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1. 48 1. B 1. Green Street 1. Jacobs 1. Jameson

2. R16 GH7 2. B 2. 7434 2. Rod 2. Forest Avenue
3. 07754 897 432 3. C 3. 1976 3. Highfeld 3. 8490
4. PA 365 4. A 4. 06634 982 746 4. NH 87 18 12 C 4. 6249 7152
5. E6 5. B 5. (An addressed) letter 5. Dr. (Kevin) White 5. 1 - 5
6. B* 6. B
6. A
6. A 6. 4.30pm
7. D* 7. 34
7. D
7. B 7. 1 hour
8. E* 8. $100
8. F
8. C 8. The cliffs
9. C 9. Room service 9. Free/nothing 9. A 9. 1.30pm
10. C 10. $9 10. $6 ($60 deposit) 10. B 10. A sweater
11. Students Union 11. (About) 6 foot 11. accidents*/ burns* 11. 5 pound fee 11. Mean sea level
12. University Library 12. (A) black leather jacket 12. heart surgery*/ organ
12. University card 12. Concrete and granite
13. Hall of Residence 13. Fat 13. patients with leukaemia*
/ cancer*
13. Daily 13. About 79
14. Sports Hall 14. Clean shaven 14. premature babies* 14. Friday(s) 14. 438
15. 2 hours 15. Early 20s 15. Carrying/carry oxygen 15. 6 15. Falling
16. Final exams 16. Increased competition 16. Immune/defence System 16. 1 week 16. (Postage) stamps
17. 6pm 17. Signifcant number 17. Carrying/carries/carry 17. Computers
17. D
18. Vegetarian 18. Environmental groups 18. Outpatients 18. Non-lending section
18. F
19. (Fully) insures 19. Mayor 19. 4.30pm 19. Arts
19. G
20. 50 20. 30th 20. 17 20. Basement
20. J
21. Tuesday 21. Civil engineering 21. Staff 21. Tomorrow 21. Chatting/talking
22. Economics 22. Physics 22. Library 22. Reliability 22. Too expensive
23. free/nothing 23. Delivered furniture/
furniture delivery
23. 2 hours 23. 4000 words 23. Take too long
24. Squash 24. Hotel work 24. In pen 24. E-mail attachment 24. 1000
25. Main sports hall 25. (A very) good reputation 25. Biology 25. Market surveys 25. Statistically signifcant
26. About 10 26. Hiking/mountaineering 26. Tray 26. Stack system 26. 500
27. Africa and Asia 27. Sandwich 27. Nothing 27. Plagiarism/using their
27. 5
28. 4000 words 28. 5 exams 28. A 28. Extension 28. A*
29. 30th October 29. 15,000 words minimum 29. B 29. Doctors note / certifcate 29. D*
30. B 30. June 30. C 30. Mortgage interest rates 30. E*
31. C 31. Dissertations and theses 31. 1964 31. B 31. E
32. B 32. Information societies 32. Fastest average speed 32. B 32. A
33. B 33. Statistical quality 33. 12 seconds 33. A 33. D
34. B 34. Low in cost/cheap 34. Most important stations 34. Seismic detection system 34. B
35. Very calm seas 35. Expensive/the cost 35. All stations 35. Buoys (at sea) 35. A
36. Larger slicks 36. Travelling (around) 36. Centralised power system 36. Offshore landslide 36. C
37. Toxic waste 37. Easy 37. Flimsy 37. No wave/zero feet 37. B
38. Eco-friendly 38. Closed 38. Brake 38. Submarine earthquake 38. B
39. No (discernable)
39. Panel design 39. Magnetic Induction 39. 26,000 people 39. A
40. Deadline for submission 40. (Completely) anonymous
40. Semiconductor technolo-
40. None 40. B
* Answers for qu. 11, 12, 13 + 14: any 4
from these answer boxes in any order.
Answers for qu. 6, 7, + 8: these answers
in any order.
* Answers for qu. 6, 7, + 8: these answers
* Answers for qu. 28, 29, + 30: these
answers in any order
Answers for qu. 17, 18, 19 + 20:
these answers in any order
1. D 1. E 1. D 1. C 1. B
2. C 2. C 2. E 2. E 2. C
3. B 3. D 3. F 3. D 3. D
4. A + D 4. A 4. A 4. D 4. A
5. B 5. B 5. C 5. A 5. B
6. E 6. A 6. F 6. E 6. E
7. 95 7. Friday + Saturday 7. $1200 7. Copper polish 7. C
8. 20 + 65 8. Wednesday 8. 5 8. Scale 8. B
9. 5 9. Monday 9. 6 9. Patented whistling device/
ball (+ valve assembly)
9. A
10. 73 10. Wednesday 10. 8 10. Neglect/misuse 10. D
11. (new) flms/movies 11. Hallows Function room 11. 9 11. DO 11. odourless
12. alps/peaks/mountains 12. $53 12. TRUE 12. DONT 12. sample powder packet
13. FALSE 13. 5pm 13. TRUE 13. NOT GIVEN 13. B
14. NOT GIVEN 14. TRUE 14. B 14. B* 14. G
15. FALSE 15. TRUE 15. A 15. C* 15. A + C
16. TRUE 16. FALSE 16. G 16. F* 16. C + F + G
17. TRUE 17. NOT GIVEN 17. F 17. TRUE 17. E
18. E 18. 7.30 18. D 18. NOT GIVEN 18. B
19. I 19. The computer room 19. waiting list 19. FALSE 19. D
20. B 20. 10% (of fee) 20. suggestion book 20. FALSE 20. E + F
21. the computer centre 21. FALSE 21. xi 21. Course 2 (essay writing) 21. E
22. self-paced 22. FALSE 22. ii 22. Course 3 (basic maths) 22. C
23. in-house 23. TRUE 23. v 23. 15 hours 23. F + G
24. tailor made 24. FALSE 24. ix 24. 20 24. D
25. TRUE 25. (Details of) medicine 25. i 25. Course 3 (basic maths) 25. A
26. NOT GIVEN 26. Emergency mobile phone 26. 550 26. YES 26. F
27. TRUE 27. Area of practice 27. In-house examination 27. YES 27. C
28. carpet python 28. v 28. The Ione River 28. NOT GIVEN 28. viii
29. copperhead 29. x 29. v 29. iii 29. ii
30. bandy bandy 30. i 30. ix 30. ix 30. v
31. carpet python 31. xi 31. ii 31. viii 31. xi
32. bandy bandy 32. viii 32. vi 32. i 32. ix
33. tiger snake 33. iii 33. iii 33. xi 33. iii
34. FALSE 34. YES 34. x 34. iv 34. NOT GIVEN
35. FALSE 35. NO 35. NOT GIVEN 35. Hunting 35. YES
36. TRUE 36. YES 36. TRUE 36. Decline 36. YES
37. FALSE 37. NOT GIVEN 37. FALSE 37. Expanding 37. NO
38. NOT GIVEN 38. Roasting 38. TRUE 38. Compatible 38. YES
39. NOT GIVEN 39. Cocoa butter 39. FALSE 39. Threatening 39. NOT GIVEN
40. TRUE 40. Conching 40. TRUE 40. Young 40. NO
* Answers for qu. 14,
Example Writing Answers for the General Training
Practice Tests
Below you will fnd example writing answers for all the writing questions in the
General Training Practice Tests. Some of these example essays were written by IELTS students
and some were written by an IELTS examiner in order to give an example of a good answer.
Please refer to the question papers while you are reading these answers so that you understand
the question that is being answered. After each of the example answers, an IELTS examiner has
written a short commentary analysing the good and bad points of the answer. We hope this will give
you an insight into how the writing answers should be written for IELTS General Training module.
General Training Writing Practice Test 1
Task 1
Dear Sir,
I am writing in connection with a bag that I left on one of your planes. Last week on Tuesday
May I came to London on fight ABC from New York. My seat number was R5. The plane
arrived late at night and I was tired. As a result when I got home, I remembered that I had
left my bag on the plane under the seat in front of me.
My bag is small and made of black leather with a zip opening the top. Inside the bag there is a
pen, a paperback I was reading, some car keys and my diary.
Therefore would your lost property department please check and see if they have my bag and
contact me as soon as possible to let me know whether they have found it or not?
You can contact me on my mobile telephone number which is: 01753 853 736.
Thanking you in advance for your help, I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,

John Smith
(171 words) Estimated IELTS Writing Band 9
IELTS Examiner Commentary
The letter was written by an IELTS examiner to give an example of a good answer. Please
remember that there are other ways of approaching this question that are just as good.
The General Training Task 1 Writing is marked in 3 areas. Lets look at these.
Task Fulflment This mark grades you on basically whether you have answered the question
or not. A common mistake is to miss out in your letter one of things that it asks you to do. Has
the letter above answered the question? It explained what happened. It described the bag and
its contents. It says what the writer wants them to do. That is not all. The question asks you to
write a letter. To answer the question the letter should be set in the appropriate way with a semi-
formal opening and an ending that is appropriate to this type of letter. It uses correct language with
the right degree of formality. Good paragraphing splits up the letter in easy-to-read chunks. The
letter also provides information (such as the telephone number and fight details) that would be
appropriate in a letter of this type. The letter is 171 words long so easily fulfls the 150 word limit.
So fnally, by doing all the above the letter would fulfl its function. The person receiving it would
do what was wanted. Because of all the above reasons, this letter would get a very good Task
Fulflment band.
Cohesion and Coherence These two are interrelated which is why they are done together.
Cohesion is how your writing fts together. Does your writing with its ideas and content fow
logically? Coherence is how you are making yourself understood and whether the reader of your
writing understands what you are saying. The above letter has excellent cohesion. The structure
helps this. The frst paragraph introduces the subject, sets the scene and provides the basic
information. The second paragraph describes the bag that is talked about in the frst paragraph.
The third paragraph explains what the writer wants to happen. Finally there is an appropriate
ending. This logical progression of ideas in the structure of the three paragraphs gives the letter
good cohesion and coherence. The choice of words also never causes any cohesion problems. For
an example of bad cohesion, see the Free Help Tutorial for the General Training Task 1 Writing.
Coherence is also very good in the letter. The letter makes the problem and what needs to be done
quite plain. The reader never has a problem understanding what is said.
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure With Vocabulary the examiner looks at the range of words
used and whether they are used in the right place and at the right time. With Sentence Structure,
the examiner looks at the grammar. The Vocabulary of the letter is good though this Task 1
requires nothing complicated. All the words chosen are correctly and appropriately used with the
correct degree of formality. The spelling is all correct. The Sentence Structure again is fne. The
past tenses are used correctly to describe past events and the present tenses for description,
all agreeing correctly. The singulars and plurals are all correctly used and everything is correctly
punctuated including a list.
So, in conclusion, this letter fulfls all the things that an examiner looks for in a good answer in a
letter for the General Training Task 1 Writing.
Task 2
It is true that children today spend far more time indoors than in previous generations. I
would say that this has both a positive and negative side.
Children today seem to spend far too long inside with computer games, watching TV and
videos. This is defnitely bad in some ways because children should develop outdoor pursuits
such as football, cricket and basketball that would make them healthy now and in their later
lives. If they dont learn to play sports when theyre young, it is unlikely that they will develop
these healthy habits later in life and the results can be seen today in the higher levels of
obesity and related illnesses such as diabetes. When I was young I had only sports to keep me
occupied and I am grateful now that I still love and play the sports of my youth.
On the other hand the world today is dominated by computers and electronics so its
important that children learn to like and understand computers and technology early in life.
The older generation didnt have the opportunity to have this electronic entertainment and so
dont understand the attraction.
In conclusion I would certainly agree that it is bad and unhealthy for children to spend all
their time indoors with electronic entertainment. I dont think all children are too dependent
on electronic entertainment but too many defnitely are. We cannot expect though that
children will totally ignore todays technologies and it is important that they grow up with
awareness and understanding of these things that will dominate their later lives. I believe
it is up to parents to guide and encourage a reasonable mixture of both indoor and outdoor
(281 words) Estimated IELTS Writing Band 9
IELTS Examiner Commentary
This essay was written by an IELTS examiner to give an example of a good answer. Please
remember that there are other ways of approaching this question that are just as good.
The General Training Task 2 Writing is marked in 3 areas. Lets look at these.
Arguments, Ideas and Evidence This band grades the essay on its content, how it structures
its ideas and backs up the ideas with examples. When you look at the above essay, you are frst
struck by how it is set out with paragraphs. Firstly there is a short introduction. Then there are 2
paragraphs that provide the ideas on both sides of the question of the essay. Finally there is a
conclusion where the question is answered by the writer with his point of view. The writer examines
both sides of the argument and shows that it is not an issue that is black or white. Example are
given to backup his ideas examples of sports, illnesses, the writers own childhood. The minimum
word limit of 250 words has also been passed so that is not a problem. All these things would lead
to a good band for Arguments, Ideas and Evidence.
Communicative Quality This mark grades the candidate on how easily the reader understands
the essay. This depends on accuracy in structure, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary as bad
grammar, punctuation and vocabulary will cause a breakdown in communication. Other things
affecting communication would be linking words, prepositions and agreements. The paragraphing
is the frst thing that helps the communicative quality. As said above the paragraphing is very good.
It splits the essay up into easy-to-read chunks and separates the ideas of the essay into these
chunks. The grammar, punctuation and vocabulary are all very good and all the linking words,
prepositions and agreements are all correctly used. The Communicative Quality in this essay
therefore is very good.
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure With Vocabulary the examiner looks at the range of
words used and whether they are used in the right place and at the right time. With Sentence
Structure, the examiner looks at the grammar. As pointed out in the section above, the Vocabulary
and Sentence Structure are very good. All word usage is correctly used and spelt correctly. The
grammar is all error free and the punctuation is good. The Vocabulary and Sentence Structure band
would be very good.
General Training Writing Practice Test 2
Task 1
Dear Sir,
I write to inquire about staying to your hotel with me family. Me family is consists of me wife,
me two sons and me. We arrive on 14 August and want stay til 21 August Therefore we will
stay 6 nights. Me wife and me would like to take double room with view of sea and my sons
will take room at back of the hotel. I would like to stay to the hotel with bed and breakfast.
Please would you contact to me as soon as possible with the details of prices for this thing?
We not know the location where your hotel is very well so could you please write to us also in
your letter give us some activities that my family like. Me two sons are 13 and 11 years old.
Thank you for your help, I look forward to hear from you.
Yours sincerly,
Alex Luchi
(151 words) Estimated IELTS Writing Band 7
IELTS Examiner Commentary
This letter was written by a Romanian IELTS student in the middle of an IELTS practice course.
The General Training Task 1 Writing is marked in 3 areas. Lets look at these.
Task Fulflment This mark grades you on basically whether you have answered the question or
not. A common mistake is to miss out in your letter one of the things that it asks you to do. Has
the above letter answered the question? The question asks the candidate to write a letter, give the
arrival and departure details, request the type of rooms and price for the weekend and ask about
activities and places of interest. There are obviously language errors but nearly all these areas
have been covered. The letter asks about activities but not places of interest but this is fairly minor.
