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Take the entire course of any prescribed edications!After

a patients temperature returns to normal, medication must be
continued according to the doctors instructions, otherwise the
pneumonia may recur. Relapses can be far more serious than the
frst attack.
Get p"enty of rest!Adequate rest is important to maintain
progress toward full recovery and to avoid relapse.
Drink "ots of #uids$ especia""y %ater!Liquids will keep patient
from becoming dehydrated and help loosen mucus in the lungs.
&eep a"" of fo""o%'up appointents!ven though the patient
feels better, his lungs may still be infected. !ts important to have
the doctor monitor his progress.
Encoura(e the (uardians to %ash patient)s hands!"he
hands come in daily contact with germs that can cause pneumonia.
"hese germs enter ones body when he touch his eyes or rub his
nose. #ashing hands thoroughly and often can help reduce the risk.
Te"" (uardians to a*oid e+posin( the patient to an
en*ironent %ith too uch po""ution ,e!(! soke-!$moking
damages ones lungs natural defenses against respiratory
Gi*e supporti*e treatent!%roper diet and o&ygen to increase
o&ygen in the blood when needed.
Protect others fro infection!"ry to stay away from anyone
with a compromised immune system. #hen that isnt possible, a
person can help protect others by wearing a face mask and always
coughing into a tissue.

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