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Pride Leader

Chapter 40
Author: Mark J. Silva Jr
First Editor: Elvin Gan Kuan Leng
Sire, all 45 of the new servants are in the throne room waiting for you.
Mark: Thank you Rina, Ill be there shortly. Flower, the two you pointed out are in my room waiting,
please go and wait with them.
Flower: Yes Sire.

* * *
Okay all of you, let my lay down some basic rules, here you will be treated fairly and hopefully be happy.
Rule one. You are not to leave the Royal Quarters Deck. Rule two, your branding will be visible at all
times, no covering them up. Rule three, if you are called from the quarters you are to be dressed. And
will have an escort. Rule four, when someone talks to you, look at their face. Now you have rights on the
ship, first is your bodies are yours, no one is allowed to touch you in a manner you dont approve of.
Rape is a crime. You are not sex objects; you do have a dress code outside the quarters, this simple
white dress is what you all will receive shortly. Now do any of you have a question?
< Way in the back, a 7 year old pup raises her paw, with a thought she appears right in front of Mark
and starts to panic thinking she going to be punished.>
Now, now, little one, dont be scared, I brought you up here so I can hear you. So what is your question?
Pup: Im sorry Ill go bbback.
Mark: Its okay, now what were you going to ask?
Pup: Iiiss it ggooing ttooo hurt?
Mark ( In a loud Voice ): No, it will not, in fact let me do you now.
< In a flash the Pups rags are gone, she stands there naked shivering in fear. Mark puts his paw on her
forehead and she feels warm, a dress appears on her, the branding seen proudly on her budding breast.
She smiles.>
Mark: Now turn around and let them see. This is what you shall wear and how the branding will be
displayed, in a few moments some very close and dear friends of mine will walk among you and apply
the branding, they also will heal any who need it, but first, please remove anything you might be
< Shortly after the last bit of clothing had been removed Mark waves his paw and everyone of them are
now wearing a simple white dress >
Now, its time to meet some of my friends.
<Behind Mark the room fades to a shadow. Quietly Goddesses and Gods walk out. Thirty of them, each
wearing a very similar branding that they just seen the pup receive, the goddesses and gods start to
walk among the slaves, touching each one. Blessing them, healing them, branding them. Once done the
gods and goddesses step behind Mark and sit in their thrones.>
Now you all have seen, we walk among gods and goddesses, You will see them all the time here. Some
of you may even pray to them. If you ever need someone to talk to and are afraid of something, speak
to one of them. They all love you and they all care. Now if you look closely to you left, there is a hard to
see door, it leads right to the royal quarters. This is how you will enter and leave from here. Now head
that way and there will be Staff waiting for you, they will show you where you shall be sleeping and start
to find work for you to do.