The letter is of 151 words so it fulfls the length requirement too. Also the letter is set out in a good
way with an appropriate opening and ending. It has good paragraphing which splits up the letter
into good easy-to-read chunks. So, this letter will get a fairly good task fulflment band.
Cohesion and Coherence These two are interrelated which is why they are done together.
Cohesion is how the writing fts together. Does the writing with its ideas and content fow logically?
Coherence is how you are making yourself understood and whether the reader of your writing
understands what you are saying. The above letter has reasonable cohesion. The fow of ideas
through the letter is fairly logical but occasionally awkward (therefore is used correctly but a native
speaker would have avoided its use). The faulty grammar takes away a bit from its coherence but it
is an understandable letter and it would have the desired effect.
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure With Vocabulary the examiner looks at the range of words
used and whether they are used in the right place and at the right time. With Sentence Structure,
the examiner looks at the grammar. The vocabulary of this letter is mainly correct with the
occasional awkward choice (take double room; contact to me). Spelling is fairly good with only
occasional errors (sincerly; til). The Sentence Structure is the weakest part of the letter. There are
numerous mistakes. Some verb tenses and patterns are faulty (write; is consists; want stay; to
hear from; we not know) though other verbs are correct with correct use of would like. The writer
also uses me instead of my and uses to the hotel instead of at the hotel twice. The grammar
errors do not really affect communication in the letter though.
In conclusion, although the letter is at times a bit awkward, it is well set out, covers the main points,
is fairly accurate and would fulfl its purpose.
Task 2
We have been known for some time now that smoking is a killer. I completely agree that all
countries should make the rules that outlaws smoking in all the public areas.
That is a diffcult subject though. Many of the smokers believe that they have the right to
smoke where they will and that non-smokers can just go away from them. They have a point to
some point but tobacco smoke is not the perfume. The smell get into your hairs, clothes and
eyes and of course the smoke get into your lungs which make you feel bad the next day and
can cause the illnesses over a long time. There are just too many things bad to let the people
have the right to smoke anywhere.
It is of course only an optimist theory. It is not probable that all countries in the earth will
disallow smoking in all of the public areas although Ireland has just done so and many part
of US does. It is a good goal to try to do though. The more that it is prohibited then, slowly,
the more people will realise how they kill them. People who would normally die would live and
huge amounts of money will save on treating smoking diseases such as the cancer and the
heart disease. If this lead to the fall of companies with losses of jobs and money for company
owners then I can only say good. Governments will lose duties but I am sure that governments
will think up other ways of making more duties!
So I completely believe in the statement that all countries should prohibit smoking in public
(277 words) Estimated IELTS Writing Band 7
IELTS Examiner Commentary
This essay was written by a German IELTS student studying in the UK.
The General Training Task 2 Writing is marked in 3 areas. Lets look at these.
Arguments, Ideas and Evidence This band grades the essay on its content, how it structures
its ideas and backs up the ideas with examples. The above essay wholly addresses itself to the
question and there is no irrelevance. From the frst introductory paragraph the writer makes his
position plain as regards the question. This is restated in the conclusion. The two paragraphs in
between contain the writers argument looking at both sides of the question. Good examples back
up the ideas that the writer puts forward. 250 words has also easily been passed so the word limit
is not a problem. So this essay would get a good band for Arguments, Ideas and Evidence.
Communicative Quality This mark grades the candidate on how easily the reader understands
the essay. This depends on structure, accuracy in grammar, punctuation and vocabulary as bad
grammar, punctuation and vocabulary will cause a breakdown in communication. Other things
affecting communication would be linking words, prepositions and agreements. The paragraphing
is the frst thing that helps the communicative quality. As stated above, the introduction and
conclusion are short and to the point and the main ideas for the essay are put into two separate
paragraphs. These things help the readability of the essay and therefore help the communicative
quality. There are a few errors with the grammar and word choice but this does not affect the
communicative quality. The linking words and punctuation are both good and this really helps the
communicative quality. So the communicative quality band here would be pretty good.
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure With Vocabulary the examiner looks at the range of words
used and whether they are used in the right place and at the right time. With Sentence Structure,
the examiner looks at the grammar. As pointed out above there are a few errors in word choice
(smoke where they will; too many things bad; optimist; a point to some point; disallow;
good goal to try to do; duties) but none are serious. The errors are more the wrong form of the
word or the choice of a synonym of the correct word. This makes it occasionally a bit unnatural but
it is a minor effect. The grammar is mostly good but there are some errors. The is used wrongly
on a number of occasions. There are a couple of plural problems as well (smell get into your
hairs; many part of the US). The verb forms are mostly good but there are some slips (We have
been known; rules that outlaws; the smoke get into; which make you; many part of the US
does; money will save; If this lead). Finally there is one pronoun error (how they kill them).
So, Vocabulary and Sentence Structure is the weakest area of this essay but it is not too bad. The
essay would get a reasonable band for Vocabulary and Sentence Structure.
General Training Writing Practice Test 3
Task 1
Dear Sir,
I am writ in conection with radyo I buy before two week in your shop at London Road, when
I go hme and play it I fand it no work well, this very bad for me, I go holday soon and I buy
radyo becus of this thing, I return radyo next day to your shop and shop man he say that they
fx proplem and cal me soon. I wait one wek for cal from this man and I no hear nothing, I
therefor ask you to call me very soon for tel me that you fx rayio or you give me new radio, I
put copi of sale papr and fxing paper, I hope to hear yu soon

Best regard,
Abdulaziz al Suwaidi
(122 words) Estimated IELTS Writing Band 4
IELTS Examiner Commentary
This letter was written by an Arabic IELTS student at his college
The General Training Task 1 Writing is marked in 3 areas. Lets look at these.
Task Fulflment This mark grades you on basically whether you have answered the question or
not. A common mistake is to miss out in your letter one of the things that it asks you to do. Has the
above letter answered the question? The frst thing that one notices that the letter is considerably
under length. By not writing the required 150 words the writer is not answering the question and so
is penalised under Task Fulflment. If less than 150 words is produced then only a maximum band
of 5 (less than 5 can also be given) can be awarded for Task Fulflment. Another omission is that
the writer did not say how he feels about the situation and this is asked for in the question. Apart
from these things the question is dealt with. The problems with the length and the feelings will give
this letter quite a poor Task Fulflment band.
Cohesion and Coherence These two are interrelated which is why they are done together.
Cohesion is how the writing fts together. Does the writing with its ideas and content fow
logically? Coherence is how you are making yourself understood and whether the reader of your
writing understands what you are saying. Cohesion here is poor as well. The structure with no
paragraphing and little punctuation makes it a badly joined together letter. Bad spelling causes
understanding problems too. This leads to poor coherence for the reader also. It is often diffcult
to follow the letter and understand the meaning, although with some diffculty the point can be
understood. This letter would get a low cohesion and coherence band.
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure With Vocabulary the examiner looks at the range of words
used and whether they are used in the right place and at the right time. With Sentence Structure,
the examiner looks at the grammar. The Vocabulary choices in this letter arent too bad in spite
of some errors but there are lots spelling mistakes (radyo; therefor; becus; proplem; regard;
etc). Although the writer didnt know the correct words for sales and repair receipts, he managed
to paraphrase in a clumsy but understandable way in spite of the spelling errors. The Grammar
is more of a problem. Most verb forms are faulty in tenses and negative forms (am write; buy; go;
play; no work etc.). There are other grammar errors eg: (before two weeks; absence of the verb
to be; absence of the and a (defnite and indefnite articles); giving two subjects of verbs (the shop
assistant he say); a double negative (I no hear nothing); an adjective in place of an adverb (it no
work good); missing or wrong prepositions (at London Road; I hope to hear you soon). All these
errors and others would ensure a poor Vocabulary and Sentence Structure band.
In conclusion the letter is quite poor in spite of being fairly relevant to the task set.
Task 2
I am agree with this. The study it is so importent now a days. The childrn is need the study
for their lifes. The girls and boys no diffrent for this. They are need the study every day
for get the bettr results. I think that evry day monday to friday the childrn must go to
school for the classes. If they study then later they can be doctors or law or businessman.
Then they get the muney for this for there famly and there famly they can be doctors or
law or businessman. Nevertheless boys and girls some times are study togethar. I no think
this is good idae. When the boys are yung they are like the girls too much and they are look
too much the girls and no study. It is same with the girls becuse they are like also the boys
and they are look too much the boys and they are no study. So for the boys and for the girls
they are not get the results and no be doctors etc. So in conclusion I am believe that the
study and the education is too much important for the boys and the girls so they can get the
good results for help them in their lifes. The boys and the girls they must no study in mix
sex classes or they are no study very well and they are no get the good results for help them.
Therefor I am agree with this statment.
(251 words) Estimated IELTS Writing Band 5
IELTS Examiner Commentary
This essay was written by a Korean IELTS student doing an IELTS preparation course.
The General Training Task 2 Writing is marked in 3 areas. Lets look at these.
Arguments, Ideas and Evidence This band grades the essay on its content, how it structures its
ideas and backs up the ideas with examples. Ones frst reaction on seeing this essay is that it is
badly structured. The length is no problem as it is over 250 words. Looking at the argument of the
essay, more than a third of the essay is irrelevant. The writer opens by talking about how important
education is to young people. This is of course true but it is not answering the question at all. The
writer only starts to answer the actual question after Nevertheless. The remaining writing is also a
bit repetitive and short on ideas and examples. The only real, relevant point that the writer makes
in the whole essay is that girls and boys should not study together because they will look at each
other. The Arguments, Ideas and Evidence band would not be very good here.
Communicative Quality This mark grades the candidate on how easily the reader understands
the essay. This depends on structure, accuracy in grammar, punctuation and vocabulary as bad
grammar, punctuation and vocabulary will cause a breakdown in communication. Other things
affecting communication would be linking words, prepositions and agreements. The communicative
quality here is not that good. There are quite a lot of grammar errors although the punctuation
isnt too bad. Nevertheless is used wrongly and causes the reader to stop and reread. The
paragraphing is non-existent. The essay is all just in one big lump. This really affects how easy
the essay is to read (see General Training Task 2 Tutorial for an example of good and bad
paragraphing Free Tutorials are available on the Home Page). So, the communicative quality
band for this essay would not be very good.
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure With Vocabulary the examiner looks at the range of words
used and whether they are used in the right place and at the right time. With Sentence Structure,
the examiner looks at the grammar. The vocabulary is not that bad though the spelling is not very
good. Even when the writer has chosen a wrong word (law instead of lawyer; some time instead
of sometimes) the writing can still be understood. Apart from that the vocabulary is a bit repetitive
and needs a greater variety. The grammar is not very good. Most of the verb forms are faulty
(tense choice, formation and agreement) (I am agree; the children is need; are need etc) and
the verb to be is used badly (girls and boys no diffrent). There are also lots of other mistakes
scattered through the essay. The Vocabulary and Sentence Structure band would not be very good
for this essay.
General Training Writing Practice Test 4
Task 1
Respected Sir,
I have just recently been awarded a place at your esteemed college and I now write with
respect to my accommodation requirements for my frst initial year.
As I will not know anyone at the College, I would like to spend my frst year in a Hall of
Residence so that I can meet people in this place. I would prefer the Hall to be a single sex
female only hall and with full board so that I wont have to worry about cooking for myself. In
addition I also require a vegetarian choice as I am vegetarian. If there are no halls offering
the above then I would be satisfed in a hall with kitchens so I can cook. In addition I would
not like to share my room and I would prefer en suite facilities if you have halls offering this.
Thanking you for your assistance in advance, I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Anna da Silva
(149 words) Estimated IELTS Writing Band 9
IELTS Examiner Commentary
This letter was written by an Indian lady on an IELTS preparation course.
The General Training Task 1 Writing is marked in 3 areas. Lets look at these.
Task Fulflment This mark grades you on basically whether you have answered the question or
not. A common mistake is to miss out in your letter one of the things that it asks you to do. Has
the above letter answered the question? The question asks the candidate to write a letter, give
accommodation requirements, give room and food needs and ask for alternatives. It seems to me
that all these questions have been answered. The letter is also set out well with good structure.
One minus is that the question instructs the candidate to begin the letter with Dear Sir but this letter
begins Respected Sir. This is not a serious problem but you should bear in mind that you should
follow all instructions very carefully. Another problem is the length. In Task 1 you have to write 150
words. This letter is only 149 words. Now, 1 word short is not a problem but if a letter is noticeably
short it will be heavily penalised in Task Fulflment as is seen in the Task 1 example for General
Training Test 3. The Task Fulflment band for this letter would be fairly good.
Cohesion and Coherence These two are interrelated which is why they are done together.
Cohesion is how the writing fts together. Does the writing with its ideas and content fow logically?
Coherence is how you are making yourself understood and whether the reader of your writing
understands what you are saying. The cohesion and coherence in this letter are both quite good.
There is a good opening and ending and the important enquiry information is set out nicely in the
middle paragraph. It is easy to read and well punctuated. The Cohesion and Coherence band for
this letter would also be fairly good.
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure With Vocabulary the examiner looks at the range of words
used and whether they are used in the right place and at the right time. With Sentence Structure,
the examiner looks at the grammar. The Vocabulary is good and appropriate though it occasionally
becomes over formal in a way that would be a little archaic in modern English (Respected Sir;
esteemed college). The grammar is very good with virtually no errors. One thing that does stand
out is the redundant use of in this place but that is about all. So, the Vocabulary and Sentence
Structure band for this letter would again be pretty good.
Task 2
Everywhere people studies English. In my country too many people is study English. I think
study other language is, in todays world, a waste of time.
English is Number 1 language in World today. Today everybody need English. English is the
language for travel and business and other thing. If you want to stay in hotel, go restaurant,
do money, you need English. America also most important economics and science country in
world. When I go Dubai last year I only need English in hotel and shops.
Other language also important. The country that next to your country maybe you must know
this language. Also China language, India language, Spanish language, Arab language very
important and maybe more important later. So maybe this language also you can learn in
In my country we study English at school. Some people studies also other language but
everyone say English is most important.
So I think English should be the primary foreign language taught in schools around the world.
Learning a different foreign language is, in todays world, a waste of time.
(180 words) Estimated IELTS Writing Band 6
IELTS Examiner Commentary
This essay was written by a Thai IELTS student studying in the UK.
The General Training Task 2 Writing is marked in 3 areas. Lets look at these.
Arguments, Ideas and Evidence This band grades the essay on its content, how it structures
its ideas and backs up the ideas with examples. The main problem with this essay is the length.
If an essay for the General Training Task 2 Writing does not equal or exceed 250 words then the
essay will be penalised on Arguments, Ideas and Evidence. In addition to being under length the
writer has also used a small chunk of the question in the introduction and a larger chunk in the
conclusion. The maximum band that can be awarded in this area for under length essays is 5
though it can be lower. So this essays maximum band for Arguments, Ideas and Evidence would
be 5. This is a shame as the writer makes a fair attempt to answer the question and is mostly
relevant. The essay just needs some more ideas and evidence to back up the argument.
