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Chapter 7 Study Sheet 1. Be aware that some structures in the modern eukaryotic cell developed from early prokaryotes, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts (endosymbiont theory). 2. Be able to describe the structures of bacteria and viruses. Recognize that while viruses lack cellular structures, they have the genetic material to invade living cells. 3. Compare and contrast animal and plant cells. 4. Contrast the structures of eukaryotes and prokaryotes. 5. Be able to identify cells parts/organelles and state their functions. 6. Be aware that plasma membranes are phospholipid bilayers which are described by the Fluid Mosaic Model because of their fatty acid tails. They have proteins in them that freely move about and cholesterol molecules that make them stable. Itis this membrane that maintains homeostasis within a cell because of its selective permeability. 7. While Hooke was first to describe a cell, van Leeuwanhoek was the first to describe living cells. Schleiden described plant cells and Schwann described animal cells. 8: Be aware of the differences between an electron microscope and an compound light microscope (know their advantages and disadvantages).

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