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Please Join

Helping Ensure Responsible Government by Electing Republicans PAC
Rep. Wally Herger, Honorary Chairman
For a
July 17, 2008 8:30 a.m.
Capitol Hill Club
Grill Room
300 First Street, SE
2008 Breakfast Series
$2,500 PAC / $1,000 Personal- All Breakfast Series Events
$1,000 PAC / $500 personal per breakfast
(Additional H.E.R.G.E.R. PAC Breakfast Round Table Series Events
will be held: September 18, 2(08)
(Maxed Contributors to H.E.R.G.E.R. PAC are welcome to RSVP)
Please RSVP to Jeff Livingston at (703) 683-6703 or e-mailjeftl'ZiJ.thetownsendgroul'.co1ll
Paid for by Helping Ensure Responsible Govel'lUl1ent by Electing Republicans PAC and not authorized by any
___--::::ca:::nd:::id=ate or candidate's committee. P.O. Box 984, Willows, CA 95988, FEC# C00442467
Contributions to H.E.R.G.E.R. PAC are not tax deductible for federal income tax pUiposes. Federallaw
requires us to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of
individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. Contributions by corporations and
foreign nationals are prohibited. Not printed at govemment ell.Fense.

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