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!"#$ &''(#)&*#+, -./.(+'0.,* 1#,&( '2+3.

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Geography 6091C: Final Project
GIS Application Development

Project Title: Soil Samples Analysis

Professional Supervisor:

Changjoo Kim; Rong Fan

Name: Rui Ma

!"#$ &''(#)&*#+, -./.(+'0.,* 1#,&( '2+3.)*4 Becembei 9, 2u1S

Geography 6091C: Final Project
GIS Application Development

'567 # 1895: '6;<=>7 #976;?@>78;9
! '6;<=>7 *87:=A
Soil Samples Analysis

! $757=B=97 ;C '6;D:=BEA
Taiget 0seis: Soil anu Watei Conseivation Bistiict 0ffices Stuffs anu The
Piopeity Buyei

In this pioject, the clients will be analyzing with the pB value, Potassium anu
Phosphoious value baseu on the Cincinnati neighboihoou.

Fiist of all, the clients can choose theii inteiesteu neighboihoou. In this way, the
clients can choose sites, which aie accoiuing with theii iequiiement. Foi this pait,
the clients will see the selecteu aiea highlighteu by gieen coloi aftei click on the
Queiy button.

Seconuly, as we know theie aie seveial impoitant factois foi soil analysis, such
as pB value, anu the contention of the oiganic. Foi this pioject, I am going to use the
pB value, Potassium value, anu Phosphoious value. The clients can choose pB value,
Potassium, anu Phosphoious anu the iange of them. They coulu know wheie aie the
below optimum, within optimum, anu above optimum with theii selecteu
suiiounuing aiea. This is foi the analysis foi iuentifying what the lanu aie gong to
be useu potentially.

Fuitheimoie, the piogiam can calculate the total numbei of the samples of the
clients inteiesteu in.

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AicuIS uesktop; Niciosoft visual Stuuio 2u1u

! 1@9>78;9E (8E7A
I am consiueiing using the Foim containing the Combo Box, Label, Textbox,
Button elements to uo the featuie uisplay anu selection; setting the selection coloi.

! HE=6 #97=6C5>=A
I use the inteifaces, such as INxBocument; INap; IFeatuieLayei; IQueiyFiltei;
IFeatuieSelection; ISelectionSet; IFeatuieClass; IRgbColoi; IEnvelope; ISpatialFiltei;
ISelectionSet; IFeatuieCuisoi; Iueometiy; IEnumFeatuie; ITopological0peiatoi;
ILayei in vB.NET to cieate the sciipt to woik out the puipose anu questions of this
!"#$ &''(#)&*#+, -./.(+'0.,* 1#,&( '2+3.)*4 Becembei 9, 2u1S

! .E78B57= I;6J K;@6 7; #BL:=B=97 7M= 1@9>78;9EA
Foi this phase, the selection is baseu on the Cincinnati neighboihoou, it takes S-
S seconus to iun the piogiam anu show the iesults. Because we have the samples of
all the Bamilton County, so we can upuate the piogiam by extenuing the selection
aiea to the whole Bamilton County.

! -575 );::=>78;9 '6;>=EEA
I have the excel foim of the uata collection. It contains NS0 Soil Test
Infoimation anu Results foi Bamilton. It was geocoueu baseu on the auuiesses of
Bata: The ueneial Iueal values of pB, Phosphoious, anu Potassium iange,
Cincinnati neighboihoou layei, Bamilton bounuaiy layei.

'567 ## 1895: '6;<=>7 '6;D:=B
Soil analysis is an integial points anu on soil physical anu chemical piopeities of
qualitative anu quantitative ueteimination. Soil geneiateu is in uevelopment
evolution, the soil iesouices evaluation, soil impiovement, feitility anu ieasonable
feitilization ieseaich founuation woik, is also an impoitant means of enviionmental
quality evaluation in enviionment science.

Theiefoie, aftei the ielative uepaitment finishing the uata collection, the maps
aie the goou way to show the samples' locations anu uo a vaiiety of analyses. This
pioject aims at pioviuing a client-baseu inteiface to uo the pB value, Potassium
value, Phosphoious value analysis.

'567 ### 1895: '6;<=>7 0=7M;?;:;GN
! -575 );::=>78;9

!"#$ &''(#)&*#+, -./.(+'0.,* 1#,&( '2+3.)*4 Becembei 9, 2u1S

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!"#$ &''(#)&*#+, -./.(+'0.,* 1#,&( '2+3.)*4 Becembei 9, 2u1S

I use the Bamilton County bounuaiy as the backgiounu layei. Aftei the geocouing, I
cieate the thiee layeis of pB value iange, thiee layeis of Potassium iange; anu thiee
layeis of Phosphoious iange. Theie is also a Cincinnati neighboihoou layei which
the clients can select theii inteiesteu neighboihoou fiom it.

! 1@9>78;9 (8E7 59? HE=6 #97=6C5>=
Fiist of all, the selection function, I am using the Foim containing the Combo
Box to choose the inteiesteu neighboihoou anu the soil analysis factoi iange. Then
the Labels show the name of selection items. Noieovei, Textbox is useu to input the
buffei uistance. Finally, aftei the clients have uone all the setting of iequiies, they
stait to iun the piogiam by clicking the Button.




