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There are some positive outcomes from artificial intelligence such as the use of robots in surgery as man

does not have as a steady hand as a robot would. There have been new discoveries just from the use of
robots in the hospital with success stories even higher. If we are not careful, however artificial
intelligence has the ability to be a negative situation as well. We as a society have already become less
formal or less communicative in person. Everything that we do is done via the internet or through our
mobile devices. We no longer hold conversations on the telephone and even email has become an old
way of communicating. With the increase of artificial intelligence, we are looking at less human
involvement. While humans are the creator of such things as robots, we are possibly removing
ourselves from society. It is my prayer that we do not create monsters out of all the things that we are
creating. We must be careful, as we have to think of our children. Our children are much more
advanced than we were at any age. Babies are now aware of computers and cellular devices. Children
are sometimes not taught to think for themselves with the current technology that exists.

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