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Useful single formulations in Ayuveda for

1. Somraji( Psorailia corylifolia ) powder 3 gm twice a day
with Sesame seed powder.
2. Kakodumbara ( Ficus hispida ) powder 3 gm twice a
day with water.

Useful compound formulations in Ayurveda for
1. Mahamanjishthadi Kwath 30 ml twice a day with water.
2. Gandhak Rasayan 500 mg twice a day with Milk.
3. Amrtadi Guggal 1 gm thrice a day with Water.
4. Arogya Vardhini Vati 500 mg thrice a day with Water.
5. Amrtbhallatak Avaleha 12 gm twice a day with
Lukewarm Milk.

Oil /Ointments for local application
1. Bavachi Tail to be applied on affected parts and skin
should be exposed to sun rays for 15 to 30 minutes daily.
2. Gunjadi Tail to be applied locally.
3. Somraji Tail to be applied locally.
4. Jyotishmati Tail to be applied locally.
5. Aragwadhadi Tail to be applied locally.
6. Brhat Marichyadi Tail to be applied locally.
7. Avalgujadi lepa to be applied locally.

Useful formulations in Ayurveda for Alopecia Areata
1. Bhringaraja swarasa ( Eclipta alba Juice )20 ml twice a
2. Panchanimbadi Churna 3 gm twice a day with Water.
3. Saptamrit Lauh 500 mg thrice a day with Milk.
4. Amrit Bhallataka 5 gm twice a day with milk.

Lepa /Oil / Ointments for local application
1. Two or three cloves of Garlic + 1 pinch of Callyriam
should be powdered and turned to paste. Apply the paste
on hairless skin patch. If any reaction occurs, butter
should be applied over that.
2. Leaves of Kareer should be ground into paste and
3. Maha Bhringraj Tail to be applied on scalp at night.
4. Chandanadi Tail to be applied on scalp at night.
5. Nilikadi Tail to be applied on scalp at night.
6. Maha Marichyadi Tail to be applied on scalp at night.


BMW 540 - Mint Condition , GCC , FSH , Supper Low Millage - AED 59900

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