orth: The 6thio*ians and the
/ibyans who handle the shield% +nd the /ydians who handle (and) bend the bow"
Jer 03:15 ;or this (is) the day o$ the /ord G82 o$ hosts% + day o$ !engeane% That He may a!enge Himsel$ on
His ad!ersaries" The sword shall de!o#r& It shall be satiated and made dr#n' with their blood& ;or the /ord G82
o$ hosts has a sari$ie In the north o#ntry by the :i!er 6#*hrates"
Jer 03:11 .Go #* to Gilead and ta'e balm% 8 !irgin% the da#ghter o$ 6gy*t& In !ain yo# will #se many mediines&
Bo# shall not be #red"
Jer 03:12 The nations ha!e heard o$ yo#r shame% +nd yo#r ry has $illed the land& ;or the mighty man has
st#mbled against the mighty& They both ha!e $allen together".
Jer 03:1- The word that the /8:2 s*o'e to Jeremiah the *ro*het% how Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon wo#ld
ome (and) stri'e the land o$ 6gy*t"
Jer 03:10 .2elare in 6gy*t% and *rolaim in ?igdol& <rolaim in No*h and in Tah*anhes& ,ay% A,tand $ast and
*re*are yo#rsel!es% ;or the sword de!o#rs all aro#nd yo#"A
Jer 03:11 >hy are yo#r !aliant (men) swe*t awayC They did not stand Bea#se the /8:2 dro!e them away"
Jer 03:13 He made many $all& Bes% one $ell #*on another" +nd they said% A+riseF /et #s go ba' to o#r own
*eo*le +nd to the land o$ o#r nati!ity ;rom the o**ressing sword"A
Jer 03:14 They ried there% A<haraoh% 'ing o$ 6gy*t% (is b#t) a noise" He has *assed by the a**ointed timeFA
Jer 03:18 .(+s) I li!e%. says the King% >hose name (is) the /8:2 o$ hosts% .,#rely as Tabor (is) among the
mo#ntains +nd as =armel by the sea% (so) he shall ome"
Jer 03:19 8 yo# da#ghter dwelling in 6gy*t% <re*are yo#rsel$ to go into a*ti!ityF ;or No*h shall be waste and
desolate% witho#t inhabitant"
Jer 03:25 . 6gy*t (is) a !ery *retty hei$er% (B#t) destr#tion omes% it omes $rom the north"
Jer 03:21 +lso her merenaries are in her midst li'e $at b#lls% ;or they also are t#rned ba'% They ha!e $led
away together" They did not stand% ;or the day o$ their alamity had ome #*on them% The time o$ their
Jer 03:22 Her noise shall go li'e a ser*ent% ;or they shall marh with an army +nd ome against her with a9es%
/i'e those who ho* wood"
Jer 03:2- .They shall #t down her $orest%. says the /8:2% .Tho#gh it annot be searhed% Bea#se they (are)
inn#merable% +nd more n#mero#s than grassho**ers"
Jer 03:20 The da#ghter o$ 6gy*t shall be ashamed& ,he shall be deli!ered into the hand 8$ the *eo*le o$ the
Jer 03:21 The /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel% says: .Behold% I will bring *#nishment on +mon o$ No% and
<haraoh and 6gy*t% with their gods and their 'ings DD <haraoh and those who tr#st in him"
Jer 03:23 .+nd I will deli!er them into the hand o$ those who see' their li!es% into the hand o$ Neb#hadneHHar
'ing o$ Babylon and the hand o$ his ser!ants" +$terward it shall be inhabited as in the days o$ old%. says the
Jer 03:24 . B#t do not $ear% 8 ?y ser!ant Jaob% +nd do not be dismayed% 8 IsraelF ;or behold% I will sa!e yo#
$rom a$ar% +nd yo#r o$$s*ring $rom the land o$ their a*ti!ity& Jaob shall ret#rn% ha!e rest and be at ease& No one
shall ma'e (him) a$raid"
Jer 03:28 2o not $ear% 8 Jaob ?y ser!ant%. says the /8:2% .;or I (am) with yo#& ;or I will ma'e a om*lete
end o$ all the nations To whih I ha!e dri!en yo#% B#t I will not ma'e a om*lete end o$ yo#" I will rightly orret
yo#% ;or I will not lea!e yo# wholly #n*#nished".
Jer 04:1 The word o$ the /8:2 that ame to Jeremiah the *ro*het against the <hilistines% be$ore <haraoh
atta'ed GaHa"
Jer 04:2 Th#s says the /8:2: .Behold% waters rise o#t o$ the north% +nd shall be an o!er$lowing $lood& They
shall o!er$low the land and all that is in it% The ity and those who dwell within& Then the men shall ry% +nd all
the inhabitants o$ the land shall wail"
Jer 04:- +t the noise o$ the stam*ing hoo!es o$ his strong horses% +t the r#shing o$ his hariots% (+t) the
r#mbling o$ his wheels% The $athers will not loo' ba' $or (their) hildren% /a'ing o#rage%
Jer 04:0 Bea#se o$ the day that omes to *l#nder all the <hilistines% To #t o$$ $rom Tyre and ,idon e!ery
hel*er who remains& ;or the /8:2 shall *l#nder the <hilistines% The remnant o$ the o#ntry o$ =a*htor"
Jer 04:1 Baldness has ome #*on GaHa% +sh'elon is #t o$$ (>ith) the remnant o$ their !alley" How long will yo#
#t yo#rsel$C
Jer 04:3 . 8 yo# sword o$ the /8:2% How long #ntil yo# are E#ietC <#t yo#rsel$ #* into yo#r sabbard% :est and
be stillF
Jer 04:4 How an it be E#iet% ,eeing the /8:2 has gi!en it a harge +gainst +sh'elon and against the
seashoreC There He has a**ointed it".
Jer 08:1 +gainst ?oab" Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .>oe to NeboF ;or it is *l#ndered%
Kir@athaim is shamed (and) ta'en& The high stronghold is shamed and dismayed DD
Jer 08:2 No more *raise o$ ?oab" In Heshbon they ha!e de!ised e!il against her: A=ome% and let #s #t her o$$
as a nation"A Bo# also shall be #t down% 8 ?admenF The sword shall *#rs#e yo#&
Jer 08:- + !oie o$ rying (shall be) $rom Horonaim: A<l#ndering and great destr#tionFA
Jer 08:0 .?oab is destroyed& Her little ones ha!e a#sed a ry to be heard&
Jer 08:1 ;or in the +sent o$ /#hith they asend with ontin#al wee*ing& ;or in the desent o$ Horonaim the
enemies ha!e heard a ry o$ destr#tion"
Jer 08:3 . ;lee% sa!e yo#r li!esF +nd be li'e the @#ni*er in the wilderness"
Jer 08:4 ;or bea#se yo# ha!e tr#sted in yo#r wor's and yo#r treas#res% Bo# also shall be ta'en" +nd
=hemosh shall go $orth into a*ti!ity% His *riests and his *rines together"
Jer 08:8 +nd the *l#nderer shall ome against e!ery ity& No one shall esa*e" The !alley also shall *erish% +nd
the *lain shall be destroyed% +s the /8:2 has s*o'en"
Jer 08:9 .Gi!e wings to ?oab% That she may $lee and get away& ;or her ities shall be desolate% >itho#t any to
dwell in them"
Jer 08:15 =#rsed (is) he who does the wor' o$ the /8:2 deeit$#lly% +nd #rsed (is) he who 'ee*s ba' his
sword $rom blood"
Jer 08:11 . ?oab has been at ease $rom his yo#th& He has settled on his dregs% +nd has not been em*tied $rom
!essel to !essel% Nor has he gone into a*ti!ity" There$ore his taste remained in him% +nd his sent has not
Jer 08:12 .There$ore behold% the days are oming%. says the /8:2% .That I shall send him wineDwor'ers >ho
will ti* him o!er +nd em*ty his !essels +nd brea' the bottles"
Jer 08:1- ?oab shall be ashamed o$ =hemosh% +s the ho#se o$ Israel was ashamed o$ Bethel% their on$idene"
Jer 08:10 .How an yo# say% A>e (are) mighty +nd strong men $or the warAC
Jer 08:11 ?oab is *l#ndered and gone #* ($rom) her ities& Her hosen yo#ng men ha!e gone down to the
sla#ghter%. says the King% >hose name (is) the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Jer 08:13 .The alamity o$ ?oab (is) near at hand% +nd his a$$lition omes E#i'ly"
Jer 08:14 Bemoan him% all yo# who are aro#nd him& +nd all yo# who 'now his name% ,ay% AHow the strong sta$$
is bro'en% The bea#ti$#l rodFA
Jer 08:18 .8 da#ghter inhabiting 2ibon% =ome down $rom (yo#r) glory% +nd sit in thirst& ;or the *l#nderer o$
?oab has ome against yo#% He has destroyed yo#r strongholds"
Jer 08:19 8 inhabitant o$ +roer% ,tand by the way and wath& +s' him who $lees +nd her who esa*es& ,ay%
A>hat has ha**enedCA
Jer 08:25 ?oab is shamed% $or he is bro'en down" >ail and ryF Tell it in +rnon% that ?oab is *l#ndered"
Jer 08:21 .+nd @#dgment has ome on the *lain o#ntry: 8n Holon and JahHah and ?e*haath%
Jer 08:22 8n 2ibon and Nebo and Beth 2iblathaim%
Jer 08:2- 8n Kir@athaim and Beth Gam#l and Beth ?eon%
Jer 08:20 8n Kerioth and BoHrah% 8n all the ities o$ the land o$ ?oab% ;ar or near"
Jer 08:21 The horn o$ ?oab is #t o$$% +nd his arm is bro'en%. says the /8:2"
Jer 08:23 . ?a'e him dr#n'% Bea#se he e9alted (himsel$) against the /8:2" ?oab shall wallow in his !omit%
+nd he shall also be in derision"
Jer 08:24 ;or was not Israel a derision to yo#C >as he $o#nd among thie!esC ;or whene!er yo# s*ea' o$ him%
Bo# sha'e (yo#r head in sorn")
Jer 08:28 Bo# who dwell in ?oab% /ea!e the ities and dwell in the ro'% +nd be li'e the do!e (whih) ma'es her
nest In the sides o$ the a!eAs mo#th"
Jer 08:29 .>e ha!e heard the *ride o$ ?oab IHe (is) e9eedingly *ro#dJ% 8$ his lo$tiness and arrogane and
*ride% +nd o$ the ha#ghtiness o$ his heart".
Jer 08:-5 .I 'now his wrath%. says the /8:2% .B#t it (is) not right& His lies ha!e made nothing right"
Jer 08:-1 There$ore I will wail $or ?oab% +nd I will ry o#t $or all ?oab& I will mo#rn $or the men o$ Kir Heres"
Jer 08:-2 8 !ine o$ ,ibmahF I will wee* $or yo# with the wee*ing o$ JaHer" Bo#r *lants ha!e gone o!er the sea%
They reah to the sea o$ JaHer" The *l#nderer has $allen on yo#r s#mmer $r#it and yo#r !intage"
Jer 08:-- Joy and gladness are ta'en ;rom the *lenti$#l $ield +nd $rom the land o$ ?oab& I ha!e a#sed wine to
$ail $rom the wine*resses& No one will tread with @oyo#s sho#ting DD Not @oyo#s sho#tingF
Jer 08:-0 . ;rom the ry o$ Heshbon to 6lealeh and to JahaH They ha!e #ttered their !oie% ;rom Goar to
Horonaim% (/i'e) a threeDyearDold hei$er& ;or the waters o$ Nimrim also shall be desolate"
Jer 08:-1 .?oreo!er%. says the /8:2% .I will a#se to ease in ?oab The one who o$$ers (sari$ies) in the high
*laes +nd b#rns inense to his gods"
Jer 08:-3 There$ore ?y heart shall wail li'e $l#tes $or ?oab% +nd li'e $l#tes ?y heart shall wail ;or the men o$ Kir
Heres" There$ore the rihes they ha!e aE#ired ha!e *erished"
Jer 08:-4 .;or e!ery head (shall be) bald% and e!ery beard li**ed& 8n all the hands (shall be) #ts% and on the
loins sa'loth DD
Jer 08:-8 + general lamentation 8n all the ho#seto*s o$ ?oab% +nd in its streets& ;or I ha!e bro'en ?oab li'e a
!essel in whih (is) no *leas#re%. says the /8:2"
Jer 08:-9 .They shall wail: AHow she is bro'en downF How ?oab has t#rned her ba' with shameFA ,o ?oab
shall be a derision +nd a dismay to all those abo#t her".
Jer 08:05 ;or th#s says the /8:2: .Behold% one shall $ly li'e an eagle% +nd s*read his wings o!er ?oab"
Jer 08:01 Kerioth is ta'en% +nd the strongholds are s#r*rised& The mighty menAs hearts in ?oab on that day
shall be /i'e the heart o$ a woman in birth *angs"
Jer 08:02 +nd ?oab shall be destroyed as a *eo*le% Bea#se he e9alted (himsel$) against the /8:2"
Jer 08:0- ;ear and the *it and the snare (shall be) #*on yo#% 8 inhabitant o$ ?oab%. says the /8:2"
Jer 08:00 .He who $lees $rom the $ear shall $all into the *it% +nd he who gets o#t o$ the *it shall be a#ght in the
snare" ;or #*on ?oab% #*on it I will bring The year o$ their *#nishment%. says the /8:2"
Jer 08:01 . Those who $led stood #nder the shadow o$ Heshbon Bea#se o$ e9ha#stion" B#t a $ire shall ome
o#t o$ Heshbon% + $lame $rom the midst o$ ,ihon% +nd shall de!o#r the brow o$ ?oab% The rown o$ the head o$
the sons o$ t#m#lt"
Jer 08:03 >oe to yo#% 8 ?oabF The *eo*le o$ =hemosh *erish& ;or yo#r sons ha!e been ta'en a*ti!e% +nd
yo#r da#ghters a*ti!e"
Jer 08:04 .Bet I will bring ba' the a*ti!es o$ ?oab In the latter days%. says the /8:2" Th#s $ar (is) the
@#dgment o$ ?oab"
Jer 09:1 +gainst the +mmonites" Th#s says the /8:2: .Has Israel no sonsC Has he no heirC >hy (then) does
?ilom inherit Gad% +nd his *eo*le dwell in its itiesC
Jer 09:2 There$ore behold% the days are oming%. says the /8:2% .That I will a#se to be heard an alarm o$ war
In :abbah o$ the +mmonites& It shall be a desolate mo#nd% +nd her !illages shall be b#rned with $ire" Then Israel
shall ta'e *ossession o$ his inheritane%. says the /8:2"
Jer 09:- .>ail% 8 Heshbon% $or +i is *l#nderedF =ry% yo# da#ghters o$ :abbah% Gird yo#rsel!es with sa'lothF
/ament and r#n to and $ro by the walls& ;or ?ilom shall go into a*ti!ity >ith his *riests and his *rines
Jer 09:0 >hy do yo# boast in the !alleys% Bo#r $lowing !alley% 8 ba'sliding da#ghterC >ho tr#sted in her
treas#res% (saying%) A>ho will ome against meCA
Jer 09:1 Behold% I will bring $ear #*on yo#%. ,ays the /ord G82 o$ hosts% .;rom all those who are aro#nd yo#&
Bo# shall be dri!en o#t% e!eryone headlong% +nd no one will gather those who wander o$$"
Jer 09:3 B#t a$terward I will bring ba' The a*ti!es o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon%. says the /8:2"
Jer 09:4 +gainst 6dom" Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .(Is) wisdom no more in TemanC Has o#nsel *erished
$rom the *r#dentC Has their wisdom !anishedC
Jer 09:8 ;lee% t#rn ba'% dwell in the de*ths% 8 inhabitants o$ 2edanF ;or I will bring the alamity o$ 6sa# #*on
him% The time (that) I will *#nish him"
Jer 09:9 I$ gra*eDgatherers ame to yo#% >o#ld they not lea!e (some) gleaning gra*esC I$ thie!es by night%
>o#ld they not destroy #ntil they ha!e eno#ghC
Jer 09:15 B#t I ha!e made 6sa# bare& I ha!e #no!ered his seret *laes% +nd he shall not be able to hide
himsel$" His desendants are *l#ndered% His brethren and his neighbors% +nd he (is) no more"
Jer 09:11 /ea!e yo#r $atherless hildren% I will *reser!e (them) ali!e& +nd let yo#r widows tr#st in ?e".
Jer 09:12 ;or th#s says the /8:2: .Behold% those whose @#dgment (was) not to drin' o$ the #* ha!e ass#redly
dr#n'" +nd (are) yo# the one who will altogether go #n*#nishedC Bo# shall not go #n*#nished% b#t yo# shall
s#rely drin' (o$ it")
Jer 09:1- .;or I ha!e sworn by ?ysel$%. says the /8:2% .that BoHrah shall beome a desolation% a re*roah% a
waste% and a #rse" +nd all its ities shall be *er*et#al wastes".
Jer 09:10 I ha!e heard a message $rom the /8:2% +nd an ambassador has been sent to the nations: .Gather
together% ome against her% +nd rise #* to battleF
Jer 09:11 . ;or indeed% I will ma'e yo# small among nations% 2es*ised among men"
Jer 09:13 Bo#r $iereness has deei!ed yo#% The *ride o$ yo#r heart% 8 yo# who dwell in the le$ts o$ the ro'%
>ho hold the height o$ the hillF Tho#gh yo# ma'e yo#r nest as high as the eagle% I will bring yo# down $rom
there%. says the /8:2"
Jer 09:14 .6dom also shall be an astonishment& 6!eryone who goes by it will be astonished +nd will hiss at all
its *lag#es"
Jer 09:18 +s in the o!erthrow o$ ,odom and Gomorrah +nd their neighbors%. says the /8:2% .No one shall
remain there% Nor shall a son o$ man dwell in it"
Jer 09:19 .Behold% he shall ome #* li'e a lion $rom the $lood*lain o$ the Jordan +gainst the dwelling *lae o$
the strong& B#t I will s#ddenly ma'e him r#n away $rom her" +nd who (is) a hosen (man that) I may a**oint o!er
herC ;or who (is) li'e ?eC >ho will arraign ?eC +nd who (is) that she*herd >ho will withstand ?eC.
Jer 09:25 There$ore hear the o#nsel o$ the /8:2 that He has ta'en against 6dom% +nd His *#r*oses that He
has *ro*osed against the inhabitants o$ Teman: ,#rely the least o$ the $lo' shall draw them o#t& ,#rely He shall
ma'e their dwelling *laes desolate with them"
Jer 09:21 The earth sha'es at the noise o$ their $all& +t the ry its noise is heard at the :ed ,ea"
Jer 09:22 Behold% He shall ome #* and $ly li'e the eagle% +nd s*read His wings o!er BoHrah& The heart o$ the
mighty men o$ 6dom in that day shall be /i'e the heart o$ a woman in birth *angs"
Jer 09:2- +gainst 2amas#s" .Hamath and +r*ad are shamed% ;or they ha!e heard bad news" They are
$ainthearted& (There is) tro#ble on the sea& It annot be E#iet"
Jer 09:20 2amas#s has grown $eeble& ,he t#rns to $lee% +nd $ear has seiHed (her") +ng#ish and sorrows ha!e
ta'en her li'e a woman in labor"
Jer 09:21 >hy is the ity o$ *raise not deserted% the ity o$ ?y @oyC
Jer 09:23 There$ore her yo#ng men shall $all in her streets% +nd all the men o$ war shall be #t o$$ in that day%.
says the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Jer 09:24 .I will 'indle a $ire in the wall o$ 2amas#s% +nd it shall ons#me the *alaes o$ BenDHadad".
Jer 09:28 +gainst Kedar and against the 'ingdoms o$ HaHor% whih Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon shall
stri'e" Th#s says the /8:2: .+rise% go #* to Kedar% +nd de!astate the men o$ the 6astF
Jer 09:29 Their tents and their $lo's they shall ta'e away" They shall ta'e $or themsel!es their #rtains% +ll their
!essels and their amels& +nd they shall ry o#t to them% A;ear (is) on e!ery sideFA
Jer 09:-5 .;lee% get $ar awayF 2well in the de*ths% 8 inhabitants o$ HaHorF. says the /8:2" .;or
Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon has ta'en o#nsel against yo#% +nd has onei!ed a *lan against yo#"
Jer 09:-1 .+rise% go #* to the wealthy nation that dwells se#rely%. says the /8:2% .>hih has neither gates
nor bars% 2welling alone"
Jer 09:-2 Their amels shall be $or booty% +nd the m#ltit#de o$ their attle $or *l#nder" I will satter to all winds
those in the $arthest orners% +nd I will bring their alamity $rom all its sides%. says the /8:2"
Jer 09:-- .HaHor shall be a dwelling $or @a'als% a desolation $ore!er& No one shall reside there% Nor son o$ man
dwell in it".
Jer 09:-0 The word o$ the /8:2 that ame to Jeremiah the *ro*het against 6lam% in the beginning o$ the reign
o$ Gede'iah 'ing o$ J#dah% saying%
Jer 09:-1 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: ABehold% I will brea' the bow o$ 6lam% The $oremost o$ their might"
Jer 09:-3 +gainst 6lam I will bring the $o#r winds ;rom the $o#r E#arters o$ hea!en% +nd satter them toward all
those winds& There shall be no nations where the o#tasts o$ 6lam will not go"
Jer 09:-4 ;or I will a#se 6lam to be dismayed be$ore their enemies +nd be$ore those who see' their li$e" I will
bring disaster #*on them% ?y $iere anger%A says the /8:2& A+nd I will send the sword a$ter them 7ntil I ha!e
ons#med them"
Jer 09:-8 I will set ?y throne in 6lam% +nd will destroy $rom there the 'ing and the *rines%A says the /8:2"
Jer 09:-9 AB#t it shall ome to *ass in the latter days: I will bring ba' the a*ti!es o$ 6lam%A says the /8:2".
Jer 15:1 The word that the /8:2 s*o'e against Babylon (and) against the land o$ the =haldeans by Jeremiah
the *ro*het"
Jer 15:2 .2elare among the nations% <rolaim% and set #* a standard& <rolaim DD do not oneal (it DD ,ay%)
ABabylon is ta'en% Bel is shamed" ?erodah is bro'en in *iees& Her idols are h#miliated% Her images are bro'en
in *iees"A
Jer 15:- ;or o#t o$ the north a nation omes #* against her% >hih shall ma'e her land desolate% +nd no one
shall dwell therein" They shall mo!e% they shall de*art% Both man and beast"
Jer 15:0 . In those days and in that time%. says the /8:2% .The hildren o$ Israel shall ome% They and the
hildren o$ J#dah together& >ith ontin#al wee*ing they shall ome% +nd see' the /8:2 their God"
Jer 15:1 They shall as' the way to Gion% >ith their $aes toward it% (saying%) A=ome and let #s @oin o#rsel!es to
the /8:2 (In) a *er*et#al o!enant (That) will not be $orgotten"A
Jer 15:3 . ?y *eo*le ha!e been lost shee*" Their she*herds ha!e led them astray& They ha!e t#rned them
away (on) the mo#ntains" They ha!e gone $rom mo#ntain to hill& They ha!e $orgotten their resting *lae"
Jer 15:4 +ll who $o#nd them ha!e de!o#red them& +nd their ad!ersaries said% A>e ha!e not o$$ended% Bea#se
they ha!e sinned against the /8:2% the habitation o$ @#stie% The /8:2% the ho*e o$ their $athers"A
Jer 15:8 . ?o!e $rom the midst o$ Babylon% Go o#t o$ the land o$ the =haldeans& +nd be li'e the rams be$ore the
Jer 15:9 ;or behold% I will raise and a#se to ome #* against Babylon +n assembly o$ great nations $rom the
north o#ntry% +nd they shall array themsel!es against her& ;rom there she shall be a*t#red" Their arrows (shall
be) li'e (those) o$ an e9*ert warrior& None shall ret#rn in !ain"
Jer 15:15 +nd =haldea shall beome *l#nder& +ll who *l#nder her shall be satis$ied%. says the /8:2"
Jer 15:11 . Bea#se yo# were glad% bea#se yo# re@oied% Bo# destroyers o$ ?y heritage% Bea#se yo# ha!e
grown $at li'e a hei$er threshing grain% +nd yo# bellow li'e b#lls%
Jer 15:12 Bo#r mother shall be dee*ly ashamed& ,he who bore yo# shall be ashamed" Behold% the least o$ the
nations (shall be) a wilderness% + dry land and a desert"
Jer 15:1- Bea#se o$ the wrath o$ the /8:2 ,he shall not be inhabited% B#t she shall be wholly desolate"
6!eryone who goes by Babylon shall be horri$ied +nd hiss at all her *lag#es"
Jer 15:10 .<#t yo#rsel!es in array against Babylon all aro#nd% +ll yo# who bend the bow& ,hoot at her% s*are no
arrows% ;or she has sinned against the /8:2"
Jer 15:11 ,ho#t against her all aro#nd& ,he has gi!en her hand% Her $o#ndations ha!e $allen% Her walls are
thrown down& ;or it (is) the !engeane o$ the /8:2" Ta'e !engeane on her" +s she has done% so do to her"
Jer 15:13 =#t o$$ the sower $rom Babylon% +nd him who handles the si'le at har!est time" ;or $ear o$ the
o**ressing sword 6!eryone shall t#rn to his own *eo*le% +nd e!eryone shall $lee to his own land"
Jer 15:14 . Israel (is) li'e sattered shee*& The lions ha!e dri!en (him) away" ;irst the 'ing o$ +ssyria de!o#red
him& Now at last this Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon has bro'en his bones".
Jer 15:18 There$ore th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .Behold% I will *#nish the 'ing o$ Babylon
and his land% +s I ha!e *#nished the 'ing o$ +ssyria"
Jer 15:19 B#t I will bring ba' Israel to his home% +nd he shall $eed on =armel and Bashan& His so#l shall be
satis$ied on ?o#nt 6*hraim and Gilead"
Jer 15:25 In those days and in that time%. says the /8:2% .The iniE#ity o$ Israel shall be so#ght% b#t (there shall
be) none& +nd the sins o$ J#dah% b#t they shall not be $o#nd& ;or I will *ardon those whom I *reser!e"
Jer 15:21 . Go #* against the land o$ ?erathaim% against it% +nd against the inhabitants o$ <e'od" >aste and
#tterly destroy them%. says the /8:2% .+nd do aording to all that I ha!e ommanded yo#"
Jer 15:22 + so#nd o$ battle (is) in the land% +nd o$ great destr#tion"
Jer 15:2- How the hammer o$ the whole earth has been #t a*art and bro'enF How Babylon has beome a
desolation among the nationsF I ha!e laid a snare $or yo#&
Jer 15:20 Bo# ha!e indeed been tra**ed% 8 Babylon% +nd yo# were not aware& Bo# ha!e been $o#nd and also
a#ght% Bea#se yo# ha!e ontended against the /ord"
Jer 15:21 The /8:2 has o*ened His armory% +nd has bro#ght o#t the wea*ons o$ His indignation& ;or this (is)
the wor' o$ the /ord God o$ hosts In the land o$ the =haldeans"
Jer 15:23 =ome against her $rom the $arthest border& 8*en her storeho#ses& =ast her #* as hea*s o$ r#ins% +nd
destroy her #tterly& /et nothing o$ her be le$t"
Jer 15:24 ,lay all her b#lls% /et them go down to the sla#ghter" >oe to themF ;or their day has ome% the time
o$ their *#nishment"
Jer 15:28 The !oie o$ those who $lee and esa*e $rom the land o$ Babylon 2elares in Gion the !engeane o$
the /8:2 o#r God% The !engeane o$ His tem*le"
Jer 15:29 . =all together the arhers against Babylon" +ll yo# who bend the bow% enam* against it all aro#nd&
/et none o$ them esa*e" :e*ay her aording to her wor'& +ording to all she has done% do to her& ;or she
has been *ro#d against the /8:2% +gainst the Holy 8ne o$ Israel"
Jer 15:-5 There$ore her yo#ng men shall $all in the streets% +nd all her men o$ war shall be #t o$$ in that day%.
says the /8:2"
Jer 15:-1 .Behold% I (am) against yo#% 8 most ha#ghty oneF. says the /ord G82 o$ hosts& .;or yo#r day has
ome% The time (that) I will *#nish yo#"
Jer 15:-2 The most *ro#d shall st#mble and $all% +nd no one will raise him #*& I will 'indle a $ire in his ities% +nd
it will de!o#r all aro#nd him".
Jer 15:-- Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .The hildren o$ Israel (were) o**ressed% +long with the hildren o$
J#dah& +ll who too' them a*ti!e ha!e held them $ast& They ha!e re$#sed to let them go"
Jer 15:-0 Their :edeemer (is) strong& The /8:2 o$ hosts (is) His name" He will thoro#ghly *lead their ase%
That He may gi!e rest to the land% +nd disE#iet the inhabitants o$ Babylon"
Jer 15:-1 . + sword (is) against the =haldeans%. says the /8:2% .+gainst the inhabitants o$ Babylon% +nd
against her *rines and her wise men"
Jer 15:-3 + sword (is) against the soothsayers% and they will be $ools" + sword (is) against her mighty men% and
they will be dismayed"
Jer 15:-4 + sword (is) against their horses% +gainst their hariots% +nd against all the mi9ed *eo*les who (are) in
her midst& +nd they will beome li'e women" + sword (is) against her treas#res% and they will be robbed"
Jer 15:-8 + dro#ght (is) against her waters% and they will be dried #*" ;or it (is) the land o$ ar!ed images% +nd
they are insane with (their) idols"
Jer 15:-9 .There$ore the wild desert beasts shall dwell (there) with the @a'als% +nd the ostrihes shall dwell in it"
It shall be inhabited no more $ore!er% Nor shall it be dwelt in $rom generation to generation"
Jer 15:05 +s God o!erthrew ,odom and Gomorrah +nd their neighbors%. says the /8:2% .(,o) no one shall
reside there% Nor son o$ man dwell in it"
Jer 15:01 . Behold% a *eo*le shall ome $rom the north% +nd a great nation and many 'ings ,hall be raised #*
$rom the ends o$ the earth"
Jer 15:02 They shall hold the bow and the lane& They (are) r#el and shall not show mery" Their !oie shall
roar li'e the sea& They shall ride on horses% ,et in array% li'e a man $or the battle% +gainst yo#% 8 da#ghter o$
Jer 15:0- .The 'ing o$ Babylon has heard the re*ort abo#t them% +nd his hands grow $eeble& +ng#ish has ta'en
hold o$ him% <angs as o$ a woman in hildbirth"
Jer 15:00 .Behold% he shall ome #* li'e a lion $rom the $lood*lain o$ the Jordan +gainst the dwelling *lae o$
the strong& B#t I will ma'e them s#ddenly r#n away $rom her" +nd who (is) a hosen (man that) I may a**oint
o!er herC ;or who (is) li'e ?eC >ho will arraign ?eC +nd who (is) that she*herd >ho will withstand ?eC.
Jer 15:01 There$ore hear the o#nsel o$ the /8:2 that He has ta'en against Babylon% +nd His *#r*oses that
He has *ro*osed against the land o$ the =haldeans: ,#rely the least o$ the $lo' shall draw them o#t& ,#rely He
will ma'e their dwelling *lae desolate with them"
Jer 15:03 +t the noise o$ the ta'ing o$ Babylon The earth trembles% +nd the ry is heard among the nations"
Jer 11:1 Th#s says the /8:2: .Behold% I will raise #* against Babylon% +gainst those who dwell in /eb Kamai% +
destroying wind"
Jer 11:2 +nd I will send winnowers to Babylon% >ho shall winnow her and em*ty her land" ;or in the day o$
doom They shall be against her all aro#nd"
Jer 11:- +gainst (her) let the arher bend his bow% +nd li$t himsel$ #* against (her) in his armor" 2o not s*are her
yo#ng men& 7tterly destroy all her army"
Jer 11:0 Th#s the slain shall $all in the land o$ the =haldeans% +nd (those) thr#st thro#gh in her streets"
Jer 11:1 ;or Israel is not $orsa'en% nor J#dah% By his God% the /8:2 o$ hosts% Tho#gh their land was $illed with
sin against the Holy 8ne o$ Israel".
Jer 11:3 ;lee $rom the midst o$ Babylon% +nd e!ery one sa!e his li$eF 2o not be #t o$$ in her iniE#ity% ;or this (is)
the time o$ the /8:2As !engeane& He shall reom*ense her"
Jer 11:4 Babylon (was) a golden #* in the /8:2As hand% That made all the earth dr#n'" The nations dran' her
wine& There$ore the nations are deranged"
Jer 11:8 Babylon has s#ddenly $allen and been destroyed" >ail $or herF Ta'e balm $or her *ain& <erha*s she
may be healed"
Jer 11:9 >e wo#ld ha!e healed Babylon% B#t she is not healed" ;orsa'e her% and let #s go e!eryone to his own
o#ntry& ;or her @#dgment reahes to hea!en and is li$ted #* to the s'ies"
Jer 11:15 The /8:2 has re!ealed o#r righteo#sness" =ome and let #s delare in Gion the wor' o$ the /8:2
o#r God"
Jer 11:11 ?a'e the arrows brightF Gather the shieldsF The /8:2 has raised #* the s*irit o$ the 'ings o$ the
?edes" ;or His *lan (is) against Babylon to destroy it% Bea#se it (is) the !engeane o$ the /8:2% The
!engeane $or His tem*le"
Jer 11:12 ,et #* the standard on the walls o$ Babylon& ?a'e the g#ard strong% ,et #* the wathmen% <re*are
the amb#shes" ;or the /8:2 has both de!ised and done >hat He s*o'e against the inhabitants o$ Babylon"
Jer 11:1- 8 yo# who dwell by many waters% +b#ndant in treas#res% Bo#r end has ome% The meas#re o$ yo#r
Jer 11:10 The /8:2 o$ hosts has sworn by Himsel$: .,#rely I will $ill yo# with men% as with lo#sts% +nd they
shall li$t #* a sho#t against yo#".
Jer 11:11 He has made the earth by His *ower& He has established the world by His wisdom% +nd strethed o#t
the hea!en by His #nderstanding"
Jer 11:13 >hen He #tters (His) !oie DD (There is) a m#ltit#de o$ waters in the hea!ens: .He a#ses the !a*ors
to asend $rom the ends o$ the earth& He ma'es lightnings $or the rain& He brings the wind o#t o$ His treas#ries".
Jer 11:14 6!eryone is d#llDhearted% witho#t 'nowledge& 6!ery metalsmith is *#t to shame by the ar!ed image&
;or his molded image (is) $alsehood% +nd (there is) no breath in them"
Jer 11:18 They (are) $#tile% a wor' o$ errors& In the time o$ their *#nishment they shall *erish"
Jer 11:19 The <ortion o$ Jaob (is) not li'e them% ;or He (is) the ?a'er o$ all things& +nd (Israel is) the tribe o$
His inheritane" The /8:2 o$ hosts (is) His name"
Jer 11:25 . Bo# (are) ?y battleDa9 (and) wea*ons o$ war: ;or with yo# I will brea' the nation in *iees& >ith yo# I
will destroy 'ingdoms&
Jer 11:21 >ith yo# I will brea' in *iees the horse and its rider& >ith yo# I will brea' in *iees the hariot and its
Jer 11:22 >ith yo# also I will brea' in *iees man and woman& >ith yo# I will brea' in *iees old and yo#ng&
>ith yo# I will brea' in *iees the yo#ng man and the maiden&
Jer 11:2- >ith yo# also I will brea' in *iees the she*herd and his $lo'& >ith yo# I will brea' in *iees the
$armer and his yo'e o$ o9en& +nd with yo# I will brea' in *iees go!ernors and r#lers"
Jer 11:20 . +nd I will re*ay Babylon +nd all the inhabitants o$ =haldea ;or all the e!il they ha!e done In Gion in
yo#r sight%. says the /8:2"
Jer 11:21 .Behold% I (am) against yo#% 8 destroying mo#ntain% >ho destroys all the earth%. says the /8:2" .+nd
I will streth o#t ?y hand against yo#% :oll yo# down $rom the ro's% +nd ma'e yo# a b#rnt mo#ntain"
Jer 11:23 They shall not ta'e $rom yo# a stone $or a orner Nor a stone $or a $o#ndation% B#t yo# shall be
desolate $ore!er%. says the /8:2"
Jer 11:24 ,et #* a banner in the land% Blow the tr#m*et among the nationsF <re*are the nations against her%
=all the 'ingdoms together against her: +rarat% ?inni% and +sh'enaH" +**oint a general against her& =a#se the
horses to ome #* li'e the bristling lo#sts"
Jer 11:28 <re*are against her the nations% >ith the 'ings o$ the ?edes% Its go!ernors and all its r#lers% +ll the
land o$ his dominion"
Jer 11:29 +nd the land will tremble and sorrow& ;or e!ery *#r*ose o$ the /8:2 shall be *er$ormed against
Babylon% To ma'e the land o$ Babylon a desolation witho#t inhabitant"
Jer 11:-5 The mighty men o$ Babylon ha!e eased $ighting% They ha!e remained in their strongholds& Their
might has $ailed% They beame (li'e) women& They ha!e b#rned her dwelling *laes% The bars o$ her (gate) are
Jer 11:-1 8ne r#nner will r#n to meet another% +nd one messenger to meet another% To show the 'ing o$
Babylon that his ity is ta'en on (all) sides&
Jer 11:-2 The *assages are blo'ed% The reeds they ha!e b#rned with $ire% +nd the men o$ war are terri$ied"
Jer 11:-- ;or th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel: .The da#ghter o$ Babylon (is) li'e a threshing $loor
(>hen it is) time to thresh her& Bet a little while +nd the time o$ her har!est will ome".
Jer 11:-0 . Neb#hadneHHar the 'ing o$ Babylon Has de!o#red me% he has r#shed me& He has made me an
em*ty !essel% He has swallowed me #* li'e a monster& He has $illed his stomah with my deliaies% He has s*it
me o#t"
Jer 11:-1 /et the !iolene (done) to me and my $lesh (be) #*on Babylon%. The inhabitant o$ Gion will say& .+nd
my blood be #*on the inhabitants o$ =haldeaF. Jer#salem will say"
Jer 11:-3 There$ore th#s says the /8:2: .Behold% I will *lead yo#r ase and ta'e !engeane $or yo#" I will dry
#* her sea and ma'e her s*rings dry"
Jer 11:-4 Babylon shall beome a hea*% + dwelling *lae $or @a'als% +n astonishment and a hissing% >itho#t
an inhabitant"
Jer 11:-8 They shall roar together li'e lions% They shall growl li'e lionsA whel*s"
Jer 11:-9 In their e9itement I will *re*are their $easts& I will ma'e them dr#n'% That they may re@oie% +nd slee*
a *er*et#al slee* +nd not awa'e%. says the /8:2"
Jer 11:05 .I will bring them down /i'e lambs to the sla#ghter% /i'e rams with male goats"
Jer 11:01 . 8h% how ,heshah is ta'enF 8h% how the *raise o$ the whole earth is seiHedF How Babylon has
beome desolate among the nationsF
Jer 11:02 The sea has ome #* o!er Babylon& ,he is o!ered with the m#ltit#de o$ its wa!es"
Jer 11:0- Her ities are a desolation% + dry land and a wilderness% + land where no one dwells% Thro#gh whih
no son o$ man *asses"
Jer 11:00 I will *#nish Bel in Babylon% +nd I will bring o#t o$ his mo#th what he has swallowed& +nd the nations
shall not stream to him anymore" Bes% the wall o$ Babylon shall $all"
Jer 11:01 . ?y *eo*le% go o#t o$ the midst o$ herF +nd let e!eryone deli!er himsel$ $rom the $iere anger o$ the
Jer 11:03 +nd lest yo#r heart $aint% +nd yo# $ear $or the r#mor that (will be) heard in the land I+ r#mor will ome
(one) year% +nd a$ter that% in (another) year + r#mor (will ome%) +nd !iolene in the land% :#ler against r#lerJ%
Jer 11:04 There$ore behold% the days are oming That I will bring @#dgment on the ar!ed images o$ Babylon&
Her whole land shall be ashamed% +nd all her slain shall $all in her midst"
Jer 11:08 Then the hea!ens and the earth and all that (is) in them ,hall sing @oyo#sly o!er Babylon& ;or the
*l#nderers shall ome to her $rom the north%. says the /8:2"
Jer 11:09 +s Babylon (has a#sed) the slain o$ Israel to $all% ,o at Babylon the slain o$ all the earth shall $all"
Jer 11:15 Bo# who ha!e esa*ed the sword% Get awayF 2o not stand stillF :emember the /8:2 a$ar o$$% +nd let
Jer#salem ome to yo#r mind"
Jer 11:11 >e are ashamed bea#se we ha!e heard re*roah" ,hame has o!ered o#r $aes% ;or strangers
ha!e ome into the sant#aries o$ the /8:2As ho#se"
Jer 11:12 . There$ore behold% the days are oming%. says the /8:2% .That I will bring @#dgment on her ar!ed
images% +nd thro#gho#t all her land the wo#nded shall groan"
Jer 11:1- Tho#gh Babylon were to mo#nt #* to hea!en% +nd tho#gh she were to $orti$y the height o$ her
strength% (Bet) $rom ?e *l#nderers wo#ld ome to her%. says the /8:2"
Jer 11:10 The so#nd o$ a ry (omes) $rom Babylon% +nd great destr#tion $rom the land o$ the =haldeans%
Jer 11:11 Bea#se the /8:2 is *l#ndering Babylon +nd silening her lo#d !oie% Tho#gh her wa!es roar li'e
great waters% +nd the noise o$ their !oie is #ttered%
Jer 11:13 Bea#se the *l#nderer omes against her% against Babylon% +nd her mighty men are ta'en" 6!ery
one o$ their bows is bro'en& ;or the /8:2 (is) the God o$ reom*ense% He will s#rely re*ay"
Jer 11:14 .+nd I will ma'e dr#n' Her *rines and wise men% Her go!ernors% her de*#ties% and her mighty men"
+nd they shall slee* a *er*et#al slee* +nd not awa'e%. says the King% >hose name (is) the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Jer 11:18 Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .The broad walls o$ Babylon shall be #tterly bro'en% +nd her high gates
shall be b#rned with $ire& The *eo*le will labor in !ain% +nd the nations% bea#se o$ the $ire& +nd they shall be
Jer 11:19 The word whih Jeremiah the *ro*het ommanded ,eraiah the son o$ Neriah% the son o$ ?ahseiah%
when he went with Gede'iah the 'ing o$ J#dah to Babylon in the $o#rth year o$ his reign" +nd ,eraiah (was) the
Jer 11:35 ,o Jeremiah wrote in a boo' all the e!il that wo#ld ome #*on Babylon% all these words that are
written against Babylon"
Jer 11:31 +nd Jeremiah said to ,eraiah% .>hen yo# arri!e in Babylon and see it% and read all these words%
Jer 11:32 .then yo# shall say% A8 /8:2% Bo# ha!e s*o'en against this *lae to #t it o$$% so that none shall
remain in it% neither man nor beast% b#t it shall be desolate $ore!er"A
Jer 11:3- .Now it shall be% when yo# ha!e $inished reading this boo'% (that) yo# shall tie a stone to it and throw it
o#t into the 6#*hrates"
Jer 11:30 .Then yo# shall say% ATh#s Babylon shall sin' and not rise $rom the atastro*he that I will bring #*on
her" +nd they shall be weary"A . Th#s $ar (are) the words o$ Jeremiah"
Jer 12:1 Gede'iah (was) twentyDone years old when he beame 'ing% and he reigned ele!en years in Jer#salem"
His motherAs name (was) Ham#tal the da#ghter o$ Jeremiah o$ /ibnah"
Jer 12:2 He also did e!il in the sight o$ the /8:2% aording to all that Jehoia'im had done"
Jer 12:- ;or bea#se o$ the anger o$ the /8:2 (this) ha**ened in Jer#salem and J#dah% till He $inally ast them
o#t $rom His *resene" Then Gede'iah rebelled against the 'ing o$ Babylon"
Jer 12:0 Now it ame to *ass in the ninth year o$ his reign% in the tenth month% on the tenth (day) o$ the month%
(that) Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon and all his army ame against Jer#salem and enam*ed against it& and
(they) b#ilt a siege wall against it all aro#nd"
Jer 12:1 ,o the ity was besieged #ntil the ele!enth year o$ King Gede'iah"
Jer 12:3 By the $o#rth month% on the ninth day o$ the month% the $amine had beome so se!ere in the ity that
there was no $ood $or the *eo*le o$ the land"
Jer 12:4 Then the ity wall was bro'en thro#gh% and all the men o$ war $led and went o#t o$ the ity at night by
way o$ the gate between the two walls% whih (was) by the 'ingAs garden% e!en tho#gh the =haldeans (were) near
the ity all aro#nd" +nd they went by way o$ the *lain"
Jer 12:8 B#t the army o$ the =haldeans *#rs#ed the 'ing% and they o!ertoo' Gede'iah in the *lains o$ Jeriho"
+ll his army was sattered $rom him"
Jer 12:9 ,o they too' the 'ing and bro#ght him #* to the 'ing o$ Babylon at :iblah in the land o$ Hamath% and
he *rono#ned @#dgment on him"
Jer 12:15 Then the 'ing o$ Babylon 'illed the sons o$ Gede'iah be$ore his eyes" +nd he 'illed all the *rines o$
J#dah in :iblah"
Jer 12:11 He also *#t o#t the eyes o$ Gede'iah& and the 'ing o$ Babylon bo#nd him in bronHe $etters% too' him to
Babylon% and *#t him in *rison till the day o$ his death"
Jer 12:12 Now in the $i$th month% on the tenth (day) o$ the month Iwhih (was) the nineteenth year o$ King
Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ BabylonJ% Neb#Haradan% the a*tain o$ the g#ard% (who) ser!ed the 'ing o$ Babylon%
ame to Jer#salem"
Jer 12:1- He b#rned the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and the 'ingAs ho#se& all the ho#ses o$ Jer#salem% that is% all the
ho#ses o$ the great% he b#rned with $ire"
Jer 12:10 +nd all the army o$ the =haldeans who (were) with the a*tain o$ the g#ard bro'e down all the walls o$
Jer#salem all aro#nd"
Jer 12:11 Then Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the g#ard arried away a*ti!e (some) o$ the *oor *eo*le% the rest
o$ the *eo*le who remained in the ity% the de$etors who had deserted to the 'ing o$ Babylon% and the rest o$
the ra$tsmen"
Jer 12:13 B#t Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the g#ard le$t (some) o$ the *oor o$ the land as !inedressers and
Jer 12:14 The bronHe *illars that (were) in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% and the arts and the bronHe ,ea that (were)
in the ho#se o$ the /8:2% the =haldeans bro'e in *iees% and arried all their bronHe to Babylon"
Jer 12:18 They also too' away the *ots% the sho!els% the trimmers% the bowls% the s*oons% and all the bronHe
#tensils with whih the *riests ministered"
Jer 12:19 The basins% the $ire*ans% the bowls% the *ots% the lam*stands% the s*oons% and the #*s% whate!er
(was) solid gold and whate!er (was) solid sil!er% the a*tain o$ the g#ard too' away"
Jer 12:25 The two *illars% one ,ea% the twel!e bronHe b#lls whih (were) #nder (it% and) the arts% whih King
,olomon had made $or the ho#se o$ the /8:2 DD the bronHe o$ all these artiles was beyond meas#re"
Jer 12:21 Now (onerning) the *illars: the height o$ one *illar (was) eighteen #bits% a meas#ring line o$ twel!e
#bits o#ld meas#re its ir#m$erene% and its thi'ness (was) $o#r $ingers& (it was) hollow"
Jer 12:22 + a*ital o$ bronHe (was) on it& and the height o$ one a*ital (was) $i!e #bits% with a networ' and
*omegranates all aro#nd the a*ital% all o$ bronHe" The seond *illar% with *omegranates was the same"
Jer 12:2- There were ninetyDsi9 *omegranates on the sides& all the *omegranates% all aro#nd on the networ'%
(were) one h#ndred"
Jer 12:20 The a*tain o$ the g#ard too' ,eraiah the hie$ *riest% Ge*haniah the seond *riest% and the three
Jer 12:21 He also too' o#t o$ the ity an o$$ier who had harge o$ the men o$ war% se!en men o$ the 'ingAs
lose assoiates who were $o#nd in the ity% the *rini*al sribe o$ the army who m#stered the *eo*le o$ the
land% and si9ty men o$ the *eo*le o$ the land who were $o#nd in the midst o$ the ity"
Jer 12:23 +nd Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the g#ard too' these and bro#ght them to the 'ing o$ Babylon at
Jer 12:24 Then the 'ing o$ Babylon str#' them and *#t them to death at :iblah in the land o$ Hamath" Th#s
J#dah was arried away a*ti!e $rom its own land"
Jer 12:28 These (are) the *eo*le whom Neb#hadneHHar arried away a*ti!e: in the se!enth year% three
tho#sand and twentyDthree Jews&
Jer 12:29 in the eighteenth year o$ Neb#hadneHHar he arried away a*ti!e $rom Jer#salem eight h#ndred and
thirtyDtwo *ersons&
Jer 12:-5 in the twentyDthird year o$ Neb#hadneHHar% Neb#Haradan the a*tain o$ the g#ard arried away
a*ti!e o$ the Jews se!en h#ndred and $ortyD$i!e *ersons" +ll the *ersons (were) $o#r tho#sand si9 h#ndred"
Jer 12:-1 Now it ame to *ass in the thirtyDse!enth year o$ the a*ti!ity o$ Jehoiahin 'ing o$ J#dah% in the
twel$th month% on the twentyD$i$th (day) o$ the month% (that) 6!ilD?erodah 'ing o$ Babylon% in the $irst (year) o$ his
reign% li$ted #* the head o$ Jehoiahin 'ing o$ J#dah and bro#ght him o#t o$ *rison"
Jer 12:-2 +nd he s*o'e 'indly to him and ga!e him a more *rominent seat than those o$ the 'ings who (were)
with him in Babylon"
Jer 12:-- ,o Jehoiahin hanged $rom his *rison garments% and he ate bread reg#larly be$ore the 'ing all the
days o$ his li$e"
Jer 12:-0 +nd as $or his *ro!isions% there was a reg#lar ration gi!en him by the 'ing o$ Babylon% a *ortion $or
eah day #ntil the day o$ his death% all the days o$ his li$e"
/am 1:1 How lonely sits the ity (That was) $#ll o$ *eo*leF (How) li'e a widow is she% >ho (was) great among the
nationsF The *riness among the *ro!ines Has beome a sla!eF
/am 1:2 ,he wee*s bitterly in the night% Her tears (are) on her hee's& +mong all her lo!ers ,he has none to
om$ort (her") +ll her $riends ha!e dealt treahero#sly with her& They ha!e beome her enemies"
/am 1:- J#dah has gone into a*ti!ity% 7nder a$$lition and hard ser!it#de& ,he dwells among the nations% ,he
$inds no rest& +ll her *erse#tors o!erta'e her in dire straits"
/am 1:0 The roads to Gion mo#rn Bea#se no one omes to the set $easts" +ll her gates are desolate& Her
*riests sigh% Her !irgins are a$$lited% +nd she (is) in bitterness"
/am 1:1 Her ad!ersaries ha!e beome the master% Her enemies *ros*er& ;or the /8:2 has a$$lited her
Bea#se o$ the m#ltit#de o$ her transgressions" Her hildren ha!e gone into a*ti!ity be$ore the enemy"
/am 1:3 +nd $rom the da#ghter o$ Gion +ll her s*lendor has de*arted" Her *rines ha!e beome li'e deer (That)
$ind no *ast#re% That $lee witho#t strength Be$ore the *#rs#er"
/am 1:4 In the days o$ her a$$lition and roaming% Jer#salem remembers all her *leasant things That she had in
the days o$ old" >hen her *eo*le $ell into the hand o$ the enemy% >ith no one to hel* her% The ad!ersaries saw
her (+nd) mo'ed at her down$all"
/am 1:8 Jer#salem has sinned gra!ely% There$ore she has beome !ile" +ll who honored her des*ise her
Bea#se they ha!e seen her na'edness& Bes% she sighs and t#rns away"
/am 1:9 Her #nleanness (is) in her s'irts& ,he did not onsider her destiny& There$ore her olla*se was
awesome& ,he had no om$orter" .8 /8:2% behold my a$$lition% ;or (the) enemy is e9altedF.
/am 1:15 The ad!ersary has s*read his hand 8!er all her *leasant things& ;or she has seen the nations enter
her sant#ary% Those whom Bo# ommanded Not to enter Bo#r assembly"
/am 1:11 +ll her *eo*le sigh% They see' bread& They ha!e gi!en their !al#ables $or $ood to restore li$e" .,ee% 8
/8:2% and onsider% ;or I am sorned".
/am 1:12 . (Is it) nothing to yo#% all yo# who *ass byC Behold and see I$ there is any sorrow li'e my sorrow%
>hih has been bro#ght on me% >hih the /8:2 has in$lited In the day o$ His $iere anger"
/am 1:1- .;rom abo!e He has sent $ire into my bones% +nd it o!er*owered them& He has s*read a net $or my
$eet +nd t#rned me ba'& He has made me desolate (+nd) $aint all the day"
/am 1:10 .The yo'e o$ my transgressions was bo#nd& They were wo!en together by His hands% (+nd) thr#st
#*on my ne'" He made my strength $ail& The /ord deli!ered me into the hands o$ (those whom) I am not able to
/am 1:11 .The /ord has tram*led #nder$oot all my mighty (men) in my midst& He has alled an assembly
against me To r#sh my yo#ng men& The /ord tram*led (as) in a wine*ress The !irgin da#ghter o$ J#dah"
/am 1:13 .;or these (things) I wee*& ?y eye% my eye o!er$lows with water& Bea#se the om$orter% who sho#ld
restore my li$e% Is $ar $rom me" ?y hildren are desolate Bea#se the enemy *re!ailed".
/am 1:14 Gion s*reads o#t her hands% (B#t) no one om$orts her& The /8:2 has ommanded onerning Jaob
(That) those aro#nd him (beome) his ad!ersaries& Jer#salem has beome an #nlean thing among them"
/am 1:18 . The /8:2 is righteo#s% ;or I rebelled against His ommandment" Hear now% all *eo*les% +nd
behold my sorrow& ?y !irgins and my yo#ng men Ha!e gone into a*ti!ity"
/am 1:19 .I alled $or my lo!ers% (B#t) they deei!ed me& ?y *riests and my elders Breathed their last in the ity%
>hile they so#ght $ood To restore their li$e"
/am 1:25 .,ee% 8 /8:2% that I (am) in distress& ?y so#l is tro#bled& ?y heart is o!ert#rned within me% ;or I
ha!e been !ery rebellio#s" 8#tside the sword berea!es% +t home (it is) li'e death"
/am 1:21 .They ha!e heard that I sigh% (B#t) no one om$orts me" +ll my enemies ha!e heard o$ my tro#ble&
They are glad that Bo# ha!e done (it") Bring on the day Bo# ha!e anno#ned% That they may beome li'e me"
/am 1:22 ./et all their wi'edness ome be$ore Bo#% +nd do to them as Bo# ha!e done to me ;or all my
transgressions& ;or my sighs (are) many% +nd my heart (is) $aint".
/am 2:1 How the /ord has o!ered the da#ghter o$ Gion >ith a lo#d in His angerF He ast down $rom hea!en
to the earth The bea#ty o$ Israel% +nd did not remember His $ootstool In the day o$ His anger"
/am 2:2 The /ord has swallowed #* and has not *itied +ll the dwelling *laes o$ Jaob" He has thrown down in
His wrath The strongholds o$ the da#ghter o$ J#dah& He has bro#ght (them) down to the gro#nd& He has
*ro$aned the 'ingdom and its *rines"
/am 2:- He has #t o$$ in $iere anger 6!ery horn o$ Israel& He has drawn ba' His right hand ;rom be$ore the
enemy" He has blaHed against Jaob li'e a $laming $ire 2e!o#ring all aro#nd"
/am 2:0 ,tanding li'e an enemy% He has bent His bow& >ith His right hand% li'e an ad!ersary% He has slain all
(who were) *leasing to His eye& 8n the tent o$ the da#ghter o$ Gion% He has *o#red o#t His $#ry li'e $ire"
/am 2:1 The /ord was li'e an enemy" He has swallowed #* Israel% He has swallowed #* all her *alaes& He has
destroyed her strongholds% +nd has inreased mo#rning and lamentation In the da#ghter o$ J#dah"
/am 2:3 He has done !iolene to His tabernale% (+s i$ it were) a garden& He has destroyed His *lae o$
assembly& The /8:2 has a#sed The a**ointed $easts and ,abbaths to be $orgotten in Gion" In His b#rning
indignation He has s*#rned the 'ing and the *riest"
/am 2:4 The /ord has s*#rned His altar% He has abandoned His sant#ary& He has gi!en #* the walls o$ her
*alaes Into the hand o$ the enemy" They ha!e made a noise in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 +s on the day o$ a set
/am 2:8 The /8:2 has *#r*osed to destroy The wall o$ the da#ghter o$ Gion" He has strethed o#t a line& He
has not withdrawn His hand $rom destroying& There$ore He has a#sed the ram*art and wall to lament& They
lang#ished together"
/am 2:9 Her gates ha!e s#n' into the gro#nd& He has destroyed and bro'en her bars" Her 'ing and her *rines
(are) among the nations& The /aw (is) no (more%) +nd her *ro*hets $ind no !ision $rom the /8:2"
/am 2:15 The elders o$ the da#ghter o$ Gion ,it on the gro#nd (and) 'ee* silene& They throw d#st on their
heads +nd gird themsel!es with sa'loth" The !irgins o$ Jer#salem Bow their heads to the gro#nd"
/am 2:11 ?y eyes $ail with tears% ?y heart is tro#bled& ?y bile is *o#red on the gro#nd Bea#se o$ the
destr#tion o$ the da#ghter o$ my *eo*le% Bea#se the hildren and the in$ants ;aint in the streets o$ the ity"
/am 2:12 They say to their mothers% .>here (is) grain and wineC. +s they swoon li'e the wo#nded In the streets
o$ the ity% +s their li$e is *o#red o#t In their mothersA bosom"
/am 2:1- How shall I onsole yo#C To what shall I li'en yo#% 8 da#ghter o$ Jer#salemC >hat shall I om*are
with yo#% that I may om$ort yo#% 8 !irgin da#ghter o$ GionC ;or yo#r r#in (is) s*read wide as the sea& >ho an
heal yo#C
/am 2:10 Bo#r *ro*hets ha!e seen $or yo# ;alse and dee*ti!e !isions& They ha!e not #no!ered yo#r iniE#ity%
To bring ba' yo#r a*ti!es% B#t ha!e en!isioned $or yo# $alse *ro*heies and del#sions"
/am 2:11 +ll who *ass by la* (their) hands at yo#& They hiss and sha'e their heads +t the da#ghter o$
Jer#salem: .(Is) this the ity that is alled AThe *er$etion o$ bea#ty% The @oy o$ the whole earthAC.
/am 2:13 +ll yo#r enemies ha!e o*ened their mo#th against yo#& They hiss and gnash (their) teeth" They say%
.>e ha!e swallowed (her) #*F ,#rely this (is) the day we ha!e waited $or& >e ha!e $o#nd (it%) we ha!e seen (itF.)
/am 2:14 The /8:2 has done what He *#r*osed& He has $#l$illed His word >hih He ommanded in days o$
old" He has thrown down and has not *itied% +nd He has a#sed an enemy to re@oie o!er yo#& He has e9alted
the horn o$ yo#r ad!ersaries"
/am 2:18 Their heart ried o#t to the /ord% .8 wall o$ the da#ghter o$ Gion% /et tears r#n down li'e a ri!er day
and night& Gi!e yo#rsel$ no relie$& Gi!e yo#r eyes no rest"
/am 2:19 .+rise% ry o#t in the night% +t the beginning o$ the wathes& <o#r o#t yo#r heart li'e water be$ore the
$ae o$ the /ord" /i$t yo#r hands toward Him ;or the li$e o$ yo#r yo#ng hildren% >ho $aint $rom h#nger at the
head o$ e!ery street".
/am 2:25 . ,ee% 8 /8:2% and onsiderF To whom ha!e Bo# done thisC ,ho#ld the women eat their o$$s*ring%
The hildren they ha!e #ddledC ,ho#ld the *riest and *ro*het be slain In the sant#ary o$ the /ordC
/am 2:21 .Bo#ng and old lie 8n the gro#nd in the streets& ?y !irgins and my yo#ng men Ha!e $allen by the
sword& Bo# ha!e slain (them) in the day o$ Bo#r anger% Bo# ha!e sla#ghtered (and) not *itied"
/am 2:22 .Bo# ha!e in!ited as to a $east day The terrors that s#rro#nd me" In the day o$ the /8:2As anger
There was no re$#gee or s#r!i!or" Those whom I ha!e borne and bro#ght #* ?y enemies ha!e destroyed".
/am -:1 I (am) the man (who) has seen a$$lition by the rod o$ His wrath"
/am -:2 He has led me and made (me) wal' (In) dar'ness and not (in) light"
/am -:- ,#rely He has t#rned His hand against me Time and time again thro#gho#t the day"
/am -:0 He has aged my $lesh and my s'in% +nd bro'en my bones"
/am -:1 He has besieged me +nd s#rro#nded (me) with bitterness and woe"
/am -:3 He has set me in dar' *laes /i'e the dead o$ long ago"
/am -:4 He has hedged me in so that I annot get o#t& He has made my hain hea!y"
/am -:8 6!en when I ry and sho#t% He sh#ts o#t my *rayer"
/am -:9 He has blo'ed my ways with hewn stone& He has made my *aths roo'ed"
/am -:15 He (has been) to me a bear lying in wait% (/i'e) a lion in amb#sh"
/am -:11 He has t#rned aside my ways and torn me in *iees& He has made me desolate"
/am -:12 He has bent His bow +nd set me #* as a target $or the arrow"
/am -:1- He has a#sed the arrows o$ His E#i!er To *iere my loins"
/am -:10 I ha!e beome the ridi#le o$ all my *eo*le DD Their ta#nting song all the day"
/am -:11 He has $illed me with bitterness% He has made me drin' wormwood"
/am -:13 He has also bro'en my teeth with gra!el% +nd o!ered me with ashes"
/am -:14 Bo# ha!e mo!ed my so#l $ar $rom *eae& I ha!e $orgotten *ros*erity"
/am -:18 +nd I said% .?y strength and my ho*e Ha!e *erished $rom the /8:2".
/am -:19 :emember my a$$lition and roaming% The wormwood and the gall"
/am -:25 ?y so#l still remembers +nd sin's within me"
/am -:21 This I reall to my mind% There$ore I ha!e ho*e"
/am -:22 (Thro#gh) the /8:2As meries we are not ons#med% Bea#se His om*assions $ail not"
/am -:2- (They are) new e!ery morning& Great (is) Bo#r $aith$#lness"
/am -:20 .The /8:2 (is) my *ortion%. says my so#l% .There$ore I ho*e in HimF.
/am -:21 The /8:2 (is) good to those who wait $or Him% To the so#l (who) see's Him"
/am -:23 (It is) good that (one) sho#ld ho*e and wait E#ietly ;or the sal!ation o$ the /8:2"
/am -:24 (It is) good $or a man to bear The yo'e in his yo#th"
/am -:28 /et him sit alone and 'ee* silent% Bea#se (God) has laid (it) on him&
/am -:29 /et him *#t his mo#th in the d#st DD There may yet be ho*e"
/am -:-5 /et him gi!e (his) hee' to the one who stri'es him% (+nd) be $#ll o$ re*roah"
/am -:-1 ;or the /ord will not ast o$$ $ore!er"
/am -:-2 Tho#gh He a#ses grie$% Bet He will show om*assion +ording to the m#ltit#de o$ His meries"
/am -:-- ;or He does not a$$lit willingly% Nor grie!e the hildren o$ men"
/am -:-0 To r#sh #nder oneAs $eet +ll the *risoners o$ the earth%
/am -:-1 To t#rn aside the @#stie (d#e) a man Be$ore the $ae o$ the ?ost High%
/am -:-3 8r s#b!ert a man in his a#se DD The /ord does not a**ro!e"
/am -:-4 >ho (is) he (who) s*ea's and it omes to *ass% (>hen) the /ord has not ommanded (itC)
/am -:-8 (Is it) not $rom the mo#th o$ the ?ost High That woe and wellDbeing *roeedC
/am -:-9 >hy sho#ld a li!ing man om*lain% + man $or the *#nishment o$ his sinsC
/am -:05 /et #s searh o#t and e9amine o#r ways% +nd t#rn ba' to the /8:2&
/am -:01 /et #s li$t o#r hearts and hands To God in hea!en"
/am -:02 >e ha!e transgressed and rebelled& Bo# ha!e not *ardoned"
/am -:0- Bo# ha!e o!ered (Bo#rsel$) with anger +nd *#rs#ed #s& Bo# ha!e slain (and) not *itied"
/am -:00 Bo# ha!e o!ered Bo#rsel$ with a lo#d% That *rayer sho#ld not *ass thro#gh"
/am -:01 Bo# ha!e made #s an o$$so#ring and re$#se In the midst o$ the *eo*les"
/am -:03 +ll o#r enemies Ha!e o*ened their mo#ths against #s"
/am -:04 ;ear and a snare ha!e ome #*on #s% 2esolation and destr#tion"
/am -:08 ?y eyes o!er$low with ri!ers o$ water ;or the destr#tion o$ the da#ghter o$ my *eo*le"
/am -:09 ?y eyes $low and do not ease% >itho#t interr#*tion%
/am -:15 Till the /8:2 $rom hea!en /oo's down and sees"
/am -:11 ?y eyes bring s#$$ering to my so#l Bea#se o$ all the da#ghters o$ my ity"
/am -:12 ?y enemies witho#t a#se H#nted me down li'e a bird"
/am -:1- They silened my li$e in the *it +nd threw stones at me"
/am -:10 The waters $lowed o!er my head& I said% .I am #t o$$F.
/am -:11 I alled on Bo#r name% 8 /8:2% ;rom the lowest *it"
/am -:13 Bo# ha!e heard my !oie: .2o not hide Bo#r ear ;rom my sighing% $rom my ry $or hel*".
/am -:14 Bo# drew near on the day I alled on Bo#% +nd said% .2o not $earF.
/am -:18 8 /ord% Bo# ha!e *leaded the ase $or my so#l& Bo# ha!e redeemed my li$e"
/am -:19 8 /8:2% Bo# ha!e seen (how) I am wronged& J#dge my ase"
/am -:35 Bo# ha!e seen all their !engeane% +ll their shemes against me"
/am -:31 Bo# ha!e heard their re*roah% 8 /8:2% +ll their shemes against me%
/am -:32 The li*s o$ my enemies +nd their whis*ering against me all the day"
/am -:3- /oo' at their sitting down and their rising #*& I (am) their ta#nting song"
/am -:30 :e*ay them% 8 /8:2% +ording to the wor' o$ their hands"
/am -:31 Gi!e them a !eiled heart& Bo#r #rse (be) #*on themF
/am -:33 In Bo#r anger% <#rs#e and destroy them ;rom #nder the hea!ens o$ the /8:2"
/am 0:1 How the gold has beome dimF (How) hanged the $ine goldF The stones o$ the sant#ary are sattered
+t the head o$ e!ery street"
/am 0:2 The *reio#s sons o$ Gion% Val#able as $ine gold% How they are regarded as lay *ots% The wor' o$ the
hands o$ the *otterF
/am 0:- 6!en the @a'als *resent their breasts To n#rse their yo#ng& (B#t) the da#ghter o$ my *eo*le (is) r#el%
/i'e ostrihes in the wilderness"
/am 0:0 The tong#e o$ the in$ant lings To the roo$ o$ its mo#th $or thirst& The yo#ng hildren as' $or bread% (B#t)
no one brea's (it) $or them"
/am 0:1 Those who ate deliaies +re desolate in the streets& Those who were bro#ght #* in sarlet 6mbrae
ash hea*s"
/am 0:3 The *#nishment o$ the iniE#ity o$ the da#ghter o$ my *eo*le Is greater than the *#nishment o$ the sin o$
,odom% >hih was o!erthrown in a moment% >ith no hand to hel* herF
/am 0:4 Her NaHirites were brighter than snow +nd whiter than mil'& They were more r#ddy in body than r#bies%
(/i'e) sa**hire in their a**earane"
/am 0:8 (Now) their a**earane is bla'er than soot& They go #nreogniHed in the streets& Their s'in lings to
their bones% It has beome as dry as wood"
/am 0:9 (Those) slain by the sword are better o$$ Than (those) who die o$ h#nger& ;or these *ine away% ,tri'en
($or la') o$ the $r#its o$ the $ield"
/am 0:15 The hands o$ the om*assionate women Ha!e oo'ed their own hildren& They beame $ood $or them
In the destr#tion o$ the da#ghter o$ my *eo*le"
/am 0:11 The /8:2 has $#l$illed His $#ry% He has *o#red o#t His $iere anger" He 'indled a $ire in Gion% +nd it
has de!o#red its $o#ndations"
/am 0:12 The 'ings o$ the earth% +nd all inhabitants o$ the world% >o#ld not ha!e belie!ed That the ad!ersary
and the enemy =o#ld enter the gates o$ Jer#salem DD
/am 0:1- Bea#se o$ the sins o$ her *ro*hets (+nd) the iniE#ities o$ her *riests% >ho shed in her midst The
blood o$ the @#st"
/am 0:10 They wandered blind in the streets& They ha!e de$iled themsel!es with blood% ,o that no one wo#ld
to#h their garments"
/am 0:11 They ried o#t to them% .Go away% #nleanF Go away% go away% 2o not to#h #sF. >hen they $led and
wandered% (Those) among the nations said% .They shall no longer dwell (here".)
/am 0:13 The $ae o$ the /8:2 sattered them& He no longer regards them" (The *eo*le) do not res*et the
*riests Nor show $a!or to the elders"
/am 0:14 ,till o#r eyes $ailed #s% (>athing) !ainly $or o#r hel*& In o#r wathing we wathed ;or a nation (that)
o#ld not sa!e (#s")
/am 0:18 They tra'ed o#r ste*s ,o that we o#ld not wal' in o#r streets" 8#r end was near& 8#r days were
o!er% ;or o#r end had ome"
/am 0:19 8#r *#rs#ers were swi$ter Than the eagles o$ the hea!ens" They *#rs#ed #s on the mo#ntains +nd
lay in wait $or #s in the wilderness"
/am 0:25 The breath o$ o#r nostrils% the anointed o$ the /8:2% >as a#ght in their *its% 8$ whom we said%
.7nder his shadow >e shall li!e among the nations".
/am 0:21 :e@oie and be glad% 8 da#ghter o$ 6dom% (Bo#) who dwell in the land o$ 7HF The #* shall also *ass
o!er to yo# +nd yo# shall beome dr#n' and ma'e yo#rsel$ na'ed"
/am 0:22 (The *#nishment o$) yo#r iniE#ity is aom*lished% 8 da#ghter o$ Gion& He will no longer send yo# into
a*ti!ity" He will *#nish yo#r iniE#ity% 8 da#ghter o$ 6dom& He will #no!er yo#r sinsF
/am 1:1 :emember% 8 /8:2% what has ome #*on #s& /oo'% and behold o#r re*roahF
/am 1:2 8#r inheritane has been t#rned o!er to aliens% +nd o#r ho#ses to $oreigners"
/am 1:- >e ha!e beome or*hans and wai$s% 8#r mothers (are) li'e widows"
/am 1:0 >e *ay $or the water we drin'% +nd o#r wood omes at a *rie"
/am 1:1 (They) *#rs#e at o#r heels& >e labor (and) ha!e no rest"
/am 1:3 >e ha!e gi!en o#r hand (to) the 6gy*tians (+nd) the +ssyrians% to be satis$ied with bread"
/am 1:4 8#r $athers sinned (and are) no more% B#t we bear their iniE#ities"
/am 1:8 ,er!ants r#le o!er #s& (There is) none to deli!er (#s) $rom their hand"
/am 1:9 >e get o#r bread (at the ris') o$ o#r li!es% Bea#se o$ the sword in the wilderness"
/am 1:15 8#r s'in is hot as an o!en% Bea#se o$ the $e!er o$ $amine"
/am 1:11 They ra!ished the women in Gion% The maidens in the ities o$ J#dah"
/am 1:12 <rines were h#ng #* by their hands% +nd elders were not res*eted"
/am 1:1- Bo#ng men gro#nd at the millstones& Boys staggered #nder (loads o$) wood"
/am 1:10 The elders ha!e eased (gathering at) the gate% +nd the yo#ng men $rom their m#si"
/am 1:11 The @oy o$ o#r heart has eased& 8#r dane has t#rned into mo#rning"
/am 1:13 The rown has $allen ($rom) o#r head" >oe to #s% $or we ha!e sinnedF
/am 1:14 Bea#se o$ this o#r heart is $aint& Bea#se o$ these (things) o#r eyes grow dim&
/am 1:18 Bea#se o$ ?o#nt Gion whih is desolate% >ith $o9es wal'ing abo#t on it"
/am 1:19 Bo#% 8 /8:2% remain $ore!er& Bo#r throne $rom generation to generation"
/am 1:25 >hy do Bo# $orget #s $ore!er% (+nd) $orsa'e #s $or so long a timeC
/am 1:21 T#rn #s ba' to Bo#% 8 /8:2% and we will be restored& :enew o#r days as o$ old%
/am 1:22 7nless Bo# ha!e #tterly re@eted #s% (+nd) are !ery angry with #sF
6He 1:1 Now it ame to *ass in the thirtieth year% in the $o#rth (month%) on the $i$th (day) o$ the month% as I (was)
among the a*ti!es by the :i!er =hebar% (that) the hea!ens were o*ened and I saw !isions o$ God"
6He 1:2 8n the $i$th (day) o$ the month% whih (was) in the $i$th year o$ King JehoiahinAs a*ti!ity%
6He 1:- the word o$ the /8:2 ame e9*ressly to 6He'iel the *riest% the son o$ B#Hi% in the land o$ the
=haldeans by the :i!er =hebar& and the hand o$ the /8:2 was #*on him there"
6He 1:0 Then I loo'ed% and behold% a whirlwind was oming o#t o$ the north% a great lo#d with raging $ire
eng#l$ing itsel$& and brightness (was) all aro#nd it and radiating o#t o$ its midst li'e the olor o$ amber% o#t o$ the
midst o$ the $ire"
6He 1:1 +lso $rom within it (ame) the li'eness o$ $o#r li!ing reat#res" +nd this (was) their a**earane: they had
the li'eness o$ a man"
6He 1:3 6ah one had $o#r $aes% and eah one had $o#r wings"
6He 1:4 Their legs (were) straight% and the soles o$ their $eet (were) li'e the soles o$ al!esA $eet" They s*ar'led
li'e the olor o$ b#rnished bronHe"
6He 1:8 The hands o$ a man (were) #nder their wings on their $o#r sides& and eah o$ the $o#r had $aes and
6He 1:9 Their wings to#hed one another" (The reat#res) did not t#rn when they went% b#t eah one went
straight $orward"
6He 1:15 +s $or the li'eness o$ their $aes% (eah) had the $ae o$ a man& eah o$ the $o#r had the $ae o$ a lion
on the right side% eah o$ the $o#r had the $ae o$ an o9 on the le$t side% and eah o$ the $o#r had the $ae o$ an
6He 1:11 Th#s (were) their $aes" Their wings strethed #*ward& two (wings) o$ eah one to#hed one another%
and two o!ered their bodies"
6He 1:12 +nd eah one went straight $orward& they went where!er the s*irit wanted to go% and they did not t#rn
when they went"
6He 1:1- +s $or the li'eness o$ the li!ing reat#res% their a**earane (was) li'e b#rning oals o$ $ire% li'e the
a**earane o$ torhes going ba' and $orth among the li!ing reat#res" The $ire was bright% and o#t o$ the $ire
went lightning"
6He 1:10 +nd the li!ing reat#res ran ba' and $orth% in a**earane li'e a $lash o$ lightning"
6He 1:11 Now as I loo'ed at the li!ing reat#res% behold% a wheel (was) on the earth beside eah li!ing reat#re
with its $o#r $aes"
6He 1:13 The a**earane o$ the wheels and their wor'ings (was) li'e the olor o$ beryl% and all $o#r had the
same li'eness" The a**earane o$ their wor'ings (was%) as it were% a wheel in the middle o$ a wheel"
6He 1:14 >hen they mo!ed% they went toward any one o$ $o#r diretions& they did not t#rn aside when they
6He 1:18 +s $or their rims% they were so high they were awesome& and their rims (were) $#ll o$ eyes% all aro#nd
the $o#r o$ them"
6He 1:19 >hen the li!ing reat#res went% the wheels went beside them& and when the li!ing reat#res were
li$ted #* $rom the earth% the wheels were li$ted #*"
6He 1:25 >here!er the s*irit wanted to go% they went% (bea#se) there the s*irit went& and the wheels were li$ted
together with them% $or the s*irit o$ the li!ing reat#res (was) in the wheels"
6He 1:21 >hen those went% (these) went& when those stood% (these) stood& and when those were li$ted #* $rom
the earth% the wheels were li$ted #* together with them% $or the s*irit o$ the li!ing reat#res (was) in the wheels"
6He 1:22 The li'eness o$ the $irmament abo!e the heads o$ the li!ing reat#res (was) li'e the olor o$ an
awesome rystal% strethed o#t o!er their heads"
6He 1:2- +nd #nder the $irmament their wings (s*read o#t) straight% one toward another" 6ah one had two
whih o!ered one side% and eah one had two whih o!ered the other side o$ the body"
6He 1:20 >hen they went% I heard the noise o$ their wings% li'e the noise o$ many waters% li'e the !oie o$ the
+lmighty% a t#m#lt li'e the noise o$ an army& and when they stood still% they let down their wings"
6He 1:21 + !oie ame $rom abo!e the $irmament that (was) o!er their heads& whene!er they stood% they let
down their wings"
6He 1:23 +nd abo!e the $irmament o!er their heads (was) the li'eness o$ a throne% in a**earane li'e a
sa**hire stone& on the li'eness o$ the throne (was) a li'eness with the a**earane o$ a man high abo!e it"
6He 1:24 +lso $rom the a**earane o$ His waist and #*ward I saw% as it were% the olor o$ amber with the
a**earane o$ $ire all aro#nd within it& and $rom the a**earane o$ His waist and downward I saw% as it were% the
a**earane o$ $ire with brightness all aro#nd"
6He 1:28 /i'e the a**earane o$ a rainbow in a lo#d on a rainy day% so (was) the a**earane o$ the brightness
all aro#nd it" This (was) the a**earane o$ the li'eness o$ the glory o$ the /8:2" ,o when I saw (it%) I $ell on my
$ae% and I heard a !oie o$ 8ne s*ea'ing"
6He 2:1 +nd He said to me% .,on o$ man% stand on yo#r $eet% and I will s*ea' to yo#".
6He 2:2 Then the ,*irit entered me when He s*o'e to me% and set me on my $eet& and I heard Him who s*o'e
to me"
6He 2:- +nd He said to me: .,on o$ man% I am sending yo# to the hildren o$ Israel% to a rebellio#s nation that
has rebelled against ?e& they and their $athers ha!e transgressed against ?e to this !ery day"
6He 2:0 .;or (they are) im*#dent and st#bborn hildren" I am sending yo# to them% and yo# shall say to them%
ATh#s says the /ord G82"A
6He 2:1 .+s $or them% whether they hear or whether they re$#se DD $or they (are) a rebellio#s ho#se DD yet they will
'now that a *ro*het has been among them"
6He 2:3 . +nd yo#% son o$ man% do not be a$raid o$ them nor be a$raid o$ their words% tho#gh briers and thorns
(are) with yo# and yo# dwell among sor*ions& do not be a$raid o$ their words or dismayed by their loo's% tho#gh
they (are) a rebellio#s ho#se"
6He 2:4 .Bo# shall s*ea' ?y words to them% whether they hear or whether they re$#se% $or they (are) rebellio#s"
6He 2:8 .B#t yo#% son o$ man% hear what I say to yo#" 2o not be rebellio#s li'e that rebellio#s ho#se& o*en yo#r
mo#th and eat what I gi!e yo#".
6He 2:9 Now when I loo'ed% there was a hand strethed o#t to me& and behold% a sroll o$ a boo' (was) in it"
6He 2:15 Then He s*read it be$ore me& and (there was) writing on the inside and on the o#tside% and written on it
(were) lamentations and mo#rning and woe"
6He -:1 ?oreo!er He said to me% .,on o$ man% eat what yo# $ind& eat this sroll% and go% s*ea' to the ho#se o$
6He -:2 ,o I o*ened my mo#th% and He a#sed me to eat that sroll"
6He -:- +nd He said to me% .,on o$ man% $eed yo#r belly% and $ill yo#r stomah with this sroll that I gi!e yo#".
,o I ate% and it was in my mo#th li'e honey in sweetness"
6He -:0 Then He said to me: .,on o$ man% go to the ho#se o$ Israel and s*ea' with ?y words to them"
6He -:1 .;or yo# (are) not sent to a *eo*le o$ #n$amiliar s*eeh and o$ hard lang#age% (b#t) to the ho#se o$
6He -:3 .not to many *eo*le o$ #n$amiliar s*eeh and o$ hard lang#age% whose words yo# annot #nderstand"
,#rely% had I sent yo# to them% they wo#ld ha!e listened to yo#"
6He -:4 .B#t the ho#se o$ Israel will not listen to yo#% bea#se they will not listen to ?e& $or all the ho#se o$
Israel (are) im*#dent and hardDhearted"
6He -:8 .Behold% I ha!e made yo#r $ae strong against their $aes% and yo#r $orehead strong against their
6He -:9 ./i'e adamant stone% harder than $lint% I ha!e made yo#r $orehead& do not be a$raid o$ them% nor be
dismayed at their loo's% tho#gh they (are) a rebellio#s ho#se".
6He -:15 ?oreo!er He said to me: .,on o$ man% reei!e into yo#r heart all ?y words that I s*ea' to yo#% and
hear with yo#r ears"
6He -:11 .+nd go% get to the a*ti!es% to the hildren o$ yo#r *eo*le% and s*ea' to them and tell them% ATh#s
says the /ord G82%A whether they hear% or whether they re$#se".
6He -:12 Then the ,*irit li$ted me #*% and I heard behind me a great th#ndero#s !oie: .Blessed (is) the glory o$
the /8:2 $rom His *laeF.
6He -:1- (I) also (heard) the noise o$ the wings o$ the li!ing reat#res that to#hed one another% and the noise o$
the wheels beside them% and a great th#ndero#s noise"
6He -:10 ,o the ,*irit li$ted me #* and too' me away% and I went in bitterness% in the heat o$ my s*irit& b#t the
hand o$ the /8:2 was strong #*on me"
6He -:11 Then I ame to the a*ti!es at Tel +bib% who dwelt by the :i!er =hebar& and I sat where they sat% and
remained there astonished among them se!en days"
6He -:13 Now it ame to *ass at the end o$ se!en days that the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He -:14 .,on o$ man% I ha!e made yo# a wathman $or the ho#se o$ Israel& there$ore hear a word $rom ?y
mo#th% and gi!e them warning $rom ?e:
6He -:18 .>hen I say to the wi'ed% ABo# shall s#rely die%A and yo# gi!e him no warning% nor s*ea' to warn the
wi'ed $rom his wi'ed way% to sa!e his li$e% that same wi'ed (man) shall die in his iniE#ity& b#t his blood I will
reE#ire at yo#r hand"
6He -:19 .Bet% i$ yo# warn the wi'ed% and he does not t#rn $rom his wi'edness% nor $rom his wi'ed way% he
shall die in his iniE#ity& b#t yo# ha!e deli!ered yo#r so#l"
6He -:25 .+gain% when a righteo#s (man) t#rns $rom his righteo#sness and ommits iniE#ity% and I lay a
st#mbling blo' be$ore him% he shall die& bea#se yo# did not gi!e him warning% he shall die in his sin% and his
righteo#sness whih he has done shall not be remembered& b#t his blood I will reE#ire at yo#r hand"
6He -:21 .Ne!ertheless i$ yo# warn the righteo#s (man) that the righteo#s sho#ld not sin% and he does not sin%
he shall s#rely li!e bea#se he too' warning& also yo# will ha!e deli!ered yo#r so#l".
6He -:22 Then the hand o$ the /8:2 was #*on me there% and He said to me% .+rise% go o#t into the *lain% and
there I shall tal' with yo#".
6He -:2- ,o I arose and went o#t into the *lain% and behold% the glory o$ the /8:2 stood there% li'e the glory
whih I saw by the :i!er =hebar& and I $ell on my $ae"
6He -:20 Then the ,*irit entered me and set me on my $eet% and s*o'e with me and said to me: .Go% sh#t
yo#rsel$ inside yo#r ho#se"
6He -:21 .+nd yo#% 8 son o$ man% s#rely they will *#t ro*es on yo# and bind yo# with them% so that yo# annot
go o#t among them"
6He -:23 .I will ma'e yo#r tong#e ling to the roo$ o$ yo#r mo#th% so that yo# shall be m#te and not be one to
reb#'e them% $or they (are) a rebellio#s ho#se"
6He -:24 .B#t when I s*ea' with yo#% I will o*en yo#r mo#th% and yo# shall say to them% ATh#s says the /ord
G82"A He who hears% let him hear& and he who re$#ses% let him re$#se& $or they (are) a rebellio#s ho#se"
6He 0:1 .Bo# also% son o$ man% ta'e a lay tablet and lay it be$ore yo#% and *ortray on it a ity% Jer#salem"
6He 0:2 ./ay siege against it% b#ild a siege wall against it% and hea* #* a mo#nd against it& set am*s against it
also% and *lae battering rams against it all aro#nd"
6He 0:- .?oreo!er ta'e $or yo#rsel$ an iron *late% and set it (as) an iron wall between yo# and the ity" ,et yo#r
$ae against it% and it shall be besieged% and yo# shall lay siege against it" This (will be) a sign to the ho#se o$
6He 0:0 . /ie also on yo#r le$t side% and lay the iniE#ity o$ the ho#se o$ Israel #*on it" (+ording) to the n#mber
o$ the days that yo# lie on it% yo# shall bear their iniE#ity"
6He 0:1 .;or I ha!e laid on yo# the years o$ their iniE#ity% aording to the n#mber o$ the days% three h#ndred
and ninety days& so yo# shall bear the iniE#ity o$ the ho#se o$ Israel"
6He 0:3 .+nd when yo# ha!e om*leted them% lie again on yo#r right side& then yo# shall bear the iniE#ity o$ the
ho#se o$ J#dah $orty days" I ha!e laid on yo# a day $or eah year"
6He 0:4 .There$ore yo# shall set yo#r $ae toward the siege o$ Jer#salem& yo#r arm (shall be) #no!ered% and
yo# shall *ro*hesy against it"
6He 0:8 .+nd s#rely I will restrain yo# so that yo# annot t#rn $rom one side to another till yo# ha!e ended the
days o$ yo#r siege"
6He 0:9 . +lso ta'e $or yo#rsel$ wheat% barley% beans% lentils% millet% and s*elt& *#t them into one !essel% and
ma'e bread o$ them $or yo#rsel$" (2#ring) the n#mber o$ days that yo# lie on yo#r side% three h#ndred and ninety
days% yo# shall eat it"
6He 0:15 .+nd yo#r $ood whih yo# eat (shall be) by weight% twenty she'els a day& $rom time to time yo# shall
eat it"
6He 0:11 .Bo# shall also drin' water by meas#re% oneDsi9th o$ a hin& $rom time to time yo# shall drin'"
6He 0:12 .+nd yo# shall eat it (as) barley a'es& and ba'e it #sing $#el o$ h#man waste in their sight".
6He 0:1- Then the /8:2 said% .,o shall the hildren o$ Israel eat their de$iled bread among the Gentiles% where
I will dri!e them".
6He 0:10 ,o I said% .+h% /ord G82F Indeed I ha!e ne!er de$iled mysel$ $rom my yo#th till now& I ha!e ne!er
eaten what died o$ itsel$ or was torn by beasts% nor has abominable $lesh e!er ome into my mo#th".
6He 0:11 Then He said to me% .,ee% I am gi!ing yo# ow d#ng instead o$ h#man waste% and yo# shall *re*are
yo#r bread o!er it".
6He 0:13 ?oreo!er He said to me% .,on o$ man% s#rely I will #t o$$ the s#**ly o$ bread in Jer#salem& they shall
eat bread by weight and with an9iety% and shall drin' water by meas#re and with dread%
6He 0:14 .that they may la' bread and water% and be dismayed with one another% and waste away bea#se o$
their iniE#ity"
6He 1:1 .+nd yo#% son o$ man% ta'e a shar* sword% ta'e it as a barberAs raHor% and *ass (it) o!er yo#r head and
yo#r beard& then ta'e sales to weigh and di!ide the hair"
6He 1:2 .Bo# shall b#rn with $ire oneDthird in the midst o$ the ity% when the days o$ the siege are $inished& then
yo# shall ta'e oneDthird and stri'e aro#nd (it) with the sword% and oneDthird yo# shall satter in the wind: I will
draw o#t a sword a$ter them"
6He 1:- .Bo# shall also ta'e a small n#mber o$ them and bind them in the edge o$ yo#r (garment")
6He 1:0 .Then ta'e some o$ them again and throw them into the midst o$ the $ire% and b#rn them in the $ire"
;rom there a $ire will go o#t into all the ho#se o$ Israel"
6He 1:1 . Th#s says the /ord G82: AThis (is) Jer#salem& I ha!e set her in the midst o$ the nations and the
o#ntries all aro#nd her"
6He 1:3 A,he has rebelled against ?y @#dgments by doing wi'edness more than the nations% and against ?y
stat#tes more than the o#ntries that (are) all aro#nd her& $or they ha!e re$#sed ?y @#dgments% and they ha!e not
wal'ed in ?y stat#tes"A
6He 1:4 .There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: ABea#se yo# ha!e m#lti*lied (disobediene) more than the nations
that (are) all aro#nd yo#% ha!e not wal'ed in ?y stat#tes nor 'e*t ?y @#dgments% nor e!en done aording to the
@#dgments o$ the nations that (are) all aro#nd yo#A DD
6He 1:8 .there$ore th#s says the /ord G82: AIndeed I% e!en I% (am) against yo# and will e9e#te @#dgments in
yo#r midst in the sight o$ the nations"
6He 1:9 A+nd I will do among yo# what I ha!e ne!er done% and the li'e o$ whih I will ne!er do again% bea#se o$
all yo#r abominations"
6He 1:15 AThere$ore $athers shall eat (their) sons in yo#r midst% and sons shall eat their $athers& and I will
e9e#te @#dgments among yo#% and all o$ yo# who remain I will satter to all the winds"
6He 1:11 AThere$ore% (as) I li!e%A says the /ord G82% As#rely% bea#se yo# ha!e de$iled ?y sant#ary with all
yo#r detestable things and with all yo#r abominations% there$ore I will also diminish (yo#&) ?y eye will not s*are%
nor will I ha!e any *ity"
6He 1:12 A8neDthird o$ yo# shall die o$ the *estilene% and be ons#med with $amine in yo#r midst& and oneDthird
shall $all by the sword all aro#nd yo#& and I will satter another third to all the winds% and I will draw o#t a sword
a$ter them"
6He 1:1- A Th#s shall ?y anger be s*ent% and I will a#se ?y $#ry to rest #*on them% and I will be a!enged& and
they shall 'now that I% the /8:2% ha!e s*o'en (it) in ?y Heal% when I ha!e s*ent ?y $#ry #*on them"
6He 1:10 A?oreo!er I will ma'e yo# a waste and a re*roah among the nations that (are) all aro#nd yo#% in the
sight o$ all who *ass by"
6He 1:11 A,o it shall be a re*roah% a ta#nt% a lesson% and an astonishment to the nations that (are) all aro#nd
yo#% when I e9e#te @#dgments among yo# in anger and in $#ry and in $#rio#s reb#'es" I% the /8:2% ha!e
6He 1:13 A>hen I send against them the terrible arrows o$ $amine whih shall be $or destr#tion% whih I will
send to destroy yo#% I will inrease the $amine #*on yo# and #t o$$ yo#r s#**ly o$ bread"
6He 1:14 A,o I will send against yo# $amine and wild beasts% and they will berea!e yo#" <estilene and blood
shall *ass thro#gh yo#% and I will bring the sword against yo#" I% the /8:2% ha!e s*o'en"A .
6He 3:1 Now the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying:
6He 3:2 .,on o$ man% set yo#r $ae toward the mo#ntains o$ Israel% and *ro*hesy against them%
6He 3:- .and say% A8 mo#ntains o$ Israel% hear the word o$ the /ord G82FA Th#s says the /ord G82 to the
mo#ntains% to the hills% to the ra!ines% and to the !alleys: .Indeed I% (e!en) I% will bring a sword against yo#% and I
will destroy yo#r high *laes"
6He 3:0 .Then yo#r altars shall be desolate% yo#r inense altars shall be bro'en% and I will ast down yo#r slain
(men) be$ore yo#r idols"
6He 3:1 .+nd I will lay the or*ses o$ the hildren o$ Israel be$ore their idols% and I will satter yo#r bones all
aro#nd yo#r altars"
6He 3:3 .In all yo#r dwelling *laes the ities shall be laid waste% and the high *laes shall be desolate% so that
yo#r altars may be laid waste and made desolate% yo#r idols may be bro'en and made to ease% yo#r inense
altars may be #t down% and yo#r wor's may be abolished"
6He 3:4 .The slain shall $all in yo#r midst% and yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"
6He 3:8 . Bet I will lea!e a remnant% so that yo# may ha!e (some) who esa*e the sword among the nations%
when yo# are sattered thro#gh the o#ntries"
6He 3:9 .Then those o$ yo# who esa*e will remember ?e among the nations where they are arried a*ti!e%
bea#se I was r#shed by their ad#ltero#s heart whih has de*arted $rom ?e% and by their eyes whih *lay the
harlot a$ter their idols& they will loathe themsel!es $or the e!ils whih they ommitted in all their abominations"
6He 3:15 .+nd they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2& I ha!e not said in !ain that I wo#ld bring this alamity #*on
6He 3:11 A Th#s says the /ord G82: .<o#nd yo#r $ists and stam* yo#r $eet% and say% A+las% $or all the e!il
abominations o$ the ho#se o$ IsraelF ;or they shall $all by the sword% by $amine% and by *estilene"
6He 3:12 AHe who is $ar o$$ shall die by the *estilene% he who is near shall $all by the sword% and he who
remains and is besieged shall die by the $amine" Th#s will I s*end ?y $#ry #*on them"
6He 3:1- AThen yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% when their slain are among their idols all aro#nd their
altars% on e!ery high hill% on all the mo#ntainto*s% #nder e!ery green tree% and #nder e!ery thi' oa'% where!er
they o$$ered sweet inense to all their idols"
6He 3:10 A,o I will streth o#t ?y hand against them and ma'e the land desolate% yes% more desolate than the
wilderness toward 2iblah% in all their dwelling *laes" Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"A . A .
6He 4:1 ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 4:2 .+nd yo#% son o$ man% th#s says the /ord G82 to the land o$ Israel: A+n endF The end has ome #*on
the $o#r orners o$ the land"
6He 4:- Now the end (has ome) #*on yo#% +nd I will send ?y anger against yo#& I will @#dge yo# aording to
yo#r ways% +nd I will re*ay yo# $or all yo#r abominations"
6He 4:0 ?y eye will not s*are yo#% Nor will I ha!e *ity& B#t I will re*ay yo#r ways% +nd yo#r abominations will be
in yo#r midst& Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2FA
6He 4:1 . Th#s says the /ord G82: A+ disaster% a sing#lar disaster& Behold% it has omeF
6He 4:3 +n end has ome% The end has ome& It has dawned $or yo#& Behold% it has omeF
6He 4:4 2oom has ome to yo#% yo# who dwell in the land& The time has ome% + day o$ tro#ble (is) near% +nd
not o$ re@oiing in the mo#ntains"
6He 4:8 Now #*on yo# I will soon *o#r o#t ?y $#ry% +nd s*end ?y anger #*on yo#& I will @#dge yo# aording to
yo#r ways% +nd I will re*ay yo# $or all yo#r abominations"
6He 4:9 A?y eye will not s*are% Nor will I ha!e *ity& I will re*ay yo# aording to yo#r ways% +nd yo#r
abominations will be in yo#r midst" Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2 who stri'es"
6He 4:15 A Behold% the dayF Behold% it has omeF 2oom has gone o#t& The rod has blossomed% <ride has
6He 4:11 Violene has risen #* into a rod o$ wi'edness& None o$ them (shall remain%) None o$ their m#ltit#de%
None o$ them& Nor (shall there be) wailing $or them"
6He 4:12 The time has ome% The day draws near" A/et not the b#yer re@oie% Nor the seller mo#rn% ;or wrath (is)
on their whole m#ltit#de"
6He 4:1- ;or the seller shall not ret#rn to what has been sold% Tho#gh he may still be ali!e& ;or the !ision
onerns the whole m#ltit#de% +nd it shall not t#rn ba'& No one will strengthen himsel$ >ho li!es in iniE#ity"
6He 4:10 AThey ha!e blown the tr#m*et and made e!eryone ready% B#t no one goes to battle& ;or ?y wrath (is)
on all their m#ltit#de"
6He 4:11 The sword (is) o#tside% +nd the *estilene and $amine within" >hoe!er (is) in the $ield >ill die by the
sword& +nd whoe!er (is) in the ity% ;amine and *estilene will de!o#r him"
6He 4:13 A Those who s#r!i!e will esa*e and be on the mo#ntains /i'e do!es o$ the !alleys% +ll o$ them
mo#rning% 6ah $or his iniE#ity"
6He 4:14 6!ery hand will be $eeble% +nd e!ery 'nee will be (as) wea' (as) water"
6He 4:18 They will also be girded with sa'loth& Horror will o!er them& ,hame (will be) on e!ery $ae%
Baldness on all their heads"
6He 4:19 AThey will throw their sil!er into the streets% +nd their gold will be li'e re$#se& Their sil!er and their gold
will not be able to deli!er them In the day o$ the wrath o$ the /8:2& They will not satis$y their so#ls% Nor $ill their
stomahs% Bea#se it beame their st#mbling blo' o$ iniE#ity"
6He 4:25 A +s $or the bea#ty o$ his ornaments% He set it in ma@esty& B#t they made $rom it The images o$ their
abominations DD Their detestable things& There$ore I ha!e made it /i'e re$#se to them"
6He 4:21 I will gi!e it as *l#nder Into the hands o$ strangers% +nd to the wi'ed o$ the earth as s*oil& +nd they
shall de$ile it"
6He 4:22 I will t#rn ?y $ae $rom them% +nd they will de$ile ?y seret *lae& ;or robbers shall enter it and de$ile
6He 4:2- A ?a'e a hain% ;or the land is $illed with rimes o$ blood% +nd the ity is $#ll o$ !iolene"
6He 4:20 There$ore I will bring the worst o$ the Gentiles% +nd they will *ossess their ho#ses& I will a#se the
*om* o$ the strong to ease% +nd their holy *laes shall be de$iled"
6He 4:21 2estr#tion omes& They will see' *eae% b#t (there shall be) none"
6He 4:23 2isaster will ome #*on disaster% +nd r#mor will be #*on r#mor" Then they will see' a !ision $rom a
*ro*het& B#t the law will *erish $rom the *riest% +nd o#nsel $rom the elders"
6He 4:24 AThe 'ing will mo#rn% The *rine will be lothed with desolation% +nd the hands o$ the ommon *eo*le
will tremble" I will do to them aording to their way% +nd aording to what they deser!e I will @#dge them& Then
they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2FA .
6He 8:1 +nd it ame to *ass in the si9th year% in the si9th (month%) on the $i$th (day) o$ the month% as I sat in my
ho#se with the elders o$ J#dah sitting be$ore me% that the hand o$ the /ord G82 $ell #*on me there"
6He 8:2 Then I loo'ed% and there was a li'eness% li'e the a**earane o$ $ire DD $rom the a**earane o$ His waist
and downward% $ire& and $rom His waist and #*ward% li'e the a**earane o$ brightness% li'e the olor o$ amber"
6He 8:- He strethed o#t the $orm o$ a hand% and too' me by a lo' o$ my hair& and the ,*irit li$ted me #*
between earth and hea!en% and bro#ght me in !isions o$ God to Jer#salem% to the door o$ the north gate o$ the
inner (o#rt%) where the seat o$ the image o$ @ealo#sy (was%) whih *ro!o'es to @ealo#sy"
6He 8:0 +nd behold% the glory o$ the God o$ Israel (was) there% li'e the !ision that I saw in the *lain"
6He 8:1 Then He said to me% .,on o$ man% li$t yo#r eyes now toward the north". ,o I li$ted my eyes toward the
north% and there% north o$ the altar gate% was this image o$ @ealo#sy in the entrane"
6He 8:3 ;#rthermore He said to me% .,on o$ man% do yo# see what they are doing% the great abominations that
the ho#se o$ Israel ommits here% to ma'e ?e go $ar away $rom ?y sant#aryC Now t#rn again% yo# will see
greater abominations".
6He 8:4 ,o He bro#ght me to the door o$ the o#rt& and when I loo'ed% there was a hole in the wall"
6He 8:8 Then He said to me% .,on o$ man% dig into the wall.& and when I d#g into the wall% there was a door"
6He 8:9 +nd He said to me% .Go in% and see the wi'ed abominations whih they are doing there".
6He 8:15 ,o I went in and saw% and there DD e!ery sort o$ ree*ing thing% abominable beasts% and all the idols o$
the ho#se o$ Israel% *ortrayed all aro#nd on the walls"
6He 8:11 +nd there stood be$ore them se!enty men o$ the elders o$ the ho#se o$ Israel% and in their midst stood
JaaHaniah the son o$ ,ha*han" 6ah man had a enser in his hand% and a thi' lo#d o$ inense went #*"
6He 8:12 Then He said to me% .,on o$ man% ha!e yo# seen what the elders o$ the ho#se o$ Israel do in the dar'%
e!ery man in the room o$ his idolsC ;or they say% AThe /8:2 does not see #s% the /8:2 has $orsa'en the land"A
6He 8:1- +nd He said to me% .T#rn again% (and) yo# will see greater abominations that they are doing".
6He 8:10 ,o He bro#ght me to the door o$ the north gate o$ the /8:2As ho#se& and to my dismay% women were
sitting there wee*ing $or Tamm#H"
6He 8:11 Then He said to me% .Ha!e yo# seen (this%) 8 son o$ manC T#rn again% yo# will see greater
abominations than these".
6He 8:13 ,o He bro#ght me into the inner o#rt o$ the /8:2As ho#se& and there% at the door o$ the tem*le o$ the
/8:2% between the *orh and the altar% (were) abo#t twentyD$i!e men with their ba's toward the tem*le o$ the
/8:2 and their $aes toward the east% and they were worshi*ing the s#n toward the east"
6He 8:14 +nd He said to me% .Ha!e yo# seen (this%) 8 son o$ manC Is it a tri!ial thing to the ho#se o$ J#dah to
ommit the abominations whih they ommit hereC ;or they ha!e $illed the land with !iolene& then they ha!e
ret#rned to *ro!o'e ?e to anger" Indeed they *#t the branh to their nose"
6He 8:18 .There$ore I also will at in $#ry" ?y eye will not s*are nor will I ha!e *ity& and tho#gh they ry in ?y
ears with a lo#d !oie% I will not hear them".
6He 9:1 Then He alled o#t in my hearing with a lo#d !oie% saying% ./et those who ha!e harge o!er the ity
draw near% eah (with) a deadly wea*on in his hand".
6He 9:2 +nd s#ddenly si9 men ame $rom the diretion o$ the #**er gate% whih $aes north% eah with his
battleDa9 in his hand" 8ne man among them (was) lothed with linen and had a writerAs in'horn at his side" They
went in and stood beside the bronHe altar"
6He 9:- Now the glory o$ the God o$ Israel had gone #* $rom the her#b% where it had been% to the threshold o$
the tem*le" +nd He alled to the man lothed with linen% who (had) the writerAs in'horn at his side&
6He 9:0 and the /8:2 said to him% .Go thro#gh the midst o$ the ity% thro#gh the midst o$ Jer#salem% and *#t a
mar' on the $oreheads o$ the men who sigh and ry o!er all the abominations that are done within it".
6He 9:1 To the others He said in my hearing% .Go a$ter him thro#gh the ity and 'ill& do not let yo#r eye s*are%
nor ha!e any *ity"
6He 9:3 .7tterly slay old (and) yo#ng men% maidens and little hildren and women& b#t do not ome near anyone
on whom (is) the mar'& and begin at ?y sant#ary". ,o they began with the elders who (were) be$ore the tem*le"
6He 9:4 Then He said to them% .2e$ile the tem*le% and $ill the o#rts with the slain" Go o#tF. +nd they went o#t
and 'illed in the ity"
6He 9:8 ,o it was% that while they were 'illing them% I was le$t (alone&) and I $ell on my $ae and ried o#t% and
said% .+h% /ord G82F >ill Bo# destroy all the remnant o$ Israel in *o#ring o#t Bo#r $#ry on Jer#salemC.
6He 9:9 Then He said to me% .The iniE#ity o$ the ho#se o$ Israel and J#dah (is) e9eedingly great% and the land
is $#ll o$ bloodshed% and the ity $#ll o$ *er!ersity& $or they say% AThe /8:2 has $orsa'en the land% and the /8:2
does not seeFA
6He 9:15 .+nd as $or ?e also% ?y eye will neither s*are% nor will I ha!e *ity% (b#t) I will reom*ense their deeds
on their own head".
6He 9:11 J#st then% the man lothed with linen% who (had) the in'horn at his side% re*orted ba' and said% .I
ha!e done as Bo# ommanded me".
6He 15:1 +nd I loo'ed% and there in the $irmament that was abo!e the head o$ the her#bim% there a**eared
something li'e a sa**hire stone% ha!ing the a**earane o$ the li'eness o$ a throne"
6He 15:2 Then He s*o'e to the man lothed with linen% and said% .Go in among the wheels% #nder the her#b%
$ill yo#r hands with oals o$ $ire $rom among the her#bim% and satter (them) o!er the ity". +nd he went in as I
6He 15:- Now the her#bim were standing on the so#th side o$ the tem*le when the man went in% and the lo#d
$illed the inner o#rt"
6He 15:0 Then the glory o$ the /8:2 went #* $rom the her#b% (and *a#sed) o!er the threshold o$ the tem*le&
and the ho#se was $illed with the lo#d% and the o#rt was $#ll o$ the brightness o$ the /8:2As glory"
6He 15:1 +nd the so#nd o$ the wings o$ the her#bim was heard (e!en) in the o#ter o#rt% li'e the !oie o$
+lmighty God when He s*ea's"
6He 15:3 Then it ha**ened% when He ommanded the man lothed in linen% saying% .Ta'e $ire $rom among the
wheels% $rom among the her#bim%. that he went in and stood beside the wheels"
6He 15:4 +nd the her#b strethed o#t his hand $rom among the her#bim to the $ire that (was) among the
her#bim% and too' (some o$ it) and *#t (it) into the hands o$ the (man) lothed with linen% who too' (it) and went
6He 15:8 The her#bim a**eared to ha!e the $orm o$ a manAs hand #nder their wings"
6He 15:9 +nd when I loo'ed% there were $o#r wheels by the her#bim% one wheel by one her#b and another
wheel by eah other her#b& the wheels a**eared (to ha!e) the olor o$ a beryl stone"
6He 15:15 (+s $or) their a**earane% all $o#r loo'ed ali'e DD as it were% a wheel in the middle o$ a wheel"
6He 15:11 >hen they went% they went toward (any o$) their $o#r diretions& they did not t#rn aside when they
went% b#t $ollowed in the diretion the head was $aing" They did not t#rn aside when they went"
6He 15:12 +nd their whole body% with their ba'% their hands% their wings% and the wheels that the $o#r had%
(were) $#ll o$ eyes all aro#nd"
6He 15:1- +s $or the wheels% they were alled in my hearing% .>heel".
6He 15:10 6ah one had $o#r $aes: the $irst $ae (was) the $ae o$ a her#b% the seond $ae the $ae o$ a man%
the third the $ae o$ a lion% and the $o#rth the $ae o$ an eagle"
6He 15:11 +nd the her#bim were li$ted #*" This (was) the li!ing reat#re I saw by the :i!er =hebar"
6He 15:13 >hen the her#bim went% the wheels went beside them& and when the her#bim li$ted their wings to
mo#nt #* $rom the earth% the same wheels also did not t#rn $rom beside them"
6He 15:14 >hen (the her#bim) stood still% (the wheels) stood still% and when (one) was li$ted #*% (the other) li$ted
itsel$ #*% $or the s*irit o$ the li!ing reat#re (was) in them"
6He 15:18 Then the glory o$ the /8:2 de*arted $rom the threshold o$ the tem*le and stood o!er the her#bim"
6He 15:19 +nd the her#bim li$ted their wings and mo#nted #* $rom the earth in my sight" >hen they went o#t%
the wheels (were) beside them& and they stood at the door o$ the east gate o$ the /8:2As ho#se% and the glory o$
the God o$ Israel (was) abo!e them"
6He 15:25 This (is) the li!ing reat#re I saw #nder the God o$ Israel by the :i!er =hebar% and I 'new they (were)
6He 15:21 6ah one had $o#r $aes and eah one $o#r wings% and the li'eness o$ the hands o$ a man (was)
#nder their wings"
6He 15:22 +nd the li'eness o$ their $aes (was) the same (as) the $aes whih I had seen by the :i!er =hebar%
their a**earane and their *ersons" They eah went straight $orward"
6He 11:1 Then the ,*irit li$ted me #* and bro#ght me to the 6ast Gate o$ the /8:2As ho#se% whih $aes
eastward& and there at the door o$ the gate were twentyD$i!e men% among whom I saw JaaHaniah the son o$
+HH#r% and <elatiah the son o$ Benaiah% *rines o$ the *eo*le"
6He 11:2 +nd He said to me: .,on o$ man% these (are) the men who de!ise iniE#ity and gi!e wi'ed o#nsel in
this ity%
6He 11:- .who say% A(The time is) not near to b#ild ho#ses& this (ity is) the aldron% and we (are) the meat"A
6He 11:0 .There$ore *ro*hesy against them% *ro*hesy% 8 son o$ manF.
6He 11:1 Then the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 $ell #*on me% and said to me% .,*ea'F ATh#s says the /8:2: .Th#s yo#
ha!e said% 8 ho#se o$ Israel& $or I 'now the things that ome into yo#r mind"
6He 11:3 .Bo# ha!e m#lti*lied yo#r slain in this ity% and yo# ha!e $illed its streets with the slain".
6He 11:4 AThere$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .Bo#r slain whom yo# ha!e laid in its midst% they (are) the meat%
and this (ity is) the aldron& b#t I shall bring yo# o#t o$ the midst o$ it"
6He 11:8 .Bo# ha!e $eared the sword& and I will bring a sword #*on yo#%. says the /ord G82"
6He 11:9 .+nd I will bring yo# o#t o$ its midst% and deli!er yo# into the hands o$ strangers% and e9e#te
@#dgments on yo#"
6He 11:15 .Bo# shall $all by the sword" I will @#dge yo# at the border o$ Israel" Then yo# shall 'now that I (am)
the /8:2"
6He 11:11 .This (ity) shall not be yo#r aldron% nor shall yo# be the meat in its midst" I will @#dge yo# at the
border o$ Israel"
6He 11:12 .+nd yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2& $or yo# ha!e not wal'ed in ?y stat#tes nor e9e#ted ?y
@#dgments% b#t ha!e done aording to the #stoms o$ the Gentiles whih (are) all aro#nd yo#". A .
6He 11:1- Now it ha**ened% while I was *ro*hesying% that <elatiah the son o$ Benaiah died" Then I $ell on my
$ae and ried with a lo#d !oie% and said% .+h% /ord G82F >ill Bo# ma'e a om*lete end o$ the remnant o$
6He 11:10 +gain the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 11:11 .,on o$ man% yo#r brethren% yo#r relati!es% yo#r o#ntrymen% and all the ho#se o$ Israel in its entirety%
(are) those abo#t whom the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem ha!e said% AGet $ar away $rom the /8:2& this land has
been gi!en to #s as a *ossession"A
6He 11:13 .There$ore say% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .+ltho#gh I ha!e ast them $ar o$$ among the Gentiles% and
altho#gh I ha!e sattered them among the o#ntries% yet I shall be a little sant#ary $or them in the o#ntries
where they ha!e gone". A
6He 11:14 .There$ore say% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .I will gather yo# $rom the *eo*les% assemble yo# $rom the
o#ntries where yo# ha!e been sattered% and I will gi!e yo# the land o$ Israel". A
6He 11:18 .+nd they will go there% and they will ta'e away all its detestable things and all its abominations $rom
6He 11:19 .Then I will gi!e them one heart% and I will *#t a new s*irit within them% and ta'e the stony heart o#t
o$ their $lesh% and gi!e them a heart o$ $lesh%
6He 11:25 .that they may wal' in ?y stat#tes and 'ee* ?y @#dgments and do them& and they shall be ?y
*eo*le% and I will be their God"
6He 11:21 .B#t (as $or those) whose hearts $ollow the desire $or their detestable things and their abominations% I
will reom*ense their deeds on their own heads%. says the /ord G82"
6He 11:22 ,o the her#bim li$ted #* their wings% with the wheels beside them% and the glory o$ the God o$ Israel
(was) high abo!e them"
6He 11:2- +nd the glory o$ the /8:2 went #* $rom the midst o$ the ity and stood on the mo#ntain% whih (is)
on the east side o$ the ity"
6He 11:20 Then the ,*irit too' me #* and bro#ght me in a !ision by the ,*irit o$ God into =haldea% to those in
a*ti!ity" +nd the !ision that I had seen went #* $rom me"
6He 11:21 ,o I s*o'e to those in a*ti!ity o$ all the things the /8:2 had shown me"
6He 12:1 Now the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying:
6He 12:2 .,on o$ man% yo# dwell in the midst o$ a rebellio#s ho#se% whih has eyes to see b#t does not see%
and ears to hear b#t does not hear& $or they (are) a rebellio#s ho#se"
6He 12:- .There$ore% son o$ man% *re*are yo#r belongings $or a*ti!ity% and go into a*ti!ity by day in their
sight" Bo# shall go $rom yo#r *lae into a*ti!ity to another *lae in their sight" It may be that they will onsider%
tho#gh they (are) a rebellio#s ho#se"
6He 12:0 .By day yo# shall bring o#t yo#r belongings in their sight% as tho#gh going into a*ti!ity& and at
e!ening yo# shall go in their sight% li'e those who go into a*ti!ity"
6He 12:1 .2ig thro#gh the wall in their sight% and arry yo#r belongings o#t thro#gh it"
6He 12:3 .In their sight yo# shall bear (them) on (yo#r) sho#lders (and) arry (them) o#t at twilight& yo# shall
o!er yo#r $ae% so that yo# annot see the gro#nd% $or I ha!e made yo# a sign to the ho#se o$ Israel".
6He 12:4 ,o I did as I was ommanded" I bro#ght o#t my belongings by day% as tho#gh going into a*ti!ity% and
at e!ening I d#g thro#gh the wall with my hand" I bro#ght (them) o#t at twilight% (and) I bore (them) on (my)
sho#lder in their sight"
6He 12:8 +nd in the morning the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 12:9 .,on o$ man% has not the ho#se o$ Israel% the rebellio#s ho#se% said to yo#% A>hat are yo# doingCA
6He 12:15 .,ay to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .This b#rden (onerns) the *rine in Jer#salem and all the
ho#se o$ Israel who are among them". A
6He 12:11 .,ay% AI (am) a sign to yo#" +s I ha!e done% so shall it be done to them& they shall be arried away into
6He 12:12 .+nd the *rine who (is) among them shall bear (his belongings) on (his) sho#lder at twilight and go
o#t" They shall dig thro#gh the wall to arry (them) o#t thro#gh it" He shall o!er his $ae% so that he annot see
the gro#nd with (his) eyes"
6He 12:1- .I will also s*read ?y net o!er him% and he shall be a#ght in ?y snare" I will bring him to Babylon%
(to) the land o$ the =haldeans& yet he shall not see it% tho#gh he shall die there"
6He 12:10 .I will satter to e!ery wind all who (are) aro#nd him to hel* him% and all his troo*s& and I will draw o#t
the sword a$ter them"
6He 12:11 .Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% when I satter them among the nations and dis*erse
them thro#gho#t the o#ntries"
6He 12:13 .B#t I will s*are a $ew o$ their men $rom the sword% $rom $amine% and $rom *estilene% that they may
delare all their abominations among the Gentiles where!er they go" Then they shall 'now that I (am) the
6He 12:14 ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 12:18 .,on o$ man% eat yo#r bread with E#a'ing% and drin' yo#r water with trembling and an9iety"
6He 12:19 .+nd say to the *eo*le o$ the land% ATh#s says the /ord G82 to the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem (and) to
the land o$ Israel: .They shall eat their bread with an9iety% and drin' their water with dread% so that her land may
be em*tied o$ all who are in it% bea#se o$ the !iolene o$ all those who dwell in it"
6He 12:25 .Then the ities that are inhabited shall be laid waste% and the land shall beome desolate& and yo#
shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2". A .
6He 12:21 +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 12:22 .,on o$ man% what (is) this *ro!erb (that) yo# (*eo*le) ha!e abo#t the land o$ Israel% whih says% AThe
days are *rolonged% and e!ery !ision $ailsAC
6He 12:2- .Tell them there$ore% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .I will lay this *ro!erb to rest% and they shall no more
#se it as a *ro!erb in Israel". B#t say to them% .The days are at hand% and the $#l$illment o$ e!ery !ision"
6He 12:20 .;or no more shall there be any $alse !ision or $lattering di!ination within the ho#se o$ Israel"
6He 12:21 .;or I (am) the /8:2" I s*ea'% and the word whih I s*ea' will ome to *ass& it will no more be
*ost*oned& $or in yo#r days% 8 rebellio#s ho#se% I will say the word and *er$orm it%. says the /ord G82"A .
6He 12:23 +gain the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 12:24 .,on o$ man% loo'% the ho#se o$ Israel is saying% AThe !ision that he sees (is) $or many days ($rom
now%) and he *ro*hesies o$ times $ar o$$"A
6He 12:28 .There$ore say to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .None o$ ?y words will be *ost*oned any more%
b#t the word whih I s*ea' will be done%. says the /ord G82"A .
6He 1-:1 +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 1-:2 .,on o$ man% *ro*hesy against the *ro*hets o$ Israel who *ro*hesy% and say to those who *ro*hesy
o#t o$ their own heart% AHear the word o$ the /8:2FA .
6He 1-:- Th#s says the /ord G82: .>oe to the $oolish *ro*hets% who $ollow their own s*irit and ha!e seen
6He 1-:0 .8 Israel% yo#r *ro*hets are li'e $o9es in the deserts"
6He 1-:1 .Bo# ha!e not gone #* into the ga*s to b#ild a wall $or the ho#se o$ Israel to stand in battle on the day
o$ the /8:2"
6He 1-:3 .They ha!e en!isioned $#tility and $alse di!ination% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2FA B#t the /8:2 has
not sent them& yet they ho*e that the word may be on$irmed"
6He 1-:4 .Ha!e yo# not seen a $#tile !ision% and ha!e yo# not s*o'en $alse di!inationC Bo# say% AThe /8:2
says%A b#t I ha!e not s*o'en".
6He 1-:8 There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se yo# ha!e s*o'en nonsense and en!isioned lies%
there$ore I (am) indeed against yo#%. says the /ord G82"
6He 1-:9 .?y hand will be against the *ro*hets who en!ision $#tility and who di!ine lies& they shall not be in the
assembly o$ ?y *eo*le% nor be written in the reord o$ the ho#se o$ Israel% nor shall they enter into the land o$
Israel" Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /ord G82"
6He 1-:15 .Bea#se% indeed% bea#se they ha!e sed#ed ?y *eo*le% saying% A<eaeFA when (there is) no *eae
DD and one b#ilds a wall% and they *laster it with #ntem*ered (mortar DD )
6He 1-:11 .say to those who *laster (it) with #ntem*ered (mortar%) that it will $all" There will be $looding rain% and
yo#% 8 great hailstones% shall $all& and a stormy wind shall tear (it) down"
6He 1-:12 .,#rely% when the wall has $allen% will it not be said to yo#% A>here (is) the mortar with whih yo#
*lastered (itCA) .
6He 1-:1- There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .I will a#se a stormy wind to brea' $orth in ?y $#ry& and there
shall be a $looding rain in ?y anger% and great hailstones in $#ry to ons#me (it")
6He 1-:10 .,o I will brea' down the wall yo# ha!e *lastered with #ntem*ered (mortar%) and bring it down to the
gro#nd% so that its $o#ndation will be #no!ered& it will $all% and yo# shall be ons#med in the midst o$ it" Then
yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"
6He 1-:11 .Th#s will I aom*lish ?y wrath on the wall and on those who ha!e *lastered it with #ntem*ered
(mortar&) and I will say to yo#% AThe wall (is) no (more%) nor those who *lastered it%
6He 1-:13 A(that is%) the *ro*hets o$ Israel who *ro*hesy onerning Jer#salem% and who see !isions o$ *eae
$or her when (there is) no *eae%A . says the /ord G82"
6He 1-:14 . /i'ewise% son o$ man% set yo#r $ae against the da#ghters o$ yo#r *eo*le% who *ro*hesy o#t o$ their
own heart& *ro*hesy against them%
6He 1-:18 .and say% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .>oe to the (women) who sew (magi) harms on their slee!es
and ma'e !eils $or the heads o$ *eo*le o$ e!ery height to h#nt so#lsF >ill yo# h#nt the so#ls o$ ?y *eo*le% and
'ee* yo#rsel!es ali!eC
6He 1-:19 .+nd will yo# *ro$ane ?e among ?y *eo*le $or hand$#ls o$ barley and $or *iees o$ bread% 'illing
*eo*le who sho#ld not die% and 'ee*ing *eo*le ali!e who sho#ld not li!e% by yo#r lying to ?y *eo*le who listen
to liesC.
6He 1-:25 A There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% I (am) against yo#r (magi) harms by whih yo# h#nt
so#ls there li'e birds" I will tear them $rom yo#r arms% and let the so#ls go% the so#ls yo# h#nt li'e birds"
6He 1-:21 .I will also tear o$$ yo#r !eils and deli!er ?y *eo*le o#t o$ yo#r hand% and they shall no longer be as
*rey in yo#r hand" Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"
6He 1-:22 .Bea#se with lies yo# ha!e made the heart o$ the righteo#s sad% whom I ha!e not made sad& and
yo# ha!e strengthened the hands o$ the wi'ed% so that he does not t#rn $rom his wi'ed way to sa!e his li$e"
6He 1-:2- .There$ore yo# shall no longer en!ision $#tility nor *ratie di!ination& $or I will deli!er ?y *eo*le o#t
o$ yo#r hand% and yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2". A .
6He 10:1 Now some o$ the elders o$ Israel ame to me and sat be$ore me"
6He 10:2 +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 10:- .,on o$ man% these men ha!e set #* their idols in their hearts% and *#t be$ore them that whih a#ses
them to st#mble into iniE#ity" ,ho#ld I let ?ysel$ be inE#ired o$ at all by themC
6He 10:0 .There$ore s*ea' to them% and say to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .6!eryone o$ the ho#se o$
Israel who sets #* his idols in his heart% and *#ts be$ore him what a#ses him to st#mble into iniE#ity% and then
omes to the *ro*het% I the /8:2 will answer him who omes% aording to the m#ltit#de o$ his idols%
6He 10:1 .that I may seiHe the ho#se o$ Israel by their heart% bea#se they are all estranged $rom ?e by their
idols". A
6He 10:3 . There$ore say to the ho#se o$ Israel% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .:e*ent% t#rn away $rom yo#r idols%
and t#rn yo#r $aes away $rom all yo#r abominations"
6He 10:4 .;or anyone o$ the ho#se o$ Israel% or o$ the strangers who dwell in Israel% who se*arates himsel$ $rom
?e and sets #* his idols in his heart and *#ts be$ore him what a#ses him to st#mble into iniE#ity% then omes to
a *ro*het to inE#ire o$ him onerning ?e% I the /8:2 will answer him by ?ysel$"
6He 10:8 .I will set ?y $ae against that man and ma'e him a sign and a *ro!erb% and I will #t him o$$ $rom the
midst o$ ?y *eo*le" Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"
6He 10:9 .+nd i$ the *ro*het is ind#ed to s*ea' anything% I the /8:2 ha!e ind#ed that *ro*het% and I will
streth o#t ?y hand against him and destroy him $rom among ?y *eo*le Israel"
6He 10:15 .+nd they shall bear their iniE#ity& the *#nishment o$ the *ro*het shall be the same as the
*#nishment o$ the one who inE#ired%
6He 10:11 .that the ho#se o$ Israel may no longer stray $rom ?e% nor be *ro$aned anymore with all their
transgressions% b#t that they may be ?y *eo*le and I may be their God%. says the /ord G82"A .
6He 10:12 The word o$ the /8:2 ame again to me% saying:
6He 10:1- .,on o$ man% when a land sins against ?e by *ersistent #n$aith$#lness% I will streth o#t ?y hand
against it& I will #t o$$ its s#**ly o$ bread% send $amine on it% and #t o$$ man and beast $rom it"
6He 10:10 .6!en (i$) these three men% Noah% 2aniel% and Job% were in it% they wo#ld deli!er (only) themsel!es by
their righteo#sness%. says the /ord G82"
6He 10:11 . I$ I a#se wild beasts to *ass thro#gh the land% and they em*ty it% and ma'e it so desolate that no
man may *ass thro#gh bea#se o$ the beasts%
6He 10:13 .e!en (tho#gh) these three men (were) in it% (as) I li!e%. says the /ord G82% .they wo#ld deli!er
neither sons nor da#ghters& only they wo#ld be deli!ered% and the land wo#ld be desolate"
6He 10:14 . 8r (i$) I bring a sword on that land% and say% A,word% go thro#gh the land%A and I #t o$$ man and
beast $rom it%
6He 10:18 .e!en (tho#gh) these three men (were) in it% (as) I li!e%. says the /ord G82% .they wo#ld deli!er
neither sons nor da#ghters% b#t only they themsel!es wo#ld be deli!ered"
6He 10:19 . 8r (i$) I send a *estilene into that land and *o#r o#t ?y $#ry on it in blood% and #t o$$ $rom it man
and beast%
6He 10:25 .e!en (tho#gh) Noah% 2aniel% and Job (were) in it% (as) I li!e%. says the /ord G82% .they wo#ld deli!er
neither son nor da#ghter& they wo#ld deli!er (only) themsel!es by their righteo#sness".
6He 10:21 ;or th#s says the /ord G82: .How m#h more it shall be when I send ?y $o#r se!ere @#dgments on
Jer#salem DD the sword and $amine and wild beasts and *estilene DD to #t o$$ man and beast $rom itC
6He 10:22 .Bet behold% there shall be le$t in it a remnant who will be bro#ght o#t% (both) sons and da#ghters&
s#rely they will ome o#t to yo#% and yo# will see their ways and their doings" Then yo# will be om$orted
onerning the disaster that I ha!e bro#ght #*on Jer#salem% all that I ha!e bro#ght #*on it"
6He 10:2- .+nd they will om$ort yo#% when yo# see their ways and their doings& and yo# shall 'now that I ha!e
done nothing witho#t a#se that I ha!e done in it%. says the /8:2 G82"
6He 11:1 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying:
6He 11:2 .,on o$ man% how is the wood o$ the !ine (better) than any other wood% the !ine branh whih is
among the trees o$ the $orestC
6He 11:- .Is wood ta'en $rom it to ma'e any ob@etC 8r an (men) ma'e a *eg $rom it to hang any !essel onC
6He 11:0 .Instead% it is thrown into the $ire $or $#el& the $ire de!o#rs both ends o$ it% and its middle is b#rned" Is it
#se$#l $or (any) wor'C
6He 11:1 .Indeed% when it was whole% no ob@et o#ld be made $rom it" How m#h less will it be #se$#l $or (any)
wor' when the $ire has de!o#red it% and it is b#rnedC
6He 11:3 . There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: A/i'e the wood o$ the !ine among the trees o$ the $orest% whih I
ha!e gi!en to the $ire $or $#el% so I will gi!e #* the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem&
6He 11:4 Aand I will set ?y $ae against them" They will go o#t $rom (one) $ire% b#t (another) $ire shall de!o#r
them" Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% when I set ?y $ae against them"
6He 11:8 ATh#s I will ma'e the land desolate% bea#se they ha!e *ersisted in #n$aith$#lness%A says the /ord
6He 13:1 +gain the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 13:2 .,on o$ man% a#se Jer#salem to 'now her abominations%
6He 13:- .and say% ATh#s says the /ord G82 to Jer#salem: .Bo#r birth and yo#r nati!ity (are) $rom the land o$
=anaan& yo#r $ather (was) an +morite and yo#r mother a Hittite"
6He 13:0 .(+s $or) yo#r nati!ity% on the day yo# were born yo#r na!el ord was not #t% nor were yo# washed in
water to leanse (yo#&) yo# were not r#bbed with salt nor wra**ed in swaddling loths"
6He 13:1 .No eye *itied yo#% to do any o$ these things $or yo#% to ha!e om*assion on yo#& b#t yo# were thrown
o#t into the o*en $ield% when yo# yo#rsel$ were loathed on the day yo# were born"
6He 13:3 . +nd when I *assed by yo# and saw yo# str#ggling in yo#r own blood% I said to yo# in yo#r blood%
A/i!eFA Bes% I said to yo# in yo#r blood% A/i!eFA
6He 13:4 .I made yo# thri!e li'e a *lant in the $ield& and yo# grew% mat#red% and beame !ery bea#ti$#l" (Bo#r)
breasts were $ormed% yo#r hair grew% b#t yo# (were) na'ed and bare"
6He 13:8 .>hen I *assed by yo# again and loo'ed #*on yo#% indeed yo#r time (was) the time o$ lo!e& so I
s*read ?y wing o!er yo# and o!ered yo#r na'edness" Bes% I swore an oath to yo# and entered into a o!enant
with yo#% and yo# beame ?ine%. says the /ord G82"
6He 13:9 .Then I washed yo# in water& yes% I thoro#ghly washed o$$ yo#r blood% and I anointed yo# with oil"
6He 13:15 .I lothed yo# in embroidered loth and ga!e yo# sandals o$ badger s'in& I lothed yo# with $ine linen
and o!ered yo# with sil'"
6He 13:11 .I adorned yo# with ornaments% *#t braelets on yo#r wrists% and a hain on yo#r ne'"
6He 13:12 .+nd I *#t a @ewel in yo#r nose% earrings in yo#r ears% and a bea#ti$#l rown on yo#r head"
6He 13:1- .Th#s yo# were adorned with gold and sil!er% and yo#r lothing (was o$) $ine linen% sil'% and
embroidered loth" Bo# ate (*astry o$) $ine $lo#r% honey% and oil" Bo# were e9eedingly bea#ti$#l% and s#eeded
to royalty"
6He 13:10 .Bo#r $ame went o#t among the nations bea#se o$ yo#r bea#ty% $or it (was) *er$et thro#gh ?y
s*lendor whih I had bestowed on yo#%. says the /ord G82"
6He 13:11 . B#t yo# tr#sted in yo#r own bea#ty% *layed the harlot bea#se o$ yo#r $ame% and *o#red o#t yo#r
harlotry on e!eryone *assing by who (wo#ld ha!e) it"
6He 13:13 .Bo# too' some o$ yo#r garments and adorned m#ltiolored high *laes $or yo#rsel$% and *layed the
harlot on them" (,#h) things sho#ld not ha**en% nor be"
6He 13:14 .Bo# ha!e also ta'en yo#r bea#ti$#l @ewelry $rom ?y gold and ?y sil!er% whih I had gi!en yo#% and
made $or yo#rsel$ male images and *layed the harlot with them"
6He 13:18 .Bo# too' yo#r embroidered garments and o!ered them% and yo# set ?y oil and ?y inense be$ore
6He 13:19 .+lso ?y $ood whih I ga!e yo# DD the *astry o$ $ine $lo#r% oil% and honey (whih) I $ed yo# DD yo# set it
be$ore them as sweet inense& and (so) it was%. says the /ord G82"
6He 13:25 .?oreo!er yo# too' yo#r sons and yo#r da#ghters% whom yo# bore to ?e% and these yo# sari$ied to
them to be de!o#red" (>ere) yo#r (ats) o$ harlotry a small matter%
6He 13:21 .that yo# ha!e slain ?y hildren and o$$ered them #* to them by a#sing them to *ass thro#gh (the
6He 13:22 .+nd in all yo#r abominations and ats o$ harlotry yo# did not remember the days o$ yo#r yo#th% when
yo# were na'ed and bare% str#ggling in yo#r blood"
6He 13:2- . Then it was so% a$ter all yo#r wi'edness DD A>oe% woe to yo#FA says the /ord G82 DD
6He 13:20 .(that) yo# also b#ilt $or yo#rsel$ a shrine% and made a high *lae $or yo#rsel$ in e!ery street"
6He 13:21 .Bo# b#ilt yo#r high *laes at the head o$ e!ery road% and made yo#r bea#ty to be abhorred" Bo#
o$$ered yo#rsel$ to e!eryone who *assed by% and m#lti*lied yo#r ats o$ harlotry"
6He 13:23 .Bo# also ommitted harlotry with the 6gy*tians% yo#r !ery $leshly neighbors% and inreased yo#r ats
o$ harlotry to *ro!o'e ?e to anger"
6He 13:24 .Behold% there$ore% I strethed o#t ?y hand against yo#% diminished yo#r allotment% and ga!e yo# #*
to the will o$ those who hate yo#% the da#ghters o$ the <hilistines% who were ashamed o$ yo#r lewd beha!ior"
6He 13:28 .Bo# also *layed the harlot with the +ssyrians% bea#se yo# were insatiable& indeed yo# *layed the
harlot with them and still were not satis$ied"
6He 13:29 .?oreo!er yo# m#lti*lied yo#r ats o$ harlotry as $ar as the land o$ the trader% =haldea& and e!en
then yo# were not satis$ied"
6He 13:-5 .How degenerate is yo#r heartF. says the /ord G82% .seeing yo# do all these (things%) the deeds o$ a
braHen harlot"
6He 13:-1 . Bo# ereted yo#r shrine at the head o$ e!ery road% and b#ilt yo#r high *lae in e!ery street" Bet yo#
were not li'e a harlot% bea#se yo# sorned *ayment"
6He 13:-2 .(Bo# are) an ad#ltero#s wi$e% (who) ta'es strangers instead o$ her h#sband"
6He 13:-- .?en ma'e *ayment to all harlots% b#t yo# made yo#r *ayments to all yo#r lo!ers% and hired them to
ome to yo# $rom all aro#nd $or yo#r harlotry"
6He 13:-0 .Bo# are the o**osite o$ (other) women in yo#r harlotry% bea#se no one soliited yo# to be a harlot"
In that yo# ga!e *ayment b#t no *ayment was gi!en yo#% there$ore yo# are the o**osite".
6He 13:-1 A Now then% 8 harlot% hear the word o$ the /8:2F
6He 13:-3 ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se yo#r $ilthiness was *o#red o#t and yo#r na'edness #no!ered
in yo#r harlotry with yo#r lo!ers% and with all yo#r abominable idols% and bea#se o$ the blood o$ yo#r hildren
whih yo# ga!e to them%
6He 13:-4 .s#rely% there$ore% I will gather all yo#r lo!ers with whom yo# too' *leas#re% all those yo# lo!ed% (and)
all those yo# hated& I will gather them $rom all aro#nd against yo# and will #no!er yo#r na'edness to them% that
they may see all yo#r na'edness"
6He 13:-8 .+nd I will @#dge yo# as women who brea' wedlo' or shed blood are @#dged& I will bring blood #*on
yo# in $#ry and @ealo#sy"
6He 13:-9 .I will also gi!e yo# into their hand% and they shall throw down yo#r shrines and brea' down yo#r high
*laes" They shall also stri* yo# o$ yo#r lothes% ta'e yo#r bea#ti$#l @ewelry% and lea!e yo# na'ed and bare"
6He 13:05 .They shall also bring #* an assembly against yo#% and they shall stone yo# with stones and thr#st
yo# thro#gh with their swords"
6He 13:01 .They shall b#rn yo#r ho#ses with $ire% and e9e#te @#dgments on yo# in the sight o$ many women&
and I will ma'e yo# ease *laying the harlot% and yo# shall no longer hire lo!ers"
6He 13:02 .,o I will lay to rest ?y $#ry toward yo#% and ?y @ealo#sy shall de*art $rom yo#" I will be E#iet% and be
angry no more"
6He 13:0- .Bea#se yo# did not remember the days o$ yo#r yo#th% b#t agitated ?e with all these (things%) s#rely
I will also reom*ense yo#r deeds on (yo#r own) head%. says the /ord G82" .+nd yo# shall not ommit lewdness
in addition to all yo#r abominations"
6He 13:00 . Indeed e!eryone who E#otes *ro!erbs will #se (this) *ro!erb against yo#: A/i'e mother% li'e
6He 13:01 .Bo# (are) yo#r motherAs da#ghter% loathing h#sband and hildren& and yo# (are) the sister o$ yo#r
sisters% who loathed their h#sbands and hildren& yo#r mother (was) a Hittite and yo#r $ather an +morite"
6He 13:03 .Bo#r elder sister (is) ,amaria% who dwells with her da#ghters to the north o$ yo#& and yo#r yo#nger
sister% who dwells to the so#th o$ yo#% (is) ,odom and her da#ghters"
6He 13:04 .Bo# did not wal' in their ways nor at aording to their abominations& b#t% as (i$ that were) too little%
yo# beame more orr#*t than they in all yo#r ways"
6He 13:08 .(+s) I li!e%. says the /ord G82% .neither yo#r sister ,odom nor her da#ghters ha!e done as yo# and
yo#r da#ghters ha!e done"
6He 13:09 ./oo'% this was the iniE#ity o$ yo#r sister ,odom: ,he and her da#ghter had *ride% $#llness o$ $ood%
and ab#ndane o$ idleness& neither did she strengthen the hand o$ the *oor and needy"
6He 13:15 .+nd they were ha#ghty and ommitted abomination be$ore ?e& there$ore I too' them away as I saw
6He 13:11 .,amaria did not ommit hal$ o$ yo#r sins& b#t yo# ha!e m#lti*lied yo#r abominations more than they%
and ha!e @#sti$ied yo#r sisters by all the abominations whih yo# ha!e done"
6He 13:12 .Bo# who @#dged yo#r sisters% bear yo#r own shame also% bea#se the sins whih yo# ommitted
were more abominable than theirs& they are more righteo#s than yo#" Bes% be disgraed also% and bear yo#r own
shame% bea#se yo# @#sti$ied yo#r sisters"
6He 13:1- . >hen I bring ba' their a*ti!es% the a*ti!es o$ ,odom and her da#ghters% and the a*ti!es o$
,amaria and her da#ghters% then (I will also bring ba') the a*ti!es o$ yo#r a*ti!ity among them%
6He 13:10 .that yo# may bear yo#r own shame and be disgraed by all that yo# did when yo# om$orted them"
6He 13:11 .>hen yo#r sisters% ,odom and her da#ghters% ret#rn to their $ormer state% and ,amaria and her
da#ghters ret#rn to their $ormer state% then yo# and yo#r da#ghters will ret#rn to yo#r $ormer state"
6He 13:13 .;or yo#r sister ,odom was not a byword in yo#r mo#th in the days o$ yo#r *ride%
6He 13:14 .be$ore yo#r wi'edness was #no!ered" It was li'e the time o$ the re*roah o$ the da#ghters o$
,yria and all (those) aro#nd her% and o$ the da#ghters o$ the <hilistines% who des*ise yo# e!erywhere"
6He 13:18 .Bo# ha!e *aid $or yo#r lewdness and yo#r abominations%. says the /8:2"
6He 13:19 A;or th#s says the /ord G82: .I will deal with yo# as yo# ha!e done% who des*ised the oath by
brea'ing the o!enant"
6He 13:35 . Ne!ertheless I will remember ?y o!enant with yo# in the days o$ yo#r yo#th% and I will establish an
e!erlasting o!enant with yo#"
6He 13:31 .Then yo# will remember yo#r ways and be ashamed% when yo# reei!e yo#r older and yo#r yo#nger
sisters& $or I will gi!e them to yo# $or da#ghters% b#t not bea#se o$ ?y o!enant with yo#"
6He 13:32 .+nd I will establish ?y o!enant with yo#" Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2%
6He 13:3- .that yo# may remember and be ashamed% and ne!er o*en yo#r mo#th anymore bea#se o$ yo#r
shame% when I *ro!ide yo# an atonement $or all yo# ha!e done%. says the /ord G82"A .
6He 14:1 +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 14:2 .,on o$ man% *ose a riddle% and s*ea' a *arable to the ho#se o$ Israel%
6He 14:- .and say% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .+ great eagle with large wings and long *inions% ;#ll o$ $eathers
o$ !ario#s olors% =ame to /ebanon +nd too' $rom the edar the highest branh"
6He 14:0 He ro**ed o$$ its to*most yo#ng twig +nd arried it to a land o$ trade& He set it in a ity o$ merhants"
6He 14:1 Then he too' some o$ the seed o$ the land +nd *lanted it in a $ertile $ield& He *laed (it) by ab#ndant
waters (+nd) set it li'e a willow tree"
6He 14:3 +nd it grew and beame a s*reading !ine o$ low stat#re& Its branhes t#rned toward him% B#t its roots
were #nder it" ,o it beame a !ine% Bro#ght $orth branhes% +nd *#t $orth shoots"
6He 14:4 . B#t there was another great eagle with large wings and many $eathers& +nd behold% this !ine bent its
roots toward him% +nd strethed its branhes toward him% ;rom the garden terrae where it had been *lanted%
That he might water it"
6He 14:8 It was *lanted in good soil by many waters% To bring $orth branhes% bear $r#it% (+nd) beome a
ma@esti !ine". A
6He 14:9 . ,ay% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .>ill it thri!eC >ill he not *#ll #* its roots% =#t o$$ its $r#it% +nd lea!e it
to witherC +ll o$ its s*ring lea!es will wither% +nd no great *ower or many *eo*le >ill be needed to *l#' it #* by
its roots"
6He 14:15 Behold% (it is) *lanted% >ill it thri!eC >ill it not #tterly wither when the east wind to#hes itC It will
wither in the garden terrae where it grew". A .
6He 14:11 ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 14:12 .,ay now to the rebellio#s ho#se: A2o yo# not 'now what these (things meanCA) Tell (them%) AIndeed
the 'ing o$ Babylon went to Jer#salem and too' its 'ing and *rines% and led them with him to Babylon"
6He 14:1- A+nd he too' the 'ingAs o$$s*ring% made a o!enant with him% and *#t him #nder oath" He also too'
away the mighty o$ the land%
6He 14:10 Athat the 'ingdom might be bro#ght low and not li$t itsel$ #*% (b#t) that by 'ee*ing his o!enant it might
6He 14:11 AB#t he rebelled against him by sending his ambassadors to 6gy*t% that they might gi!e him horses
and many *eo*le" >ill he *ros*erC >ill he who does s#h (things) esa*eC =an he brea' a o!enant and still be
6He 14:13 A(+s) I li!e%A says the /ord G82% As#rely in the *lae (where) the 'ing (dwells) who made him 'ing%
whose oath he des*ised and whose o!enant he bro'e DD with him in the midst o$ Babylon he shall die"
6He 14:14 ANor will <haraoh with (his) mighty army and great om*any do anything in the war% when they hea*
#* a siege mo#nd and b#ild a wall to #t o$$ many *ersons"
6He 14:18 A,ine he des*ised the oath by brea'ing the o!enant% and in $at ga!e his hand and still did all these
(things%) he shall not esa*e"A .
6He 14:19 There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .(+s) I li!e% s#rely ?y oath whih he des*ised% and ?y o!enant
whih he bro'e% I will reom*ense on his own head"
6He 14:25 .I will s*read ?y net o!er him% and he shall be ta'en in ?y snare" I will bring him to Babylon and try
him there $or the treason whih he ommitted against ?e"
6He 14:21 .+ll his $#giti!es with all his troo*s shall $all by the sword% and those who remain shall be sattered to
e!ery wind& and yo# shall 'now that I% the /8:2% ha!e s*o'en".
6He 14:22 Th#s says the /ord G82: .I will ta'e also (one) o$ the highest branhes o$ the high edar and set (it)
o#t" I will ro* o$$ $rom the to*most o$ its yo#ng twigs a tender one% and will *lant (it) on a high and *rominent
6He 14:2- .8n the mo#ntain height o$ Israel I will *lant it& and it will bring $orth bo#ghs% and bear $r#it% and be a
ma@esti edar" 7nder it will dwell birds o$ e!ery sort& in the shadow o$ its branhes they will dwell"
6He 14:20 .+nd all the trees o$ the $ield shall 'now that I% the /8:2% ha!e bro#ght down the high tree and
e9alted the low tree% dried #* the green tree and made the dry tree $lo#rish& I% the /8:2% ha!e s*o'en and ha!e
done (it".)
6He 18:1 The word o$ the /8:2 ame to me again% saying%
6He 18:2 .>hat do yo# mean when yo# #se this *ro!erb onerning the land o$ Israel% saying: AThe $athers ha!e
eaten so#r gra*es% +nd the hildrenAs teeth are set on edgeAC
6He 18:- .(+s) I li!e%. says the /ord G82% .yo# shall no longer #se this *ro!erb in Israel"
6He 18:0 .Behold% all so#ls are ?ine& The so#l o$ the $ather +s well as the so#l o$ the son is ?ine& The so#l who
sins shall die"
6He 18:1 B#t i$ a man is @#st +nd does what is law$#l and right&
6He 18:3 I$ he has not eaten on the mo#ntains% Nor li$ted #* his eyes to the idols o$ the ho#se o$ Israel% Nor
de$iled his neighborAs wi$e% Nor a**roahed a woman d#ring her im*#rity&
6He 18:4 I$ he has not o**ressed anyone% (B#t) has restored to the debtor his *ledge& Has robbed no one by
!iolene% (B#t) has gi!en his bread to the h#ngry +nd o!ered the na'ed with lothing&
6He 18:8 I$ he has not e9ated #s#ry Nor ta'en any inrease% (B#t) has withdrawn his hand $rom iniE#ity (+nd)
e9e#ted tr#e @#dgment between man and man&
6He 18:9 (I$) he has wal'ed in ?y stat#tes +nd 'e*t ?y @#dgments $aith$#lly DD He (is) @#st& He shall s#rely li!eF.
,ays the /ord G82"
6He 18:15 . I$ he begets a son (who is) a robber 8r a shedder o$ blood% (>ho) does any o$ these (things)
6He 18:11 +nd does none o$ those (d#ties%) B#t has eaten on the mo#ntains 8r de$iled his neighborAs wi$e&
6He 18:12 I$ he has o**ressed the *oor and needy% :obbed by !iolene% Not restored the *ledge% /i$ted his
eyes to the idols% (8r) ommitted abomination&
6He 18:1- I$ he has e9ated #s#ry 8r ta'en inrease DD ,hall he then li!eC He shall not li!eF I$ he has done any
o$ these abominations% He shall s#rely die& His blood shall be #*on him"
6He 18:10 . (I$%) howe!er% he begets a son >ho sees all the sins whih his $ather has done% +nd onsiders b#t
does not do li'ewise&
6He 18:11 (>ho) has not eaten on the mo#ntains% Nor li$ted his eyes to the idols o$ the ho#se o$ Israel% Nor
de$iled his neighborAs wi$e&
6He 18:13 Has not o**ressed anyone% Nor withheld a *ledge% Nor robbed by !iolene% (B#t) has gi!en his bread
to the h#ngry +nd o!ered the na'ed with lothing&
6He 18:14 (>ho) has withdrawn his hand $rom the *oor (+nd) not reei!ed #s#ry or inrease% B#t has e9e#ted
?y @#dgments +nd wal'ed in ?y stat#tes DD He shall not die $or the iniE#ity o$ his $ather& He shall s#rely li!eF
6He 18:18 .(+s $or) his $ather% Bea#se he r#elly o**ressed% :obbed his brother by !iolene% +nd did what (is)
not good among his *eo*le% Behold% he shall die $or his iniE#ity"
6He 18:19 . Bet yo# say% A>hy sho#ld the son not bear the g#ilt o$ the $atherCA Bea#se the son has done what
is law$#l and right% and has 'e*t all ?y stat#tes and obser!ed them% he shall s#rely li!e"
6He 18:25 .The so#l who sins shall die" The son shall not bear the g#ilt o$ the $ather% nor the $ather bear the g#ilt
o$ the son" The righteo#sness o$ the righteo#s shall be #*on himsel$% and the wi'edness o$ the wi'ed shall be
#*on himsel$"
6He 18:21 . B#t i$ a wi'ed man t#rns $rom all his sins whih he has ommitted% 'ee*s all ?y stat#tes% and does
what is law$#l and right% he shall s#rely li!e& he shall not die"
6He 18:22 .None o$ the transgressions whih he has ommitted shall be remembered against him& bea#se o$
the righteo#sness whih he has done% he shall li!e"
6He 18:2- .2o I ha!e any *leas#re at all that the wi'ed sho#ld dieC. says the /ord G82% .(and) not that he
sho#ld t#rn $rom his ways and li!eC
6He 18:20 . B#t when a righteo#s man t#rns away $rom his righteo#sness and ommits iniE#ity% and does
aording to all the abominations that the wi'ed (man) does% shall he li!eC +ll the righteo#sness whih he has
done shall not be remembered& bea#se o$ the #n$aith$#lness o$ whih he is g#ilty and the sin whih he has
ommitted% bea#se o$ them he shall die"
6He 18:21 . Bet yo# say% AThe way o$ the /ord is not $air"A Hear now% 8 ho#se o$ Israel% is it not ?y way whih is
$air% and yo#r ways whih are not $airC
6He 18:23 .>hen a righteo#s (man) t#rns away $rom his righteo#sness% ommits iniE#ity% and dies in it% it is
bea#se o$ the iniE#ity whih he has done that he dies"
6He 18:24 .+gain% when a wi'ed (man) t#rns away $rom the wi'edness whih he ommitted% and does what is
law$#l and right% he *reser!es himsel$ ali!e"
6He 18:28 .Bea#se he onsiders and t#rns away $rom all the transgressions whih he ommitted% he shall
s#rely li!e& he shall not die"
6He 18:29 .Bet the ho#se o$ Israel says% AThe way o$ the /ord is not $air"A 8 ho#se o$ Israel% is it not ?y ways
whih are $air% and yo#r ways whih are not $airC
6He 18:-5 . There$ore I will @#dge yo#% 8 ho#se o$ Israel% e!ery one aording to his ways%. says the /ord G82"
.:e*ent% and t#rn $rom all yo#r transgressions% so that iniE#ity will not be yo#r r#in"
6He 18:-1 .=ast away $rom yo# all the transgressions whih yo# ha!e ommitted% and get yo#rsel!es a new
heart and a new s*irit" ;or why sho#ld yo# die% 8 ho#se o$ IsraelC
6He 18:-2 .;or I ha!e no *leas#re in the death o$ one who dies%. says the /ord G82" .There$ore t#rn and li!eF.
6He 19:1 .?oreo!er ta'e #* a lamentation $or the *rines o$ Israel%
6He 19:2 .and say: A>hat (is) yo#r motherC + lioness: ,he lay down among the lions& +mong the yo#ng lions
she no#rished her #bs"
6He 19:- ,he bro#ght #* one o$ her #bs% +nd he beame a yo#ng lion& He learned to ath *rey% +nd he
de!o#red men"
6He 19:0 The nations also heard o$ him& He was tra**ed in their *it% +nd they bro#ght him with hains to the
land o$ 6gy*t"
6He 19:1 A>hen she saw that she waited% (that) her ho*e was lost% ,he too' another o$ her #bs (and) made him
a yo#ng lion"
6He 19:3 He ro!ed among the lions% +nd beame a yo#ng lion& He learned to ath *rey& He de!o#red men"
6He 19:4 He 'new their desolate *laes% +nd laid waste their ities& The land with its $#llness was desolated By
the noise o$ his roaring"
6He 19:8 Then the nations set against him $rom the *ro!ines on e!ery side% +nd s*read their net o!er him& He
was tra**ed in their *it"
6He 19:9 They *#t him in a age with hains% +nd bro#ght him to the 'ing o$ Babylon& They bro#ght him in nets%
That his !oie sho#ld no longer be heard on the mo#ntains o$ Israel"
6He 19:15 A Bo#r mother (was) li'e a !ine in yo#r bloodline% <lanted by the waters% ;r#it$#l and $#ll o$ branhes
Bea#se o$ many waters"
6He 19:11 ,he had strong branhes $or se*ters o$ r#lers" ,he towered in stat#re abo!e the thi' branhes%
+nd was seen in her height amid the dense $oliage"
6He 19:12 B#t she was *l#'ed #* in $#ry% ,he was ast down to the gro#nd% +nd the east wind dried her $r#it"
Her strong branhes were bro'en and withered& The $ire ons#med them"
6He 19:1- +nd now she (is) *lanted in the wilderness% In a dry and thirsty land"
6He 19:10 ;ire has ome o#t $rom a rod o$ her branhes (+nd) de!o#red her $r#it% ,o that she has no strong
branh DD a se*ter $or r#ling"A . This (is) a lamentation% and has beome a lamentation"
6He 25:1 It ame to *ass in the se!enth year% in the $i$th (month%) on the tenth (day) o$ the month% (that) ertain o$
the elders o$ Israel ame to inE#ire o$ the /8:2% and sat be$ore me"
6He 25:2 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 25:- .,on o$ man% s*ea' to the elders o$ Israel% and say to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Ha!e yo#
ome to inE#ire o$ ?eC (+s) I li!e%. says the /ord G82% .I will not be inE#ired o$ by yo#". A
6He 25:0 .>ill yo# @#dge them% son o$ man% will yo# @#dge (themC) Then ma'e 'nown to them the abominations
o$ their $athers"
6He 25:1 . ,ay to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .8n the day when I hose Israel and raised ?y hand in an
oath to the desendants o$ the ho#se o$ Jaob% and made ?ysel$ 'nown to them in the land o$ 6gy*t% I raised ?y
hand in an oath to them% saying% AI (am) the /8:2 yo#r God"A
6He 25:3 .8n that day I raised ?y hand in an oath to them% to bring them o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t into a land that
I had searhed o#t $or them% A$lowing with mil' and honey%A the glory o$ all lands"
6He 25:4 .Then I said to them% A6ah o$ yo#% throw away the abominations whih are be$ore his eyes% and do not
de$ile yo#rsel!es with the idols o$ 6gy*t" I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God"A
6He 25:8 .B#t they rebelled against ?e and wo#ld not obey ?e" They did not all ast away the abominations
whih were be$ore their eyes% nor did they $orsa'e the idols o$ 6gy*t" Then I said% AI will *o#r o#t ?y $#ry on them
and $#l$ill ?y anger against them in the midst o$ the land o$ 6gy*t"A
6He 25:9 .B#t I ated $or ?y nameAs sa'e% that it sho#ld not be *ro$aned be$ore the Gentiles among whom they
(were%) in whose sight I had made ?ysel$ 'nown to them% to bring them o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t"
6He 25:15 . There$ore I made them go o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t and bro#ght them into the wilderness"
6He 25:11 .+nd I ga!e them ?y stat#tes and showed them ?y @#dgments% Awhih% (i$) a man does% he shall li!e
by them"A
6He 25:12 .?oreo!er I also ga!e them ?y ,abbaths% to be a sign between them and ?e% that they might 'now
that I (am) the /8:2 who santi$ies them"
6He 25:1- .Bet the ho#se o$ Israel rebelled against ?e in the wilderness& they did not wal' in ?y stat#tes& they
des*ised ?y @#dgments% Awhih% (i$) a man does% he shall li!e by themA& and they greatly de$iled ?y ,abbaths"
Then I said I wo#ld *o#r o#t ?y $#ry on them in the wilderness% to ons#me them"
6He 25:10 .B#t I ated $or ?y nameAs sa'e% that it sho#ld not be *ro$aned be$ore the Gentiles% in whose sight I
had bro#ght them o#t"
6He 25:11 .,o I also raised ?y hand in an oath to them in the wilderness% that I wo#ld not bring them into the
land whih I had gi!en (them%) A$lowing with mil' and honey%A the glory o$ all lands%
6He 25:13 .bea#se they des*ised ?y @#dgments and did not wal' in ?y stat#tes% b#t *ro$aned ?y ,abbaths&
$or their heart went a$ter their idols"
6He 25:14 .Ne!ertheless ?y eye s*ared them $rom destr#tion" I did not ma'e an end o$ them in the wilderness"
6He 25:18 . B#t I said to their hildren in the wilderness% A2o not wal' in the stat#tes o$ yo#r $athers% nor obser!e
their @#dgments% nor de$ile yo#rsel!es with their idols"
6He 25:19 AI (am) the /8:2 yo#r God: >al' in ?y stat#tes% 'ee* ?y @#dgments% and do them&
6He 25:25 Ahallow ?y ,abbaths% and they will be a sign between ?e and yo#% that yo# may 'now that I (am) the
/8:2 yo#r God"A
6He 25:21 .Notwithstanding% the hildren rebelled against ?e& they did not wal' in ?y stat#tes% and were not
are$#l to obser!e ?y @#dgments% Awhih% (i$) a man does% he shall li!e by themA& b#t they *ro$aned ?y ,abbaths"
Then I said I wo#ld *o#r o#t ?y $#ry on them and $#l$ill ?y anger against them in the wilderness"
6He 25:22 .Ne!ertheless I withdrew ?y hand and ated $or ?y nameAs sa'e% that it sho#ld not be *ro$aned in
the sight o$ the Gentiles% in whose sight I had bro#ght them o#t"
6He 25:2- .+lso I raised ?y hand in an oath to those in the wilderness% that I wo#ld satter them among the
Gentiles and dis*erse them thro#gho#t the o#ntries%
6He 25:20 .bea#se they had not e9e#ted ?y @#dgments% b#t had des*ised ?y stat#tes% *ro$aned ?y
,abbaths% and their eyes were $i9ed on their $athersA idols"
6He 25:21 .There$ore I also ga!e them #* to stat#tes (that were) not good% and @#dgments by whih they o#ld
not li!e&
6He 25:23 .and I *rono#ned them #nlean bea#se o$ their rit#al gi$ts% in that they a#sed all their $irstborn to
*ass thro#gh (the $ire%) that I might ma'e them desolate and that they might 'now that I am the /8:2". A
6He 25:24 . There$ore% son o$ man% s*ea' to the ho#se o$ Israel% and say to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .In
this too yo#r $athers ha!e blas*hemed ?e% by being #n$aith$#l to ?e"
6He 25:28 .>hen I bro#ght them into the land (onerning) whih I had raised ?y hand in an oath to gi!e them%
and they saw all the high hills and all the thi' trees% there they o$$ered their sari$ies and *ro!o'ed ?e with
their o$$erings" There they also sent #* their sweet aroma and *o#red o#t their drin' o$$erings"
6He 25:29 .Then I said to them% A>hat (is) this high *lae to whih yo# goCA ,o its name is alled Bamah to this
day". A
6He 25:-5 .There$ore say to the ho#se o$ Israel% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .+re yo# de$iling yo#rsel!es in the
manner o$ yo#r $athers% and ommitting harlotry aording to their abominationsC
6He 25:-1 .;or when yo# o$$er yo#r gi$ts and ma'e yo#r sons *ass thro#gh the $ire% yo# de$ile yo#rsel!es with
all yo#r idols% e!en to this day" ,o shall I be inE#ired o$ by yo#% 8 ho#se o$ IsraelC (+s) I li!e%. says the /ord
G82% .I will not be inE#ired o$ by yo#"
6He 25:-2 .>hat yo# ha!e in yo#r mind shall ne!er be% when yo# say% A>e will be li'e the Gentiles% li'e the
$amilies in other o#ntries% ser!ing wood and stone"A
6He 25:-- . (+s) I li!e%. says the /ord G82% .s#rely with a mighty hand% with an o#tstrethed arm% and with $#ry
*o#red o#t% I will r#le o!er yo#"
6He 25:-0 .I will bring yo# o#t $rom the *eo*les and gather yo# o#t o$ the o#ntries where yo# are sattered%
with a mighty hand% with an o#tstrethed arm% and with $#ry *o#red o#t"
6He 25:-1 .+nd I will bring yo# into the wilderness o$ the *eo*les% and there I will *lead ?y ase with yo# $ae
to $ae"
6He 25:-3 .J#st as I *leaded ?y ase with yo#r $athers in the wilderness o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% so I will *lead ?y
ase with yo#%. says the /ord G82"
6He 25:-4 .I will ma'e yo# *ass #nder the rod% and I will bring yo# into the bond o$ the o!enant&
6He 25:-8 .I will *#rge the rebels $rom among yo#% and those who transgress against ?e& I will bring them o#t o$
the o#ntry where they dwell% b#t they shall not enter the land o$ Israel" Then yo# will 'now that I (am) the /8:2"
6He 25:-9 . +s $or yo#% 8 ho#se o$ Israel%. th#s says the /ord G82: .Go% ser!e e!ery one o$ yo# his idols DD and
herea$ter DD i$ yo# will not obey me& b#t *ro$ane ?y holy name no more with yo#r gi$ts and yo#r idols"
6He 25:05 .;or on ?y holy mo#ntain% on the mo#ntain height o$ Israel%. says the /ord G82% .there all the ho#se
o$ Israel% all o$ them in the land% shall ser!e ?e& there I will ae*t them% and there I will reE#ire yo#r o$$erings
and the $irst$r#its o$ yo#r sari$ies% together with all yo#r holy things"
6He 25:01 .I will ae*t yo# as a sweet aroma when I bring yo# o#t $rom the *eo*les and gather yo# o#t o$ the
o#ntries where yo# ha!e been sattered& and I will be hallowed in yo# be$ore the Gentiles"
6He 25:02 .Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% when I bring yo# into the land o$ Israel% into the o#ntry
($or) whih I raised ?y hand in an oath to gi!e to yo#r $athers"
6He 25:0- .+nd there yo# shall remember yo#r ways and all yo#r doings with whih yo# were de$iled& and yo#
shall loathe yo#rsel!es in yo#r own sight bea#se o$ all the e!ils that yo# ha!e ommitted"
6He 25:00 .Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% when I ha!e dealt with yo# $or ?y nameAs sa'e% not
aording to yo#r wi'ed ways nor aording to yo#r orr#*t doings% 8 ho#se o$ Israel%. says the /ord G82"A .
6He 25:01 ;#rthermore the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 25:03 .,on o$ man% set yo#r $ae toward the so#th& *reah against the so#th and *ro*hesy against the
$orest land% the ,o#th%
6He 25:04 .and say to the $orest o$ the ,o#th% AHear the word o$ the /8:2F Th#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% I
will 'indle a $ire in yo#% and it shall de!o#r e!ery green tree and e!ery dry tree in yo#& the blaHing $lame shall not
be E#enhed% and all $aes $rom the so#th to the north shall be sorhed by it"
6He 25:08 .+ll $lesh shall see that I% the /8:2% ha!e 'indled it& it shall not be E#enhed". A .
6He 25:09 Then I said% .+h% /ord G82F They say o$ me% A2oes he not s*ea' *arablesCA .
6He 21:1 +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 21:2 .,on o$ man% set yo#r $ae toward Jer#salem% *reah against the holy *laes% and *ro*hesy against
the land o$ Israel&
6He 21:- .and say to the land o$ Israel% ATh#s says the /8:2: .Behold% I (am) against yo#% and I will draw ?y
sword o#t o$ its sheath and #t o$$ both righteo#s and wi'ed $rom yo#"
6He 21:0 .Bea#se I will #t o$$ both righteo#s and wi'ed $rom yo#% there$ore ?y sword shall go o#t o$ its
sheath against all $lesh $rom so#th (to) north%
6He 21:1 .that all $lesh may 'now that I% the /8:2% ha!e drawn ?y sword o#t o$ its sheath& it shall not ret#rn
anymore". A
6He 21:3 .,igh there$ore% son o$ man% with a brea'ing heart% and sigh with bitterness be$ore their eyes"
6He 21:4 .+nd it shall be when they say to yo#% A>hy are yo# sighingCA that yo# shall answer% ABea#se o$ the
news& when it omes% e!ery heart will melt% all hands will be $eeble% e!ery s*irit will $aint% and all 'nees will be
wea' (as) water" Behold% it is oming and shall be bro#ght to *ass%A says the /ord G82".
6He 21:8 +gain the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 21:9 .,on o$ man% *ro*hesy and say% ATh#s says the /8:2FA ,ay: A+ sword% a sword is shar*ened +nd also
6He 21:15 ,har*ened to ma'e a dread$#l sla#ghter% <olished to $lash li'e lightningF ,ho#ld we then ma'e mirthC
It des*ises the se*ter o$ ?y ,on% (+s it does) all wood"
6He 21:11 +nd He has gi!en it to be *olished% That it may be handled& This sword is shar*ened% and it is
*olished To be gi!en into the hand o$ the slayer"A
6He 21:12 .=ry and wail% son o$ man& ;or it will be against ?y *eo*le% +gainst all the *rines o$ Israel" Terrors
inl#ding the sword will be against ?y *eo*le& There$ore stri'e (yo#r) thigh"
6He 21:1- .Bea#se (it is) a testing% +nd what i$ (the sword) des*ises e!en the se*terC (The se*ter) shall be
no (more%.) says the /ord G82"
6He 21:10 . Bo# there$ore% son o$ man% *ro*hesy% +nd stri'e (yo#r) hands together" The third time let the sword
do do#ble (damage") It (is) the sword (that) slays% The sword that slays the great (men%) That enters their *ri!ate
6He 21:11 I ha!e set the *oint o$ the sword against all their gates% That the heart may melt and many may
st#mble" +hF (It is) made bright& (It is) gras*ed $or sla#ghter:
6He 21:13 .,words at the readyF Thr#st rightF ,et yo#r bladeF Thr#st le$t DD >here!er yo#r edge is orderedF
6He 21:14 .I also will beat ?y $ists together% +nd I will a#se ?y $#ry to rest& I% the /8:2% ha!e s*o'en".
6He 21:18 The word o$ the /8:2 ame to me again% saying:
6He 21:19 .+nd son o$ man% a**oint $or yo#rsel$ two ways $or the sword o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon to go& both o$
them shall go $rom the same land" ?a'e a sign& *#t (it) at the head o$ the road to the ity"
6He 21:25 .+**oint a road $or the sword to go to :abbah o$ the +mmonites% and to J#dah% into $orti$ied
6He 21:21 .;or the 'ing o$ Babylon stands at the *arting o$ the road% at the $or' o$ the two roads% to #se
di!ination: he sha'es the arrows% he ons#lts the images% he loo's at the li!er"
6He 21:22 .In his right hand is the di!ination $or Jer#salem: to set #* battering rams% to all $or a sla#ghter% to li$t
the !oie with sho#ting% to set battering rams against the gates% to hea* #* a (siege) mo#nd% and to b#ild a wall"
6He 21:2- .+nd it will be to them li'e a $alse di!ination in the eyes o$ those who ha!e sworn oaths with them& b#t
he will bring their iniE#ity to remembrane% that they may be ta'en"
6He 21:20 . There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: ABea#se yo# ha!e made yo#r iniE#ity to be remembered% in
that yo#r transgressions are #no!ered% so that in all yo#r doings yo#r sins a**ear DD bea#se yo# ha!e ome to
remembrane% yo# shall be ta'en in hand"
6He 21:21 ANow to yo#% 8 *ro$ane% wi'ed *rine o$ Israel% whose day has ome% whose iniE#ity (shall) end%
6He 21:23 Ath#s says the /ord G82: .:emo!e the t#rban% and ta'e o$$ the rown& Nothing (shall remain) the
same" 69alt the h#mble% and h#mble the e9alted"
6He 21:24 8!erthrown% o!erthrown% I will ma'e it o!erthrownF It shall be no (longer%) 7ntil He omes whose right
it is% +nd I will gi!e it (to Him".) A
6He 21:28 . +nd yo#% son o$ man% *ro*hesy and say% ATh#s says the /ord G82 onerning the +mmonites and
onerning their re*roah%A and say: A+ sword% a sword (is) drawn% <olished $or sla#ghter% ;or ons#ming% $or
$lashing DD
6He 21:29 >hile they see $alse !isions $or yo#% >hile they di!ine a lie to yo#% To bring yo# on the ne's o$ the
wi'ed% the slain >hose day has ome% >hose iniE#ity (shall) end"
6He 21:-5 A:et#rn (it) to its sheath" I will @#dge yo# In the *lae where yo# were reated% In the land o$ yo#r
6He 21:-1 I will *o#r o#t ?y indignation on yo#& I will blow against yo# with the $ire o$ ?y wrath% +nd deli!er yo#
into the hands o$ br#tal men (who are) s'ill$#l to destroy"
6He 21:-2 Bo# shall be $#el $or the $ire& Bo#r blood shall be in the midst o$ the land" Bo# shall not be
remembered% ;or I the /8:2 ha!e s*o'en"A .
6He 22:1 ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 22:2 .Now% son o$ man% will yo# @#dge% will yo# @#dge the bloody ityC Bes% show her all her abominationsF
6He 22:- .Then say% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .The ity sheds blood in her own midst% that her time may ome&
and she ma'es idols within hersel$ to de$ile hersel$"
6He 22:0 .Bo# ha!e beome g#ilty by the blood whih yo# ha!e shed% and ha!e de$iled yo#rsel$ with the idols
whih yo# ha!e made" Bo# ha!e a#sed yo#r days to draw near% and ha!e ome to (the end o$) yo#r years&
there$ore I ha!e made yo# a re*roah to the nations% and a mo'ery to all o#ntries"
6He 22:1 .(Those) near and (those) $ar $rom yo# will mo' yo# as in$amo#s (and) $#ll o$ t#m#lt"
6He 22:3 . /oo'% the *rines o$ Israel: eah one has #sed his *ower to shed blood in yo#"
6He 22:4 .In yo# they ha!e made light o$ $ather and mother& in yo#r midst they ha!e o**ressed the stranger& in
yo# they ha!e mistreated the $atherless and the widow"
6He 22:8 .Bo# ha!e des*ised ?y holy things and *ro$aned ?y ,abbaths"
6He 22:9 .In yo# are men who slander to a#se bloodshed& in yo# are those who eat on the mo#ntains& in yo#r
midst they ommit lewdness"
6He 22:15 .In yo# men #no!er their $athersA na'edness& in yo# they !iolate women who are set a*art d#ring
their im*#rity"
6He 22:11 .8ne ommits abomination with his neighborAs wi$e& another lewdly de$iles his da#ghterDinDlaw& and
another in yo# !iolates his sister% his $atherAs da#ghter"
6He 22:12 .In yo# they ta'e bribes to shed blood& yo# ta'e #s#ry and inrease& yo# ha!e made *ro$it $rom yo#r
neighbors by e9tortion% and ha!e $orgotten ?e%. says the /ord G82"
6He 22:1- . Behold% there$ore% I beat ?y $ists at the dishonest *ro$it whih yo# ha!e made% and at the bloodshed
whih has been in yo#r midst"
6He 22:10 .=an yo#r heart end#re% or an yo#r hands remain strong% in the days when I shall deal with yo#C I%
the /8:2% ha!e s*o'en% and will do (it")
6He 22:11 .I will satter yo# among the nations% dis*erse yo# thro#gho#t the o#ntries% and remo!e yo#r
$ilthiness om*letely $rom yo#"
6He 22:13 .Bo# shall de$ile yo#rsel$ in the sight o$ the nations& then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2". A .
6He 22:14 The word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 22:18 .,on o$ man% the ho#se o$ Israel has beome dross to ?e& they (are) all bronHe% tin% iron% and lead% in
the midst o$ a $#rnae& they ha!e beome dross $rom sil!er"
6He 22:19 .There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: ABea#se yo# ha!e all beome dross% there$ore behold% I will
gather yo# into the midst o$ Jer#salem"
6He 22:25 A(+s men) gather sil!er% bronHe% iron% lead% and tin into the midst o$ a $#rnae% to blow $ire on it% to melt
(it&) so I will gather (yo#) in ?y anger and in ?y $#ry% and I will lea!e (yo# there) and melt yo#"
6He 22:21 ABes% I will gather yo# and blow on yo# with the $ire o$ ?y wrath% and yo# shall be melted in its midst"
6He 22:22 A+s sil!er is melted in the midst o$ a $#rnae% so shall yo# be melted in its midst& then yo# shall 'now
that I% the /8:2% ha!e *o#red o#t ?y $#ry on yo#"A .
6He 22:2- +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 22:20 .,on o$ man% say to her: ABo# (are) a land that is not leansed or rained on in the day o$ indignation"A
6He 22:21 .The ons*iray o$ her *ro*hets in her midst is li'e a roaring lion tearing the *rey& they ha!e
de!o#red *eo*le& they ha!e ta'en treas#re and *reio#s things& they ha!e made many widows in her midst"
6He 22:23 .Her *riests ha!e !iolated ?y law and *ro$aned ?y holy things& they ha!e not disting#ished between
the holy and #nholy% nor ha!e they made 'nown (the di$$erene) between the #nlean and the lean& and they
ha!e hidden their eyes $rom ?y ,abbaths% so that I am *ro$aned among them"
6He 22:24 .Her *rines in her midst (are) li'e wol!es tearing the *rey% to shed blood% to destroy *eo*le% and to
get dishonest gain"
6He 22:28 .Her *ro*hets *lastered them with #ntem*ered (mortar%) seeing $alse !isions% and di!ining lies $or
them% saying% ATh#s says the /ord G82%A when the /8:2 had not s*o'en"
6He 22:29 .The *eo*le o$ the land ha!e #sed o**ressions% ommitted robbery% and mistreated the *oor and
needy& and they wrong$#lly o**ress the stranger"
6He 22:-5 .,o I so#ght $or a man among them who wo#ld ma'e a wall% and stand in the ga* be$ore ?e on
behal$ o$ the land% that I sho#ld not destroy it& b#t I $o#nd no one"
6He 22:-1 .There$ore I ha!e *o#red o#t ?y indignation on them& I ha!e ons#med them with the $ire o$ ?y
wrath& and I ha!e reom*ensed their deeds on their own heads%. says the /ord G82"
6He 2-:1 The word o$ the /8:2 ame again to me% saying:
6He 2-:2 .,on o$ man% there were two women% The da#ghters o$ one mother"
6He 2-:- They ommitted harlotry in 6gy*t% They ommitted harlotry in their yo#th& Their breasts were there
embraed% Their !irgin bosom was there *ressed"
6He 2-:0 Their names: 8holah the elder and 8holibah her sister& They were ?ine% +nd they bore sons and
da#ghters" (+s $or) their names% ,amaria (is) 8holah% and Jer#salem (is) 8holibah"
6He 2-:1 . 8holah *layed the harlot e!en tho#gh she was ?ine& +nd she l#sted $or her lo!ers% the neighboring
6He 2-:3 (>ho were) lothed in *#r*le% =a*tains and r#lers% +ll o$ them desirable yo#ng men% Horsemen riding
on horses"
6He 2-:4 Th#s she ommitted her harlotry with them% +ll o$ them hoie men o$ +ssyria& +nd with all $or whom
she l#sted% >ith all their idols% she de$iled hersel$"
6He 2-:8 ,he has ne!er gi!en #* her harlotry (bro#ght) $rom 6gy*t% ;or in her yo#th they had lain with her%
<ressed her !irgin bosom% +nd *o#red o#t their immorality #*on her"
6He 2-:9 .There$ore I ha!e deli!ered her Into the hand o$ her lo!ers% Into the hand o$ the +ssyrians% ;or whom
she l#sted"
6He 2-:15 They #no!ered her na'edness% Too' away her sons and da#ghters% +nd slew her with the sword&
,he beame a byword among women% ;or they had e9e#ted @#dgment on her"
6He 2-:11 . Now altho#gh her sister 8holibah saw (this%) she beame more orr#*t in her l#st than she% and in
her harlotry more orr#*t than her sisterAs harlotry"
6He 2-:12 .,he l#sted $or the neighboring +ssyrians% =a*tains and r#lers% =lothed most gorgeo#sly% Horsemen
riding on horses% +ll o$ them desirable yo#ng men"
6He 2-:1- Then I saw that she was de$iled& Both (too') the same way"
6He 2-:10 B#t she inreased her harlotry& ,he loo'ed at men *ortrayed on the wall% Images o$ =haldeans
*ortrayed in !ermilion%
6He 2-:11 Girded with belts aro#nd their waists% ;lowing t#rbans on their heads% +ll o$ them loo'ing li'e
a*tains% In the manner o$ the Babylonians o$ =haldea% The land o$ their nati!ity"
6He 2-:13 +s soon as her eyes saw them% ,he l#sted $or them +nd sent messengers to them in =haldea"
6He 2-:14 .Then the Babylonians ame to her% into the bed o$ lo!e% +nd they de$iled her with their immorality&
,o she was de$iled by them% and alienated hersel$ $rom them"
6He 2-:18 ,he re!ealed her harlotry and #no!ered her na'edness" Then I alienated ?ysel$ $rom her% +s I had
alienated ?ysel$ $rom her sister"
6He 2-:19 .Bet she m#lti*lied her harlotry In alling to remembrane the days o$ her yo#th% >hen she had
*layed the harlot in the land o$ 6gy*t"
6He 2-:25 ;or she l#sted $or her *aramo#rs% >hose $lesh (is li'e) the $lesh o$ don'eys% +nd whose iss#e (is li'e)
the iss#e o$ horses"
6He 2-:21 Th#s yo# alled to remembrane the lewdness o$ yo#r yo#th% >hen the 6gy*tians *ressed yo#r
bosom Bea#se o$ yo#r yo#th$#l breasts"
6He 2-:22 . There$ore% 8holibah% th#s says the /ord G82: ABehold% I will stir #* yo#r lo!ers against yo#% ;rom
whom yo# ha!e alienated yo#rsel$% +nd I will bring them against yo# $rom e!ery side:
6He 2-:2- The Babylonians% +ll the =haldeans% <e'od% ,hoa% Koa% +ll the +ssyrians with them% +ll o$ them
desirable yo#ng men% Go!ernors and r#lers% =a*tains and men o$ renown% +ll o$ them riding on horses"
6He 2-:20 +nd they shall ome against yo# >ith hariots% wagons% and warDhorses% >ith a horde o$ *eo*le"
They shall array against yo# B#'ler% shield% and helmet all aro#nd" AI will delegate @#dgment to them% +nd they
shall @#dge yo# aording to their @#dgments"
6He 2-:21 I will set ?y @ealo#sy against yo#% +nd they shall deal $#rio#sly with yo#& They shall remo!e yo#r
nose and yo#r ears% +nd yo#r remnant shall $all by the sword& They shall ta'e yo#r sons and yo#r da#ghters%
+nd yo#r remnant shall be de!o#red by $ire"
6He 2-:23 They shall also stri* yo# o$ yo#r lothes +nd ta'e away yo#r bea#ti$#l @ewelry"
6He 2-:24 ATh#s I will ma'e yo# ease yo#r lewdness and yo#r harlotry (Bro#ght) $rom the land o$ 6gy*t% ,o that
yo# will not li$t yo#r eyes to them% Nor remember 6gy*t anymore"A
6He 2-:28 .;or th#s says the /ord G82: A,#rely I will deli!er yo# into the hand o$ those yo# hate% into the hand
(o$ those) $rom whom yo# alienated yo#rsel$"
6He 2-:29 AThey will deal hate$#lly with yo#% ta'e away all yo# ha!e wor'ed $or% and lea!e yo# na'ed and bare"
The na'edness o$ yo#r harlotry shall be #no!ered% both yo#r lewdness and yo#r harlotry"
6He 2-:-5 AI will do these (things) to yo# bea#se yo# ha!e gone as a harlot a$ter the Gentiles% bea#se yo#
ha!e beome de$iled by their idols"
6He 2-:-1 ABo# ha!e wal'ed in the way o$ yo#r sister& there$ore I will *#t her #* in yo#r hand"A
6He 2-:-2 . Th#s says the /ord G82: ABo# shall drin' o$ yo#r sisterAs #*% The dee* and wide one& Bo# shall be
la#ghed to sorn +nd held in derision& It ontains m#h"
6He 2-:-- Bo# will be $illed with dr#n'enness and sorrow% The #* o$ horror and desolation% The #* o$ yo#r
sister ,amaria"
6He 2-:-0 Bo# shall drin' and drain it% Bo# shall brea' its shards% +nd tear at yo#r own breasts& ;or I ha!e
s*o'en%A ,ays the /ord G82"
6He 2-:-1 .There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: ABea#se yo# ha!e $orgotten ?e and ast ?e behind yo#r ba'%
There$ore yo# shall bear the (*enalty) (8$) yo#r lewdness and yo#r harlotry"A .
6He 2-:-3 The /8:2 also said to me: .,on o$ man% will yo# @#dge 8holah and 8holibahC Then delare to them
their abominations"
6He 2-:-4 .;or they ha!e ommitted ad#ltery% and blood (is) on their hands" They ha!e ommitted ad#ltery with
their idols% and e!en sari$ied their sons whom they bore to ?e% *assing them thro#gh (the $ire%) to de!o#r
6He 2-:-8 .?oreo!er they ha!e done this to ?e: They ha!e de$iled ?y sant#ary on the same day and
*ro$aned ?y ,abbaths"
6He 2-:-9 .;or a$ter they had slain their hildren $or their idols% on the same day they ame into ?y sant#ary to
*ro$ane it& and indeed th#s they ha!e done in the midst o$ ?y ho#se"
6He 2-:05 .;#rthermore yo# sent $or men to ome $rom a$ar% to whom a messenger (was) sent& and there they
ame" +nd yo# washed yo#rsel$ $or them% *ainted yo#r eyes% and adorned yo#rsel$ with ornaments"
6He 2-:01 .Bo# sat on a stately o#h% with a table *re*ared be$ore it% on whih yo# had set ?y inense and ?y
6He 2-:02 .The so#nd o$ a are$ree m#ltit#de (was) with her% and ,abeans (were) bro#ght $rom the wilderness
with men o$ the ommon sort% who *#t braelets on their wrists and bea#ti$#l rowns on their heads"
6He 2-:0- .Then I said onerning (her who had grown) old in ad#lteries% A>ill they ommit harlotry with her
now% and she (with themCA)
6He 2-:00 .Bet they went in to her% as men go in to a woman who *lays the harlot& th#s they went in to 8holah
and 8holibah% the lewd women"
6He 2-:01 .B#t righteo#s men will @#dge them a$ter the manner o$ ad#lteresses% and a$ter the manner o$ women
who shed blood% bea#se they (are) ad#lteresses% and blood (is) on their hands"
6He 2-:03 . ;or th#s says the /ord G82: ABring #* an assembly against them% gi!e them #* to tro#ble and
6He 2-:04 AThe assembly shall stone them with stones and e9e#te them with their swords& they shall slay their
sons and their da#ghters% and b#rn their ho#ses with $ire"
6He 2-:08 ATh#s I will a#se lewdness to ease $rom the land% that all women may be ta#ght not to *ratie yo#r
6He 2-:09 AThey shall re*ay yo# $or yo#r lewdness% and yo# shall *ay $or yo#r idolatro#s sins" Then yo# shall
'now that I (am) the /ord G82"A .
6He 20:1 +gain% in the ninth year% in the tenth month% on the tenth (day) o$ the month% the word o$ the /8:2
ame to me% saying%
6He 20:2 .,on o$ man% write down the name o$ the day% this !ery day DD the 'ing o$ Babylon started his siege
against Jer#salem this !ery day"
6He 20:- .+nd #tter a *arable to the rebellio#s ho#se% and say to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .<#t on a *ot%
set (it) on% +nd also *o#r water into it"
6He 20:0 Gather *iees (o$ meat) in it% 6!ery good *iee% The thigh and the sho#lder" ;ill (it) with hoie #ts&
6He 20:1 Ta'e the hoie o$ the $lo'" +lso *ile ($#el) bones #nder it% ?a'e it boil well% +nd let the #ts simmer in
6He 20:3 A There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .>oe to the bloody ity% To the *ot whose s#m (is) in it% +nd
whose s#m is not gone $rom itF Bring it o#t *iee by *iee% 8n whih no lot has $allen"
6He 20:4 ;or her blood is in her midst& ,he set it on to* o$ a ro'& ,he did not *o#r it on the gro#nd% To o!er it
with d#st"
6He 20:8 That it may raise #* $#ry and ta'e !engeane% I ha!e set her blood on to* o$ a ro'% That it may not be
6He 20:9 A There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .>oe to the bloody ityF I too will ma'e the *yre great"
6He 20:15 Hea* on the wood% Kindle the $ire& =oo' the meat well% ?i9 in the s*ies% +nd let the #ts be b#rned
6He 20:11 .Then set the *ot em*ty on the oals% That it may beome hot and its bronHe may b#rn% (That) its
$ilthiness may be melted in it% (That) its s#m may be ons#med"
6He 20:12 ,he has grown weary with lies% +nd her great s#m has not gone $rom her" (/et) her s#m (be) in the
6He 20:1- In yo#r $ilthiness (is) lewdness" Bea#se I ha!e leansed yo#% and yo# were not leansed% Bo# will
not be leansed o$ yo#r $ilthiness anymore% Till I ha!e a#sed ?y $#ry to rest #*on yo#"
6He 20:10 I% the /8:2% ha!e s*o'en (it&) It shall ome to *ass% and I will do (it&) I will not hold ba'% Nor will I
s*are% Nor will I relent& +ording to yo#r ways +nd aording to yo#r deeds They will @#dge yo#%. ,ays the /ord
G82"A .
6He 20:11 +lso the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 20:13 .,on o$ man% behold% I ta'e away $rom yo# the desire o$ yo#r eyes with one stro'e& yet yo# shall
neither mo#rn nor wee*% nor shall yo#r tears r#n down"
6He 20:14 .,igh in silene% ma'e no mo#rning $or the dead& bind yo#r t#rban on yo#r head% and *#t yo#r
sandals on yo#r $eet& do not o!er (yo#r) li*s% and do not eat manAs bread (o$ sorrow".)
6He 20:18 ,o I s*o'e to the *eo*le in the morning% and at e!ening my wi$e died& and the ne9t morning I did as I
was ommanded"
6He 20:19 +nd the *eo*le said to me% .>ill yo# not tell #s what these (things signi$y) to #s% that yo# beha!e soC.
6He 20:25 Then I answered them% .The word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 20:21 A,*ea' to the ho#se o$ Israel% .Th#s says the /ord G82: ABehold% I will *ro$ane ?y sant#ary% yo#r
arrogant boast% the desire o$ yo#r eyes% the delight o$ yo#r so#l& and yo#r sons and da#ghters whom yo# le$t
behind shall $all by the sword"
6He 20:22 A+nd yo# shall do as I ha!e done& yo# shall not o!er (yo#r) li*s nor eat manAs bread (o$ sorrow")
6He 20:2- ABo#r t#rbans shall be on yo#r heads and yo#r sandals on yo#r $eet& yo# shall neither mo#rn nor
wee*% b#t yo# shall *ine away in yo#r iniE#ities and mo#rn with one another"
6He 20:20 ATh#s 6He'iel is a sign to yo#& aording to all that he has done yo# shall do& and when this omes%
yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /ord G82"A .
6He 20:21 A +nd yo#% son o$ man DD (will it) not (be) in the day when I ta'e $rom them their stronghold% their @oy
and their glory% the desire o$ their eyes% and that on whih they set their minds% their sons and their da#ghters:
6He 20:23 Aon that day one who esa*es will ome to yo# to let (yo#) hear (it) with (yo#r) ears&
6He 20:24 Aon that day yo#r mo#th will be o*ened to him who has esa*ed& yo# shall s*ea' and no longer be
m#te" Th#s yo# will be a sign to them% and they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"A .
6He 21:1 The word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 21:2 .,on o$ man% set yo#r $ae against the +mmonites% and *ro*hesy against them"
6He 21:- .,ay to the +mmonites% AHear the word o$ the /ord G82F Th#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se yo#
said% A+haFA against ?y sant#ary when it was *ro$aned% and against the land o$ Israel when it was desolate% and
against the ho#se o$ J#dah when they went into a*ti!ity%
6He 21:0 .indeed% there$ore% I will deli!er yo# as a *ossession to the men o$ the 6ast% and they shall set their
enam*ments among yo# and ma'e their dwellings among yo#& they shall eat yo#r $r#it% and they shall drin'
yo#r mil'"
6He 21:1 .+nd I will ma'e :abbah a stable $or amels and +mmon a resting *lae $or $lo's" Then yo# shall
'now that I (am) the /8:2".
6He 21:3 A;or th#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se yo# la**ed (yo#r) hands% stam*ed yo#r $eet% and re@oied in
heart with all yo#r disdain $or the land o$ Israel%
6He 21:4 .indeed% there$ore% I will streth o#t ?y hand against yo#% and gi!e yo# as *l#nder to the nations& I will
#t yo# o$$ $rom the *eo*les% and I will a#se yo# to *erish $rom the o#ntries& I will destroy yo#% and yo# shall
'now that I (am) the /8:2".
6He 21:8 A Th#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se ?oab and ,eir say% A/oo'F The ho#se o$ J#dah (is) li'e all the
6He 21:9 .there$ore% behold% I will lear the territory o$ ?oab o$ ities% o$ the ities on its $rontier% the glory o$ the
o#ntry% Beth Jeshimoth% Baal ?eon% and Kir@athaim"
6He 21:15 .To the men o$ the 6ast I will gi!e it as a *ossession% together with the +mmonites% that the
+mmonites may not be remembered among the nations"
6He 21:11 .+nd I will e9e#te @#dgments #*on ?oab% and they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2".
6He 21:12 A Th#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se o$ what 6dom did against the ho#se o$ J#dah by ta'ing
!engeane% and has greatly o$$ended by a!enging itsel$ on them%.
6He 21:1- Athere$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .I will also streth o#t ?y hand against 6dom% #t o$$ man and
beast $rom it% and ma'e it desolate $rom Teman& 2edan shall $all by the sword"
6He 21:10 .I will lay ?y !engeane on 6dom by the hand o$ ?y *eo*le Israel% that they may do in 6dom
aording to ?y anger and aording to ?y $#ry& and they shall 'now ?y !engeane%. says the /ord G82"
6He 21:11 A Th#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se the <hilistines dealt !enge$#lly and too' !engeane with a
s*ite$#l heart% to destroy bea#se o$ the old hatred%.
6He 21:13 Athere$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .I will streth o#t ?y hand against the <hilistines% and I will #t o$$
the =herethites and destroy the remnant o$ the seaoast"
6He 21:14 .I will e9e#te great !engeane on them with $#rio#s reb#'es& and they shall 'now that I (am) the
/8:2% when I lay ?y !engeane #*on them". A .
6He 23:1 +nd it ame to *ass in the ele!enth year% on the $irst (day) o$ the month% (that) the word o$ the /8:2
ame to me% saying%
6He 23:2 .,on o$ man% bea#se Tyre has said against Jer#salem% A+haF ,he is bro'en who (was) the gateway o$
the *eo*les& now she is t#rned o!er to me& I shall be $illed& she is laid waste"A
6He 23:- .There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: ABehold% I (am) against yo#% 8 Tyre% and will a#se many nations
to ome #* against yo#% as the sea a#ses its wa!es to ome #*"
6He 23:0 A+nd they shall destroy the walls o$ Tyre and brea' down her towers& I will also sra*e her d#st $rom
her% and ma'e her li'e the to* o$ a ro'"
6He 23:1 AIt shall be (a *lae $or) s*reading nets in the midst o$ the sea% $or I ha!e s*o'en%A says the /ord G82&
Ait shall beome *l#nder $or the nations"
6He 23:3 A+lso her da#ghter (!illages) whih (are) in the $ields shall be slain by the sword" Then they shall 'now
that I (am) the /8:2"A
6He 23:4 . ;or th#s says the /ord G82: ABehold% I will bring against Tyre $rom the north Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$
Babylon% 'ing o$ 'ings% with horses% with hariots% and with horsemen% and an army with many *eo*le"
6He 23:8 AHe will slay with the sword yo#r da#ghter (!illages) in the $ields& he will hea* #* a siege mo#nd
against yo#% b#ild a wall against yo#% and raise a de$ense against yo#"
6He 23:9 AHe will diret his battering rams against yo#r walls% and with his a9es he will brea' down yo#r towers"
6He 23:15 ABea#se o$ the ab#ndane o$ his horses% their d#st will o!er yo#& yo#r walls will sha'e at the noise
o$ the horsemen% the wagons% and the hariots% when he enters yo#r gates% as men enter a ity that has been
6He 23:11 A>ith the hoo!es o$ his horses he will tram*le all yo#r streets& he will slay yo#r *eo*le by the sword%
and yo#r strong *illars will $all to the gro#nd"
6He 23:12 AThey will *l#nder yo#r rihes and *illage yo#r merhandise& they will brea' down yo#r walls and
destroy yo#r *leasant ho#ses& they will lay yo#r stones% yo#r timber% and yo#r soil in the midst o$ the water"
6He 23:1- AI will *#t an end to the so#nd o$ yo#r songs% and the so#nd o$ yo#r har*s shall be heard no more"
6He 23:10 AI will ma'e yo# li'e the to* o$ a ro'& yo# shall be (a *lae $or) s*reading nets% and yo# shall ne!er
be reb#ilt% $or I the /8:2 ha!e s*o'en%A says the /ord G82"
6He 23:11 . Th#s says the /ord G82 to Tyre: A>ill the oastlands not sha'e at the so#nd o$ yo#r $all% when the
wo#nded ry% when sla#ghter is made in the midst o$ yo#C
6He 23:13 AThen all the *rines o$ the sea will ome down $rom their thrones% lay aside their robes% and ta'e o$$
their embroidered garments& they will lothe themsel!es with trembling& they will sit on the gro#nd% tremble
(e!ery) moment% and be astonished at yo#"
6He 23:14 A+nd they will ta'e #* a lamentation $or yo#% and say to yo#: .How yo# ha!e *erished% 8 one
inhabited by sea$aring men% 8 renowned ity% >ho was strong at sea% ,he and her inhabitants% >ho a#sed
their terror (to be) on all her inhabitantsF
6He 23:18 Now the oastlands tremble on the day o$ yo#r $all& Bes% the oastlands by the sea are tro#bled at
yo#r de*art#re". A
6He 23:19 . ;or th#s says the /ord G82: A>hen I ma'e yo# a desolate ity% li'e ities that are not inhabited%
when I bring the dee* #*on yo#% and great waters o!er yo#%
6He 23:25 Athen I will bring yo# down with those who desend into the <it% to the *eo*le o$ old% and I will ma'e
yo# dwell in the lowest *art o$ the earth% in *laes desolate $rom antiE#ity% with those who go down to the <it% so
that yo# may ne!er be inhabited& and I shall establish glory in the land o$ the li!ing"
6He 23:21 AI will ma'e yo# a terror% and yo# (shall be) no (more&) tho#gh yo# are so#ght $or% yo# will ne!er be
$o#nd again%A says the /ord G82".
6He 24:1 The word o$ the /8:2 ame again to me% saying%
6He 24:2 .Now% son o$ man% ta'e #* a lamentation $or Tyre%
6He 24:- .and say to Tyre% ABo# who are sit#ated at the entrane o$ the sea% merhant o$ the *eo*les on many
oastlands% th#s says the /ord G82: .8 Tyre% yo# ha!e said% AI (am) *er$et in bea#ty"A
6He 24:0 Bo#r borders (are) in the midst o$ the seas" Bo#r b#ilders ha!e *er$eted yo#r bea#ty"
6He 24:1 They made all (yo#r) *lan's o$ $ir trees $rom ,enir& They too' a edar $rom /ebanon to ma'e yo# a
6He 24:3 (8$) oa's $rom Bashan they made yo#r oars& The om*any o$ +sh#rites ha!e inlaid yo#r *lan's (>ith)
i!ory $rom the oasts o$ =y*r#s"
6He 24:4 ;ine embroidered linen $rom 6gy*t was what yo# s*read $or yo#r sail& Bl#e and *#r*le $rom the oasts
o$ 6lishah was what o!ered yo#"
6He 24:8 .Inhabitants o$ ,idon and +r!ad were yo#r oarsmen& Bo#r wise men% 8 Tyre% were in yo#& They
beame yo#r *ilots"
6He 24:9 6lders o$ Gebal and its wise men >ere in yo# to a#l' yo#r seams& +ll the shi*s o$ the sea +nd their
oarsmen were in yo# To mar'et yo#r merhandise"
6He 24:15 . Those $rom <ersia% /ydia% and /ibya >ere in yo#r army as men o$ war& They h#ng shield and
helmet in yo#& They ga!e s*lendor to yo#"
6He 24:11 ?en o$ +r!ad with yo#r army (were) on yo#r walls (all) aro#nd% +nd the men o$ Gammad were in yo#r
towers& They h#ng their shields on yo#r walls (all) aro#nd& They made yo#r bea#ty *er$et"
6He 24:12 . Tarshish (was) yo#r merhant bea#se o$ yo#r many l#9#ry goods" They ga!e yo# sil!er% iron% tin%
and lead $or yo#r goods"
6He 24:1- .Ja!an% T#bal% and ?esheh (were) yo#r traders" They bartered h#man li!es and !essels o$ bronHe
$or yo#r merhandise"
6He 24:10 .Those $rom the ho#se o$ Togarmah traded $or yo#r wares with horses% steeds% and m#les"
6He 24:11 .The men o$ 2edan (were) yo#r traders& many isles (were) the mar'et o$ yo#r hand" They bro#ght yo#
i!ory t#s's and ebony as *ayment"
6He 24:13 .,yria (was) yo#r merhant bea#se o$ the ab#ndane o$ goods yo# made" They ga!e yo# $or yo#r
wares emeralds% *#r*le% embroidery% $ine linen% orals% and r#bies"
6He 24:14 .J#dah and the land o$ Israel (were) yo#r traders" They traded $or yo#r merhandise wheat o$ ?innith%
millet% honey% oil% and balm"
6He 24:18 .2amas#s (was) yo#r merhant bea#se o$ the ab#ndane o$ goods yo# made% bea#se o$ yo#r
many l#9#ry items% with the wine o$ Helbon and with white wool"
6He 24:19 .2an and Ja!an *aid $or yo#r wares% tra!ersing ba' and $orth" >ro#ght iron% assia% and ane were
among yo#r merhandise"
6He 24:25 .2edan (was) yo#r merhant in saddleloths $or riding"
6He 24:21 .+rabia and all the *rines o$ Kedar (were) yo#r reg#lar merhants" They traded with yo# in lambs%
rams% and goats"
6He 24:22 .The merhants o$ ,heba and :aamah (were) yo#r merhants" They traded $or yo#r wares the
hoiest s*ies% all 'inds o$ *reio#s stones% and gold"
6He 24:2- .Haran% =anneh% 6den% the merhants o$ ,heba% +ssyria% (and) =hilmad (were) yo#r merhants"
6He 24:20 .These (were) yo#r merhants in hoie items DD in *#r*le lothes% in embroidered garments% in
hests o$ m#ltiolored a**arel% in st#rdy wo!en ords% whih were in yo#r mar'et*lae"
6He 24:21 .The shi*s o$ Tarshish were arriers o$ yo#r merhandise" Bo# were $illed and !ery glorio#s in the
midst o$ the seas"
6He 24:23 Bo#r oarsmen bro#ght yo# into many waters% B#t the east wind bro'e yo# in the midst o$ the seas"
6He 24:24 . Bo#r rihes% wares% and merhandise% Bo#r mariners and *ilots% Bo#r a#l'ers and merhandisers%
+ll yo#r men o$ war who (are) in yo#% +nd the entire om*any whih (is) in yo#r midst% >ill $all into the midst o$
the seas on the day o$ yo#r r#in"
6He 24:28 The ommonDland will sha'e at the so#nd o$ the ry o$ yo#r *ilots"
6He 24:29 .+ll who handle the oar% The mariners% +ll the *ilots o$ the sea >ill ome down $rom their shi*s (and)
stand on the shore"
6He 24:-5 They will ma'e their !oie heard bea#se o$ yo#& They will ry bitterly and ast d#st on their heads&
They will roll abo#t in ashes&
6He 24:-1 They will sha!e themsel!es om*letely bald bea#se o$ yo#% Gird themsel!es with sa'loth% +nd
wee* $or yo# >ith bitterness o$ heart (and) bitter wailing"
6He 24:-2 In their wailing $or yo# They will ta'e #* a lamentation% +nd lament $or yo#: A>hat (ity is) li'e Tyre%
2estroyed in the midst o$ the seaC
6He 24:-- A>hen yo#r wares went o#t by sea% Bo# satis$ied many *eo*le& Bo# enrihed the 'ings o$ the earth
>ith yo#r many l#9#ry goods and yo#r merhandise"
6He 24:-0 B#t yo# are bro'en by the seas in the de*ths o$ the waters& Bo#r merhandise and the entire
om*any will $all in yo#r midst"
6He 24:-1 +ll the inhabitants o$ the isles will be astonished at yo#& Their 'ings will be greatly a$raid% +nd (their)
o#ntenane will be tro#bled"
6He 24:-3 The merhants among the *eo*les will hiss at yo#& Bo# will beome a horror% and (be) no more
$ore!er"A . A .
6He 28:1 The word o$ the /8:2 ame to me again% saying%
6He 28:2 .,on o$ man% say to the *rine o$ Tyre% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se yo#r heart (is) li$ted #*%
+nd yo# say% AI (am) a god% I sit (in) the seat o$ gods% In the midst o$ the seas%A Bet yo# (are) a man% and not a
god% Tho#gh yo# set yo#r heart as the heart o$ a god
6He 28:- IBehold% yo# (are) wiser than 2anielF There is no seret that an be hidden $rom yo#F
6He 28:0 >ith yo#r wisdom and yo#r #nderstanding Bo# ha!e gained rihes $or yo#rsel$% +nd gathered gold and
sil!er into yo#r treas#ries&
6He 28:1 By yo#r great wisdom in trade yo# ha!e inreased yo#r rihes% +nd yo#r heart is li$ted #* bea#se o$
yo#r rihesJ%.
6He 28:3 AThere$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se yo# ha!e set yo#r heart as the heart o$ a god%
6He 28:4 Behold% there$ore% I will bring strangers against yo#% The most terrible o$ the nations& +nd they shall
draw their swords against the bea#ty o$ yo#r wisdom% +nd de$ile yo#r s*lendor"
6He 28:8 They shall throw yo# down into the <it% +nd yo# shall die the death o$ the slain In the midst o$ the
6He 28:9 .>ill yo# still say be$ore him who slays yo#% AI (am) a godAC B#t yo# (shall be) a man% and not a god% In
the hand o$ him who slays yo#"
6He 28:15 Bo# shall die the death o$ the #nir#mised By the hand o$ aliens& ;or I ha!e s*o'en%. says the /ord
G82"A .
6He 28:11 ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 28:12 .,on o$ man% ta'e #* a lamentation $or the 'ing o$ Tyre% and say to him% ATh#s says the /ord G82:
.Bo# (were) the seal o$ *er$etion% ;#ll o$ wisdom and *er$et in bea#ty"
6He 28:1- Bo# were in 6den% the garden o$ God& 6!ery *reio#s stone (was) yo#r o!ering: The sardi#s% to*aH%
and diamond% Beryl% ony9% and @as*er% ,a**hire% t#rE#oise% and emerald with gold" The wor'manshi* o$ yo#r
timbrels and *i*es >as *re*ared $or yo# on the day yo# were reated"
6He 28:10 .Bo# (were) the anointed her#b who o!ers& I established yo#& Bo# were on the holy mo#ntain o$
God& Bo# wal'ed ba' and $orth in the midst o$ $iery stones"
6He 28:11 Bo# (were) *er$et in yo#r ways $rom the day yo# were reated% Till iniE#ity was $o#nd in yo#"
6He 28:13 .By the ab#ndane o$ yo#r trading Bo# beame $illed with !iolene within% +nd yo# sinned& There$ore
I ast yo# as a *ro$ane thing 8#t o$ the mo#ntain o$ God& +nd I destroyed yo#% 8 o!ering her#b% ;rom the
midst o$ the $iery stones"
6He 28:14 .Bo#r heart was li$ted #* bea#se o$ yo#r bea#ty& Bo# orr#*ted yo#r wisdom $or the sa'e o$ yo#r
s*lendor& I ast yo# to the gro#nd% I laid yo# be$ore 'ings% That they might gaHe at yo#"
6He 28:18 .Bo# de$iled yo#r sant#aries By the m#ltit#de o$ yo#r iniE#ities% By the iniE#ity o$ yo#r trading&
There$ore I bro#ght $ire $rom yo#r midst& It de!o#red yo#% +nd I t#rned yo# to ashes #*on the earth In the sight o$
all who saw yo#"
6He 28:19 +ll who 'new yo# among the *eo*les are astonished at yo#& Bo# ha!e beome a horror% +nd (shall
be) no more $ore!er". A .
6He 28:25 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 28:21 .,on o$ man% set yo#r $ae toward ,idon% and *ro*hesy against her%
6He 28:22 .and say% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% I (am) against yo#% 8 ,idon& I will be glori$ied in yo#r
midst& +nd they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% >hen I e9e#te @#dgments in her and am hallowed in her"
6He 28:2- ;or I will send *estilene #*on her% +nd blood in her streets& The wo#nded shall be @#dged in her
midst By the sword against her on e!ery side& Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"
6He 28:20 . +nd there shall no longer be a *ri'ing brier or a *ain$#l thorn $or the ho#se o$ Israel $rom among all
(who are) aro#nd them% who des*ise them" Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /ord G82".
6He 28:21 A Th#s says the /ord G82: .>hen I ha!e gathered the ho#se o$ Israel $rom the *eo*les among whom
they are sattered% and am hallowed in them in the sight o$ the Gentiles% then they will dwell in their own land
whih I ga!e to ?y ser!ant Jaob"
6He 28:23 .+nd they will dwell sa$ely there% b#ild ho#ses% and *lant !ineyards& yes% they will dwell se#rely%
when I e9e#te @#dgments on all those aro#nd them who des*ise them" Then they shall 'now that I (am) the
/8:2 their God". A .
6He 29:1 In the tenth year% in the tenth (month%) on the twel$th (day) o$ the month% the word o$ the /8:2 ame to
me% saying%
6He 29:2 .,on o$ man% set yo#r $ae against <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t% and *ro*hesy against him% and against all
6He 29:- .,*ea'% and say% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% I (am) against yo#% 8 <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t% 8
great monster who lies in the midst o$ his ri!ers% >ho has said% A?y :i!er (is) my own& I ha!e made (it) $or
6He 29:0 B#t I will *#t hoo's in yo#r @aws% +nd a#se the $ish o$ yo#r ri!ers to sti' to yo#r sales& I will bring
yo# #* o#t o$ the midst o$ yo#r ri!ers% +nd all the $ish in yo#r ri!ers will sti' to yo#r sales"
6He 29:1 I will lea!e yo# in the wilderness% Bo# and all the $ish o$ yo#r ri!ers& Bo# shall $all on the o*en $ield&
Bo# shall not be *i'ed #* or gathered" I ha!e gi!en yo# as $ood To the beasts o$ the $ield +nd to the birds o$ the
6He 29:3 .Then all the inhabitants o$ 6gy*t ,hall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% Bea#se they ha!e been a sta$$ o$
reed to the ho#se o$ Israel"
6He 29:4 >hen they too' hold o$ yo# with the hand% Bo# bro'e and tore all their sho#lders& >hen they leaned
on yo#% Bo# bro'e and made all their ba's E#i!er".
6He 29:8 A There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .,#rely I will bring a sword #*on yo# and #t o$$ $rom yo# man
and beast"
6He 29:9 .+nd the land o$ 6gy*t shall beome desolate and waste& then they will 'now that I (am) the /8:2%
bea#se he said% AThe :i!er (is) mine% and I ha!e made (it"A)
6He 29:15 .Indeed% there$ore% I (am) against yo# and against yo#r ri!ers% and I will ma'e the land o$ 6gy*t #tterly
waste and desolate% $rom ?igdol (to) ,yene% as $ar as the border o$ 6thio*ia"
6He 29:11 .Neither $oot o$ man shall *ass thro#gh it nor $oot o$ beast *ass thro#gh it% and it shall be #ninhabited
$orty years"
6He 29:12 .I will ma'e the land o$ 6gy*t desolate in the midst o$ the o#ntries (that are) desolate& and among
the ities (that are) laid waste% her ities shall be desolate $orty years& and I will satter the 6gy*tians among the
nations and dis*erse them thro#gho#t the o#ntries".
6He 29:1- A Bet% th#s says the /ord G82: .+t the end o$ $orty years I will gather the 6gy*tians $rom the *eo*les
among whom they were sattered"
6He 29:10 .I will bring ba' the a*ti!es o$ 6gy*t and a#se them to ret#rn to the land o$ <athros% to the land o$
their origin% and there they shall be a lowly 'ingdom"
6He 29:11 .It shall be the lowliest o$ 'ingdoms& it shall ne!er again e9alt itsel$ abo!e the nations% $or I will
diminish them so that they will not r#le o!er the nations anymore"
6He 29:13 .No longer shall it be the on$idene o$ the ho#se o$ Israel% b#t will remind them o$ (their) iniE#ity
when they t#rned to $ollow them" Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /ord G82". A .
6He 29:14 +nd it ame to *ass in the twentyDse!enth year% in the $irst (month%) on the $irst (day) o$ the month%
that the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He 29:18 .,on o$ man% Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon a#sed his army to labor stren#o#sly against Tyre&
e!ery head (was) made bald% and e!ery sho#lder r#bbed raw& yet neither he nor his army reei!ed wages $rom
Tyre% $or the labor whih they e9*ended on it"
6He 29:19 .There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: A,#rely I will gi!e the land o$ 6gy*t to Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$
Babylon& he shall ta'e away her wealth% arry o$$ her s*oil% and remo!e her *illage& and that will be the wages $or
his army"
6He 29:25 AI ha!e gi!en him the land o$ 6gy*t ($or) his labor% bea#se they wor'ed $or ?e%A says the /ord G82"
6He 29:21 A In that day I will a#se the horn o$ the ho#se o$ Israel to s*ring $orth% and I will o*en yo#r mo#th to
s*ea' in their midst" Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"A .
6He -5:1 The word o$ the /8:2 ame to me again% saying%
6He -5:2 .,on o$ man% *ro*hesy and say% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .>ail% A>oe to the dayFA
6He -5:- ;or the day (is) near% 6!en the day o$ the /8:2 (is) near& It will be a day o$ lo#ds% the time o$ the
6He -5:0 The sword shall ome #*on 6gy*t% +nd great ang#ish shall be in 6thio*ia% >hen the slain $all in 6gy*t%
+nd they ta'e away her wealth% +nd her $o#ndations are bro'en down"
6He -5:1 .6thio*ia% /ibya% /ydia% all the mingled *eo*le% =h#b% and the men o$ the lands who are allied% shall $all
with them by the sword".
6He -5:3 A Th#s says the /8:2: .Those who #*hold 6gy*t shall $all% +nd the *ride o$ her *ower shall ome
down" ;rom ?igdol (to) ,yene Those within her shall $all by the sword%. ,ays the /ord G82"
6He -5:4 .They shall be desolate in the midst o$ the desolate o#ntries% +nd her ities shall be in the midst o$
the ities (that are) laid waste"
6He -5:8 Then they will 'now that I (am) the /8:2% >hen I ha!e set a $ire in 6gy*t +nd all her hel*ers are
6He -5:9 8n that day messengers shall go $orth $rom ?e in shi*s To ma'e the areless 6thio*ians a$raid% +nd
great ang#ish shall ome #*on them% +s on the day o$ 6gy*t& ;or indeed it is omingF.
6He -5:15 A Th#s says the /ord G82: .I will also ma'e a m#ltit#de o$ 6gy*t to ease By the hand o$
Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon"
6He -5:11 He and his *eo*le with him% the most terrible o$ the nations% ,hall be bro#ght to destroy the land&
They shall draw their swords against 6gy*t% +nd $ill the land with the slain"
6He -5:12 I will ma'e the ri!ers dry% +nd sell the land into the hand o$ the wi'ed& I will ma'e the land waste%
and all that is in it% By the hand o$ aliens" I% the /8:2% ha!e s*o'en".
6He -5:1- A Th#s says the /ord G82: .I will also destroy the idols% +nd a#se the images to ease $rom No*h&
There shall no longer be *rines $rom the land o$ 6gy*t& I will *#t $ear in the land o$ 6gy*t"
6He -5:10 I will ma'e <athros desolate% ,et $ire to Goan% +nd e9e#te @#dgments in No"
6He -5:11 I will *o#r ?y $#ry on ,in% the strength o$ 6gy*t& I will #t o$$ the m#ltit#de o$ No%
6He -5:13 +nd set a $ire in 6gy*t& ,in shall ha!e great *ain% No shall be s*lit o*en% +nd No*h (shall be in)
distress daily"
6He -5:14 The yo#ng men o$ +!en and <i Beseth shall $all by the sword% +nd these (ities) shall go into
6He -5:18 +t Teha*hnehes the day shall also be dar'ened% >hen I brea' the yo'es o$ 6gy*t there" +nd her
arrogant strength shall ease in her& +s $or her% a lo#d shall o!er her% +nd her da#ghters shall go into a*ti!ity"
6He -5:19 Th#s I will e9e#te @#dgments on 6gy*t% Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2". A .
6He -5:25 +nd it ame to *ass in the ele!enth year% in the $irst (month%) on the se!enth (day) o$ the month% (that)
the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He -5:21 .,on o$ man% I ha!e bro'en the arm o$ <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t& and see% it has not been bandaged $or
healing% nor a s*lint *#t on to bind it% to ma'e it strong eno#gh to hold a sword"
6He -5:22 .There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: A,#rely I (am) against <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t% and will brea' his
arms% both the strong one and the one that was bro'en& and I will ma'e the sword $all o#t o$ his hand"
6He -5:2- AI will satter the 6gy*tians among the nations% and dis*erse them thro#gho#t the o#ntries"
6He -5:20 AI will strengthen the arms o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon and *#t ?y sword in his hand& b#t I will brea'
<haraohAs arms% and he will groan be$ore him with the groanings o$ a mortally wo#nded (man")
6He -5:21 ATh#s I will strengthen the arms o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon% b#t the arms o$ <haraoh shall $all down& they
shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% when I *#t ?y sword into the hand o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon and he strethes it
o#t against the land o$ 6gy*t"
6He -5:23 AI will satter the 6gy*tians among the nations and dis*erse them thro#gho#t the o#ntries" Then
they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"A .
6He -1:1 Now it ame to *ass in the ele!enth year% in the third (month%) on the $irst (day) o$ the month% (that) the
word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He -1:2 .,on o$ man% say to <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t and to his m#ltit#de: A>hom are yo# li'e in yo#r greatnessC
6He -1:- Indeed +ssyria (was) a edar in /ebanon% >ith $ine branhes that shaded the $orest% +nd o$ high
stat#re& +nd its to* was among the thi' bo#ghs"
6He -1:0 The waters made it grow& 7ndergro#nd waters ga!e it height% >ith their ri!ers r#nning aro#nd the
*lae where it was *lanted% +nd sent o#t ri!#lets to all the trees o$ the $ield"
6He -1:1 AThere$ore its height was e9alted abo!e all the trees o$ the $ield& Its bo#ghs were m#lti*lied% +nd its
branhes beame long bea#se o$ the ab#ndane o$ water% +s it sent them o#t"
6He -1:3 +ll the birds o$ the hea!ens made their nests in its bo#ghs& 7nder its branhes all the beasts o$ the
$ield bro#ght $orth their yo#ng& +nd in its shadow all great nations made their home"
6He -1:4 ATh#s it was bea#ti$#l in greatness and in the length o$ its branhes% Bea#se its roots reahed to
ab#ndant waters"
6He -1:8 The edars in the garden o$ God o#ld not hide it& The $ir trees were not li'e its bo#ghs% +nd the
hestn#t trees were not li'e its branhes& No tree in the garden o$ God was li'e it in bea#ty"
6He -1:9 I made it bea#ti$#l with a m#ltit#de o$ branhes% ,o that all the trees o$ 6den en!ied it% That (were) in
the garden o$ God"A
6He -1:15 . There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: ABea#se yo# ha!e inreased in height% and it set its to* among
the thi' bo#ghs% and its heart was li$ted #* in its height%
6He -1:11 Athere$ore I will deli!er it into the hand o$ the mighty one o$ the nations% and he shall s#rely deal with
it& I ha!e dri!en it o#t $or its wi'edness"
6He -1:12 A+nd aliens% the most terrible o$ the nations% ha!e #t it down and le$t it& its branhes ha!e $allen on
the mo#ntains and in all the !alleys& its bo#ghs lie bro'en by all the ri!ers o$ the land& and all the *eo*les o$ the
earth ha!e gone $rom #nder its shadow and le$t it"
6He -1:1- A8n its r#in will remain all the birds o$ the hea!ens% +nd all the beasts o$ the $ield will ome to its
branhes DD
6He -1:10 A,o that no trees by the waters may e!er again e9alt themsel!es $or their height% nor set their to*s
among the thi' bo#ghs% that no tree whih drin's water may e!er be high eno#gh to reah #* to them" A;or they
ha!e all been deli!ered to death% To the de*ths o$ the earth% +mong the hildren o$ men who go down to the <it"A
6He -1:11 . Th#s says the /ord G82: AIn the day when it went down to hell% I a#sed mo#rning" I o!ered the
dee* bea#se o$ it" I restrained its ri!ers% and the great waters were held ba'" I a#sed /ebanon to mo#rn $or it%
and all the trees o$ the $ield wilted bea#se o$ it"
6He -1:13 AI made the nations sha'e at the so#nd o$ its $all% when I ast it down to hell together with those who
desend into the <it& and all the trees o$ 6den% the hoie and best o$ /ebanon% all that drin' water% were
om$orted in the de*ths o$ the earth"
6He -1:14 AThey also went down to hell with it% with those (slain) by the sword& and (those who were) its (strong)
arm dwelt in its shadows among the nations"
6He -1:18 ATo whih o$ the trees in 6den will yo# then be li'ened in glory and greatnessC Bet yo# shall be
bro#ght down with the trees o$ 6den to the de*ths o$ the earth& yo# shall lie in the midst o$ the #nir#mised%
with (those) slain by the sword" This (is) <haraoh and all his m#ltit#de%A says the /ord G82".
6He -2:1 +nd it ame to *ass in the twel$th year% in the twel$th (month%) on the $irst (day) o$ the month% (that) the
word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He -2:2 .,on o$ man% ta'e #* a lamentation $or <haraoh 'ing o$ 6gy*t% and say to him: ABo# are li'e a yo#ng
lion among the nations% +nd yo# (are) li'e a monster in the seas% B#rsting $orth in yo#r ri!ers% Tro#bling the
waters with yo#r $eet% +nd $o#ling their ri!ers"A
6He -2:- .Th#s says the /ord G82: AI will there$ore s*read ?y net o!er yo# with a om*any o$ many *eo*le%
+nd they will draw yo# #* in ?y net"
6He -2:0 Then I will lea!e yo# on the land& I will ast yo# o#t on the o*en $ields% +nd a#se to settle on yo# all
the birds o$ the hea!ens" +nd with yo# I will $ill the beasts o$ the whole earth"
6He -2:1 I will lay yo#r $lesh on the mo#ntains% +nd $ill the !alleys with yo#r arass"
6He -2:3 AI will also water the land with the $low o$ yo#r blood% (6!en) to the mo#ntains& +nd the ri!erbeds will be
$#ll o$ yo#"
6He -2:4 >hen (I) *#t o#t yo#r light% I will o!er the hea!ens% and ma'e its stars dar'& I will o!er the s#n with a
lo#d% +nd the moon shall not gi!e her light"
6He -2:8 +ll the bright lights o$ the hea!ens I will ma'e dar' o!er yo#% +nd bring dar'ness #*on yo#r land%A ,ays
the /ord G82"
6He -2:9 AI will also tro#ble the hearts o$ many *eo*les% when I bring yo#r destr#tion among the nations% into
the o#ntries whih yo# ha!e not 'nown"
6He -2:15 ABes% I will ma'e many *eo*les astonished at yo#% and their 'ings shall be horribly a$raid o$ yo# when
I brandish ?y sword be$ore them& and they shall tremble (e!ery) moment% e!ery man $or his own li$e% in the day
o$ yo#r $all"A
6He -2:11 . ;or th#s says the /ord G82: AThe sword o$ the 'ing o$ Babylon shall ome #*on yo#"
6He -2:12 ABy the swords o$ the mighty warriors% all o$ them the most terrible o$ the nations% I will a#se yo#r
m#ltit#de to $all" AThey shall *l#nder the *om* o$ 6gy*t% +nd all its m#ltit#de shall be destroyed"
6He -2:1- +lso I will destroy all its animals ;rom beside its great waters& The $oot o$ man shall m#ddy them no
more% Nor shall the hoo!es o$ animals m#ddy them"
6He -2:10 Then I will ma'e their waters lear% +nd ma'e their ri!ers r#n li'e oil%A ,ays the /ord G82"
6He -2:11 A>hen I ma'e the land o$ 6gy*t desolate% +nd the o#ntry is destit#te o$ all that one $illed it% >hen I
stri'e all who dwell in it% Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"
6He -2:13 AThis (is) the lamentation >ith whih they shall lament her& The da#ghters o$ the nations shall lament
her& They shall lament $or her% $or 6gy*t% +nd $or all her m#ltit#de%A ,ays the /ord G82".
