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Grade Memory Work
(First Semester)
August 20 Luthers Morning Prayer
I thank You my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ,
Your dear Son that you have kept me this night from all
harm and danger.
August 2 And I pray that You !ould keep me this day also from sin
and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You.
Septem"er # For into Your hands I $ommend myself, my "ody and soul,
and all things. %et Your holy angel "e !ith me, that the
evil foe may have no po!er over me. Amen
Septem"er &0 The First Commandment
You shall have no other gods.
& John '(2& )ear $hildren, keep yourselves from idols.
Septem"er & *athe! 2+(&, -o and make dis$iples of all nations,
" them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the /oly Spirit.
Septem"er 20 1salm ,2(0 -reat is the %ord and most !orthy of praise3
/e is to "e feared a"ove all gods.
4$to"er & 5omans +(2+ 6e kno! that in all things -od !orks
for the good of those !ho love /im.
4$to"er + The Second Commandment
You shall not misuse the name of the %ord your -od.
78odus 20( 9he %ord !ill not hold anyone guiltless !ho
misuses /is name.

4$to"er &' 7phesians '(20 -ive thanks to -od the Father for
everything, in the name of our %ord Jesus Christ.
4$to"er 22 The Third Commandment
5emem"er the Sa""ath )ay "y keeping it holy.
1salm 22(+ I love the house !here You live, 4 %ord, the
pla$e !here Your glory d!ells.
4$to"er 2, *ark &2(&' /e said to them, :-o into all the !orld and
prea$h the good ne!s to all $reation.;
<ovem"er ' The Fourth Commandment
/onor your father and mother.
Colossians #(20 Children o"ey your parents and other
authorities in everything, for this pleases the %ord.
<ovem"er &2 The Fifth Commandment
You shall not murder.
The Sith Commandment
You shall not $ommit adultery.
<ovem"er &, 1hilippians 2(&# It is -od !ho !orks in you to !ill and to
a$t a$$ording to /is good purpose.
)e$em"er =I !ill send )e$em"er memory home at a later date.>

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