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I am searcher of peace, the lost peace.
Peace has disappeared like a spirit.
I searched peace within myself,
Alas! There was a flood of violence.
I ran to refuge but all in vain,
I could not save myself.
I made another attempt to find it,
I searched peace here and there,
I searched peace in my surrounding.
I came to know that peace had already migrated.
Peace had departed like IDPs without uttering a single word.
Violence, violence and violence met me everywhere.
I made another attempt to find peace in my institution,
But uffff! Violence drove me mad there.
I saw, every person was burning with dark violence.
I endeavored to search peace in nature,
But it made me a psychological figure,
There is great violence in nature.
I searched peace in an alien land,
But there was no room for peace there.
It seems that peace is facing existentialism.
Peace is sad and alone but not responsible for his exile.
I made another effort to track the peace,
A low sound echoed,
O traveler of the deserted world,
Go back and make room for me;
Be peaceful if you want peace

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