6He -2:14 It ame to *ass also in the twel$th year% on the $i$teenth (day) o$ the month% that the word o$ the /8:2
ame to me% saying:
6He -2:18 .,on o$ man% wail o!er the m#ltit#de o$ 6gy*t% +nd ast them down to the de*ths o$ the earth% Her
and the da#ghters o$ the $amo#s nations% >ith those who go down to the <it:
6He -2:19 A>hom do yo# s#r*ass in bea#tyC Go down% be *laed with the #nir#mised"A
6He -2:25 .They shall $all in the midst o$ (those) slain by the sword& ,he is deli!ered to the sword% 2rawing her
and all her m#ltit#des"
6He -2:21 The strong among the mighty ,hall s*ea' to him o#t o$ the midst o$ hell >ith those who hel* him:
AThey ha!e gone down% They lie with the #nir#mised% slain by the sword"A
6He -2:22 . +ssyria (is) there% and all her om*any% >ith their gra!es all aro#nd her% +ll o$ them slain% $allen by
the sword"
6He -2:2- Her gra!es are set in the reesses o$ the <it% +nd her om*any is all aro#nd her gra!e% +ll o$ them
slain% $allen by the sword% >ho a#sed terror in the land o$ the li!ing"
6He -2:20 . There (is) 6lam and all her m#ltit#de% +ll aro#nd her gra!e% +ll o$ them slain% $allen by the sword%
>ho ha!e gone down #nir#mised to the lower *arts o$ the earth% >ho a#sed their terror in the land o$ the
li!ing& Now they bear their shame with those who go down to the <it"
6He -2:21 They ha!e set her bed in the midst o$ the slain% >ith all her m#ltit#de% >ith her gra!es all aro#nd it%
+ll o$ them #nir#mised% slain by the sword& Tho#gh their terror was a#sed In the land o$ the li!ing% Bet they
bear their shame >ith those who go down to the <it& It was *#t in the midst o$ the slain"
6He -2:23 . There (are) ?esheh and T#bal and all their m#ltit#des% >ith all their gra!es aro#nd it% +ll o$ them
#nir#mised% slain by the sword% Tho#gh they a#sed their terror in the land o$ the li!ing"
6He -2:24 They do not lie with the mighty (>ho are) $allen o$ the #nir#mised% >ho ha!e gone down to hell
with their wea*ons o$ war& They ha!e laid their swords #nder their heads% B#t their iniE#ities will be on their
bones% Bea#se o$ the terror o$ the mighty in the land o$ the li!ing"
6He -2:28 Bes% yo# shall be bro'en in the midst o$ the #nir#mised% +nd lie with (those) slain by the sword"
6He -2:29 . There (is) 6dom% Her 'ings and all her *rines% >ho des*ite their might +re laid beside (those) slain
by the sword& They shall lie with the #nir#mised% +nd with those who go down to the <it"
6He -2:-5 There (are) the *rines o$ the north% +ll o$ them% and all the ,idonians% >ho ha!e gone down with the
slain In shame at the terror whih they a#sed by their might& They lie #nir#mised with (those) slain by the
sword% +nd bear their shame with those who go down to the <it"
6He -2:-1 . <haraoh will see them +nd be om$orted o!er all his m#ltit#de% <haraoh and all his army% ,lain by
the sword%. ,ays the /ord G82"
6He -2:-2 .;or I ha!e a#sed ?y terror in the land o$ the li!ing& +nd he shall be *laed in the midst o$ the
#nir#mised >ith (those) slain by the sword% <haraoh and all his m#ltit#de%. ,ays the /ord G82"
6He --:1 +gain the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He --:2 .,on o$ man% s*ea' to the hildren o$ yo#r *eo*le% and say to them: A>hen I bring the sword #*on a
land% and the *eo*le o$ the land ta'e a man $rom their territory and ma'e him their wathman%
6He --:- Awhen he sees the sword oming #*on the land% i$ he blows the tr#m*et and warns the *eo*le%
6He --:0 Athen whoe!er hears the so#nd o$ the tr#m*et and does not ta'e warning% i$ the sword omes and
ta'es him away% his blood shall be on his (own) head"
6He --:1 AHe heard the so#nd o$ the tr#m*et% b#t did not ta'e warning& his blood shall be #*on himsel$" B#t he
who ta'es warning will sa!e his li$e"
6He --:3 AB#t i$ the wathman sees the sword oming and does not blow the tr#m*et% and the *eo*le are not
warned% and the sword omes and ta'es (any) *erson $rom among them% he is ta'en away in his iniE#ity& b#t his
blood I will reE#ire at the wathmanAs hand"A
6He --:4 . ,o yo#% son o$ man: I ha!e made yo# a wathman $or the ho#se o$ Israel& there$ore yo# shall hear a
word $rom ?y mo#th and warn them $or ?e"
6He --:8 .>hen I say to the wi'ed% A8 wi'ed (man%) yo# shall s#rely dieFA and yo# do not s*ea' to warn the
wi'ed $rom his way% that wi'ed (man) shall die in his iniE#ity& b#t his blood I will reE#ire at yo#r hand"
6He --:9 .Ne!ertheless i$ yo# warn the wi'ed to t#rn $rom his way% and he does not t#rn $rom his way% he shall
die in his iniE#ity& b#t yo# ha!e deli!ered yo#r so#l"
6He --:15 . There$ore yo#% 8 son o$ man% say to the ho#se o$ Israel: ATh#s yo# say% .I$ o#r transgressions and
o#r sins (lie) #*on #s% and we *ine away in them% how an we then li!eC. A
6He --:11 .,ay to them: A(+s) I li!e%A says the /ord G82% AI ha!e no *leas#re in the death o$ the wi'ed% b#t that
the wi'ed t#rn $rom his way and li!e" T#rn% t#rn $rom yo#r e!il waysF ;or why sho#ld yo# die% 8 ho#se o$ IsraelCA
6He --:12 . There$ore yo#% 8 son o$ man% say to the hildren o$ yo#r *eo*le: AThe righteo#sness o$ the
righteo#s man shall not deli!er him in the day o$ his transgression& as $or the wi'edness o$ the wi'ed% he shall
not $all bea#se o$ it in the day that he t#rns $rom his wi'edness& nor shall the righteo#s be able to li!e bea#se
o$ (his righteo#sness) in the day that he sins"A
6He --:1- .>hen I say to the righteo#s (that) he shall s#rely li!e% b#t he tr#sts in his own righteo#sness and
ommits iniE#ity% none o$ his righteo#s wor's shall be remembered& b#t bea#se o$ the iniE#ity that he has
ommitted% he shall die"
6He --:10 .+gain% when I say to the wi'ed% ABo# shall s#rely die%A i$ he t#rns $rom his sin and does what is
law$#l and right%
6He --:11 .(i$) the wi'ed restores the *ledge% gi!es ba' what he has stolen% and wal's in the stat#tes o$ li$e
witho#t ommitting iniE#ity% he shall s#rely li!e& he shall not die"
6He --:13 .None o$ his sins whih he has ommitted shall be remembered against him& he has done what is
law$#l and right& he shall s#rely li!e"
6He --:14 . Bet the hildren o$ yo#r *eo*le say% AThe way o$ the /8:2 is not $air"A B#t it is their way whih is not
6He --:18 .>hen the righteo#s t#rns $rom his righteo#sness and ommits iniE#ity% he shall die bea#se o$ it"
6He --:19 .B#t when the wi'ed t#rns $rom his wi'edness and does what is law$#l and right% he shall li!e
bea#se o$ it"
6He --:25 .Bet yo# say% AThe way o$ the /8:2 is not $air"A 8 ho#se o$ Israel% I will @#dge e!ery one o$ yo#
aording to his own ways".
6He --:21 +nd it ame to *ass in the twel$th year o$ o#r a*ti!ity% in the tenth (month%) on the $i$th (day) o$ the
month% (that) one who had esa*ed $rom Jer#salem ame to me and said% .The ity has been a*t#redF.
6He --:22 Now the hand o$ the /8:2 had been #*on me the e!ening be$ore the man ame who had esa*ed"
+nd He had o*ened my mo#th& so when he ame to me in the morning% my mo#th was o*ened% and I was no
longer m#te"
6He --:2- Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying:
6He --:20 .,on o$ man% they who inhabit those r#ins in the land o$ Israel are saying% A+braham was only one%
and he inherited the land" B#t we (are) many& the land has been gi!en to #s as a *ossession"A
6He --:21 .There$ore say to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Bo# eat (meat) with blood% yo# li$t #* yo#r eyes
toward yo#r idols% and shed blood" ,ho#ld yo# then *ossess the landC
6He --:23 .Bo# rely on yo#r sword% yo# ommit abominations% and yo# de$ile one anotherAs wi!es" ,ho#ld yo#
then *ossess the landC. A
6He --:24 .,ay th#s to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .(+s) I li!e% s#rely those who (are) in the r#ins shall $all
by the sword% and the one who (is) in the o*en $ield I will gi!e to the beasts to be de!o#red% and those who (are)
in the strongholds and a!es shall die o$ the *estilene"
6He --:28 .;or I will ma'e the land most desolate% her arrogant strength shall ease% and the mo#ntains o$
Israel shall be so desolate that no one will *ass thro#gh"
6He --:29 .Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% when I ha!e made the land most desolate bea#se o$ all
their abominations whih they ha!e ommitted". A
6He --:-5 . +s $or yo#% son o$ man% the hildren o$ yo#r *eo*le are tal'ing abo#t yo# beside the walls and in the
doors o$ the ho#ses& and they s*ea' to one another% e!eryone saying to his brother% A<lease ome and hear
what the word is that omes $rom the /8:2"A
6He --:-1 .,o they ome to yo# as *eo*le do% they sit be$ore yo# (as) ?y *eo*le% and they hear yo#r words% b#t
they do not do them& $or with their mo#th they show m#h lo!e% (b#t) their hearts *#rs#e their (own) gain"
6He --:-2 .Indeed yo# (are) to them as a !ery lo!ely song o$ one who has a *leasant !oie and an *lay well on
an instr#ment& $or they hear yo#r words% b#t they do not do them"
6He --:-- .+nd when this omes to *ass DD s#rely it will ome DD then they will 'now that a *ro*het has been
among them".
6He -0:1 +nd the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He -0:2 .,on o$ man% *ro*hesy against the she*herds o$ Israel% *ro*hesy and say to them% ATh#s says the
/ord G82 to the she*herds: .>oe to the she*herds o$ Israel who $eed themsel!esF ,ho#ld not the she*herds
$eed the $lo'sC
6He -0:- .Bo# eat the $at and lothe yo#rsel!es with the wool& yo# sla#ghter the $atlings% (b#t) yo# do not $eed
the $lo'"
6He -0:0 .The wea' yo# ha!e not strengthened% nor ha!e yo# healed those who were si'% nor bo#nd #* the
bro'en% nor bro#ght ba' what was dri!en away% nor so#ght what was lost& b#t with $ore and r#elty yo# ha!e
r#led them"
6He -0:1 .,o they were sattered bea#se (there was) no she*herd& and they beame $ood $or all the beasts o$
the $ield when they were sattered"
6He -0:3 .?y shee* wandered thro#gh all the mo#ntains% and on e!ery high hill& yes% ?y $lo' was sattered
o!er the whole $ae o$ the earth% and no one was see'ing or searhing ($or them".)
6He -0:4 A There$ore% yo# she*herds% hear the word o$ the /8:2:
6He -0:8 .(as) I li!e%. says the /ord G82% .s#rely bea#se ?y $lo' beame a *rey% and ?y $lo' beame $ood
$or e!ery beast o$ the $ield% bea#se (there was) no she*herd% nor did ?y she*herds searh $or ?y $lo'% b#t the
she*herds $ed themsel!es and did not $eed ?y $lo'. DD
6He -0:9 Athere$ore% 8 she*herds% hear the word o$ the /8:2F
6He -0:15 ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% I (am) against the she*herds% and I will reE#ire ?y $lo' at their
hand& I will a#se them to ease $eeding the shee*% and the she*herds shall $eed themsel!es no more& $or I will
deli!er ?y $lo' $rom their mo#ths% that they may no longer be $ood $or them".
6He -0:11 A ;or th#s says the /ord G82: .Indeed I ?ysel$ will searh $or ?y shee* and see' them o#t"
6He -0:12 .+s a she*herd see's o#t his $lo' on the day he is among his sattered shee*% so will I see' o#t ?y
shee* and deli!er them $rom all the *laes where they were sattered on a lo#dy and dar' day"
6He -0:1- .+nd I will bring them o#t $rom the *eo*les and gather them $rom the o#ntries% and will bring them to
their own land& I will $eed them on the mo#ntains o$ Israel% in the !alleys and in all the inhabited *laes o$ the
6He -0:10 .I will $eed them in good *ast#re% and their $old shall be on the high mo#ntains o$ Israel" There they
shall lie down in a good $old and $eed in rih *ast#re on the mo#ntains o$ Israel"
6He -0:11 .I will $eed ?y $lo'% and I will ma'e them lie down%. says the /ord G82"
6He -0:13 .I will see' what was lost and bring ba' what was dri!en away% bind #* the bro'en and strengthen
what was si'& b#t I will destroy the $at and the strong% and $eed them in @#dgment".
6He -0:14 A +nd (as $or) yo#% 8 ?y $lo'% th#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% I shall @#dge between shee* and
shee*% between rams and goats"
6He -0:18 .(Is it) too little $or yo# to ha!e eaten #* the good *ast#re% that yo# m#st tread down with yo#r $eet the
resid#e o$ yo#r *ast#re DD and to ha!e dr#n' o$ the lear waters% that yo# m#st $o#l the resid#e with yo#r $eetC
6He -0:19 .+nd (as $or) ?y $lo'% they eat what yo# ha!e tram*led with yo#r $eet% and they drin' what yo# ha!e
$o#led with yo#r $eet".
6He -0:25 A There$ore th#s says the /ord G82 to them: .Behold% I ?ysel$ will @#dge between the $at and the lean
6He -0:21 .Bea#se yo# ha!e *#shed with side and sho#lder% b#tted all the wea' ones with yo#r horns% and
sattered them abroad%
6He -0:22 .there$ore I will sa!e ?y $lo'% and they shall no longer be a *rey& and I will @#dge between shee* and
6He -0:2- .I will establish one she*herd o!er them% and he shall $eed them DD ?y ser!ant 2a!id" He shall $eed
them and be their she*herd"
6He -0:20 .+nd I% the /8:2% will be their God% and ?y ser!ant 2a!id a *rine among them& I% the /8:2% ha!e
6He -0:21 . I will ma'e a o!enant o$ *eae with them% and a#se wild beasts to ease $rom the land& and they
will dwell sa$ely in the wilderness and slee* in the woods"
6He -0:23 .I will ma'e them and the *laes all aro#nd ?y hill a blessing& and I will a#se showers to ome down
in their season& there shall be showers o$ blessing"
6He -0:24 .Then the trees o$ the $ield shall yield their $r#it% and the earth shall yield her inrease" They shall be
sa$e in their land& and they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% when I ha!e bro'en the bands o$ their yo'e and
deli!ered them $rom the hand o$ those who ensla!ed them"
6He -0:28 .+nd they shall no longer be a *rey $or the nations% nor shall beasts o$ the land de!o#r them& b#t they
shall dwell sa$ely% and no one shall ma'e (them) a$raid"
6He -0:29 .I will raise #* $or them a garden o$ renown% and they shall no longer be ons#med with h#nger in the
land% nor bear the shame o$ the Gentiles anymore"
6He -0:-5 .Th#s they shall 'now that I% the /8:2 their God% (am) with them% and they% the ho#se o$ Israel% (are)
?y *eo*le%. says the /ord G82"A .
6He -0:-1 .Bo# are ?y $lo'% the $lo' o$ ?y *ast#re& yo# (are) men% (and) I (am) yo#r God%. says the /ord G82"
6He -1:1 ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He -1:2 .,on o$ man% set yo#r $ae against ?o#nt ,eir and *ro*hesy against it%
6He -1:- .and say to it% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% 8 ?o#nt ,eir% I (am) against yo#& I will streth o#t
?y hand against yo#% +nd ma'e yo# most desolate&
6He -1:0 I shall lay yo#r ities waste% +nd yo# shall be desolate" Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2"
6He -1:1 .Bea#se yo# ha!e had an anient hatred% and ha!e shed (the blood o$) the hildren o$ Israel by the
*ower o$ the sword at the time o$ their alamity% (when) their iniE#ity (ame to an) end%
6He -1:3 .there$ore% (as) I li!e%. says the /ord G82% .I will *re*are yo# $or blood% and blood shall *#rs#e yo#&
sine yo# ha!e not hated blood% there$ore blood shall *#rs#e yo#"
6He -1:4 .Th#s I will ma'e ?o#nt ,eir most desolate% and #t o$$ $rom it the one who lea!es and the one who
6He -1:8 .+nd I will $ill its mo#ntains with the slain& on yo#r hills and in yo#r !alleys and in all yo#r ra!ines those
who are slain by the sword shall $all"
6He -1:9 .I will ma'e yo# *er*et#ally desolate% and yo#r ities shall be #ninhabited& then yo# shall 'now that I
(am) the /8:2"
6He -1:15 . Bea#se yo# ha!e said% AThese two nations and these two o#ntries shall be mine% and we will
*ossess them%A altho#gh the /8:2 was there%
6He -1:11 .there$ore% (as) I li!e%. says the /ord G82% .I will do aording to yo#r anger and aording to the
en!y whih yo# showed in yo#r hatred against them& and I will ma'e ?ysel$ 'nown among them when I @#dge
6He -1:12 .Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2" I ha!e heard all yo#r blas*hemies whih yo# ha!e
s*o'en against the mo#ntains o$ Israel% saying% AThey are desolate& they are gi!en to #s to ons#me"A
6He -1:1- .Th#s with yo#r mo#th yo# ha!e boasted against ?e and m#lti*lied yo#r words against ?e& I ha!e
heard (them".)
6He -1:10 ATh#s says the /ord G82: .The whole earth will re@oie when I ma'e yo# desolate"
6He -1:11 .+s yo# re@oied bea#se the inheritane o$ the ho#se o$ Israel was desolate% so I will do to yo#& yo#
shall be desolate% 8 ?o#nt ,eir% as well as all o$ 6dom DD all o$ itF Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2". A
6He -3:1 .+nd yo#% son o$ man% *ro*hesy to the mo#ntains o$ Israel% and say% A8 mo#ntains o$ Israel% hear the
word o$ the /8:2F
6He -3:2 ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se the enemy has said o$ yo#% A+haF The anient heights ha!e
beome o#r *ossession%A . A
6He -3:- .there$ore *ro*hesy% and say% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se they made (yo#) desolate and
swallowed yo# #* on e!ery side% so that yo# beame the *ossession o$ the rest o$ the nations% and yo# are
ta'en #* by the li*s o$ tal'ers and slandered by the *eo*le. DD
6He -3:0 Athere$ore% 8 mo#ntains o$ Israel% hear the word o$ the /ord G82F Th#s says the /ord G82 to the
mo#ntains% the hills% the ri!ers% the !alleys% the desolate wastes% and the ities that ha!e been $orsa'en% whih
beame *l#nder and mo'ery to the rest o$ the nations all aro#nd DD
6He -3:1 Athere$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .,#rely I ha!e s*o'en in ?y b#rning @ealo#sy against the rest o$
the nations and against all 6dom% who ga!e ?y land to themsel!es as a *ossession% with wholeDhearted @oy
(and) s*ite$#l minds% in order to *l#nder its o*en o#ntry". A
6He -3:3 .There$ore *ro*hesy onerning the land o$ Israel% and say to the mo#ntains% the hills% the ri!ers% and
the !alleys% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% I ha!e s*o'en in ?y @ealo#sy and ?y $#ry% bea#se yo# ha!e
borne the shame o$ the nations".
6He -3:4 AThere$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .I ha!e raised ?y hand in an oath that s#rely the nations that (are)
aro#nd yo# shall bear their own shame"
6He -3:8 . B#t yo#% 8 mo#ntains o$ Israel% yo# shall shoot $orth yo#r branhes and yield yo#r $r#it to ?y *eo*le
Israel% $or they are abo#t to ome"
6He -3:9 .;or indeed I (am) $or yo#% and I will t#rn to yo#% and yo# shall be tilled and sown"
6He -3:15 .I will m#lti*ly men #*on yo#% all the ho#se o$ Israel% all o$ it& and the ities shall be inhabited and the
r#ins reb#ilt"
6He -3:11 .I will m#lti*ly #*on yo# man and beast& and they shall inrease and bear yo#ng& I will ma'e yo#
inhabited as in $ormer times% and do better ($or yo#) than at yo#r beginnings" Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the
6He -3:12 .Bes% I will a#se men to wal' on yo#% ?y *eo*le Israel& they shall ta'e *ossession o$ yo#% and yo#
shall be their inheritane& no more shall yo# berea!e them (o$ hildren".)
6He -3:1- ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Bea#se they say to yo#% ABo# de!o#r men and berea!e yo#r nation (o$
6He -3:10 .there$ore yo# shall de!o#r men no more% nor berea!e yo#r nation anymore%. says the /ord G82"
6He -3:11 .Nor will I let yo# hear the ta#nts o$ the nations anymore% nor bear the re*roah o$ the *eo*les
anymore% nor shall yo# a#se yo#r nation to st#mble anymore%. says the /ord G82"A .
6He -3:13 ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying:
6He -3:14 .,on o$ man% when the ho#se o$ Israel dwelt in their own land% they de$iled it by their own ways and
deeds& to ?e their way was li'e the #nleanness o$ a woman in her #stomary im*#rity"
6He -3:18 .There$ore I *o#red o#t ?y $#ry on them $or the blood they had shed on the land% and $or their idols
(with whih) they had de$iled it"
6He -3:19 .,o I sattered them among the nations% and they were dis*ersed thro#gho#t the o#ntries& I @#dged
them aording to their ways and their deeds"
6He -3:25 .>hen they ame to the nations% where!er they went% they *ro$aned ?y holy name DD when they said
o$ them% AThese (are) the *eo*le o$ the /8:2% (and) yet they ha!e gone o#t o$ His land"A
6He -3:21 .B#t I had onern $or ?y holy name% whih the ho#se o$ Israel had *ro$aned among the nations
where!er they went"
6He -3:22 . There$ore say to the ho#se o$ Israel% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .I do not do (this) $or yo#r sa'e% 8
ho#se o$ Israel% b#t $or ?y holy nameAs sa'e% whih yo# ha!e *ro$aned among the nations where!er yo# went"
6He -3:2- .+nd I will santi$y ?y great name% whih has been *ro$aned among the nations% whih yo# ha!e
*ro$aned in their midst& and the nations shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2%. says the /ord G82% .when I am
hallowed in yo# be$ore their eyes"
6He -3:20 .;or I will ta'e yo# $rom among the nations% gather yo# o#t o$ all o#ntries% and bring yo# into yo#r
own land"
6He -3:21 .Then I will s*rin'le lean water on yo#% and yo# shall be lean& I will leanse yo# $rom all yo#r
$ilthiness and $rom all yo#r idols"
6He -3:23 .I will gi!e yo# a new heart and *#t a new s*irit within yo#& I will ta'e the heart o$ stone o#t o$ yo#r
$lesh and gi!e yo# a heart o$ $lesh"
6He -3:24 .I will *#t ?y ,*irit within yo# and a#se yo# to wal' in ?y stat#tes% and yo# will 'ee* ?y @#dgments
and do (them")
6He -3:28 .Then yo# shall dwell in the land that I ga!e to yo#r $athers& yo# shall be ?y *eo*le% and I will be yo#r
6He -3:29 .I will deli!er yo# $rom all yo#r #nleannesses" I will all $or the grain and m#lti*ly it% and bring no
$amine #*on yo#"
6He -3:-5 .+nd I will m#lti*ly the $r#it o$ yo#r trees and the inrease o$ yo#r $ields% so that yo# need ne!er again
bear the re*roah o$ $amine among the nations"
6He -3:-1 .Then yo# will remember yo#r e!il ways and yo#r deeds that (were) not good& and yo# will loathe
yo#rsel!es in yo#r own sight% $or yo#r iniE#ities and yo#r abominations"
6He -3:-2 .Not $or yo#r sa'e do I do (this%.) says the /ord G82% .let it be 'nown to yo#" Be ashamed and
on$o#nded $or yo#r own ways% 8 ho#se o$ IsraelF.
6He -3:-- A Th#s says the /ord G82: .8n the day that I leanse yo# $rom all yo#r iniE#ities% I will also enable
(yo#) to dwell in the ities% and the r#ins shall be reb#ilt"
6He -3:-0 .The desolate land shall be tilled instead o$ lying desolate in the sight o$ all who *ass by"
6He -3:-1 .,o they will say% AThis land that was desolate has beome li'e the garden o$ 6den& and the wasted%
desolate% and r#ined ities (are now) $orti$ied (and) inhabited"A
6He -3:-3 .Then the nations whih are le$t all aro#nd yo# shall 'now that I% the /8:2% ha!e reb#ilt the r#ined
*laes (and) *lanted what was desolate" I% the /8:2% ha!e s*o'en (it%) and I will do (it".)
6He -3:-4 A Th#s says the /ord G82: .I will also let the ho#se o$ Israel inE#ire o$ ?e to do this $or them: I will
inrease their men li'e a $lo'"
6He -3:-8 ./i'e a $lo' o$$ered as holy sari$ies% li'e the $lo' at Jer#salem on its $east days% so shall the
r#ined ities be $illed with $lo's o$ men" Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2". A .
6He -4:1 The hand o$ the /8:2 ame #*on me and bro#ght me o#t in the ,*irit o$ the /8:2% and set me down
in the midst o$ the !alley& and it (was) $#ll o$ bones"
6He -4:2 Then He a#sed me to *ass by them all aro#nd% and behold% (there were) !ery many in the o*en
!alley& and indeed (they were) !ery dry"
6He -4:- +nd He said to me% .,on o$ man% an these bones li!eC. ,o I answered% .8 /ord G82% Bo# 'now".
6He -4:0 +gain He said to me% .<ro*hesy to these bones% and say to them% A8 dry bones% hear the word o$ the
6He -4:1 ATh#s says the /ord G82 to these bones: .,#rely I will a#se breath to enter into yo#% and yo# shall
6He -4:3 .I will *#t sinews on yo# and bring $lesh #*on yo#% o!er yo# with s'in and *#t breath in yo#& and yo#
shall li!e" Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2". A .
6He -4:4 ,o I *ro*hesied as I was ommanded& and as I *ro*hesied% there was a noise% and s#ddenly a rattling&
and the bones ame together% bone to bone"
6He -4:8 Indeed% as I loo'ed% the sinews and the $lesh ame #*on them% and the s'in o!ered them o!er& b#t
(there was) no breath in them"
6He -4:9 +lso He said to me% .<ro*hesy to the breath% *ro*hesy% son o$ man% and say to the breath% ATh#s says
the /ord G82: .=ome $rom the $o#r winds% 8 breath% and breathe on these slain% that they may li!e". A .
6He -4:15 ,o I *ro*hesied as He ommanded me% and breath ame into them% and they li!ed% and stood #*on
their $eet% an e9eedingly great army"
6He -4:11 Then He said to me% .,on o$ man% these bones are the whole ho#se o$ Israel" They indeed say% A8#r
bones are dry% o#r ho*e is lost% and we o#rsel!es are #t o$$FA
6He -4:12 .There$ore *ro*hesy and say to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% 8 ?y *eo*le% I will o*en
yo#r gra!es and a#se yo# to ome #* $rom yo#r gra!es% and bring yo# into the land o$ Israel"
6He -4:1- .Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2% when I ha!e o*ened yo#r gra!es% 8 ?y *eo*le% and
bro#ght yo# #* $rom yo#r gra!es"
6He -4:10 .I will *#t ?y ,*irit in yo#% and yo# shall li!e% and I will *lae yo# in yo#r own land" Then yo# shall
'now that I% the /8:2% ha!e s*o'en (it) and *er$ormed (it%.) says the /8:2"A .
6He -4:11 +gain the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He -4:13 .+s $or yo#% son o$ man% ta'e a sti' $or yo#rsel$ and write on it: A;or J#dah and $or the hildren o$
Israel% his om*anions"A Then ta'e another sti' and write on it% A;or Jose*h% the sti' o$ 6*hraim% and ($or) all the
ho#se o$ Israel% his om*anions"A
6He -4:14 .Then @oin them one to another $or yo#rsel$ into one sti'% and they will beome one in yo#r hand"
6He -4:18 . +nd when the hildren o$ yo#r *eo*le s*ea' to yo#% saying% A>ill yo# not show #s what yo# (mean)
by theseCA DD
6He -4:19 .say to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .,#rely I will ta'e the sti' o$ Jose*h% whih (is) in the hand
o$ 6*hraim% and the tribes o$ Israel% his om*anions& and I will @oin them with it% with the sti' o$ J#dah% and ma'e
them one sti'% and they will be one in ?y hand". A
6He -4:25 .+nd the sti's on whih yo# write will be in yo#r hand be$ore their eyes"
6He -4:21 .Then say to them% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .,#rely I will ta'e the hildren o$ Israel $rom among the
nations% where!er they ha!e gone% and will gather them $rom e!ery side and bring them into their own land&
6He -4:22 .and I will ma'e them one nation in the land% on the mo#ntains o$ Israel& and one 'ing shall be 'ing
o!er them all& they shall no longer be two nations% nor shall they e!er be di!ided into two 'ingdoms again"
6He -4:2- .They shall not de$ile themsel!es anymore with their idols% nor with their detestable things% nor with
any o$ their transgressions& b#t I will deli!er them $rom all their dwelling *laes in whih they ha!e sinned% and
will leanse them" Then they shall be ?y *eo*le% and I will be their God"
6He -4:20 . 2a!id ?y ser!ant (shall be) 'ing o!er them% and they shall all ha!e one she*herd& they shall also
wal' in ?y @#dgments and obser!e ?y stat#tes% and do them"
6He -4:21 .Then they shall dwell in the land that I ha!e gi!en to Jaob ?y ser!ant% where yo#r $athers dwelt&
and they shall dwell there% they% their hildren% and their hildrenAs hildren% $ore!er& and ?y ser!ant 2a!id (shall
be) their *rine $ore!er"
6He -4:23 .?oreo!er I will ma'e a o!enant o$ *eae with them% and it shall be an e!erlasting o!enant with
them& I will establish them and m#lti*ly them% and I will set ?y sant#ary in their midst $ore!ermore"
6He -4:24 .?y tabernale also shall be with them& indeed I will be their God% and they shall be ?y *eo*le"
6He -4:28 .The nations also will 'now that I% the /8:2% santi$y Israel% when ?y sant#ary is in their midst
$ore!ermore". A .
6He -8:1 Now the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying%
6He -8:2 .,on o$ man% set yo#r $ae against Gog% o$ the land o$ ?agog% the *rine o$ :osh% ?esheh% and
T#bal% and *ro*hesy against him%
6He -8:- .and say% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% I (am) against yo#% 8 Gog% the *rine o$ :osh% ?esheh%
and T#bal"
6He -8:0 .I will t#rn yo# aro#nd% *#t hoo's into yo#r @aws% and lead yo# o#t% with all yo#r army% horses% and
horsemen% all s*lendidly lothed% a great om*any (with) b#'lers and shields% all o$ them handling swords"
6He -8:1 .<ersia% 6thio*ia% and /ibya are with them% all o$ them (with) shield and helmet&
6He -8:3 .Gomer and all its troo*s& the ho#se o$ Togarmah ($rom) the $ar north and all its troo*s DD many *eo*le
(are) with yo#"
6He -8:4 . <re*are yo#rsel$ and be ready% yo# and all yo#r om*anies that are gathered abo#t yo#& and be a
g#ard $or them"
6He -8:8 .+$ter many days yo# will be !isited" In the latter years yo# will ome into the land o$ those bro#ght
ba' $rom the sword (and) gathered $rom many *eo*le on the mo#ntains o$ Israel% whih had long been desolate&
they were bro#ght o#t o$ the nations% and now all o$ them dwell sa$ely"
6He -8:9 .Bo# will asend% oming li'e a storm% o!ering the land li'e a lo#d% yo# and all yo#r troo*s and many
*eo*les with yo#".
6He -8:15 A Th#s says the /ord G82: .8n that day it shall ome to *ass (that) tho#ghts will arise in yo#r mind%
and yo# will ma'e an e!il *lan:
6He -8:11 .Bo# will say% AI will go #* against a land o$ #nwalled !illages& I will go to a *eae$#l *eo*le% who dwell
sa$ely% all o$ them dwelling witho#t walls% and ha!ing neither bars nor gatesA DD
6He -8:12 .to ta'e *l#nder and to ta'e booty% to streth o#t yo#r hand against the waste *laes (that are again)
inhabited% and against a *eo*le gathered $rom the nations% who ha!e aE#ired li!esto' and goods% who dwell in
the midst o$ the land"
6He -8:1- .,heba% 2edan% the merhants o$ Tarshish% and all their yo#ng lions will say to yo#% AHa!e yo# ome
to ta'e *l#nderC Ha!e yo# gathered yo#r army to ta'e booty% to arry away sil!er and gold% to ta'e away
li!esto' and goods% to ta'e great *l#nderCA . A
6He -8:10 . There$ore% son o$ man% *ro*hesy and say to Gog% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .8n that day when ?y
*eo*le Israel dwell sa$ely% will yo# not 'now (itC)
6He -8:11 .Then yo# will ome $rom yo#r *lae o#t o$ the $ar north% yo# and many *eo*les with yo#% all o$ them
riding on horses% a great om*any and a mighty army"
6He -8:13 .Bo# will ome #* against ?y *eo*le Israel li'e a lo#d% to o!er the land" It will be in the latter days
that I will bring yo# against ?y land% so that the nations may 'now ?e% when I am hallowed in yo#% 8 Gog%
be$ore their eyes".
6He -8:14 ATh#s says the /ord G82: .+re (yo#) he o$ whom I ha!e s*o'en in $ormer days by ?y ser!ants the
*ro*hets o$ Israel% who *ro*hesied $or years in those days that I wo#ld bring yo# against themC
6He -8:18 . +nd it will ome to *ass at the same time% when Gog omes against the land o$ Israel%. says the
/ord G82% .(that) ?y $#ry will show in ?y $ae"
6He -8:19 .;or in ?y @ealo#sy (and) in the $ire o$ ?y wrath I ha!e s*o'en: A,#rely in that day there shall be a
great earthE#a'e in the land o$ Israel%
6He -8:25 Aso that the $ish o$ the sea% the birds o$ the hea!ens% the beasts o$ the $ield% all ree*ing things that
ree* on the earth% and all men who (are) on the $ae o$ the earth shall sha'e at ?y *resene" The mo#ntains
shall be thrown down% the stee* *laes shall $all% and e!ery wall shall $all to the gro#nd"A
6He -8:21 .I will all $or a sword against Gog thro#gho#t all ?y mo#ntains%. says the /ord G82" .6!ery manAs
sword will be against his brother"
6He -8:22 .+nd I will bring him to @#dgment with *estilene and bloodshed& I will rain down on him% on his
troo*s% and on the many *eo*les who (are) with him% $looding rain% great hailstones% $ire% and brimstone"
6He -8:2- .Th#s I will magni$y ?ysel$ and santi$y ?ysel$% and I will be 'nown in the eyes o$ many nations"
Then they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2". A
6He -9:1 .+nd yo#% son o$ man% *ro*hesy against Gog% and say% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .Behold% I (am)
against yo#% 8 Gog% the *rine o$ :osh% ?esheh% and T#bal&
6He -9:2 .and I will t#rn yo# aro#nd and lead yo# on% bringing yo# #* $rom the $ar north% and bring yo# against
the mo#ntains o$ Israel"
6He -9:- .Then I will 'no' the bow o#t o$ yo#r le$t hand% and a#se the arrows to $all o#t o$ yo#r right hand"
6He -9:0 .Bo# shall $all #*on the mo#ntains o$ Israel% yo# and all yo#r troo*s and the *eo*les who (are) with
yo#& I will gi!e yo# to birds o$ *rey o$ e!ery sort and (to) the beasts o$ the $ield to be de!o#red"
6He -9:1 .Bo# shall $all on the o*en $ield& $or I ha!e s*o'en%. says the /ord G82"
6He -9:3 .+nd I will send $ire on ?agog and on those who li!e in se#rity in the oastlands" Then they shall
'now that I (am) the /8:2"
6He -9:4 .,o I will ma'e ?y holy name 'nown in the midst o$ ?y *eo*le Israel% and I will not (let them) *ro$ane
?y holy name anymore" Then the nations shall 'now that (I am) the /8:2% the Holy 8ne in Israel"
6He -9:8 .,#rely it is oming% and it shall be done%. says the /ord G82" .This (is) the day o$ whih I ha!e
6He -9:9 . Then those who dwell in the ities o$ Israel will go o#t and set on $ire and b#rn the wea*ons% both the
shields and b#'lers% the bows and arrows% the @a!elins and s*ears& and they will ma'e $ires with them $or se!en
6He -9:15 .They will not ta'e wood $rom the $ield nor #t down (any) $rom the $orests% bea#se they will ma'e
$ires with the wea*ons& and they will *l#nder those who *l#ndered them% and *illage those who *illaged them%.
says the /ord G82"
6He -9:11 . It will ome to *ass in that day (that) I will gi!e Gog a b#rial *lae there in Israel% the !alley o$ those
who *ass by east o$ the sea& and it will obstr#t tra!elers% bea#se there they will b#ry Gog and all his m#ltit#de"
There$ore they will all (it) the Valley o$ Hamon Gog"
6He -9:12 .;or se!en months the ho#se o$ Israel will be b#rying them% in order to leanse the land"
6He -9:1- .Indeed all the *eo*le o$ the land will be b#rying% and they will gain renown $or it on the day that I am
glori$ied%. says the /ord G82"
6He -9:10 .They will set a*art men reg#larly em*loyed% with the hel* o$ a searh *arty% to *ass thro#gh the land
and b#ry those bodies remaining on the gro#nd% in order to leanse it" +t the end o$ se!en months they will ma'e
a searh"
6He -9:11 .The searh *arty will *ass thro#gh the land& and (when anyone) sees a manAs bone% he shall set #*
a mar'er by it% till the b#riers ha!e b#ried it in the Valley o$ Hamon Gog"
6He -9:13 .(The) name o$ (the) ity (will) also (be) Hamonah" Th#s they shall leanse the land". A
6He -9:14 . +nd as $or yo#% son o$ man% th#s says the /ord G82% A,*ea' to e!ery sort o$ bird and to e!ery beast
o$ the $ield: .+ssemble yo#rsel!es and ome& Gather together $rom all sides to ?y sari$iial meal >hih I am
sari$iing $or yo#% + great sari$iial meal on the mo#ntains o$ Israel% That yo# may eat $lesh and drin' blood"
6He -9:18 Bo# shall eat the $lesh o$ the mighty% 2rin' the blood o$ the *rines o$ the earth% 8$ rams and lambs%
8$ goats and b#lls% +ll o$ them $atlings o$ Bashan"
6He -9:19 Bo# shall eat $at till yo# are $#ll% +nd drin' blood till yo# are dr#n'% +t ?y sari$iial meal >hih I am
sari$iing $or yo#"
6He -9:25 Bo# shall be $illed at ?y table >ith horses and riders% >ith mighty men +nd with all the men o$ war%.
says the /ord G82"
6He -9:21 . I will set ?y glory among the nations& all the nations shall see ?y @#dgment whih I ha!e e9e#ted%
and ?y hand whih I ha!e laid on them"
6He -9:22 .,o the ho#se o$ Israel shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2 their God $rom that day $orward"
6He -9:2- .The Gentiles shall 'now that the ho#se o$ Israel went into a*ti!ity $or their iniE#ity& bea#se they
were #n$aith$#l to ?e% there$ore I hid ?y $ae $rom them" I ga!e them into the hand o$ their enemies% and they all
$ell by the sword"
6He -9:20 .+ording to their #nleanness and aording to their transgressions I ha!e dealt with them% and
hidden ?y $ae $rom them". A
6He -9:21 . There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: ANow I will bring ba' the a*ti!es o$ Jaob% and ha!e mery on
the whole ho#se o$ Israel& and I will be @ealo#s $or ?y holy name DD
6He -9:23 Aa$ter they ha!e borne their shame% and all their #n$aith$#lness in whih they were #n$aith$#l to ?e%
when they dwelt sa$ely in their (own) land and no one made (them) a$raid"
6He -9:24 A>hen I ha!e bro#ght them ba' $rom the *eo*les and gathered them o#t o$ their enemiesA lands%
and I am hallowed in them in the sight o$ many nations%
6He -9:28 Athen they shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2 their God% who sent them into a*ti!ity among the nations%
b#t also bro#ght them ba' to their land% and le$t none o$ them a*ti!e any longer"
6He -9:29 A+nd I will not hide ?y $ae $rom them anymore& $or I shall ha!e *o#red o#t ?y ,*irit on the ho#se o$
Israel%A says the /ord G82".
6He 05:1 In the twentyD$i$th year o$ o#r a*ti!ity% at the beginning o$ the year% on the tenth (day) o$ the month% in
the $o#rteenth year a$ter the ity was a*t#red% on the !ery same day the hand o$ the /8:2 was #*on me& and
He too' me there"
6He 05:2 In the !isions o$ God He too' me into the land o$ Israel and set me on a !ery high mo#ntain& on it
toward the so#th (was) something li'e the str#t#re o$ a ity"
6He 05:- He too' me there% and behold% (there was) a man whose a**earane (was) li'e the a**earane o$
bronHe" He had a line o$ $la9 and a meas#ring rod in his hand% and he stood in the gateway"
6He 05:0 +nd the man said to me% .,on o$ man% loo' with yo#r eyes and hear with yo#r ears% and $i9 yo#r mind
on e!erything I show yo#& $or yo# (were) bro#ght here so that I might show (them) to yo#" 2elare to the ho#se o$
Israel e!erything yo# see".
6He 05:1 Now there was a wall all aro#nd the o#tside o$ the tem*le" In the manAs hand was a meas#ring rod si9
#bits (long% eah being a) #bit and a handbreadth& and he meas#red the width o$ the wall str#t#re% one rod&
and the height% one rod"
6He 05:3 Then he went to the gateway whih $aed east& and he went #* its stairs and meas#red the threshold
o$ the gateway% (whih was) one rod wide% and the other threshold (was) one rod wide"
6He 05:4 6ah gate hamber (was) one rod long and one rod wide& between the gate hambers (was a s*ae
o$) $i!e #bits& and the threshold o$ the gateway by the !estib#le o$ the inside gate (was) one rod"
6He 05:8 He also meas#red the !estib#le o$ the inside gate% one rod"
6He 05:9 Then he meas#red the !estib#le o$ the gateway% eight #bits& and the gate*osts% two #bits" The
!estib#le o$ the gate (was) on the inside"
6He 05:15 In the eastern gateway (were) three gate hambers on one side and three on the other& the three
(were) all the same siHe& also the gate*osts were o$ the same siHe on this side and that side"
6He 05:11 He meas#red the width o$ the entrane to the gateway% ten #bits& (and) the length o$ the gate%
thirteen #bits"
6He 05:12 (There was) a s*ae in $ront o$ the gate hambers% one #bit (on this side) and one #bit on that side&
the gate hambers (were) si9 #bits on this side and si9 #bits on that side"
6He 05:1- Then he meas#red the gateway $rom the roo$ o$ (one) gate hamber to the roo$ o$ the other& the width
(was) twentyD$i!e #bits% as door $aes door"
6He 05:10 He meas#red the gate*osts% si9ty #bits high% and the o#rt all aro#nd the gateway (e9tended) to the
6He 05:11 (;rom) the $ront o$ the entrane gate to the $ront o$ the !estib#le o$ the inner gate (was) $i$ty #bits"
6He 05:13 (There were) be!eled window ($rames) in the gate hambers and in their inter!ening arhways on the
inside o$ the gateway all aro#nd% and li'ewise in the !estib#les" (There were) windows all aro#nd on the inside"
+nd on eah gate*ost (were) *alm trees"
6He 05:14 Then he bro#ght me into the o#ter o#rt& and (there were) hambers and a *a!ement made all
aro#nd the o#rt& thirty hambers $aed the *a!ement"
6He 05:18 The *a!ement was by the side o$ the gateways% orres*onding to the length o$ the gateways& (this
was) the lower *a!ement"
6He 05:19 Then he meas#red the width $rom the $ront o$ the lower gateway to the $ront o$ the inner o#rt
e9terior% one h#ndred #bits toward the east and the north"
6He 05:25 8n the o#ter o#rt was also a gateway $aing north% and he meas#red its length and its width"
6He 05:21 Its gate hambers% three on this side and three on that side% its gate*osts and its arhways% had the
same meas#rements as the $irst gate& its length (was) $i$ty #bits and its width twentyD$i!e #bits"
6He 05:22 Its windows and those o$ its arhways% and also its *alm trees% (had) the same meas#rements as the
gateway $aing east& it was asended by se!en ste*s% and its arhway (was) in $ront o$ it"
6He 05:2- + gate o$ the inner o#rt was o**osite the northern gateway% @#st as the eastern (gateway&) and he
meas#red $rom gateway to gateway% one h#ndred #bits"
6He 05:20 +$ter that he bro#ght me toward the so#th% and there a gateway was $aing so#th& and he meas#red
its gate*osts and arhways aording to these same meas#rements"
6He 05:21 (There were) windows in it and in its arhways all aro#nd li'e those windows& its length (was) $i$ty
#bits and its width twentyD$i!e #bits"
6He 05:23 ,e!en ste*s led #* to it% and its arhway (was) in $ront o$ them& and it had *alm trees on its
gate*osts% one on this side and one on that side"
6He 05:24 (There was) also a gateway on the inner o#rt% $aing so#th& and he meas#red $rom gateway to
gateway toward the so#th% one h#ndred #bits"
6He 05:28 Then he bro#ght me to the inner o#rt thro#gh the so#thern gateway& he meas#red the so#thern
gateway aording to these same meas#rements"
6He 05:29 +lso its gate hambers% its gate*osts% and its arhways (were) aording to these same
meas#rements& (there were) windows in it and in its arhways all aro#nd& (it was) $i$ty #bits long and twentyD$i!e
#bits wide"
6He 05:-5 (There were) arhways all aro#nd% twentyD$i!e #bits long and $i!e #bits wide"
6He 05:-1 Its arhways $aed the o#ter o#rt% *alm trees (were) on its gate*osts% and going #* to it (were) eight
6He 05:-2 +nd he bro#ght me into the inner o#rt $aing east& he meas#red the gateway aording to these
same meas#rements"
6He 05:-- +lso its gate hambers% its gate*osts% and its arhways (were) aording to these same
meas#rements& and (there were) windows in it and in its arhways all aro#nd& (it was) $i$ty #bits long and twentyD
$i!e #bits wide"
6He 05:-0 Its arhways $aed the o#ter o#rt% and *alm trees (were) on its gate*osts on this side and on that
side& and going #* to it (were) eight ste*s"
6He 05:-1 Then he bro#ght me to the north gateway and meas#red (it) aording to these same meas#rements
6He 05:-3 also its gate hambers% its gate*osts% and its arhways" It had windows all aro#nd& its length (was)
$i$ty #bits and its width twentyD$i!e #bits"
6He 05:-4 Its gate*osts $aed the o#ter o#rt% *alm trees (were) on its gate*osts on this side and on that side%
and going #* to it (were) eight ste*s"
6He 05:-8 (There was) a hamber and its entrane by the gate*osts o$ the gateway% where they washed the
b#rnt o$$ering"
6He 05:-9 In the !estib#le o$ the gateway (were) two tables on this side and two tables on that side% on whih to
slay the b#rnt o$$ering% the sin o$$ering% and the tres*ass o$$ering"
6He 05:05 +t the o#ter side o$ the !estib#le% as one goes #* to the entrane o$ the northern gateway% (were) two
tables& and on the other side o$ the !estib#le o$ the gateway (were) two tables"
6He 05:01 ;o#r tables (were) on this side and $o#r tables on that side% by the side o$ the gateway% eight tables
on whih they sla#ghtered (the sari$ies")
6He 05:02 (There were) also $o#r tables o$ hewn stone $or the b#rnt o$$ering% one #bit and a hal$ long% one #bit
and a hal$ wide% and one #bit high& on these they laid the instr#ments with whih they sla#ghtered the b#rnt
o$$ering and the sari$ie"
6He 05:0- Inside (were) hoo's% a handbreadth wide% $astened all aro#nd& and the $lesh o$ the sari$ies (was) on
the tables"
6He 05:00 8#tside the inner gate (were) the hambers $or the singers in the inner o#rt% one $aing so#th at the
side o$ the northern gateway% and the other $aing north at the side o$ the so#thern gateway"
6He 05:01 Then he said to me% .This hamber whih $aes so#th (is) $or the *riests who ha!e harge o$ the
6He 05:03 .The hamber whih $aes north (is) $or the *riests who ha!e harge o$ the altar& these (are) the sons
o$ Gado'% $rom the sons o$ /e!i% who ome near the /8:2 to minister to Him".
6He 05:04 +nd he meas#red the o#rt% one h#ndred #bits long and one h#ndred #bits wide% $o#rsE#are" The
altar (was) in $ront o$ the tem*le"
6He 05:08 Then he bro#ght me to the !estib#le o$ the tem*le and meas#red the door*osts o$ the !estib#le% $i!e
#bits on this side and $i!e #bits on that side& and the width o$ the gateway was three #bits on this side and
three #bits on that side"
6He 05:09 The length o$ the !estib#le (was) twenty #bits% and the width ele!en #bits& and by the ste*s whih
led #* to it (there were) *illars by the door*osts% one on this side and another on that side"
6He 01:1 Then he bro#ght me into the sant#ary and meas#red the door*osts% si9 #bits wide on one side and
si9 #bits wide on the other side DD the width o$ the tabernale"
6He 01:2 The width o$ the entryway (was) ten #bits% and the side walls o$ the entrane (were) $i!e #bits on this
side and $i!e #bits on the other side& and he meas#red its length% $orty #bits% and its width% twenty #bits"
6He 01:- +lso he went inside and meas#red the door*osts% two #bits& and the entrane% si9 #bits (high&) and
the width o$ the entrane% se!en #bits"
6He 01:0 He meas#red the length% twenty #bits& and the width% twenty #bits% beyond the sant#ary& and he
said to me% .This (is) the ?ost Holy (<lae".)
6He 01:1 Ne9t% he meas#red the wall o$ the tem*le% si9 #bits" The width o$ eah side hamber all aro#nd the
tem*le (was) $o#r #bits on e!ery side"
6He 01:3 The side hambers (were) in three stories% one abo!e the other% thirty hambers in eah story& they
rested on ledges whih (were) $or the side hambers all aro#nd% that they might be s#**orted% b#t not $astened to
the wall o$ the tem*le"
6He 01:4 +s one went #* $rom story to story% the side hambers beame wider all aro#nd% bea#se their
s#**orting ledges in the wall o$ the tem*le asended li'e ste*s& there$ore the width o$ the str#t#re inreased as
one went #* ($rom) the lowest (story) to the highest by way o$ the middle one"
6He 01:8 I also saw an ele!ation all aro#nd the tem*le& it was the $o#ndation o$ the side hambers% a $#ll rod%
(that is%) si9 #bits (high")
6He 01:9 The thi'ness o$ the o#ter wall o$ the side hambers (was) $i!e #bits% and so also the remaining
terrae by the *lae o$ the side hambers o$ the tem*le"
6He 01:15 +nd between (it and) the (wall) hambers was a width o$ twenty #bits all aro#nd the tem*le on e!ery
6He 01:11 The doors o$ the side hambers o*ened on the terrae% one door toward the north and another
toward the so#th& and the width o$ the terrae (was) $i!e #bits all aro#nd"
6He 01:12 The b#ilding that $aed the se*arating o#rtyard at its western end (was) se!enty #bits wide& the wall
o$ the b#ilding (was) $i!e #bits thi' all aro#nd% and its length ninety #bits"
6He 01:1- ,o he meas#red the tem*le% one h#ndred #bits long& and the se*arating o#rtyard with the b#ilding
and its walls (was) one h#ndred #bits long&
6He 01:10 also the width o$ the eastern $ae o$ the tem*le% inl#ding the se*arating o#rtyard% (was) one
h#ndred #bits"
6He 01:11 He meas#red the length o$ the b#ilding behind it% $aing the se*arating o#rtyard% with its galleries on
the one side and on the other side% one h#ndred #bits% as well as the inner tem*le and the *orhes o$ the o#rt%
6He 01:13 their door*osts and the be!eled window $rames" +nd the galleries all aro#nd their three stories
o**osite the threshold were *aneled with wood $rom the gro#nd to the windows DD the windows were o!ered DD
6He 01:14 $rom the s*ae abo!e the door% e!en to the inner room% as well as o#tside% and on e!ery wall all
aro#nd% inside and o#tside% by meas#re"
6He 01:18 +nd (it was) made with her#bim and *alm trees% a *alm tree between her#b and her#b" (6ah)
her#b had two $aes%
6He 01:19 so that the $ae o$ a man (was) toward a *alm tree on one side% and the $ae o$ a yo#ng lion toward a
*alm tree on the other side& th#s (it was) made thro#gho#t the tem*le all aro#nd"
6He 01:25 ;rom the $loor to the s*ae abo!e the door% and on the wall o$ the sant#ary% her#bim and *alm
trees (were) ar!ed"
6He 01:21 The door*osts o$ the tem*le (were) sE#are% (as was) the $ront o$ the sant#ary& their a**earane was
6He 01:22 The altar (was) o$ wood% three #bits high% and its length two #bits" Its orners% its length% and its
sides (were) o$ wood& and he said to me% .This (is) the table that (is) be$ore the /8:2".
6He 01:2- The tem*le and the sant#ary had two doors"
6He 01:20 The doors had two *anels (a*iee%) two $olding *anels: two (*anels) $or one door and two *anels $or
the other (door")
6He 01:21 =her#bim and *alm trees (were) ar!ed on the doors o$ the tem*le @#st as they (were) ar!ed on the
walls" + wooden ano*y (was) on the $ront o$ the !estib#le o#tside"
6He 01:23 (There were) be!eled window ($rames) and *alm trees on one side and on the other% on the sides o$
the !estib#le DD also on the side hambers o$ the tem*le and on the ano*ies"
6He 02:1 Then he bro#ght me o#t into the o#ter o#rt% by the way toward the north& and he bro#ght me into the
hamber whih (was) o**osite the se*arating o#rtyard% and whih (was) o**osite the b#ilding toward the north"
6He 02:2 ;aing the length% (whih was) one h#ndred #bits Ithe width was $i$ty #bitsJ% was the north door"
6He 02:- 8**osite the inner o#rt o$ twenty (#bits%) and o**osite the *a!ement o$ the o#ter o#rt% (was) gallery
against gallery in three (stories")
6He 02:0 In $ront o$ the hambers% toward the inside% (was) a wal' ten #bits wide% at a distane o$ one #bit&
and their doors $aed north"
6He 02:1 Now the #**er hambers (were) shorter% bea#se the galleries too' away (s*ae) $rom them more
than $rom the lower and middle stories o$ the b#ilding"
6He 02:3 ;or they (were) in three (stories) and did not ha!e *illars li'e the *illars o$ the o#rts& there$ore (the
#**er le!el) was shortened more than the lower and middle le!els $rom the gro#nd #*"
6He 02:4 +nd a wall whih (was) o#tside ran *arallel to the hambers% at the $ront o$ the hambers% toward the
o#ter o#rt& its length (was) $i$ty #bits"
6He 02:8 The length o$ the hambers toward the o#ter o#rt (was) $i$ty #bits% whereas that $aing the tem*le
(was) one h#ndred #bits"
6He 02:9 +t the lower hambers (was) the entrane on the east side% as one goes into them $rom the o#ter
6He 02:15 +lso (there were) hambers in the thi'ness o$ the wall o$ the o#rt toward the east% o**osite the
se*arating o#rtyard and o**osite the b#ilding"
6He 02:11 (There was) a wal' in $ront o$ them also% and their a**earane (was) li'e the hambers whih (were)
toward the north& they (were) as long and as wide as the others% and all their e9its and entranes (were)
aording to *lan"
6He 02:12 +nd orres*onding to the doors o$ the hambers that (were) $aing so#th% as one enters them% (there
was) a door in $ront o$ the wal'% the way diretly in $ront o$ the wall toward the east"
6He 02:1- Then he said to me% .The north hambers (and) the so#th hambers% whih (are) o**osite the
se*arating o#rtyard% (are) the holy hambers where the *riests who a**roah the /8:2 shall eat the most holy
o$$erings" There they shall lay the most holy o$$erings DD the grain o$$ering% the sin o$$ering% and the tres*ass
o$$ering DD $or the *lae (is) holy"
6He 02:10 .>hen the *riests enter them% they shall not go o#t o$ the holy (hamber) into the o#ter o#rt& b#t
there they shall lea!e their garments in whih they minister% $or they (are) holy" They shall *#t on other garments&
then they may a**roah (that) whih (is) $or the *eo*le".
6He 02:11 Now when he had $inished meas#ring the inner tem*le% he bro#ght me o#t thro#gh the gateway that
$aes toward the east% and meas#red it all aro#nd"
6He 02:13 He meas#red the east side with the meas#ring rod% $i!e h#ndred rods by the meas#ring rod all
6He 02:14 He meas#red the north side% $i!e h#ndred rods by the meas#ring rod all aro#nd"
6He 02:18 He meas#red the so#th side% $i!e h#ndred rods by the meas#ring rod"
6He 02:19 He ame aro#nd to the west side (and) meas#red $i!e h#ndred rods by the meas#ring rod"
6He 02:25 He meas#red it on the $o#r sides& it had a wall all aro#nd% $i!e h#ndred (#bits) long and $i!e h#ndred
wide% to se*arate the holy areas $rom the ommon"
6He 0-:1 +$terward he bro#ght me to the gate% the gate that $aes toward the east"
6He 0-:2 +nd behold% the glory o$ the God o$ Israel ame $rom the way o$ the east" His !oie (was) li'e the
so#nd o$ many waters& and the earth shone with His glory"
6He 0-:- (It was) li'e the a**earane o$ the !ision whih I saw DD li'e the !ision whih I saw when I ame to
destroy the ity" The !isions (were) li'e the !ision whih I saw by the :i!er =hebar& and I $ell on my $ae"
6He 0-:0 +nd the glory o$ the /8:2 ame into the tem*le by way o$ the gate whih $aes toward the east"
6He 0-:1 The ,*irit li$ted me #* and bro#ght me into the inner o#rt& and behold% the glory o$ the /8:2 $illed the
6He 0-:3 Then I heard (Him) s*ea'ing to me $rom the tem*le% while a man stood beside me"
6He 0-:4 +nd He said to me% .,on o$ man% (this is) the *lae o$ ?y throne and the *lae o$ the soles o$ ?y $eet%
where I will dwell in the midst o$ the hildren o$ Israel $ore!er" No more shall the ho#se o$ Israel de$ile ?y holy
name% they nor their 'ings% by their harlotry or with the arasses o$ their 'ings on their high *laes"
6He 0-:8 .>hen they set their threshold by ?y threshold% and their door*ost by ?y door*ost% with a wall
between them and ?e% they de$iled ?y holy name by the abominations whih they ommitted& there$ore I ha!e
ons#med them in ?y anger"
6He 0-:9 .Now let them *#t their harlotry and the arasses o$ their 'ings $ar away $rom ?e% and I will dwell in
their midst $ore!er"
6He 0-:15 . ,on o$ man% desribe the tem*le to the ho#se o$ Israel% that they may be ashamed o$ their iniE#ities&
and let them meas#re the *attern"
6He 0-:11 .+nd i$ they are ashamed o$ all that they ha!e done% ma'e 'nown to them the design o$ the tem*le
and its arrangement% its e9its and its entranes% its entire design and all its ordinanes% all its $orms and all its
laws" >rite (it) down in their sight% so that they may 'ee* its whole design and all its ordinanes% and *er$orm
6He 0-:12 .This (is) the law o$ the tem*le: The whole area s#rro#nding the mo#ntainto* (is) most holy" Behold%
this (is) the law o$ the tem*le"
6He 0-:1- . These are the meas#rements o$ the altar in #bits Ithe (#bit is) one #bit and a handbreadthJ: the
base one #bit high and one #bit wide% with a rim all aro#nd its edge o$ one s*an" This (is) the height o$ the
6He 0-:10 .$rom the base on the gro#nd to the lower ledge% two #bits& the width o$ the ledge% one #bit& $rom
the smaller ledge to the larger ledge% $o#r #bits& and the width o$ the ledge% (one) #bit"
6He 0-:11 .The altar hearth (is) $o#r #bits high% with $o#r horns e9tending #*ward $rom the hearth"
6He 0-:13 .The altar hearth (is) twel!e #bits long% twel!e wide% sE#are at its $o#r orners&
6He 0-:14 .the ledge% $o#rteen (#bits) long and $o#rteen wide on its $o#r sides% with a rim o$ hal$ a #bit aro#nd
it& its base% one #bit all aro#nd& and its ste*s $ae toward the east".
6He 0-:18 +nd He said to me% .,on o$ man% th#s says the /ord G82: AThese (are) the ordinanes $or the altar
on the day when it is made% $or sari$iing b#rnt o$$erings on it% and $or s*rin'ling blood on it"
6He 0-:19 ABo# shall gi!e a yo#ng b#ll $or a sin o$$ering to the *riests% the /e!ites% who are o$ the seed o$ Gado'%
who a**roah ?e to minister to ?e%A says the /ord G82"
6He 0-:25 ABo# shall ta'e some o$ its blood and *#t (it) on the $o#r horns o$ the altar% on the $o#r orners o$ the
ledge% and on the rim aro#nd it& th#s yo# shall leanse it and ma'e atonement $or it"
6He 0-:21 AThen yo# shall also ta'e the b#ll o$ the sin o$$ering% and b#rn it in the a**ointed *lae o$ the tem*le%
o#tside the sant#ary"
6He 0-:22 A8n the seond day yo# shall o$$er a 'id o$ the goats witho#t blemish $or a sin o$$ering& and they shall
leanse the altar% as they leansed (it) with the b#ll"
6He 0-:2- A>hen yo# ha!e $inished leansing (it%) yo# shall o$$er a yo#ng b#ll witho#t blemish% and a ram $rom
the $lo' witho#t blemish"
6He 0-:20 A>hen yo# o$$er them be$ore the /8:2% the *riests shall throw salt on them% and they will o$$er them
#* (as) a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2"
6He 0-:21 A6!ery day $or se!en days yo# shall *re*are a goat ($or) a sin o$$ering& they shall also *re*are a
yo#ng b#ll and a ram $rom the $lo'% both witho#t blemish"
6He 0-:23 A,e!en days they shall ma'e atonement $or the altar and *#ri$y it% and so onserate (it")
6He 0-:24 A>hen these days are o!er it shall be% on the eighth day and therea$ter% that the *riests shall o$$er
yo#r b#rnt o$$erings and yo#r *eae o$$erings on the altar& and I will ae*t yo#%A says the /ord G82".
6He 00:1 Then He bro#ght me ba' to the o#ter gate o$ the sant#ary whih $aes toward the east% b#t it (was)
6He 00:2 +nd the /8:2 said to me% .This gate shall be sh#t& it shall not be o*ened% and no man shall enter by
it% bea#se the /8:2 God o$ Israel has entered by it& there$ore it shall be sh#t"
6He 00:- .(+s $or) the *rine% (bea#se) he (is) the *rine% he may sit in it to eat bread be$ore the /8:2& he shall
enter by way o$ the !estib#le o$ the gateway% and go o#t the same way".
6He 00:0 +lso He bro#ght me by way o$ the north gate to the $ront o$ the tem*le& so I loo'ed% and behold% the
glory o$ the /8:2 $illed the ho#se o$ the /8:2& and I $ell on my $ae"
6He 00:1 +nd the /8:2 said to me% .,on o$ man% mar' well% see with yo#r eyes and hear with yo#r ears% all that
I say to yo# onerning all the ordinanes o$ the ho#se o$ the /8:2 and all its laws" ?ar' well who may enter
the ho#se and all who go o#t $rom the sant#ary"
6He 00:3 .Now say to the rebellio#s% to the ho#se o$ Israel% ATh#s says the /ord G82: .8 ho#se o$ Israel% let #s
ha!e no more o$ all yo#r abominations"
6He 00:4 .>hen yo# bro#ght in $oreigners% #nir#mised in heart and #nir#mised in $lesh% to be in ?y
sant#ary to de$ile it DD ?y ho#se DD and when yo# o$$ered ?y $ood% the $at and the blood% then they bro'e ?y
o!enant bea#se o$ all yo#r abominations"
6He 00:8 .+nd yo# ha!e not 'e*t harge o$ ?y holy things% b#t yo# ha!e set (others) to 'ee* harge o$ ?y
sant#ary $or yo#".
6He 00:9 ATh#s says the /ord G82: .No $oreigner% #nir#mised in heart or #nir#mised in $lesh% shall enter
?y sant#ary% inl#ding any $oreigner who (is) among the hildren o$ Israel"
6He 00:15 . +nd the /e!ites who went $ar $rom ?e% when Israel went astray% who strayed away $rom ?e a$ter
their idols% they shall bear their iniE#ity"
6He 00:11 .Bet they shall be ministers in ?y sant#ary% (as) gate'ee*ers o$ the ho#se and ministers o$ the
ho#se& they shall slay the b#rnt o$$ering and the sari$ie $or the *eo*le% and they shall stand be$ore them to
minister to them"
6He 00:12 .Bea#se they ministered to them be$ore their idols and a#sed the ho#se o$ Israel to $all into iniE#ity%
there$ore I ha!e raised ?y hand in an oath against them%. says the /ord G82% .that they shall bear their iniE#ity"
6He 00:1- .+nd they shall not ome near ?e to minister to ?e as *riest% nor ome near any o$ ?y holy things%
nor into the ?ost Holy (<lae&) b#t they shall bear their shame and their abominations whih they ha!e
6He 00:10 .Ne!ertheless I will ma'e them 'ee* harge o$ the tem*le% $or all its wor'% and $or all that has to be
done in it"
6He 00:11 . B#t the *riests% the /e!ites% the sons o$ Gado'% who 'e*t harge o$ ?y sant#ary when the hildren
o$ Israel went astray $rom ?e% they shall ome near ?e to minister to ?e& and they shall stand be$ore ?e to o$$er
to ?e the $at and the blood%. says the /ord G82"
6He 00:13 .They shall enter ?y sant#ary% and they shall ome near ?y table to minister to ?e% and they shall
'ee* ?y harge"
6He 00:14 .+nd it shall be% whene!er they enter the gates o$ the inner o#rt% that they shall *#t on linen
garments& no wool shall ome #*on them while they minister within the gates o$ the inner o#rt or within the
6He 00:18 .They shall ha!e linen t#rbans on their heads and linen tro#sers on their bodies& they shall not lothe
themsel!es with (anything that a#ses) sweat"
6He 00:19 .>hen they go o#t to the o#ter o#rt% to the (o#ter) o#rt to the *eo*le% they shall ta'e o$$ their
garments in whih they ha!e ministered% lea!e them in the holy hambers% and *#t on other garments& and in
their holy garments they shall not santi$y the *eo*le"
6He 00:25 .They shall neither sha!e their heads nor let their hair grow long& b#t they shall 'ee* their hair well
6He 00:21 .No *riest shall drin' wine when he enters the inner o#rt"
6He 00:22 .They shall not ta'e as wi$e a widow or a di!ored woman% b#t ta'e !irgins o$ the desendants o$ the
ho#se o$ Israel% or widows o$ *riests"
6He 00:2- .+nd they shall teah ?y *eo*le (the di$$erene) between the holy and the #nholy% and a#se them to
disern between the #nlean and the lean"
6He 00:20 .In ontro!ersy they shall stand as @#dges% (and) @#dge it aording to ?y @#dgments" They shall 'ee*
?y laws and ?y stat#tes in all ?y a**ointed meetings% and they shall hallow ?y ,abbaths"
6He 00:21 .They shall not de$ile (themsel!es) by oming near a dead *erson" 8nly $or $ather or mother% $or son
or da#ghter% $or brother or #nmarried sister may they de$ile themsel!es"
6He 00:23 .+$ter he is leansed% they shall o#nt se!en days $or him"
6He 00:24 .+nd on the day that he goes to the sant#ary to minister in the sant#ary% he m#st o$$er his sin
o$$ering in the inner o#rt%. says the /ord G82"
6He 00:28 . It shall be% in regard to their inheritane% (that) I (am) their inheritane" Bo# shall gi!e them no
*ossession in Israel% $or I (am) their *ossession"
6He 00:29 .They shall eat the grain o$$ering% the sin o$$ering% and the tres*ass o$$ering& e!ery dediated thing in
Israel shall be theirs"
6He 00:-5 .The best o$ all $irst$r#its o$ any 'ind% and e!ery sari$ie o$ any 'ind $rom all yo#r sari$ies% shall be
the *riestAs& also yo# shall gi!e to the *riest the $irst o$ yo#r gro#nd meal% to a#se a blessing to rest on yo#r
6He 00:-1 .The *riests shall not eat anything% bird or beast% that died nat#rally or was torn (by wild beasts")
6He 01:1 .?oreo!er% when yo# di!ide the land by lot into inheritane% yo# shall set a*art a distrit $or the /8:2%
a holy setion o$ the land& its length (shall be) twentyD$i!e tho#sand (#bits%) and the width ten tho#sand" It (shall
be) holy thro#gho#t its territory all aro#nd"
6He 01:2 .8$ this there shall be a sE#are *lot $or the sant#ary% $i!e h#ndred by $i!e h#ndred (rods%) with $i$ty
#bits aro#nd it $or an o*en s*ae"
6He 01:- .,o this is the distrit yo# shall meas#re: twentyD$i!e tho#sand (#bits) long and ten tho#sand wide& in
it shall be the sant#ary% the ?ost Holy (<lae")
6He 01:0 .It shall be a holy (setion) o$ the land% belonging to the *riests% the ministers o$ the sant#ary% who
ome near to minister to the /8:2& it shall be a *lae $or their ho#ses and a holy *lae $or the sant#ary"
6He 01:1 .(+n area) twentyD$i!e tho#sand (#bits) long and ten tho#sand wide shall belong to the /e!ites% the
ministers o$ the tem*le& they shall ha!e twenty hambers as a *ossession"
6He 01:3 . Bo# shall a**oint as the *ro*erty o$ the ity (an area) $i!e tho#sand (#bits) wide and twentyD$i!e
tho#sand long% ad@aent to the distrit o$ the holy (setion&) it shall belong to the whole ho#se o$ Israel"
6He 01:4 . The *rine shall ha!e (a setion) on one side and the other o$ the holy distrit and the ityAs *ro*erty&
and bordering on the holy distrit and the ityAs *ro*erty% e9tending westward on the west side and eastward on
the east side% the length (shall be) side by side with one o$ the (tribal) *ortions% $rom the west border to the east
6He 01:8 .The land shall be his *ossession in Israel& and ?y *rines shall no more o**ress ?y *eo*le% b#t they
shall gi!e (the rest o$) the land to the ho#se o$ Israel% aording to their tribes".
6He 01:9 A Th#s says the /ord G82: .6no#gh% 8 *rines o$ IsraelF :emo!e !iolene and *l#ndering% e9e#te
@#stie and righteo#sness% and sto* dis*ossessing ?y *eo*le%. says the /ord G82"
6He 01:15 .Bo# shall ha!e honest sales% an honest e*hah% and an honest bath"
6He 01:11 .The e*hah and the bath shall be o$ the same meas#re% so that the bath ontains oneDtenth o$ a
homer% and the e*hah oneDtenth o$ a homer& their meas#re shall be aording to the homer"
6He 01:12 .The she'el (shall be) twenty gerahs& twenty she'els% twentyD$i!e she'els% (and) $i$teen she'els shall
be yo#r mina"
6He 01:1- .This (is) the o$$ering whih yo# shall o$$er: yo# shall gi!e oneDsi9th o$ an e*hah $rom a homer o$
wheat% and oneDsi9th o$ an e*hah $rom a homer o$ barley"
6He 01:10 .The ordinane onerning oil% the bath o$ oil% (is) oneDtenth o$ a bath $rom a 'or" + 'or (is) a homer or
ten baths% $or ten baths (are) a homer"
6He 01:11 .+nd one lamb shall be gi!en $rom a $lo' o$ two h#ndred% $rom the rih *ast#res o$ Israel" These
shall be $or grain o$$erings% b#rnt o$$erings% and *eae o$$erings% to ma'e atonement $or them%. says the /ord
6He 01:13 .+ll the *eo*le o$ the land shall gi!e this o$$ering $or the *rine in Israel"
6He 01:14 .Then it shall be the *rineAs *art (to gi!e) b#rnt o$$erings% grain o$$erings% and drin' o$$erings% at the
$easts% the New ?oons% the ,abbaths% and at all the a**ointed seasons o$ the ho#se o$ Israel" He shall *re*are
the sin o$$ering% the grain o$$ering% the b#rnt o$$ering% and the *eae o$$erings to ma'e atonement $or the ho#se o$
6He 01:18 A Th#s says the /ord G82: .In the $irst (month%) on the $irst (day) o$ the month% yo# shall ta'e a yo#ng
b#ll witho#t blemish and leanse the sant#ary"
6He 01:19 .The *riest shall ta'e some o$ the blood o$ the sin o$$ering and *#t (it) on the door*osts o$ the tem*le%
on the $o#r orners o$ the ledge o$ the altar% and on the gate*osts o$ the gate o$ the inner o#rt"
6He 01:25 .+nd so yo# shall do on the se!enth (day) o$ the month $or e!eryone who has sinned #nintentionally
or in ignorane" Th#s yo# shall ma'e atonement $or the tem*le"
6He 01:21 . In the $irst (month%) on the $o#rteenth day o$ the month% yo# shall obser!e the <asso!er% a $east o$
se!en days& #nlea!ened bread shall be eaten"
6He 01:22 .+nd on that day the *rine shall *re*are $or himsel$ and $or all the *eo*le o$ the land a b#ll ($or) a sin
6He 01:2- .8n the se!en days o$ the $east he shall *re*are a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2% se!en b#lls and se!en
rams witho#t blemish% daily $or se!en days% and a 'id o$ the goats daily ($or) a sin o$$ering"
6He 01:20 .+nd he shall *re*are a grain o$$ering o$ one e*hah $or eah b#ll and one e*hah $or eah ram%
together with a hin o$ oil $or eah e*hah"
6He 01:21 .In the se!enth (month%) on the $i$teenth day o$ the month% at the $east% he shall do li'ewise $or se!en
days% aording to the sin o$$ering% the b#rnt o$$ering% the grain o$$ering% and the oil".
6He 03:1 ATh#s says the /ord G82: .The gateway o$ the inner o#rt that $aes toward the east shall be sh#t the
si9 wor'ing days& b#t on the ,abbath it shall be o*ened% and on the day o$ the New ?oon it shall be o*ened"
6He 03:2 .The *rine shall enter by way o$ the !estib#le o$ the gateway $rom the o#tside% and stand by the
gate*ost" The *riests shall *re*are his b#rnt o$$ering and his *eae o$$erings" He shall worshi* at the threshold
o$ the gate" Then he shall go o#t% b#t the gate shall not be sh#t #ntil e!ening"
6He 03:- ./i'ewise the *eo*le o$ the land shall worshi* at the entrane to this gateway be$ore the /8:2 on the
,abbaths and the New ?oons"
6He 03:0 .The b#rnt o$$ering that the *rine o$$ers to the /8:2 on the ,abbath day (shall be) si9 lambs witho#t
blemish% and a ram witho#t blemish&
6He 03:1 .and the grain o$$ering (shall be one) e*hah $or a ram% and the grain o$$ering $or the lambs% as m#h as
he wants to gi!e% as well as a hin o$ oil with e!ery e*hah"
6He 03:3 .8n the day o$ the New ?oon (it shall be) a yo#ng b#ll witho#t blemish% si9 lambs% and a ram& they
shall be witho#t blemish"
6He 03:4 .He shall *re*are a grain o$$ering o$ an e*hah $or a b#ll% an e*hah $or a ram% as m#h as he wants to
gi!e $or the lambs% and a hin o$ oil with e!ery e*hah"
6He 03:8 .>hen the *rine enters% he shall go in by way o$ the !estib#le o$ the gateway% and go o#t the same
6He 03:9 . B#t when the *eo*le o$ the land ome be$ore the /8:2 on the a**ointed $east days% whoe!er enters
by way o$ the north gate to worshi* shall go o#t by way o$ the so#th gate& and whoe!er enters by way o$ the
so#th gate shall go o#t by way o$ the north gate" He shall not ret#rn by way o$ the gate thro#gh whih he ame%
b#t shall go o#t thro#gh the o**osite gate"
6He 03:15 .The *rine shall then be in their midst" >hen they go in% he shall go in& and when they go o#t% he
shall go o#t"
6He 03:11 .+t the $esti!als and the a**ointed $east days the grain o$$ering shall be an e*hah $or a b#ll% an e*hah
$or a ram% as m#h as he wants to gi!e $or the lambs% and a hin o$ oil with e!ery e*hah"
6He 03:12 . Now when the *rine ma'es a !ol#ntary b#rnt o$$ering or !ol#ntary *eae o$$ering to the /8:2% the
gate that $aes toward the east shall then be o*ened $or him& and he shall *re*are his b#rnt o$$ering and his
*eae o$$erings as he did on the ,abbath day" Then he shall go o#t% and a$ter he goes o#t the gate shall be sh#t"
6He 03:1- .Bo# shall daily ma'e a b#rnt o$$ering to the /8:2 (o$) a lamb o$ the $irst year witho#t blemish& yo#
shall *re*are it e!ery morning"
6He 03:10 .+nd yo# shall *re*are a grain o$$ering with it e!ery morning% a si9th o$ an e*hah% and a third o$ a hin
o$ oil to moisten the $ine $lo#r" This grain o$$ering is a *er*et#al ordinane% to be made reg#larly to the /8:2"
6He 03:11 .Th#s they shall *re*are the lamb% the grain o$$ering% and the oil% (as) a reg#lar b#rnt o$$ering e!ery
6He 03:13 A Th#s says the /ord G82: .I$ the *rine gi!es a gi$t (o$ some) o$ his inheritane to any o$ his sons% it
shall belong to his sons& it is their *ossession by inheritane"
6He 03:14 .B#t i$ he gi!es a gi$t o$ some o$ his inheritane to one o$ his ser!ants% it shall be his #ntil the year o$
liberty% a$ter whih it shall ret#rn to the *rine" B#t his inheritane shall belong to his sons& it shall beome theirs"
6He 03:18 .?oreo!er the *rine shall not ta'e any o$ the *eo*leAs inheritane by e!iting them $rom their
*ro*erty& he shall *ro!ide an inheritane $or his sons $rom his own *ro*erty% so that none o$ ?y *eo*le may be
sattered $rom his *ro*erty". A .
6He 03:19 Now he bro#ght me thro#gh the entrane% whih (was) at the side o$ the gate% into the holy hambers
o$ the *riests whih $ae toward the north& and there a *lae (was) sit#ated at their e9treme western end"
6He 03:25 +nd he said to me% .This (is) the *lae where the *riests shall boil the tres*ass o$$ering and the sin
o$$ering% (and) where they shall ba'e the grain o$$ering% so that they do not bring (them) o#t into the o#ter o#rt to
santi$y the *eo*le".
6He 03:21 Then he bro#ght me o#t into the o#ter o#rt and a#sed me to *ass by the $o#r orners o$ the o#rt&
and in $at% in e!ery orner o$ the o#rt (there was another) o#rt"
6He 03:22 In the $o#r orners o$ the o#rt (were) enlosed o#rts% $orty (#bits) long and thirty wide& all $o#r
orners (were) the same siHe"
6He 03:2- (There was) a row (o$ b#ilding stones) all aro#nd in them% all aro#nd the $o#r o$ them& and oo'ing
hearths were made #nder the rows o$ stones all aro#nd"
6He 03:20 +nd he said to me% .These (are) the 'ithens where the ministers o$ the tem*le shall boil the
sari$ies o$ the *eo*le".
6He 04:1 Then he bro#ght me ba' to the door o$ the tem*le& and there was water% $lowing $rom #nder the
threshold o$ the tem*le toward the east% $or the $ront o$ the tem*le $aed east& the water was $lowing $rom #nder
the right side o$ the tem*le% so#th o$ the altar"
6He 04:2 He bro#ght me o#t by way o$ the north gate% and led me aro#nd on the o#tside to the o#ter gateway
that $aes east& and there was water% r#nning o#t on the right side"
6He 04:- +nd when the man went o#t to the east with the line in his hand% he meas#red one tho#sand #bits%
and he bro#ght me thro#gh the waters& the water (ame #* to my) an'les"
6He 04:0 +gain he meas#red one tho#sand and bro#ght me thro#gh the waters& the water (ame #* to my)
'nees" +gain he meas#red one tho#sand and bro#ght me thro#gh& the water (ame #* to my) waist"
6He 04:1 +gain he meas#red one tho#sand% (and it was) a ri!er that I o#ld not ross& $or the water was too
dee*% water in whih one m#st swim% a ri!er that o#ld not be rossed"
6He 04:3 He said to me% .,on o$ man% ha!e yo# seen (thisC.) Then he bro#ght me and ret#rned me to the ban'
o$ the ri!er"
6He 04:4 >hen I ret#rned% there% along the ban' o$ the ri!er% (were) !ery many trees on one side and the other"
6He 04:8 Then he said to me: .This water $lows toward the eastern region% goes down into the !alley% and enters
the sea" (>hen it) reahes the sea% (its) waters are healed"
6He 04:9 .+nd it shall be (that) e!ery li!ing thing that mo!es% where!er the ri!ers go% will li!e" There will be a
!ery great m#ltit#de o$ $ish% bea#se these waters go there& $or they will be healed% and e!erything will li!e
where!er the ri!er goes"
6He 04:15 .It shall be (that) $ishermen will stand by it $rom 6n Gedi to 6n 6glaim& they will be (*laes) $or
s*reading their nets" Their $ish will be o$ the same 'inds as the $ish o$ the Great ,ea% e9eedingly many"
6He 04:11 .B#t its swam*s and marshes will not be healed& they will be gi!en o!er to salt"
6He 04:12 .+long the ban' o$ the ri!er% on this side and that% will grow all ('inds o$) trees #sed $or $ood& their
lea!es will not wither% and their $r#it will not $ail" They will bear $r#it e!ery month% bea#se their water $lows $rom
the sant#ary" Their $r#it will be $or $ood% and their lea!es $or mediine".
6He 04:1- Th#s says the /ord G82: .These (are) the borders by whih yo# shall di!ide the land as an
inheritane among the twel!e tribes o$ Israel" Jose*h (shall ha!e two) *ortions"
6He 04:10 .Bo# shall inherit it eE#ally with one another& $or I raised ?y hand in an oath to gi!e it to yo#r $athers%
and this land shall $all to yo# as yo#r inheritane"
6He 04:11 .This (shall be) the border o$ the land on the north: $rom the Great ,ea% (by) the road to Hethlon% as
one goes to Gedad%
6He 04:13 .Hamath% Berothah% ,ibraim Iwhih (is) between the border o$ 2amas#s and the border o$ HamathJ%
to HaHar Hattion Iwhih (is) on the border o$ Ha#ranJ"
6He 04:14 .Th#s the bo#ndary shall be $rom the ,ea to HaHar 6nan% the border o$ 2amas#s& and as $or the
north% northward% it is the border o$ Hamath" (This is) the north side"
6He 04:18 .8n the east side yo# shall mar' o#t the border $rom between Ha#ran and 2amas#s% and between
Gilead and the land o$ Israel% along the Jordan% and along the eastern side o$ the sea" (This is) the east side"
6He 04:19 .The so#th side% toward the ,o#th% (shall be) $rom Tamar to the waters o$ ?eribah by Kadesh% along
the broo' to the Great ,ea" (This is) the so#th side% toward the ,o#th"
6He 04:25 .The west side (shall be) the Great ,ea% $rom the (so#thern) bo#ndary #ntil one omes to a *oint
o**osite Hamath" This (is) the west side"
6He 04:21 . Th#s yo# shall di!ide this land among yo#rsel!es aording to the tribes o$ Israel"
6He 04:22 .It shall be that yo# will di!ide it by lot as an inheritane $or yo#rsel!es% and $or the strangers who
dwell among yo# and who bear hildren among yo#" They shall be to yo# as nati!eDborn among the hildren o$
Israel& they shall ha!e an inheritane with yo# among the tribes o$ Israel"
6He 04:2- .+nd it shall be (that) in whate!er tribe the stranger dwells% there yo# shall gi!e (him) his inheritane%.
says the /ord G82"
6He 08:1 .Now these (are) the names o$ the tribes: ;rom the northern border along the road to Hethlon at the
entrane o$ Hamath% to HaHar 6nan% the border o$ 2amas#s northward% in the diretion o$ Hamath% (there shall
be) one (setion $or) 2an $rom its east to its west side&
6He 08:2 .by the border o$ 2an% $rom the east side to the west% one (setion $or) +sher&
6He 08:- .by the border o$ +sher% $rom the east side to the west% one (setion $or) Na*htali&
6He 08:0 .by the border o$ Na*htali% $rom the east side to the west% one (setion $or) ?anasseh&
6He 08:1 .by the border o$ ?anasseh% $rom the east side to the west% one (setion $or) 6*hraim&
6He 08:3 .by the border o$ 6*hraim% $rom the east side to the west% one (setion $or) :e#ben&
6He 08:4 .by the border o$ :e#ben% $rom the east side to the west% one (setion $or) J#dah&
6He 08:8 . by the border o$ J#dah% $rom the east side to the west% shall be the distrit whih yo# shall set a*art%
twentyD$i!e tho#sand (#bits) in width% and (in) length the same as one o$ the (other) *ortions% $rom the east side
to the west% with the sant#ary in the enter"
6He 08:9 . The distrit that yo# shall set a*art $or the /8:2 (shall be) twentyD$i!e tho#sand (#bits) in length and
ten tho#sand in width"
6He 08:15 .To these DD to the *riests DD the holy distrit shall belong: on the north twentyD$i!e tho#sand (#bits in
length%) on the west ten tho#sand in width% on the east ten tho#sand in width% and on the so#th twentyD$i!e
tho#sand in length" The sant#ary o$ the /8:2 shall be in the enter"
6He 08:11 .(It shall be) $or the *riests o$ the sons o$ Gado'% who are santi$ied% who ha!e 'e*t ?y harge% who
did not go astray when the hildren o$ Israel went astray% as the /e!ites went astray"
6He 08:12 .+nd (this) distrit o$ land that is set a*art shall be to them a thing most holy by the border o$ the
6He 08:1- . 8**osite the border o$ the *riests% the /e!ites (shall ha!e an area) twentyD$i!e tho#sand (#bits) in
length and ten tho#sand in width& its entire length (shall be) twentyD$i!e tho#sand and its width ten tho#sand"
6He 08:10 .+nd they shall not sell or e9hange any o$ it& they may not alienate this best (*art) o$ the land% $or (it
is) holy to the /8:2"
6He 08:11 . The $i!e tho#sand (#bits) in width that remain% along the edge o$ the twentyD$i!e tho#sand% shall be
$or general #se by the ity% $or dwellings and ommonDland& and the ity shall be in the enter"
6He 08:13 .These (shall be) its meas#rements: the north side $o#r tho#sand $i!e h#ndred (#bits%) the so#th side
$o#r tho#sand $i!e h#ndred% the east side $o#r tho#sand $i!e h#ndred% and the west side $o#r tho#sand $i!e
6He 08:14 .The ommonDland o$ the ity shall be: to the north two h#ndred and $i$ty (#bits%) to the so#th two
h#ndred and $i$ty% to the east two h#ndred and $i$ty% and to the west two h#ndred and $i$ty"
6He 08:18 .The rest o$ the length% alongside the distrit o$ the holy (setion% shall be) ten tho#sand (#bits) to the
east and ten tho#sand to the west" It shall be ad@aent to the distrit o$ the holy (setion%) and its *rod#e shall be
$ood $or the wor'ers o$ the ity"
6He 08:19 .The wor'ers o$ the ity% $rom all the tribes o$ Israel% shall #lti!ate it"
6He 08:25 .The entire distrit (shall be) twentyD$i!e tho#sand (#bits) by twentyD$i!e tho#sand (#bits%)
$o#rsE#are" Bo# shall set a*art the holy distrit with the *ro*erty o$ the ity"
6He 08:21 . The rest (shall belong) to the *rine% on one side and on the other o$ the holy distrit and o$ the ityAs
*ro*erty% ne9t to the twentyD$i!e tho#sand (#bits) o$ the (holy) distrit as $ar as the eastern border% and westward
ne9t to the twentyD$i!e tho#sand as $ar as the western border% ad@aent to the (tribal) *ortions& (it shall belong) to
the *rine" It shall be the holy distrit% and the sant#ary o$ the tem*le (shall be) in the enter"
6He 08:22 .?oreo!er% a*art $rom the *ossession o$ the /e!ites and the *ossession o$ the ity (whih are) in the
midst o$ what (belongs) to the *rine% (the area) between the border o$ J#dah and the border o$ Ben@amin shall
belong to the *rine"
6He 08:2- .+s $or the rest o$ the tribes% $rom the east side to the west% Ben@amin (shall ha!e) one (setion&)
6He 08:20 .by the border o$ Ben@amin% $rom the east side to the west% ,imeon (shall ha!e) one (setion&)
6He 08:21 .by the border o$ ,imeon% $rom the east side to the west% Issahar (shall ha!e) one (setion&)
6He 08:23 .by the border o$ Issahar% $rom the east side to the west% Geb#l#n (shall ha!e) one (setion&)
6He 08:24 .by the border o$ Geb#l#n% $rom the east side to the west% Gad (shall ha!e) one (setion&)
6He 08:28 .by the border o$ Gad% on the so#th side% toward the ,o#th% the border shall be $rom Tamar (to) the
waters o$ ?eribah (by) Kadesh% along the broo' to the Great ,ea"
6He 08:29 .This (is) the land whih yo# shall di!ide by lot as an inheritane among the tribes o$ Israel% and these
(are) their *ortions%. says the /ord G82"
6He 08:-5 . These (are) the e9its o$ the ity" 8n the north side% meas#ring $o#r tho#sand $i!e h#ndred (#bits)
6He 08:-1 AIthe gates o$ the ity (shall be) named a$ter the tribes o$ IsraelJ% the three gates northward: one gate
$or :e#ben% one gate $or J#dah% and one gate $or /e!i&
6He 08:-2 .on the east side% $o#r tho#sand $i!e h#ndred (#bits%) three gates: one gate $or Jose*h% one gate $or
Ben@amin% and one gate $or 2an&
6He 08:-- .on the so#th side% meas#ring $o#r tho#sand $i!e h#ndred (#bits%) three gates: one gate $or ,imeon%
one gate $or Issahar% and one gate $or Geb#l#n&
6He 08:-0 .on the west side% $o#r tho#sand $i!e h#ndred (#bits) with their three gates: one gate $or Gad% one
gate $or +sher% and one gate $or Na*htali"
6He 08:-1 .+ll the way aro#nd (shall be) eighteen tho#sand #bits& and the name o$ the ity $rom (that) day (shall
be:) TH6 /8:2 (Is) TH6:6".
2an 1:1 In the third year o$ the reign o$ Jehoia'im 'ing o$ J#dah% Neb#hadneHHar 'ing o$ Babylon ame to
Jer#salem and besieged it"
2an 1:2 +nd the /ord ga!e Jehoia'im 'ing o$ J#dah into his hand% with some o$ the artiles o$ the ho#se o$ God%
whih he arried into the land o$ ,hinar to the ho#se o$ his god& and he bro#ght the artiles into the treas#re
ho#se o$ his god"
2an 1:- Then the 'ing instr#ted +sh*enaH% the master o$ his e#n#hs% to bring some o$ the hildren o$ Israel
and some o$ the 'ingAs desendants and some o$ the nobles%
2an 1:0 yo#ng men in whom (there was) no blemish% b#t goodDloo'ing% gi$ted in all wisdom% *ossessing
'nowledge and E#i' to #nderstand% who (had) ability to ser!e in the 'ingAs *alae% and whom they might teah
the lang#age and literat#re o$ the =haldeans"
2an 1:1 +nd the 'ing a**ointed $or them a daily *ro!ision o$ the 'ingAs deliaies and o$ the wine whih he
dran'% and three years o$ training $or them% so that at the end o$ (that time) they might ser!e be$ore the 'ing"
2an 1:3 Now $rom among those o$ the sons o$ J#dah were 2aniel% Hananiah% ?ishael% and +Hariah"
2an 1:4 To them the hie$ o$ the e#n#hs ga!e names: he ga!e 2aniel (the name) BelteshaHHar& to Hananiah%
,hadrah& to ?ishael% ?eshah& and to +Hariah% +bedDNego"
2an 1:8 B#t 2aniel *#r*osed in his heart that he wo#ld not de$ile himsel$ with the *ortion o$ the 'ingAs
deliaies% nor with the wine whih he dran'& there$ore he reE#ested o$ the hie$ o$ the e#n#hs that he might not
de$ile himsel$"
2an 1:9 Now God had bro#ght 2aniel into the $a!or and goodwill o$ the hie$ o$ the e#n#hs"
2an 1:15 +nd the hie$ o$ the e#n#hs said to 2aniel% .I $ear my lord the 'ing% who has a**ointed yo#r $ood and
drin'" ;or why sho#ld he see yo#r $aes loo'ing worse than the yo#ng men who (are) yo#r ageC Then yo# wo#ld
endanger my head be$ore the 'ing".
2an 1:11 ,o 2aniel said to the steward whom the hie$ o$ the e#n#hs had set o!er 2aniel% Hananiah% ?ishael%
and +Hariah%
2an 1:12 .<lease test yo#r ser!ants $or ten days% and let them gi!e #s !egetables to eat and water to drin'"
2an 1:1- .Then let o#r a**earane be e9amined be$ore yo#% and the a**earane o$ the yo#ng men who eat the
*ortion o$ the 'ingAs deliaies& and as yo# see $it% (so) deal with yo#r ser!ants".
2an 1:10 ,o he onsented with them in this matter% and tested them ten days"
2an 1:11 +nd at the end o$ ten days their $eat#res a**eared better and $atter in $lesh than all the yo#ng men
who ate the *ortion o$ the 'ingAs deliaies"
2an 1:13 Th#s the steward too' away their *ortion o$ deliaies and the wine that they were to drin'% and ga!e
them !egetables"
2an 1:14 +s $or these $o#r yo#ng men% God ga!e them 'nowledge and s'ill in all literat#re and wisdom& and
2aniel had #nderstanding in all !isions and dreams"
2an 1:18 Now at the end o$ the days% when the 'ing had said that they sho#ld be bro#ght in% the hie$ o$ the
e#n#hs bro#ght them in be$ore Neb#hadneHHar"
2an 1:19 Then the 'ing inter!iewed them% and among them all none was $o#nd li'e 2aniel% Hananiah% ?ishael%
and +Hariah& there$ore they ser!ed be$ore the 'ing"
2an 1:25 +nd in all matters o$ wisdom (and) #nderstanding abo#t whih the 'ing e9amined them% he $o#nd them
ten times better than all the magiians (and) astrologers who (were) in all his realm"
2an 1:21 Th#s 2aniel ontin#ed #ntil the $irst year o$ King =yr#s"
2an 2:1 Now in the seond year o$ Neb#hadneHHarAs reign% Neb#hadneHHar had dreams& and his s*irit was
(so) tro#bled that his slee* le$t him"
2an 2:2 Then the 'ing ga!e the ommand to all the magiians% the astrologers% the sorerers% and the
=haldeans to tell the 'ing his dreams" ,o they ame and stood be$ore the 'ing"
2an 2:- +nd the 'ing said to them% .I ha!e had a dream% and my s*irit is an9io#s to 'now the dream".
2an 2:0 Then the =haldeans s*o'e to the 'ing in +ramai% .8 'ing% li!e $ore!erF Tell yo#r ser!ants the dream%
and we will gi!e the inter*retation".
2an 2:1 The 'ing answered and said to the =haldeans% .?y deision is $irm: i$ yo# do not ma'e 'nown the
dream to me% and its inter*retation% yo# shall be #t in *iees% and yo#r ho#ses shall be made an ash hea*"
2an 2:3 .Howe!er% i$ yo# tell the dream and its inter*retation% yo# shall reei!e $rom me gi$ts% rewards% and
great honor" There$ore tell me the dream and its inter*retation".
2an 2:4 They answered again and said% ./et the 'ing tell his ser!ants the dream% and we will gi!e its
2an 2:8 The 'ing answered and said% .I 'now $or ertain that yo# wo#ld gain time% bea#se yo# see that my
deision is $irm:
2an 2:9 .i$ yo# do not ma'e 'nown the dream to me% (there is only) one deree $or yo#F ;or yo# ha!e agreed to
s*ea' lying and orr#*t words be$ore me till the time has hanged" There$ore tell me the dream% and I shall 'now
that yo# an gi!e me its inter*retation".
2an 2:15 The =haldeans answered the 'ing% and said% .There is not a man on earth who an tell the 'ingAs
matter& there$ore no 'ing% lord% or r#ler has (e!er) as'ed s#h things o$ any magiian% astrologer% or =haldean"
2an 2:11 .(It is) a di$$i#lt thing that the 'ing reE#ests% and there is no other who an tell it to the 'ing e9e*t the
gods% whose dwelling is not with $lesh".
2an 2:12 ;or this reason the 'ing was angry and !ery $#rio#s% and ga!e a ommand to destroy all the wise
(men) o$ Babylon"
2an 2:1- ,o the deree went o#t% and they began 'illing the wise (men&) and they so#ght 2aniel and his
om*anions% to 'ill (them")
2an 2:10 Then with o#nsel and wisdom 2aniel answered +rioh% the a*tain o$ the 'ingAs g#ard% who had gone
o#t to 'ill the wise (men) o$ Babylon&
2an 2:11 he answered and said to +rioh the 'ingAs a*tain% .>hy is the deree $rom the 'ing so #rgentC. Then
+rioh made the deision 'nown to 2aniel"
2an 2:13 ,o 2aniel went in and as'ed the 'ing to gi!e him time% that he might tell the 'ing the inter*retation"
2an 2:14 Then 2aniel went to his ho#se% and made the deision 'nown to Hananiah% ?ishael% and +Hariah% his
2an 2:18 that they might see' meries $rom the God o$ hea!en onerning this seret% so that 2aniel and his
om*anions might not *erish with the rest o$ the wise (men) o$ Babylon"
2an 2:19 Then the seret was re!ealed to 2aniel in a night !ision" ,o 2aniel blessed the God o$ hea!en"
2an 2:25 2aniel answered and said: .Blessed be the name o$ God $ore!er and e!er% ;or wisdom and might are
2an 2:21 +nd He hanges the times and the seasons& He remo!es 'ings and raises #* 'ings& He gi!es wisdom
to the wise +nd 'nowledge to those who ha!e #nderstanding"
2an 2:22 He re!eals dee* and seret things& He 'nows what (is) in the dar'ness% +nd light dwells with Him"
2an 2:2- .I than' Bo# and *raise Bo#% 8 God o$ my $athers& Bo# ha!e gi!en me wisdom and might% +nd ha!e
now made 'nown to me what we as'ed o$ Bo#% ;or Bo# ha!e made 'nown to #s the 'ingAs demand".
2an 2:20 There$ore 2aniel went to +rioh% whom the 'ing had a**ointed to destroy the wise (men) o$ Babylon"
He went and said th#s to him: .2o not destroy the wise (men) o$ Babylon& ta'e me be$ore the 'ing% and I will tell
the 'ing the inter*retation".
2an 2:21 Then +rioh E#i'ly bro#ght 2aniel be$ore the 'ing% and said th#s to him% .I ha!e $o#nd a man o$ the
a*ti!es o$ J#dah% who will ma'e 'nown to the 'ing the inter*retation".
2an 2:23 The 'ing answered and said to 2aniel% whose name (was) BelteshaHHar% .+re yo# able to ma'e 'nown
to me the dream whih I ha!e seen% and its inter*retationC.
2an 2:24 2aniel answered in the *resene o$ the 'ing% and said% .The seret whih the 'ing has demanded% the
wise (men%) the astrologers% the magiians% and the soothsayers annot delare to the 'ing"
2an 2:28 .B#t there is a God in hea!en who re!eals serets% and He has made 'nown to King Neb#hadneHHar
what will be in the latter days" Bo#r dream% and the !isions o$ yo#r head #*on yo#r bed% were these:
2an 2:29 .+s $or yo#% 8 'ing% tho#ghts ame (to) yo#r (mind while) on yo#r bed% (abo#t) what wo#ld ome to
*ass a$ter this& and He who re!eals serets has made 'nown to yo# what will be"
2an 2:-5 .B#t as $or me% this seret has not been re!ealed to me bea#se I ha!e more wisdom than anyone
li!ing% b#t $or (o#r) sa'es who ma'e 'nown the inter*retation to the 'ing% and that yo# may 'now the tho#ghts o$
yo#r heart"
2an 2:-1 . Bo#% 8 'ing% were wathing& and behold% a great imageF This great image% whose s*lendor (was)
e9ellent% stood be$ore yo#& and its $orm (was) awesome"
2an 2:-2 .This imageAs head (was) o$ $ine gold% its hest and arms o$ sil!er% its belly and thighs o$ bronHe%
2an 2:-- .its legs o$ iron% its $eet *artly o$ iron and *artly o$ lay"
2an 2:-0 .Bo# wathed while a stone was #t o#t witho#t hands% whih str#' the image on its $eet o$ iron and
lay% and bro'e them in *iees"
2an 2:-1 .Then the iron% the lay% the bronHe% the sil!er% and the gold were r#shed together% and beame li'e
ha$$ $rom the s#mmer threshing $loors& the wind arried them away so that no trae o$ them was $o#nd" +nd the
stone that str#' the image beame a great mo#ntain and $illed the whole earth"
2an 2:-3 . This (is) the dream" Now we will tell the inter*retation o$ it be$ore the 'ing"
2an 2:-4 .Bo#% 8 'ing% (are) a 'ing o$ 'ings" ;or the God o$ hea!en has gi!en yo# a 'ingdom% *ower% strength%
and glory&
2an 2:-8 .and where!er the hildren o$ men dwell% or the beasts o$ the $ield and the birds o$ the hea!en% He has
gi!en (them) into yo#r hand% and has made yo# r#ler o!er them all DD yo# (are) this head o$ gold"
2an 2:-9 .B#t a$ter yo# shall arise another 'ingdom in$erior to yo#rs& then another% a third 'ingdom o$ bronHe%
whih shall r#le o!er all the earth"
2an 2:05 .+nd the $o#rth 'ingdom shall be as strong as iron% inasm#h as iron brea's in *iees and shatters
e!erything& and li'e iron that r#shes% (that 'ingdom) will brea' in *iees and r#sh all the others"
2an 2:01 .>hereas yo# saw the $eet and toes% *artly o$ *otterAs lay and *artly o$ iron% the 'ingdom shall be
di!ided& yet the strength o$ the iron shall be in it% @#st as yo# saw the iron mi9ed with erami lay"
2an 2:02 .+nd (as) the toes o$ the $eet (were) *artly o$ iron and *artly o$ lay% (so) the 'ingdom shall be *artly
strong and *artly $ragile"
2an 2:0- .+s yo# saw iron mi9ed with erami lay% they will mingle with the seed o$ men& b#t they will not
adhere to one another% @#st as iron does not mi9 with lay"
2an 2:00 .+nd in the days o$ these 'ings the God o$ hea!en will set #* a 'ingdom whih shall ne!er be
destroyed& and the 'ingdom shall not be le$t to other *eo*le& it shall brea' in *iees and ons#me all these
'ingdoms% and it shall stand $ore!er"
2an 2:01 .Inasm#h as yo# saw that the stone was #t o#t o$ the mo#ntain witho#t hands% and that it bro'e in
*iees the iron% the bronHe% the lay% the sil!er% and the gold DD the great God has made 'nown to the 'ing what
will ome to *ass a$ter this" The dream is ertain% and its inter*retation is s#re".
2an 2:03 Then King Neb#hadneHHar $ell on his $ae% *rostrate be$ore 2aniel% and ommanded that they sho#ld
*resent an o$$ering and inense to him"
2an 2:04 The 'ing answered 2aniel% and said% .Tr#ly yo#r God (is) the God o$ gods% the /ord o$ 'ings% and a
re!ealer o$ serets% sine yo# o#ld re!eal this seret".
2an 2:08 Then the 'ing *romoted 2aniel and ga!e him many great gi$ts& and he made him r#ler o!er the whole
*ro!ine o$ Babylon% and hie$ administrator o!er all the wise (men) o$ Babylon"
2an 2:09 +lso 2aniel *etitioned the 'ing% and he set ,hadrah% ?eshah% and +bedDNego o!er the a$$airs o$ the
*ro!ine o$ Babylon& b#t 2aniel (sat) in the gate o$ the 'ing"
2an -:1 Neb#hadneHHar the 'ing made an image o$ gold% whose height (was) si9ty #bits (and) its width si9
#bits" He set it #* in the *lain o$ 2#ra% in the *ro!ine o$ Babylon"
2an -:2 +nd King Neb#hadneHHar sent (word) to gather together the satra*s% the administrators% the
go!ernors% the o#nselors% the treas#rers% the @#dges% the magistrates% and all the o$$iials o$ the *ro!ines% to
ome to the dediation o$ the image whih King Neb#hadneHHar had set #*"
2an -:- ,o the satra*s% the administrators% the go!ernors% the o#nselors% the treas#rers% the @#dges% the
magistrates% and all the o$$iials o$ the *ro!ines gathered together $or the dediation o$ the image that King
Neb#hadneHHar had set #*& and they stood be$ore the image that Neb#hadneHHar had set #*"
2an -:0 Then a herald ried alo#d: .To yo# it is ommanded% 8 *eo*les% nations% and lang#ages%
2an -:1 .(that) at the time yo# hear the so#nd o$ the horn% $l#te% har*% lyre% (and) *saltery% in sym*hony with all
'inds o$ m#si% yo# shall $all down and worshi* the gold image that King Neb#hadneHHar has set #*&
2an -:3 .and whoe!er does not $all down and worshi* shall be ast immediately into the midst o$ a b#rning $iery
2an -:4 ,o at that time% when all the *eo*le heard the so#nd o$ the horn% $l#te% har*% (and) lyre% in sym*hony
with all 'inds o$ m#si% all the *eo*le% nations% and lang#ages $ell down (and) worshi*ed the gold image whih
King Neb#hadneHHar had set #*"
2an -:8 There$ore at that time ertain =haldeans ame $orward and a#sed the Jews"
2an -:9 They s*o'e and said to King Neb#hadneHHar% .8 'ing% li!e $ore!erF
2an -:15 .Bo#% 8 'ing% ha!e made a deree that e!eryone who hears the so#nd o$ the horn% $l#te% har*% lyre%
(and) *saltery% in sym*hony with all 'inds o$ m#si% shall $all down and worshi* the gold image&
2an -:11 .and whoe!er does not $all down and worshi* shall be ast into the midst o$ a b#rning $iery $#rnae"
2an -:12 .There are ertain Jews whom yo# ha!e set o!er the a$$airs o$ the *ro!ine o$ Babylon: ,hadrah%
?eshah% and +bedDNego& these men% 8 'ing% ha!e not *aid d#e regard to yo#" They do not ser!e yo#r gods or
worshi* the gold image whih yo# ha!e set #*".
2an -:1- Then Neb#hadneHHar% in rage and $#ry% ga!e the ommand to bring ,hadrah% ?eshah% and +bedD
Nego" ,o they bro#ght these men be$ore the 'ing"
2an -:10 Neb#hadneHHar s*o'e% saying to them% .(Is it) tr#e% ,hadrah% ?eshah% and +bedDNego% (that) yo#
do not ser!e my gods or worshi* the gold image whih I ha!e set #*C
2an -:11 .Now i$ yo# are ready at the time yo# hear the so#nd o$ the horn% $l#te% har*% lyre% (and) *saltery% in
sym*hony with all 'inds o$ m#si% and yo# $all down and worshi* the image whih I ha!e made% (goodF) B#t i$ yo#
do not worshi*% yo# shall be ast immediately into the midst o$ a b#rning $iery $#rnae" +nd who (is) the god who
will deli!er yo# $rom my handsC.
2an -:13 ,hadrah% ?eshah% and +bedDNego answered and said to the 'ing% .8 Neb#hadneHHar% we ha!e no
need to answer yo# in this matter"
2an -:14 .I$ that (is the ase%) o#r God whom we ser!e is able to deli!er #s $rom the b#rning $iery $#rnae% and
He will deli!er (#s) $rom yo#r hand% 8 'ing"
2an -:18 .B#t i$ not% let it be 'nown to yo#% 8 'ing% that we do not ser!e yo#r gods% nor will we worshi* the gold
image whih yo# ha!e set #*".
2an -:19 Then Neb#hadneHHar was $#ll o$ $#ry% and the e9*ression on his $ae hanged toward ,hadrah%
?eshah% and +bedDNego" He s*o'e and ommanded that they heat the $#rnae se!en times more than it was
#s#ally heated"
2an -:25 +nd he ommanded ertain mighty men o$ !alor who (were) in his army to bind ,hadrah% ?eshah%
and +bedDNego% (and) ast (them) into the b#rning $iery $#rnae"
2an -:21 Then these men were bo#nd in their oats% their tro#sers% their t#rbans% and their (other) garments%
and were ast into the midst o$ the b#rning $iery $#rnae"
2an -:22 There$ore% bea#se the 'ingAs ommand was #rgent% and the $#rnae e9eedingly hot% the $lame o$ the
$ire 'illed those men who too' #* ,hadrah% ?eshah% and +bedDNego"
2an -:2- +nd these three men% ,hadrah% ?eshah% and +bedDNego% $ell down bo#nd into the midst o$ the
b#rning $iery $#rnae"
2an -:20 Then King Neb#hadneHHar was astonished& and he rose in haste (and) s*o'e% saying to his
o#nselors% .2id we not ast three men bo#nd into the midst o$ the $ireC. They answered and said to the 'ing%
.Tr#e% 8 'ing".
2an -:21 ./oo'F. he answered% .I see $o#r men loose% wal'ing in the midst o$ the $ire& and they are not h#rt% and
the $orm o$ the $o#rth is li'e the ,on o$ God".
2an -:23 Then Neb#hadneHHar went near the mo#th o$ the b#rning $iery $#rnae (and) s*o'e% saying%
.,hadrah% ?eshah% and +bedDNego% ser!ants o$ the ?ost High God% ome o#t% and ome (here".) Then
,hadrah% ?eshah% and +bedDNego ame $rom the midst o$ the $ire"
2an -:24 +nd the satra*s% administrators% go!ernors% and the 'ingAs o#nselors gathered together% and they
saw these men on whose bodies the $ire had no *ower& the hair o$ their head was not singed nor were their
garments a$$eted% and the smell o$ $ire was not on them"
2an -:28 Neb#hadneHHar s*o'e% saying% .Blessed be the God o$ ,hadrah% ?eshah% and +bedDNego% who
sent His +ngel and deli!ered His ser!ants who tr#sted in Him% and they ha!e $r#strated the 'ingAs word% and
yielded their bodies% that they sho#ld not ser!e nor worshi* any god e9e*t their own GodF
2an -:29 .There$ore I ma'e a deree that any *eo*le% nation% or lang#age whih s*ea's anything amiss against
the God o$ ,hadrah% ?eshah% and +bedDNego shall be #t in *iees% and their ho#ses shall be made an ash
hea*& bea#se there is no other God who an deli!er li'e this".
2an -:-5 Then the 'ing *romoted ,hadrah% ?eshah% and +bedDNego in the *ro!ine o$ Babylon"
2an 0:1 Neb#hadneHHar the 'ing% To all *eo*les% nations% and lang#ages that dwell in all the earth: <eae be
m#lti*lied to yo#"
2an 0:2 I tho#ght it good to delare the signs and wonders that the ?ost High God has wor'ed $or me"
2an 0:- How great (are) His signs% +nd how mighty His wondersF His 'ingdom (is) an e!erlasting 'ingdom% +nd
His dominion (is) $rom generation to generation"
2an 0:0 I% Neb#hadneHHar% was at rest in my ho#se% and $lo#rishing in my *alae"
2an 0:1 I saw a dream whih made me a$raid% and the tho#ghts on my bed and the !isions o$ my head tro#bled
2an 0:3 There$ore I iss#ed a deree to bring in all the wise (men) o$ Babylon be$ore me% that they might ma'e
'nown to me the inter*retation o$ the dream"
2an 0:4 Then the magiians% the astrologers% the =haldeans% and the soothsayers ame in% and I told them the
dream& b#t they did not ma'e 'nown to me its inter*retation"
2an 0:8 B#t at last 2aniel ame be$ore me Ihis name (is) BelteshaHHar% aording to the name o$ my god& in him
(is) the ,*irit o$ the Holy GodJ% and I told the dream be$ore him% (saying:)
2an 0:9 .BelteshaHHar% hie$ o$ the magiians% bea#se I 'now that the ,*irit o$ the Holy God (is) in yo#% and no
seret tro#bles yo#% e9*lain to me the !isions o$ my dream that I ha!e seen% and its inter*retation"
2an 0:15 .These (were) the !isions o$ my head (while) on my bed: .I was loo'ing% and behold% + tree in the midst
o$ the earth% +nd its height was great"
2an 0:11 The tree grew and beame strong& Its height reahed to the hea!ens% +nd it o#ld be seen to the ends
o$ all the earth"
2an 0:12 Its lea!es (were) lo!ely% Its $r#it ab#ndant% +nd in it (was) $ood $or all" The beasts o$ the $ield $o#nd
shade #nder it% The birds o$ the hea!ens dwelt in its branhes% +nd all $lesh was $ed $rom it"
2an 0:1- . I saw in the !isions o$ my head (while) on my bed% and there was a wather% a holy one% oming
down $rom hea!en"
2an 0:10 He ried alo#d and said th#s: A=ho* down the tree and #t o$$ its branhes% ,tri* o$$ its lea!es and
satter its $r#it" /et the beasts get o#t $rom #nder it% +nd the birds $rom its branhes"
2an 0:11 Ne!ertheless lea!e the st#m* and roots in the earth% (Bo#nd) with a band o$ iron and bronHe% In the
tender grass o$ the $ield" /et it be wet with the dew o$ hea!en% +nd (let) him graHe with the beasts 8n the grass o$
the earth"
2an 0:13 /et his heart be hanged $rom (that o$) a man% /et him be gi!en the heart o$ a beast% +nd let se!en
times *ass o!er him"
2an 0:14 AThis deision (is) by the deree o$ the wathers% +nd the sentene by the word o$ the holy ones% In
order that the li!ing may 'now That the ?ost High r#les in the 'ingdom o$ men% Gi!es it to whome!er He will%
+nd sets o!er it the lowest o$ men"A
2an 0:18 .This dream I% King Neb#hadneHHar% ha!e seen" Now yo#% BelteshaHHar% delare its inter*retation%
sine all the wise (men) o$ my 'ingdom are not able to ma'e 'nown to me the inter*retation& b#t yo# (are) able%
$or the ,*irit o$ the Holy God (is) in yo#".
2an 0:19 Then 2aniel% whose name was BelteshaHHar% was astonished $or a time% and his tho#ghts tro#bled
him" (,o) the 'ing s*o'e% and said% .BelteshaHHar% do not let the dream or its inter*retation tro#ble yo#".
BelteshaHHar answered and said% .?y lord% (may) the dream onern those who hate yo#% and its inter*retation
onern yo#r enemiesF
2an 0:25 The tree that yo# saw% whih grew and beame strong% whose height reahed to the hea!ens and
whih (o#ld be seen) by all the earth%
2an 0:21 whose lea!es (were) lo!ely and its $r#it ab#ndant% in whih (was) $ood $or all% #nder whih the beasts o$
the $ield dwelt% and in whose branhes the birds o$ the hea!en had their home DD
2an 0:22 it (is) yo#% 8 'ing% who ha!e grown and beome strong& $or yo#r greatness has grown and reahes to
the hea!ens% and yo#r dominion to the end o$ the earth"
2an 0:2- +nd inasm#h as the 'ing saw a wather% a holy one% oming down $rom hea!en and saying% A=ho*
down the tree and destroy it% b#t lea!e its st#m* and roots in the earth% (bo#nd) with a band o$ iron and bronHe in
the tender grass o$ the $ield& let it be wet with the dew o$ hea!en% and let him graHe with the beasts o$ the $ield% till
se!en times *ass o!er himA&
2an 0:20 this is the inter*retation% 8 'ing% and this is the deree o$ the ?ost High% whih has ome #*on my lord
the 'ing:
2an 0:21 They shall dri!e yo# $rom men% yo#r dwelling shall be with the beasts o$ the $ield% and they shall ma'e
yo# eat grass li'e o9en" They shall wet yo# with the dew o$ hea!en% and se!en times shall *ass o!er yo#% till yo#
'now that the ?ost High r#les in the 'ingdom o$ men% and gi!es it to whome!er He hooses"
2an 0:23 +nd inasm#h as they ga!e the ommand to lea!e the st#m* (and) roots o$ the tree% yo#r 'ingdom
shall be ass#red to yo#% a$ter yo# ome to 'now that Hea!en r#les"
2an 0:24 There$ore% 8 'ing% let my ad!ie be ae*table to yo#& brea' o$$ yo#r sins by (being) righteo#s% and
yo#r iniE#ities by showing mery to (the) *oor" <erha*s there may be a lengthening o$ yo#r *ros*erity".
2an 0:28 +ll (this) ame #*on King Neb#hadneHHar"
2an 0:29 +t the end o$ the twel!e months he was wal'ing abo#t the royal *alae o$ Babylon"
2an 0:-5 The 'ing s*o'e% saying% .Is not this great Babylon% that I ha!e b#ilt $or a royal dwelling by my mighty
*ower and $or the honor o$ my ma@estyC.
2an 0:-1 >hile the word (was still) in the 'ingAs mo#th% a !oie $ell $rom hea!en: .King Neb#hadneHHar% to yo#
it is s*o'en: the 'ingdom has de*arted $rom yo#F
2an 0:-2 +nd they shall dri!e yo# $rom men% and yo#r dwelling (shall be) with the beasts o$ the $ield" They shall
ma'e yo# eat grass li'e o9en& and se!en times shall *ass o!er yo#% #ntil yo# 'now that the ?ost High r#les in
the 'ingdom o$ men% and gi!es it to whome!er He hooses".
2an 0:-- That !ery ho#r the word was $#l$illed onerning Neb#hadneHHar& he was dri!en $rom men and ate
grass li'e o9en& his body was wet with the dew o$ hea!en till his hair had grown li'e eaglesA ($eathers) and his
nails li'e birdsA (laws")
2an 0:-0 +nd at the end o$ the time I% Neb#hadneHHar% li$ted my eyes to hea!en% and my #nderstanding
ret#rned to me& and I blessed the ?ost High and *raised and honored Him who li!es $ore!er: ;or His dominion
(is) an e!erlasting dominion% +nd His 'ingdom (is) $rom generation to generation"
2an 0:-1 +ll the inhabitants o$ the earth (are) re*#ted as nothing& He does aording to His will in the army o$
hea!en +nd (among) the inhabitants o$ the earth" No one an restrain His hand 8r say to Him% .>hat ha!e Bo#
2an 0:-3 +t the same time my reason ret#rned to me% and $or the glory o$ my 'ingdom% my honor and s*lendor
ret#rned to me" ?y o#nselors and nobles resorted to me% I was restored to my 'ingdom% and e9ellent ma@esty
was added to me"
2an 0:-4 Now I% Neb#hadneHHar% *raise and e9tol and honor the King o$ hea!en% all o$ whose wor's (are) tr#th%
and His ways @#stie" +nd those who wal' in *ride He is able to *#t down"
2an 1:1 BelshaHHar the 'ing made a great $east $or a tho#sand o$ his lords% and dran' wine in the *resene o$
the tho#sand"
2an 1:2 >hile he tasted the wine% BelshaHHar ga!e the ommand to bring the gold and sil!er !essels whih his
$ather Neb#hadneHHar had ta'en $rom the tem*le whih (had been) in Jer#salem% that the 'ing and his lords% his
wi!es% and his on#bines might drin' $rom them"
2an 1:- Then they bro#ght the gold !essels that had been ta'en $rom the tem*le o$ the ho#se o$ God whih
(had been) in Jer#salem& and the 'ing and his lords% his wi!es% and his on#bines dran' $rom them"
2an 1:0 They dran' wine% and *raised the gods o$ gold and sil!er% bronHe and iron% wood and stone"
2an 1:1 In the same ho#r the $ingers o$ a manAs hand a**eared and wrote o**osite the lam*stand on the
*laster o$ the wall o$ the 'ingAs *alae& and the 'ing saw the *art o$ the hand that wrote"
2an 1:3 Then the 'ingAs o#ntenane hanged% and his tho#ghts tro#bled him% so that the @oints o$ his hi*s were
loosened and his 'nees 'no'ed against eah other"
2an 1:4 The 'ing ried alo#d to bring in the astrologers% the =haldeans% and the soothsayers" The 'ing s*o'e%
saying to the wise (men) o$ Babylon% .>hoe!er reads this writing% and tells me its inter*retation% shall be lothed
with *#r*le and (ha!e) a hain o$ gold aro#nd his ne'& and he shall be the third r#ler in the 'ingdom".
2an 1:8 Now all the 'ingAs wise (men) ame% b#t they o#ld not read the writing% or ma'e 'nown to the 'ing its
2an 1:9 Then King BelshaHHar was greatly tro#bled% his o#ntenane was hanged% and his lords were
2an 1:15 The E#een% bea#se o$ the words o$ the 'ing and his lords% ame to the banE#et hall" The E#een
s*o'e% saying% .8 'ing% li!e $ore!erF 2o not let yo#r tho#ghts tro#ble yo#% nor let yo#r o#ntenane hange"
2an 1:11 .There is a man in yo#r 'ingdom in whom (is) the ,*irit o$ the Holy God" +nd in the days o$ yo#r $ather%
light and #nderstanding and wisdom% li'e the wisdom o$ the gods% were $o#nd in him& and King Neb#hadneHHar
yo#r $ather DD yo#r $ather the 'ing DD made him hie$ o$ the magiians% astrologers% =haldeans% (and) soothsayers"
2an 1:12 .Inasm#h as an e9ellent s*irit% 'nowledge% #nderstanding% inter*reting dreams% sol!ing riddles% and
e9*laining enigmas were $o#nd in this 2aniel% whom the 'ing named BelteshaHHar% now let 2aniel be alled% and
he will gi!e the inter*retation".
2an 1:1- Then 2aniel was bro#ght in be$ore the 'ing" The 'ing s*o'e% and said to 2aniel% .(+re) yo# that 2aniel
who is one o$ the a*ti!es $rom J#dah% whom my $ather the 'ing bro#ght $rom J#dahC
2an 1:10 .I ha!e heard o$ yo#% that the ,*irit o$ God (is) in yo#% and (that) light and #nderstanding and e9ellent
wisdom are $o#nd in yo#"
2an 1:11 .Now the wise (men%) the astrologers% ha!e been bro#ght in be$ore me% that they sho#ld read this
writing and ma'e 'nown to me its inter*retation% b#t they o#ld not gi!e the inter*retation o$ the thing"
2an 1:13 .+nd I ha!e heard o$ yo#% that yo# an gi!e inter*retations and e9*lain enigmas" Now i$ yo# an read
the writing and ma'e 'nown to me its inter*retation% yo# shall be lothed with *#r*le and (ha!e) a hain o$ gold
aro#nd yo#r ne'% and shall be the third r#ler in the 'ingdom".
2an 1:14 Then 2aniel answered% and said be$ore the 'ing% ./et yo#r gi$ts be $or yo#rsel$% and gi!e yo#r rewards
to another& yet I will read the writing to the 'ing% and ma'e 'nown to him the inter*retation"
2an 1:18 .8 'ing% the ?ost High God ga!e Neb#hadneHHar yo#r $ather a 'ingdom and ma@esty% glory and
2an 1:19 .+nd bea#se o$ the ma@esty that He ga!e him% all *eo*les% nations% and lang#ages trembled and
$eared be$ore him" >home!er he wished% he e9e#ted& whome!er he wished% he 'e*t ali!e& whome!er he
wished% he set #*& and whome!er he wished% he *#t down"
2an 1:25 .B#t when his heart was li$ted #*% and his s*irit was hardened in *ride% he was de*osed $rom his
'ingly throne% and they too' his glory $rom him"
2an 1:21 .Then he was dri!en $rom the sons o$ men% his heart was made li'e the beasts% and his dwelling (was)
with the wild don'eys" They $ed him with grass li'e o9en% and his body was wet with the dew o$ hea!en% till he
'new that the ?ost High God r#les in the 'ingdom o$ men% and a**oints o!er it whome!er He hooses"
2an 1:22 .B#t yo# his son% BelshaHHar% ha!e not h#mbled yo#r heart% altho#gh yo# 'new all this"
2an 1:2- .+nd yo# ha!e li$ted yo#rsel$ #* against the /ord o$ hea!en" They ha!e bro#ght the !essels o$ His
ho#se be$ore yo#% and yo# and yo#r lords% yo#r wi!es and yo#r on#bines% ha!e dr#n' wine $rom them" +nd
yo# ha!e *raised the gods o$ sil!er and gold% bronHe and iron% wood and stone% whih do not see or hear or
'now& and the God who (holds) yo#r breath in His hand and owns all yo#r ways% yo# ha!e not glori$ied"
2an 1:20 .Then the $ingers o$ the hand were sent $rom Him% and this writing was written"
2an 1:21 . +nd this is the insri*tion that was written: ?6N6% ?6N6% T6K6/% 7<H+:,IN"
2an 1:23 .This (is) the inter*retation o$ (eah) word" ?6N6: God has n#mbered yo#r 'ingdom% and $inished it&
2an 1:24 .T6K6/: Bo# ha!e been weighed in the balanes% and $o#nd wanting&
2an 1:28 .<6:6,: Bo#r 'ingdom has been di!ided% and gi!en to the ?edes and <ersians".
2an 1:29 Then BelshaHHar ga!e the ommand% and they lothed 2aniel with *#r*le and (*#t) a hain o$ gold
aro#nd his ne'% and made a *rolamation onerning him that he sho#ld be the third r#ler in the 'ingdom"
2an 1:-5 That !ery night BelshaHHar% 'ing o$ the =haldeans% was slain"
2an 1:-1 +nd 2ari#s the ?ede reei!ed the 'ingdom% (being) abo#t si9tyDtwo years old"
2an 3:1 It *leased 2ari#s to set o!er the 'ingdom one h#ndred and twenty satra*s% to be o!er the whole
2an 3:2 and o!er these% three go!ernors% o$ whom 2aniel (was) one% that the satra*s might gi!e ao#nt to
them% so that the 'ing wo#ld s#$$er no loss"
2an 3:- Then this 2aniel disting#ished himsel$ abo!e the go!ernors and satra*s% bea#se an e9ellent s*irit
(was) in him& and the 'ing ga!e tho#ght to setting him o!er the whole realm"
2an 3:0 ,o the go!ernors and satra*s so#ght to $ind (some) harge against 2aniel onerning the 'ingdom& b#t
they o#ld $ind no harge or $a#lt% bea#se he (was) $aith$#l& nor was there any error or $a#lt $o#nd in him"
2an 3:1 Then these men said% .>e shall not $ind any harge against this 2aniel #nless we $ind (it) against him
onerning the law o$ his God".
2an 3:3 ,o these go!ernors and satra*s thronged be$ore the 'ing% and said th#s to him: .King 2ari#s% li!e
2an 3:4 .+ll the go!ernors o$ the 'ingdom% the administrators and satra*s% the o#nselors and ad!isors% ha!e
ons#lted together to establish a royal stat#te and to ma'e a $irm deree% that whoe!er *etitions any god or man
$or thirty days% e9e*t yo#% 8 'ing% shall be ast into the den o$ lions"
2an 3:8 .Now% 8 'ing% establish the deree and sign the writing% so that it annot be hanged% aording to the
law o$ the ?edes and <ersians% whih does not alter".
2an 3:9 There$ore King 2ari#s signed the written deree"
2an 3:15 Now when 2aniel 'new that the writing was signed% he went home" +nd in his #**er room% with his
windows o*en toward Jer#salem% he 'nelt down on his 'nees three times that day% and *rayed and ga!e than's
be$ore his God% as was his #stom sine early days"
2an 3:11 Then these men assembled and $o#nd 2aniel *raying and ma'ing s#**liation be$ore his God"
2an 3:12 +nd they went be$ore the 'ing% and s*o'e onerning the 'ingAs deree: .Ha!e yo# not signed a
deree that e!ery man who *etitions any god or man within thirty days% e9e*t yo#% 8 'ing% shall be ast into the
den o$ lionsC. The 'ing answered and said% .The thing (is) tr#e% aording to the law o$ the ?edes and <ersians%
whih does not alter".
2an 3:1- ,o they answered and said be$ore the 'ing% .That 2aniel% who is one o$ the a*ti!es $rom J#dah% does
not show d#e regard $or yo#% 8 'ing% or $or the deree that yo# ha!e signed% b#t ma'es his *etition three times a
2an 3:10 +nd the 'ing% when he heard (these) words% was greatly dis*leased with himsel$% and set (his) heart on
2aniel to deli!er him& and he labored till the going down o$ the s#n to deli!er him"
2an 3:11 Then these men a**roahed the 'ing% and said to the 'ing% .Know% 8 'ing% that (it is) the law o$ the
?edes and <ersians that no deree or stat#te whih the 'ing establishes may be hanged".
2an 3:13 ,o the 'ing ga!e the ommand% and they bro#ght 2aniel and ast (him) into the den o$ lions" (B#t) the
'ing s*o'e% saying to 2aniel% .Bo#r God% whom yo# ser!e ontin#ally% He will deli!er yo#".
2an 3:14 Then a stone was bro#ght and laid on the mo#th o$ the den% and the 'ing sealed it with his own signet
ring and with the signets o$ his lords% that the *#r*ose onerning 2aniel might not be hanged"
2an 3:18 Now the 'ing went to his *alae and s*ent the night $asting& and no m#siians were bro#ght be$ore
him" +lso his slee* went $rom him"
2an 3:19 Then the 'ing arose !ery early in the morning and went in haste to the den o$ lions"
2an 3:25 +nd when he ame to the den% he ried o#t with a lamenting !oie to 2aniel" The 'ing s*o'e% saying
to 2aniel% .2aniel% ser!ant o$ the li!ing God% has yo#r God% whom yo# ser!e ontin#ally% been able to deli!er yo#
$rom the lionsC.
2an 3:21 Then 2aniel said to the 'ing% .8 'ing% li!e $ore!erF
2an 3:22 .?y God sent His angel and sh#t the lionsA mo#ths% so that they ha!e not h#rt me% bea#se I was
$o#nd innoent be$ore Him& and also% 8 'ing% I ha!e done no wrong be$ore yo#".
2an 3:2- Then the 'ing was e9eedingly glad $or him% and ommanded that they sho#ld ta'e 2aniel #* o#t o$
the den" ,o 2aniel was ta'en #* o#t o$ the den% and no in@#ry whate!er was $o#nd on him% bea#se he belie!ed
in his God"
2an 3:20 +nd the 'ing ga!e the ommand% and they bro#ght those men who had a#sed 2aniel% and they ast
(them) into the den o$ lions DD them% their hildren% and their wi!es& and the lions o!er*owered them% and bro'e all
their bones in *iees be$ore they e!er ame to the bottom o$ the den"
2an 3:21 Then King 2ari#s wrote: To all *eo*les% nations% and lang#ages that dwell in all the earth: <eae be
m#lti*lied to yo#"
2an 3:23 I ma'e a deree that in e!ery dominion o$ my 'ingdom (men m#st) tremble and $ear be$ore the God o$
2aniel" ;or He (is) the li!ing God% +nd stead$ast $ore!er& His 'ingdom (is the one) whih shall not be destroyed%
+nd His dominion (shall end#re) to the end"
2an 3:24 He deli!ers and res#es% +nd He wor's signs and wonders In hea!en and on earth% >ho has
deli!ered 2aniel $rom the *ower o$ the lions"
2an 3:28 ,o this 2aniel *ros*ered in the reign o$ 2ari#s and in the reign o$ =yr#s the <ersian"
2an 4:1 In the $irst year o$ BelshaHHar 'ing o$ Babylon% 2aniel had a dream and !isions o$ his head (while) on
his bed" Then he wrote down the dream% telling the main $ats"
2an 4:2 2aniel s*o'e% saying% .I saw in my !ision by night% and behold% the $o#r winds o$ hea!en were stirring
#* the Great ,ea"
2an 4:- .+nd $o#r great beasts ame #* $rom the sea% eah di$$erent $rom the other"
2an 4:0 .The $irst (was) li'e a lion% and had eagleAs wings" I wathed till its wings were *l#'ed o$$& and it was
li$ted #* $rom the earth and made to stand on two $eet li'e a man% and a manAs heart was gi!en to it"
2an 4:1 .+nd s#ddenly another beast% a seond% li'e a bear" It was raised #* on one side% and (had) three ribs
in its mo#th between its teeth" +nd they said th#s to it: A+rise% de!o#r m#h $leshFA
2an 4:3 .+$ter this I loo'ed% and there was another% li'e a leo*ard% whih had on its ba' $o#r wings o$ a bird"
The beast also had $o#r heads% and dominion was gi!en to it"
2an 4:4 .+$ter this I saw in the night !isions% and behold% a $o#rth beast% dread$#l and terrible% e9eedingly
strong" It had h#ge iron teeth& it was de!o#ring% brea'ing in *iees% and tram*ling the resid#e with its $eet" It
(was) di$$erent $rom all the beasts that (were) be$ore it% and it had ten horns"
2an 4:8 .I was onsidering the horns% and there was another horn% a little one% oming #* among them% be$ore
whom three o$ the $irst horns were *l#'ed o#t by the roots" +nd there% in this horn% (were) eyes li'e the eyes o$ a
man% and a mo#th s*ea'ing *om*o#s words"
2an 4:9 . I wathed till thrones were *#t in *lae% +nd the +nient o$ 2ays was seated& His garment (was) white
as snow% +nd the hair o$ His head (was) li'e *#re wool" His throne (was) a $iery $lame% Its wheels a b#rning $ire&
2an 4:15 + $iery stream iss#ed +nd ame $orth $rom be$ore Him" + tho#sand tho#sands ministered to Him& Ten
tho#sand times ten tho#sand stood be$ore Him" The o#rt was seated% +nd the boo's were o*ened"
2an 4:11 .I wathed then bea#se o$ the so#nd o$ the *om*o#s words whih the horn was s*ea'ing& I wathed
till the beast was slain% and its body destroyed and gi!en to the b#rning $lame"
2an 4:12 .+s $or the rest o$ the beasts% they had their dominion ta'en away% yet their li!es were *rolonged $or a
season and a time"
2an 4:1- . I was wathing in the night !isions% +nd behold% (8ne) li'e the ,on o$ ?an% =oming with the lo#ds o$
hea!enF He ame to the +nient o$ 2ays% +nd they bro#ght Him near be$ore Him"
2an 4:10 Then to Him was gi!en dominion and glory and a 'ingdom% That all *eo*les% nations% and lang#ages
sho#ld ser!e Him" His dominion (is) an e!erlasting dominion% >hih shall not *ass away% +nd His 'ingdom (the
one) >hih shall not be destroyed"
2an 4:11 . I% 2aniel% was grie!ed in my s*irit within (my) body% and the !isions o$ my head tro#bled me"
2an 4:13 .I ame near to one o$ those who stood by% and as'ed him the tr#th o$ all this" ,o he told me and
made 'nown to me the inter*retation o$ these things:
2an 4:14 AThose great beasts% whih are $o#r% (are) $o#r 'ings (whih) arise o#t o$ the earth"
2an 4:18 AB#t the saints o$ the ?ost High shall reei!e the 'ingdom% and *ossess the 'ingdom $ore!er% e!en
$ore!er and e!er"A
2an 4:19 .Then I wished to 'now the tr#th abo#t the $o#rth beast% whih was di$$erent $rom all the others%
e9eedingly dread$#l% (with) its teeth o$ iron and its nails o$ bronHe% (whih) de!o#red% bro'e in *iees% and
tram*led the resid#e with its $eet&
2an 4:25 .and the ten horns that (were) on its head% and the other (horn) whih ame #*% be$ore whih three $ell%
namely% that horn whih had eyes and a mo#th whih s*o'e *om*o#s words% whose a**earane (was) greater
than his $ellows"
2an 4:21 .I was wathing& and the same horn was ma'ing war against the saints% and *re!ailing against them%
2an 4:22 .#ntil the +nient o$ 2ays ame% and a @#dgment was made (in $a!or) o$ the saints o$ the ?ost High%
and the time ame $or the saints to *ossess the 'ingdom"
2an 4:2- . Th#s he said: AThe $o#rth beast shall be + $o#rth 'ingdom on earth% >hih shall be di$$erent $rom all
(other) 'ingdoms% +nd shall de!o#r the whole earth% Tram*le it and brea' it in *iees"
2an 4:20 The ten horns (are) ten 'ings (>ho) shall arise $rom this 'ingdom" +nd another shall rise a$ter them&
He shall be di$$erent $rom the $irst (ones%) +nd shall s#bd#e three 'ings"
2an 4:21 He shall s*ea' (*om*o#s) words against the ?ost High% ,hall *erse#te the saints o$ the ?ost High%
+nd shall intend to hange times and law" Then (the saints) shall be gi!en into his hand ;or a time and times and
hal$ a time"
2an 4:23 A B#t the o#rt shall be seated% +nd they shall ta'e away his dominion% To ons#me and destroy (it)
2an 4:24 Then the 'ingdom and dominion% +nd the greatness o$ the 'ingdoms #nder the whole hea!en% ,hall
be gi!en to the *eo*le% the saints o$ the ?ost High" His 'ingdom (is) an e!erlasting 'ingdom% +nd all dominions
shall ser!e and obey Him"A
2an 4:28 .This (is) the end o$ the ao#nt" +s $or me% 2aniel% my tho#ghts greatly tro#bled me% and my
o#ntenane hanged& b#t I 'e*t the matter in my heart".
2an 8:1 In the third year o$ the reign o$ King BelshaHHar a !ision a**eared (to) me DD to me% 2aniel DD a$ter the
one that a**eared to me the $irst time"
2an 8:2 I saw in the !ision% and it so ha**ened while I was loo'ing% that I (was) in ,h#shan% the itadel% whih
(is) in the *ro!ine o$ 6lam& and I saw in the !ision that I was by the :i!er 7lai"
2an 8:- Then I li$ted my eyes and saw% and there% standing beside the ri!er% was a ram whih had two horns%
and the two horns (were) high& b#t one (was) higher than the other% and the higher (one) ame #* last"
2an 8:0 I saw the ram *#shing westward% northward% and so#thward% so that no animal o#ld withstand him& nor
(was there any) that o#ld deli!er $rom his hand% b#t he did aording to his will and beame great"
2an 8:1 +nd as I was onsidering% s#ddenly a male goat ame $rom the west% aross the s#r$ae o$ the whole
earth% witho#t to#hing the gro#nd& and the goat (had) a notable horn between his eyes"
2an 8:3 Then he ame to the ram that had two horns% whih I had seen standing beside the ri!er% and ran at
him with $#rio#s *ower"
2an 8:4 +nd I saw him on$ronting the ram& he was mo!ed with rage against him% atta'ed the ram% and bro'e
his two horns" There was no *ower in the ram to withstand him% b#t he ast him down to the gro#nd and
tram*led him& and there was no one that o#ld deli!er the ram $rom his hand"
2an 8:8 There$ore the male goat grew !ery great& b#t when he beame strong% the large horn was bro'en% and
in *lae o$ it $o#r notable ones ame #* toward the $o#r winds o$ hea!en"
2an 8:9 +nd o#t o$ one o$ them ame a little horn whih grew e9eedingly great toward the so#th% toward the
east% and toward the Glorio#s (/and")
2an 8:15 +nd it grew #* to the host o$ hea!en& and it ast down (some) o$ the host and (some) o$ the stars to the
gro#nd% and tram*led them"
2an 8:11 He e!en e9alted (himsel$) as high as the <rine o$ the host& and by him the daily (sari$ies) were
ta'en away% and the *lae o$ His sant#ary was ast down"
2an 8:12 Bea#se o$ transgression% an army was gi!en o!er (to the horn) to o**ose the daily (sari$ies&) and
he ast tr#th down to the gro#nd" He did (all this) and *ros*ered"
2an 8:1- Then I heard a holy one s*ea'ing& and (another) holy one said to that ertain (one) who was s*ea'ing%
.How long (will) the !ision (be% onerning) the daily (sari$ies) and the transgression o$ desolation% the gi!ing o$
both the sant#ary and the host to be tram*led #nder $ootC.
2an 8:10 +nd he said to me% .;or two tho#sand three h#ndred days& then the sant#ary shall be leansed".
2an 8:11 Then it ha**ened% when I% 2aniel% had seen the !ision and was see'ing the meaning% that s#ddenly
there stood be$ore me one ha!ing the a**earane o$ a man"
2an 8:13 +nd I heard a manAs !oie between (the ban's o$) the 7lai% who alled% and said% .Gabriel% ma'e this
(man) #nderstand the !ision".
2an 8:14 ,o he ame near where I stood% and when he ame I was a$raid and $ell on my $ae& b#t he said to
me% .7nderstand% son o$ man% that the !ision (re$ers) to the time o$ the end".
2an 8:18 Now% as he was s*ea'ing with me% I was in a dee* slee* with my $ae to the gro#nd& b#t he to#hed
me% and stood me #*right"
2an 8:19 +nd he said% ./oo'% I am ma'ing 'nown to yo# what shall ha**en in the latter time o$ the indignation&
$or at the a**ointed time the end (shall be")
2an 8:25 .The ram whih yo# saw% ha!ing the two horns DD (they are) the 'ings o$ ?edia and <ersia"
2an 8:21 .+nd the male goat (is) the 'ingdom o$ Greee" The large horn that (is) between its eyes (is) the $irst
2an 8:22 .+s $or the bro'en (horn) and the $o#r that stood #* in its *lae% $o#r 'ingdoms shall arise o#t o$ that
nation% b#t not with its *ower"
2an 8:2- . +nd in the latter time o$ their 'ingdom% >hen the transgressors ha!e reahed their $#llness% + 'ing
shall arise% Ha!ing $iere $eat#res% >ho #nderstands sinister shemes"
2an 8:20 His *ower shall be mighty% b#t not by his own *ower& He shall destroy $ear$#lly% +nd shall *ros*er and
thri!e& He shall destroy the mighty% and (also) the holy *eo*le"
2an 8:21 .Thro#gh his #nning He shall a#se deeit to *ros*er #nder his r#le& +nd he shall e9alt (himsel$) in
his heart" He shall destroy many in (their) *ros*erity" He shall e!en rise against the <rine o$ *rines& B#t he
shall be bro'en witho#t (h#man) means"
2an 8:23 .+nd the !ision o$ the e!enings and mornings >hih was told is tr#e& There$ore seal #* the !ision% ;or
(it re$ers) to many days (in the $#t#re".)
2an 8:24 +nd I% 2aniel% $ainted and was si' $or days& a$terward I arose and went abo#t the 'ingAs b#siness" I
was astonished by the !ision% b#t no one #nderstood it"
2an 9:1 In the $irst year o$ 2ari#s the son o$ +has#er#s% o$ the lineage o$ the ?edes% who was made 'ing o!er
the realm o$ the =haldeans DD
2an 9:2 in the $irst year o$ his reign I% 2aniel% #nderstood by the boo's the n#mber o$ the years (s*ei$ied) by the
word o$ the /8:2 thro#gh Jeremiah the *ro*het% that He wo#ld aom*lish se!enty years in the desolations o$
2an 9:- Then I set my $ae toward the /ord God to ma'e reE#est by *rayer and s#**liations% with $asting%
sa'loth% and ashes"
2an 9:0 +nd I *rayed to the /8:2 my God% and made on$ession% and said% .8 /ord% great and awesome God%
who 'ee*s His o!enant and mery with those who lo!e Him% and with those who 'ee* His ommandments%
2an 9:1 .we ha!e sinned and ommitted iniE#ity% we ha!e done wi'edly and rebelled% e!en by de*arting $rom
Bo#r *ree*ts and Bo#r @#dgments"
2an 9:3 .Neither ha!e we heeded Bo#r ser!ants the *ro*hets% who s*o'e in Bo#r name to o#r 'ings and o#r
*rines% to o#r $athers and all the *eo*le o$ the land"
2an 9:4 .8 /ord% righteo#sness (belongs) to Bo#% b#t to #s shame o$ $ae% as (it is) this day DD to the men o$
J#dah% to the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem and all Israel% those near and those $ar o$$ in all the o#ntries to whih
Bo# ha!e dri!en them% bea#se o$ the #n$aith$#lness whih they ha!e ommitted against Bo#"
2an 9:8 .8 /ord% to #s (belongs) shame o$ $ae% to o#r 'ings% o#r *rines% and o#r $athers% bea#se we ha!e
sinned against Bo#"
2an 9:9 .To the /ord o#r God (belong) mery and $orgi!eness% tho#gh we ha!e rebelled against Him"
2an 9:15 .>e ha!e not obeyed the !oie o$ the /8:2 o#r God% to wal' in His laws% whih He set be$ore #s by
His ser!ants the *ro*hets"
2an 9:11 .Bes% all Israel has transgressed Bo#r law% and has de*arted so as not to obey Bo#r !oie& there$ore
the #rse and the oath written in the /aw o$ ?oses the ser!ant o$ God ha!e been *o#red o#t on #s% bea#se we
ha!e sinned against Him"
2an 9:12 .+nd He has on$irmed His words% whih He s*o'e against #s and against o#r @#dges who @#dged #s%
by bringing #*on #s a great disaster& $or #nder the whole hea!en s#h has ne!er been done as what has been
done to Jer#salem"
2an 9:1- .+s (it is) written in the /aw o$ ?oses% all this disaster has ome #*on #s& yet we ha!e not made o#r
*rayer be$ore the /8:2 o#r God% that we might t#rn $rom o#r iniE#ities and #nderstand Bo#r tr#th"
2an 9:10 .There$ore the /8:2 has 'e*t the disaster in mind% and bro#ght it #*on #s& $or the /8:2 o#r God (is)
righteo#s in all the wor's whih He does% tho#gh we ha!e not obeyed His !oie"
2an 9:11 .+nd now% 8 /ord o#r God% who bro#ght Bo#r *eo*le o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t with a mighty hand% and
made Bo#rsel$ a name% as (it is) this day DD we ha!e sinned% we ha!e done wi'edlyF
2an 9:13 . 8 /ord% aording to all Bo#r righteo#sness% I *ray% let Bo#r anger and Bo#r $#ry be t#rned away
$rom Bo#r ity Jer#salem% Bo#r holy mo#ntain& bea#se $or o#r sins% and $or the iniE#ities o$ o#r $athers%
Jer#salem and Bo#r *eo*le (are) a re*roah to all (those) aro#nd #s"
2an 9:14 .Now there$ore% o#r God% hear the *rayer o$ Bo#r ser!ant% and his s#**liations% and $or the /ordAs
sa'e a#se Bo#r $ae to shine on Bo#r sant#ary% whih is desolate"
2an 9:18 .8 my God% inline Bo#r ear and hear& o*en Bo#r eyes and see o#r desolations% and the ity whih is
alled by Bo#r name& $or we do not *resent o#r s#**liations be$ore Bo# bea#se o$ o#r righteo#s deeds% b#t
bea#se o$ Bo#r great meries"
2an 9:19 .8 /ord% hearF 8 /ord% $orgi!eF 8 /ord% listen and atF 2o not delay $or Bo#r own sa'e% my God% $or
Bo#r ity and Bo#r *eo*le are alled by Bo#r name".
2an 9:25 Now while I (was) s*ea'ing% *raying% and on$essing my sin and the sin o$ my *eo*le Israel% and
*resenting my s#**liation be$ore the /8:2 my God $or the holy mo#ntain o$ my God%
2an 9:21 yes% while I (was) s*ea'ing in *rayer% the man Gabriel% whom I had seen in the !ision at the beginning%
being a#sed to $ly swi$tly% reahed me abo#t the time o$ the e!ening o$$ering"
2an 9:22 +nd he in$ormed (me%) and tal'ed with me% and said% .8 2aniel% I ha!e now ome $orth to gi!e yo# s'ill
to #nderstand"
2an 9:2- .+t the beginning o$ yo#r s#**liations the ommand went o#t% and I ha!e ome to tell (yo#%) $or yo#
(are) greatly belo!ed& there$ore onsider the matter% and #nderstand the !ision:
2an 9:20 . ,e!enty wee's are determined ;or yo#r *eo*le and $or yo#r holy ity% To $inish the transgression% To
ma'e an end o$ sins% To ma'e reoniliation $or iniE#ity% To bring in e!erlasting righteo#sness% To seal #* !ision
and *ro*hey% +nd to anoint the ?ost Holy"
2an 9:21 .Know there$ore and #nderstand% (That) $rom the going $orth o$ the ommand To restore and b#ild
Jer#salem 7ntil ?essiah the <rine% (There shall be) se!en wee's and si9tyDtwo wee's& The street shall be b#ilt
again% and the wall% 6!en in tro#blesome times"
2an 9:23 .+nd a$ter the si9tyDtwo wee's ?essiah shall be #t o$$% b#t not $or Himsel$& +nd the *eo*le o$ the
*rine who is to ome ,hall destroy the ity and the sant#ary" The end o$ it (shall be) with a $lood% +nd till the
end o$ the war desolations are determined"
2an 9:24 Then he shall on$irm a o!enant with many $or one wee'& B#t in the middle o$ the wee' He shall
bring an end to sari$ie and o$$ering" +nd on the wing o$ abominations shall be one who ma'es desolate% 6!en
#ntil the ons#mmation% whih is determined% Is *o#red o#t on the desolate".
2an 15:1 In the third year o$ =yr#s 'ing o$ <ersia a message was re!ealed to 2aniel% whose name was alled
BelteshaHHar" The message (was) tr#e% b#t the a**ointed time (was) long& and he #nderstood the message% and
had #nderstanding o$ the !ision"
2an 15:2 In those days I% 2aniel% was mo#rning three $#ll wee's"
2an 15:- I ate no *leasant $ood% no meat or wine ame into my mo#th% nor did I anoint mysel$ at all% till three
whole wee's were $#l$illed"
2an 15:0 Now on the twentyD$o#rth day o$ the $irst month% as I was by the side o$ the great ri!er% that (is%) the
2an 15:1 I li$ted my eyes and loo'ed% and behold% a ertain man lothed in linen% whose waist (was) girded with
gold o$ 7*haHF
2an 15:3 His body (was) li'e beryl% his $ae li'e the a**earane o$ lightning% his eyes li'e torhes o$ $ire% his
arms and $eet li'e b#rnished bronHe in olor% and the so#nd o$ his words li'e the !oie o$ a m#ltit#de"
2an 15:4 +nd I% 2aniel% alone saw the !ision% $or the men who were with me did not see the !ision& b#t a great
terror $ell #*on them% so that they $led to hide themsel!es"
2an 15:8 There$ore I was le$t alone when I saw this great !ision% and no strength remained in me& $or my !igor
was t#rned to $railty in me% and I retained no strength"
2an 15:9 Bet I heard the so#nd o$ his words& and while I heard the so#nd o$ his words I was in a dee* slee* on
my $ae% with my $ae to the gro#nd"
2an 15:15 ,#ddenly% a hand to#hed me% whih made me tremble on my 'nees and (on) the *alms o$ my
2an 15:11 +nd he said to me% .8 2aniel% man greatly belo!ed% #nderstand the words that I s*ea' to yo#% and
stand #*right% $or I ha!e now been sent to yo#". >hile he was s*ea'ing this word to me% I stood trembling"
2an 15:12 Then he said to me% .2o not $ear% 2aniel% $or $rom the $irst day that yo# set yo#r heart to #nderstand%
and to h#mble yo#rsel$ be$ore yo#r God% yo#r words were heard& and I ha!e ome bea#se o$ yo#r words"
2an 15:1- .B#t the *rine o$ the 'ingdom o$ <ersia withstood me twentyDone days& and behold% ?ihael% one o$
the hie$ *rines% ame to hel* me% $or I had been le$t alone there with the 'ings o$ <ersia"
2an 15:10 .Now I ha!e ome to ma'e yo# #nderstand what will ha**en to yo#r *eo*le in the latter days% $or the
!ision (re$ers) to (many) days yet (to ome".)
2an 15:11 >hen he had s*o'en s#h words to me% I t#rned my $ae toward the gro#nd and beame
2an 15:13 +nd s#ddenly% (one) ha!ing the li'eness o$ the sons o$ men to#hed my li*s& then I o*ened my mo#th
and s*o'e% saying to him who stood be$ore me% .?y lord% bea#se o$ the !ision my sorrows ha!e o!erwhelmed
me% and I ha!e retained no strength"
2an 15:14 .;or how an this ser!ant o$ my lord tal' with yo#% my lordC +s $or me% no strength remains in me
now% nor is any breath le$t in me".
2an 15:18 Then again% (the one) ha!ing the li'eness o$ a man to#hed me and strengthened me"
2an 15:19 +nd he said% .8 man greatly belo!ed% $ear notF <eae (be) to yo#& be strong% yes% be strongF. ,o
when he s*o'e to me I was strengthened% and said% ./et my lord s*ea'% $or yo# ha!e strengthened me".
2an 15:25 Then he said% .2o yo# 'now why I ha!e ome to yo#C +nd now I m#st ret#rn to $ight with the *rine
o$ <ersia& and when I ha!e gone $orth% indeed the *rine o$ Greee will ome"
2an 15:21 .B#t I will tell yo# what is noted in the ,ri*t#re o$ Tr#th" INo one #*holds me against these% e9e*t
?ihael yo#r *rine"
2an 11:1 .+lso in the $irst year o$ 2ari#s the ?ede% I% (e!en) I% stood #* to on$irm and strengthen him"J
2an 11:2 .+nd now I will tell yo# the tr#th: Behold% three more 'ings will arise in <ersia% and the $o#rth shall be
$ar riher than (them) all& by his strength% thro#gh his rihes% he shall stir #* all against the realm o$ Greee"
2an 11:- .Then a mighty 'ing shall arise% who shall r#le with great dominion% and do aording to his will"
2an 11:0 .+nd when he has arisen% his 'ingdom shall be bro'en #* and di!ided toward the $o#r winds o$
hea!en% b#t not among his *osterity nor aording to his dominion with whih he r#led& $or his 'ingdom shall be
#*rooted% e!en $or others besides these"
2an 11:1 . +lso the 'ing o$ the ,o#th shall beome strong% as well as (one) o$ his *rines& and he shall gain
*ower o!er him and ha!e dominion" His dominion (shall be) a great dominion"
2an 11:3 .+nd at the end o$ (some) years they shall @oin $ores% $or the da#ghter o$ the 'ing o$ the ,o#th shall go
to the 'ing o$ the North to ma'e an agreement& b#t she shall not retain the *ower o$ her a#thority% and neither he
nor his a#thority shall stand& b#t she shall be gi!en #*% with those who bro#ght her% and with him who begot her%
and with him who strengthened her in (those) times"
2an 11:4 .B#t $rom a branh o$ her roots (one) shall arise in his *lae% who shall ome with an army% enter the
$ortress o$ the 'ing o$ the North% and deal with them and *re!ail"
2an 11:8 .+nd he shall also arry their gods a*ti!e to 6gy*t% with their *rines (and) their *reio#s artiles o$
sil!er and gold& and he shall ontin#e (more) years than the 'ing o$ the North"
2an 11:9 .+lso (the 'ing o$ the North) shall ome to the 'ingdom o$ the 'ing o$ the ,o#th% b#t shall ret#rn to his
own land"
2an 11:15 .Howe!er his sons shall stir #* stri$e% and assemble a m#ltit#de o$ great $ores& and (one) shall
ertainly ome and o!erwhelm and *ass thro#gh& then he shall ret#rn to his $ortress and stir #* stri$e"
2an 11:11 . +nd the 'ing o$ the ,o#th shall be mo!ed with rage% and go o#t and $ight with him% with the 'ing o$
the North% who shall m#ster a great m#ltit#de& b#t the m#ltit#de shall be gi!en into the hand o$ his (enemy")
2an 11:12 .>hen he has ta'en away the m#ltit#de% his heart will be li$ted #*& and he will ast down tens o$
tho#sands% b#t he will not *re!ail"
2an 11:1- .;or the 'ing o$ the North will ret#rn and m#ster a m#ltit#de greater than the $ormer% and shall
ertainly ome at the end o$ some years with a great army and m#h eE#i*ment"
2an 11:10 . Now in those times many shall rise #* against the 'ing o$ the ,o#th" +lso% !iolent men o$ yo#r
*eo*le shall e9alt themsel!es in $#l$illment o$ the !ision% b#t they shall $all"
2an 11:11 .,o the 'ing o$ the North shall ome and b#ild a siege mo#nd% and ta'e a $orti$ied ity& and the $ores
o$ the ,o#th shall not withstand (him") 6!en his hoie troo*s (shall ha!e) no strength to resist"
2an 11:13 .B#t he who omes against him shall do aording to his own will% and no one shall stand against
him" He shall stand in the Glorio#s /and with destr#tion in his *ower"
2an 11:14 .He shall also set his $ae to enter with the strength o$ his whole 'ingdom% and #*right ones with him&
th#s shall he do" +nd he shall gi!e him the da#ghter o$ women to destroy it& b#t she shall not stand (with him%) or
be $or him"
2an 11:18 .+$ter this he shall t#rn his $ae to the oastlands% and shall ta'e many" B#t a r#ler shall bring the
re*roah against them to an end& and with the re*roah remo!ed% he shall t#rn ba' on him"
2an 11:19 .Then he shall t#rn his $ae toward the $ortress o$ his own land& b#t he shall st#mble and $all% and not
be $o#nd"
2an 11:25 . There shall arise in his *lae one who im*oses ta9es (on) the glorio#s 'ingdom& b#t within a $ew
days he shall be destroyed% b#t not in anger or in battle"
2an 11:21 .+nd in his *lae shall arise a !ile *erson% to whom they will not gi!e the honor o$ royalty& b#t he shall
ome in *eaeably% and seiHe the 'ingdom by intrig#e"
2an 11:22 .>ith the $ore o$ a $lood they shall be swe*t away $rom be$ore him and be bro'en% and also the
*rine o$ the o!enant"
2an 11:2- .+nd a$ter the leag#e (is made) with him he shall at deeit$#lly% $or he shall ome #* and beome
strong with a small (n#mber o$) *eo*le"
2an 11:20 .He shall enter *eaeably% e!en into the rihest *laes o$ the *ro!ine& and he shall do (what) his
$athers ha!e not done% nor his $ore$athers: he shall dis*erse among them the *l#nder% s*oil% and rihes& and he
shall de!ise his *lans against the strongholds% b#t (only) $or a time"
2an 11:21 .He shall stir #* his *ower and his o#rage against the 'ing o$ the ,o#th with a great army" +nd the
'ing o$ the ,o#th shall be stirred #* to battle with a !ery great and mighty army& b#t he shall not stand% $or they
shall de!ise *lans against him"
2an 11:23 .Bes% those who eat o$ the *ortion o$ his deliaies shall destroy him& his army shall be swe*t away%
and many shall $all down slain"
2an 11:24 .Both these 'ingsA hearts (shall be) bent on e!il% and they shall s*ea' lies at the same table& b#t it
shall not *ros*er% $or the end (will) still (be) at the a**ointed time"
2an 11:28 .>hile ret#rning to his land with great rihes% his heart shall be (mo!ed) against the holy o!enant& so
he shall do (damage) and ret#rn to his own land"
2an 11:29 .+t the a**ointed time he shall ret#rn and go toward the so#th& b#t it shall not be li'e the $ormer or
the latter"
2an 11:-5 .;or shi*s $rom =y*r#s shall ome against him& there$ore he shall be grie!ed% and ret#rn in rage
against the holy o!enant% and do (damage") ,o he shall ret#rn and show regard $or those who $orsa'e the holy
2an 11:-1 .+nd $ores shall be m#stered by him% and they shall de$ile the sant#ary $ortress& then they shall
ta'e away the daily (sari$ies%) and *lae (there) the abomination o$ desolation"
2an 11:-2 .Those who do wi'edly against the o!enant he shall orr#*t with $lattery& b#t the *eo*le who 'now
their God shall be strong% and arry o#t (great e9*loits")
2an 11:-- .+nd those o$ the *eo*le who #nderstand shall instr#t many& yet ($or many) days they shall $all by
sword and $lame% by a*ti!ity and *l#ndering"
2an 11:-0 .Now when they $all% they shall be aided with a little hel*& b#t many shall @oin with them by intrig#e"
2an 11:-1 .+nd (some) o$ those o$ #nderstanding shall $all% to re$ine them% *#ri$y (them%) and ma'e (them) white%
(#ntil) the time o$ the end& bea#se (it is) still $or the a**ointed time"
2an 11:-3 . Then the 'ing shall do aording to his own will: he shall e9alt and magni$y himsel$ abo!e e!ery
god% shall s*ea' blas*hemies against the God o$ gods% and shall *ros*er till the wrath has been aom*lished&
$or what has been determined shall be done"
2an 11:-4 .He shall regard neither the God o$ his $athers nor the desire o$ women% nor regard any god& $or he
shall e9alt himsel$ abo!e (them) all"
2an 11:-8 .B#t in their *lae he shall honor a god o$ $ortresses& and a god whih his $athers did not 'now he
shall honor with gold and sil!er% with *reio#s stones and *leasant things"
2an 11:-9 .Th#s he shall at against the strongest $ortresses with a $oreign god% whih he shall a'nowledge%
(and) ad!ane (its) glory& and he shall a#se them to r#le o!er many% and di!ide the land $or gain"
2an 11:05 . +t the time o$ the end the 'ing o$ the ,o#th shall atta' him& and the 'ing o$ the North shall ome
against him li'e a whirlwind% with hariots% horsemen% and with many shi*s& and he shall enter the o#ntries%
o!erwhelm (them%) and *ass thro#gh"
2an 11:01 .He shall also enter the Glorio#s /and% and many (o#ntries) shall be o!erthrown& b#t these shall
esa*e $rom his hand: 6dom% ?oab% and the *rominent *eo*le o$ +mmon"
2an 11:02 .He shall streth o#t his hand against the o#ntries% and the land o$ 6gy*t shall not esa*e"
2an 11:0- .He shall ha!e *ower o!er the treas#res o$ gold and sil!er% and o!er all the *reio#s things o$ 6gy*t&
also the /ibyans and 6thio*ians (shall $ollow) at his heels"
2an 11:00 .B#t news $rom the east and the north shall tro#ble him& there$ore he shall go o#t with great $#ry to
destroy and annihilate many"
2an 11:01 .+nd he shall *lant the tents o$ his *alae between the seas and the glorio#s holy mo#ntain& yet he
shall ome to his end% and no one will hel* him"
2an 12:1 .+t that time ?ihael shall stand #*% The great *rine who stands (wath) o!er the sons o$ yo#r
*eo*le& +nd there shall be a time o$ tro#ble% ,#h as ne!er was sine there was a nation% (6!en) to that time"
+nd at that time yo#r *eo*le shall be deli!ered% 6!ery one who is $o#nd written in the boo'"
2an 12:2 +nd many o$ those who slee* in the d#st o$ the earth shall awa'e% ,ome to e!erlasting li$e% ,ome to
shame (and) e!erlasting ontem*t"
2an 12:- Those who are wise shall shine /i'e the brightness o$ the $irmament% +nd those who t#rn many to
righteo#sness /i'e the stars $ore!er and e!er"
2an 12:0 .B#t yo#% 2aniel% sh#t #* the words% and seal the boo' #ntil the time o$ the end& many shall r#n to and
$ro% and 'nowledge shall inrease".
2an 12:1 Then I% 2aniel% loo'ed& and there stood two others% one on this ri!erban' and the other on that
2an 12:3 +nd (one) said to the man lothed in linen% who (was) abo!e the waters o$ the ri!er% .How long shall
the $#l$illment o$ these wonders (beC.)
2an 12:4 Then I heard the man lothed in linen% who (was) abo!e the waters o$ the ri!er% when he held #* his
right hand and his le$t hand to hea!en% and swore by Him who li!es $ore!er% that (it shall be) $or a time% times%
and hal$ (a time&) and when the *ower o$ the holy *eo*le has been om*letely shattered% all these (things) shall
be $inished"
2an 12:8 +ltho#gh I heard% I did not #nderstand" Then I said% .?y lord% what (shall be) the end o$ these (thingsC.)
2an 12:9 +nd he said% .Go (yo#r way%) 2aniel% $or the words (are) losed #* and sealed till the time o$ the end"
2an 12:15 .?any shall be *#ri$ied% made white% and re$ined% b#t the wi'ed shall do wi'edly& and none o$ the
wi'ed shall #nderstand% b#t the wise shall #nderstand"
2an 12:11 .+nd $rom the time (that) the daily (sari$ie) is ta'en away% and the abomination o$ desolation is set
#*% (there shall be) one tho#sand two h#ndred and ninety days"
2an 12:12 .Blessed (is) he who waits% and omes to the one tho#sand three h#ndred and thirtyD$i!e days"
2an 12:1- .B#t yo#% go (yo#r way) till the end& $or yo# shall rest% and will arise to yo#r inheritane at the end o$
the days".
Hos 1:1 The word o$ the /8:2 that ame to Hosea the son o$ Beeri% in the days o$ 7HHiah% Jotham% +haH% (and)
HeHe'iah% 'ings o$ J#dah% and in the days o$ Jeroboam the son o$ Joash% 'ing o$ Israel"
Hos 1:2 (>hen) the /8:2 began to s*ea' by Hosea% the /8:2 said to Hosea: .Go% ta'e yo#rsel$ a wi$e o$
harlotry +nd hildren o$ harlotry% ;or the land has ommitted great harlotry (By de*arting) $rom the /8:2".
Hos 1:- ,o he went and too' Gomer the da#ghter o$ 2iblaim% and she onei!ed and bore him a son"
Hos 1:0 Then the /8:2 said to him: .=all his name JeHreel% ;or in a little (while) I will a!enge the bloodshed o$
JeHreel on the ho#se o$ Jeh#% +nd bring an end to the 'ingdom o$ the ho#se o$ Israel"
Hos 1:1 It shall ome to *ass in that day That I will brea' the bow o$ Israel in the Valley o$ JeHreel".
Hos 1:3 +nd she onei!ed again and bore a da#ghter" Then (God) said to him: .=all her name /oD:#hamah%
;or I will no longer ha!e mery on the ho#se o$ Israel% B#t I will #tterly ta'e them away"
Hos 1:4 Bet I will ha!e mery on the ho#se o$ J#dah% >ill sa!e them by the /8:2 their God% +nd will not sa!e
them by bow% Nor by sword or battle% By horses or horsemen".
Hos 1:8 Now when she had weaned /oD:#hamah% she onei!ed and bore a son"
Hos 1:9 Then (God) said: .=all his name /oD+mmi% ;or yo# (are) not ?y *eo*le% +nd I will not be yo#r (God")
Hos 1:15 . Bet the n#mber o$ the hildren o$ Israel ,hall be as the sand o$ the sea% >hih annot be meas#red
or n#mbered" +nd it shall ome to *ass In the *lae where it was said to them% ABo# (are) not ?y *eo*le%A (There)
it shall be said to them% A(Bo# are) sons o$ the li!ing God"A
Hos 1:11 Then the hildren o$ J#dah and the hildren o$ Israel ,hall be gathered together% +nd a**oint $or
themsel!es one head& +nd they shall ome #* o#t o$ the land% ;or great (will be) the day o$ JeHreelF
Hos 2:1 ,ay to yo#r brethren% A?y *eo*le%A +nd to yo#r sisters% A?ery (is shown"A)
Hos 2:2 . Bring harges against yo#r mother% bring harges& ;or she (is) not ?y wi$e% nor (am) I her H#sbandF
/et her *#t away her harlotries $rom her sight% +nd her ad#lteries $rom between her breasts&
Hos 2:- /est I stri* her na'ed +nd e9*ose her% as in the day she was born% +nd ma'e her li'e a wilderness% +nd
set her li'e a dry land% +nd slay her with thirst"
Hos 2:0 .I will not ha!e mery on her hildren% ;or they (are) the hildren o$ harlotry"
Hos 2:1 ;or their mother has *layed the harlot& ,he who onei!ed them has beha!ed shame$#lly" ;or she said%
AI will go a$ter my lo!ers% >ho gi!e (me) my bread and my water% ?y wool and my linen% ?y oil and my drin'"A
Hos 2:3 . There$ore% behold% I will hedge #* yo#r way with thorns% +nd wall her in% ,o that she annot $ind her
Hos 2:4 ,he will hase her lo!ers% B#t not o!erta'e them& Bes% she will see' them% b#t not $ind (them") Then she
will say% AI will go and ret#rn to my $irst h#sband% ;or then (it was) better $or me than now"A
Hos 2:8 ;or she did not 'now That I ga!e her grain% new wine% and oil% +nd m#lti*lied her sil!er and gold DD
(>hih) they *re*ared $or Baal"
Hos 2:9 . There$ore I will ret#rn and ta'e away ?y grain in its time +nd ?y new wine in its season% +nd will ta'e
ba' ?y wool and ?y linen% (Gi!en) to o!er her na'edness"
Hos 2:15 Now I will #no!er her lewdness in the sight o$ her lo!ers% +nd no one shall deli!er her $rom ?y hand"
Hos 2:11 I will also a#se all her mirth to ease% Her $east days% Her New ?oons% Her ,abbaths DD +ll her
a**ointed $easts"
Hos 2:12 .+nd I will destroy her !ines and her $ig trees% 8$ whih she has said% AThese (are) my wages that my
lo!ers ha!e gi!en me"A ,o I will ma'e them a $orest% +nd the beasts o$ the $ield shall eat them"
Hos 2:1- I will *#nish her ;or the days o$ the Baals to whih she b#rned inense" ,he de'ed hersel$ with her
earrings and @ewelry% +nd went a$ter her lo!ers& B#t ?e she $orgot%. says the /8:2"
Hos 2:10 . There$ore% behold% I will all#re her% >ill bring her into the wilderness% +nd s*ea' om$ort to her"
Hos 2:11 I will gi!e her her !ineyards $rom there% +nd the Valley o$ +hor as a door o$ ho*e& ,he shall sing
there% +s in the days o$ her yo#th% +s in the day when she ame #* $rom the land o$ 6gy*t"
Hos 2:13 .+nd it shall be% in that day%. ,ays the /8:2% .(That) yo# will all ?e A?y H#sband%A +nd no longer all
?e A?y ?aster%A
Hos 2:14 ;or I will ta'e $rom her mo#th the names o$ the Baals% +nd they shall be remembered by their name
no more"
Hos 2:18 In that day I will ma'e a o!enant $or them >ith the beasts o$ the $ield% >ith the birds o$ the air% +nd
(with) the ree*ing things o$ the gro#nd" Bow and sword o$ battle I will shatter $rom the earth% To ma'e them lie
down sa$ely"
Hos 2:19 .I will betroth yo# to ?e $ore!er& Bes% I will betroth yo# to ?e In righteo#sness and @#stie% In
lo!ing'indness and mery&
Hos 2:25 I will betroth yo# to ?e in $aith$#lness% +nd yo# shall 'now the /8:2"
Hos 2:21 . It shall ome to *ass in that day (That) I will answer%. says the /8:2& .I will answer the hea!ens% +nd
they shall answer the earth"
Hos 2:22 The earth shall answer >ith grain% >ith new wine% +nd with oil& They shall answer JeHreel"
Hos 2:2- Then I will sow her $or ?ysel$ in the earth% +nd I will ha!e mery on (her who had) not obtained mery&
Then I will say to (those who were) not ?y *eo*le% ABo# (are) ?y *eo*leFA +nd they shall say% A(Bo# are) my GodFA
Hos -:1 Then the /8:2 said to me% .Go again% lo!e a woman (who is) lo!ed by a lo!er and is ommitting
ad#ltery% @#st li'e the lo!e o$ the /8:2 $or the hildren o$ Israel% who loo' to other gods and lo!e (the) raisin
a'es (o$ the *agans".)
Hos -:2 ,o I bo#ght her $or mysel$ $or $i$teen (she'els) o$ sil!er% and one and oneDhal$ homers o$ barley"
Hos -:- +nd I said to her% .Bo# shall stay with me many days& yo# shall not *lay the harlot% nor shall yo# ha!e a
man DD so% too% (will) I (be) toward yo#".
Hos -:0 ;or the hildren o$ Israel shall abide many days witho#t 'ing or *rine% witho#t sari$ie or sared *illar%
witho#t e*hod or tera*him"
Hos -:1 +$terward the hildren o$ Israel shall ret#rn and see' the /8:2 their God and 2a!id their 'ing" They
shall $ear the /8:2 and His goodness in the latter days"
Hos 0:1 Hear the word o$ the /8:2% Bo# hildren o$ Israel% ;or the /8:2 (brings) a harge against the
inhabitants o$ the land: .There is no tr#th or mery 8r 'nowledge o$ God in the land"
Hos 0:2 (By) swearing and lying% Killing and stealing and ommitting ad#ltery% They brea' all restraint% >ith
bloodshed #*on bloodshed"
Hos 0:- There$ore the land will mo#rn& +nd e!eryone who dwells there will waste away >ith the beasts o$ the
$ield +nd the birds o$ the air& 6!en the $ish o$ the sea will be ta'en away"
Hos 0:0 .Now let no man ontend% or reb#'e another& ;or yo#r *eo*le (are) li'e those who ontend with the
Hos 0:1 There$ore yo# shall st#mble in the day& The *ro*het also shall st#mble with yo# in the night& +nd I will
destroy yo#r mother"
Hos 0:3 ?y *eo*le are destroyed $or la' o$ 'nowledge" Bea#se yo# ha!e re@eted 'nowledge% I also will re@et
yo# $rom being *riest $or ?e& Bea#se yo# ha!e $orgotten the law o$ yo#r God% I also will $orget yo#r hildren"
Hos 0:4 . The more they inreased% The more they sinned against ?e& I will hange their glory into shame"
Hos 0:8 They eat #* the sin o$ ?y *eo*le& They set their heart on their iniE#ity"
Hos 0:9 +nd it shall be: li'e *eo*le% li'e *riest" ,o I will *#nish them $or their ways% +nd reward them $or their
Hos 0:15 ;or they shall eat% b#t not ha!e eno#gh& They shall ommit harlotry% b#t not inrease& Bea#se they
ha!e eased obeying the /8:2"
Hos 0:11 . Harlotry% wine% and new wine ensla!e the heart"
Hos 0:12 ?y *eo*le as' o#nsel $rom their wooden (idols%) +nd their sta$$ in$orms them" ;or the s*irit o$ harlotry
has a#sed (them) to stray% +nd they ha!e *layed the harlot against their God"
Hos 0:1- They o$$er sari$ies on the mo#ntainto*s% +nd b#rn inense on the hills% 7nder oa's% *o*lars% and
terebinths% Bea#se their shade (is) good" There$ore yo#r da#ghters ommit harlotry% +nd yo#r brides ommit
Hos 0:10 .I will not *#nish yo#r da#ghters when they ommit harlotry% Nor yo#r brides when they ommit
ad#ltery& ;or (the men) themsel!es go a*art with harlots% +nd o$$er sari$ies with a rit#al harlot" There$ore
*eo*le (who) do not #nderstand will be tram*led"
Hos 0:11 . Tho#gh yo#% Israel% *lay the harlot% /et not J#dah o$$end" 2o not ome #* to Gilgal% Nor go #* to
Beth +!en% Nor swear an oath% (saying%) A+s the /8:2 li!esA DD
Hos 0:13 .;or Israel is st#bborn /i'e a st#bborn al$& Now the /8:2 will let them $orage /i'e a lamb in o*en
Hos 0:14 .6*hraim (is) @oined to idols% /et him alone"
Hos 0:18 Their drin' is rebellion% They ommit harlotry ontin#ally" Her r#lers dearly lo!e dishonor"
Hos 0:19 The wind has wra**ed her #* in its wings% +nd they shall be ashamed bea#se o$ their sari$ies"
Hos 1:1 .Hear this% 8 *riestsF Ta'e heed% 8 ho#se o$ IsraelF Gi!e ear% 8 ho#se o$ the 'ingF ;or yo#rs (is) the
@#dgment% Bea#se yo# ha!e been a snare to ?iH*ah +nd a net s*read on Tabor"
Hos 1:2 The re!olters are dee*ly in!ol!ed in sla#ghter% Tho#gh I reb#'e them all"
Hos 1:- I 'now 6*hraim% +nd Israel is not hidden $rom ?e& ;or now% 8 6*hraim% yo# ommit harlotry& Israel is
Hos 1:0 .They do not diret their deeds Toward t#rning to their God% ;or the s*irit o$ harlotry is in their midst%
+nd they do not 'now the /8:2"
Hos 1:1 The *ride o$ Israel testi$ies to his $ae& There$ore Israel and 6*hraim st#mble in their iniE#ity& J#dah
also st#mbles with them"
Hos 1:3 .>ith their $lo's and herds They shall go to see' the /8:2% B#t they will not $ind (Him&) He has
withdrawn Himsel$ $rom them"
Hos 1:4 They ha!e dealt treahero#sly with the /8:2% ;or they ha!e begotten *agan hildren" Now a New
?oon shall de!o#r them and their heritage"
Hos 1:8 . Blow the ramAs horn in Gibeah% The tr#m*et in :amahF =ry alo#d (at) Beth +!en% A(/oo') behind yo#% 8
Hos 1:9 6*hraim shall be desolate in the day o$ reb#'e& +mong the tribes o$ Israel I ma'e 'nown what is s#re"
Hos 1:15 .The *rines o$ J#dah are li'e those who remo!e a landmar'& I will *o#r o#t my wrath on them li'e
Hos 1:11 6*hraim is o**ressed (and) bro'en in @#dgment% Bea#se he willingly wal'ed by (h#man) *ree*t"
Hos 1:12 There$ore I (will be) to 6*hraim li'e a moth% +nd to the ho#se o$ J#dah li'e rottenness"
Hos 1:1- .>hen 6*hraim saw his si'ness% +nd J#dah (saw) his wo#nd% Then 6*hraim went to +ssyria +nd
sent to King Jareb& Bet he annot #re yo#% Nor heal yo# o$ yo#r wo#nd"
Hos 1:10 ;or I (will be) li'e a lion to 6*hraim% +nd li'e a yo#ng lion to the ho#se o$ J#dah" I% (e!en) I% will tear
(them) and go away& I will ta'e (them) away% and no one shall res#e"
Hos 1:11 I will ret#rn again to ?y *lae Till they a'nowledge their o$$ense" Then they will see' ?y $ae& In their
a$$lition they will earnestly see' ?e".
Hos 3:1 =ome% and let #s ret#rn to the /8:2& ;or He has torn% b#t He will heal #s& He has stri'en% b#t He will
bind #s #*"
Hos 3:2 +$ter two days He will re!i!e #s& 8n the third day He will raise #s #*% That we may li!e in His sight"
Hos 3:- /et #s 'now% /et #s *#rs#e the 'nowledge o$ the /8:2" His going $orth is established as the morning&
He will ome to #s li'e the rain% /i'e the latter (and) $ormer rain to the earth"
Hos 3:0 . 8 6*hraim% what shall I do to yo#C 8 J#dah% what shall I do to yo#C ;or yo#r $aith$#lness is li'e a
morning lo#d% +nd li'e the early dew it goes away"
Hos 3:1 There$ore I ha!e hewn (them) by the *ro*hets% I ha!e slain them by the words o$ ?y mo#th& +nd yo#r
@#dgments (are li'e) light (that) goes $orth"
Hos 3:3 ;or I desire mery and not sari$ie% +nd the 'nowledge o$ God more than b#rnt o$$erings"
Hos 3:4 .B#t li'e men they transgressed the o!enant& There they dealt treahero#sly with ?e"
Hos 3:8 Gilead (is) a ity o$ e!ildoers% (+nd) de$iled with blood"
Hos 3:9 +s bands o$ robbers lie in wait $or a man% (,o) the om*any o$ *riests m#rder on the way to ,hehem&
,#rely they ommit lewdness"
Hos 3:15 I ha!e seen a horrible thing in the ho#se o$ Israel: There (is) the harlotry o$ 6*hraim& Israel is de$iled"
Hos 3:11 +lso% 8 J#dah% a har!est is a**ointed $or yo#% >hen I ret#rn the a*ti!es o$ ?y *eo*le"
Hos 4:1 .>hen I wo#ld ha!e healed Israel% Then the iniE#ity o$ 6*hraim was #no!ered% +nd the wi'edness o$
,amaria" ;or they ha!e ommitted $ra#d& + thie$ omes in& + band o$ robbers ta'es s*oil o#tside"
Hos 4:2 They do not onsider in their hearts (That) I remember all their wi'edness& Now their own deeds ha!e
s#rro#nded them& They are be$ore ?y $ae"
Hos 4:- They ma'e a 'ing glad with their wi'edness% +nd *rines with their lies"
Hos 4:0 . They (are) all ad#lterers" /i'e an o!en heated by a ba'er DD He eases stirring (the $ire) a$ter 'neading
the do#gh% 7ntil it is lea!ened"
Hos 4:1 In the day o$ o#r 'ing <rines ha!e made (him) si'% in$lamed with wine& He strethed o#t his hand with
Hos 4:3 They *re*are their heart li'e an o!en% >hile they lie in wait& Their ba'er slee*s all night& In the morning
it b#rns li'e a $laming $ire"
Hos 4:4 They are all hot% li'e an o!en% +nd ha!e de!o#red their @#dges& +ll their 'ings ha!e $allen" None among
them alls #*on ?e"
Hos 4:8 . 6*hraim has mi9ed himsel$ among the *eo*les& 6*hraim is a a'e #nt#rned"
Hos 4:9 +liens ha!e de!o#red his strength% B#t he does not 'now (it&) Bes% gray hairs are here and there on him%
Bet he does not 'now (it")
Hos 4:15 +nd the *ride o$ Israel testi$ies to his $ae% B#t they do not ret#rn to the /8:2 their God% Nor see' Him
$or all this"
Hos 4:11 . 6*hraim also is li'e a silly do!e% witho#t sense DD They all to 6gy*t% They go to +ssyria"
Hos 4:12 >here!er they go% I will s*read ?y net on them& I will bring them down li'e birds o$ the air& I will
hastise them +ording to what their ongregation has heard"
Hos 4:1- . >oe to them% $or they ha!e $led $rom ?eF 2estr#tion to them% Bea#se they ha!e transgressed
against ?eF Tho#gh I redeemed them% Bet they ha!e s*o'en lies against ?e"
Hos 4:10 They did not ry o#t to ?e with their heart >hen they wailed #*on their beds" .They assemble
together $or grain and new wine% They rebel against ?e&
Hos 4:11 Tho#gh I disi*lined (and) strengthened their arms% Bet they de!ise e!il against ?e&
Hos 4:13 They ret#rn% (b#t) not to the ?ost High& They are li'e a treahero#s bow" Their *rines shall $all by the
sword ;or the #rsings o$ their tong#e" This (shall be) their derision in the land o$ 6gy*t"
Hos 8:1 .,et the tr#m*et to yo#r mo#thF (He shall ome) li'e an eagle against the ho#se o$ the /8:2% Bea#se
they ha!e transgressed ?y o!enant +nd rebelled against ?y law"
Hos 8:2 Israel will ry to ?e% A?y God% we 'now Bo#FA
Hos 8:- Israel has re@eted the good& The enemy will *#rs#e him"
Hos 8:0 .They set #* 'ings% b#t not by ?e& They made *rines% b#t I did not a'nowledge (them") ;rom their
sil!er and gold They made idols $or themsel!es DD That they might be #t o$$"
Hos 8:1 Bo#r al$ is re@eted% 8 ,amariaF ?y anger is aro#sed against them DD How long #ntil they attain to
Hos 8:3 ;or $rom Israel (is) e!en this: + wor'man made it% and it (is) not God& B#t the al$ o$ ,amaria shall be
bro'en to *iees"
Hos 8:4 . They sow the wind% +nd rea* the whirlwind" The stal' has no b#d& It shall ne!er *rod#e meal" I$ it
sho#ld *rod#e% +liens wo#ld swallow it #*"
Hos 8:8 Israel is swallowed #*& Now they are among the Gentiles /i'e a !essel in whih (is) no *leas#re"
Hos 8:9 ;or they ha!e gone #* to +ssyria% (/i'e) a wild don'ey alone by itsel$& 6*hraim has hired lo!ers"
Hos 8:15 Bes% tho#gh they ha!e hired among the nations% Now I will gather them& +nd they shall sorrow a little%
Bea#se o$ the b#rden o$ the 'ing o$ *rines"
Hos 8:11 . Bea#se 6*hraim has made many altars $or sin% They ha!e beome $or him altars $or sinning"
Hos 8:12 I ha!e written $or him the great things o$ ?y law% (B#t) they were onsidered a strange thing"
Hos 8:1- (;or) the sari$ies o$ ?y o$$erings they sari$ie $lesh and eat (it%) (B#t) the /8:2 does not ae*t
them" Now He will remember their iniE#ity and *#nish their sins" They shall ret#rn to 6gy*t"
Hos 8:10 .;or Israel has $orgotten his ?a'er% +nd has b#ilt tem*les& J#dah also has m#lti*lied $orti$ied ities&
B#t I will send $ire #*on his ities% +nd it shall de!o#r his *alaes".
Hos 9:1 2o not re@oie% 8 Israel% with @oy li'e (other) *eo*les% ;or yo# ha!e *layed the harlot against yo#r God"
Bo# ha!e made lo!e ($or) hire on e!ery threshing $loor"
Hos 9:2 The threshing $loor and the wine*ress ,hall not $eed them% +nd the new wine shall $ail in her"
Hos 9:- They shall not dwell in the /8:2As land% B#t 6*hraim shall ret#rn to 6gy*t% +nd shall eat #nlean
(things) in +ssyria"
Hos 9:0 They shall not o$$er wine (o$$erings) to the /8:2% Nor shall their sari$ies be *leasing to Him" (It shall
be) li'e bread o$ mo#rners to them& +ll who eat it shall be de$iled" ;or their bread (shall be) $or their (own) li$e& It
shall not ome into the ho#se o$ the /8:2"
Hos 9:1 >hat will yo# do in the a**ointed day% +nd in the day o$ the $east o$ the /8:2C
Hos 9:3 ;or indeed they are gone bea#se o$ destr#tion" 6gy*t shall gather them #*& ?em*his shall b#ry
them" Nettles shall *ossess their !al#ables o$ sil!er& Thorns (shall be) in their tents"
Hos 9:4 The days o$ *#nishment ha!e ome& The days o$ reom*ense ha!e ome" Israel 'nowsF The *ro*het
(is) a $ool% The s*irit#al man (is) insane% Bea#se o$ the greatness o$ yo#r iniE#ity and great enmity"
Hos 9:8 The wathman o$ 6*hraim (is) with my God& B#t the *ro*het (is) a $owlerAs snare in all his ways DD
6nmity in the ho#se o$ his God"
Hos 9:9 They are dee*ly orr#*ted% +s in the days o$ Gibeah" He will remember their iniE#ity& He will *#nish
their sins"
Hos 9:15 . I $o#nd Israel /i'e gra*es in the wilderness& I saw yo#r $athers +s the $irst$r#its on the $ig tree in its
$irst season" (B#t) they went to Baal <eor% +nd se*arated themsel!es (to that) shame& They beame an
abomination li'e the thing they lo!ed"
Hos 9:11 (+s $or) 6*hraim% their glory shall $ly away li'e a bird DD No birth% no *regnany% and no one*tionF
Hos 9:12 Tho#gh they bring #* their hildren% Bet I will berea!e them to the last man" Bes% woe to them when I
de*art $rom themF
Hos 9:1- J#st as I saw 6*hraim li'e Tyre% *lanted in a *leasant *lae% ,o 6*hraim will bring o#t his hildren to
the m#rderer".
Hos 9:10 Gi!e them% 8 /8:2 DD >hat will Bo# gi!eC Gi!e them a misarrying womb +nd dry breastsF
Hos 9:11 .+ll their wi'edness (is) in Gilgal% ;or there I hated them" Bea#se o$ the e!il o$ their deeds I will dri!e
them $rom ?y ho#se& I will lo!e them no more" +ll their *rines (are) rebellio#s"
Hos 9:13 6*hraim is stri'en% Their root is dried #*& They shall bear no $r#it" Bes% were they to bear hildren% I
wo#ld 'ill the darlings o$ their womb".
Hos 9:14 ?y God will ast them away% Bea#se they did not obey Him& +nd they shall be wanderers among the
Hos 15:1 Israel em*ties (his) !ine& He brings $orth $r#it $or himsel$" +ording to the m#ltit#de o$ his $r#it He has
inreased the altars& +ording to the bo#nty o$ his land They ha!e embellished (his) sared *illars"
Hos 15:2 Their heart is di!ided& Now they are held g#ilty" He will brea' down their altars& He will r#in their
sared *illars"
Hos 15:- ;or now they say% .>e ha!e no 'ing% Bea#se we did not $ear the /8:2" +nd as $or a 'ing% what
wo#ld he do $or #sC.
Hos 15:0 They ha!e s*o'en words% ,wearing $alsely in ma'ing a o!enant" Th#s @#dgment s*rings #* li'e
hemlo' in the $#rrows o$ the $ield"
Hos 15:1 The inhabitants o$ ,amaria $ear Bea#se o$ the al$ o$ Beth +!en" ;or its *eo*le mo#rn $or it% +nd its
*riests shrie' $or it DD Bea#se its glory has de*arted $rom it"
Hos 15:3 (The idol) also shall be arried to +ssyria (+s) a *resent $or King Jareb" 6*hraim shall reei!e shame%
+nd Israel shall be ashamed o$ his own o#nsel"
Hos 15:4 (+s $or) ,amaria% her 'ing is #t o$$ /i'e a twig on the water"
Hos 15:8 +lso the high *laes o$ +!en% the sin o$ Israel% ,hall be destroyed" The thorn and thistle shall grow on
their altars& They shall say to the mo#ntains% .=o!er #sF. +nd to the hills% .;all on #sF.
Hos 15:9 . 8 Israel% yo# ha!e sinned $rom the days o$ Gibeah& There they stood" The battle in Gibeah against
the hildren o$ iniE#ity 2id not o!erta'e them"
Hos 15:15 >hen (it is) ?y desire% I will hasten them" <eo*les shall be gathered against them >hen I bind them
$or their two transgressions"
Hos 15:11 6*hraim (is) a trained hei$er That lo!es to thresh (grain&) B#t I harnessed her $air ne'% I will ma'e
6*hraim *#ll (a *low") J#dah shall *low& Jaob shall brea' his lods".
Hos 15:12 ,ow $or yo#rsel!es righteo#sness& :ea* in mery& Brea' #* yo#r $allow gro#nd% ;or (it is) time to
see' the /8:2% Till He omes and rains righteo#sness on yo#"
Hos 15:1- Bo# ha!e *lowed wi'edness& Bo# ha!e rea*ed iniE#ity" Bo# ha!e eaten the $r#it o$ lies% Bea#se
yo# tr#sted in yo#r own way% In the m#ltit#de o$ yo#r mighty men"
Hos 15:10 There$ore t#m#lt shall arise among yo#r *eo*le% +nd all yo#r $ortresses shall be *l#ndered +s
,halman *l#ndered Beth +rbel in the day o$ battle DD + mother dashed in *iees #*on (her) hildren"
Hos 15:11 Th#s it shall be done to yo#% 8 Bethel% Bea#se o$ yo#r great wi'edness" +t dawn the 'ing o$ Israel
,hall be #t o$$ #tterly"
Hos 11:1 .>hen Israel (was) a hild% I lo!ed him% +nd o#t o$ 6gy*t I alled ?y son"
Hos 11:2 (+s) they alled them% ,o they went $rom them& They sari$ied to the Baals% +nd b#rned inense to
ar!ed images"
Hos 11:- .I ta#ght 6*hraim to wal'% Ta'ing them by their arms& B#t they did not 'now that I healed them"
Hos 11:0 I drew them with gentle ords% >ith bands o$ lo!e% +nd I was to them as those who ta'e the yo'e $rom
their ne'" I stoo*ed (and) $ed them"
Hos 11:1 . He shall not ret#rn to the land o$ 6gy*t& B#t the +ssyrian shall be his 'ing% Bea#se they re$#sed to
Hos 11:3 +nd the sword shall slash in his ities% 2e!o#r his distrits% +nd ons#me (them%) Bea#se o$ their own
Hos 11:4 ?y *eo*le are bent on ba'sliding $rom ?e" Tho#gh they all to the ?ost High% None at all e9alt (Him")
Hos 11:8 . How an I gi!e yo# #*% 6*hraimC (How) an I hand yo# o!er% IsraelC How an I ma'e yo# li'e
+dmahC (How) an I set yo# li'e GeboiimC ?y heart h#rns within ?e& ?y sym*athy is stirred"
Hos 11:9 I will not e9e#te the $iereness o$ ?y anger& I will not again destroy 6*hraim" ;or I (am) God% and not
man% The Holy 8ne in yo#r midst& +nd I will not ome with terror"
Hos 11:15 .They shall wal' a$ter the /8:2" He will roar li'e a lion" >hen He roars% Then (His) sons shall ome
trembling $rom the west&
Hos 11:11 They shall ome trembling li'e a bird $rom 6gy*t% /i'e a do!e $rom the land o$ +ssyria" +nd I will let
them dwell in their ho#ses%. ,ays the /8:2"
Hos 11:12 . 6*hraim has enirled ?e with lies% +nd the ho#se o$ Israel with deeit& B#t J#dah still wal's with
God% 6!en with the Holy 8ne (who is) $aith$#l"
Hos 12:1 .6*hraim $eeds on the wind% +nd *#rs#es the east wind& He daily inreases lies and desolation" +lso
they ma'e a o!enant with the +ssyrians% +nd oil is arried to 6gy*t"
Hos 12:2 .The /8:2 also (brings) a harge against J#dah% +nd will *#nish Jaob aording to his ways&
+ording to his deeds He will reom*ense him"
Hos 12:- He too' his brother by the heel in the womb% +nd in his strength he str#ggled with God"
Hos 12:0 Bes% he str#ggled with the +ngel and *re!ailed& He we*t% and so#ght $a!or $rom Him" He $o#nd Him
(in) Bethel% +nd there He s*o'e to #s DD
Hos 12:1 That is% the /8:2 God o$ hosts" The /8:2 (is) His memorable name"
Hos 12:3 ,o yo#% by (the hel* o$) yo#r God% ret#rn& 8bser!e mery and @#stie% +nd wait on yo#r God
Hos 12:4 .+ #nning =anaaniteF 2eeit$#l sales (are) in his hand& He lo!es to o**ress"
Hos 12:8 +nd 6*hraim said% A,#rely I ha!e beome rih% I ha!e $o#nd wealth $or mysel$& (In) all my labors They
shall $ind in me no iniE#ity that (is) sin"A
Hos 12:9 . B#t I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God% 6!er sine the land o$ 6gy*t& I will again ma'e yo# dwell in tents% +s
in the days o$ the a**ointed $east"
Hos 12:15 I ha!e also s*o'en by the *ro*hets% +nd ha!e m#lti*lied !isions& I ha!e gi!en symbols thro#gh the
witness o$ the *ro*hets".
Hos 12:11 Tho#gh Gilead (has) idols DD ,#rely they are !anity DD Tho#gh they sari$ie b#lls in Gilgal% Indeed
their altars (shall be) hea*s in the $#rrows o$ the $ield"
Hos 12:12 Jaob $led to the o#ntry o$ ,yria& Israel ser!ed $or a s*o#se% +nd $or a wi$e he tended (shee*")
Hos 12:1- By a *ro*het the /8:2 bro#ght Israel o#t o$ 6gy*t% +nd by a *ro*het he was *reser!ed"
Hos 12:10 6*hraim *ro!o'ed (Him) to anger most bitterly& There$ore his /ord will lea!e the g#ilt o$ his bloodshed
#*on him% +nd ret#rn his re*roah #*on him"
Hos 1-:1 >hen 6*hraim s*o'e% trembling% He e9alted (himsel$) in Israel& B#t when he o$$ended thro#gh Baal
(worshi*%) he died"
Hos 1-:2 Now they sin more and more% +nd ha!e made $or themsel!es molded images% Idols o$ their sil!er%
aording to their s'ill& +ll o$ it (is) the wor' o$ ra$tsmen" They say o$ them% ./et the men who sari$ie 'iss the
Hos 1-:- There$ore they shall be li'e the morning lo#d +nd li'e the early dew that *asses away% /i'e ha$$
blown o$$ $rom a threshing $loor +nd li'e smo'e $rom a himney"
Hos 1-:0 . Bet I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God 6!er sine the land o$ 6gy*t% +nd yo# shall 'now no God b#t ?e& ;or
(there is) no ,a!ior besides ?e"
Hos 1-:1 I 'new yo# in the wilderness% In the land o$ great dro#ght"
Hos 1-:3 >hen they had *ast#re% they were $illed& They were $illed and their heart was e9alted& There$ore they
$orgot ?e"
Hos 1-:4 .,o I will be to them li'e a lion& /i'e a leo*ard by the road I will l#r'&
Hos 1-:8 I will meet them li'e a bear de*ri!ed (o$ her #bs&) I will tear o*en their rib age% +nd there I will de!o#r
them li'e a lion" The wild beast shall tear them"
Hos 1-:9 . 8 Israel% yo# are destroyed% B#t yo#r hel* (is) $rom ?e"
Hos 1-:15 I will be yo#r King& >here (is any other%) That he may sa!e yo# in all yo#r itiesC +nd yo#r @#dges to
whom yo# said% AGi!e me a 'ing and *rinesAC
Hos 1-:11 I ga!e yo# a 'ing in ?y anger% +nd too' (him) away in ?y wrath"
Hos 1-:12 . The iniE#ity o$ 6*hraim (is) bo#nd #*& His sin (is) stored #*"
Hos 1-:1- The sorrows o$ a woman in hildbirth shall ome #*on him" He (is) an #nwise son% ;or he sho#ld not
stay long where hildren are born"
Hos 1-:10 .I will ransom them $rom the *ower o$ the gra!e& I will redeem them $rom death" 8 2eath% I will be
yo#r *lag#esF 8 Gra!e% I will be yo#r destr#tionF <ity is hidden $rom ?y eyes"
Hos 1-:11 Tho#gh he is $r#it$#l among (his) brethren% +n east wind shall ome& The wind o$ the /8:2 shall
ome #* $rom the wilderness" Then his s*ring shall beome dry% +nd his $o#ntain shall be dried #*" He shall
*l#nder the treas#ry o$ e!ery desirable *riHe"
Hos 1-:13 ,amaria is held g#ilty% ;or she has rebelled against her God" They shall $all by the sword% Their
in$ants shall be dashed in *iees% +nd their women with hild ri**ed o*en"
Hos 10:1 8 Israel% ret#rn to the /8:2 yo#r God% ;or yo# ha!e st#mbled bea#se o$ yo#r iniE#ity&
Hos 10:2 Ta'e words with yo#% +nd ret#rn to the /8:2" ,ay to Him% .Ta'e away all iniE#ity& :eei!e (#s)
graio#sly% ;or we will o$$er the sari$ies o$ o#r li*s"
Hos 10:- +ssyria shall not sa!e #s% >e will not ride on horses% Nor will we say anymore to the wor' o$ o#r
hands% A(Bo# are) o#r gods"A ;or in Bo# the $atherless $inds mery".
Hos 10:0 . I will heal their ba'sliding% I will lo!e them $reely% ;or ?y anger has t#rned away $rom him"
Hos 10:1 I will be li'e the dew to Israel& He shall grow li'e the lily% +nd lengthen his roots li'e /ebanon"
Hos 10:3 His branhes shall s*read& His bea#ty shall be li'e an oli!e tree% +nd his $ragrane li'e /ebanon"
Hos 10:4 Those who dwell #nder his shadow shall ret#rn& They shall be re!i!ed (li'e) grain% +nd grow li'e a
!ine" Their sent (shall be) li'e the wine o$ /ebanon"
Hos 10:8 . 6*hraim (shall say%) A>hat ha!e I to do anymore with idolsCA I ha!e heard and obser!ed him" I (am)
li'e a green y*ress tree& Bo#r $r#it is $o#nd in ?e".
Hos 10:9 >ho (is) wiseC /et him #nderstand these things" (>ho is) *r#dentC /et him 'now them" ;or the ways
o$ the /8:2 (are) right& The righteo#s wal' in them% B#t transgressors st#mble in them"
Joe 1:1 The word o$ the /8:2 that ame to Joel the son o$ <eth#el"
Joe 1:2 Hear this% yo# elders% +nd gi!e ear% all yo# inhabitants o$ the landF Has (anything li'e) this ha**ened in
yo#r days% 8r e!en in the days o$ yo#r $athersC
Joe 1:- Tell yo#r hildren abo#t it% (/et) yo#r hildren (tell) their hildren% +nd their hildren another generation"
Joe 1:0 >hat the hewing lo#st le$t% the swarming lo#st has eaten& >hat the swarming lo#st le$t% the rawling
lo#st has eaten& +nd what the rawling lo#st le$t% the ons#ming lo#st has eaten"
Joe 1:1 +wa'e% yo# dr#n'ards% and wee*& +nd wail% all yo# drin'ers o$ wine% Bea#se o$ the new wine% ;or it
has been #t o$$ $rom yo#r mo#th"
Joe 1:3 ;or a nation has ome #* against ?y land% ,trong% and witho#t n#mber& His teeth (are) the teeth o$ a
lion% +nd he has the $angs o$ a $iere lion"
Joe 1:4 He has laid waste ?y !ine% +nd r#ined ?y $ig tree& He has stri**ed it bare and thrown (it) away& Its
branhes are made white"
Joe 1:8 /ament li'e a !irgin girded with sa'loth ;or the h#sband o$ her yo#th"
Joe 1:9 The grain o$$ering and the drin' o$$ering Ha!e been #t o$$ $rom the ho#se o$ the /8:2& The *riests
mo#rn% who minister to the /8:2"
Joe 1:15 The $ield is wasted% The land mo#rns& ;or the grain is r#ined% The new wine is dried #*% The oil $ails"
Joe 1:11 Be ashamed% yo# $armers% >ail% yo# !inedressers% ;or the wheat and the barley& Bea#se the har!est
o$ the $ield has *erished"
Joe 1:12 The !ine has dried #*% +nd the $ig tree has withered& The *omegranate tree% The *alm tree also% +nd
the a**le tree DD +ll the trees o$ the $ield are withered& ,#rely @oy has withered away $rom the sons o$ men"
Joe 1:1- Gird yo#rsel!es and lament% yo# *riests& >ail% yo# who minister be$ore the altar& =ome% lie all night in
sa'loth% Bo# who minister to my God& ;or the grain o$$ering and the drin' o$$ering +re withheld $rom the ho#se
o$ yo#r God"
Joe 1:10 =onserate a $ast% =all a sared assembly& Gather the elders (+nd) all the inhabitants o$ the land (Into)
the ho#se o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% +nd ry o#t to the /8:2"
Joe 1:11 +las $or the dayF ;or the day o$ the /8:2 (is) at hand& It shall ome as destr#tion $rom the +lmighty"
Joe 1:13 Is not the $ood #t o$$ be$ore o#r eyes% Joy and gladness $rom the ho#se o$ o#r GodC
Joe 1:14 The seed shri!els #nder the lods% ,toreho#ses are in shambles& Barns are bro'en down% ;or the
grain has withered"
Joe 1:18 How the animals groanF The herds o$ attle are restless% Bea#se they ha!e no *ast#re& 6!en the
$lo's o$ shee* s#$$er *#nishment"
Joe 1:19 8 /8:2% to Bo# I ry o#t& ;or $ire has de!o#red the o*en *ast#res% +nd a $lame has b#rned all the
trees o$ the $ield"
Joe 1:25 The beasts o$ the $ield also ry o#t to Bo#% ;or the water broo's are dried #*% +nd $ire has de!o#red
the o*en *ast#res"
Joe 2:1 Blow the tr#m*et in Gion% +nd so#nd an alarm in ?y holy mo#ntainF /et all the inhabitants o$ the land
tremble& ;or the day o$ the /8:2 is oming% ;or it is at hand:
Joe 2:2 + day o$ dar'ness and gloominess% + day o$ lo#ds and thi' dar'ness% /i'e the morning (lo#ds)
s*read o!er the mo#ntains" + *eo*le (ome%) great and strong% The li'e o$ whom has ne!er been& Nor will there
e!er be any (s#h) a$ter them% 6!en $or many s#essi!e generations"
Joe 2:- + $ire de!o#rs be$ore them% +nd behind them a $lame b#rns& The land (is) li'e the Garden o$ 6den
be$ore them% +nd behind them a desolate wilderness& ,#rely nothing shall esa*e them"
Joe 2:0 Their a**earane is li'e the a**earane o$ horses& +nd li'e swi$t steeds% so they r#n"
Joe 2:1 >ith a noise li'e hariots 8!er mo#ntainto*s they lea*% /i'e the noise o$ a $laming $ire that de!o#rs the
st#bble% /i'e a strong *eo*le set in battle array"
Joe 2:3 Be$ore them the *eo*le writhe in *ain& +ll $aes are drained o$ olor"
Joe 2:4 They r#n li'e mighty men% They limb the wall li'e men o$ war& 6!ery one marhes in $ormation% +nd
they do not brea' ran's"
Joe 2:8 They do not *#sh one another& 6!ery one marhes in his own ol#mn" Tho#gh they l#nge between the
wea*ons% They are not #t down"
Joe 2:9 They r#n to and $ro in the ity% They r#n on the wall& They limb into the ho#ses% They enter at the
windows li'e a thie$"
Joe 2:15 The earth E#a'es be$ore them% The hea!ens tremble& The s#n and moon grow dar'% +nd the stars
diminish their brightness"
Joe 2:11 The /8:2 gi!es !oie be$ore His army% ;or His am* is !ery great& ;or strong (is the 8ne) who
e9e#tes His word" ;or the day o$ the /8:2 (is) great and !ery terrible& >ho an end#re itC
Joe 2:12 . Now% there$ore%. says the /8:2% .T#rn to ?e with all yo#r heart% >ith $asting% with wee*ing% and with
Joe 2:1- ,o rend yo#r heart% and not yo#r garments& :et#rn to the /8:2 yo#r God% ;or He (is) graio#s and
meri$#l% ,low to anger% and o$ great 'indness& +nd He relents $rom doing harm"
Joe 2:10 >ho 'nows (i$) He will t#rn and relent% +nd lea!e a blessing behind Him DD + grain o$$ering and a drin'
o$$ering ;or the /8:2 yo#r GodC
Joe 2:11 Blow the tr#m*et in Gion% =onserate a $ast% =all a sared assembly&
Joe 2:13 Gather the *eo*le% ,anti$y the ongregation% +ssemble the elders% Gather the hildren and n#rsing
babes& /et the bridegroom go o#t $rom his hamber% +nd the bride $rom her dressing room"
Joe 2:14 /et the *riests% who minister to the /8:2% >ee* between the *orh and the altar& /et them say%
.,*are Bo#r *eo*le% 8 /8:2% +nd do not gi!e Bo#r heritage to re*roah% That the nations sho#ld r#le o!er
them" >hy sho#ld they say among the *eo*les% A>here (is) their GodCA .
Joe 2:18 Then the /8:2 will be Healo#s $or His land% +nd *ity His *eo*le"
Joe 2:19 The /8:2 will answer and say to His *eo*le% .Behold% I will send yo# grain and new wine and oil% +nd
yo# will be satis$ied by them& I will no longer ma'e yo# a re*roah among the nations"
Joe 2:25 .B#t I will remo!e $ar $rom yo# the northern (army%) +nd will dri!e him away into a barren and desolate
land% >ith his $ae toward the eastern sea +nd his ba' toward the western sea& His stenh will ome #*% +nd
his $o#l odor will rise% Bea#se he has done monstro#s things".
Joe 2:21 ;ear not% 8 land& Be glad and re@oie% ;or the /8:2 has done mar!elo#s thingsF
Joe 2:22 2o not be a$raid% yo# beasts o$ the $ield& ;or the o*en *ast#res are s*ringing #*% +nd the tree bears its
$r#it& The $ig tree and the !ine yield their strength"
Joe 2:2- Be glad then% yo# hildren o$ Gion% +nd re@oie in the /8:2 yo#r God& ;or He has gi!en yo# the
$ormer rain $aith$#lly% +nd He will a#se the rain to ome down $or yo# DD The $ormer rain% +nd the latter rain in
the $irst (month")
Joe 2:20 The threshing $loors shall be $#ll o$ wheat% +nd the !ats shall o!er$low with new wine and oil"
Joe 2:21 .,o I will restore to yo# the years that the swarming lo#st has eaten% The rawling lo#st% The
ons#ming lo#st% +nd the hewing lo#st% ?y great army whih I sent among yo#"
Joe 2:23 Bo# shall eat in *lenty and be satis$ied% +nd *raise the name o$ the /8:2 yo#r God% >ho has dealt
wondro#sly with yo#& +nd ?y *eo*le shall ne!er be *#t to shame"
Joe 2:24 Then yo# shall 'now that I (am) in the midst o$ Israel: I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God +nd there is no other"
?y *eo*le shall ne!er be *#t to shame"
Joe 2:28 . +nd it shall ome to *ass a$terward That I will *o#r o#t ?y ,*irit on all $lesh& Bo#r sons and yo#r
da#ghters shall *ro*hesy% Bo#r old men shall dream dreams% Bo#r yo#ng men shall see !isions"
Joe 2:29 +nd also on (?y) menser!ants and on (?y) maidser!ants I will *o#r o#t ?y ,*irit in those days"
Joe 2:-5 .+nd I will show wonders in the hea!ens and in the earth: Blood and $ire and *illars o$ smo'e"
Joe 2:-1 The s#n shall be t#rned into dar'ness% +nd the moon into blood% Be$ore the oming o$ the great and
awesome day o$ the /8:2"
Joe 2:-2 +nd it shall ome to *ass (That) whoe!er alls on the name o$ the /8:2 ,hall be sa!ed" ;or in ?o#nt
Gion and in Jer#salem there shall be deli!erane% +s the /8:2 has said% +mong the remnant whom the /8:2
Joe -:1 .;or behold% in those days and at that time% >hen I bring ba' the a*ti!es o$ J#dah and Jer#salem%
Joe -:2 I will also gather all nations% +nd bring them down to the Valley o$ Jehosha*hat& +nd I will enter into
@#dgment with them there 8n ao#nt o$ ?y *eo*le% ?y heritage Israel% >hom they ha!e sattered among the
nations& They ha!e also di!ided #* ?y land"
Joe -:- They ha!e ast lots $or ?y *eo*le% Ha!e gi!en a boy (as *ayment) $or a harlot% +nd sold a girl $or wine%
that they may drin'"
Joe -:0 . Indeed% what ha!e yo# to do with ?e% 8 Tyre and ,idon% and all the oasts o$ <hilistiaC >ill yo#
retaliate against ?eC B#t i$ yo# retaliate against ?e% ,wi$tly and s*eedily I will ret#rn yo#r retaliation #*on yo#r
own head&
Joe -:1 Bea#se yo# ha!e ta'en ?y sil!er and ?y gold% +nd ha!e arried into yo#r tem*les ?y *riHed
Joe -:3 +lso the *eo*le o$ J#dah and the *eo*le o$ Jer#salem Bo# ha!e sold to the Gree's% That yo# may
remo!e them $ar $rom their borders"
Joe -:4 .Behold% I will raise them 8#t o$ the *lae to whih yo# ha!e sold them% +nd will ret#rn yo#r retaliation
#*on yo#r own head"
Joe -:8 I will sell yo#r sons and yo#r da#ghters Into the hand o$ the *eo*le o$ J#dah% +nd they will sell them to
the ,abeans% To a *eo*le $ar o$$& ;or the /8:2 has s*o'en".
Joe -:9 <rolaim this among the nations: .<re*are $or warF >a'e #* the mighty men% /et all the men o$ war
draw near% /et them ome #*"
Joe -:15 Beat yo#r *lowshares into swords +nd yo#r *r#ning hoo's into s*ears& /et the wea' say% AI (am)
strong"A .
Joe -:11 +ssemble and ome% all yo# nations% +nd gather together all aro#nd" =a#se Bo#r mighty ones to go
down there% 8 /8:2"
Joe -:12 ./et the nations be wa'ened% and ome #* to the Valley o$ Jehosha*hat& ;or there I will sit to @#dge all
the s#rro#nding nations"
Joe -:1- <#t in the si'le% $or the har!est is ri*e" =ome% go down& ;or the wine*ress is $#ll% The !ats o!er$low DD
;or their wi'edness (is) great".
Joe -:10 ?#ltit#des% m#ltit#des in the !alley o$ deisionF ;or the day o$ the /8:2 (is) near in the !alley o$
Joe -:11 The s#n and moon will grow dar'% +nd the stars will diminish their brightness"
Joe -:13 The /8:2 also will roar $rom Gion% +nd #tter His !oie $rom Jer#salem& The hea!ens and earth will
sha'e& B#t the /8:2 will be a shelter $or His *eo*le% +nd the strength o$ the hildren o$ Israel"
Joe -:14 .,o yo# shall 'now that I (am) the /8:2 yo#r God% 2welling in Gion ?y holy mo#ntain" Then
Jer#salem shall be holy% +nd no aliens shall e!er *ass thro#gh her again".
Joe -:18 +nd it will ome to *ass in that day (That) the mo#ntains shall dri* with new wine% The hills shall $low
with mil'% +nd all the broo's o$ J#dah shall be $looded with water& + $o#ntain shall $low $rom the ho#se o$ the
/8:2 +nd water the Valley o$ +aias"
Joe -:19 .6gy*t shall be a desolation% +nd 6dom a desolate wilderness% Bea#se o$ !iolene (against) the
*eo*le o$ J#dah% ;or they ha!e shed innoent blood in their land"
Joe -:25 B#t J#dah shall abide $ore!er% +nd Jer#salem $rom generation to generation"
Joe -:21 .;or I will aE#it them o$ the g#ilt o$ bloodshed% whom I had not aE#itted& ;or the /8:2 dwells in
+mo 1:1 The words o$ +mos% who was among the shee*breeders o$ Te'oa% whih he saw onerning Israel in
the days o$ 7HHiah 'ing o$ J#dah% and in the days o$ Jeroboam the son o$ Joash% 'ing o$ Israel% two years be$ore
the earthE#a'e"
+mo 1:2 +nd he said: .The /8:2 roars $rom Gion% +nd #tters His !oie $rom Jer#salem& The *ast#res o$ the
she*herds mo#rn% +nd the to* o$ =armel withers".
+mo 1:- Th#s says the /8:2: .;or three transgressions o$ 2amas#s% and $or $o#r% I will not t#rn away its
(*#nishment%) Bea#se they ha!e threshed Gilead with im*lements o$ iron"
+mo 1:0 B#t I will send a $ire into the ho#se o$ HaHael% >hih shall de!o#r the *alaes o$ BenDHadad"
+mo 1:1 I will also brea' the (gate) bar o$ 2amas#s% +nd #t o$$ the inhabitant $rom the Valley o$ +!en% +nd the
one who holds the se*ter $rom Beth 6den" The *eo*le o$ ,yria shall go a*ti!e to Kir%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 1:3 Th#s says the /8:2: .;or three transgressions o$ GaHa% and $or $o#r% I will not t#rn away its
(*#nishment%) Bea#se they too' a*ti!e the whole a*ti!ity To deli!er (them) #* to 6dom"
+mo 1:4 B#t I will send a $ire #*on the wall o$ GaHa% >hih shall de!o#r its *alaes"
+mo 1:8 I will #t o$$ the inhabitant $rom +shdod% +nd the one who holds the se*ter $rom +sh'elon& I will t#rn
?y hand against 6'ron% +nd the remnant o$ the <hilistines shall *erish%. ,ays the /ord G82"
+mo 1:9 Th#s says the /8:2: .;or three transgressions o$ Tyre% and $or $o#r% I will not t#rn away its
(*#nishment%) Bea#se they deli!ered #* the whole a*ti!ity to 6dom% +nd did not remember the o!enant o$
+mo 1:15 B#t I will send a $ire #*on the wall o$ Tyre% >hih shall de!o#r its *alaes".
+mo 1:11 Th#s says the /8:2: .;or three transgressions o$ 6dom% and $or $o#r% I will not t#rn away its
(*#nishment%) Bea#se he *#rs#ed his brother with the sword% +nd ast o$$ all *ity& His anger tore *er*et#ally%
+nd he 'e*t his wrath $ore!er"
+mo 1:12 B#t I will send a $ire #*on Teman% >hih shall de!o#r the *alaes o$ BoHrah".
+mo 1:1- Th#s says the /8:2: .;or three transgressions o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon% and $or $o#r% I will not t#rn
away its (*#nishment%) Bea#se they ri**ed o*en the women with hild in Gilead% That they might enlarge their
+mo 1:10 B#t I will 'indle a $ire in the wall o$ :abbah% +nd it shall de!o#r its *alaes% +mid sho#ting in the day
o$ battle% +nd a tem*est in the day o$ the whirlwind"
+mo 1:11 Their 'ing shall go into a*ti!ity% He and his *rines together%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 2:1 Th#s says the /8:2: .;or three transgressions o$ ?oab% and $or $o#r% I will not t#rn away its
(*#nishment%) Bea#se he b#rned the bones o$ the 'ing o$ 6dom to lime"
+mo 2:2 B#t I will send a $ire #*on ?oab% +nd it shall de!o#r the *alaes o$ Kerioth& ?oab shall die with t#m#lt%
>ith sho#ting (and) tr#m*et so#nd"
+mo 2:- +nd I will #t o$$ the @#dge $rom its midst% +nd slay all its *rines with him%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 2:0 Th#s says the /8:2: .;or three transgressions o$ J#dah% and $or $o#r% I will not t#rn away its
(*#nishment%) Bea#se they ha!e des*ised the law o$ the /8:2% +nd ha!e not 'e*t His ommandments" Their
lies lead them astray% (/ies) whih their $athers $ollowed"
+mo 2:1 B#t I will send a $ire #*on J#dah% +nd it shall de!o#r the *alaes o$ Jer#salem".
+mo 2:3 Th#s says the /8:2: .;or three transgressions o$ Israel% and $or $o#r% I will not t#rn away its
(*#nishment%) Bea#se they sell the righteo#s $or sil!er% +nd the *oor $or a *air o$ sandals"
+mo 2:4 They *ant a$ter the d#st o$ the earth (whih is) on the head o$ the *oor% +nd *er!ert the way o$ the
h#mble" + man and his $ather go in to the (same) girl% To de$ile ?y holy name"
+mo 2:8 They lie down by e!ery altar on lothes ta'en in *ledge% +nd drin' the wine o$ the ondemned (in) the
ho#se o$ their god"
+mo 2:9 . Bet (it was) I (who) destroyed the +morite be$ore them% >hose height (was) li'e the height o$ the
edars% +nd he (was as) strong as the oa's& Bet I destroyed his $r#it abo!e +nd his roots beneath"
+mo 2:15 +lso (it was) I (who) bro#ght yo# #* $rom the land o$ 6gy*t% +nd led yo# $orty years thro#gh the
wilderness% To *ossess the land o$ the +morite"
+mo 2:11 I raised #* some o$ yo#r sons as *ro*hets% +nd some o$ yo#r yo#ng men as NaHirites" (Is it) not so% 8
yo# hildren o$ IsraelC. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 2:12 .B#t yo# ga!e the NaHirites wine to drin'% +nd ommanded the *ro*hets saying% A2o not *ro*hesyFA
+mo 2:1- . Behold% I am weighed down by yo#% +s a art $#ll o$ shea!es is weighed down"
+mo 2:10 There$ore $light shall *erish $rom the swi$t% The strong shall not strengthen his *ower% Nor shall the
mighty deli!er himsel$&
+mo 2:11 He shall not stand who handles the bow% The swi$t o$ $oot shall not esa*e% Nor shall he who rides a
horse deli!er himsel$"
+mo 2:13 The most o#rageo#s men o$ might ,hall $lee na'ed in that day%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo -:1 Hear this word that the /8:2 has s*o'en against yo#% 8 hildren o$ Israel% against the whole $amily
whih I bro#ght #* $rom the land o$ 6gy*t% saying:
+mo -:2 .Bo# only ha!e I 'nown o$ all the $amilies o$ the earth& There$ore I will *#nish yo# $or all yo#r iniE#ities".
