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3 part 1 notes check

1. Helped spread Ren
2. pardon from sin
3. List one of Luthers main
4. Declared Luther an
5. GER princes could
decide their own religion

A. Printing Press
B. Indulgence
C. Peace of Augsburg
D. Edict of Worms
E. Recant
F. Excommunication
6. Defender of the Faith
7. set aside
8. Charged with treason
for having Elizabeth
9. Henrys son
10. Church of ENG

A. Anglican
B. Anne Boleyn
C. Henry VIII
D. Henry IX
E. Pardon
F. Annul
G. Catherine of Aragon
H. Edward VI
I. Protestant

Swap papers!!!!
1. Helped spread Ren ideas A. Printing
2. pardon from sin B. Indulgence
ppl could win salvation by faith in God
Church teachings should be based on the Bible
All ppl w/faith were equal
4. Declared Luther an outlaw
D. Edict of Worms
GER princes could decide their own religion
C. Peace of Augsburg

6. Defender of the Faith C. Henry VIII
7. set aside F. Annul
8. Charged with treason for having Elizabeth
B. Anne Boleyn
9. Henrys son H. Edward VI
10. Church of ENG A. Anglican

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