Communicative Quality This mark grades the candidate on how easily the reader understands
the essay. This depends on structure, accuracy in grammar, punctuation and vocabulary as bad
grammar, punctuation and vocabulary will cause a breakdown in communication. Other things
affecting communication would be linking words, prepositions and agreements. First of all the
structure of this essay is good and this helps the communicative quality. The information is set out
into clear, separate paragraphs and this makes it easier for the reader to read it. The sentences
are also short which also makes it more diffcult for the writer to get mixed up. The punctuation is
good which helps the communicative quality. On the other hand the grammar is fairly poor and this
adversely affects the communicative quality. The sentences are also a bit awkward and unnatural.
All in all this essay would get a reasonable band for communicative quality.
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure With Vocabulary the examiner looks at the range of words
used and whether they are used in the right place and at the right time. With Sentence Structure,
the examiner looks at the grammar. In general the vocabulary in this essay isnt bad. Quite often
the wrong form of the word has been chosen (economics, science, China language etc.) but this
does not affect intelligibility. There is only really one completely incorrect word choice (do money).
The grammar in this essay is not that good. The only good areas are where the writer has copied
the chunks from the question so these cannot be taken into account by the examiner. The verbs
are often incorrect, the articles are a problem and there are other smaller, individual mistakes. The
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure band would not be that good.
General Training Writing Practice Test 5
Task 1
Dear Sir,
Last week on Saturday night some friends and I had dinner in your restaurant to celebrate
my birthday. I am writing to thank you for the great evening that we had.
All my friends remarked afterwards on the standard of the food and service that we
received. All the food was very tasty and well presented. Our waiter, whose name was James,
was fast and friendly and put with well with our bad jokes! The restaurant itself was warm
and friendly and the atmosphere showed that all the diners there were enjoying their evening.
I would like though to suggest one improvement. One of my friends is a vegetarian and he felt
that the choice for vegetarians was little small. If you could develop that, it would be a great
advantage to your restaurant.
Once again I would like to thank you for my highly enjoyable birthday dinner.
Yours faithfully,
Rebecca Ahlinder
(152 words) Estimated IELTS Writing Band 9
IELTS Examiner Commentary
This letter was written by an IELTS examiner to give an example of a good answer. Please
remember that there are other ways of approaching this question that are just as good.
The General Training Task 1 Writing is marked in 3 areas. Lets look at these.
Task Fulflment This mark grades you on basically whether you have answered the question or
not. A common mistake is to miss out in your letter one of things that it asks you to do. Has the
letter above answered the question? The letter thanks the restaurant mentioning the food, service
and atmosphere and also suggests an improvement. This is what the question asked. The letter
also gives the relevant detail of the waiters name. The letter is set out in an appropriate way with a
semi-formal opening and an ending that is appropriate to this type of letter. It uses correct language
with the right degree of formality. The letter would certainly fulfl its function. The person receiving it
would wholly understand its purpose. This letter would get a very good Task Fulflment band.
Cohesion and Coherence These two are interrelated which is why they are done together.
Cohesion is how your writing fts together. Does your writing with its ideas and content fow
logically? Coherence is how you are making yourself understood and whether the reader of your
writing understands what you are saying. The above letter has excellent cohesion. The structure
helps this. The frst paragraph introduces the subject by mentioning the birthday meal and thanking
the restaurant. The next paragraph details why the meal was so enjoyable. The third paragraph
suggests the improvement. Finally there is an appropriate ending with another thank you. This
logical progression of ideas in the structure of the three paragraphs gives the letter good cohesion.
The choice of words also never causes any cohesion problems. For an example of bad cohesion,
see the Free Help Tutorial for the General Training Task 1 Writing. Coherence is also very good in
the letter. At no time does the reader have to stop because he does not understand.
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure With Vocabulary the examiner looks at the range of words
used and whether they are used in the right place and at the right time. With Sentence Structure,
the examiner looks at the grammar. The vocabulary of the letter is good throughout. The Sentence
Structure again is fne. The past tenses are used correctly to describe past events and the
suggestions are all correctly presented. All other grammar is correct and everything is correctly
So, in conclusion, this letter fulfls all the things that an examiner looks for in a good answer in a
letter for the General Training Task 1 Writing.
Task 2
Many people travel nowadays; vastly more than at the start of the 20
Century. In the 20

Century this increase was due to the improvement in the means of travelling. In this century I
believe that the numbers of people travelling will continue to grow. This will be due to various
Just like last century I believe that travel technology will get more advanced and that it will
become cheaper and therefore more people will have the opportunity to fy. In addition to
this, lesser-developed and poorer nations today, such as China and other Southeast Asian and
African countries, will become richer and more of the population will be able to afford to fy.
Other factors will be a greater awareness in travel and travelling in order to obtain a better
education. These I feel will be the factors most responsible for the future growth of travel.
On the other hand there will be factors negatively affecting the growth in travel. At present
the most important one is probably the threat of terrorism leading to a fear of travelling
by plane. Also the spread of wealth and opportunities around Southeast Asia and Africa will
lessen the need for people to travel for a better life or education.
The reasons negatively affecting the growth of travel are certainly important but I believe
that the ones that will positively affect its growth will prove far more powerful and so I
believe that travel in the 21
Century will certainly continue to grow and become even more
(257 words) Estimated IELTS Writing Band 9
IELTS Examiner Commentary
This essay was written by an IELTS examiner to give an example of a good answer. Please
remember that there are other ways of approaching this question that are just as good.
The General Training Task 2 Writing is marked in 3 areas. Lets look at these.
Arguments, Ideas and Evidence This band grades the essay on its content, how it structures
its ideas and backs up the ideas with examples. When you look at the above essay, you are frst
struck by how it is set out with paragraphs. Firstly the introduction sets out the writers opinion in
relation to the question. Then there are 2 paragraphs that provide the ideas and examples that
support the writers opinion. Finally the conclusion reiterates the writers opinion in light of what he
has just written. The writer does not wholly look at one point of view but looks at factors affecting
travel positively and negatively. The minimum word limit of 250 words has also been passed so that
is not a problem. All these things would lead to a good band for Arguments, Ideas and Evidence.
Communicative Quality This mark grades the candidate on how easily the reader understands
the essay. This depends on accuracy in structure, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary, as bad
grammar, punctuation and vocabulary will cause a breakdown in communication. Other things
affecting communication would be linking words, prepositions and agreements. The paragraphing
is the frst thing that helps communicative quality. As pointed out above the paragraphing is very
good. It splits the essay up into easy-to-read chunks and separates the ideas of the essay into
these chunks. The grammar, punctuation and vocabulary are all very good and all the linking
words, prepositions and agreements are all correctly used. The Communicative Quality in this
essay therefore is very good.
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure With Vocabulary the examiner looks at the range of
words used and whether they are used in the right place and at the right time. With Sentence
Structure, the examiner looks at the grammar. As pointed out in the section above, the Vocabulary
and Sentence Structure are very good. All word usage is correctly used and spelt correctly. The
grammar is all error free and the punctuation is good. The Vocabulary and Sentence Structure band
for this essay would therefore be very good.
Commentary on the Example Speaking Recordings for the
General Training Practice Tests
Below you will fnd reports by an IELTS speaking examiner on three recordings of example IELTS
test interviews. The questions asked in the recordings are the questions in the Speaking Test
sections of General Training Tests 1, 2 and 3. While listening to the recordings,
it would be helpful for you to have the question sheets with you to refer to.
The recordings are not real IELTS test recordings but the interviewer is a real IELTS examiner and
the recordings are conducted in the exact way that an IELTS Speaking Test is done. The students
interviewed were IELTS students who were doing an IELTS preparation course in the UK. The
reports on each interview were written by the IELTS examiner who conducted the interviews. The
examiner has tried to analyse the strong and weak parts of each of the students and this will give
you a better understanding into how give a better performance in the IELTS Speaking Test.
To further help you, if you have not done so already, please look at the right hand side of the Home Page where you will fnd a series of free General Training Test Tutorials
including Speaking. Here you will fnd advice on how to do and prepare for the IELTS Speaking
Speaking Practice Test 1
Examiners Commentary
The student interviewed was Ilaria, an Italian female. The Speaking Test is in three sections.
Lets frst look at the each of these sections in turn to identify the strong points as well as the
Section 1
Ilaria was very confdent and gave full answers to all the questions. It started well when Ilaria gave
a very full answer to the frst question about her family and, without being prompted, went on to
talk about where her family lived as well. This kind of full answer going further than the question
asks is a good sign that the student is comfortable in English and can talk with easy fuency.
The rest of Section 1 went equally well. Ilaria was not sporty so the questions from Topic 1 on
Health and Exercise could not have suited her that well. In spite of this Ilaria gave full answers
to all the questions. This is important as Ilaria showed that she could speak capably on a subject
about which she knew little and had little interest in. On the other hand in Topic 2 Ilaria showed
the examiner that she could answer the questions at length in English. Because of this Ilaria
only needed 2 questions to be asked in Topic 2. Also in reply to the second question in Topic 2,
Ilaria answers Yes, absolutely and then goes on to explain her answer without the need for the
examiner to have to ask Why. This is often a good sign of a good, fuent candidate. Section 1 was
very well answered by Ilaria and I do not feel that there were any bad points.
Section 2
Ilaria continued with the same fuency as Section 1. The examiner allowed Ilaria to talk for the full
2 minutes and she had no problem doing this. Not all IELTS interviews are this long but it is always
up to the examiner to decide the length of the interview and not the candidate. Ilaria hardly took
any of the one available minute for preparation. This is absolutely no problem. It is wholly up to the
candidate to decide to take all or part of the minute. It does not affect the marking of the test in any
way. However, the longer that a student has to prepare the talk, then the easier it will probably be
for the student to speak well. Therefore I would always advise candidates to take advantage of the
full minute. Ilaria does not talk that fast, says erm quite a lot and has frequent, short hesitations.
None of these is a problem. It is not a mistake to speak slowly. Indeed, if candidates talk slowly,
then they are less likely to make any fuency, grammatical or vocabulary errors and subsequently
are more confdent and comfortable. The hesitations and erms are only normal features of
someone who has to talk for 2 minutes on a quickly prepared subject. Ilaria talked with some
fuency on the subject in the question and covered the areas that the question asked to be talked
about with detail and relevant examples. Finally the examiner asked a question to fnish off Section
2. Ilaria gave a short answer to this and that is all that is required. This Section 2 is shorter than a
lot of others but this is because Ilaria did not use the minute available for preparation. Again there
are no bad parts in this section.
Section 3
In Topic 1 Ilarias answers were not as full as earlier. She does say though often that she didnt
know much about the subject. Despite this she still managed full answers to all the questions.
However, as long as a student answers each question to some extent, the student can then wait for
the question(s) that they can really take advantage of and speak longer about. Then in Topic 2 she
had more to say and spoke at greater length in reply to the questions. So, although some answers
were shorter than others, there are no bad parts to Section 3.
The marking of the IELTS Speaking Test is done in 4 parts. Below is how the examiner evaluates
this student.
Ilarias pronunciation of English is excellent which allows her to be easily understood at all times.
There is a trace of an accent in her English but this does not interfere with intelligibility at any time.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Ilaria accurately and appropriately uses a wide range of grammatical structures.
Lexical Resource
There is the occasional slightly inappropriate word choice but this does not happen very often and it
does not affect the listeners understanding.
Fluency and Coherence
Ilarias fuency and coherence is very good. Ilarias language is appropriate and the joining
language is all correctly used. Ilarias answers to questions are logically developed and there is little
repetition or self-correction.
Estimated IELTS Speaking Band: 9
Speaking Practice Test 2
Examiners Commentary
The student interviewed was Sandra, a Colombian female. The Speaking Test is in three sections.
First of all lets look at each of these sections in turn to identify the strong and weak parts of the
Section 1
Sandra was a little bit nervous and not very confdent in her speech. She answered all the
questions but some of the questions, particularly in Topic 2, could have been longer and better
developed. Most people fnd that Section 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test is the easiest section and
therefore students should take the opportunity to talk as long and as fully as they can while the
questions are at their simplest. For example, the examiner asks Sandra about the advantages
and disadvantages of living in her area. She talks about the climate as an advantage, which is
good, and then mentions that her area is near other good places but she does not talk more about
this. She could talk about other good things regarding her area and she did not even mention
one disadvantage. This was wasting an opportunity. On the other hand she answered most of the
questions quite well and this was certainly no disaster.
Section 2
In Section 2 Sandra managed to get over the one minute mark without any problems but it
appeared as though it would have been hard for her to go any longer than she did. Like Ilaria
in the recording for the Academic Speaking Test 1, Sandra did not make use of the one minute
preparation time. It sounds as though the examiner got her started early but it was Sandra who
indicated that she was ready to begin. By not taking the time to make notes on each part of the
question, Sandras talk was a bit disjointed and lost coherence at times. Here is an example where
using the one minute preparation time would have had great beneft. On the other hand Sandra
did manage to answer most parts of the question. Looking at her actual speaking, Sandra often
had long hesitations as she searched for things to say and to connect her ideas. The connections
were not always clear and she shifted subject a couple of times in one sentence. If she could have
fnished each of the sentences by developing the subjects of each sentence and then change the
subject coherently, it would have been a much better talk. Again, preparation would have benefted
her. She did not lose marks for not preparing but the lack of coherence in her talk that the lack of
preparation caused affected her score.
Section 3
Section 3 started very well with Sandra giving long and full answers to the questions in Topic
1. In Topic 2 however the answers were not as long and could have been better developed,
speaking about the subjects in more depth. For example the last question was not really answered
properly at all with Sandra only saying that holidays would change by having more amenities. If
Topic 2 could have been answered as fully as Topic 1 then she would have made a much better
The Marking of the IELTS Speaking Test is done in 4 parts. Below is how the examiner evaluates
this student.
Sandras pronunciation was not that clear. There were areas where there were no problems but
there were also times when her strong accent, intonation and stress problems caused diffculties
for the listener.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Sandras grammar was often faulty. Sandras basic sentences were controlled fairly well but more
complex grammar often broke down. There were lots of mistakes scattered throughout her speech
as well, some of them quite basic.
Lexical Resource
Sandras vocabulary was good enough to discuss familiar and unfamiliar topics but she had limited
fexibility. There were quite a few pauses where she had to stop to search for the right word and not
always with success.
Fluency and Coherence
Sandras fuency and coherence was sometimes quite good and she showed the ability to talk
independently and at some length to questions. On areas that she was not so sure about though
her fuency and coherence sometimes broke down and this led to quite a lot of hesitation and a bit
of repetition.
Estimated IELTS Speaking Band: 5
Speaking Practice Test 3
Examiners Commentary
The student interviewed was Tina, a Chinese female. The Speaking Test is in three sections. First
of all lets look at the each of these sections in turn to identify the strong and weak parts of the
Section 1
Tina was a bit nervous and hesitant at the start but she gave full answers that addressed the
questions. She talked quite slowly but that is no problem. In fact talking slowly allowed Tina to
consider what she was saying and so she was less likely to make grammar mistakes and lose
control of her coherence. The fact that Tina did not need all the questions from Section 1 to fnish
the section shows how well and fully she answered the questions.
