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We tend to rely on habits and feelings surrounding food and exercise; the irony is that a truly effective fat

loss and
fitness program "shocks" your system into losing fat by doing something different than you've ever done. Below, you'll
see an exercise I'd like you to do before continuing on your 14 day transformation:


Look at the list below and see if you currently do any of the following when you want to lose weight. Please make a
note of any that you currently do, as we'll come back to this later.

Low-calorie dieting
Low-carb dieting
Carb cycling
Low-fat dieting
Starvation Tactics (how long can I go without food?)
Wake up earlier to exercise
Buy soy products instead of the 'unhealthy' choices (i.e Veggie Burgers instead of red meat)
Weight Loss Supplements

Next, it's time to bring up the topic of exercise. On a scale of 0 to 10, where:

0 = I hate exercise and10 = I absolutely love exercise

how would you rate yourself?

Third, please rank yourself on the following scale:

0 - I don't think that working out has ever been my idea.

10 - I motivate everyone around me to get up and move.

Lastly, I'd like you to please choose the statement(s) that most accurately represent(s) you:

a.) I lose weight easily when I diet.

b.) I lose weight easily when I exercise.
c.) It's not particularly easy for me to lose weight, no matter what I try.
d.) It's easy enough for me to lose weight if I can just stay on a diet or exercise plan.
e.) I'm motivated, but I still don't seem to lose weight easily when I do everything right.
f.) The pills, potions, and devices work for me. I don't really need to do anything else.

Are you starting to see a pattern?

You may be noticing that you are weaker or stronger in certain aspects of this short questionnaire, whether its nutrition,
exercise, motivation, or weight loss. Don't worry, now you know, and it's very clear what will take more and less effort
for you.

More importantly, you now know what your 'strengths' are. This means that you get to follow the 80/20 Rule and
capitalize off of your strengths. Basically, 80% of your results will come from 20% of your efforts and 20% of your
results will come from 80% of your efforts.

Uh oh...

This means that you may as well not even bother yourself to prioritize that pesky 80% of the work that only gets 20% of
the results. It's not worth it.
If you know that diet helps you lose weight quickly and you're not undereating and losing muscle, then you
should strongly focus on getting your diet right.
If you know that doing a bit of exercise makes all the difference in your weight loss journey, then you need to
emphasize this portion of the program more than the rest, making sure to exercise at your most energetic time of
the day.
If you've realized that you lack motivation from too many months or years trying to lose weight, or you haven't
been the best about adhering to your goals, then mindset increases in importance. Focus here.

This may seem obvious - great. A lot of people mess this up and try and to 'get better' in all areas at once, ultimately
sabotaging their results. Get demonstrable and visible results first. Feel better, look better, move better, then feel free to
lock in the rest of the formula.

You might be wondering what to do if you are confidant that exercising will help you lose bodyfat quickly, but you just
can't motivate to exercise, or you hate the idea?

Well, this is where it becomes even more important to understand your 80/20 rule. You've identified that exercise is part
of that 20% that gets 80% of the results. However, you've also identified that you really don't like exercise. What now?

Now it's just a matter of mastering the 'exercise experience.' Basically, design your entire exercise session around your
favorite activity to follow. If you have a favorite friend or family member, make sure to call or see this person after
every time you exercise. If you have a favorite music playlist you enjoy listening to, make sure to listen to this while
you work out, even if you have to skip part of your workout to build the list.

Make exercise a positive experience and you'll be shocked by the results to follow. All you'll have to do is get past the
first few workouts and you'll be magnetically drawn back for more. Your body craves this stuff, but it's just learned to
associate with work.

When it comes to designing a nutrition program for fat loss and weight loss success, I am no expert, but I can tell you
what works, and it seems to work just about every time. Get rid of carbs for a week, break your sugar habit, and then
clean out your gut with a high fiber intake. From this point on, do your best to only eat carbs in the form of veggies, but
make sure to find delicious veggies. And no matter what, stay away from sugar (this includes alcohol during fat loss
burst periods.)

