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Location Report Form Name: Ashley Hamilton

Location layout and orientation

Location Name: 117 Chatham Avenue
Address: 117 Chatham Avenue
# of foors: foor #:
Contact name: N!A
"hone: N!A
#mpression: $he location is suita%le for the
openin& se'uence as it contains easy access to
the resources needed( such as a computer and
an e)terior*
+)istin& Li&hts: $he li&htin& ,ithin the room
Am%ient Li&ht: Li&ht from outside can enter
throu&h the ,indo,s*
"ar-in&: N!A
Close "olice Close Hospital $oilets
Heatin& Air Conditionin&
.ound pro%lems /near airport!road!other0
1hen 2lmin& outside( there may %e pro%lems
,ith sound from the road near%y* Ho,ever( there
is no sound %esides music and additional sound
e3ects that are needed from the shots outside(
,hich ,ill %e added in editin&
"o,er soc-ets4: $here are po,er soc-ets inside
the %uildin& that are easily accessi%le
# of ,indo,s: 1 # of doors: 1
.tyle: Contemporary 5odern 6pper Class

.afe nei&h%ourhood "ermit re'uired
# of ,indo,s: 9 : # of doors:
#mmova%le o%;ects: $here are no immova%le
o%;ects that ,ill %e an issue ,hen 2lmin&*
$here may %e other un,anted people ,ho may appear in the shot( for e)ample ,al-in& on the
street( so shots ,ill have to %e planned to prevent this* Cars may also drive in the %ac-&round( so
timin& ,ill %e -ey* Any %ac-&round noise ,ill %e edited out in the editin& phase*

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