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Afrotronics is a fusion between West

African music and electronica, exploring

the boundaries between cultures and
styles, tradition and modernity, electronics
and acoustics. This multi-musical trio uses
live electronics, synths and samplers along
side acoustic and traditional instruments to
place the West African expression in an
urban sound environment. On stage,
Afrotronics presents a powerful live act
that fits in both large festival venues as
well as small bustling nightclubs.
Afrotronics was founded in 2009 by Lisa Ladberg and
Fanta Yayo. It was originally a constellation of six
musicians but after a couple of years Lisa and Fanta
decided to rearrange the group to half the personnel but
double the musical output. From 2011 Robin Cochrane
and Jonah Gold joined the group and until this day, these
are the people that form Afrotronics. The remaking of
Afrotronics had not only the effect that it became easier
to tour, it also had a huge positive impact on the musical
concept. Afrotronics is now a perfect balance between
West African music and electronica. Its a musical
experience that leaves no one indifferent.
Available at Womex 13
Afrotronics consists of lead singer Fanta Yayo, a "griot"
and dancer from Guinea Conakry, Swedish percussionist
and singer Lisa Ladberg and Robin Cochrane, a multi-
instrumentalist from Sweden and Scotland. The group
collaborates with technician Jonah Gold, specialized in
the art of dubbing.
Fanta Yayo (Guinea Sweden) Lead vocal
Lisa Ladberg (Sweden ) Acoustic Percussion, live
electronics, ngoni and backing vocals
Robin Cochrane (Scotland / Sweden) Live
electronics including electronic percussion
Jonah Gold (Sweden) Technician and dub-provider
Contact through artist: Lisa Ladberg +46 707 666 087
Afrotronics is funded by the Swedish Arts Council as well
as the city and region of Stockholm.
West African expression in an urban sound environment

Contact through MUSIKCENTRUMST: mail , website (with videoclips, mp3 etc) phone: + 46 (0) 8 651 01 42. Call us! Well inform, update and promote!

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