Section 2
Tina is lucky as she says she is interested in this topic and so she fnds it easy to talk about.
Candidates in IELTS are not allowed to ask for a change in topic so, if you are given a topic you
know little about, you will just have to do the best you can. The topics are all of general interest
and anyone should be able to talk about the topics for 2 minutes. The frst important thing in this
interview was that Tina took full advantage of the 1 minute preparation time. This allowed Tina
to make notes on all parts of the question. At one point at the end of her talk Tina had fnished a
sentence and did not know how to continue. She checked her notes and saw that she had written
something about how often she went to the restaurant. Therefore, after the short gap to check her
notes (which is fne) she was able to continue confdently with her talk. This shows the value of
using the 1 minute preparation time and making the notes on the paper provided. In Section 2 Tina
again spoke quite slowly and, as pointed out above, there is nothing wrong with this. Sometimes
though she was a bit overly hesitant and stopped in the middle of sentences which affected the
fuency of the talk a little. On the other hand, Tina covered the areas required in the question and
talked without any problems until the examiner asked her to stop.
Section 3
Tina continued to give reasonable answers in Section 3. Where she sometimes went wrong was
in trying to say too much. Occasionally she fnished a sentence but wanted to continue in order
to make a better impression. This is good of course but only if you have more to say. If you have
no further ideas and you try to carry on, there will most likely be a lot of hesitations and eventually
repetition of ideas. This is what happened sometimes to Tina. If you have no further ideas, it
is better to stop with the good things that you have already said and wait for a new question.
Nevertheless Tina had a lot of good things to say though she was more hesitant and had more
breakdowns in fuency and accuracy due to the more complicated nature of the questions. She
often hesitated at the start of answering questions while she thought momentarily about her
answer. This is fne. The examiner does not expect everyone to be able to answer every question
instantly without thinking for a short time.
The Marking of the IELTS Speaking Test is done in 4 parts. Below is how the examiner evaluates
this student.
Tinas pronunciation was fairly clear. Most of her speech was easily understood and, although she
has a Chinese accent, this does not interfere too much with the listeners comprehension.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Tinas grammar was often good but there were basic errors as well. The errors became more
frequent in Section 3 as the questions became more demanding and the language became more
complicated to answer them.
Lexical Resource
Tina used quite a variety of vocabulary. It was easily suffcient to cope with familiar topics and some
unfamiliar topics and, although sometimes she did not know the right word, she could come up with
an acceptable alternative and attempted to paraphrase quite successfully.
Fluency and Coherence
Tinas fuency and coherence was fne in Section 1 and parts of Section 2 but as the questions and
language became more demanding, her speech broke down from time to time and hesitancy came
in. However, she showed the ability to talk at length and clearly answered the questions asked her.
Estimated IELTS Speaking Band: 6
This recording is copyright.
IELTS HELP NOW listening practice tests. Test 1. In the IELTS test you hear some
recordings and you have to answer questions on them. You have time to read the
instructions and questions and check your work. All recordings are played only once. Now
turn to Section 1.
Section 1. You will hear a conversation between a man and a woman discussing the loss of
a bag on board a plane.
First you have some time to look at questions 1 5.
(20 second gap)
You will see that there is an example. This time only, the conversation relating to this will be
played frst.
Man Pan Asian Airways. John speaking. Can I help you?
Wom Yes please. I left something on one of your planes last night. I got this number from the
operator. Is this the right number to call?
M Yes, madam. This is the right number. I just need you tell me your name to start with so I
can fll out a lost property form.
W Kirsty Allen. Thats K-I-R-S-T-Y A-L-L-E-N.
So, Kirsty is the correct answer.
Now we begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, as the recording is not
played twice. Listen carefully to the conversation and answer questions 1 to 5.
Man Pan Asian Airways. John speaking. Can I help you?
Wom Yes please. I left something on one of your planes last night. I got this number from the
operator. Is this the right number to call?
M Yes, madam. This is the right number. I just need you to tell me your name to start with so I
can fll out a lost property form.
W Kirsty Allen. Thats K-I-R-S-T-Y A-L-L-E-N.
M Right. Ive got that. Now what happened last night?
W Well, I was on a fight last night from New York to London that landed at 12.30am. We were
delayed a while in New York so that when we eventually landed, I was so tired that I accidentally
left my handbag on the plane.
M Did you report this to anyone last night?
W No, Im afraid not. I didnt notice until I got home and then it was really too late to phone.
M Very well madam. Let me take a few details for this form and Ill see what I can do. OK, so
the name was Kirsty Allen. And whats the address please?
W 48 Windham Road, Richmond.
M The postcode?
W RI6 GH7.
M Good. Ive got that. Now, your telephone number?
W Well, my home number is 020 8927 7651 and my mobile is 07754 897 432.
M Im sorry. I didnt catch the second one. What was the mobile again?
W 0 double 7 54 897 432.
M Thanks. Now, do you know the fight number of the plane that you were on last night?
W Oh yes, hang on a second. Ive got my boarding pass stub right here. Err; the fight number
was PA 356. No, Im sorry, PA365. Thats it: 365.
M And does the boarding card stub say what seat you had?
W Oh yes. It was E6.
M And you said that it was New York to London Heathrow. Is that right?
W Yes, thats right.
Before the conversation continues, you have some time to look at questions 6 to 10.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 6 to 10.
M OK then. Now I have to take some details about the bag that you lost. It was a handbag,
W Thats right.
M Can you describe it to me?
W Well, I guess it just looks like any regular handbag. Its very dark red with black handles and
the catch on the top is gold coloured.
M Does it have any distinguishing marks?
W Not really. Its quite new you see so I havent scratched it or anything. Its got a brand name
but thats just inside the bag when you open it, under the catch.
M OK. Now, can you tell me what was inside the bag?
W Quite a few things actually. Not my passport of course or I would never have got out of the
airport. My purse is inside and thats got about 200 dollars and about 70 pounds cash. There is
also my credit card and some membership cards.
M Good. Ill just write that down. Anything else in the bag?
W A small paperback that I was reading, some makeup, my work keys, but not my house
keys thank God and a couple of pens.
M Have you informed the police about the loss of the card?
W Yes and Ive also cancelled the card with the credit company.
M Right. Now what Ill do is to contact the lost property, which is where your bag will have
gone if it was found. Ill give you a call back within an hour and tell you what the situation is. If you
havent had a call within an hour and a half, call back this number and ask for me. My name
is John. OK?
W Yes, thats great John. Ill speak to you later. Goodbye.
M Goodbye.
That is the end of section 1. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 2.
Section 2. You will hear a man giving a welcome speech to new students at the University
of Westley. First you have some time to look at questions 11 to 14.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully to the welcome speech and answer questions 11 to 14.
Hello and good afternoon. My name is John Walker and Id like to welcome you new students
to the University of Westley. What I am going to do today is just explain to you about some of
thefacilities that you will fnd here on our main campus and where you will fnd them.
If you look at the map on the overhead projector, let me talk you through some of the locations
before describing some of them in more detail. Well, at present we are in the Universitys main
lecture hall. If you go out of the main front entrance then you will see opposite across the
car park the entrance for the focal point of a lot university life for most students. This is
of course the Students Union. About 150 yards on the left of the Union, as you look at it
from here, is another focal point for the students (though not as popular as the Union), the
University library. Behind the library is the main University refectory where many students eat
both lunch and dinner. On the other side of the Union is the college chapel and behind that there is
a small hall of residence. There are three other halls of residence behind the Students Union.
Behind the hall that we are in now is the sports hall and grounds and either side of us are
academic departments with lecturers offces, lecture halls and various labs. You will fnd it all a bit
confusing at frst but youll get to know your way around fairly quickly.
You now have some time to look at questions 15 to 20.
(20 second gap)
Now listen to the rest of the welcome speech and answer questions 15 to 20.
Id like now to talk about a few important places on the Campus.
All students must belong to the Students Union if they wish to use any of its services. It is very
cheap and we certainly recommend that you join. The Union provides a bookshop covering all
the course books at the university plus lots of other titles for a range of interests. You can eat and
drink at the Union. There is a Fat Phillips on the ground foor serving a wide range of fast foods
and drinks. Then there is the main Union bar up on the First Floor. This is where the Union parties,
dances and balls are held and theres a pizza corner where cheap and large pizzas can be served
up in a few minutes. Other areas that will be of interest to students are the Welfare Offce, the
Travel Offce and the Clubs Offce. The Clubs offce will get you in touch with all the Clubs that are
part of the Students Union. These clubs vary from football to drama to potholing to beer drinking.
There really is something for everyone. The Union opens up at 8 am every day and closes at 12
midnight unless there are any functions going on later.
Id like to move onto the library now. This is where a lot of you will, I hope, be spending a lot of time
over the next three or four years working and doing research. Of course this isnt as exciting as
the social aspects of university life but of course it really is the main reason that you are all here. I
therefore urge you to get over there as soon as you can as you have to register and then you can
have a look around. During the frst two weeks of the academic year, that is, now, there are tours
every two hours aimed at familiarising new students to all the services that the library offers. The
librarys open from 9am to 9pm though it stays open later during fnal exams.
As I said earlier, the refectory is behind the library. The refectory offers a range of cheap meals at
lunchtime and in the evenings. It is open from 12 noon to 3 pm for lunch and from 6 pm to 8.30
pm for dinner. They try to offer a variety of food from favourites to healthy options to ethnic foods
and there is always a choice for vegetarians and vegans.
The University Sports Hall is one of the most used buildings at the University. To use the hall or the
grounds you must be a member of the Athletic Union, which is part of the Students Union. Again
this costs very little and will allow you to use all University sports facilities, represent University
teams and it fully insures you during your membership of the Athletic Union. This is really
excellent value.

For departments and academic facilities, there isnt enough time to go through all of them but your
respective departments should furnish you with maps and information that will satisfy your needs.
For all services offered at the university, I recommend that you purchase a discount plus card. This
card costs 50 and lasts for the academic year. It will then give you discounts on all services at
the university. For instance, a 4 meal at the refectory would be reduced to 2.50. It will also give
free usage of the late night mini bus that the university runs to places off campus, which normally
costs a pound. You can see that it wouldnt take very long to make it worthwhile. The cards can be
bought at the Students Union.
Well, thats what I have to say for the moment. Now, are there any questions?
That is the end of section 2. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 3.
Section 3. You will hear 2 students discussing the new term at their university. First you
have some time to look at questions 21 to 25.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 25.
Jane Hey John. I didnt know you were here at the University yet. When did you get here?
John Oh just yesterday; Thursday. Ive got some stuff to get sorted out for the start of my second
year as Ive just got some new subjects. Today Ive had to sort out my timetable. It seems like Ive
got quite a lot to do this year. When did you get here?
Jane Ive been here since Tuesday. What classes are you doing this year then?
John Well, Im continuing economics of course as thats my major but Im taking an extra
maths class and Im dropping Spanish so I can take up French. What about you?
Jane My majors the same as yours of course but Im going to continue the same classes as
last year as I liked them so much. Theyre history and music. Whats your Monday timetable like?
John Well at 9, it looks like Ive got French for 3 hours. Thats going to be a tough start to the
Jane Yeah. I cant imagine it worse. Ive got history for three hours which will kill me. The good
thing for me is that Ive got a free in the afternoon which will relax me after that morning.
John No such luck for me though. Ive got that extra maths class starting then so Ill be hard at
work all day on Mondays.
Jane Yeah, I dont envy you that. Still the extra maths will really help your economics in the long
John I know. Thats why Im taking it this year. Last year I really struggled with all the maths that I
didnt understand in the economics but hopefully, this year, that will all change.
Jane What about sport? What have you chosen to do on the Wednesday sports afternoons? Are
you sticking with rowing?
John Id love to but the rowing club storeroom got broken into and the boats were damaged so
its not possible till the club can get enough money to repair or replace the boats. Theyre really
expensive so thatll take quite a long time. So, as I cant do that, Im going to try out squash.
What about you?
Jane Im going to the same as last year. Volleyball.
John Thats good as its in the main sports hall like the squash. Ill be able to see you a lot
this year.
Jane Yeah, it looks like that. You can help me with the maths that I dont understand.
John (laughs) Maybe. For a small fee of course.
You now have some time to look at questions 26 to 30.
(20 second gap)
Now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 26 to 30.
Jane I know its early but do you know anything about the frst assignment that we have to do?
John Yes, its already up on the economics faculty notice board. Theres a choice of essays up
there. I think there are about 10 you can choose from. I cant remember any of the titles though
apart from the one that I think Im going to write about.
Jane Whats that one then?
John Its about the short-term future of third world economies.
Jane Ooh. I dont like the sound of that. It seems very wide-ranging.
John It is but remember that I spent some of the summer vacation travelling in Africa and Asia
so that has made me more interested in the subject and Ive also got some frst hand ideas on the
Jane Does the essay list mention how long the essays have to be and the deadlines?
John Yes. You remember that last year all the essays had to be 3000 words in length?
Well, thats gone up by a thousand words!
Jane Oh no! Theyll take ages.
John I know. I was hoping that theyd stay at 3000 words or only go up to 3500, but no luck Im
Jane What about the deadline?
John The frst one has to be in by the 30
October and the second by the 30
November. It
looks like one essay a month like last year.
Jane Well at least that hasnt changed but as its the end of September now, that leaves only a
month to get the frst one done. Im going to have get onto that straight away.
John Yes, youd better. If you want to talk about it, Im going to be at the campus cafeteria at
1.30 for lunch. We could go over some questions.
Jane I cant then, as Ill be in the sports hall working out. How about 3 this afternoon at the
economics common room?
John That seems OK. Well be right by the economics course offce where the questions are, so
thatll be convenient for checking up on them.
Jane OK. See you then. Bye.
John Bye.
That is the end of section 3. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 4.
Section 4. You will hear part of an environmental sciences lecture. First you have some
time to look at questions 31 to 40.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40.
Good morning everyone. My name is Professor Wilson and I am lecturing you today as part of
your environmental sciences course. Part of this course is concerned with pollution issues in our
world today and part of this lecture will look at some of ways that the oil industry has developed to
deal with oil spills around the world.

Oil tankers are the largest ships to sail in the ocean. For countries such as Japan that have no
oil deposits of their own, tankers are the only way that the oil needed to power their economies
can be moved. They are designed to hold millions of barrels of crude or refned oil in reasonable
safety and without damage to the environment. When oil is released from these ships, the oil
spreads out over the surface of the water in a large slick. These oil slicks can cover hundreds of
miles and they cause huge environmental damage. Oil is released for varying reasons. Accidents
while loading and unloading and deliberate spills account for many slicks today, but it is ships
hitting other ships or rocks, which is the major cause of slicks. Because oil slicks are so
damaging to the environment, numerous ways of containing them and cleaning them up have
been developed. In previous years, slick cleaners would sometimes try to set fre to the slicks and
burn them off but this is rarely done nowadays because, surprisingly, nearly all oil slicks
consist of compounds that arent fammable; combustibility comes after refning.
The four ways of cleaning up oil spills that well look at today are as follows:
The Containment Boom.
Chemical Detergents.
The Sponge.