+mo -:- =an two wal' together% #nless they are agreedC
+mo -:0 >ill a lion roar in the $orest% when he has no *reyC >ill a yo#ng lion ry o#t o$ his den% i$ he has a#ght
+mo -:1 >ill a bird $all into a snare on the earth% where there is no tra* $or itC >ill a snare s*ring #* $rom the
earth% i$ it has a#ght nothing at allC
+mo -:3 I$ a tr#m*et is blown in a ity% will not the *eo*le be a$raidC I$ there is alamity in a ity% will not the
/8:2 ha!e done (itC)
+mo -:4 ,#rely the /ord G82 does nothing% 7nless He re!eals His seret to His ser!ants the *ro*hets"
+mo -:8 + lion has roaredF >ho will not $earC The /ord G82 has s*o'enF >ho an b#t *ro*hesyC
+mo -:9 . <rolaim in the *alaes at +shdod% +nd in the *alaes in the land o$ 6gy*t% and say: A+ssemble on
the mo#ntains o$ ,amaria& ,ee great t#m#lts in her midst% +nd the o**ressed within her"
+mo -:15 ;or they do not 'now to do right%A ,ays the /8:2% A>ho store #* !iolene and robbery in their
*alaes"A .
+mo -:11 There$ore th#s says the /ord G82: .+n ad!ersary (shall be) all aro#nd the land& He shall sa* yo#r
strength $rom yo#% +nd yo#r *alaes shall be *l#ndered".
+mo -:12 Th#s says the /8:2: .+s a she*herd ta'es $rom the mo#th o$ a lion Two legs or a *iee o$ an ear% ,o
shall the hildren o$ Israel be ta'en o#t >ho dwell in ,amaria DD In the orner o$ a bed and on the edge o$ a
+mo -:1- Hear and testi$y against the ho#se o$ Jaob%. ,ays the /ord G82% the God o$ hosts%
+mo -:10 .That in the day I *#nish Israel $or their transgressions% I will also !isit (destr#tion) on the altars o$
Bethel& +nd the horns o$ the altar shall be #t o$$ +nd $all to the gro#nd"
+mo -:11 I will destroy the winter ho#se along with the s#mmer ho#se& The ho#ses o$ i!ory shall *erish% +nd
the great ho#ses shall ha!e an end%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 0:1 Hear this word% yo# ows o$ Bashan% who (are) on the mo#ntain o$ ,amaria% >ho o**ress the *oor%
>ho r#sh the needy% >ho say to yo#r h#sbands% .Bring (wine%) let #s drin'F.
+mo 0:2 The /ord G82 has sworn by His holiness: .Behold% the days shall ome #*on yo# >hen He will ta'e
yo# away with $ishhoo's% +nd yo#r *osterity with $ishhoo's"
+mo 0:- Bo# will go o#t (thro#gh) bro'en (walls%) 6ah one straight ahead o$ her% +nd yo# will be ast into
Harmon%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 0:0 . =ome to Bethel and transgress% +t Gilgal m#lti*ly transgression& Bring yo#r sari$ies e!ery morning%
Bo#r tithes e!ery three days"
+mo 0:1 8$$er a sari$ie o$ than'sgi!ing with lea!en% <rolaim (and) anno#ne the $reewill o$$erings& ;or this
yo# lo!e% (Bo#) hildren o$ IsraelF. ,ays the /ord G82"
+mo 0:3 . +lso I ga!e yo# leanness o$ teeth in all yo#r ities" +nd la' o$ bread in all yo#r *laes& Bet yo# ha!e
not ret#rned to ?e%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 0:4 .I also withheld rain $rom yo#% >hen (there were) still three months to the har!est" I made it rain on one
ity% I withheld rain $rom another ity" 8ne *art was rained #*on% +nd where it did not rain the *art withered"
+mo 0:8 ,o two (or) three ities wandered to another ity to drin' water% B#t they were not satis$ied& Bet yo#
ha!e not ret#rned to ?e%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 0:9 .I blasted yo# with blight and mildew" >hen yo#r gardens inreased% Bo#r !ineyards% Bo#r $ig trees%
+nd yo#r oli!e trees% The lo#st de!o#red (them&) Bet yo# ha!e not ret#rned to ?e%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 0:15 .I sent among yo# a *lag#e a$ter the manner o$ 6gy*t& Bo#r yo#ng men I 'illed with a sword% +long
with yo#r a*ti!e horses& I made the stenh o$ yo#r am*s ome #* into yo#r nostrils& Bet yo# ha!e not ret#rned
to ?e%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 0:11 .I o!erthrew (some) o$ yo#% +s God o!erthrew ,odom and Gomorrah% +nd yo# were li'e a $irebrand
*l#'ed $rom the b#rning& Bet yo# ha!e not ret#rned to ?e%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 0:12 . There$ore th#s will I do to yo#% 8 Israel& Bea#se I will do this to yo#% <re*are to meet yo#r God% 8
+mo 0:1- ;or behold% He who $orms mo#ntains% +nd reates the wind% >ho delares to man what his tho#ght
(is%) +nd ma'es the morning dar'ness% >ho treads the high *laes o$ the earth DD The /8:2 God o$ hosts (is)
His name"
+mo 1:1 Hear this word whih I ta'e #* against yo#% a lamentation% 8 ho#se o$ Israel:
+mo 1:2 The !irgin o$ Israel has $allen& ,he will rise no more" ,he lies $orsa'en on her land& (There is) no one to
raise her #*"
+mo 1:- ;or th#s says the /ord G82: .The ity that goes o#t by a tho#sand ,hall ha!e a h#ndred le$t% +nd that
whih goes o#t by a h#ndred ,hall ha!e ten le$t to the ho#se o$ Israel".
+mo 1:0 ;or th#s says the /8:2 to the ho#se o$ Israel: .,ee' ?e and li!e&
+mo 1:1 B#t do not see' Bethel% Nor enter Gilgal% Nor *ass o!er to Beersheba& ;or Gilgal shall s#rely go into
a*ti!ity% +nd Bethel shall ome to nothing"
+mo 1:3 ,ee' the /8:2 and li!e% /est He brea' o#t li'e $ire (in) the ho#se o$ Jose*h% +nd de!o#r (it%) >ith no
one to E#enh (it) in Bethel DD
+mo 1:4 Bo# who t#rn @#stie to wormwood% +nd lay righteo#sness to rest in the earthF.
+mo 1:8 He made the <leiades and 8rion& He t#rns the shadow o$ death into morning +nd ma'es the day dar'
as night& He alls $or the waters o$ the sea +nd *o#rs them o#t on the $ae o$ the earth& The /8:2 (is) His name"
+mo 1:9 He rains r#in #*on the strong% ,o that $#ry omes #*on the $ortress"
+mo 1:15 They hate the one who reb#'es in the gate% +nd they abhor the one who s*ea's #*rightly"
+mo 1:11 There$ore% bea#se yo# tread down the *oor +nd ta'e grain ta9es $rom him% Tho#gh yo# ha!e b#ilt
ho#ses o$ hewn stone% Bet yo# shall not dwell in them& Bo# ha!e *lanted *leasant !ineyards% B#t yo# shall not
drin' wine $rom them"
+mo 1:12 ;or I 'now yo#r mani$old transgressions +nd yo#r mighty sins: +$$liting the @#st (and) ta'ing bribes&
2i!erting the *oor ($rom @#stie) at the gate"
+mo 1:1- There$ore the *r#dent 'ee* silent at that time% ;or it (is) an e!il time"
+mo 1:10 ,ee' good and not e!il% That yo# may li!e& ,o the /8:2 God o$ hosts will be with yo#% +s yo# ha!e
+mo 1:11 Hate e!il% lo!e good& 6stablish @#stie in the gate" It may be that the /8:2 God o$ hosts >ill be
graio#s to the remnant o$ Jose*h"
+mo 1:13 There$ore the /8:2 God o$ hosts% the /ord% says this: .(There shall be) wailing in all streets% +nd they
shall say in all the highways% A+lasF +lasFA They shall all the $armer to mo#rning% +nd s'ill$#l lamenters to wailing"
+mo 1:14 In all !ineyards (there shall be) wailing% ;or I will *ass thro#gh yo#%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 1:18 >oe to yo# who desire the day o$ the /8:2F ;or what good (is) the day o$ the /8:2 to yo#C It (will
be) dar'ness% and not light"
+mo 1:19 It (will be) as tho#gh a man $led $rom a lion% +nd a bear met himF 8r (as tho#gh) he went into the
ho#se% /eaned his hand on the wall% +nd a ser*ent bit himF
+mo 1:25 (Is) not the day o$ the /8:2 dar'ness% and not lightC (Is it not) !ery dar'% with no brightness in itC
+mo 1:21 . I hate% I des*ise yo#r $east days% +nd I do not sa!or yo#r sared assemblies"
+mo 1:22 Tho#gh yo# o$$er ?e b#rnt o$$erings and yo#r grain o$$erings% I will not ae*t (them%) Nor will I regard
yo#r $attened *eae o$$erings"
+mo 1:2- Ta'e away $rom ?e the noise o$ yo#r songs% ;or I will not hear the melody o$ yo#r stringed
+mo 1:20 B#t let @#stie r#n down li'e water% +nd righteo#sness li'e a mighty stream"
+mo 1:21 . 2id yo# o$$er ?e sari$ies and o$$erings In the wilderness $orty years% 8 ho#se o$ IsraelC
+mo 1:23 Bo# also arried ,i''#th yo#r 'ing +nd =hi#n% yo#r idols% The star o$ yo#r gods% >hih yo# made $or
+mo 1:24 There$ore I will send yo# into a*ti!ity beyond 2amas#s%. ,ays the /8:2% whose name (is) the God
o$ hosts"
+mo 3:1 >oe to yo# (who are) at ease in Gion% +nd tr#st in ?o#nt ,amaria% Notable *ersons in the hie$ nation%
To whom the ho#se o$ Israel omesF
+mo 3:2 Go o!er to =alneh and see& +nd $rom there go to Hamath the great& Then go down to Gath o$ the
<hilistines" (+re yo#) better than these 'ingdomsC 8r is their territory greater than yo#r territoryC
+mo 3:- (>oe to) yo# who *#t $ar o$$ the day o$ doom% >ho a#se the seat o$ !iolene to ome near&
+mo 3:0 >ho lie on beds o$ i!ory% ,treth o#t on yo#r o#hes% 6at lambs $rom the $lo' +nd al!es $rom the
midst o$ the stall&
+mo 3:1 >ho sing idly to the so#nd o$ stringed instr#ments% (+nd) in!ent $or yo#rsel!es m#sial instr#ments li'e
+mo 3:3 >ho drin' wine $rom bowls% +nd anoint yo#rsel!es with the best ointments% B#t are not grie!ed $or the
a$$lition o$ Jose*h"
+mo 3:4 There$ore they shall now go a*ti!e as the $irst o$ the a*ti!es% +nd those who reline at banE#ets
shall be remo!ed"
+mo 3:8 The /ord G82 has sworn by Himsel$% The /8:2 God o$ hosts says: .I abhor the *ride o$ Jaob% +nd
hate his *alaes& There$ore I will deli!er #* (the) ity +nd all that is in it".
+mo 3:9 Then it shall ome to *ass% that i$ ten men remain in one ho#se% they shall die"
+mo 3:15 +nd when a relati!e (o$ the dead%) with one who will b#rn (the bodies%) *i's #* the bodies to ta'e
them o#t o$ the ho#se% he will say to one inside the ho#se% .(+re there) any more with yo#C. Then someone will
say% .None". +nd he will say% .Hold yo#r tong#eF ;or we dare not mention the name o$ the /8:2".
+mo 3:11 ;or behold% the /8:2 gi!es a ommand: He will brea' the great ho#se into bits% +nd the little ho#se
into *iees"
+mo 3:12 2o horses r#n on ro'sC 2oes (one) *low (there) with o9enC Bet yo# ha!e t#rned @#stie into gall% +nd
the $r#it o$ righteo#sness into wormwood%
+mo 3:1- Bo# who re@oie o!er /o 2ebar% >ho say% .Ha!e we not ta'en Karnaim $or o#rsel!es By o#r own
+mo 3:10 .B#t% behold% I will raise #* a nation against yo#% 8 ho#se o$ Israel%. ,ays the /8:2 God o$ hosts&
.+nd they will a$$lit yo# $rom the entrane o$ Hamath To the Valley o$ the +rabah".
+mo 4:1 Th#s the /ord G82 showed me: Behold% He $ormed lo#st swarms at the beginning o$ the late ro*&
indeed (it was) the late ro* a$ter the 'ingAs mowings"
+mo 4:2 +nd so it was% when they had $inished eating the grass o$ the land% that I said: .8 /ord G82% $orgi!e% I
*rayF 8h% that Jaob may stand% ;or he (is) smallF.
+mo 4:- (,o) the /8:2 relented onerning this" .It shall not be%. said the /8:2"
+mo 4:0 Th#s the /ord G82 showed me: Behold% the /ord G82 alled $or on$lit by $ire% and it ons#med the
great dee* and de!o#red the territory"
+mo 4:1 Then I said: .8 /ord G82% ease% I *rayF 8h% that Jaob may stand% ;or he (is) smallF.
+mo 4:3 (,o) the /8:2 relented onerning this" .This also shall not be%. said the /ord G82"
+mo 4:4 Th#s He showed me: Behold% the /ord stood on a wall (made) with a *l#mb line% with a *l#mb line in
His hand"
+mo 4:8 +nd the /8:2 said to me% .+mos% what do yo# seeC. +nd I said% .+ *l#mb line". Then the /ord said:
.Behold% I am setting a *l#mb line In the midst o$ ?y *eo*le Israel& I will not *ass by them anymore"
+mo 4:9 The high *laes o$ Isaa shall be desolate% +nd the sant#aries o$ Israel shall be laid waste" I will rise
with the sword against the ho#se o$ Jeroboam".
+mo 4:15 Then +maHiah the *riest o$ Bethel sent to Jeroboam 'ing o$ Israel% saying% .+mos has ons*ired
against yo# in the midst o$ the ho#se o$ Israel" The land is not able to bear all his words"
+mo 4:11 .;or th#s +mos has said: AJeroboam shall die by the sword% +nd Israel shall s#rely be led away
a*ti!e ;rom their own land"A .
+mo 4:12 Then +maHiah said to +mos: .Go% yo# seerF ;lee to the land o$ J#dah" There eat bread% +nd there
+mo 4:1- B#t ne!er again *ro*hesy at Bethel% ;or it (is) the 'ingAs sant#ary% +nd it (is) the royal residene".
+mo 4:10 Then +mos answered% and said to +maHiah: .I (was) no *ro*het% Nor (was) I a son o$ a *ro*het% B#t I
(was) a shee*breeder +nd a tender o$ syamore $r#it"
+mo 4:11 Then the /8:2 too' me as I $ollowed the $lo'% +nd the /8:2 said to me% AGo% *ro*hesy to ?y
*eo*le Israel"A
+mo 4:13 Now there$ore% hear the word o$ the /8:2: Bo# say% A2o not *ro*hesy against Israel% +nd do not
s*o#t against the ho#se o$ Isaa"A
+mo 4:14 .There$ore th#s says the /8:2: ABo#r wi$e shall be a harlot in the ity& Bo#r sons and da#ghters shall
$all by the sword& Bo#r land shall be di!ided by (s#r!ey) line& Bo# shall die in a de$iled land& +nd Israel shall
s#rely be led away a*ti!e ;rom his own land"A .
+mo 8:1 Th#s the /ord G82 showed me: Behold% a bas'et o$ s#mmer $r#it"
+mo 8:2 +nd He said% .+mos% what do yo# seeC. ,o I said% .+ bas'et o$ s#mmer $r#it". Then the /8:2 said to
me: .The end has ome #*on ?y *eo*le Israel& I will not *ass by them anymore"
+mo 8:- +nd the songs o$ the tem*le ,hall be wailing in that day%. ,ays the /ord G82 DD .?any dead bodies
e!erywhere% They shall be thrown o#t in silene".
+mo 8:0 Hear this% yo# who swallow #* the needy% +nd ma'e the *oor o$ the land $ail%
+mo 8:1 ,aying: .>hen will the New ?oon be *ast% That we may sell grainC +nd the ,abbath% That we may
trade wheatC ?a'ing the e*hah small and the she'el large% ;alsi$ying the sales by deeit%
+mo 8:3 That we may b#y the *oor $or sil!er% +nd the needy $or a *air o$ sandals DD 6!en sell the bad wheatC.
+mo 8:4 The /8:2 has sworn by the *ride o$ Jaob: .,#rely I will ne!er $orget any o$ their wor's"
+mo 8:8 ,hall the land not tremble $or this% +nd e!eryone mo#rn who dwells in itC +ll o$ it shall swell li'e the
:i!er% Hea!e and s#bside /i'e the :i!er o$ 6gy*t"
+mo 8:9 .+nd it shall ome to *ass in that day%. says the /ord G82% .That I will ma'e the s#n go down at noon%
+nd I will dar'en the earth in broad daylight&
+mo 8:15 I will t#rn yo#r $easts into mo#rning% +nd all yo#r songs into lamentation& I will bring sa'loth on
e!ery waist% +nd baldness on e!ery head& I will ma'e it li'e mo#rning $or an only (son%) +nd its end li'e a bitter
+mo 8:11 . Behold% the days are oming%. says the /ord G82% .That I will send a $amine on the land% Not a
$amine o$ bread% Nor a thirst $or water% B#t o$ hearing the words o$ the /8:2"
+mo 8:12 They shall wander $rom sea to sea% +nd $rom north to east& They shall r#n to and $ro% see'ing the
word o$ the /8:2% B#t shall not $ind (it")
+mo 8:1- .In that day the $air !irgins +nd strong yo#ng men ,hall $aint $rom thirst"
+mo 8:10 Those who swear by the sin o$ ,amaria% >ho say% A+s yo#r god li!es% 8 2anFA +nd% A+s the way o$
Beersheba li!esFA They shall $all and ne!er rise again".
+mo 9:1 I saw the /ord standing by the altar% and He said: .,tri'e the door*osts% that the thresholds may sha'e%
+nd brea' them on the heads o$ them all" I will slay the last o$ them with the sword" He who $lees $rom them shall
not get away% +nd he who esa*es $rom them shall not be deli!ered"
+mo 9:2 .Tho#gh they dig into hell% ;rom there my hand shall ta'e them& Tho#gh they limb #* to hea!en% ;rom
there I will bring them down&
+mo 9:- +nd tho#gh they hide themsel!es on to* o$ =armel% ;rom there I will searh and ta'e them& Tho#gh
they hide $rom ?y sight at the bottom o$ the sea% ;rom there I will ommand the ser*ent% and it shall bite them&
+mo 9:0 Tho#gh they go into a*ti!ity be$ore their enemies% ;rom there I will ommand the sword% +nd it shall
slay them" I will set ?y eyes on them $or harm and not $or good".
+mo 9:1 The /ord G82 o$ hosts% He who to#hes the earth and it melts% +nd all who dwell there mo#rn& +ll o$ it
shall swell li'e the :i!er% +nd s#bside li'e the :i!er o$ 6gy*t"
+mo 9:3 He who b#ilds His layers in the s'y% +nd has $o#nded His strata in the earth& >ho alls $or the waters
o$ the sea% +nd *o#rs them o#t on the $ae o$ the earth DD The /8:2 (is) His name"
+mo 9:4 . (+re) yo# not li'e the *eo*le o$ 6thio*ia to ?e% 8 hildren o$ IsraelC. says the /8:2" .2id I not bring
#* Israel $rom the land o$ 6gy*t% The <hilistines $rom =a*htor% +nd the ,yrians $rom KirC
+mo 9:8 .Behold% the eyes o$ the /ord G82 (are) on the sin$#l 'ingdom% +nd I will destroy it $rom the $ae o$ the
earth& Bet I will not #tterly destroy the ho#se o$ Jaob%. ,ays the /8:2"
+mo 9:9 .;or s#rely I will ommand% +nd will si$t the ho#se o$ Israel among all nations% +s (grain) is si$ted in a
sie!e& Bet not the smallest grain shall $all to the gro#nd"
+mo 9:15 +ll the sinners o$ ?y *eo*le shall die by the sword% >ho say% AThe alamity shall not o!erta'e nor
on$ront #s"A
+mo 9:11 . 8n that day I will raise #* The tabernale o$ 2a!id% whih has $allen down% +nd re*air its damages& I
will raise #* its r#ins% +nd reb#ild it as in the days o$ old&
+mo 9:12 That they may *ossess the remnant o$ 6dom% +nd all the Gentiles who are alled by ?y name%. ,ays
the /8:2 who does this thing"
+mo 9:1- . Behold% the days are oming%. says the /8:2% .>hen the *lowman shall o!erta'e the rea*er% +nd
the treader o$ gra*es him who sows seed& The mo#ntains shall dri* with sweet wine% +nd all the hills shall $low
(with it")
+mo 9:10 I will bring ba' the a*ti!es o$ ?y *eo*le Israel& They shall b#ild the waste ities and inhabit (them&)
They shall *lant !ineyards and drin' wine $rom them& They shall also ma'e gardens and eat $r#it $rom them"
+mo 9:11 I will *lant them in their land% +nd no longer shall they be *#lled #* ;rom the land I ha!e gi!en them%.
,ays the /8:2 yo#r God"
8ba 1:1 The !ision o$ 8badiah" Th#s says the /ord G82 onerning 6dom I>e ha!e heard a re*ort $rom the
/8:2% +nd a messenger has been sent among the nations% (saying%) .+rise% and let #s rise #* against her $or
8ba 1:2 .Behold% I will ma'e yo# small among the nations& Bo# shall be greatly des*ised"
8ba 1:- The *ride o$ yo#r heart has deei!ed yo#% (Bo#) who dwell in the le$ts o$ the ro'% >hose habitation is
high& (Bo#) who say in yo#r heart% A>ho will bring me down to the gro#ndCA
8ba 1:0 Tho#gh yo# asend (as) high as the eagle% +nd tho#gh yo# set yo#r nest among the stars% ;rom there I
will bring yo# down%. says the /8:2"
8ba 1:1 . I$ thie!es had ome to yo#% I$ robbers by night DD 8h% how yo# will be #t o$$F DD >o#ld they not ha!e
stolen till they had eno#ghC I$ gra*eDgatherers had ome to yo#% >o#ld they not ha!e le$t (some) gleaningsC
8ba 1:3 .8h% how 6sa# shall be searhed o#tF (How) his hidden treas#res shall be so#ght a$terF
8ba 1:4 +ll the men in yo#r on$ederay ,hall $ore yo# to the border& The men at *eae with yo# ,hall deei!e
yo# (and) *re!ail against yo#" (Those who eat) yo#r bread shall lay a tra* $or yo#" No one is aware o$ it"
8ba 1:8 .>ill I not in that day%. says the /8:2% .6!en destroy the wise (men) $rom 6dom% +nd #nderstanding
$rom the mo#ntains o$ 6sa#C
8ba 1:9 Then yo#r mighty men% 8 Teman% shall be dismayed% To the end that e!eryone $rom the mo#ntains o$
6sa# ?ay be #t o$$ by sla#ghter"
8ba 1:15 . ;or !iolene against yo#r brother Jaob% ,hame shall o!er yo#% +nd yo# shall be #t o$$ $ore!er"
8ba 1:11 In the day that yo# stood on the other side DD In the day that strangers arried a*ti!e his $ores% >hen
$oreigners entered his gates +nd ast lots $or Jer#salem DD 6!en yo# (were) as one o$ them"
8ba 1:12 B#t yo# sho#ld not ha!e gaHed on the day o$ yo#r brother In the day o$ his a*ti!ity& Nor sho#ld yo#
ha!e re@oied o!er the hildren o$ J#dah In the day o$ their destr#tion& Nor sho#ld yo# ha!e s*o'en *ro#dly In
the day o$ distress"
8ba 1:1- Bo# sho#ld not ha!e entered the gate o$ ?y *eo*le In the day o$ their alamity" Indeed% yo# sho#ld
not ha!e gaHed on their a$$lition In the day o$ their alamity% Nor laid (hands) on their s#bstane In the day o$
their alamity"
8ba 1:10 Bo# sho#ld not ha!e stood at the rossroads To #t o$$ those among them who esa*ed& Nor sho#ld
yo# ha!e deli!ered #* those among them who remained In the day o$ distress"
8ba 1:11 . ;or the day o$ the /8:2 #*on all the nations (is) near& +s yo# ha!e done% it shall be done to yo#&
Bo#r re*risal shall ret#rn #*on yo#r own head"
8ba 1:13 ;or as yo# dran' on my holy mo#ntain% (,o) shall all the nations drin' ontin#ally& Bes% they shall
drin'% and swallow% +nd they shall be as tho#gh they had ne!er been"
8ba 1:14 .B#t on ?o#nt Gion there shall be deli!erane% +nd there shall be holiness& The ho#se o$ Jaob shall
*ossess their *ossessions"
8ba 1:18 The ho#se o$ Jaob shall be a $ire% +nd the ho#se o$ Jose*h a $lame& B#t the ho#se o$ 6sa# (shall be)
st#bble& They shall 'indle them and de!o#r them% +nd no s#r!i!or shall (remain) o$ the ho#se o$ 6sa#%. ;or the
/8:2 has s*o'en"
8ba 1:19 The ,o#th shall *ossess the mo#ntains o$ 6sa#% +nd the /owland shall *ossess <hilistia" They shall
*ossess the $ields o$ 6*hraim +nd the $ields o$ ,amaria" Ben@amin (shall *ossess) Gilead"
8ba 1:25 +nd the a*ti!es o$ this host o$ the hildren o$ Israel (,hall *ossess the land) o$ the =anaanites +s $ar
as Gare*hath" The a*ti!es o$ Jer#salem who are in ,e*harad ,hall *ossess the ities o$ the ,o#th"
8ba 1:21 Then sa!iors shall ome to ?o#nt Gion To @#dge the mo#ntains o$ 6sa#% +nd the 'ingdom shall be the
Jon 1:1 Now the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jonah the son o$ +mittai% saying%
Jon 1:2 .+rise% go to Nine!eh% that great ity% and ry o#t against it& $or their wi'edness has ome #* be$ore
Jon 1:- B#t Jonah arose to $lee to Tarshish $rom the *resene o$ the /8:2" He went down to Jo**a% and $o#nd
a shi* going to Tarshish& so he *aid the $are% and went down into it% to go with them to Tarshish $rom the
*resene o$ the /8:2"
Jon 1:0 B#t the /8:2 sent o#t a great wind on the sea% and there was a mighty tem*est on the sea% so that the
shi* was abo#t to be bro'en #*"
Jon 1:1 Then the mariners were a$raid& and e!ery man ried o#t to his god% and threw the argo that (was) in the
shi* into the sea% to lighten the load" B#t Jonah had gone down into the lowest *arts o$ the shi*% had lain down%
and was $ast aslee*"
Jon 1:3 ,o the a*tain ame to him% and said to him% .>hat do yo# mean% slee*erC +rise% all on yo#r God&
*erha*s yo#r God will onsider #s% so that we may not *erish".
Jon 1:4 +nd they said to one another% .=ome% let #s ast lots% that we may 'now $or whose a#se this tro#ble
(has ome) #*on #s". ,o they ast lots% and the lot $ell on Jonah"
Jon 1:8 Then they said to him% .<lease tell #sF ;or whose a#se (is) this tro#ble #*on #sC >hat is yo#r
o#*ationC +nd where do yo# ome $romC >hat is yo#r o#ntryC +nd o$ what *eo*le are yo#C.
Jon 1:9 ,o he said to them% .I (am) a Hebrew& and I $ear the /8:2% the God o$ hea!en% who made the sea and
the dry (land".)
Jon 1:15 Then the men were e9eedingly a$raid% and said to him% .>hy ha!e yo# done thisC. ;or the men 'new
that he $led $rom the *resene o$ the /8:2% bea#se he had told them"
Jon 1:11 Then they said to him% .>hat shall we do to yo# that the sea may be alm $or #sC. DD $or the sea was
growing more tem*est#o#s"
Jon 1:12 +nd he said to them% .<i' me #* and throw me into the sea& then the sea will beome alm $or yo#"
;or I 'now that this great tem*est (is) bea#se o$ me".
Jon 1:1- Ne!ertheless the men rowed hard to ret#rn to land% b#t they o#ld not% $or the sea ontin#ed to grow
more tem*est#o#s against them"
Jon 1:10 There$ore they ried o#t to the /8:2 and said% .>e *ray% 8 /8:2% *lease do not let #s *erish $or this
manAs li$e% and do not harge #s with innoent blood& $or Bo#% 8 /8:2% ha!e done as it *leased Bo#".
Jon 1:11 ,o they *i'ed #* Jonah and threw him into the sea% and the sea eased $rom its raging"
Jon 1:13 Then the men $eared the /8:2 e9eedingly% and o$$ered a sari$ie to the /8:2 and too' !ows"
Jon 1:14 Now the /8:2 had *re*ared a great $ish to swallow Jonah" +nd Jonah was in the belly o$ the $ish
three days and three nights"
Jon 2:1 Then Jonah *rayed to the /8:2 his God $rom the $ishAs belly"
Jon 2:2 +nd he said: .I ried o#t to the /8:2 bea#se o$ my a$$lition% +nd He answered me" .8#t o$ the belly
o$ ,heol I ried% (+nd) Bo# heard my !oie"
Jon 2:- ;or Bo# ast me into the dee*% Into the heart o$ the seas% +nd the $loods s#rro#nded me& +ll Bo#r
billows and Bo#r wa!es *assed o!er me"
Jon 2:0 Then I said% AI ha!e been ast o#t o$ Bo#r sight& Bet I will loo' again toward Bo#r holy tem*le"A
Jon 2:1 The waters s#rro#nded me% (e!en) to my so#l& The dee* losed aro#nd me& >eeds were wra**ed
aro#nd my head"
Jon 2:3 I went down to the moorings o$ the mo#ntains& The earth with its bars (losed) behind me $ore!er& Bet
Bo# ha!e bro#ght #* my li$e $rom the *it% 8 /8:2% my God"
Jon 2:4 .>hen my so#l $ainted within me% I remembered the /8:2& +nd my *rayer went (#*) to Bo#% Into Bo#r
holy tem*le"
Jon 2:8 .Those who regard worthless idols ;orsa'e their own ?ery"
Jon 2:9 B#t I will sari$ie to Bo# >ith the !oie o$ than'sgi!ing& I will *ay what I ha!e !owed" ,al!ation (is) o$
the /8:2".
Jon 2:15 ,o the /8:2 s*o'e to the $ish% and it !omited Jonah onto dry (land")
Jon -:1 Now the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Jonah the seond time% saying%
Jon -:2 .+rise% go to Nine!eh% that great ity% and *reah to it the message that I tell yo#".
Jon -:- ,o Jonah arose and went to Nine!eh% aording to the word o$ the /8:2" Now Nine!eh was an
e9eedingly great ity% a threeDday @o#rney (in e9tent")
Jon -:0 +nd Jonah began to enter the ity on the $irst dayAs wal'" Then he ried o#t and said% .Bet $orty days%
and Nine!eh shall be o!erthrownF.
Jon -:1 ,o the *eo*le o$ Nine!eh belie!ed God% *rolaimed a $ast% and *#t on sa'loth% $rom the greatest to
the least o$ them"
Jon -:3 Then word ame to the 'ing o$ Nine!eh& and he arose $rom his throne and laid aside his robe% o!ered
(himsel$) with sa'loth and sat in ashes"
Jon -:4 +nd he a#sed (it) to be *rolaimed and *#blished thro#gho#t Nine!eh by the deree o$ the 'ing and his
nobles% saying% /et neither man nor beast% herd nor $lo'% taste anything& do not let them eat% or drin' water"
Jon -:8 B#t let man and beast be o!ered with sa'loth% and ry mightily to God& yes% let e!ery one t#rn $rom
his e!il way and $rom the !iolene that is in his hands"
Jon -:9 >ho an tell (i$) God will t#rn and relent% and t#rn away $rom His $iere anger% so that we may not
Jon -:15 Then God saw their wor's% that they t#rned $rom their e!il way& and God relented $rom the disaster that
He had said He wo#ld bring #*on them% and He did not do it"
Jon 0:1 B#t it dis*leased Jonah e9eedingly% and he beame angry"
Jon 0:2 ,o he *rayed to the /8:2% and said% .+h% /8:2% was not this what I said when I was still in my
o#ntryC There$ore I $led *re!io#sly to Tarshish& $or I 'now that Bo# (are) a graio#s and meri$#l God% slow to
anger and ab#ndant in lo!ing'indness% 8ne who relents $rom doing harm"
Jon 0:- .There$ore now% 8 /8:2% *lease ta'e my li$e $rom me% $or (it is) better $or me to die than to li!eF.
Jon 0:0 Then the /8:2 said% .(Is it) right $or yo# to be angryC.
Jon 0:1 ,o Jonah went o#t o$ the ity and sat on the east side o$ the ity" There he made himsel$ a shelter and
sat #nder it in the shade% till he might see what wo#ld beome o$ the ity"
Jon 0:3 +nd the /8:2 God *re*ared a *lant and made it ome #* o!er Jonah% that it might be shade $or his
head to deli!er him $rom his misery" ,o Jonah was !ery grate$#l $or the *lant"
Jon 0:4 B#t as morning dawned the ne9t day God *re*ared a worm% and it (so) damaged the *lant that it
Jon 0:8 +nd it ha**ened% when the s#n arose% that God *re*ared a !ehement east wind& and the s#n beat on
JonahAs head% so that he grew $aint" Then he wished death $or himsel$% and said% .(It is) better $or me to die than
to li!e".
Jon 0:9 Then God said to Jonah% .(Is it) right $or yo# to be angry abo#t the *lantC. +nd he said% .(It is) right $or
me to be angry% e!en to deathF.
Jon 0:15 B#t the /8:2 said% .Bo# ha!e had *ity on the *lant $or whih yo# ha!e not labored% nor made it grow%
whih ame #* in a night and *erished in a night"
Jon 0:11 .+nd sho#ld I not *ity Nine!eh% that great ity% in whih are more than one h#ndred and twenty
tho#sand *ersons who annot disern between their right hand and their le$t DD and m#h li!esto'C.
?i 1:1 The word o$ the /8:2 that ame to ?iah o$ ?oresheth in the days o$ Jotham% +haH% (and) HeHe'iah%
'ings o$ J#dah% whih he saw onerning ,amaria and Jer#salem"
?i 1:2 Hear% all yo# *eo*lesF /isten% 8 earth% and all that is in itF /et the /ord G82 be a witness against yo#%
The /ord $rom His holy tem*le"
?i 1:- ;or behold% the /8:2 is oming o#t o$ His *lae& He will ome down +nd tread on the high *laes o$
the earth"
?i 1:0 The mo#ntains will melt #nder Him% +nd the !alleys will s*lit /i'e wa9 be$ore the $ire% /i'e waters *o#red
down a stee* *lae"
?i 1:1 +ll this is $or the transgression o$ Jaob +nd $or the sins o$ the ho#se o$ Israel" >hat (is) the
transgression o$ JaobC (Is it) not ,amariaC +nd what (are) the high *laes o$ J#dahC (+re they) not Jer#salemC
?i 1:3 .There$ore I will ma'e ,amaria a hea* o$ r#ins in the $ield% <laes $or *lanting a !ineyard& I will *o#r
down her stones into the !alley% +nd I will #no!er her $o#ndations"
?i 1:4 +ll her ar!ed images shall be beaten to *iees% +nd all her *ay as a harlot shall be b#rned with the $ire&
+ll her idols I will lay desolate% ;or she gathered (it) $rom the *ay o$ a harlot% +nd they shall ret#rn to the *ay o$ a
?i 1:8 There$ore I will wail and howl% I will go stri**ed and na'ed& I will ma'e a wailing li'e the @a'als +nd a
mo#rning li'e the ostrihes%
?i 1:9 ;or her wo#nds (are) in#rable" ;or it has ome to J#dah& It has ome to the gate o$ ?y *eo*le DD To
?i 1:15 Tell (it) not in Gath% >ee* not at all& In Beth +*hrah :oll yo#rsel$ in the d#st"
?i 1:11 <ass by in na'ed shame% yo# inhabitant o$ ,ha*hir& The inhabitant o$ Gaanan does not go o#t" Beth
6Hel mo#rns& Its *lae to stand is ta'en away $rom yo#"
?i 1:12 ;or the inhabitant o$ ?aroth *ined $or good% B#t disaster ame down $rom the /8:2 To the gate o$
?i 1:1- 8 inhabitant o$ /ahish% Harness the hariot to the swi$t steeds I,he (was) the beginning o$ sin to the
da#ghter o$ GionJ% ;or the transgressions o$ Israel were $o#nd in yo#"
?i 1:10 There$ore yo# shall gi!e *resents to ?oresheth Gath& The ho#ses o$ +hHib (shall be) a lie to the 'ings
o$ Israel"
?i 1:11 I will yet bring an heir to yo#% 8 inhabitant o$ ?areshah& The glory o$ Israel shall ome to +d#llam"
?i 1:13 ?a'e yo#rsel$ bald and #t o$$ yo#r hair% Bea#se o$ yo#r *reio#s hildren& 6nlarge yo#r baldness li'e
an eagle% ;or they shall go $rom yo# into a*ti!ity"
?i 2:1 >oe to those who de!ise iniE#ity% +nd wor' o#t e!il on their bedsF +t morning light they *ratie it%
Bea#se it is in the *ower o$ their hand"
?i 2:2 They o!et $ields and ta'e (them) by !iolene% +lso ho#ses% and seiHe (them") ,o they o**ress a man
and his ho#se% + man and his inheritane"
?i 2:- There$ore th#s says the /8:2: .Behold% against this $amily I am de!ising disaster% ;rom whih yo#
annot remo!e yo#r ne's& Nor shall yo# wal' ha#ghtily% ;or this (is) an e!il time"
?i 2:0 In that day (one) shall ta'e #* a *ro!erb against yo#% +nd lament with a bitter lamentation% saying: A>e
are #tterly destroyedF He has hanged the heritage o$ my *eo*le& How He has remo!ed (it) $rom meF To a
t#rnoat He has di!ided o#r $ields"A .
?i 2:1 There$ore yo# will ha!e no one to determine bo#ndaries by lot In the assembly o$ the /8:2"
?i 2:3 . 2o not *rattle%. (yo# say to those) who *ro*hesy" ,o they shall not *ro*hesy to yo#& They shall not
ret#rn ins#lt $or ins#lt"
?i 2:4 (Bo# who are) named the ho#se o$ Jaob: .Is the ,*irit o$ the /8:2 restritedC (+re) these His doingsC
2o not ?y words do good To him who wal's #*rightlyC
?i 2:8 ./ately ?y *eo*le ha!e risen #* as an enemy DD Bo# *#ll o$$ the robe with the garment ;rom those who
tr#st (yo#%) as they *ass by% /i'e men ret#rned $rom war"
?i 2:9 The women o$ ?y *eo*le yo# ast o#t ;rom their *leasant ho#ses& ;rom their hildren Bo# ha!e ta'en
away ?y glory $ore!er"
?i 2:15 .+rise and de*art% ;or this (is) not (yo#r) rest& Bea#se it is de$iled% it shall destroy% Bes% with #tter
?i 2:11 I$ a man sho#ld wal' in a $alse s*irit +nd s*ea' a lie% (saying%) AI will *ro*hesy to yo# o$ wine and drin'%A
6!en he wo#ld be the *rattler o$ this *eo*le"
?i 2:12 . I will s#rely assemble all o$ yo#% 8 Jaob% I will s#rely gather the remnant o$ Israel& I will *#t them
together li'e shee* o$ the $old% /i'e a $lo' in the midst o$ their *ast#re& They shall ma'e a lo#d noise bea#se o$
(so many) *eo*le"
?i 2:1- The one who brea's o*en will ome #* be$ore them& They will brea' o#t% <ass thro#gh the gate% +nd
go o#t by it& Their 'ing will *ass be$ore them% >ith the /8:2 at their head".
?i -:1 +nd I said: .Hear now% 8 heads o$ Jaob% +nd yo# r#lers o$ the ho#se o$ Israel: (Is it) not $or yo# to 'now
?i -:2 Bo# who hate good and lo!e e!il& >ho stri* the s'in $rom ?y *eo*le% +nd the $lesh $rom their bones&
?i -:- >ho also eat the $lesh o$ ?y *eo*le% ;lay their s'in $rom them% Brea' their bones% +nd ho* (them) in
*iees /i'e (meat) $or the *ot% /i'e $lesh in the aldron".
?i -:0 Then they will ry to the /8:2% B#t He will not hear them& He will e!en hide His $ae $rom them at that
time% Bea#se they ha!e been e!il in their deeds"
?i -:1 Th#s says the /8:2 onerning the *ro*hets >ho ma'e my *eo*le stray& >ho hant .<eae. >hile
they hew with their teeth% B#t who *re*are war against him >ho *#ts nothing into their mo#ths:
?i -:3 .There$ore yo# shall ha!e night witho#t !ision% +nd yo# shall ha!e dar'ness witho#t di!ination& The s#n
shall go down on the *ro*hets% +nd the day shall be dar' $or them"
?i -:4 ,o the seers shall be ashamed% +nd the di!iners abashed& Indeed they shall all o!er their li*s& ;or
(there is) no answer $rom God".
?i -:8 B#t tr#ly I am $#ll o$ *ower by the ,*irit o$ the /8:2% +nd o$ @#stie and might% To delare to Jaob his
transgression +nd to Israel his sin"
?i -:9 Now hear this% Bo# heads o$ the ho#se o$ Jaob +nd r#lers o$ the ho#se o$ Israel% >ho abhor @#stie
+nd *er!ert all eE#ity%
?i -:15 >ho b#ild #* Gion with bloodshed +nd Jer#salem with iniE#ity:
?i -:11 Her heads @#dge $or a bribe% Her *riests teah $or *ay% +nd her *ro*hets di!ine $or money" Bet they
lean on the /8:2% and say% .Is not the /8:2 among #sC No harm an ome #*on #s".
?i -:12 There$ore bea#se o$ yo# Gion shall be *lowed (li'e) a $ield% Jer#salem shall beome hea*s o$ r#ins%
+nd the mo#ntain o$ the tem*le /i'e the bare hills o$ the $orest"
?i 0:1 Now it shall ome to *ass in the latter days (That) the mo#ntain o$ the /8:2As ho#se ,hall be
established on the to* o$ the mo#ntains% +nd shall be e9alted abo!e the hills& +nd *eo*les shall $low to it"
?i 0:2 ?any nations shall ome and say% .=ome% and let #s go #* to the mo#ntain o$ the /8:2% To the ho#se
o$ the God o$ Jaob& He will teah #s His ways% +nd we shall wal' in His *aths". ;or o#t o$ Gion the law shall go
$orth% +nd the word o$ the /8:2 $rom Jer#salem"
?i 0:- He shall @#dge between many *eo*les% +nd reb#'e strong nations a$ar o$$& They shall beat their swords
into *lowshares% +nd their s*ears into *r#ning hoo's& Nation shall not li$t #* sword against nation% Neither shall
they learn war any more"
?i 0:0 B#t e!eryone shall sit #nder his !ine and #nder his $ig tree% +nd no one shall ma'e (them) a$raid& ;or the
mo#th o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts has s*o'en"
?i 0:1 ;or all *eo*le wal' eah in the name o$ his god% B#t we will wal' in the name o$ the /8:2 o#r God
;ore!er and e!er"
?i 0:3 . In that day%. says the /8:2% .I will assemble the lame% I will gather the o#tast +nd those whom I ha!e
?i 0:4 I will ma'e the lame a remnant% +nd the o#tast a strong nation& ,o the /8:2 will reign o!er them in
?o#nt Gion ;rom now on% e!en $ore!er"
?i 0:8 +nd yo#% 8 tower o$ the $lo'% The stronghold o$ the da#ghter o$ Gion% To yo# shall it ome% 6!en the
$ormer dominion shall ome% The 'ingdom o$ the da#ghter o$ Jer#salem".
?i 0:9 Now why do yo# ry alo#dC (Is there) no 'ing in yo#r midstC Has yo#r o#nselor *erishedC ;or *angs
ha!e seiHed yo# li'e a woman in labor"
?i 0:15 Be in *ain% and labor to bring $orth% 8 da#ghter o$ Gion% /i'e a woman in birth *angs" ;or now yo# shall
go $orth $rom the ity% Bo# shall dwell in the $ield% +nd to Babylon yo# shall go" There yo# shall be deli!ered&
There the /8:2 will redeem yo# ;rom the hand o$ yo#r enemies"
?i 0:11 Now also many nations ha!e gathered against yo#% >ho say% ./et her be de$iled% +nd let o#r eye loo'
#*on Gion".
?i 0:12 B#t they do not 'now the tho#ghts o$ the /8:2% Nor do they #nderstand His o#nsel& ;or He will
gather them li'e shea!es to the threshing $loor"
?i 0:1- .+rise and thresh% 8 da#ghter o$ Gion& ;or I will ma'e yo#r horn iron% +nd I will ma'e yo#r hoo!es
bronHe& Bo# shall beat in *iees many *eo*les& I will onserate their gain to the /8:2% +nd their s#bstane to
the /ord o$ the whole earth".
?i 1:1 Now gather yo#rsel$ in troo*s% 8 da#ghter o$ troo*s& He has laid siege against #s& They will stri'e the
@#dge o$ Israel with a rod on the hee'"
?i 1:2 . B#t yo#% Bethlehem 6*hrathah% (Tho#gh) yo# are little among the tho#sands o$ J#dah% (Bet) o#t o$ yo#
shall ome $orth to ?e The 8ne to be :#ler in Israel% >hose goings $orth (are) $rom o$ old% ;rom e!erlasting".
?i 1:- There$ore He shall gi!e them #*% 7ntil the time (that) she who is in labor has gi!en birth& Then the
remnant o$ His brethren ,hall ret#rn to the hildren o$ Israel"
?i 1:0 +nd He shall stand and $eed (His $lo') In the strength o$ the /8:2% In the ma@esty o$ the name o$ the
/8:2 His God& +nd they shall abide% ;or now He shall be great To the ends o$ the earth&
?i 1:1 +nd this (8ne) shall be *eae" >hen the +ssyrian omes into o#r land% +nd when he treads in o#r
*alaes% Then we will raise against him ,e!en she*herds and eight *rinely men"
?i 1:3 They shall waste with the sword the land o$ +ssyria% +nd the land o$ Nimrod at its entranes& Th#s He
shall deli!er (#s) $rom the +ssyrian% >hen he omes into o#r land +nd when he treads within o#r borders"
?i 1:4 Then the remnant o$ Jaob ,hall be in the midst o$ many *eo*les% /i'e dew $rom the /8:2% /i'e
showers on the grass% That tarry $or no man Nor wait $or the sons o$ men"
?i 1:8 +nd the remnant o$ Jaob ,hall be among the Gentiles% In the midst o$ many *eo*les% /i'e a lion among
the beasts o$ the $orest% /i'e a yo#ng lion among $lo's o$ shee*% >ho% i$ he *asses thro#gh% Both treads down
and tears in *iees% +nd none an deli!er"
?i 1:9 Bo#r hand shall be li$ted against yo#r ad!ersaries% +nd all yo#r enemies shall be #t o$$"
?i 1:15 . +nd it shall be in that day%. says the /8:2% .That I will #t o$$ yo#r horses $rom yo#r midst +nd
destroy yo#r hariots"
?i 1:11 I will #t o$$ the ities o$ yo#r land +nd throw down all yo#r strongholds"
?i 1:12 I will #t o$$ soreries $rom yo#r hand% +nd yo# shall ha!e no soothsayers"
?i 1:1- Bo#r ar!ed images I will also #t o$$% +nd yo#r sared *illars $rom yo#r midst& Bo# shall no more
worshi* the wor' o$ yo#r hands&
?i 1:10 I will *l#' yo#r wooden images $rom yo#r midst& Th#s I will destroy yo#r ities"
?i 1:11 +nd I will e9e#te !engeane in anger and $#ry 8n the nations that ha!e not heard".
?i 3:1 Hear now what the /8:2 says: .+rise% *lead yo#r ase be$ore the mo#ntains% +nd let the hills hear yo#r
?i 3:2 Hear% 8 yo# mo#ntains% the /8:2As om*laint% +nd yo# strong $o#ndations o$ the earth& ;or the /8:2
has a om*laint against His *eo*le% +nd He will ontend with Israel"
?i 3:- .8 ?y *eo*le% what ha!e I done to yo#C +nd how ha!e I wearied yo#C Testi$y against ?e"
?i 3:0 ;or I bro#ght yo# #* $rom the land o$ 6gy*t% I redeemed yo# $rom the ho#se o$ bondage& +nd I sent
be$ore yo# ?oses% +aron% and ?iriam"
?i 3:1 8 ?y *eo*le% remember now >hat Bala' 'ing o$ ?oab o#nseled% +nd what Balaam the son o$ Beor
answered him% ;rom +aia Gro!e to Gilgal% That yo# may 'now the righteo#sness o$ the /8:2".
?i 3:3 >ith what shall I ome be$ore the /8:2% (+nd) bow mysel$ be$ore the High GodC ,hall I ome be$ore
Him with b#rnt o$$erings% >ith al!es a year oldC
?i 3:4 >ill the /8:2 be *leased with tho#sands o$ rams% Ten tho#sand ri!ers o$ oilC ,hall I gi!e my $irstborn
($or) my transgression% The $r#it o$ my body ($or) the sin o$ my so#lC
?i 3:8 He has shown yo#% 8 man% what (is) good& +nd what does the /8:2 reE#ire o$ yo# B#t to do @#stly% To
lo!e mery% +nd to wal' h#mbly with yo#r GodC
?i 3:9 The /8:2As !oie ries to the ity DD >isdom shall see Bo#r name: .Hear the :odF >ho has a**ointed
?i 3:15 +re there yet the treas#res o$ wi'edness In the ho#se o$ the wi'ed% +nd the short meas#re (that is)
an abominationC
?i 3:11 ,hall I o#nt *#re (those) with the wi'ed sales% +nd with the bag o$ deeit$#l weightsC
?i 3:12 ;or her rih men are $#ll o$ !iolene% Her inhabitants ha!e s*o'en lies% +nd their tong#e is deeit$#l in
their mo#th"
?i 3:1- .There$ore I will also ma'e (yo#) si' by stri'ing yo#% By ma'ing (yo#) desolate bea#se o$ yo#r sins"
?i 3:10 Bo# shall eat% b#t not be satis$ied& H#nger (shall be) in yo#r midst" Bo# may arry (some) away% b#t
shall not sa!e (them&) +nd what yo# do res#e I will gi!e o!er to the sword"
?i 3:11 .Bo# shall sow% b#t not rea*& Bo# shall tread the oli!es% b#t not anoint yo#rsel!es with oil& +nd (ma'e)
sweet wine% b#t not drin' wine"
?i 3:13 ;or the stat#tes o$ 8mri are 'e*t& +ll the wor's o$ +habAs ho#se (are done&) +nd yo# wal' in their
o#nsels% That I may ma'e yo# a desolation% +nd yo#r inhabitants a hissing" There$ore yo# shall bear the
re*roah o$ ?y *eo*le".
?i 4:1 >oe is meF ;or I am li'e those who gather s#mmer $r#its% /i'e those who glean !intage gra*es& (There
is no) l#ster to eat 8$ the $irstDri*e $r#it (whih) my so#l desires"
?i 4:2 The $aith$#l (man) has *erished $rom the earth% +nd (there is) no one #*right among men" They all lie in
wait $or blood& 6!ery man h#nts his brother with a net"
?i 4:- That they may s#ess$#lly do e!il with both hands DD The *rine as's ($or gi$ts%) The @#dge (see's) a
bribe% +nd the great (man) #tters his e!il desire& ,o they sheme together"
?i 4:0 The best o$ them (is) li'e a brier& The most #*right (is shar*er) than a thorn hedge& The day o$ yo#r
wathman and yo#r *#nishment omes& Now shall be their *er*le9ity"
?i 4:1 2o not tr#st in a $riend& 2o not *#t yo#r on$idene in a om*anion& G#ard the doors o$ yo#r mo#th
;rom her who lies in yo#r bosom"
?i 4:3 ;or son dishonors $ather% 2a#ghter rises against her mother% 2a#ghterDinDlaw against her motherDinDlaw&
+ manAs enemies (are) the men o$ his own ho#sehold"
?i 4:4 There$ore I will loo' to the /8:2& I will wait $or the God o$ my sal!ation& ?y God will hear me"
?i 4:8 2o not re@oie o!er me% my enemy& >hen I $all% I will arise& >hen I sit in dar'ness% The /8:2 (will be) a
light to me"
?i 4:9 I will bear the indignation o$ the /8:2% Bea#se I ha!e sinned against Him% 7ntil He *leads my ase
+nd e9e#tes @#stie $or me" He will bring me $orth to the light& I will see His righteo#sness"
?i 4:15 Then (she who is) my enemy will see% +nd shame will o!er her who said to me% .>here is the /8:2
yo#r GodC. ?y eyes will see her& Now she will be tram*led down /i'e m#d in the streets"
?i 4:11 (In) the day when yo#r walls are to be b#ilt% (In) that day the deree shall go $ar and wide"
?i 4:12 (In) that day they shall ome to yo# ;rom +ssyria and the $orti$ied ities% ;rom the $ortress to the :i!er%
;rom sea to sea% +nd mo#ntain (to) mo#ntain"
?i 4:1- Bet the land shall be desolate Bea#se o$ those who dwell in it% +nd $or the $r#it o$ their deeds"
?i 4:10 ,he*herd Bo#r *eo*le with Bo#r sta$$% The $lo' o$ Bo#r heritage% >ho dwell solitarily (in) a woodland%
In the midst o$ =armel& /et them $eed (in) Bashan and Gilead% +s in days o$ old"
?i 4:11 .+s in the days when yo# ame o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t% I will show them wonders".
?i 4:13 The nations shall see and be ashamed o$ all their might& They shall *#t (their) hand o!er (their) mo#th&
Their ears shall be dea$"
?i 4:14 They shall li' the d#st li'e a ser*ent& They shall rawl $rom their holes li'e sna'es o$ the earth" They
shall be a$raid o$ the /8:2 o#r God% +nd shall $ear bea#se o$ Bo#"
?i 4:18 >ho (is) a God li'e Bo#% <ardoning iniE#ity +nd *assing o!er the transgression o$ the remnant o$ His
heritageC He does not retain His anger $ore!er% Bea#se He delights (in) mery"
?i 4:19 He will again ha!e om*assion on #s% +nd will s#bd#e o#r iniE#ities" Bo# will ast all o#r sins Into the
de*ths o$ the sea"
?i 4:25 Bo# will gi!e tr#th to Jaob (+nd) mery to +braham% >hih Bo# ha!e sworn to o#r $athers ;rom days
o$ old"
Nah 1:1 The b#rden against Nine!eh" The boo' o$ the !ision o$ Nah#m the 6l'oshite"
Nah 1:2 God (is) @ealo#s% and the /8:2 a!enges& The /8:2 a!enges and (is) $#rio#s" The /8:2 will ta'e
!engeane on His ad!ersaries% +nd He reser!es (wrath) $or His enemies&
Nah 1:- The /8:2 (is) slow to anger and great in *ower% +nd will not at all aE#it (the wi'ed") The /8:2 has
His way In the whirlwind and in the storm% +nd the lo#ds (are) the d#st o$ His $eet"
Nah 1:0 He reb#'es the sea and ma'es it dry% +nd dries #* all the ri!ers" Bashan and =armel wither% +nd the
$lower o$ /ebanon wilts"
Nah 1:1 The mo#ntains E#a'e be$ore Him% The hills melt% +nd the earth hea!es at His *resene% Bes% the world
and all who dwell in it"
Nah 1:3 >ho an stand be$ore His indignationC +nd who an end#re the $iereness o$ His angerC His $#ry is
*o#red o#t li'e $ire% +nd the ro's are thrown down by Him"
Nah 1:4 The /8:2 (is) good% + stronghold in the day o$ tro#ble& +nd He 'nows those who tr#st in Him"
Nah 1:8 B#t with an o!er$lowing $lood He will ma'e an #tter end o$ its *lae% +nd dar'ness will *#rs#e His
Nah 1:9 >hat do yo# ons*ire against the /8:2C He will ma'e an #tter end (o$ it") +$$lition will not rise #* a
seond time"
Nah 1:15 ;or while tangled (li'e) thorns% +nd while dr#n'en (li'e) dr#n'ards% They shall be de!o#red li'e st#bble
$#lly dried"
Nah 1:11 ;rom yo# omes $orth (one) >ho *lots e!il against the /8:2% + wi'ed o#nselor"
Nah 1:12 Th#s says the /8:2: .Tho#gh (they are) sa$e% and li'ewise many% Bet in this manner they will be #t
down >hen he *asses thro#gh" Tho#gh I ha!e a$$lited yo#% I will a$$lit yo# no more&
Nah 1:1- ;or now I will brea' o$$ his yo'e $rom yo#% +nd b#rst yo#r bonds a*art".
Nah 1:10 The /8:2 has gi!en a ommand onerning yo#: .Bo#r name shall be *er*et#ated no longer" 8#t o$
the ho#se o$ yo#r gods I will #t o$$ the ar!ed image and the molded image" I will dig yo#r gra!e% ;or yo# are
Nah 1:11 Behold% on the mo#ntains The $eet o$ him who brings good tidings% >ho *rolaims *eaeF 8 J#dah%
'ee* yo#r a**ointed $easts% <er$orm yo#r !ows" ;or the wi'ed one shall no more *ass thro#gh yo#& He is
#tterly #t o$$"
Nah 2:1 He who satters has ome #* be$ore yo#r $ae" ?an the $ortF >ath the roadF ,trengthen (yo#r) $lan'sF
;orti$y (yo#r) *ower mightily"
Nah 2:2 ;or the /8:2 will restore the e9ellene o$ Jaob /i'e the e9ellene o$ Israel% ;or the em*tiers ha!e
em*tied them o#t +nd r#ined their !ine branhes"
Nah 2:- The shields o$ his mighty men (are) made red% The !aliant men (are) in sarlet" The hariots (ome) with
$laming torhes In the day o$ his *re*aration% +nd the s*ears are brandished"
Nah 2:0 The hariots rage in the streets% They @ostle one another in the broad roads& They seem li'e torhes%
They r#n li'e lightning"
Nah 2:1 He remembers his nobles& They st#mble in their wal'& They ma'e haste to her walls% +nd the de$ense
is *re*ared"
Nah 2:3 The gates o$ the ri!ers are o*ened% +nd the *alae is dissol!ed"
Nah 2:4 It is dereed: ,he shall be led away a*ti!e% ,he shall be bro#ght #*& +nd her maidser!ants shall lead
(her) as with the !oie o$ do!es% Beating their breasts"
Nah 2:8 Tho#gh Nine!eh o$ old (was) li'e a *ool o$ water% Now they $lee away" .HaltF HaltF. (they ry&) B#t no
one t#rns ba'"
Nah 2:9 Ta'e s*oil o$ sil!erF Ta'e s*oil o$ goldF (There is) no end o$ treas#re% 8r wealth o$ e!ery desirable *riHe"
Nah 2:15 ,he is em*ty% desolate% and wasteF The heart melts% and the 'nees sha'e& ?#h *ain (is) in e!ery
side% +nd all their $aes are drained o$ olor"
Nah 2:11 >here (is) the dwelling o$ the lions% +nd the $eeding *lae o$ the yo#ng lions% >here the lion wal'ed%
the lioness (and) lionAs #b% +nd no one made (them) a$raidC
Nah 2:12 The lion tore in *iees eno#gh $or his #bs% Killed $or his lionesses% ;illed his a!es with *rey% +nd his
dens with $lesh"
Nah 2:1- . Behold% I (am) against yo#%. says the /8:2 o$ hosts% .I will b#rn yo#r hariots in smo'e% and the
sword shall de!o#r yo#r yo#ng lions& I will #t o$$ yo#r *rey $rom the earth% and the !oie o$ yo#r messengers
shall be heard no more".
Nah -:1 >oe to the bloody ityF It (is) all $#ll o$ lies (and) robbery" (Its) !itim ne!er de*arts"
Nah -:2 The noise o$ a whi* +nd the noise o$ rattling wheels% 8$ gallo*ing horses% 8$ lattering hariotsF
Nah -:- Horsemen harge with bright sword and glittering s*ear" (There is) a m#ltit#de o$ slain% + great n#mber
o$ bodies% =o#ntless or*ses DD They st#mble o!er the or*ses DD
Nah -:0 Bea#se o$ the m#ltit#de o$ harlotries o$ the sed#ti!e harlot% The mistress o$ soreries% >ho sells
nations thro#gh her harlotries% +nd $amilies thro#gh her soreries"
Nah -:1 . Behold% I (am) against yo#%. says the /8:2 o$ hosts& .I will li$t yo#r s'irts o!er yo#r $ae% I will show
the nations yo#r na'edness% +nd the 'ingdoms yo#r shame"
Nah -:3 I will ast abominable $ilth #*on yo#% ?a'e yo# !ile% +nd ma'e yo# a s*etale"
Nah -:4 It shall ome to *ass (that) all who loo' #*on yo# >ill $lee $rom yo#% and say% ANine!eh is laid wasteF
>ho will bemoan herCA >here shall I see' om$orters $or yo#C.
Nah -:8 +re yo# better than No +mon (That was) sit#ated by the :i!er% That had the waters aro#nd her% >hose
ram*art (was) the sea% >hose wall (was) the seaC
Nah -:9 6thio*ia and 6gy*t (were) her strength% +nd (it was) bo#ndless& <#t and /#bim were yo#r hel*ers"
Nah -:15 Bet she (was) arried away% ,he went into a*ti!ity& Her yo#ng hildren also were dashed to *iees +t
the head o$ e!ery street& They ast lots $or her honorable men% +nd all her great men were bo#nd in hains"
Nah -:11 Bo# also will be dr#n'& Bo# will be hidden& Bo# also will see' re$#ge $rom the enemy"
Nah -:12 +ll yo#r strongholds (are) $ig trees with ri*ened $igs: I$ they are sha'en% They $all into the mo#th o$ the
Nah -:1- ,#rely% yo#r *eo*le in yo#r midst (are) womenF The gates o$ yo#r land are wide o*en $or yo#r
enemies& ;ire shall de!o#r the bars o$ yo#r (gates")
Nah -:10 2raw yo#r water $or the siegeF ;orti$y yo#r strongholdsF Go into the lay and tread the mortarF ?a'e
strong the bri' 'ilnF
Nah -:11 There the $ire will de!o#r yo#% The sword will #t yo# o$$& It will eat yo# #* li'e a lo#st" ?a'e yo#rsel$
many DD li'e the lo#stF ?a'e yo#rsel$ many DD li'e the (swarming) lo#stsF
Nah -:13 Bo# ha!e m#lti*lied yo#r merhants more than the stars o$ hea!en" The lo#st *l#nders and $lies
Nah -:14 Bo#r ommanders (are) li'e (swarming) lo#sts% +nd yo#r generals li'e great grassho**ers% >hih
am* in the hedges on a old day& >hen the s#n rises they $lee away% +nd the *lae where they (are) is not
Nah -:18 Bo#r she*herds sl#mber% 8 'ing o$ +ssyria& Bo#r nobles rest (in the d#st") Bo#r *eo*le are sattered
on the mo#ntains% +nd no one gathers them"
Nah -:19 Bo#r in@#ry (has) no healing% Bo#r wo#nd is se!ere" +ll who hear news o$ yo# >ill la* (their) hands
o!er yo#% ;or #*on whom has not yo#r wi'edness *assed ontin#allyC
Hab 1:1 The b#rden whih the *ro*het Haba''#' saw"
Hab 1:2 8 /8:2% how long shall I ry% +nd Bo# will not hearC 6!en ry o#t to Bo#% .VioleneF. +nd Bo# will not
Hab 1:- >hy do Bo# show me iniE#ity% +nd a#se (me) to see tro#bleC ;or *l#ndering and !iolene (are) be$ore
me& There is stri$e% and ontention arises"
Hab 1:0 There$ore the law is *owerless% +nd @#stie ne!er goes $orth" ;or the wi'ed s#rro#nd the righteo#s&
There$ore *er!erse @#dgment *roeeds"
Hab 1:1 . /oo' among the nations and wath DD Be #tterly asto#ndedF ;or (I will) wor' a wor' in yo#r days
(>hih) yo# wo#ld not belie!e% tho#gh it were told (yo#")
Hab 1:3 ;or indeed I am raising #* the =haldeans% + bitter and hasty nation >hih marhes thro#gh the
breadth o$ the earth% To *ossess dwelling *laes (that are) not theirs"
Hab 1:4 They are terrible and dread$#l& Their @#dgment and their dignity *roeed $rom themsel!es"
Hab 1:8 Their horses also are swi$ter than leo*ards% +nd more $iere than e!ening wol!es" Their hargers
harge ahead& Their a!alry omes $rom a$ar& They $ly as the eagle (that) hastens to eat"
Hab 1:9 .They all ome $or !iolene& Their $aes are set (li'e) the east wind" They gather a*ti!es li'e sand"
Hab 1:15 They so$$ at 'ings% +nd *rines are sorned by them" They deride e!ery stronghold% ;or they hea* #*
earthen (mo#nds) and seiHe it"
Hab 1:11 Then (his) mind hanges% and he transgresses& He ommits o$$ense% (+sribing) this *ower to his god".
Hab 1:12 +re Bo# not $rom e!erlasting% 8 /8:2 my God% my Holy 8neC >e shall not die" 8 /8:2% Bo# ha!e
a**ointed them $or @#dgment& 8 :o'% Bo# ha!e mar'ed them $or orretion"
Hab 1:1- (Bo# are) o$ *#rer eyes than to behold e!il% +nd annot loo' on wi'edness" >hy do Bo# loo' on
those who deal treahero#sly% (+nd) hold Bo#r tong#e when the wi'ed de!o#rs + (*erson) more righteo#s than
Hab 1:10 (>hy) do Bo# ma'e men li'e $ish o$ the sea% /i'e ree*ing things (that ha!e) no r#ler o!er themC
Hab 1:11 They ta'e #* all o$ them with a hoo'% They ath them in their net% +nd gather them in their dragnet"
There$ore they re@oie and are glad"
Hab 1:13 There$ore they sari$ie to their net% +nd b#rn inense to their dragnet& Bea#se by them their share
(is) s#m*t#o#s +nd their $ood *lenti$#l"
Hab 1:14 ,hall they there$ore em*ty their net% +nd ontin#e to slay nations witho#t *ityC
Hab 2:1 I will stand my wath +nd set mysel$ on the ram*art% +nd wath to see what He will say to me% +nd
what I will answer when I am orreted"
Hab 2:2 Then the /8:2 answered me and said: .>rite the !ision +nd ma'e (it) *lain on tablets% That he may
r#n who reads it"
Hab 2:- ;or the !ision (is) yet $or an a**ointed time& B#t at the end it will s*ea'% and it will not lie" Tho#gh it
tarries% wait $or it& Bea#se it will s#rely ome% It will not tarry"
Hab 2:0 . Behold the *ro#d% His so#l is not #*right in him& B#t the @#st shall li!e by his $aith"
Hab 2:1 . Indeed% bea#se he transgresses by wine% (He is) a *ro#d man% +nd he does not stay at home"
Bea#se he enlarges his desire as hell% +nd he (is) li'e death% and annot be satis$ied% He gathers to himsel$ all
nations +nd hea*s #* $or himsel$ all *eo*les"
Hab 2:3 . >ill not all these ta'e #* a *ro!erb against him% +nd a ta#nting riddle against him% and say% A>oe to
him who inreases (>hat) is not his DD how longC +nd to him who loads himsel$ with many *ledgesAC
Hab 2:4 >ill not yo#r reditors rise #* s#ddenlyC >ill they not awa'en who o**ress yo#C +nd yo# will beome
their booty"
Hab 2:8 Bea#se yo# ha!e *l#ndered many nations% +ll the remnant o$ the *eo*le shall *l#nder yo#% Bea#se
o$ menAs blood +nd the !iolene o$ the land (and) the ity% +nd o$ all who dwell in it"
Hab 2:9 . >oe to him who o!ets e!il gain $or his ho#se% That he may set his nest on high% That he may be
deli!ered $rom the *ower o$ disasterF
Hab 2:15 Bo# gi!e shame$#l o#nsel to yo#r ho#se% =#tting o$$ many *eo*les% +nd sin (against) yo#r so#l"
Hab 2:11 ;or the stone will ry o#t $rom the wall% +nd the beam $rom the timbers will answer it"
Hab 2:12 . >oe to him who b#ilds a town with bloodshed% >ho establishes a ity by iniE#ityF
Hab 2:1- Behold% (is it) not o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts That the *eo*les labor to $eed the $ire% +nd nations weary
themsel!es in !ainC
Hab 2:10 ;or the earth will be $illed >ith the 'nowledge o$ the glory o$ the /8:2% +s the waters o!er the sea"
Hab 2:11 . >oe to him who gi!es drin' to his neighbor% <ressing (him to) yo#r bottle% 6!en to ma'e (him) dr#n'%
That yo# may loo' on his na'ednessF
Hab 2:13 Bo# are $illed with shame instead o$ glory" Bo# also DD drin'F +nd be e9*osed as #nir#misedF The
#* o$ the /8:2As right hand (will be) t#rned against yo#% +nd #tter shame will be on yo#r glory"
Hab 2:14 ;or the !iolene (done to) /ebanon will o!er yo#% +nd the *l#nder o$ beasts (whih) made them
a$raid% Bea#se o$ menAs blood +nd the !iolene o$ the land (and) the ity% +nd o$ all who dwell in it"
Hab 2:18 . >hat *ro$it is the image% that its ma'er sho#ld ar!e it% The molded image% a teaher o$ lies% That the
ma'er o$ its mold sho#ld tr#st in it% To ma'e m#te idolsC
Hab 2:19 >oe to him who says to wood% A+wa'eFA To silent stone% A+riseF It shall teahFA Behold% it is o!erlaid with
gold and sil!er% Bet in it there is no breath at all"
Hab 2:25 B#t the /8:2 is in His holy tem*le" /et all the earth 'ee* silene be$ore Him".
Hab -:1 + *rayer o$ Haba''#' the *ro*het% on ,higionoth"
Hab -:2 8 /8:2% I ha!e heard yo#r s*eeh (and) was a$raid& 8 /8:2% re!i!e Bo#r wor' in the midst o$ the
yearsF In the midst o$ the years ma'e (it) 'nown& In wrath remember mery"
Hab -:- God ame $rom Teman% The Holy 8ne $rom ?o#nt <aran" ,elah His glory o!ered the hea!ens% +nd
the earth was $#ll o$ His *raise"
Hab -:0 (His) brightness was li'e the light& He had rays ($lashing) $rom His hand% +nd there His *ower (was)
Hab -:1 Be$ore Him went *estilene% +nd $e!er $ollowed at His $eet"
Hab -:3 He stood and meas#red the earth& He loo'ed and startled the nations" +nd the e!erlasting mo#ntains
were sattered% The *er*et#al hills bowed" His ways (are) e!erlasting"
Hab -:4 I saw the tents o$ =#shan in a$$lition& The #rtains o$ the land o$ ?idian trembled"
Hab -:8 8 /8:2% were (Bo#) dis*leased with the ri!ers% (>as) Bo#r anger against the ri!ers% (>as) Bo#r wrath
against the sea% That Bo# rode on Bo#r horses% Bo#r hariots o$ sal!ationC
Hab -:9 Bo#r bow was made E#ite ready& 8aths were sworn o!er (Bo#r) arrows" ,elah Bo# di!ided the earth
with ri!ers"
Hab -:15 The mo#ntains saw Bo# (and) trembled& The o!er$lowing o$ the water *assed by" The dee* #ttered its
!oie% (+nd) li$ted its hands on high"
Hab -:11 The s#n and moon stood still in their habitation& +t the light o$ Bo#r arrows they went% +t the shining o$
Bo#r glittering s*ear"
Hab -:12 Bo# marhed thro#gh the land in indignation& Bo# tram*led the nations in anger"
Hab -:1- Bo# went $orth $or the sal!ation o$ Bo#r *eo*le% ;or sal!ation with Bo#r +nointed" Bo# str#' the head
$rom the ho#se o$ the wi'ed% By laying bare $rom $o#ndation to ne'" ,elah
Hab -:10 Bo# thr#st thro#gh with his own arrows The head o$ his !illages" They ame o#t li'e a whirlwind to
satter me& Their re@oiing was li'e $easting on the *oor in seret"
Hab -:11 Bo# wal'ed thro#gh the sea with Bo#r horses% Thro#gh the hea* o$ great waters"
Hab -:13 >hen I heard% my body trembled& ?y li*s E#i!ered at (the) !oie& :ottenness entered my bones& +nd I
trembled in mysel$% That I might rest in the day o$ tro#ble" >hen he omes #* to the *eo*le% He will in!ade them
with his troo*s"
Hab -:14 Tho#gh the $ig tree may not blossom% Nor $r#it be on the !ines& Tho#gh the labor o$ the oli!e may $ail%
+nd the $ields yield no $ood& Tho#gh the $lo' may be #t o$$ $rom the $old% +nd there be no herd in the stalls DD
Hab -:18 Bet I will re@oie in the /8:2% I will @oy in the God o$ my sal!ation"
Hab -:19 The /8:2 God is my strength& He will ma'e my $eet li'e deerAs ($eet%) +nd He will ma'e me wal' on
my high hills" To the =hie$ ?#siian" >ith my stringed instr#ments"
Ge* 1:1 The word o$ the /8:2 whih ame to Ge*haniah the son o$ =#shi% the son o$ Gedaliah% the son o$
+mariah% the son o$ HeHe'iah% in the days o$ Josiah the son o$ +mon% 'ing o$ J#dah"
Ge* 1:2 . I will #tterly ons#me e!erything ;rom the $ae o$ the land%. ,ays the /8:2&
Ge* 1:- .I will ons#me man and beast& I will ons#me the birds o$ the hea!ens% The $ish o$ the sea% +nd the
st#mbling blo's along with the wi'ed" I will #t o$$ man $rom the $ae o$ the land%. ,ays the /8:2"
Ge* 1:0 .I will streth o#t ?y hand against J#dah% +nd against all the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem" I will #t o$$
e!ery trae o$ Baal $rom this *lae% The names o$ the idolatro#s *riests with the (*agan) *riests DD
Ge* 1:1 Those who worshi* the host o$ hea!en on the ho#seto*s& Those who worshi* and swear (oaths) by the
/8:2% B#t who (also) swear by ?ilom&
Ge* 1:3 Those who ha!e t#rned ba' $rom ($ollowing) the /8:2% +nd ha!e not so#ght the /8:2% nor inE#ired
o$ Him".
Ge* 1:4 Be silent in the *resene o$ the /ord G82& ;or the day o$ the /8:2 (is) at hand% ;or the /8:2 has
*re*ared a sari$ie& He has in!ited His g#ests"
Ge* 1:8 .+nd it shall be% In the day o$ the /8:2As sari$ie% That I will *#nish the *rines and the 'ingAs hildren%
+nd all s#h as are lothed with $oreign a**arel"
Ge* 1:9 In the same day I will *#nish +ll those who lea* o!er the threshold% >ho $ill their mastersA ho#ses with
!iolene and deeit"
Ge* 1:15 .+nd there shall be on that day%. says the /8:2% .The so#nd o$ a mo#rn$#l ry $rom the ;ish Gate% +
wailing $rom the ,eond K#arter% +nd a lo#d rashing $rom the hills"
Ge* 1:11 >ail% yo# inhabitants o$ ?a'teshF ;or all the merhant *eo*le are #t down& +ll those who handle
money are #t o$$"
Ge* 1:12 .+nd it shall ome to *ass at that time (That) I will searh Jer#salem with lam*s% +nd *#nish the men
>ho are settled in om*laeny% >ho say in their heart% AThe /8:2 will not do good% Nor will He do e!il"A
Ge* 1:1- There$ore their goods shall beome booty% +nd their ho#ses a desolation& They shall b#ild ho#ses% b#t
not inhabit (them&) They shall *lant !ineyards% b#t not drin' their wine".
Ge* 1:10 The great day o$ the /8:2 (is) near& (It is) near and hastens E#i'ly" The noise o$ the day o$ the /8:2
is bitter& There the mighty men shall ry o#t"
Ge* 1:11 That day (is) a day o$ wrath% + day o$ tro#ble and distress% + day o$ de!astation and desolation% + day
o$ dar'ness and gloominess% + day o$ lo#ds and thi' dar'ness%
Ge* 1:13 + day o$ tr#m*et and alarm +gainst the $orti$ied ities +nd against the high towers"
Ge* 1:14 .I will bring distress #*on men% +nd they shall wal' li'e blind men% Bea#se they ha!e sinned against
the /8:2& Their blood shall be *o#red o#t li'e d#st% +nd their $lesh li'e re$#se".
Ge* 1:18 Neither their sil!er nor their gold ,hall be able to deli!er them In the day o$ the /8:2As wrath& B#t the
whole land shall be de!o#red By the $ire o$ His @ealo#sy% ;or He will ma'e s*eedy riddane 8$ all those who
dwell in the land"
Ge* 2:1 Gather yo#rsel!es together% yes% gather together% 8 #ndesirable nation%
Ge* 2:2 Be$ore the deree is iss#ed% (8r) the day *asses li'e ha$$% Be$ore the /8:2As $iere anger omes #*on
yo#% Be$ore the day o$ the /8:2As anger omes #*on yo#F
Ge* 2:- ,ee' the /8:2% all yo# mee' o$ the earth% >ho ha!e #*held His @#stie" ,ee' righteo#sness% see'
h#mility" It may be that yo# will be hidden In the day o$ the /8:2As anger"
Ge* 2:0 ;or GaHa shall be $orsa'en% +nd +sh'elon desolate& They shall dri!e o#t +shdod at noonday% +nd
6'ron shall be #*rooted"
Ge* 2:1 >oe to the inhabitants o$ the seaoast% The nation o$ the =herethitesF The word o$ the /8:2 (is)
against yo#% 8 =anaan% land o$ the <hilistines: .I will destroy yo#& ,o there shall be no inhabitant".
Ge* 2:3 The seaoast shall be *ast#res% >ith shelters $or she*herds and $olds $or $lo's"
Ge* 2:4 The oast shall be $or the remnant o$ the ho#se o$ J#dah& They shall $eed (their) $lo's there& In the
ho#ses o$ +sh'elon they shall lie down at e!ening" ;or the /8:2 their God will inter!ene $or them% +nd ret#rn
their a*ti!es"
Ge* 2:8 . I ha!e heard the re*roah o$ ?oab% +nd the ins#lts o$ the *eo*le o$ +mmon% >ith whih they ha!e
re*roahed ?y *eo*le% +nd made arrogant threats against their borders"
Ge* 2:9 There$ore% as I li!e%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts% the God o$ Israel% .,#rely ?oab shall be li'e ,odom% +nd
the *eo*le o$ +mmon li'e Gomorrah DD 8!err#n with weeds and salt*its% +nd a *er*et#al desolation" The resid#e
o$ ?y *eo*le shall *l#nder them% +nd the remnant o$ ?y *eo*le shall *ossess them".
Ge* 2:15 This they shall ha!e $or their *ride% Bea#se they ha!e re*roahed and made arrogant threats +gainst
the *eo*le o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Ge* 2:11 The /8:2 (will be) awesome to them% ;or He will red#e to nothing all the gods o$ the earth& (<eo*le)
shall worshi* Him% 6ah one $rom his *lae% Indeed all the shores o$ the nations"
Ge* 2:12 . Bo# 6thio*ians also% Bo# shall be slain by ?y sword".
Ge* 2:1- +nd He will streth o#t His hand against the north% 2estroy +ssyria% +nd ma'e Nine!eh a desolation%
+s dry as the wilderness"
Ge* 2:10 The herds shall lie down in her midst% 6!ery beast o$ the nation" Both the *elian and the bittern ,hall
lodge on the a*itals (o$) her (*illars&) Their !oie shall sing in the windows& 2esolation (shall be) at the threshold&
;or He will lay bare the edar wor'"
Ge* 2:11 This is the re@oiing ity That dwelt se#rely% That said in her heart% .I (am it%) and (there is) none
besides me". How has she beome a desolation% + *lae $or beasts to lie downF 6!eryone who *asses by her
,hall hiss and sha'e his $ist"
Ge* -:1 >oe to her who is rebellio#s and *oll#ted% To the o**ressing ityF
Ge* -:2 ,he has not obeyed (His) !oie% ,he has not reei!ed orretion& ,he has not tr#sted in the /8:2% ,he
has not drawn near to her God"
Ge* -:- Her *rines in her midst (are) roaring lions& Her @#dges (are) e!ening wol!es That lea!e not a bone till
Ge* -:0 Her *ro*hets are insolent% treahero#s *eo*le& Her *riests ha!e *oll#ted the sant#ary% They ha!e
done !iolene to the law"
Ge* -:1 The /8:2 (is) righteo#s in her midst% He will do no #nrighteo#sness" 6!ery morning He brings His
@#stie to light& He ne!er $ails% B#t the #n@#st 'nows no shame"
Ge* -:3 .I ha!e #t o$$ nations% Their $ortresses are de!astated& I ha!e made their streets desolate% >ith none
*assing by" Their ities are destroyed& (There is) no one% no inhabitant"
Ge* -:4 I said% A,#rely yo# will $ear ?e% Bo# will reei!e instr#tionA DD ,o that her dwelling wo#ld not be #t o$$%
(2es*ite) e!erything $or whih I *#nished her" B#t they rose early and orr#*ted all their deeds"
Ge* -:8 . There$ore wait $or ?e%. says the /8:2% .7ntil the day I rise #* $or *l#nder& ?y determination (is) to
gather the nations To ?y assembly o$ 'ingdoms% To *o#r on them ?y indignation% +ll my $iere anger& +ll the
earth shall be de!o#red >ith the $ire o$ ?y @ealo#sy"
Ge* -:9 .;or then I will restore to the *eo*les a *#re lang#age% That they all may all on the name o$ the /8:2%
To ser!e Him with one aord"
Ge* -:15 ;rom beyond the ri!ers o$ 6thio*ia ?y worshi*ers% The da#ghter o$ ?y dis*ersed ones% ,hall bring ?y
Ge* -:11 In that day yo# shall not be shamed $or any o$ yo#r deeds In whih yo# transgress against ?e& ;or
then I will ta'e away $rom yo#r midst Those who re@oie in yo#r *ride% +nd yo# shall no longer be ha#ghty In ?y
holy mo#ntain"
Ge* -:12 I will lea!e in yo#r midst + mee' and h#mble *eo*le% +nd they shall tr#st in the name o$ the /8:2"
Ge* -:1- The remnant o$ Israel shall do no #nrighteo#sness +nd s*ea' no lies% Nor shall a deeit$#l tong#e be
$o#nd in their mo#th& ;or they shall $eed (their) $lo's and lie down% +nd no one shall ma'e (them) a$raid".
Ge* -:10 ,ing% 8 da#ghter o$ GionF ,ho#t% 8 IsraelF Be glad and re@oie with all (yo#r) heart% 8 da#ghter o$
Ge* -:11 The /8:2 has ta'en away yo#r @#dgments% He has ast o#t yo#r enemy" The King o$ Israel% the
/8:2% (is) in yo#r midst& Bo# shall see disaster no more"
Ge* -:13 In that day it shall be said to Jer#salem: .2o not $ear& Gion% let not yo#r hands be wea'"
Ge* -:14 The /8:2 yo#r God in yo#r midst% The ?ighty 8ne% will sa!e& He will re@oie o!er yo# with gladness%
He will E#iet (yo#) with His lo!e% He will re@oie o!er yo# with singing".
Ge* -:18 .I will gather those who sorrow o!er the a**ointed assembly% >ho are among yo#% (To whom) its
re*roah (is) a b#rden"
Ge* -:19 Behold% at that time I will deal with all who a$$lit yo#& I will sa!e the lame% +nd gather those who were
dri!en o#t& I will a**oint them $or *raise and $ame In e!ery land where they were *#t to shame"
Ge* -:25 +t that time I will bring yo# ba'% 6!en at the time I gather yo#& ;or I will gi!e yo# $ame and *raise
+mong all the *eo*les o$ the earth% >hen I ret#rn yo#r a*ti!es be$ore yo#r eyes%. ,ays the /8:2"
Hag 1:1 In the seond year o$ King 2ari#s% in the si9th month% on the $irst day o$ the month% the word o$ the
/8:2 ame by Haggai the *ro*het to Ger#bbabel the son o$ ,healtiel% go!ernor o$ J#dah% and to Josh#a the son
o$ JehoHada'% the high *riest% saying%
Hag 1:2 .Th#s s*ea's the /8:2 o$ hosts% saying: AThis *eo*le says% .The time has not ome% the time that the
/8:2As ho#se sho#ld be b#ilt". A .
Hag 1:- Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame by Haggai the *ro*het% saying%
Hag 1:0 .(Is it) time $or yo# yo#rsel!es to dwell in yo#r *aneled ho#ses% and this tem*le (to lie) in r#insC.
Hag 1:1 Now there$ore% th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .=onsider yo#r waysF
Hag 1:3 .Bo# ha!e sown m#h% and bring in little& Bo# eat% b#t do not ha!e eno#gh& Bo# drin'% b#t yo# are not
$illed with drin'& Bo# lothe yo#rsel!es% b#t no one is warm& +nd he who earns wages% 6arns wages (to *#t) into
a bag with holes".
Hag 1:4 Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .=onsider yo#r waysF
Hag 1:8 .Go #* to the mo#ntains and bring wood and b#ild the tem*le% that I may ta'e *leas#re in it and be
glori$ied%. says the /8:2"
Hag 1:9 .(Bo#) loo'ed $or m#h% b#t indeed (it ame to) little& and when yo# bro#ght it home% I blew it away"
>hyC. says the /8:2 o$ hosts" .Bea#se o$ ?y ho#se that (is in) r#ins% while e!ery one o$ yo# r#ns to his own
Hag 1:15 .There$ore the hea!ens abo!e yo# withhold the dew% and the earth withholds its $r#it"
Hag 1:11 .;or I alled $or a dro#ght on the land and the mo#ntains% on the grain and the new wine and the oil%
on whate!er the gro#nd brings $orth% on men and li!esto'% and on all the labor o$ (yo#r) hands".
Hag 1:12 Then Ger#bbabel the son o$ ,healtiel% and Josh#a the son o$ JehoHada'% the high *riest% with all the
remnant o$ the *eo*le% obeyed the !oie o$ the /8:2 their God% and the words o$ Haggai the *ro*het% as the
/8:2 their God had sent him& and the *eo*le $eared the *resene o$ the /8:2"
Hag 1:1- Then Haggai% the /8:2As messenger% s*o'e the /8:2As message to the *eo*le% saying% .I (am) with
yo#% says the /8:2".
Hag 1:10 ,o the /8:2 stirred #* the s*irit o$ Ger#bbabel the son o$ ,healtiel% go!ernor o$ J#dah% and the s*irit
o$ Josh#a the son o$ JehoHada'% the high *riest% and the s*irit o$ all the remnant o$ the *eo*le& and they ame
and wor'ed on the ho#se o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts% their God%
Hag 1:11 on the twentyD$o#rth day o$ the si9th month% in the seond year o$ King 2ari#s"
Hag 2:1 In the se!enth (month%) on the twentyD$irst o$ the month% the word o$ the /8:2 ame by Haggai the
*ro*het% saying:
Hag 2:2 .,*ea' now to Ger#bbabel the son o$ ,healtiel% go!ernor o$ J#dah% and to Josh#a the son o$
JehoHada'% the high *riest% and to the remnant o$ the *eo*le% saying:
Hag 2:- A>ho is le$t among yo# who saw this tem*le in its $ormer gloryC +nd how do yo# see it nowC In
om*arison with it% (is this) not in yo#r eyes as nothingC
Hag 2:0 ABet now be strong% Ger#bbabel%A says the /8:2& Aand be strong% Josh#a% son o$ JehoHada'% the high
*riest& and be strong% all yo# *eo*le o$ the land%A says the /8:2% Aand wor'& $or I (am) with yo#%A says the /8:2
o$ hosts"
Hag 2:1 A(+ording to) the word that I o!enanted with yo# when yo# ame o#t o$ 6gy*t% so ?y ,*irit remains
among yo#& do not $earFA
Hag 2:3 . ;or th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: A8ne more Iit (is) a little whileJ I will sha'e hea!en and earth% the
sea and dry land&
Hag 2:4 Aand I will sha'e all nations% and they shall ome to the 2esire o$ +ll Nations% and I will $ill this tem*le
with glory%A says the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Hag 2:8 A The sil!er (is) ?ine% and the gold (is) ?ine%A says the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Hag 2:9 AThe glory o$ this latter tem*le shall be greater than the $ormer%A says the /8:2 o$ hosts" A+nd in this
*lae I will gi!e *eae%A says the /8:2 o$ hosts".
Hag 2:15 8n the twentyD$o#rth (day) o$ the ninth (month%) in the seond year o$ 2ari#s% the word o$ the /8:2
ame by Haggai the *ro*het% saying%
Hag 2:11 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: ANow% as' the *riests (onerning the) law% saying%
Hag 2:12 .I$ one arries holy meat in the $old o$ his garment% and with the edge he to#hes bread or stew% wine
or oil% or any $ood% will it beome holyC. A . Then the *riests answered and said% .No".
Hag 2:1- +nd Haggai said% .I$ (one who is) #nlean (bea#se) o$ a dead body to#hes any o$ these% will it be
#nleanC. ,o the *riests answered and said% .It shall be #nlean".
Hag 2:10 Then Haggai answered and said% . A,o is this *eo*le% and so is this nation be$ore ?e%A says the /8:2%
Aand so is e!ery wor' o$ their hands& and what they o$$er there is #nlean"
Hag 2:11 A +nd now% are$#lly onsider $rom this day $orward: $rom be$ore stone was laid #*on stone in the
tem*le o$ the /8:2 DD
Hag 2:13 Asine those (days%) when (one) ame to a hea* o$ twenty e*hahs% there were (b#t) ten& when (one)
ame to the wine !at to draw o#t $i$ty baths $rom the *ress% there were (b#t) twenty"
Hag 2:14 AI str#' yo# with blight and mildew and hail in all the labors o$ yo#r hands& yet yo# did not (t#rn) to
?e%A says the /8:2"
Hag 2:18 A=onsider now $rom this day $orward% $rom the twentyD$o#rth day o$ the ninth month% $rom the day that
the $o#ndation o$ the /8:2As tem*le was laid DD onsider it:
Hag 2:19 AIs the seed still in the barnC +s yet the !ine% the $ig tree% the *omegranate% and the oli!e tree ha!e not
yielded ($r#it" B#t) $rom this day I will bless (yo#"A) .
Hag 2:25 +nd again the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Haggai on the twentyD$o#rth day o$ the month% saying%
Hag 2:21 .,*ea' to Ger#bbabel% go!ernor o$ J#dah% saying: AI will sha'e hea!en and earth"
Hag 2:22 I will o!erthrow the throne o$ 'ingdoms& I will destroy the strength o$ the Gentile 'ingdoms" I will
o!erthrow the hariots +nd those who ride in them& The horses and their riders shall ome down% 6!ery one by
the sword o$ his brother"
Hag 2:2- AIn that day%A says the /8:2 o$ hosts% AI will ta'e yo#% Ger#bbabel ?y ser!ant% the son o$ ,healtiel%A
says the /8:2% Aand will ma'e yo# li'e a signet (ring&) $or I ha!e hosen yo#%A says the /8:2 o$ hosts".
Ge 1:1 In the eighth month o$ the seond year o$ 2ari#s% the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Gehariah the son o$
Berehiah% the son o$ Iddo the *ro*het% saying%
Ge 1:2 .The /8:2 has been !ery angry with yo#r $athers"
Ge 1:- .There$ore say to them% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .:et#rn to ?e%. says the /8:2 o$ hosts% .and I
will ret#rn to yo#%. says the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Ge 1:0 .2o not be li'e yo#r $athers% to whom the $ormer *ro*hets *reahed% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$
hosts: .T#rn now $rom yo#r e!il ways and yo#r e!il deeds". A B#t they did not hear nor heed ?e%. says the /8:2"
Ge 1:1 .Bo#r $athers% where (are) theyC +nd the *ro*hets% do they li!e $ore!erC
Ge 1:3 Bet s#rely ?y words and ?y stat#tes% >hih I ommanded ?y ser!ants the *ro*hets% 2id they not
o!erta'e yo#r $athersC .,o they ret#rned and said: AJ#st as the /8:2 o$ hosts determined to do to #s% +ording
to o#r ways and aording to o#r deeds% ,o He has dealt with #s"A . A .
Ge 1:4 8n the twentyD$o#rth day o$ the ele!enth month% whih is the month ,hebat% in the seond year o$
2ari#s% the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Gehariah the son o$ Berehiah% the son o$ Iddo the *ro*het:
Ge 1:8 I saw by night% and behold% a man riding on a red horse% and it stood among the myrtle trees in the
hollow& and behind him (were) horses: red% sorrel% and white"
Ge 1:9 Then I said% .?y lord% what (are) theseC. ,o the angel who tal'ed with me said to me% .I will show yo#
what they (are".)
Ge 1:15 +nd the man who stood among the myrtle trees answered and said% .These (are the ones) whom the
/8:2 has sent to wal' to and $ro thro#gho#t the earth".
Ge 1:11 ,o they answered the +ngel o$ the /8:2% who stood among the myrtle trees% and said% .>e ha!e
wal'ed to and $ro thro#gho#t the earth% and behold% all the earth is resting E#ietly".
Ge 1:12 Then the +ngel o$ the /8:2 answered and said% .8 /8:2 o$ hosts% how long will Bo# not ha!e mery
on Jer#salem and on the ities o$ J#dah% against whih Bo# were angry these se!enty yearsC.
Ge 1:1- +nd the /8:2 answered the angel who tal'ed to me% (with) good (and) om$orting words"
Ge 1:10 ,o the angel who s*o'e with me said to me% .<rolaim% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .I am
Healo#s $or Jer#salem +nd $or Gion with great Heal"
Ge 1:11 I am e9eedingly angry with the nations at ease& ;or I was a little angry% +nd they hel*ed DD (b#t) with
e!il (intent".)
Ge 1:13 AThere$ore th#s says the /8:2: .I am ret#rning to Jer#salem with mery& ?y ho#se shall be b#ilt in it%.
says the /8:2 o$ hosts% .+nd a (s#r!eyorAs) line shall be strethed o#t o!er Jer#salem". A
Ge 1:14 .+gain *rolaim% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .?y ities shall again s*read o#t thro#gh
*ros*erity& The /8:2 will again om$ort Gion% +nd will again hoose Jer#salem". A .
Ge 1:18 Then I raised my eyes and loo'ed% and there (were) $o#r horns"
Ge 1:19 +nd I said to the angel who tal'ed with me% .>hat (are) theseC. ,o he answered me% .These (are) the
horns that ha!e sattered J#dah% Israel% and Jer#salem".
Ge 1:25 Then the /8:2 showed me $o#r ra$tsmen"
Ge 1:21 +nd I said% .>hat are these oming to doC. ,o he said% .These (are) the horns that sattered J#dah% so
that no one o#ld li$t #* his head& b#t the ra$tsmen are oming to terri$y them% to ast o#t the horns o$ the
nations that li$ted #* (their) horn against the land o$ J#dah to satter it".
Ge 2:1 Then I raised my eyes and loo'ed% and behold% a man with a meas#ring line in his hand"
Ge 2:2 ,o I said% .>here are yo# goingC. +nd he said to me% .To meas#re Jer#salem% to see what (is) its width
and what (is) its length".
Ge 2:- +nd there (was) the angel who tal'ed with me% going o#t& and another angel was oming o#t to meet
Ge 2:0 who said to him% .:#n% s*ea' to this yo#ng man% saying: AJer#salem shall be inhabited (as) towns
witho#t walls% bea#se o$ the m#ltit#de o$ men and li!esto' in it"
Ge 2:1 A;or I%A says the /8:2% Awill be a wall o$ $ire all aro#nd her% and I will be the glory in her midst"A .
Ge 2:3 . 7*% #*F ;lee $rom the land o$ the north%. says the /8:2& .$or I ha!e s*read yo# abroad li'e the $o#r
winds o$ hea!en%. says the /8:2"
Ge 2:4 .7*% GionF 6sa*e% yo# who dwell with the da#ghter o$ Babylon".
Ge 2:8 ;or th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .He sent ?e a$ter glory% to the nations whih *l#nder yo#& $or he who
to#hes yo# to#hes the a**le o$ His eye"
Ge 2:9 .;or s#rely I will sha'e ?y hand against them% and they shall beome s*oil $or their ser!ants" Then yo#
will 'now that the /8:2 o$ hosts has sent ?e"
Ge 2:15 . ,ing and re@oie% 8 da#ghter o$ GionF ;or behold% I am oming and I will dwell in yo#r midst%. says the
Ge 2:11 .?any nations shall be @oined to the /8:2 in that day% and they shall beome ?y *eo*le" +nd I will
dwell in yo#r midst" Then yo# will 'now that the /8:2 o$ hosts has sent ?e to yo#"
Ge 2:12 .+nd the /8:2 will ta'e *ossession o$ J#dah as His inheritane in the Holy /and% and will again
hoose Jer#salem"
Ge 2:1- .Be silent% all $lesh% be$ore the /8:2% $or He is aro#sed $rom His holy habitationF.
Ge -:1 Then he showed me Josh#a the high *riest standing be$ore the +ngel o$ the /8:2% and ,atan standing
at his right hand to o**ose him"
Ge -:2 +nd the /8:2 said to ,atan% .The /8:2 reb#'e yo#% ,atanF The /8:2 who has hosen Jer#salem
reb#'e yo#F (Is) this not a brand *l#'ed $rom the $ireC.
Ge -:- Now Josh#a was lothed with $ilthy garments% and was standing be$ore the +ngel"
Ge -:0 Then He answered and s*o'e to those who stood be$ore Him% saying% .Ta'e away the $ilthy garments
$rom him". +nd to him He said% .,ee% I ha!e remo!ed yo#r iniE#ity $rom yo#% and I will lothe yo# with rih robes".
Ge -:1 +nd I said% ./et them *#t a lean t#rban on his head". ,o they *#t a lean t#rban on his head% and they
*#t the lothes on him" +nd the +ngel o$ the /8:2 stood by"
Ge -:3 Then the +ngel o$ the /8:2 admonished Josh#a% saying%
Ge -:4 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: AI$ yo# will wal' in ?y ways% +nd i$ yo# will 'ee* ?y ommand% Then yo#
shall also @#dge ?y ho#se% +nd li'ewise ha!e harge o$ ?y o#rts& I will gi!e yo# *laes to wal' +mong these
who stand here"
Ge -:8 AHear% 8 Josh#a% the high *riest% Bo# and yo#r om*anions who sit be$ore yo#% ;or they are a
wondro#s sign& ;or behold% I am bringing $orth ?y ,er!ant the B:+N=H"
Ge -:9 ;or behold% the stone That I ha!e laid be$ore Josh#a: 7*on the stone (are) se!en eyes" Behold% I will
engra!e its insri*tion%A ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts% A+nd I will remo!e the iniE#ity o$ that land in one day"
Ge -:15 In that day%A says the /8:2 o$ hosts% A6!eryone will in!ite his neighbor 7nder his !ine and #nder his $ig
tree"A .
Ge 0:1 Now the angel who tal'ed with me ame ba' and wa'ened me% as a man who is wa'ened o#t o$ his
Ge 0:2 +nd he said to me% .>hat do yo# seeC. ,o I said% .I am loo'ing% and there (is) a lam*stand o$ solid gold
with a bowl on to* o$ it% and on the (stand) se!en lam*s with se!en *i*es to the se!en lam*s"
Ge 0:- .Two oli!e trees (are) by it% one at the right o$ the bowl and the other at its le$t".
Ge 0:0 ,o I answered and s*o'e to the angel who tal'ed with me% saying% .>hat (are) these% my lordC.
Ge 0:1 Then the angel who tal'ed with me answered and said to me% .2o yo# not 'now what these areC. +nd I
said% .No% my lord".
Ge 0:3 ,o he answered and said to me: .This (is) the word o$ the /8:2 to Ger#bbabel: ANot by might nor by
*ower% b#t by ?y ,*irit%A ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Ge 0:4 A>ho (are) yo#% 8 great mo#ntainC Be$ore Ger#bbabel (yo# shall beome) a *lainF +nd he shall bring
$orth the a*stone >ith sho#ts o$ .Grae% grae to itF. A .
Ge 0:8 ?oreo!er the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying:
Ge 0:9 .The hands o$ Ger#bbabel Ha!e laid the $o#ndation o$ this tem*le& His hands shall also $inish (it") Then
yo# will 'now That the /8:2 o$ hosts has sent ?e to yo#"
Ge 0:15 ;or who has des*ised the day o$ small thingsC ;or these se!en re@oie to see The *l#mb line in the
hand o$ Ger#bbabel" They are the eyes o$ the /8:2% >hih san to and $ro thro#gho#t the whole earth".
Ge 0:11 Then I answered and said to him% .>hat (are) these two oli!e trees DD at the right o$ the lam*stand and
at its le$tC.
Ge 0:12 +nd I $#rther answered and said to him% .>hat (are these) two oli!e branhes that (dri*) into the
ree*tales o$ the two gold *i*es $rom whih the golden (oil) drainsC.
Ge 0:1- Then he answered me and said% .2o yo# not 'now what these (areC.) +nd I said% .No% my lord".
Ge 0:10 ,o he said% .These (are) the two anointed ones% who stand beside the /ord o$ the whole earth".
Ge 1:1 Then I t#rned and raised my eyes% and saw there a $lying sroll"
Ge 1:2 +nd he said to me% .>hat do yo# seeC. ,o I answered% .I see a $lying sroll" Its length (is) twenty #bits
and its width ten #bits".
Ge 1:- Then he said to me% .This (is) the #rse that goes o#t o!er the $ae o$ the whole earth: A6!ery thie$ shall
be e9*elled%A aording (to) this side o$ (the sroll&) and% A6!ery *er@#rer shall be e9*elled%A aording (to) that side
o$ it".
Ge 1:0 .I will send o#t (the #rse%.) says the /8:2 o$ hosts& .It shall enter the ho#se o$ the thie$ +nd the ho#se
o$ the one who swears $alsely by ?y name" It shall remain in the midst o$ his ho#se +nd ons#me it% with its
timber and stones".
Ge 1:1 Then the angel who tal'ed with me ame o#t and said to me% ./i$t yo#r eyes now% and see what this (is)
that goes $orth".
Ge 1:3 ,o I as'ed% .>hat (is) itC. +nd he said% .It (is) a bas'et that is going $orth". He also said% .This (is) their
resemblane thro#gho#t the earth:
Ge 1:4 .Here (is) a lead dis li$ted #*% and this (is) a woman sitting inside the bas'et.&
Ge 1:8 then he said% .This (is) >i'ednessF. +nd he thr#st her down into the bas'et% and threw the lead o!er
o!er its mo#th"
Ge 1:9 Then I raised my eyes and loo'ed% and there (were) two women% oming with the wind in their wings& $or
they had wings li'e the wings o$ a stor'% and they li$ted #* the bas'et between earth and hea!en"
Ge 1:15 ,o I said to the angel who tal'ed with me% .>here are they arrying the bas'etC.
Ge 1:11 +nd he said to me% .To b#ild a ho#se $or it in the land o$ ,hinar& when it is ready% (the bas'et) will be
set there on its base".
Ge 3:1 Then I t#rned and raised my eyes and loo'ed% and behold% $o#r hariots (were) oming $rom between
two mo#ntains% and the mo#ntains (were) mo#ntains o$ bronHe"
Ge 3:2 >ith the $irst hariot (were) red horses% with the seond hariot bla' horses%
Ge 3:- with the third hariot white horses% and with the $o#rth hariot da**led horses DD strong (steeds")
Ge 3:0 Then I answered and said to the angel who tal'ed with me% .>hat (are) these% my lordC.
Ge 3:1 +nd the angel answered and said to me% .These (are) $o#r s*irits o$ hea!en% who go o#t $rom (their)
station be$ore the /ord o$ all the earth"
Ge 3:3 .The one with the bla' horses is going to the north o#ntry% the white are going a$ter them% and the
da**led are going toward the so#th o#ntry".
Ge 3:4 Then the strong (steeds) went o#t% eager to go% that they might wal' to and $ro thro#gho#t the earth" +nd
He said% .Go% wal' to and $ro thro#gho#t the earth". ,o they wal'ed to and $ro thro#gho#t the earth"
Ge 3:8 +nd He alled to me% and s*o'e to me% saying% .,ee% those who go toward the north o#ntry ha!e gi!en
rest to ?y ,*irit in the north o#ntry".
Ge 3:9 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to me% saying:
Ge 3:15 .:eei!e (the gi$t) $rom the a*ti!es DD $rom Heldai% Tobi@ah% and Jedaiah% who ha!e ome $rom
Babylon DD and go the same day and enter the ho#se o$ Josiah the son o$ Ge*haniah"
Ge 3:11 .Ta'e the sil!er and gold% ma'e an elaborate rown% and set (it) on the head o$ Josh#a the son o$
JehoHada'% the high *riest"
Ge 3:12 .Then s*ea' to him% saying% ATh#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts% saying: .Behold% the ?an whose name (is)
the B:+N=HF ;rom His *lae He shall branh o#t% +nd He shall b#ild the tem*le o$ the /8:2&
Ge 3:1- Bes% He shall b#ild the tem*le o$ the /8:2" He shall bear the glory% +nd shall sit and r#le on His
throne& ,o He shall be a *riest on His throne% +nd the o#nsel o$ *eae shall be between them both". A
Ge 3:10 .Now the elaborate rown shall be $or a memorial in the tem*le o$ the /8:2 $or Helem% Tobi@ah%
Jedaiah% and Hen the son o$ Ge*haniah"
Ge 3:11 .6!en those $rom a$ar shall ome and b#ild the tem*le o$ the /8:2" Then yo# shall 'now that the
/8:2 o$ hosts has sent ?e to yo#" +nd (this) shall ome to *ass i$ yo# diligently obey the !oie o$ the /8:2
yo#r God".
Ge 4:1 Now in the $o#rth year o$ King 2ari#s it ame to *ass (that) the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Gehariah%
on the $o#rth day o$ the ninth month% =hisle!%
Ge 4:2 when (the *eo*le) sent ,hereHer% with :egemD?eleh and his men% (to) the ho#se o$ God% to *ray
be$ore the /8:2%
Ge 4:- (and) to as' the *riests who (were) in the ho#se o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts% and the *ro*hets% saying%
.,ho#ld I wee* in the $i$th month and $ast as I ha!e done $or so many yearsC.
Ge 4:0 Then the word o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts ame to me% saying%
Ge 4:1 .,ay to all the *eo*le o$ the land% and to the *riests: A>hen yo# $asted and mo#rned in the $i$th and
se!enth (months) d#ring those se!enty years% did yo# really $ast $or ?e DD $or ?eC
Ge 4:3 A>hen yo# eat and when yo# drin'% do yo# not eat and drin' ($or yo#rsel!esC)
Ge 4:4 A(,ho#ld yo#) not (ha!e obeyed) the words whih the /8:2 *rolaimed thro#gh the $ormer *ro*hets
when Jer#salem and the ities aro#nd it were inhabited and *ros*ero#s% and the ,o#th and the /owland were
inhabitedCA .
Ge 4:8 Then the word o$ the /8:2 ame to Gehariah% saying%
Ge 4:9 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: A69e#te tr#e @#stie% ,how mery and om*assion 6!eryone to his
Ge 4:15 2o not o**ress the widow or the $atherless% The alien or the *oor" /et none o$ yo# *lan e!il in his heart
+gainst his brother"A
Ge 4:11 .B#t they re$#sed to heed% shr#gged their sho#lders% and sto**ed their ears so that they o#ld not
Ge 4:12 .Bes% they made their hearts li'e $lint% re$#sing to hear the law and the words whih the /8:2 o$ hosts
had sent by His ,*irit thro#gh the $ormer *ro*hets" Th#s great wrath ame $rom the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Ge 4:1- .There$ore it ha**ened% (that) @#st as He *rolaimed and they wo#ld not hear% so they alled o#t and I
wo#ld not listen%. says the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Ge 4:10 .B#t I sattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations whih they had not 'nown" Th#s the land
beame desolate a$ter them% so that no one *assed thro#gh or ret#rned& $or they made the *leasant land
Ge 8:1 +gain the word o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts ame% saying%
Ge 8:2 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: AI am Healo#s $or Gion with great Heal& >ith great $er!or I am Healo#s $or
Ge 8:- .Th#s says the /8:2: AI will ret#rn to Gion% +nd dwell in the midst o$ Jer#salem" Jer#salem shall be
alled the =ity o$ Tr#th% The ?o#ntain o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts% The Holy ?o#ntain"A
Ge 8:0 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: A8ld men and old women shall again sit In the streets o$ Jer#salem%
6ah one with his sta$$ in his hand Bea#se o$ great age"
Ge 8:1 The streets o$ the ity ,hall be $#ll o$ boys and girls <laying in its streets"A
Ge 8:3 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: AI$ it is mar!elo#s in the eyes o$ the remnant o$ this *eo*le in these days%
>ill it also be mar!elo#s in ?y eyesCA ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Ge 8:4 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: ABehold% I will sa!e ?y *eo*le $rom the land o$ the east +nd $rom the
land o$ the west&
Ge 8:8 I will bring them (ba'%) +nd they shall dwell in the midst o$ Jer#salem" They shall be ?y *eo*le +nd I
will be their God% In tr#th and righteo#sness"A
Ge 8:9 . Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: A/et yo#r hands be strong% Bo# who ha!e been hearing in these days
These words by the mo#th o$ the *ro*hets% >ho (s*o'e) in the day the $o#ndation was laid ;or the ho#se o$ the
/8:2 o$ hosts% That the tem*le might be b#ilt"
Ge 8:15 ;or be$ore these days (There were) no wages $or man nor any hire $or beast& (There was) no *eae
$rom the enemy $or whoe!er went o#t or ame in& ;or I set all men% e!eryone% against his neighbor"
Ge 8:11 AB#t now I (will) not (treat) the remnant o$ this *eo*le as in the $ormer days%A says the /8:2 o$ hosts"
Ge 8:12 A;or the seed (shall be) *ros*ero#s% The !ine shall gi!e its $r#it% The gro#nd shall gi!e her inrease%
+nd the hea!ens shall gi!e their dew DD I will a#se the remnant o$ this *eo*le To *ossess all these"
Ge 8:1- +nd it shall ome to *ass (That) @#st as yo# were a #rse among the nations% 8 ho#se o$ J#dah and
ho#se o$ Israel% ,o I will sa!e yo#% and yo# shall be a blessing" 2o not $ear% /et yo#r hands be strong"A
Ge 8:10 . ;or th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: AJ#st as I determined to *#nish yo# >hen yo#r $athers *ro!o'ed
?e to wrath%A ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts% A+nd I wo#ld not relent%
Ge 8:11 ,o again in these days I am determined to do good To Jer#salem and to the ho#se o$ J#dah" 2o not
Ge 8:13 These (are) the things yo# shall do: ,*ea' eah man the tr#th to his neighbor& Gi!e @#dgment in yo#r
gates $or tr#th% @#stie% and *eae&
Ge 8:14 /et none o$ yo# thin' e!il in yo#r heart against yo#r neighbor& +nd do not lo!e a $alse oath" ;or all
these (are things) that I hate%A ,ays the /8:2".
Ge 8:18 Then the word o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts ame to me% saying%
Ge 8:19 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: AThe $ast o$ the $o#rth (month%) The $ast o$ the $i$th% The $ast o$ the
se!enth% +nd the $ast o$ the tenth% ,hall be @oy and gladness and heer$#l $easts ;or the ho#se o$ J#dah"
There$ore lo!e tr#th and *eae"A
Ge 8:25 .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: A<eo*les shall yet ome% Inhabitants o$ many ities&
Ge 8:21 The inhabitants o$ one (ity) shall go to another% saying% ./et #s ontin#e to go and *ray be$ore the
/8:2% +nd see' the /8:2 o$ hosts" I mysel$ will go also".
Ge 8:22 Bes% many *eo*les and strong nations ,hall ome to see' the /8:2 o$ hosts in Jer#salem% +nd to
*ray be$ore the /8:2"A
Ge 8:2- .Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: AIn those days ten men $rom e!ery lang#age o$ the nations shall gras*
the slee!e o$ a Jewish man% saying% ./et #s go with yo#% $or we ha!e heard (that) God (is) with yo#". A .
Ge 9:1 The b#rden o$ the word o$ the /8:2 +gainst the land o$ Hadrah% +nd 2amas#s its resting *lae I;or
the eyes o$ men +nd all the tribes o$ Israel +re on the /8:2J&
Ge 9:2 +lso (against) Hamath% (whih) borders on it% +nd (against) Tyre and ,idon% tho#gh they are !ery wise"
Ge 9:- ;or Tyre b#ilt hersel$ a tower% Hea*ed #* sil!er li'e the d#st% +nd gold li'e the mire o$ the streets"
Ge 9:0 Behold% the /8:2 will ast her o#t& He will destroy her *ower in the sea% +nd she will be de!o#red by
Ge 9:1 +sh'elon shall see (it) and $ear& GaHa also shall be !ery sorrow$#l& +nd 6'ron% $or He dried #* her
e9*etation" The 'ing shall *erish $rom GaHa% +nd +sh'elon shall not be inhabited"
Ge 9:3 .+ mi9ed rae shall settle in +shdod% +nd I will #t o$$ the *ride o$ the <hilistines"
Ge 9:4 I will ta'e away the blood $rom his mo#th% +nd the abominations $rom between his teeth" B#t he who
remains% e!en he (shall be) $or o#r God% +nd shall be li'e a leader in J#dah% +nd 6'ron li'e a Jeb#site"
Ge 9:8 I will am* aro#nd ?y ho#se Bea#se o$ the army% Bea#se o$ him who *asses by and him who
ret#rns" No more shall an o**ressor *ass thro#gh them% ;or now I ha!e seen with ?y eyes"
Ge 9:9 . :e@oie greatly% 8 da#ghter o$ GionF ,ho#t% 8 da#ghter o$ Jer#salemF Behold% yo#r King is oming to
yo#& He (is) @#st and ha!ing sal!ation% /owly and riding on a don'ey% + olt% the $oal o$ a don'ey"
Ge 9:15 I will #t o$$ the hariot $rom 6*hraim +nd the horse $rom Jer#salem& The battle bow shall be #t o$$"
He shall s*ea' *eae to the nations& His dominion (shall be) A$rom sea to sea% +nd $rom the :i!er to the ends o$
the earth"A
Ge 9:11 . +s $or yo# also% Bea#se o$ the blood o$ yo#r o!enant% I will set yo#r *risoners $ree $rom the
waterless *it"
Ge 9:12 :et#rn to the stronghold% Bo# *risoners o$ ho*e" 6!en today I delare (That) I will restore do#ble to
Ge 9:1- ;or I ha!e bent J#dah% ?y (bow%) ;itted the bow with 6*hraim% +nd raised #* yo#r sons% 8 Gion%
+gainst yo#r sons% 8 Greee% +nd made yo# li'e the sword o$ a mighty man".
Ge 9:10 Then the /8:2 will be seen o!er them% +nd His arrow will go $orth li'e lightning" The /ord G82 will
blow the tr#m*et% +nd go with whirlwinds $rom the so#th"
Ge 9:11 The /8:2 o$ hosts will de$end them& They shall de!o#r and s#bd#e with slingstones" They shall drin'
(and) roar as i$ with wine& They shall be $illed (with blood) li'e basins% /i'e the orners o$ the altar"
Ge 9:13 The /8:2 their God will sa!e them in that day% +s the $lo' o$ His *eo*le" ;or they (shall be li'e) the
@ewels o$ a rown% /i$ted li'e a banner o!er His land DD
Ge 9:14 ;or how great is its goodness +nd how great its bea#tyF Grain shall ma'e the yo#ng men thri!e% +nd
new wine the yo#ng women"
Ge 15:1 +s' the /8:2 $or rain In the time o$ the latter rain" The /8:2 will ma'e $lashing lo#ds& He will gi!e
them showers o$ rain% Grass in the $ield $or e!eryone"
Ge 15:2 ;or the idols s*ea' del#sion& The di!iners en!ision lies% +nd tell $alse dreams& They om$ort in !ain"
There$ore (the *eo*le) wend their way li'e shee*& They are in tro#ble bea#se (there is) no she*herd"
Ge 15:- . ?y anger is 'indled against the she*herds% +nd I will *#nish the goatherds" ;or the /8:2 o$ hosts
will !isit His $lo'% The ho#se o$ J#dah% +nd will ma'e them as His royal horse in the battle"
Ge 15:0 ;rom him omes the ornerstone% ;rom him the tent *eg% ;rom him the battle bow% ;rom him e!ery
r#ler together"
Ge 15:1 They shall be li'e mighty men% >ho tread down (their enemies) In the mire o$ the streets in the battle"
They shall $ight bea#se the /8:2 is with them% +nd the riders on horses shall be *#t to shame"
Ge 15:3 .I will strengthen the ho#se o$ J#dah% +nd I will sa!e the ho#se o$ Jose*h" I will bring them ba'%
Bea#se I ha!e mery on them" They shall be as tho#gh I had not ast them aside& ;or I (am) the /8:2 their
God% +nd I will hear them"
Ge 15:4 (Those o$) 6*hraim shall be li'e a mighty man% +nd their heart shall re@oie as i$ with wine" Bes% their
hildren shall see (it) and be glad& Their heart shall re@oie in the /8:2"
Ge 15:8 I will whistle $or them and gather them% ;or I will redeem them& +nd they shall inrease as they one
Ge 15:9 .I will sow them among the *eo*les% +nd they shall remember ?e in $ar o#ntries& They shall li!e%
together with their hildren% +nd they shall ret#rn"
Ge 15:15 I will also bring them ba' $rom the land o$ 6gy*t% +nd gather them $rom +ssyria" I will bring them into
the land o$ Gilead and /ebanon% 7ntil no (more room) is $o#nd $or them"
Ge 15:11 He shall *ass thro#gh the sea with a$$lition% +nd stri'e the wa!es o$ the sea: +ll the de*ths o$ the
:i!er shall dry #*" Then the *ride o$ +ssyria shall be bro#ght down% +nd the se*ter o$ 6gy*t shall de*art"
Ge 15:12 .,o I will strengthen them in the /8:2% +nd they shall wal' #* and down in His name%. ,ays the
Ge 11:1 8*en yo#r doors% 8 /ebanon% That $ire may de!o#r yo#r edars"
Ge 11:2 >ail% 8 y*ress% $or the edar has $allen% Bea#se the mighty (trees) are r#ined" >ail% 8 oa's o$
Bashan% ;or the thi' $orest has ome down"
Ge 11:- (There is) the so#nd o$ wailing she*herdsF ;or their glory is in r#ins" (There is) the so#nd o$ roaring
lionsF ;or the *ride o$ the Jordan is in r#ins"
Ge 11:0 Th#s says the /8:2 my God% .;eed the $lo' $or sla#ghter%
Ge 11:1 .whose owners sla#ghter them and $eel no g#ilt& those who sell them say% ABlessed be the /8:2% $or I
am rihA& and their she*herds do not *ity them"
Ge 11:3 .;or I will no longer *ity the inhabitants o$ the land%. says the /8:2" .B#t indeed I will gi!e e!eryone
into his neighborAs hand and into the hand o$ his 'ing" They shall atta' the land% and I will not deli!er (them)
$rom their hand".
Ge 11:4 ,o I $ed the $lo' $or sla#ghter% in *arti#lar the *oor o$ the $lo'" I too' $or mysel$ two sta$$s: the one I
alled Bea#ty% and the other I alled Bonds& and I $ed the $lo'"
Ge 11:8 I dismissed the three she*herds in one month" ?y so#l loathed them% and their so#l also abhorred me"
Ge 11:9 Then I said% .I will not $eed yo#" /et what is dying die% and what is *erishing *erish" /et those that are
le$t eat eah otherAs $lesh".
Ge 11:15 +nd I too' my sta$$% Bea#ty% and #t it in two% that I might brea' the o!enant whih I had made with
all the *eo*les"
Ge 11:11 ,o it was bro'en on that day" Th#s the *oor o$ the $lo'% who were wathing me% 'new that it (was)
the word o$ the /8:2"
Ge 11:12 Then I said to them% .I$ it is agreeable to yo#% gi!e (me) my wages& and i$ not% re$rain". ,o they
weighed o#t $or my wages thirty (*iees) o$ sil!er"
Ge 11:1- +nd the /8:2 said to me% .Throw it to the *otter. DD that *rinely *rie they set on me" ,o I too' the
thirty (*iees) o$ sil!er and threw them into the ho#se o$ the /8:2 $or the *otter"
Ge 11:10 Then I #t in two my other sta$$% Bonds% that I might brea' the brotherhood between J#dah and Israel"
Ge 11:11 +nd the /8:2 said to me% .Ne9t% ta'e $or yo#rsel$ the im*lements o$ a $oolish she*herd"
Ge 11:13 .;or indeed I will raise #* a she*herd in the land (who) will not are $or those who are #t o$$% nor
see' the yo#ng% nor heal those that are bro'en% nor $eed those that still stand" B#t he will eat the $lesh o$ the $at
and tear their hoo!es in *iees"
Ge 11:14 .>oe to the worthless she*herd% >ho lea!es the $lo'F + sword (shall be) against his arm +nd
against his right eye& His arm shall om*letely wither% +nd his right eye shall be totally blinded".
Ge 12:1 The b#rden o$ the word o$ the /8:2 against Israel" Th#s says the /8:2% who strethes o#t the
hea!ens% lays the $o#ndation o$ the earth% and $orms the s*irit o$ man within him:
Ge 12:2 .Behold% I will ma'e Jer#salem a #* o$ dr#n'enness to all the s#rro#nding *eo*les% when they lay
siege against J#dah and Jer#salem"
Ge 12:- .+nd it shall ha**en in that day that I will ma'e Jer#salem a !ery hea!y stone $or all *eo*les& all who
wo#ld hea!e it away will s#rely be #t in *iees% tho#gh all nations o$ the earth are gathered against it"
Ge 12:0 .In that day%. says the /8:2% .I will stri'e e!ery horse with on$#sion% and its rider with madness& I will
o*en ?y eyes on the ho#se o$ J#dah% and will stri'e e!ery horse o$ the *eo*les with blindness"
Ge 12:1 .+nd the go!ernors o$ J#dah shall say in their heart% AThe inhabitants o$ Jer#salem (are) my strength in
the /8:2 o$ hosts% their God"A
Ge 12:3 .In that day I will ma'e the go!ernors o$ J#dah li'e a $ire*an in the wood*ile% and li'e a $iery torh in
the shea!es& they shall de!o#r all the s#rro#nding *eo*les on the right hand and on the le$t% b#t Jer#salem shall
be inhabited again in her own *lae DD Jer#salem"
Ge 12:4 . The /8:2 will sa!e the tents o$ J#dah $irst% so that the glory o$ the ho#se o$ 2a!id and the glory o$
the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem shall not beome greater than that o$ J#dah"
Ge 12:8 .In that day the /8:2 will de$end the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem& the one who is $eeble among them in
that day shall be li'e 2a!id% and the ho#se o$ 2a!id (shall be) li'e God% li'e the +ngel o$ the /8:2 be$ore them"
Ge 12:9 .It shall be in that day (that) I will see' to destroy all the nations that ome against Jer#salem"
Ge 12:15 . +nd I will *o#r on the ho#se o$ 2a!id and on the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem the ,*irit o$ grae and
s#**liation& then they will loo' on ?e whom they *iered" Bes% they will mo#rn $or Him as one mo#rns $or (his)
only (son%) and grie!e $or Him as one grie!es $or a $irstborn"
Ge 12:11 .In that day there shall be a great mo#rning in Jer#salem% li'e the mo#rning at Hadad :immon in the
*lain o$ ?egiddo"
Ge 12:12 .+nd the land shall mo#rn% e!ery $amily by itsel$: the $amily o$ the ho#se o$ 2a!id by itsel$% and their
wi!es by themsel!es& the $amily o$ the ho#se o$ Nathan by itsel$% and their wi!es by themsel!es&
Ge 12:1- .the $amily o$ the ho#se o$ /e!i by itsel$% and their wi!es by themsel!es& the $amily o$ ,himei by itsel$%
and their wi!es by themsel!es&
Ge 12:10 .all the $amilies that remain% e!ery $amily by itsel$% and their wi!es by themsel!es"
Ge 1-:1 .In that day a $o#ntain shall be o*ened $or the ho#se o$ 2a!id and $or the inhabitants o$ Jer#salem% $or
sin and $or #nleanness"
Ge 1-:2 . It shall be in that day%. says the /8:2 o$ hosts% .(that) I will #t o$$ the names o$ the idols $rom the
land% and they shall no longer be remembered" I will also a#se the *ro*hets and the #nlean s*irit to de*art
$rom the land"
Ge 1-:- .It shall ome to *ass (that) i$ anyone still *ro*hesies% then his $ather and mother who begot him will
say to him% ABo# shall not li!e% bea#se yo# ha!e s*o'en lies in the name o$ the /8:2"A +nd his $ather and
mother who begot him shall thr#st him thro#gh when he *ro*hesies"
Ge 1-:0 . +nd it shall be in that day (that) e!ery *ro*het will be ashamed o$ his !ision when he *ro*hesies& they
will not wear a robe o$ oarse hair to deei!e"
Ge 1-:1 .B#t he will say% AI (am) no *ro*het% I (am) a $armer& $or a man ta#ght me to 'ee* attle $rom my yo#th"A
Ge 1-:3 .+nd (one) will say to him% A>hat are these wo#nds between yo#r armsCA Then he will answer% A(Those)
with whih I was wo#nded in the ho#se o$ my $riends"A
Ge 1-:4 . +wa'e% 8 sword% against ?y ,he*herd% +gainst the ?an who is ?y =om*anion%. ,ays the /8:2 o$
hosts" .,tri'e the ,he*herd% +nd the shee* will be sattered& Then I will t#rn ?y hand against the little ones"
Ge 1-:8 +nd it shall ome to *ass in all the land%. ,ays the /8:2% .(That) twoDthirds in it shall be #t o$$ (and)
die% B#t (oneD) third shall be le$t in it:
Ge 1-:9 I will bring the (oneDthird) thro#gh the $ire% >ill re$ine them as sil!er is re$ined% +nd test them as gold is
tested" They will all on ?y name% +nd I will answer them" I will say% AThis (is) ?y *eo*leA& +nd eah one will say%
AThe /8:2 (is) my God"A .
Ge 10:1 Behold% the day o$ the /8:2 is oming% +nd yo#r s*oil will be di!ided in yo#r midst"
Ge 10:2 ;or I will gather all the nations to battle against Jer#salem& The ity shall be ta'en% The ho#ses ri$led%
+nd the women ra!ished" Hal$ o$ the ity shall go into a*ti!ity% B#t the remnant o$ the *eo*le shall not be #t o$$
$rom the ity"
Ge 10:- Then the /8:2 will go $orth +nd $ight against those nations% +s He $ights in the day o$ battle"
Ge 10:0 +nd in that day His $eet will stand on the ?o#nt o$ 8li!es% >hih $aes Jer#salem on the east" +nd the
?o#nt o$ 8li!es shall be s*lit in two% ;rom east to west% (?a'ing) a !ery large !alley& Hal$ o$ the mo#ntain shall
mo!e toward the north +nd hal$ o$ it toward the so#th"
Ge 10:1 Then yo# shall $lee (thro#gh) ?y mo#ntain !alley% ;or the mo#ntain !alley shall reah to +Hal" Bes% yo#
shall $lee +s yo# $led $rom the earthE#a'e In the days o$ 7HHiah 'ing o$ J#dah" Th#s the /8:2 my God will
ome% (+nd) all the saints with Bo#"
Ge 10:3 It shall ome to *ass in that day (That) there will be no light& The lights will diminish"
Ge 10:4 It shall be one day >hih is 'nown to the /8:2 DD Neither day nor night" B#t at e!ening time it shall
ha**en (That) it will be light"
Ge 10:8 +nd in that day it shall be (That) li!ing waters shall $low $rom Jer#salem% Hal$ o$ them toward the
eastern sea +nd hal$ o$ them toward the western sea& In both s#mmer and winter it shall o#r"
Ge 10:9 +nd the /8:2 shall be King o!er all the earth" In that day it shall be DD .The /8:2 (is) one%. +nd His
name one"
Ge 10:15 +ll the land shall be t#rned into a *lain $rom Geba to :immon so#th o$ Jer#salem" Jer#salem shall be
raised #* and inhabited in her *lae $rom Ben@aminAs Gate to the *lae o$ the ;irst Gate and the =orner Gate%
and ($rom) the Tower o$ Hananeel to the 'ingAs wine*resses"
Ge 10:11 (The *eo*le) shall dwell in it& +nd no longer shall there be #tter destr#tion% B#t Jer#salem shall be
sa$ely inhabited"
Ge 10:12 +nd this shall be the *lag#e with whih the /8:2 will stri'e all the *eo*le who $o#ght against
Jer#salem: Their $lesh shall dissol!e while they stand on their $eet% Their eyes shall dissol!e in their so'ets% +nd
their tong#es shall dissol!e in their mo#ths"
Ge 10:1- It shall ome to *ass in that day (That) a great *ani $rom the /8:2 will be among them" 6!eryone
will seiHe the hand o$ his neighbor% +nd raise his hand against his neighborAs hand&
Ge 10:10 J#dah also will $ight at Jer#salem" +nd the wealth o$ all the s#rro#nding nations ,hall be gathered
together: Gold% sil!er% and a**arel in great ab#ndane"
Ge 10:11 ,#h also shall be the *lag#e 8n the horse (and) the m#le% 8n the amel and the don'ey% +nd on all
the attle that will be in those am*s" ,o (shall) this *lag#e (be")
Ge 10:13 +nd it shall ome to *ass (that) e!eryone who is le$t o$ all the nations whih ame against Jer#salem
shall go #* $rom year to year to worshi* the King% the /8:2 o$ hosts% and to 'ee* the ;east o$ Tabernales"
Ge 10:14 +nd it shall be (that) whihe!er o$ the $amilies o$ the earth do not ome #* to Jer#salem to worshi*
the King% the /8:2 o$ hosts% on them there will be no rain"
Ge 10:18 I$ the $amily o$ 6gy*t will not ome #* and enter in% they (shall ha!e) no (rain&) they shall reei!e the
*lag#e with whih the /8:2 stri'es the nations who do not ome #* to 'ee* the ;east o$ Tabernales"
Ge 10:19 This shall be the *#nishment o$ 6gy*t and the *#nishment o$ all the nations that do not ome #* to
'ee* the ;east o$ Tabernales"
Ge 10:25 In that day .H8/IN6,, T8 TH6 /8:2. shall be (engra!ed) on the bells o$ the horses" The *ots in
the /8:2As ho#se shall be li'e the bowls be$ore the altar"
Ge 10:21 Bes% e!ery *ot in Jer#salem and J#dah shall be holiness to the /8:2 o$ hosts" 6!eryone who
sari$ies shall ome and ta'e them and oo' in them" In that day there shall no longer be a =anaanite in the
ho#se o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts"
?al 1:1 The b#rden o$ the word o$ the /8:2 to Israel by ?alahi"
?al 1:2 . I ha!e lo!ed yo#%. says the /8:2" .Bet yo# say% AIn what way ha!e Bo# lo!ed #sCA (>as) not 6sa#
JaobAs brotherC. ,ays the /8:2" .Bet Jaob I ha!e lo!ed&
?al 1:- B#t 6sa# I ha!e hated% +nd laid waste his mo#ntains and his heritage ;or the @a'als o$ the wilderness".
?al 1:0 6!en tho#gh 6dom has said% .>e ha!e been im*o!erished% B#t we will ret#rn and b#ild the desolate
*laes%. Th#s says the /8:2 o$ hosts: .They may b#ild% b#t I will throw down& They shall be alled the Territory
o$ >i'edness% +nd the *eo*le against whom the /8:2 will ha!e indignation $ore!er"
?al 1:1 Bo#r eyes shall see% +nd yo# shall say% AThe /8:2 is magni$ied beyond the border o$ Israel"A
?al 1:3 . + son honors (his) $ather% +nd a ser!ant (his) master" I$ then I am the ;ather% >here (is) ?y honorC
+nd i$ I (am) a ?aster% >here (is) ?y re!ereneC ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts To yo# *riests who des*ise ?y name"
Bet yo# say% AIn what way ha!e we des*ised Bo#r nameCA
?al 1:4 .(Bo#) o$$er de$iled $ood on ?y altar" B#t say% AIn what way ha!e we de$iled Bo#CA By saying% AThe table
o$ the /8:2 is ontem*tible"A
?al 1:8 +nd when yo# o$$er the blind as a sari$ie% (Is it) not e!ilC +nd when yo# o$$er the lame and si'% (Is it)
not e!ilC 8$$er it then to yo#r go!ernorF >o#ld he be *leased with yo#C >o#ld he ae*t yo# $a!orablyC. ,ays
the /8:2 o$ hosts"
?al 1:9 .B#t now entreat GodAs $a!or% That He may be graio#s to #s" (>hile) this is being (done) by yo#r hands%
>ill He ae*t yo# $a!orablyC. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
?al 1:15 .>ho (is there) e!en among yo# who wo#ld sh#t the doors% ,o that yo# wo#ld not 'indle $ire (on) ?y
altar in !ainC I ha!e no *leas#re in yo#%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts% .Nor will I ae*t an o$$ering $rom yo#r hands"
?al 1:11 ;or $rom the rising o$ the s#n% e!en to its going down% ?y name (shall be) great among the Gentiles& In
e!ery *lae inense (shall be) o$$ered to ?y name% +nd a *#re o$$ering& ;or ?y name shall be great among the
nations%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
?al 1:12 .B#t yo# *ro$ane it% In that yo# say% AThe table o$ the /8:2 is de$iled& +nd its $r#it% its $ood% (is)
?al 1:1- Bo# also say% A8h% what a wearinessFA +nd yo# sneer at it%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts" .+nd yo# bring
the stolen% the lame% and the si'& Th#s yo# bring an o$$eringF ,ho#ld I ae*t this $rom yo#r handC. ,ays the
?al 1:10 .B#t #rsed (be) the deei!er >ho has in his $lo' a male% +nd ta'es a !ow% B#t sari$ies to the /ord
what is blemished DD ;or I (am) a great King%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts% .+nd ?y name (is to be) $eared among
the nations"
?al 2:1 .+nd now% 8 *riests% this ommandment is $or yo#"
?al 2:2 I$ yo# will not hear% +nd i$ yo# will not ta'e (it) to heart% To gi!e glory to ?y name%. ,ays the /8:2 o$
hosts% .I will send a #rse #*on yo#% +nd I will #rse yo#r blessings" Bes% I ha!e #rsed them already% Bea#se
yo# do not ta'e (it) to heart"
?al 2:- .Behold% I will reb#'e yo#r desendants +nd s*read re$#se on yo#r $aes% The re$#se o$ yo#r solemn
$easts& +nd (one) will ta'e yo# away with it"
?al 2:0 Then yo# shall 'now that I ha!e sent this ommandment to yo#% That ?y o!enant with /e!i may
ontin#e%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
?al 2:1 .?y o!enant was with him% (one) o$ li$e and *eae% +nd I ga!e them to him (that he might) $ear (?e&) ,o
he $eared ?e +nd was re!erent be$ore ?y name"
?al 2:3 The law o$ tr#th was in his mo#th% +nd in@#stie was not $o#nd on his li*s" He wal'ed with ?e in *eae
and eE#ity% +nd t#rned many away $rom iniE#ity"
?al 2:4 .;or the li*s o$ a *riest sho#ld 'ee* 'nowledge% +nd (*eo*le) sho#ld see' the law $rom his mo#th& ;or
he is the messenger o$ the /8:2 o$ hosts"
?al 2:8 B#t yo# ha!e de*arted $rom the way& Bo# ha!e a#sed many to st#mble at the law" Bo# ha!e orr#*ted
the o!enant o$ /e!i%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
?al 2:9 .There$ore I also ha!e made yo# ontem*tible and base Be$ore all the *eo*le% Bea#se yo# ha!e not
'e*t ?y ways B#t ha!e shown *artiality in the law".
?al 2:15 Ha!e we not all one ;atherC Has not one God reated #sC >hy do we deal treahero#sly with one
another By *ro$aning the o!enant o$ the $athersC
?al 2:11 J#dah has dealt treahero#sly% +nd an abomination has been ommitted in Israel and in Jer#salem%
;or J#dah has *ro$aned The /8:2As holy (instit#tion) whih He lo!es: He has married the da#ghter o$ a $oreign
?al 2:12 ?ay the /8:2 #t o$$ $rom the tents o$ Jaob The man who does this% being awa'e and aware% Bet
who brings an o$$ering to the /8:2 o$ hostsF
?al 2:1- +nd this is the seond thing yo# do: Bo# o!er the altar o$ the /8:2 with tears% >ith wee*ing and
rying& ,o He does not regard the o$$ering anymore% Nor reei!e (it) with goodwill $rom yo#r hands"
?al 2:10 Bet yo# say% .;or what reasonC. Bea#se the /8:2 has been witness Between yo# and the wi$e o$
yo#r yo#th% >ith whom yo# ha!e dealt treahero#sly& Bet she is yo#r om*anion +nd yo#r wi$e by o!enant"
?al 2:11 B#t did He not ma'e (them) one% Ha!ing a remnant o$ the ,*iritC +nd why oneC He see's godly
o$$s*ring" There$ore ta'e heed to yo#r s*irit% +nd let none deal treahero#sly with the wi$e o$ his yo#th"
?al 2:13 .;or the /8:2 God o$ Israel says That He hates di!ore% ;or it o!ers oneAs garment with !iolene%.
,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts" .There$ore ta'e heed to yo#r s*irit% That yo# do not deal treahero#sly".
?al 2:14 Bo# ha!e wearied the /8:2 with yo#r words& Bet yo# say% .In what way ha!e we wearied (HimC.) In
that yo# say% .6!eryone who does e!il (Is) good in the sight o$ the /8:2% +nd He delights in them%. 8r% .>here
(is) the God o$ @#stieC.
?al -:1 .Behold% I send ?y messenger% +nd he will *re*are the way be$ore ?e" +nd the /ord% whom yo# see'%
>ill s#ddenly ome to His tem*le% 6!en the ?essenger o$ the o!enant% In whom yo# delight" Behold% He is
oming%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
?al -:2 .B#t who an end#re the day o$ His omingC +nd who an stand when He a**earsC ;or He (is) li'e a
re$inerAs $ire +nd li'e la#ndererAs soa*"
?al -:- He will sit as a re$iner and a *#ri$ier o$ sil!er& He will *#ri$y the sons o$ /e!i% +nd *#rge them as gold and
sil!er% That they may o$$er to the /8:2 +n o$$ering in righteo#sness"
?al -:0 .Then the o$$ering o$ J#dah and Jer#salem >ill be *leasant to the /8:2% +s in the days o$ old% +s in
$ormer years"
?al -:1 +nd I will ome near yo# $or @#dgment& I will be a swi$t witness +gainst sorerers% +gainst ad#lterers%
+gainst *er@#rers% +gainst those who e9*loit wage earners and widows and or*hans% +nd against those who t#rn
away an alien DD Bea#se they do not $ear ?e%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
?al -:3 .;or I (am) the /8:2% I do not hange& There$ore yo# are not ons#med% 8 sons o$ Jaob"
?al -:4 Bet $rom the days o$ yo#r $athers Bo# ha!e gone away $rom ?y ordinanes +nd ha!e not 'e*t (them")
:et#rn to ?e% and I will ret#rn to yo#%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts" .B#t yo# said% AIn what way shall we ret#rnCA
?al -:8 .>ill a man rob GodC Bet yo# ha!e robbed ?eF B#t yo# say% AIn what way ha!e we robbed Bo#CA In
tithes and o$$erings"
?al -:9 Bo# are #rsed with a #rse% ;or yo# ha!e robbed ?e% (6!en) this whole nation"
?al -:15 Bring all the tithes into the storeho#se% That there may be $ood in ?y ho#se% +nd try ?e now in this%.
,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts% .I$ I will not o*en $or yo# the windows o$ hea!en +nd *o#r o#t $or yo# (s#h) blessing
That (there will) not (be room) eno#gh (to reei!e it")
?al -:11 .+nd I will reb#'e the de!o#rer $or yo#r sa'es% ,o that he will not destroy the $r#it o$ yo#r gro#nd% Nor
shall the !ine $ail to bear $r#it $or yo# in the $ield%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts&
?al -:12 .+nd all nations will all yo# blessed% ;or yo# will be a delight$#l land%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
?al -:1- . Bo#r words ha!e been harsh against ?e%. ,ays the /8:2% .Bet yo# say% A>hat ha!e we s*o'en
against Bo#CA
?al -:10 Bo# ha!e said% AIt is #seless to ser!e God& >hat *ro$it (is it) that we ha!e 'e*t His ordinane% +nd that
we ha!e wal'ed as mo#rners Be$ore the /8:2 o$ hostsC
?al -:11 ,o now we all the *ro#d blessed% ;or those who do wi'edness are raised #*& They e!en tem*t God
and go $ree"A .
?al -:13 Then those who $eared the /8:2 s*o'e to one another% +nd the /8:2 listened and heard (them&) ,o
a boo' o$ remembrane was written be$ore Him ;or those who $ear the /8:2 +nd who meditate on His name"
?al -:14 .They shall be ?ine%. says the /8:2 o$ hosts% .8n the day that I ma'e them ?y @ewels" +nd I will
s*are them +s a man s*ares his own son who ser!es him".
?al -:18 Then yo# shall again disern Between the righteo#s and the wi'ed% Between one who ser!es God
+nd one who does not ser!e Him"
?al 0:1 .;or behold% the day is oming% B#rning li'e an o!en% +nd all the *ro#d% yes% all who do wi'edly will be
st#bble" +nd the day whih is oming shall b#rn them #*%. ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts% .That will lea!e them neither
root nor branh"
?al 0:2 B#t to yo# who $ear ?y name The ,#n o$ :ighteo#sness shall arise >ith healing in His wings& +nd yo#
shall go o#t +nd grow $at li'e stallD$ed al!es"
?al 0:- Bo# shall tram*le the wi'ed% ;or they shall be ashes #nder the soles o$ yo#r $eet 8n the day that I do
(this%.) ,ays the /8:2 o$ hosts"
?al 0:0 .:emember the /aw o$ ?oses% ?y ser!ant% >hih I ommanded him in Horeb $or all Israel% (>ith the)
stat#tes and @#dgments"
?al 0:1 Behold% I will send yo# 6li@ah the *ro*het Be$ore the oming o$ the great and dread$#l day o$ the /8:2"
?al 0:3 +nd he will t#rn The hearts o$ the $athers to the hildren% +nd the hearts o$ the hildren to their $athers%
/est I ome and stri'e the earth with a #rse".
?at 1:1 The boo' o$ the genealogy o$ Jes#s =hrist% the ,on o$ 2a!id% the ,on o$ +braham:
?at 1:2 +braham begot Isaa% Isaa begot Jaob% and Jaob begot J#dah and his brothers"
?at 1:- J#dah begot <ereH and Gerah by Tamar% <ereH begot HeHron% and HeHron begot :am"
?at 1:0 :am begot +mminadab% +mminadab begot Nahshon% and Nahshon begot ,almon"
?at 1:1 ,almon begot BoaH by :ahab% BoaH begot 8bed by :#th% 8bed begot Jesse%
?at 1:3 and Jesse begot 2a!id the 'ing" 2a!id the 'ing begot ,olomon by her (who had been the wi$e) o$ 7riah"
?at 1:4 ,olomon begot :ehoboam% :ehoboam begot +bi@ah% and +bi@ah begot +sa"
?at 1:8 +sa begot Jehosha*hat% Jehosha*hat begot Joram% and Joram begot 7HHiah"
?at 1:9 7HHiah begot Jotham% Jotham begot +haH% and +haH begot HeHe'iah"
?at 1:15 HeHe'iah begot ?anasseh% ?anasseh begot +mon% and +mon begot Josiah"
?at 1:11 Josiah begot Jeoniah and his brothers abo#t the time they were arried away to Babylon"
?at 1:12 +nd a$ter they were bro#ght to Babylon% Jeoniah begot ,healtiel% and ,healtiel begot Ger#bbabel"
?at 1:1- Ger#bbabel begot +bi#d% +bi#d begot 6lia'im% and 6lia'im begot +Hor"
?at 1:10 +Hor begot Gado'% Gado' begot +him% and +him begot 6li#d"
?at 1:11 6li#d begot 6leaHar% 6leaHar begot ?atthan% and ?atthan begot Jaob"
?at 1:13 +nd Jaob begot Jose*h the h#sband o$ ?ary% o$ whom was born Jes#s who is alled =hrist"
?at 1:14 ,o all the generations $rom +braham to 2a!id (are) $o#rteen generations% $rom 2a!id #ntil the a*ti!ity
in Babylon (are) $o#rteen generations% and $rom the a*ti!ity in Babylon #ntil the =hrist (are) $o#rteen
?at 1:18 Now the birth o$ Jes#s =hrist was as $ollows: +$ter His mother ?ary was betrothed to Jose*h% be$ore
they ame together% she was $o#nd with hild o$ the Holy ,*irit"
?at 1:19 Then Jose*h her h#sband% being a @#st (man%) and not wanting to ma'e her a *#bli e9am*le% was
minded to *#t her away seretly"
?at 1:25 B#t while he tho#ght abo#t these things% behold% an angel o$ the /ord a**eared to him in a dream%
saying% .Jose*h% son o$ 2a!id% do not be a$raid to ta'e to yo# ?ary yo#r wi$e% $or that whih is onei!ed in her is
o$ the Holy ,*irit"
?at 1:21 .+nd she will bring $orth a ,on% and yo# shall all His name J6,7,% $or He will sa!e His *eo*le $rom
their sins".
?at 1:22 ,o all this was done that it might be $#l$illed whih was s*o'en by the /ord thro#gh the *ro*het%
?at 1:2- .Behold% the !irgin shall be with hild% and bear a ,on% and they shall all His name Imman#el%. whih
is translated% .God with #s".
?at 1:20 Then Jose*h% being aro#sed $rom slee*% did as the angel o$ the /ord ommanded him and too' to him
his wi$e%
?at 1:21 and did not 'now her till she had bro#ght $orth her $irstborn ,on" +nd he alled His name J6,7,"
?at 2:1 Now a$ter Jes#s was born in Bethlehem o$ J#dea in the days o$ Herod the 'ing% behold% wise men $rom
the 6ast ame to Jer#salem%
?at 2:2 saying% .>here is He who has been born King o$ the JewsC ;or we ha!e seen His star in the 6ast and
ha!e ome to worshi* Him".
?at 2:- >hen Herod the 'ing heard (this%) he was tro#bled% and all Jer#salem with him"
?at 2:0 +nd when he had gathered all the hie$ *riests and sribes o$ the *eo*le together% he inE#ired o$ them
where the =hrist was to be born"
?at 2:1 ,o they said to him% .In Bethlehem o$ J#dea% $or th#s it is written by the *ro*het:
?at 2:3 AB#t yo#% Bethlehem% (in) the land o$ J#dah% +re not the least among the r#lers o$ J#dah& ;or o#t o$ yo#
shall ome a :#ler >ho will she*herd ?y *eo*le Israel"A .
?at 2:4 Then Herod% when he had seretly alled the wise men% determined $rom them what time the star
?at 2:8 +nd he sent them to Bethlehem and said% .Go and searh are$#lly $or the yo#ng =hild% and when yo#
ha!e $o#nd (Him%) bring ba' word to me% that I may ome and worshi* Him also".
?at 2:9 >hen they heard the 'ing% they de*arted& and behold% the star whih they had seen in the 6ast went
be$ore them% till it ame and stood o!er where the yo#ng =hild was"
?at 2:15 >hen they saw the star% they re@oied with e9eedingly great @oy"
?at 2:11 +nd when they had ome into the ho#se% they saw the yo#ng =hild with ?ary His mother% and $ell
down and worshi*ed Him" +nd when they had o*ened their treas#res% they *resented gi$ts to Him: gold%
$ran'inense% and myrrh"
?at 2:12 Then% being di!inely warned in a dream that they sho#ld not ret#rn to Herod% they de*arted $or their
own o#ntry another way"
?at 2:1- Now when they had de*arted% behold% an angel o$ the /ord a**eared to Jose*h in a dream% saying%
.+rise% ta'e the yo#ng =hild and His mother% $lee to 6gy*t% and stay there #ntil I bring yo# word& $or Herod will
see' the yo#ng =hild to destroy Him".
?at 2:10 >hen he arose% he too' the yo#ng =hild and His mother by night and de*arted $or 6gy*t%
?at 2:11 and was there #ntil the death o$ Herod% that it might be $#l$illed whih was s*o'en by the /ord thro#gh
the *ro*het% saying% .8#t o$ 6gy*t I alled ?y ,on".
?at 2:13 Then Herod% when he saw that he was deei!ed by the wise men% was e9eedingly angry& and he sent
$orth and *#t to death all the male hildren who were in Bethlehem and in all its distrits% $rom two years old and
#nder% aording to the time whih he had determined $rom the wise men"
?at 2:14 Then was $#l$illed what was s*o'en by Jeremiah the *ro*het% saying:
?at 2:18 .+ !oie was heard in :amah% /amentation% wee*ing% and great mo#rning% :ahel wee*ing ($or) her
hildren% :e$#sing to be om$orted% Bea#se they are no more".
?at 2:19 B#t when Herod was dead% behold% an angel o$ the /ord a**eared in a dream to Jose*h in 6gy*t%
?at 2:25 saying% .+rise% ta'e the yo#ng =hild and His mother% and go to the land o$ Israel% $or those who so#ght
the yo#ng =hildAs li$e are dead".
?at 2:21 Then he arose% too' the yo#ng =hild and His mother% and ame into the land o$ Israel"
?at 2:22 B#t when he heard that +rhela#s was reigning o!er J#dea instead o$ his $ather Herod% he was a$raid
to go there" +nd being warned by God in a dream% he t#rned aside into the region o$ Galilee"
?at 2:2- +nd he ame and dwelt in a ity alled NaHareth% that it might be $#l$illed whih was s*o'en by the
*ro*hets% .He shall be alled a NaHarene".
?at -:1 In those days John the Ba*tist ame *reahing in the wilderness o$ J#dea%
?at -:2 and saying% .:e*ent% $or the 'ingdom o$ hea!en is at handF.
?at -:- ;or this is he who was s*o'en o$ by the *ro*het Isaiah% saying: .The !oie o$ one rying in the
wilderness: A<re*are the way o$ the /8:2& ?a'e His *aths straight"A .
?at -:0 +nd John himsel$ was lothed in amelAs hair% with a leather belt aro#nd his waist& and his $ood was
lo#sts and wild honey"
?at -:1 Then Jer#salem% all J#dea% and all the region aro#nd the Jordan went o#t to him
?at -:3 and were ba*tiHed by him in the Jordan% on$essing their sins"
?at -:4 B#t when he saw many o$ the <harisees and ,add#ees oming to his ba*tism% he said to them%
.Brood o$ !i*ersF >ho warned yo# to $lee $rom the wrath to omeC
?at -:8 .There$ore bear $r#its worthy o$ re*entane%
?at -:9 .and do not thin' to say to yo#rsel!es% A>e ha!e +braham as (o#r) $ather"A ;or I say to yo# that God is
able to raise #* hildren to +braham $rom these stones"
?at -:15 .+nd e!en now the a9 is laid to the root o$ the trees" There$ore e!ery tree whih does not bear good
$r#it is #t down and thrown into the $ire"
?at -:11 .I indeed ba*tiHe yo# with water #nto re*entane% b#t He who is oming a$ter me is mightier than I%
whose sandals I am not worthy to arry" He will ba*tiHe yo# with the Holy ,*irit and $ire"
?at -:12 .His winnowing $an (is) in His hand% and He will thoro#ghly lean o#t His threshing $loor% and gather His
wheat into the barn& b#t He will b#rn #* the ha$$ with #nE#enhable $ire".
?at -:1- Then Jes#s ame $rom Galilee to John at the Jordan to be ba*tiHed by him"
?at -:10 +nd John (tried to) *re!ent Him% saying% .I need to be ba*tiHed by Bo#% and are Bo# oming to meC.
?at -:11 B#t Jes#s answered and said to him% .<ermit (it to be so) now% $or th#s it is $itting $or #s to $#l$ill all
righteo#sness". Then he allowed Him"
?at -:13 >hen He had been ba*tiHed% Jes#s ame #* immediately $rom the water& and behold% the hea!ens
were o*ened to Him% and He saw the ,*irit o$ God desending li'e a do!e and alighting #*on Him"
?at -:14 +nd s#ddenly a !oie (ame) $rom hea!en% saying% .This is ?y belo!ed ,on% in whom I am well
?at 0:1 Then Jes#s was led #* by the ,*irit into the wilderness to be tem*ted by the de!il"
?at 0:2 +nd when He had $asted $orty days and $orty nights% a$terward He was h#ngry"
?at 0:- Now when the tem*ter ame to Him% he said% .I$ Bo# are the ,on o$ God% ommand that these stones
beome bread".
?at 0:0 B#t He answered and said% .It is written% A?an shall not li!e by bread alone% b#t by e!ery word that
*roeeds $rom the mo#th o$ God"A .
?at 0:1 Then the de!il too' Him #* into the holy ity% set Him on the *innale o$ the tem*le%
?at 0:3 and said to Him% .I$ Bo# are the ,on o$ God% throw Bo#rsel$ down" ;or it is written: AHe shall gi!e His
angels harge o!er yo#%A and% AIn (their) hands they shall bear yo# #*% /est yo# dash yo#r $oot against a stone"A .
?at 0:4 Jes#s said to him% .It is written again% ABo# shall not tem*t the /8:2 yo#r God"A .
?at 0:8 +gain% the de!il too' Him #* on an e9eedingly high mo#ntain% and showed Him all the 'ingdoms o$ the
world and their glory"
?at 0:9 +nd he said to Him% .+ll these things I will gi!e Bo# i$ Bo# will $all down and worshi* me".
?at 0:15 Then Jes#s said to him% .+way with yo#% ,atanF ;or it is written% ABo# shall worshi* the /8:2 yo#r
God% and Him only yo# shall ser!e"A .
?at 0:11 Then the de!il le$t Him% and behold% angels ame and ministered to Him"
?at 0:12 Now when Jes#s heard that John had been *#t in *rison% He de*arted to Galilee"
?at 0:1- +nd lea!ing NaHareth% He ame and dwelt in =a*erna#m% whih is by the sea% in the regions o$
Geb#l#n and Na*htali%
?at 0:10 that it might be $#l$illed whih was s*o'en by Isaiah the *ro*het% saying:
?at 0:11 .The land o$ Geb#l#n and the land o$ Na*htali% (By) the way o$ the sea% beyond the Jordan% Galilee o$
the Gentiles:
?at 0:13 The *eo*le who sat in dar'ness ha!e seen a great light% +nd #*on those who sat in the region and
shadow o$ death /ight has dawned".
?at 0:14 ;rom that time Jes#s began to *reah and to say% .:e*ent% $or the 'ingdom o$ hea!en is at hand".
?at 0:18 +nd Jes#s% wal'ing by the ,ea o$ Galilee% saw two brothers% ,imon alled <eter% and +ndrew his
brother% asting a net into the sea& $or they were $ishermen"
?at 0:19 Then He said to them% .;ollow ?e% and I will ma'e yo# $ishers o$ men".
?at 0:25 They immediately le$t (their) nets and $ollowed Him"
?at 0:21 Going on $rom there% He saw two other brothers% James (the son) o$ Gebedee% and John his brother% in
the boat with Gebedee their $ather% mending their nets" He alled them%
?at 0:22 and immediately they le$t the boat and their $ather% and $ollowed Him"
?at 0:2- +nd Jes#s went abo#t all Galilee% teahing in their synagog#es% *reahing the gos*el o$ the 'ingdom%
and healing all 'inds o$ si'ness and all 'inds o$ disease among the *eo*le"
?at 0:20 Then His $ame went thro#gho#t all ,yria& and they bro#ght to Him all si' *eo*le who were a$$lited
with !ario#s diseases and torments% and those who were demonD*ossessed% e*ile*tis% and *aralytis& and He
healed them"
?at 0:21 Great m#ltit#des $ollowed Him DD $rom Galilee% and ($rom) 2ea*olis% Jer#salem% J#dea% and beyond
the Jordan"
?at 1:1 +nd seeing the m#ltit#des% He went #* on a mo#ntain% and when He was seated His disi*les ame to
?at 1:2 Then He o*ened His mo#th and ta#ght them% saying:
?at 1:- .Blessed (are) the *oor in s*irit% ;or theirs is the 'ingdom o$ hea!en"
?at 1:0 Blessed (are) those who mo#rn% ;or they shall be om$orted"
?at 1:1 Blessed (are) the mee'% ;or they shall inherit the earth"
?at 1:3 Blessed (are) those who h#nger and thirst $or righteo#sness% ;or they shall be $illed"
?at 1:4 Blessed (are) the meri$#l% ;or they shall obtain mery"
?at 1:8 Blessed (are) the *#re in heart% ;or they shall see God"
?at 1:9 Blessed (are) the *eaema'ers% ;or they shall be alled sons o$ God"
?at 1:15 Blessed are those who are *erse#ted $or righteo#snessA sa'e% ;or theirs is the 'ingdom o$ hea!en"
?at 1:11 .Blessed are yo# when they re!ile and *erse#te yo#% and say all 'inds o$ e!il against yo# $alsely $or
?y sa'e"
?at 1:12 .:e@oie and be e9eedingly glad% $or great (is) yo#r reward in hea!en% $or so they *erse#ted the
*ro*hets who were be$ore yo#"
?at 1:1- . Bo# are the salt o$ the earth& b#t i$ the salt loses its $la!or% how shall it be seasonedC It is then good
$or nothing b#t to be thrown o#t and tram*led #nder$oot by men"
?at 1:10 .Bo# are the light o$ the world" + ity that is set on a hill annot be hidden"
?at 1:11 .Nor do they light a lam* and *#t it #nder a bas'et% b#t on a lam*stand% and it gi!es light to all (who
are) in the ho#se"
?at 1:13 ./et yo#r light so shine be$ore men% that they may see yo#r good wor's and glori$y yo#r ;ather in
?at 1:14 . 2o not thin' that I ame to destroy the /aw or the <ro*hets" I did not ome to destroy b#t to $#l$ill"
?at 1:18 .;or ass#redly% I say to yo#% till hea!en and earth *ass away% one @ot or one tittle will by no means
*ass $rom the law till all is $#l$illed"
?at 1:19 .>hoe!er there$ore brea's one o$ the least o$ these ommandments% and teahes men so% shall be
alled least in the 'ingdom o$ hea!en& b#t whoe!er does and teahes (them%) he shall be alled great in the
'ingdom o$ hea!en"
?at 1:25 .;or I say to yo#% that #nless yo#r righteo#sness e9eeds (the righteo#sness) o$ the sribes and
<harisees% yo# will by no means enter the 'ingdom o$ hea!en"
?at 1:21 . Bo# ha!e heard that it was said to those o$ old% ABo# shall not m#rder% and whoe!er m#rders will be
in danger o$ the @#dgment"A
?at 1:22 .B#t I say to yo# that whoe!er is angry with his brother witho#t a a#se shall be in danger o$ the
@#dgment" +nd whoe!er says to his brother% A:aaFA shall be in danger o$ the o#nil" B#t whoe!er says% ABo#
$oolFA shall be in danger o$ hell $ire"
?at 1:2- .There$ore i$ yo# bring yo#r gi$t to the altar% and there remember that yo#r brother has something
against yo#%
?at 1:20 .lea!e yo#r gi$t there be$ore the altar% and go yo#r way" ;irst be reoniled to yo#r brother% and then
ome and o$$er yo#r gi$t"
?at 1:21 .+gree with yo#r ad!ersary E#i'ly% while yo# are on the way with him% lest yo#r ad!ersary deli!er yo#
to the @#dge% the @#dge hand yo# o!er to the o$$ier% and yo# be thrown into *rison"
?at 1:23 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% yo# will by no means get o#t o$ there till yo# ha!e *aid the last *enny"
?at 1:24 . Bo# ha!e heard that it was said to those o$ old% ABo# shall not ommit ad#ltery"A
?at 1:28 .B#t I say to yo# that whoe!er loo's at a woman to l#st $or her has already ommitted ad#ltery with her
in his heart"
?at 1:29 .I$ yo#r right eye a#ses yo# to sin% *l#' it o#t and ast (it) $rom yo#& $or it is more *ro$itable $or yo#
that one o$ yo#r members *erish% than $or yo#r whole body to be ast into hell"
?at 1:-5 .+nd i$ yo#r right hand a#ses yo# to sin% #t it o$$ and ast (it) $rom yo#& $or it is more *ro$itable $or yo#
that one o$ yo#r members *erish% than $or yo#r whole body to be ast into hell"
?at 1:-1 . ;#rthermore it has been said% A>hoe!er di!ores his wi$e% let him gi!e her a erti$iate o$ di!ore"A
?at 1:-2 .B#t I say to yo# that whoe!er di!ores his wi$e $or any reason e9e*t se9#al immorality a#ses her to
ommit ad#ltery& and whoe!er marries a woman who is di!ored ommits ad#ltery"
?at 1:-- . +gain yo# ha!e heard that it was said to those o$ old% ABo# shall not swear $alsely% b#t shall *er$orm
yo#r oaths to the /ord"A
?at 1:-0 .B#t I say to yo#% do not swear at all: neither by hea!en% $or it is GodAs throne&
?at 1:-1 .nor by the earth% $or it is His $ootstool& nor by Jer#salem% $or it is the ity o$ the great King"
?at 1:-3 .Nor shall yo# swear by yo#r head% bea#se yo# annot ma'e one hair white or bla'"
?at 1:-4 .B#t let yo#r ABesA be ABes%A and yo#r ANo%A ANo"A ;or whate!er is more than these is $rom the e!il one"
?at 1:-8 . Bo# ha!e heard that it was said% A+n eye $or an eye and a tooth $or a tooth"A
?at 1:-9 .B#t I tell yo# not to resist an e!il *erson" B#t whoe!er sla*s yo# on yo#r right hee'% t#rn the other to
him also"
?at 1:05 .I$ anyone wants to s#e yo# and ta'e away yo#r t#ni% let him ha!e (yo#r) loa' also"
?at 1:01 .+nd whoe!er om*els yo# to go one mile% go with him two"
?at 1:02 .Gi!e to him who as's yo#% and $rom him who wants to borrow $rom yo# do not t#rn away"
?at 1:0- . Bo# ha!e heard that it was said% ABo# shall lo!e yo#r neighbor and hate yo#r enemy"A
?at 1:00 .B#t I say to yo#% lo!e yo#r enemies% bless those who #rse yo#% do good to those who hate yo#% and
*ray $or those who s*ite$#lly #se yo# and *erse#te yo#%
?at 1:01 .that yo# may be sons o$ yo#r ;ather in hea!en& $or He ma'es His s#n rise on the e!il and on the
good% and sends rain on the @#st and on the #n@#st"
?at 1:03 .;or i$ yo# lo!e those who lo!e yo#% what reward ha!e yo#C 2o not e!en the ta9 olletors do the
?at 1:04 .+nd i$ yo# greet yo#r brethren only% what do yo# do more (than othersC) 2o not e!en the ta9
olletors do soC
?at 1:08 .There$ore yo# shall be *er$et% @#st as yo#r ;ather in hea!en is *er$et"
?at 3:1 .Ta'e heed that yo# do not do yo#r haritable deeds be$ore men% to be seen by them" 8therwise yo#
ha!e no reward $rom yo#r ;ather in hea!en"
?at 3:2 .There$ore% when yo# do a haritable deed% do not so#nd a tr#m*et be$ore yo# as the hy*orites do in
the synagog#es and in the streets% that they may ha!e glory $rom men" +ss#redly% I say to yo#% they ha!e their
?at 3:- .B#t when yo# do a haritable deed% do not let yo#r le$t hand 'now what yo#r right hand is doing%
?at 3:0 .that yo#r haritable deed may be in seret& and yo#r ;ather who sees in seret will Himsel$ reward yo#
?at 3:1 . +nd when yo# *ray% yo# shall not be li'e the hy*orites" ;or they lo!e to *ray standing in the
synagog#es and on the orners o$ the streets% that they may be seen by men" +ss#redly% I say to yo#% they ha!e
their reward"
?at 3:3 .B#t yo#% when yo# *ray% go into yo#r room% and when yo# ha!e sh#t yo#r door% *ray to yo#r ;ather
who (is) in the seret (*lae&) and yo#r ;ather who sees in seret will reward yo# o*enly"
?at 3:4 .+nd when yo# *ray% do not #se !ain re*etitions as the heathen (do") ;or they thin' that they will be
heard $or their many words"
?at 3:8 .There$ore do not be li'e them" ;or yo#r ;ather 'nows the things yo# ha!e need o$ be$ore yo# as' Him"
?at 3:9 .In this manner% there$ore% *ray: 8#r ;ather in hea!en% Hallowed be Bo#r name"
?at 3:15 Bo#r 'ingdom ome" Bo#r will be done 8n earth as (it is) in hea!en"
?at 3:11 Gi!e #s this day o#r daily bread"
?at 3:12 +nd $orgi!e #s o#r debts% +s we $orgi!e o#r debtors"
?at 3:1- +nd do not lead #s into tem*tation% B#t deli!er #s $rom the e!il one" ;or Bo#rs is the 'ingdom and the
*ower and the glory $ore!er" +men"
?at 3:10 .;or i$ yo# $orgi!e men their tres*asses% yo#r hea!enly ;ather will also $orgi!e yo#"
?at 3:11 .B#t i$ yo# do not $orgi!e men their tres*asses% neither will yo#r ;ather $orgi!e yo#r tres*asses"
?at 3:13 . ?oreo!er% when yo# $ast% do not be li'e the hy*orites% with a sad o#ntenane" ;or they dis$ig#re
their $aes that they may a**ear to men to be $asting" +ss#redly% I say to yo#% they ha!e their reward"
?at 3:14 .B#t yo#% when yo# $ast% anoint yo#r head and wash yo#r $ae%
?at 3:18 .so that yo# do not a**ear to men to be $asting% b#t to yo#r ;ather who (is) in the seret (*lae&) and
yo#r ;ather who sees in seret will reward yo# o*enly"
?at 3:19 . 2o not lay #* $or yo#rsel!es treas#res on earth% where moth and r#st destroy and where thie!es
brea' in and steal&
?at 3:25 .b#t lay #* $or yo#rsel!es treas#res in hea!en% where neither moth nor r#st destroys and where
thie!es do not brea' in and steal"
?at 3:21 .;or where yo#r treas#re is% there yo#r heart will be also"
?at 3:22 . The lam* o$ the body is the eye" I$ there$ore yo#r eye is good% yo#r whole body will be $#ll o$ light"
?at 3:2- .B#t i$ yo#r eye is bad% yo#r whole body will be $#ll o$ dar'ness" I$ there$ore the light that is in yo# is
dar'ness% how great (is) that dar'nessF
?at 3:20 . No one an ser!e two masters& $or either he will hate the one and lo!e the other% or else he will be
loyal to the one and des*ise the other" Bo# annot ser!e God and mammon"
?at 3:21 . There$ore I say to yo#% do not worry abo#t yo#r li$e% what yo# will eat or what yo# will drin'& nor abo#t
yo#r body% what yo# will *#t on" Is not li$e more than $ood and the body more than lothingC
?at 3:23 ./oo' at the birds o$ the air% $or they neither sow nor rea* nor gather into barns& yet yo#r hea!enly
;ather $eeds them" +re yo# not o$ more !al#e than theyC
?at 3:24 .>hih o$ yo# by worrying an add one #bit to his stat#reC
?at 3:28 .,o why do yo# worry abo#t lothingC =onsider the lilies o$ the $ield% how they grow: they neither toil
nor s*in&
?at 3:29 .and yet I say to yo# that e!en ,olomon in all his glory was not arrayed li'e one o$ these"
?at 3:-5 .Now i$ God so lothes the grass o$ the $ield% whih today is% and tomorrow is thrown into the o!en% (will
He) not m#h more (lothe) yo#% 8 yo# o$ little $aithC
?at 3:-1 .There$ore do not worry% saying% A>hat shall we eatCA or A>hat shall we drin'CA or A>hat shall we wearCA
?at 3:-2 .;or a$ter all these things the Gentiles see'" ;or yo#r hea!enly ;ather 'nows that yo# need all these
?at 3:-- .B#t see' $irst the 'ingdom o$ God and His righteo#sness% and all these things shall be added to yo#"
?at 3:-0 .There$ore do not worry abo#t tomorrow% $or tomorrow will worry abo#t its own things" ,#$$iient $or the
day (is) its own tro#ble"
?at 4:1 .J#dge not% that yo# be not @#dged"
?at 4:2 .;or with what @#dgment yo# @#dge% yo# will be @#dged& and with the meas#re yo# #se% it will be
meas#red ba' to yo#"
?at 4:- .+nd why do yo# loo' at the s*e' in yo#r brotherAs eye% b#t do not onsider the *lan' in yo#r own eyeC
?at 4:0 .8r how an yo# say to yo#r brother% A/et me remo!e the s*e' $rom yo#r eyeA& and loo'% a *lan' (is) in
yo#r own eyeC
?at 4:1 .Hy*oriteF ;irst remo!e the *lan' $rom yo#r own eye% and then yo# will see learly to remo!e the s*e'
$rom yo#r brotherAs eye"
?at 4:3 .2o not gi!e what is holy to the dogs& nor ast yo#r *earls be$ore swine% lest they tram*le them #nder
their $eet% and t#rn and tear yo# in *iees"
?at 4:4 . +s'% and it will be gi!en to yo#& see'% and yo# will $ind& 'no'% and it will be o*ened to yo#"
?at 4:8 .;or e!eryone who as's reei!es% and he who see's $inds% and to him who 'no's it will be o*ened"
?at 4:9 .8r what man is there among yo# who% i$ his son as's $or bread% will gi!e him a stoneC
?at 4:15 .8r i$ he as's $or a $ish% will he gi!e him a ser*entC
?at 4:11 .I$ yo# then% being e!il% 'now how to gi!e good gi$ts to yo#r hildren% how m#h more will yo#r ;ather
who is in hea!en gi!e good things to those who as' HimF
?at 4:12 .There$ore% whate!er yo# want men to do to yo#% do also to them% $or this is the /aw and the <ro*hets"
?at 4:1- . 6nter by the narrow gate& $or wide (is) the gate and broad (is) the way that leads to destr#tion% and
there are many who go in by it"
?at 4:10 .Bea#se narrow (is) the gate and di$$i#lt (is) the way whih leads to li$e% and there are $ew who $ind it"
?at 4:11 . Beware o$ $alse *ro*hets% who ome to yo# in shee*As lothing% b#t inwardly they are ra!eno#s
?at 4:13 .Bo# will 'now them by their $r#its" 2o men gather gra*es $rom thornb#shes or $igs $rom thistlesC
?at 4:14 .6!en so% e!ery good tree bears good $r#it% b#t a bad tree bears bad $r#it"
?at 4:18 .+ good tree annot bear bad $r#it% nor (an) a bad tree bear good $r#it"
?at 4:19 .6!ery tree that does not bear good $r#it is #t down and thrown into the $ire"
?at 4:25 .There$ore by their $r#its yo# will 'now them"
?at 4:21 . Not e!eryone who says to ?e% A/ord% /ord%A shall enter the 'ingdom o$ hea!en% b#t he who does the
will o$ ?y ;ather in hea!en"
?at 4:22 .?any will say to ?e in that day% A/ord% /ord% ha!e we not *ro*hesied in Bo#r name% ast o#t demons
in Bo#r name% and done many wonders in Bo#r nameCA
?at 4:2- .+nd then I will delare to them% AI ne!er 'new yo#& de*art $rom ?e% yo# who *ratie lawlessnessFA
?at 4:20 . There$ore whoe!er hears these sayings o$ ?ine% and does them% I will li'en him to a wise man who
b#ilt his ho#se on the ro':
?at 4:21 .and the rain desended% the $loods ame% and the winds blew and beat on that ho#se& and it did not
$all% $or it was $o#nded on the ro'"
?at 4:23 .B#t e!eryone who hears these sayings o$ ?ine% and does not do them% will be li'e a $oolish man who
b#ilt his ho#se on the sand:
?at 4:24 .and the rain desended% the $loods ame% and the winds blew and beat on that ho#se& and it $ell" +nd
great was its $all".
?at 4:28 +nd so it was% when Jes#s had ended these sayings% that the *eo*le were astonished at His teahing%
?at 4:29 $or He ta#ght them as one ha!ing a#thority% and not as the sribes"
?at 8:1 >hen He had ome down $rom the mo#ntain% great m#ltit#des $ollowed Him"
?at 8:2 +nd behold% a le*er ame and worshi*ed Him% saying% ./ord% i$ Bo# are willing% Bo# an ma'e me
?at 8:- Then Jes#s *#t o#t (His) hand and to#hed him% saying% .I am willing& be leansed". Immediately his
le*rosy was leansed"
?at 8:0 +nd Jes#s said to him% .,ee that yo# tell no one& b#t go yo#r way% show yo#rsel$ to the *riest% and o$$er
the gi$t that ?oses ommanded% as a testimony to them".
?at 8:1 Now when Jes#s had entered =a*erna#m% a ent#rion ame to Him% *leading with Him%
?at 8:3 saying% ./ord% my ser!ant is lying at home *aralyHed% dread$#lly tormented".
?at 8:4 +nd Jes#s said to him% .I will ome and heal him".
?at 8:8 The ent#rion answered and said% ./ord% I am not worthy that Bo# sho#ld ome #nder my roo$" B#t only
s*ea' a word% and my ser!ant will be healed"
?at 8:9 .;or I also am a man #nder a#thority% ha!ing soldiers #nder me" +nd I say to this (one%) AGo%A and he
goes& and to another% A=ome%A and he omes& and to my ser!ant% A2o this%A and he does (it".)
?at 8:15 >hen Jes#s heard (it%) He mar!eled% and said to those who $ollowed% .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% I ha!e
not $o#nd s#h great $aith% not e!en in IsraelF
?at 8:11 .+nd I say to yo# that many will ome $rom east and west% and sit down with +braham% Isaa% and
Jaob in the 'ingdom o$ hea!en"
?at 8:12 .B#t the sons o$ the 'ingdom will be ast o#t into o#ter dar'ness" There will be wee*ing and gnashing
o$ teeth".
?at 8:1- Then Jes#s said to the ent#rion% .Go yo#r way& and as yo# ha!e belie!ed% (so) let it be done $or yo#".
+nd his ser!ant was healed that same ho#r"
?at 8:10 Now when Jes#s had ome into <eterAs ho#se% He saw his wi$eAs mother lying si' with a $e!er"
?at 8:11 ,o He to#hed her hand% and the $e!er le$t her" +nd she arose and ser!ed them"
?at 8:13 >hen e!ening had ome% they bro#ght to Him many who were demonD*ossessed" +nd He ast o#t the
s*irits with a word% and healed all who were si'%
?at 8:14 that it might be $#l$illed whih was s*o'en by Isaiah the *ro*het% saying: .He Himsel$ too' o#r
in$irmities +nd bore (o#r) si'nesses".
?at 8:18 +nd when Jes#s saw great m#ltit#des abo#t Him% He ga!e a ommand to de*art to the other side"
?at 8:19 Then a ertain sribe ame and said to Him% .Teaher% I will $ollow Bo# where!er Bo# go".
?at 8:25 +nd Jes#s said to him% .;o9es ha!e holes and birds o$ the air (ha!e) nests% b#t the ,on o$ ?an has
nowhere to lay (His) head".
?at 8:21 Then another o$ His disi*les said to Him% ./ord% let me $irst go and b#ry my $ather".
?at 8:22 B#t Jes#s said to him% .;ollow ?e% and let the dead b#ry their own dead".
?at 8:2- Now when He got into a boat% His disi*les $ollowed Him"
?at 8:20 +nd s#ddenly a great tem*est arose on the sea% so that the boat was o!ered with the wa!es" B#t He
was aslee*"
?at 8:21 Then His disi*les ame to (Him) and awo'e Him% saying% ./ord% sa!e #sF >e are *erishingF.
?at 8:23 B#t He said to them% .>hy are yo# $ear$#l% 8 yo# o$ little $aithC. Then He arose and reb#'ed the winds
and the sea% and there was a great alm"
?at 8:24 ,o the men mar!eled% saying% .>ho an this be% that e!en the winds and the sea obey HimC.
?at 8:28 >hen He had ome to the other side% to the o#ntry o$ the Gergesenes% there met Him two demonD
*ossessed (men%) oming o#t o$ the tombs% e9eedingly $iere% so that no one o#ld *ass that way"
?at 8:29 +nd s#ddenly they ried o#t% saying% .>hat ha!e we to do with Bo#% Jes#s% Bo# ,on o$ GodC Ha!e
Bo# ome here to torment #s be$ore the timeC.
?at 8:-5 Now a good way o$$ $rom them there was a herd o$ many swine $eeding"
?at 8:-1 ,o the demons begged Him% saying% .I$ Bo# ast #s o#t% *ermit #s to go away into the herd o$ swine".
?at 8:-2 +nd He said to them% .Go". ,o when they had ome o#t% they went into the herd o$ swine" +nd
s#ddenly the whole herd o$ swine ran !iolently down the stee* *lae into the sea% and *erished in the water"
?at 8:-- Then those who 'e*t (them) $led& and they went away into the ity and told e!erything% inl#ding what
(had ha**ened) to the demonD*ossessed (men")
?at 8:-0 +nd behold% the whole ity ame o#t to meet Jes#s" +nd when they saw Him% they begged (Him) to
de*art $rom their region"
?at 9:1 ,o He got into a boat% rossed o!er% and ame to His own ity"
?at 9:2 Then behold% they bro#ght to Him a *aralyti lying on a bed" >hen Jes#s saw their $aith% He said to the
*aralyti% .,on% be o$ good heer& yo#r sins are $orgi!en yo#".
?at 9:- +nd at one some o$ the sribes said within themsel!es% .This ?an blas*hemesF.
?at 9:0 B#t Jes#s% 'nowing their tho#ghts% said% .>hy do yo# thin' e!il in yo#r heartsC
?at 9:1 .;or whih is easier% to say% A(Bo#r) sins are $orgi!en yo#%A or to say% A+rise and wal'AC
?at 9:3 .B#t that yo# may 'now that the ,on o$ ?an has *ower on earth to $orgi!e sins. DD then He said to the
*aralyti% .+rise% ta'e #* yo#r bed% and go to yo#r ho#se".
?at 9:4 +nd he arose and de*arted to his ho#se"
?at 9:8 Now when the m#ltit#des saw (it%) they mar!eled and glori$ied God% who had gi!en s#h *ower to men"
?at 9:9 +s Jes#s *assed on $rom there% He saw a man named ?atthew sitting at the ta9 o$$ie" +nd He said to
him% .;ollow ?e". ,o he arose and $ollowed Him"
?at 9:15 Now it ha**ened% as Jes#s sat at the table in the ho#se% (that) behold% many ta9 olletors and sinners
ame and sat down with Him and His disi*les"
?at 9:11 +nd when the <harisees saw (it%) they said to His disi*les% .>hy does yo#r Teaher eat with ta9
olletors and sinnersC.
?at 9:12 >hen Jes#s heard (that%) He said to them% .Those who are well ha!e no need o$ a *hysiian% b#t those
who are si'"
?at 9:1- .B#t go and learn what (this) means: AI desire mery and not sari$ie"A ;or I did not ome to all the
righteo#s% b#t sinners% to re*entane".
?at 9:10 Then the disi*les o$ John ame to Him% saying% .>hy do we and the <harisees $ast o$ten% b#t Bo#r
disi*les do not $astC.
?at 9:11 +nd Jes#s said to them% .=an the $riends o$ the bridegroom mo#rn as long as the bridegroom is with
themC B#t the days will ome when the bridegroom will be ta'en away $rom them% and then they will $ast"
?at 9:13 .No one *#ts a *iee o$ #nshr#n' loth on an old garment& $or the *ath *#lls away $rom the garment%
and the tear is made worse"
?at 9:14 .Nor do they *#t new wine into old wines'ins% or else the wines'ins brea'% the wine is s*illed% and the
wines'ins are r#ined" B#t they *#t new wine into new wines'ins% and both are *reser!ed".
?at 9:18 >hile He s*o'e these things to them% behold% a r#ler ame and worshi*ed Him% saying% .?y da#ghter
has @#st died% b#t ome and lay Bo#r hand on her and she will li!e".
?at 9:19 ,o Jes#s arose and $ollowed him% and so (did) His disi*les"
?at 9:25 +nd s#ddenly% a woman who had a $low o$ blood $or twel!e years ame $rom behind and to#hed the
hem o$ His garment"
?at 9:21 ;or she said to hersel$% .I$ only I may to#h His garment% I shall be made well".
?at 9:22 B#t Jes#s t#rned aro#nd% and when He saw her He said% .Be o$ good heer% da#ghter& yo#r $aith has
made yo# well". +nd the woman was made well $rom that ho#r"
?at 9:2- >hen Jes#s ame into the r#lerAs ho#se% and saw the $l#te *layers and the noisy rowd wailing%
?at 9:20 He said to them% .?a'e room% $or the girl is not dead% b#t slee*ing". +nd they ridi#led Him"
?at 9:21 B#t when the rowd was *#t o#tside% He went in and too' her by the hand% and the girl arose"
?at 9:23 +nd the re*ort o$ this went o#t into all that land"
?at 9:24 >hen Jes#s de*arted $rom there% two blind men $ollowed Him% rying o#t and saying% .,on o$ 2a!id%
ha!e mery on #sF.
?at 9:28 +nd when He had ome into the ho#se% the blind men ame to Him" +nd Jes#s said to them% .2o yo#
belie!e that I am able to do thisC. They said to Him% .Bes% /ord".
?at 9:29 Then He to#hed their eyes% saying% .+ording to yo#r $aith let it be to yo#".
?at 9:-5 +nd their eyes were o*ened" +nd Jes#s sternly warned them% saying% .,ee (that) no one 'nows (it".)
?at 9:-1 B#t when they had de*arted% they s*read the news abo#t Him in all that o#ntry"
?at 9:-2 +s they went o#t% behold% they bro#ght to Him a man% m#te and demonD*ossessed"
?at 9:-- +nd when the demon was ast o#t% the m#te s*o'e" +nd the m#ltit#des mar!eled% saying% .It was
ne!er seen li'e this in IsraelF.
?at 9:-0 B#t the <harisees said% .He asts o#t demons by the r#ler o$ the demons".
?at 9:-1 Then Jes#s went abo#t all the ities and !illages% teahing in their synagog#es% *reahing the gos*el
o$ the 'ingdom% and healing e!ery si'ness and e!ery disease among the *eo*le"
?at 9:-3 B#t when He saw the m#ltit#des% He was mo!ed with om*assion $or them% bea#se they were weary
and sattered% li'e shee* ha!ing no she*herd"
?at 9:-4 Then He said to His disi*les% .The har!est tr#ly (is) *lenti$#l% b#t the laborers (are) $ew"
?at 9:-8 .There$ore *ray the /ord o$ the har!est to send o#t laborers into His har!est".
?at 15:1 +nd when He had alled His twel!e disi*les to (Him%) He ga!e them *ower (o!er) #nlean s*irits% to
ast them o#t% and to heal all 'inds o$ si'ness and all 'inds o$ disease"
?at 15:2 Now the names o$ the twel!e a*ostles are these: $irst% ,imon% who is alled <eter% and +ndrew his
brother& James the (son) o$ Gebedee% and John his brother&
?at 15:- <hili* and Bartholomew& Thomas and ?atthew the ta9 olletor& James the (son) o$ +l*hae#s% and
/ebbae#s% whose s#rname was Thaddae#s&
?at 15:0 ,imon the =anaanite% and J#das Isariot% who also betrayed Him"
?at 15:1 These twel!e Jes#s sent o#t and ommanded them% saying: .2o not go into the way o$ the Gentiles%
and do not enter a ity o$ the ,amaritans"
?at 15:3 .B#t go rather to the lost shee* o$ the ho#se o$ Israel"
?at 15:4 .+nd as yo# go% *reah% saying% AThe 'ingdom o$ hea!en is at hand"A
?at 15:8 .Heal the si'% leanse the le*ers% raise the dead% ast o#t demons" ;reely yo# ha!e reei!ed% $reely
?at 15:9 .<ro!ide neither gold nor sil!er nor o**er in yo#r money belts%
?at 15:15 .nor bag $or (yo#r) @o#rney% nor two t#nis% nor sandals% nor sta$$s& $or a wor'er is worthy o$ his $ood"
?at 15:11 .Now whate!er ity or town yo# enter% inE#ire who in it is worthy% and stay there till yo# go o#t"
?at 15:12 .+nd when yo# go into a ho#sehold% greet it"
?at 15:1- .I$ the ho#sehold is worthy% let yo#r *eae ome #*on it" B#t i$ it is not worthy% let yo#r *eae ret#rn to
?at 15:10 .+nd whoe!er will not reei!e yo# nor hear yo#r words% when yo# de*art $rom that ho#se or ity%
sha'e o$$ the d#st $rom yo#r $eet"
?at 15:11 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% it will be more tolerable $or the land o$ ,odom and Gomorrah in the day o$
@#dgment than $or that ityF
?at 15:13 . Behold% I send yo# o#t as shee* in the midst o$ wol!es" There$ore be wise as ser*ents and
harmless as do!es"
?at 15:14 .B#t beware o$ men% $or they will deli!er yo# #* to o#nils and so#rge yo# in their synagog#es"
?at 15:18 .Bo# will be bro#ght be$ore go!ernors and 'ings $or ?y sa'e% as a testimony to them and to the
?at 15:19 .B#t when they deli!er yo# #*% do not worry abo#t how or what yo# sho#ld s*ea'" ;or it will be gi!en
to yo# in that ho#r what yo# sho#ld s*ea'&
?at 15:25 .$or it is not yo# who s*ea'% b#t the ,*irit o$ yo#r ;ather who s*ea's in yo#"
?at 15:21 .Now brother will deli!er #* brother to death% and a $ather (his) hild& and hildren will rise #* against
*arents and a#se them to be *#t to death"
?at 15:22 .+nd yo# will be hated by all $or ?y nameAs sa'e" B#t he who end#res to the end will be sa!ed"
?at 15:2- .>hen they *erse#te yo# in this ity% $lee to another" ;or ass#redly% I say to yo#% yo# will not ha!e
gone thro#gh the ities o$ Israel be$ore the ,on o$ ?an omes"
?at 15:20 .+ disi*le is not abo!e (his) teaher% nor a ser!ant abo!e his master"
?at 15:21 .It is eno#gh $or a disi*le that he be li'e his teaher% and a ser!ant li'e his master" I$ they ha!e
alled the master o$ the ho#se BeelHeb#b% how m#h more (will they all) those o$ his ho#seholdF
?at 15:23 .There$ore do not $ear them" ;or there is nothing o!ered that will not be re!ealed% and hidden that
will not be 'nown"
?at 15:24 . >hate!er I tell yo# in the dar'% s*ea' in the light& and what yo# hear in the ear% *reah on the
?at 15:28 .+nd do not $ear those who 'ill the body b#t annot 'ill the so#l" B#t rather $ear Him who is able to
destroy both so#l and body in hell"
?at 15:29 .+re not two s*arrows sold $or a o**er oinC +nd not one o$ them $alls to the gro#nd a*art $rom yo#r
;atherAs will"
?at 15:-5 .B#t the !ery hairs o$ yo#r head are all n#mbered"
?at 15:-1 .2o not $ear there$ore& yo# are o$ more !al#e than many s*arrows"
?at 15:-2 . There$ore whoe!er on$esses ?e be$ore men% him I will also on$ess be$ore ?y ;ather who is in
?at 15:-- .B#t whoe!er denies ?e be$ore men% him I will also deny be$ore ?y ;ather who is in hea!en"
?at 15:-0 . 2o not thin' that I ame to bring *eae on earth" I did not ome to bring *eae b#t a sword"
?at 15:-1 .;or I ha!e ome to Aset a man against his $ather% a da#ghter against her mother% and a da#ghterDinD
law against her motherDinDlawA&
?at 15:-3 .and Aa manAs enemies will be those o$ his (own) ho#sehold"A
?at 15:-4 .He who lo!es $ather or mother more than ?e is not worthy o$ ?e" +nd he who lo!es son or da#ghter
more than ?e is not worthy o$ ?e"
?at 15:-8 .+nd he who does not ta'e his ross and $ollow a$ter ?e is not worthy o$ ?e"
?at 15:-9 .He who $inds his li$e will lose it% and he who loses his li$e $or ?y sa'e will $ind it"
?at 15:05 . He who reei!es yo# reei!es ?e% and he who reei!es ?e reei!es Him who sent ?e"
?at 15:01 .He who reei!es a *ro*het in the name o$ a *ro*het shall reei!e a *ro*hetAs reward" +nd he who
reei!es a righteo#s man in the name o$ a righteo#s man shall reei!e a righteo#s manAs reward"
?at 15:02 .+nd whoe!er gi!es one o$ these little ones only a #* o$ old (water) in the name o$ a disi*le%
ass#redly% I say to yo#% he shall by no means lose his reward".
?at 11:1 Now it ame to *ass% when Jes#s $inished ommanding His twel!e disi*les% that He de*arted $rom
there to teah and to *reah in their ities"
?at 11:2 +nd when John had heard in *rison abo#t the wor's o$ =hrist% he sent two o$ his disi*les
?at 11:- and said to Him% .+re Bo# the =oming 8ne% or do we loo' $or anotherC.
?at 11:0 Jes#s answered and said to them% .Go and tell John the things whih yo# hear and see:
?at 11:1 .(The) blind see and (the) lame wal'& (the) le*ers are leansed and (the) dea$ hear& (the) dead are
raised #* and (the) *oor ha!e the gos*el *reahed to them"
?at 11:3 .+nd blessed is he who is not o$$ended bea#se o$ ?e".
?at 11:4 +s they de*arted% Jes#s began to say to the m#ltit#des onerning John: .>hat did yo# go o#t into the
wilderness to seeC + reed sha'en by the windC
?at 11:8 .B#t what did yo# go o#t to seeC + man lothed in so$t garmentsC Indeed% those who wear so$t
(lothing) are in 'ingsA ho#ses"
?at 11:9 .B#t what did yo# go o#t to seeC + *ro*hetC Bes% I say to yo#% and more than a *ro*het"
?at 11:15 .;or this is (he) o$ whom it is written: ABehold% I send ?y messenger be$ore Bo#r $ae% >ho will
*re*are Bo#r way be$ore Bo#"A
?at 11:11 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% among those born o$ women there has not risen one greater than John the
Ba*tist& b#t he who is least in the 'ingdom o$ hea!en is greater than he"
?at 11:12 .+nd $rom the days o$ John the Ba*tist #ntil now the 'ingdom o$ hea!en s#$$ers !iolene% and the
!iolent ta'e it by $ore"
?at 11:1- .;or all the *ro*hets and the law *ro*hesied #ntil John"
?at 11:10 .+nd i$ yo# are willing to reei!e (it%) he is 6li@ah who is to ome"
?at 11:11 .He who has ears to hear% let him hearF
?at 11:13 .B#t to what shall I li'en this generationC It is li'e hildren sitting in the mar'et*laes and alling to
their om*anions%
?at 11:14 .and saying: A>e *layed the $l#te $or yo#% +nd yo# did not dane& >e mo#rned to yo#% +nd yo# did
not lament"A
?at 11:18 .;or John ame neither eating nor drin'ing% and they say% AHe has a demon"A
?at 11:19 .The ,on o$ ?an ame eating and drin'ing% and they say% A/oo'% a gl#tton and a winebibber% a $riend
o$ ta9 olletors and sinnersFA B#t wisdom is @#sti$ied by her hildren".
?at 11:25 Then He began to reb#'e the ities in whih most o$ His mighty wor's had been done% bea#se they
did not re*ent:
?at 11:21 .>oe to yo#% =horaHinF >oe to yo#% BethsaidaF ;or i$ the mighty wor's whih were done in yo# had
been done in Tyre and ,idon% they wo#ld ha!e re*ented long ago in sa'loth and ashes"
?at 11:22 .B#t I say to yo#% it will be more tolerable $or Tyre and ,idon in the day o$ @#dgment than $or yo#"
?at 11:2- .+nd yo#% =a*erna#m% who are e9alted to hea!en% will be bro#ght down to Hades& $or i$ the mighty
wor's whih were done in yo# had been done in ,odom% it wo#ld ha!e remained #ntil this day"
?at 11:20 .B#t I say to yo# that it shall be more tolerable $or the land o$ ,odom in the day o$ @#dgment than $or
?at 11:21 +t that time Jes#s answered and said% .I than' Bo#% ;ather% /ord o$ hea!en and earth% that Bo# ha!e
hidden these things $rom (the) wise and *r#dent and ha!e re!ealed them to babes"
?at 11:23 .6!en so% ;ather% $or so it seemed good in Bo#r sight"
?at 11:24 .+ll things ha!e been deli!ered to ?e by ?y ;ather% and no one 'nows the ,on e9e*t the ;ather"
Nor does anyone 'now the ;ather e9e*t the ,on% and (the one) to whom the ,on wills to re!eal (Him")
?at 11:28 .=ome to ?e% all (yo#) who labor and are hea!y laden% and I will gi!e yo# rest"
?at 11:29 .Ta'e ?y yo'e #*on yo# and learn $rom ?e% $or I am gentle and lowly in heart% and yo# will $ind rest
$or yo#r so#ls"
?at 11:-5 .;or ?y yo'e (is) easy and ?y b#rden is light".
?at 12:1 +t that time Jes#s went thro#gh the grain$ields on the ,abbath" +nd His disi*les were h#ngry% and
began to *l#' heads o$ grain and to eat"
?at 12:2 +nd when the <harisees saw (it%) they said to Him% ./oo'% Bo#r disi*les are doing what is not law$#l to
do on the ,abbathF.
?at 12:- B#t He said to them% .Ha!e yo# not read what 2a!id did when he was h#ngry% he and those who were
with him:
?at 12:0 .how he entered the ho#se o$ God and ate the showbread whih was not law$#l $or him to eat% nor $or
those who were with him% b#t only $or the *riestsC
?at 12:1 .8r ha!e yo# not read in the law that on the ,abbath the *riests in the tem*le *ro$ane the ,abbath%
and are blamelessC
?at 12:3 .Bet I say to yo# that in this *lae there is (8ne) greater than the tem*le"
?at 12:4 .B#t i$ yo# had 'nown what (this) means% AI desire mery and not sari$ie%A yo# wo#ld not ha!e
ondemned the g#iltless"
?at 12:8 .;or the ,on o$ ?an is /ord e!en o$ the ,abbath".
?at 12:9 Now when He had de*arted $rom there% He went into their synagog#e"
?at 12:15 +nd behold% there was a man who had a withered hand" +nd they as'ed Him% saying% .Is it law$#l to
heal on the ,abbathC. DD that they might a#se Him"
?at 12:11 Then He said to them% .>hat man is there among yo# who has one shee*% and i$ it $alls into a *it on
the ,abbath% will not lay hold o$ it and li$t (it) o#tC
?at 12:12 .8$ how m#h more !al#e then is a man than a shee*C There$ore it is law$#l to do good on the
?at 12:1- Then He said to the man% .,treth o#t yo#r hand". +nd he strethed (it) o#t% and it was restored as
whole as the other"
?at 12:10 Then the <harisees went o#t and *lotted against Him% how they might destroy Him"
?at 12:11 B#t when Jes#s 'new (it%) He withdrew $rom there" +nd great m#ltit#des $ollowed Him% and He healed
them all"
?at 12:13 Bet He warned them not to ma'e Him 'nown%
?at 12:14 that it might be $#l$illed whih was s*o'en by Isaiah the *ro*het% saying:
?at 12:18 .BeholdF ?y ,er!ant whom I ha!e hosen% ?y Belo!ed in whom ?y so#l is well *leasedF I will *#t ?y
,*irit #*on Him% +nd He will delare @#stie to the Gentiles"
?at 12:19 He will not E#arrel nor ry o#t% Nor will anyone hear His !oie in the streets"
?at 12:25 + br#ised reed He will not brea'% +nd smo'ing $la9 He will not E#enh% Till He sends $orth @#stie to
?at 12:21 +nd in His name Gentiles will tr#st".
?at 12:22 Then one was bro#ght to Him who was demonD*ossessed% blind and m#te& and He healed him% so
that the blind and m#te man both s*o'e and saw"
?at 12:2- +nd all the m#ltit#des were amaHed and said% .=o#ld this be the ,on o$ 2a!idC.
?at 12:20 Now when the <harisees heard (it) they said% .This ($ellow) does not ast o#t demons e9e*t by
BeelHeb#b% the r#ler o$ the demons".
?at 12:21 B#t Jes#s 'new their tho#ghts% and said to them: .6!ery 'ingdom di!ided against itsel$ is bro#ght to
desolation% and e!ery ity or ho#se di!ided against itsel$ will not stand"
?at 12:23 .I$ ,atan asts o#t ,atan% he is di!ided against himsel$" How then will his 'ingdom standC
?at 12:24 .+nd i$ I ast o#t demons by BeelHeb#b% by whom do yo#r sons ast (them) o#tC There$ore they shall
be yo#r @#dges"
?at 12:28 .B#t i$ I ast o#t demons by the ,*irit o$ God% s#rely the 'ingdom o$ God has ome #*on yo#"
?at 12:29 .8r how an one enter a strong manAs ho#se and *l#nder his goods% #nless he $irst binds the strong
manC +nd then he will *l#nder his ho#se"
?at 12:-5 .He who is not with ?e is against ?e% and he who does not gather with ?e satters abroad"
?at 12:-1 . There$ore I say to yo#% e!ery sin and blas*hemy will be $orgi!en men% b#t the blas*hemy (against)
the ,*irit will not be $orgi!en men"
?at 12:-2 .+nyone who s*ea's a word against the ,on o$ ?an% it will be $orgi!en him& b#t whoe!er s*ea's
against the Holy ,*irit% it will not be $orgi!en him% either in this age or in the (age) to ome"
?at 12:-- . 6ither ma'e the tree good and its $r#it good% or else ma'e the tree bad and its $r#it bad& $or a tree is
'nown by (its) $r#it"
?at 12:-0 .Brood o$ !i*ersF How an yo#% being e!il% s*ea' good thingsC ;or o#t o$ the ab#ndane o$ the heart
the mo#th s*ea's"
?at 12:-1 .+ good man o#t o$ the good treas#re o$ his heart brings $orth good things% and an e!il man o#t o$ the
e!il treas#re brings $orth e!il things"
?at 12:-3 .B#t I say to yo# that $or e!ery idle word men may s*ea'% they will gi!e ao#nt o$ it in the day o$
?at 12:-4 .;or by yo#r words yo# will be @#sti$ied% and by yo#r words yo# will be ondemned".
?at 12:-8 Then some o$ the sribes and <harisees answered% saying% .Teaher% we want to see a sign $rom
?at 12:-9 B#t He answered and said to them% .+n e!il and ad#ltero#s generation see's a$ter a sign% and no
sign will be gi!en to it e9e*t the sign o$ the *ro*het Jonah"
?at 12:05 .;or as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly o$ the great $ish% so will the ,on o$ ?an be
three days and three nights in the heart o$ the earth"
?at 12:01 .The men o$ Nine!eh will rise #* in the @#dgment with this generation and ondemn it% bea#se they
re*ented at the *reahing o$ Jonah& and indeed a greater than Jonah (is) here"
?at 12:02 .The E#een o$ the ,o#th will rise #* in the @#dgment with this generation and ondemn it% $or she
ame $rom the ends o$ the earth to hear the wisdom o$ ,olomon& and indeed a greater than ,olomon (is) here"
?at 12:0- . >hen an #nlean s*irit goes o#t o$ a man% he goes thro#gh dry *laes% see'ing rest% and $inds
?at 12:00 .Then he says% AI will ret#rn to my ho#se $rom whih I ame"A +nd when he omes% he $inds (it) em*ty%
swe*t% and *#t in order"
?at 12:01 .Then he goes and ta'es with him se!en other s*irits more wi'ed than himsel$% and they enter and
dwell there& and the last (state) o$ that man is worse than the $irst" ,o shall it also be with this wi'ed generation".
?at 12:03 >hile He was still tal'ing to the m#ltit#des% behold% His mother and brothers stood o#tside% see'ing to
s*ea' with Him"
?at 12:04 Then one said to Him% ./oo'% Bo#r mother and Bo#r brothers are standing o#tside% see'ing to s*ea'
with Bo#".
?at 12:08 B#t He answered and said to the one who told Him% .>ho is ?y mother and who are ?y brothersC.
?at 12:09 +nd He strethed o#t His hand toward His disi*les and said% .Here are ?y mother and ?y brothersF
?at 12:15 .;or whoe!er does the will o$ ?y ;ather in hea!en is ?y brother and sister and mother".
?at 1-:1 8n the same day Jes#s went o#t o$ the ho#se and sat by the sea"
?at 1-:2 +nd great m#ltit#des were gathered together to Him% so that He got into a boat and sat& and the whole
m#ltit#de stood on the shore"
?at 1-:- Then He s*o'e many things to them in *arables% saying: .Behold% a sower went o#t to sow"
?at 1-:0 .+nd as he sowed% some (seed) $ell by the wayside& and the birds ame and de!o#red them"
?at 1-:1 .,ome $ell on stony *laes% where they did not ha!e m#h earth& and they immediately s*rang #*
bea#se they had no de*th o$ earth"
?at 1-:3 .B#t when the s#n was #* they were sorhed% and bea#se they had no root they withered away"
?at 1-:4 .+nd some $ell among thorns% and the thorns s*rang #* and ho'ed them"
?at 1-:8 .B#t others $ell on good gro#nd and yielded a ro*: some a h#ndred$old% some si9ty% some thirty"
?at 1-:9 .He who has ears to hear% let him hearF.
?at 1-:15 +nd the disi*les ame and said to Him% .>hy do Bo# s*ea' to them in *arablesC.
?at 1-:11 He answered and said to them% .Bea#se it has been gi!en to yo# to 'now the mysteries o$ the
'ingdom o$ hea!en% b#t to them it has not been gi!en"
?at 1-:12 .;or whoe!er has% to him more will be gi!en% and he will ha!e ab#ndane& b#t whoe!er does not
ha!e% e!en what he has will be ta'en away $rom him"
?at 1-:1- .There$ore I s*ea' to them in *arables% bea#se seeing they do not see% and hearing they do not
hear% nor do they #nderstand"
?at 1-:10 .+nd in them the *ro*hey o$ Isaiah is $#l$illed% whih says: AHearing yo# will hear and shall not
#nderstand% +nd seeing yo# will see and not *erei!e&
?at 1-:11 ;or the hearts o$ this *eo*le ha!e grown d#ll" Their ears are hard o$ hearing% +nd their eyes they
ha!e losed% /est they sho#ld see with (their) eyes and hear with (their) ears% /est they sho#ld #nderstand with
(their) hearts and t#rn% ,o that I sho#ld heal them"A
?at 1-:13 .B#t blessed (are) yo#r eyes $or they see% and yo#r ears $or they hear&
?at 1-:14 .$or ass#redly% I say to yo# that many *ro*hets and righteo#s (men) desired to see what yo# see% and
did not see (it%) and to hear what yo# hear% and did not hear (it")
?at 1-:18 . There$ore hear the *arable o$ the sower:
?at 1-:19 .>hen anyone hears the word o$ the 'ingdom% and does not #nderstand (it%) then the wi'ed (one)
omes and snathes away what was sown in his heart" This is he who reei!ed seed by the wayside"
?at 1-:25 .B#t he who reei!ed the seed on stony *laes% this is he who hears the word and immediately
reei!es it with @oy&
?at 1-:21 .yet he has no root in himsel$% b#t end#res only $or a while" ;or when trib#lation or *erse#tion arises
bea#se o$ the word% immediately he st#mbles"
?at 1-:22 .Now he who reei!ed seed among the thorns is he who hears the word% and the ares o$ this world
and the deeit$#lness o$ rihes ho'e the word% and he beomes #n$r#it$#l"
?at 1-:2- .B#t he who reei!ed seed on the good gro#nd is he who hears the word and #nderstands (it%) who
indeed bears $r#it and *rod#es: some a h#ndred$old% some si9ty% some thirty".
?at 1-:20 +nother *arable He *#t $orth to them% saying: .The 'ingdom o$ hea!en is li'e a man who sowed good
seed in his $ield&
?at 1-:21 .b#t while men sle*t% his enemy ame and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way"
?at 1-:23 .B#t when the grain had s*ro#ted and *rod#ed a ro*% then the tares also a**eared"
?at 1-:24 .,o the ser!ants o$ the owner ame and said to him% A,ir% did yo# not sow good seed in yo#r $ieldC
How then does it ha!e taresCA
?at 1-:28 .He said to them% A+n enemy has done this"A The ser!ants said to him% A2o yo# want #s then to go and
gather them #*CA
?at 1-:29 .B#t he said% ANo% lest while yo# gather #* the tares yo# also #*root the wheat with them"
?at 1-:-5 A/et both grow together #ntil the har!est% and at the time o$ har!est I will say to the rea*ers% .;irst
gather together the tares and bind them in b#ndles to b#rn them% b#t gather the wheat into my barn". A .
?at 1-:-1 +nother *arable He *#t $orth to them% saying: .The 'ingdom o$ hea!en is li'e a m#stard seed% whih
a man too' and sowed in his $ield%
?at 1-:-2 .whih indeed is the least o$ all the seeds& b#t when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and
beomes a tree% so that the birds o$ the air ome and nest in its branhes".
?at 1-:-- +nother *arable He s*o'e to them: .The 'ingdom o$ hea!en is li'e lea!en% whih a woman too' and
hid in three meas#res o$ meal till it was all lea!ened".
?at 1-:-0 +ll these things Jes#s s*o'e to the m#ltit#de in *arables& and witho#t a *arable He did not s*ea' to
?at 1-:-1 that it might be $#l$illed whih was s*o'en by the *ro*het% saying: .I will o*en ?y mo#th in *arables& I
will #tter things 'e*t seret $rom the $o#ndation o$ the world".
?at 1-:-3 Then Jes#s sent the m#ltit#de away and went into the ho#se" +nd His disi*les ame to Him% saying%
.69*lain to #s the *arable o$ the tares o$ the $ield".
?at 1-:-4 He answered and said to them: .He who sows the good seed is the ,on o$ ?an"
?at 1-:-8 .The $ield is the world% the good seeds are the sons o$ the 'ingdom% b#t the tares are the sons o$ the
wi'ed (one")
?at 1-:-9 .The enemy who sowed them is the de!il% the har!est is the end o$ the age% and the rea*ers are the
?at 1-:05 .There$ore as the tares are gathered and b#rned in the $ire% so it will be at the end o$ this age"
?at 1-:01 .The ,on o$ ?an will send o#t His angels% and they will gather o#t o$ His 'ingdom all things that
o$$end% and those who *ratie lawlessness%
?at 1-:02 .and will ast them into the $#rnae o$ $ire" There will be wailing and gnashing o$ teeth"
?at 1-:0- .Then the righteo#s will shine $orth as the s#n in the 'ingdom o$ their ;ather" He who has ears to
hear% let him hearF
?at 1-:00 . +gain% the 'ingdom o$ hea!en is li'e treas#re hidden in a $ield% whih a man $o#nd and hid& and $or
@oy o!er it he goes and sells all that he has and b#ys that $ield"
?at 1-:01 . +gain% the 'ingdom o$ hea!en is li'e a merhant see'ing bea#ti$#l *earls%
?at 1-:03 .who% when he had $o#nd one *earl o$ great *rie% went and sold all that he had and bo#ght it"
?at 1-:04 . +gain% the 'ingdom o$ hea!en is li'e a dragnet that was ast into the sea and gathered some o$
e!ery 'ind%
?at 1-:08 .whih% when it was $#ll% they drew to shore& and they sat down and gathered the good into !essels%
b#t threw the bad away"
?at 1-:09 .,o it will be at the end o$ the age" The angels will ome $orth% se*arate the wi'ed $rom among the
?at 1-:15 .and ast them into the $#rnae o$ $ire" There will be wailing and gnashing o$ teeth".
?at 1-:11 Jes#s said to them% .Ha!e yo# #nderstood all these thingsC. They said to Him% .Bes% /ord".
?at 1-:12 Then He said to them% .There$ore e!ery sribe instr#ted onerning the 'ingdom o$ hea!en is li'e a
ho#seholder who brings o#t o$ his treas#re (things) new and old".
?at 1-:1- Now it ame to *ass% when Jes#s had $inished these *arables% that He de*arted $rom there"
?at 1-:10 +nd when He had ome to His own o#ntry% He ta#ght them in their synagog#e% so that they were
astonished and said% .>here did this (?an) get this wisdom and (these) mighty wor'sC
?at 1-:11 .Is this not the ar*enterAs sonC Is not His mother alled ?aryC +nd His brothers James% Joses%
,imon% and J#dasC
?at 1-:13 .+nd His sisters% are they not all with #sC >here then did this (?an) get all these thingsC.
?at 1-:14 ,o they were o$$ended at Him" B#t Jes#s said to them% .+ *ro*het is not witho#t honor e9e*t in his
own o#ntry and in his own ho#se".
?at 1-:18 Now He did not do many mighty wor's there bea#se o$ their #nbelie$"
?at 10:1 +t that time Herod the tetrarh heard the re*ort abo#t Jes#s
?at 10:2 and said to his ser!ants% .This is John the Ba*tist& he is risen $rom the dead% and there$ore these
*owers are at wor' in him".
?at 10:- ;or Herod had laid hold o$ John and bo#nd him% and *#t (him) in *rison $or the sa'e o$ Herodias% his
brother <hili*As wi$e"
?at 10:0 Bea#se John had said to him% .It is not law$#l $or yo# to ha!e her".
?at 10:1 +nd altho#gh he wanted to *#t him to death% he $eared the m#ltit#de% bea#se they o#nted him as a
?at 10:3 B#t when HerodAs birthday was elebrated% the da#ghter o$ Herodias daned be$ore them and *leased
?at 10:4 There$ore he *romised with an oath to gi!e her whate!er she might as'"
?at 10:8 ,o she% ha!ing been *rom*ted by her mother% said% .Gi!e me John the Ba*tistAs head here on a
?at 10:9 +nd the 'ing was sorry& ne!ertheless% bea#se o$ the oaths and bea#se o$ those who sat with him% he
ommanded (it) to be gi!en to (her")
?at 10:15 ,o he sent and had John beheaded in *rison"
?at 10:11 +nd his head was bro#ght on a *latter and gi!en to the girl% and she bro#ght (it) to her mother"
?at 10:12 Then his disi*les ame and too' away the body and b#ried it% and went and told Jes#s"
?at 10:1- >hen Jes#s heard (it%) He de*arted $rom there by boat to a deserted *lae by Himsel$" B#t when the
m#ltit#des heard it% they $ollowed Him on $oot $rom the ities"
?at 10:10 +nd when Jes#s went o#t He saw a great m#ltit#de& and He was mo!ed with om*assion $or them%
and healed their si'"
?at 10:11 >hen it was e!ening% His disi*les ame to Him% saying% .This is a deserted *lae% and the ho#r is
already late" ,end the m#ltit#des away% that they may go into the !illages and b#y themsel!es $ood".
?at 10:13 B#t Jes#s said to them% .They do not need to go away" Bo# gi!e them something to eat".
?at 10:14 +nd they said to Him% .>e ha!e here only $i!e loa!es and two $ish".
?at 10:18 He said% .Bring them here to ?e".
?at 10:19 Then He ommanded the m#ltit#des to sit down on the grass" +nd He too' the $i!e loa!es and the
two $ish% and loo'ing #* to hea!en% He blessed and bro'e and ga!e the loa!es to the disi*les& and the disi*les
ga!e to the m#ltit#des"
?at 10:25 ,o they all ate and were $illed% and they too' #* twel!e bas'ets $#ll o$ the $ragments that remained"
?at 10:21 Now those who had eaten were abo#t $i!e tho#sand men% besides women and hildren"
?at 10:22 Immediately Jes#s made His disi*les get into the boat and go be$ore Him to the other side% while He
sent the m#ltit#des away"
?at 10:2- +nd when He had sent the m#ltit#des away% He went #* on the mo#ntain by Himsel$ to *ray" Now
when e!ening ame% He was alone there"
?at 10:20 B#t the boat was now in the middle o$ the sea% tossed by the wa!es% $or the wind was ontrary"
?at 10:21 Now in the $o#rth wath o$ the night Jes#s went to them% wal'ing on the sea"
?at 10:23 +nd when the disi*les saw Him wal'ing on the sea% they were tro#bled% saying% .It is a ghostF. +nd
they ried o#t $or $ear"
?at 10:24 B#t immediately Jes#s s*o'e to them% saying% .Be o$ good heerF It is I& do not be a$raid".
?at 10:28 +nd <eter answered Him and said% ./ord% i$ it is Bo#% ommand me to ome to Bo# on the water".
?at 10:29 ,o He said% .=ome". +nd when <eter had ome down o#t o$ the boat% he wal'ed on the water to go
to Jes#s"
?at 10:-5 B#t when he saw that the wind (was) boistero#s% he was a$raid& and beginning to sin' he ried o#t%
saying% ./ord% sa!e meF.
?at 10:-1 +nd immediately Jes#s strethed o#t (His) hand and a#ght him% and said to him% .8 yo# o$ little $aith%
why did yo# do#btC.
?at 10:-2 +nd when they got into the boat% the wind eased"
?at 10:-- Then those who were in the boat ame and worshi*ed Him% saying% .Tr#ly Bo# are the ,on o$ God".
?at 10:-0 >hen they had rossed o!er% they ame to the land o$ Gennesaret"
?at 10:-1 +nd when the men o$ that *lae reogniHed Him% they sent o#t into all that s#rro#nding region%
bro#ght to Him all who were si'%
?at 10:-3 and begged Him that they might only to#h the hem o$ His garment" +nd as many as to#hed (it)
were made *er$etly well"
?at 11:1 Then the sribes and <harisees who were $rom Jer#salem ame to Jes#s% saying%
?at 11:2 .>hy do Bo#r disi*les transgress the tradition o$ the eldersC ;or they do not wash their hands when
they eat bread".
?at 11:- He answered and said to them% .>hy do yo# also transgress the ommandment o$ God bea#se o$
yo#r traditionC
?at 11:0 .;or God ommanded% saying% AHonor yo#r $ather and yo#r motherA& and% AHe who #rses $ather or
mother% let him be *#t to death"A
?at 11:1 .B#t yo# say% A>hoe!er says to his $ather or mother% .>hate!er *ro$it yo# might ha!e reei!ed $rom
me (is) a gi$t (to God. DD )
?at 11:3 Athen he need not honor his $ather or mother"A Th#s yo# ha!e made the ommandment o$ God o$ no
e$$et by yo#r tradition"
?at 11:4 .Hy*oritesF >ell did Isaiah *ro*hesy abo#t yo#% saying:
?at 11:8 AThese *eo*le draw near to ?e with their mo#th% +nd honor ?e with (their) li*s% B#t their heart is $ar
$rom ?e"
?at 11:9 +nd in !ain they worshi* ?e% Teahing (as) dotrines the ommandments o$ men"A .
?at 11:15 >hen He had alled the m#ltit#de to (Himsel$%) He said to them% .Hear and #nderstand:
?at 11:11 .Not what goes into the mo#th de$iles a man& b#t what omes o#t o$ the mo#th% this de$iles a man".
?at 11:12 Then His disi*les ame and said to Him% .2o Bo# 'now that the <harisees were o$$ended when they
heard this sayingC.
?at 11:1- B#t He answered and said% .6!ery *lant whih ?y hea!enly ;ather has not *lanted will be #*rooted"
?at 11:10 ./et them alone" They are blind leaders o$ the blind" +nd i$ the blind leads the blind% both will $all into
a dith".
?at 11:11 Then <eter answered and said to Him% .69*lain this *arable to #s".
?at 11:13 ,o Jes#s said% .+re yo# also still witho#t #nderstandingC
?at 11:14 .2o yo# not yet #nderstand that whate!er enters the mo#th goes into the stomah and is eliminatedC
?at 11:18 .B#t those things whih *roeed o#t o$ the mo#th ome $rom the heart% and they de$ile a man"
?at 11:19 .;or o#t o$ the heart *roeed e!il tho#ghts% m#rders% ad#lteries% $orniations% the$ts% $alse witness%
?at 11:25 .These are (the things) whih de$ile a man% b#t to eat with #nwashed hands does not de$ile a man".
?at 11:21 Then Jes#s went o#t $rom there and de*arted to the region o$ Tyre and ,idon"
?at 11:22 +nd behold% a woman o$ =anaan ame $rom that region and ried o#t to Him% saying% .Ha!e mery
on me% 8 /ord% ,on o$ 2a!idF ?y da#ghter is se!erely demonD*ossessed".
?at 11:2- B#t He answered her not a word" +nd His disi*les ame and #rged Him% saying% .,end her away% $or
she ries o#t a$ter #s".
?at 11:20 B#t He answered and said% .I was not sent e9e*t to the lost shee* o$ the ho#se o$ Israel".
?at 11:21 Then she ame and worshi*ed Him% saying% ./ord% hel* meF.
?at 11:23 B#t He answered and said% .It is not good to ta'e the hildrenAs bread and throw (it) to the little dogs".
?at 11:24 +nd she said% .Bes% /ord% yet e!en the little dogs eat the r#mbs whih $all $rom their mastersA table".
?at 11:28 Then Jes#s answered and said to her% .8 woman% great (is) yo#r $aithF /et it be to yo# as yo# desire".
+nd her da#ghter was healed $rom that !ery ho#r"
?at 11:29 Jes#s de*arted $rom there% s'irted the ,ea o$ Galilee% and went #* on the mo#ntain and sat down
?at 11:-5 Then great m#ltit#des ame to Him% ha!ing with them (the) lame% blind% m#te% maimed% and many
others& and they laid them down at Jes#sA $eet% and He healed them"
?at 11:-1 ,o the m#ltit#de mar!eled when they saw (the) m#te s*ea'ing% (the) maimed made whole% (the) lame
wal'ing% and (the) blind seeing& and they glori$ied the God o$ Israel"
?at 11:-2 Now Jes#s alled His disi*les to (Himsel$) and said% .I ha!e om*assion on the m#ltit#de% bea#se
they ha!e now ontin#ed with ?e three days and ha!e nothing to eat" +nd I do not want to send them away
h#ngry% lest they $aint on the way".
?at 11:-- Then His disi*les said to Him% .>here o#ld we get eno#gh bread in the wilderness to $ill s#h a
great m#ltit#deC.
?at 11:-0 Jes#s said to them% .How many loa!es do yo# ha!eC. +nd they said% .,e!en% and a $ew little $ish".
?at 11:-1 ,o He ommanded the m#ltit#de to sit down on the gro#nd"
?at 11:-3 +nd He too' the se!en loa!es and the $ish and ga!e than's% bro'e (them) and ga!e (them) to His
disi*les& and the disi*les (ga!e) to the m#ltit#de"
?at 11:-4 ,o they all ate and were $illed% and they too' #* se!en large bas'ets $#ll o$ the $ragments that were
?at 11:-8 Now those who ate were $o#r tho#sand men% besides women and hildren"
?at 11:-9 +nd He sent away the m#ltit#de% got into the boat% and ame to the region o$ ?agdala"
?at 13:1 Then the <harisees and ,add#ees ame% and testing Him as'ed that He wo#ld show them a sign
$rom hea!en"
?at 13:2 He answered and said to them% .>hen it is e!ening yo# say% A(It will be) $air weather% $or the s'y is redA&
?at 13:- .and in the morning% A(It will be) $o#l weather today% $or the s'y is red and threatening"A Hy*oritesF Bo#
'now how to disern the $ae o$ the s'y% b#t yo# annot (disern) the signs o$ the times"
?at 13:0 .+ wi'ed and ad#ltero#s generation see's a$ter a sign% and no sign shall be gi!en to it e9e*t the sign
o$ the *ro*het Jonah". +nd He le$t them and de*arted"
?at 13:1 Now when His disi*les had ome to the other side% they had $orgotten to ta'e bread"
?at 13:3 Then Jes#s said to them% .Ta'e heed and beware o$ the lea!en o$ the <harisees and the ,add#ees".
?at 13:4 +nd they reasoned among themsel!es% saying% .(It is) bea#se we ha!e ta'en no bread".
