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Getting Your Girl Train - Training

For Girls

How To Exercise at Home

Getting Your Girl Train - Training For Girls

any men who train would like their partner also did, but do not know where to
start or how to cheer. This article aims to bridge that distance a bit and give some
indications about it.

The first step is to know what we are facing, because virtually everything that has been
written in traditional media about exercise "for women" pigeonholed doing the cardio or
anything else use pink dumbbells to "tone".

This can make you come into conflict with your girl from day one when the encomias to
the squat rack and start to add disks, and can scare. So it is better to have the following
emotional considerations:

1 Make a Plan and Support it

At first it will be difficult for her to commit to training and create a habit, so it's good route it
to long-term success in charge of the practical considerations. You will need a plan to
convert the training into something "real" in terms of time and schedules. Try your support
is "real" and not just facade and so will reduce the number of excuses you can get.

The good thing is that by doing do you also know that you care about her, for her health
and happiness that will provide a healthy body.



* Find time to train her. Program them and stick to the letter. Time is the biggest excuse,
do not let you use it.

* Pay her tuition gym, buy a sports bag, or give him a gift certificate to buy sportswear. The
investment will help to engage.

* Go with her to the gym and lift together, or suggest a training partner. It is important at
the beginning when you know what you are doing.

Do not

* Do not tell it to start training, but not give you any help with the plan.

* Do not let her find out how one of the lifts and how to structure workouts.

* Do not be impatient because she does not know. Rather teach.

The aim is that this will become a lifestyle change. The gym is already part of your life, so
make it part of it too. As women, having someone to support us makes us feel good and
makes you look a great knight in shining armor.

2 Give Some Motivation for External Internal Motivation Can Win

There are two types of motivation to consider. The outer or external sources is controlled.
This type of motivation is best to start the process.


On the other hand, internal motivation is something that comes from independent personal
conviction of the "I do it for me." That's the kind of long-term motivation to want to wake up,
but it takes some time to develop.

The best way is to add intrinsic motivation as it progresses and give you something to train
using a reward strategy. This does not mean (necessarily) that you have to buy something,
but may be observing their achievements and congratulate them, tell you how amazing it
is to see and envy that will have her friends. Not all will be motivated by the same thing,
but we're not so different.

What motivates a woman exactly?

* The one that you think is sexy and desirable.

* Avoid the embarrassment of an obviously unhealthy and sexy body.

* The feeling of looking and feeling good. Everything seems easier and more possible when
you think you look good.

* Seeing other women like her who can. If they can, why not?

* "Do it for me." Remind your attitude as you like to look and feel good, how irresistible and
will be a bit of "do it for me" can do wonders.

Just the fact exercised (regardless of quantity) has a positive impact on confidence in body
image, and the connection between the two is demonstrated by research. With increasing
confidence a lot of positive side effects appear. But to get to that, it has just begun.


* Remind him to finish a workout you feel great. Hazel compliments to end training and
fulfill what set out to do.

* Help her get numerical targets as squat with your weight, or do get dominated.

* Be a partner. She is not alone in this, you are in it together.

Do not

* Do not compare yourself to anyone else. Do not even "positive" comparisons.

* Do not make constant comments about the body of other girls, even if you are doing it
with good intentions to "motivate".


* Do not talk about your previous appearance. Stay focused on where you are going and
what you are doing now.

3 Emphasize Weight Training

This will have enormous benefits across the board, especially if she is the "thin grease"
type. Getting a woman to properly train with weights while ignoring all the bad information
circulating is already a big step. Imagine that you already have everything prepared and
you get her to lose weights fear what is coming next?


* Make sure your gym has the right equipment or invest in home equipment. Women do
not need anything "special." With just dumbbells and barbells.

* Teach the right way to squat, deadlift and bench press weight. Teach exercises also help.

* Give training to follow. Explain why it is beneficial weight training. Sculpt your body (which
she thinks is "tone") with weights will do more for her than hours of cardio.

Depending on how well you can take care of what she worries, go investigate. Women who
weight train, care about their diet and are consistent are those with better body composition.
Many women hear those hits something.

Remember that the average woman thinks long aerobic sessions, treadmill machines and
circuits and high reps are the way to go.

Do not

* Do not let helpless near cufflinks with vague instructions. Not knowing how to do
something and the fear of looking like a novice sink their enthusiasm to begin or end with
him completely.

* Do not confuse with too many ideas about advanced lifting techniques. You need to learn
the basics: Basic exercises, progressive overload and consistency.

* Do not show pictures of "normal" women sculptural look good, train hard and lead a
normal life.

All women can start with the basic lifts (or easier versions thereof) and keep learning from
that point. What is important at the beginning is spend enough time under tension to recruit
more muscle fibers and practice to record movement patterns in the brain.

The best results will come if we are faithful to the basic exercises and dropped some relief
work along with some circuits intervals or sprints. Build it a base of strength for the
neuromuscular system is activated is critical at first, before going into more complex
Teach the Basics

Before we talk about routines, give some basic knowledge. It may seem that this
information everyone knows, but many women have not the faintest idea of the rules of the
weight room.


* They weigh the various bars and have to score as weights (i.e., adding the weight of the
bar to the total, how the sets and reps etc. are noted)

* How to load and unload discs safely and easily. As they are called different bars (Olympic
standard, EZ bar curls, Trap Bar, etc.)

* Basic terminology, that means incline, decline, supinated and pronated.

* Emphasizes strength goals as a way to measure progress, not tired or how much you
sweat, as this is a common trap that kills progress.

As promised, here are the training programs that can test the girls, and it actually is not at
all different from what a man can do (so are also invited to try them male readers).

