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Border Patrol Orientation

PBL- USH and Am. Lit

Product Description
1. Cultural Diversity Presentation
a. Student Groups will research the history of a particular cultural group
that has travelled to the United States. Through their research and
analysis, students will create a presentation of their findings in order to
educate others on this group’s experience and bring about more cultural
awareness of other cultures within the melting pot of America.
b. The goal will be to understand the difficulties that they faced once they
arrived, how they lived, what events were happening or led to their
emigration to the United States, and what parts of the country did they
typically settle.
2. Immigrant Experience Story
a. Create a video/documentary that exposes the story of your immigrant
group by incorporating reading materials from class and interviews you
have conducted with fellow students.
i. Interview/Student Testimonies
ii. Skit

Product Requirements
1. Cultural Diversity Presentation
a. Time Period/Era
b. Issues/Problems Identified
c. Geography/Location Settled
d. Historical Significance/Impact
e. Current Events
f. Photographs/Illustrations
2. Immigrant Experience Story
a. Interview Design (Survey Monkey)
b. English Reading Integration
c. Skit
d. Photostory or MovieMaker

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