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Is Abortion right?

When do we become human?

 Is it when we are born?
 Is it when we are conceived?

 Is it sometime in between?
What is Abortion?
 Abortion is the removal of a foetus from the
womb before it can survive.
 In Britain, it is legal to have an abortion up to
24 weeks in the case of any the following:
 The mother’s life or health is at risk
 The child would be born severely physically or
mentally handicapped
 There would be a bad effect on other children in
the family
Some Facts…
 A pregnancy lasts 40 weeks
 At conception, a human egg is fertilised by a
sperm and is known as an embryo
 At 21 days (3 weeks), there is the first
 At 40 days (6 weeks), there are the first
electrical brain waves.
 The foetus is able to move from 10 weeks, eg
hand to face, open and close mouth, etc.

What arguments are there against
 Life is a precious gift from God
 It is a form of murder

 Everyone has a right to live

 The Law should protect the weakest in society

What arguments are there in favour of
 A woman has a right to choose
 It is her body

 It is unfair for the child if it were to live a

miserable life
 A mother’s health is more important than her
unborn child’s
 There are too many on the planet
Is abortion right?

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