* * *
Hello Mother, How may I help you today?
Mother Nature: Child, You made me proud today, by sending Mercury out to find not just goddesses,
but gods, and accepting them all as your lesser < Holds Hand Up > Now wait, I know you dont like them
called that, But for now thats all I know what to call them.
Mark: I understand. So whats bring you here? I know you have something on your mind.
Mother Nature: You are growing wise, yes; you had all your servants blessed while they were branded,
whats behind that blessing?
Mark: Ahh, I should have known you would take notice. Just a very simple spell to help them adjust to
their new lives, nothing more.
< As Mark and Mother Nature rounds a corner a young vixen runs right into Mother Nature >
Vixen: Soory Sirre, Goddess. I wwas in a hurry
Mother Nature: No harm done child, run on.
Mark: Go back to what you were doing.
< The vixen slowly backs away and runs at full speed away from them >
Mother Nature: It seems she lost her dress somewhere. Shes a lovely little one.
Mark: Yes she is. Looks like shes playing with one of the kits.
Mother Nature: You are doing good. Father and I are proud you opened up to looking for help.
Mark: Mother, I know I have some raw power, and no real knowledge of how to use all of it, but with
finding help comes the knowledge I need.
I see you three are being good in here. Flower have you talked to them about what they could do?
Flower: Sire, they can clean, take notes, and are willing to serve in any way possible. I told them how
kind you are and that you will not hurt them.
Mark: Thank you Flower. Did you find out if they can speak or hear?
Flower: They can hear, but as far as they can remember they have never spoken.
Mark: Ok, Now can you to understand me this way?
Both Vixens looks shocked at Mark. He had just spoken in their heads!
Vixen one: Yes Sire. We can understand you.
Mark: Good, do you two have names?
Vixen One: No Sire, no one has ever given us names.
Mark: Okay then you comes here < Mark places his paw on her shoulder and at a thought her torn and
dirty dress vanishes. She tries to cover herself. Mark forms a new white dress on her and her
branding.>Now I shall call you Holly. You next, come here. < Mark reaches to touch her shoulder and she
guides his paw to just over her heart, he can feel it beating in her chest. Her old tattered dress dissolves
away, a new White one forms, her branding forms under Marks paw> I shall call you Catina, Now you
two. We shall start with you being my chamber maids. Flower come with me, let them get settled in.
Flower: Yes Sire. <Speaking to the Vixens> Ill be back later to see if you need help.
Both Vixen as Mark and Flower leave the room: Yes Mistress.
Mark: Humm Mistress now I see.
Flower: Sire, I didnt tell them that!
Mark: its okay, they will be working under you mostly. And of course that mean directly for me. Now tell
me, why are so many of them running around naked?
Flower: Sire, you told them there is no dress code behind the doors. Most are not use to being dressed
at all. So they got comfortable since the only males here are ether You or just kits. And while you have
no plans on using them, they do want you to notice them. Dont be surprise if you find them giving you
big hints that they want to be bedded.
Mark: Thanks for the warning. What the! Kissy what are you doing! <Kissy is standing at the doorway to
Marks office.>
Kissy( With a big Grin ): Dressing pretty!
Mark: Its a real eye catcher. Where are you sisters?
Kissy( Giggling ): Theyre in office. Rose sent gift for it.
Mark enters his office, a rather large room, about 40 feet by 60 feet. Lush white carpet on the floor, and
the surprise, or should I say surprises. Now along the wall are statues of the Goddesses. Each about
three feet tall, each highly detailed. To the point that one would swear the hair was real.
Wow, theyre beautiful. You said Rose sent them?
Little Rose: She brought them here, we arranged them.
Mark: You did a good job. Now whats up with your outfits?
Little Star: We wanted to be sexy for you.
Mark: So you thought you needed to be sexy, you all are very sexy as you are. But I have to say your new
outfits are an eye catcher.
Flower: Sire, when some of the others see them wearing the goddesses dresses their going to want one
of their own. I know I would like one.
<With a thought Flowers dress is changed into a semi-transparent light blue>
Mark: Is that to your liking?
<Flower stands there looking at the dress on her, a big smile grows on her muzzle and she starts dancing
around in it happily>
Im guessing she likes it.
Kissy: She does.
Few days later:
Mark, we are ready.
Mark: Good Strike. How many did you get?
Strike: I found 9 female warriors that will answer to your call.
Mark: Okay then, its time for the ladies to start learning, lets go.
* * *
Sgt Durrgh: ALL SERVANTS FORM UP BY AGE GROUPS! <Turns to face Mark> Sire theyre already!
Mark: Thank you Sergeant. Ladies, today you will start some training in self-defense, before you stand
some of my special friends. This is Goddess Strike and her Unit. They are here to find out your skills and
to make you the best at it. And over here is Goddess Star, shes going to walk among you and find those
of you who can learn how to use magic. As I said before, you will learn new skills that you can use, and
no I do not plan on putting you on the front line. This is so you can protect yourselves or this part of the
ship if we are ever boarded. Now Goddesses they are yours. Please teach them well.
I see you found some students Star. How are they doing?
< Five young ladies sit there beaming in delight as the goddess of magic teaches them. >
Star: They are very bright and pick it up fast.
Mark: Great to hear, one day one of them maybe a great mage.
Mark, your wolves will make great warriors, they fight well in hand to hand and with swords. Most will
do well with stunners and Blasters.
Mark: Thats very good. That can be useful. How are your warriors doing dealing with my servants?
Strike: Your Servants learn fast, they respond well to the warriors and havent given us any problems at
all. My warriors are happy to share their knowledge with them.
The next morning:
Flower? Whats wrong?!
Flower: Come, come Holly missing! Weve looked everywhere and cant find her. I can hear her crying
but cant find her!
Mark: Missing? <Goes to the doors and see what the guards know.>
Guards! Has anyone passed these doors last night?
Guards: Sire we came on an hour ago. The night guards were missing. We sent a report back to our
<Not liking this Mark drags Flower to his office and put her in a seat. He opens his mind and reaches out
looking for Holly. Hearing her crying, he finds her, about fifteen decks down. He opens a window, Flower
gasps. Hollys tied to a bunk, she been muzzled and blindfolded. Its obvious she been raped brutally.
The Fox guard who was supposedly to guard the door is still in the room, sleeping. In a flash they both
are in Marks office. Holly still bound to the bunk. With a thought she is sleeping deeply. The guard is
frozen in place. Hes not allowed to move. His body is no longer his to command. Hollys body glows
with power as Mark removes the ropes, the Muzzle and Blind fold. Her torn dress is changed to a new
one, her body healed and put back to before this monster touched her. The memories removed. She will
never know what happened to her. Mark now turns his attention to the Fox.>
Mark: You come to my ship, and dare to commit a rape on a kit! Tell me where is the other guard! Speak
Fox: Let me go you freak! Fyyf is my Queen, you are nothing you freak!
Mark: You little pain in the ass. You think Fyyf would stop me from ripping you apart for what you did. I
dont even have to wake her to ask. You will tell me where the other guard is or Im going to start doing
things to you that only I can do.
< With a wave of a paw, the Fox is nude. The first thing he notices is he shrinking, from his five foot tall
stance to about two feet. >
You speaking yet?! Where is He?!
Fox: The worthless Puma is gone you freak!
Mark: So you are telling me he is dead. So I can add murder to your charges.
Fox: They will never stand. You have no proof!
Mark: <He reaches into the foxs mind and sees what has been done.> I have all I need. And here is your
< A wave of a paw and the foxes body convulses in pain for several moment, breasts form, his penis
retracts and vanishes, a vagina is formed. He is now a vixen. A small vixen. The pain stops.>
Now you take a few minutes to enjoy the view. Its going to be the last thing you will ever remember!
< The Fox is shocked, he has a beautiful vixen body, perfect in every way. As he, No she looks on as his
past dissolves from his mind, he no longer knows himself, his past has been erased. A new vixen is born,
her memories are her own and very old. She opens her eyes and is reborn. She remember her name,
Fala is mortal. She stands there smiling, a gift from Mark. A spark of a mortal who was doomed; but
Mark decided not to waste it. He used it to give Fala life once more>
Welcome back. Hows the body?
Fala: How? Its wonderful. Thank you Mark.
Its usually hard to surprise Mark but when he feels a presence behind him he turns to see Fyyf and Joy
standing there.

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