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5 Secrets of Dynamic Public Speaking

1. Intellectual: It consist in know your material, the topic and the subject of this. This is very
important because practicing at loud voice helps to improve your performance in your
2. Physical: This could be the most important tool in public speaking, because helps to breath with
your diaphragm, the result is a resonant speaking voice with the ability to be increased in
volume without shouting.
3. Social: This secret helps you to your ability with the treat with your audience, just if you were
talking with your friends, you have to use your eyes and make a connection with your audience
4. Emotional: Speaking with facial and body expression will make your speech have color, in order
to speak with emotion and life.
5. Spiritual: It consists in believing in yourself and in your ability or skills.
5 Things you must do before opening your mouth to speak
It is important to know about the Ws which is related to your audience. First of all you have to know to
Whom will you be speaking, because is different to speak to teenagers to a group of doctors. In second
place, you must know about What will you be speaking, because if you are a specialist of a topic, the
audience have to be able to understand your speech and the level of difficult of this. Third, is vital to
know about Where exactly you are going to speak, because is important to arrive calm and confident
with the knowledge of the exactly address of the place. In fourth place, is related to know When are you
speaking and Where are you speaking, because is better to arrange the correct date and time to be
prepared for the moment of your speech. And the last but not less important, is to know Why are you
speaking, if your speech is persuasive, entertained or informative to get to exceed the expectations of
your audience.

Andrea Lazo Rivera

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