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ACE Inhibitors

1- One of the common side effects of ACE inhibitor is dry cough, this is due to:
A. Bradykinin
B. Angiotensin
C. Prostaglandin
D. Leukotriene
E. Cyclooxygenase
Ans- A

2- All of the following are ACE-Angiotensin Covertase Inhibitor, EXCEPT
a) Enalapril
b) Captopril
c) Ramipril
d) Lisinopril
e) Losartan
Ans- E
Comments: Losartan is an AT-1, Angiotensin receptor blocker.

3- Drug of choice when treating hypertension in a diabetic patient may include:
a) ACE inhibitors
b) -Blockers
c) Calcium Channel Blockers
d) Digitalis
e) Nitrates
Ans- A
Comments: Although ACE inhibitors increase the risk of hyperkalemia in diabetes
mellitus; it is still the most appropriated agent in treating hypertension in diabetic patients
because it does not interfere with glucose or insulin metabolism.

4- A diabetic patient suffering from hypertension is having enalapril, however he is
complaining from severe dry cough that we can associated as a side effect of the
enalapril. Which would be the best choice for changing this medication?
a) Ramipril
b) Losartan
c) Amlodipine
d) Indapamide
e) Captopril
Ans- B
Comments: Losartan is an AT-1 inhibitor and would be the best choice for treatment of
hypertension in a diabetic patient with dry cough that is definitely a side effect of ACE
inhibitor, enalapril.

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