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O' miserable pauper!

You are the real power of the land in which you reside.
Your sun burnt skin is witness of your hard working.
In spite of being so useful, source of earning riches,
You are empty handed, shelter less and helpless.
You're also human, but alas! I don't know,
You are treated as non human creature,
But my example is absolutely wrong,
Pets and animals are treated as top priority based.
You can't imagine the facilities, the pets are enjoying.
You're source of power but why are you powerless I don't know.
You could not recognize your abilities and vitality;
Therefore you are exploited, displaced and dispossessed.
You only pursue livelihood and forget your importance.
You are everything and the wheel of economy is wheeling due to you.
But you're alienated and push into the deep ditch of misery.
You are responsible of your plight as you're man of fate.
Your voice is so weak, no one will listen this faint sound,
So make you voice energetic, transform yourselves,
You will see a new scenario, a scenario of progress around you.
Live long o' pauper, you're a great great hero of nation.

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