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As defined by Google, abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo

or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. It is when a mother decides to terminate her
pregnancy. It is one of the most dangerous surgeries that has such physical after effects such as nausea,
abdominal cramps, vomiting, cramping, diarrhea, etc. According to World Health Organization, there are
an estimated 40-50 million abortions every year in the world. This correlates to approximately 125,000
abortions per day. It is one of the most arguable and contentious topics that exist in our society today.
A lot of people have different assessment about this ethical and moral issue. Many people are
constantly arguing whether abortion should be allowed or remain illegal. There are people who thinks
that each and every woman has a free choice whether to keep the baby or not, while others claim that
no one has the right to whether to bring a life on Earth, or put an end to it. Some thinks that abortion is
fine while others believe that it is barbaric and inhuman. Does the fetus deserve to live just like its
mother? Does the mother have the right to adjudicate whether to retain or discard a component of her
body? This paper will help you have a stand about this topic.

Some women believe that there are many reasons to abort such as fear of conceiving a child, being
raped or not having adequate money. They suppose that abortion should not be considered as murder
in the early stage, which is the first ten to twelve weeks. Scientific research has proven that even though
the fetus starts to develop a face, arms, legs, etc by the tenth week, it does not have a sensibility and it
does not constitute as a human being. According to Judith Jarvis Thomson, the mother should have the
right to decide if she wants to foster and go through with the ordeal. People who think like this, such as
the National Organization for Women, want abortion to be constitutional as they think that everyone
has a right to choose whether they want to keep the baby or discard it. They believe that a fetus is not a
human until very late in the pregnancy and in the first few weeks, it is only a biological entity that is
amidst its developmental stage.

People who are against abortion assert that it is an absolute crime to have an abortion at any stage of
pregnancy while some believes that the mother should have the right to kill her baby even a week
before full birth. I believe that whatever the situation is, there will never be an acceptable reason to get
an abortion. According to Nigeria Feature Article, some important reasons why women should not abort
have to do with human values, religious values, and values of conscience. An unborn baby is alive, and
has a heartbeat 22 days after conception. At 6 weeks, fingernails form, and at week 8, a baby is able to
hear. At 20 weeks, a baby can feel pain. Most women who have have legal abortions often have serious
consequences regarding their future health, fertility, and psychological/emotional problems. The first
reason why women should not have an abortion is related to basic human values. Women need to think
about their unborn babies who are not responsible for this situation. These unborn babies should have
the privilege to live and grow into a normal person. It is not necessary to kill a life, there are many other
solutions to resolve this problem short of abortion. The second reason why women should not abort has
to do with religious values. In almost all religions, a woman is not permitted to have an abortion. Finally,
the third and most important reason why women should not abort is related to her conscience. When a
woman had an abortion, she will always think about the baby she might have had. She will always think
about the future that could have happened with her baby which will always remind her that she killed it.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why women should not have an abortion. I firmly believe that
women need to think about the aftermath that can occur before having sexual relations. The effects of
an abortion can be depressing for everyone involved, both for the woman who had the abortion and for
the family who lives with her. No matter how we persuade ourselves, every woman that decides to put
an end to her pregnancy understands that it is wrong. It couldn’t be another way, as our intuition tells us
that it is absolutely unnatural to decide for another human being, whether they should live or die. They
can come up with different excuses, but it in no case changes the sense of their action, the action that
will cost life to their child. According to Essay Basics, the female has a right and ability to choose what
happens to their bodies, it is worth noting that human life is sacred. Choices have consequences, and
every individual, both male and female, must undertake their due responsibility. If you are thinking
about getting an abortion, think about this: there are a lot of unfortunate couples who always dream
about having a child, yet here you are thinking about discarding your baby. Don’t waste the opportunity
to become a mother and regret the chances you didn’t take.

- Alliya Casandra D. Antipuesto, Gr. 10- St Louis IX

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