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Lesson Plan: Small Group Lesson

for Primary School

Year level(s): 1
Lesson Focus: English
Learning area/ACARA focus: Understand concepts about print and screen,
including how different types of texts are organised using page numbering,
tables of content, headings and titles, navigation buttons, bars and
links (ACELA1450)
Class size: Approximately 25
Date/Time: Thursday, the 21
August 2014

Background Information
Orange group (the group I will be teaching) have already read the book
Teeth by Julie Ellis, by themselves, as a whole group and in their partners.
They know the book is a non-fiction book and why it is a non-fiction book.
They understand the difference between a fiction and a non-fiction book.
They know what a contents page is and where to find one in a book. They
understand what the book is about and are able to read most of the words in
the book.
Teaching/Learning Purpose(s) (written in terms of outcomes) To enable
students to know what a Glossary page is used for and where you can usually
find a Glossary page in a book.
Preparation (Checklist):
- Make sure there is enough books for everyone in the group
- Have the worksheets out for everyone
- Small whiteboard and white board marker
- Mathematics Explained for primary teachers book (has an index page)
- Red pen to mark worksheets after

Learning Experiences:
1. How will I engage the learners?
- Praise (by verbal, house points, stickers) those who are reading, doing
the worksheet, sitting up and listening to me
- Choose an interesting book, which the students can relate to
- I will sound enthusiastic, when talking to them about the book, and
explaining the worksheet
- Remind them that those who are working hard, and who finish the task
and are able to answer my questions at the end will receive house
points, or a sticker

2. Student tasks and activities (what will the students do to achieve the
lesson purpose(s)? 44 Murdoch University
Gain attention (1min)
- Get the group sitting on the mat to sit in a circle knees to knees
- Ask for everyones attention, look around the group, praise those who are
sitting on their bottoms and looking at me. Comment to those who arent.
Questioning the children (2mins)
- Who remembers reading this book yesterday?
- What was it about?
- Was it a non-fiction or a fiction book? Why?
- Who has heard the word Glossary before? (Writing the word glossary on the
small white board) What do you know about the word Glossary? (if they have
no idea, tell them that now we are going to do our reading in a few moments
when you are doing your reading see if you can find the word glossary in the
book anywhere.
Reading the story in our heads (5mins)
- Ask the students to quietly read the book in their heads
- If they finish the book before everyone else, get them to quietly read it
again, seeing if they can find the word glossary
- Once finish ask the children if they saw the word glossary
Talking about Glossary (5mins)
- If no one could find the word glossary have them to quickly flick
through the book and give them a hint that its towards the end
- Get them to read through the glossary words and the definitions and to
explain the words in their own words
- So what is a Glossary used for?
- Most fiction books wont have a Glossary, why?
Worksheet (2 mins)
- Read through the questions on the worksheet with the students and go
through the answers in a big group (but not writing down the answers
- When get to the index question, show them the mathematics explained
for primary teachers book where it has an index, and explain to them
what an index page is all about
Doing worksheets by themselves (15mins)
- Then get them to sit at their tables, get a pencil out and to write down
the answers to the questions
- Observe the group and make sure they are on task and help them with
spelling any words out that they might have trouble with or answering
any of the questions
- Once they have finished mark there work, go over their answers with
- Once their work is marked get them to carry on with work from
yesterday (e.g. colouring in front cover page of science book, writing up
their procedure etc.)

3. Conclusion (how do you summarise the learning and relate it to the lesson
I will be using the worksheets which have questions asking What does the
Glossary tell us? and Tick only the features of this book: contents page, a
list of chapters, a glossary, and an index. I will also be marking their work
and individually getting them to read out their answers to me. When the
group is all together I will make sure to distribute my questions evenly to the
small group so each of them has a chance to tell me what a Glossary page is
and where you can find the Glossary page in a book.

The worksheet that the students had to do

Cover of the book Teeth by Julie Ellis

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