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Rutgers University

Rutgers Business School - Newark & New Brunswick

Department of Accounting, Business Ethics, and Information Systems

Accounting for Engineers - 33:010:310:01
FALL 2013
Section 01 TF1 8:40-10:00pm
Professor: Peter Renzulli, CPA
Subject line must contain 33:010:310:01 engineers
I receive emails 24/7; as a result, you are not to send any email after 10:00pm. Any email after
10:00pm will result in a reduction of your grade for participation. An email is a formal written
communication and as such you are required to address it as a formal letter and you are
responsible for punctuation, spelling and grammar. Do not send emails to ask about
homework. Homework will be reviewed in class on Friday which is when all homework
questions should be brought up and discussed with the class together.
Office Hours: Tuesday 10:30 Busch Student Center
Required Text: See the University schedule of classes
Web page for the online homework:
Please, turn your cell phone off before entering the classroom!
Course Description: This course examines accounting from both a financial and managerial
point of view. Financial accounting is how a company maintains its accounting records and
prepares financial statements for public reporting based on GAAP. Managerial accounting is
how the management of a company gathers and uses accounting information to make
decisions, solve problems and run a company. These topics are essential for students wanting
to be in the management ranks because it helps them understand the company they work for
and enables them to make better business decisions.
Course Design: This course consists of lectures, discussions and problem solving. Class
discussion and questions about course material are required. In order to succeed in this class,
you will need to have read the course assignments prior to the class meeting. We do not cover
word for word or all of the content in the book as it is assumed that you have read the material
and are prepared to discuss aspects of the text that you do not have a complete understanding.
Class discussion will include material that is not covered in the text; consequently, attendance is
an important part of the semester.
Course Website: the course website provides the course materials, assignments, grades and
notices about the class as well as cancelations and other notices. You are required to check the
website on a regular basis and at a minimum twice a week and just prior to class.
Use your Rutgers NETID and password to login.
Comprehensive practice problems and assigned homework for credit on McGraw Hill Connect.
Grading: The final grade is determined as follows:
20 points Exam 1
20 Points Exam 2
45 points Final Exam
10 points Homework on Connect
5 points participation
Examinations: All examinations are closed book. Make-up examinations are NOT given.
Homework: The syllabus and website lists the assignments. Homework is to be done prior to
attending class on the date the assignment is due. Feel free to discuss homework assignments
with other students.
Academic Integrity: The University policy on academic integrity will be strictly enforced. It is
expected that you are familiar with the policy prior to attending class. If not:

1 a 09/03 Introduction 1-2
1 b 09/06 Homework 1-2
2 a 09/10 Double entry and General
2 b 09/13 Homework 3-4
3 a 09/17 Adjusting and Financial
3 b 09/20 Homework 5-6
4 a 09/24 Merchandising 14 Read chpts 11-13
as well
4 b 09/28 EXAM 1 Exam 1 40 multiple choice
5 a 10/01 Financial Statement Analysis 24
5 b 10/04 Homework 24
6 a 10/08 Managerial Accounting 25
6 b 10/11 Homework 25
7 a 10/15 Fraud, Ethics & Controls 7
7 b 10/18 Homework 7
8 a 10/22 Corporate Structure, Taxes,
Dividends and Bonds an
20 (516-518),
21 (538-544),
22 (568-569)

8 b 10/25 EXAM 2 Exam 2 40 multiple choice
9 a 10/29 Job Costing 26
9 b 11/01 Homework 26
10 a 11/05 Departmental Accounting 27
10 b 11/08 Homework 27
11 a 11/12 Budgeting Part 1 28 (776-782)
11 b 11/15 Homework 28 (776-782)
12 a 11/19 Budgeting Part 2 28 (783-788)
12 b 11/22 Homework 28 (783-788)
13 a 11/26 Managerial Decisions 29
13 b 12/03 Homework 29
14 a 12/06 Cash Flow 23
14 b 12/10 Homework 23
FINAL FINAL Final As per Rutgers
Official Schedule

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