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Name: Chris 'Quattro' Fuschia

Age: 20
Race: German/Japanese
Country: Germany
Date of irth: !r" #cto$er
%eight: &'( cm
)eight: ((*g
Bio: orn in Germany+ ,here the Co-" )ar is coming to an en"+ an"
.ost /carcity /ociety is in reach0 12t ,i-- ta*e p-ace in #C's A34 /he
,as an automoti5e pro"igy at the age of si6 after in5enting the
fearsome 'Quattro' a--7,hee- "ri5e system0
)hen the 87Co-i epi"emic struc* ,ee*s after the Fuschia's reunion at
the er-in )a--+ Chris contracte" the i--ness a-ong ,ith other mem$ers
of the fami-y0
/he+ ho,e5er+ not on-y sur5i5e" the87Co-i+ $ut the $acterium forci$-y
a,a*ene" Chris's innate cryo*inetic a$i-ities an" ren"ering the
$acterium inert0 %o,e5er+ the entire Fuschia fami-y fe-- to the 87Co-i
epi"emic ,hen Chris ,as 9ust eight+ -ea5ing her ,ith a-- the assets to
the Fuschias an" the company Au"i an" Quattro gm%0
:he "eath of her fami-y cause" her to shun a,ay the ,or-" for ten
years $efore forsa*ing her humanity after near-y attempting suici"e at
the age of se5enteen0 earing the Fuschia's -ast ,i-- 7 protecting any
innocent $eings from heart-ess morons $y *i--ing the morons 7 Chris
$ecame the famous a"5enturer *no,n as the 2cy ;ai"en that
e5eryone came to respect+ some i"o-i<e"+ an" some e5en feare"0
At the same year ,here starte" to $ear the -ast ,i--+ Chris an" A-ito
sa5e" one of the /a*ura /hrine=s most important priestess7cum7singer+
the >uc* ;ai"en ?a*o :a*afu9i+ from a terrorist in5asion at Guam0
?no,ing that the icy ;ai"en ,ou-" *no, the meaning of %umanity
one "ay+ ?a*o use" her reno,ne" 8-ement of >uc* to $-ess Chris an"
A-ito ,ith near7fu-- potentia- of their po,ers0 earing immense
cryo*inetic arcane magic an" the -atest in mechanica- augmentations
since se5enteen+ she ,as a$-e to master it ,hen she ,as t,enty after
t,o an" three7@uarter years of intensi5e training0
/he ,as ,e-- *no,n for esta$-ishing the A"5enturers Gui-" a-ong
,ith Gui-" Comman"er >eona /y-5i+ ,inning the >e ;ans at the age
of eighteen an" nineteen 1in this uni5erse+ age of consent for "ri5ing
is si6teen an" a ha-f40
/he a-so esta$-ishe" a post7scarcity society ,ith he-p from other
Repu$-ic Agencies ,hi-e e-iminating near-y e5ery terrorism group at
the short span of 9ust t,o years0
Personality: At first g-ance+ Chris -oo*s -i*e a coo- -a"y of fe, ,or"s
an" strong "etermination+ $ut un"erneath her -a"y-i*e "emeanour an"
immense A"5enturers' po,er -ies a ,oun"e" sou- ,ho 9ust ,ants one
thing in -ife000the ;eaning of %umanity0
/he is a-oof+ confi"ent at most situationsA ana-ytica-+ "etermine"+ an"
is a$-e to so-5e pro$-ems ,ithout hurting conf-icting parties0 /he a-so
has a huge sense of honor an" a strong sense of ri""ing the ,or-"
from heart-ess moronsA terrorists an" supernatura- $eings that "o not
care for the innocents or respect the "ea"0
:he teammates o5er at :eam Nanatsu thought that Chris is
pessimisticA she a-,ays has a p-an for e5erything0 %o,e5er+ after a
near7"eath inci"ent+ the team gre, to appreciate Chris=s ,ay of "oing
things an" e5en foun" out that Chris=s ,as on-y pessimistic in a
/:RA:8G2C senseA she ,as actua--y optimistic a$out the future ,hi-e
ta*ing necessary precautions0
Despite her -itera- '%eart of 2ce' ho,e5er+ she cares for the innocent
$eings -i5ing on 8arth an" ten"s to sho, her soft+ sincere mother7-i*e
nature to,ar"s *i"s0 #f course+ she "oes not *no, ,hy she fe-t that
,ay+ nor "oes she a"mit it0 /he ,as "etermine" to fin" the meaning of
%umanity after many a"5entures she ha" $een prior to /eason 2 of the
Despite ha5ing immense po,ers+ Chris is a-so hum$-e an" "oes not
"isp-ay a ma9ority of her po,ers to the pu$-ic oftenA she use" it on-y
,hen nee"e" to+ or ,hen she ,ante" to he-p out a"5enturers in nee"0
1. Formalness - At times+ Chris's ,ay of speech may $ecome too
forma- for the mem$ers of :eam Nanatsu to un"erstan"0 A-though that
cause" some frictions initia--y at first+ 2tou an" Ba-erie manage" to
he-p in toning "o,n the forma-ity of Chris's message for easier
un"erstan"ing0 Chris a-so too* the chance an" -essons -earne" to
a"9ust her ,ay of speech+ than*s to her socia- augmentations0
2. Being too careful - Chris ,i-- constant-y "o many ca-cu-ati5e
measures an" contingency p-ans to "efen" the i"o-s from the
unre-enting hatre" un-eashe" $y the haters of the i"o- cu-tures an" the
