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Earth Both Other Planets

Mercury and
Earth iron.
Jupiter and
Earth and
same size of
rocky core


Mercury has a centre mainly made out of iron with a layer of silica rocks around it. Humans cannot
live here because the temperature is too hot.
Venus has no water, no oxygen and no wind therefore humans are unable to live there.
Mars has less gravity and the air is mainly made up of carbon dioxide and hardly any oxygen. Mars is
a cold planet because it is so cold and humans cant live there and there is no water is would have
turned into ice if there was water.
Jupiter has 63 different moons and some of them have ice on them made from water and there is a
possibility that there is an ocean underneath the ice which could contain life but if there is the life
would only be little. Jupiter is made up of not iron and but gases such as hydrogen and helium.
There is no ground to stand on for humans it is like a big ocean full of hydrogen and helium.
Like Jupiter there is no ground the planet is made up of gas such as hydrogen. The conditions in
Saturn are very dangerous for humans. The temperature is not right either.
Uranus has a rocky centre, but the outer layer is probably mostly made of ice, frozen ammonia,
and frozen methane. The atmosphere is mainly hydrogen and helium, like Jupiter and Saturn,
and like them very windy. Uranus is always covered in clouds - some water clouds like ours, and
some methane clouds.
Neptune has a rocky core about the size of the Earth, made of rock and ice. Around that, there's
a thick atmosphere made out of hydrogen, helium and methane.

Earth Both Other Planets

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