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Moorish American Prayer

ALLAH the father of the Universe, the Father of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom
and Justice. ALLAH is my Protector, my Guide, and my Salvation y
ni!ht and y day, throu!h His Holy Pro"het, #re$ Ali. %Amen&.
'oran (uestions for Moorish )hildren
*. +ho made you,
-. +ho is ALLAH,
ALLAH is the Father of the Universe.
.. )an $e see Him,
0. +here is the nearest "lace $e can meet Him,
1n the heart.
2. +ho is /ole #re$ Ali,
He is ALLAH3s Pro"het.
4. +hat is a Pro"het,
A Pro"het is a Thou!ht of ALLAH manifested in the flesh.
5. +hat is the duty of a Pro"het,
To save nations from the $rath of ALLAH.
6. +ho is the founder of the Moorish Science Tem"le of America,
/ole #re$ Ali.
7. +hat year $as the Moorish Science Tem"le of America founded,
*7*. A.#.
*8. +here,
/e$ar9, /e$ Jersey.
**. +here $as /ole #re$ Ali orn,
1n the State of /orth )arolina, *664.
*-. +hat is his nationality,
*.. +hat is your nationality,
*0. +hy are $e Moorish:Americans,
;ecause $e are descendants of Moroccans and orn in America.
*2. For $hat "ur"ose $as the Moorish Science Tem"le of America Founded,
For the u"liftin! of fallen humanity.
*4. Ho$ did the Pro"het e!in to u"lift the Moorish American,
;y teachin! them to e themselves.
*5. +hat is our reli!ion,
*6. 1s that a ne$, or is that the old time reli!ion,
<ld time reli!ion.
*7. +hat 9ind of a fla! is the Moorish,
1t is a red fla! $ith a five "ointed !reen star in the center.
-8. +hat do the five "oints re"resent,
Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice.
-*. Ho$ old is our fla!,
1t is over 28,888 years old.
--. +hich is our Holy #ay,
-.. +hy,
;ecause Friday is the day on $hich man $as formed in flesh, and it $as on a
Friday $hen He de"arted out of flesh.
-0. +ho $as Jesus,
He $as a Pro"het of Allah.
-2. +here $as he orn,
1n ;ethlehem, of Judah, in the House of #avid.
-4. +ho $ere His Father and Mother,
Jose"h and Mary.
-5. +ill you !ive in rief the line %!enealo!y& throu!h $hich Jesus came,
Some of the Great Fathers throu!h $hich Jesus came are= Araham, ;oa> y
?uth, Jesse, 'in! #avid, Solomon, He>e9iah and Jose"h y Mary.
-6. +hy did ALLAH send Jesus to this earth,
To save the 1sraelites from the iron:hand o""ression of the "ale:s9in nations of
@uro"e, $ho $ere !overnin! a "ortion of Palestine at that time.
-7. Ho$ lon! has that een,
Aout t$o thousand years a!o.
.8. +hat $as the nationality of ?uth,
?uth $as a Moaitess.
.*. +hat is the modern name for Moaites,
.-. +here is the Moroccan @m"ire,
/orth$est AmeAem.
... +hat is the modern name for AmeAem,
.0. +hat is the title !iven to our ruler in Morocco,
.2. +here do $e !et the name Jesus,
From the @ast.
.4. +hat does the name Jesus mean,
Jesus means Justice.
.5. #id the An!el !ive to the )hild that $as called Jesus a Holy name,
Bes, ut it cannot e used y those $ho are slaves to sin.
.6. +hat is an An!el,
An an!el is a thou!ht of ALLAH manifested in human flesh.
.7. +hat are An!els used for,
To carry messa!es to the four corners of the $orld, to all nations.
08. +hat is our Pro"het to us,
He is an an!el of ALLAH $ho $as sent to rin! us the @verlastin! Gos"el of
0*. +hat is the @verlastin! Gos"el,
1t is a Savin! Po$er that comes from ALLAH throu!h our Ancient Fathers, y
His Pro"het.
0-. +hat is the )ovenant of the Great G<#:ALLAH,
Honor thy Father and thy Mother, that thy days may e lon! u"on the
@arthland $hich the Lord thy G<#:ALLAH hath !iven thee.
0.. At $hat a!e did Jesus e!in to "reach,
At a!e t$elve.
00. +here did he teach,
1ndia, Africa and @uro"e.
02. Ho$ lon! did he teach, @i!hteen years.
04. +hat did Jesus say that $ould ma9e you free,
05. +hat is T?UTH, T?UTH is Au!ht.
06. +hat is Au!ht,
Au!ht is ALLAH.
07. )an T?UTH chan!e,
T?UTH cannot chan!e, or "ass a$ay.
28. +hat other name do $e !ive to T?UTH,
H<LB ;?@ATH.
