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Adapting the Generic Product Development Process

Technology Push Products

1 Technology pushes development; firm comes up with new technology and looks for an appropriate
market to apply it in.
2 Gore tex company read
3 Generic Product Dev process could be used with minor modifications. Begins with the planning phase,
in which tech is matched with market opportunity. Later, same generic product dev process is followed.
4 The new technology will be embodied in the product concepts considered by team
5 Product is unlikely to succeed unless, new tech offers clear competitive advantage and alternative tech
is unavailable
6 Minimize project risk by considering merits of alternatives that do not use the new technology and
Platform Products:
1 Platform products are built around existing technological systems
High Risk Products
1 Generic product dev process is modified in high-risk products by taking steps to address the largest
risks in the earliest stages of product dev.
Quick-Build Products
1 Many design-build-test cycles

Chapter 3:
Opportunity is an idea for a new product.

Chapter 4
Developing a product plan and mission statement is a five step process, including the following
1. Identify opportunities
2. Evaluate and prioritize projects
3. Allocate resources and plan the timing
4. Complete pre-project planning
5. Reflect on the results and the process

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