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The first huna way to release complexes to be discussed is kala.

Its outer meanings are to loosen, untie, release, undo, forgive,

pardon; to proclaim, announce; to free one from any evil influence. In code it has the meaning of the clean the weeds out from the path of
life, with weeds being one Huna symbol for fixed complexes. Kala includes many techniques that Westerners would find unrelated. That is
because the kahunas look at things in terms of energy flow, and as far as they are concerned an idea or belief can block energy flow as much as
muscle tension can. So part of kala is the practice of lomi-lomi, probably best described as bio-energetic massage. Even that is inadequate,
however, because in true lomi-lomi the practitioner is also working on the mind of the recipient. Lomi-lomi, then, is like a combination of the
Swedish or Esalen massage, acupressure, polarity therapy, and positive mental programming. The body and energy work helps to release the
blockages, while at the same time the mental work gives the energy new direction and sets new patterns.
Kala is also the technique of forgiveness, both of yourself and of others. It is amazing how much energy people lock up and waste in
guilt and resentment, energy that could be used to heal and create. As a technique, forgiveness includes confessionan open
acknowledgement, even to yourself, of what has been done wrongrepentance, and absolution. In the Catholic Church this has been
formalized into an institutional ritual, but the same process occurs in informal forgiveness.
Confession itself helps to start the flow of painfully blocked energy of the complex, and it really doesnt matter to whom or what you
confess. Many people get great relief from telling their guilts and resentments to a friend, a psychotherapist, a minister, or even a tree.
Writing them out to yourself may also produce a surprising amount of release.

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