The containment boom is the most common method of cleaning up after an oil spill. Barriers are
erected in the water and the oil is then sucked up. Basically a containment boom is just a large
foat that surrounds and contains the slick. This method is cheap and straightforward however it
only functions in very calm seas.
Another method to clean slicks is to spray detergent solution from airplanes or boats directly onto
the spill. Depending on the detergent, two things can happen. One possible result is that the
oil can break up into clumps, which sink to the bottom of the ocean. Although these clumps are
themselves hazardous, the problems caused by the clumps are much easier to deal with than
the problems caused by oil slicks. The other possibility is that the oil then breaks down into tiny
droplets, which are soon spread and become harmless. This method is well suited to dealing
with the larger slicks. A negative aspect is that often the chemicals remain in the water and they
can kill fsh and other marine life.
A Berlin-based company has developed an alternative method for cleaning up oil spills.
Eco.carbon has invented a giant sponge made of lignite resin that sucks up the oil, preventing it
from harming the environment. The sponge comes as a mat, which contains crushed coal, whose
small granules can soak up large amounts of oil. The process is safe and cheap. The sponges
have so far withstood small-scale testing in pools of water with miniature oil slicks. A unique
advantage is that once the oil is absorbed into the mat, it remains fxed there permanently. The
downside, however, is that the mats become toxic waste.
Scientists are also trying to improve other methods to fght oil spills. At the scenes of oil spills
around the world, theyve found bacteria that seem to have an appetite for the toxic black
sludge. Now, the scientists are breeding these bacteria and studying them to determine which
is most effective at reducing oil levels. Eventually, they hope to put the best bacteria to work in
helping clean up after oil spill disasters. The bacteria actually use the oil as food. As the bacteria
reproduce, they eat more and more of the slick until it fnally vanishes. Eventually this method
should be cheap, easy to administer and be completely eco-friendly as when the slick is gone,
the bacterias food source is gone and they die, leaving nothing behind at all. So far this method
has no discernable drawbacks.
Well, thats the end of the section of the lecture on cleaning up spills. This subject is an optional
question for your course. Youll fnd the reading lists and essay questions on the faculty notice
boards along with the deadline for submission. If you choose it, seminars will be held at a later
That is the end of section 4. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
That is the end of listening test 1. In the IELTS test you would now have 10 minutes to
transfer your answers to the listening answer sheet.
This recording is copyright.
IELTS HELP NOW listening practice tests. Test 2. In the IELTS test you hear some
recordings and you have to answer questions on them. You have time to read the
instructions and questions and check your work. All recordings are played only once. Now
turn to Section 1.
Section 1. You will hear a telephone conversation between a man and a woman discussing
a hotel reservation.
First you have some time to look at questions 1 6.
(20 second gap)
You will see that there is an example. This time only, the conversation relating to this will be
played frst.
Barbara Sunrise Hotel. Good Morning. Barbara speaking.
John Hello. My name is John Griffn. Id like to make a booking for tonight please. Are there
any rooms still available?
Barbara Yes, there are a few left. What were you wanting?
John Well, Im on a business trip so I only need a single room.
Mr. Griffn is on a business trip so B is the correct answer.
Now we begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, as the recording is not
played twice. Listen carefully to the conversation and answer questions 1 to 6.
Barbara Sunrise Hotel. Good Morning. Barbara speaking.
Man Hello. My name is John Griffn. Id like to make a booking for tonight please. Are there
any rooms still available?
Barbara Yes, there are a few left. What were you wanting?
John Well, Im on a business trip so I only need a single room.
Barbara I dont think that will be a problem. Lets look. Yes. Theres 1 single room left. Shall
I book it for you?
John Yes please. That would be great.
Barbara Right then. Let me get a pen. So, whats your name again please?
John John Griffn. Thats J-O-H-N G-R-I-F-F-I-N.
Barbara OK. Ive got that down. Wait a minute. Youve been here before, havent you?
John Yes, thats right. Ive stayed with you twice before.
Barbara Well, we should have your details already. Lets look at the cards. Here we are. So,
John Griffn from Sydney, right?
John Yes, thats right.
Barbara So, tell me if Im wrong. John Griffn, passport number 87637489. Age 30.
John Yes, thats right.
Barbara So, its a single room for 2 nights. Is your credit card number the same to confrm
the booking?
John Yes, its the same, but Ill want you to forward the bill to my company again, if thats
Barbara Oh yes, Mr. Griffn. Thats no problem at all. Your company have always settled very
promptly in the past. And, what time can we expect you tonight Mr. Griffn?
John Well, the plane lands at 9.15pm so by the time I get through the formalities that
should take about 20 minutes I should be at your place at 10.00. Will the restaurant still be
open at that time as Ill be hungry I hate plane food!
Barbara Im afraid itll be closed by then Mr. Griffn. Can I organize some snacks to be left in
your room? A burger? Fries? Sandwiches?
John Yes, that would be great. How about a cheese sandwich with fries?
Barbara No problem sir. Ill see to that. Oh the fries might be cold when you get in.
John Ah yes. Just the sandwich then.
Barbara No problem. Anything else Mr. Griffn.
John No, thats all. Thank you. See you tonight.
Barbara See you tonight Mr. Griffn. Goodbye.
John Goodbye.
Now you will hear a conversation between Barbara and another man, Mark. Before you hear
this, you have some time to look at questions 7 to 10.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 7 to 10.
Barbara Oh, Mark, That was Mr. Griffn. You know that nice man from Sydney whos
been here a couple of times before. Hes booked a single room for 2 nights from tonight.
Mark Ah good. Wait a moment which room have you put him in?
Barbara Err I put him in number 22. Is that OK?
Mark I think so. Let me just check. Oh blast. There was a booking earlier this morning. All
the singles are now gone.
Barbara Oh dear. Im so sorry. I didnt realize.
Mark Dont worry its not a problem. Well stick him in number 34. Its a double room but it
shouldnt matter.
Barbara What about the price? The double is $150 a night and hes going to be expecting
$100 a night for the single.
Mark Well, we dont want to upset him. We want him to come back. Make a note that
well give him the single rate and hes got a free upgrade.
Barbara Im so sorry Mark. I should have let him know that there werent any singles left.
Mark No, its not your fault. I took the booking earlier but the computers were down. I
should have made a note of the booking so that everyone knew. Its my fault.
Barbara Mr. Griffn has ordered a cheese sandwich to be left I his room too as the restaurant
will be closed when he gets in.
Mark Thats no problem. Just leave a message for my wife in the order book there. Shell
make sure that its prepared by the kitchen staff and then room service can take it to his room
just before he arrives.
Barbara How much shall I charge him for the sandwich?
Mark What is it again. Ah yes cheese. Erm well beef and chicken are both $10 and salad
is $8. Just make it $9. That should be OK.
Barbara OK. Thanks Mark.
That is the end of section 1. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 2.
Section 2. You will hear a news broadcast on a radio station. First you have some time to
look at questions 11 to 15.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully to the news broadcast and answer questions 11 to 15.
Good morning and welcome to 2RC, your local radio news service for the Westley area. And here
are your headlines for this morning.
More news from the police into the jewellery robbery that occurred last Tuesday in the centre of
CompTec, the local computer hardware manufacturer has announced that it must cut 40 jobs.
New routes open up at the Westley International Airport.
Plans for the redevelopment of the Oakley Woods have been shelved.
A local cricket team make it to the regional fnals.
And, get set for a heat wave.
First of all, police have released 2 descriptions for the two men wanted in connection with the
robbery at the local jewellery store, Nicholls, in the centre of town last Tuesday. At 9am, just when
the store was opening, 2 men burst through the door and demanded bags to be flled up with
jewellery. Although the 2 men were armed with baseball bats, the shopkeepers bravely attacked
them and beat them off. Although the 2 men had motorcycle helmets on, these were knocked off
during the scuffe and the shopkeepers were able to get a good look at them.
The frst man is said to be about 6 foot in height, slight build, dark hair and a small moustache. He
was wearing blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket. The 2nd man is much shorter
around 5 foot 8 - with a fat build and red hair and clean-shaven. He was wearing a dark blue
sweater and black jeans. They are both probably in their early 20s. The police hope to issue
photo ft pictures later today. The public are urged to call Westley police if they think they recognise
either of the 2 men.
You now have some time to look at questions 16 to 20.
(20 second gap)
Now listen to the rest of the news broadcast and answer questions 16 to 20.
CompTec last night announced that they must release 40 workers. This was blamed on a
downturn in sales and increased competition. The jobs to be lost will be a mixture of early
retirement offerings and a spread from all departments in the company.
Westley International Airport has been awarded by CheapAir, the new low cost carrier, 4 new
routes into Europe. The new routes will be into 4 European countries though the details have not
yet been released. When the deals have been fnalised, this will lead to a signifcant number of
Environmentalists were delighted this morning by the news that plans by the local council to
develop the Oakley Woods area have been shelved. The Woods were to have been developed
into a shopping area but opposition from local residents and local environmental groups
has led to a turn around by the local council and they will now look for an alternative site. Westley
Green, a local pressure group, says they are ecstatic that the council has bowed to the wishes
of people in the area. Mr. George Finchly, mayor of Westley, made the announcement and
said that the committee responsible took all available information into account before taking the
decision and he hopes that Westley residents are happy that the local council are sensitive to their
wishes when making decisions.
East Moors CC, a local league cricket club has made it to the fnals of the Sunday league
knockout cricket competition. They will play the fnal at home on Sunday 30th August against
Newbury CC. Go along and support if youre around that day, as youll be assured a great Sunday
afternoons sport.
And fnally, get set for a heat wave for the remainder of the month of August. Weather experts have
assured us that we will have 3 weeks of unbroken sunshine till the end of the month. Great news,
but those of us who are experienced with the British weather will most likely greet this news with,
lets wait and see!
That is the end of section 2. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 3.
Section 3. You will hear an admissions tutor at a university interviewing a prospective
student. First you have some time to look at questions 21 to 26.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 26.
Interviewer Hello there. Its Robert Johnson, isnt it?
Robert Yes, thats right.
Interviewer First of all, thanks for coming to this interview and thanks for applying to the
engineering department of Westley University. This is a fairly informal interview where I just get
to know you and fnd out what kind of person you are. There wont be any technical questions as
weve got all your education background from your application form.
Robert Oh thats good. (laughs)
Interviewer Now I know you have applied to us to study Civil Engineering so can you tell me
why you chose this feld?
Robert Its a mixture of reasons really. First of all Ive always been fascinated by building
things. Whenever the family was on holiday, I would always be interested in the local bridge and
all that. My father is a civil engineer too so hed always be able to explain things, and it was he,
I suppose, who really fostered my interest in these things. Im lucky as well because my best
subjects at school were maths and physics, which are the ones that are of particular use for
Interviewer So, youll be keeping it in the family then?
Robert Yes. My brother wants to do the same thing as well so youll probably get an
application from him in another two years!
Interviewer Great! Now then. I notice from your application form that you took a year off between
school and university. What did you do during this year?
Robert Well, Id like to say that I got plenty of work experience but what I did was travel. I
went over to Australia for the year and spent the time travelling and working all around the country.
At the end I went to New Zealand and travelled around there for a couple of months.
Interviewer What kind of work did you do out there?
Robert It was fairly menial stuff. I delivered furniture, worked in a pub, worked in a hotel
and worked on a building site for a couple of months too.
Interviewer Working on a building site must have been some good experience for engineering?
Robert I suppose so. I mean it was interesting to see the brass tacks side of things and a
good engineer has to get his hands dirty my father says.
Interviewer Hes absolutely right as well. Now, why did you choose Westley University to study
Civil Engineering?
Robert Well, frst of all I know that the department has a very good reputation in this
feld and, before applying, I checked out the stats and saw that the percentage of graduates going
straight into industry was very good.
Interviewer Yes, were very proud of that.
Robert Im also very interested in mountaineering and your campus here in the
Midlands is within reasonable distance of Snowdonia so Ill be able to go hiking at
weekends when work allows it.
Interviewer Thats good. Its very important for students to have interests outside of their studies.
It helps deal with the stress.
Robert I also play a lot of football and the University runs quite a few teams in the local
leagues so Id like to get into that.
You now have some time to look at questions 27 to 30.
(20 second gap)
Now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 27 to 30.
Interviewer Is there anything youd like to ask me about the course?
Robert Yes. The information in the prospectus wasnt very clear about assessment. How will
I be assessed over the four years of the course?
Interviewer Well, as its a sandwich course you will be working in industry for the third year
and there wont be any exams for that year. In the frst year you will have exams at the end of May.
Youll probably have 5 papers to sit then. The second year is identical to the frst year. You
have to pass the exams in these years but they wont actually be part of your degree. In the fourth
year you will have to write a dissertation of a minimum of 15 000 words and most people use
their time in the 3
year when theyre working to use as a basis for their dissertation. So, the 3

year can be spent doing the hard work for the dissertation, leaving the fourth year to polish it, and
study for your fnals.
Robert What will I have to do for the fnals?
Interviewer There will be eight papers in all during June and these will be based on work
done throughout the entire course. Its hard and a stressful time but students usually cope with it.
Anything else?
Robert Yes, Id like to ask about
That is the end of section 3. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 4.
Section 4. You will hear part of a research methods lecture. First you have some time to
look at questions 31 to 40.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this auxiliary lecture on research methods. This
lecture is not aimed specifcally at one particular course but is a general lecture that will be relevant
to any student who must conduct research into a topic for his or her course. For most of you, this
will be the research that you need to do in order to write your dissertations and theses.
It has been said that frst world societies are no longer industrial societies but information
societies. That is, our major problems and tasks no longer mainly centre on the production of
goods and services necessary for survival and comfort, but rather require a prompt and accurate
fow of information on preferences, needs and behaviour. This is why surveys today are regarded
with so much importance.
What, then, is a survey? Today the word survey is used most often to describe a method of
gathering information from a sample of individuals. This way, the results can be projected from the
sample to the larger population.
An important consideration to take at the start is to decide how large a survey to perform. The
sample size required for a survey partly depends on the statistical quality needed and the
size of the total population of the area in question. Even so, there is no simple rule for sample
size that can be used for all surveys. Analysts, though, often fnd that a moderate sample size is
suffcient statistically and operationally. A properly selected sample of only 1,000 individuals can
refect various characteristics of the total population but it is not always needed to sample the
entire population for your needs.
Id like now to look at some of the types of survey available to us and the focus here will be
on methods for surveying individuals and companies. Mail, telephone interview, and in-person
interview surveys are the most common ways for doing this. The latter can be in offces, homes or
on the street.
Mail surveys can be relatively low in cost. A decent response rate though is the major problem.
Mail surveys can be most effective when directed at particular groups, such as subscribers to a
specialized magazine or members of a professional association.
Telephone interviews are an effcient method of collecting some types of data and are being used
increasingly. They lend themselves particularly well to situations where timeliness is a factor and
the length of the survey is limited. For students such as you though, cost will be an issue.
In-person interviews in a respondents home or offce are good when complex information is to be
collected. It could involve a great deal of travelling around though. Street interviews could also
be useful as they are easy but the sampling is not very scientifc.

