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Presidential Scholarship Application

This scholarship is designed to encourage young people to reach their highest potential, to create in them the
courage to embrace risk and change on their way to becoming future global leaders, and to ensure that the
voyage is accessible to all students regardless of financial limitations. Recipients of the Presidential
Scholarship will be expected to embody the spirit of the Semester at Sea mission and maintain the highest
standards of conduct and academic participation.
!oyage" Spring #$ %all #$
Section 1
'ome School
(urrent cumulative )P&
Please list all academic awards or achievements *use a separate page+.
Section 2
,ist any leadership positions held or any recognition for leadership received *use a separate page+.

Section 3
Personal Statement
Please answer the following -uestion. Responses should be between #$$ . /$$ words.
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.
~John F. Kennedy
0hat personal -ualities would you like to develop to become a more effective leader1
Section 4
,etter of Reference
Please submit a sealed letter of academic or professional reference that addresses your academic success
and2or leadership abilities. &sk your reference to include at least one specific example.
Section 5
Student &id Report
Please submit a printout of your current Student &id Report, available at
o 3nternational students 4 Please submit a statement of your parent5s income with 6nglish
translation and conversion to 7S dollars in lieu of the S&R.
Section 6
Please answer the following -uestion. Responses should be between 8$$ 4 9$$ words.
Semester at Sea:s mission is ;to educate individuals with the global understanding necessary to
address the challenges of our interdependent world.< Semester at Sea:s core values include"
&(&=6>3( 6?(6,,6N(6, which gives rise to transformative awareness and profound learning
3NT6)R3T@ and the commitment to uphold the principles of honesty, sincerity, and trust
3NT6R(7,T7R&, 6?('&N)6 and ),AB&, 7N=6RST&N=3N)
),AB&, S6R!3(6 in support of local communities and their needs
'ow do you currently exemplify these values and how do you envision
embodying these values on your voyage1 Include a specific goal and action plan
that incorporates both shipboard life, as well as in-port eperiences!
o A se"uence of steps that #ust be ta$en for a strateg% to succeed!
1& Specific tas$s! what will be done and b% who#&
2& 'i#e hori(on! when will it be done&
3& )esources allocation! what is needed to acco#plish specific
o +ften, students find that preparing a specific proposal outline is #ost helpful
in delineating their action plan&
o The action plans need to be achievable within the voyage framework so please keep the
following in mind when developing your voyage action plan"
@ou may not develop your own field programs for the shipboard communityC however
you can certainly incorporate existing ones into your plan *any associated costs will be
at your own expense+.
Recipients are not allowed to solicit the shipboard community on behalf of charitable
organiDations in a formal, organiDed way *e.g. during an 6xplorer Seminar+.
S&S cannot arrange interviews in the various ports howeverC you are welcome to make
these contacts on your own.
&ction plan materials cannot be shipped to various ports
Eeep it simpleF @ou will be carrying a full course load in a very fast paced
o Presidential Scholars will be asked to"
Participate in an 6xplorer Seminar at the beginning of the voyage to engage the
shipboard community and outline your action plan for the voyage.
Participate in an 6xplorer Seminar at the end of the voyage to share your experiences.
>aintain a blog or Gournal that can be shared with Semester at Sea.
6nroll in a =irected Research class on the ship that will help the Presidential
Scholar:s action plan come to fruition.

,% signing below I hereb% certif% that all state#ents in this application and related #aterials
are true& I authori(e the +ffice of -inancial Aid of the Institute for Shipboard .ducation to
release #% aid infor#ation to go*ern#ent agencies for reporting purposes&

Printed Name" =ate"
Applications #ust arri*e in the IS. office b% the due date listed
for %our *o%age on the Se#ester at Sea website&
-aed applications will not be accepted&
&pplications should be mailed to" PA Box /$$99H, (harlottesville, !& ##I$/
%or (ourier or Avernight =elivery" #/J$ Ald 3vy Road, (harlottesville, !& ##I$K
Phone" 9$$29H/4$JIH 6mail"

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