hatre" $-o$s0 /ome mem$ers (Mayn, Maki, and Naoko) gre, a $it
annoye" an" some are ,orries that she's 9ust too ,orrie" (Hikari,
Itou, Valerie, and Alessia)0 %o,e5er+ after a near7"eath situation
,hich in5o-5e" a socia- net,or*ing si"e an" an 2.7:rac*ing inci"ent+
the i"o-s e5entua--y un"erstoo" ,hy Chris cares for them an" ,arme"
up to her e5en more0 Chris a-so a--o,e" them more -ee,ay+ pro5i"ing
that the :eam ,or*e" ,ith one another to ensure their safety0
3. Stubbornness 7 Chris a-,ays set her min" in getting things "one+
no matter ho, tough the situation is+ ho,e5er+ her ca-mness an"
tran@ui- state of min" a--o,e" her to access the situation $etter $efore
c-ou"ing herse-f in "ou$t0
Alito 'Ventus' Gnade: /he ser5es as Chris's $est frien"+ ser5ant an"
confi"ante e5er since Chris herse-f ,as si60 85er since the near
e6tinction of the Fuschias though+ $oth Chris an" A-ito's re-ationship
gre, rea--y tight an" intimate+ to the point ,here A-ito $ecame Chris's
>a"y 7 in 7 ,aiting0 Chris a"mitte"+ prior to the e5ent of the story+ to
$e in -o5e ,ith A-ito an" promises her another confession once the
meaning of %umanity is re5ea-e"+ much to A-ito's "e-ight0
Team Nanatsu no Fuin Team Se!en Seals"# Chris ser5e" as :eam
Nanatsu's .ro"ucer+ Director+ an" p-anner+ trainer an" .sycho-ogist a--
in one0 /he a-so ser5e" as their 'mother7figure'+ he-ping the i"o-s a-ong
the ,ay $ecause she *no, that they ha5e the potentia- to ri" the
,or-"'s unnecessary hate to,ar"s Japanese 2"o- Cu-ture 7 ,hich "ro5e
a "ar* arcane phenomena that ,as accumu-ate" from those hate a-one0
At first+ :eam Nanatsu's se5en i"o-s ,ere s-ight-y intimi"ate" $y
Chris's appearance+ as they "o not ,ant to offen" Chris0 %o,e5er+ as
the team re-ease" their first sing-e+ ,hich $ecame a hit+ they ,arme"
up to Chris's caring an" -a"y-i*e persona-ityA choosing to respect her
,hen Chris a"5ise" them not to te-- anyone a$out her 'soft spot'0
Chris's caring si"e $ecame more apparent+ protecting the i"o-s+
teaching them the truth a$out the entertainment in"ustries+ he-ping
them e-iminate the gree"y corporates in the i"o- cu-ture0
$eona %&iamante% Sil!i# As the Gui-" Comman"er an" .resi"ent of
the Dimensiona- A"5enturers Repu$-ic+ >eona has a strong an" so-i"
re-ationship ,ith $oth Chris an" A-ito+ $oth professiona--y an"
frien"-y0 >eona ,i-- ser5e as their inte- throughout the story too0 At
times+ she ,i-- a-so tease Chris a$out 'ma*ing a mo5e' on A-ito+ much
to Chris's retort that it ,i-- ha5e to ,ait "ue to a promise0
1. 'ro)ect Tun*ra+,r-okinsesis
Chris recei5e" her $-essing from ?a*o+ un-oc*ing most of her
potentia-s that cou-" on-y $e containe" 5ia e6tensi5e o5erhau- of her
current augmentations0 :he resu-t is one of the most a"5ance"
augmentations e5er *no,n to men 7 the .ro9ect .rogrammes 7 ,ith
one of them $eing .ro9ect :un"ra0
3ti-i<ing the surroun"ings aroun" her+ .ro9ect :un"ra a--o,s Chris to
manifest intense arcane ice using the -i@ui" Nitrogen insi"e her
$-oo"streams or hea-ing a--ies from i--ness $y using the co-" to *i-- off
5iruses an" $acterium0 Chris is a-so capa$-e of ,eaponi<ing ice to
attac* enemies an" "efen" herse-f ,ith su$7<ero+ rigi" ice0
.ro9ect :un"ra a-so grante" Chris superhuman strength an" a
surprising amount of agi-ity after she ha" intense training ,ith the
.ro9ect .rogram for t,o years 1$efore the story40
)ith it+ Chris is a-so capa$-e of a"9usting her $o"y temperature into
near A$so-ute Cero $y c-oa*ing herse-f in frigi" air ,ithin secon"s0
:his a--o,e" her huge resistance to fire ,eapons e5en if she ,i--
suffer in9uries $y it0
Another .ro9ect :un"ra's capa$i-ities is the Genesis F-ight /ystem+
this a--o,e" her immense f-ight spee" of up to a F722 Raptor ,ith no
repercussion than*s to the .ro9ect :un"ra's a$i-ity in a"9usting air
1Take note that ,hris an* .lito ha!e tra!elle* to man- *imensions
for *iplomatic a*!entures an* alliances. .*!enturers /uil*
members (ill0 at times0 use the &imensional Time &ilation Belt to
pre!ent (asting times. For e1ample0 one -ear in the (orl* the user
tra!elle* to e2uates )ust one (eek in the user%s (orl* - meaning that
the user (ill age b- a (eek instea* of a -ear shoul* the belt isn%t
,hris an* .lito ha!e tra!elle* to 33 *imensions *uring the t(o
-ears before the stor- starte*0 (hich meant the- age b- onl- 33
(eeks instea* of 33 -ears. Their %33 -ears% e1perience in fine-tuning
their 'ro)ect 'rogrammes0 ho(e!er0 remains."
