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Algebra II Project: Population Growth

Within the last several years, the environment has become a major focus in research and discussions. As
a world, our resources are limited, it is important to use the resources that we have wisely. A major
concern with our limited resources is the trends with the world population, primarily the population
growth rate ( As medical technology advances, people are living longer,
providing more people with the same limited resources.
For this project, you will be studying and analyzing various countries and their population growth and
possible environmental effects of the increase in population.
You have a checklist of items that you must complete.
____ Web Lesson from Econedlink (see Resource Websites for website) DUE: 3/21
____ Country Information Form (attached) DUE: 3/27 End of Per.
____ Mathematical Calculations: Predicted Populations DUE 3/31
____ Graph showing your population growth predictions DUE 4/2
____ Follow Up Questions
Questions #1 3 Due: 4/4
Questions #4 7 Due: 4/7 End of Per.
____ Completed project will be done through an online platform Due: 4/9/2014
See portfolio requirements for order!
Requirements By Section:
- Read the introduction at the top of the page, throughout the lesson you should read the
information and then answer the questions. This information is crucial to the rest of the project.
- You are required to type answers to all questions using complete sentences.
- In order to receive full credit you must write: The Question number, the letter, and type the
question you are answering.
- Turn in using Google Docs
Country Information Form:
- Research to find the information listed. You MUST state the source/website for the information
you gathered.
- Find the current population (2014 statistics), birth rate, death rate (and record the year this was
recorded for)
- Calculate the Growth Rate (use information learned in WebLesson)
- Find the reported Growth Rate (state the year this was recorded and the source provided)
- Locate and list the countries imports and exports. Be as specific as possible. Find percentages as
well. List the percentage of the countries food that is imported versus grown within the country
itself. State your source.
Mathematical Calculations: Predicted Populations:
- You must show your work: state the equation you using, plug in the appropriate numbers, and
state the solution for each year.
- All answers should have appropriate units included.
- MUST be computer generated (you can use Excel or Google Docs other program)
- CLEARLY label the axis with appropriate units & the scale
- Use an appropriate scale.
- Clearly plot the 6 points found on mathematics page (MUST have points for each plot)
- Connect points with a SMOOTH curve (you can draw in the curve)
Follow Up Questions:
- Answer the questions in order.
- All answers to questions must be typed
- For each question you should type the question number, letter number (if there is a letter) and
the question itself. Leave a space and then type your answer. If work must be shown you can
either use equation editor on the computer, or you can leave space in the typed problems to
write your work ON the answer document.
- Use complete sentences.
- You will be graded on COMMUNICATION for this portion of the assignment.
- Portfolio will be turned in through online platform such as Weebly, Prezi, or other platform of
your choice. Pre-approve all platform choices before beginning.
- Portfolio must include:
o Cover/Welcome Page (Must have your name, country, and an introduction)
o Country Information (from country info sheet)
o Mathematical Calculations (must show work)
o Graph (have axis, proper labels, etc)
o Follow Up Questions
o Self-Reflection (questions will be given in class for you to answer)
- Portfolio must be complete, put together, finalized and link submitted, before class begins.
Due Date: 4/9

Country Information Sheet
Country: ________________________________________________
Current Population: _________________________ Source: _______________________________

Birth Rate: _____________(Year: ) Source: _______________________________

Death Rate: _____________(Year: ) Source: _______________________________

Calculate Growth Rate: ________________________________________

Recorded Growth Rate: _______________ Source: _______________________________
Imports: Source: _______________________________

Exports: Source: _______________________________

Food & Required Resources: Source: _______________________________
What percentage of the countries food supply is grown within the country? What percentage of food is
imported? What about other essential resources? List the resources that are essential and the
percentages that are imported and the percentages that are available within the country.

Mathematical Calculations: Predicted Populations:
Calculate the population of your country for the given years. Make sure to use 2014 as your starting
year. Use these calculations to create data points that you will plot on a graph.
Use the recorded growth rate, rather than your calculated one.
State the equation used to calculate population: (you may want to have this approved before starting)

Calculate the population of your country for the given years:
a) 2016

b) 2020

c) 2030

d) 2040

e) 2050

f) 2100

List the data points that you will use to plot a graph:

Algebra II Population Growth Follow Up Questions
1. Based on the information from your country and the calculated populations rates,
a. What do you notice in the trend?
b. At this current rate, do you feel that the population of the country will grow to a
point that your country could not adequately support the current population?
c. What solutions do you propose? Be sure to address and include information
related to the food supply and other major necessary resources.

2. Based on the current growth rate and death rate of your country, predict what the
population of your country was in the following years: 2000, 1950, 1900. Show all work
for this
a. Now research and find the ACTUAL population of your country in those years
(provide source that you used for this information).
b. How similar or different are your predictions?
c. Explain: What might account for the differences in your calculations verses the
actual calculations?

3. With advances in medicine, people are living longer. Based on the information from
your country, calculate the population of your country if the current death rate was cut
in half and the current birth rate was doubled.
a. What is the new Birth Rate? What is the new Death Rate? Calculate the new
growth rate.
b. Calculate population for the years 2015, 2020, 2050 and 2100.
c. Explain: What do you notice in the trend? What effect do you predict this will
have on your country? Do you think this change could be plausible?
d. Based on your current resources, imports and exports, do you believe your
country can support this growing population? What solutions could your country
put into place to adequately support the growing population.

4. Hypothetical Situation: a new plague breaks out and we do not have a cure for it. The
birth rate of your country remains the same but the death rate triples.
a. What is the birth rate? What is the new death rate? What is the new growth
b. Calculate population for years: 2015, 2020, 2050, and 2100.
c. Explain: What do you notice in the trend? What effect do you predict this will
have on your country?
d. If this trend continues, and no cure is found, how long before your countrys
population is depleted? (hint: solve for if you have a population of 1, if you try 0
it wont work)

5. If you have a positive growth rate answer this question (otherwise skip): Given your
current population growth rate, find how long it will take for each of the following to
happen. State the specific year in which you calculate this will occur (show all work,
work should use logarithms to solve):
a. Population to double
b. Population to triple
c. Population is 1.5 the current size

6. If you have a negative growth rate answer this question (otherwise skip): Given your
current population growth rate, find how long it will take for each of the following to
happen. State the specific year in which you calculate this will occur (show all work,
work should use logarithms to solve):
a. Population to become half the current size
b. Population to reach 1/3 of the current size
c. Population is depleted to 0 (hint: use population = 1 for solving, or the math
doesnt work)

7. When calculating population in these problems we have only factored the growth rate,
determined by birth and death rates. What additional factors affect a countries
population? Propose some changes that could be done to your exercise to include these
additional factors.

WebLesson Page: Population Growth, Friend or Foe?
You must complete the ENTIRE lesson. Make sure you READ the entire thing.
CIA World FactBook: This page provides information regarding various countries. You will want
to look here to find some of the crucial information for your project.
- you will use this website to complete the webquest and you can use it to help with
your follow up questions
- For the webquest you are asked to find world populations and compare trends from
1950 1998. To do this:
o Click Data
o World Population Summary

- To use this website for your own country information
o Click Data
o Click International Data Base

Useful Population Growth Equations
The first two 3 equations represent increase, and birth rate and death rate (important for math
and follow up questions)
The population growth equation is further down. You are essentially using the exponential
growth model equation.

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