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There are three undefined terms in geometry, before we know what are undefined terms,
here is a question, why are they called undefined terms? Because they exist in the most basic
form, these terms doesnt require further explanation, they are used to define more complicated
terms in Geometry.
Now we know what undefined terms are, The three undefined terms are; point, line and plane.
Now what is a point?

A point has no thickness, in Analytic Geometry, a point represents an ordered
A points characteristics are:
Coincident- points are one and the same
Not Coincident point are not one and the same
Coplanar points are on the same plane
Collinear on the same line
Concyclic points on the same circle
Principles for points:
a.) Two points can be coincident and not coincident but are always coplanar, collinear and
b.) Three points can be coincident and not coincident collinear and non collinear but are
always coplanar and concyclic
c.) 4 points can be coplanar ,collinear ,coincident, not coincident, not collinear ,and not
coplanar, noncyclic ,cyclic

2.) The next undefined term is a Line
A line has no thickness, and its length extends in both directions

A lines characteristics are:
1. A line can be straight or a curve
-A straight line can be generated by a moving line travels in one direction
2. Through any two points is exactly one line
The shortest path in any two points is a line
3. 2 different lines intersect in at most one point
-2 lines determine a point
4. On a line, there is a unique distance between 2 points
Next is a Plane, a plane has a 2 dimensional surfaces and it has length and width but no
thickness and extends indefinitely in all directions
Characteristics of a plane:
1.) 2 planes are either parallel or they intersect in a line
2.) A line is either parallel to a plane, intersects at a single point or is contained in the plane
3.) 2 lines perpendicular to the same plane must be parallel to each other
Principles about plane:
-2 planes always intersects at a line

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