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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is this different fro h!ndwritin" !n!lysis#
Q: How does this work in y $r!in#
Q: Why should I h!ndwrite r!ther th!n ty%e#
Q: Is this s%iritu!l or s&ientifi&#
Q: Wh!t letter should I st!rt with#
Q: How &!n &h!n"in" y h!ndwritin" i%ro'e y rel!tionshi%s#
Q: Why does it t!ke () d!ys#
Q: How is this different fro h!ndwritin" !n!lysis#
A: H!ndwritin" !n!lysis is !nother word for "r!%holo"y* A
"r!%holo"ist studies your h!ndwritin" %!tterns !nd &o%iles ! list of
your %erson!lity tr!its* As !n Al%h!$eti&i!n+ I don,t tell you who you
!re $e&!use you !lre!dy know th!t* R!ther+ I "uide you in !do%tin"
letter for!tions th!t $rin" out the $est in yourself*
Q: How does this work in y $r!in#
A: Wh!t h!%%ens in your $r!in when you &h!n"e your h!ndwritin" is
&!lled neuro%l!sti&ity+ ! ter &oined $y the -olish neuro%hysiolo"ist+
.er/y 0onorski+ in 1234* It is !lso referred to !s 5&orti&!l re!%%in"+5
or the $r!in,s !$ility to rewire itself*
Q: Why should I h!ndwrite r!ther th!n ty%e#
A: When we wr!% our fin"ers !round ! %en+ %en&il+ or &ho%sti&k+ we
tri""er the %refront!l lo$e of the $r!in+ our &re!ti'e &enter* When we
use ! key$o!rd 6not ! %i!no7 to ty%e !nd &ouni&!te words+ we
dr!w fro the %riiti'e %!rt of the $r!in+ !lso referred to !s the
re%tili!n $r!in* 8oth the kinestheti& effe&t !nd the le'el of
&ons&iousness !re quite different in e!&h &enter $e&!use we !re+ !s
it were+ di%%in" into different wells*
Q: Is this s%iritu!l or s&ientifi&#
A: 8oth* As 9instein on&e s!id+ 5:&ien&e without reli"ion is l!e;
reli"ion without s&ien&e is $lind*5 I %refer to use the world 5s%iritu!lity5
r!ther th!n 5reli"ion+5 !s reli"ion is $!sed on $elief !nd s%iritu!lity is
$!sed on e<%erien&e* 9instein !lso s!id+ 5The ost $e!utiful !nd
ost %rofound eotion we &!n e<%erien&e is the sens!tion of the
ysti&!l* It is the sower of !ll true s&ien&e*5
Q: Wh!t letter should I st!rt with#
A: For the ost %owerful %erson!l life shift+ $e"in $y writin" the initi!l
of your first n!e===not ni&kn!e+ $ut re!l+ $irth first n!e+ !nd write
it d!ily+ u%%er !nd lower&!se+ !nd words th!t &ont!in it+ fillin" %!"es
of >Nlined %!%er* If you !do%ted ! new first n!e !fter your 4?th
$irthd!y+ use th!t !s your first n!e* -r!&ti&e your new writin" e!&h
d!y for () d!ys; do not ski% ! d!y*
Q: How &!n &h!n"in" y h!ndwritin" i%ro'e y rel!tionshi%s#
A: It de%ends on why they !ren,t workin" s!tisf!&torily* 8e"in to
%r!&ti&e the initi!ls of $oth your first n!e !nd l!st n!e !t $irth !nd
$e"in f!ithfully to write these letters for () d!ys==without issin" one*
Q: Why does it t!ke () d!ys#
A: Not &oin&ident!lly+ () is the nu$er of tr!nsfor!tion in 'irtu!lly !ll