If you think I'm being mean, that's possible... but this is FAT LOSS, my friends. It's not nice. It's rough, and it all starts
with one positive move in the right direction. See below for the exact recommendations I use with my fat loss clients
when I train them in-person. (You'll notice that they there are no calorie restrictions - when you eat correctly, your body
is full all the time.)

In the exercise realm, there are a set of rules that are much more important than the rest when it comes to designing the
'optimal' fat loss program. There are two competing theories for getting six pack abs and a really lean body. These are:

1) Workout HARD and diet all the time

2) Workout SMART and eat great food

As you might have guessed, I prefer #2. There's a reason why it works better too. It's all about choosing the right
exercises and the right foods for smart-body success. By choosing exercises that produce an 'after-burn effect,' or EPOC
(Exercise Post-Oxygen Consumption), you are essentially choosing the smarter path. There are 3 main principles that
govern what I teach - I like to refer to this as my Triple M Method For Rapid Fat Loss:

Multi-Planar Movement (3D Movement):

Most people exercise in one plane or direction of movement, sometimes two. For example, people often do pull ups,
bicep curls, squats, lunges, etc. These are all movements that are in the forward/backward plane of movement. They do
not move side to side or with rotation.
Without focusing on workouts that incorporate 3D Movement, it's impossible not to build muscular imbalances, and
your body will see this as artificial. It will protect you from potential harm, and it will NOT respond by activating more
muscles in daily life. Without this it ultimately becomes more difficult to move towards a leaner body.

Movement Complexes:

Basically, it's important that you link many exercises together without a rest break. In doing so, you're allowing your
anaerobic system to become fatigued, while also simultaneously gaining an aerobic effect from your exercise program. I
recommend the following arrangement, all without resting the weight you're using:

1. Squat
2. Push
3. Lunge
4. Pull
5. Plank

The reason that I teach this method of movement complexes is because it alternates 'pushing' and 'pulling' muscles of
both my upper and lower body while also exhausting my entire body before a rest break. Finally, I always end with a
'test' on my core by doing some sort of crazy, super-advanced plank. This basically tells my whether or not I have
enough stability left to keep exercising, and it re-trains my nervous system to recruit centrally before the following
Giant Set.

Muscle Balancing:

This is where things get really cool. Did you know that Time Magazine consistently picks the best looking person in
America by symmetry? It's true - human beings love symmetry, and your brain knows this.

Symmetry is important for proper nervous system communication from your brain to your muscles & joints. It is
important front to back, side to side, and top to bottom. In other words, you can't have a big torso and chicken legs, or
your body will tell you to stop growing. Likewise, you can't have an enormous right biceps and mini left biceps. Your
brain will tell you to stop growing.

By muscle balancing, you are attempting to communicate with your nervous system and say 'I'm ready for more
strength.' Until you say so, it just won't understand you.

Additionally, I like to incorporate Energy System Training. By utilizing all 3 energy systems (ATP-PC, Anaerobic &
Aerobic), you are stimulating a greater metabolic demand from your body with exercise. This, in turn, results in greater
caloric expenditure, and more effort from your body to replenish its energy source. Each time your body works through
this recovery phase, it continues to burn calories long after you leave the gym.

Basically, by working out with my Triple M Method For Rapid Fat Loss, you are going to work all 3 energy systems,
automatically, and you are going to burn calories for days to come. It's such an amazing feeling the first time that you
see these results.

But it's an even better feeling when you realize that by applying these simple principles, you are actually going to get
results faster and faster & faster. It's time to end the struggle with extreme dieting. It's time to conquer your body once
and for all. It's time to overcome bad genes and work on a metabolic shift through proper exercise program design and

It's time to arm YOU with my Triple Method For Rapid Fat Loss (TM).

Your mind is your strongest link, and it always has been. You may or may not have had a communication strategy with
your own mind up until this point, but you do now. By listening to the 'Goal Setting' audio and learning to practice goal
realization through visualization, you are going to be way ahead of the curve. The key thing is to integrate all 5 senses
into a 'present day' picture of who you are, but with your goals realized.

