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Diana Anne Perez 08/07/ 2021


Abortion: “Pro-Life or Pro-Choice”

Abortion is the most controversial topics not just here in the Philippines but all around the
world, with no common ground between two opposing viewpoints. It's a life-or-death situation,
however the risk of complications makes it challenging. Abortion is not something I believe in.
We are not in a position to decide whether or not the person is guilty of murder because it is a
crime. If a mother gives birth to a child, the child should survive or die. Abortion is a life-or-death
situation. Having equal supporters is important. Those who favor it, however, share a common
goal: to reduce the number of abortions and to make abortion safer. Abortion is the “removal of
the embryo or fetus is classified as an abortion in order to end a pregnancy from the uterus”
( or In medical terms, “an abortion is the premature exit of the products of
conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus” (Medicine Net). Abortion
is a serious and a sensitive topic for many especially for those who are conservative and for
those women who have trouble with conceptions. Many questions abound, such as: Does the
constitution ensure a right to the procedure of abortion? Is secrecy included in this? Is a fetus a
living being? To make it clear for the future reader I’m not writing this to promote abortion or pre-
marital sex. I just want everybody to be more open about this kind of topics especially here in
our country it’s a taboo topic.

Pro-choice: Each woman has the right to an abortion. Abortion is one of our country's most
controversial subjects today. Supporters and opponents of abortion commonly categorize
themselves as strictly pro-choice supporting a woman's right to make decisions about her body
or strictly pro-life believing that the fetus is a human life that should not be killed. However, the
majority of people do not describe themselves in these terms restrictive concepts as they may
find themselves somewhere in the middle of the debate with room for compromise. They know
that abortion is not a black-and-white issue in real life. They may believe that abortion is justified
in some circumstances, such as in situations of rape. Others are torn on the subject since their
faith may have taught them one viewpoint while their life experiences have led them to another.
These opposing viewpoints add to the debate, as do other issues deepen the discussion around
the issue of abortion.
My stance on abortion is that we believe abortion is a woman's decision that should not be
restricted by the government or religious authority. Pro-choice does not imply that you are pro-
abortion or that you would choose abortion as a solution if you were ever faced with an
undesired pregnancy. Best example if someone raped me and I got pregnant. I lost most of my
friends and the teachers looked down on me. However, another child, Jamie, had a successful
pregnancy and everyone was supportive of her. Some of the reasons may include an inability to
afford a child, domestic violence, lack of support, feeling they are too young, and the wish to
complete education or advance a career. Additional reasons include not being able or willing to
raise a child conceived as a result of rape or incest, not financially stable, and mental capacity
of the mother. How can you raise a child if you yourself is still a child? This proves that mothers
should have a choice as to whether to abort their babies or not because everyone has different
lives, and we are surrounded by different people and you never really know how people are going
to accept and react to your situation.

Many says its unethical to kill a fetus or a child but Warren argued that a fetus can be considered
a person in moral sense it must possess; consciousness, reasoning, self-motivated activity, the
capacity to communicate messages of with an indefinite number of possible contents on
indefinitely many possible topics. The presence of self-concepts and self-awareness. "A being
need not meet all of these conditions to qualify as a person with a right to life,” Warren says, "but if
it meets none of them, it is clearly not a person." Warren finds that the baby is not a person since
it meets only one condition, consciousness, and only after it becomes responsive to pain, the
fetus must be able to think rationally. A fetus is obviously incapable of rational cognition. Some
people believe my definition isn't clear enough, but I believe that in order to be a reasonable
thinker, one must be able to examine a situation and speak for oneself. Because a fetus lacks
this ability, I do not regard a fetus to be a potential person. As a result, abortion is morally
permissible. Warren further claims that even if a future person has prima facie right to life, that
right cannot override a woman's right to abortion. Again, I believe that women are in a better
position to make abortion decisions.

It simply implies that you believe in women making their own decisions about their bodies and
reproductive health, rather than relying on the government. Were already in the 21 st Century and
many organizations and people support woman empowerment that advocates that, our body,
our choice. People and organizations associated with the Pro-Choice movement take a secular
rather than religious approach to life. My belief is that the government should have a limited role
when it comes to abortion laws. The government and congress are being ran mainly by
patriarchal, so how is a man going to efficiently make laws pertaining woman’s rights when he
himself is not a woman.


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