2. .nal-sis0 Social 4nhancements0 5acking
Chris's .ro9ect :un"ra a--o,e" immense impro5ement to her a-rea"y
pro"iga- ana-ytica- s*i--s+ a--o,ing her to ana-yse situations an"
coming up ,ith the $est possi$-e so-utions to pre5ent $oth si"es from
f-aring up0 %er .ro9ect :un"ra a-so a--o,e" her the inte--igence of
many supercomputers 7 i"entifying enemies' ,ea*ness an" their
attac* patterns ,ithin secon"s+ a--o,ing her the chance to ma*e pre7
empti5e stri*es an" ca-cu-ate e5asion manoeu5res for herse-f an"
During her time in Nanatsu no Fuin+ Chris is capa$-e of using her
/ocia- Augmentations to ana-yse the mem$ers' psycho-ogica- factors+
persona-ities+ an" their -i*ings0 :his a--o,e" her the chance to
un"erstan" them $etter+ a-though her forma-ness may re@uire 2tou an"
Ba-erie's he-p in getting her message through at times0
3. .ugmentations
Chris is capa$-e of soa*ing up immense amount of "amage $y using
"ense magnetic fi--ings on specific areas ,ithin sp-it secon"s+ an"
using -i@ui" nitrogen to enhance her $one narro,s an" musc-es0
y using stea-th generators -ocate" $y her shou-"ers an" un-eashing
enough ice aura to attune its refracti5e in"e6 ,ith air+ Chris is capa$-e
of $ecoming in5isi$-e to the na*e" eyes an" heat sensors0
)hi-e ha5ing .ro9ect :un"ra acti5ate"+ Chris is a$-e to use the rune
that ,as im$ue" in her -eft eye to manipu-ate partic-es in air0 :his
a--o,e" her the a$i-ity to te-eport up to a$out a *i-ometre at once+ or
mu-tip-e times at the same range0
)ith her ner5es $eing augmente"+ Chris is a-so capa$-e of han"7to7
han" com$at ,hen she's ,ithout >ife$ane 1A-ito40 /tri*ing "o,n
mu-tip-es enemies at once ,hi-e remaining in5isi$-e to the na*e" eyes
,as Chris's signature a$i-ities+ a-though that ,ou-" "rain the /tea-th
Generator's energy rapi"-y0
6. 7perational 8o*e
)hene5er Chris encounters -ife7threatening "angers that her a--ies
an" innocent $eings encountere"+ her "etermination to protect
innocent $eings an" carry on the Fuschia's >ast )i-- a--o,e" her to
sent her augmentations into #5er"ri5e 7 #perationa- ;o"e0
2n this ;o"e+ Chris's po,ers 9ac*e" up to -eaps an" $oun"s $eyon"
any means an" her min" e-e5ate" into a state ca--e" ':ran@ui- Fury' 0
2n this min"set+ Chris is comp-ete-y num$ to a-- signs of pain an"
e6haustion0 %er .ro9ect :un"ra's processing unit impro5e"
"ramatica--y ,hich increases her ana-ytica- a$i-ities+ a--o,ing her an
impecca$-e amount of accuracy in stri*ing enemies ,hi-e remaining
a$so-ute contro- o5er her actions un-i*e the $erser*ers of the Norse
;ytho-ogies0 Chris attac*s+ "efences+ mo5ement spee"+ attac* spee"+
an" icic-e a$i-ities increase" "ramatica--y0
%o,e5er+ e5en though Chris is 5irtua--y in5inci$-e in this mo"e+ her
systems' efficiency ,i-- "ecrease to '0D to faci-itate systems'
recharging for ' hours0

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