For example, if you currently weigh 178 pounds and you want to weigh 150 pounds, how would you look wearing the
same clothes you're wearing today?
What would they feel like on your skin?
What would be the temperature inside/outside?
Would you smell anything in the room or on your outfit?
What would you see in the mirror?
What would others see when they look at you?

Can you get a 3D experience of this moment in your mind? Now, use your conscious mind to trick your subconscious
mind into believing it. Through the practice of conscious visualization of your goals, you are learning what it takes to
achieve them, and you are gaining a subconscious awareness of your 'new body'.

You're closer than you think... or maybe you're exactly as close as you think...


Instructions for the implementation of your 14 Day Fat Loss Plan: Each day focus exactly on what is listed in the
chart below. For a more detailed explanation of everything on the chart, see the next section.

Nutrition Goal: Exercise Goal: Mindset Goal:
<7g of sugar Body Transformation Mini
1 Goal Setting Audio
<17g of carbs Circuit (BTMC)
<7g of sugar BTMC + Heart Rate
2 Mindset Audio
<17g of carbs Spiker Mini Set(HRSMS)
<7g of sugar Focus On Victory
<17g of carbs Journal Entries
<7g of sugar Focus On Victory
<17g of carbs Journal Entries
<7g of sugar Focus On Victory
<17g of carbs Journal Entries
<7g of sugar
6 BTMC + HRSMS x2 Appreciation Mindset
<17g of carbs
7 Cheat Day - Anything You Want BTMC + HRSMS x3 Appreciation Mindset
8 Increase Fiber Intake x 500% DV BTMC + HRSMS x3 Appreciation Mindset
Create Positive
9 Increase Fiber Intake x 500% DV BTMC + HRSMS x3 Association With
Create Positive
10 Increase Fiber Intake x 500% DV BTMC + HRSMS x3 Association With
Create Positive
11 Increase Fiber Intake x 500% DV BTMC + HRSMS x4 Association With
Celebrate Your
12 Increase Fiber Intake x 500% DV BTMC + HRSMS x4
Achievement - Brag.
Celebrate Your
13 Increase Fiber Intake x 500% DV BTMC + HRSMS x4
Achievement - Brag.
Focus on Hydration from here on out (at least 1/2 your Celebrate Your
14 BTMC + HRSMS x4
bodyweight in ounces of water + electrolytes) Achievement - Brag.

Nutrition Goal: Use the following key to understand the abbreviations listed in the table above:

717 Rule
1. < 7g of sugar

Sugar is in everything we eat, from the sauces that we cook with to any fruit, vegetable, or other carbohydrate that we
eat. When you are reducing your sugar intake to just 5 grams per day, you are truly eliminating sugar from your diet.
This is a really neat experiment, because it helps you get super lean, fast, but it also shows you how much sugar you've
really been eating. Really stick to this and you'll see remarkable results.

2. <17g of carbs

In this case, we're even including vegetables. We're simply eliminating carbs from your system for a short period of time
to help you "deflate" and get back to a body you recognize. The only reason to include 15 grams of carbs, at all, is just
to add a bit of flavor to your food. This isn't forever, but it is a commitment.

3. Cheat Day

Eat anything you want. I don't recommend trans-fats, ever, or things with a ton of preservatives, but that's for other
health reasons, not fat loss. Cheat Days are well supported and extremely effective. Personally, I learned about them in
Cheat Your Way Thin.