?at 13:8 B#t Jes#s% being aware o$ (it%) said to them% .8 yo# o$ little $aith% why do yo# reason among yo#rsel!es
bea#se yo# ha!e bro#ght no breadC
?at 13:9 .2o yo# not yet #nderstand% or remember the $i!e loa!es o$ the $i!e tho#sand and how many bas'ets
yo# too' #*C
?at 13:15 .Nor the se!en loa!es o$ the $o#r tho#sand and how many large bas'ets yo# too' #*C
?at 13:11 .How is it yo# do not #nderstand that I did not s*ea' to yo# onerning breadC DD (b#t) to beware o$
the lea!en o$ the <harisees and ,add#ees".
?at 13:12 Then they #nderstood that He did not tell (them) to beware o$ the lea!en o$ bread% b#t o$ the dotrine
o$ the <harisees and ,add#ees"
?at 13:1- >hen Jes#s ame into the region o$ =aesarea <hili**i% He as'ed His disi*les% saying% .>ho do men
say that I% the ,on o$ ?an% amC.
?at 13:10 ,o they said% .,ome (say) John the Ba*tist% some 6li@ah% and others Jeremiah or one o$ the
?at 13:11 He said to them% .B#t who do yo# say that I amC.
?at 13:13 ,imon <eter answered and said% .Bo# are the =hrist% the ,on o$ the li!ing God".
?at 13:14 Jes#s answered and said to him% .Blessed are yo#% ,imon BarDJonah% $or $lesh and blood has not
re!ealed (this) to yo#% b#t ?y ;ather who is in hea!en"
?at 13:18 .+nd I also say to yo# that yo# are <eter% and on this ro' I will b#ild ?y h#rh% and the gates o$
Hades shall not *re!ail against it"
?at 13:19 .+nd I will gi!e yo# the 'eys o$ the 'ingdom o$ hea!en% and whate!er yo# bind on earth will be bo#nd
in hea!en% and whate!er yo# loose on earth will be loosed in hea!en".
?at 13:25 Then He ommanded His disi*les that they sho#ld tell no one that He was Jes#s the =hrist"
?at 13:21 ;rom that time Jes#s began to show to His disi*les that He m#st go to Jer#salem% and s#$$er many
things $rom the elders and hie$ *riests and sribes% and be 'illed% and be raised the third day"
?at 13:22 Then <eter too' Him aside and began to reb#'e Him% saying% .;ar be it $rom Bo#% /ord& this shall not
ha**en to Bo#F.
?at 13:2- B#t He t#rned and said to <eter% .Get behind ?e% ,atanF Bo# are an o$$ense to ?e% $or yo# are not
mind$#l o$ the things o$ God% b#t the things o$ men".
?at 13:20 Then Jes#s said to His disi*les% .I$ anyone desires to ome a$ter ?e% let him deny himsel$% and ta'e
#* his ross% and $ollow ?e"
?at 13:21 .;or whoe!er desires to sa!e his li$e will lose it% b#t whoe!er loses his li$e $or ?y sa'e will $ind it"
?at 13:23 .;or what *ro$it is it to a man i$ he gains the whole world% and loses his own so#lC 8r what will a man
gi!e in e9hange $or his so#lC
?at 13:24 .;or the ,on o$ ?an will ome in the glory o$ His ;ather with His angels% and then He will reward
eah aording to his wor's"
?at 13:28 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the ,on
o$ ?an oming in His 'ingdom".
?at 14:1 Now a$ter si9 days Jes#s too' <eter% James% and John his brother% led them #* on a high mo#ntain by
?at 14:2 and He was trans$ig#red be$ore them" His $ae shone li'e the s#n% and His lothes beame as white
as the light"
?at 14:- +nd behold% ?oses and 6li@ah a**eared to them% tal'ing with Him"
?at 14:0 Then <eter answered and said to Jes#s% ./ord% it is good $or #s to be here& i$ Bo# wish% let #s ma'e
here three tabernales: one $or Bo#% one $or ?oses% and one $or 6li@ah".
?at 14:1 >hile he was still s*ea'ing% behold% a bright lo#d o!ershadowed them& and s#ddenly a !oie ame
o#t o$ the lo#d% saying% .This is ?y belo!ed ,on% in whom I am well *leased" Hear HimF.
?at 14:3 +nd when the disi*les heard (it%) they $ell on their $aes and were greatly a$raid"
?at 14:4 B#t Jes#s ame and to#hed them and said% .+rise% and do not be a$raid".
?at 14:8 >hen they had li$ted #* their eyes% they saw no one b#t Jes#s only"
?at 14:9 Now as they ame down $rom the mo#ntain% Jes#s ommanded them% saying% .Tell the !ision to no
one #ntil the ,on o$ ?an is risen $rom the dead".
?at 14:15 +nd His disi*les as'ed Him% saying% .>hy then do the sribes say that 6li@ah m#st ome $irstC.
?at 14:11 Jes#s answered and said to them% .Indeed% 6li@ah is oming $irst and will restore all things"
?at 14:12 .B#t I say to yo# that 6li@ah has ome already% and they did not 'now him b#t did to him whate!er
they wished" /i'ewise the ,on o$ ?an is also abo#t to s#$$er at their hands".
?at 14:1- Then the disi*les #nderstood that He s*o'e to them o$ John the Ba*tist"
?at 14:10 +nd when they had ome to the m#ltit#de% a man ame to Him% 'neeling down to Him and saying%
?at 14:11 ./ord% ha!e mery on my son% $or he is an e*ile*ti and s#$$ers se!erely& $or he o$ten $alls into the $ire
and o$ten into the water"
?at 14:13 .,o I bro#ght him to Bo#r disi*les% b#t they o#ld not #re him".
?at 14:14 Then Jes#s answered and said% .8 $aithless and *er!erse generation% how long shall I be with yo#C
How long shall I bear with yo#C Bring him here to ?e".
?at 14:18 +nd Jes#s reb#'ed the demon% and it ame o#t o$ him& and the hild was #red $rom that !ery ho#r"
?at 14:19 Then the disi*les ame to Jes#s *ri!ately and said% .>hy o#ld we not ast it o#tC.
?at 14:25 ,o Jes#s said to them% .Bea#se o$ yo#r #nbelie$& $or ass#redly% I say to yo#% i$ yo# ha!e $aith as a
m#stard seed% yo# will say to this mo#ntain% A?o!e $rom here to there%A and it will mo!e& and nothing will be
im*ossible $or yo#"
?at 14:21 .Howe!er% this 'ind does not go o#t e9e*t by *rayer and $asting".
?at 14:22 Now while they were staying in Galilee% Jes#s said to them% .The ,on o$ ?an is abo#t to be betrayed
into the hands o$ men%
?at 14:2- .and they will 'ill Him% and the third day He will be raised #*". +nd they were e9eedingly sorrow$#l"
?at 14:20 >hen they had ome to =a*erna#m% those who reei!ed the (tem*le) ta9 ame to <eter and said%
.2oes yo#r Teaher not *ay the (tem*le) ta9C.
?at 14:21 He said% .Bes". +nd when he had ome into the ho#se% Jes#s antii*ated him% saying% .>hat do yo#
thin'% ,imonC ;rom whom do the 'ings o$ the earth ta'e #stoms or ta9es% $rom their sons or $rom strangersC.
?at 14:23 <eter said to Him% .;rom strangers". Jes#s said to him% .Then the sons are $ree"
?at 14:24 .Ne!ertheless% lest we o$$end them% go to the sea% ast in a hoo'% and ta'e the $ish that omes #*
$irst" +nd when yo# ha!e o*ened its mo#th% yo# will $ind a *iee o$ money& ta'e that and gi!e it to them $or ?e
and yo#".
?at 18:1 +t that time the disi*les ame to Jes#s% saying% .>ho then is greatest in the 'ingdom o$ hea!enC.
?at 18:2 Then Jes#s alled a little hild to Him% set him in the midst o$ them%
?at 18:- and said% .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% #nless yo# are on!erted and beome as little hildren% yo# will by
no means enter the 'ingdom o$ hea!en"
?at 18:0 .There$ore whoe!er h#mbles himsel$ as this little hild is the greatest in the 'ingdom o$ hea!en"
?at 18:1 .>hoe!er reei!es one little hild li'e this in ?y name reei!es ?e"
?at 18:3 . B#t whoe!er a#ses one o$ these little ones who belie!e in ?e to sin% it wo#ld be better $or him i$ a
millstone were h#ng aro#nd his ne'% and he were drowned in the de*th o$ the sea"
?at 18:4 .>oe to the world bea#se o$ o$$ensesF ;or o$$enses m#st ome% b#t woe to that man by whom the
o$$ense omesF
?at 18:8 .I$ yo#r hand or $oot a#ses yo# to sin% #t it o$$ and ast (it) $rom yo#" It is better $or yo# to enter into
li$e lame or maimed% rather than ha!ing two hands or two $eet% to be ast into the e!erlasting $ire"
?at 18:9 .+nd i$ yo#r eye a#ses yo# to sin% *l#' it o#t and ast (it) $rom yo#" It is better $or yo# to enter into li$e
with one eye% rather than ha!ing two eyes% to be ast into hell $ire"
?at 18:15 . Ta'e heed that yo# do not des*ise one o$ these little ones% $or I say to yo# that in hea!en their
angels always see the $ae o$ ?y ;ather who is in hea!en"
?at 18:11 .;or the ,on o$ ?an has ome to sa!e that whih was lost"
?at 18:12 .>hat do yo# thin'C I$ a man has a h#ndred shee*% and one o$ them goes astray% does he not lea!e
the ninetyDnine and go to the mo#ntains to see' the one that is strayingC
?at 18:1- .+nd i$ he sho#ld $ind it% ass#redly% I say to yo#% he re@oies more o!er that (shee*) than o!er the
ninetyDnine that did not go astray"
?at 18:10 .6!en so it is not the will o$ yo#r ;ather who is in hea!en that one o$ these little ones sho#ld *erish"
?at 18:11 . ?oreo!er i$ yo#r brother sins against yo#% go and tell him his $a#lt between yo# and him alone" I$ he
hears yo#% yo# ha!e gained yo#r brother"
?at 18:13 .B#t i$ he will not hear% ta'e with yo# one or two more% that Aby the mo#th o$ two or three witnesses
e!ery word may be established"A
?at 18:14 .+nd i$ he re$#ses to hear them% tell (it) to the h#rh" B#t i$ he re$#ses e!en to hear the h#rh% let
him be to yo# li'e a heathen and a ta9 olletor"
?at 18:18 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% whate!er yo# bind on earth will be bo#nd in hea!en% and whate!er yo#
loose on earth will be loosed in hea!en"
?at 18:19 .+gain I say to yo# that i$ two o$ yo# agree on earth onerning anything that they as'% it will be done
$or them by ?y ;ather in hea!en"
?at 18:25 .;or where two or three are gathered together in ?y name% I am there in the midst o$ them".
?at 18:21 Then <eter ame to Him and said% ./ord% how o$ten shall my brother sin against me% and I $orgi!e
himC 7* to se!en timesC.
?at 18:22 Jes#s said to him% .I do not say to yo#% #* to se!en times% b#t #* to se!enty times se!en"
?at 18:2- .There$ore the 'ingdom o$ hea!en is li'e a ertain 'ing who wanted to settle ao#nts with his
?at 18:20 .+nd when he had beg#n to settle ao#nts% one was bro#ght to him who owed him ten tho#sand
?at 18:21 .B#t as he was not able to *ay% his master ommanded that he be sold% with his wi$e and hildren
and all that he had% and that *ayment be made"
?at 18:23 .The ser!ant there$ore $ell down be$ore him% saying% A?aster% ha!e *atiene with me% and I will *ay
yo# all"A
?at 18:24 .Then the master o$ that ser!ant was mo!ed with om*assion% released him% and $orga!e him the
?at 18:28 .B#t that ser!ant went o#t and $o#nd one o$ his $ellow ser!ants who owed him a h#ndred denarii& and
he laid hands on him and too' (him) by the throat% saying% A<ay me what yo# oweFA
?at 18:29 .,o his $ellow ser!ant $ell down at his $eet and begged him% saying% AHa!e *atiene with me% and I will
*ay yo# all"A
?at 18:-5 .+nd he wo#ld not% b#t went and threw him into *rison till he sho#ld *ay the debt"
?at 18:-1 .,o when his $ellow ser!ants saw what had been done% they were !ery grie!ed% and ame and told
their master all that had been done"
?at 18:-2 .Then his master% a$ter he had alled him% said to him% ABo# wi'ed ser!antF I $orga!e yo# all that debt
bea#se yo# begged me"
?at 18:-- A,ho#ld yo# not also ha!e had om*assion on yo#r $ellow ser!ant% @#st as I had *ity on yo#CA
?at 18:-0 .+nd his master was angry% and deli!ered him to the tort#rers #ntil he sho#ld *ay all that was d#e to
?at 18:-1 .,o ?y hea!enly ;ather also will do to yo# i$ eah o$ yo#% $rom his heart% does not $orgi!e his brother
his tres*asses".
?at 19:1 Now it ame to *ass% when Jes#s had $inished these sayings% (that) He de*arted $rom Galilee and
ame to the region o$ J#dea beyond the Jordan"
?at 19:2 +nd great m#ltit#des $ollowed Him% and He healed them there"
?at 19:- The <harisees also ame to Him% testing Him% and saying to Him% .Is it law$#l $or a man to di!ore his
wi$e $or (@#st) any reasonC.
?at 19:0 +nd He answered and said to them% .Ha!e yo# not read that He who made (them) at the beginning
Amade them male and $emale%A
?at 19:1 .and said% A;or this reason a man shall lea!e his $ather and mother and be @oined to his wi$e% and the
two shall beome one $leshAC
?at 19:3 .,o then% they are no longer two b#t one $lesh" There$ore what God has @oined together% let not man
?at 19:4 They said to Him% .>hy then did ?oses ommand to gi!e a erti$iate o$ di!ore% and to *#t her
?at 19:8 He said to them% .?oses% bea#se o$ the hardness o$ yo#r hearts% *ermitted yo# to di!ore yo#r wi!es%
b#t $rom the beginning it was not so"
?at 19:9 .+nd I say to yo#% whoe!er di!ores his wi$e% e9e*t $or se9#al immorality% and marries another%
ommits ad#ltery& and whoe!er marries her who is di!ored ommits ad#ltery".
?at 19:15 His disi*les said to Him% .I$ s#h is the ase o$ the man with (his) wi$e% it is better not to marry".
?at 19:11 B#t He said to them% .+ll annot ae*t this saying% b#t only (those) to whom it has been gi!en:
?at 19:12 .;or there are e#n#hs who were born th#s $rom (their) motherAs womb% and there are e#n#hs who
were made e#n#hs by men% and there are e#n#hs who ha!e made themsel!es e#n#hs $or the 'ingdom o$
hea!enAs sa'e" He who is able to ae*t (it%) let him ae*t (it".)
?at 19:1- Then little hildren were bro#ght to Him that He might *#t (His) hands on them and *ray% b#t the
disi*les reb#'ed them"
?at 19:10 B#t Jes#s said% ./et the little hildren ome to ?e% and do not $orbid them& $or o$ s#h is the 'ingdom
o$ hea!en".
?at 19:11 +nd He laid (His) hands on them and de*arted $rom there"
?at 19:13 Now behold% one ame and said to Him% .Good Teaher% what good thing shall I do that I may ha!e
eternal li$eC.
?at 19:14 ,o He said to him% .>hy do yo# all ?e goodC No one (is) good b#t 8ne% (that is%) God" B#t i$ yo#
want to enter into li$e% 'ee* the ommandments".
?at 19:18 He said to Him% .>hih onesC. Jes#s said% . ABo# shall not m#rder%A ABo# shall not ommit ad#ltery%A
ABo# shall not steal%A ABo# shall not bear $alse witness%A
?at 19:19 AHonor yo#r $ather and (yo#r) mother%A and% ABo# shall lo!e yo#r neighbor as yo#rsel$"A .
?at 19:25 The yo#ng man said to Him% .+ll these things I ha!e 'e*t $rom my yo#th" >hat do I still la'C.
?at 19:21 Jes#s said to him% .I$ yo# want to be *er$et% go% sell what yo# ha!e and gi!e to the *oor% and yo# will
ha!e treas#re in hea!en& and ome% $ollow ?e".
?at 19:22 B#t when the yo#ng man heard that saying% he went away sorrow$#l% $or he had great *ossessions"
?at 19:2- Then Jes#s said to His disi*les% .+ss#redly% I say to yo# that it is hard $or a rih man to enter the
'ingdom o$ hea!en"
?at 19:20 .+nd again I say to yo#% it is easier $or a amel to go thro#gh the eye o$ a needle than $or a rih man
to enter the 'ingdom o$ God".
?at 19:21 >hen His disi*les heard (it%) they were greatly astonished% saying% .>ho then an be sa!edC.
?at 19:23 B#t Jes#s loo'ed at (them) and said to them% .>ith men this is im*ossible% b#t with God all things are
?at 19:24 Then <eter answered and said to Him% .,ee% we ha!e le$t all and $ollowed Bo#" There$ore what shall
we ha!eC.
?at 19:28 ,o Jes#s said to them% .+ss#redly I say to yo#% that in the regeneration% when the ,on o$ ?an sits on
the throne o$ His glory% yo# who ha!e $ollowed ?e will also sit on twel!e thrones% @#dging the twel!e tribes o$
?at 19:29 .+nd e!eryone who has le$t ho#ses or brothers or sisters or $ather or mother or wi$e or hildren or
lands% $or ?y nameAs sa'e% shall reei!e a h#ndred$old% and inherit eternal li$e"
?at 19:-5 .B#t many (who are) $irst will be last% and the last $irst"
?at 25:1 .;or the 'ingdom o$ hea!en is li'e a landowner who went o#t early in the morning to hire laborers $or
his !ineyard"
?at 25:2 .Now when he had agreed with the laborers $or a denari#s a day% he sent them into his !ineyard"
?at 25:- .+nd he went o#t abo#t the third ho#r and saw others standing idle in the mar'et*lae%
?at 25:0 .and said to them% ABo# also go into the !ineyard% and whate!er is right I will gi!e yo#"A ,o they went"
?at 25:1 .+gain he went o#t abo#t the si9th and the ninth ho#r% and did li'ewise"
?at 25:3 .+nd abo#t the ele!enth ho#r he went o#t and $o#nd others standing idle% and said to them% A>hy ha!e
yo# been standing here idle all dayCA
?at 25:4 .They said to him% ABea#se no one hired #s"A He said to them% ABo# also go into the !ineyard% and
whate!er is right yo# will reei!e"A
?at 25:8 .,o when e!ening had ome% the owner o$ the !ineyard said to his steward% A=all the laborers and gi!e
them (their) wages% beginning with the last to the $irst"A
?at 25:9 .+nd when those ame who (were hired) abo#t the ele!enth ho#r% they eah reei!ed a denari#s"
?at 25:15 .B#t when the $irst ame% they s#**osed that they wo#ld reei!e more& and they li'ewise reei!ed
eah a denari#s"
?at 25:11 .+nd when they had reei!ed (it%) they om*lained against the landowner%
?at 25:12 .saying% AThese last (men) ha!e wor'ed (only) one ho#r% and yo# made them eE#al to #s who ha!e
borne the b#rden and the heat o$ the day"A
?at 25:1- .B#t he answered one o$ them and said% A;riend% I am doing yo# no wrong" 2id yo# not agree with me
$or a denari#sC
?at 25:10 ATa'e (what is) yo#rs and go yo#r way" I wish to gi!e to this last man (the same) as to yo#"
?at 25:11 AIs it not law$#l $or me to do what I wish with my own thingsC 8r is yo#r eye e!il bea#se I am goodCA
?at 25:13 .,o the last will be $irst% and the $irst last" ;or many are alled% b#t $ew hosen".
?at 25:14 Now Jes#s% going #* to Jer#salem% too' the twel!e disi*les aside on the road and said to them%
?at 25:18 .Behold% we are going #* to Jer#salem% and the ,on o$ ?an will be betrayed to the hie$ *riests and
to the sribes& and they will ondemn Him to death%
?at 25:19 .and deli!er Him to the Gentiles to mo' and to so#rge and to r#i$y" +nd the third day He will rise
?at 25:25 Then the mother o$ GebedeeAs sons ame to Him with her sons% 'neeling down and as'ing something
$rom Him"
?at 25:21 +nd He said to her% .>hat do yo# wishC. ,he said to Him% .Grant that these two sons o$ mine may
sit% one on Bo#r right hand and the other on the le$t% in Bo#r 'ingdom".
?at 25:22 B#t Jes#s answered and said% .Bo# do not 'now what yo# as'" +re yo# able to drin' the #* that I
am abo#t to drin'% and be ba*tiHed with the ba*tism that I am ba*tiHed withC. They said to Him% .>e are able".
?at 25:2- ,o He said to them% .Bo# will indeed drin' ?y #*% and be ba*tiHed with the ba*tism that I am
ba*tiHed with& b#t to sit on ?y right hand and on ?y le$t is not ?ine to gi!e% b#t (it is $or those) $or whom it is
*re*ared by ?y ;ather".
?at 25:20 +nd when the ten heard (it%) they were greatly dis*leased with the two brothers"
?at 25:21 B#t Jes#s alled them to (Himsel$) and said% .Bo# 'now that the r#lers o$ the Gentiles lord it o!er
them% and those who are great e9erise a#thority o!er them"
?at 25:23 .Bet it shall not be so among yo#& b#t whoe!er desires to beome great among yo#% let him be yo#r
?at 25:24 .+nd whoe!er desires to be $irst among yo#% let him be yo#r sla!e DD
?at 25:28 .@#st as the ,on o$ ?an did not ome to be ser!ed% b#t to ser!e% and to gi!e His li$e a ransom $or
?at 25:29 Now as they went o#t o$ Jeriho% a great m#ltit#de $ollowed Him"
?at 25:-5 +nd behold% two blind men sitting by the road% when they heard that Jes#s was *assing by% ried o#t%
saying% .Ha!e mery on #s% 8 /ord% ,on o$ 2a!idF.
?at 25:-1 Then the m#ltit#de warned them that they sho#ld be E#iet& b#t they ried o#t all the more% saying%
.Ha!e mery on #s% 8 /ord% ,on o$ 2a!idF.
?at 25:-2 ,o Jes#s stood still and alled them% and said% .>hat do yo# want ?e to do $or yo#C.
?at 25:-- They said to Him% ./ord% that o#r eyes may be o*ened".
?at 25:-0 ,o Jes#s had om*assion and to#hed their eyes" +nd immediately their eyes reei!ed sight% and
they $ollowed Him"
?at 21:1 Now when they drew near Jer#salem% and ame to Beth*hage% at the ?o#nt o$ 8li!es% then Jes#s
sent two disi*les%
?at 21:2 saying to them% .Go into the !illage o**osite yo#% and immediately yo# will $ind a don'ey tied% and a
olt with her" /oose (them) and bring (them) to ?e"
?at 21:- .+nd i$ anyone says anything to yo#% yo# shall say% AThe /ord has need o$ them%A and immediately he
will send them".
?at 21:0 +ll this was done that it might be $#l$illed whih was s*o'en by the *ro*het% saying:
?at 21:1 .Tell the da#ghter o$ Gion% ABehold% yo#r King is oming to yo#% /owly% and sitting on a don'ey% + olt%
the $oal o$ a don'ey"A .
?at 21:3 ,o the disi*les went and did as Jes#s ommanded them"
?at 21:4 They bro#ght the don'ey and the olt% laid their lothes on them% and set (Him) on them"
?at 21:8 +nd a !ery great m#ltit#de s*read their lothes on the road& others #t down branhes $rom the trees
and s*read (them) on the road"
?at 21:9 Then the m#ltit#des who went be$ore and those who $ollowed ried o#t% saying: .Hosanna to the ,on
o$ 2a!idF ABlessed (is) He who omes in the name o$ the /8:2FA Hosanna in the highestF.
?at 21:15 +nd when He had ome into Jer#salem% all the ity was mo!ed% saying% .>ho is thisC.
?at 21:11 ,o the m#ltit#des said% .This is Jes#s% the *ro*het $rom NaHareth o$ Galilee".
?at 21:12 Then Jes#s went into the tem*le o$ God and dro!e o#t all those who bo#ght and sold in the tem*le%
and o!ert#rned the tables o$ the money hangers and the seats o$ those who sold do!es"
?at 21:1- +nd He said to them% .It is written% A?y ho#se shall be alled a ho#se o$ *rayer%A b#t yo# ha!e made it
a Aden o$ thie!es"A .
?at 21:10 Then (the) blind and (the) lame ame to Him in the tem*le% and He healed them"
?at 21:11 B#t when the hie$ *riests and sribes saw the wonder$#l things that He did% and the hildren rying
o#t in the tem*le and saying% .Hosanna to the ,on o$ 2a!idF. they were indignant
?at 21:13 and said to Him% .2o Bo# hear what these are sayingC. +nd Jes#s said to them% .Bes" Ha!e yo#
ne!er read% A8#t o$ the mo#th o$ babes and n#rsing in$ants Bo# ha!e *er$eted *raiseAC.
?at 21:14 Then He le$t them and went o#t o$ the ity to Bethany% and He lodged there"
?at 21:18 Now in the morning% as He ret#rned to the ity% He was h#ngry"
?at 21:19 +nd seeing a $ig tree by the road% He ame to it and $o#nd nothing on it b#t lea!es% and said to it% ./et
no $r#it grow on yo# e!er again". Immediately the $ig tree withered away"
?at 21:25 +nd when the disi*les saw (it%) they mar!eled% saying% .How did the $ig tree wither away so soonC.
?at 21:21 ,o Jes#s answered and said to them% .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% i$ yo# ha!e $aith and do not do#bt% yo#
will not only do what was done to the $ig tree% b#t also i$ yo# say to this mo#ntain% ABe remo!ed and be ast into
the sea%A it will be done"
?at 21:22 .+nd whate!er things yo# as' in *rayer% belie!ing% yo# will reei!e".
?at 21:2- Now when He ame into the tem*le% the hie$ *riests and the elders o$ the *eo*le on$ronted Him as
He was teahing% and said% .By what a#thority are Bo# doing these thingsC +nd who ga!e Bo# this a#thorityC.
?at 21:20 B#t Jes#s answered and said to them% .I also will as' yo# one thing% whih i$ yo# tell ?e% I li'ewise
will tell yo# by what a#thority I do these things:
?at 21:21 .The ba*tism o$ John DD where was it $romC ;rom hea!en or $rom menC. +nd they reasoned among
themsel!es% saying% .I$ we say% A;rom hea!en%A He will say to #s% A>hy then did yo# not belie!e himCA
?at 21:23 .B#t i$ we say% A;rom men%A we $ear the m#ltit#de% $or all o#nt John as a *ro*het".
?at 21:24 ,o they answered Jes#s and said% .>e do not 'now". +nd He said to them% .Neither will I tell yo# by
what a#thority I do these things"
?at 21:28 . B#t what do yo# thin'C + man had two sons% and he ame to the $irst and said% A,on% go% wor' today
in my !ineyard"A
?at 21:29 .He answered and said% AI will not%A b#t a$terward he regretted it and went"
?at 21:-5 .Then he ame to the seond and said li'ewise" +nd he answered and said% AI (go%) sir%A b#t he did not
?at 21:-1 .>hih o$ the two did the will o$ (his) $atherC. They said to Him% .The $irst". Jes#s said to them%
.+ss#redly% I say to yo# that ta9 olletors and harlots enter the 'ingdom o$ God be$ore yo#"
?at 21:-2 .;or John ame to yo# in the way o$ righteo#sness% and yo# did not belie!e him& b#t ta9 olletors
and harlots belie!ed him& and when yo# saw (it%) yo# did not a$terward relent and belie!e him"
?at 21:-- . Hear another *arable: There was a ertain landowner who *lanted a !ineyard and set a hedge
aro#nd it% d#g a wine*ress in it and b#ilt a tower" +nd he leased it to !inedressers and went into a $ar o#ntry"
?at 21:-0 .Now when !intageDtime drew near% he sent his ser!ants to the !inedressers% that they might reei!e
its $r#it"
?at 21:-1 .+nd the !inedressers too' his ser!ants% beat one% 'illed one% and stoned another"
?at 21:-3 .+gain he sent other ser!ants% more than the $irst% and they did li'ewise to them"
?at 21:-4 .Then last o$ all he sent his son to them% saying% AThey will res*et my son"A
?at 21:-8 .B#t when the !inedressers saw the son% they said among themsel!es% AThis is the heir" =ome% let #s
'ill him and seiHe his inheritane"A
?at 21:-9 .,o they too' him and ast (him) o#t o$ the !ineyard and 'illed (him")
?at 21:05 .There$ore% when the owner o$ the !ineyard omes% what will he do to those !inedressersC.
?at 21:01 They said to Him% .He will destroy those wi'ed men miserably% and lease (his) !ineyard to other
!inedressers who will render to him the $r#its in their seasons".
?at 21:02 Jes#s said to them% .Ha!e yo# ne!er read in the ,ri*t#res: AThe stone whih the b#ilders re@eted
Has beome the hie$ ornerstone" This was the /8:2As doing% +nd it is mar!elo#s in o#r eyesAC
?at 21:0- .There$ore I say to yo#% the 'ingdom o$ God will be ta'en $rom yo# and gi!en to a nation bearing the
$r#its o$ it"
?at 21:00 .+nd whoe!er $alls on this stone will be bro'en& b#t on whome!er it $alls% it will grind him to *owder".
?at 21:01 Now when the hie$ *riests and <harisees heard His *arables% they *erei!ed that He was s*ea'ing
o$ them"
?at 21:03 B#t when they so#ght to lay hands on Him% they $eared the m#ltit#des% bea#se they too' Him $or a
?at 22:1 +nd Jes#s answered and s*o'e to them again by *arables and said:
?at 22:2 .The 'ingdom o$ hea!en is li'e a ertain 'ing who arranged a marriage $or his son%
?at 22:- .and sent o#t his ser!ants to all those who were in!ited to the wedding& and they were not willing to
?at 22:0 .+gain% he sent o#t other ser!ants% saying% ATell those who are in!ited% .,ee% I ha!e *re*ared my
dinner& my o9en and $atted attle (are) 'illed% and all things (are) ready" =ome to the wedding". A
?at 22:1 .B#t they made light o$ it and went their ways% one to his own $arm% another to his b#siness"
?at 22:3 .+nd the rest seiHed his ser!ants% treated (them) s*ite$#lly% and 'illed (them")
?at 22:4 .B#t when the 'ing heard (abo#t it%) he was $#rio#s" +nd he sent o#t his armies% destroyed those
m#rderers% and b#rned #* their ity"
?at 22:8 .Then he said to his ser!ants% AThe wedding is ready% b#t those who were in!ited were not worthy"
?at 22:9 AThere$ore go into the highways% and as many as yo# $ind% in!ite to the wedding"A
?at 22:15 .,o those ser!ants went o#t into the highways and gathered together all whom they $o#nd% both bad
and good" +nd the wedding (hall) was $illed with g#ests"
?at 22:11 .B#t when the 'ing ame in to see the g#ests% he saw a man there who did not ha!e on a wedding
?at 22:12 .,o he said to him% A;riend% how did yo# ome in here witho#t a wedding garmentCA +nd he was
?at 22:1- .Then the 'ing said to the ser!ants% ABind him hand and $oot% ta'e him away% and ast (him) into o#ter
dar'ness& there will be wee*ing and gnashing o$ teeth"A
?at 22:10 .;or many are alled% b#t $ew (are) hosen".
?at 22:11 Then the <harisees went and *lotted how they might entangle Him in (His) tal'"
?at 22:13 +nd they sent to Him their disi*les with the Herodians% saying% .Teaher% we 'now that Bo# are tr#e%
and teah the way o$ God in tr#th& nor do Bo# are abo#t anyone% $or Bo# do not regard the *erson o$ men"
?at 22:14 .Tell #s% there$ore% what do Bo# thin'C Is it law$#l to *ay ta9es to =aesar% or notC.
?at 22:18 B#t Jes#s *erei!ed their wi'edness% and said% .>hy do yo# test ?e% (yo#) hy*oritesC
?at 22:19 .,how ?e the ta9 money". ,o they bro#ght Him a denari#s"
?at 22:25 +nd He said to them% .>hose image and insri*tion (is) thisC.
?at 22:21 They said to Him% .=aesarAs". +nd He said to them% .:ender there$ore to =aesar the things that are
=aesarAs% and to God the things that are GodAs".
?at 22:22 >hen they had heard (these words%) they mar!eled% and le$t Him and went their way"
?at 22:2- The same day the ,add#ees% who say there is no res#rretion% ame to Him and as'ed Him%
?at 22:20 saying: .Teaher% ?oses said that i$ a man dies% ha!ing no hildren% his brother shall marry his wi$e
and raise #* o$$s*ring $or his brother"
?at 22:21 .Now there were with #s se!en brothers" The $irst died a$ter he had married% and ha!ing no o$$s*ring%
le$t his wi$e to his brother"
?at 22:23 ./i'ewise the seond also% and the third% e!en to the se!enth"
?at 22:24 ./ast o$ all the woman died also"
?at 22:28 .There$ore% in the res#rretion% whose wi$e o$ the se!en will she beC ;or they all had her".
?at 22:29 Jes#s answered and said to them% .Bo# are mista'en% not 'nowing the ,ri*t#res nor the *ower o$
?at 22:-5 .;or in the res#rretion they neither marry nor are gi!en in marriage% b#t are li'e angels o$ God in
?at 22:-1 .B#t onerning the res#rretion o$ the dead% ha!e yo# not read what was s*o'en to yo# by God%
?at 22:-2 AI am the God o$ +braham% the God o$ Isaa% and the God o$ JaobAC God is not the God o$ the dead%
b#t o$ the li!ing".
?at 22:-- +nd when the m#ltit#des heard (this%) they were astonished at His teahing"
?at 22:-0 B#t when the <harisees heard that He had silened the ,add#ees% they gathered together"
?at 22:-1 Then one o$ them% a lawyer% as'ed (Him a E#estion%) testing Him% and saying%
?at 22:-3 .Teaher% whih (is) the great ommandment in the lawC.
?at 22:-4 Jes#s said to him% . ABo# shall lo!e the /8:2 yo#r God with all yo#r heart% with all yo#r so#l% and with
all yo#r mind"A
?at 22:-8 .This is (the) $irst and great ommandment"
?at 22:-9 .+nd (the) seond (is) li'e it: ABo# shall lo!e yo#r neighbor as yo#rsel$"A
?at 22:05 .8n these two ommandments hang all the /aw and the <ro*hets".
?at 22:01 >hile the <harisees were gathered together% Jes#s as'ed them%
?at 22:02 saying% .>hat do yo# thin' abo#t the =hristC >hose ,on is HeC. They said to Him% .(The ,on) o$
?at 22:0- He said to them% .How then does 2a!id in the ,*irit all Him A/ord%A saying:
?at 22:00 AThe /8:2 said to my /ord% .,it at ?y right hand% Till I ma'e Bo#r enemies Bo#r $ootstool. AC
?at 22:01 .I$ 2a!id then alls Him A/ord%A how is He his ,onC.
?at 22:03 +nd no one was able to answer Him a word% nor $rom that day on did anyone dare E#estion Him
?at 2-:1 Then Jes#s s*o'e to the m#ltit#des and to His disi*les%
?at 2-:2 saying: .The sribes and the <harisees sit in ?osesA seat"
?at 2-:- .There$ore whate!er they tell yo# to obser!e% (that) obser!e and do% b#t do not do aording to their
wor's& $or they say% and do not do"
?at 2-:0 .;or they bind hea!y b#rdens% hard to bear% and lay (them) on menAs sho#lders& b#t they (themsel!es)
will not mo!e them with one o$ their $ingers"
?at 2-:1 .B#t all their wor's they do to be seen by men" They ma'e their *hylateries broad and enlarge the
borders o$ their garments"
?at 2-:3 .They lo!e the best *laes at $easts% the best seats in the synagog#es%
?at 2-:4 .greetings in the mar'et*laes% and to be alled by men% A:abbi% :abbi"A
?at 2-:8 .B#t yo#% do not be alled A:abbiA& $or 8ne is yo#r Teaher% the =hrist% and yo# are all brethren"
?at 2-:9 .2o not all anyone on earth yo#r $ather& $or 8ne is yo#r ;ather% He who is in hea!en"
?at 2-:15 .+nd do not be alled teahers& $or 8ne is yo#r Teaher% the =hrist"
?at 2-:11 .B#t he who is greatest among yo# shall be yo#r ser!ant"
?at 2-:12 .+nd whoe!er e9alts himsel$ will be h#mbled% and he who h#mbles himsel$ will be e9alted"
?at 2-:1- .B#t woe to yo#% sribes and <harisees% hy*oritesF ;or yo# sh#t #* the 'ingdom o$ hea!en against
men& $or yo# neither go in (yo#rsel!es%) nor do yo# allow those who are entering to go in"
?at 2-:10 .>oe to yo#% sribes and <harisees% hy*oritesF ;or yo# de!o#r widowsA ho#ses% and $or a *retense
ma'e long *rayers" There$ore yo# will reei!e greater ondemnation"
?at 2-:11 .>oe to yo#% sribes and <harisees% hy*oritesF ;or yo# tra!el land and sea to win one *roselyte%
and when he is won% yo# ma'e him twie as m#h a son o$ hell as yo#rsel!es"
?at 2-:13 .>oe to yo#% blind g#ides% who say% A>hoe!er swears by the tem*le% it is nothing& b#t whoe!er
swears by the gold o$ the tem*le% he is obliged (to *er$orm it"A)
?at 2-:14 .;ools and blindF ;or whih is greater% the gold or the tem*le that santi$ies the goldC
?at 2-:18 .+nd% A>hoe!er swears by the altar% it is nothing& b#t whoe!er swears by the gi$t that is on it% he is
obliged (to *er$orm it"A)
?at 2-:19 .;ools and blindF ;or whih is greater% the gi$t or the altar that santi$ies the gi$tC
?at 2-:25 .There$ore he who swears by the altar% swears by it and by all things on it"
?at 2-:21 .He who swears by the tem*le% swears by it and by Him who dwells in it"
?at 2-:22 .+nd he who swears by hea!en% swears by the throne o$ God and by Him who sits on it"
?at 2-:2- .>oe to yo#% sribes and <harisees% hy*oritesF ;or yo# *ay tithe o$ mint and anise and #mmin% and
ha!e negleted the weightier (matters) o$ the law: @#stie and mery and $aith" These yo# o#ght to ha!e done%
witho#t lea!ing the others #ndone"
?at 2-:20 .Blind g#ides% who strain o#t a gnat and swallow a amelF
?at 2-:21 .>oe to yo#% sribes and <harisees% hy*oritesF ;or yo# leanse the o#tside o$ the #* and dish% b#t
inside they are $#ll o$ e9tortion and sel$Dind#lgene"
?at 2-:23 .Blind <harisee% $irst leanse the inside o$ the #* and dish% that the o#tside o$ them may be lean
?at 2-:24 .>oe to yo#% sribes and <harisees% hy*oritesF ;or yo# are li'e whitewashed tombs whih indeed
a**ear bea#ti$#l o#twardly% b#t inside are $#ll o$ dead (menAs) bones and all #nleanness"
?at 2-:28 .6!en so yo# also o#twardly a**ear righteo#s to men% b#t inside yo# are $#ll o$ hy*orisy and
?at 2-:29 .>oe to yo#% sribes and <harisees% hy*oritesF Bea#se yo# b#ild the tombs o$ the *ro*hets and
adorn the mon#ments o$ the righteo#s%
?at 2-:-5 .and say% AI$ we had li!ed in the days o$ o#r $athers% we wo#ld not ha!e been *arta'ers with them in
the blood o$ the *ro*hets"A
?at 2-:-1 .There$ore yo# are witnesses against yo#rsel!es that yo# are sons o$ those who m#rdered the
?at 2-:-2 .;ill #*% then% the meas#re o$ yo#r $athersA (g#ilt")
?at 2-:-- .,er*ents% brood o$ !i*ersF How an yo# esa*e the ondemnation o$ hellC
?at 2-:-0 .There$ore% indeed% I send yo# *ro*hets% wise men% and sribes: (some) o$ them yo# will 'ill and
r#i$y% and (some) o$ them yo# will so#rge in yo#r synagog#es and *erse#te $rom ity to ity%
?at 2-:-1 .that on yo# may ome all the righteo#s blood shed on the earth% $rom the blood o$ righteo#s +bel to
the blood o$ Gehariah% son o$ Berehiah% whom yo# m#rdered between the tem*le and the altar"
?at 2-:-3 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% all these things will ome #*on this generation"
?at 2-:-4 . 8 Jer#salem% Jer#salem% the one who 'ills the *ro*hets and stones those who are sent to herF How
o$ten I wanted to gather yo#r hildren together% as a hen gathers her hi's #nder (her) wings% b#t yo# were not
?at 2-:-8 .,eeF Bo#r ho#se is le$t to yo# desolate&
?at 2-:-9 .$or I say to yo#% yo# shall see ?e no more till yo# say% ABlessed (is) He who omes in the name o$
the /8:2FA .
?at 20:1 Then Jes#s went o#t and de*arted $rom the tem*le% and His disi*les ame #* to show Him the
b#ildings o$ the tem*le"
?at 20:2 +nd Jes#s said to them% .2o yo# not see all these thingsC +ss#redly% I say to yo#% not (one) stone shall
be le$t here #*on another% that shall not be thrown down".
?at 20:- Now as He sat on the ?o#nt o$ 8li!es% the disi*les ame to Him *ri!ately% saying% .Tell #s% when will
these things beC +nd what (will be) the sign o$ Bo#r oming% and o$ the end o$ the ageC.
?at 20:0 +nd Jes#s answered and said to them: .Ta'e heed that no one deei!es yo#"
?at 20:1 .;or many will ome in ?y name% saying% AI am the =hrist%A and will deei!e many"
?at 20:3 .+nd yo# will hear o$ wars and r#mors o$ wars" ,ee that yo# are not tro#bled& $or all (these things) m#st
ome to *ass% b#t the end is not yet"
?at 20:4 .;or nation will rise against nation% and 'ingdom against 'ingdom" +nd there will be $amines%
*estilenes% and earthE#a'es in !ario#s *laes"
?at 20:8 .+ll these (are) the beginning o$ sorrows"
?at 20:9 .Then they will deli!er yo# #* to trib#lation and 'ill yo#% and yo# will be hated by all nations $or ?y
nameAs sa'e"
?at 20:15 .+nd then many will be o$$ended% will betray one another% and will hate one another"
?at 20:11 .Then many $alse *ro*hets will rise #* and deei!e many"
?at 20:12 .+nd bea#se lawlessness will abo#nd% the lo!e o$ many will grow old"
?at 20:1- .B#t he who end#res to the end shall be sa!ed"
?at 20:10 .+nd this gos*el o$ the 'ingdom will be *reahed in all the world as a witness to all the nations% and
then the end will ome"
?at 20:11 . There$ore when yo# see the Aabomination o$ desolation%A s*o'en o$ by 2aniel the *ro*het% standing
in the holy *lae. Iwhoe!er reads% let him #nderstandJ%
?at 20:13 .then let those who are in J#dea $lee to the mo#ntains"
?at 20:14 ./et him who is on the ho#seto* not go down to ta'e anything o#t o$ his ho#se"
?at 20:18 .+nd let him who is in the $ield not go ba' to get his lothes"
?at 20:19 .B#t woe to those who are *regnant and to those who are n#rsing babies in those daysF
?at 20:25 .+nd *ray that yo#r $light may not be in winter or on the ,abbath"
?at 20:21 .;or then there will be great trib#lation% s#h as has not been sine the beginning o$ the world #ntil
this time% no% nor e!er shall be"
?at 20:22 .+nd #nless those days were shortened% no $lesh wo#ld be sa!ed& b#t $or the eletAs sa'e those days
will be shortened"
?at 20:2- .Then i$ anyone says to yo#% A/oo'% here (is) the =hristFA or AThereFA do not belie!e (it")
?at 20:20 .;or $alse hrists and $alse *ro*hets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deei!e% i$
*ossible% e!en the elet"
?at 20:21 .,ee% I ha!e told yo# be$orehand"
?at 20:23 .There$ore i$ they say to yo#% A/oo'% He is in the desertFA do not go o#t& (or) A/oo'% (He is) in the inner
roomsFA do not belie!e (it")
?at 20:24 .;or as the lightning omes $rom the east and $lashes to the west% so also will the oming o$ the ,on
o$ ?an be"
?at 20:28 .;or where!er the arass is% there the eagles will be gathered together"
?at 20:29 . Immediately a$ter the trib#lation o$ those days the s#n will be dar'ened% and the moon will not gi!e
its light& the stars will $all $rom hea!en% and the *owers o$ the hea!ens will be sha'en"
?at 20:-5 .Then the sign o$ the ,on o$ ?an will a**ear in hea!en% and then all the tribes o$ the earth will mo#rn%
and they will see the ,on o$ ?an oming on the lo#ds o$ hea!en with *ower and great glory"
?at 20:-1 .+nd He will send His angels with a great so#nd o$ a tr#m*et% and they will gather together His elet
$rom the $o#r winds% $rom one end o$ hea!en to the other"
?at 20:-2 . Now learn this *arable $rom the $ig tree: >hen its branh has already beome tender and *#ts $orth
lea!es% yo# 'now that s#mmer (is) near"
?at 20:-- .,o yo# also% when yo# see all these things% 'now that it is near DD at the doorsF
?at 20:-0 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% this generation will by no means *ass away till all these things ta'e *lae"
?at 20:-1 .Hea!en and earth will *ass away% b#t ?y words will by no means *ass away"
?at 20:-3 . B#t o$ that day and ho#r no one 'nows% not e!en the angels o$ hea!en% b#t ?y ;ather only"
?at 20:-4 .B#t as the days o$ Noah (were%) so also will the oming o$ the ,on o$ ?an be"
?at 20:-8 .;or as in the days be$ore the $lood% they were eating and drin'ing% marrying and gi!ing in marriage%
#ntil the day that Noah entered the ar'%
?at 20:-9 .and did not 'now #ntil the $lood ame and too' them all away% so also will the oming o$ the ,on o$
?an be"
?at 20:05 .Then two (men) will be in the $ield: one will be ta'en and the other le$t"
?at 20:01 .Two (women will be) grinding at the mill: one will be ta'en and the other le$t"
?at 20:02 .>ath there$ore% $or yo# do not 'now what ho#r yo#r /ord is oming"
?at 20:0- .B#t 'now this% that i$ the master o$ the ho#se had 'nown what ho#r the thie$ wo#ld ome% he wo#ld
ha!e wathed and not allowed his ho#se to be bro'en into"
?at 20:00 .There$ore yo# also be ready% $or the ,on o$ ?an is oming at an ho#r yo# do not e9*et"
?at 20:01 . >ho then is a $aith$#l and wise ser!ant% whom his master made r#ler o!er his ho#sehold% to gi!e
them $ood in d#e seasonC
?at 20:03 .Blessed (is) that ser!ant whom his master% when he omes% will $ind so doing"
?at 20:04 .+ss#redly% I say to yo# that he will ma'e him r#ler o!er all his goods"
?at 20:08 .B#t i$ that e!il ser!ant says in his heart% A?y master is delaying his oming%A
?at 20:09 .and begins to beat (his) $ellow ser!ants% and to eat and drin' with the dr#n'ards%
?at 20:15 .the master o$ that ser!ant will ome on a day when he is not loo'ing $or (him) and at an ho#r that he
is not aware o$%
?at 20:11 .and will #t him in two and a**oint (him) his *ortion with the hy*orites" There shall be wee*ing and
gnashing o$ teeth"
?at 21:1 .Then the 'ingdom o$ hea!en shall be li'ened to ten !irgins who too' their lam*s and went o#t to meet
the bridegroom"
?at 21:2 .Now $i!e o$ them were wise% and $i!e (were) $oolish"
?at 21:- .Those who (were) $oolish too' their lam*s and too' no oil with them%
?at 21:0 .b#t the wise too' oil in their !essels with their lam*s"
?at 21:1 .B#t while the bridegroom was delayed% they all sl#mbered and sle*t"
?at 21:3 .+nd at midnight a ry was (heard:) ABehold% the bridegroom is oming& go o#t to meet himFA
?at 21:4 .Then all those !irgins arose and trimmed their lam*s"
?at 21:8 .+nd the $oolish said to the wise% AGi!e #s (some) o$ yo#r oil% $or o#r lam*s are going o#t"A
?at 21:9 .B#t the wise answered% saying% A(No%) lest there sho#ld not be eno#gh $or #s and yo#& b#t go rather to
those who sell% and b#y $or yo#rsel!es"A
?at 21:15 .+nd while they went to b#y% the bridegroom ame% and those who were ready went in with him to the
wedding& and the door was sh#t"
?at 21:11 .+$terward the other !irgins ame also% saying% A/ord% /ord% o*en to #sFA
?at 21:12 .B#t he answered and said% A+ss#redly% I say to yo#% I do not 'now yo#"A
?at 21:1- .>ath there$ore% $or yo# 'now neither the day nor the ho#r in whih the ,on o$ ?an is oming"
?at 21:10 . ;or (the 'ingdom o$ hea!en is) li'e a man tra!eling to a $ar o#ntry% (who) alled his own ser!ants
and deli!ered his goods to them"
?at 21:11 .+nd to one he ga!e $i!e talents% to another two% and to another one% to eah aording to his own
ability& and immediately he went on a @o#rney"
?at 21:13 .Then he who had reei!ed the $i!e talents went and traded with them% and made another $i!e
?at 21:14 .+nd li'ewise he who (had reei!ed) two gained two more also"
?at 21:18 .B#t he who had reei!ed one went and d#g in the gro#nd% and hid his lordAs money"
?at 21:19 .+$ter a long time the lord o$ those ser!ants ame and settled ao#nts with them"
?at 21:25 .,o he who had reei!ed $i!e talents ame and bro#ght $i!e other talents% saying% A/ord% yo# deli!ered
to me $i!e talents& loo'% I ha!e gained $i!e more talents besides them"A
?at 21:21 .His lord said to him% A>ell (done%) good and $aith$#l ser!ant& yo# were $aith$#l o!er a $ew things% I will
ma'e yo# r#ler o!er many things" 6nter into the @oy o$ yo#r lord"A
?at 21:22 .He also who had reei!ed two talents ame and said% A/ord% yo# deli!ered to me two talents& loo'% I
ha!e gained two more talents besides them"A
?at 21:2- .His lord said to him% A>ell (done%) good and $aith$#l ser!ant& yo# ha!e been $aith$#l o!er a $ew things%
I will ma'e yo# r#ler o!er many things" 6nter into the @oy o$ yo#r lord"A
?at 21:20 .Then he who had reei!ed the one talent ame and said% A/ord% I 'new yo# to be a hard man%
rea*ing where yo# ha!e not sown% and gathering where yo# ha!e not sattered seed"
?at 21:21 A+nd I was a$raid% and went and hid yo#r talent in the gro#nd" /oo'% (there) yo# ha!e (what is) yo#rs"A
?at 21:23 .B#t his lord answered and said to him% ABo# wi'ed and laHy ser!ant% yo# 'new that I rea* where I
ha!e not sown% and gather where I ha!e not sattered seed"
?at 21:24 A,o yo# o#ght to ha!e de*osited my money with the ban'ers% and at my oming I wo#ld ha!e
reei!ed ba' my own with interest"
?at 21:28 AThere$ore ta'e the talent $rom him% and gi!e (it) to him who has ten talents"
?at 21:29 A;or to e!eryone who has% more will be gi!en% and he will ha!e ab#ndane& b#t $rom him who does
not ha!e% e!en what he has will be ta'en away"
?at 21:-5 A+nd ast the #n*ro$itable ser!ant into the o#ter dar'ness" There will be wee*ing and gnashing o$
?at 21:-1 . >hen the ,on o$ ?an omes in His glory% and all the holy angels with Him% then He will sit on the
throne o$ His glory"
?at 21:-2 .+ll the nations will be gathered be$ore Him% and He will se*arate them one $rom another% as a
she*herd di!ides (his) shee* $rom the goats"
?at 21:-- .+nd He will set the shee* on His right hand% b#t the goats on the le$t"
?at 21:-0 .Then the King will say to those on His right hand% A=ome% yo# blessed o$ ?y ;ather% inherit the
'ingdom *re*ared $or yo# $rom the $o#ndation o$ the world:
?at 21:-1 A$or I was h#ngry and yo# ga!e ?e $ood& I was thirsty and yo# ga!e ?e drin'& I was a stranger and
yo# too' ?e in&
?at 21:-3 AI (was) na'ed and yo# lothed ?e& I was si' and yo# !isited ?e& I was in *rison and yo# ame to
?at 21:-4 .Then the righteo#s will answer Him% saying% A/ord% when did we see Bo# h#ngry and $eed (Bo#%) or
thirsty and gi!e (Bo#) drin'C
?at 21:-8 A>hen did we see Bo# a stranger and ta'e (Bo#) in% or na'ed and lothe (Bo#C)
?at 21:-9 A8r when did we see Bo# si'% or in *rison% and ome to Bo#CA
?at 21:05 .+nd the King will answer and say to them% A+ss#redly% I say to yo#% inasm#h as yo# did (it) to one o$
the least o$ these ?y brethren% yo# did (it) to ?e"A
?at 21:01 .Then He will also say to those on the le$t hand% A2e*art $rom ?e% yo# #rsed% into the e!erlasting $ire
*re*ared $or the de!il and his angels:
?at 21:02 A$or I was h#ngry and yo# ga!e ?e no $ood& I was thirsty and yo# ga!e ?e no drin'&
?at 21:0- AI was a stranger and yo# did not ta'e ?e in% na'ed and yo# did not lothe ?e% si' and in *rison and
yo# did not !isit ?e"A
?at 21:00 .Then they also will answer Him% saying% A/ord% when did we see Bo# h#ngry or thirsty or a stranger
or na'ed or si' or in *rison% and did not minister to Bo#CA
?at 21:01 .Then He will answer them% saying% A+ss#redly% I say to yo#% inasm#h as yo# did not do (it) to one o$
the least o$ these% yo# did not do (it) to ?e"A
?at 21:03 .+nd these will go away into e!erlasting *#nishment% b#t the righteo#s into eternal li$e".
?at 23:1 Now it ame to *ass% when Jes#s had $inished all these sayings% (that) He said to His disi*les%
?at 23:2 .Bo# 'now that a$ter two days is the <asso!er% and the ,on o$ ?an will be deli!ered #* to be
?at 23:- Then the hie$ *riests% the sribes% and the elders o$ the *eo*le assembled at the *alae o$ the high
*riest% who was alled =aia*has%
?at 23:0 and *lotted to ta'e Jes#s by tri'ery and 'ill (Him")
?at 23:1 B#t they said% .Not d#ring the $east% lest there be an #*roar among the *eo*le".
?at 23:3 +nd when Jes#s was in Bethany at the ho#se o$ ,imon the le*er%
?at 23:4 a woman ame to Him ha!ing an alabaster $las' o$ !ery ostly $ragrant oil% and she *o#red (it) on His
head as He sat (at the table")
?at 23:8 B#t when His disi*les saw (it%) they were indignant% saying% .>hy this wasteC
?at 23:9 .;or this $ragrant oil might ha!e been sold $or m#h and gi!en to (the) *oor".
?at 23:15 B#t when Jes#s was aware o$ (it%) He said to them% .>hy do yo# tro#ble the womanC ;or she has
done a good wor' $or ?e"
?at 23:11 .;or yo# ha!e the *oor with yo# always% b#t ?e yo# do not ha!e always"
?at 23:12 .;or in *o#ring this $ragrant oil on ?y body% she did (it) $or ?y b#rial"
?at 23:1- .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% where!er this gos*el is *reahed in the whole world% what this woman has
done will also be told as a memorial to her".
?at 23:10 Then one o$ the twel!e% alled J#das Isariot% went to the hie$ *riests
?at 23:11 and said% .>hat are yo# willing to gi!e me i$ I deli!er Him to yo#C. +nd they o#nted o#t to him thirty
*iees o$ sil!er"
?at 23:13 ,o $rom that time he so#ght o**ort#nity to betray Him"
?at 23:14 Now on the $irst (day) o$ the (;east o$) the 7nlea!ened Bread the disi*les ame to Jes#s% saying to
Him% .>here do Bo# want #s to *re*are $or Bo# to eat the <asso!erC.
?at 23:18 +nd He said% .Go into the ity to a ertain man% and say to him% AThe Teaher says% .?y time is at
hand& I will 'ee* the <asso!er at yo#r ho#se with ?y disi*les". A .
?at 23:19 ,o the disi*les did as Jes#s had direted them& and they *re*ared the <asso!er"
?at 23:25 >hen e!ening had ome% He sat down with the twel!e"
?at 23:21 Now as they were eating% He said% .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% one o$ yo# will betray ?e".
?at 23:22 +nd they were e9eedingly sorrow$#l% and eah o$ them began to say to Him% ./ord% is it IC.
?at 23:2- He answered and said% .He who di**ed (his) hand with ?e in the dish will betray ?e"
?at 23:20 .The ,on o$ ?an indeed goes @#st as it is written o$ Him% b#t woe to that man by whom the ,on o$
?an is betrayedF It wo#ld ha!e been good $or that man i$ he had not been born".
?at 23:21 Then J#das% who was betraying Him% answered and said% .:abbi% is it IC. He said to him% .Bo# ha!e
said it".
?at 23:23 +nd as they were eating% Jes#s too' bread% blessed and bro'e (it%) and ga!e (it) to the disi*les and
said% .Ta'e% eat& this is ?y body".
?at 23:24 Then He too' the #*% and ga!e than's% and ga!e (it) to them% saying% .2rin' $rom it% all o$ yo#"
?at 23:28 .;or this is ?y blood o$ the new o!enant% whih is shed $or many $or the remission o$ sins"
?at 23:29 .B#t I say to yo#% I will not drin' o$ this $r#it o$ the !ine $rom now on #ntil that day when I drin' it new
with yo# in ?y ;atherAs 'ingdom".
?at 23:-5 +nd when they had s#ng a hymn% they went o#t to the ?o#nt o$ 8li!es"
?at 23:-1 Then Jes#s said to them% .+ll o$ yo# will be made to st#mble bea#se o$ ?e this night% $or it is written:
AI will stri'e the ,he*herd% +nd the shee* o$ the $lo' will be sattered"A
?at 23:-2 .B#t a$ter I ha!e been raised% I will go be$ore yo# to Galilee".
?at 23:-- <eter answered and said to Him% .6!en i$ all are made to st#mble bea#se o$ Bo#% I will ne!er be
made to st#mble".
?at 23:-0 Jes#s said to him% .+ss#redly% I say to yo# that this night% be$ore the rooster rows% yo# will deny ?e
three times".
?at 23:-1 <eter said to Him% .6!en i$ I ha!e to die with Bo#% I will not deny Bo#F. +nd so said all the disi*les"
?at 23:-3 Then Jes#s ame with them to a *lae alled Gethsemane% and said to the disi*les% .,it here while I
go and *ray o!er there".
?at 23:-4 +nd He too' with Him <eter and the two sons o$ Gebedee% and He began to be sorrow$#l and dee*ly
?at 23:-8 Then He said to them% .?y so#l is e9eedingly sorrow$#l% e!en to death" ,tay here and wath with
?at 23:-9 He went a little $arther and $ell on His $ae% and *rayed% saying% .8 ?y ;ather% i$ it is *ossible% let this
#* *ass $rom ?e& ne!ertheless% not as I will% b#t as Bo# (will".)
?at 23:05 Then He ame to the disi*les and $o#nd them aslee*% and said to <eter% .>hatC =o#ld yo# not
wath with ?e one ho#rC
?at 23:01 .>ath and *ray% lest yo# enter into tem*tation" The s*irit indeed (is) willing% b#t the $lesh (is) wea'".
?at 23:02 +gain% a seond time% He went away and *rayed% saying% .8 ?y ;ather% i$ this #* annot *ass away
$rom ?e #nless I drin' it% Bo#r will be done".
?at 23:0- +nd He ame and $o#nd them aslee* again% $or their eyes were hea!y"
?at 23:00 ,o He le$t them% went away again% and *rayed the third time% saying the same words"
?at 23:01 Then He ame to His disi*les and said to them% .+re (yo#) still slee*ing and restingC Behold% the
ho#r is at hand% and the ,on o$ ?an is being betrayed into the hands o$ sinners"
?at 23:03 .:ise% let #s be going" ,ee% ?y betrayer is at hand".
?at 23:04 +nd while He was still s*ea'ing% behold% J#das% one o$ the twel!e% with a great m#ltit#de with swords
and l#bs% ame $rom the hie$ *riests and elders o$ the *eo*le"
?at 23:08 Now His betrayer had gi!en them a sign% saying% .>home!er I 'iss% He is the 8ne& seiHe Him".
?at 23:09 Immediately he went #* to Jes#s and said% .Greetings% :abbiF. and 'issed Him"
?at 23:15 B#t Jes#s said to him% .;riend% why ha!e yo# omeC. Then they ame and laid hands on Jes#s and
too' Him"
?at 23:11 +nd s#ddenly% one o$ those (who were) with Jes#s strethed o#t (his) hand and drew his sword%
str#' the ser!ant o$ the high *riest% and #t o$$ his ear"
?at 23:12 B#t Jes#s said to him% .<#t yo#r sword in its *lae% $or all who ta'e the sword will *erish by the
?at 23:1- .8r do yo# thin' that I annot now *ray to ?y ;ather% and He will *ro!ide ?e with more than twel!e
legions o$ angelsC
?at 23:10 .How then o#ld the ,ri*t#res be $#l$illed% that it m#st ha**en th#sC.
?at 23:11 In that ho#r Jes#s said to the m#ltit#des% .Ha!e yo# ome o#t% as against a robber% with swords and
l#bs to ta'e ?eC I sat daily with yo#% teahing in the tem*le% and yo# did not seiHe ?e"
?at 23:13 .B#t all this was done that the ,ri*t#res o$ the *ro*hets might be $#l$illed". Then all the disi*les
$orsoo' Him and $led"
?at 23:14 +nd those who had laid hold o$ Jes#s led (Him) away to =aia*has the high *riest% where the sribes
and the elders were assembled"
?at 23:18 B#t <eter $ollowed Him at a distane to the high *riestAs o#rtyard" +nd he went in and sat with the
ser!ants to see the end"
?at 23:19 Now the hie$ *riests% the elders% and all the o#nil so#ght $alse testimony against Jes#s to *#t Him
to death%
?at 23:35 b#t $o#nd none" 6!en tho#gh many $alse witnesses ame $orward% they $o#nd none" B#t at last two
$alse witnesses ame $orward
?at 23:31 and said% .This ($ellow) said% AI am able to destroy the tem*le o$ God and to b#ild it in three days"A .
?at 23:32 +nd the high *riest arose and said to Him% .2o Bo# answer nothingC >hat (is it) these men testi$y
against Bo#C.
?at 23:3- B#t Jes#s 'e*t silent" +nd the high *riest answered and said to Him% .I *#t Bo# #nder oath by the
li!ing God: Tell #s i$ Bo# are the =hrist% the ,on o$ GodF.
?at 23:30 Jes#s said to him% .(It is as) yo# said" Ne!ertheless% I say to yo#% herea$ter yo# will see the ,on o$
?an sitting at the right hand o$ the <ower% and oming on the lo#ds o$ hea!en".
?at 23:31 Then the high *riest tore his lothes% saying% .He has s*o'en blas*hemyF >hat $#rther need do we
ha!e o$ witnessesC /oo'% now yo# ha!e heard His blas*hemyF
?at 23:33 .>hat do yo# thin'C. They answered and said% .He is deser!ing o$ death".
?at 23:34 Then they s*at in His $ae and beat Him& and others str#' (Him) with the *alms o$ their hands%
?at 23:38 saying% .<ro*hesy to #s% =hristF >ho is the one who str#' Bo#C.
?at 23:39 Now <eter sat o#tside in the o#rtyard" +nd a ser!ant girl ame to him% saying% .Bo# also were with
Jes#s o$ Galilee".
?at 23:45 B#t he denied it be$ore (them) all% saying% .I do not 'now what yo# are saying".
?at 23:41 +nd when he had gone o#t to the gateway% another (girl) saw him and said to those (who were) there%
.This ($ellow) also was with Jes#s o$ NaHareth".
?at 23:42 B#t again he denied with an oath% .I do not 'now the ?anF.
?at 23:4- +nd a little later those who stood by ame #* and said to <eter% .,#rely yo# also are (one) o$ them%
$or yo#r s*eeh betrays yo#".
?at 23:40 Then he began to #rse and swear% (saying%) .I do not 'now the ?anF. Immediately a rooster rowed"
?at 23:41 +nd <eter remembered the word o$ Jes#s who had said to him% .Be$ore the rooster rows% yo# will
deny ?e three times". ,o he went o#t and we*t bitterly"
?at 24:1 >hen morning ame% all the hie$ *riests and elders o$ the *eo*le *lotted against Jes#s to *#t Him to
?at 24:2 +nd when they had bo#nd Him% they led Him away and deli!ered Him to <onti#s <ilate the go!ernor"
?at 24:- Then J#das% His betrayer% seeing that He had been ondemned% was remorse$#l and bro#ght ba' the
thirty *iees o$ sil!er to the hie$ *riests and elders%
?at 24:0 saying% .I ha!e sinned by betraying innoent blood". +nd they said% .>hat (is that) to #sC Bo# see (to
?at 24:1 Then he threw down the *iees o$ sil!er in the tem*le and de*arted% and went and hanged himsel$"
?at 24:3 B#t the hie$ *riests too' the sil!er *iees and said% .It is not law$#l to *#t them into the treas#ry%
bea#se they are the *rie o$ blood".
?at 24:4 +nd they ons#lted together and bo#ght with them the *otterAs $ield% to b#ry strangers in"
?at 24:8 There$ore that $ield has been alled the ;ield o$ Blood to this day"
?at 24:9 Then was $#l$illed what was s*o'en by Jeremiah the *ro*het% saying% .+nd they too' the thirty *iees
o$ sil!er% the !al#e o$ Him who was *ried% whom they o$ the hildren o$ Israel *ried%
?at 24:15 .and ga!e them $or the *otterAs $ield% as the /8:2 direted me".
?at 24:11 Now Jes#s stood be$ore the go!ernor" +nd the go!ernor as'ed Him% saying% .+re Bo# the King o$ the
JewsC. ,o Jes#s said to him% .(It is as) yo# say".
?at 24:12 +nd while He was being a#sed by the hie$ *riests and elders% He answered nothing"
?at 24:1- Then <ilate said to Him% .2o Bo# not hear how many things they testi$y against Bo#C.
?at 24:10 B#t He answered him not one word% so that the go!ernor mar!eled greatly"
?at 24:11 Now at the $east the go!ernor was a#stomed to releasing to the m#ltit#de one *risoner whom they
?at 24:13 +nd at that time they had a notorio#s *risoner alled Barabbas"
?at 24:14 There$ore% when they had gathered together% <ilate said to them% .>hom do yo# want me to release
to yo#C Barabbas% or Jes#s who is alled =hristC.
?at 24:18 ;or he 'new that they had handed Him o!er bea#se o$ en!y"
?at 24:19 >hile he was sitting on the @#dgment seat% his wi$e sent to him% saying% .Ha!e nothing to do with that
@#st ?an% $or I ha!e s#$$ered many things today in a dream bea#se o$ Him".
?at 24:25 B#t the hie$ *riests and elders *ers#aded the m#ltit#des that they sho#ld as' $or Barabbas and
destroy Jes#s"
?at 24:21 The go!ernor answered and said to them% .>hih o$ the two do yo# want me to release to yo#C.
They said% .BarabbasF.
?at 24:22 <ilate said to them% .>hat then shall I do with Jes#s who is alled =hristC. (They) all said to him% ./et
Him be r#i$iedF.
?at 24:2- Then the go!ernor said% .>hy% what e!il has He doneC. B#t they ried o#t all the more% saying% ./et
Him be r#i$iedF.
?at 24:20 >hen <ilate saw that he o#ld not *re!ail at all% b#t rather (that) a t#m#lt was rising% he too' water
and washed (his) hands be$ore the m#ltit#de% saying% .I am innoent o$ the blood o$ this @#st <erson" Bo# see (to
?at 24:21 +nd all the *eo*le answered and said% .His blood (be) on #s and on o#r hildren".
?at 24:23 Then he released Barabbas to them& and when he had so#rged Jes#s% he deli!ered (Him) to be
?at 24:24 Then the soldiers o$ the go!ernor too' Jes#s into the <raetori#m and gathered the whole garrison
aro#nd Him"
?at 24:28 +nd they stri**ed Him and *#t a sarlet robe on Him"
?at 24:29 >hen they had twisted a rown o$ thorns% they *#t (it) on His head% and a reed in His right hand" +nd
they bowed the 'nee be$ore Him and mo'ed Him% saying% .Hail% King o$ the JewsF.
?at 24:-5 Then they s*at on Him% and too' the reed and str#' Him on the head"
?at 24:-1 +nd when they had mo'ed Him% they too' the robe o$$ Him% *#t His (own) lothes on Him% and led
Him away to be r#i$ied"
?at 24:-2 Now as they ame o#t% they $o#nd a man o$ =yrene% ,imon by name" Him they om*elled to bear His
?at 24:-- +nd when they had ome to a *lae alled Golgotha% that is to say% <lae o$ a ,'#ll%
?at 24:-0 they ga!e Him so#r wine mingled with gall to drin'" B#t when He had tasted (it%) He wo#ld not drin'"
?at 24:-1 Then they r#i$ied Him% and di!ided His garments% asting lots% that it might be $#l$illed whih was
s*o'en by the *ro*het: .They di!ided ?y garments among them% +nd $or ?y lothing they ast lots".
?at 24:-3 ,itting down% they 'e*t wath o!er Him there"
?at 24:-4 +nd they *#t #* o!er His head the a#sation written against Him: THI, I, J6,7, TH6 KING 8;
TH6 J6>,"
?at 24:-8 Then two robbers were r#i$ied with Him% one on the right and another on the le$t"
?at 24:-9 +nd those who *assed by blas*hemed Him% wagging their heads
?at 24:05 and saying% .Bo# who destroy the tem*le and b#ild (it) in three days% sa!e Bo#rsel$F I$ Bo# are the
,on o$ God% ome down $rom the ross".
?at 24:01 /i'ewise the hie$ *riests also% mo'ing with the sribes and elders% said%
?at 24:02 .He sa!ed others& Himsel$ He annot sa!e" I$ He is the King o$ Israel% let Him now ome down $rom
the ross% and we will belie!e Him"
?at 24:0- .He tr#sted in God& let Him deli!er Him now i$ He will ha!e Him& $or He said% AI am the ,on o$ God"A .
?at 24:00 6!en the robbers who were r#i$ied with Him re!iled Him with the same thing"
?at 24:01 Now $rom the si9th ho#r #ntil the ninth ho#r there was dar'ness o!er all the land"
?at 24:03 +nd abo#t the ninth ho#r Jes#s ried o#t with a lo#d !oie% saying% .6li% 6li% lama sabahthaniC. that
is% .?y God% ?y God% why ha!e Bo# $orsa'en ?eC.
?at 24:04 ,ome o$ those who stood there% when they heard (that%) said% .This ?an is alling $or 6li@ahF.
?at 24:08 Immediately one o$ them ran and too' a s*onge% $illed (it) with so#r wine and *#t (it) on a reed% and
o$$ered it to Him to drin'"
?at 24:09 The rest said% ./et Him alone& let #s see i$ 6li@ah will ome to sa!e Him".
?at 24:15 +nd Jes#s ried o#t again with a lo#d !oie% and yielded #* His s*irit"
?at 24:11 Then% behold% the !eil o$ the tem*le was torn in two $rom to* to bottom& and the earth E#a'ed% and the
ro's were s*lit%
?at 24:12 and the gra!es were o*ened& and many bodies o$ the saints who had $allen aslee* were raised&
?at 24:1- and oming o#t o$ the gra!es a$ter His res#rretion% they went into the holy ity and a**eared to
?at 24:10 ,o when the ent#rion and those with him% who were g#arding Jes#s% saw the earthE#a'e and the
things that had ha**ened% they $eared greatly% saying% .Tr#ly this was the ,on o$ GodF.
?at 24:11 +nd many women who $ollowed Jes#s $rom Galilee% ministering to Him% were there loo'ing on $rom
?at 24:13 among whom were ?ary ?agdalene% ?ary the mother o$ James and Joses% and the mother o$
GebedeeAs sons"
?at 24:14 Now when e!ening had ome% there ame a rih man $rom +rimathea% named Jose*h% who himsel$
had also beome a disi*le o$ Jes#s"
?at 24:18 This man went to <ilate and as'ed $or the body o$ Jes#s" Then <ilate ommanded the body to be
gi!en to him"
?at 24:19 >hen Jose*h had ta'en the body% he wra**ed it in a lean linen loth%
?at 24:35 and laid it in his new tomb whih he had hewn o#t o$ the ro'& and he rolled a large stone against the
door o$ the tomb% and de*arted"
?at 24:31 +nd ?ary ?agdalene was there% and the other ?ary% sitting o**osite the tomb"
?at 24:32 8n the ne9t day% whih $ollowed the 2ay o$ <re*aration% the hie$ *riests and <harisees gathered
together to <ilate%
?at 24:3- saying% .,ir% we remember% while He was still ali!e% how that deei!er said% A+$ter three days I will
?at 24:30 .There$ore ommand that the tomb be made se#re #ntil the third day% lest His disi*les ome by
night and steal Him (away%) and say to the *eo*le% AHe has risen $rom the dead"A ,o the last dee*tion will be
worse than the $irst".
?at 24:31 <ilate said to them% .Bo# ha!e a g#ard& go yo#r way% ma'e (it) as se#re as yo# 'now how".
?at 24:33 ,o they went and made the tomb se#re% sealing the stone and setting the g#ard"
?at 28:1 Now a$ter the ,abbath% as the $irst (day) o$ the wee' began to dawn% ?ary ?agdalene and the other
?ary ame to see the tomb"
?at 28:2 +nd behold% there was a great earthE#a'e& $or an angel o$ the /ord desended $rom hea!en% and
ame and rolled ba' the stone $rom the door% and sat on it"
?at 28:- His o#ntenane was li'e lightning% and his lothing as white as snow"
?at 28:0 +nd the g#ards shoo' $or $ear o$ him% and beame li'e dead (men")
?at 28:1 B#t the angel answered and said to the women% .2o not be a$raid% $or I 'now that yo# see' Jes#s who
was r#i$ied"
?at 28:3 .He is not here& $or He is risen% as He said" =ome% see the *lae where the /ord lay"
?at 28:4 .+nd go E#i'ly and tell His disi*les that He is risen $rom the dead% and indeed He is going be$ore yo#
into Galilee& there yo# will see Him" Behold% I ha!e told yo#".
?at 28:8 ,o they went o#t E#i'ly $rom the tomb with $ear and great @oy% and ran to bring His disi*les word"
?at 28:9 +nd as they went to tell His disi*les% behold% Jes#s met them% saying% .:e@oieF. ,o they ame and
held Him by the $eet and worshi*ed Him"
?at 28:15 Then Jes#s said to them% .2o not be a$raid" Go (and) tell ?y brethren to go to Galilee% and there they
will see ?e".
?at 28:11 Now while they were going% behold% some o$ the g#ard ame into the ity and re*orted to the hie$
*riests all the things that had ha**ened"
?at 28:12 >hen they had assembled with the elders and ons#lted together% they ga!e a large s#m o$ money
to the soldiers%
?at 28:1- saying% .Tell them% AHis disi*les ame at night and stole Him (away) while we sle*t"A
?at 28:10 .+nd i$ this omes to the go!ernorAs ears% we will a**ease him and ma'e yo# se#re".
?at 28:11 ,o they too' the money and did as they were instr#ted& and this saying is ommonly re*orted
among the Jews #ntil this day"
?at 28:13 Then the ele!en disi*les went away into Galilee% to the mo#ntain whih Jes#s had a**ointed $or
?at 28:14 >hen they saw Him% they worshi*ed Him& b#t some do#bted"
?at 28:18 +nd Jes#s ame and s*o'e to them% saying% .+ll a#thority has been gi!en to ?e in hea!en and on
?at 28:19 .Go there$ore and ma'e disi*les o$ all the nations% ba*tiHing them in the name o$ the ;ather and o$
the ,on and o$ the Holy ,*irit%
?at 28:25 .teahing them to obser!e all things that I ha!e ommanded yo#& and lo% I am with yo# always% (e!en)
to the end o$ the age". +men"
?ar 1:1 The beginning o$ the gos*el o$ Jes#s =hrist% the ,on o$ God"
?ar 1:2 +s it is written in the <ro*hets: .Behold% I send ?y messenger be$ore Bo#r $ae% >ho will *re*are Bo#r
way be$ore Bo#".
?ar 1:- .The !oie o$ one rying in the wilderness: A<re*are the way o$ the /8:2& ?a'e His *aths straight"A .
?ar 1:0 John ame ba*tiHing in the wilderness and *reahing a ba*tism o$ re*entane $or the remission o$ sins"
?ar 1:1 Then all the land o$ J#dea% and those $rom Jer#salem% went o#t to him and were all ba*tiHed by him in
the Jordan :i!er% on$essing their sins"
?ar 1:3 Now John was lothed with amelAs hair and with a leather belt aro#nd his waist% and he ate lo#sts and
wild honey"
?ar 1:4 +nd he *reahed% saying% .There omes 8ne a$ter me who is mightier than I% whose sandal stra* I am
not worthy to stoo* down and loose"
?ar 1:8 .I indeed ba*tiHed yo# with water% b#t He will ba*tiHe yo# with the Holy ,*irit".
?ar 1:9 It ame to *ass in those days (that) Jes#s ame $rom NaHareth o$ Galilee% and was ba*tiHed by John in
the Jordan"
?ar 1:15 +nd immediately% oming #* $rom the water% He saw the hea!ens *arting and the ,*irit desending
#*on Him li'e a do!e"
?ar 1:11 Then a !oie ame $rom hea!en% .Bo# are ?y belo!ed ,on% in whom I am well *leased".
?ar 1:12 Immediately the ,*irit dro!e Him into the wilderness"
?ar 1:1- +nd He was there in the wilderness $orty days% tem*ted by ,atan% and was with the wild beasts& and
the angels ministered to Him"
?ar 1:10 Now a$ter John was *#t in *rison% Jes#s ame to Galilee% *reahing the gos*el o$ the 'ingdom o$ God%
?ar 1:11 and saying% .The time is $#l$illed% and the 'ingdom o$ God is at hand" :e*ent% and belie!e in the
?ar 1:13 +nd as He wal'ed by the ,ea o$ Galilee% He saw ,imon and +ndrew his brother asting a net into the
sea& $or they were $ishermen"
?ar 1:14 Then Jes#s said to them% .;ollow ?e% and I will ma'e yo# beome $ishers o$ men".
?ar 1:18 They immediately le$t their nets and $ollowed Him"
?ar 1:19 >hen He had gone a little $arther $rom there% He saw James the (son) o$ Gebedee% and John his
brother% who also (were) in the boat mending their nets"
?ar 1:25 +nd immediately He alled them% and they le$t their $ather Gebedee in the boat with the hired ser!ants%
and went a$ter Him"
?ar 1:21 Then they went into =a*erna#m% and immediately on the ,abbath He entered the synagog#e and
?ar 1:22 +nd they were astonished at His teahing% $or He ta#ght them as one ha!ing a#thority% and not as the
?ar 1:2- Now there was a man in their synagog#e with an #nlean s*irit" +nd he ried o#t%
?ar 1:20 saying% ./et (#s) aloneF >hat ha!e we to do with Bo#% Jes#s o$ NaHarethC 2id Bo# ome to destroy
#sC I 'now who Bo# are DD the Holy 8ne o$ GodF.
?ar 1:21 B#t Jes#s reb#'ed him% saying% .Be E#iet% and ome o#t o$ himF.
?ar 1:23 +nd when the #nlean s*irit had on!#lsed him and ried o#t with a lo#d !oie% he ame o#t o$ him"
?ar 1:24 Then they were all amaHed% so that they E#estioned among themsel!es% saying% .>hat is thisC >hat
new dotrine (is) thisC ;or with a#thority He ommands e!en the #nlean s*irits% and they obey Him".
?ar 1:28 +nd immediately His $ame s*read thro#gho#t all the region aro#nd Galilee"
?ar 1:29 Now as soon as they had ome o#t o$ the synagog#e% they entered the ho#se o$ ,imon and +ndrew%
with James and John"
?ar 1:-5 B#t ,imonAs wi$eAs mother lay si' with a $e!er% and they told Him abo#t her at one"
?ar 1:-1 ,o He ame and too' her by the hand and li$ted her #*% and immediately the $e!er le$t her" +nd she
ser!ed them"
?ar 1:-2 +t e!ening% when the s#n had set% they bro#ght to Him all who were si' and those who were demonD
?ar 1:-- +nd the whole ity was gathered together at the door"
?ar 1:-0 Then He healed many who were si' with !ario#s diseases% and ast o#t many demons& and He did
not allow the demons to s*ea'% bea#se they 'new Him"
?ar 1:-1 Now in the morning% ha!ing risen a long while be$ore daylight% He went o#t and de*arted to a solitary
*lae& and there He *rayed"
?ar 1:-3 +nd ,imon and those (who were) with Him searhed $or Him"
?ar 1:-4 >hen they $o#nd Him% they said to Him% .6!eryone is loo'ing $or Bo#".
?ar 1:-8 B#t He said to them% ./et #s go into the ne9t towns% that I may *reah there also% bea#se $or this
*#r*ose I ha!e ome $orth".
?ar 1:-9 +nd He was *reahing in their synagog#es thro#gho#t all Galilee% and asting o#t demons"
?ar 1:05 Now a le*er ame to Him% im*loring Him% 'neeling down to Him and saying to Him% .I$ Bo# are willing%
Bo# an ma'e me lean".
?ar 1:01 Then Jes#s% mo!ed with om*assion% strethed o#t (His) hand and to#hed him% and said to him% .I
am willing& be leansed".
?ar 1:02 +s soon as He had s*o'en% immediately the le*rosy le$t him% and he was leansed"
?ar 1:0- +nd He stritly warned him and sent him away at one%
?ar 1:00 and said to him% .,ee that yo# say nothing to anyone& b#t go yo#r way% show yo#rsel$ to the *riest%
and o$$er $or yo#r leansing those things whih ?oses ommanded% as a testimony to them".
?ar 1:01 Howe!er% he went o#t and began to *rolaim (it) $reely% and to s*read the matter% so that Jes#s o#ld
no longer o*enly enter the ity% b#t was o#tside in deserted *laes& and they ame to Him $rom e!ery diretion"
?ar 2:1 +nd again He entered =a*erna#m a$ter (some) days% and it was heard that He was in the ho#se"
?ar 2:2 Immediately many gathered together% so that there was no longer room to reei!e (them%) not e!en near
the door" +nd He *reahed the word to them"
?ar 2:- Then they ame to Him% bringing a *aralyti who was arried by $o#r (men")
?ar 2:0 +nd when they o#ld not ome near Him bea#se o$ the rowd% they #no!ered the roo$ where He was"
,o when they had bro'en thro#gh% they let down the bed on whih the *aralyti was lying"
?ar 2:1 >hen Jes#s saw their $aith% He said to the *aralyti% .,on% yo#r sins are $orgi!en yo#".
?ar 2:3 +nd some o$ the sribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts%
?ar 2:4 .>hy does this (?an) s*ea' blas*hemies li'e thisC >ho an $orgi!e sins b#t God aloneC.
?ar 2:8 B#t immediately% when Jes#s *erei!ed in His s*irit that they reasoned th#s within themsel!es% He said
to them% .>hy do yo# reason abo#t these things in yo#r heartsC
?ar 2:9 .>hih is easier% to say to the *aralyti% A(Bo#r) sins are $orgi!en yo#%A or to say% A+rise% ta'e #* yo#r bed
and wal'AC
?ar 2:15 .B#t that yo# may 'now that the ,on o$ ?an has *ower on earth to $orgi!e sins. DD He said to the
?ar 2:11 .I say to yo#% arise% ta'e #* yo#r bed% and go to yo#r ho#se".
?ar 2:12 Immediately he arose% too' #* the bed% and went o#t in the *resene o$ them all% so that all were
amaHed and glori$ied God% saying% .>e ne!er saw (anything) li'e thisF.
?ar 2:1- Then He went o#t again by the sea& and all the m#ltit#de ame to Him% and He ta#ght them"
?ar 2:10 +s He *assed by% He saw /e!i the (son) o$ +l*hae#s sitting at the ta9 o$$ie" +nd He said to him%
.;ollow ?e". ,o he arose and $ollowed Him"
?ar 2:11 Now it ha**ened% as He was dining in (/e!iAs) ho#se% that many ta9 olletors and sinners also sat
together with Jes#s and His disi*les& $or there were many% and they $ollowed Him"
?ar 2:13 +nd when the sribes and <harisees saw Him eating with the ta9 olletors and sinners% they said to
His disi*les% .How (is it) that He eats and drin's with ta9 olletors and sinnersC.
?ar 2:14 >hen Jes#s heard (it%) He said to them% .Those who are well ha!e no need o$ a *hysiian% b#t those
who are si'" I did not ome to all (the) righteo#s% b#t sinners% to re*entane".
?ar 2:18 The disi*les o$ John and o$ the <harisees were $asting" Then they ame and said to Him% .>hy do
the disi*les o$ John and o$ the <harisees $ast% b#t Bo#r disi*les do not $astC.
?ar 2:19 +nd Jes#s said to them% .=an the $riends o$ the bridegroom $ast while the bridegroom is with themC +s
long as they ha!e the bridegroom with them they annot $ast"
?ar 2:25 .B#t the days will ome when the bridegroom will be ta'en away $rom them% and then they will $ast in
those days"
?ar 2:21 .No one sews a *iee o$ #nshr#n' loth on an old garment& or else the new *iee *#lls away $rom the
old% and the tear is made worse"
?ar 2:22 .+nd no one *#ts new wine into old wines'ins& or else the new wine b#rsts the wines'ins% the wine is
s*illed% and the wines'ins are r#ined" B#t new wine m#st be *#t into new wines'ins".
?ar 2:2- Now it ha**ened that He went thro#gh the grain$ields on the ,abbath& and as they went His disi*les
began to *l#' the heads o$ grain"
?ar 2:20 +nd the <harisees said to Him% ./oo'% why do they do what is not law$#l on the ,abbathC.
?ar 2:21 B#t He said to them% .Ha!e yo# ne!er read what 2a!id did when he was in need and h#ngry% he and
those with him:
?ar 2:23 .how he went into the ho#se o$ God (in the days) o$ +biathar the high *riest% and ate the showbread%
whih is not law$#l to eat% e9e*t $or the *riests% and also ga!e some to those who were with himC.
?ar 2:24 +nd He said to them% .The ,abbath was made $or man% and not man $or the ,abbath"
?ar 2:28 .There$ore the ,on o$ ?an is also /ord o$ the ,abbath".
?ar -:1 +nd He entered the synagog#e again% and a man was there who had a withered hand"
?ar -:2 ,o they wathed Him losely% whether He wo#ld heal him on the ,abbath% so that they might a#se
?ar -:- +nd He said to the man who had the withered hand% .,te* $orward".
?ar -:0 Then He said to them% .Is it law$#l on the ,abbath to do good or to do e!il% to sa!e li$e or to 'illC. B#t
they 'e*t silent"
?ar -:1 +nd when He had loo'ed aro#nd at them with anger% being grie!ed by the hardness o$ their hearts% He
said to the man% .,treth o#t yo#r hand". +nd he strethed (it) o#t% and his hand was restored as whole as the
?ar -:3 Then the <harisees went o#t and immediately *lotted with the Herodians against Him% how they might
destroy Him"
?ar -:4 B#t Jes#s withdrew with His disi*les to the sea" +nd a great m#ltit#de $rom Galilee $ollowed Him% and
$rom J#dea
?ar -:8 and Jer#salem and Id#mea and beyond the Jordan& and those $rom Tyre and ,idon% a great m#ltit#de%
when they heard how many things He was doing% ame to Him"
?ar -:9 ,o He told His disi*les that a small boat sho#ld be 'e*t ready $or Him bea#se o$ the m#ltit#de% lest
they sho#ld r#sh Him"
?ar -:15 ;or He healed many% so that as many as had a$$litions *ressed abo#t Him to to#h Him"
?ar -:11 +nd the #nlean s*irits% whene!er they saw Him% $ell down be$ore Him and ried o#t% saying% .Bo# are
the ,on o$ God".
?ar -:12 B#t He sternly warned them that they sho#ld not ma'e Him 'nown"
?ar -:1- +nd He went #* on the mo#ntain and alled to (Him) those He Himsel$ wanted" +nd they ame to Him"
?ar -:10 Then He a**ointed twel!e% that they might be with Him and that He might send them o#t to *reah%
?ar -:11 and to ha!e *ower to heal si'nesses and to ast o#t demons:
?ar -:13 ,imon% to whom He ga!e the name <eter&
?ar -:14 James the (son) o$ Gebedee and John the brother o$ James% to whom He ga!e the name Boanerges%
that is% .,ons o$ Th#nder.&
?ar -:18 +ndrew% <hili*% Bartholomew% ?atthew% Thomas% James the (son) o$ +l*hae#s% Thaddae#s% ,imon the
?ar -:19 and J#das Isariot% who also betrayed Him" +nd they went into a ho#se"
?ar -:25 Then the m#ltit#de ame together again% so that they o#ld not so m#h as eat bread"
?ar -:21 B#t when His own *eo*le heard (abo#t this%) they went o#t to lay hold o$ Him% $or they said% .He is o#t
o$ His mind".
?ar -:22 +nd the sribes who ame down $rom Jer#salem said% .He has BeelHeb#b%. and% .By the r#ler o$ the
demons He asts o#t demons".
?ar -:2- ,o He alled them to (Himsel$) and said to them in *arables: .How an ,atan ast o#t ,atanC
?ar -:20 .I$ a 'ingdom is di!ided against itsel$% that 'ingdom annot stand"
?ar -:21 .+nd i$ a ho#se is di!ided against itsel$% that ho#se annot stand"
?ar -:23 .+nd i$ ,atan has risen #* against himsel$% and is di!ided% he annot stand% b#t has an end"
?ar -:24 .No one an enter a strong manAs ho#se and *l#nder his goods% #nless he $irst binds the strong man"
+nd then he will *l#nder his ho#se"
?ar -:28 . +ss#redly% I say to yo#% all sins will be $orgi!en the sons o$ men% and whate!er blas*hemies they
may #tter&
?ar -:29 .b#t he who blas*hemes against the Holy ,*irit ne!er has $orgi!eness% b#t is s#b@et to eternal
ondemnation. DD
?ar -:-5 bea#se they said% .He has an #nlean s*irit".
?ar -:-1 Then His brothers and His mother ame% and standing o#tside they sent to Him% alling Him"
?ar -:-2 +nd a m#ltit#de was sitting aro#nd Him& and they said to Him% ./oo'% Bo#r mother and Bo#r brothers
are o#tside see'ing Bo#".
?ar -:-- B#t He answered them% saying% .>ho is ?y mother% or ?y brothersC.
?ar -:-0 +nd He loo'ed aro#nd in a irle at those who sat abo#t Him% and said% .Here are ?y mother and ?y
?ar -:-1 .;or whoe!er does the will o$ God is ?y brother and ?y sister and mother".
?ar 0:1 +nd again He began to teah by the sea" +nd a great m#ltit#de was gathered to Him% so that He got
into a boat and sat (in it) on the sea& and the whole m#ltit#de was on the land $aing the sea"
?ar 0:2 Then He ta#ght them many things by *arables% and said to them in His teahing:
?ar 0:- ./istenF Behold% a sower went o#t to sow"
?ar 0:0 .+nd it ha**ened% as he sowed% (that) some (seed) $ell by the wayside& and the birds o$ the air ame
and de!o#red it"
?ar 0:1 .,ome $ell on stony gro#nd% where it did not ha!e m#h earth& and immediately it s*rang #* bea#se it
had no de*th o$ earth"
?ar 0:3 .B#t when the s#n was #* it was sorhed% and bea#se it had no root it withered away"
?ar 0:4 .+nd some (seed) $ell among thorns& and the thorns grew #* and ho'ed it% and it yielded no ro*"
?ar 0:8 .B#t other (seed) $ell on good gro#nd and yielded a ro* that s*rang #*% inreased and *rod#ed: some
thirty$old% some si9ty% and some a h#ndred".
?ar 0:9 +nd He said to them% .He who has ears to hear% let him hearF.
?ar 0:15 B#t when He was alone% those aro#nd Him with the twel!e as'ed Him abo#t the *arable"
?ar 0:11 +nd He said to them% .To yo# it has been gi!en to 'now the mystery o$ the 'ingdom o$ God& b#t to
those who are o#tside% all things ome in *arables%
?ar 0:12 .so that A,eeing they may see and not *erei!e% +nd hearing they may hear and not #nderstand& /est
they sho#ld t#rn% +nd (their) sins be $orgi!en them"A .
?ar 0:1- +nd He said to them% .2o yo# not #nderstand this *arableC How then will yo# #nderstand all the
?ar 0:10 .The sower sows the word"
?ar 0:11 .+nd these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown" >hen they hear% ,atan omes
immediately and ta'es away the word that was sown in their hearts"
?ar 0:13 .These li'ewise are the ones sown on stony gro#nd who% when they hear the word% immediately
reei!e it with gladness&
?ar 0:14 .and they ha!e no root in themsel!es% and so end#re only $or a time" +$terward% when trib#lation or
*erse#tion arises $or the wordAs sa'e% immediately they st#mble"
?ar 0:18 .Now these are the ones sown among thorns& (they are) the ones who hear the word%
?ar 0:19 .and the ares o$ this world% the deeit$#lness o$ rihes% and the desires $or other things entering in
ho'e the word% and it beomes #n$r#it$#l"
?ar 0:25 .B#t these are the ones sown on good gro#nd% those who hear the word% ae*t (it%) and bear $r#it:
some thirty$old% some si9ty% and some a h#ndred".
?ar 0:21 +lso He said to them% .Is a lam* bro#ght to be *#t #nder a bas'et or #nder a bedC Is it not to be set on
a lam*standC
?ar 0:22 .;or there is nothing hidden whih will not be re!ealed% nor has anything been 'e*t seret b#t that it
sho#ld ome to light"
?ar 0:2- .I$ anyone has ears to hear% let him hear".
?ar 0:20 Then He said to them% .Ta'e heed what yo# hear" >ith the same meas#re yo# #se% it will be
meas#red to yo#& and to yo# who hear% more will be gi!en"
?ar 0:21 .;or whoe!er has% to him more will be gi!en& b#t whoe!er does not ha!e% e!en what he has will be
ta'en away $rom him".
?ar 0:23 +nd He said% .The 'ingdom o$ God is as i$ a man sho#ld satter seed on the gro#nd%
?ar 0:24 .and sho#ld slee* by night and rise by day% and the seed sho#ld s*ro#t and grow% he himsel$ does not
'now how"
?ar 0:28 .;or the earth yields ro*s by itsel$: $irst the blade% then the head% a$ter that the $#ll grain in the head"
?ar 0:29 .B#t when the grain ri*ens% immediately he *#ts in the si'le% bea#se the har!est has ome".
?ar 0:-5 Then He said% .To what shall we li'en the 'ingdom o$ GodC 8r with what *arable shall we *it#re itC
?ar 0:-1 .(It is) li'e a m#stard seed whih% when it is sown on the gro#nd% is smaller than all the seeds on earth&
?ar 0:-2 .b#t when it is sown% it grows #* and beomes greater than all herbs% and shoots o#t large branhes%
so that the birds o$ the air may nest #nder its shade".
?ar 0:-- +nd with many s#h *arables He s*o'e the word to them as they were able to hear (it")
?ar 0:-0 B#t witho#t a *arable He did not s*ea' to them" +nd when they were alone% He e9*lained all things to
His disi*les"
?ar 0:-1 8n the same day% when e!ening had ome% He said to them% ./et #s ross o!er to the other side".
?ar 0:-3 Now when they had le$t the m#ltit#de% they too' Him along in the boat as He was" +nd other little boats
were also with Him"
?ar 0:-4 +nd a great windstorm arose% and the wa!es beat into the boat% so that it was already $illing"
?ar 0:-8 B#t He was in the stern% aslee* on a *illow" +nd they awo'e Him and said to Him% .Teaher% do Bo#
not are that we are *erishingC.
?ar 0:-9 Then He arose and reb#'ed the wind% and said to the sea% .<eae% be stillF. +nd the wind eased and
there was a great alm"
?ar 0:05 B#t He said to them% .>hy are yo# so $ear$#lC How (is it) that yo# ha!e no $aithC.
?ar 0:01 +nd they $eared e9eedingly% and said to one another% .>ho an this be% that e!en the wind and the
sea obey HimF.
?ar 1:1 Then they ame to the other side o$ the sea% to the o#ntry o$ the Gadarenes"
?ar 1:2 +nd when He had ome o#t o$ the boat% immediately there met Him o#t o$ the tombs a man with an
#nlean s*irit%
?ar 1:- who had (his) dwelling among the tombs& and no one o#ld bind him% not e!en with hains%
?ar 1:0 bea#se he had o$ten been bo#nd with sha'les and hains" +nd the hains had been *#lled a*art by
him% and the sha'les bro'en in *iees& neither o#ld anyone tame him"
?ar 1:1 +nd always% night and day% he was in the mo#ntains and in the tombs% rying o#t and #tting himsel$
with stones"
?ar 1:3 >hen he saw Jes#s $rom a$ar% he ran and worshi*ed Him"
?ar 1:4 +nd he ried o#t with a lo#d !oie and said% .>hat ha!e I to do with Bo#% Jes#s% ,on o$ the ?ost High
GodC I im*lore Bo# by God that Bo# do not torment me".
?ar 1:8 ;or He said to him% .=ome o#t o$ the man% #nlean s*iritF.
?ar 1:9 Then He as'ed him% .>hat (is) yo#r nameC. +nd he answered% saying% .?y name (is) /egion& $or we are
?ar 1:15 +lso he begged Him earnestly that He wo#ld not send them o#t o$ the o#ntry"
?ar 1:11 Now a large herd o$ swine was $eeding there near the mo#ntains"
?ar 1:12 ,o all the demons begged Him% saying% .,end #s to the swine% that we may enter them".
?ar 1:1- +nd at one Jes#s ga!e them *ermission" Then the #nlean s*irits went o#t and entered the swine
Ithere were abo#t two tho#sandJ& and the herd ran !iolently down the stee* *lae into the sea% and drowned in
the sea"
?ar 1:10 ,o those who $ed the swine $led% and they told (it) in the ity and in the o#ntry" +nd they went o#t to
see what it was that had ha**ened"
?ar 1:11 Then they ame to Jes#s% and saw the one (who had been) demonD*ossessed and had the legion%
sitting and lothed and in his right mind" +nd they were a$raid"
?ar 1:13 +nd those who saw it told them how it ha**ened to him (who had been) demonD*ossessed% and abo#t
the swine"
?ar 1:14 Then they began to *lead with Him to de*art $rom their region"
?ar 1:18 +nd when He got into the boat% he who had been demonD*ossessed begged Him that he might be with
?ar 1:19 Howe!er% Jes#s did not *ermit him% b#t said to him% .Go home to yo#r $riends% and tell them what great
things the /ord has done $or yo#% and how He has had om*assion on yo#".
?ar 1:25 +nd he de*arted and began to *rolaim in 2ea*olis all that Jes#s had done $or him& and all mar!eled"
?ar 1:21 Now when Jes#s had rossed o!er again by boat to the other side% a great m#ltit#de gathered to Him&
and He was by the sea"
?ar 1:22 +nd behold% one o$ the r#lers o$ the synagog#e ame% Jair#s by name" +nd when he saw Him% he $ell
at His $eet
?ar 1:2- and begged Him earnestly% saying% .?y little da#ghter lies at the *oint o$ death" =ome and lay Bo#r
hands on her% that she may be healed% and she will li!e".
?ar 1:20 ,o (Jes#s) went with him% and a great m#ltit#de $ollowed Him and thronged Him"
?ar 1:21 Now a ertain woman had a $low o$ blood $or twel!e years%
?ar 1:23 and had s#$$ered many things $rom many *hysiians" ,he had s*ent all that she had and was no
better% b#t rather grew worse"
?ar 1:24 >hen she heard abo#t Jes#s% she ame behind (Him) in the rowd and to#hed His garment"
?ar 1:28 ;or she said% .I$ only I may to#h His lothes% I shall be made well".
?ar 1:29 Immediately the $o#ntain o$ her blood was dried #*% and she $elt in (her) body that she was healed o$
the a$$lition"
?ar 1:-5 +nd Jes#s% immediately 'nowing in Himsel$ that *ower had gone o#t o$ Him% t#rned aro#nd in the
rowd and said% .>ho to#hed ?y lothesC.
?ar 1:-1 B#t His disi*les said to Him% .Bo# see the m#ltit#de thronging Bo#% and Bo# say% A>ho to#hed ?eCA
?ar 1:-2 +nd He loo'ed aro#nd to see her who had done this thing"
?ar 1:-- B#t the woman% $earing and trembling% 'nowing what had ha**ened to her% ame and $ell down be$ore
Him and told Him the whole tr#th"
?ar 1:-0 +nd He said to her% .2a#ghter% yo#r $aith has made yo# well" Go in *eae% and be healed o$ yo#r
?ar 1:-1 >hile He was still s*ea'ing% (some) ame $rom the r#ler o$ the synagog#eAs (ho#se) who said% .Bo#r
da#ghter is dead" >hy tro#ble the Teaher any $#rtherC.
?ar 1:-3 +s soon as Jes#s heard the word that was s*o'en% He said to the r#ler o$ the synagog#e% .2o not be
a$raid& only belie!e".
?ar 1:-4 +nd He *ermitted no one to $ollow Him e9e*t <eter% James% and John the brother o$ James"
?ar 1:-8 Then He ame to the ho#se o$ the r#ler o$ the synagog#e% and saw a t#m#lt and those who we*t and
wailed lo#dly"
?ar 1:-9 >hen He ame in% He said to them% .>hy ma'e this ommotion and wee*C The hild is not dead% b#t
?ar 1:05 +nd they ridi#led Him" B#t when He had *#t them all o#tside% He too' the $ather and the mother o$
the hild% and those (who were) with Him% and entered where the hild was lying"
?ar 1:01 Then He too' the hild by the hand% and said to her% .Talitha% #mi%. whih is translated% ./ittle girl% I
say to yo#% arise".
?ar 1:02 Immediately the girl arose and wal'ed% $or she was twel!e years (o$ age") +nd they were o!erome
with great amaHement"
?ar 1:0- B#t He ommanded them stritly that no one sho#ld 'now it% and said that (something) sho#ld be gi!en
her to eat"
?ar 3:1 Then He went o#t $rom there and ame to His own o#ntry% and His disi*les $ollowed Him"
?ar 3:2 +nd when the ,abbath had ome% He began to teah in the synagog#e" +nd many hearing (Him) were
astonished% saying% .>here (did) this ?an (get) these thingsC +nd what wisdom (is) this whih is gi!en to Him%
that s#h mighty wor's are *er$ormed by His handsF
?ar 3:- .Is this not the ar*enter% the ,on o$ ?ary% and brother o$ James% Joses% J#das% and ,imonC +nd are
not His sisters here with #sC. +nd they were o$$ended at Him"
?ar 3:0 B#t Jes#s said to them% .+ *ro*het is not witho#t honor e9e*t in his own o#ntry% among his own
relati!es% and in his own ho#se".
?ar 3:1 Now He o#ld do no mighty wor' there% e9e*t that He laid His hands on a $ew si' *eo*le and healed
?ar 3:3 +nd He mar!eled bea#se o$ their #nbelie$" Then He went abo#t the !illages in a ir#it% teahing"
?ar 3:4 +nd He alled the twel!e to (Himsel$%) and began to send them o#t two (by) two% and ga!e them *ower
o!er #nlean s*irits"
?ar 3:8 He ommanded them to ta'e nothing $or the @o#rney e9e*t a sta$$ DD no bag% no bread% no o**er in
(their) money belts DD
?ar 3:9 b#t to wear sandals% and not to *#t on two t#nis"
?ar 3:15 +lso He said to them% .In whate!er *lae yo# enter a ho#se% stay there till yo# de*art $rom that *lae"
?ar 3:11 .+nd whoe!er will not reei!e yo# nor hear yo#% when yo# de*art $rom there% sha'e o$$ the d#st #nder
yo#r $eet as a testimony against them" +ss#redly% I say to yo#% it will be more tolerable $or ,odom and Gomorrah
in the day o$ @#dgment than $or that ityF.
?ar 3:12 ,o they went o#t and *reahed that (*eo*le) sho#ld re*ent"
?ar 3:1- +nd they ast o#t many demons% and anointed with oil many who were si'% and healed (them")
?ar 3:10 Now King Herod heard (o$ Him%) $or His name had beome well 'nown" +nd he said% .John the Ba*tist
is risen $rom the dead% and there$ore these *owers are at wor' in him".
?ar 3:11 8thers said% .It is 6li@ah". +nd others said% .It is the <ro*het% or li'e one o$ the *ro*hets".
?ar 3:13 B#t when Herod heard% he said% .This is John% whom I beheaded& he has been raised $rom the deadF.
?ar 3:14 ;or Herod himsel$ had sent and laid hold o$ John% and bo#nd him in *rison $or the sa'e o$ Herodias%
his brother <hili*As wi$e& $or he had married her"
?ar 3:18 ;or John had said to Herod% .It is not law$#l $or yo# to ha!e yo#r brotherAs wi$e".
?ar 3:19 There$ore Herodias held it against him and wanted to 'ill him% b#t she o#ld not&
?ar 3:25 $or Herod $eared John% 'nowing that he (was) a @#st and holy man% and he *roteted him" +nd when he
heard him% he did many things% and heard him gladly"
?ar 3:21 Then an o**ort#ne day ame when Herod on his birthday ga!e a $east $or his nobles% the high o$$iers%
and the hie$ (men) o$ Galilee"
?ar 3:22 +nd when HerodiasA da#ghter hersel$ ame in and daned% and *leased Herod and those who sat with
him% the 'ing said to the girl% .+s' me whate!er yo# want% and I will gi!e (it) to yo#".
?ar 3:2- He also swore to her% .>hate!er yo# as' me% I will gi!e yo#% #* to hal$ o$ my 'ingdom".
?ar 3:20 ,o she went o#t and said to her mother% .>hat shall I as'C. +nd she said% .The head o$ John the
?ar 3:21 Immediately she ame in with haste to the 'ing and as'ed% saying% .I want yo# to gi!e me at one the
head o$ John the Ba*tist on a *latter".
?ar 3:23 +nd the 'ing was e9eedingly sorry& (yet%) bea#se o$ the oaths and bea#se o$ those who sat with
him% he did not want to re$#se her"
?ar 3:24 Immediately the 'ing sent an e9e#tioner and ommanded his head to be bro#ght" +nd he went and
beheaded him in *rison%
?ar 3:28 bro#ght his head on a *latter% and ga!e it to the girl& and the girl ga!e it to her mother"
?ar 3:29 >hen his disi*les heard (o$ it%) they ame and too' away his or*se and laid it in a tomb"
?ar 3:-5 Then the a*ostles gathered to Jes#s and told Him all things% both what they had done and what they
had ta#ght"
?ar 3:-1 +nd He said to them% .=ome aside by yo#rsel!es to a deserted *lae and rest a while". ;or there were
many oming and going% and they did not e!en ha!e time to eat"
?ar 3:-2 ,o they de*arted to a deserted *lae in the boat by themsel!es"
?ar 3:-- B#t the m#ltit#des saw them de*arting% and many 'new Him and ran there on $oot $rom all the ities"
They arri!ed be$ore them and ame together to Him"
?ar 3:-0 +nd Jes#s% when He ame o#t% saw a great m#ltit#de and was mo!ed with om*assion $or them%
bea#se they were li'e shee* not ha!ing a she*herd" ,o He began to teah them many things"
?ar 3:-1 >hen the day was now $ar s*ent% His disi*les ame to Him and said% .This is a deserted *lae% and
already the ho#r (is) late"
?ar 3:-3 .,end them away% that they may go into the s#rro#nding o#ntry and !illages and b#y themsel!es
bread& $or they ha!e nothing to eat".
?ar 3:-4 B#t He answered and said to them% .Bo# gi!e them something to eat". +nd they said to Him% .,hall we
go and b#y two h#ndred denarii worth o$ bread and gi!e them (something) to eatC.
?ar 3:-8 B#t He said to them% .How many loa!es do yo# ha!eC Go and see". +nd when they $o#nd o#t they
said% .;i!e% and two $ish".
?ar 3:-9 Then He ommanded them to ma'e them all sit down in gro#*s on the green grass"
?ar 3:05 ,o they sat down in ran's% in h#ndreds and in $i$ties"
?ar 3:01 +nd when He had ta'en the $i!e loa!es and the two $ish% He loo'ed #* to hea!en% blessed and bro'e
the loa!es% and ga!e (them) to His disi*les to set be$ore them& and the two $ish He di!ided among (them) all"
?ar 3:02 ,o they all ate and were $illed"
?ar 3:0- +nd they too' #* twel!e bas'ets $#ll o$ $ragments and o$ the $ish"
?ar 3:00 Now those who had eaten the loa!es were abo#t $i!e tho#sand men"
?ar 3:01 Immediately He made His disi*les get into the boat and go be$ore Him to the other side% to Bethsaida%
while He sent the m#ltit#de away"
?ar 3:03 +nd when He had sent them away% He de*arted to the mo#ntain to *ray"
?ar 3:04 Now when e!ening ame% the boat was in the middle o$ the sea& and He (was) alone on the land"
?ar 3:08 Then He saw them straining at rowing% $or the wind was against them" Now abo#t the $o#rth wath o$
the night He ame to them% wal'ing on the sea% and wo#ld ha!e *assed them by"
?ar 3:09 +nd when they saw Him wal'ing on the sea% they s#**osed it was a ghost% and ried o#t&
?ar 3:15 $or they all saw Him and were tro#bled" B#t immediately He tal'ed with them and said to them% .Be o$
good heerF It is I& do not be a$raid".
?ar 3:11 Then He went #* into the boat to them% and the wind eased" +nd they were greatly amaHed in
themsel!es beyond meas#re% and mar!eled"
?ar 3:12 ;or they had not #nderstood abo#t the loa!es% bea#se their heart was hardened"
?ar 3:1- >hen they had rossed o!er% they ame to the land o$ Gennesaret and anhored there"
?ar 3:10 +nd when they ame o#t o$ the boat% immediately the *eo*le reogniHed Him%
?ar 3:11 ran thro#gh that whole s#rro#nding region% and began to arry abo#t on beds those who were si' to
where!er they heard He was"
?ar 3:13 >here!er He entered into !illages% ities% or in the o#ntry% they laid the si' in the mar'et*laes% and
begged Him that they might @#st to#h the hem o$ His garment" +nd as many as to#hed Him were made well"
?ar 4:1 Then the <harisees and some o$ the sribes ame together to Him% ha!ing ome $rom Jer#salem"
?ar 4:2 Now when they saw some o$ His disi*les eat bread with de$iled% that is% with #nwashed hands% they
$o#nd $a#lt"
?ar 4:- ;or the <harisees and all the Jews do not eat #nless they wash (their) hands in a s*eial way% holding
the tradition o$ the elders"
?ar 4:0 (>hen they ome) $rom the mar'et*lae% they do not eat #nless they wash" +nd there are many other
things whih they ha!e reei!ed and hold% (li'e) the washing o$ #*s% *ithers% o**er !essels% and o#hes"
?ar 4:1 Then the <harisees and sribes as'ed Him% .>hy do Bo#r disi*les not wal' aording to the tradition
o$ the elders% b#t eat bread with #nwashed handsC.
?ar 4:3 He answered and said to them% .>ell did Isaiah *ro*hesy o$ yo# hy*orites% as it is written: AThis *eo*le
honors ?e with (their) li*s% B#t their heart is $ar $rom ?e"
?ar 4:4 +nd in !ain they worshi* ?e% Teahing (as) dotrines the ommandments o$ men"A
?ar 4:8 .;or laying aside the ommandment o$ God% yo# hold the tradition o$ men DD the washing o$ *ithers and
#*s% and many other s#h things yo# do".
?ar 4:9 He said to them% .(+ll too) well yo# re@et the ommandment o$ God% that yo# may 'ee* yo#r tradition"
?ar 4:15 .;or ?oses said% AHonor yo#r $ather and yo#r motherA& and% AHe who #rses $ather or mother% let him be
*#t to death"A
?ar 4:11 .B#t yo# say% AI$ a man says to his $ather or mother% .>hate!er *ro$it yo# might ha!e reei!ed $rom me
(is) =orban. DD A Ithat is% a gi$t (to GodJ%)
?ar 4:12 .then yo# no longer let him do anything $or his $ather or his mother%
?ar 4:1- .ma'ing the word o$ God o$ no e$$et thro#gh yo#r tradition whih yo# ha!e handed down" +nd many
s#h things yo# do".
?ar 4:10 >hen He had alled all the m#ltit#de to (Himsel$%) He said to them% .Hear ?e% e!eryone% and
?ar 4:11 .There is nothing that enters a man $rom o#tside whih an de$ile him& b#t the things whih ome o#t
o$ him% those are the things that de$ile a man"
?ar 4:13 .I$ anyone has ears to hear% let him hearF.
?ar 4:14 >hen He had entered a ho#se away $rom the rowd% His disi*les as'ed Him onerning the *arable"
?ar 4:18 ,o He said to them% .+re yo# th#s witho#t #nderstanding alsoC 2o yo# not *erei!e that whate!er
enters a man $rom o#tside annot de$ile him%
?ar 4:19 .bea#se it does not enter his heart b#t his stomah% and is eliminated% (th#s) *#ri$ying all $oodsC.
?ar 4:25 +nd He said% .>hat omes o#t o$ a man% that de$iles a man"
?ar 4:21 .;or $rom within% o#t o$ the heart o$ men% *roeed e!il tho#ghts% ad#lteries% $orniations% m#rders%
?ar 4:22 .the$ts% o!eto#sness% wi'edness% deeit% lewdness% an e!il eye% blas*hemy% *ride% $oolishness"
?ar 4:2- .+ll these e!il things ome $rom within and de$ile a man".
?ar 4:20 ;rom there He arose and went to the region o$ Tyre and ,idon" +nd He entered a ho#se and wanted
no one to 'now (it%) b#t He o#ld not be hidden"
?ar 4:21 ;or a woman whose yo#ng da#ghter had an #nlean s*irit heard abo#t Him% and she ame and $ell at
His $eet"
?ar 4:23 The woman was a Gree'% a ,yroD<hoeniian by birth% and she 'e*t as'ing Him to ast the demon o#t
o$ her da#ghter"
?ar 4:24 B#t Jes#s said to her% ./et the hildren be $illed $irst% $or it is not good to ta'e the hildrenAs bread and
throw (it) to the little dogs".
?ar 4:28 +nd she answered and said to Him% .Bes% /ord% yet e!en the little dogs #nder the table eat $rom the
hildrenAs r#mbs".
?ar 4:29 Then He said to her% .;or this saying go yo#r way& the demon has gone o#t o$ yo#r da#ghter".
?ar 4:-5 +nd when she had ome to her ho#se% she $o#nd the demon gone o#t% and her da#ghter lying on the
?ar 4:-1 +gain% de*arting $rom the region o$ Tyre and ,idon% He ame thro#gh the midst o$ the region o$
2ea*olis to the ,ea o$ Galilee"
?ar 4:-2 Then they bro#ght to Him one who was dea$ and had an im*ediment in his s*eeh% and they begged
Him to *#t His hand on him"
?ar 4:-- +nd He too' him aside $rom the m#ltit#de% and *#t His $ingers in his ears% and He s*at and to#hed his
?ar 4:-0 Then% loo'ing #* to hea!en% He sighed% and said to him% .6*h*hatha%. that is% .Be o*ened".
?ar 4:-1 Immediately his ears were o*ened% and the im*ediment o$ his tong#e was loosed% and he s*o'e
?ar 4:-3 Then He ommanded them that they sho#ld tell no one& b#t the more He ommanded them% the more
widely they *rolaimed (it")
?ar 4:-4 +nd they were astonished beyond meas#re% saying% .He has done all things well" He ma'es both the
dea$ to hear and the m#te to s*ea'".
?ar 8:1 In those days% the m#ltit#de being !ery great and ha!ing nothing to eat% Jes#s alled His disi*les (to
Him) and said to them%
?ar 8:2 .I ha!e om*assion on the m#ltit#de% bea#se they ha!e now ontin#ed with ?e three days and ha!e
nothing to eat"
?ar 8:- .+nd i$ I send them away h#ngry to their own ho#ses% they will $aint on the way& $or some o$ them ha!e
ome $rom a$ar".
?ar 8:0 Then His disi*les answered Him% .How an one satis$y these *eo*le with bread here in the
?ar 8:1 He as'ed them% .How many loa!es do yo# ha!eC. +nd they said% .,e!en".
?ar 8:3 ,o He ommanded the m#ltit#de to sit down on the gro#nd" +nd He too' the se!en loa!es and ga!e
than's% bro'e (them) and ga!e (them) to His disi*les to set be$ore (them&) and they set (them) be$ore the
?ar 8:4 They also had a $ew small $ish& and ha!ing blessed them% He said to set them also be$ore (them")
?ar 8:8 ,o they ate and were $illed% and they too' #* se!en large bas'ets o$ le$to!er $ragments"
?ar 8:9 Now those who had eaten were abo#t $o#r tho#sand" +nd He sent them away%
?ar 8:15 immediately got into the boat with His disi*les% and ame to the region o$ 2alman#tha"
?ar 8:11 Then the <harisees ame o#t and began to dis*#te with Him% see'ing $rom Him a sign $rom hea!en%
testing Him"
?ar 8:12 B#t He sighed dee*ly in His s*irit% and said% .>hy does this generation see' a signC +ss#redly% I say
to yo#% no sign shall be gi!en to this generation".
?ar 8:1- +nd He le$t them% and getting into the boat again% de*arted to the other side"
?ar 8:10 Now the disi*les had $orgotten to ta'e bread% and they did not ha!e more than one loa$ with them in
the boat"
?ar 8:11 Then He harged them% saying% .Ta'e heed% beware o$ the lea!en o$ the <harisees and the lea!en o$
?ar 8:13 +nd they reasoned among themsel!es% saying% .(It is) bea#se we ha!e no bread".
?ar 8:14 B#t Jes#s% being aware o$ (it%) said to them% .>hy do yo# reason bea#se yo# ha!e no breadC 2o yo#
not yet *erei!e nor #nderstandC Is yo#r heart still hardenedC
?ar 8:18 .Ha!ing eyes% do yo# not seeC +nd ha!ing ears% do yo# not hearC +nd do yo# not rememberC
?ar 8:19 .>hen I bro'e the $i!e loa!es $or the $i!e tho#sand% how many bas'ets $#ll o$ $ragments did yo# ta'e
#*C. They said to Him% .Twel!e".
?ar 8:25 .+lso% when I bro'e the se!en $or the $o#r tho#sand% how many large bas'ets $#ll o$ $ragments did yo#
ta'e #*C. +nd they said% .,e!en".
?ar 8:21 ,o He said to them% .How (is it) yo# do not #nderstandC.
?ar 8:22 Then He ame to Bethsaida& and they bro#ght a blind man to Him% and begged Him to to#h him"
?ar 8:2- ,o He too' the blind man by the hand and led him o#t o$ the town" +nd when He had s*it on his eyes
and *#t His hands on him% He as'ed him i$ he saw anything"
?ar 8:20 +nd he loo'ed #* and said% .I see men li'e trees% wal'ing".
?ar 8:21 Then He *#t (His) hands on his eyes again and made him loo' #*" +nd he was restored and saw
e!eryone learly"
?ar 8:23 Then He sent him away to his ho#se% saying% .Neither go into the town% nor tell anyone in the town".
?ar 8:24 Now Jes#s and His disi*les went o#t to the towns o$ =aesarea <hili**i& and on the road He as'ed
His disi*les% saying to them% .>ho do men say that I amC.
?ar 8:28 ,o they answered% .John the Ba*tist& b#t some (say%) 6li@ah& and others% one o$ the *ro*hets".
?ar 8:29 He said to them% .B#t who do yo# say that I amC. <eter answered and said to Him% .Bo# are the
?ar 8:-5 Then He stritly warned them that they sho#ld tell no one abo#t Him"
?ar 8:-1 +nd He began to teah them that the ,on o$ ?an m#st s#$$er many things% and be re@eted by the
elders and hie$ *riests and sribes% and be 'illed% and a$ter three days rise again"
?ar 8:-2 He s*o'e this word o*enly" +nd <eter too' Him aside and began to reb#'e Him"
?ar 8:-- B#t when He had t#rned aro#nd and loo'ed at His disi*les% He reb#'ed <eter% saying% .Get behind
?e% ,atanF ;or yo# are not mind$#l o$ the things o$ God% b#t the things o$ men".
?ar 8:-0 >hen He had alled the *eo*le to (Himsel$%) with His disi*les also% He said to them% .>hoe!er
desires to ome a$ter ?e% let him deny himsel$% and ta'e #* his ross% and $ollow ?e"
?ar 8:-1 .;or whoe!er desires to sa!e his li$e will lose it% b#t whoe!er loses his li$e $or ?y sa'e and the gos*elAs
will sa!e it"
?ar 8:-3 .;or what will it *ro$it a man i$ he gains the whole world% and loses his own so#lC
?ar 8:-4 .8r what will a man gi!e in e9hange $or his so#lC
?ar 8:-8 .;or whoe!er is ashamed o$ ?e and ?y words in this ad#ltero#s and sin$#l generation% o$ him the ,on
o$ ?an also will be ashamed when He omes in the glory o$ His ;ather with the holy angels".
?ar 9:1 +nd He said to them% .+ss#redly% I say to yo# that there are some standing here who will not taste
death till they see the 'ingdom o$ God *resent with *ower".
?ar 9:2 Now a$ter si9 days Jes#s too' <eter% James% and John% and led them #* on a high mo#ntain a*art by
themsel!es& and He was trans$ig#red be$ore them"
?ar 9:- His lothes beame shining% e9eedingly white% li'e snow% s#h as no la#nderer on earth an whiten
?ar 9:0 +nd 6li@ah a**eared to them with ?oses% and they were tal'ing with Jes#s"
?ar 9:1 Then <eter answered and said to Jes#s% .:abbi% it is good $or #s to be here& and let #s ma'e three
tabernales: one $or Bo#% one $or ?oses% and one $or 6li@ah. DD
?ar 9:3 bea#se he did not 'now what to say% $or they were greatly a$raid"
?ar 9:4 +nd a lo#d ame and o!ershadowed them& and a !oie ame o#t o$ the lo#d% saying% .This is ?y
belo!ed ,on" Hear HimF.
?ar 9:8 ,#ddenly% when they had loo'ed aro#nd% they saw no one anymore% b#t only Jes#s with themsel!es"
?ar 9:9 Now as they ame down $rom the mo#ntain% He ommanded them that they sho#ld tell no one the
things they had seen% till the ,on o$ ?an had risen $rom the dead"
?ar 9:15 ,o they 'e*t this word to themsel!es% E#estioning what the rising $rom the dead meant"
?ar 9:11 +nd they as'ed Him% saying% .>hy do the sribes say that 6li@ah m#st ome $irstC.
?ar 9:12 Then He answered and told them% .Indeed% 6li@ah is oming $irst and restores all things" +nd how is it
written onerning the ,on o$ ?an% that He m#st s#$$er many things and be treated with ontem*tC
?ar 9:1- .B#t I say to yo# that 6li@ah has also ome% and they did to him whate!er they wished% as it is written o$
?ar 9:10 +nd when He ame to the disi*les% He saw a great m#ltit#de aro#nd them% and sribes dis*#ting with
?ar 9:11 Immediately% when they saw Him% all the *eo*le were greatly amaHed% and r#nning to (Him%) greeted
?ar 9:13 +nd He as'ed the sribes% .>hat are yo# dis#ssing with themC.
?ar 9:14 Then one o$ the rowd answered and said% .Teaher% I bro#ght Bo# my son% who has a m#te s*irit"
?ar 9:18 .+nd where!er it seiHes him% it throws him down& he $oams at the mo#th% gnashes his teeth% and
beomes rigid" ,o I s*o'e to Bo#r disi*les% that they sho#ld ast it o#t% b#t they o#ld not".
?ar 9:19 He answered him and said% .8 $aithless generation% how long shall I be with yo#C How long shall I
bear with yo#C Bring him to ?e".
?ar 9:25 Then they bro#ght him to Him" +nd when he saw Him% immediately the s*irit on!#lsed him% and he
$ell on the gro#nd and wallowed% $oaming at the mo#th"
?ar 9:21 ,o He as'ed his $ather% .How long has this been ha**ening to himC. +nd he said% .;rom hildhood"
?ar 9:22 .+nd o$ten he has thrown him both into the $ire and into the water to destroy him" B#t i$ Bo# an do
anything% ha!e om*assion on #s and hel* #s".
?ar 9:2- Jes#s said to him% .I$ yo# an belie!e% all things (are) *ossible to him who belie!es".
?ar 9:20 Immediately the $ather o$ the hild ried o#t and said with tears% ./ord% I belie!e& hel* my #nbelie$F.
?ar 9:21 >hen Jes#s saw that the *eo*le ame r#nning together% He reb#'ed the #nlean s*irit% saying to it%
.2ea$ and d#mb s*irit% I ommand yo#% ome o#t o$ him and enter him no moreF.
?ar 9:23 Then (the s*irit) ried o#t% on!#lsed him greatly% and ame o#t o$ him" +nd he beame as one dead%
so that many said% .He is dead".
?ar 9:24 B#t Jes#s too' him by the hand and li$ted him #*% and he arose"
?ar 9:28 +nd when He had ome into the ho#se% His disi*les as'ed Him *ri!ately% .>hy o#ld we not ast it
?ar 9:29 ,o He said to them% .This 'ind an ome o#t by nothing b#t *rayer and $asting".
?ar 9:-5 Then they de*arted $rom there and *assed thro#gh Galilee% and He did not want anyone to 'now (it")
?ar 9:-1 ;or He ta#ght His disi*les and said to them% .The ,on o$ ?an is being betrayed into the hands o$
men% and they will 'ill Him" +nd a$ter He is 'illed% He will rise the third day".
?ar 9:-2 B#t they did not #nderstand this saying% and were a$raid to as' Him"
?ar 9:-- Then He ame to =a*erna#m" +nd when He was in the ho#se He as'ed them% .>hat was it yo#
dis*#ted among yo#rsel!es on the roadC.
?ar 9:-0 B#t they 'e*t silent% $or on the road they had dis*#ted among themsel!es who (wo#ld be the) greatest"
?ar 9:-1 +nd He sat down% alled the twel!e% and said to them% .I$ anyone desires to be $irst% he shall be last o$
all and ser!ant o$ all".
?ar 9:-3 Then He too' a little hild and set him in the midst o$ them" +nd when He had ta'en him in His arms%
He said to them%
?ar 9:-4 .>hoe!er reei!es one o$ these little hildren in ?y name reei!es ?e& and whoe!er reei!es ?e%
reei!es not ?e b#t Him who sent ?e".
?ar 9:-8 Now John answered Him% saying% .Teaher% we saw someone who does not $ollow #s asting o#t
demons in Bo#r name% and we $orbade him bea#se he does not $ollow #s".
?ar 9:-9 B#t Jes#s said% .2o not $orbid him% $or no one who wor's a mirale in ?y name an soon a$terward
s*ea' e!il o$ ?e"
?ar 9:05 .;or he who is not against #s is on o#r side"
?ar 9:01 .;or whoe!er gi!es yo# a #* o$ water to drin' in ?y name% bea#se yo# belong to =hrist% ass#redly% I
say to yo#% he will by no means lose his reward"
?ar 9:02 . B#t whoe!er a#ses one o$ these little ones who belie!e in ?e to st#mble% it wo#ld be better $or him
i$ a millstone were h#ng aro#nd his ne'% and he were thrown into the sea"
?ar 9:0- .I$ yo#r hand a#ses yo# to sin% #t it o$$" It is better $or yo# to enter into li$e maimed% rather than
ha!ing two hands% to go to hell% into the $ire that shall ne!er be E#enhed DD
?ar 9:00 .where ATheir worm does not die% +nd the $ire is not E#enhed"A
?ar 9:01 .+nd i$ yo#r $oot a#ses yo# to sin% #t it o$$" It is better $or yo# to enter li$e lame% rather than ha!ing
two $eet% to be ast into hell% into the $ire that shall ne!er be E#enhed DD
?ar 9:03 .where ATheir worm does not die% +nd the $ire is not E#enhed"A
?ar 9:04 .+nd i$ yo#r eye a#ses yo# to sin% *l#' it o#t" It is better $or yo# to enter the 'ingdom o$ God with one
eye% rather than ha!ing two eyes% to be ast into hell $ire DD
?ar 9:08 .where ATheir worm does not die% +nd the $ire is not E#enhed"A
?ar 9:09 . ;or e!eryone will be seasoned with $ire% and e!ery sari$ie will be seasoned with salt"
?ar 9:15 .,alt (is) good% b#t i$ the salt loses its $la!or% how will yo# season itC Ha!e salt in yo#rsel!es% and ha!e
*eae with one another".
?ar 15:1 Then He arose $rom there and ame to the region o$ J#dea by the other side o$ the Jordan" +nd
m#ltit#des gathered to Him again% and as He was a#stomed% He ta#ght them again"
?ar 15:2 The <harisees ame and as'ed Him% .Is it law$#l $or a man to di!ore (his) wi$eC. testing Him"
?ar 15:- +nd He answered and said to them% .>hat did ?oses ommand yo#C.
?ar 15:0 They said% .?oses *ermitted (a man) to write a erti$iate o$ di!ore% and to dismiss (her".)
?ar 15:1 +nd Jes#s answered and said to them% .Bea#se o$ the hardness o$ yo#r heart he wrote yo# this
?ar 15:3 .B#t $rom the beginning o$ the reation% God Amade them male and $emale"A
?ar 15:4 A;or this reason a man shall lea!e his $ather and mother and be @oined to his wi$e%
?ar 15:8 Aand the two shall beome one $leshA& so then they are no longer two% b#t one $lesh"
?ar 15:9 .There$ore what God has @oined together% let not man se*arate".
?ar 15:15 In the ho#se His disi*les also as'ed Him again abo#t the same (matter")
?ar 15:11 ,o He said to them% .>hoe!er di!ores his wi$e and marries another ommits ad#ltery against her"
?ar 15:12 .+nd i$ a woman di!ores her h#sband and marries another% she ommits ad#ltery".
?ar 15:1- Then they bro#ght little hildren to Him% that He might to#h them& b#t the disi*les reb#'ed those
who bro#ght (them")
?ar 15:10 B#t when Jes#s saw (it%) He was greatly dis*leased and said to them% ./et the little hildren ome to
?e% and do not $orbid them& $or o$ s#h is the 'ingdom o$ God"
?ar 15:11 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% whoe!er does not reei!e the 'ingdom o$ God as a little hild will by no
means enter it".
?ar 15:13 +nd He too' them #* in His arms% *#t (His) hands on them% and blessed them"
?ar 15:14 Now as He was going o#t on the road% one ame r#nning% 'nelt be$ore Him% and as'ed Him% .Good
Teaher% what shall I do that I may inherit eternal li$eC.
?ar 15:18 ,o Jes#s said to him% .>hy do yo# all ?e goodC No one (is) good b#t 8ne% (that is%) God"
?ar 15:19 .Bo# 'now the ommandments: A2o not ommit ad#ltery%A A2o not m#rder%A A2o not steal%A A2o not bear
$alse witness%A A2o not de$ra#d%A AHonor yo#r $ather and yo#r mother"A .
?ar 15:25 +nd he answered and said to Him% .Teaher% all these things I ha!e 'e*t $rom my yo#th".
?ar 15:21 Then Jes#s% loo'ing at him% lo!ed him% and said to him% .8ne thing yo# la': Go yo#r way% sell
whate!er yo# ha!e and gi!e to the *oor% and yo# will ha!e treas#re in hea!en& and ome% ta'e #* the ross% and
$ollow ?e".
?ar 15:22 B#t he was sad at this word% and went away sorrow$#l% $or he had great *ossessions"
?ar 15:2- Then Jes#s loo'ed aro#nd and said to His disi*les% .How hard it is $or those who ha!e rihes to
enter the 'ingdom o$ GodF.
?ar 15:20 +nd the disi*les were astonished at His words" B#t Jes#s answered again and said to them%
.=hildren% how hard it is $or those who tr#st in rihes to enter the 'ingdom o$ GodF
?ar 15:21 .It is easier $or a amel to go thro#gh the eye o$ a needle than $or a rih man to enter the 'ingdom o$
?ar 15:23 +nd they were greatly astonished% saying among themsel!es% .>ho then an be sa!edC.
?ar 15:24 B#t Jes#s loo'ed at them and said% .>ith men (it is) im*ossible% b#t not with God& $or with God all
things are *ossible".
?ar 15:28 Then <eter began to say to Him% .,ee% we ha!e le$t all and $ollowed Bo#".
?ar 15:29 ,o Jes#s answered and said% .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% there is no one who has le$t ho#se or brothers
or sisters or $ather or mother or wi$e or hildren or lands% $or ?y sa'e and the gos*elAs%
?ar 15:-5 .who shall not reei!e a h#ndred$old now in this time DD ho#ses and brothers and sisters and mothers
and hildren and lands% with *erse#tions DD and in the age to ome% eternal li$e"
?ar 15:-1 .B#t many (who are) $irst will be last% and the last $irst".
?ar 15:-2 Now they were on the road% going #* to Jer#salem% and Jes#s was going be$ore them& and they were
amaHed" +nd as they $ollowed they were a$raid" Then He too' the twel!e aside again and began to tell them the
things that wo#ld ha**en to Him:
?ar 15:-- .Behold% we are going #* to Jer#salem% and the ,on o$ ?an will be betrayed to the hie$ *riests and
to the sribes& and they will ondemn Him to death and deli!er Him to the Gentiles&
?ar 15:-0 .and they will mo' Him% and so#rge Him% and s*it on Him% and 'ill Him" +nd the third day He will
rise again".
?ar 15:-1 Then James and John% the sons o$ Gebedee% ame to Him% saying% .Teaher% we want Bo# to do $or
#s whate!er we as'".
?ar 15:-3 +nd He said to them% .>hat do yo# want ?e to do $or yo#C.
?ar 15:-4 They said to Him% .Grant #s that we may sit% one on Bo#r right hand and the other on Bo#r le$t% in
Bo#r glory".
?ar 15:-8 B#t Jes#s said to them% .Bo# do not 'now what yo# as'" +re yo# able to drin' the #* that I drin'%
and be ba*tiHed with the ba*tism that I am ba*tiHed withC.
?ar 15:-9 They said to Him% .>e are able". ,o Jes#s said to them% .Bo# will indeed drin' the #* that I drin'%
and with the ba*tism I am ba*tiHed with yo# will be ba*tiHed&
?ar 15:05 .b#t to sit on ?y right hand and on ?y le$t is not ?ine to gi!e% b#t (it is $or those) $or whom it is
?ar 15:01 +nd when the ten heard (it%) they began to be greatly dis*leased with James and John"
?ar 15:02 B#t Jes#s alled them to (Himsel$) and said to them% .Bo# 'now that those who are onsidered r#lers
o!er the Gentiles lord it o!er them% and their great ones e9erise a#thority o!er them"
?ar 15:0- .Bet it shall not be so among yo#& b#t whoe!er desires to beome great among yo# shall be yo#r
?ar 15:00 .+nd whoe!er o$ yo# desires to be $irst shall be sla!e o$ all"
?ar 15:01 .;or e!en the ,on o$ ?an did not ome to be ser!ed% b#t to ser!e% and to gi!e His li$e a ransom $or
?ar 15:03 Now they ame to Jeriho" +s He went o#t o$ Jeriho with His disi*les and a great m#ltit#de% blind
Bartimae#s% the son o$ Timae#s% sat by the road begging"
?ar 15:04 +nd when he heard that it was Jes#s o$ NaHareth% he began to ry o#t and say% .Jes#s% ,on o$ 2a!id%
ha!e mery on meF.
?ar 15:08 Then many warned him to be E#iet& b#t he ried o#t all the more% .,on o$ 2a!id% ha!e mery on meF.
?ar 15:09 ,o Jes#s stood still and ommanded him to be alled" Then they alled the blind man% saying to him%
.Be o$ good heer" :ise% He is alling yo#".
?ar 15:15 +nd throwing aside his garment% he rose and ame to Jes#s"
?ar 15:11 ,o Jes#s answered and said to him% .>hat do yo# want ?e to do $or yo#C. The blind man said to
Him% .:abboni% that I may reei!e my sight".
?ar 15:12 Then Jes#s said to him% .Go yo#r way& yo#r $aith has made yo# well". +nd immediately he reei!ed
his sight and $ollowed Jes#s on the road"
?ar 11:1 Now when they drew near Jer#salem% to Beth*hage and Bethany% at the ?o#nt o$ 8li!es% He sent two
o$ His disi*les&
?ar 11:2 and He said to them% .Go into the !illage o**osite yo#& and as soon as yo# ha!e entered it yo# will
$ind a olt tied% on whih no one has sat" /oose it and bring (it")
?ar 11:- .+nd i$ anyone says to yo#% A>hy are yo# doing thisCA say% AThe /ord has need o$ it%A and immediately
he will send it here".
?ar 11:0 ,o they went their way% and $o#nd the olt tied by the door o#tside on the street% and they loosed it"
?ar 11:1 B#t some o$ those who stood there said to them% .>hat are yo# doing% loosing the oltC.
?ar 11:3 +nd they s*o'e to them @#st as Jes#s had ommanded" ,o they let them go"
?ar 11:4 Then they bro#ght the olt to Jes#s and threw their lothes on it% and He sat on it"
?ar 11:8 +nd many s*read their lothes on the road% and others #t down lea$y branhes $rom the trees and
s*read (them) on the road"
?ar 11:9 Then those who went be$ore and those who $ollowed ried o#t% saying: .HosannaF ABlessed (is) He who
omes in the name o$ the /8:2FA
?ar 11:15 Blessed (is) the 'ingdom o$ o#r $ather 2a!id That omes in the name o$ the /ordF Hosanna in the
?ar 11:11 +nd Jes#s went into Jer#salem and into the tem*le" ,o when He had loo'ed aro#nd at all things% as
the ho#r was already late% He went o#t to Bethany with the twel!e"
?ar 11:12 Now the ne9t day% when they had ome o#t $rom Bethany% He was h#ngry"
?ar 11:1- +nd seeing $rom a$ar a $ig tree ha!ing lea!es% He went to see i$ *erha*s He wo#ld $ind something on
it" >hen He ame to it% He $o#nd nothing b#t lea!es% $or it was not the season $or $igs"
?ar 11:10 In res*onse Jes#s said to it% ./et no one eat $r#it $rom yo# e!er again". +nd His disi*les heard (it")
?ar 11:11 ,o they ame to Jer#salem" Then Jes#s went into the tem*le and began to dri!e o#t those who
bo#ght and sold in the tem*le% and o!ert#rned the tables o$ the money hangers and the seats o$ those who sold
?ar 11:13 +nd He wo#ld not allow anyone to arry wares thro#gh the tem*le"
?ar 11:14 Then He ta#ght% saying to them% .Is it not written% A?y ho#se shall be alled a ho#se o$ *rayer $or all
nationsAC B#t yo# ha!e made it a Aden o$ thie!es"A .
?ar 11:18 +nd the sribes and hie$ *riests heard it and so#ght how they might destroy Him& $or they $eared
Him% bea#se all the *eo*le were astonished at His teahing"
?ar 11:19 >hen e!ening had ome% He went o#t o$ the ity"
?ar 11:25 Now in the morning% as they *assed by% they saw the $ig tree dried #* $rom the roots"
?ar 11:21 +nd <eter% remembering% said to Him% .:abbi% loo'F The $ig tree whih Bo# #rsed has withered
?ar 11:22 ,o Jes#s answered and said to them% .Ha!e $aith in God"
?ar 11:2- .;or ass#redly% I say to yo#% whoe!er says to this mo#ntain% ABe remo!ed and be ast into the sea%A
and does not do#bt in his heart% b#t belie!es that those things he says will be done% he will ha!e whate!er he
?ar 11:20 .There$ore I say to yo#% whate!er things yo# as' when yo# *ray% belie!e that yo# reei!e (them%) and
yo# will ha!e (them")
?ar 11:21 . +nd whene!er yo# stand *raying% i$ yo# ha!e anything against anyone% $orgi!e him% that yo#r ;ather
in hea!en may also $orgi!e yo# yo#r tres*asses"
?ar 11:23 .B#t i$ yo# do not $orgi!e% neither will yo#r ;ather in hea!en $orgi!e yo#r tres*asses".
?ar 11:24 Then they ame again to Jer#salem" +nd as He was wal'ing in the tem*le% the hie$ *riests% the
sribes% and the elders ame to Him"
?ar 11:28 +nd they said to Him% .By what a#thority are Bo# doing these thingsC +nd who ga!e Bo# this
a#thority to do these thingsC.
?ar 11:29 B#t Jes#s answered and said to them% .I also will as' yo# one E#estion& then answer ?e% and I will
tell yo# by what a#thority I do these things:
?ar 11:-5 .The ba*tism o$ John DD was it $rom hea!en or $rom menC +nswer ?e".
?ar 11:-1 +nd they reasoned among themsel!es% saying% .I$ we say% A;rom hea!en%A He will say% A>hy then did
yo# not belie!e himCA
?ar 11:-2 .B#t i$ we say% A;rom menA . DD they $eared the *eo*le% $or all o#nted John to ha!e been a *ro*het
?ar 11:-- ,o they answered and said to Jes#s% .>e do not 'now". +nd Jes#s answered and said to them%
.Neither will I tell yo# by what a#thority I do these things".
?ar 12:1 Then He began to s*ea' to them in *arables: .+ man *lanted a !ineyard and set a hedge aro#nd (it%)
d#g (a *lae $or) the wine !at and b#ilt a tower" +nd he leased it to !inedressers and went into a $ar o#ntry"
?ar 12:2 .Now at !intageDtime he sent a ser!ant to the !inedressers% that he might reei!e some o$ the $r#it o$
the !ineyard $rom the !inedressers"
?ar 12:- .+nd they too' (him) and beat him and sent (him) away em*tyDhanded"
?ar 12:0 .+gain he sent them another ser!ant% and at him they threw stones% wo#nded (him) in the head% and
sent (him) away shame$#lly treated"
?ar 12:1 .+nd again he sent another% and him they 'illed& and many others% beating some and 'illing some"
?ar 12:3 .There$ore still ha!ing one son% his belo!ed% he also sent him to them last% saying% AThey will res*et
my son"A
?ar 12:4 .B#t those !inedressers said among themsel!es% AThis is the heir" =ome% let #s 'ill him% and the
inheritane will be o#rs"A
?ar 12:8 .,o they too' him and 'illed (him) and ast (him) o#t o$ the !ineyard"
?ar 12:9 .There$ore what will the owner o$ the !ineyard doC He will ome and destroy the !inedressers% and
gi!e the !ineyard to others"
?ar 12:15 .Ha!e yo# not e!en read this ,ri*t#re: AThe stone whih the b#ilders re@eted Has beome the hie$
?ar 12:11 This was the /8:2As doing% +nd it is mar!elo#s in o#r eyesAC.
?ar 12:12 +nd they so#ght to lay hands on Him% b#t $eared the m#ltit#de% $or they 'new He had s*o'en the
*arable against them" ,o they le$t Him and went away"
?ar 12:1- Then they sent to Him some o$ the <harisees and the Herodians% to ath Him in (His) words"
?ar 12:10 >hen they had ome% they said to Him% .Teaher% we 'now that Bo# are tr#e% and are abo#t no one&
$or Bo# do not regard the *erson o$ men% b#t teah the way o$ God in tr#th" Is it law$#l to *ay ta9es to =aesar% or
?ar 12:11 .,hall we *ay% or shall we not *ayC. B#t He% 'nowing their hy*orisy% said to them% .>hy do yo# test
?eC Bring ?e a denari#s that I may see (it".)
?ar 12:13 ,o they bro#ght (it") +nd He said to them% .>hose image and insri*tion (is) thisC. They said to Him%
?ar 12:14 +nd Jes#s answered and said to them% .:ender to =aesar the things that are =aesarAs% and to God
the things that are GodAs". +nd they mar!eled at Him"
?ar 12:18 Then (some) ,add#ees% who say there is no res#rretion% ame to Him& and they as'ed Him%
?ar 12:19 .Teaher% ?oses wrote to #s that i$ a manAs brother dies% and lea!es (his) wi$e behind% and lea!es no
hildren% his brother sho#ld ta'e his wi$e and raise #* o$$s*ring $or his brother"
?ar 12:25 .Now there were se!en brothers" The $irst too' a wi$e& and dying% he le$t no o$$s*ring"
?ar 12:21 .+nd the seond too' her% and he died& nor did he lea!e any o$$s*ring" +nd the third li'ewise"
?ar 12:22 .,o the se!en had her and le$t no o$$s*ring" /ast o$ all the woman died also"
?ar 12:2- .There$ore% in the res#rretion% when they rise% whose wi$e will she beC ;or all se!en had her as
?ar 12:20 Jes#s answered and said to them% .+re yo# not there$ore mista'en% bea#se yo# do not 'now the
,ri*t#res nor the *ower o$ GodC
?ar 12:21 .;or when they rise $rom the dead% they neither marry nor are gi!en in marriage% b#t are li'e angels in
?ar 12:23 .B#t onerning the dead% that they rise% ha!e yo# not read in the boo' o$ ?oses% in the (b#rning)
b#sh (*assage%) how God s*o'e to him% saying% AI (am) the God o$ +braham% the God o$ Isaa% and the God o$
?ar 12:24 .He is not the God o$ the dead% b#t the God o$ the li!ing" Bo# are there$ore greatly mista'en".
?ar 12:28 Then one o$ the sribes ame% and ha!ing heard them reasoning together% *erei!ing that He had
answered them well% as'ed Him% .>hih is the $irst ommandment o$ allC.
?ar 12:29 Jes#s answered him% .The $irst o$ all the ommandments (is:) AHear% 8 Israel% the /8:2 o#r God% the
/8:2 is one"
?ar 12:-5 A+nd yo# shall lo!e the /8:2 yo#r God with all yo#r heart% with all yo#r so#l% with all yo#r mind% and
with all yo#r strength"A This (is) the $irst ommandment"
?ar 12:-1 .+nd the seond% li'e (it% is) this: ABo# shall lo!e yo#r neighbor as yo#rsel$"A There is no other
ommandment greater than these".
?ar 12:-2 ,o the sribe said to Him% .>ell (said%) Teaher" Bo# ha!e s*o'en the tr#th% $or there is one God% and
there is no other b#t He"
?ar 12:-- .+nd to lo!e Him with all the heart% with all the #nderstanding% with all the so#l% and with all the
strength% and to lo!e oneAs neighbor as onesel$% is more than all the whole b#rnt o$$erings and sari$ies".
?ar 12:-0 Now when Jes#s saw that he answered wisely% He said to him% .Bo# are not $ar $rom the 'ingdom o$
God". B#t a$ter that no one dared E#estion Him"
?ar 12:-1 Then Jes#s answered and said% while He ta#ght in the tem*le% .How (is it) that the sribes say that
the =hrist is the ,on o$ 2a!idC
?ar 12:-3 .;or 2a!id himsel$ said by the Holy ,*irit: AThe /8:2 said to my /ord% .,it at ?y right hand% Till I
ma'e Bo#r enemies Bo#r $ootstool". A
?ar 12:-4 .There$ore 2a!id himsel$ alls Him A/ordA& how is He (then) his ,onC. +nd the ommon *eo*le heard
Him gladly"
?ar 12:-8 Then He said to them in His teahing% .Beware o$ the sribes% who desire to go aro#nd in long robes%
(lo!e) greetings in the mar'et*laes%
?ar 12:-9 .the best seats in the synagog#es% and the best *laes at $easts%
?ar 12:05 .who de!o#r widowsA ho#ses% and $or a *retense ma'e long *rayers" These will reei!e greater
?ar 12:01 Now Jes#s sat o**osite the treas#ry and saw how the *eo*le *#t money into the treas#ry" +nd many
(who were) rih *#t in m#h"
?ar 12:02 Then one *oor widow ame and threw in two mites% whih ma'e a E#adrans"
?ar 12:0- ,o He alled His disi*les to (Himsel$) and said to them% .+ss#redly% I say to yo# that this *oor widow
has *#t in more than all those who ha!e gi!en to the treas#ry&
?ar 12:00 .$or they all *#t in o#t o$ their ab#ndane% b#t she o#t o$ her *o!erty *#t in all that she had% her whole
?ar 1-:1 Then as He went o#t o$ the tem*le% one o$ His disi*les said to Him% .Teaher% see what manner o$
stones and what b#ildings (are hereF.)
?ar 1-:2 +nd Jes#s answered and said to him% .2o yo# see these great b#ildingsC Not (one) stone shall be le$t
#*on another% that shall not be thrown down".
?ar 1-:- Now as He sat on the ?o#nt o$ 8li!es o**osite the tem*le% <eter% James% John% and +ndrew as'ed
Him *ri!ately%
?ar 1-:0 .Tell #s% when will these things beC +nd what (will be) the sign when all these things will be $#l$illedC.
?ar 1-:1 +nd Jes#s% answering them% began to say: .Ta'e heed that no one deei!es yo#"
?ar 1-:3 .;or many will ome in ?y name% saying% AI am (He%A) and will deei!e many"
?ar 1-:4 .B#t when yo# hear o$ wars and r#mors o$ wars% do not be tro#bled& $or (s#h things) m#st ha**en% b#t
the end (is) not yet"
?ar 1-:8 .;or nation will rise against nation% and 'ingdom against 'ingdom" +nd there will be earthE#a'es in
!ario#s *laes% and there will be $amines and tro#bles" These (are) the beginnings o$ sorrows"
?ar 1-:9 .B#t wath o#t $or yo#rsel!es% $or they will deli!er yo# #* to o#nils% and yo# will be beaten in the
synagog#es" Bo# will be bro#ght be$ore r#lers and 'ings $or ?y sa'e% $or a testimony to them"
?ar 1-:15 .+nd the gos*el m#st $irst be *reahed to all the nations"
?ar 1-:11 .B#t when they arrest (yo#) and deli!er yo# #*% do not worry be$orehand% or *remeditate what yo# will
s*ea'" B#t whate!er is gi!en yo# in that ho#r% s*ea' that& $or it is not yo# who s*ea'% b#t the Holy ,*irit"
?ar 1-:12 .Now brother will betray brother to death% and a $ather (his) hild& and hildren will rise #* against
*arents and a#se them to be *#t to death"
?ar 1-:1- .+nd yo# will be hated by all $or ?y nameAs sa'e" B#t he who end#res to the end shall be sa!ed"
?ar 1-:10 . ,o when yo# see the Aabomination o$ desolation%A s*o'en o$ by 2aniel the *ro*het% standing where it
o#ght not. Ilet the reader #nderstandJ% .then let those who are in J#dea $lee to the mo#ntains"
?ar 1-:11 ./et him who is on the ho#seto* not go down into the ho#se% nor enter to ta'e anything o#t o$ his
?ar 1-:13 .+nd let him who is in the $ield not go ba' to get his lothes"
?ar 1-:14 .B#t woe to those who are *regnant and to those who are n#rsing babies in those daysF
?ar 1-:18 .+nd *ray that yo#r $light may not be in winter"
?ar 1-:19 .;or (in) those days there will be trib#lation% s#h as has not been sine the beginning o$ the reation
whih God reated #ntil this time% nor e!er shall be"
?ar 1-:25 .+nd #nless the /ord had shortened those days% no $lesh wo#ld be sa!ed& b#t $or the eletAs sa'e%
whom He hose% He shortened the days"
?ar 1-:21 .Then i$ anyone says to yo#% A/oo'% here (is) the =hristFA or% A/oo'% (He is) thereFA do not belie!e it"
?ar 1-:22 .;or $alse hrists and $alse *ro*hets will rise and show signs and wonders to deei!e% i$ *ossible%
e!en the elet"
?ar 1-:2- .B#t ta'e heed& see% I ha!e told yo# all things be$orehand"
?ar 1-:20 . B#t in those days% a$ter that trib#lation% the s#n will be dar'ened% and the moon will not gi!e its light&
?ar 1-:21 .the stars o$ hea!en will $all% and the *owers in the hea!ens will be sha'en"
?ar 1-:23 .Then they will see the ,on o$ ?an oming in the lo#ds with great *ower and glory"
?ar 1-:24 .+nd then He will send His angels% and gather together His elet $rom the $o#r winds% $rom the
$arthest *art o$ earth to the $arthest *art o$ hea!en"
?ar 1-:28 . Now learn this *arable $rom the $ig tree: >hen its branh has already beome tender% and *#ts $orth
lea!es% yo# 'now that s#mmer is near"
?ar 1-:29 .,o yo# also% when yo# see these things ha**ening% 'now that it is near DD at the doorsF
?ar 1-:-5 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% this generation will by no means *ass away till all these things ta'e *lae"
?ar 1-:-1 .Hea!en and earth will *ass away% b#t ?y words will by no means *ass away"
?ar 1-:-2 . B#t o$ that day and ho#r no one 'nows% not e!en the angels in hea!en% nor the ,on% b#t only the
?ar 1-:-- .Ta'e heed% wath and *ray& $or yo# do not 'now when the time is"
?ar 1-:-0 .(It is) li'e a man going to a $ar o#ntry% who le$t his ho#se and ga!e a#thority to his ser!ants% and to
eah his wor'% and ommanded the door'ee*er to wath"
?ar 1-:-1 .>ath there$ore% $or yo# do not 'now when the master o$ the ho#se is oming DD in the e!ening% at
midnight% at the rowing o$ the rooster% or in the morning DD
?ar 1-:-3 .lest% oming s#ddenly% he $ind yo# slee*ing"
?ar 1-:-4 .+nd what I say to yo#% I say to all: >athF.
?ar 10:1 +$ter two days it was the <asso!er and (the ;east) o$ 7nlea!ened Bread" +nd the hie$ *riests and the
sribes so#ght how they might ta'e Him by tri'ery and *#t (Him) to death"
?ar 10:2 B#t they said% .Not d#ring the $east% lest there be an #*roar o$ the *eo*le".
?ar 10:- +nd being in Bethany at the ho#se o$ ,imon the le*er% as He sat at the table% a woman ame ha!ing
an alabaster $las' o$ !ery ostly oil o$ s*i'enard" Then she bro'e the $las' and *o#red (it) on His head"
?ar 10:0 B#t there were some who were indignant among themsel!es% and said% .>hy was this $ragrant oil
?ar 10:1 .;or it might ha!e been sold $or more than three h#ndred denarii and gi!en to the *oor". +nd they
ritiiHed her shar*ly"
?ar 10:3 B#t Jes#s said% ./et her alone" >hy do yo# tro#ble herC ,he has done a good wor' $or ?e"
?ar 10:4 .;or yo# ha!e the *oor with yo# always% and whene!er yo# wish yo# may do them good& b#t ?e yo#
do not ha!e always"
?ar 10:8 .,he has done what she o#ld" ,he has ome be$orehand to anoint ?y body $or b#rial"
?ar 10:9 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% where!er this gos*el is *reahed in the whole world% what this woman has
done will also be told as a memorial to her".
?ar 10:15 Then J#das Isariot% one o$ the twel!e% went to the hie$ *riests to betray Him to them"
?ar 10:11 +nd when they heard (it%) they were glad% and *romised to gi!e him money" ,o he so#ght how he
might on!eniently betray Him"
?ar 10:12 Now on the $irst day o$ 7nlea!ened Bread% when they 'illed the <asso!er (lamb%) His disi*les said to
Him% .>here do Bo# want #s to go and *re*are% that Bo# may eat the <asso!erC.
?ar 10:1- +nd He sent o#t two o$ His disi*les and said to them% .Go into the ity% and a man will meet yo#
arrying a *ither o$ water& $ollow him"
?ar 10:10 .>here!er he goes in% say to the master o$ the ho#se% AThe Teaher says% .>here is the g#est room
in whih I may eat the <asso!er with ?y disi*lesC. A
?ar 10:11 .Then he will show yo# a large #**er room% $#rnished (and) *re*ared& there ma'e ready $or #s".
?ar 10:13 ,o His disi*les went o#t% and ame into the ity% and $o#nd it @#st as He had said to them& and they
*re*ared the <asso!er"
?ar 10:14 In the e!ening He ame with the twel!e"
?ar 10:18 Now as they sat and ate% Jes#s said% .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% one o$ yo# who eats with ?e will
betray ?e".
?ar 10:19 +nd they began to be sorrow$#l% and to say to Him one by one% .(Is) it IC. +nd another (said%) .(Is) it IC.
?ar 10:25 He answered and said to them% .(It is) one o$ the twel!e% who di*s with ?e in the dish"
?ar 10:21 .The ,on o$ ?an indeed goes @#st as it is written o$ Him% b#t woe to that man by whom the ,on o$
?an is betrayedF It wo#ld ha!e been good $or that man i$ he had ne!er been born".
?ar 10:22 +nd as they were eating% Jes#s too' bread% blessed and bro'e (it%) and ga!e (it) to them and said%
.Ta'e% eat& this is ?y body".
?ar 10:2- Then He too' the #*% and when He had gi!en than's He ga!e (it) to them% and they all dran' $rom it"
?ar 10:20 +nd He said to them% .This is ?y blood o$ the new o!enant% whih is shed $or many"
?ar 10:21 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% I will no longer drin' o$ the $r#it o$ the !ine #ntil that day when I drin' it new
in the 'ingdom o$ God".
?ar 10:23 +nd when they had s#ng a hymn% they went o#t to the ?o#nt o$ 8li!es"
?ar 10:24 Then Jes#s said to them% .+ll o$ yo# will be made to st#mble bea#se o$ ?e this night% $or it is written:
AI will stri'e the ,he*herd% +nd the shee* will be sattered"A
?ar 10:28 .B#t a$ter I ha!e been raised% I will go be$ore yo# to Galilee".
?ar 10:29 <eter said to Him% .6!en i$ all are made to st#mble% yet I (will) not (be".)
?ar 10:-5 Jes#s said to him% .+ss#redly% I say to yo# that today% (e!en) this night% be$ore the rooster rows
twie% yo# will deny ?e three times".
?ar 10:-1 B#t he s*o'e more !ehemently% .I$ I ha!e to die with Bo#% I will not deny Bo#F. +nd they all said
?ar 10:-2 Then they ame to a *lae whih was named Gethsemane& and He said to His disi*les% .,it here
while I *ray".
?ar 10:-- +nd He too' <eter% James% and John with Him% and He began to be tro#bled and dee*ly distressed"
?ar 10:-0 Then He said to them% .?y so#l is e9eedingly sorrow$#l% (e!en) to death" ,tay here and wath".
?ar 10:-1 He went a little $arther% and $ell on the gro#nd% and *rayed that i$ it were *ossible% the ho#r might *ass
$rom Him"
?ar 10:-3 +nd He said% .+bba% ;ather% all things (are) *ossible $or Bo#" Ta'e this #* away $rom ?e&
ne!ertheless% not what I will% b#t what Bo# (will".)
?ar 10:-4 Then He ame and $o#nd them slee*ing% and said to <eter% .,imon% are yo# slee*ingC =o#ld yo# not
wath one ho#rC
?ar 10:-8 .>ath and *ray% lest yo# enter into tem*tation" The s*irit indeed (is) willing% b#t the $lesh (is) wea'".
?ar 10:-9 +gain He went away and *rayed% and s*o'e the same words"
?ar 10:05 +nd when He ret#rned% He $o#nd them aslee* again% $or their eyes were hea!y& and they did not
'now what to answer Him"
?ar 10:01 Then He ame the third time and said to them% .+re yo# still slee*ing and restingC It is eno#ghF The
ho#r has ome& behold% the ,on o$ ?an is being betrayed into the hands o$ sinners"
?ar 10:02 .:ise% let #s be going" ,ee% ?y betrayer is at hand".
?ar 10:0- +nd immediately% while He was still s*ea'ing% J#das% one o$ the twel!e% with a great m#ltit#de with
swords and l#bs% ame $rom the hie$ *riests and the sribes and the elders"
?ar 10:00 Now His betrayer had gi!en them a signal% saying% .>home!er I 'iss% He is the 8ne& seiHe Him and
lead (Him) away sa$ely".
?ar 10:01 +s soon as He had ome% immediately he went #* to Him and said to Him% .:abbi% :abbiF. and
'issed Him"
?ar 10:03 Then they laid their hands on Him and too' Him"
?ar 10:04 +nd one o$ those who stood by drew his sword and str#' the ser!ant o$ the high *riest% and #t o$$
his ear"
?ar 10:08 Then Jes#s answered and said to them% .Ha!e yo# ome o#t% as against a robber% with swords and
l#bs to ta'e ?eC
?ar 10:09 .I was daily with yo# in the tem*le teahing% and yo# did not seiHe ?e" B#t the ,ri*t#res m#st be
?ar 10:15 Then they all $orsoo' Him and $led"
?ar 10:11 Now a ertain yo#ng man $ollowed Him% ha!ing a linen loth thrown aro#nd (his) na'ed (body") +nd
the yo#ng men laid hold o$ him%
?ar 10:12 and he le$t the linen loth and $led $rom them na'ed"
?ar 10:1- +nd they led Jes#s away to the high *riest& and with him were assembled all the hie$ *riests% the
elders% and the sribes"
?ar 10:10 B#t <eter $ollowed Him at a distane% right into the o#rtyard o$ the high *riest" +nd he sat with the
ser!ants and warmed himsel$ at the $ire"
?ar 10:11 Now the hie$ *riests and all the o#nil so#ght testimony against Jes#s to *#t Him to death% b#t
$o#nd none"
?ar 10:13 ;or many bore $alse witness against Him% b#t their testimonies did not agree"
?ar 10:14 Then some rose #* and bore $alse witness against Him% saying%
?ar 10:18 .>e heard Him say% AI will destroy this tem*le made with hands% and within three days I will b#ild
another made witho#t hands"A .
?ar 10:19 B#t not e!en then did their testimony agree"
?ar 10:35 +nd the high *riest stood #* in the midst and as'ed Jes#s% saying% .2o Bo# answer nothingC >hat
(is it) these men testi$y against Bo#C.
?ar 10:31 B#t He 'e*t silent and answered nothing" +gain the high *riest as'ed Him% saying to Him% .+re Bo#
the =hrist% the ,on o$ the BlessedC.
?ar 10:32 Jes#s said% .I am" +nd yo# will see the ,on o$ ?an sitting at the right hand o$ the <ower% and oming
with the lo#ds o$ hea!en".
?ar 10:3- Then the high *riest tore his lothes and said% .>hat $#rther need do we ha!e o$ witnessesC
?ar 10:30 .Bo# ha!e heard the blas*hemyF >hat do yo# thin'C. +nd they all ondemned Him to be deser!ing
o$ death"
?ar 10:31 Then some began to s*it on Him% and to blind$old Him% and to beat Him% and to say to Him%
.<ro*hesyF. +nd the o$$iers str#' Him with the *alms o$ their hands"
?ar 10:33 Now as <eter was below in the o#rtyard% one o$ the ser!ant girls o$ the high *riest ame"
?ar 10:34 +nd when she saw <eter warming himsel$% she loo'ed at him and said% .Bo# also were with Jes#s o$
?ar 10:38 B#t he denied it% saying% .I neither 'now nor #nderstand what yo# are saying". +nd he went o#t on
the *orh% and a rooster rowed"
?ar 10:39 +nd the ser!ant girl saw him again% and began to say to those who stood by% .This is one o$ them".
?ar 10:45 B#t he denied it again" +nd a little later those who stood by said to <eter again% .,#rely yo# are (one)
o$ them& $or yo# are a Galilean% and yo#r s*eeh shows (it".)
?ar 10:41 Then he began to #rse and swear% .I do not 'now this ?an o$ whom yo# s*ea'F.
?ar 10:42 + seond time (the) rooster rowed" Then <eter alled to mind the word that Jes#s had said to him%
.Be$ore the rooster rows twie% yo# will deny ?e three times". +nd when he tho#ght abo#t it% he we*t"
?ar 11:1 Immediately% in the morning% the hie$ *riests held a ons#ltation with the elders and sribes and the
whole o#nil& and they bo#nd Jes#s% led (Him) away% and deli!ered (Him) to <ilate"
?ar 11:2 Then <ilate as'ed Him% .+re Bo# the King o$ the JewsC. He answered and said to him% .(It is as) yo#
?ar 11:- +nd the hie$ *riests a#sed Him o$ many things% b#t He answered nothing"
?ar 11:0 Then <ilate as'ed Him again% saying% .2o Bo# answer nothingC ,ee how many things they testi$y
against Bo#F.
?ar 11:1 B#t Jes#s still answered nothing% so that <ilate mar!eled"
?ar 11:3 Now at the $east he was a#stomed to releasing one *risoner to them% whome!er they reE#ested"
?ar 11:4 +nd there was one named Barabbas% (who was) hained with his $ellow rebels& they had ommitted
m#rder in the rebellion"
?ar 11:8 Then the m#ltit#de% rying alo#d% began to as' (him to do) @#st as he had always done $or them"
?ar 11:9 B#t <ilate answered them% saying% .2o yo# want me to release to yo# the King o$ the JewsC.
?ar 11:15 ;or he 'new that the hie$ *riests had handed Him o!er bea#se o$ en!y"
?ar 11:11 B#t the hie$ *riests stirred #* the rowd% so that he sho#ld rather release Barabbas to them"
?ar 11:12 <ilate answered and said to them again% .>hat then do yo# want me to do (with Him) whom yo# all
the King o$ the JewsC.
?ar 11:1- ,o they ried o#t again% .=r#i$y HimF.
?ar 11:10 Then <ilate said to them% .>hy% what e!il has He doneC. B#t they ried o#t all the more% .=r#i$y
?ar 11:11 ,o <ilate% wanting to grati$y the rowd% released Barabbas to them& and he deli!ered Jes#s% a$ter he
had so#rged (Him%) to be r#i$ied"
?ar 11:13 Then the soldiers led Him away into the hall alled <raetori#m% and they alled together the whole
?ar 11:14 +nd they lothed Him with *#r*le& and they twisted a rown o$ thorns% *#t it on His (head%)
?ar 11:18 and began to sal#te Him% .Hail% King o$ the JewsF.
?ar 11:19 Then they str#' Him on the head with a reed and s*at on Him& and bowing the 'nee% they worshi*ed
?ar 11:25 +nd when they had mo'ed Him% they too' the *#r*le o$$ Him% *#t His own lothes on Him% and led
Him o#t to r#i$y Him"
?ar 11:21 Then they om*elled a ertain man% ,imon a =yrenian% the $ather o$ +le9ander and :#$#s% as he was
oming o#t o$ the o#ntry and *assing by% to bear His ross"
?ar 11:22 +nd they bro#ght Him to the *lae Golgotha% whih is translated% <lae o$ a ,'#ll"
?ar 11:2- Then they ga!e Him wine mingled with myrrh to drin'% b#t He did not ta'e (it")
?ar 11:20 +nd when they r#i$ied Him% they di!ided His garments% asting lots $or them to determine what
e!ery man sho#ld ta'e"
?ar 11:21 Now it was the third ho#r% and they r#i$ied Him"
?ar 11:23 +nd the insri*tion o$ His a#sation was written abo!e: TH6 KING 8; TH6 J6>,"
?ar 11:24 >ith Him they also r#i$ied two robbers% one on His right and the other on His le$t"
?ar 11:28 ,o the ,ri*t#re was $#l$illed whih says% .+nd He was n#mbered with the transgressors".
?ar 11:29 +nd those who *assed by blas*hemed Him% wagging their heads and saying% .+haF (Bo#) who
destroy the tem*le and b#ild (it) in three days%
?ar 11:-5 .sa!e Bo#rsel$% and ome down $rom the rossF.
?ar 11:-1 /i'ewise the hie$ *riests also% mo'ing among themsel!es with the sribes% said% .He sa!ed others&
Himsel$ He annot sa!e"
?ar 11:-2 ./et the =hrist% the King o$ Israel% desend now $rom the ross% that we may see and belie!e". 6!en
those who were r#i$ied with Him re!iled Him"
?ar 11:-- Now when the si9th ho#r had ome% there was dar'ness o!er the whole land #ntil the ninth ho#r"
?ar 11:-0 +nd at the ninth ho#r Jes#s ried o#t with a lo#d !oie% saying% .6loi% 6loi% lama sabahthaniC. whih
is translated% .?y God% ?y God% why ha!e Bo# $orsa'en ?eC.
?ar 11:-1 ,ome o$ those who stood by% when they heard (that%) said% ./oo'% He is alling $or 6li@ahF.
?ar 11:-3 Then someone ran and $illed a s*onge $#ll o$ so#r wine% *#t (it) on a reed% and o$$ered (it) to Him to
drin'% saying% ./et Him alone& let #s see i$ 6li@ah will ome to ta'e Him down".
?ar 11:-4 +nd Jes#s ried o#t with a lo#d !oie% and breathed His last"
?ar 11:-8 Then the !eil o$ the tem*le was torn in two $rom to* to bottom"
?ar 11:-9 ,o when the ent#rion% who stood o**osite Him% saw that He ried o#t li'e this and breathed His last%
he said% .Tr#ly this ?an was the ,on o$ GodF.
?ar 11:05 There were also women loo'ing on $rom a$ar% among whom were ?ary ?agdalene% ?ary the mother
o$ James the /ess and o$ Joses% and ,alome%
?ar 11:01 who also $ollowed Him and ministered to Him when He was in Galilee% and many other women who
ame #* with Him to Jer#salem"
?ar 11:02 Now when e!ening had ome% bea#se it was the <re*aration 2ay% that is% the day be$ore the
?ar 11:0- Jose*h o$ +rimathea% a *rominent o#nil member% who was himsel$ waiting $or the 'ingdom o$ God%
oming and ta'ing o#rage% went in to <ilate and as'ed $or the body o$ Jes#s"
?ar 11:00 <ilate mar!eled that He was already dead& and s#mmoning the ent#rion% he as'ed him i$ He had
been dead $or some time"
?ar 11:01 ,o when he $o#nd o#t $rom the ent#rion% he granted the body to Jose*h"
?ar 11:03 Then he bo#ght $ine linen% too' Him down% and wra**ed Him in the linen" +nd he laid Him in a tomb
whih had been hewn o#t o$ the ro'% and rolled a stone against the door o$ the tomb"
?ar 11:04 +nd ?ary ?agdalene and ?ary (the mother) o$ Joses obser!ed where He was laid"
?ar 13:1 Now when the ,abbath was *ast% ?ary ?agdalene% ?ary (the mother) o$ James% and ,alome bo#ght
s*ies% that they might ome and anoint Him"
?ar 13:2 Very early in the morning% on the $irst (day) o$ the wee'% they ame to the tomb when the s#n had
?ar 13:- +nd they said among themsel!es% .>ho will roll away the stone $rom the door o$ the tomb $or #sC.
?ar 13:0 B#t when they loo'ed #*% they saw that the stone had been rolled away DD $or it was !ery large"
?ar 13:1 +nd entering the tomb% they saw a yo#ng man lothed in a long white robe sitting on the right side& and
they were alarmed"
?ar 13:3 B#t he said to them% .2o not be alarmed" Bo# see' Jes#s o$ NaHareth% who was r#i$ied" He is risenF
He is not here" ,ee the *lae where they laid Him"
?ar 13:4 .B#t go% tell His disi*les DD and <eter DD that He is going be$ore yo# into Galilee& there yo# will see
Him% as He said to yo#".
?ar 13:8 ,o they went o#t E#i'ly and $led $rom the tomb% $or they trembled and were amaHed" +nd they said
nothing to anyone% $or they were a$raid"
?ar 13:9 Now when (He) rose early on the $irst (day) o$ the wee'% He a**eared $irst to ?ary ?agdalene% o#t o$
whom He had ast se!en demons"
?ar 13:15 ,he went and told those who had been with Him% as they mo#rned and we*t"
?ar 13:11 +nd when they heard that He was ali!e and had been seen by her% they did not belie!e"
?ar 13:12 +$ter that% He a**eared in another $orm to two o$ them as they wal'ed and went into the o#ntry"
?ar 13:1- +nd they went and told (it) to the rest% (b#t) they did not belie!e them either"
?ar 13:10 /ater He a**eared to the ele!en as they sat at the table& and He reb#'ed their #nbelie$ and hardness
o$ heart% bea#se they did not belie!e those who had seen Him a$ter He had risen"
?ar 13:11 +nd He said to them% .Go into all the world and *reah the gos*el to e!ery reat#re"
?ar 13:13 .He who belie!es and is ba*tiHed will be sa!ed& b#t he who does not belie!e will be ondemned"
?ar 13:14 .+nd these signs will $ollow those who belie!e: In ?y name they will ast o#t demons& they will s*ea'
with new tong#es&
?ar 13:18 .they will ta'e #* ser*ents& and i$ they drin' anything deadly% it will by no means h#rt them& they will
lay hands on the si'% and they will reo!er".
?ar 13:19 ,o then% a$ter the /ord had s*o'en to them% He was reei!ed #* into hea!en% and sat down at the
right hand o$ God"
?ar 13:25 +nd they went o#t and *reahed e!erywhere% the /ord wor'ing with (them) and on$irming the word
thro#gh the aom*anying signs" +men"
/#' 1:1 Inasm#h as many ha!e ta'en in hand to set in order a narrati!e o$ those things whih ha!e been
$#l$illed among #s%
/#' 1:2 @#st as those who $rom the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers o$ the word deli!ered them to #s%
/#' 1:- it seemed good to me also% ha!ing had *er$et #nderstanding o$ all things $rom the !ery $irst% to write to
yo# an orderly ao#nt% most e9ellent Theo*hil#s%
/#' 1:0 that yo# may 'now the ertainty o$ those things in whih yo# were instr#ted"
/#' 1:1 There was in the days o$ Herod% the 'ing o$ J#dea% a ertain *riest named Gaharias% o$ the di!ision o$
+bi@ah" His wi$e (was) o$ the da#ghters o$ +aron% and her name (was) 6liHabeth"
/#' 1:3 +nd they were both righteo#s be$ore God% wal'ing in all the ommandments and ordinanes o$ the /ord
/#' 1:4 B#t they had no hild% bea#se 6liHabeth was barren% and they were both well ad!aned in years"
/#' 1:8 ,o it was% that while he was ser!ing as *riest be$ore God in the order o$ his di!ision%
/#' 1:9 aording to the #stom o$ the *riesthood% his lot $ell to b#rn inense when he went into the tem*le o$
the /ord"
/#' 1:15 +nd the whole m#ltit#de o$ the *eo*le was *raying o#tside at the ho#r o$ inense"
/#' 1:11 Then an angel o$ the /ord a**eared to him% standing on the right side o$ the altar o$ inense"
/#' 1:12 +nd when Gaharias saw (him%) he was tro#bled% and $ear $ell #*on him"
/#' 1:1- B#t the angel said to him% .2o not be a$raid% Gaharias% $or yo#r *rayer is heard& and yo#r wi$e
6liHabeth will bear yo# a son% and yo# shall all his name John"
/#' 1:10 .+nd yo# will ha!e @oy and gladness% and many will re@oie at his birth"
/#' 1:11 .;or he will be great in the sight o$ the /ord% and shall drin' neither wine nor strong drin'" He will also
be $illed with the Holy ,*irit% e!en $rom his motherAs womb"
/#' 1:13 .+nd he will t#rn many o$ the hildren o$ Israel to the /ord their God"
/#' 1:14 .He will also go be$ore Him in the s*irit and *ower o$ 6li@ah% Ato t#rn the hearts o$ the $athers to the
hildren%A and the disobedient to the wisdom o$ the @#st% to ma'e ready a *eo*le *re*ared $or the /ord".
/#' 1:18 +nd Gaharias said to the angel% .How shall I 'now thisC ;or I am an old man% and my wi$e is well
ad!aned in years".
/#' 1:19 +nd the angel answered and said to him% .I am Gabriel% who stands in the *resene o$ God% and was
sent to s*ea' to yo# and bring yo# these glad tidings"
/#' 1:25 .B#t behold% yo# will be m#te and not able to s*ea' #ntil the day these things ta'e *lae% bea#se yo#
did not belie!e my words whih will be $#l$illed in their own time".
/#' 1:21 +nd the *eo*le waited $or Gaharias% and mar!eled that he lingered so long in the tem*le"
/#' 1:22 B#t when he ame o#t% he o#ld not s*ea' to them& and they *erei!ed that he had seen a !ision in
the tem*le% $or he be'oned to them and remained s*eehless"
/#' 1:2- +nd so it was% as soon as the days o$ his ser!ie were om*leted% that he de*arted to his own ho#se"
/#' 1:20 Now a$ter those days his wi$e 6liHabeth onei!ed& and she hid hersel$ $i!e months% saying%
/#' 1:21 .Th#s the /ord has dealt with me% in the days when He loo'ed on (me%) to ta'e away my re*roah
among *eo*le".
/#' 1:23 Now in the si9th month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a ity o$ Galilee named NaHareth%
/#' 1:24 to a !irgin betrothed to a man whose name was Jose*h% o$ the ho#se o$ 2a!id" The !irginAs name
(was) ?ary"
/#' 1:28 +nd ha!ing ome in% the angel said to her% .:e@oie% highly $a!ored (one%) the /ord (is) with yo#&
blessed (are) yo# among womenF.
/#' 1:29 B#t when she saw (him%) she was tro#bled at his saying% and onsidered what manner o$ greeting this
/#' 1:-5 Then the angel said to her% .2o not be a$raid% ?ary% $or yo# ha!e $o#nd $a!or with God"
/#' 1:-1 .+nd behold% yo# will onei!e in yo#r womb and bring $orth a ,on% and shall all His name J6,7,"
/#' 1:-2 .He will be great% and will be alled the ,on o$ the Highest& and the /ord God will gi!e Him the throne
o$ His $ather 2a!id"
/#' 1:-- .+nd He will reign o!er the ho#se o$ Jaob $ore!er% and o$ His 'ingdom there will be no end".
/#' 1:-0 Then ?ary said to the angel% .How an this be% sine I do not 'now a manC.
/#' 1:-1 +nd the angel answered and said to her% .(The) Holy ,*irit will ome #*on yo#% and the *ower o$ the
Highest will o!ershadow yo#& there$ore% also% that Holy 8ne who is to be born will be alled the ,on o$ God"
/#' 1:-3 .Now indeed% 6liHabeth yo#r relati!e has also onei!ed a son in her old age& and this is now the si9th
month $or her who was alled barren"
/#' 1:-4 .;or with God nothing will be im*ossible".
/#' 1:-8 Then ?ary said% .Behold the maidser!ant o$ the /ordF /et it be to me aording to yo#r word". +nd the
angel de*arted $rom her"
/#' 1:-9 Now ?ary arose in those days and went into the hill o#ntry with haste% to a ity o$ J#dah%
/#' 1:05 and entered the ho#se o$ Gaharias and greeted 6liHabeth"
/#' 1:01 +nd it ha**ened% when 6liHabeth heard the greeting o$ ?ary% that the babe lea*ed in her womb& and
6liHabeth was $illed with the Holy ,*irit"
/#' 1:02 Then she s*o'e o#t with a lo#d !oie and said% .Blessed (are) yo# among women% and blessed (is) the
$r#it o$ yo#r wombF
/#' 1:0- .B#t why (is) this (granted) to me% that the mother o$ my /ord sho#ld ome to meC
/#' 1:00 .;or indeed% as soon as the !oie o$ yo#r greeting so#nded in my ears% the babe lea*ed in my womb
$or @oy"
/#' 1:01 .Blessed (is) she who belie!ed% $or there will be a $#l$illment o$ those things whih were told her $rom
the /ord".
/#' 1:03 +nd ?ary said: .?y so#l magni$ies the /ord%
/#' 1:04 +nd my s*irit has re@oied in God my ,a!ior"
/#' 1:08 ;or He has regarded the lowly state o$ His maidser!ant& ;or behold% hene$orth all generations will all
me blessed"
/#' 1:09 ;or He who is mighty has done great things $or me% +nd holy (is) His name"
/#' 1:15 +nd His mery (is) on those who $ear Him ;rom generation to generation"
/#' 1:11 He has shown strength with His arm& He has sattered (the) *ro#d in the imagination o$ their hearts"
/#' 1:12 He has *#t down the mighty $rom (their) thrones% +nd e9alted (the) lowly"
/#' 1:1- He has $illed (the) h#ngry with good things% +nd (the) rih He has sent away em*ty"
/#' 1:10 He has hel*ed His ser!ant Israel% In remembrane o$ (His) mery%
/#' 1:11 +s He s*o'e to o#r $athers% To +braham and to his seed $ore!er".
/#' 1:13 +nd ?ary remained with her abo#t three months% and ret#rned to her ho#se"
/#' 1:14 Now 6liHabethAs $#ll time ame $or her to be deli!ered% and she bro#ght $orth a son"
/#' 1:18 >hen her neighbors and relati!es heard how the /ord had shown great mery to her% they re@oied
with her"
/#' 1:19 ,o it was% on the eighth day% that they ame to ir#mise the hild& and they wo#ld ha!e alled him by
the name o$ his $ather% Gaharias"
/#' 1:35 His mother answered and said% .No& he shall be alled John".
/#' 1:31 B#t they said to her% .There is no one among yo#r relati!es who is alled by this name".
/#' 1:32 ,o they made signs to his $ather DD what he wo#ld ha!e him alled"
/#' 1:3- +nd he as'ed $or a writing tablet% and wrote% saying% .His name is John". ,o they all mar!eled"
/#' 1:30 Immediately his mo#th was o*ened and his tong#e (loosed%) and he s*o'e% *raising God"
/#' 1:31 Then $ear ame on all who dwelt aro#nd them& and all these sayings were dis#ssed thro#gho#t all the
hill o#ntry o$ J#dea"
/#' 1:33 +nd all those who heard (them) 'e*t (them) in their hearts% saying% .>hat 'ind o$ hild will this beC. +nd
the hand o$ the /ord was with him"
/#' 1:34 Now his $ather Gaharias was $illed with the Holy ,*irit% and *ro*hesied% saying:
/#' 1:38 .Blessed (is) the /ord God o$ Israel% ;or He has !isited and redeemed His *eo*le%
/#' 1:39 +nd has raised #* a horn o$ sal!ation $or #s In the ho#se o$ His ser!ant 2a!id%
/#' 1:45 +s He s*o'e by the mo#th o$ His holy *ro*hets% >ho (ha!e been) sine the world began%
/#' 1:41 That we sho#ld be sa!ed $rom o#r enemies +nd $rom the hand o$ all who hate #s%
/#' 1:42 To *er$orm the mery (*romised) to o#r $athers +nd to remember His holy o!enant%
/#' 1:4- The oath whih He swore to o#r $ather +braham:
/#' 1:40 To grant #s that we% Being deli!ered $rom the hand o$ o#r enemies% ?ight ser!e Him witho#t $ear%
/#' 1:41 In holiness and righteo#sness be$ore Him all the days o$ o#r li$e"
/#' 1:43 .+nd yo#% hild% will be alled the *ro*het o$ the Highest& ;or yo# will go be$ore the $ae o$ the /ord to
*re*are His ways%
/#' 1:44 To gi!e 'nowledge o$ sal!ation to His *eo*le By the remission o$ their sins%
/#' 1:48 Thro#gh the tender mery o$ o#r God% >ith whih the 2ays*ring $rom on high has !isited #s&
/#' 1:49 To gi!e light to those who sit in dar'ness and the shadow o$ death% To g#ide o#r $eet into the way o$
/#' 1:85 ,o the hild grew and beame strong in s*irit% and was in the deserts till the day o$ his mani$estation to
/#' 2:1 +nd it ame to *ass in those days (that) a deree went o#t $rom =aesar +#g#st#s that all the world
sho#ld be registered"
/#' 2:2 This ens#s $irst too' *lae while K#irini#s was go!erning ,yria"
/#' 2:- ,o all went to be registered% e!eryone to his own ity"
/#' 2:0 Jose*h also went #* $rom Galilee% o#t o$ the ity o$ NaHareth% into J#dea% to the ity o$ 2a!id% whih is
alled Bethlehem% bea#se he was o$ the ho#se and lineage o$ 2a!id%
/#' 2:1 to be registered with ?ary% his betrothed wi$e% who was with hild"
/#' 2:3 ,o it was% that while they were there% the days were om*leted $or her to be deli!ered"
/#' 2:4 +nd she bro#ght $orth her $irstborn ,on% and wra**ed Him in swaddling loths% and laid Him in a
manger% bea#se there was no room $or them in the inn"
/#' 2:8 Now there were in the same o#ntry she*herds li!ing o#t in the $ields% 'ee*ing wath o!er their $lo' by
/#' 2:9 +nd behold% an angel o$ the /ord stood be$ore them% and the glory o$ the /ord shone aro#nd them% and
they were greatly a$raid"
/#' 2:15 Then the angel said to them% .2o not be a$raid% $or behold% I bring yo# good tidings o$ great @oy whih
will be to all *eo*le"
/#' 2:11 .;or there is born to yo# this day in the ity o$ 2a!id a ,a!ior% who is =hrist the /ord"
/#' 2:12 .+nd this (will be) the sign to yo#: Bo# will $ind a Babe wra**ed in swaddling loths% lying in a manger".
/#' 2:1- +nd s#ddenly there was with the angel a m#ltit#de o$ the hea!enly host *raising God and saying:
/#' 2:10 .Glory to God in the highest% +nd on earth *eae% goodwill toward menF.
/#' 2:11 ,o it was% when the angels had gone away $rom them into hea!en% that the she*herds said to one
another% ./et #s now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has ome to *ass% whih the /ord has made 'nown
to #s".
/#' 2:13 +nd they ame with haste and $o#nd ?ary and Jose*h% and the Babe lying in a manger"
/#' 2:14 Now when they had seen (Him%) they made widely 'nown the saying whih was told them onerning
this =hild"
/#' 2:18 +nd all those who heard (it) mar!eled at those things whih were told them by the she*herds"
/#' 2:19 B#t ?ary 'e*t all these things and *ondered (them) in her heart"
/#' 2:25 Then the she*herds ret#rned% glori$ying and *raising God $or all the things that they had heard and
seen% as it was told them"
/#' 2:21 +nd when eight days were om*leted $or the ir#mision o$ the =hild% His name was alled J6,7,%
the name gi!en by the angel be$ore He was onei!ed in the womb"
/#' 2:22 Now when the days o$ her *#ri$iation aording to the law o$ ?oses were om*leted% they bro#ght
Him to Jer#salem to *resent (Him) to the /ord
/#' 2:2- Ias it is written in the law o$ the /ord% .6!ery male who o*ens the womb shall be alled holy to the
/#' 2:20 and to o$$er a sari$ie aording to what is said in the law o$ the /ord% .+ *air o$ t#rtledo!es or two
yo#ng *igeons".
/#' 2:21 +nd behold% there was a man in Jer#salem whose name was ,imeon% and this man was @#st and
de!o#t% waiting $or the =onsolation o$ Israel% and the Holy ,*irit was #*on him"
/#' 2:23 +nd it had been re!ealed to him by the Holy ,*irit that he wo#ld not see death be$ore he had seen the
/ordAs =hrist"
/#' 2:24 ,o he ame by the ,*irit into the tem*le" +nd when the *arents bro#ght in the =hild Jes#s% to do $or
Him aording to the #stom o$ the law%
/#' 2:28 he too' Him #* in his arms and blessed God and said:
/#' 2:29 ./ord% now Bo# are letting Bo#r ser!ant de*art in *eae% +ording to Bo#r word&
/#' 2:-5 ;or my eyes ha!e seen Bo#r sal!ation
/#' 2:-1 >hih Bo# ha!e *re*ared be$ore the $ae o$ all *eo*les%
/#' 2:-2 + light to (bring) re!elation to the Gentiles% +nd the glory o$ Bo#r *eo*le Israel".
/#' 2:-- +nd Jose*h and His mother mar!eled at those things whih were s*o'en o$ Him"
/#' 2:-0 Then ,imeon blessed them% and said to ?ary His mother% .Behold% this (=hild) is destined $or the $all
and rising o$ many in Israel% and $or a sign whih will be s*o'en against
/#' 2:-1 .Iyes% a sword will *iere thro#gh yo#r own so#l alsoJ% that the tho#ghts o$ many hearts may be
/#' 2:-3 Now there was one% +nna% a *ro*hetess% the da#ghter o$ <han#el% o$ the tribe o$ +sher" ,he was o$ a
great age% and had li!ed with a h#sband se!en years $rom her !irginity&
/#' 2:-4 and this woman (was) a widow o$ abo#t eightyD$o#r years% who did not de*art $rom the tem*le% b#t
ser!ed (God) with $astings and *rayers night and day"
/#' 2:-8 +nd oming in that instant she ga!e than's to the /ord% and s*o'e o$ Him to all those who loo'ed $or
redem*tion in Jer#salem"
/#' 2:-9 ,o when they had *er$ormed all things aording to the law o$ the /ord% they ret#rned to Galilee% to
their (own) ity% NaHareth"
/#' 2:05 +nd the =hild grew and beame strong in s*irit% $illed with wisdom& and the grae o$ God was #*on
/#' 2:01 His *arents went to Jer#salem e!ery year at the ;east o$ the <asso!er"
/#' 2:02 +nd when He was twel!e years old% they went #* to Jer#salem aording to the #stom o$ the $east"
/#' 2:0- >hen they had $inished the days% as they ret#rned% the Boy Jes#s lingered behind in Jer#salem" +nd
Jose*h and His mother did not 'now (it&)
/#' 2:00 b#t s#**osing Him to ha!e been in the om*any% they went a dayAs @o#rney% and so#ght Him among
(their) relati!es and aE#aintanes"
/#' 2:01 ,o when they did not $ind Him% they ret#rned to Jer#salem% see'ing Him"
/#' 2:03 Now so it was (that) a$ter three days they $o#nd Him in the tem*le% sitting in the midst o$ the teahers%
both listening to them and as'ing them E#estions"
/#' 2:04 +nd all who heard Him were astonished at His #nderstanding and answers"
/#' 2:08 ,o when they saw Him% they were amaHed& and His mother said to Him% .,on% why ha!e Bo# done this
to #sC /oo'% Bo#r $ather and I ha!e so#ght Bo# an9io#sly".
/#' 2:09 +nd He said to them% .>hy did yo# see' ?eC 2id yo# not 'now that I m#st be abo#t ?y ;atherAs
/#' 2:15 B#t they did not #nderstand the statement whih He s*o'e to them"
/#' 2:11 Then He went down with them and ame to NaHareth% and was s#b@et to them% b#t His mother 'e*t all
these things in her heart"
/#' 2:12 +nd Jes#s inreased in wisdom and stat#re% and in $a!or with God and men"
/#' -:1 Now in the $i$teenth year o$ the reign o$ Tiberi#s =aesar% <onti#s <ilate being go!ernor o$ J#dea% Herod
being tetrarh o$ Galilee% his brother <hili* tetrarh o$ It#rea and the region o$ Trahonitis% and /ysanias tetrarh
o$ +bilene%
/#' -:2 while +nnas and =aia*has were high *riests% the word o$ God ame to John the son o$ Gaharias in the
/#' -:- +nd he went into all the region aro#nd the Jordan% *reahing a ba*tism o$ re*entane $or the remission
o$ sins%
/#' -:0 as it is written in the boo' o$ the words o$ Isaiah the *ro*het% saying: .The !oie o$ one rying in the
wilderness: A<re*are the way o$ the /8:2& ?a'e His *aths straight"
/#' -:1 6!ery !alley shall be $illed +nd e!ery mo#ntain and hill bro#ght low& The roo'ed *laes shall be made
straight +nd the ro#gh ways smooth&
/#' -:3 +nd all $lesh shall see the sal!ation o$ God"A .
/#' -:4 Then he said to the m#ltit#des that ame o#t to be ba*tiHed by him% .Brood o$ !i*ersF >ho warned yo#
to $lee $rom the wrath to omeC
/#' -:8 .There$ore bear $r#its worthy o$ re*entane% and do not begin to say to yo#rsel!es% A>e ha!e +braham
as (o#r) $ather"A ;or I say to yo# that God is able to raise #* hildren to +braham $rom these stones"
/#' -:9 .+nd e!en now the a9 is laid to the root o$ the trees" There$ore e!ery tree whih does not bear good $r#it
is #t down and thrown into the $ire".
/#' -:15 ,o the *eo*le as'ed him% saying% .>hat shall we do thenC.
/#' -:11 He answered and said to them% .He who has two t#nis% let him gi!e to him who has none& and he who
has $ood% let him do li'ewise".
/#' -:12 Then ta9 olletors also ame to be ba*tiHed% and said to him% .Teaher% what shall we doC.
/#' -:1- +nd he said to them% .=ollet no more than what is a**ointed $or yo#".
/#' -:10 /i'ewise the soldiers as'ed him% saying% .+nd what shall we doC. ,o he said to them% .2o not
intimidate anyone or a#se $alsely% and be ontent with yo#r wages".
/#' -:11 Now as the *eo*le were in e9*etation% and all reasoned in their hearts abo#t John% whether he was
the =hrist (or) not%
/#' -:13 John answered% saying to all% .I indeed ba*tiHe yo# with water& b#t 8ne mightier than I is oming%
whose sandal stra* I am not worthy to loose" He will ba*tiHe yo# with the Holy ,*irit and $ire"
/#' -:14 .His winnowing $an (is) in His hand% and He will thoro#ghly lean o#t His threshing $loor% and gather the
wheat into His barn& b#t the ha$$ He will b#rn with #nE#enhable $ire".
/#' -:18 +nd with many other e9hortations he *reahed to the *eo*le"
/#' -:19 B#t Herod the tetrarh% being reb#'ed by him onerning Herodias% his brother <hili*As wi$e% and $or all
the e!ils whih Herod had done%
/#' -:25 also added this% abo!e all% that he sh#t John #* in *rison"
/#' -:21 >hen all the *eo*le were ba*tiHed% it ame to *ass that Jes#s also was ba*tiHed& and while He
*rayed% the hea!en was o*ened"
/#' -:22 +nd the Holy ,*irit desended in bodily $orm li'e a do!e #*on Him% and a !oie ame $rom hea!en
whih said% .Bo# are ?y belo!ed ,on& in Bo# I am well *leased".
/#' -:2- Now Jes#s Himsel$ began (His ministry at) abo#t thirty years o$ age% being Ias was s#**osedJ (the) son
o$ Jose*h% (the son) o$ Heli%
/#' -:20 (the son) o$ ?atthat% (the son) o$ /e!i% (the son) o$ ?elhi% (the son) o$ Janna% (the son) o$ Jose*h%
/#' -:21 (the son) o$ ?attathiah% (the son) o$ +mos% (the son) o$ Nah#m% (the son) o$ 6sli% (the son) o$ Naggai%
/#' -:23 (the son) o$ ?aath% (the son) o$ ?attathiah% (the son) o$ ,emei% (the son) o$ Jose*h% (the son) o$ J#dah%
/#' -:24 (the son) o$ Joannas% (the son) o$ :hesa% (the son) o$ Ger#bbabel% (the son) o$ ,healtiel% (the son) o$
/#' -:28 (the son) o$ ?elhi% (the son) o$ +ddi% (the son) o$ =osam% (the son) o$ 6lmodam% (the son) o$ 6r%
/#' -:29 (the son) o$ Jose% (the son) o$ 6lieHer% (the son) o$ Jorim% (the son) o$ ?atthat% (the son) o$ /e!i%
/#' -:-5 (the son) o$ ,imeon% (the son) o$ J#dah% (the son) o$ Jose*h% (the son) o$ Jonan% (the son) o$ 6lia'im%
/#' -:-1 (the son) o$ ?elea% (the son) o$ ?enan% (the son) o$ ?attathah% (the son) o$ Nathan% (the son) o$ 2a!id%
/#' -:-2 (the son) o$ Jesse% (the son) o$ 8bed% (the son) o$ BoaH% (the son) o$ ,almon% (the son) o$ Nahshon%
/#' -:-- (the son) o$ +mminadab% (the son) o$ :am% (the son) o$ HeHron% (the son) o$ <ereH% (the son) o$ J#dah%
/#' -:-0 (the son) o$ Jaob% (the son) o$ Isaa% (the son) o$ +braham% (the son) o$ Terah% (the son) o$ Nahor%
/#' -:-1 (the son) o$ ,er#g% (the son) o$ :e#% (the son) o$ <eleg% (the son) o$ 6ber% (the son) o$ ,helah%
/#' -:-3 (the son) o$ =ainan% (the son) o$ +r*ha9ad% (the son) o$ ,hem% (the son) o$ Noah% (the son) o$ /ameh%
/#' -:-4 (the son) o$ ?eth#selah% (the son) o$ 6noh% (the son) o$ Jared% (the son) o$ ?ahalalel% (the son) o$
/#' -:-8 (the son) o$ 6nos% (the son) o$ ,eth% (the son) o$ +dam% (the son) o$ God"
/#' 0:1 Then Jes#s% being $illed with the Holy ,*irit% ret#rned $rom the Jordan and was led by the ,*irit into the
/#' 0:2 being tem*ted $or $orty days by the de!il" +nd in those days He ate nothing% and a$terward% when they
had ended% He was h#ngry"
/#' 0:- +nd the de!il said to Him% .I$ Bo# are the ,on o$ God% ommand this stone to beome bread".
/#' 0:0 B#t Jes#s answered him% saying% .It is written% A?an shall not li!e by bread alone% b#t by e!ery word o$
God"A .
/#' 0:1 Then the de!il% ta'ing Him #* on a high mo#ntain% showed Him all the 'ingdoms o$ the world in a
moment o$ time"
/#' 0:3 +nd the de!il said to Him% .+ll this a#thority I will gi!e Bo#% and their glory& $or (this) has been deli!ered
to me% and I gi!e it to whome!er I wish"
/#' 0:4 .There$ore% i$ Bo# will worshi* be$ore me% all will be Bo#rs".
/#' 0:8 +nd Jes#s answered and said to him% .Get behind ?e% ,atanF ;or it is written% ABo# shall worshi* the
/8:2 yo#r God% and Him only yo# shall ser!e"A .
/#' 0:9 Then he bro#ght Him to Jer#salem% set Him on the *innale o$ the tem*le% and said to Him% .I$ Bo# are
the ,on o$ God% throw Bo#rsel$ down $rom here"
/#' 0:15 .;or it is written: AHe shall gi!e His angels harge o!er yo#% To 'ee* yo#%A
/#' 0:11 .and% AIn their hands they shall bear yo# #*% /est yo# dash yo#r $oot against a stone"A .
/#' 0:12 +nd Jes#s answered and said to him% .It has been said% ABo# shall not tem*t the /8:2 yo#r God"A .
/#' 0:1- Now when the de!il had ended e!ery tem*tation% he de*arted $rom Him #ntil an o**ort#ne time"
/#' 0:10 Then Jes#s ret#rned in the *ower o$ the ,*irit to Galilee% and news o$ Him went o#t thro#gh all the
s#rro#nding region"
/#' 0:11 +nd He ta#ght in their synagog#es% being glori$ied by all"
/#' 0:13 ,o He ame to NaHareth% where He had been bro#ght #*" +nd as His #stom was% He went into the
synagog#e on the ,abbath day% and stood #* to read"
/#' 0:14 +nd He was handed the boo' o$ the *ro*het Isaiah" +nd when He had o*ened the boo'% He $o#nd the
*lae where it was written:
/#' 0:18 .The ,*irit o$ the /8:2 (is) #*on ?e% Bea#se He has anointed ?e To *reah the gos*el to (the) *oor&
He has sent ?e to heal the bro'enhearted% To *rolaim liberty to (the) a*ti!es +nd reo!ery o$ sight to (the)
blind% To set at liberty those who are o**ressed&
/#' 0:19 To *rolaim the ae*table year o$ the /8:2".
/#' 0:25 Then He losed the boo'% and ga!e (it) ba' to the attendant and sat down" +nd the eyes o$ all who
were in the synagog#e were $i9ed on Him"
/#' 0:21 +nd He began to say to them% .Today this ,ri*t#re is $#l$illed in yo#r hearing".
/#' 0:22 ,o all bore witness to Him% and mar!eled at the graio#s words whih *roeeded o#t o$ His mo#th"
+nd they said% .Is this not Jose*hAs sonC.
/#' 0:2- He said to them% .Bo# will s#rely say this *ro!erb to ?e% A<hysiian% heal yo#rsel$F >hate!er we ha!e
heard done in =a*erna#m% do also here in Bo#r o#ntry"A .
/#' 0:20 Then He said% .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% no *ro*het is ae*ted in his own o#ntry"
/#' 0:21 .B#t I tell yo# tr#ly% many widows were in Israel in the days o$ 6li@ah% when the hea!en was sh#t #*
three years and si9 months% and there was a great $amine thro#gho#t all the land&
/#' 0:23 .b#t to none o$ them was 6li@ah sent e9e*t to Gare*hath% (in the region) o$ ,idon% to a woman (who
was) a widow"
/#' 0:24 .+nd many le*ers were in Israel in the time o$ 6lisha the *ro*het% and none o$ them was leansed
e9e*t Naaman the ,yrian".
/#' 0:28 ,o all those in the synagog#e% when they heard these things% were $illed with wrath%
/#' 0:29 and rose #* and thr#st Him o#t o$ the ity& and they led Him to the brow o$ the hill on whih their ity
was b#ilt% that they might throw Him down o!er the li$$"
/#' 0:-5 Then *assing thro#gh the midst o$ them% He went His way"
/#' 0:-1 Then He went down to =a*erna#m% a ity o$ Galilee% and was teahing them on the ,abbaths"
/#' 0:-2 +nd they were astonished at His teahing% $or His word was with a#thority"
/#' 0:-- Now in the synagog#e there was a man who had a s*irit o$ an #nlean demon" +nd he ried o#t with a
lo#d !oie%
/#' 0:-0 saying% ./et (#s) aloneF >hat ha!e we to do with Bo#% Jes#s o$ NaHarethC 2id Bo# ome to destroy
#sC I 'now who Bo# are DD the Holy 8ne o$ GodF.
/#' 0:-1 B#t Jes#s reb#'ed him% saying% .Be E#iet% and ome o#t o$ himF. +nd when the demon had thrown him
in (their) midst% it ame o#t o$ him and did not h#rt him"
/#' 0:-3 Then they were all amaHed and s*o'e among themsel!es% saying% .>hat a word this (isF) ;or with
a#thority and *ower He ommands the #nlean s*irits% and they ome o#t".
/#' 0:-4 +nd the re*ort abo#t Him went o#t into e!ery *lae in the s#rro#nding region"
/#' 0:-8 Now He arose $rom the synagog#e and entered ,imonAs ho#se" B#t ,imonAs wi$eAs mother was si'
with a high $e!er% and they made reE#est o$ Him onerning her"
/#' 0:-9 ,o He stood o!er her and reb#'ed the $e!er% and it le$t her" +nd immediately she arose and ser!ed
/#' 0:05 >hen the s#n was setting% all those who had any that were si' with !ario#s diseases bro#ght them to
Him& and He laid His hands on e!ery one o$ them and healed them"
/#' 0:01 +nd demons also ame o#t o$ many% rying o#t and saying% .Bo# are the =hrist% the ,on o$ GodF. +nd
He% reb#'ing (them%) did not allow them to s*ea'% $or they 'new that He was the =hrist"
/#' 0:02 Now when it was day% He de*arted and went into a deserted *lae" +nd the rowd so#ght Him and
ame to Him% and tried to 'ee* Him $rom lea!ing them&
/#' 0:0- b#t He said to them% .I m#st *reah the 'ingdom o$ God to the other ities also% bea#se $or this
*#r*ose I ha!e been sent".
/#' 0:00 +nd He was *reahing in the synagog#es o$ Galilee"
/#' 1:1 ,o it was% as the m#ltit#de *ressed abo#t Him to hear the word o$ God% that He stood by the /a'e o$
/#' 1:2 and saw two boats standing by the la'e& b#t the $ishermen had gone $rom them and were washing
(their) nets"
/#' 1:- Then He got into one o$ the boats% whih was ,imonAs% and as'ed him to *#t o#t a little $rom the land"
+nd He sat down and ta#ght the m#ltit#des $rom the boat"
/#' 1:0 >hen He had sto**ed s*ea'ing% He said to ,imon% ./a#nh o#t into the dee* and let down yo#r nets
$or a ath".
/#' 1:1 B#t ,imon answered and said to Him% .?aster% we ha!e toiled all night and a#ght nothing&
ne!ertheless at Bo#r word I will let down the net".
/#' 1:3 +nd when they had done this% they a#ght a great n#mber o$ $ish% and their net was brea'ing"
/#' 1:4 ,o they signaled to (their) *artners in the other boat to ome and hel* them" +nd they ame and $illed
both the boats% so that they began to sin'"
/#' 1:8 >hen ,imon <eter saw (it%) he $ell down at Jes#sA 'nees% saying% .2e*art $rom me% $or I am a sin$#l man%
8 /ordF.
/#' 1:9 ;or he and all who were with him were astonished at the ath o$ $ish whih they had ta'en&
/#' 1:15 and so also (were) James and John% the sons o$ Gebedee% who were *artners with ,imon" +nd Jes#s
said to ,imon% .2o not be a$raid" ;rom now on yo# will ath men".
/#' 1:11 ,o when they had bro#ght their boats to land% they $orsoo' all and $ollowed Him"
/#' 1:12 +nd it ha**ened when He was in a ertain ity% that behold% a man who was $#ll o$ le*rosy saw Jes#s&
and he $ell on (his) $ae and im*lored Him% saying% ./ord% i$ Bo# are willing% Bo# an ma'e me lean".
/#' 1:1- Then He *#t o#t (His) hand and to#hed him% saying% .I am willing& be leansed". Immediately the
le*rosy le$t him"
/#' 1:10 +nd He harged him to tell no one% .B#t go and show yo#rsel$ to the *riest% and ma'e an o$$ering $or
yo#r leansing% as a testimony to them% @#st as ?oses ommanded".
/#' 1:11 Howe!er% the re*ort went aro#nd onerning Him all the more& and great m#ltit#des ame together to
hear% and to be healed by Him o$ their in$irmities"
/#' 1:13 ,o He Himsel$ (o$ten) withdrew into the wilderness and *rayed"
/#' 1:14 Now it ha**ened on a ertain day% as He was teahing% that there were <harisees and teahers o$ the
law sitting by% who had ome o#t o$ e!ery town o$ Galilee% J#dea% and Jer#salem" +nd the *ower o$ the /ord was
(*resent) to heal them"
/#' 1:18 Then behold% men bro#ght on a bed a man who was *aralyHed% whom they so#ght to bring in and lay
be$ore Him"
/#' 1:19 +nd when they o#ld not $ind how they might bring him in% bea#se o$ the rowd% they went #* on the
ho#seto* and let him down with (his) bed thro#gh the tiling into the midst be$ore Jes#s"
/#' 1:25 >hen He saw their $aith% He said to him% .?an% yo#r sins are $orgi!en yo#".
/#' 1:21 +nd the sribes and the <harisees began to reason% saying% .>ho is this who s*ea's blas*hemiesC
>ho an $orgi!e sins b#t God aloneC.
/#' 1:22 B#t when Jes#s *erei!ed their tho#ghts% He answered and said to them% .>hy are yo# reasoning in
yo#r heartsC
/#' 1:2- .>hih is easier% to say% ABo#r sins are $orgi!en yo#%A or to say% A:ise #* and wal'AC
/#' 1:20 .B#t that yo# may 'now that the ,on o$ ?an has *ower on earth to $orgi!e sins. DD He said to the man
who was *aralyHed% .I say to yo#% arise% ta'e #* yo#r bed% and go to yo#r ho#se".
/#' 1:21 Immediately he rose #* be$ore them% too' #* what he had been lying on% and de*arted to his own
ho#se% glori$ying God"
/#' 1:23 +nd they were all amaHed% and they glori$ied God and were $illed with $ear% saying% .>e ha!e seen
strange things todayF.
/#' 1:24 +$ter these things He went o#t and saw a ta9 olletor named /e!i% sitting at the ta9 o$$ie" +nd He
said to him% .;ollow ?e".
/#' 1:28 ,o he le$t all% rose #*% and $ollowed Him"
/#' 1:29 Then /e!i ga!e Him a great $east in his own ho#se" +nd there were a great n#mber o$ ta9 olletors
and others who sat down with them"
/#' 1:-5 +nd their sribes and the <harisees om*lained against His disi*les% saying% .>hy do Bo# eat and
drin' with ta9 olletors and sinnersC.
/#' 1:-1 Jes#s answered and said to them% .Those who are well ha!e no need o$ a *hysiian% b#t those who
are si'"
/#' 1:-2 .I ha!e not ome to all (the) righteo#s% b#t sinners% to re*entane".
/#' 1:-- Then they said to Him% .>hy do the disi*les o$ John $ast o$ten and ma'e *rayers% and li'ewise those
o$ the <harisees% b#t Bo#rs eat and drin'C.
/#' 1:-0 +nd He said to them% .=an yo# ma'e the $riends o$ the bridegroom $ast while the bridegroom is with
/#' 1:-1 .B#t the days will ome when the bridegroom will be ta'en away $rom them& then they will $ast in those
/#' 1:-3 Then He s*o'e a *arable to them: .No one *#ts a *iee $rom a new garment on an old one& otherwise
the new ma'es a tear% and also the *iee that was (ta'en) o#t o$ the new does not math the old"
/#' 1:-4 .+nd no one *#ts new wine into old wines'ins& or else the new wine will b#rst the wines'ins and be
s*illed% and the wines'ins will be r#ined"
/#' 1:-8 .B#t new wine m#st be *#t into new wines'ins% and both are *reser!ed"
/#' 1:-9 .+nd no one% ha!ing dr#n' old (wine%) immediately desires new& $or he says% AThe old is better"A .
/#' 3:1 Now it ha**ened on the seond ,abbath a$ter the $irst that He went thro#gh the grain$ields" +nd His
disi*les *l#'ed the heads o$ grain and ate (them%) r#bbing (them) in (their) hands"
/#' 3:2 +nd some o$ the <harisees said to them% .>hy are yo# doing what is not law$#l to do on the ,abbathC.
/#' 3:- B#t Jes#s answering them said% .Ha!e yo# not e!en read this% what 2a!id did when he was h#ngry% he
and those who were with him:
/#' 3:0 .how he went into the ho#se o$ God% too' and ate the showbread% and also ga!e some to those with
him% whih is not law$#l $or any b#t the *riests to eatC.
/#' 3:1 +nd He said to them% .The ,on o$ ?an is also /ord o$ the ,abbath".
/#' 3:3 Now it ha**ened on another ,abbath% also% that He entered the synagog#e and ta#ght" +nd a man was
there whose right hand was withered"
/#' 3:4 ,o the sribes and <harisees wathed Him losely% whether He wo#ld heal on the ,abbath% that they
might $ind an a#sation against Him"
/#' 3:8 B#t He 'new their tho#ghts% and said to the man who had the withered hand% .+rise and stand here".
+nd he arose and stood"
/#' 3:9 Then Jes#s said to them% .I will as' yo# one thing: Is it law$#l on the ,abbath to do good or to do e!il% to
sa!e li$e or to destroyC.
/#' 3:15 +nd when He had loo'ed aro#nd at them all% He said to the man% .,treth o#t yo#r hand". +nd he did
so% and his hand was restored as whole as the other"
/#' 3:11 B#t they were $illed with rage% and dis#ssed with one another what they might do to Jes#s"
/#' 3:12 Now it ame to *ass in those days that He went o#t to the mo#ntain to *ray% and ontin#ed all night in
*rayer to God"
/#' 3:1- +nd when it was day% He alled His disi*les to (Himsel$&) and $rom them He hose twel!e whom He
also named a*ostles:
/#' 3:10 ,imon% whom He also named <eter% and +ndrew his brother& James and John& <hili* and
/#' 3:11 ?atthew and Thomas& James the (son) o$ +l*hae#s% and ,imon alled the Gealot&
/#' 3:13 J#das (the son) o$ James% and J#das Isariot who also beame a traitor"
/#' 3:14 +nd He ame down with them and stood on a le!el *lae with a rowd o$ His disi*les and a great
m#ltit#de o$ *eo*le $rom all J#dea and Jer#salem% and $rom the seaoast o$ Tyre and ,idon% who ame to hear
Him and be healed o$ their diseases%
/#' 3:18 as well as those who were tormented with #nlean s*irits" +nd they were healed"
/#' 3:19 +nd the whole m#ltit#de so#ght to to#h Him% $or *ower went o#t $rom Him and healed (them) all"
/#' 3:25 Then He li$ted #* His eyes toward His disi*les% and said: .Blessed (are yo#) *oor% ;or yo#rs is the
'ingdom o$ God"
/#' 3:21 Blessed (are yo#) who h#nger now% ;or yo# shall be $illed" Blessed (are yo#) who wee* now% ;or yo#
shall la#gh"
/#' 3:22 Blessed are yo# when men hate yo#% +nd when they e9l#de yo#% +nd re!ile (yo#%) and ast o#t yo#r
name as e!il% ;or the ,on o$ ?anAs sa'e"
/#' 3:2- :e@oie in that day and lea* $or @oyF ;or indeed yo#r reward (is) great in hea!en% ;or in li'e manner
their $athers did to the *ro*hets"
/#' 3:20 . B#t woe to yo# who are rih% ;or yo# ha!e reei!ed yo#r onsolation"
/#' 3:21 >oe to yo# who are $#ll% ;or yo# shall h#nger" >oe to yo# who la#gh now% ;or yo# shall mo#rn and
/#' 3:23 >oe to yo# when all men s*ea' well o$ yo#% ;or so did their $athers to the $alse *ro*hets"
/#' 3:24 . B#t I say to yo# who hear: /o!e yo#r enemies% do good to those who hate yo#%
/#' 3:28 .bless those who #rse yo#% and *ray $or those who s*ite$#lly #se yo#"
/#' 3:29 .To him who stri'es yo# on the (one) hee'% o$$er the other also" +nd $rom him who ta'es away yo#r
loa'% do not withhold (yo#r) t#ni either"
/#' 3:-5 .Gi!e to e!eryone who as's o$ yo#" +nd $rom him who ta'es away yo#r goods do not as' (them) ba'"
/#' 3:-1 .+nd @#st as yo# want men to do to yo#% yo# also do to them li'ewise"
/#' 3:-2 .B#t i$ yo# lo!e those who lo!e yo#% what redit is that to yo#C ;or e!en sinners lo!e those who lo!e
/#' 3:-- .+nd i$ yo# do good to those who do good to yo#% what redit is that to yo#C ;or e!en sinners do the
/#' 3:-0 .+nd i$ yo# lend (to those) $rom whom yo# ho*e to reei!e ba'% what redit is that to yo#C ;or e!en
sinners lend to sinners to reei!e as m#h ba'"
/#' 3:-1 .B#t lo!e yo#r enemies% do good% and lend% ho*ing $or nothing in ret#rn& and yo#r reward will be great%
and yo# will be sons o$ the ?ost High" ;or He is 'ind to the #nthan'$#l and e!il"
/#' 3:-3 .There$ore be meri$#l% @#st as yo#r ;ather also is meri$#l"
/#' 3:-4 . J#dge not% and yo# shall not be @#dged" =ondemn not% and yo# shall not be ondemned" ;orgi!e%
and yo# will be $orgi!en"
/#' 3:-8 .Gi!e% and it will be gi!en to yo#: good meas#re% *ressed down% sha'en together% and r#nning o!er will
be *#t into yo#r bosom" ;or with the same meas#re that yo# #se% it will be meas#red ba' to yo#".
/#' 3:-9 +nd He s*o'e a *arable to them: .=an the blind lead the blindC >ill they not both $all into the dithC
/#' 3:05 .+ disi*le is not abo!e his teaher% b#t e!eryone who is *er$etly trained will be li'e his teaher"
/#' 3:01 .+nd why do yo# loo' at the s*e' in yo#r brotherAs eye% b#t do not *erei!e the *lan' in yo#r own
/#' 3:02 .8r how an yo# say to yo#r brother% ABrother% let me remo!e the s*e' that (is) in yo#r eye%A when yo#
yo#rsel$ do not see the *lan' that (is) in yo#r own eyeC Hy*oriteF ;irst remo!e the *lan' $rom yo#r own eye% and
then yo# will see learly to remo!e the s*e' that is in yo#r brotherAs eye"
/#' 3:0- . ;or a good tree does not bear bad $r#it% nor does a bad tree bear good $r#it"
/#' 3:00 .;or e!ery tree is 'nown by its own $r#it" ;or (men) do not gather $igs $rom thorns% nor do they gather
gra*es $rom a bramble b#sh"
/#' 3:01 .+ good man o#t o$ the good treas#re o$ his heart brings $orth good& and an e!il man o#t o$ the e!il
treas#re o$ his heart brings $orth e!il" ;or o#t o$ the ab#ndane o$ the heart his mo#th s*ea's"
/#' 3:03 . B#t why do yo# all ?e A/ord% /ord%A and do not do the things whih I sayC
/#' 3:04 .>hoe!er omes to ?e% and hears ?y sayings and does them% I will show yo# whom he is li'e:
/#' 3:08 .He is li'e a man b#ilding a ho#se% who d#g dee* and laid the $o#ndation on the ro'" +nd when the
$lood arose% the stream beat !ehemently against that ho#se% and o#ld not sha'e it% $or it was $o#nded on the
/#' 3:09 .B#t he who heard and did nothing is li'e a man who b#ilt a ho#se on the earth witho#t a $o#ndation%
against whih the stream beat !ehemently& and immediately it $ell" +nd the r#in o$ that ho#se was great".
/#' 4:1 Now when He onl#ded all His sayings in the hearing o$ the *eo*le% He entered =a*erna#m"
/#' 4:2 +nd a ertain ent#rionAs ser!ant% who was dear to him% was si' and ready to die"
/#' 4:- ,o when he heard abo#t Jes#s% he sent elders o$ the Jews to Him% *leading with Him to ome and heal
his ser!ant"
/#' 4:0 +nd when they ame to Jes#s% they begged Him earnestly% saying that the one $or whom He sho#ld do
this was deser!ing%
/#' 4:1 .$or he lo!es o#r nation% and has b#ilt #s a synagog#e".
/#' 4:3 Then Jes#s went with them" +nd when He was already not $ar $rom the ho#se% the ent#rion sent
$riends to Him% saying to Him% ./ord% do not tro#ble Bo#rsel$% $or I am not worthy that Bo# sho#ld enter #nder my
/#' 4:4 .There$ore I did not e!en thin' mysel$ worthy to ome to Bo#" B#t say the word% and my ser!ant will be
/#' 4:8 .;or I also am a man *laed #nder a#thority% ha!ing soldiers #nder me" +nd I say to one% AGo%A and he
goes& and to another% A=ome%A and he omes& and to my ser!ant% A2o this%A and he does (it".)
/#' 4:9 >hen Jes#s heard these things% He mar!eled at him% and t#rned aro#nd and said to the rowd that
$ollowed Him% .I say to yo#% I ha!e not $o#nd s#h great $aith% not e!en in IsraelF.
/#' 4:15 +nd those who were sent% ret#rning to the ho#se% $o#nd the ser!ant well who had been si'"
/#' 4:11 Now it ha**ened% the day a$ter% (that) He went into a ity alled Nain& and many o$ His disi*les went
with Him% and a large rowd"
/#' 4:12 +nd when He ame near the gate o$ the ity% behold% a dead man was being arried o#t% the only son
o$ his mother& and she was a widow" +nd a large rowd $rom the ity was with her"
/#' 4:1- >hen the /ord saw her% He had om*assion on her and said to her% .2o not wee*".
/#' 4:10 Then He ame and to#hed the o*en o$$in% and those who arried (him) stood still" +nd He said%
.Bo#ng man% I say to yo#% arise".
/#' 4:11 ,o he who was dead sat #* and began to s*ea'" +nd He *resented him to his mother"
/#' 4:13 Then $ear ame #*on all% and they glori$ied God% saying% .+ great *ro*het has risen #* among #s.&
and% .God has !isited His *eo*le".
/#' 4:14 +nd this re*ort abo#t Him went thro#gho#t all J#dea and all the s#rro#nding region"
/#' 4:18 Then the disi*les o$ John re*orted to him onerning all these things"
/#' 4:19 +nd John% alling two o$ his disi*les to (him%) sent (them) to Jes#s% saying% .+re Bo# the =oming 8ne%
or do we loo' $or anotherC.
/#' 4:25 >hen the men had ome to Him% they said% .John the Ba*tist has sent #s to Bo#% saying% A+re Bo# the
=oming 8ne% or do we loo' $or anotherCA .
/#' 4:21 +nd that !ery ho#r He #red many o$ in$irmities% a$$litions% and e!il s*irits& and to many blind He ga!e
/#' 4:22 Jes#s answered and said to them% .Go and tell John the things yo# ha!e seen and heard: that (the)
blind see% (the) lame wal'% (the) le*ers are leansed% (the) dea$ hear% (the) dead are raised% (the) *oor ha!e the
gos*el *reahed to them"
/#' 4:2- .+nd blessed is (he) who is not o$$ended bea#se o$ ?e".