tr!ditions* It !lso t!kes () d!ys for the neurons in the $r!in to re!li"n
thesel'es+ whi&h is wh!t the %ro&ess of !lterin" h!ndwritin"
%!tterns does*
W H A T - 9 @ - L 9 A R 9 : A A I N G***
8y followin" Vi!l!,s !d'i&e+ I rele!sed !ny old ne"!ti'e
%!tterns* As she s!ys+ when you &h!n"e your h!ndwritin"+ your
whole life &h!n"es for the $etter* ==Louise H!y+ !uthor+ Aou B!n He!l
Aour Life
Vi!l! Rod"ers, &l!sses h!'e $een the sin"le ost '!lu!$le !nd
worthwhile in'estent I h!'e e'er !de in y %erson!l "rowth* C
0!te Bl!rk+ The 9s!len Institute
Wh!t yo"! is to the $ody=ind+ Vi!l! Rod"ers, work is for the
ind=$ody***It,s ! issin" link in the holisti& field* CAndrew R!er+
!uthor+ An"el Answers !nd Re'el!tions for ! New Millenniu
Vi!l!,s &l!ss is the ost %owerful s%iritu!l !w!kenin" I,'e e'er
e<%erien&ed* CDe$r! Qu!rn$er"+ Hu$olt+ IA
A r!re !nd unique o%%ortunity to sit !t the feet of ! M!ster Te!&her+
Vi!l!,s &l!sses h!'e o%ened ! whole new life for e* The $enefits
fro her work !re un%!r!lleled* C:us!n Go'orko+ :unny'!le+ BA
In the fi'e ye!rs sin&e I &h!n"ed y h!ndwritin" I h!'e $een li'in"
y life ore fully+ ore Eoyfully+ !nd ore &re!ti'ely* I,'e &oe to
underst!nd y "ifts+ y uniqueness+ !nd to !$solutely reEoi&e in !
freedo I &ould not h!'e i!"ined $efore* My e<%!nsion $oth
sur%rises !nd &o%letely deli"hts e* I ! "r!teful for Vi!l!,s
%resen&e+ her dedi&!tion+ !nd her %l!&e in y life !nd in the world*
=0!r! Asil!nis+ www*$l!&klion!rt*&o
Mr* -!ler+ ste% !side* The Vi!l! Al%h!$et is re!dy to &h!n"e
the worldF
CHenriette 0l!user+ -h*D*+ !uthor of Write it Down+ M!ke it H!%%en
Vi!l! offers ! fresh+ %ure+ !nd strikin" !l%h!$et to !nyone whose
h!ndwritin" needs soe en&our!"eent==e'en those who !re re!dy
to "i'e u%* If you &lut&h !nd "o dis!l !t the thou"ht of %resentin"
yourself on %!%er+ you need this $ook* CM!r"!ret :he%herd+ !uthor of
B!lli"r!%hy M!de 9!sy !nd The Art of the H!ndwritten Note
Inquire !$out !&ti'ities nowF
If you were sitting across the table from someone today who
was struggling from low self esteem, what are some simple
steps from your system that you could show that person so
they could work with your system toward greater self
Vi!l!: First+ I would sour&e this !ttitude $y studyin" the
writin" %!tterns* Fro there+ I would su""est three 6no ore
th!n three7 writin" &h!n"es* If the !d'isor+ howe'er+ were
soeone who knew little !$out h!ndwritin"+ I would h!'e
the su""est th!t the %erson $e"in $y %r!&ti&in" the initi!ls
of their first !nd l!st n!es* GFirst n!eH e!ns the n!e
th!t !%%e!rs on their $irth &ertifi&!te* Ni&kn!es donIt
&ount+ nor do iddle n!es+ unless they use $oth first !nd
iddle $irth n!e i*e*+ M!ry Lou* GL!st n!eH is ne'er !