We also need to the look at the content of our surveys. Surveys can focus on opinions and
attitudes or on factual characteristics or behaviour. Many surveys combine types of question.
Questions may be open-ended such as: Why do you feel that way? or closed such as:
Do you approve or disapprove? The questionnaire may be very brief -- a few questions, taking
fve minutes or fewer -- or it can be quite long -- requiring an hour or more of the respondents
time. Also because changes in attitudes or behaviour cannot be reliably ascertained from a single
interview, some surveys employ a panel design, in which the same respondents are
interviewed on two or more occasions.
There are also certain ethics to be looked at in conducting surveys. Some of you will see that
the information that you will compile is of value to companies operating in that particular sector.
Therefore you must always bear in mind a few guidelines.
Surveys should be carried out solely to develop statistical information about a subject. They should
not be designed to produce predetermined results or as a ruse for marketing and similar activities.
The industry standard for all reputable survey organizations is that individual respondents should
never be identifed in reporting survey fndings. All of the surveys results should be presented
in completely anonymous summaries, such as statistical tables and charts.
That is the end of section 4. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
That is the end of listening test 2. In the IELTS test you would now have 10 minutes to
transfer your answers to the listening answer sheet.
This recording is copyright.
IELTS HELP NOW listening practice tests. Test 3. In the IELTS test you hear some
recordings and you have to answer questions on them. You have time to read the
instructions and questions and check your work. All recordings are played only once. Now
turn to Section 1.
Section 1. You will hear a conversation between a man and a woman as the man joins a
local library.
First you have some time to look at questions 1 5.
(20 second gap)
You will see that there is an example. This time only, the conversation relating to this will be
played frst.
Peter Hello, Im new in the area and Id like to join the library please.
Will Thats no problem. Let me get an application form. Here we are. Now all we have to do is fll
this in and then Ill get you to sign it and youll be a member.
P Great
W Now then. Whats your full name?
P Peter Adrian Camden.
W How do you spell Camden?
P Yes, thats right.
So, Camden is the correct answer.
Now we begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, as the recording is not
played twice. Listen carefully to the conversation and answer questions 1 to 5.
Peter Hello, Im new in the area and Id like to join the library please.
Will Thats no problem. Let me get an application form. Here we are. Now all we have to do is fll
this in and then Ill get you to sign and youll be a member.
P Great
W Now then. Whats your full name?
P Peter Adrian Camden.
W How do you spell Camden?
P Yes, thats right.
W Right, and whats your address?
P Flat 5, 53 Green Street, Finsbury.
W Ok. Got that. Thats near here isnt it?
P Yes, just 5 minutes walk.
W Whats the post code?
P 7424.. I..I mean, sorry, 7434.
W Got that now. Now, can you tell me your date of birth?
P 8
July 1976.
W And, whats your telephone number?
P Well, I dont have a home number but Ive got a mobile.
W Thatll do fne.
P Its 06634 982 746. Did you get that?
W Some of it. Can you say it again?
P The codes 06634 and the numbers then 982 746
W Right. Thats almost it. Now I need some kind of identifcation to prove where you live. Do
you have a driving license or a passport or anything like that?
P Im afraid that everything I have, has got my old address on it. Do you need it now?
W No, not now, but you wont be able to take anything out until we see that.
P Wait a minute. Ive got a letter addressed to me here that arrived this morning. Will that
W Oh yes. Thats a good idea. That will be fne. Lets look. Ok. Well, thats that fnished.
Before the conversation continues, you have some time to look at questions 6 to 10.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 6 to 10.
W Could I ask you a few questions? The Council that runs the library is running a survey to fnd
out what kind of books people prefer so that they can direct their buying.
P Yeah, no problem.
W OK. So, what type of books do you like?
P Well, Im very keen on mysteries. You know, when a detective is trying to fnd out who did
the murder. Historical novels interest me too. Romance never! My sister loves them but they
bore me to tears. I quite like books on animals too. I get them out sometimes. Not science fction
either. Too weird.
W Well, I think thats it then.
P Good. Oh, do you charge anything?
W The library is free unless you want to rent out some of our videos or DVDs.
P How much is that?
W Well, we rent videos out for $4 each and DVDs are $6. You must leave us a deposit of $60
as well. Thats returnable of course.
P I dont think Ill get any of those just yet. Can I pay later?
W Sure, just give the money in when youre ready to rent them out.
P Well thanks very much. Youve been very helpful. I might take a book out now for the
weekend, if thats OK?
W Go ahead.
M Well, goodbye.
That is the end of section 1. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 2.
Section 2. You will hear a radio presenter interviewing a doctor. First you have some time to
look at questions 11 to 14.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully to the interview and answer questions 11 to 14.
Interviewer Hello everyone. Ive just been joined in the studio by Dr. Matthew Johnson. Dr.
Johnson works at Westley General Hospital and he is here today to tell us all about giving blood.
Good morning Matthew.
Matthew Good morning.
Interviewer So, Matthew. Why is it important for us to give blood?
Matthew Donating blood is not important. Its actually vital that people do this. Without donated
blood, thousands of people would die every year and its something that could affect everyone.
We all expect blood to be there for us, but barely a fraction of those who can give, do. Yet sooner
or later, virtually all of us will face a time of great vulnerability in which we will need blood. And
that time is all too often unexpected. The need for blood is great. On any given day, an average
of 38,000 units of red blood cells are needed. Blood transfusions are often needed for victims of
things such as accidents and burns, heart surgery, organ transplants, and patients receiving
treatment for leukaemia, cancer or other diseases. In 2002, nearly 29 million units of blood
components were transfused. And with an aging population and advances in medical treatments
and procedures requiring blood transfusions, the demand for blood continues to increase.
Interviewer We really need that much?
Matthew Yes. And we need it now. Blood supplies nationwide have reached critically low
levels, with less than one days supply of several blood types. Thousands of accident victims,
cancer patients, premature babies and countless others who need blood to stay alive are hoping
youll care enough to help them. All blood types are needed.
You now have some time to look at questions 15 to 20.
(20 second gap)
Now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 15 to 20.
Interviewer What are the different types?
Matthew Its a bit more complicated than that. First we collect the whole blood from donors
and then its sorted into the different types which are basically O, A, B or AB though there are also
divisions here. Then the blood is split into its constituent parts. We divide it into 4 basic parts. First
there are the red blood cells, then the white blood cells, then things called platelets and fnally
plasma. This is shipped off to hospitals where they use the blood parts that the patients need.
Interviewer What are the different parts used for?
Matthew Well, as I said before the whole blood is your blood in its natural state and something
we rarely use. Its much more useful to us to have it separated into its component parts. Red blood
cells are what everyone associates with blood, i.e.: its red. Its widely used to replace lost blood
during surgery or when people haemorrhage. Its main function is to carry oxygen to cells.
White blood cells are the most important part of the bodys immune system and theyre
used for patients whose normal defence systems arent working properly. Platelets are
crucial for making your blood clot and we need to give them to patients who suffer from illnesses
that deplete their natural levels of platelets or they will bleed to death. Finally, plasma is what
carries the other parts of blood around and needs to be administered with any of the other
components. Take away the red blood cells and this is actually yellow.
Interviewer So, thats what blood is all about. Now, youre here in Westley today to collect blood.
Can you tell us where and when we can donate?
Matthew Of course! Were set up here today, thats Wednesday, and for the next two days
at Westley General Hospital at the Outpatients Department. Come along between 9am and
4.30pm and well be able to deal with you within one hour. And let me tell you a few things that will
calm your fears about giving blood. Aside from a brief needle prick, it doesnt hurt to give blood.
Your body will replace the blood you donate within days of your donation. And fnally you cant
catch AIDS, hepatitis or any other disease by giving blood. And of course, you get a cup of tea and
a biscuit afterwards.
Interviewer And can anyone give blood?
Matthew Almost everyone. Donors must be in generally good health, be at least 17 years of
age, weigh no less than 110 pounds, have not received a tattoo within the past year and not have
donated whole blood within the past 56 days. We screen donors with a series of questions before
we take the blood so, if youre unsure, come down and well let you know. Please come down and
see us. Remember, if you can donate one pint of blood, this can save up to three lives.
Interviewer Well, thanks Matthew. I for one will defnitely be going down to Westley General to
That is the end of section 2. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 3.
Section 3. You will hear a conversation between 3 people about use of university
computers. First you have some time to look at questions 21 to 27.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 27.
Jim Hello there. Do you work in the computer room?
Dave Yes, I do. Can I help you?
Jim Well, Im a frst year and I know that Ill need to use the computer room for my work
as I dont have a computer of my own. So, I thought Id get down here and see what I have to do in
order to get time on one of the universitys computers.
Dave OK. There are 4 computer labs open to undergraduates. The others can only be
used by the staff and postgraduates. The names of the 4 labs that you can use are Wimborne,
Franklin, Salisbury and Court. Wimborne and Court are in this building, the Johnson building,
Franklin is in the Computer Sciences building and Salisbury is in the library.
Jim So I can use them whenever I like?
Dave Well, you can use them but not whenever you like. As you can imagine theyre in
quite a lot of demand so you have to reserve your time on a computer. In each of the labs there is
a reservation book and you can reserve your time on a computer in that for 2 hours daily. If
a computer is free though you can go on it straight away. Its quite straightforward but be sure to
always write your name in the reservation book in pen or someone can rub it out and put their
name in instead.
Jim Oh my God! Does that really happen?
Dave Im afraid so. And far more often than you would think. When people are stressed
about their assignments, theyll do anything to get some time on the computers. Better not try it
yourself though or youll be banned from the computers for the rest of the academic year and your
password and username will be taken away.
Jim That reminds me. Ive got to get a username and password. How do I go about that
Dave Well, what Ill do is pass you over to my colleague, Jane, as shes in charge of all
that. Jane!
Jane Yes Dave.
Dave Ive got a new student here wanting to fnd out about usernames and passwords. Can
you help him out with that?
Jane Yeah sure. Hi there.
Jim Hi.
Jane Well, its a straightforward process. First of all tell me your name and Ill type it into
the system.
Jim James Smith.
Jane Right, let me do that. You see all students are automatically given a username and
then they just choose a password themselves. OK. So, your username is jamessmith2 thats all
small case. That means there must be more than one of you at the university at the moment. Well,
what do you want your password to be?
Jim I think Ill choose biology, as thats the subject that Im studying though my
girlfriend Mary will be upset that its not her name Im using.
Jane Well, thats all done. You can now use any of the four undergraduate computer labs.
Jim By the way, can I print out stuff at the labs?
Jane Yes you can but sometimes its not quick. When you print it goes into a queue and
it will be left in a tray in Franklin, as thats where all the main printers are. The good bit is that,
although last year it cost 3 pence per page, now it doesnt cost you anything.
You now have some time to look at questions 28 to 30.
(20 second gap)
Now listen to the rest of the conversation and answer questions 28 to 30.
Jim I dont really know much about computing. Is there any training available?
Jane Yes. We have introductory courses for all new students. There is beginner,
intermediate and advanced. Which would you like to go for?
Jim Well, I have done some but I dont know if Im up to anything more than
beginner. Id better stick with that. Intermediate could be too tough.
Jane Well your course is in Franklin then. Were in Court now. You know where that is?
Jim Thats in this building too, isnt it?
Jane No thats Wimborne youre thinking about. Franklins over in the Computer Sciences
Building. Anything else?
Jim I dont know what time the course starts.
Jane Lets have a look then. Advanced starts at 4.30 in the afternoon on Mondays but
yours is the day after at 5 in the afternoon.
Jim Are there any other times as Ive got a part time job then.
Jane Yes. You could try Thursday at 2.00 pm. Hows that?
Jim Even worse as Ive a tutorial then. Anything else?
Jane No. Thats it.
Jim Ill have to re-arrange work then. I cant miss the tutorial.
That is the end of section 3. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 4.
Section 4. You will hear part a university seminar given by a student. First you have some
time to look at questions 31 to 40.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40.
Good afternoon everyone. In todays seminar we are going to continue listening to different
students giving us a presentation on the subject of their term paper. Now today is Hillarys turn. So,
what are you going to talk about today Hillary?
Well, some of you will know that I was brought up when I was young in Japan and Im going to do
my term paper on Japans bullet trains, which have revolutionised their rail industry. Japans main
island Honshu is covered by a network of high speed train lines that connect Tokyo with most of
the islands major cities and Fukuoka on the island of Kyushu. Japans high-speed trains are called
shinkansen but are known to us bullet trains. The Japanese bullet train system is credited with
being the worlds frst purpose-built high-speed railway, and the model and inspiration for all other
similar type systems running today such as the French TGV. The reputation it has earned for safety,
speed and punctuality is unsurpassed. Id like to give you some fgures about that. As regards
safety, there has never been a death on the bullet train system since its inception in 1964, other
than that caused by deliberate passenger misadventure. As far as speed is concerned the bullet
train holds the current world records for the fastest average speed between two station stops,
which was 261.8kph between Hiroshima and Kokura. The train travelled in 44 minutes. This
record is from the 500 series Nozomi trains running at a maximum speed of 300km/h between
Shin-Osaka and Hakata. Ill talk more about them later. The punctuality puts European train
services to shame. Most trains arrive at their destination, after several hours, to within the second!
In one year, the total time that all bullets trains were late by was 12 seconds! This statistic
is hard to believe but it would be diffcult to prove otherwise and thats what the rail authorities in
Japan have told us.
Now Id like to tell you a bit about their history. The frst bullet train was introduced in 1964 by
Central & West Japan Railways for the Tokyo to Osaka route. Most of these old trains have now
been discontinued. There have been several bullet train models since then. The most recent ones
have been the 300, 500 and 700 series and its the 500 series one that can travel at 300 kph. The
bullet trains operating in Japan today are of the three following categories: Nozomi, Hikari and
Kodama. The Nozomi trains stop only at the most important stations, and reach Osaka from
Tokyo in only about two and a half hours and its the most modern of bullet trains that serve as
Nozomi. Hikari trains stop a little bit more frequently than Nozomi trains, and need roughly three
hours to reach Osaka from Tokyo. Kodama trains stop at all stations and they are the local
trains among bullet trains. Older models of bullet trains serve as Kodama.
Id like now to talk a little bit about the technology involved in bullet trains. The Shinkansen bullet
trains consist of electrically powered cars. That means basically all individual cars are equipped
with electric motor driving systems. This is in contrast to locomotive trains in which the locomotive
pulls the passenger coaches. The realization of the high-speed Shinkansen with the electric
train system had a great signifcance. The French Train a Grande Vitesse or TGV runs on
a centralized power system, in which the heavyweight, high-output locomotives at both ends
pull the passenger coaches. Its a system suitable to European railways, which run basically
on straight tracks in wide plains with solid foundations. However it is unsuitable in Japan where
the ground is fimsy and the tracks full of curves and undulations and inter-city distances are
short, making it necessary for the trains to accelerate and decelerate frequently. One of the
advantages of the electric car system is that the motor functions as a brake to reduce the
speed of the train. When the power feed to the electric car motors is stopped, the wheels
continue revolving, keeping the motors rotating, resulting in electricity generation by
magnetic induction. As the force acts in the direction opposite to the axles motion, it functions
as a brake to the train. All the motors equipped on each coach can be utilized effectively to reduce
the speed, making the electric train system advantageous on Japanese railways, which involve
frequent deceleration and acceleration. In addition, by virtue of the remarkable progress
achieved recently in semiconductor technologies, the electric train system has undergone
tremendous improvements in power, operability and safety administration, so the system is
becoming increasingly advantageous.