/#' 4:20 >hen the messengers o$ John had de*arted% He began to s*ea' to the m#ltit#des onerning John:
.>hat did yo# go o#t into the wilderness to seeC + reed sha'en by the windC
/#' 4:21 .B#t what did yo# go o#t to seeC + man lothed in so$t garmentsC Indeed those who are gorgeo#sly
a**areled and li!e in l#9#ry are in 'ingsA o#rts"
/#' 4:23 .B#t what did yo# go o#t to seeC + *ro*hetC Bes% I say to yo#% and more than a *ro*het"
/#' 4:24 .This is (he) o$ whom it is written: ABehold% I send ?y messenger be$ore Bo#r $ae% >ho will *re*are
Bo#r way be$ore Bo#"A
/#' 4:28 .;or I say to yo#% among those born o$ women there is not a greater *ro*het than John the Ba*tist& b#t
he who is least in the 'ingdom o$ God is greater than he".
/#' 4:29 +nd when all the *eo*le heard (Him%) e!en the ta9 olletors @#sti$ied God% ha!ing been ba*tiHed with
the ba*tism o$ John"
/#' 4:-5 B#t the <harisees and lawyers re@eted the will o$ God $or themsel!es% not ha!ing been ba*tiHed by
/#' 4:-1 +nd the /ord said% .To what then shall I li'en the men o$ this generation% and what are they li'eC
/#' 4:-2 .They are li'e hildren sitting in the mar'et*lae and alling to one another% saying: A>e *layed the
$l#te $or yo#% +nd yo# did not dane& >e mo#rned to yo#% +nd yo# did not wee*"A
/#' 4:-- .;or John the Ba*tist ame neither eating bread nor drin'ing wine% and yo# say% AHe has a demon"A
/#' 4:-0 .The ,on o$ ?an has ome eating and drin'ing% and yo# say% A/oo'% a gl#tton and a winebibber% a
$riend o$ ta9 olletors and sinnersFA
/#' 4:-1 .B#t wisdom is @#sti$ied by all her hildren".
/#' 4:-3 Then one o$ the <harisees as'ed Him to eat with him" +nd He went to the <hariseeAs ho#se% and sat
down to eat"
/#' 4:-4 +nd behold% a woman in the ity who was a sinner% when she 'new that (Jes#s) sat at the table in the
<hariseeAs ho#se% bro#ght an alabaster $las' o$ $ragrant oil%
/#' 4:-8 and stood at His $eet behind (Him) wee*ing& and she began to wash His $eet with her tears% and wi*ed
(them) with the hair o$ her head& and she 'issed His $eet and anointed (them) with the $ragrant oil"
/#' 4:-9 Now when the <harisee who had in!ited Him saw (this%) he s*o'e to himsel$% saying% .This man% i$ He
were a *ro*het% wo#ld 'now who and what manner o$ woman (this is) who is to#hing Him% $or she is a sinner".
/#' 4:05 +nd Jes#s answered and said to him% .,imon% I ha!e something to say to yo#". ,o he said% .Teaher%
say it".
/#' 4:01 .There was a ertain reditor who had two debtors" 8ne owed $i!e h#ndred denarii% and the other $i$ty"
/#' 4:02 .+nd when they had nothing with whih to re*ay% he $reely $orga!e them both" Tell ?e% there$ore%
whih o$ them will lo!e him moreC.
/#' 4:0- ,imon answered and said% .I s#**ose the (one) whom he $orga!e more". +nd He said to him% .Bo#
ha!e rightly @#dged".
/#' 4:00 Then He t#rned to the woman and said to ,imon% .2o yo# see this womanC I entered yo#r ho#se& yo#
ga!e ?e no water $or ?y $eet% b#t she has washed ?y $eet with her tears and wi*ed (them) with the hair o$ her
/#' 4:01 .Bo# ga!e ?e no 'iss% b#t this woman has not eased to 'iss ?y $eet sine the time I ame in"
/#' 4:03 .Bo# did not anoint ?y head with oil% b#t this woman has anointed ?y $eet with $ragrant oil"
/#' 4:04 .There$ore I say to yo#% her sins% (whih are) many% are $orgi!en% $or she lo!ed m#h" B#t to whom little
is $orgi!en% (the same) lo!es little".
/#' 4:08 Then He said to her% .Bo#r sins are $orgi!en".
/#' 4:09 +nd those who sat at the table with Him began to say to themsel!es% .>ho is this who e!en $orgi!es
/#' 4:15 Then He said to the woman% .Bo#r $aith has sa!ed yo#" Go in *eae".
/#' 8:1 Now it ame to *ass% a$terward% that He went thro#gh e!ery ity and !illage% *reahing and bringing the
glad tidings o$ the 'ingdom o$ God" +nd the twel!e (were) with Him%
/#' 8:2 and ertain women who had been healed o$ e!il s*irits and in$irmities DD ?ary alled ?agdalene% o#t o$
whom had ome se!en demons%
/#' 8:- and Joanna the wi$e o$ =h#Ha% HerodAs steward% and ,#sanna% and many others who *ro!ided $or Him
$rom their s#bstane"
/#' 8:0 +nd when a great m#ltit#de had gathered% and they had ome to Him $rom e!ery ity% He s*o'e by a
/#' 8:1 .+ sower went o#t to sow his seed" +nd as he sowed% some $ell by the wayside& and it was tram*led
down% and the birds o$ the air de!o#red it"
/#' 8:3 .,ome $ell on ro'& and as soon as it s*rang #*% it withered away bea#se it la'ed moist#re"
/#' 8:4 .+nd some $ell among thorns% and the thorns s*rang #* with it and ho'ed it"
/#' 8:8 .B#t others $ell on good gro#nd% s*rang #*% and yielded a ro* a h#ndred$old". >hen He had said these
things He ried% .He who has ears to hear% let him hearF.
/#' 8:9 Then His disi*les as'ed Him% saying% .>hat does this *arable meanC.
/#' 8:15 +nd He said% .To yo# it has been gi!en to 'now the mysteries o$ the 'ingdom o$ God% b#t to the rest (it
is gi!en) in *arables% that A,eeing they may not see% +nd hearing they may not #nderstand"A
/#' 8:11 . Now the *arable is this: The seed is the word o$ God"
/#' 8:12 .Those by the wayside are the ones who hear& then the de!il omes and ta'es away the word o#t o$
their hearts% lest they sho#ld belie!e and be sa!ed"
/#' 8:1- .B#t the ones on the ro' (are those) who% when they hear% reei!e the word with @oy& and these ha!e
no root% who belie!e $or a while and in time o$ tem*tation $all away"
/#' 8:10 .Now the ones (that) $ell among thorns are those who% when they ha!e heard% go o#t and are ho'ed
with ares% rihes% and *leas#res o$ li$e% and bring no $r#it to mat#rity"
/#' 8:11 .B#t the ones (that) $ell on the good gro#nd are those who% ha!ing heard the word with a noble and
good heart% 'ee* (it) and bear $r#it with *atiene"
/#' 8:13 . No one% when he has lit a lam*% o!ers it with a !essel or *#ts (it) #nder a bed% b#t sets (it) on a
lam*stand% that those who enter may see the light"
/#' 8:14 .;or nothing is seret that will not be re!ealed% nor (anything) hidden that will not be 'nown and ome
to light"
/#' 8:18 .There$ore ta'e heed how yo# hear" ;or whoe!er has% to him (more) will be gi!en& and whoe!er does
not ha!e% e!en what he seems to ha!e will be ta'en $rom him".
/#' 8:19 Then His mother and brothers ame to Him% and o#ld not a**roah Him bea#se o$ the rowd"
/#' 8:25 +nd it was told Him (by some%) who said% .Bo#r mother and Bo#r brothers are standing o#tside%
desiring to see Bo#".
/#' 8:21 B#t He answered and said to them% .?y mother and ?y brothers are these who hear the word o$ God
and do it".
/#' 8:22 Now it ha**ened% on a ertain day% that He got into a boat with His disi*les" +nd He said to them% ./et
#s ross o!er to the other side o$ the la'e". +nd they la#nhed o#t"
/#' 8:2- B#t as they sailed He $ell aslee*" +nd a windstorm ame down on the la'e% and they were $illing (with
water%) and were in @eo*ardy"
/#' 8:20 +nd they ame to Him and awo'e Him% saying% .?aster% ?aster% we are *erishingF. Then He arose and
reb#'ed the wind and the raging o$ the water" +nd they eased% and there was a alm"
/#' 8:21 B#t He said to them% .>here is yo#r $aithC. +nd they were a$raid% and mar!eled% saying to one another%
.>ho an this beC ;or He ommands e!en the winds and water% and they obey HimF.
/#' 8:23 Then they sailed to the o#ntry o$ the Gadarenes% whih is o**osite Galilee"
/#' 8:24 +nd when He ste**ed o#t on the land% there met Him a ertain man $rom the ity who had demons $or
a long time" +nd he wore no lothes% nor did he li!e in a ho#se b#t in the tombs"
/#' 8:28 >hen he saw Jes#s% he ried o#t% $ell down be$ore Him% and with a lo#d !oie said% .>hat ha!e I to do
with Bo#% Jes#s% ,on o$ the ?ost High GodC I beg Bo#% do not torment meF.
/#' 8:29 ;or He had ommanded the #nlean s*irit to ome o#t o$ the man" ;or it had o$ten seiHed him% and he
was 'e*t #nder g#ard% bo#nd with hains and sha'les& and he bro'e the bonds and was dri!en by the demon
into the wilderness"
/#' 8:-5 Jes#s as'ed him% saying% .>hat is yo#r nameC. +nd he said% ./egion%. bea#se many demons had
entered him"
/#' 8:-1 +nd they begged Him that He wo#ld not ommand them to go o#t into the abyss"
/#' 8:-2 Now a herd o$ many swine was $eeding there on the mo#ntain" ,o they begged Him that He wo#ld
*ermit them to enter them" +nd He *ermitted them"
/#' 8:-- Then the demons went o#t o$ the man and entered the swine% and the herd ran !iolently down the
stee* *lae into the la'e and drowned"
/#' 8:-0 >hen those who $ed (them) saw what had ha**ened% they $led and told (it) in the ity and in the
/#' 8:-1 Then they went o#t to see what had ha**ened% and ame to Jes#s% and $o#nd the man $rom whom the
demons had de*arted% sitting at the $eet o$ Jes#s% lothed and in his right mind" +nd they were a$raid"
/#' 8:-3 They also who had seen (it) told them by what means he who had been demonD*ossessed was
/#' 8:-4 Then the whole m#ltit#de o$ the s#rro#nding region o$ the Gadarenes as'ed Him to de*art $rom them%
$or they were seiHed with great $ear" +nd He got into the boat and ret#rned"
/#' 8:-8 Now the man $rom whom the demons had de*arted begged Him that he might be with Him" B#t Jes#s
sent him away% saying%
/#' 8:-9 .:et#rn to yo#r own ho#se% and tell what great things God has done $or yo#". +nd he went his way and
*rolaimed thro#gho#t the whole ity what great things Jes#s had done $or him"
/#' 8:05 ,o it was% when Jes#s ret#rned% that the m#ltit#de welomed Him% $or they were all waiting $or Him"
/#' 8:01 +nd behold% there ame a man named Jair#s% and he was a r#ler o$ the synagog#e" +nd he $ell down
at Jes#sA $eet and begged Him to ome to his ho#se%
/#' 8:02 $or he had an only da#ghter abo#t twel!e years o$ age% and she was dying" B#t as He went% the
m#ltit#des thronged Him"
/#' 8:0- Now a woman% ha!ing a $low o$ blood $or twel!e years% who had s*ent all her li!elihood on *hysiians
and o#ld not be healed by any%
/#' 8:00 ame $rom behind and to#hed the border o$ His garment" +nd immediately her $low o$ blood sto**ed"
/#' 8:01 +nd Jes#s said% .>ho to#hed ?eC. >hen all denied it% <eter and those with him said% .?aster% the
m#ltit#des throng and *ress Bo#% and Bo# say% A>ho to#hed ?eCA .
/#' 8:03 B#t Jes#s said% .,omebody to#hed ?e% $or I *erei!ed *ower going o#t $rom ?e".
/#' 8:04 Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden% she ame trembling& and $alling down be$ore Him%
she delared to Him in the *resene o$ all the *eo*le the reason she had to#hed Him and how she was healed
/#' 8:08 +nd He said to her% .2a#ghter% be o$ good heer& yo#r $aith has made yo# well" Go in *eae".
/#' 8:09 >hile He was still s*ea'ing% someone ame $rom the r#ler o$ the synagog#eAs (ho#se%) saying to him%
.Bo#r da#ghter is dead" 2o not tro#ble the Teaher".
/#' 8:15 B#t when Jes#s heard (it%) He answered him% saying% .2o not be a$raid& only belie!e% and she will be
made well".
/#' 8:11 >hen He ame into the ho#se% He *ermitted no one to go in e9e*t <eter% James% and John% and the
$ather and mother o$ the girl"
/#' 8:12 Now all we*t and mo#rned $or her& b#t He said% .2o not wee*& she is not dead% b#t slee*ing".
/#' 8:1- +nd they ridi#led Him% 'nowing that she was dead"
/#' 8:10 B#t He *#t them all o#tside% too' her by the hand and alled% saying% ./ittle girl% arise".
/#' 8:11 Then her s*irit ret#rned% and she arose immediately" +nd He ommanded that she be gi!en
(something) to eat"
/#' 8:13 +nd her *arents were astonished% b#t He harged them to tell no one what had ha**ened"
/#' 9:1 Then He alled His twel!e disi*les together and ga!e them *ower and a#thority o!er all demons% and
to #re diseases"
/#' 9:2 He sent them to *reah the 'ingdom o$ God and to heal the si'"
/#' 9:- +nd He said to them% .Ta'e nothing $or the @o#rney% neither sta$$s nor bag nor bread nor money& and do
not ha!e two t#nis a*iee"
/#' 9:0 .>hate!er ho#se yo# enter% stay there% and $rom there de*art"
/#' 9:1 .+nd whoe!er will not reei!e yo#% when yo# go o#t o$ that ity% sha'e o$$ the !ery d#st $rom yo#r $eet as
a testimony against them".
/#' 9:3 ,o they de*arted and went thro#gh the towns% *reahing the gos*el and healing e!erywhere"
/#' 9:4 Now Herod the tetrarh heard o$ all that was done by Him& and he was *er*le9ed% bea#se it was said
by some that John had risen $rom the dead%
/#' 9:8 and by some that 6li@ah had a**eared% and by others that one o$ the old *ro*hets had risen again"
/#' 9:9 Herod said% .John I ha!e beheaded% b#t who is this o$ whom I hear s#h thingsC. ,o he so#ght to see
/#' 9:15 +nd the a*ostles% when they had ret#rned% told Him all that they had done" Then He too' them and
went aside *ri!ately into a deserted *lae belonging to the ity alled Bethsaida"
/#' 9:11 B#t when the m#ltit#des 'new (it%) they $ollowed Him& and He reei!ed them and s*o'e to them abo#t
the 'ingdom o$ God% and healed those who had need o$ healing"
/#' 9:12 >hen the day began to wear away% the twel!e ame and said to Him% .,end the m#ltit#de away% that
they may go into the s#rro#nding towns and o#ntry% and lodge and get *ro!isions& $or we are in a deserted
*lae here".
/#' 9:1- B#t He said to them% .Bo# gi!e them something to eat". +nd they said% .>e ha!e no more than $i!e
loa!es and two $ish% #nless we go and b#y $ood $or all these *eo*le".
/#' 9:10 ;or there were abo#t $i!e tho#sand men" Then He said to His disi*les% .?a'e them sit down in gro#*s
o$ $i$ty".
/#' 9:11 +nd they did so% and made them all sit down"
/#' 9:13 Then He too' the $i!e loa!es and the two $ish% and loo'ing #* to hea!en% He blessed and bro'e (them%)
and ga!e (them) to the disi*les to set be$ore the m#ltit#de"
/#' 9:14 ,o they all ate and were $illed% and twel!e bas'ets o$ the le$to!er $ragments were ta'en #* by them"
/#' 9:18 +nd it ha**ened% as He was alone *raying% (that) His disi*les @oined Him% and He as'ed them% saying%
.>ho do the rowds say that I amC.
/#' 9:19 ,o they answered and said% .John the Ba*tist% b#t some (say) 6li@ah& and others (say) that one o$ the
old *ro*hets has risen again".
/#' 9:25 He said to them% .B#t who do yo# say that I amC. <eter answered and said% .The =hrist o$ God".
/#' 9:21 +nd He stritly warned and ommanded them to tell this to no one%
/#' 9:22 saying% .The ,on o$ ?an m#st s#$$er many things% and be re@eted by the elders and hie$ *riests and
sribes% and be 'illed% and be raised the third day".
/#' 9:2- Then He said to (them) all% .I$ anyone desires to ome a$ter ?e% let him deny himsel$% and ta'e #* his
ross daily% and $ollow ?e"
/#' 9:20 .;or whoe!er desires to sa!e his li$e will lose it% b#t whoe!er loses his li$e $or ?y sa'e will sa!e it"
/#' 9:21 .;or what *ro$it is it to a man i$ he gains the whole world% and is himsel$ destroyed or lostC
/#' 9:23 .;or whoe!er is ashamed o$ ?e and ?y words% o$ him the ,on o$ ?an will be ashamed when He
omes in His (own) glory% and (in His) ;atherAs% and o$ the holy angels"
/#' 9:24 .B#t I tell yo# tr#ly% there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the 'ingdom o$
/#' 9:28 Now it ame to *ass% abo#t eight days a$ter these sayings% that He too' <eter% John% and James and
went #* on the mo#ntain to *ray"
/#' 9:29 +s He *rayed% the a**earane o$ His $ae was altered% and His robe (beame) white (and) glistening"
/#' 9:-5 +nd behold% two men tal'ed with Him% who were ?oses and 6li@ah%
/#' 9:-1 who a**eared in glory and s*o'e o$ His deease whih He was abo#t to aom*lish at Jer#salem"
/#' 9:-2 B#t <eter and those with him were hea!y with slee*& and when they were $#lly awa'e% they saw His
glory and the two men who stood with Him"
/#' 9:-- Then it ha**ened% as they were *arting $rom Him% (that) <eter said to Jes#s% .?aster% it is good $or #s
to be here& and let #s ma'e three tabernales: one $or Bo#% one $or ?oses% and one $or 6li@ah. DD not 'nowing
what he said"
/#' 9:-0 >hile he was saying this% a lo#d ame and o!ershadowed them& and they were $ear$#l as they
entered the lo#d"
/#' 9:-1 +nd a !oie ame o#t o$ the lo#d% saying% .This is ?y belo!ed ,on" Hear HimF.
/#' 9:-3 >hen the !oie had eased% Jes#s was $o#nd alone" B#t they 'e*t E#iet% and told no one in those
days any o$ the things they had seen"
/#' 9:-4 Now it ha**ened on the ne9t day% when they had ome down $rom the mo#ntain% that a great m#ltit#de
met Him"
/#' 9:-8 ,#ddenly a man $rom the m#ltit#de ried o#t% saying% .Teaher% I im*lore Bo#% loo' on my son% $or he
is my only hild"
/#' 9:-9 .+nd behold% a s*irit seiHes him% and he s#ddenly ries o#t& it on!#lses him so that he $oams (at the
mo#th%) and it de*arts $rom him with great di$$i#lty% br#ising him"
/#' 9:05 .,o I im*lored Bo#r disi*les to ast it o#t% b#t they o#ld not".
/#' 9:01 Then Jes#s answered and said% .8 $aithless and *er!erse generation% how long shall I be with yo# and
bear with yo#C Bring yo#r son here".
/#' 9:02 +nd as he was still oming% the demon threw him down and on!#lsed (him") Then Jes#s reb#'ed the
#nlean s*irit% healed the hild% and ga!e him ba' to his $ather"
/#' 9:0- +nd they were all amaHed at the ma@esty o$ God" B#t while e!eryone mar!eled at all the things whih
Jes#s did% He said to His disi*les%
/#' 9:00 ./et these words sin' down into yo#r ears% $or the ,on o$ ?an is abo#t to be betrayed into the hands o$
/#' 9:01 B#t they did not #nderstand this saying% and it was hidden $rom them so that they did not *erei!e it&
and they were a$raid to as' Him abo#t this saying"
/#' 9:03 Then a dis*#te arose among them as to whih o$ them wo#ld be greatest"
/#' 9:04 +nd Jes#s% *erei!ing the tho#ght o$ their heart% too' a little hild and set him by Him%
/#' 9:08 and said to them% .>hoe!er reei!es this little hild in ?y name reei!es ?e& and whoe!er reei!es
?e reei!es Him who sent ?e" ;or he who is least among yo# all will be great".
/#' 9:09 Now John answered and said% .?aster% we saw someone asting o#t demons in Bo#r name% and we
$orbade him bea#se he does not $ollow with #s".
/#' 9:15 B#t Jes#s said to him% .2o not $orbid (him%) $or he who is not against #s is on o#r side".
/#' 9:11 Now it ame to *ass% when the time had ome $or Him to be reei!ed #*% that He stead$astly set His
$ae to go to Jer#salem%
/#' 9:12 and sent messengers be$ore His $ae" +nd as they went% they entered a !illage o$ the ,amaritans% to
*re*are $or Him"
/#' 9:1- B#t they did not reei!e Him% bea#se His $ae was (set) $or the @o#rney to Jer#salem"
/#' 9:10 +nd when His disi*les James and John saw (this%) they said% ./ord% do Bo# want #s to ommand $ire
to ome down $rom hea!en and ons#me them% @#st as 6li@ah didC.
/#' 9:11 B#t He t#rned and reb#'ed them% and said% .Bo# do not 'now what manner o$ s*irit yo# are o$"
/#' 9:13 .;or the ,on o$ ?an did not ome to destroy menAs li!es b#t to sa!e (them".) +nd they went to another
/#' 9:14 Now it ha**ened as they @o#rneyed on the road% (that) someone said to Him% ./ord% I will $ollow Bo#
where!er Bo# go".
/#' 9:18 +nd Jes#s said to him% .;o9es ha!e holes and birds o$ the air (ha!e) nests% b#t the ,on o$ ?an has
nowhere to lay (His) head".
/#' 9:19 Then He said to another% .;ollow ?e". B#t he said% ./ord% let me $irst go and b#ry my $ather".
/#' 9:35 Jes#s said to him% ./et the dead b#ry their own dead% b#t yo# go and *reah the 'ingdom o$ God".
/#' 9:31 +nd another also said% ./ord% I will $ollow Bo#% b#t let me $irst go (and) bid them $arewell who are at my
/#' 9:32 B#t Jes#s said to him% .No one% ha!ing *#t his hand to the *low% and loo'ing ba'% is $it $or the
'ingdom o$ God".
/#' 15:1 +$ter these things the /ord a**ointed se!enty others also% and sent them two by two be$ore His $ae
into e!ery ity and *lae where He Himsel$ was abo#t to go"
/#' 15:2 Then He said to them% .The har!est tr#ly (is) great% b#t the laborers (are) $ew& there$ore *ray the /ord o$
the har!est to send o#t laborers into His har!est"
/#' 15:- .Go yo#r way& behold% I send yo# o#t as lambs among wol!es"
/#' 15:0 .=arry neither money bag% 'na*sa'% nor sandals& and greet no one along the road"
/#' 15:1 .B#t whate!er ho#se yo# enter% $irst say% A<eae to this ho#se"A
/#' 15:3 .+nd i$ a son o$ *eae is there% yo#r *eae will rest on it& i$ not% it will ret#rn to yo#"
/#' 15:4 .+nd remain in the same ho#se% eating and drin'ing s#h things as they gi!e% $or the laborer is worthy
o$ his wages" 2o not go $rom ho#se to ho#se"
/#' 15:8 .>hate!er ity yo# enter% and they reei!e yo#% eat s#h things as are set be$ore yo#"
/#' 15:9 .+nd heal the si' there% and say to them% AThe 'ingdom o$ God has ome near to yo#"A
/#' 15:15 .B#t whate!er ity yo# enter% and they do not reei!e yo#% go o#t into its streets and say%
/#' 15:11 AThe !ery d#st o$ yo#r ity whih lings to #s we wi*e o$$ against yo#" Ne!ertheless 'now this% that the
'ingdom o$ God has ome near yo#"A
/#' 15:12 .B#t I say to yo# that it will be more tolerable in that 2ay $or ,odom than $or that ity"
/#' 15:1- . >oe to yo#% =horaHinF >oe to yo#% BethsaidaF ;or i$ the mighty wor's whih were done in yo# had
been done in Tyre and ,idon% they wo#ld ha!e re*ented long ago% sitting in sa'loth and ashes"
/#' 15:10 .B#t it will be more tolerable $or Tyre and ,idon at the @#dgment than $or yo#"
/#' 15:11 .+nd yo#% =a*erna#m% who are e9alted to hea!en% will be bro#ght down to Hades"
/#' 15:13 .He who hears yo# hears ?e% he who re@ets yo# re@ets ?e% and he who re@ets ?e re@ets Him who
sent ?e".
/#' 15:14 Then the se!enty ret#rned with @oy% saying% ./ord% e!en the demons are s#b@et to #s in Bo#r name".
/#' 15:18 +nd He said to them% .I saw ,atan $all li'e lightning $rom hea!en"
/#' 15:19 .Behold% I gi!e yo# the a#thority to tram*le on ser*ents and sor*ions% and o!er all the *ower o$ the
enemy% and nothing shall by any means h#rt yo#"
/#' 15:25 .Ne!ertheless do not re@oie in this% that the s*irits are s#b@et to yo#% b#t rather re@oie bea#se yo#r
names are written in hea!en".
/#' 15:21 In that ho#r Jes#s re@oied in the ,*irit and said% .I than' Bo#% ;ather% /ord o$ hea!en and earth% that
Bo# ha!e hidden these things $rom (the) wise and *r#dent and re!ealed them to babes" 6!en so% ;ather% $or so it
seemed good in Bo#r sight"
/#' 15:22 .+ll things ha!e been deli!ered to ?e by ?y ;ather% and no one 'nows who the ,on is e9e*t the
;ather% and who the ;ather is e9e*t the ,on% and (the one) to whom the ,on wills to re!eal (Him".)
/#' 15:2- Then He t#rned to (His) disi*les and said *ri!ately% .Blessed (are) the eyes whih see the things yo#
/#' 15:20 .$or I tell yo# that many *ro*hets and 'ings ha!e desired to see what yo# see% and ha!e not seen (it%)
and to hear what yo# hear% and ha!e not heard (it".)
/#' 15:21 +nd behold% a ertain lawyer stood #* and tested Him% saying% .Teaher% what shall I do to inherit
eternal li$eC.
/#' 15:23 He said to him% .>hat is written in the lawC >hat is yo#r reading (o$ itC.)
/#' 15:24 ,o he answered and said% . ABo# shall lo!e the /8:2 yo#r God with all yo#r heart% with all yo#r so#l%
with all yo#r strength% and with all yo#r mind%A and Ayo#r neighbor as yo#rsel$"A .
/#' 15:28 +nd He said to him% .Bo# ha!e answered rightly& do this and yo# will li!e".
/#' 15:29 B#t he% wanting to @#sti$y himsel$% said to Jes#s% .+nd who is my neighborC.
/#' 15:-5 Then Jes#s answered and said: .+ ertain (man) went down $rom Jer#salem to Jeriho% and $ell
among thie!es% who stri**ed him o$ his lothing% wo#nded (him%) and de*arted% lea!ing (him) hal$ dead"
/#' 15:-1 .Now by hane a ertain *riest ame down that road" +nd when he saw him% he *assed by on the
other side"
/#' 15:-2 ./i'ewise a /e!ite% when he arri!ed at the *lae% ame and loo'ed% and *assed by on the other side"
/#' 15:-- .B#t a ertain ,amaritan% as he @o#rneyed% ame where he was" +nd when he saw him% he had
/#' 15:-0 .,o he went to (him) and bandaged his wo#nds% *o#ring on oil and wine& and he set him on his own
animal% bro#ght him to an inn% and too' are o$ him"
/#' 15:-1 .8n the ne9t day% when he de*arted% he too' o#t two denarii% ga!e (them) to the inn'ee*er% and said
to him% ATa'e are o$ him& and whate!er more yo# s*end% when I ome again% I will re*ay yo#"A
/#' 15:-3 .,o whih o$ these three do yo# thin' was neighbor to him who $ell among the thie!esC.
/#' 15:-4 +nd he said% .He who showed mery on him". Then Jes#s said to him% .Go and do li'ewise".
/#' 15:-8 Now it ha**ened as they went that He entered a ertain !illage& and a ertain woman named ?artha
welomed Him into her ho#se"
/#' 15:-9 +nd she had a sister alled ?ary% who also sat at Jes#sA $eet and heard His word"
/#' 15:05 B#t ?artha was distrated with m#h ser!ing% and she a**roahed Him and said% ./ord% do Bo# not
are that my sister has le$t me to ser!e aloneC There$ore tell her to hel* me".
/#' 15:01 +nd Jes#s answered and said to her% .?artha% ?artha% yo# are worried and tro#bled abo#t many
/#' 15:02 .B#t one thing is needed% and ?ary has hosen that good *art% whih will not be ta'en away $rom
/#' 11:1 Now it ame to *ass% as He was *raying in a ertain *lae% when He eased% (that) one o$ His disi*les
said to Him% ./ord% teah #s to *ray% as John also ta#ght his disi*les".
/#' 11:2 ,o He said to them% .>hen yo# *ray% say: 8#r ;ather in hea!en% Hallowed be Bo#r name" Bo#r
'ingdom ome" Bo#r will be done 8n earth as (it is) in hea!en"
/#' 11:- Gi!e #s day by day o#r daily bread"
/#' 11:0 +nd $orgi!e #s o#r sins% ;or we also $orgi!e e!eryone who is indebted to #s" +nd do not lead #s into
tem*tation% B#t deli!er #s $rom the e!il one".
/#' 11:1 +nd He said to them% .>hih o$ yo# shall ha!e a $riend% and go to him at midnight and say to him%
A;riend% lend me three loa!es&
/#' 11:3 A$or a $riend o$ mine has ome to me on his @o#rney% and I ha!e nothing to set be$ore himA&
/#' 11:4 .and he will answer $rom within and say% A2o not tro#ble me& the door is now sh#t% and my hildren are
with me in bed& I annot rise and gi!e to yo#AC
/#' 11:8 .I say to yo#% tho#gh he will not rise and gi!e to him bea#se he is his $riend% yet bea#se o$ his
*ersistene he will rise and gi!e him as many as he needs"
/#' 11:9 . ,o I say to yo#% as'% and it will be gi!en to yo#& see'% and yo# will $ind& 'no'% and it will be o*ened to
/#' 11:15 .;or e!eryone who as's reei!es% and he who see's $inds% and to him who 'no's it will be o*ened"
/#' 11:11 .I$ a son as's $or bread $rom any $ather among yo#% will he gi!e him a stoneC 8r i$ (he as's) $or a $ish%
will he gi!e him a ser*ent instead o$ a $ishC
/#' 11:12 .8r i$ he as's $or an egg% will he o$$er him a sor*ionC
/#' 11:1- .I$ yo# then% being e!il% 'now how to gi!e good gi$ts to yo#r hildren% how m#h more will (yo#r)
hea!enly ;ather gi!e the Holy ,*irit to those who as' HimF.
/#' 11:10 +nd He was asting o#t a demon% and it was m#te" ,o it was% when the demon had gone o#t% that the
m#te s*o'e& and the m#ltit#des mar!eled"
/#' 11:11 B#t some o$ them said% .He asts o#t demons by BeelHeb#b% the r#ler o$ the demons".
/#' 11:13 8thers% testing (Him%) so#ght $rom Him a sign $rom hea!en"
/#' 11:14 B#t He% 'nowing their tho#ghts% said to them: .6!ery 'ingdom di!ided against itsel$ is bro#ght to
desolation% and a ho#se (di!ided) against a ho#se $alls"
/#' 11:18 .I$ ,atan also is di!ided against himsel$% how will his 'ingdom standC Bea#se yo# say I ast o#t
demons by BeelHeb#b"
/#' 11:19 .+nd i$ I ast o#t demons by BeelHeb#b% by whom do yo#r sons ast (them) o#tC There$ore they will
be yo#r @#dges"
/#' 11:25 .B#t i$ I ast o#t demons with the $inger o$ God% s#rely the 'ingdom o$ God has ome #*on yo#"
/#' 11:21 .>hen a strong man% $#lly armed% g#ards his own *alae% his goods are in *eae"
/#' 11:22 .B#t when a stronger than he omes #*on him and o!eromes him% he ta'es $rom him all his armor in
whih he tr#sted% and di!ides his s*oils"
/#' 11:2- .He who is not with ?e is against ?e% and he who does not gather with ?e satters"
/#' 11:20 . >hen an #nlean s*irit goes o#t o$ a man% he goes thro#gh dry *laes% see'ing rest& and $inding
none% he says% AI will ret#rn to my ho#se $rom whih I ame"A
/#' 11:21 .+nd when he omes% he $inds (it) swe*t and *#t in order"
/#' 11:23 .Then he goes and ta'es with (him) se!en other s*irits more wi'ed than himsel$% and they enter and
dwell there& and the last (state) o$ that man is worse than the $irst".
/#' 11:24 +nd it ha**ened% as He s*o'e these things% that a ertain woman $rom the rowd raised her !oie
and said to Him% .Blessed (is) the womb that bore Bo#% and (the) breasts whih n#rsed Bo#F.
/#' 11:28 B#t He said% .?ore than that% blessed (are) those who hear the word o$ God and 'ee* itF.
/#' 11:29 +nd while the rowds were thi'ly gathered together% He began to say% .This is an e!il generation" It
see's a sign% and no sign will be gi!en to it e9e*t the sign o$ Jonah the *ro*het"
/#' 11:-5 .;or as Jonah beame a sign to the Nine!ites% so also the ,on o$ ?an will be to this generation"
/#' 11:-1 .The E#een o$ the ,o#th will rise #* in the @#dgment with the men o$ this generation and ondemn
them% $or she ame $rom the ends o$ the earth to hear the wisdom o$ ,olomon& and indeed a greater than
,olomon (is) here"
/#' 11:-2 .The men o$ Nine!eh will rise #* in the @#dgment with this generation and ondemn it% $or they
re*ented at the *reahing o$ Jonah& and indeed a greater than Jonah (is) here"
/#' 11:-- . No one% when he has lit a lam*% *#ts (it) in a seret *lae or #nder a bas'et% b#t on a lam*stand%
that those who ome in may see the light"
/#' 11:-0 .The lam* o$ the body is the eye" There$ore% when yo#r eye is good% yo#r whole body also is $#ll o$
light" B#t when (yo#r eye) is bad% yo#r body also (is) $#ll o$ dar'ness"
/#' 11:-1 .There$ore ta'e heed that the light whih is in yo# is not dar'ness"
/#' 11:-3 .I$ then yo#r whole body (is) $#ll o$ light% ha!ing no *art dar'% (the) whole (body) will be $#ll o$ light% as
when the bright shining o$ a lam* gi!es yo# light".
/#' 11:-4 +nd as He s*o'e% a ertain <harisee as'ed Him to dine with him" ,o He went in and sat down to eat"
/#' 11:-8 >hen the <harisee saw (it%) he mar!eled that He had not $irst washed be$ore dinner"
/#' 11:-9 Then the /ord said to him% .Now yo# <harisees ma'e the o#tside o$ the #* and dish lean% b#t yo#r
inward *art is $#ll o$ greed and wi'edness"
/#' 11:05 .;oolish onesF 2id not He who made the o#tside ma'e the inside alsoC
/#' 11:01 .B#t rather gi!e alms o$ s#h things as yo# ha!e& then indeed all things are lean to yo#"
/#' 11:02 .B#t woe to yo# <hariseesF ;or yo# tithe mint and r#e and all manner o$ herbs% and *ass by @#stie
and the lo!e o$ God" These yo# o#ght to ha!e done% witho#t lea!ing the others #ndone"
/#' 11:0- .>oe to yo# <hariseesF ;or yo# lo!e the best seats in the synagog#es and greetings in the
/#' 11:00 .>oe to yo#% sribes and <harisees% hy*oritesF ;or yo# are li'e gra!es whih are not seen% and the
men who wal' o!er (them) are not aware (o$ them".)
/#' 11:01 Then one o$ the lawyers answered and said to Him% .Teaher% by saying these things Bo# re*roah
#s also".
/#' 11:03 +nd He said% .>oe to yo# also% lawyersF ;or yo# load men with b#rdens hard to bear% and yo#
yo#rsel!es do not to#h the b#rdens with one o$ yo#r $ingers"
/#' 11:04 .>oe to yo#F ;or yo# b#ild the tombs o$ the *ro*hets% and yo#r $athers 'illed them"
/#' 11:08 .In $at% yo# bear witness that yo# a**ro!e the deeds o$ yo#r $athers& $or they indeed 'illed them% and
yo# b#ild their tombs"
/#' 11:09 .There$ore the wisdom o$ God also said% AI will send them *ro*hets and a*ostles% and (some) o$ them
they will 'ill and *erse#te%A
/#' 11:15 .that the blood o$ all the *ro*hets whih was shed $rom the $o#ndation o$ the world may be reE#ired
o$ this generation%
/#' 11:11 .$rom the blood o$ +bel to the blood o$ Gehariah who *erished between the altar and the tem*le"
Bes% I say to yo#% it shall be reE#ired o$ this generation"
/#' 11:12 .>oe to yo# lawyersF ;or yo# ha!e ta'en away the 'ey o$ 'nowledge" Bo# did not enter in
yo#rsel!es% and those who were entering in yo# hindered".
/#' 11:1- +nd as He said these things to them% the sribes and the <harisees began to assail (Him)
!ehemently% and to rossDe9amine Him abo#t many things%
/#' 11:10 lying in wait $or Him% and see'ing to ath Him in something He might say% that they might a#se
/#' 12:1 In the meantime% when an inn#merable m#ltit#de o$ *eo*le had gathered together% so that they
tram*led one another% He began to say to His disi*les $irst (o$ all%) .Beware o$ the lea!en o$ the <harisees%
whih is hy*orisy"
/#' 12:2 .;or there is nothing o!ered that will not be re!ealed% nor hidden that will not be 'nown"
/#' 12:- .There$ore whate!er yo# ha!e s*o'en in the dar' will be heard in the light% and what yo# ha!e s*o'en
in the ear in inner rooms will be *rolaimed on the ho#seto*s"
/#' 12:0 . +nd I say to yo#% ?y $riends% do not be a$raid o$ those who 'ill the body% and a$ter that ha!e no more
that they an do"
/#' 12:1 .B#t I will show yo# whom yo# sho#ld $ear: ;ear Him who% a$ter He has 'illed% has *ower to ast into
hell& yes% I say to yo#% $ear HimF
/#' 12:3 .+re not $i!e s*arrows sold $or two o**er oinsC +nd not one o$ them is $orgotten be$ore God"
/#' 12:4 .B#t the !ery hairs o$ yo#r head are all n#mbered" 2o not $ear there$ore& yo# are o$ more !al#e than
many s*arrows"
/#' 12:8 . +lso I say to yo#% whoe!er on$esses ?e be$ore men% him the ,on o$ ?an also will on$ess be$ore
the angels o$ God"
/#' 12:9 .B#t he who denies ?e be$ore men will be denied be$ore the angels o$ God"
/#' 12:15 .+nd anyone who s*ea's a word against the ,on o$ ?an% it will be $orgi!en him& b#t to him who
blas*hemes against the Holy ,*irit% it will not be $orgi!en"
/#' 12:11 .Now when they bring yo# to the synagog#es and magistrates and a#thorities% do not worry abo#t
how or what yo# sho#ld answer% or what yo# sho#ld say"
/#' 12:12 .;or the Holy ,*irit will teah yo# in that !ery ho#r what yo# o#ght to say".
/#' 12:1- Then one $rom the rowd said to Him% .Teaher% tell my brother to di!ide the inheritane with me".
/#' 12:10 B#t He said to him% .?an% who made ?e a @#dge or an arbitrator o!er yo#C.
/#' 12:11 +nd He said to them% .Ta'e heed and beware o$ o!eto#sness% $or oneAs li$e does not onsist in the
ab#ndane o$ the things he *ossesses".
/#' 12:13 Then He s*o'e a *arable to them% saying: .The gro#nd o$ a ertain rih man yielded *lenti$#lly"
/#' 12:14 .+nd he tho#ght within himsel$% saying% A>hat shall I do% sine I ha!e no room to store my ro*sCA
/#' 12:18 .,o he said% AI will do this: I will *#ll down my barns and b#ild greater% and there I will store all my
ro*s and my goods"
/#' 12:19 A+nd I will say to my so#l% .,o#l% yo# ha!e many goods laid #* $or many years& ta'e yo#r ease& eat%
drin'% (and) be merry". A
/#' 12:25 .B#t God said to him% A;oolF This night yo#r so#l will be reE#ired o$ yo#& then whose will those things
be whih yo# ha!e *ro!idedCA
/#' 12:21 .,o (is) he who lays #* treas#re $or himsel$% and is not rih toward God".
/#' 12:22 Then He said to His disi*les% .There$ore I say to yo#% do not worry abo#t yo#r li$e% what yo# will eat&
nor abo#t the body% what yo# will *#t on"
/#' 12:2- ./i$e is more than $ood% and the body (is more) than lothing"
/#' 12:20 .=onsider the ra!ens% $or they neither sow nor rea*% whih ha!e neither storeho#se nor barn& and
God $eeds them" 8$ how m#h more !al#e are yo# than the birdsC
/#' 12:21 .+nd whih o$ yo# by worrying an add one #bit to his stat#reC
/#' 12:23 .I$ yo# then are not able to do (the) least% why are yo# an9io#s $or the restC
/#' 12:24 .=onsider the lilies% how they grow: they neither toil nor s*in& and yet I say to yo#% e!en ,olomon in
all his glory was not arrayed li'e one o$ these"
/#' 12:28 .I$ then God so lothes the grass% whih today is in the $ield and tomorrow is thrown into the o!en%
how m#h more (will He lothe) yo#% 8 (yo#) o$ little $aithC
/#' 12:29 .+nd do not see' what yo# sho#ld eat or what yo# sho#ld drin'% nor ha!e an an9io#s mind"
/#' 12:-5 .;or all these things the nations o$ the world see' a$ter% and yo#r ;ather 'nows that yo# need these
/#' 12:-1 .B#t see' the 'ingdom o$ God% and all these things shall be added to yo#"
/#' 12:-2 .2o not $ear% little $lo'% $or it is yo#r ;atherAs good *leas#re to gi!e yo# the 'ingdom"
/#' 12:-- .,ell what yo# ha!e and gi!e alms& *ro!ide yo#rsel!es money bags whih do not grow old% a treas#re
in the hea!ens that does not $ail% where no thie$ a**roahes nor moth destroys"
/#' 12:-0 .;or where yo#r treas#re is% there yo#r heart will be also"
/#' 12:-1 . /et yo#r waist be girded and (yo#r) lam*s b#rning&
/#' 12:-3 .and yo# yo#rsel!es be li'e men who wait $or their master% when he will ret#rn $rom the wedding% that
when he omes and 'no's they may o*en to him immediately"
/#' 12:-4 .Blessed (are) those ser!ants whom the master% when he omes% will $ind wathing" +ss#redly% I say
to yo# that he will gird himsel$ and ha!e them sit down (to eat%) and will ome and ser!e them"
/#' 12:-8 .+nd i$ he sho#ld ome in the seond wath% or ome in the third wath% and $ind (them) so% blessed
are those ser!ants"
/#' 12:-9 .B#t 'now this% that i$ the master o$ the ho#se had 'nown what ho#r the thie$ wo#ld ome% he wo#ld
ha!e wathed and not allowed his ho#se to be bro'en into"
/#' 12:05 .There$ore yo# also be ready% $or the ,on o$ ?an is oming at an ho#r yo# do not e9*et".
/#' 12:01 Then <eter said to Him% ./ord% do Bo# s*ea' this *arable (only) to #s% or to all (*eo*leC.)
/#' 12:02 +nd the /ord said% .>ho then is that $aith$#l and wise steward% whom (his) master will ma'e r#ler o!er
his ho#sehold% to gi!e (them their) *ortion o$ $ood in d#e seasonC
/#' 12:0- .Blessed (is) that ser!ant whom his master will $ind so doing when he omes"
/#' 12:00 .Tr#ly% I say to yo# that he will ma'e him r#ler o!er all that he has"
/#' 12:01 .B#t i$ that ser!ant says in his heart% A?y master is delaying his oming%A and begins to beat the male
and $emale ser!ants% and to eat and drin' and be dr#n'%
/#' 12:03 .the master o$ that ser!ant will ome on a day when he is not loo'ing $or (him%) and at an ho#r when
he is not aware% and will #t him in two and a**oint (him) his *ortion with the #nbelie!ers"
/#' 12:04 .+nd that ser!ant who 'new his masterAs will% and did not *re*are (himsel$) or do aording to his will%
shall be beaten with many (stri*es")
/#' 12:08 .B#t he who did not 'now% yet ommitted things deser!ing o$ stri*es% shall be beaten with $ew" ;or
e!eryone to whom m#h is gi!en% $rom him m#h will be reE#ired& and to whom m#h has been ommitted% o$
him they will as' the more"
/#' 12:09 . I ame to send $ire on the earth% and how I wish it were already 'indledF
/#' 12:15 .B#t I ha!e a ba*tism to be ba*tiHed with% and how distressed I am till it is aom*lishedF
/#' 12:11 .2o (yo#) s#**ose that I ame to gi!e *eae on earthC I tell yo#% not at all% b#t rather di!ision"
/#' 12:12 .;or $rom now on $i!e in one ho#se will be di!ided: three against two% and two against three"
/#' 12:1- .;ather will be di!ided against son and son against $ather% mother against da#ghter and da#ghter
against mother% motherDinDlaw against her da#ghterDinDlaw and da#ghterDinDlaw against her motherDinDlaw".
/#' 12:10 Then He also said to the m#ltit#des% .>hene!er yo# see a lo#d rising o#t o$ the west% immediately
yo# say% A+ shower is omingA& and so it is"
/#' 12:11 .+nd when yo# see the so#th wind blow% yo# say% AThere will be hot weatherA& and there is"
/#' 12:13 .Hy*oritesF Bo# an disern the $ae o$ the s'y and o$ the earth% b#t how (is it) yo# do not disern
this timeC
/#' 12:14 . Bes% and why% e!en o$ yo#rsel!es% do yo# not @#dge what is rightC
/#' 12:18 .>hen yo# go with yo#r ad!ersary to the magistrate% ma'e e!ery e$$ort along the way to settle with
him% lest he drag yo# to the @#dge% the @#dge deli!er yo# to the o$$ier% and the o$$ier throw yo# into *rison"
/#' 12:19 .I tell yo#% yo# shall not de*art $rom there till yo# ha!e *aid the !ery last mite".
/#' 1-:1 There were *resent at that season some who told Him abo#t the Galileans whose blood <ilate had
mingled with their sari$ies"
/#' 1-:2 +nd Jes#s answered and said to them% .2o yo# s#**ose that these Galileans were worse sinners than
all (other) Galileans% bea#se they s#$$ered s#h thingsC
/#' 1-:- .I tell yo#% no& b#t #nless yo# re*ent yo# will all li'ewise *erish"
/#' 1-:0 .8r those eighteen on whom the tower in ,iloam $ell and 'illed them% do yo# thin' that they were worse
sinners than all (other) men who dwelt in Jer#salemC
/#' 1-:1 .I tell yo#% no& b#t #nless yo# re*ent yo# will all li'ewise *erish".
/#' 1-:3 He also s*o'e this *arable: .+ ertain (man) had a $ig tree *lanted in his !ineyard% and he ame
see'ing $r#it on it and $o#nd none"
/#' 1-:4 .Then he said to the 'ee*er o$ his !ineyard% A/oo'% $or three years I ha!e ome see'ing $r#it on this $ig
tree and $ind none" =#t it down& why does it #se #* the gro#ndCA
/#' 1-:8 .B#t he answered and said to him% A,ir% let it alone this year also% #ntil I dig aro#nd it and $ertiliHe (it")
/#' 1-:9 A+nd i$ it bears $r#it% (well") B#t i$ not% a$ter that yo# an #t it down"A .
/#' 1-:15 Now He was teahing in one o$ the synagog#es on the ,abbath"
/#' 1-:11 +nd behold% there was a woman who had a s*irit o$ in$irmity eighteen years% and was bent o!er and
o#ld in no way raise (hersel$) #*"
/#' 1-:12 B#t when Jes#s saw her% He alled (her) to (Him) and said to her% .>oman% yo# are loosed $rom yo#r
/#' 1-:1- +nd He laid (His) hands on her% and immediately she was made straight% and glori$ied God"
/#' 1-:10 B#t the r#ler o$ the synagog#e answered with indignation% bea#se Jes#s had healed on the
,abbath& and he said to the rowd% .There are si9 days on whih men o#ght to wor'& there$ore ome and be
healed on them% and not on the ,abbath day".
/#' 1-:11 The /ord then answered him and said% .Hy*oriteF 2oes not eah one o$ yo# on the ,abbath loose
his o9 or don'ey $rom the stall% and lead (it) away to water itC
/#' 1-:13 .,o o#ght not this woman% being a da#ghter o$ +braham% whom ,atan has bo#nd DD thin' o$ it DD $or
eighteen years% be loosed $rom this bond on the ,abbathC.
/#' 1-:14 +nd when He said these things% all His ad!ersaries were *#t to shame& and all the m#ltit#de re@oied
$or all the glorio#s things that were done by Him"
/#' 1-:18 Then He said% .>hat is the 'ingdom o$ God li'eC +nd to what shall I om*are itC
/#' 1-:19 .It is li'e a m#stard seed% whih a man too' and *#t in his garden& and it grew and beame a large
tree% and the birds o$ the air nested in its branhes".
/#' 1-:25 +nd again He said% .To what shall I li'en the 'ingdom o$ GodC
/#' 1-:21 .It is li'e lea!en% whih a woman too' and hid in three meas#res o$ meal till it was all lea!ened".
/#' 1-:22 +nd He went thro#gh the ities and !illages% teahing% and @o#rneying toward Jer#salem"
/#' 1-:2- Then one said to Him% ./ord% are there $ew who are sa!edC. +nd He said to them%
/#' 1-:20 .,tri!e to enter thro#gh the narrow gate% $or many% I say to yo#% will see' to enter and will not be able"
/#' 1-:21 .>hen one the ?aster o$ the ho#se has risen #* and sh#t the door% and yo# begin to stand o#tside
and 'no' at the door% saying% A/ord% /ord% o*en $or #s%A and He will answer and say to yo#% AI do not 'now yo#%
where yo# are $rom%A
/#' 1-:23 .then yo# will begin to say% A>e ate and dran' in Bo#r *resene% and Bo# ta#ght in o#r streets"A
/#' 1-:24 .B#t He will say% AI tell yo# I do not 'now yo#% where yo# are $rom" 2e*art $rom ?e% all yo# wor'ers o$
/#' 1-:28 .There will be wee*ing and gnashing o$ teeth% when yo# see +braham and Isaa and Jaob and all
the *ro*hets in the 'ingdom o$ God% and yo#rsel!es thr#st o#t"
/#' 1-:29 .They will ome $rom the east and the west% $rom the north and the so#th% and sit down in the
'ingdom o$ God"
/#' 1-:-5 .+nd indeed there are last who will be $irst% and there are $irst who will be last".
/#' 1-:-1 8n that !ery day some <harisees ame% saying to Him% .Get o#t and de*art $rom here% $or Herod
wants to 'ill Bo#".
/#' 1-:-2 +nd He said to them% .Go% tell that $o9% ABehold% I ast o#t demons and *er$orm #res today and
tomorrow% and the third (day) I shall be *er$eted"A
/#' 1-:-- .Ne!ertheless I m#st @o#rney today% tomorrow% and the (day) $ollowing& $or it annot be that a *ro*het
sho#ld *erish o#tside o$ Jer#salem"
/#' 1-:-0 . 8 Jer#salem% Jer#salem% the one who 'ills the *ro*hets and stones those who are sent to herF How
o$ten I wanted to gather yo#r hildren together% as a hen (gathers) her brood #nder (her) wings% b#t yo# were not
/#' 1-:-1 .,eeF Bo#r ho#se is le$t to yo# desolate& and ass#redly% I say to yo#% yo# shall not see ?e #ntil (the
time) omes when yo# say% ABlessed is He who omes in the name o$ the /8:2FA .
/#' 10:1 Now it ha**ened% as He went into the ho#se o$ one o$ the r#lers o$ the <harisees to eat bread on the
,abbath% that they wathed Him losely"
/#' 10:2 +nd behold% there was a ertain man be$ore Him who had dro*sy"
/#' 10:- +nd Jes#s% answering% s*o'e to the lawyers and <harisees% saying% .Is it law$#l to heal on the
/#' 10:0 B#t they 'e*t silent" +nd He too' (him) and healed him% and let him go"
/#' 10:1 Then He answered them% saying% .>hih o$ yo#% ha!ing a don'ey or an o9 that has $allen into a *it% will
not immediately *#ll him o#t on the ,abbath dayC.
/#' 10:3 +nd they o#ld not answer Him regarding these things"
/#' 10:4 ,o He told a *arable to those who were in!ited% when He noted how they hose the best *laes%
saying to them:
/#' 10:8 .>hen yo# are in!ited by anyone to a wedding $east% do not sit down in the best *lae% lest one more
honorable than yo# be in!ited by him&
/#' 10:9 .and he who in!ited yo# and him ome and say to yo#% AGi!e *lae to this man%A and then yo# begin
with shame to ta'e the lowest *lae"
/#' 10:15 .B#t when yo# are in!ited% go and sit down in the lowest *lae% so that when he who in!ited yo#
omes he may say to yo#% A;riend% go #* higher"A Then yo# will ha!e glory in the *resene o$ those who sit at the
table with yo#"
/#' 10:11 .;or whoe!er e9alts himsel$ will be h#mbled% and he who h#mbles himsel$ will be e9alted".
/#' 10:12 Then He also said to him who in!ited Him% .>hen yo# gi!e a dinner or a s#**er% do not as' yo#r
$riends% yo#r brothers% yo#r relati!es% nor rih neighbors% lest they also in!ite yo# ba'% and yo# be re*aid"
/#' 10:1- .B#t when yo# gi!e a $east% in!ite (the) *oor% (the) maimed% (the) lame% (the) blind"
/#' 10:10 .+nd yo# will be blessed% bea#se they annot re*ay yo#& $or yo# shall be re*aid at the res#rretion
o$ the @#st".
/#' 10:11 Now when one o$ those who sat at the table with Him heard these things% he said to Him% .Blessed
(is) he who shall eat bread in the 'ingdom o$ GodF.
/#' 10:13 Then He said to him% .+ ertain man ga!e a great s#**er and in!ited many%
/#' 10:14 .and sent his ser!ant at s#**er time to say to those who were in!ited% A=ome% $or all things are now
/#' 10:18 .B#t they all with one (aord) began to ma'e e9#ses" The $irst said to him% AI ha!e bo#ght a *iee o$
gro#nd% and I m#st go and see it" I as' yo# to ha!e me e9#sed"A
/#' 10:19 .+nd another said% AI ha!e bo#ght $i!e yo'e o$ o9en% and I am going to test them" I as' yo# to ha!e
me e9#sed"A
/#' 10:25 .,till another said% AI ha!e married a wi$e% and there$ore I annot ome"A
/#' 10:21 .,o that ser!ant ame and re*orted these things to his master" Then the master o$ the ho#se% being
angry% said to his ser!ant% AGo o#t E#i'ly into the streets and lanes o$ the ity% and bring in here (the) *oor and
(the) maimed and (the) lame and (the) blind"A
/#' 10:22 .+nd the ser!ant said% A?aster% it is done as yo# ommanded% and still there is room"A
/#' 10:2- .Then the master said to the ser!ant% AGo o#t into the highways and hedges% and om*el (them) to
ome in% that my ho#se may be $illed"
/#' 10:20 A;or I say to yo# that none o$ those men who were in!ited shall taste my s#**er"A .
/#' 10:21 Now great m#ltit#des went with Him" +nd He t#rned and said to them%
/#' 10:23 .I$ anyone omes to ?e and does not hate his $ather and mother% wi$e and hildren% brothers and
sisters% yes% and his own li$e also% he annot be ?y disi*le"
/#' 10:24 .+nd whoe!er does not bear his ross and ome a$ter ?e annot be ?y disi*le"
/#' 10:28 .;or whih o$ yo#% intending to b#ild a tower% does not sit down $irst and o#nt the ost% whether he
has (eno#gh) to $inish (it DD )
/#' 10:29 .lest% a$ter he has laid the $o#ndation% and is not able to $inish% all who see (it) begin to mo' him%
/#' 10:-5 .saying% AThis man began to b#ild and was not able to $inish"A
/#' 10:-1 .8r what 'ing% going to ma'e war against another 'ing% does not sit down $irst and onsider whether
he is able with ten tho#sand to meet him who omes against him with twenty tho#sandC
/#' 10:-2 .8r else% while the other is still a great way o$$% he sends a delegation and as's onditions o$ *eae"
/#' 10:-- .,o li'ewise% whoe!er o$ yo# does not $orsa'e all that he has annot be ?y disi*le"
/#' 10:-0 . ,alt (is) good& b#t i$ the salt has lost its $la!or% how shall it be seasonedC
/#' 10:-1 .It is neither $it $or the land nor $or the d#nghill% (b#t) men throw it o#t" He who has ears to hear% let
him hearF.
/#' 11:1 Then all the ta9 olletors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him"
/#' 11:2 +nd the <harisees and sribes om*lained% saying% .This ?an reei!es sinners and eats with them".
/#' 11:- ,o He s*o'e this *arable to them% saying:
/#' 11:0 .>hat man o$ yo#% ha!ing a h#ndred shee*% i$ he loses one o$ them% does not lea!e the ninetyDnine in
the wilderness% and go a$ter the one whih is lost #ntil he $inds itC
/#' 11:1 .+nd when he has $o#nd (it%) he lays (it) on his sho#lders% re@oiing"
/#' 11:3 .+nd when he omes home% he alls together (his) $riends and neighbors% saying to them% A:e@oie with
me% $or I ha!e $o#nd my shee* whih was lostFA
/#' 11:4 .I say to yo# that li'ewise there will be more @oy in hea!en o!er one sinner who re*ents than o!er
ninetyDnine @#st *ersons who need no re*entane"
/#' 11:8 . 8r what woman% ha!ing ten sil!er oins% i$ she loses one oin% does not light a lam*% swee* the
ho#se% and searh are$#lly #ntil she $inds (itC)
/#' 11:9 .+nd when she has $o#nd (it%) she alls (her) $riends and neighbors together% saying% A:e@oie with me%
$or I ha!e $o#nd the *iee whih I lostFA
/#' 11:15 ./i'ewise% I say to yo#% there is @oy in the *resene o$ the angels o$ God o!er one sinner who
/#' 11:11 Then He said: .+ ertain man had two sons"
/#' 11:12 .+nd the yo#nger o$ them said to (his) $ather% A;ather% gi!e me the *ortion o$ goods that $alls (to me"A)
,o he di!ided to them (his) li!elihood"
/#' 11:1- .+nd not many days a$ter% the yo#nger son gathered all together% @o#rneyed to a $ar o#ntry% and
there wasted his *ossessions with *rodigal li!ing"
/#' 11:10 .B#t when he had s*ent all% there arose a se!ere $amine in that land% and he began to be in want"
/#' 11:11 .Then he went and @oined himsel$ to a itiHen o$ that o#ntry% and he sent him into his $ields to $eed
/#' 11:13 .+nd he wo#ld gladly ha!e $illed his stomah with the *ods that the swine ate% and no one ga!e him
/#' 11:14 .B#t when he ame to himsel$% he said% AHow many o$ my $atherAs hired ser!ants ha!e bread eno#gh
and to s*are% and I *erish with h#ngerF
/#' 11:18 AI will arise and go to my $ather% and will say to him% .;ather% I ha!e sinned against hea!en and be$ore
/#' 11:19 .and I am no longer worthy to be alled yo#r son" ?a'e me li'e one o$ yo#r hired ser!ants". A
/#' 11:25 .+nd he arose and ame to his $ather" B#t when he was still a great way o$$% his $ather saw him and
had om*assion% and ran and $ell on his ne' and 'issed him"
/#' 11:21 .+nd the son said to him% A;ather% I ha!e sinned against hea!en and in yo#r sight% and am no longer
worthy to be alled yo#r son"A
/#' 11:22 .B#t the $ather said to his ser!ants% ABring o#t the best robe and *#t (it) on him% and *#t a ring on his
hand and sandals on (his) $eet"
/#' 11:2- A+nd bring the $atted al$ here and 'ill (it%) and let #s eat and be merry&
/#' 11:20 A$or this my son was dead and is ali!e again& he was lost and is $o#nd"A +nd they began to be merry"
/#' 11:21 .Now his older son was in the $ield" +nd as he ame and drew near to the ho#se% he heard m#si and
/#' 11:23 .,o he alled one o$ the ser!ants and as'ed what these things meant"
/#' 11:24 .+nd he said to him% ABo#r brother has ome% and bea#se he has reei!ed him sa$e and so#nd% yo#r
$ather has 'illed the $atted al$"A
/#' 11:28 .B#t he was angry and wo#ld not go in" There$ore his $ather ame o#t and *leaded with him"
/#' 11:29 .,o he answered and said to (his) $ather% A/o% these many years I ha!e been ser!ing yo#& I ne!er
transgressed yo#r ommandment at any time& and yet yo# ne!er ga!e me a yo#ng goat% that I might ma'e merry
with my $riends"
/#' 11:-5 AB#t as soon as this son o$ yo#rs ame% who has de!o#red yo#r li!elihood with harlots% yo# 'illed the
$atted al$ $or him"A
/#' 11:-1 .+nd he said to him% A,on% yo# are always with me% and all that I ha!e is yo#rs"
/#' 11:-2 AIt was right that we sho#ld ma'e merry and be glad% $or yo#r brother was dead and is ali!e again%
and was lost and is $o#nd"A .
/#' 13:1 He also said to His disi*les: .There was a ertain rih man who had a steward% and an a#sation
was bro#ght to him that this man was wasting his goods"
/#' 13:2 .,o he alled him and said to him% A>hat is this I hear abo#t yo#C Gi!e an ao#nt o$ yo#r
stewardshi*% $or yo# an no longer be steward"A
/#' 13:- .Then the steward said within himsel$% A>hat shall I doC ;or my master is ta'ing the stewardshi* away
$rom me" I annot dig& I am ashamed to beg"
/#' 13:0 AI ha!e resol!ed what to do% that when I am *#t o#t o$ the stewardshi*% they may reei!e me into their
/#' 13:1 .,o he alled e!ery one o$ his masterAs debtors to (him%) and said to the $irst% AHow m#h do yo# owe
my masterCA
/#' 13:3 .+nd he said% A+ h#ndred meas#res o$ oil"A ,o he said to him% ATa'e yo#r bill% and sit down E#i'ly and
write $i$ty"A
/#' 13:4 .Then he said to another% A+nd how m#h do yo# oweCA ,o he said% A+ h#ndred meas#res o$ wheat"A
+nd he said to him% ATa'e yo#r bill% and write eighty"A
/#' 13:8 .,o the master ommended the #n@#st steward bea#se he had dealt shrewdly" ;or the sons o$ this
world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons o$ light"
/#' 13:9 .+nd I say to yo#% ma'e $riends $or yo#rsel!es by #nrighteo#s mammon% that when yo# $ail% they may
reei!e yo# into an e!erlasting home"
/#' 13:15 .He who (is) $aith$#l in (what is) least is $aith$#l also in m#h& and he who is #n@#st in (what is) least is
#n@#st also in m#h"
/#' 13:11 .There$ore i$ yo# ha!e not been $aith$#l in the #nrighteo#s mammon% who will ommit to yo#r tr#st the
tr#e (rihesC)
/#' 13:12 .+nd i$ yo# ha!e not been $aith$#l in what is another manAs% who will gi!e yo# what is yo#r ownC
/#' 13:1- .No ser!ant an ser!e two masters& $or either he will hate the one and lo!e the other% or else he will
be loyal to the one and des*ise the other" Bo# annot ser!e God and mammon".
/#' 13:10 Now the <harisees% who were lo!ers o$ money% also heard all these things% and they derided Him"
/#' 13:11 +nd He said to them% .Bo# are those who @#sti$y yo#rsel!es be$ore men% b#t God 'nows yo#r hearts"
;or what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight o$ God"
/#' 13:13 .The law and the *ro*hets (were) #ntil John" ,ine that time the 'ingdom o$ God has been *reahed%
and e!eryone is *ressing into it"
/#' 13:14 .+nd it is easier $or hea!en and earth to *ass away than $or one tittle o$ the law to $ail"
/#' 13:18 .>hoe!er di!ores his wi$e and marries another ommits ad#ltery& and whoe!er marries her who is
di!ored $rom (her) h#sband ommits ad#ltery"
/#' 13:19 . There was a ertain rih man who was lothed in *#r*le and $ine linen and $ared s#m*t#o#sly e!ery
/#' 13:25 .B#t there was a ertain beggar named /aHar#s% $#ll o$ sores% who was laid at his gate%
/#' 13:21 .desiring to be $ed with the r#mbs whih $ell $rom the rih manAs table" ?oreo!er the dogs ame and
li'ed his sores"
/#' 13:22 .,o it was that the beggar died% and was arried by the angels to +brahamAs bosom" The rih man
also died and was b#ried"
/#' 13:2- .+nd being in torments in Hades% he li$ted #* his eyes and saw +braham a$ar o$$% and /aHar#s in his
/#' 13:20 .Then he ried and said% A;ather +braham% ha!e mery on me% and send /aHar#s that he may di* the
ti* o$ his $inger in water and ool my tong#e& $or I am tormented in this $lame"A
/#' 13:21 .B#t +braham said% A,on% remember that in yo#r li$etime yo# reei!ed yo#r good things% and li'ewise
/aHar#s e!il things& b#t now he is om$orted and yo# are tormented"
/#' 13:23 A+nd besides all this% between #s and yo# there is a great g#l$ $i9ed% so that those who want to *ass
$rom here to yo# annot% nor an those $rom there *ass to #s"A
/#' 13:24 .Then he said% AI beg yo# there$ore% $ather% that yo# wo#ld send him to my $atherAs ho#se%
/#' 13:28 A$or I ha!e $i!e brothers% that he may testi$y to them% lest they also ome to this *lae o$ torment"A
/#' 13:29 .+braham said to him% AThey ha!e ?oses and the *ro*hets& let them hear them"A
/#' 13:-5 .+nd he said% ANo% $ather +braham& b#t i$ one goes to them $rom the dead% they will re*ent"A
/#' 13:-1 .B#t he said to him% AI$ they do not hear ?oses and the *ro*hets% neither will they be *ers#aded
tho#gh one rise $rom the dead"A .
/#' 14:1 Then He said to the disi*les% .It is im*ossible that no o$$enses sho#ld ome% b#t woe (to him) thro#gh
whom they do omeF
/#' 14:2 .It wo#ld be better $or him i$ a millstone were h#ng aro#nd his ne'% and he were thrown into the sea%
than that he sho#ld o$$end one o$ these little ones"
/#' 14:- .Ta'e heed to yo#rsel!es" I$ yo#r brother sins against yo#% reb#'e him& and i$ he re*ents% $orgi!e him"
/#' 14:0 .+nd i$ he sins against yo# se!en times in a day% and se!en times in a day ret#rns to yo#% saying% AI
re*ent%A yo# shall $orgi!e him".
/#' 14:1 +nd the a*ostles said to the /ord% .Inrease o#r $aith".
/#' 14:3 ,o the /ord said% .I$ yo# ha!e $aith as a m#stard seed% yo# an say to this m#lberry tree% ABe *#lled #*
by the roots and be *lanted in the sea%A and it wo#ld obey yo#"
/#' 14:4 .+nd whih o$ yo#% ha!ing a ser!ant *lowing or tending shee*% will say to him when he has ome in
$rom the $ield% A=ome at one and sit down to eatAC
/#' 14:8 .B#t will he not rather say to him% A<re*are something $or my s#**er% and gird yo#rsel$ and ser!e me till
I ha!e eaten and dr#n'% and a$terward yo# will eat and drin'AC
/#' 14:9 .2oes he than' that ser!ant bea#se he did the things that were ommanded himC I thin' not"
/#' 14:15 .,o li'ewise yo#% when yo# ha!e done all those things whih yo# are ommanded% say% A>e are
#n*ro$itable ser!ants" >e ha!e done what was o#r d#ty to do"A .
/#' 14:11 Now it ha**ened as He went to Jer#salem that He *assed thro#gh the midst o$ ,amaria and Galilee"
/#' 14:12 Then as He entered a ertain !illage% there met Him ten men who were le*ers% who stood a$ar o$$"
/#' 14:1- +nd they li$ted #* (their) !oies and said% .Jes#s% ?aster% ha!e mery on #sF.
/#' 14:10 ,o when He saw (them%) He said to them% .Go% show yo#rsel!es to the *riests". +nd so it was that as
they went% they were leansed"
/#' 14:11 +nd one o$ them% when he saw that he was healed% ret#rned% and with a lo#d !oie glori$ied God%
/#' 14:13 and $ell down on (his) $ae at His $eet% gi!ing Him than's" +nd he was a ,amaritan"
/#' 14:14 ,o Jes#s answered and said% .>ere there not ten leansedC B#t where (are) the nineC
/#' 14:18 .>ere there not any $o#nd who ret#rned to gi!e glory to God e9e*t this $oreignerC.
/#' 14:19 +nd He said to him% .+rise% go yo#r way" Bo#r $aith has made yo# well".
/#' 14:25 Now when He was as'ed by the <harisees when the 'ingdom o$ God wo#ld ome% He answered
them and said% .The 'ingdom o$ God does not ome with obser!ation&
/#' 14:21 .nor will they say% A,ee hereFA or A,ee thereFA ;or indeed% the 'ingdom o$ God is within yo#".
/#' 14:22 Then He said to the disi*les% .The days will ome when yo# will desire to see one o$ the days o$ the
,on o$ ?an% and yo# will not see (it")
/#' 14:2- .+nd they will say to yo#% A/oo' hereFA or A/oo' thereFA 2o not go a$ter (them) or $ollow (them")
/#' 14:20 .;or as the lightning that $lashes o#t o$ one (*art) #nder hea!en shines to the other (*art) #nder
hea!en% so also the ,on o$ ?an will be in His day"
/#' 14:21 .B#t $irst He m#st s#$$er many things and be re@eted by this generation"
/#' 14:23 .+nd as it was in the days o$ Noah% so it will be also in the days o$ the ,on o$ ?an:
/#' 14:24 .They ate% they dran'% they married wi!es% they were gi!en in marriage% #ntil the day that Noah
entered the ar'% and the $lood ame and destroyed them all"
/#' 14:28 ./i'ewise as it was also in the days o$ /ot: They ate% they dran'% they bo#ght% they sold% they *lanted%
they b#ilt&
/#' 14:29 .b#t on the day that /ot went o#t o$ ,odom it rained $ire and brimstone $rom hea!en and destroyed
(them) all"
/#' 14:-5 .6!en so will it be in the day when the ,on o$ ?an is re!ealed"
/#' 14:-1 .In that day% he who is on the ho#seto*% and his goods (are) in the ho#se% let him not ome down to
ta'e them away" +nd li'ewise the one who is in the $ield% let him not t#rn ba'"
/#' 14:-2 .:emember /otAs wi$e"
/#' 14:-- .>hoe!er see's to sa!e his li$e will lose it% and whoe!er loses his li$e will *reser!e it"
/#' 14:-0 .I tell yo#% in that night there will be two (men) in one bed: the one will be ta'en and the other will be
/#' 14:-1 .Two (women) will be grinding together: the one will be ta'en and the other le$t"
/#' 14:-3 .Two (men) will be in the $ield: the one will be ta'en and the other le$t".
/#' 14:-4 +nd they answered and said to Him% .>here% /ordC. ,o He said to them% .>here!er the body is%
there the eagles will be gathered together".
/#' 18:1 Then He s*o'e a *arable to them% that men always o#ght to *ray and not lose heart%
/#' 18:2 saying: .There was in a ertain ity a @#dge who did not $ear God nor regard man"
/#' 18:- .Now there was a widow in that ity& and she ame to him% saying% AGet @#stie $or me $rom my
/#' 18:0 .+nd he wo#ld not $or a while& b#t a$terward he said within himsel$% ATho#gh I do not $ear God nor
regard man%
/#' 18:1 Ayet bea#se this widow tro#bles me I will a!enge her% lest by her ontin#al oming she weary me"A .
/#' 18:3 Then the /ord said% .Hear what the #n@#st @#dge said"
/#' 18:4 .+nd shall God not a!enge His own elet who ry o#t day and night to Him% tho#gh He bears long with
/#' 18:8 .I tell yo# that He will a!enge them s*eedily" Ne!ertheless% when the ,on o$ ?an omes% will He really
$ind $aith on the earthC.
/#' 18:9 +lso He s*o'e this *arable to some who tr#sted in themsel!es that they were righteo#s% and des*ised
/#' 18:15 .Two men went #* to the tem*le to *ray% one a <harisee and the other a ta9 olletor"
/#' 18:11 .The <harisee stood and *rayed th#s with himsel$% AGod% I than' Bo# that I am not li'e other men DD
e9tortioners% #n@#st% ad#lterers% or e!en as this ta9 olletor"
/#' 18:12 AI $ast twie a wee'& I gi!e tithes o$ all that I *ossess"A
/#' 18:1- .+nd the ta9 olletor% standing a$ar o$$% wo#ld not so m#h as raise (his) eyes to hea!en% b#t beat his
breast% saying% AGod% be meri$#l to me a sinnerFA
/#' 18:10 .I tell yo#% this man went down to his ho#se @#sti$ied (rather) than the other& $or e!eryone who e9alts
himsel$ will be h#mbled% and he who h#mbles himsel$ will be e9alted".
/#' 18:11 Then they also bro#ght in$ants to Him that He might to#h them& b#t when the disi*les saw (it%) they
reb#'ed them"
/#' 18:13 B#t Jes#s alled them to (Him) and said% ./et the little hildren ome to ?e% and do not $orbid them&
$or o$ s#h is the 'ingdom o$ God"
/#' 18:14 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% whoe!er does not reei!e the 'ingdom o$ God as a little hild will by no
means enter it".
/#' 18:18 Now a ertain r#ler as'ed Him% saying% .Good Teaher% what shall I do to inherit eternal li$eC.
/#' 18:19 ,o Jes#s said to him% .>hy do yo# all ?e goodC No one (is) good b#t 8ne% (that is%) God"
/#' 18:25 .Bo# 'now the ommandments: A2o not ommit ad#ltery%A A2o not m#rder%A A2o not steal%A A2o not bear
$alse witness%A AHonor yo#r $ather and yo#r mother"A .
/#' 18:21 +nd he said% .+ll these things I ha!e 'e*t $rom my yo#th".
/#' 18:22 ,o when Jes#s heard these things% He said to him% .Bo# still la' one thing" ,ell all that yo# ha!e and
distrib#te to the *oor% and yo# will ha!e treas#re in hea!en& and ome% $ollow ?e".
/#' 18:2- B#t when he heard this% he beame !ery sorrow$#l% $or he was !ery rih"
/#' 18:20 +nd when Jes#s saw that he beame !ery sorrow$#l% He said% .How hard it is $or those who ha!e
rihes to enter the 'ingdom o$ GodF
/#' 18:21 .;or it is easier $or a amel to go thro#gh the eye o$ a needle than $or a rih man to enter the 'ingdom
o$ God".
/#' 18:23 +nd those who heard it said% .>ho then an be sa!edC.
/#' 18:24 B#t He said% .The things whih are im*ossible with men are *ossible with God".
/#' 18:28 Then <eter said% .,ee% we ha!e le$t all and $ollowed Bo#".
/#' 18:29 ,o He said to them% .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% there is no one who has le$t ho#se or *arents or
brothers or wi$e or hildren% $or the sa'e o$ the 'ingdom o$ God%
/#' 18:-5 .who shall not reei!e many times more in this *resent time% and in the age to ome eternal li$e".
/#' 18:-1 Then He too' the twel!e aside and said to them% .Behold% we are going #* to Jer#salem% and all
things that are written by the *ro*hets onerning the ,on o$ ?an will be aom*lished"
/#' 18:-2 .;or He will be deli!ered to the Gentiles and will be mo'ed and ins#lted and s*it #*on"
/#' 18:-- .They will so#rge (Him) and 'ill Him" +nd the third day He will rise again".
/#' 18:-0 B#t they #nderstood none o$ these things& this saying was hidden $rom them% and they did not 'now
the things whih were s*o'en"
/#' 18:-1 Then it ha**ened% as He was oming near Jeriho% that a ertain blind man sat by the road begging"
/#' 18:-3 +nd hearing a m#ltit#de *assing by% he as'ed what it meant"
/#' 18:-4 ,o they told him that Jes#s o$ NaHareth was *assing by"
/#' 18:-8 +nd he ried o#t% saying% .Jes#s% ,on o$ 2a!id% ha!e mery on meF.
/#' 18:-9 Then those who went be$ore warned him that he sho#ld be E#iet& b#t he ried o#t all the more% .,on
o$ 2a!id% ha!e mery on meF.
/#' 18:05 ,o Jes#s stood still and ommanded him to be bro#ght to Him" +nd when he had ome near% He
as'ed him%
/#' 18:01 saying% .>hat do yo# want ?e to do $or yo#C. He said% ./ord% that I may reei!e my sight".
/#' 18:02 Then Jes#s said to him% .:eei!e yo#r sight& yo#r $aith has made yo# well".
/#' 18:0- +nd immediately he reei!ed his sight% and $ollowed Him% glori$ying God" +nd all the *eo*le% when
they saw (it%) ga!e *raise to God"
/#' 19:1 Then (Jes#s) entered and *assed thro#gh Jeriho"
/#' 19:2 Now behold% (there was) a man named Gahae#s who was a hie$ ta9 olletor% and he was rih"
/#' 19:- +nd he so#ght to see who Jes#s was% b#t o#ld not bea#se o$ the rowd% $or he was o$ short stat#re"
/#' 19:0 ,o he ran ahead and limbed #* into a syamore tree to see Him% $or He was going to *ass that (way")
/#' 19:1 +nd when Jes#s ame to the *lae% He loo'ed #* and saw him% and said to him% .Gahae#s% ma'e
haste and ome down% $or today I m#st stay at yo#r ho#se".
/#' 19:3 ,o he made haste and ame down% and reei!ed Him @oy$#lly"
/#' 19:4 B#t when they saw (it%) they all om*lained% saying% .He has gone to be a g#est with a man who is a
/#' 19:8 Then Gahae#s stood and said to the /ord% ./oo'% /ord% I gi!e hal$ o$ my goods to the *oor& and i$ I
ha!e ta'en anything $rom anyone by $alse a#sation% I restore $o#r$old".
/#' 19:9 +nd Jes#s said to him% .Today sal!ation has ome to this ho#se% bea#se he also is a son o$
/#' 19:15 .$or the ,on o$ ?an has ome to see' and to sa!e that whih was lost".
/#' 19:11 Now as they heard these things% He s*o'e another *arable% bea#se He was near Jer#salem and
bea#se they tho#ght the 'ingdom o$ God wo#ld a**ear immediately"
/#' 19:12 There$ore He said: .+ ertain nobleman went into a $ar o#ntry to reei!e $or himsel$ a 'ingdom and
to ret#rn"
/#' 19:1- .,o he alled ten o$ his ser!ants% deli!ered to them ten minas% and said to them% A2o b#siness till I
/#' 19:10 .B#t his itiHens hated him% and sent a delegation a$ter him% saying% A>e will not ha!e this (man) to
reign o!er #s"A
/#' 19:11 .+nd so it was that when he ret#rned% ha!ing reei!ed the 'ingdom% he then ommanded these
ser!ants% to whom he had gi!en the money% to be alled to him% that he might 'now how m#h e!ery man had
gained by trading"
/#' 19:13 .Then ame the $irst% saying% A?aster% yo#r mina has earned ten minas"A
/#' 19:14 .+nd he said to him% A>ell (done%) good ser!ant& bea#se yo# were $aith$#l in a !ery little% ha!e
a#thority o!er ten ities"A
/#' 19:18 .+nd the seond ame% saying% A?aster% yo#r mina has earned $i!e minas"A
/#' 19:19 ./i'ewise he said to him% ABo# also be o!er $i!e ities"A
/#' 19:25 .Then another ame% saying% A?aster% here is yo#r mina% whih I ha!e 'e*t *#t away in a
/#' 19:21 A;or I $eared yo#% bea#se yo# are an a#stere man" Bo# ollet what yo# did not de*osit% and rea*
what yo# did not sow"A
/#' 19:22 .+nd he said to him% A8#t o$ yo#r own mo#th I will @#dge yo#% (yo#) wi'ed ser!ant" Bo# 'new that I
was an a#stere man% olleting what I did not de*osit and rea*ing what I did not sow"
/#' 19:2- A>hy then did yo# not *#t my money in the ban'% that at my oming I might ha!e olleted it with
/#' 19:20 .+nd he said to those who stood by% ATa'e the mina $rom him% and gi!e (it) to him who has ten minas"A
/#' 19:21 I.B#t they said to him% A?aster% he has ten minas"AJ
/#' 19:23 A;or I say to yo#% that to e!eryone who has will be gi!en& and $rom him who does not ha!e% e!en what
he has will be ta'en away $rom him"
/#' 19:24 AB#t bring here those enemies o$ mine% who did not want me to reign o!er them% and slay (them)
be$ore me"A .
/#' 19:28 >hen He had said this% He went on ahead% going #* to Jer#salem"
/#' 19:29 +nd it ame to *ass% when He ame near to Beth*hage and Bethany% at the mo#ntain alled 8li!et%
(that) He sent two o$ His disi*les%
/#' 19:-5 saying% .Go into the !illage o**osite (yo#%) where as yo# enter yo# will $ind a olt tied% on whih no
one has e!er sat" /oose it and bring (it here")
/#' 19:-1 .+nd i$ anyone as's yo#% A>hy are yo# loosing (itCA) th#s yo# shall say to him% ABea#se the /ord has
need o$ it"A .
/#' 19:-2 ,o those who were sent went their way and $o#nd (it) @#st as He had said to them"
/#' 19:-- B#t as they were loosing the olt% the owners o$ it said to them% .>hy are yo# loosing the oltC.
/#' 19:-0 +nd they said% .The /ord has need o$ him".
/#' 19:-1 Then they bro#ght him to Jes#s" +nd they threw their own lothes on the olt% and they set Jes#s on
/#' 19:-3 +nd as He went% (many) s*read their lothes on the road"
/#' 19:-4 Then% as He was now drawing near the desent o$ the ?o#nt o$ 8li!es% the whole m#ltit#de o$ the
disi*les began to re@oie and *raise God with a lo#d !oie $or all the mighty wor's they had seen%
/#' 19:-8 saying: . ABlessed (is) the King who omes in the name o$ the /8:2FA <eae in hea!en and glory in
the highestF.
/#' 19:-9 +nd some o$ the <harisees alled to Him $rom the rowd% .Teaher% reb#'e Bo#r disi*les".
/#' 19:05 B#t He answered and said to them% .I tell yo# that i$ these sho#ld 'ee* silent% the stones wo#ld
immediately ry o#t".
/#' 19:01 Now as He drew near% He saw the ity and we*t o!er it%
/#' 19:02 saying% .I$ yo# had 'nown% e!en yo#% es*eially in this yo#r day% the things (that ma'e) $or yo#r
*eaeF B#t now they are hidden $rom yo#r eyes"
/#' 19:0- .;or days will ome #*on yo# when yo#r enemies will b#ild an emban'ment aro#nd yo#% s#rro#nd
yo# and lose yo# in on e!ery side%
/#' 19:00 .and le!el yo#% and yo#r hildren within yo#% to the gro#nd& and they will not lea!e in yo# one stone
#*on another% bea#se yo# did not 'now the time o$ yo#r !isitation".
/#' 19:01 Then He went into the tem*le and began to dri!e o#t those who bo#ght and sold in it%
/#' 19:03 saying to them% .It is written% A?y ho#se is a ho#se o$ *rayer%A b#t yo# ha!e made it a Aden o$ thie!es"A
/#' 19:04 +nd He was teahing daily in the tem*le" B#t the hie$ *riests% the sribes% and the leaders o$ the
*eo*le so#ght to destroy Him%
/#' 19:08 and were #nable to do anything& $or all the *eo*le were !ery attenti!e to hear Him"
/#' 25:1 Now it ha**ened on one o$ those days% as He ta#ght the *eo*le in the tem*le and *reahed the
gos*el% (that) the hie$ *riests and the sribes% together with the elders% on$ronted (Him)
/#' 25:2 and s*o'e to Him% saying% .Tell #s% by what a#thority are Bo# doing these thingsC 8r who is he who
ga!e Bo# this a#thorityC.
/#' 25:- B#t He answered and said to them% .I also will as' yo# one thing% and answer ?e:
/#' 25:0 .The ba*tism o$ John DD was it $rom hea!en or $rom menC.
/#' 25:1 +nd they reasoned among themsel!es% saying% .I$ we say% A;rom hea!en%A He will say% A>hy then did
yo# not belie!e himCA
/#' 25:3 .B#t i$ we say% A;rom men%A all the *eo*le will stone #s% $or they are *ers#aded that John was a
/#' 25:4 ,o they answered that they did not 'now where (it was) $rom"
/#' 25:8 +nd Jes#s said to them% .Neither will I tell yo# by what a#thority I do these things".
/#' 25:9 Then He began to tell the *eo*le this *arable: .+ ertain man *lanted a !ineyard% leased it to
!inedressers% and went into a $ar o#ntry $or a long time"
/#' 25:15 .Now at !intageDtime he sent a ser!ant to the !inedressers% that they might gi!e him some o$ the $r#it
o$ the !ineyard" B#t the !inedressers beat him and sent (him) away em*tyDhanded"
/#' 25:11 .+gain he sent another ser!ant& and they beat him also% treated (him) shame$#lly% and sent (him)
away em*tyDhanded"
/#' 25:12 .+nd again he sent a third& and they wo#nded him also and ast (him) o#t"
/#' 25:1- .Then the owner o$ the !ineyard said% A>hat shall I doC I will send my belo!ed son" <robably they will
res*et (him) when they see him"A
/#' 25:10 .B#t when the !inedressers saw him% they reasoned among themsel!es% saying% AThis is the heir"
=ome% let #s 'ill him% that the inheritane may be o#rs"A
/#' 25:11 .,o they ast him o#t o$ the !ineyard and 'illed (him") There$ore what will the owner o$ the !ineyard
do to themC
/#' 25:13 .He will ome and destroy those !inedressers and gi!e the !ineyard to others". +nd when they heard
(it) they said% .=ertainly notF.
/#' 25:14 Then He loo'ed at them and said% .>hat then is this that is written: AThe stone whih the b#ilders
re@eted Has beome the hie$ ornerstoneAC
/#' 25:18 .>hoe!er $alls on that stone will be bro'en& b#t on whome!er it $alls% it will grind him to *owder".
/#' 25:19 +nd the hie$ *riests and the sribes that !ery ho#r so#ght to lay hands on Him% b#t they $eared the
*eo*le DD $or they 'new He had s*o'en this *arable against them"
/#' 25:25 ,o they wathed (Him%) and sent s*ies who *retended to be righteo#s% that they might seiHe on His
words% in order to deli!er Him to the *ower and the a#thority o$ the go!ernor"
/#' 25:21 Then they as'ed Him% saying% .Teaher% we 'now that Bo# say and teah rightly% and Bo# do not
show *ersonal $a!oritism% b#t teah the way o$ God in tr#th:
/#' 25:22 .Is it law$#l $or #s to *ay ta9es to =aesar or notC.
/#' 25:2- B#t He *erei!ed their ra$tiness% and said to them% .>hy do yo# test ?eC
/#' 25:20 .,how ?e a denari#s" >hose image and insri*tion does it ha!eC. They answered and said%
/#' 25:21 +nd He said to them% .:ender there$ore to =aesar the things that are =aesarAs% and to God the things
that are GodAs".
/#' 25:23 B#t they o#ld not ath Him in His words in the *resene o$ the *eo*le" +nd they mar!eled at His
answer and 'e*t silent"
/#' 25:24 Then some o$ the ,add#ees% who deny that there is a res#rretion% ame to (Him) and as'ed Him%
/#' 25:28 saying: .Teaher% ?oses wrote to #s (that) i$ a manAs brother dies% ha!ing a wi$e% and he dies witho#t
hildren% his brother sho#ld ta'e his wi$e and raise #* o$$s*ring $or his brother"
/#' 25:29 .Now there were se!en brothers" +nd the $irst too' a wi$e% and died witho#t hildren"
/#' 25:-5 .+nd the seond too' her as wi$e% and he died hildless"
/#' 25:-1 .Then the third too' her% and in li'e manner the se!en also& and they le$t no hildren% and died"
/#' 25:-2 ./ast o$ all the woman died also"
/#' 25:-- .There$ore% in the res#rretion% whose wi$e does she beomeC ;or all se!en had her as wi$e".
/#' 25:-0 +nd Jes#s answered and said to them% .The sons o$ this age marry and are gi!en in marriage"
/#' 25:-1 .B#t those who are o#nted worthy to attain that age% and the res#rretion $rom the dead% neither
marry nor are gi!en in marriage&
/#' 25:-3 .nor an they die anymore% $or they are eE#al to the angels and are sons o$ God% being sons o$ the
/#' 25:-4 .B#t e!en ?oses showed in the (b#rning) b#sh (*assage) that the dead are raised% when he alled
the /ord Athe God o$ +braham% the God o$ Isaa% and the God o$ Jaob"A
/#' 25:-8 .;or He is not the God o$ the dead b#t o$ the li!ing% $or all li!e to Him".
/#' 25:-9 Then some o$ the sribes answered and said% .Teaher% Bo# ha!e s*o'en well".
/#' 25:05 B#t a$ter that they dared not E#estion Him anymore"
/#' 25:01 +nd He said to them% .How an they say that the =hrist is the ,on o$ 2a!idC
/#' 25:02 .Now 2a!id himsel$ said in the Boo' o$ <salms: AThe /8:2 said to my /ord% .,it at ?y right hand%
/#' 25:0- Till I ma'e Bo#r enemies Bo#r $ootstool". A
/#' 25:00 .There$ore 2a!id alls Him A/ordA& how is He then his ,onC.
/#' 25:01 Then% in the hearing o$ all the *eo*le% He said to His disi*les%
/#' 25:03 .Beware o$ the sribes% who desire to go aro#nd in long robes% lo!e greetings in the mar'et*laes%
the best seats in the synagog#es% and the best *laes at $easts%
/#' 25:04 .who de!o#r widowsA ho#ses% and $or a *retense ma'e long *rayers" These will reei!e greater
/#' 21:1 +nd He loo'ed #* and saw the rih *#tting their gi$ts into the treas#ry%
/#' 21:2 and He saw also a ertain *oor widow *#tting in two mites"
/#' 21:- ,o He said% .Tr#ly I say to yo# that this *oor widow has *#t in more than all&
/#' 21:0 .$or all these o#t o$ their ab#ndane ha!e *#t in o$$erings $or God% b#t she o#t o$ her *o!erty *#t in all
the li!elihood that she had".
/#' 21:1 Then% as some s*o'e o$ the tem*le% how it was adorned with bea#ti$#l stones and donations% He said%
/#' 21:3 .These things whih yo# see DD the days will ome in whih not (one) stone shall be le$t #*on another
that shall not be thrown down".
/#' 21:4 ,o they as'ed Him% saying% .Teaher% b#t when will these things beC +nd what sign (will there be)
when these things are abo#t to ta'e *laeC.
/#' 21:8 +nd He said: .Ta'e heed that yo# not be deei!ed" ;or many will ome in ?y name% saying% AI am
(He%A) and% AThe time has drawn near"A There$ore do not go a$ter them"
/#' 21:9 .B#t when yo# hear o$ wars and ommotions% do not be terri$ied& $or these things m#st ome to *ass
$irst% b#t the end (will not ome) immediately".
/#' 21:15 Then He said to them% .Nation will rise against nation% and 'ingdom against 'ingdom"
/#' 21:11 .+nd there will be great earthE#a'es in !ario#s *laes% and $amines and *estilenes& and there will be
$ear$#l sights and great signs $rom hea!en"
/#' 21:12 .B#t be$ore all these things% they will lay their hands on yo# and *erse#te (yo#%) deli!ering (yo#) #*
to the synagog#es and *risons" Bo# will be bro#ght be$ore 'ings and r#lers $or ?y nameAs sa'e"
/#' 21:1- .B#t it will t#rn o#t $or yo# as an oasion $or testimony"
/#' 21:10 .There$ore settle (it) in yo#r hearts not to meditate be$orehand on what yo# will answer&
/#' 21:11 .$or I will gi!e yo# a mo#th and wisdom whih all yo#r ad!ersaries will not be able to ontradit or
/#' 21:13 .Bo# will be betrayed e!en by *arents and brothers% relati!es and $riends& and they will *#t (some) o$
yo# to death"
/#' 21:14 .+nd yo# will be hated by all $or ?y nameAs sa'e"
/#' 21:18 .B#t not a hair o$ yo#r head shall be lost"
/#' 21:19 .By yo#r *atiene *ossess yo#r so#ls"
/#' 21:25 . B#t when yo# see Jer#salem s#rro#nded by armies% then 'now that its desolation is near"
/#' 21:21 .Then let those who are in J#dea $lee to the mo#ntains% let those who are in the midst o$ her de*art%
and let not those who are in the o#ntry enter her"
/#' 21:22 .;or these are the days o$ !engeane% that all things whih are written may be $#l$illed"
/#' 21:2- .B#t woe to those who are *regnant and to those who are n#rsing babies in those daysF ;or there will
be great distress in the land and wrath #*on this *eo*le"
/#' 21:20 .+nd they will $all by the edge o$ the sword% and be led away a*ti!e into all nations" +nd Jer#salem
will be tram*led by Gentiles #ntil the times o$ the Gentiles are $#l$illed"
/#' 21:21 . +nd there will be signs in the s#n% in the moon% and in the stars& and on the earth distress o$ nations%
with *er*le9ity% the sea and the wa!es roaring&
/#' 21:23 .menAs hearts $ailing them $rom $ear and the e9*etation o$ those things whih are oming on the
earth% $or the *owers o$ hea!en will be sha'en"
/#' 21:24 .Then they will see the ,on o$ ?an oming in a lo#d with *ower and great glory"
/#' 21:28 .Now when these things begin to ha**en% loo' #* and li$t #* yo#r heads% bea#se yo#r redem*tion
draws near".
/#' 21:29 Then He s*o'e to them a *arable: ./oo' at the $ig tree% and all the trees"
/#' 21:-5 .>hen they are already b#dding% yo# see and 'now $or yo#rsel!es that s#mmer is now near"
/#' 21:-1 .,o yo# also% when yo# see these things ha**ening% 'now that the 'ingdom o$ God is near"
/#' 21:-2 .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% this generation will by no means *ass away till all things ta'e *lae"
/#' 21:-- .Hea!en and earth will *ass away% b#t ?y words will by no means *ass away"
/#' 21:-0 . B#t ta'e heed to yo#rsel!es% lest yo#r hearts be weighed down with aro#sing% dr#n'enness% and
ares o$ this li$e% and that 2ay ome on yo# #ne9*etedly"
/#' 21:-1 .;or it will ome as a snare on all those who dwell on the $ae o$ the whole earth"
/#' 21:-3 .>ath there$ore% and *ray always that yo# may be o#nted worthy to esa*e all these things that will
ome to *ass% and to stand be$ore the ,on o$ ?an".
/#' 21:-4 +nd in the daytime He was teahing in the tem*le% b#t at night He went o#t and stayed on the
mo#ntain alled 8li!et"
/#' 21:-8 Then early in the morning all the *eo*le ame to Him in the tem*le to hear Him"
/#' 22:1 Now the ;east o$ 7nlea!ened Bread drew near% whih is alled <asso!er"
/#' 22:2 +nd the hie$ *riests and the sribes so#ght how they might 'ill Him% $or they $eared the *eo*le"
/#' 22:- Then ,atan entered J#das% s#rnamed Isariot% who was n#mbered among the twel!e"
/#' 22:0 ,o he went his way and on$erred with the hie$ *riests and a*tains% how he might betray Him to
/#' 22:1 +nd they were glad% and agreed to gi!e him money"
/#' 22:3 ,o he *romised and so#ght o**ort#nity to betray Him to them in the absene o$ the m#ltit#de"
/#' 22:4 Then ame the 2ay o$ 7nlea!ened Bread% when the <asso!er m#st be 'illed"
/#' 22:8 +nd He sent <eter and John% saying% .Go and *re*are the <asso!er $or #s% that we may eat".
/#' 22:9 ,o they said to Him% .>here do Bo# want #s to *re*areC.
/#' 22:15 +nd He said to them% .Behold% when yo# ha!e entered the ity% a man will meet yo# arrying a *ither
o$ water& $ollow him into the ho#se whih he enters"
/#' 22:11 .Then yo# shall say to the master o$ the ho#se% AThe Teaher says to yo#% .>here is the g#est room
where I may eat the <asso!er with ?y disi*lesC. A
/#' 22:12 .Then he will show yo# a large% $#rnished #**er room& there ma'e ready".
/#' 22:1- ,o they went and $o#nd it @#st as He had said to them% and they *re*ared the <asso!er"
/#' 22:10 >hen the ho#r had ome% He sat down% and the twel!e a*ostles with Him"
/#' 22:11 Then He said to them% .>ith ($er!ent) desire I ha!e desired to eat this <asso!er with yo# be$ore I
/#' 22:13 .$or I say to yo#% I will no longer eat o$ it #ntil it is $#l$illed in the 'ingdom o$ God".
/#' 22:14 Then He too' the #*% and ga!e than's% and said% .Ta'e this and di!ide (it) among yo#rsel!es&
/#' 22:18 .$or I say to yo#% I will not drin' o$ the $r#it o$ the !ine #ntil the 'ingdom o$ God omes".
/#' 22:19 +nd He too' bread% ga!e than's and bro'e (it%) and ga!e (it) to them% saying% .This is ?y body whih
is gi!en $or yo#& do this in remembrane o$ ?e".
/#' 22:25 /i'ewise He also (too') the #* a$ter s#**er% saying% .This #* (is) the new o!enant in ?y blood%
whih is shed $or yo#"
/#' 22:21 .B#t behold% the hand o$ ?y betrayer (is) with ?e on the table"
/#' 22:22 .+nd tr#ly the ,on o$ ?an goes as it has been determined% b#t woe to that man by whom He is
/#' 22:2- Then they began to E#estion among themsel!es% whih o$ them it was who wo#ld do this thing"
/#' 22:20 Now there was also a dis*#te among them% as to whih o$ them sho#ld be onsidered the greatest"
/#' 22:21 +nd He said to them% .The 'ings o$ the Gentiles e9erise lordshi* o!er them% and those who e9erise
a#thority o!er them are alled Abene$ators"A
/#' 22:23 .B#t not so (among) yo#& on the ontrary% he who is greatest among yo#% let him be as the yo#nger%
and he who go!erns as he who ser!es"
/#' 22:24 .;or who (is) greater% he who sits at the table% or he who ser!esC (Is) it not he who sits at the tableC
Bet I am among yo# as the 8ne who ser!es"
/#' 22:28 .B#t yo# are those who ha!e ontin#ed with ?e in ?y trials"
/#' 22:29 .+nd I bestow #*on yo# a 'ingdom% @#st as ?y ;ather bestowed (one) #*on ?e%
/#' 22:-5 .that yo# may eat and drin' at ?y table in ?y 'ingdom% and sit on thrones @#dging the twel!e tribes o$
/#' 22:-1 +nd the /ord said% .,imon% ,imonF Indeed% ,atan has as'ed $or yo#% that he may si$t (yo#) as wheat"
/#' 22:-2 .B#t I ha!e *rayed $or yo#% that yo#r $aith sho#ld not $ail& and when yo# ha!e ret#rned to (?e%)
strengthen yo#r brethren".
/#' 22:-- B#t he said to Him% ./ord% I am ready to go with Bo#% both to *rison and to death".
/#' 22:-0 Then He said% .I tell yo#% <eter% the rooster shall not row this day be$ore yo# will deny three times
that yo# 'now ?e".
/#' 22:-1 +nd He said to them% .>hen I sent yo# witho#t money bag% 'na*sa'% and sandals% did yo# la'
anythingC. ,o they said% .Nothing".
/#' 22:-3 Then He said to them% .B#t now% he who has a money bag% let him ta'e (it%) and li'ewise a 'na*sa'&
and he who has no sword% let him sell his garment and b#y one"
/#' 22:-4 .;or I say to yo# that this whih is written m#st still be aom*lished in ?e: A+nd He was n#mbered
with the transgressors"A ;or the things onerning ?e ha!e an end".
/#' 22:-8 ,o they said% ./ord% loo'% here (are) two swords". +nd He said to them% .It is eno#gh".
/#' 22:-9 =oming o#t% He went to the ?o#nt o$ 8li!es% as He was a#stomed% and His disi*les also $ollowed
/#' 22:05 >hen He ame to the *lae% He said to them% .<ray that yo# may not enter into tem*tation".
/#' 22:01 +nd He was withdrawn $rom them abo#t a stoneAs throw% and He 'nelt down and *rayed%
/#' 22:02 saying% .;ather% i$ it is Bo#r will% ta'e this #* away $rom ?e& ne!ertheless not ?y will% b#t Bo#rs% be
/#' 22:0- Then an angel a**eared to Him $rom hea!en% strengthening Him"
/#' 22:00 +nd being in agony% He *rayed more earnestly" Then His sweat beame li'e great dro*s o$ blood
$alling down to the gro#nd"
/#' 22:01 >hen He rose #* $rom *rayer% and had ome to His disi*les% He $o#nd them slee*ing $rom sorrow"
/#' 22:03 Then He said to them% .>hy do yo# slee*C :ise and *ray% lest yo# enter into tem*tation".
/#' 22:04 +nd while He was still s*ea'ing% behold% a m#ltit#de& and he who was alled J#das% one o$ the
twel!e% went be$ore them and drew near to Jes#s to 'iss Him"
/#' 22:08 B#t Jes#s said to him% .J#das% are yo# betraying the ,on o$ ?an with a 'issC.
/#' 22:09 >hen those aro#nd Him saw what was going to ha**en% they said to Him% ./ord% shall we stri'e with
the swordC.
/#' 22:15 +nd one o$ them str#' the ser!ant o$ the high *riest and #t o$$ his right ear"
/#' 22:11 B#t Jes#s answered and said% .<ermit e!en this". +nd He to#hed his ear and healed him"
/#' 22:12 Then Jes#s said to the hie$ *riests% a*tains o$ the tem*le% and the elders who had ome to Him%
.Ha!e yo# ome o#t% as against a robber% with swords and l#bsC
/#' 22:1- .>hen I was with yo# daily in the tem*le% yo# did not try to seiHe ?e" B#t this is yo#r ho#r% and the
*ower o$ dar'ness".
/#' 22:10 Ha!ing arrested Him% they led (Him) and bro#ght Him into the high *riestAs ho#se" B#t <eter $ollowed
at a distane"
/#' 22:11 Now when they had 'indled a $ire in the midst o$ the o#rtyard and sat down together% <eter sat
among them"
/#' 22:13 +nd a ertain ser!ant girl% seeing him as he sat by the $ire% loo'ed intently at him and said% .This man
was also with Him".
/#' 22:14 B#t he denied Him% saying% .>oman% I do not 'now Him".
/#' 22:18 +nd a$ter a little while another saw him and said% .Bo# also are o$ them". B#t <eter said% .?an% I am
/#' 22:19 Then a$ter abo#t an ho#r had *assed% another on$idently a$$irmed% saying% .,#rely this ($ellow) also
was with Him% $or he is a Galilean".
/#' 22:35 B#t <eter said% .?an% I do not 'now what yo# are sayingF. Immediately% while he was still s*ea'ing%
the rooster rowed"
/#' 22:31 +nd the /ord t#rned and loo'ed at <eter" +nd <eter remembered the word o$ the /ord% how He had
said to him% .Be$ore the rooster rows% yo# will deny ?e three times".
/#' 22:32 ,o <eter went o#t and we*t bitterly"
/#' 22:3- Now the men who held Jes#s mo'ed Him and beat Him"
/#' 22:30 +nd ha!ing blind$olded Him% they str#' Him on the $ae and as'ed Him% saying% .<ro*hesyF >ho is
the one who str#' Bo#C.
/#' 22:31 +nd many other things they blas*hemo#sly s*o'e against Him"
/#' 22:33 +s soon as it was day% the elders o$ the *eo*le% both hie$ *riests and sribes% ame together and led
Him into their o#nil% saying%
/#' 22:34 .I$ Bo# are the =hrist% tell #s". B#t He said to them% .I$ I tell yo#% yo# will by no means belie!e"
/#' 22:38 .+nd i$ I also as' (yo#%) yo# will by no means answer ?e or let (?e) go"
/#' 22:39 .Herea$ter the ,on o$ ?an will sit on the right hand o$ the *ower o$ God".
/#' 22:45 Then they all said% .+re Bo# then the ,on o$ GodC. ,o He said to them% .Bo# (rightly) say that I am".
/#' 22:41 +nd they said% .>hat $#rther testimony do we needC ;or we ha!e heard it o#rsel!es $rom His own
/#' 2-:1 Then the whole m#ltit#de o$ them arose and led Him to <ilate"
/#' 2-:2 +nd they began to a#se Him% saying% .>e $o#nd this ($ellow) *er!erting the nation% and $orbidding to
*ay ta9es to =aesar% saying that He Himsel$ is =hrist% a King".
/#' 2-:- Then <ilate as'ed Him% saying% .+re Bo# the King o$ the JewsC. He answered him and said% .(It is as)
yo# say".
/#' 2-:0 ,o <ilate said to the hie$ *riests and the rowd% .I $ind no $a#lt in this ?an".
/#' 2-:1 B#t they were the more $iere% saying% .He stirs #* the *eo*le% teahing thro#gho#t all J#dea%
beginning $rom Galilee to this *lae".
/#' 2-:3 >hen <ilate heard o$ Galilee% he as'ed i$ the ?an were a Galilean"
/#' 2-:4 +nd as soon as he 'new that He belonged to HerodAs @#risdition% he sent Him to Herod% who was also
in Jer#salem at that time"
/#' 2-:8 Now when Herod saw Jes#s% he was e9eedingly glad& $or he had desired $or a long (time) to see Him%
bea#se he had heard many things abo#t Him% and he ho*ed to see some mirale done by Him"
/#' 2-:9 Then he E#estioned Him with many words% b#t He answered him nothing"
/#' 2-:15 +nd the hie$ *riests and sribes stood and !ehemently a#sed Him"
/#' 2-:11 Then Herod% with his men o$ war% treated Him with ontem*t and mo'ed (Him%) arrayed Him in a
gorgeo#s robe% and sent Him ba' to <ilate"
/#' 2-:12 That !ery day <ilate and Herod beame $riends with eah other% $or *re!io#sly they had been at
enmity with eah other"
/#' 2-:1- Then <ilate% when he had alled together the hie$ *riests% the r#lers% and the *eo*le%
/#' 2-:10 said to them% .Bo# ha!e bro#ght this ?an to me% as one who misleads the *eo*le" +nd indeed%
ha!ing e9amined (Him) in yo#r *resene% I ha!e $o#nd no $a#lt in this ?an onerning those things o$ whih yo#
a#se Him&
/#' 2-:11 .no% neither did Herod% $or I sent yo# ba' to him& and indeed nothing deser!ing o$ death has been
done by Him"
/#' 2-:13 .I will there$ore hastise Him and release (Him.)
/#' 2-:14 I$or it was neessary $or him to release one to them at the $eastJ"
/#' 2-:18 +nd they all ried o#t at one% saying% .+way with this (?an%) and release to #s Barabbas. DD
/#' 2-:19 who had been thrown into *rison $or a ertain rebellion made in the ity% and $or m#rder"
/#' 2-:25 <ilate% there$ore% wishing to release Jes#s% again alled o#t to them"
/#' 2-:21 B#t they sho#ted% saying% .=r#i$y (Him%) r#i$y HimF.
/#' 2-:22 Then he said to them the third time% .>hy% what e!il has He doneC I ha!e $o#nd no reason $or death
in Him" I will there$ore hastise Him and let (Him) go".
/#' 2-:2- B#t they were insistent% demanding with lo#d !oies that He be r#i$ied" +nd the !oies o$ these
men and o$ the hie$ *riests *re!ailed"
/#' 2-:20 ,o <ilate ga!e sentene that it sho#ld be as they reE#ested"
/#' 2-:21 +nd he released to them the one they reE#ested% who $or rebellion and m#rder had been thrown into
*rison& b#t he deli!ered Jes#s to their will"
/#' 2-:23 Now as they led Him away% they laid hold o$ a ertain man% ,imon a =yrenian% who was oming $rom
the o#ntry% and on him they laid the ross that he might bear (it) a$ter Jes#s"
/#' 2-:24 +nd a great m#ltit#de o$ the *eo*le $ollowed Him% and women who also mo#rned and lamented Him"
/#' 2-:28 B#t Jes#s% t#rning to them% said% .2a#ghters o$ Jer#salem% do not wee* $or ?e% b#t wee* $or
yo#rsel!es and $or yo#r hildren"
/#' 2-:29 .;or indeed the days are oming in whih they will say% ABlessed (are) the barren% wombs that ne!er
bore% and breasts whih ne!er n#rsedFA
/#' 2-:-5 .Then they will begin Ato say to the mo#ntains% .;all on #sF. and to the hills% .=o!er #sF. A
/#' 2-:-1 .;or i$ they do these things in the green wood% what will be done in the dryC.
/#' 2-:-2 There were also two others% riminals% led with Him to be *#t to death"
/#' 2-:-- +nd when they had ome to the *lae alled =al!ary% there they r#i$ied Him% and the riminals% one
on the right hand and the other on the le$t"
/#' 2-:-0 Then Jes#s said% .;ather% $orgi!e them% $or they do not 'now what they do". +nd they di!ided His
garments and ast lots"
/#' 2-:-1 +nd the *eo*le stood loo'ing on" B#t e!en the r#lers with them sneered% saying% .He sa!ed others&
let Him sa!e Himsel$ i$ He is the =hrist% the hosen o$ God".
/#' 2-:-3 The soldiers also mo'ed Him% oming and o$$ering Him so#r wine%
/#' 2-:-4 and saying% .I$ Bo# are the King o$ the Jews% sa!e Bo#rsel$".
/#' 2-:-8 +nd an insri*tion also was written o!er Him in letters o$ Gree'% /atin% and Hebrew: THI, I, TH6
KING 8; TH6 J6>,"
/#' 2-:-9 Then one o$ the riminals who were hanged blas*hemed Him% saying% .I$ Bo# are the =hrist% sa!e
Bo#rsel$ and #s".
/#' 2-:05 B#t the other% answering% reb#'ed him% saying% .2o yo# not e!en $ear God% seeing yo# are #nder the
same ondemnationC
/#' 2-:01 .+nd we indeed @#stly% $or we reei!e the d#e reward o$ o#r deeds& b#t this ?an has done nothing
/#' 2-:02 Then he said to Jes#s% ./ord% remember me when Bo# ome into Bo#r 'ingdom".
/#' 2-:0- +nd Jes#s said to him% .+ss#redly% I say to yo#% today yo# will be with ?e in <aradise".
/#' 2-:00 Now it was abo#t the si9th ho#r% and there was dar'ness o!er all the earth #ntil the ninth ho#r"
/#' 2-:01 Then the s#n was dar'ened% and the !eil o$ the tem*le was torn in two"
/#' 2-:03 +nd when Jes#s had ried o#t with a lo#d !oie% He said% .;ather% Ainto Bo#r hands I ommit ?y
s*irit"A . Ha!ing said this% He breathed His last"
/#' 2-:04 ,o when the ent#rion saw what had ha**ened% he glori$ied God% saying% .=ertainly this was a
righteo#s ?anF.
/#' 2-:08 +nd the whole rowd who ame together to that sight% seeing what had been done% beat their breasts
and ret#rned"
/#' 2-:09 B#t all His aE#aintanes% and the women who $ollowed Him $rom Galilee% stood at a distane%
wathing these things"
/#' 2-:15 Now behold% (there was) a man named Jose*h% a o#nil member% a good and @#st man"
/#' 2-:11 He had not onsented to their deision and deed" (He was) $rom +rimathea% a ity o$ the Jews% who
himsel$ was also waiting $or the 'ingdom o$ God"
/#' 2-:12 This man went to <ilate and as'ed $or the body o$ Jes#s"
/#' 2-:1- Then he too' it down% wra**ed it in linen% and laid it in a tomb (that was) hewn o#t o$ the ro'% where
no one had e!er lain be$ore"
/#' 2-:10 That day was the <re*aration% and the ,abbath drew near"
/#' 2-:11 +nd the women who had ome with Him $rom Galilee $ollowed a$ter% and they obser!ed the tomb and
how His body was laid"
/#' 2-:13 Then they ret#rned and *re*ared s*ies and $ragrant oils" +nd they rested on the ,abbath aording
to the ommandment"
/#' 20:1 Now on the $irst (day) o$ the wee'% !ery early in the morning% they% and ertain (other women) with
them% ame to the tomb bringing the s*ies whih they had *re*ared"
/#' 20:2 B#t they $o#nd the stone rolled away $rom the tomb"
/#' 20:- Then they went in and did not $ind the body o$ the /ord Jes#s"
/#' 20:0 +nd it ha**ened% as they were greatly *er*le9ed abo#t this% that behold% two men stood by them in
shining garments"
/#' 20:1 Then% as they were a$raid and bowed (their) $aes to the earth% they said to them% .>hy do yo# see'
the li!ing among the deadC
/#' 20:3 .He is not here% b#t is risenF :emember how He s*o'e to yo# when He was still in Galilee%
/#' 20:4 .saying% AThe ,on o$ ?an m#st be deli!ered into the hands o$ sin$#l men% and be r#i$ied% and the
third day rise again"A .
/#' 20:8 +nd they remembered His words"
/#' 20:9 Then they ret#rned $rom the tomb and told all these things to the ele!en and to all the rest"
/#' 20:15 It was ?ary ?agdalene% Joanna% ?ary (the mother) o$ James% and the other (women) with them% who
told these things to the a*ostles"
/#' 20:11 +nd their words seemed to them li'e idle tales% and they did not belie!e them"
/#' 20:12 B#t <eter arose and ran to the tomb& and stoo*ing down% he saw the linen loths lying by themsel!es&
and he de*arted% mar!eling to himsel$ at what had ha**ened"
/#' 20:1- Now behold% two o$ them were tra!eling that same day to a !illage alled 6mma#s% whih was se!en
miles $rom Jer#salem"
/#' 20:10 +nd they tal'ed together o$ all these things whih had ha**ened"
/#' 20:11 ,o it was% while they on!ersed and reasoned% that Jes#s Himsel$ drew near and went with them"
/#' 20:13 B#t their eyes were restrained% so that they did not 'now Him"
/#' 20:14 +nd He said to them% .>hat 'ind o$ on!ersation (is) this that yo# ha!e with one another as yo# wal'
and are sadC.
/#' 20:18 Then the one whose name was =leo*as answered and said to Him% .+re Bo# the only stranger in
Jer#salem% and ha!e Bo# not 'nown the things whih ha**ened there in these daysC.
/#' 20:19 +nd He said to them% .>hat thingsC. ,o they said to Him% .The things onerning Jes#s o$ NaHareth%
who was a <ro*het mighty in deed and word be$ore God and all the *eo*le%
/#' 20:25 .and how the hie$ *riests and o#r r#lers deli!ered Him to be ondemned to death% and r#i$ied Him"
/#' 20:21 .B#t we were ho*ing that it was He who was going to redeem Israel" Indeed% besides all this% today is
the third day sine these things ha**ened"
/#' 20:22 .Bes% and ertain women o$ o#r om*any% who arri!ed at the tomb early% astonished #s"
/#' 20:2- .>hen they did not $ind His body% they ame saying that they had also seen a !ision o$ angels who
said He was ali!e"
/#' 20:20 .+nd ertain o$ those (who were) with #s went to the tomb and $o#nd (it) @#st as the women had said&
b#t Him they did not see".
/#' 20:21 Then He said to them% .8 $oolish ones% and slow o$ heart to belie!e in all that the *ro*hets ha!e
/#' 20:23 .8#ght not the =hrist to ha!e s#$$ered these things and to enter into His gloryC.
/#' 20:24 +nd beginning at ?oses and all the <ro*hets% He e9*o#nded to them in all the ,ri*t#res the things
onerning Himsel$"
/#' 20:28 Then they drew near to the !illage where they were going% and He indiated that He wo#ld ha!e gone
/#' 20:29 B#t they onstrained Him% saying% .+bide with #s% $or it is toward e!ening% and the day is $ar s*ent".
+nd He went in to stay with them"
/#' 20:-5 Now it ame to *ass% as He sat at the table with them% that He too' bread% blessed and bro'e (it%) and
ga!e it to them"
/#' 20:-1 Then their eyes were o*ened and they 'new Him& and He !anished $rom their sight"
/#' 20:-2 +nd they said to one another% .2id not o#r heart b#rn within #s while He tal'ed with #s on the road%
and while He o*ened the ,ri*t#res to #sC.
/#' 20:-- ,o they rose #* that !ery ho#r and ret#rned to Jer#salem% and $o#nd the ele!en and those (who
were) with them gathered together%
/#' 20:-0 saying% .The /ord is risen indeed% and has a**eared to ,imonF.
/#' 20:-1 +nd they told abo#t the things (that had ha**ened) on the road% and how He was 'nown to them in
the brea'ing o$ bread"
/#' 20:-3 Now as they said these things% Jes#s Himsel$ stood in the midst o$ them% and said to them% .<eae to
/#' 20:-4 B#t they were terri$ied and $rightened% and s#**osed they had seen a s*irit"
/#' 20:-8 +nd He said to them% .>hy are yo# tro#bledC +nd why do do#bts arise in yo#r heartsC
/#' 20:-9 .Behold ?y hands and ?y $eet% that it is I ?ysel$" Handle ?e and see% $or a s*irit does not ha!e $lesh
and bones as yo# see I ha!e".
/#' 20:05 >hen He had said this% He showed them His hands and His $eet"
/#' 20:01 B#t while they still did not belie!e $or @oy% and mar!eled% He said to them% .Ha!e yo# any $ood hereC.
/#' 20:02 ,o they ga!e Him a *iee o$ a broiled $ish and some honeyomb"
/#' 20:0- +nd He too' (it) and ate in their *resene"
/#' 20:00 Then He said to them% .These (are) the words whih I s*o'e to yo# while I was still with yo#% that all
things m#st be $#l$illed whih were written in the /aw o$ ?oses and (the) <ro*hets and (the) <salms onerning
/#' 20:01 +nd He o*ened their #nderstanding% that they might om*rehend the ,ri*t#res"
/#' 20:03 Then He said to them% .Th#s it is written% and th#s it was neessary $or the =hrist to s#$$er and to rise
$rom the dead the third day%
/#' 20:04 .and that re*entane and remission o$ sins sho#ld be *reahed in His name to all nations% beginning
at Jer#salem"
/#' 20:08 .+nd yo# are witnesses o$ these things"
/#' 20:09 .Behold% I send the <romise o$ ?y ;ather #*on yo#& b#t tarry in the ity o$ Jer#salem #ntil yo# are
end#ed with *ower $rom on high".
/#' 20:15 +nd He led them o#t as $ar as Bethany% and He li$ted #* His hands and blessed them"
/#' 20:11 Now it ame to *ass% while He blessed them% that He was *arted $rom them and arried #* into
/#' 20:12 +nd they worshi*ed Him% and ret#rned to Jer#salem with great @oy%
/#' 20:1- and were ontin#ally in the tem*le *raising and blessing God" +men"
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the >ord% and the >ord was with God% and the >ord was God"
Joh 1:2 He was in the beginning with God"
Joh 1:- +ll things were made thro#gh Him% and witho#t Him nothing was made that was made"
Joh 1:0 In Him was li$e% and the li$e was the light o$ men"
Joh 1:1 +nd the light shines in the dar'ness% and the dar'ness did not om*rehend it"
Joh 1:3 There was a man sent $rom God% whose name (was) John"
Joh 1:4 This man ame $or a witness% to bear witness o$ the /ight% that all thro#gh him might belie!e"
Joh 1:8 He was not that /ight% b#t (was sent) to bear witness o$ that /ight"
Joh 1:9 That was the tr#e /ight whih gi!es light to e!ery man oming into the world"
Joh 1:15 He was in the world% and the world was made thro#gh Him% and the world did not 'now Him"
Joh 1:11 He ame to His own% and His own did not reei!e Him"
Joh 1:12 B#t as many as reei!ed Him% to them He ga!e the right to beome hildren o$ God% to those who
belie!e in His name:
Joh 1:1- who were born% not o$ blood% nor o$ the will o$ the $lesh% nor o$ the will o$ man% b#t o$ God"
Joh 1:10 +nd the >ord beame $lesh and dwelt among #s% and we beheld His glory% the glory as o$ the only
begotten o$ the ;ather% $#ll o$ grae and tr#th"
Joh 1:11 John bore witness o$ Him and ried o#t% saying% .This was He o$ whom I said% AHe who omes a$ter me
is *re$erred be$ore me% $or He was be$ore me"A .
Joh 1:13 +nd o$ His $#llness we ha!e all reei!ed% and grae $or grae"
Joh 1:14 ;or the law was gi!en thro#gh ?oses% (b#t) grae and tr#th ame thro#gh Jes#s =hrist"
Joh 1:18 No one has seen God at any time" The only begotten ,on% who is in the bosom o$ the ;ather% He has
delared (Him")
Joh 1:19 Now this is the testimony o$ John% when the Jews sent *riests and /e!ites $rom Jer#salem to as' him%
.>ho are yo#C.
Joh 1:25 He on$essed% and did not deny% b#t on$essed% .I am not the =hrist".
Joh 1:21 +nd they as'ed him% .>hat thenC +re yo# 6li@ahC. He said% .I am not". .+re yo# the <ro*hetC. +nd he
answered% .No".
Joh 1:22 Then they said to him% .>ho are yo#% that we may gi!e an answer to those who sent #sC >hat do yo#
say abo#t yo#rsel$C.
Joh 1:2- He said: .I (am) AThe !oie o$ one rying in the wilderness: .?a'e straight the way o$ the /8:2%. A as
the *ro*het Isaiah said".
Joh 1:20 Now those who were sent were $rom the <harisees"
Joh 1:21 +nd they as'ed him% saying% .>hy then do yo# ba*tiHe i$ yo# are not the =hrist% nor 6li@ah% nor the
Joh 1:23 John answered them% saying% .I ba*tiHe with water% b#t there stands 8ne among yo# whom yo# do not
Joh 1:24 .It is He who% oming a$ter me% is *re$erred be$ore me% whose sandal stra* I am not worthy to loose".
Joh 1:28 These things were done in Bethabara beyond the Jordan% where John was ba*tiHing"
Joh 1:29 The ne9t day John saw Jes#s oming toward him% and said% .BeholdF The /amb o$ God who ta'es
away the sin o$ the worldF
Joh 1:-5 .This is He o$ whom I said% A+$ter me omes a ?an who is *re$erred be$ore me% $or He was be$ore me"A
Joh 1:-1 .I did not 'now Him& b#t that He sho#ld be re!ealed to Israel% there$ore I ame ba*tiHing with water".
Joh 1:-2 +nd John bore witness% saying% .I saw the ,*irit desending $rom hea!en li'e a do!e% and He
remained #*on Him"
Joh 1:-- .I did not 'now Him% b#t He who sent me to ba*tiHe with water said to me% A7*on whom yo# see the
,*irit desending% and remaining on Him% this is He who ba*tiHes with the Holy ,*irit"A
Joh 1:-0 .+nd I ha!e seen and testi$ied that this is the ,on o$ God".
Joh 1:-1 +gain% the ne9t day% John stood with two o$ his disi*les"
Joh 1:-3 +nd loo'ing at Jes#s as He wal'ed% he said% .Behold the /amb o$ GodF.
Joh 1:-4 The two disi*les heard him s*ea'% and they $ollowed Jes#s"
Joh 1:-8 Then Jes#s t#rned% and seeing them $ollowing% said to them% .>hat do yo# see'C. They said to Him%
.:abbi. Iwhih is to say% when translated% TeaherJ% .where are Bo# stayingC.
Joh 1:-9 He said to them% .=ome and see". They ame and saw where He was staying% and remained with Him
that day Inow it was abo#t the tenth ho#rJ"
Joh 1:05 8ne o$ the two who heard John (s*ea'%) and $ollowed Him% was +ndrew% ,imon <eterAs brother"
Joh 1:01 He $irst $o#nd his own brother ,imon% and said to him% .>e ha!e $o#nd the ?essiah. Iwhih is
translated% the =hristJ"
Joh 1:02 +nd he bro#ght him to Jes#s" Now when Jes#s loo'ed at him% He said% .Bo# are ,imon the son o$
Jonah" Bo# shall be alled =e*has. Iwhih is translated% + ,toneJ"
Joh 1:0- The $ollowing day Jes#s wanted to go to Galilee% and He $o#nd <hili* and said to him% .;ollow ?e".
Joh 1:00 Now <hili* was $rom Bethsaida% the ity o$ +ndrew and <eter"
Joh 1:01 <hili* $o#nd Nathanael and said to him% .>e ha!e $o#nd Him o$ whom ?oses in the law% and also the
*ro*hets% wrote DD Jes#s o$ NaHareth% the son o$ Jose*h".
Joh 1:03 +nd Nathanael said to him% .=an anything good ome o#t o$ NaHarethC. <hili* said to him% .=ome and
Joh 1:04 Jes#s saw Nathanael oming toward Him% and said o$ him% .Behold% an Israelite indeed% in whom is no
Joh 1:08 Nathanael said to Him% .How do Bo# 'now meC. Jes#s answered and said to him% .Be$ore <hili* alled
yo#% when yo# were #nder the $ig tree% I saw yo#".
Joh 1:09 Nathanael answered and said to Him% .:abbi% Bo# are the ,on o$ GodF Bo# are the King o$ IsraelF.
Joh 1:15 Jes#s answered and said to him% .Bea#se I said to yo#% AI saw yo# #nder the $ig tree%A do yo# belie!eC
Bo# will see greater things than these".
Joh 1:11 +nd He said to him% .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% herea$ter yo# shall see hea!en o*en% and the
angels o$ God asending and desending #*on the ,on o$ ?an".
Joh 2:1 8n the third day there was a wedding in =ana o$ Galilee% and the mother o$ Jes#s was there"
Joh 2:2 Now both Jes#s and His disi*les were in!ited to the wedding"
Joh 2:- +nd when they ran o#t o$ wine% the mother o$ Jes#s said to Him% .They ha!e no wine".
Joh 2:0 Jes#s said to her% .>oman% what does yo#r onern ha!e to do with ?eC ?y ho#r has not yet ome".
Joh 2:1 His mother said to the ser!ants% .>hate!er He says to yo#% do (it".)
Joh 2:3 Now there were set there si9 water*ots o$ stone% aording to the manner o$ *#ri$iation o$ the Jews%
ontaining twenty or thirty gallons a*iee"
Joh 2:4 Jes#s said to them% .;ill the water*ots with water". +nd they $illed them #* to the brim"
Joh 2:8 +nd He said to them% .2raw (some) o#t now% and ta'e (it) to the master o$ the $east". +nd they too' (it")
Joh 2:9 >hen the master o$ the $east had tasted the water that was made wine% and did not 'now where it ame
$rom Ib#t the ser!ants who had drawn the water 'newJ% the master o$ the $east alled the bridegroom"
Joh 2:15 +nd he said to him% .6!ery man at the beginning sets o#t the good wine% and when the (g#ests) ha!e
well dr#n'% then the in$erior" Bo# ha!e 'e*t the good wine #ntil nowF.
Joh 2:11 This beginning o$ signs Jes#s did in =ana o$ Galilee% and mani$ested His glory& and His disi*les
belie!ed in Him"
Joh 2:12 +$ter this He went down to =a*erna#m% He% His mother% His brothers% and His disi*les& and they did
not stay there many days"
Joh 2:1- Now the <asso!er o$ the Jews was at hand% and Jes#s went #* to Jer#salem"
Joh 2:10 +nd He $o#nd in the tem*le those who sold o9en and shee* and do!es% and the moneyhangers doing
Joh 2:11 >hen He had made a whi* o$ ords% He dro!e them all o#t o$ the tem*le% with the shee* and the o9en%
and *o#red o#t the hangersA money and o!ert#rned the tables"
Joh 2:13 +nd He said to those who sold do!es% .Ta'e these things awayF 2o not ma'e ?y ;atherAs ho#se a
ho#se o$ merhandiseF.
Joh 2:14 Then His disi*les remembered that it was written% .Geal $or Bo#r ho#se has eaten ?e #*".
Joh 2:18 ,o the Jews answered and said to Him% .>hat sign do Bo# show to #s% sine Bo# do these thingsC.
Joh 2:19 Jes#s answered and said to them% .2estroy this tem*le% and in three days I will raise it #*".
Joh 2:25 Then the Jews said% .It has ta'en $ortyDsi9 years to b#ild this tem*le% and will Bo# raise it #* in three
Joh 2:21 B#t He was s*ea'ing o$ the tem*le o$ His body"
Joh 2:22 There$ore% when He had risen $rom the dead% His disi*les remembered that He had said this to them&
and they belie!ed the ,ri*t#re and the word whih Jes#s had said"
Joh 2:2- Now when He was in Jer#salem at the <asso!er% d#ring the $east% many belie!ed in His name when
they saw the signs whih He did"
Joh 2:20 B#t Jes#s did not ommit Himsel$ to them% bea#se He 'new all (men%)
Joh 2:21 and had no need that anyone sho#ld testi$y o$ man% $or He 'new what was in man"
Joh -:1 There was a man o$ the <harisees named Niodem#s% a r#ler o$ the Jews"
Joh -:2 This man ame to Jes#s by night and said to Him% .:abbi% we 'now that Bo# are a teaher ome $rom
God& $or no one an do these signs that Bo# do #nless God is with him".
Joh -:- Jes#s answered and said to him% .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% #nless one is born again% he annot see
the 'ingdom o$ God".
Joh -:0 Niodem#s said to Him% .How an a man be born when he is oldC =an he enter a seond time into his
motherAs womb and be bornC.
Joh -:1 Jes#s answered% .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% #nless one is born o$ water and the ,*irit% he annot
enter the 'ingdom o$ God"
Joh -:3 .That whih is born o$ the $lesh is $lesh% and that whih is born o$ the ,*irit is s*irit"
Joh -:4 .2o not mar!el that I said to yo#% ABo# m#st be born again"A
Joh -:8 .The wind blows where it wishes% and yo# hear the so#nd o$ it% b#t annot tell where it omes $rom and
where it goes" ,o is e!eryone who is born o$ the ,*irit".
Joh -:9 Niodem#s answered and said to Him% .How an these things beC.
Joh -:15 Jes#s answered and said to him% .+re yo# the teaher o$ Israel% and do not 'now these thingsC
Joh -:11 .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% >e s*ea' what >e 'now and testi$y what >e ha!e seen% and yo# do
not reei!e 8#r witness"
Joh -:12 .I$ I ha!e told yo# earthly things and yo# do not belie!e% how will yo# belie!e i$ I tell yo# hea!enly
Joh -:1- .No one has asended to hea!en b#t He who ame down $rom hea!en% (that is%) the ,on o$ ?an who
is in hea!en"
Joh -:10 .+nd as ?oses li$ted #* the ser*ent in the wilderness% e!en so m#st the ,on o$ ?an be li$ted #*%
Joh -:11 .that whoe!er belie!es in Him sho#ld not *erish b#t ha!e eternal li$e"
Joh -:13 .;or God so lo!ed the world that He ga!e His only begotten ,on% that whoe!er belie!es in Him sho#ld
not *erish b#t ha!e e!erlasting li$e"
Joh -:14 .;or God did not send His ,on into the world to ondemn the world% b#t that the world thro#gh Him
might be sa!ed"
Joh -:18 .He who belie!es in Him is not ondemned& b#t he who does not belie!e is ondemned already%
bea#se he has not belie!ed in the name o$ the only begotten ,on o$ God"
Joh -:19 .+nd this is the ondemnation% that the light has ome into the world% and men lo!ed dar'ness rather
than light% bea#se their deeds were e!il"
Joh -:25 .;or e!eryone *ratiing e!il hates the light and does not ome to the light% lest his deeds sho#ld be
Joh -:21 .B#t he who does the tr#th omes to the light% that his deeds may be learly seen% that they ha!e been
done in God".
Joh -:22 +$ter these things Jes#s and His disi*les ame into the land o$ J#dea% and there He remained with
them and ba*tiHed"
Joh -:2- Now John also was ba*tiHing in +enon near ,alim% bea#se there was m#h water there" +nd they
ame and were ba*tiHed"
Joh -:20 ;or John had not yet been thrown into *rison"
Joh -:21 Then there arose a dis*#te between (some) o$ JohnAs disi*les and the Jews abo#t *#ri$iation"
Joh -:23 +nd they ame to John and said to him% .:abbi% He who was with yo# beyond the Jordan% to whom
yo# ha!e testi$ied DD behold% He is ba*tiHing% and all are oming to HimF.
Joh -:24 John answered and said% .+ man an reei!e nothing #nless it has been gi!en to him $rom hea!en"
Joh -:28 .Bo# yo#rsel!es bear me witness% that I said% AI am not the =hrist%A b#t% AI ha!e been sent be$ore Him"A
Joh -:29 .He who has the bride is the bridegroom& b#t the $riend o$ the bridegroom% who stands and hears him%
re@oies greatly bea#se o$ the bridegroomAs !oie" There$ore this @oy o$ mine is $#l$illed"
Joh -:-5 .He m#st inrease% b#t I (m#st) derease"
Joh -:-1 .He who omes $rom abo!e is abo!e all& he who is o$ the earth is earthly and s*ea's o$ the earth" He
who omes $rom hea!en is abo!e all"
Joh -:-2 .+nd what He has seen and heard% that He testi$ies& and no one reei!es His testimony"
Joh -:-- .He who has reei!ed His testimony has erti$ied that God is tr#e"
Joh -:-0 .;or He whom God has sent s*ea's the words o$ God% $or God does not gi!e the ,*irit by meas#re"
Joh -:-1 .The ;ather lo!es the ,on% and has gi!en all things into His hand"
Joh -:-3 .He who belie!es in the ,on has e!erlasting li$e& and he who does not belie!e the ,on shall not see
li$e% b#t the wrath o$ God abides on him".
Joh 0:1 There$ore% when the /ord 'new that the <harisees had heard that Jes#s made and ba*tiHed more
disi*les than John
Joh 0:2 Itho#gh Jes#s Himsel$ did not ba*tiHe% b#t His disi*lesJ%
Joh 0:- He le$t J#dea and de*arted again to Galilee"
Joh 0:0 B#t He needed to go thro#gh ,amaria"
Joh 0:1 ,o He ame to a ity o$ ,amaria whih is alled ,yhar% near the *lot o$ gro#nd that Jaob ga!e to his
son Jose*h"
Joh 0:3 Now JaobAs well was there" Jes#s there$ore% being wearied $rom (His) @o#rney% sat th#s by the well" It
was abo#t the si9th ho#r"
Joh 0:4 + woman o$ ,amaria ame to draw water" Jes#s said to her% .Gi!e ?e a drin'".
Joh 0:8 ;or His disi*les had gone away into the ity to b#y $ood"
Joh 0:9 Then the woman o$ ,amaria said to Him% .How is it that Bo#% being a Jew% as' a drin' $rom me% a
,amaritan womanC. ;or Jews ha!e no dealings with ,amaritans"
Joh 0:15 Jes#s answered and said to her% .I$ yo# 'new the gi$t o$ God% and who it is who says to yo#% AGi!e ?e
a drin'%A yo# wo#ld ha!e as'ed Him% and He wo#ld ha!e gi!en yo# li!ing water".
Joh 0:11 The woman said to Him% .,ir% Bo# ha!e nothing to draw with% and the well is dee*" >here then do Bo#
get that li!ing waterC
Joh 0:12 .+re Bo# greater than o#r $ather Jaob% who ga!e #s the well% and dran' $rom it himsel$% as well as his
sons and his li!esto'C.
Joh 0:1- Jes#s answered and said to her% .>hoe!er drin's o$ this water will thirst again%
Joh 0:10 .b#t whoe!er drin's o$ the water that I shall gi!e him will ne!er thirst" B#t the water that I shall gi!e him
will beome in him a $o#ntain o$ water s*ringing #* into e!erlasting li$e".
Joh 0:11 The woman said to Him% .,ir% gi!e me this water% that I may not thirst% nor ome here to draw".
Joh 0:13 Jes#s said to her% .Go% all yo#r h#sband% and ome here".
Joh 0:14 The woman answered and said% .I ha!e no h#sband". Jes#s said to her% .Bo# ha!e well said% AI ha!e
no h#sband%A
Joh 0:18 .$or yo# ha!e had $i!e h#sbands% and the one whom yo# now ha!e is not yo#r h#sband& in that yo#
s*o'e tr#ly".
Joh 0:19 The woman said to Him% .,ir% I *erei!e that Bo# are a *ro*het"
Joh 0:25 .8#r $athers worshi*ed on this mo#ntain% and yo# (Jews) say that in Jer#salem is the *lae where one
o#ght to worshi*".
Joh 0:21 Jes#s said to her% .>oman% belie!e ?e% the ho#r is oming when yo# will neither on this mo#ntain% nor
in Jer#salem% worshi* the ;ather"
Joh 0:22 .Bo# worshi* what yo# do not 'now& we 'now what we worshi*% $or sal!ation is o$ the Jews"
Joh 0:2- .B#t the ho#r is oming% and now is% when the tr#e worshi*ers will worshi* the ;ather in s*irit and
tr#th& $or the ;ather is see'ing s#h to worshi* Him"
Joh 0:20 .God (is) ,*irit% and those who worshi* Him m#st worshi* in s*irit and tr#th".
Joh 0:21 The woman said to Him% .I 'now that ?essiah is oming. Iwho is alled =hristJ" .>hen He omes% He
will tell #s all things".
Joh 0:23 Jes#s said to her% .I who s*ea' to yo# am (He".)
Joh 0:24 +nd at this (*oint) His disi*les ame% and they mar!eled that He tal'ed with a woman& yet no one
said% .>hat do Bo# see'C. or% .>hy are Bo# tal'ing with herC.
Joh 0:28 The woman then le$t her water*ot% went her way into the ity% and said to the men%
Joh 0:29 .=ome% see a ?an who told me all things that I e!er did" =o#ld this be the =hristC.
Joh 0:-5 Then they went o#t o$ the ity and ame to Him"
Joh 0:-1 In the meantime His disi*les #rged Him% saying% .:abbi% eat".
Joh 0:-2 B#t He said to them% .I ha!e $ood to eat o$ whih yo# do not 'now".
Joh 0:-- There$ore the disi*les said to one another% .Has anyone bro#ght Him (anything) to eatC.
Joh 0:-0 Jes#s said to them% .?y $ood is to do the will o$ Him who sent ?e% and to $inish His wor'"
Joh 0:-1 .2o yo# not say% AThere are still $o#r months and (then) omes the har!estAC Behold% I say to yo#% li$t #*
yo#r eyes and loo' at the $ields% $or they are already white $or har!estF
Joh 0:-3 .+nd he who rea*s reei!es wages% and gathers $r#it $or eternal li$e% that both he who sows and he
who rea*s may re@oie together"
Joh 0:-4 .;or in this the saying is tr#e: A8ne sows and another rea*s"A
Joh 0:-8 .I sent yo# to rea* that $or whih yo# ha!e not labored& others ha!e labored% and yo# ha!e entered into
their labors".
Joh 0:-9 +nd many o$ the ,amaritans o$ that ity belie!ed in Him bea#se o$ the word o$ the woman who
testi$ied% .He told me all that I (e!er) did".
Joh 0:05 ,o when the ,amaritans had ome to Him% they #rged Him to stay with them& and He stayed there two
Joh 0:01 +nd many more belie!ed bea#se o$ His own word"
Joh 0:02 Then they said to the woman% .Now we belie!e% not bea#se o$ what yo# said% $or we o#rsel!es ha!e
heard (Him) and we 'now that this is indeed the =hrist% the ,a!ior o$ the world".
Joh 0:0- Now a$ter the two days He de*arted $rom there and went to Galilee"
Joh 0:00 ;or Jes#s Himsel$ testi$ied that a *ro*het has no honor in his own o#ntry"
Joh 0:01 ,o when He ame to Galilee% the Galileans reei!ed Him% ha!ing seen all the things He did in
Jer#salem at the $east& $or they also had gone to the $east"
Joh 0:03 ,o Jes#s ame again to =ana o$ Galilee where He had made the water wine" +nd there was a ertain
nobleman whose son was si' at =a*erna#m"
Joh 0:04 >hen he heard that Jes#s had ome o#t o$ J#dea into Galilee% he went to Him and im*lored Him to
ome down and heal his son% $or he was at the *oint o$ death"
Joh 0:08 Then Jes#s said to him% .7nless yo# (*eo*le) see signs and wonders% yo# will by no means belie!e".
Joh 0:09 The nobleman said to Him% .,ir% ome down be$ore my hild diesF.
Joh 0:15 Jes#s said to him% .Go yo#r way& yo#r son li!es". ,o the man belie!ed the word that Jes#s s*o'e to
him% and he went his way"
Joh 0:11 +nd as he was now going down% his ser!ants met him and told (him%) saying% .Bo#r son li!esF.
Joh 0:12 Then he inE#ired o$ them the ho#r when he got better" +nd they said to him% .Besterday at the se!enth
ho#r the $e!er le$t him".
Joh 0:1- ,o the $ather 'new that (it was) at the same ho#r in whih Jes#s said to him% .Bo#r son li!es". +nd he
himsel$ belie!ed% and his whole ho#sehold"
Joh 0:10 This again (is) the seond sign Jes#s did when He had ome o#t o$ J#dea into Galilee"
Joh 1:1 +$ter this there was a $east o$ the Jews% and Jes#s went #* to Jer#salem"
Joh 1:2 Now there is in Jer#salem by the ,hee* (Gate) a *ool% whih is alled in Hebrew% Bethesda% ha!ing $i!e
Joh 1:- In these lay a great m#ltit#de o$ si' *eo*le% blind% lame% *aralyHed% waiting $or the mo!ing o$ the water"
Joh 1:0 ;or an angel went down at a ertain time into the *ool and stirred #* the water& then whoe!er ste**ed in
$irst% a$ter the stirring o$ the water% was made well o$ whate!er disease he had"
Joh 1:1 Now a ertain man was there who had an in$irmity thirtyDeight years"
Joh 1:3 >hen Jes#s saw him lying there% and 'new that he already had been (in that ondition) a long time% He
said to him% .2o yo# want to be made wellC.
Joh 1:4 The si' man answered Him% .,ir% I ha!e no man to *#t me into the *ool when the water is stirred #*&
b#t while I am oming% another ste*s down be$ore me".
Joh 1:8 Jes#s said to him% .:ise% ta'e #* yo#r bed and wal'".
Joh 1:9 +nd immediately the man was made well% too' #* his bed% and wal'ed" +nd that day was the ,abbath"
Joh 1:15 The Jews there$ore said to him who was #red% .It is the ,abbath& it is not law$#l $or yo# to arry (yo#r)
Joh 1:11 He answered them% .He who made me well said to me% ATa'e #* yo#r bed and wal'"A .
Joh 1:12 Then they as'ed him% .>ho is the ?an who said to yo#% ATa'e #* yo#r bed and wal'AC.
Joh 1:1- B#t the one who was healed did not 'now who it was% $or Jes#s had withdrawn% a m#ltit#de being in
(that) *lae"
Joh 1:10 +$terward Jes#s $o#nd him in the tem*le% and said to him% .,ee% yo# ha!e been made well" ,in no
more% lest a worse thing ome #*on yo#".
Joh 1:11 The man de*arted and told the Jews that it was Jes#s who had made him well"
Joh 1:13 ;or this reason the Jews *erse#ted Jes#s% and so#ght to 'ill Him% bea#se He had done these things
on the ,abbath"
Joh 1:14 B#t Jes#s answered them% .?y ;ather has been wor'ing #ntil now% and I ha!e been wor'ing".
Joh 1:18 There$ore the Jews so#ght all the more to 'ill Him% bea#se He not only bro'e the ,abbath% b#t also
said that God was His ;ather% ma'ing Himsel$ eE#al with God"
Joh 1:19 Then Jes#s answered and said to them% .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% the ,on an do nothing o$
Himsel$% b#t what He sees the ;ather do& $or whate!er He does% the ,on also does in li'e manner"
Joh 1:25 .;or the ;ather lo!es the ,on% and shows Him all things that He Himsel$ does& and He will show Him
greater wor's than these% that yo# may mar!el"
Joh 1:21 .;or as the ;ather raises the dead and gi!es li$e to (them%) e!en so the ,on gi!es li$e to whom He will"
Joh 1:22 .;or the ;ather @#dges no one% b#t has ommitted all @#dgment to the ,on%
Joh 1:2- .that all sho#ld honor the ,on @#st as they honor the ;ather" He who does not honor the ,on does not
honor the ;ather who sent Him"
Joh 1:20 . ?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% he who hears ?y word and belie!es in Him who sent ?e has
e!erlasting li$e% and shall not ome into @#dgment% b#t has *assed $rom death into li$e"
Joh 1:21 .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% the ho#r is oming% and now is% when the dead will hear the !oie o$ the
,on o$ God& and those who hear will li!e"
Joh 1:23 .;or as the ;ather has li$e in Himsel$% so He has granted the ,on to ha!e li$e in Himsel$%
Joh 1:24 .and has gi!en Him a#thority to e9e#te @#dgment also% bea#se He is the ,on o$ ?an"
Joh 1:28 .2o not mar!el at this& $or the ho#r is oming in whih all who are in the gra!es will hear His !oie
Joh 1:29 .and ome $orth DD those who ha!e done good% to the res#rretion o$ li$e% and those who ha!e done
e!il% to the res#rretion o$ ondemnation"
Joh 1:-5 .I an o$ ?ysel$ do nothing" +s I hear% I @#dge& and ?y @#dgment is righteo#s% bea#se I do not see' ?y
own will b#t the will o$ the ;ather who sent ?e"
Joh 1:-1 . I$ I bear witness o$ ?ysel$% ?y witness is not tr#e"
Joh 1:-2 .There is another who bears witness o$ ?e% and I 'now that the witness whih He witnesses o$ ?e is
Joh 1:-- .Bo# ha!e sent to John% and he has borne witness to the tr#th"
Joh 1:-0 .Bet I do not reei!e testimony $rom man% b#t I say these things that yo# may be sa!ed"
Joh 1:-1 .He was the b#rning and shining lam*% and yo# were willing $or a time to re@oie in his light"
Joh 1:-3 .B#t I ha!e a greater witness than JohnAs& $or the wor's whih the ;ather has gi!en ?e to $inish DD the
!ery wor's that I do DD bear witness o$ ?e% that the ;ather has sent ?e"
Joh 1:-4 .+nd the ;ather Himsel$% who sent ?e% has testi$ied o$ ?e" Bo# ha!e neither heard His !oie at any
time% nor seen His $orm"
Joh 1:-8 .B#t yo# do not ha!e His word abiding in yo#% bea#se whom He sent% Him yo# do not belie!e"
Joh 1:-9 .Bo# searh the ,ri*t#res% $or in them yo# thin' yo# ha!e eternal li$e& and these are they whih testi$y
o$ ?e"
Joh 1:05 .B#t yo# are not willing to ome to ?e that yo# may ha!e li$e"
Joh 1:01 .I do not reei!e honor $rom men"
Joh 1:02 .B#t I 'now yo#% that yo# do not ha!e the lo!e o$ God in yo#"
Joh 1:0- .I ha!e ome in ?y ;atherAs name% and yo# do not reei!e ?e& i$ another omes in his own name% him
yo# will reei!e"
Joh 1:00 .How an yo# belie!e% who reei!e honor $rom one another% and do not see' the honor that (omes)
$rom the only GodC
Joh 1:01 .2o not thin' that I shall a#se yo# to the ;ather& there is (one) who a#ses yo# DD ?oses% in whom
yo# tr#st"
Joh 1:03 .;or i$ yo# belie!ed ?oses% yo# wo#ld belie!e ?e& $or he wrote abo#t ?e"
Joh 1:04 .B#t i$ yo# do not belie!e his writings% how will yo# belie!e ?y wordsC.
Joh 3:1 +$ter these things Jes#s went o!er the ,ea o$ Galilee% whih is (the ,ea) o$ Tiberias"
Joh 3:2 Then a great m#ltit#de $ollowed Him% bea#se they saw His signs whih He *er$ormed on those who
were diseased"
Joh 3:- +nd Jes#s went #* on the mo#ntain% and there He sat with His disi*les"
Joh 3:0 Now the <asso!er% a $east o$ the Jews% was near"
Joh 3:1 Then Jes#s li$ted #* (His) eyes% and seeing a great m#ltit#de oming toward Him% He said to <hili*%
.>here shall we b#y bread% that these may eatC.
Joh 3:3 B#t this He said to test him% $or He Himsel$ 'new what He wo#ld do"
Joh 3:4 <hili* answered Him% .Two h#ndred denarii worth o$ bread is not s#$$iient $or them% that e!ery one o$
them may ha!e a little".
Joh 3:8 8ne o$ His disi*les% +ndrew% ,imon <eterAs brother% said to Him%
Joh 3:9 .There is a lad here who has $i!e barley loa!es and two small $ish% b#t what are they among so manyC.
Joh 3:15 Then Jes#s said% .?a'e the *eo*le sit down". Now there was m#h grass in the *lae" ,o the men sat
down% in n#mber abo#t $i!e tho#sand"
Joh 3:11 +nd Jes#s too' the loa!es% and when He had gi!en than's He distrib#ted (them) to the disi*les% and
the disi*les to those sitting down& and li'ewise o$ the $ish% as m#h as they wanted"
Joh 3:12 ,o when they were $illed% He said to His disi*les% .Gather #* the $ragments that remain% so that
nothing is lost".
Joh 3:1- There$ore they gathered (them) #*% and $illed twel!e bas'ets with the $ragments o$ the $i!e barley
loa!es whih were le$t o!er by those who had eaten"
Joh 3:10 Then those men% when they had seen the sign that Jes#s did% said% .This is tr#ly the <ro*het who is to
ome into the world".
Joh 3:11 There$ore when Jes#s *erei!ed that they were abo#t to ome and ta'e Him by $ore to ma'e Him
'ing% He de*arted again to the mo#ntain by Himsel$ alone"
Joh 3:13 Now when e!ening ame% His disi*les went down to the sea%
Joh 3:14 got into the boat% and went o!er the sea toward =a*erna#m" +nd it was already dar'% and Jes#s had
not ome to them"
Joh 3:18 Then the sea arose bea#se a great wind was blowing"
Joh 3:19 ,o when they had rowed abo#t three or $o#r miles% they saw Jes#s wal'ing on the sea and drawing
near the boat& and they were a$raid"
Joh 3:25 B#t He said to them% .It is I& do not be a$raid".
Joh 3:21 Then they willingly reei!ed Him into the boat% and immediately the boat was at the land where they
were going"
Joh 3:22 8n the $ollowing day% when the *eo*le who were standing on the other side o$ the sea saw that there
was no other boat there% e9e*t that one whih His disi*les had entered% and that Jes#s had not entered the
boat with His disi*les% b#t His disi*les had gone away alone DD
Joh 3:2- howe!er% other boats ame $rom Tiberias% near the *lae where they ate bread a$ter the /ord had
gi!en than's DD
Joh 3:20 when the *eo*le there$ore saw that Jes#s was not there% nor His disi*les% they also got into boats and
ame to =a*erna#m% see'ing Jes#s"
Joh 3:21 +nd when they $o#nd Him on the other side o$ the sea% they said to Him% .:abbi% when did Bo# ome
Joh 3:23 Jes#s answered them and said% .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% yo# see' ?e% not bea#se yo# saw the
signs% b#t bea#se yo# ate o$ the loa!es and were $illed"
Joh 3:24 .2o not labor $or the $ood whih *erishes% b#t $or the $ood whih end#res to e!erlasting li$e% whih the
,on o$ ?an will gi!e yo#% bea#se God the ;ather has set His seal on Him".
Joh 3:28 Then they said to Him% .>hat shall we do% that we may wor' the wor's o$ GodC.
Joh 3:29 Jes#s answered and said to them% .This is the wor' o$ God% that yo# belie!e in Him whom He sent".
Joh 3:-5 There$ore they said to Him% .>hat sign will Bo# *er$orm then% that we may see it and belie!e Bo#C
>hat wor' will Bo# doC
Joh 3:-1 .8#r $athers ate the manna in the desert& as it is written% AHe ga!e them bread $rom hea!en to eat"A .
Joh 3:-2 Then Jes#s said to them% .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% ?oses did not gi!e yo# the bread $rom
hea!en% b#t ?y ;ather gi!es yo# the tr#e bread $rom hea!en"
Joh 3:-- .;or the bread o$ God is He who omes down $rom hea!en and gi!es li$e to the world".
Joh 3:-0 Then they said to Him% ./ord% gi!e #s this bread always".
Joh 3:-1 +nd Jes#s said to them% .I am the bread o$ li$e" He who omes to ?e shall ne!er h#nger% and he who
belie!es in ?e shall ne!er thirst"
Joh 3:-3 .B#t I said to yo# that yo# ha!e seen ?e and yet do not belie!e"
Joh 3:-4 .+ll that the ;ather gi!es ?e will ome to ?e% and the one who omes to ?e I will by no means ast
Joh 3:-8 .;or I ha!e ome down $rom hea!en% not to do ?y own will% b#t the will o$ Him who sent ?e"
Joh 3:-9 .This is the will o$ the ;ather who sent ?e% that o$ all He has gi!en ?e I sho#ld lose nothing% b#t
sho#ld raise it #* at the last day"
Joh 3:05 .+nd this is the will o$ Him who sent ?e% that e!eryone who sees the ,on and belie!es in Him may
ha!e e!erlasting li$e& and I will raise him #* at the last day".
Joh 3:01 The Jews then om*lained abo#t Him% bea#se He said% .I am the bread whih ame down $rom
Joh 3:02 +nd they said% .Is not this Jes#s% the son o$ Jose*h% whose $ather and mother we 'nowC How is it then
that He says% AI ha!e ome down $rom hea!enAC.
Joh 3:0- Jes#s there$ore answered and said to them% .2o not m#rm#r among yo#rsel!es"
Joh 3:00 .No one an ome to ?e #nless the ;ather who sent ?e draws him& and I will raise him #* at the last
Joh 3:01 .It is written in the *ro*hets% A+nd they shall all be ta#ght by God"A There$ore e!eryone who has heard
and learned $rom the ;ather omes to ?e"
Joh 3:03 .Not that anyone has seen the ;ather% e9e*t He who is $rom God& He has seen the ;ather"
Joh 3:04 .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% he who belie!es in ?e has e!erlasting li$e"
Joh 3:08 .I am the bread o$ li$e"
Joh 3:09 .Bo#r $athers ate the manna in the wilderness% and are dead"
Joh 3:15 .This is the bread whih omes down $rom hea!en% that one may eat o$ it and not die"
Joh 3:11 .I am the li!ing bread whih ame down $rom hea!en" I$ anyone eats o$ this bread% he will li!e $ore!er&
and the bread that I shall gi!e is ?y $lesh% whih I shall gi!e $or the li$e o$ the world".
Joh 3:12 The Jews there$ore E#arreled among themsel!es% saying% .How an this (?an) gi!e #s (His) $lesh to
Joh 3:1- Then Jes#s said to them% .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% #nless yo# eat the $lesh o$ the ,on o$ ?an and
drin' His blood% yo# ha!e no li$e in yo#"
Joh 3:10 .>hoe!er eats ?y $lesh and drin's ?y blood has eternal li$e% and I will raise him #* at the last day"
Joh 3:11 .;or ?y $lesh is $ood indeed% and ?y blood is drin' indeed"
Joh 3:13 .He who eats ?y $lesh and drin's ?y blood abides in ?e% and I in him"
Joh 3:14 .+s the li!ing ;ather sent ?e% and I li!e bea#se o$ the ;ather% so he who $eeds on ?e will li!e
bea#se o$ ?e"
Joh 3:18 .This is the bread whih ame down $rom hea!en DD not as yo#r $athers ate the manna% and are dead"
He who eats this bread will li!e $ore!er".
Joh 3:19 These things He said in the synagog#e as He ta#ght in =a*erna#m"
Joh 3:35 There$ore many o$ His disi*les% when they heard (this%) said% .This is a hard saying& who an
#nderstand itC.
Joh 3:31 >hen Jes#s 'new in Himsel$ that His disi*les om*lained abo#t this% He said to them% .2oes this
o$$end yo#C
Joh 3:32 .(>hat) then i$ yo# sho#ld see the ,on o$ ?an asend where He was be$oreC
Joh 3:3- .It is the ,*irit who gi!es li$e& the $lesh *ro$its nothing" The words that I s*ea' to yo# are s*irit% and
(they) are li$e"
Joh 3:30 .B#t there are some o$ yo# who do not belie!e". ;or Jes#s 'new $rom the beginning who they were
who did not belie!e% and who wo#ld betray Him"
Joh 3:31 +nd He said% .There$ore I ha!e said to yo# that no one an ome to ?e #nless it has been granted to
him by ?y ;ather".
Joh 3:33 ;rom that (time) many o$ His disi*les went ba' and wal'ed with Him no more"
Joh 3:34 Then Jes#s said to the twel!e% .2o yo# also want to go awayC.
Joh 3:38 B#t ,imon <eter answered Him% ./ord% to whom shall we goC Bo# ha!e the words o$ eternal li$e"
Joh 3:39 .+lso we ha!e ome to belie!e and 'now that Bo# are the =hrist% the ,on o$ the li!ing God".
Joh 3:45 Jes#s answered them% .2id I not hoose yo#% the twel!e% and one o$ yo# is a de!ilC.
Joh 3:41 He s*o'e o$ J#das Isariot% (the son) o$ ,imon% $or it was he who wo#ld betray Him% being one o$ the
Joh 4:1 +$ter these things Jes#s wal'ed in Galilee& $or He did not want to wal' in J#dea% bea#se the Jews
so#ght to 'ill Him"
Joh 4:2 Now the JewsA ;east o$ Tabernales was at hand"
Joh 4:- His brothers there$ore said to Him% .2e*art $rom here and go into J#dea% that Bo#r disi*les also may
see the wor's that Bo# are doing"
Joh 4:0 .;or no one does anything in seret while he himsel$ see's to be 'nown o*enly" I$ Bo# do these things%
show Bo#rsel$ to the world".
Joh 4:1 ;or e!en His brothers did not belie!e in Him"
Joh 4:3 Then Jes#s said to them% .?y time has not yet ome% b#t yo#r time is always ready"
Joh 4:4 .The world annot hate yo#% b#t it hates ?e bea#se I testi$y o$ it that its wor's are e!il"
Joh 4:8 .Bo# go #* to this $east" I am not yet going #* to this $east% $or ?y time has not yet $#lly ome".
Joh 4:9 >hen He had said these things to them% He remained in Galilee"
Joh 4:15 B#t when His brothers had gone #*% then He also went #* to the $east% not o*enly% b#t as it were in
Joh 4:11 Then the Jews so#ght Him at the $east% and said% .>here is HeC.
Joh 4:12 +nd there was m#h om*laining among the *eo*le onerning Him" ,ome said% .He is good.& others
said% .No% on the ontrary% He deei!es the *eo*le".
Joh 4:1- Howe!er% no one s*o'e o*enly o$ Him $or $ear o$ the Jews"
Joh 4:10 Now abo#t the middle o$ the $east Jes#s went #* into the tem*le and ta#ght"
Joh 4:11 +nd the Jews mar!eled% saying% .How does this ?an 'now letters% ha!ing ne!er st#diedC.
Joh 4:13 Jes#s answered them and said% .?y dotrine is not ?ine% b#t His who sent ?e"
Joh 4:14 .I$ anyone wants to do His will% he shall 'now onerning the dotrine% whether it is $rom God or
(whether) I s*ea' on ?y own (a#thority")
Joh 4:18 .He who s*ea's $rom himsel$ see's his own glory& b#t He who see's the glory o$ the 8ne who sent
Him is tr#e% and no #nrighteo#sness is in Him"
Joh 4:19 .2id not ?oses gi!e yo# the law% yet none o$ yo# 'ee*s the lawC >hy do yo# see' to 'ill ?eC.
Joh 4:25 The *eo*le answered and said% .Bo# ha!e a demon" >ho is see'ing to 'ill Bo#C.
Joh 4:21 Jes#s answered and said to them% .I did one wor'% and yo# all mar!el"
Joh 4:22 .?oses there$ore ga!e yo# ir#mision Inot that it is $rom ?oses% b#t $rom the $athersJ% and yo#
ir#mise a man on the ,abbath"
Joh 4:2- .I$ a man reei!es ir#mision on the ,abbath% so that the law o$ ?oses sho#ld not be bro'en% are
yo# angry with ?e bea#se I made a man om*letely well on the ,abbathC
Joh 4:20 .2o not @#dge aording to a**earane% b#t @#dge with righteo#s @#dgment".
Joh 4:21 Now some o$ them $rom Jer#salem said% .Is this not He whom they see' to 'illC
Joh 4:23 .B#t loo'F He s*ea's boldly% and they say nothing to Him" 2o the r#lers 'now indeed that this is tr#ly
the =hristC
Joh 4:24 .Howe!er% we 'now where this ?an is $rom& b#t when the =hrist omes% no one 'nows where He is
Joh 4:28 Then Jes#s ried o#t% as He ta#ght in the tem*le% saying% .Bo# both 'now ?e% and yo# 'now where I
am $rom& and I ha!e not ome o$ ?ysel$% b#t He who sent ?e is tr#e% whom yo# do not 'now"
Joh 4:29 .B#t I 'now Him% $or I am $rom Him% and He sent ?e".
Joh 4:-5 There$ore they so#ght to ta'e Him& b#t no one laid a hand on Him% bea#se His ho#r had not yet
Joh 4:-1 +nd many o$ the *eo*le belie!ed in Him% and said% .>hen the =hrist omes% will He do more signs
than these whih this (?an) has doneC.
Joh 4:-2 The <harisees heard the rowd m#rm#ring these things onerning Him% and the <harisees and the
hie$ *riests sent o$$iers to ta'e Him"
Joh 4:-- Then Jes#s said to them% .I shall be with yo# a little while longer% and (then) I go to Him who sent ?e"
Joh 4:-0 .Bo# will see' ?e and not $ind (?e%) and where I am yo# annot ome".
Joh 4:-1 Then the Jews said among themsel!es% .>here does He intend to go that we shall not $ind HimC 2oes
He intend to go to the 2is*ersion among the Gree's and teah the Gree'sC
Joh 4:-3 .>hat is this thing that He said% ABo# will see' ?e and not $ind ?e% and where I am yo# annot omeAC.
Joh 4:-4 8n the last day% that great (day) o$ the $east% Jes#s stood and ried o#t% saying% .I$ anyone thirsts% let
him ome to ?e and drin'"
Joh 4:-8 .He who belie!es in ?e% as the ,ri*t#re has said% o#t o$ his heart will $low ri!ers o$ li!ing water".
Joh 4:-9 B#t this He s*o'e onerning the ,*irit% whom those belie!ing in Him wo#ld reei!e& $or the Holy ,*irit
was not yet (gi!en%) bea#se Jes#s was not yet glori$ied"
Joh 4:05 There$ore many $rom the rowd% when they heard this saying% said% .Tr#ly this is the <ro*het".
Joh 4:01 8thers said% .This is the =hrist". B#t some said% .>ill the =hrist ome o#t o$ GalileeC
Joh 4:02 .Has not the ,ri*t#re said that the =hrist omes $rom the seed o$ 2a!id and $rom the town o$
Bethlehem% where 2a!id wasC.
Joh 4:0- ,o there was a di!ision among the *eo*le bea#se o$ Him"
Joh 4:00 Now some o$ them wanted to ta'e Him% b#t no one laid hands on Him"
Joh 4:01 Then the o$$iers ame to the hie$ *riests and <harisees% who said to them% .>hy ha!e yo# not
bro#ght HimC.
Joh 4:03 The o$$iers answered% .No man e!er s*o'e li'e this ?anF.
Joh 4:04 Then the <harisees answered them% .+re yo# also deei!edC
Joh 4:08 .Ha!e any o$ the r#lers or the <harisees belie!ed in HimC
Joh 4:09 .B#t this rowd that does not 'now the law is a#rsed".
Joh 4:15 Niodem#s Ihe who ame to Jes#s by night% being one o$ themJ said to them%
Joh 4:11 .2oes o#r law @#dge a man be$ore it hears him and 'nows what he is doingC.
Joh 4:12 They answered and said to him% .+re yo# also $rom GalileeC ,earh and loo'% $or no *ro*het has
arisen o#t o$ Galilee".
Joh 4:1- +nd e!eryone went to his (own) ho#se"
Joh 8:1 B#t Jes#s went to the ?o#nt o$ 8li!es"
Joh 8:2 Now early in the morning He ame again into the tem*le% and all the *eo*le ame to Him& and He sat
down and ta#ght them"
Joh 8:- Then the sribes and <harisees bro#ght to Him a woman a#ght in ad#ltery" +nd when they had set her
in the midst%
Joh 8:0 they said to Him% .Teaher% this woman was a#ght in ad#ltery% in the !ery at"
Joh 8:1 .Now ?oses% in the law% ommanded #s that s#h sho#ld be stoned" B#t what do Bo# sayC.
Joh 8:3 This they said% testing Him% that they might ha!e (something) o$ whih to a#se Him" B#t Jes#s
stoo*ed down and wrote on the gro#nd with (His) $inger% as tho#gh He did not hear"
Joh 8:4 ,o when they ontin#ed as'ing Him% He raised Himsel$ #* and said to them% .He who is witho#t sin
among yo#% let him throw a stone at her $irst".
Joh 8:8 +nd again He stoo*ed down and wrote on the gro#nd"
Joh 8:9 Then those who heard (it%) being on!ited by (their) onsiene% went o#t one by one% beginning with
the oldest (e!en) to the last" +nd Jes#s was le$t alone% and the woman standing in the midst"
Joh 8:15 >hen Jes#s had raised Himsel$ #* and saw no one b#t the woman% He said to her% .>oman% where
are those a#sers o$ yo#rsC Has no one ondemned yo#C.
Joh 8:11 ,he said% .No one% /ord". +nd Jes#s said to her% .Neither do I ondemn yo#& go and sin no more".
Joh 8:12 Then Jes#s s*o'e to them again% saying% .I am the light o$ the world" He who $ollows ?e shall not wal'
in dar'ness% b#t ha!e the light o$ li$e".
Joh 8:1- The <harisees there$ore said to Him% .Bo# bear witness o$ Bo#rsel$& Bo#r witness is not tr#e".
Joh 8:10 Jes#s answered and said to them% .6!en i$ I bear witness o$ ?ysel$% ?y witness is tr#e% $or I 'now
where I ame $rom and where I am going& b#t yo# do not 'now where I ome $rom and where I am going"
Joh 8:11 .Bo# @#dge aording to the $lesh& I @#dge no one"
Joh 8:13 .+nd yet i$ I do @#dge% ?y @#dgment is tr#e& $or I am not alone% b#t I (am) with the ;ather who sent ?e"
Joh 8:14 .It is also written in yo#r law that the testimony o$ two men is tr#e"
Joh 8:18 .I am 8ne who bears witness o$ ?ysel$% and the ;ather who sent ?e bears witness o$ ?e".
Joh 8:19 Then they said to Him% .>here is Bo#r ;atherC. Jes#s answered% .Bo# 'now neither ?e nor ?y
;ather" I$ yo# had 'nown ?e% yo# wo#ld ha!e 'nown ?y ;ather also".
Joh 8:25 These words Jes#s s*o'e in the treas#ry% as He ta#ght in the tem*le& and no one laid hands on Him%
$or His ho#r had not yet ome"
Joh 8:21 Then Jes#s said to them again% .I am going away% and yo# will see' ?e% and will die in yo#r sin"
>here I go yo# annot ome".
Joh 8:22 ,o the Jews said% .>ill He 'ill Himsel$% bea#se He says% A>here I go yo# annot omeAC.
Joh 8:2- +nd He said to them% .Bo# are $rom beneath& I am $rom abo!e" Bo# are o$ this world& I am not o$ this
Joh 8:20 .There$ore I said to yo# that yo# will die in yo#r sins& $or i$ yo# do not belie!e that I am (He%) yo# will die
in yo#r sins".
Joh 8:21 Then they said to Him% .>ho are Bo#C. +nd Jes#s said to them% .J#st what I ha!e been saying to yo#
$rom the beginning"
Joh 8:23 .I ha!e many things to say and to @#dge onerning yo#% b#t He who sent ?e is tr#e& and I s*ea' to
the world those things whih I heard $rom Him".
Joh 8:24 They did not #nderstand that He s*o'e to them o$ the ;ather"
Joh 8:28 Then Jes#s said to them% .>hen yo# li$t #* the ,on o$ ?an% then yo# will 'now that I am (He%) and
(that) I do nothing o$ ?ysel$& b#t as ?y ;ather ta#ght ?e% I s*ea' these things"
Joh 8:29 .+nd He who sent ?e is with ?e" The ;ather has not le$t ?e alone% $or I always do those things that
*lease Him".
Joh 8:-5 +s He s*o'e these words% many belie!ed in Him"
Joh 8:-1 Then Jes#s said to those Jews who belie!ed Him% .I$ yo# abide in ?y word% yo# are ?y disi*les
Joh 8:-2 .+nd yo# shall 'now the tr#th% and the tr#th shall ma'e yo# $ree".
Joh 8:-- They answered Him% .>e are +brahamAs desendants% and ha!e ne!er been in bondage to anyone"
How (an) yo# say% ABo# will be made $reeAC.
Joh 8:-0 Jes#s answered them% .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% whoe!er ommits sin is a sla!e o$ sin"
Joh 8:-1 .+nd a sla!e does not abide in the ho#se $ore!er% (b#t) a son abides $ore!er"
Joh 8:-3 .There$ore i$ the ,on ma'es yo# $ree% yo# shall be $ree indeed"
Joh 8:-4 . I 'now that yo# are +brahamAs desendants% b#t yo# see' to 'ill ?e% bea#se ?y word has no *lae
in yo#"
Joh 8:-8 .I s*ea' what I ha!e seen with ?y ;ather% and yo# do what yo# ha!e seen with yo#r $ather".
Joh 8:-9 They answered and said to Him% .+braham is o#r $ather". Jes#s said to them% .I$ yo# were +brahamAs
hildren% yo# wo#ld do the wor's o$ +braham"
Joh 8:05 .B#t now yo# see' to 'ill ?e% a ?an who has told yo# the tr#th whih I heard $rom God" +braham did
not do this"
Joh 8:01 .Bo# do the deeds o$ yo#r $ather". Then they said to Him% .>e were not born o$ $orniation& we ha!e
one ;ather DD God".
Joh 8:02 Jes#s said to them% .I$ God were yo#r ;ather% yo# wo#ld lo!e ?e% $or I *roeeded $orth and ame $rom
God& nor ha!e I ome o$ ?ysel$% b#t He sent ?e"
Joh 8:0- .>hy do yo# not #nderstand ?y s*eehC Bea#se yo# are not able to listen to ?y word"
Joh 8:00 .Bo# are o$ (yo#r) $ather the de!il% and the desires o$ yo#r $ather yo# want to do" He was a m#rderer
$rom the beginning% and (does not) stand in the tr#th% bea#se there is no tr#th in him" >hen he s*ea's a lie% he
s*ea's $rom his own (reso#res%) $or he is a liar and the $ather o$ it"
Joh 8:01 .B#t bea#se I tell the tr#th% yo# do not belie!e ?e"
Joh 8:03 .>hih o$ yo# on!its ?e o$ sinC +nd i$ I tell the tr#th% why do yo# not belie!e ?eC
Joh 8:04 .He who is o$ God hears GodAs words& there$ore yo# do not hear% bea#se yo# are not o$ God".
Joh 8:08 Then the Jews answered and said to Him% .2o we not say rightly that Bo# are a ,amaritan and ha!e a
Joh 8:09 Jes#s answered% .I do not ha!e a demon& b#t I honor ?y ;ather% and yo# dishonor ?e"
Joh 8:15 .+nd I do not see' ?y (own) glory& there is 8ne who see's and @#dges"
Joh 8:11 .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% i$ anyone 'ee*s ?y word he shall ne!er see death".
Joh 8:12 Then the Jews said to Him% .Now we 'now that Bo# ha!e a demonF +braham is dead% and the
*ro*hets& and Bo# say% AI$ anyone 'ee*s ?y word he shall ne!er taste death"A
Joh 8:1- .+re Bo# greater than o#r $ather +braham% who is deadC +nd the *ro*hets are dead" >hom do Bo#
ma'e Bo#rsel$ o#t to beC.
Joh 8:10 Jes#s answered% .I$ I honor ?ysel$% ?y honor is nothing" It is ?y ;ather who honors ?e% o$ whom yo#
say that He is yo#r God"
Joh 8:11 .Bet yo# ha!e not 'nown Him% b#t I 'now Him" +nd i$ I say% AI do not 'now Him%A I shall be a liar li'e
yo#& b#t I do 'now Him and 'ee* His word"
Joh 8:13 .Bo#r $ather +braham re@oied to see ?y day% and he saw (it) and was glad".
Joh 8:14 Then the Jews said to Him% .Bo# are not yet $i$ty years old% and ha!e Bo# seen +brahamC.
Joh 8:18 Jes#s said to them% .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% be$ore +braham was% I +?".
Joh 8:19 Then they too' #* stones to throw at Him& b#t Jes#s hid Himsel$ and went o#t o$ the tem*le% going
thro#gh the midst o$ them% and so *assed by"
Joh 9:1 Now as (Jes#s) *assed by% He saw a man who was blind $rom birth"
Joh 9:2 +nd His disi*les as'ed Him% saying% .:abbi% who sinned% this man or his *arents% that he was born
Joh 9:- Jes#s answered% .Neither this man nor his *arents sinned% b#t that the wor's o$ God sho#ld be re!ealed
in him"
Joh 9:0 .I m#st wor' the wor's o$ Him who sent ?e while it is day& (the) night is oming when no one an wor'"
Joh 9:1 .+s long as I am in the world% I am the light o$ the world".
Joh 9:3 >hen He had said these things% He s*at on the gro#nd and made lay with the sali!a& and He anointed
the eyes o$ the blind man with the lay"
Joh 9:4 +nd He said to him% .Go% wash in the *ool o$ ,iloam. Iwhih is translated% ,entJ" ,o he went and
washed% and ame ba' seeing"
Joh 9:8 There$ore the neighbors and those who *re!io#sly had seen that he was blind said% .Is not this he who
sat and beggedC.
Joh 9:9 ,ome said% .This is he". 8thers (said%) .He is li'e him". He said% .I am (he".)
Joh 9:15 There$ore they said to him% .How were yo#r eyes o*enedC.
Joh 9:11 He answered and said% .+ ?an alled Jes#s made lay and anointed my eyes and said to me% AGo to
the *ool o$ ,iloam and wash"A ,o I went and washed% and I reei!ed sight".
Joh 9:12 Then they said to him% .>here is HeC. He said% .I do not 'now".
Joh 9:1- They bro#ght him who $ormerly was blind to the <harisees"
Joh 9:10 Now it was a ,abbath when Jes#s made the lay and o*ened his eyes"
Joh 9:11 Then the <harisees also as'ed him again how he had reei!ed his sight" He said to them% .He *#t lay
on my eyes% and I washed% and I see".
Joh 9:13 There$ore some o$ the <harisees said% .This ?an is not $rom God% bea#se He does not 'ee* the
,abbath". 8thers said% .How an a man who is a sinner do s#h signsC. +nd there was a di!ision among them"
Joh 9:14 They said to the blind man again% .>hat do yo# say abo#t Him bea#se He o*ened yo#r eyesC. He
said% .He is a *ro*het".
Joh 9:18 B#t the Jews did not belie!e onerning him% that he had been blind and reei!ed his sight% #ntil they
alled the *arents o$ him who had reei!ed his sight"
Joh 9:19 +nd they as'ed them% saying% .Is this yo#r son% who yo# say was born blindC How then does he now
Joh 9:25 His *arents answered them and said% .>e 'now that this is o#r son% and that he was born blind&
Joh 9:21 .b#t by what means he now sees we do not 'now% or who o*ened his eyes we do not 'now" He is o$
age& as' him" He will s*ea' $or himsel$".
Joh 9:22 His *arents said these (things) bea#se they $eared the Jews% $or the Jews had agreed already that i$
anyone on$essed (that) He (was) =hrist% he wo#ld be *#t o#t o$ the synagog#e"
Joh 9:2- There$ore his *arents said% .He is o$ age& as' him".
Joh 9:20 ,o they again alled the man who was blind% and said to him% .Gi!e God the gloryF >e 'now that this
?an is a sinner".
Joh 9:21 He answered and said% .>hether He is a sinner (or not) I do not 'now" 8ne thing I 'now: that tho#gh I
was blind% now I see".
Joh 9:23 Then they said to him again% .>hat did He do to yo#C How did He o*en yo#r eyesC.
Joh 9:24 He answered them% .I told yo# already% and yo# did not listen" >hy do yo# want to hear (it) againC 2o
yo# also want to beome His disi*lesC.
Joh 9:28 Then they re!iled him and said% .Bo# are His disi*le% b#t we are ?osesA disi*les"
Joh 9:29 .>e 'now that God s*o'e to ?oses& (as $or) this ($ellow%) we do not 'now where He is $rom".
Joh 9:-5 The man answered and said to them% .>hy% this is a mar!elo#s thing% that yo# do not 'now where He
is $rom& yet He has o*ened my eyesF
Joh 9:-1 .Now we 'now that God does not hear sinners& b#t i$ anyone is a worshi*er o$ God and does His will%
He hears him"
Joh 9:-2 .,ine the world began it has been #nheard o$ that anyone o*ened the eyes o$ one who was born
Joh 9:-- .I$ this ?an were not $rom God% He o#ld do nothing".
Joh 9:-0 They answered and said to him% .Bo# were om*letely born in sins% and are yo# teahing #sC. +nd
they ast him o#t"
Joh 9:-1 Jes#s heard that they had ast him o#t& and when He had $o#nd him% He said to him% .2o yo# belie!e
in the ,on o$ GodC.
Joh 9:-3 He answered and said% .>ho is He% /ord% that I may belie!e in HimC.
Joh 9:-4 +nd Jes#s said to him% .Bo# ha!e both seen Him and it is He who is tal'ing with yo#".
Joh 9:-8 Then he said% ./ord% I belie!eF. +nd he worshi*ed Him"
Joh 9:-9 +nd Jes#s said% .;or @#dgment I ha!e ome into this world% that those who do not see may see% and
that those who see may be made blind".
Joh 9:05 Then (some) o$ the <harisees who were with Him heard these words% and said to Him% .+re we blind
Joh 9:01 Jes#s said to them% .I$ yo# were blind% yo# wo#ld ha!e no sin& b#t now yo# say% A>e see"A There$ore
yo#r sin remains"
Joh 15:1 .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% he who does not enter the shee*$old by the door% b#t limbs #* some
other way% the same is a thie$ and a robber"
Joh 15:2 .B#t he who enters by the door is the she*herd o$ the shee*"
Joh 15:- .To him the door'ee*er o*ens% and the shee* hear his !oie& and he alls his own shee* by name and
leads them o#t"
Joh 15:0 .+nd when he brings o#t his own shee*% he goes be$ore them& and the shee* $ollow him% $or they 'now
his !oie"
Joh 15:1 .Bet they will by no means $ollow a stranger% b#t will $lee $rom him% $or they do not 'now the !oie o$
Joh 15:3 Jes#s #sed this ill#stration% b#t they did not #nderstand the things whih He s*o'e to them"
Joh 15:4 Then Jes#s said to them again% .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% I am the door o$ the shee*"
Joh 15:8 .+ll who (e!er) ame be$ore ?e are thie!es and robbers% b#t the shee* did not hear them"
Joh 15:9 .I am the door" I$ anyone enters by ?e% he will be sa!ed% and will go in and o#t and $ind *ast#re"
Joh 15:15 .The thie$ does not ome e9e*t to steal% and to 'ill% and to destroy" I ha!e ome that they may ha!e
li$e% and that they may ha!e (it) more ab#ndantly"
Joh 15:11 .I am the good she*herd" The good she*herd gi!es His li$e $or the shee*"
Joh 15:12 .B#t a hireling% (he who is) not the she*herd% one who does not own the shee*% sees the wol$ oming
and lea!es the shee* and $lees& and the wol$ athes the shee* and satters them"
Joh 15:1- .The hireling $lees bea#se he is a hireling and does not are abo#t the shee*"
Joh 15:10 .I am the good she*herd& and I 'now ?y (shee*%) and am 'nown by ?y own"
Joh 15:11 .+s the ;ather 'nows ?e% e!en so I 'now the ;ather& and I lay down ?y li$e $or the shee*"
Joh 15:13 .+nd other shee* I ha!e whih are not o$ this $old& them also I m#st bring% and they will hear ?y
!oie& and there will be one $lo' (and) one she*herd"
Joh 15:14 .There$ore ?y ;ather lo!es ?e% bea#se I lay down ?y li$e that I may ta'e it again"
Joh 15:18 .No one ta'es it $rom ?e% b#t I lay it down o$ ?ysel$" I ha!e *ower to lay it down% and I ha!e *ower to
ta'e it again" This ommand I ha!e reei!ed $rom ?y ;ather".
Joh 15:19 There$ore there was a di!ision again among the Jews bea#se o$ these sayings"
Joh 15:25 +nd many o$ them said% .He has a demon and is mad" >hy do yo# listen to HimC.
Joh 15:21 8thers said% .These are not the words o$ one who has a demon" =an a demon o*en the eyes o$ the
Joh 15:22 Now it was the ;east o$ 2ediation in Jer#salem% and it was winter"
Joh 15:2- +nd Jes#s wal'ed in the tem*le% in ,olomonAs *orh"
Joh 15:20 Then the Jews s#rro#nded Him and said to Him% .How long do Bo# 'ee* #s in do#btC I$ Bo# are the
=hrist% tell #s *lainly".
Joh 15:21 Jes#s answered them% .I told yo#% and yo# do not belie!e" The wor's that I do in ?y ;atherAs name%
they bear witness o$ ?e"
Joh 15:23 .B#t yo# do not belie!e% bea#se yo# are not o$ ?y shee*% as I said to yo#"
Joh 15:24 .?y shee* hear ?y !oie% and I 'now them% and they $ollow ?e"
Joh 15:28 .+nd I gi!e them eternal li$e% and they shall ne!er *erish& neither shall anyone snath them o#t o$ ?y
Joh 15:29 .?y ;ather% who has gi!en (them) to ?e% is greater than all& and no one is able to snath (them) o#t o$
?y ;atherAs hand"
Joh 15:-5 .I and (?y) ;ather are one".
Joh 15:-1 Then the Jews too' #* stones again to stone Him"
Joh 15:-2 Jes#s answered them% .?any good wor's I ha!e shown yo# $rom ?y ;ather" ;or whih o$ those
wor's do yo# stone ?eC.
Joh 15:-- The Jews answered Him% saying% .;or a good wor' we do not stone Bo#% b#t $or blas*hemy% and
bea#se Bo#% being a ?an% ma'e Bo#rsel$ God".
Joh 15:-0 Jes#s answered them% .Is it not written in yo#r law% AI said% .Bo# are gods. AC
Joh 15:-1 .I$ He alled them gods% to whom the word o$ God ame Iand the ,ri*t#re annot be bro'enJ%
Joh 15:-3 .do yo# say o$ Him whom the ;ather santi$ied and sent into the world% ABo# are blas*heming%A
bea#se I said% AI am the ,on o$ GodAC
Joh 15:-4 .I$ I do not do the wor's o$ ?y ;ather% do not belie!e ?e&
Joh 15:-8 .b#t i$ I do% tho#gh yo# do not belie!e ?e% belie!e the wor's% that yo# may 'now and belie!e that the
;ather (is) in ?e% and I in Him".
Joh 15:-9 There$ore they so#ght again to seiHe Him% b#t He esa*ed o#t o$ their hand"
Joh 15:05 +nd He went away again beyond the Jordan to the *lae where John was ba*tiHing at $irst% and there
He stayed"
Joh 15:01 Then many ame to Him and said% .John *er$ormed no sign% b#t all the things that John s*o'e abo#t
this ?an were tr#e".
Joh 15:02 +nd many belie!ed in Him there"
Joh 11:1 Now a ertain (man) was si'% /aHar#s o$ Bethany% the town o$ ?ary and her sister ?artha"
Joh 11:2 It was (that) ?ary who anointed the /ord with $ragrant oil and wi*ed His $eet with her hair% whose
brother /aHar#s was si'"
Joh 11:- There$ore the sisters sent to Him% saying% ./ord% behold% he whom Bo# lo!e is si'".
Joh 11:0 >hen Jes#s heard (that%) He said% .This si'ness is not #nto death% b#t $or the glory o$ God% that the
,on o$ God may be glori$ied thro#gh it".
Joh 11:1 Now Jes#s lo!ed ?artha and her sister and /aHar#s"
Joh 11:3 ,o% when He heard that he was si'% He stayed two more days in the *lae where He was"
Joh 11:4 Then a$ter this He said to (the) disi*les% ./et #s go to J#dea again".
Joh 11:8 (The) disi*les said to Him% .:abbi% lately the Jews so#ght to stone Bo#% and are Bo# going there
Joh 11:9 Jes#s answered% .+re there not twel!e ho#rs in the dayC I$ anyone wal's in the day% he does not
st#mble% bea#se he sees the light o$ this world"
Joh 11:15 .B#t i$ one wal's in the night% he st#mbles% bea#se the light is not in him".
Joh 11:11 These things He said% and a$ter that He said to them% .8#r $riend /aHar#s slee*s% b#t I go that I may
wa'e him #*".
Joh 11:12 Then His disi*les said% ./ord% i$ he slee*s he will get well".
Joh 11:1- Howe!er% Jes#s s*o'e o$ his death% b#t they tho#ght that He was s*ea'ing abo#t ta'ing rest in slee*"
Joh 11:10 Then Jes#s said to them *lainly% ./aHar#s is dead"
Joh 11:11 .+nd I am glad $or yo#r sa'es that I was not there% that yo# may belie!e" Ne!ertheless let #s go to
Joh 11:13 Then Thomas% who is alled the Twin% said to his $ellow disi*les% ./et #s also go% that we may die
with Him".
Joh 11:14 ,o when Jes#s ame% He $o#nd that he had already been in the tomb $o#r days"
Joh 11:18 Now Bethany was near Jer#salem% abo#t two miles away"
Joh 11:19 +nd many o$ the Jews had @oined the women aro#nd ?artha and ?ary% to om$ort them onerning
their brother"
Joh 11:25 Then ?artha% as soon as she heard that Jes#s was oming% went and met Him% b#t ?ary was sitting
in the ho#se"
Joh 11:21 Then ?artha said to Jes#s% ./ord% i$ Bo# had been here% my brother wo#ld not ha!e died"
Joh 11:22 .B#t e!en now I 'now that whate!er Bo# as' o$ God% God will gi!e Bo#".
Joh 11:2- Jes#s said to her% .Bo#r brother will rise again".
Joh 11:20 ?artha said to Him% .I 'now that he will rise again in the res#rretion at the last day".
Joh 11:21 Jes#s said to her% .I am the res#rretion and the li$e" He who belie!es in ?e% tho#gh he may die% he
shall li!e"
Joh 11:23 .+nd whoe!er li!es and belie!es in ?e shall ne!er die" 2o yo# belie!e thisC.
Joh 11:24 ,he said to Him% .Bes% /ord% I belie!e that Bo# are the =hrist% the ,on o$ God% who is to ome into the
Joh 11:28 +nd when she had said these things% she went her way and seretly alled ?ary her sister% saying%
.The Teaher has ome and is alling $or yo#".
Joh 11:29 +s soon as she heard (that%) she arose E#i'ly and ame to Him"
Joh 11:-5 Now Jes#s had not yet ome into the town% b#t was in the *lae where ?artha met Him"
Joh 11:-1 Then the Jews who were with her in the ho#se% and om$orting her% when they saw that ?ary rose #*
E#i'ly and went o#t% $ollowed her% saying% .,he is going to the tomb to wee* there".
Joh 11:-2 Then% when ?ary ame where Jes#s was% and saw Him% she $ell down at His $eet% saying to Him%
./ord% i$ Bo# had been here% my brother wo#ld not ha!e died".
Joh 11:-- There$ore% when Jes#s saw her wee*ing% and the Jews who ame with her wee*ing% He groaned in
the s*irit and was tro#bled"
Joh 11:-0 +nd He said% .>here ha!e yo# laid himC. They said to Him% ./ord% ome and see".
Joh 11:-1 Jes#s we*t"
Joh 11:-3 Then the Jews said% .,ee how He lo!ed himF.
Joh 11:-4 +nd some o$ them said% .=o#ld not this ?an% who o*ened the eyes o$ the blind% also ha!e 'e*t this
man $rom dyingC.
Joh 11:-8 Then Jes#s% again groaning in Himsel$% ame to the tomb" It was a a!e% and a stone lay against it"
Joh 11:-9 Jes#s said% .Ta'e away the stone". ?artha% the sister o$ him who was dead% said to Him% ./ord% by
this time there is a stenh% $or he has been (dead) $o#r days".
Joh 11:05 Jes#s said to her% .2id I not say to yo# that i$ yo# wo#ld belie!e yo# wo#ld see the glory o$ GodC.
Joh 11:01 Then they too' away the stone ($rom the *lae) where the dead man was lying" +nd Jes#s li$ted #*
(His) eyes and said% .;ather% I than' Bo# that Bo# ha!e heard ?e"
Joh 11:02 .+nd I 'now that Bo# always hear ?e% b#t bea#se o$ the *eo*le who are standing by I said (this%)
that they may belie!e that Bo# sent ?e".
Joh 11:0- Now when He had said these things% He ried with a lo#d !oie% ./aHar#s% ome $orthF.
Joh 11:00 +nd he who had died ame o#t bo#nd hand and $oot with gra!elothes% and his $ae was wra**ed
with a loth" Jes#s said to them% ./oose him% and let him go".
Joh 11:01 Then many o$ the Jews who had ome to ?ary% and had seen the things Jes#s did% belie!ed in Him"
Joh 11:03 B#t some o$ them went away to the <harisees and told them the things Jes#s did"
Joh 11:04 Then the hie$ *riests and the <harisees gathered a o#nil and said% .>hat shall we doC ;or this
?an wor's many signs"
Joh 11:08 .I$ we let Him alone li'e this% e!eryone will belie!e in Him% and the :omans will ome and ta'e away
both o#r *lae and nation".
Joh 11:09 +nd one o$ them% =aia*has% being high *riest that year% said to them% .Bo# 'now nothing at all%
Joh 11:15 .nor do yo# onsider that it is e9*edient $or #s that one man sho#ld die $or the *eo*le% and not that
the whole nation sho#ld *erish".
Joh 11:11 Now this he did not say on his own (a#thority&) b#t being high *riest that year he *ro*hesied that
Jes#s wo#ld die $or the nation%
Joh 11:12 and not $or that nation only% b#t also that He wo#ld gather together in one the hildren o$ God who
were sattered abroad"
Joh 11:1- Then% $rom that day on% they *lotted to *#t Him to death"
Joh 11:10 There$ore Jes#s no longer wal'ed o*enly among the Jews% b#t went $rom there into the o#ntry near
the wilderness% to a ity alled 6*hraim% and there remained with His disi*les"
Joh 11:11 +nd the <asso!er o$ the Jews was near% and many went $rom the o#ntry #* to Jer#salem be$ore the
<asso!er% to *#ri$y themsel!es"
Joh 11:13 Then they so#ght Jes#s% and s*o'e among themsel!es as they stood in the tem*le% .>hat do yo#
thin' DD that He will not ome to the $eastC.
Joh 11:14 Now both the hie$ *riests and the <harisees had gi!en a ommand% that i$ anyone 'new where He
was% he sho#ld re*ort (it%) that they might seiHe Him"
Joh 12:1 Then% si9 days be$ore the <asso!er% Jes#s ame to Bethany% where /aHar#s was who had been dead%
whom He had raised $rom the dead"
Joh 12:2 There they made Him a s#**er& and ?artha ser!ed% b#t /aHar#s was one o$ those who sat at the table
with Him"
Joh 12:- Then ?ary too' a *o#nd o$ !ery ostly oil o$ s*i'enard% anointed the $eet o$ Jes#s% and wi*ed His $eet
with her hair" +nd the ho#se was $illed with the $ragrane o$ the oil"
Joh 12:0 Then one o$ His disi*les% J#das Isariot% ,imonAs (son%) who wo#ld betray Him% said%
Joh 12:1 .>hy was this $ragrant oil not sold $or three h#ndred denarii and gi!en to the *oorC.
Joh 12:3 This he said% not that he ared $or the *oor% b#t bea#se he was a thie$% and had the money bo9& and
he #sed to ta'e what was *#t in it"
Joh 12:4 B#t Jes#s said% ./et her alone& she has 'e*t this $or the day o$ ?y b#rial"
Joh 12:8 .;or the *oor yo# ha!e with yo# always% b#t ?e yo# do not ha!e always".
Joh 12:9 Now a great many o$ the Jews 'new that He was there& and they ame% not $or Jes#sA sa'e only% b#t
that they might also see /aHar#s% whom He had raised $rom the dead"
Joh 12:15 B#t the hie$ *riests *lotted to *#t /aHar#s to death also%
Joh 12:11 bea#se on ao#nt o$ him many o$ the Jews went away and belie!ed in Jes#s"
Joh 12:12 The ne9t day a great m#ltit#de that had ome to the $east% when they heard that Jes#s was oming to
Joh 12:1- too' branhes o$ *alm trees and went o#t to meet Him% and ried o#t: .HosannaF ABlessed (is) He who
omes in the name o$ the /8:2FA The King o$ IsraelF.
Joh 12:10 Then Jes#s% when He had $o#nd a yo#ng don'ey% sat on it& as it is written:
Joh 12:11 .;ear not% da#ghter o$ Gion& Behold% yo#r King is oming% ,itting on a don'eyAs olt".
Joh 12:13 His disi*les did not #nderstand these things at $irst& b#t when Jes#s was glori$ied% then they
remembered that these things were written abo#t Him and (that) they had done these things to Him"
Joh 12:14 There$ore the *eo*le% who were with Him when He alled /aHar#s o#t o$ his tomb and raised him
$rom the dead% bore witness"
Joh 12:18 ;or this reason the *eo*le also met Him% bea#se they heard that He had done this sign"
Joh 12:19 The <harisees there$ore said among themsel!es% .Bo# see that yo# are aom*lishing nothing" /oo'%
the world has gone a$ter HimF.
Joh 12:25 Now there were ertain Gree's among those who ame #* to worshi* at the $east"
Joh 12:21 Then they ame to <hili*% who was $rom Bethsaida o$ Galilee% and as'ed him% saying% .,ir% we wish to
see Jes#s".
Joh 12:22 <hili* ame and told +ndrew% and in t#rn +ndrew and <hili* told Jes#s"
Joh 12:2- B#t Jes#s answered them% saying% .The ho#r has ome that the ,on o$ ?an sho#ld be glori$ied"
Joh 12:20 .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% #nless a grain o$ wheat $alls into the gro#nd and dies% it remains alone&
b#t i$ it dies% it *rod#es m#h grain"
Joh 12:21 .He who lo!es his li$e will lose it% and he who hates his li$e in this world will 'ee* it $or eternal li$e"
Joh 12:23 .I$ anyone ser!es ?e% let him $ollow ?e& and where I am% there ?y ser!ant will be also" I$ anyone
ser!es ?e% him (?y) ;ather will honor"
Joh 12:24 . Now ?y so#l is tro#bled% and what shall I sayC A;ather% sa!e ?e $rom this ho#rAC B#t $or this *#r*ose
I ame to this ho#r"
Joh 12:28 .;ather% glori$y Bo#r name". Then a !oie ame $rom hea!en% (saying%) .I ha!e both glori$ied (it) and
will glori$y (it) again".
Joh 12:29 There$ore the *eo*le who stood by and heard (it) said that it had th#ndered" 8thers said% .+n angel
has s*o'en to Him".
Joh 12:-5 Jes#s answered and said% .This !oie did not ome bea#se o$ ?e% b#t $or yo#r sa'e"
Joh 12:-1 .Now is the @#dgment o$ this world& now the r#ler o$ this world will be ast o#t"
Joh 12:-2 .+nd I% i$ I am li$ted #* $rom the earth% will draw all (*eo*les) to ?ysel$".
Joh 12:-- This He said% signi$ying by what death He wo#ld die"
Joh 12:-0 The *eo*le answered Him% .>e ha!e heard $rom the law that the =hrist remains $ore!er& and how
(an) Bo# say% AThe ,on o$ ?an m#st be li$ted #*AC >ho is this ,on o$ ?anC.
Joh 12:-1 Then Jes#s said to them% .+ little while longer the light is with yo#" >al' while yo# ha!e the light% lest
dar'ness o!erta'e yo#& he who wal's in dar'ness does not 'now where he is going"
Joh 12:-3 .>hile yo# ha!e the light% belie!e in the light% that yo# may beome sons o$ light". These things Jes#s
s*o'e% and de*arted% and was hidden $rom them"
Joh 12:-4 B#t altho#gh He had done so many signs be$ore them% they did not belie!e in Him%
Joh 12:-8 that the word o$ Isaiah the *ro*het might be $#l$illed% whih he s*o'e: ./ord% who has belie!ed o#r
re*ortC +nd to whom has the arm o$ the /8:2 been re!ealedC.
Joh 12:-9 There$ore they o#ld not belie!e% bea#se Isaiah said again:
Joh 12:05 .He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts% /est they sho#ld see with (their) eyes% /est
they sho#ld #nderstand with (their) hearts and t#rn% ,o that I sho#ld heal them".
Joh 12:01 These things Isaiah said when he saw His glory and s*o'e o$ Him"
Joh 12:02 Ne!ertheless e!en among the r#lers many belie!ed in Him% b#t bea#se o$ the <harisees they did not
on$ess (Him%) lest they sho#ld be *#t o#t o$ the synagog#e&
Joh 12:0- $or they lo!ed the *raise o$ men more than the *raise o$ God"
Joh 12:00 Then Jes#s ried o#t and said% .He who belie!es in ?e% belie!es not in ?e b#t in Him who sent ?e"
Joh 12:01 .+nd he who sees ?e sees Him who sent ?e"
Joh 12:03 .I ha!e ome (as) a light into the world% that whoe!er belie!es in ?e sho#ld not abide in dar'ness"
Joh 12:04 .+nd i$ anyone hears ?y words and does not belie!e% I do not @#dge him& $or I did not ome to @#dge
the world b#t to sa!e the world"
Joh 12:08 .He who re@ets ?e% and does not reei!e ?y words% has that whih @#dges him DD the word that I
ha!e s*o'en will @#dge him in the last day"
Joh 12:09 .;or I ha!e not s*o'en on ?y own (a#thority&) b#t the ;ather who sent ?e ga!e ?e a ommand% what
I sho#ld say and what I sho#ld s*ea'"
Joh 12:15 .+nd I 'now that His ommand is e!erlasting li$e" There$ore% whate!er I s*ea'% @#st as the ;ather has
told ?e% so I s*ea'".
Joh 1-:1 Now be$ore the $east o$ the <asso!er% when Jes#s 'new that His ho#r had ome that He sho#ld de*art
$rom this world to the ;ather% ha!ing lo!ed His own who were in the world% He lo!ed them to the end"
Joh 1-:2 +nd s#**er being ended% the de!il ha!ing already *#t it into the heart o$ J#das Isariot% ,imonAs (son%)
to betray Him%
Joh 1-:- Jes#s% 'nowing that the ;ather had gi!en all things into His hands% and that He had ome $rom God
and was going to God%
Joh 1-:0 rose $rom s#**er and laid aside His garments% too' a towel and girded Himsel$"
Joh 1-:1 +$ter that% He *o#red water into a basin and began to wash the disi*lesA $eet% and to wi*e (them) with
the towel with whih He was girded"
Joh 1-:3 Then He ame to ,imon <eter" +nd (<eter) said to Him% ./ord% are Bo# washing my $eetC.
Joh 1-:4 Jes#s answered and said to him% .>hat I am doing yo# do not #nderstand now% b#t yo# will 'now a$ter
Joh 1-:8 <eter said to Him% .Bo# shall ne!er wash my $eetF. Jes#s answered him% .I$ I do not wash yo#% yo#
ha!e no *art with ?e".
Joh 1-:9 ,imon <eter said to Him% ./ord% not my $eet only% b#t also (my) hands and (my) headF.
Joh 1-:15 Jes#s said to him% .He who is bathed needs only to wash (his) $eet% b#t is om*letely lean& and yo#
are lean% b#t not all o$ yo#".
Joh 1-:11 ;or He 'new who wo#ld betray Him& there$ore He said% .Bo# are not all lean".
Joh 1-:12 ,o when He had washed their $eet% ta'en His garments% and sat down again% He said to them% .2o
yo# 'now what I ha!e done to yo#C
Joh 1-:1- .Bo# all me Teaher and /ord% and yo# say well% $or (so) I am"
Joh 1-:10 .I$ I then% (yo#r) /ord and Teaher% ha!e washed yo#r $eet% yo# also o#ght to wash one anotherAs $eet"
Joh 1-:11 .;or I ha!e gi!en yo# an e9am*le% that yo# sho#ld do as I ha!e done to yo#"
Joh 1-:13 .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% a ser!ant is not greater than his master& nor is he who is sent greater
than he who sent him"
Joh 1-:14 .I$ yo# 'now these things% blessed are yo# i$ yo# do them"
Joh 1-:18 .I do not s*ea' onerning all o$ yo#" I 'now whom I ha!e hosen& b#t that the ,ri*t#re may be
$#l$illed% AHe who eats bread with ?e has li$ted #* his heel against ?e"A
Joh 1-:19 .Now I tell yo# be$ore it omes% that when it does ome to *ass% yo# may belie!e that I am (He")
Joh 1-:25 .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% he who reei!es whome!er I send reei!es ?e& and he who reei!es
?e reei!es Him who sent ?e".
Joh 1-:21 >hen Jes#s had said these things% He was tro#bled in s*irit% and testi$ied and said% .?ost ass#redly%
I say to yo#% one o$ yo# will betray ?e".
Joh 1-:22 Then the disi*les loo'ed at one another% *er*le9ed abo#t whom He s*o'e"
Joh 1-:2- Now there was leaning on Jes#sA bosom one o$ His disi*les% whom Jes#s lo!ed"
Joh 1-:20 ,imon <eter there$ore motioned to him to as' who it was o$ whom He s*o'e"
Joh 1-:21 Then% leaning ba' on Jes#sA breast% he said to Him% ./ord% who is itC.
Joh 1-:23 Jes#s answered% .It is he to whom I shall gi!e a *iee o$ bread when I ha!e di**ed (it".) +nd ha!ing
di**ed the bread% He ga!e (it) to J#das Isariot% (the son) o$ ,imon"
Joh 1-:24 Now a$ter the *iee o$ bread% ,atan entered him" Then Jes#s said to him% .>hat yo# do% do E#i'ly".
Joh 1-:28 B#t no one at the table 'new $or what reason He said this to him"
Joh 1-:29 ;or some tho#ght% bea#se J#das had the money bo9% that Jes#s had said to him% .B#y (those
things) we need $or the $east%. or that he sho#ld gi!e something to the *oor"
Joh 1-:-5 Ha!ing reei!ed the *iee o$ bread% he then went o#t immediately" +nd it was night"
Joh 1-:-1 ,o% when he had gone o#t% Jes#s said% .Now the ,on o$ ?an is glori$ied% and God is glori$ied in Him"
Joh 1-:-2 .I$ God is glori$ied in Him% God will also glori$y Him in Himsel$% and glori$y Him immediately"
Joh 1-:-- ./ittle hildren% I shall be with yo# a little while longer" Bo# will see' ?e& and as I said to the Jews%
A>here I am going% yo# annot ome%A so now I say to yo#"
Joh 1-:-0 .+ new ommandment I gi!e to yo#% that yo# lo!e one another& as I ha!e lo!ed yo#% that yo# also
lo!e one another"
Joh 1-:-1 .By this all will 'now that yo# are ?y disi*les% i$ yo# ha!e lo!e $or one another".
Joh 1-:-3 ,imon <eter said to Him% ./ord% where are Bo# goingC. Jes#s answered him% .>here I am going yo#
annot $ollow ?e now% b#t yo# shall $ollow ?e a$terward".
Joh 1-:-4 <eter said to Him% ./ord% why an I not $ollow Bo# nowC I will lay down my li$e $or Bo#r sa'e".
Joh 1-:-8 Jes#s answered him% .>ill yo# lay down yo#r li$e $or ?y sa'eC ?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% the
rooster shall not row till yo# ha!e denied ?e three times"
Joh 10:1 ./et not yo#r heart be tro#bled& yo# belie!e in God% belie!e also in ?e"
Joh 10:2 .In ?y ;atherAs ho#se are many mansions& i$ (it were) not (so%) I wo#ld ha!e told yo#" I go to *re*are a
*lae $or yo#"
Joh 10:- .+nd i$ I go and *re*are a *lae $or yo#% I will ome again and reei!e yo# to ?ysel$& that where I am%
(there) yo# may be also"
Joh 10:0 .+nd where I go yo# 'now% and the way yo# 'now".
Joh 10:1 Thomas said to Him% ./ord% we do not 'now where Bo# are going% and how an we 'now the wayC.
Joh 10:3 Jes#s said to him% .I am the way% the tr#th% and the li$e" No one omes to the ;ather e9e*t thro#gh
Joh 10:4 . I$ yo# had 'nown ?e% yo# wo#ld ha!e 'nown ?y ;ather also& and $rom now on yo# 'now Him and
ha!e seen Him".
Joh 10:8 <hili* said to Him% ./ord% show #s the ;ather% and it is s#$$iient $or #s".
Joh 10:9 Jes#s said to him% .Ha!e I been with yo# so long% and yet yo# ha!e not 'nown ?e% <hili*C He who has
seen ?e has seen the ;ather& so how an yo# say% A,how #s the ;atherAC
Joh 10:15 .2o yo# not belie!e that I am in the ;ather% and the ;ather in ?eC The words that I s*ea' to yo# I do
not s*ea' on ?y own (a#thority&) b#t the ;ather who dwells in ?e does the wor's"
Joh 10:11 .Belie!e ?e that I (am) in the ;ather and the ;ather in ?e% or else belie!e ?e $or the sa'e o$ the
wor's themsel!es"
Joh 10:12 . ?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% he who belie!es in ?e% the wor's that I do he will do also& and greater
(wor's) than these he will do% bea#se I go to ?y ;ather"
Joh 10:1- .+nd whate!er yo# as' in ?y name% that I will do% that the ;ather may be glori$ied in the ,on"
Joh 10:10 .I$ yo# as' anything in ?y name% I will do (it")
Joh 10:11 . I$ yo# lo!e ?e% 'ee* ?y ommandments"
Joh 10:13 .+nd I will *ray the ;ather% and He will gi!e yo# another Hel*er% that He may abide with yo# $ore!er DD
Joh 10:14 .the ,*irit o$ tr#th% whom the world annot reei!e% bea#se it neither sees Him nor 'nows Him& b#t
yo# 'now Him% $or He dwells with yo# and will be in yo#"
Joh 10:18 .I will not lea!e yo# or*hans& I will ome to yo#"
Joh 10:19 . + little while longer and the world will see ?e no more% b#t yo# will see ?e" Bea#se I li!e% yo# will
li!e also"
Joh 10:25 .+t that day yo# will 'now that I (am) in ?y ;ather% and yo# in ?e% and I in yo#"
Joh 10:21 .He who has ?y ommandments and 'ee*s them% it is he who lo!es ?e" +nd he who lo!es ?e will
be lo!ed by ?y ;ather% and I will lo!e him and mani$est ?ysel$ to him".
Joh 10:22 J#das Inot IsariotJ said to Him% ./ord% how is it that Bo# will mani$est Bo#rsel$ to #s% and not to the
Joh 10:2- Jes#s answered and said to him% .I$ anyone lo!es ?e% he will 'ee* ?y word& and ?y ;ather will lo!e
him% and >e will ome to him and ma'e 8#r home with him"
Joh 10:20 .He who does not lo!e ?e does not 'ee* ?y words& and the word whih yo# hear is not ?ine b#t the
;atherAs who sent ?e"
Joh 10:21 . These things I ha!e s*o'en to yo# while being *resent with yo#"
Joh 10:23 .B#t the Hel*er% the Holy ,*irit% whom the ;ather will send in ?y name% He will teah yo# all things%
and bring to yo#r remembrane all things that I said to yo#"
Joh 10:24 .<eae I lea!e with yo#% ?y *eae I gi!e to yo#& not as the world gi!es do I gi!e to yo#" /et not yo#r
heart be tro#bled% neither let it be a$raid"
Joh 10:28 .Bo# ha!e heard ?e say to yo#% AI am going away and oming (ba') to yo#"A I$ yo# lo!ed ?e% yo#
wo#ld re@oie bea#se I said% AI am going to the ;ather%A $or ?y ;ather is greater than I"
Joh 10:29 .+nd now I ha!e told yo# be$ore it omes% that when it does ome to *ass% yo# may belie!e"
Joh 10:-5 .I will no longer tal' m#h with yo#% $or the r#ler o$ this world is oming% and he has nothing in ?e"
Joh 10:-1 .B#t that the world may 'now that I lo!e the ;ather% and as the ;ather ga!e ?e ommandment% so I
do" +rise% let #s go $rom here"
Joh 11:1 .I am the tr#e !ine% and ?y ;ather is the !inedresser"
Joh 11:2 .6!ery branh in ?e that does not bear $r#it He ta'es away& and e!ery (branh) that bears $r#it He
*r#nes% that it may bear more $r#it"
Joh 11:- .Bo# are already lean bea#se o$ the word whih I ha!e s*o'en to yo#"
Joh 11:0 .+bide in ?e% and I in yo#" +s the branh annot bear $r#it o$ itsel$% #nless it abides in the !ine% neither
an yo#% #nless yo# abide in ?e"
Joh 11:1 .I am the !ine% yo# (are) the branhes" He who abides in ?e% and I in him% bears m#h $r#it& $or witho#t
?e yo# an do nothing"
Joh 11:3 .I$ anyone does not abide in ?e% he is ast o#t as a branh and is withered& and they gather them and
throw (them) into the $ire% and they are b#rned"
Joh 11:4 .I$ yo# abide in ?e% and ?y words abide in yo#% yo# will as' what yo# desire% and it shall be done $or
Joh 11:8 .By this ?y ;ather is glori$ied% that yo# bear m#h $r#it& so yo# will be ?y disi*les"
Joh 11:9 . +s the ;ather lo!ed ?e% I also ha!e lo!ed yo#& abide in ?y lo!e"
Joh 11:15 .I$ yo# 'ee* ?y ommandments% yo# will abide in ?y lo!e% @#st as I ha!e 'e*t ?y ;atherAs
ommandments and abide in His lo!e"
Joh 11:11 .These things I ha!e s*o'en to yo#% that ?y @oy may remain in yo#% and (that) yo#r @oy may be $#ll"
Joh 11:12 .This is ?y ommandment% that yo# lo!e one another as I ha!e lo!ed yo#"
Joh 11:1- .Greater lo!e has no one than this% than to lay down oneAs li$e $or his $riends"
Joh 11:10 .Bo# are ?y $riends i$ yo# do whate!er I ommand yo#"
Joh 11:11 .No longer do I all yo# ser!ants% $or a ser!ant does not 'now what his master is doing& b#t I ha!e
alled yo# $riends% $or all things that I heard $rom ?y ;ather I ha!e made 'nown to yo#"
Joh 11:13 .Bo# did not hoose ?e% b#t I hose yo# and a**ointed yo# that yo# sho#ld go and bear $r#it% and
(that) yo#r $r#it sho#ld remain% that whate!er yo# as' the ;ather in ?y name He may gi!e yo#"
Joh 11:14 .These things I ommand yo#% that yo# lo!e one another"
Joh 11:18 . I$ the world hates yo#% yo# 'now that it hated ?e be$ore (it hated) yo#"
Joh 11:19 .I$ yo# were o$ the world% the world wo#ld lo!e its own" Bet bea#se yo# are not o$ the world% b#t I
hose yo# o#t o$ the world% there$ore the world hates yo#"
Joh 11:25 .:emember the word that I said to yo#% A+ ser!ant is not greater than his master"A I$ they *erse#ted
?e% they will also *erse#te yo#" I$ they 'e*t ?y word% they will 'ee* yo#rs also"
Joh 11:21 .B#t all these things they will do to yo# $or ?y nameAs sa'e% bea#se they do not 'now Him who sent
Joh 11:22 .I$ I had not ome and s*o'en to them% they wo#ld ha!e no sin% b#t now they ha!e no e9#se $or their
Joh 11:2- .He who hates ?e hates ?y ;ather also"
Joh 11:20 .I$ I had not done among them the wor's whih no one else did% they wo#ld ha!e no sin& b#t now they
ha!e seen and also hated both ?e and ?y ;ather"
Joh 11:21 .B#t (this ha**ened) that the word might be $#l$illed whih is written in their law% AThey hated ?e
witho#t a a#se"A
Joh 11:23 . B#t when the Hel*er omes% whom I shall send to yo# $rom the ;ather% the ,*irit o$ tr#th who
*roeeds $rom the ;ather% He will testi$y o$ ?e"
Joh 11:24 .+nd yo# also will bear witness% bea#se yo# ha!e been with ?e $rom the beginning"
Joh 13:1 .These things I ha!e s*o'en to yo#% that yo# sho#ld not be made to st#mble"
Joh 13:2 .They will *#t yo# o#t o$ the synagog#es& yes% the time is oming that whoe!er 'ills yo# will thin' that
he o$$ers God ser!ie"
Joh 13:- .+nd these things they will do to yo# bea#se they ha!e not 'nown the ;ather nor ?e"
Joh 13:0 .B#t these things I ha!e told yo#% that when the time omes% yo# may remember that I told yo# o$
them" +nd these things I did not say to yo# at the beginning% bea#se I was with yo#"
Joh 13:1 . B#t now I go away to Him who sent ?e% and none o$ yo# as's ?e% A>here are Bo# goingCA
Joh 13:3 .B#t bea#se I ha!e said these things to yo#% sorrow has $illed yo#r heart"
Joh 13:4 .Ne!ertheless I tell yo# the tr#th" It is to yo#r ad!antage that I go away& $or i$ I do not go away% the
Hel*er will not ome to yo#& b#t i$ I de*art% I will send Him to yo#"
Joh 13:8 .+nd when He has ome% He will on!it the world o$ sin% and o$ righteo#sness% and o$ @#dgment:
Joh 13:9 .o$ sin% bea#se they do not belie!e in ?e&
Joh 13:15 .o$ righteo#sness% bea#se I go to ?y ;ather and yo# see ?e no more&
Joh 13:11 .o$ @#dgment% bea#se the r#ler o$ this world is @#dged"
Joh 13:12 .I still ha!e many things to say to yo#% b#t yo# annot bear (them) now"
Joh 13:1- .Howe!er% when He% the ,*irit o$ tr#th% has ome% He will g#ide yo# into all tr#th& $or He will not s*ea'
on His own (a#thority%) b#t whate!er He hears He will s*ea'& and He will tell yo# things to ome"
Joh 13:10 .He will glori$y ?e% $or He will ta'e o$ what is ?ine and delare (it) to yo#"
Joh 13:11 .+ll things that the ;ather has are ?ine" There$ore I said that He will ta'e o$ ?ine and delare (it) to
Joh 13:13 . + little while% and yo# will not see ?e& and again a little while% and yo# will see ?e% bea#se I go to
the ;ather".
Joh 13:14 Then (some) o$ His disi*les said among themsel!es% .>hat is this that He says to #s% A+ little while%
and yo# will not see ?e& and again a little while% and yo# will see ?eA& and% Abea#se I go to the ;atherAC.
Joh 13:18 They said there$ore% .>hat is this that He says% A+ little whileAC >e do not 'now what He is saying".
Joh 13:19 Now Jes#s 'new that they desired to as' Him% and He said to them% .+re yo# inE#iring among
yo#rsel!es abo#t what I said% A+ little while% and yo# will not see ?e& and again a little while% and yo# will see
Joh 13:25 .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo# that yo# will wee* and lament% b#t the world will re@oie& and yo# will be
sorrow$#l% b#t yo#r sorrow will be t#rned into @oy"
Joh 13:21 .+ woman% when she is in labor% has sorrow bea#se her ho#r has ome& b#t as soon as she has
gi!en birth to the hild% she no longer remembers the ang#ish% $or @oy that a h#man being has been born into the
Joh 13:22 .There$ore yo# now ha!e sorrow& b#t I will see yo# again and yo#r heart will re@oie% and yo#r @oy no
one will ta'e $rom yo#"
Joh 13:2- .+nd in that day yo# will as' ?e nothing" ?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% whate!er yo# as' the ;ather in
?y name He will gi!e yo#"
Joh 13:20 .7ntil now yo# ha!e as'ed nothing in ?y name" +s'% and yo# will reei!e% that yo#r @oy may be $#ll"
Joh 13:21 . These things I ha!e s*o'en to yo# in $ig#rati!e lang#age& b#t the time is oming when I will no
longer s*ea' to yo# in $ig#rati!e lang#age% b#t I will tell yo# *lainly abo#t the ;ather"
Joh 13:23 .In that day yo# will as' in ?y name% and I do not say to yo# that I shall *ray the ;ather $or yo#&
Joh 13:24 .$or the ;ather Himsel$ lo!es yo#% bea#se yo# ha!e lo!ed ?e% and ha!e belie!ed that I ame $orth
$rom God"
Joh 13:28 .I ame $orth $rom the ;ather and ha!e ome into the world" +gain% I lea!e the world and go to the
Joh 13:29 His disi*les said to Him% .,ee% now Bo# are s*ea'ing *lainly% and #sing no $ig#re o$ s*eehF
Joh 13:-5 .Now we are s#re that Bo# 'now all things% and ha!e no need that anyone sho#ld E#estion Bo#" By
this we belie!e that Bo# ame $orth $rom God".
Joh 13:-1 Jes#s answered them% .2o yo# now belie!eC
Joh 13:-2 .Indeed the ho#r is oming% yes% has now ome% that yo# will be sattered% eah to his own% and will
lea!e ?e alone" +nd yet I am not alone% bea#se the ;ather is with ?e"
Joh 13:-- .These things I ha!e s*o'en to yo#% that in ?e yo# may ha!e *eae" In the world yo# will ha!e
trib#lation& b#t be o$ good heer% I ha!e o!erome the world".
