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Presentacin escrita

Write a poem that describes you.

1) Prewrite follow the instructions below
1) Escribe tu nombre
2) escribe dos adjetivos que no te describen
3) escribe tres adjetivos que te describen
4) escribe cuatro actividades que hacen todos los das
5) escribe tres actividades que t y tus amigos hacen en el verano
6) escribe dos actividades que nunca haces
7) escribe "As soy yo!"
2) revise
3) Publish put your poem on printer paper or poster board. Decorate the sheet or poster with
photos, drawings, and other items that are descriptive to you.
4) evaluation you will be graded on:
- the completion of the task
- use of adjectives and verbs
- attractiveness of your project
Rubric Score 1 Score 5 Score 10
Completeness of task You provide some of the
required information
You provide most of
required information
You provide all of huge
information required
Your use of adjectives
and verbs
You use adjectives and
verbs with many
grammatical errors
You use adjective and
verbs with occasional
grammatical errors
You use adjectives and
verbs with very few
grammatical errors
Neatness and
attractiveness of
You provide no visuals
and your poster contains
visible errors corrections
and smudges
You provide few visuals
and your poster contains
visible error corrections
and smudges
You provide several
visuals, have no error
corrections and
smudges, and your
poster is attractive

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