!rried n!e; it is the n!e th!t !%%e!rs on their $irth
&ertifi&!teCor+ if theyI'e $een !do%ted+ the l!st n!e of their
!do%ti'e %!rents* @n&e they !ster these letters+ IId "o on
to h!'e the $e"in %r!&ti&in" the lower&!se letters in their
n!e* A"!in+ IIll $e %le!sed to send you "uidelines for d!ily
%r!&ti&e* This e<er&ise !lone h!s !!/in" results in
redefinin" self=esteeF A!/in" J !nd so "r!tifyin"*
Th!nk you Vi!l! for your insi"hts*
It in&re!ses fle<i$ility !nd &re!ti'ity+ en&our!"es rele!se of tension+
!n"er !nd dis!%%ointent+ !nd hel%s you to let "o of wh!t is no
lon"er needed* Also for eory retension !nd re&!ll*
When you write this &ontinious line+ st!rt !t the to% end !t the to%*
Do it slowly with edui %ressure+ no he!'y %ressure*
Althou"h te<tin" h!s re%l!&ed h!ndwritin"+ I $elie'e there !re ! lot of
erits to h!ndwritin" !nd Eust one of the is the !$ility to i%!&t your
$eh!'ior* Gr!%hother!%y is the %ro&ess of usin" h!ndwritin"
e<er&ises to !<ii/e your %ositi'e tr!its or inii/e less desir!$le
This e<er&ise is &!lled the W!'e* It in&re!ses fle<i$ility !nd &re!ti'ity+
en&our!"es rele!se of tension+ !n"er !nd dis!%%ointent+ !nd hel%s
you to let "o of wh!t is no lon"er needed*
Tools !nd -ro&ess
All you need to do "r!%hother!%y e<er&ises is ! %en or %en&il !nd
%!%er* It,s ide!l to use unlined %!%er $ut if you need to use lined
%!%er to $e"in th!t,s ok!y* A $l!nk Eourn!l is ! "re!t tool for
"r!%hother!%y $e&!use you &!n see your %ro"ress o'er tie*
To do the e<er&ises+ si%ly st!rt !t the to% of your %!"e !nd dr!w the
e<er&ise !&ross the %!"e Eust !s if you were writin"* 8e"in ! new line
!nd dr!w the e<er&ise !"!in* Bontinue until you re!&h the $otto of
the %!"e* 0ee% your h!nds !nd $ody !s rel!<ed !s %ossi$le* Try to
work in ! sooth+ &ontinuous !nner* 0ee% notes on e!&h session*
Noti&e how you feel while doin" the e<er&ises 6tense+ stiff+ $ored+
!n<ious+ et&*7* Do !ny thou"hts re%e!t !s you write# @'er tie+ you
should noti&e th!t you feel ore rel!<ed doin" the e<er&ise*
The "o!l is to !ke flowin" w!'es th!t !re e'en in si/e !nd sh!%e*
The &rest of the w!'e should $e wide !nd rounded r!ther th!n n!rrow
!nd %ointed* If your w!'es $e&oe %oints+ it su""ests soe
frustr!tion !nd %ossi$ly resentent you,re h!'in" trou$le rele!sin"* If
your w!'es $e&oe ! thre!dy line+ you,re "oin" too f!st = ! si"n of
i%!tien&e* If you find th!t your u%strokes !re dis!%%e!rin"+ you,re
losin" oentu !t the &rest = !y $e ! si"n of low ener"y or desire
to t!ke short&uts* T!ke ! dee% $re!th !nd slow down*
0ee% ! &ontinuous e'en flow !s you o'e your %en !&ross the %!"e*
Try to "et into ! rhyth of risin" !nd f!llin" with the w!'e* >se li"ht to
oder!te %ressure* Aour downw!rd strokes should $e sli"htly he!'ier
th!n the u%w!rd ones*
I re&oend doin" this e<er&ise for 1) inutes ! d!y for se'en d!ys*
After the se'en d!ys+ &he&k in with yourself !nd look $!&k o'er your
notes* Think !$out whether your $eh!'ior h!s &h!n"ed in the !re!s
you wish to i%!&t* If so+ then you,re %ro$!$ly done with th!t
e<er&ise* If you still think you need ! little ore i%ro'eent+
&ontinue to do the s!e e<er&ise for !nother 3 d!ys* Re%e!t for !
tot!l of K1 d!ys if ne&ess!ry* Dis&ontinue !fter K1 d!ys e'en if you
h!'en,t seen !ny i%ro'eent of &h!n"e = it Eust !y not $e !n
e<er&ise you need*
L 1223=K)14* Vi!l! Rod"ers* Nothin" on this we$site !y $e re%rodu&ed in !ny !nner
without se&urin" written %erission fro Vi!l! Rod"ers*

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