Joh 14:1 Jes#s s*o'e these words% li$ted #* His eyes to hea!en% and said: .;ather% the ho#r has ome" Glori$y
Bo#r ,on% that Bo#r ,on also may glori$y Bo#%
Joh 14:2 .as Bo# ha!e gi!en Him a#thority o!er all $lesh% that He sho#ld gi!e eternal li$e to as many as Bo#
ha!e gi!en Him"
Joh 14:- .+nd this is eternal li$e% that they may 'now Bo#% the only tr#e God% and Jes#s =hrist whom Bo# ha!e
Joh 14:0 .I ha!e glori$ied Bo# on the earth" I ha!e $inished the wor' whih Bo# ha!e gi!en ?e to do"
Joh 14:1 .+nd now% 8 ;ather% glori$y ?e together with Bo#rsel$% with the glory whih I had with Bo# be$ore the
world was"
Joh 14:3 . I ha!e mani$ested Bo#r name to the men whom Bo# ha!e gi!en ?e o#t o$ the world" They were
Bo#rs% Bo# ga!e them to ?e% and they ha!e 'e*t Bo#r word"
Joh 14:4 .Now they ha!e 'nown that all things whih Bo# ha!e gi!en ?e are $rom Bo#"
Joh 14:8 .;or I ha!e gi!en to them the words whih Bo# ha!e gi!en ?e& and they ha!e reei!ed (them%) and
ha!e 'nown s#rely that I ame $orth $rom Bo#& and they ha!e belie!ed that Bo# sent ?e"
Joh 14:9 .I *ray $or them" I do not *ray $or the world b#t $or those whom Bo# ha!e gi!en ?e% $or they are Bo#rs"
Joh 14:15 .+nd all ?ine are Bo#rs% and Bo#rs are ?ine% and I am glori$ied in them"
Joh 14:11 .Now I am no longer in the world% b#t these are in the world% and I ome to Bo#" Holy ;ather% 'ee*
thro#gh Bo#r name those whom Bo# ha!e gi!en ?e% that they may be one as >e (are")
Joh 14:12 .>hile I was with them in the world% I 'e*t them in Bo#r name" Those whom Bo# ga!e ?e I ha!e
'e*t& and none o$ them is lost e9e*t the son o$ *erdition% that the ,ri*t#re might be $#l$illed"
Joh 14:1- .B#t now I ome to Bo#% and these things I s*ea' in the world% that they may ha!e ?y @oy $#l$illed in
Joh 14:10 .I ha!e gi!en them Bo#r word& and the world has hated them bea#se they are not o$ the world% @#st
as I am not o$ the world"
Joh 14:11 .I do not *ray that Bo# sho#ld ta'e them o#t o$ the world% b#t that Bo# sho#ld 'ee* them $rom the e!il
Joh 14:13 .They are not o$ the world% @#st as I am not o$ the world"
Joh 14:14 .,anti$y them by Bo#r tr#th" Bo#r word is tr#th"
Joh 14:18 .+s Bo# sent ?e into the world% I also ha!e sent them into the world"
Joh 14:19 .+nd $or their sa'es I santi$y ?ysel$% that they also may be santi$ied by the tr#th"
Joh 14:25 . I do not *ray $or these alone% b#t also $or those who will belie!e in ?e thro#gh their word&
Joh 14:21 .that they all may be one% as Bo#% ;ather% (are) in ?e% and I in Bo#& that they also may be one in 7s%
that the world may belie!e that Bo# sent ?e"
Joh 14:22 .+nd the glory whih Bo# ga!e ?e I ha!e gi!en them% that they may be one @#st as >e are one:
Joh 14:2- .I in them% and Bo# in ?e& that they may be made *er$et in one% and that the world may 'now that
Bo# ha!e sent ?e% and ha!e lo!ed them as Bo# ha!e lo!ed ?e"
Joh 14:20 .;ather% I desire that they also whom Bo# ga!e ?e may be with ?e where I am% that they may behold
?y glory whih Bo# ha!e gi!en ?e& $or Bo# lo!ed ?e be$ore the $o#ndation o$ the world"
Joh 14:21 .8 righteo#s ;atherF The world has not 'nown Bo#% b#t I ha!e 'nown Bo#& and these ha!e 'nown
that Bo# sent ?e"
Joh 14:23 .+nd I ha!e delared to them Bo#r name% and will delare (it%) that the lo!e with whih Bo# lo!ed ?e
may be in them% and I in them".
Joh 18:1 >hen Jes#s had s*o'en these words% He went o#t with His disi*les o!er the Broo' Kidron% where
there was a garden% whih He and His disi*les entered"
Joh 18:2 +nd J#das% who betrayed Him% also 'new the *lae& $or Jes#s o$ten met there with His disi*les"
Joh 18:- Then J#das% ha!ing reei!ed a detahment (o$ troo*s%) and o$$iers $rom the hie$ *riests and
<harisees% ame there with lanterns% torhes% and wea*ons"
Joh 18:0 Jes#s there$ore% 'nowing all things that wo#ld ome #*on Him% went $orward and said to them% .>hom
are yo# see'ingC.
Joh 18:1 They answered Him% .Jes#s o$ NaHareth". Jes#s said to them% .I am (He".) +nd J#das% who betrayed
Him% also stood with them"
Joh 18:3 Now when He said to them% .I am (He%.) they drew ba' and $ell to the gro#nd"
Joh 18:4 Then He as'ed them again% .>hom are yo# see'ingC. +nd they said% .Jes#s o$ NaHareth".
Joh 18:8 Jes#s answered% .I ha!e told yo# that I am (He") There$ore% i$ yo# see' ?e% let these go their way%.
Joh 18:9 that the saying might be $#l$illed whih He s*o'e% .8$ those whom Bo# ga!e ?e I ha!e lost none".
Joh 18:15 Then ,imon <eter% ha!ing a sword% drew it and str#' the high *riestAs ser!ant% and #t o$$ his right
ear" The ser!antAs name was ?alh#s"
Joh 18:11 ,o Jes#s said to <eter% .<#t yo#r sword into the sheath" ,hall I not drin' the #* whih ?y ;ather has
gi!en ?eC.
Joh 18:12 Then the detahment (o$ troo*s) and the a*tain and the o$$iers o$ the Jews arrested Jes#s and
bo#nd Him"
Joh 18:1- +nd they led Him away to +nnas $irst% $or he was the $atherDinDlaw o$ =aia*has who was high *riest
that year"
Joh 18:10 Now it was =aia*has who ad!ised the Jews that it was e9*edient that one man sho#ld die $or the
Joh 18:11 +nd ,imon <eter $ollowed Jes#s% and so (did) another disi*le" Now that disi*le was 'nown to the
high *riest% and went with Jes#s into the o#rtyard o$ the high *riest"
Joh 18:13 B#t <eter stood at the door o#tside" Then the other disi*le% who was 'nown to the high *riest% went
o#t and s*o'e to her who 'e*t the door% and bro#ght <eter in"
Joh 18:14 Then the ser!ant girl who 'e*t the door said to <eter% .Bo# are not also (one) o$ this ?anAs disi*les%
are yo#C. He said% .I am not".
Joh 18:18 Now the ser!ants and o$$iers who had made a $ire o$ oals stood there% $or it was old% and they
warmed themsel!es" +nd <eter stood with them and warmed himsel$"
Joh 18:19 The high *riest then as'ed Jes#s abo#t His disi*les and His dotrine"
Joh 18:25 Jes#s answered him% .I s*o'e o*enly to the world" I always ta#ght in synagog#es and in the tem*le%
where the Jews always meet% and in seret I ha!e said nothing"
Joh 18:21 .>hy do yo# as' ?eC +s' those who ha!e heard ?e what I said to them" Indeed they 'now what I
Joh 18:22 +nd when He had said these things% one o$ the o$$iers who stood by str#' Jes#s with the *alm o$
his hand% saying% .2o Bo# answer the high *riest li'e thatC.
Joh 18:2- Jes#s answered him% .I$ I ha!e s*o'en e!il% bear witness o$ the e!il& b#t i$ well% why do yo# stri'e
Joh 18:20 Then +nnas sent Him bo#nd to =aia*has the high *riest"
Joh 18:21 Now ,imon <eter stood and warmed himsel$" There$ore they said to him% .Bo# are not also (one) o$
His disi*les% are yo#C. He denied (it) and said% .I am notF.
Joh 18:23 8ne o$ the ser!ants o$ the high *riest% a relati!e (o$ him) whose ear <eter #t o$$% said% .2id I not see
yo# in the garden with HimC.
Joh 18:24 <eter then denied again& and immediately a rooster rowed"
Joh 18:28 Then they led Jes#s $rom =aia*has to the <raetori#m% and it was early morning" B#t they themsel!es
did not go into the <raetori#m% lest they sho#ld be de$iled% b#t that they might eat the <asso!er"
Joh 18:29 <ilate then went o#t to them and said% .>hat a#sation do yo# bring against this ?anC.
Joh 18:-5 They answered and said to him% .I$ He were not an e!ildoer% we wo#ld not ha!e deli!ered Him #* to
Joh 18:-1 Then <ilate said to them% .Bo# ta'e Him and @#dge Him aording to yo#r law". There$ore the Jews
said to him% .It is not law$#l $or #s to *#t anyone to death%.
Joh 18:-2 that the saying o$ Jes#s might be $#l$illed whih He s*o'e% signi$ying by what death He wo#ld die"
Joh 18:-- Then <ilate entered the <raetori#m again% alled Jes#s% and said to Him% .+re Bo# the King o$ the
Joh 18:-0 Jes#s answered him% .+re yo# s*ea'ing $or yo#rsel$ abo#t this% or did others tell yo# this onerning
Joh 18:-1 <ilate answered% .+m I a JewC Bo#r own nation and the hie$ *riests ha!e deli!ered Bo# to me" >hat
ha!e Bo# doneC.
Joh 18:-3 Jes#s answered% .?y 'ingdom is not o$ this world" I$ ?y 'ingdom were o$ this world% ?y ser!ants
wo#ld $ight% so that I sho#ld not be deli!ered to the Jews& b#t now ?y 'ingdom is not $rom here".
Joh 18:-4 <ilate there$ore said to Him% .+re Bo# a 'ing thenC. Jes#s answered% .Bo# say (rightly) that I am a
'ing" ;or this a#se I was born% and $or this a#se I ha!e ome into the world% that I sho#ld bear witness to the
tr#th" 6!eryone who is o$ the tr#th hears ?y !oie".
Joh 18:-8 <ilate said to Him% .>hat is tr#thC. +nd when he had said this% he went o#t again to the Jews% and
said to them% .I $ind no $a#lt in Him at all"
Joh 18:-9 . B#t yo# ha!e a #stom that I sho#ld release someone to yo# at the <asso!er" 2o yo# there$ore
want me to release to yo# the King o$ the JewsC.
Joh 18:05 Then they all ried again% saying% .Not this ?an% b#t BarabbasF. Now Barabbas was a robber"
Joh 19:1 ,o then <ilate too' Jes#s and so#rged (Him")
Joh 19:2 +nd the soldiers twisted a rown o$ thorns and *#t (it) on His head% and they *#t on Him a *#r*le robe"
Joh 19:- Then they said% .Hail% King o$ the JewsF. +nd they str#' Him with their hands"
Joh 19:0 <ilate then went o#t again% and said to them% .Behold% I am bringing Him o#t to yo#% that yo# may 'now
that I $ind no $a#lt in Him".
Joh 19:1 Then Jes#s ame o#t% wearing the rown o$ thorns and the *#r*le robe" +nd (<ilate) said to them%
.Behold the ?anF.
Joh 19:3 There$ore% when the hie$ *riests and o$$iers saw Him% they ried o#t% saying% .=r#i$y (Him%) r#i$y
(HimF.) <ilate said to them% .Bo# ta'e Him and r#i$y (Him%) $or I $ind no $a#lt in Him".
Joh 19:4 The Jews answered him% .>e ha!e a law% and aording to o#r law He o#ght to die% bea#se He made
Himsel$ the ,on o$ God".
Joh 19:8 There$ore% when <ilate heard that saying% he was the more a$raid%
Joh 19:9 and went again into the <raetori#m% and said to Jes#s% .>here are Bo# $romC. B#t Jes#s ga!e him no
Joh 19:15 Then <ilate said to Him% .+re Bo# not s*ea'ing to meC 2o Bo# not 'now that I ha!e *ower to r#i$y
Bo#% and *ower to release Bo#C.
Joh 19:11 Jes#s answered% .Bo# o#ld ha!e no *ower at all against ?e #nless it had been gi!en yo# $rom
abo!e" There$ore the one who deli!ered ?e to yo# has the greater sin".
Joh 19:12 ;rom then on <ilate so#ght to release Him% b#t the Jews ried o#t% saying% .I$ yo# let this ?an go% yo#
are not =aesarAs $riend" >hoe!er ma'es himsel$ a 'ing s*ea's against =aesar".
Joh 19:1- >hen <ilate there$ore heard that saying% he bro#ght Jes#s o#t and sat down in the @#dgment seat in a
*lae that is alled (The) <a!ement% b#t in Hebrew% Gabbatha"
Joh 19:10 Now it was the <re*aration 2ay o$ the <asso!er% and abo#t the si9th ho#r" +nd he said to the Jews%
.Behold yo#r KingF.
Joh 19:11 B#t they ried o#t% .+way with (Him%) away with (HimF) =r#i$y HimF. <ilate said to them% .,hall I
r#i$y yo#r KingC. The hie$ *riests answered% .>e ha!e no 'ing b#t =aesarF.
Joh 19:13 Then he deli!ered Him to them to be r#i$ied" ,o they too' Jes#s and led (Him) away"
Joh 19:14 +nd He% bearing His ross% went o#t to a *lae alled (the <lae) o$ a ,'#ll% whih is alled in Hebrew%
Joh 19:18 where they r#i$ied Him% and two others with Him% one on either side% and Jes#s in the enter"
Joh 19:19 Now <ilate wrote a title and *#t (it) on the ross" +nd the writing was: J6,7, 8; N+G+:6TH% TH6
KING 8; TH6 J6>,"
Joh 19:25 Then many o$ the Jews read this title% $or the *lae where Jes#s was r#i$ied was near the ity& and
it was written in Hebrew% Gree'% (and) /atin"
Joh 19:21 There$ore the hie$ *riests o$ the Jews said to <ilate% .2o not write% AThe King o$ the Jews%A b#t% AHe
said% .I am the King o$ the Jews". A .
Joh 19:22 <ilate answered% .>hat I ha!e written% I ha!e written".
Joh 19:2- Then the soldiers% when they had r#i$ied Jes#s% too' His garments and made $o#r *arts% to eah
soldier a *art% and also the t#ni" Now the t#ni was witho#t seam% wo!en $rom the to* in one *iee"
Joh 19:20 They said there$ore among themsel!es% ./et #s not tear it% b#t ast lots $or it% whose it shall be%. that
the ,ri*t#re might be $#l$illed whih says: .They di!ided ?y garments among them% +nd $or ?y lothing they
ast lots". There$ore the soldiers did these things"
Joh 19:21 Now there stood by the ross o$ Jes#s His mother% and His motherAs sister% ?ary the (wi$e) o$ =lo*as%
and ?ary ?agdalene"
Joh 19:23 >hen Jes#s there$ore saw His mother% and the disi*le whom He lo!ed standing by% He said to His
mother% .>oman% behold yo#r sonF.
Joh 19:24 Then He said to the disi*le% .Behold yo#r motherF. +nd $rom that ho#r that disi*le too' her to his
own (home")
Joh 19:28 +$ter this% Jes#s% 'nowing that all things were now aom*lished% that the ,ri*t#re might be $#l$illed%
said% .I thirstF.
Joh 19:29 Now a !essel $#ll o$ so#r wine was sitting there& and they $illed a s*onge with so#r wine% *#t (it) on
hysso*% and *#t (it) to His mo#th"
Joh 19:-5 ,o when Jes#s had reei!ed the so#r wine% He said% .It is $inishedF. +nd bowing His head% He ga!e
#* His s*irit"
Joh 19:-1 There$ore% bea#se it was the <re*aration (2ay%) that the bodies sho#ld not remain on the ross on
the ,abbath I$or that ,abbath was a high dayJ% the Jews as'ed <ilate that their legs might be bro'en% and (that)
they might be ta'en away"
Joh 19:-2 Then the soldiers ame and bro'e the legs o$ the $irst and o$ the other who was r#i$ied with Him"
Joh 19:-- B#t when they ame to Jes#s and saw that He was already dead% they did not brea' His legs"
Joh 19:-0 B#t one o$ the soldiers *iered His side with a s*ear% and immediately blood and water ame o#t"
Joh 19:-1 +nd he who has seen has testi$ied% and his testimony is tr#e& and he 'nows that he is telling the tr#th%
so that yo# may belie!e"
Joh 19:-3 ;or these things were done that the ,ri*t#re sho#ld be $#l$illed% .Not (one) o$ His bones shall be
Joh 19:-4 +nd again another ,ri*t#re says% .They shall loo' on Him whom they *iered".
Joh 19:-8 +$ter this% Jose*h o$ +rimathea% being a disi*le o$ Jes#s% b#t seretly% $or $ear o$ the Jews% as'ed
<ilate that he might ta'e away the body o$ Jes#s& and <ilate ga!e (him) *ermission" ,o he ame and too' the
body o$ Jes#s"
Joh 19:-9 +nd Niodem#s% who at $irst ame to Jes#s by night% also ame% bringing a mi9t#re o$ myrrh and
aloes% abo#t a h#ndred *o#nds"
Joh 19:05 Then they too' the body o$ Jes#s% and bo#nd it in stri*s o$ linen with the s*ies% as the #stom o$ the
Jews is to b#ry"
Joh 19:01 Now in the *lae where He was r#i$ied there was a garden% and in the garden a new tomb in whih
no one had yet been laid"
Joh 19:02 ,o there they laid Jes#s% bea#se o$ the JewsA <re*aration (2ay%) $or the tomb was nearby"
Joh 25:1 Now on the $irst (day) o$ the wee' ?ary ?agdalene went to the tomb early% while it was still dar'% and
saw (that) the stone had been ta'en away $rom the tomb"
Joh 25:2 Then she ran and ame to ,imon <eter% and to the other disi*le% whom Jes#s lo!ed% and said to
them% .They ha!e ta'en away the /ord o#t o$ the tomb% and we do not 'now where they ha!e laid Him".
Joh 25:- <eter there$ore went o#t% and the other disi*le% and were going to the tomb"
Joh 25:0 ,o they both ran together% and the other disi*le o#tran <eter and ame to the tomb $irst"
Joh 25:1 +nd he% stoo*ing down and loo'ing in% saw the linen loths lying (there&) yet he did not go in"
Joh 25:3 Then ,imon <eter ame% $ollowing him% and went into the tomb& and he saw the linen loths lying
Joh 25:4 and the hand'erhie$ that had been aro#nd His head% not lying with the linen loths% b#t $olded
together in a *lae by itsel$"
Joh 25:8 Then the other disi*le% who ame to the tomb $irst% went in also& and he saw and belie!ed"
Joh 25:9 ;or as yet they did not 'now the ,ri*t#re% that He m#st rise again $rom the dead"
Joh 25:15 Then the disi*les went away again to their own homes"
Joh 25:11 B#t ?ary stood o#tside by the tomb wee*ing% and as she we*t she stoo*ed down (and loo'ed) into
the tomb"
Joh 25:12 +nd she saw two angels in white sitting% one at the head and the other at the $eet% where the body o$
Jes#s had lain"
Joh 25:1- Then they said to her% .>oman% why are yo# wee*ingC. ,he said to them% .Bea#se they ha!e ta'en
away my /ord% and I do not 'now where they ha!e laid Him".
Joh 25:10 Now when she had said this% she t#rned aro#nd and saw Jes#s standing (there%) and did not 'now
that it was Jes#s"
Joh 25:11 Jes#s said to her% .>oman% why are yo# wee*ingC >hom are yo# see'ingC. ,he% s#**osing Him to
be the gardener% said to Him% .,ir% i$ Bo# ha!e arried Him away% tell me where Bo# ha!e laid Him% and I will ta'e
Him away".
Joh 25:13 Jes#s said to her% .?aryF. ,he t#rned and said to Him% .:abboniF. Iwhih is to say% TeaherJ"
Joh 25:14 Jes#s said to her% .2o not ling to ?e% $or I ha!e not yet asended to ?y ;ather& b#t go to ?y
brethren and say to them% AI am asending to ?y ;ather and yo#r ;ather% and (to) ?y God and yo#r God"A .
Joh 25:18 ?ary ?agdalene ame and told the disi*les that she had seen the /ord% and (that) He had s*o'en
these things to her"
Joh 25:19 Then% the same day at e!ening% being the $irst (day) o$ the wee'% when the doors were sh#t where the
disi*les were assembled% $or $ear o$ the Jews% Jes#s ame and stood in the midst% and said to them% .<eae
(be) with yo#".
Joh 25:25 >hen He had said this% He showed them (His) hands and His side" Then the disi*les were glad
when they saw the /ord"
Joh 25:21 ,o Jes#s said to them again% .<eae to yo#F +s the ;ather has sent ?e% I also send yo#".
Joh 25:22 +nd when He had said this% He breathed on (them%) and said to them% .:eei!e the Holy ,*irit"
Joh 25:2- .I$ yo# $orgi!e the sins o$ any% they are $orgi!en them& i$ yo# retain the (sins) o$ any% they are
Joh 25:20 Now Thomas% alled the Twin% one o$ the twel!e% was not with them when Jes#s ame"
Joh 25:21 The other disi*les there$ore said to him% .>e ha!e seen the /ord". ,o he said to them% .7nless I see
in His hands the *rint o$ the nails% and *#t my $inger into the *rint o$ the nails% and *#t my hand into His side% I
will not belie!e".
Joh 25:23 +nd a$ter eight days His disi*les were again inside% and Thomas with them" Jes#s ame% the doors
being sh#t% and stood in the midst% and said% .<eae to yo#F.
Joh 25:24 Then He said to Thomas% .:eah yo#r $inger here% and loo' at ?y hands& and reah yo#r hand
(here%) and *#t (it) into ?y side" 2o not be #nbelie!ing% b#t belie!ing".
Joh 25:28 +nd Thomas answered and said to Him% .?y /ord and my GodF.
Joh 25:29 Jes#s said to him% .Thomas% bea#se yo# ha!e seen ?e% yo# ha!e belie!ed" Blessed (are) those who
ha!e not seen and (yet) ha!e belie!ed".
Joh 25:-5 +nd tr#ly Jes#s did many other signs in the *resene o$ His disi*les% whih are not written in this
Joh 25:-1 b#t these are written that yo# may belie!e that Jes#s is the =hrist% the ,on o$ God% and that belie!ing
yo# may ha!e li$e in His name"
Joh 21:1 +$ter these things Jes#s showed Himsel$ again to the disi*les at the ,ea o$ Tiberias% and in this way
He showed (Himsel$:)
Joh 21:2 ,imon <eter% Thomas alled the Twin% Nathanael o$ =ana in Galilee% the (sons) o$ Gebedee% and two
others o$ His disi*les were together"
Joh 21:- ,imon <eter said to them% .I am going $ishing". They said to him% .>e are going with yo# also". They
went o#t and immediately got into the boat% and that night they a#ght nothing"
Joh 21:0 B#t when the morning had now ome% Jes#s stood on the shore& yet the disi*les did not 'now that it
was Jes#s"
Joh 21:1 Then Jes#s said to them% .=hildren% ha!e yo# any $oodC. They answered Him% .No".
Joh 21:3 +nd He said to them% .=ast the net on the right side o$ the boat% and yo# will $ind (some".) ,o they ast%
and now they were not able to draw it in bea#se o$ the m#ltit#de o$ $ish"
Joh 21:4 There$ore that disi*le whom Jes#s lo!ed said to <eter% .It is the /ordF. Now when ,imon <eter heard
that it was the /ord% he *#t on (his) o#ter garment I$or he had remo!ed itJ% and *l#nged into the sea"
Joh 21:8 B#t the other disi*les ame in the little boat I$or they were not $ar $rom land% b#t abo#t two h#ndred
#bitsJ% dragging the net with $ish"
Joh 21:9 Then% as soon as they had ome to land% they saw a $ire o$ oals there% and $ish laid on it% and bread"
Joh 21:15 Jes#s said to them% .Bring some o$ the $ish whih yo# ha!e @#st a#ght".
Joh 21:11 ,imon <eter went #* and dragged the net to land% $#ll o$ large $ish% one h#ndred and $i$tyDthree& and
altho#gh there were so many% the net was not bro'en"
Joh 21:12 Jes#s said to them% .=ome (and) eat brea'$ast". Bet none o$ the disi*les dared as' Him% .>ho are
Bo#C. DD 'nowing that it was the /ord"
Joh 21:1- Jes#s then ame and too' the bread and ga!e it to them% and li'ewise the $ish"
Joh 21:10 This (is) now the third time Jes#s showed Himsel$ to His disi*les a$ter He was raised $rom the dead"
Joh 21:11 ,o when they had eaten brea'$ast% Jes#s said to ,imon <eter% .,imon% (son) o$ Jonah% do yo# lo!e
?e more than theseC. He said to Him% .Bes% /ord& Bo# 'now that I lo!e Bo#". He said to him% .;eed ?y lambs".
Joh 21:13 He said to him again a seond time% .,imon% (son) o$ Jonah% do yo# lo!e ?eC. He said to Him% .Bes%
/ord& Bo# 'now that I lo!e Bo#". He said to him% .Tend ?y shee*".
Joh 21:14 He said to him the third time% .,imon% (son) o$ Jonah% do yo# lo!e ?eC. <eter was grie!ed bea#se
He said to him the third time% .2o yo# lo!e ?eC. +nd he said to Him% ./ord% Bo# 'now all things& Bo# 'now that I
lo!e Bo#". Jes#s said to him% .;eed ?y shee*"
Joh 21:18 .?ost ass#redly% I say to yo#% when yo# were yo#nger% yo# girded yo#rsel$ and wal'ed where yo#
wished& b#t when yo# are old% yo# will streth o#t yo#r hands% and another will gird yo# and arry (yo#) where
yo# do not wish".
Joh 21:19 This He s*o'e% signi$ying by what death he wo#ld glori$y God" +nd when He had s*o'en this% He said
to him% .;ollow ?e".
Joh 21:25 Then <eter% t#rning aro#nd% saw the disi*le whom Jes#s lo!ed $ollowing% who also had leaned on
His breast at the s#**er% and said% ./ord% who is the one who betrays Bo#C.
Joh 21:21 <eter% seeing him% said to Jes#s% .B#t /ord% what (abo#t) this manC.
Joh 21:22 Jes#s said to him% .I$ I will that he remain till I ome% what (is that) to yo#C Bo# $ollow ?e".
Joh 21:2- Then this saying went o#t among the brethren that this disi*le wo#ld not die" Bet Jes#s did not say
to him that he wo#ld not die% b#t% .I$ I will that he remain till I ome% what (is that) to yo#C.
Joh 21:20 This is the disi*le who testi$ies o$ these things% and wrote these things& and we 'now that his
testimony is tr#e"
Joh 21:21 +nd there are also many other things that Jes#s did% whih i$ they were written one by one% I s#**ose
that e!en the world itsel$ o#ld not ontain the boo's that wo#ld be written" +men"
+t 1:1 The $ormer ao#nt I made% 8 Theo*hil#s% o$ all that Jes#s began both to do and teah%
+t 1:2 #ntil the day in whih He was ta'en #*% a$ter He thro#gh the Holy ,*irit had gi!en ommandments to the
a*ostles whom He had hosen%
+t 1:- to whom He also *resented Himsel$ ali!e a$ter His s#$$ering by many in$allible *roo$s% being seen by
them d#ring $orty days and s*ea'ing o$ the things *ertaining to the 'ingdom o$ God"
+t 1:0 +nd being assembled together with (them%) He ommanded them not to de*art $rom Jer#salem% b#t to
wait $or the <romise o$ the ;ather% .whih%. (He said%) .yo# ha!e heard $rom ?e&
+t 1:1 .$or John tr#ly ba*tiHed with water% b#t yo# shall be ba*tiHed with the Holy ,*irit not many days $rom
+t 1:3 There$ore% when they had ome together% they as'ed Him% saying% ./ord% will Bo# at this time restore the
'ingdom to IsraelC.
+t 1:4 +nd He said to them% .It is not $or yo# to 'now times or seasons whih the ;ather has *#t in His own
+t 1:8 .B#t yo# shall reei!e *ower when the Holy ,*irit has ome #*on yo#& and yo# shall be witnesses to ?e
in Jer#salem% and in all J#dea and ,amaria% and to the end o$ the earth".
+t 1:9 Now when He had s*o'en these things% while they wathed% He was ta'en #*% and a lo#d reei!ed Him
o#t o$ their sight"
+t 1:15 +nd while they loo'ed stead$astly toward hea!en as He went #*% behold% two men stood by them in
white a**arel%
+t 1:11 who also said% .?en o$ Galilee% why do yo# stand gaHing #* into hea!enC This (same) Jes#s% who was
ta'en #* $rom yo# into hea!en% will so ome in li'e manner as yo# saw Him go into hea!en".
+t 1:12 Then they ret#rned to Jer#salem $rom the mo#nt alled 8li!et% whih is near Jer#salem% a ,abbath
dayAs @o#rney"
+t 1:1- +nd when they had entered% they went #* into the #**er room where they were staying: <eter% James%
John% and +ndrew& <hili* and Thomas& Bartholomew and ?atthew& James (the son) o$ +l*hae#s and ,imon the
Gealot& and J#das (the son) o$ James"
+t 1:10 These all ontin#ed with one aord in *rayer and s#**liation% with the women and ?ary the mother
o$ Jes#s% and with His brothers"
+t 1:11 +nd in those days <eter stood #* in the midst o$ the disi*les Ialtogether the n#mber o$ names was
abo#t a h#ndred and twentyJ% and said%
+t 1:13 .?en (and) brethren% this ,ri*t#re had to be $#l$illed% whih the Holy ,*irit s*o'e be$ore by the mo#th
o$ 2a!id onerning J#das% who beame a g#ide to those who arrested Jes#s&
+t 1:14 .$or he was n#mbered with #s and obtained a *art in this ministry".
+t 1:18 INow this man *#rhased a $ield with the wages o$ iniE#ity& and $alling headlong% he b#rst o*en in the
middle and all his entrails g#shed o#t"
+t 1:19 +nd it beame 'nown to all those dwelling in Jer#salem& so that $ield is alled in their own lang#age%
+'el 2ama% that is% ;ield o$ Blood"J
+t 1:25 .;or it is written in the boo' o$ <salms: A/et his dwelling *lae be desolate% +nd let no one li!e in itA&
and% A/et another ta'e his o$$ie"A
+t 1:21 .There$ore% o$ these men who ha!e aom*anied #s all the time that the /ord Jes#s went in and o#t
among #s%
+t 1:22 .beginning $rom the ba*tism o$ John to that day when He was ta'en #* $rom #s% one o$ these m#st
beome a witness with #s o$ His res#rretion".
+t 1:2- +nd they *ro*osed two: Jose*h alled Barsabas% who was s#rnamed J#st#s% and ?atthias"
+t 1:20 +nd they *rayed and said% .Bo#% 8 /ord% who 'now the hearts o$ all% show whih o$ these two Bo#
ha!e hosen
+t 1:21 .to ta'e *art in this ministry and a*ostleshi* $rom whih J#das by transgression $ell% that he might go to
his own *lae".
+t 1:23 +nd they ast their lots% and the lot $ell on ?atthias" +nd he was n#mbered with the ele!en a*ostles"
+t 2:1 >hen the 2ay o$ <enteost had $#lly ome% they were all with one aord in one *lae"
+t 2:2 +nd s#ddenly there ame a so#nd $rom hea!en% as o$ a r#shing mighty wind% and it $illed the whole
ho#se where they were sitting"
+t 2:- Then there a**eared to them di!ided tong#es% as o$ $ire% and (one) sat #*on eah o$ them"
+t 2:0 +nd they were all $illed with the Holy ,*irit and began to s*ea' with other tong#es% as the ,*irit ga!e
them #tterane"
+t 2:1 +nd there were dwelling in Jer#salem Jews% de!o#t men% $rom e!ery nation #nder hea!en"
+t 2:3 +nd when this so#nd o#rred% the m#ltit#de ame together% and were on$#sed% bea#se e!eryone
heard them s*ea' in his own lang#age"
+t 2:4 Then they were all amaHed and mar!eled% saying to one another% ./oo'% are not all these who s*ea'
+t 2:8 .+nd how (is it that) we hear% eah in o#r own lang#age in whih we were bornC
+t 2:9 .<arthians and ?edes and 6lamites% those dwelling in ?eso*otamia% J#dea and =a**adoia% <ont#s
and +sia%
+t 2:15 .<hrygia and <am*hylia% 6gy*t and the *arts o$ /ibya ad@oining =yrene% !isitors $rom :ome% both Jews
and *roselytes%
+t 2:11 .=retans and +rabs DD we hear them s*ea'ing in o#r own tong#es the wonder$#l wor's o$ God".
+t 2:12 ,o they were all amaHed and *er*le9ed% saying to one another% .>hate!er o#ld this meanC.
+t 2:1- 8thers mo'ing said% .They are $#ll o$ new wine".
+t 2:10 B#t <eter% standing #* with the ele!en% raised his !oie and said to them% .?en o$ J#dea and all who
dwell in Jer#salem% let this be 'nown to yo#% and heed my words"
+t 2:11 .;or these are not dr#n'% as yo# s#**ose% sine it is (only) the third ho#r o$ the day"
+t 2:13 .B#t this is what was s*o'en by the *ro*het Joel:
+t 2:14 A+nd it shall ome to *ass in the last days% says God% That I will *o#r o#t o$ ?y ,*irit on all $lesh& Bo#r
sons and yo#r da#ghters shall *ro*hesy% Bo#r yo#ng men shall see !isions% Bo#r old men shall dream dreams"
+t 2:18 +nd on ?y menser!ants and on ?y maidser!ants I will *o#r o#t ?y ,*irit in those days& +nd they shall
+t 2:19 I will show wonders in hea!en abo!e +nd signs in the earth beneath: Blood and $ire and !a*or o$
+t 2:25 The s#n shall be t#rned into dar'ness% +nd the moon into blood% Be$ore the oming o$ the great and
awesome day o$ the /8:2"
+t 2:21 +nd it shall ome to *ass (That) whoe!er alls on the name o$ the /8:2 ,hall be sa!ed"A
+t 2:22 . ?en o$ Israel% hear these words: Jes#s o$ NaHareth% a ?an attested by God to yo# by mirales%
wonders% and signs whih God did thro#gh Him in yo#r midst% as yo# yo#rsel!es also 'now DD
+t 2:2- .Him% being deli!ered by the determined *#r*ose and $ore'nowledge o$ God% yo# ha!e ta'en by
lawless hands% ha!e r#i$ied% and *#t to death&
+t 2:20 .whom God raised #*% ha!ing loosed the *ains o$ death% bea#se it was not *ossible that He sho#ld be
held by it"
+t 2:21 .;or 2a!id says onerning Him: AI $oresaw the /8:2 always be$ore my $ae% ;or He is at my right
hand% that I may not be sha'en"
+t 2:23 There$ore my heart re@oied% and my tong#e was glad& ?oreo!er my $lesh also will rest in ho*e"
+t 2:24 ;or Bo# will not lea!e my so#l in Hades% Nor will Bo# allow Bo#r Holy 8ne to see orr#*tion"
+t 2:28 Bo# ha!e made 'nown to me the ways o$ li$e& Bo# will ma'e me $#ll o$ @oy in Bo#r *resene"A
+t 2:29 .?en (and) brethren% let (me) s*ea' $reely to yo# o$ the *atriarh 2a!id% that he is both dead and
b#ried% and his tomb is with #s to this day"
+t 2:-5 .There$ore% being a *ro*het% and 'nowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that o$ the $r#it o$ his
body% aording to the $lesh% He wo#ld raise #* the =hrist to sit on his throne%
+t 2:-1 .he% $oreseeing this% s*o'e onerning the res#rretion o$ the =hrist% that His so#l was not le$t in
Hades% nor did His $lesh see orr#*tion"
+t 2:-2 .This Jes#s God has raised #*% o$ whih we are all witnesses"
+t 2:-- .There$ore being e9alted to the right hand o$ God% and ha!ing reei!ed $rom the ;ather the *romise o$
the Holy ,*irit% He *o#red o#t this whih yo# now see and hear"
+t 2:-0 .;or 2a!id did not asend into the hea!ens% b#t he says himsel$: AThe /8:2 said to my /ord% .,it at ?y
right hand%
+t 2:-1 Till I ma'e Bo#r enemies Bo#r $ootstool". A
+t 2:-3 .There$ore let all the ho#se o$ Israel 'now ass#redly that God has made this Jes#s% whom yo#
r#i$ied% both /ord and =hrist".
+t 2:-4 Now when they heard (this%) they were #t to the heart% and said to <eter and the rest o$ the a*ostles%
.?en (and) brethren% what shall we doC.
+t 2:-8 Then <eter said to them% .:e*ent% and let e!ery one o$ yo# be ba*tiHed in the name o$ Jes#s =hrist $or
the remission o$ sins& and yo# shall reei!e the gi$t o$ the Holy ,*irit"
+t 2:-9 .;or the *romise is to yo# and to yo#r hildren% and to all who are a$ar o$$% as many as the /ord o#r
God will all".
+t 2:05 +nd with many other words he testi$ied and e9horted them% saying% .Be sa!ed $rom this *er!erse
+t 2:01 Then those who gladly reei!ed his word were ba*tiHed& and that day abo#t three tho#sand so#ls were
added (to them")
+t 2:02 +nd they ontin#ed stead$astly in the a*ostlesA dotrine and $ellowshi*% in the brea'ing o$ bread% and in
+t 2:0- Then $ear ame #*on e!ery so#l% and many wonders and signs were done thro#gh the a*ostles"
+t 2:00 Now all who belie!ed were together% and had all things in ommon%
+t 2:01 and sold their *ossessions and goods% and di!ided them among all% as anyone had need"
+t 2:03 ,o ontin#ing daily with one aord in the tem*le% and brea'ing bread $rom ho#se to ho#se% they ate
their $ood with gladness and sim*liity o$ heart%
+t 2:04 *raising God and ha!ing $a!or with all the *eo*le" +nd the /ord added to the h#rh daily those who
were being sa!ed"
+t -:1 Now <eter and John went #* together to the tem*le at the ho#r o$ *rayer% the ninth (ho#r")
+t -:2 +nd a ertain man lame $rom his motherAs womb was arried% whom they laid daily at the gate o$ the
tem*le whih is alled Bea#ti$#l% to as' alms $rom those who entered the tem*le&
+t -:- who% seeing <eter and John abo#t to go into the tem*le% as'ed $or alms"
+t -:0 +nd $i9ing his eyes on him% with John% <eter said% ./oo' at #s".
+t -:1 ,o he ga!e them his attention% e9*eting to reei!e something $rom them"
+t -:3 Then <eter said% .,il!er and gold I do not ha!e% b#t what I do ha!e I gi!e yo#: In the name o$ Jes#s
=hrist o$ NaHareth% rise #* and wal'".
+t -:4 +nd he too' him by the right hand and li$ted (him) #*% and immediately his $eet and an'le bones reei!ed
+t -:8 ,o he% lea*ing #*% stood and wal'ed and entered the tem*le with them DD wal'ing% lea*ing% and *raising
+t -:9 +nd all the *eo*le saw him wal'ing and *raising God"
+t -:15 Then they 'new that it was he who sat begging alms at the Bea#ti$#l Gate o$ the tem*le& and they were
$illed with wonder and amaHement at what had ha**ened to him"
+t -:11 Now as the lame man who was healed held on to <eter and John% all the *eo*le ran together to them
in the *orh whih is alled ,olomonAs% greatly amaHed"
+t -:12 ,o when <eter saw (it%) he res*onded to the *eo*le: .?en o$ Israel% why do yo# mar!el at thisC 8r why
loo' so intently at #s% as tho#gh by o#r own *ower or godliness we had made this man wal'C
+t -:1- .The God o$ +braham% Isaa% and Jaob% the God o$ o#r $athers% glori$ied His ,er!ant Jes#s% whom yo#
deli!ered #* and denied in the *resene o$ <ilate% when he was determined to let (Him) go"
+t -:10 .B#t yo# denied the Holy 8ne and the J#st% and as'ed $or a m#rderer to be granted to yo#%
+t -:11 .and 'illed the <rine o$ li$e% whom God raised $rom the dead% o$ whih we are witnesses"
+t -:13 .+nd His name% thro#gh $aith in His name% has made this man strong% whom yo# see and 'now" Bes%
the $aith whih (omes) thro#gh Him has gi!en him this *er$et so#ndness in the *resene o$ yo# all"
+t -:14 .Bet now% brethren% I 'now that yo# did (it) in ignorane% as (did) also yo#r r#lers"
+t -:18 .B#t those things whih God $oretold by the mo#th o$ all His *ro*hets% that the =hrist wo#ld s#$$er% He
has th#s $#l$illed"
+t -:19 .:e*ent there$ore and be on!erted% that yo#r sins may be blotted o#t% so that times o$ re$reshing may
ome $rom the *resene o$ the /ord%
+t -:25 .and that He may send Jes#s =hrist% who was *reahed to yo# be$ore%
+t -:21 .whom hea!en m#st reei!e #ntil the times o$ restoration o$ all things% whih God has s*o'en by the
mo#th o$ all His holy *ro*hets sine the world began"
+t -:22 .;or ?oses tr#ly said to the $athers% AThe /8:2 yo#r God will raise #* $or yo# a <ro*het li'e me $rom
yo#r brethren" Him yo# shall hear in all things% whate!er He says to yo#"
+t -:2- A+nd it shall be (that) e!ery so#l who will not hear that <ro*het shall be #tterly destroyed $rom among
the *eo*le"A
+t -:20 .Bes% and all the *ro*hets% $rom ,am#el and those who $ollow% as many as ha!e s*o'en% ha!e also
$oretold these days"
+t -:21 .Bo# are sons o$ the *ro*hets% and o$ the o!enant whih God made with o#r $athers% saying to
+braham% A+nd in yo#r seed all the $amilies o$ the earth shall be blessed"A
+t -:23 .To yo# $irst% God% ha!ing raised #* His ,er!ant Jes#s% sent Him to bless yo#% in t#rning away e!ery
one (o$ yo#) $rom yo#r iniE#ities".
+t 0:1 Now as they s*o'e to the *eo*le% the *riests% the a*tain o$ the tem*le% and the ,add#ees ame #*on
+t 0:2 being greatly dist#rbed that they ta#ght the *eo*le and *reahed in Jes#s the res#rretion $rom the
+t 0:- +nd they laid hands on them% and *#t (them) in #stody #ntil the ne9t day% $or it was already e!ening"
+t 0:0 Howe!er% many o$ those who heard the word belie!ed& and the n#mber o$ the men ame to be abo#t
$i!e tho#sand"
+t 0:1 +nd it ame to *ass% on the ne9t day% that their r#lers% elders% and sribes%
+t 0:3 as well as +nnas the high *riest% =aia*has% John% and +le9ander% and as many as were o$ the $amily o$
the high *riest% were gathered together at Jer#salem"
+t 0:4 +nd when they had set them in the midst% they as'ed% .By what *ower or by what name ha!e yo# done
+t 0:8 Then <eter% $illed with the Holy ,*irit% said to them% .:#lers o$ the *eo*le and elders o$ Israel:
+t 0:9 .I$ we this day are @#dged $or a good deed (done) to a hel*less man% by what means he has been made
+t 0:15 .let it be 'nown to yo# all% and to all the *eo*le o$ Israel% that by the name o$ Jes#s =hrist o$ NaHareth%
whom yo# r#i$ied% whom God raised $rom the dead% by Him this man stands here be$ore yo# whole"
+t 0:11 .This is the Astone whih was re@eted by yo# b#ilders% whih has beome the hie$ ornerstone"A
+t 0:12 .Nor is there sal!ation in any other% $or there is no other name #nder hea!en gi!en among men by
whih we m#st be sa!ed".
+t 0:1- Now when they saw the boldness o$ <eter and John% and *erei!ed that they were #ned#ated and
#ntrained men% they mar!eled" +nd they realiHed that they had been with Jes#s"
+t 0:10 +nd seeing the man who had been healed standing with them% they o#ld say nothing against it"
+t 0:11 B#t when they had ommanded them to go aside o#t o$ the o#nil% they on$erred among themsel!es%
+t 0:13 saying% .>hat shall we do to these menC ;or% indeed% that a notable mirale has been done thro#gh
them (is) e!ident to all who dwell in Jer#salem% and we annot deny (it")
+t 0:14 .B#t so that it s*reads no $#rther among the *eo*le% let #s se!erely threaten them% that $rom now on
they s*ea' to no man in this name".
+t 0:18 +nd they alled them and ommanded them not to s*ea' at all nor teah in the name o$ Jes#s"
+t 0:19 B#t <eter and John answered and said to them% .>hether it is right in the sight o$ God to listen to yo#
more than to God% yo# @#dge"
+t 0:25 .;or we annot b#t s*ea' the things whih we ha!e seen and heard".
+t 0:21 ,o when they had $#rther threatened them% they let them go% $inding no way o$ *#nishing them%
bea#se o$ the *eo*le% sine they all glori$ied God $or what had been done"
+t 0:22 ;or the man was o!er $orty years old on whom this mirale o$ healing had been *er$ormed"
+t 0:2- +nd being let go% they went to their own (om*anions) and re*orted all that the hie$ *riests and elders
had said to them"
+t 0:20 ,o when they heard that% they raised their !oie to God with one aord and said: ./ord% Bo# (are)
God% who made hea!en and earth and the sea% and all that is in them%
+t 0:21 .who by the mo#th o$ Bo#r ser!ant 2a!id ha!e said: A>hy did the nations rage% +nd the *eo*le *lot
!ain thingsC
+t 0:23 The 'ings o$ the earth too' their stand% +nd the r#lers were gathered together +gainst the /8:2 and
against His =hrist"A
+t 0:24 .;or tr#ly against Bo#r holy ,er!ant Jes#s% whom Bo# anointed% both Herod and <onti#s <ilate% with
the Gentiles and the *eo*le o$ Israel% were gathered together
+t 0:28 .to do whate!er Bo#r hand and Bo#r *#r*ose determined be$ore to be done"
+t 0:29 .Now% /ord% loo' on their threats% and grant to Bo#r ser!ants that with all boldness they may s*ea'
Bo#r word%
+t 0:-5 .by strething o#t Bo#r hand to heal% and that signs and wonders may be done thro#gh the name o$
Bo#r holy ,er!ant Jes#s".
+t 0:-1 +nd when they had *rayed% the *lae where they were assembled together was sha'en& and they were
all $illed with the Holy ,*irit% and they s*o'e the word o$ God with boldness"
+t 0:-2 Now the m#ltit#de o$ those who belie!ed were o$ one heart and one so#l& neither did anyone say that
any o$ the things he *ossessed was his own% b#t they had all things in ommon"
+t 0:-- +nd with great *ower the a*ostles ga!e witness to the res#rretion o$ the /ord Jes#s" +nd great grae
was #*on them all"
+t 0:-0 Nor was there anyone among them who la'ed& $or all who were *ossessors o$ lands or ho#ses sold
them% and bro#ght the *roeeds o$ the things that were sold%
+t 0:-1 and laid (them) at the a*ostlesA $eet& and they distrib#ted to eah as anyone had need"
+t 0:-3 +nd Joses% who was also named Barnabas by the a*ostles Iwhih is translated ,on o$
6no#ragementJ% a /e!ite o$ the o#ntry o$ =y*r#s%
+t 0:-4 ha!ing land% sold (it%) and bro#ght the money and laid (it) at the a*ostlesA $eet"
+t 1:1 B#t a ertain man named +nanias% with ,a**hira his wi$e% sold a *ossession"
+t 1:2 +nd he 'e*t ba' (*art) o$ the *roeeds% his wi$e also being aware (o$ it%) and bro#ght a ertain *art and
laid (it) at the a*ostlesA $eet"
+t 1:- B#t <eter said% .+nanias% why has ,atan $illed yo#r heart to lie to the Holy ,*irit and 'ee* ba' (*art) o$
the *rie o$ the land $or yo#rsel$C
+t 1:0 .>hile it remained% was it not yo#r ownC +nd a$ter it was sold% was it not in yo#r own ontrolC >hy ha!e
yo# onei!ed this thing in yo#r heartC Bo# ha!e not lied to men b#t to God".
+t 1:1 Then +nanias% hearing these words% $ell down and breathed his last" ,o great $ear ame #*on all those
who heard these things"
+t 1:3 +nd the yo#ng men arose and wra**ed him #*% arried (him) o#t% and b#ried (him")
+t 1:4 Now it was abo#t three ho#rs later when his wi$e ame in% not 'nowing what had ha**ened"
+t 1:8 +nd <eter answered her% .Tell me whether yo# sold the land $or so m#hC. ,he said% .Bes% $or so
+t 1:9 Then <eter said to her% .How is it that yo# ha!e agreed together to test the ,*irit o$ the /ordC /oo'% the
$eet o$ those who ha!e b#ried yo#r h#sband (are) at the door% and they will arry yo# o#t".
+t 1:15 Then immediately she $ell down at his $eet and breathed her last" +nd the yo#ng men ame in and
$o#nd her dead% and arrying (her) o#t% b#ried (her) by her h#sband"
+t 1:11 ,o great $ear ame #*on all the h#rh and #*on all who heard these things"
+t 1:12 +nd thro#gh the hands o$ the a*ostles many signs and wonders were done among the *eo*le" +nd
they were all with one aord in ,olomonAs <orh"
+t 1:1- Bet none o$ the rest dared @oin them% b#t the *eo*le esteemed them highly"
+t 1:10 +nd belie!ers were inreasingly added to the /ord% m#ltit#des o$ both men and women%
+t 1:11 so that they bro#ght the si' o#t into the streets and laid (them) on beds and o#hes% that at least the
shadow o$ <eter *assing by might $all on some o$ them"
+t 1:13 +lso a m#ltit#de gathered $rom the s#rro#nding ities to Jer#salem% bringing si' *eo*le and those who
were tormented by #nlean s*irits% and they were all healed"
+t 1:14 Then the high *riest rose #*% and all those who (were) with him Iwhih is the set o$ the ,add#eesJ%
and they were $illed with indignation%
+t 1:18 and laid their hands on the a*ostles and *#t them in the ommon *rison"
+t 1:19 B#t at night an angel o$ the /ord o*ened the *rison doors and bro#ght them o#t% and said%
+t 1:25 .Go% stand in the tem*le and s*ea' to the *eo*le all the words o$ this li$e".
+t 1:21 +nd when they heard (that%) they entered the tem*le early in the morning and ta#ght" B#t the high
*riest and those with him ame and alled the o#nil together% with all the elders o$ the hildren o$ Israel% and
sent to the *rison to ha!e them bro#ght"
+t 1:22 B#t when the o$$iers ame and did not $ind them in the *rison% they ret#rned and re*orted%
+t 1:2- saying% .Indeed we $o#nd the *rison sh#t se#rely% and the g#ards standing o#tside be$ore the doors&
b#t when we o*ened them% we $o#nd no one insideF.
+t 1:20 Now when the high *riest% the a*tain o$ the tem*le% and the hie$ *riests heard these things% they
wondered what the o#tome wo#ld be"
+t 1:21 ,o one ame and told them% saying% ./oo'% the men whom yo# *#t in *rison are standing in the tem*le
and teahing the *eo*leF.
+t 1:23 Then the a*tain went with the o$$iers and bro#ght them witho#t !iolene% $or they $eared the *eo*le%
lest they sho#ld be stoned"
+t 1:24 +nd when they had bro#ght them% they set (them) be$ore the o#nil" +nd the high *riest as'ed them%
+t 1:28 saying% .2id we not stritly ommand yo# not to teah in this nameC +nd loo'% yo# ha!e $illed
Jer#salem with yo#r dotrine% and intend to bring this ?anAs blood on #sF.
+t 1:29 B#t <eter and the (other) a*ostles answered and said: .>e o#ght to obey God rather than men"
+t 1:-5 .The God o$ o#r $athers raised #* Jes#s whom yo# m#rdered by hanging on a tree"
+t 1:-1 .Him God has e9alted to His right hand (to be) <rine and ,a!ior% to gi!e re*entane to Israel and
$orgi!eness o$ sins"
+t 1:-2 .+nd we are His witnesses to these things% and (so) also (is) the Holy ,*irit whom God has gi!en to
those who obey Him".
+t 1:-- >hen they heard (this%) they were $#rio#s and *lotted to 'ill them"
+t 1:-0 Then one in the o#nil stood #*% a <harisee named Gamaliel% a teaher o$ the law held in res*et by
all the *eo*le% and ommanded them to *#t the a*ostles o#tside $or a little while"
+t 1:-1 +nd he said to them: .?en o$ Israel% ta'e heed to yo#rsel!es what yo# intend to do regarding these
+t 1:-3 .;or some time ago The#das rose #*% laiming to be somebody" + n#mber o$ men% abo#t $o#r h#ndred%
@oined him" He was slain% and all who obeyed him were sattered and ame to nothing"
+t 1:-4 .+$ter this man% J#das o$ Galilee rose #* in the days o$ the ens#s% and drew away many *eo*le a$ter
him" He also *erished% and all who obeyed him were dis*ersed"
+t 1:-8 .+nd now I say to yo#% 'ee* away $rom these men and let them alone& $or i$ this *lan or this wor' is o$
men% it will ome to nothing&
+t 1:-9 .b#t i$ it is o$ God% yo# annot o!erthrow it DD lest yo# e!en be $o#nd to $ight against God".
+t 1:05 +nd they agreed with him% and when they had alled $or the a*ostles and beaten (them%) they
ommanded that they sho#ld not s*ea' in the name o$ Jes#s% and let them go"
+t 1:01 ,o they de*arted $rom the *resene o$ the o#nil% re@oiing that they were o#nted worthy to s#$$er
shame $or His name"
+t 1:02 +nd daily in the tem*le% and in e!ery ho#se% they did not ease teahing and *reahing Jes#s (as) the
+t 3:1 Now in those days% when (the n#mber o$) the disi*les was m#lti*lying% there arose a om*laint against
the Hebrews by the Hellenists% bea#se their widows were negleted in the daily distrib#tion"
+t 3:2 Then the twel!e s#mmoned the m#ltit#de o$ the disi*les and said% .It is not desirable that we sho#ld
lea!e the word o$ God and ser!e tables"
+t 3:- .There$ore% brethren% see' o#t $rom among yo# se!en men o$ (good) re*#tation% $#ll o$ the Holy ,*irit
and wisdom% whom we may a**oint o!er this b#siness&
+t 3:0 .b#t we will gi!e o#rsel!es ontin#ally to *rayer and to the ministry o$ the word".
+t 3:1 +nd the saying *leased the whole m#ltit#de" +nd they hose ,te*hen% a man $#ll o$ $aith and the Holy
,*irit% and <hili*% <rohor#s% Nianor% Timon% <armenas% and Niolas% a *roselyte $rom +ntioh%
+t 3:3 whom they set be$ore the a*ostles& and when they had *rayed% they laid hands on them"
+t 3:4 Then the word o$ God s*read% and the n#mber o$ the disi*les m#lti*lied greatly in Jer#salem% and a
great many o$ the *riests were obedient to the $aith"
+t 3:8 +nd ,te*hen% $#ll o$ $aith and *ower% did great wonders and signs among the *eo*le"
+t 3:9 Then there arose some $rom what is alled the ,ynagog#e o$ the ;reedmen I=yrenians% +le9andrians%
and those $rom =iliia and +siaJ% dis*#ting with ,te*hen"
+t 3:15 +nd they were not able to resist the wisdom and the ,*irit by whih he s*o'e"
+t 3:11 Then they seretly ind#ed men to say% .>e ha!e heard him s*ea' blas*hemo#s words against ?oses
and God".
+t 3:12 +nd they stirred #* the *eo*le% the elders% and the sribes& and they ame #*on (him%) seiHed him% and
bro#ght (him) to the o#nil"
+t 3:1- They also set #* $alse witnesses who said% .This man does not ease to s*ea' blas*hemo#s words
against this holy *lae and the law&
+t 3:10 .$or we ha!e heard him say that this Jes#s o$ NaHareth will destroy this *lae and hange the #stoms
whih ?oses deli!ered to #s".
+t 3:11 +nd all who sat in the o#nil% loo'ing stead$astly at him% saw his $ae as the $ae o$ an angel"
+t 4:1 Then the high *riest said% .+re these things soC.
+t 4:2 +nd he said% .Brethren and $athers% listen: The God o$ glory a**eared to o#r $ather +braham when he
was in ?eso*otamia% be$ore he dwelt in Haran%
+t 4:- .and said to him% AGet o#t o$ yo#r o#ntry and $rom yo#r relati!es% and ome to a land that I will show
+t 4:0 .Then he ame o#t o$ the land o$ the =haldeans and dwelt in Haran" +nd $rom there% when his $ather
was dead% He mo!ed him to this land in whih yo# now dwell"
+t 4:1 .+nd (God) ga!e him no inheritane in it% not e!en (eno#gh) to set his $oot on" B#t e!en when (+braham)
had no hild% He *romised to gi!e it to him $or a *ossession% and to his desendants a$ter him"
+t 4:3 .B#t God s*o'e in this way: that his desendants wo#ld dwell in a $oreign land% and that they wo#ld
bring them into bondage and o**ress (them) $o#r h#ndred years"
+t 4:4 A+nd the nation to whom they will be in bondage I will @#dge%A said God% Aand a$ter that they shall ome
o#t and ser!e ?e in this *lae"A
+t 4:8 .Then He ga!e him the o!enant o$ ir#mision& and so (+braham) begot Isaa and ir#mised him on
the eighth day& and Isaa (begot) Jaob% and Jaob (begot) the twel!e *atriarhs"
+t 4:9 . +nd the *atriarhs% beoming en!io#s% sold Jose*h into 6gy*t" B#t God was with him
+t 4:15 .and deli!ered him o#t o$ all his tro#bles% and ga!e him $a!or and wisdom in the *resene o$ <haraoh%
'ing o$ 6gy*t& and he made him go!ernor o!er 6gy*t and all his ho#se"
+t 4:11 .Now a $amine and great tro#ble ame o!er all the land o$ 6gy*t and =anaan% and o#r $athers $o#nd no
+t 4:12 .B#t when Jaob heard that there was grain in 6gy*t% he sent o#t o#r $athers $irst"
+t 4:1- .+nd the seond (time) Jose*h was made 'nown to his brothers% and Jose*hAs $amily beame 'nown to
the <haraoh"
+t 4:10 .Then Jose*h sent and alled his $ather Jaob and all his relati!es to (him%) se!entyD$i!e *eo*le"
+t 4:11 .,o Jaob went down to 6gy*t& and he died% he and o#r $athers"
+t 4:13 .+nd they were arried ba' to ,hehem and laid in the tomb that +braham bo#ght $or a s#m o$ money
$rom the sons o$ Hamor% (the $ather) o$ ,hehem"
+t 4:14 . B#t when the time o$ the *romise drew near whih God had sworn to +braham% the *eo*le grew and
m#lti*lied in 6gy*t
+t 4:18 .till another 'ing arose who did not 'now Jose*h"
+t 4:19 .This man dealt treahero#sly with o#r *eo*le% and o**ressed o#r $ore$athers% ma'ing them e9*ose
their babies% so that they might not li!e"
+t 4:25 .+t this time ?oses was born% and was well *leasing to God& and he was bro#ght #* in his $atherAs
ho#se $or three months"
+t 4:21 .B#t when he was set o#t% <haraohAs da#ghter too' him away and bro#ght him #* as her own son"
+t 4:22 .+nd ?oses was learned in all the wisdom o$ the 6gy*tians% and was mighty in words and deeds"
+t 4:2- .Now when he was $orty years old% it ame into his heart to !isit his brethren% the hildren o$ Israel"
+t 4:20 .+nd seeing one o$ (them) s#$$er wrong% he de$ended and a!enged him who was o**ressed% and str#'
down the 6gy*tian"
+t 4:21 .;or he s#**osed that his brethren wo#ld ha!e #nderstood that God wo#ld deli!er them by his hand%
b#t they did not #nderstand"
+t 4:23 .+nd the ne9t day he a**eared to two o$ them as they were $ighting% and (tried to) reonile them%
saying% A?en% yo# are brethren& why do yo# wrong one anotherCA
+t 4:24 .B#t he who did his neighbor wrong *#shed him away% saying% A>ho made yo# a r#ler and a @#dge o!er
+t 4:28 A2o yo# want to 'ill me as yo# did the 6gy*tian yesterdayCA
+t 4:29 .Then% at this saying% ?oses $led and beame a dweller in the land o$ ?idian% where he had two sons"
+t 4:-5 .+nd when $orty years had *assed% an +ngel o$ the /ord a**eared to him in a $lame o$ $ire in a b#sh% in
the wilderness o$ ?o#nt ,inai"
+t 4:-1 .>hen ?oses saw (it%) he mar!eled at the sight& and as he drew near to obser!e% the !oie o$ the /ord
ame to him%
+t 4:-2 .(saying%) AI (am) the God o$ yo#r $athers DD the God o$ +braham% the God o$ Isaa% and the God o$
Jaob"A +nd ?oses trembled and dared not loo'"
+t 4:-- AThen the /8:2 said to him% .Ta'e yo#r sandals o$$ yo#r $eet% $or the *lae where yo# stand is holy
+t 4:-0 .I ha!e s#rely seen the o**ression o$ my *eo*le who are in 6gy*t& I ha!e heard their groaning and
ha!e ome down to deli!er them" +nd now ome% I will send yo# to 6gy*t". A
+t 4:-1 .This ?oses whom they re@eted% saying% A>ho made yo# a r#ler and a @#dgeCA is the one God sent (to
be) a r#ler and a deli!erer by the hand o$ the +ngel who a**eared to him in the b#sh"
+t 4:-3 .He bro#ght them o#t% a$ter he had shown wonders and signs in the land o$ 6gy*t% and in the :ed ,ea%
and in the wilderness $orty years"
+t 4:-4 . This is that ?oses who said to the hildren o$ Israel% AThe /8:2 yo#r God will raise #* $or yo# a
<ro*het li'e me $rom yo#r brethren" Him yo# shall hear"A
+t 4:-8 .This is he who was in the ongregation in the wilderness with the +ngel who s*o'e to him on ?o#nt
,inai% and (with) o#r $athers% the one who reei!ed the li!ing orales to gi!e to #s%
+t 4:-9 .whom o#r $athers wo#ld not obey% b#t re@eted" +nd in their hearts they t#rned ba' to 6gy*t%
+t 4:05 .saying to +aron% A?a'e #s gods to go be$ore #s& (as $or) this ?oses who bro#ght #s o#t o$ the land o$
6gy*t% we do not 'now what has beome o$ him"A
+t 4:01 .+nd they made a al$ in those days% o$$ered sari$ies to the idol% and re@oied in the wor's o$ their
own hands"
+t 4:02 .Then God t#rned and ga!e them #* to worshi* the host o$ hea!en% as it is written in the boo' o$ the
<ro*hets: A2id yo# o$$er ?e sla#ghtered animals and sari$ies (d#ring) $orty years in the wilderness% 8 ho#se o$
+t 4:0- Bo# also too' #* the tabernale o$ ?oloh% +nd the star o$ yo#r god :em*han% Images whih yo#
made to worshi*& +nd I will arry yo# away beyond Babylon"A
+t 4:00 . 8#r $athers had the tabernale o$ witness in the wilderness% as He a**ointed% instr#ting ?oses to
ma'e it aording to the *attern that he had seen%
+t 4:01 .whih o#r $athers% ha!ing reei!ed it in t#rn% also bro#ght with Josh#a into the land *ossessed by the
Gentiles% whom God dro!e o#t be$ore the $ae o$ o#r $athers #ntil the days o$ 2a!id%
+t 4:03 .who $o#nd $a!or be$ore God and as'ed to $ind a dwelling $or the God o$ Jaob"
+t 4:04 .B#t ,olomon b#ilt Him a ho#se"
+t 4:08 .Howe!er% the ?ost High does not dwell in tem*les made with hands% as the *ro*het says:
+t 4:09 AHea!en (is) ?y throne% +nd earth (is) ?y $ootstool" >hat ho#se will yo# b#ild $or ?eC says the /8:2%
8r what (is) the *lae o$ ?y restC
+t 4:15 Has ?y hand not made all these thingsCA
+t 4:11 . (Bo#) sti$$Dne'ed and #nir#mised in heart and earsF Bo# always resist the Holy ,*irit& as yo#r
$athers (did%) so (do) yo#"
+t 4:12 .>hih o$ the *ro*hets did yo#r $athers not *erse#teC +nd they 'illed those who $oretold the oming
o$ the J#st 8ne% o$ whom yo# now ha!e beome the betrayers and m#rderers%
+t 4:1- .who ha!e reei!ed the law by the diretion o$ angels and ha!e not 'e*t (it".)
+t 4:10 >hen they heard these things they were #t to the heart% and they gnashed at him with (their) teeth"
+t 4:11 B#t he% being $#ll o$ the Holy ,*irit% gaHed into hea!en and saw the glory o$ God% and Jes#s standing at
the right hand o$ God%
+t 4:13 and said% ./oo'F I see the hea!ens o*ened and the ,on o$ ?an standing at the right hand o$ GodF.
+t 4:14 Then they ried o#t with a lo#d !oie% sto**ed their ears% and ran at him with one aord&
+t 4:18 and they ast (him) o#t o$ the ity and stoned (him") +nd the witnesses laid down their lothes at the
$eet o$ a yo#ng man named ,a#l"
+t 4:19 +nd they stoned ,te*hen as he was alling on (God) and saying% ./ord Jes#s% reei!e my s*irit".
+t 4:35 Then he 'nelt down and ried o#t with a lo#d !oie% ./ord% do not harge them with this sin". +nd when
he had said this% he $ell aslee*"
+t 8:1 Now ,a#l was onsenting to his death" +t that time a great *erse#tion arose against the h#rh whih
was at Jer#salem& and they were all sattered thro#gho#t the regions o$ J#dea and ,amaria% e9e*t the
+t 8:2 +nd de!o#t men arried ,te*hen (to his b#rial%) and made great lamentation o!er him"
+t 8:- +s $or ,a#l% he made ha!o o$ the h#rh% entering e!ery ho#se% and dragging o$$ men and women%
ommitting (them) to *rison"
+t 8:0 There$ore those who were sattered went e!erywhere *reahing the word"
+t 8:1 Then <hili* went down to the ity o$ ,amaria and *reahed =hrist to them"
+t 8:3 +nd the m#ltit#des with one aord heeded the things s*o'en by <hili*% hearing and seeing the mirales
whih he did"
+t 8:4 ;or #nlean s*irits% rying with a lo#d !oie% ame o#t o$ many who were *ossessed& and many who
were *aralyHed and lame were healed"
+t 8:8 +nd there was great @oy in that ity"
+t 8:9 B#t there was a ertain man alled ,imon% who *re!io#sly *ratied sorery in the ity and astonished
the *eo*le o$ ,amaria% laiming that he was someone great%
+t 8:15 to whom they all ga!e heed% $rom the least to the greatest% saying% .This man is the great *ower o$
+t 8:11 +nd they heeded him bea#se he had astonished them with his soreries $or a long time"
+t 8:12 B#t when they belie!ed <hili* as he *reahed the things onerning the 'ingdom o$ God and the name
o$ Jes#s =hrist% both men and women were ba*tiHed"
+t 8:1- Then ,imon himsel$ also belie!ed& and when he was ba*tiHed he ontin#ed with <hili*% and was
amaHed% seeing the mirales and signs whih were done"
+t 8:10 Now when the a*ostles who were at Jer#salem heard that ,amaria had reei!ed the word o$ God% they
sent <eter and John to them%
+t 8:11 who% when they had ome down% *rayed $or them that they might reei!e the Holy ,*irit"
+t 8:13 ;or as yet He had $allen #*on none o$ them" They had only been ba*tiHed in the name o$ the /ord
+t 8:14 Then they laid hands on them% and they reei!ed the Holy ,*irit"
+t 8:18 +nd when ,imon saw that thro#gh the laying on o$ the a*ostlesA hands the Holy ,*irit was gi!en% he
o$$ered them money%
+t 8:19 saying% .Gi!e me this *ower also% that anyone on whom I lay hands may reei!e the Holy ,*irit".
+t 8:25 B#t <eter said to him% .Bo#r money *erish with yo#% bea#se yo# tho#ght that the gi$t o$ God o#ld be
*#rhased with moneyF
+t 8:21 .Bo# ha!e neither *art nor *ortion in this matter% $or yo#r heart is not right in the sight o$ God"
+t 8:22 .:e*ent there$ore o$ this yo#r wi'edness% and *ray God i$ *erha*s the tho#ght o$ yo#r heart may be
$orgi!en yo#"
+t 8:2- .;or I see that yo# are *oisoned by bitterness and bo#nd by iniE#ity".
+t 8:20 Then ,imon answered and said% .<ray to the /ord $or me% that none o$ the things whih yo# ha!e
s*o'en may ome #*on me".
+t 8:21 ,o when they had testi$ied and *reahed the word o$ the /ord% they ret#rned to Jer#salem% *reahing
the gos*el in many !illages o$ the ,amaritans"
+t 8:23 Now an angel o$ the /ord s*o'e to <hili*% saying% .+rise and go toward the so#th along the road whih
goes down $rom Jer#salem to GaHa". This is desert"
+t 8:24 ,o he arose and went" +nd behold% a man o$ 6thio*ia% a e#n#h o$ great a#thority #nder =andae the
E#een o$ the 6thio*ians% who had harge o$ all her treas#ry% and had ome to Jer#salem to worshi*%
+t 8:28 was ret#rning" +nd sitting in his hariot% he was reading Isaiah the *ro*het"
+t 8:29 Then the ,*irit said to <hili*% .Go near and o!erta'e this hariot".
+t 8:-5 ,o <hili* ran to him% and heard him reading the *ro*het Isaiah% and said% .2o yo# #nderstand what yo#
are readingC.
+t 8:-1 +nd he said% .How an I% #nless someone g#ides meC. +nd he as'ed <hili* to ome #* and sit with
+t 8:-2 The *lae in the ,ri*t#re whih he read was this: .He was led as a shee* to the sla#ghter& +nd as a
lamb be$ore its shearer (is) silent% ,o He o*ened not His mo#th"
+t 8:-- In His h#miliation His @#stie was ta'en away% +nd who will delare His generationC ;or His li$e is ta'en
$rom the earth".
+t 8:-0 ,o the e#n#h answered <hili* and said% .I as' yo#% o$ whom does the *ro*het say this% o$ himsel$ or
o$ some other manC.
+t 8:-1 Then <hili* o*ened his mo#th% and beginning at this ,ri*t#re% *reahed Jes#s to him"
+t 8:-3 Now as they went down the road% they ame to some water" +nd the e#n#h said% .,ee% (here is)
water" >hat hinders me $rom being ba*tiHedC.
+t 8:-4 Then <hili* said% .I$ yo# belie!e with all yo#r heart% yo# may". +nd he answered and said% .I belie!e
that Jes#s =hrist is the ,on o$ God".
+t 8:-8 ,o he ommanded the hariot to stand still" +nd both <hili* and the e#n#h went down into the water%
and he ba*tiHed him"
+t 8:-9 Now when they ame #* o#t o$ the water% the ,*irit o$ the /ord a#ght <hili* away% so that the e#n#h
saw him no more& and he went on his way re@oiing"
+t 8:05 B#t <hili* was $o#nd at +Hot#s" +nd *assing thro#gh% he *reahed in all the ities till he ame to
+t 9:1 Then ,a#l% still breathing threats and m#rder against the disi*les o$ the /ord% went to the high *riest
+t 9:2 and as'ed letters $rom him to the synagog#es o$ 2amas#s% so that i$ he $o#nd any who were o$ the
>ay% whether men or women% he might bring them bo#nd to Jer#salem"
+t 9:- +s he @o#rneyed he ame near 2amas#s% and s#ddenly a light shone aro#nd him $rom hea!en"
+t 9:0 Then he $ell to the gro#nd% and heard a !oie saying to him% .,a#l% ,a#l% why are yo# *erse#ting ?eC.
+t 9:1 +nd he said% .>ho are Bo#% /ordC. Then the /ord said% .I am Jes#s% whom yo# are *erse#ting" It (is)
hard $or yo# to 'i' against the goads".
+t 9:3 ,o he% trembling and astonished% said% ./ord% what do Bo# want me to doC. Then the /ord (said) to him%
.+rise and go into the ity% and yo# will be told what yo# m#st do".
+t 9:4 +nd the men who @o#rneyed with him stood s*eehless% hearing a !oie b#t seeing no one"
+t 9:8 Then ,a#l arose $rom the gro#nd% and when his eyes were o*ened he saw no one" B#t they led him by
the hand and bro#ght (him) into 2amas#s"
+t 9:9 +nd he was three days witho#t sight% and neither ate nor dran'"
+t 9:15 Now there was a ertain disi*le at 2amas#s named +nanias& and to him the /ord said in a !ision%
.+nanias". +nd he said% .Here I am% /ord".
+t 9:11 ,o the /ord (said) to him% .+rise and go to the street alled ,traight% and inE#ire at the ho#se o$ J#das
$or (one) alled ,a#l o$ Tars#s% $or behold% he is *raying"
+t 9:12 .+nd in a !ision he has seen a man named +nanias oming in and *#tting (his) hand on him% so that he
might reei!e his sight".
+t 9:1- Then +nanias answered% ./ord% I ha!e heard $rom many abo#t this man% how m#h harm he has done
to Bo#r saints in Jer#salem"
+t 9:10 .+nd here he has a#thority $rom the hie$ *riests to bind all who all on Bo#r name".
+t 9:11 B#t the /ord said to him% .Go% $or he is a hosen !essel o$ ?ine to bear ?y name be$ore Gentiles%
'ings% and the hildren o$ Israel"
+t 9:13 .;or I will show him how many things he m#st s#$$er $or ?y nameAs sa'e".
+t 9:14 +nd +nanias went his way and entered the ho#se& and laying his hands on him he said% .Brother ,a#l%
the /ord Jes#s% who a**eared to yo# on the road as yo# ame% has sent me that yo# may reei!e yo#r sight and
be $illed with the Holy ,*irit".
+t 9:18 Immediately there $ell $rom his eyes (something) li'e sales% and he reei!ed his sight at one& and he
arose and was ba*tiHed"
+t 9:19 ,o when he had reei!ed $ood% he was strengthened" Then ,a#l s*ent some days with the disi*les at
+t 9:25 Immediately he *reahed the =hrist in the synagog#es% that He is the ,on o$ God"
+t 9:21 Then all who heard were amaHed% and said% .Is this not he who destroyed those who alled on this
name in Jer#salem% and has ome here $or that *#r*ose% so that he might bring them bo#nd to the hie$
+t 9:22 B#t ,a#l inreased all the more in strength% and on$o#nded the Jews who dwelt in 2amas#s% *ro!ing
that this (Jes#s) is the =hrist"
+t 9:2- Now a$ter many days were *ast% the Jews *lotted to 'ill him"
+t 9:20 B#t their *lot beame 'nown to ,a#l" +nd they wathed the gates day and night% to 'ill him"
+t 9:21 Then the disi*les too' him by night and let (him) down thro#gh the wall in a large bas'et"
+t 9:23 +nd when ,a#l had ome to Jer#salem% he tried to @oin the disi*les& b#t they were all a$raid o$ him%
and did not belie!e that he was a disi*le"
+t 9:24 B#t Barnabas too' him and bro#ght (him) to the a*ostles" +nd he delared to them how he had seen
the /ord on the road% and that He had s*o'en to him% and how he had *reahed boldly at 2amas#s in the name
o$ Jes#s"
+t 9:28 ,o he was with them at Jer#salem% oming in and going o#t"
+t 9:29 +nd he s*o'e boldly in the name o$ the /ord Jes#s and dis*#ted against the Hellenists% b#t they
attem*ted to 'ill him"
+t 9:-5 >hen the brethren $o#nd o#t% they bro#ght him down to =aesarea and sent him o#t to Tars#s"
+t 9:-1 Then the h#rhes thro#gho#t all J#dea% Galilee% and ,amaria had *eae and were edi$ied" +nd
wal'ing in the $ear o$ the /ord and in the om$ort o$ the Holy ,*irit% they were m#lti*lied"
+t 9:-2 Now it ame to *ass% as <eter went thro#gh all (*arts o$ the o#ntry%) that he also ame down to the
saints who dwelt in /ydda"
+t 9:-- There he $o#nd a ertain man named +eneas% who had been bedridden eight years and was
+t 9:-0 +nd <eter said to him% .+eneas% Jes#s the =hrist heals yo#" +rise and ma'e yo#r bed". Then he arose
+t 9:-1 ,o all who dwelt at /ydda and ,haron saw him and t#rned to the /ord"
+t 9:-3 +t Jo**a there was a ertain disi*le named Tabitha% whih is translated 2oras" This woman was $#ll
o$ good wor's and haritable deeds whih she did"
+t 9:-4 B#t it ha**ened in those days that she beame si' and died" >hen they had washed her% they laid
(her) in an #**er room"
+t 9:-8 +nd sine /ydda was near Jo**a% and the disi*les had heard that <eter was there% they sent two men
to him% im*loring (him) not to delay in oming to them"
+t 9:-9 Then <eter arose and went with them" >hen he had ome% they bro#ght (him) to the #**er room" +nd
all the widows stood by him wee*ing% showing the t#nis and garments whih 2oras had made while she was
with them"
+t 9:05 B#t <eter *#t them all o#t% and 'nelt down and *rayed" +nd t#rning to the body he said% .Tabitha%
arise". +nd she o*ened her eyes% and when she saw <eter she sat #*"
+t 9:01 Then he ga!e her (his) hand and li$ted her #*& and when he had alled the saints and widows% he
*resented her ali!e"
+t 9:02 +nd it beame 'nown thro#gho#t all Jo**a% and many belie!ed on the /ord"
+t 9:0- ,o it was that he stayed many days in Jo**a with ,imon% a tanner"
+t 15:1 There was a ertain man in =aesarea alled =orneli#s% a ent#rion o$ what was alled the Italian
+t 15:2 a de!o#t (man) and one who $eared God with all his ho#sehold% who ga!e alms genero#sly to the
*eo*le% and *rayed to God always"
+t 15:- +bo#t the ninth ho#r o$ the day he saw learly in a !ision an angel o$ God oming in and saying to him%
+t 15:0 +nd when he obser!ed him% he was a$raid% and said% .>hat is it% lordC. ,o he said to him% .Bo#r
*rayers and yo#r alms ha!e ome #* $or a memorial be$ore God"
+t 15:1 .Now send men to Jo**a% and send $or ,imon whose s#rname is <eter"
+t 15:3 .He is lodging with ,imon% a tanner% whose ho#se is by the sea" He will tell yo# what yo# m#st do".
+t 15:4 +nd when the angel who s*o'e to him had de*arted% =orneli#s alled two o$ his ho#sehold ser!ants
and a de!o#t soldier $rom among those who waited on him ontin#ally"
+t 15:8 ,o when he had e9*lained all (these) things to them% he sent them to Jo**a"
+t 15:9 The ne9t day% as they went on their @o#rney and drew near the ity% <eter went #* on the ho#seto* to
*ray% abo#t the si9th ho#r"
+t 15:15 Then he beame !ery h#ngry and wanted to eat& b#t while they made ready% he $ell into a trane
+t 15:11 and saw hea!en o*ened and an ob@et li'e a great sheet bo#nd at the $o#r orners% desending to
him and let down to the earth"
+t 15:12 In it were all 'inds o$ $o#rD$ooted animals o$ the earth% wild beasts% ree*ing things% and birds o$ the
+t 15:1- +nd a !oie ame to him% .:ise% <eter& 'ill and eat".
+t 15:10 B#t <eter said% .Not so% /ordF ;or I ha!e ne!er eaten anything ommon or #nlean".
+t 15:11 +nd a !oie (s*o'e) to him again the seond time% .>hat God has leansed yo# m#st not all
+t 15:13 This was done three times" +nd the ob@et was ta'en #* into hea!en again"
+t 15:14 Now while <eter wondered within himsel$ what this !ision whih he had seen meant% behold% the men
who had been sent $rom =orneli#s had made inE#iry $or ,imonAs ho#se% and stood be$ore the gate"
+t 15:18 +nd they alled and as'ed whether ,imon% whose s#rname was <eter% was lodging there"
+t 15:19 >hile <eter tho#ght abo#t the !ision% the ,*irit said to him% .Behold% three men are see'ing yo#"
+t 15:25 .+rise there$ore% go down and go with them% do#bting nothing& $or I ha!e sent them".
+t 15:21 Then <eter went down to the men who had been sent to him $rom =orneli#s% and said% .Bes% I am he
whom yo# see'" ;or what reason ha!e yo# omeC.
+t 15:22 +nd they said% .=orneli#s (the) ent#rion% a @#st man% one who $ears God and has a good re*#tation
among all the nation o$ the Jews% was di!inely instr#ted by a holy angel to s#mmon yo# to his ho#se% and to
hear words $rom yo#".
+t 15:2- Then he in!ited them in and lodged (them") 8n the ne9t day <eter went away with them% and some
brethren $rom Jo**a aom*anied him"
+t 15:20 +nd the $ollowing day they entered =aesarea" Now =orneli#s was waiting $or them% and had alled
together his relati!es and lose $riends"
+t 15:21 +s <eter was oming in% =orneli#s met him and $ell down at his $eet and worshi*ed (him")
+t 15:23 B#t <eter li$ted him #*% saying% .,tand #*& I mysel$ am also a man".
+t 15:24 +nd as he tal'ed with him% he went in and $o#nd many who had ome together"
+t 15:28 Then he said to them% .Bo# 'now how #nlaw$#l it is $or a Jewish man to 'ee* om*any with or go to
one o$ another nation" B#t God has shown me that I sho#ld not all any man ommon or #nlean"
+t 15:29 .There$ore I ame witho#t ob@etion as soon as I was sent $or" I as'% then% $or what reason ha!e yo#
sent $or meC.
+t 15:-5 ,o =orneli#s said% .;o#r days ago I was $asting #ntil this ho#r& and at the ninth ho#r I *rayed in my
ho#se% and behold% a man stood be$ore me in bright lothing%
+t 15:-1 .and said% A=orneli#s% yo#r *rayer has been heard% and yo#r alms are remembered in the sight o$
+t 15:-2 A,end there$ore to Jo**a and all ,imon here% whose s#rname is <eter" He is lodging in the ho#se o$
,imon% a tanner% by the sea" >hen he omes% he will s*ea' to yo#"A
+t 15:-- .,o I sent to yo# immediately% and yo# ha!e done well to ome" Now there$ore% we are all *resent
be$ore God% to hear all the things ommanded yo# by God".
+t 15:-0 Then <eter o*ened (his) mo#th and said: .In tr#th I *erei!e that God shows no *artiality"
+t 15:-1 .B#t in e!ery nation whoe!er $ears Him and wor's righteo#sness is ae*ted by Him"
+t 15:-3 .The word whih (God) sent to the hildren o$ Israel% *reahing *eae thro#gh Jes#s =hrist DD He is
/ord o$ all DD
+t 15:-4 .that word yo# 'now% whih was *rolaimed thro#gho#t all J#dea% and began $rom Galilee a$ter the
ba*tism whih John *reahed:
+t 15:-8 .how God anointed Jes#s o$ NaHareth with the Holy ,*irit and with *ower% who went abo#t doing
good and healing all who were o**ressed by the de!il% $or God was with Him"
+t 15:-9 .+nd we are witnesses o$ all things whih He did both in the land o$ the Jews and in Jer#salem% whom
they 'illed by hanging on a tree"
+t 15:05 .Him God raised #* on the third day% and showed Him o*enly%
+t 15:01 .not to all the *eo*le% b#t to witnesses hosen be$ore by God% (e!en) to #s who ate and dran' with
Him a$ter He arose $rom the dead"
+t 15:02 .+nd He ommanded #s to *reah to the *eo*le% and to testi$y that it is He who was ordained by God
(to be) J#dge o$ the li!ing and the dead"
+t 15:0- .To Him all the *ro*hets witness that% thro#gh His name% whoe!er belie!es in Him will reei!e
remission o$ sins".
+t 15:00 >hile <eter was still s*ea'ing these words% the Holy ,*irit $ell #*on all those who heard the word"
+t 15:01 +nd those o$ the ir#mision who belie!ed were astonished% as many as ame with <eter% bea#se
the gi$t o$ the Holy ,*irit had been *o#red o#t on the Gentiles also"
+t 15:03 ;or they heard them s*ea' with tong#es and magni$y God" Then <eter answered%
+t 15:04 .=an anyone $orbid water% that these sho#ld not be ba*tiHed who ha!e reei!ed the Holy ,*irit @#st as
we (ha!eC.)
+t 15:08 +nd he ommanded them to be ba*tiHed in the name o$ the /ord" Then they as'ed him to stay a $ew
+t 11:1 Now the a*ostles and brethren who were in J#dea heard that the Gentiles had also reei!ed the word
o$ God"
+t 11:2 +nd when <eter ame #* to Jer#salem% those o$ the ir#mision ontended with him%
+t 11:- saying% .Bo# went in to #nir#mised men and ate with themF.
+t 11:0 B#t <eter e9*lained (it) to them in order $rom the beginning% saying:
+t 11:1 .I was in the ity o$ Jo**a *raying& and in a trane I saw a !ision% an ob@et desending li'e a great
sheet% let down $rom hea!en by $o#r orners& and it ame to me"
+t 11:3 .>hen I obser!ed it intently and onsidered% I saw $o#rD$ooted animals o$ the earth% wild beasts%
ree*ing things% and birds o$ the air"
+t 11:4 .+nd I heard a !oie saying to me% A:ise% <eter& 'ill and eat"A
+t 11:8 .B#t I said% ANot so% /ordF ;or nothing ommon or #nlean has at any time entered my mo#th"A
+t 11:9 .B#t the !oie answered me again $rom hea!en% A>hat God has leansed yo# m#st not all ommon"A
+t 11:15 .Now this was done three times% and all were drawn #* again into hea!en"
+t 11:11 .+t that !ery moment% three men stood be$ore the ho#se where I was% ha!ing been sent to me $rom
+t 11:12 .Then the ,*irit told me to go with them% do#bting nothing" ?oreo!er these si9 brethren aom*anied
me% and we entered the manAs ho#se"
+t 11:1- .+nd he told #s how he had seen an angel standing in his ho#se% who said to him% A,end men to
Jo**a% and all $or ,imon whose s#rname is <eter%
+t 11:10 Awho will tell yo# words by whih yo# and all yo#r ho#sehold will be sa!ed"A
+t 11:11 .+nd as I began to s*ea'% the Holy ,*irit $ell #*on them% as #*on #s at the beginning"
+t 11:13 .Then I remembered the word o$ the /ord% how He said% AJohn indeed ba*tiHed with water% b#t yo#
shall be ba*tiHed with the Holy ,*irit"A
+t 11:14 .I$ there$ore God ga!e them the same gi$t as (He ga!e) #s when we belie!ed on the /ord Jes#s
=hrist% who was I that I o#ld withstand GodC.
+t 11:18 >hen they heard these things they beame silent& and they glori$ied God% saying% .Then God has also
granted to the Gentiles re*entane to li$e".
+t 11:19 Now those who were sattered a$ter the *erse#tion that arose o!er ,te*hen tra!eled as $ar as
<hoeniia% =y*r#s% and +ntioh% *reahing the word to no one b#t the Jews only"
+t 11:25 B#t some o$ them were men $rom =y*r#s and =yrene% who% when they had ome to +ntioh% s*o'e to
the Hellenists% *reahing the /ord Jes#s"
+t 11:21 +nd the hand o$ the /ord was with them% and a great n#mber belie!ed and t#rned to the /ord"
+t 11:22 Then news o$ these things ame to the ears o$ the h#rh in Jer#salem% and they sent o#t Barnabas
to go as $ar as +ntioh"
+t 11:2- >hen he ame and had seen the grae o$ God% he was glad% and eno#raged them all that with
*#r*ose o$ heart they sho#ld ontin#e with the /ord"
+t 11:20 ;or he was a good man% $#ll o$ the Holy ,*irit and o$ $aith" +nd a great many *eo*le were added to
the /ord"
+t 11:21 Then Barnabas de*arted $or Tars#s to see' ,a#l"
+t 11:23 +nd when he had $o#nd him% he bro#ght him to +ntioh" ,o it was that $or a whole year they
assembled with the h#rh and ta#ght a great many *eo*le" +nd the disi*les were $irst alled =hristians in
+t 11:24 +nd in these days *ro*hets ame $rom Jer#salem to +ntioh"
+t 11:28 Then one o$ them% named +gab#s% stood #* and showed by the ,*irit that there was going to be a
great $amine thro#gho#t all the world% whih also ha**ened in the days o$ =la#di#s =aesar"
+t 11:29 Then the disi*les% eah aording to his ability% determined to send relie$ to the brethren dwelling in
+t 11:-5 This they also did% and sent it to the elders by the hands o$ Barnabas and ,a#l"
+t 12:1 Now abo#t that time Herod the 'ing strethed o#t (his) hand to harass some $rom the h#rh"
+t 12:2 Then he 'illed James the brother o$ John with the sword"
+t 12:- +nd bea#se he saw that it *leased the Jews% he *roeeded $#rther to seiHe <eter also" Now it was
(d#ring) the 2ays o$ 7nlea!ened Bread"
+t 12:0 ,o when he had arrested him% he *#t (him) in *rison% and deli!ered (him) to $o#r sE#ads o$ soldiers to
'ee* him% intending to bring him be$ore the *eo*le a$ter <asso!er"
+t 12:1 <eter was there$ore 'e*t in *rison% b#t onstant *rayer was o$$ered to God $or him by the h#rh"
+t 12:3 +nd when Herod was abo#t to bring him o#t% that night <eter was slee*ing% bo#nd with two hains
between two soldiers& and the g#ards be$ore the door were 'ee*ing the *rison"
+t 12:4 Now behold% an angel o$ the /ord stood by (him%) and a light shone in the *rison& and he str#' <eter
on the side and raised him #*% saying% .+rise E#i'lyF. +nd his hains $ell o$$ (his) hands"
+t 12:8 Then the angel said to him% .Gird yo#rsel$ and tie on yo#r sandals.& and so he did" +nd he said to him%
.<#t on yo#r garment and $ollow me".
+t 12:9 ,o he went o#t and $ollowed him% and did not 'now that what was done by the angel was real% b#t
tho#ght he was seeing a !ision"
+t 12:15 >hen they were *ast the $irst and the seond g#ard *osts% they ame to the iron gate that leads to the
ity% whih o*ened to them o$ its own aord& and they went o#t and went down one street% and immediately the
angel de*arted $rom him"
+t 12:11 +nd when <eter had ome to himsel$% he said% .Now I 'now $or ertain that the /ord has sent His
angel% and has deli!ered me $rom the hand o$ Herod and ($rom) all the e9*etation o$ the Jewish *eo*le".
+t 12:12 ,o% when he had onsidered (this%) he ame to the ho#se o$ ?ary% the mother o$ John whose s#rname
was ?ar'% where many were gathered together *raying"
+t 12:1- +nd as <eter 'no'ed at the door o$ the gate% a girl named :hoda ame to answer"
+t 12:10 >hen she reogniHed <eterAs !oie% bea#se o$ (her) gladness she did not o*en the gate% b#t ran in
and anno#ned that <eter stood be$ore the gate"
+t 12:11 B#t they said to her% .Bo# are beside yo#rsel$F. Bet she 'e*t insisting that it was so" ,o they said% .It is
his angel".
+t 12:13 Now <eter ontin#ed 'no'ing& and when they o*ened (the door) and saw him% they were astonished"
+t 12:14 B#t motioning to them with his hand to 'ee* silent% he delared to them how the /ord had bro#ght him
o#t o$ the *rison" +nd he said% .Go% tell these things to James and to the brethren". +nd he de*arted and went to
another *lae"
+t 12:18 Then% as soon as it was day% there was no small stir among the soldiers abo#t what had beome o$
+t 12:19 B#t when Herod had searhed $or him and not $o#nd him% he e9amined the g#ards and ommanded
that (they) sho#ld be *#t to death" +nd he went down $rom J#dea to =aesarea% and stayed (there")
+t 12:25 Now Herod had been !ery angry with the *eo*le o$ Tyre and ,idon& b#t they ame to him with one
aord% and ha!ing made Blast#s the 'ingAs *ersonal aide their $riend% they as'ed $or *eae% bea#se their
o#ntry was s#**lied with $ood by the 'ingAs (o#ntry")
+t 12:21 ,o on a set day Herod% arrayed in royal a**arel% sat on his throne and ga!e an oration to them"
+t 12:22 +nd the *eo*le 'e*t sho#ting% .The !oie o$ a god and not o$ a manF.
+t 12:2- Then immediately an angel o$ the /ord str#' him% bea#se he did not gi!e glory to God" +nd he was
eaten by worms and died"
+t 12:20 B#t the word o$ God grew and m#lti*lied"
+t 12:21 +nd Barnabas and ,a#l ret#rned $rom Jer#salem when they had $#l$illed (their) ministry% and they also
too' with them John whose s#rname was ?ar'"
+t 1-:1 Now in the h#rh that was at +ntioh there were ertain *ro*hets and teahers: Barnabas% ,imeon
who was alled Niger% /#i#s o$ =yrene% ?anaen who had been bro#ght #* with Herod the tetrarh% and ,a#l"
+t 1-:2 +s they ministered to the /ord and $asted% the Holy ,*irit said% .Now se*arate to ?e Barnabas and
,a#l $or the wor' to whih I ha!e alled them".
+t 1-:- Then% ha!ing $asted and *rayed% and laid hands on them% they sent (them) away"
+t 1-:0 ,o% being sent o#t by the Holy ,*irit% they went down to ,ele#ia% and $rom there they sailed to =y*r#s"
+t 1-:1 +nd when they arri!ed in ,alamis% they *reahed the word o$ God in the synagog#es o$ the Jews" They
also had John as (their) assistant"
+t 1-:3 Now when they had gone thro#gh the island to <a*hos% they $o#nd a ertain sorerer% a $alse *ro*het%
a Jew whose name (was) BarDJes#s%
+t 1-:4 who was with the *roons#l% ,ergi#s <a#l#s% an intelligent man" This man alled $or Barnabas and
,a#l and so#ght to hear the word o$ God"
+t 1-:8 B#t 6lymas the sorerer I$or so his name is translatedJ withstood them% see'ing to t#rn the *roons#l
away $rom the $aith"
+t 1-:9 Then ,a#l% who also (is alled) <a#l% $illed with the Holy ,*irit% loo'ed intently at him
+t 1-:15 and said% .8 $#ll o$ all deeit and all $ra#d% (yo#) son o$ the de!il% (yo#) enemy o$ all righteo#sness% will
yo# not ease *er!erting the straight ways o$ the /ordC
+t 1-:11 .+nd now% indeed% the hand o$ the /ord (is) #*on yo#% and yo# shall be blind% not seeing the s#n $or a
time". +nd immediately a dar' mist $ell on him% and he went aro#nd see'ing someone to lead him by the hand"
+t 1-:12 Then the *roons#l belie!ed% when he saw what had been done% being astonished at the teahing o$
the /ord"
+t 1-:1- Now when <a#l and his *arty set sail $rom <a*hos% they ame to <erga in <am*hylia& and John%
de*arting $rom them% ret#rned to Jer#salem"
+t 1-:10 B#t when they de*arted $rom <erga% they ame to +ntioh in <isidia% and went into the synagog#e on
the ,abbath day and sat down"
+t 1-:11 +nd a$ter the reading o$ the /aw and the <ro*hets% the r#lers o$ the synagog#e sent to them% saying%
.?en (and) brethren% i$ yo# ha!e any word o$ e9hortation $or the *eo*le% say on".
+t 1-:13 Then <a#l stood #*% and motioning with (his) hand said% .?en o$ Israel% and yo# who $ear God% listen:
+t 1-:14 .The God o$ this *eo*le Israel hose o#r $athers% and e9alted the *eo*le when they dwelt as
strangers in the land o$ 6gy*t% and with an #*li$ted arm He bro#ght them o#t o$ it"
+t 1-:18 .Now $or a time o$ abo#t $orty years He *#t #* with their ways in the wilderness"
+t 1-:19 .+nd when He had destroyed se!en nations in the land o$ =anaan% He distrib#ted their land to them
by allotment"
+t 1-:25 .+$ter that He ga!e (them) @#dges $or abo#t $o#r h#ndred and $i$ty years% #ntil ,am#el the *ro*het"
+t 1-:21 .+nd a$terward they as'ed $or a 'ing& so God ga!e them ,a#l the son o$ Kish% a man o$ the tribe o$
Ben@amin% $or $orty years"
+t 1-:22 .+nd when He had remo!ed him% He raised #* $or them 2a!id as 'ing% to whom also He ga!e
testimony and said% AI ha!e $o#nd 2a!id the (son) o$ Jesse% a man a$ter ?y (own) heart% who will do all ?y will"A
+t 1-:2- .;rom this manAs seed% aording to (the) *romise% God raised #* $or Israel a ,a!ior DD Jes#s DD
+t 1-:20 .a$ter John had $irst *reahed% be$ore His oming% the ba*tism o$ re*entane to all the *eo*le o$
+t 1-:21 .+nd as John was $inishing his o#rse% he said% A>ho do yo# thin' I amC I am not (He") B#t behold%
there omes 8ne a$ter me% the sandals o$ whose $eet I am not worthy to loose"A
+t 1-:23 .?en (and) brethren% sons o$ the $amily o$ +braham% and those among yo# who $ear God% to yo# the
word o$ this sal!ation has been sent"
+t 1-:24 .;or those who dwell in Jer#salem% and their r#lers% bea#se they did not 'now Him% nor e!en the
!oies o$ the <ro*hets whih are read e!ery ,abbath% ha!e $#l$illed (them) in ondemning (Him")
+t 1-:28 .+nd tho#gh they $o#nd no a#se $or death (in Him%) they as'ed <ilate that He sho#ld be *#t to death"
+t 1-:29 .Now when they had $#l$illed all that was written onerning Him% they too' (Him) down $rom the tree
and laid (Him) in a tomb"
+t 1-:-5 .B#t God raised Him $rom the dead"
+t 1-:-1 .He was seen $or many days by those who ame #* with Him $rom Galilee to Jer#salem% who are His
witnesses to the *eo*le"
+t 1-:-2 .+nd we delare to yo# glad tidings DD that *romise whih was made to the $athers"
+t 1-:-- .God has $#l$illed this $or #s their hildren% in that He has raised #* Jes#s" +s it is also written in the
seond <salm: ABo# are ?y ,on% Today I ha!e begotten Bo#"A
+t 1-:-0 .+nd that He raised Him $rom the dead% no more to ret#rn to orr#*tion% He has s*o'en th#s: AI will
gi!e yo# the s#re meries o$ 2a!id"A
+t 1-:-1 .There$ore He also says in another (<salm:) ABo# will not allow Bo#r Holy 8ne to see orr#*tion"A
+t 1-:-3 .;or 2a!id% a$ter he had ser!ed his own generation by the will o$ God% $ell aslee*% was b#ried with his
$athers% and saw orr#*tion&
+t 1-:-4 .b#t He whom God raised #* saw no orr#*tion"
+t 1-:-8 .There$ore let it be 'nown to yo#% brethren% that thro#gh this ?an is *reahed to yo# the $orgi!eness
o$ sins&
+t 1-:-9 .and by Him e!eryone who belie!es is @#sti$ied $rom all things $rom whih yo# o#ld not be @#sti$ied by
the law o$ ?oses"
+t 1-:05 .Beware there$ore% lest what has been s*o'en in the *ro*hets ome #*on yo#:
+t 1-:01 .Behold% yo# des*isers% ?ar!el and *erishF ;or I wor' a wor' in yo#r days% + wor' whih yo# will by
no means belie!e% Tho#gh one were to delare it to yo#"A .
+t 1-:02 ,o when the Jews went o#t o$ the synagog#e% the Gentiles begged that these words might be
*reahed to them the ne9t ,abbath"
+t 1-:0- Now when the ongregation had bro'en #*% many o$ the Jews and de!o#t *roselytes $ollowed <a#l
and Barnabas% who% s*ea'ing to them% *ers#aded them to ontin#e in the grae o$ God"
+t 1-:00 8n the ne9t ,abbath almost the whole ity ame together to hear the word o$ God"
+t 1-:01 B#t when the Jews saw the m#ltit#des% they were $illed with en!y& and ontraditing and blas*heming%
they o**osed the things s*o'en by <a#l"
+t 1-:03 Then <a#l and Barnabas grew bold and said% .It was neessary that the word o$ God sho#ld be
s*o'en to yo# $irst& b#t sine yo# re@et it% and @#dge yo#rsel!es #nworthy o$ e!erlasting li$e% behold% we t#rn to
the Gentiles"
+t 1-:04 .;or so the /ord has ommanded #s: AI ha!e set yo# as a light to the Gentiles% That yo# sho#ld be $or
sal!ation to the ends o$ the earth"A .
+t 1-:08 Now when the Gentiles heard this% they were glad and glori$ied the word o$ the /ord" +nd as many as
had been a**ointed to eternal li$e belie!ed"
+t 1-:09 +nd the word o$ the /ord was being s*read thro#gho#t all the region"
+t 1-:15 B#t the Jews stirred #* the de!o#t and *rominent women and the hie$ men o$ the ity% raised #*
*erse#tion against <a#l and Barnabas% and e9*elled them $rom their region"
+t 1-:11 B#t they shoo' o$$ the d#st $rom their $eet against them% and ame to Ioni#m"
+t 1-:12 +nd the disi*les were $illed with @oy and with the Holy ,*irit"
+t 10:1 Now it ha**ened in Ioni#m that they went together to the synagog#e o$ the Jews% and so s*o'e that a
great m#ltit#de both o$ the Jews and o$ the Gree's belie!ed"
+t 10:2 B#t the #nbelie!ing Jews stirred #* the Gentiles and *oisoned their minds against the brethren"
+t 10:- There$ore they stayed there a long time% s*ea'ing boldly in the /ord% who was bearing witness to the
word o$ His grae% granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands"
+t 10:0 B#t the m#ltit#de o$ the ity was di!ided: *art sided with the Jews% and *art with the a*ostles"
+t 10:1 +nd when a !iolent attem*t was made by both the Gentiles and Jews% with their r#lers% to ab#se and
stone them%
+t 10:3 they beame aware o$ it and $led to /ystra and 2erbe% ities o$ /yaonia% and to the s#rro#nding region"
+t 10:4 +nd they were *reahing the gos*el there"
+t 10:8 +nd in /ystra a ertain man witho#t strength in his $eet was sitting% a ri**le $rom his motherAs womb%
who had ne!er wal'ed"
+t 10:9 (This) man heard <a#l s*ea'ing" <a#l% obser!ing him intently and seeing that he had $aith to be healed%
+t 10:15 said with a lo#d !oie% .,tand #* straight on yo#r $eetF. +nd he lea*ed and wal'ed"
+t 10:11 Now when the *eo*le saw what <a#l had done% they raised their !oies% saying in the /yaonian
(lang#age%) .The gods ha!e ome down to #s in the li'eness o$ menF.
+t 10:12 +nd Barnabas they alled Ge#s% and <a#l% Hermes% bea#se he was the hie$ s*ea'er"
+t 10:1- Then the *riest o$ Ge#s% whose tem*le was in $ront o$ their ity% bro#ght o9en and garlands to the
gates% intending to sari$ie with the m#ltit#des"
+t 10:10 B#t when the a*ostles Barnabas and <a#l heard this% they tore their lothes and ran in among the
m#ltit#de% rying o#t
+t 10:11 and saying% .?en% why are yo# doing these thingsC >e also are men with the same nat#re as yo#%
and *reah to yo# that yo# sho#ld t#rn $rom these #seless things to the li!ing God% who made the hea!en% the
earth% the sea% and all things that are in them%
+t 10:13 .who in bygone generations allowed all nations to wal' in their own ways"
+t 10:14 .Ne!ertheless He did not lea!e Himsel$ witho#t witness% in that He did good% ga!e #s rain $rom
hea!en and $r#it$#l seasons% $illing o#r hearts with $ood and gladness".
+t 10:18 +nd with these sayings they o#ld sarely restrain the m#ltit#des $rom sari$iing to them"
+t 10:19 Then Jews $rom +ntioh and Ioni#m ame there& and ha!ing *ers#aded the m#ltit#des% they stoned
<a#l (and) dragged (him) o#t o$ the ity% s#**osing him to be dead"
+t 10:25 Howe!er% when the disi*les gathered aro#nd him% he rose #* and went into the ity" +nd the ne9t
day he de*arted with Barnabas to 2erbe"
+t 10:21 +nd when they had *reahed the gos*el to that ity and made many disi*les% they ret#rned to
/ystra% Ioni#m% and +ntioh%
+t 10:22 strengthening the so#ls o$ the disi*les% e9horting (them) to ontin#e in the $aith% and (saying%) .>e
m#st thro#gh many trib#lations enter the 'ingdom o$ God".
+t 10:2- ,o when they had a**ointed elders in e!ery h#rh% and *rayed with $asting% they ommended them
to the /ord in whom they had belie!ed"
+t 10:20 +nd a$ter they had *assed thro#gh <isidia% they ame to <am*hylia"
+t 10:21 Now when they had *reahed the word in <erga% they went down to +ttalia"
+t 10:23 ;rom there they sailed to +ntioh% where they had been ommended to the grae o$ God $or the wor'
whih they had om*leted"
+t 10:24 Now when they had ome and gathered the h#rh together% they re*orted all that God had done with
them% and that He had o*ened the door o$ $aith to the Gentiles"
+t 10:28 ,o they stayed there a long time with the disi*les"
+t 11:1 +nd ertain (men) ame down $rom J#dea and ta#ght the brethren% .7nless yo# are ir#mised
aording to the #stom o$ ?oses% yo# annot be sa!ed".
+t 11:2 There$ore% when <a#l and Barnabas had no small dissension and dis*#te with them% they determined
that <a#l and Barnabas and ertain others o$ them sho#ld go #* to Jer#salem% to the a*ostles and elders% abo#t
this E#estion"
+t 11:- ,o% being sent on their way by the h#rh% they *assed thro#gh <hoeniia and ,amaria% desribing the
on!ersion o$ the Gentiles& and they a#sed great @oy to all the brethren"
+t 11:0 +nd when they had ome to Jer#salem% they were reei!ed by the h#rh and the a*ostles and the
elders& and they re*orted all things that God had done with them"
+t 11:1 B#t some o$ the set o$ the <harisees who belie!ed rose #*% saying% .It is neessary to ir#mise
them% and to ommand (them) to 'ee* the law o$ ?oses".
+t 11:3 Now the a*ostles and elders ame together to onsider this matter"
+t 11:4 +nd when there had been m#h dis*#te% <eter rose #* and said to them: .?en and brethren% yo# 'now
that a good while ago God hose among #s% that by my mo#th the Gentiles sho#ld hear the word o$ the gos*el
and belie!e"
+t 11:8 .,o God% who 'nows the heart% a'nowledged them by gi!ing them the Holy ,*irit% @#st as (He did) to
+t 11:9 .and made no distintion between #s and them% *#ri$ying their hearts by $aith"
+t 11:15 .Now there$ore% why do yo# test God by *#tting a yo'e on the ne' o$ the disi*les whih neither o#r
$athers nor we were able to bearC
+t 11:11 .B#t we belie!e that thro#gh the grae o$ the /ord Jes#s =hrist we shall be sa!ed in the same
manner as they".
+t 11:12 Then all the m#ltit#de 'e*t silent and listened to Barnabas and <a#l delaring how many mirales and
wonders God had wor'ed thro#gh them among the Gentiles"
+t 11:1- +nd a$ter they had beome silent% James answered% saying% .?en (and) brethren% listen to me:
+t 11:10 .,imon has delared how God at the $irst !isited the Gentiles to ta'e o#t o$ them a *eo*le $or His
+t 11:11 .+nd with this the words o$ the *ro*hets agree% @#st as it is written:
+t 11:13 A+$ter this I will ret#rn +nd will reb#ild the tabernale o$ 2a!id% whih has $allen down& I will reb#ild its
r#ins% +nd I will set it #*&
+t 11:14 ,o that the rest o$ man'ind may see' the /8:2% 6!en all the Gentiles who are alled by ?y name%
,ays the /8:2 who does all these things"A
+t 11:18 .Known to God $rom eternity are all His wor's"
+t 11:19 .There$ore I @#dge that we sho#ld not tro#ble those $rom among the Gentiles who are t#rning to God%
+t 11:25 .b#t that we write to them to abstain $rom things *oll#ted by idols% ($rom) se9#al immorality% ($rom)
things strangled% and ($rom) blood"
+t 11:21 .;or ?oses has had thro#gho#t many generations those who *reah him in e!ery ity% being read in
the synagog#es e!ery ,abbath".
+t 11:22 Then it *leased the a*ostles and elders% with the whole h#rh% to send hosen men o$ their own
om*any to +ntioh with <a#l and Barnabas% (namely%) J#das who was also named Barsabas% and ,ilas% leading
men among the brethren"
+t 11:2- They wrote this (letter) by them: The a*ostles% the elders% and the brethren% To the brethren who are
o$ the Gentiles in +ntioh% ,yria% and =iliia: Greetings"
+t 11:20 ,ine we ha!e heard that some who went o#t $rom #s ha!e tro#bled yo# with words% #nsettling yo#r
so#ls% saying% .(Bo# m#st) be ir#mised and 'ee* the law. DD to whom we ga!e no (s#h) ommandment DD
+t 11:21 it seemed good to #s% being assembled with one aord% to send hosen men to yo# with o#r belo!ed
Barnabas and <a#l%
+t 11:23 men who ha!e ris'ed their li!es $or the name o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist"
+t 11:24 >e ha!e there$ore sent J#das and ,ilas% who will also re*ort the same things by word o$ mo#th"
+t 11:28 ;or it seemed good to the Holy ,*irit% and to #s% to lay #*on yo# no greater b#rden than these
neessary things:
+t 11:29 that yo# abstain $rom things o$$ered to idols% $rom blood% $rom things strangled% and $rom se9#al
immorality" I$ yo# 'ee* yo#rsel!es $rom these% yo# will do well" ;arewell"
+t 11:-5 ,o when they were sent o$$% they ame to +ntioh& and when they had gathered the m#ltit#de
together% they deli!ered the letter"
+t 11:-1 >hen they had read it% they re@oied o!er its eno#ragement"
+t 11:-2 Now J#das and ,ilas% themsel!es being *ro*hets also% e9horted and strengthened the brethren with
many words"
+t 11:-- +nd a$ter they had stayed (there) $or a time% they were sent ba' with greetings $rom the brethren to
the a*ostles"
+t 11:-0 Howe!er% it seemed good to ,ilas to remain there"
+t 11:-1 <a#l and Barnabas also remained in +ntioh% teahing and *reahing the word o$ the /ord% with many
others also"
+t 11:-3 Then a$ter some days <a#l said to Barnabas% ./et #s now go ba' and !isit o#r brethren in e!ery ity
where we ha!e *reahed the word o$ the /ord% (and see) how they are doing".
+t 11:-4 Now Barnabas was determined to ta'e with them John alled ?ar'"
+t 11:-8 B#t <a#l insisted that they sho#ld not ta'e with them the one who had de*arted $rom them in
<am*hylia% and had not gone with them to the wor'"
+t 11:-9 Then the ontention beame so shar* that they *arted $rom one another" +nd so Barnabas too' ?ar'
and sailed to =y*r#s&
+t 11:05 b#t <a#l hose ,ilas and de*arted% being ommended by the brethren to the grae o$ God"
+t 11:01 +nd he went thro#gh ,yria and =iliia% strengthening the h#rhes"
+t 13:1 Then he ame to 2erbe and /ystra" +nd behold% a ertain disi*le was there% named Timothy% (the) son
o$ a ertain Jewish woman who belie!ed% b#t his $ather (was) Gree'"
+t 13:2 He was well s*o'en o$ by the brethren who were at /ystra and Ioni#m"
+t 13:- <a#l wanted to ha!e him go on with him" +nd he too' (him) and ir#mised him bea#se o$ the Jews
who were in that region% $or they all 'new that his $ather was Gree'"
+t 13:0 +nd as they went thro#gh the ities% they deli!ered to them the derees to 'ee*% whih were
determined by the a*ostles and elders at Jer#salem"
+t 13:1 ,o the h#rhes were strengthened in the $aith% and inreased in n#mber daily"
+t 13:3 Now when they had gone thro#gh <hrygia and the region o$ Galatia% they were $orbidden by the Holy
,*irit to *reah the word in +sia"
+t 13:4 +$ter they had ome to ?ysia% they tried to go into Bithynia% b#t the ,*irit did not *ermit them"
+t 13:8 ,o *assing by ?ysia% they ame down to Troas"
+t 13:9 +nd a !ision a**eared to <a#l in the night" + man o$ ?aedonia stood and *leaded with him% saying%
.=ome o!er to ?aedonia and hel* #s".
+t 13:15 Now a$ter he had seen the !ision% immediately we so#ght to go to ?aedonia% onl#ding that the
/ord had alled #s to *reah the gos*el to them"
+t 13:11 There$ore% sailing $rom Troas% we ran a straight o#rse to ,amothrae% and the ne9t (day) ame to
+t 13:12 and $rom there to <hili**i% whih is the $oremost ity o$ that *art o$ ?aedonia% a olony" +nd we were
staying in that ity $or some days"
+t 13:1- +nd on the ,abbath day we went o#t o$ the ity to the ri!erside% where *rayer was #stomarily made&
and we sat down and s*o'e to the women who met (there")
+t 13:10 Now a ertain woman named /ydia heard (#s") ,he was a seller o$ *#r*le $rom the ity o$ Thyatira%
who worshi*ed God" The /ord o*ened her heart to heed the things s*o'en by <a#l"
+t 13:11 +nd when she and her ho#sehold were ba*tiHed% she begged (#s%) saying% .I$ yo# ha!e @#dged me to
be $aith$#l to the /ord% ome to my ho#se and stay". ,o she *ers#aded #s"
+t 13:13 Now it ha**ened% as we went to *rayer% that a ertain sla!e girl *ossessed with a s*irit o$ di!ination
met #s% who bro#ght her masters m#h *ro$it by $ort#neDtelling"
+t 13:14 This girl $ollowed <a#l and #s% and ried o#t% saying% .These men are the ser!ants o$ the ?ost High
God% who *rolaim to #s the way o$ sal!ation".
+t 13:18 +nd this she did $or many days" B#t <a#l% greatly annoyed% t#rned and said to the s*irit% .I ommand
yo# in the name o$ Jes#s =hrist to ome o#t o$ her". +nd he ame o#t that !ery ho#r"
+t 13:19 B#t when her masters saw that their ho*e o$ *ro$it was gone% they seiHed <a#l and ,ilas and dragged
(them) into the mar'et*lae to the a#thorities"
+t 13:25 +nd they bro#ght them to the magistrates% and said% .These men% being Jews% e9eedingly tro#ble o#r
+t 13:21 .and they teah #stoms whih are not law$#l $or #s% being :omans% to reei!e or obser!e".
+t 13:22 Then the m#ltit#de rose #* together against them& and the magistrates tore o$$ their lothes and
ommanded (them) to be beaten with rods"
+t 13:2- +nd when they had laid many stri*es on them% they threw (them) into *rison% ommanding the @ailer to
'ee* them se#rely"
+t 13:20 Ha!ing reei!ed s#h a harge% he *#t them into the inner *rison and $astened their $eet in the sto's"
+t 13:21 B#t at midnight <a#l and ,ilas were *raying and singing hymns to God% and the *risoners were
listening to them"
+t 13:23 ,#ddenly there was a great earthE#a'e% so that the $o#ndations o$ the *rison were sha'en& and
immediately all the doors were o*ened and e!eryoneAs hains were loosed"
+t 13:24 +nd the 'ee*er o$ the *rison% awa'ing $rom slee* and seeing the *rison doors o*en% s#**osing the
*risoners had $led% drew his sword and was abo#t to 'ill himsel$"
+t 13:28 B#t <a#l alled with a lo#d !oie% saying% .2o yo#rsel$ no harm% $or we are all here".
+t 13:29 Then he alled $or a light% ran in% and $ell down trembling be$ore <a#l and ,ilas"
+t 13:-5 +nd he bro#ght them o#t and said% .,irs% what m#st I do to be sa!edC.
+t 13:-1 ,o they said% .Belie!e on the /ord Jes#s =hrist% and yo# will be sa!ed% yo# and yo#r ho#sehold".
+t 13:-2 Then they s*o'e the word o$ the /ord to him and to all who were in his ho#se"
+t 13:-- +nd he too' them the same ho#r o$ the night and washed (their) stri*es" +nd immediately he and all
his $amily were ba*tiHed"
+t 13:-0 Now when he had bro#ght them into his ho#se% he set $ood be$ore them& and he re@oied% ha!ing
belie!ed in God with all his ho#sehold"
+t 13:-1 +nd when it was day% the magistrates sent the o$$iers% saying% ./et those men go".
+t 13:-3 ,o the 'ee*er o$ the *rison re*orted these words to <a#l% saying% .The magistrates ha!e sent to let
yo# go" Now there$ore de*art% and go in *eae".
+t 13:-4 B#t <a#l said to them% .They ha!e beaten #s o*enly% #nondemned :omans% (and) ha!e thrown (#s)
into *rison" +nd now do they *#t #s o#t seretlyC No indeedF /et them ome themsel!es and get #s o#t".
+t 13:-8 +nd the o$$iers told these words to the magistrates% and they were a$raid when they heard that they
were :omans"
+t 13:-9 Then they ame and *leaded with them and bro#ght (them) o#t% and as'ed (them) to de*art $rom the
+t 13:05 ,o they went o#t o$ the *rison and entered (the ho#se o$) /ydia& and when they had seen the
brethren% they eno#raged them and de*arted"
+t 14:1 Now when they had *assed thro#gh +m*hi*olis and +*ollonia% they ame to Thessalonia% where
there was a synagog#e o$ the Jews"
+t 14:2 Then <a#l% as his #stom was% went in to them% and $or three ,abbaths reasoned with them $rom the
+t 14:- e9*laining and demonstrating that the =hrist had to s#$$er and rise again $rom the dead% and (saying%)
.This Jes#s whom I *reah to yo# is the =hrist".
+t 14:0 +nd some o$ them were *ers#aded& and a great m#ltit#de o$ the de!o#t Gree's% and not a $ew o$ the
leading women% @oined <a#l and ,ilas"
+t 14:1 B#t the Jews who were not *ers#aded% beoming en!io#s% too' some o$ the e!il men $rom the
mar'et*lae% and gathering a mob% set all the ity in an #*roar and atta'ed the ho#se o$ Jason% and so#ght to
bring them o#t to the *eo*le"
+t 14:3 B#t when they did not $ind them% they dragged Jason and some brethren to the r#lers o$ the ity% rying
o#t% .These who ha!e t#rned the world #*side down ha!e ome here too"
+t 14:4 .Jason has harbored them% and these are all ating ontrary to the derees o$ =aesar% saying there is
another 'ing DD Jes#s".
+t 14:8 +nd they tro#bled the rowd and the r#lers o$ the ity when they heard these things"
+t 14:9 ,o when they had ta'en se#rity $rom Jason and the rest% they let them go"
+t 14:15 Then the brethren immediately sent <a#l and ,ilas away by night to Berea" >hen they arri!ed% they
went into the synagog#e o$ the Jews"
+t 14:11 These were more $airDminded than those in Thessalonia% in that they reei!ed the word with all
readiness% and searhed the ,ri*t#res daily (to $ind o#t) whether these things were so"
+t 14:12 There$ore many o$ them belie!ed% and also not a $ew o$ the Gree's% *rominent women as well as
+t 14:1- B#t when the Jews $rom Thessalonia learned that the word o$ God was *reahed by <a#l at Berea%
they ame there also and stirred #* the rowds"
+t 14:10 Then immediately the brethren sent <a#l away% to go to the sea& b#t both ,ilas and Timothy remained
+t 14:11 ,o those who ond#ted <a#l bro#ght him to +thens& and reei!ing a ommand $or ,ilas and Timothy
to ome to him with all s*eed% they de*arted"
+t 14:13 Now while <a#l waited $or them at +thens% his s*irit was *ro!o'ed within him when he saw that the
ity was gi!en o!er to idols"
+t 14:14 There$ore he reasoned in the synagog#e with the Jews and with the (Gentile) worshi*ers% and in the
mar'et*lae daily with those who ha**ened to be there"
+t 14:18 Then ertain 6*i#rean and ,toi *hiloso*hers eno#ntered him" +nd some said% .>hat does this
babbler want to sayC. 8thers said% .He seems to be a *rolaimer o$ $oreign gods%. bea#se he *reahed to them
Jes#s and the res#rretion"
+t 14:19 +nd they too' him and bro#ght him to the +reo*ag#s% saying% .?ay we 'now what this new dotrine
(is) o$ whih yo# s*ea'C
+t 14:25 .;or yo# are bringing some strange things to o#r ears" There$ore we want to 'now what these things
+t 14:21 ;or all the +thenians and the $oreigners who were there s*ent their time in nothing else b#t either to
tell or to hear some new thing"
+t 14:22 Then <a#l stood in the midst o$ the +reo*ag#s and said% .?en o$ +thens% I *erei!e that in all things
yo# are !ery religio#s&
+t 14:2- .$or as I was *assing thro#gh and onsidering the ob@ets o$ yo#r worshi*% I e!en $o#nd an altar with
this insri*tion: T8 TH6 7NKN8>N G82" There$ore% the 8ne whom yo# worshi* witho#t 'nowing% Him I
*rolaim to yo#:
+t 14:20 .God% who made the world and e!erything in it% sine He is /ord o$ hea!en and earth% does not dwell
in tem*les made with hands"
+t 14:21 .Nor is He worshi*ed with menAs hands% as tho#gh He needed anything% sine He gi!es to all li$e%
breath% and all things"
+t 14:23 .+nd He has made $rom one blood e!ery nation o$ men to dwell on all the $ae o$ the earth% and has
determined their *rea**ointed times and the bo#ndaries o$ their dwellings%
+t 14:24 .so that they sho#ld see' the /ord% in the ho*e that they might gro*e $or Him and $ind Him% tho#gh He
is not $ar $rom eah one o$ #s&
+t 14:28 .$or in Him we li!e and mo!e and ha!e o#r being% as also some o$ yo#r own *oets ha!e said% A;or we
are also His o$$s*ring"A
+t 14:29 .There$ore% sine we are the o$$s*ring o$ God% we o#ght not to thin' that the 2i!ine Nat#re is li'e gold
or sil!er or stone% something sha*ed by art and manAs de!ising"
+t 14:-5 .Tr#ly% these times o$ ignorane God o!erloo'ed% b#t now ommands all men e!erywhere to re*ent%
+t 14:-1 .bea#se He has a**ointed a day on whih He will @#dge the world in righteo#sness by the ?an
whom He has ordained" He has gi!en ass#rane o$ this to all by raising Him $rom the dead".
+t 14:-2 +nd when they heard o$ the res#rretion o$ the dead% some mo'ed% while others said% .>e will hear
yo# again on this (matter".)
+t 14:-- ,o <a#l de*arted $rom among them"
+t 14:-0 Howe!er% some men @oined him and belie!ed% among them 2ionysi#s the +reo*agite% a woman
named 2amaris% and others with them"
+t 18:1 +$ter these things <a#l de*arted $rom +thens and went to =orinth"
+t 18:2 +nd he $o#nd a ertain Jew named +E#ila% born in <ont#s% who had reently ome $rom Italy with his
wi$e <risilla Ibea#se =la#di#s had ommanded all the Jews to de*art $rom :omeJ& and he ame to them"
+t 18:- ,o% bea#se he was o$ the same trade% he stayed with them and wor'ed& $or by o#*ation they were
+t 18:0 +nd he reasoned in the synagog#e e!ery ,abbath% and *ers#aded both Jews and Gree's"
+t 18:1 >hen ,ilas and Timothy had ome $rom ?aedonia% <a#l was om*elled by the ,*irit% and testi$ied to
the Jews (that) Jes#s (is) the =hrist"
+t 18:3 B#t when they o**osed him and blas*hemed% he shoo' (his) garments and said to them% .Bo#r blood
(be) #*on yo#r (own) heads& I (am) lean" ;rom now on I will go to the Gentiles".
+t 18:4 +nd he de*arted $rom there and entered the ho#se o$ a ertain (man) named J#st#s% (one) who
worshi*ed God% whose ho#se was ne9t door to the synagog#e"
+t 18:8 Then =ris*#s% the r#ler o$ the synagog#e% belie!ed on the /ord with all his ho#sehold" +nd many o$ the
=orinthians% hearing% belie!ed and were ba*tiHed"
+t 18:9 Now the /ord s*o'e to <a#l in the night by a !ision% .2o not be a$raid% b#t s*ea'% and do not 'ee*
+t 18:15 .$or I am with yo#% and no one will atta' yo# to h#rt yo#& $or I ha!e many *eo*le in this ity".
+t 18:11 +nd he ontin#ed (there) a year and si9 months% teahing the word o$ God among them"
+t 18:12 >hen Gallio was *roons#l o$ +haia% the Jews with one aord rose #* against <a#l and bro#ght
him to the @#dgment seat%
+t 18:1- saying% .This ($ellow) *ers#ades men to worshi* God ontrary to the law".
+t 18:10 +nd when <a#l was abo#t to o*en (his) mo#th% Gallio said to the Jews% .I$ it were a matter o$
wrongdoing or wi'ed rimes% 8 Jews% there wo#ld be reason why I sho#ld bear with yo#"
+t 18:11 .B#t i$ it is a E#estion o$ words and names and yo#r own law% loo' (to it) yo#rsel!es& $or I do not want
to be a @#dge o$ s#h (matters".)
+t 18:13 +nd he dro!e them $rom the @#dgment seat"
+t 18:14 Then all the Gree's too' ,osthenes% the r#ler o$ the synagog#e% and beat (him) be$ore the @#dgment
seat" B#t Gallio too' no notie o$ these things"
+t 18:18 ,o <a#l still remained a good while" Then he too' lea!e o$ the brethren and sailed $or ,yria% and
<risilla and +E#ila (were) with him" He had (his) hair #t o$$ at =enhrea% $or he had ta'en a !ow"
+t 18:19 +nd he ame to 6*hes#s% and le$t them there& b#t he himsel$ entered the synagog#e and reasoned
with the Jews"
+t 18:25 >hen they as'ed (him) to stay a longer time with them% he did not onsent%
+t 18:21 b#t too' lea!e o$ them% saying% .I m#st by all means 'ee* this oming $east in Jer#salem& b#t I will
ret#rn again to yo#% God willing". +nd he sailed $rom 6*hes#s"
+t 18:22 +nd when he had landed at =aesarea% and gone #* and greeted the h#rh% he went down to
+t 18:2- +$ter he had s*ent some time (there%) he de*arted and went o!er the region o$ Galatia and <hrygia in
order% strengthening all the disi*les"
+t 18:20 Now a ertain Jew named +*ollos% born at +le9andria% an eloE#ent man (and) mighty in the
,ri*t#res% ame to 6*hes#s"
+t 18:21 This man had been instr#ted in the way o$ the /ord& and being $er!ent in s*irit% he s*o'e and ta#ght
a#rately the things o$ the /ord% tho#gh he 'new only the ba*tism o$ John"
+t 18:23 ,o he began to s*ea' boldly in the synagog#e" >hen +E#ila and <risilla heard him% they too' him
aside and e9*lained to him the way o$ God more a#rately"
+t 18:24 +nd when he desired to ross to +haia% the brethren wrote% e9horting the disi*les to reei!e him&
and when he arri!ed% he greatly hel*ed those who had belie!ed thro#gh grae&
+t 18:28 $or he !igoro#sly re$#ted the Jews *#blily% showing $rom the ,ri*t#res that Jes#s is the =hrist"
+t 19:1 +nd it ha**ened% while +*ollos was at =orinth% that <a#l% ha!ing *assed thro#gh the #**er regions%
ame to 6*hes#s" +nd $inding some disi*les
+t 19:2 he said to them% .2id yo# reei!e the Holy ,*irit when yo# belie!edC. ,o they said to him% .>e ha!e
not so m#h as heard whether there is a Holy ,*irit".
+t 19:- +nd he said to them% .Into what then were yo# ba*tiHedC. ,o they said% .Into JohnAs ba*tism".
+t 19:0 Then <a#l said% .John indeed ba*tiHed with a ba*tism o$ re*entane% saying to the *eo*le that they
sho#ld belie!e on Him who wo#ld ome a$ter him% that is% on =hrist Jes#s".
+t 19:1 >hen they heard (this%) they were ba*tiHed in the name o$ the /ord Jes#s"
+t 19:3 +nd when <a#l had laid hands on them% the Holy ,*irit ame #*on them% and they s*o'e with tong#es
and *ro*hesied"
+t 19:4 Now the men were abo#t twel!e in all"
+t 19:8 +nd he went into the synagog#e and s*o'e boldly $or three months% reasoning and *ers#ading
onerning the things o$ the 'ingdom o$ God"
+t 19:9 B#t when some were hardened and did not belie!e% b#t s*o'e e!il o$ the >ay be$ore the m#ltit#de% he
de*arted $rom them and withdrew the disi*les% reasoning daily in the shool o$ Tyrann#s"
+t 19:15 +nd this ontin#ed $or two years% so that all who dwelt in +sia heard the word o$ the /ord Jes#s% both
Jews and Gree's"
+t 19:11 Now God wor'ed #n#s#al mirales by the hands o$ <a#l%
+t 19:12 so that e!en hand'erhie$s or a*rons were bro#ght $rom his body to the si'% and the diseases le$t
them and the e!il s*irits went o#t o$ them"
+t 19:1- Then some o$ the itinerant Jewish e9orists too' it #*on themsel!es to all the name o$ the /ord
Jes#s o!er those who had e!il s*irits% saying% .>e e9orise yo# by the Jes#s whom <a#l *reahes".
+t 19:10 +lso there were se!en sons o$ ,e!a% a Jewish hie$ *riest% who did so"
+t 19:11 +nd the e!il s*irit answered and said% .Jes#s I 'now% and <a#l I 'now& b#t who are yo#C.
+t 19:13 Then the man in whom the e!il s*irit was lea*ed on them% o!er*owered them% and *re!ailed against
them% so that they $led o#t o$ that ho#se na'ed and wo#nded"
+t 19:14 This beame 'nown both to all Jews and Gree's dwelling in 6*hes#s& and $ear $ell on them all% and
the name o$ the /ord Jes#s was magni$ied"
+t 19:18 +nd many who had belie!ed ame on$essing and telling their deeds"
+t 19:19 +lso% many o$ those who had *ratied magi bro#ght their boo's together and b#rned (them) in the
sight o$ all" +nd they o#nted #* the !al#e o$ them% and (it) totaled $i$ty tho#sand (*iees) o$ sil!er"
+t 19:25 ,o the word o$ the /ord grew mightily and *re!ailed"
+t 19:21 >hen these things were aom*lished% <a#l *#r*osed in the ,*irit% when he had *assed thro#gh
?aedonia and +haia% to go to Jer#salem% saying% .+$ter I ha!e been there% I m#st also see :ome".
+t 19:22 ,o he sent into ?aedonia two o$ those who ministered to him% Timothy and 6rast#s% b#t he himsel$
stayed in +sia $or a time"
+t 19:2- +nd abo#t that time there arose a great ommotion abo#t the >ay"
+t 19:20 ;or a ertain man named 2emetri#s% a sil!ersmith% who made sil!er shrines o$ 2iana% bro#ght no
small *ro$it to the ra$tsmen"
+t 19:21 He alled them together with the wor'ers o$ similar o#*ation% and said: .?en% yo# 'now that we
ha!e o#r *ros*erity by this trade"
+t 19:23 .?oreo!er yo# see and hear that not only at 6*hes#s% b#t thro#gho#t almost all +sia% this <a#l has
*ers#aded and t#rned away many *eo*le% saying that they are not gods whih are made with hands"
+t 19:24 .,o not only is this trade o$ o#rs in danger o$ $alling into disre*#te% b#t also the tem*le o$ the great
goddess 2iana may be des*ised and her magni$iene destroyed% whom all +sia and the world worshi*".
+t 19:28 Now when they heard (this%) they were $#ll o$ wrath and ried o#t% saying% .Great (is) 2iana o$ the
+t 19:29 ,o the whole ity was $illed with on$#sion% and r#shed into the theater with one aord% ha!ing seiHed
Gai#s and +ristarh#s% ?aedonians% <a#lAs tra!el om*anions"
+t 19:-5 +nd when <a#l wanted to go in to the *eo*le% the disi*les wo#ld not allow him"
+t 19:-1 Then some o$ the o$$iials o$ +sia% who were his $riends% sent to him *leading that he wo#ld not
!ent#re into the theater"
+t 19:-2 ,ome there$ore ried one thing and some another% $or the assembly was on$#sed% and most o$ them
did not 'now why they had ome together"
+t 19:-- +nd they drew +le9ander o#t o$ the m#ltit#de% the Jews *#tting him $orward" +nd +le9ander motioned
with his hand% and wanted to ma'e his de$ense to the *eo*le"
+t 19:-0 B#t when they $o#nd o#t that he was a Jew% all with one !oie ried o#t $or abo#t two ho#rs% .Great
(is) 2iana o$ the 6*hesiansF.
+t 19:-1 +nd when the ity ler' had E#ieted the rowd% he said: .?en o$ 6*hes#s% what man is there who
does not 'now that the ity o$ the 6*hesians is tem*le g#ardian o$ the great goddess 2iana% and o$ the (image)
whih $ell down $rom Ge#sC
+t 19:-3 .There$ore% sine these things annot be denied% yo# o#ght to be E#iet and do nothing rashly"
+t 19:-4 .;or yo# ha!e bro#ght these men here who are neither robbers o$ tem*les nor blas*hemers o$ yo#r
+t 19:-8 .There$ore% i$ 2emetri#s and his $ellow ra$tsmen ha!e a ase against anyone% the o#rts are o*en
and there are *roons#ls" /et them bring harges against one another"
+t 19:-9 .B#t i$ yo# ha!e any other inE#iry to ma'e% it shall be determined in the law$#l assembly"
+t 19:05 .;or we are in danger o$ being alled in E#estion $or todayAs #*roar% there being no reason whih we
may gi!e to ao#nt $or this disorderly gathering".
+t 19:01 +nd when he had said these things% he dismissed the assembly"
+t 25:1 +$ter the #*roar had eased% <a#l alled the disi*les to (himsel$%) embraed (them%) and de*arted to
go to ?aedonia"
+t 25:2 Now when he had gone o!er that region and eno#raged them with many words% he ame to Greee
+t 25:- and stayed three months" +nd when the Jews *lotted against him as he was abo#t to sail to ,yria% he
deided to ret#rn thro#gh ?aedonia"
+t 25:0 +nd ,o*ater o$ Berea aom*anied him to +sia DD also +ristarh#s and ,e#nd#s o$ the
Thessalonians% and Gai#s o$ 2erbe% and Timothy% and Tyhi#s and Tro*him#s o$ +sia"
+t 25:1 These men% going ahead% waited $or #s at Troas"
+t 25:3 B#t we sailed away $rom <hili**i a$ter the 2ays o$ 7nlea!ened Bread% and in $i!e days @oined them at
Troas% where we stayed se!en days"
+t 25:4 Now on the $irst (day) o$ the wee'% when the disi*les ame together to brea' bread% <a#l% ready to
de*art the ne9t day% s*o'e to them and ontin#ed his message #ntil midnight"
+t 25:8 There were many lam*s in the #**er room where they were gathered together"
+t 25:9 +nd in a window sat a ertain yo#ng man named 6#tyh#s% who was sin'ing into a dee* slee*" He was
o!erome by slee*& and as <a#l ontin#ed s*ea'ing% he $ell down $rom the third story and was ta'en #* dead"
+t 25:15 B#t <a#l went down% $ell on him% and embraing (him) said% .2o not tro#ble yo#rsel!es% $or his li$e is in
+t 25:11 Now when he had ome #*% had bro'en bread and eaten% and tal'ed a long while% e!en till daybrea'%
he de*arted"
+t 25:12 +nd they bro#ght the yo#ng man in ali!e% and they were not a little om$orted"
+t 25:1- Then we went ahead to the shi* and sailed to +ssos% there intending to ta'e <a#l on board& $or so he
had gi!en orders% intending himsel$ to go on $oot"
+t 25:10 +nd when he met #s at +ssos% we too' him on board and ame to ?itylene"
+t 25:11 >e sailed $rom there% and the ne9t (day) ame o**osite =hios" The $ollowing (day) we arri!ed at
,amos and stayed at Trogylli#m" The ne9t (day) we ame to ?ilet#s"
+t 25:13 ;or <a#l had deided to sail *ast 6*hes#s% so that he wo#ld not ha!e to s*end time in +sia& $or he
was h#rrying to be at Jer#salem% i$ *ossible% on the 2ay o$ <enteost"
+t 25:14 ;rom ?ilet#s he sent to 6*hes#s and alled $or the elders o$ the h#rh"
+t 25:18 +nd when they had ome to him% he said to them: .Bo# 'now% $rom the $irst day that I ame to +sia% in
what manner I always li!ed among yo#%
+t 25:19 .ser!ing the /ord with all h#mility% with many tears and trials whih ha**ened to me by the *lotting o$
the Jews&
+t 25:25 .how I 'e*t ba' nothing that was hel*$#l% b#t *rolaimed it to yo#% and ta#ght yo# *#blily and $rom
ho#se to ho#se%
+t 25:21 .testi$ying to Jews% and also to Gree's% re*entane toward God and $aith toward o#r /ord Jes#s
+t 25:22 .+nd see% now I go bo#nd in the s*irit to Jer#salem% not 'nowing the things that will ha**en to me
+t 25:2- .e9e*t that the Holy ,*irit testi$ies in e!ery ity% saying that hains and trib#lations await me"
+t 25:20 .B#t none o$ these things mo!e me& nor do I o#nt my li$e dear to mysel$% so that I may $inish my rae
with @oy% and the ministry whih I reei!ed $rom the /ord Jes#s% to testi$y to the gos*el o$ the grae o$ God"
+t 25:21 .+nd indeed% now I 'now that yo# all% among whom I ha!e gone *reahing the 'ingdom o$ God% will
see my $ae no more"
+t 25:23 .There$ore I testi$y to yo# this day that I (am) innoent o$ the blood o$ all (men")
+t 25:24 .;or I ha!e not sh#nned to delare to yo# the whole o#nsel o$ God"
+t 25:28 .There$ore ta'e heed to yo#rsel!es and to all the $lo'% among whih the Holy ,*irit has made yo#
o!erseers% to she*herd the h#rh o$ God whih He *#rhased with His own blood"
+t 25:29 .;or I 'now this% that a$ter my de*art#re sa!age wol!es will ome in among yo#% not s*aring the $lo'"
+t 25:-5 .+lso $rom among yo#rsel!es men will rise #*% s*ea'ing *er!erse things% to draw away the disi*les
a$ter themsel!es"
+t 25:-1 .There$ore wath% and remember that $or three years I did not ease to warn e!eryone night and day
with tears"
+t 25:-2 .,o now% brethren% I ommend yo# to God and to the word o$ His grae% whih is able to b#ild yo# #*
and gi!e yo# an inheritane among all those who are santi$ied"
+t 25:-- .I ha!e o!eted no oneAs sil!er or gold or a**arel"
+t 25:-0 .Bes% yo# yo#rsel!es 'now that these hands ha!e *ro!ided $or my neessities% and $or those who
were with me"
+t 25:-1 .I ha!e shown yo# in e!ery way% by laboring li'e this% that yo# m#st s#**ort the wea'" +nd remember
the words o$ the /ord Jes#s% that He said% AIt is more blessed to gi!e than to reei!e"A .
+t 25:-3 +nd when he had said these things% he 'nelt down and *rayed with them all"
+t 25:-4 Then they all we*t $reely% and $ell on <a#lAs ne' and 'issed him%
+t 25:-8 sorrowing most o$ all $or the words whih he s*o'e% that they wo#ld see his $ae no more" +nd they
aom*anied him to the shi*"
+t 21:1 Now it ame to *ass% that when we had de*arted $rom them and set sail% r#nning a straight o#rse we
ame to =os% the $ollowing (day) to :hodes% and $rom there to <atara"
+t 21:2 +nd $inding a shi* sailing o!er to <hoeniia% we went aboard and set sail"
+t 21:- >hen we had sighted =y*r#s% we *assed it on the le$t% sailed to ,yria% and landed at Tyre& $or there the
shi* was to #nload her argo"
+t 21:0 +nd $inding disi*les% we stayed there se!en days" They told <a#l thro#gh the ,*irit not to go #* to
+t 21:1 >hen we had ome to the end o$ those days% we de*arted and went on o#r way& and they all
aom*anied #s% with wi!es and hildren% till (we were) o#t o$ the ity" +nd we 'nelt down on the shore and
+t 21:3 >hen we had ta'en o#r lea!e o$ one another% we boarded the shi*% and they ret#rned home"
+t 21:4 +nd when we had $inished (o#r) !oyage $rom Tyre% we ame to <tolemais% greeted the brethren% and
stayed with them one day"
+t 21:8 8n the ne9t (day) we who were <a#lAs om*anions de*arted and ame to =aesarea% and entered the
ho#se o$ <hili* the e!angelist% who was (one) o$ the se!en% and stayed with him"
+t 21:9 Now this man had $o#r !irgin da#ghters who *ro*hesied"
+t 21:15 +nd as we stayed many days% a ertain *ro*het named +gab#s ame down $rom J#dea"
+t 21:11 >hen he had ome to #s% he too' <a#lAs belt% bo#nd his (own) hands and $eet% and said% .Th#s says
the Holy ,*irit% A,o shall the Jews at Jer#salem bind the man who owns this belt% and deli!er (him) into the hands
o$ the Gentiles"A .
+t 21:12 Now when we heard these things% both we and those $rom that *lae *leaded with him not to go #* to
+t 21:1- Then <a#l answered% .>hat do yo# mean by wee*ing and brea'ing my heartC ;or I am ready not
only to be bo#nd% b#t also to die at Jer#salem $or the name o$ the /ord Jes#s".
+t 21:10 ,o when he wo#ld not be *ers#aded% we eased% saying% .The will o$ the /ord be done".
+t 21:11 +nd a$ter those days we *a'ed and went #* to Jer#salem"
+t 21:13 +lso some o$ the disi*les $rom =aesarea went with #s and bro#ght with them a ertain ?nason o$
=y*r#s% an early disi*le% with whom we were to lodge"
+t 21:14 +nd when we had ome to Jer#salem% the brethren reei!ed #s gladly"
+t 21:18 8n the $ollowing (day) <a#l went in with #s to James% and all the elders were *resent"
+t 21:19 >hen he had greeted them% he told in detail those things whih God had done among the Gentiles
thro#gh his ministry"
+t 21:25 +nd when they heard (it%) they glori$ied the /ord" +nd they said to him% .Bo# see% brother% how many
myriads o$ Jews there are who ha!e belie!ed% and they are all Healo#s $or the law&
+t 21:21 .b#t they ha!e been in$ormed abo#t yo# that yo# teah all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to
$orsa'e ?oses% saying that they o#ght not to ir#mise (their) hildren nor to wal' aording to the #stoms"
+t 21:22 .>hat thenC The assembly m#st ertainly meet% $or they will hear that yo# ha!e ome"
+t 21:2- .There$ore do what we tell yo#: >e ha!e $o#r men who ha!e ta'en a !ow"
+t 21:20 .Ta'e them and be *#ri$ied with them% and *ay their e9*enses so that they may sha!e (their) heads%
and that all may 'now that those things o$ whih they were in$ormed onerning yo# are nothing% b#t (that) yo#
yo#rsel$ also wal' orderly and 'ee* the law"
+t 21:21 .B#t onerning the Gentiles who belie!e% we ha!e written (and) deided that they sho#ld obser!e no
s#h thing% e9e*t that they sho#ld 'ee* themsel!es $rom (things) o$$ered to idols% $rom blood% $rom things
strangled% and $rom se9#al immorality".
+t 21:23 Then <a#l too' the men% and the ne9t day% ha!ing been *#ri$ied with them% entered the tem*le to
anno#ne the e9*iration o$ the days o$ *#ri$iation% at whih time an o$$ering sho#ld be made $or eah one o$
+t 21:24 Now when the se!en days were almost ended% the Jews $rom +sia% seeing him in the tem*le% stirred
#* the whole rowd and laid hands on him%
+t 21:28 rying o#t% .?en o$ Israel% hel*F This is the man who teahes all (men) e!erywhere against the *eo*le%
the law% and this *lae& and $#rthermore he also bro#ght Gree's into the tem*le and has de$iled this holy *lae".
+t 21:29 I;or they had *re!io#sly seen Tro*him#s the 6*hesian with him in the ity% whom they s#**osed that
<a#l had bro#ght into the tem*le"J
+t 21:-5 +nd all the ity was dist#rbed& and the *eo*le ran together% seiHed <a#l% and dragged him o#t o$ the
tem*le& and immediately the doors were sh#t"
+t 21:-1 Now as they were see'ing to 'ill him% news ame to the ommander o$ the garrison that all Jer#salem
was in an #*roar"
+t 21:-2 He immediately too' soldiers and ent#rions% and ran down to them" +nd when they saw the
ommander and the soldiers% they sto**ed beating <a#l"
+t 21:-- Then the ommander ame near and too' him% and ommanded (him) to be bo#nd with two hains&
and he as'ed who he was and what he had done"
+t 21:-0 +nd some among the m#ltit#de ried one thing and some another" ,o when he o#ld not asertain
the tr#th bea#se o$ the t#m#lt% he ommanded him to be ta'en into the barra's"
+t 21:-1 >hen he reahed the stairs% he had to be arried by the soldiers bea#se o$ the !iolene o$ the mob"
+t 21:-3 ;or the m#ltit#de o$ the *eo*le $ollowed a$ter% rying o#t% .+way with himF.
+t 21:-4 Then as <a#l was abo#t to be led into the barra's% he said to the ommander% .?ay I s*ea' to yo#C.
He re*lied% .=an yo# s*ea' Gree'C
+t 21:-8 .+re yo# not the 6gy*tian who some time ago stirred #* a rebellion and led the $o#r tho#sand
assassins o#t into the wildernessC.
+t 21:-9 B#t <a#l said% .I am a Jew $rom Tars#s% in =iliia% a itiHen o$ no mean ity& and I im*lore yo#% *ermit
me to s*ea' to the *eo*le".
+t 21:05 ,o when he had gi!en him *ermission% <a#l stood on the stairs and motioned with his hand to the
*eo*le" +nd when there was a great silene% he s*o'e to (them) in the Hebrew lang#age% saying%
+t 22:1 .Brethren and $athers% hear my de$ense be$ore yo# now".
+t 22:2 +nd when they heard that he s*o'e to them in the Hebrew lang#age% they 'e*t all the more silent"
Then he said:
+t 22:- .I am indeed a Jew% born in Tars#s o$ =iliia% b#t bro#ght #* in this ity at the $eet o$ Gamaliel% ta#ght
aording to the stritness o$ o#r $athersA law% and was Healo#s toward God as yo# all are today"
+t 22:0 .I *erse#ted this >ay to the death% binding and deli!ering into *risons both men and women%
+t 22:1 .as also the high *riest bears me witness% and all the o#nil o$ the elders% $rom whom I also reei!ed
letters to the brethren% and went to 2amas#s to bring in hains e!en those who were there to Jer#salem to be
+t 22:3 .Now it ha**ened% as I @o#rneyed and ame near 2amas#s at abo#t noon% s#ddenly a great light $rom
hea!en shone aro#nd me"
+t 22:4 .+nd I $ell to the gro#nd and heard a !oie saying to me% A,a#l% ,a#l% why are yo# *erse#ting ?eCA
+t 22:8 .,o I answered% A>ho are Bo#% /ordCA +nd He said to me% AI am Jes#s o$ NaHareth% whom yo# are
+t 22:9 .+nd those who were with me indeed saw the light and were a$raid% b#t they did not hear the !oie o$
Him who s*o'e to me"
+t 22:15 .,o I said% A>hat shall I do% /ordCA +nd the /ord said to me% A+rise and go into 2amas#s% and there
yo# will be told all things whih are a**ointed $or yo# to do"A
+t 22:11 .+nd sine I o#ld not see $or the glory o$ that light% being led by the hand o$ those who were with me%
I ame into 2amas#s"
+t 22:12 .Then a ertain +nanias% a de!o#t man aording to the law% ha!ing a good testimony with all the
Jews who dwelt (there%)
+t 22:1- .ame to me& and he stood and said to me% ABrother ,a#l% reei!e yo#r sight"A +nd at that same ho#r I
loo'ed #* at him"
+t 22:10 .Then he said% AThe God o$ o#r $athers has hosen yo# that yo# sho#ld 'now His will% and see the
J#st 8ne% and hear the !oie o$ His mo#th"
+t 22:11 A;or yo# will be His witness to all men o$ what yo# ha!e seen and heard"
+t 22:13 A+nd now why are yo# waitingC +rise and be ba*tiHed% and wash away yo#r sins% alling on the name
o$ the /ord"A
+t 22:14 .Now it ha**ened% when I ret#rned to Jer#salem and was *raying in the tem*le% that I was in a trane
+t 22:18 .and saw Him saying to me% A?a'e haste and get o#t o$ Jer#salem E#i'ly% $or they will not reei!e
yo#r testimony onerning ?e"A
+t 22:19 .,o I said% A/ord% they 'now that in e!ery synagog#e I im*risoned and beat those who belie!e on Bo#"
+t 22:25 A+nd when the blood o$ Bo#r martyr ,te*hen was shed% I also was standing by onsenting to his
death% and g#arding the lothes o$ those who were 'illing him"A
+t 22:21 .Then He said to me% A2e*art% $or I will send yo# $ar $rom here to the Gentiles"A .
+t 22:22 +nd they listened to him #ntil this word% and (then) they raised their !oies and said% .+way with s#h
a ($ellow) $rom the earth% $or he is not $it to li!eF.
+t 22:2- Then% as they ried o#t and tore o$$ (their) lothes and threw d#st into the air%
+t 22:20 the ommander ordered him to be bro#ght into the barra's% and said that he sho#ld be e9amined
#nder so#rging% so that he might 'now why they sho#ted so against him"
+t 22:21 +nd as they bo#nd him with thongs% <a#l said to the ent#rion who stood by% .Is it law$#l $or yo# to
so#rge a man who is a :oman% and #nondemnedC.
+t 22:23 >hen the ent#rion heard (that%) he went and told the ommander% saying% .Ta'e are what yo# do%
$or this man is a :oman".
+t 22:24 Then the ommander ame and said to him% .Tell me% are yo# a :omanC. He said% .Bes".
+t 22:28 The ommander answered% .>ith a large s#m I obtained this itiHenshi*". +nd <a#l said% .B#t I was
born (a itiHen".)
+t 22:29 Then immediately those who were abo#t to e9amine him withdrew $rom him& and the ommander was
also a$raid a$ter he $o#nd o#t that he was a :oman% and bea#se he had bo#nd him"
+t 22:-5 The ne9t day% bea#se he wanted to 'now $or ertain why he was a#sed by the Jews% he released
him $rom (his) bonds% and ommanded the hie$ *riests and all their o#nil to a**ear% and bro#ght <a#l down
and set him be$ore them"
+t 2-:1 Then <a#l% loo'ing earnestly at the o#nil% said% .?en (and) brethren% I ha!e li!ed in all good
onsiene be$ore God #ntil this day".
+t 2-:2 +nd the high *riest +nanias ommanded those who stood by him to stri'e him on the mo#th"
+t 2-:- Then <a#l said to him% .God will stri'e yo#% (yo#) whitewashed wallF ;or yo# sit to @#dge me aording
to the law% and do yo# ommand me to be str#' ontrary to the lawC.
+t 2-:0 +nd those who stood by said% .2o yo# re!ile GodAs high *riestC.
+t 2-:1 Then <a#l said% .I did not 'now% brethren% that he was the high *riest& $or it is written% ABo# shall not
s*ea' e!il o$ a r#ler o$ yo#r *eo*le"A .
+t 2-:3 B#t when <a#l *erei!ed that one *art were ,add#ees and the other <harisees% he ried o#t in the
o#nil% .?en (and) brethren% I am a <harisee% the son o$ a <harisee& onerning the ho*e and res#rretion o$
the dead I am being @#dgedF.
+t 2-:4 +nd when he had said this% a dissension arose between the <harisees and the ,add#ees& and the
assembly was di!ided"
+t 2-:8 ;or ,add#ees say that there is no res#rretion DD and no angel or s*irit& b#t the <harisees on$ess
+t 2-:9 Then there arose a lo#d o#try" +nd the sribes o$ the <hariseesA *arty arose and *rotested% saying%
.>e $ind no e!il in this man& b#t i$ a s*irit or an angel has s*o'en to him% let #s not $ight against God".
+t 2-:15 Now when there arose a great dissension% the ommander% $earing lest <a#l might be *#lled to *iees
by them% ommanded the soldiers to go down and ta'e him by $ore $rom among them% and bring (him) into the
+t 2-:11 B#t the $ollowing night the /ord stood by him and said% .Be o$ good heer% <a#l& $or as yo# ha!e
testi$ied $or ?e in Jer#salem% so yo# m#st also bear witness at :ome".
+t 2-:12 +nd when it was day% some o$ the Jews banded together and bo#nd themsel!es #nder an oath%
saying that they wo#ld neither eat nor drin' till they had 'illed <a#l"
+t 2-:1- Now there were more than $orty who had $ormed this ons*iray"
+t 2-:10 They ame to the hie$ *riests and elders% and said% .>e ha!e bo#nd o#rsel!es #nder a great oath
that we will eat nothing #ntil we ha!e 'illed <a#l"
+t 2-:11 .Now yo#% there$ore% together with the o#nil% s#ggest to the ommander that he be bro#ght down to
yo# tomorrow% as tho#gh yo# were going to ma'e $#rther inE#iries onerning him& b#t we are ready to 'ill him
be$ore he omes near".
+t 2-:13 ,o when <a#lAs sisterAs son heard o$ their amb#sh% he went and entered the barra's and told <a#l"
+t 2-:14 Then <a#l alled one o$ the ent#rions to (him) and said% .Ta'e this yo#ng man to the ommander% $or
he has something to tell him".
+t 2-:18 ,o he too' him and bro#ght (him) to the ommander and said% .<a#l the *risoner alled me to (him)
and as'ed (me) to bring this yo#ng man to yo#" He has something to say to yo#".
+t 2-:19 Then the ommander too' him by the hand% went aside and as'ed *ri!ately% .>hat is it that yo# ha!e
to tell meC.
+t 2-:25 +nd he said% .The Jews ha!e agreed to as' that yo# bring <a#l down to the o#nil tomorrow% as
tho#gh they were going to inE#ire more $#lly abo#t him"
+t 2-:21 .B#t do not yield to them% $or more than $orty o$ them lie in wait $or him% men who ha!e bo#nd
themsel!es by an oath that they will neither eat nor drin' till they ha!e 'illed him& and now they are ready%
waiting $or the *romise $rom yo#".
+t 2-:22 ,o the ommander let the yo#ng man de*art% and ommanded (him%) .Tell no one that yo# ha!e
re!ealed these things to me".
+t 2-:2- +nd he alled $or two ent#rions% saying% .<re*are two h#ndred soldiers% se!enty horsemen% and two
h#ndred s*earmen to go to =aesarea at the third ho#r o$ the night&
+t 2-:20 .and *ro!ide mo#nts to set <a#l on% and bring (him) sa$ely to ;eli9 the go!ernor".
+t 2-:21 He wrote a letter in the $ollowing manner:
+t 2-:23 =la#di#s /ysias% to the most e9ellent go!ernor ;eli9: Greetings"
+t 2-:24 This man was seiHed by the Jews and was abo#t to be 'illed by them" =oming with the troo*s I
res#ed him% ha!ing learned that he was a :oman"
+t 2-:28 +nd when I wanted to 'now the reason they a#sed him% I bro#ght him be$ore their o#nil"
+t 2-:29 I $o#nd o#t that he was a#sed onerning E#estions o$ their law% b#t had nothing harged against
him deser!ing o$ death or hains"
+t 2-:-5 +nd when it was told me that the Jews lay in wait $or the man% I sent him immediately to yo#% and also
ommanded his a#sers to state be$ore yo# the harges against him" ;arewell"
+t 2-:-1 Then the soldiers% as they were ommanded% too' <a#l and bro#ght (him) by night to +nti*atris"
+t 2-:-2 The ne9t day they le$t the horsemen to go on with him% and ret#rned to the barra's"
+t 2-:-- >hen they ame to =aesarea and had deli!ered the letter to the go!ernor% they also *resented <a#l
to him"
+t 2-:-0 +nd when the go!ernor had read (it%) he as'ed what *ro!ine he was $rom" +nd when he #nderstood
that (he was) $rom =iliia%
+t 2-:-1 he said% .I will hear yo# when yo#r a#sers also ha!e ome". +nd he ommanded him to be 'e*t in
HerodAs <raetori#m"
+t 20:1 Now a$ter $i!e days +nanias the high *riest ame down with the elders and a ertain orator (named)
Tert#ll#s" These ga!e e!idene to the go!ernor against <a#l"
+t 20:2 +nd when he was alled #*on% Tert#ll#s began his a#sation% saying: .,eeing that thro#gh yo# we
en@oy great *eae% and *ros*erity is being bro#ght to this nation by yo#r $oresight%
+t 20:- .we ae*t (it) always and in all *laes% most noble ;eli9% with all than'$#lness"
+t 20:0 .Ne!ertheless% not to be tedio#s to yo# any $#rther% I beg yo# to hear% by yo#r o#rtesy% a $ew words
$rom #s"
+t 20:1 .;or we ha!e $o#nd this man a *lag#e% a reator o$ dissension among all the Jews thro#gho#t the
world% and a ringleader o$ the set o$ the NaHarenes"
+t 20:3 .He e!en tried to *ro$ane the tem*le% and we seiHed him% and wanted to @#dge him aording to o#r
+t 20:4 .B#t the ommander /ysias ame by and with great !iolene too' (him) o#t o$ o#r hands%
+t 20:8 .ommanding his a#sers to ome to yo#" By e9amining him yo#rsel$ yo# may asertain all these
things o$ whih we a#se him".
+t 20:9 +nd the Jews also assented% maintaining that these things were so"
+t 20:15 Then <a#l% a$ter the go!ernor had nodded to him to s*ea'% answered: .Inasm#h as I 'now that yo#
ha!e been $or many years a @#dge o$ this nation% I do the more heer$#lly answer $or mysel$%
+t 20:11 .bea#se yo# may asertain that it is no more than twel!e days sine I went #* to Jer#salem to
+t 20:12 .+nd they neither $o#nd me in the tem*le dis*#ting with anyone nor initing the rowd% either in the
synagog#es or in the ity"
+t 20:1- .Nor an they *ro!e the things o$ whih they now a#se me"
+t 20:10 .B#t this I on$ess to yo#% that aording to the >ay whih they all a set% so I worshi* the God o$ my
$athers% belie!ing all things whih are written in the /aw and in the <ro*hets"
+t 20:11 .I ha!e ho*e in God% whih they themsel!es also ae*t% that there will be a res#rretion o$ (the)
dead% both o$ (the) @#st and (the) #n@#st"
+t 20:13 .This (being) so% I mysel$ always stri!e to ha!e a onsiene witho#t o$$ense toward God and men"
+t 20:14 .Now a$ter many years I ame to bring alms and o$$erings to my nation%
+t 20:18 .in the midst o$ whih some Jews $rom +sia $o#nd me *#ri$ied in the tem*le% neither with a mob nor
with t#m#lt"
+t 20:19 .They o#ght to ha!e been here be$ore yo# to ob@et i$ they had anything against me"
+t 20:25 .8r else let those who are (here) themsel!es say i$ they $o#nd any wrongdoing in me while I stood
be$ore the o#nil%
+t 20:21 .#nless (it is) $or this one statement whih I ried o#t% standing among them% A=onerning the
res#rretion o$ the dead I am being @#dged by yo# this day"A .
+t 20:22 B#t when ;eli9 heard these things% ha!ing more a#rate 'nowledge o$ (the) >ay% he ad@o#rned the
*roeedings and said% .>hen /ysias the ommander omes down% I will ma'e a deision on yo#r ase".
+t 20:2- ,o he ommanded the ent#rion to 'ee* <a#l and to let (him) ha!e liberty% and told him not to $orbid
any o$ his $riends to *ro!ide $or or !isit him"
+t 20:20 +nd a$ter some days% when ;eli9 ame with his wi$e 2r#silla% who was Jewish% he sent $or <a#l and
heard him onerning the $aith in =hrist"
+t 20:21 Now as he reasoned abo#t righteo#sness% sel$Dontrol% and the @#dgment to ome% ;eli9 was a$raid
and answered% .Go away $or now& when I ha!e a on!enient time I will all $or yo#".
+t 20:23 ?eanwhile he also ho*ed that money wo#ld be gi!en him by <a#l% that he might release him"
There$ore he sent $or him more o$ten and on!ersed with him"
+t 20:24 B#t a$ter two years <ori#s ;est#s s#eeded ;eli9& and ;eli9% wanting to do the Jews a $a!or% le$t
<a#l bo#nd"
+t 21:1 Now when ;est#s had ome to the *ro!ine% a$ter three days he went #* $rom =aesarea to Jer#salem"
+t 21:2 Then the high *riest and the hie$ men o$ the Jews in$ormed him against <a#l& and they *etitioned him%
+t 21:- as'ing a $a!or against him% that he wo#ld s#mmon him to Jer#salem DD while (they) lay in amb#sh along
the road to 'ill him"
+t 21:0 B#t ;est#s answered that <a#l sho#ld be 'e*t at =aesarea% and that he himsel$ was going (there)
+t 21:1 .There$ore%. he said% .let those who ha!e a#thority among yo# go down with (me) and a#se this man%
to see i$ there is any $a#lt in him".
+t 21:3 +nd when he had remained among them more than ten days% he went down to =aesarea" +nd the ne9t
day% sitting on the @#dgment seat% he ommanded <a#l to be bro#ght"
+t 21:4 >hen he had ome% the Jews who had ome down $rom Jer#salem stood abo#t and laid many serio#s
om*laints against <a#l% whih they o#ld not *ro!e%
+t 21:8 while he answered $or himsel$% .Neither against the law o$ the Jews% nor against the tem*le% nor against
=aesar ha!e I o$$ended in anything at all".
+t 21:9 B#t ;est#s% wanting to do the Jews a $a!or% answered <a#l and said% .+re yo# willing to go #* to
Jer#salem and there be @#dged be$ore me onerning these thingsC.
+t 21:15 ,o <a#l said% .I stand at =aesarAs @#dgment seat% where I o#ght to be @#dged" To the Jews I ha!e
done no wrong% as yo# !ery well 'now"
+t 21:11 .;or i$ I am an o$$ender% or ha!e ommitted anything deser!ing o$ death% I do not ob@et to dying& b#t i$
there is nothing in these things o$ whih these men a#se me% no one an deli!er me to them" I a**eal to
+t 21:12 Then ;est#s% when he had on$erred with the o#nil% answered% .Bo# ha!e a**ealed to =aesarC To
=aesar yo# shall goF.
+t 21:1- +nd a$ter some days King +gri**a and Bernie ame to =aesarea to greet ;est#s"
+t 21:10 >hen they had been there many days% ;est#s laid <a#lAs ase be$ore the 'ing% saying: .There is a
ertain man le$t a *risoner by ;eli9%
+t 21:11 .abo#t whom the hie$ *riests and the elders o$ the Jews in$ormed (me%) when I was in Jer#salem%
as'ing $or a @#dgment against him"
+t 21:13 .To them I answered% AIt is not the #stom o$ the :omans to deli!er any man to destr#tion be$ore the
a#sed meets the a#sers $ae to $ae% and has o**ort#nity to answer $or himsel$ onerning the harge
against him"A
+t 21:14 .There$ore when they had ome together% witho#t any delay% the ne9t day I sat on the @#dgment seat
and ommanded the man to be bro#ght in"
+t 21:18 .>hen the a#sers stood #*% they bro#ght no a#sation against him o$ s#h things as I s#**osed%
+t 21:19 .b#t had some E#estions against him abo#t their own religion and abo#t a ertain Jes#s% who had
died% whom <a#l a$$irmed to be ali!e"
+t 21:25 .+nd bea#se I was #nertain o$ s#h E#estions% I as'ed whether he was willing to go to Jer#salem
and there be @#dged onerning these matters"
+t 21:21 .B#t when <a#l a**ealed to be reser!ed $or the deision o$ +#g#st#s% I ommanded him to be 'e*t till
I o#ld send him to =aesar".
+t 21:22 Then +gri**a said to ;est#s% .I also wo#ld li'e to hear the man mysel$". .Tomorrow%. he said% .yo#
shall hear him".
+t 21:2- ,o the ne9t day% when +gri**a and Bernie had ome with great *om*% and had entered the
a#ditori#m with the ommanders and the *rominent men o$ the ity% at ;est#sA ommand <a#l was bro#ght in"
+t 21:20 +nd ;est#s said: .King +gri**a and all the men who are here *resent with #s% yo# see this man abo#t
whom the whole assembly o$ the Jews *etitioned me% both at Jer#salem and here% rying o#t that he was not $it
to li!e any longer"
+t 21:21 .B#t when I $o#nd that he had ommitted nothing deser!ing o$ death% and that he himsel$ had
a**ealed to +#g#st#s% I deided to send him"
+t 21:23 .I ha!e nothing ertain to write to my lord onerning him" There$ore I ha!e bro#ght him o#t be$ore
yo#% and es*eially be$ore yo#% King +gri**a% so that a$ter the e9amination has ta'en *lae I may ha!e
something to write"
+t 21:24 .;or it seems to me #nreasonable to send a *risoner and not to s*ei$y the harges against him".
+t 23:1 Then +gri**a said to <a#l% .Bo# are *ermitted to s*ea' $or yo#rsel$". ,o <a#l strethed o#t his hand
and answered $or himsel$:
+t 23:2 .I thin' mysel$ ha**y% King +gri**a% bea#se today I shall answer $or mysel$ be$ore yo# onerning all
the things o$ whih I am a#sed by the Jews%
+t 23:- .es*eially bea#se yo# are e9*ert in all #stoms and E#estions whih ha!e to do with the Jews"
There$ore I beg yo# to hear me *atiently"
+t 23:0 .?y manner o$ li$e $rom my yo#th% whih was s*ent $rom the beginning among my own nation at
Jer#salem% all the Jews 'now"
+t 23:1 .They 'new me $rom the $irst% i$ they were willing to testi$y% that aording to the stritest set o$ o#r
religion I li!ed a <harisee"
+t 23:3 .+nd now I stand and am @#dged $or the ho*e o$ the *romise made by God to o#r $athers"
+t 23:4 .To this (*romise) o#r twel!e tribes% earnestly ser!ing (God) night and day% ho*e to attain" ;or this
ho*eAs sa'e% King +gri**a% I am a#sed by the Jews"
+t 23:8 .>hy sho#ld it be tho#ght inredible by yo# that God raises the deadC
+t 23:9 .Indeed% I mysel$ tho#ght I m#st do many things ontrary to the name o$ Jes#s o$ NaHareth"
+t 23:15 .This I also did in Jer#salem% and many o$ the saints I sh#t #* in *rison% ha!ing reei!ed a#thority
$rom the hie$ *riests& and when they were *#t to death% I ast my !ote against (them")
+t 23:11 .+nd I *#nished them o$ten in e!ery synagog#e and om*elled (them) to blas*heme& and being
e9eedingly enraged against them% I *erse#ted (them) e!en to $oreign ities"
+t 23:12 . >hile th#s o#*ied% as I @o#rneyed to 2amas#s with a#thority and ommission $rom the hie$
+t 23:1- .at midday% 8 'ing% along the road I saw a light $rom hea!en% brighter than the s#n% shining aro#nd me
and those who @o#rneyed with me"
+t 23:10 .+nd when we all had $allen to the gro#nd% I heard a !oie s*ea'ing to me and saying in the Hebrew
lang#age% A,a#l% ,a#l% why are yo# *erse#ting ?eC (It is) hard $or yo# to 'i' against the goads"A
+t 23:11 .,o I said% A>ho are Bo#% /ordCA +nd He said% AI am Jes#s% whom yo# are *erse#ting"
+t 23:13 AB#t rise and stand on yo#r $eet& $or I ha!e a**eared to yo# $or this *#r*ose% to ma'e yo# a minister
and a witness both o$ the things whih yo# ha!e seen and o$ the things whih I will yet re!eal to yo#"
+t 23:14 AI will deli!er yo# $rom the (Jewish) *eo*le% as well as ($rom) the Gentiles% to whom I now send yo#%
+t 23:18 Ato o*en their eyes% (in order) to t#rn (them) $rom dar'ness to light% and ($rom) the *ower o$ ,atan to
God% that they may reei!e $orgi!eness o$ sins and an inheritane among those who are santi$ied by $aith in
+t 23:19 . There$ore% King +gri**a% I was not disobedient to the hea!enly !ision%
+t 23:25 .b#t delared $irst to those in 2amas#s and in Jer#salem% and thro#gho#t all the region o$ J#dea%
and (then) to the Gentiles% that they sho#ld re*ent% t#rn to God% and do wor's be$itting re*entane"
+t 23:21 .;or these reasons the Jews seiHed me in the tem*le and tried to 'ill (me")
+t 23:22 .There$ore% ha!ing obtained hel* $rom God% to this day I stand% witnessing both to small and great%
saying no other things than those whih the *ro*hets and ?oses said wo#ld ome DD
+t 23:2- .that the =hrist wo#ld s#$$er% that He wo#ld be the $irst to rise $rom the dead% and wo#ld *rolaim light
to the (Jewish) *eo*le and to the Gentiles".
+t 23:20 Now as he th#s made his de$ense% ;est#s said with a lo#d !oie% .<a#l% yo# are beside yo#rsel$F
?#h learning is dri!ing yo# madF.
+t 23:21 B#t he said% .I am not mad% most noble ;est#s% b#t s*ea' the words o$ tr#th and reason"
+t 23:23 .;or the 'ing% be$ore whom I also s*ea' $reely% 'nows these things& $or I am on!ined that none o$
these things esa*es his attention% sine this thing was not done in a orner"
+t 23:24 .King +gri**a% do yo# belie!e the *ro*hetsC I 'now that yo# do belie!e".
+t 23:28 Then +gri**a said to <a#l% .Bo# almost *ers#ade me to beome a =hristian".
+t 23:29 +nd <a#l said% .I wo#ld to God that not only yo#% b#t also all who hear me today% might beome both
almost and altogether s#h as I am% e9e*t $or these hains".
+t 23:-5 >hen he had said these things% the 'ing stood #*% as well as the go!ernor and Bernie and those
who sat with them&
+t 23:-1 and when they had gone aside% they tal'ed among themsel!es% saying% .This man is doing nothing
deser!ing o$ death or hains".
+t 23:-2 Then +gri**a said to ;est#s% .This man might ha!e been set $ree i$ he had not a**ealed to =aesar".
+t 24:1 +nd when it was deided that we sho#ld sail to Italy% they deli!ered <a#l and some other *risoners to
(one) named J#li#s% a ent#rion o$ the +#g#stan :egiment"
+t 24:2 ,o% entering a shi* o$ +dramytti#m% we *#t to sea% meaning to sail along the oasts o$ +sia"
+ristarh#s% a ?aedonian o$ Thessalonia% was with #s"
+t 24:- +nd the ne9t (day) we landed at ,idon" +nd J#li#s treated <a#l 'indly and ga!e (him) liberty to go to his
$riends and reei!e are"
+t 24:0 >hen we had *#t to sea $rom there% we sailed #nder (the shelter o$) =y*r#s% bea#se the winds were
+t 24:1 +nd when we had sailed o!er the sea whih is o$$ =iliia and <am*hylia% we ame to ?yra% (a ity) o$
+t 24:3 There the ent#rion $o#nd an +le9andrian shi* sailing to Italy% and he *#t #s on board"
+t 24:4 >hen we had sailed slowly many days% and arri!ed with di$$i#lty o$$ =nid#s% the wind not *ermitting #s
to *roeed% we sailed #nder (the shelter o$) =rete o$$ ,almone"
+t 24:8 <assing it with di$$i#lty% we ame to a *lae alled ;air Ha!ens% near the ity (o$) /asea"
+t 24:9 Now when m#h time had been s*ent% and sailing was now dangero#s bea#se the ;ast was already
o!er% <a#l ad!ised them%
+t 24:15 saying% .?en% I *erei!e that this !oyage will end with disaster and m#h loss% not only o$ the argo
and shi*% b#t also o#r li!es".
+t 24:11 Ne!ertheless the ent#rion was more *ers#aded by the helmsman and the owner o$ the shi* than by
the things s*o'en by <a#l"
+t 24:12 +nd bea#se the harbor was not s#itable to winter in% the ma@ority ad!ised to set sail $rom there also%
i$ by any means they o#ld reah <hoeni9% a harbor o$ =rete o*ening toward the so#thwest and northwest% (and)
winter (there")
+t 24:1- >hen the so#th wind blew so$tly% s#**osing that they had obtained (their) desire% *#tting o#t to sea%
they sailed lose by =rete"
+t 24:10 B#t not long a$ter% a tem*est#o#s head wind arose% alled 6#rolydon"
+t 24:11 ,o when the shi* was a#ght% and o#ld not head into the wind% we let (her) dri!e"
+t 24:13 +nd r#nning #nder (the shelter o$) an island alled =la#da% we se#red the s'i$$ with di$$i#lty"
+t 24:14 >hen they had ta'en it on board% they #sed ables to #ndergird the shi*& and $earing lest they sho#ld
r#n agro#nd on the ,yrtis (,ands%) they str#' sail and so were dri!en"
+t 24:18 +nd bea#se we were e9eedingly tem*estDtossed% the ne9t (day) they lightened the shi*"
+t 24:19 8n the third (day) we threw the shi*As ta'le o!erboard with o#r own hands"
+t 24:25 Now when neither s#n nor stars a**eared $or many days% and no small tem*est beat on (#s%) all ho*e
that we wo#ld be sa!ed was $inally gi!en #*"
+t 24:21 B#t a$ter long abstinene $rom $ood% then <a#l stood in the midst o$ them and said% .?en% yo# sho#ld
ha!e listened to me% and not ha!e sailed $rom =rete and in#rred this disaster and loss"
+t 24:22 .+nd now I #rge yo# to ta'e heart% $or there will be no loss o$ li$e among yo#% b#t only o$ the shi*"
+t 24:2- .;or there stood by me this night an angel o$ the God to whom I belong and whom I ser!e%
+t 24:20 .saying% A2o not be a$raid% <a#l& yo# m#st be bro#ght be$ore =aesar& and indeed God has granted yo#
all those who sail with yo#"A
+t 24:21 .There$ore ta'e heart% men% $or I belie!e God that it will be @#st as it was told me"
+t 24:23 .Howe!er% we m#st r#n agro#nd on a ertain island".
+t 24:24 Now when the $o#rteenth night had ome% as we were dri!en #* and down in the +driati (,ea%) abo#t
midnight the sailors sensed that they were drawing near some land"
+t 24:28 +nd they too' so#ndings and $o#nd (it) to be twenty $athoms& and when they had gone a little $arther%
they too' so#ndings again and $o#nd (it) to be $i$teen $athoms"
+t 24:29 Then% $earing lest we sho#ld r#n agro#nd on the ro's% they dro**ed $o#r anhors $rom the stern% and
*rayed $or day to ome"
+t 24:-5 +nd as the sailors were see'ing to esa*e $rom the shi*% when they had let down the s'i$$ into the
sea% #nder *retense o$ *#tting o#t anhors $rom the *row%
+t 24:-1 <a#l said to the ent#rion and the soldiers% .7nless these men stay in the shi*% yo# annot be sa!ed".
+t 24:-2 Then the soldiers #t away the ro*es o$ the s'i$$ and let it $all o$$"
+t 24:-- +nd as day was abo#t to dawn% <a#l im*lored (them) all to ta'e $ood% saying% .Today is the $o#rteenth
day yo# ha!e waited and ontin#ed witho#t $ood% and eaten nothing"
+t 24:-0 .There$ore I #rge yo# to ta'e no#rishment% $or this is $or yo#r s#r!i!al% sine not a hair will $all $rom the
head o$ any o$ yo#".
+t 24:-1 +nd when he had said these things% he too' bread and ga!e than's to God in the *resene o$ them
all& and when he had bro'en (it) he began to eat"
+t 24:-3 Then they were all eno#raged% and also too' $ood themsel!es"
+t 24:-4 +nd in all we were two h#ndred and se!entyDsi9 *ersons on the shi*"
+t 24:-8 ,o when they had eaten eno#gh% they lightened the shi* and threw o#t the wheat into the sea"
+t 24:-9 >hen it was day% they did not reogniHe the land& b#t they obser!ed a bay with a beah% onto whih
they *lanned to r#n the shi* i$ *ossible"
+t 24:05 +nd they let go the anhors and le$t (them) in the sea% meanwhile loosing the r#dder ro*es& and they
hoisted the mainsail to the wind and made $or shore"
+t 24:01 B#t stri'ing a *lae where two seas met% they ran the shi* agro#nd& and the *row st#' $ast and
remained immo!able% b#t the stern was being bro'en #* by the !iolene o$ the wa!es"
+t 24:02 +nd the soldiersA *lan was to 'ill the *risoners% lest any o$ them sho#ld swim away and esa*e"
+t 24:0- B#t the ent#rion% wanting to sa!e <a#l% 'e*t them $rom (their) *#r*ose% and ommanded that those
who o#ld swim sho#ld @#m* (o!erboard) $irst and get to land%
+t 24:00 and the rest% some on boards and some on (*arts) o$ the shi*" +nd so it was that they all esa*ed
sa$ely to land"
+t 28:1 Now when they had esa*ed% they then $o#nd o#t that the island was alled ?alta"
+t 28:2 +nd the nati!es showed #s #n#s#al 'indness& $or they 'indled a $ire and made #s all welome%
bea#se o$ the rain that was $alling and bea#se o$ the old"
+t 28:- B#t when <a#l had gathered a b#ndle o$ sti's and laid (them) on the $ire% a !i*er ame o#t bea#se o$
the heat% and $astened on his hand"
+t 28:0 ,o when the nati!es saw the reat#re hanging $rom his hand% they said to one another% .No do#bt this
man is a m#rderer% whom% tho#gh he has esa*ed the sea% yet @#stie does not allow to li!e".
+t 28:1 B#t he shoo' o$$ the reat#re into the $ire and s#$$ered no harm"
+t 28:3 Howe!er% they were e9*eting that he wo#ld swell #* or s#ddenly $all down dead" B#t a$ter they had
loo'ed $or a long time and saw no harm ome to him% they hanged their minds and said that he was a god"
+t 28:4 In that region there was an estate o$ the leading itiHen o$ the island% whose name was <#bli#s% who
reei!ed #s and entertained #s o#rteo#sly $or three days"
+t 28:8 +nd it ha**ened that the $ather o$ <#bli#s lay si' o$ a $e!er and dysentery" <a#l went in to him and
*rayed% and he laid his hands on him and healed him"
+t 28:9 ,o when this was done% the rest o$ those on the island who had diseases also ame and were healed"
+t 28:15 They also honored #s in many ways& and when we de*arted% they *ro!ided s#h things as were
+t 28:11 +$ter three months we sailed in an +le9andrian shi* whose $ig#rehead was the Twin Brothers% whih
had wintered at the island"
+t 28:12 +nd landing at ,yra#se% we stayed three days"
+t 28:1- ;rom there we irled ro#nd and reahed :hegi#m" +nd a$ter one day the so#th wind blew& and the
ne9t day we ame to <#teoli%
+t 28:10 where we $o#nd brethren% and were in!ited to stay with them se!en days" +nd so we went toward
+t 28:11 +nd $rom there% when the brethren heard abo#t #s% they ame to meet #s as $ar as +**ii ;or#m and
Three Inns" >hen <a#l saw them% he than'ed God and too' o#rage"
+t 28:13 Now when we ame to :ome% the ent#rion deli!ered the *risoners to the a*tain o$ the g#ard& b#t
<a#l was *ermitted to dwell by himsel$ with the soldier who g#arded him"
+t 28:14 +nd it ame to *ass a$ter three days that <a#l alled the leaders o$ the Jews together" ,o when they
had ome together% he said to them: .?en (and) brethren% tho#gh I ha!e done nothing against o#r *eo*le or the
#stoms o$ o#r $athers% yet I was deli!ered as a *risoner $rom Jer#salem into the hands o$ the :omans%
+t 28:18 .who% when they had e9amined me% wanted to let (me) go% bea#se there was no a#se $or *#tting me
to death"
+t 28:19 .B#t when the Jews s*o'e against (it%) I was om*elled to a**eal to =aesar% not that I had anything o$
whih to a#se my nation"
+t 28:25 .;or this reason there$ore I ha!e alled $or yo#% to see (yo#) and s*ea' with (yo#%) bea#se $or the
ho*e o$ Israel I am bo#nd with this hain".
+t 28:21 Then they said to him% .>e neither reei!ed letters $rom J#dea onerning yo#% nor ha!e any o$ the
brethren who ame re*orted or s*o'en any e!il o$ yo#"
+t 28:22 .B#t we desire to hear $rom yo# what yo# thin'& $or onerning this set% we 'now that it is s*o'en
against e!erywhere".
+t 28:2- ,o when they had a**ointed him a day% many ame to him at (his) lodging% to whom he e9*lained and
solemnly testi$ied o$ the 'ingdom o$ God% *ers#ading them onerning Jes#s $rom both the /aw o$ ?oses and
the <ro*hets% $rom morning till e!ening"
+t 28:20 +nd some were *ers#aded by the things whih were s*o'en% and some disbelie!ed"
+t 28:21 ,o when they did not agree among themsel!es% they de*arted a$ter <a#l had said one word: .The
Holy ,*irit s*o'e rightly thro#gh Isaiah the *ro*het to o#r $athers%
+t 28:23 .saying% AGo to this *eo*le and say: .Hearing yo# will hear% and shall not #nderstand& +nd seeing yo#
will see% and not *erei!e&
+t 28:24 ;or the hearts o$ this *eo*le ha!e grown d#ll" Their ears are hard o$ hearing% +nd their eyes they ha!e
losed% /est they sho#ld see with (their) eyes and hear with (their) ears% /est they sho#ld #nderstand with (their)
hearts and t#rn% ,o that I sho#ld heal them". A
+t 28:28 .There$ore let it be 'nown to yo# that the sal!ation o$ God has been sent to the Gentiles% and they will
hear itF.
+t 28:29 +nd when he had said these words% the Jews de*arted and had a great dis*#te among themsel!es"
+t 28:-5 Then <a#l dwelt two whole years in his own rented ho#se% and reei!ed all who ame to him%
+t 28:-1 *reahing the 'ingdom o$ God and teahing the things whih onern the /ord Jes#s =hrist with all
on$idene% no one $orbidding him"
:om 1:1 <a#l% a bondser!ant o$ Jes#s =hrist% alled (to be) an a*ostle% se*arated to the gos*el o$ God
:om 1:2 whih He *romised be$ore thro#gh His *ro*hets in the Holy ,ri*t#res%
:om 1:- onerning His ,on Jes#s =hrist o#r /ord% who was born o$ the seed o$ 2a!id aording to the $lesh%
:om 1:0 (and) delared (to be) the ,on o$ God with *ower aording to the ,*irit o$ holiness% by the res#rretion
$rom the dead"
:om 1:1 Thro#gh Him we ha!e reei!ed grae and a*ostleshi* $or obediene to the $aith among all nations $or
His name%
:om 1:3 among whom yo# also are the alled o$ Jes#s =hrist&
:om 1:4 To all who are in :ome% belo!ed o$ God% alled (to be) saints: Grae to yo# and *eae $rom God o#r
;ather and the /ord Jes#s =hrist"
:om 1:8 ;irst% I than' my God thro#gh Jes#s =hrist $or yo# all% that yo#r $aith is s*o'en o$ thro#gho#t the whole
:om 1:9 ;or God is my witness% whom I ser!e with my s*irit in the gos*el o$ His ,on% that witho#t easing I
ma'e mention o$ yo# always in my *rayers%
:om 1:15 ma'ing reE#est i$% by some means% now at last I may $ind a way in the will o$ God to ome to yo#"
:om 1:11 ;or I long to see yo#% that I may im*art to yo# some s*irit#al gi$t% so that yo# may be established DD
:om 1:12 that is% that I may be eno#raged together with yo# by the m#t#al $aith both o$ yo# and me"
:om 1:1- Now I do not want yo# to be #naware% brethren% that I o$ten *lanned to ome to yo# Ib#t was hindered
#ntil nowJ% that I might ha!e some $r#it among yo# also% @#st as among the other Gentiles"
:om 1:10 I am a debtor both to Gree's and to barbarians% both to wise and to #nwise"
:om 1:11 ,o% as m#h as is in me% (I am) ready to *reah the gos*el to yo# who are in :ome also"
:om 1:13 ;or I am not ashamed o$ the gos*el o$ =hrist% $or it is the *ower o$ God to sal!ation $or e!eryone who
belie!es% $or the Jew $irst and also $or the Gree'"
:om 1:14 ;or in it the righteo#sness o$ God is re!ealed $rom $aith to $aith& as it is written% .The @#st shall li!e by
:om 1:18 ;or the wrath o$ God is re!ealed $rom hea!en against all #ngodliness and #nrighteo#sness o$ men%
who s#**ress the tr#th in #nrighteo#sness%
:om 1:19 bea#se what may be 'nown o$ God is mani$est in them% $or God has shown (it) to them"
:om 1:25 ;or sine the reation o$ the world His in!isible (attrib#tes) are learly seen% being #nderstood by the
things that are made% (e!en) His eternal *ower and Godhead% so that they are witho#t e9#se%
:om 1:21 bea#se% altho#gh they 'new God% they did not glori$y (Him) as God% nor were than'$#l% b#t beame
$#tile in their tho#ghts% and their $oolish hearts were dar'ened"
:om 1:22 <ro$essing to be wise% they beame $ools%
:om 1:2- and hanged the glory o$ the inorr#*tible God into an image made li'e orr#*tible man DD and birds
and $o#rD$ooted animals and ree*ing things"
:om 1:20 There$ore God also ga!e them #* to #nleanness% in the l#sts o$ their hearts% to dishonor their bodies
among themsel!es%
:om 1:21 who e9hanged the tr#th o$ God $or the lie% and worshi*ed and ser!ed the reat#re rather than the
=reator% who is blessed $ore!er" +men"
:om 1:23 ;or this reason God ga!e them #* to !ile *assions" ;or e!en their women e9hanged the nat#ral #se
$or what is against nat#re"
:om 1:24 /i'ewise also the men% lea!ing the nat#ral #se o$ the woman% b#rned in their l#st $or one another%
men with men ommitting what is shame$#l% and reei!ing in themsel!es the *enalty o$ their error whih was
:om 1:28 +nd e!en as they did not li'e to retain God in (their) 'nowledge% God ga!e them o!er to a debased
mind% to do those things whih are not $itting&
:om 1:29 being $illed with all #nrighteo#sness% se9#al immorality% wi'edness% o!eto#sness% maliio#sness&
$#ll o$ en!y% m#rder% stri$e% deeit% e!ilDmindedness& (they are) whis*erers%
:om 1:-5 ba'biters% haters o$ God% !iolent% *ro#d% boasters% in!entors o$ e!il things% disobedient to *arents%
:om 1:-1 #ndiserning% #ntr#stworthy% #nlo!ing% #n$orgi!ing% #nmeri$#l&
:om 1:-2 who% 'nowing the righteo#s @#dgment o$ God% that those who *ratie s#h things are deser!ing o$
death% not only do the same b#t also a**ro!e o$ those who *ratie them"
:om 2:1 There$ore yo# are ine9#sable% 8 man% whoe!er yo# are who @#dge% $or in whate!er yo# @#dge another
yo# ondemn yo#rsel$& $or yo# who @#dge *ratie the same things"
:om 2:2 B#t we 'now that the @#dgment o$ God is aording to tr#th against those who *ratie s#h things"
:om 2:- +nd do yo# thin' this% 8 man% yo# who @#dge those *ratiing s#h things% and doing the same% that
yo# will esa*e the @#dgment o$ GodC
:om 2:0 8r do yo# des*ise the rihes o$ His goodness% $orbearane% and longs#$$ering% not 'nowing that the
goodness o$ God leads yo# to re*entaneC
:om 2:1 B#t in aordane with yo#r hardness and yo#r im*enitent heart yo# are treas#ring #* $or yo#rsel$
wrath in the day o$ wrath and re!elation o$ the righteo#s @#dgment o$ God%
:om 2:3 who .will render to eah one aording to his deeds.:
:om 2:4 eternal li$e to those who by *atient ontin#ane in doing good see' $or glory% honor% and immortality&
:om 2:8 b#t to those who are sel$Dsee'ing and do not obey the tr#th% b#t obey #nrighteo#sness DD indignation
and wrath%
:om 2:9 trib#lation and ang#ish% on e!ery so#l o$ man who does e!il% o$ the Jew $irst and also o$ the Gree'&
:om 2:15 b#t glory% honor% and *eae to e!eryone who wor's what is good% to the Jew $irst and also to the
:om 2:11 ;or there is no *artiality with God"
:om 2:12 ;or as many as ha!e sinned witho#t law will also *erish witho#t law% and as many as ha!e sinned in
the law will be @#dged by the law
:om 2:1- I$or not the hearers o$ the law (are) @#st in the sight o$ God% b#t the doers o$ the law will be @#sti$ied&
:om 2:10 $or when Gentiles% who do not ha!e the law% by nat#re do the things in the law% these% altho#gh not
ha!ing the law% are a law to themsel!es%
:om 2:11 who show the wor' o$ the law written in their hearts% their onsiene also bearing witness% and
between themsel!es (their) tho#ghts a#sing or else e9#sing (themJ)
:om 2:13 in the day when God will @#dge the serets o$ men by Jes#s =hrist% aording to my gos*el"
:om 2:14 Indeed yo# are alled a Jew% and rest on the law% and ma'e yo#r boast in God%
:om 2:18 and 'now (His) will% and a**ro!e the things that are e9ellent% being instr#ted o#t o$ the law%
:om 2:19 and are on$ident that yo# yo#rsel$ are a g#ide to the blind% a light to those who are in dar'ness%
:om 2:25 an instr#tor o$ the $oolish% a teaher o$ babes% ha!ing the $orm o$ 'nowledge and tr#th in the law"
:om 2:21 Bo#% there$ore% who teah another% do yo# not teah yo#rsel$C Bo# who *reah that a man sho#ld not
steal% do yo# stealC
:om 2:22 Bo# who say% .2o not ommit ad#ltery%. do yo# ommit ad#lteryC Bo# who abhor idols% do yo# rob
:om 2:2- Bo# who ma'e yo#r boast in the law% do yo# dishonor God thro#gh brea'ing the lawC
:om 2:20 ;or .the name o$ God is blas*hemed among the Gentiles bea#se o$ yo#%. as it is written"
:om 2:21 ;or ir#mision is indeed *ro$itable i$ yo# 'ee* the law& b#t i$ yo# are a brea'er o$ the law% yo#r
ir#mision has beome #nir#mision"
:om 2:23 There$ore% i$ an #nir#mised man 'ee*s the righteo#s reE#irements o$ the law% will not his
#nir#mision be o#nted as ir#misionC
:om 2:24 +nd will not the *hysially #nir#mised% i$ he $#l$ills the law% @#dge yo# who% (e!en) with (yo#r)
written (ode) and ir#mision% (are) a transgressor o$ the lawC
:om 2:28 ;or he is not a Jew who (is one) o#twardly% nor (is) ir#mision that whih (is) o#tward in the $lesh&
:om 2:29 b#t (he is) a Jew who (is one) inwardly& and ir#mision (is that) o$ the heart% in the ,*irit% not in the
letter& whose *raise (is) not $rom men b#t $rom God"
:om -:1 >hat ad!antage then has the Jew% or what (is) the *ro$it o$ ir#misionC
:om -:2 ?#h in e!ery wayF =hie$ly bea#se to them were ommitted the orales o$ God"
:om -:- ;or what i$ some did not belie!eC >ill their #nbelie$ ma'e the $aith$#lness o$ God witho#t e$$etC
:om -:0 =ertainly notF Indeed% let God be tr#e b#t e!ery man a liar" +s it is written: .That Bo# may be @#sti$ied in
Bo#r words% +nd may o!erome when Bo# are @#dged".
:om -:1 B#t i$ o#r #nrighteo#sness demonstrates the righteo#sness o$ God% what shall we sayC (Is) God #n@#st
who in$lits wrathC II s*ea' as a man"J
:om -:3 =ertainly notF ;or then how will God @#dge the worldC
:om -:4 ;or i$ the tr#th o$ God has inreased thro#gh my lie to His glory% why am I also still @#dged as a sinnerC
:om -:8 +nd (why) not (say%) ./et #s do e!il that good may ome.C DD as we are slandero#sly re*orted and as
some a$$irm that we say" Their ondemnation is @#st"
:om -:9 >hat thenC +re we better (than theyC) Not at all" ;or we ha!e *re!io#sly harged both Jews and
Gree's that they are all #nder sin"
:om -:15 +s it is written: .There is none righteo#s% no% not one&
:om -:11 There is none who #nderstands& There is none who see's a$ter God"
:om -:12 They ha!e all t#rned aside& They ha!e together beome #n*ro$itable& There is none who does good%
no% not one".
:om -:1- .Their throat (is) an o*en tomb& >ith their tong#es they ha!e *ratied deeit.& .The *oison o$ as*s
(is) #nder their li*s.&
:om -:10 .>hose mo#th (is) $#ll o$ #rsing and bitterness".
:om -:11 .Their $eet (are) swi$t to shed blood&
:om -:13 2estr#tion and misery (are) in their ways&
:om -:14 +nd the way o$ *eae they ha!e not 'nown".
:om -:18 .There is no $ear o$ God be$ore their eyes".
:om -:19 Now we 'now that whate!er the law says% it says to those who are #nder the law% that e!ery mo#th
may be sto**ed% and all the world may beome g#ilty be$ore God"
:om -:25 There$ore by the deeds o$ the law no $lesh will be @#sti$ied in His sight% $or by the law (is) the
'nowledge o$ sin"
:om -:21 B#t now the righteo#sness o$ God a*art $rom the law is re!ealed% being witnessed by the /aw and the
:om -:22 e!en the righteo#sness o$ God% thro#gh $aith in Jes#s =hrist% to all and on all who belie!e" ;or there
is no di$$erene&
:om -:2- $or all ha!e sinned and $all short o$ the glory o$ God%
:om -:20 being @#sti$ied $reely by His grae thro#gh the redem*tion that is in =hrist Jes#s%
:om -:21 whom God set $orth (as) a *ro*itiation by His blood% thro#gh $aith% to demonstrate His righteo#sness%
bea#se in His $orbearane God had *assed o!er the sins that were *re!io#sly ommitted%
:om -:23 to demonstrate at the *resent time His righteo#sness% that He might be @#st and the @#sti$ier o$ the one
who has $aith in Jes#s"
:om -:24 >here (is) boasting thenC It is e9l#ded" By what lawC 8$ wor'sC No% b#t by the law o$ $aith"
:om -:28 There$ore we onl#de that a man is @#sti$ied by $aith a*art $rom the deeds o$ the law"
:om -:29 8r (is He) the God o$ the Jews onlyC (Is He) not also the God o$ the GentilesC Bes% o$ the Gentiles
:om -:-5 sine (there is) one God who will @#sti$y the ir#mised by $aith and the #nir#mised thro#gh $aith"
:om -:-1 2o we then ma'e !oid the law thro#gh $aithC =ertainly notF 8n the ontrary% we establish the law"
:om 0:1 >hat then shall we say that +braham o#r $ather has $o#nd aording to the $leshC
:om 0:2 ;or i$ +braham was @#sti$ied by wor's% he has (something) to boast abo#t% b#t not be$ore God"
:om 0:- ;or what does the ,ri*t#re sayC .+braham belie!ed God% and it was ao#nted to him $or
:om 0:0 Now to him who wor's% the wages are not o#nted as grae b#t as debt"
:om 0:1 B#t to him who does not wor' b#t belie!es on Him who @#sti$ies the #ngodly% his $aith is ao#nted $or
:om 0:3 @#st as 2a!id also desribes the blessedness o$ the man to whom God im*#tes righteo#sness a*art
$rom wor's:
:om 0:4 .Blessed (are those) whose lawless deeds are $orgi!en% +nd whose sins are o!ered&
:om 0:8 Blessed (is the) man to whom the /8:2 shall not im*#te sin".
:om 0:9 (2oes) this blessedness then (ome) #*on the ir#mised (only%) or #*on the #nir#mised alsoC ;or
we say that $aith was ao#nted to +braham $or righteo#sness"
:om 0:15 How then was it ao#ntedC >hile he was ir#mised% or #nir#misedC Not while ir#mised% b#t
while #nir#mised"
:om 0:11 +nd he reei!ed the sign o$ ir#mision% a seal o$ the righteo#sness o$ the $aith whih (he had while
still) #nir#mised% that he might be the $ather o$ all those who belie!e% tho#gh they are #nir#mised% that
righteo#sness might be im*#ted to them also%
:om 0:12 and the $ather o$ ir#mision to those who not only (are) o$ the ir#mision% b#t who also wal' in the
ste*s o$ the $aith whih o#r $ather +braham (had while still) #nir#mised"
:om 0:1- ;or the *romise that he wo#ld be the heir o$ the world (was) not to +braham or to his seed thro#gh
the law% b#t thro#gh the righteo#sness o$ $aith"
:om 0:10 ;or i$ those who are o$ the law (are) heirs% $aith is made !oid and the *romise made o$ no e$$et%
:om 0:11 bea#se the law brings abo#t wrath& $or where there is no law (there is) no transgression"
:om 0:13 There$ore (it is) o$ $aith that (it might be) aording to grae% so that the *romise might be s#re to all
the seed% not only to those who are o$ the law% b#t also to those who are o$ the $aith o$ +braham% who is the
$ather o$ #s all
:om 0:14 Ias it is written% .I ha!e made yo# a $ather o$ many nations.J in the *resene o$ Him whom he
belie!ed DD God% who gi!es li$e to the dead and alls those things whih do not e9ist as tho#gh they did&
:om 0:18 who% ontrary to ho*e% in ho*e belie!ed% so that he beame the $ather o$ many nations% aording to
what was s*o'en% .,o shall yo#r desendants be".
:om 0:19 +nd not being wea' in $aith% he did not onsider his own body% already dead Isine he was abo#t a
h#ndred years oldJ% and the deadness o$ ,arahAs womb"
:om 0:25 He did not wa!er at the *romise o$ God thro#gh #nbelie$% b#t was strengthened in $aith% gi!ing glory to
:om 0:21 and being $#lly on!ined that what He had *romised He was also able to *er$orm"
:om 0:22 +nd there$ore .it was ao#nted to him $or righteo#sness".
:om 0:2- Now it was not written $or his sa'e alone that it was im*#ted to him%
:om 0:20 b#t also $or #s" It shall be im*#ted to #s who belie!e in Him who raised #* Jes#s o#r /ord $rom the
:om 0:21 who was deli!ered #* bea#se o$ o#r o$$enses% and was raised bea#se o$ o#r @#sti$iation"
:om 1:1 There$ore% ha!ing been @#sti$ied by $aith% we ha!e *eae with God thro#gh o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist%
:om 1:2 thro#gh whom also we ha!e aess by $aith into this grae in whih we stand% and re@oie in ho*e o$
the glory o$ God"
:om 1:- +nd not only (that%) b#t we also glory in trib#lations% 'nowing that trib#lation *rod#es *erse!erane&
:om 1:0 and *erse!erane% harater& and harater% ho*e"
:om 1:1 Now ho*e does not disa**oint% bea#se the lo!e o$ God has been *o#red o#t in o#r hearts by the Holy
,*irit who was gi!en to #s"
:om 1:3 ;or when we were still witho#t strength% in d#e time =hrist died $or the #ngodly"
:om 1:4 ;or sarely $or a righteo#s man will one die& yet *erha*s $or a good man someone wo#ld e!en dare to
:om 1:8 B#t God demonstrates His own lo!e toward #s% in that while we were still sinners% =hrist died $or #s"
:om 1:9 ?#h more then% ha!ing now been @#sti$ied by His blood% we shall be sa!ed $rom wrath thro#gh Him"
:om 1:15 ;or i$ when we were enemies we were reoniled to God thro#gh the death o$ His ,on% m#h more%
ha!ing been reoniled% we shall be sa!ed by His li$e"
:om 1:11 +nd not only (that%) b#t we also re@oie in God thro#gh o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% thro#gh whom we ha!e
now reei!ed the reoniliation"
:om 1:12 There$ore% @#st as thro#gh one man sin entered the world% and death thro#gh sin% and th#s death
s*read to all men% bea#se all sinned DD
:om 1:1- I;or #ntil the law sin was in the world% b#t sin is not im*#ted when there is no law"
:om 1:10 Ne!ertheless death reigned $rom +dam to ?oses% e!en o!er those who had not sinned aording to
the li'eness o$ the transgression o$ +dam% who is a ty*e o$ Him who was to ome"
:om 1:11 B#t the $ree gi$t (is) not li'e the o$$ense" ;or i$ by the one manAs o$$ense many died% m#h more the
grae o$ God and the gi$t by the grae o$ the one ?an% Jes#s =hrist% abo#nded to many"
:om 1:13 +nd the gi$t (is) not li'e (that whih ame) thro#gh the one who sinned" ;or the @#dgment (whih ame)
$rom one (o$$ense res#lted) in ondemnation% b#t the $ree gi$t (whih ame) $rom many o$$enses (res#lted) in
:om 1:14 ;or i$ by the one manAs o$$ense death reigned thro#gh the one% m#h more those who reei!e
ab#ndane o$ grae and o$ the gi$t o$ righteo#sness will reign in li$e thro#gh the 8ne% Jes#s =hrist"J
:om 1:18 There$ore% as thro#gh one manAs o$$ense (@#dgment) ame to all men% res#lting in ondemnation%
e!en so thro#gh one ?anAs righteo#s at (the $ree gi$t ame) to all men% res#lting in @#sti$iation o$ li$e"
:om 1:19 ;or as by one manAs disobediene many were made sinners% so also by one ?anAs obediene many
will be made righteo#s"
:om 1:25 ?oreo!er the law entered that the o$$ense might abo#nd" B#t where sin abo#nded% grae abo#nded
m#h more%
:om 1:21 so that as sin reigned in death% e!en so grae might reign thro#gh righteo#sness to eternal li$e
thro#gh Jes#s =hrist o#r /ord"
:om 3:1 >hat shall we say thenC ,hall we ontin#e in sin that grae may abo#ndC
:om 3:2 =ertainly notF How shall we who died to sin li!e any longer in itC
:om 3:- 8r do yo# not 'now that as many o$ #s as were ba*tiHed into =hrist Jes#s were ba*tiHed into His
:om 3:0 There$ore we were b#ried with Him thro#gh ba*tism into death% that @#st as =hrist was raised $rom the
dead by the glory o$ the ;ather% e!en so we also sho#ld wal' in newness o$ li$e"
:om 3:1 ;or i$ we ha!e been #nited together in the li'eness o$ His death% ertainly we also shall be (in the
li'eness) o$ (His) res#rretion%
:om 3:3 'nowing this% that o#r old man was r#i$ied with (Him%) that the body o$ sin might be done away with%
that we sho#ld no longer be sla!es o$ sin"
:om 3:4 ;or he who has died has been $reed $rom sin"
:om 3:8 Now i$ we died with =hrist% we belie!e that we shall also li!e with Him%
:om 3:9 'nowing that =hrist% ha!ing been raised $rom the dead% dies no more" 2eath no longer has dominion
o!er Him"
:om 3:15 ;or (the death) that He died% He died to sin one $or all& b#t (the li$e) that He li!es% He li!es to God"
:om 3:11 /i'ewise yo# also% re'on yo#rsel!es to be dead indeed to sin% b#t ali!e to God in =hrist Jes#s o#r
:om 3:12 There$ore do not let sin reign in yo#r mortal body% that yo# sho#ld obey it in its l#sts"
:om 3:1- +nd do not *resent yo#r members (as) instr#ments o$ #nrighteo#sness to sin% b#t *resent yo#rsel!es
to God as being ali!e $rom the dead% and yo#r members (as) instr#ments o$ righteo#sness to God"
:om 3:10 ;or sin shall not ha!e dominion o!er yo#% $or yo# are not #nder law b#t #nder grae"
:om 3:11 >hat thenC ,hall we sin bea#se we are not #nder law b#t #nder graeC =ertainly notF
:om 3:13 2o yo# not 'now that to whom yo# *resent yo#rsel!es sla!es to obey% yo# are that oneAs sla!es
whom yo# obey% whether o$ sin (leading) to death% or o$ obediene (leading) to righteo#snessC
:om 3:14 B#t God be than'ed that (tho#gh) yo# were sla!es o$ sin% yet yo# obeyed $rom the heart that $orm o$
dotrine to whih yo# were deli!ered"
:om 3:18 +nd ha!ing been set $ree $rom sin% yo# beame sla!es o$ righteo#sness"
:om 3:19 I s*ea' in h#man (terms) bea#se o$ the wea'ness o$ yo#r $lesh" ;or @#st as yo# *resented yo#r
members (as) sla!es o$ #nleanness% and o$ lawlessness (leading) to (more) lawlessness% so now *resent yo#r
members (as) sla!es (o$) righteo#sness $or holiness"
:om 3:25 ;or when yo# were sla!es o$ sin% yo# were $ree in regard to righteo#sness"
:om 3:21 >hat $r#it did yo# ha!e then in the things o$ whih yo# are now ashamedC ;or the end o$ those things
(is) death"
:om 3:22 B#t now ha!ing been set $ree $rom sin% and ha!ing beome sla!es o$ God% yo# ha!e yo#r $r#it to
holiness% and the end% e!erlasting li$e"
:om 3:2- ;or the wages o$ sin (is) death% b#t the gi$t o$ God (is) eternal li$e in =hrist Jes#s o#r /ord"
:om 4:1 8r do yo# not 'now% brethren I$or I s*ea' to those who 'now the lawJ% that the law has dominion o!er a
man as long as he li!esC
:om 4:2 ;or the woman who has a h#sband is bo#nd by the law to (her) h#sband as long as he li!es" B#t i$ the
h#sband dies% she is released $rom the law o$ (her) h#sband"
:om 4:- ,o then i$% while (her) h#sband li!es% she marries another man% she will be alled an ad#lteress& b#t i$
her h#sband dies% she is $ree $rom that law% so that she is no ad#lteress% tho#gh she has married another man"
:om 4:0 There$ore% my brethren% yo# also ha!e beome dead to the law thro#gh the body o$ =hrist% that yo#
may be married to another DD to Him who was raised $rom the dead% that we sho#ld bear $r#it to God"
:om 4:1 ;or when we were in the $lesh% the sin$#l *assions whih were aro#sed by the law were at wor' in o#r
members to bear $r#it to death"
:om 4:3 B#t now we ha!e been deli!ered $rom the law% ha!ing died to what we were held by% so that we sho#ld
ser!e in the newness o$ the ,*irit and not (in) the oldness o$ the letter"
:om 4:4 >hat shall we say thenC (Is) the law sinC =ertainly notF 8n the ontrary% I wo#ld not ha!e 'nown sin
e9e*t thro#gh the law" ;or I wo#ld not ha!e 'nown o!eto#sness #nless the law had said% .Bo# shall not
:om 4:8 B#t sin% ta'ing o**ort#nity by the ommandment% *rod#ed in me all (manner o$ e!il) desire" ;or a*art
$rom the law sin (was) dead"
:om 4:9 I was ali!e one witho#t the law% b#t when the ommandment ame% sin re!i!ed and I died"
:om 4:15 +nd the ommandment% whih (was) to (bring) li$e% I $o#nd to (bring) death"
:om 4:11 ;or sin% ta'ing oasion by the ommandment% deei!ed me% and by it 'illed (me")
:om 4:12 There$ore the law (is) holy% and the ommandment holy and @#st and good"
:om 4:1- Has then what is good beome death to meC =ertainly notF B#t sin% that it might a**ear sin% was
*rod#ing death in me thro#gh what is good% so that sin thro#gh the ommandment might beome e9eedingly
:om 4:10 ;or we 'now that the law is s*irit#al% b#t I am arnal% sold #nder sin"
:om 4:11 ;or what I am doing% I do not #nderstand" ;or what I will to do% that I do not *ratie& b#t what I hate%
that I do"
:om 4:13 I$% then% I do what I will not to do% I agree with the law that (it is) good"
:om 4:14 B#t now% (it is) no longer I who do it% b#t sin that dwells in me"
:om 4:18 ;or I 'now that in me Ithat is% in my $leshJ nothing good dwells& $or to will is *resent with me% b#t (how)
to *er$orm what is good I do not $ind"
:om 4:19 ;or the good that I will (to do%) I do not do& b#t the e!il I will not (to do%) that I *ratie"
:om 4:25 Now i$ I do what I will not (to do%) it is no longer I who do it% b#t sin that dwells in me"
:om 4:21 I $ind then a law% that e!il is *resent with me% the one who wills to do good"
:om 4:22 ;or I delight in the law o$ God aording to the inward man"
:om 4:2- B#t I see another law in my members% warring against the law o$ my mind% and bringing me into
a*ti!ity to the law o$ sin whih is in my members"
:om 4:20 8 wrethed man that I amF >ho will deli!er me $rom this body o$ deathC
:om 4:21 I than' God DD thro#gh Jes#s =hrist o#r /ordF ,o then% with the mind I mysel$ ser!e the law o$ God%
b#t with the $lesh the law o$ sin"
:om 8:1 (There is) there$ore now no ondemnation to those who are in =hrist Jes#s% who do not wal' aording
to the $lesh% b#t aording to the ,*irit"
:om 8:2 ;or the law o$ the ,*irit o$ li$e in =hrist Jes#s has made me $ree $rom the law o$ sin and death"
:om 8:- ;or what the law o#ld not do in that it was wea' thro#gh the $lesh% God (did) by sending His own ,on
in the li'eness o$ sin$#l $lesh% on ao#nt o$ sin: He ondemned sin in the $lesh%
:om 8:0 that the righteo#s reE#irement o$ the law might be $#l$illed in #s who do not wal' aording to the $lesh
b#t aording to the ,*irit"
:om 8:1 ;or those who li!e aording to the $lesh set their minds on the things o$ the $lesh% b#t those (who li!e)
aording to the ,*irit% the things o$ the ,*irit"
:om 8:3 ;or to be arnally minded (is) death% b#t to be s*irit#ally minded (is) li$e and *eae"
:om 8:4 Bea#se the arnal mind (is) enmity against God& $or it is not s#b@et to the law o$ God% nor indeed an
:om 8:8 ,o then% those who are in the $lesh annot *lease God"
:om 8:9 B#t yo# are not in the $lesh b#t in the ,*irit% i$ indeed the ,*irit o$ God dwells in yo#" Now i$ anyone
does not ha!e the ,*irit o$ =hrist% he is not His"
:om 8:15 +nd i$ =hrist (is) in yo#% the body (is) dead bea#se o$ sin% b#t the ,*irit (is) li$e bea#se o$
:om 8:11 B#t i$ the ,*irit o$ Him who raised Jes#s $rom the dead dwells in yo#% He who raised =hrist $rom the
dead will also gi!e li$e to yo#r mortal bodies thro#gh His ,*irit who dwells in yo#"
:om 8:12 There$ore% brethren% we are debtors DD not to the $lesh% to li!e aording to the $lesh"
:om 8:1- ;or i$ yo# li!e aording to the $lesh yo# will die& b#t i$ by the ,*irit yo# *#t to death the deeds o$ the
body% yo# will li!e"
:om 8:10 ;or as many as are led by the ,*irit o$ God% these are sons o$ God"
:om 8:11 ;or yo# did not reei!e the s*irit o$ bondage again to $ear% b#t yo# reei!ed the ,*irit o$ ado*tion by
whom we ry o#t% .+bba% ;ather".
:om 8:13 The ,*irit Himsel$ bears witness with o#r s*irit that we are hildren o$ God%
:om 8:14 and i$ hildren% then heirs DD heirs o$ God and @oint heirs with =hrist% i$ indeed we s#$$er with (Him%) that
we may also be glori$ied together"
:om 8:18 ;or I onsider that the s#$$erings o$ this *resent time are not worthy (to be om*ared) with the glory
whih shall be re!ealed in #s"
:om 8:19 ;or the earnest e9*etation o$ the reation eagerly waits $or the re!ealing o$ the sons o$ God"
:om 8:25 ;or the reation was s#b@eted to $#tility% not willingly% b#t bea#se o$ Him who s#b@eted (it) in ho*e&
:om 8:21 bea#se the reation itsel$ also will be deli!ered $rom the bondage o$ orr#*tion into the glorio#s
liberty o$ the hildren o$ God"
:om 8:22 ;or we 'now that the whole reation groans and labors with birth *angs together #ntil now"
:om 8:2- Not only (that%) b#t we also who ha!e the $irst$r#its o$ the ,*irit% e!en we o#rsel!es groan within
o#rsel!es% eagerly waiting $or the ado*tion% the redem*tion o$ o#r body"
:om 8:20 ;or we were sa!ed in this ho*e% b#t ho*e that is seen is not ho*e& $or why does one still ho*e $or
what he seesC
:om 8:21 B#t i$ we ho*e $or what we do not see% we eagerly wait $or (it) with *erse!erane"
:om 8:23 /i'ewise the ,*irit also hel*s in o#r wea'nesses" ;or we do not 'now what we sho#ld *ray $or as we
o#ght% b#t the ,*irit Himsel$ ma'es interession $or #s with groanings whih annot be #ttered"
:om 8:24 Now He who searhes the hearts 'nows what the mind o$ the ,*irit (is%) bea#se He ma'es
interession $or the saints aording to (the will o$) God"
:om 8:28 +nd we 'now that all things wor' together $or good to those who lo!e God% to those who are the
alled aording to (His) *#r*ose"
:om 8:29 ;or whom He $ore'new% He also *redestined (to be) on$ormed to the image o$ His ,on% that He
might be the $irstborn among many brethren"
:om 8:-5 ?oreo!er whom He *redestined% these He also alled& whom He alled% these He also @#sti$ied& and
whom He @#sti$ied% these He also glori$ied"
:om 8:-1 >hat then shall we say to these thingsC I$ God (is) $or #s% who (an be) against #sC
:om 8:-2 He who did not s*are His own ,on% b#t deli!ered Him #* $or #s all% how shall He not with Him also
$reely gi!e #s all thingsC
:om 8:-- >ho shall bring a harge against GodAs eletC (It is) God who @#sti$ies"
:om 8:-0 >ho (is) he who ondemnsC (It is) =hrist who died% and $#rthermore is also risen% who is e!en at the
right hand o$ God% who also ma'es interession $or #s"
:om 8:-1 >ho shall se*arate #s $rom the lo!e o$ =hristC (,hall) trib#lation% or distress% or *erse#tion% or
$amine% or na'edness% or *eril% or swordC
:om 8:-3 +s it is written: .;or Bo#r sa'e we are 'illed all day long& >e are ao#nted as shee* $or the
:om 8:-4 Bet in all these things we are more than onE#erors thro#gh Him who lo!ed #s"
:om 8:-8 ;or I am *ers#aded that neither death nor li$e% nor angels nor *rini*alities nor *owers% nor things
*resent nor things to ome%
:om 8:-9 nor height nor de*th% nor any other reated thing% shall be able to se*arate #s $rom the lo!e o$ God
whih is in =hrist Jes#s o#r /ord"
:om 9:1 I tell the tr#th in =hrist% I am not lying% my onsiene also bearing me witness in the Holy ,*irit%
:om 9:2 that I ha!e great sorrow and ontin#al grie$ in my heart"
:om 9:- ;or I o#ld wish that I mysel$ were a#rsed $rom =hrist $or my brethren% my o#ntrymen aording to
the $lesh%
:om 9:0 who are Israelites% to whom (*ertain) the ado*tion% the glory% the o!enants% the gi!ing o$ the law% the
ser!ie (o$ God%) and the *romises&
:om 9:1 o$ whom (are) the $athers and $rom whom% aording to the $lesh% =hrist (ame%) who is o!er all% (the)
eternally blessed God" +men"
:om 9:3 B#t it is not that the word o$ God has ta'en no e$$et" ;or they (are) not all Israel who (are) o$ Israel%
:om 9:4 nor (are they) all hildren bea#se they are the seed o$ +braham& b#t% .In Isaa yo#r seed shall be
:om 9:8 That is% those who (are) the hildren o$ the $lesh% these (are) not the hildren o$ God& b#t the hildren o$
the *romise are o#nted as the seed"
:om 9:9 ;or this (is) the word o$ *romise: .+t this time I will ome and ,arah shall ha!e a son".
:om 9:15 +nd not only (this%) b#t when :ebea also had onei!ed by one man% (e!en) by o#r $ather Isaa
:om 9:11 I$or (the hildren) not yet being born% nor ha!ing done any good or e!il% that the *#r*ose o$ God
aording to eletion might stand% not o$ wor's b#t o$ Him who allsJ%
:om 9:12 it was said to her% .The older shall ser!e the yo#nger".
:om 9:1- +s it is written% .Jaob I ha!e lo!ed% b#t 6sa# I ha!e hated".
:om 9:10 >hat shall we say thenC (Is there) #nrighteo#sness with GodC =ertainly notF
:om 9:11 ;or He says to ?oses% .I will ha!e mery on whome!er I will ha!e mery% and I will ha!e om*assion
on whome!er I will ha!e om*assion".
:om 9:13 ,o then (it is) not o$ him who wills% nor o$ him who r#ns% b#t o$ God who shows mery"
:om 9:14 ;or the ,ri*t#re says to <haraoh% .;or this !ery *#r*ose I ha!e raised yo# #*% that I may show ?y
*ower in yo#% and that ?y name may be delared in all the earth".
:om 9:18 There$ore He has mery on whom He wills% and whom He wills He hardens"
:om 9:19 Bo# will say to me then% .>hy does He still $ind $a#ltC ;or who has resisted His willC.
:om 9:25 B#t indeed% 8 man% who are yo# to re*ly against GodC >ill the thing $ormed say to him who $ormed
(it%) .>hy ha!e yo# made me li'e thisC.
:om 9:21 2oes not the *otter ha!e *ower o!er the lay% $rom the same l#m* to ma'e one !essel $or honor and
another $or dishonorC
:om 9:22 (>hat) i$ God% wanting to show (His) wrath and to ma'e His *ower 'nown% end#red with m#h
longs#$$ering the !essels o$ wrath *re*ared $or destr#tion%
:om 9:2- and that He might ma'e 'nown the rihes o$ His glory on the !essels o$ mery% whih He had
*re*ared be$orehand $or glory%
:om 9:20 (e!en) #s whom He alled% not o$ the Jews only% b#t also o$ the GentilesC
:om 9:21 +s He says also in Hosea: .I will all them ?y *eo*le% who were not ?y *eo*le% +nd her belo!ed%
who was not belo!ed".
:om 9:23 .+nd it shall ome to *ass in the *lae where it was said to them% (ABo# are) not ?y *eo*le%A There
they shall be alled sons o$ the li!ing God".
:om 9:24 Isaiah also ries o#t onerning Israel: .Tho#gh the n#mber o$ the hildren o$ Israel be as the sand o$
the sea% The remnant will be sa!ed"
:om 9:28 ;or He will $inish the wor' and #t (it) short in righteo#sness% Bea#se the /8:2 will ma'e a short
wor' #*on the earth".
:om 9:29 +nd as Isaiah said be$ore: .7nless the /8:2 o$ ,abaoth had le$t #s a seed% >e wo#ld ha!e beome
li'e ,odom% +nd we wo#ld ha!e been made li'e Gomorrah".
:om 9:-5 >hat shall we say thenC That Gentiles% who did not *#rs#e righteo#sness% ha!e attained to
righteo#sness% e!en the righteo#sness o$ $aith&
:om 9:-1 b#t Israel% *#rs#ing the law o$ righteo#sness% has not attained to the law o$ righteo#sness"
:om 9:-2 >hyC Bea#se (they did) not (see' it) by $aith% b#t as it were% by the wor's o$ the law" ;or they
st#mbled at that st#mbling stone"
:om 9:-- +s it is written: .Behold% I lay in Gion a st#mbling stone and ro' o$ o$$ense% +nd whoe!er belie!es on
Him will not be *#t to shame".
:om 15:1 Brethren% my heartAs desire and *rayer to God $or Israel is that they may be sa!ed"
:om 15:2 ;or I bear them witness that they ha!e a Heal $or God% b#t not aording to 'nowledge"
:om 15:- ;or they being ignorant o$ GodAs righteo#sness% and see'ing to establish their own righteo#sness%
ha!e not s#bmitted to the righteo#sness o$ God"
:om 15:0 ;or =hrist (is) the end o$ the law $or righteo#sness to e!eryone who belie!es"
:om 15:1 ;or ?oses writes abo#t the righteo#sness whih is o$ the law% .The man who does those things shall
li!e by them".
:om 15:3 B#t the righteo#sness o$ $aith s*ea's in this way% .2o not say in yo#r heart% A>ho will asend into
hea!enCA . Ithat is% to bring =hrist down ($rom abo!eJ)
:om 15:4 or% . A>ho will desend into the abyssCA . Ithat is% to bring =hrist #* $rom the deadJ"
:om 15:8 B#t what does it sayC .The word is near yo#% in yo#r mo#th and in yo#r heart. Ithat is% the word o$
$aith whih we *reahJ:
:om 15:9 that i$ yo# on$ess with yo#r mo#th the /ord Jes#s and belie!e in yo#r heart that God has raised Him
$rom the dead% yo# will be sa!ed"
:om 15:15 ;or with the heart one belie!es #nto righteo#sness% and with the mo#th on$ession is made #nto
:om 15:11 ;or the ,ri*t#re says% .>hoe!er belie!es on Him will not be *#t to shame".
:om 15:12 ;or there is no distintion between Jew and Gree'% $or the same /ord o!er all is rih to all who all
#*on Him"
:om 15:1- ;or .whoe!er alls on the name o$ the /8:2 shall be sa!ed".