4. Increase Fiber Intake x 500% DV

Rather than having to count, I recommend that you find a food that is super high in fiber and bring it with you as a
snack. In my case, I love to eat baby carrots. The goal of increasing fiber intake is to have the fiber create a
'mechanical effect' in your gut and help clean out all of the gunk built up on your intestinal walls over the years. A
clean digestive tract is a digestive tract that will absorb nutrients and assist you with the rest of your fat loss goals.
Other examples of high fiber foods include: Avocado, Broccoli, Cabbage (cooked), Kale (cooked), Winter squash
(cooked), Apples, black beans (cooked), Lentils (cooked)
Recommend Daily Value for fiber intake: varies, but average is 35 grams for men and 25 grams for women per

5. Focus on Hydration

A dehydrated cell in your body is a slow cell in your body. By constantly watching your hydration levels, you are
speeding up your metabolism.
A common formula used to determine how much water you should drink per day is:

Bodyweight (in pounds) / 2 = ounces of water suggested per day

So, if you weight 160 pounds, that would be 80 ounces of water per day.

Also noteworthy is electrolyte balance in your body. These are Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K),
and Sodium (Na). Many people are out of balance with Magnesium and Potassium. I recommend you eat
bananas, papaya, and take Athletic Greens.

Exercise Goal: Use the following key to understand the abbreviations listed in the table above:

1. BTMC + HRSMS = one round of the Body Transformation Mini Circuit + one round of the Heart Rate Spiker Mini

10 minutes total workout time in one day

2. BTMC+ HRSMS x 2 = one round of the Body Transformation Mini Circuit + two rounds of the Heart Rate Spiker
Mini Set

15 minutes total workout time in one day

3. BTMC + HRSMS x 3 = one round of the Body Transformation Mini Circuit + three rounds of the Heart Rate Spiker
Mini Set

20 minutes total workout time in one day

4. BTMC + HRSMS x 4 = one round of the Body Transformation Mini Circuit + four rounds of the Heart Rate Spiker
Mini Set

25 minutes total workout time in one day

Mindset Goal: Use the following key to understand the abbreviations listed in the table above:

1. Goal Setting Audio

Setting and attaining goals is a matter of seeing a vision and dividing it into reasonable, but aggressive pieces. In
this audio, I teach you my exact method and motivate you to hit all of your goals.

2. Mindset Audio

Mindset is easily 80% of your results. You have to view things a certain way or you're bound to fight an uphill
battle. In this audio, I teach you a quick "mindset switch" that can take place and make your fat loss journey feel
much easier.

3. Focus On Victory Journal Entries

Taught to me by Pat Croce, I'm a big proponent of Victory Journals. Document your success, in all facets of life,
and look back to this on a daily basis, or in any down moment. You'll surely feel a lift. It's a proven fact, the more
time you spend in a positive state-of-mind, the sooner you'll feel success.

4. Appreciation Mindset

Developing a mindset that is appreciation based is essential to view the world in the way you want to. Every time
you catch yourself being critical of something, find a way to be appreciative of something else. I'm not telling you
to be angelic and no longer get upset with other at any moment; instead, I'm telling you to follow every negative
thought with an appreciation-based thought. Think of something/someone in your environment that you
appreciate and focus on that for at least 60 seconds before resuming any activity.

5. Create Positive Association With Exercise

If you don't enjoy the time you dedicate to working out, there's no way it'll last long-term. No one has that kind of
will-power. It's a matter of setting up your exercise experience to be one that draws you back, whether it's your
favorite song, a workout partner, calling a loved one on the way to/from the gym, or anything else you really
enjoy. Once you create this positive association, you'll be drawn back and miss exercising when you don't do it.

6. Celebrate Your Achievement

Victories are everything. You need to know when you cross each milestone, and take a moment of silence to
observe it. If you lose your first 2 pounds, reflect on that feeling. If your pants fit looser, do a happy dance. You
get the idea - be kind to yourself, and celebrate all of your little triumphs. At the end of 14 days, celebrate in a
BIG way. You just did everything it takes to lose fat. Rinse and repeat.


BTMC - Body Transformation Mini Circuit

Download Video

HRSMS - Heart Rate Spiker Mini Set

Download Video

Nutritional Mindset

click image to download audio.

Goal Setting For Real Results

click image to download audio.




click image to download audio.

click image to download audio transcript.

14 Day Meal Plans

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