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Scoala Gimnaziala Caraula
Romanian Legendary
Pacala or,The Fool
man is a Romanian folk
hero,known for his sense
of humour which is hidden
under a mask of foolness
and simplicity.He is a wise
peasant who likes playing
tricks to everyone.
He makes practical
jokes and let the
others consider him
a fool man ,but he
always makes fun
and gains
Tandala or The Lazy man,is a comic
character from Romanian folklore.His
name means to waste time without
doing anything good,or working slowly
and with laziness.He is a man who
sleeps all day and likes to walk without
any sense.
These two Romanian characters
symbolize the rural wisdom.
Scenes from the movie Pacala
DRACULA is a legendary
character, a Romanian
prince known for his cruel
habit of impaling his
enemies, traitors and
thieves. He is described
as a blood thirsty cruel
prince, they associated
him with words as evil,
Vlad the Impaler
The legends
of Vlad the
Impaler were
the source of
inspiration for
Bram Stokers
thus creating
the modern
myth of
Illustration from German chronicles of the time.

This is a scene of the impalement.Vlad The Impaler is watching the
operation from a table,having his lunch and drinking wine.
The legends of Vlad The Impaler
are the source of inspiration for
many film producers or create
the modern myth of vampires
Bran Castle
Movies inspired by Vlad the Impaler
This project has been funded with support from the European
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which
may be made of the information contained therein.

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