:om 15:10 How then shall they all on Him in whom they ha!e not belie!edC +nd how shall they belie!e in Him
o$ whom they ha!e not heardC +nd how shall they hear witho#t a *reaherC
:om 15:11 +nd how shall they *reah #nless they are sentC +s it is written: .How bea#ti$#l are the $eet o$ those
who *reah the gos*el o$ *eae% >ho bring glad tidings o$ good thingsF.
:om 15:13 B#t they ha!e not all obeyed the gos*el" ;or Isaiah says% ./ord% who has belie!ed o#r re*ortC.
:om 15:14 ,o then $aith (omes) by hearing% and hearing by the word o$ God"
:om 15:18 B#t I say% ha!e they not heardC Bes indeed: .Their so#nd has gone o#t to all the earth% +nd their
words to the ends o$ the world".
:om 15:19 B#t I say% did Israel not 'nowC ;irst ?oses says: .I will *ro!o'e yo# to @ealo#sy by (those who are)
not a nation% I will mo!e yo# to anger by a $oolish nation".
:om 15:25 B#t Isaiah is !ery bold and says: .I was $o#nd by those who did not see' ?e& I was made mani$est to
those who did not as' $or ?e".
:om 15:21 B#t to Israel he says: .+ll day long I ha!e strethed o#t ?y hands To a disobedient and ontrary
:om 11:1 I say then% has God ast away His *eo*leC =ertainly notF ;or I also am an Israelite% o$ the seed o$
+braham% (o$) the tribe o$ Ben@amin"
:om 11:2 God has not ast away His *eo*le whom He $ore'new" 8r do yo# not 'now what the ,ri*t#re says
o$ 6li@ah% how he *leads with God against Israel% saying%
:om 11:- ./8:2% they ha!e 'illed Bo#r *ro*hets and torn down Bo#r altars% and I alone am le$t% and they see'
my li$e.C
:om 11:0 B#t what does the di!ine res*onse say to himC .I ha!e reser!ed $or ?ysel$ se!en tho#sand men who
ha!e not bowed the 'nee to Baal".
:om 11:1 6!en so then% at this *resent time there is a remnant aording to the eletion o$ grae"
:om 11:3 +nd i$ by grae% then (it is) no longer o$ wor's& otherwise grae is no longer grae" B#t i$ (it is) o$
wor's% it is no longer grae& otherwise wor' is no longer wor'"
:om 11:4 >hat thenC Israel has not obtained what it see's& b#t the elet ha!e obtained it% and the rest were
:om 11:8 J#st as it is written: .God has gi!en them a s*irit o$ st#*or% 6yes that they sho#ld not see +nd ears
that they sho#ld not hear% To this !ery day".
:om 11:9 +nd 2a!id says: ./et their table beome a snare and a tra*% + st#mbling blo' and a reom*ense to
:om 11:15 /et their eyes be dar'ened% so that they do not see% and bow down their ba' always".
:om 11:11 I say then% ha!e they st#mbled that they sho#ld $allC =ertainly notF B#t thro#gh their $all% to *ro!o'e
them to @ealo#sy% sal!ation (has ome) to the Gentiles"
:om 11:12 Now i$ their $all (is) rihes $or the world% and their $ail#re rihes $or the Gentiles% how m#h more their
:om 11:1- ;or I s*ea' to yo# Gentiles& inasm#h as I am an a*ostle to the Gentiles% I magni$y my ministry%
:om 11:10 i$ by any means I may *ro!o'e to @ealo#sy (those who are) my $lesh and sa!e some o$ them"
:om 11:11 ;or i$ their being ast away (is) the reoniling o$ the world% what (will) their ae*tane (be) b#t li$e
$rom the deadC
:om 11:13 ;or i$ the $irst$r#it (is) holy% the l#m* (is) also (holy&) and i$ the root (is) holy% so (are) the branhes"
:om 11:14 +nd i$ some o$ the branhes were bro'en o$$% and yo#% being a wild oli!e tree% were gra$ted in among
them% and with them beame a *arta'er o$ the root and $atness o$ the oli!e tree%
:om 11:18 do not boast against the branhes" B#t i$ yo# do boast% (remember that) yo# do not s#**ort the root%
b#t the root s#**orts yo#"
:om 11:19 Bo# will say then% .Branhes were bro'en o$$ that I might be gra$ted in".
:om 11:25 >ell (said") Bea#se o$ #nbelie$ they were bro'en o$$% and yo# stand by $aith" 2o not be ha#ghty% b#t
:om 11:21 ;or i$ God did not s*are the nat#ral branhes% He may not s*are yo# either"
:om 11:22 There$ore onsider the goodness and se!erity o$ God: on those who $ell% se!erity& b#t toward yo#%
goodness% i$ yo# ontin#e in (His) goodness" 8therwise yo# also will be #t o$$"
:om 11:2- +nd they also% i$ they do not ontin#e in #nbelie$% will be gra$ted in% $or God is able to gra$t them in
:om 11:20 ;or i$ yo# were #t o#t o$ the oli!e tree whih is wild by nat#re% and were gra$ted ontrary to nat#re
into a #lti!ated oli!e tree% how m#h more will these% who (are) nat#ral (branhes%) be gra$ted into their own
oli!e treeC
:om 11:21 ;or I do not desire% brethren% that yo# sho#ld be ignorant o$ this mystery% lest yo# sho#ld be wise in
yo#r own o*inion% that blindness in *art has ha**ened to Israel #ntil the $#llness o$ the Gentiles has ome in"
:om 11:23 +nd so all Israel will be sa!ed% as it is written: .The 2eli!erer will ome o#t o$ Gion% +nd He will t#rn
away #ngodliness $rom Jaob&
:om 11:24 ;or this (is) ?y o!enant with them% >hen I ta'e away their sins".
:om 11:28 =onerning the gos*el (they are) enemies $or yo#r sa'e% b#t onerning the eletion (they are)
belo!ed $or the sa'e o$ the $athers"
:om 11:29 ;or the gi$ts and the alling o$ God (are) irre!oable"
:om 11:-5 ;or as yo# were one disobedient to God% yet ha!e now obtained mery thro#gh their disobediene%
:om 11:-1 e!en so these also ha!e now been disobedient% that thro#gh the mery shown yo# they also may
obtain mery"
:om 11:-2 ;or God has ommitted them all to disobediene% that He might ha!e mery on all"
:om 11:-- 8h% the de*th o$ the rihes both o$ the wisdom and 'nowledge o$ GodF How #nsearhable (are) His
@#dgments and His ways *ast $inding o#tF
:om 11:-0 .;or who has 'nown the mind o$ the /8:2C 8r who has beome His o#nselorC.
:om 11:-1 .8r who has $irst gi!en to Him +nd it shall be re*aid to himC.
:om 11:-3 ;or o$ Him and thro#gh Him and to Him (are) all things% to whom (be) glory $ore!er" +men"
:om 12:1 I beseeh yo# there$ore% brethren% by the meries o$ God% that yo# *resent yo#r bodies a li!ing
sari$ie% holy% ae*table to God% (whih is) yo#r reasonable ser!ie"
:om 12:2 +nd do not be on$ormed to this world% b#t be trans$ormed by the renewing o$ yo#r mind% that yo#
may *ro!e what (is) that good and ae*table and *er$et will o$ God"
:om 12:- ;or I say% thro#gh the grae gi!en to me% to e!eryone who is among yo#% not to thin' (o$ himsel$) more
highly than he o#ght to thin'% b#t to thin' soberly% as God has dealt to eah one a meas#re o$ $aith"
:om 12:0 ;or as we ha!e many members in one body% b#t all the members do not ha!e the same $#ntion%
:om 12:1 so we% (being) many% are one body in =hrist% and indi!id#ally members o$ one another"
:om 12:3 Ha!ing then gi$ts di$$ering aording to the grae that is gi!en to #s% (let #s #se them:) i$ *ro*hey% (let
#s *ro*hesy) in *ro*ortion to o#r $aith&
:om 12:4 or ministry% (let #s #se it) in (o#r) ministering& he who teahes% in teahing&
:om 12:8 he who e9horts% in e9hortation& he who gi!es% with liberality& he who leads% with diligene& he who
shows mery% with heer$#lness"
:om 12:9 (/et) lo!e (be) witho#t hy*orisy" +bhor what is e!il" =ling to what is good"
:om 12:15 (Be) 'indly a$$etionate to one another with brotherly lo!e% in honor gi!ing *re$erene to one another&
:om 12:11 not lagging in diligene% $er!ent in s*irit% ser!ing the /ord&
:om 12:12 re@oiing in ho*e% *atient in trib#lation% ontin#ing stead$astly in *rayer&
:om 12:1- distrib#ting to the needs o$ the saints% gi!en to hos*itality"
:om 12:10 Bless those who *erse#te yo#& bless and do not #rse"
:om 12:11 :e@oie with those who re@oie% and wee* with those who wee*"
:om 12:13 Be o$ the same mind toward one another" 2o not set yo#r mind on high things% b#t assoiate with
the h#mble" 2o not be wise in yo#r own o*inion"
:om 12:14 :e*ay no one e!il $or e!il" Ha!e regard $or good things in the sight o$ all men"
:om 12:18 I$ it is *ossible% as m#h as de*ends on yo#% li!e *eaeably with all men"
:om 12:19 Belo!ed% do not a!enge yo#rsel!es% b#t (rather) gi!e *lae to wrath& $or it is written% .Vengeane (is)
?ine% I will re*ay%. says the /ord"
:om 12:25 There$ore .I$ yo#r enemy is h#ngry% $eed him& I$ he is thirsty% gi!e him a drin'& ;or in so doing yo#
will hea* oals o$ $ire on his head".
:om 12:21 2o not be o!erome by e!il% b#t o!erome e!il with good"
:om 1-:1 /et e!ery so#l be s#b@et to the go!erning a#thorities" ;or there is no a#thority e9e*t $rom God% and
the a#thorities that e9ist are a**ointed by God"
:om 1-:2 There$ore whoe!er resists the a#thority resists the ordinane o$ God% and those who resist will bring
@#dgment on themsel!es"
:om 1-:- ;or r#lers are not a terror to good wor's% b#t to e!il" 2o yo# want to be #na$raid o$ the a#thorityC 2o
what is good% and yo# will ha!e *raise $rom the same"
:om 1-:0 ;or he is GodAs minister to yo# $or good" B#t i$ yo# do e!il% be a$raid& $or he does not bear the sword
in !ain& $or he is GodAs minister% an a!enger to (e9e#te) wrath on him who *raties e!il"
:om 1-:1 There$ore (yo#) m#st be s#b@et% not only bea#se o$ wrath b#t also $or onsieneA sa'e"
:om 1-:3 ;or bea#se o$ this yo# also *ay ta9es% $or they are GodAs ministers attending ontin#ally to this !ery
:om 1-:4 :ender there$ore to all their d#e: ta9es to whom ta9es (are d#e%) #stoms to whom #stoms% $ear to
whom $ear% honor to whom honor"
:om 1-:8 8we no one anything e9e*t to lo!e one another% $or he who lo!es another has $#l$illed the law"
:om 1-:9 ;or the ommandments% .Bo# shall not ommit ad#ltery%. .Bo# shall not m#rder%. .Bo# shall not
steal%. .Bo# shall not bear $alse witness%. .Bo# shall not o!et%. and i$ (there is) any other ommandment% are (all)
s#mmed #* in this saying% namely% .Bo# shall lo!e yo#r neighbor as yo#rsel$".
:om 1-:15 /o!e does no harm to a neighbor& there$ore lo!e (is) the $#l$illment o$ the law"
:om 1-:11 +nd (do) this% 'nowing the time% that now (it is) high time to awa'e o#t o$ slee*& $or now o#r sal!ation
(is) nearer than when we ($irst) belie!ed"
:om 1-:12 The night is $ar s*ent% the day is at hand" There$ore let #s ast o$$ the wor's o$ dar'ness% and let #s
*#t on the armor o$ light"
:om 1-:1- /et #s wal' *ro*erly% as in the day% not in re!elry and dr#n'enness% not in lewdness and l#st% not in
stri$e and en!y"
:om 1-:10 B#t *#t on the /ord Jes#s =hrist% and ma'e no *ro!ision $or the $lesh% to ($#l$ill its) l#sts"
:om 10:1 :eei!e one who is wea' in the $aith% (b#t) not to dis*#tes o!er do#bt$#l things"
:om 10:2 ;or one belie!es he may eat all things% b#t he who is wea' eats (only) !egetables"
:om 10:- /et not him who eats des*ise him who does not eat% and let not him who does not eat @#dge him who
eats& $or God has reei!ed him"
:om 10:0 >ho are yo# to @#dge anotherAs ser!antC To his own master he stands or $alls" Indeed% he will be
made to stand% $or God is able to ma'e him stand"
:om 10:1 8ne *erson esteems (one) day abo!e another& another esteems e!ery day (ali'e") /et eah be $#lly
on!ined in his own mind"
:om 10:3 He who obser!es the day% obser!es (it) to the /ord& and he who does not obser!e the day% to the /ord
he does not obser!e (it") He who eats% eats to the /ord% $or he gi!es God than's& and he who does not eat% to the
/ord he does not eat% and gi!es God than's"
:om 10:4 ;or none o$ #s li!es to himsel$% and no one dies to himsel$"
:om 10:8 ;or i$ we li!e% we li!e to the /ord& and i$ we die% we die to the /ord" There$ore% whether we li!e or die%
we are the /ordAs"
:om 10:9 ;or to this end =hrist died and rose and li!ed again% that He might be /ord o$ both the dead and the
:om 10:15 B#t why do yo# @#dge yo#r brotherC 8r why do yo# show ontem*t $or yo#r brotherC ;or we shall all
stand be$ore the @#dgment seat o$ =hrist"
:om 10:11 ;or it is written: (.+s) I li!e% says the /8:2% 6!ery 'nee shall bow to ?e% +nd e!ery tong#e shall
on$ess to God".
:om 10:12 ,o then eah o$ #s shall gi!e ao#nt o$ himsel$ to God"
:om 10:1- There$ore let #s not @#dge one another anymore% b#t rather resol!e this% not to *#t a st#mbling blo'
or a a#se to $all in (o#r) brotherAs way"
:om 10:10 I 'now and am on!ined by the /ord Jes#s that (there is) nothing #nlean o$ itsel$& b#t to him who
onsiders anything to be #nlean% to him (it is) #nlean"
:om 10:11 Bet i$ yo#r brother is grie!ed bea#se o$ (yo#r) $ood% yo# are no longer wal'ing in lo!e" 2o not
destroy with yo#r $ood the one $or whom =hrist died"
:om 10:13 There$ore do not let yo#r good be s*o'en o$ as e!il&
:om 10:14 $or the 'ingdom o$ God is not eating and drin'ing% b#t righteo#sness and *eae and @oy in the Holy
:om 10:18 ;or he who ser!es =hrist in these things (is) ae*table to God and a**ro!ed by men"
:om 10:19 There$ore let #s *#rs#e the things (whih ma'e) $or *eae and the things by whih one may edi$y
:om 10:25 2o not destroy the wor' o$ God $or the sa'e o$ $ood" +ll things indeed (are) *#re% b#t (it is) e!il $or the
man who eats with o$$ense"
:om 10:21 (It is) good neither to eat meat nor drin' wine nor (do anything) by whih yo#r brother st#mbles or is
o$$ended or is made wea'"
:om 10:22 2o yo# ha!e $aithC Ha!e (it) to yo#rsel$ be$ore God" Ha**y (is) he who does not ondemn himsel$ in
what he a**ro!es"
:om 10:2- B#t he who do#bts is ondemned i$ he eats% bea#se (he does) not (eat) $rom $aith& $or whate!er (is)
not $rom $aith is sin"
:om 11:1 >e then who are strong o#ght to bear with the sr#*les o$ the wea'% and not to *lease o#rsel!es"
:om 11:2 /et eah o$ #s *lease (his) neighbor $or (his) good% leading to edi$iation"
:om 11:- ;or e!en =hrist did not *lease Himsel$& b#t as it is written% .The re*roahes o$ those who re*roahed
Bo# $ell on ?e".
:om 11:0 ;or whate!er things were written be$ore were written $or o#r learning% that we thro#gh the *atiene
and om$ort o$ the ,ri*t#res might ha!e ho*e"
:om 11:1 Now may the God o$ *atiene and om$ort grant yo# to be li'eDminded toward one another% aording
to =hrist Jes#s%
:om 11:3 that yo# may with one mind (and) one mo#th glori$y the God and ;ather o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist"
:om 11:4 There$ore reei!e one another% @#st as =hrist also reei!ed #s% to the glory o$ God"
:om 11:8 Now I say that Jes#s =hrist has beome a ser!ant to the ir#mision $or the tr#th o$ God% to on$irm
the *romises (made) to the $athers%
:om 11:9 and that the Gentiles might glori$y God $or (His) mery% as it is written: .;or this reason I will on$ess
to Bo# among the Gentiles% +nd sing to Bo#r name".
:om 11:15 +nd again he says: .:e@oie% 8 Gentiles% with His *eo*leF.
:om 11:11 +nd again: .<raise the /8:2% all yo# GentilesF /a#d Him% all yo# *eo*lesF.
:om 11:12 +nd again% Isaiah says: .There shall be a root o$ Jesse& +nd He who shall rise to reign o!er the
Gentiles% In Him the Gentiles shall ho*e".
:om 11:1- Now may the God o$ ho*e $ill yo# with all @oy and *eae in belie!ing% that yo# may abo#nd in ho*e
by the *ower o$ the Holy ,*irit"
:om 11:10 Now I mysel$ am on$ident onerning yo#% my brethren% that yo# also are $#ll o$ goodness% $illed
with all 'nowledge% able also to admonish one another"
:om 11:11 Ne!ertheless% brethren% I ha!e written more boldly to yo# on (some) *oints% as reminding yo#%
bea#se o$ the grae gi!en to me by God%
:om 11:13 that I might be a minister o$ Jes#s =hrist to the Gentiles% ministering the gos*el o$ God% that the
o$$ering o$ the Gentiles might be ae*table% santi$ied by the Holy ,*irit"
:om 11:14 There$ore I ha!e reason to glory in =hrist Jes#s in the things (whih *ertain) to God"
:om 11:18 ;or I will not dare to s*ea' o$ any o$ those things whih =hrist has not aom*lished thro#gh me% in
word and deed% to ma'e the Gentiles obedient DD
:om 11:19 in mighty signs and wonders% by the *ower o$ the ,*irit o$ God% so that $rom Jer#salem and ro#nd
abo#t to Illyri#m I ha!e $#lly *reahed the gos*el o$ =hrist"
:om 11:25 +nd so I ha!e made it my aim to *reah the gos*el% not where =hrist was named% lest I sho#ld b#ild
on another manAs $o#ndation%
:om 11:21 b#t as it is written: .To whom He was not anno#ned% they shall see& +nd those who ha!e not heard
shall #nderstand".
:om 11:22 ;or this reason I also ha!e been m#h hindered $rom oming to yo#"
:om 11:2- B#t now no longer ha!ing a *lae in these *arts% and ha!ing a great desire these many years to
ome to yo#%
:om 11:20 whene!er I @o#rney to ,*ain% I shall ome to yo#" ;or I ho*e to see yo# on my @o#rney% and to be
hel*ed on my way there by yo#% i$ $irst I may en@oy yo#r (om*any) $or a while"
:om 11:21 B#t now I am going to Jer#salem to minister to the saints"
:om 11:23 ;or it *leased those $rom ?aedonia and +haia to ma'e a ertain ontrib#tion $or the *oor among
the saints who are in Jer#salem"
:om 11:24 It *leased them indeed% and they are their debtors" ;or i$ the Gentiles ha!e been *arta'ers o$ their
s*irit#al things% their d#ty is also to minister to them in material things"
:om 11:28 There$ore% when I ha!e *er$ormed this and ha!e sealed to them this $r#it% I shall go by way o$ yo# to
:om 11:29 B#t I 'now that when I ome to yo#% I shall ome in the $#llness o$ the blessing o$ the gos*el o$
:om 11:-5 Now I beg yo#% brethren% thro#gh the /ord Jes#s =hrist% and thro#gh the lo!e o$ the ,*irit% that yo#
stri!e together with me in *rayers to God $or me%
:om 11:-1 that I may be deli!ered $rom those in J#dea who do not belie!e% and that my ser!ie $or Jer#salem
may be ae*table to the saints%
:om 11:-2 that I may ome to yo# with @oy by the will o$ God% and may be re$reshed together with yo#"
:om 11:-- Now the God o$ *eae (be) with yo# all" +men"
:om 13:1 I ommend to yo# <hoebe o#r sister% who is a ser!ant o$ the h#rh in =enhrea%
:om 13:2 that yo# may reei!e her in the /ord in a manner worthy o$ the saints% and assist her in whate!er
b#siness she has need o$ yo#& $or indeed she has been a hel*er o$ many and o$ mysel$ also"
:om 13:- Greet <risilla and +E#ila% my $ellow wor'ers in =hrist Jes#s%
:om 13:0 who ris'ed their own ne's $or my li$e% to whom not only I gi!e than's% b#t also all the h#rhes o$ the
:om 13:1 /i'ewise (greet) the h#rh that is in their ho#se" Greet my belo!ed 6*aenet#s% who is the $irst$r#its o$
+haia to =hrist"
:om 13:3 Greet ?ary% who labored m#h $or #s"
:om 13:4 Greet +ndroni#s and J#nia% my o#ntrymen and my $ellow *risoners% who are o$ note among the
a*ostles% who also were in =hrist be$ore me"
:om 13:8 Greet +m*lias% my belo!ed in the /ord"
:om 13:9 Greet 7rban#s% o#r $ellow wor'er in =hrist% and ,tahys% my belo!ed"
:om 13:15 Greet +*elles% a**ro!ed in =hrist" Greet those who are o$ the (ho#sehold) o$ +ristob#l#s"
:om 13:11 Greet Herodion% my o#ntryman" Greet those who are o$ the (ho#sehold) o$ Nariss#s who are in the
:om 13:12 Greet Try*hena and Try*hosa% who ha!e labored in the /ord" Greet the belo!ed <ersis% who labored
m#h in the /ord"
:om 13:1- Greet :#$#s% hosen in the /ord% and his mother and mine"
:om 13:10 Greet +synrit#s% <hlegon% Hermas% <atrobas% Hermes% and the brethren who are with them"
:om 13:11 Greet <hilolog#s and J#lia% Nere#s and his sister% and 8lym*as% and all the saints who are with
:om 13:13 Greet one another with a holy 'iss" The h#rhes o$ =hrist greet yo#"
:om 13:14 Now I #rge yo#% brethren% note those who a#se di!isions and o$$enses% ontrary to the dotrine
whih yo# learned% and a!oid them"
:om 13:18 ;or those who are s#h do not ser!e o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% b#t their own belly% and by smooth
words and $lattering s*eeh deei!e the hearts o$ the sim*le"
:om 13:19 ;or yo#r obediene has beome 'nown to all" There$ore I am glad on yo#r behal$& b#t I want yo# to
be wise in what is good% and sim*le onerning e!il"
:om 13:25 +nd the God o$ *eae will r#sh ,atan #nder yo#r $eet shortly" The grae o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist
(be) with yo#" +men"
:om 13:21 Timothy% my $ellow wor'er% and /#i#s% Jason% and ,osi*ater% my o#ntrymen% greet yo#"
:om 13:22 I% Terti#s% who wrote (this) e*istle% greet yo# in the /ord"
:om 13:2- Gai#s% my host and (the host) o$ the whole h#rh% greets yo#" 6rast#s% the treas#rer o$ the ity%
greets yo#% and K#art#s% a brother"
:om 13:20 The grae o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist (be) with yo# all" +men"
:om 13:21 Now to Him who is able to establish yo# aording to my gos*el and the *reahing o$ Jes#s =hrist%
aording to the re!elation o$ the mystery 'e*t seret sine the world began
:om 13:23 b#t now has been made mani$est% and by the *ro*heti ,ri*t#res has been made 'nown to all
nations% aording to the ommandment o$ the e!erlasting God% $or obediene to the $aith DD
:om 13:24 to God% alone wise% (be) glory thro#gh Jes#s =hrist $ore!er" +men"
1=o 1:1 <a#l% alled (to be) an a*ostle o$ Jes#s =hrist thro#gh the will o$ God% and ,osthenes (o#r) brother%
1=o 1:2 To the h#rh o$ God whih is at =orinth% to those who are santi$ied in =hrist Jes#s% alled (to be)
saints% with all who in e!ery *lae all on the name o$ Jes#s =hrist o#r /ord% both theirs and o#rs:
1=o 1:- Grae to yo# and *eae $rom God o#r ;ather and the /ord Jes#s =hrist"
1=o 1:0 I than' my God always onerning yo# $or the grae o$ God whih was gi!en to yo# by =hrist Jes#s%
1=o 1:1 that yo# were enrihed in e!erything by Him in all #tterane and all 'nowledge%
1=o 1:3 e!en as the testimony o$ =hrist was on$irmed in yo#%
1=o 1:4 so that yo# ome short in no gi$t% eagerly waiting $or the re!elation o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist%
1=o 1:8 who will also on$irm yo# to the end% (that yo# may be) blameless in the day o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist"
1=o 1:9 God (is) $aith$#l% by whom yo# were alled into the $ellowshi* o$ His ,on% Jes#s =hrist o#r /ord"
1=o 1:15 Now I *lead with yo#% brethren% by the name o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% that yo# all s*ea' the same
thing% and (that) there be no di!isions among yo#% b#t (that) yo# be *er$etly @oined together in the same mind
and in the same @#dgment"
1=o 1:11 ;or it has been delared to me onerning yo#% my brethren% by those o$ =hloeAs (ho#sehold%) that
there are ontentions among yo#"
1=o 1:12 Now I say this% that eah o$ yo# says% .I am o$ <a#l%. or .I am o$ +*ollos%. or .I am o$ =e*has%. or .I am
o$ =hrist".
1=o 1:1- Is =hrist di!idedC >as <a#l r#i$ied $or yo#C 8r were yo# ba*tiHed in the name o$ <a#lC
1=o 1:10 I than' God that I ba*tiHed none o$ yo# e9e*t =ris*#s and Gai#s%
1=o 1:11 lest anyone sho#ld say that I had ba*tiHed in my own name"
1=o 1:13 Bes% I also ba*tiHed the ho#sehold o$ ,te*hanas" Besides% I do not 'now whether I ba*tiHed any other"
1=o 1:14 ;or =hrist did not send me to ba*tiHe% b#t to *reah the gos*el% not with wisdom o$ words% lest the
ross o$ =hrist sho#ld be made o$ no e$$et"
1=o 1:18 ;or the message o$ the ross is $oolishness to those who are *erishing% b#t to #s who are being sa!ed
it is the *ower o$ God"
1=o 1:19 ;or it is written: .I will destroy the wisdom o$ the wise% +nd bring to nothing the #nderstanding o$ the
1=o 1:25 >here (is) the wiseC >here (is) the sribeC >here (is) the dis*#ter o$ this ageC Has not God made
$oolish the wisdom o$ this worldC
1=o 1:21 ;or sine% in the wisdom o$ God% the world thro#gh wisdom did not 'now God% it *leased God thro#gh
the $oolishness o$ the message *reahed to sa!e those who belie!e"
1=o 1:22 ;or Jews reE#est a sign% and Gree's see' a$ter wisdom&
1=o 1:2- b#t we *reah =hrist r#i$ied% to the Jews a st#mbling blo' and to the Gree's $oolishness%
1=o 1:20 b#t to those who are alled% both Jews and Gree's% =hrist the *ower o$ God and the wisdom o$ God"
1=o 1:21 Bea#se the $oolishness o$ God is wiser than men% and the wea'ness o$ God is stronger than men"
1=o 1:23 ;or yo# see yo#r alling% brethren% that not many wise aording to the $lesh% not many mighty% not
many noble% (are alled")
1=o 1:24 B#t God has hosen the $oolish things o$ the world to *#t to shame the wise% and God has hosen the
wea' things o$ the world to *#t to shame the things whih are mighty&
1=o 1:28 and the base things o$ the world and the things whih are des*ised God has hosen% and the things
whih are not% to bring to nothing the things that are%
1=o 1:29 that no $lesh sho#ld glory in His *resene"
1=o 1:-5 B#t o$ Him yo# are in =hrist Jes#s% who beame $or #s wisdom $rom God DD and righteo#sness and
santi$iation and redem*tion DD
1=o 1:-1 that% as it is written% .He who glories% let him glory in the /8:2".
1=o 2:1 +nd I% brethren% when I ame to yo#% did not ome with e9ellene o$ s*eeh or o$ wisdom delaring to
yo# the testimony o$ God"
1=o 2:2 ;or I determined not to 'now anything among yo# e9e*t Jes#s =hrist and Him r#i$ied"
1=o 2:- I was with yo# in wea'ness% in $ear% and in m#h trembling"
1=o 2:0 +nd my s*eeh and my *reahing (were) not with *ers#asi!e words o$ h#man wisdom% b#t in
demonstration o$ the ,*irit and o$ *ower%
1=o 2:1 that yo#r $aith sho#ld not be in the wisdom o$ men b#t in the *ower o$ God"
1=o 2:3 Howe!er% we s*ea' wisdom among those who are mat#re% yet not the wisdom o$ this age% nor o$ the
r#lers o$ this age% who are oming to nothing"
1=o 2:4 B#t we s*ea' the wisdom o$ God in a mystery% the hidden (wisdom) whih God ordained be$ore the
ages $or o#r glory%
1=o 2:8 whih none o$ the r#lers o$ this age 'new& $or had they 'nown% they wo#ld not ha!e r#i$ied the /ord o$
1=o 2:9 B#t as it is written: .6ye has not seen% nor ear heard% Nor ha!e entered into the heart o$ man The things
whih God has *re*ared $or those who lo!e Him".
1=o 2:15 B#t God has re!ealed (them) to #s thro#gh His ,*irit" ;or the ,*irit searhes all things% yes% the dee*
things o$ God"
1=o 2:11 ;or what man 'nows the things o$ a man e9e*t the s*irit o$ the man whih is in himC 6!en so no one
'nows the things o$ God e9e*t the ,*irit o$ God"
1=o 2:12 Now we ha!e reei!ed% not the s*irit o$ the world% b#t the ,*irit who is $rom God% that we might 'now
the things that ha!e been $reely gi!en to #s by God"
1=o 2:1- These things we also s*ea'% not in words whih manAs wisdom teahes b#t whih the Holy ,*irit
teahes% om*aring s*irit#al things with s*irit#al"
1=o 2:10 B#t the nat#ral man does not reei!e the things o$ the ,*irit o$ God% $or they are $oolishness to him&
nor an he 'now (them%) bea#se they are s*irit#ally diserned"
1=o 2:11 B#t he who is s*irit#al @#dges all things% yet he himsel$ is (rightly) @#dged by no one"
1=o 2:13 ;or .who has 'nown the mind o$ the /8:2 that he may instr#t HimC. B#t we ha!e the mind o$ =hrist"
1=o -:1 +nd I% brethren% o#ld not s*ea' to yo# as to s*irit#al (*eo*le) b#t as to arnal% as to babes in =hrist"
1=o -:2 I $ed yo# with mil' and not with solid $ood& $or #ntil now yo# were not able (to reei!e it%) and e!en now
yo# are still not able&
1=o -:- $or yo# are still arnal" ;or where (there are) en!y% stri$e% and di!isions among yo#% are yo# not arnal
and beha!ing li'e (mere) menC
1=o -:0 ;or when one says% .I am o$ <a#l%. and another% .I (am) o$ +*ollos%. are yo# not arnalC
1=o -:1 >ho then is <a#l% and who (is) +*ollos% b#t ministers thro#gh whom yo# belie!ed% as the /ord ga!e to
eah oneC
1=o -:3 I *lanted% +*ollos watered% b#t God ga!e the inrease"
1=o -:4 ,o then neither he who *lants is anything% nor he who waters% b#t God who gi!es the inrease"
1=o -:8 Now he who *lants and he who waters are one% and eah one will reei!e his own reward aording to
his own labor"
1=o -:9 ;or we are GodAs $ellow wor'ers& yo# are GodAs $ield% (yo# are) GodAs b#ilding"
1=o -:15 +ording to the grae o$ God whih was gi!en to me% as a wise master b#ilder I ha!e laid the
$o#ndation% and another b#ilds on it" B#t let eah one ta'e heed how he b#ilds on it"
1=o -:11 ;or no other $o#ndation an anyone lay than that whih is laid% whih is Jes#s =hrist"
1=o -:12 Now i$ anyone b#ilds on this $o#ndation (with) gold% sil!er% *reio#s stones% wood% hay% straw%
1=o -:1- eah oneAs wor' will beome lear& $or the 2ay will delare it% bea#se it will be re!ealed by $ire& and
the $ire will test eah oneAs wor'% o$ what sort it is"
1=o -:10 I$ anyoneAs wor' whih he has b#ilt on (it) end#res% he will reei!e a reward"
1=o -:11 I$ anyoneAs wor' is b#rned% he will s#$$er loss& b#t he himsel$ will be sa!ed% yet so as thro#gh $ire"
1=o -:13 2o yo# not 'now that yo# are the tem*le o$ God and (that) the ,*irit o$ God dwells in yo#C
1=o -:14 I$ anyone de$iles the tem*le o$ God% God will destroy him" ;or the tem*le o$ God is holy% whih
(tem*le) yo# are"
1=o -:18 /et no one deei!e himsel$" I$ anyone among yo# seems to be wise in this age% let him beome a $ool
that he may beome wise"
1=o -:19 ;or the wisdom o$ this world is $oolishness with God" ;or it is written% .He athes the wise in their
(own) ra$tiness.&
1=o -:25 and again% .The /8:2 'nows the tho#ghts o$ the wise% that they are $#tile".
1=o -:21 There$ore let no one boast in men" ;or all things are yo#rs:
1=o -:22 whether <a#l or +*ollos or =e*has% or the world or li$e or death% or things *resent or things to ome DD
all are yo#rs"
1=o -:2- +nd yo# (are) =hristAs% and =hrist (is) GodAs"
1=o 0:1 /et a man so onsider #s% as ser!ants o$ =hrist and stewards o$ the mysteries o$ God"
1=o 0:2 ?oreo!er it is reE#ired in stewards that one be $o#nd $aith$#l"
1=o 0:- B#t with me it is a !ery small thing that I sho#ld be @#dged by yo# or by a h#man o#rt" In $at% I do not
e!en @#dge mysel$"
1=o 0:0 ;or I 'now nothing against mysel$% yet I am not @#sti$ied by this& b#t He who @#dges me is the /ord"
1=o 0:1 There$ore @#dge nothing be$ore the time% #ntil the /ord omes% who will both bring to light the hidden
things o$ dar'ness and re!eal the o#nsels o$ the hearts" Then eah oneAs *raise will ome $rom God"
1=o 0:3 Now these things% brethren% I ha!e $ig#rati!ely trans$erred to mysel$ and +*ollos $or yo#r sa'es% that
yo# may learn in #s not to thin' beyond what is written% that none o$ yo# may be *#$$ed #* on behal$ o$ one
against the other"
1=o 0:4 ;or who ma'es yo# di$$er ($rom anotherC) +nd what do yo# ha!e that yo# did not reei!eC Now i$ yo#
did indeed reei!e (it%) why do yo# boast as i$ yo# had not reei!ed (itC)
1=o 0:8 Bo# are already $#llF Bo# are already rihF Bo# ha!e reigned as 'ings witho#t #s DD and indeed I o#ld
wish yo# did reign% that we also might reign with yo#F
1=o 0:9 ;or I thin' that God has dis*layed #s% the a*ostles% last% as men ondemned to death& $or we ha!e been
made a s*etale to the world% both to angels and to men"
1=o 0:15 >e (are) $ools $or =hristAs sa'e% b#t yo# (are) wise in =hristF >e (are) wea'% b#t yo# (are) strongF Bo#
(are) disting#ished% b#t we (are) dishonoredF
1=o 0:11 To the *resent ho#r we both h#nger and thirst% and we are *oorly lothed% and beaten% and homeless"
1=o 0:12 +nd we labor% wor'ing with o#r own hands" Being re!iled% we bless& being *erse#ted% we end#re&
1=o 0:1- being de$amed% we entreat" >e ha!e been made as the $ilth o$ the world% the o$$so#ring o$ all things
#ntil now"
1=o 0:10 I do not write these things to shame yo#% b#t as my belo!ed hildren I warn (yo#")
1=o 0:11 ;or tho#gh yo# might ha!e ten tho#sand instr#tors in =hrist% yet (yo# do) not (ha!e) many $athers& $or
in =hrist Jes#s I ha!e begotten yo# thro#gh the gos*el"
1=o 0:13 There$ore I #rge yo#% imitate me"
1=o 0:14 ;or this reason I ha!e sent Timothy to yo#% who is my belo!ed and $aith$#l son in the /ord% who will
remind yo# o$ my ways in =hrist% as I teah e!erywhere in e!ery h#rh"
1=o 0:18 Now some are *#$$ed #*% as tho#gh I were not oming to yo#"
1=o 0:19 B#t I will ome to yo# shortly% i$ the /ord wills% and I will 'now% not the word o$ those who are *#$$ed
#*% b#t the *ower"
1=o 0:25 ;or the 'ingdom o$ God (is) not in word b#t in *ower"
1=o 0:21 >hat do yo# wantC ,hall I ome to yo# with a rod% or in lo!e and a s*irit o$ gentlenessC
1=o 1:1 It is at#ally re*orted (that there is) se9#al immorality among yo#% and s#h se9#al immorality as is not
e!en named among the Gentiles DD that a man has his $atherAs wi$eF
1=o 1:2 +nd yo# are *#$$ed #*% and ha!e not rather mo#rned% that he who has done this deed might be ta'en
away $rom among yo#"
1=o 1:- ;or I indeed% as absent in body b#t *resent in s*irit% ha!e already @#dged Ias tho#gh I were *resentJ
him who has so done this deed"
1=o 1:0 In the name o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% when yo# are gathered together% along with my s*irit% with the
*ower o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist%
1=o 1:1 deli!er s#h a one to ,atan $or the destr#tion o$ the $lesh% that his s*irit may be sa!ed in the day o$ the
/ord Jes#s"
1=o 1:3 Bo#r glorying (is) not good" 2o yo# not 'now that a little lea!en lea!ens the whole l#m*C
1=o 1:4 There$ore *#rge o#t the old lea!en% that yo# may be a new l#m*% sine yo# tr#ly are #nlea!ened" ;or
indeed =hrist% o#r <asso!er% was sari$ied $or #s"
1=o 1:8 There$ore let #s 'ee* the $east% not with old lea!en% nor with the lea!en o$ malie and wi'edness% b#t
with the #nlea!ened (bread) o$ sinerity and tr#th"
1=o 1:9 I wrote to yo# in my e*istle not to 'ee* om*any with se9#ally immoral *eo*le"
1=o 1:15 Bet (I) ertainly (did) not (mean) with the se9#ally immoral *eo*le o$ this world% or with the o!eto#s% or
e9tortioners% or idolaters% sine then yo# wo#ld need to go o#t o$ the world"
1=o 1:11 B#t now I ha!e written to yo# not to 'ee* om*any with anyone named a brother% who is se9#ally
immoral% or o!eto#s% or an idolater% or a re!iler% or a dr#n'ard% or an e9tortioner DD not e!en to eat with s#h a
1=o 1:12 ;or what (ha!e) I (to do) with @#dging those also who are o#tsideC 2o yo# not @#dge those who are
1=o 1:1- B#t those who are o#tside God @#dges" There$ore .*#t away $rom yo#rsel!es the e!il *erson".
1=o 3:1 2are any o$ yo#% ha!ing a matter against another% go to law be$ore the #nrighteo#s% and not be$ore the
1=o 3:2 2o yo# not 'now that the saints will @#dge the worldC +nd i$ the world will be @#dged by yo#% are yo#
#nworthy to @#dge the smallest mattersC
1=o 3:- 2o yo# not 'now that we shall @#dge angelsC How m#h more% things that *ertain to this li$eC
1=o 3:0 I$ then yo# ha!e @#dgments onerning things *ertaining to this li$e% do yo# a**oint those who are least
esteemed by the h#rh to @#dgeC
1=o 3:1 I say this to yo#r shame" Is it so% that there is not a wise man among yo#% not e!en one% who will be
able to @#dge between his brethrenC
1=o 3:3 B#t brother goes to law against brother% and that be$ore #nbelie!ersF
1=o 3:4 Now there$ore% it is already an #tter $ail#re $or yo# that yo# go to law against one another" >hy do yo#
not rather ae*t wrongC >hy do yo# not rather (let yo#rsel!es) be heatedC
1=o 3:8 No% yo# yo#rsel!es do wrong and heat% and (yo# do) these things (to yo#r) brethrenF
1=o 3:9 2o yo# not 'now that the #nrighteo#s will not inherit the 'ingdom o$ GodC 2o not be deei!ed" Neither
$orniators% nor idolaters% nor ad#lterers% nor homose9#als% nor sodomites%
1=o 3:15 nor thie!es% nor o!eto#s% nor dr#n'ards% nor re!ilers% nor e9tortioners will inherit the 'ingdom o$ God"
1=o 3:11 +nd s#h were some o$ yo#" B#t yo# were washed% b#t yo# were santi$ied% b#t yo# were @#sti$ied in
the name o$ the /ord Jes#s and by the ,*irit o$ o#r God"
1=o 3:12 +ll things are law$#l $or me% b#t all things are not hel*$#l" +ll things are law$#l $or me% b#t I will not be
bro#ght #nder the *ower o$ any"
1=o 3:1- ;oods $or the stomah and the stomah $or $oods% b#t God will destroy both it and them" Now the body
(is) not $or se9#al immorality b#t $or the /ord% and the /ord $or the body"
1=o 3:10 +nd God both raised #* the /ord and will also raise #s #* by His *ower"
1=o 3:11 2o yo# not 'now that yo#r bodies are members o$ =hristC ,hall I then ta'e the members o$ =hrist and
ma'e (them) members o$ a harlotC =ertainly notF
1=o 3:13 8r do yo# not 'now that he who is @oined to a harlot is one body (with herC) ;or .the two%. He says%
.shall beome one $lesh".
1=o 3:14 B#t he who is @oined to the /ord is one s*irit (with Him")
1=o 3:18 ;lee se9#al immorality" 6!ery sin that a man does is o#tside the body% b#t he who ommits se9#al
immorality sins against his own body"
1=o 3:19 8r do yo# not 'now that yo#r body is the tem*le o$ the Holy ,*irit (who is) in yo#% whom yo# ha!e
$rom God% and yo# are not yo#r ownC
1=o 3:25 ;or yo# were bo#ght at a *rie& there$ore glori$y God in yo#r body and in yo#r s*irit% whih are GodAs"
1=o 4:1 Now onerning the things o$ whih yo# wrote to me: (It is) good $or a man not to to#h a woman"
1=o 4:2 Ne!ertheless% bea#se o$ se9#al immorality% let eah man ha!e his own wi$e% and let eah woman ha!e
her own h#sband"
1=o 4:- /et the h#sband render to his wi$e the a$$etion d#e her% and li'ewise also the wi$e to her h#sband"
1=o 4:0 The wi$e does not ha!e a#thority o!er her own body% b#t the h#sband (does") +nd li'ewise the h#sband
does not ha!e a#thority o!er his own body% b#t the wi$e (does")
1=o 4:1 2o not de*ri!e one another e9e*t with onsent $or a time% that yo# may gi!e yo#rsel!es to $asting and
*rayer& and ome together again so that ,atan does not tem*t yo# bea#se o$ yo#r la' o$ sel$Dontrol"
1=o 4:3 B#t I say this as a onession% not as a ommandment"
1=o 4:4 ;or I wish that all men were e!en as I mysel$" B#t eah one has his own gi$t $rom God% one in this
manner and another in that"
1=o 4:8 B#t I say to the #nmarried and to the widows: It is good $or them i$ they remain e!en as I am&
1=o 4:9 b#t i$ they annot e9erise sel$Dontrol% let them marry" ;or it is better to marry than to b#rn (with
1=o 4:15 Now to the married I ommand% (yet) not I b#t the /ord: + wi$e is not to de*art $rom (her) h#sband"
1=o 4:11 B#t e!en i$ she does de*art% let her remain #nmarried or be reoniled to (her) h#sband" +nd a
h#sband is not to di!ore (his) wi$e"
1=o 4:12 B#t to the rest I% not the /ord% say: I$ any brother has a wi$e who does not belie!e% and she is willing to
li!e with him% let him not di!ore her"
1=o 4:1- +nd a woman who has a h#sband who does not belie!e% i$ he is willing to li!e with her% let her not
di!ore him"
1=o 4:10 ;or the #nbelie!ing h#sband is santi$ied by the wi$e% and the #nbelie!ing wi$e is santi$ied by the
h#sband& otherwise yo#r hildren wo#ld be #nlean% b#t now they are holy"
1=o 4:11 B#t i$ the #nbelie!er de*arts% let him de*art& a brother or a sister is not #nder bondage in s#h (ases")
B#t God has alled #s to *eae"
1=o 4:13 ;or how do yo# 'now% 8 wi$e% whether yo# will sa!e (yo#r) h#sbandC 8r how do yo# 'now% 8
h#sband% whether yo# will sa!e (yo#r) wi$eC
1=o 4:14 B#t as God has distrib#ted to eah one% as the /ord has alled eah one% so let him wal'" +nd so I
ordain in all the h#rhes"
1=o 4:18 >as anyone alled while ir#misedC /et him not beome #nir#mised" >as anyone alled while
#nir#misedC /et him not be ir#mised"
1=o 4:19 =ir#mision is nothing and #nir#mision is nothing% b#t 'ee*ing the ommandments o$ God (is
what matters")
1=o 4:25 /et eah one remain in the same alling in whih he was alled"
1=o 4:21 >ere yo# alled (while) a sla!eC 2o not be onerned abo#t it& b#t i$ yo# an be made $ree% rather #se
1=o 4:22 ;or he who is alled in the /ord (while) a sla!e is the /ordAs $reedman" /i'ewise he who is alled
(while) $ree is =hristAs sla!e"
1=o 4:2- Bo# were bo#ght at a *rie& do not beome sla!es o$ men"
1=o 4:20 Brethren% let eah one remain with God in that (state) in whih he was alled"
1=o 4:21 Now onerning !irgins: I ha!e no ommandment $rom the /ord& yet I gi!e @#dgment as one whom the
/ord in His mery (has made) tr#stworthy"
1=o 4:23 I s#**ose there$ore that this is good bea#se o$ the *resent distress DD that (it is) good $or a man to
remain as he is:
1=o 4:24 +re yo# bo#nd to a wi$eC 2o not see' to be loosed" +re yo# loosed $rom a wi$eC 2o not see' a wi$e"
1=o 4:28 B#t e!en i$ yo# do marry% yo# ha!e not sinned& and i$ a !irgin marries% she has not sinned"
Ne!ertheless s#h will ha!e tro#ble in the $lesh% b#t I wo#ld s*are yo#"
1=o 4:29 B#t this I say% brethren% the time (is) short% so that $rom now on e!en those who ha!e wi!es sho#ld be
as tho#gh they had none%
1=o 4:-5 those who wee* as tho#gh they did not wee*% those who re@oie as tho#gh they did not re@oie% those
who b#y as tho#gh they did not *ossess%
1=o 4:-1 and those who #se this world as not mis#sing (it") ;or the $orm o$ this world is *assing away"
1=o 4:-2 B#t I want yo# to be witho#t are" He who is #nmarried ares $or the things o$ the /ord DD how he may
*lease the /ord"
1=o 4:-- B#t he who is married ares abo#t the things o$ the world DD how he may *lease (his) wi$e"
1=o 4:-0 There is a di$$erene between a wi$e and a !irgin" The #nmarried woman ares abo#t the things o$ the
/ord% that she may be holy both in body and in s*irit" B#t she who is married ares abo#t the things o$ the world
DD how she may *lease (her) h#sband"
1=o 4:-1 +nd this I say $or yo#r own *ro$it% not that I may *#t a leash on yo#% b#t $or what is *ro*er% and that
yo# may ser!e the /ord witho#t distration"
1=o 4:-3 B#t i$ any man thin's he is beha!ing im*ro*erly toward his !irgin% i$ she is *ast the $lower o$ yo#th% and
th#s it m#st be% let him do what he wishes" He does not sin& let them marry"
1=o 4:-4 Ne!ertheless he who stands stead$ast in his heart% ha!ing no neessity% b#t has *ower o!er his own
will% and has so determined in his heart that he will 'ee* his !irgin% does well"
1=o 4:-8 ,o then he who gi!es (her) in marriage does well% b#t he who does not gi!e (her) in marriage does
1=o 4:-9 + wi$e is bo#nd by law as long as her h#sband li!es& b#t i$ her h#sband dies% she is at liberty to be
married to whom she wishes% only in the /ord"
1=o 4:05 B#t she is ha**ier i$ she remains as she is% aording to my @#dgment DD and I thin' I also ha!e the
,*irit o$ God"
1=o 8:1 Now onerning things o$$ered to idols: >e 'now that we all ha!e 'nowledge" Knowledge *#$$s #*% b#t
lo!e edi$ies"
1=o 8:2 +nd i$ anyone thin's that he 'nows anything% he 'nows nothing yet as he o#ght to 'now"
1=o 8:- B#t i$ anyone lo!es God% this one is 'nown by Him"
1=o 8:0 There$ore onerning the eating o$ things o$$ered to idols% we 'now that an idol (is) nothing in the world%
and that (there is) no other God b#t one"
1=o 8:1 ;or e!en i$ there are soDalled gods% whether in hea!en or on earth Ias there are many gods and many
1=o 8:3 yet $or #s (there is) one God% the ;ather% o$ whom (are) all things% and we $or Him& and one /ord Jes#s
=hrist% thro#gh whom (are) all things% and thro#gh whom we (li!e")
1=o 8:4 Howe!er% (there is) not in e!eryone that 'nowledge& $or some% with onsio#sness o$ the idol% #ntil now
eat (it) as a thing o$$ered to an idol& and their onsiene% being wea'% is de$iled"
1=o 8:8 B#t $ood does not ommend #s to God& $or neither i$ we eat are we the better% nor i$ we do not eat are
we the worse"
1=o 8:9 B#t beware lest somehow this liberty o$ yo#rs beome a st#mbling blo' to those who are wea'"
1=o 8:15 ;or i$ anyone sees yo# who ha!e 'nowledge eating in an idolAs tem*le% will not the onsiene o$ him
who is wea' be emboldened to eat those things o$$ered to idolsC
1=o 8:11 +nd bea#se o$ yo#r 'nowledge shall the wea' brother *erish% $or whom =hrist diedC
1=o 8:12 B#t when yo# th#s sin against the brethren% and wo#nd their wea' onsiene% yo# sin against =hrist"
1=o 8:1- There$ore% i$ $ood ma'es my brother st#mble% I will ne!er again eat meat% lest I ma'e my brother
1=o 9:1 +m I not an a*ostleC +m I not $reeC Ha!e I not seen Jes#s =hrist o#r /ordC +re yo# not my wor' in the
1=o 9:2 I$ I am not an a*ostle to others% yet do#btless I am to yo#" ;or yo# are the seal o$ my a*ostleshi* in the
1=o 9:- ?y de$ense to those who e9amine me is this:
1=o 9:0 2o we ha!e no right to eat and drin'C
1=o 9:1 2o we ha!e no right to ta'e along a belie!ing wi$e% as (do) also the other a*ostles% the brothers o$ the
/ord% and =e*hasC
1=o 9:3 8r (is it) only Barnabas and I (who) ha!e no right to re$rain $rom wor'ingC
1=o 9:4 >ho e!er goes to war at his own e9*enseC >ho *lants a !ineyard and does not eat o$ its $r#itC 8r who
tends a $lo' and does not drin' o$ the mil' o$ the $lo'C
1=o 9:8 2o I say these things as a (mere) manC 8r does not the law say the same alsoC
1=o 9:9 ;or it is written in the law o$ ?oses% .Bo# shall not m#HHle an o9 while it treads o#t the grain". Is it o9en
God is onerned abo#tC
1=o 9:15 8r does He say (it) altogether $or o#r sa'esC ;or o#r sa'es% no do#bt% (this) is written% that he who
*lows sho#ld *low in ho*e% and he who threshes in ho*e sho#ld be *arta'er o$ his ho*e"
1=o 9:11 I$ we ha!e sown s*irit#al things $or yo#% (is it) a great thing i$ we rea* yo#r material thingsC
1=o 9:12 I$ others are *arta'ers o$ (this) right o!er yo#% (are) we not e!en moreC Ne!ertheless we ha!e not #sed
this right% b#t end#re all things lest we hinder the gos*el o$ =hrist"
1=o 9:1- 2o yo# not 'now that those who minister the holy things eat (o$ the things) o$ the tem*le% and those
who ser!e at the altar *arta'e o$ (the o$$erings o$) the altarC
1=o 9:10 6!en so the /ord has ommanded that those who *reah the gos*el sho#ld li!e $rom the gos*el"
1=o 9:11 B#t I ha!e #sed none o$ these things% nor ha!e I written these things that it sho#ld be done so to me&
$or it (wo#ld be) better $or me to die than that anyone sho#ld ma'e my boasting !oid"
1=o 9:13 ;or i$ I *reah the gos*el% I ha!e nothing to boast o$% $or neessity is laid #*on me& yes% woe is me i$ I
do not *reah the gos*elF
1=o 9:14 ;or i$ I do this willingly% I ha!e a reward& b#t i$ against my will% I ha!e been entr#sted with a
1=o 9:18 >hat is my reward thenC That when I *reah the gos*el% I may *resent the gos*el o$ =hrist witho#t
harge% that I may not ab#se my a#thority in the gos*el"
1=o 9:19 ;or tho#gh I am $ree $rom all (men%) I ha!e made mysel$ a ser!ant to all% that I might win the more&
1=o 9:25 and to the Jews I beame as a Jew% that I might win Jews& to those (who are) #nder the law% as #nder
the law% that I might win those (who are) #nder the law&
1=o 9:21 to those (who are) witho#t law% as witho#t law Inot being witho#t law toward God% b#t #nder law toward
=hristJ% that I might win those (who are) witho#t law&
1=o 9:22 to the wea' I beame as wea'% that I might win the wea'" I ha!e beome all things to all (men%) that I
might by all means sa!e some"
1=o 9:2- Now this I do $or the gos*elAs sa'e% that I may be *arta'er o$ it with (yo#")
1=o 9:20 2o yo# not 'now that those who r#n in a rae all r#n% b#t one reei!es the *riHeC :#n in s#h a way
that yo# may obtain (it")
1=o 9:21 +nd e!eryone who om*etes ($or the *riHe) is tem*erate in all things" Now they (do it) to obtain a
*erishable rown% b#t we ($or) an im*erishable (rown")
1=o 9:23 There$ore I r#n th#s: not with #nertainty" Th#s I $ight: not as (one who) beats the air"
1=o 9:24 B#t I disi*line my body and bring (it) into s#b@etion% lest% when I ha!e *reahed to others% I mysel$
sho#ld beome disE#ali$ied"
1=o 15:1 ?oreo!er% brethren% I do not want yo# to be #naware that all o#r $athers were #nder the lo#d% all
*assed thro#gh the sea%
1=o 15:2 all were ba*tiHed into ?oses in the lo#d and in the sea%
1=o 15:- all ate the same s*irit#al $ood%
1=o 15:0 and all dran' the same s*irit#al drin'" ;or they dran' o$ that s*irit#al :o' that $ollowed them% and that
:o' was =hrist"
1=o 15:1 B#t with most o$ them God was not well *leased% $or (their bodies) were sattered in the wilderness"
1=o 15:3 Now these things beame o#r e9am*les% to the intent that we sho#ld not l#st a$ter e!il things as they
also l#sted"
1=o 15:4 +nd do not beome idolaters as (were) some o$ them" +s it is written% .The *eo*le sat down to eat and
drin'% and rose #* to *lay".
1=o 15:8 Nor let #s ommit se9#al immorality% as some o$ them did% and in one day twentyDthree tho#sand $ell&
1=o 15:9 nor let #s tem*t =hrist% as some o$ them also tem*ted% and were destroyed by ser*ents&
1=o 15:15 nor om*lain% as some o$ them also om*lained% and were destroyed by the destroyer"
1=o 15:11 Now all these things ha**ened to them as e9am*les% and they were written $or o#r admonition% #*on
whom the ends o$ the ages ha!e ome"
1=o 15:12 There$ore let him who thin's he stands ta'e heed lest he $all"
1=o 15:1- No tem*tation has o!erta'en yo# e9e*t s#h as is ommon to man& b#t God (is) $aith$#l% who will not
allow yo# to be tem*ted beyond what yo# are able% b#t with the tem*tation will also ma'e the way o$ esa*e%
that yo# may be able to bear (it")
1=o 15:10 There$ore% my belo!ed% $lee $rom idolatry"
1=o 15:11 I s*ea' as to wise men& @#dge $or yo#rsel!es what I say"
1=o 15:13 The #* o$ blessing whih we bless% is it not the omm#nion o$ the blood o$ =hristC The bread whih
we brea'% is it not the omm#nion o$ the body o$ =hristC
1=o 15:14 ;or we% (tho#gh) many% are one bread (and) one body& $or we all *arta'e o$ that one bread"
1=o 15:18 8bser!e Israel a$ter the $lesh: +re not those who eat o$ the sari$ies *arta'ers o$ the altarC
1=o 15:19 >hat am I saying thenC That an idol is anything% or what is o$$ered to idols is anythingC
1=o 15:25 :ather% that the things whih the Gentiles sari$ie they sari$ie to demons and not to God% and I do
not want yo# to ha!e $ellowshi* with demons"
1=o 15:21 Bo# annot drin' the #* o$ the /ord and the #* o$ demons& yo# annot *arta'e o$ the /ordAs table
and o$ the table o$ demons"
1=o 15:22 8r do we *ro!o'e the /ord to @ealo#syC +re we stronger than HeC
1=o 15:2- +ll things are law$#l $or me% b#t not all things are hel*$#l& all things are law$#l $or me% b#t not all things
1=o 15:20 /et no one see' his own% b#t eah one the otherAs (wellDbeing")
1=o 15:21 6at whate!er is sold in the meat mar'et% as'ing no E#estions $or onsieneA sa'e&
1=o 15:23 $or .the earth (is) the /8:2As% and all its $#llness".
1=o 15:24 I$ any o$ those who do not belie!e in!ites yo# (to dinner%) and yo# desire to go% eat whate!er is set
be$ore yo#% as'ing no E#estion $or onsieneA sa'e"
1=o 15:28 B#t i$ anyone says to yo#% .This was o$$ered to idols%. do not eat it $or the sa'e o$ the one who told
yo#% and $or onsieneA sa'e& $or .the earth (is) the /8:2As% and all its $#llness".
1=o 15:29 .=onsiene%. I say% not yo#r own% b#t that o$ the other" ;or why is my liberty @#dged by another
(manAs) onsieneC
1=o 15:-5 B#t i$ I *arta'e with than's% why am I e!il s*o'en o$ $or (the $ood) o!er whih I gi!e than'sC
1=o 15:-1 There$ore% whether yo# eat or drin'% or whate!er yo# do% do all to the glory o$ God"
1=o 15:-2 Gi!e no o$$ense% either to the Jews or to the Gree's or to the h#rh o$ God%
1=o 15:-- @#st as I also *lease all (men) in all (things%) not see'ing my own *ro$it% b#t the (*ro$it) o$ many% that
they may be sa!ed"
1=o 11:1 Imitate me% @#st as I also (imitate) =hrist"
1=o 11:2 Now I *raise yo#% brethren% that yo# remember me in all things and 'ee* the traditions @#st as I
deli!ered (them) to yo#"
1=o 11:- B#t I want yo# to 'now that the head o$ e!ery man is =hrist% the head o$ woman (is) man% and the
head o$ =hrist (is) God"
1=o 11:0 6!ery man *raying or *ro*hesying% ha!ing (his) head o!ered% dishonors his head"
1=o 11:1 B#t e!ery woman who *rays or *ro*hesies with (her) head #no!ered dishonors her head% $or that is
one and the same as i$ her head were sha!ed"
1=o 11:3 ;or i$ a woman is not o!ered% let her also be shorn" B#t i$ it is shame$#l $or a woman to be shorn or
sha!ed% let her be o!ered"
1=o 11:4 ;or a man indeed o#ght not to o!er (his) head% sine he is the image and glory o$ God& b#t woman is
the glory o$ man"
1=o 11:8 ;or man is not $rom woman% b#t woman $rom man"
1=o 11:9 Nor was man reated $or the woman% b#t woman $or the man"
1=o 11:15 ;or this reason the woman o#ght to ha!e (a symbol o$) a#thority on (her) head% bea#se o$ the
1=o 11:11 Ne!ertheless% neither (is) man inde*endent o$ woman% nor woman inde*endent o$ man% in the /ord"
1=o 11:12 ;or as woman (ame) $rom man% e!en so man also (omes) thro#gh woman& b#t all things are $rom
1=o 11:1- J#dge among yo#rsel!es" Is it *ro*er $or a woman to *ray to God with her head #no!eredC
1=o 11:10 2oes not e!en nat#re itsel$ teah yo# that i$ a man has long hair% it is a dishonor to himC
1=o 11:11 B#t i$ a woman has long hair% it is a glory to her& $or (her) hair is gi!en to her $or a o!ering"
1=o 11:13 B#t i$ anyone seems to be ontentio#s% we ha!e no s#h #stom% nor (do) the h#rhes o$ God"
1=o 11:14 Now in gi!ing these instr#tions I do not *raise (yo#%) sine yo# ome together not $or the better b#t
$or the worse"
1=o 11:18 ;or $irst o$ all% when yo# ome together as a h#rh% I hear that there are di!isions among yo#% and in
*art I belie!e it"
1=o 11:19 ;or there m#st also be $ations among yo#% that those who are a**ro!ed may be reogniHed among
1=o 11:25 There$ore when yo# ome together in one *lae% it is not to eat the /ordAs ,#**er"
1=o 11:21 ;or in eating% eah one ta'es his own s#**er ahead o$ (others&) and one is h#ngry and another is
1=o 11:22 >hatF 2o yo# not ha!e ho#ses to eat and drin' inC 8r do yo# des*ise the h#rh o$ God and shame
those who ha!e nothingC >hat shall I say to yo#C ,hall I *raise yo# in thisC I do not *raise (yo#")
1=o 11:2- ;or I reei!ed $rom the /ord that whih I also deli!ered to yo#: that the /ord Jes#s on the (same)
night in whih He was betrayed too' bread&
1=o 11:20 and when He had gi!en than's% He bro'e (it) and said% .Ta'e% eat& this is ?y body whih is bro'en $or
yo#& do this in remembrane o$ ?e".
1=o 11:21 In the same manner (He) also (too') the #* a$ter s#**er% saying% .This #* is the new o!enant in
?y blood" This do% as o$ten as yo# drin' (it%) in remembrane o$ ?e".
1=o 11:23 ;or as o$ten as yo# eat this bread and drin' this #*% yo# *rolaim the /ordAs death till He omes"
1=o 11:24 There$ore whoe!er eats this bread or drin's (this) #* o$ the /ord in an #nworthy manner will be
g#ilty o$ the body and blood o$ the /ord"
1=o 11:28 B#t let a man e9amine himsel$% and so let him eat o$ the bread and drin' o$ the #*"
1=o 11:29 ;or he who eats and drin's in an #nworthy manner eats and drin's @#dgment to himsel$% not
diserning the /ordAs body"
1=o 11:-5 ;or this reason many (are) wea' and si' among yo#% and many slee*"
1=o 11:-1 ;or i$ we wo#ld @#dge o#rsel!es% we wo#ld not be @#dged"
1=o 11:-2 B#t when we are @#dged% we are hastened by the /ord% that we may not be ondemned with the
1=o 11:-- There$ore% my brethren% when yo# ome together to eat% wait $or one another"
1=o 11:-0 B#t i$ anyone is h#ngry% let him eat at home% lest yo# ome together $or @#dgment" +nd the rest I will
set in order when I ome"
1=o 12:1 Now onerning s*irit#al (gi$ts%) brethren% I do not want yo# to be ignorant:
1=o 12:2 Bo# 'now that yo# were Gentiles% arried away to these d#mb idols% howe!er yo# were led"
1=o 12:- There$ore I ma'e 'nown to yo# that no one s*ea'ing by the ,*irit o$ God alls Jes#s a#rsed% and
no one an say that Jes#s is /ord e9e*t by the Holy ,*irit"
1=o 12:0 There are di!ersities o$ gi$ts% b#t the same ,*irit"
1=o 12:1 There are di$$erenes o$ ministries% b#t the same /ord"
1=o 12:3 +nd there are di!ersities o$ ati!ities% b#t it is the same God who wor's all in all"
1=o 12:4 B#t the mani$estation o$ the ,*irit is gi!en to eah one $or the *ro$it (o$ all:)
1=o 12:8 $or to one is gi!en the word o$ wisdom thro#gh the ,*irit% to another the word o$ 'nowledge thro#gh
the same ,*irit%
1=o 12:9 to another $aith by the same ,*irit% to another gi$ts o$ healings by the same ,*irit%
1=o 12:15 to another the wor'ing o$ mirales% to another *ro*hey% to another diserning o$ s*irits% to another
(di$$erent) 'inds o$ tong#es% to another the inter*retation o$ tong#es"
1=o 12:11 B#t one and the same ,*irit wor's all these things% distrib#ting to eah one indi!id#ally as He wills"
1=o 12:12 ;or as the body is one and has many members% b#t all the members o$ that one body% being many%
are one body% so also (is) =hrist"
1=o 12:1- ;or by one ,*irit we were all ba*tiHed into one body DD whether Jews or Gree's% whether sla!es or
$ree DD and ha!e all been made to drin' into one ,*irit"
1=o 12:10 ;or in $at the body is not one member b#t many"
1=o 12:11 I$ the $oot sho#ld say% .Bea#se I am not a hand% I am not o$ the body%. is it there$ore not o$ the
1=o 12:13 +nd i$ the ear sho#ld say% .Bea#se I am not an eye% I am not o$ the body%. is it there$ore not o$ the
1=o 12:14 I$ the whole body (were) an eye% where (wo#ld be) the hearingC I$ the whole (were) hearing% where
(wo#ld be) the smellingC
1=o 12:18 B#t now God has set the members% eah one o$ them% in the body @#st as He *leased"
1=o 12:19 +nd i$ they (were) all one member% where (wo#ld) the body (beC)
1=o 12:25 B#t now indeed (there are) many members% yet one body"
1=o 12:21 +nd the eye annot say to the hand% .I ha!e no need o$ yo#.& nor again the head to the $eet% .I ha!e
no need o$ yo#".
1=o 12:22 No% m#h rather% those members o$ the body whih seem to be wea'er are neessary"
1=o 12:2- +nd those (members) o$ the body whih we thin' to be less honorable% on these we bestow greater
honor& and o#r #n*resentable (*arts) ha!e greater modesty%
1=o 12:20 b#t o#r *resentable (*arts) ha!e no need" B#t God om*osed the body% ha!ing gi!en greater honor
to that (*art) whih la's it%
1=o 12:21 that there sho#ld be no shism in the body% b#t (that) the members sho#ld ha!e the same are $or
one another"
1=o 12:23 +nd i$ one member s#$$ers% all the members s#$$er with (it&) or i$ one member is honored% all the
members re@oie with (it")
1=o 12:24 Now yo# are the body o$ =hrist% and members indi!id#ally"
1=o 12:28 +nd God has a**ointed these in the h#rh: $irst a*ostles% seond *ro*hets% third teahers% a$ter that
mirales% then gi$ts o$ healings% hel*s% administrations% !arieties o$ tong#es"
1=o 12:29 (+re) all a*ostlesC (+re) all *ro*hetsC (+re) all teahersC (+re) all wor'ers o$ miralesC
1=o 12:-5 2o all ha!e gi$ts o$ healingsC 2o all s*ea' with tong#esC 2o all inter*retC
1=o 12:-1 B#t earnestly desire the best gi$ts" +nd yet I show yo# a more e9ellent way"
1=o 1-:1 Tho#gh I s*ea' with the tong#es o$ men and o$ angels% b#t ha!e not lo!e% I ha!e beome so#nding
brass or a langing ymbal"
1=o 1-:2 +nd tho#gh I ha!e (the gi$t o$) *ro*hey% and #nderstand all mysteries and all 'nowledge% and tho#gh I
ha!e all $aith% so that I o#ld remo!e mo#ntains% b#t ha!e not lo!e% I am nothing"
1=o 1-:- +nd tho#gh I bestow all my goods to $eed (the *oor%) and tho#gh I gi!e my body to be b#rned% b#t
ha!e not lo!e% it *ro$its me nothing"
1=o 1-:0 /o!e s#$$ers long (and) is 'ind& lo!e does not en!y& lo!e does not *arade itsel$% is not *#$$ed #*&
1=o 1-:1 does not beha!e r#dely% does not see' its own% is not *ro!o'ed% thin's no e!il&
1=o 1-:3 does not re@oie in iniE#ity% b#t re@oies in the tr#th&
1=o 1-:4 bears all things% belie!es all things% ho*es all things% end#res all things"
1=o 1-:8 /o!e ne!er $ails" B#t whether (there are) *ro*heies% they will $ail& whether (there are) tong#es% they
will ease& whether (there is) 'nowledge% it will !anish away"
1=o 1-:9 ;or we 'now in *art and we *ro*hesy in *art"
1=o 1-:15 B#t when that whih is *er$et has ome% then that whih is in *art will be done away"
1=o 1-:11 >hen I was a hild% I s*o'e as a hild% I #nderstood as a hild% I tho#ght as a hild& b#t when I
beame a man% I *#t away hildish things"
1=o 1-:12 ;or now we see in a mirror% dimly% b#t then $ae to $ae" Now I 'now in *art% b#t then I shall 'now @#st
as I also am 'nown"
1=o 1-:1- +nd now abide $aith% ho*e% lo!e% these three& b#t the greatest o$ these (is) lo!e"
1=o 10:1 <#rs#e lo!e% and desire s*irit#al (gi$ts%) b#t es*eially that yo# may *ro*hesy"
1=o 10:2 ;or he who s*ea's in a tong#e does not s*ea' to men b#t to God% $or no one #nderstands (him&)
howe!er% in the s*irit he s*ea's mysteries"
1=o 10:- B#t he who *ro*hesies s*ea's edi$iation and e9hortation and om$ort to men"
1=o 10:0 He who s*ea's in a tong#e edi$ies himsel$% b#t he who *ro*hesies edi$ies the h#rh"
1=o 10:1 I wish yo# all s*o'e with tong#es% b#t e!en more that yo# *ro*hesied& $or he who *ro*hesies (is)
greater than he who s*ea's with tong#es% #nless indeed he inter*rets% that the h#rh may reei!e edi$iation"
1=o 10:3 B#t now% brethren% i$ I ome to yo# s*ea'ing with tong#es% what shall I *ro$it yo# #nless I s*ea' to yo#
either by re!elation% by 'nowledge% by *ro*hesying% or by teahingC
1=o 10:4 6!en things witho#t li$e% whether $l#te or har*% when they ma'e a so#nd% #nless they ma'e a
distintion in the so#nds% how will it be 'nown what is *i*ed or *layedC
1=o 10:8 ;or i$ the tr#m*et ma'es an #nertain so#nd% who will *re*are himsel$ $or battleC
1=o 10:9 ,o li'ewise yo#% #nless yo# #tter by the tong#e words easy to #nderstand% how will it be 'nown what
is s*o'enC ;or yo# will be s*ea'ing into the air"
1=o 10:15 There are% it may be% so many 'inds o$ lang#ages in the world% and none o$ them (is) witho#t
1=o 10:11 There$ore% i$ I do not 'now the meaning o$ the lang#age% I shall be a $oreigner to him who s*ea's%
and he who s*ea's (will be) a $oreigner to me"
1=o 10:12 6!en so yo#% sine yo# are Healo#s $or s*irit#al (gi$ts% let it be) $or the edi$iation o$ the h#rh (that)
yo# see' to e9el"
1=o 10:1- There$ore let him who s*ea's in a tong#e *ray that he may inter*ret"
1=o 10:10 ;or i$ I *ray in a tong#e% my s*irit *rays% b#t my #nderstanding is #n$r#it$#l"
1=o 10:11 >hat is (the onl#sion) thenC I will *ray with the s*irit% and I will also *ray with the #nderstanding" I
will sing with the s*irit% and I will also sing with the #nderstanding"
1=o 10:13 8therwise% i$ yo# bless with the s*irit% how will he who o#*ies the *lae o$ the #nin$ormed say
.+men. at yo#r gi!ing o$ than's% sine he does not #nderstand what yo# sayC
1=o 10:14 ;or yo# indeed gi!e than's well% b#t the other is not edi$ied"
1=o 10:18 I than' my God I s*ea' with tong#es more than yo# all&
1=o 10:19 yet in the h#rh I wo#ld rather s*ea' $i!e words with my #nderstanding% that I may teah others
also% than ten tho#sand words in a tong#e"
1=o 10:25 Brethren% do not be hildren in #nderstanding& howe!er% in malie be babes% b#t in #nderstanding be
1=o 10:21 In the law it is written: .>ith (men o$) other tong#es and other li*s I will s*ea' to this *eo*le& +nd yet%
$or all that% they will not hear ?e%. says the /ord"
1=o 10:22 There$ore tong#es are $or a sign% not to those who belie!e b#t to #nbelie!ers& b#t *ro*hesying is not
$or #nbelie!ers b#t $or those who belie!e"
1=o 10:2- There$ore i$ the whole h#rh omes together in one *lae% and all s*ea' with tong#es% and there
ome in (those who are) #nin$ormed or #nbelie!ers% will they not say that yo# are o#t o$ yo#r mindC
1=o 10:20 B#t i$ all *ro*hesy% and an #nbelie!er or an #nin$ormed *erson omes in% he is on!ined by all% he is
on!ited by all"
1=o 10:21 +nd th#s the serets o$ his heart are re!ealed& and so% $alling down on (his) $ae% he will worshi* God
and re*ort that God is tr#ly among yo#"
1=o 10:23 How is it then% brethrenC >hene!er yo# ome together% eah o$ yo# has a *salm% has a teahing%
has a tong#e% has a re!elation% has an inter*retation" /et all things be done $or edi$iation"
1=o 10:24 I$ anyone s*ea's in a tong#e% (let there be) two or at the most three% (eah) in t#rn% and let one
1=o 10:28 B#t i$ there is no inter*reter% let him 'ee* silent in h#rh% and let him s*ea' to himsel$ and to God"
1=o 10:29 /et two or three *ro*hets s*ea'% and let the others @#dge"
1=o 10:-5 B#t i$ (anything) is re!ealed to another who sits by% let the $irst 'ee* silent"
1=o 10:-1 ;or yo# an all *ro*hesy one by one% that all may learn and all may be eno#raged"
1=o 10:-2 +nd the s*irits o$ the *ro*hets are s#b@et to the *ro*hets"
1=o 10:-- ;or God is not (the a#thor) o$ on$#sion b#t o$ *eae% as in all the h#rhes o$ the saints"
1=o 10:-0 /et yo#r women 'ee* silent in the h#rhes% $or they are not *ermitted to s*ea'& b#t (they are) to be
s#bmissi!e% as the law also says"
1=o 10:-1 +nd i$ they want to learn something% let them as' their own h#sbands at home& $or it is shame$#l $or
women to s*ea' in h#rh"
1=o 10:-3 8r did the word o$ God ome (originally) $rom yo#C 8r (was it) yo# only that it reahedC
1=o 10:-4 I$ anyone thin's himsel$ to be a *ro*het or s*irit#al% let him a'nowledge that the things whih I write
to yo# are the ommandments o$ the /ord"
1=o 10:-8 B#t i$ anyone is ignorant% let him be ignorant"
1=o 10:-9 There$ore% brethren% desire earnestly to *ro*hesy% and do not $orbid to s*ea' with tong#es"
1=o 10:05 /et all things be done deently and in order"
1=o 11:1 ?oreo!er% brethren% I delare to yo# the gos*el whih I *reahed to yo#% whih also yo# reei!ed and
in whih yo# stand%
1=o 11:2 by whih also yo# are sa!ed% i$ yo# hold $ast that word whih I *reahed to yo# DD #nless yo# belie!ed
in !ain"
1=o 11:- ;or I deli!ered to yo# $irst o$ all that whih I also reei!ed: that =hrist died $or o#r sins aording to the
1=o 11:0 and that He was b#ried% and that He rose again the third day aording to the ,ri*t#res%
1=o 11:1 and that He was seen by =e*has% then by the twel!e"
1=o 11:3 +$ter that He was seen by o!er $i!e h#ndred brethren at one% o$ whom the greater *art remain to the
*resent% b#t some ha!e $allen aslee*"
1=o 11:4 +$ter that He was seen by James% then by all the a*ostles"
1=o 11:8 Then last o$ all He was seen by me also% as by one born o#t o$ d#e time"
1=o 11:9 ;or I am the least o$ the a*ostles% who am not worthy to be alled an a*ostle% bea#se I *erse#ted
the h#rh o$ God"
1=o 11:15 B#t by the grae o$ God I am what I am% and His grae toward me was not in !ain& b#t I labored more
ab#ndantly than they all% yet not I% b#t the grae o$ God (whih was) with me"
1=o 11:11 There$ore% whether (it was) I or they% so we *reah and so yo# belie!ed"
1=o 11:12 Now i$ =hrist is *reahed that He has been raised $rom the dead% how do some among yo# say that
there is no res#rretion o$ the deadC
1=o 11:1- B#t i$ there is no res#rretion o$ the dead% then =hrist is not risen"
1=o 11:10 +nd i$ =hrist is not risen% then o#r *reahing (is) em*ty and yo#r $aith (is) also em*ty"
1=o 11:11 Bes% and we are $o#nd $alse witnesses o$ God% bea#se we ha!e testi$ied o$ God that He raised #*
=hrist% whom He did not raise #* DD i$ in $at the dead do not rise"
1=o 11:13 ;or i$ (the) dead do not rise% then =hrist is not risen"
1=o 11:14 +nd i$ =hrist is not risen% yo#r $aith (is) $#tile& yo# are still in yo#r sinsF
1=o 11:18 Then also those who ha!e $allen aslee* in =hrist ha!e *erished"
1=o 11:19 I$ in this li$e only we ha!e ho*e in =hrist% we are o$ all men the most *itiable"
1=o 11:25 B#t now =hrist is risen $rom the dead% (and) has beome the $irst$r#its o$ those who ha!e $allen
1=o 11:21 ;or sine by man (ame) death% by ?an also (ame) the res#rretion o$ the dead"
1=o 11:22 ;or as in +dam all die% e!en so in =hrist all shall be made ali!e"
1=o 11:2- B#t eah one in his own order: =hrist the $irst$r#its% a$terward those (who are) =hristAs at His oming"
1=o 11:20 Then (omes) the end% when He deli!ers the 'ingdom to God the ;ather% when He *#ts an end to all
r#le and all a#thority and *ower"
1=o 11:21 ;or He m#st reign till He has *#t all enemies #nder His $eet"
1=o 11:23 The last enemy (that) will be destroyed (is) death"
1=o 11:24 ;or .He has *#t all things #nder His $eet". B#t when He says .all things are *#t #nder (Him%. it is)
e!ident that He who *#t all things #nder Him is e9e*ted"
1=o 11:28 Now when all things are made s#b@et to Him% then the ,on Himsel$ will also be s#b@et to Him who
*#t all things #nder Him% that God may be all in all"
1=o 11:29 8therwise% what will they do who are ba*tiHed $or the dead% i$ the dead do not rise at allC >hy then
are they ba*tiHed $or the deadC
1=o 11:-5 +nd why do we stand in @eo*ardy e!ery ho#rC
1=o 11:-1 I a$$irm% by the boasting in yo# whih I ha!e in =hrist Jes#s o#r /ord% I die daily"
1=o 11:-2 I$% in the manner o$ men% I ha!e $o#ght with beasts at 6*hes#s% what ad!antage (is it) to meC I$ (the)
dead do not rise% ./et #s eat and drin'% $or tomorrow we dieF.
1=o 11:-- 2o not be deei!ed: .6!il om*any orr#*ts good habits".
1=o 11:-0 +wa'e to righteo#sness% and do not sin& $or some do not ha!e the 'nowledge o$ God" I s*ea' (this) to
yo#r shame"
1=o 11:-1 B#t someone will say% .How are the dead raised #*C +nd with what body do they omeC.
1=o 11:-3 ;oolish one% what yo# sow is not made ali!e #nless it dies"
1=o 11:-4 +nd what yo# sow% yo# do not sow that body that shall be% b#t mere grain DD *erha*s wheat or some
other (grain")
1=o 11:-8 B#t God gi!es it a body as He *leases% and to eah seed its own body"
1=o 11:-9 +ll $lesh (is) not the same $lesh% b#t (there is) one ('ind o$) $lesh o$ men% another $lesh o$ animals%
another o$ $ish% (and) another o$ birds"
1=o 11:05 (There are) also elestial bodies and terrestrial bodies& b#t the glory o$ the elestial (is) one% and the
(glory) o$ the terrestrial (is) another"
1=o 11:01 (There is) one glory o$ the s#n% another glory o$ the moon% and another glory o$ the stars& $or (one)
star di$$ers $rom (another) star in glory"
1=o 11:02 ,o also (is) the res#rretion o$ the dead" (The body) is sown in orr#*tion% it is raised in inorr#*tion"
1=o 11:0- It is sown in dishonor% it is raised in glory" It is sown in wea'ness% it is raised in *ower"
1=o 11:00 It is sown a nat#ral body% it is raised a s*irit#al body" There is a nat#ral body% and there is a s*irit#al
1=o 11:01 +nd so it is written% .The $irst man +dam beame a li!ing being". The last +dam (beame) a li$eD
gi!ing s*irit"
1=o 11:03 Howe!er% the s*irit#al is not $irst% b#t the nat#ral% and a$terward the s*irit#al"
1=o 11:04 The $irst man (was) o$ the earth% (made) o$ d#st& the seond ?an (is) the /ord $rom hea!en"
1=o 11:08 +s (was) the (man) o$ d#st% so also (are) those (who are made) o$ d#st& and as (is) the hea!enly
(?an%) so also (are) those (who are) hea!enly"
1=o 11:09 +nd as we ha!e borne the image o$ the (man) o$ d#st% we shall also bear the image o$ the hea!enly
1=o 11:15 Now this I say% brethren% that $lesh and blood annot inherit the 'ingdom o$ God& nor does orr#*tion
inherit inorr#*tion"
1=o 11:11 Behold% I tell yo# a mystery: >e shall not all slee*% b#t we shall all be hanged DD
1=o 11:12 in a moment% in the twin'ling o$ an eye% at the last tr#m*et" ;or the tr#m*et will so#nd% and the dead
will be raised inorr#*tible% and we shall be hanged"
1=o 11:1- ;or this orr#*tible m#st *#t on inorr#*tion% and this mortal (m#st) *#t on immortality"
1=o 11:10 ,o when this orr#*tible has *#t on inorr#*tion% and this mortal has *#t on immortality% then shall be
bro#ght to *ass the saying that is written: .2eath is swallowed #* in !itory".
1=o 11:11 .8 2eath% where (is) yo#r stingC 8 Hades% where (is) yo#r !itoryC.
1=o 11:13 The sting o$ death (is) sin% and the strength o$ sin (is) the law"
1=o 11:14 B#t than's (be) to God% who gi!es #s the !itory thro#gh o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist"
1=o 11:18 There$ore% my belo!ed brethren% be stead$ast% immo!able% always abo#nding in the wor' o$ the /ord%
'nowing that yo#r labor is not in !ain in the /ord"
1=o 13:1 Now onerning the olletion $or the saints% as I ha!e gi!en orders to the h#rhes o$ Galatia% so yo#
m#st do also:
1=o 13:2 8n the $irst (day) o$ the wee' let eah one o$ yo# lay something aside% storing #* as he may *ros*er%
that there be no olletions when I ome"
1=o 13:- +nd when I ome% whome!er yo# a**ro!e by (yo#r) letters I will send to bear yo#r gi$t to Jer#salem"
1=o 13:0 B#t i$ it is $itting that I go also% they will go with me"
1=o 13:1 Now I will ome to yo# when I *ass thro#gh ?aedonia I$or I am *assing thro#gh ?aedoniaJ"
1=o 13:3 +nd it may be that I will remain% or e!en s*end the winter with yo#% that yo# may send me on my
@o#rney% where!er I go"
1=o 13:4 ;or I do not wish to see yo# now on the way& b#t I ho*e to stay a while with yo#% i$ the /ord *ermits"
1=o 13:8 B#t I will tarry in 6*hes#s #ntil <enteost"
1=o 13:9 ;or a great and e$$eti!e door has o*ened to me% and (there are) many ad!ersaries"
1=o 13:15 Now i$ Timothy omes% see that he may be with yo# witho#t $ear& $or he does the wor' o$ the /ord% as
I also (do")
1=o 13:11 There$ore let no one des*ise him" B#t send him on his @o#rney in *eae% that he may ome to me& $or
I am waiting $or him with the brethren"
1=o 13:12 Now onerning (o#r) brother +*ollos% I strongly #rged him to ome to yo# with the brethren% b#t he
was E#ite #nwilling to ome at this time& howe!er% he will ome when he has a on!enient time"
1=o 13:1- >ath% stand $ast in the $aith% be bra!e% be strong"
1=o 13:10 /et all (that) yo# (do) be done with lo!e"
1=o 13:11 I #rge yo#% brethren DD yo# 'now the ho#sehold o$ ,te*hanas% that it is the $irst$r#its o$ +haia% and
(that) they ha!e de!oted themsel!es to the ministry o$ the saints DD
1=o 13:13 that yo# also s#bmit to s#h% and to e!eryone who wor's and labors with (#s")
1=o 13:14 I am glad abo#t the oming o$ ,te*hanas% ;ort#nat#s% and +hai#s% $or what was la'ing on yo#r
*art they s#**lied"
1=o 13:18 ;or they re$reshed my s*irit and yo#rs" There$ore a'nowledge s#h men"
1=o 13:19 The h#rhes o$ +sia greet yo#" +E#ila and <risilla greet yo# heartily in the /ord% with the h#rh
that is in their ho#se"
1=o 13:25 +ll the brethren greet yo#" Greet one another with a holy 'iss"
1=o 13:21 The sal#tation with my own hand DD <a#lAs"
1=o 13:22 I$ anyone does not lo!e the /ord Jes#s =hrist% let him be a#rsed" 8 /ord% omeF
1=o 13:2- The grae o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist (be) with yo#"
1=o 13:20 ?y lo!e (be) with yo# all in =hrist Jes#s" +men"
2=o 1:1 <a#l% an a*ostle o$ Jes#s =hrist by the will o$ God% and Timothy (o#r) brother% To the h#rh o$ God
whih is at =orinth% with all the saints who are in all +haia:
2=o 1:2 Grae to yo# and *eae $rom God o#r ;ather and the /ord Jes#s =hrist"
2=o 1:- Blessed (be) the God and ;ather o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% the ;ather o$ meries and God o$ all om$ort%
2=o 1:0 who om$orts #s in all o#r trib#lation% that we may be able to om$ort those who are in any tro#ble% with
the om$ort with whih we o#rsel!es are om$orted by God"
2=o 1:1 ;or as the s#$$erings o$ =hrist abo#nd in #s% so o#r onsolation also abo#nds thro#gh =hrist"
2=o 1:3 Now i$ we are a$$lited% (it is) $or yo#r onsolation and sal!ation% whih is e$$eti!e $or end#ring the same
s#$$erings whih we also s#$$er" 8r i$ we are om$orted% (it is) $or yo#r onsolation and sal!ation"
2=o 1:4 +nd o#r ho*e $or yo# (is) stead$ast% bea#se we 'now that as yo# are *arta'ers o$ the s#$$erings% so
also (yo# will *arta'e) o$ the onsolation"
2=o 1:8 ;or we do not want yo# to be ignorant% brethren% o$ o#r tro#ble whih ame to #s in +sia: that we were
b#rdened beyond meas#re% abo!e strength% so that we des*aired e!en o$ li$e"
2=o 1:9 Bes% we had the sentene o$ death in o#rsel!es% that we sho#ld not tr#st in o#rsel!es b#t in God who
raises the dead%
2=o 1:15 who deli!ered #s $rom so great a death% and does deli!er #s& in whom we tr#st that He will still deli!er
2=o 1:11 yo# also hel*ing together in *rayer $or #s% that than's may be gi!en by many *ersons on o#r behal$ $or
the gi$t (granted) to #s thro#gh many"
2=o 1:12 ;or o#r boasting is this: the testimony o$ o#r onsiene that we ond#ted o#rsel!es in the world in
sim*liity and godly sinerity% not with $leshly wisdom b#t by the grae o$ God% and more ab#ndantly toward yo#"
2=o 1:1- ;or we are not writing any other things to yo# than what yo# read or #nderstand" Now I tr#st yo# will
#nderstand% e!en to the end
2=o 1:10 Ias also yo# ha!e #nderstood #s in *artJ% that we are yo#r boast as yo# also (are) o#rs% in the day o$
the /ord Jes#s"
2=o 1:11 +nd in this on$idene I intended to ome to yo# be$ore% that yo# might ha!e a seond bene$it DD
2=o 1:13 to *ass by way o$ yo# to ?aedonia% to ome again $rom ?aedonia to yo#% and be hel*ed by yo# on
my way to J#dea"
2=o 1:14 There$ore% when I was *lanning this% did I do it lightlyC 8r the things I *lan% do I *lan aording to the
$lesh% that with me there sho#ld be Bes% Bes% and No% NoC
2=o 1:18 B#t (as) God (is) $aith$#l% o#r word to yo# was not Bes and No"
2=o 1:19 ;or the ,on o$ God% Jes#s =hrist% who was *reahed among yo# by #s DD by me% ,il!an#s% and
Timothy DD was not Bes and No% b#t in Him was Bes"
2=o 1:25 ;or all the *romises o$ God in Him (are) Bes% and in Him +men% to the glory o$ God thro#gh #s"
2=o 1:21 Now He who establishes #s with yo# in =hrist and has anointed #s (is) God%
2=o 1:22 who also has sealed #s and gi!en #s the ,*irit in o#r hearts as a g#arantee"
2=o 1:2- ?oreo!er I all God as witness against my so#l% that to s*are yo# I ame no more to =orinth"
2=o 1:20 Not that we ha!e dominion o!er yo#r $aith% b#t are $ellow wor'ers $or yo#r @oy& $or by $aith yo# stand"
2=o 2:1 B#t I determined this within mysel$% that I wo#ld not ome again to yo# in sorrow"
2=o 2:2 ;or i$ I ma'e yo# sorrow$#l% then who is he who ma'es me glad b#t the one who is made sorrow$#l by
2=o 2:- +nd I wrote this !ery thing to yo#% lest% when I ame% I sho#ld ha!e sorrow o!er those $rom whom I
o#ght to ha!e @oy% ha!ing on$idene in yo# all that my @oy is (the @oy) o$ yo# all"
2=o 2:0 ;or o#t o$ m#h a$$lition and ang#ish o$ heart I wrote to yo#% with many tears% not that yo# sho#ld be
grie!ed% b#t that yo# might 'now the lo!e whih I ha!e so ab#ndantly $or yo#"
2=o 2:1 B#t i$ anyone has a#sed grie$% he has not grie!ed me% b#t all o$ yo# to some e9tent DD not to be too
2=o 2:3 This *#nishment whih (was in$lited) by the ma@ority (is) s#$$iient $or s#h a man%
2=o 2:4 so that% on the ontrary% yo# (o#ght) rather to $orgi!e and om$ort (him%) lest *erha*s s#h a one be
swallowed #* with too m#h sorrow"
2=o 2:8 There$ore I #rge yo# to rea$$irm (yo#r) lo!e to him"
2=o 2:9 ;or to this end I also wrote% that I might *#t yo# to the test% whether yo# are obedient in all things"
2=o 2:15 Now whom yo# $orgi!e anything% I also ($orgi!e") ;or i$ indeed I ha!e $orgi!en anything% I ha!e $orgi!en
that one $or yo#r sa'es in the *resene o$ =hrist%
2=o 2:11 lest ,atan sho#ld ta'e ad!antage o$ #s& $or we are not ignorant o$ his de!ies"
2=o 2:12 ;#rthermore% when I ame to Troas to (*reah) =hristAs gos*el% and a door was o*ened to me by the
2=o 2:1- I had no rest in my s*irit% bea#se I did not $ind Tit#s my brother& b#t ta'ing my lea!e o$ them% I
de*arted $or ?aedonia"
2=o 2:10 Now than's (be) to God who always leads #s in tri#m*h in =hrist% and thro#gh #s di$$#ses the
$ragrane o$ His 'nowledge in e!ery *lae"
2=o 2:11 ;or we are to God the $ragrane o$ =hrist among those who are being sa!ed and among those who
are *erishing"
2=o 2:13 To the one (we are) the aroma o$ death (leading) to death% and to the other the aroma o$ li$e (leading)
to li$e" +nd who (is) s#$$iient $or these thingsC
2=o 2:14 ;or we are not% as so many% *eddling the word o$ God& b#t as o$ sinerity% b#t as $rom God% we s*ea'
in the sight o$ God in =hrist"
2=o -:1 2o we begin again to ommend o#rsel!esC 8r do we need% as some (others%) e*istles o$
ommendation to yo# or (letters) o$ ommendation $rom yo#C
2=o -:2 Bo# are o#r e*istle written in o#r hearts% 'nown and read by all men&
2=o -:- learly (yo# are) an e*istle o$ =hrist% ministered by #s% written not with in' b#t by the ,*irit o$ the li!ing
God% not on tablets o$ stone b#t on tablets o$ $lesh% (that is%) o$ the heart"
2=o -:0 +nd we ha!e s#h tr#st thro#gh =hrist toward God"
2=o -:1 Not that we are s#$$iient o$ o#rsel!es to thin' o$ anything as (being) $rom o#rsel!es% b#t o#r s#$$iieny
(is) $rom God%
2=o -:3 who also made #s s#$$iient as ministers o$ the new o!enant% not o$ the letter b#t o$ the ,*irit& $or the
letter 'ills% b#t the ,*irit gi!es li$e"
2=o -:4 B#t i$ the ministry o$ death% written (and) engra!ed on stones% was glorio#s% so that the hildren o$ Israel
o#ld not loo' steadily at the $ae o$ ?oses bea#se o$ the glory o$ his o#ntenane% whih (glory) was *assing
2=o -:8 how will the ministry o$ the ,*irit not be more glorio#sC
2=o -:9 ;or i$ the ministry o$ ondemnation (had) glory% the ministry o$ righteo#sness e9eeds m#h more in
2=o -:15 ;or e!en what was made glorio#s had no glory in this res*et% bea#se o$ the glory that e9els"
2=o -:11 ;or i$ what is *assing away (was) glorio#s% what remains (is) m#h more glorio#s"
2=o -:12 There$ore% sine we ha!e s#h ho*e% we #se great boldness o$ s*eeh DD
2=o -:1- #nli'e ?oses% (who) *#t a !eil o!er his $ae so that the hildren o$ Israel o#ld not loo' steadily at the
end o$ what was *assing away"
2=o -:10 B#t their minds were blinded" ;or #ntil this day the same !eil remains #nli$ted in the reading o$ the 8ld
Testament% bea#se the (!eil) is ta'en away in =hrist"
2=o -:11 B#t e!en to this day% when ?oses is read% a !eil lies on their heart"
2=o -:13 Ne!ertheless when one t#rns to the /ord% the !eil is ta'en away"
2=o -:14 Now the /ord is the ,*irit& and where the ,*irit o$ the /ord (is%) there (is) liberty"
2=o -:18 B#t we all% with #n!eiled $ae% beholding as in a mirror the glory o$ the /ord% are being trans$ormed into
the same image $rom glory to glory% @#st as by the ,*irit o$ the /ord"
2=o 0:1 There$ore% sine we ha!e this ministry% as we ha!e reei!ed mery% we do not lose heart"
2=o 0:2 B#t we ha!e reno#ned the hidden things o$ shame% not wal'ing in ra$tiness nor handling the word o$
God deeit$#lly% b#t by mani$estation o$ the tr#th ommending o#rsel!es to e!ery manAs onsiene in the sight
o$ God"
2=o 0:- B#t e!en i$ o#r gos*el is !eiled% it is !eiled to those who are *erishing%
2=o 0:0 whose minds the god o$ this age has blinded% who do not belie!e% lest the light o$ the gos*el o$ the glory
o$ =hrist% who is the image o$ God% sho#ld shine on them"
2=o 0:1 ;or we do not *reah o#rsel!es% b#t =hrist Jes#s the /ord% and o#rsel!es yo#r bondser!ants $or Jes#sA
2=o 0:3 ;or it is the God who ommanded light to shine o#t o$ dar'ness% who has shone in o#r hearts to (gi!e)
the light o$ the 'nowledge o$ the glory o$ God in the $ae o$ Jes#s =hrist"
2=o 0:4 B#t we ha!e this treas#re in earthen !essels% that the e9ellene o$ the *ower may be o$ God and not
o$ #s"
2=o 0:8 (>e are) hard *ressed on e!ery side% yet not r#shed& (we are) *er*le9ed% b#t not in des*air&
2=o 0:9 *erse#ted% b#t not $orsa'en& str#' down% b#t not destroyed DD
2=o 0:15 always arrying abo#t in the body the dying o$ the /ord Jes#s% that the li$e o$ Jes#s also may be
mani$ested in o#r body"
2=o 0:11 ;or we who li!e are always deli!ered to death $or Jes#sA sa'e% that the li$e o$ Jes#s also may be
mani$ested in o#r mortal $lesh"
2=o 0:12 ,o then death is wor'ing in #s% b#t li$e in yo#"
2=o 0:1- +nd sine we ha!e the same s*irit o$ $aith% aording to what is written% .I belie!ed and there$ore I
s*o'e%. we also belie!e and there$ore s*ea'%
2=o 0:10 'nowing that He who raised #* the /ord Jes#s will also raise #s #* with Jes#s% and will *resent (#s)
with yo#"
2=o 0:11 ;or all things (are) $or yo#r sa'es% that grae% ha!ing s*read thro#gh the many% may a#se
than'sgi!ing to abo#nd to the glory o$ God"
2=o 0:13 There$ore we do not lose heart" 6!en tho#gh o#r o#tward man is *erishing% yet the inward (man) is
being renewed day by day"
2=o 0:14 ;or o#r light a$$lition% whih is b#t $or a moment% is wor'ing $or #s a $ar more e9eeding (and) eternal
weight o$ glory%
2=o 0:18 while we do not loo' at the things whih are seen% b#t at the things whih are not seen" ;or the things
whih are seen (are) tem*orary% b#t the things whih are not seen (are) eternal"
2=o 1:1 ;or we 'now that i$ o#r earthly ho#se% (this) tent% is destroyed% we ha!e a b#ilding $rom God% a ho#se
not made with hands% eternal in the hea!ens"
2=o 1:2 ;or in this we groan% earnestly desiring to be lothed with o#r habitation whih is $rom hea!en%
2=o 1:- i$ indeed% ha!ing been lothed% we shall not be $o#nd na'ed"
2=o 1:0 ;or we who are in (this) tent groan% being b#rdened% not bea#se we want to be #nlothed% b#t $#rther
lothed% that mortality may be swallowed #* by li$e"
2=o 1:1 Now He who has *re*ared #s $or this !ery thing (is) God% who also has gi!en #s the ,*irit as a
2=o 1:3 ,o (we are) always on$ident% 'nowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent $rom the
2=o 1:4 ;or we wal' by $aith% not by sight"
2=o 1:8 >e are on$ident% yes% well *leased rather to be absent $rom the body and to be *resent with the /ord"
2=o 1:9 There$ore we ma'e it o#r aim% whether *resent or absent% to be well *leasing to Him"
2=o 1:15 ;or we m#st all a**ear be$ore the @#dgment seat o$ =hrist% that eah one may reei!e the things
(done) in the body% aording to what he has done% whether good or bad"
2=o 1:11 Knowing% there$ore% the terror o$ the /ord% we *ers#ade men& b#t we are well 'nown to God% and I also
tr#st are well 'nown in yo#r onsienes"
2=o 1:12 ;or we do not ommend o#rsel!es again to yo#% b#t gi!e yo# o**ort#nity to boast on o#r behal$% that
yo# may ha!e (an answer) $or those who boast in a**earane and not in heart"
2=o 1:1- ;or i$ we are beside o#rsel!es% (it is) $or God& or i$ we are o$ so#nd mind% (it is) $or yo#"
2=o 1:10 ;or the lo!e o$ =hrist om*els #s% bea#se we @#dge th#s: that i$ 8ne died $or all% then all died&
2=o 1:11 and He died $or all% that those who li!e sho#ld li!e no longer $or themsel!es% b#t $or Him who died $or
them and rose again"
2=o 1:13 There$ore% $rom now on% we regard no one aording to the $lesh" 6!en tho#gh we ha!e 'nown =hrist
aording to the $lesh% yet now we 'now (Him th#s) no longer"
2=o 1:14 There$ore% i$ anyone (is) in =hrist% (he is) a new reation& old things ha!e *assed away& behold% all
things ha!e beome new"
2=o 1:18 Now all things (are) o$ God% who has reoniled #s to Himsel$ thro#gh Jes#s =hrist% and has gi!en #s
the ministry o$ reoniliation%
2=o 1:19 that is% that God was in =hrist reoniling the world to Himsel$% not im*#ting their tres*asses to them%
and has ommitted to #s the word o$ reoniliation"
2=o 1:25 Now then% we are ambassadors $or =hrist% as tho#gh God were *leading thro#gh #s: we im*lore (yo#)
on =hristAs behal$% be reoniled to God"
2=o 1:21 ;or He made Him who 'new no sin (to be) sin $or #s% that we might beome the righteo#sness o$ God
in Him"
2=o 3:1 >e then% (as) wor'ers together (with Him) also *lead with (yo#) not to reei!e the grae o$ God in !ain"
2=o 3:2 ;or He says: .In an ae*table time I ha!e heard yo#% +nd in the day o$ sal!ation I ha!e hel*ed yo#".
Behold% now (is) the ae*ted time& behold% now (is) the day o$ sal!ation"
2=o 3:- >e gi!e no o$$ense in anything% that o#r ministry may not be blamed"
2=o 3:0 B#t in all (things) we ommend o#rsel!es as ministers o$ God: in m#h *atiene% in trib#lations% in
needs% in distresses%
2=o 3:1 in stri*es% in im*risonments% in t#m#lts% in labors% in slee*lessness% in $astings&
2=o 3:3 by *#rity% by 'nowledge% by longs#$$ering% by 'indness% by the Holy ,*irit% by sinere lo!e%
2=o 3:4 by the word o$ tr#th% by the *ower o$ God% by the armor o$ righteo#sness on the right hand and on the
2=o 3:8 by honor and dishonor% by e!il re*ort and good re*ort& as deei!ers% and (yet) tr#e&
2=o 3:9 as #n'nown% and (yet) well 'nown& as dying% and behold we li!e& as hastened% and (yet) not 'illed&
2=o 3:15 as sorrow$#l% yet always re@oiing& as *oor% yet ma'ing many rih& as ha!ing nothing% and (yet)
*ossessing all things"
2=o 3:11 8 =orinthiansF >e ha!e s*o'en o*enly to yo#% o#r heart is wide o*en"
2=o 3:12 Bo# are not restrited by #s% b#t yo# are restrited by yo#r (own) a$$etions"
2=o 3:1- Now in ret#rn $or the same II s*ea' as to hildrenJ% yo# also be o*en"
2=o 3:10 2o not be #neE#ally yo'ed together with #nbelie!ers" ;or what $ellowshi* has righteo#sness with
lawlessnessC +nd what omm#nion has light with dar'nessC
2=o 3:11 +nd what aord has =hrist with BelialC 8r what *art has a belie!er with an #nbelie!erC
2=o 3:13 +nd what agreement has the tem*le o$ God with idolsC ;or yo# are the tem*le o$ the li!ing God" +s
God has said: .I will dwell in them +nd wal' among (them") I will be their God% +nd they shall be ?y *eo*le".
2=o 3:14 There$ore .=ome o#t $rom among them +nd be se*arate% says the /ord" 2o not to#h what is
#nlean% +nd I will reei!e yo#".
2=o 3:18 .I will be a ;ather to yo#% +nd yo# shall be ?y sons and da#ghters% ,ays the /8:2 +lmighty".
2=o 4:1 There$ore% ha!ing these *romises% belo!ed% let #s leanse o#rsel!es $rom all $ilthiness o$ the $lesh and
s*irit% *er$eting holiness in the $ear o$ God"
2=o 4:2 8*en (yo#r hearts) to #s" >e ha!e wronged no one% we ha!e orr#*ted no one% we ha!e heated no
2=o 4:- I do not say (this) to ondemn& $or I ha!e said be$ore that yo# are in o#r hearts% to die together and to
li!e together"
2=o 4:0 Great (is) my boldness o$ s*eeh toward yo#% great (is) my boasting on yo#r behal$" I am $illed with
om$ort" I am e9eedingly @oy$#l in all o#r trib#lation"
2=o 4:1 ;or indeed% when we ame to ?aedonia% o#r bodies had no rest% b#t we were tro#bled on e!ery side"
8#tside (were) on$lits% inside (were) $ears"
2=o 4:3 Ne!ertheless God% who om$orts the downast% om$orted #s by the oming o$ Tit#s%
2=o 4:4 and not only by his oming% b#t also by the onsolation with whih he was om$orted in yo#% when he
told #s o$ yo#r earnest desire% yo#r mo#rning% yo#r Heal $or me% so that I re@oied e!en more"
2=o 4:8 ;or e!en i$ I made yo# sorry with my letter% I do not regret it& tho#gh I did regret it" ;or I *erei!e that
the same e*istle made yo# sorry% tho#gh only $or a while"
2=o 4:9 Now I re@oie% not that yo# were made sorry% b#t that yo#r sorrow led to re*entane" ;or yo# were
made sorry in a godly manner% that yo# might s#$$er loss $rom #s in nothing"
2=o 4:15 ;or godly sorrow *rod#es re*entane (leading) to sal!ation% not to be regretted& b#t the sorrow o$ the
world *rod#es death"
2=o 4:11 ;or obser!e this !ery thing% that yo# sorrowed in a godly manner: >hat diligene it *rod#ed in yo#%
(what) learing (o$ yo#rsel!es% what) indignation% (what) $ear% (what) !ehement desire% (what) Heal% (what)
!indiationF In all (things) yo# *ro!ed yo#rsel!es to be lear in this matter"
2=o 4:12 There$ore% altho#gh I wrote to yo#% (I did) not (do it) $or the sa'e o$ him who had done the wrong% nor
$or the sa'e o$ him who s#$$ered wrong% b#t that o#r are $or yo# in the sight o$ God might a**ear to yo#"
2=o 4:1- There$ore we ha!e been om$orted in yo#r om$ort" +nd we re@oied e9eedingly more $or the @oy o$
Tit#s% bea#se his s*irit has been re$reshed by yo# all"
2=o 4:10 ;or i$ in anything I ha!e boasted to him abo#t yo#% I am not ashamed" B#t as we s*o'e all things to
yo# in tr#th% e!en so o#r boasting to Tit#s was $o#nd tr#e"
2=o 4:11 +nd his a$$etions are greater $or yo# as he remembers the obediene o$ yo# all% how with $ear and
trembling yo# reei!ed him"
2=o 4:13 There$ore I re@oie that I ha!e on$idene in yo# in e!erything"
2=o 8:1 ?oreo!er% brethren% we ma'e 'nown to yo# the grae o$ God bestowed on the h#rhes o$ ?aedonia:
2=o 8:2 that in a great trial o$ a$$lition the ab#ndane o$ their @oy and their dee* *o!erty abo#nded in the rihes
o$ their liberality"
2=o 8:- ;or I bear witness that aording to (their) ability% yes% and beyond (their) ability% (they were) $reely
2=o 8:0 im*loring #s with m#h #rgeny that we wo#ld reei!e the gi$t and the $ellowshi* o$ the ministering to
the saints"
2=o 8:1 +nd not (only) as we had ho*ed% b#t they $irst ga!e themsel!es to the /ord% and (then) to #s by the will
o$ God"
2=o 8:3 ,o we #rged Tit#s% that as he had beg#n% so he wo#ld also om*lete this grae in yo# as well"
2=o 8:4 B#t as yo# abo#nd in e!erything DD in $aith% in s*eeh% in 'nowledge% in all diligene% and in yo#r lo!e $or
#s DD (see) that yo# abo#nd in this grae also"
2=o 8:8 I s*ea' not by ommandment% b#t I am testing the sinerity o$ yo#r lo!e by the diligene o$ others"
2=o 8:9 ;or yo# 'now the grae o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% that tho#gh He was rih% yet $or yo#r sa'es He
beame *oor% that yo# thro#gh His *o!erty might beome rih"
2=o 8:15 +nd in this I gi!e ad!ie: It is to yo#r ad!antage not only to be doing what yo# began and were
desiring to do a year ago&
2=o 8:11 b#t now yo# also m#st om*lete the doing (o$ it&) that as (there was) a readiness to desire (it%) so
(there) also (may be) a om*letion o#t o$ what (yo#) ha!e"
2=o 8:12 ;or i$ there is $irst a willing mind% (it is) ae*ted aording to what one has% (and) not aording to
what he does not ha!e"
2=o 8:1- ;or (I do) not (mean) that others sho#ld be eased and yo# b#rdened&
2=o 8:10 b#t by an eE#ality% (that) now at this time yo#r ab#ndane (may s#**ly) their la'% that their ab#ndane
also may s#**ly yo#r la' DD that there may be eE#ality"
2=o 8:11 +s it is written% .He who (gathered) m#h had nothing le$t o!er% and he who (gathered) little had no
2=o 8:13 B#t than's (be) to God who *#ts the same earnest are $or yo# into the heart o$ Tit#s"
2=o 8:14 ;or he not only ae*ted the e9hortation% b#t being more diligent% he went to yo# o$ his own aord"
2=o 8:18 +nd we ha!e sent with him the brother whose *raise (is) in the gos*el thro#gho#t all the h#rhes%
2=o 8:19 and not only (that%) b#t who was also hosen by the h#rhes to tra!el with #s with this gi$t% whih is
administered by #s to the glory o$ the /ord Himsel$ and (to show) yo#r ready mind%
2=o 8:25 a!oiding this: that anyone sho#ld blame #s in this la!ish gi$t whih is administered by #s DD
2=o 8:21 *ro!iding honorable things% not only in the sight o$ the /ord% b#t also in the sight o$ men"
2=o 8:22 +nd we ha!e sent with them o#r brother whom we ha!e o$ten *ro!ed diligent in many things% b#t now
m#h more diligent% bea#se o$ the great on$idene whih (we ha!e) in yo#"
2=o 8:2- I$ (anyone inE#ires) abo#t Tit#s% (he is) my *artner and $ellow wor'er onerning yo#" 8r i$ o#r brethren
(are inE#ired abo#t% they are) messengers o$ the h#rhes% the glory o$ =hrist"
2=o 8:20 There$ore show to them% and be$ore the h#rhes the *roo$ o$ yo#r lo!e and o$ o#r boasting on yo#r
2=o 9:1 Now onerning the ministering to the saints% it is s#*er$l#o#s $or me to write to yo#&
2=o 9:2 $or I 'now yo#r willingness% abo#t whih I boast o$ yo# to the ?aedonians% that +haia was ready a
year ago& and yo#r Heal has stirred #* the ma@ority"
2=o 9:- Bet I ha!e sent the brethren% lest o#r boasting o$ yo# sho#ld be in !ain in this res*et% that% as I said%
yo# may be ready&
2=o 9:0 lest i$ (some) ?aedonians ome with me and $ind yo# #n*re*ared% we Inot to mention yo#FJ sho#ld be
ashamed o$ this on$ident boasting"
2=o 9:1 There$ore I tho#ght it neessary to e9hort the brethren to go to yo# ahead o$ time% and *re*are yo#r
genero#s gi$t be$orehand% whih (yo# had) *re!io#sly *romised% that it may be ready as (a matter o$) generosity
and not as a gr#dging obligation"
2=o 9:3 B#t this (I say:) He who sows s*aringly will also rea* s*aringly% and he who sows bo#nti$#lly will also
rea* bo#nti$#lly"
2=o 9:4 (,o let) eah one (gi!e) as he *#r*oses in his heart% not gr#dgingly or o$ neessity& $or God lo!es a
heer$#l gi!er"
2=o 9:8 +nd God (is) able to ma'e all grae abo#nd toward yo#% that yo#% always ha!ing all s#$$iieny in all
(things%) may ha!e an ab#ndane $or e!ery good wor'"
2=o 9:9 +s it is written: .He has dis*ersed abroad% He has gi!en to the *oor& His righteo#sness end#res
2=o 9:15 Now may He who s#**lies seed to the sower% and bread $or $ood% s#**ly and m#lti*ly the seed yo#
ha!e (sown) and inrease the $r#its o$ yo#r righteo#sness%
2=o 9:11 while (yo# are) enrihed in e!erything $or all liberality% whih a#ses than'sgi!ing thro#gh #s to God"
2=o 9:12 ;or the administration o$ this ser!ie not only s#**lies the needs o$ the saints% b#t also is abo#nding
thro#gh many than'sgi!ings to God%
2=o 9:1- while% thro#gh the *roo$ o$ this ministry% they glori$y God $or the obediene o$ yo#r on$ession to the
gos*el o$ =hrist% and $or (yo#r) liberal sharing with them and all (men%)
2=o 9:10 and by their *rayer $or yo#% who long $or yo# bea#se o$ the e9eeding grae o$ God in yo#"
2=o 9:11 Than's (be) to God $or His indesribable gi$tF
2=o 15:1 Now I% <a#l% mysel$ am *leading with yo# by the mee'ness and gentleness o$ =hrist DD who in
*resene (am) lowly among yo#% b#t being absent am bold toward yo#"
2=o 15:2 B#t I beg (yo#) that when I am *resent I may not be bold with that on$idene by whih I intend to be
bold against some% who thin' o$ #s as i$ we wal'ed aording to the $lesh"
2=o 15:- ;or tho#gh we wal' in the $lesh% we do not war aording to the $lesh"
2=o 15:0 ;or the wea*ons o$ o#r war$are (are) not arnal b#t mighty in God $or *#lling down strongholds%
2=o 15:1 asting down arg#ments and e!ery high thing that e9alts itsel$ against the 'nowledge o$ God% bringing
e!ery tho#ght into a*ti!ity to the obediene o$ =hrist%
2=o 15:3 and being ready to *#nish all disobediene when yo#r obediene is $#l$illed"
2=o 15:4 2o yo# loo' at things aording to the o#tward a**earaneC I$ anyone is on!ined in himsel$ that he
is =hristAs% let him again onsider this in himsel$% that @#st as he (is) =hristAs% e!en so we (are) =hristAs"
2=o 15:8 ;or e!en i$ I sho#ld boast somewhat more abo#t o#r a#thority% whih the /ord ga!e #s $or edi$iation
and not $or yo#r destr#tion% I shall not be ashamed DD
2=o 15:9 lest I seem to terri$y yo# by letters"
2=o 15:15 .;or (his) letters%. they say% .(are) weighty and *ower$#l% b#t (his) bodily *resene (is) wea'% and (his)
s*eeh ontem*tible".
2=o 15:11 /et s#h a *erson onsider this% that what we are in word by letters when we are absent% s#h (we
will) also (be) in deed when we are *resent"
2=o 15:12 ;or we dare not lass o#rsel!es or om*are o#rsel!es with those who ommend themsel!es" B#t
they% meas#ring themsel!es by themsel!es% and om*aring themsel!es among themsel!es% are not wise"
2=o 15:1- >e% howe!er% will not boast beyond meas#re% b#t within the limits o$ the s*here whih God a**ointed
#s DD a s*here whih es*eially inl#des yo#"
2=o 15:10 ;or we are not o!ere9tending o#rsel!es Ias tho#gh (o#r a#thority) did not e9tend to yo#J% $or it was to
yo# that we ame with the gos*el o$ =hrist&
2=o 15:11 not boasting o$ things beyond meas#re% (that is%) in other menAs labors% b#t ha!ing ho*e% (that) as
yo#r $aith is inreased% we shall be greatly enlarged by yo# in o#r s*here%
2=o 15:13 to *reah the gos*el in the (regions) beyond yo#% (and) not to boast in another manAs s*here o$
2=o 15:14 B#t .he who glories% let him glory in the /8:2".
2=o 15:18 ;or not he who ommends himsel$ is a**ro!ed% b#t whom the /ord ommends"
2=o 11:1 8h% that yo# wo#ld bear with me in a little $olly DD and indeed yo# do bear with me"
2=o 11:2 ;or I am @ealo#s $or yo# with godly @ealo#sy" ;or I ha!e betrothed yo# to one h#sband% that I may
*resent (yo# as) a haste !irgin to =hrist"
2=o 11:- B#t I $ear% lest somehow% as the ser*ent deei!ed 6!e by his ra$tiness% so yo#r minds may be
orr#*ted $rom the sim*liity that is in =hrist"
2=o 11:0 ;or i$ he who omes *reahes another Jes#s whom we ha!e not *reahed% or (i$) yo# reei!e a
di$$erent s*irit whih yo# ha!e not reei!ed% or a di$$erent gos*el whih yo# ha!e not ae*ted DD yo# may well
*#t #* with itF
2=o 11:1 ;or I onsider that I am not at all in$erior to the most eminent a*ostles"
2=o 11:3 6!en tho#gh (I am) #ntrained in s*eeh% yet (I am) not in 'nowledge" B#t we ha!e been thoro#ghly
mani$ested among yo# in all things"
2=o 11:4 2id I ommit sin in h#mbling mysel$ that yo# might be e9alted% bea#se I *reahed the gos*el o$ God
to yo# $ree o$ hargeC
2=o 11:8 I robbed other h#rhes% ta'ing wages ($rom them) to minister to yo#"
2=o 11:9 +nd when I was *resent with yo#% and in need% I was a b#rden to no one% $or what I la'ed the
brethren who ame $rom ?aedonia s#**lied" +nd in e!erything I 'e*t mysel$ $rom being b#rdensome to yo#%
and so I will 'ee* (mysel$")
2=o 11:15 +s the tr#th o$ =hrist is in me% no one shall sto* me $rom this boasting in the regions o$ +haia"
2=o 11:11 >hyC Bea#se I do not lo!e yo#C God 'nowsF
2=o 11:12 B#t what I do% I will also ontin#e to do% that I may #t o$$ the o**ort#nity $rom those who desire an
o**ort#nity to be regarded @#st as we are in the things o$ whih they boast"
2=o 11:1- ;or s#h (are) $alse a*ostles% deeit$#l wor'ers% trans$orming themsel!es into a*ostles o$ =hrist"
2=o 11:10 +nd no wonderF ;or ,atan himsel$ trans$orms himsel$ into an angel o$ light"
2=o 11:11 There$ore (it is) no great thing i$ his ministers also trans$orm themsel!es into ministers o$
righteo#sness% whose end will be aording to their wor's"
2=o 11:13 I say again% let no one thin' me a $ool" I$ otherwise% at least reei!e me as a $ool% that I also may
boast a little"
2=o 11:14 >hat I s*ea'% I s*ea' not aording to the /ord% b#t as it were% $oolishly% in this on$idene o$
2=o 11:18 ,eeing that many boast aording to the $lesh% I also will boast"
2=o 11:19 ;or yo# *#t #* with $ools gladly% sine yo# (yo#rsel!es) are wiseF
2=o 11:25 ;or yo# *#t #* with it i$ one brings yo# into bondage% i$ one de!o#rs (yo#%) i$ one ta'es ($rom yo#%) i$
one e9alts himsel$% i$ one stri'es yo# on the $ae"
2=o 11:21 To (o#r) shame% I say that we were too wea' $or thatF B#t in whate!er anyone is bold DD I s*ea'
$oolishly DD I am bold also"
2=o 11:22 +re they HebrewsC ,o (am) I" +re they IsraelitesC ,o (am) I" +re they the seed o$ +brahamC ,o (am)
2=o 11:2- +re they ministers o$ =hristC DD I s*ea' as a $ool DD I (am) more: in labors more ab#ndant% in stri*es
abo!e meas#re% in *risons more $reE#ently% in deaths o$ten"
2=o 11:20 ;rom the Jews $i!e times I reei!ed $orty (stri*es) min#s one"
2=o 11:21 Three times I was beaten with rods& one I was stoned& three times I was shi*wre'ed& a night and a
day I ha!e been in the dee*&
2=o 11:23 (in) @o#rneys o$ten% (in) *erils o$ waters% (in) *erils o$ robbers% (in) *erils o$ (my own) o#ntrymen% (in)
*erils o$ the Gentiles% (in) *erils in the ity% (in) *erils in the wilderness% (in) *erils in the sea% (in) *erils among
$alse brethren&
2=o 11:24 in weariness and toil% in slee*lessness o$ten% in h#nger and thirst% in $astings o$ten% in old and
na'edness DD
2=o 11:28 besides the other things% what omes #*on me daily: my dee* onern $or all the h#rhes"
2=o 11:29 >ho is wea'% and I am not wea'C >ho is made to st#mble% and I do not b#rn with indignationC
2=o 11:-5 I$ I m#st boast% I will boast in the things whih onern my in$irmity"
2=o 11:-1 The God and ;ather o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% who is blessed $ore!er% 'nows that I am not lying"
2=o 11:-2 In 2amas#s the go!ernor% #nder +retas the 'ing% was g#arding the ity o$ the 2amasenes with a
garrison% desiring to arrest me&
2=o 11:-- b#t I was let down in a bas'et thro#gh a window in the wall% and esa*ed $rom his hands"
2=o 12:1 It is do#btless not *ro$itable $or me to boast" I will ome to !isions and re!elations o$ the /ord:
2=o 12:2 I 'now a man in =hrist who $o#rteen years ago DD whether in the body I do not 'now% or whether o#t o$
the body I do not 'now% God 'nows DD s#h a one was a#ght #* to the third hea!en"
2=o 12:- +nd I 'now s#h a man DD whether in the body or o#t o$ the body I do not 'now% God 'nows DD
2=o 12:0 how he was a#ght #* into <aradise and heard ine9*ressible words% whih it is not law$#l $or a man to
2=o 12:1 8$ s#h a one I will boast& yet o$ mysel$ I will not boast% e9e*t in my in$irmities"
2=o 12:3 ;or tho#gh I might desire to boast% I will not be a $ool& $or I will s*ea' the tr#th" B#t I re$rain% lest
anyone sho#ld thin' o$ me abo!e what he sees me (to be) or hears $rom me"
2=o 12:4 +nd lest I sho#ld be e9alted abo!e meas#re by the ab#ndane o$ the re!elations% a thorn in the $lesh
was gi!en to me% a messenger o$ ,atan to b#$$et me% lest I be e9alted abo!e meas#re"
2=o 12:8 =onerning this thing I *leaded with the /ord three times that it might de*art $rom me"
2=o 12:9 +nd He said to me% .?y grae is s#$$iient $or yo#% $or ?y strength is made *er$et in wea'ness".
There$ore most gladly I will rather boast in my in$irmities% that the *ower o$ =hrist may rest #*on me"
2=o 12:15 There$ore I ta'e *leas#re in in$irmities% in re*roahes% in needs% in *erse#tions% in distresses% $or
=hristAs sa'e" ;or when I am wea'% then I am strong"
2=o 12:11 I ha!e beome a $ool in boasting& yo# ha!e om*elled me" ;or I o#ght to ha!e been ommended by
yo#& $or in nothing was I behind the most eminent a*ostles% tho#gh I am nothing"
2=o 12:12 Tr#ly the signs o$ an a*ostle were aom*lished among yo# with all *erse!erane% in signs and
wonders and mighty deeds"
2=o 12:1- ;or what is it in whih yo# were in$erior to other h#rhes% e9e*t that I mysel$ was not b#rdensome
to yo#C ;orgi!e me this wrongF
2=o 12:10 Now ($or) the third time I am ready to ome to yo#" +nd I will not be b#rdensome to yo#& $or I do not
see' yo#rs% b#t yo#" ;or the hildren o#ght not to lay #* $or the *arents% b#t the *arents $or the hildren"
2=o 12:11 +nd I will !ery gladly s*end and be s*ent $or yo#r so#ls& tho#gh the more ab#ndantly I lo!e yo#% the
less I am lo!ed"
2=o 12:13 B#t be that (as it may%) I did not b#rden yo#" Ne!ertheless% being ra$ty% I a#ght yo# by #nningF
2=o 12:14 2id I ta'e ad!antage o$ yo# by any o$ those whom I sent to yo#C
2=o 12:18 I #rged Tit#s% and sent o#r brother with (him") 2id Tit#s ta'e ad!antage o$ yo#C 2id we not wal' in
the same s*iritC 2id (we) not (wal') in the same ste*sC
2=o 12:19 +gain% do yo# thin' that we e9#se o#rsel!es to yo#C >e s*ea' be$ore God in =hrist" B#t (we do) all
things% belo!ed% $or yo#r edi$iation"
2=o 12:25 ;or I $ear lest% when I ome% I shall not $ind yo# s#h as I wish% and (that) I shall be $o#nd by yo# s#h
as yo# do not wish& lest (there be) ontentions% @ealo#sies% o#tb#rsts o$ wrath% sel$ish ambitions% ba'bitings%
whis*erings% oneits% t#m#lts&
2=o 12:21 lest% when I ome again% my God will h#mble me among yo#% and I shall mo#rn $or many who ha!e
sinned be$ore and ha!e not re*ented o$ the #nleanness% $orniation% and lewdness whih they ha!e *ratied"
2=o 1-:1 This (will be) the third (time) I am oming to yo#" .By the mo#th o$ two or three witnesses e!ery word
shall be established".
2=o 1-:2 I ha!e told yo# be$ore% and $oretell as i$ I were *resent the seond time% and now being absent I write
to those who ha!e sinned be$ore% and to all the rest% that i$ I ome again I will not s*are DD
2=o 1-:- sine yo# see' a *roo$ o$ =hrist s*ea'ing in me% who is not wea' toward yo#% b#t mighty in yo#"
2=o 1-:0 ;or tho#gh He was r#i$ied in wea'ness% yet He li!es by the *ower o$ God" ;or we also are wea' in
Him% b#t we shall li!e with Him by the *ower o$ God toward yo#"
2=o 1-:1 69amine yo#rsel!es (as to) whether yo# are in the $aith" Test yo#rsel!es" 2o yo# not 'now yo#rsel!es%
that Jes#s =hrist is in yo#C DD #nless indeed yo# are disE#ali$ied"
2=o 1-:3 B#t I tr#st that yo# will 'now that we are not disE#ali$ied"
2=o 1-:4 Now I *ray to God that yo# do no e!il% not that we sho#ld a**ear a**ro!ed% b#t that yo# sho#ld do
what is honorable% tho#gh we may seem disE#ali$ied"
2=o 1-:8 ;or we an do nothing against the tr#th% b#t $or the tr#th"
2=o 1-:9 ;or we are glad when we are wea' and yo# are strong" +nd this also we *ray% that yo# may be made
2=o 1-:15 There$ore I write these things being absent% lest being *resent I sho#ld #se shar*ness% aording to
the a#thority whih the /ord has gi!en me $or edi$iation and not $or destr#tion"
2=o 1-:11 ;inally% brethren% $arewell" Beome om*lete" Be o$ good om$ort% be o$ one mind% li!e in *eae& and
the God o$ lo!e and *eae will be with yo#"
2=o 1-:12 Greet one another with a holy 'iss"
2=o 1-:1- +ll the saints greet yo#"
2=o 1-:10 The grae o$ the /ord Jes#s =hrist% and the lo!e o$ God% and the omm#nion o$ the Holy ,*irit (be)
with yo# all" +men"
Gal 1:1 <a#l% an a*ostle Inot $rom men nor thro#gh man% b#t thro#gh Jes#s =hrist and God the ;ather who
raised Him $rom the deadJ%
Gal 1:2 and all the brethren who are with me% To the h#rhes o$ Galatia:
Gal 1:- Grae to yo# and *eae $rom God the ;ather and o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist%
Gal 1:0 who ga!e Himsel$ $or o#r sins% that He might deli!er #s $rom this *resent e!il age% aording to the will o$
o#r God and ;ather%
Gal 1:1 to whom (be) glory $ore!er and e!er" +men"
Gal 1:3 I mar!el that yo# are t#rning away so soon $rom Him who alled yo# in the grae o$ =hrist% to a di$$erent
Gal 1:4 whih is not another& b#t there are some who tro#ble yo# and want to *er!ert the gos*el o$ =hrist"
Gal 1:8 B#t e!en i$ we% or an angel $rom hea!en% *reah any other gos*el to yo# than what we ha!e *reahed
to yo#% let him be a#rsed"
Gal 1:9 +s we ha!e said be$ore% so now I say again% i$ anyone *reahes any other gos*el to yo# than what yo#
ha!e reei!ed% let him be a#rsed"
Gal 1:15 ;or do I now *ers#ade men% or GodC 8r do I see' to *lease menC ;or i$ I still *leased men% I wo#ld not
be a bondser!ant o$ =hrist"
Gal 1:11 B#t I ma'e 'nown to yo#% brethren% that the gos*el whih was *reahed by me is not aording to
Gal 1:12 ;or I neither reei!ed it $rom man% nor was I ta#ght (it%) b#t (it ame) thro#gh the re!elation o$ Jes#s
Gal 1:1- ;or yo# ha!e heard o$ my $ormer ond#t in J#daism% how I *erse#ted the h#rh o$ God beyond
meas#re and (tried to) destroy it"
Gal 1:10 +nd I ad!aned in J#daism beyond many o$ my ontem*oraries in my own nation% being more
e9eedingly Healo#s $or the traditions o$ my $athers"
Gal 1:11 B#t when it *leased God% who se*arated me $rom my motherAs womb and alled (me) thro#gh His
Gal 1:13 to re!eal His ,on in me% that I might *reah Him among the Gentiles% I did not immediately on$er with
$lesh and blood%
Gal 1:14 nor did I go #* to Jer#salem to those (who were) a*ostles be$ore me& b#t I went to +rabia% and ret#rned
again to 2amas#s"
Gal 1:18 Then a$ter three years I went #* to Jer#salem to see <eter% and remained with him $i$teen days"
Gal 1:19 B#t I saw none o$ the other a*ostles e9e*t James% the /ordAs brother"
Gal 1:25 INow (onerning) the things whih I write to yo#% indeed% be$ore God% I do not lie"J
Gal 1:21 +$terward I went into the regions o$ ,yria and =iliia"
Gal 1:22 +nd I was #n'nown by $ae to the h#rhes o$ J#dea whih (were) in =hrist"
Gal 1:2- B#t they were hearing only% .He who $ormerly *erse#ted #s now *reahes the $aith whih he one
(tried to) destroy".
Gal 1:20 +nd they glori$ied God in me"
Gal 2:1 Then a$ter $o#rteen years I went #* again to Jer#salem with Barnabas% and also too' Tit#s with (me")
Gal 2:2 +nd I went #* by re!elation% and omm#niated to them that gos*el whih I *reah among the Gentiles%
b#t *ri!ately to those who were o$ re*#tation% lest by any means I might r#n% or had r#n% in !ain"
Gal 2:- Bet not e!en Tit#s who (was) with me% being a Gree'% was om*elled to be ir#mised"
Gal 2:0 +nd (this o#rred) bea#se o$ $alse brethren seretly bro#ght in Iwho ame in by stealth to s*y o#t o#r
liberty whih we ha!e in =hrist Jes#s% that they might bring #s into bondageJ%
Gal 2:1 to whom we did not yield s#bmission e!en $or an ho#r% that the tr#th o$ the gos*el might ontin#e with
Gal 2:3 B#t $rom those who seemed to be something DD whate!er they were% it ma'es no di$$erene to me& God
shows *ersonal $a!oritism to no man DD $or those who seemed (to be something) added nothing to me"
Gal 2:4 B#t on the ontrary% when they saw that the gos*el $or the #nir#mised had been ommitted to me% as
(the gos*el) $or the ir#mised (was) to <eter
Gal 2:8 I$or He who wor'ed e$$eti!ely in <eter $or the a*ostleshi* to the ir#mised also wor'ed e$$eti!ely in
me toward the GentilesJ%
Gal 2:9 and when James% =e*has% and John% who seemed to be *illars% *erei!ed the grae that had been
gi!en to me% they ga!e me and Barnabas the right hand o$ $ellowshi*% that we (sho#ld go) to the Gentiles and
they to the ir#mised"
Gal 2:15 (They desired) only that we sho#ld remember the *oor% the !ery thing whih I also was eager to do"
Gal 2:11 Now when <eter had ome to +ntioh% I withstood him to his $ae% bea#se he was to be blamed&
Gal 2:12 $or be$ore ertain men ame $rom James% he wo#ld eat with the Gentiles& b#t when they ame% he
withdrew and se*arated himsel$% $earing those who were o$ the ir#mision"
Gal 2:1- +nd the rest o$ the Jews also *layed the hy*orite with him% so that e!en Barnabas was arried away
with their hy*orisy"
Gal 2:10 B#t when I saw that they were not straight$orward abo#t the tr#th o$ the gos*el% I said to <eter be$ore
(them) all% .I$ yo#% being a Jew% li!e in the manner o$ Gentiles and not as the Jews% why do yo# om*el Gentiles
to li!e as JewsC
Gal 2:11 .>e (who are) Jews by nat#re% and not sinners o$ the Gentiles%
Gal 2:13 .'nowing that a man is not @#sti$ied by the wor's o$ the law b#t by $aith in Jes#s =hrist% e!en we ha!e
belie!ed in =hrist Jes#s% that we might be @#sti$ied by $aith in =hrist and not by the wor's o$ the law& $or by the
wor's o$ the law no $lesh shall be @#sti$ied"
Gal 2:14 .B#t i$% while we see' to be @#sti$ied by =hrist% we o#rsel!es also are $o#nd sinners% (is) =hrist there$ore
a minister o$ sinC =ertainly notF
Gal 2:18 .;or i$ I b#ild again those things whih I destroyed% I ma'e mysel$ a transgressor"
Gal 2:19 .;or I thro#gh the law died to the law that I might li!e to God"
Gal 2:25 .I ha!e been r#i$ied with =hrist& it is no longer I who li!e% b#t =hrist li!es in me& and the (li$e) whih I
now li!e in the $lesh I li!e by $aith in the ,on o$ God% who lo!ed me and ga!e Himsel$ $or me"
Gal 2:21 .I do not set aside the grae o$ God& $or i$ righteo#sness (omes) thro#gh the law% then =hrist died in
Gal -:1 8 $oolish GalatiansF >ho has bewithed yo# that yo# sho#ld not obey the tr#th% be$ore whose eyes
Jes#s =hrist was learly *ortrayed among yo# as r#i$iedC
Gal -:2 This only I want to learn $rom yo#: 2id yo# reei!e the ,*irit by the wor's o$ the law% or by the hearing o$
Gal -:- +re yo# so $oolishC Ha!ing beg#n in the ,*irit% are yo# now being made *er$et by the $leshC
Gal -:0 Ha!e yo# s#$$ered so many things in !ain DD i$ indeed (it was) in !ainC
Gal -:1 There$ore He who s#**lies the ,*irit to yo# and wor's mirales among yo#% (does He do it) by the
wor's o$ the law% or by the hearing o$ $aithC DD
Gal -:3 @#st as +braham .belie!ed God% and it was ao#nted to him $or righteo#sness".
Gal -:4 There$ore 'now that (only) those who are o$ $aith are sons o$ +braham"
Gal -:8 +nd the ,ri*t#re% $oreseeing that God wo#ld @#sti$y the Gentiles by $aith% *reahed the gos*el to
+braham be$orehand% (saying%) .In yo# all the nations shall be blessed".
Gal -:9 ,o then those who (are) o$ $aith are blessed with belie!ing +braham"
Gal -:15 ;or as many as are o$ the wor's o$ the law are #nder the #rse& $or it is written% .=#rsed (is) e!eryone
who does not ontin#e in all things whih are written in the boo' o$ the law% to do them".
Gal -:11 B#t that no one is @#sti$ied by the law in the sight o$ God (is) e!ident% $or .the @#st shall li!e by $aith".
Gal -:12 Bet the law is not o$ $aith% b#t .the man who does them shall li!e by them".
Gal -:1- =hrist has redeemed #s $rom the #rse o$ the law% ha!ing beome a #rse $or #s I$or it is written%
.=#rsed (is) e!eryone who hangs on a tree.J%
Gal -:10 that the blessing o$ +braham might ome #*on the Gentiles in =hrist Jes#s% that we might reei!e the
*romise o$ the ,*irit thro#gh $aith"
Gal -:11 Brethren% I s*ea' in the manner o$ men: Tho#gh (it is) only a manAs o!enant% yet (i$ it is) on$irmed% no
one ann#ls or adds to it"
Gal -:13 Now to +braham and his ,eed were the *romises made" He does not say% .+nd to seeds%. as o$ many%
b#t as o$ one% .+nd to yo#r ,eed%. who is =hrist"
Gal -:14 +nd this I say% (that) the law% whih was $o#r h#ndred and thirty years later% annot ann#l the o!enant
that was on$irmed be$ore by God in =hrist% that it sho#ld ma'e the *romise o$ no e$$et"
Gal -:18 ;or i$ the inheritane (is) o$ the law% (it is) no longer o$ *romise& b#t God ga!e (it) to +braham by
Gal -:19 >hat *#r*ose then (does) the law (ser!eC) It was added bea#se o$ transgressions% till the ,eed
sho#ld ome to whom the *romise was made& (and it was) a**ointed thro#gh angels by the hand o$ a mediator"
Gal -:25 Now a mediator does not (mediate) $or one (only%) b#t God is one"
Gal -:21 (Is) the law then against the *romises o$ GodC =ertainly notF ;or i$ there had been a law gi!en whih
o#ld ha!e gi!en li$e% tr#ly righteo#sness wo#ld ha!e been by the law"
Gal -:22 B#t the ,ri*t#re has on$ined all #nder sin% that the *romise by $aith in Jes#s =hrist might be gi!en to
those who belie!e"
Gal -:2- B#t be$ore $aith ame% we were 'e*t #nder g#ard by the law% 'e*t $or the $aith whih wo#ld a$terward
be re!ealed"
Gal -:20 There$ore the law was o#r t#tor (to bring #s) to =hrist% that we might be @#sti$ied by $aith"
Gal -:21 B#t a$ter $aith has ome% we are no longer #nder a t#tor"
Gal -:23 ;or yo# are all sons o$ God thro#gh $aith in =hrist Jes#s"
Gal -:24 ;or as many o$ yo# as were ba*tiHed into =hrist ha!e *#t on =hrist"
Gal -:28 There is neither Jew nor Gree'% there is neither sla!e nor $ree% there is neither male nor $emale& $or yo#
are all one in =hrist Jes#s"
Gal -:29 +nd i$ yo# (are) =hristAs% then yo# are +brahamAs seed% and heirs aording to the *romise"
Gal 0:1 Now I say (that) the heir% as long as he is a hild% does not di$$er at all $rom a sla!e% tho#gh he is master
o$ all%
Gal 0:2 b#t is #nder g#ardians and stewards #ntil the time a**ointed by the $ather"
Gal 0:- 6!en so we% when we were hildren% were in bondage #nder the elements o$ the world"
Gal 0:0 B#t when the $#llness o$ the time had ome% God sent $orth His ,on% born o$ a woman% born #nder the
Gal 0:1 to redeem those who were #nder the law% that we might reei!e the ado*tion as sons"
Gal 0:3 +nd bea#se yo# are sons% God has sent $orth the ,*irit o$ His ,on into yo#r hearts% rying o#t% .+bba%
Gal 0:4 There$ore yo# are no longer a sla!e b#t a son% and i$ a son% then an heir o$ God thro#gh =hrist"
Gal 0:8 B#t then% indeed% when yo# did not 'now God% yo# ser!ed those whih by nat#re are not gods"
Gal 0:9 B#t now a$ter yo# ha!e 'nown God% or rather are 'nown by God% how (is it that) yo# t#rn again to the
wea' and beggarly elements% to whih yo# desire again to be in bondageC
Gal 0:15 Bo# obser!e days and months and seasons and years"
Gal 0:11 I am a$raid $or yo#% lest I ha!e labored $or yo# in !ain"
Gal 0:12 Brethren% I #rge yo# to beome li'e me% $or I (beame) li'e yo#" Bo# ha!e not in@#red me at all"
Gal 0:1- Bo# 'now that bea#se o$ *hysial in$irmity I *reahed the gos*el to yo# at the $irst"
Gal 0:10 +nd my trial whih was in my $lesh yo# did not des*ise or re@et% b#t yo# reei!ed me as an angel o$
God% (e!en) as =hrist Jes#s"
Gal 0:11 >hat then was the blessing yo# (en@oyedC) ;or I bear yo# witness that% i$ *ossible% yo# wo#ld ha!e
*l#'ed o#t yo#r own eyes and gi!en them to me"
Gal 0:13 Ha!e I there$ore beome yo#r enemy bea#se I tell yo# the tr#thC
Gal 0:14 They Healo#sly o#rt yo#% (b#t) $or no good& yes% they want to e9l#de yo#% that yo# may be Healo#s $or
Gal 0:18 B#t it is good to be Healo#s in a good thing always% and not only when I am *resent with yo#"
Gal 0:19 ?y little hildren% $or whom I labor in birth again #ntil =hrist is $ormed in yo#%
Gal 0:25 I wo#ld li'e to be *resent with yo# now and to hange my tone& $or I ha!e do#bts abo#t yo#"
Gal 0:21 Tell me% yo# who desire to be #nder the law% do yo# not hear the lawC
Gal 0:22 ;or it is written that +braham had two sons: the one by a bondwoman% the other by a $reewoman"
Gal 0:2- B#t he (who was) o$ the bondwoman was born aording to the $lesh% and he o$ the $reewoman thro#gh
Gal 0:20 whih things are symboli" ;or these are the two o!enants: the one $rom ?o#nt ,inai whih gi!es
birth to bondage% whih is Hagar DD
Gal 0:21 $or this Hagar is ?o#nt ,inai in +rabia% and orres*onds to Jer#salem whih now is% and is in bondage
with her hildren DD
Gal 0:23 b#t the Jer#salem abo!e is $ree% whih is the mother o$ #s all"
Gal 0:24 ;or it is written: .:e@oie% 8 barren% (Bo#) who do not bearF Brea' $orth and sho#t% Bo# who are not in
laborF ;or the desolate has many more hildren Than she who has a h#sband".
Gal 0:28 Now we% brethren% as Isaa (was%) are hildren o$ *romise"
Gal 0:29 B#t% as he who was born aording to the $lesh then *erse#ted him (who was born) aording to the
,*irit% e!en so (it is) now"
Gal 0:-5 Ne!ertheless what does the ,ri*t#re sayC .=ast o#t the bondwoman and her son% $or the son o$ the
bondwoman shall not be heir with the son o$ the $reewoman".
Gal 0:-1 ,o then% brethren% we are not hildren o$ the bondwoman b#t o$ the $ree"
Gal 1:1 ,tand $ast there$ore in the liberty by whih =hrist has made #s $ree% and do not be entangled again with
a yo'e o$ bondage"
Gal 1:2 Indeed I% <a#l% say to yo# that i$ yo# beome ir#mised% =hrist will *ro$it yo# nothing"
Gal 1:- +nd I testi$y again to e!ery man who beomes ir#mised that he is a debtor to 'ee* the whole law"
Gal 1:0 Bo# ha!e beome estranged $rom =hrist% yo# who (attem*t to) be @#sti$ied by law& yo# ha!e $allen $rom
Gal 1:1 ;or we thro#gh the ,*irit eagerly wait $or the ho*e o$ righteo#sness by $aith"
Gal 1:3 ;or in =hrist Jes#s neither ir#mision nor #nir#mision a!ails anything% b#t $aith wor'ing thro#gh
Gal 1:4 Bo# ran well" >ho hindered yo# $rom obeying the tr#thC
Gal 1:8 This *ers#asion does not (ome) $rom Him who alls yo#"
Gal 1:9 + little lea!en lea!ens the whole l#m*"
Gal 1:15 I ha!e on$idene in yo#% in the /ord% that yo# will ha!e no other mind& b#t he who tro#bles yo# shall
bear his @#dgment% whoe!er he is"
Gal 1:11 +nd I% brethren% i$ I still *reah ir#mision% why do I still s#$$er *erse#tionC Then the o$$ense o$ the
ross has eased"
Gal 1:12 I o#ld wish that those who tro#ble yo# wo#ld e!en #t themsel!es o$$F
Gal 1:1- ;or yo#% brethren% ha!e been alled to liberty& only do not (#se) liberty as an o**ort#nity $or the $lesh%
b#t thro#gh lo!e ser!e one another"
Gal 1:10 ;or all the law is $#l$illed in one word% (e!en) in this: .Bo# shall lo!e yo#r neighbor as yo#rsel$".
Gal 1:11 B#t i$ yo# bite and de!o#r one another% beware lest yo# be ons#med by one anotherF
Gal 1:13 I say then: >al' in the ,*irit% and yo# shall not $#l$ill the l#st o$ the $lesh"
Gal 1:14 ;or the $lesh l#sts against the ,*irit% and the ,*irit against the $lesh& and these are ontrary to one
another% so that yo# do not do the things that yo# wish"
Gal 1:18 B#t i$ yo# are led by the ,*irit% yo# are not #nder the law"
Gal 1:19 Now the wor's o$ the $lesh are e!ident% whih are: ad#ltery% $orniation% #nleanness% lewdness%
Gal 1:25 idolatry% sorery% hatred% ontentions% @ealo#sies% o#tb#rsts o$ wrath% sel$ish ambitions% dissensions%
Gal 1:21 en!y% m#rders% dr#n'enness% re!elries% and the li'e& o$ whih I tell yo# be$orehand% @#st as I also told
(yo#) in time *ast% that those who *ratie s#h things will not inherit the 'ingdom o$ God"
Gal 1:22 B#t the $r#it o$ the ,*irit is lo!e% @oy% *eae% longs#$$ering% 'indness% goodness% $aith$#lness%
Gal 1:2- gentleness% sel$Dontrol" +gainst s#h there is no law"
Gal 1:20 +nd those (who are) =hristAs ha!e r#i$ied the $lesh with its *assions and desires"
Gal 1:21 I$ we li!e in the ,*irit% let #s also wal' in the ,*irit"
Gal 1:23 /et #s not beome oneited% *ro!o'ing one another% en!ying one another"
Gal 3:1 Brethren% i$ a man is o!erta'en in any tres*ass% yo# who (are) s*irit#al restore s#h a one in a s*irit o$
gentleness% onsidering yo#rsel$ lest yo# also be tem*ted"
Gal 3:2 Bear one anotherAs b#rdens% and so $#l$ill the law o$ =hrist"
Gal 3:- ;or i$ anyone thin's himsel$ to be something% when he is nothing% he deei!es himsel$"
Gal 3:0 B#t let eah one e9amine his own wor'% and then he will ha!e re@oiing in himsel$ alone% and not in
Gal 3:1 ;or eah one shall bear his own load"
Gal 3:3 /et him who is ta#ght the word share in all good things with him who teahes"
Gal 3:4 2o not be deei!ed% God is not mo'ed& $or whate!er a man sows% that he will also rea*"
Gal 3:8 ;or he who sows to his $lesh will o$ the $lesh rea* orr#*tion% b#t he who sows to the ,*irit will o$ the
,*irit rea* e!erlasting li$e"
Gal 3:9 +nd let #s not grow weary while doing good% $or in d#e season we shall rea* i$ we do not lose heart"
Gal 3:15 There$ore% as we ha!e o**ort#nity% let #s do good to all% es*eially to those who are o$ the ho#sehold
o$ $aith"
Gal 3:11 ,ee with what large letters I ha!e written to yo# with my own handF
Gal 3:12 +s many as desire to ma'e a good showing in the $lesh% these (wo#ld) om*el yo# to be ir#mised%
only that they may not s#$$er *erse#tion $or the ross o$ =hrist"
Gal 3:1- ;or not e!en those who are ir#mised 'ee* the law% b#t they desire to ha!e yo# ir#mised that
they may boast in yo#r $lesh"
Gal 3:10 B#t God $orbid that I sho#ld boast e9e*t in the ross o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% by whom the world has
been r#i$ied to me% and I to the world"
Gal 3:11 ;or in =hrist Jes#s neither ir#mision nor #nir#mision a!ails anything% b#t a new reation"
Gal 3:13 +nd as many as wal' aording to this r#le% *eae and mery (be) #*on them% and #*on the Israel o$
Gal 3:14 ;rom now on let no one tro#ble me% $or I bear in my body the mar's o$ the /ord Jes#s"
Gal 3:18 Brethren% the grae o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist (be) with yo#r s*irit" +men"
6*h 1:1 <a#l% an a*ostle o$ Jes#s =hrist by the will o$ God% To the saints who are in 6*hes#s% and $aith$#l in
=hrist Jes#s:
6*h 1:2 Grae to yo# and *eae $rom God o#r ;ather and the /ord Jes#s =hrist"
6*h 1:- Blessed (be) the God and ;ather o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% who has blessed #s with e!ery s*irit#al
blessing in the hea!enly (*laes) in =hrist%
6*h 1:0 @#st as He hose #s in Him be$ore the $o#ndation o$ the world% that we sho#ld be holy and witho#t
blame be$ore Him in lo!e%
6*h 1:1 ha!ing *redestined #s to ado*tion as sons by Jes#s =hrist to Himsel$% aording to the good *leas#re
o$ His will%
6*h 1:3 to the *raise o$ the glory o$ His grae% by whih He has made #s ae*ted in the Belo!ed"
6*h 1:4 In Him we ha!e redem*tion thro#gh His blood% the $orgi!eness o$ sins% aording to the rihes o$ His
6*h 1:8 whih He made to abo#nd toward #s in all wisdom and *r#dene%
6*h 1:9 ha!ing made 'nown to #s the mystery o$ His will% aording to His good *leas#re whih He *#r*osed in
6*h 1:15 that in the dis*ensation o$ the $#llness o$ the times He might gather together in one all things in =hrist%
both whih are in hea!en and whih are on earth DD in Him"
6*h 1:11 In Him also we ha!e obtained an inheritane% being *redestined aording to the *#r*ose o$ Him who
wor's all things aording to the o#nsel o$ His will%
6*h 1:12 that we who $irst tr#sted in =hrist sho#ld be to the *raise o$ His glory"
6*h 1:1- In Him yo# also (tr#sted%) a$ter yo# heard the word o$ tr#th% the gos*el o$ yo#r sal!ation& in whom also%
ha!ing belie!ed% yo# were sealed with the Holy ,*irit o$ *romise%
6*h 1:10 who is the g#arantee o$ o#r inheritane #ntil the redem*tion o$ the *#rhased *ossession% to the
*raise o$ His glory"
6*h 1:11 There$ore I also% a$ter I heard o$ yo#r $aith in the /ord Jes#s and yo#r lo!e $or all the saints%
6*h 1:13 do not ease to gi!e than's $or yo#% ma'ing mention o$ yo# in my *rayers:
6*h 1:14 that the God o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% the ;ather o$ glory% may gi!e to yo# the s*irit o$ wisdom and
re!elation in the 'nowledge o$ Him%
6*h 1:18 the eyes o$ yo#r #nderstanding being enlightened& that yo# may 'now what is the ho*e o$ His alling%
what are the rihes o$ the glory o$ His inheritane in the saints%
6*h 1:19 and what (is) the e9eeding greatness o$ His *ower toward #s who belie!e% aording to the wor'ing o$
His mighty *ower
6*h 1:25 whih He wor'ed in =hrist when He raised Him $rom the dead and seated (Him) at His right hand in
the hea!enly (*laes%)
6*h 1:21 $ar abo!e all *rini*ality and *ower and might and dominion% and e!ery name that is named% not only
in this age b#t also in that whih is to ome"
6*h 1:22 +nd He *#t all (things) #nder His $eet% and ga!e Him (to be) head o!er all (things) to the h#rh%
6*h 1:2- whih is His body% the $#llness o$ Him who $ills all in all"
6*h 2:1 +nd yo# (He made ali!e%) who were dead in tres*asses and sins%
6*h 2:2 in whih yo# one wal'ed aording to the o#rse o$ this world% aording to the *rine o$ the *ower o$
the air% the s*irit who now wor's in the sons o$ disobediene%
6*h 2:- among whom also we all one ond#ted o#rsel!es in the l#sts o$ o#r $lesh% $#l$illing the desires o$ the
$lesh and o$ the mind% and were by nat#re hildren o$ wrath% @#st as the others"
6*h 2:0 B#t God% who is rih in mery% bea#se o$ His great lo!e with whih He lo!ed #s%
6*h 2:1 e!en when we were dead in tres*asses% made #s ali!e together with =hrist Iby grae yo# ha!e been
6*h 2:3 and raised (#s) #* together% and made (#s) sit together in the hea!enly (*laes) in =hrist Jes#s%
6*h 2:4 that in the ages to ome He might show the e9eeding rihes o$ His grae in (His) 'indness toward #s in
=hrist Jes#s"
6*h 2:8 ;or by grae yo# ha!e been sa!ed thro#gh $aith% and that not o$ yo#rsel!es& (it is) the gi$t o$ God%
6*h 2:9 not o$ wor's% lest anyone sho#ld boast"
6*h 2:15 ;or we are His wor'manshi*% reated in =hrist Jes#s $or good wor's% whih God *re*ared be$orehand
that we sho#ld wal' in them"
6*h 2:11 There$ore remember that yo#% one Gentiles in the $lesh DD who are alled 7nir#mision by what is
alled the =ir#mision made in the $lesh by hands DD
6*h 2:12 that at that time yo# were witho#t =hrist% being aliens $rom the ommonwealth o$ Israel and strangers
$rom the o!enants o$ *romise% ha!ing no ho*e and witho#t God in the world"
6*h 2:1- B#t now in =hrist Jes#s yo# who one were $ar o$$ ha!e been bro#ght near by the blood o$ =hrist"
6*h 2:10 ;or He Himsel$ is o#r *eae% who has made both one% and has bro'en down the middle wall o$
6*h 2:11 ha!ing abolished in His $lesh the enmity% (that is%) the law o$ ommandments (ontained) in ordinanes%
so as to reate in Himsel$ one new man ($rom) the two% (th#s) ma'ing *eae%
6*h 2:13 and that He might reonile them both to God in one body thro#gh the ross% thereby *#tting to death
the enmity"
6*h 2:14 +nd He ame and *reahed *eae to yo# who were a$ar o$$ and to those who were near"
6*h 2:18 ;or thro#gh Him we both ha!e aess by one ,*irit to the ;ather"
6*h 2:19 Now% there$ore% yo# are no longer strangers and $oreigners% b#t $ellow itiHens with the saints and
members o$ the ho#sehold o$ God%
6*h 2:25 ha!ing been b#ilt on the $o#ndation o$ the a*ostles and *ro*hets% Jes#s =hrist Himsel$ being the hie$
6*h 2:21 in whom the whole b#ilding% being @oined together% grows into a holy tem*le in the /ord%
6*h 2:22 in whom yo# also are being b#ilt together $or a dwelling *lae o$ God in the ,*irit"
6*h -:1 ;or this reason I% <a#l% the *risoner o$ =hrist Jes#s $or yo# Gentiles DD
6*h -:2 i$ indeed yo# ha!e heard o$ the dis*ensation o$ the grae o$ God whih was gi!en to me $or yo#%
6*h -:- how that by re!elation He made 'nown to me the mystery Ias I ha!e brie$ly written already%
6*h -:0 by whih% when yo# read% yo# may #nderstand my 'nowledge in the mystery o$ =hristJ%
6*h -:1 whih in other ages was not made 'nown to the sons o$ men% as it has now been re!ealed by the ,*irit
to His holy a*ostles and *ro*hets:
6*h -:3 that the Gentiles sho#ld be $ellow heirs% o$ the same body% and *arta'ers o$ His *romise in =hrist
thro#gh the gos*el%
6*h -:4 o$ whih I beame a minister aording to the gi$t o$ the grae o$ God gi!en to me by the e$$eti!e
wor'ing o$ His *ower"
6*h -:8 To me% who am less than the least o$ all the saints% this grae was gi!en% that I sho#ld *reah among
the Gentiles the #nsearhable rihes o$ =hrist%
6*h -:9 and to ma'e all see what (is) the $ellowshi* o$ the mystery% whih $rom the beginning o$ the ages has
been hidden in God who reated all things thro#gh Jes#s =hrist&
6*h -:15 to the intent that now the mani$old wisdom o$ God might be made 'nown by the h#rh to the
*rini*alities and *owers in the hea!enly (*laes%)
6*h -:11 aording to the eternal *#r*ose whih He aom*lished in =hrist Jes#s o#r /ord%
6*h -:12 in whom we ha!e boldness and aess with on$idene thro#gh $aith in Him"
6*h -:1- There$ore I as' that yo# do not lose heart at my trib#lations $or yo#% whih is yo#r glory"
6*h -:10 ;or this reason I bow my 'nees to the ;ather o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist%
6*h -:11 $rom whom the whole $amily in hea!en and earth is named%
6*h -:13 that He wo#ld grant yo#% aording to the rihes o$ His glory% to be strengthened with might thro#gh
His ,*irit in the inner man%
6*h -:14 that =hrist may dwell in yo#r hearts thro#gh $aith& that yo#% being rooted and gro#nded in lo!e%
6*h -:18 may be able to om*rehend with all the saints what (is) the width and length and de*th and height DD
6*h -:19 to 'now the lo!e o$ =hrist whih *asses 'nowledge& that yo# may be $illed with all the $#llness o$ God"
6*h -:25 Now to Him who is able to do e9eedingly ab#ndantly abo!e all that we as' or thin'% aording to the
*ower that wor's in #s%
6*h -:21 to Him (be) glory in the h#rh by =hrist Jes#s to all generations% $ore!er and e!er" +men"
6*h 0:1 I% there$ore% the *risoner o$ the /ord% beseeh yo# to wal' worthy o$ the alling with whih yo# were
6*h 0:2 with all lowliness and gentleness% with longs#$$ering% bearing with one another in lo!e%
6*h 0:- endea!oring to 'ee* the #nity o$ the ,*irit in the bond o$ *eae"
6*h 0:0 (There is) one body and one ,*irit% @#st as yo# were alled in one ho*e o$ yo#r alling&
6*h 0:1 one /ord% one $aith% one ba*tism&
6*h 0:3 one God and ;ather o$ all% who (is) abo!e all% and thro#gh all% and in yo# all"
6*h 0:4 B#t to eah one o$ #s grae was gi!en aording to the meas#re o$ =hristAs gi$t"
6*h 0:8 There$ore He says: .>hen He asended on high% He led a*ti!ity a*ti!e% +nd ga!e gi$ts to men".
6*h 0:9 INow this% .He asended. DD what does it mean b#t that He also $irst desended into the lower *arts o$
the earthC
6*h 0:15 He who desended is also the 8ne who asended $ar abo!e all the hea!ens% that He might $ill all
6*h 0:11 +nd He Himsel$ ga!e some (to be) a*ostles% some *ro*hets% some e!angelists% and some *astors and
6*h 0:12 $or the eE#i**ing o$ the saints $or the wor' o$ ministry% $or the edi$ying o$ the body o$ =hrist%
6*h 0:1- till we all ome to the #nity o$ the $aith and o$ the 'nowledge o$ the ,on o$ God% to a *er$et man% to
the meas#re o$ the stat#re o$ the $#llness o$ =hrist&
6*h 0:10 that we sho#ld no longer be hildren% tossed to and $ro and arried abo#t with e!ery wind o$ dotrine%
by the tri'ery o$ men% in the #nning ra$tiness o$ deeit$#l *lotting%
6*h 0:11 b#t% s*ea'ing the tr#th in lo!e% may grow #* in all things into Him who is the head DD =hrist DD
6*h 0:13 $rom whom the whole body% @oined and 'nit together by what e!ery @oint s#**lies% aording to the
e$$eti!e wor'ing by whih e!ery *art does its share% a#ses growth o$ the body $or the edi$ying o$ itsel$ in lo!e"
6*h 0:14 This I say% there$ore% and testi$y in the /ord% that yo# sho#ld no longer wal' as the rest o$ the Gentiles
wal'% in the $#tility o$ their mind%
6*h 0:18 ha!ing their #nderstanding dar'ened% being alienated $rom the li$e o$ God% bea#se o$ the ignorane
that is in them% bea#se o$ the blindness o$ their heart&
6*h 0:19 who% being *ast $eeling% ha!e gi!en themsel!es o!er to lewdness% to wor' all #nleanness with
6*h 0:25 B#t yo# ha!e not so learned =hrist%
6*h 0:21 i$ indeed yo# ha!e heard Him and ha!e been ta#ght by Him% as the tr#th is in Jes#s:
6*h 0:22 that yo# *#t o$$% onerning yo#r $ormer ond#t% the old man whih grows orr#*t aording to the
deeit$#l l#sts%
6*h 0:2- and be renewed in the s*irit o$ yo#r mind%
6*h 0:20 and that yo# *#t on the new man whih was reated aording to God% in tr#e righteo#sness and
6*h 0:21 There$ore% *#tting away lying% (./et) eah one (o$ yo#) s*ea' tr#th with his neighbor%. $or we are
members o$ one another"
6*h 0:23 .Be angry% and do not sin.: do not let the s#n go down on yo#r wrath%
6*h 0:24 nor gi!e *lae to the de!il"
6*h 0:28 /et him who stole steal no longer% b#t rather let him labor% wor'ing with (his) hands what is good% that
he may ha!e something to gi!e him who has need"
6*h 0:29 /et no orr#*t word *roeed o#t o$ yo#r mo#th% b#t what is good $or neessary edi$iation% that it may
im*art grae to the hearers"
6*h 0:-5 +nd do not grie!e the Holy ,*irit o$ God% by whom yo# were sealed $or the day o$ redem*tion"
6*h 0:-1 /et all bitterness% wrath% anger% lamor% and e!il s*ea'ing be *#t away $rom yo#% with all malie"
6*h 0:-2 +nd be 'ind to one another% tenderhearted% $orgi!ing one another% @#st as God in =hrist $orga!e yo#"
6*h 1:1 There$ore be imitators o$ God as dear hildren"
6*h 1:2 +nd wal' in lo!e% as =hrist also has lo!ed #s and gi!en Himsel$ $or #s% an o$$ering and a sari$ie to
God $or a sweetDsmelling aroma"
6*h 1:- B#t $orniation and all #nleanness or o!eto#sness% let it not e!en be named among yo#% as is $itting
$or saints&
6*h 1:0 neither $ilthiness% nor $oolish tal'ing% nor oarse @esting% whih are not $itting% b#t rather gi!ing o$ than's"
6*h 1:1 ;or this yo# 'now% that no $orniator% #nlean *erson% nor o!eto#s man% who is an idolater% has any
inheritane in the 'ingdom o$ =hrist and God"
6*h 1:3 /et no one deei!e yo# with em*ty words% $or bea#se o$ these things the wrath o$ God omes #*on
the sons o$ disobediene"
6*h 1:4 There$ore do not be *arta'ers with them"
6*h 1:8 ;or yo# were one dar'ness% b#t now (yo# are) light in the /ord" >al' as hildren o$ light
6*h 1:9 I$or the $r#it o$ the ,*irit (is) in all goodness% righteo#sness% and tr#thJ%
6*h 1:15 $inding o#t what is ae*table to the /ord"
6*h 1:11 +nd ha!e no $ellowshi* with the #n$r#it$#l wor's o$ dar'ness% b#t rather e9*ose (them")
6*h 1:12 ;or it is shame$#l e!en to s*ea' o$ those things whih are done by them in seret"
6*h 1:1- B#t all things that are e9*osed are made mani$est by the light% $or whate!er ma'es mani$est is light"
6*h 1:10 There$ore He says: .+wa'e% yo# who slee*% +rise $rom the dead% +nd =hrist will gi!e yo# light".
6*h 1:11 ,ee then that yo# wal' ir#ms*etly% not as $ools b#t as wise%
6*h 1:13 redeeming the time% bea#se the days are e!il"
6*h 1:14 There$ore do not be #nwise% b#t #nderstand what the will o$ the /ord (is")
6*h 1:18 +nd do not be dr#n' with wine% in whih is dissi*ation& b#t be $illed with the ,*irit%
6*h 1:19 s*ea'ing to one another in *salms and hymns and s*irit#al songs% singing and ma'ing melody in yo#r
heart to the /ord%
6*h 1:25 gi!ing than's always $or all things to God the ;ather in the name o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist%
6*h 1:21 s#bmitting to one another in the $ear o$ God"
6*h 1:22 >i!es% s#bmit to yo#r own h#sbands% as to the /ord"
6*h 1:2- ;or the h#sband is head o$ the wi$e% as also =hrist is head o$ the h#rh& and He is the ,a!ior o$ the
6*h 1:20 There$ore% @#st as the h#rh is s#b@et to =hrist% so (let) the wi!es (be) to their own h#sbands in
6*h 1:21 H#sbands% lo!e yo#r wi!es% @#st as =hrist also lo!ed the h#rh and ga!e Himsel$ $or her%
6*h 1:23 that He might santi$y and leanse her with the washing o$ water by the word%
6*h 1:24 that He might *resent her to Himsel$ a glorio#s h#rh% not ha!ing s*ot or wrin'le or any s#h thing%
b#t that she sho#ld be holy and witho#t blemish"
6*h 1:28 ,o h#sbands o#ght to lo!e their own wi!es as their own bodies& he who lo!es his wi$e lo!es himsel$"
6*h 1:29 ;or no one e!er hated his own $lesh% b#t no#rishes and herishes it% @#st as the /ord (does) the
6*h 1:-5 ;or we are members o$ His body% o$ His $lesh and o$ His bones"
6*h 1:-1 .;or this reason a man shall lea!e his $ather and mother and be @oined to his wi$e% and the two shall
beome one $lesh".
6*h 1:-2 This is a great mystery% b#t I s*ea' onerning =hrist and the h#rh"
6*h 1:-- Ne!ertheless let eah one o$ yo# in *arti#lar so lo!e his own wi$e as himsel$% and let the wi$e (see)
that she res*ets (her) h#sband"
6*h 3:1 =hildren% obey yo#r *arents in the /ord% $or this is right"
6*h 3:2 .Honor yo#r $ather and mother%. whih is the $irst ommandment with *romise:
6*h 3:- .that it may be well with yo# and yo# may li!e long on the earth".
6*h 3:0 +nd yo#% $athers% do not *ro!o'e yo#r hildren to wrath% b#t bring them #* in the training and
admonition o$ the /ord"
6*h 3:1 Bondser!ants% be obedient to those who are yo#r masters aording to the $lesh% with $ear and
trembling% in sinerity o$ heart% as to =hrist&
6*h 3:3 not with eyeser!ie% as menD*leasers% b#t as bondser!ants o$ =hrist% doing the will o$ God $rom the
6*h 3:4 with goodwill doing ser!ie% as to the /ord% and not to men%
6*h 3:8 'nowing that whate!er good anyone does% he will reei!e the same $rom the /ord% whether (he is) a
sla!e or $ree"
6*h 3:9 +nd yo#% masters% do the same things to them% gi!ing #* threatening% 'nowing that yo#r own ?aster
also is in hea!en% and there is no *artiality with Him"
6*h 3:15 ;inally% my brethren% be strong in the /ord and in the *ower o$ His might"
6*h 3:11 <#t on the whole armor o$ God% that yo# may be able to stand against the wiles o$ the de!il"
6*h 3:12 ;or we do not wrestle against $lesh and blood% b#t against *rini*alities% against *owers% against the
r#lers o$ the dar'ness o$ this age% against s*irit#al (hosts) o$ wi'edness in the hea!enly (*laes")
6*h 3:1- There$ore ta'e #* the whole armor o$ God% that yo# may be able to withstand in the e!il day% and
ha!ing done all% to stand"
6*h 3:10 ,tand there$ore% ha!ing girded yo#r waist with tr#th% ha!ing *#t on the breast*late o$ righteo#sness%
6*h 3:11 and ha!ing shod yo#r $eet with the *re*aration o$ the gos*el o$ *eae&
6*h 3:13 abo!e all% ta'ing the shield o$ $aith with whih yo# will be able to E#enh all the $iery darts o$ the
wi'ed one"
6*h 3:14 +nd ta'e the helmet o$ sal!ation% and the sword o$ the ,*irit% whih is the word o$ God&
6*h 3:18 *raying always with all *rayer and s#**liation in the ,*irit% being wath$#l to this end with all
*erse!erane and s#**liation $or all the saints DD
6*h 3:19 and $or me% that #tterane may be gi!en to me% that I may o*en my mo#th boldly to ma'e 'nown the
mystery o$ the gos*el%
6*h 3:25 $or whih I am an ambassador in hains& that in it I may s*ea' boldly% as I o#ght to s*ea'"
6*h 3:21 B#t that yo# also may 'now my a$$airs (and) how I am doing% Tyhi#s% a belo!ed brother and $aith$#l
minister in the /ord% will ma'e all things 'nown to yo#&
6*h 3:22 whom I ha!e sent to yo# $or this !ery *#r*ose% that yo# may 'now o#r a$$airs% and (that) he may
om$ort yo#r hearts"
6*h 3:2- <eae to the brethren% and lo!e with $aith% $rom God the ;ather and the /ord Jes#s =hrist"
6*h 3:20 Grae (be) with all those who lo!e o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist in sinerity" +men"
<hi 1:1 <a#l and Timothy% bondser!ants o$ Jes#s =hrist% To all the saints in =hrist Jes#s who are in <hili**i%
with the bisho*s and deaons:
<hi 1:2 Grae to yo# and *eae $rom God o#r ;ather and the /ord Jes#s =hrist"
<hi 1:- I than' my God #*on e!ery remembrane o$ yo#%
<hi 1:0 always in e!ery *rayer o$ mine ma'ing reE#est $or yo# all with @oy%
<hi 1:1 $or yo#r $ellowshi* in the gos*el $rom the $irst day #ntil now%
<hi 1:3 being on$ident o$ this !ery thing% that He who has beg#n a good wor' in yo# will om*lete (it) #ntil the
day o$ Jes#s =hrist&
<hi 1:4 @#st as it is right $or me to thin' this o$ yo# all% bea#se I ha!e yo# in my heart% inasm#h as both in my
hains and in the de$ense and on$irmation o$ the gos*el% yo# all are *arta'ers with me o$ grae"
<hi 1:8 ;or God is my witness% how greatly I long $or yo# all with the a$$etion o$ Jes#s =hrist"
<hi 1:9 +nd this I *ray% that yo#r lo!e may abo#nd still more and more in 'nowledge and all disernment%
<hi 1:15 that yo# may a**ro!e the things that are e9ellent% that yo# may be sinere and witho#t o$$ense till the
day o$ =hrist%
<hi 1:11 being $illed with the $r#its o$ righteo#sness whih (are) by Jes#s =hrist% to the glory and *raise o$ God"
<hi 1:12 B#t I want yo# to 'now% brethren% that the things (whih ha**ened) to me ha!e at#ally t#rned o#t $or
the $#rtherane o$ the gos*el%
<hi 1:1- so that it has beome e!ident to the whole *alae g#ard% and to all the rest% that my hains are in
<hi 1:10 and most o$ the brethren in the /ord% ha!ing beome on$ident by my hains% are m#h more bold to
s*ea' the word witho#t $ear"
<hi 1:11 ,ome indeed *reah =hrist e!en $rom en!y and stri$e% and some also $rom good will:
<hi 1:13 The $ormer *reah =hrist $rom sel$ish ambition% not sinerely% s#**osing to add a$$lition to my hains&
<hi 1:14 b#t the latter o#t o$ lo!e% 'nowing that I am a**ointed $or the de$ense o$ the gos*el"
<hi 1:18 >hat thenC 8nly (that) in e!ery way% whether in *retense or in tr#th% =hrist is *reahed& and in this I
re@oie% yes% and will re@oie"
<hi 1:19 ;or I 'now that this will t#rn o#t $or my deli!erane thro#gh yo#r *rayer and the s#**ly o$ the ,*irit o$
Jes#s =hrist%
<hi 1:25 aording to my earnest e9*etation and ho*e that in nothing I shall be ashamed% b#t with all boldness%
as always% so now also =hrist will be magni$ied in my body% whether by li$e or by death"
<hi 1:21 ;or to me% to li!e (is) =hrist% and to die (is) gain"
<hi 1:22 B#t i$ (I) li!e on in the $lesh% this (will mean) $r#it $rom (my) labor& yet what I shall hoose I annot tell"
<hi 1:2- ;or I am hard *ressed between the two% ha!ing a desire to de*art and be with =hrist% (whih is) $ar
<hi 1:20 Ne!ertheless to remain in the $lesh (is) more need$#l $or yo#"
<hi 1:21 +nd being on$ident o$ this% I 'now that I shall remain and ontin#e with yo# all $or yo#r *rogress and
@oy o$ $aith%
<hi 1:23 that yo#r re@oiing $or me may be more ab#ndant in Jes#s =hrist by my oming to yo# again"
<hi 1:24 8nly let yo#r ond#t be worthy o$ the gos*el o$ =hrist% so that whether I ome and see yo# or am
absent% I may hear o$ yo#r a$$airs% that yo# stand $ast in one s*irit% with one mind stri!ing together $or the $aith o$
the gos*el%
<hi 1:28 and not in any way terri$ied by yo#r ad!ersaries% whih is to them a *roo$ o$ *erdition% b#t to yo# o$
sal!ation% and that $rom God"
<hi 1:29 ;or to yo# it has been granted on behal$ o$ =hrist% not only to belie!e in Him% b#t also to s#$$er $or His
<hi 1:-5 ha!ing the same on$lit whih yo# saw in me and now hear (is) in me"
<hi 2:1 There$ore i$ (there is) any onsolation in =hrist% i$ any om$ort o$ lo!e% i$ any $ellowshi* o$ the ,*irit% i$ any
a$$etion and mery%
<hi 2:2 $#l$ill my @oy by being li'eDminded% ha!ing the same lo!e% (being) o$ one aord% o$ one mind"
<hi 2:- (/et) nothing (be done) thro#gh sel$ish ambition or oneit% b#t in lowliness o$ mind let eah esteem
others better than himsel$"
<hi 2:0 /et eah o$ yo# loo' o#t not only $or his own interests% b#t also $or the interests o$ others"
<hi 2:1 /et this mind be in yo# whih was also in =hrist Jes#s%
<hi 2:3 who% being in the $orm o$ God% did not onsider it robbery to be eE#al with God%
<hi 2:4 b#t made Himsel$ o$ no re*#tation% ta'ing the $orm o$ a bondser!ant% (and) oming in the li'eness o$
<hi 2:8 +nd being $o#nd in a**earane as a man% He h#mbled Himsel$ and beame obedient to (the *oint o$)
death% e!en the death o$ the ross"
<hi 2:9 There$ore God also has highly e9alted Him and gi!en Him the name whih is abo!e e!ery name%
<hi 2:15 that at the name o$ Jes#s e!ery 'nee sho#ld bow% o$ those in hea!en% and o$ those on earth% and o$
those #nder the earth%
<hi 2:11 and (that) e!ery tong#e sho#ld on$ess that Jes#s =hrist (is) /ord% to the glory o$ God the ;ather"
<hi 2:12 There$ore% my belo!ed% as yo# ha!e always obeyed% not as in my *resene only% b#t now m#h more
in my absene% wor' o#t yo#r own sal!ation with $ear and trembling&
<hi 2:1- $or it is God who wor's in yo# both to will and to do $or (His) good *leas#re"
<hi 2:10 2o all things witho#t om*laining and dis*#ting%
<hi 2:11 that yo# may beome blameless and harmless% hildren o$ God witho#t $a#lt in the midst o$ a roo'ed
and *er!erse generation% among whom yo# shine as lights in the world%
<hi 2:13 holding $ast the word o$ li$e% so that I may re@oie in the day o$ =hrist that I ha!e not r#n in !ain or
labored in !ain"
<hi 2:14 Bes% and i$ I am being *o#red o#t (as a drin' o$$ering) on the sari$ie and ser!ie o$ yo#r $aith% I am
glad and re@oie with yo# all"
<hi 2:18 ;or the same reason yo# also be glad and re@oie with me"
<hi 2:19 B#t I tr#st in the /ord Jes#s to send Timothy to yo# shortly% that I also may be eno#raged when I 'now
yo#r state"
<hi 2:25 ;or I ha!e no one li'eDminded% who will sinerely are $or yo#r state"
<hi 2:21 ;or all see' their own% not the things whih are o$ =hrist Jes#s"
<hi 2:22 B#t yo# 'now his *ro!en harater% that as a son with (his) $ather he ser!ed with me in the gos*el"
<hi 2:2- There$ore I ho*e to send him at one% as soon as I see how it goes with me"
<hi 2:20 B#t I tr#st in the /ord that I mysel$ shall also ome shortly"
<hi 2:21 Bet I onsidered it neessary to send to yo# 6*a*hrodit#s% my brother% $ellow wor'er% and $ellow
soldier% b#t yo#r messenger and the one who ministered to my need&
<hi 2:23 sine he was longing $or yo# all% and was distressed bea#se yo# had heard that he was si'"
<hi 2:24 ;or indeed he was si' almost #nto death& b#t God had mery on him% and not only on him b#t on me
also% lest I sho#ld ha!e sorrow #*on sorrow"
<hi 2:28 There$ore I sent him the more eagerly% that when yo# see him again yo# may re@oie% and I may be
less sorrow$#l"
<hi 2:29 :eei!e him there$ore in the /ord with all gladness% and hold s#h men in esteem&
<hi 2:-5 bea#se $or the wor' o$ =hrist he ame lose to death% not regarding his li$e% to s#**ly what was
la'ing in yo#r ser!ie toward me"
<hi -:1 ;inally% my brethren% re@oie in the /ord" ;or me to write the same things to yo# (is) not tedio#s% b#t $or
yo# (it is) sa$e"
<hi -:2 Beware o$ dogs% beware o$ e!il wor'ers% beware o$ the m#tilationF
<hi -:- ;or we are the ir#mision% who worshi* God in the ,*irit% re@oie in =hrist Jes#s% and ha!e no
on$idene in the $lesh%
<hi -:0 tho#gh I also might ha!e on$idene in the $lesh" I$ anyone else thin's he may ha!e on$idene in the
$lesh% I more so:
<hi -:1 ir#mised the eighth day% o$ the sto' o$ Israel% (o$) the tribe o$ Ben@amin% a Hebrew o$ the Hebrews&
onerning the law% a <harisee&
<hi -:3 onerning Heal% *erse#ting the h#rh& onerning the righteo#sness whih is in the law% blameless"
<hi -:4 B#t what things were gain to me% these I ha!e o#nted loss $or =hrist"
<hi -:8 Bet indeed I also o#nt all things loss $or the e9ellene o$ the 'nowledge o$ =hrist Jes#s my /ord% $or
whom I ha!e s#$$ered the loss o$ all things% and o#nt them as r#bbish% that I may gain =hrist
<hi -:9 and be $o#nd in Him% not ha!ing my own righteo#sness% whih (is) $rom the law% b#t that whih (is)
thro#gh $aith in =hrist% the righteo#sness whih is $rom God by $aith&
<hi -:15 that I may 'now Him and the *ower o$ His res#rretion% and the $ellowshi* o$ His s#$$erings% being
on$ormed to His death%
<hi -:11 i$% by any means% I may attain to the res#rretion $rom the dead"
<hi -:12 Not that I ha!e already attained% or am already *er$eted& b#t I *ress on% that I may lay hold o$ that $or
whih =hrist Jes#s has also laid hold o$ me"
<hi -:1- Brethren% I do not o#nt mysel$ to ha!e a**rehended& b#t one thing (I do%) $orgetting those things whih
are behind and reahing $orward to those things whih are ahead%
<hi -:10 I *ress toward the goal $or the *riHe o$ the #*ward all o$ God in =hrist Jes#s"
<hi -:11 There$ore let #s% as many as are mat#re% ha!e this mind& and i$ in anything yo# thin' otherwise% God
will re!eal e!en this to yo#"
<hi -:13 Ne!ertheless% to (the degree) that we ha!e already attained% let #s wal' by the same r#le% let #s be o$
the same mind"
<hi -:14 Brethren% @oin in $ollowing my e9am*le% and note those who so wal'% as yo# ha!e #s $or a *attern"
<hi -:18 ;or many wal'% o$ whom I ha!e told yo# o$ten% and now tell yo# e!en wee*ing% (that they are) the
enemies o$ the ross o$ =hrist:
<hi -:19 whose end (is) destr#tion% whose god (is their) belly% and (whose) glory (is) in their shame DD who set
their mind on earthly things"
<hi -:25 ;or o#r itiHenshi* is in hea!en% $rom whih we also eagerly wait $or the ,a!ior% the /ord Jes#s =hrist%
<hi -:21 who will trans$orm o#r lowly body that it may be on$ormed to His glorio#s body% aording to the
wor'ing by whih He is able e!en to s#bd#e all things to Himsel$"
<hi 0:1 There$ore% my belo!ed and longedD$or brethren% my @oy and rown% so stand $ast in the /ord% belo!ed"
<hi 0:2 I im*lore 6#odia and I im*lore ,yntyhe to be o$ the same mind in the /ord"
<hi 0:- +nd I #rge yo# also% tr#e om*anion% hel* these women who labored with me in the gos*el% with
=lement also% and the rest o$ my $ellow wor'ers% whose names (are) in the Boo' o$ /i$e"
<hi 0:0 :e@oie in the /ord always" +gain I will say% re@oieF
<hi 0:1 /et yo#r gentleness be 'nown to all men" The /ord (is) at hand"
<hi 0:3 Be an9io#s $or nothing% b#t in e!erything by *rayer and s#**liation% with than'sgi!ing% let yo#r reE#ests
be made 'nown to God&
<hi 0:4 and the *eae o$ God% whih s#r*asses all #nderstanding% will g#ard yo#r hearts and minds thro#gh
=hrist Jes#s"
<hi 0:8 ;inally% brethren% whate!er things are tr#e% whate!er things (are) noble% whate!er things (are) @#st%
whate!er things (are) *#re% whate!er things (are) lo!ely% whate!er things (are) o$ good re*ort% i$ (there is) any
!irt#e and i$ (there is) anything *raiseworthy DD meditate on these things"
<hi 0:9 The things whih yo# learned and reei!ed and heard and saw in me% these do% and the God o$ *eae
will be with yo#"
<hi 0:15 B#t I re@oied in the /ord greatly that now at last yo#r are $or me has $lo#rished again& tho#gh yo#
s#rely did are% b#t yo# la'ed o**ort#nity"
<hi 0:11 Not that I s*ea' in regard to need% $or I ha!e learned in whate!er state I am% to be ontent:
<hi 0:12 I 'now how to be abased% and I 'now how to abo#nd" 6!erywhere and in all things I ha!e learned both
to be $#ll and to be h#ngry% both to abo#nd and to s#$$er need"
<hi 0:1- I an do all things thro#gh =hrist who strengthens me"
<hi 0:10 Ne!ertheless yo# ha!e done well that yo# shared in my distress"
<hi 0:11 Now yo# <hili**ians 'now also that in the beginning o$ the gos*el% when I de*arted $rom ?aedonia%
no h#rh shared with me onerning gi!ing and reei!ing b#t yo# only"
<hi 0:13 ;or e!en in Thessalonia yo# sent (aid) one and again $or my neessities"
<hi 0:14 Not that I see' the gi$t% b#t I see' the $r#it that abo#nds to yo#r ao#nt"
<hi 0:18 Indeed I ha!e all and abo#nd" I am $#ll% ha!ing reei!ed $rom 6*a*hrodit#s the things (sent) $rom yo#% a
sweetDsmelling aroma% an ae*table sari$ie% well *leasing to God"
<hi 0:19 +nd my God shall s#**ly all yo#r need aording to His rihes in glory by =hrist Jes#s"
<hi 0:25 Now to o#r God and ;ather (be) glory $ore!er and e!er" +men"
<hi 0:21 Greet e!ery saint in =hrist Jes#s" The brethren who are with me greet yo#"
<hi 0:22 +ll the saints greet yo#% b#t es*eially those who are o$ =aesarAs ho#sehold"
<hi 0:2- The grae o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist be with yo# all" +men"
=ol 1:1 <a#l% an a*ostle o$ Jes#s =hrist by the will o$ God% and Timothy o#r brother%
=ol 1:2 To the saints and $aith$#l brethren in =hrist (who are) in =olosse: Grae to yo# and *eae $rom God o#r
;ather and the /ord Jes#s =hrist"
=ol 1:- >e gi!e than's to the God and ;ather o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% *raying always $or yo#%
=ol 1:0 sine we heard o$ yo#r $aith in =hrist Jes#s and o$ yo#r lo!e $or all the saints&
=ol 1:1 bea#se o$ the ho*e whih is laid #* $or yo# in hea!en% o$ whih yo# heard be$ore in the word o$ the
tr#th o$ the gos*el%
=ol 1:3 whih has ome to yo#% as (it has) also in all the world% and is bringing $orth $r#it% as (it is) also among
yo# sine the day yo# heard and 'new the grae o$ God in tr#th&
=ol 1:4 as yo# also learned $rom 6*a*hras% o#r dear $ellow ser!ant% who is a $aith$#l minister o$ =hrist on yo#r
=ol 1:8 who also delared to #s yo#r lo!e in the ,*irit"
=ol 1:9 ;or this reason we also% sine the day we heard it% do not ease to *ray $or yo#% and to as' that yo# may
be $illed with the 'nowledge o$ His will in all wisdom and s*irit#al #nderstanding&
=ol 1:15 that yo# may wal' worthy o$ the /ord% $#lly *leasing (Him%) being $r#it$#l in e!ery good wor' and
inreasing in the 'nowledge o$ God&
=ol 1:11 strengthened with all might% aording to His glorio#s *ower% $or all *atiene and longs#$$ering with @oy&
=ol 1:12 gi!ing than's to the ;ather who has E#ali$ied #s to be *arta'ers o$ the inheritane o$ the saints in the
=ol 1:1- He has deli!ered #s $rom the *ower o$ dar'ness and on!eyed (#s) into the 'ingdom o$ the ,on o$ His
=ol 1:10 in whom we ha!e redem*tion thro#gh His blood% the $orgi!eness o$ sins"
=ol 1:11 He is the image o$ the in!isible God% the $irstborn o!er all reation"
=ol 1:13 ;or by Him all things were reated that are in hea!en and that are on earth% !isible and in!isible%
whether thrones or dominions or *rini*alities or *owers" +ll things were reated thro#gh Him and $or Him"
=ol 1:14 +nd He is be$ore all things% and in Him all things onsist"
=ol 1:18 +nd He is the head o$ the body% the h#rh% who is the beginning% the $irstborn $rom the dead% that in all
things He may ha!e the *reeminene"
=ol 1:19 ;or it *leased (the ;ather that) in Him all the $#llness sho#ld dwell%
=ol 1:25 and by Him to reonile all things to Himsel$% by Him% whether things on earth or things in hea!en%
ha!ing made *eae thro#gh the blood o$ His ross"
=ol 1:21 +nd yo#% who one were alienated and enemies in yo#r mind by wi'ed wor's% yet now He has
=ol 1:22 in the body o$ His $lesh thro#gh death% to *resent yo# holy% and blameless% and abo!e re*roah in His
sight DD
=ol 1:2- i$ indeed yo# ontin#e in the $aith% gro#nded and stead$ast% and are not mo!ed away $rom the ho*e o$
the gos*el whih yo# heard% whih was *reahed to e!ery reat#re #nder hea!en% o$ whih I% <a#l% beame a
=ol 1:20 I now re@oie in my s#$$erings $or yo#% and $ill #* in my $lesh what is la'ing in the a$$litions o$ =hrist%
$or the sa'e o$ His body% whih is the h#rh%
=ol 1:21 o$ whih I beame a minister aording to the stewardshi* $rom God whih was gi!en to me $or yo#% to
$#l$ill the word o$ God%
=ol 1:23 the mystery whih has been hidden $rom ages and $rom generations% b#t now has been re!ealed to His
=ol 1:24 To them God willed to ma'e 'nown what are the rihes o$ the glory o$ this mystery among the Gentiles:
whih is =hrist in yo#% the ho*e o$ glory"
=ol 1:28 Him we *reah% warning e!ery man and teahing e!ery man in all wisdom% that we may *resent e!ery
man *er$et in =hrist Jes#s"
=ol 1:29 To this (end) I also labor% stri!ing aording to His wor'ing whih wor's in me mightily"
=ol 2:1 ;or I want yo# to 'now what a great on$lit I ha!e $or yo# and those in /aodiea% and ($or) as many as
ha!e not seen my $ae in the $lesh%
=ol 2:2 that their hearts may be eno#raged% being 'nit together in lo!e% and (attaining) to all rihes o$ the $#ll
ass#rane o$ #nderstanding% to the 'nowledge o$ the mystery o$ God% both o$ the ;ather and o$ =hrist%
=ol 2:- in whom are hidden all the treas#res o$ wisdom and 'nowledge"
=ol 2:0 Now this I say lest anyone sho#ld deei!e yo# with *ers#asi!e words"
=ol 2:1 ;or tho#gh I am absent in the $lesh% yet I am with yo# in s*irit% re@oiing to see yo#r (good) order and the
stead$astness o$ yo#r $aith in =hrist"
=ol 2:3 +s yo# ha!e there$ore reei!ed =hrist Jes#s the /ord% so wal' in Him%
=ol 2:4 rooted and b#ilt #* in Him and established in the $aith% as yo# ha!e been ta#ght% abo#nding in it with
=ol 2:8 Beware lest anyone heat yo# thro#gh *hiloso*hy and em*ty deeit% aording to the tradition o$ men%
aording to the basi *rini*les o$ the world% and not aording to =hrist"
=ol 2:9 ;or in Him dwells all the $#llness o$ the Godhead bodily&
=ol 2:15 and yo# are om*lete in Him% who is the head o$ all *rini*ality and *ower"
=ol 2:11 In Him yo# were also ir#mised with the ir#mision made witho#t hands% by *#tting o$$ the body o$
the sins o$ the $lesh% by the ir#mision o$ =hrist%
=ol 2:12 b#ried with Him in ba*tism% in whih yo# also were raised with (Him) thro#gh $aith in the wor'ing o$
God% who raised Him $rom the dead"
=ol 2:1- +nd yo#% being dead in yo#r tres*asses and the #nir#mision o$ yo#r $lesh% He has made ali!e
together with Him% ha!ing $orgi!en yo# all tres*asses%
=ol 2:10 ha!ing wi*ed o#t the handwriting o$ reE#irements that was against #s% whih was ontrary to #s" +nd
He has ta'en it o#t o$ the way% ha!ing nailed it to the ross"
=ol 2:11 Ha!ing disarmed *rini*alities and *owers% He made a *#bli s*etale o$ them% tri#m*hing o!er them
in it"
=ol 2:13 ,o let no one @#dge yo# in $ood or in drin'% or regarding a $esti!al or a new moon or sabbaths%
=ol 2:14 whih are a shadow o$ things to ome% b#t the s#bstane is o$ =hrist"
=ol 2:18 /et no one heat yo# o$ yo#r reward% ta'ing delight in ($alse) h#mility and worshi* o$ angels% intr#ding
into those things whih he has not seen% !ainly *#$$ed #* by his $leshly mind%
=ol 2:19 and not holding $ast to the Head% $rom whom all the body% no#rished and 'nit together by @oints and
ligaments% grows with the inrease (that is) $rom God"
=ol 2:25 There$ore% i$ yo# died with =hrist $rom the basi *rini*les o$ the world% why% as (tho#gh) li!ing in the
world% do yo# s#b@et yo#rsel!es to reg#lations DD
=ol 2:21 .2o not to#h% do not taste% do not handle%.
=ol 2:22 whih all onern things whih *erish with the #sing DD aording to the ommandments and dotrines
o$ menC
=ol 2:2- These things indeed ha!e an a**earane o$ wisdom in sel$Dim*osed religion% ($alse) h#mility% and
neglet o$ the body% (b#t are) o$ no !al#e against the ind#lgene o$ the $lesh"
=ol -:1 I$ then yo# were raised with =hrist% see' those things whih are abo!e% where =hrist is% sitting at the
right hand o$ God"
=ol -:2 ,et yo#r mind on things abo!e% not on things on the earth"
=ol -:- ;or yo# died% and yo#r li$e is hidden with =hrist in God"
=ol -:0 >hen =hrist (who is) o#r li$e a**ears% then yo# also will a**ear with Him in glory"
=ol -:1 There$ore *#t to death yo#r members whih are on the earth: $orniation% #nleanness% *assion% e!il
desire% and o!eto#sness% whih is idolatry"
=ol -:3 Bea#se o$ these things the wrath o$ God is oming #*on the sons o$ disobediene%
=ol -:4 in whih yo# yo#rsel!es one wal'ed when yo# li!ed in them"
=ol -:8 B#t now yo# yo#rsel!es are to *#t o$$ all these: anger% wrath% malie% blas*hemy% $ilthy lang#age o#t o$
yo#r mo#th"
=ol -:9 2o not lie to one another% sine yo# ha!e *#t o$$ the old man with his deeds%
=ol -:15 and ha!e *#t on the new (man) who is renewed in 'nowledge aording to the image o$ Him who
reated him%
=ol -:11 where there is neither Gree' nor Jew% ir#mised nor #nir#mised% barbarian% ,ythian% sla!e (nor)
$ree% b#t =hrist (is) all and in all"
=ol -:12 There$ore% as (the) elet o$ God% holy and belo!ed% *#t on tender meries% 'indness% h#mility%
mee'ness% longs#$$ering&
=ol -:1- bearing with one another% and $orgi!ing one another% i$ anyone has a om*laint against another& e!en
as =hrist $orga!e yo#% so yo# also (m#st do")
=ol -:10 B#t abo!e all these things *#t on lo!e% whih is the bond o$ *er$etion"
=ol -:11 +nd let the *eae o$ God r#le in yo#r hearts% to whih also yo# were alled in one body& and be
=ol -:13 /et the word o$ =hrist dwell in yo# rihly in all wisdom% teahing and admonishing one another in
*salms and hymns and s*irit#al songs% singing with grae in yo#r hearts to the /ord"
=ol -:14 +nd (whate!er) yo# do in word or deed% (do) all in the name o$ the /ord Jes#s% gi!ing than's to God the
;ather thro#gh Him"
=ol -:18 >i!es% s#bmit to yo#r own h#sbands% as is $itting in the /ord"
=ol -:19 H#sbands% lo!e yo#r wi!es and do not be bitter toward them"
=ol -:25 =hildren% obey yo#r *arents in all things% $or this is well *leasing to the /ord"
=ol -:21 ;athers% do not *ro!o'e yo#r hildren% lest they beome diso#raged"
=ol -:22 Bondser!ants% obey in all things yo#r masters aording to the $lesh% not with eyeser!ie% as menD
*leasers% b#t in sinerity o$ heart% $earing God"
=ol -:2- +nd whate!er yo# do% do it heartily% as to the /ord and not to men%
=ol -:20 'nowing that $rom the /ord yo# will reei!e the reward o$ the inheritane& $or yo# ser!e the /ord =hrist"
=ol -:21 B#t he who does wrong will be re*aid $or what he has done% and there is no *artiality"
=ol 0:1 ?asters% gi!e yo#r bondser!ants what is @#st and $air% 'nowing that yo# also ha!e a ?aster in hea!en"
=ol 0:2 =ontin#e earnestly in *rayer% being !igilant in it with than'sgi!ing&
=ol 0:- meanwhile *raying also $or #s% that God wo#ld o*en to #s a door $or the word% to s*ea' the mystery o$
=hrist% $or whih I am also in hains%
=ol 0:0 that I may ma'e it mani$est% as I o#ght to s*ea'"
=ol 0:1 >al' in wisdom toward those (who are) o#tside% redeeming the time"
=ol 0:3 (/et) yo#r s*eeh always (be) with grae% seasoned with salt% that yo# may 'now how yo# o#ght to
answer eah one"
=ol 0:4 Tyhi#s% a belo!ed brother% $aith$#l minister% and $ellow ser!ant in the /ord% will tell yo# all the news
abo#t me"
=ol 0:8 I am sending him to yo# $or this !ery *#r*ose% that he may 'now yo#r ir#mstanes and om$ort yo#r
=ol 0:9 with 8nesim#s% a $aith$#l and belo!ed brother% who is (one) o$ yo#" They will ma'e 'nown to yo# all
things whih (are ha**ening) here"
=ol 0:15 +ristarh#s my $ellow *risoner greets yo#% with ?ar' the o#sin o$ Barnabas Iabo#t whom yo#
reei!ed instr#tions: i$ he omes to yo#% welome himJ%
=ol 0:11 and Jes#s who is alled J#st#s" These (are my) only $ellow wor'ers $or the 'ingdom o$ God who are o$
the ir#mision& they ha!e *ro!ed to be a om$ort to me"
=ol 0:12 6*a*hras% who is (one) o$ yo#% a bondser!ant o$ =hrist% greets yo#% always laboring $er!ently $or yo# in
*rayers% that yo# may stand *er$et and om*lete in all the will o$ God"
=ol 0:1- ;or I bear him witness that he has a great Heal $or yo#% and those who are in /aodiea% and those in
=ol 0:10 /#'e the belo!ed *hysiian and 2emas greet yo#"
=ol 0:11 Greet the brethren who are in /aodiea% and Nym*has and the h#rh that (is) in his ho#se"
=ol 0:13 Now when this e*istle is read among yo#% see that it is read also in the h#rh o$ the /aodieans% and
that yo# li'ewise read the e*istle $rom /aodiea"
=ol 0:14 +nd say to +rhi**#s% .Ta'e heed to the ministry whih yo# ha!e reei!ed in the /ord% that yo# may
$#l$ill it".
=ol 0:18 This sal#tation by my own hand DD <a#l" :emember my hains" Grae (be) with yo#" +men"
1Th 1:1 <a#l% ,il!an#s% and Timothy% To the h#rh o$ the Thessalonians in God the ;ather and the /ord Jes#s
=hrist: Grae to yo# and *eae $rom God o#r ;ather and the /ord Jes#s =hrist"
1Th 1:2 >e gi!e than's to God always $or yo# all% ma'ing mention o$ yo# in o#r *rayers%
1Th 1:- remembering witho#t easing yo#r wor' o$ $aith% labor o$ lo!e% and *atiene o$ ho*e in o#r /ord Jes#s
=hrist in the sight o$ o#r God and ;ather%
1Th 1:0 'nowing% belo!ed brethren% yo#r eletion by God"
1Th 1:1 ;or o#r gos*el did not ome to yo# in word only% b#t also in *ower% and in the Holy ,*irit and in m#h
ass#rane% as yo# 'now what 'ind o$ men we were among yo# $or yo#r sa'e"
1Th 1:3 +nd yo# beame $ollowers o$ #s and o$ the /ord% ha!ing reei!ed the word in m#h a$$lition% with @oy o$
the Holy ,*irit%
1Th 1:4 so that yo# beame e9am*les to all in ?aedonia and +haia who belie!e"
1Th 1:8 ;or $rom yo# the word o$ the /ord has so#nded $orth% not only in ?aedonia and +haia% b#t also in
e!ery *lae" Bo#r $aith toward God has gone o#t% so that we do not need to say anything"
1Th 1:9 ;or they themsel!es delare onerning #s what manner o$ entry we had to yo#% and how yo# t#rned to
God $rom idols to ser!e the li!ing and tr#e God%
1Th 1:15 and to wait $or His ,on $rom hea!en% whom He raised $rom the dead% (e!en) Jes#s who deli!ers #s
$rom the wrath to ome"
1Th 2:1 ;or yo# yo#rsel!es 'now% brethren% that o#r oming to yo# was not in !ain"
1Th 2:2 B#t e!en a$ter we had s#$$ered be$ore and were s*ite$#lly treated at <hili**i% as yo# 'now% we were bold
in o#r God to s*ea' to yo# the gos*el o$ God in m#h on$lit"
1Th 2:- ;or o#r e9hortation (did) not (ome) $rom error or #nleanness% nor (was it) in deeit"
1Th 2:0 B#t as we ha!e been a**ro!ed by God to be entr#sted with the gos*el% e!en so we s*ea'% not as
*leasing men% b#t God who tests o#r hearts"
1Th 2:1 ;or neither at any time did we #se $lattering words% as yo# 'now% nor a loa' $or o!eto#sness DD God
(is) witness"
1Th 2:3 Nor did we see' glory $rom men% either $rom yo# or $rom others% when we might ha!e made demands
as a*ostles o$ =hrist"
1Th 2:4 B#t we were gentle among yo#% @#st as a n#rsing (mother) herishes her own hildren"
1Th 2:8 ,o% a$$etionately longing $or yo#% we were well *leased to im*art to yo# not only the gos*el o$ God% b#t
also o#r own li!es% bea#se yo# had beome dear to #s"
1Th 2:9 ;or yo# remember% brethren% o#r labor and toil& $or laboring night and day% that we might not be a
b#rden to any o$ yo#% we *reahed to yo# the gos*el o$ God"
1Th 2:15 Bo# (are) witnesses% and God (also%) how de!o#tly and @#stly and blamelessly we beha!ed o#rsel!es
among yo# who belie!e&
1Th 2:11 as yo# 'now how we e9horted% and om$orted% and harged e!ery one o$ yo#% as a $ather (does) his
own hildren%
1Th 2:12 that yo# wo#ld wal' worthy o$ God who alls yo# into His own 'ingdom and glory"
1Th 2:1- ;or this reason we also than' God witho#t easing% bea#se when yo# reei!ed the word o$ God
whih yo# heard $rom #s% yo# welomed (it) not (as) the word o$ men% b#t as it is in tr#th% the word o$ God% whih
also e$$eti!ely wor's in yo# who belie!e"
1Th 2:10 ;or yo#% brethren% beame imitators o$ the h#rhes o$ God whih are in J#dea in =hrist Jes#s" ;or
yo# also s#$$ered the same things $rom yo#r own o#ntrymen% @#st as they (did) $rom the J#deans%
1Th 2:11 who 'illed both the /ord Jes#s and their own *ro*hets% and ha!e *erse#ted #s& and they do not
*lease God and are ontrary to all men%
1Th 2:13 $orbidding #s to s*ea' to the Gentiles that they may be sa!ed% so as always to $ill #* (the meas#re o$)
their sins& b#t wrath has ome #*on them to the #ttermost"
1Th 2:14 B#t we% brethren% ha!ing been ta'en away $rom yo# $or a short time in *resene% not in heart%
endea!ored more eagerly to see yo#r $ae with great desire"
1Th 2:18 There$ore we wanted to ome to yo# DD e!en I% <a#l% time and again DD b#t ,atan hindered #s"
1Th 2:19 ;or what (is) o#r ho*e% or @oy% or rown o$ re@oiingC (Is it) not e!en yo# in the *resene o$ o#r /ord
Jes#s =hrist at His omingC
1Th 2:25 ;or yo# are o#r glory and @oy"
1Th -:1 There$ore% when we o#ld no longer end#re it% we tho#ght it good to be le$t in +thens alone%
1Th -:2 and sent Timothy% o#r brother and minister o$ God% and o#r $ellow laborer in the gos*el o$ =hrist% to
establish yo# and eno#rage yo# onerning yo#r $aith%
1Th -:- that no one sho#ld be sha'en by these a$$litions& $or yo# yo#rsel!es 'now that we are a**ointed to
1Th -:0 ;or% in $at% we told yo# be$ore when we were with yo# that we wo#ld s#$$er trib#lation% @#st as it
ha**ened% and yo# 'now"
1Th -:1 ;or this reason% when I o#ld no longer end#re it% I sent to 'now yo#r $aith% lest by some means the
tem*ter had tem*ted yo#% and o#r labor might be in !ain"
1Th -:3 B#t now that Timothy has ome to #s $rom yo#% and bro#ght #s good news o$ yo#r $aith and lo!e% and
that yo# always ha!e good remembrane o$ #s% greatly desiring to see #s% as we also (to see) yo# DD
1Th -:4 there$ore% brethren% in all o#r a$$lition and distress we were om$orted onerning yo# by yo#r $aith"
1Th -:8 ;or now we li!e% i$ yo# stand $ast in the /ord"
1Th -:9 ;or what than's an we render to God $or yo#% $or all the @oy with whih we re@oie $or yo#r sa'e be$ore
o#r God%
1Th -:15 night and day *raying e9eedingly that we may see yo#r $ae and *er$et what is la'ing in yo#r $aithC
1Th -:11 Now may o#r God and ;ather Himsel$% and o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% diret o#r way to yo#"
1Th -:12 +nd may the /ord ma'e yo# inrease and abo#nd in lo!e to one another and to all% @#st as we (do) to
1Th -:1- so that He may establish yo#r hearts blameless in holiness be$ore o#r God and ;ather at the oming
o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist with all His saints"
1Th 0:1 ;inally then% brethren% we #rge and e9hort in the /ord Jes#s that yo# sho#ld abo#nd more and more%
@#st as yo# reei!ed $rom #s how yo# o#ght to wal' and to *lease God&
1Th 0:2 $or yo# 'now what ommandments we ga!e yo# thro#gh the /ord Jes#s"
1Th 0:- ;or this is the will o$ God% yo#r santi$iation: that yo# sho#ld abstain $rom se9#al immorality&
1Th 0:0 that eah o$ yo# sho#ld 'now how to *ossess his own !essel in santi$iation and honor%
1Th 0:1 not in *assion o$ l#st% li'e the Gentiles who do not 'now God&
1Th 0:3 that no one sho#ld ta'e ad!antage o$ and de$ra#d his brother in this matter% bea#se the /ord (is) the
a!enger o$ all s#h% as we also $orewarned yo# and testi$ied"
1Th 0:4 ;or God did not all #s to #nleanness% b#t in holiness"
1Th 0:8 There$ore he who re@ets (this) does not re@et man% b#t God% who has also gi!en #s His Holy ,*irit"
1Th 0:9 B#t onerning brotherly lo!e yo# ha!e no need that I sho#ld write to yo#% $or yo# yo#rsel!es are ta#ght
by God to lo!e one another&
1Th 0:15 and indeed yo# do so toward all the brethren who are in all ?aedonia" B#t we #rge yo#% brethren%
that yo# inrease more and more&
1Th 0:11 that yo# also as*ire to lead a E#iet li$e% to mind yo#r own b#siness% and to wor' with yo#r own hands%
as we ommanded yo#%
1Th 0:12 that yo# may wal' *ro*erly toward those who are o#tside% and (that) yo# may la' nothing"
1Th 0:1- B#t I do not want yo# to be ignorant% brethren% onerning those who ha!e $allen aslee*% lest yo#
sorrow as others who ha!e no ho*e"
1Th 0:10 ;or i$ we belie!e that Jes#s died and rose again% e!en so God will bring with Him those who slee* in
1Th 0:11 ;or this we say to yo# by the word o$ the /ord% that we who are ali!e (and) remain #ntil the oming o$
the /ord will by no means *reede those who are aslee*"
1Th 0:13 ;or the /ord Himsel$ will desend $rom hea!en with a sho#t% with the !oie o$ an arhangel% and with
the tr#m*et o$ God" +nd the dead in =hrist will rise $irst"
1Th 0:14 Then we who are ali!e (and) remain shall be a#ght #* together with them in the lo#ds to meet the
/ord in the air" +nd th#s we shall always be with the /ord"
1Th 0:18 There$ore om$ort one another with these words"
1Th 1:1 B#t onerning the times and the seasons% brethren% yo# ha!e no need that I sho#ld write to yo#"
1Th 1:2 ;or yo# yo#rsel!es 'now *er$etly that the day o$ the /ord so omes as a thie$ in the night"
1Th 1:- ;or when they say% .<eae and sa$etyF. then s#dden destr#tion omes #*on them% as labor *ains #*on
a *regnant woman" +nd they shall not esa*e"
1Th 1:0 B#t yo#% brethren% are not in dar'ness% so that this 2ay sho#ld o!erta'e yo# as a thie$"
1Th 1:1 Bo# are all sons o$ light and sons o$ the day" >e are not o$ the night nor o$ dar'ness"
1Th 1:3 There$ore let #s not slee*% as others (do%) b#t let #s wath and be sober"
1Th 1:4 ;or those who slee*% slee* at night% and those who get dr#n' are dr#n' at night"
1Th 1:8 B#t let #s who are o$ the day be sober% *#tting on the breast*late o$ $aith and lo!e% and (as) a helmet the
ho*e o$ sal!ation"
1Th 1:9 ;or God did not a**oint #s to wrath% b#t to obtain sal!ation thro#gh o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist%
1Th 1:15 who died $or #s% that whether we wa'e or slee*% we sho#ld li!e together with Him"
1Th 1:11 There$ore om$ort eah other and edi$y one another% @#st as yo# also are doing"
1Th 1:12 +nd we #rge yo#% brethren% to reogniHe those who labor among yo#% and are o!er yo# in the /ord and
admonish yo#%
1Th 1:1- and to esteem them !ery highly in lo!e $or their wor'As sa'e" Be at *eae among yo#rsel!es"
1Th 1:10 Now we e9hort yo#% brethren% warn those who are #nr#ly% om$ort the $ainthearted% #*hold the wea'%
be *atient with all"
1Th 1:11 ,ee that no one renders e!il $or e!il to anyone% b#t always *#rs#e what is good both $or yo#rsel!es
and $or all"
1Th 1:13 :e@oie always%
1Th 1:14 *ray witho#t easing%
1Th 1:18 in e!erything gi!e than's& $or this is the will o$ God in =hrist Jes#s $or yo#"
1Th 1:19 2o not E#enh the ,*irit"
1Th 1:25 2o not des*ise *ro*heies"
1Th 1:21 Test all things& hold $ast what is good"
1Th 1:22 +bstain $rom e!ery $orm o$ e!il"
1Th 1:2- Now may the God o$ *eae Himsel$ santi$y yo# om*letely& and may yo#r whole s*irit% so#l% and body
be *reser!ed blameless at the oming o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist"
1Th 1:20 He who alls yo# (is) $aith$#l% who also will do (it")
1Th 1:21 Brethren% *ray $or #s"
1Th 1:23 Greet all the brethren with a holy 'iss"
1Th 1:24 I harge yo# by the /ord that this e*istle be read to all the holy brethren"
1Th 1:28 The grae o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist (be) with yo#" +men"
2Th 1:1 <a#l% ,il!an#s% and Timothy% To the h#rh o$ the Thessalonians in God o#r ;ather and the /ord Jes#s
2Th 1:2 Grae to yo# and *eae $rom God o#r ;ather and the /ord Jes#s =hrist"
2Th 1:- >e are bo#nd to than' God always $or yo#% brethren% as it is $itting% bea#se yo#r $aith grows
e9eedingly% and the lo!e o$ e!ery one o$ yo# all abo#nds toward eah other%
2Th 1:0 so that we o#rsel!es boast o$ yo# among the h#rhes o$ God $or yo#r *atiene and $aith in all yo#r
*erse#tions and trib#lations that yo# end#re%
2Th 1:1 (whih is) mani$est e!idene o$ the righteo#s @#dgment o$ God% that yo# may be o#nted worthy o$ the
'ingdom o$ God% $or whih yo# also s#$$er&
2Th 1:3 sine (it is) a righteo#s thing with God to re*ay with trib#lation those who tro#ble yo#%
2Th 1:4 and to (gi!e) yo# who are tro#bled rest with #s when the /ord Jes#s is re!ealed $rom hea!en with His
mighty angels%
2Th 1:8 in $laming $ire ta'ing !engeane on those who do not 'now God% and on those who do not obey the
gos*el o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist"
2Th 1:9 These shall be *#nished with e!erlasting destr#tion $rom the *resene o$ the /ord and $rom the glory
o$ His *ower%
2Th 1:15 when He omes% in that 2ay% to be glori$ied in His saints and to be admired among all those who
belie!e% bea#se o#r testimony among yo# was belie!ed"
2Th 1:11 There$ore we also *ray always $or yo# that o#r God wo#ld o#nt yo# worthy o$ (this) alling% and $#l$ill
all the good *leas#re o$ (His) goodness and the wor' o$ $aith with *ower%
2Th 1:12 that the name o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist may be glori$ied in yo#% and yo# in Him% aording to the grae
o$ o#r God and the /ord Jes#s =hrist"
2Th 2:1 Now% brethren% onerning the oming o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist and o#r gathering together to Him% we
as' yo#%
2Th 2:2 not to be soon sha'en in mind or tro#bled% either by s*irit or by word or by letter% as i$ $rom #s% as
tho#gh the day o$ =hrist had ome"
2Th 2:- /et no one deei!e yo# by any means& $or (that 2ay will not ome) #nless the $alling away omes $irst%
and the man o$ sin is re!ealed% the son o$ *erdition%
2Th 2:0 who o**oses and e9alts himsel$ abo!e all that is alled God or that is worshi*ed% so that he sits as God
in the tem*le o$ God% showing himsel$ that he is God"
2Th 2:1 2o yo# not remember that when I was still with yo# I told yo# these thingsC
2Th 2:3 +nd now yo# 'now what is restraining% that he may be re!ealed in his own time"
2Th 2:4 ;or the mystery o$ lawlessness is already at wor'& only He who now restrains (will do so) #ntil He is
ta'en o#t o$ the way"
2Th 2:8 +nd then the lawless one will be re!ealed% whom the /ord will ons#me with the breath o$ His mo#th
and destroy with the brightness o$ His oming"
2Th 2:9 The oming o$ the (lawless one) is aording to the wor'ing o$ ,atan% with all *ower% signs% and lying
2Th 2:15 and with all #nrighteo#s dee*tion among those who *erish% bea#se they did not reei!e the lo!e o$
the tr#th% that they might be sa!ed"
2Th 2:11 +nd $or this reason God will send them strong del#sion% that they sho#ld belie!e the lie%
2Th 2:12 that they all may be ondemned who did not belie!e the tr#th b#t had *leas#re in #nrighteo#sness"
2Th 2:1- B#t we are bo#nd to gi!e than's to God always $or yo#% brethren belo!ed by the /ord% bea#se God
$rom the beginning hose yo# $or sal!ation thro#gh santi$iation by the ,*irit and belie$ in the tr#th%
2Th 2:10 to whih He alled yo# by o#r gos*el% $or the obtaining o$ the glory o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist"
2Th 2:11 There$ore% brethren% stand $ast and hold the traditions whih yo# were ta#ght% whether by word or o#r
2Th 2:13 Now may o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist Himsel$% and o#r God and ;ather% who has lo!ed #s and gi!en (#s)
e!erlasting onsolation and good ho*e by grae%
2Th 2:14 om$ort yo#r hearts and establish yo# in e!ery good word and wor'"
2Th -:1 ;inally% brethren% *ray $or #s% that the word o$ the /ord may r#n (swi$tly) and be glori$ied% @#st as (it is)
with yo#%
2Th -:2 and that we may be deli!ered $rom #nreasonable and wi'ed men& $or not all ha!e $aith"
2Th -:- B#t the /ord is $aith$#l% who will establish yo# and g#ard (yo#) $rom the e!il one"
2Th -:0 +nd we ha!e on$idene in the /ord onerning yo#% both that yo# do and will do the things we
ommand yo#"
2Th -:1 Now may the /ord diret yo#r hearts into the lo!e o$ God and into the *atiene o$ =hrist"
2Th -:3 B#t we ommand yo#% brethren% in the name o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% that yo# withdraw $rom e!ery
brother who wal's disorderly and not aording to the tradition whih he reei!ed $rom #s"
2Th -:4 ;or yo# yo#rsel!es 'now how yo# o#ght to $ollow #s% $or we were not disorderly among yo#&
2Th -:8 nor did we eat anyoneAs bread $ree o$ harge% b#t wor'ed with labor and toil night and day% that we
might not be a b#rden to any o$ yo#%
2Th -:9 not bea#se we do not ha!e a#thority% b#t to ma'e o#rsel!es an e9am*le o$ how yo# sho#ld $ollow #s"
2Th -:15 ;or e!en when we were with yo#% we ommanded yo# this: I$ anyone will not wor'% neither shall he
2Th -:11 ;or we hear that there are some who wal' among yo# in a disorderly manner% not wor'ing at all% b#t
are b#sybodies"
2Th -:12 Now those who are s#h we ommand and e9hort thro#gh o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist that they wor' in
E#ietness and eat their own bread"
2Th -:1- B#t (as $or) yo#% brethren% do not grow weary (in) doing good"
2Th -:10 +nd i$ anyone does not obey o#r word in this e*istle% note that *erson and do not 'ee* om*any with
him% that he may be ashamed"
2Th -:11 Bet do not o#nt (him) as an enemy% b#t admonish (him) as a brother"
2Th -:13 Now may the /ord o$ *eae Himsel$ gi!e yo# *eae always in e!ery way" The /ord (be) with yo# all"
2Th -:14 The sal#tation o$ <a#l with my own hand% whih is a sign in e!ery e*istle& so I write"
2Th -:18 The grae o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist (be) with yo# all" +men"
1Ti 1:1 <a#l% an a*ostle o$ Jes#s =hrist% by the ommandment o$ God o#r ,a!ior and the /ord Jes#s =hrist% o#r
1Ti 1:2 To Timothy% a tr#e son in the $aith: Grae% mery% (and) *eae $rom God o#r ;ather and Jes#s =hrist o#r
1Ti 1:- +s I #rged yo# when I went into ?aedonia DD remain in 6*hes#s that yo# may harge some that they
teah no other dotrine%
1Ti 1:0 nor gi!e heed to $ables and endless genealogies% whih a#se dis*#tes rather than godly edi$iation
whih is in $aith"
1Ti 1:1 Now the *#r*ose o$ the ommandment is lo!e $rom a *#re heart% ($rom) a good onsiene% and ($rom)
sinere $aith%
1Ti 1:3 $rom whih some% ha!ing strayed% ha!e t#rned aside to idle tal'%
1Ti 1:4 desiring to be teahers o$ the law% #nderstanding neither what they say nor the things whih they a$$irm"
1Ti 1:8 B#t we 'now that the law (is) good i$ one #ses it law$#lly%
1Ti 1:9 'nowing this: that the law is not made $or a righteo#s *erson% b#t $or (the) lawless and ins#bordinate% $or
(the) #ngodly and $or sinners% $or (the) #nholy and *ro$ane% $or m#rderers o$ $athers and m#rderers o$ mothers%
$or manslayers%
1Ti 1:15 $or $orniators% $or sodomites% $or 'idna**ers% $or liars% $or *er@#rers% and i$ there is any other thing that
is ontrary to so#nd dotrine%
1Ti 1:11 aording to the glorio#s gos*el o$ the blessed God whih was ommitted to my tr#st"
1Ti 1:12 +nd I than' =hrist Jes#s o#r /ord who has enabled me% bea#se He o#nted me $aith$#l% *#tting (me)
into the ministry%
1Ti 1:1- altho#gh I was $ormerly a blas*hemer% a *erse#tor% and an insolent man& b#t I obtained mery
bea#se I did (it) ignorantly in #nbelie$"
1Ti 1:10 +nd the grae o$ o#r /ord was e9eedingly ab#ndant% with $aith and lo!e whih are in =hrist Jes#s"
1Ti 1:11 This (is) a $aith$#l saying and worthy o$ all ae*tane% that =hrist Jes#s ame into the world to sa!e
sinners% o$ whom I am hie$"
1Ti 1:13 Howe!er% $or this reason I obtained mery% that in me $irst Jes#s =hrist might show all longs#$$ering% as
a *attern to those who are going to belie!e on Him $or e!erlasting li$e"
1Ti 1:14 Now to the King eternal% immortal% in!isible% to God who alone is wise% (be) honor and glory $ore!er and
e!er" +men"
1Ti 1:18 This harge I ommit to yo#% son Timothy% aording to the *ro*heies *re!io#sly made onerning
yo#% that by them yo# may wage the good war$are%
1Ti 1:19 ha!ing $aith and a good onsiene% whih some ha!ing re@eted% onerning the $aith ha!e s#$$ered
1Ti 1:25 o$ whom are Hymenae#s and +le9ander% whom I deli!ered to ,atan that they may learn not to
1Ti 2:1 There$ore I e9hort $irst o$ all that s#**liations% *rayers% interessions% (and) gi!ing o$ than's be made $or
all men%
1Ti 2:2 $or 'ings and all who are in a#thority% that we may lead a E#iet and *eaeable li$e in all godliness and
1Ti 2:- ;or this (is) good and ae*table in the sight o$ God o#r ,a!ior%
1Ti 2:0 who desires all men to be sa!ed and to ome to the 'nowledge o$ the tr#th"
1Ti 2:1 ;or (there is) one God and one ?ediator between God and men% (the) ?an =hrist Jes#s%
1Ti 2:3 who ga!e Himsel$ a ransom $or all% to be testi$ied in d#e time%
1Ti 2:4 $or whih I was a**ointed a *reaher and an a*ostle DD I am s*ea'ing the tr#th in =hrist (and) not lying DD
a teaher o$ the Gentiles in $aith and tr#th"
1Ti 2:8 I desire there$ore that the men *ray e!erywhere% li$ting #* holy hands% witho#t wrath and do#bting&
1Ti 2:9 in li'e manner also% that the women adorn themsel!es in modest a**arel% with *ro*riety and moderation%
not with braided hair or gold or *earls or ostly lothing%
1Ti 2:15 b#t% whih is *ro*er $or women *ro$essing godliness% with good wor's"
1Ti 2:11 /et a woman learn in silene with all s#bmission"
1Ti 2:12 +nd I do not *ermit a woman to teah or to ha!e a#thority o!er a man% b#t to be in silene"
1Ti 2:1- ;or +dam was $ormed $irst% then 6!e"
1Ti 2:10 +nd +dam was not deei!ed% b#t the woman being deei!ed% $ell into transgression"
1Ti 2:11 Ne!ertheless she will be sa!ed in hildbearing i$ they ontin#e in $aith% lo!e% and holiness% with sel$D
1Ti -:1 This (is) a $aith$#l saying: I$ a man desires the *osition o$ a bisho*% he desires a good wor'"
1Ti -:2 + bisho* then m#st be blameless% the h#sband o$ one wi$e% tem*erate% soberDminded% o$ good beha!ior%
hos*itable% able to teah&
1Ti -:- not gi!en to wine% not !iolent% not greedy $or money% b#t gentle% not E#arrelsome% not o!eto#s&
1Ti -:0 one who r#les his own ho#se well% ha!ing (his) hildren in s#bmission with all re!erene
1Ti -:1 I$or i$ a man does not 'now how to r#le his own ho#se% how will he ta'e are o$ the h#rh o$ GodCJ&
1Ti -:3 not a no!ie% lest being *#$$ed #* with *ride he $all into the (same) ondemnation as the de!il"
1Ti -:4 ?oreo!er he m#st ha!e a good testimony among those who are o#tside% lest he $all into re*roah and
the snare o$ the de!il"
1Ti -:8 /i'ewise deaons (m#st be) re!erent% not do#bleDtong#ed% not gi!en to m#h wine% not greedy $or
1Ti -:9 holding the mystery o$ the $aith with a *#re onsiene"
1Ti -:15 B#t let these also $irst be tested& then let them ser!e as deaons% being ($o#nd) blameless"
1Ti -:11 /i'ewise (their) wi!es (m#st be) re!erent% not slanderers% tem*erate% $aith$#l in all things"
1Ti -:12 /et deaons be the h#sbands o$ one wi$e% r#ling (their) hildren and their own ho#ses well"
1Ti -:1- ;or those who ha!e ser!ed well as deaons obtain $or themsel!es a good standing and great boldness
in the $aith whih is in =hrist Jes#s"
1Ti -:10 These things I write to yo#% tho#gh I ho*e to ome to yo# shortly&
1Ti -:11 b#t i$ I am delayed% (I write) so that yo# may 'now how yo# o#ght to ond#t yo#rsel$ in the ho#se o$
God% whih is the h#rh o$ the li!ing God% the *illar and gro#nd o$ the tr#th"
1Ti -:13 +nd witho#t ontro!ersy great is the mystery o$ godliness: God was mani$ested in the $lesh% J#sti$ied in
the ,*irit% ,een by angels% <reahed among the Gentiles% Belie!ed on in the world% :eei!ed #* in glory"
1Ti 0:1 Now the ,*irit e9*ressly says that in latter times some will de*art $rom the $aith% gi!ing heed to deei!ing
s*irits and dotrines o$ demons%
1Ti 0:2 s*ea'ing lies in hy*orisy% ha!ing their own onsiene seared with a hot iron%
1Ti 0:- $orbidding to marry% (and ommanding) to abstain $rom $oods whih God reated to be reei!ed with
than'sgi!ing by those who belie!e and 'now the tr#th"
1Ti 0:0 ;or e!ery reat#re o$ God (is) good% and nothing is to be re$#sed i$ it is reei!ed with than'sgi!ing&
1Ti 0:1 $or it is santi$ied by the word o$ God and *rayer"
1Ti 0:3 I$ yo# instr#t the brethren in these things% yo# will be a good minister o$ Jes#s =hrist% no#rished in the
words o$ $aith and o$ the good dotrine whih yo# ha!e are$#lly $ollowed"
1Ti 0:4 B#t re@et *ro$ane and old wi!esA $ables% and e9erise yo#rsel$ toward godliness"
1Ti 0:8 ;or bodily e9erise *ro$its a little% b#t godliness is *ro$itable $or all things% ha!ing *romise o$ the li$e that
now is and o$ that whih is to ome"
1Ti 0:9 This (is) a $aith$#l saying and worthy o$ all ae*tane"
1Ti 0:15 ;or to this (end) we both labor and s#$$er re*roah% bea#se we tr#st in the li!ing God% who is (the)
,a!ior o$ all men% es*eially o$ those who belie!e"
1Ti 0:11 These things ommand and teah"
1Ti 0:12 /et no one des*ise yo#r yo#th% b#t be an e9am*le to the belie!ers in word% in ond#t% in lo!e% in s*irit%
in $aith% in *#rity"
1Ti 0:1- Till I ome% gi!e attention to reading% to e9hortation% to dotrine"
1Ti 0:10 2o not neglet the gi$t that is in yo#% whih was gi!en to yo# by *ro*hey with the laying on o$ the
hands o$ the eldershi*"
1Ti 0:11 ?editate on these things& gi!e yo#rsel$ entirely to them% that yo#r *rogress may be e!ident to all"
1Ti 0:13 Ta'e heed to yo#rsel$ and to the dotrine" =ontin#e in them% $or in doing this yo# will sa!e both yo#rsel$
and those who hear yo#"
1Ti 1:1 2o not reb#'e an older man% b#t e9hort (him) as a $ather% yo#nger men as brothers%
1Ti 1:2 older women as mothers% yo#nger as sisters% with all *#rity"
1Ti 1:- Honor widows who are really widows"
1Ti 1:0 B#t i$ any widow has hildren or grandhildren% let them $irst learn to show *iety at home and to re*ay
their *arents& $or this is good and ae*table be$ore God"
1Ti 1:1 Now she who is really a widow% and le$t alone% tr#sts in God and ontin#es in s#**liations and *rayers
night and day"
1Ti 1:3 B#t she who li!es in *leas#re is dead while she li!es"
1Ti 1:4 +nd these things ommand% that they may be blameless"
1Ti 1:8 B#t i$ anyone does not *ro!ide $or his own% and es*eially $or those o$ his ho#sehold% he has denied the
$aith and is worse than an #nbelie!er"
1Ti 1:9 2o not let a widow #nder si9ty years old be ta'en into the n#mber% (and not #nless) she has been the
wi$e o$ one man%
1Ti 1:15 well re*orted $or good wor's: i$ she has bro#ght #* hildren% i$ she has lodged strangers% i$ she has
washed the saintsA $eet% i$ she has relie!ed the a$$lited% i$ she has diligently $ollowed e!ery good wor'"
1Ti 1:11 B#t re$#se (the) yo#nger widows& $or when they ha!e beg#n to grow wanton against =hrist% they desire
to marry%
1Ti 1:12 ha!ing ondemnation bea#se they ha!e ast o$$ their $irst $aith"
1Ti 1:1- +nd besides they learn (to be) idle% wandering abo#t $rom ho#se to ho#se% and not only idle b#t also
gossi*s and b#sybodies% saying things whih they o#ght not"
1Ti 1:10 There$ore I desire that (the) yo#nger (widows) marry% bear hildren% manage the ho#se% gi!e no
o**ort#nity to the ad!ersary to s*ea' re*roah$#lly"
1Ti 1:11 ;or some ha!e already t#rned aside a$ter ,atan"
1Ti 1:13 I$ any belie!ing man or woman has widows% let them relie!e them% and do not let the h#rh be
b#rdened% that it may relie!e those who are really widows"
1Ti 1:14 /et the elders who r#le well be o#nted worthy o$ do#ble honor% es*eially those who labor in the word
and dotrine"
1Ti 1:18 ;or the ,ri*t#re says% .Bo# shall not m#HHle an o9 while it treads o#t the grain%. and% .The laborer (is)
worthy o$ his wages".