That is the end of section 4. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
That is the end of listening test 3. In the IELTS test you would now have 10 minutes to
transfer your answers to the listening answer sheet.
This recording is copyright.
IELTS HELP NOW listening practice tests. Test 4. In the IELTS test you hear some recordings
and you have to answer questions on them. You have time to read the instructions and
questions and check your work. All recordings are played only once. Now turn to Section 1.
Section 1. You will hear a conversation between a man and a receptionist on the subject of
joining a surgery.
First you have some time to look at questions 1 5.
(20 second gap)
You will see that there is an example. This time only, the conversation relating to this will be
played frst.
Mike (man) Hello. Ive just moved to Melbourne for a new job and Ive been advised to register
with a new doctor for my family and myself. I think that this surgery is the nearest one to where I
Recep. Whats the name of the road that you live in sir?
M Dawson Road.
So, Dawson Road is the correct answer.
Now we begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, as the recording is not
played twice. Listen carefully to the conversation and answer questions 1 to 5.
Mike (man) Hello. Ive just moved to Melbourne for a new job and Ive been advised to register
with a new doctor for my family and myself. I think that this surgery is the nearest one to where I
Recep. Whats the name of the road that you live in sir?
M Dawson Road.
R Yes. Thats in our area. Would you like to register with us now?
M Yes please.
R Right. Ill just have to take some details. First of all, could you give me your name?
M Its Mike Jacobs. J-A-C-O-B-S.
R And your family?
M My wifes name is Janet and I have one little boy whose name is Rod.
R Ron?
M No, Rod. R-O-D.
R Good, thats fne. And what is your address here in Melbourne?
M 52 Dawson Road, Highfeld. Melbourne.
R Highfeld. H-I-G-H-F-I-E-L-D. Good. And Ill need to know your health card number.
M Its NH 87 18 12 C. What about my family?
R Oh, only yours for now. Do you know the name of your old doctor?
M It was Dr. Graham McKenzie in Perth.
R Now, weve got 4 doctors here. Theres Dr. Susan Larkins, Dr. Kevin White, Dr. James
Nicholson and Dr. Linda Williams. Which one would you like to register with?
M Oh! I didnt think of that. Well, I think I would like a man as my doctor. Ill go for the last one.
Was that one a man?
R No, that was Dr. Linda. How about Dr. Kevin?
M Yes, that will be fne.
R Right. Dr. White it is. Will that be the same for your family?
M Oh yes. My wife might not want a man as her doctor. Well, well leave it as it is for now and
my wife can change if she wants to.
Before the conversation continues, you have some time to look at questions 6 to 10.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 6 to 10.
M Id like to make an appointment now for my wife. She wants to come in at the end of the
R How about this Friday morning? Thats Friday the 21
M Mmm, I dont think she can make the morning. Any openings in the afternoon?
R There are appointments available at 2.00, 2.30 and 3.30.
M Well take the frst one please.
R Ok. Thats done.
M Oh. And what shall my wife do if she wants to switch doctor?
R She can just give us a call here. Do you want to take the number down?
M Yes please.
R Its 7253 9829
M Can you give me your name please?
R My names Angela but there are two other girls who might be on duty as well. Their names
are Elizabeth and Rachel but it doesnt matter whos on duty. Anyone can take care of it.
M Now what do we do if we need to call out a doctor during the night?
R Weve got a rotation system with the doctors in the area. Theres a mobile number you can
call and thatll get through to the doctor whos on duty.
M Whats that number?
R Its 0506 759 3856.
M Got that. I didnt ask about any charges.
R Like all Australia, prescriptions have to be paid for at the chemist at the prevailing rate.
Some things like vaccinations for travel and insurance reports we make a standard charge for and I
can give you a price list for those. Consultations though are under the National Health Service
so theyll be free.
M Great. Well thats all. Thanks and goodbye.
R Goodbye.
That is the end of section 1. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 2.
Section 2. You will hear a man giving a guide talk to new students at a university library.
First you have some time to look at questions 11 to 16.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully to the guide talk and answer questions 11 to 16.
Good morning everyone. Id like to welcome you all to Westley University Library. This is a 20
minute tour around the library to show you all the facilities and all you will need to know to start
off your life here as a student at the University. What Ill start by doing is telling you about what
you need to do to join the library. Then Ill briefy tell you about our facilities and then Ill guide you
quickly round and show you everything.
So to join the Library you need to go to the reception between the hours of 9am and 5pm. After that
the reception closes, though all the other facilities will stay open until 10pm. At the reception theyll
give you an application form. After you fll that in, youll have to give us the fee of 5 pounds,
which you have to give us every year that youre a member of the Library. We will also need to
see your University Card to confrm that youre a student of the University and fnally well
need 2 passport photos 1 for our records and the other for your Library card. You will need to do
all this as soon as possible so youll be able to use the facilities at once. Im sure your workload will
begin to build up soon!
Now, let me tell you a bit about the facilities. The Library opens daily from 8am to 10pm though,
as I told you earlier, the Reception operates only between the hours of 9am and 5pm, although this
is extended to 6.30pm on Fridays to give students more time to organise their book requirements
for the weekend. The reception is closed on Sundays. Undergraduate students are permitted to
take out 4 books at any one time and each book may be borrowed for a period of two weeks.
Postgraduates may borrow 6 books at a time. Borrowing time can be extended by a period
of one week per book if the student comes into the Library in person with the book in question so
it can be restamped. We do not renew book borrowing over the phone. If you are late in returning
any book, then you will be charged a fne of 2 pounds for every week that you are late. You wont
be able to take out any other books until this fne is paid. This is not a method of earning money for
the Library but merely what we have to do to ensure that all students have access to all the books
that they will need.
You now have some time to look at questions 17 to 20.
(20 second gap)
Now listen to the rest of the guide talk and answer questions 17 to 20.
Ok then. Onto the layout of the library. Were on the ground foor of the library at the moment. Here
we have the reception, the computers, which you can use to search for books and their location,
and the bathrooms, which are behind the reception. The rest of the ground foor is taken up by
the non-lending section of the library. Here we keep all the books, which are either too valuable
or are used too much to lend out. You can reserve time with these books at reception and use them
during any time that the library is open but, of course, you may not remove them from the Library.
On the frst foor above us, we have the Arts section, which includes books that students will
need for such subjects as languages, literature, art and history. On the second foor is the science
section. Well see these in a minute. Of course, individual departments will usually have their
specialist libraries in their buildings, though the computer catalogues here will list them so you know
where to fnd everything, whether its here or in the specialist libraries.
Finally, in the basement we have the stack system, which contains the University collection of
magazines and journals that we have collected and to which we subscribe.
If there is anything that we do not have or that you cant fnd, please go to reception and let them
know the details. The University operates a swap system with other universities and we can
arrange for volumes that we do not possess to be sent here on a limited loan.
Well, those are the basic details about the University Library.
That is the end of section 2. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 3.
Section 3. You will hear tutor and 3 students discussing their work. First you have some
time to look at questions 21 to 27.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 27.
Tutor Good morning everyone. Well, in todays tutorial were going to discuss the essays
that you have to submit by the end of next week. Some of you will have already started them,
which is good and if you havent, well thats OK but youll have to get a move on. So, lets begin
with you Simon. Whats happening with you?
Simon Well, Ive made a start on it. Ive researched the background quite extensively last
weekend and I should get to the writing stage tomorrow with a bit of luck and Ill get it fnished
at the weekend.
Tutor What are you writing about?
Simon I decided to look at the car manufacturing company, Jaguar, examine the problems
they had with reliability in the 1970s and 80s, how they dealt with it, and how it affected their
marketing and sales strategy.
Tutor That sounds pretty interesting. Any problems with that?
Simon At the start I had problems getting information from that far back, but after rooting
around in the library, I found some magazines which gave me information and also gave me
references to fnd other stuff. It seems now the only problem is keeping to the 4000 word limit. It
just seems that I have so much to write about. It seems Ill need 5000 or even 6000 words to be
able to cope.
Tutor Yes, your essay title seems to me to be very wide-ranging. Would you think about
cutting out part of it? How about looking at their sales and marketing strategy but only mentioning
the problems in the 70s and 80s and not going too far into it?
Simon Thats a good idea. That will make it much easier to handle. By the way, how do you
want us to hand in our work? Do you want us to drop in a hard copy to your offce?
Tutor You could do that but Id prefer it if you just e-mailed it to me as an attachment.
Youve all got my address. If not, give it to the secretary clearly marked that its for me. Right,
Jennifer, how about you?
Jennifer Ive not really got going on it yet but Ive decided on a subject. Ill try and do some
research during the rest of this week and I should get writing this weekend.
Tutor OK, what are you writing about then?
Jennifer I want to look into how supermarkets use market surveys to develop their
Tutor Will you have enough time to fnd out what sort of things that the supermarkets do?
You wont have much time for that.
Jennifer I should be OK. Ive had a look in the stack system in the library and Ive found
a magazine that surveyed all the UK major supermarkets and a trade publication that analysed the
same things in Canadian supermarkets.
Tutor Be careful about using their conclusions too much. The university takes a
tough stance on plagiarism. Make sure you properly list where you get your information from in a
bibliography and try and do your own analysis. Get going too as that analysis will take a bit of time.
Jennifer OK, thanks.
You now have some time to look at questions 28 to 30.
(20 second gap)
Now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 28 to 30.
Tutor And Melanie. How is your work going?
Melanie Im a bit behind Im afraid. I was sick all last week and weekend with fu. Ive got a
subject I think but Ive not done any work on it yet. Is there any chance I can get an extension to
the submittal date?
Tutor The policy of the department is not to give any extensions unless there are
extenuating circumstances. Do you have a doctors certifcate or anything?
Melanie I went to the doctors but I didnt get a note as I didnt realise I would need it. The
doctor will have a record of me though as I got a prescription. Ill go back and get one.
Tutor Yes, do. If you get one, then there shouldnt be a problem getting an extension.
Without it though, youll be in trouble. What subject are you considering anyway?
Melanie I thought Id do an overview of the UK mortgage interest rates and their effect on
housing sales trends over the last 10 years. I thought it might be of interest because of the huge
increases of house prices over the last decade.
Tutor Certainly an interesting subject and it should be no great problem getting information
as this has been fairly well documented. Its a lot of work again though and youll really need to get
cracking on it even with the extension if you get one.
Melanie Well, Ive not got much on for the rest of the week and Ive set aside the weekend to
really get to grips with it.
Tutor Good. Now, is there anything else?
That is the end of section 3. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 4.
Section 4. You will hear part of an earth sciences lecture. First you have some time to look
at questions 31 to 40.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40.
Good afternoon and welcome to this Earth Sciences lecture. Today were going to look at tidal
waves; or more correctly, tsunami.
Deep below the oceans surface tectonic plates collide, and every once in a while, these forces
produce an earthquake. The energy of such submarine earthquakes can produce tidal waves,
which radiate out in all directions from the epicentre of the quake, moving at speeds of up to 500
miles per hour. When these waves reach shore, they can cause enormous destruction and loss
of life. Tidal waves are actually misnamed. They are not caused by tides. A more accurate word
for them is the Japanese name tsunami, which means, harbour wave. They are also sometimes
called seismic sea waves, since they can be caused by seismic disturbances such as submarine
quakes. However, that name is not really accurate either, since tsunami can also be caused by
landslides, volcanic eruptions, nuclear explosions, and even impacts of objects from outer space,
such as meteorites, asteroids, and comets.
Earthquakes though are the largest cause of tsunami. Tectonic plates cover the worlds surface
and their movement can be detected anywhere in the world. Some areas of the world are more
prone to greater movement, and it is in these places that the largest waves can occur. Large
vertical movements of the earths crust occur at plate boundaries which are known as faults. The
Pacifc Oceans denser oceanic plates are often known to slip under continental plates
in a process known as subduction, and subduction earthquakes are the most effective in
generating tsunamis.
A tsunami can be generated by any disturbance that displaces a large water mass from its
equilibrium position. In the case of earthquake-generated tsunamis, the water column is disturbed
by the uplift or subsidence of the sea foor. Submarine landslides, which often accompany large
earthquakes, as well as collapses of volcanic edifces, can also disturb the overlying water column
as sediment and rock slump down, and are redistributed across the sea foor. Violent submarine
volcanic eruptions can create an impulsive force that uplifts the water column and generates a
tsunami. Conversely, super marine landslides and cosmic-body impacts disturb the water from
above, as momentum from falling debris is transferred to the water into which the debris falls.
Generally speaking, tsunamis generated from these mechanisms, unlike the devastating
Pacifc-wide tsunamis caused by earthquakes, dissipate quickly and rarely affect coastlines
distant from the source area.

Tsunamis are very hard to detect, since they cannot be seen when they are in the deep ocean.
The distance between two wave crests can be 500 km and, because of this, the wave height
is only a few feet. Because the rate at which a wave loses its energy is inversely related to its
wavelength, tsunamis not only propagate at high speeds, they can also travel great, transoceanic
distances with limited energy losses. As the tsunami reaches shallow water however, its speed
decreases, but the energy it contains remains about the same. Instead of travelling fast, the wave
rises high.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has set up a seismic detection system to
monitor earthquakes and predict the possible arrival of tidal waves for Pacifc countries. Buoys at
sea can also detect water-pressure changes that can indicate tsunamis moving through the
ocean. But when tsunamis originate near the shore there is often little chance to warn people.
Lets look at some examples of tsunami and their causes and effects.
Some can be relatively harmless. In 1992 an offshore landslide caused a tidal wave of only
about three feet high that struck at low tide, so Humboldt County, where it hit, got off easy with no
On January 13th in 1992, a Pacifc Ocean earthquake off the coast of San Salvador, registering
7.6 on the Richter scale, did not cause any ocean disturbance at all.
However, a recent tidal wave, which struck Papua New Guinea on July 17, 1998, was 23 feet
high, and killed at least 1200 people. This wave was caused by a magnitude 7.1 submarine
On July 17, 1998 a Papua New Guinea tsunami killed roughly 3,000 people. A huge underwater
volcanic eruption 15 miles offshore was followed within 10 minutes by a wave some 40 feet tall.
The villages of Arop and Warapu were destroyed.
One of the worst tsunami disasters engulfed whole villages along Sanriku, Japan, in 1896. An
underwater earthquake induced a wave of 35 feet drowning some 26,000 people.
Finally, about 8,000 years ago, a massive undersea landslide off the coast of Norway sent a 30-
foot wall of water barrelling into the uninhabited northern coast of Europe. If this were to
recur today, as scientists say it could, almost anywhere in the world, it would cost billions if not
tens of billions of dollars to repair the damage to coastal cities and kill tens of thousands of people.
Any questions so far?