Except the foim, seveial inteifaces aie useu, foi instance, INxBocument; INap;
IFeatuieLayei; IQueiyFiltei; IFeatuieSelection; ISelectionSet; IFeatuieClass;
IRgbColoi; IEnvelope; ISpatialFiltei; ISelectionSet; IFeatuieCuisoi; Iueometiy;
IEnumFeatuie; ITopological0peiatoi; ILayei.

When the button is clickeu, the usei is able to choose one of the inteiesteu
neighboihoous by the name fiom the list, to specify one ceitain soil analysis factoi
iange they want to know about, to input a buffei uistance with metei as its unit.

!"#$ &''(#)&*#+, -./.(+'0.,* 1#,&( '2+3.)*4 Becembei 9, 2u1S

Fuitheimoie, baseu on the usei inputs, the piogiam will Bighlight the selecteu
neighboihoou aiea, Zoom in to the buffeieu aiea, Bighlight the points of selecteu
soil analysis factoi iange within the buffeieu aiea, anu Repoit the numbei of the
satisfactoiy points.

Theie is a uemo showing that theie aie 9 samples whose pB values within
optimum in the Westwoou neighboihoou 1uu meteis suiiounuing aiea. The
polygon with gieen coloi is the Westwoou neighboihoou. The yellow points aie the
samples whose pB values within optimum.

If the usei wants to change any of the input infoimation to get anothei iesult,
they can click ok anu ie-select the factois in the foim.

!"#$ &''(#)&*#+, -./.(+'0.,* 1#,&( '2+3.)*4 Becembei 9, 2u1S



!"#$ &''(#)&*#+, -./.(+'0.,* 1#,&( '2+3.)*4 Becembei 9, 2u1S

'567 #/ 1895: '6;<=>7 $76@>7@6=

'567 / 1895: '6;<=>7 -8E>@EE8;9
! K5O= -;9=A
In the syllabus, unuei the couise uesciiption anu goal, it saiu that Stuuents will
leain how to automate uIS opeiations, customize the usei inteiface using the
piogiamming language, anu use uoogle API anu Aic uIS Seivei to apply the skills of
Inteinet Napping anu Web uIS. The couise incluues a computei laboiatoiy poition
focusing on customizing uIS inteiface anu ueveloping Web applications. Stuuents
will apply the skills of piogiamming anu Inteinet mapping to piojects that auuiess
"ieal-woilu" uIS applications. Relevant applications foi uiffeient uiscipline aieas aie
uemonstiateu in the computei laboiatoiy poition. At the enu of the semestei,
stuuents shoulu achieve goals of the couise as follows: |1j to piactice mouelbuiluei,
python, object-oiienteu piogiamming anu Aic0bjects, |2j to customize AicuIS, |Sj
to uevelop piactical uIS applications, |4j to utilize uoogle API, Aic uIS Seivei, anu
Seivei uIS, anu |Sj to builu ieal-woilu Web uIS applications.

Fist of all, it achieves the couise goal that apply auvanceu uIS techniques on
ieseaich anu ieal- woilu pioblems --- soil analysis of the City of Cincinnati. Seconuly,
this inuiviuual pioject is baseu on the labs anu lectuies. It is also the compiehensive
application of all the labs we uiu this semestei. Noieovei, this uIS piogiamming
!"#$ &''(#)&*#+, -./.(+'0.,* 1#,&( '2+3.)*4 Becembei 9, 2u1S

application incluues usei inteiface to iealize the client-baseu puipose. It contains
input anu output piocess, foi example, neighboihoou selection anu pB value iange
selection, calculation iesults showeu in the message box. Cieating buffei is incluueu
in the uata piocessing anu useu foi analysis by cieating a cuisoi of the featuies in
the input uataset anu getting the spatial iefeience of the active map.

Those aie the things I have alieauy uone. This pioject achieves the goals what I
expecteu foi basically.

! 08GM7 P= -;9= 1@67M=6A
To begin with, I collecteu the uata of whole Bamilton County anu geocoueu
them, but in this pioject the stuuy aiea is just the City of Cincinnati. In anothei woiu,
the useis can only select the neighboihoous of the City of Cincinnati. So the stuuy
aiea coulu be expanueu to the Bamilton County, if I get the classification uata baseu
on the Bamilton County. It can be uone fuithei.

Then the soil uata can be upuateu also. Noie soil analysis factois can be auueu
within this pioject to pioviue the multiple choices foi the client.

Fuitheimoie, the message box shows that the numbei of selecteu samples so fai.
It will be bettei, if all the infoimation, such as the auuiess, pB value, K value, P value
of selecteu samples can be shown as a table on the scieen. In this way, the useis aie
easiei to compaie the iesults with backgiounu infoimation.

! (8B87=?A

The useis can only select a categoiy as factoi analysis in this pioject, foi
instance, the pB value below oi within oi above optimum. So function is ielatively
single. It cannot compaie with othei analysis factois. This is the pioject's biggest
weaknesses anu limitations.

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