1Ti 1:19 2o not reei!e an a#sation against an elder e9e*t $rom two or three witnesses"
1Ti 1:25 Those who are sinning reb#'e in the *resene o$ all% that the rest also may $ear"
1Ti 1:21 I harge (yo#) be$ore God and the /ord Jes#s =hrist and the elet angels that yo# obser!e these things
witho#t *re@#die% doing nothing with *artiality"
1Ti 1:22 2o not lay hands on anyone hastily% nor share in other *eo*leAs sins& 'ee* yo#rsel$ *#re"
1Ti 1:2- No longer drin' only water% b#t #se a little wine $or yo#r stomahAs sa'e and yo#r $reE#ent in$irmities"
1Ti 1:20 ,ome menAs sins are learly e!ident% *reeding (them) to @#dgment% b#t those o$ some (men) $ollow
1Ti 1:21 /i'ewise% the good wor's (o$ some) are learly e!ident% and those that are otherwise annot be hidden"
1Ti 3:1 /et as many bondser!ants as are #nder the yo'e o#nt their own masters worthy o$ all honor% so that the
name o$ God and (His) dotrine may not be blas*hemed"
1Ti 3:2 +nd those who ha!e belie!ing masters% let them not des*ise (them) bea#se they are brethren% b#t
rather ser!e (them) bea#se those who are bene$ited are belie!ers and belo!ed" Teah and e9hort these things"
1Ti 3:- I$ anyone teahes otherwise and does not onsent to wholesome words% (e!en) the words o$ o#r /ord
Jes#s =hrist% and to the dotrine whih aords with godliness%
1Ti 3:0 he is *ro#d% 'nowing nothing% b#t is obsessed with dis*#tes and arg#ments o!er words% $rom whih
ome en!y% stri$e% re!iling% e!il s#s*iions%
1Ti 3:1 #seless wranglings o$ men o$ orr#*t minds and destit#te o$ the tr#th% who s#**ose that godliness is a
(means o$) gain" ;rom s#h withdraw yo#rsel$"
1Ti 3:3 Now godliness with ontentment is great gain"
1Ti 3:4 ;or we bro#ght nothing into (this) world% (and it is) ertain we an arry nothing o#t"
1Ti 3:8 +nd ha!ing $ood and lothing% with these we shall be ontent"
1Ti 3:9 B#t those who desire to be rih $all into tem*tation and a snare% and (into) many $oolish and harm$#l l#sts
whih drown men in destr#tion and *erdition"
1Ti 3:15 ;or the lo!e o$ money is a root o$ all ('inds o$) e!il% $or whih some ha!e strayed $rom the $aith in their
greediness% and *iered themsel!es thro#gh with many sorrows"
1Ti 3:11 B#t yo#% 8 man o$ God% $lee these things and *#rs#e righteo#sness% godliness% $aith% lo!e% *atiene%
1Ti 3:12 ;ight the good $ight o$ $aith% lay hold on eternal li$e% to whih yo# were also alled and ha!e on$essed
the good on$ession in the *resene o$ many witnesses"
1Ti 3:1- I #rge yo# in the sight o$ God who gi!es li$e to all things% and (be$ore) =hrist Jes#s who witnessed the
good on$ession be$ore <onti#s <ilate%
1Ti 3:10 that yo# 'ee* (this) ommandment witho#t s*ot% blameless #ntil o#r /ord Jes#s =hristAs a**earing%
1Ti 3:11 whih He will mani$est in His own time% (He who is) the blessed and only <otentate% the King o$ 'ings
and /ord o$ lords%
1Ti 3:13 who alone has immortality% dwelling in #na**roahable light% whom no man has seen or an see% to
whom (be) honor and e!erlasting *ower" +men"
1Ti 3:14 =ommand those who are rih in this *resent age not to be ha#ghty% nor to tr#st in #nertain rihes b#t
in the li!ing God% who gi!es #s rihly all things to en@oy"
1Ti 3:18 (/et them) do good% that they be rih in good wor's% ready to gi!e% willing to share%
1Ti 3:19 storing #* $or themsel!es a good $o#ndation $or the time to ome% that they may lay hold on eternal li$e"
1Ti 3:25 8 TimothyF G#ard what was ommitted to yo#r tr#st% a!oiding the *ro$ane (and) idle babblings and
ontraditions o$ what is $alsely alled 'nowledge DD
1Ti 3:21 by *ro$essing it some ha!e strayed onerning the $aith" Grae (be) with yo#" +men"
2Ti 1:1 <a#l% an a*ostle o$ Jes#s =hrist by the will o$ God% aording to the *romise o$ li$e whih is in =hrist
2Ti 1:2 To Timothy% a belo!ed son: Grae% mery% (and) *eae $rom God the ;ather and =hrist Jes#s o#r /ord"
2Ti 1:- I than' God% whom I ser!e with a *#re onsiene% as (my) $ore$athers (did%) as witho#t easing I
remember yo# in my *rayers night and day%
2Ti 1:0 greatly desiring to see yo#% being mind$#l o$ yo#r tears% that I may be $illed with @oy%
2Ti 1:1 when I all to remembrane the gen#ine $aith that is in yo#% whih dwelt $irst in yo#r grandmother /ois
and yo#r mother 6#nie% and I am *ers#aded is in yo# also"
2Ti 1:3 There$ore I remind yo# to stir #* the gi$t o$ God whih is in yo# thro#gh the laying on o$ my hands"
2Ti 1:4 ;or God has not gi!en #s a s*irit o$ $ear% b#t o$ *ower and o$ lo!e and o$ a so#nd mind"
2Ti 1:8 There$ore do not be ashamed o$ the testimony o$ o#r /ord% nor o$ me His *risoner% b#t share with me in
the s#$$erings $or the gos*el aording to the *ower o$ God%
2Ti 1:9 who has sa!ed #s and alled (#s) with a holy alling% not aording to o#r wor's% b#t aording to His
own *#r*ose and grae whih was gi!en to #s in =hrist Jes#s be$ore time began%
2Ti 1:15 b#t has now been re!ealed by the a**earing o$ o#r ,a!ior Jes#s =hrist% (who) has abolished death and
bro#ght li$e and immortality to light thro#gh the gos*el%
2Ti 1:11 to whih I was a**ointed a *reaher% an a*ostle% and a teaher o$ the Gentiles"
2Ti 1:12 ;or this reason I also s#$$er these things& ne!ertheless I am not ashamed% $or I 'now whom I ha!e
belie!ed and am *ers#aded that He is able to 'ee* what I ha!e ommitted to Him #ntil that 2ay"
2Ti 1:1- Hold $ast the *attern o$ so#nd words whih yo# ha!e heard $rom me% in $aith and lo!e whih are in
=hrist Jes#s"
2Ti 1:10 That good thing whih was ommitted to yo#% 'ee* by the Holy ,*irit who dwells in #s"
2Ti 1:11 This yo# 'now% that all those in +sia ha!e t#rned away $rom me% among whom are <hygell#s and
2Ti 1:13 The /ord grant mery to the ho#sehold o$ 8nesi*hor#s% $or he o$ten re$reshed me% and was not
ashamed o$ my hain&
2Ti 1:14 b#t when he arri!ed in :ome% he so#ght me o#t !ery Healo#sly and $o#nd (me")
2Ti 1:18 The /ord grant to him that he may $ind mery $rom the /ord in that 2ay DD and yo# 'now !ery well how
many ways he ministered (to me) at 6*hes#s"
2Ti 2:1 Bo# there$ore% my son% be strong in the grae that is in =hrist Jes#s"
2Ti 2:2 +nd the things that yo# ha!e heard $rom me among many witnesses% ommit these to $aith$#l men who
will be able to teah others also"
2Ti 2:- Bo# there$ore m#st end#re hardshi* as a good soldier o$ Jes#s =hrist"
2Ti 2:0 No one engaged in war$are entangles himsel$ with the a$$airs o$ (this) li$e% that he may *lease him who
enlisted him as a soldier"
2Ti 2:1 +nd also i$ anyone om*etes in athletis% he is not rowned #nless he om*etes aording to the r#les"
2Ti 2:3 The hardDwor'ing $armer m#st be $irst to *arta'e o$ the ro*s"
2Ti 2:4 =onsider what I say% and may the /ord gi!e yo# #nderstanding in all things"
2Ti 2:8 :emember that Jes#s =hrist% o$ the seed o$ 2a!id% was raised $rom the dead aording to my gos*el%
2Ti 2:9 $or whih I s#$$er tro#ble as an e!ildoer% (e!en) to the *oint o$ hains& b#t the word o$ God is not hained"
2Ti 2:15 There$ore I end#re all things $or the sa'e o$ the elet% that they also may obtain the sal!ation whih is in
=hrist Jes#s with eternal glory"
2Ti 2:11 (This is) a $aith$#l saying: ;or i$ we died with (Him%) >e shall also li!e with (Him")
2Ti 2:12 I$ we end#re% >e shall also reign with (Him") I$ we deny (Him%) He also will deny #s"
2Ti 2:1- I$ we are $aithless% He remains $aith$#l& He annot deny Himsel$"
2Ti 2:10 :emind (them) o$ these things% harging (them) be$ore the /ord not to stri!e abo#t words to no *ro$it% to
the r#in o$ the hearers"
2Ti 2:11 Be diligent to *resent yo#rsel$ a**ro!ed to God% a wor'er who does not need to be ashamed% rightly
di!iding the word o$ tr#th"
2Ti 2:13 B#t sh#n *ro$ane (and) idle babblings% $or they will inrease to more #ngodliness"
2Ti 2:14 +nd their message will s*read li'e aner" Hymenae#s and <hilet#s are o$ this sort%
2Ti 2:18 who ha!e strayed onerning the tr#th% saying that the res#rretion is already *ast& and they o!erthrow
the $aith o$ some"
2Ti 2:19 Ne!ertheless the solid $o#ndation o$ God stands% ha!ing this seal: .The /ord 'nows those who are His%.
and% ./et e!eryone who names the name o$ =hrist de*art $rom iniE#ity".
2Ti 2:25 B#t in a great ho#se there are not only !essels o$ gold and sil!er% b#t also o$ wood and lay% some $or
honor and some $or dishonor"
2Ti 2:21 There$ore i$ anyone leanses himsel$ $rom the latter% he will be a !essel $or honor% santi$ied and #se$#l
$or the ?aster% *re*ared $or e!ery good wor'"
2Ti 2:22 ;lee also yo#th$#l l#sts& b#t *#rs#e righteo#sness% $aith% lo!e% *eae with those who all on the /ord
o#t o$ a *#re heart"
2Ti 2:2- B#t a!oid $oolish and ignorant dis*#tes% 'nowing that they generate stri$e"
2Ti 2:20 +nd a ser!ant o$ the /ord m#st not E#arrel b#t be gentle to all% able to teah% *atient%
2Ti 2:21 in h#mility orreting those who are in o**osition% i$ God *erha*s will grant them re*entane% so that
they may 'now the tr#th%
2Ti 2:23 and (that) they may ome to their senses (and esa*e) the snare o$ the de!il% ha!ing been ta'en
a*ti!e by him to (do) his will"
2Ti -:1 B#t 'now this% that in the last days *erilo#s times will ome:
2Ti -:2 ;or men will be lo!ers o$ themsel!es% lo!ers o$ money% boasters% *ro#d% blas*hemers% disobedient to
*arents% #nthan'$#l% #nholy%
2Ti -:- #nlo!ing% #n$orgi!ing% slanderers% witho#t sel$Dontrol% br#tal% des*isers o$ good%
2Ti -:0 traitors% headstrong% ha#ghty% lo!ers o$ *leas#re rather than lo!ers o$ God%
2Ti -:1 ha!ing a $orm o$ godliness b#t denying its *ower" +nd $rom s#h *eo*le t#rn awayF
2Ti -:3 ;or o$ this sort are those who ree* into ho#seholds and ma'e a*ti!es o$ g#llible women loaded down
with sins% led away by !ario#s l#sts%
2Ti -:4 always learning and ne!er able to ome to the 'nowledge o$ the tr#th"
2Ti -:8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted ?oses% so do these also resist the tr#th: men o$ orr#*t minds%
disa**ro!ed onerning the $aith&
2Ti -:9 b#t they will *rogress no $#rther% $or their $olly will be mani$est to all% as theirs also was"
2Ti -:15 B#t yo# ha!e are$#lly $ollowed my dotrine% manner o$ li$e% *#r*ose% $aith% longs#$$ering% lo!e%
2Ti -:11 *erse#tions% a$$litions% whih ha**ened to me at +ntioh% at Ioni#m% at /ystra DD what *erse#tions I
end#red" +nd o#t o$ (them) all the /ord deli!ered me"
2Ti -:12 Bes% and all who desire to li!e godly in =hrist Jes#s will s#$$er *erse#tion"
2Ti -:1- B#t e!il men and im*ostors will grow worse and worse% deei!ing and being deei!ed"
2Ti -:10 B#t yo# m#st ontin#e in the things whih yo# ha!e learned and been ass#red o$% 'nowing $rom whom
yo# ha!e learned (them%)
2Ti -:11 and that $rom hildhood yo# ha!e 'nown the Holy ,ri*t#res% whih are able to ma'e yo# wise $or
sal!ation thro#gh $aith whih is in =hrist Jes#s"
2Ti -:13 +ll ,ri*t#re (is) gi!en by ins*iration o$ God% and (is) *ro$itable $or dotrine% $or re*roo$% $or orretion%
$or instr#tion in righteo#sness%
2Ti -:14 that the man o$ God may be om*lete% thoro#ghly eE#i**ed $or e!ery good wor'"
2Ti 0:1 I harge (yo#) there$ore be$ore God and the /ord Jes#s =hrist% who will @#dge the li!ing and the dead at
His a**earing and His 'ingdom:
2Ti 0:2 <reah the wordF Be ready in season (and) o#t o$ season" =on!ine% reb#'e% e9hort% with all
longs#$$ering and teahing"
2Ti 0:- ;or the time will ome when they will not end#re so#nd dotrine% b#t aording to their own desires%
(bea#se) they ha!e ithing ears% they will hea* #* $or themsel!es teahers&
2Ti 0:0 and they will t#rn (their) ears away $rom the tr#th% and be t#rned aside to $ables"
2Ti 0:1 B#t yo# be wath$#l in all things% end#re a$$litions% do the wor' o$ an e!angelist% $#l$ill yo#r ministry"
2Ti 0:3 ;or I am already being *o#red o#t as a drin' o$$ering% and the time o$ my de*art#re is at hand"
2Ti 0:4 I ha!e $o#ght the good $ight% I ha!e $inished the rae% I ha!e 'e*t the $aith"
2Ti 0:8 ;inally% there is laid #* $or me the rown o$ righteo#sness% whih the /ord% the righteo#s J#dge% will gi!e
to me on that 2ay% and not to me only b#t also to all who ha!e lo!ed His a**earing"
2Ti 0:9 Be diligent to ome to me E#i'ly&
2Ti 0:15 $or 2emas has $orsa'en me% ha!ing lo!ed this *resent world% and has de*arted $or Thessalonia DD
=resens $or Galatia% Tit#s $or 2almatia"
2Ti 0:11 8nly /#'e is with me" Get ?ar' and bring him with yo#% $or he is #se$#l to me $or ministry"
2Ti 0:12 +nd Tyhi#s I ha!e sent to 6*hes#s"
2Ti 0:1- Bring the loa' that I le$t with =ar*#s at Troas when yo# ome DD and the boo's% es*eially the
2Ti 0:10 +le9ander the o**ersmith did me m#h harm" ?ay the /ord re*ay him aording to his wor's"
2Ti 0:11 Bo# also m#st beware o$ him% $or he has greatly resisted o#r words"
2Ti 0:13 +t my $irst de$ense no one stood with me% b#t all $orsoo' me" ?ay it not be harged against them"
2Ti 0:14 B#t the /ord stood with me and strengthened me% so that the message might be *reahed $#lly thro#gh
me% and (that) all the Gentiles might hear" +nd I was deli!ered o#t o$ the mo#th o$ the lion"
2Ti 0:18 +nd the /ord will deli!er me $rom e!ery e!il wor' and *reser!e (me) $or His hea!enly 'ingdom" To Him
(be) glory $ore!er and e!er" +menF
2Ti 0:19 Greet <risa and +E#ila% and the ho#sehold o$ 8nesi*hor#s"
2Ti 0:25 6rast#s stayed in =orinth% b#t Tro*him#s I ha!e le$t in ?ilet#s si'"
2Ti 0:21 2o yo#r #tmost to ome be$ore winter" 6#b#l#s greets yo#% as well as <#dens% /in#s% =la#dia% and all
the brethren"
2Ti 0:22 The /ord Jes#s =hrist be with yo#r s*irit" Grae be with yo#" +men"
Tit 1:1 <a#l% a bondser!ant o$ God and an a*ostle o$ Jes#s =hrist% aording to the $aith o$ GodAs elet and the
a'nowledgment o$ the tr#th whih aords with godliness%
Tit 1:2 in ho*e o$ eternal li$e whih God% who annot lie% *romised be$ore time began%
Tit 1:- b#t has in d#e time mani$ested His word thro#gh *reahing% whih was ommitted to me aording to the
ommandment o$ God o#r ,a!ior&
Tit 1:0 To Tit#s% a tr#e son in (o#r) ommon $aith: Grae% mery% (and) *eae $rom God the ;ather and the /ord
Jes#s =hrist o#r ,a!ior"
Tit 1:1 ;or this reason I le$t yo# in =rete% that yo# sho#ld set in order the things that are la'ing% and a**oint
elders in e!ery ity as I ommanded yo# DD
Tit 1:3 i$ a man is blameless% the h#sband o$ one wi$e% ha!ing $aith$#l hildren not a#sed o$ dissi*ation or
Tit 1:4 ;or a bisho* m#st be blameless% as a steward o$ God% not sel$Dwilled% not E#i'Dtem*ered% not gi!en to
wine% not !iolent% not greedy $or money%
Tit 1:8 b#t hos*itable% a lo!er o$ what is good% soberDminded% @#st% holy% sel$Dontrolled%
Tit 1:9 holding $ast the $aith$#l word as he has been ta#ght% that he may be able% by so#nd dotrine% both to
e9hort and on!it those who ontradit"
Tit 1:15 ;or there are many ins#bordinate% both idle tal'ers and deei!ers% es*eially those o$ the ir#mision%
Tit 1:11 whose mo#ths m#st be sto**ed% who s#b!ert whole ho#seholds% teahing things whih they o#ght not%
$or the sa'e o$ dishonest gain"
Tit 1:12 8ne o$ them% a *ro*het o$ their own% said% .=retans (are) always liars% e!il beasts% laHy gl#ttons".
Tit 1:1- This testimony is tr#e" There$ore reb#'e them shar*ly% that they may be so#nd in the $aith%
Tit 1:10 not gi!ing heed to Jewish $ables and ommandments o$ men who t#rn $rom the tr#th"
Tit 1:11 To the *#re all things are *#re% b#t to those who are de$iled and #nbelie!ing nothing is *#re& b#t e!en
their mind and onsiene are de$iled"
Tit 1:13 They *ro$ess to 'now God% b#t in wor's they deny Him% being abominable% disobedient% and disE#ali$ied
$or e!ery good wor'"
Tit 2:1 B#t as $or yo#% s*ea' the things whih are *ro*er $or so#nd dotrine:
Tit 2:2 that the older men be sober% re!erent% tem*erate% so#nd in $aith% in lo!e% in *atiene&
Tit 2:- the older women li'ewise% that they be re!erent in beha!ior% not slanderers% not gi!en to m#h wine%
teahers o$ good things DD
Tit 2:0 that they admonish the yo#ng women to lo!e their h#sbands% to lo!e their hildren%
Tit 2:1 to be disreet% haste% homema'ers% good% obedient to their own h#sbands% that the word o$ God may not
be blas*hemed"
Tit 2:3 /i'ewise e9hort the yo#ng men to be soberDminded%
Tit 2:4 in all things showing yo#rsel$ (to be) a *attern o$ good wor's& in dotrine (showing) integrity% re!erene%
Tit 2:8 so#nd s*eeh that annot be ondemned% that one who is an o**onent may be ashamed% ha!ing nothing
e!il to say o$ yo#"
Tit 2:9 (69hort) bondser!ants to be obedient to their own masters% to be well *leasing in all (things%) not
answering ba'%
Tit 2:15 not *il$ering% b#t showing all good $idelity% that they may adorn the dotrine o$ God o#r ,a!ior in all
Tit 2:11 ;or the grae o$ God that brings sal!ation has a**eared to all men%
Tit 2:12 teahing #s that% denying #ngodliness and worldly l#sts% we sho#ld li!e soberly% righteo#sly% and godly
in the *resent age%
Tit 2:1- loo'ing $or the blessed ho*e and glorio#s a**earing o$ o#r great God and ,a!ior Jes#s =hrist%
Tit 2:10 who ga!e Himsel$ $or #s% that He might redeem #s $rom e!ery lawless deed and *#ri$y $or Himsel$ (His)
own s*eial *eo*le% Healo#s $or good wor's"
Tit 2:11 ,*ea' these things% e9hort% and reb#'e with all a#thority" /et no one des*ise yo#"
Tit -:1 :emind them to be s#b@et to r#lers and a#thorities% to obey% to be ready $or e!ery good wor'%
Tit -:2 to s*ea' e!il o$ no one% to be *eaeable% gentle% showing all h#mility to all men"
Tit -:- ;or we o#rsel!es were also one $oolish% disobedient% deei!ed% ser!ing !ario#s l#sts and *leas#res%
li!ing in malie and en!y% hate$#l and hating one another"
Tit -:0 B#t when the 'indness and the lo!e o$ God o#r ,a!ior toward man a**eared%
Tit -:1 not by wor's o$ righteo#sness whih we ha!e done% b#t aording to His mery He sa!ed #s% thro#gh the
washing o$ regeneration and renewing o$ the Holy ,*irit%
Tit -:3 whom He *o#red o#t on #s ab#ndantly thro#gh Jes#s =hrist o#r ,a!ior%
Tit -:4 that ha!ing been @#sti$ied by His grae we sho#ld beome heirs aording to the ho*e o$ eternal li$e"
Tit -:8 This is a $aith$#l saying% and these things I want yo# to a$$irm onstantly% that those who ha!e belie!ed in
God sho#ld be are$#l to maintain good wor's" These things are good and *ro$itable to men"
Tit -:9 B#t a!oid $oolish dis*#tes% genealogies% ontentions% and stri!ings abo#t the law& $or they are #n*ro$itable
and #seless"
Tit -:15 :e@et a di!isi!e man a$ter the $irst and seond admonition%
Tit -:11 'nowing that s#h a *erson is war*ed and sinning% being sel$Dondemned"
Tit -:12 >hen I send +rtemas to yo#% or Tyhi#s% be diligent to ome to me at Nio*olis% $or I ha!e deided to
s*end the winter there"
Tit -:1- ,end Genas the lawyer and +*ollos on their @o#rney with haste% that they may la' nothing"
Tit -:10 +nd let o#r (*eo*le) also learn to maintain good wor's% to (meet) #rgent needs% that they may not be
Tit -:11 +ll who (are) with me greet yo#" Greet those who lo!e #s in the $aith" Grae (be) with yo# all" +men"
<hm 1:1 <a#l% a *risoner o$ =hrist Jes#s% and Timothy (o#r) brother% To <hilemon o#r belo!ed ($riend) and $ellow
<hm 1:2 to the belo!ed +**hia% +rhi**#s o#r $ellow soldier% and to the h#rh in yo#r ho#se:
<hm 1:- Grae to yo# and *eae $rom God o#r ;ather and the /ord Jes#s =hrist"
<hm 1:0 I than' my God% ma'ing mention o$ yo# always in my *rayers%
<hm 1:1 hearing o$ yo#r lo!e and $aith whih yo# ha!e toward the /ord Jes#s and toward all the saints%
<hm 1:3 that the sharing o$ yo#r $aith may beome e$$eti!e by the a'nowledgment o$ e!ery good thing whih
is in yo# in =hrist Jes#s"
<hm 1:4 ;or we ha!e great @oy and onsolation in yo#r lo!e% bea#se the hearts o$ the saints ha!e been
re$reshed by yo#% brother"
<hm 1:8 There$ore% tho#gh I might be !ery bold in =hrist to ommand yo# what is $itting%
<hm 1:9 (yet) $or lo!eAs sa'e I rather a**eal (to yo# DD being) s#h a one as <a#l% the aged% and now also a
*risoner o$ Jes#s =hrist DD
<hm 1:15 I a**eal to yo# $or my son 8nesim#s% whom I ha!e begotten (while) in my hains%
<hm 1:11 who one was #n*ro$itable to yo#% b#t now is *ro$itable to yo# and to me"
<hm 1:12 I am sending him ba'" Bo# there$ore reei!e him% that is% my own heart%
<hm 1:1- whom I wished to 'ee* with me% that on yo#r behal$ he might minister to me in my hains $or the
<hm 1:10 B#t witho#t yo#r onsent I wanted to do nothing% that yo#r good deed might not be by om*#lsion% as
it were% b#t !ol#ntary"
<hm 1:11 ;or *erha*s he de*arted $or a while $or this (*#r*ose%) that yo# might reei!e him $ore!er%
<hm 1:13 no longer as a sla!e b#t more than a sla!e DD a belo!ed brother% es*eially to me b#t how m#h more
to yo#% both in the $lesh and in the /ord"
<hm 1:14 I$ then yo# o#nt me as a *artner% reei!e him as (yo# wo#ld) me"
<hm 1:18 B#t i$ he has wronged yo# or owes anything% *#t that on my ao#nt"
<hm 1:19 I% <a#l% am writing with my own hand" I will re*ay DD not to mention to yo# that yo# owe me e!en yo#r
own sel$ besides"
<hm 1:25 Bes% brother% let me ha!e @oy $rom yo# in the /ord& re$resh my heart in the /ord"
<hm 1:21 Ha!ing on$idene in yo#r obediene% I write to yo#% 'nowing that yo# will do e!en more than I say"
<hm 1:22 B#t% meanwhile% also *re*are a g#est room $or me% $or I tr#st that thro#gh yo#r *rayers I shall be
granted to yo#"
<hm 1:2- 6*a*hras% my $ellow *risoner in =hrist Jes#s% greets yo#%
<hm 1:20 (as do) ?ar'% +ristarh#s% 2emas% /#'e% my $ellow laborers"
<hm 1:21 The grae o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist (be) with yo#r s*irit" +men"
Heb 1:1 God% who at !ario#s times and in !ario#s ways s*o'e in time *ast to the $athers by the *ro*hets%
Heb 1:2 has in these last days s*o'en to #s by (His) ,on% whom He has a**ointed heir o$ all things% thro#gh
whom also He made the worlds&
Heb 1:- who being the brightness o$ (His) glory and the e9*ress image o$ His *erson% and #*holding all things
by the word o$ His *ower% when He had by Himsel$ *#rged o#r sins% sat down at the right hand o$ the ?a@esty on
Heb 1:0 ha!ing beome so m#h better than the angels% as He has by inheritane obtained a more e9ellent
name than they"
Heb 1:1 ;or to whih o$ the angels did He e!er say: .Bo# are ?y ,on% Today I ha!e begotten Bo#.C +nd again:
.I will be to Him a ;ather% +nd He shall be to ?e a ,on.C
Heb 1:3 B#t when He again brings the $irstborn into the world% He says: ./et all the angels o$ God worshi* Him".
Heb 1:4 +nd o$ the angels He says: .>ho ma'es His angels s*irits +nd His ministers a $lame o$ $ire".
Heb 1:8 B#t to the ,on (He says:) .Bo#r throne% 8 God% (is) $ore!er and e!er& + se*ter o$ righteo#sness (is) the
se*ter o$ Bo#r Kingdom"
Heb 1:9 Bo# ha!e lo!ed righteo#sness and hated lawlessness& There$ore God% Bo#r God% has anointed Bo#
>ith the oil o$ gladness more than Bo#r om*anions".
Heb 1:15 +nd: .Bo#% /8:2% in the beginning laid the $o#ndation o$ the earth% +nd the hea!ens are the wor' o$
Bo#r hands"
Heb 1:11 They will *erish% b#t Bo# remain& +nd they will all grow old li'e a garment&
Heb 1:12 /i'e a loa' Bo# will $old them #*% +nd they will be hanged" B#t Bo# are the same% +nd Bo#r years
will not $ail".
Heb 1:1- B#t to whih o$ the angels has He e!er said: .,it at ?y right hand% Till I ma'e Bo#r enemies Bo#r
Heb 1:10 +re they not all ministering s*irits sent $orth to minister $or those who will inherit sal!ationC
Heb 2:1 There$ore we m#st gi!e the more earnest heed to the things we ha!e heard% lest we dri$t away"
Heb 2:2 ;or i$ the word s*o'en thro#gh angels *ro!ed stead$ast% and e!ery transgression and disobediene
reei!ed a @#st reward%
Heb 2:- how shall we esa*e i$ we neglet so great a sal!ation% whih at the $irst began to be s*o'en by the
/ord% and was on$irmed to #s by those who heard (Him%)
Heb 2:0 God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders% with !ario#s mirales% and gi$ts o$ the Holy
,*irit% aording to His own willC
Heb 2:1 ;or He has not *#t the world to ome% o$ whih we s*ea'% in s#b@etion to angels"
Heb 2:3 B#t one testi$ied in a ertain *lae% saying: .>hat is man that Bo# are mind$#l o$ him% 8r the son o$ man
that Bo# ta'e are o$ himC
Heb 2:4 Bo# ha!e made him a little lower than the angels& Bo# ha!e rowned him with glory and honor% +nd set
him o!er the wor's o$ Bo#r hands"
Heb 2:8 Bo# ha!e *#t all things in s#b@etion #nder his $eet". ;or in that He *#t all in s#b@etion #nder him% He
le$t nothing (that is) not *#t #nder him" B#t now we do not yet see all things *#t #nder him"
Heb 2:9 B#t we see Jes#s% who was made a little lower than the angels% $or the s#$$ering o$ death rowned with
glory and honor% that He% by the grae o$ God% might taste death $or e!eryone"
Heb 2:15 ;or it was $itting $or Him% $or whom (are) all things and by whom (are) all things% in bringing many sons
to glory% to ma'e the a*tain o$ their sal!ation *er$et thro#gh s#$$erings"
Heb 2:11 ;or both He who santi$ies and those who are being santi$ied (are) all o$ one% $or whih reason He is
not ashamed to all them brethren%
Heb 2:12 saying: .I will delare Bo#r name to ?y brethren& In the midst o$ the assembly I will sing *raise to
Heb 2:1- +nd again: .I will *#t ?y tr#st in Him". +nd again: .Here am I and the hildren whom God has gi!en
Heb 2:10 Inasm#h then as the hildren ha!e *arta'en o$ $lesh and blood% He Himsel$ li'ewise shared in the
same% that thro#gh death He might destroy him who had the *ower o$ death% that is% the de!il%
Heb 2:11 and release those who thro#gh $ear o$ death were all their li$etime s#b@et to bondage"
Heb 2:13 ;or indeed He does not gi!e aid to angels% b#t He does gi!e aid to the seed o$ +braham"
Heb 2:14 There$ore% in all things He had to be made li'e (His) brethren% that He might be a meri$#l and $aith$#l
High <riest in things (*ertaining) to God% to ma'e *ro*itiation $or the sins o$ the *eo*le"
Heb 2:18 ;or in that He Himsel$ has s#$$ered% being tem*ted% He is able to aid those who are tem*ted"
Heb -:1 There$ore% holy brethren% *arta'ers o$ the hea!enly alling% onsider the +*ostle and High <riest o$ o#r
on$ession% =hrist Jes#s%
Heb -:2 who was $aith$#l to Him who a**ointed Him% as ?oses also (was $aith$#l) in all His ho#se"
Heb -:- ;or this 8ne has been o#nted worthy o$ more glory than ?oses% inasm#h as He who b#ilt the ho#se
has more honor than the ho#se"
Heb -:0 ;or e!ery ho#se is b#ilt by someone% b#t He who b#ilt all things (is) God"
Heb -:1 +nd ?oses indeed (was) $aith$#l in all His ho#se as a ser!ant% $or a testimony o$ those things whih
wo#ld be s*o'en (a$terward%)
Heb -:3 b#t =hrist as a ,on o!er His own ho#se% whose ho#se we are i$ we hold $ast the on$idene and the
re@oiing o$ the ho*e $irm to the end"
Heb -:4 There$ore% as the Holy ,*irit says: .Today% i$ yo# will hear His !oie%
Heb -:8 2o not harden yo#r hearts as in the rebellion% In the day o$ trial in the wilderness%
Heb -:9 >here yo#r $athers tested ?e% tried ?e% +nd saw ?y wor's $orty years"
Heb -:15 There$ore I was angry with that generation% +nd said% AThey always go astray in (their) heart% +nd they
ha!e not 'nown ?y ways"A
Heb -:11 ,o I swore in ?y wrath% AThey shall not enter ?y rest"A .
Heb -:12 Beware% brethren% lest there be in any o$ yo# an e!il heart o$ #nbelie$ in de*arting $rom the li!ing God&
Heb -:1- b#t e9hort one another daily% while it is alled .Today%. lest any o$ yo# be hardened thro#gh the
deeit$#lness o$ sin"
Heb -:10 ;or we ha!e beome *arta'ers o$ =hrist i$ we hold the beginning o$ o#r on$idene stead$ast to the
Heb -:11 while it is said: .Today% i$ yo# will hear His !oie% 2o not harden yo#r hearts as in the rebellion".
Heb -:13 ;or who% ha!ing heard% rebelledC Indeed% (was it) not all who ame o#t o$ 6gy*t% (led) by ?osesC
Heb -:14 Now with whom was He angry $orty yearsC (>as it) not with those who sinned% whose or*ses $ell in
the wildernessC
Heb -:18 +nd to whom did He swear that they wo#ld not enter His rest% b#t to those who did not obeyC
Heb -:19 ,o we see that they o#ld not enter in bea#se o$ #nbelie$"
Heb 0:1 There$ore% sine a *romise remains o$ entering His rest% let #s $ear lest any o$ yo# seem to ha!e ome
short o$ it"
Heb 0:2 ;or indeed the gos*el was *reahed to #s as well as to them& b#t the word whih they heard did not
*ro$it them% not being mi9ed with $aith in those who heard (it")
Heb 0:- ;or we who ha!e belie!ed do enter that rest% as He has said: .,o I swore in ?y wrath% AThey shall not
enter ?y rest%A . altho#gh the wor's were $inished $rom the $o#ndation o$ the world"
Heb 0:0 ;or He has s*o'en in a ertain *lae o$ the se!enth (day) in this way: .+nd God rested on the se!enth
day $rom all His wor's.&
Heb 0:1 and again in this (*lae:) .They shall not enter ?y rest".
Heb 0:3 ,ine there$ore it remains that some (m#st) enter it% and those to whom it was $irst *reahed did not
enter bea#se o$ disobediene%
Heb 0:4 again He designates a ertain day% saying in 2a!id% .Today%. a$ter s#h a long time% as it has been said:
.Today% i$ yo# will hear His !oie% 2o not harden yo#r hearts".
Heb 0:8 ;or i$ Josh#a had gi!en them rest% then He wo#ld not a$terward ha!e s*o'en o$ another day"
Heb 0:9 There remains there$ore a rest $or the *eo*le o$ God"
Heb 0:15 ;or he who has entered His rest has himsel$ also eased $rom his wor's as God (did) $rom His"
Heb 0:11 /et #s there$ore be diligent to enter that rest% lest anyone $all aording to the same e9am*le o$
Heb 0:12 ;or the word o$ God (is) li!ing and *ower$#l% and shar*er than any twoDedged sword% *iering e!en to
the di!ision o$ so#l and s*irit% and o$ @oints and marrow% and is a diserner o$ the tho#ghts and intents o$ the
Heb 0:1- +nd there is no reat#re hidden $rom His sight% b#t all things (are) na'ed and o*en to the eyes o$ Him
to whom we (m#st gi!e) ao#nt"
Heb 0:10 ,eeing then that we ha!e a great High <riest who has *assed thro#gh the hea!ens% Jes#s the ,on o$
God% let #s hold $ast (o#r) on$ession"
Heb 0:11 ;or we do not ha!e a High <riest who annot sym*athiHe with o#r wea'nesses% b#t was in all (*oints)
tem*ted as (we are% yet) witho#t sin"
Heb 0:13 /et #s there$ore ome boldly to the throne o$ grae% that we may obtain mery and $ind grae to hel*
in time o$ need"
Heb 1:1 ;or e!ery high *riest ta'en $rom among men is a**ointed $or men in things (*ertaining) to God% that he
may o$$er both gi$ts and sari$ies $or sins"
Heb 1:2 He an ha!e om*assion on those who are ignorant and going astray% sine he himsel$ is also s#b@et
to wea'ness"
Heb 1:- Bea#se o$ this he is reE#ired as $or the *eo*le% so also $or himsel$% to o$$er (sari$ies) $or sins"
Heb 1:0 +nd no man ta'es this honor to himsel$% b#t he who is alled by God% @#st as +aron (was")
Heb 1:1 ,o also =hrist did not glori$y Himsel$ to beome High <riest% (b#t it) was He who said to Him: .Bo# are
?y ,on% Today I ha!e begotten Bo#".
Heb 1:3 +s (He) also (says) in another (*lae:) .Bo# (are) a *riest $ore!er +ording to the order o$
Heb 1:4 who% in the days o$ His $lesh% when He had o$$ered #* *rayers and s#**liations% with !ehement ries
and tears to Him who was able to sa!e Him $rom death% and was heard bea#se o$ His godly $ear%
Heb 1:8 tho#gh He was a ,on% (yet) He learned obediene by the things whih He s#$$ered"
Heb 1:9 +nd ha!ing been *er$eted% He beame the a#thor o$ eternal sal!ation to all who obey Him%
Heb 1:15 alled by God as High <riest .aording to the order o$ ?elhiHede'%.
Heb 1:11 o$ whom we ha!e m#h to say% and hard to e9*lain% sine yo# ha!e beome d#ll o$ hearing"
Heb 1:12 ;or tho#gh by this time yo# o#ght to be teahers% yo# need (someone) to teah yo# again the $irst
*rini*les o$ the orales o$ God& and yo# ha!e ome to need mil' and not solid $ood"
Heb 1:1- ;or e!eryone who *arta'es (only) o$ mil' (is) #ns'illed in the word o$ righteo#sness% $or he is a babe"
Heb 1:10 B#t solid $ood belongs to those who are o$ $#ll age% (that is%) those who by reason o$ #se ha!e their
senses e9erised to disern both good and e!il"
Heb 3:1 There$ore% lea!ing the dis#ssion o$ the elementary (*rini*les) o$ =hrist% let #s go on to *er$etion% not
laying again the $o#ndation o$ re*entane $rom dead wor's and o$ $aith toward God%
Heb 3:2 o$ the dotrine o$ ba*tisms% o$ laying on o$ hands% o$ res#rretion o$ the dead% and o$ eternal @#dgment"
Heb 3:- +nd this we will do i$ God *ermits"
Heb 3:0 ;or (it is) im*ossible $or those who were one enlightened% and ha!e tasted the hea!enly gi$t% and ha!e
beome *arta'ers o$ the Holy ,*irit%
Heb 3:1 and ha!e tasted the good word o$ God and the *owers o$ the age to ome%
Heb 3:3 i$ they $all away% to renew them again to re*entane% sine they r#i$y again $or themsel!es the ,on o$
God% and *#t (Him) to an o*en shame"
Heb 3:4 ;or the earth whih drin's in the rain that o$ten omes #*on it% and bears herbs #se$#l $or those by
whom it is #lti!ated% reei!es blessing $rom God&
Heb 3:8 b#t i$ it bears thorns and briars% (it is) re@eted and near to being #rsed% whose end (is) to be b#rned"
Heb 3:9 B#t% belo!ed% we are on$ident o$ better things onerning yo#% yes% things that aom*any sal!ation%
tho#gh we s*ea' in this manner"
Heb 3:15 ;or God (is) not #n@#st to $orget yo#r wor' and labor o$ lo!e whih yo# ha!e shown toward His name%
(in that) yo# ha!e ministered to the saints% and do minister"
Heb 3:11 +nd we desire that eah one o$ yo# show the same diligene to the $#ll ass#rane o$ ho*e #ntil the
Heb 3:12 that yo# do not beome sl#ggish% b#t imitate those who thro#gh $aith and *atiene inherit the
Heb 3:1- ;or when God made a *romise to +braham% bea#se He o#ld swear by no one greater% He swore by
Heb 3:10 saying% .,#rely blessing I will bless yo#% and m#lti*lying I will m#lti*ly yo#".
Heb 3:11 +nd so% a$ter he had *atiently end#red% he obtained the *romise"
Heb 3:13 ;or men indeed swear by the greater% and an oath $or on$irmation (is) $or them an end o$ all dis*#te"
Heb 3:14 Th#s God% determining to show more ab#ndantly to the heirs o$ *romise the imm#tability o$ His
o#nsel% on$irmed (it) by an oath%
Heb 3:18 that by two imm#table things% in whih it (is) im*ossible $or God to lie% we might ha!e strong
onsolation% who ha!e $led $or re$#ge to lay hold o$ the ho*e set be$ore (#s")
Heb 3:19 This (ho*e) we ha!e as an anhor o$ the so#l% both s#re and stead$ast% and whih enters the <resene
(behind) the !eil%
Heb 3:25 where the $orer#nner has entered $or #s% (e!en) Jes#s% ha!ing beome High <riest $ore!er aording
to the order o$ ?elhiHede'"
Heb 4:1 ;or this ?elhiHede'% 'ing o$ ,alem% *riest o$ the ?ost High God% who met +braham ret#rning $rom the
sla#ghter o$ the 'ings and blessed him%
Heb 4:2 to whom also +braham ga!e a tenth *art o$ all% $irst being translated .'ing o$ righteo#sness%. and then
also 'ing o$ ,alem% meaning .'ing o$ *eae%.
Heb 4:- witho#t $ather% witho#t mother% witho#t genealogy% ha!ing neither beginning o$ days nor end o$ li$e% b#t
made li'e the ,on o$ God% remains a *riest ontin#ally"
Heb 4:0 Now onsider how great this man (was%) to whom e!en the *atriarh +braham ga!e a tenth o$ the
Heb 4:1 +nd indeed those who are o$ the sons o$ /e!i% who reei!e the *riesthood% ha!e a ommandment to
reei!e tithes $rom the *eo*le aording to the law% that is% $rom their brethren% tho#gh they ha!e ome $rom the
loins o$ +braham&
Heb 4:3 b#t he whose genealogy is not deri!ed $rom them reei!ed tithes $rom +braham and blessed him who
had the *romises"
Heb 4:4 Now beyond all ontradition the lesser is blessed by the better"
Heb 4:8 Here mortal men reei!e tithes% b#t there he (reei!es them%) o$ whom it is witnessed that he li!es"
Heb 4:9 6!en /e!i% who reei!es tithes% *aid tithes thro#gh +braham% so to s*ea'%
Heb 4:15 $or he was still in the loins o$ his $ather when ?elhiHede' met him"
Heb 4:11 There$ore% i$ *er$etion were thro#gh the /e!itial *riesthood I$or #nder it the *eo*le reei!ed the lawJ%
what $#rther need (was there) that another *riest sho#ld rise aording to the order o$ ?elhiHede'% and not be
alled aording to the order o$ +aronC
Heb 4:12 ;or the *riesthood being hanged% o$ neessity there is also a hange o$ the law"
Heb 4:1- ;or He o$ whom these things are s*o'en belongs to another tribe% $rom whih no man has o$$iiated at
the altar"
Heb 4:10 ;or (it is) e!ident that o#r /ord arose $rom J#dah% o$ whih tribe ?oses s*o'e nothing onerning
Heb 4:11 +nd it is yet $ar more e!ident i$% in the li'eness o$ ?elhiHede'% there arises another *riest
Heb 4:13 who has ome% not aording to the law o$ a $leshly ommandment% b#t aording to the *ower o$ an
endless li$e"
Heb 4:14 ;or He testi$ies: .Bo# (are) a *riest $ore!er +ording to the order o$ ?elhiHede'".
Heb 4:18 ;or on the one hand there is an ann#lling o$ the $ormer ommandment bea#se o$ its wea'ness and
Heb 4:19 $or the law made nothing *er$et& on the other hand% (there is the) bringing in o$ a better ho*e% thro#gh
whih we draw near to God"
Heb 4:25 +nd inasm#h as (He was) not (made *riest) witho#t an oath
Heb 4:21 I$or they ha!e beome *riests witho#t an oath% b#t He with an oath by Him who said to Him: .The
/8:2 has sworn +nd will not relent% ABo# (are) a *riest $ore!er +ording to the order o$ ?elhiHede'A .J%
Heb 4:22 by so m#h more Jes#s has beome a s#rety o$ a better o!enant"
Heb 4:2- +lso there were many *riests% bea#se they were *re!ented by death $rom ontin#ing"
Heb 4:20 B#t He% bea#se He ontin#es $ore!er% has an #nhangeable *riesthood"
Heb 4:21 There$ore He is also able to sa!e to the #ttermost those who ome to God thro#gh Him% sine He
always li!es to ma'e interession $or them"
Heb 4:23 ;or s#h a High <riest was $itting $or #s% (who is) holy% harmless% #nde$iled% se*arate $rom sinners% and
has beome higher than the hea!ens&
Heb 4:24 who does not need daily% as those high *riests% to o$$er #* sari$ies% $irst $or His own sins and then $or
the *eo*leAs% $or this He did one $or all when He o$$ered #* Himsel$"
Heb 4:28 ;or the law a**oints as high *riests men who ha!e wea'ness% b#t the word o$ the oath% whih ame
a$ter the law% (a**oints) the ,on who has been *er$eted $ore!er"
Heb 8:1 Now (this is) the main *oint o$ the things we are saying: >e ha!e s#h a High <riest% who is seated at
the right hand o$ the throne o$ the ?a@esty in the hea!ens%
Heb 8:2 a ?inister o$ the sant#ary and o$ the tr#e tabernale whih the /ord ereted% and not man"
Heb 8:- ;or e!ery high *riest is a**ointed to o$$er both gi$ts and sari$ies" There$ore (it is) neessary that this
8ne also ha!e something to o$$er"
Heb 8:0 ;or i$ He were on earth% He wo#ld not be a *riest% sine there are *riests who o$$er the gi$ts aording
to the law&
Heb 8:1 who ser!e the o*y and shadow o$ the hea!enly things% as ?oses was di!inely instr#ted when he was
abo#t to ma'e the tabernale" ;or He said% .,ee (that) yo# ma'e all things aording to the *attern shown yo#
on the mo#ntain".
Heb 8:3 B#t now He has obtained a more e9ellent ministry% inasm#h as He is also ?ediator o$ a better
o!enant% whih was established on better *romises"
Heb 8:4 ;or i$ that $irst (o!enant) had been $a#ltless% then no *lae wo#ld ha!e been so#ght $or a seond"
Heb 8:8 Bea#se $inding $a#lt with them% He says: .Behold% the days are oming% says the /8:2% when I will
ma'e a new o!enant with the ho#se o$ Israel and with the ho#se o$ J#dah DD
Heb 8:9 .not aording to the o!enant that I made with their $athers in the day when I too' them by the hand to
lead them o#t o$ the land o$ 6gy*t& bea#se they did not ontin#e in ?y o!enant% and I disregarded them% says
the /8:2"
Heb 8:15 .;or this (is) the o!enant that I will ma'e with the ho#se o$ Israel a$ter those days% says the /8:2: I
will *#t ?y laws in their mind and write them on their hearts& and I will be their God% and they shall be ?y *eo*le"
Heb 8:11 .None o$ them shall teah his neighbor% and none his brother% saying% AKnow the /8:2%A $or all shall
'now ?e% $rom the least o$ them to the greatest o$ them"
Heb 8:12 .;or I will be meri$#l to their #nrighteo#sness% and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember
no more".
Heb 8:1- In that He says% .+ new (o!enant%.) He has made the $irst obsolete" Now what is beoming obsolete
and growing old is ready to !anish away"
Heb 9:1 Then indeed% e!en the $irst (o!enant) had ordinanes o$ di!ine ser!ie and the earthly sant#ary"
Heb 9:2 ;or a tabernale was *re*ared: the $irst (*art%) in whih (was) the lam*stand% the table% and the
showbread% whih is alled the sant#ary&
Heb 9:- and behind the seond !eil% the *art o$ the tabernale whih is alled the Holiest o$ +ll%
Heb 9:0 whih had the golden enser and the ar' o$ the o!enant o!erlaid on all sides with gold% in whih (were)
the golden *ot that had the manna% +aronAs rod that b#dded% and the tablets o$ the o!enant&
Heb 9:1 and abo!e it were the her#bim o$ glory o!ershadowing the mery seat" 8$ these things we annot now
s*ea' in detail"
Heb 9:3 Now when these things had been th#s *re*ared% the *riests always went into the $irst *art o$ the
tabernale% *er$orming (the ser!ies")
Heb 9:4 B#t into the seond *art the high *riest (went) alone one a year% not witho#t blood% whih he o$$ered $or
himsel$ and ($or) the *eo*leAs sins (ommitted) in ignorane&
Heb 9:8 the Holy ,*irit indiating this% that the way into the Holiest o$ +ll was not yet made mani$est while the
$irst tabernale was still standing"
Heb 9:9 It (was) symboli $or the *resent time in whih both gi$ts and sari$ies are o$$ered whih annot ma'e
him who *er$ormed the ser!ie *er$et in regard to the onsiene DD
Heb 9:15 (onerned) only with $oods and drin's% !ario#s washings% and $leshly ordinanes im*osed #ntil the
time o$ re$ormation"
Heb 9:11 B#t =hrist ame (as) High <riest o$ the good things to ome% with the greater and more *er$et
tabernale not made with hands% that is% not o$ this reation"
Heb 9:12 Not with the blood o$ goats and al!es% b#t with His own blood He entered the ?ost Holy <lae one
$or all% ha!ing obtained eternal redem*tion"
Heb 9:1- ;or i$ the blood o$ b#lls and goats and the ashes o$ a hei$er% s*rin'ling the #nlean% santi$ies $or the
*#ri$ying o$ the $lesh%
Heb 9:10 how m#h more shall the blood o$ =hrist% who thro#gh the eternal ,*irit o$$ered Himsel$ witho#t s*ot to
God% leanse yo#r onsiene $rom dead wor's to ser!e the li!ing GodC
Heb 9:11 +nd $or this reason He is the ?ediator o$ the new o!enant% by means o$ death% $or the redem*tion o$
the transgressions #nder the $irst o!enant% that those who are alled may reei!e the *romise o$ the eternal
Heb 9:13 ;or where there (is) a testament% there m#st also o$ neessity be the death o$ the testator"
Heb 9:14 ;or a testament (is) in $ore a$ter men are dead% sine it has no *ower at all while the testator li!es"
Heb 9:18 There$ore not e!en the $irst (o!enant) was dediated witho#t blood"
Heb 9:19 ;or when ?oses had s*o'en e!ery *ree*t to all the *eo*le aording to the law% he too' the blood o$
al!es and goats% with water% sarlet wool% and hysso*% and s*rin'led both the boo' itsel$ and all the *eo*le%
Heb 9:25 saying% .This (is) the blood o$ the o!enant whih God has ommanded yo#".
Heb 9:21 Then li'ewise he s*rin'led with blood both the tabernale and all the !essels o$ the ministry"
Heb 9:22 +nd aording to the law almost all things are *#ri$ied with blood% and witho#t shedding o$ blood there
is no remission"
Heb 9:2- There$ore (it was) neessary that the o*ies o$ the things in the hea!ens sho#ld be *#ri$ied with these%
b#t the hea!enly things themsel!es with better sari$ies than these"
Heb 9:20 ;or =hrist has not entered the holy *laes made with hands% (whih are) o*ies o$ the tr#e% b#t into
hea!en itsel$% now to a**ear in the *resene o$ God $or #s&
Heb 9:21 not that He sho#ld o$$er Himsel$ o$ten% as the high *riest enters the ?ost Holy <lae e!ery year with
blood o$ another DD
Heb 9:23 He then wo#ld ha!e had to s#$$er o$ten sine the $o#ndation o$ the world& b#t now% one at the end o$
the ages% He has a**eared to *#t away sin by the sari$ie o$ Himsel$"
Heb 9:24 +nd as it is a**ointed $or men to die one% b#t a$ter this the @#dgment%
Heb 9:28 so =hrist was o$$ered one to bear the sins o$ many" To those who eagerly wait $or Him He will a**ear
a seond time% a*art $rom sin% $or sal!ation"
Heb 15:1 ;or the law% ha!ing a shadow o$ the good things to ome% (and) not the !ery image o$ the things% an
ne!er with these same sari$ies% whih they o$$er ontin#ally year by year% ma'e those who a**roah *er$et"
Heb 15:2 ;or then wo#ld they not ha!e eased to be o$$eredC ;or the worshi*ers% one *#ri$ied% wo#ld ha!e had
no more onsio#sness o$ sins"
Heb 15:- B#t in those (sari$ies there is) a reminder o$ sins e!ery year"
Heb 15:0 ;or (it is) not *ossible that the blood o$ b#lls and goats o#ld ta'e away sins"
Heb 15:1 There$ore% when He ame into the world% He said: .,ari$ie and o$$ering Bo# did not desire% B#t a
body Bo# ha!e *re*ared $or ?e"
Heb 15:3 In b#rnt o$$erings and (sari$ies) $or sin Bo# had no *leas#re"
Heb 15:4 Then I said% ABehold% I ha!e ome DD In the !ol#me o$ the boo' it is written o$ ?e DD To do Bo#r will% 8
God"A .
Heb 15:8 <re!io#sly saying% .,ari$ie and o$$ering% b#rnt o$$erings% and (o$$erings) $or sin Bo# did not desire%
nor had *leas#re (in them.) Iwhih are o$$ered aording to the lawJ%
Heb 15:9 then He said% .Behold% I ha!e ome to do Bo#r will% 8 God". He ta'es away the $irst that He may
establish the seond"
Heb 15:15 By that will we ha!e been santi$ied thro#gh the o$$ering o$ the body o$ Jes#s =hrist one ($or all")
Heb 15:11 +nd e!ery *riest stands ministering daily and o$$ering re*eatedly the same sari$ies% whih an
ne!er ta'e away sins"
Heb 15:12 B#t this ?an% a$ter He had o$$ered one sari$ie $or sins $ore!er% sat down at the right hand o$ God%
Heb 15:1- $rom that time waiting till His enemies are made His $ootstool"
Heb 15:10 ;or by one o$$ering He has *er$eted $ore!er those who are being santi$ied"
Heb 15:11 B#t the Holy ,*irit also witnesses to #s& $or a$ter He had said be$ore%
Heb 15:13 .This (is) the o!enant that I will ma'e with them a$ter those days% says the /8:2: I will *#t ?y laws
into their hearts% and in their minds I will write them%.
Heb 15:14 (then He adds%) .Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more".
Heb 15:18 Now where there is remission o$ these% (there is) no longer an o$$ering $or sin"
Heb 15:19 There$ore% brethren% ha!ing boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood o$ Jes#s%
Heb 15:25 by a new and li!ing way whih He onserated $or #s% thro#gh the !eil% that is% His $lesh%
Heb 15:21 and (ha!ing) a High <riest o!er the ho#se o$ God%
Heb 15:22 let #s draw near with a tr#e heart in $#ll ass#rane o$ $aith% ha!ing o#r hearts s*rin'led $rom an e!il
onsiene and o#r bodies washed with *#re water"
Heb 15:2- /et #s hold $ast the on$ession o$ (o#r) ho*e witho#t wa!ering% $or He who *romised (is) $aith$#l"
Heb 15:20 +nd let #s onsider one another in order to stir #* lo!e and good wor's%
Heb 15:21 not $orsa'ing the assembling o$ o#rsel!es together% as (is) the manner o$ some% b#t e9horting (one
another%) and so m#h the more as yo# see the 2ay a**roahing"
Heb 15:23 ;or i$ we sin will$#lly a$ter we ha!e reei!ed the 'nowledge o$ the tr#th% there no longer remains a
sari$ie $or sins%
Heb 15:24 b#t a ertain $ear$#l e9*etation o$ @#dgment% and $iery indignation whih will de!o#r the ad!ersaries"
Heb 15:28 +nyone who has re@eted ?osesA law dies witho#t mery on the testimony o$ two or three witnesses"
Heb 15:29 8$ how m#h worse *#nishment% do yo# s#**ose% will he be tho#ght worthy who has tram*led the
,on o$ God #nder$oot% o#nted the blood o$ the o!enant by whih he was santi$ied a ommon thing% and
ins#lted the ,*irit o$ graeC
Heb 15:-5 ;or we 'now Him who said% .Vengeane is ?ine% I will re*ay%. says the /ord" +nd again% .The /8:2
will @#dge His *eo*le".
Heb 15:-1 It is a $ear$#l thing to $all into the hands o$ the li!ing God"
Heb 15:-2 B#t reall the $ormer days in whih% a$ter yo# were ill#minated% yo# end#red a great str#ggle with
Heb 15:-- *artly while yo# were made a s*etale both by re*roahes and trib#lations% and *artly while yo#
beame om*anions o$ those who were so treated&
Heb 15:-0 $or yo# had om*assion on me in my hains% and @oy$#lly ae*ted the *l#ndering o$ yo#r goods%
'nowing that yo# ha!e a better and an end#ring *ossession $or yo#rsel!es in hea!en"
Heb 15:-1 There$ore do not ast away yo#r on$idene% whih has great reward"
Heb 15:-3 ;or yo# ha!e need o$ end#rane% so that a$ter yo# ha!e done the will o$ God% yo# may reei!e the
Heb 15:-4 .;or yet a little while% (+nd) He who is oming will ome and will not tarry"
Heb 15:-8 Now the @#st shall li!e by $aith& B#t i$ (anyone) draws ba'% ?y so#l has no *leas#re in him".
Heb 15:-9 B#t we are not o$ those who draw ba' to *erdition% b#t o$ those who belie!e to the sa!ing o$ the
Heb 11:1 Now $aith is the s#bstane o$ things ho*ed $or% the e!idene o$ things not seen"
Heb 11:2 ;or by it the elders obtained a (good) testimony"
Heb 11:- By $aith we #nderstand that the worlds were $ramed by the word o$ God% so that the things whih are
seen were not made o$ things whih are !isible"
Heb 11:0 By $aith +bel o$$ered to God a more e9ellent sari$ie than =ain% thro#gh whih he obtained witness
that he was righteo#s% God testi$ying o$ his gi$ts& and thro#gh it he being dead still s*ea's"
Heb 11:1 By $aith 6noh was ta'en away so that he did not see death% .and was not $o#nd% bea#se God had
ta'en him.& $or be$ore he was ta'en he had this testimony% that he *leased God"
Heb 11:3 B#t witho#t $aith (it is) im*ossible to *lease (Him%) $or he who omes to God m#st belie!e that He is%
and (that) He is a rewarder o$ those who diligently see' Him"
Heb 11:4 By $aith Noah% being di!inely warned o$ things not yet seen% mo!ed with godly $ear% *re*ared an ar'
$or the sa!ing o$ his ho#sehold% by whih he ondemned the world and beame heir o$ the righteo#sness whih
is aording to $aith"
Heb 11:8 By $aith +braham obeyed when he was alled to go o#t to the *lae whih he wo#ld reei!e as an
inheritane" +nd he went o#t% not 'nowing where he was going"
Heb 11:9 By $aith he dwelt in the land o$ *romise as (in) a $oreign o#ntry% dwelling in tents with Isaa and
Jaob% the heirs with him o$ the same *romise&
Heb 11:15 $or he waited $or the ity whih has $o#ndations% whose b#ilder and ma'er (is) God"
Heb 11:11 By $aith ,arah hersel$ also reei!ed strength to onei!e seed% and she bore a hild when she was
*ast the age% bea#se she @#dged Him $aith$#l who had *romised"
Heb 11:12 There$ore $rom one man% and him as good as dead% were born (as many) as the stars o$ the s'y in
m#ltit#de DD inn#merable as the sand whih is by the seashore"
Heb 11:1- These all died in $aith% not ha!ing reei!ed the *romises% b#t ha!ing seen them a$ar o$$ were ass#red
o$ them% embraed (them) and on$essed that they were strangers and *ilgrims on the earth"
Heb 11:10 ;or those who say s#h things delare *lainly that they see' a homeland"
Heb 11:11 +nd tr#ly i$ they had alled to mind that (o#ntry) $rom whih they had ome o#t% they wo#ld ha!e had
o**ort#nity to ret#rn"
Heb 11:13 B#t now they desire a better% that is% a hea!enly (o#ntry") There$ore God is not ashamed to be alled
their God% $or He has *re*ared a ity $or them"
Heb 11:14 By $aith +braham% when he was tested% o$$ered #* Isaa% and he who had reei!ed the *romises
o$$ered #* his only begotten (son%)
Heb 11:18 o$ whom it was said% .In Isaa yo#r seed shall be alled%.
Heb 11:19 onl#ding that God (was) able to raise (him) #*% e!en $rom the dead% $rom whih he also reei!ed
him in a $ig#rati!e sense"
Heb 11:25 By $aith Isaa blessed Jaob and 6sa# onerning things to ome"
Heb 11:21 By $aith Jaob% when he was dying% blessed eah o$ the sons o$ Jose*h% and worshi*ed% (leaning) on
the to* o$ his sta$$"
Heb 11:22 By $aith Jose*h% when he was dying% made mention o$ the de*art#re o$ the hildren o$ Israel% and
ga!e instr#tions onerning his bones"
Heb 11:2- By $aith ?oses% when he was born% was hidden three months by his *arents% bea#se they saw (he
was) a bea#ti$#l hild& and they were not a$raid o$ the 'ingAs ommand"
Heb 11:20 By $aith ?oses% when he beame o$ age% re$#sed to be alled the son o$ <haraohAs da#ghter%
Heb 11:21 hoosing rather to s#$$er a$$lition with the *eo*le o$ God than to en@oy the *assing *leas#res o$ sin%
Heb 11:23 esteeming the re*roah o$ =hrist greater rihes than the treas#res in 6gy*t& $or he loo'ed to the
Heb 11:24 By $aith he $orsoo' 6gy*t% not $earing the wrath o$ the 'ing& $or he end#red as seeing Him who is
Heb 11:28 By $aith he 'e*t the <asso!er and the s*rin'ling o$ blood% lest he who destroyed the $irstborn sho#ld
to#h them"
Heb 11:29 By $aith they *assed thro#gh the :ed ,ea as by dry (land% whereas) the 6gy*tians% attem*ting (to do)
so% were drowned"
Heb 11:-5 By $aith the walls o$ Jeriho $ell down a$ter they were enirled $or se!en days"
Heb 11:-1 By $aith the harlot :ahab did not *erish with those who did not belie!e% when she had reei!ed the
s*ies with *eae"
Heb 11:-2 +nd what more shall I sayC ;or the time wo#ld $ail me to tell o$ Gideon and Bara' and ,amson and
Je*hthah% also (o$) 2a!id and ,am#el and the *ro*hets:
Heb 11:-- who thro#gh $aith s#bd#ed 'ingdoms% wor'ed righteo#sness% obtained *romises% sto**ed the mo#ths
o$ lions%
Heb 11:-0 E#enhed the !iolene o$ $ire% esa*ed the edge o$ the sword% o#t o$ wea'ness were made strong%
beame !aliant in battle% t#rned to $light the armies o$ the aliens"
Heb 11:-1 >omen reei!ed their dead raised to li$e again" +nd others were tort#red% not ae*ting deli!erane%
that they might obtain a better res#rretion"
Heb 11:-3 ,till others had trial o$ mo'ings and so#rgings% yes% and o$ hains and im*risonment"
Heb 11:-4 They were stoned% they were sawn in two% were tem*ted% were slain with the sword" They wandered
abo#t in shee*s'ins and goats'ins% being destit#te% a$$lited% tormented DD
Heb 11:-8 o$ whom the world was not worthy" They wandered in deserts and mo#ntains% (in) dens and a!es o$
the earth"
Heb 11:-9 +nd all these% ha!ing obtained a good testimony thro#gh $aith% did not reei!e the *romise%
Heb 11:05 God ha!ing *ro!ided something better $or #s% that they sho#ld not be made *er$et a*art $rom #s"
Heb 12:1 There$ore we also% sine we are s#rro#nded by so great a lo#d o$ witnesses% let #s lay aside e!ery
weight% and the sin whih so easily ensnares (#s%) and let #s r#n with end#rane the rae that is set be$ore #s%
Heb 12:2 loo'ing #nto Jes#s% the a#thor and $inisher o$ (o#r) $aith% who $or the @oy that was set be$ore Him
end#red the ross% des*ising the shame% and has sat down at the right hand o$ the throne o$ God"
Heb 12:- ;or onsider Him who end#red s#h hostility $rom sinners against Himsel$% lest yo# beome weary
and diso#raged in yo#r so#ls"
Heb 12:0 Bo# ha!e not yet resisted to bloodshed% stri!ing against sin"
Heb 12:1 +nd yo# ha!e $orgotten the e9hortation whih s*ea's to yo# as to sons: .?y son% do not des*ise the
hastening o$ the /8:2% Nor be diso#raged when yo# are reb#'ed by Him&
Heb 12:3 ;or whom the /8:2 lo!es He hastens% +nd so#rges e!ery son whom He reei!es".
Heb 12:4 I$ yo# end#re hastening% God deals with yo# as with sons& $or what son is there whom a $ather does
not hastenC
Heb 12:8 B#t i$ yo# are witho#t hastening% o$ whih all ha!e beome *arta'ers% then yo# are illegitimate and
not sons"
Heb 12:9 ;#rthermore% we ha!e had h#man $athers who orreted (#s%) and we *aid (them) res*et" ,hall we
not m#h more readily be in s#b@etion to the ;ather o$ s*irits and li!eC
Heb 12:15 ;or they indeed $or a $ew days hastened (#s) as seemed (best) to them% b#t He $or (o#r) *ro$it% that
(we) may be *arta'ers o$ His holiness"
Heb 12:11 Now no hastening seems to be @oy$#l $or the *resent% b#t *ain$#l& ne!ertheless% a$terward it yields
the *eaeable $r#it o$ righteo#sness to those who ha!e been trained by it"
Heb 12:12 There$ore strengthen the hands whih hang down% and the $eeble 'nees%
Heb 12:1- and ma'e straight *aths $or yo#r $eet% so that what is lame may not be (disloated%) b#t rather be
Heb 12:10 <#rs#e *eae with all (*eo*le%) and holiness% witho#t whih no one will see the /ord:
Heb 12:11 loo'ing are$#lly lest anyone $all short o$ the grae o$ God& lest any root o$ bitterness s*ringing #*
a#se tro#ble% and by this many beome de$iled&
Heb 12:13 lest there (be) any $orniator or *ro$ane *erson li'e 6sa#% who $or one morsel o$ $ood sold his
Heb 12:14 ;or yo# 'now that a$terward% when he wanted to inherit the blessing% he was re@eted% $or he $o#nd
no *lae $or re*entane% tho#gh he so#ght it diligently with tears"
Heb 12:18 ;or yo# ha!e not ome to the mo#ntain that may be to#hed and that b#rned with $ire% and to
bla'ness and dar'ness and tem*est%
Heb 12:19 and the so#nd o$ a tr#m*et and the !oie o$ words% so that those who heard (it) begged that the word
sho#ld not be s*o'en to them anymore"
Heb 12:25 I;or they o#ld not end#re what was ommanded: .+nd i$ so m#h as a beast to#hes the mo#ntain%
it shall be stoned or shot with an arrow".
Heb 12:21 +nd so terri$ying was the sight (that) ?oses said% .I am e9eedingly a$raid and trembling".J
Heb 12:22 B#t yo# ha!e ome to ?o#nt Gion and to the ity o$ the li!ing God% the hea!enly Jer#salem% to an
inn#merable om*any o$ angels%
Heb 12:2- to the general assembly and h#rh o$ the $irstborn (who are) registered in hea!en% to God the J#dge
o$ all% to the s*irits o$ @#st men made *er$et%
Heb 12:20 to Jes#s the ?ediator o$ the new o!enant% and to the blood o$ s*rin'ling that s*ea's better things
than (that o$) +bel"
Heb 12:21 ,ee that yo# do not re$#se Him who s*ea's" ;or i$ they did not esa*e who re$#sed Him who s*o'e
on earth% m#h more (shall we not esa*e) i$ we t#rn away $rom Him who (s*ea's) $rom hea!en%
Heb 12:23 whose !oie then shoo' the earth& b#t now He has *romised% saying% .Bet one more I sha'e not
only the earth% b#t also hea!en".
Heb 12:24 Now this% .Bet one more%. indiates the remo!al o$ those things that are being sha'en% as o$ things
that are made% that the things whih annot be sha'en may remain"
Heb 12:28 There$ore% sine we are reei!ing a 'ingdom whih annot be sha'en% let #s ha!e grae% by whih
we may ser!e God ae*tably with re!erene and godly $ear"
Heb 12:29 ;or o#r God (is) a ons#ming $ire"
Heb 1-:1 /et brotherly lo!e ontin#e"
Heb 1-:2 2o not $orget to entertain strangers% $or by so (doing) some ha!e #nwittingly entertained angels"
Heb 1-:- :emember the *risoners as i$ hained with them DD those who are mistreated DD sine yo# yo#rsel!es
are in the body also"
Heb 1-:0 ?arriage (is) honorable among all% and the bed #nde$iled& b#t $orniators and ad#lterers God will
Heb 1-:1 (/et yo#r) ond#t (be) witho#t o!eto#sness& (be) ontent with s#h things as yo# ha!e" ;or He
Himsel$ has said% .I will ne!er lea!e yo# nor $orsa'e yo#".
Heb 1-:3 ,o we may boldly say: .The /8:2 (is) my hel*er& I will not $ear" >hat an man do to meC.
Heb 1-:4 :emember those who r#le o!er yo#% who ha!e s*o'en the word o$ God to yo#% whose $aith $ollow%
onsidering the o#tome o$ (their) ond#t"
Heb 1-:8 Jes#s =hrist (is) the same yesterday% today% and $ore!er"
Heb 1-:9 2o not be arried abo#t with !ario#s and strange dotrines" ;or (it is) good that the heart be
established by grae% not with $oods whih ha!e not *ro$ited those who ha!e been o#*ied with them"
Heb 1-:15 >e ha!e an altar $rom whih those who ser!e the tabernale ha!e no right to eat"
Heb 1-:11 ;or the bodies o$ those animals% whose blood is bro#ght into the sant#ary by the high *riest $or sin%
are b#rned o#tside the am*"
Heb 1-:12 There$ore Jes#s also% that He might santi$y the *eo*le with His own blood% s#$$ered o#tside the
Heb 1-:1- There$ore let #s go $orth to Him% o#tside the am*% bearing His re*roah"
Heb 1-:10 ;or here we ha!e no ontin#ing ity% b#t we see' the one to ome"
Heb 1-:11 There$ore by Him let #s ontin#ally o$$er the sari$ie o$ *raise to God% that is% the $r#it o$ (o#r) li*s%
gi!ing than's to His name"
Heb 1-:13 B#t do not $orget to do good and to share% $or with s#h sari$ies God is well *leased"
Heb 1-:14 8bey those who r#le o!er yo#% and be s#bmissi!e% $or they wath o#t $or yo#r so#ls% as those who
m#st gi!e ao#nt" /et them do so with @oy and not with grie$% $or that wo#ld be #n*ro$itable $or yo#"
Heb 1-:18 <ray $or #s& $or we are on$ident that we ha!e a good onsiene% in all things desiring to li!e
Heb 1-:19 B#t I es*eially #rge (yo#) to do this% that I may be restored to yo# the sooner"
Heb 1-:25 Now may the God o$ *eae who bro#ght #* o#r /ord Jes#s $rom the dead% that great ,he*herd o$
the shee*% thro#gh the blood o$ the e!erlasting o!enant%
Heb 1-:21 ma'e yo# om*lete in e!ery good wor' to do His will% wor'ing in yo# what is well *leasing in His
sight% thro#gh Jes#s =hrist% to whom (be) glory $ore!er and e!er" +men"
Heb 1-:22 +nd I a**eal to yo#% brethren% bear with the word o$ e9hortation% $or I ha!e written to yo# in $ew
Heb 1-:2- Know that (o#r) brother Timothy has been set $ree% with whom I shall see yo# i$ he omes shortly"
Heb 1-:20 Greet all those who r#le o!er yo#% and all the saints" Those $rom Italy greet yo#"
Heb 1-:21 Grae (be) with yo# all" +men"
Jam 1:1 James% a bondser!ant o$ God and o$ the /ord Jes#s =hrist% To the twel!e tribes whih are sattered
abroad: Greetings"
Jam 1:2 ?y brethren% o#nt it all @oy when yo# $all into !ario#s trials%
Jam 1:- 'nowing that the testing o$ yo#r $aith *rod#es *atiene"
Jam 1:0 B#t let *atiene ha!e (its) *er$et wor'% that yo# may be *er$et and om*lete% la'ing nothing"
Jam 1:1 I$ any o$ yo# la's wisdom% let him as' o$ God% who gi!es to all liberally and witho#t re*roah% and it will
be gi!en to him"
Jam 1:3 B#t let him as' in $aith% with no do#bting% $or he who do#bts is li'e a wa!e o$ the sea dri!en and tossed
by the wind"
Jam 1:4 ;or let not that man s#**ose that he will reei!e anything $rom the /ord&
Jam 1:8 (he is) a do#bleDminded man% #nstable in all his ways"
Jam 1:9 /et the lowly brother glory in his e9altation%
Jam 1:15 b#t the rih in his h#miliation% bea#se as a $lower o$ the $ield he will *ass away"
Jam 1:11 ;or no sooner has the s#n risen with a b#rning heat than it withers the grass& its $lower $alls% and its
bea#ti$#l a**earane *erishes" ,o the rih man also will $ade away in his *#rs#its"
Jam 1:12 Blessed (is) the man who end#res tem*tation& $or when he has been a**ro!ed% he will reei!e the
rown o$ li$e whih the /ord has *romised to those who lo!e Him"
Jam 1:1- /et no one say when he is tem*ted% .I am tem*ted by God.& $or God annot be tem*ted by e!il% nor
does He Himsel$ tem*t anyone"
Jam 1:10 B#t eah one is tem*ted when he is drawn away by his own desires and entied"
Jam 1:11 Then% when desire has onei!ed% it gi!es birth to sin& and sin% when it is $#llDgrown% brings $orth death"
Jam 1:13 2o not be deei!ed% my belo!ed brethren"
Jam 1:14 6!ery good gi$t and e!ery *er$et gi$t is $rom abo!e% and omes down $rom the ;ather o$ lights% with
whom there is no !ariation or shadow o$ t#rning"
Jam 1:18 8$ His own will He bro#ght #s $orth by the word o$ tr#th% that we might be a 'ind o$ $irst$r#its o$ His
Jam 1:19 ,o then% my belo!ed brethren% let e!ery man be swi$t to hear% slow to s*ea'% slow to wrath&
Jam 1:25 $or the wrath o$ man does not *rod#e the righteo#sness o$ God"
Jam 1:21 There$ore lay aside all $ilthiness and o!er$low o$ wi'edness% and reei!e with mee'ness the
im*lanted word% whih is able to sa!e yo#r so#ls"
Jam 1:22 B#t be doers o$ the word% and not hearers only% deei!ing yo#rsel!es"
Jam 1:2- ;or i$ anyone is a hearer o$ the word and not a doer% he is li'e a man obser!ing his nat#ral $ae in a
Jam 1:20 $or he obser!es himsel$% goes away% and immediately $orgets what 'ind o$ man he was"
Jam 1:21 B#t he who loo's into the *er$et law o$ liberty and ontin#es (in it%) and is not a $orget$#l hearer b#t a
doer o$ the wor'% this one will be blessed in what he does"
Jam 1:23 I$ anyone among yo# thin's he is religio#s% and does not bridle his tong#e b#t deei!es his own heart%
this oneAs religion (is) #seless"
Jam 1:24 <#re and #nde$iled religion be$ore God and the ;ather is this: to !isit or*hans and widows in their
tro#ble% (and) to 'ee* onesel$ #ns*otted $rom the world"
Jam 2:1 ?y brethren% do not hold the $aith o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% (the /ord) o$ glory% with *artiality"
Jam 2:2 ;or i$ there sho#ld ome into yo#r assembly a man with gold rings% in $ine a**arel% and there sho#ld
also ome in a *oor man in $ilthy lothes%
Jam 2:- and yo# *ay attention to the one wearing the $ine lothes and say to him% .Bo# sit here in a good
*lae%. and say to the *oor man% .Bo# stand there%. or% .,it here at my $ootstool%.
Jam 2:0 ha!e yo# not shown *artiality among yo#rsel!es% and beome @#dges with e!il tho#ghtsC
Jam 2:1 /isten% my belo!ed brethren: Has God not hosen the *oor o$ this world (to be) rih in $aith and heirs o$
the 'ingdom whih He *romised to those who lo!e HimC
Jam 2:3 B#t yo# ha!e dishonored the *oor man" 2o not the rih o**ress yo# and drag yo# into the o#rtsC
Jam 2:4 2o they not blas*heme that noble name by whih yo# are alledC
Jam 2:8 I$ yo# really $#l$ill (the) royal law aording to the ,ri*t#re% .Bo# shall lo!e yo#r neighbor as yo#rsel$%.
yo# do well&
Jam 2:9 b#t i$ yo# show *artiality% yo# ommit sin% and are on!ited by the law as transgressors"
Jam 2:15 ;or whoe!er shall 'ee* the whole law% and yet st#mble in one (*oint%) he is g#ilty o$ all"
Jam 2:11 ;or He who said% .2o not ommit ad#ltery%. also said% .2o not m#rder". Now i$ yo# do not ommit
ad#ltery% b#t yo# do m#rder% yo# ha!e beome a transgressor o$ the law"
Jam 2:12 ,o s*ea' and so do as those who will be @#dged by the law o$ liberty"
Jam 2:1- ;or @#dgment is witho#t mery to the one who has shown no mery" ?ery tri#m*hs o!er @#dgment"
Jam 2:10 >hat (does it) *ro$it% my brethren% i$ someone says he has $aith b#t does not ha!e wor'sC =an $aith
sa!e himC
Jam 2:11 I$ a brother or sister is na'ed and destit#te o$ daily $ood%
Jam 2:13 and one o$ yo# says to them% .2e*art in *eae% be warmed and $illed%. b#t yo# do not gi!e them the
things whih are needed $or the body% what (does it) *ro$itC
Jam 2:14 Th#s also $aith by itsel$% i$ it does not ha!e wor's% is dead"
Jam 2:18 B#t someone will say% .Bo# ha!e $aith% and I ha!e wor's". ,how me yo#r $aith witho#t yo#r wor's% and
I will show yo# my $aith by my wor's"
Jam 2:19 Bo# belie!e that there is one God" Bo# do well" 6!en the demons belie!e DD and trembleF
Jam 2:25 B#t do yo# want to 'now% 8 $oolish man% that $aith witho#t wor's is deadC
Jam 2:21 >as not +braham o#r $ather @#sti$ied by wor's when he o$$ered Isaa his son on the altarC
Jam 2:22 2o yo# see that $aith was wor'ing together with his wor's% and by wor's $aith was made *er$etC
Jam 2:2- +nd the ,ri*t#re was $#l$illed whih says% .+braham belie!ed God% and it was ao#nted to him $or
righteo#sness". +nd he was alled the $riend o$ God"
Jam 2:20 Bo# see then that a man is @#sti$ied by wor's% and not by $aith only"
Jam 2:21 /i'ewise% was not :ahab the harlot also @#sti$ied by wor's when she reei!ed the messengers and
sent (them) o#t another wayC
Jam 2:23 ;or as the body witho#t the s*irit is dead% so $aith witho#t wor's is dead also"
Jam -:1 ?y brethren% let not many o$ yo# beome teahers% 'nowing that we shall reei!e a striter @#dgment"
Jam -:2 ;or we all st#mble in many things" I$ anyone does not st#mble in word% he (is) a *er$et man% able also
to bridle the whole body"
Jam -:- Indeed% we *#t bits in horsesA mo#ths that they may obey #s% and we t#rn their whole body"
Jam -:0 /oo' also at shi*s: altho#gh they are so large and are dri!en by $iere winds% they are t#rned by a !ery
small r#dder where!er the *ilot desires"
Jam -:1 6!en so the tong#e is a little member and boasts great things" ,ee how great a $orest a little $ire
Jam -:3 +nd the tong#e (is) a $ire% a world o$ iniE#ity" The tong#e is so set among o#r members that it de$iles the
whole body% and sets on $ire the o#rse o$ nat#re& and it is set on $ire by hell"
Jam -:4 ;or e!ery 'ind o$ beast and bird% o$ re*tile and reat#re o$ the sea% is tamed and has been tamed by
Jam -:8 B#t no man an tame the tong#e" (It is) an #nr#ly e!il% $#ll o$ deadly *oison"
Jam -:9 >ith it we bless o#r God and ;ather% and with it we #rse men% who ha!e been made in the similit#de
o$ God"
Jam -:15 8#t o$ the same mo#th *roeed blessing and #rsing" ?y brethren% these things o#ght not to be so"
Jam -:11 2oes a s*ring send $orth $resh (water) and bitter $rom the same o*eningC
Jam -:12 =an a $ig tree% my brethren% bear oli!es% or a gra*e!ine bear $igsC Th#s no s*ring yields both salt
water and $resh"
Jam -:1- >ho (is) wise and #nderstanding among yo#C /et him show by good ond#t (that) his wor's (are
done) in the mee'ness o$ wisdom"
Jam -:10 B#t i$ yo# ha!e bitter en!y and sel$Dsee'ing in yo#r hearts% do not boast and lie against the tr#th"
Jam -:11 This wisdom does not desend $rom abo!e% b#t (is) earthly% sens#al% demoni"
Jam -:13 ;or where en!y and sel$Dsee'ing (e9ist%) on$#sion and e!ery e!il thing (are) there"
Jam -:14 B#t the wisdom that is $rom abo!e is $irst *#re% then *eaeable% gentle% willing to yield% $#ll o$ mery
and good $r#its% witho#t *artiality and witho#t hy*orisy"
Jam -:18 Now the $r#it o$ righteo#sness is sown in *eae by those who ma'e *eae"
Jam 0:1 >here do wars and $ights (ome) $rom among yo#C 2o (they) not (ome) $rom yo#r (desires $or)
*leas#re that war in yo#r membersC
Jam 0:2 Bo# l#st and do not ha!e" Bo# m#rder and o!et and annot obtain" Bo# $ight and war" Bet yo# do not
ha!e bea#se yo# do not as'"
Jam 0:- Bo# as' and do not reei!e% bea#se yo# as' amiss% that yo# may s*end (it) on yo#r *leas#res"
Jam 0:0 +d#lterers and ad#lteressesF 2o yo# not 'now that $riendshi* with the world is enmity with GodC
>hoe!er there$ore wants to be a $riend o$ the world ma'es himsel$ an enemy o$ God"
Jam 0:1 8r do yo# thin' that the ,ri*t#re says in !ain% .The ,*irit who dwells in #s yearns @ealo#sly.C
Jam 0:3 B#t He gi!es more grae" There$ore He says: .God resists the *ro#d% B#t gi!es grae to the h#mble".
Jam 0:4 There$ore s#bmit to God" :esist the de!il and he will $lee $rom yo#"
Jam 0:8 2raw near to God and He will draw near to yo#" =leanse (yo#r) hands% (yo#) sinners& and *#ri$y (yo#r)
hearts% (yo#) do#bleDminded"
Jam 0:9 /ament and mo#rn and wee*F /et yo#r la#ghter be t#rned to mo#rning and (yo#r) @oy to gloom"
Jam 0:15 H#mble yo#rsel!es in the sight o$ the /ord% and He will li$t yo# #*"
Jam 0:11 2o not s*ea' e!il o$ one another% brethren" He who s*ea's e!il o$ a brother and @#dges his brother%
s*ea's e!il o$ the law and @#dges the law" B#t i$ yo# @#dge the law% yo# are not a doer o$ the law b#t a @#dge"
Jam 0:12 There is one /awgi!er% who is able to sa!e and to destroy" >ho are yo# to @#dge anotherC
Jam 0:1- =ome now% yo# who say% .Today or tomorrow we will go to s#h and s#h a ity% s*end a year there%
b#y and sell% and ma'e a *ro$it.&
Jam 0:10 whereas yo# do not 'now what (will ha**en) tomorrow" ;or what (is) yo#r li$eC It is e!en a !a*or that
a**ears $or a little time and then !anishes away"
Jam 0:11 Instead yo# (o#ght) to say% .I$ the /ord wills% we shall li!e and do this or that".
Jam 0:13 B#t now yo# boast in yo#r arrogane" +ll s#h boasting is e!il"
Jam 0:14 There$ore% to him who 'nows to do good and does not do (it%) to him it is sin"
Jam 1:1 =ome now% (yo#) rih% wee* and howl $or yo#r miseries that are oming #*on (yo#F)
Jam 1:2 Bo#r rihes are orr#*ted% and yo#r garments are mothDeaten"
Jam 1:- Bo#r gold and sil!er are orroded% and their orrosion will be a witness against yo# and will eat yo#r
$lesh li'e $ire" Bo# ha!e hea*ed #* treas#re in the last days"
Jam 1:0 Indeed the wages o$ the laborers who mowed yo#r $ields% whih yo# 'e*t ba' by $ra#d% ry o#t& and
the ries o$ the rea*ers ha!e reahed the ears o$ the /ord o$ ,abaoth"
Jam 1:1 Bo# ha!e li!ed on the earth in *leas#re and l#9#ry& yo# ha!e $attened yo#r hearts as in a day o$
Jam 1:3 Bo# ha!e ondemned% yo# ha!e m#rdered the @#st& he does not resist yo#"
Jam 1:4 There$ore be *atient% brethren% #ntil the oming o$ the /ord" ,ee (how) the $armer waits $or the *reio#s
$r#it o$ the earth% waiting *atiently $or it #ntil it reei!es the early and latter rain"
Jam 1:8 Bo# also be *atient" 6stablish yo#r hearts% $or the oming o$ the /ord is at hand"
Jam 1:9 2o not gr#mble against one another% brethren% lest yo# be ondemned" Behold% the J#dge is standing
at the doorF
Jam 1:15 ?y brethren% ta'e the *ro*hets% who s*o'e in the name o$ the /ord% as an e9am*le o$ s#$$ering and
Jam 1:11 Indeed we o#nt them blessed who end#re" Bo# ha!e heard o$ the *erse!erane o$ Job and seen the
end (intended by) the /ord DD that the /ord is !ery om*assionate and meri$#l"
Jam 1:12 B#t abo!e all% my brethren% do not swear% either by hea!en or by earth or with any other oath" B#t let
yo#r .Bes%. be .Bes%. and (yo#r) .No%. .No%. lest yo# $all into @#dgment"
Jam 1:1- Is anyone among yo# s#$$eringC /et him *ray" Is anyone heer$#lC /et him sing *salms"
Jam 1:10 Is anyone among yo# si'C /et him all $or the elders o$ the h#rh% and let them *ray o!er him%
anointing him with oil in the name o$ the /ord"
Jam 1:11 +nd the *rayer o$ $aith will sa!e the si'% and the /ord will raise him #*" +nd i$ he has ommitted sins%
he will be $orgi!en"
Jam 1:13 =on$ess (yo#r) tres*asses to one another% and *ray $or one another% that yo# may be healed" The
e$$eti!e% $er!ent *rayer o$ a righteo#s man a!ails m#h"
Jam 1:14 6li@ah was a man with a nat#re li'e o#rs% and he *rayed earnestly that it wo#ld not rain& and it did not
rain on the land $or three years and si9 months"
Jam 1:18 +nd he *rayed again% and the hea!en ga!e rain% and the earth *rod#ed its $r#it"
Jam 1:19 Brethren% i$ anyone among yo# wanders $rom the tr#th% and someone t#rns him ba'%
Jam 1:25 let him 'now that he who t#rns a sinner $rom the error o$ his way will sa!e a so#l $rom death and o!er
a m#ltit#de o$ sins"
1<e 1:1 <eter% an a*ostle o$ Jes#s =hrist% To the *ilgrims o$ the 2is*ersion in <ont#s% Galatia% =a**adoia%
+sia% and Bithynia%
1<e 1:2 elet aording to the $ore'nowledge o$ God the ;ather% in santi$iation o$ the ,*irit% $or obediene and
s*rin'ling o$ the blood o$ Jes#s =hrist: Grae to yo# and *eae be m#lti*lied"
1<e 1:- Blessed (be) the God and ;ather o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% who aording to His ab#ndant mery has
begotten #s again to a li!ing ho*e thro#gh the res#rretion o$ Jes#s =hrist $rom the dead%
1<e 1:0 to an inheritane inorr#*tible and #nde$iled and that does not $ade away% reser!ed in hea!en $or yo#%
1<e 1:1 who are 'e*t by the *ower o$ God thro#gh $aith $or sal!ation ready to be re!ealed in the last time"
1<e 1:3 In this yo# greatly re@oie% tho#gh now $or a little while% i$ need be% yo# ha!e been grie!ed by !ario#s
1<e 1:4 that the gen#ineness o$ yo#r $aith% (being) m#h more *reio#s than gold that *erishes% tho#gh it is
tested by $ire% may be $o#nd to *raise% honor% and glory at the re!elation o$ Jes#s =hrist%
1<e 1:8 whom ha!ing not seen yo# lo!e" Tho#gh now yo# do not see (Him%) yet belie!ing% yo# re@oie with @oy
ine9*ressible and $#ll o$ glory%
1<e 1:9 reei!ing the end o$ yo#r $aith DD the sal!ation o$ (yo#r) so#ls"
1<e 1:15 8$ this sal!ation the *ro*hets ha!e inE#ired and searhed are$#lly% who *ro*hesied o$ the grae (that
wo#ld ome) to yo#%
1<e 1:11 searhing what% or what manner o$ time% the ,*irit o$ =hrist who was in them was indiating when He
testi$ied be$orehand the s#$$erings o$ =hrist and the glories that wo#ld $ollow"
1<e 1:12 To them it was re!ealed that% not to themsel!es% b#t to #s they were ministering the things whih now
ha!e been re*orted to yo# thro#gh those who ha!e *reahed the gos*el to yo# by the Holy ,*irit sent $rom
hea!en DD things whih angels desire to loo' into"
1<e 1:1- There$ore gird #* the loins o$ yo#r mind% be sober% and rest (yo#r) ho*e $#lly #*on the grae that is to
be bro#ght to yo# at the re!elation o$ Jes#s =hrist&
1<e 1:10 as obedient hildren% not on$orming yo#rsel!es to the $ormer l#sts% (as) in yo#r ignorane&
1<e 1:11 b#t as He who alled yo# (is) holy% yo# also be holy in all (yo#r) ond#t%
1<e 1:13 bea#se it is written% .Be holy% $or I am holy".
1<e 1:14 +nd i$ yo# all on the ;ather% who witho#t *artiality @#dges aording to eah oneAs wor'% ond#t
yo#rsel!es thro#gho#t the time o$ yo#r stay (here) in $ear&
1<e 1:18 'nowing that yo# were not redeemed with orr#*tible things% (li'e) sil!er or gold% $rom yo#r aimless
ond#t (reei!ed) by tradition $rom yo#r $athers%
1<e 1:19 b#t with the *reio#s blood o$ =hrist% as o$ a lamb witho#t blemish and witho#t s*ot"
1<e 1:25 He indeed was $oreordained be$ore the $o#ndation o$ the world% b#t was mani$est in these last times
$or yo#
1<e 1:21 who thro#gh Him belie!e in God% who raised Him $rom the dead and ga!e Him glory% so that yo#r $aith
and ho*e are in God"
1<e 1:22 ,ine yo# ha!e *#ri$ied yo#r so#ls in obeying the tr#th thro#gh the ,*irit in sinere lo!e o$ the
brethren% lo!e one another $er!ently with a *#re heart%
1<e 1:2- ha!ing been born again% not o$ orr#*tible seed b#t inorr#*tible% thro#gh the word o$ God whih li!es
and abides $ore!er%
1<e 1:20 bea#se .+ll $lesh (is) as grass% +nd all the glory o$ man as the $lower o$ the grass" The grass withers%
+nd its $lower $alls away%
1<e 1:21 B#t the word o$ the /8:2 end#res $ore!er". Now this is the word whih by the gos*el was *reahed to
1<e 2:1 There$ore% laying aside all malie% all deeit% hy*orisy% en!y% and all e!il s*ea'ing%
1<e 2:2 as newborn babes% desire the *#re mil' o$ the word% that yo# may grow thereby%
1<e 2:- i$ indeed yo# ha!e tasted that the /ord (is) graio#s"
1<e 2:0 =oming to Him (as to) a li!ing stone% re@eted indeed by men% b#t hosen by God (and) *reio#s%
1<e 2:1 yo# also% as li!ing stones% are being b#ilt #* a s*irit#al ho#se% a holy *riesthood% to o$$er #* s*irit#al
sari$ies ae*table to God thro#gh Jes#s =hrist"
1<e 2:3 There$ore it is also ontained in the ,ri*t#re% .Behold% I lay in Gion + hie$ ornerstone% elet% *reio#s%
+nd he who belie!es on Him will by no means be *#t to shame".
1<e 2:4 There$ore% to yo# who belie!e% (He is) *reio#s& b#t to those who are disobedient% .The stone whih the
b#ilders re@eted Has beome the hie$ ornerstone%.
1<e 2:8 and .+ stone o$ st#mbling +nd a ro' o$ o$$ense". They st#mble% being disobedient to the word% to whih
they also were a**ointed"
1<e 2:9 B#t yo# (are) a hosen generation% a royal *riesthood% a holy nation% His own s*eial *eo*le% that yo#
may *rolaim the *raises o$ Him who alled yo# o#t o$ dar'ness into His mar!elo#s light&
1<e 2:15 who one (were) not a *eo*le b#t (are) now the *eo*le o$ God% who had not obtained mery b#t now
ha!e obtained mery"
1<e 2:11 Belo!ed% I beg (yo#) as so@o#rners and *ilgrims% abstain $rom $leshly l#sts whih war against the so#l%
1<e 2:12 ha!ing yo#r ond#t honorable among the Gentiles% that when they s*ea' against yo# as e!ildoers%
they may% by (yo#r) good wor's whih they obser!e% glori$y God in the day o$ !isitation"
1<e 2:1- There$ore s#bmit yo#rsel!es to e!ery ordinane o$ man $or the /ordAs sa'e% whether to the 'ing as
1<e 2:10 or to go!ernors% as to those who are sent by him $or the *#nishment o$ e!ildoers and ($or the) *raise o$
those who do good"
1<e 2:11 ;or this is the will o$ God% that by doing good yo# may *#t to silene the ignorane o$ $oolish men DD
1<e 2:13 as $ree% yet not #sing liberty as a loa' $or !ie% b#t as bondser!ants o$ God"
1<e 2:14 Honor all (*eo*le") /o!e the brotherhood" ;ear God" Honor the 'ing"
1<e 2:18 ,er!ants% (be) s#bmissi!e to (yo#r) masters with all $ear% not only to the good and gentle% b#t also to
the harsh"
1<e 2:19 ;or this (is) ommendable% i$ bea#se o$ onsiene toward God one end#res grie$% s#$$ering
1<e 2:25 ;or what redit (is it) i$% when yo# are beaten $or yo#r $a#lts% yo# ta'e it *atientlyC B#t when yo# do
good and s#$$er% i$ yo# ta'e it *atiently% this (is) ommendable be$ore God"
1<e 2:21 ;or to this yo# were alled% bea#se =hrist also s#$$ered $or #s% lea!ing #s an e9am*le% that yo#
sho#ld $ollow His ste*s:
1<e 2:22 .>ho ommitted no sin% Nor was deeit $o#nd in His mo#th.&
1<e 2:2- who% when He was re!iled% did not re!ile in ret#rn& when He s#$$ered% He did not threaten% b#t
ommitted (Himsel$) to Him who @#dges righteo#sly&
1<e 2:20 who Himsel$ bore o#r sins in His own body on the tree% that we% ha!ing died to sins% might li!e $or
righteo#sness DD by whose stri*es yo# were healed"
1<e 2:21 ;or yo# were li'e shee* going astray% b#t ha!e now ret#rned to the ,he*herd and 8!erseer o$ yo#r
1<e -:1 >i!es% li'ewise% (be) s#bmissi!e to yo#r own h#sbands% that e!en i$ some do not obey the word% they%
witho#t a word% may be won by the ond#t o$ their wi!es%
1<e -:2 when they obser!e yo#r haste ond#t (aom*anied) by $ear"
1<e -:- 2o not let yo#r adornment be (merely) o#tward DD arranging the hair% wearing gold% or *#tting on ($ine)
a**arel DD
1<e -:0 rather (let it be) the hidden *erson o$ the heart% with the inorr#*tible (bea#ty) o$ a gentle and E#iet s*irit%
whih is !ery *reio#s in the sight o$ God"
1<e -:1 ;or in this manner% in $ormer times% the holy women who tr#sted in God also adorned themsel!es% being
s#bmissi!e to their own h#sbands%
1<e -:3 as ,arah obeyed +braham% alling him lord% whose da#ghters yo# are i$ yo# do good and are not a$raid
with any terror"
1<e -:4 H#sbands% li'ewise% dwell with (them) with #nderstanding% gi!ing honor to the wi$e% as to the wea'er
!essel% and as (being) heirs together o$ the grae o$ li$e% that yo#r *rayers may not be hindered"
1<e -:8 ;inally% all (o$ yo# be) o$ one mind% ha!ing om*assion $or one another& lo!e as brothers% (be)
tenderhearted% (be) o#rteo#s&
1<e -:9 not ret#rning e!il $or e!il or re!iling $or re!iling% b#t on the ontrary blessing% 'nowing that yo# were
alled to this% that yo# may inherit a blessing"
1<e -:15 ;or .He who wo#ld lo!e li$e +nd see good days% /et him re$rain his tong#e $rom e!il% +nd his li*s $rom
s*ea'ing deeit"
1<e -:11 /et him t#rn away $rom e!il and do good& /et him see' *eae and *#rs#e it"
1<e -:12 ;or the eyes o$ the /8:2 (are) on the righteo#s% +nd His ears (are o*en) to their *rayers& B#t the $ae
o$ the /8:2 (is) against those who do e!il".
1<e -:1- +nd who (is) he who will harm yo# i$ yo# beome $ollowers o$ what is goodC
1<e -:10 B#t e!en i$ yo# sho#ld s#$$er $or righteo#snessA sa'e% (yo# are) blessed" .+nd do not be a$raid o$ their
threats% nor be tro#bled".
1<e -:11 B#t santi$y the /ord God in yo#r hearts% and always (be) ready to (gi!e) a de$ense to e!eryone who
as's yo# a reason $or the ho*e that is in yo#% with mee'ness and $ear&
1<e -:13 ha!ing a good onsiene% that when they de$ame yo# as e!ildoers% those who re!ile yo#r good
ond#t in =hrist may be ashamed"
1<e -:14 ;or (it is) better% i$ it is the will o$ God% to s#$$er $or doing good than $or doing e!il"
1<e -:18 ;or =hrist also s#$$ered one $or sins% the @#st $or the #n@#st% that He might bring #s to God% being *#t
to death in the $lesh b#t made ali!e by the ,*irit%
1<e -:19 by whom also He went and *reahed to the s*irits in *rison%
1<e -:25 who $ormerly were disobedient% when one the 2i!ine longs#$$ering waited in the days o$ Noah% while
(the) ar' was being *re*ared% in whih a $ew% that is% eight so#ls% were sa!ed thro#gh water"
1<e -:21 There is also an antity*e whih now sa!es #s DD ba*tism Inot the remo!al o$ the $ilth o$ the $lesh% b#t
the answer o$ a good onsiene toward GodJ% thro#gh the res#rretion o$ Jes#s =hrist%
1<e -:22 who has gone into hea!en and is at the right hand o$ God% angels and a#thorities and *owers ha!ing
been made s#b@et to Him"
1<e 0:1 There$ore% sine =hrist s#$$ered $or #s in the $lesh% arm yo#rsel!es also with the same mind% $or he who
has s#$$ered in the $lesh has eased $rom sin%
1<e 0:2 that he no longer sho#ld li!e the rest o$ (his) time in the $lesh $or the l#sts o$ men% b#t $or the will o$ God"
1<e 0:- ;or we (ha!e s*ent) eno#gh o$ o#r *ast li$etime in doing the will o$ the Gentiles DD when we wal'ed in
lewdness% l#sts% dr#n'enness% re!elries% drin'ing *arties% and abominable idolatries"
1<e 0:0 In regard to these% they thin' it strange that yo# do not r#n with (them) in the same $lood o$ dissi*ation%
s*ea'ing e!il o$ (yo#")
1<e 0:1 They will gi!e an ao#nt to Him who is ready to @#dge the li!ing and the dead"
1<e 0:3 ;or this reason the gos*el was *reahed also to those who are dead% that they might be @#dged
aording to men in the $lesh% b#t li!e aording to God in the s*irit"
1<e 0:4 B#t the end o$ all things is at hand& there$ore be serio#s and wath$#l in yo#r *rayers"
1<e 0:8 +nd abo!e all things ha!e $er!ent lo!e $or one another% $or .lo!e will o!er a m#ltit#de o$ sins".
1<e 0:9 (Be) hos*itable to one another witho#t gr#mbling"
1<e 0:15 +s eah one has reei!ed a gi$t% minister it to one another% as good stewards o$ the mani$old grae o$
1<e 0:11 I$ anyone s*ea's% (let him s*ea') as the orales o$ God" I$ anyone ministers% (let him do it) as with the
ability whih God s#**lies% that in all things God may be glori$ied thro#gh Jes#s =hrist% to whom belong the glory
and the dominion $ore!er and e!er" +men"
1<e 0:12 Belo!ed% do not thin' it strange onerning the $iery trial whih is to try yo#% as tho#gh some strange
thing ha**ened to yo#&
1<e 0:1- b#t re@oie to the e9tent that yo# *arta'e o$ =hristAs s#$$erings% that when His glory is re!ealed% yo#
may also be glad with e9eeding @oy"
1<e 0:10 I$ yo# are re*roahed $or the name o$ =hrist% blessed (are yo#%) $or the ,*irit o$ glory and o$ God rests
#*on yo#" 8n their *art He is blas*hemed% b#t on yo#r *art He is glori$ied"
1<e 0:11 B#t let none o$ yo# s#$$er as a m#rderer% a thie$% an e!ildoer% or as a b#sybody in other *eo*leAs
1<e 0:13 Bet i$ (anyone s#$$ers) as a =hristian% let him not be ashamed% b#t let him glori$y God in this matter"
1<e 0:14 ;or the time (has ome) $or @#dgment to begin at the ho#se o$ God& and i$ (it begins) with #s $irst% what
will (be) the end o$ those who do not obey the gos*el o$ GodC
1<e 0:18 Now .I$ the righteo#s one is sarely sa!ed% >here will the #ngodly and the sinner a**earC.
1<e 0:19 There$ore let those who s#$$er aording to the will o$ God ommit their so#ls (to Him) in doing good%
as to a $aith$#l =reator"
1<e 1:1 The elders who are among yo# I e9hort% I who am a $ellow elder and a witness o$ the s#$$erings o$
=hrist% and also a *arta'er o$ the glory that will be re!ealed:
1<e 1:2 ,he*herd the $lo' o$ God whih is among yo#% ser!ing as o!erseers% not by om*#lsion b#t willingly%
not $or dishonest gain b#t eagerly&
1<e 1:- nor as being lords o!er those entr#sted to yo#% b#t being e9am*les to the $lo'&
1<e 1:0 and when the =hie$ ,he*herd a**ears% yo# will reei!e the rown o$ glory that does not $ade away"
1<e 1:1 /i'ewise yo# yo#nger *eo*le% s#bmit yo#rsel!es to (yo#r) elders" Bes% all o$ (yo#) be s#bmissi!e to one
another% and be lothed with h#mility% $or .God resists the *ro#d% B#t gi!es grae to the h#mble".
1<e 1:3 There$ore h#mble yo#rsel!es #nder the mighty hand o$ God% that He may e9alt yo# in d#e time%
1<e 1:4 asting all yo#r are #*on Him% $or He ares $or yo#"
1<e 1:8 Be sober% be !igilant& bea#se yo#r ad!ersary the de!il wal's abo#t li'e a roaring lion% see'ing whom
he may de!o#r"
1<e 1:9 :esist him% stead$ast in the $aith% 'nowing that the same s#$$erings are e9*eriened by yo#r
brotherhood in the world"
1<e 1:15 B#t may the God o$ all grae% who alled #s to His eternal glory by =hrist Jes#s% a$ter yo# ha!e
s#$$ered a while% *er$et% establish% strengthen% and settle (yo#")
1<e 1:11 To Him (be) the glory and the dominion $ore!er and e!er" +men"
1<e 1:12 By ,il!an#s% o#r $aith$#l brother as I onsider him% I ha!e written to yo# brie$ly% e9horting and testi$ying
that this is the tr#e grae o$ God in whih yo# stand"
1<e 1:1- ,he who is in Babylon% elet together with (yo#%) greets yo#& and (so does) ?ar' my son"
1<e 1:10 Greet one another with a 'iss o$ lo!e" <eae to yo# all who are in =hrist Jes#s" +men"
2<e 1:1 ,imon <eter% a bondser!ant and a*ostle o$ Jes#s =hrist% To those who ha!e obtained li'e *reio#s $aith
with #s by the righteo#sness o$ o#r God and ,a!ior Jes#s =hrist:
2<e 1:2 Grae and *eae be m#lti*lied to yo# in the 'nowledge o$ God and o$ Jes#s o#r /ord%
2<e 1:- as His di!ine *ower has gi!en to #s all things that (*ertain) to li$e and godliness% thro#gh the 'nowledge
o$ Him who alled #s by glory and !irt#e%
2<e 1:0 by whih ha!e been gi!en to #s e9eedingly great and *reio#s *romises% that thro#gh these yo# may
be *arta'ers o$ the di!ine nat#re% ha!ing esa*ed the orr#*tion (that is) in the world thro#gh l#st"
2<e 1:1 B#t also $or this !ery reason% gi!ing all diligene% add to yo#r $aith !irt#e% to !irt#e 'nowledge%
2<e 1:3 to 'nowledge sel$Dontrol% to sel$Dontrol *erse!erane% to *erse!erane godliness%
2<e 1:4 to godliness brotherly 'indness% and to brotherly 'indness lo!e"
2<e 1:8 ;or i$ these things are yo#rs and abo#nd% (yo# will be) neither barren nor #n$r#it$#l in the 'nowledge o$
o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist"
2<e 1:9 ;or he who la's these things is shortsighted% e!en to blindness% and has $orgotten that he was
leansed $rom his old sins"
2<e 1:15 There$ore% brethren% be e!en more diligent to ma'e yo#r all and eletion s#re% $or i$ yo# do these
things yo# will ne!er st#mble&
2<e 1:11 $or so an entrane will be s#**lied to yo# ab#ndantly into the e!erlasting 'ingdom o$ o#r /ord and
,a!ior Jes#s =hrist"
2<e 1:12 ;or this reason I will not be negligent to remind yo# always o$ these things% tho#gh yo# 'now and are
established in the *resent tr#th"
2<e 1:1- Bes% I thin' it is right% as long as I am in this tent% to stir yo# #* by reminding (yo#%)
2<e 1:10 'nowing that shortly I (m#st) *#t o$$ my tent% @#st as o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist showed me"
2<e 1:11 ?oreo!er I will be are$#l to ens#re that yo# always ha!e a reminder o$ these things a$ter my deease"
2<e 1:13 ;or we did not $ollow #nningly de!ised $ables when we made 'nown to yo# the *ower and oming o$
o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist% b#t were eyewitnesses o$ His ma@esty"
2<e 1:14 ;or He reei!ed $rom God the ;ather honor and glory when s#h a !oie ame to Him $rom the
69ellent Glory: .This is ?y belo!ed ,on% in whom I am well *leased".
2<e 1:18 +nd we heard this !oie whih ame $rom hea!en when we were with Him on the holy mo#ntain"
2<e 1:19 +nd so we ha!e the *ro*heti word on$irmed% whih yo# do well to heed as a light that shines in a
dar' *lae% #ntil the day dawns and the morning star rises in yo#r hearts&
2<e 1:25 'nowing this $irst% that no *ro*hey o$ ,ri*t#re is o$ any *ri!ate inter*retation%
2<e 1:21 $or *ro*hey ne!er ame by the will o$ man% b#t holy men o$ God s*o'e (as they were) mo!ed by the
Holy ,*irit"
2<e 2:1 B#t there were also $alse *ro*hets among the *eo*le% e!en as there will be $alse teahers among yo#%
who will seretly bring in destr#ti!e heresies% e!en denying the /ord who bo#ght them% (and) bring on
themsel!es swi$t destr#tion"
2<e 2:2 +nd many will $ollow their destr#ti!e ways% bea#se o$ whom the way o$ tr#th will be blas*hemed"
2<e 2:- By o!eto#sness they will e9*loit yo# with dee*ti!e words& $or a long time their @#dgment has not been
idle% and their destr#tion does not sl#mber"
2<e 2:0 ;or i$ God did not s*are the angels who sinned% b#t ast (them) down to hell and deli!ered (them) into
hains o$ dar'ness% to be reser!ed $or @#dgment&
2<e 2:1 and did not s*are the anient world% b#t sa!ed Noah% (one o$) eight (*eo*le%) a *reaher o$
righteo#sness% bringing in the $lood on the world o$ the #ngodly&
2<e 2:3 and t#rning the ities o$ ,odom and Gomorrah into ashes% ondemned (them) to destr#tion% ma'ing
(them) an e9am*le to those who a$terward wo#ld li!e #ngodly&
2<e 2:4 and deli!ered righteo#s /ot% (who was) o**ressed by the $ilthy ond#t o$ the wi'ed
2<e 2:8 I$or that righteo#s man% dwelling among them% tormented (his) righteo#s so#l $rom day to day by seeing
and hearing (their) lawless deedsJ DD
2<e 2:9 (then) the /ord 'nows how to deli!er the godly o#t o$ tem*tations and to reser!e the #n@#st #nder
*#nishment $or the day o$ @#dgment%
2<e 2:15 and es*eially those who wal' aording to the $lesh in the l#st o$ #nleanness and des*ise a#thority"
(They are) *res#m*t#o#s% sel$Dwilled" They are not a$raid to s*ea' e!il o$ dignitaries%
2<e 2:11 whereas angels% who are greater in *ower and might% do not bring a re!iling a#sation against them
be$ore the /ord"
2<e 2:12 B#t these% li'e nat#ral br#te beasts made to be a#ght and destroyed% s*ea' e!il o$ the things they do
not #nderstand% and will #tterly *erish in their own orr#*tion%
2<e 2:1- (and) will reei!e the wages o$ #nrighteo#sness% (as) those who o#nt it *leas#re to aro#se in the
daytime" (They are) s*ots and blemishes% aro#sing in their own dee*tions while they $east with yo#%
2<e 2:10 ha!ing eyes $#ll o$ ad#ltery and that annot ease $rom sin% entiing #nstable so#ls" (They ha!e) a
heart trained in o!eto#s *raties% (and are) a#rsed hildren"
2<e 2:11 They ha!e $orsa'en the right way and gone astray% $ollowing the way o$ Balaam the (son) o$ Beor% who
lo!ed the wages o$ #nrighteo#sness&
2<e 2:13 b#t he was reb#'ed $or his iniE#ity: a d#mb don'ey s*ea'ing with a manAs !oie restrained the
madness o$ the *ro*het"
2<e 2:14 These are wells witho#t water% lo#ds arried by a tem*est% $or whom is reser!ed the bla'ness o$
dar'ness $ore!er"
2<e 2:18 ;or when they s*ea' great swelling (words) o$ em*tiness% they all#re thro#gh the l#sts o$ the $lesh%
thro#gh lewdness% the ones who ha!e at#ally esa*ed $rom those who li!e in error"
2<e 2:19 >hile they *romise them liberty% they themsel!es are sla!es o$ orr#*tion& $or by whom a *erson is
o!erome% by him also he is bro#ght into bondage"
2<e 2:25 ;or i$% a$ter they ha!e esa*ed the *oll#tions o$ the world thro#gh the 'nowledge o$ the /ord and
,a!ior Jes#s =hrist% they are again entangled in them and o!erome% the latter end is worse $or them than the
2<e 2:21 ;or it wo#ld ha!e been better $or them not to ha!e 'nown the way o$ righteo#sness% than ha!ing
'nown (it%) to t#rn $rom the holy ommandment deli!ered to them"
2<e 2:22 B#t it has ha**ened to them aording to the tr#e *ro!erb: .+ dog ret#rns to his own !omit%. and% .a
sow% ha!ing washed% to her wallowing in the mire".
2<e -:1 Belo!ed% I now write to yo# this seond e*istle Iin (both o$) whih I stir #* yo#r *#re minds by way o$
2<e -:2 that yo# may be mind$#l o$ the words whih were s*o'en be$ore by the holy *ro*hets% and o$ the
ommandment o$ #s% the a*ostles o$ the /ord and ,a!ior%
2<e -:- 'nowing this $irst: that so$$ers will ome in the last days% wal'ing aording to their own l#sts%
2<e -:0 and saying% .>here is the *romise o$ His omingC ;or sine the $athers $ell aslee*% all things ontin#e
as (they were) $rom the beginning o$ reation".
2<e -:1 ;or this they will$#lly $orget: that by the word o$ God the hea!ens were o$ old% and the earth standing o#t
o$ water and in the water%
2<e -:3 by whih the world (that) then e9isted *erished% being $looded with water"
2<e -:4 B#t the hea!ens and the earth (whih) are now *reser!ed by the same word% are reser!ed $or $ire #ntil
the day o$ @#dgment and *erdition o$ #ngodly men"
2<e -:8 B#t% belo!ed% do not $orget this one thing% that with the /ord one day (is) as a tho#sand years% and a
tho#sand years as one day"
2<e -:9 The /ord is not sla' onerning (His) *romise% as some o#nt sla'ness% b#t is longs#$$ering toward
#s% not willing that any sho#ld *erish b#t that all sho#ld ome to re*entane"
2<e -:15 B#t the day o$ the /ord will ome as a thie$ in the night% in whih the hea!ens will *ass away with a
great noise% and the elements will melt with $er!ent heat& both the earth and the wor's that are in it will be b#rned
2<e -:11 There$ore% sine all these things will be dissol!ed% what manner (o$ *ersons) o#ght yo# to be in holy
ond#t and godliness%
2<e -:12 loo'ing $or and hastening the oming o$ the day o$ God% bea#se o$ whih the hea!ens will be
dissol!ed% being on $ire% and the elements will melt with $er!ent heatC
2<e -:1- Ne!ertheless we% aording to His *romise% loo' $or new hea!ens and a new earth in whih
righteo#sness dwells"
2<e -:10 There$ore% belo!ed% loo'ing $orward to these things% be diligent to be $o#nd by Him in *eae% witho#t
s*ot and blameless&
2<e -:11 and onsider (that) the longs#$$ering o$ o#r /ord (is) sal!ation DD as also o#r belo!ed brother <a#l%
aording to the wisdom gi!en to him% has written to yo#%
2<e -:13 as also in all his e*istles% s*ea'ing in them o$ these things% in whih are some things hard to
#nderstand% whih #nta#ght and #nstable (*eo*le) twist to their own destr#tion% as (they do) also the rest o$ the
2<e -:14 Bo# there$ore% belo!ed% sine yo# 'now (this) be$orehand% beware lest yo# also $all $rom yo#r own
stead$astness% being led away with the error o$ the wi'ed&
2<e -:18 b#t grow in the grae and 'nowledge o$ o#r /ord and ,a!ior Jes#s =hrist" To Him (be) the glory both
now and $ore!er" +men"
1Jo 1:1 That whih was $rom the beginning% whih we ha!e heard% whih we ha!e seen with o#r eyes% whih we
ha!e loo'ed #*on% and o#r hands ha!e handled% onerning the >ord o$ li$e DD
1Jo 1:2 the li$e was mani$ested% and we ha!e seen% and bear witness% and delare to yo# that eternal li$e whih
was with the ;ather and was mani$ested to #s DD
1Jo 1:- that whih we ha!e seen and heard we delare to yo#% that yo# also may ha!e $ellowshi* with #s& and
tr#ly o#r $ellowshi* (is) with the ;ather and with His ,on Jes#s =hrist"
1Jo 1:0 +nd these things we write to yo# that yo#r @oy may be $#ll"
1Jo 1:1 This is the message whih we ha!e heard $rom Him and delare to yo#% that God is light and in Him is
no dar'ness at all"
1Jo 1:3 I$ we say that we ha!e $ellowshi* with Him% and wal' in dar'ness% we lie and do not *ratie the tr#th"
1Jo 1:4 B#t i$ we wal' in the light as He is in the light% we ha!e $ellowshi* with one another% and the blood o$
Jes#s =hrist His ,on leanses #s $rom all sin"
1Jo 1:8 I$ we say that we ha!e no sin% we deei!e o#rsel!es% and the tr#th is not in #s"
1Jo 1:9 I$ we on$ess o#r sins% He is $aith$#l and @#st to $orgi!e #s (o#r) sins and to leanse #s $rom all
1Jo 1:15 I$ we say that we ha!e not sinned% we ma'e Him a liar% and His word is not in #s"
1Jo 2:1 ?y little hildren% these things I write to yo#% so that yo# may not sin" +nd i$ anyone sins% we ha!e an
+d!oate with the ;ather% Jes#s =hrist the righteo#s"
1Jo 2:2 +nd He Himsel$ is the *ro*itiation $or o#r sins% and not $or o#rs only b#t also $or the whole world"
1Jo 2:- Now by this we 'now that we 'now Him% i$ we 'ee* His ommandments"
1Jo 2:0 He who says% .I 'now Him%. and does not 'ee* His ommandments% is a liar% and the tr#th is not in him"
1Jo 2:1 B#t whoe!er 'ee*s His word% tr#ly the lo!e o$ God is *er$eted in him" By this we 'now that we are in
1Jo 2:3 He who says he abides in Him o#ght himsel$ also to wal' @#st as He wal'ed"
1Jo 2:4 Brethren% I write no new ommandment to yo#% b#t an old ommandment whih yo# ha!e had $rom the
beginning" The old ommandment is the word whih yo# heard $rom the beginning"
1Jo 2:8 +gain% a new ommandment I write to yo#% whih thing is tr#e in Him and in yo#% bea#se the dar'ness
is *assing away% and the tr#e light is already shining"
1Jo 2:9 He who says he is in the light% and hates his brother% is in dar'ness #ntil now"
1Jo 2:15 He who lo!es his brother abides in the light% and there is no a#se $or st#mbling in him"
1Jo 2:11 B#t he who hates his brother is in dar'ness and wal's in dar'ness% and does not 'now where he is
going% bea#se the dar'ness has blinded his eyes"
1Jo 2:12 I write to yo#% little hildren% Bea#se yo#r sins are $orgi!en yo# $or His nameAs sa'e"
1Jo 2:1- I write to yo#% $athers% Bea#se yo# ha!e 'nown Him (who is) $rom the beginning" I write to yo#% yo#ng
men% Bea#se yo# ha!e o!erome the wi'ed one" I write to yo#% little hildren% Bea#se yo# ha!e 'nown the
1Jo 2:10 I ha!e written to yo#% $athers% Bea#se yo# ha!e 'nown Him (who is) $rom the beginning" I ha!e written
to yo#% yo#ng men% Bea#se yo# are strong% and the word o$ God abides in yo#% +nd yo# ha!e o!erome the
wi'ed one"
1Jo 2:11 2o not lo!e the world or the things in the world" I$ anyone lo!es the world% the lo!e o$ the ;ather is not
in him"
1Jo 2:13 ;or all that (is) in the world DD the l#st o$ the $lesh% the l#st o$ the eyes% and the *ride o$ li$e DD is not o$
the ;ather b#t is o$ the world"
1Jo 2:14 +nd the world is *assing away% and the l#st o$ it& b#t he who does the will o$ God abides $ore!er"
1Jo 2:18 /ittle hildren% it is the last ho#r& and as yo# ha!e heard that the +ntihrist is oming% e!en now many
antihrists ha!e ome% by whih we 'now that it is the last ho#r"
1Jo 2:19 They went o#t $rom #s% b#t they were not o$ #s& $or i$ they had been o$ #s% they wo#ld ha!e ontin#ed
with #s& b#t (they went o#t) that they might be made mani$est% that none o$ them were o$ #s"
1Jo 2:25 B#t yo# ha!e an anointing $rom the Holy 8ne% and yo# 'now all things"
1Jo 2:21 I ha!e not written to yo# bea#se yo# do not 'now the tr#th% b#t bea#se yo# 'now it% and that no lie is
o$ the tr#th"
1Jo 2:22 >ho is a liar b#t he who denies that Jes#s is the =hristC He is antihrist who denies the ;ather and the
1Jo 2:2- >hoe!er denies the ,on does not ha!e the ;ather either& he who a'nowledges the ,on has the
;ather also"
1Jo 2:20 There$ore let that abide in yo# whih yo# heard $rom the beginning" I$ what yo# heard $rom the
beginning abides in yo#% yo# also will abide in the ,on and in the ;ather"
1Jo 2:21 +nd this is the *romise that He has *romised #s DD eternal li$e"
1Jo 2:23 These things I ha!e written to yo# onerning those who (try to) deei!e yo#"
1Jo 2:24 B#t the anointing whih yo# ha!e reei!ed $rom Him abides in yo#% and yo# do not need that anyone
teah yo#& b#t as the same anointing teahes yo# onerning all things% and is tr#e% and is not a lie% and @#st as it
has ta#ght yo#% yo# will abide in Him"
1Jo 2:28 +nd now% little hildren% abide in Him% that when He a**ears% we may ha!e on$idene and not be
ashamed be$ore Him at His oming"
1Jo 2:29 I$ yo# 'now that He is righteo#s% yo# 'now that e!eryone who *raties righteo#sness is born o$ Him"
1Jo -:1 Behold what manner o$ lo!e the ;ather has bestowed on #s% that we sho#ld be alled hildren o$ GodF
There$ore the world does not 'now #s% bea#se it did not 'now Him"
1Jo -:2 Belo!ed% now we are hildren o$ God& and it has not yet been re!ealed what we shall be% b#t we 'now
that when He is re!ealed% we shall be li'e Him% $or we shall see Him as He is"
1Jo -:- +nd e!eryone who has this ho*e in Him *#ri$ies himsel$% @#st as He is *#re"
1Jo -:0 >hoe!er ommits sin also ommits lawlessness% and sin is lawlessness"
1Jo -:1 +nd yo# 'now that He was mani$ested to ta'e away o#r sins% and in Him there is no sin"
1Jo -:3 >hoe!er abides in Him does not sin" >hoe!er sins has neither seen Him nor 'nown Him"
1Jo -:4 /ittle hildren% let no one deei!e yo#" He who *raties righteo#sness is righteo#s% @#st as He is
1Jo -:8 He who sins is o$ the de!il% $or the de!il has sinned $rom the beginning" ;or this *#r*ose the ,on o$ God
was mani$ested% that He might destroy the wor's o$ the de!il"
1Jo -:9 >hoe!er has been born o$ God does not sin% $or His seed remains in him& and he annot sin% bea#se
he has been born o$ God"
1Jo -:15 In this the hildren o$ God and the hildren o$ the de!il are mani$est: >hoe!er does not *ratie
righteo#sness is not o$ God% nor (is) he who does not lo!e his brother"
1Jo -:11 ;or this is the message that yo# heard $rom the beginning% that we sho#ld lo!e one another%
1Jo -:12 not as =ain (who) was o$ the wi'ed one and m#rdered his brother" +nd why did he m#rder himC
Bea#se his wor's were e!il and his brotherAs righteo#s"
1Jo -:1- 2o not mar!el% my brethren% i$ the world hates yo#"
1Jo -:10 >e 'now that we ha!e *assed $rom death to li$e% bea#se we lo!e the brethren" He who does not lo!e
(his) brother abides in death"
1Jo -:11 >hoe!er hates his brother is a m#rderer% and yo# 'now that no m#rderer has eternal li$e abiding in
1Jo -:13 By this we 'now lo!e% bea#se He laid down His li$e $or #s" +nd we also o#ght to lay down (o#r) li!es
$or the brethren"
1Jo -:14 B#t whoe!er has this worldAs goods% and sees his brother in need% and sh#ts #* his heart $rom him%
how does the lo!e o$ God abide in himC
1Jo -:18 ?y little hildren% let #s not lo!e in word or in tong#e% b#t in deed and in tr#th"
1Jo -:19 +nd by this we 'now that we are o$ the tr#th% and shall ass#re o#r hearts be$ore Him"
1Jo -:25 ;or i$ o#r heart ondemns #s% God is greater than o#r heart% and 'nows all things"
1Jo -:21 Belo!ed% i$ o#r heart does not ondemn #s% we ha!e on$idene toward God"
1Jo -:22 +nd whate!er we as' we reei!e $rom Him% bea#se we 'ee* His ommandments and do those things
that are *leasing in His sight"
1Jo -:2- +nd this is His ommandment: that we sho#ld belie!e on the name o$ His ,on Jes#s =hrist and lo!e
one another% as He ga!e #s ommandment"
1Jo -:20 Now he who 'ee*s His ommandments abides in Him% and He in him" +nd by this we 'now that He
abides in #s% by the ,*irit whom He has gi!en #s"
1Jo 0:1 Belo!ed% do not belie!e e!ery s*irit% b#t test the s*irits% whether they are o$ God& bea#se many $alse
*ro*hets ha!e gone o#t into the world"
1Jo 0:2 By this yo# 'now the ,*irit o$ God: 6!ery s*irit that on$esses that Jes#s =hrist has ome in the $lesh is
o$ God%
1Jo 0:- and e!ery s*irit that does not on$ess that Jes#s =hrist has ome in the $lesh is not o$ God" +nd this is
the (s*irit) o$ the +ntihrist% whih yo# ha!e heard was oming% and is now already in the world"
1Jo 0:0 Bo# are o$ God% little hildren% and ha!e o!erome them% bea#se He who is in yo# is greater than he
who is in the world"
1Jo 0:1 They are o$ the world" There$ore they s*ea' (as) o$ the world% and the world hears them"
1Jo 0:3 >e are o$ God" He who 'nows God hears #s& he who is not o$ God does not hear #s" By this we 'now
the s*irit o$ tr#th and the s*irit o$ error"
1Jo 0:4 Belo!ed% let #s lo!e one another% $or lo!e is o$ God& and e!eryone who lo!es is born o$ God and 'nows
1Jo 0:8 He who does not lo!e does not 'now God% $or God is lo!e"
1Jo 0:9 In this the lo!e o$ God was mani$ested toward #s% that God has sent His only begotten ,on into the
world% that we might li!e thro#gh Him"
1Jo 0:15 In this is lo!e% not that we lo!ed God% b#t that He lo!ed #s and sent His ,on (to be) the *ro*itiation $or
o#r sins"
1Jo 0:11 Belo!ed% i$ God so lo!ed #s% we also o#ght to lo!e one another"
1Jo 0:12 No one has seen God at any time" I$ we lo!e one another% God abides in #s% and His lo!e has been
*er$eted in #s"
1Jo 0:1- By this we 'now that we abide in Him% and He in #s% bea#se He has gi!en #s o$ His ,*irit"
1Jo 0:10 +nd we ha!e seen and testi$y that the ;ather has sent the ,on (as) ,a!ior o$ the world"
1Jo 0:11 >hoe!er on$esses that Jes#s is the ,on o$ God% God abides in him% and he in God"
1Jo 0:13 +nd we ha!e 'nown and belie!ed the lo!e that God has $or #s" God is lo!e% and he who abides in lo!e
abides in God% and God in him"
1Jo 0:14 /o!e has been *er$eted among #s in this: that we may ha!e boldness in the day o$ @#dgment&
bea#se as He is% so are we in this world"
1Jo 0:18 There is no $ear in lo!e& b#t *er$et lo!e asts o#t $ear% bea#se $ear in!ol!es torment" B#t he who
$ears has not been made *er$et in lo!e"
1Jo 0:19 >e lo!e Him bea#se He $irst lo!ed #s"
1Jo 0:25 I$ someone says% .I lo!e God%. and hates his brother% he is a liar& $or he who does not lo!e his brother
whom he has seen% how an he lo!e God whom he has not seenC
1Jo 0:21 +nd this ommandment we ha!e $rom Him: that he who lo!es God (m#st) lo!e his brother also"
1Jo 1:1 >hoe!er belie!es that Jes#s is the =hrist is born o$ God% and e!eryone who lo!es Him who begot also
lo!es him who is begotten o$ Him"
1Jo 1:2 By this we 'now that we lo!e the hildren o$ God% when we lo!e God and 'ee* His ommandments"
1Jo 1:- ;or this is the lo!e o$ God% that we 'ee* His ommandments" +nd His ommandments are not
1Jo 1:0 ;or whate!er is born o$ God o!eromes the world" +nd this is the !itory that has o!erome the world DD
o#r $aith"
1Jo 1:1 >ho is he who o!eromes the world% b#t he who belie!es that Jes#s is the ,on o$ GodC
1Jo 1:3 This is He who ame by water and blood DD Jes#s =hrist& not only by water% b#t by water and blood" +nd
it is the ,*irit who bears witness% bea#se the ,*irit is tr#th"
1Jo 1:4 ;or there are three that bear witness in hea!en: the ;ather% the >ord% and the Holy ,*irit& and these
three are one"
1Jo 1:8 +nd there are three that bear witness on earth: the ,*irit% the water% and the blood& and these three
agree as one"
1Jo 1:9 I$ we reei!e the witness o$ men% the witness o$ God is greater& $or this is the witness o$ God whih He
has testi$ied o$ His ,on"
1Jo 1:15 He who belie!es in the ,on o$ God has the witness in himsel$& he who does not belie!e God has made
Him a liar% bea#se he has not belie!ed the testimony that God has gi!en o$ His ,on"
1Jo 1:11 +nd this is the testimony: that God has gi!en #s eternal li$e% and this li$e is in His ,on"
1Jo 1:12 He who has the ,on has li$e& he who does not ha!e the ,on o$ God does not ha!e li$e"
1Jo 1:1- These things I ha!e written to yo# who belie!e in the name o$ the ,on o$ God% that yo# may 'now that
yo# ha!e eternal li$e% and that yo# may (ontin#e to) belie!e in the name o$ the ,on o$ God"
1Jo 1:10 Now this is the on$idene that we ha!e in Him% that i$ we as' anything aording to His will% He hears
1Jo 1:11 +nd i$ we 'now that He hears #s% whate!er we as'% we 'now that we ha!e the *etitions that we ha!e
as'ed o$ Him"
1Jo 1:13 I$ anyone sees his brother sinning a sin (whih does) not (lead) to death% he will as'% and He will gi!e
him li$e $or those who ommit sin not (leading) to death" There is sin (leading) to death" I do not say that he
sho#ld *ray abo#t that"
1Jo 1:14 +ll #nrighteo#sness is sin% and there is sin not (leading) to death"
1Jo 1:18 >e 'now that whoe!er is born o$ God does not sin& b#t he who has been born o$ God 'ee*s himsel$%
and the wi'ed one does not to#h him"
1Jo 1:19 >e 'now that we are o$ God% and the whole world lies (#nder the sway o$) the wi'ed one"
1Jo 1:25 +nd we 'now that the ,on o$ God has ome and has gi!en #s an #nderstanding% that we may 'now
Him who is tr#e& and we are in Him who is tr#e% in His ,on Jes#s =hrist" This is the tr#e God and eternal li$e"
1Jo 1:21 /ittle hildren% 'ee* yo#rsel!es $rom idols" +men"
2Jo 1:1 TH6 6/26:% To the elet lady and her hildren% whom I lo!e in tr#th% and not only I% b#t also all those
who ha!e 'nown the tr#th%
2Jo 1:2 bea#se o$ the tr#th whih abides in #s and will be with #s $ore!er:
2Jo 1:- Grae% mery% (and) *eae will be with yo# $rom God the ;ather and $rom the /ord Jes#s =hrist% the ,on
o$ the ;ather% in tr#th and lo!e"
2Jo 1:0 I re@oied greatly that I ha!e $o#nd (some) o$ yo#r hildren wal'ing in tr#th% as we reei!ed
ommandment $rom the ;ather"
2Jo 1:1 +nd now I *lead with yo#% lady% not as tho#gh I wrote a new ommandment to yo#% b#t that whih we
ha!e had $rom the beginning: that we lo!e one another"
2Jo 1:3 This is lo!e% that we wal' aording to His ommandments" This is the ommandment% that as yo# ha!e
heard $rom the beginning% yo# sho#ld wal' in it"
2Jo 1:4 ;or many deei!ers ha!e gone o#t into the world who do not on$ess Jes#s =hrist (as) oming in the
$lesh" This is a deei!er and an antihrist"
2Jo 1:8 /oo' to yo#rsel!es% that we do not lose those things we wor'ed $or% b#t (that) we may reei!e a $#ll
2Jo 1:9 >hoe!er transgresses and does not abide in the dotrine o$ =hrist does not ha!e God" He who abides
in the dotrine o$ =hrist has both the ;ather and the ,on"
2Jo 1:15 I$ anyone omes to yo# and does not bring this dotrine% do not reei!e him into yo#r ho#se nor greet
2Jo 1:11 $or he who greets him shares in his e!il deeds"
2Jo 1:12 Ha!ing many things to write to yo#% I did not wish (to do so) with *a*er and in'& b#t I ho*e to ome to
yo# and s*ea' $ae to $ae% that o#r @oy may be $#ll"
2Jo 1:1- The hildren o$ yo#r elet sister greet yo#" +men"
-Jo 1:1 TH6 6/26:% To the belo!ed Gai#s% whom I lo!e in tr#th:
-Jo 1:2 Belo!ed% I *ray that yo# may *ros*er in all things and be in health% @#st as yo#r so#l *ros*ers"
-Jo 1:- ;or I re@oied greatly when brethren ame and testi$ied o$ the tr#th (that is) in yo#% @#st as yo# wal' in the
-Jo 1:0 I ha!e no greater @oy than to hear that my hildren wal' in tr#th"
-Jo 1:1 Belo!ed% yo# do $aith$#lly whate!er yo# do $or the brethren and $or strangers%
-Jo 1:3 who ha!e borne witness o$ yo#r lo!e be$ore the h#rh" (I$) yo# send them $orward on their @o#rney in a
manner worthy o$ God% yo# will do well%
-Jo 1:4 bea#se they went $orth $or His nameAs sa'e% ta'ing nothing $rom the Gentiles"
-Jo 1:8 >e there$ore o#ght to reei!e s#h% that we may beome $ellow wor'ers $or the tr#th"
-Jo 1:9 I wrote to the h#rh% b#t 2iotre*hes% who lo!es to ha!e the *reeminene among them% does not
reei!e #s"
-Jo 1:15 There$ore% i$ I ome% I will all to mind his deeds whih he does% *rating against #s with maliio#s
words" +nd not ontent with that% he himsel$ does not reei!e the brethren% and $orbids those who wish to%
*#tting (them) o#t o$ the h#rh"
-Jo 1:11 Belo!ed% do not imitate what is e!il% b#t what is good" He who does good is o$ God% b#t he who does
e!il has not seen God"
-Jo 1:12 2emetri#s has a (good) testimony $rom all% and $rom the tr#th itsel$" +nd we also bear witness% and yo#
'now that o#r testimony is tr#e"
-Jo 1:1- I had many things to write% b#t I do not wish to write to yo# with *en and in'&
-Jo 1:10 b#t I ho*e to see yo# shortly% and we shall s*ea' $ae to $ae" <eae to yo#" 8#r $riends greet yo#"
Greet the $riends by name"
J#d 1:1 J#de% a bondser!ant o$ Jes#s =hrist% and brother o$ James% To those who are alled% santi$ied by God
the ;ather% and *reser!ed in Jes#s =hrist:
J#d 1:2 ?ery% *eae% and lo!e be m#lti*lied to yo#"
J#d 1:- Belo!ed% while I was !ery diligent to write to yo# onerning o#r ommon sal!ation% I $o#nd it neessary
to write to yo# e9horting yo# to ontend earnestly $or the $aith whih was one $or all deli!ered to the saints"
J#d 1:0 ;or ertain men ha!e re*t in #nnotied% who long ago were mar'ed o#t $or this ondemnation% #ngodly
men% who t#rn the grae o$ o#r God into lewdness and deny the only /ord God and o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist"
J#d 1:1 B#t I want to remind yo#% tho#gh yo# one 'new this% that the /ord% ha!ing sa!ed the *eo*le o#t o$ the
land o$ 6gy*t% a$terward destroyed those who did not belie!e"
J#d 1:3 +nd the angels who did not 'ee* their *ro*er domain% b#t le$t their own abode% He has reser!ed in
e!erlasting hains #nder dar'ness $or the @#dgment o$ the great day&
J#d 1:4 as ,odom and Gomorrah% and the ities aro#nd them in a similar manner to these% ha!ing gi!en
themsel!es o!er to se9#al immorality and gone a$ter strange $lesh% are set $orth as an e9am*le% s#$$ering the
!engeane o$ eternal $ire"
J#d 1:8 /i'ewise also these dreamers de$ile the $lesh% re@et a#thority% and s*ea' e!il o$ dignitaries"
J#d 1:9 Bet ?ihael the arhangel% in ontending with the de!il% when he dis*#ted abo#t the body o$ ?oses%
dared not bring against him a re!iling a#sation% b#t said% .The /ord reb#'e yo#F.
J#d 1:15 B#t these s*ea' e!il o$ whate!er they do not 'now& and whate!er they 'now nat#rally% li'e br#te
beasts% in these things they orr#*t themsel!es"
J#d 1:11 >oe to themF ;or they ha!e gone in the way o$ =ain% ha!e r#n greedily in the error o$ Balaam $or *ro$it%
and *erished in the rebellion o$ Korah"
J#d 1:12 These are s*ots in yo#r lo!e $easts% while they $east with yo# witho#t $ear% ser!ing (only) themsel!es"
(They are) lo#ds witho#t water% arried abo#t by the winds& late a#t#mn trees witho#t $r#it% twie dead% *#lled #*
by the roots&
J#d 1:1- raging wa!es o$ the sea% $oaming #* their own shame& wandering stars $or whom is reser!ed the
bla'ness o$ dar'ness $ore!er"
J#d 1:10 Now 6noh% the se!enth $rom +dam% *ro*hesied abo#t these men also% saying% .Behold% the /ord
omes with ten tho#sands o$ His saints%
J#d 1:11 .to e9e#te @#dgment on all% to on!it all who are #ngodly among them o$ all their #ngodly deeds
whih they ha!e ommitted in an #ngodly way% and o$ all the harsh things whih #ngodly sinners ha!e s*o'en
against Him".
J#d 1:13 These are gr#mblers% om*lainers% wal'ing aording to their own l#sts& and they mo#th great swelling
(words%) $lattering *eo*le to gain ad!antage"
J#d 1:14 B#t yo#% belo!ed% remember the words whih were s*o'en be$ore by the a*ostles o$ o#r /ord Jes#s
J#d 1:18 how they told yo# that there wo#ld be mo'ers in the last time who wo#ld wal' aording to their own
#ngodly l#sts"
J#d 1:19 These are sens#al *ersons% who a#se di!isions% not ha!ing the ,*irit"
J#d 1:25 B#t yo#% belo!ed% b#ilding yo#rsel!es #* on yo#r most holy $aith% *raying in the Holy ,*irit%
J#d 1:21 'ee* yo#rsel!es in the lo!e o$ God% loo'ing $or the mery o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist #nto eternal li$e"
J#d 1:22 +nd on some ha!e om*assion% ma'ing a distintion&
J#d 1:2- b#t others sa!e with $ear% *#lling (them) o#t o$ the $ire% hating e!en the garment de$iled by the $lesh"
J#d 1:20 Now to Him who is able to 'ee* yo# $rom st#mbling% +nd to *resent (yo#) $a#ltless Be$ore the *resene
o$ His glory with e9eeding @oy%
J#d 1:21 To God o#r ,a!ior% >ho alone is wise% (Be) glory and ma@esty% 2ominion and *ower% Both now and
$ore!er" +men"
:e! 1:1 The :e!elation o$ Jes#s =hrist% whih God ga!e Him to show His ser!ants DD things whih m#st shortly
ta'e *lae" +nd He sent and signi$ied (it) by His angel to His ser!ant John%
:e! 1:2 who bore witness to the word o$ God% and to the testimony o$ Jes#s =hrist% to all things that he saw"
:e! 1:- Blessed (is) he who reads and those who hear the words o$ this *ro*hey% and 'ee* those things whih
are written in it& $or the time (is) near"
:e! 1:0 John% to the se!en h#rhes whih are in +sia: Grae to yo# and *eae $rom Him who is and who was
and who is to ome% and $rom the se!en ,*irits who are be$ore His throne%
:e! 1:1 and $rom Jes#s =hrist% the $aith$#l witness% the $irstborn $rom the dead% and the r#ler o!er the 'ings o$
the earth" To Him who lo!ed #s and washed #s $rom o#r sins in His own blood%
:e! 1:3 and has made #s 'ings and *riests to His God and ;ather% to Him (be) glory and dominion $ore!er and
e!er" +men"
:e! 1:4 Behold% He is oming with lo#ds% and e!ery eye will see Him% e!en they who *iered Him" +nd all the
tribes o$ the earth will mo#rn bea#se o$ Him" 6!en so% +men"
:e! 1:8 .I am the +l*ha and the 8mega% (the) Beginning and (the) 6nd%. says the /ord% .who is and who was
and who is to ome% the +lmighty".
:e! 1:9 I% John% both yo#r brother and om*anion in the trib#lation and 'ingdom and *atiene o$ Jes#s =hrist%
was on the island that is alled <atmos $or the word o$ God and $or the testimony o$ Jes#s =hrist"
:e! 1:15 I was in the ,*irit on the /ordAs 2ay% and I heard behind me a lo#d !oie% as o$ a tr#m*et%
:e! 1:11 saying% .I am the +l*ha and the 8mega% the ;irst and the /ast%. and% .>hat yo# see% write in a boo'
and send (it) to the se!en h#rhes whih are in +sia: to 6*hes#s% to ,myrna% to <ergamos% to Thyatira% to
,ardis% to <hiladel*hia% and to /aodiea".
:e! 1:12 Then I t#rned to see the !oie that s*o'e with me" +nd ha!ing t#rned I saw se!en golden lam*stands%
:e! 1:1- and in the midst o$ the se!en lam*stands (8ne) li'e the ,on o$ ?an% lothed with a garment down to
the $eet and girded abo#t the hest with a golden band"
:e! 1:10 His head and hair (were) white li'e wool% as white as snow% and His eyes li'e a $lame o$ $ire&
:e! 1:11 His $eet (were) li'e $ine brass% as i$ re$ined in a $#rnae% and His !oie as the so#nd o$ many waters&
:e! 1:13 He had in His right hand se!en stars% o#t o$ His mo#th went a shar* twoDedged sword% and His
o#ntenane (was) li'e the s#n shining in its strength"
:e! 1:14 +nd when I saw Him% I $ell at His $eet as dead" B#t He laid His right hand on me% saying to me% .2o not
be a$raid& I am the ;irst and the /ast"
:e! 1:18 .I (am) He who li!es% and was dead% and behold% I am ali!e $ore!ermore" +men" +nd I ha!e the 'eys o$
Hades and o$ 2eath"
:e! 1:19 .>rite the things whih yo# ha!e seen% and the things whih are% and the things whih will ta'e *lae
a$ter this"
:e! 1:25 .The mystery o$ the se!en stars whih yo# saw in ?y right hand% and the se!en golden lam*stands:
The se!en stars are the angels o$ the se!en h#rhes% and the se!en lam*stands whih yo# saw are the se!en
:e! 2:1 .To the angel o$ the h#rh o$ 6*hes#s write% A These things says He who holds the se!en stars in His
right hand% who wal's in the midst o$ the se!en golden lam*stands:
:e! 2:2 .I 'now yo#r wor's% yo#r labor% yo#r *atiene% and that yo# annot bear those who are e!il" +nd yo#
ha!e tested those who say they are a*ostles and are not% and ha!e $o#nd them liars&
:e! 2:- .and yo# ha!e *erse!ered and ha!e *atiene% and ha!e labored $or ?y nameAs sa'e and ha!e not
beome weary"
:e! 2:0 .Ne!ertheless I ha!e (this) against yo#% that yo# ha!e le$t yo#r $irst lo!e"
:e! 2:1 .:emember there$ore $rom where yo# ha!e $allen& re*ent and do the $irst wor's% or else I will ome to
yo# E#i'ly and remo!e yo#r lam*stand $rom its *lae DD #nless yo# re*ent"
:e! 2:3 .B#t this yo# ha!e% that yo# hate the deeds o$ the Niolaitans% whih I also hate"
:e! 2:4 .He who has an ear% let him hear what the ,*irit says to the h#rhes" To him who o!eromes I will gi!e
to eat $rom the tree o$ li$e% whih is in the midst o$ the <aradise o$ God". A
:e! 2:8 . +nd to the angel o$ the h#rh in ,myrna write% A These things says the ;irst and the /ast% who was
dead% and ame to li$e:
:e! 2:9 .I 'now yo#r wor's% trib#lation% and *o!erty Ib#t yo# are rihJ& and (I 'now) the blas*hemy o$ those who
say they are Jews and are not% b#t (are) a synagog#e o$ ,atan"
:e! 2:15 .2o not $ear any o$ those things whih yo# are abo#t to s#$$er" Indeed% the de!il is abo#t to throw
(some) o$ yo# into *rison% that yo# may be tested% and yo# will ha!e trib#lation ten days" Be $aith$#l #ntil death%
and I will gi!e yo# the rown o$ li$e"
:e! 2:11 .He who has an ear% let him hear what the ,*irit says to the h#rhes" He who o!eromes shall not be
h#rt by the seond death". A
:e! 2:12 . +nd to the angel o$ the h#rh in <ergamos write% A These things says He who has the shar* twoD
edged sword:
:e! 2:1- .I 'now yo#r wor's% and where yo# dwell% where ,atanAs throne (is") +nd yo# hold $ast to ?y name%
and did not deny ?y $aith e!en in the days in whih +nti*as (was) ?y $aith$#l martyr% who was 'illed among yo#%
where ,atan dwells"
:e! 2:10 .B#t I ha!e a $ew things against yo#% bea#se yo# ha!e there those who hold the dotrine o$ Balaam%
who ta#ght Bala' to *#t a st#mbling blo' be$ore the hildren o$ Israel% to eat things sari$ied to idols% and to
ommit se9#al immorality"
:e! 2:11 .Th#s yo# also ha!e those who hold the dotrine o$ the Niolaitans% whih thing I hate"
:e! 2:13 A:e*ent% or else I will ome to yo# E#i'ly and will $ight against them with the sword o$ ?y mo#th"
:e! 2:14 .He who has an ear% let him hear what the ,*irit says to the h#rhes" To him who o!eromes I will
gi!e some o$ the hidden manna to eat" +nd I will gi!e him a white stone% and on the stone a new name written
whih no one 'nows e9e*t him who reei!es (it".) A
:e! 2:18 . +nd to the angel o$ the h#rh in Thyatira write% A These things says the ,on o$ God% who has eyes
li'e a $lame o$ $ire% and His $eet li'e $ine brass:
:e! 2:19 .I 'now yo#r wor's% lo!e% ser!ie% $aith% and yo#r *atiene& and (as) $or yo#r wor's% the last (are) more
than the $irst"
:e! 2:25 .Ne!ertheless I ha!e a $ew things against yo#% bea#se yo# allow that woman JeHebel% who alls
hersel$ a *ro*hetess% to teah and sed#e ?y ser!ants to ommit se9#al immorality and eat things sari$ied to
:e! 2:21 .+nd I ga!e her time to re*ent o$ her se9#al immorality% and she did not re*ent"
:e! 2:22 .Indeed I will ast her into a si'bed% and those who ommit ad#ltery with her into great trib#lation%
#nless they re*ent o$ their deeds"
:e! 2:2- .I will 'ill her hildren with death% and all the h#rhes shall 'now that I am He who searhes the
minds and hearts" +nd I will gi!e to eah one o$ yo# aording to yo#r wor's"
:e! 2:20 .Now to yo# I say% and to the rest in Thyatira% as many as do not ha!e this dotrine% who ha!e not
'nown the de*ths o$ ,atan% as they say% I will *#t on yo# no other b#rden"
:e! 2:21 .B#t hold $ast what yo# ha!e till I ome"
:e! 2:23 .+nd he who o!eromes% and 'ee*s ?y wor's #ntil the end% to him I will gi!e *ower o!er the nations DD
:e! 2:24 AHe shall r#le them with a rod o$ iron& They shall be dashed to *iees li'e the *otterAs !esselsA DD as I
also ha!e reei!ed $rom ?y ;ather&
:e! 2:28 .and I will gi!e him the morning star"
:e! 2:29 .He who has an ear% let him hear what the ,*irit says to the h#rhes". A
:e! -:1 .+nd to the angel o$ the h#rh in ,ardis write% A These things says He who has the se!en ,*irits o$ God
and the se!en stars: .I 'now yo#r wor's% that yo# ha!e a name that yo# are ali!e% b#t yo# are dead"
:e! -:2 .Be wath$#l% and strengthen the things whih remain% that are ready to die% $or I ha!e not $o#nd yo#r
wor's *er$et be$ore God"
:e! -:- .:emember there$ore how yo# ha!e reei!ed and heard& hold $ast and re*ent" There$ore i$ yo# will not
wath% I will ome #*on yo# as a thie$% and yo# will not 'now what ho#r I will ome #*on yo#"
:e! -:0 .Bo# ha!e a $ew names e!en in ,ardis who ha!e not de$iled their garments& and they shall wal' with
?e in white% $or they are worthy"
:e! -:1 .He who o!eromes shall be lothed in white garments% and I will not blot o#t his name $rom the Boo'
o$ /i$e& b#t I will on$ess his name be$ore ?y ;ather and be$ore His angels"
:e! -:3 .He who has an ear% let him hear what the ,*irit says to the h#rhes". A
:e! -:4 . +nd to the angel o$ the h#rh in <hiladel*hia write% A These things says He who is holy% He who is
tr#e% .He who has the 'ey o$ 2a!id% He who o*ens and no one sh#ts% and sh#ts and no one o*ens.:
:e! -:8 .I 'now yo#r wor's" ,ee% I ha!e set be$ore yo# an o*en door% and no one an sh#t it& $or yo# ha!e a
little strength% ha!e 'e*t ?y word% and ha!e not denied ?y name"
:e! -:9 .Indeed I will ma'e (those) o$ the synagog#e o$ ,atan% who say they are Jews and are not% b#t lie DD
indeed I will ma'e them ome and worshi* be$ore yo#r $eet% and to 'now that I ha!e lo!ed yo#"
:e! -:15 .Bea#se yo# ha!e 'e*t ?y ommand to *erse!ere% I also will 'ee* yo# $rom the ho#r o$ trial whih
shall ome #*on the whole world% to test those who dwell on the earth"
:e! -:11 .Behold% I am oming E#i'lyF Hold $ast what yo# ha!e% that no one may ta'e yo#r rown"
:e! -:12 .He who o!eromes% I will ma'e him a *illar in the tem*le o$ ?y God% and he shall go o#t no more"
+nd I will write on him the name o$ ?y God and the name o$ the ity o$ ?y God% the New Jer#salem% whih
omes down o#t o$ hea!en $rom ?y God" +nd (I will write on him) ?y new name"
:e! -:1- .He who has an ear% let him hear what the ,*irit says to the h#rhes". A
:e! -:10 . +nd to the angel o$ the h#rh o$ the /aodieans write% A These things says the +men% the ;aith$#l
and Tr#e >itness% the Beginning o$ the reation o$ God:
:e! -:11 .I 'now yo#r wor's% that yo# are neither old nor hot" I o#ld wish yo# were old or hot"
:e! -:13 .,o then% bea#se yo# are l#'ewarm% and neither old nor hot% I will !omit yo# o#t o$ ?y mo#th"
:e! -:14 .Bea#se yo# say% AI am rih% ha!e beome wealthy% and ha!e need o$ nothingA DD and do not 'now that
yo# are wrethed% miserable% *oor% blind% and na'ed DD
:e! -:18 .I o#nsel yo# to b#y $rom ?e gold re$ined in the $ire% that yo# may be rih& and white garments% that
yo# may be lothed% (that) the shame o$ yo#r na'edness may not be re!ealed& and anoint yo#r eyes with eye
sal!e% that yo# may see"
:e! -:19 .+s many as I lo!e% I reb#'e and hasten" There$ore be Healo#s and re*ent"
:e! -:25 .Behold% I stand at the door and 'no'" I$ anyone hears ?y !oie and o*ens the door% I will ome in to
him and dine with him% and he with ?e"
:e! -:21 .To him who o!eromes I will grant to sit with ?e on ?y throne% as I also o!erame and sat down with
?y ;ather on His throne"
:e! -:22 .He who has an ear% let him hear what the ,*irit says to the h#rhes". A .
:e! 0:1 +$ter these things I loo'ed% and behold% a door (standing) o*en in hea!en" +nd the $irst !oie whih I
heard (was) li'e a tr#m*et s*ea'ing with me% saying% .=ome #* here% and I will show yo# things whih m#st ta'e
*lae a$ter this".
:e! 0:2 Immediately I was in the ,*irit& and behold% a throne set in hea!en% and (8ne) sat on the throne"
:e! 0:- +nd He who sat there was li'e a @as*er and a sardi#s stone in a**earane& and (there was) a rainbow
aro#nd the throne% in a**earane li'e an emerald"
:e! 0:0 +ro#nd the throne (were) twentyD$o#r thrones% and on the thrones I saw twentyD$o#r elders sitting%
lothed in white robes& and they had rowns o$ gold on their heads"
:e! 0:1 +nd $rom the throne *roeeded lightnings% th#nderings% and !oies" ,e!en lam*s o$ $ire (were) b#rning
be$ore the throne% whih are the se!en ,*irits o$ God"
:e! 0:3 Be$ore the throne (there was) a sea o$ glass% li'e rystal" +nd in the midst o$ the throne% and aro#nd the
throne% (were) $o#r li!ing reat#res $#ll o$ eyes in $ront and in ba'"
:e! 0:4 The $irst li!ing reat#re (was) li'e a lion% the seond li!ing reat#re li'e a al$% the third li!ing reat#re
had a $ae li'e a man% and the $o#rth li!ing reat#re (was) li'e a $lying eagle"
:e! 0:8 (The) $o#r li!ing reat#res% eah ha!ing si9 wings% were $#ll o$ eyes aro#nd and within" +nd they do not
rest day or night% saying: .Holy% holy% holy% /ord God +lmighty% >ho was and is and is to omeF.
:e! 0:9 >hene!er the li!ing reat#res gi!e glory and honor and than's to Him who sits on the throne% who li!es
$ore!er and e!er%
:e! 0:15 the twentyD$o#r elders $all down be$ore Him who sits on the throne and worshi* Him who li!es $ore!er
and e!er% and ast their rowns be$ore the throne% saying:
:e! 0:11 .Bo# are worthy% 8 /ord% To reei!e glory and honor and *ower& ;or Bo# reated all things% +nd by
Bo#r will they e9ist and were reated".
:e! 1:1 +nd I saw in the right (hand) o$ Him who sat on the throne a sroll written inside and on the ba'%
sealed with se!en seals"
:e! 1:2 Then I saw a strong angel *rolaiming with a lo#d !oie% .>ho is worthy to o*en the sroll and to loose
its sealsC.
:e! 1:- +nd no one in hea!en or on the earth or #nder the earth was able to o*en the sroll% or to loo' at it"
:e! 1:0 ,o I we*t m#h% bea#se no one was $o#nd worthy to o*en and read the sroll% or to loo' at it"
:e! 1:1 B#t one o$ the elders said to me% .2o not wee*" Behold% the /ion o$ the tribe o$ J#dah% the :oot o$
2a!id% has *re!ailed to o*en the sroll and to loose its se!en seals".
:e! 1:3 +nd I loo'ed% and behold% in the midst o$ the throne and o$ the $o#r li!ing reat#res% and in the midst o$
the elders% stood a /amb as tho#gh it had been slain% ha!ing se!en horns and se!en eyes% whih are the se!en
,*irits o$ God sent o#t into all the earth"
:e! 1:4 Then He ame and too' the sroll o#t o$ the right hand o$ Him who sat on the throne"
:e! 1:8 Now when He had ta'en the sroll% the $o#r li!ing reat#res and the twentyD$o#r elders $ell down be$ore
the /amb% eah ha!ing a har*% and golden bowls $#ll o$ inense% whih are the *rayers o$ the saints"
:e! 1:9 +nd they sang a new song% saying: .Bo# are worthy to ta'e the sroll% +nd to o*en its seals& ;or Bo#
were slain% +nd ha!e redeemed #s to God by Bo#r blood 8#t o$ e!ery tribe and tong#e and *eo*le and nation%
:e! 1:15 +nd ha!e made #s 'ings and *riests to o#r God& +nd we shall reign on the earth".
:e! 1:11 Then I loo'ed% and I heard the !oie o$ many angels aro#nd the throne% the li!ing reat#res% and the
elders& and the n#mber o$ them was ten tho#sand times ten tho#sand% and tho#sands o$ tho#sands%
:e! 1:12 saying with a lo#d !oie: .>orthy is the /amb who was slain To reei!e *ower and rihes and
wisdom% +nd strength and honor and glory and blessingF.
:e! 1:1- +nd e!ery reat#re whih is in hea!en and on the earth and #nder the earth and s#h as are in the
sea% and all that are in them% I heard saying: .Blessing and honor and glory and *ower (Be) to Him who sits on
the throne% +nd to the /amb% $ore!er and e!erF.
:e! 1:10 Then the $o#r li!ing reat#res said% .+menF. +nd the twentyD$o#r elders $ell down and worshi*ed Him
who li!es $ore!er and e!er"
:e! 3:1 Now I saw when the /amb o*ened one o$ the seals& and I heard one o$ the $o#r li!ing reat#res saying
with a !oie li'e th#nder% .=ome and see".
:e! 3:2 +nd I loo'ed% and behold% a white horse" He who sat on it had a bow& and a rown was gi!en to him%
and he went o#t onE#ering and to onE#er"
:e! 3:- >hen He o*ened the seond seal% I heard the seond li!ing reat#re saying% .=ome and see".
:e! 3:0 +nother horse% $iery red% went o#t" +nd it was granted to the one who sat on it to ta'e *eae $rom the
earth% and that (*eo*le) sho#ld 'ill one another& and there was gi!en to him a great sword"
:e! 3:1 >hen He o*ened the third seal% I heard the third li!ing reat#re say% .=ome and see". ,o I loo'ed% and
behold% a bla' horse% and he who sat on it had a *air o$ sales in his hand"
:e! 3:3 +nd I heard a !oie in the midst o$ the $o#r li!ing reat#res saying% .+ E#art o$ wheat $or a denari#s% and
three E#arts o$ barley $or a denari#s& and do not harm the oil and the wine".
:e! 3:4 >hen He o*ened the $o#rth seal% I heard the !oie o$ the $o#rth li!ing reat#re saying% .=ome and see".
:e! 3:8 ,o I loo'ed% and behold% a *ale horse" +nd the name o$ him who sat on it was 2eath% and Hades
$ollowed with him" +nd *ower was gi!en to them o!er a $o#rth o$ the earth% to 'ill with sword% with h#nger% with
death% and by the beasts o$ the earth"
:e! 3:9 >hen He o*ened the $i$th seal% I saw #nder the altar the so#ls o$ those who had been slain $or the word
o$ God and $or the testimony whih they held"
:e! 3:15 +nd they ried with a lo#d !oie% saying% .How long% 8 /ord% holy and tr#e% #ntil Bo# @#dge and a!enge
o#r blood on those who dwell on the earthC.
:e! 3:11 Then a white robe was gi!en to eah o$ them& and it was said to them that they sho#ld rest a little
while longer% #ntil both (the n#mber o$) their $ellow ser!ants and their brethren% who wo#ld be 'illed as they
(were%) was om*leted"
:e! 3:12 I loo'ed when He o*ened the si9th seal% and behold% there was a great earthE#a'e& and the s#n
beame bla' as sa'loth o$ hair% and the moon beame li'e blood"
:e! 3:1- +nd the stars o$ hea!en $ell to the earth% as a $ig tree dro*s its late $igs when it is sha'en by a mighty
:e! 3:10 Then the s'y reeded as a sroll when it is rolled #*% and e!ery mo#ntain and island was mo!ed o#t o$
its *lae"
:e! 3:11 +nd the 'ings o$ the earth% the great men% the rih men% the ommanders% the mighty men% e!ery sla!e
and e!ery $ree man% hid themsel!es in the a!es and in the ro's o$ the mo#ntains%
:e! 3:13 and said to the mo#ntains and ro's% .;all on #s and hide #s $rom the $ae o$ Him who sits on the
throne and $rom the wrath o$ the /ambF
:e! 3:14 .;or the great day o$ His wrath has ome% and who is able to standC.
:e! 4:1 +$ter these things I saw $o#r angels standing at the $o#r orners o$ the earth% holding the $o#r winds o$
the earth% that the wind sho#ld not blow on the earth% on the sea% or on any tree"
:e! 4:2 Then I saw another angel asending $rom the east% ha!ing the seal o$ the li!ing God" +nd he ried with
a lo#d !oie to the $o#r angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea%
:e! 4:- saying% .2o not harm the earth% the sea% or the trees till we ha!e sealed the ser!ants o$ o#r God on their
:e! 4:0 +nd I heard the n#mber o$ those who were sealed" 8ne h#ndred (and) $ortyD$o#r tho#sand o$ all the
tribes o$ the hildren o$ Israel (were) sealed:
:e! 4:1 o$ the tribe o$ J#dah twel!e tho#sand (were) sealed& o$ the tribe o$ :e#ben twel!e tho#sand (were)
sealed& o$ the tribe o$ Gad twel!e tho#sand (were) sealed&
:e! 4:3 o$ the tribe o$ +sher twel!e tho#sand (were) sealed& o$ the tribe o$ Na*htali twel!e tho#sand (were)
sealed& o$ the tribe o$ ?anasseh twel!e tho#sand (were) sealed&
:e! 4:4 o$ the tribe o$ ,imeon twel!e tho#sand (were) sealed& o$ the tribe o$ /e!i twel!e tho#sand (were) sealed&
o$ the tribe o$ Issahar twel!e tho#sand (were) sealed&
:e! 4:8 o$ the tribe o$ Geb#l#n twel!e tho#sand (were) sealed& o$ the tribe o$ Jose*h twel!e tho#sand (were)
sealed& o$ the tribe o$ Ben@amin twel!e tho#sand (were) sealed"
:e! 4:9 +$ter these things I loo'ed% and behold% a great m#ltit#de whih no one o#ld n#mber% o$ all nations%
tribes% *eo*les% and tong#es% standing be$ore the throne and be$ore the /amb% lothed with white robes% with
*alm branhes in their hands%
:e! 4:15 and rying o#t with a lo#d !oie% saying% .,al!ation (belongs) to o#r God who sits on the throne% and to
the /ambF.
:e! 4:11 +ll the angels stood aro#nd the throne and the elders and the $o#r li!ing reat#res% and $ell on their
$aes be$ore the throne and worshi*ed God%
:e! 4:12 saying: .+menF Blessing and glory and wisdom% Than'sgi!ing and honor and *ower and might% (Be) to
o#r God $ore!er and e!er" +men".
:e! 4:1- Then one o$ the elders answered% saying to me% .>ho are these arrayed in white robes% and where did
they ome $romC.
:e! 4:10 +nd I said to him% .,ir% yo# 'now". ,o he said to me% .These are the ones who ome o#t o$ the great
trib#lation% and washed their robes and made them white in the blood o$ the /amb"
:e! 4:11 .There$ore they are be$ore the throne o$ God% and ser!e Him day and night in His tem*le" +nd He who
sits on the throne will dwell among them"
:e! 4:13 .They shall neither h#nger anymore nor thirst anymore& the s#n shall not stri'e them% nor any heat&
:e! 4:14 .$or the /amb who is in the midst o$ the throne will she*herd them and lead them to li!ing $o#ntains o$
waters" +nd God will wi*e away e!ery tear $rom their eyes".
:e! 8:1 >hen He o*ened the se!enth seal% there was silene in hea!en $or abo#t hal$ an ho#r"
:e! 8:2 +nd I saw the se!en angels who stand be$ore God% and to them were gi!en se!en tr#m*ets"
:e! 8:- Then another angel% ha!ing a golden enser% ame and stood at the altar" He was gi!en m#h inense%
that he sho#ld o$$er (it) with the *rayers o$ all the saints #*on the golden altar whih was be$ore the throne"
:e! 8:0 +nd the smo'e o$ the inense% with the *rayers o$ the saints% asended be$ore God $rom the angelAs
:e! 8:1 Then the angel too' the enser% $illed it with $ire $rom the altar% and threw (it) to the earth" +nd there
were noises% th#nderings% lightnings% and an earthE#a'e"
:e! 8:3 ,o the se!en angels who had the se!en tr#m*ets *re*ared themsel!es to so#nd"
:e! 8:4 The $irst angel so#nded: +nd hail and $ire $ollowed% mingled with blood% and they were thrown to the
earth" +nd a third o$ the trees were b#rned #*% and all green grass was b#rned #*"
:e! 8:8 Then the seond angel so#nded: +nd (something) li'e a great mo#ntain b#rning with $ire was thrown
into the sea% and a third o$ the sea beame blood"
:e! 8:9 +nd a third o$ the li!ing reat#res in the sea died% and a third o$ the shi*s were destroyed"
:e! 8:15 Then the third angel so#nded: +nd a great star $ell $rom hea!en% b#rning li'e a torh% and it $ell on a
third o$ the ri!ers and on the s*rings o$ water"
:e! 8:11 The name o$ the star is >ormwood" + third o$ the waters beame wormwood% and many men died
$rom the water% bea#se it was made bitter"
:e! 8:12 Then the $o#rth angel so#nded: +nd a third o$ the s#n was str#'% a third o$ the moon% and a third o$
the stars% so that a third o$ them were dar'ened" + third o$ the day did not shine% and li'ewise the night"
:e! 8:1- +nd I loo'ed% and I heard an angel $lying thro#gh the midst o$ hea!en% saying with a lo#d !oie% .>oe%
woe% woe to the inhabitants o$ the earth% bea#se o$ the remaining blasts o$ the tr#m*et o$ the three angels who
are abo#t to so#ndF.
:e! 9:1 Then the $i$th angel so#nded: +nd I saw a star $allen $rom hea!en to the earth" To him was gi!en the
'ey to the bottomless *it"
:e! 9:2 +nd he o*ened the bottomless *it% and smo'e arose o#t o$ the *it li'e the smo'e o$ a great $#rnae" ,o
the s#n and the air were dar'ened bea#se o$ the smo'e o$ the *it"
:e! 9:- Then o#t o$ the smo'e lo#sts ame #*on the earth" +nd to them was gi!en *ower% as the sor*ions o$
the earth ha!e *ower"
:e! 9:0 They were ommanded not to harm the grass o$ the earth% or any green thing% or any tree% b#t only
those men who do not ha!e the seal o$ God on their $oreheads"
:e! 9:1 +nd they were not gi!en (a#thority) to 'ill them% b#t to torment them ($or) $i!e months" Their torment
(was) li'e the torment o$ a sor*ion when it stri'es a man"
:e! 9:3 In those days men will see' death and will not $ind it& they will desire to die% and death will $lee $rom
:e! 9:4 The sha*e o$ the lo#sts was li'e horses *re*ared $or battle" 8n their heads were rowns o$ something
li'e gold% and their $aes (were) li'e the $aes o$ men"
:e! 9:8 They had hair li'e womenAs hair% and their teeth were li'e lionsA (teeth")
:e! 9:9 +nd they had breast*lates li'e breast*lates o$ iron% and the so#nd o$ their wings (was) li'e the so#nd o$
hariots with many horses r#nning into battle"
:e! 9:15 They had tails li'e sor*ions% and there were stings in their tails" Their *ower (was) to h#rt men $i!e
:e! 9:11 +nd they had as 'ing o!er them the angel o$ the bottomless *it% whose name in Hebrew (is) +baddon%
b#t in Gree' he has the name +*ollyon"
:e! 9:12 8ne woe is *ast" Behold% still two more woes are oming a$ter these things"
:e! 9:1- Then the si9th angel so#nded: +nd I heard a !oie $rom the $o#r horns o$ the golden altar whih is
be$ore God%
:e! 9:10 saying to the si9th angel who had the tr#m*et% .:elease the $o#r angels who are bo#nd at the great
ri!er 6#*hrates".
:e! 9:11 ,o the $o#r angels% who had been *re*ared $or the ho#r and day and month and year% were released
to 'ill a third o$ man'ind"
:e! 9:13 Now the n#mber o$ the army o$ the horsemen (was) two h#ndred million& I heard the n#mber o$ them"
:e! 9:14 +nd th#s I saw the horses in the !ision: those who sat on them had breast*lates o$ $iery red% hyainth
bl#e% and s#l$#r yellow& and the heads o$ the horses (were) li'e the heads o$ lions& and o#t o$ their mo#ths ame
$ire% smo'e% and brimstone"
:e! 9:18 By these three (*lag#es) a third o$ man'ind was 'illed DD by the $ire and the smo'e and the brimstone
whih ame o#t o$ their mo#ths"
:e! 9:19 ;or their *ower is in their mo#th and in their tails& $or their tails (are) li'e ser*ents% ha!ing heads& and
with them they do harm"
:e! 9:25 B#t the rest o$ man'ind% who were not 'illed by these *lag#es% did not re*ent o$ the wor's o$ their
hands% that they sho#ld not worshi* demons% and idols o$ gold% sil!er% brass% stone% and wood% whih an neither
see nor hear nor wal'"
:e! 9:21 +nd they did not re*ent o$ their m#rders or their soreries or their se9#al immorality or their the$ts"
:e! 15:1 I saw still another mighty angel oming down $rom hea!en% lothed with a lo#d" +nd a rainbow (was)
on his head% his $ae (was) li'e the s#n% and his $eet li'e *illars o$ $ire"
:e! 15:2 He had a little boo' o*en in his hand" +nd he set his right $oot on the sea and (his) le$t ($oot) on the
:e! 15:- and ried with a lo#d !oie% as (when) a lion roars" >hen he ried o#t% se!en th#nders #ttered their
:e! 15:0 Now when the se!en th#nders #ttered their !oies% I was abo#t to write& b#t I heard a !oie $rom
hea!en saying to me% .,eal #* the things whih the se!en th#nders #ttered% and do not write them".
:e! 15:1 The angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised #* his hand to hea!en
:e! 15:3 and swore by Him who li!es $ore!er and e!er% who reated hea!en and the things that are in it% the
earth and the things that are in it% and the sea and the things that are in it% that there sho#ld be delay no longer%
:e! 15:4 b#t in the days o$ the so#nding o$ the se!enth angel% when he is abo#t to so#nd% the mystery o$ God
wo#ld be $inished% as He delared to His ser!ants the *ro*hets"
:e! 15:8 Then the !oie whih I heard $rom hea!en s*o'e to me again and said% .Go% ta'e the little boo' whih
is o*en in the hand o$ the angel who stands on the sea and on the earth".
:e! 15:9 ,o I went to the angel and said to him% .Gi!e me the little boo'". +nd he said to me% .Ta'e and eat it&
and it will ma'e yo#r stomah bitter% b#t it will be as sweet as honey in yo#r mo#th".
:e! 15:15 Then I too' the little boo' o#t o$ the angelAs hand and ate it% and it was as sweet as honey in my
mo#th" B#t when I had eaten it% my stomah beame bitter"
:e! 15:11 +nd he said to me% .Bo# m#st *ro*hesy again abo#t many *eo*les% nations% tong#es% and 'ings".
:e! 11:1 Then I was gi!en a reed li'e a meas#ring rod" +nd the angel stood% saying% .:ise and meas#re the
tem*le o$ God% the altar% and those who worshi* there"
:e! 11:2 .B#t lea!e o#t the o#rt whih is o#tside the tem*le% and do not meas#re it% $or it has been gi!en to the
Gentiles" +nd they will tread the holy ity #nder$oot ($or) $ortyDtwo months"
:e! 11:- .+nd I will gi!e (*ower) to my two witnesses% and they will *ro*hesy one tho#sand two h#ndred and
si9ty days% lothed in sa'loth".
:e! 11:0 These are the two oli!e trees and the two lam*stands standing be$ore the God o$ the earth"
:e! 11:1 +nd i$ anyone wants to harm them% $ire *roeeds $rom their mo#th and de!o#rs their enemies" +nd i$
anyone wants to harm them% he m#st be 'illed in this manner"
:e! 11:3 These ha!e *ower to sh#t hea!en% so that no rain $alls in the days o$ their *ro*hey& and they ha!e
*ower o!er waters to t#rn them to blood% and to stri'e the earth with all *lag#es% as o$ten as they desire"
:e! 11:4 >hen they $inish their testimony% the beast that asends o#t o$ the bottomless *it will ma'e war
against them% o!erome them% and 'ill them"
:e! 11:8 +nd their dead bodies (will lie) in the street o$ the great ity whih s*irit#ally is alled ,odom and
6gy*t% where also o#r /ord was r#i$ied"
:e! 11:9 Then (those) $rom the *eo*les% tribes% tong#es% and nations will see their dead bodies threeDandDaDhal$
days% and not allow their dead bodies to be *#t into gra!es"
:e! 11:15 +nd those who dwell on the earth will re@oie o!er them% ma'e merry% and send gi$ts to one another%
bea#se these two *ro*hets tormented those who dwell on the earth"
:e! 11:11 Now a$ter the threeDandDaDhal$ days the breath o$ li$e $rom God entered them% and they stood on their
$eet% and great $ear $ell on those who saw them"
:e! 11:12 +nd they heard a lo#d !oie $rom hea!en saying to them% .=ome #* here". +nd they asended to
hea!en in a lo#d% and their enemies saw them"
:e! 11:1- In the same ho#r there was a great earthE#a'e% and a tenth o$ the ity $ell" In the earthE#a'e se!en
tho#sand *eo*le were 'illed% and the rest were a$raid and ga!e glory to the God o$ hea!en"
:e! 11:10 The seond woe is *ast" Behold% the third woe is oming E#i'ly"
:e! 11:11 Then the se!enth angel so#nded: +nd there were lo#d !oies in hea!en% saying% .The 'ingdoms o$
this world ha!e beome (the 'ingdoms) o$ o#r /ord and o$ His =hrist% and He shall reign $ore!er and e!erF.
:e! 11:13 +nd the twentyD$o#r elders who sat be$ore God on their thrones $ell on their $aes and worshi*ed
:e! 11:14 saying: .>e gi!e Bo# than's% 8 /ord God +lmighty% The 8ne who is and who was and who is to
ome% Bea#se Bo# ha!e ta'en Bo#r great *ower and reigned"
:e! 11:18 The nations were angry% and Bo#r wrath has ome% +nd the time o$ the dead% that they sho#ld be
@#dged% +nd that Bo# sho#ld reward Bo#r ser!ants the *ro*hets and the saints% +nd those who $ear Bo#r name%
small and great% +nd sho#ld destroy those who destroy the earth".
:e! 11:19 Then the tem*le o$ God was o*ened in hea!en% and the ar' o$ His o!enant was seen in His tem*le"
+nd there were lightnings% noises% th#nderings% an earthE#a'e% and great hail"
:e! 12:1 Now a great sign a**eared in hea!en: a woman lothed with the s#n% with the moon #nder her $eet%
and on her head a garland o$ twel!e stars"
:e! 12:2 Then being with hild% she ried o#t in labor and in *ain to gi!e birth"
:e! 12:- +nd another sign a**eared in hea!en: behold% a great% $iery red dragon ha!ing se!en heads and ten
horns% and se!en diadems on his heads"
:e! 12:0 His tail drew a third o$ the stars o$ hea!en and threw them to the earth" +nd the dragon stood be$ore
the woman who was ready to gi!e birth% to de!o#r her =hild as soon as it was born"
:e! 12:1 ,he bore a male =hild who was to r#le all nations with a rod o$ iron" +nd her =hild was a#ght #* to
God and His throne"
:e! 12:3 Then the woman $led into the wilderness% where she has a *lae *re*ared by God% that they sho#ld
$eed her there one tho#sand two h#ndred and si9ty days"
:e! 12:4 +nd war bro'e o#t in hea!en: ?ihael and his angels $o#ght with the dragon& and the dragon and his
angels $o#ght%
:e! 12:8 b#t they did not *re!ail% nor was a *lae $o#nd $or them in hea!en any longer"
:e! 12:9 ,o the great dragon was ast o#t% that ser*ent o$ old% alled the 2e!il and ,atan% who deei!es the
whole world& he was ast to the earth% and his angels were ast o#t with him"
:e! 12:15 Then I heard a lo#d !oie saying in hea!en% .Now sal!ation% and strength% and the 'ingdom o$ o#r
God% and the *ower o$ His =hrist ha!e ome% $or the a#ser o$ o#r brethren% who a#sed them be$ore o#r God
day and night% has been ast down"
:e! 12:11 .+nd they o!erame him by the blood o$ the /amb and by the word o$ their testimony% and they did
not lo!e their li!es to the death"
:e! 12:12 .There$ore re@oie% 8 hea!ens% and yo# who dwell in themF >oe to the inhabitants o$ the earth and
the seaF ;or the de!il has ome down to yo#% ha!ing great wrath% bea#se he 'nows that he has a short time".
:e! 12:1- Now when the dragon saw that he had been ast to the earth% he *erse#ted the woman who ga!e
birth to the male (=hild")
:e! 12:10 B#t the woman was gi!en two wings o$ a great eagle% that she might $ly into the wilderness to her
*lae% where she is no#rished $or a time and times and hal$ a time% $rom the *resene o$ the ser*ent"
:e! 12:11 ,o the ser*ent s*ewed water o#t o$ his mo#th li'e a $lood a$ter the woman% that he might a#se her
to be arried away by the $lood"
:e! 12:13 B#t the earth hel*ed the woman% and the earth o*ened its mo#th and swallowed #* the $lood whih
the dragon had s*ewed o#t o$ his mo#th"
:e! 12:14 +nd the dragon was enraged with the woman% and he went to ma'e war with the rest o$ her o$$s*ring%
who 'ee* the ommandments o$ God and ha!e the testimony o$ Jes#s =hrist"
:e! 1-:1 Then I stood on the sand o$ the sea" +nd I saw a beast rising #* o#t o$ the sea% ha!ing se!en heads
and ten horns% and on his horns ten rowns% and on his heads a blas*hemo#s name"
:e! 1-:2 Now the beast whih I saw was li'e a leo*ard% his $eet were li'e (the $eet o$) a bear% and his mo#th li'e
the mo#th o$ a lion" The dragon ga!e him his *ower% his throne% and great a#thority"
:e! 1-:- +nd (I saw) one o$ his heads as i$ it had been mortally wo#nded% and his deadly wo#nd was healed"
+nd all the world mar!eled and $ollowed the beast"
:e! 1-:0 ,o they worshi*ed the dragon who ga!e a#thority to the beast& and they worshi*ed the beast% saying%
.>ho (is) li'e the beastC >ho is able to ma'e war with himC.
:e! 1-:1 +nd he was gi!en a mo#th s*ea'ing great things and blas*hemies% and he was gi!en a#thority to
ontin#e $or $ortyDtwo months"
:e! 1-:3 Then he o*ened his mo#th in blas*hemy against God% to blas*heme His name% His tabernale% and
those who dwell in hea!en"
:e! 1-:4 It was granted to him to ma'e war with the saints and to o!erome them" +nd a#thority was gi!en him
o!er e!ery tribe% tong#e% and nation"
:e! 1-:8 +ll who dwell on the earth will worshi* him% whose names ha!e not been written in the Boo' o$ /i$e o$
the /amb slain $rom the $o#ndation o$ the world"
:e! 1-:9 I$ anyone has an ear% let him hear"
:e! 1-:15 He who leads into a*ti!ity shall go into a*ti!ity& he who 'ills with the sword m#st be 'illed with the
sword" Here is the *atiene and the $aith o$ the saints"
:e! 1-:11 Then I saw another beast oming #* o#t o$ the earth% and he had two horns li'e a lamb and s*o'e
li'e a dragon"
:e! 1-:12 +nd he e9erises all the a#thority o$ the $irst beast in his *resene% and a#ses the earth and those
who dwell in it to worshi* the $irst beast% whose deadly wo#nd was healed"
:e! 1-:1- He *er$orms great signs% so that he e!en ma'es $ire ome down $rom hea!en on the earth in the
sight o$ men"
:e! 1-:10 +nd he deei!es those who dwell on the earth by those signs whih he was granted to do in the sight
o$ the beast% telling those who dwell on the earth to ma'e an image to the beast who was wo#nded by the sword
and li!ed"
:e! 1-:11 He was granted (*ower) to gi!e breath to the image o$ the beast% that the image o$ the beast sho#ld
both s*ea' and a#se as many as wo#ld not worshi* the image o$ the beast to be 'illed"
:e! 1-:13 He a#ses all% both small and great% rih and *oor% $ree and sla!e% to reei!e a mar' on their right
hand or on their $oreheads%
:e! 1-:14 and that no one may b#y or sell e9e*t one who has the mar' or the name o$ the beast% or the
n#mber o$ his name"
:e! 1-:18 Here is wisdom" /et him who has #nderstanding al#late the n#mber o$ the beast% $or it is the
n#mber o$ a man: His n#mber (is) 333"
:e! 10:1 Then I loo'ed% and behold% a /amb standing on ?o#nt Gion% and with Him one h#ndred (and) $ortyD$o#r
tho#sand% ha!ing His ;atherAs name written on their $oreheads"
:e! 10:2 +nd I heard a !oie $rom hea!en% li'e the !oie o$ many waters% and li'e the !oie o$ lo#d th#nder"
+nd I heard the so#nd o$ har*ists *laying their har*s"
:e! 10:- They sang as it were a new song be$ore the throne% be$ore the $o#r li!ing reat#res% and the elders&
and no one o#ld learn that song e9e*t the h#ndred (and) $ortyD$o#r tho#sand who were redeemed $rom the
:e! 10:0 These are the ones who were not de$iled with women% $or they are !irgins" These are the ones who
$ollow the /amb where!er He goes" These were redeemed $rom (among) men% (being) $irst$r#its to God and to
the /amb"
:e! 10:1 +nd in their mo#th was $o#nd no deeit% $or they are witho#t $a#lt be$ore the throne o$ God"
:e! 10:3 Then I saw another angel $lying in the midst o$ hea!en% ha!ing the e!erlasting gos*el to *reah to
those who dwell on the earth DD to e!ery nation% tribe% tong#e% and *eo*le DD
:e! 10:4 saying with a lo#d !oie% .;ear God and gi!e glory to Him% $or the ho#r o$ His @#dgment has ome& and
worshi* Him who made hea!en and earth% the sea and s*rings o$ water".
:e! 10:8 +nd another angel $ollowed% saying% .Babylon is $allen% is $allen% that great ity% bea#se she has made
all nations drin' o$ the wine o$ the wrath o$ her $orniation".
:e! 10:9 Then a third angel $ollowed them% saying with a lo#d !oie% .I$ anyone worshi*s the beast and his
image% and reei!es (his) mar' on his $orehead or on his hand%
:e! 10:15 .he himsel$ shall also drin' o$ the wine o$ the wrath o$ God% whih is *o#red o#t $#ll strength into the
#* o$ His indignation" He shall be tormented with $ire and brimstone in the *resene o$ the holy angels and in
the *resene o$ the /amb"
:e! 10:11 .+nd the smo'e o$ their torment asends $ore!er and e!er& and they ha!e no rest day or night% who
worshi* the beast and his image% and whoe!er reei!es the mar' o$ his name".
:e! 10:12 Here is the *atiene o$ the saints& here (are) those who 'ee* the ommandments o$ God and the
$aith o$ Jes#s"
:e! 10:1- Then I heard a !oie $rom hea!en saying to me% .>rite: ABlessed (are) the dead who die in the /ord
$rom now on"A . .Bes%. says the ,*irit% .that they may rest $rom their labors% and their wor's $ollow them".
:e! 10:10 Then I loo'ed% and behold% a white lo#d% and on the lo#d sat (8ne) li'e the ,on o$ ?an% ha!ing on
His head a golden rown% and in His hand a shar* si'le"
:e! 10:11 +nd another angel ame o#t o$ the tem*le% rying with a lo#d !oie to Him who sat on the lo#d%
.Thr#st in Bo#r si'le and rea*% $or the time has ome $or Bo# to rea*% $or the har!est o$ the earth is ri*e".
:e! 10:13 ,o He who sat on the lo#d thr#st in His si'le on the earth% and the earth was rea*ed"
:e! 10:14 Then another angel ame o#t o$ the tem*le whih is in hea!en% he also ha!ing a shar* si'le"
:e! 10:18 +nd another angel ame o#t $rom the altar% who had *ower o!er $ire% and he ried with a lo#d ry to
him who had the shar* si'le% saying% .Thr#st in yo#r shar* si'le and gather the l#sters o$ the !ine o$ the
earth% $or her gra*es are $#lly ri*e".
:e! 10:19 ,o the angel thr#st his si'le into the earth and gathered the !ine o$ the earth% and threw (it) into the
great wine*ress o$ the wrath o$ God"
:e! 10:25 +nd the wine*ress was tram*led o#tside the ity% and blood ame o#t o$ the wine*ress% #* to the
horsesA bridles% $or one tho#sand si9 h#ndred $#rlongs"
:e! 11:1 Then I saw another sign in hea!en% great and mar!elo#s: se!en angels ha!ing the se!en last *lag#es%
$or in them the wrath o$ God is om*lete"
:e! 11:2 +nd I saw (something) li'e a sea o$ glass mingled with $ire% and those who ha!e the !itory o!er the
beast% o!er his image and o!er his mar' (and) o!er the n#mber o$ his name% standing on the sea o$ glass% ha!ing
har*s o$ God"
:e! 11:- They sing the song o$ ?oses% the ser!ant o$ God% and the song o$ the /amb% saying: .Great and
mar!elo#s (are) Bo#r wor's% /ord God +lmightyF J#st and tr#e (are) Bo#r ways% 8 King o$ the saintsF
:e! 11:0 >ho shall not $ear Bo#% 8 /ord% and glori$y Bo#r nameC ;or (Bo#) alone (are) holy" ;or all nations shall
ome and worshi* be$ore Bo#% ;or Bo#r @#dgments ha!e been mani$ested".
:e! 11:1 +$ter these things I loo'ed% and behold% the tem*le o$ the tabernale o$ the testimony in hea!en was
:e! 11:3 +nd o#t o$ the tem*le ame the se!en angels ha!ing the se!en *lag#es% lothed in *#re bright linen%
and ha!ing their hests girded with golden bands"
:e! 11:4 Then one o$ the $o#r li!ing reat#res ga!e to the se!en angels se!en golden bowls $#ll o$ the wrath o$
God who li!es $ore!er and e!er"
:e! 11:8 The tem*le was $illed with smo'e $rom the glory o$ God and $rom His *ower% and no one was able to
enter the tem*le till the se!en *lag#es o$ the se!en angels were om*leted"
:e! 13:1 Then I heard a lo#d !oie $rom the tem*le saying to the se!en angels% .Go and *o#r o#t the bowls o$
the wrath o$ God on the earth".
:e! 13:2 ,o the $irst went and *o#red o#t his bowl #*on the earth% and a $o#l and loathsome sore ame #*on
the men who had the mar' o$ the beast and those who worshi*ed his image"
:e! 13:- Then the seond angel *o#red o#t his bowl on the sea% and it beame blood as o$ a dead (man&) and
e!ery li!ing reat#re in the sea died"
:e! 13:0 Then the third angel *o#red o#t his bowl on the ri!ers and s*rings o$ water% and they beame blood"
:e! 13:1 +nd I heard the angel o$ the waters saying: .Bo# are righteo#s% 8 /ord% The 8ne who is and who was
and who is to be% Bea#se Bo# ha!e @#dged these things"
:e! 13:3 ;or they ha!e shed the blood o$ saints and *ro*hets% +nd Bo# ha!e gi!en them blood to drin'" ;or it is
their @#st d#e".
:e! 13:4 +nd I heard another $rom the altar saying% .6!en so% /ord God +lmighty% tr#e and righteo#s (are) Bo#r
:e! 13:8 Then the $o#rth angel *o#red o#t his bowl on the s#n% and *ower was gi!en to him to sorh men with
:e! 13:9 +nd men were sorhed with great heat% and they blas*hemed the name o$ God who has *ower o!er
these *lag#es& and they did not re*ent and gi!e Him glory"
:e! 13:15 Then the $i$th angel *o#red o#t his bowl on the throne o$ the beast% and his 'ingdom beame $#ll o$
dar'ness& and they gnawed their tong#es bea#se o$ the *ain"
:e! 13:11 They blas*hemed the God o$ hea!en bea#se o$ their *ains and their sores% and did not re*ent o$
their deeds"
:e! 13:12 Then the si9th angel *o#red o#t his bowl on the great ri!er 6#*hrates% and its water was dried #*% so
that the way o$ the 'ings $rom the east might be *re*ared"
:e! 13:1- +nd I saw three #nlean s*irits li'e $rogs (oming) o#t o$ the mo#th o$ the dragon% o#t o$ the mo#th o$
the beast% and o#t o$ the mo#th o$ the $alse *ro*het"
:e! 13:10 ;or they are s*irits o$ demons% *er$orming signs% (whih) go o#t to the 'ings o$ the earth and o$ the
whole world% to gather them to the battle o$ that great day o$ God +lmighty"
:e! 13:11 .Behold% I am oming as a thie$" Blessed (is) he who wathes% and 'ee*s his garments% lest he wal'
na'ed and they see his shame".
:e! 13:13 +nd they gathered them together to the *lae alled in Hebrew% +rmageddon"
:e! 13:14 Then the se!enth angel *o#red o#t his bowl into the air% and a lo#d !oie ame o#t o$ the tem*le o$
hea!en% $rom the throne% saying% .It is doneF.
:e! 13:18 +nd there were noises and th#nderings and lightnings& and there was a great earthE#a'e% s#h a
mighty and great earthE#a'e as had not o#rred sine men were on the earth"
:e! 13:19 Now the great ity was di!ided into three *arts% and the ities o$ the nations $ell" +nd great Babylon
was remembered be$ore God% to gi!e her the #* o$ the wine o$ the $iereness o$ His wrath"
:e! 13:25 Then e!ery island $led away% and the mo#ntains were not $o#nd"
:e! 13:21 +nd great hail $rom hea!en $ell #*on men% (eah hailstone) abo#t the weight o$ a talent" ?en
blas*hemed God bea#se o$ the *lag#e o$ the hail% sine that *lag#e was e9eedingly great"
:e! 14:1 Then one o$ the se!en angels who had the se!en bowls ame and tal'ed with me% saying to me%
.=ome% I will show yo# the @#dgment o$ the great harlot who sits on many waters%
:e! 14:2 .with whom the 'ings o$ the earth ommitted $orniation% and the inhabitants o$ the earth were made
dr#n' with the wine o$ her $orniation".
:e! 14:- ,o he arried me away in the ,*irit into the wilderness" +nd I saw a woman sitting on a sarlet beast
(whih was) $#ll o$ names o$ blas*hemy% ha!ing se!en heads and ten horns"
:e! 14:0 The woman was arrayed in *#r*le and sarlet% and adorned with gold and *reio#s stones and *earls%
ha!ing in her hand a golden #* $#ll o$ abominations and the $ilthiness o$ her $orniation"
:e! 14:1 +nd on her $orehead a name (was) written: ?B,T6:B% B+BB/8N TH6 G:6+T% TH6 ?8TH6: 8;
H+:/8T, +N2 8; TH6 +B8?IN+TI8N, 8; TH6 6+:TH"
:e! 14:3 I saw the woman% dr#n' with the blood o$ the saints and with the blood o$ the martyrs o$ Jes#s" +nd
when I saw her% I mar!eled with great amaHement"
:e! 14:4 B#t the angel said to me% .>hy did yo# mar!elC I will tell yo# the mystery o$ the woman and o$ the
beast that arries her% whih has the se!en heads and the ten horns"
:e! 14:8 .The beast that yo# saw was% and is not% and will asend o#t o$ the bottomless *it and go to *erdition"
+nd those who dwell on the earth will mar!el% whose names are not written in the Boo' o$ /i$e $rom the
$o#ndation o$ the world% when they see the beast that was% and is not% and yet is"
:e! 14:9 .Here (is) the mind whih has wisdom: The se!en heads are se!en mo#ntains on whih the woman
:e! 14:15 .There are also se!en 'ings" ;i!e ha!e $allen% one is% (and) the other has not yet ome" +nd when he
omes% he m#st ontin#e a short time"
:e! 14:11 .+nd the beast that was% and is not% is himsel$ also the eighth% and is o$ the se!en% and is going to
:e! 14:12 .The ten horns whih yo# saw are ten 'ings who ha!e reei!ed no 'ingdom as yet% b#t they reei!e
a#thority $or one ho#r as 'ings with the beast"
:e! 14:1- .These are o$ one mind% and they will gi!e their *ower and a#thority to the beast"
:e! 14:10 .These will ma'e war with the /amb% and the /amb will o!erome them% $or He is /ord o$ lords and
King o$ 'ings& and those (who are) with Him (are) alled% hosen% and $aith$#l".
:e! 14:11 Then he said to me% .The waters whih yo# saw% where the harlot sits% are *eo*les% m#ltit#des%
nations% and tong#es"
:e! 14:13 .+nd the ten horns whih yo# saw on the beast% these will hate the harlot% ma'e her desolate and
na'ed% eat her $lesh and b#rn her with $ire"
:e! 14:14 .;or God has *#t it into their hearts to $#l$ill His *#r*ose% to be o$ one mind% and to gi!e their 'ingdom
to the beast% #ntil the words o$ God are $#l$illed"
:e! 14:18 .+nd the woman whom yo# saw is that great ity whih reigns o!er the 'ings o$ the earth".
:e! 18:1 +$ter these things I saw another angel oming down $rom hea!en% ha!ing great a#thority% and the
earth was ill#minated with his glory"
:e! 18:2 +nd he ried mightily with a lo#d !oie% saying% .Babylon the great is $allen% is $allen% and has beome
a dwelling *lae o$ demons% a *rison $or e!ery $o#l s*irit% and a age $or e!ery #nlean and hated birdF
:e! 18:- .;or all the nations ha!e dr#n' o$ the wine o$ the wrath o$ her $orniation% the 'ings o$ the earth ha!e
ommitted $orniation with her% and the merhants o$ the earth ha!e beome rih thro#gh the ab#ndane o$ her
:e! 18:0 +nd I heard another !oie $rom hea!en saying% .=ome o#t o$ her% my *eo*le% lest yo# share in her
sins% and lest yo# reei!e o$ her *lag#es"
:e! 18:1 .;or her sins ha!e reahed to hea!en% and God has remembered her iniE#ities"
:e! 18:3 .:ender to her @#st as she rendered to yo#% and re*ay her do#ble aording to her wor's& in the #*
whih she has mi9ed% mi9 do#ble $or her"
:e! 18:4 .In the meas#re that she glori$ied hersel$ and li!ed l#9#rio#sly% in the same meas#re gi!e her torment
and sorrow& $or she says in her heart% AI sit (as) E#een% and am no widow% and will not see sorrow"A
:e! 18:8 .There$ore her *lag#es will ome in one day DD death and mo#rning and $amine" +nd she will be #tterly
b#rned with $ire% $or strong (is) the /ord God who @#dges her"
:e! 18:9 . The 'ings o$ the earth who ommitted $orniation and li!ed l#9#rio#sly with her will wee* and lament
$or her% when they see the smo'e o$ her b#rning%
:e! 18:15 .standing at a distane $or $ear o$ her torment% saying% A+las% alas% that great ity Babylon% that mighty
ityF ;or in one ho#r yo#r @#dgment has ome"A
:e! 18:11 .+nd the merhants o$ the earth will wee* and mo#rn o!er her% $or no one b#ys their merhandise
:e! 18:12 .merhandise o$ gold and sil!er% *reio#s stones and *earls% $ine linen and *#r*le% sil' and sarlet%
e!ery 'ind o$ itron wood% e!ery 'ind o$ ob@et o$ i!ory% e!ery 'ind o$ ob@et o$ most *reio#s wood% bronHe% iron%
and marble&
:e! 18:1- .and innamon and inense% $ragrant oil and $ran'inense% wine and oil% $ine $lo#r and wheat% attle
and shee*% horses and hariots% and bodies and so#ls o$ men"
:e! 18:10 .The $r#it that yo#r so#l longed $or has gone $rom yo#% and all the things whih are rih and s*lendid
ha!e gone $rom yo#% and yo# shall $ind them no more at all"
:e! 18:11 .The merhants o$ these things% who beame rih by her% will stand at a distane $or $ear o$ her
torment% wee*ing and wailing%
:e! 18:13 .and saying% A+las% alas% that great ity that was lothed in $ine linen% *#r*le% and sarlet% and adorned
with gold and *reio#s stones and *earlsF
:e! 18:14 A;or in one ho#r s#h great rihes ame to nothing"A 6!ery shi*master% all who tra!el by shi*% sailors%
and as many as trade on the sea% stood at a distane
:e! 18:18 .and ried o#t when they saw the smo'e o$ her b#rning% saying% A>hat (is) li'e this great ityCA
:e! 18:19 .They threw d#st on their heads and ried o#t% wee*ing and wailing% and saying% A+las% alas% that
great ity% in whih all who had shi*s on the sea beame rih by her wealthF ;or in one ho#r she is made
:e! 18:25 .:e@oie o!er her% 8 hea!en% and (yo#) holy a*ostles and *ro*hets% $or God has a!enged yo# on
:e! 18:21 Then a mighty angel too' #* a stone li'e a great millstone and threw (it) into the sea% saying% .Th#s
with !iolene the great ity Babylon shall be thrown down% and shall not be $o#nd anymore"
:e! 18:22 .The so#nd o$ har*ists% m#siians% $l#tists% and tr#m*eters shall not be heard in yo# anymore" No
ra$tsman o$ any ra$t shall be $o#nd in yo# anymore% and the so#nd o$ a millstone shall not be heard in yo#
:e! 18:2- .The light o$ a lam* shall not shine in yo# anymore% and the !oie o$ bridegroom and bride shall not
be heard in yo# anymore" ;or yo#r merhants were the great men o$ the earth% $or by yo#r sorery all the nations
were deei!ed"
:e! 18:20 .+nd in her was $o#nd the blood o$ *ro*hets and saints% and o$ all who were slain on the earth".
:e! 19:1 +$ter these things I heard a lo#d !oie o$ a great m#ltit#de in hea!en% saying% .+llel#iaF ,al!ation and
glory and honor and *ower (belong) to the /ord o#r GodF
:e! 19:2 .;or tr#e and righteo#s (are) His @#dgments% bea#se He has @#dged the great harlot who orr#*ted
the earth with her $orniation& and He has a!enged on her the blood o$ His ser!ants (shed) by her".
:e! 19:- +gain they said% .+llel#iaF Her smo'e rises #* $ore!er and e!erF.
:e! 19:0 +nd the twentyD$o#r elders and the $o#r li!ing reat#res $ell down and worshi*ed God who sat on the
throne% saying% .+menF +llel#iaF.
:e! 19:1 Then a !oie ame $rom the throne% saying% .<raise o#r God% all yo# His ser!ants and those who $ear
Him% both small and greatF.
:e! 19:3 +nd I heard% as it were% the !oie o$ a great m#ltit#de% as the so#nd o$ many waters and as the so#nd
o$ mighty th#nderings% saying% .+llel#iaF ;or the /ord God 8mni*otent reignsF
:e! 19:4 ./et #s be glad and re@oie and gi!e Him glory% $or the marriage o$ the /amb has ome% and His wi$e
has made hersel$ ready".
:e! 19:8 +nd to her it was granted to be arrayed in $ine linen% lean and bright% $or the $ine linen is the righteo#s
ats o$ the saints"
:e! 19:9 Then he said to me% .>rite: ABlessed (are) those who are alled to the marriage s#**er o$ the /ambFA .
+nd he said to me% .These are the tr#e sayings o$ God".
:e! 19:15 +nd I $ell at his $eet to worshi* him" B#t he said to me% .,ee (that yo# do) not (do thatF) I am yo#r
$ellow ser!ant% and o$ yo#r brethren who ha!e the testimony o$ Jes#s" >orshi* GodF ;or the testimony o$ Jes#s
is the s*irit o$ *ro*hey".
:e! 19:11 Now I saw hea!en o*ened% and behold% a white horse" +nd He who sat on him (was) alled ;aith$#l
and Tr#e% and in righteo#sness He @#dges and ma'es war"
:e! 19:12 His eyes (were) li'e a $lame o$ $ire% and on His head (were) many rowns" He had a name written that
no one 'new e9e*t Himsel$"
:e! 19:1- He (was) lothed with a robe di**ed in blood% and His name is alled The >ord o$ God"
:e! 19:10 +nd the armies in hea!en% lothed in $ine linen% white and lean% $ollowed Him on white horses"
:e! 19:11 Now o#t o$ His mo#th goes a shar* sword% that with it He sho#ld stri'e the nations" +nd He Himsel$
will r#le them with a rod o$ iron" He Himsel$ treads the wine*ress o$ the $iereness and wrath o$ +lmighty God"
:e! 19:13 +nd He has on (His) robe and on His thigh a name written: KING 8; KING, +N2 /8:2 8; /8:2,"
:e! 19:14 Then I saw an angel standing in the s#n& and he ried with a lo#d !oie% saying to all the birds that $ly
in the midst o$ hea!en% .=ome and gather together $or the s#**er o$ the great God%
:e! 19:18 .that yo# may eat the $lesh o$ 'ings% the $lesh o$ a*tains% the $lesh o$ mighty men% the $lesh o$ horses
and o$ those who sit on them% and the $lesh o$ all (*eo*le%) $ree and sla!e% both small and great".
:e! 19:19 +nd I saw the beast% the 'ings o$ the earth% and their armies% gathered together to ma'e war against
Him who sat on the horse and against His army"
:e! 19:25 Then the beast was a*t#red% and with him the $alse *ro*het who wor'ed signs in his *resene% by
whih he deei!ed those who reei!ed the mar' o$ the beast and those who worshi*ed his image" These two
were ast ali!e into the la'e o$ $ire b#rning with brimstone"
:e! 19:21 +nd the rest were 'illed with the sword whih *roeeded $rom the mo#th o$ Him who sat on the
horse" +nd all the birds were $illed with their $lesh"
:e! 25:1 Then I saw an angel oming down $rom hea!en% ha!ing the 'ey to the bottomless *it and a great hain
in his hand"
:e! 25:2 He laid hold o$ the dragon% that ser*ent o$ old% who is (the) 2e!il and ,atan% and bo#nd him $or a
tho#sand years&
:e! 25:- and he ast him into the bottomless *it% and sh#t him #*% and set a seal on him% so that he sho#ld
deei!e the nations no more till the tho#sand years were $inished" B#t a$ter these things he m#st be released $or
a little while"
:e! 25:0 +nd I saw thrones% and they sat on them% and @#dgment was ommitted to them" Then (I saw) the
so#ls o$ those who had been beheaded $or their witness to Jes#s and $or the word o$ God% who had not
worshi*ed the beast or his image% and had not reei!ed (his) mar' on their $oreheads or on their hands" +nd they
li!ed and reigned with =hrist $or a tho#sand years"
:e! 25:1 B#t the rest o$ the dead did not li!e again #ntil the tho#sand years were $inished" This (is) the $irst
:e! 25:3 Blessed and holy (is) he who has *art in the $irst res#rretion" 8!er s#h the seond death has no
*ower% b#t they shall be *riests o$ God and o$ =hrist% and shall reign with Him a tho#sand years"
:e! 25:4 Now when the tho#sand years ha!e e9*ired% ,atan will be released $rom his *rison
:e! 25:8 and will go o#t to deei!e the nations whih are in the $o#r orners o$ the earth% Gog and ?agog% to
gather them together to battle% whose n#mber (is) as the sand o$ the sea"
:e! 25:9 They went #* on the breadth o$ the earth and s#rro#nded the am* o$ the saints and the belo!ed ity"
+nd $ire ame down $rom God o#t o$ hea!en and de!o#red them"
:e! 25:15 The de!il% who deei!ed them% was ast into the la'e o$ $ire and brimstone where the beast and the
$alse *ro*het (are") +nd they will be tormented day and night $ore!er and e!er"
:e! 25:11 Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it% $rom whose $ae the earth and the hea!en
$led away" +nd there was $o#nd no *lae $or them"
:e! 25:12 +nd I saw the dead% small and great% standing be$ore God% and boo's were o*ened" +nd another
boo' was o*ened% whih is (the Boo') o$ /i$e" +nd the dead were @#dged aording to their wor's% by the things
whih were written in the boo's"
:e! 25:1- The sea ga!e #* the dead who were in it% and 2eath and Hades deli!ered #* the dead who were in
them" +nd they were @#dged% eah one aording to his wor's"
:e! 25:10 Then 2eath and Hades were ast into the la'e o$ $ire" This is the seond death"
:e! 25:11 +nd anyone not $o#nd written in the Boo' o$ /i$e was ast into the la'e o$ $ire"
:e! 21:1 Now I saw a new hea!en and a new earth% $or the $irst hea!en and the $irst earth had *assed away"
+lso there was no more sea"
:e! 21:2 Then I% John% saw the holy ity% New Jer#salem% oming down o#t o$ hea!en $rom God% *re*ared as a
bride adorned $or her h#sband"
:e! 21:- +nd I heard a lo#d !oie $rom hea!en saying% .Behold% the tabernale o$ God (is) with men% and He will
dwell with them% and they shall be His *eo*le" God Himsel$ will be with them (and be) their God"
:e! 21:0 .+nd God will wi*e away e!ery tear $rom their eyes& there shall be no more death% nor sorrow% nor
rying" There shall be no more *ain% $or the $ormer things ha!e *assed away".
:e! 21:1 Then He who sat on the throne said% .Behold% I ma'e all things new". +nd He said to me% .>rite% $or
these words are tr#e and $aith$#l".
:e! 21:3 +nd He said to me% .It is doneF I am the +l*ha and the 8mega% the Beginning and the 6nd" I will gi!e
o$ the $o#ntain o$ the water o$ li$e $reely to him who thirsts"
:e! 21:4 .He who o!eromes shall inherit all things% and I will be his God and he shall be ?y son"
:e! 21:8 .B#t the owardly% #nbelie!ing% abominable% m#rderers% se9#ally immoral% sorerers% idolaters% and all
liars shall ha!e their *art in the la'e whih b#rns with $ire and brimstone% whih is the seond death".
:e! 21:9 Then one o$ the se!en angels who had the se!en bowls $illed with the se!en last *lag#es ame to me
and tal'ed with me% saying% .=ome% I will show yo# the bride% the /ambAs wi$e".
:e! 21:15 +nd he arried me away in the ,*irit to a great and high mo#ntain% and showed me the great ity% the
holy Jer#salem% desending o#t o$ hea!en $rom God%
:e! 21:11 ha!ing the glory o$ God" Her light (was) li'e a most *reio#s stone% li'e a @as*er stone% lear as
:e! 21:12 +lso she had a great and high wall with twel!e gates% and twel!e angels at the gates% and names
written on them% whih are (the names) o$ the twel!e tribes o$ the hildren o$ Israel:
:e! 21:1- three gates on the east% three gates on the north% three gates on the so#th% and three gates on the
:e! 21:10 Now the wall o$ the ity had twel!e $o#ndations% and on them were the names o$ the twel!e a*ostles
o$ the /amb"
:e! 21:11 +nd he who tal'ed with me had a gold reed to meas#re the ity% its gates% and its wall"
:e! 21:13 The ity is laid o#t as a sE#are& its length is as great as its breadth" +nd he meas#red the ity with
the reed: twel!e tho#sand $#rlongs" Its length% breadth% and height are eE#al"
:e! 21:14 Then he meas#red its wall: one h#ndred (and) $ortyD$o#r #bits% (aording) to the meas#re o$ a man%
that is% o$ an angel"
:e! 21:18 The onstr#tion o$ its wall was (o$) @as*er& and the ity (was) *#re gold% li'e lear glass"
:e! 21:19 The $o#ndations o$ the wall o$ the ity (were) adorned with all 'inds o$ *reio#s stones: the $irst
$o#ndation (was) @as*er% the seond sa**hire% the third haledony% the $o#rth emerald%
:e! 21:25 the $i$th sardony9% the si9th sardi#s% the se!enth hrysolite% the eighth beryl% the ninth to*aH% the tenth
hryso*rase% the ele!enth @ainth% and the twel$th amethyst"
:e! 21:21 The twel!e gates (were) twel!e *earls: eah indi!id#al gate was o$ one *earl" +nd the street o$ the
ity (was) *#re gold% li'e trans*arent glass"
:e! 21:22 B#t I saw no tem*le in it% $or the /ord God +lmighty and the /amb are its tem*le"
:e! 21:2- The ity had no need o$ the s#n or o$ the moon to shine in it% $or the glory o$ God ill#minated it" The
/amb (is) its light"
:e! 21:20 +nd the nations o$ those who are sa!ed shall wal' in its light% and the 'ings o$ the earth bring their
glory and honor into it"
:e! 21:21 Its gates shall not be sh#t at all by day Ithere shall be no night thereJ"
:e! 21:23 +nd they shall bring the glory and the honor o$ the nations into it"
:e! 21:24 B#t there shall by no means enter it anything that de$iles% or a#ses an abomination or a lie% b#t only
those who are written in the /ambAs Boo' o$ /i$e"
:e! 22:1 +nd he showed me a *#re ri!er o$ water o$ li$e% lear as rystal% *roeeding $rom the throne o$ God
and o$ the /amb"
:e! 22:2 In the middle o$ its street% and on either side o$ the ri!er% (was) the tree o$ li$e% whih bore twel!e $r#its%
eah (tree) yielding its $r#it e!ery month" The lea!es o$ the tree (were) $or the healing o$ the nations"
:e! 22:- +nd there shall be no more #rse% b#t the throne o$ God and o$ the /amb shall be in it% and His
ser!ants shall ser!e Him"
:e! 22:0 They shall see His $ae% and His name (shall be) on their $oreheads"
:e! 22:1 There shall be no night there: They need no lam* nor light o$ the s#n% $or the /ord God gi!es them
light" +nd they shall reign $ore!er and e!er"
:e! 22:3 Then he said to me% .These words (are) $aith$#l and tr#e". +nd the /ord God o$ the holy *ro*hets sent
His angel to show His ser!ants the things whih m#st shortly ta'e *lae"
:e! 22:4 .Behold% I am oming E#i'lyF Blessed (is) he who 'ee*s the words o$ the *ro*hey o$ this boo'".
:e! 22:8 Now I% John% saw and heard these things" +nd when I heard and saw% I $ell down to worshi* be$ore the
$eet o$ the angel who showed me these things"
:e! 22:9 Then he said to me% .,ee (that yo# do) not (do that") ;or I am yo#r $ellow ser!ant% and o$ yo#r brethren
the *ro*hets% and o$ those who 'ee* the words o$ this boo'" >orshi* God".
:e! 22:15 +nd he said to me% .2o not seal the words o$ the *ro*hey o$ this boo'% $or the time is at hand"
:e! 22:11 .He who is #n@#st% let him be #n@#st still& he who is $ilthy% let him be $ilthy still& he who is righteo#s% let
him be righteo#s still& he who is holy% let him be holy still".
:e! 22:12 . +nd behold% I am oming E#i'ly% and ?y reward (is) with ?e% to gi!e to e!ery one aording to his
:e! 22:1- .I am the +l*ha and the 8mega% (the) Beginning and (the) 6nd% the ;irst and the /ast".
:e! 22:10 Blessed (are) those who do His ommandments% that they may ha!e the right to the tree o$ li$e% and
may enter thro#gh the gates into the ity"
:e! 22:11 B#t o#tside (are) dogs and sorerers and se9#ally immoral and m#rderers and idolaters% and
whoe!er lo!es and *raties a lie"
:e! 22:13 .I% Jes#s% ha!e sent ?y angel to testi$y to yo# these things in the h#rhes" I am the :oot and the
8$$s*ring o$ 2a!id% the Bright and ?orning ,tar".
:e! 22:14 +nd the ,*irit and the bride say% .=omeF. +nd let him who hears say% .=omeF. +nd let him who thirsts
ome" >hoe!er desires% let him ta'e the water o$ li$e $reely"
:e! 22:18 ;or I testi$y to e!eryone who hears the words o$ the *ro*hey o$ this boo': I$ anyone adds to these
things% God will add to him the *lag#es that are written in this boo'&
:e! 22:19 and i$ anyone ta'es away $rom the words o$ the boo' o$ this *ro*hey% God shall ta'e away his *art
$rom the Boo' o$ /i$e% $rom the holy ity% and ($rom) the things whih are written in this boo'"
:e! 22:25 He who testi$ies to these things says% .,#rely I am oming E#i'ly". +men" 6!en so% ome% /ord
:e! 22:21 The grae o$ o#r /ord Jes#s =hrist (be) with yo# all" +men"

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