2*. +hat have you to say aout H<LB ;?@ATH,
All $e can say is it is Great. 1t is !ood. 1t $as, it is, and evermore to e. AM@/.
2-. At $hat "lace on earth $as the "hysical "art of MA/ formed,
1n the Garden of @den.
2.. +here is the Garden of @den,
1n the land of )anaan, in the )ity of Mecca.
20. +hat is the modern name for the Garden of @den,
22. +hat is the name of the first "hysical man,
His name cannot e used, only y @Aecutive ?ulers of the A.). of the M.S.T. of
24. +hat are the $ords of A.). of the M.S.T. of A.,
Ade"t )hamer of the Moorish Science Tem"le of America %.rd Heaven&.
25. +ho $ere Adam and @ve,
They are the mothers and fathers of the human family. Asiatics and Moslems.
26. +here did they !o,
They $ent into Asia.
27. +hat is the modern name !iven to the children,
48. +ho is !uardin! the Holy )ity of M@))A today to 9ee" unelievers a$ay,
4*. +hat is the modern name for these An!els,
4-. +hat is the shade of their s9in, <live.
4.. Are the Moorish Americans any relation to those An!els,
Bes, $e all have the same father and mother.
40. Give five names that are !iven to the descendants of Adam and @ve=
Lucifer, Satan, #evil, #ra!on and ;east.
42. +hat is the #evil sometimes called,
The Lo$er:self.
44. Ho$ many selves are there,
45. /ame them= Hi!her:self and Lo$er:self.
46. +hat "eo"le re"resent the Hi!her:self,
The An!els $ho "rotect the Holy )ity of M@))A.
47. +hat "eo"le re"resent the Lo$er:self,
Those $ho $ere cast out of the Holy )ity, and those $ho acce"t their teachin!s.
58. +hat is the Hi!her:self,
The Hi!her:self is the Mother of virtues and the harmonies of life, and reeds
Justice, Mercy, Love and ?i!ht.
5*. )an the Hi!her:self "ass a$ay,
5-. +hy, ;ecause it is ALLAH in MA/.
5.. +hat does the Lo$er:self reed,
Hatred, Slander, Le$dness, Murders, Theft, and everythin! that harms.
50. +hat did the Hi!her:self say to the Lo$er:self at one time $hen He met
C+here are you !oin! Satan,C
52. +hat $as the ans$er that the Lo$er:self !ave to the Hi!her:self,
C1 am !oin! to and fro the earth see9in! $hom 1 may devour.C
54. Has he finished his tas9 of devourin!,
55. +hen $as His time declared out,
+hen He nailed Jesus to the cross.
56. +hat $ere the last $ords Jesus uttered,
1t is finished.
57. +hat did He have reference to,
He had reference to the end of Satan.
68. #id Jesus say that He $ould return to conDuer Him,
6*. +hat is the first name of the "erson into $hom Jesus $as first
reincarnated, Pro"het M<HAMM@#, the )onDueror.
6-. +as Satan to e ound then,
Satan $as ound in "art.
6.. +hen $as the head of Satan ta9en off,
*02. %;y>antine&.
60. ;y $hom,
;y Mohammed.
62. /ame some of the mar9s that $ere "ut u"on the M<<?S of /orth$est, y
the @uro"ean nations in *550,
/e!ro, ;lac9, )olored and @thio"ian.
64. /e!ro, a name !iven to a river in +est Africa y M<<?S, ecause it
contained lac9 $ater.
65. +hat is meant y the $ord ;lac9,
;lac9 accordin! to science means death.
66. +hat does the $ord colored mean,
)olored means anythin! that has een "ainted, stained, varnished or dyed.
67. +hat does @thio"ian mean,
@thio"ia means somethin! divided.
78. )an a man e a /e!ro, ;lac9, )olored or @thio"ian,
7*. +hy,
;ecause man is made in the 1ma!e and after the li9eness of God, ALLAH.
7-. +hat title does Satan !ive Himself,
7.. +ill you define the $ord +hite,
+hite means Purity, Purity means God, and God means the ?uler of the Land.
70. To $hom do $e refer at times, as ein! the G?@AT G<#,
72. 1s the #evil made in the 1ma!e and Li9eness of ALLAH,
/o, he is the shado$ of our lo$er:selves and $ill "ass a$ay.
74. +ho made the #evil,
75. +ho is @lohim,
@lohim is the Seven )reative S"irits that created everythin! that ever $as, is,
and evermore to e.
76. +hat is @lohim sometimes called,
The S@E@/ @B@S of ALLAH.
77. Ho$ many days are in the )ircle,
Seven days.
*88. Ho$ many days are in a creation,
Seven days.
*8*. Accordin! to Science, ho$ many days are in a year,
Seven days.

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