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Corrupt Publications Crossword 2


1. A male who goes commando is (11)
4. Famous Australian song (8, 7)
8. Bachelors' and Spinsters' Ball (1&1)
10. AM erection (7, 5)
12. Fucked up beyond all recognition (5)
13. On site accommodation (5)
14. Special K drug (8)
15. Trent's home town (6)
16. A large disorganized operation (11)
17. Australian Rules football (6, 8)


2. Male swimming attire (6, 9)
3. Hey Hey its... (8)
5. Room where trophies & special items
belong (8)
6. Have gotten your vehicle stuck in the
mud (6)
7. Great idea (10)
9. it is not to steal, it is to (8)
11. Biggest badass of the animal
kingdom (5, 6)

NOTE: Allow for a space between words if
answer is two worded

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