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Script for Final Story:

Once upon a time there was a girl with a big crush on a famous actor.

First, Lord of the Rings came out and she discovered that an elf could be attractive.
She saw Lord of the Rings many times in theatre.

Then, Pirates of the Caribbean came out and her crush deepened. Orlando Bloom
was even hotter as a pirate.

Her fanaticism deepened with time and she ended up dressing up like a pirate at the
midnight showings for the Pirate sequels.

This girl dreamed of doing a study abroad in London for as long as she could
remember. When she found out Orlando Bloom was from Canterbury, Kent,
England she knew meeting him would be part of her study abroad.

Throughout college her crush lessened but she still did create this pretty fantastic
airbrush portrait of her favorite actor.

The day came that she got accepted to study abroad in London! She was fulfilling
her bucket list and was ecstatic.

While packing, she even thought of bringing along a copy of her airbrush drawing in
case she could give it to Orlando. Her grown up self thought she was ridiculous
though. Even if she happened to meet Orlando on her study abroad, what would the
chances be that she would have the drawing on her when she did?

She got to London and loved it like she always knew that she would.

One day a game changer happened for her London stay.

A professors daughter told her Orlando Bloom was doing a play in London that

She immediately got on the internet and looked it up.and he was! She ran out of
her flat to the tube and went straight to the theatre.

On the way there she realized it was late and no one would be there to sell her a
ticket, but she was already half way there and then she could double confirm that
this was REALLY happening.

She made it through her line switches on the tube and found the theatre. There sat
Orlando Blooms beloved name on the marquee. It was true. He was doing a play in
London. How could her younger self have known?

She went back the next morning and bought a ticket for that nights play. She could
have saved a significant amount of money to wait and go in a few weeks. But this
was just something she couldnt wait for.

She enjoyed the play, but didnt follow the story line. She was watching Orlando
Bloom act live even when the other characters were speaking.

She heard you could see him walk from the theatre to his car after the play. She ran
out right after the play ended. To her dismay, there were thousands of people there
already. It was a fun sceneso many fans screaming how much they loved Orlando.
These were her people. She was surprised to see not only teenaged girls, but moms,
old men, young men. Yes, Orlando had quite the following.

She was hopeful to meet him that night and have him sign her ticket stub. But by the
time she about made it to the front of the crowd he hopped in his car. She was
determined to get a better view.

She got a group from her study abroad group to go back with her another night.
Without going to the play they could get there much earlier. She was in the third
row back though, not close enough. It was still fun, but she still didnt get an
autograph or a great view. She was closer though. Third times the charm, right?

The third occasion she went to see him she got there early enough to be at the front
of the line! Wahoo! Finally! Here she was standing with the super fans. She
obtained vital information to help her future stalk-a-pades. Like what time Orlando
entered the theatre. She talked a lot to an Asian girl next to her. The girl had a letter
for him. What a great idea! This was Asian girls 10
time and not 3
, so the girl felt
like she wasnt that big of a stalker. Right before Orlando came out, the Asian girl
admitted that she didnt know English that well. She had just sat through an hour
strait of someone talking English to her. Oops.

Orlando came out. He was so sweet to his fans. She noticed all his little gestures
and facial features she loved from the movies. He made them in real life too! He
made his way around the crowd. And he stood right in front of her. They were
inches apart. And she froze. Just stared at him while being berated by hands
wanting autographs. He accidentally brushed his hand against hers. Or was it
accidental? She got her autograph. He was so adorable and so close. As he was
walking away from her, her brain started working again. It said to itself, Sarah,
Orlando Bloom is standing right in front of yousay something! She didnt have the
time to think of something really suave to say to him. The first thing she blurted out
was yelling at him Orlando, youre my favorite actor! It sounded really pathetic
and desperate, but she had spoken. And he turned around and said thank you.
What a sweet guy. He responded nicely to her desperate blurt.

She walked away fulfilled and joyful. That night she kept waking up because she
was so excited that Orlando Bloom had touched her hand.
Now that she got a taste, she needed her fix. She even skipped dinner one night to
go to the theatre at the time Orlando entered. There were only 8 other people there
with her. But when Orlando walked in he said he didnt have enough time for
autographs. A bit of a disappointment.

The time for her study abroad was coming to an end. She knew she needed to make
one last trip to bid Orlando farewell. It had been a good day so far, playing at Marie
Antoinettes houses in Versailles and riding the Chunnel back to London. How
would the night end? Could this be the best day of her life? She studied for her
finals while she waited in line. By this time she easily made it to the front. A rookie
no more. Simultaneously, she plotted how she would handle this last encounter.
She had a bucket list for her last visit: kissing Orlando; getting souvenir autographs
for her fellow Orlando friend fans that had been with her at midnight showings for
years; giving Orlando the picture and note she made for him; and getting a selfie
picture with Orlando.

He came out and came around so fast she only had time to get the souvenir
autographs. This couldnt be her last encounter. She had so much more planned for
this night. Desperate times count for bold measures. After he had made his round
around the square she yelled out to him, Orlando, I drew this for you! He walked
over to her, her heart beating faster. He told her how great it was. Asked if she
wanted him to sign it. Duh, after all her planning she should have brought two
copies so he could sign one. But she had written him a note on the back of the
picture with her number on it. She couldnt pass up giving Orlando Bloom her
number. So she said, No, its for you, and gave it away. He told her how sweet she
was and they conversed for about a minute. No one remembers what was said
because she and Orlando are the soul witnesses. She was too caught up in the
moment to remember it all. And we couldnt get a hold of Orlando to get his
account. As he left he told her goodbye and caressed his hand across her face.

What a perfect ending! She didnt get her kiss, but this seemed even better. As he
walked away her knees trembled. She couldnt control it. She knew she was 20 and
not 14 anymore, but they still trembled. She thought about adding it on a fan site so
14 year old girls who were like her could read it and dream too.

At the end of her study abroad program a professors wife told her You are the
luckiest girl in our study abroad group! She agreed. Everything she had dreamed
and more had happened. But it was even better than she imagined.

She walked to the Tour de France, it was so close to where she lived.

She went to Wimbledon, and got charity re-sell tickets for Center Court front row.
Serena Williams was playing and it was an intense matchthree sets ending in tie
breakers. Serena even got mad and broke her racquet.

She made friends with one of the queens guards
She visited Platform 9 . She was there when the final Harry Potter book came out.
And got to go to a castle where one of the Harry Potter scenes was filmed.

She got to see Wicked3 times. With great seats and meeting the actors.

She discovered raspberry tarts.

She visited Rome, Paris, northern England, Scotland, and her grandparents in
Norway. She even got to pick blueberries from a Norwegian forest, and eat them.

Yes, she thought, I am the luckiest girl from our study abroad group. Once upon
that magical summer.

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