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Make sure that you are not connected on internet.

Unplug any network car, wifi switch if there is any.

1. Copy MAGNITUDE and paste in your desktop;
2. Make sure that there are NOT any other Ansys license in your computer. If there are, open windows
on safe mode and delete them;
3. Open the DVD and install the license manager setupLM.exe as administrator. Finish the installation
without the license file;
4. Open MAGNITUDE paste in your desktop and run the calculator;
5. Copy the license file to C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing;
6. Run license manager and choose Run the License Wizard;
7. Choose Run the ANSYS Licensing interconnect with FLEXlm (default);
8. Find the license file on C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing and click continue;
9. Click Continue over and over and finish the installation, verify with Sever ANSLIC_ADMIN as follows;

Again, make sure that you are not connected on internet.

10. Now mount .iso image using any virtual drive software and run as Administrator Setup.exe;
11. Choose with ansys products you want to install, and continue;
12. Mount the m-a1464b.iso when the software asks.
13. Once installation is complete, run the program When the installation is over run the program. Dont
allow the program by windows.
14. Run windows firewall and choose Advanced Security (This can be run by typing in firewall on the
search box of the start menu of windows)

15. Disable any ANSYS Licensing Interconnect Application from Inbound Rules. We dont want any
licensing app to communicate with ANSYS sever to figure out our cracking methodology.
Hope everything will be running smoothly. If you are proficient with Solidworks, Creo/ProE, it is wise to
opt for the compatibility with those software while installing ANSYS. This will save you lot of time
designing your model, as in ANSYS has the capability to update its fluent imported model automatically
if there is any change in the original model by Solidworks, Creo, CAD files.

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