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Legislation Review

Senate Simulation
Mr. Smith and Mr. Clodfelter- Rm. AA24
American Government

Today, you will partner up with someone within your group to review
and predict what will happen to the bills that passed the Senate on
Friday. You will review the three bills that passed through both the
executive and judicial branches.

Executive Branch Go to his issues


1. Felony Gun Ownership Bill

a. What information did you find about Pres. Obama’s stance
on this issue?

b. Do you think Pres. Obama would support this bill and sign
it into law?

2. Stem Cell Definition Bill

a. What information did you find about Pres. Obama’s stance
on this issue?

b. Do you think Pres. Obama would support this bill and sign
it into law?

3. GQE Graduation Bill

a. What information did you find about Pres. Obama’s stance
on this issue?

b. Do you think Pres. Obama would support this bill and sign
it into law?
Judicial Branch Google Search Words in (Parentheses)

1. Felony Gun Ownership Bill (gun control court cases)

a. List the court cases that you found that deal with this

b. What were the major points of contention in those cases?

c. Which arguments were held as constitutional?

d. Do you think this bill will be held as constitutional?

2. Stem Cell Definition Bill (stem cell court cases)

a. List the court cases that you found that deal with this

b. What were the major points of contention in those cases?

c. Which arguments were held as constitutional?

d. Do you think this bill will be held as constitutional?

3. GQE Graduation Bill (education standardized test court

a. List the court cases that you found that deal with this

b. What were the major points of contention in those cases?

c. Which arguments were held as constitutional?

d. Do you think this bill will be held as constitutional?

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