That is the end of section 4. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
That is the end of listening test 4. In the IELTS test you would now have 10 minutes to
transfer your answers to the listening answer sheet.
This recording is copyright.
IELTS HELP NOW listening practice tests. Test 5. In the IELTS test you hear some recordings
and you have to answer questions on them. You have time to read the instructions and
questions and check your work. All recordings are played only once. Now turn to Section 1.
Section 1. You will hear a conversation between two women as one of the women buys a
bus pass.
First you have some time to look at questions 1 5.
(20 second gap)
You will see that there is an example. This time only, the conversation relating to this will be
played frst.
Woman 1 Good morning. Im here to get a student bus pas please.
Woman 2 Of course Madam. Do you want to buy a month pass, a 6 month pass or a year pass?
Woman 1 Oh, just a month pass please.
So, 1 month is the correct answer.
Now we begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, as the recording is not
played twice. Listen carefully to the conversation and answer questions 1 to 5.
Woman 1 Good morning. Im here to get a student bus pas please.
Woman 2 Of course Madam. Do you want to buy a month pass, a 6 month pass or a year pass?
W 1 Oh, just a month pass please.
W 2 Right then. Ill just have to take a few details.
W 1 Yes. Of course.
W 2 First of all, whats your name?
W 1 Nathalie Jameson.
W 2 And how do you spell Jameson?
W 1 J-A-M-E-S-O-N.
W 2 Thank you. And whats your address?
W 1 45 Forest Avenue, Newlands, Adelaide.
W 2 Is that Forest with 1 R or 2 Rs?
W 1 Just 1.
W 2 And whats the postcode please?
W 1 Oh yes Its 8490.
W 2 Thanks. Now whats your date of birth If you dont mind me asking?
W 1 Not at all. Its the 13
May 1982.
W 2 I also need to know your telephone number here in Adelaide.
W 1 OK. I just need to check that as I only moved here last week. Now, where is it. Here
we are. Its 6249 7152. Do you need a code or anything?
W 2 Oh no, thats OK thank you. Can I see your university card please?
W 1 Yes, here it is.
W 2 Good. Thats fne. Now, for which zone do you need a pass?
W 1 Well, Im not sure. I was hoping youd be able to help me as I dont really know my
way around here yet. As you know, I live in Newlands and I have to get to the university campus in
the centre of town every day.
W 2 Well, the university is in Zone 1 and Newlands has 2 zones. The side nearer to the
town centre is Zone 5 but the far side is Zone 6. What road is it you live in again?
W 1 Forest Avenue.
W 2 Lets see on this map. There it is. The nearest bus stop is in Zone 5. Thats lucky.
Zones 1 6 are $15 more expensive
W 1 Great! Make the pass out for Zones 1 5 then please.
Before the conversation continues, you have some time to look at questions 6 to 10.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 6 to 10.
W 1 Ive got some other questions too if you dont mind.
W 2 Sure. Go ahead.
W 1 Well, this weekend my friend and I arent doing anything so we thought wed take a
trip out of town and visit somewhere new. Does the bus service run any trips like that?
W 2 Yes, weve got a selection of trips. Ill tell you about some of them.
W 1 Thanks.
W 2 Right the frst one goes up to MacDonald Nature Park. The bus leaves at 8.00am
and takes about 2 hours to get there and leaves for the return at 4.30 in the afternoon. Once
there you can walk around the nature trails. Its really nice and the Macdonald River runs through
there and thats really beautiful so take a camera with you. Then theres the Pearl Bay trip. The bus
leaves at 9.00am and goes up the coast to Pearl Bay.
W 1 How far is that?
W 2 Its an hour away. Once there you can walk along the cliffs up to Rocky Point,
which has a famous view up the coast, or you can just lie on the beach and swim. Dont forget
to take your swimming gear and a towel! The waters pretty safe there and there are always
lifeguards. The bus arrives back in Adelaide at 5.00pm.
W 1 Mm. That sounds nice. What else?
W 2 Well theres the Huron Gold Mine. Its just a half-day trip leaving here at 9.30am and
arriving back at 2.00pm. It only takes half an hour to get there which is good. Its an old worked
out mine that has been changed into a sort of museum. They have all the old equipment and a
guide takes you round some of the tunnels and shows you some of the techniques they used to
use. You might even fnd some gold they missed.
W 1 Yeah. I could do with that.
W 2 Its pretty interesting but the mines can be quite cold so take a sweater. So, how do
those three sound?
W 1 Quite interesting. I really like the idea of going up the coast and spending a day on
the beach but my friend Karen will like the idea of the nature park. Id better wait and check out
with her what she wants to do before booking.
W 2 No problem at all. You just need to pop in some time during the week and well make
the booking.
W 1 Thanks very much. Youve been very helpful.
W 2 No problem. See you later.
That is the end of section 1. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 2.
Section 2. You will hear a radio presenter interviewing a man about the Sydney Harbour
Bridge. First you have some time to look at questions 11 to 16.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully to the interview and answer questions 11 to 16.
Anne Well, good morning again everyone and welcome to Perspectives, the weekly New
South Wales Radio programme on subjects of general interest from our local area. Today I have in
the studio Mr. George Symonds. Good morning George.
George Good morning Anne.
Anne So, what are you going to talk to us about today George?
George Well, for people from New South Wales and particularly Sydney, this will be of great
interest I hope. Im going to tell you a little about Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Anne Wow. Thatll be so interesting.
George I think so. To start with Id like to tell you a little about the size of the bridge. The arch
span is 503 metres and the weight of the steel arch is 39,000 tons. The summit is 134m above
mean sea level, though it can actually increase by as much as 18 cm on hot days as the result of
steel expanding in heat. The two pairs of pylons at each end are about 89 metres high and are
made of concrete and granite. The steel used for the bridge was largely imported. About 79%
came from the United Kingdom but the rest was Australian-made. The granite was quarried in
Moruya down the coast, and the concrete is also Australian.
Anne So, most of the steel used to make our great bridge actually came from England?
George Yes, Im afraid so. However the work force were all Aussie!
Anne Thank God for that. When was the bridge actually built?
George The bridge was opened in 1932 but work frst began in 1924, with the construction
of the bridge approaches and spans, with two separate teams building the arch on each side
working towards each other. The arch was successfully joined on August 19, 1930. Im afraid that
working practices werent very fair in those days and the local government demolished 438
homes which were in the way of the approaches, and as many as 800 families living there
were displaced without compensation. The standards of industrial safety were inadequate too. 16
workers died during its construction, mainly from falling off the bridge.
Anne I didnt realise that.
George Yes. The bridge was formally opened on the 19
March 1932 by the Premier of New
South Wales, Mr Jack Lang. When it was opened, it was the longest single span steel arch bridge
in the world and it was one of the greatest engineering masterpieces of its time. Several songs
were also composed in advance for the occasion but these have now been largely lost or forgotten.
However, three postage stamps were issued to commemmorate the opening of the bridge
and these still exist. One of these stamps, with a face value of fve shillings, is now worth
several hundred dollars today.
You now have some time to look at questions 17 to 20.
(20 second gap)
Now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 17 to 20.
Anne So, thats the history of the bridge. Is the bridge still the same today as when it was
George No, its quite different. The basic structure is the same of course. Originally the bridge
was constructed to carry a road, two sets of tram lines and railways. In 1957, the two tram lines
were removed when Sydney abolished its trams, thus giving the bridge two more traffc lanes.
Today it carries eight traffc lanes, two railroad lanes and a footpath along its eastern side. One of
the eastern traffc lanes is now a dedicated bus lane. The bridge is often crowded and in 1992 the
Harbour Tunnel was opened to help carry the traffc load. More than 160,000 vehicles cross the
bridge each day. Before the Harbour Tunnel was opened this fgure was as high as 182,000
and would be much higher today if it were not for the Tunnel. Pedestrians, horses and
pushbikes are not allowed on the bridge anymore.
Anne Wow. The bridge actually carries that much?
George Oh yes. Actually, before the Harbour Bridge opened, it was completely packed with
railway carriages, trams and buses to stress test its load bearing capacity. While it has had many
traffc jams since and half a million people walked across it on its 50th anniversary, it has probably
never been asked to carry that much of a load since.
Anne Amazing. And I suppose the toll for crossing the bridge has changed a bit too?
George Im afraid so!! The initial toll charged for a car was 6 pence while a horse and rider
was charged 3 pence. Today the toll costs $3.00 but is only charged when travelling to the
South as an effciency measure to speed up traffc fow.
That is the end of section 2. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 3.
Section 3. You will hear 3 students discussing a survey they are going to do. First you have
some time to look at questions 21 to 27.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 27.
Phil Hi Mel. Hi Laura. Sorry Im a bit late. I got held up by the bus. It just didnt come for
Mel Dont worry. Youre only a couple of minutes behind and weve only just been
Laura Right then. Were here to organise the survey that were going to do. Mel, you said
that youd discuss with Professor Donald Walker what type of survey we were going to do.
Mel Yes. I spoke to Professor Walker two days ago and I told him that the surveys that
we were considering were a telephone survey, a street survey and a mail survey. He thought that
the phone one would be too expensive for us and the postal one would take too long so we
decided we should do the street one.
Phil I think thats right. If we do the street one then we can get the whole thing done in
one day and we can get on with analysing the results.
Mel Yes, thats right. Now, there are some other things that Professor Walker wanted to
know about. How big should the survey be?
Laura Well, the ideal fgure for a survey such as this should be about 1000 people but
that will take us about a month to get that many people and we just dont have that much time. On
the other hand, if we just choose 100 people, the survey wont be statistically signifcant.
Phil So, what about something in the middle. What about 600?
Mel Still too many. Thatll take us ages. 400?
Laura Lets split the difference and say 500.
Mel/Phil OK
Laura And how many questions? If there are too many well just have the same problem.
Mel Professor Walker said we should have no more than 10 or people get bored. 10
Phil I think even fewer. 8.
Laura I think 3 fewer again to make sure we can get the numbers done quickly.
Phil OK, I agree with that.
Mel Im not sure but I suppose so.
You now have some time to look at questions 28 to 30.
(20 second gap)
Now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 28 to 30.
Mel Now, Professor Walker asked where we were going to do the survey.
Laura Does he want to avoid that area then?
Mel Probably! Now we can either all stay together or split up and do different locations.
Laura Well, if we split up then I think weve got a better chance of getting more people
Phil Yes. I agree with Laura.
Mel OK. Now, I made a list of the possible locations in Westley where we could station
ourselves. Theres the town square, at the entrance to the train station, at the University cafeteria,
outside Dobbins department store, on the corner of the High Street and College road, the bus
station and the corner of the High Street and Wilkins Road. What do you think?
Phil I think the square is great but the people at the train station will be travelling and
often in a hurry.
Laura I agree with all that and I think the bus station will have the same problem as the train
Mel OK, thats those two out then.
Laura I think the other ones in town were good too. The cafeteria will have too many
students and that will create too great a bias to our survey. We need a good cross section of the
population and anywhere too close to the university wont give us that.
Phil Lauras right. So, out of the other town ones, I think that the two on the High Street
corners are good.
Mel I dont agree. The High Street corner with College Road will be good but the corner
with Wilkins Road is too far out. Not enough people will come by there.
Laura Yes, Mels right there. We should use Dobbins department store instead.
Phil I can see your point. OK, thats settled then. All three of us will be stationed in town
then but not the Wilkins Road position.
That is the end of section 3. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
Now turn to section 4.
Section 4. You will hear part of a further education marine biology lecture. First you have
some time to look at questions 31 to 40.
(20 second gap)
Now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40.
Good morning everyone and welcome to this further education lecture on marine biology. Today we
are going to look at the coelacanth. The discovery of the coelacanth has been compared to fnding
a dinosaur walking around today over 85 million years after it went extinct.
The story began a few days before Christmas in 1938 when the frst living coelacanth was
discovered off the east coast of South Africa, at the mouth of the Chalumna River. The fsh
was caught in a shark gill net by Captain Goosen and his crew who, recognising the bizarre
nature of their catch, alerted the local museum in the small South African town of East London.
The Director of the East London Museum at the time was Miss Marjorie Courtney-Latimer after
whom the Coelacanth was eventually named. Miss Courtney-Latimer offered bounties to
fshermen for unfamiliar fsh. It was Miss Courtney-Latimer who alerted the prominent South
African ichthyologist Dr J.L.B. Smith, who initially identifed the fsh, and subsequently
informed the world about this amazing discovery. This frst coelacanth led to the discovery of the
frst documented population, off the remote Comoros Islands, between the mainland of Africa and
Madagascar. For 60 years this was presumed to be the only coelacanth population in existence.

Originally it was a concern that the Coelacanth might have a very limited range and that overfshing
along the Comoros Islands might wipe it out. However, scientists were amazed when, on July 30th
1998, an American scientist discovered a Coelacanth population in Indonesia. Dr. Mark Erdmann
was on a honeymoon trip to the area investigating a coral reef research site when he spotted a
strange fsh being wheeled into the fsh market. He recognized the fsh as a coelacanth and
snapped a picture before it was sold.
Dr. Erdmanns subsequent research revealed that the people from Sulawesi had a name for
it, raja, king of the sea. The Sulawesi coelacanth colony is about 10,000 km east of where the
Coelacanths were previously known to occur in the Western Indian Ocean.
Both Sulawesi and Comoros coelacanths are quite different from all other living fsh. But
perhaps the most interesting feature of the Coelacanth is that it has paired, lobed fns, which
move in a similar fashion to our arms and legs. Coelacanths also have an extra lobe on their
tail and a vertebral column that is not fully developed. They are the only living animal to have
a fully functional intercranial joint, a division that separates the ear and brain from the nasal
organs and eye, and allows the front part of the head to be lifted when the fsh is feeding. The
brown Sulawesi coelacanth and the steel blue Comoros coelacanth share these unusual
The discovery of the Coelacanth in 1938 is still considered to be the zoological fnd of the century.
This living fossil comes from a lineage of fsh that was thought to have been extinct since the time
of the dinosaurs. Coelacanths are known from the fossil record dating back over 360 million years,
and peaked in abundance about 240 million years ago. Before 1938 they were believed to have
become extinct approximately 80 million years ago, after mysteriously disappearing from the fossil
How could the Coelacanth disappear for over 80 million years and then turn up alive and well
in the twentieth century? The answer seems to be that fossil Coelacanths appeared to live in
environments with clay sedimentation with plenty of volcanic activity. Modern coelacanths, both
in the Comoros and Sulawesi inhabit caves and overhangs in vertical marine reefs, at about
200m, environments not conducive to fossil creation.

In 1991 scientists got a better understanding of the fsh when the Comoros got their
independence from France and French restrictions on research were lifted. This allowed
scientists to study the fsh off the Comoros Islands. As the animal hides in underwater caves some
300 to 700 feet down during the day and comes out at night to feed, diving is not an option and
previously only fshermens specimens had been available for study. But this time the scientists
had their own submarine so they could study the coelacanth in its natural habitat through
That is the end of section 4. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.
(30 second gap)
That is the end of listening test 5. In the IELTS test you would now have 10 minutes to
transfer your answers to the listening answer sheet.

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