It is better that you stay in higher ranges at first, even in large movements repeats as she
cannot lift heavy enough to benefit from less than 5 repetitions. The key is to practice the

movements and do enough repetitions to stimulate your neuromuscular system and induce

Only after getting a base of strength training can be manipulated to focus on more specific
objectives. You cannot sculpt muscle if you do not have to work hard.

Finish with a short workout metabolic type 1 or 2 times a week Tabatha sprints or intervals.
That will make you feel you have "worked over" and feel better about themselves.

Option 1: Basic Total Body Workout

5 sets of 5-8 reps with the heaviest weight you can. Start with 8 reps or even 10-12 if you
need more time to get used to the movement. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Workout 1 (Monday)
Squat to Box: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
De Banka Press: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Pushups: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Irons: 5 sets of 30-90 seconds

Workout 2 (Wednesday)
Dumbbell Squat: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Rack Pull: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Chins or Inverted Remiss: 5 sets 5-8 reps
Lying Leg Lift: 5 sets of 5-8 reps

Workout 3 (Friday)
Goblet Squat: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Striding inverted: 5 sets 5-8 reps (per leg)
Military Press: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Side Plate: 5 sets of 30-90 seconds

Suggested Progression: Start with 8 repetitions. Each week up 2 kg and low repetition (1st
week 5 8, 5 7 Week 2 etc.). In the military press tries to climb every single 1kg or 2kg
every 2 weeks. When you get a 5 x 5 (4th week) and try to maintain weight more reps each
week until you get back a 5 8. Repeat.

It can be used for two days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, for example) by rotating the three
trainings. In that case, do weight increases each time repeat the same workout?

Bodyweight exercises (dominated, leg lifts) to keep / try to climb the number of repetitions.

If a week is not possible to raise the weight (when you do not get all the reps) just repeat
the previous week.


Do 3 sets of heating (50% of the weight used, and 60 & 75%).

Option 2: Training Style "Starting Strength"

Perform 5 sets of 5-8 reps using the same weight (with 3 sets of warming above) except
for deadlifts where weight is added gradually to a heavier last series.

Squat: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Bench Press / Military Press (toggle): 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Chins or Remiss Invested: 3 sets to failure
Pushups: 5 sets of 5-8 reps

Squat: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Bench Press / Military Press (toggle): 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Dead weight: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Striding inverted: 5 sets 5-8 reps

Squat: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Bench Press: 5 sets of 5-8 reps
Chins or Remiss Invested: 3 sets to failure
Femoral Curl: 5 sets of 5-8 reps

Switch between Bench Press and Military (if one day it becomes bench press, the following
is military and vice versa). One can follow the progression scheme of the previous training.

Option 3: Routine Torso / Leg Power-Hypertrophy

To power on, 3-5 sets of 5-8 repetitions. For hypertrophy, 3-4 sets 8-15 reps. The ab work
is 15-20 reps 30-90 seconds or plates. Start with the highest rank of sets and repetitions
for large movements (Deadlifts, Bench Press, Squats) and progress as the weeks go
downhill series and adding weight / reps. For assistance movements start in the low rep
range, work up to the highest rank of the same weight and then lower the reps and increase
the weight.

Thursday - Torso Power
Bench Press: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps
Chins or Remiss Invested: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps
Rowing with dumbbell: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps
Curls: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps
Sheet or wheel Abs: 3-5 sets of 30-90 seconds for 3-5 sets of 15-20 plates for wheel


Tuesday - Leg Power
Squats: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps
Deadlift: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps
Femoral Curl: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps
Striding inverted "> inverted Bulgarian Lunges or Squats: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps

Thursday - Torso Hypertrophy
Dumbbell Bench Press: 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions
Dumbbell Rowing: 3-4 sets 8-15 reps
Assisted Chin / Pull the chest: 3-4 sets 8-15 reps
Lateral Raises: 3-4 sets 8-15 reps
Biceps Curl: 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions
Triceps Extension: 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions
Lying Leg Lift: 3-5 sets of 15-20 repetitions

Friday-Legs Hypertrophy
Front Squat or Goblet Squat: 3-4 sets 8-15 reps
Dumbbell Squat Kettle bell or Deadlift Trap bar: 3-4 sets 8-15 reps
Hip Thrusts: 3-4 sets 8-15 reps
Kettle bell Swings with 100 reps doing pyramid 10-1 Round 20 seconds rest
between sets
Short sprints: 8 rounds 20 seconds running / 20 break or Cuesta Up / Down Costs.

Other Considerations

* Maintain the same workout for at least 12 weeks before switching. This makes progress
on the exercises are visible and forging patience and commitment. While it is good fun in
training and bored doing the same, you also have to learn to pay the price.

* Try to stay away from cardio, especially on days that touch weight training. If the girl is
reluctant to leave the idea of cardio is preferable to end the intense circuit training and at
work. This may include sprints to tape, ladders, swings or kettle bell timed circuits with
body weight. You can also flip or pull wheeled sleds if there possibility.

Another possibility is to do low impact cardio on rest days, maintaining the low intensity
and time below one hour. The walks are great.

* It is very important to learn to keep track of workouts in a notebook or mobile application.
You can see the progress, set goals and motivate yourself looking back.

* Connect it with sites (like the blog stronger than Iron :)) where you can learn more.
Magazines and many pages for women are not the best approach to learn how to train.

I encourage all the girls! Weightlifters are still in the minority, but they exist, and reap the
benefits of a stronger, more aesthetic body and a healthy mind with serenity and conviction
to know going in the right direction.

The High Performance Handbook
Creates a customized workout routine based on you.

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